status,updated,numRaters,averageRate,author,binding,pages,publisher,title,url,author_info,summary,price,isbn13,isbn10 read,2018-09-13T11:38:09Z,5,0.0,Mike Duncan,Hardcover,352,PublicAffairs,The Storm Before the Storm,,"Mike Duncan is one of the foremost history podcasters in the world. His award winning series The History of Rome chronologically narrated the entire history of the Roman Empire over 189 weekly episodes. Running from 2007-2012, The History of Rome has generated more than 56 million downloads and remains one of the most popular history podcasts on the internet. Duncan has continued this success with his ongoing series Revolutions--which so far has explored the English, American, French, and Haitian Revolutions. Since debuting in September 2013, Revolutions has generated more than 12 million downloads. Thanks to the worldwide popularity of his podcasts, Duncan has led fans on a number of sold-out guided tours of Italy, England, and France to visit historic sites from Ancient Rome to the French Revolution. Duncan also collaborates with illustrator Jason Novak on informative cartoons that humorously explain the historical context for current events. Their work has been featured in the New Yorker, Paris Review, Awl, and Morning News.","The creator of the massively popular, award-winning podcast series The History of Rome brings to life the story of the tumultuous years that set the stage for the fall of the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic was one of the most remarkable achievements in the history of civilization. After its founding in 509 BCE, the Romans refused to allow a single leader to seize control of the state and grab absolute power. The Roman commitment to cooperative government and peaceful transfers of power was unmatched in the history of the ancient world. But by the year 133 BCE, the republican system was unable to cope with the vast empire Rome now ruled. Almost as soon as they had conquered the Mediterranean, Rome became engulfed in violent political conflicts and civil wars that would destroy the Republic less than a century later. Chronicling the years 133-80 BCE, The Storm Before the Storm is a rollicking deep-dive into the bloody battles, political machinations, and human drama that defined a dangerous new political environment--a stark warning for modern readers about what happens to a civilization driven by increasing economic inequality, political polarization, and ruthless ambition.",USD 27.00,9781610397216,1610397215 reading,2018-09-10T10:21:28Z,0,0.0,Stephen R. Platt,Hardcover,NA,,Imperial Twilight,,,"When Britain declared war on China in 1839, it sealed the fate of what had been, for centuries, the wealthiest and most powerful empire in the world. But local corruption, popular uprisings, and dwindling finances had left the country much weaker than was commonly understood and the war set in motion the fall of the Qing dynasty which, in turn, would lead to the rise of nationalism and communism in the twentieth century. Imperial Twilight is the dramatic, epic story of the decades leading up to the war. Award-winning historian Stephen Platt recounts the first efforts by the British government to ""open"" China to trade--Western missionaries and traders venturing to the still mysterious empire while the Chinese emperor and officials struggled to manage their country's decline--and makes clear how the profits from opium ultimately lead to the war. Given the growing uncertainty in current relations between China and the West, the riveting history recounted in Imperial Twilight has important implications for the world today.",USD 95.00,9780525588795,0525588795 read,2018-09-10T10:08:44Z,46,8.5,Stephen Greenblatt,Hardcover,368,W. W. Norton & Company,The Swerve,,,"Winner of the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction Winner of the 2011 National Book Award for Non-Fiction One of the world's most celebrated scholars, Stephen Greenblatt has crafted both an innovative work of history and a thrilling story of discovery, in which one manuscript, plucked from a thousand years of neglect, changed the course of human thought and made possible the world as we know it. Nearly six hundred years ago, a short, genial, cannily alert man in his late thirties took a very old manuscript off a library shelf, saw with excitement what he had discovered, and ordered that it be copied. That book was the last surviving manuscript of an ancient Roman philosophical epic, On the Nature of Things , by Lucretius—a beautiful poem of the most dangerous ideas: that the universe functioned without the aid of gods, that religious fear was damaging to human life, and that matter was made up of very small particles in eternal motion, colliding and swerving in new directions. The copying and translation of this ancient book-the greatest discovery of the greatest book-hunter of his age-fueled the Renaissance, inspiring artists such as Botticelli and thinkers such as Giordano Bruno; shaped the thought of Galileo and Freud, Darwin and Einstein; and had a revolutionary influence on writers such as Montaigne and Shakespeare and even Thomas Jefferson. 16 pages full-color illustrations",USD 26.95,9780393064476,0393064476 read,2018-09-09T04:22:16Z,60,8.3,Min Jin Lee,Hardcover,496,Grand Central Publishing,Pachinko,,,"Pachinko follows one Korean family through the generations, beginning in early 1900s Korea with Sunja, the prized daughter of a poor yet proud family, whose unplanned pregnancy threatens to shame them all. Deserted by her lover, Sunja is saved when a young tubercular minister offers to marry and bring her to Japan. So begins a sweeping saga of an exceptional family in exile from its homeland and caught in the indifferent arc of history. Through desperate struggles and hard-won triumphs, its members are bound together by deep roots as they face enduring questions of faith, family, and identity.",USD 27.00,9781455563937,1455563935 reading,2018-09-07T19:56:31Z,393,8.3,李硕,平装,456,世纪文景 /上海人民出版社,南北战争三百年,,李硕,河北保定人。北京大学中文系本科,清华大学历史系硕士、博士,现供职于新疆大学西北少数民族研究中心。从事中古军事史、历史地理、边疆民族问题研究。著有《铁马楼船北府兵》《从大漠绿洲到玉石山谷:南新疆探索图文志》等,在《中华文史论丛》《学术月刊》《历史地理》《敦煌研究》等刊物发表学术论文多篇。,"冷兵器战争究竟怎么打? 写兵种、战术之细节 补正史、古籍之缺失 揭六朝更迭种种真相 述血与剑的纷争乱世 我们通常对古代战争的想象都源自演义、小说等文学作品,但这些作品中的战争场面都不过是小说家的幻想与虚构而已,并不是真实状况。本书对各种史料进行分析与整理,从散落史书各处的战争叙述中寻找线索,借助最新的史学研究成果,为我们描绘出了魏晋南北朝各场重大战役细节,展现出丰富、生动 的历史原貌。同时,本书对骑兵和步兵的作战模式和战术演变做了详细的论述,对战争中如地理、季节、财政等因素对战事所产生的影响进行了具体的讨论。由此,本书也补充了正史、古籍所未详述之处,通过一部军事史的写作,对魏晋南北朝历史进程做出了新的诠释。",59.00元,9787208148314,7208148317 reading,2018-09-07T10:02:13Z,32,8.9,施耐庵; 罗贯中,精装,1232,中央编译出版社,水浒传(校注本),,"冀勤,原名冀旭天,笔名季晴、季静等,女,山东青州人。九三学社成员,1956年毕业于上海复旦大学中国语言文学系。后一直研究中国古典文学。 编纂、校注作品有《元稹集》、《朱淑真集注》等。","《水浒传》是我国明代白话长篇小说的一部杰作,全书以北宋宣和年间宋江率众造反起义的历史事件为素材,并广泛吸收了宋、元间街谈巷议和说书人、杂剧表演依据的“梁山泊故事”,最后由施耐庵编写成书的。 本书以明朝容与堂刻本为底本,同时参酌天都外臣序本、杨定见序本、芥子园刻本、贯华堂本等重要版本,在广泛吸收历代校订者成就的基础上最大限度地保留了这一古典名著的原始风貌。注释方面较多关注生僻的词语、不常见的典故等,关系到读者对作品理解的,加以注释;相同词语在首次出现时加详注;重复出现时意思有变化者加注,十分便利当今读者的阅读。",280.00,9787511721235,7511721230 reading,2018-09-03T02:33:34Z,42,8.3,Steven Pinker,Hardcover,576,Viking,Enlightenment Now,,"Steven Pinker is the Harvard College Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. A two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist and the winner of many awards for his research, teaching, and books, he has been named one of Time‘s 100 Most Influential People and one of Foreign Policy‘s 100 Leading Global Thinkers. His books include The Stuff of Thought, The Better Angels of Our Nature, The Blank Slate, and The Sense of Style.","The follow-up to Pinker’s groundbreaking The Better Angels of Our Nature presents the big picture of human progress: people are living longer, healthier, freer, and happier lives, and while our problems are formidable, the solutions lie in the Enlightenment ideal of using reason and science. Is the world really falling apart? Is the ideal of progress obsolete? In this elegant assessment of the human condition in the third millennium, cognitive scientist and public intellectual Steven Pinker urges us to step back from the gory headlines and prophecies of doom, which play to our psychological biases. Instead, follow the data: In seventy-five jaw-dropping graphs, Pinker shows that life, health, prosperity, safety, peace, knowledge, and happiness are on the rise, not just in the West, but worldwide. This progress is not the result of some cosmic force. It is a gift of the Enlightenment: the conviction that reason and science can enhance human flourishing. Far from being a naïve hope, the Enlightenment, we now know, has worked. But more than ever, it needs a vigorous defense. The Enlightenment project swims against currents of human nature–tribalism, authoritarianism, demonization, magical thinking–which demagogues are all too willing to exploit. Many commentators, committed to political, religious, or romantic ideologies, fight a rearguard action against it. The result is a corrosive fatalism and a willingness to wreck the precious institutions of liberal democracy and global cooperation. With intellectual depth and literary flair, Enlightenment Now makes the case for reason, science, and humanism: the ideals we need to confront our problems and continue our progress.",USD 35.00,9780525427575,0525427570 reading,2018-09-01T20:12:26Z,40,8.6,Stephen R. Platt,Hardcover,512,Knopf,Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom,,,,USD 30.00,9780307271730,0307271730 read,2018-08-31T16:57:39Z,66,8.9,John Carreyrou,Hardcover,352,Knopf,Bad Blood,,"John Carreyrou is a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter at The Wall Street Journal. For his extensive coverage of Theranos, Carreyrou was awarded the George Polk Award for Financial Reporting, the Gerald Loeb Award for Distinguished Business and Financial Journalism in the category of beat reporting, and the Barlett & Steele Silver Award for Investigative Business Journalism. Carreyrou lives in Brooklyn with his wife and three children.","The full inside story of the breathtaking rise and shocking collapse of Theranos, the multibillion-dollar biotech startup, by the prize-winning journalist who first broke the story and pursued it to the end, despite pressure from its charismatic CEO and threats by her lawyers. In 2014, Theranos founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes was widely seen as the female Steve Jobs: a brilliant Stanford dropout whose startup ""unicorn"" promised to revolutionize the medical industry with a machine that would make blood testing significantly faster and easier. Backed by investors such as Larry Ellison and Tim Draper, Theranos sold shares in a fundraising round that valued the company at more than $9 billion, putting Holmes's worth at an estimated $4.7 billion. There was just one problem: The technology didn't work. A riveting story of the biggest corporate fraud since Enron, a tale of ambition and hubris set amid the bold promises of Silicon Valley.",USD 27.95,9781524731656,152473165X read,2018-08-26T19:36:53Z,1,0.0,Sandra Boynton,Board book,16,Little Simon,Hippos Go Berserk,,,"Here is the classic Boynton counting story in a sturdy, board book version. Perfect for travel time, bedtime, or PARTY TIME!",USD 7.99,9780689834349,0689834349 reading,2018-08-24T19:12:27Z,1,0.0,William Manchester,Hardcover,793,"Little, Brown and Company",American Caesar,,,"MacArthur, the public figure, the private man, the soldier-hero whose mystery and appeal created a uniquely American legend, portrayed in a brilliant biography that will challenge the cherished myths of admirers and critics alike.",USD 50.00,9780091365103,0091365104 reading,2018-08-21T10:10:02Z,27,8.7,Svetlana Alexievich,Hardcover,496,Random House,Secondhand Time,,,,USD 30.00,9780399588808,0399588809 read,2018-08-21T10:06:03Z,767,8.7,Randall Munroe,Hardcover,320,Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,What If?,,"Randall Munroe is the author of the popular webcomic xkcd and the science question-and-answer blog What If. Randall was born in Easton, Pennsylvania and grew up outside Richmond, Virginia. After studying physics at Christopher Newport University, he got a job building robots at NASA Langley Research Center. In 2006, he left NASA to draw comics on the internet full-time, supporting himself through the sale of xkcd t-shirts, prints, posters, and books. He likes candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach. Very long walks. Lots of people say they like long walks on the beach, but then they get out on the beach and after just an hour or two, they say they're getting tired. Bring a tent. He lives in Massachusetts.","From the creator of the wildly popular webcomic xkcd, hilarious and informative answers to important questions you probably never thought to ask. Millions of people visit each week to read Randall Munroe’s iconic webcomic. His stick-figure drawings about science, technology, language, and love have a large and passionate following. Fans of xkcd ask Munroe a lot of strange questions. What if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90 percent the speed of light? How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? If there was a robot apocalypse, how long would humanity last? In pursuit of answers, Munroe runs computer simulations, pores over stacks of declassified military research memos, solves differential equations, and consults with nuclear reactor operators. His responses are masterpieces of clarity and hilarity, complemented by signature xkcd comics. They often predict the complete annihilation of humankind, or at least a really big explosion. The book features new and never-before-answered questions, along with updated and expanded versions of the most popular answers from the xkcd website. What If? will be required reading for xkcd fans and anyone who loves to ponder the hypothetical.",USD 24.00,9780544272996,0544272994 read,2018-08-20T09:26:56Z,1,0.0,Annie Proulx,Hardcover,352,Scribner,Shipping News,,,"Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, ""The Shipping News"" is a celebration of Annie Proulx's genius for storytelling and her vigorous contribution to the art of the novel.Quoyle, a third-rate newspaper hack, with a ""head shaped like a crenshaw, no neck, reddish hair...features as bunched as kissed fingertips,"" is wrenched violently out of his workaday life when his two-timing wife meets her just deserts. An aunt convinces Quoyle and his two emotionally disturbed daughters to return with her to the starkly beautiful coastal landscape of their ancestral home in Newfoundland. Here, on desolate Quoyle's Point, in a house empty except for a few mementos of the family's unsavory past, the battered members of three generations try to cobble up new lives.Newfoundland is a country of coast and cove where the mercury rarely rises above 70 degrees, the local culinary delicacy is cod cheeks, and it's easier to travel by boat and snowmobile than on anything with wheels. In this harsh place of cruel storms, a collapsing fishery, and chronic unemployment, the aunt sets up as a yacht upholsterer in nearby Killick-Claw, and Quoyle finds a job reporting the shipping news for the local weekly, the ""Gammy Bird"" (a paper that specializes in sexual-abuse stories and grisly photos of car accidents).As the long winter closes its jaws of ice, each of the Quoyles confronts private demons, reels from catastrophe to minor triumph -- in the company of the obsequious Mavis Bangs; Diddy Shovel the strongman; drowned Herald Prowse; cane-twirling Beety; Nutbeem, who steals foreign news from the radio; a demented cousin the aunt refuses to recognize; the much-zippered Alvin Yark; silent Wavey; and old Billy Pretty, with his bag of secrets. By the time of the spring storms Quoyle has learned how to gut cod, to escape from a pickle jar, and to tie a true lover's knot.",USD 27.50,9780684857916,068485791X wish,2018-08-16T23:28:28Z,0,0.0,John Muir,Hardcover,196,Gibbs Smith,My First Summer in the Sierra,,,,USD 16.99,9781423649120,1423649125 reading,2018-08-16T23:24:32Z,0,0.0,"Cicero, Marcus Tullius; McElduff, Siobhan;",,336,,In Defence of the Republic,,,"Cicero's greatest speeches. Cicero was the most brilliant orator in Classical history, with the ability to sway the opinions of the mob and the most powerful men in Rome. This new selection of speeches illustrates Cicero's fierce loyalty to the Roman Republic, giving an overview of his oratory-from early victories in the law courts to the height of his political career in the Senate. It features the Philippics-considered Cicero's finest achievement-a directive against his rival, Mark Antony, that eventually led to Cicero's death.",127.00元,9780140455533,0140455531 reading,2018-08-11T11:06:02Z,6,0.0,Natsume Soseki,Paperback,288,Penguin Classics,Sanshiro,,,"One of Soseki's most beloved works of fiction, the novel depicts the 23-year-old Sanshiro leaving the sleepy countryside for the first time in his life to experience the constantly moving 'real world' of Tokyo, its women and university. In the subtle tension between our appreciation of Soseki's lively humour and our awareness of Sanshiro's doomed innocence, the novel comes to life. ""Sanshiro"" is also penetrating social and cultural commentary.",USD 17.00,9780140455625,0140455620 reading,2018-08-11T01:29:50Z,5,0.0,Julia Silge; David Robinson,Paperback,194,O'Reilly Media,Text Mining with R,,,,USD 39.99,9781491981658,1491981652 read,2018-08-09T09:08:34Z,5,0.0,"Soseki, Natsume",,160,,Botchan,,,"Botchan is a modern young man from the Tokyo metropolis, sent to the ultra-traditional Matsuyama district as a Maths teacher after his the death of his parents. Cynical, rebellious and immature, Botchan finds himself facing several tests, from the pupils - prone to playing tricks on their new, naive teacher; the staff - vain, immoral, and in danger of becoming a bad influence on Botchan; and from his own as-yet-unformed nature, as he finds his place in the world. One of the most popular novels in Japan where it is considered a classic of adolescence, as seminal as ""The Catcher in the Rye"", ""Botchan"" is as funny, poignant and memorable as it was when first published, over 100 years ago. In J. Cohn's introduction to his colourful translation, he discusses ""Botchan's"" success, the book's clash between Western intellectualism and traditional Japanese values, and the importance of names and nicknames in the novel.",$ 16.95,9780141391885,014139188X read,2018-07-27T11:16:05Z,51,9.0,Andrea Wulf,Hardcover,496,Knopf,The Invention of Nature,,"ANDREA WULF was born in India and moved to Germany as a child. She lives in London, where she trained as a design historian at the Royal College of Art. She is the author of Chasing Venus, Founding Gardeners, and The Brother Gardeners, which was long-listed for the Samuel Johnson Prize and awarded the American Horticultural Society Book Award. She has written for The New York Times, the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times. She appears regularly on radio and TV, and in 2014 copresented British Gardens in Time, a four-part series on BBC television.","The acclaimed author of Founding Gardeners reveals the forgotten life of Alexander von Humboldt, the visionary German naturalist whose ideas changed the way we see the natural world—and in the process created modern environmentalism. Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) was an intrepid explorer and the most famous scientist of his age. In North America, his name still graces four counties, thirteen towns, a river, parks, bays, lakes, and mountains. His restless life was packed with adventure and discovery, whether he was climbing the highest volcanoes in the world or racing through anthrax-infected Siberia or translating his research into bestselling publications that changed science and thinking. Among Humboldt’s most revolutionary ideas was a radical vision of nature, that it is a complex and interconnected global force that does not exist for the use of humankind alone. Now Andrea Wulf brings the man and his achievements back into focus: his daring expeditions and investigation of wild environments around the world and his discoveries of similarities between climate and vegetation zones on different continents. She also discusses his prediction of human-induced climate change, his remarkable ability to fashion poetic narrative out of scientific observation, and his relationships with iconic figures such as Simón Bolívar and Thomas Jefferson. Wulf examines how Humboldt’s writings inspired other naturalists and poets such as Darwin, Wordsworth, and Goethe, and she makes the compelling case that it was Humboldt’s influence that led John Muir to his ideas of natural preservation and that shaped Thoreau’s Walden. With this brilliantly researched and compellingly written book, Andrea Wulf shows the myriad fundamental ways in which Humboldt created our understanding of the natural world, and she champions a renewed interest in this vital and lost player in environmental history and science.",USD 30.00,9780385350662,038535066X wish,2018-07-20T08:49:40Z,0,0.0,Steven Ujifusa,Hardcover,448,Simon & Schuster,Barons of the Sea,,"Steven Ujifusa received his AB in history from Harvard University and a master’s degree in historic preservation from the University of Pennsylvania. His first book, A Man and His Ship, tells the story of William Francis Gibbs, the naval architect who created the ocean liner SS United States; The Wall Street Journal named it one of the best nonfiction titles of 2012. His new book, Barons of the Sea, brings to life the dynasties that built and owned the magnificent clipper ships of America’s nineteenth-century-era of maritime glory. Steven has given presentations across the country and on the high seas, and has appeared as guest on CBS Sunday Morning and NPR. A recipient of a MacDowell Colony fellowship and the Athenaeum of Philadelphia’s Literary Award, he lives with his wife, a pediatric emergency room physician, in Philadelphia. Read more about him at","In the grand tradition of David McCullough and Ron Chernow, the sweeping story of the nineteenth-century American dynasties who battled for dominance of the tea and opium trades. There was a time, back when the United States was young and the robber barons were just starting to come into their own, when fortunes were made and lost importing luxury goods from China. It was a secretive, glamorous, often brutal business—one where teas and silks and porcelain were purchased with profits from the opium trade. But the journey by sea to New York from Canton could take six agonizing months, and so the most pressing technological challenge of the day became ensuring one’s goods arrived first to market, so they might fetch the highest price. Barons of the Sea tells the story of a handful of cutthroat competitors who raced to build the fastest, finest, most profitable clipper ships to carry their precious cargo to American shores. They were visionary, eccentric shipbuilders, debonair captains, and socially-ambitious merchants with names like Forbes and Delano—men whose business interests took them from the cloistered confines of China’s expatriate communities to the sin city decadence of Gold Rush-era San Francisco, and from the teeming hubbub of East Boston’s shipyards and to the lavish sitting rooms of New York’s Hudson Valley estates. Elegantly written and meticulously researched, Barons of the Sea is a riveting tale of innovation and ingenuity that draws back the curtain on the making of some of the nation’s greatest fortunes, and the rise and fall of an all-American industry as sordid as it was genteel.",USD 29.99,9781476745978,1476745978 reading,2018-06-30T04:11:46Z,508,8.6,Henry Kissinger,Hardcover,608,Penguin Press,On China,,"Henry Kissinger served as national security advisor and then secretary of state under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and has advised many other American presidents on foreign policy. He received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Medal of Liberty, among other awards. He is the author of numerous books and articles on foreign policy and diplomacy and is currently the chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc., an international consulting firm.","In this sweeping and insightful history, Henry Kissinger turns for the first time at book-length to a country he has known intimately for decades, and whose modern relations with the West he helped shape. Drawing on historical records as well as his conversations with Chinese leaders over the past forty years, Kissinger examines how China has approached diplomacy, strategy, and negotiation throughout its history, and reflects on the consequences for the global balance of power in the 21st century. Since no other country can claim a more powerful link to its ancient past and classical principles, any attempt to understand China's future world role must begin with an appreciation of its long history. For centuries, China rarely encountered other societies of comparable size and sophistication; it was the ""Middle Kingdom,"" treating the peoples on its periphery as vassal states. At the same time, Chinese statesmen-facing threats of invasion from without, and the contests of competing factions within-developed a canon of strategic thought that prized the virtues of subtlety, patience, and indirection over feats of martial prowess. In On China, Kissinger examines key episodes in Chinese foreign policy from the classical era to the present day, with a particular emphasis on the decades since the rise of Mao Zedong. He illuminates the inner workings of Chinese diplomacy during such pivotal events as the initial encounters between China and modern European powers, the formation and breakdown of the Sino-Soviet alliance, the Korean War, Richard Nixon's historic trip to Beijing, and three crises in the Taiwan Straits. Drawing on his extensive personal experience with four generation of Chinese leaders, he brings to life towering figures such as Mao, Zhou Enlai, and Deng Xiaoping, revealing how their different visions have shaped China's modern destiny. With his singular vantage on U.S.-China relations, Kissinger traces the evolution of this fraught but crucial relationship over the past 60 years, following its dramatic course from estrangement to strategic partnership to economic interdependence, and toward an uncertain future. With a final chapter on the emerging superpower's 21st-century world role, On China provides an intimate historical perspective on Chinese foreign affairs from one of the premier statesmen of the 20th century.",USD 36.00,9781594202711,1594202710 read,2018-06-29T20:26:39Z,17,9.2,"Oz, Amos",paperback,528,Vintage Books,A Tale Of Love And Darkness,,"The author takes us on a seductive journey through his childhood and adolescence in Israel, along Jerusalem's war-torn streets in the 1940s and 50s, into his Russian immigrant parents' infernal marriage. Caught in the middle is one small boy with the weight of generations on his shoulders. And at the tragic heart of the story is the suicide of his mother, when Amos was twelve.","Love and darkness are just two of the powerful forces that run through Amos Oz's extraordinary, moving story. He takes us on a seductive journey through his childhood and adolescence, along Jerusalem's war-torn streets in the 1940s and '50s, and into the infernal marriage of two kind, well-meaning people: his fussy, logical father, and his dreamy, romantic mother. Caught between them is one small boy with the weight of generations on his shoulders. And at the tragic heart of the story is the suicide of his mother, when Amos was twelve-and-a-half years old. Oz's story dives into 120 year of family history and paradox, the saga of a Jewish love-hate affair with Europe that sweeps from Vilna and Odessa, via Poland and Prague, to Israel. Farce and heartbreak, history and humanity make up this magical portrait of the artist who saw the birth of a nation, and came through its turbulent life as well as his own. This is a memoir like no other, and one that cries out to be read and wept over. (20041021)",118.00元,9780099450030,0099450038 wish,2018-06-28T23:01:02Z,5,0.0,Gilbert Highet,Paperback,808,Oxford University Press,The Classical Tradition,,"Gilbert Highet(1906-1978) was Professor of Greek and Latin and Anthon Professor of Latin Language and Literature, Columbia University (1938-43, 1946-71), as well as the author of eight books. Harold Bloom is Sterling Professor of Humanities, Yale University, and author of numerous volumes of literary criticism.","Originally published in 1949, Gilbert Highet's seminal The Classical Tradition is a herculean feat of comparative literature and a landmark publication in the history of classical reception. As Highet states in the opening lines of his Preface, this book outlines <""the chief ways in which Greek and Latin influence has moulded the literatures of western Europe and America.>"" With that simple statement, Highet takes his reader on a sweeping exploration of the history of western literature. To summarize what he covers is a near-impossible task. Discussions of Ovid and French literature of the Middle Ages and Chaucer's engagement with Virgil and Cicero lead, swiftly, into arguments of Christian versus <""pagan>"" works in the Renaissance, Baroque imitations of Seneca, and the (re)birth of satire. Building momentum through Byron, Tennyson, and the rise of <""art of art's sake,>"" Highet, at last, arrives at his conclusion: the birth and establishment of modernism. Though his humanist style may appear out-of-date in today's postmodernist world, there is a value to ensuring this influential work reaches a new generation, and Highet's light touch and persuasive, engaging voice guarantee the book's usefulness for a contemporary audience. Indeed, the book is free of the jargon-filled style of literary criticism that plagues much of current scholarship. Accompanied by a new foreword by renown critic Harold Bloom, this reissue will enable new readers to appreciate the enormous legacy of classical literature in the canonical works of medieval, Renaissance, and modern Europe and America.",USD 29.95,9780199377695,0199377693 read,2018-06-27T19:46:46Z,12,7.9,David Sedaris,Paperback,272,"Little, Brown",Calypso,,,"If you've ever laughed your way through David Sedaris's cheerfully misanthropic stories, you might think you know what you're getting with Calypso. You'd be wrong. When he buys a beach house on the Carolina coast, Sedaris envisions long, relaxing vacations spent playing board games and lounging in the sun with those he loves most. And life at the Sea Section, as he names the vacation home, is exactly as idyllic as he imagined, except for one tiny, vexing realization: it's impossible to take a vacation from yourself. With Calypso, Sedaris sets his formidable powers of observation toward middle age and mortality. Make no mistake: these stories are very, very funny - it's a book that can make you laugh 'til you snort, the way only family can. Sedaris's writing has never been sharper, and his ability to shock readers into laughter unparalleled. But much of the comedy here is born out of that vertiginous moment when your own body betrays you and you realize that the story of your life is made up of more past than future. This is beach reading for people who detest beaches, required reading for those who loathe small talk and love a good tumour joke. Calypso is simultaneously Sedaris's darkest and warmest book yet - and it just might be his very best.",,9781408707821,1408707829 read,2018-06-25T20:24:57Z,157,9.0,Siddhartha Mukherjee,Hardcover,608,Scribner,The Gene,,"Siddhartha Mukherjee is the author of The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, winner of the 2011 Pulitzer Prize in general nonfiction, and The Laws of Medicine. He is the editor of Best Science Writing 2013Mukherjee is an assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University and a cancer physician and researcher. A Rhodes scholar, he graduated from Stanford University, University of Oxford, and Harvard Medical School. He has published articles in Nature, The New England Journal of Medicine, The New York Times, and Cell. He lives in New York with his wife and daughters.","From the Pulitzer Prize-winning, bestselling author of The Emperor of All Maladies—a magnificent history of the gene and a response to the defining question of the future: What becomes of being human when we learn to “read” and “write” our own genetic information? The extraordinary Siddhartha Mukherjee has a written a biography of the gene as deft, brilliant, and illuminating as his extraordinarily successful biography of cancer. Weaving science, social history, and personal narrative to tell us the story of one of the most important conceptual breakthroughs of modern times, Mukherjee animates the quest to understand human heredity and its surprising influence on our lives, personalities, identities, fates, and choices. Throughout the narrative, the story of Mukherjee’s own family—with its tragic and bewildering history of mental illness—cuts like a bright, red line, reminding us of the many questions that hang over our ability to translate the science of genetics from the laboratory to the real world. In superb prose and with an instinct for the dramatic scene, he describes the centuries of research and experimentation—from Aristotle and Pythagoras to Mendel and Darwin, from Boveri and Morgan to Crick, Watson and Franklin, all the way through the revolutionary twenty-first century innovators who mapped the human genome. As The New Yorker said of The Emperor of All Maladies, “It’s hard to think of many books for a general audience that have rendered any area of modern science and technology with such intelligence, accessibility, and compassion…An extraordinary achievement.” Riveting, revelatory, and magisterial history of a scientific idea coming to life, and an essential preparation for the moral complexity introduced by our ability to create or “write” the human genome, The Gene is a must-read for everyone concerned about the definition and future of humanity. This is the most crucial science of our time, intimately explained by a master.",USD 32.00,9781476733500,1476733503 reading,2018-06-08T08:55:12Z,116,9.0,陀思妥耶夫斯基; 耿济之,平装,787,人民文学出版社,白痴,,,共两册。,2.40,,SH10019-724 reading,2018-06-02T21:14:23Z,1,0.0,韩少功; 阿来,平装,377,百花文艺出版社,第十七届百花文学奖散文奖获奖作品集,,,"百花文学奖创立至今,已在国内文坛引起广泛关注,成为颇具知名度的文学品牌。散文散文海外版编辑部编的《第十七届百花文学奖散文奖获奖作品集》作为该奖项散文类获奖篇目及提名奖作品集,在出版之前的评奖过程中,因其较高的大众参与度,广为业界所注重。而植根于《散文》和《散文海外版》两本在国内具有较高认知度的文学期刊之上,亦为本书的出版打下了良好的读者基础。 本书所收录的文章,堪称2015、2016双年度《散文》和《散文海外版》两本杂志所刊发作品中最具人气和精华之作,作者中既有李存葆、阿来、韩少功等文坛名家,亦不乏阿微木依萝、安宁、贾柯等后起之秀。这些作品均为近作,更贴近生活和时代脉搏,既有鲜明的时代色彩,亦不乏较高的文学性和思想性。",,9787530673614,7530673610 reading,2018-05-27T23:57:17Z,1,0.0,徐柏容; 郑法清,精装(无盘),234,百花文艺出版社,苏辙散文选集,,,,14.50,9787530635049,7530635042 reading,2018-05-22T22:49:48Z,21,9.5,Judea Pearl; Dana Mackenzie,Hardcover,400,Allen Lane,The Book of Why,,"Judea Pearl is a professor of computer science at UCLA and winner of the 2011 Turing Award and the author of three classic technical books on causality. He lives in Los Angeles, California. Dana Mackenzie is an award-winning science writer and the author of The Big Splat, or How Our Moon Came to Be. He lives in Santa Cruz, California.","A Turing Award-winning computer scientist and statistician shows how understanding causality has revolutionized science and will revolutionize artificial intelligence ""Correlation is not causation."" This mantra, chanted by scientists for more than a century, has led to a virtual prohibition on causal talk. Today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, instigated by Judea Pearl and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and established causality--the study of cause and effect--on a firm scientific basis. His work explains how we can know easy things, like whether it was rain or a sprinkler that made a sidewalk wet; and how to answer hard questions, like whether a drug cured an illness. Pearl's work enables us to know not just whether one thing causes another: it lets us explore the world that is and the worlds that could have been. It shows us the essence of human thought and key to artificial intelligence. Anyone who wants to understand either needs The Book of Why.",GBP 25.00,9780241242636,0241242630 wish,2018-05-17T22:03:16Z,364,7.4,北溟鱼,精装,308,湖南人民出版社,在深渊里仰望星空,,北溟鱼,没签约,没加作协,没发表,没评论家吹捧,没得过奖,当然也没入党。,"从慷慨悲凉的建安七子,到魏晋禅代之际睿智却凄凉的正始名士,从放荡不羁却落入凡尘的竹林七贤,到五胡入中原、世乱时危而狷介轻狂的中朝名士,再到晋室南渡之后的一手麈尾轻扬一手挥鞭北指的太元名士,他们是政治家、哲学家、文学家、诗人,他们中天姿秀出者甚、精神高洁者甚、行止彪悍者甚、蛇精病者甚。他们终于脱离了道德模范高高在上的神坛,变成了活泼泼的值得尊敬让人欣赏却无法复制的个体。这么多闪烁着智慧和生命之美的个体,如同当风的披帛,如同流过溪涧的酒觞,如同和暖的阳光,给了我们俯仰天地的情怀,给了我们高贵、直率又让人喜爱的范本。 在这个熙熙攘攘的时代,拥挤而焦虑的十字路口,希望更多的人看到他们。",48.00,9787556118878,7556118878 reading,2018-05-15T22:27:35Z,10,6.9,Tom Hanks,Hardcover,416,Knopf,Uncommon Type,,,"A gentle Eastern European immigrant arrives in New York City after his family and his life have been torn apart by his country's civil war. A man who loves to bowl rolls a perfect game--and then another and then another and then many more in a row until he winds up ESPN's newest celebrity, and he must decide if the combination of perfection and celebrity has ruined the thing he loves. An eccentric billionaire and his faithful executive assistant venture into America looking for acquisitions and discover a down and out motel, romance, and a bit of real life. These are just some of the tales Tom Hanks tells in this first collection of his short stories. They are surprising, intelligent, heartwarming, and, for the millions and millions of Tom Hanks fans, an absolute must-have!",USD 26.95,9781101946152,1101946156 read,2018-04-23T03:13:29Z,11100,7.5,[日] 村上春树,平装,780,上海译文出版社,刺杀骑士团长,,"村上春树 Haruki Murakami,1949年生于京都。毕业于早稻田大学第一文学部。1979年以《且听风吟》(群像新人文学奖)登上文坛。主要长篇小说有《寻羊冒险记》(野间文艺新人奖)、《世界尽头与冷酷仙境》(谷崎润一郎奖)、《挪威的森林》、《国境以南 太阳以西》 、《奇鸟行状录》(读卖文学奖)、《海边的卡夫卡》、《天黑以后》、《1Q84》(每日出版文化奖)等。另有《神的孩子全跳舞》、《东京奇谭集》等短篇小说集、随笔集、游记、翻译作品等诸多著作。在海外也获得多项文学奖项,2006年凭《海边的卡夫卡》获(捷克)弗兰茨•卡夫卡奖、凭《盲柳睡女》(Blind Willow , Sleeping  Woman)获(爱尔兰)弗兰克•奥康纳国际短篇小说奖、2009年(以色列)耶路撒冷文学奖、2011年加泰罗尼亚国际奖、2016年安徒生文学奖。","“我”,36岁,美术科班出身,原本爱好抽象画,多年来为了养家糊口成为专业肖像画画家。结婚六周年纪念日前,妻子毫无征兆地提出已有外遇,要求离婚,于是“我”独自离家开车在外游荡了一个半月,最终应好友雨田政彦之邀,住进小田原郊外山间其父雨田具彦的旧居兼画室,期待通过环境的改变调整心情。 奇妙的事件就发生在搬家后不到八个月的时间里。雨田政彦帮“我”介绍了山下绘画班任教的工作,“我”和班里的两位人妻先后成了情人,经神秘邻居免色的精心策划,和班上的少女真理惠也建立了密切联系。房子主人雨田具彦是著名日本画画家,“我”搬进那栋房子后不久,意外在阁楼发现了一幅雨田具彦不为世人所知的大师级作品,名为“刺杀骑士团长”。 由此,“我”被卷入一系列不可思议的事件…… 夜半铃声与古庙洞口、神秘邻居免色涉与绘画班女学生秋川真理惠、“骑士团长”与“长面人”、现实世界与隐喻世界…… 村上春树用他擅长的层层剥开的写法,将读者步步引入奇妙之境。",98.00元,9787532776580,7532776581 read,2018-04-21T00:01:36Z,58,7.9,Michael Meyer,Hardcover,384,Bloomsbury Press,In Manchuria,,,,USD 28.00,9781620402863,1620402866 reading,2018-03-29T01:22:21Z,2,0.0,Robert Greenberg,Paperback,NA,Teaching Company,The 30 Greatest Orchestral Works,,,"From the majesty of Baroque and Classical era masterpieces to the daring visions of modernism, orchestral music is undoubtedly one of the supreme artistic traditions of Western culture. And, over the centuries, this amazing medium has given us a special category of works that stand apart from the rest as transcendent expressions of the human spirit. These ""greatest of the great"" orchestral pieces share several compelling features: They have the uncanny ability to express humanity's dreams, struggles, tragedies, and triumphs in the most stunning and unforgettable terms. They ingeniously challenged, at the time of their creation, the traditional forms and conceptions of orchestral composition, extending both the creative resources available to composers and the expressive content of the music itself.",,9781598037685,1598037684 read,2018-03-23T10:31:58Z,18,8.0,Kazuo Ishiguro,Paperback,221,Vintage,Nocturnes,,,"One of the most celebrated writers of our time gives us his first cycle of short fiction: five brilliantly etched, interconnected stories in which music is a vivid and essential character. A once-popular singer, desperate to make a comeback, turning from the one certainty in his life . . . A man whose unerring taste in music is the only thing his closest friends value in him . . . A struggling singer-songwriter unwittingly involved in the failing marriage of a couple he’s only just met . . . A gifted, underappreciated jazz musician who lets himself believe that plastic surgery will help his career . . . A young cellist whose tutor promises to “unwrap” his talent . . . Passion or necessity—or the often uneasy combination of the two—determines the place of music in each of these lives. And, in one way or another, music delivers each of them to a moment of reckoning: sometimes comic, sometimes tragic, sometimes just eluding their grasp. An exploration of love, need, and the ineluctable force of the past, Nocturnes reveals these individuals to us with extraordinary precision and subtlety, and with the arresting psychological and emotional detail that has marked all of Kazuo Ishiguro’s acclaimed works of fiction. From the Hardcover edition.",GBP 11.47,9780307455789,0307455785 reading,2018-03-16T09:32:42Z,31,8.6,Annie Proulx,Paperback,285,Scribner,Close Range,,,"From the Pulitzer Prize-winning and bestselling author of The Shipping News and Accordion Crimes comes one of the most celebrated short-story collections of our time. Annie Proulx's masterful language and fierce love of Wyoming are evident in these breathtaking tales of loneliness, quick violence, and the wrong kinds of love. Each of the stunning portraits in Close Range reveals characters fiercely wrought with precision and grace. These are stories of desperation and unlikely elation, set in a landscape both stark and magnificent -- by an author writing at the peak of her craft.",120.0,9780684852225,0684852225 read,2018-03-09T11:51:27Z,315,8.2,Joseph Conrad,Paperback,166,Penguin Classics,Heart Of Darkness With The Congo Diary,,,,7.95,9780140186529,0140186522 read,2018-03-07T10:14:02Z,203,7.2,Dan Brown,Hardcover,480,Doubleday,Origin,,"Dan Brown is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Da Vinci Code and, previously, Digital Fortress, Deception Point, and Angels and Demons. He is a graduate of Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he spent time as an English teacher before turning his efforts fully to writing. He lives in New England with his wife.","The #1 New York Times Bestseller (October 2017) from the author of The Da Vinci Code. Bilbao, Spain Robert Langdon, Harvard professor of symbology and religious iconology, arrives at the ultramodern Guggenheim Museum Bilbao to attend a major announcement—the unveiling of a discovery that “will change the face of science forever.” The evening’s host is Edmond Kirsch, a forty-year-old billionaire and futurist whose dazzling high-tech inventions and audacious predictions have made him a renowned global figure. Kirsch, who was one of Langdon’s first students at Harvard two decades earlier, is about to reveal an astonishing breakthrough . . . one that will answer two of the fundamental questions of human existence. As the event begins, Langdon and several hundred guests find themselves captivated by an utterly original presentation, which Langdon realizes will be far more controversial than he ever imagined. But the meticulously orchestrated evening suddenly erupts into chaos, and Kirsch’s precious discovery teeters on the brink of being lost forever. Reeling and facing an imminent threat, Langdon is forced into a desperate bid to escape Bilbao. With him is Ambra Vidal, the elegant museum director who worked with Kirsch to stage the provocative event. Together they flee to Barcelona on a perilous quest to locate a cryptic password that will unlock Kirsch’s secret. Navigating the dark corridors of hidden history and extreme religion, Langdon and Vidal must evade a tormented enemy whose all-knowing power seems to emanate from Spain’s Royal Palace itself . . . and who will stop at nothing to silence Edmond Kirsch. On a trail marked by modern art and enigmatic symbols, Langdon and Vidal uncover clues that ultimately bring them face-to-face with Kirsch’s shocking discovery . . . and the breathtaking truth that has long eluded us. Origin is stunningly inventive—Dan Brown's most brilliant and entertaining novel to date.",USD 29.95,9780385514231,0385514239 reading,2018-02-22T10:40:08Z,1,0.0,Frank Pasquale,Hardcover,320,Harvard University Press,The Black Box Society,,"Frank Pasquale is Professor of Law at the University of Maryland, an Affiliate Fellow at Yale Law School’s Information Society Project, and a member of the Council for Big Data, Ethics, and Society.","Every day, corporations are connecting the dots about our personal behavior—silently scrutinizing clues left behind by our work habits and Internet use. The data compiled and portraits created are incredibly detailed, to the point of being invasive. But who connects the dots about what firms are doing with this information? The Black Box Society argues that we all need to be able to do so—and to set limits on how big data affects our lives. Hidden algorithms can make (or ruin) reputations, decide the destiny of entrepreneurs, or even devastate an entire economy. Shrouded in secrecy and complexity, decisions at major Silicon Valley and Wall Street firms were long assumed to be neutral and technical. But leaks, whistleblowers, and legal disputes have shed new light on automated judgment. Self-serving and reckless behavior is surprisingly common, and easy to hide in code protected by legal and real secrecy. Even after billions of dollars of fines have been levied, underfunded regulators may have only scratched the surface of this troubling behavior. Frank Pasquale exposes how powerful interests abuse secrecy for profit and explains ways to rein them in. Demanding transparency is only the first step. An intelligible society would assure that key decisions of its most important firms are fair, nondiscriminatory, and open to criticism. Silicon Valley and Wall Street need to accept as much accountability as they impose on others.",USD 35.00,9780674368279,0674368274 read,2018-02-22T10:21:46Z,1,0.0,Aravind Adiga,Hardcover,384,Knopf,Last Man in Tower,,,"Aravind Adiga’s first novel since his Man Booker Prize–winning best seller The White Tiger (“Amazing . . . One of the most powerful books I’ve read in decades” —Deirdre Donahue, USA Today): a stunning, darkly comic story of greed and murder that lays bare the teeming metropolis of Mumbai. Real estate developer Dharmen Shah’s offer to buy out the residents of Vishram Society—a formerly respectable, now crumbling apartment complex that abuts the infamous Dharavi slums—is more than generous. But one man stands in the way of Shah’s luxury high- rise: Masterji, a retired schoolteacher who will not leave his home in Vishram’s Tower A. Shah is a dangerous man to refuse, but as the demolition deadline looms, Masterji’s neighbors—friends who have become enemies, acquaintances turned co- conspirators—may stop at nothing to score their payday. An electrifying, suspense-filled story of money and power, luxury and deprivation, peopled by brilliantly drawn, unforgettable characters, Last Man in Tower exposes the hearts and minds of the everymen and women of a great, booming city—ordinary people pushed to their limits in a place that knows none.",USD26.95,9780307594099,0307594092 reading,2018-01-24T05:25:33Z,55,8.1,Gene Kim,Hardcover,345,IT Revolution Press,The Phoenix Project,,"Gene Kim is a multiple award winning CTO, researcher and author. He was founder and CTO of Tripwire for 13 years. He has written three books, including ""The Visible Ops Handbook"" and ""The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win."" Gene is a huge fan of IT operations, and how it can enable developers to maximize throughput of features from ""code complete"" to ""in production,"" without causing chaos and disruption to the IT environment. He has worked with some of the top Internet companies on improving deployment flow and increasing the rigor around IT operational processes. In 2007, ComputerWorld added Gene to the ""40 Innovative IT People Under The Age Of 40"" list, and was given the Outstanding Alumnus Award by the Department of Computer Sciences at Purdue University for achievement and leadership in the profession.","Bill is an IT manager at Parts Unlimited. It's Tuesday morning and on his drive into the office, Bill gets a call from the CEO. The company's new IT initiative, code named Phoenix Project, is critical to the future of Parts Unlimited, but the project is massively over budget and very late. The CEO wants Bill to report directly to him and fix the mess in ninety days or else Bill's entire department will be outsourced. With the help of a prospective board member and his mysterious philosophy of The Three Ways, Bill starts to see that IT work has more in common with manufacturing plant work than he ever imagined. With the clock ticking, Bill must organize work flow streamline interdepartmental communications, and effectively serve the other business functions at Parts Unlimited. In a fast-paced and entertaining style, three luminaries of the DevOps movement deliver a story that anyone who works in IT will recognize. Readers will not only learn how to improve their own IT organizations, they'll never view IT the same way again.",USD 29.95,9780988262591,0988262592 reading,2018-01-02T01:00:03Z,3,0.0,Arundhati Roy,Hardcover,464,Knopf,The Ministry of Utmost Happiness,,,"The Ministry of Utmost Happiness transports us across a subcontinent on a journey of many years. It takes us deep into the lives of its gloriously rendered characters, each of them in search of a place of safety--in search of meaning, and of love. In a graveyard outside the walls of Old Delhi, a resident unrolls a threadbare Persian carpet. On a concrete sidewalk, a baby suddenly appears, just after midnight. In a snowy valley, a bereaved father writes a letter to his five-year-old daughter about the people who came to her funeral. In a second-floor apartment, a lone woman chain-smokes as she reads through her old notebooks. At the Jannat Guest House, two people who have known each other all their lives sleep with their arms wrapped around each other, as though they have just met. A braided narrative of astonishing force and originality, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness is at once a love story and a provocation--a novel as inventive as it is emotionally engaging. It is told with a whisper, in a shout, through joyous tears and sometimes with a bitter laugh. Its heroes, both present and departed, have been broken by the world we live in--and then mended by love. For this reason, they will never surrender.",USD 28.95,9781524733155,1524733156 read,2018-01-02T00:48:41Z,287,8.7,Truman Capote,Paperback,343,Vintage Books,In Cold Blood,,,"National Bestseller On November 15, 1959, in the small town of Holcomb, Kansas, four members of the Clutter family were savagely murdered by blasts from a shotgun held a few inches from their faces. There was no apparent motive for the crime, and there were almost no clues. As Truman Capote reconstructs the murder and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers, he generates both mesmerizing suspense and astonishing empathy. In Cold Blood is a work that transcends its moment, yielding poignant insights into the nature of American violence.",GBP 11.47,9780679745587,0679745580 read,2017-12-30T00:45:03Z,1,0.0,Eric Tyson,Paperback,456,For Dummies,Investing For Dummies,,,,USD 22.99,9781119320692,1119320690 read,2017-12-18T05:41:20Z,7,0.0,Al Franken,Hardcover,416,Twelve,"Al Franken, Giant of the Senate",,,,USD 28.00,9781455540419,1455540412 read,2017-12-15T04:22:02Z,2,0.0,Joann Fletcher,Hardcover,496,Pegasus Books,The Story of Egypt,,,,USD 29.95,9781681771342,1681771349 read,2017-12-07T04:11:15Z,24,8.4,Stephen M. Stigler,Paperback,240,Harvard University Press,The Seven Pillars of Statistical Wisdom,,,,USD 22.95,9780674088917,0674088913 read,2017-11-26T12:17:38Z,104,7.9,Kazuo Ishiguro,Hardcover,317,Knopf,The Buried Giant,,"KAZUO ISHIGURO was born in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1954 and moved to Britain at the age of 5. He is the author of 6 novels: A Pale View of Hills (1982, Winifred Holtby Memorial Prize), An Artist of the Floating World (1986, Whitbread Book of the Year Award, Premio Scanno, shortlisted for the Booker Prize), The Remains of the Day (1989, winner of the Booker Prize), The Unconsoled (1995, winner of the Cheltenham Prize), When We Were Orphans (2000, shortlisted for the Booker Prize) and Never Let Me Go (2005, Corine Internationaler Buchpreis, Serono Literary Prize, Casino de Santiago European Novel Award, shortlisted for the Booker Prize). Nocturnes (2009), his connected stories collection, was awarded the Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa International Literary Prize. In 1995 Ishiguro received an OBE for Services to Literature and in 1998 the French decoration of Chevalier de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres."," An extraordinary new novel from the author of Never Let Me Go and the Booker Prize-winning The Remains of the Day. ""You've long set your heart against it, Axl, I know. But it's time now to think on it anew. There's a journey we must go on, and no more delay . . ."" The Buried Giant begins as a couple set off across a troubled land of mist and rain in the hope of finding a son they have not seen in years. Sometimes savage, often intensely moving, Kazuo Ishiguro's first novel in nearly a decade is about lost memories, love, revenge, and war.",USD 26.95,9780307271037,030727103X reading,2017-11-10T23:15:36Z,42,9.0,Jake VanderPlas,Paperback,500,O'Reilly Media,Python Data Science Handbook,,,"For many researchers, Python is a first-class tool mainly because of its libraries for storing, manipulating, and gaining insight from data. Several resources exist for individual pieces of this data science stack, but only with the Python Data Science Handbook do you get them all-IPython, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, and other related tools. Working scientists and data crunchers familiar with reading and writing Python code will find this comprehensive desk reference ideal for tackling day-to-day issues: manipulating, transforming, and cleaning data; visualizing different types of data; and using data to build statistical or machine learning models. Quite simply, this is the must-have reference for scientific computing in Python. With this handbook, you'll learn how to use: IPython and Jupyter: provide computational environments for data scientists using Python NumPy: includes the ndarray for efficient storage and manipulation of dense data arrays in Python Pandas: features the DataFrame for efficient storage and manipulation of labeled/columnar data in Python Matplotlib: includes capabilities for a flexible range of data visualizations in Python Scikit-Learn: for efficient and clean Python implementations of the most important and established machine learning algorithms",USD 59.99,9781491912058,1491912057 reading,2017-11-08T21:27:47Z,4,0.0,Sir Walter Scott,Paperback,464,Dover Publications,Ivanhoe (Thrift Edition),,,"One of the most enduringly popular historical adventure novels of all time, ivanhoe features action, intrigue and romance plus a cast of characters that includes Richard the Lionhearted, Robin Hood, noble knights and fair maidens. Several film and TV versions have made it a favorite with young readers and adults alike. Unabridged republication of the Dryburgh Edition as published by Adam and Charles Black, London, 1893.",USD 5.95,9780486436777,0486436772 wish,2017-11-08T07:27:52Z,38,8.5,Ron Chernow,Paperback,832,Atlantic Books,The House of Morgan,,,"Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly J. P. Morgan Sr.'s close relationship with Teddy Roosevelt; his son Jack Morgan's clientele of governments, finance ministers and central banks; and the Morgan realm's split under New Deal legislation are examined in detail in this National Book Award winner. ""Packed with revelations, Chernow's mammoth history demystifies the inner workings of the secretive Morgan banking empire,"" PW said . Photos . Author tour. Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Library Journal Chernow vividly portrays the influence that the Morgan banks have had on the history of the Western economy since the late 18th century. The epic story of the development of the American industrial experience is inextricably related to the history of the Morgan banks. Though this fascinating story is virtually the same as that told by Kathleen Bunk in Morgan Grenfell 1838-1988 ( LJ 12/89), Chernow adds color and personality with an emphasis on the 20th-century development of the bank. Working with recently discovered Morgan archives, he reveals institutional details long hidden by the protective secrecy of the family. This superb history will be an important book. BOMC, Fortune, and History Book Club featured alternates. --Joseph Barth, U.S. Military Acad. Lib., West Point, N.Y. Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Book Description The winner of the National Book Award and now considered a classic, The House of Morgan is the most ambitious history ever written about an American banking dynasty. Acclaimed by The Wall Street Journal as ""brilliantly researched and written,"" the book tells the rich, panoramic story of four generations of Morgans and the powerful, secretive firms they spawned. It is the definitive account of the rise of the modern financial world. A gripping history of banking and the booms and busts that shaped the world on both sides of the Atlantic, The House of Morgan traces the trajectory of the J. P. Morgan empire from its obscure beginnings in Victorian London to the crash of 1987. Ron Chernow paints a fascinating portrait of the private saga of the Morgans and the rarefied world of the American and British elite in which they moved. Based on extensive interviews and access to the family and business archives, The House of Morgan is an investigative masterpiece, a compelling account of a remarkable institution and the men who ran it, and an essential book for understanding the money and power behind the major historical events of the last 150 years. Book Info The most ambitious history ever written about an American banking dynasty. Tells the rich, panoramic story of four generations of Morgans and the powerful, secretive firms they spawned. A definitive account of the rise of the modern financial world. Softcover.",USD 31.00,9781843541646,1843541645 read,2017-11-08T07:22:09Z,78,9.7,Ron Chernow,Hardcover,818,The Penguin Press,Alexander Hamilton,,,"From National Book Award winner Ron Chernow, a landmark biography of Alexander Hamilton, the Founding Father who galvanized, inspired, scandalized, and shaped the newborn nation. Ron Chernow, whom the New York Times called ""as elegant an architect of monumental histories as we've seen in decades,"" now brings to startling life the man who was arguably the most important figure in American history, who never attained the presidency, but who had a far more lasting impact than many who did. An illegitimate, largely self-taught orphan from the Caribbean, Hamilton rose with stunning speed to become George Washington's aide-de-camp, a member of the Constitutional Convention, coauthor of The Federalist Papers , leader of the Federalist party, and the country's first Treasury secretary. With masterful storytelling skills, Chernow presents the whole sweep of Hamilton's turbulent life: his exotic, brutal upbringing; his brilliant military, legal, and financial exploits; his titanic feuds with Jefferson, Madison, Adams, and Monroe; his illicit romances; and his famous death in a duel with Aaron Burr in July 1804. For the first time, Chernow captures the personal life of this handsome, witty, and perennially controversial genius and explores his poignant relations with his wife Eliza, their eight children, and numberless friends. This engrossing narrative will dispel forever the stereotype of the Founding Fathers as wooden figures and show that, for all their greatness, they were fiery, passionate, often flawed human beings. Alexander Hamilton was one of the seminal figures in our history. His richly dramatic saga, rendered in Chernow's vivid prose, is nothing less than a riveting account of America's founding, from the Revolutionary War to the rise of the first federal government.",USD 35.00,9781594200090,1594200092 wish,2017-09-23T00:19:43Z,348,7.9,李永平,平装,339,上海人民出版社,大河尽头 上卷,,"李永平 1947年生于英属婆罗洲沙捞越邦古晋市。台湾大学外文系毕业后,留系担任助教,并任《中外文学》杂志执行编辑。后赴美深造,获美国纽约州立大学比较文学硕士、圣路易华盛顿大学比较文学博士。曾先后任教台湾中山大学、东吴大学、东华大学。 著有《婆罗洲之子》《拉子妇》《吉陵春秋》《海东青:台北的一则寓言》《朱鸰漫游仙境》《雨雪霏霏:婆罗洲童年记事》,并有译作《大河湾》《幽黯国度》《纸牌的秘密》《道德剧》《尽得其妙:如何读西方正典》《布鲁克林的纳善先生》等。 《吉陵春秋》入选“二十世纪中文小说一百强”,英译本于2003年由美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版。《大河尽头》上、下卷分别入选2008、2010 《亚洲周刊》十大华文小说,并荣获第三届“红楼梦奖:世界华文长篇小说奖”决审团奖。其他作品曾获时报文学推荐奖、联合报小说奖、联合报读书人年度最佳书奖、中央日报出版等奖项之肯定。","生命的源头……不就是一堆石头、性和死亡? 上、下卷分别入选2008、2010 《亚洲周刊》十大华文小说 2008 《中国时报》“开卷”十大好书(中文创作类) 2010 第三届“红楼梦奖:世界华文长篇小说奖”决审团奖 2010 九歌年度小说选年度小说奖 河源,天际,赤道那大日头下,苍莽雨林中,拔地而起,阴森森赤条条耸立着开天辟地时布龙神遗落的一块巨石──原住民达雅克人的冥山禁地“峇都帝坂”;传说,那是生命的源头。 十五岁那年的夏天,少年“永”与荷兰姑妈克莉丝汀娜·房龙小姐——这对刚结识的异国姑侄踏上大河溯源之旅,沿婆罗洲第一大河卡布雅斯河而上,尽头是达雅克人的圣山“峇都帝坂”。 姑侄俩一路上见识人性的纯真和黑暗,经历土人部落的夜宴与笙歌,游赏雨林的纯净且原始,在大河中游的新唐,更被迫面对房龙小姐不为人知不堪回首的过去…… 雨林原始氛围令西方男女放浪形骇,刚步入青春期的华人少年情欲之弦也被拨响,但更震撼的,他目睹东西方世界的不平等,资本主义和帝国主义外来者对自然资源野蛮的“物掠夺”,以及对土著妇女残暴的“性掠夺”。小女孩惨遭蹂躏、低呼“血”、“痛”的童音,“注定要在我耳边呢喃一辈子,幽灵似的纠缠我整世人”。 ——亚洲周刊 《大河尽头(上卷:溯流)》是李永平写作计划的上卷,但以气势和情节而言,已经可以当作一本完整的小说阅读……创作四十年,李永平写出了一本既好看也令人看好的作品。《大河尽头》的下半部因此尤其令人期待。 ——哈佛大学教授 王德威",32.00元,9787208105041,7208105049 reading,2017-09-18T03:14:13Z,1,0.0,Robert A. LeVine; Sarah LeVine,Hardcover,272,PublicAffairs,Do Parents Matter?,,,,USD 25.99,9781610397230,1610397231 read,2017-09-15T04:41:58Z,425,8.4,Peter Hessler,Paperback,368,Harper Perennial,Strange Stones,,,"Full of unforgettable figures and an unrelenting spirit of adventure, Strange Stones is a far-ranging, thought-provoking collection of Peter Hessler’s best reportage—a dazzling display of the powerful storytelling, shrewd cultural insight, and warm sense of humor that are the trademarks of his work. Over the last decade, as a staff writer for The New Yorker and the author of three books, Peter Hessler has lived in Asia and the United States, writing as both native and knowledgeable outsider in these two very different regions. This unusual perspective distinguishes Strange Stones, which showcases Hessler’s unmatched range as a storyteller. “Wild Flavor” invites readers along on a taste test between two rat restaurants in South China. One story profiles Yao Ming, basketball star and China’s most beloved export, another David Spindler, an obsessive and passionate historian of the Great Wall. In “Dr. Don,” Hessler writes movingly about a small-town pharmacist and his relationship with the people he serves. While Hessler’s subjects and locations vary, subtle but deeply important thematic links bind these pieces—the strength of local traditions, the surprising overlap between apparently opposing cultures, and the powerful lessons drawn from individuals who straddle different worlds.",USD 14.99,9780062206237,0062206230 reading,2017-09-09T10:35:02Z,3,0.0,Rick Atkinson,Hardcover,791,Henry Holt and Co.,The Day of Battle,,,,USD 35.00,9780805062892,0805062890 read,2017-08-18T20:04:12Z,1,0.0,Mark Bowden,Hardcover,608,Atlantic Monthly Press,Hue 1968,,"Mark Bowden is the author of thirteen books, including the #1 New York Times bestseller Black Hawk Down. He reported at the Philadelphia Inquirer for twenty years and now writes for the Atlantic, Vanity Fair, and other magazines. He is also the writer in residence at the University of Delaware. His most recent book is The Three Battles of Wanat: And Other True Stories.","New York Times Bestseller “An extraordinary feat of journalism . . . full of emotion and color.”―Karl Marlantes, Wall Street Journal The first battle book from Mark Bowden since his #1 New York Times bestseller Black Hawk Down, Hue 1968 is the story of the centerpiece of the Tet Offensive and a turning point in the American War in Vietnam. In the early hours of January 31, 1968, the North Vietnamese launched over one hundred attacks across South Vietnam in what would become known as the Tet Offensive. The lynchpin of Tet was the capture of Hue, Vietnam’s intellectual and cultural capital, by 10,000 National Liberation Front troops who descended from hidden camps and surged across the city of 140,000. Within hours the entire city was in their hands save for two small military outposts. American commanders refused to believe the size and scope of the Front’s presence, ordering small companies of marines against thousands of entrenched enemy troops. After several futile and deadly days, Lieutenant Colonel Ernie Cheatham would finally come up with a strategy to retake the city, block by block and building by building, in some of the most intense urban combat since World War II. With unprecedented access to war archives in the U.S. and Vietnam and interviews with participants from both sides, Bowden narrates each stage of this crucial battle through multiple viewpoints. Played out over 24 days and ultimately costing 10,000 lives, the Battle of Hue was by far the bloodiest of the entire war. When it ended, the American debate was never again about winning, only about how to leave. Hue 1968 is a gripping and moving account of this pivotal moment.",USD 30.00,9780802127006,0802127002 reading,2017-08-09T07:20:17Z,86,9.6,Lin-Manuel Miranda; Jeremy McCarter,Hardcover,288,Grand Central Publishing,Hamilton,,"Jeremy McCarter wrote cultural criticism for ""New York"" magazine and ""Newsweek ""before spending five years on the artistic staff of the Public Theater, where he created, directed, and produced the Public Forum series. He served on the jury of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, and is writing a book about young American radicals during World War One. He lives in Chicago. Lin-Manuel Miranda ""(Book, Music, and Lyrics/Alexander Hamilton)"" is the Tony and Grammy award-winning composer-lyricist-star of Broadway's ""In the Heights""--winner of four 2008 Tony Awards including Best Musical, Best Orchestrations, and Best Choreography with Miranda receiving the award for Best Score. Additionally, he is the co-composer and co-lyricist of Broadway's Tony-nominated ""Bring It On: The Musical ""and provided Spanish translations for the 2009 Broadway revival of ""West Side Story."" Miranda, along with Tom Kitt, won the 2014 Creative Arts Emmy for Best Original Music and Lyrics for their work on the 67th Annual Tony Awards. In 2015, Miranda was named as a Fellow of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. He lives with his family in New York City.","Lin-Manuel Miranda's groundbreaking musical Hamilton is as revolutionary as its subject, the poor kid from the Caribbean who fought the British, defended the Constitution, and helped to found the United States. Fusing hip-hop, pop, R&B, and the best traditions of theater, this once-in-a-generation show broadens the sound of Broadway, reveals the storytelling power of rap, and claims our country's origins for a diverse new generation. HAMILTON: THE REVOLUTION gives readers an unprecedented view of both revolutions, from the only two writers able to provide it. Miranda, along with Jeremy McCarter, a cultural critic and theater artist who was involved in the project from its earliest stages--""since before this was even a show,"" according to Miranda--traces its development from an improbable performance at the White House to its landmark opening night on Broadway six years later. In addition, Miranda has written more than 200 funny, revealing footnotes for his award-winning libretto, the full text of which is published here. Their account features photos by the renowned Frank Ockenfels and veteran Broadway photographer, Joan Marcus; exclusive looks at notebooks and emails; interviews with Questlove, Stephen Sondheim, leading political commentators, and more than 50 people involved with the production; and multiple appearances by President Obama himself. The book does more than tell the surprising story of how a Broadway musical became a national phenomenon: It demonstrates that America has always been renewed by the brash upstarts and brilliant outsiders, the men and women who don't throw away their shot.",USD 45.00,9781455539741,1455539740 wish,2017-08-06T05:09:44Z,154,8.1,Brian Christian; Tom Griffiths,Hardcover,368,Henry Holt and Co.,Algorithms to Live By,,"About the Author Brian Christian is the author of The Most Human Human, a Wall Street Journal bestseller, New York Times editors’ choice, and a New Yorker favorite book of the year. His writing has appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Wired, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, and The Paris Review, as well as in scientific journals such as Cognitive Science, and has been translated into eleven languages. He lives in San Francisco. Tom Griffiths is a professor of psychology and cognitive science at UC Berkeley, where he directs the Computational Cognitive Science Lab. He has published more than 150 scientific papers on topics ranging from cognitive psychology to cultural evolution, and has received awards from the National Science Foundation, the Sloan Foundation, the American Psychological Association, and the Psychonomic Society, among others. He lives in Berkeley.","A fascinating exploration of how insights from computer algorithms can be applied to our everyday lives, helping to solve common decision-making problems and illuminate the workings of the human mind All our lives are constrained by limited space and time, limits that give rise to a particular set of problems. What should we do, or leave undone, in a day or a lifetime? How much messiness should we accept? What balance of new activities and familiar favorites is the most fulfilling? These may seem like uniquely human quandaries, but they are not: computers, too, face the same constraints, so computer scientists have been grappling with their version of such issues for decades. And the solutions they've found have much to teach us. In a dazzlingly interdisciplinary work, acclaimed author Brian Christian and cognitive scientist Tom Griffiths show how the algorithms used by computers can also untangle very human questions. They explain how to have better hunches and when to leave things to chance, how to deal with overwhelming choices and how best to connect with others. From finding a spouse to finding a parking spot, from organizing one's inbox to understanding the workings of memory, Algorithms to Live By transforms the wisdom of computer science into strategies for human living.",USD 30.00,9781627790369,1627790365 read,2017-08-06T04:56:56Z,419,9.4,Trevor Noah,Hardcover,304,Spiegel & Grau,Born a Crime,,Trevor Noah is a comedian from South Africa.,"#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The compelling, inspiring, and comically sublime story of one man’s coming-of-age, set during the twilight of apartheid and the tumultuous days of freedom that followed NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY Michiko Kakutani, New York Times • Newsday • Esquire • NPR • Booklist Trevor Noah’s unlikely path from apartheid South Africa to the desk of The Daily Show began with a criminal act: his birth. Trevor was born to a white Swiss father and a black Xhosa mother at a time when such a union was punishable by five years in prison. Living proof of his parents’ indiscretion, Trevor was kept mostly indoors for the earliest years of his life, bound by the extreme and often absurd measures his mother took to hide him from a government that could, at any moment, steal him away. Finally liberated by the end of South Africa’s tyrannical white rule, Trevor and his mother set forth on a grand adventure, living openly and freely and embracing the opportunities won by a centuries-long struggle. Born a Crime is the story of a mischievous young boy who grows into a restless young man as he struggles to find himself in a world where he was never supposed to exist. It is also the story of that young man’s relationship with his fearless, rebellious, and fervently religious mother—his teammate, a woman determined to save her son from the cycle of poverty, violence, and abuse that would ultimately threaten her own life. The stories collected here are by turns hilarious, dramatic, and deeply affecting. Whether subsisting on caterpillars for dinner during hard times, being thrown from a moving car during an attempted kidnapping, or just trying to survive the life-and-death pitfalls of dating in high school, Trevor illuminates his curious world with an incisive wit and unflinching honesty. His stories weave together to form a moving and searingly funny portrait of a boy making his way through a damaged world in a dangerous time, armed only with a keen sense of humor and a mother’s unconventional, unconditional love. Praise for Born a Crime “[A] compelling new memoir . . . By turns alarming, sad and funny, [Trevor Noah’s] book provides a harrowing look, through the prism of Mr. Noah’s family, at life in South Africa under apartheid. . . . Born a Crime is not just an unnerving account of growing up in South Africa under apartheid, but a love letter to the author’s remarkable mother.”—Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times “[An] unforgettable memoir.”—Parade “What makes Born a Crime such a soul-nourishing pleasure, even with all its darker edges and perilous turns, is reading Noah recount in brisk, warmly conversational prose how he learned to negotiate his way through the bullying and ostracism. . . . What also helped was having a mother like Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah. . . . Consider Born a Crime another such gift to her—and an enormous gift to the rest of us.”—USA Today “[Noah] thrives with the help of his astonishingly fearless mother. . . . Their fierce bond makes this story soar.”—People “[Noah’s] electrifying memoir sparkles with funny stories . . . and his candid and compassionate essays deepen our perception of the complexities of race, gender, and class.”—Booklist (starred review) “A gritty memoir . . . studded with insight and provocative social criticism . . . with flashes of brilliant storytelling and acute observations.”—Kirkus Reviews Review “[A] compelling new memoir . . . By turns alarming, sad and funny, [Trevor Noah’s] book provides a harrowing look, through the prism of Mr. Noah’s family, at life in South Africa under apartheid. . . . In the end, Born a Crime is not just an unnerving account of growing up in South Africa under apartheid, but a love letter to the author’s remarkable mother.”—Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times “[An] unforgettable memoir.”—Parade “You’d be hard-pressed to find a comic’s origin story better than the one Trevor Noah serves up in Born a Crime. . . . [He] developed his aptitude for witty truth telling [and]…every hardscrabble memory of helping his mother scrape together money for food, gas, school fees, and rent, or barely surviving the temper of his stepfather, Abel, reveals the anxious wellsprings of the comedian’s ambition and success. If there is harvest in spite of blight, the saying goes, one does not credit the blight-but Noah does manage to wring brilliant comedy from it.”—O: The Oprah Magazine “What makes Born a Crime such a soul-nourishing pleasure, even with all its darker edges and perilous turns, is reading Noah recount in brisk, warmly conversational prose how he learned to negotiate his way through the bullying and ostracism. . . . What also helped was having a mother like Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah. . . . Consider Born a Crime another such gift to her—and an enormous gift to the rest of us.”—USA Today “[Noah] thrives with the help of his astonishingly fearless mother. . . . Their fierce bond makes this story soar.”—People “This isn't your average comic-writes-a-memoir: It’s a unique look at a man who is a product of his culture—and a nuanced look at a part of the world whose people have known dark times easily pushed aside.”—Refinery29 “Noah’s memoir is extraordinary . . . essential reading on every level. It’s hard to imagine anyone else doing a finer job of it.”—The Seattle Times “Powerful prose . . . told through stories and vignettes that are sharply observed, deftly conveyed and consistently candid. Growing organically from them is an affecting investigation of identity, ethnicity, language, masculinity, nationality and, most of all, humanity—all issues that the election of Donald Trump in the United States shows are foremost in minds and hearts everywhere. . . . What the reader gleans are the insights that made Noah the thoughtful, observant, empathic man who wrote Born a Crime. . . . Here is a level-headed man, forged by remarkable and shocking life incidents, who is quietly determined and who knows where home and the heart lie. Would this unique story have been published had it been about someone not a celebrity of the planet? Possibly not, and to the detriment of potential readers, because this is a warm and very human story of the type that we will need to survive the Trump presidency’s imminent freezing of humane values.”—Mail & Guardian (South Africa) “[Noah’s] story of surviving—and thriving—is mind-blowing.”—Cosmopolitan “A gifted storyteller, able to deftly lace his poignant tales with amusing irony.”—Entertainment Weekly “Noah has a real tale to tell, and he tells it well. . . . Among the many virtues of Born a Crime is a frank and telling portrait of life in South Africa during the 1980s and ’90s. . . . Born a Crime offers Americans a second introduction to Trevor Noah, and he makes a real impression.”—Newsday “An affecting memoir, Born a Crime [is] a love letter to his mother.”—The Washington Post “Witty and revealing . . . Noah’s story is the story of modern South Africa; though he enjoyed some privileges of the region’s slow Westernization, his formative years were shaped by poverty, injustice, and violence. Noah is quick with a disarming joke, and he skillfully integrates the parallel narratives via interstitial asides between chapters. . . . Perhaps the most harrowing tales are those of his abusive stepfather, which form the book’s final act (and which Noah cleverly foreshadows throughout earlier chapters), but equally prominent are the laugh-out-loud yarns about going to the prom, and the differences between ‘White Church’ and ‘Black Church.’”—Publishers Weekly (starred review) “[A] substantial collection of staggering personal essays . . . Incisive, funny, and vivid, these true tales are anchored to his portrait of his courageous, rebellious, and religious mother who defied racially restrictive laws to secure an education and a career for herself—and to have a child with a white Swiss/German even though sex between whites and blacks was illegal. . . . [Trevor Noah’s] electrifying memoir sparkles with funny stories . . . and his candid and compassionate essays deepen our perception of the complexities of race, gender, and class.”—Booklist (starred review) “A gritty memoir . . . studded with insight and provocative social criticism . . . with flashes of brilliant storytelling and acute observations.”—Kirkus Reviews",USD 18.34,9780399588174,0399588175 read,2017-07-30T10:46:13Z,11,8.4,David Enrich,Hardcover,528,Custom House,The Spider Network,,,,USD 29.99,9780062452986,0062452983 read,2017-07-23T03:21:06Z,2,0.0,Rick Perlstein,Hardcover,880,Simon & Schuster,The Invisible Bridge,,,,USD 37.50,9781476782416,1476782415 read,2017-07-16T11:21:32Z,57,9.0,左丘明,精装,2426,中华书局,左传(全三册),,,《中华经典名著全本全注全译丛书:左传(套装全3册)》记录了从鲁隐公元年(公元前722年)起到鲁哀公二十七年(公元前468年)止,共255年内周王朝以及各诸侯国之间某些重大的历史事件。作品比较真实地反映了当时的情况,具有一定的进步意义,它所记载的许多史事已经成为我国传统文化的重要组成部分。,156.00元,9787101088335,7101088333 reading,2017-07-10T08:36:47Z,31,7.7,Bill Lubanovic,平装,476,"O'Reilly Media, Inc.",Introducing Python,,"Bill Lubanovic has developed software with Unix since 1977, GUIs since 1981, databases since 1990, and the Web since 1993. In 1982, at a startup named Intran, he developed MetaForm, one of the first commercial GUIs (before the Mac or Windows), on one of the first graphic workstations. In the early 1990s, while at Northwest Airlines, he wrote a graphic yield management system that generated millions of dollars in revenue; established a presence for the company on the Internet; and wrote its first Internet marketing test. Later, he cofounded an ISP (Tela) in 1994, and a web development company (Mad Scheme) in 1999. Recently, he developed core services and distributed systems with a remote team for a Manhattan startup. Currently, he’s integrating OpenStack services for a supercomputer company. Bill enjoys life in Minnesota with his wonderful wife Mary, children Tom and Karin, and cats Inga, Chester, and Lucy.","This book will introduce you to the Python programming language. It’s aimed at beginning programmers, but even if you’ve written programs before and just want to add Python to your list of languages, Introducing Python will get you started. It’s an unhurried introduction, taking small steps from the basics to more involved and varied topics. I mix cookbook and tutorial styles to explain new terms and ideas, but not too many at once. Real Python code is included early and often. Even though this is an introduction, I include some topics that might seem advanced, such as NoSQL databases and message-passing libraries. I chose these because they can solve some problems better than standard solutions. You’ll download and install external Python packages, which is good to know when the “batteries included” with Python don’t fit your application. And it’s fun to try something new. I also include some examples of what not to do, especially if you’ve programmed in other languages and try to adapt those styles to Python. And I won’t pretend that Python is perfect; I’ll show you what to avoid.",USD 39.99,9781449359362,1449359361 read,2017-07-05T02:23:30Z,11,6.4,ARTHUR MILLER,Paperback,NA,HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHERS,THE CRUCIBLE,,,,,9780435225742,043522574X reading,2017-06-26T04:02:31Z,25,8.7,Harold Bloom,Hardcover,288,Scribner,How To Read and Why,,," ""Information is endlessly available to us; where shall wisdom be found?"" is the crucial question with which renowned literary critic Harold Bloom commences this impassioned book on the pleasures and benefits of reading well. For more than forty years, Bloom has transformed college students into lifelong readers with his unrivaled love for literature. Now, at a time when faster and easier electronic media threaten to eclipse the practice of reading, Bloom draws on his experience as critic, teacher, and prolific reader to plumb the great books for their sustaining wisdom. Shedding all polemic, Bloom addresses the solitary reader, who, he urges, should read for the purest of all reasons: to discover and augment the self. Always dazzling in his ability to draw connections between texts across continents and centuries, Bloom instructs readers in how to immerse themselves in the different literary forms. Probing discussions of the works of beloved writers such as William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austen, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Charles Dickens, and William Faulkner highlight the varied challenges and delights found in short stories, poems, novels, and plays. Bloom not only provides illuminating guidance on how to read a text but also illustrates what such reading can bring -- aesthetic pleasure, increased individuality and selfknowledge, and the lifetime companionship of the most engaging and complex literary characters. Bloom's engaging prose and brilliant insights will send you hurrying back to old favorites and entice you to discover new ones. His ultimate faith in the restorative power of literature resonates on every page of this infinitely rewarding and important book. ",USD 25.00,9780684859064,0684859068 read,2017-06-25T22:30:47Z,7,0.0,Bernard Cornwell,Hardcover,352,Harper,Waterloo,,,,USD 35.00,9780062312051,0062312057 read,2017-06-17T19:06:28Z,46,7.7,Haruki Murakami,Hardcover,240,Knopf,Men Without Women,,,"A dazzling new collection of short stories--the first major new work of fiction from the beloved, internationally acclaimed, Haruki Murakami since his #1 best-selling Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage. Across seven tales, Haruki Murakami brings his powers of observation to bear on the lives of men who, in their own ways, find themselves alone. Here are vanishing cats and smoky bars, lonely hearts and mysterious women, baseball and the Beatles, woven together to tell stories that speak to us all. Marked by the same wry humor that has defined his entire body of work, in this collection Murakami has crafted another contemporary classic.",USD 25.95,9780451494627,0451494628 read,2017-06-17T19:04:56Z,14,7.5,Viet Thanh Nguyen,Hardcover,224,Grove Press,The Refugees,,,"With the coruscating gaze that informed The Sympathizer, in The Refugees Viet Thanh Nguyen gives voice to lives led between two worlds, the adopted homeland and the country of birth. From a young Vietnamese refugee who suffers profound culture shock when he comes to live with two gay men in San Francisco, to a woman whose husband is suffering from dementia and starts to confuse her for a former lover, to a girl living in Ho Chi Minh City whose older half-sister comes back from America having seemingly accomplished everything she never will, the stories are a captivating testament to the dreams and hardships of immigration. The second piece of fiction by a major new voice in American letters, The Refugees is a beautifully written and sharply observed book about the aspirations of those who leave one country for another, and the relationships and desires for self-fulfillment that define our lives.",USD 25.00,9780802126399,0802126391 reading,2017-06-12T09:21:46Z,13,8.0,Graham Greene,Paperback,288,Penguin Classics,Brighton Rock,,,Penguin celebrates the centennial of Graham Greene's birth with commemorativeeditions of his greatest works.,USD 17.00,9780142437971,0142437972 read,2017-05-25T10:37:02Z,58,8.5,Michael Booth,Paperback,416,Jonathan Cape,The Almost Nearly Perfect People,,"Michael Booth contributes to numerous British and foreign magazines and all of the UK's broadsheet newspapers. He is the author of four works of non-fiction: Eat, Pray, Eat, which was nominated for a British Travel Press Award in 2012; Just As Well I'm Leaving, nominated for the Irish Times first writers award; Sacré Cordon Bleu, a BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week; and Sushi and Beyond, winner of the Guild of Food Writers award in 2010. He lives in Denmark with his wife and children.","As heard on Book of the Week, Radio 4 The whole world wants to learn the secrets of Nordic exceptionalism: why are the Danes the happiest people in the world, despite having the highest taxes? If the Finns really have the best education system, how come they still think all Swedish men are gay? Are the Icelanders really feral? How are the Norwegians spending their fantastical oil wealth? And why do all of them hate the Swedes? Michael Booth has lived among the Scandinavians, on and off, for over ten years, perplexed by their many strange paradoxes and character traits and equally bemused by the unquestioning enthusiasm for all things Nordic that has engulfed the rest of the world, whether it be for their food, television, social systems or chunky knitwear. In this timely book he leaves his adopted home of Denmark and embarks on a journey through all five of the Nordic countries to discover who these curious tribes are, the secrets of their success and, most intriguing of all, what they think of each other. Along the way a more nuanced, often darker picture emerges of a region plagued by taboos, characterised by suffocating parochialism and populated by extremists of various shades. They may very well be almost nearly perfect, but it isn't easy being Scandinavian.",GBP 14.99,9780224089623,0224089625 read,2017-05-20T23:40:49Z,9305,7.9,马伯庸,平装,656,湖南文艺出版社,长安十二时辰,,"马伯庸 作家。人民文学奖、朱自清散文奖得主,有“文字鬼才”之誉。 被评为沿袭“‘五四’以来历史文学创作的谱系”,“文字风格充满奇趣”。 代表作《古董局中局》入选第四届“中国图书势力榜”文学类年度十大好书。","唐天宝三年,元月十四日,长安。 大唐皇都的居民不知道,上元节辉煌灯火亮起之时,等待他们的,将是场吞噬一切的劫难。 突厥、狼卫、绑架、暗杀、烈焰、焚城,毁灭长安城的齿轮已经开始转动。而拯救长安的全部希望,只有一个即将被斩首的独眼死囚和短短的十二个时辰……",79.60元,9789900270027,9900270029 read,2017-05-15T21:17:54Z,1078,9.1,Peter Hessler,Hardcover,448,Harper,Country Driving,,,"From the bestselling author of Oracle Bones and River Town comes the final book in his award-winning trilogy, on the human side of the economic revolution in China. In the summer of 2001, Peter Hessler, the longtime Beijing correspondent for The New Yorker , acquired his Chinese driver's license. For the next seven years, he traveled the country, tracking how the automobile and improved roads were transforming China. Hessler writes movingly of the average people—farmers, migrant workers, entrepreneurs—who have reshaped the nation during one of the most critical periods in its modern history. Country Driving begins with Hessler's 7,000-mile trip across northern China, following the Great Wall, from the East China Sea to the Tibetan plateau. He investigates a historically important rural region being abandoned, as young people migrate to jobs in the southeast. Next Hessler spends six years in Sancha, a small farming village in the mountains north of Beijing, which changes dramatically after the local road is paved and the capital's auto boom brings new tourism. Finally, he turns his attention to urban China, researching development over a period of more than two years in Lishui, a small southeastern city where officials hope that a new government-built expressway will transform a farm region into a major industrial center. Peter Hessler, whom The Wall Street Journal calls ""one of the Western world's most thoughtful writers on modern China,"" deftly illuminates the vast, shifting landscape of a traditionally rural nation that, having once built walls against foreigners, is now building roads and factory towns that look to the outside world.",USD 27.99,9780061804090,0061804096 reading,2017-05-08T19:20:33Z,58,9.2,Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic,Paperback,288,Wiley,Storytelling with Data,,,"Don't simply show your data—tell a story with it! Storytelling with Data teaches you the fundamentals of data visualization and how to communicate effectively with data. You'll discover the power of storytelling and the way to make data a pivotal point in your story. The lessons in this illuminative text are grounded in theory, but made accessible through numerous real-world examples—ready for immediate application to your next graph or presentation. Storytelling is not an inherent skill, especially when it comes to data visualization, and the tools at our disposal don't make it any easier. This book demonstrates how to go beyond conventional tools to reach the root of your data, and how to use your data to create an engaging, informative, compelling story. Specifically, you'll learn how to: Understand the importance of context and audience Determine the appropriate type of graph for your situation Recognize and eliminate the clutter clouding your information Direct your audience's attention to the most important parts of your data Think like a designer and utilize concepts of design in data visualization Leverage the power of storytelling to help your message resonate with your audience Together, the lessons in this book will help you turn your data into high impact visual stories that stick with your audience. Rid your world of ineffective graphs, one exploding 3D pie chart at a time. There is a story in your data—Storytelling with Data will give you the skills and power to tell it!",USD 39.95,9781119002253,1119002257 read,2017-05-04T23:36:01Z,2,0.0,Tonio Andrade,Paperback,448,Princeton University Press,Lost Colony,,,,USD 24.95,9780691159577,0691159572 reading,2017-04-30T03:06:58Z,0,0.0,Simon Schama,Paperback,NA,"Pubished by Penguin Boks , London","Citizens, a chronicle of the French revolution",,,,,9780140087284,0140087281 read,2017-04-27T06:07:13Z,62,8.9,Ted Chiang,Paperback,304,Vintage,Stories of Your Life and Others,,"Ted Chiang is an award winning writer of science fiction. Over the course of twenty-five years and fourteen stories, he has won numerous awards including 4 Nebulas, 3 Hugos, 3 Locuses, and the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. He freelances as a technical writer and currently resides in Bellevue, Washington and is a graduate of the Clarion Writers Workshop.","Stories of Your Life and Others is a collection of masterpieces and recently it has taken Hollywood by storm. The lead story in the collection will soon to be a major motion picture starring Amy Adams, while another story has been optioned by Fox and is in development. Offering readers the dual delights of the very strange and the heartbreakingly familiar, Stories of Your Life and Others presents characters who must confront sudden change. In the amazing and much-lauded “Story of Your Life,” a grieving mother copes with divorce and the death of her daughter by drawing on her new knowledge of an alien language and its nonlinear structure. In “Liking What You See: A Documentary,” a clever pastiche of news reports and interviews chronicle a college’s initiative to turn off the human ability to recognize beauty. In “Understand,” a young man has an amazing reaction to an experimental drug used to heal brain damage. In each story, with sharp intelligence and humor, Chiang examines what it means to be alive in a world marked by uncertainty, but also by wonder.",USD 16.00,9781101972120,1101972122 reading,2017-04-22T20:32:30Z,32877,8.9,王小波,平装,NA,陕西师范大学出版社,黄金时代,,王小波,1952年5月13日出生于北京,1968-1972年在山东牟平插队,后做民办教师,1972-1973年北京牛街教学仪器厂工人,1974-1982年中国人民大学贸易经济系学生,1982-1984年中国人民大学一分校教师,1984-1988年美国匹兹堡大学东亚研究中心研究生,获硕士学位。1988-1991年北京大学社会学所讲师,1991-1992年,中国人民大学会计系讲师。1992-1997年,自由撰稿人。1997年4月11日在北京逝世。被称为上个世纪九十年代中国最“另类”的作家,有评价说他是中国白话文的第一把手。其自由人文主义的立场和风格贯穿作品,“王小波文体”为无数青年仿效。“时代三部曲”是王小波作品的精华,其中以喜剧精神和幽默口吻,述说人类生存状况的荒谬故事,故事背景跨越各种年代,描写权力对创造欲望和人性需求的扭曲及压制,展示了知识分子在过去、现在和未来的命运,代表着王小波对文学的理解和他异于寻常的艺术水准。,这是以文革时期为背景的系列作品构成的长篇。发生“文化大革命”的二十世纪六七十年代,正是我们国家和民族的灾难年代。那时,知识分子群体无能为力而极“左”政治泛滥横行。作为倍受歧视的知识分子,往往丧失了自我意志和个人尊严。在这组系列作品里面,名叫“王二”的男主人公处于恐怖和荒谬的环境,遭到各种不公正待遇,但他却摆脱了传统文化人的悲愤心态,创造出一种反抗和超越的方式:既然不能证明自己无辜,便倾向于证明自己不无辜。于是他以性爱作为对抗外部世界的最后据点,将性爱表现得既放浪形骸又纯净无邪,不但不觉羞耻,还轰轰烈烈地进行到底,对陈规陋习和政治偏见展开了极其尖锐而又饱含幽默的挑战。一次次被斗、挨整,他都处之坦然,乐观为本,获得了价值境界上的全线胜利。作者用一种机智的光辉烛照当年那种无处不在的压抑,使人的精神世界从悲惨暗淡的历史阴影中超拔出来。,23.00元,9787561327470,7561327471 reading,2017-04-21T08:24:56Z,4,0.0,"Miyazaki, Hayao",Hardcover,1104,Viz LLC,Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind,,"Hayao Miyazaki is the prominent director of many popular animated feature films. He is also the co-founder of Studio Ghibli, the award-winning Japanese animation studio and production company behind worldwide hits such as PRINCESS MONONOKE, HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE and SPIRITED AWAY.","Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is an epic fantasy tale written and illustrated by legendary Studio Ghibli director Hayao Miyazaki, creator of My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle. A modern masterpiece, the entire series is now available in this deluxe box set containing two hardcover volumes with interior colour pages and a bonus poster.",$ 67.80,9781421550640,1421550644 read,2017-04-19T19:43:23Z,432,8.1,J. D. Vance,Hardcover,272,Harper,Hillbilly Elegy,,"J.D. Vance grew up in the Rust Belt city of Middletown, Ohio, and the Appalachian town of Jackson, Kentucky. He enlisted in the Marine Corps after high school and served in Iraq. A graduate of the Ohio State University and Yale Law School, he has contributed to the National Review and is a principal at a leading Silicon Valley investment firm. Vance lives in San Francisco with his wife and two dogs.","#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER, NAMED BY THE TIMES AS ONE OF ""6 BOOKS TO HELP UNDERSTAND TRUMP'S WIN"" ""You will not read a more important book about America this year.""—The Economist ""A riveting book.""—The Wall Street Journal ""Essential reading.""—David Brooks, New York Times From a former marine and Yale Law School graduate, a powerful account of growing up in a poor Rust Belt town that offers a broader, probing look at the struggles of America’s white working class Hillbilly Elegy is a passionate and personal analysis of a culture in crisis—that of white working-class Americans. The decline of this group, a demographic of our country that has been slowly disintegrating over forty years, has been reported on with growing frequency and alarm, but has never before been written about as searingly from the inside. J. D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and class decline feels like when you were born with it hung around your neck. The Vance family story begins hopefully in postwar America. J. D.’s grandparents were “dirt poor and in love,” and moved north from Kentucky’s Appalachia region to Ohio in the hopes of escaping the dreadful poverty around them. They raised a middle-class family, and eventually their grandchild (the author) would graduate from Yale Law School, a conventional marker of their success in achieving generational upward mobility. But as the family saga of Hillbilly Elegy plays out, we learn that this is only the short, superficial version. Vance’s grandparents, aunt, uncle, sister, and, most of all, his mother, struggled profoundly with the demands of their new middle-class life, and were never able to fully escape the legacy of abuse, alcoholism, poverty, and trauma so characteristic of their part of America. Vance piercingly shows how he himself still carries around the demons of their chaotic family history. A deeply moving memoir with its share of humor and vividly colorful figures, Hillbilly Elegy is the story of how upward mobility really feels. And it is an urgent and troubling meditation on the loss of the American dream for a large segment of this country.",USD 27.99,9780062300546,0062300547 read,2017-04-17T09:19:56Z,10594,8.3,[日] 村上春树,精装,247,南海出版公司,我的职业是小说家,,"村上春树,日本作家。生于1949年。29岁开始写作,处女作《且听风吟》获日本群像新人奖。1987年出版的《挪威的森林》,日文版销量突破1000万册。2009年出版的《1Q84》被誉为“新千年日本文学的里程碑”。2013年4月,《没有色彩的多崎作和他的巡礼之年》面世,七天 突破100万册,创日本文学史上最快突破100万册的纪录。写作之余,热衷翻译英语文学、跑步、爵士乐等。 译者 施小炜,翻译家、学者,旅日多年。译有《老师的提包》《1Q84》《当我谈跑步时,我谈些什么》《天黑以后》《没有色彩的多崎作和他的巡礼之年》等。","《我的职业是小说家》是村上春树首部自传性作品,历时六年完成。 一个人,写作三十五年,十三部长篇小说,超过五十种语言译本。虽然拥有享誉世界的知名度,但关于村上春树,许多事情始终包裹在神秘的面纱中:他是怎样下定决心走上职业小说家之路?对他来说,人生中幸福的事是什么?究竟如何看待芥川奖与诺贝尔文学奖…… 小说家看似风光,却是份孤独的职业。三十五年来,村上春树在孤独中编织着美妙动人的故事。他以十二章肺腑之言,真挚诚恳又不失幽默地讲述自己写作道路上的故事,和追逐梦想与幸福的人生往事。 不论是作为声名显赫的作家,还是认真生活的普通人,他的故事都为人们带来信心和勇气。《我的职业是小说家》就是村上春树热爱生活、追求梦想的真实写照。",45.00元,9787544285377,7544285375 read,2017-04-10T09:54:30Z,1544,7.9,[日] 村上春树,精装,214,上海译文出版社,边境 近境,,,"《边境·近境》是村上春树的游记,时间为1990-1995年,游历地区有墨西哥、美国、中国以及日本,其中1991年的中国东北之行是他唯一一次的中国旅行,激发了他后来创作其最大规模长篇小说《奇鸟行状录》的灵感,《边境·近境》对他的创作生涯意义犹为重大。 村上的游记具有个人特色,他几乎不写人所熟知的名胜古迹,而是与普通居民共同生活,描写他们的日常工作、饮食起居等,以及他们的所思所想,富有深度感,对读者了解这些国家的真实状况有很大帮助,文笔也幽默有趣,可读性很强。",25.00元,9787532754564,7532754561 read,2017-04-07T19:26:27Z,16512,8.0,[日] 村上春树,平装,148,上海译文出版社,东京奇谭集,,村上春树(1949- ),日本小说家。曾在早稻田大学文学部戏剧科就读。1979年,他的第一部小说《听风之歌》问世后,即被搬上了银幕。随后,他的优秀作品《1973年的弹子球》、《寻羊冒险记》、《挪威的森林》等相继发表。他的创作不受传统拘束,构思新奇,行文潇洒自在,而又不流于庸俗浅薄。尤其是在刻画人的孤独无奈方面更有特色,他没有把这种情绪写成负的东西,而是通过内心的心智性操作使之升华为一种优雅的格调,一种乐在其中的境界,以此来为读者,尤其是生活在城市里的人们提供了一种生活模式或生命的体验。,"《东京奇谭集》收有五部短篇小说,分别为《偶然的旅人》、《哈纳莱伊湾》、《在可能找见的地方,无论哪里》、《天天移动的肾脏石块》和《品川猴》。五篇奇谭中最奇的是最后一篇《品川猴》。一个叫安藤瑞纪的年轻女子得了一种“忘名症”,每星期有一两次想不起自己的名字,几经周折,查明“忘名症”起因于一只猴……虽说是“奇谭”,但村上春树在小说中讨论的仍然是形而上的人生问题。 谭通谈,奇谭即奇谈、奇闻之意。众所周知,村上小说的篇名大多声东击西,避实就虚,而这部短篇集却表里如一,果然是发生在东京的奇谭。小说通过偶然性突出了人生命运的神秘感。 在这部短篇集里,村上春树一如既往,依然在不动声色地拆除着现实与非现实或此岸世界与彼岸世界之间的篱笆,依然像鹰一样在潜意识王国上空盘旋着,寻找更深更暗的底层,依然力图从庸常的世俗生活中剥离出灵魂信息和人性机微。",13.00元,9787532740536,7532740536 read,2017-04-02T08:38:29Z,76,8.5,Neil Gaiman,Hardcover,256,W. W. Norton & Company,Norse Mythology,,,"Introducing an instant classic―master storyteller Neil Gaiman presents a dazzling version of the great Norse myths. Neil Gaiman has long been inspired by ancient mythology in creating the fantastical realms of his fiction. Now he turns his attention back to the source, presenting a bravura rendition of the great northern tales. In Norse Mythology, Gaiman stays true to the myths in envisioning the major Norse pantheon: Odin, the highest of the high, wise, daring, and cunning; Thor, Odin’s son, incredibly strong yet not the wisest of gods; and Loki―son of a giant―blood brother to Odin and a trickster and unsurpassable manipulator. Gaiman fashions these primeval stories into a novelistic arc that begins with the genesis of the legendary nine worlds and delves into the exploits of deities, dwarfs, and giants. Once, when Thor’s hammer is stolen, Thor must disguise himself as a woman―difficult with his beard and huge appetite―to steal it back. More poignant is the tale in which the blood of Kvasir―the most sagacious of gods―is turned into a mead that infuses drinkers with poetry. The work culminates in Ragnarok, the twilight of the gods and rebirth of a new time and people. Through Gaiman’s deft and witty prose emerge these gods with their fiercely competitive natures, their susceptibility to being duped and to duping others, and their tendency to let passion ignite their actions, making these long-ago myths breathe pungent life again.",USD 25.95,9780393609097,039360909X read,2017-03-28T09:06:23Z,1182,9.3,Peter Hessler,Hardcover,512,Harper,Oracle Bones,,"Letters From China Review by JONATHAN SPENCE Published: April 30, 2006 HOW can one catch today's China in words? It is a country in constant motion, defying the laws of economic gravity, reaching out insistently around the world for raw materials to fuel its growth, eating up its land and its past, enticing outsiders to help it achieve new levels of wealth and power, opening up class fissures that were thought to be closed, testing the limits of rapid urban growth while giving its people chances for self-exploration and intellectual transformation they have not known for over half a century. Fortunately, Peter Hessler has not been dismayed by the challenge. Instead, after teaching English and freelancing as a journalist, he decided to give up the world of deadlines and throw himself into this boisterous hurly-burly of noise and images as the Beijing correspondent for The New Yorker. Serenely confident, he has a marvelous sense of the intonations and gestures that give life to the moment; he knows when to join in the action and when simply to wait for things to happen. Today's China could have been made for him. If you don't believe me, dip into the chapters in ""Oracle Bones"" called ""Starch"" and ""Wonton Western,"" which focus on the worlds of industry in Manchuria and film-making on the edge of the Tarim Basin. You will be hooked. Hessler must have spent a good deal of mental energy developing a structure for his book, determined to strike an aesthetic balance between the personal lives of the individual Chinese whose stories he tells and the physical and historical spaces they inhabit. He achieved this by constructing a narrative scaffolding some readers may initially find distracting. But rest assured: everything soon falls into place. What you might call the horizontal level is provided by 24 chapters covering Hessler's experiences in China from May 1999 (when the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was bombed by American planes during NATO's intervention in the Balkans) to June 2002 (when Hessler, on a return trip to the United States, visited two elderly Chinese scholars at a retirement home in Reston, Va.). Intersecting these modern chapters are 13 others, the vertical shafts that Hessler calls ""Artifacts"" since each is related to events deep in China's past — or to those who excavate and study that past. The ""oracle bones"" of Hessler's title, found in profusion in and around the ancient city of Anyang, date from the second millennium B.C. and are incised with divination texts written in the first known form of what we now call Chinese. When the diviners applied searing heat to the bones — many were in fact the flat lower carapace of tortoises — the surfaces cracked, yielding patterns that predicted the chance of success for a given enterprise. Though the inscriptions are often brief and fragmentary, they are a source of passionate interest to scholars, both Chinese and Western. They also provide a rich metaphor for the search for meaning in China's past — and for prognostications about its future. In these separate ""Archives"" chapters, Hessler plays elaborate and intriguing games with the possibilities of the bones: with the scholars who have excavated and interpreted them and with the Chinese written language as it developed from these beginnings. Elsewhere, Hessler offers unexpected views of the West. Particularly chilling is a vivid portrait of hostility to the United States, in part due to the Belgrade bombing and the downing of an American spy plane two years later, that spilled out in the days after 9/11, when China was flooded with doctored DVD's of the wrecked twin towers and the damaged Pentagon, interspersed with clips from miscellaneous Hollywood disaster films and vignettes of American leaders uttering random, often unintelligible, pronouncements. A good part of the modern story line is provided by the coming-of-age of three of Hessler's Chinese students from his language-teaching days in Sichuan Province in the late 1990's (the subject of his first book, ""River Town""), conveyed through their letters and their occasional meetings. Written in an English that is idiomatic and frank with just occasional slips of usage or spelling, the students' letters are entrancing and genuinely moving. (""My parents and relatives all wanted to introduce girlfriends to me,"" one of his former student wrote. ""So they introduced one and one, but the one and one passed me and didn't become my wife."") The students provide an absorbing view of the difficulties faced by young Chinese from remote provinces as they try to find decent jobs in the sweatshops and the sleazily managed schools of boom areas like Shenzhen or Wenzhou. Their new world is fiercely competitive: through their eyes, Hessler shows us the difficulties of maintaining honesty in the cutthroat system of present-day China. Their stories also contain intriguing subsidiary characters like the radio-show call-in hostesses, often from rural backgrounds themselves, whose sympathy and common-sense advice play a crucial role in boosting the morale of hundreds of thousands of migrants. Appearing at intervals in various locales is another figure who also provides narrative continuity: a middle-aged Uighur from Xinjiang Province whom Hessler calls Polat, to prevent him from being identified by the authorities in either China or the United States. Polat and Hessler became friends in the spring of 1999 in a Uighur restaurant in Beijing, after Polat defended Hessler against Chinese diners angered by the Belgrade bombing. The Uighurs, many of whom are Muslim and have distinctly un-Chinese features, have been designated as one of the state's official ""minority peoples."" Some are also separatists and support the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, which the Chinese government eventually persuaded the United States to designate a terrorist organization. Though Polat does not seem to have had terrorist contacts, he operated a host of illegal commercial activities, including black-market money-changing. He and Hessler, both stuck in grubby and unattractive lodgings, used to meet at a restaurant in the former Russian section of Beijing for beer and dumplings and to talk about the world. Some time later, a Chinese ""visa consultant"" created a fictitious identity for Polat, which enabled him to obtain a visa and enter the United States. After a brief stopover in Oklahoma, he moved to Washington, D.C., and found a job delivering takeout Asian food. His is an astonishing story, full of racial tensions, finely told — and not one to inspire readers who are security-conscious. Demonstrating his versatility, Hessler intersperses Polat's story and those of his other Chinese acquaintances with accounts of the different archaeologists who featured in the hunt for and decipherment of the oracle bones. Here too there are dark ripples, some of them circling out from the death of one of China's finest scholars, Chen Mengjia, who was denounced as a ""Rightist"" in 1957 and committed suicide during the Cultural Revolution. At least one of those who denounced him is still living, and in a rare burst of moralistic posturing, Hessler confronts him, pushing him to make a confession of regret. Hessler is surely right about the echoes that still vibrate from China's unvarnished past. The bones, like the country, need endless deciphering. But as an 80-year-old Chinese scholar, who suffered humiliations of his own, says to Hessler, there is little point in trying to settle old scores. ""The things that people said and wrote in those days don't count,"" he explains. ""The ones who criticized me the harshest, I hardly remember them. I don't hate them."" The bones, like the lives of China's people, can swirl into unexpected conjunctions.","From the acclaimed author of River Town comes a rare portrait, both intimate and epic, of twenty-first-century China as it opens its doors to the outside world. A century ago, outsiders saw Chinaas a place where nothing ever changes. Today the coun-try has become one of the most dynamic regions on earth. That sense of time—the contrast between past and present, and the rhythms that emerge in a vast, ever-evolving country—is brilliantly illuminated by Peter Hessler in Oracle Bones , a book that explores the human side of China's transformation. Hessler tells the story of modern-day China and its growing links to the Western world as seen through the lives of a handful of ordinary people. In addition to the author, an American writer living in Beijing, the narrative follows Polat, a member of a forgotten ethnic minority, who moves to the United States in searchof freedom; William Jefferson Foster, who grew up in an illiterate family and becomes a teacher; Emily,a migrant factory worker in a city without a past; and Chen Mengjia, a scholar of oracle-bone inscriptions, the earliest known writing in East Asia, and a man whosetragic story has been lost since the Cultural Revolution. All are migrants, emigrants, or wanderers who find themselves far from home, their lives dramatically changed by historical forces they are struggling to understand. Peter Hessler excavates the past and puts a remarkable human face on the history he uncovers. In a narrative that gracefully moves between the ancient and the present, the East and the West, Hessler captures the soul of a country that is undergoing a momentous change before our eyes.",USD 26.95,9780060826581,0060826584 read,2017-03-26T06:18:35Z,16621,8.9,白先勇,精装,392,广西师范大学出版社,台北人,,白先勇,小说家、散文家、评论家、剧作家。1937年生,广西桂林人。台湾大学外文系毕业,美国爱荷华大学“作家工作室”(Writer's Workshop)文学创作硕士。他的小说被译成英、法、德、意、日、韩等多种语言文字,在海内外拥有读者无数。著有短篇小说集《寂寞的十七岁》、《台北人》、《纽约客》,长篇小说《孽子》,散文集《蓦然回首》、《明星咖啡馆》、《第六只手指》、《树犹如此》,电影剧本《金大班的最后一夜》、《玉卿嫂》、《孤恋花》、《最后的贵族》等,重新整理明代大剧作家汤显祖的戏曲《牡丹亭》、高濂《玉簪记》,并撰有父亲白崇禧及家族传记。,作为20世纪中文小说100强的《台北人》,是一部深具复杂性的短篇小说集,由十四个一流的短篇小说构成,串联成一体,则效果遽然增加,不但小说之幅面变广,使我们看到社会之“众生相”,更重要的,由于主题命意之一再重复,与互相陪衬辅佐,使我们能更进一步深入了解作品之含义,并使我们得以一窥隐藏在作品内的作者之人生观与宇宙观。《台北人》之人物,可以说囊括了台北都市社会之各阶层:从年迈挺拔的儒将朴公(《梁父吟》)到退休了的女仆顺恩嫂(《思旧赋》),从上流社会的窦夫人(《游园惊梦》)到下流社会的“总司令”(《孤恋花》)。有知识分子,如《冬夜》之余嵚磊教授;有商人,如《花桥荣记》之老板娘;有帮佣工人,如《那血一般红的杜鹃花》之王雄;有军队里的人,如《岁除》之赖鸣升;有社交界名女,如尹雪艳;有低级舞女,如金大班。这些“大”人物、“中”人物与“小”人物,来自中国大陆不同的省籍或都市(上海、南京、四川、湖南、桂林、北平等),他们贫富悬殊,行业各异,但没有一个不背负着一段沉重的、斩不断的往事。而这份“过去”,这份“记忆”,或多或少与中华民国成立到大陆沦陷那段“忧患重重的时代”,有直接的关系。,38.00元,9787563397648,7563397647 read,2017-03-21T08:56:07Z,70,8.0,Ruth Ozeki,Hardcover,432,Viking Books,A Tale for the Time Being,,,"A brilliant, unforgettable, and long-awaited novel from bestselling author Ruth Ozeki “Atime being is someone who lives in time, and that means you, and me, and every one of us who is, or was, or ever will be.” In Tokyo, sixteen-year-old Nao has decided there’s only one escape from her aching loneliness and her classmates’ bullying. But before she ends it all, Nao first plans to document the life of her great grandmother, a Buddhist nun who’s lived more than a century. A diary is Nao’s only solace—and will touch lives in ways she can scarcely imagine. Across the Pacific, we meet Ruth, a novelist living on a remote island who discovers a collection of artifacts washed ashore in a Hello Kitty lunchbox—possibly debris from the devastating 2011 tsunami. As the mystery of its contents unfolds, Ruth is pulled into the past, into Nao’s drama and her unknown fate, and forward into her own future. Full of Ozeki’s signature humor and deeply engaged with the relationship between writer and reader, past and present, fact and fiction, quantum physics, history, and myth, A Tale for the Time Being is a brilliantly inventive, beguiling story of our shared humanity and the search for home.",GBP 19.03,9780670026630,0670026638 reading,2017-03-19T23:02:43Z,4158,8.4,人民教育出版社; 光村图书出版株式会社 编,平装,NA,人民教育出版社,中日交流标准日本语(新版初级上下册),,人民教育出版社、日本光村图书出版株,"这本书是1988年出版的《中日交流标准日本语初级上、下》的修订本,是人民教育出版衬与日本光村图书出版株式会通力合作、精心编写的一套日语自学读本。 由知名的日本语学、汉学以及日语教育界的学者执笔,充分考虑到中国读者学习日语的需要,既注重打好基础,也不忽视实用性。与旧版相比,在内容、场景等方面进行了调。为了提高读者与日本人交流时用日语介绍中国社会、文化背景的能力,将初级上册的场景设在日本,下册的场景移至中国,使话题更加丰富,内容更加充实。 初级上、下两册的程度,相当于日本国际交流基金会和日本国际教育支援协会举办的日本语能力测试的3级水平。",63.90元,9787107185069,7107185063 read,2017-03-15T08:26:43Z,9094,8.6,白先勇,精装,276,广西师范大学出版社,纽约客,,白先勇,小说家,散文家、评论家、剧作家。1937年生,广西桂林人。台湾大学外文系毕业,美国爱荷华大学“作家工作室”(Writer's Workshop)文学创作硕士。著有短篇小说集《寂寞的十七岁》、《台北人》、《纽约客》,长篇小说《孽子》,散文集《蓦然回首》、《明星咖啡馆》、《第六只手指》、《树犹如此》,舞台剧剧本《游园惊梦》,电影剧本《金大班的最后一夜》、《玉卿嫂》、《孤恋花》、《最后的贵族》等,重新整理代大剧作家汤显祖的戏曲《牡丹亭》、高濂《玉簪记》,并撰有父亲白崇禧及家庭传记。,《纽约客》是白先勇在六十年代就已着手创作的小说系列,《纽约客》之名或许借自美国著名文学杂志New Yorker,却与《台北人》正好成为一个浑成的佳对。从收录在《纽约客》尔雅版这个集子中的六篇小说来看,《谪仙记》和《谪仙怨》写于二十世纪六十年代,《夜曲》和《骨灰》发表在二十世纪七、八十年代,《Danny Boy》和《Tea for Two》则是最近几年创作的作品。仔细对照这些分属不同时期的小说,或许可以发现,体现在白先勇《纽约客》中的创作立场,经历了一个从上个世纪的国族(中国)立场,到近年来的世界主义的变化过程。,32.00元,9787563397631,7563397639 read,2017-03-13T08:55:17Z,178420,8.9,[日] 东野圭吾,精装,251,南海出版公司,嫌疑人X的献身,,"东野圭吾,日本著名作家。1958年生于大阪。1985年,以第31届江户川乱步奖获奖作品《放学后》出道,开始扬名立万。20年作品逾60部,几乎囊括了日本所有大奖,1998年,《秘密》获第52届日本推理作家协会奖,入围第120届直木奖;1999年,《白夜行》入围第122届直木奖;2001年,《暗恋》入围第125届直木奖;2003年,《信》入围第129届直木奖。2006年,《嫌疑人X的献身》终于捧得日本文学最高荣誉直木奖。 前期作品多写得精巧细致,随着写作功底浸润日深,尤其是《白夜行》之后,笔锋日渐老辣:文字鲜加雕琢,叙述简练凶狠,情节跌宕诡异,故事架构几至匪夷所思的地步。至巅峰之作《嫌疑人X的献身》,叙事与推理,均已炉火纯青:最好的诡计、无懈可击的推理、恰当的伏笔,以及最普通但最不易猜透的悬念,受到大奖评委的莫大青睐,同时获得直木奖和本格推理小说大奖,更受到评论界、媒体和广大读者的如潮好评,创造了日本推理小说史上绝无仅有的奇迹——同时摘得“这本小说了不起”、“本格推理小说Top 10”、“周刊文艺推理小说Top 10”三大推理小说排行榜年度总冠军。","百年一遇的数学天才石神,每天唯一的乐趣,便是去固定的便当店买午餐,只为看一眼在便当店做事的邻居靖子。 靖子与女儿相依为命,失手杀了前来纠缠的前夫。石神提出由他料理善后。石神设了一个匪夷所思的局,令警方始终只能在外围敲敲打打,根本无法与案子沾边。石神究竟使用了什么手法?",28.00,9787544241694,7544241696 read,2017-03-11T02:44:44Z,475,8.3,唐诺,平装,314,广西师范大学出版社,眼前,,"唐诺 本名谢材俊,一九五八年生于台湾宜兰,毕业于台湾大学历史系。 曾与朱天文、朱天心等共组著名文学团体“三三集刊”,后任职出版公司数年。 近年专事写作,曾获多种文学奖项,朱天文誉之为“一个谦逊的博学者、聆听者和发想者”。 2013年出版散文力作《尽头》,探索极限和人的现实处境,获评《亚洲周刊》年度十大好书与台湾金鼎奖。","像是安排一趟远行,设定的目标是《左传》,想办法在那里生活一整年,不一样的人,不一样的话语,不一样的周遭世界及其经常处境,不一样的忧烦和希望……远游回来,就是这本《眼前》了,我的读《左传》之书。 我设想每个人的视线都是一道道光、一次次的直线,孤独的,能穿透也会被遮挡,能照 亮开来某个点、某条路径却也总是迷途于广漠的幽深暗黑空间里时间里——春秋时日那些人的眼前,《左传》作者的眼前,我的眼前,我希望能把它们叠放一起;我想象这些纵横四散的直线能相交驳,这样我们就可望得到一个一个珍罕的定点,知道自己身在何时何处,这也是最基本最简单的“定位”方式。 《左传》这样一部破旧沉厚的阖上之书,仍让我感觉蓄着风雷,有我还不知道以及永远不可能知道的某些东西,好像还听得到远方隐隐滚动的雷声。 ——唐诺 唐诺反复出入《左传》的世界,一次次试图走入子产、赵武、申公巫臣乃至孔子、左丘明等历史人物的内心世界,探索春秋时代最杰出的头脑在其时其地究竟看到、想到了什么,他们某一言行究竟有着何种深远的积淀与思考,从而认出藏在历史缝隙里最好的人最好的事,也让春秋时代呈现出一个更为复杂深邃、立体可感的世界。情欲之事、鬼神之说、弭兵之会、小国家的大灵魂、两千多年前的梦、春秋战国的繁花般思维……由此出发,作者旁征博引,以文学的视角,围绕八个问题进行叩问和延伸,令人惊叹地将实然历史变成哲学思索的场域,陈旧的千年文本开始荡漾进此时此刻,是为《眼前》。",CNY 39.00,9787549573721,7549573727 read,2017-03-05T23:40:37Z,6963,7.3,马伯庸,平装,400,北京联合出版公司,古董局中局 4,,马伯庸,著名作家,公认的“文字鬼才”,功底扎实,文风多变,作品广为流传。曾获2010年人民文学奖、第二届朱自清散文奖。代表作《古董局中局》入选第四届中国“图书势力榜”文学类年度十大好书。,"揭开全部悬念!马伯庸《古董局中局》系列大结局! 青花瓷起源于唐宋,在元明达到鼎盛,其质地绝美,令无数人倾心。然而随着时间的流逝,青花瓷渐渐湮灭于历史长河之中,被人遗忘。直至数百年后,一件 “鬼谷子下山”青花瓷罐横空出世,引得古董界各路人士倾巢出动,不择手段去得到它…… “鬼谷子下山”“刘备三顾茅庐”“周亚夫屯兵细柳营”“西厢记焚香拜月”“尉迟恭单骑救主”——几件看似毫不相干的历史文化事件,却因为同一组青花瓷宝罐而紧密联系在一起,每一件宝罐晶莹闪烁的青蓝背后,都掩埋着一件沉重壮烈的往事,而一段往事的各种细节里,也都隐藏着一个鲜为人知的线索。只有收齐散落天下的数个宝罐,破解其中的线索,才能开启古玩界时隔数百年之久的惊天秘闻…… 北京古董店的小老板许愿,又一次卷进了青花瓷宝罐的事件当中,而对他来说,死对头“老朝奉”的真实面目也只剩最后一层薄纱。与此同时,国内外各方势力均对这几件青花瓷宝罐势在必得,纷纷使尽浑身解数,走上了这场最终夺宝的舞台,而那些从数百年前就种下的几代人的恩仇爱恨,也都将在小人物许愿的身上一一兑现……",42.00元,9787550264601,7550264600 read,2017-03-04T11:12:02Z,8140,7.7,马伯庸,平装,304,北京联合出版公司,古董局中局 3,,马伯庸,著名作家,公认的“文字鬼才”,功底扎实,文风多变,作品广为流传。曾获2010年人民文学奖、朱自清散文奖。代表作《古董局中局》入选第四届中国“图书势力榜”文学类年度十大好书。,"1909年,慈禧入葬东陵。据她的心腹太监李莲英记载,随葬玉石有700多件,又倒入4升珍珠、2000多块宝石填棺,总价值超过纹银5000万两,东陵的豪华气派压倒紫禁城。而这一切,都在孙殿英炮轰慈禧墓时,暴露在了军阀面前…… 巨额的财富,吸引了各方势力的关注。想重夺权势的清朝宗室、有军队却缺粮饷的各路军阀、见钱眼开的文物贩子和一直觊觎着中国文化的日本侵略者,纷纷加入角逐,各施神通布下重重圈套,大鱼吃小鱼。 在这些血腥的势力面前,有一个人毅然挺身而出,想要力挽狂澜保住东陵。不是为了慈禧,也不是为了名利,而是为了守住中国的文化,更是为了一段生死托付的约定……",32.00元,9787550235861,7550235864 read,2017-03-02T11:54:43Z,9407,7.4,马伯庸,平装,304,江苏文艺出版社,古董局中局 2,,马伯庸,著名作家,公认的“文字鬼才”,功底扎实,文风多变,作品广为流传。曾获2010年人民文学奖。,"古董造假、字画仿冒,古已有之。东晋时,康昕仿冒王羲之的书法真迹,连他儿子王献之也辨认不出来;宋朝皇帝宋徽宗喜欢造假,仿制了一大批商代的青铜兵器,摆在宫廷里,乐此不疲。 在古董斑驳的纹理中,承载着一个民族的文化,一个时代的风貌,它的价值,不是金钱可以衡量的,但可怜的人类却只会用金钱去衡量它。 而本来一文不值的东西,精心涂抹一番,就可以价值连城;巨大的利益,令无数人铤而走险,更有一些家族,父传子,子传孙,世世代代在这个晦暗不明、凶险万状的江湖上营生。 《清明上河图》自张择端献给宋徽宗后,辗转数十手,经历了元世祖、文宗、徽宗、明世宗、穆宗、神宗、清嘉庆、道光、咸丰、同治、宣统,最终由末代皇帝溥仪带到东北,13个皇帝曾将它视作珍宝,更吸引了近千年来无数胆大妄为的江洋大盗,拼上身家性命,要将它占为己有。它四度被收入皇宫,又四度被盗出宫,直到…… 许愿从来没有想过,像自己这样的小人物,居然会和《清明上河图》这样的国宝车上关系,但是有一天…… 翻开本书,了解古董行当里的文化传承与江湖险恶。",32,9787539964720,7539964723 read,2017-03-01T08:13:58Z,15477,7.5,马伯庸,平装,320,凤凰出版社,古董局中局,,马伯庸:著名作家,公认的“文字鬼才”,功底扎实,文风多变,作品广为流传。曾获2005年度中国科幻银河奖读者提名奖和2010年人民文学奖散文奖。,"这是一部关于古董鉴定、收藏、造假、设局的百科全书式小说。 字画、青铜、金石、瓷器…… 每一件古董背后,都是深厚的历史积淀和文化传承; 而每一件仿冒品背后,都是机关算尽的机巧和匪夷所思的圈套。 古董造假、字画仿冒,古已有之。东晋时,康昕仿冒王羲之的书法真迹,连他儿子王献之也辨认不出来;宋朝皇帝宋徽宗喜欢造假,仿制了一大批商代的青铜兵器,摆在宫廷里,乐此不疲。 在古董斑驳的纹理中,承载着一个民族的文化,一个时代的风貌,它的价值,不是金钱可以衡量的,但可怜的人类却只会用金钱去衡量它。 而本来一文不值的东西,精心涂抹一番,就可以价值连城;巨大的利益,令无数人铤而走险,更有一些家族,父传子,子传孙,世世代代在这个晦暗不明、凶险万状的江湖上营生。 许愿就是这样一个家族的传人,北京城琉璃厂一家古董店的店主,30岁,平时靠家传的半本鉴宝书混饭吃,青铜玉器、字画金石,一眼就断得出真伪,说得出渊源传承,靠这点儿绝活,过着平静而滋润的日子。 但有一天,一个突然到来的访客,把他带进了一个做梦都想不到的阴谋中,一件坊间传说的稀世珍宝,竟然和自己有着千丝万缕的联系,一个几十年前做的局,竟然已经编排进自己的命运。许愿将使出浑身解数,置身生死之间,和蛰伏了几十年的各方神圣斗智斗勇,和古董江湖里造假做局的各种奇技淫巧一一遭遇…… 翻开本书,了解古董行当里的文化传承与江湖险恶。",32.00元,9787550614871,7550614873 reading,2017-02-26T02:46:53Z,41,9.3,(宋)袁枢,平装,NA,中华书局,通鉴纪事本末,,宋袁枢撰。枢字机仲,建州建安(今福建建瓯县)人,生于宋高宗绍兴元年(公元一一三一),卒于宋宁宗开禧元年(公元一二零五)。孝宗初,试礼部词赋敌意,调温州判官,后为礼部试官。乾道九年(公元一一七三),出为严州教授,《通鉴纪事本末》就是在这个时期编纂的。嗣任太府丞兼国史馆编修官,累迁工部侍郎兼国子监祭酒,知江陵府。,全十二册。,18.00元,,SH11018-241 wish,2017-02-18T23:17:25Z,57,9.3,David Foster Wallace,Paperback,368,Back Bay Books,A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again,,,"In this exuberantly praised book - a collection of seven pieces on subjects ranging from television to tennis, from the Illinois State Fair to the films of David Lynch, from postmodern literary theory to the supposed fun of traveling aboard a Caribbean luxury cruiseliner - David Foster Wallace brings to nonfiction the same curiosity, hilarity, and exhilarating verbal facility that has delighted readers of his fiction, including the bestselling Infinite Jest .",GBP 9.07,9780316925280,0316925284 reading,2017-02-17T09:37:55Z,6,0.0,Stephen Breyer,Hardcover,400,Knopf,The Court and the World,,,,USD 27.95,9781101946190,1101946199 wish,2017-02-13T00:26:45Z,2404,8.2,张辰亮,精装,240,中信出版社/中国国家地理·图书,海错图笔记,,"张辰亮 专注科学传播的“博物君”,550万+粉丝心中的“什么都知道”。 昆虫学硕士,《博物》杂志编辑、官方微博账号运营者,科普作者,为各大媒体撰写过百余篇科普文章。 擅长用幽默的文字为网友鉴定物种,热衷园艺手作,尤其喜欢使用灵魂画作为粉丝答疑解惑。","海错的“错”,是种类繁多、错杂的意思。 清代画家兼生物爱好者聂璜绘制的《海错图》,共描绘了300多种生物,几乎涵盖无脊椎动物门和脊索动物门的大部分主要类群,还记载了不少海滨植物,是一本颇具现代博物学风格的奇书。 但时代所限,书中也有很多不靠谱之处,比如有些动物聂璜未曾亲见,仅根据别人描述绘制的外形,就会有很大失真。关于生物习性的记载,也是真假混杂。 正因如此,当我开始用今天生物学的角度,对《海错图》中的生物进行分析考证,从他的文字和画作中发现蛛丝马迹,辨别真伪,一步一步推理分析后,鉴定出画中生物的真身——这就像在破案一样,非常过瘾。 在这期间,我还去了辽宁、福建、广东、广西、天津及日本、泰国等地搜集素材、实地考证……到今天一年半多了,不知不觉也写了30篇文章。“破译”还将继续,先集为一本《海错图笔记》,大家看着玩儿。 在本书中,我采用了中国传统本草书的分类法,把书中生物归为“介部、鳞部、虫部、禽部”4类,以展示古人是怎样给生物分类的。有海洋生物的科普,有故纸堆里的考据,有中国人和大海之间的逸事,也有一些我个人的絮叨。说白了,就是我读《海错图》时做的30篇笔记。如果你看完后,觉得这是一本有意思、有意义的书,那我就很高兴了。 ——张辰亮",68.00元,9787508669069,7508669061 read,2017-02-13T00:24:37Z,586,8.5,Dale Carnegie,Mass Market Paperback,276,Simon & Schuster (New York),How To Win Friends And Influence People,,," ",GBP 5.50,9780671723651,0671723650 read,2017-02-06T05:50:05Z,1603,9.2,Peter Hessler,Paperback,418,Harper Perennial,River Town,,"Peter Hessler is a staff writer at The New Yorker, where he served as the Beijing correspondent from 2000 to 2007, and is also a contributing writer for National Geographic. He is the author of River Town, which won the Kiriyama Prize; Oracle Bones, which was a finalist for the National Book Award; and, most recently, Country Driving. He won the 2008 National Magazine Award for excellence in reporting, and he was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2011. He lives in Cairo. Biography Peter Hessler, one of four children, was born in 1969, in Pittsburgh, but moved shortly thereafter to Columbia, Missouri. His father is a recently retired professor of sociology at the University of Missouri, and his mother teaches history at Columbia College. Hessler attended Princeton University, where he majored in English and Creative Writing. The summer before graduation, he worked as a researcher for the Kellogg Foundation in southeastern Missouri, where he wrote a long ethnography about a small town called Sikeston. This became his first significant publication, appearing in the Journal for Applied Anthropology. In 1992, Hessler entered Oxford University, where he studied English Language and Literature at Mansfield College. After graduating in 1994, he traveled for six month in Europe and Asia. One of the highlights of that trip was taking the trans-Siberian train from Moscow to Beijing. That journey resulted in his first published travel story, an essay that appeared in The New York Times in 1995. And that journey was his first introduction to China. He spent the following year freelancing and attempting to write a book about his travels. Although the book didn't work out, he was able to publish travel stories in a range of newspapers, including The New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Washington Post, and The Newark Star-Ledger, among others. In 1995, he received the Stratton Fellowship, a grant from the Friends of Switzerland and spent two months hiking 650 miles across the Alps. Afterwards he continued to freelance, writing travel stories for American newspapers while teaching freshman composition at the University of Missouri. He also organized volunteer projects for students on campus. In 1996 he joined the Peace Corps and was sent to China. For two years, he taught English at a small college in Fuling, a city on the Yangtze River. While living in Fuling, he studied Mandarin Chinese and became proficient in the language. After completing his Peace Corps service in 1998, he traveled to Tibet, where he researched a long article, ""Tibet Through Chinese Eyes,"" which appeared in the Atlantic Monthly in February of 1999. Following that trip, he returned to Missouri and wrote River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze. While working on the book, he continued to write travel stories for The New York Times and other newspapers. In March of 1999, Hessler decided to return to China independently and try to establish himself as a freelance writer. Over the following years, he traveled widely in China and freelanced for a variety of publications. For a brief spell, he was accredited as the Boston Globe stringer in Beijing. In 2000, The New Yorker began publishing some of his stories; the following year, he became the first New Yorker correspondent to be accredited as a full-time resident correspondent in the People's Republic. In 2000, Hessler also started researching stories for National Geographic Magazine. The first assignment was a story about Xi'an archaeology, which sparked his interest in researching antiquities. Subsequently he accepted an assignment for a story about China's bronze-age cultures, which led to his interest of the oracle bones of the Anyang excavations. River Town was published in 2001. It won the Kiriyama Prize for outstanding nonfiction book about the Pacific Rim and South Asia. It was also a finalist for the Barnes & Noble Discover award, and in the United Kingdom it was shortlisted for the Thomas Cook Travel Book Award. The book has been translated into Korean, Thai, and Hungarian. The Hungarian translation won the Elle Literary Prize for nonfiction in 2004. Peter Hessler's magazine stories have been selected for the Best American Travel Writing anthologies of 2001, 2004 and 2005, and also for the Best American Sports Writing anthology of 2004. ""Chasing the Wall,"" a National Geographic story published in 2003, was nominated for a National Magazine Award. Hessler first conceived of Oracle Bones at the end of 2001 and spent the next four years researching and writing the book. He currently lives in Beijing. Author biography courtesy of HarperCollins. Good To Know ""The only steady job I ever held in journalism was delivering the Columbia Missourian,"" Hessler revealed in our interview. ""I knew I wanted to be a writer since I was sixteen years old. Mary Racine, who taught sophomore English at Hickman High School, first encouraged me to take writing seriously. Mary Ann Gates taught juniors and Khaki Westerfield taught seniors; they were all remarkable teachers It makes a big difference to be encouraged at such an early stage.""","A New York Times Notable Book Winner of the Kiriyama Book Prize In the heart of China's Sichuan province, amid the terraced hills of the Yangtze River valley, lies the remote town of Fuling. Like many other small cities in this ever-evolving country, Fuling is heading down a new path of change and growth, which came into remarkably sharp focus when Peter Hessler arrived as a Peace Corps volunteer, marking the first time in more than half a century that the city had an American resident. Hessler taught English and American literature at the local college, but it was his students who taught him about the complex processes of understanding that take place when one is immersed in a radically different society. Poignant, thoughtful, funny, and enormously compelling, River Town is an unforgettable portrait of a city that is seeking to understand both what it was and what it someday will be. Third-place winner of Barnes & Noble's 2001 Discover Great New Writers Award for Nonfiction",USD 15.99,9780060855024,0060855029 reading,2017-01-25T15:18:41Z,5,0.0,林语堂,平装,NA,长江文艺出版社,老子的智慧,,林语堂(1895—1976),一代国学大师,中国首位诺贝尔文学奖被提名人。著有《吾国与吾民》《生活的艺术》《京华烟云》等,并将孔孟老庄哲学和陶渊明、李白、苏东坡、曹雪芹等人的文学作品英译推介海外,是第一位以英文书写扬名海外的中国作家,也是集语言学家、哲学家、文学家于一身的知名学者。,"《老子的智慧》1948年由蓝登书屋出版,是林语堂向西方介绍道家乃至整个中国古代哲学思想的一部重要著作。 道家思想是中国文化的重要组成部分,而老子是道家的开山鼻祖,影响深远。老子具有异于常人的智慧,凭借一双犀利之眼看穿了人世间的是是非非……全书阐释了老子思想的独特性、道家哲学与儒家哲学的不同、并强调要结合庄子研究老子。",29.80,9787535475961,7535475965 reading,2017-01-25T15:18:33Z,1382,9.1,饶尚宽 译注,平装,192,中华书局,老子,,,"《老子》一书共八十一章,多为韵文,分道经和德经两部分,所以又称《道德经》。是中国古代著名经典之一,与《庄子》如双峰并峙,是先秦道家学派的代表性著作。《老子》五千言,重在详尽论述作为宇宙本体、万物之源和运动规律的天道,并将这种天道用以关照人道,指导治国和修身,直面现实社会,涉及到宇宙、自然、社会、人生的各个方面,用朴素的辩证思维构建起独特的理论体系。",12.00元,9787101052749,7101052746 wish,2017-01-03T23:41:44Z,13,9.6,Hadley Wickham,Paperback,202,O'Reilly Media,R Packages,,"Hadley is Chief Scientist at RStudio and Adjunct Professor of Statistics at Rice University. He is interested in building better tools for data science. His work includes R packages for data analysis (ggvis, dplyr, tidyr); packages that make R less frustrating (lubridate for dates, stringr for strings, httr for accessing web APIs, rvest for webscraping); and that make it easier to do good software development in R (roxygen2, testthat, devtools). He is also a writer, educator, and frequent speaker promoting more accessible, more effective and more fun data analysis.","Packages are the fundamental units of reproducible R code. They include reusable R functions, the documentation that describes how to use them, and sample data. This practical book shows you how to turn your code into packages that others can easily download and use. By applying author Hadley Wickham’s philosophy of package development, you’ll learn to focus on what you want your package to do, rather than think about package structure. You’ll also work with Hadley’s devtools package, a suite of R functions for automating common development tasks. Devtools encapsulates best practices of package development that he’s learned over the years. With this book, Hadley will show you how to use devtools to develop your own packages. -Create R packages that save you time and are easy for others to use -Understand the most common and useful components of packages -Start with the basics and improve your package writing over time -Automate anything you can and do as much as possible with functions -Streamline your development process with devtools -Learn from a well-respected member of the R community who created 30 R packages including ggplot2",USD 39.99,9781491910597,1491910593 reading,2017-01-03T23:38:50Z,76,9.3,Hadley Wickham; Garrett Grolemund,Paperback,518,O'Reilly Media,R for Data Science,,"Hadley Wickham is an Assistant Professor and the Dobelman FamilyJunior Chair in Statistics at Rice University. He is an active memberof the R community, has written and contributed to over 30 R packages, and won the John Chambers Award for Statistical Computing for his work developing tools for data reshaping and visualization. His research focuses on how to make data analysis better, faster and easier, with a particular emphasis on the use of visualization to better understand data and models. Garrett Grolemund is a statistician, teacher and R developer who currently works for RStudio. He sees data analysis as a largely untapped fountain of value for both industry and science. Garrett received his Ph.D at Rice University in Hadley Wickham's lab, where his research traced the origins of data analysis as a cognitive process and identified how attentional and epistemological concerns guide every data analysis. Garrett is passionate about helping people avoid the frustration and unnecessary learning he went through while mastering data analysis. Even before he finished his dissertation, he started teaching corporate training in R and data analysis for Revolutions Analytics. He's taught at Google, eBay, Axciom and many other companies, and is currently developing a training curriculum for RStudio that will make useful know-how even more accessible. Outside of teaching, Garrett spends time doing clinical trials research, legal research, and financial analysis. He also develops R software, he's co-authored the lubridate R package--which provides methods to parse, manipulate, and do arithmetic with date-times--and wrote the ggsubplot package, which extends the ggplot2 package.",,USD 39.99,9781491910399,1491910399 read,2016-12-28T06:10:11Z,68,7.9,Helen MacDonald,Hardcover,288,Grove Press,H Is for Hawk,,"Helen Macdonald is a writer, poet, illustrator, historian, and naturalist, and an affiliated research scholar at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses. She also worked as a Research Fellow at Jesus College, Cambridge. As a professional falconer, she assisted with the management of raptor research and conservation projects across Eurasia. Twitter: @HelenJMacdonald","""An inspired, beautiful and absorbing account of a woman battling griefwith a goshawk. . . . Writing with breathless urgency . . . Macdonald broadens her scope well beyond herself to focus on the antagonism between people and the environment. Whether you call this a personal story or nature writing, it's poignant, thoughtful and movingand likely to become a classic in either genre."" Kirkus Reviews (starred) "" H is for Hawk is a work of great spirit and wonder, illuminated equally by terror and desire. Each beautiful sentence is capable of taking a reader’s breath. The book is built of feather and bone, intelligence and blood, and a vulnerability so profound as to conjure that vulnerability’s shadow, which is the great power of honesty. It is not just a definitive work on falconry; it is a definitive work on humanity, and all that can and cannot be possessed."" Rick Bass ""A lovely touching book about a young woman grieving over the death of her father becoming rejuvenated by training one of the roughest, most difficult creatures in the heavens, the goshawk."" Jim Harrison ""Rich with the poetry of ideation, the narrative flows through the author’s deeply textured story of personal loss like a mountain wind, swirling seamlessly through fields of literature, biology, natural history, and the art of hunting with hawks. Readers might do well to absorb this book a bite at a timebut be prepared for a full meal."" Lynn Schooler ""In this elegant synthesis of memoir and literary sleuthing . . . Macdonald describes in beautiful, thoughtful prose how she comes to terms with death in new and startling ways."" Publishers Weekly ""A dazzling piece of work: deeply affecting, utterly fascinating and blazing with love . . . a deeply human work shot through, like cloth of gold, with intelligence and compassionan exemplar of the mysterious alchemy by which suffering can be transmuted into beauty. I will be surprised if a better book than H is for Hawk is published this year."" Melissa Harrison, Financial Times ""More than any other writer I know, including her beloved [T.H.] White, Macdonald is able to summon the mental world of a bird of prey . . . she extends the boundaries of nature writing. As a naturalist she has somehow acquired her bird's laser-like visual acuity. As a writer she combines a lexicographer's pleasure in words as carefully curated objects with an inventive passion for new words or for ways of releasing fresh effects from the old stock. . . . Macdonald looks set to revive the genre."" Mark Cocker, Guardian ""A talon-sharp memoir that will thrill and chill you to the bone . . . Macdonald has just the right blend of the scientist and the poet, of observing on the one hand and feeling on the other."" Craig Brown, Daily Mail ""What [Macdonald] has achieved is a very rare thing in literaturea completely realistic account of a human relationship with animal consciousness. . . . Her training of Mabel has the suspense and tension of the here and now. You are gripped by the slightest movement, by the turn of every feather. It is a soaring performance and Mabel is the star."" John Carey, Sunday Times ""A well-wrought book, one part memoir, one part gorgeous evocation of the natural world and one part literary meditation . . . lit with flashes of grace, a grace that sweeps down to the reader to hold her wrist tight with beautiful, terrible claws. The discovery of the season."" Erica Wagner, Economist ""The magnificent H is for Hawk [has] grabbed me by its talons . . . [it’s] nature writing, but not as you know it. Astounding."" Caroline Sanderson, The Bookseller ""It sings. I couldn’t stop reading."" Mark Haddon, author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and A Spot of Bother ""This beautiful book is at once heartfelt and clever in the way it mixes elegy with celebration: elegy for a father lost, celebration of a hawk found - and in the finding also a celebration of countryside, forbears of one kind and another, life-in-death. At a time of very distinguished writing about the relationship between human kind and the environment, it is immediately pre-eminent."" Andrew Motion, author of In the Blood ""A deep, dark work of terrible beauty that will open fissures in the stoniest heart. . . . Macdonald is a survivor . . . she has produced one of the most eloquent accounts of bereavement you could hope to read . . . A grief memoir with wings."" The Bookseller ""A book made from the heart that goes to the heart . . . It combines old and new nature and human nature with great originality. No one who has looked up to see a bird of prey cross the sky could read it and not have their life shifted."" Tim Dee, author of The Running Sky ""The most magical book I have ever read."" Olivia Laing, author of The Trip to Echo Springs When Helen Macdonald’s father died suddenly on a London street, she was devastated. An experienced falconerHelen had been captivated by hawks since childhoodshe’d never before been tempted to train one of the most vicious predators, the goshawk. But in her grief, she saw that the goshawk’s fierce and feral anger mirrored her own. Resolving to purchase and raise the deadly creature as a means to cope with her loss, she adopted Mabel, and turned to the guidance of The Sword and the Stone author T.H. White's chronicle The Goshawk to begin her journey into Mabel’s world. Projecting herself ""in the hawk's wild mind to tame her"" tested the limits of Macdonald’s humanity. By turns heartbreaking and hilarious, this book is an unflinching account of bereavement; a unique look at the magnetism of an extraordinary beast; and the story of an eccentric falconer and legendary writer. Weaving together obsession, madness, memory, myth, and history, H is for Hawk is a distinctive, surprising blend of nature writing and memoir from a very gifted writer.",GBP 15.39,9780802123411,0802123414 read,2016-12-10T02:28:21Z,162,8.9,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,192,Vintage,What I Talk About When I Talk About Running,,,"An intimate look at writing, running, and the incredible way they intersect, from the incomparable, bestselling author Haruki Murakami.While simply training for New York City Marathon would be enough for most people, Haruki Murakami's decided to write about it as well. The result is a beautiful memoir about his intertwined obsessions with running and writing, full of vivid memories and insights, including the eureka moment when he decided to become a writer. By turns funny and sobering, playful and philosophical, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running is rich and revelatory, both for fans of this masterful yet guardedly private writer and for the exploding population of athletes who find similar satisfaction in athletic pursuit.",129.00元,9780307389831,0307389839 wish,2016-12-07T10:41:51Z,32,8.1,Richard Flanagan,Hardcover,352,Knopf,The Narrow Road to the Deep North,,"Richard Flanagan (born 1961) is an author, historian and film director from Tasmania, Australia. He was president of the Tasmania University Union and a Rhodes Scholar. Each of his novels has attracted major praise. His first, Death of a River Guide (1994), was short-listed for the Miles Franklin Award, as were his next two, The Sound of One Hand Clapping (1997) and Gould's Book of Fish (2001). His earlier, non-fiction titles include books about the Gordon River, student issues, and the story of conman John Friedrich. Two of his novels are set on the West Coast of Tasmania; where he lived in the township of Rosebery as a child. Death of a River Guide relates to the Franklin River, Gould's Book of Fish to the Macquarie Harbour Penal Station, and The Sound of One Hand Clapping to the Hydro settlements in the Central Highlands of Tasmania.","Shortlisted for the 2014 Man Booker Prize A novel of the cruelty of war, and tenuousness of life and the impossibility of love. Richard Flanagan's story — of Dorrigo Evans, an Australian doctor haunted by a love affair with his uncle's wife — journeys from the caves of Tasmanian trappers in the early twentieth century to a crumbling pre-war beachside hotel, from a Thai jungle prison to a Japanese snow festival, from the Changi gallows to a chance meeting of lovers on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Taking its title from 17th-century haiku poet Basho's travel journal, The Narrow Road To The Deep North is about the impossibility of love. At its heart is one day in a Japanese slave labour camp in August 1943. As the day builds to its horrific climax, Dorrigo Evans battles and fails in his quest to save the lives of his fellow POWs, a man is killed for no reason, and a love story unfolds.",USD 26.95,9780385352857,0385352859 read,2016-12-07T10:41:32Z,8,0.0,Margaret Atwood,Hardcover,320,Nan A. Talese,The Heart Goes Last,,,"Margaret Atwood puts the human heart to the ultimate test in an utterly brilliant new novel that is as visionary as The Handmaid's Tale and as richly imagined as The Blind Assassin. Stan and Charmaine are a married couple trying to stay afloat in the midst of an economic and social collapse. Job loss has forced them to live in their car, leaving them vulnerable to roving gangs. They desperately need to turn their situation around—and fast. The Positron Project in the town of Consilience seems to be the answer to their prayers. No one is unemployed and everyone gets a comfortable, clean house to live in . . . for six months out of the year. On alternating months, residents of Consilience must leave their homes and function as inmates in the Positron prison system. Once their month of service in the prison is completed, they can return to their ""civilian"" homes. At first, this doesn't seem like too much of a sacrifice to make in order to have a roof over one's head and food to eat. But when Charmaine becomes romantically involved with the man who lives in their house during the months when she and Stan are in the prison, a series of troubling events unfolds, putting Stan's life in danger. With each passing day, Positron looks less like a prayer answered and more like a chilling prophecy fulfilled.",,9780385540353,0385540353 read,2016-12-01T11:33:13Z,4,0.0,Shigeru Mizuki,Paperback,536,Drawn and Quarterly,Showa 1944-1953,,,,USD 24.95,9781770461628,1770461620 read,2016-11-30T20:52:29Z,76,9.6,John W. Dower,Paperback,688,W. W. Norton & Company,Embracing Defeat,,John W. Dower is the Elting E. Morison Professor of History at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for War Without Mercy.,"Drawing on a vast range of Japanese sources and illustrated with dozens of astonishing documentary photographs, Embracing Defeat is the fullest and most important history of the more than six years of American occupation, which affected every level of Japanese society, often in ways neither side could anticipate. Dower, whom Stephen E. Ambrose has called ""America's foremost historian of the Second World War in the Pacific,"" gives us the rich and turbulent interplay between West and East, the victor and the vanquished, in a way never before attempted, from top-level manipulations concerning the fate of Emperor Hirohito to the hopes and fears of men and women in every walk of life. Already regarded as the benchmark in its field, Embracing Defeat is a work of colossal scholarship and history of the very first order. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the 1999 National Book Award for Nonfiction, finalist for the Lionel Gelber Prize and the Kiriyama Pacific Rim Book Prize, Embracing Defeat is John W. Dower's brilliant examination of Japan in the immediate, shattering aftermath of World War II.",USD 21.95,9780393320275,0393320278 read,2016-11-12T10:20:32Z,2,0.0,Shigeru Mizuki,Paperback,552,Drawn and Quarterly,Showa 1953-1989,,,,USD 24.95,9781770462014,1770462015 read,2016-10-30T10:52:50Z,1,0.0,Keri Hulme,Paperback,576,Penguin (Non-Classics),The Bone People,,,"Integrating both Maori myth and New Zealand reality, The Bone People became the most successful novel in New Zealand publishing history when it appeared in 1984. Set on the South Island beaches of New Zealand, a harsh environment, the novel chronicles the complicated relationships between three emotional outcasts of mixed European and Maori heritage. Kerewin Holmes is a painter and a loner, convinced that ""to care for anything is to invite disaster."" Her isolation is disrupted one day when a six-year-old mute boy, Simon, breaks into her house. The sole survivor of a mysterious shipwreck, Simon has been adopted by a widower Maori factory worker, Joe Gillayley, who is both tender and horribly brutal toward the boy. Through shifting points of view, the novel reveals each character's thoughts and feelings as they struggle with the desire to connect and the fear of attachment. Compared to the works of James Joyce in its use of indigenous language and portrayal of consciousness, The Bone People captures the soul of New Zealand. After twenty years, it continues to astonish and enrich readers around the world.",USD 16.00,9780143116455,0143116452 read,2016-10-22T02:46:29Z,10,7.6,"Toland, John",平装,976,Modern Library,The Rising Sun,,,"This Pulitzer Prize–winning history of World War II chronicles the dramatic rise and fall of the Japanese empire, from the invasion of Manchuria and China to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Told from the Japanese perspective, The Rising Sun is, in the author’s words, “a factual saga of people caught up in the flood of the most overwhelming war of mankind, told as it happened—muddled, ennobling, disgraceful, frustrating, full of paradox.” In weaving together the historical facts and human drama leading up to and culminating in the war in the Pacific, Toland crafts a riveting and unbiased narrative history. In his Foreword, Toland says that if we are to draw any conclusion from The Rising Sun , it is “that there are no simple lessons in history, that it is human nature that repeats itself, not history.”",USD 21.95,9780812968583,0812968581 reading,2016-09-14T08:35:12Z,3,0.0,"Michener, James A.",Pap,844,Random House Inc,Hawaii,,,"In Hawaii , Pulitzer Prize–winning author James Michener weaves the classic saga that brought Hawaii’s epic history vividly alive to the American public on its initial publication in 1959, and continues to mesmerize even today. The volcanic processes by which the Hawaiian Islands grew from the ocean floor were inconceivably slow, and the land remained untouched by man for countless centuries until, little more than a thousand years ago, Polynesian seafarers made the perilous journey across the Pacific and discovered their new home. They lived and flourished in this tropical paradise according to their ancient traditions and beliefs until, in the early nineteenth century, American missionaries arrived, bringing a new creed and a new way of life to a Stone Age society. The impact of the missionaries had only begun to be absorbed when other national groups, with equally different customs, began to migrate in great numbers to the islands. The story of modern Hawaii, and of this novel, is one of how disparate peoples, struggling to keep their identity yet live with one another in harmony, ultimately joined together to build America’s strong and vital fiftieth state.",108.85元,9780375760372,0375760377 read,2016-09-06T05:51:17Z,3,0.0,Larry Collins; Dominique Lapierre,Paperback,656,HarperCollins,Freedom at Midnight,,,"Fifty years ago, seconds after midnight on 14-15 August 1947, the Union Jack, emblazoned with the Star of India, began its final journey down the flagstaff of Viceroy's House, New Delhi. One fifth of humanity claimed their independence from the greatest empire history has ever seen. But 400 million people were to find that the price of freedom was partition and war, riot and murder. In this new edition of their superb reconstruction of events at the time, Collins and Lapierre recount the eclipse of the fabled British Raj and examine the roles enacted by, among others, Mahatma Gandhi, Lord Mountbatten, Nehru and Jinnah in its violent transformation into the new India and Pakistan.",USD 28.75,9780006388517,0006388515 read,2016-08-16T08:14:01Z,3,0.0,Thomas Ricks,Hardcover,482,The Penguin Press HC,Fiasco,,,"The definitive military chronicle of the Iraq war and a searing judgment on the strategic blindness with which America has conducted it, drawing on the accounts of senior military officers giving voice to their anger for the first time. Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post senior Pentagon correspondant Thomas E. Ricks's Fiasco is masterful and explosive reckoning with the planning and execution of the American military invasion and occupation of Iraq, based on the unprecedented candor of key participants. The American military is a tightly sealed community, and few outsiders have reason to know that a great many senior officers view the Iraq war with incredulity and dismay. But many officers have shared their anger with renowned military reporter Thomas E. Ricks, and in Fiasco, Ricks combines these astonishing on-the-record military accounts with his own extraordinary on-the-ground reportage to create a spellbinding account of an epic disaster. As many in the military publicly acknowledge here for the first time, the guerrilla insurgency that exploded several months after Saddam's fall was not foreordained. In fact, to a shocking degree, it was created by the folly of the war's architects. But the officers who did raise their voices against the miscalculations, shortsightedness, and general failure of the war effort were generally crushed, their careers often ended. A willful blindness gripped political and military leaders, and dissent was not tolerated. There are a number of heroes in Fiasco-inspiring leaders from the highest levels of the Army and Marine hierarchies to the men and women whose skill and bravery led to battlefield success in towns from Fallujah to Tall Afar-but again and again, strategic incoherence rendered tactical success meaningless. There was never any question that the U.S. military would topple Saddam Hussein, but as Fiasco shows there was also never any real thought about what would come next. This blindness has ensured the Iraq war a place in history as nothing less than a fiasco. Fair, vivid, and devastating, Fiasco is a book whose tragic verdict feels definitive.",USD 27.95,9781594201035,159420103X read,2016-08-08T03:00:00Z,6,0.0,Michael Cunningham,Hardcover,144,"Farrar, Straus and Giroux",A Wild Swan,,,,USD 23.00,9780374290252,0374290253 read,2016-08-05T06:26:54Z,58,8.6,Viet Thanh Nguyen,Hardcover,384,Grove Press,The Sympathizer,,"Viet Thanh Nguyen is the author of the novel The Sympathizer (Grove Press, 2015). He also authored Race and Resistance: Literature and Politics in Asian America (Oxford University Press, 2002) and co-edited Transpacific Studies: Framing an Emerging Field (University of Hawaii Press, 2014). An associate professor at the University of Southern California, he teaches in the departments of English and American Studies and Ethnicity. He has been a fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies (2011-2012), the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard (2008-2009) and the Fine Arts Work Center (2004-2005). He has also received residencies, fellowships, and grants from the Luce Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, the Asian Cultural Council, the James Irvine Foundation, the Huntington Library, the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, Creative Capital and the Warhol Foundation. His short fiction has been published in Manoa, Best New American Voices 2007, A Stranger Among Us: Stories of Cross-Cultural Collision and Connection, Narrative Magazine, TriQuarterly, the Chicago Tribune, and Gulf Coast, where his story won the 2007 Fiction Prize. His writing has been translated into Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Spanish, and he has given invited lectures in China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Germany. He is finishing an academic book titled War, Memory, Identity.","A profound, startling, and beautifully crafted debut novel, The Sympathizer is the story of a man of two minds, someone whose political beliefs clash with his individual loyalties. It is April 1975, and Saigon is in chaos. At his villa, a general of the South Vietnamese army is drinking whiskey and, with the help of his trusted captain, drawing up a list of those who will be given passage aboard the last flights out of the country. The general and his compatriots start a new life in Los Angeles, unaware that one among their number, the captain, is secretly observing and reporting on the group to a higher-up in the Viet Cong. The Sympathizer is the story of this captain: a man brought up by an absent French father and a poor Vietnamese mother, a man who went to university in America, but returned to Vietnam to fight for the Communist cause. A gripping spy novel, an astute exploration of extreme politics, and a moving love story, The Sympathizer explores a life between two worlds and examines the legacy of the Vietnam War in literature, film, and the wars we fight today.",USD 26.00,9780802123459,0802123457 read,2016-07-22T02:50:58Z,1,0.0,"Rich, Simon",,240,Back Bay Books,The Last Girlfriend on Earth,,,,,9780316219389,031621938X read,2016-07-15T09:53:50Z,2,0.0,Simon Rich,Paperback,240,Back Bay Books,Spoiled Brats,,,"Twenty years ago, Barney the Dinosaur told the nation's children they were special. We're still paying the price. From ""one of the funniest writers in America""* comes a collection of stories culled from the front lines of the millennial culture wars. Rife with failing rock bands, student loans, and participation trophies, Spoiled Brats is about a generation of narcissists-and the well-meaning boomers who made them that way. A hardworking immigrant is preserved for a century in pickle brine. A helicopter mom strives to educate her demon son. And a family of hamsters struggles to survive in a private-school homeroom. Surreal, shrewd, and surprisingly warm, these stories are as resonant as they are hilarious. *Jimmy So, Daily Beast",GBP 11.28,9780316368650,0316368652 read,2016-07-03T05:58:27Z,2,0.0,Jean Edward Smith,Audio CD,NA,Random House Audio,FDR,,,"One of today’s premier biographers has written a modern, comprehensive, indeed ultimate book on the epic life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In this superlative volume, Jean Edward Smith combines contemporary scholarship and a broad range of primary source material to provide an engrossing narrative of one of America’s greatest presidents. This is a portrait painted in broad strokes and fine details. We see how Roosevelt’s restless energy, fierce intellect, personal magnetism, and ability to project effortless grace permitted him to master countless challenges throughout his life. Smith recounts FDR’s battles with polio and physical disability, and how these experiences helped forge the resolve that FDR used to surmount the economic turmoil of the Great Depression and the wartime threat of totalitarianism. Here also is FDR’s private life depicted with unprecedented candor and nuance, with close attention paid to the four women who molded his personality and helped to inform his worldview: His mother, Sara Delano Roosevelt, formidable yet ever supportive and tender; his wife, Eleanor, whose counsel and affection were instrumental to FDR’s public and individual achievements; Lucy Mercer, the great romantic love of FDR’s life; and Missy LeHand, FDR’s longtime secretary, companion, and confidante, whose adoration of her boss was practically limitless. Smith also tackles head-on and in-depth the numerous failures and miscues of Roosevelt’s public career, including his disastrous attempt to reconstruct the Judiciary; the shameful internment of Japanese-Americans; and Roosevelt’s occasionally self-defeating Executive overreach. Additionally, Smith offers a sensitive and balanced assessment of Roosevelt’s response to the Holocaust, noting its breakthroughs and shortcomings. Summing up Roosevelt’s legacy, Jean Smith declares that FDR, more than any other individual, changed the relationship between the American people and their government. It was Roosevelt who revolutionized the art of campaigning and used the burgeoning mass media to garner public support and allay fears. But more important, Smith gives us the clearest picture yet of how this quintessential Knickerbocker aristocrat, a man who never had to depend on a paycheck, became the common man’s president. The result is a powerful account that adds fresh perspectives and draws profound conclusions about a man whose story is widely known but far less well understood. Written for the general reader and scholars alike, FDR is a stunning biography in every way worthy of its subject. From the Hardcover edition.",USD 34.95,9780739343449,0739343440 read,2016-06-16T08:49:40Z,594,8.5,Anthony Doerr,Hardcover,544,Scribner,All the Light We Cannot See,,"Anthony Doerr is the author of five books, The Shell Collector , About Grace , Memory Wall , Four Seasons in Rome and All the Light We Cannot See . Doerr’s fiction has won four O. Henry Prizes and has been anthologized in The Best American Short Stories, The Anchor Book of New American Short Stories, and The Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Fiction. He has won the Barnes & Noble Discover Prize, the Rome Prize, the Story Prize, the New York Public Library’s Young Lions Fiction Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Award, and the Ohioana Book Award three times. Doerr lives in Boise, Idaho. Become a fan on Facebook and stay up-to-date on his latest publications.","From the highly acclaimed, multiple award-winning Anthony Doerr, the beautiful, stunningly ambitious instant New York Times bestseller about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II. Marie-Laure lives with her father in Paris near the Museum of Natural History, where he works as the master of its thousands of locks. When she is six, Marie-Laure goes blind and her father builds a perfect miniature of their neighborhood so she can memorize it by touch and navigate her way home. When she is twelve, the Nazis occupy Paris and father and daughter flee to the walled citadel of Saint-Malo, where Marie-Laure’s reclusive great-uncle lives in a tall house by the sea. With them they carry what might be the museum’s most valuable and dangerous jewel. In a mining town in Germany, the orphan Werner grows up with his younger sister, enchanted by a crude radio they find. Werner becomes an expert at building and fixing these crucial new instruments, a talent that wins him a place at a brutal academy for Hitler Youth, then a special assignment to track the resistance. More and more aware of the human cost of his intelligence, Werner travels through the heart of the war and, finally, into Saint-Malo, where his story and Marie-Laure’s converge. Doerr’s “stunning sense of physical detail and gorgeous metaphors” (San Francisco Chronicle) are dazzling. Deftly interweaving the lives of Marie-Laure and Werner, he illuminates the ways, against all odds, people try to be good to one another. Ten years in the writing, All the Light We Cannot See is a magnificent, deeply moving novel from a writer “whose sentences never fail to thrill” (Los Angeles Times). Longlisted for the 2014 National Book Award for Fiction",USD 27.00,9781476746586,1476746583 reading,2016-06-03T20:47:21Z,586,8.7,Charles Dickens,Paperback,352,Wordsworth Editions Limited,A Tale of Two Cities,,,"《A Tale of Two Cities(双城记)》内容简介:狄更斯(1812-1870),英国十九世纪文豪。《双城记》堪称他迟暮之年的巅峰之作。法国大革命时期,名医马奈特偶然目睹了封建贵族埃弗瑞蒙德兄弟草营人命的暴行,因为打抱不平,反被投入巴士底狱,监禁了十八年。出狱后,马奈特之女露茜却与仇家的儿子达奈堕入情网。于是,在法国革命的旋涡中,一幕幕家族的恩怨情仇隆重上演,善、恶、生、死在冲突中交融,在转瞬间变换……《双城记》结构严整,语言凝练,狄更斯对革命与人性的深度思考和令人叹为观止的写作才华,在其中得到了淋漓尽致的展现。 The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with This novel traces the private lives of a group of people caught up in the cataclysm of the French Revolution and the Terror. Dicken's based his historical detail on Carlyle's ""The French Revolution"", and his own observations and investigations during his numerous visits to Paris. 点击链接进入中文版: 双城记",USD 4.99,9781853260391,1853260398 read,2016-05-22T01:33:20Z,3,0.0,Rick Perlstein,Hardcover,896,Scribner,Nixonland,,,"Told with urgency and sharp political insight, Nixonland recaptures America's turbulent 1960s and early 1970s and reveals how Richard Nixon rose from the political grave to seize and hold the presidency. Perlstein's epic account begins in the blood and fire of the 1965 Watts riots, nine months after Lyndon Johnson's historic landslide victory over Barry Goldwater appeared to herald a permanent liberal consensus in the United States. Yet the next year, scores of liberals were tossed out of Congress, America was more divided than ever, and a disgraced politician was on his way to a shocking comeback: Richard Nixon. Between 1965 and 1972, America experienced no less than a second civil war. Out of its ashes, the political world we know now was born. It was the era not only of Nixon, Johnson, Spiro Agnew, Hubert H. Humphrey, George McGovern, Richard J. Daley, and George Wallace but Abbie Hoffman, Ronald Reagan, Angela Davis, Ted Kennedy, Charles Manson, John Lindsay, and Jane Fonda. There are tantalizing glimpses of Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Jesse Jackson, John Kerry, and even of two ambitious young men named Karl Rove and William Clinton -- and a not so ambitious young man named George W. Bush. Cataclysms tell the story of Nixonland : Angry blacks burning down their neighborhoods in cities across the land as white suburbanites defend home and hearth with shotguns The student insurgency over the Vietnam War, the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, and the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention The fissuring of the Democratic Party into warring factions manipulated by the ""dirty tricks"" of Nixon and his Committee to Re-Elect the President Richard Nixon pledging a new dawn of national unity, governing more divisively than any president before him, then directing a criminal conspiracy, the Watergate cover-up, from the Oval Office Then, in November 1972, Nixon, harvesting the bitterness and resentment born of America's turmoil, was reelected in a landslide even bigger than Johnson's 1964 victory, not only setting the stage for his dramatic 1974 resignation but defining the terms of the ideological divide that characterizes America today. Filled with prodigious research and driven by a powerful narrative, Rick Perlstein's magisterial account of how America divided confirms his place as one of our country's most celebrated historians.",USD 37.50,9780743243025,0743243021 reading,2016-05-21T10:24:34Z,50,9.1,Eri Banno; Yoko Ikeda; Yutaka Ohno,Paperback,382,Japan Times/Tsai Fong Books,GENKI I,,,"Second edition of the most highly regarded teaching text book on the Japanese language, covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing to cultivate overall language ability. Each lesson in the revised edition features a new section dubbed Culture Notes,"" and now includes the audio CD companion which is in mp3 format ready to install on any music player. In Japanese/English. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.",USD 59.99,9784789014403,4789014401 read,2016-04-27T20:35:40Z,12,7.6,David McCullough,Hardcover,558,Simon & Schuster,The Greater Journey,,"David McCullough has twice received the Pulitzer Prize, for Truman and John Adams, and twice received the National Book Award, for The Path Between the Seas and Mornings on Horseback. His other widely praised books are 1776, Brave Companions, The Great Bridge, and The Johnstown Flood. He has been honored with the National Book Foundation Distinguished Contribution to American Letters Award, the National Humanities Medal, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.","The Greater Journey is the enthralling, inspiring—and until now, untold—story of the adventurous American artists, writers, doctors, politicians, architects, and others of high aspiration who set off for Paris in the years between 1830 and 1900, ambitious to excel in their work. After risking the hazardous journey across the Atlantic, these Americans embarked on a greater journey in the City of Light. Most had never left home, never experienced a different culture. None had any guarantee of success. That they achieved so much for themselves and their country profoundly altered American history. As David McCullough writes, “Not all pioneers went west.” Elizabeth Blackwell, the first female doctor in America, was one of this intrepid band. Another was Charles Sumner, who enrolled at the Sorbonne because of a burning desire to know more about everything. There he saw black students with the same ambition he had, and when he returned home, he would become the most powerful, unyielding voice for abolition in the U.S. Senate, almost at the cost of his life. Two staunch friends, James Fenimore Cooper and Samuel F. B. Morse, worked unrelentingly every day in Paris, Cooper writing and Morse painting what would be his masterpiece. From something he saw in France, Morse would also bring home his momentous idea for the telegraph. Pianist Louis Moreau Gottschalk from New Orleans launched his spectacular career performing in Paris at age 15. George P. A. Healy, who had almost no money and little education, took the gamble of a lifetime and with no prospects whatsoever in Paris became one of the most celebrated portrait painters of the day. His subjects included Abraham Lincoln. Medical student Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote home of his toil and the exhilaration in “being at the center of things” in what was then the medical capital of the world. From all they learned in Paris, Holmes and his fellow “medicals” were to exert lasting influence on the profession of medicine in the United States. Writers Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain, and Henry James were all “discovering” Paris, marveling at the treasures in the Louvre, or out with the Sunday throngs strolling the city’s boulevards and gardens. “At last I have come into a dreamland,” wrote Harriet Beecher Stowe, seeking escape from the notoriety Uncle Tom’s Cabin had brought her. Almost forgotten today, the heroic American ambassador Elihu Washburne bravely remained at his post through the Franco-Prussian War, the long Siege of Paris and even more atrocious nightmare of the Commune. His vivid account in his diary of the starvation and suffering endured by the people of Paris (drawn on here for the first time) is one readers will never forget. The genius of sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, the son of an immigrant shoemaker, and of painters Mary Cassatt and John Singer Sargent, three of the greatest American artists ever, would flourish in Paris, inspired by the examples of brilliant French masters, and by Paris itself. Nearly all of these Americans, whatever their troubles learning French, their spells of homesickness, and their suffering in the raw cold winters by the Seine, spent many of the happiest days and nights of their lives in Paris. McCullough tells this sweeping, fascinating story with power and intimacy, bringing us into the lives of remarkable men and women who, in Saint-Gaudens’s phrase, longed “to soar into the blue.” The Greater Journey is itself a masterpiece.",USD 37.50,9781416571766,1416571760 read,2016-02-23T09:58:47Z,2,0.0,Rick Perlstein,Paperback,704,Nation Books,Before the Storm,,,"Acclaimed historian Rick Perlstein chronicles the rise of the conservative movement in the liberal 1960s. At the heart of the story is Barry Goldwater, the renegade Republican from Arizona who loathed federal government, despised liberals, and mocked peaceful coexistence” with the USSR. Perlstein’s narrative shines a light on a whole world of conservatives and their antagonists, including William F. Buckley, Nelson Rockefeller, and Bill Moyers. Vividly written, Before the Storm is an essential book about the 1960s.",USD 19.95,9781568584126,1568584121 read,2016-02-20T04:38:36Z,38,9.0,Ron Chernow,Paperback,832,Vintage,Titan,,"Ron Chernow's first book, The House of Morgan, won the National Book Award and the Ambassador Award for the year's best study of American culture. His second book, The Warburgs, won the Eccles Prize as the Best Business Book of 1993 and was also selected by the American Library Association as one of that year's best nonfiction books. In reviewing his recent collection of essays, The Death of the Banker, The New York Times called the author ""as elegant an architect of monumental histories as we've seen in decades and chose the paperback original as one of the year's Notable Books.","John D. Rockefeller, Sr.--history's first billionaire and the patriarch of America's most famous dynasty--is an icon whose true nature has eluded three generations of historians. Now Ron Chernow, the National Book Award-winning biographer of the Morgan and Warburg banking families, gives us a history of the mogul ""etched with uncommon objectivity and literary grace . . . as detailed, balanced, and psychologically insightful a portrait of the tycoon as we may ever have"" (Kirkus Reviews). Titan is the first full-length biography based on unrestricted access to Rockefeller's exceptionally rich trove of papers. A landmark publication full of startling revelations, the book will indelibly alter our image of this most enigmatic capitalist. Born the son of a flamboyant, bigamous snake-oil salesman and a pious, straitlaced mother, Rockefeller rose from rustic origins to become the world's richest man by creating America's most powerful and feared monopoly, Standard Oil. Branded ""the Octopus"" by legions of muckrakers, the trust refined and marketed nearly 90 percent of the oil produced in America. Rockefeller was likely the most controversial businessman in our nation's history. Critics charged that his empire was built on unscrupulous tactics: grand-scale collusion with the railroads, predatory pricing, industrial espionage, and wholesale bribery of political officials. The titan spent more than thirty years dodging investigations until Teddy Roosevelt and his trustbusters embarked on a marathon crusade to bring Standard Oil to bay. While providing abundant new evidence of Rockefeller's misdeeds, Chernow discards the stereotype of the cold-blooded monster to sketch an unforgettably human portrait of a quirky, eccentric original. A devout Baptist and temperance advocate, Rockefeller gave money more generously--his chosen philanthropies included the Rockefeller Foundation, the University of Chicago, and what is today Rockefeller University--than anyone before him. Titan presents a finely nuanced portrait of a fascinating, complex man, synthesizing his public and private lives and disclosing numerous family scandals, tragedies, and misfortunes that have never before come to light. John D. Rockefeller's story captures a pivotal moment in American history, documenting the dramatic post-Civil War shift from small business to the rise of giant corporations that irrevocably transformed the nation. With cameos by Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, Jay Gould, William Vanderbilt, Ida Tarbell, Andrew Carnegie, Carl Jung, J. Pierpont Morgan, William James, Henry Clay Frick, Mark Twain, and Will Rogers, Titan turns Rockefeller's life into a vivid tapestry of American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It is Ron Chernow's signal triumph that he narrates this monumental saga with all the sweep, drama, and insight that this giant subject deserves. From the Hardcover edition.",USD 20.00,9781400077304,1400077303 read,2016-01-12T12:26:18Z,7,0.0,Rick Atkinson,Hardcover,704,Henry Holt & Company,An Army at Dawn,,,"The liberation of Europe and the destruction of the Third Reich is a story of courage and enduring triumph, of calamity and miscalculation. In this first volume of his ""Liberation Trilogy"", Rick Atkinson shows why no modern reader can understand the ultimate victory of the Allied powers without a grasp of the great drama that unfolded in North Africa in 1942 and 1943. Beginning with the daring amphibious invasion in November 1942, ""An Army at Dawn"" follows the British and American armies as they fight the French in Morocco and Algeria, and then take on the Germans and Italians in Tunisia. Battle by battle, an inexperienced and sometimes poorly led army gradually becomes a superb fighting force. Central to the tale are the extraordinary but fallible commanders who come to dominate the battlefield: Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley, Montgomery and Rommel.",GBP 28.67,9780805062885,0805062882 read,2016-01-03T12:28:39Z,7,0.0,Riad Sattouf,Paperback,160,Metropolitan Books,The Arab of the Future,,,"The Arab of the Future, the #1 French best-seller, tells the unforgettable story of Riad Sattouf's childhood, spent in the shadows of 3 dictators―Muammar Gaddafi, Hafez al-Assad, and his father In striking, virtuoso graphic style that captures both the immediacy of childhood and the fervor of political idealism, Riad Sattouf recounts his nomadic childhood growing up in rural France, Gaddafi's Libya, and Assad's Syria--but always under the roof of his father, a Syrian Pan-Arabist who drags his family along in his pursuit of grandiose dreams for the Arab nation. Riad, delicate and wide-eyed, follows in the trail of his mismatched parents; his mother, a bookish French student, is as modest as his father is flamboyant. Venturing first to the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab State and then joining the family tribe in Homs, Syria, they hold fast to the vision of the paradise that always lies just around the corner. And hold they do, though food is scarce, children kill dogs for sport, and with locks banned, the Sattoufs come home one day to discover another family occupying their apartment. The ultimate outsider, Riad, with his flowing blond hair, is called the ultimate insult… Jewish. And in no time at all, his father has come up with yet another grand plan, moving from building a new people to building his own great palace. Brimming with life and dark humor, The Arab of the Future reveals the truth and texture of one eccentric family in an absurd Middle East, and also introduces a master cartoonist in a work destined to stand alongside Maus and Persepolis.",USD 26.00,9781627793445,1627793445 reading,2015-12-17T12:34:21Z,0,0.0,Victor Hugo,Paperback,1376,Vintage Classics,Les Miserables,,,"On one level Les Miserables is a detective story in which the relentless Inspector Javert obsessively pursues the escaped convict Jean Valjean. On another level, it is a drama of crime, punishment and rehabilitation set against a panoramic description of French society after Napoleon. But above all, Hugo’s masterpiece is about the metaphysical struggle between good and evil in the soul of every man. It is a plea for social justice, political enlightenment and personal charity.-- From the Hardcover edition.",GBP 10.99,9780099529965,0099529963 read,2015-12-17T12:25:30Z,13,8.4,David E. Hoffman,Hardcover,336,Doubleday,The Billion Dollar Spy,,,"From the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning history The Dead Hand comes the riveting story of a spy who cracked open the Soviet military research establishment and a penetrating portrait of the CIA’s Moscow station, an outpost of daring espionage in the last years of the Cold War While driving out of the American embassy in Moscow on the evening of February 16, 1978, the chief of the CIA’s Moscow station heard a knock on his car window. A man on the curb handed him an envelope whose contents stunned U.S. intelligence: details of top-secret Soviet research and developments in military technology that were totally unknown to the United States. In the years that followed, the man, Adolf Tolkachev, an engineer in a Soviet military design bureau, used his high-level access to hand over tens of thousands of pages of technical secrets. His revelations allowed America to reshape its weapons systems to defeat Soviet radar on the ground and in the air, giving the United States near total superiority in the skies over Europe. One of the most valuable spies to work for the United States in the four decades of global confrontation with the Soviet Union, Tolkachev took enormous personal risks—but so did the Americans. The CIA had long struggled to recruit and run agents in Moscow, and Tolkachev was a singular breakthrough. Using spy cameras and secret codes as well as face-to-face meetings in parks and on street corners, Tolkachev and his handlers succeeded for years in eluding the feared KGB in its own backyard, until the day came when a shocking betrayal put them all at risk. Drawing on previously secret documents obtained from the CIA and on interviews with participants, David Hoffman has created an unprecedented and poignant portrait of Tolkachev, a man motivated by the depredations of the Soviet state to master the craft of spying against his own country. Stirring, unpredictable, and at times unbearably tense, The Billion Dollar Spy is a brilliant feat of reporting that unfolds like an espionage thriller.",USD 28.95,9780385537605,0385537603 read,2015-12-02T21:33:28Z,68,7.6,Robert Galbraith; J. K. Rowling,Hardcover,497,Mulholland Books,Career of Evil (Cormoran Strike),,"This is a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series and The Casual Vacancy. Rowling was born to Peter James Rowling, a Rolls-Royce aircraft engineer, and Anne Rowling (née Volant), on 31 July 1965 in Yate, Gloucestershire, England, 10 miles (16 km) northeast of Bristol. Her mother Anne was half-French and half-Scottish. Her parents first met on a train departing from King's Cross Station bound for Arbroath in 1964. They married on 14 March 1965. Her mother's maternal grandfather, Dugald Campbell, was born in Lamlash on the Isle of Arran. Her mother's paternal grandfather, Louis Volant, was awarded the Croix de Guerre for exceptional bravery in defending the village of Courcelles-le-Comte during the First World War. Rowling's sister Dianne was born at their home when Rowling was 23 months old. The family moved to the nearby village Winterbourne when Rowling was four. She attended St Michael's Primary School, a school founded by abolitionist William Wilberforce and education reformer Hannah More. Her headmaster at St Michael's, Alfred Dunn, has been suggested as the inspiration for the Harry Potter headmaster Albus Dumbledore. As a child, Rowling often wrote fantasy stories, which she would usually then read to her sister. She recalls that: ""I can still remember me telling her a story in which she fell down a rabbit hole and was fed strawberries by the rabbit family inside it. Certainly the first story I ever wrote down (when I was five or six) was about a rabbit called Rabbit. He got the measles and was visited by his friends, including a giant bee called Miss Bee."" At the age of nine, Rowling moved to Church Cottage in the Gloucestershire village of Tutshill, close to Chepstow, Wales. When she was a young teenager, her great aunt, who Rowling said ""taught classics and approved of a thirst for knowledge, even of a questionable kind,"" gave her a very old copy of Jessica Mitford's autobiography, Hons and Rebels. Mitford became Rowling's heroine, and Rowling subsequently read all of her books. Rowling has said of her teenage years, in an interview with The New Yorker, ""I wasn’t particularly happy. I think it’s a dreadful time of life."" She had a difficult homelife; her mother was ill and she had a difficult relationship with her father (she is no longer on speaking terms with him). She attended secondary school at Wyedean School and College, where her mother had worked as a technician in the science department. Rowling said of her adolescence, ""Hermione [a bookish, know-it-all Harry Potter character] is loosely based on me. She's a caricature of me when I was eleven, which I'm not particularly proud of."" Steve Eddy, who taught Rowling English when she first arrived, remembers her as ""not exceptional"" but ""one of a group of girls who were bright, and quite good at English."" Sean Harris, her best friend in the Upper Sixth owned a turquoise Ford Anglia, which she says inspired the one in her books.","When a mysterious package is delivered to Robin Ellacott, she is horrified to discover that it contains a woman's severed leg. Her boss, private detective Cormoran Strike, is less surprised but no less alarmed. There are four people from his past who he thinks could be responsible--and Strike knows that any one of them is capable of sustained and unspeakable brutality. With the police focusing on the one suspect Strike is increasingly sure is not the perpetrator, he and Robin take matters into their own hands, and delve into the dark and twisted worlds of the other three men. But as more horrendous acts occur, time is running out for the two of them... Career of Evil is the third in the highly acclaimed series featuring private detective Cormoran Strike and his assistant Robin Ellacott. A fiendishly clever mystery with unexpected twists around every corner, it is also a gripping story of a man and a woman at a crossroads in their personal and professional lives.",USD 28.00,9780316349932,0316349933 read,2015-10-22T22:05:00Z,307,8.6,Ken Follett,Hardcover,985,Dutton Adult,Fall of Giants,,,"Follett takes you to a time long past with brio and razor-sharp storytelling. An epic tale in which you will lose yourself."" -The Denver Post on World Without End Ken Follett's World Without End was a global phenomenon, a work of grand historical sweep, beloved by millions of readers and acclaimed by critics as ""well-researched, beautifully detailed [with] a terrifically compelling plot"" ( The Washington Post ) and ""wonderful history wrapped around a gripping story"" ( St. Louis Post- Dispatch ) Fall of Giants is his magnificent new historical epic. The first novel in The Century Trilogy, it follows the fates of five interrelated families-American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh-as they move through the world-shaking dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for women's suffrage. Thirteen-year-old Billy Williams enters a man's world in the Welsh mining pits...Gus Dewar, an American law student rejected in love, finds a surprising new career in Woodrow Wilson's White House...two orphaned Russian brothers, Grigori and Lev Peshkov, embark on radically different paths half a world apart when their plan to emigrate to America falls afoul of war, conscription, and revolution...Billy's sister, Ethel, a housekeeper for the aristocratic Fitzherberts, takes a fateful step above her station, while Lady Maud Fitzherbert herself crosses deep into forbidden territory when she falls in love with Walter von Ulrich, a spy at the German embassy in London... These characters and many others find their lives inextricably entangled as, in a saga of unfolding drama and intriguing complexity, Fall of Giants moves seamlessly from Washington to St. Petersburg, from the dirt and danger of a coal mine to the glittering chandeliers of a palace, from the corridors of power to the bedrooms of the mighty. As always with Ken Follett, the historical background is brilliantly researched and rendered, the action fast-moving, the characters rich in nuance and emotion. It is destined to be a new classic. In future volumes of The Century Trilogy, subsequent generations of the same families will travel through the great events of the rest of the twentieth century, changing themselves-and the century itself. With passion and the hand of a master, Follett brings us into a world we thought we knew, but now will never seem the same again.",USD 36.00,9780525951650,0525951652 read,2015-10-07T23:54:06Z,19,8.2,Haruki Murakami,Hardcover,256,Knopf,Wind/Pinball,,,,USD 25.95,9780385352123,0385352123 read,2015-09-03T08:50:17Z,220,9.3,J.R.R. Tolkien,Paperback,NA,HarperCollins Publishers Ltd,The Hobbit,,,"The first ever illustrated paperback of the critically acclaimed and beloved children's classic, featuring 26 colour paintings and over 30 pencil drawings by Alan Lee.",£9.99,9780007270613,0007270615 reading,2015-06-18T22:11:42Z,108,8.9,Hilary Mantel,Hardcover,532,Henry Holt & Company,Wolf Hall,,"Hilary Mantel is one of our most important living writers. She is the author of eleven books, including A Place of Greater Safety, Giving Up the Ghost, and, most recently, Beyond Black, which was shortlisted for the 2006 Orange Prize.","Winner of the Man Booker Prize 2009 'Lock Cromwell in a deep dungeon in the morning,' says Thomas More, 'and when you come back that night he'll be sitting on a plush cushion eating larks' tongues, and all the gaolers will owe him money.' England, the 1520s. Henry VIII is on the throne, but has no heir. Cardinal Wolsey is his chief advisor, charged with securing the divorce the pope refuses to grant. Into this atmosphere of distrust and need comes Thomas Cromwell, first as Wolsey's clerk, and later his successor. Cromwell is a wholly original man: the son of a brutal blacksmith, a political genius, a briber, a charmer, a bully, a man with a delicate and deadly expertise in manipulating people and events. Ruthless in pursuit of his own interests, he is as ambitious in his wider politics as he is for himself. His reforming agenda is carried out in the grip of a self-interested parliament and a king who fluctuates between romantic passions and murderous rages. From one of our finest living writers, 'Wolf Hall' is that very rare thing: a truly great English novel, one that explores the intersection of individual psychology and wider politics. With a vast array of characters, and richly overflowing with incident, it peels back history to show us Tudor England as a half-made society, moulding itself with great passion, suffering and courage.",GBP 19.99,9780805080681,0805080686 read,2015-06-18T19:06:14Z,62,8.5,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,224,Vintage,Sputnik Sweetheart,,,"Haruki Murakami, the internationally bestselling author of Norwegian Wood and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle , plunges us into an urbane Japan of jazz bars, coffee shops, Jack Kerouac, and the Beatles to tell this story of a tangled triangle of uniquely unrequited loves. A college student, identified only as “K,” falls in love with his classmate, Sumire. But devotion to an untidy writerly life precludes her from any personal commitments–until she meets Miu, an older and much more sophisticated businesswoman. When Sumire disappears from an island off the coast of Greece, “K” is solicited to join the search party and finds himself drawn back into her world and beset by ominous, haunting visions. A love story combined with a detective story, Sputnik Sweetheart ultimately lingers in the mind as a profound meditation on human longing. Haruki Murakami, the internationally bestselling author of Norwegian Wood and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle , plunges us into an urbane Japan of jazz bars, coffee shops, Jack Kerouac, and the Beatles to tell this story of a tangled triangle of uniquely unrequited loves. A college student, identified only as ?K,? falls in love with his classmate, Sumire. But devotion to an untidy writerly life precludes her from any personal commitments?until she meets Miu, an older and much more sophisticated businesswoman. When Sumire disappears from an island off the coast of Greece, ?K? is solicited to join the search party and finds himself drawn back into her world and beset by ominous, haunting visions. A love story combined with a detective story, Sputnik Sweetheart ultimately lingers in the mind as a profound meditation on human longing.",USD 14.00,9780375726057,0375726055 read,2015-06-12T20:52:45Z,23,7.5,Sharon Bertsch McGrayne,Hardcover,336,Yale University Press,The Theory That Would Not Die,,,"Drawing on primary source material and interviews with statisticians and other scientists, ""The Theory That Would Not Die"" is the riveting account of how a seemingly simple theorem ignited one of the greatest scientific controversies of all time. Bayes' rule appears to be a straightforward, one-line theorem: by updating our initial beliefs with objective new information, we get a new and improved belief. To its adherents, it is an elegant statement about learning from experience. To its opponents, it is subjectivity run amok. In the first-ever account of Bayes' rule for general readers, Sharon Bertsch McGrayne explores this controversial theorem and the human obsessions surrounding it. She traces its discovery by an amateur mathematician in the 1740s through its development into roughly its modern form by French scientist Pierre Simon Laplace. She reveals why respected statisticians rendered it professionally taboo for 150 years - at the same time that practitioners relied on it to solve crises involving great uncertainty and scanty information, even breaking Germany's Enigma code during World War II, and explains how the advent of off-the-shelf computer technology in the 1980s proved to be a game-changer. Today, Bayes' rule is used everywhere from DNA decoding to Homeland Security. ""The Theory That Would Not Die"" is a vivid account of the generations-long dispute over one of the greatest breakthroughs in the history of applied mathematics and statistics.",USD 27.50,9780300169690,0300169698 read,2015-04-23T09:47:59Z,9,0.0,Margaret Atwood,Hardcover,288,Nan A. Talese,Stone Mattress,,"MARGARET ATWOOD, whose work has been published in over thirty-five countries, is the author of more than forty books of fiction, poetry, and critical essays. In addition to The Handmaid's Tale, her novels include Cat's Eye, shortlisted for the Booker Prize; Alias Grace, which won the Giller Prize in Canada and the Premio Mondello in Italy; The Blind Assassin, winner of the 2000 Booker Prize; and her most recent, Oryx and Crake, shortlisted for the 2003 Booker Prize. She lives in Toronto with writer Graeme Gibson.","A collection of highly imaginative short pieces that speak to our times with deadly accuracy. Vintage Atwood creativity, intelligence, and humor: think Alias Grace. Margaret Atwood turns to short fiction for the first time since her 2006 collection, Moral Disorder, with nine tales of acute psychological insight and turbulent relationships bringing to mind her award-winning 1996 novel, Alias Grace. A recently widowed fantasy writer is guided through a stormy winter evening by the voice of her late husband in ""Alphinland,"" the first of three loosely linked stories about the romantic geometries of a group of writers and artists. In ""The Freeze-Dried Bridegroom,"" a man who bids on an auctioned storage space has a surprise. In ""Lusus Naturae,"" a woman born with a genetic abnormality is mistaken for a vampire. In ""Torching the Dusties,"" an elderly lady with Charles Bonnet syndrome comes to terms with the little people she keeps seeing, while a newly formed populist group gathers to burn down her retirement residence. And in ""Stone Mattress,"" a long-ago crime is avenged in the Arctic via a 1.9 billion-year-old stromatolite. In these nine tales, Margaret Atwood is at the top of her darkly humorous and seriously playful game. Review An Amazon Best Book of the Month, September 2014: “Stop trying to pimp me out to all these groupies,” a famous author and infamous cad utters in “Revenant,” one of three cleverly interconnected tales that begin Margaret Atwood’s superbly sardonic Stone Mattress. He is referring to an impending visit from an infatuated graduate student who is supposedly writing a thesis about his sonnets…which aren’t really sonnets (long story). Naveena—her name, he derisively but accurately points out, “sounds like cheese food slices. Or better—like a hair-removal cream”—is insufferable enough to be sure. The depiction makes yours truly nervous to be writing this review, but it’s all part of the fun, and these tales are fun, which is odd considering the sinister current that runs through many of them. But it’s as if the reader is privy to some sort of inside joke. This is especially evident in “The Dead Hand Loves You,” when Atwood playfully skewers the horror genre then gleefully indulges in it, and the ominously tongue-in-cheek “Torching the Dusties.” Fans of Margaret Atwood will certainly delight in this collection. But beware, the Stone Mattress will make groupies of old and new readers alike. –Erin Kodicek Review ""Witty and frequently biting ... this book’s stories offer characters a chance to put their own understandings of gallantry, courage and revenge to the test, in ways both mundane and extraordinary."" —The New York Times Book Review ""In Stone Mattress [Atwood is] having a high old time dancing over the dark swamps of Horror on the wings of satirical wit ... Look at these tales as eight icily refreshing arsenic Popsicles followed by a baked Alaska laced with anthrax, all served with impeccable style and aplomb. Enjoy!"" —Ursula K Le Guin, Financial Times ""These exuberantly told tales are a tour de force of wit, style, and discernment."" —O Magazine ""Eclectic, funny, vibrant, terrifying, beautiful, and utterly delightful."" —Boston Globe ""[These] stories have the caustic wit and giddy deviance ... along with the probing interiority and flinty insights of Atwood’s novels."" —Minneapolis Star Tribune ""Stylish, acerbic and wickedly funny ... With wit, sympathy and precision, Atwood draws readers into a reflective frame of mind."" —Miami Herald ""Stunning ... Atwood brings her biting wit to bear on the battle of the sexes."" —Publishers Weekly, starred review ""Shrewdly brilliant, gleefully mischievous, and acerbically hilarious ... Atwood has the raptor's penetrating gaze, speed, and agility and never misses her mark."" —Booklist, starred review ""Clever tales about writers and lovers ... Atwood is a playful, sharp-edged, and politically alert author."" —Kirkus Reviews See all Editorial Reviews",USD 25.95,9780385539128,0385539126 read,2015-04-09T23:25:25Z,805,9.2,Atul Gawande,Hardcover,304,Metropolitan Books,Being Mortal,,,"In Being Mortal, bestselling author Atul Gawande tackles the hardest challenge of his profession: how medicine can not only improve life but also the process of its ending Medicine has triumphed in modern times, transforming birth, injury, and infectious disease from harrowing to manageable. But in the inevitable condition of aging and death, the goals of medicine seem too frequently to run counter to the interest of the human spirit. Nursing homes, preoccupied with safety, pin patients into railed beds and wheelchairs. Hospitals isolate the dying, checking for vital signs long after the goals of cure have become moot. Doctors, committed to extending life, continue to carry out devastating procedures that in the end extend suffering. Gawande, a practicing surgeon, addresses his profession’s ultimate limitation, arguing that quality of life is the desired goal for patients and families. Gawande offers examples of freer, more socially fulfilling models for assisting the infirm and dependent elderly, and he explores the varieties of hospice care to demonstrate that a person's last weeks or months may be rich and dignified. Full of eye-opening research and riveting storytelling, Being Mortal asserts that medicine can comfort and enhance our experience even to the end, providing not only a good life but also a good end.",USD 26.00,9780805095159,0805095152 read,2015-03-03T02:41:30Z,1597,8.5,Gillian Flynn,Hardcover,432,Crown Publishing Group,Gone Girl,,"GILLIAN FLYNN is the author of the New York Times bestseller Dark Places, which was a New Yorker Reviewers’ Favorite, Weekend TODAY Top Summer Read, Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2009, and Chicago Tribune Favorite Fiction choice; and the Dagger Award winner Sharp Objects, which was an Edgar nominee for Best First novel, a BookSense pick, and a Barnes & Noble Discover selection. Her work has been published in twenty-eight countries. She lives in Chicago with her husband and son.","Marriage can be a real killer. One of the most critically acclaimed suspense writers of our time, New York Times bestseller Gillian Flynn takes that statement to its darkest place in this unputdownable masterpiece about a marriage gone terribly, terribly wrong. The Chicago Tribune proclaimed thather work “draws you in and keeps you reading with the force of a pure but nasty addiction.” Gone Girl ’s toxic mix of sharp-edged wit and deliciously chilling prose creates a nerve-fraying thriller that confounds you at every turn. On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears from their rented McMansion on the Mississippi River. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge . Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer? As the cops close in, every couple in town is soon wondering how well they know the one that they love. With his twin sister, Margo, at his side, Nick stands by his innocence. Trouble is, if Nick didn’t do it, where is that beautiful wife? And what was in that silvery gift box hidden in the back of her bedroom closet? With herrazor-sharp writing and trademark psychological insight, Gillian Flynn delivers a fast-paced, devilishly dark, and ingeniously plotted thriller that confirms her status as one of the hottest writers around.",USD 25.00,9780307588364,030758836X read,2015-02-23T20:05:01Z,474,8.5,Julian Barnes,Hardcover,160,Jonathan Cape,The Sense of an Ending,,,"Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2011 Tony Webster and his clique first met Adrian Finn at school. Sex-hungry and book-hungry, they would navigate the girl-less sixth form together, trading in affectations, in-jokes, rumour and wit. Maybe Adrian was a little more serious than the others, certainly more intelligent, but they all swore to stay friends for life. Now Tony is in middle age. He's had a career and a single marriage, a calm divorce. He's certainly never tried to hurt anybody. Memory, though, is imperfect. It can always throw up surprises, as a lawyer's letter is about to prove. The Sense of an Ending is the story of one man coming to terms with the mutable past. Laced with trademark precision, dexterity and insight, it is the work of one of the world's most distinguished writers.",GBP 12.99,9780224094153,0224094157 read,2015-02-18T12:46:45Z,56,7.9,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,NA,Vintage Canada,After Dark,,,,CAD 21.00,9780676979602,0676979602 read,2015-02-03T08:01:59Z,123,7.5,Robert Galbraith; J.K. Rowling,Hardcover,384,Mulholland Books,The Silkworm,,"Robert Galbraith is a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series and The Casual Vacancy.","When novelist Owen Quine goes missing, his wife calls in private detective Cormoran Strike. At first, she just thinks he has gone off by himself for a few days - as he has done before - and she wants Strike to find him and bring him home. But as Strike investigates, it becomes clear that there is more to Quine's disappearance than his wife realises. The novelist has just completed a manuscript featuring poisonous pen-portraits of almost everyone he knows. If the novel were published it would ruin lives - so there are a lot of people who might want to silence him. And when Quine is found brutally murdered in bizarre circumstances, it becomes a race against time to understand the motivation of a ruthless killer, a killer unlike any he has encountered before . . . A compulsively readable crime novel with twists at every turn, The Silkworm is the second in the highly acclaimed series featuring Cormoran Strike and his determined young assistant Robin Ellacott.",USD 28.00,9780316206877,0316206873 read,2015-01-15T07:39:08Z,26,8.8,Robert K. Massie,Hardcover,656,Random House,Catherine the Great,,,"The Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Peter the Great, Nicholas and Alexandra, and The Romanovs returns with another masterpiece of narrative biography, the extraordinary story of an obscure young German princess who traveled to Russia at fourteen and rose to become one of the most remarkable, powerful, and captivating women in history. Born into a minor noble family, Catherine transformed herself into Empress of Russia by sheer determination. Possessing a brilliant mind and an insatiable curiosity as a young woman, she devoured the works of Enlightenment philosophers and, when she reached the throne, attempted to use their principles to guide her rule of the vast and backward Russian empire. She knew or corresponded with the preeminent historical figures of her time: Voltaire, Diderot, Frederick the Great, Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, Marie Antoinette, and, surprisingly, the American naval hero, John Paul Jones. Reaching the throne fired by Enlightenment philosophy and determined to become the embodiment of the “benevolent despot” idealized by Montesquieu, she found herself always contending with the deeply ingrained realities of Russian life, including serfdom. She persevered, and for thirty-four years the government, foreign policy, cultural development, and welfare of the Russian people were in her hands. She dealt with domestic rebellion, foreign wars, and the tidal wave of political change and violence churned up by the French Revolution that swept across Europe. Her reputation depended entirely on the perspective of the speaker. She was praised by Voltaire as the equal of the greatest of classical philosophers; she was condemned by her enemies, mostly foreign, as “the Messalina of the north.” Catherine’s family, friends, ministers, generals, lovers, and enemies—all are here, vividly described. These included her ambitious, perpetually scheming mother; her weak, bullying husband, Peter (who left her lying untouched beside him for nine years after their marriage); her unhappy son and heir, Paul; her beloved grandchildren; and her “favorites”—the parade of young men from whom she sought companionship and the recapture of youth as well as sex. Here, too, is the giant figure of Gregory Potemkin, her most significant lover and possible husband, with whom she shared a passionate correspondence of love and separation, followed by seventeen years of unparalleled mutual achievement. The story is superbly told. All the special qualities that Robert K. Massie brought to Nicholas and Alexandra and Peter the Great are present here: historical accuracy, depth of understanding, felicity of style, mastery of detail, ability to shatter myth, and a rare genius for finding and expressing the human drama in extraordinary lives. History offers few stories richer in drama than that of Catherine the Great. In this book, this eternally fascinating woman is returned to life.",USD 35.00,9780679456728,0679456724 read,2014-12-29T06:20:59Z,192,7.3,Robert Galbraith,Hardcover,464,Sphere,The Cuckoo's Calling,,"Robert Galbraith is a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series and The Casual Vacancy.","When a troubled model falls to her death from a snow-covered Mayfair balcony, it is assumed that she has committed suicide. However, her brother has his doubts, and calls in private investigator Cormoran Strike to look into the case. Strike is a war veteran - wounded both physically and psychologically - and his life is in disarray. The case gives him a financial lifeline, but it comes at a personal cost: the more he delves into the young model's complex world, the darker things get - and the closer he gets to terrible danger . . . A gripping, elegant mystery steeped in the atmosphere of London - from the hushed streets of Mayfair to the backstreet pubs of the East End to the bustle of Soho - The Cuckoo's Calling is a remarkable book. Introducing Cormoran Strike, this is a classic crime novel in the tradition of P. D. James and Ruth Rendell, and marks the beginning of a unique series of mysteries.",GBP 16.99,9781408703991,1408703998 read,2014-12-24T00:12:57Z,36,9.3,Max Kuhn; Kjell Johnson,Hardcover,600,Springer,Applied Predictive Modeling,,,"This text is intended for a broad audience as both an introduction to predictive models as well as a guide to applying them. Non-mathematical readers will appreciate the intuitive explanations of the techniques while an emphasis on problem-solving with real data across a wide variety of applications will aid practitioners who wish to extend their expertise. Readers should have knowledge of basic statistical ideas, such as correlation and linear regression analysis. While the text is biased against complex equations, a mathematical background is needed for advanced topics. Dr. Kuhn is a Director of Non-Clinical Statistics at Pfizer Global R&D in Groton Connecticut. He has been applying predictive models in the pharmaceutical and diagnostic industries for over 15 years and is the author of a number of R packages. Dr. Johnson has more than a decade of statistical consulting and predictive modeling experience in pharmaceutical research and development. He is a co-founder of Arbor Analytics, a firm specializing in predictive modeling and is a former Director of Statistics at Pfizer Global R&D. His scholarly work centers on the application and development of statistical methodology and learning algorithms.",USD 89.95,9781461468486,1461468485 read,2014-12-13T07:39:16Z,57,8.0,David Sedaris,Hardcover,480,Little Brown and Company,Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls,,"With sardonic wit and incisive social critiques, David Sedaris has become one of America 's pre-eminent humor writers. The great skill with which he slices through cultural euphemisms and political correctness proves that Sedaris is a master of satire and one of the most observant writers addressing the human condition today.David Sedaris is the author of the bestsellers Barrel Fever and Holidays on Ice, as well as collections of personal essays, Naked, Me Talk Pretty One Day, and Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, each of which became immediate bestsellers. There are a total of seven million copies of his books in print and they have been translated into 25 languages. He is the editor of an anthology of stories, , Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules: An Anthology of Outstanding Stories. His essays appear regularly in Esquire and The New Yorker. Sedaris and his sister, Amy Sedaris, have collaborated under the name ""The Talent Family"" and have written several plays which have been produced at La Mama, Lincoln Center , and The Drama Department in New York City . These plays include Stump the Host, Stitches, One Woman Shoe, which received an Obie Award, Incident at Cobbler's Knob, and The Book of Liz, which was published in book form by Dramatist's Play Service. His recent collection of essays, titled When You Are Engulfed in Flames, was published in June 2008.David Sedaris's original radio pieces can often be heard on This American Life, distributed nationally by Public Radio International and produced by WBEZ. In 2001, David Sedaris became the third recipient of the Thurber Prize for American Humor. He was named by Time magazine as ""Humorist of the Year"" in 2001. David Sedaris was nominated for two Grammy Awards for Best Spoken Word Album (""Dress Your Family in Corduroy & Denim"") and Best Comedy Album (""David Sedaris: Live at Carnegie Hall""). In 2008 the audio version of When You Are Engulfed in Flames was nominated for a Grammy in the Best Spoken Word category","From here the story could take many turns. When this guy is David Sedaris, the possibilities are endless, but the result is always the same: he will both delight you with twists of humor and intelligence and leave you deeply moved. Sedaris remembers his father's dinnertime attire (shirtsleeves and underpants), his first colonoscopy (remarkably pleasant), and the time he considered buying the skeleton of a murdered Pygmy. With Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls, David Sedaris shows once again why his work has been called ""hilarious, elegant, and surprisingly moving""",GBP 20.79,9780316233910,0316233919 read,2014-12-13T02:46:37Z,282,8.8,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,298,Vintage,Norwegian Wood,,,"在线阅读本书 Book Description First American Publication This stunning and elegiac novel by the author of the internationally acclaimed Wind-Up Bird Chronicle has sold over 4 million copies in Japan and is now available to American audiences for the first time. It is sure to be a literary event. Toru, a quiet and preternaturally serious young college student in Tokyo, is devoted to Naoko, a beautiful and introspective young woman, but their mutual passion is marked by the tragic death of their best friend years before. Toru begins to adapt to campus life and the loneliness and isolation he faces there, but Naoko finds the pressures and responsibilities of life unbearable. As she retreats further into her own world, Toru finds himself reaching out to others and drawn to a fiercely independent and sexually liberated young woman. A poignant story of one college student's romantic coming-of-age, Norwegian Wood takes us to that distant place of a young man's first, hopeless, and heroic love. ""I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me"" ""Norwegian Wood"" (Lennon/McCartney). With Norwegian Wood Murakami, best known as the author of off-kilter classics such as the Wind Up Bird Chronicle, A Wild Sheep Chase and Hard Boiled Wonderland, finally achieved widespread acclaim in his native Japan. The novel sold upwards of 4 million copies and forced the author to retreat to Europe, fearful of the expectations accompanying his new-found cult status. The novel is atypical for Murakami: seemingly autobiographical, in the tradition of many Japanese ""I"" novels, Norwegian Wood is a simple coming of age tale set, primarily, in 1969/70, the time of Murakami's own university years. The political upheavals and student strikes of the period form the backdrop of the novel but the focus here is the young Watanabe's love affairs and the pain (and pleasure) of growing up with all its attendant losses, (self-)obsessions and crises. The novel is split into two volumes and beautifully presented here in a ""gold"" box containing both the green book and the red book. Young Japanese fans became so obsessed with the work that they would dress entirely in one or other colour denoting which volume they most identified with. And the novel is hugely affecting, reading like a cross between Plath's Bell Jar and Vizinczey's In Praise of Older Women, if less complex and ultimately less satisfying than Murakami's other, more allegorical, work. He captures the huge expectation of youth, and of this particular time in history, for the future and for the place of love in it. He also saturates the work with sadness, an emotion that can cripple a novel but which here underscores the poignancy of the work's rather thin subject matter.                              --Mark Thwaite In 1987, when Norwegian Wood was first published in Japan, it promptly sold more than 4 million copies and transformed Haruki Murakami into a pop-culture icon. The horrified author fled his native land for Europe and the United States, returning only in 1995, by which time the celebrity spotlight had found some fresher targets. And now he's finally authorized a translation for the English-speaking audience, turning to the estimable Jay Rubin, who did a fine job with his big-canvas production The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Readers of Murakami's later work will discover an affecting if atypical novel, and while the author himself has denied the book's autobiographical import--""If I had simply written the literal truth of my own life, the novel would have been no more than fifteen pages long""--it's hard not to read as at least a partial portrait of the artist as a young man. Norwegian Wood is a simple coming-of-age tale, primarily set in 1969-70, when the author was attending university. The political upheavals and student strikes of the period form the novel's backdrop. But the focus here is the young Watanabe's love affairs, and the pain and pleasure and attendant losses of growing up. The collapse of a romance (and this is one among many!) leaves him in a metaphysical shambles: I read Naoko's letter again and again, and each time I read it I would be filled with the same unbearable sadness I used to feel whenever Naoko stared into my eyes. I had no way to deal with it, no place I could take it to or hide it away. Like the wind passing over my body, it had neither shape nor weight, nor could I wrap myself in it. This account of a young man's sentimental education sometimes reads like a cross between Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and Stephen Vizinczey's In Praise of Older Women. It is less complex and perhaps ultimately less satisfying than Murakami's other, more allegorical work. Still, Norwegian Wood captures the huge expectation of youth--and of this particular time in history--for the future and for the place of love in it. It is also a work saturated with sadness, an emotion that can sometimes cripple a novel but which here merely underscores its youthful poignancy.                               --Mark Thwaite From Publishers Weekly In a complete stylistic departure from his mysterious and surreal novels (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle; A Wild Sheep Chase) that show the influences of Salinger, Fitzgerald and Tom Robbins, Murakami tells a bittersweet coming-of-age story, reminiscent of J.R. Salamanca's classic 1964 novel, LilithAthe tale of a young man's involvement with a schizophrenic girl. A successful, 37-year-old businessman, Toru Watanabe, hears a version of the Beatles' Norwegian Wood, and the music transports him back 18 years to his college days. His best friend, Kizuki, inexplicably commits suicide, after which Toru becomes first enamored, then involved with Kizuki's girlfriend, Naoko. But Naoko is a very troubled young woman; her brilliant older sister has also committed suicide, and though sweet and desperate for happiness, she often becomes untethered. She eventually enters a convalescent home for disturbed people, and when Toru visits her, he meets her roommate, an older musician named Reiko, who's had a long history of mental instability. The three become fast friends. Toru makes a commitment to Naoko, but back at college he encounters Midori, a vibrant, outgoing young woman. As he falls in love with her, Toru realizes he cannot continue his relationship with Naoko, whose sanity is fast deteriorating. Though the solution to his problem comes too easily, Murakami tells a subtle, charming, profound and very sexy story of young love bound for tragedy. Published in Japan in 1987, this novel proved a wild success there, selling four million copies. (Sept.) Book Dimension length: (cm)20.6                 width:(cm)13.9",USD 15.00,9780375704024,0375704027 read,2014-12-07T09:32:47Z,207,7.7,Nate Silver,Hardcover,544,"Penguin Press HC, The",The Signal and the Noise,,"Nate Silver is a statistician, writer, and founder of The New York Times political blog Silver also developed PECOTA, a system for forecasting baseball performance that was bought by Baseball Prospectus. He was named one of the world’s 100 Most Influential People by Time magazine. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.","""Nate Silver's The Signal and the Noise is The Soul of a New Machine for the 21st century."" —Rachel Maddow, author of Drift Nate Silver built an innovative system for predicting baseball performance, predicted the 2008 election within a hair’s breadth, and became a national sensation as a blogger—all by the time he was thirty. The New York Times now publishes, where Silver is one of the nation’s most influential political forecasters. Drawing on his own groundbreaking work, Silver examines the world of prediction, investigating how we can distinguish a true signal from a universe of noisy data. Most predictions fail, often at great cost to society, because most of us have a poor understanding of probability and uncertainty. Both experts and laypeople mistake more confident predictions for more accurate ones. But overconfidence is often the reason for failure. If our appreciation of uncertainty improves, our predictions can get better too. This is the “prediction paradox”: The more humility we have about our ability to make predictions, the more successful we can be in planning for the future. In keeping with his own aim to seek truth from data, Silver visits the most successful forecasters in a range of areas, from hurricanes to baseball, from the poker table to the stock market, from Capitol Hill to the NBA. He explains and evaluates how these forecasters think and what bonds they share. What lies behind their success? Are they good—or just lucky? What patterns have they unraveled? And are their forecasts really right? He explores unanticipated commonalities and exposes unexpected juxtapositions. And sometimes, it is not so much how good a prediction is in an absolute sense that matters but how good it is relative to the competition. In other cases, prediction is still a very rudimentary—and dangerous—science. Silver observes that the most accurate forecasters tend to have a superior command of probability, and they tend to be both humble and hardworking. They distinguish the predictable from the unpredictable, and they notice a thousand little details that lead them closer to the truth. Because of their appreciation of probability, they can distinguish the signal from the noise. With everything from the health of the global economy to our ability to fight terrorism dependent on the quality of our predictions, Nate Silver’s insights are an essential read.",USD 27.95,9781594204111,159420411X read,2014-11-26T01:11:56Z,19,8.5,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,384,Vintage,"Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman",,,"From the bestselling author of Kafka on the Shore and The Wind-up Bird Chronicles comes this superb collection of twenty-four stories that generously expresses Murakami’s mastery of the form.From the surreal to the mundane, these stories exhibit his ability to transform the full range of human experience in ways that are instructive, surprising, and relentlessly entertaining. Here are animated crows, a criminal monkey, and an iceman, as well as the dreams that shape us and the things we might wish for. Whether during a chance reunion in Italy, a romantic exile in Greece, a holiday in Hawaii, or in the grip of everyday life, Murakami’s characters confront grievous loss, or sexuality, or the glow of a firefly, or the impossible distances between those who ought to be closest of all.",USD 16.00,9781400096084,1400096081 read,2014-11-10T21:02:49Z,32,9.0,Robert A. Caro,Paperback,1344,Vintage,The Power Broker,,"For his biographies of Robert Moses and Lyndon Johnson, Robert A. Caro has twice won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography, twice won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Best Nonfiction Book of the Year, and has also won virtually every other major literary honor, including the National Book Award, the Gold Medal in Biogra- phy from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the Francis Parkman Prize, awarded by the Society of American Historians to the book that best “exemplifies the union of the historian and the artist.” In 2010, he received the National Humanities Medal from President Obama. Caro’s first book, The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York, every- where acclaimed as a modern classic, was chosen by the Modern Library as one of the hundred greatest nonfiction books of the twentieth century. It is, according to David Halberstam, “Surely the greatest book ever written about a city.” And The New York Times Book Review said: “In the future, the scholar who writes the history of American cities in the twentieth century will doubtless begin with this extraordinary effort.”","One of the most acclaimed books of our time, winner of both the Pulitzer and the Francis Parkman prizes, The Power Broker tells the hidden story behind the shaping (and mis-shaping) of twentieth-century New York (city and state) and makes public what few have known: that Robert Moses was, for almost half a century, the single most powerful man of our time in New York, the shaper not only of the city's politics but of its physical structure and the problems of urban decline that plague us today. In revealing how Moses did it--how he developed his public authorities into a political machine that was virtually a fourth branch of government, one that could bring to their knees Governors and Mayors (from La Guardia to Lindsay) by mobilizing banks, contractors, labor unions, insurance firms, even the press and the Church, into an irresistible economic force--Robert Caro reveals how power works in all the cities of the United States. Moses built an empire and lived like an emperor. He personally conceived and completed public works costing 27 billion dollars--the greatest builder America (and probably the world) has ever known. Without ever having been elected to office, he dominated the men who were--even his most bitter enemy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, could not control him--until he finally encountered, in Nelson Rockefeller, the only man whose power (and ruthlessness in wielding it) equalled his own.",USD 25.00,9780394720241,0394720245 reading,2014-10-25T04:12:15Z,121,8.7,Anand Rajaraman; Jeffrey David Ullman,Hardcover,326,Cambridge University Press,Mining of Massive Datasets,,,"The popularity of the Web and Internet commerce provides many extremely large datasets from which information can be gleaned by data mining. This book focuses on practical algorithms that have been used to solve key problems in data mining and which can be used on even the largest datasets. It begins with a discussion of the map-reduce framework, an important tool for parallelizing algorithms automatically. The authors explain the tricks of locality-sensitive hashing and stream processing algorithms for mining data that arrives too fast for exhaustive processing. The PageRank idea and related tricks for organizing the Web are covered next. Other chapters cover the problems of finding frequent itemsets and clustering. The final chapters cover two applications: recommendation systems and Web advertising, each vital in e-commerce. Written by two authorities in database and Web technologies, this book is essential reading for students and practitioners alike.",USD 65.00,9781107015357,1107015359 read,2014-10-15T20:26:02Z,46,9.0,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,147,Vintage,After the Quake,,,"The six stories in Haruki Murakami’s mesmerizing collection are set at the time of the catastrophic 1995 Kobe earthquake, when Japan became brutally aware of the fragility of its daily existence. But the upheavals that afflict Murakami’s characters are even deeper and more mysterious, emanating from a place where the human meets the inhuman. An electronics salesman who has been abruptly deserted by his wife agrees to deliver an enigmatic package—and is rewarded with a glimpse of his true nature. A man who has been raised to view himself as the son of God pursues a stranger who may or may not be his human father. A mild-mannered collection agent receives a visit from a giant talking frog who enlists his help in saving Tokyo from destruction. As haunting as dreams, as potent as oracles, the stories in After the Quake are further proof that Murakami is one of the most visionary writers at work today.",CAD 16.95,9780375713279,0375713271 read,2014-10-10T10:51:08Z,166,8.3,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,224,Vintage,"South of the Border, West of the Sun",,,"In South of the Border, West of the Sun , the simple arc of a man's life--with its attendant rhythms of success and disappointment--becomes the exquisite literary terrain of Haruki Murakami's most haunting work. Born in 1951 in an affluent Tokyo suburb, Hajime-- beginning in Japanese--has arrived at middle age wanting for almost nothing. The postwar years have brought him a fine marriage, two daughters, and an enviable career as the proprietor of two jazz clubs. Yet a nagging sense of inauthenticity about his success threatens Hajime's happiness. And a boyhood memory of a wise, lonely girl named Shimamoto clouds his heart. When Shimamoto shows up one rainy night, now a breathtaking beauty with a secret from which she is unable to escape, the fault lines of doubt in Hajime's quotidian existence begin to give way. And the details of stolen moments past and present--a Nat King Cole melody, a face pressed against a window, a handful of ashes drifting downriver to the sea--threaten to undo him completely. Rich, mysterious, quietly dazzling, South of the Border, West of the Sun is Haruki Murakami's wisest and most compelling fiction.",USD 14.00,9780679767398,0679767398 read,2014-10-04T08:27:31Z,186,8.9,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,624,Vintage,The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle,,,"在线阅读本书 Japan's most highly regarded novelist now vaults into the first ranks of international fiction writers with this heroically imaginative novel, which is at once a detective story, an account of a disintegrating marriage, and an excavation of the buried secrets of World War II. In a Tokyo suburb a young man named Toru Okada searches for his wife's missing cat.Soon he finds himself looking for his wife as well in a netherworld that lies beneath the placid surface of Tokyo.As these searches intersect, Okada encounters a bizarre group of allies and antagonists: a psychic prostitute; a malevolent yet mediagenic politician; a cheerfully morbid sixteen-year-old-girl; and an aging war veteran who has been permanently changed by the hideous things he witnessed during Japan's forgotten campaign in Manchuria. Gripping, prophetic, suffused with comedy and menace, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is a tour de force equal in scope to the masterpieces of Mishima and Pynchon.",USD 16.00,9780679775430,0679775439 read,2014-09-20T22:10:50Z,726,8.4,Susan Cain,Hardcover,333,Crown Publishing Group (NY),Quiet,,"SUSAN CAIN is a consultant to major corporations and law firms on negotiation strategies and personal presentation style. She lives in the Hudson River Valley with her husband and two sons. Visit her website,","At least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking, reading to partying; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over brainstorming in teams. Although they are often labeled ""quiet,"" it is to introverts that we owe many of the great contributions to society--from van Gogh’s sunflowers to the invention of the personal computer. Passionately argued, impressively researched, and filled with indelible stories of real people, Quiet shows how dramatically we undervalue introverts, and how much we lose in doing so. Taking the reader on a journey from Dale Carnegie’s birthplace to Harvard Business School, from a Tony Robbins seminar to an evangelical megachurch, Susan Cain charts the rise of the Extrovert Ideal in the twentieth century and explores its far-reaching effects. She talks to Asian-American students who feel alienated from the brash, backslapping atmosphere of American schools. She questions the dominant values of American business culture, where forced collaboration can stand in the way of innovation, and where the leadership potential of introverts is often overlooked. And she draws on cutting-edge research in psychology and neuroscience to reveal the surprising differences between extroverts and introverts. Perhaps most inspiring, she introduces us to successful introverts--from a witty, high-octane public speaker who recharges in solitude after his talks, to a record-breaking salesman who quietly taps into the power of questions. Finally, she offers invaluable advice on everything from how to better negotiate differences in introvert-extrovert relationships to how to empower an introverted child to when it makes sense to be a ""pretend extrovert."" This extraordinary book has the power to permanently change how we see introverts and, equally important, how introverts see themselves.",USD 26.00,9780307352149,0307352145 read,2014-08-16T06:57:23Z,158,8.6,Haruki Murakami,Hardcover,489,Knopf,Kafka on the Shore,,,"With Kafka on the Shore, Haruki Murakami gives us a novel every bit as ambitious and expansive as The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, which has been acclaimed both here and around the world for its uncommon ambition and achievement, and whose still-growing popularity suggests that it will be read and admired for decades to come. This magnificent new novel has a similarly extraordinary scope and the same capacity to amaze, entertain, and bewitch the reader. A tour de force of metaphysical reality, it is powered by two remarkable characters: a teenage boy, Kafka Tamura, who runs away from home either to escape a gruesome oedipal prophecy or to search for his long-missing mother and sister; and an aging simpleton called Nakata, who never recovered from a wartime affliction and now is drawn toward Kafka for reasons that, like the most basic activities of daily life, he cannot fathom. Their odyssey, as mysterious to them as it is to us, is enriched throughout by vivid accomplices and mesmerizing events. Cats and people carry on conversations, a ghostlike pimp employs a Hegel-quoting prostitute, a forest harbors soldiers apparently unaged since World War II, and rainstorms of fish (and worse) fall from the sky. There is a brutal murder, with the identity of both victim and perpetrator a riddle–yet this, along with everything else, is eventually answered, just as the entwined destinies of Kafka and Nakata are gradually revealed, with one escaping his fate entirely and the other given a fresh start on his own. Extravagant in its accomplishment, Kafka on the Shore displays one of the world’s truly great storytellers at the height of his powers.",CAD 35.95,9781400043668,1400043662 read,2014-08-07T06:14:44Z,2,0.0,William Dalrymple,Hardcover,560,Knopf,Return of a King,,"William Dalrymple is the author of seven previous works of history and travel, including City of Djinns, which won the Young British Writer of the Year Prize and the Thomas Cook Travel Book Award; From the Holy Mountain; White Mughals, which won Britain’s Wolfson History Prize; and The Last Mughal, which won the Duff Cooper Prize for History and Biography. He is a contributor to The New York Review of Books and The New Yorker. He divides his time between New Delhi and London.","From William Dalrymple—award-winning historian, journalist and travel writer—a masterly retelling of what was perhaps the West’s greatest imperial disaster in the East, and an important parable of neocolonial ambition, folly and hubris that has striking relevance to our own time. With access to newly discovered primary sources from archives in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and India—including a series of previously untranslated Afghan epic poems and biographies—the author gives us the most immediate and comprehensive account yet of the spectacular first battle for Afghanistan: the British invasion of the remote kingdom in 1839. Led by lancers in scarlet cloaks and plumed helmets, and facing little resistance, nearly 20,000 British and East India Company troops poured through the mountain passes from India into Afghanistan in order to reestablish Shah Shuja ul-Mulk on the throne, and as their puppet. But after little more than two years, the Afghans rose in answer to the call for jihad and the country exploded into rebellion. This First Anglo-Afghan War ended with an entire army of what was then the most powerful military nation in the world ambushed and destroyed in snowbound mountain passes by simply equipped Afghan tribesmen. Only one British man made it through. But Dalrymple takes us beyond the bare outline of this infamous battle, and with penetrating, balanced insight illuminates the uncanny similarities between the West’s first disastrous entanglement with Afghanistan and the situation today. He delineates the straightforward facts: Shah Shuja and President Hamid Karzai share the same tribal heritage; the Shah’s principal opponents were the Ghilzai tribe, who today make up the bulk of the Taliban’s foot soldiers; the same cities garrisoned by the British are today garrisoned by foreign troops, attacked from the same rings of hills and high passes from which the British faced attack. Dalryrmple also makes clear the byzantine complexity of Afghanistan’s age-old tribal rivalries, the stranglehold they have on the politics of the nation and the ways in which they ensnared both the British in the nineteenth century and NATO forces in the twenty-first. Informed by the author’s decades-long firsthand knowledge of Afghanistan, and superbly shaped by his hallmark gifts as a narrative historian and his singular eye for the evocation of place and culture, The Return of a King is both the definitive analysis of the First Anglo-Afghan War and a work of stunning topicality.",USD 30.00,9780307958280,0307958280 read,2014-08-02T07:14:40Z,3,0.0,Haruki Murakami,Hardcover,400,The Harvill Press,Underground,,,,GBP 20.00,9781860467578,1860467571 reading,2014-07-28T03:54:21Z,35,9.6,Thucydides,Paperback,752,Free Press,The Landmark Thucydides,,,"Thucydides called his account of two decades of war between Athens and Sparta ""a possession for all time,"" and indeed it is the first and still most famous work in the Western historical tradition. Considered essential reading for generals, statesmen, and liberally educated citizens for more than 2,000 years, The Peloponnesian War is a mine of military, moral, political, and philosophical wisdom. However, this classic book has long presented obstacles to the uninitiated reader. Robert Strassler's new edition removes these obstacles by providing a new coherence to the narrative overall, and by effectively reconstructing the lost cultural context that Thucydides shared with his original audience. Based on the venerable Richard Crawley translation, updated and revised for modern readers. The Landmark Thucydides includes a vast array of superbly designed and presented maps, brief informative appendices by outstanding classical scholars on subjects of special relevance to the text, explanatory marginal notes on each page, an index of unprecedented subtlety, and numerous other useful features. In any list of the Great Books of Western Civilization, The Peloponnesian War stands near the top. This authoritative new edition will ensure that its greatness is appreciated by future generations.",USD 26.95,9780684827902,0684827905 read,2014-07-19T06:22:42Z,1,0.0,"Shaara, Jeff",,464,,A Blaze of Glory,,,"In the first novel of a spellbinding new trilogy, New York Times bestselling author Jeff Shaara returns to the Civil War terrain he knows best. A Blaze of Glory takes us to the action-packed Western Theater for a vivid re-creation of one of the war’s bloodiest and most iconic engagements—the Battle of Shiloh. It’s the spring of 1862. The Confederate Army in the West teeters on the brink of collapse following the catastrophic loss of Fort Donelson. Commanding general Albert Sidney Johnston is forced to pull up stakes, abandon the critical city of Nashville, and rally his troops in defense of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. Hot on Johnston’s trail are two of the Union’s best generals: the relentless Ulysses Grant, fresh off his career-making victory at Fort Donelson, and Don Carlos Buell. If their combined forces can crush Johnston’s army and capture the railroad, the war in the West likely will be over. There’s just one problem: Johnston knows of the Union plans, and is poised to launch an audacious surprise attack on Grant’s encampment—a small settlement in southwestern Tennessee anchored by a humble church named Shiloh. With stunning you-are-there immediacy, Shaara takes us inside the maelstrom of Shiloh as no novelist has before. Drawing on meticulous research, he dramatizes the key actions and decisions of the commanders on both sides: Johnston, Grant, Sherman, Beauregard, and the illustrious Colonel Nathan Bedford Forrest. Here too are the thoughts and voices of the junior officers, conscripts, and enlisted men who gave their all for the cause, among them Confederate cavalry lieutenant James Seeley and Private Fritz “Dutchie” Bauer of the 16th Wisconsin Regiment—brave participants in a pitched back-and-forth battle whose casualty count would far surpass anything the American public had yet seen in this war. By the end of the first day of fighting, as Grant’s bedraggled forces regroup for could be their last stand, two major events—both totally unexpected—will turn the tide of the battle and perhaps the war itself.",$ 31.64,9780345527356,0345527356 read,2014-07-13T21:54:36Z,3,0.0,David Lodge,Paperback,436,Penguin Books,A Man of Parts,,,,GBP 12.98,9780143122098,0143122096 read,2014-07-10T09:44:10Z,80,8.1,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,353,Vintage,A Wild Sheep Chase,,,"在线阅读本书 A marvelous hybrid of mythology and mystery, A Wild Sheep Chase is the extraordinary literary thriller that launched Haruki Murakami’s international reputation. It begins simply enough: A twenty-something advertising executive receives a postcard from a friend, and casually appropriates the image for an insurance company’s advertisement. What he doesn’t realize is that included in the pastoral scene is a mutant sheep with a star on its back, and in using this photo he has unwittingly captured the attention of a man in black who offers a menacing ultimatum: find the sheep or face dire consequences. Thus begins a surreal and elaborate quest that takes our hero from the urban haunts of Tokyo to the remote and snowy mountains of northern Japan, where he confronts not only the mythological sheep, but the confines of tradition and the demons deep within himself. Quirky and utterly captivating, A Wild Sheep Chase is Murakami at his astounding best.",CAD 16.95,9780375718946,037571894X read,2014-06-26T22:21:24Z,44,8.6,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,336,Vintage,The Elephant Vanishes,,,"These are beautifully written stories, often funny, always moving.""--Chicago Tribune With the same deadpan mania and genius for dislocation that he brought to his internationally acclaimed novels A Wild Sheep Chase and Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, Haruki Murakami makes this collection of stories a determined assault on the normal. A man sees his favorite elephant vanish into thin air; a newlywed couple suffers attacks of hunger that drive them to hold up a McDonald's in the middle of the night; and a young woman discovers that she has become irresistible to a little green monster who burrows up through her backyard. By turns haunting and hilarious, The Elephant Vanishes is further proof of Murakami's ability to cross the border between separate realities -- and to come back bearing treasure. With the same deadpan mania and genius for dislocation that he brought to his internationally acclaimed novels A Wild Sheep Chase and Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World , Haruki Murakami makes this collection of stories a determined assault on the normal. A man sees his favorite elephant vanish into thin air; a newlywed couple suffers attacks of hunger that drive them to hold up a McDonald's in the middle of the night; and a young woman discovers that she has become irresistible to a little green monster who burrows up through her backyard. By turns haunting and hilarious, The Elephant Vanishes is further proof of Murakami's ability to cross the border between separate realities -- and to come back bearing treasure.",CAD 19.95,9780679750536,0679750533 read,2014-06-14T07:16:41Z,23915,8.2,[日] 村上春树,精装,288,南海出版公司,没有色彩的多崎作和他的巡礼之年,,"村上春树 日本著名作家。生于1949年。29岁开始写作,处女作《且听风吟》获日本群像新人奖。1987年出版的《挪威的森林》,日文版销量突破1000万册。2009年出版的《1Q84》被誉为“新千年日本文学的里程碑”。2013年4月,《没有色彩的多崎作和他的巡礼之年》面世,七天突破100万册,创日本文学史上的最快突破100万册的纪录。 写作之余,热衷翻译英语文学、跑步、爵士乐等。","“并不是一切都消失在了时间的长河里。那时,我们坚定地相信某种东西,拥有能坚定地相信某种东西的自我。这样的信念绝不会毫无意义地烟消云散”——十六年的彷徨迷惑,换来一场决然的巡礼之年,当最后一块拼图集齐,重回完满的正五边形,剩下最稀薄的人,重建大地。 人若真的受伤,通常会无法直视伤口,想隐 藏它忘却它,把心 门关起来。这是一个成长的故事。要成长,伤痛就得大一点,伤口就得深一点。——村上春树 ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在名古屋上高中时,多崎作有四个非常要好的朋友,两男两女,他们的姓氏都带有色彩——“赤”、“青”、“白”、“黑”,唯独多崎作的姓名中没有色彩,也只有他离开名古屋到东京读大学。大二假期返乡之际,多崎作突然被四位朋友告知要绝交,对原因没有任何说明。他深受打击,几至形销骨立,许久许久才恢复过来。 十六年来,他们始终没有见面.如今已经三十六岁的多崎作,在女朋友的劝告下,终于下决心去拜访抛弃自己的四个朋友,弄清真相。由此开始他的“巡礼之年”。当最后一块拼图集齐,谜底揭开,十六年前的秘密、十六年间的变化,以及十六年后的结局,都令人唏嘘伤痛。",39.50元,9787544268417,7544268411 read,2014-06-10T22:57:24Z,64,8.2,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,416,Vintage,Dance Dance Dance,,,"This wildly propulsive novel by the acclaimed author of A Wild Sheep Chase focuses on a man searching for a former lover who vanished mysteriously from a seedy hotel. But each new clue to Kiki's whereabouts leads him deeper into a labryrinth of physical violence and metaphysical dread. ""A world-class writer.""--Washington Post Book World",USD 16.00,9780679753797,0679753796 read,2014-06-01T23:59:43Z,70,9.4,Haruki Murakami,Paperback,416,Vintage,Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World,,,"Japan's most widely-read and controversial writer, author of A Wild Sheep Chase, hurtles into the consciousness of the West with this narrative about a split-brained data processor, a deranged scientist, his shockingly undemure granddaughter, and various thugs, librarians, and subterranean monsters--not to mention Bob Dylan and Lauren Bacall.",CAD 21.00,9780679743460,0679743464 read,2014-05-23T20:25:28Z,15,9.2,Robert A. Caro,Hardcover,736,Knopf,The Passage of Power,,,"WINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD, THE LOS ANGELES TIMES BOOK PRIZE, THE MARK LYNTON HISTORY PRIZE, THE AMERICAN HISTORY BOOK PRIZE NAMED BY THE NEW YORK TIMES ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Economist * Time *Newsweek * Foreign Policy * Business Week * The Week * The Christian Science Monitor *Newsday By the two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Power Broker. Book Four of Robert A. Caro’s monumental The Years of Lyndon Johnson displays all the narrative energy and illuminating insight that led the Times of London to acclaim it as “one of the truly great political biographies of the modern age. A masterpiece.” The Passage of Power follows Lyndon Johnson through both the most frustrating and the most triumphant periods of his career—1958 to1964. It is a time that would see him trade the extraordinary power he had created for himself as Senate Majority Leader for what became the wretched powerlessness of a Vice President in an administration that disdained and distrusted him. Yet it was, as well, the time in which the presidency, the goal he had always pursued, would be thrust upon him in the moment it took an assassin’s bullet to reach its mark. By 1958, as Johnson began to maneuver for the presidency, he was known as one of the most brilliant politicians of his time, the greatest Senate Leader in our history. But the 1960 nomination would go to the young senator from Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy. Caro gives us an unparalleled account of the machinations behind both the nomination and Kennedy’s decision to offer Johnson the vice presidency, revealing the extent of Robert Kennedy’s efforts to force Johnson off the ticket. With the consummate skill of a master storyteller, he exposes the savage animosity between Johnson and Kennedy’s younger brother, portraying one of America’s great political feuds. Yet Robert Kennedy’s overt contempt for Johnson was only part of the burden of humiliation and isolation he bore as Vice President. With a singular understanding of Johnson’s heart and mind, Caro describes what it was like for this mighty politician to find himself altogether powerless in a world in which power is the crucial commodity. For the first time, in Caro’s breathtakingly vivid narrative, we see the Kennedy assassination through Lyndon Johnson’s eyes. We watch Johnson step into the presidency, inheriting a staff fiercely loyal to his slain predecessor; a Congress determined to retain its power over the executive branch; and a nation in shock and mourning. We see how within weeks—grasping the reins of the presidency with supreme mastery—he propels through Congress essential legislation that at the time of Kennedy’s death seemed hopelessly logjammed and seizes on a dormant Kennedy program to create the revolutionary War on Poverty. Caro makes clear how the political genius with which Johnson had ruled the Senate now enabled him to make the presidency wholly his own. This was without doubt Johnson’s finest hour, before his aspirations and accomplishments were overshadowed and eroded by the trap of Vietnam. In its exploration of this pivotal period in Johnson’s life—and in the life of the nation— The Passage of Power is not only the story of how he surmounted unprecedented obstacles in order to fulfill the highest purpose of the presidency but is, as well, a revelation of both the pragmatic potential in the presidency and what can be accomplished when the chief executive has the vision and determination to move beyond the pragmatic and initiate programs designed to transform a nation. It is an epic story told with a depth of detail possible only through the peerless research that forms the foundation of Robert Caro’s work, confirming Nicholas von Hoffman’s verdict that “Caro has changed the art of political biography.”",USD 35.00,9780679405078,0679405070 read,2014-05-11T11:45:42Z,276,8.1,Haruki Murakami,Hardcover,944,Knopf,1Q84,,,"“Murakami is like a magician who explains what he’s doing as he performs the trick and still makes you believe he has supernatural powers . . . But while anyone can tell a story that resembles a dream, it's the rare artist, like this one, who can make us feel that we are dreaming it ourselves.” — The New York Times Book Review The year is 1984 and the city is Tokyo. A young woman named Aomame follows a taxi driver’s enigmatic suggestion and begins to notice puzzling discrepancies in the world around her. She has entered, she realizes, a parallel existence, which she calls 1Q84 —“Q is for ‘question mark.’ A world that bears a question.” Meanwhile, an aspiring writer named Tengo takes on a suspect ghostwriting project. He becomes so wrapped up with the work and its unusual author that, soon, his previously placid life begins to come unraveled. As Aomame’s and Tengo’s narratives converge over the course of this single year, we learn of the profound and tangled connections that bind them ever closer: a beautiful, dyslexic teenage girl with a unique vision; a mysterious religious cult that instigated a shoot-out with the metropolitan police; a reclusive, wealthy dowager who runs a shelter for abused women; a hideously ugly private investigator; a mild-mannered yet ruthlessly efficient bodyguard; and a peculiarly insistent television-fee collector. A love story, a mystery, a fantasy, a novel of self-discovery, a dystopia to rival George Orwell’s— 1Q84 is Haruki Murakami’s most ambitious undertaking yet: an instant best seller in his native Japan, and a tremendous feat of imagination from one of our most revered contemporary writers.",USD 35.00,9780307593313,0307593312 read,2014-05-07T19:14:53Z,12,9.8,Robert A. Caro,Paperback,1232,Vintage,Master of the Senate,,,"The most riveting political biography of our time, Robert A. Caro’s life of Lyndon B. Johnson, continues. Master of the Senate takes Johnson’s story through one of its most remarkable periods: his twelve years, from 1949 through 1960, in the United States Senate. Once the most august and revered body in politics, by the time Johnson arrived the Senate had become a parody of itself and an obstacle that for decades had blocked desperately needed liberal legislation. Caro shows how Johnson’s brilliance, charm, and ruthlessness enabled him to become the youngest and most powerful Majority Leader in history and how he used his incomparable legislative genius--seducing both Northern liberals and Southern conservatives--to pass the first Civil Rights legislation since Reconstruction. Brilliantly weaving rich detail into a gripping narrative, Caro gives us both a galvanizing portrait of Johnson himself and a definitive and revelatory study of the workings of legislative power.",USD 22.00,9780394720951,0394720954 read,2014-04-21T23:33:14Z,745,8.8,Jared M. Diamond,Paperback,494,W. W. Norton & Company,"Guns, Germs, and Steel",,,"在线阅读本书 Winner of the Pulitzer Prize. In this ""artful, informative, and delightful"" (William H. McNeill, New York Review of Books) book, Jared Diamond convincingly argues that geographical and environmental factors shaped the modern world. Societies that had had a head start in food production advanced beyond the hunter-gatherer stage, and then developed religion --as well as nasty germs and potent weapons of war --and adventured on sea and land to conquer and decimate preliterate cultures. A major advance in our understanding of human societies, Guns, Germs, and Steel chronicles the way that the modern world came to be and stunningly dismantles racially based theories of human history. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the Phi Beta Kappa Award in Science, the Rhone-Poulenc Prize, and the Commonwealth club of California's Gold Medal.",USD 18.95,9780393317558,0393317552 read,2014-04-17T11:06:30Z,21,9.4,Lucius Annaeus Seneca,Paperback,254,Penguin Books,Letters from a Stoic,,,"A philosophy that saw self-possession as the key to an existence lived 'in accordance with nature', Stoicism called for the restraint of animal instincts and the severing of emotional ties. These beliefs were formulated by the Athenian followers of Zeno in the fourth century BC, but it was in Seneca (c. 4 BC - AD 65) that the Stoics found their most eloquent advocate. Stoicism, as expressed in the Letters, helped ease pagan Rome's transition to Christianity, for it upholds upright ethical ideals and extols virtuous living, as well as expressing disgust for the harsh treatment of slaves and the inhumane slaughters witnessed in the Roman arenas. Seneca's major contribution to a seemingly unsympathetic creed was to transform it into a powerfully moving and inspiring declaration of the dignity of the individual mind.",USD 16.00,9780140442106,0140442103 read,2014-03-28T01:23:29Z,57,9.3,Viktor E. Frankl,Paperback,189,Touchstone,Man's Search for Meaning,,," Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl is among the most influential works of psychiatric literature since Freud. The book begins with a lengthy, austere, and deeply moving personal essay about Frankl's imprisonment in Auschwitz and other concentration camps for five years, and his struggle during this time to find reasons to live. The second part of the book, called ""Logotherapy in a Nutshell,"" describes the psychotherapeutic method that Frankl pioneered as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps. Freud believed that sexual instincts and urges were the driving force of humanity's life; Frankl, by contrast, believes that man's deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose. Frankl's logotherapy, therefore, is much more compatible with Western religions than Freudian psychotherapy. This is a fascinating, sophisticated, and very human book. At times, Frankl's personal and professional discourses merge into a style of tremendous power. ""Our generation is realistic, for we have come to know man as he really is,"" Frankl writes. ""After all, man is that being who invented the gas chambers of Auschwitz; however, he is also that being who entered those gas chambers upright, with the Lord's Prayer or the Shema Yisrael on his lips."" --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition. Gerald F. Kreyche, DePaul University ""Frankl is a professional who possesses the rare ability to write in a layman’s language."" --This text refers to the Audio CD edition. See all Editorial Reviews",USD 12.95,9780671244224,0671244221 read,2014-03-28T01:19:20Z,5,0.0,Robert A Caro,Hardcover,560,Knopf Publishing Group,Means of Ascent,,,"Robert A. Caro's life of Lyndon Johnson, which began with the greatly acclaimed The Path to Power, also winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award, continues -- one of the richest, most intensive and most revealing examinations ever undertaken of an American President. In Means of Ascent the Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer/historian, chronicler also of Robert Moses in The Power Broker, carries Johnson through his service in World War II and the foundation of his long-concealed fortune and the facts behind the myths he created about it. But the explosive heart of the book is Caro's revelation of the true story of the fiercely contested 1948 senatorial election, for forty years shrouded in rumor, which Johnson had to win or face certain political death, and which he did win -- by ""the 87 votes that changed history."" Caro makes us witness to a momentous turning point in American politics: the tragic last stand of the old politics versus the new -- the politics of issue versus the politics of image, mass manipulation, money and electronic dazzle. From the Trade Paperback edition.",GBP 46.10,9780394528359,0394528352 read,2014-03-15T09:57:17Z,12,10.0,Robert A. Caro,Paperback,960,Vintage,The Path to Power,,,"This is the story of the rise to national power of a desperately poor young man from the Texas Hill Country. The Path to Power reveals in extraordinary detail the genesis of the almost superhuman drive, energy, and ambition that set LBJ apart. It follows him from the Hill Country to New Deal Washington, from his boyhood through the years of the Depression to his debut as Congressman, his heartbreaking defeat in his first race for the Senate, and his attainment, nonetheless, at age 31, of the national power for which he hungered. In this book, we are brought as close as we have ever been to a true perception of political genius and the American political process. Means of Ascent, Book Two of The Years of Lyndon Johnson, was a number one national best seller and, like The Path to Power, received the National Book Critics Circle Award. ""Powerful and stirring. A monumental political saga...It's an overwhelming experience to read The Path to Power."" -- Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, The New York Times ""Stands at the pinnacle of the biographical art."" -- Donald Morris, Houston Post ""By every measure -- depth of research, brilliance of conception, the seamless flow of the prose -- The Path to Power is a masterpiece of biography."" -- Dan Cryer, Newsday ""A superb and unique biography...Meticulous in research, grand in scale, this is a major work that will remain a tower of its kind."" -- Barbara Tuchman ""An awesome achievement! Not only a historical but a literary event...An epic biography...What brings Caro's story -- and it is a story -- to life is his astonishing concern for the humanity of his characters: the plight of a Hill Country family; the reserve of Lady Bird Johnson; the lonely integrity of Sam Rayburn."" -- Peter Prescott, Newsweek",USD 22.00,9780679729457,0679729453 read,2014-02-18T20:18:46Z,3,0.0,Tom Clancy,Paperback,704,Berkley,Clear and Present Danger,,,"在线阅读本书 The controversial bestseller from Tom Clancy, the all-time master of the techno-thriller. CIA Deputy Director Jack Ryan joins the war on drugs. And when three American officials are assassinated in Colombia, the U.S. response is swift-and shocking.",63.00元,9780425122129,0425122123 read,2014-01-10T06:47:47Z,1,0.0,"Bonds, Russell S.; Pinchot, Bronson;",,NA,,Stealing the General,,,,,9781441789051,1441789057 read,2014-01-07T09:57:12Z,369,8.2,叶曙明,平装,355,浙江人民出版社,国会现场,,"叶曙明,作家,学者,主要从事中国近代史研究,成绩斐然。 著有《大变局:1911》《重返五四现场》《中国1927•谁主沉浮》《草莽中国》等。","◎作品看点 ▲100年来最好看最完整的北洋国会历史 ▲总统之争、派系厮杀、贿选丑闻、外交之辱,再现中国首次民主转型的阵痛 ▲余世存、马勇、解玺璋等著名学者隆重推荐 ◎内容简介 1911年,辛亥风云突变,告别帝制中国,走到了历史的十字路口。当此时,开国会、立宪法、建立共和政体,成为举国上下的最大诉求。仿佛国会一开,即可中华崛起。 作为亚洲第一个民主共和国的中华民国,政制的枢纽在于国会。以梁启超、宋教仁为首的议员,在国会上选总统、制宪法、监督政府、弹劾官员,距离一个宪政民主的中国,仿佛只有一步之遥。 历史的吊诡,恰在瞬息之间。宋教仁被刺、袁世凯称帝、二次革命兴起、曹锟贿选,一波紧随一波,国会三度解散,议员四处流散,十年制不出一部宪法。 本书生动、真实地再现1911-1928这段国会历史,探寻现代中国的首次民主转型,如何从万众期待之中,跌入万劫不复之境。",42.80元,9787213049620,7213049623 read,2013-12-15T05:30:45Z,2,0.0,H.W. Brands,Hardcover,736,Doubleday,The Man Who Saved the Union,,,"From New York Times bestselling author H. W. Brands, a masterful biography of the Civil War general and two-term president who saved the Union twice, on the battlefield and in the White House, holding the country together at two critical turning points in our history. Ulysses Grant rose from obscurity to discover he had a genius for battle, and he propelled the Union to victory in the Civil War. After Abraham Lincoln's assassination and the disastrous brief presidency of Andrew Johnson, America turned to Grant again to unite the country, this time as president. In Brands's sweeping, majestic full biography, Grant emerges as a heroic figure who was fearlessly on the side of right. He was a beloved commander in the field but willing to make the troop sacrifices necessary to win the war, even in the face of storms of criticism. He worked valiantly to protect the rights of freedmen in the South; Brands calls him the last presidential defender of black civil rights for nearly a century. He played it straight with the American Indians, allowing them to shape their own fate even as the realities of Manifest Destiny meant the end of their way of life. He was an enormously popular president whose memoirs were a huge bestseller; yet within decades of his death his reputation was in tatters, the victim of Southerners who resented his policies on Reconstruction. In this page-turning biography, Brands now reconsiders Grant's legacy and provides a compelling and intimate portrait of a man who saved the Union on the battlefield and consolidated that victory as a resolute and principled political leader.",USD 35.00,9780385532419,0385532415 read,2013-12-15T05:29:02Z,51,9.2,David Sedaris,Paperback,502,Little Brown and Company,When You Are Engulfed in Flames,,,"""David Sedaris's ability to transform the mortification of everyday life into wildly entertaining art,"" ( The Christian Science Monitor ) is elevated to wilder and more entertaining heights than ever in this remarkable new book. Trying to make coffee when the water is shut off, David considers using the water in a vase of flowers and his chain of associations takes him from the French countryside to a hilariously uncomfortable memory of buying drugs in a mobile home in rural North Carolina . In essay after essay, Sedaris proceeds from bizarre conundrums of daily life-having a lozenge fall from your mouth into the lap of a fellow passenger on a plane or armoring the windows with LP covers to protect the house from neurotic songbirds-to the most deeply resonant human truths. Culminating in a brilliant account of his venture to Tokyo in order to quit smoking, David Sedaris's sixth essay collection is a new masterpiece of comic writing from ""a writer worth treasuring"" ( Seattle Times ). Praise for When You Are Engulfed in Flames : ""Older, wiser, smarter and meaner, Sedaris...defies the odds once again by delivering an intelligent take on the banalities of an absurd life."" -- Kirkus Reviews This latest collection proves that not only does Sedaris still have it, but he's also getting better....Sedaris's best stuff will still--after all this time--move, surprise, and entertain."" -- Booklist Table of Contents: It's Catching Keeping Up The Understudy This Old House Buddy, Can You Spare a Tie? Road Trips What I Learned That's Amore The Monster Mash In the Waiting Room Solutions to Saturday's Puzzle Adult Figures Charging Toward a Concrete Toadstool Memento Mori All the Beauty You Will Ever Need Town and Country Aerial The Man in the Hut Of Mice and Men April in Paris Crybaby Old Faithful The Smoking Section",GBP 13.23,9780316024594,0316024597 read,2013-12-02T09:01:23Z,14,7.6,Tom Clancy,Mass Market Paperback,736,Penguin,Red Storm Rising,,,"在线阅读本书 From the author of The Hunt For Red October, a New York Times bestseller for over 40 weeks, comes his greatest performance yet. Red Storm Rising is an alarmingly authentic portrait of escalating aggression between superpowers on all fronts--land, sea, air and space.",GBP 5.99,9780425101070,042510107X read,2013-11-16T10:24:50Z,9,0.0,Jon Meacham,Paperback,1376,Random House Large Print,Thomas Jefferson,,"Jon Meacham received the Pulitzer Prize for American Lion, his bestselling 2008 biography of Andrew Jackson. He is also the author of the New York Times bestsellers Franklin and Winston and American Gospel. Executive editor and executive vice president of Random House, Meacham is a contributing editor to Time magazine, a former editor of Newsweek, and has written for The New York Times and The Washington Post, among other publications. He is a regular contributor on Meet the Press, Morning Joe, and Charlie Rose, and is the editor at large of WNET, the New York public television station. Born in Chattanooga in 1969, Meacham was educated at The University of the South. He lives with his family in New York and in Tennessee.","In this magnificent biography, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of American Lion and Franklin and Winston brings vividly to life an extraordinary man and his remarkable times. Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power gives us Jefferson the politician and president, a great and complex human being forever engaged in the wars of his era. Philosophers think; politicians maneuver. Jefferson’s genius was that he was both and could do both, often simultaneously. Such is the art of power. Thomas Jefferson hated confrontation, and yet his understanding of power and of human nature enabled him to move men and to marshal ideas, to learn from his mistakes, and to prevail. Passionate about many things—women, his family, books, science, architecture, gardens, friends, Monticello, and Paris—Jefferson loved America most, and he strove over and over again, despite fierce opposition, to realize his vision: the creation, survival, and success of popular government in America. Jon Meacham lets us see Jefferson’s world as Jefferson himself saw it, and to appreciate how Jefferson found the means to endure and win in the face of rife partisan division, economic uncertainty, and external threat. Drawing on archives in the United States, England, and France, as well as unpublished Jefferson presidential papers, Meacham presents Jefferson as the most successful political leader of the early republic, and perhaps in all of American history. The father of the ideal of individual liberty, of the Louisiana Purchase, of the Lewis and Clark expedition, and of the settling of the West, Jefferson recognized that the genius of humanity—and the genius of the new nation—lay in the possibility of progress, of discovering the undiscovered and seeking the unknown. From the writing of the Declaration of Independence to elegant dinners in Paris and in the President’s House; from political maneuverings in the boardinghouses and legislative halls of Philadelphia and New York to the infant capital on the Potomac; from his complicated life at Monticello, his breathtaking house and plantation in Virginia, to the creation of the University of Virginia, Jefferson was central to the age. Here too is the personal Jefferson, a man of appetite, sensuality, and passion. The Jefferson story resonates today not least because he led his nation through ferocious partisanship and cultural warfare amid economic change and external threats, and also because he embodies an eternal drama, the struggle of the leadership of a nation to achieve greatness in a difficult and confounding world.",USD 35.00,9780307990877,0307990877 read,2013-11-02T09:04:17Z,2,0.0,Robert Graves,Paperback,448,Penguin Classics,Count Belisarius,,,"在线阅读本书 The sixth century was not a peaceful time for the Roman empire. Invaders threatened on all fronties, but they grew to respect and fear the name of Belisarius, the Emperor Justinian's greatest general. With this book Robert Graves again demonstrates his command of a vast historical subject, creating a startling and vivid picture of a decadent era.",GBP 15.00,9780141188133,0141188138 reading,2013-10-25T09:15:14Z,16,7.5,Lee LeFever,Paperback,226,Wiley,The Art of Explanation,,,"Your guide to becoming an explanation specialist. You've done the hard work. Your product or service works beautifully - but something is missing. People just don't see the big idea - and it's keeping you from being successful. Your idea has an explanation problem. The Art of Explanation is for business people, educators and influencers who want to improve their explanation skills and start solving explanation problems. Author Lee LeFever is the founder of Common Craft, a company known around the world for making complex ideas easy to understand through short animated videos. He is your guide to helping audiences fall in love with your ideas, products or services through better explanations in any medium. You will learn to: Plan: Learn explanation basics, what causes them to fail and how to diagnose explanation problems. Package: Using simple elements, create an explanation strategy that builds confidence and motivates your audience. Present: Produce remarkable explanations with visuals and media. The Art of Explanation is your invitation to become an explanation specialist and see why explanation is now a fundamental skill for professionals.",USD 27.95,9781118374580,1118374584 read,2013-10-05T22:59:37Z,4,0.0,Robert Graves; R. Grave,Paperback,NA,Penguin Books,Claudius the God,,,,USD 18.95,9780140004212,0140004211 reading,2013-10-01T07:41:58Z,78,8.0,Nathan Yau,Paperback,384,John Wiley & Sons,Visualize This,,,"Practical data design tips from a data visualization expert of the modern age Data doesn?t decrease; it is ever-increasing and can be overwhelming to organize in a way that makes sense to its intended audience. Wouldn?t it be wonderful if we could actually visualize data in such a way that we could maximize its potential and tell a story in a clear, concise manner? Thanks to the creative genius of Nathan Yau, we can. With this full-color book, data visualization guru and author Nathan Yau uses step-by-step tutorials to show you how to visualize and tell stories with data. He explains how to gather, parse, and format data and then design high quality graphics that help you explore and present patterns, outliers, and relationships. Presents a unique approach to visualizing and telling stories with data, from a data visualization expert and the creator of, Nathan Yau Offers step-by-step tutorials and practical design tips for creating statistical graphics, geographical maps, and information design to find meaning in the numbers Details tools that can be used to visualize data-native graphics for the Web, such as ActionScript, Flash libraries, PHP, and JavaScript and tools to design graphics for print, such as R and Illustrator Contains numerous examples and descriptions of patterns and outliers and explains how to show them Visualize This demonstrates how to explain data visually so that you can present your information in a way that is easy to understand and appealing. From the Author: Telling Stories with Data Author Nathan Yau A common mistake in data design is to approach a project with a visual layout before looking at your data. This leads to graphics that lack context and provide little value. Visualize This teaches you a data-first approach. Explore what your data has to say first, and you can design graphics that mean something. Visualization and data design all come easier with practice, and you can advance your skills with every new dataset and project. To begin though, you need a proper foundation and know what tools are available to you (but not let them bog you down). I wrote Visualize This with that in mind. You'll be exposed to a variety of software and code and jump right into real-world datasets so that you can learn visualization by doing, and most importantly be able to apply what you learn to your own data. Three Data Visualization Steps: 1) Ask a Question (Click Graphic to See Larger Version) When you get a dataset, it sometimes is a challenge figuring out where to start, especially when it's a large dataset. Approach your data with a simple curiosity or a question that you want answered, and go from there. 2) Explore Your Data (Click Graphic to See Larger Version) A simple curiosity often leads to more questions, which are a good guide for what stories to dig into. What variables are related to each other? Can you see changes over time? Are there any features in the data that stand out? Find out all you can about your data, because the more you know what's behind the numbers, the better story you can tell. 3) Visualize Your Data (Click Graphic to See Larger Version) Once you know the important parts of your data, you can design graphics the best way you see fit. Use shapes, colors, and sizes that make sense and help tell your story clearly to readers. While the base of your charts and graphs will share many of the same properties – bars, slices, dots, and lines – the final design elements will and should vary by your unique dataset.",GBP 26.99,9780470944882,0470944889 read,2013-09-10T11:38:29Z,28,9.2,Robert Graves,Paperback,468,Vintage,"I, Claudius",,,"Considered an idiot because of his physical infirmities, Claudius survived the intrigues and poisonings of the reigns of Augustus, Tiberius, and the Mad Caligula to become emperor in 41 A.D. A masterpiece.",USD 17.00,9780679724773,067972477X read,2013-08-29T05:45:03Z,2,0.0,Larry Collins; Dominique Lapierre,Paperback,656,Simon & Schuster,O Jerusalem!,,,,USD 18.00,9781416556275,1416556273 read,2013-08-15T07:40:50Z,1,0.0,"Johansson, Bjorn",,174,,Non-Life Insurance Pricing with Generalized Linear Models,,,"Non-life insurance pricing is the art of setting the price of an insurance policy, taking into consideration varoius properties of the insured object and the policy holder. Introduced by British actuaries generalized linear models (GLMs) have become today a the standard aproach for tariff analysis.The book focuses on methods based on GLMs that have been found useful in actuarial practice and provides a set of tools for a tariff analysis. Basic theory of GLMs in a tariff analysis setting is presented with useful extensions of standarde GLM theory that are not in common use.The book meets the European Core Syllabus for actuarial education and is written for actuarial students as well as practicing actuaries. To support reader real data of some complexity are provided at",$ 56.44,9783642107900,3642107907 read,2013-08-15T07:40:40Z,11,9.6,William Manchester; Paul Reid,Hardcover,1183,"Little, Brown and Company",The Last Lion,,,"Spanning the years of 1940-1965, THE LAST LION picks up shortly after Winston Churchill became Prime Minister-when his tiny island nation stood alone against the overwhelming might of Nazi Germany. The Churchill conjured up by William Manchester and Paul Reid is a man of indomitable courage, lightning fast intellect, and an irresistible will to action. THE LAST LION brilliantly recounts how Churchill organized his nation's military response and defense; compelled FDR into supporting America's beleaguered cousins, and personified the ""never surrender"" ethos that helped the Allies win the war, while at the same time adapting himself and his country to the inevitable shift of world power from the British Empire to the United States. More than twenty years in the making, THE LAST LION presents a revelatory and unparalleled portrait of this brilliant, flawed, and dynamic leader. This is popular history at its most stirring.",USD 40.00,9780316547703,0316547700 read,2013-07-31T05:17:25Z,33,9.2,David McCullough,Hardcover,752,Simon & Schuster,John Adams,,,"Book Description Publication Date: May 22, 2001 In this powerful, epic biography, David McCullough unfolds the adventurous life-journey of John Adams, the brilliant, fiercely independent, often irascible, always honest Yankee patriot -- ""the colossus of independence,"" as Thomas Jefferson called him -- who spared nothing in his zeal for the American Revolution; who rose to become the second President of the United States and saved the country from blundering into an unnecessary war; who was learned beyond all but a few and regarded by some as ""out of his senses""; and whose marriage to the wise and valiant Abigail Adams is one of the moving love stories in American history. Like his masterly, Pulitzer Prize-winning biography Truman, David McCullough's John Adams has the sweep and vitality of a great novel. It is both a riveting portrait of an abundantly human man and a vivid evocation of his time, much of it drawn from an outstanding collection of Adams family letters and diaries. In particular, the more than one thousand surviving letters between John and Abigail Adams, nearly half of which have never been published, provide extraordinary access to their private lives and make it possible to know John Adams as no other major American of his founding era. As he has with stunning effect in his previous books, McCullough tells the story from within -- from the point of view of the amazing eighteenth century and of those who, caught up in events, had no sure way of knowing how things would turn out. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, the British spy Edward Bancroft, Madame Lafayette and Jefferson's Paris ""interest"" Maria Cosway, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, the scandalmonger James Callender, Sally Hemings, John Marshall, Talleyrand, and Aaron Burr all figure in this panoramic chronicle, as does, importantly, John Quincy Adams, the adored son whom Adams would live to see become President. Crucial to the story, as it was to history, is the relationship between Adams and Jefferson, born opposites -- one a Massachusetts farmer's son, the other a Virginia aristocrat and slaveholder, one short and stout, the other tall and spare. Adams embraced conflict; Jefferson avoided it. Adams had great humor; Jefferson, very little. But they were alike in their devotion to their country. At first they were ardent co-revolutionaries, then fellow diplomats and close friends. With the advent of the two political parties, they became archrivals, even enemies, in the intense struggle for the presidency in 1800, perhaps the most vicious election in history. Then, amazingly, they became friends again, and ultimately, incredibly, they died on the same day -- their day of days -- July 4, in the year 1826. Much about John Adams's life will come as a surprise to many readers. His courageous voyage on the frigate Boston in the winter of 1778 and his later trek over the Pyrenees are exploits that few would have dared and that few readers will ever forget. It is a life encompassing a huge arc -- Adams lived longer than any president. The story ranges from the Boston Massacre to Philadelphia in 1776 to the Versailles of Louis XVI, from Spain to Amsterdam, from the Court of St. James's, where Adams was the first American to stand before King George III as a representative of the new nation, to the raw, half-finished Capital by the Potomac, where Adams was the first President to occupy the White House. This is history on a grand scale -- a book about politics and war and social issues, but also about human nature, love, religious faith, virtue, ambition, friendship and betrayal, and the far-reaching consequences of noble ideas. Above all, John Adams is an enthralling, often surprising story of one of the most important and fascinating Americans who ever lived. Review Left to his own devices, John Adams might have lived out his days as a Massachusetts country lawyer, devoted to his family and friends. As it was, events swiftly overtook him, and Adams--who, David McCullough writes, was ""not a man of the world"" and not fond of politics--came to greatness as the second president of the United States, and one of the most distinguished of a generation of revolutionary leaders. He found reason to dislike sectarian wrangling even more in the aftermath of war, when Federalist and anti-Federalist factions vied bitterly for power, introducing scandal into an administration beset by other difficulties--including pirates on the high seas, conflict with France and England, and all the public controversy attendant in building a nation. Overshadowed by the lustrous presidents Washington and Jefferson, who bracketed his tenure in office, Adams emerges from McCullough's brilliant biography as a truly heroic figure--not only for his significant role in the American Revolution but also for maintaining his personal integrity in its strife-filled aftermath. McCullough spends much of his narrative examining the troubled friendship between Adams and Jefferson, who had in common a love for books and ideas but differed on almost every other imaginable point. Reading his pages, it is easy to imagine the two as alter egos. (Strangely, both died on the same day, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.) But McCullough also considers Adams in his own light, and the portrait that emerges is altogether fascinating. --Gregory McNamee From Publishers Weekly Here a preeminent master of narrative history takes on the most fascinating of our founders to create a benchmark for all Adams biographers. With a keen eye for telling detail and a master storyteller's instinct for human interest, McCullough (Truman; Mornings on Horseback) resurrects the great Federalist (1735-1826), revealing in particular his restrained, sometimes off-putting disposition, as well as his political guile. The events McCullough recounts are well-known, but with his astute marshaling of facts, the author surpasses previous biographers in depicting Adams's years at Harvard, his early public life in Boston and his role in the first Continental Congress, where he helped shape the philosophical basis for the Revolution. McCullough also makes vivid Adams's actions in the second Congress, during which he was the first to propose George Washington to command the new Continental Army. Later on, we see Adams bickering with Tom Paine's plan for government as suggested in Common Sense, helping push through the draft for the Declaration of Independence penned by his longtime friend and frequent rival, Thomas Jefferson, and serving as commissioner to France and envoy to the Court of St. James's. The author is likewise brilliant in portraying Adams's complex relationship with Jefferson, who ousted him from the White House in 1800 and with whom he would share a remarkable death date 26 years later: July 4, 1826, 50 years to the day after the signing of the Declaration. (June) Forecast: Joseph Ellis has shown us the Founding Fathers can be bestsellers, and S&S knows it has a winner: first printing is 350,000 copies, and McCullough will go on a 15-city tour; both Book-of-the-Month Club and the History Book Club have taken this book as a selection.",USD 40.00,9780684813639,0684813637 read,2013-07-29T11:35:24Z,6,0.0,"Atwan, Robert; Brooks, David;",Paperback,310,Houghton Mifflin,The Best American Essays,,,"The Best American Series(R) First, Best, and Best-Selling The Best American series is the premier annual showcase for the country's finest short fiction and nonfiction. Each volume's series editor selects notable works from hundreds of magazines, journals, and websites. A special guest editor, a leading writer in the field, then chooses the best twenty or so pieces to publish. This unique system has made the Best American series the most respected -- and most popular -- of its kind. ""The Best American Essays 2012"" includes Marcia Angell, Miah Arnold, Mark Doty, Joseph Epstein, Jonathan Franzen, Malcolm Gladwell, Francine Prose, Lauren Slater, Sandra Tsing Loh, Jose Antonio Vargas, and others",GBP 10.72,9780547840093,0547840098 read,2013-07-22T07:40:51Z,10,8.8,William Manchester,Hardcover,816,"Little, Brown and Company",The Last Lion,,,"Alone is the second volume of William Manchester's brilliant three-volume biography of Winston Churchill. In this volume, we witness the war within, before the colossal war to come. During this period, Churchill was tested as few men are: relentlessly pursued by creditors, disowned by his own party, vociferously dismissed by the press as a warmonger, and twice nearly lost his seat in Parliament. Yet despite his personal and political troubles, Churchill managed to assemble a vast, underground intelligence network-both within the British government and on the continent-which provided him with more complete and accurate information on Germany than the British government. Recognizing the horrifying truth, Churchill stood almost alone against Nazi aggression and the sordid British and French policy of appeasement. Manchester's luminous portrait never loses sight of Churchill the man-a man with limitations, especially his callousness toward others (including his supporters) and his recklessness, which could border on the foolhardy; but also a man whose vision was global and whose courage was boundless. Here is Churchill as a light in the approaching darkness, readying himself for the terrible stand to come.",USD 50.00,9780316545129,0316545120 wish,2013-07-03T07:47:21Z,52,9.3,Richard Adams,Mass Market Paperback,496,Avon,Watership Down,,,"One of the most beloved novels of our time, Richard Adams s Watership Down takes us to a world we have never truly seen: to the remarkable life that teems in the fields, forests and riverbanks far beyond our cities and towns. It is a powerful saga of courage, leadership and survival; an epic tale of a hardy band of adventurers forced to flee the destruction of their fragile community...and their trials and triumphs in the face of extraordinary adversity as they pursue a glorious dream called ""home."" Watership Down is a remarkable tale of exile and survival, of heroism and leadership...the epic novel of a group of adventurers who desert their doomed city, and venture forth against all odds on a quest for a new home, a sturdier future,",GBP 5.27,9780380002931,0380002930 read,2013-07-02T11:39:59Z,432,8.3,Neil Gaiman,精装,480,William Morrow,American Gods,,,"American Gods is Neil Gaiman's best and most ambitious novel yet, a scary, strange, and hallucinogenic road-trip story wrapped around a deep examination of the American spirit. Gaiman tackles everything from the onslaught of the information age to the meaning of death, but he doesn't sacrifice the razor-sharp plotting and narrative style he's been delivering since his Sandman days. Shadow gets out of prison early when his wife is killed in a car crash. At a loss, he takes up with a mysterious character called Wednesday, who is much more than he appears. In fact, Wednesday is an old god, once known as Odin the All-father, who is roaming America rounding up his forgotten fellows in preparation for an epic battle against the upstart deities of the Internet, credit cards, television, and all that is wired. Shadow agrees to help Wednesday, and they whirl through a psycho-spiritual storm that becomes all too real in its manifestations. For instance, Shadow's dead wife Laura keeps showing up, and not just as a ghost--the difficulty of their continuing relationship is by turns grim and darkly funny, just like the rest of the book. Armed only with some coin tricks and a sense of purpose, Shadow travels through, around, and underneath the visible surface of things, digging up all the powerful myths Americans brought with them in their journeys to this land as well as the ones that were already here. Shadow's road story is the heart of the novel, and it's here that Gaiman offers up the details that make this such a cinematic book--the distinctly American foods and diversions, the bizarre roadside attractions, the decrepit gods reduced to shell games and prostitution. ""This is a bad land for Gods,"" says Shadow. More than a tourist in America, but not a native, Neil Gaiman offers an outside-in and inside-out perspective on the soul and spirituality of the country--our obsessions with money and power, our jumbled religious heritage and its societal outcomes, and the millennial decisions we face about what's real and what's not. --Therese Littleton,",26.99美元,9780380973651,0380973650 reading,2013-04-27T00:58:47Z,6,0.0,Robin Williams,Paperback,168,Peachpit Press,The Non-Designer's Presentation Book,,,"These days, it's not just corporate marketing directors tasked with giving computer-based presentations-anyone forced to stand in front of a crowd and talk for more than three minutes had better know how to put together a slide presentation. You're not a professional designer, but you want your slides to look professional. What do you do? Enter Robin Williams, the beloved, best-selling non-designer's designer (with over 850,000 copies of The Non-Designer's Design Book in print!) who has taught an entire generation the basics of design and typography. In The Non-Designer's Presentation Book, Robin expands upon the design principles introduced in her award-winning Non-Designer's series. She explains four fundamental principles of good design as applied to digital presentations, and adds four more principles specific to clear communication with slides. Whether you work with a Mac or PC, PowerPoint or Keynote, let Robin guide you, in her signature, light-hearted style, through the entire process of creating a presentation-from using the right software to organizing your ideas to designing effective, beautiful slides that won't put your audience to sleep. In this essential guide to presentation design, you'll learn: * What makes a good presentation or a bad one * How to plan, organize, and outline your presentation * Four principles of designing effective presentations * Four principles for designing beautiful slides that communicate clearly * An exhaustive list of timeless presentation rules...that you should totally ignore",USD 34.99,9780321656216,0321656210 reading,2013-02-22T09:09:46Z,61,9.4,E. T. Jaynes,Hardcover,753,Cambridge University Press,Probability Theory,,,"The standard rules of probability can be interpreted as uniquely valid principles in logic. In this book, E. T. Jaynes dispels the imaginary distinction between 'probability theory' and 'statistical inference', leaving a logical unity and simplicity, which provides greater technical power and flexibility in applications. This book goes beyond the conventional mathematics of probability theory, viewing the subject in a wider context. New results are discussed, along with applications of probability theory to a wide variety of problems in physics, mathematics, economics, chemistry and biology. It contains many exercises and problems, and is suitable for use as a textbook on graduate level courses involving data analysis. The material is aimed at readers who are already familiar with applied mathematics at an advanced undergraduate level or higher. The book will be of interest to scientists working in any area where inference from incomplete information is necessary.",USD 110.00,9780521592710,0521592712 read,2013-02-11T09:04:51Z,3,0.0,"Gardner, Lisa",,0,Brilliance Corporation,The 7th Month,,,,,9781469248387,1469248387 read,2013-02-10T14:37:20Z,9,0.0,William Manchester,Hardcover,992,"Little, Brown and Company",The Last Lion,,,"William Manchester met Winston Churchill on January 24, 1953. Their encounter on the Queen Mary sparked an intense curiosity in Manchester that would eventually result in his classic three-volume magnum opus The Last Lion . In this, the first volume, we follow Churchill from his birth to 1932, when he began to warn against the remilitarization of Germany. Born of a lovely, wanton American mother and a gifted but unstable son of a duke, his childhood was one of wretched neglect. He sought glory on the battlefields of Cuba, Sudan, India, South Africa and the trenches of France. In Parliament he was the prime force behind the creation of Iraq and Jordan, laid the groundwork for the birth of Israel, and negotiated the independence of the Irish Free State. Yet, as Chancellor of the Exchequer he plunged England into economic crisis, and his fruitless attempt to suppress Gandhi's quest for Indian independence brought political chaos to Britain. Throughout, Churchill learned the lessons that would prepare him for the storm to come, and as the 1930's began, he readied himself for the coming battle against Nazism--an evil the world had never before seen.",USD 50.00,9780316545037,0316545031 reading,2013-02-09T03:01:39Z,5,0.0,Larry Wasserman,Hardcover,284,Springer,All of Nonparametric Statistics (Springer Texts in Statistics),,,"This text provides the reader with a single book where they can find accounts of a number of up-to-date issues in nonparametric inference. The book is aimed at Masters or PhD level students in statistics, computer science, and engineering. It is also suitable for researchers who want to get up to speed quickly on modern nonparametric methods. It covers a wide range of topics including the bootstrap, the nonparametric delta method, nonparametric regression, density estimation, orthogonal function methods, minimax estimation, nonparametric confidence sets, and wavelets. The book's dual approach includes a mixture of methodology and theory.",USD 84.95,9780387251455,0387251456 read,2013-02-08T02:18:41Z,94,8.6,Norman Matloff,Paperback,400,NO STARCH PRESS,The Art of R Programming,,,,GBP 31.49,9781593273842,1593273843 read,2013-01-31T14:25:14Z,500,9.2,Viktor E. Frankl,Mass Market Paperback,184,Beacon Press,Man's Search for Meaning,,,"Book Description Frankl's timeless memoir and meditation on finding meaning in the midst of suffering With a new Foreword by Harold S. Kushner and a new Biographical Afterword by William J. Winslade Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of others he treated later in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl's theory-known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos (""meaning"")-holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful. At the time of Frankl's death in 1997, Man's Search for Meaning had sold more than 10 million copies in twenty-four languages. A 1991 reader survey for the Library of Congress that asked readers to name a ""book that made a difference in your life"" found Man's Search for Meaning among the ten most influential books in America. Beacon Press, the original English-language publisher of Man's Search for Meaning, is issuing this new paperback edition with a new Foreword, biographical Afterword, jacket, price, and classroom materials to reach new generations of readers. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.6                 width:(cm)10.6",USD 9.99,9780807014295,080701429X read,2013-01-27T17:27:38Z,2,0.0,Doris Kearns Goodwin,Audio CD,NA,Simon & Schuster Audio,Team of Rivals,,,This brilliant multiple biography is centered on Lincoln's mastery of men and how it shaped the most significant presidency in the nation's history.,USD 39.95,9780743539135,0743539133 read,2012-12-11T23:20:07Z,162,7.9,俞天任,,189,东方出版社,谁在统治着日本,,俞天任,网上行走时叫“冰冷雨天”,自称“老冰”,早年活跃于西祠胡同、天涯等论坛,在不少网站开有博客,在网上连载的“冰眼看日本系列”等都转载率极高,他生于上海,在江西长大。当过农民、工人、代课老师,托“拨乱反正”的福,考上大学,还进了研究生院,毕业后存上海高校工作,20世纪90年代到日本,现任某机械公司技术部部长。出版的作品有《冰眼看日本》、《有一类战犯叫参谋》、《浩瀚的大洋是赌场》、《军国的幕僚》、《东边的太阳快要落山了》。,《谁在统治着日本》通过日本高级公务员的历史、发展和现状来回答这个问题:明治维新之后,日本在亚洲首先成功地发展了资本主义,走进了发达国家的行列,日本的成功在很大程度上是因为它拥有一支高效、主动、积极并且廉洁的高级公务员队伍,日本的高级公务员制度是亚洲国家仿效的对象,李光耀就曾经说过日本的制度中最值得新加坡学习的是它的高级公务员制度。可是在培养出了这支公务员队伍的日本,现在却开始了一场排斥和否定这种高级公务员制度甚至排斥和否定这支高级公务员队伍本身的大合战,这到底是怎么一回事。,34.00元,9787506048330,7506048337 read,2012-12-03T12:27:33Z,305,8.1,George W. Bush,Hardcover,512,Crown,Decision Points,,George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the United States.,"President George W. Bush describes the critical decisions of his presidency and personal life. Decision Points is the extraordinary memoir of America’s 43rd president. Shattering the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush offers a strikingly candid journey through the defining decisions of his life. In gripping, never-before-heard detail, President Bush brings readers inside the Texas Governor’s Mansion on the night of the hotly contested 2000 election; aboard Air Force One on 9/11, in the hours after America’s most devastating attack since Pearl Harbor; at the head of the table in the Situation Room in the moments before launching the war in Iraq; and behind the Oval Office desk for his historic and controversial decisions on the financial crisis, Hurricane Katrina, Afghanistan, Iran, and other issues that have shaped the first decade of the 21st century. President Bush writes honestly and directly about his flaws and mistakes, as well as his accomplishments reforming education, treating HIV/AIDS in Africa, and safeguarding the country amid chilling warnings of additional terrorist attacks. He also offers intimate new details on his decision to quit drinking, discovery of faith, and relationship with his family. A groundbreaking new brand of memoir, Decision Points will captivate supporters, surprise critics, and change perspectives on one of the most consequential eras in American history – and the man at the center of events.",USD 35.00,9780307590619,0307590615 read,2012-11-22T08:25:08Z,1591,7.9,莫言,平装,187,花城出版社,红高粱,,"莫言,山东高密人,1955年生。著有《红高粱家族》、《酒国》、《丰乳肥臀》、《檀香刑》、《生死疲劳》等长篇小说十一部,《透明的红萝卜》、《司令的女人》等中短篇小说一百余部,并有剧作、散文多部;其中许多作品已被翻译成英、法、德、意、日、西、俄、韩、荷兰、瑞典、挪威、波兰、阿拉伯、越南等多种语言,在国内外文坛上具有广泛影响。 莫言和他的作品获得过“联合文学奖”(台湾),“华语文学传媒大奖·年度杰出成就奖”,法国“Laure Bataillin(儒尔·巴泰庸)外国文学奖”,“法兰西文化艺术骑士勋章”,意大利“NONINO(诺尼诺)国际文学奖”,日本“福冈亚洲文化大奖”,香港浸会大学“世界华文长篇小说奖·红楼梦奖”及美国“纽曼华语文学奖”等国内外奖项。 《蛙》是莫言酝酿十余年、笔耕四载、三易其稿、潜心打造的一部触及国人灵魂最痛处的长篇力作。小说由剧作家蝌蚪写给日本作家杉谷义人的四封长信和一部话剧构成,讲述了姑姑——一个乡村妇产科医生的人生经历,在用生动感人的细节展示乡土中国六十年波澜起伏的生育史的同时,毫不留情地剖析了当代知识分子卑微的灵魂。 本书献给:经历过计划生育年代和在计划生育年代出生的千千万万读者。","《红高粱》内容简介:1986年发表的中篇小说《红高梁》,为莫言的成名之作。《红高粱》中创造了莫言的文学王国“高密东北乡”,通过“我”的叙述,描写了抗日战争期间,“我”的祖先在高密东北乡轰轰烈烈、英勇悲壮的人生故事。这部《红高梁》同时收入题材或主题相近的其他中短篇,旨在加强读者对作家莫言的主要的中篇小说,或某一方面的创作思想的了解。 莫言1985年发表《透明的红萝卜》,自此引起文坛关注。小说描写了一个无名无姓的黑孩子,他坚忍地活在苦痛的现实中,以一种自虐的方式表示自己的强大。作品成功写出了一个孩子的内心世界,以及由此折射出来的外部世界。",15.00元,9787536062221,7536062222 read,2012-11-06T15:06:08Z,11,7.9,Ron Chernow,Hardcover,904,"Penguin Press HC, The",Washington,,"Ron Chernow won the National Book Award in 1990 for his first book, The House of Morgan, and his second book, The Warburgs, won the Eccles Prize as the Best Business Book of 1993. His biography of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., Titan, was a national bestseller and a National Book Critics Circle Award finalist. Ron Chernow won the National Book Award in 1990 for his first book, The House of Morgan, and his second book, The Warburgs, won the Eccles Prize as the Best Business Book of 1993. His biography of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., Titan, was a national bestseller and a National Book Critics Circle Award finalist.","In his introduction, veteran biographer Chernow is clear about his goals. Using the recent ""explosion of research,"" he wants to render George Washington ""real"" and ""credible,"" to replace ""frosty respect"" with ""visceral appreciation."" In many respects, Chernow succeeds. He gives us a Washington who starts with limited education and means and, through a remarkable combination of timely deaths, an incredible capacity for hard work, a shrewd marriage, astonishing physical hardiness and courage, a propensity for land speculation, and a gift for finding influential patrons, transforms himself into a soldier, well-to-do planter, local official, and eventually the only real choice to command the Continental army, preside over the Constitutional Convention, and serve as the first president. Chernow makes familiar scenes fresh (like the crossing of the Delaware) and expertly brings the provisional revolutionary and early Republican eras to life. Along the way, however, he mistakes ""visceral"" for ardent; while he never hides Washington's less than saintly moments or shirks the vexed question of slavery, he often seems to ignore the data he's collected. Examples of shady dealing are quickly followed by tales of Washington's unimpeachable ethics or impeccable political savvy. At times it feels as if Chernow, for all his careful research and talent for synthesis, is in the grip of a full-scale crush. The result is a good book that would have been great if better edited, and if Chernow had trusted that Washington's many merits, even when accompanied by his faults, would speak for themselves.",USD 40.00,9781594202667,1594202664 read,2012-11-02T07:03:40Z,495,9.5,Trevor Hastie; Robert Tibshirani; Jerome Friedman,Hardcover,745,Springer,The Elements of Statistical Learning,,"Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman are professors of statistics at Stanford University. They are prominent researchers in this area: Hastie and Tibshirani developed generalized additive models and wrote a popular book of that title. Hastie co-developed much of the statistical modeling software and environment in R/S-PLUS and invented principal curves and surfaces. Tibshirani proposed the lasso and is co-author of the very successful An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Friedman is the co-inventor of many data-mining tools including CART, MARS, projection pursuit and gradient boosting.","During the past decade there has been an explosion in computation and information technology. With it have come vast amounts of data in a variety of fields such as medicine, biology, finance, and marketing. The challenge of understanding these data has led to the development of new tools in the field of statistics, and spawned new areas such as data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Many of these tools have common underpinnings but are often expressed with different terminology. This book describes the important ideas in these areas in a common conceptual framework. While the approach is statistical, the emphasis is on concepts rather than mathematics. Many examples are given, with a liberal use of color graphics. It is a valuable resource for statisticians and anyone interested in data mining in science or industry. The book's coverage is broad, from supervised learning (prediction) to unsupervised learning. The many topics include neural networks, support vector machines, classification trees and boosting---the first comprehensive treatment of this topic in any book. This major new edition features many topics not covered in the original, including graphical models, random forests, ensemble methods, least angle regression & path algorithms for the lasso, non-negative matrix factorization, and spectral clustering. There is also a chapter on methods for ""wide"" data (p bigger than n), including multiple testing and false discovery rates.",USD 89.95,9780387848570,0387848576 read,2012-11-01T22:50:23Z,299,9.4,Siddhartha Mukherjee,Hardcover,592,Scribner,The Emperor of All Maladies,,"Siddhartha Mukherjee is a cancer physician and researcher. He is an assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University and a staff cancer physician at the CU/NYU Presbytarian Hospital. A former Rhodes scholar, he graduated from Stanford University, University of Oxford (where he received a PhD studying cancer-causing viruses) and from Harvard Medical School. His laboratory focuses on discovering new cancer drugs using innovative biological methods. Mukherjee trained in cancer medicine at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute of Harvard Medical School and was on the staff at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He has published articles and commentary in such journals as Nature, New England Journal of Medicine, Neuron and the Journal of Clinical Investigation and in publications such as the New York Times and the New Republic. His work was nominated for Best American Science Writing, 2000 (edited by James Gleick). He lives in Boston and New York with his wife, Sarah Sze, an artist, and with his daughter, Leela.","Starred Review. Mukherjee's debut book is a sweeping epic of obsession, brilliant researchers, dramatic new treatments, euphoric success and tragic failure, and the relentless battle by scientists and patients alike against an equally relentless, wily, and elusive enemy. From the first chemotherapy developed from textile dyes to the possibilities emerging from our understanding of cancer cells, Mukherjee shapes a massive amount of history into a coherent story with a roller-coaster trajectory: the discovery of a new treatment--surgery, radiation, chemotherapy--followed by the notion that if a little is good, more must be better, ending in disfiguring radical mastectomy and multidrug chemo so toxic the treatment ended up being almost worse than the disease. The first part of the book is driven by the obsession of Sidney Farber and philanthropist Mary Lasker to find a unitary cure for all cancers. (Farber developed the first successful chemotherapy for childhood leukemia.) The last and most exciting part is driven by the race of brilliant, maverick scientists to understand how cells become cancerous. Each new discovery was small, but as Mukherjee, a Columbia professor of medicine, writes, ""Incremental advances can add up to transformative changes."" Mukherjee's formidable intelligence and compassion produce a stunning account of the effort to disrobe the ""emperor of maladies."" (Nov.) (c) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.",USD 30.00,9781439107959,1439107955 read,2012-10-30T22:37:40Z,1313,9.1,Philip J. Guo,Paperback,122,Clearway Logistics Phase 1a,The Ph.D. Grind,,"I work at Google; my academic training was in Computer Science (S.B. and M.Eng. from MIT, Ph.D. from Stanford). I wrote The Ph.D. Grind immediately after finishing my Ph.D., which is the ideal time for such a memoir. In contrast, current Ph.D. students cannot reflect on the entirety of their experiences like I can, and senior researchers who attempt to reflect back on their Ph.D. years might suffer from selective hindsight.","This book chronicles my six years of working towards a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stanford University from 2006 to 2012. A diverse variety of people can benefit from reading it, including: undergraduates who might be interested in pursuing a Ph.D., current Ph.D. students who are seeking guidance or inspiration, professors who want to better understand Ph.D. students, employers who hire and manage people with Ph.D. degrees, professionals working in any creative or competitive field where self-driven initiative is crucial, and educated adults (or precocious kids) who are curious about how academic research is produced.",GBP 9.99,9780452900561,0452900565 read,2012-10-07T15:11:45Z,536,9.7,E.H. Gombrich,Paperback,688,Phaidon Press,The Story of Art,,"Sir Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich, OM, CBE (30 March 1909 – 3 November 2001) was an Austrian-born art historian who became a naturalized British citizen in 1947.[1] He spent most of his working life in the United Kingdom. He is the author of many works of cultural history and art history, including The Story of Art, a book widely regarded as one of the most accessible introductions to the visual arts. BiographyThe son of Karl Gombrich and Leonie Hock, Gombrich was born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary, into an assimilated bourgeois family of Jewish origin who were part of a sophisticated social and musical milieu. His father was a lawyer and former classmate of Hugo von Hofmannsthal and his mother was distinguished pianist who graduated from the Vienna Conservatoire with the School's Medal of Distinction. At the Conservatoire she was a pupil of, amongst others, Anton Bruckner. However, rather than follow a career as a concert pianist (which would have been difficult to combine with her family life in this period) she became an assistant of Theodor Leschetizky. She also knew Arnold Schoenberg, Gustav Mahler, Hugo Wolf and Johannes Brahms [3]. Rudolf Serkin was a close family friend. Adolf Busch and members of the Busch Quartet regularly met and played in the family home. Throughout his life Gombrich maintained a deep love and knowledge of classical music. He was a competent cellist and in later life at home in London regularly played the chamber music of Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven and others with his wife and elder sister Dea Forsdyke, a concert violinist. Gombrich was educated at Theresianum Secondary School and at Vienna University before coming to Britain in 1936, where he took up a post as a research assistant at the Warburg Institute, University of London. In 1936, he married Ilse Heller, a pupil of his mother, and herself an accomplished pianist. Their only child, Richard, went on to become a noted Indologist and scholar of Buddhism, acting as the Boden Professor of Sanskrit at Oxford University from 1976 to 2004. During World War II, Gombrich worked for the BBC World Service, monitoring German radio broadcasts. When in 1945 an upcoming announcement was prefaced by a Bruckner symphony written for Wagner's death, Gombrich guessed correctly that Hitler was dead and promptly broke the news to Churchill. He returned to the Warburg Institute in November 1945, where he became Senior Research Fellow (1946), Lecturer (1948), Reader (1954), and eventually Professor of the History of the Classical Tradition and director of the institute (1959–72). He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 1960, made CBE in 1966, knighted in 1972, and appointed a member of the Order of Merit in 1988. He was the recipient of numerous additional honours, including Goethe Prize 1994 and Balzan Prize in 1985 for History of Western Art. Gombrich was close to a number of Austrian émigrés who fled to the West prior to the Anschluss, among them Karl Popper (to whom he was especially close), Friedrich Hayek and Max Perutz. He was instrumental in bringing to publication Popper's magnum opus The Open Society and Its Enemies. Each had known the other only fleetingly in Vienna, as Gombrich's father served his law apprenticeship with Popper's father. They became lifelong friends in exile. [edit] WorkGombrich's first book, and the only one he did not write in English, was Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser (A short history of the world for young readers), published in Germany in 1936. It was very popular and translated into several languages, but was not available in English until 2005, when a translation of a revised edition was published as A Little History of the World. He did most of this translation and revision himself, and it was completed by his long-time assistant and secretary Caroline Mustill and his granddaughter Leonie Gombrich after his death [4]. The Story of Art, first published in 1950 and currently in its 16th edition, is widely regarded as one of the most accessible introductions to the history of visual arts. Originally intended for adolescent readers, it has sold millions of copies and been translated into more than 30 languages. Other major publications include Art and Illusion (1960), regarded by critics to be his most influential and far-reaching work, and the essays gathered in Meditations on a Hobby Horse (1963) and The Image and the Eye (1981). Other important books are Aby Warburg: An Intellectual Biography (1970), The Sense of Order (1979) and The Preference for the Primitive (posthumously in 2002). The complete list of his publications, E.H. Gombrich: A Bibliography, was published by Joseph Burney Trapp in 2000.","The most famous and popular book on art ever published, this quintessential ""introduction to art"" has been a worldwide bestseller for over four decades. In this completely redesigned 16th edition, Gombrich, a true master, combines knowledge and wisdom with a unique gift for communicating his deep love of the subject. 440 illustrations, 376 in color.",USD 39.95,9780714832470,0714832472 reading,2012-10-02T12:58:54Z,169,9.4,Douglas R. Hofstadter,Paperback,824,Penguin,"Godel, Escher, Bach",,,,GBP 18.99,9780140289206,0140289208 reading,2012-09-11T13:14:10Z,2,0.0,Robert Frost,Hardcover,256,Everyman's Library,Frost,,,"rom one of the most brilliant and widely read of all American poets, a generous selection of lyrics, dramatic monologues, and narrative poems--all of them steeped in the wayward and isolated beauty of Frost's native New England. Includes his classics ""Mending Wall, "" ""Birches, "" and ""The Road Not Taken, "" as well as poems less famous but equally great.",GBP 10.15,9780679455141,0679455140 reading,2012-09-10T11:52:02Z,96,8.3,Alan Hollinghurst,Hardcover,400,Bloomsbury USA,The Line of Beauty,,,"这是布克奖36年来首次颁给一部同性恋题材的小说,而他迄今写的四部小说都是同性恋题材的。评委会认为,题材并不是本书获奖的原因,而是他抓住了撒切尔时代的社会氛围的核心,以高超的文学技巧表现了出来。 《美丽线条》的故事背景发生在上世纪80年代的伦敦,当时正是撒切尔夫人的执政时期。主人公尼克·格斯特是牛津大学的毕业生,也是一个同性恋者。格斯特住进一个保守主义议员的家里,先是和一个议会中的黑人发生了关系,后来又迷上了一个吸食可卡因上瘾的百万富翁。在撒切尔时期的保守社会氛围下,同性恋者的生活注定充满了戏剧性。《美丽线条》并不是由事件来驱动小说的发展,之中充斥了对于各种各样的聚会的描写,对这些场合的描写表明霍灵赫斯特对拥有特权的社会阶层的行为,是最为敏锐的观察者之一。 因为书中大量图解式的性描写,本书也引起了相当大的争议。评论家称赞这部小说把人们对爱、性和美的追求描写得淋漓尽致。 虽然本书在许多地方探讨了霍灵赫斯特本人对于欲望和美学等问题的关注,但是最大的主题仍旧是关于80年代英国保守的政治气候的。书中一位人物嘲讽地说道:“经济已经毁了,没有人能找到工作,但我们才不在乎呢,这是天赐洪福。” 这是一本内容丰富的书,即使没有其中对性场面或者吸毒的描写,书中还是有大量吸引人的地方。本书也证明了霍灵赫斯特的文学力量已经扩展到更为广泛的领域,它能够使人激起对于英国80年代各种现象的反思与回忆。 ************************ The Line Of Beauty 作者:bc_lcxaa 提交日期:2005-1-29 3:27:00   Man Booker Prize一直是好著作的保证,11月的时候知道Alan Hollinghurst的《The Line of Beauty》获了Man Booker后,兴冲冲地去PageOne买,结果US版的stock全都卖完了,我又不想买贵得离谱的UK版,便在那里订了。  拿到手后才觉得所用的英文实在艰深,看得我头皮直发麻。不过既然买了,只好死撑着读下去,也不知道是为了谁的面子。虽说吃得囫囵,好歹我也吃出了点枣味——大意还是看懂了,偶尔被作者有趣而富有深意的比喻打动,这让我想起钱钟书先生来,他的比方往往奇特隽永,最是能博人一粲。  正如评论说的那样,可以看出此书是 ""the definitive reimagining of the decade of Thatcher and AIDS""。小说的主人公Nick尴尬的身份,及其两段恋情,穿插在Fedden一家那充满政治性的英国上层阶级生活里,将矛盾冲突彰显得淋漓尽致,而最后让余音缭绕在Nick等待着HIV的test result的忐忑中。其构思之磅礴与细腻并举,让人叹服。尤其是取材的敏感度,对弱势社群的关注,冷眼政经两界的批判讽刺,都""prove itself(the book) a joy ever"",值得一看再看,也期待它的中文译本能快些面世以飨读者。",$24.95,9781582345086,1582345082 read,2012-09-10T01:06:41Z,1193,8.9,Daniel Kahneman,Paperback,512,"Farrar, Straus and Giroux","Thinking, Fast and Slow",,Daniel Kahneman is Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Princeton University and a professor of public affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He received the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his pioneering work with Amos Tversky on decision-making.,"Major New York Times bestseller Winner of the National Academy of Sciences Best Book Award in 2012 Selected by the New York Times Book Review as one of the best books of 2011 A Globe and Mail Best Books of the Year 2011 Title One of The Economist’s 2011 Books of the Year One of The Wall Street Journal's Best Nonfiction Books of the Year 2011 In the international bestseller, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, the renowned psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. The impact of overconfidence on corporate strategies, the difficulties of predicting what will make us happy in the future, the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning our next vacation—each of these can be understood only by knowing how the two systems shape our judgments and decisions. Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. He offers practical and enlightening insights into how choices are made in both our business and our personal lives—and how we can use different techniques to guard against the mental glitches that often get us into trouble. Winner of the National Academy of Sciences Best Book Award and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and selected by The New York Times Book Review as one of the ten best books of 2011, Thinking, Fast and Slow is destined to be a classic. One of the New York Times Book Review's Top 10 Books of 2011 Editorial Reviews Review Amazon Best Books of the Month, November 2011: Drawing on decades of research in psychology that resulted in a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, Daniel Kahneman takes readers on an exploration of what influences thought example by example, sometimes with unlikely word pairs like ""vomit and banana."" System 1 and System 2, the fast and slow types of thinking, become characters that illustrate the psychology behind things we think we understand but really don't, such as intuition. Kahneman's transparent and careful treatment of his subject has the potential to change how we think, not just about thinking, but about how we live our lives. Thinking, Fast and Slow gives deep--and sometimes frightening--insight about what goes on inside our heads: the psychological basis for reactions, judgments, recognition, choices, conclusions, and much more. --JoVon Sotak Review “A tour de force. . . Kahneman’s book is a must read for anyone interested in either human behavior or investing. He clearly shows that while we like to think of ourselves as rational in our decision making, the truth is we are subject to many biases. At least being aware of them will give you a better chance of avoiding them, or at least making fewer of them.”—Larry Swedroe, CBS News “Daniel Kahneman demonstrates forcefully in his new book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, how easy it is for humans to swerve away from rationality.”—Christopher Shea, The Washington Post “An outstanding book, distinguished by beauty and clarity of detail, precision of presentation and gentleness of manner. Its truths are open to all those whose System 2 is not completely defunct. I have hardly touched on its richness.”— Galen Strawson, The Guardian “Brilliant . . . It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of Daniel Kahneman’s contribution to the understanding of the way we think and choose. He stands among the giants, a weaver of the threads of Charles Darwin, Adam Smith and Sigmund Freud. Arguably the most important psychologist in history, Kahneman has reshaped cognitive psychology, the analysis of rationality and reason, the understanding of risk and the study of happiness and well-being . . . A magisterial work, stunning in its ambition, infused with knowledge, laced with wisdom, informed by modesty and deeply humane. If you can read only one book this year, read this one.”— Janice Gross Stein, The Globe and Mail “A sweeping, compelling tale of just how easily our brains are bamboozled, bringing in both his own research and that of numerous psychologists, economists, and other experts...Kahneman has a remarkable ability to take decades worth of research and distill from it what would be important and interesting for a lay audience...Thinking, Fast and Slow is an immensely important book. Many science books are uneven, with a useful or interesting chapter too often followed by a dull one. Not so here. With rare exceptions, the entire span of this weighty book is fascinating and applicable to day-to-day life. Everyone should read Thinking, Fast and Slow.” —Jesse Singal, Boston Globe “We must be grateful to Kahneman for giving us in this book a joyful understanding of the practical side of our personalities.” —Freeman Dyson, The New York Review of Books “Brilliant . . . It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of Daniel Kahneman’s contribution to the understanding of the way we think and choose. He stands among the giants, a weaver of the threads of Charles Darwin, Adam Smith and Sigmund Freud. Arguably the most important psychologist in history, Kahneman has reshaped cognitive psychology, the analysis of rationality and reason, the understanding of risk and the study of happiness and well-being . . . A magisterial work, stunning in its ambition, infused with knowledge, laced with wisdom, informed by modesty and deeply humane. If you can read only one book this year, read this one.” — Janice Gross Stein, The Globe and Mail “It is an astonishingly rich book: lucid, profound, full of intellectual surprises and self-help value. It is consistently entertaining and frequently touching, especially when Kahneman is recounting his collaboration with Tversky . . . So impressive is its vision of flawed human reason that the New York Times columnist David Brooks recently declared that Kahneman and Tversky’s work ‘will be remembered hundreds of years from now,’ and that it is ‘a crucial pivot point in the way we see ourselves.’ They are, Brooks said, ‘like the Lewis and Clark of the mind’ . . . By the time I got to the end of Thinking, Fast and Slow, my skeptical frown had long since given way to a grin of intellectual satisfaction. Appraising the book by the peak-end rule, I overconfidently urge everyone to buy and read it. But for those who are merely interested in Kahenman’s takeaway on the Malcolm Gladwell question it is this: If you've had 10,000 hours of training in a predictable, rapid-feedback environment—chess, firefighting, anesthesiology—then blink. In all other cases, think.”—The New York Times Book Review “Ask around and you hear pretty much the same thing. 'Kahneman is the most influential psychologist since Sigmund Freud,' says Christopher Chabris, a professor of psychology at Union College, in New York. 'No one else has had such a broad impact on so many fields' . . . It now seems inevitable that Kahneman, who made his reputation by ignoring or defying conventional wisdom, is about to be anointed the intellectual guru of our economically irrational times.”— Evan R. Goldstein, The Chronicle of Higher Education “There have been many good books on human rationality and irrationality, but only one masterpiece. That masterpiece is Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow . . . This is one of the greatest and most engaging collections of insights into the human mind I have read.”—William Easterly, Financial Times “[Thinking, Fast and Slow] is wonderful, of course. To anyone with the slightest interest in the workings of his own mind, it is so rich and fascinating that any summary would seem absurd.”— Michael Lewis, Vanity Fair “Absorbingly articulate and infinitely intelligent . . . What's most enjoyable and compelling about Thinking, Fast and Slow is that it's so utterly, refreshingly anti-Gladwellian. There is nothing pop about Kahneman's psychology, no formulaic story arc, no beating you over the head with an artificial, buzzword-encrusted Big Idea. It's just the wisdom that comes from five decades of honest, rigorous scientific work, delivered humbly yet brilliantly, in a way that will forever change the way you think about thinking.”—Maria Popova, The Atlantic “I will never think about thinking quite the same. [Thinking, Fast and Slow] is a monumental achievement.”—Roger Lowenstein, Bloomberg/Businessweek “Profound . . . As Copernicus removed the Earth from the centre of the universe and Darwin knocked humans off their biological perch, Mr. Kahneman has shown that we are not the paragons of reason we assume ourselves to be.” —The Economist “[Kahneman’s] disarmingly simple experiments have profoundly changed the way that we think about thinking . . . We like to see ourselves as a Promethean species, uniquely endowed with the gift of reason. But Mr. Kahneman’s simple experiments reveal a very different mind, stuffed full of habits that, in most situations, lead us astray.” —Jonah Lehrer, The Wall Street Journal “[A] tour de force of psychological insight, research explication and compelling narrative that brings together in one volume the high points of Mr. Kahneman's notable contributions, over five decades, to the study of human judgment, decision-making and choice . . . Thanks to the elegance and force of his ideas, and the robustness of the evidence he offers for them, he has helped us to a new understanding of our divided minds—and our whole selves.” —Christoper F. Chabris, The Wall Street Journal “The ramifications of Kahenman’s work are wide, extending into education, business, marketing, politics . . . and even happiness research. Call his field “psychonomics,” the hidden reasoning behind our choices. Thinking, Fast and Slow is essential reading for anyone with a mind.” —Kyle Smith, The New York Post “A major intellectual event . . . The work of Kahneman and Tversky was a crucial pivot point in the way we see ourselves.” —David Brooks, The New York Times “Kahneman provides a detailed, yet accessible, description of the psychological mechanisms involved in making decisions.” —Jacek Debiec, Nature “With Kahneman’s expert help, readers may understand this mix of psychology and economics better than most accountants, therapists, or elected representatives. VERDICT A stellar accomplishment, a book for everyone who likes to think and wants to do it better.” —Library Journal “The mind is a hilariously muddled compromise between incompatible modes of thought in this fascinating treatise by a giant in the field of decision research. Nobel-winning psychologist Kahneman (Attention and Effort) posits a brain governed by two clashing decision-making processes. The largely unconscious System 1, he contends, makes intuitive snap judgments based on emotion, memory, and hard-wired rules of thumb; the painfully conscious System 2 laboriously checks the facts and does the math, but is so ""lazy"" and distractible that it usually defers to System 1. Kahneman uses this scheme to frame a scintillating discussion of his findings in cognitive psychology and behavioral economics, and of the ingenious experiments that tease out the irrational, self-contradictory logics that underlie our choices. We learn why we mistake statistical noise for cohere...",USD 30.00,9780374275631,0374275637 wish,2012-09-09T23:40:35Z,73,8.5,Colum McCann,Hardcover,368,Random House,Let the Great World Spin,,,"In the dawning light of a late-summer morning, the people of lower Manhattan stand hushed, staring up in disbelief at the Twin Towers. It is August 1974, and a mysterious tightrope walker is running, dancing, leaping between the towers, suspended a quarter mile above the ground. In the streets below, a slew of ordinary lives become extraordinary in bestselling novelist Colum McCann’s stunningly intricate portrait of a city and its people. Let the Great World Spin is the critically acclaimed author’s most ambitious novel yet: a dazzlingly rich vision of the pain, loveliness, mystery, and promise of New York City in the 1970s. Corrigan, a radical young Irish monk, struggles with his own demons as he lives among the prostitutes in the middle of the burning Bronx. A group of mothers gather in a Park Avenue apartment to mourn their sons who died in Vietnam, only to discover just how much divides them even in grief. A young artist finds herself at the scene of a hit-and-run that sends her own life careening sideways. Tillie, a thirty-eight-year-old grandmother, turns tricks alongside her teenage daughter, determined not only to take care of her family but to prove her own worth. Elegantly weaving together these and other seemingly disparate lives, McCann’s powerful allegory comes alive in the unforgettable voices of the city’s people, unexpectedly drawn together by hope, beauty, and the “artistic crime of the century.” A sweeping and radical social novel, Let the Great World Spin captures the spirit of America in a time of transition, extraordinary promise, and, in hindsight, heartbreaking innocence. Hailed as a “fiercely original talent” (San Francisco Chronicle), award-winning novelist McCann has delivered a triumphantly American masterpiece that awakens in us a sense of what the novel can achieve, confront, and even heal.",USD 25.00,9781400063734,1400063736 read,2012-08-25T07:13:07Z,99,8.8,Liaquat Ahamed,Hardcover,576,"Penguin Press HC, The",Lords of Finance,,"Liaquat Ahamed has been a professional investment manager for twenty-five years. He has worked at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., and the New York-based partnership of Fischer Francis Trees and Watts, where he served as chief executive. He is currently an adviser to several hedge fund groups, including the Rock Creek Group and the Rohatyn Group, is a director of Aspen Insurance Co., and is on the board of trustees of the Brookings Institution. He has degrees in economics from Harvard and Cambridge universities.","As the global economy is racked by its worst crisis since the Great Depression, there is a renewed interest in the lessons to be learned from the world economic collapse of the late 1920s. Drawing on his best-selling book, Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World, noted author Liaquat Ahamed discusses the insights we can gain from the Great Depression about the forces that cause global financial crises, the similarities between the breaks down in the 1920s and the current meltdown and the actions economic officials need to take in order to reverse the downward spiral in the world economy and avoid a repeat of that cataclysm.",USD 32.95,9781594201820,159420182X wish,2012-08-09T08:58:47Z,1012,8.2,北岛; 曹一凡; 维一,平装,439,生活·读书·新知三联书店,暴风雨的记忆,,北岛,1949年出生,本名赵振开,曾用笔名:北岛,石默。祖籍浙江湖州,生于北京。1978年同诗人芒克创办民间诗歌刊物《今天》。1990年旅居美国,现任教于加利福尼亚州戴维斯大学。曾获得诺贝尔文学奖提名。著有诗集《北岛诗选》、《太阳城札记》、《北岛与顾城诗选》,中短篇小说集《波动》,译著诗集《现代北欧诗选》,散文集《失败之书》,《时间的玫瑰》等。最短的诗歌作品是生活,诗歌内容只有一个字——网。维一:上海出生,自幼居北京。初中肄业后,先赴内蒙古阿荣旗农村挑水种庄稼,再去云南西双版纳农场砍树种橡胶。后回北京闭门读书,到故宫博物院看大门。“文化大革命”结束,先在北京的研究所和科隆的大学读考古,后到哈佛大学及法兰克福大学访学。现居美国。,北京四中是名重全国的重点中学,至今已经有一百多年的校史。这所学校的特殊不仅建立在其高超的教学质量上,通过本书还可以看到它在上世纪六十年代后半叶更为独特的政治地位和作用。四中以拥有大批党政军高级干部子弟而闻名,由于他们家庭地位的特殊和特定时期社会对“革命后代”的期许以及“ 阶级斗争”理论的盛行,四中的学校风气和环境气氛也就大不同于其他中学。本书就是当年那个特殊中学的学生对“文革”山雨欲来之际和暴风雨高潮时期的翔实记述:关于“血统论”、《出身论》的争议,曾经是当时的一个重要争论的中心,而一些鲜为人知的背后故事——如“家庭问题研究小组”和《中学文革报》的内幕——却是第一次向公众披露;关于“破四旧”和抄家,“黑五类”和“红五类”在这个时候相见,其中的微妙,只有当事人才说得清楚;关于大串联,的确让参与者“经风雨、见世面”,过程之混乱、“革命形势”之匪夷所思,读读起来就像编造的小说,但那都是真的……正如北岛在序中所说,记忆往往具有模糊性、选择性及排他性。但是,“历史的真实”就存在于不同的记忆的重合错位与对立中。这些曾经在“文革”暴风雨中心经过的人,用这种方式,将暴风雨中的记忆留下,或许这是对那个疯狂时代的细节的补充,从而为重新认识那个时代,提供线索和史料。通过这本书,可以对那个年代有更为切近和深入的认知及理解。那是整整一代人终生难忘而又不堪回首的青春年代,事实上也是对衍生出《七十年代》以至《八十年代》的那个“六十年代”的追溯。,36.00元,9787108040107,7108040107 read,2012-07-25T09:12:47Z,233,9.3,George R.R. Martin,Hardcover,1040,Voyager,A Dance with Dragons,,"George R.R. Martin sold his first story in 1971 and has been writing professionally ever since. He has written fantasy, horror, and science fiction, and for his sins spent ten years in Hollywood as a writer/producer, working on Twilight Zone, Beauty and the Beast, and various feature films and television pilots that were never made. In the mid 90s he returned to prose, his first love, and began work on his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. He has been in the Seven Kingdoms ever since. Whenever he's allowed to leave, he returns to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he lives with the lovely Parris, a big white dog called Mischa, and two cats named Augustus and Caligula who think they run the place.","HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R. R. Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A DANCE WITH DRAGONS is the fifth volume in the series. The future of the Seven Kingdoms hangs in the balance. In the east, Daenerys, last scion of House Targaryen, her dragons grown to terrifying maturity, rules as queen of a city built on dust and death, beset by enemies. Now that her whereabouts are known many are seeking Daenerys and her dragons. Among them the dwarf, Tyrion Lannister, who has escaped King's Landing with a price on his head, wrongfully condemned to death for the murder of his nephew, King Joffrey. But not before killing his hated father, Lord Tywin. To the north lies the great Wall of ice and stone - a structure only as strong as those guarding it. Eddard Stark's bastard son Jon Snow has been elected the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, but he has enemies both in the Watch and beyond the Wall, where the wildling armies are massing for an assault. On all sides bitter conflicts are reigniting, played out by a grand cast of outlaws and priests, soldiers and skinchangers, nobles and slaves. The tides of destiny will inevitably lead to the greatest dance of all...",£20.00,9780002247399,0002247399 read,2012-07-19T09:15:14Z,4,0.0,Walter Isaacson,Hardcover,589,Simon & Schuster,Benjamin Franklin,,,"Benjamin Franklin is the Founding Father who winks at us. An ambitious urban entrepreneur who rose up the social ladder, from leather-aproned shopkeeper to dining with kings, he seems made of flesh rather than of marble. In bestselling author Walter Isaacson's vivid and witty full-scale biography, we discover why Franklin seems to turn to us from history's stage with eyes that twinkle from behind his new-fangled spectacles. By bringing Franklin to life, Isaacson shows how he helped to define both his own time and ours. He was, during his 84-year life, America's best scientist, inventor, diplomat, writer, and business strategist, and he was also one of its most practical -- though not most profound -- political thinkers. He proved by flying a kite that lightning was electricity, and he invented a rod to tame it. He sought practical ways to make stoves less smoky and commonwealths less corrupt. He organized neighborhood constabularies and international alliances, local lending libraries and national legislatures. He combined two types of lenses to create bifocals and two concepts of representation to foster the nation's federal compromise. He was the only man who shaped all the founding documents of America: the Albany Plan of Union, the Declaration of Independence, the treaty of alliance with France, the peace treaty with England, and the Constitution. And he helped invent America's unique style of homespun humor, democratic values, and philosophical pragmatism. But the most interesting thing that Franklin invented, and continually reinvented, was himself. America's first great publicist, he was, in his life and in his writings, consciously trying to create a new American archetype. In the process, he carefully crafted his own persona, portrayed it in public, and polished it for posterity. Through it all, he trusted the hearts and minds of his fellow ""leather-aprons"" more than he did those of any inbred elite. He saw middle-class values as a source of social strength, not as something to be derided. His guiding principle was a ""dislike of everything that tended to debase the spirit of the common people."" Few of his fellow founders felt this comfort with democracy so fully, and none so intuitively. In this colorful and intimate narrative, Isaacson provides the full sweep of Franklin's amazing life, from his days as a runaway printer to his triumphs as a statesman, scientist, and Founding Father. He chronicles Franklin's tumultuous relationship with his illegitimate son and grandson, his practical marriage, and his flirtations with the ladies of Paris. He also shows how Franklin helped to create the American character and why he has a particular resonance in the twenty-first century.",USD 35.00,9780684807614,0684807610 reading,2012-07-12T19:28:15Z,8,0.0,Denis McNamara,Paperback,256,Rizzoli,How to Read Churches,,"Denis McNamara is a former lecturer in architectural history at the University of Virginia and has written two books on Christian architecture. He is currently assistant director of the Liturgical Institute, University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, Illinois.","Small enough to fit in a pocket yet serious enough to provide real answers, this primer is a must-have for architecture and history buffs, tourists, and churchgoers interested in decoding the styles and symbols of religious buildings. Every building contains clues embedded in its design that identify not only its architectural style but also who designed it, what kind of congregation it was built for, and why. This practical yet charming handbook is the key to decoding the style, history, evolution, and social significance of religious buildings. Not strictly limited to churches, it also covers abbeys, chapels, and monasteries, among other structures. Organized according to architectural element (windows, domes, arches, etc.), each element is presented in chronological order. Additional chapters explore the architectural influence of geography, history, and various creeds, along with an illustrated timeline showing how, where, and in many cases why certain church features evolved through the centuries. There is also a useful introduction to naming each component of a church, from vaults to buttresses and transepts to apses. All entries are illustrated with period engravings and line drawings. This book will be invaluable for architecture buffs and anyone who has ever wondered why classic New England churches are white with little ornament, why Quaker meetinghouses have no altars, or why Episcopalians traditionally favored the Gothic style.",US$17.95,9780847835980,0847835987 read,2012-07-09T04:10:26Z,169,9.3,George R. R. Martin,Paperback,976,Voyager,"A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 4)",,"George R.R. Martin sold his first story in 1971 and has been writing professionally ever since. He has written fantasy, horror, and science fiction, and for his sins spent ten years in Hollywood as a writer/producer, working on Twilight Zone, Beauty and the Beast, and various feature films and television pilots that were never made. In the mid 90s he returned to prose, his first love, and began work on his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. He has been in the Seven Kingdoms ever since. Whenever he's allowed to leave, he returns to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he lives with the lovely Parris, a big white dog called Mischa, and two cats named Augustus and Caligula who think they run the place.","《冰与火之歌》英国版 This work continues the most ambitious and imaginative epic fantasy since ""The Lord of the Rings"". Bloodthirsty, treacherous and cunning, the Lannisters are in power on the Iron Throne in the name of the boy-king Tommen. But fear and deceit are in the air: their enemies are poised to strike. The Martells of Dorne seek vengeance for their dead, and the heir of King Balon of the Iron Isles, Euron Crow's Eye, is as black a pirate as ever raised a sail. Across the war-torn landscape of the Seven Kingdoms, Brienne the Beauty (thus named in mockery of her great size and strength) seeks for Sansa Stark, having vowed to protect Sansa from the wrath of Queen Cersei, Tommen's power-hungry mother. Meanwhile apprentice Maester, Samwell Tarly brings a mysterious babe in arms south to the Citadel from the cruel frozen north where the sinister Others threaten the Wall! ""A Feast for Crows"" brings to life dark magic, complex political intrigue and horrific bloodshed. Against a backdrop of incest and fratricide, alchemy and murder, victory may go to the men and women possessed of the coldest steel and the coldest hearts.",£8.99,9780006486121,0006486126 read,2012-06-24T00:08:38Z,125,9.7,George R.R. Martin,Paperback,688,Voyager,A Storm of Swords,,"George R.R. Martin sold his first story in 1971 and has been writing professionally ever since. He has written fantasy, horror, and science fiction, and for his sins spent ten years in Hollywood as a writer/producer, working on Twilight Zone, Beauty and the Beast, and various feature films and television pilots that were never made. In the mid 90s he returned to prose, his first love, and began work on his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. He has been in the Seven Kingdoms ever since. Whenever he's allowed to leave, he returns to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he lives with the lovely Parris, a big white dog called Mischa, and two cats named Augustus and Caligula who think they run the place.","《冰与火之歌》英国版 Split into two books for the paperback, the third volume in George R.R. Martin's superb and highly acclaimed epic fantasy A Song of Ice and Fire continues the richest, most exotic and mesmerising saga since The Lord of the Rings. The Seven Kingdoms are divided by revolt and blood feud, and winter approaches like an angry beast. Beyond the Northern borders, wildlings leave their villages to gather in the ice and stone wasteland of the Frostfangs. From there, the renegade Brother Mance Rayder will lead them South towards the Wall. Robb Stark wears his new-forged crown in the Kingdom of the North, but his defences are ranged against attack from the South, the land of House Stark's enemies the Lannisters. His sisters are trapped there, dead or likely yet to die, at the whim of the Lannister boy-king Joffrey or his depraved mother Cersei, regent of the Iron Throne. And Daenerys Stormborn will return to the land of her birth to avenge the murder of her father, the last Dragon King on the Iron Throne.",£8.99,9780006479901,0006479901 read,2012-06-11T10:10:02Z,262,9.5,George R.R. Martin,Paperback,752,Voyager,A Clash of Kings,,"George R.R. Martin sold his first story in 1971 and has been writing professionally ever since. He has written fantasy, horror, and science fiction, and for his sins spent ten years in Hollywood as a writer/producer, working on Twilight Zone, Beauty and the Beast, and various feature films and television pilots that were never made. In the mid 90s he returned to prose, his first love, and began work on his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. He has been in the Seven Kingdoms ever since. Whenever he's allowed to leave, he returns to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he lives with the lovely Parris, a big white dog called Mischa, and two cats named Augustus and Caligula who think they run the place.","《冰与火之歌》英国版 George R. R. Martin's superb fantasy epic continues in consummate style as bloodshed and alchemy lay waste the Seven Kingdoms in the second volume of A Song of Ice and Fire. The Iron Throne once united the Sunset Lands, but King Robert is dead, his widow is a traitor to his memory, and his surviving brothers are set on a path of war amongst themselves. At King's Landing, the head of Lord Eddard Stark rots on a spike for all to see. His daughter Sansa is betrothed still to his killer's son Joffrey -- Queen Cersei's son, though not the son of her late husband Robert. Even so, Joffrey is now a boy-king, Cersei is his regent, and war is inevitable. In Dragonstone, Robert's brother Stannis has declared himself king, while his other brother Renly proclaims himself king at Storm's End -- and Eddard Stark's fifteen year old son Robb wears the crown of the north at Winterfell. A comet in the night sky, red and malevolent, the colour of blood and flame, can only be an omen of murder and war. Stannis's child Princess Shireen dreams of dragons waking from stone. And a white raven has brought word from the Citadel itself, foretelling summer's end. It has been the longest summer in living memory, lasting ten years, and the smallfolk say it means an even longer winter to come...The first rule of war is never give the enemy his wish. But winter will be the biggest enemy. From beyond the Wall the undead and Others clamour for freedom, and from beyond the sea the long-dead Dragon King's daughter hatches her revenge. Robb Stark will be exceedingly lucky to reach adulthood.",£7.99,9780006479895,0006479898 read,2012-05-24T01:47:34Z,2,0.0,Jon Meacham,Hardcover,416,Random House,American Gospel,,,,USD 23.95,9781400065554,1400065550 read,2012-05-23T00:46:50Z,276,9.6,George R.R. Martin,Paperback,864,Voyager,A Game of Thrones,,"George R.R. Martin sold his first story in 1971 and has been writing professionally ever since. He has written fantasy, horror, and science fiction, and for his sins spent ten years in Hollywood as a writer/producer, working on Twilight Zone, Beauty and the Beast, and various feature films and television pilots that were never made. In the mid 90s he returned to prose, his first love, and began work on his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. He has been in the Seven Kingdoms ever since. Whenever he's allowed to leave, he returns to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he lives with the lovely Parris, a big white dog called Mischa, and two cats named Augustus and Caligula who think they run the place.","《冰与火之歌》英国版 First volume of a brilliant new fantasy trilogy: the most powerful, original and absorbing new epic since Stephen Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. The first volume of George R R Martin's glorious high fantasy tells the tragic story of treachery, greed and war that threatens the unity of the Seven Kingdoms south of the Wall. Martin unfolds with astonishing skill a tale of truly epic dimensions, thronged with memorable characters, a story of treachery and ambition, love and magic. Set in a fabulous world scarred by battle and catastrophe over 8000 years of recorded history, it tells of the deeds of men and women locked in the deadliest of conflicts and the terrible legacy they will leave their children. In the game of thrones, you win or you die. And in the bitter-cold, unliving lands beyond the Wall, a terrible winter gathers and the others -- the undead, the neverborn, wildlings to whom the threat of the sword is nothing -- make ready to descend on the realms of men. A Game of Thrones begins the most imaginative, ambitious and compelling fantasy epic since The Lord of the Rings. Thronged with memorable characters, it unfolds with astonishing skill a tale of truly epic dimensions. There have been many pretenders to the throne of Tolkien: now at last he has a true heir.",GBP 8.99,9780006479888,000647988X read,2012-05-19T01:42:06Z,8,0.0,William J. Cook,Hardcover,272,Princeton University Press,In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman,,,"What is the shortest possible route for a travelling salesman seeking to visit each city on a list exactly once and return to his city of origin? It sounds simple enough, yet the travelling salesman problem is one of the most intensely studied puzzles in applied mathematics - and it has defied solution to this day. In this book, William Cook takes readers on a mathematical excursion, picking up the salesman's trail in the 1800s when Irish mathematician W. R. Hamilton first defined the problem, and venturing to the furthest limits of today's state-of-the-art attempts to solve it. Cook examines the origins and history of the salesman problem and explores its many important applications, from genome sequencing and designing computer processors to arranging music and hunting for planets. He looks at how computers stack up against the travelling salesman problem on a grand scale, and discusses how humans, unaided by computers, go about trying to solve the puzzle. Cook traces the salesman problem to the realms of neuroscience, psychology, and art, and he also challenges readers to tackle the problem themselves. The travelling salesman problem is - literally - a $1 million question. That's the prize the Clay Mathematics Institute is offering to anyone who can solve the problem or prove that it can't be done. ""In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman"" travels to the very threshold of our understanding about the nature of complexity, and challenges you yourself to discover the solution to this captivating mathematical problem.",USD 27.95,9780691152707,0691152705 read,2012-04-22T05:55:05Z,11,8.2,David McCullough,Paperback,1120,Simon & Schuster,Truman,,"David McCullough has twice received the Pulitzer Prize, for Truman and John Adams, and twice received the National Book Award, for The Path Between the Seas and Mornings on Horseback; His other widely praised books are 1776, Brave Companions, The Great Bridge, and The Johnstown Flood. He has been honored with the National Book Foundation Distinguished Contribution to American Letters Award, the National Humanities Medal, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.","The life of Harry S. Truman is one of the greatest of American stories, filled with vivid characters -- Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, Eleanor Roosevelt, Bess Wallace Truman, George Marshall, Joe McCarthy, and Dean Acheson -- and dramatic events. In this riveting biography, acclaimed historian David McCullough not only captures the man -- a more complex, informed, and determined man than ever before imagined -- but also the turbulent times in which he rose, boldly, to meet unprecedented challenges. The last president to serve as a living link between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, Truman s story spans the raw world of the Missouri frontier, World War I, the powerful Pendergast machine of Kansas City, the legendary Whistle-Stop Campaign of 1948, and the decisions to drop the atomic bomb, confront Stalin at Potsdam, send troops to Korea, and fire General MacArthur. Drawing on newly discovered archival material and extensive interviews with Truman s own family, friends, and Washington colleagues, McCullough tells the deeply moving story of the seemingly ordinary ""man from Missouri"" who was perhaps the most courageous president in our history.",USD 22.00,9780671869205,0671869205 read,2012-04-14T02:12:36Z,2,0.0,George A. F. Seber; C. J. Wild,Paperback,792,Wiley-Interscience,Nonlinear Regression,,,"This text/reference provides a broad survey of aspects of model-building and statistical inference. Presents an accessible synthesis of current theoretical literature, requiring only familiarity with linear regression methods. The three chapters on central computational questions comprise a self-contained introduction to unconstrained optimization. Includes many illustrative practical examples.",USD 144.00,9780471471356,0471471356 read,2012-04-14T02:12:29Z,10,9.0,Ioannis Ntzoufras,Hardcover,NA,"Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated",Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS (Wiley Series in Computational Statistics),,,"Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms in Bayesian inference -- WinBUGS software : introduction, setup, and basic analysis -- WinBUGS software : illustration, results, and further analysis -- Introduction to Bayesian models : normal models -- Incorporating categorical variables in normal models and further modeling issues -- Introduction to generalized linear models : binomial and Poisson data -- Models for positive continuous data, count data, and other GLM-based extensions -- Bayesian hierarchical models -- The predictive distribution and model checking -- Bayesian model and variable evaluation -- Appendix A : Model specification via directed acyclic graphs : the DOODLE menu -- Appendix B : The batch mode : running a model in the background using scripts -- Appendix C : Checking convergence using CODA/BOA -- Appendix D : Notation summary.",USD 110.00,9780470141144,047014114X read,2012-03-22T07:35:50Z,3607,7.2,宝树,平装,209,重庆出版社,三体X,,宝树,植物界,男子植物门,双子座植物纲,剑眉星目,人文科,有家属,多情种,卅年生宅本植物。原产于长江中下游地区,曾移植于北京大学燕园,现暂栽种于欧洲北海沿岸,学名PHD(Pretty Huge Dendron…)。受磁化后成精,具磁铁属性,好舞文、灌水,九十度角仰望星空。曾于网络出版作品百万字,并在梦中获星云、雨果、诺贝尔等诸多奖项。,21世纪初叶,在三体人的入侵阴影中,人类曾将一个冰冻的大脑发射到太空中,去和三体人接触。两百年后,这个叫做云天明的大脑终于被三体人所俘获,复活的云天明在和三体人的梦境斗争中逐渐锻炼出超卓的心智,决定性地影响了人类和三体人的战争进程。但不久之后,和远远超出三体世界的神级文明化身“魂灵”的遭遇,让云天明得知一个名为“隐藏者”的神秘种族存在,他们可能掌握着宇宙和生命遥远起源的深层奥秘……,17.00元,9787229039813,7229039819 read,2012-03-14T22:05:20Z,364,8.5,Emanuel Derman,Hardcover,304,Wiley,My Life as a Quant,,,"Emanuel Derman was one of the first physicists to move to Wall Street, and his career paralleled the growth of quantitative trading over the past twenty years. In My Life as a Quant, he traces his transformation from ambitious young scientist to managing director and head of the renowned Quantitative Strategies group at Goldman, Sachs & Co. Derman’s tale recounts his adventures with quants, traders and other high fliers on Wall Street as he became the best-known quant in the business. He describes the struggles of research and his interactions with an assorted cast of famous scientists. He relates his impressions of some of the most creative minds on Wall Street, including Fischer Black, with whom he collaborated on the widely used Black-Derman-Toy model of interest rates. Throughout his story he reflects on the appropriate way to apply the refined methods of physics to the hurly-burly world of markets and the people that inhabit them.",USD 34.95,9780471394204,0471394203 reading,2012-03-08T12:42:19Z,62,9.0,Margaret Atwood,Paperback,480,Anchor,Cat's Eye,,,"From the Backcover of the book: Cat's Eye is the story of Elaine Risley, a controversial painter who returns to TOronto, the city of her youth, for a retrospective of her art. Engulfed by vivid images of the past, she reminisces about a trio of girls who initiated her into the fierce politics of childhood and its secret world of friendship, longing, and betrayal. Elaine must come to terms with her own identity as a daughter, a lover, an artist, and a woman -- but above all she must seek release from her haunting memories. Disturbing, hilarious, and compassionate, Cat's Eye is a breathtaking novel of a woman grappling with the tangled knot of her life.",GBP 15.95,9780385491020,0385491026 read,2012-03-03T00:12:23Z,108668,9.2,刘慈欣,平装,513,重庆出版社,三体Ⅲ,,"刘慈欣,祖籍河南,长于山西,中国科普作家协会会员,山西省作家协会会员,高级工程师。 自1999年处女作《鲸歌》问世以来,刘慈欣已发表短篇科幻小说三十余篇、出版长篇科幻小说六部,并创下连续八年荣获中国科幻最高奖“银河奖”的纪录。其长篇力作《三体》开创《科幻世界》月刊连载原创作品之先河,一举成为2006年度最受关注、最畅销的科幻小说,《三体Ⅱ·黑暗森林》也因此被读者誉为“最值得期待的科幻小说”。 刘慈欣的作品宏伟大气、想象绚丽,既注重极端空灵与厚重现实的结合,也讲求科学的内涵和美感,具有浓郁的中国特色和鲜明的个人风格,为中国科幻确立了一个新高度。","与三体文明的战争使人类第一次看到了宇宙黑暗的真相,地球文明像一个恐惧的孩子,熄灭了寻友的篝火,在暗夜中发抖。自以为历经沧桑,其实刚刚蹒跚学步;自以为悟出了生存竞争的秘密,其实还远没有竞争的资格。 使两个文明命悬一线的黑暗森林打击,不过是宇宙战场上一个微不足道的插曲。真正的星际战争没人见过,也不可能见到,因为战争的方式和武器已经远远超出人类的想象,目睹战场之日,即是灭亡之时。 宇宙的田园时代已经远去,昙花一现的终极之美最终变成任何智慧体都无法做出的梦,变成游吟诗人缥缈的残歌;宇宙的物竞天择已到了最惨烈的时刻,在亿万光年暗无天日的战场上,深渊最底层的毁灭力量被唤醒,太空变成了死神广阔的披风。 太阳系中的人们永远不会知道这一切,最后直面真相的,只有两双眼睛。",38.00元,9787229030933,7229030935 read,2012-03-02T07:28:44Z,4429,9.3,劉慈欣,平装,512,貓頭鷹出版社,三體 Ⅱ,,"劉慈欣是中國當代深具影響力的科幻作家,擁有大批粉絲,書迷自稱為「磁鐵」。 最新作品《三體III:死神永生》首刷十萬冊,甫上市即搶購一空,緊急再刷,吸引力可見一斑。現為中國電力投資公司高級工程師,工作於娘子關火電站。 自1980年代中期開始創作,1999年6月起在《科幻世界》雜誌上發表多篇科幻小說和科幻隨筆,並出版了多部長篇科幻小說,現為中國科普作家協會會員,山西省作家協會會員。其代表作有長篇小說《球狀閃電》、《三體》、《三體II:黑暗森林》、《三體III:死神永生》,中短篇小說《流浪地球》、《鄉村教師》、《朝聞道》等。","◆二十一世紀中國文壇最值得注意的作家——劉慈欣,最暢銷系列作推出續集! ◆《三體》想像奇詭,氣勢磅礴,寄托深遠,堪稱百年中文科幻小説的首選。—―王德威 二○○六年,《三體》開始在《科幻世界》雜誌連載,引起熱烈迴響;二○一○年,《三體Ⅲ:死神永生》在中國上市,首刷十萬本,甫上市立即銷售一空、緊急再刷。在台灣,《三體》第一部尚未出版,試讀迴響踴躍,也在批踢踢形成「洗版」現象。「三體」不但是華文科幻的最熱話題,劉慈欣更成為第一個被好萊塢買下電影改編權的華文科幻作家! 劉慈欣在中國擁有數量龐大的擁護者,王德威譽為「二十一世紀中國文壇最值得注意的作家」。《三體》系列所展現的開闊格局,將華文科幻帶向前所未有的高度。劉慈欣之於科幻,如同金庸之於武俠,都將類型小說寫出了迥異於以往的恢弘格局。他筆下的許多人物角色,也深植書迷心中,令人神往。 【精彩內容】 宇宙就是一座黑暗森林,每個文明都是帶槍的獵人 智子鎖死了地球的基礎科學,監視所有人的一言一行。龐大的三體艦隊向地球飛來,地球也建立了太空軍,建設宇宙軍備準備迎戰。 為了對抗三體文明對地球進行的封鎖與監視,地球挑出四個人,執行「面壁計畫」。面壁者一生都必須孤寂地思索戰略,他們不能向任何人洩露這些行動的動機,卻能動用地球最多的資源,進行各種配置。三體文明與地球三體組織,也挑選出「破壁人」,一一譯解面壁人的戰略。 面壁者無法與人溝通的悲哀隨著冬眠技術發達,持續了數個世紀,直到有個人向蒼穹下了一道咒語,地球與三體文明之間的局勢,終於出現大逆轉…… 三體系列:《三體》、《三體II:黑暗森林》、《三體III:死神永生》 【專業推薦】 ◎ 美國衛斯理學院東亞系教授 宋明煒 【好評推薦】 ◎ 哈佛大學東亞語言及文明系Edward C. Henderson講座教授 王德威 ◎ 香港科幻會會長 李偉才",NT$399,9789861206882,9861206884 read,2012-03-01T13:39:43Z,184322,8.8,刘慈欣,平装,302,重庆出版社,三体,,"刘慈欣,祖籍河南,长于山西,中国科普作家协会会员,山西省作家协会会员,高级工程师。 自1999年处女作《鲸歌》问世以来,刘慈欣已发表短篇科幻小说三十余篇、出版长篇科幻小说六部,并创下连续八年荣获中国科幻最高奖“银河奖”的纪录。他的长篇作品《三体》开创《科幻世界》月刊连载原创作品的先例,成为2006年度最受关注、最畅销的科幻小说。","文化大革命如火如荼进行的同时。军方探寻外星文明的绝秘计划“红岸工程”取得了突破性进展。但在按下发射键的那一刻,历经劫难的叶文洁没有意识到,她彻底改变了人类的命运。地球文明向宇宙发出的第一声啼鸣,以太阳为中心,以光速向宇宙深处飞驰…… 四光年外,“三体文明”正苦苦挣扎——三颗无规则运行的太阳主导下的百余次毁灭与重生逼迫他们逃离母星。而恰在此时。他们接收到了地球发来的信息。在运用超技术锁死地球人的基础科学之后。三体人庞大的宇宙舰队开始向地球进发…… 人类的末日悄然来临。",23.00,9787536692930,7536692935 read,2012-02-26T08:26:17Z,254,9.6,J. R. R. Tolkien,Paperback,624,HarperCollins,The Return of the King,,,"In the third volume of The Lord of the Rings trilogy the good and evil forces join battle, and we see that the triumph of good is not absolute. The Third Age of Middle-earth ends, and the age of the dominion of Men begins. ""An impressive achievement, unique among the imaginative works of our times."" -- New York Herald Tribune",GBP 7.99,9780261102378,0261102370 read,2012-02-20T02:16:06Z,17,8.4,Fred Ramsey; Daniel Schafer,Hardcover,816,Duxbury Press,The Statistical Sleuth,,,"STATISTICAL SLEUTH is an innovative treatment of general statistical methods, taking full advantage of the computer, both as a computational and an analytical tool. The material is independent of any specific software package. In ""The American Statistician"" (February 2000, Vol. 54, No. 1), George Cobb commented, ""What is new and different about Ramsey and Schafer's book, what makes it a 'larger contribution,' is that it gives much more prominence to modeling and interpretation of the sort that goes beyond the routine patterns."" His students did ""substantially better"" on term papers based on the analysis of data. In the book, the focus is on a serious analysis of real case studies; on strategies and tools of modern statistical data analysis; on the interplay of statistics and scientific learning; and on the communication of results. With interesting examples, real data, and a variety of exercise types (conceptual, computational, and data problems), the authors get students excited about statistics.",USD 185.95,9780534386702,0534386709 read,2012-02-17T23:38:50Z,279,9.4,J. R. R. Tolkien,Paperback,464,HarperCollins,The Two Towers,,,"The second volume of The Lord of the Rings trilogy relates a tale of the eternal battle between good and evil. ""The author has intimate access to an epic tradition of Germanic history, civilized by the gentler genius of modern England."" -- New York Times",GBP 7.99,9780261102361,0261102362 read,2012-01-29T16:17:35Z,1648,8.0,兰小欢,平装,205,上海三联书店,一转念,,兰小欢,美国弗吉尼亚大学经济系博士生,研究领域为教育和劳动力经济学。牛博网作者。,"《一转念:用经济学思考》内容简介:美国有一档帮助穷人的电视节目,选定一户穷人家,一周内为他们建栋崭新的漂亮房子,全新的家具,车库里都放上新车。一夜之间,梦想成真,就要从此幸福地生活……不久之后,记者回访发现,很多受帮助的人把车和家具都卖了,换了钱。甚至还有人生活比以前更显困顿了些,因为付不起房子的财产税。 这本书里绝大部分故事,都有类似的情节:意料之外,情理之中。这些故事是从世界各地的经济学家那里听来的,我记录并转述出来。虽然来自经济学家,但这些故事和税收利息国际贸易无关,而是柴米油盐的道理,是日常生活。拿虐待老人来说吧,子女不孝冷血当然是原因之一,但不管子女如何冷血,不会虐待家财万贯可以留大量遗产的老人。富有的老人,子女通常来探望的次数也要多一些。忙还是不忙,子女要算时间的成本和收益。久病床前无孝子,富在深山有远亲,是经济学的道理。",25.00元,9787542634993,7542634992 read,2012-01-12T15:20:10Z,2,0.0,Cornelius Tacitus,Paperback,592,OUP Oxford,The Annals,,"Here is a lively new translation of Cornelius Tacitus' timeless history of three of Rome's most memorable emperors. Tacitus, who condemns the depravity of these rulers, which he saw as proof of the corrupting force of absolute power, writes caustically of the brutal and lecherous Tiberius, the weak and cuckolded Claudius, and ""the artist"" Nero. In particular, his gripping account of the bloody reigns of Tiberius and Nero brims with plots, murder, poisoning, suicide, uprisings, death, and destruction. The Annals also provides a vivid account of the violent suppression of the revolt led by Boudicca in Britain, the great fire of Rome under Nero, and the subsequent bloody persecution of the Christians. J. C. Yardley's translation is vivid without sacrificing accuracy, and is based on the recent Latin Heubner text, with variations noted in an appendix. Anthony A. Barrett's introduction and notes provide invaluable historical and cultural context. This superb edition also includes maps, a glossary of Roman terms and place names, and a full index of names and places.","'He was atrocious in his brutality, but his lechery was kept hidden...In the end, he erupted into an orgy of crime and ignominy alike' Such is Tacitus' obituary of Tiberius, and he is no less caustic in his opinion of the weak and cuckolded Claudius and the 'artist' Nero. The Annals is a gripping account of the Roman emperors who followed Augustus, the founder of the imperial system, and of the murders, sycophancy, plotting, and oppression that marked this period in Rome. Tacitus provides the earliest and most detailed account of Boudicca's rebellion in Britain, and his history also relates the great fire of Rome in the reign of Nero, and the persecution of the Christians that followed. He deplores the depravity of the emperors, whose behaviour he sees as proof of the corrupting force of absolute power. J. C. Yardley's translation is vivid and accurate, and Anthony A. Barrett's introduction and notes provide invaluable historical and cultural context. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.",GBP 10.99,9780192824219,019282421X read,2011-11-20T01:28:21Z,2634,8.9,Walter Isaacson,Hardcover,656,Simon & Schuster,Steve Jobs,,"Walter Isaacson, the CEO of the Aspen Institute, has been ch airman of CNN and the managing editor of Time magazine. He is the author of Benjamin Franklin: An American Life and of Kissinger: A Biography, and the coauthor of The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made. He lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife and daughter.","Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues—Walter Isaacson has written a riveting story of the roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing. At a time when America is seeking ways to sustain its innovative edge, and when societies around the world are trying to build digital-age economies, Jobs stands as the ultimate icon of inventiveness and applied imagination. He knew that the best way to create value in the twenty-first century was to connect creativity with technology. He built a company where leaps of the imagination were combined with remarkable feats of engineering. Although Jobs cooperated with this book, he asked for no control over what was written nor even the right to read it before it was published. He put nothing off-limits. He encouraged the people he knew to speak honestly. And Jobs speaks candidly, sometimes brutally so, about the people he worked with and competed against. His friends, foes, and colleagues provide an unvarnished view of the passions, perfectionism, obsessions, artistry, devilry, and compulsion for control that shaped his approach to business and the innovative products that resulted. Driven by demons, Jobs could drive those around him to fury and despair. But his personality and products were interrelated, just as Apple’s hardware and software tended to be, as if part of an integrated system. His tale is instructive and cautionary, filled with lessons about innovation, character, leadership, and values.",USD 35.00,9781451648539,1451648537 read,2011-10-18T14:11:36Z,8,0.0,Anthony Everitt,Paperback,400,Random House Trade Paperbacks,Cicero,,,,USD 18.00,9780375758959,037575895X read,2011-10-12T13:50:51Z,5,0.0,Ian McEwan,Paperback,240,Vintage,The Innocent,,,"The setting is Berlin. Into this divided city, wrenched between East and West, between past and present; comes twenty-five-year-old Leonard Marnham, assigned to a British-American surveillance team.Though only a pawn in an international plot that is never fully revealed to him, Leonard uses his secret work to escape the bonds of his ordinary life - and to lose his unwanted innocence. The promise of his new life begins to be fulfilled as Leonard becomes a crucial part of the surveillance team, while simultaneously being initiated into a new world of love and sex by Maria, a beautiful young German woman. It is a promise that turns to horror in the course of one terrible evening - a night when Leonard Marnham learns just how much of his innocence he's willing to shed.",GBP 7.99,9780099277095,0099277093 read,2011-10-06T13:55:37Z,1207,8.4,俞天任,平装,567,语文出版社,浩瀚大洋是赌场,,俞天任,网上行走时叫“冰冷雨天”,自称“老冰”。生于上海,在江西长大。当过农民、工人、代课老师,托“拨乱反正’’的福,考上大学,还进了研究生院,毕业后在上海高校工作,20世纪90年代到日本,现任某机械公司技术部部长。喜欢侃大山,到日本后因为没了侃大山的氛围,于是转而上网发帖聊天,一发而不可收。,"要真正了解一个民族,最重要的是去了解它的军事。大日本帝国海军,从建立初期的猴唯诺诺到令全世界瞩目不过用了四十年时间,之后又经过近四十年,便彻底从地球上消失了。 这是一支充满赌徒性质的军队,也是一支很有创意的军队,它能够无视一切既存的政治经济军事规则和定论而孤注一掷,从而创下了不少“首次”作战的方式和创意,同时,这又是一支极为保守、固步自封、思维方式滞后子时代达数十年之久的军队。 两种极为矛盾的性质相互依存,恰好正是日本民族性格的所在,这也预示着它除了悲剧性的下场之外,不可能有其他结局。最终.它的归宿也只能是大洋深处——那片与其说是它们的战场,还不如说是赌场,更是坟场的地方。 军舰是成了残骸,但日本海军的软件遗产却几乎原封不动地被保留了下来。如果仔细观察日本杜会,就会发现:来自旧日本陆军的影响确实不大,甚至可以说几乎消失了,而来自旧日本海军的影响则很可观。很多被现今人们认为是日本社会所特有的现象或行为方式,其历史远不像人们想象的那么久长.里面不少是日本海军留下来的遗产,仅仅只有几十上百年的历史而已。那是一笔有正有负的遗产,日本战后的复苏有不少地方要归功于那笔遗产,后来日本经济的停滞和徘徊,似乎也能从那笔遗产中发现端倪。",52.00,9787802411821,7802411823 read,2011-10-02T22:31:21Z,180,8.8,宋宜昌,,946,北岳文艺出版社,燃烧的岛群,,"宋宜昌,(1948-),男,山东莒县人,中国著名科普作家,当代极富影响力的军事文学作家。20世纪80年代,既以多部海战史及二虞军史小说风靡全国。他还是一位视野广阔、知识丰富的科学和历史观察家。主要作品有《V的贬值》、《北极光下的幽灵》、《燃烧的岛群》、《沙漠之狐隆美尔》以及军事科普读物《火与剑的海洋》、《大洋角逐》等,英语记忆专著《风暴谜式英语单词速记法》,经济学读物有《魔杖-美元独步世界之谜》,新书《决战海洋·帝国是怎样炼成的》等。",,6.80,9787537800075,7537800073 read,2011-09-23T11:32:43Z,552,8.7,Kazuo Ishiguro,Paperback,245,Vintage International,The Remains of the Day,,"Kazuo Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1954 and moved to Britain at the age of five. He is the author of five novels, including The Remains of the Day, an international bestseller that won the Booker Prize and was adapted into an award-winning film. Ishiguro's work has been translated into twenty-eight languages. In 1995, he received an Order of the British Empire for service to literature, and in 1998 was named a Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government. He lives in London with his wife and daughter.","The Remains of the Day is a profoundly compelling portrait of the perfect English butler and of his fading, insular world postwar England. At the end of his three decades of service at Darlington Hall, Stevens embarks on a country drive, during which he looks back over his career to reassure himself that he has served humanity by serving ;a great gentleman. ; But lurking in his memory are doubts about the true nature of Lord Darlington's ;greatness ; and graver doubts about his own faith in the man he served. A tragic, spiritual portrait of a perfect English butler and his reaction to his fading insular world in post-war England. A wonderful, wonderful book.",USD 15.00,9780679731726,0679731725 read,2011-08-16T11:00:18Z,89,8.8,Raghuram G. Rajan,Hardcover,272,Princeton University Press,Fault Lines,,,,USD 26.95,9780691146836,0691146837 read,2011-08-15T11:13:24Z,36,8.0,Mary Roach,Paperback,336,W.W. Norton & Co.,Bonk,,,"“Rich in dexterous innuendo, laugh-out-loud humor and illuminating fact. It’s compulsively readable.” — Los Angeles Times Book Review The best-selling author of Stiff turns her outrageous curiosity and insight on the most alluring scientific subject of all: sex. 16 illustrations",USD 14.95,9780393334791,0393334791 read,2011-08-14T11:00:06Z,2592,8.1,梁羽生,平装,525,广东旅游出版社,萍踪侠影录,,"梁羽生是新派武侠小说的开山祖师。 梁羽生本名陈文统,一九二四年三月廿二日出生(证件标明日期为一九二六年四月五日,误)原籍广西壮族自治区蒙山县。生于广西蒙山的一个书香门第,自幼写诗填词,接受了很好的传统教育。1945年,一批学者避难来到蒙山,太平天国史专家简又文和以敦煌学及诗书画著名的饶宗颐都在他家里住过,梁羽生向他们学习历史和文学,很受教益。 抗日战争胜利后,梁羽生进广州岭南大学读书,学的专业是国际经济。毕业后,由于酷爱中国古典诗词和文史,便在香港《大公报》作副刊编辑。一九四九年后定居香港,现侨居澳大利亚悉尼(一名雪梨)。他是中国作家协会会员。 梁羽生从小爱读武侠小说,其入迷程度往往废寝忘食。走入社会后,他仍然爱读武侠小说,与人评说武侠小说的优劣,更是滔滔不绝,眉飞色舞。深厚的文学功底,丰富的文史知识,加上对武侠小说的喜爱和大量阅读,为他以后创作新派武侠小说打下了牢固的基础。在众多的武侠小说作家中,梁羽生最欣赏白羽(宫竹心)的文字功力,据说“梁羽生”的名字就是由“梁慧如”、“白羽”变化而来的。 ×      ×      ×      ×      ×      × 初入江湖: 一九五四年,香港武术界太极派和白鹤派发生争执,先是在报纸上互相攻击,后来相约在澳门新花园擂台比武,以决雌雄。太极派掌门人吴公仪和白鹤派掌门人陈克夫,为了门派的利益,在擂台上拳脚相争。这场比武经港澳报刊的大肆渲染而轰动香港。陈文统的朋友《新晚报》总编辑罗孚触动灵机,为了满足读者兴趣,在比武第二天就在报上预告将刊登精彩的武侠小说以飨读者。第三天,《新晚报》果然推出了署名“梁羽生”的武侠小说《龙虎斗京华》。《龙虎斗京华》是新武侠小说之始。随着《龙虎斗京华》的问世,梁羽生──梁大侠初露头角,轰动文坛的“新派武侠小说”已有雏型。因为他写随笔的名字是梁慧如,平时又心慕白羽,故名梁羽生。 ×      ×      ×      ×      ×      × 退隐江湖: 从1954年开始,到1984年“封刀”,30年间,梁羽生共创作武侠小说35部,160册, 1000万字。除武侠外,梁羽生还写散文、评论、随笔、棋话,笔名有陈鲁、冯瑜宁、李夫人等,著有《中国历史新活》、《文艺新谈》、《古今漫话》等。","《萍踪侠影录》是梁羽生大师的成名作,道尽“莫道萍踪随逝水,永存侠影在心中”,且看张丹枫与云蕾如何侠骨柔情? ×      ×      ×      ×      ×      × 谈武侠小说,不能不谈梁羽生,不能忽略他在平淡中飘溢出来的独特韵味。就新派武侠小说而言,古龙是小字辈,金庸是后行一步的人,梁羽生则是时间上的“大哥大”。正是由于他无意闯入武林,才造成了本世纪最壮观的文化景致——武侠热。 梁羽生文学功底很深,言辞优美,描写生动,文中大量运用诗词,独树一帜。只是在情节上的描写稍逊与金庸与古龙,但其作品仍很值得一读,不愧为三大宗师之一。 梁羽生的武侠小说,上接《儿女英雄传》以来的侠义小说和民国旧武侠小说,开创新派武侠文学;下启金庸、古龙的一片天地。他这样评价自己在武侠小说界的地位:开风气者,梁羽生;发扬光大者,金庸。 在上世纪六七十年代,他和金庸共同扛起了新派武侠小说的大旗,“金梁并称,一时瑜亮”。梁金并世之时,曾主张“侠是下层劳动人民的智慧与品德的化身”,将侠行建立在正义、尊严、爱民的基础上,摒弃了旧派武侠小说一味复仇与嗜杀的倾向,金庸更将之提升为“为国为民,侠之大者”。 梁羽生小说以实在的文史知识和古代诗词见称。语言文采飞扬,字里行间透出浓郁的书卷气,故事中常常将诗词歌赋、民歌俗语点缀其间。他的小说技法以传统继承为主,多用章回小说的形式铺张故事,小说回目意境深远,对仗精巧,情节推展明显具有怡荡有致的韵律感,叙事中也带有明显的说书人的口气。其武侠小说中的人物道德色彩浓烈,正邪严格区分。他的武侠作品,每一部都有明确的历史背景,小说情节构置巧妙、稳厚绵密。有人认为梁羽生小说的缺憾在于“乏味”二字,究其原因,可能还是因为梁先生始终保有一种“正统”文人的姿态。梁先生自己也说:“可能我也犯过“离奇 ”的毛病。但我的作品中“离奇”不是主流,不是我的风格”。",30.0,9787805216379,7805216371 read,2011-08-10T15:19:04Z,26155,8.9,当年明月,平装,324,中国海关出版社,明朝那些事儿(柒):大结局,,当年明月,副研究员,明史学会会员,青年历史学者,心灵历史开创者,担任国内多家电视台文史类节目主讲人,畅销书作家,所著作品《明朝那些事儿》销量过五百万册,为三十年来最畅销之史学读本,多次获得“新浪图书风云榜”最佳图书、当当网“终身五星级最佳图书”、“卓越亚马逊畅销书大奖”等荣誉,位列全国十大畅销书之一,2007—2008年度系列畅销书第一名,该系列作品已被译为日、韩、英等多国文字出版发行。,"明朝最后一位皇帝,自来有许多传说。关于崇祯究竟是一个昏庸无能的皇帝,还是一个力图奋起的人,一直众说纷纭。不管怎么说,这是一个残酷的时代,也是一个精彩的时代。本书对这一段历史进行了分析梳理,引人思索。 在这一时期,北方的后金势力崛起,经过努尔哈赤的经营,势力急剧壮大。努尔哈赤死后,皇太极即位。袁崇焕就在这一时期迈上了历史的舞台。本文作者告诉我们,袁崇焕这个民族英雄,在历史上不过是个二流角色。为什么这样评价?因为我们所了解的历史是远远不够的,在这背后,还隐藏着许多不为人知的秘密。关于袁崇焕的死因,更是与我们之前知道的历史大不一样:一场与他无关的争权夺利,把他送上了死刑台。 大明的动乱此时才不过刚刚开始,随后陕西等地爆发了各路义军。也许你知道闯王高迎祥、闯将李自成、八大王张献忠,但你知道“薛仁贵”、“曹操”和“刘备”也到明末来了么?这绝对不是穿越小说里的场景。而你又知道竟然有义军队伍叫“逼上路”、“鞋底光”、“一块云”,甚至“三只手”这样的名字吗? 本书作者当年明月一如既往地用诙谐的笔调,告诉你历史的真相,以及纠缠在历史背后那些汹涌澎湃的暗流。",29.80元,9787801655998,7801655990 read,2011-08-10T11:13:48Z,91646,8.7,当年明月,平装,298,中国友谊出版公司,明朝那些事儿(壹),,当年明月,青年历史学者,畅销书作家。专业职称为副研究员,明史学会会员。是心灵历史的开创者,担任国内多家电视台文史类节目主讲人。所著作品《明朝那些事儿》销量过五百万册,为三十年来最畅销之史学读本。,从朱元璋的出身开始写起,到永乐大帝夺位的靖难之役结束为止。叙述了明朝最艰苦卓绝的开国过程。朱元璋pk陈友谅,谁堪问鼎天下?战太平、太湖大决战。卧榻之侧埋恶虎,铲除张士诚。徐达、常遇春等不世名将乘胜逐北破北元。更有明朝最大的谜团——永乐夺位、建文失踪的靖难之役。,24.80,9787505722460,7505722468 read,2011-08-10T11:13:45Z,45130,8.9,当年明月,平装,281,中国友谊出版公司,明朝那些事儿(贰),,当年明月,青年历史学者,畅销书作家。专业职称为副研究员,明史学会会员。是心灵历史的开创者,担任国内多家电视台文史类节目主讲人。所著作品《明朝那些事儿》销量过五百万册,为三十年来最畅销之史学读本。,自永乐夺位的“靖难之役”后开始,先叙述了中国历史上赫赫有名的永乐大帝事迹——挥军北上五征蒙古,派郑和七下西洋,南下讨平安南等等,后来永乐于北伐蒙古归来途中病逝。明朝在经历了比较清明的“仁宣之治”后,开始进入动荡时期。大宦官王振把持朝政胡作非为,导致二十万精兵丧于一旦,幸亏著名忠臣于谦在“土木堡之变”中力挽狂澜,挽救了明帝国,但随即又在两位皇帝争夺皇位的“夺门之变”后被害身亡。,24.80,9787505722859,7505722859 read,2011-08-10T11:13:42Z,37472,8.9,当年明月,平装,273,中国友谊出版公司,明朝那些事儿(叁),,当年明月,2006心灵历史开创者,强调写史即写人,写人即写心。以长文《明朝那些事儿》狂飚突起于天涯论坛,后转战新浪,天涯、新浪月点击率均力超百万,引起“明矾”骚乱。相关事件被媒体命名为“明月门”。,从明英宗朱祁镇成功复辟的“夺门之变”后写起,叙述了忠奸不分的朱祁镇听信谗言,杀害曾救其于危难之际的大功臣于谦,而这也成为他继“土木堡之变”后在历史上留下的又一大污点,而在他病逝后,相继继位的两位皇帝宪宗和孝宗,一个懦弱不堪无所作为,一个心有余而力不足,撂下的这副重担落在了明代三百年中最能闹的一个皇帝——朱厚照身上,宠八虎,建豹房,自封威武大将军,朝廷中充斥着一幕幕荒唐的闹剧,局势更是动荡不安,这时便引起了一位亘古罕有的文武奇才——王守仁,他清剿盗寇,平定叛王,勇斗奸宦,给后人留下了许多近乎神话的不朽传奇。,24.80,9787505723269,750572326X read,2011-08-10T11:13:38Z,34308,8.8,当年明月,平装,305,中国友谊出版公司,明朝那些事儿(肆),,当年明月,青年历史学者,畅销书作家。专业职称为副研究员,明史学会会员。是心灵历史的开创者,担任国内多家电视台文史类节目主讲人。所著作品《明朝那些事儿》销量过五百万册,为三十年来最畅销之史学读本。,上接第三部,从嘉靖即位、“议礼之争”开始。嘉靖皇帝借“议礼之争”清除了一批前朝旧臣,总揽大权。此后他的生活日渐腐化,一心想得道成仙,国家大事抛诸脑后,奸相严嵩因此得以长期把持大权。同时大明财政空虚,兵备废弛,东南沿海的倭寇和北方的蒙古成为明朝的心腹大患。因此本书主要讲述了朝廷的权力之争和边疆的抗倭斗争。,24.80,9787505723788,7505723782 read,2011-08-10T11:13:34Z,31249,8.8,当年明月,平装,329,中国友谊出版公司,明朝那些事儿(伍),,当年明月,青年历史学者,畅销书作家。专业职称为副研究员,明史学会会员。是心灵历史的开创者,担任国内多家电视台文史类节目主讲人。所著作品《明朝那些事儿》销量过五百万册,为三十年来最畅销之史学读本。,"第五部的内容包括两大部分。 第一部分是内争。写严嵩倒台后徐阶、高拱、张居正三个杰出的政治家各施手段,你方唱罢我登场。三人都是实干家,为中兴朝廷呕心沥血;同样又都是阴谋家,铲除异己心狠手辣。而这两点又均以张居正为最:一条鞭法和考成法的改革措施遗惠万民、泽及百代;顺我者昌,逆我者死,虽杀门生亦不眨眼。 第二部分是外战,亦即援朝抗日战争。从庙算到外交,从战争到和平,帷幄运筹神鬼莫测、惊心动魄。战争场面波澜壮阔、杀声震天。更描绘了一系列栩栩如生、呼之欲出的英雄人物,如“不世出之英雄”李如松,临危受命、甘当大任的朝鲜名将李舜臣,誓死不退、以身殉国的老将邓子龙等。",28.80,9787505724181,7505724185 read,2011-08-10T11:13:29Z,26279,8.8,当年明月,平装,331,中国海关出版社,明朝那些事儿(陆),,当年明月,青年历史学者,畅销书作家。专业职称为副研究员,明史学会会员。是心灵历史的开创者,担任国内多家电视台文史类节目主讲人。所著作品《明朝那些事儿》销量过五百万册,为三十年来最畅销之史学读本。,主要讲述了晚明由“三大案”引发的党争,魏忠贤兴起及袁崇焕之奋战。自张居正去世后,便无人敢管万历,为争国本、查妖书、打闷棍,他与大臣展开拉锯战,三十年不上朝。东林党却因此发展壮大,为把持朝政,与齐、楚、浙三党明争暗斗,借国本之争,扶持明光、熹宗二帝即位,成功掌握政权。魏忠贤以平民出身,利用熹宗昏庸,又傍上皇帝乳母客氏,与东林党展开对决。在外,援朝抗日战争后,明防御线转至辽东。没落贵族之后李成梁打蒙古、灭女真,成为一代枭雄,却养虎为患,努尔哈赤借机兴起,统一后金。为抗金、守城、夺失地,在帝师孙承宗的带领下,袁崇焕从一介文人成长为边疆大将,坚守孤城,最终击败努尔哈赤。,28.80,9787801655011,780165501X read,2011-07-14T14:15:24Z,3,0.0,Nathaniel Philbrick,Hardcover,496,Viking Adult,The Last Stand,,,"The bestselling author of Mayflower sheds new light on one of the iconic stories of the American West Little Bighorn and Custer are names synonymous in the American imagination with unmatched bravery and spectacular defeat. Mythologized as Custer's Last Stand, the June 1876 battle has been equated with other famous last stands, from the Spartans' defeat at Thermopylae to Davy Crockett at the Alamo. In his tightly structured narrative, Nathaniel Philbrick brilliantly sketches the two larger-than-life antagonists: Sitting Bull, whose charisma and political savvy earned him the position of leader of the Plains Indians, and George Armstrong Custer, one of the Union's greatest cavalry officers and a man with a reputation for fearless and often reckless courage. Philbrick reminds readers that the Battle of the Little Bighorn was also, even in victory, the last stand for the Sioux and Cheyenne Indian nations. Increasingly outraged by the government's Indian policies, the Plains tribes allied themselves and held their ground in southern Montana. Within a few years of Little Bighorn, however, all the major tribal leaders would be confined to Indian reservations. Throughout, Philbrick beautifully evokes the history and geography of the Great Plains with his characteristic grace and sense of drama. The Last Stand is a mesmerizing account of the archetypal story of the American West, one that continues to haunt our collective imagination.",USD 30.00,9780670021727,0670021725 read,2011-07-01T20:07:40Z,34,8.4,Michael Lewis,Paperback,304,Hodder & Stoughton,Liar's Poker,,,,USD 16.50,9780340767009,0340767006 reading,2011-06-28T12:29:31Z,48,8.5,Walter Whitman,Mass Market Paperback,496,Bantam USA,Leaves of Grass,,,"《LEAVES O F GRASS(草叶集)》One of the great innovative figures in American letters,Walt Whitman created a daringly new kind of poetry that became a major force in world literature. Leaves of Grass is his one book. First published in 1855 with only twelve poems, it was greeted by Ralph Waldo Emerson as ""the wonderful gift.., the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet contributed.""Over the course of Whitman""s life, the book reappeared in many versions, expanded and transformed as the author""s experiences and the nation""s history changed and grew. Whitman""s ambition was to create something uniquely American. In that he succeeded. His poems have been woven into the very fabric of the American character. From his solemn masterpieces ""When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom""d"" and ""Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking"" to the joyous freedom of ""Song of Myself,"" ""I Sing the Body Electric,"" and ""Song of the Open Road,"" Whitman""s work lives on, an inspiration to the poets of later generations.",GBP 5.99,9780553211160,0553211161 read,2011-06-18T10:57:40Z,441,8.7,老舍,平装,364,人民文学出版社,骆驼祥子,,,《骆驼祥子》是老舍先生著名小说。该剧紧紧围绕主人公祥子买车、失车三起三落的坎坷经历,展示处于二十年代军阀混战时期人力车夫的悲惨生活。小说中故事情节、矛盾冲突、人物关系均以祥子为中心铺排展开,以确保祥子的主角地位,塑造祥子的复杂性格。并通过他与虎妞、小福子的感情纠葛、离合悲欢,演绎了一场人生悲剧。祥子对生活的向往仅仅是一辆车,一个家,他为此付出了惨重的代价。却是想要得不到,得到非所要,最终想要非要俱失掉,只剩下一副被掏空的躯壳。原本善良、挺脱、鲜活的祥子,求生无路,抗争无力,终于在暗夜中衰迈了,颓废了,沉沦了……,22.00元,9787020043972,7020043976 read,2011-06-14T21:20:23Z,7481,8.9,J.K.Rowling,Hardcover,784,Arthur A. Levine Books,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,,,"Harry has been burdened with a dark, dangerous and seemingly impossible task: that of locating and destroying Voldemort’s remaining Horcruxes. Never has Harry felt so alone, or faced a future so full of shadows. But Harry must somehow find within himself the strength to complete the task he has been given. He must leave the warmth, safety, and companionship of The Burrow and follow without fear or hesitation the inexorable path laid out for him. In this final, seventh installment of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling unveils in spectacular fashion the answers to the many questions that have been so eagerly awaited. The spellbinding, richly woven narrative, which plunges, twists and turns at a breathtaking pace, confirms the author as a mistress of storytelling, whose books will be read, reread and read again. Harry is waiting in Privet Drive. The Order of the Phoenix is coming to escort him safely away without Voldemort and his supporters knowing – if they can. But what will Harry do then? How can he fulfil the momentous and seemingly impossible task that Professor Dumbledore has left him with?",34.99美元,9780545010221,0545010225 read,2011-05-30T00:30:10Z,575,8.6,Andrew Ross Sorkin,Hardcover,624,Viking Adult,Too Big to Fail,,"Andrew Ross Sorkin is the award-winning chief mergers and acquisitions reporter for The New York Times, a columnist, and assistant editor of business and finance news. He is also the editor and founder of DealBook, an online daily financial report. He has won a Gerald Loeb Award, the highest honor in business journalism, and a Society of American Business Editors and Writers Award. In 2007, the World Economic Forum named him a Young Global Leader.","Andrew Ross Sorkin delivers the first true behind-the-scenes, moment-by-moment account of how the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression developed into a global tsunami. From inside the corner office at Lehman Brothers to secret meetings in South Korea, and the corridors of Washington, Too Big to Fail is the definitive story of the most powerful men and women in finance and politics grappling with success and failure, ego and greed, and, ultimately, the fate of the world’s economy. “We’ve got to get some foam down on the runway!” a sleepless Timothy Geithner, the then-president of the Federal Reserve of New York, would tell Henry M. Paulson, the Treasury secretary, about the catastrophic crash the world’s financial system would experience. Through unprecedented access to the players involved, Too Big to Fail re-creates all the drama and turmoil, revealing never disclosed details and elucidating how decisions made on Wall Street over the past decade sowed the seeds of the debacle. This true story is not just a look at banks that were “too big to fail,” it is a real-life thriller with a cast of bold-faced names who themselves thought they were too big to fail.",USD 32.95,9780670021253,0670021253 read,2011-05-29T11:43:59Z,842,9.1,J. K. Rowling,Hardcover,607,Raincoast Books,Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,,,"We could tell you, but then we'd have to Obliviate your memory.",CAD 41.00,9781551927565,155192756X read,2011-05-25T00:41:18Z,914,8.9,J. K. Rowling,Hardcover,870,Scholastic,Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,,,"Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.His best friends Ron and Hermione have been very secretive all summer and he is desperate to get back to school and find out what has been going on.However,what Harry discovers is far more devastating than he could ever have expected…",USD 29.99,9780439358064,043935806X read,2011-05-19T11:37:08Z,3,0.0,Edmund Morris,Hardcover,784,Random House,Colonel Roosevelt,,,"Of all our great presidents, Theodore Roosevelt is the only one whose greatness increased out of office. When he toured Europe in 1910 as plain “Colonel Roosevelt,” he was hailed as the most famous man in the world. Crowned heads vied to put him up in their palaces. “If I see another king,” he joked, “I think I shall bite him.” Had TR won his historic “Bull Moose” campaign in 1912 (when he outpolled the sitting president, William Howard Taft), he might have averted World War I, so great was his international influence. Had he not died in 1919, at the early age of sixty, he would unquestionably have been reelected to a third term in the White House and completed the work he began in 1901 of establishing the United States as a model democracy, militarily strong and socially just. This biography by Edmund Morris, the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award–winning author of The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt and Theodore Rex, is itself the completion of a trilogy sure to stand as definitive. Packed with more adventure, variety, drama, humor, and tragedy than a big novel, yet documented down to the smallest fact, it recounts the last decade of perhaps the most amazing life in American history. What other president has written forty books, hunted lions, founded a third political party, survived an assassin’s bullet, and explored an unknown river longer than the Rhine? Colonel Roosevelt begins with a prologue recounting what TR called his “journey into the Pleistocene”—a yearlong safari through East Africa, collecting specimens for the Smithsonian. Some readers will be repulsed by TR’s bloodlust, which this book does not prettify, yet there can be no denying that the Colonel passionately loved and understood every living thing that came his way: The text is rich in quotations from his marvelous nature writing. Although TR intended to remain out of politics when he returned home in 1910, a fateful decision that spring drew him back into public life. By the end of the summer, in his famous “New Nationalism” speech, he was the guiding spirit of the Progressive movement, which inspired much of the social agenda of the future New Deal. (TR’s fifth cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt acknowledged that debt, adding that the Colonel “was the greatest man I ever knew.”) Then follows a detailed account of TR’s reluctant yet almost successful campaign for the White House in 1912. But unlike other biographers, Edmund Morris does not treat TR mainly as a politician. This volume gives as much consideration to TR’s literary achievements and epic expedition to Brazil in 1913–1914 as to his fatherhood of six astonishingly different children, his spiritual and aesthetic beliefs, and his eager embrace of other cultures—from Arab and Magyar to German and American Indian. It is impossible to read Colonel Roosevelt and not be awed by the man’s universality. The Colonel himself remarked, “I have enjoyed life as much as any nine men I know.” Morris does not hesitate, however, to show how pathologically TR turned upon those who inherited the power he craved—the hapless Taft, the adroit Woodrow Wilson. When Wilson declined to bring the United States into World War I in 1915 and 1916, the Colonel blasted him with some of the worst abuse ever uttered by a former chief executive. Yet even Wilson had to admit that behind the Rooseveltian will to rule lay a winning idealism and decency. “He is just like a big boy—there is a sweetness about him that you can’t resist.” That makes the story of TR’s last year, when the “boy” in him died, all the sadder in the telling: the conclusion of a life of Aristotelian grandeur.",GBP 25.09,9780375504877,0375504877 read,2011-05-13T11:28:56Z,1819,9.2,J.K. Rowling,平装,752,Scholastic,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,,,"Harry Potter is midway through his training as a wizard and his coming of age. Harry wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup. He wants to find out about the mysterious event that's supposed to take place at Hogwarts this year, an event involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. But unfortunately for Harry Potter, he's not normal - even by wizarding standards. And in his case, different can be deadly.",9.99美元,9780439139601,0439139600 reading,2011-05-07T05:28:51Z,2,0.0,Plautus; E. F. Watling,Paperback,272,Penguin Classics,The Pot of Gold and Other Plays,,,"One of the supreme comic writers of the Roman world, Plautus (c.254-184 BC) skilfully adapted classic Greek comic models to the manners and customs of his day. This collection features a varied selection of his finest plays, from the light-hearted comedy ""Pseudolus"", in which the lovesick Calidorus and his slave try to liberate his lover from her pimp, to the more subversive ""The Prisoners"", which raises serious questions about the role of slavery. Also included in this title are ""The Brothers Menaechmus"", which formed the prototype for Shakespeare's ""The Comedy of Errors"", and ""The Pot of Gold"", whose old miser Euclio is a glorious study in avarice. Throughout, Plautus breathes new, brilliant life into classic comic types - including deceitful twins, scheming slaves, bitter old men and swaggering soldiers - creating an entertaining critique of Roman life and values.",USD 13.00,9780140441499,0140441492 read,2011-04-29T15:06:55Z,37071,8.4,江南,精装,283,华文出版社,此间的少年,,江南,男,安徽合肥人。目前的身份是作家和媒体经理。代表作品有《此间的少年》、《一千零一夜之死神》、《九州·缥缈录》系列、《光明皇帝》系列等。,"《此间的少年》讲述的是让人熟悉的大学生活的故事。小说以宋代嘉佑年为时间背景,地点在以北大为模版的“汴京大学”,登场的人物是乔峰、郭靖、令狐冲等大侠,不过在大学里,他们和当代的年轻人没有什么不同。他们早上要跑圈儿,初进校门的时候要扫舞盲,有睡不完的懒觉,站在远处默默注视自己心爱的姑娘…… 在这个学校里,郭靖和黄蓉是因为一场自行车的事故认识的,而这辆自行车是化学系的老师丘处机淘汰下来的,杨康和穆念慈则从中学起就是同学,念慈对杨康的单恋多年无果,最后选择的人却是彭连虎。 脑中存着金庸小说先前的印象,再徜徉于这样全新的故事中,是一种双重的温习,而这双重的回忆最后归结为一点,便是几乎每个人都经过过或正在经历的轻狂无畏的少年时光。",25.00元,9787507515121,7507515125 read,2011-04-29T13:35:18Z,1468,9.4,J. K. Rowling,平装,448,Scholastic,Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,,,"Harry Potter has to sneak back to Hogwarts, after accidentally inflating his horrible Aunt Petunia. But once there everyone is whispering about a prizoner who has escaped from the famous wizard prizon, Azkaban. His name is Sirius Black, and as a follower of Lord Voldemort he is determined to track Harry Potter down - even if it means laying siege to the very walls of Hogwarts!",10.99美元,9780439136365,0439136369 read,2011-04-24T04:25:58Z,699,9.3,J.K.Rowling,平装,256,bloomsbury,Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,,,Harry Potter is a wizard.He is in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Little does he know that this year will be just as eventful as the last…,5.99英镑,9780747538486,0747538484 read,2011-04-22T06:02:05Z,4256,9.3,J.K. Rowling,Paperback,320,Scholastic Paperbacks,Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone,,"Although she writes under the pen name J.K. Rowling, pronounced like rolling,her name when her first Harry Potter book was published was simply Joanne Rowling. Anticipating that the target audience of young boys might not want to read a book written by a woman, her publishers demanded that she use two initials, rather than her full name. As she had no middle name, she chose K as the second initial of her pen name, from her paternal grandmother Kathleen Ada Bulgen Rowling. She calls herself Jo and has said, ""No one ever called me 'Joanne' when I was young, unless they were angry."" Following her marriage, she has sometimes used the name Joanne Murray when conducting personal business. During the Leveson Inquiry she gave evidence under the name of Joanne Kathleen Rowling. In a 2012 interview, Rowling noted that she no longer cared that people pronounced her name incorrectly.","Harry Potter has never played a sport while flying on a broomstick. He's never worn a Cloak of Invisibility, befriended a giant, or helped hatch a dragon. All Harry knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley. Harry's room is a tiny cupboard under the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in ten years. But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to a wonderful place he never dreamed existed. There he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic around every corner, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him... if Harry can survive the encounter.",USD 10.99,9780590353427,059035342X read,2011-04-12T15:22:01Z,1,0.0,Edmund Morris,Hardcover,NA,HarperCollins Publishers,Theodore Rex,,,,,9780002177085,0002177080 read,2011-03-16T14:42:54Z,11,8.4,Edmund Morris,Paperback,920,Random House Trade Paperbacks,The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt,,,"Described by the Chicago Tribune as ""a classic,"" The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt stands as one of the greatest biographies of our time. The publication of The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt on September 14th, 2001 marks the 100th anniversary of Theodore Roosevelt becoming president.",USD 18.00,9780375756788,0375756787 read,2011-02-25T13:05:50Z,1626,7.4,Dan Brown,Hardcover,528,Doubleday Books,The Lost Symbol,,美国作家丹·布朗,"In this stunning follow-up to the global phenomenon The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown demonstrates once again why he is the world's most popular thriller writer. The Lost Symbol is a masterstroke of storytelling, a deadly race through a real-world labyrinth of codes, secrets, and unseen truths. All under the watchful eye of Brown's most terrifying villain to date. Set within the hidden chambers, tunnels, and temples of Washington, D.C., The Lost Symbol accelerates through a startling landscape toward an unthinkable finale. As the story opens, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned unexpectedly to deliver an evening lecture in the U.S. Capitol Building. Within minutes of his arrival, however, the night takes a bizarre turn. A disturbing object, artfully encoded with five symbols--is discovered in the Capitol Building. Langdon recognizes the object as an ancient invitation. One meant to usher its recipient into a long-lost world of esoteric wisdom. When Langdon's beloved mentor, Peter Solomon, a prominent Mason and philanthropist--is brutally kidnapped, Langdon realizes his only hope of saving Peter is to accept this mystical invitation and follow wherever it leads him. Langdon is instantly plunged into a clandestine world of Masonic secrets, hidden history, and never-before-seen locations, all of which seem to be dragging him toward a single, inconceivable truth. As the world discovered in The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons, Dan Brown's novels are brilliant tapestries of veiled histories, arcane symbols, and enigmatic codes. In this new novel, he again challenges readers with an intelligent, lightning-paced story that offers surprises at every turn. The Lost Symbol is exactly what Brown's fans have been waiting for his most thrilling novel yet.",USD 29.95,9780385504225,0385504225 read,2011-02-12T13:38:43Z,92,8.5,Raymond Fisman; Edward Miguel,Hardcover,256,Princeton University Press,Economic Gangsters,,,"Meet the economic gangster. He's the United Nations diplomat who double-parks his Mercedes on New York City streets at rush hour because the cops can't touch him--he has diplomatic immunity. He's the Chinese smuggler who dodges tariffs by magically transforming frozen chickens into frozen turkeys. The dictator, the warlord, the unscrupulous bureaucrat who bilks the developing world of billions in aid. The calculating crook who views stealing and murder as just another part of his business strategy. And, in the wrong set of circumstances, he might just be you. In Economic Gangsters, Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel take readers into the secretive, chaotic, and brutal worlds inhabited by these lawless and violent thugs. Join these two sleuthing economists as they follow the foreign aid money trail into the grasping hands of corrupt governments and shady underworld characters. Spend time with ingenious black marketeers as they game the international system. Follow the steep rise and fall of stock prices of companies with unseemly connections to Indonesia's former dictator. See for yourself what rainfall has to do with witch killings in Tanzania--and more. Fisman and Miguel use economics to get inside the heads of these ""gangsters,"" and propose solutions that can make a difference to the world's poor--including cash infusions to defuse violence in times of drought, and steering the World Bank away from aid programs most susceptible to corruption. Take an entertaining walk on the dark side of global economic development with Economic Gangsters. Economic Gangsters is a fascinating exploration into the dark side of economic development… Subjected to their genius, seemingly inconsequential events (like New York City parking tickets and Suharto catching a cold) become potent tools in understanding how the world really works. Rarely has a book on economics been this fun and this important. — Steven D. Levitt, coauthor of Freakonomics",USD 24.95,9780691134543,0691134545 read,2011-02-12T13:35:21Z,6,0.0,Bill Bryson,Mass Market Paperback,NA,Seal Books,A Walk in the Woods,,,,,9781400025114,1400025117 read,2011-01-31T07:00:45Z,127,9.0,Jeffrey Toobin,Hardcover,384,Doubleday,The Nine,,,"在线阅读本书 Bestselling author Jeffrey Toobin takes you into the chambers of the most important—and secret—legal body in our country, the Supreme Court, and reveals the complex dynamic among the nine people who decide the law of the land. Just in time for the 2008 presidential election—where the future of the Court will be at stake—Toobin reveals an institution at a moment of transition, when decades of conservative disgust with the Court have finally produced a conservative majority, with major changes in store on such issues as abortion, civil rights, presidential power, and church-state relations. Based on exclusive interviews with justices themselves, The Nine tells the story of the Court through personalities—from Anthony Kennedy's overwhelming sense of self-importance to Clarence Thomas's well-tended grievances against his critics to David Souter's odd nineteenth-century lifestyle. There is also, for the first time, the full behind-the-scenes story of Bush v. Gore —and Sandra Day O'Connor's fateful breach with George W. Bush, the president she helped place in office. The Nine is the book bestselling author Jeffrey Toobin was born to write. A CNN senior legal analyst and New Yorker staff writer, no one is more superbly qualified to profile the nine justices.",USD 32.50,9780385516402,0385516401 read,2011-01-23T08:06:10Z,306,8.9,Robert B. Cialdini,Paperback,336,Harper Business,Influence,,"Harvard Business Review lists Dr. Cialdini’s research in “Breakthrough Ideas for Today’s Business Agenda.” Influence has been listed on the “New York Times Business Best Seller List.” Fortune Magazine lists Influence in their “75 Smartest Business Books.” CEO Read lists Influence in their “100 Best Business Books of All Time.” Dr. Robert Cialdini has spent his entire career researching the science of influence earning him an international reputation as an expert in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation. His books including, Influence, are the result of decades of peer-reviewed research on why people comply with requests. Influence has sold over 3 million copies, is a New York Times Bestseller and has been published in over 30 languages. His co-authored books include Yes! and The Small Big. His newest book, Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade, is the result of many years of scientific research combined with Cialdini’s engaging style to make each chapter memorable and meaningful. It will be released on September 6th, 2016. Because of the world-wide recognition of Dr. Cialdini’s cutting edge scientific research and his ethical business and policy applications, he is frequently regarded as the “Godfather of influence.” Dr. Cialdini received his Ph.D from the University of North Carolina and post doctoral training from Columbia University. He has held Visiting Scholar Appointments at Ohio State University, the University of California, the Annenberg School of Communications, and the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University. Currently, Dr Cialdini is Regents’ Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University. Dr. Cialdini is CEO and President of INFLUENCE AT WORK; focusing on ethical influence training, corporate keynote programs, and the CMCT (Cialdini Method Certified Trainer) program. Dr. Cialdini’s clients include such organizations as Google, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Bayer, Coca Cola, KPMG, AstraZeneca, Ericsson, Kodak, Merrill Lynch, Nationwide Insurance, Pfizer, AAA, Northern Trust, IBM, Prudential, The Mayo Clinic, GlaxoSmithKline, Harvard University – Kennedy School, The Weather Channel, the United States Department of Justice, and NATO.","自出版以来,《影响力》就一直是最为畅销的图书。由于它的影响,劝说得以成为一门科学。无论你是普通人还是为某一产品或事业观点游说的人,这都是一本最基本的书,是你理解人们心理的基石。在《影响力》这本书中,心理学家罗伯特•B•西奥迪尼博士为我们解释了为什么有些人极具说服力,而我们总是容易上当受骗。隐藏在冲动地顺从他人行为背后的6大心理秘笈,正是这一切的根源。那些劝说高手们,总是熟练地运用它们,让我们就范。 Influence , the classic book on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say ""yes""—and how to apply these understandings. Dr. Robert Cialdini is the seminal expert in the rapidly expanding field of influence and persuasion. His thirty-five years of rigorous, evidence-based research along with a three-year program of study on what moves people to change behavior has resulted in this highly acclaimed book. You'll learn the six universal principles, how to use them to become a skilled persuader—and how to defend yourself against them. Perfect for people in all walks of life, the principles of Influence will move you toward profound personal change and act as a driving force for your success. 点击链接进入中文版: 影响力(经典版)",USD 17.99,9780061241895,006124189X read,2011-01-11T16:30:00Z,521,8.3,Margaret Atwood,Paperback,311,Anchor,The Handmaid's Tale,,"MARGARET ATWOOD, whose work has been published in over thirty-five countries, is the author of more than forty books of fiction, poetry, and critical essays. In addition to The Handmaid's Tale, her novels include Cat's Eye, shortlisted for the Booker Prize; Alias Grace, which won the Giller Prize in Canada and the Premio Mondello in Italy; The Blind Assassin, winner of the 2000 Booker Prize; and her most recent, Oryx and Crake, shortlisted for the 2003 Booker Prize. She lives in Toronto with writer Graeme Gibson.","From the bestselling author of Alias Grace and the MaddAddam trilogy, here is the #1 New York Times bestseller and seminal work of speculative fiction from the Booker Prize-winning author. Now a Hulu series starring Elizabeth Moss, Samira Wiley, and Joseph Fiennes. Includes a new introduction by Margaret Atwood. Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead. She may leave the home of the Commander and his wife once a day to walk to food markets whose signs are now pictures instead of words because women are no longer allowed to read. She must lie on her back once a month and pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, because in an age of declining births, Offred and the other Handmaids are valued only if their ovaries are viable. Offred can remember the days before, when she lived and made love with her husband Luke; when she played with and protected her daughter; when she had a job, money of her own, and access to knowledge. But all of that is gone now…. Funny, unexpected, horrifying, and altogether convincing, The Handmaid's Tale is at once scathing satire, dire warning, and literary tour de force.",USD 15.95,9780385490818,038549081X read,2010-12-14T14:34:59Z,11563,7.7,金庸,平装,618,三联书店,飞狐外传(上下),,,"《飞狐外传》作者是现代著名作家金庸,著于1960年,是《雪山飞狐》的前传。该书主要是讲述《雪山飞狐》主人公胡斐的成长历程.以主人公胡斐除暴安良为故事的中心;讲述了胡斐为追杀凤天南在路上所发生的一切.特别是主人公与两位女性所发生的恋爱关系,让人觉得惋惜与无奈.体现出江湖一代大侠在爱情面前是那样的脆弱与无奈.该书现收录在《金庸作品集》中。",23.00元,9787108012630,7108012634 read,2010-11-21T02:50:01Z,9600,7.4,金庸,平装,834,生活·读书·新知三联书店,侠客行,,"《侠客行》,北平三聯書店1994年5月初版。(1995.8重印)(1996.2重印)(1996.11重印) p23,第3行,“也可不得”,似當爲“也不可得” p190末行,“石破天道”,據上下文情境,似當爲“石破天心道” p278第12行,“至于雪山派中那些狂妄自大之 辈,便是非甘拜下风不可。”“便是”據上下文,似當爲“更是”。","《侠客行》著于1965年,据说灵感和书名来自李白的诗作“古风五十九首”之《侠客行》。小说叙述的是一个懵懂少年石破天的江湖经历。 主人公石破天自小没名没姓,和一个他以为是自己母亲的女人,僻居于一座不知名的荒山上。那女人叫他做狗杂种,他便以为这就是他自己的名字。那女人脾气古怪,动辄打骂于他,他也习以为常。他从小学会了砍柴、做饭等种种家务,却大字不识一个,于世事、人心更是一无所知。一天那女人忽然不见了,他自小相伴的那条叫“阿黄”的狗也不见了,便出去到处寻找。结果人和狗都没找着,自己却迷了路。 当他来到一个叫侯监集的小镇上时,适逢许多武林人物为一枚玄铁令大动干戈。他是个小乞儿的样子,谁也没注意,却因为饥饿太甚,捡了个混战中撒落在地的烧饼吃,意外地得到了玄铁令。正在众人发现,各各威逼利诱之时,玄铁令的主人谢烟客适时赶到。将玄铁令夺回。但这个魔头恪于诺言,必须答应为持令者做一件事,他怕众人教唆这个小乞儿让他干不利于他的事,便连令带人一起携走。不料他想尽办法也不能让石破天求他一件事,石破天告诉他,母亲对他的唯一教诲,便是不管怎样也不能求人。他虽然是乞儿却从不乞讨,别人给他吃他就吃,别人不给,他实在饿了,便拿了就吃,他也不知道这叫偷,也不觉得有什么不对。 谢烟客无奈只好带他回自己隐居的摩天崖,途中石破天遇见几个武林人物围攻一个叫大悲老人的老头,他挺身而出,虽然没救成大悲老人,却在他临死之前做了他的朋友,得了他一套载有武功的泥人。到了摩天崖,谢烟客传授他两种极阴、极阳的内功,想让他走火入魔而死,以绝后患。 不料正在石破天阴阳交战,即将走火入魔的时候,长乐帮来人硬说石破天是他们的帮主,将他劫回帮中。帮中的医道高手贝海石将石破天救活,反而成就了他阴阳合一的无上内功。帮中人都认定他就是名叫石破天的帮主,他怎么解释也无济于事。后来他自己也怀疑起来,等到他结识了一个名叫丁当的女孩,那女孩指给他看,她从前在他肩头咬伤的疤痕时,他就更懵懂了。他喜欢丁当又不敢喜欢,因为他还不能确定自己到底是谁。 幸好在他最为难的时候,真的石破天被帮中人捉回。原来贝海石等人知道“狗杂种”不是真的石破天,但因他长相与石破天酷似,因此故意将错就错,让他冒名顶替,以替他们消解即将到来的灾难,而石破天肩上的伤疤,也是贝海石在他昏迷时用手术弄上去的。这时石破天已以帮主的身份接了侠客岛的赏善惩恶令,而在雪山派作了恶又冒名石破天逃出来做了长乐帮主,后又逃走的石中玉却又冒充“狗杂种”,石破天骗得了谢烟客的信任。石破天刚在石中玉父母那儿得了一点温暖和爱意,石中玉的到来使他只好又离开了。 他先和人见人怕的赏善惩恶使交上了朋友,结为兄弟,后又邂逅雪山派祖师白自在的妻子小翠和她的孙女阿绣。开始他被误认为石中玉,差点被杀,但等误会澄清,小翠却收他作了金乌派的掌门弟子,阿绣与他也渐渐两情相悦。他们赶回雪山派,石破天凭借自己的盖世神功消解了雪山派的门户之变,治好了白自在的疯病。这时谢烟客在石中玉的唆使下,赶来向雪山派寻仇,但石破天的出现终于使一切真相大白,而丁当也彻底弃石破天而去。 不久石破天随白自在等武林高手持令前往侠客岛,在岛上经历一番惊险后,终于弄明白了三十年来许多武林高手前往侠客岛一去不返的真相:岛上一个山洞里的石壁上刻着李白的那首叫做《侠客行》的五言古诗,其中隐含了一项绝顶神功。侠客岛主从中土以赏善惩恶令逼来众多武林高乎,只是为了一起参详这项神功,但各人见仁见智,谁也破解不了,而对武学的酷嗜,却使这些人面对石壁神智痴迷,再也不想离开这个山洞。石破天听着众人的争论,看着他们痴迷的样子,只是感到害怕,却不明所以。众人都在诗句分解注释的各个小山洞,他因为不识字,在那儿既害怕又看不出个究竟来,便来到刻着整篇诗的大洞。不料他往石壁上一看,目中所见都是一把把形态、剑势、剑意各各不同的利剑,所有的文字于他毫无实际的意义可言。他顺着剑势、剑意看去,内息自然而然随之流动,手舞足蹈,待得从头至尾看完一遍,这项神功已是被他练成了。 回归中土后,为解一桩武林疑案,他随丁当的叔祖丁不四等去寻找他的女儿,终于又回到了小时候居注的荒山。当他看到那条与他阔别已久的狗“阿黄”时,欣喜若狂,看来,在石破天的心中,绝世武功远比不上“阿黄”,比练成“侠客行”武功更高兴万分。然而他的身世依然是个谜。",38.00,9787108006707,7108006707 read,2010-10-17T08:03:35Z,2,0.0,David Lodge,Paperback,400,Penguin Books,"Author, Author",,,"Henry James takes center stage in David Lodgeas brilliant novel of literary ambition, creativity, and rivalry as revealed in Jamesas public career and private life. Pivoting on the dramatic first night of his play, ""Guy Domville,"" and thronged with vividly drawn characters, ""Author, Author"" presents a fascinating panorama of literary and theatrical life in late Victorian England. But at its heart is a portrait, rendered with remarkable empathy, of a writer who never achieved popular success in his lifetime nor resolved his sexual identity yet wrote some of the greatest novels in the English language about love.",USD 15.00,9780143036098,0143036092 read,2010-09-13T01:00:22Z,6,0.0,John R. Hale,Hardcover,432,Penguin Group USA Inc.,Lords of the Sea,,"John R. Hale studied at Yale and Cambridge before embarking on an archaeological career that includes extensive underwater searches for ancient warships. He has written for Antiquity, Journal of Roman Archaeology, and Scientific American and has been profiled by NPR and The New York Times. He has also been featured in documentaries broadcast by The Discovery Channel and The History Channel. He is currently the director of liberal studies at the University of Louisville.","The navy created by the people of Athens in a ncient Greece was one of the finest fighting forces in the history of the world and the model for all other national navies to come. The Athenian navy built a civilization, empowered the world's first democracy, and led a band of ordinary citizens on a voyage of discovery that altered the course of history. Its defeat of the Persian fleet at Salamis in 480 BCE launched the Athenian Golden Age and preserved Greek freedom and culture for centuries. With Lords of the Sea , renowned archaeologist John Hale presents, for the first time, the definitive history of the epic battles, the indomitable ships, and the men-from extraordinary leaders to seductive rogues-who established Athens's supremacy. With a scholar's insight and a storyteller's flair, Hale takes us on an illustrated tour of the heroes and their turbulent careers and far-flung expeditions and brings back to light a forgotten maritime empire and its majestic legacy.",USD 29.95,9780670020805,067002080X read,2010-08-30T15:06:03Z,2980,8.7,J. D. Salinger,Hardcover,288,"Little, Brown and Company",The Catcher in the Rye,,"Jerome David Salinger (January 1, 1919 – January 27, 2010) was an American author, best known for his 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, as well as his reclusive nature. His last original published work was in 1965; he gave his last interview in 1980. Raised in Manhattan, Salinger began writing short stories while in secondary school, and published several stories in the early 1940s before serving in World War II. Salinger published his first stories in Story magazine which was started by Whit Burnett. In 1948 he published the critically acclaimed story ""A Perfect Day for Bananafish"" in The New Yorker magazine, which became home to much of his subsequent work. In 1951 Salinger released his novel The Catcher in the Rye, an immediate popular success. His depiction of adolescent alienation and loss of innocence in the protagonist Holden Caulfield was influential, especially among adolescent readers. The novel remains widely read and controversial, selling around 250,000 copies a year. Biography Jerome David Salinger, was born in New York City on Jan. 1, 1919, and established his reputation on the basis of a single novel, The Catcher in the Rye (1951), whose principal character, Holden Caulfield, epitomized the growing pains of a generation of high school and college students. The public attention that followed the success of the book led Salinger to move from New York to the remote hills of Cornish, New Hampshire. Before that he had published only a few short stories; one of them, ""A Perfect Day for Bananafish,"" which appeared in The New Yorker in 1949, introduced readers to Seymour Glass, a character who subsequently figured in Franny and Zooey (1961) and Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenter and Seymour: An Introduction (1963), Salinger's only other published books. Of his 35 published short stories, those which Salinger wishes to preserve are collected in Nine Stories (1953). Author biography copyright 1993, Grolier, Inc.","Anyone who has read J. D. Salinger's New Yorker stories - particularly A Perfect Day for Bananafish, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut, The Laughing Man, and For Esme - With Love and Squalor, will not be surprised by the fact that his first novel is full of children. The hero-narrator of The Catcher in the Rye is an ancient child of sixteen, a native New Yorker named Holden Caulfield. Through circumstances that tend to preclude adult, secondhand description, he leaves his prep school in Pennsylvania and goes underground in New York City for three days. The boy himself is at once too simple and too complex for us to make any final comment about him or his story. Perhaps the safest thing we can say about Holden is that he was born in the world not just strongly attracted to beauty but, almost, hopelessly impaled on it. There are many voices in this novel: children's voices, adult voices, underground voices-but Holden's voice is the most eloquent of all. Transcending his own vernacular, yet remaining marvelously faithful to it, he issues a perfectly articulated cry of mixed pain and pleasure. However, like most lovers and clowns and poets of the higher orders, he keeps most of the pain to, and for, himself. The pleasure he gives away, or sets aside, with all his heart. It is there for the reader who can handle it to keep. Salinger's classic coming-of-age story portrays one young man's funny and poignant experiences with life, love, and sex.",USD 25.99,9780316769532,0316769533 read,2010-08-08T07:51:36Z,81155,7.8,韩寒 主编,平装,128,书海出版社,独唱团(第一辑),,主编 韩寒:赛车手、作家、青年意见领袖。1998年“新概念”作文大赛以《杯中窥人》获一等奖,其文笔老练,语言犀利。2008年12月接受公盟法律中心颁发的“公民责任奖”;2008年12月19日韩寒与孔庆东、黄健翔、金晶等荣获年度十大博客;2009年《南方周末》2009年度人物;2009年12月《新世纪周刊》2009年度人物;2009年《亚洲周刊》2009年度风云人物;2009年 中国赛车风云榜年度冠军;2009年 时代周报“时代100人—2009推动中国进步100人”; 2010年1月9日,当选为“全国中小学生最喜爱的当代作家”;2010年4月 入选《时代周刊》“全球最具影响力一百人”排名第二 得到近一百万投票;2010年4月28日 在北京大学百年讲堂正式公布的“中国首届心灵富豪榜”中,与曹德旺、陈光标、王菲、范伟等一同入选“心灵富豪风云榜”十大人物。,“虽然作者们提供了非常优秀的文章,但它终究只是一本文艺读本,无论是从程序上还是从本质上,他都无法承载很多人对于改变现状,改善社会的期望。我们总说,这个社会需要常识,需要启蒙,但其实我认为,互联网十年,该启蒙的人已经被启蒙了,有常识的人一直有常识,大家其实都知道美和丑,好和恶,只是我们有不可抗力的因素导致我们在台面上要扭曲和违背一下自己。要改变靠自己,现在不是旧年代,资讯毕竟对我们开放了七八成,我们也已经了解了这个世界七八成。而一本文艺读物,除了能提供好的文艺作品以外,能量有限,如果你抱着想看战争片的心态误看了一部文艺片,无论这部文艺片多好,你都会失望。”(韩寒说《独唱团》),16.00元,9787805508405,7805508402 read,2010-08-03T23:49:27Z,1719,8.3,[日] 川端康成,平装,144,上海译文出版社,雪国,,,《雪国》,侍桁译本。“二十世纪外国文学丛书”一种。译笔明丽,意境渺远,在众译本中最靠近原著风格。十分可读。包括《雪国》与《伊豆的歌女》,0.58,,SH10188-213 read,2010-07-19T09:27:09Z,118,8.6,Aravind Adiga,Paperback,304,Free Press,The White Tiger,,,"Aravind Adiga's extraordinary and brilliant first novel takes the form of a series of letters to Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, from Balram Halwai, the Bangalore businessman who is the self-styled “White Tiger” of the title. Bangalore is the Silicon Valley of the subcontinent, and on the eve of a state visit by Jiabao, our entrepreneur Halwai wishes to impart something of the new India to the Chinese premier - “out of respect for the love of liberty shown by the Chinese people, and also in the belief that the future of the world lies with the yellow man and the brown man now that our erstwhile master, the white-skinned man, has wasted himself through buggery, mobile phone usage and drug abuse”. Halwai's lesson about the new India is drawn from the rags-to-riches story of his own life. For Halwai, the son of a rural rickshaw-puller, is from the “Darkness”: “Please understand, Your Excellency, that India is two countries in one: an India of Light, and an India of Darkness. The ocean brings light to my country. Every place on the map of India near the ocean is well-off. But the river brings darkness to India - the black river.” The black river is the Ganges, beloved of the sari-and-spices tourist image of India. (“No! - Mr Jiabao, I urge you not to dip in the Ganga, unless you want your mouth full of faeces, straw, soggy parts of human bodies, buffalo carrion, and seven different kinds of industrial acids.”) At first, this novel seems like a straightforward pulled-up-by-your-bootstraps tale, albeit given a dazzling twist by the narrator's sharp and satirical eye for the realities of life for India's poor. (“In the old days there were 1,000 India. These days, there are just two castes: Men with Big Bellies, and Men with Small Bellies.”) But as the narrative draws the reader further in, and darkens, it becomes clear that Adiga is playing a bigger game. For The White Tiger stands at the opposite end of the spectrum of representations of poverty from those images of doe-eyed children that dominate our electronic media - that sentimentalise poverty and even suggest that there may be something ennobling in it. Halwai's lesson in The White Tiger is that poverty creates monsters, and he himself is just such a monster.",GBP 11.47,9781416562603,1416562605 read,2010-07-02T06:31:06Z,1,0.0,Robert W. Merry,Hardcover,592,Simon & Schuster,A Country of Vast Designs,,,"When James K. Polk was elected president in 1844, the United States was locked in a bitter diplomatic struggle with Britain over the rich lands of the Oregon Territory, which included what is now Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Texas, not yet part of the Union, was threatened by a more powerful Mexico. And the territories north and west of Texas -- what would become California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and part of Colorado -- belonged to Mexico. When Polk relinquished office four years later, the country had grown by more than a third as all these lands were added. The continental United States, as we know it today, was established -- facing two oceans and positioned to dominate both. In a one-term presidency, Polk completed the story of America's Manifest Destiny -- extending its territory across the continent, from sea to sea, by threatening England and manufacturing a controversial and unpopular two-year war with Mexico that Abraham Lincoln, in Congress at the time, opposed as preemptive. Robert Merry tells this story through powerful debates and towering figures -- the outgoing President John Tyler and Polk's great mentor, Andrew Jackson; his defeated Whig opponent, Henry Clay; two famous generals, Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott; Secretary of State James Buchanan (who would precede Lincoln as president); Senate giants Thomas Hart Benton and Lewis Cass; Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun; and ex-president Martin Van Buren, like Polk a Jackson protégé but now a Polk rival. This was a time of tremendous clashing forces. A surging antislavery sentiment was at the center of the territorial fight. The struggle between a slave-owning South and an opposing North was leading inexorably to Civil War. In a gripping narrative, Robert Merry illuminates a crucial epoch in U.S. history.",USD 30.00,9780743297431,0743297431 read,2010-06-24T15:01:52Z,2139,8.9,金庸,,1623,明河社,射鵰英雄傳,,,,HK$160,9789627461104,9627461105 read,2010-06-24T15:00:02Z,49078,8.8,金庸,平装,1564,生活·读书·新知三联书店,神雕侠侣,,"金庸(1924年2月6日—),香港“大紫荆勋贤”。原名查良镛(zhā liáng yōng,英:Louis Cha),浙江海宁人,当代著名作家、新闻学家、企业家、社会活动家,《香港基本法》主要起草人之一。金庸是新派武侠小说最杰出的代表作家,被普遍誉为武侠小说作家的“泰山北斗”,更有金迷们尊称其为“金大侠”或“查大侠”。 金庸生于1924年,祖籍为安徽省桐城,出生在浙江海宁,查家为当地望族,历史上最鼎盛期为清康熙年间,以查慎行为首叔侄七人同任翰林。现代查氏家族还有两位知名人物,南开大学教授查良铮(穆旦)(四十年代九叶派代表诗人,翻译家),台湾学术界风云人物、司法部长查良钊。出自海宁的著名人物还有王国维和徐志摩。徐志摩是金庸的表兄。金庸祖父查沧珊是“丹阳教案”的当事人。 1937年,金庸考入浙江一流的杭州高中,离开家乡海宁。1939年金庸15岁时曾经和同学一起编写了一本指导学生升初中的参考书《给投考初中者》,畅销内地,这是此类书籍在中国第一次出版,也是金庸出版的第一本书。1941年日军攻到浙江,金庸进入联合高中,那时他17岁,临毕业时因为写讽刺黑板报《阿丽丝漫游记》被开除。另一说是写情书.1944年考入重庆国立政治大学外文系,因对国民党职业学生不满投诉被勒令退学,一度进入中央图书馆工作,后转入苏州东吴大学(今苏州大学)学习国际法。抗战胜利后回杭州进《东南日报》做记者,1948年在数千人参加的考试中脱颖而出,进入《大公报》,做编辑和收听英语国际电讯广播当翻译。不久《大公报》香港版复刊,金庸南下到香港。 1950年,《大公报》所属《新晚报》创刊,金庸调任副刊编辑,主持《下午茶座》栏目,也做翻译、记者工作,与梁羽生(原名陈文统)一个办公桌,写过不少文艺小品和影评(笔名姚馥兰和林欢)。姚馥兰的意思是英文的Your friend.(你的朋友)。1955年开写《书剑恩仇录》,在《大公报》与梁羽生、陈凡(百剑堂主)开设《三剑楼随笔》,成为专栏作家。1957年进入长城电影公司,专职为编剧,写过《绝代佳人》、《兰花花》、《不要离开我》、《三恋》、《小鸽子姑娘》、《午夜琴声》等剧本,合导过《有女怀春》、《王老虎抢亲》(所用笔名为林欢)。 建国不久,金庸为了实现外交家的理想来到北京,但由于种种原因而失望地回到香港,从而开始了武侠小说的创作。 1959年离开长城电影公司,与中学同学沈宝新合资创办《明报》,任主编兼社长历35年,期间又创办《明报月刊》、《明报周刊》、新加坡《新明日报》及马来西亚《新明日报》等。金庸任董事长期间,《明报》成为香港最有影响的报纸之一,有人把它比喻成香港的《泰晤士报》。其对中国时局的预测和分析,是其它报纸不能比拟的。《明报月刊》则是华人世界最文人化的刊物,其对大中华关怀,深受全世界华人好评。 从五十年代末——七十年代初,金庸共写武侠小说15部,1972年宣布封笔,开始修订工作。 1981年后金庸数次回大陆,先后受到邓小平、江泽民等领导人的接见,1985年任香港基本法起草委员会委员,1986年被任命为基本法起草委员会“政治体制”小组港方负责人,1989年辞去基本法委员职务,卸任《明报》社长职务,1992年到英国牛津大学当访问学者,1994年辞去《明报》企业董事局主席职务。1999~2005年任浙江大学人文学院院长。 金庸博学多才。就武侠小说方面,金庸阅历丰富,知识渊博,文思敏捷,眼光独到。他继承古典武侠小说之精华,开创了形式独特、情节曲折、描写细腻且深具人性和豪情侠义的新派武侠小说先河。举凡历史、政治、古代哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、电影等都有研究,作品中琴棋书画、诗词典章、天文历算、阴阳五行、奇门遁甲、儒道佛学均有涉猎,金庸还是香港著名的政论家、企业家、报人,曾获法国总统“荣誉军团骑士”勋章,英国牛津大学董事会成员及两所学院荣誉院士,多家大学名誉博士。 金庸一支笔写武侠,一支笔纵论时局,享誉香江;少年游侠,中年游艺,老年游仙;为文可以风行一世,为商可以富比陶朱,为政可以参国论要:金庸一生的传奇,可谓多姿多彩之至。佛学对金庸的影响很大。在他的文学作品中处处可见金庸中庸平和的风格。",《神雕侠侣》是金庸作品集之一。其主人公杨过自然而然地走上了非正统的人生道路,入了“道流”。其特点是“至情至性,实现自我”,即把个人的利益、情感、个性及人格尊严置于人生首位,作为首要目标,亦作为待人处事,评价是非的首要原则。书中将杨过对郭靖的杀父之仇与疼惜之恩难以取舍的复杂心理刻画得维妙维肖;他与“姑姑”小龙女的情感纠葛和他对江湖世事的渴望又令他挣扎不已……,76.80元,9787108006660,7108006669 read,2010-06-17T00:06:09Z,17,9.2,Arundhati Roy,Paperback,333,Random House Trade Paperbacks,The God of Small Things,,,"Compared favorably to the works of Faulkner and Dickens, Arundhati Roy’s debut novel is a modern classic that has been read and loved worldwide. Equal parts powerful family saga, forbidden love story, and piercing political drama, it is the story of an affluent Indian family forever changed by one fateful day in 1969. The seven-year-old twins Estha and Rahel see their world shaken irrevokably by the arrival of their beautiful young cousin, Sophie. It is an event that will lead to an illicit liaison and tragedies accidental and intentional, exposing “big things [that] lurk unsaid” in a country drifting dangerously toward unrest. Lush, lyrical, and unnerving, The God of Small Things is an award-winning landmark that started for its author an esteemed career of fiction and political commentary that continues unabated.",USD 16.00,9780812979657,0812979656 read,2010-06-16T01:03:44Z,10344,7.2,金庸,平装,687,三联书店,书剑恩仇录(上下),,"金庸(1924年2月6日—),香港“大紫荆勋贤”。原名查良镛(zhā liáng yōng,英:Louis Cha),浙江海宁人,当代著名作家、新闻学家、企业家、社会活动家,《香港基本法》主要起草人之一。金庸是新派武侠小说最杰出的代表作家,被普遍誉为武侠小说作家的“泰山北斗”,更有金迷们尊称其为“金大侠”或“查大侠”。 金庸生于1924年,祖籍为安徽省桐城,出生在浙江海宁,查家为当地望族,历史上最鼎盛期为清康熙年间,以查慎行为首叔侄七人同任翰林。现代查氏家族还有两位知名人物,南开大学教授查良铮(穆旦)(四十年代九叶派代表诗人,翻译家),台湾学术界风云人物、司法部长查良钊。出自海宁的著名人物还有王国维和徐志摩。徐志摩是金庸的表兄。金庸祖父查沧珊是“丹阳教案”的当事人。 1937年,金庸考入浙江一流的杭州高中,离开家乡海宁。1939年金庸15岁时曾经和同学一起编写了一本指导学生升初中的参考书《给投考初中者》,畅销内地,这是此类书籍在中国第一次出版,也是金庸出版的第一本书。1941年日军攻到浙江,金庸进入联合高中,那时他17岁,临毕业时因为写讽刺黑板报《阿丽丝漫游记》被开除。另一说是写情书.1944年考入重庆国立政治大学外文系,因对国民党职业学生不满投诉被勒令退学,一度进入中央图书馆工作,后转入苏州东吴大学(今苏州大学)学习国际法。抗战胜利后回杭州进《东南日报》做记者,1948年在数千人参加的考试中脱颖而出,进入《大公报》,做编辑和收听英语国际电讯广播当翻译。不久《大公报》香港版复刊,金庸南下到香港。 1950年,《大公报》所属《新晚报》创刊,金庸调任副刊编辑,主持《下午茶座》栏目,也做翻译、记者工作,与梁羽生(原名陈文统)一个办公桌,写过不少文艺小品和影评(笔名姚馥兰和林欢)。姚馥兰的意思是英文的Your friend.(你的朋友)。1955年开写《书剑恩仇录》,在《大公报》与梁羽生、陈凡(百剑堂主)开设《三剑楼随笔》,成为专栏作家。1957年进入长城电影公司,专职为编剧,写过《绝代佳人》、《兰花花》、《不要离开我》、《三恋》、《小鸽子姑娘》、《午夜琴声》等剧本,合导过《有女怀春》、《王老虎抢亲》(所用笔名为林欢)。 建国不久,金庸为了实现外交家的理想来到北京,但由于种种原因而失望地回到香港,从而开始了武侠小说的创作。 1959年离开长城电影公司,与中学同学沈宝新合资创办《明报》,任主编兼社长历35年,期间又创办《明报月刊》、《明报周刊》、新加坡《新明日报》及马来西亚《新明日报》等。金庸任董事长期间,《明报》成为香港最有影响的报纸之一,有人把它比喻成香港的《泰晤士报》。其对中国时局的预测和分析,是其它报纸不能比拟的。《明报月刊》则是华人世界最文人化的刊物,其对大中华关怀,深受全世界华人好评。 从五十年代末——七十年代初,金庸共写武侠小说15部,1972年宣布封笔,开始修订工作。 1981年后金庸数次回大陆,先后受到邓小平、江泽民等领导人的接见,1985年任香港基本法起草委员会委员,1986年被任命为基本法起草委员会“政治体制”小组港方负责人,1989年辞去基本法委员职务,卸任《明报》社长职务,1992年到英国牛津大学当访问学者,1994年辞去《明报》企业董事局主席职务。1999~2005年任浙江大学人文学院院长。 金庸博学多才。就武侠小说方面,金庸阅历丰富,知识渊博,文思敏捷,眼光独到。他继承古典武侠小说之精华,开创了形式独特、情节曲折、描写细腻且深具人性和豪情侠义的新派武侠小说先河。举凡历史、政治、古代哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、电影等都有研究,作品中琴棋书画、诗词典章、天文历算、阴阳五行、奇门遁甲、儒道佛学均有涉猎,金庸还是香港著名的政论家、企业家、报人,曾获法国总统“荣誉军团骑士”勋章,英国牛津大学董事会成员及两所学院荣誉院士,多家大学名誉博士。 金庸一支笔写武侠,一支笔纵论时局,享誉香江;少年游侠,中年游艺,老年游仙;为文可以风行一世,为商可以富比陶朱,为政可以参国论要:金庸一生的传奇,可谓多姿多彩之至。佛学对金庸的影响很大。在他的文学作品中处处可见金庸中庸平和的风格。",此书是金庸首部长篇武侠小说,又名《书剑江山》,著于1955年,现收录在《金庸作品集》中。小说写清乾隆年间,江南武林帮会红花会为反清复明,与清廷斗智斗勇的故事。也是这本小说把研究乾隆是否汉人一事,推到高峰。,0,9787108012579,710801257X read,2010-06-13T11:29:04Z,27095,8.5,金庸,平装,1335,三联书店,倚天屠龙记(共四册),,"金庸(1924年2月6日—),香港“大紫荆勋贤”。原名查良镛(zhā liáng yōng,英:Louis Cha),浙江海宁人,当代著名作家、新闻学家、企业家、社会活动家,《香港基本法》主要起草人之一。金庸是新派武侠小说最杰出的代表作家,被普遍誉为武侠小说作家的“泰山北斗”,更有金迷们尊称其为“金大侠”或“查大侠”。 金庸生于1924年,祖籍为安徽省桐城,出生在浙江海宁,查家为当地望族,历史上最鼎盛期为清康熙年间,以查慎行为首叔侄七人同任翰林。现代查氏家族还有两位知名人物,南开大学教授查良铮(穆旦)(四十年代九叶派代表诗人,翻译家),台湾学术界风云人物、司法部长查良钊。出自海宁的著名人物还有王国维和徐志摩。徐志摩是金庸的表兄。金庸祖父查沧珊是“丹阳教案”的当事人。 1937年,金庸考入浙江一流的杭州高中,离开家乡海宁。1939年金庸15岁时曾经和同学一起编写了一本指导学生升初中的参考书《给投考初中者》,畅销内地,这是此类书籍在中国第一次出版,也是金庸出版的第一本书。1941年日军攻到浙江,金庸进入联合高中,那时他17岁,临毕业时因为写讽刺黑板报《阿丽丝漫游记》被开除。另一说是写情书.1944年考入重庆国立政治大学外文系,因对国民党职业学生不满投诉被勒令退学,一度进入中央图书馆工作,后转入苏州东吴大学(今苏州大学)学习国际法。抗战胜利后回杭州进《东南日报》做记者,1948年在数千人参加的考试中脱颖而出,进入《大公报》,做编辑和收听英语国际电讯广播当翻译。不久《大公报》香港版复刊,金庸南下到香港。 1950年,《大公报》所属《新晚报》创刊,金庸调任副刊编辑,主持《下午茶座》栏目,也做翻译、记者工作,与梁羽生(原名陈文统)一个办公桌,写过不少文艺小品和影评(笔名姚馥兰和林欢)。姚馥兰的意思是英文的Your friend.(你的朋友)。1955年开写《书剑恩仇录》,在《大公报》与梁羽生、陈凡(百剑堂主)开设《三剑楼随笔》,成为专栏作家。1957年进入长城电影公司,专职为编剧,写过《绝代佳人》、《兰花花》、《不要离开我》、《三恋》、《小鸽子姑娘》、《午夜琴声》等剧本,合导过《有女怀春》、《王老虎抢亲》(所用笔名为林欢)。 建国不久,金庸为了实现外交家的理想来到北京,但由于种种原因而失望地回到香港,从而开始了武侠小说的创作。 1959年离开长城电影公司,与中学同学沈宝新合资创办《明报》,任主编兼社长历35年,期间又创办《明报月刊》、《明报周刊》、新加坡《新明日报》及马来西亚《新明日报》等。金庸任董事长期间,《明报》成为香港最有影响的报纸之一,有人把它比喻成香港的《泰晤士报》。其对中国时局的预测和分析,是其它报纸不能比拟的。《明报月刊》则是华人世界最文人化的刊物,其对大中华关怀,深受全世界华人好评。 从五十年代末——七十年代初,金庸共写武侠小说15部,1972年宣布封笔,开始修订工作。 1981年后金庸数次回大陆,先后受到邓小平、江泽民等领导人的接见,1985年任香港基本法起草委员会委员,1986年被任命为基本法起草委员会“政治体制”小组港方负责人,1989年辞去基本法委员职务,卸任《明报》社长职务,1992年到英国牛津大学当访问学者,1994年辞去《明报》企业董事局主席职务。1999~2005年任浙江大学人文学院院长。 金庸博学多才。就武侠小说方面,金庸阅历丰富,知识渊博,文思敏捷,眼光独到。他继承古典武侠小说之精华,开创了形式独特、情节曲折、描写细腻且深具人性和豪情侠义的新派武侠小说先河。举凡历史、政治、古代哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、电影等都有研究,作品中琴棋书画、诗词典章、天文历算、阴阳五行、奇门遁甲、儒道佛学均有涉猎,金庸还是香港著名的政论家、企业家、报人,曾获法国总统“荣誉军团骑士”勋章,英国牛津大学董事会成员及两所学院荣誉院士,多家大学名誉博士。 金庸一支笔写武侠,一支笔纵论时局,享誉香江;少年游侠,中年游艺,老年游仙;为文可以风行一世,为商可以富比陶朱,为政可以参国论要:金庸一生的传奇,可谓多姿多彩之至。佛学对金庸的影响很大。在他的文学作品中处处可见金庸中庸平和的风格。",《倚天屠龙记》,金庸武侠小说,著于1961年,是“射雕三部曲”系列第三部,现收录在《金庸作品集》中。该书以元末群雄纷起、江湖动荡为广阔背景,叙述武当弟子张无忌的江湖生涯,表现众武林豪杰质朴自然,形态各异的精神风貌,展现其不可替代的人格力量。,0,9787108012692,7108012693 read,2010-06-12T05:52:26Z,16540,7.7,金庸,平装,329,三联书店,连城诀,,"金庸(1924年2月6日—),香港“大紫荆勋贤”。原名查良镛(zhā liáng yōng,英:Louis Cha),浙江海宁人,当代著名作家、新闻学家、企业家、社会活动家,《香港基本法》主要起草人之一。金庸是新派武侠小说最杰出的代表作家,被普遍誉为武侠小说作家的“泰山北斗”,更有金迷们尊称其为“金大侠”或“查大侠”。 金庸生于1924年,祖籍为安徽省桐城,出生在浙江海宁,查家为当地望族,历史上最鼎盛期为清康熙年间,以查慎行为首叔侄七人同任翰林。现代查氏家族还有两位知名人物,南开大学教授查良铮(穆旦)(四十年代九叶派代表诗人,翻译家),台湾学术界风云人物、司法部长查良钊。出自海宁的著名人物还有王国维和徐志摩。徐志摩是金庸的表兄。金庸祖父查沧珊是“丹阳教案”的当事人。 1937年,金庸考入浙江一流的杭州高中,离开家乡海宁。1939年金庸15岁时曾经和同学一起编写了一本指导学生升初中的参考书《给投考初中者》,畅销内地,这是此类书籍在中国第一次出版,也是金庸出版的第一本书。1941年日军攻到浙江,金庸进入联合高中,那时他17岁,临毕业时因为写讽刺黑板报《阿丽丝漫游记》被开除。另一说是写情书.1944年考入重庆国立政治大学外文系,因对国民党职业学生不满投诉被勒令退学,一度进入中央图书馆工作,后转入苏州东吴大学(今苏州大学)学习国际法。抗战胜利后回杭州进《东南日报》做记者,1948年在数千人参加的考试中脱颖而出,进入《大公报》,做编辑和收听英语国际电讯广播当翻译。不久《大公报》香港版复刊,金庸南下到香港。 1950年,《大公报》所属《新晚报》创刊,金庸调任副刊编辑,主持《下午茶座》栏目,也做翻译、记者工作,与梁羽生(原名陈文统)一个办公桌,写过不少文艺小品和影评(笔名姚馥兰和林欢)。姚馥兰的意思是英文的Your friend.(你的朋友)。1955年开写《书剑恩仇录》,在《大公报》与梁羽生、陈凡(百剑堂主)开设《三剑楼随笔》,成为专栏作家。1957年进入长城电影公司,专职为编剧,写过《绝代佳人》、《兰花花》、《不要离开我》、《三恋》、《小鸽子姑娘》、《午夜琴声》等剧本,合导过《有女怀春》、《王老虎抢亲》(所用笔名为林欢)。 建国不久,金庸为了实现外交家的理想来到北京,但由于种种原因而失望地回到香港,从而开始了武侠小说的创作。 1959年离开长城电影公司,与中学同学沈宝新合资创办《明报》,任主编兼社长历35年,期间又创办《明报月刊》、《明报周刊》、新加坡《新明日报》及马来西亚《新明日报》等。金庸任董事长期间,《明报》成为香港最有影响的报纸之一,有人把它比喻成香港的《泰晤士报》。其对中国时局的预测和分析,是其它报纸不能比拟的。《明报月刊》则是华人世界最文人化的刊物,其对大中华关怀,深受全世界华人好评。 从五十年代末——七十年代初,金庸共写武侠小说15部,1972年宣布封笔,开始修订工作。 1981年后金庸数次回大陆,先后受到邓小平、江泽民等领导人的接见,1985年任香港基本法起草委员会委员,1986年被任命为基本法起草委员会“政治体制”小组港方负责人,1989年辞去基本法委员职务,卸任《明报》社长职务,1992年到英国牛津大学当访问学者,1994年辞去《明报》企业董事局主席职务。1999~2005年任浙江大学人文学院院长。 金庸博学多才。就武侠小说方面,金庸阅历丰富,知识渊博,文思敏捷,眼光独到。他继承古典武侠小说之精华,开创了形式独特、情节曲折、描写细腻且深具人性和豪情侠义的新派武侠小说先河。举凡历史、政治、古代哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、电影等都有研究,作品中琴棋书画、诗词典章、天文历算、阴阳五行、奇门遁甲、儒道佛学均有涉猎,金庸还是香港著名的政论家、企业家、报人,曾获法国总统“荣誉军团骑士”勋章,英国牛津大学董事会成员及两所学院荣誉院士,多家大学名誉博士。 金庸一支笔写武侠,一支笔纵论时局,享誉香江;少年游侠,中年游艺,老年游仙;为文可以风行一世,为商可以富比陶朱,为政可以参国论要:金庸一生的传奇,可谓多姿多彩之至。佛学对金庸的影响很大。在他的文学作品中处处可见金庸中庸平和的风格。","本部书初发行是以「素心剑」为名,是金庸先生以小时候一段回忆为主而发展出来的故事,疼爱他的家中长工因为冤狱郁郁一生,心中的委屈至垂死才吐露于他。 「连城诀」以一部剑诀及其中的宝藏秘密揭露了人性贪婪的一面,写人的“坏“这本书可说是第一把交椅,狼心狗肺的丈夫,心机深疑心重的师 父,还有逼死自己女儿的父亲……憨直的乡下小子狄云,落入一个个圈套,失去了心爱的师妹,还有对人心的信赖。但是从这本书看来,当坏人也不是都很好过的,像有人半夜梦中爬起来堆尸砌墙,有人为了金银财宝发了狂……撇开这些可厌的事,丁典和凌霜华短暂的绿菊之恋,虽然淡淡如一阵幽香,却是全书最凄美的一段。",12.00,9787108012555,7108012553 read,2010-06-05T12:18:56Z,16317,7.6,金庸,平装,337,三联书店,雪山飞狐,,"金庸(1924年2月6日—),香港“大紫荆勋贤”。原名查良镛(zhā liáng yōng,英:Louis Cha),浙江海宁人,当代著名作家、新闻学家、企业家、社会活动家,《香港基本法》主要起草人之一。金庸是新派武侠小说最杰出的代表作家,被普遍誉为武侠小说作家的“泰山北斗”,更有金迷们尊称其为“金大侠”或“查大侠”。 金庸生于1924年,祖籍为安徽省桐城,出生在浙江海宁,查家为当地望族,历史上最鼎盛期为清康熙年间,以查慎行为首叔侄七人同任翰林。现代查氏家族还有两位知名人物,南开大学教授查良铮(穆旦)(四十年代九叶派代表诗人,翻译家),台湾学术界风云人物、司法部长查良钊。出自海宁的著名人物还有王国维和徐志摩。徐志摩是金庸的表兄。金庸祖父查沧珊是“丹阳教案”的当事人。 1937年,金庸考入浙江一流的杭州高中,离开家乡海宁。1939年金庸15岁时曾经和同学一起编写了一本指导学生升初中的参考书《给投考初中者》,畅销内地,这是此类书籍在中国第一次出版,也是金庸出版的第一本书。1941年日军攻到浙江,金庸进入联合高中,那时他17岁,临毕业时因为写讽刺黑板报《阿丽丝漫游记》被开除。另一说是写情书.1944年考入重庆国立政治大学外文系,因对国民党职业学生不满投诉被勒令退学,一度进入中央图书馆工作,后转入苏州东吴大学(今苏州大学)学习国际法。抗战胜利后回杭州进《东南日报》做记者,1948年在数千人参加的考试中脱颖而出,进入《大公报》,做编辑和收听英语国际电讯广播当翻译。不久《大公报》香港版复刊,金庸南下到香港。 1950年,《大公报》所属《新晚报》创刊,金庸调任副刊编辑,主持《下午茶座》栏目,也做翻译、记者工作,与梁羽生(原名陈文统)一个办公桌,写过不少文艺小品和影评(笔名姚馥兰和林欢)。姚馥兰的意思是英文的Your friend.(你的朋友)。1955年开写《书剑恩仇录》,在《大公报》与梁羽生、陈凡(百剑堂主)开设《三剑楼随笔》,成为专栏作家。1957年进入长城电影公司,专职为编剧,写过《绝代佳人》、《兰花花》、《不要离开我》、《三恋》、《小鸽子姑娘》、《午夜琴声》等剧本,合导过《有女怀春》、《王老虎抢亲》(所用笔名为林欢)。 建国不久,金庸为了实现外交家的理想来到北京,但由于种种原因而失望地回到香港,从而开始了武侠小说的创作。 1959年离开长城电影公司,与中学同学沈宝新合资创办《明报》,任主编兼社长历35年,期间又创办《明报月刊》、《明报周刊》、新加坡《新明日报》及马来西亚《新明日报》等。金庸任董事长期间,《明报》成为香港最有影响的报纸之一,有人把它比喻成香港的《泰晤士报》。其对中国时局的预测和分析,是其它报纸不能比拟的。《明报月刊》则是华人世界最文人化的刊物,其对大中华关怀,深受全世界华人好评。 从五十年代末——七十年代初,金庸共写武侠小说15部,1972年宣布封笔,开始修订工作。 1981年后金庸数次回大陆,先后受到邓小平、江泽民等领导人的接见,1985年任香港基本法起草委员会委员,1986年被任命为基本法起草委员会“政治体制”小组港方负责人,1989年辞去基本法委员职务,卸任《明报》社长职务,1992年到英国牛津大学当访问学者,1994年辞去《明报》企业董事局主席职务。1999~2005年任浙江大学人文学院院长。 金庸博学多才。就武侠小说方面,金庸阅历丰富,知识渊博,文思敏捷,眼光独到。他继承古典武侠小说之精华,开创了形式独特、情节曲折、描写细腻且深具人性和豪情侠义的新派武侠小说先河。举凡历史、政治、古代哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、电影等都有研究,作品中琴棋书画、诗词典章、天文历算、阴阳五行、奇门遁甲、儒道佛学均有涉猎,金庸还是香港著名的政论家、企业家、报人,曾获法国总统“荣誉军团骑士”勋章,英国牛津大学董事会成员及两所学院荣誉院士,多家大学名誉博士。 金庸一支笔写武侠,一支笔纵论时局,享誉香江;少年游侠,中年游艺,老年游仙;为文可以风行一世,为商可以富比陶朱,为政可以参国论要:金庸一生的传奇,可谓多姿多彩之至。佛学对金庸的影响很大。在他的文学作品中处处可见金庸中庸平和的风格。","本书与金庸另一部小说《飞狐外传》情节相关联,但又各自独立。故事发生在清代乾隆时期的关外。饮马川陶百岁、陶子安父子从雪山中挖出一件宝物,封于铁盒之中。北京平通镖局总镖头熊元献带一伙人来抢夺,却被天龙门北宗阮士中、曹云奇、田青文与南宗殷吉劫去。大家拼打之间,一个名叫宝树的丑陋和尚赶到。宝树强“请”众人来到一高耸入云的玉笔峰山庄做客。因山庄主杜希盂外出未归,客人吃饭闲聊。 原来庄主邀请武林高手在此会一位盖世英雄——雪山飞狐胡斐。午前胡斐派二童子送信,称午间践约。玉笔峰上众人重新争夺铁盒,宝树倚强将铁盒持在手中,令人打开,内装一柄宝刀。 宝树谈起宝刀的来历,继而,分别由宝树、金面佛大侠苗人凤之女苗若兰、平阿四及陶百岁之口讲述了与此相关的一段武林往事。 此宝刀乃闯王李自成之遗物。闯王兵败时,身边有胡苗范田四大侍卫。闯王被困九宫山时,派苗范田三人去求救援,胡侍卫护卫闯王。但救援未到、敌兵先至,胡侍卫以一死卒充闯王献于清兵,然后将闯王安置一隐秘庙中为僧。胡侍卫因得清兵信任升官,苗范田三人却以为胡出卖闯王,定计报仇。三人行刺吴三桂时巧遇胡,不及胡陈明原委即将胡杀死。以后胡之子以实情告知三人,三人当众自刎。三人后代未知内情,苗范田遂与胡世代为仇。百余年来,四家子孙怨怨相报,无一代能得善终。 至胡一刀、苗人凤一代仍继先辈之仇。胡一刀护妻去南方生产,至唐官屯突然临产,此时恰与来此寻仇之苗人凤、田归农等人相逢。胡一刀遣人将当年实情告苗,却因田归农从中做梗而未达。胡苗遂有一场苦战。交战几日,二人仗义行侠之豪气与各怀之绝艺使对方顿生钦佩,虽为仇家却彼此视为知己。因田归农在二人比武之兵器上暗涂毒药,胡一刀以小伤毙命,胡夫人将幼子托与苗人凤,随夫自尽,田归农欲加害幼子,幸为平阿四救下,抚养长大,取名胡斐,按胡一刀遗下之刀谱练成绝技,称名武林,为雪山飞狐。 这日正午,胡斐如约至玉笔峰,峰上诸人因各怀鬼胎,惧怕胡斐,俱避内室。苗若兰镇定而出,接待胡斐,二人顿生爱恋。因庄主不在,胡斐暂避峰下。峰上之人谈及宝刀为当年闯王获明皇室宝之藏处指南,遂按宝刀所示,众人于峰后寻巨宝藏处。行前宝树将苗若兰点穴、田青文脱去若兰衣裤置其床上帐内。胡斐再至峰上,进内室,忽闻庄主约大内侍卫与武林高手来此围捕自己与苗人风,急避帐内,遭遇只着内衣之若兰。苗人凤来至峰上,不意中奸人之计被绑,胡斐勇出杀敌救苗人凤。但当苗人凤又见胡斐所出之床上尚有只着内衣的女儿时,认为胡斐乃奸恶小人,追击胡斐。 胡抱若兰逃下峰去,巧见寻宝诸人于藏宝洞因贪婪彼此厮杀,遂将诸人关闭石门之内,使其永不见天日。二人倾诉爱意、私定永好,苗人凤却已赶到,约胡斐到一险处相斗,数十回合不分上下。当二人落至一悬岩之上,悬岩已然松动,不能承二人之重量。此时苗人凤进招现出弱点,胡斐趁机进招即可将其翻下悬崖,但对手乃恋人之父;若不下手,则对方进招自己当落得粉身碎骨。这一刀他是进是退?作者把答案留给了读者。",0,9787108012548,7108012545 read,2010-06-05T09:47:00Z,10354,7.2,金庸,平装,687,生活·读书·新知三联书店,碧血剑(上下),,"金庸(1924年2月6日—),香港“大紫荆勋贤”。原名查良镛(zhā liáng yōng,英:Louis Cha),浙江海宁人,当代著名作家、新闻学家、企业家、社会活动家,《香港基本法》主要起草人之一。金庸是新派武侠小说最杰出的代表作家,被普遍誉为武侠小说作家的“泰山北斗”,更有金迷们尊称其为“金大侠”或“查大侠”。 金庸生于1924年,祖籍为安徽省桐城,出生在浙江海宁,查家为当地望族,历史上最鼎盛期为清康熙年间,以查慎行为首叔侄七人同任翰林。现代查氏家族还有两位知名人物,南开大学教授查良铮(穆旦)(四十年代九叶派代表诗人,翻译家),台湾学术界风云人物、司法部长查良钊。出自海宁的著名人物还有王国维和徐志摩。徐志摩是金庸的表兄。金庸祖父查沧珊是“丹阳教案”的当事人。 1937年,金庸考入浙江一流的杭州高中,离开家乡海宁。1939年金庸15岁时曾经和同学一起编写了一本指导学生升初中的参考书《给投考初中者》,畅销内地,这是此类书籍在中国第一次出版,也是金庸出版的第一本书。1941年日军攻到浙江,金庸进入联合高中,那时他17岁,临毕业时因为写讽刺黑板报《阿丽丝漫游记》被开除。另一说是写情书.1944年考入重庆国立政治大学外文系,因对国民党职业学生不满投诉被勒令退学,一度进入中央图书馆工作,后转入苏州东吴大学(今苏州大学)学习国际法。抗战胜利后回杭州进《东南日报》做记者,1948年在数千人参加的考试中脱颖而出,进入《大公报》,做编辑和收听英语国际电讯广播当翻译。不久《大公报》香港版复刊,金庸南下到香港。 1950年,《大公报》所属《新晚报》创刊,金庸调任副刊编辑,主持《下午茶座》栏目,也做翻译、记者工作,与梁羽生(原名陈文统)一个办公桌,写过不少文艺小品和影评(笔名姚馥兰和林欢)。姚馥兰的意思是英文的Your friend.(你的朋友)。1955年开写《书剑恩仇录》,在《大公报》与梁羽生、陈凡(百剑堂主)开设《三剑楼随笔》,成为专栏作家。1957年进入长城电影公司,专职为编剧,写过《绝代佳人》、《兰花花》、《不要离开我》、《三恋》、《小鸽子姑娘》、《午夜琴声》等剧本,合导过《有女怀春》、《王老虎抢亲》(所用笔名为林欢)。 建国不久,金庸为了实现外交家的理想来到北京,但由于种种原因而失望地回到香港,从而开始了武侠小说的创作。 1959年离开长城电影公司,与中学同学沈宝新合资创办《明报》,任主编兼社长历35年,期间又创办《明报月刊》、《明报周刊》、新加坡《新明日报》及马来西亚《新明日报》等。金庸任董事长期间,《明报》成为香港最有影响的报纸之一,有人把它比喻成香港的《泰晤士报》。其对中国时局的预测和分析,是其它报纸不能比拟的。《明报月刊》则是华人世界最文人化的刊物,其对大中华关怀,深受全世界华人好评。 从五十年代末——七十年代初,金庸共写武侠小说15部,1972年宣布封笔,开始修订工作。 1981年后金庸数次回大陆,先后受到邓小平、江泽民等领导人的接见,1985年任香港基本法起草委员会委员,1986年被任命为基本法起草委员会“政治体制”小组港方负责人,1989年辞去基本法委员职务,卸任《明报》社长职务,1992年到英国牛津大学当访问学者,1994年辞去《明报》企业董事局主席职务。1999~2005年任浙江大学人文学院院长。 金庸博学多才。就武侠小说方面,金庸阅历丰富,知识渊博,文思敏捷,眼光独到。他继承古典武侠小说之精华,开创了形式独特、情节曲折、描写细腻且深具人性和豪情侠义的新派武侠小说先河。举凡历史、政治、古代哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、电影等都有研究,作品中琴棋书画、诗词典章、天文历算、阴阳五行、奇门遁甲、儒道佛学均有涉猎,金庸还是香港著名的政论家、企业家、报人,曾获法国总统“荣誉军团骑士”勋章,英国牛津大学董事会成员及两所学院荣誉院士,多家大学名誉博士。 金庸一支笔写武侠,一支笔纵论时局,享誉香江;少年游侠,中年游艺,老年游仙;为文可以风行一世,为商可以富比陶朱,为政可以参国论要:金庸一生的传奇,可谓多姿多彩之至。佛学对金庸的影响很大。在他的文学作品中处处可见金庸中庸平和的风格。","《碧血剑》当代著名作家金庸著,著于1956年,是金庸的第二部武侠小说。至今为止,已经过三次修订。现收录在《金庸作品集》中。 本书讲的是明末抗清将领袁崇焕之子袁承志的故事。曾多次被拍成电视剧,最近一部由张纪中导演。",23.00元,9787108012494,7108012499 read,2010-05-10T06:12:47Z,98,9.1,阿尔福斯,平装,331,机械工业出版社,复分析,,,本书的诞生还是半个世纪之前的事情,但是,深贯其中的严谨的学术风范以及针对不同时代所做出的切实改进使得它愈久弥新,成为复分析领域历经考验的一本经典教材。本书作者在数学分析领域声乐卓著,多次荣获国际大次,这也是本书始终保持旺盛的生命力的原因之一。本书适合用做数学专业本科高年级学生及研究生教材。,35.0,9787111134169,7111134168 read,2010-05-10T06:12:06Z,188,9.1,George Casella; Roger L. Berger,平装,660,China Machine Press,统计推断,,,雷奥奇·卡塞拉、罗杰L.贝耶编著的《统计推断(英文版原书第2版)》从概率论的基础开始,通过例子与习题的旁征博引,引进了大量近代统计处理的新技术和一些国内同类教材中不能见而广为使用的分布。其内容包括工科概率论入门、经典统计和现代统计的基础,又加进了不少近代统计中数据处理的实用方法和思想,例如:Bootstrap再抽样法、刀切(Jackknife)估计、EM算法、Logistic回归、稳健(Robust)回归、Markov链、Monte Carlo方法等。它的统计内容与国内流行的教材相比,理论较深,模型较多,案例的涉及面要广,理论的应用面要丰富,统计思想的阐述与算法更为具体。《统计推断(英文版原书第2版)》可作为工科、管理类学科专业本科生、研究生的教材或参考书,也可供教师、工程技术人员自学之用。,59.00元,9787111109457,7111109457 read,2010-05-10T06:11:35Z,20,9.3,罗斯,,298,人民邮电,统计模拟,,,"《统计模拟(英文版•第4版)》系统阐述了统计模拟的一些实用方法和技术。在对概率的基本知识进行了简单的回顾之后,介绍如何利用计算机产生随机数以及如何利用这些随机数产生任意分布的随机变量、随机过程等。然后讨论了一些分析统计数据的方法和技术。如Bootstrap(自助法)、方差缩减技术等。接着讲述了如何利用统计模拟来判断所选的随机模型是否拟合实际的数据。最后介绍MCMC及一些最新发展的统计模拟技术和论题,如随机序列函数和随机子集函数的评估。《统计模拟(英文版•第4版)》在每章的最后还提供了不同难度的习题。 《统计模拟(英文版•第4版)》可作为高等院校数学、统计学、科学计算、保险学、精算学等专业的教材,也可供工程技术人员和应用工作者参考。",45.00元,9787115155641,711515564X read,2010-05-10T06:11:12Z,18,8.5,Christian Robert; George Casella,Paperback,306,Springer Verlag,Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R (Use R),,,"Computational techniques based on simulation have now become an essential part of the statistician's toolbox. It is thus crucial to provide statisticians with a practical understanding of those methods, and there is no better way to develop intuition and skills for simulation than to use simulation to solve statistical problems. Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R covers the main tools used in statistical simulation from a programmer's point of view, explaining the R implementation of each simulation technique and providing the output for better understanding and comparison. While this book constitutes a comprehensive treatment of simulation methods, the theoretical justification of those methods has been considerably reduced, compared with Robert and Casella (2004). Similarly, the more exploratory and less stable solutions are not covered here. This book does not require a preliminary exposure to the R programming language or to Monte Carlo methods, nor an advanced mathematical background. While many examples are set within a Bayesian framework, advanced expertise in Bayesian statistics is not required. The book covers basic random generation algorithms, Monte Carlo techniques for integration and optimization, convergence diagnoses, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, including Metropolis {Hastings and Gibbs algorithms, and adaptive algorithms. All chapters include exercises and all R programs are available as an R package called mcsm. The book appeals to anyone with a practical interest in simulation methods but no previous exposure. It is meant to be useful for students and practitioners in areas such as statistics, signal processing, communications engineering, control theory, econometrics, finance and more. The programming parts are introduced progressively to be accessible to any reader.",USD 64.95,9781441915757,1441915753 read,2010-05-10T03:53:37Z,84,8.8,胡平,平装,331,群众出版社,犯罪升级,,"胡平,中国作家 协会会员,文学批评 家。1952年生于北京, 中共中央党校硕士研 究生班毕业。现任中 国作家协会创作研究 部创研处处长,副研 究员。著有理论专著 《叙事文学感染国研 究》、长篇小说《末世》 及文学理论批评、中 短篇小说、散文等百 万余字。 ","1995年1月28日,由矿保卫科,经警队10余人在南山矿金库存看守百万元工资款。晚上,一辆吉普车驶入南山矿,两男两女持枪封锁左右楼道,并当场打死10名保卫人员。动作迅速,枪法、战术熟练,让人瞠目。这是一起高智能特大暴力犯罪案件。现场留下无名尸一具,无法断定是谁。由于尸体被烧焦,找不到任何特征。省公安厅厅长亲自出马,要求给无名尸“洗澡穿衣”缍刮出文身…… 走在鹤岗的大街上,你感觉不到贫富差距特别大的悬殊,人 们大都穿着简朴,神态凝静,没有哈尔滨市面上的色彩,也没有 广州人的行色匆匆。最大的商场在省城人看来只够中等规模,唯 有银行大厦与各地一样显得坚固豪华。 时近岁尾,春节在即。各矿都在想办法为职工发一次工资,这 股暖流稍稍搅动着寒冬的气氛,地面上皎白的积雪与铺面上堆放 着的鲜红的爆竹形成色彩的对比,仿佛一个大病初愈的姑娘苍白 的脸上现出了红晕。 年关总是欢乐的,祥和而值得喜庆。但事后才知道,这一年 鹤岗的春节被推迟了20天。 傍晚,18时零5分左右,位于文化路附近的群楼住宅小区外 路边停着一辆未熄火的“北京212”吉普车。透过路灯微弱的光线, 可以依稀辨认出暗绿色车身后部牌照上的编号为91409。这种带 帆布篷、以越野能力著称的车辆在本地也被当作“招手停”使用, 司机在驾驶室吸烟,烟火忽明忽暗,看来是在候客。 终于,几个人影从楼区里穿出,走上大路。打头的是个警察, 戴栽绒警帽,上身夹克装,下身警裤,径直绕过北京吉普车头,扭 开驾驶室的门坐进去,身后有一男二女也随即坐入后排。两个女 子一个烫短发,一个留披肩发,男的穿呢绒短大衣。留披肩发的 在车门前身子歪了一下,脚上半高跟皮鞋脱落了一下。 几个人都戴着手套。 “去市汽校。” 公安人员吩咐了一声,车子就很快启动朝前开去,加速,方 向是麓林山。 一路上没人开腔。 没有青年男女之间那种惯常的玩笑。 十几分钟后,车在市汽校前减速,左打舵,下道,拐进汽校 后面墙外。 “这儿停一下,我找人!” 后排右侧穿半截呢大衣的男人开口通知司机。待车停稳,他 下车,往左侧转过来。 留披肩发的女子坐在司机身后,她从衣服里取出一支棕色短 把长筒枪,朝司机头部连续射出两粒子弹。 司机没哼声就趴在方向盘上。 车里三名乘客动手把他从前座拖到后座。司机双目紧闭,倾 刻脸色煞白,子弹是从他后脑打进去的。 现在开出租的都提心吊胆,但他没想到事情来得这么快。在 年关,毫无反应地结束了生命。 下车的青年人顺势坐进驾驶室,代替了前者的位置。他熟练 地动作,把车又向前开了数米,停在一个马葫芦附近。马葫芦是 一种下水道竖井,水泥井口略高出地面。 几个人开始动手把司机弄出车门,一个人去打开井盖――在 东北,这种竖井常是罪犯匿尸之处。 司机忽然开口说道:“饶了我吧,你们要什么我给你们什 么……”声音勉强可辨。 披肩发摸到枪,递给前排的男人,男人帮她压好子弹,她毫 不犹豫地朝司机头部又开了一枪。 另有一种说法,这一枪是在停车前就打的。这种说法无法解 释当时由谁给口径枪换装了子弹。 可以确信的是,司机被拖出到地面后,披肩发女子又对准他 眉头射了第四枪。四个人分抬前后,把尸体头朝下扔进马葫芦,葫 芦里发出一声闷响。 前后车牌都被掰下来,放进车里。 远远地,城里那边夜空中划过一道紫色曳光,随即传来噼噼 啪啪的鞭炮声。随即又安静下来。",17.00元,9787501416721,7501416729 read,2010-03-06T14:08:13Z,2,0.0,Bernard Cornwell,Hardcover,464,Harper,Agincourt,,,"""The greatest writer of historical adventures today"" ( Washington Post ) tackles his richest, most thrilling subject yet—the heroic tale of Agincourt. Young Nicholas Hook is dogged by a cursed past—haunted by what he has failed to do and banished for what he has done. A wanted man in England, he is driven to fight as a mercenary archer in France, where he finds two things he can love: his instincts as a fighting man, and a girl in trouble. Together they survive the notorious massacre at Soissons, an event that shocks all Christendom. With no options left, Hook heads home to England, where his capture means certain death. Instead he is discovered by the young King of England—Henry V himself—and by royal command he takes up the longbow again and dons the cross of Saint George. Hook returns to France as part of the superb army Henry leads in his quest to claim the French crown. But after the English campaign suffers devastating early losses, it becomes clear that Hook and his fellow archers are their king's last resort in a desperate fight against an enemy more daunting than they could ever have imagined. One of the most dramatic victories in British history, the battle of Agincourt—immortalized by Shakespeare in Henry V —pitted undermanned and overwhelmed English forces against a French army determined to keep their crown out of Henry's hands. Here Bernard Cornwell resurrects the legend of the battle and the ""band of brothers"" who fought it on October 25, 1415. An epic of redemption, Agincourt follows a commoner, a king, and a nation's entire army on an improbable mission to test the will of God and reclaim what is rightfully theirs. From the disasters at the siege of Harfleur to the horrors of the field of Agincourt, this exhilarating story of survival and slaughter is at once a brilliant work of history and a triumph of imagination—Bernard Cornwell at his best.",USD 27.99,9780061578915,0061578916 read,2010-03-01T09:56:29Z,148,9.0,Margaret Atwood,Paperback,544,Anchor Books,The Blind Assassin,,,"The Blind Assassin opens with these simple, resonant words: ""Ten days after the war ended, my sister Laura drove a car off a bridge."" They are spoken by Iris, whose terse account of her sister's death in 1945 is followed by an inquest report proclaiming the death accidental. But just as the reader expects to settle into Laura?s story, Atwood introduces a novel-within-a-novel. Entitled The Blind Assassin , it is a science fiction story told by two unnamed lovers who meet in dingy backstreet rooms. When we return to Iris, it is through a 1947 newspaper article announcing the discovery of a sailboat carrying the dead body of her husband, a distinguished industrialist. Brilliantly weaving together such seemingly disparate elements, Atwood creates a world of astonishing vision and unforgettable impact.",GBP 12.15,9780385720953,0385720955 reading,2010-02-09T13:29:21Z,133,8.9,W. Somerset Maugham,Paperback,164,Dover Publications,The Moon and Sixpence,,,,USD 5.95,9780486446028,0486446026 read,2010-02-08T15:04:12Z,3,0.0,Tacitus,Paperback,384,Penguin Classics,The Histories,,,"In AD 68, Nero's suicide marked the end of the first dynasty of imperial Rome. The following year was one of drama and danger, with four emperors-Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian- emerging in succession. Based on authoritative sources, The Histories vividly recounts the details of the ""long but single year"" of revolution that brought the Roman empire to the brink of collapse.",USD 14.00,9780140449648,0140449647 read,2010-02-07T03:06:27Z,19,8.2,David Lodge,Hardcover,304,Harvill Secker,Deaf Sentence,,"David Lodge(1935– ), English novelist and critic, b. London, grad. University College, London (B.A., M.A.) and the Univ. of Birmingham (Ph.D.). Lodge taught at the Univ. of Birmingham (1960–87), during which time he wrote studies of Graham Greene (1966) and Evelyn Waugh (1971). His works of criticism, which deal mainly with modern literary theory, include The Language of Fiction (1966), The Modes of Modern Writing (1977), Working with Structuralism (1981), The Art of Fiction (1992), and Consciousness and the Novel (2002). Since 1987 he has been a full-time writer. Lodge has used his deep intimacy with the academic world in many of his novels, which reveal a talent for deft characterization, wry humor, and incisive commentary. At its best, Lodge's fiction combines satire with humane sympathy for his characters. His novels include The Picturegoers (1960), Changing Places (1979), Small World (1985), Nice Work (1988), Paradise News (1991), Therapy (1995), and Thinks... (2001).","Funny and moving by turns, Deaf Sentence is a witty, original and absorbing account of one man’s effort to come to terms with deafness, ageing and mortality, and the comedy and tragedy of human lives. When the university merged his Department of English with Linguistics, Professor Desmond Bates took early retirement, but he is not enjoying it. He misses the routine of the academic year and has lost his appetite for research. His wife Winifred’s late-flowering career goes from strength to strength, reducing his role to that of escort, while the rejuvenation of her appearance makes him uneasily conscious of the age gap between them. The monotony of his days is relieved only by wearisome journeys to London to check on his aged father who stubbornly refuses to leave the house he is patently unable to live in with safety. But these discontents are nothing compared to the affliction of hearing loss — a constant source of domestic friction and social embarrassment, leading Desmond into mistakes, misunderstandings and follies. It might be comic for others, but for the deaf person himself, it is no joke. It is his deafness which inadvertently involves Desmond with a young woman whose wayward behaviour threatens to destabilize his life completely.",$25.95,9781846551673,1846551676 read,2010-02-04T11:33:11Z,58,8.2,Richard A. Johnson; Dean W. Wichern,Hardcover,800,Pearson,Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis,,,"This market leader offers a readable introduction to the statistical analysis of multivariate observations. Gives readers the knowledge necessary to make proper interpretations and select appropriate techniques for analyzing multivariate data. Starts with a formulation of the population models, delineates the corresponding sample results, and liberally illustrates everything with examples. Offers an abundance of examples and exercises based on real data. Appropriate for experimental scientists in a variety of disciplines.",USD 211.40,9780131877153,0131877151 read,2010-01-25T06:18:27Z,54214,9.0,金庸,平装,1599,生活·读书·新知三联书店,笑傲江湖(全四册),,金庸本名查良镛,浙江海宁人,1924年生。上海东吴法学院毕业,知名学者、文学家、社会活动家,也是华人世界有成就的老报人。于一1959年在香港亲手创办明报机构,出版报纸、杂志和图书,一九九三年退休。先后创作了十五部长篇及短篇小说,广受当代读者欢迎,至今已蔚为全球华人的共同语言,堪称中国武侠文学的经典之作,其中若干部小说已译成英文、日文、法文、泰文、越文、马来文及朝鲜文等在海外出版发行。曾获颂众多荣衔,包括2000年获香港特别行政区颁授最高荣誉大紫荆勋章,先后获香港大学、香港理工大学、香港公开大学、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学和日本创价大学授以博士学位,并获得香港大学、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学、北京大学、浙江大学、苏州大学、南开大学、台北清华大学聘任为名誉教授,以及英国牛津大学圣安东尼学院、慕莲学院,英国剑桥大学鲁宾森学院及李约瑟研究院,澳洲墨尔本大学和新加坡东亚研究所选为荣誉院士,同时还担任浙江大学人文学院院长、教授、博士生导师,英国牛津大学汉学研究院高级研究员。,《笑傲江湖》是金庸1967年写的一部武侠小说,属于金庸的后期作品。,76.80元,9787108006639,7108006634 read,2010-01-03T04:33:50Z,61009,9.1,金庸,平装,1978,生活.读书.新知三联书店,天龙八部,,"金庸(1924年2月6日—),香港“大紫荆勋贤”。原名查良镛(zhā liáng yōng,英:Louis Cha),浙江海宁人,当代著名作家、新闻学家、企业家、社会活动家,《香港基本法》主要起草人之一。金庸是新派武侠小说最杰出的代表作家,被普遍誉为武侠小说作家的“泰山北斗”,更有金迷们尊称其为“金大侠”或“查大侠”。 金庸生于1924年,祖籍为安徽省桐城,出生在浙江海宁,查家为当地望族,历史上最鼎盛期为清康熙年间,以查慎行为首叔侄七人同任翰林。现代查氏家族还有两位知名人物,南开大学教授查良铮(穆旦)(四十年代九叶派代表诗人,翻译家),台湾学术界风云人物、司法部长查良钊。出自海宁的著名人物还有王国维和徐志摩。徐志摩是金庸的表兄。金庸祖父查沧珊是“丹阳教案”的当事人。 1937年,金庸考入浙江一流的杭州高中,离开家乡海宁。1939年金庸15岁时曾经和同学一起编写了一本指导学生升初中的参考书《给投考初中者》,畅销内地,这是此类书籍在中国第一次出版,也是金庸出版的第一本书。1941年日军攻到浙江,金庸进入联合高中,那时他17岁,临毕业时因为写讽刺黑板报《阿丽丝漫游记》被开除。另一说是写情书.1944年考入重庆国立政治大学外文系,因对国民党职业学生不满投诉被勒令退学,一度进入中央图书馆工作,后转入苏州东吴大学(今苏州大学)学习国际法。抗战胜利后回杭州进《东南日报》做记者,1948年在数千人参加的考试中脱颖而出,进入《大公报》,做编辑和收听英语国际电讯广播当翻译。不久《大公报》香港版复刊,金庸南下到香港。 1950年,《大公报》所属《新晚报》创刊,金庸调任副刊编辑,主持《下午茶座》栏目,也做翻译、记者工作,与梁羽生(原名陈文统)一个办公桌,写过不少文艺小品和影评(笔名姚馥兰和林欢)。姚馥兰的意思是英文的Your friend.(你的朋友)。1955年开写《书剑恩仇录》,在《大公报》与梁羽生、陈凡(百剑堂主)开设《三剑楼随笔》,成为专栏作家。1957年进入长城电影公司,专职为编剧,写过《绝代佳人》、《兰花花》、《不要离开我》、《三恋》、《小鸽子姑娘》、《午夜琴声》等剧本,合导过《有女怀春》、《王老虎抢亲》(所用笔名为林欢)。 建国不久,金庸为了实现外交家的理想来到北京,但由于种种原因而失望地回到香港,从而开始了武侠小说的创作。 1959年离开长城电影公司,与中学同学沈宝新合资创办《明报》,任主编兼社长历35年,期间又创办《明报月刊》、《明报周刊》、新加坡《新明日报》及马来西亚《新明日报》等。金庸任董事长期间,《明报》成为香港最有影响的报纸之一,有人把它比喻成香港的《泰晤士报》。其对中国时局的预测和分析,是其它报纸不能比拟的。《明报月刊》则是华人世界最文人化的刊物,其对大中华关怀,深受全世界华人好评。 从五十年代末——七十年代初,金庸共写武侠小说15部,1972年宣布封笔,开始修订工作。 1981年后金庸数次回大陆,先后受到邓小平、江泽民等领导人的接见,1985年任香港基本法起草委员会委员,1986年被任命为基本法起草委员会“政治体制”小组港方负责人,1989年辞去基本法委员职务,卸任《明报》社长职务,1992年到英国牛津大学当访问学者,1994年辞去《明报》企业董事局主席职务。1999~2005年任浙江大学人文学院院长。 金庸博学多才。就武侠小说方面,金庸阅历丰富,知识渊博,文思敏捷,眼光独到。他继承古典武侠小说之精华,开创了形式独特、情节曲折、描写细腻且深具人性和豪情侠义的新派武侠小说先河。举凡历史、政治、古代哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、电影等都有研究,作品中琴棋书画、诗词典章、天文历算、阴阳五行、奇门遁甲、儒道佛学均有涉猎,金庸还是香港著名的政论家、企业家、报人,曾获法国总统“荣誉军团骑士”勋章,英国牛津大学董事会成员及两所学院荣誉院士,多家大学名誉博士。 金庸一支笔写武侠,一支笔纵论时局,享誉香江;少年游侠,中年游艺,老年游仙;为文可以风行一世,为商可以富比陶朱,为政可以参国论要:金庸一生的传奇,可谓多姿多彩之至。佛学对金庸的影响很大。在他的文学作品中处处可见金庸中庸平和的风格。",天龙八部乃金笔下的一部长篇小说,与《射雕》,《神雕》等 几部长篇小说一起被称为可读性最高的金庸小说。《天龙》的故事情节曲折,内容丰富,也曾多次被改编为电视作品。是金庸作品中集大成的一部。故事以南宋末年动荡的社会环境为背景,展开波澜壮阔的历史画卷,塑造了乔峰、段誉、虚竹、慕容复等形象鲜明的人物,成为武侠史上的经典之作。故事精彩纷呈,人物命运悲壮多变,是可读性很强的作品,具有震撼人心的力量,96.0,9787108006721,7108006723 read,2009-12-31T04:47:29Z,3,0.0,Egon Balas,Paperback,488,Syracuse University Press,Will to Freedom,,"Egon Balas, a renowned mathematician, is professor of industrial administration and applied mathematics at Carnegie Mellon's Tepper School of Business.","Will to Freedom is an eyewitness account of the social and political upheaval that shook Eastern Europe from the mid-1930s to the mid-1960s. As an underground resistance fighter, political prisoner, fugitive, and Communist Party official, Egon Balas charts his journey from idealistic young Communist to disenchanted dissident. Attracted by its anti-Nazi stance, Balas joined the Hungarian Communist Party in 1942, after Hungary had entered the war on Hitler's side. He helped organize work stoppages and distributed antiwar leaflets. In his memoir, he offers a compelling account first of his eventual imprisonment and ordeal under torture and then of his escape and life in hiding.",$ 28.19,9780815609308,0815609302 read,2009-12-22T02:16:19Z,497,9.4,J.R.R. Tolkien,平装,576,HarperCollins Publishers,The Fellowship of the Ring,,John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892年1月3日-1973年9月2日),英国作家、诗人、语言学家及大学教授。1915年毕业于牛津大学,研习盎格鲁—撒克逊历史和语言,显示出令人瞩目的语言学天才。随后从军,参与一战,一年后因病就医转文职至终战,奇幻写作生涯在此期间发端。1925-1959年于牛津担任教授,同时展开一系列神话故事的创作,认为撰写和阅读神话是对生命中至高真理的沉思。他最脍炙人口的作品有《霍比特人》(1937)和《魔戒》(1954—1955),被誉为现代史诗奇幻作品的鼻祖,影响深远。,"The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien's three-volume epic, is set in the imaginary world of Middle-earth -- home to many strange beings, and most notably hobbits, a peace-loving ""little people,"" cheerful and shy. Since its original British publication in 1954-55, the saga has entranced readers of all ages. It is at once a classic myth and a modern fairy tale. Critic Michael Straight has hailed it as one of the ""very few works of genius in recent literature."" Middle-earth is a world receptive to poets, scholars, children, and all other people of good will. Donald Barr has described it as ""a scrubbed morning world, and a ringing nightmare world...especially sunlit, and shadowed by perils very fundamental, of a peculiarly uncompounded darkness."" The story of this world is one of high and heroic adventure. Barr compared it to Beowulf, C.S. Lewis to Orlando Furioso, W.H. Auden to The Thirty-nine Steps. In fact the saga is sui generis -- a triumph of imagination which springs to life within its own framework and on its own terms. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.",14.45美元,9780261102354,0261102354 read,2009-12-15T15:18:47Z,61,9.7,Gerald B. Folland,Hardcover,408,Wiley,Real Analysis,,,"An in-depth look at real analysis and its applications-now expanded and revised. This new edition of the widely used analysis book continues to cover real analysis in greater detail and at a more advanced level than most books on the subject. Encompassing several subjects that underlie much of modern analysis, the book focuses on measure and integration theory, point set topology, and the basics of functional analysis. It illustrates the use of the general theories and introduces readers to other branches of analysis such as Fourier analysis, distribution theory, and probability theory. This edition is bolstered in content as well as in scope-extending its usefulness to students outside of pure analysis as well as those interested in dynamical systems. The numerous exercises, extensive bibliography, and review chapter on sets and metric spaces make Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications, Second Edition invaluable for students in graduate-level analysis courses. New features include: * Revised material on the n-dimensional Lebesgue integral. * An improved proof of Tychonoff's theorem. * Expanded material on Fourier analysis. * A newly written chapter devoted to distributions and differential equations. * Updated material on Hausdorff dimension and fractal dimension.",USD 179.00,9780471317166,0471317160 read,2009-12-10T13:31:10Z,3,0.0,C. F. Jeff Wu; Michael S. Hamada,Hardcover,760,Wiley,Experiments,,,"Praise for the First Edition: ""If you . . . want an up-to-date, definitive reference written by authors who have contributed much to this field, then this book is an essential addition to your library.""-Journal of the American Statistical Association Fully updated to reflect the major progress in the use of statistically designed experiments for product and process improvement, Experiments, Second Edition introduces some of the newest discoveries—and sheds further light on existing ones—on the design and analysis of experiments and their applications in system optimization, robustness, and treatment comparison. Maintaining the same easy-to-follow style as the previous edition while also including modern updates, this book continues to present a new and integrated system of experimental design and analysis that can be applied across various fields of research including engineering, medicine, and the physical sciences. The authors modernize accepted methodologies while refining many cutting-edge topics including robust parameter design, reliability improvement, analysis of non-normal data, analysis of experiments with complex aliasing, multilevel designs, minimum aberration designs, and orthogonal arrays. Along with a new chapter that focuses on regression analysis, the Second Edition features expanded and new coverage of additional topics, including: Expected mean squares and sample size determination One-way and two-way ANOVA with random effects Split-plot designs ANOVA treatment of factorial effects Response surface modeling for related factors Drawing on examples from their combined years of working with industrial clients, the authors present many cutting-edge topics in a single, easily accessible source. Extensive case studies, including goals, data, and experimental designs, are also included, and the book's data sets can be found on a related FTP site, along with additional supplemental material. Chapter summaries provide a succinct outline of discussed methods, and extensive appendices direct readers to resources for further study. Experiments, Second Edition is an excellent book for design of experiments courses at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuable resource for practicing engineers and statisticians.",USD 130.00,9780471699460,0471699462 read,2009-12-10T13:30:23Z,55,9.2,罗斯,,782,人民邮电,应用随机过程,,,"《应用随机过程概率模型导论(英文版·第9版)》叙述深入浅出,涉及面广。主要内容有随机变量、条件概率及条件期望、离散及连续马尔可夫链、指数分布、泊松过程、布朗运动及平稳过程、更新理论及排队论等;也包括了随机过程在物理、生物、运筹、网络、遗传、经济、保险、金融及可靠性中的应用。特别是有关随机模拟的内容,给随机系统运行的模拟计算提供了有力的工具。除正文外,《应用随机过程概率模型导论(英文版·第9版)》有约700道习题,其中带星号的习题还提供了解答。 《应用随机过程概率模型导论(英文版·第9版)》可作为概率论与统计、计算机科学、保险学、物理学、社会科学、生命科学、管理科学与工程学等专业随机过程基础课教材。",89.00元,9787115160232,7115160236 read,2009-11-25T07:00:04Z,43,8.0,赫尔穆特·科普卡,平装,NA,机械工业出版社,LATEX实用教程(英文版・第4版),,,本书特色:  强调LATEX作为一种标记语言的使用,其作用与XML的核心思想一致,即分离格式与内容。  详细讨论了重要的组件,并附有与其相关的标准的内容。  本书附带的光盘涵盖了本书中的大量信息,以及可以在Windows、Mac OS X和Linux系统下安装使用的LATEX完全版。,69.0,9787111158981,7111158989 read,2009-11-20T11:45:55Z,4,0.0,Suetonius,Paperback,363,Penguin Classics,The Twelve Caesars (Penguin Classics),,,,USD 15.00,9780140449211,0140449213 read,2009-10-31T10:35:08Z,2,0.0,Jon Meacham,Paperback,483,Random House Trade Paperbacks,American Lion,,,"Andrew Jackson, his intimate circle of friends, and his tumultuous times are at the heart of this remarkable book about the man who rose from nothing to create the modern presidency. Beloved and hated, venerated and reviled, Andrew Jackson was an orphan who fought his way to the pinnacle of power, bending the nation to his will in the cause of democracy. Jackson’s election in 1828 ushered in a new and lasting era in which the people, not distant elites, were the guiding force in American politics. Democracy made its stand in the Jackson years, and he gave voice to the hopes and the fears of a restless, changing nation facing challenging times at home and threats abroad. To tell the saga of Jackson’s presidency, acclaimed author Jon Meacham goes inside the Jackson White House. Drawing on newly discovered family letters and papers, he details the human drama–the family, the women, and the inner circle of advisers–that shaped Jackson’s private world through years of storm and victory. One of our most significant yet dimly recalled presidents, Jackson was a battle-hardened warrior, the founder of the Democratic Party, and the architect of the presidency as we know it. His story is one of violence, sex, courage, and tragedy. With his powerful persona, his evident bravery, and his mystical connection to the people, Jackson moved the White House from the periphery of government to the center of national action, articulating a vision of change that challenged entrenched interests to heed the popular will–or face his formidable wrath. The greatest of the presidents who have followed Jackson in the White House–from Lincoln to Theodore Roosevelt to FDR to Truman–have found inspiration in his example, and virtue in his vision. Jackson was the most contradictory of men. The architect of the removal of Indians from their native lands, he was warmly sentimental and risked everything to give more power to ordinary citizens. He was, in short, a lot like his country: alternately kind and vicious, brilliant and blind; and a man who fought a lifelong war to keep the republic safe–no matter what it took. Jon Meacham in American Lion has delivered the definitive human portrait of a pivotal president who forever changed the American presidency–and America itself. From the Hardcover edition.",USD 18.00,9780812973464,0812973461 read,2009-10-26T02:21:49Z,7,0.0,Jorge Cham,,184,Piled Higher & Deeper Pub,Academic Stimulus Package,,,,USD 15.00,9780972169547,0972169547 read,2009-10-26T02:14:38Z,13,8.4,Jorge Cham,Perfect Paperback,160,Piled Higher and Deeper Publishing,Scooped! The Third Piled Higher and Deeper Comic Strip Collection,,"Jorge Cham received his PhD in Engineering from Stanford University, where he started drawing the popular comic strip Piled Higher and Deeper. He was subsequently an Instructor and Researcher at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) .","非常有趣的关于博士生的漫画,画尽博士生生涯的酸甜苦辣。本书是全套的第三本,包括 - Scientific Method vs. Actual Method - How to Write your Thesis Title - Valentine Gift Ideas for your Advisor - Anatomy of a Group Meeting ...and more! 等一系列漫画。在官方主页上,博士生漫画仍在继续更新。",USD 13.50,9780972169530,0972169539 read,2009-10-22T10:11:07Z,21,9.6,Jorge Cham,Paperback,152,Piled Higher and Deeper Publishing,Life is tough and then you graduate,,,,USD 13.50,9780972169523,0972169520 read,2009-10-19T02:40:35Z,33,9.6,Jorge Cham,Paperback,175,Piled Higher & Deeper Pub,Piled Higher and Deeper,,,,USD 12.00,9780972169509,0972169504 read,2009-08-12T15:20:27Z,5081,8.3,[爱尔兰] 萨缪尔·贝克特,平装,106,人民文学出版社,等待戈多,,"萨缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett, 1906-1989)是先用英语后用法语写作的爱尔兰作家,也是法国荒诞派剧作家的主要代表之一。他获1969年诺贝尔文学奖。","《等待戈多》写的是发生在两个黄昏的事情,但是没有什么情节可言。主角是两个流浪汉,背景是一片荒野,路旁只有一棵枯树,两个流浪汉就是树下等待着一个叫戈多的人。他们一面做着闻臭靴子之类的无聊动作,一面在语无论次地梦呓。最后有一个男孩来说戈多今晚不来了,第一幕就算结束。第二幕就是第一幕的重复,只是当知道戈多又不来的时候,他们就想上吊,结果裤带一拉就断,于是只能毫无希望地等待下去。 写于1948年的两幕剧《等待戈多》历来被认为是荒诞派戏剧的经典之作。",6.80元,9787020036967,7020036961 read,2009-08-10T07:58:02Z,44,7.3,格拉斯,简裝本,148,上海译文出版社,相聚在特尔格特,,,"十七世纪上半叶,德国各宗教派别、德意志皇帝和各诸侯之间的矛盾深重,冲突连绵不断,在经历了30年战争后,一批文人志士相聚在小城特尔格特,他们谈古论今,畅所欲言,在探讨诗歌、戏剧等严肃的学术问题的同时,还痛心疾首哀叹自身和祖国的命运;他们借助诗文,共谋祖国统一大业,可在高谈阔论的同时,又插科打浑,粗话连篇,荤话迭出,还“不拘小节”同女仆和女店主苟合;最后他们甚至还共同草拟了一份“和平呼吁书”,但一场意外的大火将聚会场所和“呼吁书”化为灰烬,文人志士们所有的美好愿望也随之烟消云散。 小说中描述的那些诗人、剧作家、文艺理论家等,德国历史上都确有其人,在作者的笔下,他们的背后分别隐藏德国当今文坛的一些重要人物,如小说中的主人公西蒙·达赫和格仁豪森分别是德国当代最著名的文学团体“四七”社的负责人汉斯·维尔纳·里希特和作者格拉斯本人的化身。作者以借古喻今的写作手法,生动地描写了“四七”社在上世纪60年代的活动,表达了作者忧国忧民的情怀。 本书是作者最成功的小说之一,1979年出版后,很长一段时间内成为德国的畅销书。",15.00元,9787532735129,7532735125 read,2009-08-04T15:37:37Z,435,8.2,约瑟夫·康拉德,平装,237,人民文学出版社,黑暗的心,,,本书包括了原书的全文,还由美国文学方面的学者作了详尽的注释,帮助读者理解原文。注释既包括语言方面的内容,又介绍了一些文化背景方面的知识。是公认的二十世纪文学经典、剥葱皮一样把殖民主义者的心态一层层刻画得淋漓尽致。本书具有鲜明的现代主义特色。作者康拉德用了马洛这样一个叙述者,让他以回忆者的身份出现在故事里,他的叙述穿梭于过去与现在、自己和库尔兹及听众之间,让读者分享着他的各种情绪,这种叙述角度的交替,开创了一种新的叙述模式,代替了传统的线性叙述方法。另外,小说中隐喻、象征等修辞手段的运用还使作品极具可读性。“黑暗的心”本身就含有双层寓意:既指地理意义上的黑色的非洲腹地,也指殖民者黑暗的内。本书大量修辞手法的运用大大丰富了作品的意蕴,深化了小说的主题,使小说的思想内容、艺术风格不亚于20世纪任何一部现代主义小说。,9.80元,9787020035632,7020035639 read,2009-08-02T23:09:20Z,94,8.6,"(希)卡赞扎基(Kazantzakis,N",精裝本,311,译林出版社,希腊奇人佐尔巴,,,"这是一部关于希腊老工人阿历西斯·佐尔巴的传奇故事。 佐尔巴与作者相遇于克里特岛,共同在岛上采掘褐煤。但两人都很清楚,他们急切地等待太阳下山和工人下班,然后两人就可以在海岸边喝酒、聊天。 作者听佐尔巴讲述他的过去,讲述奥林匹斯的乡村、保加利亚的游击队、圣索非亚、褐煤、白云石、女人、上帝、爱国行动和死亡。 佐尔巴的经历和思想对作者产生了强烈的震撼,冲破了人们固有的一切道德、宗教和爱国主义的樊篱。 作者认为,佐尔巴是“我一生中认识到的一个最伟大的心灵、最坚实的躯体、最自由的呼声”。",18.50元,9787806577905,7806577904 read,2009-07-31T15:24:46Z,1549,8.7,[哥伦比亚] 加西亚·马尔克斯,,NA,中央编译出版社,一桩事先张扬的凶杀案,,加西亚·马尔克斯(1928- )是当代拉美著名作家,因其长篇巨著《百年孤独》而获得诺贝尔文学奖。,"《一桩事先张扬的凶杀案》描写的是发生在1951年的真人真事。出身显赫的巴亚多·圣·罗曼来到加勒比海沿岸的一个小镇,爱上了出身平庸的安赫拉·维卡略。这个在“金钱上游泳”的富翁为新娘买下了镇上最豪华的房子,举行了奢华无度的隆重的婚礼,以为用金钱和无限的权势买到了幸福。然而新婚之夜他却发现新娘不是处女,万分沮丧之下,几个小时之后就把她休回了娘家。姑娘的母亲大为恼火,当即将女儿毒打一顿,而后又叫来姑娘的两个哥哥,逼问是谁破坏了她的贞节。姑娘无奈之下将其归罪于一个叫圣地亚哥·纳赛尔的人,两个哥哥不分青红皂白,拿上杀猪刀凶残地杀害了圣地亚哥·纳赛尔这个无辜者。一桩悲剧发生了。 小说通过一个小题材,辛辣地嘲讽了权贵,无情地揭露和批判了愚昧无知的封建礼教、封建思想、封建观念、封建迷信和仇杀行为,从一个侧面较为深刻地揭示了拉丁美洲的社会现实。 《纯真的埃伦蒂拉和残忍的祖母》在加西亚·马尔克斯的短篇小说中占相当重要的地位。作者用细腻的笔触描述了一个十四岁的小姑娘被贪财的黑心祖母逼良为娼的故事。作品情节生动感人,催人泪下,读来令人爱不释手。 序言 一桩事先张扬的凶杀案 纯真的埃伦蒂拉与残忍的祖母 这部被加西亚·马尔克斯本人称之为自己最好的作品,讲述的是一个无辜的年轻人,在镇上大部分人知情而自己一无所知的情况下,被残酷杀害的真实故事。作家把一系列几乎无法用数字计算的大大小小的巧合事件和众多人物有机地连在一起,以惊人的想像力和创作才华将一种司空见惯的现象升华为一幕触目惊心的悲剧",15,9783453109193,3453109198 read,2009-07-31T13:47:54Z,14,7.5,汉斯-乌尔里希·特莱希尔,平装(无盘),199,人民文学出版社,尘世的爱神,,,《尘世的爱神》是“21世纪年度最佳外国小说”评选中2002年度德语文学入选作品。身体和性的问题一直让主人公阿尔伯特困惑不已,并给他带来了不少麻烦。他在大学里学艺术史,学院里烦琐而不乏荒唐的“学术研究”令他茫然无措。他爱上了在柏林做服务员的意大利姑娘埃琳娜。埃琳娜要回国开一家美容院,阿尔伯特也带着自己的梦想随其来到了她的家乡萨丁岛,可岛上的现实很快令他失望,他只有黯然离去。小说的笔调暗含反讽又略带感伤,反映了一个当代“德国知识青年”的“失重”状态。,12.0,9787020043842,7020043844 read,2009-07-29T01:43:55Z,43,7.8,(美)莉莉·塔克,平装,310,人民文学出版社,巴拉圭消息,,莉莉·塔克(1938—)生于法国巴黎,少年时曾在秘鲁和乌拉圭等南美国家居住,现居美国纽约市和缅因州两地;熟稔英语、法语和西班牙语三种语言。她的短篇小说曾出现在《纽约人》、《小说》、《巴黎评论》等重量级文学刊物上;出版过的长篇小说除了《马拉圭消息》、还有《站着死的女人》、《走在水上的女人》、《暹罗》和《林博,及我居住过的其他地方》等女性探索题材的小说。,"《巴拉圭消息》是“21世纪年度最佳外国小说”评选中2004年度美国文学入选作品。本书通过十九世纪中叶巴黎风流美艳的爱尔兰女子埃拉·林奇与巴拉圭独裁者弗朗西斯科·索拉诺·洛佩斯长达十六年的情爱经历,用简洁而入木三分的笔法,描写了发生在那个年代的政治、战争、阴谋、爱情、亲情、死亡、疫病、自然和人文。它们交织在一起,展现了三国联盟战争期间南美洲的一幅宏大的历史画卷。 本书2004年获美国国家图书奖小说奖。",22.00元,9787020054299,7020054293 read,2009-07-10T11:18:38Z,469,8.0,钱钢,精装,204,上海书店出版社,旧闻记者,,钱钢,著名报告文学作家和记者。曾作为常务副主编在1998年至2001年主持《南方周末》笔政。作品《唐山大地震》被翻译成英文、日文、韩文、法文,是美国等地若干大学的新闻写作课参考教材。其代表作还有《大清留美幼童记》、《大清海军与李鸿章》(原名《海葬》)、《二十世纪中国重灾百录》等。,本书出自作者本人独具个性的创意——每一周同步阅读六十年前的旧报,并随时写下他的“非典型札记”。他在报章开辟的“旧闻记者”专栏,受到香港和内地读者的欢迎。本书是“旧闻记者”的第一个结集。内容生动有味。对传媒人士,它也是重要却不沉重的“另类新闻史”。,20.00,9787806788776,7806788778 read,2009-07-01T19:07:07Z,165,7.4,庄信正,平装,231,上海书店出版社,文学风流,,庄信正,1935年生。山东即墨人。美国印第安那大学比较文学博士。文学评论家、散文家、翻译家。曾执教美国肯萨斯大学、南加州大学和印第安那大学,后又任职联合国,现定居纽约。著有散文集《异乡人语》、《流光抛影》、《展望》、《文学风流》,评论集《海天集》、《〈尤利西斯〉评介》等。本书是作者在大陆出版的第一部文集。,"本书精选庄信正近年随笔作品,谈文论艺,对许多著名文学作品作出了深入浅出的阅读评价,令读者重新认识文学经典,是时下难得一见的回归文学本质的优秀作品。 自序 献给普通读者 魅力 神奇 鬼才 才尽 读与写 宝库 百科全书 懂不懂 不朽的“死语” 译诗 影响 生前身后名 伪大作家 爱与憎 姓名交关 笔耕 秋日、乡间、榻上 缪斯 福水祸泉 强记与健忘 铁窗 盲 丑 懒 失眠 怪癖 羊癫风 哲人之死 柏拉图 哲人与诗人 师生 大哲与大帝 最有智慧的人 最高尚的罗马人 西塞罗 数 数学 ……",22.00元,9787806788981,7806788980 wish,2009-05-29T23:00:44Z,13,7.5,Orlando Figes,Hardcover,740,Metropolitan Books,The Whisperers,,,,USD 35.00,9780805074611,0805074619 read,2009-05-26T12:12:04Z,2149,8.3,[意] 翁贝托·埃科,平装,532,上海译文出版社,波多里诺,,"翁贝托·埃科(Umberto Eco, 1932- ),欧洲重要的公共知识分子,小说家、符号学家、美学家、史学家、哲学家。出生于意大利亚历山德里亚,博洛尼亚大学教授。 著有大量小说和随笔作品,如《玫瑰的名字》、《傅科摆》、《昨日之岛》、《波多里诺》、《洛阿娜女王的神秘火焰》和《密涅瓦火柴盒》等。","因为神圣罗马帝国的大主教奥托在临终前对波多里诺说:“你记得祭司王约翰的王国吧?只有在寻找到他的情况之下,神圣旗帜才能越过拜占庭和耶路撒冷。.如果你没有得到关于这个王国的其它消息,就用编造的方式……”,于是身为赤髯腓特烈义子的波多里诺开始与他的朋友们开始捏造祭司王约翰向腓特烈致敬与邀请的信函,而最终目的是要向世人说明,连遥远的异教徒都愿意向腓特烈臣服,因此腓特烈才是当时欧洲真正的、凌驾于罗马教皇与拜占庭皇帝之上的惟一统治者。然而有趣的是,大骗子波多里诺最后居然被拜占庭教士左西摩骗走了信件的内容,后果是出现了不同版本的祭司王约翰所写的信件,而来源则是拜占庭皇帝与教皇。 于是,为了证明只有腓特烈才是真正的祭司王约翰所要致敬的对象,波多里诺又想到新招:伪造圣物「葛拉达」,而他的剧本则是让腓特烈亲身前往东方,然后宣称他见到了祭司,将这个所谓的圣物交给祭司,以赢得他的尊敬,使其成为神圣世界的真正共主。原来,这才是第三次十字军东征的真正目的! 当然了,一如历史告诉我们的,腓特烈最后溺死在河流中,然而波多里诺与朋友(与他一起伪造信件的那群朋友)一行人仍决定继续向东方出发寻找祭司王国,开始了犹如山海经、辛巴达历险那般不可思议的奇妙经验…… 那幺这个神圣的圣物,耶稣所使用的圣杯,最后使得与波多里诺共同冒险犯难的朋友反目成仇的「葛拉达」到底长什幺样子?因为实际上并没有人知道,既然如此,「葛拉达」最后由波多里诺发现也就不奇怪了,原来它不过是波多里诺的生父——一个意大利乡村老农夫临终前使用的寻常木碗!",30.00元,9787532742394,7532742393 read,2009-05-17T14:16:44Z,4,0.0,"James Reston, Jr.",Hardcover,384,The Penguin Press,Defenders of the Faith,,"Author of 13 books, three plays, and numerous articles in national magazines. Winner of Prix Italia and the Dupont-Columbia Award for his 1983 90 minute radio documentary on National Public Radio, ""Father Cares: the Last of Jonestown."" His last four historical works, Galileo: A Life, The Last Apocalypse, and Warriors of God, and Dogs of God have been translated into twelve foreign languages. Warriors of God and Collision at Home Plate have been optioned by Hollywood. In 1976-1977, Reston was David Frost's Watergate adviser for the famous Frost/Nixon Interviews, seen by 57 million people world-wide. His narrative of that experience will be published in 2007 and entitled The Conviction of Richard Nixon: The Untold Story of the Frost/Nixon Interviews. The manuscript was a considerable inspiration to the British playwright, Peter Morgan, in the making of his hit London play, ""Frost/Nixon,"" in which Reston is a major character. His articles have appeared in the New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Time, The New York Times Magazine, Smithsonian, Esquire, American Theatre, Playboy, and Rolling Stone. In recent years he has lectured widely in the United States and overseas on the millennium, the crusades, and the Spanish Inquisition, citing their relevance to modern issues. He has been a fellow at the American Academy in Rome, a scholar in residence at the Library of Congress, and is currently a senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington. Born in New York in 1941, he was raised in Washington, D.C. and attended the University of North Carolina on a Morehead Scholarship where he earned his B.A. in philosophy. At UNC he was an All South soccer player and after forty two years still holds the single game scoring record for the university. (5 goals against N.C. State, October 18, 1962.) He attended Oxford University for his junior year. Reston was an assistant to U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Steward Udall, 1964-65. U.S. Army, 1965-68. Lecturer in Creative Writing, University of North Carolina, 1971-81. Newsweek, PBS, and BBC candidate to be the first writer on the NASA space shuttle. Married, with three children. Lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland.","In the bestselling Warriors of God and Dogs of God, James Reston, Jr., limned two epochal conflicts between Islam and Christendom. Here he examines the ultimate battle in that centuries-long war, which found Europe at its most vulnerable and Islam on the attack. This drama was propelled by two astonishing young sovereigns: Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and Turkish sultan Suleyman the Magnificent. Though they represented two colliding worlds, they were remarkably similar. Each was a poet and cultured cosmopolitan; each was the most powerful man on his continent; each was called “Defender of the Faith”; and each faced strident religious rebellion in his domain. Charles was beset by the “heresy” of Martin Luther and his fervid adherents, even while tensions between him and the pope threatened to boil over, and the upstart French king Francis I harried Charles’s realm by land and sea. Suleyman was hardly more comfortable on his throne. He had earned his crown by avoiding the grim Ottoman tradition of royal fratricide. Shiites in the East were fighting off the Sunni Turks’ cruel repression of their “heresy.” The ferocity and skill of Suleyman’s Janissaries had expanded the Ottoman Empire to its greatest extent ever, but these slave soldiers became rebellious when foreign wars did not engage them. With Europe newly hobbled and the Turks suffused with restless vigor, the stage was set for a drama that unfolded from Hungary to Rhodes and ultimately to Vienna itself, which both sides thought the Turks could win. If that happened, it was generally agreed that Europe would become Muslim as far west as the Rhine. During these same years, Europe was roiled by constant internal tumult that saw, among other spectacles, the Diet of Worms, the Sack of Rome, and an actual wrestling match between the English and French monarchs in which Henry VIII’s pride was badly hurt. Would—could—this fractious continent be united to repulse a fearsome enemy?",$29.95,9781594202254,1594202257 read,2009-05-07T12:19:08Z,3494,8.6,张大春,平装,243,上海人民出版社,聆听父亲,,张大春,当代最优秀的华语小说家,1957年生于台湾,祖籍山东。好故事,会说书,擅书法,爱赋诗。台湾辅仁大学中国文学硕士,曾任教于辅仁大学、文化大学,现任电台主持人。作品无数,曾以“大头春”的名字出版系列小说《少年大头春的生活周记》、《我妹妹》、《野孩子》,另著有小说《鸡翎图》、《公寓导游》、《四喜忧围》、《大说谎家》、《欢喜贼》、《夸帮暴力团》、《聆听父亲》、《春灯公子》、《战夏阳》等,京剧剧本《水浒108》,文学理论《张大春的文学意见》、《小说稗类》等。曾获联合报小说奖、时报文学奖、吴三连文艺奖等。,"《聆听父亲》是张大春回忆父亲的散文。由于年迈的父亲意外摔倒,张大春于父亲生命进入末期的时候,开始给还未出生的孩子说故事,说的正是自己的父亲,以及从父辈那里听来的家族历史。 全书以与未出生的孩子对话的方式,从祖上五代开始,说到父辈,说到自己所处的时代。除了父亲的讲述外,更贯穿了六大爷所写的“家史漫谈”,另有友人的回忆与叙述。大春祖家——山东济南张家“懋德堂”,是一个有着五大院落、几百口人丁的显赫家族。祖规家训“诗书继世,忠厚传家”在世事变化中,悄悄改换成两副与“福”、“贵”相关的楹联,张家祖业便也从诗书功名转为经商富贵。当中国进入20 世纪中期抗战期间,全家更是在颠沛流离而充满传奇色彩的经历中见证了时代的动荡和变迁。作者在追忆中不断讲述家族故事,溯源中国文化,表达了忧郁而深沉的中国文化乡愁。 这是一部在时代变迁中触摸个人血脉的故事,让读者见到有血有肉的“历史”,也是“小说工匠”张大春的性情之作,还是张大春小说创作的精神源泉。作者以个人的家族史来抢救家族记忆,以文化溯源的方式拯救文化凋敝的意图,在书中表现得很明显。",25.00元,9787208076426,7208076421 read,2009-04-25T23:11:30Z,38,8.9,David McCullough,Hardcover,400,Simon & Schuster,1776,,"With his riveting, enlightening accounts of subjects from Johnstown Flood to John Adams, David McCullough has become the historian that Americans look to most to tell us our own story. In his interview, McCullough explains why he turned in his new book from the political battles of the Revolution to the battles on the ground, and he marvels at some of his favorite young citizen soldiers who fought alongside the remarkable General Washington.","From Publishers Weekly Starred Review. Bestselling historian and two-time Pulitzer winner McCullough follows up John Adams by staying with America's founding, focusing on a year rather than an individual: a momentous 12 months in the fight for independence. How did a group of ragtag farmers defeat the world's greatest empire? As McCullough vividly shows, they did it with a great deal of suffering, determination, ingenuity—and, the author notes, luck.Although brief by McCullough's standards, this is a narrative tour de force, exhibiting all the hallmarks the author is known for: fascinating subject matter, expert research and detailed, graceful prose. Throughout, McCullough deftly captures both sides of the conflict. The British commander, Lord General Howe, perhaps not fully accepting that the rebellion could succeed, underestimated the Americans' ingenuity. In turn, the outclassed Americans used the cover of night, surprise and an abiding hunger for victory to astonishing effect. Henry Knox, for example, trekked 300 miles each way over harsh winter terrain to bring 120,000 pounds of artillery from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston, enabling the Americans, in a stealthy nighttime advance, to seize Dorchester Heights, thus winning the whole city.Luck, McCullough writes, also played into the American cause—a vicious winter storm, for example, stalled a British counterattack at Boston, and twice Washington staged improbable, daring escapes when the war could have been lost. Similarly, McCullough says, the cruel northeaster in which Washington's troops famously crossed the Delaware was both ""a blessing and a curse."" McCullough keenly renders the harshness of the elements, the rampant disease and the constant supply shortfalls, from gunpowder to food, that affected morale on both sides—and it certainly didn't help the British that it took six weeks to relay news to and from London. Simply put, this is history writing at its best from one of its top practitioners.",GBP 26.89,9780743226714,0743226712 read,2009-04-20T18:35:18Z,14,8.2,Charles Dickens,Paperback,608,Wordsworth Editions,The Old Curiosity Shop,,,"The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-41), with its combination of the sentimental, the grotesque and the socially concerned, and its story of pursuit and courage, which sets the downtrodden and the plucky against the malevolent and the villainous, was an immediate popular success. Little Nell quickly became one of Dickens' most celebrated characters, who so captured the imagination of his readers that while the novel was being serialised, many of them wrote to him about her fate. Dickens was conscious of the 'many friends' the novel had won for him, and 'the many hearts it turned to me when they were full of private sorrow', and it remains one of the most familiar and well-loved of his works.",GBP 2.50,9781853262449,1853262447 read,2009-04-08T00:03:35Z,54,8.8,Virgil,Mass Market Paperback,395,Bantam Classics,The Aeneid of Virgil,,,"Publisher Comments: Aeneas flees the ashes of Troy to found the city of Rome and change forever the course of the Western world--as literature as well. Virgil's Aeneid is as eternal as Rome itself, a sweeping epic of arms and heroism--the searching portrait of a man caught between love and duty, human feeling and the force of fate--that has influenced writers for over 2,000 years. Filled with drama, passion, and the universal pathos that only a masterpiece can express. The Aeneid is a book for all the time and all people. Review ""Allen Mandelbaum has produced a living Aeneid, a version that is unmistakably poetry."" -- Erich Segal, The New York Times Book Review ""A brilliant translation; the only one since Dryden which reads like English verse and conveys some of the majesty and pathos of the original."" -- Bernard M. W. Knox ""Mandelbaum has... given us a contemporary experience of the masterpiece, at last."" -- David Ignatow ""Allen Mandelbaum has produced a living Aeneid, a version that is unmistakably poetry."" -- Erich Segal, The New York Times Book Review ""A brilliant translation; the only one since Dryden which reads like English verse and conveys some of the majesty and pathos of the original."" -- Bernard M. W. Knox ""Mandelbaum has... given us a contemporary experience of the masterpiece, at last."" -- David Ignatow About the Author Throughout his life Virgil was a poet and as far as we know had no interest in pursuing any other career. He was born Publius Vergilius Maro in 70 BC near Mantua, in what now is northern Italy. His parents, farm owners, were people of property and substance, if not wealth, and were able to obtain for their son a first-rate education. On completing his education, he returned home and possibly began work on the Eclogues, which appeared between the years of 42 and 37 BC. In 41 BC, the Emperor Octavian (later known as Augustus) confiscated Virgil's family's property, and Virgil was obliged to travel to Rome to negotiate for its return. Fortunately for Virgil, one of the officials secured for him an introduction to the emperor; not only was his land returned, but he also met Octavian's confidant Maecenas, who became Virgil's patron for the rest of his life. An industrious, meticulous writer, Virgil was not prolific. In addition to the ten Eclogues, which apparently took at least five years to publish, Virgil wrote the four Georgics, which took seven years, and the Aeneid, his great masterwork. Virgil worked on the Aeneid for eleven years, until his death in 19 BC. Feeling, apparently, that the epic was still unfinished, he directed in his will that the manuscript be destroyed. To the great fortune of succeeding generations, the emperor, Virgil's most prominent friend and admirer, intervened to countermand this provision. He turned the manuscript over to two of Virgil's friends, Varius and Tucca, to edit only obvious errors and repetitions, without adding to the text. The result of their work is the beautiful and brilliant Aeneid we have today. Allen Mendelbaum's five verse volumes are: Chelmaxions; The Savantasse of Montparnasse; Journeyman; Leaves of Absence; and A Lied of Letterpress. His volumes of verse translation include The Aeneid of Virgil, a University of California Press volume (now available from Bantam) for which he won a National Book Award; the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso volumes of the California Dante (now available from Bantam); The Odyssey of Homer (now available from Bantam); The Metamorphoses of Ovid, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in poetry; Ovid in Sicily; Selected Poems of Giuseppe Ungaretti; Selected Writings of Salvatore Quasimodo; and David Maria Turoldo. Mandelbaum is co-editor with Robert Richardson Jr. of Three Centuries of American Poetry (Bantam Books) and, with Yehuda Amichai, of the eight volumes of the JPS Jewish Poetry Series. After receiving his Ph.D. from Columbia, he was in the Society of Fellows at Harvard. While chairman of the Ph.D. program in English at the Graduate Center of CUNY, he was a visiting professor at Washington University in St. Louis, and at the universities of Houston, Denver, Colorado, and Purdue. His honorary degrees are from Notre Dame University, Purdue University, the University of Assino, and the University of Torino. He received the Gold Medal of Honor from the city of Florence in 2000, celebrating the 735th anniversary of Dante's birth, the only translator to be so honored; and in 2003 he received the President of Italy's award for translation. He is now Professor of the History of Literary Criticism at the University of Turin and the W.R. Kenan Professor of Humanities at Wake Forest University. Book Dimension Height (mm) 177            Width (mm) 106",USD 5.95,9780553210415,0553210416 read,2009-03-28T18:40:29Z,10037,8.6,林达,平装,537,生活·读书·新知三联书店,西班牙旅行笔记,,"我们夫妇俩,叫丁林也罢,叫林达也罢,都不过是为了发表一些话非要一个名字不可时,起的一个名字。男的原来姓丁,女的名字里有一个林。通常都是女的写头一稿,所以仔细的人看得出有女性的痕迹。之所以不怎么“秀”,实在是没什么可“秀”的。读者诸君读了,觉得有道理,对那些故事留一个印象,我们就满足了;觉得没道理,骂一声,也没什么不可。 我们俩是中学同学,朱学勤先生文中提到的刘海生老师就是我们上海复兴中学的老师。 我们俩在黑龙江小兴安岭插过队,干农活,还放过马。后来回上海,男的是街道工人,女的干过几年建筑队木匠。文革结束进大学,学的都是“工科”。女的毕业后又考了研究生,师从陈从周先生。后来我们两人都在大学里工作,但不久就都辞职了。那是大概1987,88年的事情。此后就都在建筑工地上打工,当然,有点书本和技术底子,活儿比一般小工要轻得多,但是和工人们一起住工棚,却是当然的事。这样直到91年偶然的机会出国,机缘还是打工。 出国后,干的活在农业、仓库、建筑、运输等等的边缘,就是说,在老板手下你该干什么就得干什么。也上过一点课,很杂。读书,也很杂。“小贩”一说,还真是准确的说法。在各地小镇的地方节庆上,摆一个“摊”,卖小玩意儿,比如自己做的小东西,工艺品之类。相当于赶庙会。如此谋生不易,所以我们俩还得有一人维持一份固定的job,每天上班。如此谋生的好处是,走遍了南方的小镇,习惯了黑白红黄乡下人。 最怕的是,编辑在我们的“名字”旁注:学者。非得是学者才有credit吗?不是学者能不能有常识?我们早不是什么学者。我们俩手上都是有茧子的。 最近我们俩在忙于自己动手盖房子,改善居住条件。DIY在这儿非常普遍。杰米·卡特总统是我们州的人,他老先生就喜欢空下来做做木工活的。我们觉得这挺好,你说呢?",《西班牙旅行笔记》记述了作者在西班牙旅行的经历。面对西班牙既充满异域风情而又绚丽多彩的历史、艺术、人物和宫殿、教堂、城堡等文化精华,作者在描述其无与伦比的人文及艺术价值外,更把上千年来发生在这块土地上的故事一一糅进漫游的行程——使帝王将相、战火烽烟、山川景物,尤其是它走向现代国家的进程贯穿于全书,不但能让读者领略西班牙迷人的风貌。更能深入西班牙幽深的历史,洞悉它深刻而富于启示的社会演化过程。,49.00元,9787108026040,710802604X read,2009-03-22T10:02:32Z,8767,8.9,林达,平装,392,生活·读书·新知三联书店,如彗星划过夜空,,林达为两名作者合用的笔名。他们都于1952年出生在上海,1978年进入大学。现居美国。作品有“近距离看美国”系列:《历史深处的忧虑》、《总统是靠不住的》、《我也有一个梦想》,以及《带一本书去巴黎》。译著有《汉娜的手提箱》、《克拉拉的战争》、《盖比橱柜的秘密》等。,“近距离看美国”之四《如彗星划过夜空》,依旧是以书信形式来表达内容。全书主要分为两部分:一、通过记述发生在1787年美国费城制宪会议前后的一系列故事,梳理美国宪政民主从源头、发展到相对成熟和付诸实践的基本过程。作者循着制宪会议的进程,一步步讲述并层层推出对美国宪法中有关制度设计的思想土壤、历史机遇、基本理念的思考;描述出美国早期的思想家和政治家面对各种不同的思想观点,遵从游戏规则,于交锋和妥协中显示的政治智慧。同时也对美国宪政制度中可忧虑的问题和历史的局限等做了分析。,21.00元,9787108023803,7108023806 read,2009-03-20T20:03:22Z,11251,9.0,林达,平装,428,生活·读书·新知三联书店,我也有一个梦想,,林达为两名作者合用的笔名。他们都于1952年出生在上海,1978年进入大学。现居美国。作品有“近距离看美国”系列:《历史深处的忧虑》、《总统是靠不住的》、《我也有一个梦想》,以及《带一本书去巴黎》。译著有《汉娜的手提箱》、《克拉拉的战争》、《盖比橱柜的秘密》等。,本书通过精彩动人的故事,展示了美国种族问题相关联的,社会意识和法律演进史。介绍了在契约社会里,立法的民众基础,法律对人性的思考,法律的变化与社会理趟的关系等问题。通过作者的叙述,读者能够看到,在法治国家里,民众,尤其是弱势人群怎样运用法律,经过长期抗争,取得自身权益,并由此推动社会认识的深化,使整个国家在消除不公正的历史进程中取得稳定的进步。,25.00元,9787108012715,7108012715 read,2009-03-18T08:11:33Z,3958,9.0,张乐平,平装24开,120,同济大学出版社,三毛从军记全集,,,,2.80元,9787560806242,7560806244 read,2009-03-15T09:23:22Z,15136,8.8,林达,平装,428,生活·读书·新知三联书店,总统是靠不住的,,林达为两名作者合用的笔名。他们都于1952年出生在上海,1978年进入大学。现居美国。作品有“近距离看美国”系列:《历史深处的忧虑》、《总统是靠不住的》、《我也有一个梦想》,以及《带一本书去巴黎》。译著有《汉娜的手提箱》、《克拉拉的战争》、《盖比橱柜的秘密》等。,本书是《历史深处的忧虑――近距离看美国》的姊妹篇,作者继续以信件的形式,从“美国总统是什么?”这样一个问题开始,用一连串的故事,层层铺排出美国政治法律制度的基本原理和操作细节,使读者更深刻地了解美国是如何在自身的制度系统中,通过“平衡和制约”去实施对权力的监督和限制。,21.80,9787108011367,7108011360 read,2009-03-11T16:44:17Z,29315,9.0,林达,平装,320,生活·读书·新知三联书店,历史深处的忧虑,,林达为两名作者合用的笔名。他们都于1952年出生在上海,1978年进入大学。现居美国。作品有“近距离看美国”系列:《历史深处的忧虑》、《总统是靠不住的》、《我也有一个梦想》,以及《带一本书去巴黎》。译著有《汉娜的手提箱》、《克拉拉的战争》、《盖比橱柜的秘密》等。,"美国的面积和中国差不多。和大多数留学生及新移民一样,当我们一脚踏上这块广袤的陌生土地时,最初落脚点的选择是十分偶然的。我们落在了一个普通的地方,居住的环境平常而宁静。周围的美国人老老少少都在辛勤劳作,过着普通得不能再普通的生活。要想谋出一番好的光景,对他们也不是一件轻而易举的事情。 还来不及作任何思索,新移民所面临的生活压力就立即把我们投入了同样的辛勤劳作之中。这样,我们和周围的普通美国人之间,自然就有了共同谋生而产生的共同语言,也有了共同的经历,共同的喜怒哀乐。不少美国人还成了我们的好朋友。我们无形中发现,美国已经渐渐地从一堆抽象的概念中走出来,变成了脚下实实在在的土地,变成了一片片森林牧场,变成了一个一个美国人。 我们也有过被称之为“边缘人”的苦闷。我们显然不可能在进入这一块国土的同时,就在一瞬间也进入它的文化,而原来的文化背景又由于天长地远而渐显陌生。在实际生活中,两种截然不同的文化,会经常骤然直率地在我们面前相遇碰撞,一开始真有无所适从亦无可躲避的窘迫。然而,时间长了,我们开始对“边缘人”的处境逐渐坦然,甚至悟出了些什么。冷静下来,我们发现自己第一次能够这样坐在一个安静的地方,同时和两个文化保持一个不远也不近的距离,它们不仅开始有可能化为一片风景,而且第一次向我们呈现出前所未有的意义。 “边缘人”的苦恼在新移民中十分普遍,它只是两个强势文化聚焦在一个小人物身上而产生的悲剧性效应。我们庆幸自己能够脱身出来。但是,我们的处境使我们不可能不想到,作为一个夹缝中的移民,尚且感受到矛盾与压力,那么,当这两种文化两个大国真的正面遭遇,彼此实际上是多么陌生和困惑,说是危机四伏似乎也并不过分。我们所处的位置,使我们有可能更多地看到它们的差异。我们发现,它们不仅有各自圆满的价值体系,甚至有各自不同的语汇、语境和逻辑。有时,从一个大前提出发,顺着各自的逻辑走去,竟会走出风马牛不相及的结果来。在这样的基础上,对话只可能显得痛苦而吃力。 因此,好像在作出举手相迎或严辞相拒的决定之前,还有一段相当艰苦而漫长的互相了解的路必须去走。否则,轻易称“是”显得没有根据,动辄言“不”也容易文不对题。更何况,历史已经规定了它们不可能永远回避。它们都已尝试过这样做,但是,眼看着毫无结果,于是,它们又试图相互走近。有时,如果不暂时和自己的习惯思维方式生生拉开一段距离,就无法在相互了解的路上走出一步。 我们则是以一个普通新移民的身份去了解这个陌生的国家。既来之则安之,这也是我们的必由之路,我们也别无选择。 美国不是一个善于遮羞的国家,它投出一片阳光,就落下一片阴影。它全部的阴影都毫无遮掩地暴露在所有的人面前,哪怕你是一个陌生人。所以,即使是像我们这样的平常外来者,也会一眼就看出~大堆毛病来。但是我们马上就明白自己必须从沾沾自喜中醒来,因为后来很快发现,这并不见得就~定是自己比美国人更高明且目光更敏锐。他们似乎也很清楚有这么一片阴影,他们只是迫不得已在承认一个简单的道理,如果你追求阳光,你就躲不开身后的阴影。我们开始奇怪,美国人在容忍这片阴影的时候(这种容忍常常使他们痛苦不堪),什么是他们心中不熄的光明呢?他们在寻求着什么,以至于不惜支付出沉重的代价呢?对于我们,这真是一个问题。在了解它的过程中,我们对这个历史短短的陌生国家产生了与日俱增的兴趣。 根据自己作为一个平民的经验,我们发现,了解的第一步就是简单的交往。不论一个大国看上去有着多么坚硬的外壳,它的人民都是一个个平平常常,而再大的大国也就是这些平常人组成的。当人民成为朋友,交流变成友谊,相互了解自然就开始了。任何一方,能以更宽广的视角去看这个世界, 总是一件好事情。 去年,我们逐渐给自己在国内的好朋友写了这些信。希望能和朋友们分享我们的所读所见所闻所思。在此,衷心感谢三联书店的编辑和所有帮助这本书出版的朋友。",19.00元,9787108010186,7108010186 read,2009-03-09T21:54:50Z,4,0.0,"Shaara, Michael",HRD,368,Ballantine Books,The Killer Angels,,,"After more than a quarter of a century and three million copies in print, Michael Shaara's Pulitzer Prize-winning Civil War classic, ""The"" ""Killer Angels,"" remains as vivid and powerful as the day it was originally published. This handsome new hardcover edition introduces a whole new generation to Shaara's masterpiece-and offers readers everywhere a literary keepsake for years to come. July 1863. The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia is invading the North. General Robert E. Lee has made this daring and massive move with seventy thousand men in a determined effort to draw out the Union Army of the Potomac and mortally wound it. His right hand is General James Longstreet, a brooding man who is loyal to Lee but stubbornly argues against his plan. Opposing them is an unknown factor: General George Meade, who has taken command of the Army only two days before what will be perhaps the crucial battle of the Civil War. In the four most bloody and courageous days of our nation's history, two armies fight for two conflicting dreams. One dreams of freedom, the other of a way of life. More than rifles and bullets are carried into battle. The soldiers carry memories. Promises. Love. And more than men fall on those Pennsylvania fields. Bright futures, untested innocence, and pristine beauty are also the casualties of war. ""The Killer Angels"" is unique, sweeping, unforgettable-a dramatic re-creation of the battleground for America's destiny.",$ 29.32,9780345444127,0345444124 read,2009-02-26T22:10:00Z,1309,8.3,Steven D. Levitt; Stephen J. Dubner,Hardcover,256,William Morrow,Freakonomics,,,"Economics is not widely considered to be one of the sexier sciences. The annual Nobel Prize winner in that field never receives as much publicity as his or her compatriots in peace, literature, or physics. But if such slights are based on the notion that economics is dull, or that economists are concerned only with finance itself, Steven D. Levitt will change some minds. In Freakonomics (written with Stephen J. Dubner), Levitt argues that many apparent mysteries of everyday life don't need to be so mysterious: they could be illuminated and made even more fascinating by asking the right questions and drawing connections. For example, Levitt traces the drop in violent crime rates to a drop in violent criminals and, digging further, to the Roe v. Wade decision that preempted the existence of some people who would be born to poverty and hardship. Elsewhere, by analyzing data gathered from inner-city Chicago drug-dealing gangs, Levitt outlines a corporate structure much like McDonald's, where the top bosses make great money while scores of underlings make something below minimum wage. And in a section that may alarm or relieve worried parents, Levitt argues that parenting methods don't really matter much and that a backyard swimming pool is much more dangerous than a gun. These enlightening chapters are separated by effusive passages from Dubner's 2003 profile of Levitt in The New York Times Magazine, which led to the book being written. In a book filled with bold logic, such back-patting veers Freakonomics, however briefly, away from what Levitt actually has to say. Although maybe there's a good economic reason for that too, and we're just not getting it yet. --John Moe",USD 25.95,9780060731328,006073132X read,2009-02-21T17:31:55Z,3389,8.4,(法)小仲马,精装,208,译林出版社,茶花女,,,本书系世界文学名著,曾以小说、话剧、歌剧三种形式出版和演出,三者都以其不朽的艺术价值成为传世佳作。小说描写青年阿尔芒与巴黎名妓玛格丽特热恋。正当她决定变卖家俱以便同恋人开始新的生活之际,却遭到阿尔芒悲痛万分……小说以细腻的笔触,把一个名妓的复杂心态,描写得淋漓尽致,令人读后不禁卷沉思。,10.00元,9787805672397,7805672393 wish,2009-02-12T11:22:26Z,16,7.5,Salman Rushdie,Paperback,576,Random House Trade Paperbacks,The Satanic Verses,,,"One of the most controversial and acclaimed novels ever written, The Satanic Verses is Salman Rushdie’s best-known and most galvanizing book. Set in a modern world filled with both mayhem and miracles, the story begins with a bang: the terrorist bombing of a London-bound jet in midflight. Two Indian actors of opposing sensibilities fall to earth, transformed into living symbols of what is angelic and evil. This is just the initial act in a magnificent odyssey that seamlessly merges the actual with the imagined. A book whose importance is eclipsed only by its quality, The Satanic Verses is a key work of our times.",USD 16.00,9780812976717,0812976711 read,2009-02-05T15:27:10Z,747,8.1,[美] 达莱尔·哈夫,平装,137,上海财经大学出版社,统计陷阱,,,"《统计陷阱》是美国统计学家达莱尔·哈夫的名著,自1954年出版至今,多次重印,被译为多种文字,影响深远。 在日常的经济生活中,我们将接触到越来越多的统计数据和资料,例如各种证券信息、投资可行性研究报告、公司财务报告等,这些资料、数据如何去伪存真,如何进行鉴别?这本《统计陷阱》回答了这些问题。",14.00元,9787810497428,7810497421 wish,2009-02-05T14:28:09Z,1901,9.1,William Strunk Jr.; E. B. White,Paperback,105,Longman,"The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition",,,"这是一本薄薄的小书。首版于1918年由纽约一家出版社出版。作者William Strunk,康耐尔大学英语教授,E.B.怀特对此书加以了修正。此书短小精悍,容量巨大。涵盖了母语英语的人写作和用法上常出的错误,也清晰地解释了一些语法书中很难找到的语言现象。虽然是为说英语的学生所写,但对于任何需要进一步了解英文用法,进而学习书写英文的人,这本书必不可少的。",USD 9.95,9780205309023,020530902X wish,2009-02-05T14:00:43Z,9,0.0,C Radhakrishna Rao,Paperback,210,Wspc,Statistics And Truth,,,"This book deals with the philosophical and methodological aspects of information technology and the collection and analysis of data to provide insight into a problem, whether it is scientific research, policy making by government or decision making in our daily lives. The author seeks to dispels the doubts that chance is an expression of our ignorance which makes accurate prediction impossible and illustrates how our thinking has changed with quantification of uncertainty by showing that chance is no longer the obstructor but a way of expressing our knowledge. Indeed, chance can create and help in the investigation of truth. This theory is eloquently demonstrated with numerous examples of applications that statistics is the science, technology and art of extracting information from data and is based on a study of the laws of chance. It shows how statistical ideas played a vital role in scientific and other investigations even before statistics was recognized as a separate discipline, and how statistics is now evolving as a versatile, powerful and inevitable tool in diverse fields of human endeavour such as literature, legal matters, industry, archaeology and medicine. The use of statistics to the layman in improving the quality of life through wise decision-making is emphasized.",USD 52.00,9789810231118,9810231113 read,2009-02-01T17:59:28Z,9262,9.1,,平装,NA,少年儿童出版社,十万个为什么,,暂缺,内容包括天文、地理、生物、医学、物理、化学、数学、文学……包罗万象。是了解这个世界各种现象的通天大道。,,,SH13024-22 read,2009-01-28T19:56:58Z,27,7.4,左拉,平装,288,人民文学出版社,爱情一叶,,埃米尔•左拉(Émile Zola,1840—1902),19世纪后半期法国重要的批判现实主义作家,自然主义文学理论的主要倡导者。他主张以科学实验方法从事文学创作,按生物学定律描写人,无动于衷地记录现实生活的一切方面。他强调深入体察社会,大量掌握生活素材,一生写成数十部长篇小说,代表作为《卢贡—马卡尔家族》系列作品,《娜娜》《萌芽》等。,"埃莱娜是名寡妇,她的爱女雅娜体弱多病,在雅娜一次疾病发作时,亨利医生让其起死回生。在照料雅娜的过程中,埃莱娜和亨利也互生情愫,但亨利其实是有妇之夫,他们的理性没有战胜对彼此的情欲。最终雅娜还是急病夭亡,埃莱娜认为这是上帝对其行为的惩罚,于是结束了这段情感再婚后离开巴黎,在无尽的悔恨和回忆中度过余生。 左拉是十九世纪后半期法国重要的批判现实主义作家,以及自然主义文学流派的领袖。这部《爱情一叶》和他其他真实再现当时社会环境和社会矛盾的作品不同,这是“一些崭新的东西”。根据左拉自己的说法,在《小酒店》《娜娜》出版之间,他需要一次感情上的“幕间休息”,“希望在一位正派女人身上挖掘一种情欲冲动,一种爱情,它骤然来了,又不留痕迹地过去了”。我们似乎可以看到一个隐蔽的左拉,一个浪漫主义的左拉,但我们同样也能看到作品中潜伏着的左拉其他小说中的深沉力量。",45.00,9787806572276,7806572279 read,2009-01-23T10:52:54Z,16,7.4,KARL,简裝本,318,高等教育出版社,产品设计与开发,,,"《产品设计与开发(第3版)(翻译版)》原版是由宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院副教授Karl T.Ulrich与麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院教授Steven D.Eppinger合作编写,由湖南大学詹涵菁翻译为中文版。《产品设计与开发(第3版)(翻译版)》将市场研究,工业设计、生产制造三方面有机地贯穿为一体,为产品的设计与开发提供了一条清晰而完整的思路,对全面理解产品的设计与开发过程有十分重要的意义。书中的每一种理论和方法均有具体的实例来加以说明,使原来枯燥乏味的理论阐述变得生动形象。《产品设计与开发(第3版)(翻译版)》可作为工业设计专业产品开发与设计课程的教材,也可作为机械及电气信息类等工程专业,MBA和设计管理方向研究生的教材。 为了满足双语教学的需要,《产品设计与开发(第3版)(翻译版)》的影印版也由高等教育出版社出版。",26.30元,9787040166057,7040166054 read,2009-01-23T10:52:35Z,3,0.0,迈克尔E.哈特斯利,简裝本,316,机械工业出版社,管理沟通,,,"所有管理者都必须有效沟通才能成功,哈特斯利和麦克詹妮特合著的《管理沟通:原理与实践》正是您的首选,其涵盖内容远远超出有效的演说和协作等核心技能。本教科书把学生置于在现实商务与管理情境中的决策制定者与沟通者的地位。本书特点是:(1)内容完整,包括电子沟通、公司道德、受众分析、跨文化沟通等;(2)更新了案例,为学生提供实战锻炼的机会;(3)各章目标提前,便于学生切实把握目标的重要性。 本书适合于高年级本科生和MBA学生,也可供商务和企业管理人员参考。",37.00元,9787111149972,7111149971 wish,2009-01-21T11:21:50Z,49,8.1,Philip Roth,Hardcover,192,Houghton Mifflin,Everyman,,,"""I'm thirty-four! Worry about oblivion, he told himself, when you're seventy-five."" Philip Roth's new novel is a fiercely intimate yet universal story of loss, regret, and stoicism. The best-selling author of The Plot Against America now turns his attention from ""one family's harrowing encounter with history"" (New York Times) to one man's lifelong confrontation with mortality. Roth's everyman is a hero whose youthful sense of independence and confidence begins to be challenged when illness commences its attack in middle age. A successful commercial advertising artist, he is the father of two sons who despise him and a daughter who adores him. He is the brother of a good man whose physical well-being comes to arouse his bitter envy. He is the lonely ex-husband of three very different women with whom he has made a mess of marriage. Inevitably, he discovers that he has become what he does not want to be. Roth has been hailed as ""the most compelling of living writers . . . [His] every book is like a dispatch from the deepest recesses of the national mind.""* In Everyman, Roth once again displays his hallmark incisiveness. From his first glimpse of death on the idyllic beaches of his childhood summers, through his vigorous, seemingly invincible prime, Roth's hero is a man bewildered not only by his own decline but by the unimaginable deaths of his contemporaries and those he has loved. The terrain of this haunting novel is the human body. Its subject is the common experience that terrifies us all.",USD 24.00,9780618735167,061873516X read,2009-01-10T22:01:42Z,36,8.5,Jerome K. Jerome,Pap,150,1-85326,Three Men in a Boat,,,"Edited, Introduced and Annotated by Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English, University of Sussex. Three Men in a Boat is a comic classic. When it first appeared in 1889 it became a best seller, and has remained popular ever since. This motley novel has not only been translated into many languages but has also been staged, filmed, televised and imitated. The adventures and misfortunes on the Thames of the three English friends and their pugnacious dog, Montmorency, provide rich humour, shrewd observations, lyrical reflections, and, predominantly, genially ironic perceptions of human fallibility. The sequel, Three Men on the Bummel, reunites the three friends for their 'Bummel' ('roaming or wandering') through Germany. The results vary from the seductively titillating to the outrageously farcical; and subsequent history has laden the narrative with ironies. COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED",29.85元,9781853260513,1853260517 read,2008-12-22T09:07:41Z,5,0.0,Debbie Stone; Caroline Jarrett; Mark Woodroffe; Shailey Minocha,Paperback,704,Morgan Kaufmann,User Interface Design and Evaluation,,,"Whether you are a professional new to the user-centered design field, or an experienced designer who needs to learn the fundamentals of user interface design and evaluation, this book can lead the way. What will you get from this book? Based on a course from the Open University, UK which has been taught to over a thousand professionals and students, this book presents an overview of the field. It illustrates the benefits of a user-centered approach to the design of software, computer systems, and web sites, and provides a clear and practical discussion of requirements gathering; developing interaction design from user requirements; and, user interface evaluation. The book's coverage includes established HCI topics - for example, visibility, affordance, feedback, metaphors, mental models, and the like - combined with practical guidelines for contemporary designs and current trends, which makes for a winning combination. You get a clear presentation of ideas, illustrations of concepts, using real-world applications. This book will help you develop all the skills necessary for iterative user-centered design, and provides a firm foundation for user interface design and evaluation on which to build. This work covers the design of graphical user interfaces, web sites, and interfaces for embedded systems. It covers full color production, with activities, projects, hundreds of illustrations, and industrial applications. A supporting web site includes sample exam paper, numerous activities to practice the concepts learned, and a set of review questions to test your own learning - plus web resources.",USD 80.95,9780120884360,0120884364 read,2008-12-22T08:41:24Z,157,8.0,拉伯雷,精装(无盘),1144,上海译文出版社,巨人传,,,《巨人传(珍藏本)》横扫贵族文学矫揉造作的文风,给当时的文坛带来生动活泼、贴近生活、雅俗共赏的清新空气。,40.20,9787532709250,7532709256 read,2008-12-15T12:43:07Z,151,8.5,儒勒·凡尔纳,平装,327,中国青年出版社,气球上的五星期,,"儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生于法国西部海港南特,他在构成市区一部分的劳阿尔河上的菲伊德岛生活学习到中学毕业。父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。但是凡尔纳自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。11岁时,他曾志愿上船当见习生,远航印度,结果被家人发现接回了家。为此凡尔纳挨了一顿狠揍,并躺在床上流着泪保证:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。 18岁时,他遵父嘱,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次,凡尔纳自一场晚会早退,下楼时他忽然童心大发,沿楼梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖绅士身上。凡尔纳非常尴尬,道歉之后随口询问对方吃饭没有,对方回答说刚吃过南特炒鸡蛋。凡尔纳听罢摇头,声称巴黎根本没有正宗的南特炒鸡蛋,因为他即南特人而且拿手此菜。胖绅士闻言大喜,诚邀凡尔纳登门献艺。二人友谊从此开始,并一度合写戏剧,为凡尔纳走上创作之路创造了有利条件。这位胖绅士的名字是大仲马。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,并失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。他十分欣赏雨果、巴尔扎克、大仲马和英国的莎士比亚。在巴黎,他创作了20个剧本(未出版)和一些充满浪漫激情的诗歌。 后来,凡尔纳与大仲马合作创作了剧本《折断的麦秆》并得以上演,这标志着凡尔纳在文学界取得了初步的成功。在继续创作的过程中,凡尔纳感到文学创作似乎缺乏出路,而且他发现当时文坛上的人都在找出路,都在试图把其他领域的知识融进戏剧。比如大仲马是将历史学融进文学,而巴尔扎克则把社会伦理学融进文学……这时凡尔纳发现,只剩下地理学还没有被开发。 于是凡尔纳利用一年的时间进行试验,创作出《冰川上面过冬》等作品,但未发表。 1856年,凡尔纳乘火车来到北部城市亚眠,遇到一名带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,一见钟情并求婚,继而结婚。接着凡尔纳搬家过去,从此开始认真创作。其时29岁。 凡尔纳创作出《气球上的五星期》后,16家出版社无人理睬,愤然投入火中,被妻子抢救出来,送入第17家出版社后被出版。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。黑格尔与凡尔纳签订合同,一年为其出版两本科幻小说。 《气球上的五星期》出版之后,凡尔纳的创作进入了一个多方面的探索时期,他试验多种写法,朝多种方向进行探索,一发不可收拾。每年出版两本,总标题为《奇异的旅行》,包括《地心游记》《从地球到月球》《环绕月球》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等等,囊括了陆地、海洋和天空……此后探索停止,开始成熟,进入平稳的发展时期,创作出《80天环绕地球》《太阳系历险记》《两年假期》等优秀作品。随着声望的增高,凡尔纳的财富也在迅速增长。 凡尔纳的晚年不是十分幸福,创作减少并进入衰弱期,其《卡尔巴阡的古堡》有一定的自传性,表现了生活中隐秘的侧面。 1905年3月17日凡尔纳出现偏瘫,24日失去知觉,25日晨8:00去世。 1905年3月28日大出殡,全世界纷纷电唁,悼念这位伟大的科幻作家。 凡尔纳的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,又能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情,所以一百多年来,一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。据联合国教科文组织的资料表明,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的十大名家之一。 凡尔纳是一个非常优秀的通俗小说作家,有一种能够把自己的幻觉变得能够触摸的本领,其感觉是全方位的,从平淡的文学中传达出某种人类的热情。但凡尔纳的小说中人物除了少数几个外都是一模一样的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是脸谱化的简单的好人坏人,没有什么心理活动;从其作品人物性别单一化上还可看出他对女人的偏见,隐隐流露出深受其苦的心态。此外凡尔纳的作品中充满了明显的社会倾向,是一个爱国者(法国人最好)、民族解放主义者(支持被压迫民族斗争),在某种程度上是一个无政府主义者(从某些作品中表现出无秩序者),最后还是一个银河帝国主义者(有缔造宇宙帝国的欲望)。 凡尔纳的作品里充满了知识,但他本人却是一名宇宙神秘主义者,对世界有一种神秘的崇拜。在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。 但总的来说,凡尔纳的尝试仍然是伟大的。他写的虽然都是平凡小事,但读后仍使我们激动不已。正如1884年教皇在接见他时曾说:“我并不是不知道您的作品的科学价值,但我最珍重的却是它们的纯洁、道德价值和精神力量。” 儒勒·凡尔纳作品集 《八十天环游地球》 《海底两万里》 《格兰特船长的儿女》 《环绕月球》 《神秘岛》 《世界主宰者》 《米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫》 《气球上的五星期》 《空中历险记》 《墨西哥的“幽灵”》 《佐奇瑞大师》 《牛博士》 《一个在冰雪中度过的冬天》 《征服者罗比尔》 《两年假期》 《从地球到月球》 《八十天环绕地球》 《奥兰情游》 《升D先生和降E小姐》 《隐身新娘》 《昂梯菲尔奇遇记》 《大海入侵》 《烽火岛》 《太阳系历险记》 《巴尔萨克考察队的惊险遭遇》 《哈特拉斯船长历险记》 《大木筏》 《喀尔巴阡古堡》 《金火山》 《鲁滨逊叔叔》 《多瑙河领航员》 《鲁滨逊学校》 《马丁·帕兹》 《旅行基金》 《漂逝的半岛》 《桑道夫伯爵》 《黑印度》 《南非洲历险记》 《突破封锁》 《沙皇的邮件》 《印度贵妇的五亿法郎》 《小把戏》 《迎着三色旗》","《气球上的五星期》是法国著名作家儒勒·凡尔纳的第一部科幻长篇小说,也是他的成名作。十九世纪上半叶,许多探险家、地理学家、旅行家对非洲这片广袤的大陆进行了艰辛的探险,留下了许多珍贵的资料和地图。但是由于自然的障碍和人为的困难,都无法深入非洲内地。英国探险旅行家弗格森博士决定针对前人探险的成果,对非洲地区的未知地带再次进行考察。他想出个大胆的计划,乘气球横越非洲。旅行的一切准备工作做好了,费尔久逊博士带着他的朋友凯乃第和仆人乔,从非洲东岸桑给巴尔出发,经过五星期劳累和惊险的生活,终于横贯非洲大陆到达非洲西岸法国在塞内加尔河的属地,从而完成了前人未竞的探险行程。 书中对非洲大陆的风景描写十分生动细腻,高山大海、沼泽洼地、沙漠河流,还有火山等热带地貌在小说中全部都有所涉及;猴面包树、无花果树、金合欢树、罗望子树等热带植物真是千奇百怪;大象、河马、鳄鱼、秃鹫、豹子、鬣狗等热带动物应有尽有,还有与野人、猴子斗智斗勇的惊心动魄的场面,这些都不禁使人浮想联翩,产生去非洲冒险旅行的冲动。 热气球是他们乘坐的交通工具,即使对今天的中国读者来说,它也是一个比较陌生的事物,而书中主人公早在19世纪上半叶已经想到了用它来当做探险的工具,更有趣的是,作者连气球的复杂结构也通过主人公详细地介绍给了读者,可见该书作者广博的知识和极其丰富的想像力。新奇的交通工具加上美丽的风景增添了该书的趣味性。 书中也体现了人与人之间的友谊和关怀:三位旅行家曾经不顾生命危险救了一位法国传教士;当气球快要坠入乍得湖的时候,为了让气球再次升起来,乔奋不顾身地跳入湖中,挽救了两位同伴的性命;而当乔在撒哈拉大沙漠逃命的时候,肯尼迪的一枪也将乔从野蛮民族那里挽救了回来。这种互爱互助的精神在当今个性张扬的时代是非常值得我们珍惜和发扬的。 《气球上的五星期》创作完后,凡尔纳先后给十六家出版社投稿,然而却无人欣赏他的作品,他愤然将书稿投入火中,被妻子及时抢救了出来,书稿送入第十七家出版社后才被接受。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。这部小说充分展现了凡尔纳高超的写作技巧、极其丰富的知识和收集资料的非凡能力。",6.40,9787500609032,7500609035 read,2008-12-13T23:39:19Z,282,8.0,儒勒.凡尔纳(法),平装,522,中国青年出版社,十五岁的船长,,,捕鲸船浪子号在南极圈完成捕鲸作业后,开到新西兰,搭乘了船主的妻子恢尔顿夫人和她五岁的儿子亚克、表兄拜蒂克特以及一个黑人女仆安娜回美国。船上除了胡尔船长外,还有五名水手和一名见习水手,以及一个临时雇来的厨师尼古鲁。浪子号在航行途中救起了一艘遇难货船上的五个黑人和一条大狗。但是后来胡尔船长和五名水手因为追捕一条鲸鱼而全部遇难。十五岁的见习水手迪克。桑德成了浪子号的船长。他英勇机智,率领全船人员战胜了惊涛骇浪,但船上的厨师尼古鲁实际是个奴隶贩子,他趁机改变了罗盘针指示的方向,使船在人烟稀少的非洲海岸触礁失事。尼古鲁与黑奴贩子哈里斯串通,把船上人员全部骗入非洲内地。但是迪克。桑德和大家互相帮助,经历了千辛万苦,终于一起回到了美国。,18.70,9787500609025,7500609027 read,2008-12-08T19:52:53Z,182,8.3,儒勒·凡尔纳,平装,213,中国青年出版社,从地球到月球,,"儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生于法国西部海港南特,他在构成市区一部分的劳阿尔河上的菲伊德岛生活学习到中学毕业。父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。但是凡尔纳自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。11岁时,他曾志愿上船当见习生,远航印度,结果被家人发现接回了家。为此凡尔纳挨了一顿狠揍,并躺在床上流着泪保证:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。 18岁时,他遵父嘱,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次,凡尔纳自一场晚会早退,下楼时他忽然童心大发,沿楼梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖绅士身上。凡尔纳非常尴尬,道歉之后随口询问对方吃饭没有,对方回答说刚吃过南特炒鸡蛋。凡尔纳听罢摇头,声称巴黎根本没有正宗的南特炒鸡蛋,因为他即南特人而且拿手此菜。胖绅士闻言大喜,诚邀凡尔纳登门献艺。二人友谊从此开始,并一度合写戏剧,为凡尔纳走上创作之路创造了有利条件。这位胖绅士的名字是大仲马。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,并失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。他十分欣赏雨果、巴尔扎克、大仲马和英国的莎士比亚。在巴黎,他创作了20个剧本(未出版)和一些充满浪漫激情的诗歌。 后来,凡尔纳与大仲马合作创作了剧本《折断的麦秆》并得以上演,这标志着凡尔纳在文学界取得了初步的成功。在继续创作的过程中,凡尔纳感到文学创作似乎缺乏出路,而且他发现当时文坛上的人都在找出路,都在试图把其他领域的知识融进戏剧。比如大仲马是将历史学融进文学,而巴尔扎克则把社会伦理学融进文学……这时凡尔纳发现,只剩下地理学还没有被开发。 于是凡尔纳利用一年的时间进行试验,创作出《冰川上面过冬》等作品,但未发表。 1856年,凡尔纳乘火车来到北部城市亚眠,遇到一名带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,一见钟情并求婚,继而结婚。接着凡尔纳搬家过去,从此开始认真创作。其时29岁。 凡尔纳创作出《气球上的五星期》后,16家出版社无人理睬,愤然投入火中,被妻子抢救出来,送入第17家出版社后被出版。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。黑格尔与凡尔纳签订合同,一年为其出版两本科幻小说。 《气球上的五星期》出版之后,凡尔纳的创作进入了一个多方面的探索时期,他试验多种写法,朝多种方向进行探索,一发不可收拾。每年出版两本,总标题为《奇异的旅行》,包括《地心游记》《从地球到月球》《环绕月球》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等等,囊括了陆地、海洋和天空……此后探索停止,开始成熟,进入平稳的发展时期,创作出《80天环绕地球》《太阳系历险记》《两年假期》等优秀作品。随着声望的增高,凡尔纳的财富也在迅速增长。 凡尔纳的晚年不是十分幸福,创作减少并进入衰弱期,其《卡尔巴阡的古堡》有一定的自传性,表现了生活中隐秘的侧面。 1905年3月17日凡尔纳出现偏瘫,24日失去知觉,25日晨8:00去世。 1905年3月28日大出殡,全世界纷纷电唁,悼念这位伟大的科幻作家。 凡尔纳的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,又能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情,所以一百多年来,一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。据联合国教科文组织的资料表明,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的十大名家之一。 凡尔纳是一个非常优秀的通俗小说作家,有一种能够把自己的幻觉变得能够触摸的本领,其感觉是全方位的,从平淡的文学中传达出某种人类的热情。但凡尔纳的小说中人物除了少数几个外都是一模一样的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是脸谱化的简单的好人坏人,没有什么心理活动;从其作品人物性别单一化上还可看出他对女人的偏见,隐隐流露出深受其苦的心态。此外凡尔纳的作品中充满了明显的社会倾向,是一个爱国者(法国人最好)、民族解放主义者(支持被压迫民族斗争),在某种程度上是一个无政府主义者(从某些作品中表现出无秩序者),最后还是一个银河帝国主义者(有缔造宇宙帝国的欲望)。 凡尔纳的作品里充满了知识,但他本人却是一名宇宙神秘主义者,对世界有一种神秘的崇拜。在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。 但总的来说,凡尔纳的尝试仍然是伟大的。他写的虽然都是平凡小事,但读后仍使我们激动不已。正如1884年教皇在接见他时曾说:“我并不是不知道您的作品的科学价值,但我最珍重的却是它们的纯洁、道德价值和精神力量。” 儒勒·凡尔纳作品集 《八十天环游地球》 《海底两万里》 《格兰特船长的儿女》 《环绕月球》 《神秘岛》 《世界主宰者》 《米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫》 《气球上的五星期》 《空中历险记》 《墨西哥的“幽灵”》 《佐奇瑞大师》 《牛博士》 《一个在冰雪中度过的冬天》 《征服者罗比尔》 《两年假期》 《从地球到月球》 《八十天环绕地球》 《奥兰情游》 《升D先生和降E小姐》 《隐身新娘》 《昂梯菲尔奇遇记》 《大海入侵》 《烽火岛》 《太阳系历险记》 《巴尔萨克考察队的惊险遭遇》 《哈特拉斯船长历险记》 《大木筏》 《喀尔巴阡古堡》 《金火山》 《鲁滨逊叔叔》 《多瑙河领航员》 《鲁滨逊学校》 《马丁·帕兹》 《旅行基金》 《漂逝的半岛》 《桑道夫伯爵》 《黑印度》 《南非洲历险记》 《突破封锁》 《沙皇的邮件》 《印度贵妇的五亿法郎》 《小把戏》 《迎着三色旗》","美国南北战争结束后,巴尔的摩城大炮俱乐部(这是大炮发明家的俱乐部)。主席巴比康提议向月球发射一颗炮弹,建立地球与月球之间的联系。法国冒险家米歇尔·阿当获悉这一消息后,建议造一颗空心炮弹,他准备乘这颗炮弹到月球去探险。 巴比康、米歇尔·阿当和尼却尔船长克服了种种困难,终于在一八**年十二月一日乘这颗炮弹出发了。但是他们没有到达目的地,炮弹并没有在月球上着陆,却在离月球二千八百英里的地方绕月运行。 这三位冒险家的命运如何呢?据剑桥天文台的观测,只有两种可能:月球的引力征服了这颗炮弹,旅行家们最后到达目的地;另一种可能是炮弹被束缚在一个固定的轨道上,永远绕月球运行。",8.20元,9787500609674,7500609671 read,2008-09-12T23:03:56Z,205,9.2,梅里美,平装,488,人民文学出版社,梅里美小说选,,,,1.20,,SH10019-2967 read,2008-09-12T22:59:44Z,67,8.9,钟玲等,平装,192,辽宁教育出版社,贝塔斯曼亚洲出版公司,天气,,,"什么是露点?怎样测定雷电的距离?什么叫臭氧洞?为什么天气很难预测?《天气》会回答您这些问题和其他一些有关问题、它饶有兴趣地向读者介绍了大自然神奇威力方面的各种使人感兴趣的信息。 《天气》为您指出了一条“通向未知之路”。本书的编写和出版得到权威人士的支持和参与,它超越了一般性的泛泛指导,把技艺精湛的实地景物、妙趣横生的背景及现实指导有机地结合起来,使人读起来赏心悦目。编者用艺术家的手笔在书中穿插了 300多幅精美的彩色照片和插图,以展示专业气象学家提供的最新信息、这是一本便于携带、内容丰富且含有大量原始资料、对您大有裨益的手册。 《天气》的内容主要包括以下三个方面: ●天气是怎样形成的可视作是一部天气基本原理的入门篇,着重 介绍了太阳、地球和大气的相互作用原理、气压、气温和湿度的变 化规律等,此外还描述了锋和风暴,包括飓风、暴风雪及龙卷风的 内在规律. ●世界天气阐明了世界的七种气候带,并从地球运行的角度、火 山的喷发、温室效应等方面全方位地剖析了气候变化的原因。 ●天气的奇观解释了分析、预报天气的方法,并介绍了所需的基 本设备及其操作规程,对云彩及视觉天象、诸如彩虹、北极光等也 做了详细地说明。 该书展由几位知名专家编著的,他们是加拿大环境所资深的气候学家大卫・菲利普,俄克拉何马州诺曼城国家海洋和大气局国家大风暴实验室研究气象学家罗纳德・霍利,美国气象协会获准咨询气象学家迈克尔・莫格尔,天气频道气象学家、蒙特利尔北克大学地球科学系副教授琼・皮埃尔・布朗谢。",37.50,9787538258288,7538258280 read,2008-09-12T22:59:18Z,171,8.6,阿尔丰斯・都德,精装(无盘),188,译林出版社,磨坊书简,,在法国南方普罗旺斯省阿尔镇郊外的一座山冈上,有一间荒废了20年的磨坊。站在这里,普罗旺斯的美丽景致尽收眼底:阳光下的松林,远处的阿尔卑斯山峰,寂静中突然传来的木笛声、驴子的铃声、鸟的啼声,这是与喧闹的巴黎截然不同的环境。法国作家都德一入冬就到这儿休憩,他看到明亮而富有野趣的自然,听见爽朗热情的欢声笑语,身心不禁顿然舒展。他时常从这里出外周游或走访老友,而后回到磨坊,在观看台上静坐,追忆那纯朴的风情、梦幻的故事、愉快的旅程,在这氛围中产生了由24篇散文随笔组成的故事集《磨坊书简》。,都德(1840—1897)法国著名短篇小说家,生于破落商人家庭,生活贫困。1866年以发表散文和故事集《磨坊书简》成名。1868年发表半自传性长篇小说《小东西》,以轻淡微讽的笔触描写一个无助的少年的痛苦、失望、梦想和爱情的悲欢离合,烘托出资本主义社会的虚伪和冷酷。这部小说集中体现了“含泪的微笑”的都德风格,是其代表作。1870年参加普法战争,其间所作结集为《月曜日故事集》,其中收集了他的著名作品《最后一课》和《柏林之围》。战后他致力于长篇创作,主要作品有《达拉斯孔城的达达兰》、《富豪》等。一生写有13部长篇小说,4部短篇小说集。作品善用简洁的笔触描写复杂的政治事件,讽刺资本主义社会的腐朽,对于普通人民寄予深切同情,有“法国的狄更斯”之称。,11.00,9787806573389,7806573380 read,2008-09-12T22:57:21Z,67,7.3,詹・费・库柏,精装(无盘),423,译林,最后的莫希干人,,,威廉·亨利堡司令的两个女儿前往堡垒探望父亲途中被劫,英军侦察员“鹰眼”和他的老友莫希干族酋长“大蟒蛇”钦加哥,以及钦加哥的儿子“快腿鹿”恩卡斯挺身而出,和劫持者展开了一场惊心动魄的大厮杀…… 詹·费·库柏被称为“世界伟大传奇小说家之一”,本书是他的代表作。巴尔扎克、歌德、莱蒙托夫和高尔基对其作品均给予高度评价。,19.00,9787806572627,7806572627 read,2008-09-12T22:56:33Z,482,8.1,何文安; 查尔斯・狄更斯,精装,464,译林出版社,雾都孤儿,,,雾都孤儿(译林精),ISBN:9787805678047,作者:(英)C.狄更斯(Charles Dickens)著;何文安译,20.00元,9787805678047,7805678049 read,2008-09-12T22:56:25Z,879,8.7,查尔斯・狄更斯,精装(无盘),374,译林出版社,双城记,,,书中有关法国人民在革命前和革命时期的种种描绘,无论多么细小,全都是真实的,有可靠的证人的证言为根据。我的希望之一是为那部帮助人们理解那个恐怖时期的深受欢迎的生动形象的著作增添一点东西,虽然对卡莱尔先生的杰作的哲学再也无人可能有所增益。  一个被人秘密囚禁十年的囚徒在狱中含血带泪写出了自己不幸遭遇,并要求向仇人清算,而十年后这封控诉书恰好控诉了自己无辜的女婿。本书以法国大革命为背景,描述了一对情人的悲欢离合。本书的主要情节是我跟我的孩子们和朋友们一起演出威尔基·柯林斯先生的剧本《冰冻的深渊》时构思出来的。那时我产生了表现这故事的强烈欲望。我在幻想中津津有味地精细地勾勒出了人们的心态,设想着把它呈现在关于观察的观众面前。,16.80元,9787805675374,7805675376 read,2008-09-12T22:55:29Z,4,0.0,马明博,平装,501,百花文艺出版社,新散文十五家,,,,25.00,9787530635629,753063562X read,2008-09-12T22:54:23Z,38,8.6,马克·吐温,平装,181,浙江文艺出版社,百万英镑,,,马克·吐温的小说明显带有搞笑味道,或者按正规说法应该叫幽默。照他自己说来,幽默故事是地道的美国货色,而其他那些搞笑故事,则有英国式的滑稽和法国式的诙谐。值得注意的是,他还进而指出:幽默故事的效果取决于叙述方式,而别外两种则靠故事本身的内容。不管他这种分类是否很有道理,但无疑提示了现代叙事学的核心问题即叙述话语的重要性。就凭这一点,你也该相信,吐温的搞笑意识绝对具有一种前卫性。,11.00元,9787533914684,7533914686 read,2008-09-11T23:06:41Z,112,8.9,JACK LONDON,平装,362,外语教学与研究出版社 牛津大学出版社,野性的呼唤,,,这是一本故事集,“野性的呼唤”占了全书的主要篇幅。 巴克为苏格兰牧羊犬和圣伯纳犬杂交所生,具有前者的智慧和后者的体格。它被买主从加州运到西雅图,下火车时它试图挣脱兽笼,一个穿红衣的人用木棍把它打晕了过去。狗永远赢不了一根木棍:这是巴克学的第一课。稍后它被卖到阿拉斯加拉雪橇。在拉雪橇的狗群中它很快就脱颖而出,成为首领,并以其严明的纪律使该雪橇的工作效率屡破纪录。巴克成了远近闻名的领头狗。 然而夜晚躺,10.80,9787560008998,7560008992 read,2008-09-11T00:47:25Z,15,7.4,郭崇慧; 田凤占; 邓纳姆,平装(无盘),300,清华大学出版社,数据挖掘教程,,,,39.00元,9787302105336,7302105332 read,2008-09-10T20:51:04Z,2,0.0,孟昭臣,平装,NA,东方出版社,念奴娇-菩萨蛮,,,,11.00元,9787506013079,750601307X read,2008-09-10T20:49:01Z,2,0.0,支菊生,平装,NA,东方出版社,卜算子-浣溪沙,,,,14.30,9787506013031,7506013037 read,2008-09-06T10:30:21Z,170,9.0,余冠英,平装,123,人民文学出版社,乐府诗选,,,"《乐府诗集》是现存成书最早的、流行最广而最完备的上古至唐五代乐章和歌谣总集。其网罗宏富、编辑精当,成功地展现了历代乐府诗的完整风貌和流变轨迹,在中国诗史上焕发出夺目的光彩。本书撷取了部分作品,并加以注释。 这一本选集所收的只是从汉到南北朝的乐府诗,主要的是入乐的民间作品,而以少数歌谣作为附录。",8.90,9787020036219,702003621X read,2008-09-06T10:30:08Z,45,8.7,廉萍; 李明生,平装,574,人民文学出版社,唐宋词选,,,"本书是大学生必读丛书中的一册,书中以教育部全国高等学校中文学科教学指导委员会指定书目为依据,收录了当代中国社会科学院文学研究所的《唐宋词选》。 本书具有很强的经典性及学术性,该书不仅是语言文学专业大学生从事专业学习和学术研究不可缺少的重要书籍,同时也是其他专业大学生加强人文素养、丰富文化底蕴、促进专业学习的重要读物。可供不同专业的大学生阅读收藏。",23.80,9787020036158,7020036155 read,2008-09-06T10:29:01Z,38,7.5,(埃及)马哈福兹,简裝本,473,上海译文出版社,命运的嘲弄 拉杜比丝 底比斯之战,,"纳吉布·马哈福兹1911年12月11日出生于埃及开罗杰马里那区的一个公务员家庭。他四岁时就被送到私塾学习《古兰经》,接受宗教启蒙教育。 1930年,纳吉布·马哈福兹进入开罗大学文学院哲学系学习,接触了西方各种民主主义和社会主义思潮,逐步接受了一些社会主义思想和科学观点。 1934年大学毕业后,他一边留校工作,一边为一些哲学杂志撰稿。他先后在宗教基金部、文化指导部等政府部门任职,曾任文学艺术最高理事会理事、电影局局长和文化部顾问。1970年退休后,他进入《金字塔报》编委会,任该报专职作家。 本世纪20-30年代的埃及正处于反帝爱国斗争的革命风暴之中,在家庭与社会的影响下,马哈福兹从一开始创作,便以明确的历史责任感,承担起了一个正直作家的责任。他最初发表的三部历史小说《命运的嘲弄》、《阿杜比斯》、《埃伊拜之战》都是表现爱国主义的。 40-50年代是马哈福兹现实主义创作阶段,发表了四部揭露社会黑暗、呼吁社会变革的小说《新开罗》、《赫利市场》、《梅达格胡同》、《始未记》。标志着他小说创作顶峰的三部曲:《宫间街》、《思宫街》、《甘露街》被公认为阿拉伯小说史上的里程碑。此后他还发表了《小偷与狗》、《道路》、《乞丐》、《尼罗河上的絮语》、《平民史诗》等作品。 他曾多次声明自己信仰社会主义和科学,提倡以科学反对宗教迷信,强调人要进行自我净化。 1970年获国家文学表彰奖,1988年获埃及最高奖赏——尼罗河勋章。1988年10月获诺贝尔文学奖,成为阿拉伯世界第一个获得此奖的人。","历史三部曲是诺贝尔文学奖获得者马哈福兹早期的重要作品. 纯属虚构的故事.主人公达达夫是个英俊的青年,在军事院校毕业典礼上被王储选为禁卫军官.以后,在狩猎场上,达达夫挺身从猛狮口中救出了王储,并在统率大军付伐贝都因部落的战斗中,获得了全胜,于是国王把心爱的公主许配给了他.以后,达达夫登上了王位.然而,最终令国王感到意外的是,达达夫竟然就是他在二十几年前率兵追杀的那个被预言将是王位继承人的婴儿达达夫.命运无情地嘲弄了统治者. 是一出精彩的爱情悲剧.舞女拉杜比丝和年轻的国王坠入了情网,不可自拔.祭司们利用了国王的这一风流韵事,挑起百姓对国王的仇恨,并让他们把仇恨的箭射进了国王的胸膛.弥留之际,这对情人生离死别,恋恋不舍,场面十分感人.最后,拉杜比丝服毒自尽,随国王而去. 是一部战争小说.古城底比斯是南方人的国都,侵略者不断要南方人进贡,他们欲难填.终于,一场难免的战争爆发了.南方人战败了.然而,他们卧薪尝胆,十年后,震撼阿拉伯世界的底比斯之战爆发了.从此,一个统一的埃及屹立在尼罗河畔.",38.00元,9787532728374,7532728374 read,2008-09-06T10:26:46Z,3,0.0,黄艳华,简裝本,127,上海科技教育出版社,诺贝尔奖百年鉴 睿智神工,,,主要介绍20世纪中,众多粒子物理学家利用各种仪器,探测和发现了一个又一个基本粒子的动人故事。威耳逊和布莱克特对云室的发明和改进,正电子、反质子等反粒子的不断发现,回旋加速器、乳胶照相法等探测手段的不断涌现,近年来科学家对中微子质量的实验研究……这些在基本粒子世界认识过程中的重要里程碑,都在本书中有精彩描述。,8.00元,9787542826909,7542826905 read,2008-09-06T10:26:12Z,1,0.0,黄红波,平装,156,第1版 (2001年12月1日),诺贝尔奖百年鉴,,,本丛书将百年来三大学科的全部诺贝尔奖按具体获奖内容分为26个领域,每个领域写成一卷8万字左右的小书,以该领域的进展为脉络,以相关的诺贝尔奖获奖项目为重点,读者奖不但能了解这些诺贝尔奖成果的科学内容,更能知道这个领域的发展历程。,8.0,9787542827104,7542827103 read,2008-09-06T10:25:57Z,5,0.0,陆继宗,平装,NA,第1版 (2001年1月1日),诺贝尔奖百年鉴,,,本卷在“通向绝对零度之路”、“难穷其理的超导”、“神奇莫测的超流”、“形形色色的相变”等章节中,介绍了物理学家从19世纪末20世纪初开始对低温物理和相变领域的探索,以及卡末林-昂内斯、巴丁、朗道等诺贝尔奖获得者们的卓越成就。看完这本书后,对超导、超流等种种奇妙现象,读者就可以不但知其然,而且知其所以然。,8.00元,9787542824660,754282466X read,2008-09-06T10:25:43Z,2,0.0,李国栋,精装(无盘),138,上海科技教育出版社,诺贝尔奖百年鉴,,,本卷通过对物理学家在粒子磁矩和固体磁性研究方面的进展所做的简要介绍,阐述了“磁是无所不在的”这一科学观点。作者从磁光效应讲起,论述了基本粒子也有磁性,并详细介绍了科学家对原子核磁性、电子磁矩的深入研究和核磁共振、顺磁制冷等实际应用,还介绍了宏观磁性的多样性,如顺磁性、铁磁性、反铁磁性和亚铁磁性等,并对纳米磁性材料、智能磁性材料等新型磁性物质进行了简单描述。,8.00,9787542825582,7542825585 read,2008-09-06T10:25:15Z,3,0.0,周嘉华,平装,162,第1版 (2001年1月1日),诺贝尔奖百年鉴,,,从1901年开始颁发的诺贝尔奖,可以说是对世纪物理学、化学和生命科学发展的缩影。它记录了百年来这三大学科的几乎所有重大成就,对世界科学事业的发展起了很大的促进作用,被公认为科学界的最高荣誉。人们崇敬诺贝尔奖,赞叹诺贝尔奖得主们的科学贡献,并已出版了许多相关书籍。 那么,我们为什么还要策划出版这套《诺贝尔奖百年鉴》丛书呢? 这是因为,有许多热爱科学的读者,很希望有这样一套书,它以具体的科学内容为基础,使社会公众也能对科学家们的成就有一定的感性认识;它以学科发展的传承性为主线,让读者领略科学进步的永无止境;它还是简明扼要、通俗易懂的,令读者能轻松阅读,愉快受益。,8.00元,9787542824653,7542824651 read,2008-09-06T10:24:46Z,55,7.6,儒勒·凡尔纳,平装,196,中国青年出版社,蓓根的五亿法郎,,"儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生于法国西部海港南特,他在构成市区一部分的劳阿尔河上的菲伊德岛生活学习到中学毕业。父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。但是凡尔纳自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。11岁时,他曾志愿上船当见习生,远航印度,结果被家人发现接回了家。为此凡尔纳挨了一顿狠揍,并躺在床上流着泪保证:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。 18岁时,他遵父嘱,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次,凡尔纳自一场晚会早退,下楼时他忽然童心大发,沿楼梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖绅士身上。凡尔纳非常尴尬,道歉之后随口询问对方吃饭没有,对方回答说刚吃过南特炒鸡蛋。凡尔纳听罢摇头,声称巴黎根本没有正宗的南特炒鸡蛋,因为他即南特人而且拿手此菜。胖绅士闻言大喜,诚邀凡尔纳登门献艺。二人友谊从此开始,并一度合写戏剧,为凡尔纳走上创作之路创造了有利条件。这位胖绅士的名字是大仲马。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,并失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。他十分欣赏雨果、巴尔扎克、大仲马和英国的莎士比亚。在巴黎,他创作了20个剧本(未出版)和一些充满浪漫激情的诗歌。 后来,凡尔纳与大仲马合作创作了剧本《折断的麦秆》并得以上演,这标志着凡尔纳在文学界取得了初步的成功。在继续创作的过程中,凡尔纳感到文学创作似乎缺乏出路,而且他发现当时文坛上的人都在找出路,都在试图把其他领域的知识融进戏剧。比如大仲马是将历史学融进文学,而巴尔扎克则把社会伦理学融进文学……这时凡尔纳发现,只剩下地理学还没有被开发。 于是凡尔纳利用一年的时间进行试验,创作出《冰川上面过冬》等作品,但未发表。 1856年,凡尔纳乘火车来到北部城市亚眠,遇到一名带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,一见钟情并求婚,继而结婚。接着凡尔纳搬家过去,从此开始认真创作。其时29岁。 凡尔纳创作出《气球上的五星期》后,16家出版社无人理睬,愤然投入火中,被妻子抢救出来,送入第17家出版社后被出版。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。黑格尔与凡尔纳签订合同,一年为其出版两本科幻小说。 《气球上的五星期》出版之后,凡尔纳的创作进入了一个多方面的探索时期,他试验多种写法,朝多种方向进行探索,一发不可收拾。每年出版两本,总标题为《奇异的旅行》,包括《地心游记》《从地球到月球》《环绕月球》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等等,囊括了陆地、海洋和天空……此后探索停止,开始成熟,进入平稳的发展时期,创作出《80天环绕地球》《太阳系历险记》《两年假期》等优秀作品。随着声望的增高,凡尔纳的财富也在迅速增长。 凡尔纳的晚年不是十分幸福,创作减少并进入衰弱期,其《卡尔巴阡的古堡》有一定的自传性,表现了生活中隐秘的侧面。 1905年3月17日凡尔纳出现偏瘫,24日失去知觉,25日晨8:00去世。 1905年3月28日大出殡,全世界纷纷电唁,悼念这位伟大的科幻作家。 凡尔纳的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,又能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情,所以一百多年来,一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。据联合国教科文组织的资料表明,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的十大名家之一。 凡尔纳是一个非常优秀的通俗小说作家,有一种能够把自己的幻觉变得能够触摸的本领,其感觉是全方位的,从平淡的文学中传达出某种人类的热情。但凡尔纳的小说中人物除了少数几个外都是一模一样的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是脸谱化的简单的好人坏人,没有什么心理活动;从其作品人物性别单一化上还可看出他对女人的偏见,隐隐流露出深受其苦的心态。此外凡尔纳的作品中充满了明显的社会倾向,是一个爱国者(法国人最好)、民族解放主义者(支持被压迫民族斗争),在某种程度上是一个无政府主义者(从某些作品中表现出无秩序者),最后还是一个银河帝国主义者(有缔造宇宙帝国的欲望)。 凡尔纳的作品里充满了知识,但他本人却是一名宇宙神秘主义者,对世界有一种神秘的崇拜。在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。 但总的来说,凡尔纳的尝试仍然是伟大的。他写的虽然都是平凡小事,但读后仍使我们激动不已。正如1884年教皇在接见他时曾说:“我并不是不知道您的作品的科学价值,但我最珍重的却是它们的纯洁、道德价值和精神力量。” 儒勒·凡尔纳作品集 《八十天环游地球》 《海底两万里》 《格兰特船长的儿女》 《环绕月球》 《神秘岛》 《世界主宰者》 《米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫》 《气球上的五星期》 《空中历险记》 《墨西哥的“幽灵”》 《佐奇瑞大师》 《牛博士》 《一个在冰雪中度过的冬天》 《征服者罗比尔》 《两年假期》 《从地球到月球》 《八十天环绕地球》 《奥兰情游》 《升D先生和降E小姐》 《隐身新娘》 《昂梯菲尔奇遇记》 《大海入侵》 《烽火岛》 《太阳系历险记》 《巴尔萨克考察队的惊险遭遇》 《哈特拉斯船长历险记》 《大木筏》 《喀尔巴阡古堡》 《金火山》 《鲁滨逊叔叔》 《多瑙河领航员》 《鲁滨逊学校》 《马丁·帕兹》 《旅行基金》 《漂逝的半岛》 《桑道夫伯爵》 《黑印度》 《南非洲历险记》 《突破封锁》 《沙皇的邮件》 《印度贵妇的五亿法郎》 《小把戏》 《迎着三色旗》",印度贵妇人蓓根的一笔五亿法郎的遗产,分给了两个继承人,一个是法国善良的医生沙拉塞恩,另一个是德国化学教授苏尔策。沙拉塞恩医生用这笔遗产建设了一座理想的城市,居民们过着劳动、幸福、和平的生活。而苏尔策教授却建立了一座军火工厂,生产大规模毁灭性的武器,其目的是破坏和平居民的幸福生活。青年工程师马尔塞深入虎穴,粉碎了苏尔策的阴谋,而这座兵工厂也就转产制造农业机器和工业装备。,7.70元,9787500609667,7500609663 read,2008-09-06T10:24:21Z,78,7.7,儒勒﹒凡尔纳,平装,229,中国青年出版社,征服者罗比尔,,"儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生于法国西部海港南特,他在构成市区一部分的劳阿尔河上的菲伊德岛生活学习到中学毕业。父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。但是凡尔纳自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。11岁时,他曾志愿上船当见习生,远航印度,结果被家人发现接回了家。为此凡尔纳挨了一顿狠揍,并躺在床上流着泪保证:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。 18岁时,他遵父嘱,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次,凡尔纳自一场晚会早退,下楼时他忽然童心大发,沿楼梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖绅士身上。凡尔纳非常尴尬,道歉之后随口询问对方吃饭没有,对方回答说刚吃过南特炒鸡蛋。凡尔纳听罢摇头,声称巴黎根本没有正宗的南特炒鸡蛋,因为他即南特人而且拿手此菜。胖绅士闻言大喜,诚邀凡尔纳登门献艺。二人友谊从此开始,并一度合写戏剧,为凡尔纳走上创作之路创造了有利条件。这位胖绅士的名字是大仲马。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,并失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。他十分欣赏雨果、巴尔扎克、大仲马和英国的莎士比亚。在巴黎,他创作了20个剧本(未出版)和一些充满浪漫激情的诗歌。 后来,凡尔纳与大仲马合作创作了剧本《折断的麦秆》并得以上演,这标志着凡尔纳在文学界取得了初步的成功。在继续创作的过程中,凡尔纳感到文学创作似乎缺乏出路,而且他发现当时文坛上的人都在找出路,都在试图把其他领域的知识融进戏剧。比如大仲马是将历史学融进文学,而巴尔扎克则把社会伦理学融进文学……这时凡尔纳发现,只剩下地理学还没有被开发。 于是凡尔纳利用一年的时间进行试验,创作出《冰川上面过冬》等作品,但未发表。 1856年,凡尔纳乘火车来到北部城市亚眠,遇到一名带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,一见钟情并求婚,继而结婚。接着凡尔纳搬家过去,从此开始认真创作。其时29岁。 凡尔纳创作出《气球上的五星期》后,16家出版社无人理睬,愤然投入火中,被妻子抢救出来,送入第17家出版社后被出版。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。黑格尔与凡尔纳签订合同,一年为其出版两本科幻小说。 《气球上的五星期》出版之后,凡尔纳的创作进入了一个多方面的探索时期,他试验多种写法,朝多种方向进行探索,一发不可收拾。每年出版两本,总标题为《奇异的旅行》,包括《地心游记》《从地球到月球》《环绕月球》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等等,囊括了陆地、海洋和天空……此后探索停止,开始成熟,进入平稳的发展时期,创作出《80天环绕地球》《太阳系历险记》《两年假期》等优秀作品。随着声望的增高,凡尔纳的财富也在迅速增长。 凡尔纳的晚年不是十分幸福,创作减少并进入衰弱期,其《卡尔巴阡的古堡》有一定的自传性,表现了生活中隐秘的侧面。 1905年3月17日凡尔纳出现偏瘫,24日失去知觉,25日晨8:00去世。 1905年3月28日大出殡,全世界纷纷电唁,悼念这位伟大的科幻作家。 凡尔纳的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,又能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情,所以一百多年来,一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。据联合国教科文组织的资料表明,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的十大名家之一。 凡尔纳是一个非常优秀的通俗小说作家,有一种能够把自己的幻觉变得能够触摸的本领,其感觉是全方位的,从平淡的文学中传达出某种人类的热情。但凡尔纳的小说中人物除了少数几个外都是一模一样的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是脸谱化的简单的好人坏人,没有什么心理活动;从其作品人物性别单一化上还可看出他对女人的偏见,隐隐流露出深受其苦的心态。此外凡尔纳的作品中充满了明显的社会倾向,是一个爱国者(法国人最好)、民族解放主义者(支持被压迫民族斗争),在某种程度上是一个无政府主义者(从某些作品中表现出无秩序者),最后还是一个银河帝国主义者(有缔造宇宙帝国的欲望)。 凡尔纳的作品里充满了知识,但他本人却是一名宇宙神秘主义者,对世界有一种神秘的崇拜。在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。 但总的来说,凡尔纳的尝试仍然是伟大的。他写的虽然都是平凡小事,但读后仍使我们激动不已。正如1884年教皇在接见他时曾说:“我并不是不知道您的作品的科学价值,但我最珍重的却是它们的纯洁、道德价值和精神力量。” 儒勒·凡尔纳作品集 《八十天环游地球》 《海底两万里》 《格兰特船长的儿女》 《环绕月球》 《神秘岛》 《世界主宰者》 《米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫》 《气球上的五星期》 《空中历险记》 《墨西哥的“幽灵”》 《佐奇瑞大师》 《牛博士》 《一个在冰雪中度过的冬天》 《征服者罗比尔》 《两年假期》 《从地球到月球》 《八十天环绕地球》 《奥兰情游》 《升D先生和降E小姐》 《隐身新娘》 《昂梯菲尔奇遇记》 《大海入侵》 《烽火岛》 《太阳系历险记》 《巴尔萨克考察队的惊险遭遇》 《哈特拉斯船长历险记》 《大木筏》 《喀尔巴阡古堡》 《金火山》 《鲁滨逊叔叔》 《多瑙河领航员》 《鲁滨逊学校》 《马丁·帕兹》 《旅行基金》 《漂逝的半岛》 《桑道夫伯爵》 《黑印度》 《南非洲历险记》 《突破封锁》 《沙皇的邮件》 《印度贵妇的五亿法郎》 《小把戏》 《迎着三色旗》",十九世纪后期,用比空气重的机器真正解决飞行问题仍是人们的一种设想。但是工程师罗布尔已经秘密制造了“信天翁号”飞行器,并驾机来到费城宣布:只有比空气重的机器才能真正征服天空。他把顽固的“比空气轻主义者”韦尔顿学会的主席和秘书“劫持”到飞行器上,带着他们做环球飞行,在同大自然的各种较量中充分显示了这种飞行器的巨大威力。最后,“比空气轻主义者”们的得意之作“前进号”飞艇与“信天翁号”飞行器较量,不击自破,再次显示了罗布尔的“信天翁号”才是人类征服天空的使者。,8.6,9787500609902,7500609906 read,2008-09-06T10:23:20Z,91,7.9,儒勒.凡尔纳(法),平装,0,中国青年出版社,桑道夫伯爵(上下),,,"小说以十九世纪六十年代匈牙利人为摆脱奥地利统治者 所进行的自治运动为背景。匈牙利贵族桑道夫伯爵领导的起 义因被人告密而失败,他历经艰险才得以越狱逃生。 从此,桑道夫伯爵隐姓埋名开始了报恩复仇伸张正义的 事业,几经周折终于严惩了告密者。 小说情节曲折,引人入胜。这部作品是凡尔纳为纪念大 仲马而作。 ",16.00,9787500609889,7500609884 read,2008-09-06T10:20:14Z,3,0.0,朱成玉,平装,NA,百花文艺出版社,从故乡出发的雪 (平装),,," ",16.0,9787530632161,7530632167 read,2008-09-06T10:20:04Z,5,0.0,瘦谷,平装,NA,百花文艺出版社,暗香中的梦影/散文精选集 (平装),,,本书包括:平民志;对中医的一知半解;这么好的天空;像流一样回望;行旅杂记;草原笔记;从梨树看去等内容。,18.5,9787530632178,7530632175 read,2008-09-06T10:19:22Z,5,0.0," ",,301," ",风径自吹去/散文精选集,,," ",16.50元,9787530632154,7530632159 read,2008-09-06T10:16:26Z,318,8.6,(法)莫泊桑,平装,727,人民文学出版社,莫泊桑中短篇小说选,,,,2.20元,,SH10019-3219 read,2008-09-06T10:14:30Z,61,9.2,马克·吐温,平装,NA,江西人民出版社,赤道环游记,,,,4.40元(精),,SH10110-388 read,2008-09-06T10:06:57Z,403,9.0,老舍,平装,520,人民文学出版社,老舍幽默诗文集,,老舍(1899-1966)原名舒庆春,字舍子。北京人,满族。老舍的幽默,是看到了生活中的可笑之处。客观写来,不着痕迹。老舍的幽默融汇中西风格,以睿智深刻,又内敛宽容,酸甜苦辣全在一笑之间。且雅俗共赏,不同的人自有不同的体味。老舍的幽默仿佛与生俱来,出神入化,地人可以模仿。本书汇集老舍幽默诗文一百六十余篇,并附有著名画家叶浅予、关良、丁聪、方成、韩羽、张守义、毕克官、叶武林、高荣生等前后六十年间所作插图一百余幅。是一本图文俱佳,既能阅读又有收藏的书。,人们是在看了老舍先生的小说与戏剧之后,熟悉了他的幽默风格。文学评论家也是从他的小说与戏剧中,分析论证得出他的文学创作独具幽默风格。他的幽默让人发出的笑,是使人感到温暖的笑,或是先笑后悲的含泪的笑。这样的笑不同于尖刻讽刺的讥笑与冷笑,不同于耍贫嘴的嘻笑,也不是小丑的滑稽逗笑。这九位画家的插图,在创作的时间上,延续了六十年,可每一幅的构图极简练奇巧,无论单线白描,墨色勾勒,渲染或木刻线知都极见功力。尤其在人物刻画上独具匠心,与流行的欧美式,日韩式,港台式的漫画人物绝不雷同,都自成一家,是咱们民族气派的人物造型。每一幅图都准确地把握,充分表现了老舍先生诗与文里的幽默内涵。这些插图既写实传神,又夸张好笑,它们的表现力、感染力,使这本书图文并茂,相映成趣,引人思考。,30.00元,9787020043965,7020043968 read,2008-09-06T10:04:27Z,2,0.0,姚乃强 严维明 乐瑞夫,平装,769,中国对外翻译出版公司,现代战纪一百篇,,"编译者介绍: 姚乃强、严维明和乐瑞夫三人均为解 放军外国语学院英语教授。姚长期从事英 美澳文学的教学和研究,现任全国高校外 语教学指导委员会委员;严和乐专攻美国 研究和时文教学,严精于美国历史,乐长于 美国军事。三人共事合作多年,先后承担 《蓝登书屋英汉大学词典》、《综合汉英习语 词典》、《新编剑桥世界现代史》、《当代美国 概况》以及《霍桑文集》等词典、史书和文学 作品的编译工作。 ",现代战纪一百篇,ISBN:9787500104261,作者:姚乃强,严维明,乐瑞夫编译,29.90元,9787500104261,750010426X read,2008-09-06T10:03:59Z,1962,8.6,老舍,平装,150,人民文学出版社,茶馆 龙须沟,,," ",7.50元,9787020018574,7020018572 read,2008-09-06T10:00:23Z,23,7.2,瓦莱里奥·马西莫·曼弗雷迪,平装,435,外国文学出版社,末日军团,,,《末日军团》的主要内容是:公元四百七十六年,由于蛮族雇佣军的反叛,导致了西罗马帝国的崩溃,年仅十三岁的帝国末代君王罗慕路斯被放逐到一个荒凉的岛屿,罗马文明宣告结束。但罗马人并没有就此灭绝,在残酷的杀戮中,一小队看似灭亡的军团士兵再次崛起,他们齐心协力救出了这个末代皇帝,并保护和引领他穿越惨遭蹂躏却依然迷人的意大利和欧洲,一直到达最后一个港湾——那片被认为是世界尽头的荒芜之地。一个古老帝国逝去了,但同时一个行将跨越千年的新的神话诞生了。,24.00元,9787501601936,7501601933 read,2008-09-06T09:59:10Z,3,0.0,李士,平装,178,湖南教育出版社,铁钥匙,,,穆斯堡尔效应,这个曾由德国科学家穆斯堡尔教授荣获1961年诺贝尔物理学奖的重大发现,经30余年的发展,已广泛应用于物理、化学、地质、考古和经济领域。本书以通俗的语言、生动的实例介绍了穆斯堡尔谱学和穆斯尔效应的发现、基本原理和基础知识、实验方法以及它的应用和发展前景。,9.70元,9787535519566,7535519563 read,2008-09-05T16:49:40Z,18,7.9,,平装,455,中国文史出版社,远征印缅抗战,,,,9.80,9787503401534,7503401532 read,2008-09-05T00:06:11Z,60,8.2,左琴科,精装,494,译林出版社,左琴科幽默讽刺作品集,,,像人们谈起讽刺艺术大师果戈理时,说他不只是一位讽刺家,但“他首先是位讽刺家,他最主要的是位讽刺家”一样,左琴科也不只是位讽刺家。他是苏联纪实文学的奠基人之一,是苏联儿童文学的倡导者、组织者和代表作家之一,是苏联科研文艺的开拓者之一。但他首先是位讽刺艺术家,最主要的是位讽刺家,是列斯科夫、果戈理故事体小说在苏联文学中的继往开来者。他在这方面的成就,不仅给广袤的苏联大地带来了笑声,也给人们带来了与众不,24.5,9787806576298,7806576290 read,2008-09-05T00:04:42Z,283,8.4,[英国] 托马斯·哈代,精装,448,译林出版社,还乡,,"托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy, 1840-1928),英国作家。生于农村没落贵族家庭。1861年去伦敦学建筑工程,并从事文学、哲学和神学的研究。当过几年建筑师,后致力于文学创作。他的小说多以农村生活为背景,对资本主义社会的文明和道德作了深刻的揭露和批判,但带有悲观情绪和宿命论色彩。晚年转向诗歌创作。","珠宝商约布鞋特厌倦了城市生活,离开巴黎回到埃格敦荒原,希望从此在大自然的怀抱中宁静地度日,但她的新婚妻子却一心想离开穷乡僻壤,因无法说服他,又在无意中使婆婆中暑身亡,逐与约布赖特的表妹夫私奔,两人在去巴黎途中被淹死。约布赖特为求得精神上的寄托,最后做了传教士。 《还乡》发表于1878年,是托马斯·哈代创作中期的重要成果。",18.80元,9787805676999,7805676992 read,2008-09-05T00:03:27Z,36,7.3,[英国] 玛格丽特·德拉布尔,精装,218,译林出版社,金色的耶路撒冷,,,这部小说是玛格丽特·德拉布尔的代表作,以六十年代的伦敦为主要背景,通过对一位名叫克拉拉·毛姆的女学生情感生活的描写,反映了英国一代青年的爱情观和生活观,他们对美好事物的向往,对自由的追求,在实现自我方面所做出的努力和牺牲,对传统的反判以及他们内心的苦闷和彷徨。作品也从一个侧面揭示了当时英国家庭生活的刻板沉闷,人与人之间的冷漠,亲情的淡漠以及人性虚伪的一面,同时反映了青年人渴望真情,寻求新奇浪漫的特点。,12.5,9787806571767,7806571760 read,2008-09-05T00:01:14Z,12,8.2,吴熊和; 徐 枫; 陶 然,精装(无盘),244,上海古籍出版社,唐宋词一百首,,,《唐宋词一百首》选录唐宋词一百三十余首,唐宋词各个时期的名家名作,大都已荟萃于此。选词贵在精当。清代张惠言的《词选》,周济的《词辨》,都是著名的唐宋词选本。前者选词一百十六首,后者选词九十四首,都以独具慧眼、抉择精严著称,因而被奉为圭臬,流行甚广。但是常州词派以比兴论词,重在寄托。,15.00元,9787532522101,7532522105 read,2008-09-05T00:00:40Z,1,0.0,骆广生,精装(无盘),144,"暨南大学出版社,清华大学出版社",溶剂萃取,,,溶剂苹取是一种广泛应用的现代分离技术,其功效独特而神奇。采用溶剂萃取可以得到高新技术所急需的品种多样、功能奇特、纯度极高的新材料,其杂质含量可低于十亿分之一。读者阔读此书,就会被革取分离技术的辉煌历史及其奇异的功能所吸引。,12.0,9787302053200,7302053200 read,2008-09-05T00:00:23Z,9,0.0,刘应明,,149,清华大学出版社,模糊性,,,《中小学科学素质教育文库•院士科普书系:模糊性:精确性的另一半(修订本)》讲述了精确与模糊是一对矛盾,根据不同情况,有时要求精确,有时要求模糊。在传统数学中加进模糊数学的内容,将更加有利于人们思维能力和科学素质的培养。《中小学科学素质教育文库•院士科普书系:模糊性:精确性的另一半(修订本)》介绍了模糊集和模糊逻辑的基本概念,模糊控制的原理与应用及发展前景。,12.00元,9787302042068,7302042063 read,2008-09-04T23:59:37Z,1,0.0,张正斌,平装,NA,湖南教育出版社,唤醒沉睡的蓝色:海洋化学揭秘 (平装),,,海洋化学是化学与海洋科交叉的边缘学科,它研究海洋及其相邻环境中发生一切化学过程和变化。本书全面介绍了海洋的形成和海水的化学组成;海水中常量元素、微量元素、营养元素、有机物、气体和同位素的含量和分布规律;它们在海水中的物种存在形式和在海洋中的运移、变化及循环。着重说明了海洋化学在国民经济中的重要地位和在可持续性发展中的关键作用。最后对海洋化学进行了展望。,16.7,9787535534965,7535534961 read,2008-09-04T23:59:17Z,6,0.0,王德民,平装,NA,湖南教育出版社,神奇的预测:趣谈量子化学 (平装),,,本书力求用浅显的文字和图像来描述量子力学的最基本的概念及其在化学中的应用。它生动地讲述了牛顿的经典物理如何从实验和理论上一步步过度到量子力学,量子力学用于结识众多的“不知其所以然”的化学现象,从而大大地推动了化学科学的发展。  读者可以从中获得富有科学美丽的量子化学的基本概念,走进现代化学的前沿。,14.5,9787535534958,7535534953 read,2008-08-31T12:02:28Z,230,8.6,Dan Brown,Paperback,489,Anchor,The Da Vinci Code,,,"在线阅读本书 As millions of readers around the globe have already discovered, is a reading experience unlike any other. Simultaneously lightning-paced, intelligent, and intricately layered with remarkable research and detail, Dan Brown's novel is a thrilling masterpiece—from its opening pages to its stunning conclusion.",USD 7.99,9781400079179,1400079179 read,2008-08-26T23:19:33Z,811,8.9,王璜生,精装,623,岭南美术出版社,中国人本,,,2003——2004年度于广东美术馆举办的《中国人本》展览,是迄今为止中国最大型的纪实摄影展览,共展出250名摄影师的600余幅代表作,展览的主题是“人性化中国,个性化中国”。以“中国人本”为标题和展览定位,来自于三层意义的思考:一,借助摄影特有的真实性,记录、浓缩,还原中国人本真的生活情态,以广泛而真切的细节表现不同历史阶段的人文内涵,展现社会生活中的人的作为和价值;二,以丰富,自由,多元的个人化视点,表现对中国人的个体存在的复合观察,提供社会影像学意义上的丰富的“中国人标本”;三,,着重强调,倡导和传达中国当代人文界,尤其是当代纪实摄影界的人本主义取向和人文关怀精神。,50.00元,9787536228474,7536228473 read,2008-08-23T18:07:51Z,254,8.6,海明威,,NA,浙江文艺出版社,永别了,武器,,," ",19.5,9787533905033,7533905032 read,2008-08-23T18:06:34Z,283,8.9,维克多·雨果,封面设计:戴卫,436,四川人民出版社,海上劳工,,,《海上劳工》是雨果流亡海岛期间创作的一部重要小说,主要描写了主人公吉利亚特对船主利蒂埃利的侄女戴吕施特深沉纯洁的爱,为抢救杜朗德的机器表现出的勇敢与才能,以及为了成全戴吕施特与埃伯纳兹尔·戈德莱神父的婚姻而作出的自我牺牲,表现了主人公与偏见、迷信及自然力的英勇斗争,塑造了一个集“约伯与普罗米修斯”于一身的海上劳工代表。,1.39元,,SH10118-310 read,2008-08-23T18:05:34Z,5994,8.3,(法)儒勒.凡尔纳,平装,273,中国青年出版社,八十天环游地球,,,1872年斐利亚・福克先生在伦敦改良俱乐部和会友们打赌,要在八十天内环游地球一周。在当时的情况下,这确实是一件很难办到的事,因为旅客一定要把时间掌握得非常准确,也就是说一下火车就要上轮船,一下轮船就要上火车, 如果有半点延误,就会使整个旅行计划脱节而前功尽弃。但 是福克先生从伦敦出发,经过欧、非、亚、美四个洲,以坚定的意志克服了无数自然和人为的障碍,终于在八十天内环游地球一周回到伦敦,甚至还提前一天完成任务。在这本书里,作者通过动人的故事情节介绍了各地的奇风异俗和丰富的地理知识。,9.70,9787500609049,7500609043 read,2008-08-23T18:04:34Z,3680,8.3,(法)凡尔纳(Verne,J.),平装,239,中国青年出版社,地心游记,,,"本书是一部充满传奇色彩的科幻小说,但它的诞生是和当时的历史、社会背景分不开的。一方面,欧洲殖民者出于建立各自殖民地帝国的目的,掀起了一股探险狂热,在短短的时间里,他们相继征服了尼罗河的源头、撒哈拉沙漠、非洲大陆、南北两极,地球上人迹未至之处越来越少。另一方面,科学技术,特别是考古学和地质学得到了前所未有的发展。《地心游记》正是在这样的背景下应运而生的。 本书的内容是:德国科学李侠登布洛克教授受前人萨克努塞姆一封密码信的启发,偕同侄子阿克塞尔和向导汉斯,进行了一次穿越地心的探险旅行。他们从冰岛的斯奈菲尔火山口下降,一路上克服了缺水、迷路、风暴等各和困难,终于在一次火山喷发中从西西岛的斯德布利火山回到地面。 整部小说就像凡尔纳的所有作品一样,不仅文笔幽默流畅,情节波澜起伏,而且有着浪漫而合乎科学的非凡想像力,把读者带进了一个超越时空的幻想世界。",8.80,9787500611561,7500611560 read,2008-08-23T18:04:22Z,1246,8.4,儒勒.凡尔纳(法),平装,777,中国青年出版社,格兰特船长的儿女,,"儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生于法国西部海港南特,他在构成市区一部分的劳阿尔河上的菲伊德岛生活学习到中学毕业。父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。但是凡尔纳自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。11岁时,他曾志愿上船当见习生,远航印度,结果被家人发现接回了家。为此凡尔纳挨了一顿狠揍,并躺在床上流着泪保证:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。 18岁时,他遵父嘱,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次,凡尔纳自一场晚会早退,下楼时他忽然童心大发,沿楼梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖绅士身上。凡尔纳非常尴尬,道歉之后随口询问对方吃饭没有,对方回答说刚吃过南特炒鸡蛋。凡尔纳听罢摇头,声称巴黎根本没有正宗的南特炒鸡蛋,因为他即南特人而且拿手此菜。胖绅士闻言大喜,诚邀凡尔纳登门献艺。二人友谊从此开始,并一度合写戏剧,为凡尔纳走上创作之路创造了有利条件。这位胖绅士的名字是大仲马。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,并失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。他十分欣赏雨果、巴尔扎克、大仲马和英国的莎士比亚。在巴黎,他创作了20个剧本(未出版)和一些充满浪漫激情的诗歌。 后来,凡尔纳与大仲马合作创作了剧本《折断的麦秆》并得以上演,这标志着凡尔纳在文学界取得了初步的成功。在继续创作的过程中,凡尔纳感到文学创作似乎缺乏出路,而且他发现当时文坛上的人都在找出路,都在试图把其他领域的知识融进戏剧。比如大仲马是将历史学融进文学,而巴尔扎克则把社会伦理学融进文学……这时凡尔纳发现,只剩下地理学还没有被开发。 于是凡尔纳利用一年的时间进行试验,创作出《冰川上面过冬》等作品,但未发表。 1856年,凡尔纳乘火车来到北部城市亚眠,遇到一名带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,一见钟情并求婚,继而结婚。接着凡尔纳搬家过去,从此开始认真创作。其时29岁。 凡尔纳创作出《气球上的五星期》后,16家出版社无人理睬,愤然投入火中,被妻子抢救出来,送入第17家出版社后被出版。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。黑格尔与凡尔纳签订合同,一年为其出版两本科幻小说。 《气球上的五星期》出版之后,凡尔纳的创作进入了一个多方面的探索时期,他试验多种写法,朝多种方向进行探索,一发不可收拾。每年出版两本,总标题为《奇异的旅行》,包括《地心游记》《从地球到月球》《环绕月球》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等等,囊括了陆地、海洋和天空……此后探索停止,开始成熟,进入平稳的发展时期,创作出《80天环绕地球》《太阳系历险记》《两年假期》等优秀作品。随着声望的增高,凡尔纳的财富也在迅速增长。 凡尔纳的晚年不是十分幸福,创作减少并进入衰弱期,其《卡尔巴阡的古堡》有一定的自传性,表现了生活中隐秘的侧面。 1905年3月17日凡尔纳出现偏瘫,24日失去知觉,25日晨8:00去世。 1905年3月28日大出殡,全世界纷纷电唁,悼念这位伟大的科幻作家。 凡尔纳的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,又能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情,所以一百多年来,一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。据联合国教科文组织的资料表明,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的十大名家之一。 凡尔纳是一个非常优秀的通俗小说作家,有一种能够把自己的幻觉变得能够触摸的本领,其感觉是全方位的,从平淡的文学中传达出某种人类的热情。但凡尔纳的小说中人物除了少数几个外都是一模一样的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是脸谱化的简单的好人坏人,没有什么心理活动;从其作品人物性别单一化上还可看出他对女人的偏见,隐隐流露出深受其苦的心态。此外凡尔纳的作品中充满了明显的社会倾向,是一个爱国者(法国人最好)、民族解放主义者(支持被压迫民族斗争),在某种程度上是一个无政府主义者(从某些作品中表现出无秩序者),最后还是一个银河帝国主义者(有缔造宇宙帝国的欲望)。 凡尔纳的作品里充满了知识,但他本人却是一名宇宙神秘主义者,对世界有一种神秘的崇拜。在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。 但总的来说,凡尔纳的尝试仍然是伟大的。他写的虽然都是平凡小事,但读后仍使我们激动不已。正如1884年教皇在接见他时曾说:“我并不是不知道您的作品的科学价值,但我最珍重的却是它们的纯洁、道德价值和精神力量。” 儒勒·凡尔纳作品集 《八十天环游地球》 《海底两万里》 《格兰特船长的儿女》 《环绕月球》 《神秘岛》 《世界主宰者》 《米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫》 《气球上的五星期》 《空中历险记》 《墨西哥的“幽灵”》 《佐奇瑞大师》 《牛博士》 《一个在冰雪中度过的冬天》 《征服者罗比尔》 《两年假期》 《从地球到月球》 《八十天环绕地球》 《奥兰情游》 《升D先生和降E小姐》 《隐身新娘》 《昂梯菲尔奇遇记》 《大海入侵》 《烽火岛》 《太阳系历险记》 《巴尔萨克考察队的惊险遭遇》 《哈特拉斯船长历险记》 《大木筏》 《喀尔巴阡古堡》 《金火山》 《鲁滨逊叔叔》 《多瑙河领航员》 《鲁滨逊学校》 《马丁·帕兹》 《旅行基金》 《漂逝的半岛》 《桑道夫伯爵》 《黑印度》 《南非洲历险记》 《突破封锁》 《沙皇的邮件》 《印度贵妇的五亿法郎》 《小把戏》 《迎着三色旗》","很佩服凡尔纳的文学功底和丰富的知识,当你读这本小说时仿佛你也深入其中,你会为他们的一举一动感到兴奋或着急。他们是多么勇敢与乐于助人啊……一个从鲨鱼肚中发现的漂流瓶让他们走上这条艰苦的冒险之路,换位想一想,如果是你经历这样的情况呢?你会不会推辞道: “嗨,这已经是老事了,信纸都被海水给侵蚀了,说不定人都已经死了,我们还为什么要卖力去就一个生死未卜的人呢?”我承认,如果是我,我也不一定会像这群勇敢的人们,为了一个素不相识的人而放弃一切踏上这条旅程。这是一种精神,虽然这个故事是作者虚构的,但每一个故事的灵魂都是要告诉人们一些我们知道,但不一定能够办到的精神…… 格兰特船长会得救吗?这群勇敢的志者会遇到危险吗?大家会不会中途放弃呢?这一切的一切都是一个未知……而我们的人生,不也是等待着一个一个未知的成功与失败的到来吗……",28.40,9787500608837,7500608837 read,2008-08-23T18:03:24Z,57,7.4,儒勒·凡尔纳,平装,427,中国青年出版社,昂蒂费尔师傅奇遇记,,"儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生于法国西部海港南特,他在构成市区一部分的劳阿尔河上的菲伊德岛生活学习到中学毕业。父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。但是凡尔纳自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。11岁时,他曾志愿上船当见习生,远航印度,结果被家人发现接回了家。为此凡尔纳挨了一顿狠揍,并躺在床上流着泪保证:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。 18岁时,他遵父嘱,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次,凡尔纳自一场晚会早退,下楼时他忽然童心大发,沿楼梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖绅士身上。凡尔纳非常尴尬,道歉之后随口询问对方吃饭没有,对方回答说刚吃过南特炒鸡蛋。凡尔纳听罢摇头,声称巴黎根本没有正宗的南特炒鸡蛋,因为他即南特人而且拿手此菜。胖绅士闻言大喜,诚邀凡尔纳登门献艺。二人友谊从此开始,并一度合写戏剧,为凡尔纳走上创作之路创造了有利条件。这位胖绅士的名字是大仲马。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,并失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。他十分欣赏雨果、巴尔扎克、大仲马和英国的莎士比亚。在巴黎,他创作了20个剧本(未出版)和一些充满浪漫激情的诗歌。 后来,凡尔纳与大仲马合作创作了剧本《折断的麦秆》并得以上演,这标志着凡尔纳在文学界取得了初步的成功。在继续创作的过程中,凡尔纳感到文学创作似乎缺乏出路,而且他发现当时文坛上的人都在找出路,都在试图把其他领域的知识融进戏剧。比如大仲马是将历史学融进文学,而巴尔扎克则把社会伦理学融进文学……这时凡尔纳发现,只剩下地理学还没有被开发。 于是凡尔纳利用一年的时间进行试验,创作出《冰川上面过冬》等作品,但未发表。 1856年,凡尔纳乘火车来到北部城市亚眠,遇到一名带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,一见钟情并求婚,继而结婚。接着凡尔纳搬家过去,从此开始认真创作。其时29岁。 凡尔纳创作出《气球上的五星期》后,16家出版社无人理睬,愤然投入火中,被妻子抢救出来,送入第17家出版社后被出版。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。黑格尔与凡尔纳签订合同,一年为其出版两本科幻小说。 《气球上的五星期》出版之后,凡尔纳的创作进入了一个多方面的探索时期,他试验多种写法,朝多种方向进行探索,一发不可收拾。每年出版两本,总标题为《奇异的旅行》,包括《地心游记》《从地球到月球》《环绕月球》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等等,囊括了陆地、海洋和天空……此后探索停止,开始成熟,进入平稳的发展时期,创作出《80天环绕地球》《太阳系历险记》《两年假期》等优秀作品。随着声望的增高,凡尔纳的财富也在迅速增长。 凡尔纳的晚年不是十分幸福,创作减少并进入衰弱期,其《卡尔巴阡的古堡》有一定的自传性,表现了生活中隐秘的侧面。 1905年3月17日凡尔纳出现偏瘫,24日失去知觉,25日晨8:00去世。 1905年3月28日大出殡,全世界纷纷电唁,悼念这位伟大的科幻作家。 凡尔纳的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,又能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情,所以一百多年来,一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。据联合国教科文组织的资料表明,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的十大名家之一。 凡尔纳是一个非常优秀的通俗小说作家,有一种能够把自己的幻觉变得能够触摸的本领,其感觉是全方位的,从平淡的文学中传达出某种人类的热情。但凡尔纳的小说中人物除了少数几个外都是一模一样的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是脸谱化的简单的好人坏人,没有什么心理活动;从其作品人物性别单一化上还可看出他对女人的偏见,隐隐流露出深受其苦的心态。此外凡尔纳的作品中充满了明显的社会倾向,是一个爱国者(法国人最好)、民族解放主义者(支持被压迫民族斗争),在某种程度上是一个无政府主义者(从某些作品中表现出无秩序者),最后还是一个银河帝国主义者(有缔造宇宙帝国的欲望)。 凡尔纳的作品里充满了知识,但他本人却是一名宇宙神秘主义者,对世界有一种神秘的崇拜。在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。 但总的来说,凡尔纳的尝试仍然是伟大的。他写的虽然都是平凡小事,但读后仍使我们激动不已。正如1884年教皇在接见他时曾说:“我并不是不知道您的作品的科学价值,但我最珍重的却是它们的纯洁、道德价值和精神力量。” 儒勒·凡尔纳作品集 《八十天环游地球》 《海底两万里》 《格兰特船长的儿女》 《环绕月球》 《神秘岛》 《世界主宰者》 《米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫》 《气球上的五星期》 《空中历险记》 《墨西哥的“幽灵”》 《佐奇瑞大师》 《牛博士》 《一个在冰雪中度过的冬天》 《征服者罗比尔》 《两年假期》 《从地球到月球》 《八十天环绕地球》 《奥兰情游》 《升D先生和降E小姐》 《隐身新娘》 《昂梯菲尔奇遇记》 《大海入侵》 《烽火岛》 《太阳系历险记》 《巴尔萨克考察队的惊险遭遇》 《哈特拉斯船长历险记》 《大木筏》 《喀尔巴阡古堡》 《金火山》 《鲁滨逊叔叔》 《多瑙河领航员》 《鲁滨逊学校》 《马丁·帕兹》 《旅行基金》 《漂逝的半岛》 《桑道夫伯爵》 《黑印度》 《南非洲历险记》 《突破封锁》 《沙皇的邮件》 《印度贵妇的五亿法郎》 《小把戏》 《迎着三色旗》",为避免自己的财产被强占,埃及富翁卡米尔克总督将价值一亿法郎的钻石珠宝,秘密埋藏在一个无名小岛上。小岛的纬度,按照卡米尔克的遗嘱,给了他的救命恩人——昂蒂费尔师傅的父亲,昂蒂费尔师傅从父亲那里继承了这一纬度。为了获得小岛的经度,必须找到卡米尔克遗嘱上提到的另外几个人,公证人物勃·奥马尔,银行家赞布哥及苏格兰教士蒂尔考麦勒。每找到一个人,都得去寻找一个新的小岛,因此,昂蒂费尔师傅在好友吉尔达·特雷高曼和侄子朱埃勒的陪同下,经历艰难,几乎周游了整个世界。最终得到的只有一道模糊不清的几何题。青年船长朱埃勒与妻子爱诺卡特在偶然中解出了这个问题的答案。然而他们到了答案指定的位置,却发现这个小岛也象崛起时那样已奇迹般的消逝了。,16.0,9787500609872,7500609876 read,2008-08-23T18:03:16Z,117,7.4,儒勒﹒凡尔纳,,NA,中国青年出版社,烽火岛,,," ",8.3,9787500609681,750060968X read,2008-08-23T18:03:07Z,502,7.8,[法]儒勒.凡尔纳,平装,415,中国青年出版社,机器岛,,"儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生于法国西部海港南特,他在构成市区一部分的劳阿尔河上的菲伊德岛生活学习到中学毕业。父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。但是凡尔纳自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。11岁时,他曾志愿上船当见习生,远航印度,结果被家人发现接回了家。为此凡尔纳挨了一顿狠揍,并躺在床上流着泪保证:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。 18岁时,他遵父嘱,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次,凡尔纳自一场晚会早退,下楼时他忽然童心大发,沿楼梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖绅士身上。凡尔纳非常尴尬,道歉之后随口询问对方吃饭没有,对方回答说刚吃过南特炒鸡蛋。凡尔纳听罢摇头,声称巴黎根本没有正宗的南特炒鸡蛋,因为他即南特人而且拿手此菜。胖绅士闻言大喜,诚邀凡尔纳登门献艺。二人友谊从此开始,并一度合写戏剧,为凡尔纳走上创作之路创造了有利条件。这位胖绅士的名字是大仲马。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,并失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。他十分欣赏雨果、巴尔扎克、大仲马和英国的莎士比亚。在巴黎,他创作了20个剧本(未出版)和一些充满浪漫激情的诗歌。 后来,凡尔纳与大仲马合作创作了剧本《折断的麦秆》并得以上演,这标志着凡尔纳在文学界取得了初步的成功。在继续创作的过程中,凡尔纳感到文学创作似乎缺乏出路,而且他发现当时文坛上的人都在找出路,都在试图把其他领域的知识融进戏剧。比如大仲马是将历史学融进文学,而巴尔扎克则把社会伦理学融进文学……这时凡尔纳发现,只剩下地理学还没有被开发。 于是凡尔纳利用一年的时间进行试验,创作出《冰川上面过冬》等作品,但未发表。 1856年,凡尔纳乘火车来到北部城市亚眠,遇到一名带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,一见钟情并求婚,继而结婚。接着凡尔纳搬家过去,从此开始认真创作。其时29岁。 凡尔纳创作出《气球上的五星期》后,16家出版社无人理睬,愤然投入火中,被妻子抢救出来,送入第17家出版社后被出版。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。黑格尔与凡尔纳签订合同,一年为其出版两本科幻小说。 《气球上的五星期》出版之后,凡尔纳的创作进入了一个多方面的探索时期,他试验多种写法,朝多种方向进行探索,一发不可收拾。每年出版两本,总标题为《奇异的旅行》,包括《地心游记》《从地球到月球》《环绕月球》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等等,囊括了陆地、海洋和天空……此后探索停止,开始成熟,进入平稳的发展时期,创作出《80天环绕地球》《太阳系历险记》《两年假期》等优秀作品。随着声望的增高,凡尔纳的财富也在迅速增长。 凡尔纳的晚年不是十分幸福,创作减少并进入衰弱期,其《卡尔巴阡的古堡》有一定的自传性,表现了生活中隐秘的侧面。 1905年3月17日凡尔纳出现偏瘫,24日失去知觉,25日晨8:00去世。 1905年3月28日大出殡,全世界纷纷电唁,悼念这位伟大的科幻作家。 凡尔纳的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,又能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情,所以一百多年来,一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。据联合国教科文组织的资料表明,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的十大名家之一。 凡尔纳是一个非常优秀的通俗小说作家,有一种能够把自己的幻觉变得能够触摸的本领,其感觉是全方位的,从平淡的文学中传达出某种人类的热情。但凡尔纳的小说中人物除了少数几个外都是一模一样的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是脸谱化的简单的好人坏人,没有什么心理活动;从其作品人物性别单一化上还可看出他对女人的偏见,隐隐流露出深受其苦的心态。此外凡尔纳的作品中充满了明显的社会倾向,是一个爱国者(法国人最好)、民族解放主义者(支持被压迫民族斗争),在某种程度上是一个无政府主义者(从某些作品中表现出无秩序者),最后还是一个银河帝国主义者(有缔造宇宙帝国的欲望)。 凡尔纳的作品里充满了知识,但他本人却是一名宇宙神秘主义者,对世界有一种神秘的崇拜。在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。 但总的来说,凡尔纳的尝试仍然是伟大的。他写的虽然都是平凡小事,但读后仍使我们激动不已。正如1884年教皇在接见他时曾说:“我并不是不知道您的作品的科学价值,但我最珍重的却是它们的纯洁、道德价值和精神力量。” 儒勒·凡尔纳作品集 《八十天环游地球》 《海底两万里》 《格兰特船长的儿女》 《环绕月球》 《神秘岛》 《世界主宰者》 《米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫》 《气球上的五星期》 《空中历险记》 《墨西哥的“幽灵”》 《佐奇瑞大师》 《牛博士》 《一个在冰雪中度过的冬天》 《征服者罗比尔》 《两年假期》 《从地球到月球》 《八十天环绕地球》 《奥兰情游》 《升D先生和降E小姐》 《隐身新娘》 《昂梯菲尔奇遇记》 《大海入侵》 《烽火岛》 《太阳系历险记》 《巴尔萨克考察队的惊险遭遇》 《哈特拉斯船长历险记》 《大木筏》 《喀尔巴阡古堡》 《金火山》 《鲁滨逊叔叔》 《多瑙河领航员》 《鲁滨逊学校》 《马丁·帕兹》 《旅行基金》 《漂逝的半岛》 《桑道夫伯爵》 《黑印度》 《南非洲历险记》 《突破封锁》 《沙皇的邮件》 《印度贵妇的五亿法郎》 《小把戏》 《迎着三色旗》",美国的一批富翁异想天开地用钢铁造了一座长七公里宽五公里的流动岛,岛的两侧装有强大的推进机器,可以在大洋中自由漫游。岛的中央有一座电气化城市,城里除了一些服务性的人员以外,都是吃年金的富翁,过着游手好闲的生活,追求极度繁华的享受,总之,那是一座阔人的天堂。然而好景不常,富翁内部不断尖锐话的矛盾却成了这座小岛毁灭的根源。有一天,岛上最有势力的两个集团由于争权夺利,最后决裂了。他们各自占有一架推进机器,各自朝相反的方向开去,这座人造岛在强大的拉力下终于被扯成碎片,沉到了大海的深处。,15.70元,9787500609896,7500609892 read,2008-08-18T12:09:50Z,303,8.6,伊萨克・巴别尔,平装,280,人民文学出版社,敖德萨故事,,,此书系人民文学出版社继《骑兵军》、《巴别尔马背日记》之后推出的 “俄罗斯沉默派大师”伊萨克巴别尔的又一部享有世界声誉的传世力作。这是一部描写作者故乡、19世纪中叶俄罗斯黑海海滨著名的港口城市敖德萨的种种奇人异事、风土人情、市井百态的短篇故事集,在作者汪洋恣肆、纵横驰骋的笔下,一个个多姿多彩、个性鲜明的底层小人物呼之欲出,其中,既洋溢着世俗的苦乐悲喜,又流淌着苦难的黑色诗意,将一部俄罗斯文学经典带入国人视野。,30.00元,9787020059249,7020059244 read,2008-08-14T21:51:35Z,3333,8.4,北岛,平装,295,汕头大学出版社,失败之书,,"原名赵振开,祖籍浙江湖州,生于北京。1969年当建筑工人,后在某公司工作。80年代末移居国外。著有诗集《太阳城札记》、 《北岛诗选》、《北岛顾城 诗选》等。 北岛的诗歌创作开始于十年动乱后期,反映了从迷惘到觉醒的一代青年的心声, 十年动乱的荒诞现实,造成了诗人独特的冷抒情”的方式――出奇的冷静和深刻的思辨性。他在冷静的观察中,发现了“那从蝇眼中分裂的世界”如何造成人的价值的全面崩溃、人性的扭曲和异化。他想“通过作品建立一个自己的世界,这是一个真诚而独特的世界,正直的世界,正义和人性的世界。” 在这个世界中,北岛建立了自己的“理性法庭”,以理性和人性为准绳,重新确定人的价值,恢复人的本性;悼念烈士,审判刽子手;嘲讽怪异和异化的世界,反思历史和现实;呼唤人性的富贵,寻找“生命的湖”和红帆船”。清醒的思辨与直觉思维产生的隐喻、象征意象相结合,是北岛诗显著的艺术特征,具有高度概括力的悖论式警句,造成了北岛诗独有的振聋发聩的艺术力量。",《失败之书》是诗人北岛的散文集,这本散文是诗人在流浪的路上的一些采撷。诗人北岛说,散文和漂泊之间,按时髦的说法,有一种互文关系:散文是文字中的漂泊,而漂泊是地理与社会意义上的书写。在一九八九年到一九九三四年间,他曾住过七个国家,搬了十五次家,这就是一种散文语境。北岛自80年代末移居国外后,就开始了其漂泊的一生,在流浪中不断进行创作……,28.00,9787810368711,7810368710 read,2008-08-11T20:59:15Z,167,7.8,(英)杰罗姆,平装,207,中华书局,懒人懒办法,,"J・K・杰罗姆 (1859-1927),英国作家,凭借小说《三人同舟》(1889)以及随笔集《懒人懒办法》(1886)奠定了他作为英国幽默大师的经典地位。 杰罗姆的文字有一种典型的波西米亚―布尔乔亚风格,机智、隽永、简洁、优雅,既幽默泼辣,又细腻哀婉;放肆时嬉笑怒骂,收敛时深情婉转。",英国人J·K·杰罗姆生活在19世纪中叶至20世纪初期,曾借长篇小说《三人同舟》一举成名,“这本书为他带来了金钱、名声,还有朋友,这些朋友包括托马斯·哈代、H·G·威尔斯、柯南·道尔等声名显赫的人物”,但走红并不代表被正统的英国文坛认可,所以中国读者对这个名字的了解仅限于前半部分缩写的似曾相识。但要告诉你的是,《懒人懒办法》这本散文集文字时尚而亲切,带有时下正畅销的典型波波、小资风格——机智、优雅,既幽默泼辣,又细腻哀婉。当然,读者饮水思源,自然知道这来自于译者老秦的妙趣译笔。 “杰罗姆对19世纪生活的观察,真是神乎其技,即使是百年后的今天,我们仍会在不知不觉之间将它应用于自己的生活。它一会儿嬉笑怒骂,一会儿含泪垂眉,但总是那么真诚体贴。《与猫狗同行》一章尤为令人绝倒……在任何人的藏书中,这样纯净快乐和富有洞见的作品不可或缺。”(全球最大的网上书店亚马逊amazon.com强力推荐),插图源自英国书籍插图天才比亚兹莱,风格清新。英国幽默大师杰罗姆对19世纪生活的观察,真是神乎其神,即使是百年后的今天,我们仍会在不知不觉之间将它应用于自己的生活。它一会儿嬉笑怒骂,一会儿含泪垂眉,但总是那么真诚体贴。《与猫狗同行》一章尤为令人绝倒。……噢,真希望能读到他更多的作品,然而很遗憾,好像只出版地三种。在任何人的藏书中,这样纯净快乐和富有洞见的作品不可或缺。 ——亚马逊网站在线评论,16.80,9787101043815,710104381X read,2008-08-09T17:31:12Z,287,8.6,[加] 伊格纳季耶夫,精装,409,译林出版社,伯林传,,"以赛亚·伯林1909年生于拉脱维亚的里加,1920年迁居英格兰,其后一直受牛津教育,后半生也一直任教、居住于牛津。他甚至成为牛津大学的一个学术象征,圣约翰学院的哈克博士回忆起1960年代的牛津生活时说“伯林论政治思想史的演讲现在看起来简直是传奇。他在牛津大学最大的一个讲堂做演讲,那里总是被渴望求知的大学生挤得水泄不通。他侃侃而谈,不用笔记,向我们妙趣横生地介绍欧洲政治思想和道德思想的全貌,那声音响彻讲堂,一出伟大的思想戏剧呈现在我们眼前,并不时被他那富有感染力的姿态、热情而充满活力的语言所加强”。然而,令人奇怪的是,伯林很少撰写大部头专著来阐发他的想法,他写的更多的是一些长篇文章,这些文章也非直接阐述理论,而是旁征博引地评论哲学史、观念史和各色思想人物。然而,这些文章一经发表即成名篇,深刻地影响到一般学者的思考。他极有见地的著作,如《卡尔·马克思》、《维柯与赫尔德》、《自由四讲》及《俄国思想家》等等,以透彻的洞察力澄清了现代观念的许多基本问题,使人们重新发现了维柯、赫尔德、哈曼以及一大批俄罗斯思想家,赫尔岑尤其是他心目中的英雄。他的长篇论文《刺猬与狐狸》、《历史的必然性》、《丘吉尔在1940年》、《罗斯福》等已是欧美知识界脍炙人口的名篇,并奠定了他作为20世纪知识生活中最具影响的政治哲学家的地位。 伯林的一生极其丰富多彩,他曾任牛津沃尔夫森学院的首任院长,并任牛津多个学院的教授以及欧美各著名大学的客座教授、研究员;1974年至1978年则任英国皇家科学院的院长。他兴趣广泛,言锋锐利,是知识界著名的大谈家;他的好朋友有W. H. 奥登、斯蒂芬·斯彭德、斯特拉文斯基、纳米尔等人。 更富传奇色彩的是,二战期间他任职于英国政府,1942-1945年任驻华盛顿英国使馆一等秘书,1945-1946年则转任驻莫斯科英国使馆一等秘书;他回忆起在莫斯科的一年,特别提到那儿的“寒冷”,而且不能会见非经官方安排的友人。不过让他庆幸的是,他终于和阿赫玛托娃、帕斯捷尔纳克见上了面。后来,他在另一名篇《和俄国诗人的聚会》里生动地叙述了当时的场景。作为一个俄国出生的犹太人,以赛亚·伯林与美国俄裔作家E. 威尔逊、纳博科夫等人声气相通,一生推崇俄国诗歌和文学。为了维护帕斯捷尔纳克的文学声誉,他甚至给《泰晤士报》写出一封读者信,与一位抨击帕氏的评论家展开争论。 伯林的去世标志20世纪知识生活中最精彩的一页已成为过去。",这是一本根据伯林自己的回忆,以及与伯林长达十年的交谈写成的伯林生活传记。在晚年,与不同的仰慕者共同追忆自己的一生,几乎成了伯林的生活。他也从中体会到某些乐趣。这里呈现出的是个活生生的伯林。纪实性是这本《柏林传》的特点。它既不是门徒对大师言行的追忆,也不是从文献中重建出来的伯林,而是伯林所回忆的伯林。读者将看到的是一生没有克服自卑感的伯林,一个极有女人缘却因自卑而逃避并对她们造成伤害的伯林,一个通过与朋友的妻子私通才恢复自己在性方面自信的伯林,一个喜欢交响乐到了“实在没办法”的地步的伯林。有的地方显得像喜剧,有的地方却像传奇。他的苏联之行,他与阿赫玛托娃的彻夜长谈,她对他的期待,他的造访给她的生活乃至她的家庭造成的毁灭性影响,因他从她的生活中消失而产生的怨恨——这个深刻地改变了他的思考方向的人生插曲,被描述得极富悲剧性和传奇色彩。,19.20元,9787806572474,7806572473 read,2008-08-07T19:28:54Z,16,6.7,John Parker; Richard Rathbone,Paperback,184,OUP Oxford,African History,,,"Essential reading for anyone interested in the African continent and the diversity of human history, this ""Very Short Introduction"" looks at Africa's past and reflects on the changing ways it has been imagined and represented. Key themes in current thinking about Africa's history are illustrated with a range of fascinating historical examples, drawn from over 5 millennia across this vast continent.",GBP 7.99,9780192802484,0192802488 read,2008-08-07T18:25:14Z,8,0.0,,,NA,浙江文艺出版社,楚辞直解,,,,7.80元,9787533909338,753390933X read,2008-07-30T16:57:51Z,17,7.8,Helen Morales,Paperback,166,"Oxford University Press, USA",Classical Mythology,,,,USD 11.95,9780192804761,0192804766 read,2008-07-29T15:38:25Z,28,8.2,David Lodge,Paperback,256,Penguin Books,Changing Places,,,"When Phillip Swallow and Professor Morris Zapp participate in their universities' Anglo-American exchange scheme, the Fates play a hand, and each academic finds himself enmeshed in the life of his counterpart on the opposite side of the Atlantic. Nobody is immune to the exchange: students, colleagues, even wives are swapped as events spiral out of control. And soon both sun-drenched Euphoric State University and rain-kissed University of Rummidge are a hotbed of intrigue, lawlessness and broken vows...'Not since Lucky Jim has such a funny book about academic life come my way' - ""Sunday Times"". --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.",USD 15.00,9780140170986,0140170987 read,2008-07-27T20:49:44Z,3319,8.2,董桥,精装,269,作家出版社,今朝风日好,,董桥,一九四二年生,福建省晋江县人。一九六四年毕业于台湾台南省立成功大学外国语文学系一九七五年在英国伦敦大学亚非学院做研究。一九七〇年任香港美国新闻处“今日世界”丛书部编辑,编译美国出版之各科书籍。一九七三年在伦敦英国广播电台中文部从事新闻广播及时事评论,并编制英国文学、文化和科技史节目。一九七九年返香港任职美国国际交流总署,翌年出任《明报月刊》总编辑。一九八七年出任香港中文大学出版组主任,半年后转任《读者文摘》中文版总编辑。一九八八年任香港《明报》总编辑至一九九五年夏退休。董桥撰写文化思想评论及文学散文多年,在港台出版了《这一代的事》、《跟中国的梦赛跑》、《辩证法的黄昏》、《另外一种心情》、《双城杂笔》等多种文集及多种翻译书籍。,"在《今朝风日好》这本书中,董桥开始带读者走进他的书房,听他讲搜集古书旅程中的“00七”故事,听他说皮革说装帧说纸张说书瘾。 书名取自丰子恺的“今朝风日好,或恐有人来”,这是今天的董桥对美好生活美好事物依然执着的美好期盼。 内附董桥专为作家版《今朝风日好》设计的一枚精致藏书票,这也是董桥在海内外出版过的众多著作中的第一枚藏书票。",39.00元,9787506341837,7506341832 read,2008-07-23T21:36:10Z,360,7.3,约翰·托兰,平装,595,中国社会科学出版社,漫长的战斗,,,《漫长的战斗:美国人眼中的朝鲜战争》作者以“世界公民”的角度,通过自己和美国士兵的眼睛观察,从朝鲜战争揭幕战:三八线冲突写起,对美军参战、汉城失守、大田兵败、釜山外围战、仁川登陆、长津湖战役、拉锯战、停战谈判、战俘营里的斗争、特别是北朝鲜方面的情况等朝鲜战争的重要过程,进行了栩栩如生的刻画和描述。,48.00元,9787500412502,7500412509 read,2008-07-19T15:01:53Z,9678,8.3,北岛,平装,148,江苏文艺出版社,青灯,,北岛(1949- ), 原名赵振开,祖籍浙江,生于北京。80年代末移居国外。北岛的诗歌创作开始于十年动乱后期,反映了从迷惘到觉醒的一代青年的心声。清醒的思辨与直觉思维产生的隐喻、象征意象相结合,是北岛诗显著的艺术特征,具有高度概括力的悖论式警句,造成了北岛诗独有的振聋发聩的艺术力量。著有诗集《太阳城札记》、《北岛诗选》以及散文集《失败之书》等。,"《青灯》是诗人北岛的散文集,收录了他新近完成的十一篇作品。第一部分是忆念,主角是熊秉明、蔡其矫、魏斐德、冯亦代等故人,青灯素帐,烛影惶惶;第二部分则是游历,足迹遍及世界各地,作者在漂泊中怀揣着家园。 《青灯》:“故国残月/沉入深潭中/重如那些石头你把词语垒进历史/让河道转弯//花开几度/ 催动朝代盛衰/乌鸦即鼓声/帝王们如蚕吐丝/为你织成长卷//美女如云/护送内心航程/靑灯掀开梦的一角/你顺手挽住火焰/化作漫天大雪//把酒临风/你和中国一起老去/长廊贯穿春秋/大门口的陌生人正砸响门环”这是北岛献给汉学家魏斐德(Fred Wakeman)的诗,为纪念其退休而作。",16.00,9787539927473,753992747X read,2008-07-13T10:03:45Z,33,8.1,[法]让-克里斯托夫·吕芬,平装,450,译林出版社,红色巴西,,让-克利斯托夫•吕芬于1952年出生于法国布尔热市。自一九七七年起,成为人道主义组织“无国界医生”的先锋。现为人道主义组织“反饥饿行动”的主席。在第三世界的不寻常经历,不仅为他的文学创作提供了大量素材,而且为他的文学创作指出了方向。他说,长期在国外生活之后,他有了一种“通过写小说,能够生活在‘真理’当中的感觉”。,获2001年法国龚古尔奖。讲述了“文明的”西方与”野蛮的”印第安文化之间的冲突。,38.00元,9787544705325,7544705323 read,2008-07-11T00:15:47Z,4,0.0,库克,简裝本,167,清华大学出版社,客户服务有效性测评,,,"对于大多数组织来说,优秀的客户服务堪称一项关键的资产。然而,怎样才能知道组织的内部和外部都提供了优秀的客户服务呢?更重要的是,提供的服务是否达到并超越客户的期望呢?客户服务是一项无形的工作,它不像具体的事物一样可以保存,而它又是针对活生生的人的,因而对它进行测评是非常复杂的,不是那么直截了当。 本书深刻细致地阐述了对内部服务和外部服务的有效性进行测评的逻辑机理,对测评的流程进行了细致解说——从准备到结果管理。还对用于服务有效性测评的各种工具和使用方法进行了探讨。作者把她从事顾问咨询的第一手经验和盘托出,因而本书不乏现成的材料使得你能够立即着手对你自己所在的组织的服务有效性进行测评。",25.00元,9787302115120,7302115125 read,2008-07-10T14:05:21Z,9,0.0,尼杰尔·希尔,,222,,怎样测评客户满意度,,,《怎样测评客户满意度(第2版)》比较全面、系统地介绍了测评客户满意度的基本知识与基本技巧,是一本比较实用的测评客户满意度手册。《怎样测评客户满意度(第2版)》首先介绍了什么是客户满意度,客户满意度测评的内容及步骤,设新问卷调查,设定对象与项目安排,进已探索性研究,确定抽样抽查样本,调查选择,如何使回复率最大化、问卷设计、运用等级量表测评客户满意度、介绍调查,分析调查结果,进行调查结果反馈,并设有测评客户满意度实例,供参考。,28.00元,9787500461890,7500461895 read,2008-07-07T21:25:04Z,104,8.2,约翰·托兰,简装,1143,新华出版社,日本帝国的衰亡,,,,28.8元,9787501102556,7501102554 read,2008-07-04T23:45:41Z,10458,8.9,(法)阿尔贝・加缪,软精装,290,译林出版社,局外人,,,《局外人》是加缪小说的成名作和代表作之一,堪称20世纪整个西方文坛最具有划时代意义最著名小说之一,“局外人”也由此成为整个西方文学-哲学中最经典的人物形象和最重要的关键词之一。,14.50,9787805677927,7805677921 read,2008-07-02T22:14:41Z,16,7.6,太平洋战争研究会,平装,186,国际文化出版公司,日本史上最长的一天,,,,1.00元,,SH11345-002 read,2008-06-30T11:18:41Z,3988,8.6,(爱尔兰)艾.丽.伏尼契,平装,342,中国青年出版社,牛虻,,,十九世纪的意大利民族解放运动曾产生了很多的爱国志士,这本小说就是拿那些志士的故事做题材的。作者通过小说的主角“牛虻”这个形象,把当时那些志士的爱国精神和革命热情深刻地表现了出来,使这部作品浸透着革命的英雄主义。其中描写牛虻为意大利人民忍受苦难和英勇牺牲的部分,可说是这部小说最优秀也最动人的篇幅。牛虻的刚强和无畏,他那钢铁般的坚忍力量,他对敌人的憎恨和轻蔑,以及他那不为任何拷打凌虐所屈的坚贞品质,曾使很多青年受到教育和鼓励。,1.10,,SH10009-304 read,2008-06-30T08:58:36Z,5818,7.8,许仲琳,平装,NA,人民文学出版社,封神演义,,,"《封神演义》,俗称《封神榜》,又名《商周列国全传》、《武王伐纣外史》、《封神传》。全书共一百回。《封神演义》的原型最早可追溯至南宋的《武王伐纣白话文》,可能还参考了《商周演义》、《昆仑八仙东游记》,全书以武王伐纣、商周易代的历史为框架,叙写天上的神仙分成两派卷入这场斗争,支持武王的阐教,帮助纣王的为截教。双方祭宝斗法,几经较量,最后纣王失败自焚,姜子牙将双方战死的要人一一封神。成书年代不可确考,一般认为在明穆宗隆庆至明神宗万历之间。 全书内容以篇幅巨大、幻想之奇特而闻名于世。其内容依托商灭周兴的历史背景,用武王伐纣为时空线索,从女娲降香开书,到周武王姬发封列国诸侯结束。其中的哪吒闹海、姜子牙下山、文王访贤、三抢封神榜、众仙斗阵斗法等情节,展现了古人丰富的想象力:腾云驾雾、呼风唤雨、搬山移海、撒豆成兵、水遁、土遁、风火轮、火尖枪…… 日本江户时代书已出现翻译全本,鲁迅在《中国小说史略》中也有介绍。另外,《封神演义》使道教令人熟知。",38.00,9787020024148,7020024149 read,2008-06-29T12:46:05Z,183,7.8,法捷耶夫,平装,423,人民文学出版社,青年近卫军(共二册),,法捷耶夫,Александр Александрович Фатеев,苏联著名作家,是苏联社会主义现实主义文学的杰出代表之一。他的作品是在社会主义革命精神鼓舞下写成的;他笔下的主人公们是为建设新生活而斗争的英勇战士。他的作品的特色是把严格的现实主义的描写、深刻细腻的心理分析、浪漫主义的激情和抒情笔调有机地统一起来。,《青年近卫军》讲述一九四二年七月,顿巴斯矿区的小城克拉斯诺顿被德国法西斯军队占领,当地未及撤退的青年,以共青团员为核心,在地下区委的领导下,组成了“青年近卫军”,展开了英勇的斗争,给敌人以沉重的打击,使人民受到巨大的鼓舞。在一九四三年一月克拉斯诺顿收复的前夕,由于叛徒的出卖,大部分成员不幸被捕,壮烈牺牲。这就是小说《青年近卫军》所根据的事实基础。小说通过“青年近卫军”组织、克拉斯诺顿地下区委、伏罗希洛夫州游击队和红军正规部队的对敌斗争,描绘了一幅波澜壮阔的人民战争的画卷,歌颂了伟大的卫国战争,展现了战争的宏伟规模和广泛的群众基础,揭露了德国法西斯的凶残本性,表明了正义战争必胜的真理。小说以极大的热情表现了在社会主义社会里成长的苏联青年的爱国主义精神和英雄气概,塑造了“青年近卫军”总部领导人奥列格、万尼亚、邬丽亚、谢辽萨、刘巴等青年英雄的光辉形象,同时也着力描写了地下州委书记普罗庆柯、区委书记刘季柯夫等年长一辈领导人的艰苦卓绝的斗争,显示了他们对祖国、对社会主义事业和共产主义理想的无比忠诚。小说以感人的艺术力量令人信服地表现了共产党的领导和社会主义制度是“青年近卫军”力量的源泉,具有深刻的思想教育作用。,32.00,9787020000395,7020000398 read,2008-06-29T12:44:33Z,410,7.7,尼·奥斯特洛夫斯基,平,522,人民文学出版社,钢铁是怎样炼成的,,,本书的主人公保尔・柯察金饱尝了生活的苦难,炼就了革命精神和反抗性格。十月革命爆发后只有十六岁的他,就参加了红军,无论在战炮火中,还是在国民经济复时期,可察金都表现出大无畏精神,钢铁一般的意志,强烈的爱国主义和对人民的无限的无限忠诚。由于在战争中多次负伤以及劳累过度,他全身瘫痪,双目失明,被牢牢禁锢在床上,但他占胜了精神与肉体的打击,拿起笔来歌颂为建立苏维埃政权而奋斗的英雄。,1.20,,SH10019-2421 read,2008-06-27T13:06:49Z,116,7.9,陈志强,,542,商务印书馆,拜占廷帝国史,,"陈志强(Chen Zhi-qiang),1952年8月出生于天津市,籍贯沈阳市,现为南开大学世界历史教授,担任历史学院副院长,欧洲问题研究中心执行主任。他于1982年初毕业于南开大学历史系,留校任教,后留学欧洲多年,1994年于希腊亚里士多德大学获得历史考古学博士学位,回国后继续从事世界中古史和拜占廷历史文化科研与教学工作,1995年晋升为教授。目前,他除了开设世界中古史、世界古代文明史、基督教史、拜占廷史等本科课程外,指导拜占廷史博士生3名和世界上古中古史硕士生7名,其中2人已经毕业。他的学术兼职包括:中国东欧拜占廷学研究会副理事长兼秘书长,国际拜占廷学会中国代表、中国世界古代中世纪史研究会副理事长等、东欧拜占廷研究中心主任。","《拜占廷帝国史》可以给读者带来更多的有关拜占廷帝国的知识,引起读者对拜占廷历史兴衰的更大的兴趣和更深的思考,进而使更多的人关心、支持或致力于我国拜占廷学的研究。 延续了千余年的拜占廷帝国对中世纪欧洲发展产生过重要的影响。《拜占廷帝国史》是国内第一部研究拜占廷帝国史的专著,按王朝成立时间顺序,全面介绍了该帝国的产生、发展及主要特色。 全书共分九章,其中前八章以时间为序,系统勾画了各个时代的军政大事及其影响;第九章则以拜占廷的社会生活为研究对象。该书的出版,对推动国内“拜占廷学”的进一步发展,当有助益。",28.00元,9787100037440,7100037441 read,2008-06-27T07:48:47Z,1114,8.7,夏洛蒂.勃朗特,平装,NA,上海译文出版社,简•爱,,,,6.60,9787532700318,7532700313 read,2008-06-26T22:32:51Z,4124,9.3,[意大利] 卡尔维诺,精装,404,译林出版社,卡尔维诺文集(第三卷),,伊塔洛·卡尔维诺(1923-1985)是意大利当代最有世界影响的作家。他在四十年的创作实践中,不断探索和创新,力求以最贴切的方法和形式表现当今的社会和现代人的精神,以及他对人生的感悟和信念。他的作品风格多样,每一部都达到极高的水准,表现了时代,更超越了时代。他于1985年猝然逝世,而与当年的诺贝尔文学奖失之交臂,但他在国际文坛上的影响与日俱增,他的创作日益受到人们的关注。,"卡尔维诺钟爱童话这一艺术形式,熟稔童话的特征、手法,自然也偏爱在小说中运用童话的手法来写现实的人和事。《我们的祖先》是这一艺术手法占主导地位的标志。 《我们的祖先》三部曲,由《分成两半的子爵》(1952)、《树上的男爵》(1957)、《不存在的骑士》(1959)三部小说组成。 三部曲没有一个共同的人物或共同的情节脉络来把它们连缀;但共同的思想内涵,共同的艺术探索,把它们合成一个有机的整体,即这三部小说都采用童话的手法,来表现当代社会里的人被摧残,苦苦追求自身的完整性的遭际。",21.00元,9787806570968,7806570969 read,2008-06-25T16:56:38Z,41,7.4,[俄国] 伊·拉热奇尼科夫,精装,352,译林出版社,冰宫,,,拉热奇尼科夫的《冰宫》使俄国长篇小说的形成跨出了真正的一步,别林斯基把他誉为“俄国第一位长篇小说家”。这部作品在苏联一版再版,经久不衰,曾经拍成电影。《冰宫》的浪漫主义创作手法是小说魅力不衰的原因之一,连普希金也不能不为之赞叹:“诗毕竟永远是诗,您(指拉氏)这部小说的许多篇章必将永存下去,直到俄语消亡为止。”,15.50元,9787805677675,7805677670 read,2008-06-25T16:50:00Z,1542,9.2,[汉] 许慎 撰; [宋] 徐铉杨 校定,平装,328,中华书局,说文解字,,许慎(约58年-约147年),字叔重,东汉汝南召陵(现河南郾城县)人,有“五经无双许叔重”之赞赏。他是汉代有名的经学家、文字学家、语言学家,是中国文字学的开拓者。于公元100年(东汉和帝永元十一年)着《说文解字》,是中国首部字典。许慎曾担任太尉府祭酒,师从经学大师贾逵。他历经21年着成的《说文解字》,归纳出了汉字540个部首。许慎另着有《五经异义》、《淮南鸿烈解诂》等书,已失传。许锦晶曰: 叔重者,名慎,汝南召陵人也。性纯笃,少博学经籍,马融常推敬之,时人为之语曰:“《五经》无双许叔重。”为郡攻曺,举孝廉,再迁除洨长。卒于家。初,慎以《五经》传说臧否不同,于是撰为《五经异议》。永元十有二年(100),始作《说文解字》,序曰叙曰:古者庖牺氏之王天下也,仰则观象于天,俯则观法于地,视鸟兽之文与地之宜,近取诸身,远取诸物,于是始作《易》八卦,以垂宪象。及神农氏结绳为治而统其事,庶业其繁,饰伪萌生。黄帝之史仓颉,见鸟兽蹏迒之迹,知分理之可相别异也,初造书契。百工以乂,万品以察,盖取诸《夬》。夬,扬于王庭。言文者,宣教明化于王者朝廷,君子所以施禄及下,居德则忌也。仓颉之初作书,盖依类象形,故谓之文;其后形声相益,即谓之字。文者,物象之本;字者,言孳乳而浸多也。着于竹帛谓之书。书者,如也。以迄五帝三王之世,改易殊体。封于泰山者七十有二代,靡有同焉。建光元年(121),书成。收单字九千三百五十有三;重文一千一百六十有三,分于五百四十部。病中之时,遣子冲献书于帝。卒,葬郾城县姬石乡许庄村东。墓髙十有五尺,径四十有八尺。乡人曰:“日动一厘,夜长三尺。”谬也,岂有自拔之冢。《后汉书》赞曰:“斯文未陵,亦各有承。涂分流别,专门并兴。精疏殊会,通阂相征。千载不作,渊源谁澄。”至清,岁以仲月后丁之日,县令、学官到许夫子墓前致祭,行一跪三叩礼。康熙四十有六年(1707),郾城县知县温德裕立“孝廉许公之墓”碑。光绪年间(1875-1908),郾城知县王风森立“许夫子从祀文庙碑”。新中国成立后三十七年(1985),许慎研究会第一次会议时,立“重修许慎墓碑记”。植柏百八十有二株,今存百五十有三株,三九之数也。目前,许慎祠堂位于河南省漯河市郾城区许慎路,漯河四高(原郾城一高,省立郾中)旁。,"本书是中国第一部系统地分析汉字字形和考究学源的字书,也是流传最广的中文必借工具书。 《说文解字》总结了先秦、两汉文学的成果,给我们保存了汉字的形、音、义,是研究甲骨文、金文和古音、训访不可缺少的桥梁。特别是《说文》对字义的解释一般保存了最古的含义,对理解古书上的词义更有帮助。 保存了研究古代社会历史、文化等各方面的材料,是我们整理我国优秀的文化遗产的重要的阶梯。《说文》包括各种含义的字的解释,反映了古代的政治、经济、文化、风俗习惯等等。如《说文》“车,舆轮之总名,夏后时奚仲所造”。根据《说文》的说解,可以肯定在夏代已有“车”这种交通工具。又如“姓”字从“女”和诸如“姜”、“姬”、“姚”等一系列从“女”旁的姓,可以窥测到古代母系社会的痕迹。由此可见,《说文》反映了古代的一些历史情况和各种知识,有助于我们博古通今。 历来有关《说文解字》的版本可谓汗牛充栋。本书以陈昌治刻本为底本,利用传世文献和出土文献,遵循“存真可靠,方便实用”的校订原则,在每个小篆字形下一次排列出甲骨文、金文、简帛文、货币文、石刻等材料中能够反映该单位汉字演进序列的有代表性的字形,并用汉语拼音字母标注今音,便于使用者比较研究。同时附有部首笔画检字表和音序检字表,便于读者检索使用。",24.00元,9787101002607,7101002609 read,2008-06-25T16:49:33Z,1196,9.3,[法] 大仲马,平装,1575,人民文学出版社,基度山伯爵(全四册),,,,4.00元,,SH10019-2710 read,2008-06-25T16:48:35Z,83,9.2,[西] 米盖尔·德·塞万提斯 著; 萨尔瓦多·达利 插图,平装,816,北京十月文艺出版社,奇想联翩的绅士堂吉诃德·德·拉曼恰(上下),,"米盖尔・德・塞万提斯(1547-1616)西班牙伟大的作家、戏剧家、诗人,世界文豪。生于马德里附近的阿尔卡拉-德埃纳雷斯镇。祖父是没落贵族,父亲是潦倒的外科医生。由于家贫,只上到中学,便随父颠沛流离。曾做过红衣主教的随从,前往意大利游历并阅读了大量文艺复兴时期的作品。1570年从军参加抗击土耳其军队的海战,英勇冲上敌舰,身负重伤左手致残。后被虏至阿尔及尔,1580年方被赎回国。自1582年开始文学创作,作品有剧本、诗歌、小说等、1602年开始创作长篇小说《堂吉诃德》,上卷于1605年出版,一年内再版六次。宫廷市井,争相传诵。因有伪作出现,故加紧下卷写作。1615年下卷出版。1616年。因水肿病在马德里逝世。 塞万提斯文学艺术方面的成就,标志着欧洲长篇小说的创作跨入了一个新的阶段,其代表作《堂吉诃德》,成为读者最喜爱的世界文学名著之一。",《奇想联翩的绅士堂吉诃德·德·拉曼恰》(上下卷)中十七世纪西班牙有个名叫吉哈达的乡村绅士,他整天沉迷于骑士传奇,结果以为自己也成了骑士;他把名字改成“堂吉诃德”,因为这样听起来颇像骑士;他又找了一个农民做他的待从,然后,便穿上盔甲,骑上瘦马,开始了游侠冒险的经历。他把风车当巨人,把客栈当城堡, 还把羊群当军队,闹出了许多笑话,吃了不少苦头,直到临终时才明白过来。,88.00元,9787530206355,7530206354 read,2008-06-25T16:46:06Z,93,9.1,(春秋)孙武/《战国》孙膑 撰,精裝本,39,江苏古籍出版社,孙子兵法 孙膑兵法 附三十六计,,,,60.00元,9787806434208,7806434208 read,2008-06-25T16:28:00Z,15,8.2," ",平装,522,人民文学出版社,元明清散曲选,,," ",21.60,9787020026913,7020026915 read,2008-06-25T16:27:04Z,384,8.5,[清] 舒梦兰 撰; 丁如明 评订,平装,251,上海古籍出版社,白香词谱,,,《白香词谱》是一部简易的词学入门书,选词一百首,使用词牌一百则。书中以注释、评析、说明形式,分别对一百首词的正文、内容及词调格律等相关内容进行了简要的解说考订。,12.80元,9787532530199,7532530191 read,2008-06-25T16:26:46Z,713,9.1,王国维,平装,128,吉林文史出版社,人间词话,,"王国维是中国近代重要的史学家、美学和文艺理论家。他的《人间词话》是一部重要的美学和文艺理论著作。 王国维(1877—1927),字静安,又字伯隅,号观堂,浙江海宁人。他出生于申小地主兼商人家庭。1892年王国维考中秀才。1898年到上海,任《时务报》书记(文书)、校对,并在罗振玉主办的东文学社学习。1900年秋,在罗振玉资助下前往日本留学,但在东京仅四五个月就因病归国。此后在通州(南通)师范学校和苏州师范学校任教。 1907年,由罗振玉推荐,王国维到北京任学部(教育部)总务司行走,兼图书局编译、名词馆协修。1911年武昌起义后,王国维跟随罗振玉流亡日本,寓居京都。1916年春,王国维回到上海,应英籍犹太富商哈同之聘,编辑《学术丛编》,后又兼任哈同创办的苍圣明智大学经学教授。1921年,应邀任北京大学国学门通讯导师。1923年,由于蒙古贵族升允推荐,逊帝溥仪征召王国维为南书房行走。他于同年5月底到北京就职,成了溥仪的文学侍从之臣。1925年王国维应聘任清华学校国学研究院导师。1927年6月2日(旧历5月3日),自沉于颐和园昆明湖,终年五十岁。其著作结集为《海宁王静安先生遗书》(近年重版时易名《王国维遗书》)。 王国维幼年所接受的教育定传統的封建文化教育青年时代,在当时进步思想潮流影响下,王国维赞成维新变法,向西方国家寻求真理,努力学习西方哲学社会科学和自然科学。他以新学家的面目出现于思想界,信仰和介绍叔本华和康德的哲学思想和美学思想,尖锐地批评中国封建社会中占统治地位的传统文学观念。他把西方美学和文艺思想与中国古代美学和文艺思想融合起禾,把西方哲学社会科学的逻辑思辨方法与乾嘉学派的考据方法结合起来,进行美学和文艺理论以及中国古代戏曲艺术史研究。《人间词话》是他主要的美学和文艺理论著作(写于1908年)。他的《宋元戏曲考》是我国第一部古代戏曲艺术史专著(写于1912年)。戊戍变法失败后,王国维看不到前途和出路,政治上渐趋保守,辛亥  革命后更以前清遗老自居。他转而进行甲骨金石、经学史学研宄。由于他继承了清代乾嘉学派的优良学风并和近代科学方法结合起来。实事求是,精湛绵密,因而取得了辉煌成就。王国维成为蜚声中外的著名学者。可是,长期思想上的苦闷,生活上的困顿,以及长子去世、挚友绝交的刺激,再加上对北伐战争胜利的恐惧,终于导致昆明湖上的悲剧。他的才华和卓识并没有得到充分的施展,令人惋惜。 在中国文学史上,宋代是词的黄金时代,然而词学理论却大盛于清代。清代词论,分宗立派,名家辈出。在清代大量的词话中,《人间词话》以其见解之新颖、理论之独到,一直受到学术界的重视。概括地说,《人间词话》主要有以下四个特点。 首先,以境界说为中心构成了一个比较完整的理论体系。境界说包括境界的基本涵义、创造过程、形态种类和艺术表现诸方面。王国维说:“能写真景物、真感情者谓之有境界,否则谓之无境界。”否则谓之无境界。”真景物与真感情应该融为一体,做到“以景寓情”,“意与境浑”,“意境两忘,物我一体”。既写真景物又抒真感情,把逼真传神的写景和诚挚真切的抒情有机地统一起来,这就是境界的基本涵义。王国维说:“原夫文学之所以有意境者,以其能观也。”境界产生于诗人审美静观的过程中。“一切境界无不为诗人设。世无诗人,即无此种境界”。诗人的审美感情移情于审美对象,诗人的心境融入、浸透于物境之中,于是境界产生出来了。它似电光石火,稍纵即逝。只有具有敏锐艺术感觉的诗人才能捕捉住它,并且运用“不朽之文字”把它刻画出来,从而激起读者心灵的共鸣,“遂觉诗人之言,字字为我所欲言,而又非我之所能自言”。(《清真先生遗事》)按照境界构成材料的不同,王国维把境界区分为“造境”和“写境”两种不同的形态。“造境”即虚构之境。“写境”即写实之境。然而,“大诗人所造之境。必合乎自然”。“其材料必求之于自然,而其构造亦必从自然之法则”。仍然深深地植根于自然人生的土壤之中。大诗人“所写之境,亦必邻于理想”,因为“自然中之物,互相关系,互相限制。然其写之于文学及美术中也,必遗其关系限制之处”。也就是说,写实之境也不能照搬照抄自然人生,仍然要用诗人的审美理想来补充和改造自然人生。所以,境界既描写现实又表现理想,是理想和现实的统一。造境和写境取材虽有所侧重,但不能只取一端。这种观点从总体上说是相当精辟的。但是,王国维却把理想理解为先验的理念。按照境界构成方式的不同,王国维把境界区分为“有我之境”和“无我之境”两种不同的形态。“有我之境”,诗人作为感激激越的审美主体征服客体,从对象中反射自己,所以“物皆著我之色彩”。“无我之境”,诗人作为宁静澹泊的审美主体被客体所吸引,以致达到忘我的地步,主体似乎消失于客体之中,所以“不知何者为我,何者为物”。“无我”是从物我两忘、浑然一体的意义上说的。“有我之境”,强烈激越之情占主导地位,但情已外化为景。“无我之境”,赏心悦目之景占主导地位,但景后隐藏着情。两者都是情与景的统一然而统一的方式不同。关于境界的艺术表现,王国维提出了“不隔”的要求。“语语都在目前便是不隔”。“大家之作其言情也必沁人心脾,其写景也必豁人耳目,其辞脱口而出无矫揉妆束之态”。诗人抒发的真情感人肺腑,使人心潮激荡不能自已,诗人描绘的景物清晰地浮现于眼前。使人恍如身临其境,文辞仿佛是顺口而道、信手挥洒,并非刻意求工、雕章琢句。“不隔”就是要做到言情真切、写景鲜明和文辞自然的统一。境界说表现出王国维对于艺术的本质特征相当深刻的理解和把握,也是对中国美学和文艺理论的继承和发展。",本书主要围绕抒情与写景,理想与现实,有我与无我,诗品与人品,“入”与“出”,“因”与“创”的对立统一建构其整个理论体系,共分三部分,人间词话,人间词语删稿,人间词话附录。,7.00元,9787806263914,7806263918 read,2008-06-25T09:54:37Z,3691,9.2,萧涤非; 等,精装,1536,上海辞书出版社,唐诗鉴赏辞典,,,"《唐诗鉴赏辞典》旨在介绍唐诗之精华。它搜集了一百九十多位诗人的一千余篇作品,出自大家、名家之手,流传万口的名篇,固然都在网罗之列;同时,也选采了许多不见录于一般选本的遗珠。唐诗是我国文学史上的一颗光辉灿烂的明珠,千年来一直为人们传诵不衰。《唐诗鉴赏辞典》选收了唐代一百九十多位诗人的名篇佳作一千一百余首,著名大诗人的诗篇占有较大比重,各个不同艺术流派的作品也兼收并蓄;同时,逐篇就其思想内容和艺术特色进行鉴赏、剖析。 《唐诗鉴赏辞典》约请国内古典文学专家、学者、专业工作者撰写赏析文章,文后均有署名。对诗的理解、分析,当力求正确,但从来诗无达诂,本着百家争鸣的方针,也容许有不同见解。附带要说明的是:唐诗版本流传较多,常有异文,本书择善而从。除必要时在释文中略作交代外,一般不作校勘说明。",52.10元,9787532600755,7532600750 read,2008-06-25T09:54:29Z,657,9.3,丁鸿杰; 等,精装,2657,上海辞书出版社,唐宋词鉴赏辞典,,,词兴起于隋唐而极盛于两宋,以其高超的艺术成就,与唐诗、元曲相互辉映,成为我国诗歌史上的三大奇葩。,44.80元,9787532600168,7532600165 read,2008-06-18T20:35:00Z,1,0.0,Richard S. Leavenworth; Eugene L.Grant,平装(带盘),784,"麦格劳-希尔教育出版集团,清华大学出版社",统计质量控制(影印版第7版),,,本书是工业工程专业统计质量控制的经典教材,简要概述了质量控制的意义和历史发展过程,重点讲解了各种类型的控制图和抽样检验体系和过程,而对概率和统计知识的介绍非常直观和简单。,74.00,9787900641984,790064198X read,2008-06-15T20:53:44Z,10,6.8,亚·普罗哈诺夫,平装,599,人民文学出版社,黑炸药先生,,,"亚历山大·普罗哈诺夫的长篇小说《黑炸药先生》继承俄罗斯文学的批判传统,既写实又漫画式地再现了俄罗斯新近的政治和社会生活,小说情节紧张,叙述流畅,将政治小说和侦探小说的因素有机地糅合为一体,构成一则深刻的现代政治寓言,一出精彩的社会生活悲喜剧。 亚·普罗哈诺夫,俄罗斯当代著名作家,1938年出生在第比利斯,1960年毕业于莫斯科航空学院,后长期担任《文学报》记者,同时从事文学创作,陆续出版的作",32.0,9787020043811,702004381X read,2008-06-15T20:52:17Z,6,0.0,格•弗拉基莫夫,平装,513,,将军和他的部队,,,,28.00元,9787540728984,7540728981 read,2008-06-15T12:38:29Z,412,8.1,古华,平装,223,人民文学出版社,芙蓉镇,,古华,1942年出生湖南省嘉禾县一个小山村,1962年开始发表作品。由于他曾长期生活在五岭山区农村,故对乡镇风俗很为熟悉。他的主要作品有:短篇小说集《爬满青藤的木屋》等5部、中篇小说《浮屠岭》等10部、长篇小说《芙蓉镇》第2部。其中《爬满青藤的木屋》获1981年全国短篇小说奖,《芙蓉镇》是他的长篇力作,获首届矛盾文学奖,具有浓郁的地方色彩和强烈的艺术魅力,深受国内外读者喜爱。,《芙蓉镇》里写的几个主要人物,都是生活原形,有的还分别有好几个生活原形。着重描写了一个南下老干部,在和平时期的工作、生活,主要表现他是一个关心人、体贴人、乐于助人的正直忠诚的共产党员、一个党的基层干部的形象。,12.00元,9787020025701,7020025706 read,2008-06-15T12:36:20Z,372,7.2,廖诗忠; 张芝梅 编写,平装,348,宗教文化出版社,圣经故事,,,《圣经》作为犹太教和基督教的经典是全世界流传最广的书籍,其中的神话、历史故事及其蕴含的哲理是两千多年来人类力求索解的奥秘。作者以简洁、生动的笔触,将《圣经》的内容、作者、形成时间、历史背景,以及关于耶稣的传说等一一述及。,15.90元,9787801230256,7801230256 read,2008-06-15T12:34:56Z,1716,8.0,[德] 古斯塔夫·施瓦布,平装,591,宗教文化出版社,希腊神话故事,,,《希腊神话故事》为读者敞开了一扇观察和认识古希腊乃至欧洲文化的窗口。作为反映古希腊神祗和英雄故事的《希腊神话故事》的确给人类的文化生活留下了丰富的精神遗产。本书波澜状阔的文化氛围和悲壮的历史,亦为读者掀开了那令世界难以忘怀的扉页。,23.50元,9787801230249,7801230248 read,2008-06-15T12:24:59Z,240,7.9,[英]托马斯.马洛礼,平装,898,人民文学出版社,亚瑟王之死(全二册),,,"《亚瑟王之死》是欧洲骑士文学中的一朵奇葩,在西方流传之广仅次于《圣经》和莎士比亚作品。它讲述了著名的不列颠国王亚瑟及其圆桌骑士的故事。字里行间充满了冒险、传奇、各种奇迹和精彩的打斗场面。最令人爱不释手的是骑士与贵妇人之间惊世骇俗的爱情描写。 《亚瑟王之死》影响了后世的很多佳作,并成为好莱坞大片《亚瑟王》的经典蓝本。电影大片后面的种种故事细节、那些转瞬即逝的精彩镜头都能在这部作品中找到源头。 《亚瑟王之死》配有天才画家比亚莱兹的全部原配插图。",49.00,9787020048380,7020048382 read,2008-06-09T13:52:16Z,5,0.0,封超,,620,电子工业,中文版Access 2007宝典,,,《宝典丛书·中文版Access 2007宝典》是关于Access2007的大全类书籍,囊括了Access2007的所有主要功能,尤其对Access2007的新增功能(例如改进的全新用户界面、功能强大的模板、增强的排序和筛选功能、表格式布局、导航窗格等)进行了详尽阐释。在结构安排上,《宝典丛书·中文版Access 2007宝典(附盘)》共分为入门篇、深入篇、高级篇和数据库系统开发篇等4篇,总共26章内容,读者可以根据自己的知识层次有选择地分层学习。书中以实例贯穿全书,突出强调Access2007的具体应用。《宝典丛书·中文版Access 2007宝典》结构清晰,内容丰富,讲解深入透彻,适合广大计算机用户、技术管理人员,尤其适合从事数据库开发和应用的人员阅读、参考。,69.00元,9787121055348,7121055341 read,2008-06-09T13:51:52Z,4,0.0,Averill M.Law & W.David Kelton,精装,760,清华大学出版社,仿真建模与分析,,,本书是美国多所知名大学仿真类课程普遍采用的教材,也是该领域研究人员的一本必备参考书。 该书(第三版)分为13章。从体系结构上可分为四部分。第一部分(第1—3章)从系统角度介绍了离散事件系统仿真的概念、建模方法以及实现技术(商用仿真软件),使读者不但对这类系统的仿真建模有一个总体了解,并从应用角度掌握这门技术。为使读者深入系统地理解与掌握离散事件系统仿真技术,第二部分(第4—8章)讨论离散事件系统仿真建模的基础理论和方法,包括数学基础(概率与数理统计),如何由观测数据确定随机变量模型,如何产生仿真模型中的随机变量等。离散事件系统仿真输出分析一直是该书的最具特色的内容,这反映在第三部分(第9—12章)。由于离散事件系统的随机性,任何一次仿真运行只是随机系统随机动态过程的一次模拟。该部分首先讨论了所谓“单系统”的输出数据分析,然后讨论了所谓“多系统”的分析比较技术,进而讨论就该类系统仿真的实验设计技术。第四部分(第13章)是综合应用,以制造系统为例,讨论如何将前面各章讨论的内容用于制造系统的仿真。,65.0,9787302041320,7302041326 read,2008-06-09T13:50:21Z,4,0.0,[美] 蒙哥马利,平装,642,人民邮电出版社,试验设计与分析,,,"《试验设计与分析》(英文版)(第6版)是关于试验设计与分析的名著,是作者在亚利桑那州立大学、华盛顿大学和佐治亚理工学院三所大学近30年试验设计教学经验和多年专业顾问经验的基础上编写的,内容包括简单比较试验、2k因素设计、响应曲面方法和设计、稳健参数设计和过程稳健性研究、随机因素试验、巢和分图设计等。 《试验设计与分析》(英文版)(第6版)适合作为统计人员、自然科学研究人员、工程技术人员、管理人员和教师进行科学试验设计与分析的参考书,也可用于农业类、生物类、统计类的高年级本科生、研究生的教学参考用书。",89.00元,9787115156129,7115156123 read,2008-06-09T13:49:43Z,1,0.0,Mikell P.Groover,平装(无盘),876,清华大学出版社,自动化、生产系统与计算机集成制造,,,本书覆盖了制造系统的几个主要技术和工程环节,介绍了一些技术的历史,同时还介绍了制造系统领域的一引起最新技术进展。包括:自动化与控制技术、制造系统、质量控制系统、制造支持系统等内容。,72.00元,9787302054849,7302054843 read,2008-06-09T13:48:39Z,2,0.0,Gerald V.Post; David L.Anderson; 于明,平装(带盘),529,清华大学出版社,管理信息系统,,,"《管理信息系统》的核心是讨论如何运用IT来从事和改善经营,如何进行应用IT技术的成本和效益分析。在技术方面,书中重点讨论了数据库的应用与组件技术,讨论了电子商务及其实现。《管理信息系统》以一个RollingThunderDatabase为实例,将全部内容贯穿成为一个整体。此外,每章还以一个案例说明本章教学内容的应用和实践。 《管理信息系统》分为4个部分共14章,第1部分介绍了用于改进经营及运作的IT技术;第2部分介绍了集成化经营的IT基础;第3部分介绍了决策分析中的IT功能;第4部分讨论了经营活动、信息资源管理及整个社会中IT所带来和揭示的作用与变化。 《管理信息系统》内容先进,案例充实,特别是强调数据库在MIS系统中的应用,并以此为主线,始终围绕着一个中等程度的MIS系统进行讲解。这为学生的学习与实践提供了很好的研习实例。",58.00元,9787302098805,7302098808 read,2008-06-06T22:35:39Z,30,8.3,David Lodge,Paperback,288,Penguin Books,Nice Work,,,"Centered in Rummidge, a sprawling industrial town in the English midlands, Nice Work confirms Lodge's rare capacity to be thought-provoking, moving, and very funny. ""A singularly brilliant and invigorating performance"".--Chicago Tribune.",USD 16.00,9780140133967,0140133968 read,2008-06-06T22:35:18Z,65,8.8,张敢,,549,高等教育,外国美术史简编,,,"《外国美术史简编》为高等院校美术和艺术设计专业的必修课教材。以时间为主线,全面系统地介绍了东西方主要文明中绘画、雕塑和建筑的风格发展与变化。 全书共分13章。分别介绍了史前美术、古代两河流域的美术、占埃及美术、爱琴美术与古希腊美术、伊特鲁里亚与古罗马美术、早期基督教美术和拜占庭美术、中世纪美术、意大利文艺复兴美术、北欧文艺复兴美术、巴洛克和罗可可美术、19世纪欧洲和美国美术、20世纪欧洲和美国美术以及亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的美术。每章均对时代特征与风格、代表艺术家及其代表作品进行了全面、客观的分析,同时考察了各个时期之间的相互影响和关联。《外国美术史简编》在编写过程中参考了国外权威美术史教材,内容翔实。在图片的选择上,注意选取最能体现时代风尚和艺术家风格的作品,有助于读者对美术风格有全面深人的理解。 《外国美术史简编》可供高等院校本、专科美术专业和艺术设计专业师生使用,也可供成人教育及广大美术爱好者使用。",58.00元,9787040214819,7040214814 read,2008-05-25T11:35:26Z,939,8.8,[美] 威廉·福克纳,精装,351,译林出版社,献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花,,"福克纳(Willian Faulkner 1897~1962),美国小说家。出生于没落地主家庭,第一次世界大战时在加拿大空军中服役,战后曾在大学肄业一年,1925年后专门从事创作。他被西方文学界视作“现代的经典作家”。共写了19部长篇小说和70多篇短篇小说。其中绝大多数故事发生在虚构的约克纳帕塔法县,被称为“约克纳帕塔法世系”。这部世系主要写该县及杰弗逊镇不同社会阶层的若干家庭几代人的故事。时间从独立战争前到第二次世界大战以后,出场人物有600多人,其中主要人物在他的不同作品中交替出现,实为一部多卷体的美国南方社会变迁的历史。其最著名的作品有描写杰弗逊镇望族康普生家庭的没落及成员的精神状态和生活遭遇的《声音与疯狂》(又译《喧哗与骚动》1929);写安斯·本德仑偕儿子运送妻子灵柩回杰弗逊安葬途中经历种种磨难的《我弥留之际》(1930);写孤儿裘·克里斯默斯在宗教和种族偏见的播弄、虐待下悲惨死去的《八月之光》(1932);写一个有罪孽的庄园主塞德潘及其子女和庄园的毁灭性结局的《押沙龙,押沙龙》(1936);写新兴资产阶级弗莱姆·斯诺普斯的冷酷无情及其必然结局的《斯诺普斯三部曲》(《村子》1940,《小镇》1957,《大宅》1959)等。 1949年,福克纳获诺贝尔文学奖。","福克纳的短篇小说多采用写实手法,情节鲜明,戏剧性强,生活气息比较浓厚。福克纳对自己的短篇小说评价很高,认为其在艺术高度上仅次于诗歌,因为作家写“长篇小说时可以马虎,但在写短篇小说时就不可以……它要求几近绝对的精确”。 这本短篇小说集收录了福克纳创作的短篇小说中的优秀之作,如《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》、《干旱的九月》等,代表了福克纳短篇小说创作的风格和主要成就。",17.50元,9787806572061,7806572066 read,2008-05-23T08:19:15Z,178,8.8,[古希腊] 荷马,,543,人民文学出版社,荷马史诗·奥德赛,,,,22.00元,9787020024032,7020024033 read,2008-05-23T08:18:57Z,315,8.4,荷马,平装(无盘),608,北京燕山出版社,伊利亚特,,,,22.00,9787540212001,7540212004 read,2008-05-22T15:25:13Z,110,7.9,朱维之,平装,425,人民文学出版社,圣经文学十二讲,,"朱维之先生(1905—1999)是学贯中西的著名学者,早年以文学创作与文学研究跃登文坛,先后任教于福建协和大学、上海沪江大学和南开大学,传道授业六十余年,桃李满园,著作等身,在我国教育界、学术界享有崇高的声誉。 他撰写的《中国文艺思想史略》(1939)受到学术界的高度重视。他翻译的《失乐园》凡十二卷,一万多行,是国内最早也是迄今惟一的全译本。 他长期致力于基督教文学与文化的研究,在二十世纪四五十年代出版的《基督教与文学》《文艺宗教论集》两部专著,论述了宗教(包括基督教、佛教、印度教)对中外文学及著名作家创作的影响,堪称研究宗教文化与文学的开山之作。",《圣经文学十二讲》是著名学者朱维之先生对圣经文学研究的集大成之作,多年来已经成为外国文学研究与教学的必读学术经典。本书资料详实、考证严谨、观点具有划时代的开拓性、语言晓畅明白;另配圣经精品插图四十余幅,品质精良,实为一本好书。,27.00元,9787020061334,7020061338 read,2008-05-22T09:37:54Z,6,0.0,Steven Nahmias,,NA,清华大学出版社,生产与运作分析,,,国际著名学者Steven Nahmias所著《生产与动作分析》一书,以其翔实、精深的内容和严谨的体系著称,被很多国际著名的大学工业工程科系选为教材。该书内容涵盖了生产与动作系统和过程的各个方面,包括战略与竞争、预测、综合计划、对已知需求与不确定需求的库存控制、供应链管理、推动式与牵引式生产控制系统、作业调度、项目管理、质量保证、可靠性与维护等。书中论述条理清晰,易于被学生接受;拥有大量实际案例,特别是提供了一系列精彩的精简应用(Snapshot Application)实例,为学生提供学以致用的模板。书中例题与习题不仅数量众多,而且由浅入深,引导学生举一反三,对巩固知识、培养能力颇有裨益。该书可以作为工业工程专业本科生“生产动作管理”或“生产计划与控制”课程的教材,亦可作为“生产系统”、“设施规划”、“项目管理”、“质量管理”等课程的参考书。,78.00元,9787894940865,7894940860 read,2008-05-22T09:36:38Z,5476,9.0,《古汉语常用字字典》编写组,平装,505,商务印书馆,古汉语常用字字典,,,本字典收古汉语常用字4100余个(不包括异体字)。古今意义相同而且现代汉语中也很常用的字,古书中很少出现的生僻字和意义,古白话和现代汉语中才出现的字和意义,以及诗词曲中特有的意义一般不收。并酌收少量的双音词,约2500多个。本字典附录有《难字表》、《中国历代纪元表》两种。其中《难字表》收2500余字,只有注音和释义,不举例,作为字典正文的补充。难字表中的字和正文的字统一列在检字表中。,21.00元,9787100026383,7100026385 read,2008-05-22T09:35:06Z,155,8.9,[美] 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔,精装,864,上海译文出版社,白鲸,,赫尔曼·梅尔维尔 Herman Melville,小说家、诗人。1819年8月1日生于纽约,15岁离开学校,做过银行小职员、皮货店店员和教师。1839年在一条去英国利物浦的商船上充当服务员,接触海洋,对他以后的创作产生了影响。1841年他22岁时再度航海,在捕鲸船“阿古希耐”号上充当水手,航行于南太平洋一带。他后来的杰作《白鲸》取材于这次海上生活。1842年7月离船,曾为南太平洋马克萨斯群岛有食人生番之称的泰皮族所俘虏。脱逃后于当年8月在一条澳大利亚商船上作水手,因违犯纪律,被囚在塔希提岛。越狱后在当地各岛漫游,所闻所见后来写进他的《欧穆》一书中。,《白鲸》叙述的是一艘捕鲸船在亚哈船长的指挥下,与海上恶魔——白鲸莫比·迪克作殊死搏斗的故事,塑造了一群团结协作、英勇无畏、敢于牺牲的水手形象。情节惊险、曲折、扣人心弦。《白鲸》是世界海洋文学的经典之作,它决定了作者麦尔维尔在美国文坛上的崇高地位。,37.40,9787532709366,7532709361 read,2008-05-22T09:34:56Z,196,8.0,杰弗雷・乔叟,精装,400,上海译文出版社,坎特伯雷故事,,乔叟(约1343—1400) 英国诗人。伦敦酒商的儿子。十几岁起进入宫廷当差。1359年随爱德华三世的部队远征法国,被法军俘虏,不久赎回。乔叟与宫廷往来密切,当过廷臣、关税督察、肯特郡的治安法官、郡下议院议员。他曾因外交事务出使许多国家和地区,到过比利时、法国、意大利等国,有机会遇见薄伽丘与彼特拉克,这对他的文学创作产生了很大的影响。乔叟在庇护者失宠期间,被剥夺了官位和年金,经济拮据。他曾写过打油诗《致空囊》给刚登基的亨利四世,申诉自己的贫穷。1400年乔叟逝世,安葬在伦敦威斯敏特斯教堂的“诗人之角”。,"4月的一天,一群香客去坎特伯雷朝圣,投宿在泰巴旅店。次日,店主、香客与在此住宿的作者一起出发。店主提议在去坎特伯雷的路上每人讲两个故事,回来时再讲两个,被大家公认为最佳的讲故事者可以在回来时白吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。乔叟只完成计划中120个故事中的24个(包括两个未完成的),其中22个为诗体,两个散文体。每个故事前均有开场语,全书有一个总序。作者用这种方式把各个零散故事连成一体。 《坎特伯雷故事集》有几点值得注意: 一、它展现了广阔的社会画面。香客来自社会各个阶层:骑士、僧侣、学者、律师、商人、手工业者、自耕农、磨坊主等。 二、它综合采用了中世纪的各种文学体裁,有骑士传奇、圣徒传、布道文、寓言等。 三、总序和开场白中对人物的描写和故事本身饶有趣味,充满幽默感。 四、语言带上了讲述人自身的特征,每人所讲的故事都体现出讲述人的身份、趣味、爱好、职业和生活经验。",24.80,9787532713745,7532713741 read,2008-05-16T21:55:17Z,162,6.8,[英]约翰·曼,平装,231,生活·读书·新知三联书店,改变西方世界的26个字母,,,"字母的最初构想从何处而来?它是如何发展成为今天最常见的罗马字母系统的? 因为有了字母,西方文明才得以奠定基石。 字母为整个西方世界的认同感提供了重要的要素:以色列人用字母定义他们的上帝、希腊人用字母记录神话、罗马人用字母展现力量;今天,透过网际网路,罗马字母俨然有主宰世界之势。 本书作者以风趣清新的文笔首次对第一次详细地探讨西方字母起源和发展,从埃及、希腊、罗马到俄罗斯、蒙古、西夏,乃至朝鲜,追寻字母足迹所到之处,展现出字母是如何从岩壁碑铭、陶瓷碎片上演进而来的,又是如何在与其它文化的竞争中占据了主流地位的,作者将种种考古发现、历史事件、神话故事与传说编织起来,侃侃而谈,并分析比较字母、楔形文字、象形文字和中文的书写特点。",23.00元,9787108027450,7108027453 read,2008-05-09T16:42:11Z,44,9.2,〔美国〕马里奥·普佐,平,482,外语教学与研究出版社,教父,,,英文原著,14.80,9787560010250,7560010253 read,2008-05-09T16:41:45Z,120,8.8,马里奥·普佐,平装,513,云南人民出版社,教父,,,"《教父》是一部描写美国黑帮流氓组织的长篇小说,被西方评论界誉为现代通俗小说中的杰作。 以纽约地区的黑手党头目维多·科里昂为中心,通过他的家庭生活和发迹过程,生动地描写了黑手党的犯罪活动和内部各派系之间的争权夺利、互相残杀,有助于我们了解美国今天的社会生活和认识资本主义制度的腐朽。",1.30,,SH10116-897 read,2008-05-09T16:35:37Z,45,8.4,(英)哈代,平装,219,浙江文艺出版社,儿子的否决权,,,哈代的影响首先来自《还乡》和《德伯家的苔丝》那几部脍炙人口的长篇小说。他的短篇似乎不象他的长篇那样有名,但是对于人的自然情感却有着更为敏感和直率的表达,本书中的七个短篇几乎都跟女性的命运有关,他对人生的观察总是从不完满处切入,即使在短篇中也中规中距地把握着古典悲剧的美学原则。,14.00元,9787533916312,753391631X read,2008-05-09T16:33:44Z,82,8.3,伊·屠格涅夫,,380,,猎人笔记,,,《猎人笔记》是屠格涅夫的第一部现实主义作品,这部以描写俄罗斯人民诗意鲜明的短篇特写集进入了俄罗斯古典文学宝库,并在国外拥有众多的读者。作品以抒情的笔调,展示了作家力求阐发的农民天性的纯洁、人格的尊严以及人道主义的神圣和高贵的主题思想,对人民的热爱,对劳苦大众蕴藏的精神伟力、智慧和天才的赞美,使其作品具有睿智的思想和巨大的艺术感染力。作家从事《猎人笔记》的创作年代,俄国正处于解放运动初期。在这深沉的思虑,浓黑的悲凉的压迫下,屠格涅夫宛如弥漫苍穹黑暗中的一颗巨星,对那些生活在社会下层的命运多舛的人们寄予了无尽的怜悯和同情。他是农民从农奴制度下解放在热情支持者。《笔记》成集出版后,社会视它为“一部点燃火种的书。”,17.00元,9787805677392,7805677395 read,2008-05-09T16:33:02Z,97,7.6,屠格涅夫,精装,224,译林出版社,烟,,,俄国贵族青年利特维诺夫为人正派沉稳,在西欧游历多年后正准备回国干一番事业。他来到德国的时髦城市巴登,在此等候自己贤惠的塔妮娅一起回国结婚,其间他邂逅俄国宫廷贵妇人、炙手可热的交际花、多年前自己的初恋情人伊琳娜。尽管他竭力回避她,但最终还是被她的美艳所俘虏。他于是置未婚妻与事业于不顾,筹划与伊琳娜一起私奔。伊琳娜虽然厌恶上流社会的庸俗生活,但还是离不开它。痛不欲生的利特维诺夫在渐渐离巴登远去的火车上觉得一切只不过是一阵烟……,12.3,9787806574133,7806574131 read,2008-05-09T16:01:43Z,1,0.0,段维彤,平装,NA,科学技术文献出版社,大学科普英语,,,《大学科普英语》节选近年来在电视、广播、报刊等媒体和因特网上出现频率最高的有关科技报道,内容包括生物工程、天体宇宙学、航大技术、纳米技术、计算机网络、化学工程、生态环境、环保型汽车和科学方法论等九大领域的24篇文章,反映了各学科最前沿的科技成果,力求为读者提供信息量密集的丰富信息,并且兼顾知识体系的基础性,为将来过·步深入了解各学科的发展扫清语言障碍,打下基础。本教材最显著的特点是针对大学英语学习,23.00,9787502343118,7502343113 read,2008-05-09T16:01:00Z,12,7.5,李正栓/吴晓梅编,简裝本,247,清华大学出版社,英美诗歌教程,,,"《英国诗歌教程》共收英、美两国32位著名诗人的65首诗。编写体例实用、注释详细、译文优雅。全书分英国诗歌和美国诗歌两大部分,按诗人出生年代排列,分四大板块:作者生平简介;诗作原文;注释;参考译诗。 读者对象:非英语专业的大学生作为选修课或自学教材;英语专业学生作为对已有文学教材的补充,也可作报考英语专业研究生时的重要复习和参考内容;以及广大的英语和文学爱好者。",16.00元,9787302093183,7302093180 read,2008-05-09T15:59:50Z,94,8.2,高尔斯华绥,平装(无盘),117,安徽文艺出版社,苹果树,,,《苹果树》是一幅充满诗情画意,田园牧歌式的生活场景却演绎了一幕哀怨、悔恨的爱情悲剧,一波三折,令人叹息!,6.00元,9787539623559,7539623551 read,2008-05-09T15:56:50Z,16,7.2,[美]欧.亨利/O.henry,,NA,内蒙古人民出版社,欧.亨利文集(共3册),,"欧·亨利(O·Henry,1862~1910),原名威廉·西德尼·波特(William sydney Porter),是美国最著名的短篇小说家之一,曾被评论界誉为曼哈顿桂冠散文作家和美国现代短篇小说之父。他出身于美国北卡罗来纳州格林斯波罗镇一个医师家庭。他的一生富于传奇性,当过药房学徒、牧牛人、会计员、土地局办事员、新闻记者、银行出纳员。当银行出纳员时,因银行短缺了一笔现金,为避免审讯,离家流亡中美的洪都拉斯。后因回家探视病危的妻子被捕入狱,并在监狱医务室任药剂师。他在银行工作时,曾有过写作的经历,担任监狱医务室的药剂师后开始认真写作。1901年提前获释后,迁居纽约,专门从事写作。 欧·亨利善于描写美国社会尤其是纽约百姓的生活。他的作品构思新颖,语言诙谐,结局常常出人意外;又因描写了众多的人物,富于生活情趣,被誉为“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。代表作有小说集《白菜与国王》、《四百万》、《命运之路》等。其中一些名篇如《爱的牺牲》、《警察与赞美诗》、《带家具出租的房间》、《麦琪的礼物》、《最后一片藤叶》等使他获得了世界声誉。",,54.80,9787204041053,7204041054 read,2008-05-08T07:52:54Z,188,9.1,雷马克,19cm,238,外国文学出版社,西线无战事,,,,0.78,,SH10208-121 read,2008-05-08T07:51:41Z,2975,8.8,(美)爱伦・坡,平装,430,人民文学出版社,爱伦·坡短篇小说集,,爱伦·坡(1809——1849)美国作家、文艺评论家。出身演员家庭。提倡“为艺术而艺术”,宣扬唯美主义、神秘主义。受西欧尤其法国资产阶级文学颓废派影响最大。小说有《怪诞故事集》、《黑猫》、《莫格街谋杀案》等。论文有《写作的哲学》、《诗歌原理》。1841年发表的《莫格街谋杀案》是公认为最早的侦探小说。内容写密室凶杀,凶手居然是猩猩。1842年发表的《玛丽·罗杰神秘案件》,纯粹用推理形式破案。其他如《金甲虫》、《你就是杀人凶手》、《被盗窃的信》等五部小说成功创造了五种推理小说模式,(密室杀人、安乐椅上的纯推理侦探、破解密码诡计、侦探即是凶手及心理破案、人的盲点)塑造了业余侦探奥古斯特·杜平这一艺术典型。爱伦·坡被誉为“侦探小说的鼻祖”。其小说风格怪异离奇,充满恐怖气氛。,爱伦·坡著有小说《怪诞故事集》、《黑猫》、《莫格街谋杀案》等。论文有《写作的哲学》、《诗歌原理》。1841年发表的《莫格街谋杀案》是公认为最早的侦探小说。内容写密室凶杀,凶手居然是猩猩。1842年发表的《玛丽·罗杰神秘案件》,纯粹用推理形式破案。其他如《金甲虫》、《你就是杀人凶手》、《被盗窃的信》等五部小说成功创造了五种推理小说模式,(密室杀人、安乐椅上的纯推理侦探、破解密码诡计、侦探即是凶手及心理破案、人的盲点)塑造了业余侦探奥古斯特·杜平这一艺术典型。,17.00,9787020039722,7020039723 read,2008-05-07T10:42:06Z,18,8.9,帕特里克·朗博,精装,NA,外国文学出版社,战役,,,《战役》写的是拿破仑征战奥地利的战争,具有很强的感染力,《战役》获得一九九七年度法国龚古尔文学奖和法拉系学院文学大奖,堪称法兰西文学奖纪念史上的奇迹,该书上市以来欧美市场连续数月畅销,引起极大轰动。,13.80元,9787501601714,7501601712 read,2008-05-06T20:11:01Z,2155,8.1,[美] Donald A.Norman;,简裝本,206,电子工业出版社,情感化设计,,唐纳德·A·诺曼,一位享誉全球的认知心理学家。他不仅是美国西北大学计算机科学、心理学和认识知科的教授,加利福尼亚大学圣地哥分校的名誉教授,同时还是尼尔森·诺曼集团的联合创办人和灵魂人物,苹果公司先进技术组的副总裁和一家远程教育公司的管理者。他所阐明的以人为本的设坟原则已深入人心,他所写的《设计心理学》已成了设计人员的必备经典。,,36.00元,9787121009402,7121009404 read,2008-04-27T17:04:16Z,1321,8.6,(美国)约瑟夫・海勒,精装,545,译林出版社,第二十二条军规,,"约瑟夫・海勒被公认为“黑色幽默”的代表作家。生于一九二三年五月一日出生于纽约布鲁克林区的一个俄裔犹太家庭,早年丧父,生活颇为艰辛。第二次世界大战开始后,他参加了美国空军,当了一名轰炸手。 海勒的文学创作始于四十年代末。最初,他在杂志上发表过两篇短篇小说,即《我不再爱你》和《雪堡》,其中《雪堡》一篇被选入一九四九年最佳短篇集。在这一阶段,他在写作风格上一直模仿海明威。海勒的创作态度非常严谨,因此写作速度相当慢。《第二十二条军规》花了他七八年的时间。在此后将近二十年的时间里,他只发表了四部作品:两部小说《出了毛病》(1974)和《像戈德一样好》(1979),两个剧本《我们轰炸纽黑文》(1967)和《克莱文杰的审判》(1974)。毫无疑问,在海勒的所有作品中,三部长篇小说代表了他的主要成就,而《第二十二条军规》又是他对美国当代文学所做的最大贡献。 ",第二次世界大战末,在意大利厄尔巴岛以南八英里的地中海的一个美国空军基地――皮亚诺萨小岛上,轰炸手约塞连上尉像只惊弓之鸟,在一片混乱、荒谬与恐怖中,置一切权威、信条于不顾,为保存自己的性命而进行着几近疯狂的努力。在这个岛上,他生活的唯一目的就是逃避作战飞行。于是,他一次又一次地装病住进医院,因为他发现唯有这里才是最好的藏身之地。最后,他终于开了小差,逃到了瑞典。,14.00元,9787805676302,7805676305 read,2008-04-20T15:22:08Z,83,8.4,David Lodge,Paperback,352,Penguin (Non-Classics),Small World,,,"Veteran rivals for an exclusive academic chair (recently endowed with $100,000 a year) do scholarly battle with each other in what the Washington Post Book World called a ""delectable comedy of bad manners . . . infused with a rare creative exuberance"". From the author of the award-winning Changing Places.",USD 15.00,9780140244861,0140244867 read,2008-04-10T19:57:11Z,38,8.9,Donald Norman,Paperback,NA,Currency,The Design of Everyday Things,,,"A popular, entertaining, and insightful analysis of why some products satisfy customers while others only frustrate them. B & W photographs and illustrations throughout.",USD 15.95,9780385267748,0385267746 read,2008-04-10T08:32:20Z,763,9.4,Mary W. Cornog,Mass Market Paperback,576,Merriam Webster Mass Market,Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder,,"About the Author Mary Wood Cornog is a contributor for Merriam-Webster Inc titles including: 'Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder' Since 1937. Merriam-Webster is America's foremost publisher of language-related reference works. The company publishes a diverse array of print and electronic products, including Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition – America's best-selling desk dictionary – and Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster can be considered the direct lexicographical heir of Noah Webster. In 1843, the company bought the rights to the 1841 edition of Webster's magnum opus, An American Dictionary of the English Language, Corrected and Enlarged. At the same time, they secured the rights to create revised editions of the work. Since that time, Merriam-Webster editors have carried forward Noah Webster's work, creating some of the most widely used and respected dictionaries and reference books in the world.","Designed to achieve two goals: to add a large number of words to your permanent working vocabulary, and to teach the most useful of the classical word-building roots to help you continue expanding your vocabulary in the future. Greek and Latin have been the sources of most of the words in the English Language. You could find much fun in this book that some of the fashion words are come from an elegent sources dated back to thousands of years. Also, you could enjoy the infinite discovery through reading it, which is not merely a dictionary, but a wonderful educational and enlightening book.",USD 5.99,9780877799108,0877799105 read,2008-04-08T09:09:46Z,139,9.0,Kathy Sierra; Bert Bates,Paperback,688,O'Reilly Media,"Head First Java, 2nd Edition",,"Kathy Sierra has been interested in learning theory since her days as a game developer (Virgin, MGM, Amblin'). More recently, she's been a master trainer for Sun Microsystems, teaching Sun's Java instructors how to teach the latest technologies to customers, and a lead developer of several Sun certification exams. Along with her partner Bert Bates, Kathy created the Head First series. She's also the original founder of the Software Development/Jolt Productivity Award-winning, the largest (and friendliest) all-volunteer Java community. Bert Bates is a 20-year software developer, a Java instructor, and a co-developer of Sun's upcoming EJB exam (Sun Certified Business Component Developer). His background features a long stint in artificial intelligence, with clients like the Weather Channel, A&E Network, Rockwell, and Timken.","Learning a complex new language is no easy task especially when it s an object-oriented computer programming language like Java. You might think the problem is your brain. It seems to have a mind of its own, a mind that doesn't always want to take in the dry, technical stuff you're forced to study. The fact is your brain craves novelty. It's constantly searching, scanning, waiting for something unusual to happen. After all, that's the way it was built to help you stay alive. It takes all the routine, ordinary, dull stuff and filters it to the background so it won't interfere with your brain's real work--recording things that matter. How does your brain know what matters? It's like the creators of the Head First approach say, suppose you're out for a hike and a tiger jumps in front of you, what happens in your brain? Neurons fire. Emotions crank up. Chemicals surge. That's how your brain knows. And that's how your brain will learn Java. Head First Java combines puzzles, strong visuals, mysteries, and soul-searching interviews with famous Java objects to engage you in many different ways. It's fast, it's fun, and its effective. And, despite its playful appearance, Head First Java is serious stuff: a complete introduction to object-oriented programming and Java. You'll learn everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics, including threads, network sockets, and distributed programming with RMI. And the new. second edition focuses on Java 5.0, the latest version of the Java language and development platform. Because Java 5.0 is a major update to the platform, with deep, code-level changes, even more careful study and implementation is required. So learning the Head First way is more important than ever. If you've read a Head First book, you know what to expect--a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works. If you haven't, you're in for a treat. You'll see why people say it's unlike any other Java book you've ever read. By exploiting how your brain works, Head First Java compresses the time it takes to learn and retain--complex information. Its unique approach not only shows you what you need to know about Java syntax, it teaches you to think like a Java programmer. If you want to be bored, buy some other book. But if you want to understand Java, this book's for you.",USD 44.95,9780596009205,0596009208 read,2008-04-06T19:01:56Z,913,8.6,俞敏洪 黄颀,平装,298,群言出版社,GRE词汇逆序记忆小词典,,,"《GRE词汇逆序记忆小词典》讲的就是将词汇根据字母顺序倒过来排列。通常大家背单词都是按照正序方式背诵,但正序背诵有一个缺点,就是容易形成上下单词的提示记忆。比如说背penitent(后悔的)和penitentiary(监狱),放在一起背就特别容易互相猜到单词的意义,但一旦把这两个单词分开放在不同的地方,你就可能想不起单词的意义来了。逆序词汇的好处是:(1)上一个单词和下一个单词之间在意义上没有任何相同之处,因此打破了提示记忆的缺点。(2)查找某一个单词仍然非常方便,如查incisive(一针见血的)这个单词,从正序看属于“i”范围,从逆序看则属于“e”的范围,你只要从最后一个“e”查起,很快就能在以“e”结尾的单词中找到“incisive”。(3)把同一词性的单词放在了一起,把同一词根的单词放在了一起,把词形相同的单词放在了一起,这样的排列对增加记忆单词的速度有极大的好处。如:以“a”结尾的单词几乎都是名词:insignia(袖章),insomnia(失眠症);再如同词根单词的排列:pyromania(纵火狂),kleptomania(盗窃癖),都是以mania(疯狂者)词根结尾。词形相同的单词放在一起便于对照记忆,如flagrant(臭的)和fragrant(香的),就一个字母“l”和“r”之差,想一想这两个单词怎样记住呢?一想就通了,“r”的开头像一朵花,自然是“香的”,“l”像一根捣大粪的棍子,自然是“臭的”。",15.00元,9787800805431,7800805433 read,2008-04-03T08:20:39Z,1237,9.1,史蒂芬・霍金,BBC书籍,258,,时间简史,,,"史蒂芬·霍金的《时间简史》在1998年首版以来的岁月里,已成为全球科学著作的里程碑。它被翻译840种文字,销售了1000万册,成为国际出版史上的奇观。《时间简史(插图版)》内容是关于宇宙本性的最前沿知识。但是从那以后无论在微观还是宏观宇宙世界的观测技术方面都有了非凡的进展。这些观测证实了霍金教授在该书第一版中的许多理论预言,其中包括宇宙背景探险者卫星(COBE)的最近发现,它在时间上回溯探测到离宇宙创生的30万年之内,并显露了他所计算的在时空结构中的涟漪。. 为了把许多观测揭示的新知识,以及他最新的研究纳入《时间简史(插图版)》,霍金教授为这一增订版准备了新的前言,全面更新了原书的内容,而且还新增加了一章,有关虫洞和时间旅行的激动人心的课题。 尽管霍金教授的著述极为清晰而机智,有些读者仍然觉得难以掌握复杂的概念。为了使读者加深理解,本版还增加了240多幅彩色插图,包括卫星图象和照片。这些都应归功于诸如哈勃空间望远镜和电脑三维和四维实体成像等技术进步之赐。详细的插图说明使读者能体验到星系际太空的广漠,黑洞的奇妙性质,以及物质和反物质碰撞的粒子物理的微观世界。 作为一本飨以读者宇宙学的最新理解的经典著作,《时间简史(插图版)》是探索时间和空间核心秘密的引人入胜的故事。",70.00元,9787535735508,7535735509 read,2008-04-03T08:19:47Z,6655,8.6,[英] 史蒂芬·霍金,平装16开,201,湖南科学技术出版社,果壳中的宇宙,,,在《果壳中的宇宙》这部新作中,霍金把读者带到理论物理的最前沿,真理在那里甚至比幻想更令人眼花缭乱。他利用通俗的语言解释制约着宇宙的原理。,42.00元,9787535733597,753573359X read,2008-03-30T18:20:32Z,831,8.0,斯图尔特,平装,392,世界知识出版社,北美GRE范文精讲,,,"本书提供200多道GRE作文真题及其范文,精讲其中的近100篇,并分析总结了Issue和Argument高分写作技巧,指导你立竿见影地提高作文成绩。同时还帮助你揣摩评卷人的心理,使你真正做到知已知彼,百战不殆。 ·GRE写作备考方略 ·GRE写作的建议与禁忌 ·Issue特征、要则与写作流程 ·Argumrnt逻辑错误及应对策略 ·GRE写作评分、成绩通知和成绩评估",42.00元,9787501222117,7501222118 read,2008-03-30T18:20:22Z,4530,8.8,俞敏洪,平装,580,群言出版社,GRE词汇精选,,俞敏洪,生于江苏江阴,新东方教育集团董事长。1993年创办北京新东方学校。,《GRE词汇精选》详细解释了每一个重要词汇的记忆方法,除词根、词缀记忆法外,分析联想记忆法、发音记忆法也都是本书的特色,枯燥的记忆由此变成了生动的游戏。分类处理:打上*号的单词都是GRE类比、反义词中考过的重要单词,没有*的单词为填空和单词。没有把类比题的考试题型放到单词后面,请考生掌握单词后,以实际做题的方式掌握做类比题的技巧。,58.00元,9787800804908,7800804909 read,2008-03-27T09:04:55Z,534,8.5,(俄罗斯)索尔仁尼琴,平装,301,人民文学出版社,伊凡·杰尼索维奇的一天,,"亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴(1918~)前苏联俄罗斯作家。生于北高加索的基斯洛沃茨克市。1924年,随寡母迁居到顿河上的罗斯托夫市。在这里,他读完了中学,考入罗斯托夫大学的物理数学系,1941年以优异成绩毕业。与此同时,因酷爱文学,他还在莫斯科文史哲学院函授班攻习文学。 苏德战争爆发后,索尔仁尼琴应征入伍,曾任大尉炮兵连长,两次立功受奖。1945年2月,作者在东普鲁士的前线被捕,因为他同一个老朋友通信中批评了斯大林,内务人民委员部以“进行反苏宣传和阴谋建立反苏组织”的罪名判处他8年劳改。刑满后被流放到哈萨克斯坦。1956年解除流放,次年恢复名誉,后定居梁赞市,任中学数学教员。 1962年11月,经赫鲁晓夫亲自批准,索尔仁尼琴的处女作中篇小说《伊凡·杰尼索维奇的一天》在《新世界》上刊出。这部苏联文学中第一部描写斯大林时代劳改营生活的作品,立即引起国内外的强烈反响。1963年,作者加入苏联作协。这以后,他又写了好些作品,但随着政治形势的变化,除了《马特辽娜的家》等四个短篇外,其余均未能在苏联境内发表。1965年3月,《伊凡·杰尼索维奇的一天》受到公开批判。 1967年5月,第四次苏联作家代表大会前夕,索尔仁尼琴给大会写了一封公开信,要求“取消对文艺创作的一切公开和秘密的检查制度”,遭到当局指责。1968年,长篇小说《癌病房》和《第一圈》在西欧发表。1969年11月,作家被苏联作协开除会籍。 1970年,“因为他在追求俄罗斯文学不可或缺的传统时所具有的道义力量”,索尔仁尼琴获诺贝尔文学奖。但迫于形势,索尔仁尼琴没有前往斯德哥尔摩领奖。1971年,德、法两国同时出版他的长篇小说《1914年8月》。1973年12月,巴黎出版了他的《古拉格群岛》第一卷,披露了从1918年到1956年间苏联监狱与劳改营的内幕。1974年2月12日,苏联最高苏维埃主席团宣布剥夺其苏联国籍,把他驱逐出境。同年10月,美国参议院授予他“美国荣誉公民”称号,随后他移居美国。 1989年,苏联作协书记处接受《新世界》杂志社和苏联作家出版社的倡议,撤消作协书记处于1969年11月5日批准的把索尔仁尼琴开除出苏联作协的“不公正的、与社会主义民主原则相抵触的决定”,同时委托当选为苏联人民代表的作家们向最高苏维埃提出撤消最高苏维埃主席团1974年2月12日的命令。根据苏联作协的决定,索尔仁尼琴的作品开始在苏联国内陆续出版。",本书系索尔仁尼琴的中篇小说卷,共收录了《伊凡·杰尼索维奇的一天 》《玛特辽娜的家》《科切托夫卡车站上的一件事》《为了事业的利益》《一只右手》等9部作品。《伊凡·杰尼索维奇的一天》是索氏的成名作,发表于1962年,曾经在得到赫鲁晓夫首肯后得以发表。小说叙述了“伊凡·杰尼索维奇的一天”这个小人物在前苏联劳改营中的生活,成为“大墙文学”的开山之作,1965年曾受到过大规模的批判。索氏的中篇小说文笔精当,描写细致,构思独特,具有很高的艺术性。,17.00,9787020060818,7020060811 read,2008-03-22T14:39:30Z,111,8.8,(法)沙尔·波德莱尔,,177,漓江出版社,巴黎的忧郁,,,,0.57,,SH10256-19 read,2008-03-17T22:22:03Z,5699,8.7,阿来,平装,407,人民文学出版社,尘埃落定,,,《尘埃落定》故事讲述的是,一个声势显赫的康巴藏族土司,在酒后和汉族太太生了一个傻瓜儿子。这个人人都认定的傻子与现实生活格格不入,却有着超时代的预感和举止,成为土司制度兴衰的见证人。小说故事精彩曲折动人,以饱含激情的笔墨,超然物外的审视目光,展现了浓郁的民族风情和土司制度的浪漫神秘。,22.00元,9787020025565,7020025560 read,2008-03-17T22:19:34Z,50264,8.6,陈忠实,平装,677,人民文学出版社,白鹿原,,,这是一部渭河平原五十年变迁的雄奇史诗,一轴中国农村班斓多彩、触目惊心的长幅画卷。主人公六娶六丧,神秘的序曲预示着不祥。一个家族两代子孙,为争夺白鹿原的统治代代争斗不已,上演了一幕幕惊心动魄的活剧:巧取风水地,恶施美人计,孝子为匪,亲翁杀媳,兄弟相煎,情人反目……大革命、日寇入侵、三年内战,白鹿原翻云覆雨,王旗变幻,家仇国恨交错缠结,冤冤相报代代不已……古老的土地在新生的阵痛中颤栗。厚重深邃的思想内容,复杂多变的人物性格,跌宕曲折的故事情节,绚丽多彩的风土人情,形成作品鲜明的艺术特色和令人震撼的真实感。,28.00元,9787020026906,7020026907 read,2008-03-17T12:21:44Z,245,8.4,陆宗达,平装,NA,北京出版社,训诂简论,,,在传统训诂学断裂了半个世纪的年代,是当代训诂学大师陆宗达先生首先站出来呼唤它的复生;《训诂简论》以它通俗的语言、准确的阐释,认真严肃又轻松地,把没有接触过训诂的青年一代,带人这门古老而有用学科的殿堂。,12.00,9787200044928,720004492X read,2008-03-17T12:21:06Z,333,8.1,黄裳,平装,132,北京出版社,笔祸史谈丛,,,"关于民主自由的定义,当也有百家说法,绝非仅是两家。可否也一句白话以蔽之曰:能让百姓说真话,也就实现民主自由了,也就反而能够真正地国泰民安了。 书中从雍正王朝时的吕留良谈起,详细地介绍了清王朝统治时期发生的一系列笔祸案。 同时透过各个事件,阐述与之相关的情由与特点。",8.00,9787200050301,720005030X read,2008-03-17T12:20:39Z,347,9.2,[美] 威廉·夏伊勒,平装,1708,世界知识出版社,第三帝国的兴亡(共三册),,,,5.15(三册),,SH11003-501 read,2008-03-16T14:43:53Z,1020,9.2,[英] 乔治·奥威尔,精装,518,译林出版社,一九八四 上来透口气,,"乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell, 1903-1950),1903年生于英国殖民地的印度,原名艾里克·阿瑟·布莱尔(奥威尔是他的笔名),童年耳闻目睹了殖民者与被殖民者之间尖锐的冲突。与绝大多数英国孩子不同,他的同情倾向悲惨的印度人民一边。少年时代,奥威尔受教育于著名的伊顿中学。后来被派到缅甸任警察,他却站在了苦役犯的一边。30年代,他参加西班牙内战,因属托派而遭排挤,回国后却又被划入左派,不得不流亡法国。二战中,他在英国广播公司从事反法西斯宣传工作。1950年,死于缠绵数年的肺病,年仅47岁。 奥威尔短暂的一生,颠沛流离,疾病缠身,郁郁不得志,一直被视为危险的异端。在他为数不多的作品中,《动物庄园》与《一九八四》影响巨大,他以先知般冷峻的笔调勾画出人类阴暗的未来,令读者心惊肉跳。","这两部小说都是从小人物着手,写他们的生活经历和所思所想,两个男主人公都是那么可怜无助的夹缝中人。这样在生活中被挤扁了的人似乎根本无法承受什么重大的政治主题。奥威尔丝毫也没有宏大的叙事结构,声势浩大的全景画面,或铿锵或高亢的叙述语言。他要做的仅仅是把人物置于其特定的人文和社会环境中展开其故事,无论其环境是写实(《上来透口气》)还是虚拟的预言式(《一九八四》),在其特定的条件下都是可信的。于是,这两个小人物的故事成了某种重大主题与思想的载体,比任何宏大结构和叙事都来得真实和有说服力。这让我想起劳伦斯论小说的一句话:“任何东西只要是在自身的时间、地点和环境中,它就是真实的。”这是艺术的真实。奥威尔做到了。 你看《上来透口气》中那个胖乎乎的保险推销员保灵,看他那个乱哄哄的家,看他家所在的那个典型的生活区,看他周围的那些乌七八糟的新兴中产阶级,这些人构成了——天啊,英国人的大多数!就连这么普通的保灵都无法忍受生命的重负了,都要像只海龟一样浮上水面来透口气,可竟然发现无气可透! 你看《一九八四》中的那个倒霉的温斯顿,在强大的政治压力下靠偷情来“透口气”。看他周围的人包括分居的妻子那副可憎的面孔;看他供职的“真理部”和邻居“和平部”、“仁爱部”和“富足部”的所作所为——和平部负责战争,真理部负责造谣,仁爱部负责拷打,富足部制造饥饿;看那些人多么心甘情愿地造谣说谎,靠监视别人获得升迁机会。这些人构成了——天啊,一个国家的上层建筑!最终这样一个还有良心的人都心甘情愿地出卖并带着对偶像的热爱而死,这样的人类境遇还能残酷到什么程度?",23.80元,9787806572269,7806572260 read,2008-03-16T14:41:01Z,10,7.6,"""(美)Mark S. Sanders,(美)Ernest J. McCormick""",影印版,790,清华大学出版社,工程和设计中的人因学,,,"人因学(Human Factors)研究的内容包括:工作优化问题的解决手段,实现人一机一环境最佳匹配的工具,全顾客满意产品设计的法则,使人高效,安全、健康、舒适地工作和生活的保证...... 《工程和设计中的人因学》(第7版)是人因学领域的一本经典教科书,为广大师生、管理人员和技术人员提供了一整套系统地处理工程和设计中有关人的因素的核心和知识和有效工具。 本书的核心是论述人因学的问题,即研究“为人所用而设计”(Designing for Human Use)的问题。它把系统中的人作为着眼点,通过对人的生理、心理、感知、认知、工效和管理等方面的特性研究,提出了产品、设施、人机界面、工作场所及布局等内容的设计方法,以及差错预防与安全的理论、原则、开发步骤及方法,从而优化人与系统各要素(人与产品、人与环境、人与设施、人与作业等)的关系,并达到最佳匹配,使产品开发、生产(或服务)和管理系统率高、效果好、效益佳。 本书从1957年的第1版至今,不但在内容上始终反映了人因学的最新发展,而且在叙述上深入浅出,层次清晰,理论联系实际,实用性强,已经被国外许多知名大学作为核心教材使用。",76.00元,9787302054832,7302054835 read,2008-03-09T18:21:40Z,132,8.1,(美)马克﹒吐温,精装,343,译林出版社,康州美国佬在亚瑟王朝,,,身为现代人的美国佬穿越时空隧道,从十九世纪来到六世纪圆桌骑士时代的亚瑟王朝,于是闹出许多风波和笑话。美国佬用现代科技战胜了众骑士,并要改造英国,使之迅速进入现代化,16.50,9787806572979,780657297X read,2008-03-09T13:02:54Z,700,8.0,甘阳,平装,610,生活·读书·新知三联书店,将错就错,,甘阳,1980年代从北京大学外哲所毕业后创办“文化:中国与世界”系列丛书(三联书店出版);九十年代赴芝加哥大学社会思想委员会师从希尔斯和布鲁姆等名师深入研究西方文明史。现任香港大学亚洲中心专职研究员,香港中文大学历史系客座教授,中山大学哲学系客座教授,博士生导师。近著有《政治哲人施特劳斯》、《古今中西之争》、《将错就错》,编著有《八十年代文化意识》、《中国大学的人文教育》(与陈来、苏力合编)等。,《将错就错》是甘阳的随笔文章结集,分八辑,近一百六十余篇,较为全面地体现了作者于美游学期间对于社会、政治、文学、教育等诸多领域的思考。,35.00元,9787108016256,7108016257 read,2008-03-02T21:45:26Z,40,8.4,(苏联)阿·托尔斯泰,,1075,人民文学出版社,彼得大帝(上下),,阿・托尔斯泰,是一位跨越了沙俄和苏联两个历史时期伟大的俄罗斯作家。1883年1月10日,阿・托尔斯泰生于尼古拉耶夫斯克的一个贵族家庭。 1901年入彼得堡工学院,后中途离校,在象征主义影响下开始文学创作。 他的作品有:《自以为了不起的人》、《米舒卡・里莫夫》、《乱世的故事》、《水下》、《美丽的妇人》、《尼基塔的童年》、《三姐妹》、《涅夫佐罗夫的奇遇》、《加林工程师的双曲线体》、《蓝色的城市》、《1918年》、《阴暗的早晨》、《彼得大帝》、《伊凡・苏达列夫所讲的故事》等等。,本书为长篇小说,主要描写彼得大帝,46.00元,9787020026289,7020026281 read,2008-03-02T19:40:29Z,408,8.6,塔奇曼,平装,366,新星出版社,八月炮火,,巴巴拉・W.塔奇曼(Barbara W. Tuchman)美国著名历史学家。本书出版于1963年,和其后于1971年出版的《史迪威在中国》皆获得了“普利策奖”,"塔奇曼这本在1962年出版的战争史经典之作,早已成为欧美战略专家、军事将领、政治人物与意见领袖,为增进历史智能与战略素养必备的读物。透过生动的历史场景还原,这本书让他们从一次世界大战爆发过程中所凸显的历史荒谬与愚蠢中汲取经验与教训。这些历史教训也正是当前政治领导人与意见领袖迫切需要的基本知识。这本让塔奇曼首度获得普立策奖的畅销书也许并不足以为读者提供第一次世界大战爆发的历史全貌。但是,它从观察关键决策者的角度进场,栩栩如生的呈现了重要历史转折点上,主要行动者的主观意图、他们所面对的选择,以及彼此间的相互计算。让我们准确的掌握到,是什么样的政治谋略与战争准备机制,可以让一场应该可以避免、也没有一方真正希望发生、而且绝大多数人都认为不可能会发生的全面性战争,可以由一个偶发的政治暗杀事件所引爆。 在第一次世界大战爆发前夕,欧洲国家绝大多数的知识分子、金融家与企业主,都没有意识到他们与即将爆发的巨大危机只有一尺之隔,他们对于政治领袖与军事谋略家加诸于自己的战争浩劫风险浑然不觉。 《八月炮火》一书点出了许多让人深思的历史吊诡与荒谬。一批深谙治国之术与权利均衡游戏的统治精英,他们机关算尽,最后却无法避免自己成为历史悲剧中的主角;他们精心布置的军事盟约与政治承诺,最后却成为冲突升高过程中的重力加速器。",35.00,9787801487513,7801487516 read,2008-02-23T15:44:24Z,830,8.6,斯蒂芬·茨威格,平装,172,吉林人民出版社,异端的权利,,,"《异端的权利》讲述的是欧洲大陆在灿烂黎明之后重新沦为黑夜时的一个小故事。宗教改革英雄加尔文此时已经是日内瓦君临一切的最高统治者和暴君。而温和的充满人道主义气质的学者卡斯特利奥,以“苍蝇战大象”式的勇气,对加尔文的倒行逆施展开了英勇的对抗。如果不读茨威格的这本书,加尔文在人们心中完全是概念化的、光辉的形象:改革家、反封建斗士,他站在历史的一个阶梯上,与无数长袍长髯的伟人排在一起。如果不读茨威格,谁也不能那么明白地知道,就是这个因怀有理想而受迫害、遭追捕、不得不亡命他乡的新兴资产阶级,一旦登上权力的宝座,对那些曾是、甚至依旧是他的朋友和同志的人,会表现出那样的常人难以置信的专横、残忍与卑劣。这些人根本没有丝毫觊觎他的权势的念头,不过想就几个纯学术问题与他商榷――货真价实的商榷,因为文稿是在未发表之前,就寄给了“亲爱的兄弟”敬请指正的。 ",14.00,9787206034749,7206034748 read,2008-02-18T17:15:36Z,163,8.5,[日] 冈元凤 纂辑; 王承略 点校解说,平装16开,257,山东画报出版社,毛诗品物图考,,王承略,1966年生。山东诸城人,山东大学古籍整理研究所副教授,文学博士,中国诗经学会会员。与王绍曾共同编纂《山东文献书目》、《清史稿艺文志拾遗》,整理张元济《百衲本二十四史校勘记》。与董治安共同编纂《两汉全书》、《二十五史外人物总传要籍集成》、《唐代四大类书》、《高享著述集林》等。并在《文史》、《文史哲》、《诗经研究丛刊》等刊物发表论文30余篇。,《毛诗品物图考》专门解释中国古代第一部诗歌总集《诗经》中的动物与植物,分为草、木、鸟、兽、虫、鱼6个类别,包含了其中较为常见的物种,形式图文并茂,200余幅图画,都属名家工笔摹绘,形态逼真,纤毫毕见。,30.00元,9787806036587,780603658X read,2008-02-18T17:14:53Z,29,8.9,蒲松龄,,554,山东画报出版社,聊斋志异图咏(上、下册 彩页插图本),,,"《聊斋志异图咏(上)》内容简介:蒲松龄是有非凡的文才的。诗、词、文、赋、通俗戏曲诸种文体,他都曾试其身手,并且皆有可观的成就。他最热衷的是记述奇闻异事,撰写狐鬼花妖故事。这对志在入仕的秀才来说,未免是不务正业,为此他曾受到过友好的劝阻,不友好的奚落。但是,他没有屈从社会的偏见,抱着“纵不成名未足哀”的信念,执著地写作,直到年逾花甲,方才逐渐搁笔。《聊斋志异》是他倾注了大半生的心血制作出来的。 蒲松龄作《聊斋志异》承袭了六朝志怪小说和唐人传奇的文学传统,但在观念上、作法上却有了质的飞跃。他摆脱了六朝人记叙怪异之事以“明神道”的观念,超越了唐人作传奇重在构想之幻、情节之奇的局限,而是面向现实社会,以生活经验理性,驾驭六朝志怪小说和渗入民间宗教信仰中的神秘意识及其所形成的故事范式,进行文学创作,虚构诡橘绮丽的故事,来针砭现实,抒发忧愤,表达他个人经验、情趣,寄托精神方面的向往、追求。这样,原来六朝志怪小说中的神秘意识及其思维模式,也就转化为文学幻想的方式和材料,狐鬼花妖不再是神秘意识中存在物,而成为幻想文学中的人物形象;神仙也不再是宗教意识中不可亵读的神圣超人,而成为观照人间官僚或某类人的幻设形象,多半寓批判之意。由于摆脱了宗教迷信意识的束缚,蒲松龄便获得自由,更充分地发挥了真幻相生、虚实互渗的艺术潜力,编织出了许多比六朝志怪小说和唐人传奇小说更加瑰丽、灵动而饶有生活意趣和现实意义的故事。 这部图咏本较之元明以来小说之插图绣像显然更为严整工细。编印者广百家斋主人称:“图画荟萃近时名手而成。其中楼阁山水,人物鸟兽,各尽其长。每图俱就篇中最扼要处着笔,嬉笑怒骂,确有神情。”虽有自谀之嫌,但观书中图画均工笔勾画,技法圆熟,构图协调允妥,在明清白话小说之插图中称得上上品,诚非访间劣手所能为之者。咏诗大约出自广百宋斋主人笔下,虽然不能说首首切中故事之肯綮,境界高妙,但其中也多有或直或曲,出语蕴藉,道出聊斋先生之心思者,大体看来不失水准。",64.00元,9787806036846,7806036849 read,2008-02-18T16:43:23Z,1,0.0,A. L. Rowse,Paperback,NA,Combined Publishing,Bosworth Field & the Wars of the Roses (Wordsworth Military Library),,," ",USD 12.99,9781853266911,1853266914 read,2008-02-17T21:29:36Z,39,8.3,[美] 欧文·肖,平装,920,上海译文出版社,幼狮(上、下册),,本书以第二次世界大战期间两名美军救死士兵以及一名奥籍军士兵的遭际为主要七索,从1937年除夕写到1945年法西斯德国覆亡的前诳,从美国东西两条海岸写到第三帝国腹地、花都巴黎、北非荒漠,容纳了广阔的时间和空间,笔力驰聚,叙战堪画,一经问世便受到评家和读者的广泛注意,成为当时最畅销的小说之一。随后被搬上银幕,同样广受欢迎。,本书以第二次世界大战期间两名美军士兵(诺亚・艾克曼和迈克尔・惠特柯)以及一名奥籍德军士兵(克里斯蒂安・蒂斯特尔)的遭际为主要线索。从1937年除夕写到1945年法西斯德国覆亡的前夜,从美国东西两条海岸写到第三帝国腹地、花都巴黎、北非荒漠、雾都伦敦、诺曼底海滩,容纳了广阔的时间和空间。笔力驰聚,叙战堪画,一经问世便受到评家和读者的广泛注意,成为当时最畅销的战争小说之一。,39.90元,9787532722952,7532722953 read,2008-02-17T21:27:57Z,179,8.6,[美] 欧内斯特·海明威,平装,566,上海译文出版社,丧钟为谁而鸣,,,,1.85元,,SH10188-315 read,2008-02-17T15:29:18Z,211,8.3,[法] 伏尔泰,平装,647,商务印书馆有限公司,路易十四时代,,," ",21.70元,9787100011860,7100011868 read,2008-02-17T15:28:44Z,957,8.5,[古罗马] 凯撒,平装,253,商务印书馆,高卢战记,,,《高卢战记》叙事翔实精确,文笔清晰简朴,历来很得到爱好罗马历史、拉丁文学和军事史等各方面人物的推崇。凯撒所写的《高卢战记》,共七卷,记述他在高卢作战的经过,从公元前58年至52年,每年的事迹写成一卷。凯撒死后,他的幕僚奥卢斯·伊尔久斯续写了第八卷,以补公元前51至52年的空缺。因此,《战记》又成为记述这些地区情况的最古老的历史文献,它对高卢和日耳曼各地区的从氏族公社逐渐解体、到萌芽状态国家出现这段时间里的政治、社会、风俗和宗教等记述,成为我们研究原始社会和民族学的重要依据。,18.00元,9787100011891,7100011892 read,2008-02-17T15:28:28Z,290,8.2,[古罗马]凯撒,大32开,347,商务印书馆,内战记,,,"本书为凯撒继《高卢战记》后的另一部作品,包括《内战记》和作者不详而与内战有关的《亚历山大里亚战记》、《阿非利加战记》和《西班牙战记》。 《内战记》一开始就紧接《高卢战记》,从凯撒和元老院之间的往来交涉讲起,讲到凯撒怎样在意大利人民的热烈支持下连战皆捷,终于迫使庞培放弃意大利逃往东方;然后再分别叙述他在西班牙、马西利亚、阿非利加进行的战事,最后他击溃庞培,使其逃往埃及,死在亚历山大里亚。各篇战记的作者都是亲历其境的人,所以本书有重要的参考价值。",15.00,9787100020336,7100020336 read,2008-02-17T15:16:47Z,269,8.5,(英)吉卜林,平装,219,人民文学出版社,丛林故事,,,《丛林故事》:《丛林之书》和《丛林之书续篇》共有十五篇故事,在我们编的这个《丛林故事》里,共收入了十一篇,其中有《丛林之书》中的全部七篇,接下来的三篇选自《丛林之书续篇》。最后一篇《在丛林里》则选自短篇小说集《许多发明》。 《丛林之书》和它的续篇所包括的十五篇故事中,七篇是互不相关的动物故事,如《白海豹》和《“里基—蒂基—塔维”》就属于这一类。另外八篇则是以少年莫格里为中心人物的系列动物故事。莫格里是印度樵夫的儿子。当他还是个婴儿时,在森林里受到老虎谢尔汗追逐,父母逃散,他误入狼穴,被母狼收养,成为狼群中的一员。他长成了一个勇武而又聪慧的少年。他的朋友有慈祥的狼妈妈,忠诚的狼兄弟,以及足智多谋的黑豹巴希拉,憨厚的老熊巴卢,正直的狼群头领阿克拉,孔武有力的蟒蛇卡阿等等。他们在莫格里周围形成了一个温暖的集体,教给他生活的智慧和谋生的本领,教给他丛林动物必须遵守的“丛林法律”。老虎谢尔汗仍然不时前来捣乱。莫格里具有人类的智慧,学会了使用火。他从附近的村子里取来了动物们称之为“红花”的火,帮助阿克拉平息了狼群的叛乱,把煽动叛乱的老虎烧得焦头烂额,落荒而逃。后来,莫格里被村子里一位失去儿子的村妇收养,当了放牧牛群的牧童。但是老虎谢尔汗跟踪而来,要加害于他。莫格里和狼兄弟们定下计策,利用牛群设下埋伏,谢尔汗陷进牛群的包围,被牛蹄践踏而死。但莫格里也因冒犯村里的巫师而被村民用石子驱赶出来,回到了丛林。在本书中还可以读到莫格里不少冒险故事。而《在丛林里》这篇故事则讲述了莫格里故事的大结局——他离开了兽群,回到人类中间,结了婚,当上了看林人,帮助林务官保护森林。从出版时间上说,这个故事比《丛林之书》早一年出版,吉卜林对朋友解释说,“这个故事是莫格里故事里最先写出的,不过它讲的是他的事业的最后章节……时间估计在他最终和丛林里的朋友们分手两三年之后。”这个故事显然比他后来写的那些神奇的莫格里故事要逊色些,试想一个能震慑森林里凶猛野兽的天神般的少年莫格里,竟然降格为英国文官制度下一名小职员,并且期望将来能领到一份退休金,这实在有点儿“煞风景”。不过我们应该记住,吉卜林的灵感和才华在这最初一篇里只是刚刚被启发出来,而在后来的故事里得到了充分的发挥。由于这是莫格里故事里有独特地位的一篇,我们在这里把它也选了进来。,11.00元,9787020044283,702004428X read,2008-02-17T15:05:47Z,150,8.5,拉.乔万尼奥里,平装,774,上海译文出版社,斯巴达克思,,拉法埃洛·乔万尼奥里是意大利民族复兴运动时期的爱国志士,优秀的历史学家、作家和文艺评论家。早年,他以写作幽默诗歌、古罗马名人传和文艺评论活跃于文坛。他一生共写了六部历史小说,两部现代题材长篇小说,两个剧本,一部诗集和两部文艺评集。其代表作历史长篇小说《斯巴达克思》(1874).,以公元前一世纪斯巴达克思领导的古罗马奴隶起义为题材,揭露了独裁者苏拉为代表的奴隶主阶级的残暴统治和糜烂生活,热情歌颂奴隶们为争取自由解放的英勇斗争,精心塑造斯巴达克思这一奴隶起义领袖的英雄形象,同时又表达了十九世纪意大利人民反对外国侵略、争取独立自由的革命呼声。小说场面广阔、细节生动,善于在现实主义的基础上运用浪漫主义手法,使人物性格鲜明突出,形象丰满动人,富有传奇色彩。,1.85,,SH10188-24 read,2008-02-17T15:02:28Z,139,8.8,(波兰)亨﹒显克维奇,精装,1031,译林出版社,火与剑,,,"本书是波兰著名作家亨利克·显克维奇的历史小说三部曲中的一部。全书所描写的是1648年开始的波兰王军与哥萨克的一场大规模的战争。人们通过小说中的正面人物的主角维希辽维茨基、斯克热杜斯基以及其他英雄男女的生活和斗争,栩栩如生地感受到波兰爱国志士的伟大献身精神。小说中对反面人物赫米尔尼茨基、包洪也并没有脸谱化、简单化,而是从多方面去揭示他们的性格,他们的凶狠残暴、杀人如麻。",47.00,9787806576755,7806576754 read,2008-02-17T15:01:53Z,249,9.3,(美)赫尔曼・沃克,精装,1357,上海译文出版社,战争与回忆,,,"第二次世界大战后,遭受过战争蹂躏的人们对战时的政治冷酷和人性扭曲进行了反思,表现在欧美文坛上,就是现代主义和后现代主义文艺思潮风靡一时,实验小说之风甚盛。其间的文学作品虽然五彩缤纷,无奇不有,但其实都流露出作家们对人类生活的忧虑和危机感,有一种“荒谬的虚无主义意识”风格。到上个世纪七、八十年代,世界政治局势相对稳定,作家开始以更为冷静的目光观察世界,以较为朴实的笔触写现实题材,更多地运用现实主义手法,形成了一股回归现实主义传统的潮流,从而展现了一幅迥异于五、六十年代的文坛风景。 在这股潮流中,美国作家赫尔曼·沃克( Herman Wouk )无疑是代表人物之一。 赫尔曼·沃克在欧美文坛以用现实主义笔法写战争题材小说而享有盛名。就我目前的阅读范围所及,沃克的三部作品(《战争风云》、《战争与回忆》和《凯恩舰哗变》)都以第二次世界大战为背景。我不知道赫尔曼·沃克还著有什么作品,然而,单凭这三部描写二战的小说,尤其是作为史诗性两部曲的《战争风云》和《战争与回忆》,已经足以奠定沃克在欧美(乃至世界)文学界的地位了。 《战争风云》和《战争与回忆》堪称用小说艺术展现的第二次世界大战的全景。它以美国海军军官维克多·亨利一家为中心辐射开去,描绘了一幅大规模世界战争的真实、宏伟的图景。书中人物众多,上至罗斯福、丘吉尔、希特勒等交战各国最高领导人,下至一般士兵和普通老百姓,都在作者的笔墨之下出现。所述故事从1939年德军入侵波兰、第二次世界大战爆发开始,到1945年日本投降、战争结束为止,涉及大多数主要战场和重要事件。全书篇幅很长,但读来 毫无滞涩繁重之感。赫尔曼·沃克显然是位善于布局谋篇、巧于急张缓弛的故事大家,他让维克多·亨利一家以及与之有关的众多人物尽可能但又合乎情理地置身于人们都知道的重大历史事件中,使读者随着故事的进展,不由自主地为这些人物的命运而担忧、紧张、欣慰、悲哀;同时,作者生动细腻的描写,又让读者对许多重大历史事件有了更深入的理解。相比之下,《凯恩舰哗变》的场景就小多了。它只是讲了在太平洋战场一艘美军军舰上发生的“哗变”事件,人物也主要是一些中下级军官和士兵。全书描写的是战争中的一个侧面,但对战争与人们关系的反映却是比较全面的。 作为现实主义作家,赫尔曼·沃克以故事跌宕起伏、人物命运多舛取胜。他的这几部小说,故事情节都用白描的笔法娓娓道来,书中基本没有直接的心理描写,人物性格都从对话和行为中表现出来,并随着故事情节的发展而不断深化。这种写法的好处,是不打断读者的阅读思绪,让读者不知不觉地陷入书中规定的人物和故事之中,手难释卷,印象深刻。 赫尔曼·沃克的作品让人百读不厌,除了故事讲得引人入胜之外,还在于它的真实:故事细节上的真实和历史事件上的真实。沃克为写作《战争风云》和《战争与回忆》,足迹几乎遍及欧、亚、非大陆数十个国家,翻阅了大量历史资料,采访过几百名经历过二战的人。正如作者所说:书中关于亨利一家的人物和事迹纯属虚构,但有关战争的史实是确凿的,统计数字是可靠的,那些大人物的言行要不是根据史实,便是根据可靠的记载。真实是文学作品的基础,对史诗性作品来说尤其如此。 赫尔曼·沃克把自己的文笔着落在战争上,自然不是为了用人类自相残杀的悲剧来吸引读者,而是有他深层的思考。战争,作为“一种古老的思想习惯,一种古老的心理状态”,几乎贯穿于人类的全部发展过程之中。举凡人类社会的美好、丑陋、善良、残忍,都能在战争中得到充分体现。对于以前的统治者、现在的“政治家”来说,战争不过“是政治的继续”,是运筹于他们心中的一种决策,一种选择;而对于千千万万普通百姓来说,战争则是让人们付出血泪的一种诅咒,是挥之不去的一个噩梦。基于此,沃克没有把自己的作品简单地写成正义战胜邪恶的英雄主义赞歌。在他的笔下,既写了如海军军官维克多·亨利父子三人(《战争风云》和《战争与回忆》)、威利·克依斯(《凯恩舰哗变》)等人一样由普通人成长的英雄,又对像历史学博士埃伦·杰斯特罗、外交官莱斯里·斯鲁特(《战争风云》和《战争与回忆》)等一样软弱、自私和正义感交织在一起的人给予了理解,甚至对像海军舰长菲力普·魁格(《凯恩舰哗变》)一样因不堪战争压力而变得偏执、胆怯的人物也表示了同情。沃克的作品告诉人们:战争或许能判别出人们的无畏和胆怯,但人类却不是为战争而活着的;文学描写战争,不是为了赞美战争,甚至也不是为了赞美战争中的“英雄主义”。那么,我们为什么要读战争题材作品呢?赫尔曼·沃克在《战争风云》的《作者前言》中说的一段话,也许道出了原因:“《战争风云》的主题和宗旨,可以在法国犹太作家朱里安·班达的几句话里找到:如果世上确有和平存在,那么这种和平并不是基于害怕战争,而是基于热爱和平。它不是行动上的限制,而是思想上的成熟。在这个意义上说,最渺小的作家可以为和平作出贡献,而最有力量的法庭却无能为力。” 看来,努力用文学传达个人对于人类命运的强烈关注和思考,这就是赫尔曼·沃克作品的价值所在,也是那些有责任感和忧患意识的作家的非凡勇气和能力所在。",48.30,9787532716029,7532716023 read,2008-02-17T15:01:19Z,319,9.2,赫尔曼.沃克,平装,1029,上海译文出版社,战争风云,,,"第二次世界大战后,遭受过战争蹂躏的人们对战时的政治冷酷和人性扭曲进行了反思,表现在欧美文坛上,就是现代主义和后现代主义文艺思潮风靡一时,实验小说之风甚盛。其间的文学作品虽然五彩缤纷,无奇不有,但其实都流露出作家们对人类生活的忧虑和危机感,有一种“荒谬的虚无主义意识”风格。到上个世纪七、八十年代,世界政治局势相对稳定,作家开始以更为冷静的目光观察世界,以较为朴实的笔触写现实题材,更多地运用现实主义手法,形成了一股回归现实主义传统的潮流,从而展现了一幅迥异于五、六十年代的文坛风景。 在这股潮流中,美国作家赫尔曼·沃克( Herman Wouk )无疑是代表人物之一。 赫尔曼·沃克在欧美文坛以用现实主义笔法写战争题材小说而享有盛名。就我目前的阅读范围所及,沃克的三部作品(《战争风云》、《战争与回忆》和《凯恩舰哗变》)都以第二次世界大战为背景。我不知道赫尔曼·沃克还著有什么作品,然而,单凭这三部描写二战的小说,尤其是作为史诗性两部曲的《战争风云》和《战争与回忆》,已经足以奠定沃克在欧美(乃至世界)文学界的地位了。 《战争风云》和《战争与回忆》堪称用小说艺术展现的第二次世界大战的全景。它以美国海军军官维克多·亨利一家为中心辐射开去,描绘了一幅大规模世界战争的真实、宏伟的图景。书中人物众多,上至罗斯福、丘吉尔、希特勒等交战各国最高领导人,下至一般士兵和普通老百姓,都在作者的笔墨之下出现。所述故事从1939年德军入侵波兰、第二次世界大战爆发开始,到1945年日本投降、战争结束为止,涉及大多数主要战场和重要事件。全书篇幅很长,但读来 毫无滞涩繁重之感。赫尔曼·沃克显然是位善于布局谋篇、巧于急张缓弛的故事大家,他让维克多·亨利一家以及与之有关的众多人物尽可能但又合乎情理地置身于人们都知道的重大历史事件中,使读者随着故事的进展,不由自主地为这些人物的命运而担忧、紧张、欣慰、悲哀;同时,作者生动细腻的描写,又让读者对许多重大历史事件有了更深入的理解。相比之下,《凯恩舰哗变》的场景就小多了。它只是讲了在太平洋战场一艘美军军舰上发生的“哗变”事件,人物也主要是一些中下级军官和士兵。全书描写的是战争中的一个侧面,但对战争与人们关系的反映却是比较全面的。 作为现实主义作家,赫尔曼·沃克以故事跌宕起伏、人物命运多舛取胜。他的这几部小说,故事情节都用白描的笔法娓娓道来,书中基本没有直接的心理描写,人物性格都从对话和行为中表现出来,并随着故事情节的发展而不断深化。这种写法的好处,是不打断读者的阅读思绪,让读者不知不觉地陷入书中规定的人物和故事之中,手难释卷,印象深刻。 赫尔曼·沃克的作品让人百读不厌,除了故事讲得引人入胜之外,还在于它的真实:故事细节上的真实和历史事件上的真实。沃克为写作《战争风云》和《战争与回忆》,足迹几乎遍及欧、亚、非大陆数十个国家,翻阅了大量历史资料,采访过几百名经历过二战的人。正如作者所说:书中关于亨利一家的人物和事迹纯属虚构,但有关战争的史实是确凿的,统计数字是可靠的,那些大人物的言行要不是根据史实,便是根据可靠的记载。真实是文学作品的基础,对史诗性作品来说尤其如此。 赫尔曼·沃克把自己的文笔着落在战争上,自然不是为了用人类自相残杀的悲剧来吸引读者,而是有他深层的思考。战争,作为“一种古老的思想习惯,一种古老的心理状态”,几乎贯穿于人类的全部发展过程之中。举凡人类社会的美好、丑陋、善良、残忍,都能在战争中得到充分体现。对于以前的统治者、现在的“政治家”来说,战争不过“是政治的继续”,是运筹于他们心中的一种决策,一种选择;而对于千千万万普通百姓来说,战争则是让人们付出血泪的一种诅咒,是挥之不去的一个噩梦。基于此,沃克没有把自己的作品简单地写成正义战胜邪恶的英雄主义赞歌。在他的笔下,既写了如海军军官维克多·亨利父子三人(《战争风云》和《战争与回忆》)、威利·克依斯(《凯恩舰哗变》)等人一样由普通人成长的英雄,又对像历史学博士埃伦·杰斯特罗、外交官莱斯里·斯鲁特(《战争风云》和《战争与回忆》)等一样软弱、自私和正义感交织在一起的人给予了理解,甚至对像海军舰长菲力普·魁格(《凯恩舰哗变》)一样因不堪战争压力而变得偏执、胆怯的人物也表示了同情。沃克的作品告诉人们:战争或许能判别出人们的无畏和胆怯,但人类却不是为战争而活着的;文学描写战争,不是为了赞美战争,甚至也不是为了赞美战争中的“英雄主义”。那么,我们为什么要读战争题材作品呢?赫尔曼·沃克在《战争风云》的《作者前言》中说的一段话,也许道出了原因:“《战争风云》的主题和宗旨,可以在法国犹太作家朱里安·班达的几句话里找到:如果世上确有和平存在,那么这种和平并不是基于害怕战争,而是基于热爱和平。它不是行动上的限制,而是思想上的成熟。在这个意义上说,最渺小的作家可以为和平作出贡献,而最有力量的法庭却无能为力。” 看来,努力用文学传达个人对于人类命运的强烈关注和思考,这就是赫尔曼·沃克作品的价值所在,也是那些有责任感和忧患意识的作家的非凡勇气和能力所在。",33.40,9787532717842,7532717844 read,2008-02-17T14:51:46Z,721,7.6,(英)爱・摩・福斯特,平装,292,上海译文出版社,看得见风景的房间,,爱・摩・福斯特(1879-1970)是20世纪享有世界声誉的小说家,他的代表作有《印度之行》、《看得见风景的房间》等。,一位出身英国书香之家的中产阶级淑女露西在弗洛伦萨旅行时,遇到英国青年乔治,乔治对她的倾慕令她禁不住心动,当露西与乔治在英国重逢后,露西的真情一发不可收拾,最后她冲破传统,解除既定婚约,选择了跟她相爱的乔治,有情人终成眷属。根据小说改编的影片也成为影史经典。,25.00,9787532736744,7532736741 read,2008-02-17T14:51:32Z,1040,8.4,[美] 伊迪丝·华顿,精装,315,译林出版社,纯真年代,,"伊迪丝·华顿(Edith Wharton, 1862-1937)是纽约一个名门望族琼斯家的女儿。和她的朋友亨利·詹姆斯一样,她在家中接受了良好的教育,后来多次出国旅行。1885年她和一个比她大十三岁的有钱的波士顿人爱德华·华顿结了婚。此人性格虽好,但他们却很少共同之处,几年以后,爱德华患了精神病,最终导致了他们的离婚,从此以后,伊迪丝长住巴黎,直到1937年去世。 伊迪丝·华顿起初是为了排遣上流社会家庭生活的苦闷而开始写作的。她从1880年开始发表小说,1889年第一部短篇小说集问世,获得了意外的成功。1905年长篇小说《快乐之家》出版,使她成了20世纪前二十年最受欢迎的美国作家。1920年出版的《纯真年代》为她获得了普利策奖。她一共写了十九部中长篇小说,出版过十一本短篇小说集,还有大量的非小说作品。","《纯真年代》的主要情节发生在19世纪70年代末80年代初的纽约上流社会。那是伊迪丝度过童年与青春的地方,她在那儿长大成人,进入社交界,订婚又解除婚约,最后嫁给波士顿的爱德华·华顿,并度过了婚后的最初几年。时隔40年后,作为小说家的她回顾养育过她也束缚过她的那个社会,她的感情是复杂的,既有亲切的眷恋,又有清醒的针砭。 作家把那个时代的纽约上流社会比作一个小小的金字塔,它又尖又滑,很难在上面取得立足之地。处在塔顶,真正有贵族血统的只有二三户人家:华盛顿广场的达戈内特祖上是正宗的郡中世家;范德卢顿先生是第一任荷兰总督的嫡孙,他家曾与法国和英国的几家贵族联姻;还有与德格拉斯伯爵联姻的拉宁一家。他们是上流社会的最高阶层,但显然已处于日薄西山的衰败阶段。上流社会的中坚力量是以明戈特家族、纽兰家族、奇弗斯家族为代表的名门望族,他们的祖辈都是来自英国或荷兰的富商,早年在殖民地发迹,成为有身份有地位的人物。比如纽兰·阿切尔的一位曾外祖父曾参与过独立宣言的签署,还有一位曾在华盛顿部下任将军。正如阿切尔太太所说的,“纽约从来就是个商业社会”,占支配地位的是这些殷实的富商。处于金字塔底部的是富有却不显贵的人们,他们多数是内战之后崛起的新富,凭借雄厚的财力,通过联姻而跻身上流社会。",17.50元,9787806572610,7806572619 read,2008-02-17T14:50:43Z,59,6.3,曼,简裝本,224,译林出版社,垃圾教授,,,"长篇小说《垃圾教授》也是亨利希·曼的一部重要作品,发表于一九○五年,它的主要内容是: 德国某城文科中学的教师垃堤已执教二十五年。他表面道貌岸然,内心却卑鄙无耻。学生按照他名字的谐音给他起了“垃圾教授”的绰号。全校师生乃至分布在全城的历届毕业生都在明里和暗里叫他垃圾教授。垃堤把学生当敌人,更把班上的洛曼、封·埃尔楚姆和基泽拉克三个学生视为眼中钉,经常借故关他们禁闭。一次,垃堤在洛曼的作文本里发现了一首赞美歌女罗莎·弗蕾利希的诗,他认定这是道德败坏。为了抓到惩罚洛曼的把柄,他四出奔走,在全城寻找歌女罗莎·弗蕾利希。他终于在一家名叫“蓝天使”的下等娱乐场找到了罗莎,自己立刻为她的风流美貌所倾倒。以后他每日必去蓝天使,与自己的学生争风吃醋,极尽向罗莎献媚之能事,服侍她更换服装,给她化妆。罗莎随洛曼等去郊游,砸烂了一座巨人墓,引起诉讼案。垃堤也由于罗莎牵涉进去,搞得声名狼藉,因而被迫提前退休。垃堤干脆与罗莎结婚,搬到城外一所住房居住。垃堤自此完全受罗莎的控制。他的住房成了她勾引本城男性公民的幽会场所。垃堤的积蓄花光后,只得依靠聚赌和罗莎卖淫为生。这个藏污纳垢的地方导致了许多人家破产,一些有身份的富裕市民也陷了进去不能自拔,把全城搞得乌烟瘴气,民怨鼎沸。一天,罗莎在城里偶然与刚从国外归来衣冠楚楚的洛曼相遇,约他趁垃堤不在家时去相会。正当罗莎与洛曼在家约会时,垃堤突然闯入,妒火中烧,竟下手要把罗莎捏死,还抢了洛曼的钱包。洛曼报告了警察,警察赶来逮捕了垃堤,同时带走了祸害市民的罗莎·弗蕾利希。全城人民为之松了一口气,欢呼“终于运走了一车垃圾”! 这部小说以漫画手法,多方面地暴露和讽刺了德皇威廉二世统治下摧残人性的法西斯奴化教育制度和丑恶的社会现实。小说有一个副标题:《一个暴君的末日》。由于小说的背景正是德国资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡的时代,因而作者笔下的垃圾教授不是一个人,而是代表他的整个阶级,以此反映十九世纪末德国封建贵族和资产阶级的虚伪和堕落:他们自己虚伪堕落,却指责别人道德败坏;他们为了巩固军国主义统治,采用专制高压手段,对青年一代进行奴化教育,稍有越轨,就关禁闭惩罚,或是利用权势,断送年轻人的前程。垃圾教授对待学生犹如一个“暴君”。可是,疯狂一时的垃圾教授是短命的。垃堤这个暴君的末日也象征了德国帝国主义的末日。",13.0,9787805677774,7805677778 read,2008-02-17T14:46:46Z,46,8.5,霍夫曼,,NA,译林出版社,斯居戴里小姐,,,斯居戴里小姐,ISBN:9787805678689,作者:(德)E.T.A.霍夫曼(E.T.A.Hoffmann)著;韩世钟等译;杨武能选编,20.8,9787805678689,7805678685 read,2008-02-17T14:45:44Z,24,8.2,霍夫曼,平装(无盘),624," ",赌运 德语国家中短篇小说选萃 上下,,,"杨武能译文集。 本书汇集了二十多篇德语国家中短篇小说名作,这些脍炙人口,富有代表性的杰作佳构,洋溢着风格各异的德语文学的独特魅力;德国大家霍夫曼、克莱斯特等人的小说,散发着神秘的“兰花”的幽香:凯勒和戈特赫尔夫等瑞士小说家的作品,充满着阿尔卑斯山明媚的阳光和清新的空气;有着“写中短篇小说的莎士比亚”之称的奥地利作家卡夫卡讲述的故事,更是流淌着多瑙河般的深沉与画意诗情…… 读完本书,您会发现,说它多姿多彩,异常好看,之言不虚。",44.80元,9787563339778,7563339779 read,2008-02-17T14:43:27Z,1582,8.1,[英] 戴维·洛奇,平装,485,上海译文出版社,小世界,,"戴维·洛奇(David Lodge),1935年在伦敦出生,早年就读于伦敦大学,伯明翰大学博士,英国皇家文学院院士,以文学贡献获得不列颠帝国勋章和法国文艺骑士勋章。从1960年起,执教于伯明翰大学英语系,1987年退职从事创作,兼伯明翰大学现代英国文学荣誉教授。 洛奇已出版12部长篇小说,包括“卢密奇学院三部曲”《换位》(Changing Places,1975年,获霍桑登奖和约克郡邮报小说大奖)、《小世界》(Small World,1984年,获布克奖提名)和《作者,作者》(Author,Author,)2004等,其中以“卢密奇学院三部曲”最为著名。他还著有《小说的艺术》(The Art of Fiction,1992年)和《意识与小说》(Consciousness and the Novel,2002年)等多部文学批评理论文集。洛奇的作品已用25种语言翻译出版。文学批评史家安东尼·伯吉斯认为,洛奇是“同代作家中最优秀的小说家之一”。 《小世界》在1988年改编为电视连续剧;洛奇本人担任编剧的《好工作》,获得1989年英国皇家电视学会最佳电视连续剧奖。","现代的会议和中世纪基督徒的朝圣相似之处在于,它让参与者得到以一本正经地致力于自我提高的形象的同时,还能够尽情享受旅游的一切乐趣和消遣。当然,会有某些作为补赎的任务需要履行——也许要提交论文,而听别人宣读论文则是少不了的。但是以这个借口,你可以去新的有趣的地方,遇见新的有趣的人,和他们建立新的有趣的关系;与他们闲聊或交谈知心话(因为你的老掉了牙的故事对他们来说是新鲜的,反之亦然);每天晚上和他们一起吃喝玩乐;在所有这一切结束,你回家的时候,还在认真治学方面获得了更高的声誉。今天的与会者比起过去的朝圣者来说另有一个有利条件,即他们的费用通常由他们所属的机构支付,至少也能得到补助,不论这些机构是政府部门或商务公司,又或者,也许最常见的是一所大学。 整个学术界似乎都在奔波忙碌。这些日子,飞越大西洋的航班中半数乘客是大学教师。他们的行李比一般人的要重,装满了书籍和论文——体积也比一般的大,因为他们带的衣服得包括正式场合所穿和休闲时所穿,参加讲座穿的,去海滩穿的,或到博物馆、德国城堡、意大利大教堂、民族村庄穿的。巡回开会的吸引入之处正在于此:它是把工作变成玩乐、把职业特点和旅游结合起来的一种方式,而且全都是别人掏钱。写一篇论文就可以周游世界!我是简·奥斯丁——让我坐飞机!或者是莎士比亚、托·斯·艾略特、黑兹利特。全都是坐飞机的机票,坐巨型喷气客机。忽咿咿咿咿咿咿!",28.00元,9787532741144,7532741141 read,2008-02-16T17:30:05Z,14,8.1,E.J. Dionne,Paperback,432,Simon & Schuster,Why Americans Hate Politics,,,"One of our shrewdest political observers traces thirty years of volatile political history and finds that on point after point, liberals and conservatives are framing issues as a series of ""false choices,"" making it impossible for politicians to solve problems, and alienating voters in the process.",USD 25.99,9780743265737,0743265734 read,2008-02-12T14:28:45Z,43,7.6,萧伯纳; 苏福忠,平装,284,人民文学出版社,凯撒和克莉奥佩特拉,,,曼菲斯城瑞亚神庙的门口。光线阴暗。在漆黑的神庙里,一个庄严的、自身发着光浑的鹰头神人隐约可见。他非常轻蔑地向这些现代的观众扫了一眼,最后向他们致辞……。,10.00元,9787020035588,7020035582 read,2008-02-12T10:42:52Z,311,8.3,Mark Twain,Paperback,NA,Penguin Books,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,,,"Evoking life in a small Mississippi River town, Tom Sawyer is Twain's hymn to the secure and fantastic world of boyhood and adventure.",GBP 4.71,9780140390834,0140390839 read,2008-02-12T10:36:43Z,98,8.8,Kenneth Grahame,Paperback,256,Bantam Classics,The Wind in the Willows,,,"Since its first publication in 1908, generations of adults and children have cherished Kenneth Grahame’s classic, The Wind in the Willows . For in this entrancing, lyrical world of gurgling rivers and whispering reeds live four of the wisest, wittiest, noblest, and most lovable creatures in all literature—Rat, Mole, Badger, and Toad of Toad Hall. Like true adventurers, they glory in life’s simplest pleasures and natural wonders. But it is Toad, cocky and irrepressible in his goggles and overcoat, whose passion for motorcars represents the free and fearless spirit in all of us; just as it’s Toad’s downfall that inspires the others to test Grahame’s most precious theme—the miracle of loyalty and friendship.",CAD 6.99,9780553213683,0553213687 read,2008-02-11T12:14:45Z,61,7.7,尤雷克·贝克尔,简裝本,220,译林出版社,说谎者雅各布,,尤雷克・贝克尔(1937―1997)是德国当代重要作家,生于波兰。童年曾在集中营度过,大学攻读哲学,1960年开始其自由作家生涯。《小谎者雅各布》是他的第一部长篇小说,被译成多种文字,两次被改编成电影,为作者赢得了亨利希・曼文学奖和瑞士国际夏尔・韦尔文学奖。贝克尔的其他作品还有《欺骗当局》、《不眠的日子》、《金世界的朋友》等。,"二战期间,波兰小店主雅各布不断想方设法编造苏联红军胜利的消息,给绝望的犹太同胞以活下去的勇气与希望。 他是尊敬的说谎者。作者凭亲身经历写下:每个人心里都可以有一个辛德勒。 在以温暖的谎言对抗纳粹暴政的时候,故事轻快而诙谐,但笑容深处的忧伤更令人惊心动魄,使得这部小说的小角度追忆远远超越了宏大叙事,而成为不朽。",13.50元,9787805679686,7805679681 read,2008-02-11T11:48:41Z,55,7.6,(法)福楼拜,平装,329,中国发展出版社,萨朗波,,," ",20.00元,9787800872709,780087270X read,2008-02-11T11:34:54Z,3214,8.5,[加拿大] 扬·马特尔,平装,347,译林出版社,少年Pi的奇幻漂流,,,本书获2002年度英国布克奖;被评为亚马逊网站2002年度最佳图书、《纽约时报》年度杰出图书、《出版家周刊》年度最佳图书、《洛杉矶时报》年度最佳小说;2004年又获德国图书奖。无论从什么方面来看,本书都是一部奇特的小说。它是一个扣人心弦的历险故事,一个关于人类在宇宙中的位置的寓言,一部引人入胜的超小说。机智使它更有活力,恐怖为它增添了趣味,它是一位不同寻常的天才的作品。,21.80元,9787806578162,7806578161 read,2008-02-11T11:33:25Z,5434,8.1,黄仁宇,平装,215,生活·读书·新知三联书店,赫逊河畔谈中国历史,,黄仁宇(1918-2000),生于湖南长沙,1936年入天津南开大学电机工程系就读。抗日战争爆发后,先在长沙《抗日战报》工作,后来进入国民党成都中央军校,1950年退伍。其后赴美攻读历史,获学士、硕士、博士学位。曾任哥伦比亚大学访问副教授及哈佛大学东亚研究所研究员。参与《明代名人传》及《剑桥中国史》的集体研究工作。,本书收入黄仁宇先生在《中国时报》“人间副刊”发表过的33篇文字,发表的时间自1987年年初至1989年夏天。所包括的内容自先秦至元末。其重点则在表彰中国历史有它的特色,经过各朝代及政治上分裂的阶段,前后连贯。各篇虽大致以人物传记之体裁为主,所叙事之影响,已远逾当时人之人身经验。本书和黄仁宇的其他作品一样也较好地体现作者深厚的知识底蕴及其对中国历史的深刻领悟。,9.60,9787108004499,7108004496 read,2008-02-11T11:32:54Z,170,9.1,黄仁宇,,261,生活·读书·新知三联书店,万历十五年,,,本书以万历十五年前后的史事及人物为中心,以“大历史”观念梳理了中国传统社会管理层面的种种问题,并由此探讨现代中国应当汲取的经验教训,自在中国大陆出版以来,知识界和文化界好评如潮,其独特的体裁、平实的文风及深刻的思考令读者耳目一新。,28.00元,9787108021304,7108021307 read,2008-02-11T11:30:16Z,13,7.5,蒲松龄,精装(无盘),1026,齐鲁书社,王刻聊斋志异校注,,,书摘*处为左右结构左边为“忄”右边为“梦”,54.00元,9787533306748,7533306740 read,2008-02-09T10:51:27Z,251,8.5,房龙,Paperback,353,外语教学与研究出版社,宽容,,,《宽容》内容简介:宗教史上的对立与融合、迫害与反迫害,历来是个复杂而敏感的问题。房龙以他犀利的眼光,从不同宗教派别的冲突中去寻找背后的深层根源。最终他看到:历史上的宗教改革家假以“宗教改革”的名义,对一切不利于自己发展的思想创新进行残酷迫害,这种精神上的不宽容导致的恰是他们的“敌人”犯下的那些错误。借助于房龙的“宽容”之眼,我们不难对宗教史乃至一切精神文化现象的发展有一个清晰的轮廓。,16.90元,9787560014487,7560014488 read,2008-02-09T10:51:04Z,311,8.7,房龙,平装,507,外语教学与研究出版社,人类的故事,,,"《人类的故事》主要内容简介:著名荷兰裔美国作家房龙对于我国广大读者来说,已不能算是一个十分陌生的名字。自本世纪20年代以来,房龙发表了一系列用轻巧俏皮的文字撰写的通俗历史著作,大多成为美国的畅销书,并被译成多种文字,尤为青年读者们所钟爱。房龙于1882年生于荷兰的鹿特丹,父母的分居导致他从小“逃避的过去之中”,从10岁起就沉溺于史学。房龙后来曾在德国和美国求学,获得了博士学位,但他并没有成为一个书斋里的学究。他当过教师、编辑、记者,屡经漂泊,同时苦练写作,1921年写出的《人类的故事》使他一举成名,饮誉世界。对待学问和文字,房龙在坚持人文主义立场的同时,逐渐形成了一套自己的理解和表达方式,他认为:“凡学问一到穿上专家的拖鞋,躲进了它的‘精合’,而反它的鞋子上的泥土作肥料去的时候,它就宣布自己以预备死了。与人隔绝的知识生活是引到毁灭去的。”于是,深入浅出地将艰深枯燥的学问化作轻松风趣的精神食粮呈现给读者,成了房龙作品的显著特征。房龙多才多艺,精通十种文字,拉得一手优美的小提琴,还亲自将自己的大部分作品配了稚拙可爱的插图。这一切都注定房龙会是一个“人民”的作家,将对广大读者产生深刻的启迪和影响。 房龙的通俗历史著作曾打动过老一辈的中国读者,郁达夫在评价他的写作艺术时说:“房龙的笔,有一种魔力……是将文学家的手法,拿来用以讲述科学……无论大人小孩,读他书的人,都觉得娓娓忘倦了。”80年代以来,房龙作品的中译本在我国再度走红,而且十几年来畅销不衰,这是我国文化市场繁荣、国际交流正常化的结果,也证明房龙作品的不朽魅力。 不言而喻,对于我 学习英语的广大读者来说,幽默、亲切、通俗的房龙作品原著更是绝佳的阅读文本。读他的书,既可提高英语阅读水平,又能丰富历史、科学、文化知识。为了借鉴和继承世界精神文化遗产,填补我国出版界外语类通俗社会科学读物的空白,外语教学与研究出版社将陆续推出几种房龙作品的原版书,欢迎读者提出改进意见,帮助我们做得更好。 《人类的故事》作者房龙1921年写出的《人类的故事》使他一举成名,饮誉世界。他深入浅出地将艰深枯燥地人类历史化作轻松风趣的精神食粮呈现给读者,并附有近150张图画。",19.90,9787560019666,7560019668 read,2008-02-09T10:50:16Z,206,8.5,[英国] V. S. 奈保尔,精装,582,译林出版社,毕司沃斯先生的房子,,"维·苏·奈保尔(Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, 1932- ),英籍印度裔作家。1932年8月17日出生于中美洲特立尼达和多巴哥。18岁赴牛津大学求学,获得文学学士学位后定居英国。曾任BBC加勒比之声栏目主持人3年。游走世界各地写作多年,批判发展中社会的精神和物质的双重匮乏,语多辛辣诙谐。主要作包括《灵异推拿师》(约翰·卢埃林·里斯纪念奖),《米格尔大街》(萨莫塞特·毛姆奖),《黑暗之地》,《印度:一个伤痕累累的文明》,《自由国度》(1971年布克奖),《河湾》,《半生》,《魔种》等。1990年获英国皇室封爵;1993年,成为英国大卫·柯恩文学奖首位获奖者,该奖旨在表彰“尚在人世的英国作家一生的成就”。2001年,因“作品中兼具犀利的叙述与正直的洞察,迫使我们正视那些被压抑的历史的存在”,被授予诺贝尔文学奖。",《毕司沃斯先生的房子》是奈保尔的成名作,发表于1961年。这部作品以作者父亲的经历为素材,用小说的方式纪念给他以深刻影响的父亲。这是一个在特立尼达殖民地生活的、充满野心和梦想的小人物在平凡生活中奋斗和痛苦的故事,探讨了西印度群岛人与克里奥尔人之间的种族冲突,颇具E.M. 福斯特风格。,27.80元,9787806573891,7806573895 read,2008-02-09T10:49:40Z,508,8.5,[德] 鲁道夫·基彭哈恩,平装,296,湖南科学技术出版社,千亿个太阳,,鲁道夫・基彭哈恩 德国天体物理学家,1965-1974年任哥延根大学天文学与天体物理学教授,后任马克斯・普朗克天体物理研究所所长。他的著作还有《等离子体物理基础》、《来自宇宙边缘的光线 》,本书介绍了恒星能源、结构和演化,射电脉冲星、密近双星质量转移、致密X射线以及地外文明的知识。全书基本上撇开了数学公式,运用了许多生动比喻,叙述了许多著者亲身经历的故事,是一本颇有特色的科普佳作。,18.00,9787535718563,7535718566 read,2008-02-09T10:48:04Z,7,0.0,Thomas Hardy,Paperback,224,Wordsworth Editions Ltd,Wessex Tales,,,"在线阅读本书 Introduction and Notes by Michael Irwin, Professor of English Literature, University of Kent at Canterbury Wessex Tales was the first collection of Hardy's short stories, and they reflect the experience of a novelist at the height of his powers. These seven tales, in which characters and scenes are imbued with a haunting realism, show considerable diversity of content, form and style, and range from fantasy to realism and from tragedy to comedy.",29.9,9781853262692,1853262692 read,2008-02-08T17:22:02Z,653,8.3,(英)戴维·洛奇,平装,295,上海译文出版社,换位,,"戴维·洛奇(David Lodge),1935年在伦敦出生,早年就读于伦敦大学,伯明翰大学博士,英国皇家文学院院士,以文学贡献获得不列颠帝国勋章和法国文艺骑士勋章。从1960年起,执教于伯明翰大学英语系,1987年退职从事创作,兼伯明翰大学现代英国文学荣誉教授。 洛奇已出版12部长篇小说,包括“卢密奇学院三部曲”《换位》(Changing Places,1975年,获霍桑登奖和约克郡邮报小说大奖)、《小世界》(Small World,1984年,获布克奖提名)和《作者,作者》(Author,Author,)2004等,其中以“卢密奇学院三部曲”最为著名。他还著有《小说的艺术》(The Art of Fiction,1992年)和《意识与小说》(Consciousness and the Novel,2002年)等多部文学批评理论文集。洛奇的作品已用25种语言翻译出版。文学批评史家安东尼·伯吉斯认为,洛奇是“同代作家中最优秀的小说家之一”。 《小世界》在1988年改编为电视连续剧;洛奇本人担任编剧的《好工作》,获得1989年英国皇家电视学会最佳电视连续剧奖。",本书是洛奇校园三部曲的第一部,在小说中集中塑造了两个不同国家大学的教师,他们参与了一项校际交流项目,并由此体验了对方在大西洋一边的生活:政治、生活方式、学生、同事,最后甚至交换了妻子,弄得不得收场。,20.00,9787532741328,753274132X read,2008-02-08T14:26:09Z,2399,8.1,(南非)J.M.库切,精装,256,译林出版社,耻,,"库切(J. M. Coetzee, 1940―):南非当代著名小说家,自1974年起,先后出版了《幽暗之乡》(Dusklands, 1974)、《国之中心》(In the Heart of the Country: A Novel, 1977)、《等待野蛮人》(Waiting for the Barbarians, 1980)、《迈克尔・K.的生平与时代》(Life and Times of Michael K., 1983;获1983年布克奖)、《敌人》(Foe, 1986)、《铁的时代》(Age of Iron, 1990),以及《彼得堡的主人》(The Master of Petersburg, 1994)等多部小说,被评论界认为是当代南非最重要的作家之一。 ","在这部作品中,库切以几乎不加藻饰、令人心怵的笔调,讲述了开普技术大学文学与传播学教授,小说情节主要由四部分组成:第一部分以卢里的一桩丑闻(勾引了一位大学二年级女生并与之发生性关系)为主线。事发后,卢里拒绝了校方给他的公开悔过以保住教职的机会,来到边远的乡村,他在那里和几乎是独自谋生的女儿露茜的共同生活形成了情节的第二部分。此时他不仅要努力与多年不在一起生活的女儿沟通,还要和许多他以前根本就看不起的人共事,要做他从前想都不会去想,而且肯定会嗤之以鼻的事情,例如在护狗所里打杂。小说的第三部分是全书情节最直接给读者以震撼的部分:露茜遭受了农场附近三个黑人的抢劫和蹂躏,而其中一人居然还是个孩子;卢里也在这一事件中受伤。事件本身,事后父女两人和其他有关的人对事件的态度及处理方法,传达着作品的主要信息。而卢里创作歌剧《拜伦在意大利》的努力穿插在小说各处,与主情节若即若离,似乎总在向读者暗示着什么,这是第四部分。故事结尾时,抢劫强奸案不了了之,露茜怀孕,卢里要写的歌剧始终还在脑海里萦绕,同时,他还最终放弃了“拯救”一条终将一死的狗的生命的企图。",16.80,9787806574256,7806574255 read,2008-02-08T13:56:04Z,59,6.8,阿纳托尔·法朗士,精装,401,译林出版社,贞德传,,,"英法百年战争时期,少女贞德离乡从军,成为查理七世军队的精神领袖。她大败英军,解放了奥尔良,为查理七世举行正统的法兰西国王必不可少的加冕礼。贞德被勃艮第军俘虏后,最终被宗教审判官员作为女巫和异端判处火刑。法国当代著名作家阿纳托尔·法朗士根据大量有关的历史文献和民间故事,尽可能真实地再现了圣女贞德的非凡的、悲剧性的一生,在向人们展示一个最具有历史真实感的贞德形象的同时,也带给读者无穷的思考。 《",19.20元,9787806575574,780657557X read,2008-02-08T13:55:20Z,312,8.8,[法] 约翰-皮尔·卢米涅,平装,271,湖南科学技术出版社,黑洞,,"约翰-皮尔·卢米涅(Jean-Pierre Luminet)博士是法国的一位黑洞专家。他在法国国家科学研究中心所属的默冬天文台从事相对论天体物理和宇宙学研究。他曾获得法国天文学会的奖金和法国国家科学研究中心的奖章。 译者卢炬甫,1970年毕业于中国科学技术大学,1985年获意大利国际高等研究生院博士学位,现为中国科技大学教授,研究领域为相对论天体物理。",黑洞是现代天文学最诱人的发现。它是如此奇特,已经成为许多神话和幻想作品的主题。它果真是无情地吞食光和星球的怪物吗?它究竟只是由相对论理论所作出的一种猜想,还是可观测的实体?为着回答这此问题,作者将带领我们作一次穿越时间和空间的奇妙旅行。他将解说恒星是如何诞生、发光和死亡,将把我们带进超新星、X射线星和类量体的神奇世界。我们将到达宇宙的边缘,到达当代物理的最前沿。,16.00元,9787535722331,7535722334 read,2008-02-08T13:54:25Z,107,7.9,彼得·凯里,平装,433,人民文学出版社,凯利帮真史,,"彼得,凯里(Peter Carey,1943— )是澳大利亚当代著名作家。迄今为止,他已经出版七部长篇小说、多部儿童文学作品和短篇小说集。这些作品大都获得澳大利亚历年最重要的文学奖项。其中,长篇小说《幸福》(Bliss,1981)获迈尔斯·弗兰克林奖。一九八五年这部小说被改编成电影后,一举夺得包括“最佳故事片奖”在内的澳大利亚电影三项大奖。一九八八年出版的长篇小说《奥斯卡与露辛达》(Oscar & Lucindar)获英国最高文学奖项布克奖和迈尔斯·弗兰克林奖。而《凯利帮真史》(True History of the Kelly Gang,2000)一经出版便引起轰动,二00一年同时获得英国布克奖和英联邦文学奖。在英国文学和英联邦文学中,同一个作家两次获得布克奖的现象是不多见的。 彼得·凯里出生在澳大利亚维多利亚州一个普通人家,其父是汽车推销员。他毕业于蒙纳西大学,学的是自然科学,但是他酷爱写作,毕业后先后在澳大利亚和伦敦多家广告公司工作。广告公司独特的、充满开拓精神的氛围给了他很大的影响。他和几位同事,包括莫里斯·卢里和巴里·奥克利,后来都成了澳大利亚著名作家。一九七四年,彼得·凯里出版了他的第一部短篇小说集《历史上的胖子》(The Fat Man in History),一举成名。他的第二部短篇小说集《战争的罪恶》(War Crimes)一九七九年出版后,好评如潮,一九八0年获新南威尔士州总理文学奖。评论家指出:“他终于使澳大利亚文学走出狭隘的地方主义角落,具有了新的广泛性和复杂性。”他站在历史的高度,满怀神圣的使命感,潜心创作三十年,成为澳大利亚当代最受欢迎、最有成就的作家之一。在澳大利亚,人们普遍认为,他是堪与博尔赫斯、加西亚·马尔克斯以及唐纳德·巴塞尔姆媲美的文学大师,是继帕特里克·怀特之后屈指可数的有特色、有深度的澳大利亚作家之一。",英雄、盗匪的行侠冒险传奇,几乎是历各代、放四海,众人最为乐道的故事内容。它们的魅力所及,不但留传于古老的中世纪,也活跃于19世纪的近现代,吸引无数的作家知识分子去更新挖掘。澳大利亚著名作家彼得・凯里就以其天赋的笔触将奇丽的色彩,悲壮的情感赋予了澳大利亚的一位家喻户晓的绿林好汉内德・凯利。他以其写给女儿的书信的独特形式,将?我们进入这个充满传奇色彩的草莽天地。看那群化身民间正义与自由精神的“盗匪”,因何落草、因何为寇,如何行侠、如何复仇,怎样与那些貌似君子的国家机器们周旋,又如何为那些受尽欺压的人们谋取幸福。彼得・凯里以浪漫之笔,从人们记忆中析解出“凯利帮”的历史,娓娓道出官逼民反的侠义故事之所以永远动人的魅力所在。本书曾获2001年英国图书布克奖。,22.00元,9787020044436,7020044433 read,2008-02-08T13:53:51Z,369,8.9,(法)马・埃梅,平装,247,人民文学出版社,埃梅短篇小说选,,,马塞尔・埃梅(1902―1967年)是20世纪法国最著名的文学家之一。本书是“世界短篇小说大师丛书”第二辑中的一种,共收入短篇小说18篇,几乎囊括了作者的所有名篇佳作,比如《穿墙记》、《图发尔案件》、《死亡时间》、《铜像》、《生存卡》、《假警察》等。,15.00,9787020045686,7020045685 read,2008-02-08T13:53:13Z,13,8.0,屠格涅夫,简裝本,146,浙江文艺出版社,屠格涅夫散文诗/经典印象,,,《经典印象•屠格涅夫散文诗》主要内容:屠格涅夫的创作众体兼备,小说散文诗歌戏剧均显示出他的高超艺术水准。而他临终前精心结撰的《散文诗》,八十余篇短章显现了“烈士暮年”的不已壮心。,13.00元,9787533916954,7533916956 read,2008-02-08T13:52:08Z,25,7.5,(俄)柯罗连科,平装,222,浙江文艺出版社,盲音乐家,,"作家、政论家和社会活动家弗拉基米尔·加拉克季昂诺维奇·柯罗连科(1853—1921)是十九世纪末二十世纪初俄国现实主义文学的一位杰出代表。他的现实主义不仅继承了俄国古典文学的传统,而且开创了俄国文学的新未来。 柯罗连科出生于乌克兰一个道德清纯的县法官的家庭。父辈世代为哥萨克,母亲是沃伦省一个波兰地主的女儿。柯罗连科的童年和少年时代是在波兰人、乌克兰人、俄罗斯人和犹太人混居的一些小城市度过的。波澜壮阔的历史和现实生活在这些地方留下了充满浪漫主义魅力的回忆和遗迹。所有这一切,加之他的半乌克兰半波兰的血统和教育,在他的创作中打下了无法磨灭的印记。在他的艺术手法中有机地融合着两个民族的特点:波兰人的明快和浪漫,乌克兰俄罗斯人的诚挚和诗意。血统特质,加之十九世纪七十年代俄罗斯社会思想的利他主义潮流,造就了一位具有高昂的创作激情和洞察一切的人道主义的艺术家。 柯罗连科以其短篇和中篇小说蜚声俄罗斯文坛。著名作品有《怪女子》、《马卡尔的梦》、《森林在呼啸》、《大河奔流》、《阿特—达凡》、《盲音乐家》等中短篇及《我的同时代的人》等长篇。 从七十年代后期起,柯罗连科因参加学生抗议活动遭到逮捕和一系列行政处罚。他在监禁和流放中度过了近九个年头。 在其后的西伯利亚的流放生活给他留下了深刻的印象,为他许多优秀的随笔和特写提供了大量的素材。西伯利亚原始森林的野性浪漫的大自然、苦役流刑犯们恶劣的生活环境、流浪者们充满惊险的生活……这一切都在作家一系列优秀的西伯利亚随笔中得到了艺术的再现。 十九世纪九十年代中期,柯罗连科的艺术活动达到了顶峰。这一时期作家文学创作的闪光点是内容广泛的、涉及当时最为人们关注的种种现实问题的政论文章。这一实际活动和他的文学创作不可分割,组成了一个整体。","《怪女子》(1880)是作家在狱中写成的。小说塑造了一位被流放的英勇不屈的女革命者形象,同时批评了现实中的某些革命知识分子对人民的不信任。 《森林在呼啸》(1886)几乎是用童话的手法写成的。小说的情节并无新奇之处:贵族老爷恣意践踏农奴的幸福和尊严,结果受到了惩罚。但是传说的细节加工得相当出色。暴风雨前的森林那激动不安的景象尤为壮观。在小说中,柯罗连科描绘大自然的高超技艺得到充分的展现。自屠格涅夫去世后便从俄罗斯文学中完全消失的俄罗斯大自然在柯罗连科的笔下复活了。 从西伯利亚移居伏尔加河畔后,柯罗连科到过魏特卢卡边区。在圣湖,作家目睹了来自人民的真理的寻求者和各旧教派护道者进行着关于信念的激烈的辩论。从圣湖归来所写的《大河奔流》(1891)中,很少有浪漫的情调,而更多的是无奈和痛苦。然而,作家坚信人民的思想不会真正永久地沉睡。 中篇小说《盲音乐家》(1886—1898)乐观地表现了柯罗连科特有的战胜生理上和精神上的缺陷,成为社会积极的成员这一主题。 散文诗《火光》(1900)则直言不讳地告诉人们新生活的光明就在前头,尽管斗争的道路还很漫长,但前途终究是光明的。",14.00,9787533916138,7533916131 read,2008-02-08T13:51:28Z,4371,9.1,[阿根廷] 博尔赫斯,平装,210,浙江文艺出版社,小径分岔的花园,,,所收作品包括:心狠手辣的解放者莫雷尔、作恶多端的蒙克·伊斯曼、无礼的掌礼官上野介、死亡与指南针、另一次死亡、阿莱夫等。,13.00元,9787533916367,7533916360 read,2008-02-08T13:50:15Z,584,8.4,[英国] V. S. 奈保尔,精装,295,译林出版社,河湾,,"奈保尔1932年8月17日出生于加勒比地区特立尼达岛(位于向风群岛最南端、委内瑞拉东北部海岸外)的一个印度婆罗门家庭,祖父1880年作为契约劳工从印度北部漂洋过海移民特立尼达。奈保尔年幼时,父亲凭自学谋到特立尼达英语《卫报》记者之职,于是举家从乡间小镇搬迁到特立尼达首府西班牙港。 西班牙港的市井生活才是年轻的奈保尔眼中“真实的世界”。但另一个世界也许更为真实,那就是英国文化与文学的世界。奈保尔的父亲喜爱英国文学几乎到了痴迷的程度,读书读到精彩处就要念给儿子听,让他一同欣赏。奈保尔在《阅读与写作》(1999)一书中回忆道,他十二岁之前就已经记得英国文学中很多片断,它们主要来自莎剧《裘力斯·凯撒》、狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》、《尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝》和《大卫·科波菲尔》、乔治·艾略特的《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》、兰姆的《莎士比亚故事集》和查尔斯·金斯利的《英雄》。至于他当时对印度的印象则完全来自英国作家(毛姆、艾克利和奥尔都斯·赫胥黎)笔下的印度。换句话说,他自幼就从英国人的视角来认识与他没有直接关联的印度。 在父亲的感染下奈保尔从小立志做作家。","这是一部关于非洲的充满悲观情绪的小说。凸现了一个古老大陆在本土化与普遍化之间的艰难处境。主人公萨林姆是一个穆斯林,出生于一个已在非洲生活了几百年的印度商人之家。在刚果河拐弯处的一个小镇上,萨林姆接手了一个商店,并获得了成功。然而,这是个前途渺茫且不属于任何人的地方,大人物控制了一切,为所欲为,使得他以及无数像他这样的芸芸众生没有任何前途可言。 点击链接进入英文版: A Bend In The River",16.00元,9787806573952,780657395X read,2008-02-08T13:49:55Z,70,7.7,[英国] 伊夫林·沃,精裝本,207,译林出版社,衰落,,,"《衰落》出版后立即轰动整个伦敦文坛。小说家阿诺德·班内特写道:“一个真正的幽默天才出现了,他就是伊夫林·沃,他的《衰落》是一部辉煌的讽刺小说,我认为是第一流的。”小说家兼评论家马尔科姆·布雷德伯利称沃的这部小说是“一部描写天真青年冒险经历的流浪汉滑稽小说”。美国评论家埃德蒙·威尔逊认为,“伊夫林·沃的小说很可能流传下来,而他可能成为继肖伯纳之后最优秀的喜剧天才”。文论家和校园小说家戴维·洛奇认为沃的小说标题表达了对现行社会的一种审判态度,而特里·伊格尔顿则指出《衰落》为伊夫林·沃后来的小说主题奠定了基调。这本小说出版后如此流行,以至于温斯顿·丘吉尔把它作为圣诞礼物赠送朋友。的确,小说以《衰落》为标题,本身就传达出沃对社会的一种评价。他看到社会的动乱和道德沦丧,特别是上流社会的堕落,“举目四顾,到处是变动和颓败”,联系早年研读过的爱德华·吉本的《罗马帝国的衰亡》和施宾格勒的《西方的没落》,以敏锐的观察和丰富的想象,记录了另一个帝国的衰亡,揭示了一幅衰微和沉沦时代的画面。 《衰落》的主人公保罗·潘尼费瑟是一个孤儿,像伏尔泰的《老实人》中的主人公一样,是一个不谙世事的天真青年。小说开始时他是牛津大学神学院的学生。一天晚上一帮醉汉撞见他,发现他戴的徽章与他们俱乐部的徽章相似,硬说他冒充他们俱乐部的成员,扒光他的衣服以示惩罚。保罗受辱后忍气吞声,仅穿一条短裤跑回宿舍。他本是事件的受害者,院方没有处罚闹事者,却以“行为不检”为由把他开除。他的监护人乘机剥夺了他继承父亲遗产的权利,用这笔钱风风光光把自己的女儿嫁了出去。保罗在万般无奈的情况下当了小学教师,接触到三教九流、形形色色的人物。学校运动会上,漂亮富有的上流社会贵妇马格特·比斯特切温德夫人看中了他,邀请他假期到她家里做她儿子的家庭教师。他在马格特的诱惑下爱上她并准备同她结婚。保罗不知道马格特是靠在南美洲经营妓院赚钱,结婚前夕受马格特之托,到法国安排一批妓女到南美洲的事宜,回到伦敦被国际联盟的官员逮捕,判处七年监禁。马格特在保罗被捕后隐藏起来,然后为巩固自己在上流社会社交界的地位,与一直追求她的内政大臣结婚,并且制造了保罗病死的新闻,将保罗悄悄送到她的别墅秘密居住几个月。保罗蓄起胡子,改变身份和外貌,回到牛津大学继续读书。",12.50元,9787806574713,7806574719 read,2008-02-08T13:48:21Z,25,7.3,屠格涅夫,精装(无盘),324,译林出版社,处女地,,,描写一贵族私生子涅日丹诺夫与纯洁姑娘玛丽安娜从“牵手”到“分手”的过程,以及自杀临终前要求玛丽安娜与有相同信念的索洛明“牵手”的动人场面。,15.00,9787806571811,7806571817 read,2008-02-08T13:47:30Z,16,8.3,乔治·爱略特,精装,562,译林出版社,佛洛斯河磨坊,,,本书主要描写玛姬和她哥哥汤姆青少年时代的生活。由于河水官司失败,家产被拍卖,兄妹俩只好辍学。为了还清债务,汤姆与其父不得不苦苦干活……,24.90,9787806573013,7806573011 read,2008-02-08T13:46:41Z,155,8.2,[法] 巴尔扎克,平装,453,人民文学出版社,都兰趣话,,,"《都兰趣话(套装全3册)》原题《趣话百篇》,是一部《十日谈》式的短篇故事集。作者假托此乃都兰修道院中保存的文稿,专为娱乐庞大固埃主义者而整理出版。实际上这些故事全部是巴尔扎克的手笔,只不过利用了十四至十六世纪的背景和题材,模仿了十六世纪的语言和拉伯雷那种大胆直率、生猛鲜活的文风。巴尔扎克是拉伯雷的崇拜者。在他看来,惟有拉伯雷的风格最能体现法国高卢民族的精神气质、性格特征,而现代社会所提倡的庄重典雅、矫揉造作的文体,却将法国人天生的快活坦率阉割殆尽。因此,他在从事《人间喜剧》这一宏伟建筑的同时,又模仿拉伯雷的文笔写了这样一组轻松调侃的故事,既为自己开心,也为博读者一笑。虽说是模仿之作,然惟妙惟肖既达到以假乱真的水平,就称得上是难能可贵的艺术品了。 本故事集原计划写一百篇,十篇一组,共分十卷。第一、二、三卷分别于一八三二、一八三三和一八三七年出版,后七卷一直未能完成,仅在作者遗稿中发现了一些断章残篇。 《趣话》的内容多涉人间风月、男女私情,然而在种种轻浮的玩笑和粗鄙俚俗的言词掩盖下,却不乏鞭辟人里的讽刺和对人类美好情感的颂扬。与作者在《<人间喜剧>前言》中宣布的创作原则相反,这些故事似乎从未接受“宗教与王权”这两种“永恒真理”的照耀,因而高级教土、王公大臣往往成为椰揄、挖苦、批判、揭露的对象,受到极不恭敬的对待。",22.00元,9787020044214,7020044212 read,2008-02-08T13:45:59Z,968,8.5,让-保尔·萨特,平装,159,人民文学出版社,文字生涯,,"让·保尔·萨特1905年6月21日生于巴黎,是法国战后存在主义哲学思想的代表人物。主要哲学著作有《想象》、《存在与虚无》、《存在主义是一种人道主义》等。 他的中篇《恶心》、短篇集《墙》、长篇《自由之路》早已被承认为法国当代文学名著。他的戏剧创作成就高于小说,一生创作9个剧本,其中《苍蝇》、《间隔》等,在法国当代戏剧中占有重要地位。 1964年,瑞典文学院决定授予萨特诺贝尔文学奖,被萨特谢绝,理由是他不接受一切官方给予的荣誉。","自传体小说《文字生涯》诙谐俏皮、妙趣横生地讲述了作者本人自我认识和自我实现的过程,解释存在主义思想和整个学说的出发点。 让-保尔·萨特(1905—1980),二十世纪法国声誉最高的思想家、哲学家、文学家和社会活动家,诺贝尔文学奖获得者。。他的学说对法国及整个欧美的思想文化界曾产生深刻影响,至今具有强大的生命力。",13.00元,9787020053056,702005305X read,2008-02-02T21:38:19Z,31,7.4,(阿根廷) 托马斯・埃洛伊,平装,307,人民文学出版社,蜂王飞翔,,"托马斯・埃洛伊・马丁内斯 托马斯・埃洛伊・马丁内斯,阿根廷当代著名作家。1934年7月出生于阿根廷北部重镇土库曼。大学期间获得文学硕士学位,后在巴黎大学获文学博士学位。大学毕业后,先后在美国、英国、委内瑞拉、墨西哥等国从事教育工作并做兼职记者。 埃洛伊于50年代末走上文学创作道路,早期写过一些诗歌、短篇小说、电影剧本及一部关于电影的论文《阿根廷的电影结构》。此后,发表的重要作品有长篇小说《庇护所》,中篇小说集《死亡的一般原则》,报告文学集《特里劳的激情》以及历史小说《庇隆的小说》和《圣爱维塔》等。"," ",18.00,9787020043644,702004364X read,2008-01-28T16:34:22Z,11,7.0,奥若什科娃,精装,585,人民文学出版社,涅曼河畔,,奥若什科娃是波兰著名的现实主义作家。,《涅曼河畔》中,作家以深刻的洞察和高度的艺术概括反映出19世纪下半叶波兰边区农村生活的生动而真实的情景。《涅曼河畔》不仅在奥若什科娃的创作中,而且在整个波兰19世纪现实主义小说中也是一部极优秀的作品,被誉为波兰现实主义小说的杰作,在波兰文学史上占有重要的地位。本书的译文隽永、流畅。,¥34.40,9787020016976,7020016979 read,2008-01-28T09:38:17Z,2246,8.9,[美] B·格林,平装,431,湖南科学技术出版社,宇宙的琴弦,,B·格林,毕业于哈佛大学,在牛津大学获博士学位,是罗德学者(Rhodes Scholars)。1990年,他来到康奈尔大学物理系,1995年被聘为教授,1996年到哥伦比亚大学任物理学和数学教授。他曾在20多个国家开过普及和专业讲座,公认在超弦理论中有过许多开拓性的发现。他现在住纽约绮色佳。,"B·格林是当今世界领先的弦理论家之一,他十分精妙地把科学思想与写作融合起来。本书撩开了弦理论的神秘面纱,揭示了一个十一维的宇宙。那里,空间的纤维撕裂了又自己缝合起来,一切物质——从最小的夸克到最巨大的超新星——都在微观的小能量环的振动中产生。 本书荣获2000年安万特科学图书奖。从愉快的园中漫步到浇花龙头上的蚂蚁,为了说明现代物理学正在揭示的美妙而困惑的实在,格林用了很多例子。 本书的才情令人眩晕,也没有哪本书像它那样启迪思想,愉悦读者。它真是一部科学的杰作——一次愉快清心的现代物理学旅行,让我们比以前离宇宙更近了……",32.00元,9787535732705,7535732704 read,2008-01-27T17:41:11Z,1173,8.5,[美] 马丁·戴维斯,平装,293,湖南科学技术出版社,逻辑的引擎,,马丁·戴维斯是计算机科学发展史上的先驱人物,其《可计算性与不可解性》一书被誉为计算机科学领域极少数真正的经典著作之一。他是纽约大学库朗数学科学研究所的荣誉退休教授,目前在加州大学伯克利分校做访问学者。,本书介绍了现代计算机背后的那些基本概念和发展这些概念的人,描写了莱布尼茨、布尔、费雷格、康托尔、希尔伯特、哥德尔、图灵等天才的生活和工作,讲述了数学家们如何在成果付诸应用之前很久就已经提出了其背后的思想。博达著作权代理有限公司授权出版据美国W.W.Norton公司2000年版本译出。2007年第二版亦使用同一ISBN。,20.00元,9787535742391,7535742394 read,2008-01-27T17:39:25Z,152,8.4,,,474,人民文学出版社,尼贝龙根之歌,,,《尼贝龙根之歌》是德国中世纪一部伟大的英雄叙事诗,它由许多神话和历史传说发展而来,在一二零零年左右形成。全诗共9516六行,共二部,她以尼贝龙根宝物为线索,描述了一个凄惨的悲剧,尼德兰王子西格弗里帮助勃艮等王恭太娶到冰岛女王布伦希德,而娶到恭太之妹克琳希德,后遭布伦希德残害。克琳希德为报夫之仇,而设计杀害兄长恭太,又被部属杀害,两个王国因而毁灭,尼贝龙根不知见向。这是德国乃至全世界脍炙人口的著名诗,18.45元,9787020017966,7020017967 read,2008-01-27T17:38:59Z,13,7.4,【美】詹姆斯·库柏,精装,NA,人民文学出版社,打鹿将,,,,39.10元,9787020021086,7020021085 read,2008-01-27T17:36:32Z,16,9.0,[加]法利・莫厄特,平装,NA,北岳文艺出版社,鹿之民,,"本书作者法利・莫厄特1921年生于加拿大安大略省的贝尔维尔,是当今加拿大最著名的作家之一,也是最有争议的作家之一。 早年,他曾乘坐在父亲的拖车上游历了加拿大的平原和山脉,自己家收养了许多宠物,其中有牛.喜鹊、北美地鼠、猫头鹰等,因而自幼萌发对大自然的兴趣。1938年他从事了第一次“科学探险,在哈萨巴祖瓦收集鸟类和哺乳动物,为博物馆制作标本。二战期间,他指挥一个排参加了解放西西里的战斗,后又参加了夺回荷兰之战。战后,他回到加拿大马尼托巴省的布罗谢,为爱斯基摩人和印第安人的艰难生活所感动,写出了极为成功但却引起争议的作品《鹿之民》,于1952年春天出版。正如他自己所说:“我主要关切的是生活在自然逆境条件下人的故事和其他动物的故事。” 他的其他作品还有《军旅生涯》、《不愿做宠物的狗》、《绝望者》、《蛇盘》、《与狼共度》、《西方海盗》、《加拿大的北方》、《灰蒙蒙的深海》、《海面下这块礁石》、《将沉之舟》、《西伯利亚人》、《被捕杀的困鲸》和《屠海》等三十多部,主要描写了大地.海洋以及加拿大莽原上的人和野生动物,对人与自然的关系和环境问题表示了极大的关注,充满着强烈的生态意识和新人道主义的关怀。 他的作品在全世界出版发行了数百版,拥有几十种语言的读者,对人类的行为和思维方式产生了重要影响。他是一种新的文学主题环境文学的重要代表作家之一。本书经授权译成中文首次在国内出版。",作品描写了世世代代生活在加拿大北部的一支因纽特人——伊哈尔缪特人。1946年,莫厄特访问他们时,只剩下岌岌可危的40个人,而他们还在为生存而苦苦挣扎。作者深刻地揭示出,这些靠驯鹿生存的“鹿之民”,是怎样因为殖民贸易的侵入和惟利是图的商人,而失去了生存的依托和平衡,走向了即将绝灭的道路。,16.00,9787537818223,7537818223 read,2008-01-27T17:35:34Z,6,0.0,[加]法利・莫厄特,平装,NA,北岳文艺出版社,被捕杀的困鲸,,,,12.00,9787537818247,753781824X read,2008-01-27T17:35:03Z,8,0.0,[加]法利・莫厄特,平装,NA,北岳文艺出版社,屠海,,,"这是一部人类屠杀其他生命的最悲惨的血泪史,它详尽地报道了沿加拿大的北美洲大西洋海岸一带;陆上与海上动物惨遭屠戮的实况。四五百年前,这里的各种动物铺天盖地,不计其数。然而随着欧洲移民的进入和商业性捕杀的加剧,许多大型海鸟、野牛等灭绝了;白熊、狐狸、狼等在许多地方绝迹;鲸类海洋哺乳动物遭到毁灭性打击;海象、海豹等鳍足目动物也遭受灭顶之灾这是一场空前绝后的大屠杀,人类不断制造出新式武器来对付与之共同生存的其他生命形式。海水被染得通红;海滩上堆积起累累白骨,空气中迷漫着动物的尸臭,而血腥肮脏的金钱却胀满了冷酷贪婪的商人的腰包。 ",20.00,9787537818254,7537818258 read,2008-01-27T17:34:31Z,25,9.6,(加)法利·莫厄特,,188,北岳文艺出版社,与狼共度,,"法利·莫厄特1921年生于加拿大安达略省,是加拿大最著名的作家之一,也是最有争议的作家之一。 早年,莫厄特曾和父亲一起,乘坐拖车,游历了加拿大的平原和山川,和大自然结下了深厚的感情。他的家里还养了很多宠物,有牛、喜鹊、北美地鼠和猫头鹰等,这萌发了他探索自然的兴趣。 1938年,到哈萨巴祖瓦收集鸟类和哺乳动物,为博物馆制作标本,是莫厄特从事的第一次科学探险。 第二次世界大战期间,莫厄特指挥一个排参加了解放西西里的战斗。后来,又参加了夺回荷兰之战。战争结束后,莫厄特回到加拿大马尼托巴省。随后,被官方派往北部的冻原地带,在那里度过了近两年的时光。 1964年,受加拿大政府的派遣,莫厄特到北极地区去考察狼的罪恶,以获取证据对狼进行制裁。因为那边来的报告说,那里的驯鹿急剧减少,都是因为狼的十恶不赦。莫厄特一个人在荒无人烟的北极地区详细考察,研究狼和它们的主要食物,以决定狼这个物种是否应该对驯鹿种群的急剧减少负责。 莫厄特用了近两年的时间,通过对狼群中“乔治一家”的观察和研究告诉人们,狼是以黄鼠和北方梭鱼为主食的,并不是造成驯鹿数量下降的罪魁祸首,而且还证明了狼的社会是一个尊老爱幼、谦让和平的社会,远不如人类凶残。 一切证据都偏离了政府的目的及莫厄特的初衷,狼非但不与人为敌还绵绵有情,并且狼捕食驯鹿的数量十分有限,相反,倒是人类是真正的元凶。这就使得莫厄特陷于两难境地,要么违心地按照当局的旨意,嫁祸于狼,得到当局和当地人的褒奖;要么实事求是,直言不讳,承担当局的怀疑和当地人的谴责。 经过痛苦的道德意识冲突之后,莫厄特发出了由衷的慨叹:“狼使我认识了它们,也使我认识了自己。”莫厄特勇敢地选择了后者。他的《与狼共度》出版后,引起了社会的争议,也带来了震撼世界的效果。当这本书的俄文版在前苏联问世后,官方立刻下达了严禁屠杀“恶”狼的命令。 这是一个具有历史意义的转折。从此,莫厄特便开始了他对“生活在自然逆境条件下人的故事和其它动物的故事”的关注。 《鹿之民》是另一部震撼人心的长篇纪实作品。莫厄特描写了世世代代生活在加拿大北部的一支爱斯基摩人——伊哈尔缪特人。1946年,莫厄特访问他们时,只剩下岌岌可危的40个人,而他们还在为生存而苦苦挣扎。作者深刻地揭示出,这些靠驯鹿生存的“鹿之民”,是怎样因为殖民贸易的侵入和惟利是图的商人,而失去了生存的依托和平衡,走向了即将绝灭的道路。 由于莫厄特的大声疾呼,这支小小的爱斯基摩人最终得到了救助。 在莫厄特的生态伦理观中,最核心的原则是平等和公正,是爱。尊重人的天赋权利的理由同样适用于动物。因为动物和人一样,也是能够评价其生活,并进而具有内在价值和天赋的平等生存权的造物。 莫厄特还用统计学的方法,用铁的事实说服人类,进行价值观的全方位的变革。即用尊重自然的态度取代占有自然的欲念,用爱护自然的行为取代征服自然的活动,用对自然的责任感和义务感取代对自然的统治与掠夺,用道德手段去缓解人与自然之间岌岌可危的紧张关系。",,10.00,9787537813471,7537813477 read,2008-01-27T17:31:13Z,4549,8.6,J.H.法布尔,平装,352,作家出版社,昆虫记,,法布尔,全名若盎-昂利·卡西弥尔·法布尔,通常称作若盎-昂利·法布尔。 1823年12月22日,法布尔降生在法国南方阿韦龙省圣雷翁村一户农民家中。其父亲安杜瓦纳·法布尔能言善辩,好鸣不平;其母维克陶尔·萨尔格性情温顺,和蔼可亲。但他们是个山乡究户。人们曾法布尔是“昆虫观察家”,到晚年公认他为“昆虫学家”;他去世后,人们在一段时间里称他为“昆虫学家、作家”,后来又把他称为“作家、昆虫学家”。,《昆虫记》是法国杰出昆虫学家、文学家法布尔的传世佳作,亦是一部不朽的著作。它熔作者毕生研究成果和人生感悟于一炉,以为性观照虫性,将昆虫世界化作供人类获得知识、趣味、美感和思想的美文一书以忠实于法文原著整体风貌及表达特色为选择原则, 让中国读者首次领略《昆虫记》的真实面目。,19.00,9787506312820,7506312824 read,2008-01-27T17:30:44Z,86,8.6,鲍尔吉·原野,,484,广西漓江,掌上流云,,,,25.00元,9787540732332,7540732334 read,2008-01-27T17:30:24Z,77,7.9,马尔克·杜甘,平装,204,人民文学出版社,幸福得如同上帝在法国,,,"马尔克·杜甘的小说《幸福得如同上帝在法国》,叙述了一个年轻人在第二次世界大战期间不平凡的经历,从人道主义的角度反映了战争的荒诞和残酷,也通过战争显示了人性的美德和弱点。小说探索了人类的命运和生存的价值,表明了对于战争的厌恶和对幸福生活的向往,是法国无数反法西斯小说中的一部风格独特的杰作。 马尔克·杜甘,1957年5月3日生于塞内加尔。专业为政治学和金融学,在金融业和航空运输业担任过各种职务,",13.0,9787020043866,7020043860 read,2008-01-27T17:29:39Z,40,8.4,安妮·普鲁克斯,平装(无盘),435,人民文学出版社,老谋深算,,,《老谋深算》是当代美国著名女作家安妮·普鲁克斯二00二年底发表的长篇小说。这位“普利策文学奖”得主的新作描写一位职员用欺骗的手段为环球猪肉皮公司挑选养猪场场址的经历,融幽默与夸张、地域历史和当今现实、景物描写与人物刻画为一体,把得克萨斯州和俄克拉何马州边远地区草原上的风土人情、传奇故事以及性格鲜明怪异的诸多人物串在一起,开拓了文学创作的新领域。小说突显了资本扩张与生态环境间的张力,并对人的生活方式,24.00,9787020043880,7020043887 read,2008-01-27T17:24:52Z,76,7.7,岛崎藤村,,271,人民文学出版社,破戒,,,,0.88元,,SH10019-3287 read,2008-01-27T17:23:57Z,25,9.2,(俄)冈察洛夫,,618,人民文学出版社,奥勃洛莫夫,,,冈察洛夫于一八一二年出生在俄国一,36.00元,9787020023400,7020023401 read,2008-01-20T00:10:05Z,453,9.5,Richard P. Feynman; Robert B. Leighton; Matthew Sands,平装,356,上海科学技术出版社,费恩曼物理学讲义 第3卷,,"费恩曼(R.P.Feynman)1918年生于布鲁克林区,1942年在普林斯顿获得博士学位。第二次世界大战期间在洛斯阿拉莫斯,尽管当时他还很年轻,但已在曼哈顿计划中发挥了重要作用。以后,他在康奈尔大学和加利福尼亚理工学院任教。1965年,因他在量子电动力学方面的工作和朝永振一郎及施温格(J.Schwinger)同获诺贝尔物理学奖。 费因曼博士获得诺贝尔奖是由于成功地解决了量子电动力学理论问题,他也创立了说是液氦中起流动性现象的数学理论。此后,他和盖尔曼(M.Gell-Mann)在B衰变等弱相互作用领域内做出了奠基性的工作。在以后的几年里,他在夸克理论的发展中起了关键性的作用,提出了他的高能质子碰撞过程的部分子模型。 除了这些成就之外,费恩曼博士将新的基本计算技术及记号法引时物理学,首先是无处不在的费恩曼图,在近代科学历史中,它比任何其他数学形式描述都更大地改变了对基本物理过程形成概念及进行计算的方法。 费恩曼是一位卓越的教育家。在他区得的许多奖项中,他对1972年获得的奥斯特教学奖章特别感到自豪。在1963年第一次出版的《费恩曼物理学讲义》被《科学叛国人》杂志的一位评论员描写为“咬不动但富于营养并且津津有味。25年后它仍是教师和最好的初学学生的指导书”。为了使外行的公众增加对物理学的了解,费恩曼博士写了《物理定律和量子电动力学的性质:光和物质的奇特理论》。他还是许多高级出版物的作者,这些都成为研究人员和学生的经典参考书和教科书。 费恩曼是一个活跃的公众人物。他在挑战者号调查委员会里的工作是从所周知的,特别是他的著名的O型环对寒冷的敏感性的演示,这是一个优美的实验,除了一杯冰水以外其他什么也不需要。费恩曼博士1960年在加利福尼亚州课程促进会中的工作却很少人知道,他在会上抨击了教材的平庸。 仅仅罗列费恩曼的科学和教育成就并没有恰当抓信这个人的本质。即使是他 最最技术性的出版物的读者都知识道,费恩曼活跃的多面的人格在他所有的工作中都闪闪发光。除了作为物理学家,在各种不同的场合下他变成不同的人物:有进是无线电修理工,有时是锁具收藏家,艺术家、舞蹈家、邦戈(bongo)鼓手,甚至玛雅象形文字的解释者。对他的世界人们永远好奇,他是一个典型的经验主义者。 费恩曼于1998年2月15日在洛杉矶逝世。","20世纪60年代初,美国一些理工科大学鉴于当时的大学基础物理教学与现代科学技术的发展不相适应,纷纷试行教学改革,加利福尼亚理工学院就是其中之一。该校于1961年9月至1963年5月特请著名物理学家费恩曼主讲一二年级的基础物理课,事后又根据讲课录音编辑出版了《费恩曼物理学讲义》。本讲义共分三卷,第1卷包括力学、相对论、光学、气体分子动理论、热力学、波等,第2卷主要是电磁学,第3卷是量子力学。全书内容十分丰富,在深度和广度上都超过了传统的普通物理教材。 当时美国大学物理教学改革试图解决的一个主要问题是基础物理教学应尽可能反映近代物理的巨大成就。《费恩曼物理学讲义》在基础物理的水平上对20世纪物理学的两大重要成就——相对论和量子力学——作了系统的介绍,对于量子力学,费恩曼教授还特地准备了一套适合大学二年级水平的讲法。教学改革试图解决的另一个问题是按照当前物理学工作者在各个前沿研究领域所使用的方式来介绍物理学的内容。在《费恩曼物理学讲义》一书中对一些问题的分析和处理方法反映了费恩曼自己以及其他在前沿研究领域工作的物理学家所通常采用的分析和处理方法。全书对基本概念、定理和定律的讲解不仅生动清晰,通俗易懂,而且特别注重从物理上作出深刻的叙述。为了扩大学生的知识面,全书还列举了许多基本物理原理在各个方面(诸如天体物理、地球物理、生物物理等)的应用,以及物理学的一些最新成就。由于全书是根据课堂讲授的录音整理编辑的,它在一定程度保留了费恩曼讲课的生动活泼、引人入胜的独特风格。 《费恩曼物理学讲义》从普通物理水平出发,注重物理分析,深入浅出,避免运用高深烦琐的数学方程,因此具有高中以上物理水平和初等微积分知识的读者阅读起来不会感到十分困难。至于大学物理系的师生物理工作者更能从此书中获得教益。 1989年,为纪念费恩曼逝世一周年,原书编者重新出版本书,并增加了介绍费恩曼生平的短文和新的序言。我们按照新版的原本进行了翻译。",60.00元,9787532378753,7532378756 read,2008-01-18T11:12:16Z,488,9.5,Richard P. Feynman; Robert B. Leighton; Matthew Sands,简裝本,601,上海科学技术出版公司,费恩曼物理学讲义(第2卷),,"费恩曼(R.P.Feynman)1918年生于布鲁克林区,1942年在普林斯顿获得博士学位。第二次世界大战期间在洛斯阿拉莫斯,尽管当时他还很年轻,但已在曼哈顿计划中发挥了重要作用。以后,他在康奈尔大学和加利福尼亚理工学院任教。1965年,因他在量子电动力学方面的工作和朝永振一郎及施温格(J.Schwinger)同获诺贝尔物理学奖。 费因曼博士获得诺贝尔奖是由于成功地解决了量子电动力学理论问题,他也创立了说是液氦中起流动性现象的数学理论。此后,他和盖尔曼(M.Gell-Mann)在B衰变等弱相互作用领域内做出了奠基性的工作。在以后的几年里,他在夸克理论的发展中起了关键性的作用,提出了他的高能质子碰撞过程的部分子模型。 除了这些成就之外,费恩曼博士将新的基本计算技术及记号法引时物理学,首先是无处不在的费恩曼图,在近代科学历史中,它比任何其他数学形式描述都更大地改变了对基本物理过程形成概念及进行计算的方法。 费恩曼是一位卓越的教育家。在他区得的许多奖项中,他对1972年获得的奥斯特教学奖章特别感到自豪。在1963年第一次出版的《费恩曼物理学讲义》被《科学叛国人》杂志的一位评论员描写为“咬不动但富于营养并且津津有味。25年后它仍是教师和最好的初学学生的指导书”。为了使外行的公众增加对物理学的了解,费恩曼博士写了《物理定律和量子电动力学的性质:光和物质的奇特理论》。他还是许多高级出版物的作者,这些都成为研究人员和学生的经典参考书和教科书。 费恩曼是一个活跃的公众人物。他在挑战者号调查委员会里的工作是从所周知的,特别是他的著名的O型环对寒冷的敏感性的演示,这是一个优美的实验,除了一杯冰水以外其他什么也不需要。费恩曼博士1960年在加利福尼亚州课程促进会中的工作却很少人知道,他在会上抨击了教材的平庸。 仅仅罗列费恩曼的科学和教育成就并没有恰当抓信这个人的本质。即使是他 最最技术性的出版物的读者都知识道,费恩曼活跃的多面的人格在他所有的工作中都闪闪发光。除了作为物理学家,在各种不同的场合下他变成不同的人物:有进是无线电修理工,有时是锁具收藏家,艺术家、舞蹈家、邦戈(bongo)鼓手,甚至玛雅象形文字的解释者。对他的世界人们永远好奇,他是一个典型的经验主义者。 费恩曼于1998年2月15日在洛杉矶逝世。","20世纪60年代初,美国一些理工科大学鉴于当时的大学基础物理教学与现代科学技术的发展不相适应,纷纷试行教学改革,加利福尼亚理工学院就是其中之一。该校于1961年9月至1963年5月特请著名物理学家费恩曼主讲一二年级的基础物理课,事后又根据讲课录音编辑出版了《费恩曼物理学讲义》。本讲义共分三卷,第1卷包括力学、相对论、光学、气体分子动理论、热力学、波等,第2卷主要是电磁学,第3卷是量子力学。全书内容十分丰富,在深度和广度上都超过了传统的普通物理教材。 当时美国大学物理教学改革试图解决的一个主要问题是基础物理教学应尽可能反映近代物理的巨大成就。《费恩曼物理学讲义》在基础物理的水平上对20世纪物理学的两大重要成就——相对论和量子力学——作了系统的介绍,对于量子力学,费恩曼教授还特地准备了一套适合大学二年级水平的讲法。教学改革试图解决的另一个问题是按照当前物理学工作者在各个前沿研究领域所使用的方式来介绍物理学的内容。在《费恩曼物理学讲义》一书中对一些问题的分析和处理方法反映了费恩曼自己以及其他在前沿研究领域工作的物理学家所通常采用的分析和处理方法。全书对基本概念、定理和定律的讲解不仅生动清晰,通俗易懂,而且特别注重从物理上作出深刻的叙述。为了扩大学生的知识面,全书还列举了许多基本物理原理在各个方面(诸如天体物理、地球物理、生物物理等)的应用,以及物理学的一些最新成就。由于全书是根据课堂讲授的录音整理编辑的,它在一定程度保留了费恩曼讲课的生动活泼、引人入胜的独特风格。 《费恩曼物理学讲义》从普通物理水平出发,注重物理分析,深入浅出,避免运用高深烦琐的数学方程,因此具有高中以上物理水平和初等微积分知识的读者阅读起来不会感到十分困难。至于大学物理系的师生物理工作者更能从此书中获得教益。 1989年,为纪念费恩曼逝世一周年,原书编者重新出版本书,并增加了介绍费恩曼生平的短文和新的序言。我们按照新版的原本进行了翻译。",85.00元,9787532378746,7532378748 read,2008-01-18T11:12:04Z,1527,9.5,Richard P. Feynman; Robert B. Leighton; Matthew Sands,平装,555,上海科学技术出版社,费恩曼物理学讲义(第1卷),,"世界上有两种天才,一种是“普通的”天才,一种是如魔术师般“神奇的”天才。只要你我再聪明几倍的话,就可以比得上普通的天才。而如魔术师般神奇的天才就不一样了,他们的心思到底怎样在运作,我们是无论如何也无法理解的,分析他们的思想就像要看穿魔术师怎样变戏法一样困难。所以,在外人看来,“神奇的”天才都是那些言语荒诞、行为古怪、智慧超凡的“鬼才”。而理查德·费曼可以说是人类历史上千年才难得出一个的科学鬼才。 费曼被很多物理学家誉为上个世纪继爱因斯坦之后最伟大的实证物理学家,在他研究生刚毕业时,就参与了美国制造第一枚原子弹的曼哈顿计划,后来,他又在美国加州理工学院任教约40年,并在1965年获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。 不过,令这位物理学家声名远扬的远远不止这些,他的邦戈鼓艺高超,甚至能顶替职业鼓手上场表演,他还可以像一位真正的画家一样卖掉自己的作品,他是撬保险柜的专家,他喜欢在无上装酒吧里研究科学问题。总之,他的才华,他的幽默,他的率性而为的恶作剧,令他的一生多姿多彩。同时,他的成长和他的成就,也包含了许多的启示。","20世纪60年代初,美国一些理工科大学鉴于当时的大学基础物理数学与现代科学技术的发展不相适应,纷纷试行教学改革,加利福尼亚理学院就是其中之一。该校于1961年9月至1963年5月特请著名物理学家费恩曼主讲一二年级的基础物理课,事后又根据讲课录音编辑出版了《费恩曼物理学讲义。本讲义共分三卷,第1卷包括力学、相对论、光学、气体分子运动论、热力学、波等,第2卷主要是电磁学,此外还有性、流体的流动及弯曲空间等内容,第3卷是量子力学。全书内容十分丰富,在深度和广度上都超过了传统的普通物理教材。 当时美国大学物理教学改革试图解决的一个主要问题是,基础物理教学应尽可能反映近代物理巨大成就。《费恩曼物理学讲义》在基础物理的水平上对20世纪物理学的两大重成就——相对论和量子力学做了系统的介绍,对于量子力学,费恩曼教授还特地准备了套适合大学二年级水平的讲法。教学改革试图解决的另一个问题是按照当前物理学工作者在各个前沿研究领域所使用的方式来介绍物理学的内容。在《费恩曼物理学讲义》一书中对一些问题的分析和处理方法,反映了费恩曼自己以及其他在前沿研究领域工作的物理学家所通常采用的分析和处理方法。全书对基本概念、定理和定律的讲解不仅生动清晰、通俗易懂,而且特别注重从物理上做出深刻的叙述。为了扩大学生的知识面,全书还列举了许多基本物理原理在各个方面(诸如天体物理、地球物理、生物物理等)的应用,以及物理学的一些最新成就。由于全书是根据课堂讲授的录音整理编辑的,它在一定程度上保留了费恩曼讲课的生动活泼、引人入胜的独特格。 《费恩曼物理学讲义》从普通物理水平出发,注重物理分析,深入浅出,避免运用高深烦琐的数学方程,因此具有高以上物理水平和初等微积分知识的读者阅读起来不会感到十分困难。至于大学物理系的师生和物理工作者更能从此书中获得教益。为此我们特将此书译成中文,以飨读者。 原书第一版发行后,深受广大读者欢迎。1989年,为了纪念费恩曼教授逝世一周年,编者重新出版了本书,并加了新的言及介绍费恩曼生平的短文。本卷在课程内容上则增加了弯曲空间一章,使得《费恩曼物理学讲义》这套书的内容更为完整。我们按照新版的原本进行了翻译。 本书中的费恩曼自序由郑永令在吴子仪译稿的基础上重译,前言由李洪芳翻译,潘笃武校阅,关于费恩曼和《费恩曼物理学讲义》另序由潘笃武翻译。本卷正文由李洪芳、钟万蘅在王子辅译稿的基础上重新翻译,第42章郑永令校阅",85.00元,9787532378784,7532378780 read,2008-01-18T11:11:49Z,6717,8.9,费曼,平装,449,生活·读书·新知三联书店,别闹了,费曼先生,,理查德・曼(Richard P.Feyrman)1918年出生,1939年于麻省理工学院毕业后,进入普林斯顿大学研究院,又加入罗拉拉摩斯实验室,对原子弹的发展贡献卓著。1956年与薛温格和朝永振一郎共获诺贝尔物理奖。1988年2月困患癌症辞世。费曼的思想如天马行空,喜自辟蹊径,且从不固执,求知欲极强。他很爱恶作剧,但往往只为点出世间许多荒谬之处。确如《洛杉矶时报》所说的,“任何读这本书而不大笑出声的人,心理一定有毛病。”,费曼得过诺贝尔奖,是现代最伟大的理论物理学家之一。但他同时也可能是历史上唯一被按摩院请去画裸体画、偷偷打开放着原子弹机密文件的保险箱,在巴西桑巴乐团担任鼓手的科学家。他曾跟爱因斯坦和波尔等大师讨论物理问题,也曾在赌城跟职业赌徒研究输赢机率。,22.00,9787108011114,7108011115 read,2008-01-14T20:42:52Z,48,7.4,阿兰·西利托,简裝本,213,译林出版社,周六晚与周日晨,,,"1945年二战结束,在战后的英国和美国都出现了带强烈反抗情绪的作家流派。英国的叫做“愤怒的青年”,美国的叫做“垮掉的一代”。《周六晚与周日晨》作者阿兰·西利托(Alan Sillitoe)是英国“愤怒的青年”的代表人物之一。“愤怒的青年”派作家大多出身社会下层,毕业于普通大学而不是牛津、剑桥之类的名校。他们同情下层人民,直言不讳地抨击中产阶级生活方式、道德伦理和阶级偏见,蔑视英国的现存秩序,尤其是上流社会和中产阶级的伪善与平庸。他们有的还以自己的下层阶级生活方式为荣,向中产阶级的妄自尊大与装腔作势提出挑战。 美国的“垮掉的一代”同样反映了青年一代对战后现实的不满和挞伐,只是加上了一些嬉皮士的词语和禅宗的神秘内容,但仍然以其正义性的英勇斗争刺激着英美青年。“愤怒的青年”和“垮掉的一代”就是这种心态在文学上的反映,直至六十年代后期走向衰败,依然给世界文学留下了一批值得注意的作家和作品。",14.80元,9787806576427,7806576428 read,2008-01-14T13:40:23Z,138576,9.6,[清] 曹雪芹 著; 高鹗 续,平装,1606,人民文学出版社,红楼梦,,"曹雪芹,(?-1763,一作1764)清小说家。名霑,字梦阮,号雪芹、芹圃、芹溪。为满洲正白旗“包衣”人。自曾祖起,三代任江宁织造,其祖曹寅尤为康熙帝所信用。雍正初年,在统计阶级内部政治斗争牵连下,雪芹家受到重大打击,其父免职,产业被抄,遂随家迁居北京。他早年经历了一段封建大官僚地主家庭的繁华生活,后因家道衰落,趋于艰困。晚期居北京西郊,贫病而卒,年未及五十。性情高傲,嗜酒健谈。具有深厚的文化修养和卓越的艺术才能。他生活在我国已有资本主义生产萌芽的封建末世,在其后期又有机会接触到下层人民,因而对当时社会阶级斗争和思想斗争有较具体的感受,看到了统治阶级的腐朽凶残和内部的分崩离析。曾以十年时间,从事《石头记》(即《红楼梦》)的创作。书中通过一个贵族官僚大家庭的盛衰历史的描写,塑造了许多典型人物形象,对当时社会的黑暗腐败,进行了深刻的解剖和批判,并热情地歌颂了具有异端思想的男女青年,成为我国古典小说中伟大的现实主义作品。但其中也反映了作者为封建制度“补天”的幻想和找不到出路的悲观情绪。据称先后曾增删五次,但未成全书而卒;今流行本一百二十回,后四十回一般认为是高鹗所续。也能诗,又善画石,但作品流传绝少。","《红楼梦》是一部百科全书式的长篇小说。以宝黛爱情悲剧为主线,以四大家族的荣辱兴衰为背景,描绘出18世纪中国封建社会的方方面面,以及封建专制下新兴资本主义民主思想的萌动。结构宏大、情节委婉、细节精致,人物形象栩栩如生,声口毕现,堪称中国古代小说中的经 典。 由红楼梦研究所校注、人民文学出版社出版的《红楼梦》以庚辰(1760)本《脂砚斋重评石头记》为底本,以甲戌(1754)本、已卯(1759)本、蒙古王府本、戚蓼生序本、舒元炜序本、郑振铎藏本、红楼梦稿本、列宁格勒藏本(俄藏本)、程甲本、程乙本等众多版本为参校本,是一个博采众长、非常适合大众阅读的本子;同时,对底本的重要修改,皆出校记,读者可因以了解《红楼梦》的不同版本状况。 红学所的校注本已印行二十五年,其间1994年曾做过一次修订,又十几年过去,2008年推出修订第三版,体现了新的校注成果和科研成果。 关于《红楼梦》的作者,原本就有多种说法及推想,“前八十回曹雪芹著、后四十回高鹗续”的说法只是其中之一,这次修订中校注者改为“前八十回曹雪芹著;后四十回无名氏续,程伟元、高鹗整理”,应当是一种更科学的表述,体现了校注者对这一问题的新的认识。 现在这个修订后的《红楼梦》是更加完善。",59.70元,9787020002207,702000220X read,2008-01-14T13:40:13Z,208978,8.9,钱锺书,平装,359,人民文学出版社,围城,,钱钟书(1910-1998),字哲良,默存,号槐聚,中国江苏无锡人,中国近代著名作家、 文学研究家。毕业于清华大学外文系,获文学学士,赴上海,到光华大学任教。后考取第三届(1935年)庚子赔款公费留学资格,名列榜首,留学英国牛津大学 埃克塞特学院。大学毕业后任教于多所高校。新中国成立后被评为一级教授。晚年就职于中国社会科学院,任副院长。其夫人杨绛也是著名作家,育有一女钱媛(1937年-1997年)。曾为《毛泽东选集》英文版翻译小组成员。1998年逝世,享年88岁。,《围城》是钱钟书所著的长篇小说。第一版于1947年由上海晨光出版公司出版。1949年之后,由于政治等方面的原因,本书长期无法在中国大陆和台湾重印,仅在香港出现过盗印本。1980年由作者重新修订之后,在中国大陆地区由人民文学出版社刊印。此后作者又曾小幅修改过几次。《围城》 自从出版以来,就受到许多人的推崇。由于1949年后长期无法重印,这本书逐渐淡出人们的视野。1960年代,旅美汉学家夏志清在《中国现代小说史》(A History of Modern Chinese Fiction)中对本书作出很高的评价,这才重新引起人们对它的关注。人们对它的评价一般集中在两方面,幽默的语言和对生活深刻的观察。从1990年代开始,也有人提出对本书的不同看法,认为这是一部被“拔高”的小说,并不是一部出色的作品。很多人认为这是一部幽默作品。除了各具特色的人物语言之外,作者夹叙其间的文字也显着机智与幽默。这是本书的一大特色。也有人认为这是作者卖弄文字,语言显得尖酸刻薄。但这一说法并不为大多数人接受。,19.00,9787020024759,7020024750 read,2008-01-14T13:40:05Z,160419,9.1,余华,平装,195,南海出版公司,活着,,余华,浙江海盐人,1960年出生于浙江杭州,后来随父母迁居海盐县。中学毕业后,因父母是医生,余华曾当过牙医,五年后弃医从文,进入县文化馆和嘉兴文联,从此开始文学创作生涯。曾在北京鲁迅文学院与北师大中文系合办的研究生班深造,1984年开始发表小说。余华是中国先锋派小说的代表人物,与叶兆言、苏童等人齐名。作品有短篇小说集《十八岁出门远行》、《世事如烟》,长篇小说《在细雨中呼喊》、《战栗》及《兄弟》。,"地主少爷福贵嗜赌成性,终于赌光了家业一贫如洗,穷困之中的福贵因为母亲生病前去求医,没想到半路上被国民党部队抓了壮丁,后被解放军所俘虏,回到家乡他才知道母亲已经去世,妻子家珍含辛茹苦带大了一双儿女,但女儿不幸变成了聋哑人,儿子机灵活泼…… 然而,真正的悲剧从此才开始渐次上演,每读一页,都让我们止不住泪湿双眼,因为生命里难得的温情将被一次次死亡撕扯得粉碎,只剩得老了的福贵伴随着一头老牛在阳光下回忆。",12.00元,9787544210966,7544210960 read,2008-01-14T13:39:54Z,202440,8.0,[日] 村上春树,平装,350,上海译文出版社,挪威的森林,,村上春树(1949- ),日本小说家。曾在早稻田大学文学部戏剧科就读。1979年,他的第一部小说《听风之歌》问世后,即被搬上了银幕。随后,他的优秀作品《1973年的弹子球》、《寻羊冒险记》、《挪威的森林》等相继发表。他的创作不受传统拘束,构思新奇,行文潇洒自在,而又不流于庸俗浅薄。尤其是在刻画人的孤独无奈方面更有特色,他没有把这种情绪写成负的东西,而是通过内心的心智性操作使之升华为一种优雅的格调,一种乐在其中的境界,以此来为读者,尤其是生活在城市里的人们提供了一种生活模式或生命的体验。,这是一部动人心弦的、平缓舒雅的、略带感伤的恋爱小说。小说主人公渡边以第一人称展开他同两个女孩间的爱情纠葛。渡边的第一个恋人直子原是他高中要好同学木月的女友,后来木月自杀了。一年后渡边同直子不期而遇并开始交往。此时的直子已变得娴静腼腆,美丽晶莹的眸子里不时掠过一丝难以捕捉的阴翳。两人只是日复一日地在落叶飘零的东京街头漫无目标地或前或后或并肩行走不止。直子20岁生日的晚上两人发生了性关系,不料第二天直子便不知去向。几个月后直子来信说她住进一家远在深山里的精神疗养院。渡边前去探望时发现直子开始带有成熟女性的丰腴与娇美。晚间两人虽同处一室,但渡边约束了自己,分手前表示永远等待直子。返校不久,由于一次偶然相遇,渡边开始与低年级的绿子交往。绿子同内向的直子截然相反,“简直就像迎着春天的晨光蹦跳到世界上来的一头小鹿”。这期间,渡边内心十分苦闷彷徨。一方面念念不忘直子缠绵的病情与柔情,一方面又难以抗拒绿子大胆的表白和迷人的活力。不久传来直子自杀的噩耗,渡边失魂魄地四处徒步旅行。最后,在直子同房病友玲子的鼓励下,开始摸索此后的人生。,18.80元,9787532725694,7532725693 read,2008-01-12T21:08:12Z,682,8.6,Jack London,Paperback,139,Aladdin,The Call of the Wild,,"Jack London (12 January 1876 – 22 November 1916)was an American author who wrote The Call of the Wild and other books. A pioneer in the then-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction, he was one of the first Americans to make a lucrative career exclusively from writing. From Wikipedia","The Call of the Wild is a novel by American writer Jack London. The plot concerns a previously domesticated and even somewhat pampered dog named Buck, whose primordial instincts return after a series of events finds him serving as a sled dog in the treacherous, frigid Yukon during the days of the 19th century Klondike Gold Rushes. Published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is one of London's most-read books, and it is generally considered one of his best. Because the protagonist is a dog, it is sometimes classified as a juvenile novel, suitable for children, but it is dark in tone and contains numerous scenes of cruelty and violence. From Wikipedia",25.0,9780689856747,0689856741 read,2008-01-12T21:07:59Z,6,0.0,吴敬梓,精装(无盘),554,吉林文史出版社,儒林外史,,,"《儒林外史》作者吴敬梓。《儒林外史》是我国清代一部杰出的现实主义的长篇讽刺小说,主要描写封建社会后期知识分子及官绅的活动和精神面貌。   鲁迅先生评为“如集诸碎锦,合为帖子,虽非巨幅,而时见珍异。”冯沅君、陆侃如合著的《中国文学史简编》认为“大醇小疵”。   全书故事情节虽没有一个主干,可是有一个中心贯穿其间,那就是反对科举制度和封建礼教的毒害,讽刺因热衷功名富贵而造成的极端虚伪、恶劣的社会风习。这样的思想内容,在当时无疑是有其重大的现实意义和教育意义。加上它那准确、生动、洗练的白话语言,栩栩如生的人物形象塑造,优美细腻的景物描写,出色的讽刺手法,艺术上也获得了巨大的成功。   当时,由于时代的局限,作者在书中虽然批判了黑暗的现实,却把理想寄托在“品学兼优”的士大夫身上,宣扬古礼古乐,看不到改变儒林和社会的真正出路,这是应该加以批判的。",24.00元,9787805289977,7805289972 read,2008-01-12T21:05:42Z,891,8.3,夏目漱石,,379,译林出版社,我是猫,,,我是猫,ISBN:9787805672298,作者:(日)夏目漱石著;于雷译,14.00,9787805672298,7805672296 read,2008-01-12T21:04:58Z,1519,8.9,[美] 杰克·伦敦,精装,356,译林出版社,海狼 野性的呼唤,,"杰克·伦敦(Jack London, 1875-1916)原名约翰·格利菲斯·伦敦(John Griffith London),生于美国旧金山,大约是一个占星术家的私生子,在一个既无固定职业亦无固定住所的家庭里长大。他十四岁小学毕业后在旧金山和奥克兰一带以各种方式求生,亦以养家。二十岁曾进加州大学读书,一学期后又因贫困辍学。1900年出版了第一个小说集《狼子》,立即誉满全国,那时他二十四岁。到1916年他年满四十时,已经出版了五十一部著作,是很高产的作家。他的作品独树一帜,充满筋肉暴突的生活和阳刚之气,最受男子汉的欢迎。有人说在他以前的美国小说大都是为姑娘们写的,而他的作品则属于全体读者,不但普通读者欢迎,就是大家闺秀们也喜欢放下窗帘关上大门偷偷去品味他那精力旺盛、气势逼人的作品。他在现代美国文学和世界文学里都享有崇高的地位。","《海狼》描写范·魏登因海难而为猎海豹船主海狼拉尔森所控,九死一生逃出险境的经历。海狼拉尔森“是一个返祖现象的极好例子,一个纯粹原始的人,是那种在人类演化出道德天性之前便来到人世的人”。这部小说反映19世纪末20世纪初误把达尔文进化论简单运用于人类社会的思潮。 《野性的呼唤》以一只狗的经历表现文明世界的狗在主人的逼迫下回到野蛮,写的是狗,也反映人的世界。",19.00元,9787806573327,7806573321 read,2008-01-12T21:04:23Z,100,8.3,杰克·伦敦,,236,上海译文出版社,铁蹄,,,"距今七百年后,“大同世界”(那是从全世界人民终于获得胜利的时候起始的)的第四世纪中,一个未来的考古学者发现了《埃弗哈德手稿》——就是本书。手稿的作者是爱薇丝埃弗哈德,美国社会党领袖安纳斯特埃弗哈德的出身高贵的妻子。它通过一个从富家小姐走上革命道路的女性的视角叙述了1912年到1932年这二十年间劳动人民对抗财阀阶级的斗争史,塑造了安纳斯特埃弗哈德这位出身工人阶级的革命领袖的光辉形象:细腻、残酷,骇人听闻而又激动人心。 作者通过幻想小说的形式,预言到美国财阀阶级的寡头政权(他称之为“铁蹄”)走向法西斯统治的必然发展道路,着重指出了所谓美国式民主的真相,至今看来仍不乏重要的启示意义。 《铁蹄》是世界文学史上最伟大的幻想小说之一,是杰克伦敦的杰出成就。",27.00元,9787532727612,7532727610 read,2008-01-12T21:03:02Z,4529,9.0,老舍,平装,1157,人民文学出版社,四世同堂(上下),,,"这是一部中国现代长篇小说名著,是老舍先生正面描写抗日战争,揭露、控诉日本军国主义的残暴罪行,讴歌、弘扬中国人民伟大爱国精神的不朽之作。 作品以祁家四世同堂的生活为主线,辅以小羊圈胡同各色人等的荣辱浮沉、生死存亡,真实地记述了北平沦陷后的畸形世态,形象地描摹了日寇铁蹄下广大平民的悲惨遭遇、心灵震撼和反抗斗争,刻画出一系列栩栩如生的艺术形象,史诗般地展现了第二次世界大战期间,中国人民与世界人民一道反法西斯的伟大历程及生活画卷,可歌可泣,气度恢宏,读来令人荡气回肠,是一部感人的现实主义杰作。",49.00,9787020023318,7020023312 read,2008-01-12T21:01:33Z,15,7.9,艾米莉·勃朗特,,424,上海译文出版社,呼啸山庄,,,,5.9,9787532711796,753271179X read,2008-01-12T20:58:39Z,240,8.6,麦加文,平装,255,中国友谊出版公司,昆虫,,乔治·C·麦加文,生理学博士,年津大学自然历史博物馆昆虫采集陈列馆助理馆长,牛津大学耶钱学院生物学和人类学讲师。发表过许多相关论文,作过许多演讲,主持过许多相关的广播、电视节目。著有《发现臭虫》、《北半球的昆虫》、《世界各地的臭虫》、《田野探险技:昆虫和其他陆生节肢动物》等多种专著,与S.J.辛普森合著《飞虫真面目》和《鱼饵昆虫》。他是项国皇家地理学会和坦桑尼亚野生动物协会会员。,"权威性的内容、清晰的照片以及系统的论述方式,使本书成为关于昆虫的颇具欣赏价值和使用价值的工具书。本书收录了550多种昆虫、蜂蛛和陆生节肢动物,配有600余幅彩色图片,在作者的精心编纂下,使读者能轻松地掌握识别各类昆虫、蜘蛛和其他陆生节肢动物的知识和技巧。 图鉴百科式的编辑方式:本书对收录的每一种昆虫的有准确的论述和说明,使其特征和特性跃然纸上。 阅读轻松容易:本书向昆虫爱好者介绍了书中收录的每种昆虫、蜘蛛和陆生节肢动物的重要特征、生态环境、自然分布情况等知识。书后附有简明扼要的名词解释。 《自然珍藏鉴丛书》内容详实、精确、生动地展现了奇妙的自然生态。每册都有栩栩如生的彩色照片和文字简洁、内容丰富的描述,装帧精美,使用方便,就像包罗万象的自然博物馆,是读者学习、了解各类动物、植物、矿物,以及天文、地理知识的理想读物。",39.00元,9787505715554,7505715550 read,2008-01-12T20:58:19Z,132,8.6,[英] 埃尔温·哈特利·爱德华兹(Elwyn Hartley Edwards); [英] 马修·沃德 摄影,精装,253,中国友谊出版公司,马,,埃尔温·哈特利·爱德华德华兹(Elwyn Hartley Edwards),英国马协会地区分会主席、残疾人骑马协会副主席、马和小型马保护协会副总监。曾任《骑马》杂志编辑达18年之久。著有《名马录》、《马和小型马品种的标准》、《骑师手册》等30多部关于马的专著。,《马:全世界100多种马匹的彩色图鉴》是《自然珍藏图鉴丛书》之一,译自英国多林·金德斯利出版社,译文由猫头鹰出版社提供。,39.00元,9787505713901,7505713906 read,2008-01-12T20:58:04Z,268,9.1,马克.卡沃丁,精装,254,中国友谊出版公司,鲸与海豚,,马克·卡沃尔廷,动物学家、作家、摄影家。1986起作为自由撰稿人,为世界自然野生物基金组织、联合国环境规划署、世界环境保护联盟工作。独自或合作著有30多部相关著作,制作了一系列相关的广播和电视节目。他是英国鲸豚保护协会等多个保护组织的顾问,并组织过多次世界各地的双鲸活动。,"《鲸与海豚:全世界79种鲸与海豚的彩色图鉴》是一本集全世界79种鲸与海豚体的彩色图鉴!内容详实、精确、生动地展现了奇妙的自然生态。每册都有栩栩如生的彩色照片和文字简洁、内容丰富的描述,装帧精美,使用方便,就像包罗万象的自然博物馆,是读者学习、了解鲸与海豚的理想读物。   权威性的内容、清晰的图片以及系统的论述方式,使本书成为关于鲸豚类动物的颇具欣赏价值和使用价值的工具书。本书收录了迄今为止境被观察到的或捕捞到的,或死之后被发现尸种的79种鲸豚类动物,配有900余幅彩色照片和图片,帮助读者掌握识别鲸豚类动物的知识和技巧。",39.00元,9787505715226,7505715224 read,2008-01-12T20:57:28Z,29,7.4,詹姆斯·M·麦克菲尔森 编,,476,中国友谊出版公司,总统的力量,,,"每一代的历史学家都将重新审视并修订前人的作品。本书由普立策奖获得者詹姆斯.M.麦克菲尔森编篡,齐集美国当代最出色的历史学家们共同撰写,并附带大量精美插图。书中的文章充满智慧,高屋建瓴,以新颖的视角来描写美国社会最精彩的人群——美国总统。 没有什么人比当今最有威望和写作最畅销书籍的历史学家来给美国总统撰写新的评价更合适的了。在美国声望显赫的历史学家协会的成员们,对历任美国最高领导人们作出了生动和有思想深度的分析。 透过这些总统,我们看到了这个年轻的国家是怎样穿越历史,从一群殖民地崛起为超级大国。 珍贵的图片展示了美国总统不为人知的轻忪幽默的一面。还有精彩而优美的历任总统就职演说,以及详细的每一届竞选资料。形象而准确地表现了美国的政治生活图画。 总统们的花絮也不可错过。书中描写了一位美围总统在和他的夫人第一次约会的时候就求婚了;只有一位美国副总统经过选举成功当选。本书信息详实,有许多鲜为人知的史实,而且生动有趣。不愧为了解美国总统和美国历史政冶的最好渎本。",88.00元,9787505723603,750572360X read,2008-01-11T19:12:32Z,335,7.8,[法]儒勒.凡尔纳,平装,233,中国青年出版社,环绕月球,,"儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生于法国西部海港南特,他在构成市区一部分的劳阿尔河上的菲伊德岛生活学习到中学毕业。父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。但是凡尔纳自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。11岁时,他曾志愿上船当见习生,远航印度,结果被家人发现接回了家。为此凡尔纳挨了一顿狠揍,并躺在床上流着泪保证:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。 18岁时,他遵父嘱,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次,凡尔纳自一场晚会早退,下楼时他忽然童心大发,沿楼梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖绅士身上。凡尔纳非常尴尬,道歉之后随口询问对方吃饭没有,对方回答说刚吃过南特炒鸡蛋。凡尔纳听罢摇头,声称巴黎根本没有正宗的南特炒鸡蛋,因为他即南特人而且拿手此菜。胖绅士闻言大喜,诚邀凡尔纳登门献艺。二人友谊从此开始,并一度合写戏剧,为凡尔纳走上创作之路创造了有利条件。这位胖绅士的名字是大仲马。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,并失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。他十分欣赏雨果、巴尔扎克、大仲马和英国的莎士比亚。在巴黎,他创作了20个剧本(未出版)和一些充满浪漫激情的诗歌。 后来,凡尔纳与大仲马合作创作了剧本《折断的麦秆》并得以上演,这标志着凡尔纳在文学界取得了初步的成功。在继续创作的过程中,凡尔纳感到文学创作似乎缺乏出路,而且他发现当时文坛上的人都在找出路,都在试图把其他领域的知识融进戏剧。比如大仲马是将历史学融进文学,而巴尔扎克则把社会伦理学融进文学……这时凡尔纳发现,只剩下地理学还没有被开发。 于是凡尔纳利用一年的时间进行试验,创作出《冰川上面过冬》等作品,但未发表。 1856年,凡尔纳乘火车来到北部城市亚眠,遇到一名带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,一见钟情并求婚,继而结婚。接着凡尔纳搬家过去,从此开始认真创作。其时29岁。 凡尔纳创作出《气球上的五星期》后,16家出版社无人理睬,愤然投入火中,被妻子抢救出来,送入第17家出版社后被出版。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。黑格尔与凡尔纳签订合同,一年为其出版两本科幻小说。 《气球上的五星期》出版之后,凡尔纳的创作进入了一个多方面的探索时期,他试验多种写法,朝多种方向进行探索,一发不可收拾。每年出版两本,总标题为《奇异的旅行》,包括《地心游记》《从地球到月球》《环绕月球》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等等,囊括了陆地、海洋和天空……此后探索停止,开始成熟,进入平稳的发展时期,创作出《80天环绕地球》《太阳系历险记》《两年假期》等优秀作品。随着声望的增高,凡尔纳的财富也在迅速增长。 凡尔纳的晚年不是十分幸福,创作减少并进入衰弱期,其《卡尔巴阡的古堡》有一定的自传性,表现了生活中隐秘的侧面。 1905年3月17日凡尔纳出现偏瘫,24日失去知觉,25日晨8:00去世。 1905年3月28日大出殡,全世界纷纷电唁,悼念这位伟大的科幻作家。 凡尔纳的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,又能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情,所以一百多年来,一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。据联合国教科文组织的资料表明,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的十大名家之一。 凡尔纳是一个非常优秀的通俗小说作家,有一种能够把自己的幻觉变得能够触摸的本领,其感觉是全方位的,从平淡的文学中传达出某种人类的热情。但凡尔纳的小说中人物除了少数几个外都是一模一样的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是脸谱化的简单的好人坏人,没有什么心理活动;从其作品人物性别单一化上还可看出他对女人的偏见,隐隐流露出深受其苦的心态。此外凡尔纳的作品中充满了明显的社会倾向,是一个爱国者(法国人最好)、民族解放主义者(支持被压迫民族斗争),在某种程度上是一个无政府主义者(从某些作品中表现出无秩序者),最后还是一个银河帝国主义者(有缔造宇宙帝国的欲望)。 凡尔纳的作品里充满了知识,但他本人却是一名宇宙神秘主义者,对世界有一种神秘的崇拜。在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。 但总的来说,凡尔纳的尝试仍然是伟大的。他写的虽然都是平凡小事,但读后仍使我们激动不已。正如1884年教皇在接见他时曾说:“我并不是不知道您的作品的科学价值,但我最珍重的却是它们的纯洁、道德价值和精神力量。” 儒勒·凡尔纳作品集 《八十天环游地球》 《海底两万里》 《格兰特船长的儿女》 《环绕月球》 《神秘岛》 《世界主宰者》 《米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫》 《气球上的五星期》 《空中历险记》 《墨西哥的“幽灵”》 《佐奇瑞大师》 《牛博士》 《一个在冰雪中度过的冬天》 《征服者罗比尔》 《两年假期》 《从地球到月球》 《八十天环绕地球》 《奥兰情游》 《升D先生和降E小姐》 《隐身新娘》 《昂梯菲尔奇遇记》 《大海入侵》 《烽火岛》 《太阳系历险记》 《巴尔萨克考察队的惊险遭遇》 《哈特拉斯船长历险记》 《大木筏》 《喀尔巴阡古堡》 《金火山》 《鲁滨逊叔叔》 《多瑙河领航员》 《鲁滨逊学校》 《马丁·帕兹》 《旅行基金》 《漂逝的半岛》 《桑道夫伯爵》 《黑印度》 《南非洲历险记》 《突破封锁》 《沙皇的邮件》 《印度贵妇的五亿法郎》 《小把戏》 《迎着三色旗》",本书是《从地球到月球》的续集。巴比康、尼却尔和米歇尔·阿当于186×年12月1日乘巴尔的摩大炮俱乐部发射的炮弹,到月球去探险,由于途中遇见一颗在太空游荡的火流星,它的引力使炮弹逸出轨道,无法抵达月球。三位旅行家对自己的危险处境置之度外,却仔细观测月球的面貌,并作了笔记。他们乘坐的炮弹因本身的速度太大,最后飞往月球和地球引力相等的死寂点的另一边,向地球降落,坠入太平洋。三位旅行家被救,并受到美国人民的热烈欢迎。,6.80元,9787500609704,7500609701 read,2008-01-11T19:12:24Z,167,8.0,(法)儒勒.凡尔纳,平装,405,中国青年出版社,漂逝的半岛,,,"内容提要 哈德孙湾皮毛公司的一支分遣队受命到北纬七十度以北的美洲大 陆边界地区创建一个新商站,由于意外的原因,他们误把商站建在附着 在大陆边缘的一块巨大的浮冰上。后来,在一次地震中,冰与陆地脱 离,变成了一座浮岛,冰原解冻后载着岛上的全体居民随海水漂移,并 在阳光和暖流的双重作用下渐渐融化。在这种情况下,全体队员团结 一致,凭着巨大的勇气和聪明才智,终于使浮冰在即将完全融化的前夕 靠上了阿留申群岛中的一个小岛,分遣队的人员得以死里逃生。 书中还用重墨描叙介绍了充满神秘色彩的极地风貌,土著习俗,珍 禽异兽,读来别有趣味。 ",11.20,9787500600374,7500600372 read,2008-01-11T19:12:02Z,842,8.8,[法] 儒勒·凡尔纳,平装,500,中国青年出版社,海底两万里(上下),,"儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生于法国西部海港南特,他在构成市区一部分的劳阿尔河上的菲伊德岛生活学习到中学毕业。父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。但是凡尔纳自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。11岁时,他曾志愿上船当见习生,远航印度,结果被家人发现接回了家。为此凡尔纳挨了一顿狠揍,并躺在床上流着泪保证:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。 18岁时,他遵父嘱,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次,凡尔纳自一场晚会早退,下楼时他忽然童心大发,沿楼梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖绅士身上。凡尔纳非常尴尬,道歉之后随口询问对方吃饭没有,对方回答说刚吃过南特炒鸡蛋。凡尔纳听罢摇头,声称巴黎根本没有正宗的南特炒鸡蛋,因为他即南特人而且拿手此菜。胖绅士闻言大喜,诚邀凡尔纳登门献艺。二人友谊从此开始,并一度合写戏剧,为凡尔纳走上创作之路创造了有利条件。这位胖绅士的名字是大仲马。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,并失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。他十分欣赏雨果、巴尔扎克、大仲马和英国的莎士比亚。在巴黎,他创作了20个剧本(未出版)和一些充满浪漫激情的诗歌。 后来,凡尔纳与大仲马合作创作了剧本《折断的麦秆》并得以上演,这标志着凡尔纳在文学界取得了初步的成功。在继续创作的过程中,凡尔纳感到文学创作似乎缺乏出路,而且他发现当时文坛上的人都在找出路,都在试图把其他领域的知识融进戏剧。比如大仲马是将历史学融进文学,而巴尔扎克则把社会伦理学融进文学……这时凡尔纳发现,只剩下地理学还没有被开发。 于是凡尔纳利用一年的时间进行试验,创作出《冰川上面过冬》等作品,但未发表。 1856年,凡尔纳乘火车来到北部城市亚眠,遇到一名带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,一见钟情并求婚,继而结婚。接着凡尔纳搬家过去,从此开始认真创作。其时29岁。 凡尔纳创作出《气球上的五星期》后,16家出版社无人理睬,愤然投入火中,被妻子抢救出来,送入第17家出版社后被出版。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。黑格尔与凡尔纳签订合同,一年为其出版两本科幻小说。 《气球上的五星期》出版之后,凡尔纳的创作进入了一个多方面的探索时期,他试验多种写法,朝多种方向进行探索,一发不可收拾。每年出版两本,总标题为《奇异的旅行》,包括《地心游记》《从地球到月球》《环绕月球》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等等,囊括了陆地、海洋和天空……此后探索停止,开始成熟,进入平稳的发展时期,创作出《80天环绕地球》《太阳系历险记》《两年假期》等优秀作品。随着声望的增高,凡尔纳的财富也在迅速增长。 凡尔纳的晚年不是十分幸福,创作减少并进入衰弱期,其《卡尔巴阡的古堡》有一定的自传性,表现了生活中隐秘的侧面。 1905年3月17日凡尔纳出现偏瘫,24日失去知觉,25日晨8:00去世。 1905年3月28日大出殡,全世界纷纷电唁,悼念这位伟大的科幻作家。 凡尔纳的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,又能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情,所以一百多年来,一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。据联合国教科文组织的资料表明,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的十大名家之一。 凡尔纳是一个非常优秀的通俗小说作家,有一种能够把自己的幻觉变得能够触摸的本领,其感觉是全方位的,从平淡的文学中传达出某种人类的热情。但凡尔纳的小说中人物除了少数几个外都是一模一样的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是脸谱化的简单的好人坏人,没有什么心理活动;从其作品人物性别单一化上还可看出他对女人的偏见,隐隐流露出深受其苦的心态。此外凡尔纳的作品中充满了明显的社会倾向,是一个爱国者(法国人最好)、民族解放主义者(支持被压迫民族斗争),在某种程度上是一个无政府主义者(从某些作品中表现出无秩序者),最后还是一个银河帝国主义者(有缔造宇宙帝国的欲望)。 凡尔纳的作品里充满了知识,但他本人却是一名宇宙神秘主义者,对世界有一种神秘的崇拜。在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。 但总的来说,凡尔纳的尝试仍然是伟大的。他写的虽然都是平凡小事,但读后仍使我们激动不已。正如1884年教皇在接见他时曾说:“我并不是不知道您的作品的科学价值,但我最珍重的却是它们的纯洁、道德价值和精神力量。” 儒勒·凡尔纳作品集 《八十天环游地球》 《海底两万里》 《格兰特船长的儿女》 《环绕月球》 《神秘岛》 《世界主宰者》 《米歇尔·斯特罗哥夫》 《气球上的五星期》 《空中历险记》 《墨西哥的“幽灵”》 《佐奇瑞大师》 《牛博士》 《一个在冰雪中度过的冬天》 《征服者罗比尔》 《两年假期》 《从地球到月球》 《八十天环绕地球》 《奥兰情游》 《升D先生和降E小姐》 《隐身新娘》 《昂梯菲尔奇遇记》 《大海入侵》 《烽火岛》 《太阳系历险记》 《巴尔萨克考察队的惊险遭遇》 《哈特拉斯船长历险记》 《大木筏》 《喀尔巴阡古堡》 《金火山》 《鲁滨逊叔叔》 《多瑙河领航员》 《鲁滨逊学校》 《马丁·帕兹》 《旅行基金》 《漂逝的半岛》 《桑道夫伯爵》 《黑印度》 《南非洲历险记》 《突破封锁》 《沙皇的邮件》 《印度贵妇的五亿法郎》 《小把戏》 《迎着三色旗》","《海底两万里》写于1870年,是凡尔纳著名的三部曲的第二部(第一部是《格兰特船长的儿女》、第三部是《神秘岛》)。这部作品叙述法国博物学家阿龙纳斯教授在海洋深处旅行的故事。故事发生在一八六六年,当时海上发现了一只被断定为独角鲸的大怪物,他接受邀请参加追捕,在追捕过程中不幸落水,泅到怪物的脊背上。其实这怪物并非什么独角鲸,而是一艘构造奇妙的潜水艇。潜艇是船长尼莫在大洋中的一座荒岛上秘密建造的,船身坚固,利用海洋发电。尼莫船长邀请阿龙纳斯作海底旅行。他们从太平洋出发,经过珊瑚岛、印度洋、红海、地中海,进入大西洋,看到许多罕见的海生动植物和水中的奇异景象,又经历了搁浅、土著人围攻、同鲨鱼搏斗、冰山封路、章鱼袭击等许多险情。最后,当潜艇到达挪威海岸时,阿龙纳斯不辞而别,把他所知道的海底秘密公布于世。 书中的主人公尼莫船长是一个带有浪漫、神秘色彩,非常吸引人的人物。尼莫根据自己的设计建造了潜水艇,潜航在海底进行大规模的科学研究,但这好像又不是他这种孤独生活的惟一目的。他躲避开他的敌人和迫害者,在海底探寻自由,又对自己孤独的生活深深感到悲痛。这个神秘人物的谜底到了三部曲的第三部才被揭开。 这部作品集中了凡尔纳科幻小说的所有特点。曲折紧张、扑朔迷离的故事情节,瞬息万变的人物命运,丰富详尽的科学知识和细节逼真的美妙幻想融于一炉。作者独具匠心,巧妙布局,在漫长的旅行中,时而将读者推入险象环生的险恶环境,时而又带进充满诗情画意的美妙境界;波澜壮阔的场面描绘和细致入微的细节刻画交替出现。读来引人入胜,欲罢不能。 起先,它以连载的形式,从1869年3月20日到1870年6月20日在埃泽尔创办的《教育和娱乐》杂志上与读者见面。《海底两万里》的上篇于1869年11月28日出版,下篇在1870年6月13日出版,初版卖了五万册,可以说《海底两万里》从一开始就得到了读者的欢迎。",14.40元,9787500608820,7500608829 read,2008-01-11T19:11:52Z,6599,8.7,(法)儒勒.凡尔纳,平装,709,中国青年出版社,神秘岛,,"儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828.2.8~1905.3.25)生于法国西部海港南特,他在构成市区一部分的劳阿尔河上的菲伊德岛生活学习到中学毕业。父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。但是凡尔纳自幼热爱海洋,向往远航探险。11岁时,他曾志愿上船当见习生,远航印度,结果被家人发现接回了家。为此凡尔纳挨了一顿狠揍,并躺在床上流着泪保证:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。 18岁时,他遵父嘱,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次,凡尔纳自一场晚会早退,下楼时他忽然童心大发,沿楼梯扶手悠然滑下,不想正撞在一位胖绅士身上。凡尔纳非常尴尬,道歉之后随口询问对方吃饭没有,对方回答说刚吃过南特炒鸡蛋。凡尔纳听罢摇头,声称巴黎根本没有正宗的南特炒鸡蛋,因为他即南特人而且拿手此菜。胖绅士闻言大喜,诚邀凡尔纳登门献艺。二人友谊从此开始,并一度合写戏剧,为凡尔纳走上创作之路创造了有利条件。这位胖绅士的名字是大仲马。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,并失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。他十分欣赏雨果、巴尔扎克、大仲马和英国的莎士比亚。在巴黎,他创作了20个剧本(未出版)和一些充满浪漫激情的诗歌。 后来,凡尔纳与大仲马合作创作了剧本《折断的麦秆》并得以上演,这标志着凡尔纳在文学界取得了初步的成功。在继续创作的过程中,凡尔纳感到文学创作似乎缺乏出路,而且他发现当时文坛上的人都在找出路,都在试图把其他领域的知识融进戏剧。比如大仲马是将历史学融进文学,而巴尔扎克则把社会伦理学融进文学……这时凡尔纳发现,只剩下地理学还没有被开发。 于是凡尔纳利用一年的时间进行试验,创作出《冰川上面过冬》等作品,但未发表。 1856年凡尔纳乘火车来到北部城市亚眠,遇到一名带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,一见终情并求婚,继而结婚。接着凡尔纳搬家过去,从此开始认真创作。其时29岁。 凡尔纳创作出《气球上的五星期》后,16家出版社无人理睬,愤然投入火中,被妻子抢救出来,送入第17家出版社后被出版。赏识此书的编辑叫赫茨尔,从此凡尔纳遇到了知音,与之结下终身友谊。黑格尔与凡尔纳签订合同,一年为其出版两本科幻小说。 《气球上的五星期》出版之后,凡尔纳的创作进入了一个多方面的探索时期,他试验多种写法,朝多种方向进行探索,一发不可收拾。每年出版两本,总标题为《奇异的旅行》,包括《地心游记》《从地球到月球》《环绕月球》《海底两万里》《神秘岛》等等,囊括了陆地、海洋和天空……此后探索停止,开始成熟,进入平稳的发展时期,创作出《80天环绕地球》《太阳系历险记》《两年假期》等优秀作品。随着声望的增高,凡尔纳的财富也在迅速增长。 凡尔纳的晚年不是十分幸福,创作减少并进入衰弱期,其《卡尔巴阡的古堡》有一定的自传性,表现了生活中隐秘的侧面。 1905年3月17日凡尔纳出现偏瘫,24日失去知觉,25日晨8:00去世。 1905年3月28日大出殡,全世界纷纷电唁,悼念这位伟大的科幻作家。 凡尔纳的故事生动幽默,妙语横生,又能激发人们尤其是青少年热爱科学、向往探险的热情,所以一百多年来,一直受到世界各地读者的欢迎。据联合国教科文组织的资料表明,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的十大名家之一。 凡尔纳是一个非常优秀的通俗小说作家,有一种能够把自己的幻觉变得能够触摸的本领,其感觉是全方位的,从平淡的文学中传达出某种人类的热情。但凡尔纳的小说中人物除了少数几个外都是一模一样的,他似乎塑造不出更重要的人物,人物都是脸谱化的简单的好人坏人,没有什么心理活动;从其作品人物性别单一化上还可看出他对女人的偏见,隐隐流露出深受其苦的心态。此外凡尔纳的作品中充满了明显的社会倾向,是一个爱国者(法国人最好)、民族解放主义者(支持被压迫民族斗争),在某种程度上是一个无政府主义者(从某些作品中表现出无秩序者),最后还是一个银河帝国主义者(有缔造宇宙帝国的欲望)。 凡尔纳的作品里充满了知识,但他本人却是一名宇宙神秘主义者,对世界有一种神秘的崇拜。在他的小说中,有时候思考问题不够深刻,主题也常常重复。",《神秘岛》是法国著名科幻小说家儒尔·凡尔纳的三部曲之一,其他两部是《格兰特船长的儿女》和《海底两万里》。该书叙述美国南北战争期间,五名北军俘虏乘坐气球,从南军大本营里士满出逃。途中遭遇风暴,被抛到南太平滚一个荒无人烟的小岛上。这些落难者依靠自己的智慧和过人的毅力,克服了种种困难,不仅顽强地生存下来,而且还把小岛建设成一个繁荣富庶的乐园。整部小说情节跌宕起伏,充满了对奇异多姿的自然界的描写,并且把各种知识融会到惊心动魄的故事之中,因此出版至今虽然已有一百多年,但仍探受世界各地读者的推崇和喜爱。,26.70,9787500604433,7500604432 read,2008-01-11T19:11:36Z,25011,8.8,[英] 史蒂芬·霍金,平装,245,湖南科学技术出版社,时间简史,,"史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking, 1942- ),现任剑桥大学卢卡斯数学教授。他广被推崇为继爱因斯坦后最杰出的理论物理学家。霍金的主要著作有《时间简史》、《霍金讲演录——黑洞、婴儿宇宙及其他》和《果壳中的宇宙》。","《时间简史》讲述是探索时间和空间核心秘密的故事,是关于宇宙本性的最前沿知识,包括我们的宇宙图像、空间和时间、膨胀的宇宙不确定性原理、基本粒子和自然的力、黑洞、黑洞不是这么黑、时间箭头等内容。第一版中的许多理论预言,后来在对微观或宏观宇宙世界观测中得到证实。 自1988年首版以来,《时间简史》已成为全球科学著作的里程碑。它被翻译成40种文字,销售了近1000万册。此版更新了内容,把许多观测揭示的新知识,以及霍金最新的研究纳入,并配以250幅照片和电脑制作的三维和四维空间图。",45.00元,9787535732309,7535732305 read,2008-01-11T19:11:02Z,10,7.2,张秋玲 编,,374,清华大学出版社,运筹学应用随机模型,,,"由Kulkarni编纂的((Modeling,Analysis,Design,and Control Of StochasticSystems>)一书较系统地讲解了随机模型的有关内容,其特点是重点介绍各种原理和方法的基本概念及其应用,对于较简单的一般问题,以容易理解和接受的方式给出其详细的证明过程,而对于较复杂的问题,则用直观的说明来代替复杂而抽象的证明过程,同时每个章节都有丰富的例子和大量的练习题,习题按照概念题和计算题分类,易于学生消化和巩固。 《运筹学(应用随机模型)》即为该书的影印版,其主要内容包括:基础概率论、马尔科夫过程、排队系统、最优设计、最优控制等。本书可作为工科类及管理类本科生教材。",38.00元,9787302088622,7302088624 read,2008-01-11T14:37:55Z,17,7.4,温斯顿,简裝本,551,清华大学出版社,运筹学,,,"《运筹学(数学规划第3版影印版)》内容简介:由WINSTON编纂的《OPERATIONS RESEARCH》(第3版)一书系统全面地讲解了运筹学的有关内容,是一本在境外被普遍使用的教科书,其特点是重点介绍各种原理和方法的基本要领及其应用,而省略抽象的推理及详细的证明过程,同时每个章节都有丰富的例子和大量的练习题。《运筹学(数学规划)》(第3版)由WINSTON一书中的第1,3,4,6,9,10,12,20章组成,主要内容包括:线性规划简介、单纯形算法、灵敏度分析与对偶理论、整数规划、线性规划中的高等主题、非线笥规划、确定性动态规划。《运筹学(数学规划第3版影印版)》可作为工科类及管理类的本科生教材。 强力推荐:Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms 英文原版火热发售",52.00元,9787302077251,7302077258 read,2008-01-10T23:52:23Z,20,8.5,Thomas Hardy,Paperback,320,Dover Publications,The Return of the Native (Dover Thrift Editions),,,Passionate Eustacia Vye detests her life amid the dreary environs of Egdon Heath and spies her escape when Clym Yeobright returns from Paris. Hardy's timeless tale of a romantic misalliance embodies his view of character as fate and underscores the tragic nature of ordinary human lives. The Return of the Native ranks among the author's greatest works.,$3.50,9780486431659,0486431657 read,2008-01-10T22:08:55Z,3657,7.7,[土耳其] 奥尔罕·帕慕克,平装,170,上海人民出版社,白色城堡,,"奥尔罕·帕慕克(Orhan Pamuk, 1952- ),当代欧洲最杰出的小说家之一,享誉国际的土耳其文学巨擘。出生于伊斯坦布尔,曾在伊斯坦布尔科技技大学主修建筑。2006年获诺贝文学奖,作品已经被译为40多种语言出版。","年轻威尼斯学者被俘虏到伊斯坦布尔,成为土耳其人霍加的奴隶。二人竟然外貌神似。时间久了,他们甚至比对方更熟悉对方的生命历程和生活习惯。 他们联手对付了席卷土耳其本土的一场瘟疫,霍加晋升为皇宫的占星师,威尼斯人则成了苏丹的倾诉对象。他们还为苏丹发明了一件用来对抗波兰与其西方盟军的战争武器。武器在围攻“白色城堡”时上阵,当然,他们不可避免地失败了。 此时,两在城堡的身底下,浓浓大雾中,霍加选择了逃离,奔向他的想像城市威尼斯,威尼斯人则作为替身留了下来继续霍加的生活……",20.00元,9787208066410,7208066418 read,2008-01-10T22:08:31Z,78,8.8,Charles Dickens,Mass Market Paperback,369,Bantam Classics,A Tale of Two Cities,,,"A Tale of Two Cities is Charles Dickens's great historical novel, set against the violent upheaval of the French Revolution. The most famous and perhaps the most popular of his works, it compresses an event of immense complexity to the scale of a family history, with a cast of characters that includes a bloodthirsty ogress and an antihero as believably flawed as any in modern fiction. Though the least typical of the author's novels, A Tale of Two Cities still underscores many of his enduring themes--imprisonment, injustice, and social anarchy, resurrection and the renunciation that fosters renewal.",USD 4.95,9780553211764,0553211765 read,2008-01-10T22:08:14Z,262,7.9,Authony Hope,平装(无盘),102,外语教学与研究出版社,曾达的囚徒,,,"鲁道夫・拉森狄尔年轻富有,出生于一个历史悠久的英国家庭,可他却长着卢里塔尼亚王室所特有的深红色头发和长而笔挺的鼻子。这是多年前一个小小的家庭“意外”造成的结果。 鲁道夫决定去参加卢里塔尼亚新国王的加冕典礼。他到了曾达城,并在森林里漫步。第二天上午他却发现自己身陷意想不到的奇遇之中。他与新朋友萨普特上尉和弗里茨一起制定了营救曾达城堡中的囚徒的计划。很快他就与国王的死对头黑迈克和鲁帕特交上了手,而且爱上了国王的表妹,美丽的弗蕾维亚公主。 然后国王……然而,谁才是真正的卢里塔尼亚的国王呢? 安东尼・霍普1863年生于伦敦,1933年去世。他的真名是安东尼・霍普・霍金斯爵士。他成为专职作家之前是一位律师。他最著名的作品有《曾达的囚徒》和《鲁帕特》。 ",3.90,9787560012957,7560012957 read,2008-01-10T22:07:12Z,485,8.6,[英] 爱德华·吉本,平装,739,商务印书馆,罗马帝国衰亡史(下册),,,"被吉本所贬抑的古代基督教,可参看古罗马教父奥古斯丁合自传和对天主的歌颂为一体的《忏悔录》等。至于对法国启蒙运动的承接,启蒙思想先驱孟德斯鸠写过一本《罗马盛衰原因论》,博览群书的吉本是肯定读过的。不过两人的看法和侧重点不一样,孟德斯鸠认为罗马之盛是因为共和制度和开明法律等,衰则是君主独裁等造成;他以古讽今,将历史写成政论,通过此书第一次概述了自己的社会理论,来反对当时的专制暴政。   沿着此类思路,启蒙运动影响所及,第一个伟大成果是法国大革命。在这一事件上,到底是由英国式自由文明浸淫出来的吉本,与法国思想家们分道扬镳了。对此,很多人感到可惜和不解,如《吉本自传》的中译者戴子钦说,吉本在评价历史时首先强调独立和自由,但在现实中却保守、落后、反动,最突出就是对法国大革命强烈反感,反对民主。鲲西《罗马古寺旁的沉思》也说,从吉本“对柏克《法国革命感想录》热烈的称许已可看出他对法国革命所怀的恐惧了。很难想像一个对千年以前罗马帝国兴亡的命运如此热烈关切的人,会对发生在自己时代的事缺乏历史的清醒认识。”指这是吉本的“狭隘或局限”。今天我们已能从不同角度重新看待法国大革命和柏克等,对吉本是否明于史而昧于时,也就另有所思量。以我粗浅的了解,很喜欢吉本的平和、通达、理性、睿智。这样一个看透了历史更替、帝国兴衰的人,会对现实不清醒?的确“很难想像”。也许正是他太清醒了。",34.00元,9787100019750,7100019753 read,2008-01-10T22:06:59Z,1368,8.6,[英] 爱德华·吉本,平装,665,商务印书馆,罗马帝国衰亡史(上册),,,本书详细的讲述了几次大规模的入侵、帝国在西部的终结、意大利概况、查士丁尼的时代五、神学的影响、伊斯兰教的来临、东部帝国的衰亡、十字军东征、罗马帝国的终结、中世纪的罗马和文艺复兴的曙光等内容。,31.0,9787100019040,7100019044 read,2008-01-10T22:04:30Z,298,9.5,赫尔卢夫・皮德斯特鲁普,平装,400,江苏人民出版社,皮德生活漫画,,,赫尔卢夫・皮德斯特鲁普(缩写为皮德)在世界漫画家中享有极高的威望。他曾是“国际以讽刺作品为和平而斗争漫画大赛”的常任评审委员会主席,还是国际杜米埃漫画俱乐部的发起人之一,他为人正直,极富正义感,他那支犀利的画笔一直为被压迫者作画,始终不渝地为世界和平而斗争。这《皮德生活漫画》画册收集了皮德的357套生活连环漫画,精妙绝伦、脍炙人口。还有70幅戏剧、舞蹈、旅行速写、漫画插图和一篇传记文章,通过这本画册,读者可以较全面地了解漫画家皮德及其漫画艺术。,25.00,9787214004840,7214004844 read,2008-01-10T22:02:29Z,2927,9.0,[俄] 布尔加科夫,平装,408,人民文学出版社,大师和玛格丽特,,,《大师和玛格丽特》究竟是怎样一部书?它是一本“对二三十年代苏联社会现实进行恶意嘲讽”、“主张向恶势力投降并为它服务”的怪诞小说呢?抑或是“启迪人们内心的善,净化人的心灵”、“帮助人们牢牢把握住自己内心的道德准绳”、歌颂“人对真善美的大胆追求的”“当代苏联文学中的一部主要杰作”呢?众说纷纭。本书作者布尔加科夫又究竟是一个“不理解无产阶级十月革命”、“暴露了本身的人道主义弱点”的平庸作家呢?还是一位思想深邃、“以大无畏精神向一切恶提出挑战”、“集讽刺作家、幻想题材作家、现实主义作家的天才于一身”的文学大师呢?他为何曾把花费两年心血写到第十五章的这部作品的原稿付之一炬,后来又重新握笔,前后历时十二载,八易其稿呢?他在自知身患绝症、不久人世的情况下,在生活困苦、精神压力沉重、明知这部作品不可能发表的处境中,是什么力量支持他坚持修改并补充它,直至生命之烛燃尽呢?现在看来,至少可以说:盖棺时某些人论定他为“反政治的小说家和不严肃的幽默家”,把他的作品说成是“存心取悦于读者”、“恶意讽刺现实”等,这些结论是下得过于仓促了。为布尔加科夫恢复名誉成为苏联文艺界一桩重要事件,他的作品在八十年代仍如此畅销,这里必定有其内在原因。我们应该努力通过作者的思想、生活及创作道路探索他的创作意图,在作品本身中寻找其艺术魅力的源泉及上述问题的答案。,21.00元,9787020044412,7020044417 read,2008-01-10T20:28:01Z,362,8.5,[美] 拉莱·科林斯; [法] 多米尼克·拉皮埃尔,精装,378,译林出版社,巴黎烧了吗?,,,"1944年8月25日。地堡“狼穴”。 希特勒气急败坏地问总参谋长约德尔士将:“巴黎烧了吗?” 当天,正是巴黎解放日。 这本书讲述的,正是二战末期盟军解放巴黎的全过程,此中译本是老翻译家董乐山的最后译作。 《巴黎烧了吗?》生动而又详细地描绘了1944年8月解放巴黎的战斗全过程。两位作家拉莱·科林斯和多米尼克·拉皮埃尔分别是美国《新闻周刊》和法国《巴黎竞赛》的记者。他们在作品的史实方面力求翔实,花了将近三年时间搜集材料,翻阅了美、法、德三方面的军事档案,采访了上至艾森豪威尔、戴高乐高级助手、肖尔铁茨,下至法、美、德军普通士兵和巴黎市民共达800多人,采用了其中536人的亲身经历,因此能使这部作品做到事事有数据,人人有下落,句句有出处。另一方面他们又发挥了新闻记者的特长,能把文章写得生动活泼、引人入胜,令人觉得仿佛在读一本扣人心弦的惊险小说,放不下手来。作为报告文学,它可以称得上是一部典范的作品。",20.50元,9787806572955,7806572953 read,2008-01-10T20:25:47Z,5686,8.9,[美] 威廉·曼彻斯特,精装,997,海南出版社 三环出版社,光荣与梦想,,"1932年,当《光荣与梦想》实录的历史掀开第一页的时候,威廉・曼彻斯特年仅十岁,但他已是报纸的贪婪的读者。作为一个马萨诸塞州工人的儿子,他切身体会到了经济大萧条的痛苦。1936年,富兰克林・罗斯福再次当选为美国总统。这年,他14岁,成为马萨诸塞州斯普林弗尔德民主党总部的一位志愿者。珍珠港事件后,他在海军陆战队服役,曾在日本冲绳岛身负重伤。伤势痊愈后,他考取了大学。 在上学期间,他写了一本文学评论书。他的第一本书写于27岁,书名为《和平的打扰者》,是为门前所作的传记。该书立刻在评论界获得了成功。20世纪40年代以来,他是《巴尔的摩太阳报》独占鳌头的记者和作家。 曼彻斯特的书被翻译成17种文字和盲文。其中,最畅销的两本著作是《克鲁伯的军火》和《总统之死》。《光荣与梦想》是他的第十部著作。 《光荣与梦想――1932-1972年美国实录》一书是作者的最新著作,初版发行于1973年,很快就再版,畅销一时。 本书从1932年富兰克林・罗斯福总统上台前后一直写到1972年的水门事件,勾画了整整40年间的美国历史,内容十分丰富。举凡这一时期美国政治、经济、文化和社会生活等方面的巨大变化,历届政府中统治集团的内讧和两党的勾心斗角,经济危机引起的严重社会动乱,以及工人、农场主、退伍军人和黑人的群众斗争,等等,都写得绘形绘色。对近四十年来美国人的精神风貌、社会时尚、各阶层的生活,一直到流行的衣饰发型、音乐电影、美语中的时髦词汇等,都有广泛的评述。书中还插入“美国人物画像”若干篇,是对当代美国某些方面有代表性的人物的剪影。本书充分运用新闻报导的特写手法,根据大量的美国报刊资料和采访材料写成,对了解美国当代政治、经济、社会等各方面的内幕情况,提供了比较丰富的资料,有参考价值。 全书分为五部分。第一部:《应运而起》,从1932年在经济大危机最严重的时刻罗斯福总统上台前后写起,包括整个“新政”时期,一直写到1941年太平洋战争爆发。第H部:《牺牲与变化》,从1941年“珍珠港事件”一直写到1950年朝鲜战争爆发,这是美国登上资本主义世界霸主宝座的十年。第三部:《种下恶根》,从I951年到1960年艾森豪威尔总统任期结束的十年时间,这时美国处在新的繁荣之下。第四部:《必得恶果》,包括肯尼迪和约翰逊两届总统的在任期,这是越南战争和国内人民运动高涨和社会动乱激化的年代。第五部:《尼克松终于上台》,从1969年尼克松当选总统写到水门事件。作者是从资产阶级自由派的观点来观察近四十年的美国历史的。这五部分的划分,可以看做是作者对近四十年美国历史的发展和变化的一个粗略的分期。这基本上反映了美国爬出30年代初经济大危机的“沟底”以来,如何通过第二次世界大战登上资本主义世界的霸权宝座,然后又经过朝鲜战争、越南战争等一系列重大变故而急剧衰落的历史过程。书中通过大量事实暴露了美国经济、政治、军事的矛盾和弱点及其内外交困、走投无路的窘境,以及美国社会的离心离德、精神空虚和浮游无根的丑恶面貌。但作者不可能彻底揭露美国的本质,特别是战后初期美国称霸世界的野心和反动政策,甚至公然把中国人民解放战争的胜利攻击成“亚洲的灾难”,为美国发动侵朝战争辩护。对美国的经济危机,一再用所谓消费不足的资产阶级观点来进行解释。对美国垄断财团在国家政治和经济生活中的作用,也是讲得含混不清,没有触及问题的实质。最后,作者流露出对美国的盛世荣光的怀念和对梦想消失的无限感慨,并为看不到美国今后的出路何在而感到仿惶。在全书结尾处写道:“在干预了国外冲突1/3世纪之后,美国人民再次转而内向,他们要在与世隔绝中寻求安慰,在孤立中寻求复兴。”这些话半是“无可奈何花落去”的哀歌,半是开历史倒车的反动幻想。实际上今天仍然是苏美两霸在争夺世界霸权,美帝也极想重圆逝去的春梦。 本书采用史话体裁,结构不谨严,不少地方有过于冗杂和过分渲染低级趣味之处,也都值得引起读者注意。 原书所附的材料出处、参考书目过于琐细,均删去。原文中个别黄色下流之处,也略有删节。书后索引也略删减一些,索引中的页码为原书页码(印在本书切口一边)。 本书从《序幕》至第21章由广州外国语学院美英问题研究室翻译,从第22章起至全书结束由本社翻译组翻译。","本书是美国的一部断代史,勾画了从1932年罗斯福总统上台前后,到1972年尼克松总统任期内水门事件的四十年间美国政治、经济、文化,以及社会生活的全景式画卷。这是一部场景宏大,又描写细腻的历史巨著。作者对这四十年间美国历届政府从诞生到终结全过程中的两党纷争和内部分歧,对这一阶段全世界所经历的每一件大事都给予了特别的关注和叙述;同时,对这四十年间发生在全世界,尤其是与美国有关联的方方面面都给予了细致入微的刻画。从“补偿金大军”风潮、经济大萧条、总统竞选、二次世界大战、原子弹爆炸、朝鲜战争、越南战争、肯尼迪遇刺身亡、尼克松郑入水门事件,到美国人的精神风貌、社会时尚、各阶层的生活状况,再到演艺界的奇闻趣事、妇女的流行服装、青少年的时髦追求,甚至英语词汇的最新演变和人们的性观念都做了面面俱到的讲述。对于每一位读者来说,阅读此书是从本质上深刻了解美国的最简单、最有效的方法。 本书在1979年曾由商务印书馆出版发行过,它的面世在当时及以后的漫长岁月里曾在中国读者中引起过较好的反响,甚至对一大批中国记者的写作都产生了极大的影响。",68.00,9787807000242,7807000244 read,2008-01-09T11:30:29Z,1,0.0,Emily Dickinson,,79,未定义出版社,SELECTED POEMS OF EMILY Dickinson,,,"Emily Dickinson's Open Folios is a scholarly edition and aesthetic exploration of a group of forty late drafts and fragments hitherto known as the ""Lord letters."" The drafts are presented in facsimile form alongside typed transcriptions that reproduce as fully as possible the shock of script and startling array of visual details inscribed on the surfaces of the manuscripts. Marta L. Werner argues that a redefinition of the editorial enterprise is needed to approach the revelations of these writings - the details that have been all but erased by editorial interventions and print conventions in the twentieth century. Paradoxically, ""un-editing"" them allows a better understanding of the relationship between medium and messages. Werner's commentary forsakes the claims to comprehensiveness generally associated with scholarly narrative in favor of a series of speculative and fragmentary ""close-ups"" - a portrait in pieces. Finally, she proposes the acts of both reading and writing as visual poems. A crucial reference for Dickinson scholars, this book is also of primary importance to textual scholars, editorial theorists, and students of gender and cultural studies interested in the production, dissemination, and interpretation of works by women writers.",US $3.99,9780812523386,0812523385 read,2008-01-09T11:15:25Z,1255,8.8,Ernest Hemingway,Paperback,112,Arrow Books Ltd,The Old Man and the Sea,,,"Set in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, Hemingway's magnificent fable is the story of an old man, a young boy and a giant fish. It was The Old Man and the Sea that won for Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature. Here, in a perfectly crafted story, is unique and timeless vision of the beauty and grief of man's challenge to the elements in which he lives.",USD 10.35,9780099908401,0099908409 read,2008-01-09T11:13:17Z,15,8.1,伊·屠格涅夫,精装,352,上海译文出版社,罗亭 贵族之家,,,也许很多人会把小说视为闲书,但是本书绝对不属于此列。本书以其营造的完美的悲剧效果,令很多读者潸然泪下,让读者产生心灵的共鸣,给人强烈的美感享受、悲剧的启示和无尽的遐想。本书是一本感悟生活的不错选择。,15.50元,9787532724826,7532724824 read,2008-01-09T11:12:21Z,69,9.2,[意大利] 阿尔贝托·莫拉维亚; 吕同六 主编,精装,NA,译林出版社,莫拉维亚文集(上下),,阿尔贝托·莫拉维亚Alberto Moravia(1907-1990)是意大利当代最著名的小说家。曾任新闻记者和杂志主编,并曾任国际笔会主席。他在长达六十年的创作生涯事,发表了数大部长篇小说和中短篇小说集。他以写实的笔法,通过发生在人们身边的平常故事,触到了人的心灵深处。他的作品在意大利文学界乃至世界文学界都产生了重大的影响。1929年发表处女作长篇小说《冷漠的人们》,描写年青一代在法西斯统治下精神的空虚,获得声誉,后遭法西斯当局禁印。另一长篇小说《期待成空》亦触怒当局。主要作品还有短篇小说集《瘟疫集》、《罗马故事》、《天堂》、《另一种生活》,长篇小说《假面舞会》、《乔恰拉》、《愁闷》、《注意》和《内在生活》等。注重心理分析,对人物的两重性格和病态心理倾注较多的笔墨。,"阿尔贝托·莫拉维亚(1907-1990)是意大利当代最著名的小说家。他在长达六十年的创作生涯事,发表了数大部长篇小说和中短篇小说集。他以写实的笔法,通过发生在人们身边的平常故事,触到了人的心灵深处。他的作品在意大利文学界乃至世界文学界都产生了重大的影响。 由意大利文学研究专家吕同六先生主编的这部文集收录了莫拉维亚五部最杰出的作品: 《冷漠的人们》创作于上个世纪二十年代后期,被认为是莫拉维亚在未意识到的情况下写出的世界上第一部存在主义文学作品。通过一个资产阶段家庭在三天内发生的故事,揭露了当时意大利资产阶级灵魂深处的冷漠。 《乔怡里亚的女人》创作于第二次世界大战刚刚结束之后,被公认为意大利战后最杰出的小说。作口通过切西拉母女二人在战乱中的避难经历,揭露了战争给普通民众带来的苦难,特别是对人的心灵的摧残。 《鄙视》的主人公莫尔泰尼有志于从事戏剧创作,为博得妻子爱,他违背自己的意愿,为电影制片人编写电影脚本,以获得金钱,满足妻子的物质欲求,当他满足了妻子的欲求时,却发现妻子已经不再爱他。小说从一个侧面写出了西方社会中人的异化。 长篇小说《注意》是一部手法奇物的作品,用书中人物的话来说,作品真正的主人公并不是小说的主人公,而是小说的主人公“我”一直在写着、准备将来有一天用作小说素材的日记。作品通过大量的心理描写,通过主人公“我”在日记中写出的或真实或虚假的种种事件,探讨“原罪”问题。 短篇小说集 《不由自主》共有四十一篇作品、身分、地位各不相同的人物都由于一些自己也不明白的原因不由自主地做着自己并不想做的事。通过他们,作者写出了现代西方社会中人们普遍感到的迷惘与困惑以及人的精神状态的扭曲。",62.00元,9787806574119,7806574115 read,2008-01-09T11:08:24Z,223,8.5,显克微支,平,942,上海译文出版社,十字军骑士(共两册),,,"1978年1月第一版,1981年2月第2印",2.55元,,SH10188-1 read,2008-01-09T11:07:59Z,220,9.0,雨果,平装,NA,人民文学出版社,九三年,,"气力。 大胆是取得进步所付出的代价。 应该相信,自己是生活的强者。 艺术的大道上荆棘丛生,这也是好事,常人都望而怯步,只有意志坚强的人例外。 谁虚度年华,青春就要褪色,生命就会抛弃他们。 笑声如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天。 勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝。 释放无限光明的是人心,制造无边黑暗的也是人心。 书籍是造就灵魂的工具。 人,有了物质才能生存;人,有了理想才谈得上生活。 脚步不能达到的地方,眼光可以到达;眼光不能到达的地方,精神可以飞到。 多办一所学校,可少建一座监狱。 生活就是面对微笑。 人的两只耳朵,一只听到上帝的声音,一只听到魔鬼的声音。 我宁愿靠自己的力量,打开我的前途,而不愿求有力者垂青。 人类第一种饥饿就是无知。 【大事记】 1802年 2月26日生于法国东部的贝桑松城(Besancon)。 1819年 同浪漫诗人维尼等人共同创办《保守文艺双周刊》。于期刊发表第一首诗。 1822年 编成第一本诗集《颂歌与杂诗》。与艾德娜在圣苏比士大教堂结婚。 1825年 被授与荣誉勋章,参查理十世的加冕典礼。 1827年 发表韵文剧本《克伦威尔》和著名浪漫主义宣言,成为浪漫主义运动领袖。 1831年 完成浪漫主义文学杰作、长篇小说《巴黎圣母院》(即钟楼怪人)。 1841年 被选入法兰西学院,公开表示拥护君主立宪制度。 1843年 剧本《老顽固》(Les Burgraves)失败及女儿列欧波汀意外死亡,停止新作,转向政治舞台。 1845年 晋身贵族,封为雨果伯爵。 1848年 创办《大事纪报》。 1850年 被捕入狱,雨果化名兰文逃离巴黎。 1851年 路易˙波拿巴发动政变宣布帝制,雨果被迫流亡国外。 1853年 充满讽刺政治意味的诗集——《惩罚集》出版。 1862年 出版不朽的名著长篇社会小说《悲惨世界》。 1868年 雨果夫人艾德娜去世。 1870年 第三共和政府成立,结束十九年的流亡生活,回到巴黎。 1871年 当选国民大会代表。 1876年 雨果当选参议员。 1883年 完成《世纪的传奇》第三卷。 1885年 5月22日,病逝巴黎。 6月1日,雨果灵榇置于凯旋门下,供万民瞻仰,旋葬于巴黎伟人墓园。 【主要作品】 1827: 《克伦威尔》(Cromwell) (剧本) 1829:《东方诗集》(les Orientales) (诗) 1830:《欧那尼》 (Hernani) (戏本) 1831:《钟楼怪人》(Notre-Dame de Paris) (小说) 1838:《吕布拉》(Ruy Blas) (剧本) 1853:《惩罚集》 (les Chatiments) (诗) 1856:《沉思集》 (les Contemplations) (诗) 1862:《悲惨世界》(les Miserables) (小说) 1869:《笑面人》 (L’Homme qui Rit) (小说) 1859-1883:《世纪传说》(la Legende des siecles) (诗) 1874:《九三年》 (Quatre-Vingt-Treize) (小说)","1957年5月第一版,1982年3月湖北第三次印刷",1.60元,,SH10019-606 read,2008-01-09T11:05:44Z,67,8.6,戴维·洛奇,,392,译林出版社,治疗,,,《治疗》的故事全都以日记的形式在主人公的“权威”视角下展开。主人公是一位五十开外的电视剧作家,名叫劳伦斯·帕斯摩尔,但因其光秃的头顶和矮胖的身材,圈内人士都叫他“墩子”。墩子的情景喜剧《邻居》获得了巨大的成功,他生活的其他方面似乎也同样成功,版税“像打开的水龙头里的水一样涌进我的银行账户”,他有一个身材健美、在大学里当教师的妻子,有让人羡慕的家庭、豪华轿车、位于市郊的豪华别墅,在伦敦还有一套公寓,有一个柏拉图式的情人……可是,他“大部分时间都感到不快乐”,还受着一种莫名其妙的膝盖疼痛的困扰。他尝试过几乎所有心理治疗方法,包括认知行为治疗,理疗,瑜伽功,芳香疗法,针灸,做过膝关节内窥镜手术,可是一切都徒劳无益。一向忠实于他,或者他自以为忠实于他的妻子突然提出要跟他分手,原因是忍受不了继续跟他生活在一起。他的生活陷入了前所未有的危机。他犯了疑妻症,跟踪妻子的网球教练并深夜闯入他家,结果因此成了小报丑闻报道的主角;他开始入迷地在克尔恺郭尔的著作和生平中寻找共鸣;他马不停蹄地飞往好莱坞、西班牙的特纳里夫、哥本哈根,饥不择食地寻找可能的性爱伙伴,想获得婚姻破裂后的心理补偿,结果是出尽洋相,无功而返;他遵医嘱写日记,写回忆录;他千里迢迢追踪正在朝圣的初恋情人……,19.50元,9787806574690,7806574697 read,2008-01-09T11:05:23Z,129,7.4,戴维·洛奇,平装,250,作家出版社,大英博物馆在倒塌,,," ",13.00元,9787506312967,7506312964 read,2008-01-09T08:50:07Z,292,8.9,[美] 埃里克·方纳,平装,534,商务印书馆,美国自由的故事,,埃里克·方纳(Eric Foner)是美国哥伦比亚大学德威特·克林顿历史学讲座教授,当代美国最有影响力的历史学家之一。自1970年发表其成名作《自由土地、自由劳力、自由人:内战前共和党的意识形态》起,方纳在美国内战史、重建史、黑人史和政治文化史等领域中著述甚丰,成就显著。重要著述包括《汤姆・潘恩与革命时期的美国》(1976)、《内战时期的政治与意识形态》(1980)、《除了自由一无所有:黑人解放及其遗产》(1983)、《重建:美利坚未完成的革命(1863-1877)》(1988,该书获得象征美国史学界最高荣誉的班克罗夫特奖和其他学术大奖)、《美国自由的故事》(1998)和《谁拥有历史:在变化的世界中重新思考过去》(2002)。方纳是美国艺术与科学院院上和英国皇家科学院通讯院士,并分别在1993年和2000年当选为美国历史学家组织《OAH)和美国历史学会(AHA)的主席。,作者埃里克·方纳以“自由”这一复杂的概念为主题,考察了“自由”在美国历史上的多元表现方式,揭示了“自由”概念在美国历史上的演变进程。这部专著一方面有助于读者全面深入地认识美国“自由”的本质;同时另一方面,方纳以综合性的叙事笔法讲述了“自由”为主题的美国历史,给人以轻松愉快的阅读感受。,69.00元,9787100035590,7100035597 read,2008-01-09T08:45:40Z,159,8.7,雅·哈谢克,,253,译林出版社,好兵帅克,,,,8.5,9787805671123,7805671125 read,2008-01-09T08:45:02Z,169,9.1,Judith M. Bennett; C. Warren Hollister,,383,北京大学出版社,欧洲中世纪简史,,,"欧洲中世纪,过去曾经被我们认为是在愚昧的教士主宰之下的“黑暗时代”,“半梦半醒的一千年”。20世纪的史学家们已经终结了这一神话。在当代英语世界,《欧洲中世纪简史》是一本准确、权威的中世纪史入门佳作。它以清晰的线索、全面的描述让读者看到了中世纪的光明与活力。 作者将中世纪史析为早期(500—1000)、中期(1000—1300)、晚期(1300~1500)三阶段。在第一阶段,罗马皈依基督教之后,古典文化与基督教文化、日耳曼文化相融合,促成了欧洲的诞生。查理大帝一度雄霸西欧。第二阶级是中世纪的盛期,经济起飞,城市兴起,政治文教发达,三百年问精彩叠现。第三阶段两百年,教廷分裂,英法百年征战,哀鸿遍野,疫病流行,一片颓败之势。而瘟疫过后,欧洲文化重又焕发生机,宗教革新,文艺复兴,科学革命,“理性时代”的近代欧洲呼之欲出。 本书由霍莱斯特教授始作于20世纪60年代,此后不断修订,内容与时俱进。霍莱斯特逝后,擅长妇女史的贝内特教授继续增补此书。第十版保持了原作结构上的平衡,叙述简明扼要,而且在社会文化史方面,内容更为丰富。",45.00元,9787301127377,7301127375 read,2008-01-09T08:42:40Z,25859,9.3,[英] 乔治·奥威尔,平装,397,上海译文出版社,一九八四·动物农场,,"乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell, 1903-1950),英国作家。本名埃里克·亚瑟·布莱尔(Eric Arthur Blair),生于印度,父亲为殖民地官员。14岁考入伊顿公学,获取奖学金。1921从伊顿公学毕业后考取公职,到缅甸作了一名帝国警察,在那里,被奴役的殖民地人民的悲惨生活刺激了奥威尔的良知。他1927年辞职,后来写下与此段经历有关的《绞刑》(A Hanging, 1931),《缅甸岁月》(Burmese Days, 1934)和《猎象记》(Shooting an Elephant, 1936)这些纪实性作品。 1928年1月回国后,奥威尔深入到社会底层,四处漂泊流落。在巴黎、伦敦两地,当过洗盘子的杂工,住过贫民窟,常常混迹在流浪汉和乞丐之中。次年,写下了关于这段经历的纪实性作品《巴黎伦敦落魄记》(Down and Out in Paris and London, 1933),真切地描述了生活在社会底层的人民的苦难。正是在为这部作品署名时,他用了“乔治·奥威尔”这一笔名。 1936年7月,西班牙内战爆发。同年年底,奥威尔与新婚妻子一同奔赴西班牙,投身于保卫共和政府的战斗。奥威尔在前线担任少尉,喉部曾受重伤。他为记述西班牙内战而写的《向卡特洛尼亚致敬》(Homage to Catalonia, 1938)一书,后来成为关于这场内战的一部权威性文献。 西班牙左翼共和政府的内部分裂,致使战争失利,而奥威尔差一点丧身在共和政府内部党派之争的倾轧中。这个惨痛的经验对他影响巨大。他曾说自己“从1930年起就是一个社会主义者了”,而这时候,他又开始考虑“捍卫民主社会主义”的问题了。这个思想出发点,一直影响到他后期的影响最广的两部名作——《动物农场》和《1984》的创作。 1950年1月,奥威尔病逝,终年46岁。",《一九八四》和《动物农场》是奥威尔的传世之作,堪称世界文坛上最著名的政治讽喻小说。他在小说中他创造的“老大哥”、“双重思想”、“新话”等词汇都已收入权威的英语词典,甚至由他的姓衍生了一个形容词“奥威尔式”不断出现在报道国际新闻的记者笔下,足见其作品在英语国家影响之深远。“多一个人看奥威尔,就多了一份自由的保障”,有评家如是说。,23.00元,9787532729357,7532729354