# UnityShaderST3 A sublime text plugin which aim at boosting happiness when editing Unity Shader, behaved as IDE-like, followed the lastest Unity release. 中文说明移步 >> [README_CH.md](doc/README_CH.md) There is a README.md copied in Chinese. ## Main Functions - Syntax Highligt - Code Completions - Code Format ( achieved by a parser speci for .shader grammer, see [beautify_unity_shader](https://github.com/waqiju/beautify_unity_shader) ) - Goto Definition ## Preview
syntax_highligt_preview code_format_preview
## Features - Comprehensive syntax highlight rules for .shader and .cginc files - Plentiful words for code completions, such as keywords, cg functions and Unity3D built-in marcos/variables/functions etc - Alterable Unity3D version in response to incompatibility among different Unity3D releases. For Detail, please see Menu->Peferences->Package Settings->Unity Shader->Setting - Default - Scour and clean your source code in a accurate way - Goto definition for built-in marcos/variables/functions - Keep pace with the lastest version of both Sublime Text(3.X) and Unity3D(5.X) ## Installtion **By Package Control (Recommend)** Search on Sublime Package Control by ```Unity Shader``` and install. https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Unity%20Shader **Manual Install** 1. Download the project as zip 2. Unzip the zip file, rename the folder as UnityShader and move it to sublime text's package folder (Menu->Preferences->Browse Packages) ## Issue If you discover any mistake or inspire any better idea, welcome to feedback at [Github Issue](https://github.com/waqiju/unity_shader_st3/issues). ## Credit At the beginning, [cjsjy123 / Unity-Shader](https://github.com/cjsjy123/Unity-Shader) give me a lot inspirations and a example of Sublime Text plugin.