Savings Area,Directorate,Savings Option,Description of Savings Option, Saving 2010/11 (£'000) , Extra Saving 2011/12 (£'000) , Extra Saving 2012/13 (£'000) , Extra Saving 2013/14 (£'000) AH1,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Customer Access,"Streamline the adult customer journey, supported by increased mobile working and conversion to a more efficient assessment process, to meet the same needs. The option includes a review of team manager posts.",232 ,38 ,400 ,92 AH2,"Adult, Health and Community Services",PHILLIS,Recommission the PHILLIS service with a view to reducing costs through delivery by the voluntary sector and/or existing teams.,150 ,150 ,0 ,0 AH3,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Continuing Health Care,Ensure all community health care packages are appropriate and where this is found not to be the case recover costs from the NHS.,104 ,104 ,0 ,0 AH4,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Reablement,"Invest in an internal reablement service, so reducing the cost of traditional care packages.","1,302 ","1,246 ",188 ,0 AH5,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Extra Care and Residential Care,"Invest in more specialist residential care and extra care, removing the excess capacity in residential care services.",139 ,243 ,52 ,449 AH6,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Adult social care charging policy,"Increase the charges for community based adult social care services. This will include reviewing the level of and subsidy, raising the ceilings on charges and reducing the minimum income protection provided.",769 ,"2,007 ",324 ,0 AH7,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Homecare,"Full year effect of the reduction in costs following the review of operational practices, terms and conditions and the overall mix of provision of homecare.",685 ,222 ,114 ,214 AH8,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Day services and voluntary sector provision,"Reduce the provision of day care services (voluntary sector, internally and externally provided) and reinvest 50% of the savings into personalisation.",349 ,272 ,373 ,246 AH9,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Transport costs,Rationalise transport services in line with the day services review (AH8).,37 ,71 ,65 ,25 AH10,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Application of the Fair Access to Care Services criteria,Review care packages with low contact hours to ensure compliance with the substantial or critical level of care need required for continued funding.,154 ,0 ,0 ,0 AH11,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Reviewing Service,Reassess the cost of care packages where reviews have been undertaken by the Reviewing Service and implement efficiencies in the service.,75 ,100 ,100 ,0 AH12,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Residential care homes,Reduce costs associated with spending on empty residential care beds.,160 ,0 ,0 ,0 AH13,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Management structures - community support services,Reduce the number of management posts,202 ,0 ,0 ,0 AH14,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Management structures - adult social care,Reduce the number of management posts,163 ,58 ,151 ,0 AH15,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Allowance for double counting of Adult Social Care savings,The adult social care savings initiatives have the potential to impact on the same services. A 5% overall reduction in the savings options is included as an allowance for any duplication.,(200),(222),(81),(52) AH20,"Adult, Health and Community Services",Funding pressures not known at this stage,Higher savings made in the plan's early years to ensure the service does not overspend as a result of slippage or any emergent spending pressure.,(69),"(1,473)","1,542 ",0 AH21,"Adult, Health and Community Services","Unidentified Adult, Health and Community Services savings",Further savings required to meet the savings target in future years.,131 ,512 ,210 ,"2,588 " AH28,"Adult, Health and Community Services","Libraries, Heritage and Cultural Services",Rationalise the services to deliver savings to the level identified and to resolve the underlying structural overspend in the library service including the reimbursement of the 2009/10 overspend by the end of 2013/14.,70 ,70 ,70 ,70 CY1,"Children, Young People and Families",Post 16 transport,Remove transport arrangements for home to college transport.,379 ,550 ,371 ,0 CY2,"Children, Young People and Families",Music Service,"Reduce the subsidy for the County Music Service and investigate the potential for sub-regional collaboration on this service with Coventry and Solihull, to generate compensating savings in order to minimise the impact on clients of the service.",223 ,327 ,245 ,0 CY3,"Children, Young People and Families",Integrated Youth Support Services,"Streamline IYSS activities and places of service delivery to reflect the level of need in a locality, using Youth Panels and Youth Forums to reprioritise service provision.",300 ,300 ,0 ,0 CY4,"Children, Young People and Families",Arts Zone,Review the service provision as part of reducing the cost and subsidy provided to cultural services.,117 ,0 ,0 ,0 CY5,"Children, Young People and Families",Accommodation,Increase the use of mobile working and further integrate and rationalise services in localities leading to a reduction in the need for accommodation.,140 ,63 ,0 ,0 CY6,"Children, Young People and Families",ICT investment and new ways of working,"Invest in ICT and new ways of working to deliver more efficient services. This includes mobile working for social workers, streamlining cost centre manager support and only using electronic communications with schools. ",100 ,100 ,100 ,100 CY7,"Children, Young People and Families",Management structures,"Move to a locality based structure, with a reduced management structure, to support and deliver children's services. The transition will take three years to implement.",0 ,360 ,500 ,0 CY8,"Children, Young People and Families",Sub-regional working,"Maximise front-line capacity and reduce bureaucracy by working on a sub-regional basis. Includes investigating sub-regional approaches for services including fostering and adoption, youth support, youth offending, traded services with schools, education psychologists and school improvement to reduce costs.",20 ,200 ,100 ,100 CY9,"Children, Young People and Families",Commissioning,"Continue progress towards a commissioning-based approach, using evidence to streamline and decommission services.",130 ,50 ,100 ,100 CY10,"Children, Young People and Families",REACCH Service,"Mainstream the activity through care plans, monitored through children's panels to integrate the statutory requirement in social work practice.",55 ,0 ,0 ,0 CY11,"Children, Young People and Families",Grounds Maintenance management,Centralise and manage grounds maintenance within the Resources Directorate as part of facilities management. ,40 ,0 ,0 ,0 CY12,"Children, Young People and Families",Developer Contributions management,Manage developer contributions corporately to reduce duplication between directorates.,30 ,0 ,0 ,0 CY13,"Children, Young People and Families",Student Finance,When responsibility for student finance transfers to the Student Loans Company from April 2011 the service will no longer be required.,0 ,70 ,0 ,0 CY14,"Children, Young People and Families",Youth Services Development Grants,Reduce the number of grants given out to third sector organisations.,25 ,0 ,0 ,0 CY15,"Children, Young People and Families",Special Educational Needs Transport (including taxi usage),"Implement the proposals in the business process improvement review of special educational needs transport, to make the service more efficient and introduce independent travelling arrangements for young people with disabilities aged 14+.",75 ,0 ,0 ,0 CY16,"Children, Young People and Families",Outdoor Education Centres,Make the outdoor education centres at Marle Hall and Kingsbury Water Park self financing ,0 ,10 ,35 ,0 CY17,"Children, Young People and Families",Early Intervention Service,"Complete the development of integrated working and locality working, removing the need for project capacity.",80 ,50 ,0 ,0 CY18,"Children, Young People and Families",Early Years Advisors and the Integrated Disability Service 0-5 team,Integrate and streamline the work of the IDS 0-5 team and the Early Years Advisor role to reduce costs.,100 ,0 ,0 ,0 CY19,"Children, Young People and Families",Looked after children in residential care.,"Support looked after children in family settings whenever possible, reducing the need to fund residential care placements.",100 ,0 ,0 ,0 CY20,"Children, Young People and Families",Parenting and family support services,"Rationalise the processes and procedures in the provision of parenting and family support services to eliminate duplication. ",25 ,0 ,0 ,0 CY21,"Children, Young People and Families",Unidentified savings,,(13),(49),616 ,"1,756 " CW1,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Core Legal budget,Reduce the core legal and insurance budget.,37 ,0 ,0 ,0 CW3,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",School governance,Reduce the range of free services provided to governors.,15 ,0 ,0 ,0 CW4,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Audit and Risk Management,Reduce the audit and risk team by one member of staff.,25 ,0 ,0 ,0 CW5,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Workforce Strategy and Development,Reduce staff levels across the division.,154 ,0 ,0 ,0 CW6,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Communications,"Reduce staff and services, do not renew leases on equipment.",42 ,4 ,3 ,0 CW7,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Registration,Consolidate registration services into key offices.,9 ,12 ,12 ,0 CW8,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Customer Complaints and Customer Service,Reduce the commissioning of external investigations into complaints.,17 ,0 ,0 ,0 CW9,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Equality and Diversity,Reduce grant schemes,14 ,9 ,8 ,0 CW10,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",One-Stop Shops and Customer Contact,"Reduce funding for projects, reduce staff levels through integration with libraries and the CSC.",168 ,0 ,0 ,0 CW11,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Information Management,"Reduce costs through the generation of external funding, efficiency improvements and viewing the level of subsidy provided.",6 ,0 ,0 ,0 CW12,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Resources,Streamline administrative support provided to the directorate.,35 ,0 ,0 ,0 CW13,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Judges House,Reduce spending at Judges House in anticipation of the courts transfer to Leamington Spa.,8 ,0 ,0 ,0 CW14,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Community Grants,Reduce grants.,106 ,42 ,41 ,0 CW15,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Localities and Communities Team,Reduce staff numbers and spending. Some savings to be delivered as part of the management structure review the balance through the possible merger of area offices.,18 ,26 ,25 ,0 CW16,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Community Safety,Reduce administrative posts,0 ,29 ,28 ,0 CW17,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Management Structures,Reduce the number of management posts.,Not costed yet,Not costed yet,Not costed yet,Not costed yet CW18,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Core Services and Processes Review,Core services and processes are constantly under review. At this stage it is too early to quantify the reductions that are achievable.,Not costed yet,Not costed yet,Not costed yet,Not costed yet CW19,"Customers, Workforce and Governance",Unidentified savings,Savings to be identified from the reviews listed above.,0 ,253 ,255 ,368 EE1,Environment and Economy,Economy and Development - provision of a strategic and commissioning service,"Rationalise services themselves and the approach to delivery of services, curtailing activity which other agencies can do effectively.",255 ,0 ,70 ,70 EE2,Environment and Economy,Economy and Development signature projects and sub-regional working,"The long term challenges will require sub-regional cooperation (with maintained cross-authority political cohesion). There are opportunities to take forward external funding on a sub-regional basis e.g. SUD alongside a greater focus of activity on fewer but significant ""signature"" projects. Refocus activity on co-ordination rather than delivery.",140 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE3,Environment and Economy,Economy and Development - shared services,Share costs with other agencies (e.g. with AWM in relation to feasibility studies) and review payments to outside bodies & consultants (e.g. BIDs where the pilot is being brought to a close).,150 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE4,Environment and Economy,Economy and Development - increase income,Refocus the service to reduce time spent on non-funded activities (such as EBP) and generate more income from the business property portfolio. ,80 ,90 ,25 ,25 EE5,Environment and Economy,Gypsy and Traveller Services.,Increase income and reduce costs following improvements to sites.,55 ,0 ,15 ,15 EE6,Environment and Economy,Economy and Development - management structure,Implement the third tier restructuring & take advantage of opportunities for further downsizing in 2010 as managers retire.,200 ,0 ,50 ,50 EE7,Environment and Economy,Economy and Development - unidentified savings,,0 ,31 ,26 ,31 EE8,Environment and Economy,Waste Disposal - service reconfiguration.,Reconfigure the service with more emphasis on partnership working with neighbouring authorities and the waste collection authorities to reduce costs. This will include higher levels of recycling and composting and a move away from landfill to alternative forms of waste treatment such as Energy from Waste.,175 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE9,Environment and Economy,Environment - reduce services,"Reconfigure services, including the reduction in opening times of Household Waste Recycling Centres.",0 ,100 ,150 ,150 EE10,Environment and Economy,Environment - ICT projects,Reduce ICT project funding.,10 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE11,Environment and Economy,Country Parks,Increase visitor numbers and associated income.,50 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE12,Environment and Economy,Smallholdings - increased income,"Increase fees and charges and rents above RPI. Develop new ventures with third parties that generate income and/or visits and/or profit share arrangements.",0 ,10 ,20 ,20 EE13,Environment and Economy,Smallholdings - estate management,"Put the management of the estate onto a proactive footing with a focus on maximising its value as a long term asset for WCC, promoting the enhancement of the Warwickshire landscape and public accessibility and maximising the food and agricultural diversification opportunities.",20 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE14,Environment and Economy,Environment - management structure,Reduce the number of management posts.,0 ,50 ,50 ,50 EE15,Environment and Economy,Resources,Restructure and rationalise service provision.,51 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE17,Environment and Economy,Environment - unidentified savings,,0 ,270 ,232 ,270 EE18,Environment and Economy,Trading Standards Service - reprioritisation,Refocus the frontline resource by customising the National Intelligence Model (NIM) for identifying priorities. This will allow a reduction in staff numbers.,75 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE19,Environment and Economy,Development Regulations,Rationalise monitoring/administration ,15 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE20,Environment and Economy,Trading Standards Service & Emergency Planning Unit shared services and partnership working,"Introduce a shared approach for regulatory and emergency management delivery. Savings will derive from economies of scale, sharing management and specialist capacity.",0 ,0 ,25 ,75 EE21,Environment and Economy,"Trading Standards, Regulation and EM - travel costs",10% saving on travel costs,14 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE22,Environment and Economy,Trading Standards - BPI review of key processes.,"Review and develop processes to eliminate waste, thereby reducing costs.",0 ,0 ,50 ,0 EE23,Environment and Economy,TSREM support services,Streamline all activity that isn't direct frontline service delivery. Maximising the opportunities afforded by joint working within the directorate.,0 ,10 ,0 ,0 EE24,Environment and Economy,TSREM - income generation,Generate additional income from S38 and Green Travel Plans,12 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE25,Environment and Economy,TSREM - management structure,Reduce number of management posts,0 ,50 ,50 ,50 EE26,Environment and Economy,TSREM - unidentified savings,Rationalise and reconfigure services to deliver further savings,0 ,84 ,97 ,104 EE27,Environment and Economy,Street Lighting and other efficiencies,Reduce street lighting energy usage through a policy of switching off/dimming some street lights at certain times and other efficiencies.,50 ,100 ,100 ,100 EE28,Environment and Economy,Park and Ride,Increase in income from Stratford Park and Ride.,10 ,20 ,20 ,20 EE29,Environment and Economy,Highway Maintenance,Reduce the cost of highways maintenance delivered by the new maintenance contract. Secure efficiencies through the Customer Service Centre.,0 ,300 ,100 ,100 EE30,Environment and Economy,Transport and Highways - management structure, ,0 ,50 ,100 ,100 EE31,Environment and Economy,County Highways,Rationalise services and deliver efficiencies,300 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE32,Environment and Economy,Rights of Way,Rationalise services and deliver efficiencies,50 ,50 ,50 ,50 EE33,Environment and Economy,Transport Planning,"Reduce accommodation costs, reduce the transport development budget & equipment purchases.",75 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE34,Environment and Economy,Road Safety,Reduce staff numbers and withdraw from or increase income from road safety education and training activity.,20 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE35,Environment and Economy,Traffic Projects,"Withdraw funding for minor works, e.g. provision of ""signs and lines"".",25 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE36,Environment and Economy,Transport Operations,Reduce spending through e-procurement and ongoing efficiency savings.,28 ,0 ,0 ,0 EE37,Environment and Economy,Transport and Highways - reduce services or the cost of services,"Reductions in services, to be determined.",0 ,175 ,275 ,275 EE38,Environment and Economy,Leadership Team,Reduction of one Head of Service post,0 ,100 ,0 ,0 EE39,Environment and Economy,Unidentified savings,,(7),(91),(42),(20) PP1,Performance and Partnerships Unit, Unidentified savings ,,70 ,40 ,40 ,39 RE1,Resources,Re-organisation and restructuring,Reorganisation and restructuring across the directorate.,77 ,132 ,70 ,126 RE2,Resources,Administrative support,Review admin processes and the deployment of support staff across the directorate to reduce costs.,40 ,0 ,0 ,0 RE3,Resources,Training,Reduce training budgets across the directorate.,25 ,0 ,0 ,0 RE4,Resources,Learning and Development Academy,End funding for the project manager post once business case has been developed.,43 ,21 ,0 ,0 RE5,Resources,One-off savings,One-off income generation through the secondment of staff.,43 ,(45),4 ,8 RE6,Resources,Facilities and Asset Management - market testing,Market test elements of direct service delivery. The exact nature of the service delivered following market testing and the level of any savings will be determined by the results of the testing exercise.,0 ,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage RE7,Resources,Facilities and Asset Management - contribution from trading activities,Improve efficiency within existing in-house traded services leading to an increased contribution.,50 ,0 ,0 ,0 RE8,Resources,Strategic Asset Management Service and County Offices,"Restructure administrative support, re-organisation of fire security duties and efficiencies from new Property/FM systems to reduce costs.",47 ,20 ,20 ,0 RE9,Resources,Car Park service,Remove the car park attendant service.,42 ,0 ,0 ,0 RE10,Resources,Property Portfolio,Rationalise the property portfolio across the County by occupying our buildings in a more effective way (either individually or with partner organisations) and/or utilising the results of disposals.,0 ,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage RE11,Resources,Accommodation,"Decrease our need for accommodation by undertaking a thorough review, across all services, to identify those suitable for modern and flexible working followed by a managed plan to implement appropriate arrangements .",0 ,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage RE12,Resources,Financial Management - authority-wide,Implement the new financial system and associated process and structural changes.,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage RE13,Resources,Corporate Finance,Streamline processes in Corporate Finance as a result of implementing new financial systems.,2 ,80 ,19 ,38 RE14,Resources,Car loans,Stop offering employee car loans.,0 ,15 ,0 ,0 RE15,Resources,Payslips,Stop providing payslips to staff with self service access to HRMS.,10 ,0 ,0 ,0 RE16,Resources,Financial support to VFM and the MTFP,Reduce support to corporate financial planning processes.,0 ,12 ,29 ,0 RE17,Resources,Strategic Procurement,Reduce support to sustainable procurement.,0 ,0 ,0 ,45 RE18,Resources,Corporate Finance - minor savings,,2 ,0 ,0 ,0 RE19,Resources,ICT - corporate applications development,"Rationalise corporate funding for applications development and research. Utilise more generic facilities via the internet, develop more flexible systems and continue consolidation of ICT systems. ",50 ,0 ,100 ,0 RE20,Resources,ICT - research,Reduce research.,0 ,0 ,32 ,0 RE21,Resources,ICT - staffing,Reduce ICT staffing.,6 ,78 ,0 ,52 RE22,Resources,ICT staff training facilities,Introduce and embed improved ICT staff training facilities.,0 ,0 ,0 ,15 RE23,Resources,ICT - increase efficiency,"Streamline technical support, support at the Service Desk and to the PC roll-out programme as number of authority users reduces.",31 ,31 ,38 ,47 RE24,Resources,ICT - management support,"Rationalise management support, marketing, events etc partially offset by improved efficiency and e-communication to staff.",0 ,0 ,33 ,0 RE25,Resources,Quantity surveyors,Replace external contractor contracts by more efficient use of use of in-house quantity surveyors.,40 ,0 ,0 ,0 RE26,Resources,Property and Construction Services - procurement,Review sub regional opportunities for better procurement.,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage,Not known at this stage RE27,Resources,Property and Construction Services - process reengineering,Deliver efficiencies from process re-engineering and the new property FM systems,37 ,47 ,10 ,45 RE28,Resources,Design and Construction Service,"Streamline the Design and Construction Service in the light of anticipated reductions in the capital programme. Generate efficiencies by re-engineering functions, including Clerk of Works. This may include increasing fees.",64 ,11 ,0 ,0 RE29,Resources,Schools Technical Support,Remodel and reduce the STS service.,85 ,(28),0 ,0 RE30,Resources,Strategic Resource Development - increase efficiency,Increase efficiency from implementation of new financial processes and the implementation of the new financial/property systems.,17 ,9 ,48 ,13 RE31,Resources,Directorate training,Reduce training budgets,40 ,20 ,0 ,0 RE32,Resources,Development capacity,Reduce development capacity across the support functions,0 ,28 ,31 ,46 RE33,Resources,Strategic Resource Development - minor savings,,6 ,0 ,0 ,0