const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const fs = require('fs'); const util = require("util"); const path = require('path'); const commandExistsSync = require('command-exists').sync; const chalk = require('chalk'); const Watchpack = require('watchpack'); const stat = util.promisify(fs.stat); const error = msg => console.log(; const info = msg => console.log(; // const wasmPackPath = process.env["WASM_PACK_PATH"]; class WasmPackPlugin { constructor(options) { /** * In some cases Webpack will require the pkg entrypoint before it actually * exists. To mitigate that we are forcing a first compilation. * * See */ this._ranInitialCompilation = false; this.crateDirectory = options.crateDirectory; this.forceWatch = options.forceWatch; this.forceMode = options.forceMode; this.extraArgs = (options.extraArgs || '').trim().split(' ').filter(x => x); this.outDir = options.outDir || "pkg"; this.outName = options.outName || "index"; this.watchDirectories = (options.watchDirectories || []) .concat(path.resolve(this.crateDirectory, 'src')); this.watchFiles = [path.resolve(this.crateDirectory, 'Cargo.toml')]; this.wp = new Watchpack(); this.isDebug = true; this.error = null; } apply(compiler) { this.isDebug = this.forceMode ? this.forceMode === "development" : compiler.options.mode === "development"; // This fixes an error in Webpack where it cannot find // the `pkg/index.js` file if Rust compilation errors. this._makeEmpty(); // force first compilation compiler.hooks.beforeCompile.tapPromise('WasmPackPlugin', () => { if (this._ranInitialCompilation === true) { return Promise.resolve(); } this._ranInitialCompilation = true; return this._checkWasmPack() .then(() => { const shouldWatch = this.forceWatch || (this.forceWatch === undefined && compiler.watchMode); if (shouldWatch) {, this.watchDirectories, - 10000); this.wp.on('change', () => { this._compile(true); }); } return this._compile(false); }); }); let first = true; compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap('WasmPackPlugin', (compilation) => { // Super hacky, needed to workaround a bug in Webpack which causes // thisCompilation to be triggered twice on the first compilation. if (first) { first = false; } else { // This is needed in order to gracefully handle errors in Webpack, // since Webpack has its own custom error system. if (this.error != null) { compilation.errors.push(this.error); } } }); } _makeEmpty() { try { fs.mkdirSync(this.outDir); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== "EEXIST") { throw e; } } fs.writeFileSync(path.join(this.outDir, this.outName + ".js"), ""); } _checkWasmPack() { info('🧐 Checking for wasm-pack...\n'); if (wasmPackPath !== undefined) { info('✅ wasm-pack is installed; managed by another tool. \n'); return Promise.resolve(); } else if (commandExistsSync('wasm-pack')) { info('✅ wasm-pack is installed. \n'); return Promise.resolve(); } else { info('ℹī¸ Installing wasm-pack \n'); return runProcess('cargo', ['install', 'wasm-pack'], {}); } } _compile(watching) { info(`ℹī¸ Compiling your crate in ${this.isDebug ? 'development' : 'release'} mode...\n`); return stat(this.crateDirectory).then(stats => { if (!stats.isDirectory()) { throw new Error(`${this.crateDirectory} is not a directory`); } }).then(() => { return spawnWasmPack({ outDir: this.outDir, outName: this.outName, isDebug: this.isDebug, cwd: this.crateDirectory, extraArgs: this.extraArgs, }); }).then((detail) => { // This clears out the error when the compilation succeeds. this.error = null; if (detail) { info(detail); } info('✅ Your crate has been correctly compiled\n'); }) .catch((e) => { // Webpack has a custom error system, so we cannot return an // error directly, instead we need to trigger it later. this.error = e; if (watching) { // This is to trigger a recompilation so it displays the error message this._makeEmpty(); } }); } } function spawnWasmPack({ outDir, outName, isDebug, cwd, extraArgs }) { const bin = wasmPackPath || 'wasm-pack'; const args = [ '--verbose', 'build', '--out-dir', outDir, '--out-name', outName, ...(isDebug ? ['--dev'] : []), ...extraArgs ]; const options = { cwd, stdio: "inherit" }; return runProcess(bin, args, options); } function runProcess(bin, args, options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const p = spawn(bin, args, options); p.on('close', code => { if (code === 0) { resolve(); } else { reject(new Error("Rust compilation.")); } }); p.on('error', reject); }); } module.exports = WasmPackPlugin;