{ "intents": [ { "intent": "color_block", "examples": [ { "text": "Show me a color block" }, { "text": "color block" } ], "description": "" } ], "entities": [], "metadata": { "api_version": { "major_version": "v2", "minor_version": "2018-11-08" } }, "dialog_nodes": [ { "type": "standard", "title": "Anything else", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I didn't understand. You can try rephrasing." }, { "text": "Can you reword your statement? I'm not understanding." }, { "text": "I didn't get your meaning." } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "conditions": "anything_else", "dialog_node": "Anything else", "previous_sibling": "node_8_1571943631595" }, { "type": "standard", "title": "color block", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "Below is a block with a button in it. When you click the button, a random background color will be chosen." } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "user_defined": { "user_defined_type": "color_box" }, "response_type": "user_defined" }, { "values": [ { "text": "Isn't that fun?" } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "context": {}, "conditions": "#color_block", "dialog_node": "node_8_1571943631595", "previous_sibling": "Welcome" }, { "type": "standard", "title": "Welcome", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "This dialog skill is configured to send a \"user_defined\" response type." } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "title": "Select a response", "options": [ { "label": "Show me a color block.", "value": { "input": { "text": "Show me a color block." } } } ], "description": "If you declare \"Show me a color block\", a user_defined response type will be returned that creates an element with a random background color.", "response_type": "option" } ] }, "conditions": "welcome", "dialog_node": "Welcome" } ], "counterexamples": [], "system_settings": { "tooling": { "store_generic_responses": true }, "off_topic": { "enabled": true }, "disambiguation": { "prompt": "Did you mean:", "none_of_the_above_prompt": "None of the above" }, "human_agent_assist": { "prompt": "Did you mean:" }, "spelling_auto_correct": true }, "learning_opt_out": false, "name": "User Defined Response Types", "language": "en", "description": "A sample skill to show off creating a user_defined response type." }