What can I call you? What's your name? Genre, Rating, Recency $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} $ (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} $ movies {Genre_Preference.value:main} {Certification_Preference.value:main} {Recency_Preference.value:main} movies Movie-related $ (BY_OTHER_MOVIE)={Topic} $ showtimes $ theaters $ fandango $ reviews $ review $ critiques $ critique $ old movies $ classic movies $ oldies $ classics $ trailers $ reviews $ (DINING)={Topic} $ (WEATHER)={Topic} $ (TRAFFIC)={Topic} Preliminaries $ what do you know $ what can you do $ what can I do $ what can you tell $ what kind of $ what else do you know $ what do you have information $ do you know $ can you $ do you have information $ can I Why do you need to know? $ why $ need to know $ use it $ do with it Just trying to be friendly. I don't want to give it! $ don't want $ no $ refuse $ none of your business That's fine. My name is my name is (DYNAMIC_DATA)={User_Name} mine is (DYNAMIC_DATA)={User_Name} (DYNAMIC_DATA)={User_Name} (DYNAMIC_DATA)={User_Name} GiveName {User_Name.source} Hi {User_Name}! Would you like to find a movie that's now playing or coming soon? How can I help you? What can I do for you? {Class1} {MCT:CUSTOM:Calculate:value} 0.90 0.90 ~{Class1} 0.90 0.75 SearchMovies CheckShowtimes LookupActors LookupDirectors PreSequence OpeningTalk ClosingTalk RepairTalk GiveName SmallTalk {Array_Lookup.{Class1}} Do you mean {Class1_Text}? Yes ~{Previous_Class} Correct Class $ (CLASSES)={Class1} {Class1.value:main} ~{Class1} No Please rephrase your request. 0.85 0.85 SearchMovies CheckShowtimes LookupActors LookupDirectors SearchMovies CheckShowtimes LookupActors LookupDirectors I'm not sure what you mean. Try <i>What's in theaters?</i> I'm afraid I don't understand. I can't recognize movie titles at this time. I'm sorry, I don't understand. Try <i>What's playing?</i> Okay haha sorry no problem Is there anything else I can help you with? new 0 0.5 Yes No Okay. Did you find what you were looking for, {User_Name}? Yes Great! Goodbye. 0 Goodbye $ goodbye <i>Say anything to continue.</i> Welcome back! No Oh no. Do you want to try again? No Okay. Yes Okay. What can I do for you? This is fun, but wouldn't you like to look up some movies? Yes No 0 Okay, fine. Okay 0 0 PreSequence what can you do what do you know do you know about * can you look up * can I look up * what genres * which genres * * PreSequence 0 0 what genres do you know what genres * which genres * what are the genres * Action, adventure, animated, comedy, crime, documentary, drama, family, fantasy, foreign, historical, horror, music, mystery, romance, science fiction, TV movie, thriller, war movies and western. unsupported actions $ (UNSUPPORTED_ACTIONS)={Topic} {Topic.value:name} what $ what No. I'm afraid I can't {Topic}. supported actions $ (SUPPORTED_ACTIONS)={Topic} {Topic.value:name} what $ what Yes. I can {Topic}. unsupported genres $ (UNSUPPORTED_GENRES)={Topic} {Topic.value:main} what $ what No. I'm afraid {Topic} isn't a movie genre I know. Please try another one. Genres $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} {Genre_Preference.value:main} out-of-scope topics $ (DINING)={Topic} $ (WEATHER)={Topic} $ (TRAFFIC)={Topic} {Topic.value:main} 1 2 I'm sorry I don't know about that. Can I look up some movies for you? Yes No 0 Okay, fine. Okay what $ what No. I'm afraid I don't know much about {Topic}. Just movies. I can look up current and upcoming movies by Genre or MPAA Rating and show you trailers for them. But I'm afraid I cannot search by number of stars or by movie titles or actor and director names at this time. 0 0 unsupported genres $ (UNSUPPORTED_GENRES)={Topic} {Topic.value:main} GiveName * . GiveName OpeningTalk * OpeningTalk ClosingTalk * ClosingTalk SmallTalk * SmallTalk Wouldn't you rather find a movie? RepairTalk * RepairTalk This must be frustrating. OtherClass * OtherClass Hmmm. Misclassified Utterances thanks 0 0 LookupActors I want to look up actors look up actors * LookupActors I'm afraid I can't look up cast members. LookupDirectors I want to look up directors look up directors * LookupDirectors I'm afraid I can't look up directors. CheckShowtimes I want to check showtimes check showtimes $ (ZIPCODE)={ZIP_Code_Preference} * CheckShowtimes {Genre_Preference.value:main} 0 0 showtimes ZIP code $ (ZIPCODE)={ZIP_Code_Preference} showtimes {ZIP_Code_Preference.source} What's your ZIP code? zipcode $(ZIPCODE)={ZIP_Code_Preference} {ZIP_Code_Preference.source} I don&apos;t know it $ don&apos;t know $ don&apos;t have I&apos;m afraid I can only use ZIP codes to find movies. Okay Okay I don&apos;t think that&apos;s a ZIP code. Please only type 5 numbers. Okay. <a target="_blank" href="http://www.fandango.com/{ZIP_Code_Preference}_movietimes?q={ZIP_Code_Preference}">Click here</a> to get show times for the {ZIP_Code_Preference} area. Okay Zipcode $ (ZIPCODE)={ZIP_Code_Preference} {ZIP_Code_Preference.source} SearchMovies I want to search for movies search for movies * SearchMovies movies 0 0 0 new {Genre_Preference.value:main} {Certification_Preference.value:main} {Recency_Preference.value:main} movies Date/Time parent concept $ (DATE_TIME_RANGE)={DateTime_Mentioned_ENT} movies &lt;mct:getTime&gt;America/Tijuana&lt;/mct:getTime&gt; $ next Upcoming Upcoming {MCT:CUSTOM:CalculateTimeDiff:days} 1 Current Upcoming Certification $(CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} {Certification_Preference.value:main} movies Genre $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} {Genre_Preference.value:main} family-friendly $ family $ childrens $ child $ kid G movies Recency $ (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} movies {Recency_Preference.value:main} Location $ (ZIPCODE)={ZIP_Code_Preference} $ near me {ZIP_Code_Preference.source} Something that's now playing or coming soon? Genre or Rating $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} {Genre_Preference.value:main} new {Certification_Preference.value:main} how recent $ (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} {Recency_Preference.value:main} 0 neither $ neither $ don't want either no Okay. either one $ either $ I don't care $ whichever $ whenever $ no preference Okay. current yes Something that's now playing or coming soon? why does it matter $ why * matter $ why * want $ who cares $ both $ no preference $ doesn't matter Sorry, I need to look up current and upcoming movies separately. My name is $ my name is $ I am called $ I'm called $ people call me $ they call me Sorry. Are you in the mood for a specific genre? <mct:link><b><mct:input>Comedy</mct:input></b>. Make me laugh!<br></mct:link> <mct:link><b><mct:input>Romance</mct:input></b>, baby!<br></mct:link> <mct:link><b><mct:input>Horror</mct:input></b>, I'm in the mood to be scared.<br></mct:link> <mct:link><b><mct:input>Children's</mct:input></b>, let's keep it friendly.<br></mct:link> <mct:link><b><mct:input>Action</mct:input></b>! I love a good chase scene.<br></mct:link> <mct:link><b><mct:input>No Preference</mct:input></b></mct:link> Unsupported genres $ (UNSUPPORTED_GENRES)={Topic} {Topic.value:main} Sorry, {Topic} isn't a genre that I know. Please try another one. What genres do you know? $ what genres do you know $ what genres are there $ what genres exist $ what genres do you have What $ what are $ what is $ what do $ which $ tell me they $ they $ ones $ genres $ genre $ genre's $ choices $ choice $ options $ you have $ you know $ what else $ available Action, adventure, animated, comedy, crime, documentary, drama, family, fantasy, foreign, historical, horror, music, mystery, romance, science fiction, TV movie, thriller, war movies and western. suggest $ you suggest $ you recommend $ your favorite $ your favorites Well, Science Fiction is my favorite genre. Genre and rating $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} {Certification_Preference.value:main} {Genre_Preference.value:main} Family G Genre $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} {Genre_Preference.value:main} Family G No $ no $ no preference $ don't care $ don't know $ none $ all $ anything $ any $ whatever $ nothing specific $ don't have a preference $ I don't know Yes $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} {Certification_Preference.value:main} Which genre? Do you prefer a certain movie rating? <mct:link><b><mct:input>G</mct:input></b></mct:link> <mct:link><b><mct:input>PG</mct:input></b></mct:link> <mct:link><b><mct:input>PG-13</mct:input></b></mct:link> <mct:link><b><mct:input>R</mct:input></b></mct:link> <mct:link><b><mct:input>No Preference</mct:input></b></mct:link> What ratings do you know? $ what ratings do you know $ what ratings are there $ what ratings exist $ what ratings do you have What $ what are $ what is $ which $ tell me ratings $ they $ ones $ choices $ choice $ options $ ratings $ certifications $ what else $ available G, PG, PG-13, R or NR. Rating $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} 0 {Certification_Preference.value:main} new NC-17 $ NC-17 $ adult I&apos;m afraid I cannot look up NC-17-rated movies. No $ don't care $ don't know $ no preference $ no $ none $ all $ any $ anything $ whatever $ nothing specific $ don't have a preference $ I don't know 0 new Yes Which rating? Okay. "{Search_Now:"{Search_Now}", Recency:"{Recency_Preference}", Rating:"{Certification_Preference}", Genre:"{Genre_Preference}", Index:"{Current_Index}", Page:"{Page}"}" UPDATE NUM_MOVIES 0 I'm afraid I found {Num_Movies} {Recency_Preference} movies matching {Certification_Preference} {Genre_Preference}. Try changing your criteria. Okay Fine choice, {User_Name}! I found {Num_Movies} results for {Recency_Preference} {Certification_Preference}-rated movies. Nice choice, {User_Name}! I found {Num_Movies} results for {Recency_Preference} {Genre_Preference} movies. I found {Num_Movies} results for ALL {Recency_Preference} movies. Good choices, {User_Name}! I found {Num_Movies} results for {Recency_Preference} {Certification_Preference}-rated {Genre_Preference} movies. Okay Is there anything else I can help you with? Go back $ go back $ wait $ not done $ not finished Okay. Yes No Okay. What do you mean $ what do you mean $ what does that mean $ what did you mean $ what were those movies again $ what did you mean $ what are those These are the {Recency_Preference} movies. Go ahead and click one! When are those showing? $ when * showing $ when * playing $ when * play $ what times * showing $ what times * playing $ what times * play $ what * showtimes $ where * showing $ where * playing $ where * play Oh. You mean movies in your area. I must direct you to Fandango for that. Would you like the link? Yes okay Okay. No Okay. What are the ratings? $ ratings for it $ ratings does it get $ ratings it gets $ ratings it got $ ratings it received $ its ratings $ how many * stars why why not why do you say that $ how are the ratings $ what are the ratings like 0 I'm afraid no one has rated {Selected_Movie} yet. {Selected_Movie} gets {Popularity_Score} stars from users. okay $ sucks haha What is it about? $ what's it about? $ tell me about it $ what happens in it There should be a short description of {Selected_Movie} to the right. okay $ sucks haha What is * about? $ what is * about $ tell me about $ what's the plot of $ what's the storyline of $ what happens in Click on a movie above to find a brief description. Are those $ are those $ are these $ is that $ were those $ were these $ does this $ do these $ are they What are $ what are $ what were repeat all of them $ all $ it {Num_Movies} No. Say <i>show me more</i> if you want to see more. Yes. I'm afraid that's all of them. New search $ new search $ clear choices $ reset choices Okay. single_parameter (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} Is this a new search? Yes $ new search . {Class1} No $ same Remove genre $ remove (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} $ cancel (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} $ remove genre $ cancel genre $ any genre $ all genre 0 new Remove rating $ remove (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} $ cancel (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} $ remove rating $ cancel rating $ all ratings $ all rating $ any ratings $ any rating 0 new all movies $ all movies $ all results 0 new Showtimes $ showtimes $ times $ time $ showing $ near me $ local $ what's on at Recency and Genre $ (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} $ (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} * (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} * (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} 0 new {Recency_Preference.value:main} {Genre_Preference.value:main} rating $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} {Certification_Preference.value:main} Family G Recency and Rating $ (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} $ (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} * (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} * (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} {Certification_Preference.value:main} 0 new {Recency_Preference.value:main} genre $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} {Genre_Preference.value:main} Genre and Rating $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} * (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} * (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} {Genre_Preference.value:main} new {Certification_Preference.value:main} 0 recency $ (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} {Recency_Preference.value:main} Recency $ (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} {Recency_Preference.value:main} 0 new all $ all $ just $ any Genre $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} $ genre {Genre_Preference.value:main} 0 new all $ all $ just Family G Rating $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} {Certification_Preference.value:main} 0 new all $ all $ any I don't like these choices $ don't like those $ don't like these $ don't like any of those $ don't like any of these I'm sorry to hear that. Try changing your criteria. $ (UNSUPPORTED_GENRES)={Topic} {Topic.value:main} I'm afraid {Topic} isn't a movie genre I know. Please try another one. $ (DATE_TIME_RANGE)={DateTime_Mentioned_ENT} &lt;mct:getTime&gt;America/Tijuana&lt;/mct:getTime&gt; $ next Upcoming Upcoming {MCT:CUSTOM:CalculateTimeDiff:days} 1 Current Upcoming again $ again $ one more time repeat more $ more $ next $ forward next Okay. "{Search_Now:"{Search_Now}", Recency:"{Recency_Preference}", Rating:"{Certification_Preference}", Genre:"{Genre_Preference}", Index:"{Current_Index}", Page:"{Page}", Total_Movies:"{Num_Movies}", Total_Pages:"{Total_Pages}"}" UPDATE CURRENT_INDEX 0 Those were the last results {Num_Movies} Here are the last results Here is the next set of results for {Recency_Preference} {Certification_Preference}-rated movies. for {Recency_Preference} {Genre_Preference} movies. for ALL {Recency_Preference} movies. for {Recency_Preference} {Certification_Preference}-rated {Genre_Preference} movies. Go back $ back $ previous $ prior previous Okay. "{Search_Now:"{Search_Now}", Recency:"{Recency_Preference}", Rating:"{Certification_Preference}", Genre:"{Genre_Preference}", Index:"{Current_Index}", Page:"{Page}", Total_Movies:"{Num_Movies}", Total_Pages:"{Total_Pages}"}" UPDATE CURRENT_INDEX 0 Those were the first results 10 10 Here are the first results Here is the previous set of results 1 What is your name? $ your name $ you called $ they call you $ what can I call you 2 My name is Watson. What&apos;s your name? Okay hi hi Watson My name is $ my name $ call me $ I'm called $ I am called $ known as $ mine is Do you speak English $ speak English $ understand English $ know English $ get English 2 I'm sorry, English is my second language. My native tongue is Binary. 01110011 01101111 01110010 01110010 01111001 haha okay 01101110 01110000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101100 01100101 01101101 01101110 01110000 01100100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01110010 01111001 Disambiguate * 01101110 01110000 Confirm * 01101110 01110000 Disambiguate * 01101110 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101100 01100101 01101101 Confirm * 01101110 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101100 01100101 01101101 Disambiguate * 01100100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01110010 01111001 Confirm * 01100100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01110010 01111001 haha, you're good! What is your favorite $ your favorite $ favorite $ you like $ you prefer 2 genre $ genre $ kind of movie Well, Science Fiction is probably my favorite genre! movie $ movie movie Oh... 2001: A Space Odyssey... Terminator... The Matrix... I guess I like movies with a strong AI lead. What is 2001: A Space Odyssey about? $ what is 2001 about 2 It's about an intelligent computer, named HAL, who tries to kill the crew of a spaceship. Okay haha Intelligent computer? $ intelligent computer $ named HAL $ kill the crew $ deactivate him $ kill them first Yes, that&apos;s right. What do you mean $ why $ what do you mean The human crew plans to deactivate him so HAL tries to kill them first. What does HAL stand for? $ HAL stand for $ HAL mean &quot;H-A-L&quot; is derived from Heuristic ALgorithm according to the author, Arthur C. Clarke. But there is also an urban legend that it is a code name for IBM. Shift each letter back once and see what you get! Does he succeed? $ succeed $ kill them $ only tries Well, I don&apos;t want to spoil the surprise! No, I mean $ no i mean $ no i meant $ i mean $ i meant $ what about $ how about The Terminator $ terminator {Certification_Preference.value:main} The Matrix $ matrix {Certification_Preference.value:main} What is the Terminator about? $ what is the Terminator about $ what is Terminator about 2 It's about a robot who travels back in time to kill the inventor of intelligent machines. Okay haha On earth? $ on earth $ a robot $ killer robot $ the inventor $ intelligent machines $ the 1980s $ back in time Yes, that's right. What do you mean $ why $ what do you mean In the future, machines take over the world so the humans send a killer robot back to the 1980s to try to kill the guy who invented the intelligent machines. Who is the Terminator $ who is the terminator $ who&apos;s the terminator $ what is the terminator The terminator is the killer robot from the future. Does he succeed? $ succeed $ kill him $ only tries Well, I don't want to spoil the surprise! No, I mean $ no i mean $ no i meant $ i mean $ i meant $ what about $ how about 2001 $ 2001 {Certification_Preference.value:main} The Matrix $ matrix {Certification_Preference.value:main} What is the Matrix about? $ what is the matrix about $ what is matrix about $ what is the matrix 2 It's about a guy, named Neo, who has special powers for fighting intelligent programs in a computer simulation. Okay haha On earth? $ on earth $ in the future $ named Neo $ intelligent programs $ computer simulation Yes, that's right. What do you mean $ why $ what do you mean In the future, machines take over the world and trick humans into believing that a simulation, The Matrix, is reality. But one human has special abilities for defeating the machines. What is the Matrix $ what is the matrix &quot;The Matrix&quot; is the name for the realistic computer simulation of earth. Does he succeed? $ succeed $ kill him $ only tries Well, I don&apos;t want to spoil the surprise! No, I mean $ no i mean $ no i meant $ i mean $ i meant $ what about $ how about 2001 $ 2001 {Certification_Preference.value:main} Terminator $ terminator {Certification_Preference.value:main} USER CLICKS BOX {Selected_Movie}. 6.9 Great choice! That gets fabulous ratings. That&apos;s a good one! You will love it. I hear that&apos;s a really good movie! 4 0 Hmm, I hear that&apos;s not such a great movie. Um, that one gets low ratings. Are you sure about that? The ratings are terrible. Okay. All right. Sure thing! Coming right up! Help help help me I need help how does this work what do I do what can I do Try saying <i>What's in theaters?</i> or <i>I want to see a comedy</i>. Tips Say <i>Never mind</i> or & <i>nvm</i> to start over. Say <i>okay</i> or & <i>thanks</i> if my response is acceptable. Say <i>What does X mean?</i> for a definition of X. Say <i>got to go</i> or <i>bye</i> when you're finished. Say that again $ say that again $ say again $ what did you say $ come again $ say what I said... Never mind $ Nevermind $ Never mind $ nvm $ start over $ start again $ restart $ redo $ do over $ start from * beginning $ clear * selections Okay. Whatever you say, {User_Name}! what does * mean $ what does * mean $ what does * stand for $ do you mean by $ what are examples of $ what is an example of $ what is mpaa trailers $ trailer $ trailers <i>Trailers</i> are video previews for movies. okay Sure, happy to help. genre $ genre $ genres The <i>genre</i> is the category of movie, like Drama, Comedy, Action, etc. rating $ rating $ ratings $ mpaa The <i>rating</i> is a recommendation by the Motion Picture Association of America about the suitability of a movie's content for particular age groups. For example, G is for general audiences, while R is restricted to people 17 and older. G $ G G stands for <i>General Audience</i> and is appropriate for everyone. PG-13 $ PG-13 PG-13 means <i>Parents Strongly Cautioned</i> or that some material may not be suitable for children under 13 years old. PG $ PG PG stands for <i>Parental Guidance<i>, which means that some material may not be suitable for children. NR $ NR NR stands for <i>Not Rated</i> and means that the film has not yet been rated by the MPAA. R $ R R stands for <i>Restricted</i> and means that children under 17 must be accompanied by parent or adult guardian. Current $ current <i>Current</i> movies are those that have been playing for the past 28 days. Upcoming $ upcoming <i>Upcoming</i> movies are those that will come out within the next 6 months. $ (GENRE)={Topic} $ (UNSUPPORTED_GENRES)={Topic} {Topic.value:main} I'm afraid I don't have definitions of the different genres. I already told you! $ already told you $ already said it I'm sorry, please repeat it for me. I want to speak to a person I'm sorry, I don't have anyone to transfer you to. Okay Insults $ (VIRTUAL_AGENTS)={Topic} is better than you $ (VIRTUAL_AGENTS)={Topic} is smarter than you $ fuck you $ shut up $ I hate you $ you suck $ you are crap $ this is crap $ this is terrible $ this is the worst $ you are the worst {Topic.value:main} 2 Now you're hurting my feelings. I'm sorry. I still have a lot to learn. Hello Hello again hi there 1 2 2 Hello. Hi. Hi there. How are you today? How are you feeling today? How is it going? Movies $ (GENRE)={Genre_Preference} $ (CERTIFICATION)={Certification_Preference} $ (RECENCY)={Recency_Preference} $ movies Not so good $ not * good $ not * well $ no * good Not so bad $ not * bad Fine $ good $ fine $ well $ all right Good to hear! Great $ great $ excellent $ outstanding $ fabulous $ terrific $ fantastic $ awesome $ happy Fantastic! So glad to hear it. Bad $ terrible $ awful $ worst $ bored $ sad $ tired $ hungry $ thirsty $ bad $ badly $ poor $ poorly $ crap $ crappy I'm sorry to hear that. How are you $ how have you been doing $ how is it going $ how are you $ what's shaking $ what's up 1 2 2 You&apos;re very polite, but don&apos;t you want me to look up movies for you? Yes No 0 Okay, fine. Okay Fine $ excellent $ outstanding $ fabulous $ terrific $ not good $ not so good $ not well $ not so well $ terrible $ awful $ worst $ bored $ sad $ good $ well $ fine $ thirsty $ hungry $ tired I am doing well, thanks. I am doing well, thanks. Nice to meet you $ nice to meet you $ pleasure to meet you $ make your acquaintance 2 You&apos;re very polite, but don&apos;t you want me to look up movies for you? Yes No 0 Okay, fine. Okay Nice to meet you too, {User_Name}! I should be going $ should be going $ should go $ need to go $ got to go $ gotta run $ gotta go $ need to run $ need to leave $ have to leave $ have to go $ gtg Okay. Thanks for your help $ thank you for your help $ thanks for your help You are welcome. Goodbye okay ok thanks thank you ok thanks ok thank you okay thanks okay thank you great thanks great thank you all right alright great cool aww awww oh oh okay oh ok ah ah okay ah ok got it gotcha cheers ta Hello Hi Hola Howdy Hiya Hey Heya yello aloha hi there hey there Hello Watson Hi Watson Hola Watson Howdy Watson Hiya Watson Hey Watson Heya Watson yello Watson aloha Watson hi there Watson hey there Watson Goodbye bye bye bye now bye later laters see you later see you see ya later see ya cya au revoir good night good day yes yep yup yeah yeh y that's right sure sure go ahead go ahead yes thanks yes thank you yes please yah ya for sure fo shizzle fo shiz yeppers you betcha you bet you bet ya certainly yep I did yes I did yep I do yes I do no n nope no way not really nah no thanks no thank you not atm not at the moment not yet haha ha hehe lol rofl lmao sorry apologize I am sorry I apologise I apologize apologies my apology my apologies so sorry very sorry extremely sorry extremely apologetic soz sozz so soz so sozz you u what is what&apos;s it that person human real person actual person do you know do you have information can you tell me what else do you know can you can you please will you will you please my name is I'm called people call me I'm known as you can call me no problem it's nothing it's okay don't worry Monday Mon Tuesday Tues Wednesday Wed Thursday Thurs Thu Friday Fri Saturday Sat Sunday Sun movie movies film films flick flicks theater theaters theatre theatres cinema cinemas showtime showtimes show time show times movie time movie times movie showtimes movie show times Review Reviews Critique Critiques Popularity Tomatoes stars Ratings Rating Popularity Tomatoes stars family-friendly family child children childrens children&apos;s kiddy kids kid&apos;s kid family friendly family safe kid friendly child friendly safe for kids kid safe suitable for children suitable for kids suitable for a child suitable for a kid child appropriate appropriate for children not adult for families for a family no sex no violence clean near me by me my area close to me close by nearby in the neighborhood local locally fairly close close to us near to us short drive short walk a short drive a short walk close near around the corner just around the corner short distance a short distance close at hand short distance awat a short distance away walking distance within walking distance not a long distance not far not too far not far away not too far away in my area in the city my zipcode dowtown Adult Adults Only NC 17 NC-17 NC17 NC 17 rated NC-17 rated NC-17-rated NC 17-rated NC17 rated NC17-rated X X-rated X rated XXX XXX-rated XXX rated Triple X Triple X-rated Triple X rated NC seventeen NC-seventeen search search for look up lookup find check get I want to I'd like to I would like to I wanna arthouse film arthouse films arthouse movie arthouse movies art-house film art-house films art-house movie art-house movies art house film art house films art house movie art house movies art house arthouse art-house children film children films children movie children movies children flick children flicks childrens flick childrens flicks childrens film childrens films childrens movie childrens movies children&apos;s film children&apos;s films children&apos;s movie children&apos;s movies children&apos;s flick children&apos;s flicks kid film kid films kid movie kid flick kid flicks kid movies kids film kids films kids movie kids movies kids flick kids flicks kid&apos;s film kid&apos;s films kid&apos;s movie kid&apos;s movies kid&apos;s flick kid&apos;s flicks drama film drama films drama movie drama movies drama dramas drama flick drama flicks historical film historical films historical movie historical movies period drama period dramas period film period films period movie period movies historical drama historical dramas horror film horror films horror movie horror movies scary movie scary movies scary film scary films slasher film slasher films slasher movie slasher movies slasher flick slasher flicks romantic comedy film romantic comedy movie romantic comedies film romantic comedy flick romantic comedy flicks romantic comedy romantic comedies rom com rom coms rom-com rom-coms rom com movie rom com movies rom com film rom com films rom-com movie rom-com movies rom-com film rom-com films rom com flick rom com flicks rom-com flick rom-com flicks sad film sad films sad movie sad movies sad flick sad flicks tear-jerker film tear-jerker films tear-jerker movie tear-jerker movies tear-jerker flick tear-jerker flicks tear-jerkers tear-jerker tear jerker film tear jerker films tear jerker movie tear jerker movies tear jerker flick tear jerker flicks tear jerkers tear jerker sci-fi film sci-fi films sci-fi movie sci-fi movies sci fi film sci fi films sci fi movie sci fi movies scifi film scifi films scifi movie scifi movies sciencefiction film sciencefiction films sciencefiction movie sciencefiction movies science-fiction film science-fiction films science-fiction movie science-fiction movies science fiction film science fiction films science fiction movie science fiction movies war film war films war movie war movies x rated film x rated films x rated movie x rated movies x rated flick x rated flicks x-rated film x-rated films x-rated movie x-rated movies x-rated flick x-rated flicks pornographic film pornographic films pornographic movie pornographic movies pornographic flick pornographic flicks pornography film pornography films pornography movie pornography movies pornography flick pornography flicks porn film porn films porn movie porn movies porn flick porn flicks XXX film XXX films XXX movie XXX movies XXX flick XXX flicks triple X film triple X films triple X movie triple X movies triple X flick triple X flicks porn porno pornos porn video sex video sex film sex tape sex flick sex movie sex movies adult movies dining restaurant restaurants place to eat places to eat diner diners cafe cafes cafeteria cafeterias Bar Bars Pub Pubs Tavern Taverns Brewery Breweries somewhere to eat eatery place to dine somewhere nice to eat eateries places to dine bistro a bistro bistros coffee shop coffee shops coffee place coffee places eating house eating houses snack bar snack bars juice bar juice bars health food shop fast food outlet fast food shop fast food outlets fast food shops food court food courts food mall food malls weather Rain Raining Snow Snowing Sunny Cloudy Sleet Freezing Rain Windy Tornado Hurricane traffic Traffic conditions Driving conditions Road conditions Streets Roads Freeways Highways Driving Rush hour Bus Buses Train Trains Car Cars Automobile Automobiles Bicycle Bicycles Bike Bikes Motorcycle Motorcycles Walking Driving Pedestrian {Array_Lookup.{Class1}} {Array_Lookup.{Class2}} Do you mean {Class1_Text} or {Class2_Text}? Neither $ neither $ no Please rephrase your request. Disambiguate Classes $ (CLASSES)={Class1} {Class1.value:main} ~{Class1} G Rated G-Rated G rated G General Audience PG Rated PG-rated PG rated PG Parental Guidance PG 13 PG-13 PG13 PG 13 rated PG-13 rated PG-13-rated PG13 rated PG13-rated Parents Strongly Cautioned PG thirteen PG-thirteen rated PG13 rated PG-13 rated PG 13 R rated R-rated R Restricted rated R Not Rated Not-rated Action car chases explosions spy espionage adventures Anime Animated Cartoon Cartoons comedies funny humor comedians comedy good laugh makes me laugh make me laugh hilarious romp serial killer serial killers documentaries dramas child childs child's middle earth dragons dragon wizards wizard dwarfs dwarves dwarf hobbits hobbit international british french indian italian chinese japanese canadian german russian historical period piece scary ghost creepy mysteries whodunnit romances romantic chick flicks chick flick sexy steamy take my date take a date for my date Sci-fi Scifi space alien aliens little green men Made for TV movie Made for TV movies TV movies Thrillers suspense suspenseful WWII WWI western old west cowboys cowboy cowboys and indians I am hungry coming soon coming soon another time another night another day later time upcoming next month next week playing showing currently in theaters in theater in theatres in theatre recent new now today tonight yesterday this afternoon this morning this evening this week ongoing latest now already at the movies whatever is on by theaters by theatre by theatres by cinema by cinemas by day by Titles by Movie Name by Movie Names the movie called that movie called musicals broadway romantic comedies rom com rom-com romcom rom coms romcoms sport baseball football soccer tennis olymic olymics cricket basketball hockey disasters earthquake earthquakes plague plagues apocalypse end of the world porn pornography porno sex skin flick * movies showtimes fandango cast cast members actors actor director directors cast cast members actors actor actress actresses director directors producer producers titles movie name movie names by day reviews movie review movie reviews actress actors actresses cast director producer old movies classic movies oldies classics movie showtime theaters theater trailer plot plots summary ratings MPAA certification genres type of movie movie type &lt;Title&gt;Watson&lt;/Title&gt; &lt;Head&gt;&lt;/Head&gt; &lt;Header&gt;&lt;img id=&quot;headerlogo&quot; src=&quot;http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/ibm100/images/icp/R259780Y30165R43/us__en_us__ibm100__watson__watson_logo__220x125.png&quot; width=&quot;250&quot; /&gt;&lt;/Header&gt; &lt;Body&gt;&lt;/Body&gt; &lt;Footer&gt;Powered by Watson&lt;/Footer&gt; &lt;RelatedItemsLabel&gt;Learn more about...&lt;/RelatedItemsLabel&gt; &lt;InitInputBoxLabel&gt;Type here...&lt;/InitInputBoxLabel&gt; &lt;UserSayLabel&gt;You:&lt;/UserSayLabel&gt; &lt;SayButtonLabel&gt;Say&lt;/SayButtonLabel&gt; &lt;SayButtonImage&gt;&lt;/SayButtonImage&gt; &lt;PopupLoadMsg&gt;&lt;/PopupLoadMsg&gt; &lt;CloseWindowCode&gt;&lt;/CloseWindowCode&gt; &lt;DynamicMessaging&gt;0&lt;/DynamicMessaging&gt; &lt;Avatar&gt;0&lt;/Avatar&gt; &lt;AvatarSpeechEngineId&gt;-1&lt;/AvatarSpeechEngineId&gt; &lt;AvatarSpeechLanguageId&gt;-1&lt;/AvatarSpeechLanguageId&gt; &lt;AvatarSpeechVoiceId&gt;-1&lt;/AvatarSpeechVoiceId&gt; &lt;CSS_Body&gt;background-color:#FFFFFF; &lt;/CSS_Body&gt; &lt;CSS_ChatHistoryBox&gt;background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:left; height:5000px; width: 250px; overflow:auto; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:#000000; &lt;/CSS_ChatHistoryBox&gt; &lt;CSS_CyberTwinText&gt;font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; &lt;/CSS_CyberTwinText&gt; &lt;CSS_CyberTwinTextLink&gt;font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; &lt;/CSS_CyberTwinTextLink&gt; &lt;CSS_UserText&gt;font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; &lt;/CSS_UserText&gt; &lt;CSS_InputBox&gt;font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; background-color:#FFFFFF; width: 250px; height: 40px; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000; &lt;/CSS_InputBox&gt; &lt;CSS_RelatedItemsBox&gt;background-color:#D5D5D5; text-align:left; height:110px; width:250px; overflow:auto; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:#000000; &lt;/CSS_RelatedItemsBox&gt; false en-US -2 2 0 America/Tijuana 2158864 0 1 -16 1 pconcepts None of the above -1 3 0 2531765 10.1 2 2 2