image: repository: vmware/wavefront-adapter-for-istio tag: 0.1.5 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent adapter: # If set to false, we assume direct ingestion and user needs to provide the # wavefront url and token as command line arguments. useProxy: true # Uncomment below line to provide external proxy address or we infer automatically if proxy.enabled=true #proxyAddress: logLevel: info istioNamespace: istio-system metrics: flushInterval: 5s source: istio prefix: istio http: true tcp: true # If set to true, user needs to provide the wavefront url and token as command line arguments. proxy: enabled: true ## DO NOT EDIT ## This chart depends on the "wavefront" chart for proxy deployments. ## The values below override the default values in the wavefront chart ## as relevant to the istio adpater and are not meant to be changed by end users. wavefront: collector: enabled: false rbac: create: false serviceAccount: create: false