#SingleInstance force SetTitleMatchMode, 2 #NoEnv #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2 FileEncoding UTF-8 SetKeyDelay, 50 ;=============== GLOBAL VAR ================== Global currentversion := "3.2" Global URLDownloadUpdaterAHK := "https://github.com/wawawawawawawa/WC3_Loader/raw/master/AutoUpdater.ahk" Global URLDownloadUpdaterEXE := "https://github.com/wawawawawawawa/WC3_Loader/raw/master/AutoUpdater.exe" Global URLDownloadAHK := "https://github.com/wawawawawawawa/WC3_Loader/raw/master/WC3 RPG Loader.ahk" Global URLDownloadEXE := "https://github.com/wawawawawawawa/WC3_Loader/raw/master/WC3 RPG Loader.exe" Global URLDownloadTrayIcon := "https://github.com/wawawawawawawa/WC3_Loader/raw/master/WC3 RPG Loader.ico" SplitPath, A_ScriptName, OutFileName, OutDir, Extension, OutNameNoExt, OutDrive Global URLCurrentLoader := A_ScriptDir . "\" . OutNameNoExt Global URLCurrentUpdaterAHK := A_ScriptDir . "\AutoUpdater.ahk" Global URLCurrentUpdaterEXE := A_ScriptDir . "\AutoUpdater.exe" Global URLDownloadHoop := "https://github.com/wawawawawawawa/WC3_Loader/raw/master/Color/Hoop.png" Global URLDownloadColor := "https://github.com/wawawawawawawa/WC3_Loader/raw/master/Color/" Global ININame := BuildIniName() Global TrayIcon := "0" Global switch := "1" Global AFKTimerOn := "0" Global GuiList := ["Main", "Gaia", "HM", "HMStat", "TBR13", "TBR13Stat", "TBR13Pet", "TBR21", "TBR21Stat", "TEVE", "TEVEStat", "GOH", "GOHStat", "GOHSkills", "GOHPet", "TKOK", "TKOKStat", "TW", "TWStat", "HOK", "HOKStat", "Update", "CP"] RegRead, AHKInstallPath, HKLM, SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey, InstallDir ; AHK Installation Path ;=============== INI FILE ==================== ifNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% { NoPath= IniWrite, %NoPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMPath IniWrite, %NoPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GaiaPath IniWrite, %NoPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR13Path IniWrite, %NoPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR21Path IniWrite, %NoPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TEVEPath IniWrite, %NoPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHPath IniWrite, %NoPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TKOKPath IniWrite, %NoPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TWPath IniWrite, %NoPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HOKPath IniWrite, 1, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, RetrieveContent IniWrite, 1, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, CheckUpdates IniWrite, 1, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, AOT IniWrite, Default, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, GUIColor IniWrite, 0, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, TrayOption IniWrite, 0, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, SaveOption IniWrite, %NoPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, WC3Path IniWrite, Level, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMSort IniWrite, Level, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR21Sort IniWrite, Level, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TEVESort IniWrite, Level, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHSort IniWrite, Level, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TKOKSort IniWrite, Level, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TWSort IniWrite, Level, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HOKSort } IniRead, HMBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMPath IniRead, GaiaBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GaiaPath IniRead, TBR13BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR13Path IniRead, TBR21BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR21Path IniRead, TEVEBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TEVEPath IniRead, GOHBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHPath IniRead, TKOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TKOKPath IniRead, TWBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TWPath IniRead, HOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HOKPath IniRead, RetrieveContent, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, RetrieveContent, 1 IniRead, CheckUpdates, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, CheckUpdates, 1 IniRead, AOT, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, AOT, 1 IniRead, GUIColor, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, GUIColor, Default IniRead, TrayOption, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, TrayOption, 0 IniRead, WC3Path, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, WC3Path IniRead, SaveOption, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, SaveOption, 0 IniRead, HMSortVar, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMSort IniRead, TBR21SortVar, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR21Sort IniRead, TEVESortVar, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TEVESort IniRead, GOHSortVar, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHSort IniRead, TKOKSortVar, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TKOKSort IniRead, TWSortVar, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TWSort IniRead, HOKSortVar, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HOKSort IniRead, Xaction, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, Xaction IniRead, BindEnable, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, BindEnable, 0 IniRead, GOHLoadSkillList, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, GOHSkills, GOHLoadSkillList, %A_Space% IniRead, GOHC1, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHC1 IniRead, GOHC2, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHC2 IniRead, GOHC3, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHC3 IniRead, GOHC4, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHC4 IniRead, GOHC5, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHC5 IniRead, GOHC6, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHC6 IniRead, HMC1, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMC1 IniRead, HMC2, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMC2 IniRead, HMC3, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMC3 IniRead, HMC4, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMC4 IniRead, HMC5, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMC5 IniRead, HOKC1, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HOKC1 IniRead, TKOKC1, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TKOKC1 IniRead, Refresh, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, Refresh SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% If FileExist("WC3 RPG Loader.ico") { Menu, Tray, Icon , WC3 RPG Loader.ico TrayIcon := "1" } ;////////////////////////////////////////// GUI ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;=============== MAIN GUI ==================== Gui 99:+LabelMainBuddy Gui, MainBuddy:Font, cBlack s12 Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Tab3, vMainTab, Loader|Backup|Settings|Commands Gui, MainBuddy:Tab, 1 Gui, MainBuddy:Add, GroupBox, section h180 w265, Loader : Gui, MainBuddy:Font, Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp10 yp25 w120 gGUIGaia, Gaia Loader Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp125 w120 gGUIHM, HM Loader Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp-125 yp30 w120 gGUITBR13, TBR 1.38 Loader Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp125 w120 gGUITBR21, TBR 2.1 Loader Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp-125 yp30 w120 gGUITEVE, TeveF Loader Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp125 w120 gGUIGOH, GoH Loader Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp-125 yp30 w120 gGUITKOK, TKoK Loader Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp125 w120 gGUITW, TW Loader Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp-125 yp30 w120 gGUIHOK, HoK Loader Gui, MainBuddy:Tab, 2 Gui, MainBuddy:Font, cBlack s12 Gui, MainBuddy:Add, GroupBox, section h180 w265, Backup : Gui, MainBuddy:Font, Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp10 yp25 w120 gCreateBackup, Create Backup Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp125 w120 gRestoreBackup, Restore Backup Gui, MainBuddy:Tab, 3 Gui, MainBuddy:Font, cBlack s12 Gui, MainBuddy:Add, GroupBox, section h180 w265, Settings : Gui, MainBuddy:Font, Gui, MainBuddy:Add, CheckBox, xp10 yp25 vGetContentBox gContentSetting Checked%RetrieveContent%, Allow Retrieve Content (Char Information Panel) Gui, MainBuddy:Add, CheckBox, yp15 vCheckUpdatesBox gUpdateSetting Checked%CheckUpdates%, Check for updates on launch Gui, MainBuddy:Add, CheckBox, yp15 vAOTBox gAOTSetting Checked%AOT%, Always On Top Gui, MainBuddy:Add, CheckBox, yp15 vCheckTrayBox gTraySetting Checked%TrayOption%, Launch Wc3 (Taskbar) : Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, x+3 yp-2 h17 w100 vSetPathButton gSetWC3Path Checked%TrayOption%, Set WC3 Path Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Text, xs+10 yp23 , GUI Theme : Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, x+3 yp-2 h17 gChangeColor vColorChoice, Choose Color Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Text, xs+10 yp23, X button action : Gui, MainBuddy:Add, DropDownList, w80 x+3 yp-2 gCheckBoxOptions vXaction hwndhcbx Choose%Xaction% AltSubmit, Hide GUI|Close Script Gui, MainBuddy:Tab, 4 Gui, MainBuddy:Font, cBlack s12 Gui, MainBuddy:Add, GroupBox, section h180 w265, Commands : Gui, MainBuddy:Font, Gui, MainBuddy:Add, CheckBox, xp10 yp25 vRefresh Checked%Refresh% gCheckBoxOptions, !refresh : !closeall then !openall Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, h20 w70 xp175 yp-5 vBindRefresh gBindFunction, Set Bind Gui, MainBuddy:Add, CheckBox, yp25 xp-175 vSaveOption Checked%SaveOption% gCheckBoxOptions, -save : -clear afterwards Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xp175 h20 w70 vBindSave gBindFunction, Set Bind Gui, MainBuddy:Add, CheckBox, xp-175 yp20 vBindEnable Checked%BindEnable% gCheckBoxOptions, Enable Binds at startup Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, yp20 h20 w80 vAFKButton gAFKTimer, Start AutoSave Gui, MainBuddy:Tab, Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Button, xs-10 yp240 gUpdate, Check for updates Gui, MainBuddy:Add, Link, xp180 yp5, Created by Wawawa MainGUI = 1 CurrentGUI = Main ;=============== UPDATE GUI ==================== Gui 98:+LabelUpdateBuddy Gui, UpdateBuddy:Font, cBlue bold s10 Gui, UpdateBuddy:Add, GroupBox, w220 h110 section, Version Information : Gui, UpdateBuddy:Font, Gui, UpdateBuddy:Add, Text, xp10 yp25, Current Version : Gui, UpdateBuddy:Font, bold Gui, UpdateBuddy:Add, Text, xp90, %currentversion% Gui, UpdateBuddy:Font, Gui, UpdateBuddy:Add, Text, yp25 xp-90, Latest Version : Gui, UpdateBuddy:Font, bold Gui, UpdateBuddy:Add, Text, xp90 vLoaderLastVer, Not Updated Gui, UpdateBuddy:Font, Gui, UpdateBuddy:Add, Button, gManualDownload xs+10 yp25 , Manual Download Gui, UpdateBuddy:Add, Button, gAutoUpdate x+15 vGreyedButton, Automatic Install Gui, UpdateBuddy:Add, Button, xs yp40 w50 h30 gBack, Back Gui, UpdateBuddy:Add, Button, xp158 h30 gChangelog, Changelog ;=============== Bind Help ================== Gui 6d:+LabelBindHelpBuddy Gui, BindHelpBuddy:Add, Link,, Classic modifiers are :`n^ => CTRL`n+ => Shift`n! => Alt`nExemple: ^h will be ctrl+h`nCheck the link below for additional syntax`nhttps://www.autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm Gui, BindHelpBuddy:Show, Hide ;=============== GAIA GUI ==================== Gui 1:+LabelGaiaBuddy Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x5 y5 w120 vThiefchoice AltSubmit, |Thief Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x125 y4 w10 vThiefgo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x160 y5 w120 vBardchoice AltSubmit, |Bard Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x280 y4 w10 vBardgo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x315 y5 w120 vAssassinchoice AltSubmit, |Assassin Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x435 y4 w10 vAssassingo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x5 y35 w120 vClericchoice AltSubmit, |Cleric Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x125 y34 w10 vClericgo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x160 y35 w120 vBishopchoice AltSubmit, |Bishop Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x280 y34 w10 vBishopgo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x315 y35 w120 vMonkchoice AltSubmit, |Monk Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x435 y34 w10 vMonkgo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x5 y65 w120 vMagicianchoice AltSubmit, |Magician Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x125 y64 w10 vMagiciango gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x160 y65 w120 vSorcererchoice AltSubmit, |Sorcerer Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x280 y64 w10 vSorcerergo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x315 y65 w120 vNecromancerchoice AltSubmit, |Necromancer Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x435 y64 w10 vNecromancergo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x5 y95 w120 vSquirechoice AltSubmit, |Squire Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x125 y94 w10 vSquirego gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x160 y95 w120 vCrusaderchoice AltSubmit, |Crusader Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x280 y94 w10 vCrusadergo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x315 y95 w120 vBerserkerchoice AltSubmit, |Berserker Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x435 y94 w10 vBerserkergo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x5 y125 w120 vRangerchoice AltSubmit, |Ranger Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x125 y124 w10 vRangergo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x160 y125 w120 vDruidchoice AltSubmit, |Druid Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x280 y124 w10 vDruidgo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x315 y125 w120 vHunterchoice AltSubmit, |Hunter Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x435 y124 w10 vHuntergo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x5 y155 w120 vMysticchoice AltSubmit, |Mystic Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x125 y154 w10 vMysticgo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x160 y155 w120 vPsionchoice AltSubmit, |Psion Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x280 y154 w10 vPsiongo gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x315 y155 w120 vHexbladechoice AltSubmit, |Hexblade Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x435 y154 w10 vHexbladego gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, DropDownList, x160 y185 w120 vValkyriechoice AltSubmit, |Valkyrie Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x280 y184 w10 vValkyriego gLoadGaia, Go Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y215 w50 h40 gBack, Back Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x140 y215 w130 h40 gGaiaRefresh, Refresh Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x330 y215 w130 h40 gLoadGaiaVault, Vault Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y265 h40 gChangeGaiaPath, Change Save Folder Gui, GaiaBuddy:Add, Edit, x155 y265 w300 h40 vGaiaPathText ReadOnly, %GaiaBuddyPath% Gui, GaiaBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Gaia Buddy (Press CTRL + F1 to Show/Hide) GaiaGUI = 0 ;=============== HM GUI ==================== Gui 2:+LabelHMBuddy Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Text, x40 y5, Class Selection : Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Text, x205 y5, Characters Available : Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Text, x500 y5, Character Information : Gui, HMBuddy:Add, ListBox, x5 y20 w150 h300 vhmclasschoice gHMChoice , Gui, HMBuddy:Add, ListBox, x160 y20 w200 h300 vhmclasslist gHMCharChoice AltSubmit, Gui, HMBuddy:Add, ListBox, x365 y20 w400 h300 vhmclassinfo gHMStatChoice AltSubmit, Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y320 w50 h40 gBack, Back Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Button, x275 y320 w130 h40 gHMRefresh, Refresh Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Button, x410 y320 w130 h40 vHMSortChoice gHMSort, Sorting : %HMSortVar% Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Button, x630 y320 w130 h40 gLoadHM, Load Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y370 h40 gChangeHMPath, Change Save Folder Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Edit, x155 y370 w300 h40 vHMPathText ReadOnly, %HMBuddyPath% Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x460 y370 vHMC1 Checked%HMC1% gCheckBoxOptions, -cam 180 Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x460 y385 vHMC2 Checked%HMC2% gCheckBoxOptions, -c Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x460 y400 vHMC3 Checked%HMC3% gCheckBoxOptions, -b Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x560 y370 vHMC4 Checked%HMC4% gCheckBoxOptions, -a Gui, HMBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x560 y385 vHMC5 Checked%HMC5% gCheckBoxOptions, -e Gui, HMBuddy:Show, Hide Center, HM Buddy (Press CTRL + F1 to Show/Hide) HMGUI = 0 Gui 2a:+LabelHMStatBuddy Gui, HMStatBuddy:Add, Edit, vHMdata ReadOnly w600, Gui, HMStatBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Retrieve content ;=============== TBR GUI 1.38 ==================== Gui 3:+LabelTBR13Buddy Gui, TBR13Buddy:Add, Text, x40 y5, Class Selection : Gui, TBR13Buddy:Add, Text, x300 y5, Character Information : Gui, TBR13Buddy:Add, ListBox, x5 y20 w150 h300 vtbr13classchoice gTBR13Choice AltSubmit, Gui, TBR13Buddy:Add, ListBox, x160 y20 w400 h300 vtbr13classinfo gTBR13StatChoice AltSubmit, Gui, TBR13Buddy:Add, Button, x5 y320 w50 h40 gBack, Back Gui, TBR13Buddy:Add, Button, xp60 y320 w50 h40 gGUITBR13Pet, Pet Gui, TBR13Buddy:Add, Button, x159 y320 w130 h40 gTBR13Refresh, Refresh Gui, TBR13Buddy:Add, Button, x431 y320 w130 h40 gLoadTBR13, Load Gui, TBR13Buddy:Add, Button, x5 y370 h40 gChangeTBR13Path, Change Save Folder Gui, TBR13Buddy:Add, Edit, x155 y370 w300 h40 vTBR13PathText ReadOnly, %TBR13BuddyPath% Gui, TBR13Buddy:Show, Hide Center, TBR 1.38 Buddy (Press CTRL + F1 to Show/Hide) TBR13GUI = 0 Gui 3a:+LabelTBR13StatBuddy Gui, TBR13StatBuddy:Add, Edit, vTBR13data ReadOnly w600, Gui, TBR13StatBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Retrieve content Gui 3b:+LabelTBR13PetBuddy Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Add, Text, y10 x10, Choose your binds for each slot Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Add, Button, yp30 x10 w60 h40 vTBR137 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 7 Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Add, Button, xp65 w60 h40 vTBR138 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 8 Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Add, Button, yp45 x10 w60 h40 vTBR134 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 4 Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Add, Button, xp65 w60 h40 vTBR135 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 5 Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Add, Button, yp45 x10 w60 h40 vTBR131 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 1 Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Add, Button, xp65 w60 h40 vTBR132 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 2 Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Add, Button, xp100 w50 h40 gTBR13Back, Back Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Add, Button, y92 xp5 gGOHHelp, Help Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Skills Selection ;=============== TBR GUI 2.1 ==================== Gui 4:+LabelTBR21Buddy Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, Text, x40 y5, Class Selection : Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, Text, x205 y5, Characters Available : Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, Text, x500 y5, Character Information : Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, ListBox, x5 y20 w150 h300 vtbr21classchoice gTBR21Choice , Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, ListBox, x160 y20 w200 h300 vtbr21classlist gTBR21CharChoice AltSubmit, Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, ListBox, x365 y20 w400 h300 vtbr21classinfo gTBR21StatChoice AltSubmit, Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, Button, x5 y320 w50 h40 gBack, Back Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, Button, x275 y320 w130 h40 gTBR21Refresh, Refresh Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, Button, x410 y320 w130 h40 vTBR21SortChoice gTBR21Sort, Sorting : %TBR21SortVar% Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, Button, x636 y320 w130 h40 gLoadTBR21, Load Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, Button, x5 y370 h40 gChangeTBR21Path, Change Save Folder Gui, TBR21Buddy:Add, Edit, x155 y370 w300 h40 vTBR21PathText ReadOnly, %TBR21BuddyPath% Gui, TBR21Buddy:Show, Hide Center, TBR 2.1 Buddy (Press CTRL + F1 to Show/Hide) TBR21GUI = 0 Gui 4a:+LabelTBR21StatBuddy Gui, TBR21StatBuddy:Add, Edit, vTBR21data ReadOnly w600, Gui, TBR21StatBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Retrieve content ;=============== TEVE GUI ==================== Gui 5:+LabelTEVEBuddy Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, Text, x40 y5, Class Selection : Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, Text, x205 y5, Characters Available : Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, Text, x500 y5, Character Information : Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, ListBox, x5 y20 w150 h300 vteveclasschoice gTEVEChoice , Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, ListBox, x160 y20 w200 h300 vteveclasslist gTEVECharChoice AltSubmit, Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, ListBox, x365 y20 w400 h300 vteveclassinfo gTEVEStatChoice AltSubmit, Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y320 w50 h40 gBack, Back Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, Button, x275 y320 w130 h40 gTEVERefresh, Refresh Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, Button, x410 y320 w130 h40 vTEVESortChoice gTEVESort, Sorting : %TEVESortVar% Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, Button, x636 y320 w130 h40 gLoadTEVE, Load Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y370 h40 gChangeTEVEPath, Change Save Folder Gui, TEVEBuddy:Add, Edit, x155 y370 w300 h40 vTEVEPathText ReadOnly, %TEVEBuddyPath% Gui, TEVEBuddy:Show, Hide Center, TeveF Buddy (Press CTRL + F1 to Show/Hide) TEVEGUI = 0 Gui 5a:+LabelTEVEStatBuddy Gui, TEVEStatBuddy:Add, Edit, vTEVEdata ReadOnly w600, Gui, TEVEStatBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Retrieve content ;=============== GOH GUI ==================== Gui 6:+LabelGOHBuddy Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Text, x40 y5, Class Selection : Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Text, x205 y5, Characters Available : Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Text, x500 y5, Character Information : Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, ListBox, x5 y20 w150 h300 vGOHclasschoice gGOHChoice , Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, ListBox, x160 y20 w200 h300 vgohclasslist gGOHCharChoice AltSubmit, Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, ListBox, x365 y20 w400 h300 vgohclassinfo gGOHStatChoice AltSubmit, Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y320 w50 h40 gBack, Back Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Button, x60 y320 w50 h40 gGUIGOHSkills, Skills Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Button, x115 y320 w50 h40 gGUIGOHPet, Pet Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Button, x275 y320 w130 h40 gGOHRefresh, Refresh Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Button, x410 y320 w130 h40 vGOHSortChoice gGOHSort, Sorting : %GOHSortVar% Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Button, x636 y320 w130 h40 gLoadGOH, Load Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y370 h40 gChangeGOHPath, Change Save Folder Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Edit, x155 y370 w300 h40 vGOHPathText ReadOnly, %GOHBuddyPath% Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x460 y370 vGOHC1 Checked%GOHC1% gCheckBoxOptions, -new Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x460 y385 vGOHC2 Checked%GOHC2% gCheckBoxOptions, -autoselect off Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x460 y400 vGOHC3 Checked%GOHC3% gCheckBoxOptions, -farcam on Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x560 y370 vGOHC4 Checked%GOHC4% gCheckBoxOptions, -questmessages off Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x560 y385 vGOHC5 Checked%GOHC5% gCheckBoxOptions, -clear Gui, GOHBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x560 y400 vGOHC6 Checked%GOHC6% gCheckBoxOptions, Pet as 9 on load Gui, GOHBuddy:Show, Hide Center, GoH Buddy (Press CTRL + F1 to Show/Hide) GOHGUI = 0 Gui 6a:+LabelGOHStatBuddy Gui, GOHStatBuddy:Add, Edit, vGOHdata ReadOnly w600, Gui, GOHStatBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Retrieve content Gui 6b:+LabelGOHSkillsBuddy Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, yp10, Q : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS1 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS1% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, W : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS2 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS2% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, E : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS3 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS3% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, R : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS4 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS4% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, A : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS5 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS5% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, S : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS6 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS6% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, D : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS7 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS7% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, F : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS8 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS8% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, Y : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS9 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS9% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, X : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS10 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS10% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, C : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS11 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS11% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Text, xp-20 yp30, V : Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Slider, xp20 yp-3 vGOHS12 Range0-10 ToolTip NoTicks, %GOHS12% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Button, y10 x150 w50 h40 gGOHSaveSkills, Save Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Button, y10 x220 w50 h40 gGOHDeleteSkillSet, Delete Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, ListBox, y55 x150 h230 vGOHLoadSkills gGOHShowLoadSkill, %GOHLoadSkillList% Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Button, y285 x150 w50 h40 gGOHSkills, Put Skills Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Add, Button, y285 x220 w50 h40 gGOHBack, Back Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Skills Selection Gui 6c:+LabelGOHPetBuddy Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Text, y10 x10, Choose your binds for each slot Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Button, yp30 x10 w60 h40 vGOH7 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 7 Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Button, xp65 w60 h40 vGOH8 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 8 Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Button, yp45 x10 w60 h40 vGOH4 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 4 Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Button, xp65 w60 h40 vGOH5 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 5 Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Button, yp45 x10 w60 h40 vGOH1 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 1 Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Button, xp65 w60 h40 vGOH2 gBindFunction, Set Bind Slot 2 Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Text, yp45 x10, Enter your current pet bind (default 9) Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Button, yp30 x10 w50 h40 gGOHPetBind, Pet Bind Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Button, xp120 w50 h40 gGOHBack, Back Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Add, Button, x145 y92 gGOHHelp, Help Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Skills Selection ;=============== TKOK GUI ==================== Gui 7:+LabelTKOKBuddy Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, Text, x40 y5, Class Selection : Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, Text, x205 y5, Characters Available : Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, Text, x500 y5, Character Information : Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, ListBox, x5 y20 w150 h300 vTKOKclasschoice gTKOKChoice , Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, ListBox, x160 y20 w200 h300 vTKOKclasslist gTKOKCharChoice AltSubmit, Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, ListBox, x365 y20 w400 h300 vTKOKclassinfo gTKOKStatChoice AltSubmit, Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y320 w50 h40 gBack, Back Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, Button, x275 y320 w130 h40 gTKOKRefresh, Refresh Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, Button, x410 y320 w130 h40 vTKOKSortChoice gTKOKSort, Sorting : %TKOKSortVar% Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, Button, x636 y320 w130 h40 gLoadTKOK, Load Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y370 h40 gChangeTKOKPath, Change Save Folder Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, Edit, x155 y370 w300 h40 vTKOKPathText ReadOnly, %TKOKBuddyPath% Gui, TKOKBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x460 y370 vTKOKC1 Checked%TKOKC1% gCheckBoxOptions, -loadwith Gui, TKOKBuddy:Show, Hide Center, TKOK Buddy (Press CTRL + F1 to Show/Hide) TKOKGUI = 0 Gui 7a:+LabelTKOKStatBuddy Gui, TKOKStatBuddy:Add, Edit, vTKOKdata ReadOnly w600, Gui, TKOKStatBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Retrieve content ;=============== TW GUI ==================== Gui 7:+LabelTWBuddy Gui, TWBuddy:Add, Text, x40 y5, Class Selection : Gui, TWBuddy:Add, Text, x205 y5, Characters Available : Gui, TWBuddy:Add, Text, x500 y5, Character Information : Gui, TWBuddy:Add, ListBox, x5 y20 w150 h300 vTWclasschoice gTWChoice , Gui, TWBuddy:Add, ListBox, x160 y20 w200 h300 vTWclasslist gTWCharChoice AltSubmit, Gui, TWBuddy:Add, ListBox, x365 y20 w400 h300 vTWclassinfo gTWStatChoice AltSubmit, Gui, TWBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y320 w50 h40 gBack, Back Gui, TWBuddy:Add, Button, x275 y320 w130 h40 gTWRefresh, Refresh Gui, TWBuddy:Add, Button, x410 y320 w130 h40 vTWSortChoice gTWSort, Sorting : %TWSortVar% Gui, TWBuddy:Add, Button, x636 y320 w130 h40 gLoadTW, Load Gui, TWBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y370 h40 gChangeTWPath, Change Save Folder Gui, TWBuddy:Add, Edit, x155 y370 w300 h40 vTWPathText ReadOnly, %TWBuddyPath% Gui, TWBuddy:Show, Hide Center, TW Buddy (Press CTRL + F1 to Show/Hide) TWGUI = 0 Gui 7a:+LabelTWStatBuddy Gui, TWStatBuddy:Add, Edit, vTWdata ReadOnly w600, Gui, TWStatBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Retrieve content ;=============== HOK GUI ==================== Gui 8:+LabelHOKBuddy Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, Text, x40 y5, Class Selection : Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, Text, x205 y5, Characters Available : Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, Text, x500 y5, Character Information : Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, ListBox, x5 y20 w150 h300 vHOKclasschoice gHOKChoice , Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, ListBox, x160 y20 w200 h300 vHOKclasslist gHOKCharChoice AltSubmit, Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, ListBox, x365 y20 w400 h300 vHOKclassinfo gHOKStatChoice AltSubmit, Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y320 w50 h40 gBack, Back Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, Button, x275 y320 w130 h40 gHOKRefresh, Refresh Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, Button, x410 y320 w130 h40 vHOKSortChoice gHOKSort, Sorting : %HOKSortVar% Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, Button, x636 y320 w130 h40 gLoadHOK, Load Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, Button, x5 y370 h40 gChangeHOKPath, Change Save Folder Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, Edit, x155 y370 w300 h40 vHOKPathText ReadOnly, %HOKBuddyPath% Gui, HOKBuddy:Show, Hide Center, HOK Buddy (Press CTRL + F1 to Show/Hide) Gui, HOKBuddy:Add, Checkbox, x460 y370 vHOKC1 Checked%HOKC1% gCheckBoxOptions, -cam 3000 HOKGUI = 0 Gui 8a:+LabelHOKStatBuddy Gui, HOKStatBuddy:Add, Edit, vHOKdata ReadOnly w600, Gui, HOKStatBuddy:Show, Hide Center, Retrieve content ;=============== GUI COLOR PICKER ==================== DPI := getDPImultiplier() FontScaler := 2/DPI eight := Floor(8*FontScaler) twelve := Floor(12*FontScaler) cY = 610 ; Used to position the saved colors cH = 30 cW = 55 cG = 5 cX = 22 ; To load the saved variables IniRead, vSlider, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, vSlider, 100 IniRead, sColor, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, sColor, 000000 IniRead, GUIColorX, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, GUIColorX, 620 IniRead, GUIColorY, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, GUIColorY, 443 ; Create the Halo Gui Halo: -DPIScale Gui Halo: Color, AE29AD Gui Halo: -caption -Border +ToolWindow +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop WinSet, TransColor, AE29AD Gui Halo:Add, Picture, w20 h-1, Color/Hoop.png ; Create the Color Picker Window and set colors Gui CPBuddy:Font, cDDDDDD s%eight% q5 Gui CPBuddy:Add, Button, x20 y440 w80 h50 gBack, Back Gui CPBuddy:+caption Border -DPIScale Gui CPBuddy:Font, cDDDDDD s%twelve% q5 Gui CPBuddy:Color, 222222, DDDDDD Gui CPBuddy:Add, Text, x180 y440, Saturation: Gui CPBuddy:Add, Picture, x20 y20 w600 h-1 Border vColorPallet, Color\%vSlider%.png Gui CPBuddy:Add, Text, x340 y440 w75 Center ReadOnly gCP_SatEdit vSatEdit, %vSlider%`% Gui CPBuddy:Add, Slider, x175 y480 w240 Range0-100 AltSubmit Line5 page25 Thick17 NoTicks gCP_Slider vvSlider, %vSlider% Gui CPBuddy:Add, TreeView, x502 y435 w120 h60 ReadOnly Background%sColor% vCP_Top ;=============== TRAY ICON ==================== Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel Menu, TrayMenu, Add, Gaia Loader, GUIGaia Menu, TrayMenu, Add, HM Loader, GUIHM Menu, TrayMenu, Add, TBR 1.38 Loader, GUITBR13 Menu, TrayMenu, Add, TBR 2.1 Loader, GUITBR21 Menu, TrayMenu, Add, TeveF Loader, GUITEVE Menu, Tray, Nostandard Menu, Tray, Add, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, ^F1 Menu, Tray, Default, Hide WC3 RPG Loader Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Loaders, :TrayMenu Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Launch Warcraft III, GameLaunch Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Hide Warcraft III, GameShowHide Menu, Tray, Add Menu, Tray, Add, Reload Script, ReloadScript Menu, Tray, Standard Menu, Tray, Click, 1 Menu, Tray, Disable, Launch Warcraft III ;=============== STARTUP ==================== SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% UpdateDone = 0 For i in GUIList { GuiName := GUIList[i] Gui, %GuiName%Buddy:Color, %GUIColor% } Gui, MainBuddy:Show, Center, Loader %currentversion% (Press CTRL + F1 to Show/Hide) If (CheckUpdates = 1) { GoSub, Update } UpdateDone = 1 If (WC3Path) { GuiControl, MainBuddy:, SetPathButton , Change Wc3 Path Menu, Tray, Enable, Launch Warcraft III } If (TrayOption = 0) { Menu, Tray, Disable, Launch Warcraft III GuiControl, MainBuddy:Disable, SetPathButton } GoSub, HotkeySetting AOTChange(AOT) return ;////////////////////////////////////////// UPDATER ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AutoUpdate: { Gui UpdateBuddy:+OwnDialogs If (TrayIcon == "0") { MsgBox, 4, Optional Download, Do you want to a new shiny tray icon as well? IfMsgBox, Yes { UrlDownloadToFile, %URLDownloadTrayIcon%, %A_ScriptDir%\%OutNameNoExt%.ico } } If (Extension == "exe") { MsgBox, 4, Warning!, My .exe files are detected as Trojans by virustotal! (1/68, welp).`nDo you want to use the .ahk files instead? (0/68 from virustotal)`nYou can also easily look at the source code with Notepad on the ahk files (NotePad++ is even better :p) IfMsgBox, Yes { If (AHKInstallPath) { Progress, , , Downloading AutoUpdater..., AutoUpdater.ahk Download Sleep, 500 UrlDownloadToFile, %URLDownloadUpdaterAHK%, %URLCurrentUpdaterAHK% Progress, 100 , ,Download Completed. Launching..., AutoUpdater.ahk Download Completed Sleep, 500 Progress, Off NewLoaderURL = %URLCurrentLoader%.ahk DeleteOldEXE = %URLCurrentLoader%.exe Run %URLCurrentUpdaterAHK% "%NewLoaderURL%" "%URLDownloadAHK%" "%DeleteOldEXE%" ExitApp } Else { MsgBox, 4, Autohotkey Required, The ahk files requires Autohotkey to be installed.`nDo you want to download it? IfMsgBox, Yes { Progress, , , Downloading AutoHotkey..., AutoHotkey Download UrlDownloadToFile, http://www.autohotkey.com/download/AutoHotkeyInstall.exe, %A_Temp%\AutoHotkeyInstall.exe Progress, 100 , ,Download Completed. Launching..., AutoHotkey Download Completed Sleep, 200 MsgBox, 4096,, WC3 RPG Loader will now minimize during the installation of AutoHotkey. Progress, Off Gui, MainBuddy:Show , Minimize Gui, UpdateBuddy:Show , Minimize RunWait, %A_Temp%\AutoHotkeyInstall.exe Gui, MainBuddy:Show , Restore Gui, UpdateBuddy:Show , Restore RegRead, AHKInstallPath, HKLM, SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey, InstallDir ; AHK Installation Path If (!AHKInstallPath) { Msgbox, 4096, ERROR, I can't find AutoHotkey Installation Path`nPlease use the Manual Download } Else { Msgbox, 4096, Installation, AutoHotkey Installed, now running the Auto Updater Progress, , , Downloading AutoUpdater..., AutoUpdater.ahk Download Sleep, 500 UrlDownloadToFile, %URLDownloadUpdaterAHK%, %URLCurrentUpdaterAHK% Progress, 100 , ,Download Completed. Launching..., AutoUpdater.ahk Download Completed Sleep, 500 Progress, Off NewLoaderURL = %URLCurrentLoader%.ahk DeleteOldEXE = %URLCurrentLoader%.exe Run %URLCurrentUpdaterAHK% "%NewLoaderURL%" "%URLDownloadAHK%" "%DeleteOldEXE%" ExitApp } } } } Else { MsgBox, 4, Optional Download, Do you want to download the .ahk file as well? IfMsgBox, Yes { UrlDownloadToFile, %URLDownloadAHK%, %A_ScriptDir%\%OutNameNoExt%.ahk } Progress, , , Downloading AutoUpdater..., AutoUpdater.exe Download Sleep, 500 UrlDownloadToFile, %URLDownloadUpdaterEXE%, %URLCurrentUpdaterEXE% Progress, 100 , ,Download Completed. Launching..., AutoUpdater.exe Download Completed Sleep, 500 Progress, Off NewLoaderURL = %URLCurrentLoader%.exe Run %URLCurrentUpdaterEXE% "%NewLoaderURL%" "%URLDownloadEXE%" ExitApp } } Else If (Extension == "ahk") { Progress, , , Downloading AutoUpdater..., AutoUpdater.ahk Download Sleep, 500 UrlDownloadToFile, %URLDownloadUpdaterAHK%, %URLCurrentUpdaterAHK% Progress, 100 , ,Download Completed. Launching..., AutoUpdater.ahk Download Completed Sleep, 500 Progress, Off NewLoaderURL = %URLCurrentLoader%.ahk Run %URLCurrentUpdaterAHK% "%NewLoaderURL%" "%URLDownloadAHK%" ExitApp } } return ManualDownload: { Run, https://github.com/wawawawawawawa/WC3_Loader/ } return Update: { Gui MainBuddy:+OwnDialogs CheckInternetVar:= % IsInternetConnected() if (CheckInternetVar == 0) { If (UpdateDone == 1) { msgbox, 262208,No Network,Internet is NOT connected ! } } else { url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wawawawawawawa/WC3_Loader/master/version.txt version := StrReplace(URLDownloadToVar(url), "`n", "") GuiControl, UpdateBuddy:, LoaderLastVer, %version% If (version != currentversion) { CurrentGUI = Update GuiControl, UpdateBuddy:Enable, GreyedButton Gui, UpdateBuddy:Show, Center, Update Available GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) } Else { If (UpdateDone == 1) { CurrentGUI = Update GuiControl, UpdateBuddy:Disable, GreyedButton Gui, UpdateBuddy:Show, Center, Up To Date GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) } } } UpdateDone = 1 } return Changelog: { url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wawawawawawawa/WC3_Loader/master/changelog.txt changelogtext := URLDownloadToVar(url) MsgBox, 4096, Changelog, %changelogtext% } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// GAIA ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;=============== GAIA CODE ==================== GaiaRefresh: { ; Empty Old Var IniRead, GaiaBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GaiaPath SetWorkingDir, %GaiaBuddyPath% Gaiacurrentclass= GaiaReplacedStr= GaiaArr := ["Cleric", "Magician", "Ranger", "Squire", "Thief", "Mystic", "Assassin", "Bard", "Berserker", "Bishop", "Crusader", "Druid", "Hunter", "Monk", "Necromancer", "Sorcerer", "Hexblade", "Psion", "Valkyrie", "Vault"] GaiaFile := {} GaiaClass := {} For i in GaiaArr { class := GaiaArr[i] GuiControl, GaiaBuddy:, %class%choice, |%class% GuiControl, GaiaBuddy:Choose, %class%choice, 1 } If (GaiaBuddyPath) { GaiaFileList := {} Loop, Files, *.txt { GaiaFileList[A_index] := SubStr(A_LoopFileName, 1, -4) TheIndex := GaiaFileList[A_index] for i in GaiaArr { if (InStr(TheIndex, GaiaArr[i]) != 0) { Gaianame:=TheIndex GaiaFile.Push(Gaianame) GaiaClass.Push(GaiaArr[i]) } } } for j in GaiaArr { for i in GaiaClass { Gaiacurrent := GaiaFile[i] if (GaiaClass[i] = GaiaArr[j]) { classGaia := GaiaArr[j] if (!Gaiacurrentclass) { Gaiacurrentclass = %Gaiacurrent% } else { Gaiacurrentclass = %Gaiacurrent%|%Gaiacurrentclass% } } } if (Gaiacurrentclass) { GaiaReplacedStr := sortByNumberWithin(Gaiacurrentclass,"|") GaiaReplacedStr := StrReplace(GaiaReplacedStr, "|" , "| ") GaiaReplacedStr=| %GaiaReplacedStr% GuiControl, GaiaBuddy:, %classGaia%choice, %GaiaReplacedStr% GuiControl, GaiaBuddy:Choose, %classGaia%choice, 1 } Gaiacurrentclass= } } } return LoadGaia: { IniRead, GaiaBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GaiaPath SetWorkingDir, %GaiaBuddyPath% GaiaSaveName := SubStr(A_GuiControl, 1, -2) GaiaSaveName = %GaiaSaveName%choice GuiControlGet, GaiaCurrentFile ,, %GaiaSaveName%, Text GaiaCurrentFile=%GaiaCurrentFile% GaiaCurrentFile = %GaiaCurrentFile%.txt GaiaCurrentPath = %GaiaBuddyPath%\%GaiaCurrentFile% if FileExist(GaiaCurrentPath) { SetTitleMatchMode, 1 If WinExist("Warcraft III") { FileReadLine, Gaiacode, %GaiaCurrentFile%, 4 Gaiacode=%Gaiacode% StringTrimLeft, Gaiacode, Gaiacode, 25 StringTrimRight, Gaiacode, Gaiacode, 7 FileReadLine, Gaialvl, %GaiaCurrentFile%, 5 Gaialvl=%Gaialvl% StringTrimLeft, Gaialvl, Gaialvl, 39 StringTrimRight, Gaialvl, Gaialvl, 6 WinActivate, Warcraft III Clipboard := "Loading : " . Gaialvl ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 200 Clipboard := "-load " . Gaiacode ClipWait,200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} } else { MsgBox, 262208, No Warcraft III, You need to open Warcraft III before loading ! } } else { MsgBox, 262208, Invalid Save File, No Save Found ! } } return LoadGaiaVault: { IniRead, GaiaBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GaiaPath SetWorkingDir, %GaiaBuddyPath% GaiaCurrentPath = %GaiaBuddyPath%\Vault.txt if FileExist(GaiaCurrentPath) { SetTitleMatchMode, 1 If WinExist("Warcraft III") { WinActivate, Warcraft III FileReadLine, Gaiacode, Vault.txt, 4 StringTrimLeft, Gaiacode, Gaiacode, 20 StringTrimRight, Gaiacode, Gaiacode, 7 Sleep 200 Clipboard := "Loading : Vault" ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 200 Clipboard := Gaiacode ClipWait,200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} } else { MsgBox, 262208, No Warcraft III, You need to open Warcraft III before loading ! } SetTitleMatchMode, 2 } else { MsgBox, 262208, Invalid Save File, No Vault Found ! } } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// HM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;=============== HM CODE ==================== HMSort: { GuiControlGet, HMCurrentSort,, HMSortChoice, If (HMCurrentSort = "Sorting : Last Time Modified") { GuiControl, HMBuddy:, HMSortChoice, Sorting : Level HMSortVar := "Level" IniWrite, %HMSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMSort GoSub, HMChoice } else if (HMCurrentSort = "Sorting : Level") { GuiControl, HMBuddy:, HMSortChoice, Sorting : Creation Time HMSortVar := "Creation Time" IniWrite, %HMSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMSort GoSub, HMChoice } else { GuiControl, HMBuddy:, HMSortChoice, Sorting : Last Time Modified HMSortVar := "Last Time Modified" IniWrite, %HMSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMSort GoSub, HMChoice } } return HMRefresh: { ; Empty Old Var IniRead, HMBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMPath SetWorkingDir, %HMBuddyPath% GuiControl, HMBuddy:, hmclassinfo, | GuiControl, HMBuddy:, hmclasslist, | GuiControl, HMBuddy:, hmclasschoice, | HMClass := [] HMClasses := [] HMCodes := [] HMStats := [] HMLvl := [] HMTime := [] HMCreatTime := [] If (HMBuddyPath) { Loop, Files, *.txt { HMCreat=%A_LoopFileTimeCreated% HMCreatTime.Push(HMCreat) FormatTime, HMCreatTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeCreated% HMLastModif=%A_LoopFileTimeModified% HMTime.Push(HMLastModif) FormatTime, HMTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeModified% HMstart = 0 Loop, 50 { FileReadLine, HMfileline, %A_LoopFileName%, A_Index If (A_Index = 4) { HMcurrCode = %HMfileline% StringTrimLeft, HMcurrCode, HMcurrCode, 22 StringTrimRight, HMcurrCode, HMcurrCode, 3 HMCodes.Push(HMcurrCode) } if InStr(HMfileline, "Chat Message") { HMstart = 0 HMfull = | FileName: %A_LoopFileName% | CreationTime: %HMCreatTimeFormat% | LastModified: %HMTimeFormat% %HMfull% | Code: %HMcurrCode% HMStats.Push(HMfull) GuiControl, HMBuddy:, hmclasschoice, %HMClassOption% GuiControl, HMBuddy:Choose, hmclasschoice, 1 HMfull= Break } if (HMstart = 1) { HMcurrentline = %HMfileline% StringTrimLeft, HMcurrentline, HMcurrentline, 15 StringTrimRight, HMcurrentline, HMcurrentline, 3 HMcurrentline := StrReplace(HMcurrentline, "|" , " ") HMfull = %HMfull% | %HMcurrentline% if InStr(HMcurrentline, "Char:") { HMcurrChar = %HMfileline% StringTrimLeft, HMcurrChar, HMcurrChar, 21 StringTrimRight, HMcurrChar, HMcurrChar, 3 HMClass.Push(HMcurrChar) if (HMClassOption) { if InStr(HMClassOption, HMcurrChar) { } else { HMClassOption = %HMClassOption% | %HMcurrChar% } } else { HMClassOption = | %HMcurrChar% } } if InStr(HMcurrentline, "Lv:") { HMcurrLvl = %HMfileline% StringTrimLeft, HMcurrLvl, HMcurrLvl, 19 StringTrimRight, HMcurrLvl, HMcurrLvl, 3 HMClasses.Push(HMcurrChar " Lvl " HMcurrLvl) HMLvl.Push(HMcurrLvl) } } if InStr(HMfileline, "Data Stats") { HMstart = 1 } } } HMClassOption= } } return HMChoice: { IniRead, HMBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMPath SetWorkingDir, %HMBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, HMCurrentClass,, hmclasschoice, HMCurrentStat := [] HMCurrentCodes := [] HMCurrentLvls := [] HMCurrentTime := [] HMCurrentCreatTime := [] for i in HMClass { HMcurr := HMClasses[i] HMCurrentClass=%HMCurrentClass% If InStr(HMcurr, HMCurrentClass) { HMCurrStats := HMStats[i] HMCurrentStat.Push(HMCurrStats) HMCurrCodes := HMCodes[i] HMCurrentCodes.Push(HMCurrCodes) HMCurrLvls := HMLvl[i] HMCurrentLvls.Push(HMCurrLvls) HMCurrTime := HMTime[i] HMCurrentTime.Push(HMCurrTime) HMCurrCreatTime := HMCreatTime[i] HMCurrentCreatTime.Push(HMCurrCreatTime) } } ;;;; freaking sorting issue ;;;;;;;; for i in HMCurrentLvls { HMnewlvl := HMCurrentLvls[i] if (!HMlvllist) { HMlvllist=%HMnewlvl% } else { HMlvllist=%HMlvllist%`n%HMnewlvl% } HMnewcode := HMCurrentCodes[i] if (!HMcodelist) { HMcodelist=%HMnewcode% } else { HMcodelist=%HMcodelist%`n%HMnewcode% } HMnewstat := HMCurrentStat[i] if (!HMstatlist) { HMstatlist=%HMnewstat% } else { HMstatlist=%HMstatlist%`n%HMnewstat% } HMnewtime := HMCurrentTime[i] if (!HMtimelist) { HMtimelist=%HMnewtime% } else { HMtimelist=%HMtimelist%`n%HMnewtime% } HMnewcreattime := HMCurrentCreatTime[i] if (!HMcreattimelist) { HMcreattimelist=%HMnewcreattime% } else { HMcreattimelist=%HMcreattimelist%`n%HMnewcreattime% } } If (HMSortVar = "Level") { HMObj := [HMlvllist, HMcodelist, HMstatlist] HMlvllist= HMsortingnonsense := new GroupSort(HMObj, "N R") HMArrLvls := StrSplit(HMsortingnonsense.fetch("1") , "`n") HMArrCodes := StrSplit(HMsortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") HMArrStat := StrSplit(HMsortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") } else { if (HMSortVar = "Last Time Modified") { HMObj := [HMtimelist, HMlvllist, HMcodelist, HMstatlist] } else { HMObj := [HMcreattimelist, HMlvllist, HMcodelist, HMstatlist] } HMlvllist= HMsortingnonsense := new GroupSort(HMObj, "R") HMArrLvls := StrSplit(HMsortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") HMArrCodes := StrSplit(HMsortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") HMArrStat := StrSplit(HMsortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") } for i in HMArrLvls { HMnewlvlvar := HMArrLvls[i] HMnewtimevar := HMArrTime[i] if (!HMlvllist) { HMlvllist = | Level: %HMnewlvlvar% } else { HMlvllist = %HMlvllist% | Level: %HMnewlvlvar% } } HMDefaultStat := HMArrStat[1] HMCurrentCode := HMArrCodes[1] GuiControl, HMBuddy:, hmclasslist, %HMlvllist% GuiControl, HMBuddy:Choose, hmclasslist, 1 GuiControl, HMBuddy:, hmclassinfo, %HMDefaultStat% GuiControl, HMBuddy:Choose, hmclassinfo, 1 HMlvllist= HMcodelist= HMstatlist= HMtimelist= HMcreattimelist= } return HMCharChoice: { IniRead, HMBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMPath SetWorkingDir, %HMBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, HMCurrentCharNum,, hmclasslist, HMChosenStat := HMArrStat[HMCurrentCharNum] HMCurrentCode := HMArrCodes[HMCurrentCharNum] GuiControl, HMBuddy:, hmclassinfo, %HMChosenStat% GuiControl, HMBuddy:Choose, hmclassinfo, 1 } return HMStatChoice: { If (RetrieveContent == 1) { IniRead, HMBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMPath SetWorkingDir, %HMBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, HMCurrentStatNum,, hmclassinfo, GuiControlGet, HMCurrentCharNum,, hmclasslist, HMChosenStat := HMArrStat[HMCurrentCharNum] StringTrimLeft, HMChosenStat, HMChosenStat, 2 HMArrStat2 := StrSplit(HMChosenStat , " | ") HMGetStat := HMArrStat2[HMCurrentStatNum] GuiControl, HMStatBuddy:, HMdata, %HMGetStat% Gui, HMStatBuddy:Show Gui, HMStatBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop } } return LoadHM: { IniRead, HMBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMPath SetWorkingDir, %HMBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, HMCurrentCharNum,, hmclasslist, GuiControlGet, HMCurrentClassName,, hmclasschoice, if (HMCurrentClassName && HMCurrentCharNum) { Clipboard := "Loading : " . HMCurrentClassName . " Level " . HMArrLvls[HMCurrentCharNum] SetTitleMatchMode, 1 If WinExist("Warcraft III") { WinActivate, Warcraft III ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 200 SendInput {enter}-load{enter} Sleep 500 Clipboard := HMCurrentCode ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 500 if (HMC1 = 1) { SendInput {enter}-cam 180{enter} Sleep 200 } if (HMC2 = 1) { SendInput {Enter}-c{Enter} Sleep 200 } if (HMC3 = 1) { SendInput {Enter}-b{Enter} Sleep 200 } if (HMC4 = 1) { SendInput {Enter}-a{Enter} Sleep 200 } if (HMC5 = 1) { SendInput {Enter}-e{Enter} } } else { MsgBox, 262208, No Warcraft III, You need to open Warcraft III before loading ! } SetTitleMatchMode, 2 } else { MsgBox, 262208, Invalid Save File, You need to choose a Save ! } } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// TBR 1.38 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;=============== TBR 1.38 CODE ==================== TBR13Refresh: { ; Empty Old Var IniRead, TBR13BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR13Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR13BuddyPath% GuiControl, TBR13Buddy:, tbr13classinfo, | GuiControl, TBR13Buddy:, tbr13classchoice, | TBR13Char := [] TBR13CharTXT := [] TBR13CharList= If (TBR13BuddyPath) { Loop, Files, *.txt { TBR13CharTXT.Push(A_LoopFileName) FileReadLine, TBR13fileline, %A_LoopFileName%, 11 StringTrimLeft, TBR13fileline, TBR13fileline, 9 TBR13Char.Push(TBR13fileline) if (!TBR13CharList) { TBR13CharList= | %TBR13fileline% } else { TBR13CharList= %TBR13CharList% | %TBR13fileline% } GuiControl, TBR13Buddy:, tbr13classchoice, %TBR13CharList% GuiControl, TBR13Buddy:Choose, tbr13classchoice, 1 } } } return TBR13Choice: { IniRead, TBR13BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR13Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR13BuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TBR13CurrentCharNum,, tbr13classchoice, TBR13CharStat := [] TBR13CurrTXT := TBR13CharTXT[TBR13CurrentCharNum] TBR13StatList= Loop, { FileReadLine, TBR13fileline, %TBR13CurrTXT%, A_Index If (A_Index > 10 && A_Index < 17) { StringTrimLeft, TBR13fileline, TBR13fileline, 2 If (!TBR13StatList) { TBR13StatList = FileName: %TBR13CurrTXT% TBR13CharStat.Push(TBR13StatList) TBR13StatList = | FileName: %TBR13CurrTXT% | %TBR13fileline% } else { TBR13StatList = %TBR13StatList% | %TBR13fileline% } TBR13CharStat.Push(TBR13fileline) } If (A_Index > 16) { Break } } GuiControl, TBR13Buddy:, tbr13classinfo, %TBR13StatList% GuiControl, TBR13Buddy:Choose, tbr13classinfo, 1 } return TBR13StatChoice: { If (RetrieveContent == 1) { IniRead, TBR13BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR13Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR13BuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TBR13CurrentStatNum,, tbr13classinfo, GuiControlGet, TBR13CurrentCharNum,, tbr13classchoice, TBR13ChosenStat := TBR13CharStat[TBR13CurrentStatNum] GuiControl, TBR13StatBuddy:, TBR13data, %TBR13ChosenStat% Gui, TBR13StatBuddy:Show Gui, TBR13StatBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop } } return LoadTBR13: { IniRead, TBR13BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR13Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR13BuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TBR13CurrentCharNum,, tbr13classchoice, if (TBR13CurrentCharNum && TBR13CharStat) { TBR13CurrTXT := TBR13CharTXT[TBR13CurrentCharNum] TBR13CurrCode := TBR13CharStat[6] StringTrimLeft, TBR13CurrCode, TBR13CurrCode, 6 TBR13CurrBank := TBR13CharStat[7] StringTrimLeft, TBR13CurrBank, TBR13CurrBank, 6 TBR13CurrClass := TBR13CharStat[2] StringTrimLeft, TBR13CurrClass, TBR13CurrClass, 7 TBR13CurrLvl := TBR13CharStat[3] StringTrimLeft, TBR13CurrLvl, TBR13CurrLvl, 7 Clipboard := "Loading : " . TBR13CurrClass . " Level " . TBR13CurrLvl SetTitleMatchMode, 1 If WinExist("Warcraft III") { WinActivate, Warcraft III ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 200 Clipboard := TBR13CurrCode ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 200 Clipboard := TBR13CurrBank ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} } else { MsgBox, 262208, No Warcraft III, You need to open Warcraft III before loading ! } SetTitleMatchMode, 2 } else { MsgBox, 262208, Invalid Save File, You need to choose a Save ! } } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// TBR 2.1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;=============== TBR 2.1 CODE ==================== TBR21Sort: { GuiControlGet, TBR21CurrentSort,, TBR21SortChoice, If (TBR21CurrentSort = "Sorting : Last Time Modified") { GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, TBR21SortChoice, Sorting : Level TBR21SortVar := "Level" IniWrite, %TBR21SortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR21Sort GoSub, TBR21Choice } else if (TBR21CurrentSort = "Sorting : Level") { GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, TBR21SortChoice, Sorting : Creation Time TBR21SortVar := "Creation Time" IniWrite, %TBR21SortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR21Sort GoSub, TBR21Choice } else { GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, TBR21SortChoice, Sorting : Last Time Modified TBR21SortVar := "Last Time Modified" IniWrite, %TBR21SortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR21Sort GoSub, TBR21Choice } } return TBR21Refresh: { ; Empty Old Var IniRead, TBR21BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR21Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR21BuddyPath% GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, tbr21classinfo, | GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, tbr21classlist, | GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, tbr21classchoice, | TBR21Class := [] TBR21Lvl := [] TBR21XP := [] TBR21Code := [] TBR21CharTXT := [] TBR21ClassList= TBR21Time := [] TBR21CreatTime := [] If (TBR21BuddyPath) { Loop, Files, *.txt { TBR21Creat=%A_LoopFileTimeCreated% TBR21CreatTime.Push(TBR21Creat) FormatTime, TBR21CreatTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeCreated% TBR21LastModif=%A_LoopFileTimeModified% TBR21Time.Push(TBR21LastModif) FormatTime, TBR21TimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeModified% TBR21CharTXT.Push(A_LoopFileName) Loop, 10 { FileReadLine, TBR21fileline, %A_LoopFileName%, A_Index If InStr(TBR21fileline, "-load") { TBR21fileline := StrReplace(TBR21fileline, "`t" , "") break } } TBR21Code.Push(TBR21fileline) TBR21FileName := A_LoopFileName StringTrimRight, TBR21FileName, TBR21FileName, 4 TBR21Curr := StrSplit(TBR21FileName , "; ") TBR21Class.Push(TBR21Curr[1]) TBR21LvlNum := TBR21Curr[2] StringTrimLeft, TBR21LvlNum, TBR21LvlNum, 4 TBR21Lvl.Push(TBR21LvlNum) TBR21TrueXP := TBR21Curr[3] If (StrLen(TBR21Curr[3]) < 7) { TBR21XPNUM := 7 - StrLen(TBR21Curr[3]) Loop, %TBR21XPNUM% { TBR21TrueXP = 0%TBR21TrueXP% } } TBR21XP.Push(TBR21TrueXP) TBR21currChar := TBR21Class[A_Index] if (TBR21ClassList) { if InStr(TBR21ClassList, TBR21currChar) { } else { TBR21ClassList = %TBR21ClassList%|%TBR21currChar% } } else { TBR21ClassList = |%TBR21currChar% } } GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, tbr21classchoice, %TBR21ClassList% GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:Choose, tbr21classchoice, 1 } } return TBR21Choice: { IniRead, TBR21BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR21Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR21BuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TBR21CurrentClass,, tbr21classchoice, TBR21LvlCurr := [] TBR21XPCurr := [] TBR21CodeCurr := [] TBR21CharTXTCurr := [] TBR21StatCurr := [] TBR21TimeCurr := [] TBR21CreatTimeCurr := [] for i in TBR21Class { TBR21curr := TBR21Class[i] If(TBR21curr = TBR21CurrentClass) { TBR21CurrTime := TBR21Time[i] TBR21CurrCreatTime := TBR21CreatTime[i] TBR21CurrTXT := TBR21CharTXT[i] TBR21CurrLvl := TBR21Lvl[i] TBR21CurrXP := TBR21XP[i] TBR21CurrCode := TBR21Code[i] TBR21CurrentStat = | FileName: %TBR21CurrTXT% | CreationTime: %TBR21CreatTimeFormat% | LastModified: %TBR21TimeFormat% | Level: %TBR21CurrLvl% | XP: %TBR21CurrXP% | Code: %TBR21CurrCode% TBR21CharTXTCurr.Push(TBR21CharTXT[i]) TBR21LvlCurr.Push(TBR21Lvl[i]) TBR21XPCurr.Push(TBR21XP[i]) TBR21CodeCurr.Push(TBR21Code[i]) TBR21StatCurr.Push(TBR21CurrentStat) TBR21TimeCurr.Push(TBR21CurrTime) TBR21CreatTimeCurr.Push(TBR21CurrCreatTime) } } ;;;; freaking sorting issue ;;;;;;;; for i in TBR21XPCurr { TBR21newlvl := TBR21LvlCurr[i] if (!TBR21lvllist) { TBR21lvllist=%TBR21newlvl% } else { TBR21lvllist=%TBR21lvllist%`n%TBR21newlvl% } TBR21newcode := TBR21CodeCurr[i] if (!TBR21codelist) { TBR21codelist=%TBR21newcode% } else { TBR21codelist=%TBR21codelist%`n%TBR21newcode% } TBR21newstat := TBR21StatCurr[i] if (!TBR21statlist) { TBR21statlist=%TBR21newstat% } else { TBR21statlist=%TBR21statlist%`n%TBR21newstat% } TBR21newxp := TBR21XPCurr[i] if (!TBR21xplist) { TBR21xplist=%TBR21newxp% } else { TBR21xplist=%TBR21xplist%`n%TBR21newxp% } TBR21newtxt := TBR21CharTXTCurr[i] if (!TBR21txtlist) { TBR21txtlist=%TBR21newtxt% } else { TBR21txtlist=%TBR21txtlist%`n%TBR21newtxt% } TBR21newtime := TBR21TimeCurr[i] if (!TBR21timelist) { TBR21timelist=%TBR21newtime% } else { TBR21timelist=%TBR21timelist%`n%TBR21newtime% } TBR21newcreattime := TBR21CreatTimeCurr[i] if (!TBR21creattimelist) { TBR21creattimelist=%TBR21newcreattime% } else { TBR21creattimelist=%TBR21creattimelist%`n%TBR21newcreattime% } } If (TBR21SortVar = "Level") { TBR21Obj := [TBR21xplist, TBR21codelist, TBR21statlist, TBR21lvllist, TBR21txtlist] } else If (TBR21SortVar = "Last Time Modified") { TBR21Obj := [TBR21timelist, TBR21xplist, TBR21codelist, TBR21statlist, TBR21lvllist, TBR21txtlist] } else { TBR21Obj := [TBR21creattimelist, TBR21xplist, TBR21codelist, TBR21statlist, TBR21lvllist, TBR21txtlist] } TBR21lvllist= TBR21codelist= TBR21statlist= TBR21xplist= TBR21txtlist= TBR21timelist= TBR21creattimelist= If (TBR21SortVar = "Level") { TBR21sortingnonsense := new GroupSort(TBR21Obj, "N R") TBR21ArrXP := StrSplit(TBR21sortingnonsense.fetch("1") , "`n") TBR21ArrCodes := StrSplit(TBR21sortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") TBR21ArrStat := StrSplit(TBR21sortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") TBR21ArrLvls := StrSplit(TBR21sortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") TBR21ArrTXT := StrSplit(TBR21sortingnonsense.fetch("5") , "`n") } else { TBR21sortingnonsense := new GroupSort(TBR21Obj, "R") TBR21ArrXP := StrSplit(TBR21sortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") TBR21ArrCodes := StrSplit(TBR21sortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") TBR21ArrStat := StrSplit(TBR21sortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") TBR21ArrLvls := StrSplit(TBR21sortingnonsense.fetch("5") , "`n") TBR21ArrTXT := StrSplit(TBR21sortingnonsense.fetch("6") , "`n") } for i in TBR21ArrLvls { TBR21newlvlvar := TBR21ArrLvls[i] TBR21newxpvar := TBR21ArrXP[i] if (!TBR21lvllist) { TBR21lvllist = | Level: %TBR21newlvlvar% - XP: %TBR21newxpvar% } else { TBR21lvllist = %TBR21lvllist% | Level: %TBR21newlvlvar% - XP: %TBR21newxpvar% } } TBR21DefaultStat := TBR21ArrStat[1] TBR21CurrentCode := TBR21ArrCodes[1] GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, tbr21classlist, %TBR21lvllist% GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:Choose, tbr21classlist, 1 GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, tbr21classinfo, %TBR21DefaultStat% GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:Choose, tbr21classinfo, 1 TBR21lvllist= TBR21timelist= TBR21creattimelist= } return TBR21CharChoice: { IniRead, TBR21BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR21Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR21BuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TBR21CurrentCharNum,, tbr21classlist, TBR21ChosenStat := TBR21ArrStat[TBR21CurrentCharNum] TBR21CurrentCode := TBR21ArrCodes[TBR21CurrentCharNum] GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, tbr21classinfo, %TBR21ChosenStat% GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:Choose, tbr21classinfo, 1 } return TBR21StatChoice: { If (RetrieveContent == 1) { IniRead, TBR21BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR21Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR21BuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TBR21CurrentStatNum,, tbr21classinfo, GuiControlGet, TBR21CurrentCharNum,, tbr21classlist, TBR21ChosenStat := TBR21ArrStat[TBR21CurrentCharNum] StringTrimLeft, TBR21ChosenStat, TBR21ChosenStat, 2 TBR21ArrStat2 := StrSplit(TBR21ChosenStat , " | ") TBR21GetStat := TBR21ArrStat2[TBR21CurrentStatNum] GuiControl, TBR21StatBuddy:, TBR21data, %TBR21GetStat% Gui, TBR21StatBuddy:Show Gui, TBR21StatBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop } } return LoadTBR21: { IniRead, TBR21BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR21Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR21BuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TBR21CurrentChar,, tbr21classchoice, GuiControlGet, TBR21CurrentCharNum,, tbr21classlist, if (TBR21CurrentChar && TBR21CurrentCharNum) { TBR21CurrCode := TBR21ArrCodes[TBR21CurrentCharNum] TBR21CurrLvl := TBR21ArrLvls[TBR21CurrentCharNum] TBR21CurrClass := TBR21CurrentChar TBR21CurrXP := TBR21ArrXP[TBR21CurrentCharNum] Clipboard := "Loading : " . TBR21CurrClass . " - Level " . TBR21CurrLvl . " - XP " . TBR21CurrXP SetTitleMatchMode,1 If WinExist("Warcraft III") { WinActivate, Warcraft III ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 200 Clipboard := TBR21CurrCode ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} } else { MsgBox, 262208, No Warcraft III, You need to open Warcraft III before loading ! } SetTitleMatchMode, 2 } else { MsgBox, 262208, Invalid Save File, You need to choose a Save ! } } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// TeveF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;=============== TeveF ==================== TEVESort: { GuiControlGet, TEVECurrentSort,, TEVESortChoice, If (TEVECurrentSort = "Sorting : Last Time Modified") { GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, TEVESortChoice, Sorting : Level TEVESortVar := "Level" IniWrite, %TEVESortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TEVESort GoSub, TEVEChoice } else if (TEVECurrentSort = "Sorting : Level") { GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, TEVESortChoice, Sorting : Creation Time TEVESortVar := "Creation Time" IniWrite, %TEVESortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TEVESort GoSub, TEVEChoice } else { GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, TEVESortChoice, Sorting : Last Time Modified TEVESortVar := "Last Time Modified" IniWrite, %TEVESortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TEVESort GoSub, TEVEChoice } } return TEVERefresh: { ; Empty Old Var IniRead, TEVEBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TEVEPath SetWorkingDir, %TEVEBuddyPath% GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, teveclassinfo, | GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, teveclasslist, | GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, teveclasschoice, | TEVEClasses := [] TEVEFilePath := [] TEVEFileName := [] TEVEStats := [] TEVECodes1 := [] TEVECodes2 := [] TEVEClassList= TEVETime := [] TEVECreatTime := [] If (TEVEBuddyPath) { Loop, Files, *, D { if (A_LoopFileName = "backups") { continue } TEVECurrClass := A_LoopFileName TEVEClassList = %TEVEClassList%|%A_LoopFileName% Loop, Files, %A_LoopFileLongPath%\*.txt { TEVECreat=%A_LoopFileTimeCreated% TEVECreatTime.Push(TEVECreat) FormatTime, TEVECreatTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeCreated% TEVELastModif=%A_LoopFileTimeModified% TEVETime.Push(TEVELastModif) FormatTime, TEVETimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeModified% TEVEFilePath.Push(A_LoopFileLongPath) TEVEFileName.Push(A_LoopFileName) TEVEClasses.Push(TEVECurrClass) Loop, 35 { FileReadLine, TEVEfileline, %A_LoopFileLongPath%, A_Index If InStr(TEVEfileline, "call Preload") { TEVEcurrentline = %TEVEfileline% StringTrimLeft, TEVEcurrentline, TEVEcurrentline, 15 StringTrimRight, TEVEcurrentline, TEVEcurrentline, 3 TEVEcurrentline := StrReplace(TEVEcurrentline, "|" , " ") If InStr(TEVEcurrentline, "-load ") { TEVECodes1.Push(TEVEcurrentline) } If InStr(TEVEcurrentline, "-load2 ") { TEVECodes2.Push(TEVEcurrentline) } If (InStr(TEVEfileline, "call PreloadEnd(") = 0) { TEVEfull = %TEVEfull% | %TEVEcurrentline% } If (InStr(TEVEfileline, "call PreloadEnd(")) { TEVEfull = | FileName: %A_LoopFileName% | CreationTime: %TEVECreatTimeFormat% | LastModified: %TEVETimeFormat% %TEVEfull% TEVEStats.Push(TEVEfull) TEVEfull= Break } } } } } GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, teveclasschoice, %TEVEClassList% GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:Choose, teveclasschoice, 1 } } return TEVEChoice: { IniRead, TEVEBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TEVEPath SetWorkingDir, %TEVEBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TEVECurrentClass,, teveclasschoice, TEVEStatCurr := [] TEVECurrName= TEVECurrPath= TEVELvlCurr := [] TEVECurrentCode1 := [] TEVECurrentCode2 := [] TEVECurrentTime := [] TEVECurrentCreatTime := [] for i in TEVEClasses { TEVEcurr := TEVEClasses[i] TEVECurrentClass=%TEVECurrentClass% If InStr(TEVEcurr, TEVECurrentClass) { TEVECurrStats := TEVEStats[i] TEVEStatCurr.Push(TEVECurrStats) TEVECurrName := TEVEFileName[i] TEVELvlCurr.Push(SubStr(TEVECurrName, 5 , 3)) TEVECurrCode1 := TEVECodes1[i] TEVECurrentCode1.Push(TEVECurrCode1) TEVECurrCode2 := TEVECodes2[i] TEVECurrentCode2.Push(TEVECurrCode2) TEVETimeChar := TEVETime[i] TEVECurrentTime.Push(TEVETimeChar) TEVECreatTimeChar := TEVECreatTime[i] TEVECurrentCreatTime.Push(TEVECreatTimeChar) } } ;;;; freaking sorting issue ;;;;;;;; for i in TEVELvlCurr { TEVEnewlvl := TEVELvlCurr[i] if (!TEVElvllist) { TEVElvllist=%TEVEnewlvl% } else { TEVElvllist=%TEVElvllist%`n%TEVEnewlvl% } TEVEnewstat := TEVEStatCurr[i] if (!TEVEstatlist) { TEVEstatlist=%TEVEnewstat% } else { TEVEstatlist=%TEVEstatlist%`n%TEVEnewstat% } TEVEnewcode1 := TEVECurrentCode1[i] if (!TEVEcode1list) { TEVEcode1list=%TEVEnewcode1% } else { TEVEcode1list=%TEVEcode1list%`n%TEVEnewcode1% } TEVEnewcode2 := TEVECurrentCode2[i] if (!TEVEcode2list) { TEVEcode2list=%TEVEnewcode2% } else { TEVEcode2list=%TEVEcode2list%`n%TEVEnewcode2% } TEVEnewtime := TEVECurrentTime[i] if (!TEVEtimelist) { TEVEtimelist=%TEVEnewtime% } else { TEVEtimelist=%TEVEtimelist%`n%TEVEnewtime% } TEVEnewcreattime := TEVECurrentCreatTime[i] if (!TEVEcreattimelist) { TEVEcreattimelist=%TEVEnewcreattime% } else { TEVEcreattimelist=%TEVEcreattimelist%`n%TEVEnewcreattime% } } If (TEVESortVar = "Level") { TEVEObj := [TEVElvllist, TEVEstatlist, TEVEcode1list, TEVEcode2list] } else if (TEVESortVar = "Last Time Modified") { TEVEObj := [TEVEtimelist, TEVElvllist, TEVEstatlist, TEVEcode1list, TEVEcode2list] } else { TEVEObj := [TEVEcreattimelist, TEVElvllist, TEVEstatlist, TEVEcode1list, TEVEcode2list] } TEVElvllist= TEVEstatlist= TEVEcode1list= TEVEcode2list= TEVEtimelist= TEVEcreattimelist= If (TEVESortVar = "Level") { TEVEsortingnonsense := new GroupSort(TEVEObj, "N R") TEVEArrLvls := StrSplit(TEVEsortingnonsense.fetch("1") , "`n") TEVEArrStat := StrSplit(TEVEsortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") TEVEArrCode1 := StrSplit(TEVEsortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") TEVEArrCode2 := StrSplit(TEVEsortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") } else { TEVEsortingnonsense := new GroupSort(TEVEObj, "R") TEVEArrLvls := StrSplit(TEVEsortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") TEVEArrStat := StrSplit(TEVEsortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") TEVEArrCode1 := StrSplit(TEVEsortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") TEVEArrCode2 := StrSplit(TEVEsortingnonsense.fetch("5") , "`n") } for i in TEVEArrLvls { TEVEnewlvlvar := TEVEArrLvls[i] if (!TEVElvllist) { TEVElvllist = | Lv.%TEVEnewlvlvar% } else { TEVElvllist = %TEVElvllist% | Lv.%TEVEnewlvlvar% } } TEVEDefaultStat := TEVEArrStat[1] TEVECurrentCode1 := TEVEArrCode1[1] TEVECurrentCode2 := TEVEArrCode2[1] GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, teveclasslist, %TEVElvllist% GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:Choose, teveclasslist, 1 GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, teveclassinfo, %TEVEDefaultStat% GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:Choose, teveclassinfo, 1 TEVElvllist= TEVEstatlist= TEVEcode1list= TEVEcode2list= TEVEtimelist= TEVEcreattimelist= } return TEVECharChoice: { IniRead, TEVEBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TEVEPath SetWorkingDir, %TEVEBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TEVECurrentCharNum,, teveclasslist, TEVEChosenStat := TEVEArrStat[TEVECurrentCharNum] TEVECurrentCode1 := TEVEArrCode1[TEVECurrentCharNum] TEVECurrentCode2 := TEVEArrCode2[TEVECurrentCharNum] GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, teveclassinfo, %TEVEChosenStat% GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:Choose, teveclassinfo, 1 } return TEVEStatChoice: { If (RetrieveContent == 1) { IniRead, TEVEBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TEVEPath SetWorkingDir, %TEVEBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TEVECurrentStatNum,, teveclassinfo, GuiControlGet, TEVECurrentCharNum,, teveclasslist, TEVEChosenStat := TEVEArrStat[TEVECurrentCharNum] StringTrimLeft, TEVEChosenStat, TEVEChosenStat, 2 TEVEArrStat2 := StrSplit(TEVEChosenStat , " | ") TEVEGetStat := TEVEArrStat2[TEVECurrentStatNum] GuiControl, TEVEStatBuddy:, TEVEdata, %TEVEGetStat% Gui, TEVEStatBuddy:Show Gui, TEVEStatBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop } } return LoadTEVE: { IniRead, TEVEBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TEVEPath SetWorkingDir, %TEVEBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TEVECurrentChar,, teveclasschoice, GuiControlGet, TEVECurrentCharNum,, teveclasslist, if (TEVECurrentChar && TEVECurrentCharNum) { TEVECurrCode1 := TEVEArrCode1[TEVECurrentCharNum] TEVECurrCode2 := TEVEArrCode2[TEVECurrentCharNum] TEVECurrLvl := TEVEArrLvls[TEVECurrentCharNum] SetTitleMatchMode, 1 If WinExist("Warcraft III") { Clipboard := "Loading : " . TEVECurrentChar . " - Level " . TEVECurrLvl WinActivate, Warcraft III ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 200 Clipboard := TEVECurrCode1 ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 200 SendInput {Enter}Loading Items :{Enter} Sleep 200 Clipboard := TEVECurrCode2 ClipWait, 200 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} } else { MsgBox, 262208, No Warcraft III, You need to open Warcraft III before loading ! } SetTitleMatchMode, 2 } else { MsgBox, 262208, Invalid Save File, You need to choose a Save ! } } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// GoH ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;=============== GoH ==================== GOHPetBind: { Gui, GOHPetBuddy:+OwnDialogs InputBox, PetKey, Bind, Select the bind of your pet (default 9) IniWrite, %PetKey%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GOHPetKey } return GOHHelp: { msgbox, 4096, Help, Bind a key to Slot 7 (e.g x)`nEnter a key to Pet Bind (e.g 9)`nMake sure your pet is on the Pet Bind ingame (e.g CTRL+9 on your pet ingame)`n`nOnce you press the Slot key (e.g x), it will press the Pet Bind key (e.g 9) to switch to your pet, then, it will press the Slot key number (e.g Numpad7), and finally go back to main char (by pressing F1)`nYou can use the option to automatically put pet into 9 during loading`n`nThis is used in order to quickly drink potions from your pet without changing the focus on your hero`nNB: The hotkey will only work when the GOH Loader is active } return GOHSkills: { WinActivate, Warcraft III KeyList := ["q", "w", "e", "r", "a", "s", "d", "f", "y", "x", "c", "v"] Loop, 10 { GOHSkillCount := A_Index If (GOHSkillCount = 2) { Sleep, 500 } Loop, 12 { GuiControlGet, GOHS,, GOHS%A_Index%, CurrKey := KeyList[A_Index] If (GOHS >= GOHSkillCount) { Send {%CurrKey%} } } } } return GOHSaveSkills: { Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:+OwnDialogs InputBox, SkillName, Skill Save, Choose a name for your Skill Set If (!ErrorLevel) { If (SkillName = "") { msgbox You need a name! } else { SaveList= KeyList := ["q", "w", "e", "r", "a", "s", "d", "f", "y", "x", "c", "v"] Loop, 12 { GuiControlGet, GOHS,, GOHS%A_Index%, CurrKey := KeyList[A_Index] SaveList=%SaveList%, %GOHS% } StringTrimLeft, SaveList, SaveList, 2 SaveList=%SaveList% IniWrite, %SaveList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, GOHSkills, %SkillName% GuiControlGet, GOHCurrentLoadList,, GOHLoadSkills, ControlGet, GOHSkillItems, List,, ListBox1, Skills Selection GOHLoadSkillList=%SkillName% Loop, Parse, GOHSkillItems, `n { If (A_LoopField != SkillName) { GOHLoadSkillList=%GOHLoadSkillList%|%A_LoopField% } } IniWrite, %GOHLoadSkillList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, GOHSkills, GOHLoadSkillList GOHLoadSkillList=|%GOHLoadSkillList% GuiControl, GOHSkillsBuddy:, GOHLoadSkills, %GOHLoadSkillList% } } } return GOHShowLoadSkill: { GuiControlGet, GOHCurrentLoadList,, GOHLoadSkills, IniRead, GOHKeyList, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, GOHSkills, %GOHCurrentLoadList% Loop, Parse, GOHKeyList, `, { GuiControl, GOHSkillsBuddy:, GOHS%A_Index%, %A_LoopField% } } return GOHDeleteSkillSet: { GuiControlGet, GOHCurrentLoadList,, GOHLoadSkills, IniDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, GOHSkills, %GOHCurrentLoadList% IniRead, GOHLoadSkillList, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, GOHSkills, GOHLoadSkillList Loop, Parse, GOHLoadSkillList, | { If(A_LoopField != GOHCurrentLoadList) { If (!NewLoadList) { NewLoadList=%A_LoopField% } else { NewLoadList=%NewLoadList%|%A_LoopField% } } } IniWrite, %NewLoadList%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, GOHSkills, GOHLoadSkillList GuiControl, GOHSkillsBuddy:, GOHLoadSkills, |%NewLoadList% NewLoadList= } return GOHSort: { GuiControlGet, GOHCurrentSort,, GOHSortChoice, If (GOHCurrentSort = "Sorting : Last Time Modified") { GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, GOHSortChoice, Sorting : Level GOHSortVar := "Level" IniWrite, %GOHSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHSort GoSub, GOHChoice } else if (GOHCurrentSort = "Sorting : Level") { GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, GOHSortChoice, Sorting : Creation Time GOHSortVar := "Creation Time" IniWrite, %GOHSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHSort GoSub, GOHChoice } else { GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, GOHSortChoice, Sorting : Last Time Modified GOHSortVar := "Last Time Modified" IniWrite, %GOHSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHSort GoSub, GOHChoice } } return GOHRefresh: { ; Empty Old Var IniRead, GOHBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GOHPath SetWorkingDir, %GOHBuddyPath% GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, gohclassinfo, | GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, gohclasslist, | GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, gohclasschoice, | GOHClasses := [] GOHLvl := [] GOHCode := [] GOHStats := [] GOHClassList= GOHTime := [] GOHCreatTime := [] If (GOHBuddyPath) { Loop, Files, *.txt { GOHCreat=%A_LoopFileTimeCreated% GOHCreatTime.Push(GOHCreat) FormatTime, GOHCreatTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeCreated% GOHLastModif=%A_LoopFileTimeModified% GOHTime.Push(GOHLastModif) FormatTime, GOHTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeModified% FileReadLine, GOHfileline, %A_LoopFileLongPath%, 4 StringTrimLeft, GOHfileline, GOHfileline, 2 GOHCode.Push(GOHfileline) GOHcurrChar := StrSplit(A_LoopFileName , ["(", ")"]) GOHcurrClass := GOHcurrChar[1] GOHcurrLvl := GOHcurrChar[2] GOHcurrStat := GOHcurrChar[3] StringTrimRight, GOHcurrClass, GOHcurrClass, 1 StringTrimLeft, GOHcurrStat, GOHcurrStat, 3 StringTrimRight, GOHcurrStat, GOHcurrStat, 4 If (SubStr(GOHcurrLvl, 1 , 2) == "MP") { GOHcurrLvl = Lv.60 - %GOHcurrLvl% } GOHcurrStat = | FileName: %A_LoopFileName% | CreationTime: %GOHCreatTimeFormat% | LastModified: %GOHTimeFormat% | TimePlayed: %GOHcurrStat% | Code: %GOHfileline% GOHClasses.Push(GOHcurrClass) GOHStats.Push(GOHcurrStat) GOHLvl.Push(GOHcurrLvl) if (GOHClassList) { if InStr(GOHClassList, GOHcurrClass) { } else { GOHClassList = %GOHClassList%|%GOHcurrClass% } } else { GOHClassList = |%GOHcurrClass% } } GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, gohclasschoice, %GOHClassList% GuiControl, GOHBuddy:Choose, gohclasschoice, 1 } } return GOHChoice: { IniRead, GOHBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GOHPath SetWorkingDir, %GOHBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, GOHCurrentClass,, gohclasschoice, for i in GOHClasses { GOHcurr := GOHClasses[i] If(GOHcurr = GOHCurrentClass) { GOHLvlChar := GOHLvl[i] GOHCodeChar := GOHCode[i] GOHStatChar := GOHStats[i] GOHTimeChar := GOHTime[i] GOHCreatTimeChar := GOHCreatTime[i] If (GOHSortVar = "Level") { If InStr(GOHLvlChar, "MP") { if (!GOHLvlCharMaxList) { GOHLvlCharMaxList=%GOHLvlChar% GOHStatCharMaxList=%GOHStatChar% StringTrimLeft, GOHLvlChar, GOHLvlChar, 11 GOHLvlCharMaxNum=%GOHLvlChar% GOHCodeCharMaxList=%GOHCodeChar% } else { GOHLvlCharMaxList=%GOHLvlCharMaxList%`n%GOHLvlChar% GOHStatCharMaxList=%GOHStatCharMaxList%`n%GOHStatChar% StringTrimLeft, GOHLvlChar, GOHLvlChar, 11 GOHLvlCharMaxNum=%GOHLvlCharMaxNum%`n%GOHLvlChar% GOHCodeCharMaxList=%GOHCodeCharMaxList%`n%GOHCodeChar% } } else { if (!GOHLvlCharLvlList) { GOHLvlCharLvlList=%GOHLvlChar% GOHStatCharLvlList=%GOHStatChar% StringTrimLeft, GOHLvlChar, GOHLvlChar, 3 GOHLvlCharLvlNum=%GOHLvlChar% GOHCodeCharLvlList=%GOHCodeChar% } else { GOHLvlCharLvlList=%GOHLvlCharLvlList%`n%GOHLvlChar% GOHStatCharLvlList=%GOHStatCharLvlList%`n%GOHStatChar% StringTrimLeft, GOHLvlChar, GOHLvlChar, 3 GOHLvlCharLvlNum=%GOHLvlCharLvlNum%`n%GOHLvlChar% GOHCodeCharLvlList=%GOHCodeCharLvlList%`n%GOHCodeChar% } } } else { if (!GOHTimeList) { GOHLvlCharMaxList=%GOHLvlChar% GOHStatCharMaxList=%GOHStatChar% GOHLvlCharMaxNum=%GOHLvlChar% GOHCodeCharMaxList=%GOHCodeChar% GOHTimeList=%GOHTimeChar% GOHCreatTimeList=%GOHCreatTimeChar% } else { GOHLvlCharMaxList=%GOHLvlCharMaxList%`n%GOHLvlChar% GOHStatCharMaxList=%GOHStatCharMaxList%`n%GOHStatChar% GOHLvlCharMaxNum=%GOHLvlCharMaxNum%`n%GOHLvlChar% GOHCodeCharMaxList=%GOHCodeCharMaxList%`n%GOHCodeChar% GOHTimeList=%GOHTimeList%`n%GOHTimeChar% GOHCreatTimeList=%GOHCreatTimeList%`n%GOHCreatTimeChar% } } } } If (GOHSortVar = "Level") { GOHLvlObj := [GOHLvlCharLvlNum, GOHLvlCharLvlList, GOHStatCharLvlList, GOHCodeCharLvlList] GOHMaxObj := [GOHLvlCharMaxNum, GOHLvlCharMaxList, GOHStatCharMaxList, GOHCodeCharMaxList] } else if (GOHSortVar = "Last Time Modified") { GOHMaxObj := [GOHTimeList, GOHLvlCharMaxList, GOHStatCharMaxList, GOHCodeCharMaxList] } else { GOHMaxObj := [GOHCreatTimeList, GOHLvlCharMaxList, GOHStatCharMaxList, GOHCodeCharMaxList] } GOHLvlCharLvlList= GOHStatCharLvlList= GOHLvlCharLvlNum= GOHCodeCharLvlList= GOHLvlCharMaxList= GOHStatCharMaxList= GOHLvlCharMaxNum= GOHCodeCharMaxList= GOHTimeList= GOHCreatTimeList= If (GOHSortVar = "Level") { GOHsortingnonsenseLvl := new GroupSort(GOHLvlObj, "N R") GOHArrLvlLvl := StrSplit(GOHsortingnonsenseLvl.fetch("2") , "`n") GOHArrStatLvl := StrSplit(GOHsortingnonsenseLvl.fetch("3") , "`n") GOHArrCodeLvl := StrSplit(GOHsortingnonsenseLvl.fetch("4") , "`n") GOHsortingnonsenseMax := new GroupSort(GOHMaxObj, "N R") } else { GOHsortingnonsenseMax := new GroupSort(GOHMaxObj, "R") } GOHArrLvlMax := StrSplit(GOHsortingnonsenseMax.fetch("2") , "`n") GOHArrStatMax := StrSplit(GOHsortingnonsenseMax.fetch("3") , "`n") GOHArrCodeMax := StrSplit(GOHsortingnonsenseMax.fetch("4") , "`n") GOHArrTimeMax := StrSplit(GOHsortingnonsenseMax.fetch("1") , "`n") If (GOHSortVar = "Level") { For i in GOHArrLvlLvl { GOHNewLvl := GOHArrLvlLvl[i] GOHArrLvlMax.Push(GOHNewLvl) GOHNewStat := GOHArrStatLvl[i] GOHArrStatMax.Push(GOHNewStat) GOHNewCode := GOHArrCodeLvl[i] GOHArrCodeMax.Push(GOHNewCode) } } For i in GOHArrLvlMax { GOHThisLvl := GOHArrLvlMax[i] GOHThisTime := GOHArrTimeMax[i] If (GOHlvllist) { GOHlvllist=%GOHlvllist%| %GOHThisLvl% } else { GOHlvllist=| %GOHThisLvl% } } GOHDefaultStat := GOHArrStatMax[1] GOHCurrentCode := GOHArrCodeMax[1] GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, gohclasslist, %GOHlvllist% GuiControl, GOHBuddy:Choose, gohclasslist, 1 GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, gohclassinfo, %GOHDefaultStat% GuiControl, GOHBuddy:Choose, gohclassinfo, 1 GOHlvllist= GOHstatlist= } return GOHCharChoice: { IniRead, GOHBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GOHPath SetWorkingDir, %GOHBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, GOHCurrentCharNum,, gohclasslist, GOHChosenStat := GOHArrStatMax[GOHCurrentCharNum] GOHCurrentCode := GOHArrCodeMax[GOHCurrentCharNum] GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, gohclassinfo, %GOHChosenStat% GuiControl, GOHBuddy:Choose, gohclassinfo, 1 } return GOHStatChoice: { If (RetrieveContent == 1) { IniRead, GOHBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GOHPath SetWorkingDir, %GOHBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, GOHCurrentStatNum,, gohclassinfo, GuiControlGet, GOHCurrentCharNum,, gohclasslist, GOHChosenStat := GOHArrStatMax[GOHCurrentCharNum] StringTrimLeft, GOHChosenStat, GOHChosenStat, 2 GOHArrStat2 := StrSplit(GOHChosenStat , " | ") GOHGetStat := GOHArrStat2[GOHCurrentStatNum] GuiControl, GOHStatBuddy:, GOHdata, %GOHGetStat% Gui, GOHStatBuddy:Show Gui, GOHStatBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop } } return LoadGOH: { IniRead, GOHBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GOHPath SetWorkingDir, %GOHBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, GOHCurrentClass,, gohclasschoice, GuiControlGet, GOHCurrentCharNum,, gohclasslist, if (GOHCurrentClass && GOHCurrentCharNum) { GOHCurrCode := GOHArrCodeMax[GOHCurrentCharNum] GOHCurrLvl := GOHArrLvlMax[GOHCurrentCharNum] If WinExist("Warcraft III") { Clipboard := "Loading : " . GOHCurrentClass . " - Level " . GOHCurrLvl WinActivate, Warcraft III ClipWait, 500 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 300 if (GOHC1 = 1) { SendInput {Enter}-new{Enter} Sleep 300 } Clipboard := GOHCurrCode ClipWait, 500 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 300 if (GOHC3 = 1) { SendInput {Enter}-farcam on{Enter} Sleep 300 } if (GOHC2 = 1) { SendInput {Enter}-autoselect off{Enter} Sleep 300 } if (GOHC4 = 1) { SendInput {Enter}-questmessages off{Enter} Sleep 300 } if (GOHC5 = 1) { SendInput {Enter}-clear{Enter} Sleep 300 } if (GOHC6 = 1) { WinActivate, Warcraft III WinGetPos, TX, TY, TWidth, THeight, A XLeft := TX + (0.1 * TWidth) YLeft := TY + (0.1 * THeight) XRight := TX + (0.9 * TWidth) YRight := TY + (0.9 * THeight) MouseClickDrag, L, XLeft, YLeft, XRight, YRight, 10 Send {Shift down}{F1}{Shift up}{Control down}9{Control up}{F1} } } else { MsgBox, 262208, No Warcraft III, You need to open Warcraft III before loading ! } SetTitleMatchMode, 2 } else { MsgBox, 262208, Invalid Save File, You need to choose a Save ! } } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// TKOK ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;=============== TKOK ==================== TKOKSort: { GuiControlGet, TKOKCurrentSort,, TKOKSortChoice, If (TKOKCurrentSort = "Sorting : Last Time Modified") { GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKSortChoice, Sorting : Level TKOKSortVar := "Level" IniWrite, %TKOKSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TKOKSort GoSub, TKOKChoice } else if (TKOKCurrentSort = "Sorting : Level") { GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKSortChoice, Sorting : Creation Time TKOKSortVar := "Creation Time" IniWrite, %TKOKSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TKOKSort GoSub, TKOKChoice } else { GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKSortChoice, Sorting : Last Time Modified TKOKSortVar := "Last Time Modified" IniWrite, %TKOKSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TKOKSort GoSub, TKOKChoice } } return TKOKRefresh: { ; Empty Old Var IniRead, TKOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TKOKPath SetWorkingDir, %TKOKBuddyPath% GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKclassinfo, | GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKclasslist, | GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKclasschoice, | TKOKClasses := [] TKOKFilePath := [] TKOKFileName := [] TKOKStats := [] TKOKCodes1 := [] TKOKCodes2 := [] TKOKAccName := [] TKOKClassList= TKOKTime := [] TKOKCreatTime := [] TKOKLVL := [] TKOKXP := [] If (TKOKBuddyPath) { Loop, Files, *.txt { TKOKClassList = Account TKOKCurrClass := "Account" TKOKClasses.Push(A_LoopFileName) TKOKCreat=%A_LoopFileTimeCreated% TKOKCreatTime.Push(TKOKCreat) FormatTime, TKOKCreatTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeCreated% TKOKLastModif=%A_LoopFileTimeModified% TKOKTime.Push(TKOKLastModif) FormatTime, TKOKTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeModified% TKOKFilePath.Push(A_LoopFileLongPath) TKOKFileName.Push(A_LoopFileName) Loop, 35 { FileReadLine, TKOKfileline, %A_LoopFileLongPath%, A_Index If InStr(TKOKfileline, "Name: ") { TKOKfull = %TKOKfull% | %TKOKfileline% } If InStr(TKOKfileline, "APT: ") { TKOKfull = %TKOKfull% | %TKOKfileline% TKOKcurrentline = %TKOKfileline% StringTrimLeft, TKOKcurrentline, TKOKcurrentline, 5 TKOKLVL.Push(TKOKfileline) TKOKXP.Push(TKOKcurrentline) } If InStr(TKOKfileline, "DEDI PTS: ") { TKOKfull = %TKOKfull% | %TKOKfileline% } If InStr(TKOKfileline, "-la ") { TKOKCodes1.Push(TKOKfileline) TKOKCodes2.Push(TKOKfileline) TKOKfull = | FileName: %A_LoopFileName% | CreationTime: %TKOKCreatTimeFormat% | LastModified: %TKOKTimeFormat% %TKOKfull% | %TKOKfileline% TKOKStats.Push(TKOKfull) TKOKfull= Break } } } Loop, Files, *, D { TKOKCurrClass := A_LoopFileName TKOKClassList = %TKOKClassList%|%A_LoopFileName% Loop, Files, %A_LoopFileLongPath%\*.txt { TKOKCreat=%A_LoopFileTimeCreated% TKOKCreatTime.Push(TKOKCreat) FormatTime, TKOKCreatTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeCreated% TKOKLastModif=%A_LoopFileTimeModified% TKOKTime.Push(TKOKLastModif) FormatTime, TKOKTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeModified% TKOKFilePath.Push(A_LoopFileLongPath) TKOKFileName.Push(A_LoopFileName) TKOKClasses.Push(TKOKCurrClass) Loop, 35 { FileReadLine, TKOKfileline, %A_LoopFileLongPath%, A_Index If InStr(TKOKfileline, "call Preload") { TKOKcurrentline = %TKOKfileline% StringTrimLeft, TKOKcurrentline, TKOKcurrentline, 16 StringTrimRight, TKOKcurrentline, TKOKcurrentline, 3 TKOKcurrentline := StrReplace(TKOKcurrentline, "|" , " ") If InStr(TKOKcurrentline, "-l ") { StringTrimLeft, TKOKcurrentline, TKOKcurrentline, 6 TKOKCodes1.Push(TKOKcurrentline) } If InStr(TKOKcurrentline, "-l2 ") { StringTrimLeft, TKOKcurrentline, TKOKcurrentline, 6 TKOKCodes2.Push(TKOKcurrentline) } If InStr(TKOKcurrentline, "Name: ") { StringTrimLeft, TKOKcurrentline, TKOKcurrentline, 6 TKOKAccName.Push(TKOKcurrentline) } If InStr(TKOKcurrentline, "Level: ") { TKOKLVL.Push(TKOKcurrentline) } If InStr(TKOKcurrentline, "EXP: ") { StringTrimLeft, TKOKcurrentline2, TKOKcurrentline, 5 TKOKXP.Push(TKOKcurrentline2) } If (InStr(TKOKfileline, "call PreloadEnd(") = 0) { TKOKfull = %TKOKfull% | %TKOKcurrentline% } If (InStr(TKOKfileline, "call PreloadEnd(")) { TKOKfull = | FileName: %A_LoopFileName% | CreationTime: %TKOKCreatTimeFormat% | LastModified: %TKOKTimeFormat% %TKOKfull% TKOKStats.Push(TKOKfull) TKOKfull= Break } } } } } GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKclasschoice, %TKOKClassList% GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:Choose, TKOKclasschoice, 1 } } return TKOKChoice: { IniRead, TKOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TKOKPath SetWorkingDir, %TKOKBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TKOKCurrentClass,, TKOKclasschoice, TKOKStatCurr := [] TKOKCurrPath= TKOKLvlCurr := [] TKOKXPCurr := [] TKOKCurrentCode1 := [] TKOKCurrentCode2 := [] TKOKCurrentTime := [] TKOKCurrentCreatTime := [] TKOKCurrentAccount := [] for i in TKOKClasses { TKOKcurr := TKOKClasses[i] TKOKCurrentClass=%TKOKCurrentClass% If InStr(TKOKcurr, TKOKCurrentClass) { TKOKCurrStats := TKOKStats[i] TKOKStatCurr.Push(TKOKCurrStats) TKOKCurrXP := TKOKXP[i] TKOKXPCurr.Push(TKOKCurrXP) TKOKCurrLvl := TKOKLVL[i] TKOKLvlCurr.Push(TKOKCurrLvl) TKOKCurrCode1 := TKOKCodes1[i] TKOKCurrentCode1.Push(TKOKCurrCode1) TKOKCurrCode2 := TKOKCodes2[i] TKOKCurrentCode2.Push(TKOKCurrCode2) TKOKTimeChar := TKOKTime[i] TKOKCurrentTime.Push(TKOKTimeChar) TKOKCreatTimeChar := TKOKCreatTime[i] TKOKCurrentCreatTime.Push(TKOKCreatTimeChar) TKOKAcccountName := TKOKAccName[i] TKOKCurrentAccount.Push(TKOKAcccountName) } } ;;;; freaking sorting issue ;;;;;;;; for i in TKOKLvlCurr { TKOKnewlvl := TKOKLvlCurr[i] if (TKOKlvllist="") { TKOKlvllist=%TKOKnewlvl% } else { TKOKlvllist=%TKOKlvllist%`n%TKOKnewlvl% } TKOKnewxp := TKOKXPCurr[i] if (TKOKxplist="") { TKOKxplist=%TKOKnewxp% } else { TKOKxplist=%TKOKxplist%`n%TKOKnewxp% } TKOKnewstat := TKOKStatCurr[i] if (TKOKstatlist="") { TKOKstatlist=%TKOKnewstat% } else { TKOKstatlist=%TKOKstatlist%`n%TKOKnewstat% } TKOKnewcode1 := TKOKCurrentCode1[i] if (TKOKcode1list="") { TKOKcode1list=%TKOKnewcode1% } else { TKOKcode1list=%TKOKcode1list%`n%TKOKnewcode1% } TKOKnewcode2 := TKOKCurrentCode2[i] if (TKOKcode2list="") { TKOKcode2list=%TKOKnewcode2% } else { TKOKcode2list=%TKOKcode2list%`n%TKOKnewcode2% } TKOKnewtime := TKOKCurrentTime[i] if (TKOKtimelist="") { TKOKtimelist=%TKOKnewtime% } else { TKOKtimelist=%TKOKtimelist%`n%TKOKnewtime% } TKOKnewcreattime := TKOKCurrentCreatTime[i] if (TKOKcreattimelist="") { TKOKcreattimelist=%TKOKnewcreattime% } else { TKOKcreattimelist=%TKOKcreattimelist%`n%TKOKnewcreattime% } TKOKnewaccount := TKOKCurrentAccount[i] if (TKOKaccountlist="") { TKOKaccountlist=%TKOKnewaccount% } else { TKOKaccountlist=%TKOKaccountlist%`n%TKOKnewaccount% } } If (TKOKSortVar = "Level") { TKOKObj := [TKOKxplist, TKOKlvllist, TKOKstatlist, TKOKcode1list, TKOKcode2list, TKOKaccountlist] } else if (TKOKSortVar = "Last Time Modified") { TKOKObj := [TKOKtimelist, TKOKlvllist, TKOKstatlist, TKOKcode1list, TKOKcode2list, TKOKaccountlist] } else { TKOKObj := [TKOKcreattimelist, TKOKlvllist, TKOKstatlist, TKOKcode1list, TKOKcode2list, TKOKaccountlist] } TKOKlvllist= TKOKxplist= TKOKstatlist= TKOKcode1list= TKOKcode2list= TKOKtimelist= TKOKcreattimelist= TKOKaccountlist= If (TKOKSortVar = "Level") { TKOKsortingnonsense := new GroupSort(TKOKObj, "N R") TKOKArrLvls := StrSplit(TKOKsortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") TKOKArrStat := StrSplit(TKOKsortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") TKOKArrCode1 := StrSplit(TKOKsortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") TKOKArrCode2 := StrSplit(TKOKsortingnonsense.fetch("5") , "`n") TKOKArrName := StrSplit(TKOKsortingnonsense.fetch("6") , "`n") } else { TKOKsortingnonsense := new GroupSort(TKOKObj, "R") TKOKArrLvls := StrSplit(TKOKsortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") TKOKArrStat := StrSplit(TKOKsortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") TKOKArrCode1 := StrSplit(TKOKsortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") TKOKArrCode2 := StrSplit(TKOKsortingnonsense.fetch("5") , "`n") TKOKArrName := StrSplit(TKOKsortingnonsense.fetch("6") , "`n") } for i in TKOKArrLvls { TKOKnewlvlvar := TKOKArrLvls[i] if (!TKOKlvllist) { TKOKlvllist = | %TKOKnewlvlvar% } else { TKOKlvllist = %TKOKlvllist% | %TKOKnewlvlvar% } } TKOKDefaultStat := TKOKArrStat[1] TKOKCurrentCode1 := TKOKArrCode1[1] TKOKCurrentCode2 := TKOKArrCode2[1] GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKclasslist, %TKOKlvllist% GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:Choose, TKOKclasslist, 1 GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKclassinfo, %TKOKDefaultStat% GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:Choose, TKOKclassinfo, 1 TKOKlvllist= TKOKxplist= TKOKstatlist= TKOKcode1list= TKOKcode2list= TKOKtimelist= TKOKcreattimelist= TKOKaccountlist= } return TKOKCharChoice: { IniRead, TKOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TKOKPath SetWorkingDir, %TKOKBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TKOKCurrentCharNum,, TKOKclasslist, TKOKChosenStat := TKOKArrStat[TKOKCurrentCharNum] TKOKCurrentCode := TKOKArrCode[TKOKCurrentCharNum] GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKclassinfo, %TKOKChosenStat% GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:Choose, TKOKclassinfo, 1 } return TKOKStatChoice: { If (RetrieveContent == 1) { IniRead, TKOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TKOKPath SetWorkingDir, %TKOKBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TKOKCurrentStatNum,, TKOKclassinfo, GuiControlGet, TKOKCurrentCharNum,, TKOKclasslist, TKOKChosenStat := TKOKArrStat[TKOKCurrentCharNum] StringTrimLeft, TKOKChosenStat, TKOKChosenStat, 2 TKOKArrStat2 := StrSplit(TKOKChosenStat , " | ") TKOKGetStat := TKOKArrStat2[TKOKCurrentStatNum] GuiControl, TKOKStatBuddy:, TKOKdata, %TKOKGetStat% Gui, TKOKStatBuddy:Show Gui, TKOKStatBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop } } return LoadTKOK: { IniRead, TKOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TKOKPath SetWorkingDir, %TKOKBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TKOKCurrentClass,, TKOKclasschoice, GuiControlGet, TKOKCurrentCharNum,, TKOKclasslist, if (TKOKCurrentClass && TKOKCurrentCharNum) { TKOKCurrCode1 := TKOKArrCode1[TKOKCurrentCharNum] TKOKCurrCode2 := TKOKArrCode2[TKOKCurrentCharNum] TKOKCurrLvl := TKOKArrLvls[TKOKCurrentCharNum] TKOKCurrAcc := TKOKArrName[TKOKCurrentCharNum] If WinExist("Warcraft III") { WinActivate, Warcraft III if (TKOKC1 = 1) { Clipboard := "-loadwith " . TKOKCurrAcc ClipWait, 500 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 300 } Clipboard := "Loading : " . TKOKCurrentClass . " - " . TKOKCurrLvl ClipWait, 500 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 300 Clipboard := TKOKCurrCode1 ClipWait, 500 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 300 if (TKOKCurrentClass != "Account") { Clipboard := TKOKCurrCode2 ClipWait, 500 SendInput {Enter}^v{Enter} } } else { MsgBox, 262208, No Warcraft III, You need to open Warcraft III before loading ! } SetTitleMatchMode, 2 } else { MsgBox, 262208, Invalid Save File, You need to choose a Save ! } } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// TW ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;=============== TW ==================== TWSort: { GuiControlGet, TWCurrentSort,, TWSortChoice, If (TWCurrentSort = "Sorting : Last Time Modified") { GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWSortChoice, Sorting : Level TWSortVar := "Level" IniWrite, %TWSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TWSort GoSub, TWChoice } else if (TWCurrentSort = "Sorting : Level") { GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWSortChoice, Sorting : Creation Time TWSortVar := "Creation Time" IniWrite, %TWSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TWSort GoSub, TWChoice } else { GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWSortChoice, Sorting : Last Time Modified TWSortVar := "Last Time Modified" IniWrite, %TWSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TWSort GoSub, TWChoice } } return TWRefresh: { ; Empty Old Var IniRead, TWBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TWPath SetWorkingDir, %TWBuddyPath% GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWclassinfo, | GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWclasslist, | GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWclasschoice, | TWClasses := [] TWFilePath := [] TWFileName := [] TWStats := [] TWCodes := [] TWClassList= TWTime := [] TWCreatTime := [] TWLVL := [] TWXP := [] If (TWBuddyPath) { Loop, Files, *.txt { TWCreat=%A_LoopFileTimeCreated% TWCreatTime.Push(TWCreat) FormatTime, TWCreatTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeCreated% TWLastModif=%A_LoopFileTimeModified% TWTime.Push(TWLastModif) FormatTime, TWTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeModified% TWFilePath.Push(A_LoopFileLongPath) TWFileName.Push(A_LoopFileName) Loop, 50 { FileReadLine, TWfileline, %A_LoopFileLongPath%, A_Index StringTrimLeft, TWcurrentline2, TWfileline, 16 StringTrimRight, TWcurrentline2, TWcurrentline2, 3 If InStr(TWcurrentline2, "Class: ") { StringTrimLeft, TWcurrentline, TWcurrentline2, 7 TWClasses.Push(TWcurrentline) TWcurrClass := TWcurrentline } If InStr(TWcurrentline2, "Level: ", true) { TWLVL.Push(TWcurrentline2) } If InStr(TWcurrentline2, "Current EXP / EXP needed to level: ") { StringTrimLeft, TWcurrentline, TWcurrentline2, 35 TWcut := InStr(TWcurrentline, " / ") TWNewStrXP := SubStr(TWcurrentline, 1 , TWcut) TWXP.Push(TWNewStrXP) } If InStr(TWcurrentline2, "Load Code") { TWcurrentline := SubStr(TWcurrentline2, InStr(TWcurrentline2, "-load")) TWCodes.Push(TWcurrentline) } If InStr(TWfileline, "call Preload(") { TWfull = %TWfull% | %TWcurrentline2% } If InStr(TWfileline, "call PreloadEnd(") { TWfull = | FileName: %A_LoopFileName% | CreationTime: %TWCreatTimeFormat% | LastModified: %TWTimeFormat% %TWfull% TWStats.Push(TWfull) TWfull= Break } } if (TWClassList) { TWcurrClass2=|%TWcurrClass% if InStr(TWClassList, TWcurrClass2) { } else { TWClassList = %TWClassList%|%TWcurrClass% } } else { TWClassList = |%TWcurrClass% } } GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWclasschoice, %TWClassList% GuiControl, TWBuddy:Choose, TWclasschoice, 1 } } return TWChoice: { IniRead, TWBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TWPath SetWorkingDir, %TWBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TWCurrentClass,, TWclasschoice, TWStatCurr := [] TWCurrName= TWCurrPath= TWLvlCurr := [] TWXPCurr := [] TWCurrentCode := [] TWCurrentTime := [] TWCurrentCreatTime := [] for i in TWClasses { TWcurr := TWClasses[i] TWCurrentClass=%TWCurrentClass% If TWcurr = %TWCurrentClass% { TWCurrStats := TWStats[i] TWStatCurr.Push(TWCurrStats) TWCurrName := TWFileName[i] TWCurrXP := TWXP[i] TWXPCurr.Push(TWCurrXP) TWCurrLvl := TWLVL[i] TWLvlCurr.Push(TWCurrLvl) TWCurrCode := TWCodes[i] TWCurrentCode.Push(TWCurrCode) TWTimeChar := TWTime[i] TWCurrentTime.Push(TWTimeChar) TWCreatTimeChar := TWCreatTime[i] TWCurrentCreatTime.Push(TWCreatTimeChar) } } ;;;; freaking sorting issue ;;;;;;;; for i in TWLvlCurr { TWnewlvl := TWLvlCurr[i] if (TWlvllist="") { TWlvllist=%TWnewlvl% } else { TWlvllist=%TWlvllist%`n%TWnewlvl% } TWnewxp := TWXPCurr[i] if (TWxplist="") { TWxplist=%TWnewxp% } else { TWxplist=%TWxplist%`n%TWnewxp% } TWnewstat := TWStatCurr[i] if (TWstatlist="") { TWstatlist=%TWnewstat% } else { TWstatlist=%TWstatlist%`n%TWnewstat% } TWnewcode := TWCurrentCode[i] if (TWcodelist="") { TWcodelist=%TWnewcode% } else { TWcodelist=%TWcodelist%`n%TWnewcode% } TWnewtime := TWCurrentTime[i] if (TWtimelist="") { TWtimelist=%TWnewtime% } else { TWtimelist=%TWtimelist%`n%TWnewtime% } TWnewcreattime := TWCurrentCreatTime[i] if (TWcreattimelist="") { TWcreattimelist=%TWnewcreattime% } else { TWcreattimelist=%TWcreattimelist%`n%TWnewcreattime% } } If (TWSortVar = "Level") { TWObj := [TWxplist, TWlvllist, TWstatlist, TWcodelist] } else if (TWSortVar = "Last Time Modified") { TWObj := [TWtimelist, TWlvllist, TWstatlist, TWcodelist] } else { TWObj := [TWcreattimelist, TWlvllist, TWstatlist, TWcodelist] } TWlvllist= TWxplist= TWstatlist= TWcodelist= TWtimelist= TWcreattimelist= If (TWSortVar = "Level") { TWsortingnonsense := new GroupSort(TWObj, "N R") TWArrLvls := StrSplit(TWsortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") TWArrStat := StrSplit(TWsortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") TWArrCode := StrSplit(TWsortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") } else { TWsortingnonsense := new GroupSort(TWObj, "R") TWArrLvls := StrSplit(TWsortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") TWArrStat := StrSplit(TWsortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") TWArrCode := StrSplit(TWsortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") } for i in TWArrLvls { TWnewlvlvar := TWArrLvls[i] if (!TWlvllist) { TWlvllist = | %TWnewlvlvar% } else { TWlvllist = %TWlvllist% | %TWnewlvlvar% } } TWDefaultStat := TWArrStat[1] TWCurrentCode := TWArrCode[1] GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWclasslist, %TWlvllist% GuiControl, TWBuddy:Choose, TWclasslist, 1 GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWclassinfo, %TWDefaultStat% GuiControl, TWBuddy:Choose, TWclassinfo, 1 TWlvllist= TWxplist= TWstatlist= TWcodelist= TWtimelist= TWcreattimelist= } return TWCharChoice: { IniRead, TWBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TWPath SetWorkingDir, %TWBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TWCurrentCharNum,, TWclasslist, TWChosenStat := TWArrStat[TWCurrentCharNum] TWCurrentCode := TWArrCode[TWCurrentCharNum] GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWclassinfo, %TWChosenStat% GuiControl, TWBuddy:Choose, TWclassinfo, 1 } return TWStatChoice: { If (RetrieveContent == 1) { IniRead, TWBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TWPath SetWorkingDir, %TWBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TWCurrentStatNum,, TWclassinfo, GuiControlGet, TWCurrentCharNum,, TWclasslist, TWChosenStat := TWArrStat[TWCurrentCharNum] StringTrimLeft, TWChosenStat, TWChosenStat, 2 TWArrStat2 := StrSplit(TWChosenStat , " | ") TWGetStat := TWArrStat2[TWCurrentStatNum] GuiControl, TWStatBuddy:, TWdata, %TWGetStat% Gui, TWStatBuddy:Show Gui, TWStatBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop } } return LoadTW: { IniRead, TWBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TWPath SetWorkingDir, %TWBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, TWCurrentClass,, TWclasschoice, GuiControlGet, TWCurrentCharNum,, TWclasslist, if (TWCurrentClass && TWCurrentCharNum) { TWCurrCode := TWArrCode[TWCurrentCharNum] TWCurrLvl := TWArrLvls[TWCurrentCharNum] If WinExist("Warcraft III") { Clipboard := "Loading : " . TWCurrentClass . " - " . TWCurrLvl WinActivate, Warcraft III ClipWait, 500 Send {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 300 Clipboard := TWCurrCode ClipWait, 500 Send {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 300 } else { MsgBox, 262208, No Warcraft III, You need to open Warcraft III before loading ! } SetTitleMatchMode, 2 } else { MsgBox, 262208, Invalid Save File, You need to choose a Save ! } } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// HOK ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;=============== HOK ==================== HOKSort: { GuiControlGet, HOKCurrentSort,, HOKSortChoice, If (HOKCurrentSort = "Sorting : Last Time Modified") { GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKSortChoice, Sorting : Level HOKSortVar := "Level" IniWrite, %HOKSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HOKSort GoSub, HOKChoice } else if (HOKCurrentSort = "Sorting : Level") { GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKSortChoice, Sorting : Creation Time HOKSortVar := "Creation Time" IniWrite, %HOKSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HOKSort GoSub, HOKChoice } else { GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKSortChoice, Sorting : Last Time Modified HOKSortVar := "Last Time Modified" IniWrite, %HOKSortVar%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HOKSort GoSub, HOKChoice } } return HOKRefresh: { ; Empty Old Var IniRead, HOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, HOKPath SetWorkingDir, %HOKBuddyPath% GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKclassinfo, | GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKclasslist, | GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKclasschoice, | HOKClasses := [] HOKFilePath := [] HOKFileName := [] HOKStats := [] HOKCodes := [] HOKClassList= HOKTime := [] HOKCreatTime := [] HOKLVL := [] HOKXP := [] If (HOKBuddyPath) { Loop, Files, *.txt { HOKCreat=%A_LoopFileTimeCreated% HOKCreatTime.Push(HOKCreat) FormatTime, HOKCreatTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeCreated% HOKLastModif=%A_LoopFileTimeModified% HOKTime.Push(HOKLastModif) FormatTime, HOKTimeFormat, %A_LoopFileTimeModified% HOKFilePath.Push(A_LoopFileLongPath) HOKFileName.Push(A_LoopFileName) Loop, 50 { FileReadLine, HOKfileline, %A_LoopFileLongPath%, A_Index StringTrimLeft, HOKcurrentline, HOKfileline, 4 If InStr(HOKcurrentline, "Hero: ") { HOKfull = %HOKfull% | %HOKcurrentline% StringTrimLeft, HOKcurrentline, HOKcurrentline, 6 HOKClasses.Push(HOKcurrentline) Loop, 3 { HOKNewClass := SubStr(HOKcurrentline, 0, 1) If (HOKNewClass = "I" || HOKNewClass = "V") { HOKcurrentline := SubStr(HOKcurrentline, 1, -1) } } HOKMasterClass := SubStr(HOKcurrentline, 1, 6) If (HOKMasterClass = "Master") { StringTrimLeft, HOKcurrentline, HOKcurrentline, 7 } HOKcurrClass := HOKcurrentline } If InStr(HOKcurrentline, "Level: ", true) { HOKLVL.Push(HOKcurrentline) HOKfull = %HOKfull% | %HOKcurrentline% StringTrimLeft, HOKcurrentline, HOKcurrentline, 7 HOKXP.Push(HOKcurrentline) } If InStr(HOKcurrentline, "Code: ") { HOKfull = %HOKfull% | %HOKcurrentline% StringTrimLeft, HOKcurrentline, HOKcurrentline, 6 HOKCodes.Push(HOKcurrentline) } If InStr(HOKfileline, "call PreloadEnd(") { HOKfull = | FileName: %A_LoopFileName% | CreationTime: %HOKCreatTimeFormat% | LastModified: %HOKTimeFormat% %HOKfull% HOKStats.Push(HOKfull) HOKfull= Break } } if (HOKClassList) { HOKcurrClass2=|%HOKcurrClass% if InStr(HOKClassList, HOKcurrClass2) { } else { HOKClassList = %HOKClassList%|%HOKcurrClass% } } else { HOKClassList = |%HOKcurrClass% } } GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKclasschoice, %HOKClassList% GuiControl, HOKBuddy:Choose, HOKclasschoice, 1 } } return HOKChoice: { IniRead, HOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, HOKPath SetWorkingDir, %HOKBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, HOKCurrentClass,, HOKclasschoice, HOKStatCurr := [] HOKCurrName= HOKCurrPath= HOKLvlCurr := [] HOKXPCurr := [] HOKCurrentCode := [] HOKCurrentTime := [] HOKCurrentCreatTime := [] for i in HOKClasses { HOKcurr := HOKClasses[i] HOKCurrentClass=%HOKCurrentClass% If InStr(HOKcurr, HOKCurrentClass) { HOKCurrStats := HOKStats[i] HOKStatCurr.Push(HOKCurrStats) HOKCurrName := HOKFileName[i] HOKCurrXP := HOKXP[i] HOKXPCurr.Push(HOKCurrXP) HOKCurrLvl := HOKLVL[i] HOKLvlCurr.Push(HOKCurrLvl) HOKCurrCode := HOKCodes[i] HOKCurrentCode.Push(HOKCurrCode) HOKTimeChar := HOKTime[i] HOKCurrentTime.Push(HOKTimeChar) HOKCreatTimeChar := HOKCreatTime[i] HOKCurrentCreatTime.Push(HOKCreatTimeChar) } } ;;;; freaking sorting issue ;;;;;;;; for i in HOKLvlCurr { HOKnewlvl := HOKLvlCurr[i] if (HOKlvllist="") { HOKlvllist=%HOKnewlvl% } else { HOKlvllist=%HOKlvllist%`n%HOKnewlvl% } HOKnewxp := HOKXPCurr[i] if (HOKxplist="") { HOKxplist=%HOKnewxp% } else { HOKxplist=%HOKxplist%`n%HOKnewxp% } HOKnewstat := HOKStatCurr[i] if (HOKstatlist="") { HOKstatlist=%HOKnewstat% } else { HOKstatlist=%HOKstatlist%`n%HOKnewstat% } HOKnewcode := HOKCurrentCode[i] if (HOKcodelist="") { HOKcodelist=%HOKnewcode% } else { HOKcodelist=%HOKcodelist%`n%HOKnewcode% } HOKnewtime := HOKCurrentTime[i] if (HOKtimelist="") { HOKtimelist=%HOKnewtime% } else { HOKtimelist=%HOKtimelist%`n%HOKnewtime% } HOKnewcreattime := HOKCurrentCreatTime[i] if (HOKcreattimelist="") { HOKcreattimelist=%HOKnewcreattime% } else { HOKcreattimelist=%HOKcreattimelist%`n%HOKnewcreattime% } } If (HOKSortVar = "Level") { HOKObj := [HOKxplist, HOKlvllist, HOKstatlist, HOKcodelist] } else if (HOKSortVar = "Last Time Modified") { HOKObj := [HOKtimelist, HOKlvllist, HOKstatlist, HOKcodelist] } else { HOKObj := [HOKcreattimelist, HOKlvllist, HOKstatlist, HOKcodelist] } HOKlvllist= HOKxplist= HOKstatlist= HOKcodelist= HOKtimelist= HOKcreattimelist= If (HOKSortVar = "Level") { HOKsortingnonsense := new GroupSort(HOKObj, "N R") HOKArrLvls := StrSplit(HOKsortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") HOKArrStat := StrSplit(HOKsortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") HOKArrCode := StrSplit(HOKsortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") } else { HOKsortingnonsense := new GroupSort(HOKObj, "R") HOKArrLvls := StrSplit(HOKsortingnonsense.fetch("2") , "`n") HOKArrStat := StrSplit(HOKsortingnonsense.fetch("3") , "`n") HOKArrCode := StrSplit(HOKsortingnonsense.fetch("4") , "`n") } for i in HOKArrLvls { HOKnewlvlvar := HOKArrLvls[i] if (!HOKlvllist) { HOKlvllist = | %HOKnewlvlvar% } else { HOKlvllist = %HOKlvllist% | %HOKnewlvlvar% } } HOKDefaultStat := HOKArrStat[1] HOKCurrentCode := HOKArrCode[1] GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKclasslist, %HOKlvllist% GuiControl, HOKBuddy:Choose, HOKclasslist, 1 GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKclassinfo, %HOKDefaultStat% GuiControl, HOKBuddy:Choose, HOKclassinfo, 1 HOKlvllist= HOKxplist= HOKstatlist= HOKcodelist= HOKtimelist= HOKcreattimelist= } return HOKCharChoice: { IniRead, HOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, HOKPath SetWorkingDir, %HOKBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, HOKCurrentCharNum,, HOKclasslist, HOKChosenStat := HOKArrStat[HOKCurrentCharNum] HOKCurrentCode := HOKArrCode[HOKCurrentCharNum] GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKclassinfo, %HOKChosenStat% GuiControl, HOKBuddy:Choose, HOKclassinfo, 1 } return HOKStatChoice: { If (RetrieveContent == 1) { IniRead, HOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, HOKPath SetWorkingDir, %HOKBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, HOKCurrentStatNum,, HOKclassinfo, GuiControlGet, HOKCurrentCharNum,, HOKclasslist, HOKChosenStat := HOKArrStat[HOKCurrentCharNum] StringTrimLeft, HOKChosenStat, HOKChosenStat, 2 HOKArrStat2 := StrSplit(HOKChosenStat , " | ") HOKGetStat := HOKArrStat2[HOKCurrentStatNum] GuiControl, HOKStatBuddy:, HOKdata, %HOKGetStat% Gui, HOKStatBuddy:Show Gui, HOKStatBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop } } return LoadHOK: { IniRead, HOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, HOKPath SetWorkingDir, %HOKBuddyPath% GuiControlGet, HOKCurrentClass,, HOKclasschoice, GuiControlGet, HOKCurrentCharNum,, HOKclasslist, if (HOKCurrentClass && HOKCurrentCharNum) { HOKCurrCode := HOKArrCode[HOKCurrentCharNum] HOKCurrLvl := HOKArrLvls[HOKCurrentCharNum] If WinExist("Warcraft III") { Clipboard := "Loading : " . HOKCurrentClass . " - " . HOKCurrLvl WinActivate, Warcraft III ClipWait, 500 Send {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 500 Clipboard := HOKCurrCode ClipWait, 500 Send {Enter}^v{Enter} Sleep 500 if (HOKC1 = 1 && HOKCurrentClass != "Backpack") { SendInput {Enter}-cam 3000{Enter} Sleep 300 } } else { MsgBox, 262208, No Warcraft III, You need to open Warcraft III before loading ! } SetTitleMatchMode, 2 } else { MsgBox, 262208, Invalid Save File, You need to choose a Save ! } } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// UPDATER FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/80587-how-to-find-internet-connection-status/page-2 ;- Should be compatible with Win XP or higher, 32/64 bit, Unicode or ANSI, latest version. IsInternetConnected() { static sz := A_IsUnicode ? 408 : 204, addrToStr := "Ws2_32\WSAAddressToString" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A") VarSetCapacity(wsaData, 408) if DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", 0x0202, "Ptr", &wsaData) { return false } if DllCall("Ws2_32\GetAddrInfoW", "wstr", "dns.msftncsi.com", "wstr", "http", "ptr", 0, "ptr*", results) { DllCall("Ws2_32\WSACleanup") return false } ai_family := NumGet(results+4, 0, "int") ;- address family (ipv4 or ipv6) ai_addr := Numget(results+16, 2*A_PtrSize, "ptr") ;- binary ip address ai_addrlen := Numget(results+16, 0, "ptr") ;- length of ip DllCall(addrToStr, "ptr", ai_addr, "uint", ai_addrlen, "ptr", 0, "str", wsaData, "uint*", 204) DllCall("Ws2_32\FreeAddrInfoW", "ptr", results) DllCall("Ws2_32\WSACleanup") xxx := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") F1:="http://www.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt" F2:="http://ipv6.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt" xxx.SetTimeouts(500,500,500,500) try { if (ai_family = 2 && wsaData = "") xxx.Open("GET",F1) else if (ai_family = 23 && wsaData = "[fd3e:4f5a:5b81::1]:80") xxx.Open("GET",F2) else return false xxx.Send() return (xxx.ResponseText = "Microsoft NCSI") ;-ncsi.txt will contain exactly this text otherwise=0 } catch e { return false } return } return URLDownloadToVar(url) { obj:=ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"),obj.Open("GET",url),obj.Send() return obj.status=200?obj.ResponseText:"" } return ;////////////////////////////////////////// SORTING FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/32830-func-sort-by-numbers-within-a-string/ sortByNumberWithin(str,del) { x=````````````````` loop,parse,str,%del% { RegExMatch( a_loopfield,"(\D*)(-?\d*)(.*)",nbr ) nl.=strlen(nbr1) . "," } Sort nl,R N D, StringSplit, mL,nl,`, ml:=ml1 astr= loop,parse,str,%del% { RegExMatch( a_loopfield,"([a-zA-Z]+|\D*)-?\d+",nbr ) ;([a-zA-Z]+)-?\d+ sal:=ml-strlen(nbr1)+1 sa:=substr(x,1,sal) astr.=sa . a_loopfield . "," } start:=ml+2 Sort astr,P%start% N D, StringReplace, astr,astr,``,,all StringReplace, astr,astr,`,,%del%,all StringTrimRight, astr, astr, 1 return astr } ;https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/95429-groupsort-sort-arrange-multiple-inter-related-lists-together/ class GroupSort { ;------------------------------------------ ;New GroupSort() ; object - The lists stored in a single object such that the host (parent) object occupies Index 1 and all others 2,3,4..... ; options - The options used for Sorting. For details, see the Sort command in Autohotkey help __New(object, options="") { if !Isobject(object) return -1 m_item := object[1] m_delim := Substr(options, ( delim_isp := Instr(options, "D") )+1, 1) , m_delim := delim_isp ? m_delim : "`n" str_obj := {} loop % object.MaxIndex()-1 ;Adding alternative data to objects { temp := object[A_index+1] , tempobj := {} loop, parse, temp,% m_delim tempobj[A_index] := A_LoopField str_obj[A_index] := tempobj } length := 0 , len_obj := {} ;Get max m_item length loop, parse, m_item,% m_delim length := ( temp := StrLen(A_LoopField) ) > length ? temp : length , len_obj[A_index] := temp loop, parse, m_item,% m_delim ;Add tabs m_item2 .= A_LoopField this.Genitem("`t", length-len_obj[A_index]) A_space A_index m_delim ;A_space is a security factor m_item2 := Substr(m_item2, 1, -Strlen(m_delim)) Sort, m_item2,% options ;Sort str_obj_ind := str_obj.MaxIndex() ;RE-ARRANGING ALL DATA loop, parse, m_item2,% m_delim { temp_ind := Substr(A_LoopField, Instr(A_LoopField, " ", 0, 0)+1) temp_length := length - len_obj[temp_ind] m_item3 .= Substr(A_LoopField, 1, -temp_length-1-Strlen(temp_ind)) m_delim loop % str_obj_ind temp_obj := str_obj[A_index] , str_item%A_index% .= temp_obj[temp_ind] m_delim ;str_item1,2,3... contains changed data } m_item3 := Rtrim(m_item3, m_delim) ;Creating return object this.retobj := {} this.retobj[1] := m_item3 loop % str_obj_ind this.retobj[A_index+1] := Rtrim(str_item%A_index%, m_delim) this.m_delim := m_delim ;Used below } ;------------------------------------------------------- ;Sort() ; returns Sorted data in object format ; If columns=0, all the columns (LISTS) are returned in Object format with the parent list occupying Index 1 of the Object ; If columns is a CSV, then the matched coulums are returned such that the parent list is Column 1 Sort(Columns=0) ;Add many columns in CSV format { if !Columns return this.retobj else { retobj2 := {} loop, parse, Columns, `,,%A_space%%A_tab% this.retobj2[A_index] := this.retobj[A_LoopField] return this.retobj2 } } ;------------------------------------------------------- ;Fetch() ; returns data in string format ; Columns = ; whitespaces = separation between different columns ; wh_item = the item that is repeated times to give the separation Fetch(Columns=0, whitespaces=2, wh_item="`n") { delim := this.Genitem(wh_item, whitespaces) if !Columns loop % this.retobj.MaxIndex() toret .= this.retobj[A_Index] delim else loop, parse, Columns, `, toret .= this.retobj[A_LoopField] delim return Substr(toret, 1, -Strlen(delim)) } ;--------------------------------------------------------- ;HelpeR Functions Genitem(item, N){ loop % N t .= item return t } } ;=============== BACKUP ==================== RestoreBackup: { Gui MainBuddy:+OwnDialogs FileSelectFile, BackupPath,,, Choose the Backup.ini to Restore, INI (*.ini) If (BackupPath) { FileSelectFolder, RestorePath, 3,, Where do you want your Restored Saves to be? (Press Cancel to Skip) } GaiaRestorePath = %RestorePath%\Gaia Restored HMRestorePath = %RestorePath%\HM Restored TBR13RestorePath = %RestorePath%\TBR13 Restored TBR21RestorePath = %RestorePath%\TBR21 Restored TEVERestorePath = %RestorePath%\TEVE Restored GOHRestorePath = %RestorePath%\GOH Restored TKOKRestorePath = %RestorePath%\TKOK Restored TWRestorePath = %RestorePath%\TW Restored If (RestorePath) { name = Gaia IniRead, GaiaNum, %BackupPath%, Gaia, Count Loop, %GaiaNum% { IniRead, GaiaFile, %BackupPath%, Gaia, File%A_Index% IniRead, GaiaTxt, %BackupPath%, Gaia, Txt%A_Index% IniRead, GaiaSubPath, %BackupPath%, Gaia, SubPath%A_Index% GaiaTxt := StrReplace(GaiaTxt, "LINEBREAK" , "`n") GaiaTxt := StrReplace(GaiaTxt, "TABBREAK" , "`t") FileCreateDir, %GaiaRestorePath%%GaiaSubPath% FileDelete, %GaiaRestorePath%%GaiaSubPath%\%GaiaFile% FileAppend, %GaiaTxt%, %GaiaRestorePath%%GaiaSubPath%\%GaiaFile% Gaiaperc := (A_Index / %name%Num) * 100 Progress, %Gaiaperc%, %GaiaFile%, Restoring %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } Progress, Off name = HM IniRead, HMNum, %BackupPath%, HM, Count Loop, %HMNum% { IniRead, HMFile, %BackupPath%, HM, File%A_Index% IniRead, HMTxt, %BackupPath%, HM, Txt%A_Index% IniRead, HMSubPath, %BackupPath%, HM, SubPath%A_Index% HMTxt := StrReplace(HMTxt, "LINEBREAK" , "`n") HMTxt := StrReplace(HMTxt, "TABBREAK" , "`t") FileCreateDir, %HMRestorePath%%HMSubPath% FileDelete, %HMRestorePath%%HMSubPath%\%HMFile% FileAppend, %HMTxt%, %HMRestorePath%%HMSubPath%\%HMFile% HMperc := (A_Index / %name%Num) * 100 Progress, %HMperc%, %HMFile%, Restoring %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } Progress, Off name = TBR13 IniRead, TBR13Num, %BackupPath%, TBR13, Count Loop, %TBR13Num% { IniRead, TBR13File, %BackupPath%, TBR13, File%A_Index% IniRead, TBR13Txt, %BackupPath%, TBR13, Txt%A_Index% IniRead, TBR13SubPath, %BackupPath%, TBR13, SubPath%A_Index% TBR13Txt := StrReplace(TBR13Txt, "LINEBREAK" , "`n") TBR13Txt := StrReplace(TBR13Txt, "TABBREAK" , "`t") FileCreateDir, %TBR13RestorePath%%TBR13SubPath% FileDelete, %TBR13RestorePath%%TBR13SubPath%\%TBR13File% FileAppend, %TBR13Txt%, %TBR13RestorePath%%TBR13SubPath%\%TBR13File% TBR13perc := (A_Index / %name%Num) * 100 Progress, %TBR13perc%, %TBR13File%, Restoring %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } Progress, Off name = TBR21 IniRead, TBR21Num, %BackupPath%, TBR21, Count Loop, %TBR21Num% { IniRead, TBR21File, %BackupPath%, TBR21, File%A_Index% IniRead, TBR21Txt, %BackupPath%, TBR21, Txt%A_Index% IniRead, TBR21SubPath, %BackupPath%, TBR21, SubPath%A_Index% TBR21Txt := StrReplace(TBR21Txt, "LINEBREAK" , "`n") TBR21Txt := StrReplace(TBR21Txt, "TABBREAK" , "`t") FileCreateDir, %TBR21RestorePath%%TBR21SubPath% FileDelete, %TBR21RestorePath%%TBR21SubPath%\%TBR21File% FileAppend, %TBR21Txt%, %TBR21RestorePath%%TBR21SubPath%\%TBR21File% TBR21perc := (A_Index / %name%Num) * 100 Progress, %TBR21perc%, %TBR21File%, Restoring %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } Progress, Off name = TEVE IniRead, TEVENum, %BackupPath%, TEVE, Count Loop, %TEVENum% { IniRead, TEVEFile, %BackupPath%, TEVE, File%A_Index% IniRead, TEVETxt, %BackupPath%, TEVE, Txt%A_Index% IniRead, TEVESubPath, %BackupPath%, TEVE, SubPath%A_Index% TEVETxt := StrReplace(TEVETxt, "LINEBREAK" , "`n") TEVETxt := StrReplace(TEVETxt, "TABBREAK" , "`t") FileCreateDir, %TEVERestorePath%%TEVESubPath% FileDelete, %TEVERestorePath%%TEVESubPath%\%TEVEFile% FileAppend, %TEVETxt%, %TEVERestorePath%%TEVESubPath%\%TEVEFile% TEVEperc := (A_Index / %name%Num) * 100 Progress, %TEVEperc%, %TEVEFile%, Restoring %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } Progress, Off name = GOH IniRead, GOHNum, %BackupPath%, GOH, Count Loop, %GOHNum% { IniRead, GOHFile, %BackupPath%, GOH, File%A_Index% IniRead, GOHTxt, %BackupPath%, GOH, Txt%A_Index% IniRead, GOHSubPath, %BackupPath%, GOH, SubPath%A_Index% GOHTxt := StrReplace(GOHTxt, "LINEBREAK" , "`n") GOHTxt := StrReplace(GOHTxt, "TABBREAK" , "`t") FileCreateDir, %GOHRestorePath%%GOHSubPath% FileDelete, %GOHRestorePath%%GOHSubPath%\%GOHFile% FileAppend, %GOHTxt%, %GOHRestorePath%%GOHSubPath%\%GOHFile% GOHperc := (A_Index / %name%Num) * 100 Progress, %GOHperc%, %GOHFile%, Restoring %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } Progress, Off name = TKOK IniRead, TKOKNum, %BackupPath%, TKOK, Count Loop, %TKOKNum% { IniRead, TKOKFile, %BackupPath%, TKOK, File%A_Index% IniRead, TKOKTxt, %BackupPath%, TKOK, Txt%A_Index% IniRead, TKOKSubPath, %BackupPath%, TKOK, SubPath%A_Index% TKOKTxt := StrReplace(TKOKTxt, "LINEBREAK" , "`n") TKOKTxt := StrReplace(TKOKTxt, "TABBREAK" , "`t") FileCreateDir, %TKOKRestorePath%%TKOKSubPath% FileDelete, %TKOKRestorePath%%TKOKSubPath%\%TKOKFile% FileAppend, %TKOKTxt%, %TKOKRestorePath%%TKOKSubPath%\%TKOKFile% TKOKperc := (A_Index / %name%Num) * 100 Progress, %TKOKperc%, %TKOKFile%, Restoring %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } Progress, Off name = TW IniRead, TWNum, %BackupPath%, TW, Count Loop, %TWNum% { IniRead, TWFile, %BackupPath%, TW, File%A_Index% IniRead, TWTxt, %BackupPath%, TW, Txt%A_Index% IniRead, TWSubPath, %BackupPath%, TW, SubPath%A_Index% TWTxt := StrReplace(TWTxt, "LINEBREAK" , "`n") TWTxt := StrReplace(TWTxt, "TABBREAK" , "`t") FileCreateDir, %TWRestorePath%%TWSubPath% FileDelete, %TWRestorePath%%TWSubPath%\%TWFile% FileAppend, %TWTxt%, %TWRestorePath%%TWSubPath%\%TWFile% TWperc := (A_Index / %name%Num) * 100 Progress, %TWperc%, %TWFile%, Restoring %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } Progress, Off name = HOK IniRead, HOKNum, %BackupPath%, HOK, Count Loop, %HOKNum% { IniRead, HOKFile, %BackupPath%, HOK, File%A_Index% IniRead, HOKTxt, %BackupPath%, HOK, Txt%A_Index% IniRead, HOKSubPath, %BackupPath%, HOK, SubPath%A_Index% HOKTxt := StrReplace(HOKTxt, "LINEBREAK" , "`n") HOKTxt := StrReplace(HOKTxt, "TABBREAK" , "`t") FileCreateDir, %HOKRestorePath%%HOKSubPath% FileDelete, %HOKRestorePath%%HOKSubPath%\%HOKFile% FileAppend, %HOKTxt%, %HOKRestorePath%%HOKSubPath%\%HOKFile% HOKperc := (A_Index / %name%Num) * 100 Progress, %HOKperc%, %HOKFile%, Restoring %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } Progress, Off MsgBox, 262208, Restoration Done, Backup Restored at %RestorePath%\ } } return CreateBackup: { Gui MainBuddy:+OwnDialogs IniRead, GaiaBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GaiaPath IniRead, HMBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, HMPath IniRead, TBR13BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR13Path IniRead, TBR21BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TBR21Path IniRead, TEVEBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TEVEPath IniRead, GOHBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, GOHPath IniRead, TKOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TKOKPath IniRead, TWBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, TWPath IniRead, HOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, HOKPath CreateBackupPath= FileSelectFolder, CreateBackupPath, 3,, Where do you want your Backup.ini to be created? If (CreateBackupPath) { FileDelete, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini FileAppend,, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini If (GaiaBuddyPath) { name = Gaia SetWorkingDir, %GaiaBuddyPath% Gaiacurrent := 0 Gaiamax := 0 Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { Gaiamax++ } Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { Gaiacurrent++ FileRead, GaiacurrBackup, %A_LoopFileLongPath% GaiacurrBackup := StrReplace(GaiacurrBackup, "`r`n" , "LINEBREAK") GaiacurrBackup := StrReplace(GaiacurrBackup, "`t" , "TABBREAK") GaiacurrBackup := StrReplace(GaiacurrBackup, "`n" , "LINEBREAK") GaiacurrBackup := StrReplace(GaiacurrBackup, "`r" , "LINEBREAK") GaiacurrSubPath := StrReplace(A_LoopFileLongPath, GaiaBuddyPath, "") GaiacurrSubPath := StrReplace(GaiacurrSubPath, A_LoopFileName, "") IniWrite, %GaiacurrSubPath%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, SubPath%Gaiacurrent% IniWrite, %A_LoopFileName%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, File%Gaiacurrent% IniWrite, %GaiacurrBackup%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Txt%Gaiacurrent% Gaiaperc := (A_Index / Gaiamax) * 100 Progress, %Gaiaperc%, %A_LoopFileName%, Creating %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } IniWrite, %Gaiacurrent%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Count Progress, Off } If (HMBuddyPath) { name = HM SetWorkingDir, %HMBuddyPath% HMcurrent := 0 HMmax := 0 Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { HMmax++ } Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { HMcurrent++ FileRead, HMcurrBackup, %A_LoopFileLongPath% HMcurrBackup := StrReplace(HMcurrBackup, "`r`n" , "LINEBREAK") HMcurrBackup := StrReplace(HMcurrBackup, "`t" , "TABBREAK") HMcurrBackup := StrReplace(HMcurrBackup, "`n" , "LINEBREAK") HMcurrBackup := StrReplace(HMcurrBackup, "`r" , "LINEBREAK") HMcurrSubPath := StrReplace(A_LoopFileLongPath, HMBuddyPath, "") HMcurrSubPath := StrReplace(HMcurrSubPath, A_LoopFileName, "") IniWrite, %HMcurrSubPath%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, SubPath%HMcurrent% IniWrite, %A_LoopFileName%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, File%HMcurrent% IniWrite, %HMcurrBackup%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Txt%HMcurrent% HMperc := (A_Index / HMmax) * 100 Progress, %HMperc%, %A_LoopFileName%, Creating %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } IniWrite, %HMcurrent%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Count Progress, Off } If (TBR13BuddyPath) { name = TBR13 SetWorkingDir, %TBR13BuddyPath% TBR13current := 0 TBR13max := 0 Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { TBR13max++ } Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { TBR13current++ FileRead, TBR13currBackup, %A_LoopFileLongPath% TBR13currBackup := StrReplace(TBR13currBackup, "`r`n" , "LINEBREAK") TBR13currBackup := StrReplace(TBR13currBackup, "`t" , "TABBREAK") TBR13currBackup := StrReplace(TBR13currBackup, "`n" , "LINEBREAK") TBR13currBackup := StrReplace(TBR13currBackup, "`r" , "LINEBREAK") TBR13currSubPath := StrReplace(A_LoopFileLongPath, TBR13BuddyPath, "") TBR13currSubPath := StrReplace(TBR13currSubPath, A_LoopFileName, "") IniWrite, %TBR13currSubPath%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, SubPath%TBR13current% IniWrite, %A_LoopFileName%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, File%TBR13current% IniWrite, %TBR13currBackup%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Txt%TBR13current% TBR13perc := (A_Index / TBR13max) * 100 Progress, %TBR13perc%, %A_LoopFileName%, Creating %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } IniWrite, %TBR13current%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Count Progress, Off } If (TBR21BuddyPath) { name = TBR21 SetWorkingDir, %TBR21BuddyPath% TBR21current := 0 TBR21max := 0 Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { TBR21max++ } Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { TBR21current++ FileRead, TBR21currBackup, %A_LoopFileLongPath% TBR21currBackup := StrReplace(TBR21currBackup, "`r`n" , "LINEBREAK") TBR21currBackup := StrReplace(TBR21currBackup, "`t" , "TABBREAK") TBR21currBackup := StrReplace(TBR21currBackup, "`n" , "LINEBREAK") TBR21currBackup := StrReplace(TBR21currBackup, "`r" , "LINEBREAK") TBR21currSubPath := StrReplace(A_LoopFileLongPath, TBR21BuddyPath, "") TBR21currSubPath := StrReplace(TBR21currSubPath, A_LoopFileName, "") IniWrite, %TBR21currSubPath%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, SubPath%TBR21current% IniWrite, %A_LoopFileName%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, File%TBR21current% IniWrite, %TBR21currBackup%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Txt%TBR21current% TBR21perc := (A_Index / TBR21max) * 100 Progress, %TBR21perc%, %A_LoopFileName%, Creating %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } IniWrite, %TBR21current%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Count Progress, Off } If (TEVEBuddyPath) { name = TEVE SetWorkingDir, %TEVEBuddyPath% TEVEcurrent := 0 TEVEmax := 0 Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { TEVEmax++ } Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { TEVEcurrent++ FileRead, TEVEcurrBackup, %A_LoopFileLongPath% TEVEcurrBackup := StrReplace(TEVEcurrBackup, "`r`n" , "LINEBREAK") TEVEcurrBackup := StrReplace(TEVEcurrBackup, "`t" , "TABBREAK") TEVEcurrBackup := StrReplace(TEVEcurrBackup, "`n" , "LINEBREAK") TEVEcurrBackup := StrReplace(TEVEcurrBackup, "`r" , "LINEBREAK") TEVEcurrSubPath := StrReplace(A_LoopFileLongPath, TEVEBuddyPath, "") TEVEcurrSubPath := StrReplace(TEVEcurrSubPath, A_LoopFileName, "") IniWrite, %TEVEcurrSubPath%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, SubPath%TEVEcurrent% IniWrite, %A_LoopFileName%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, File%TEVEcurrent% IniWrite, %TEVEcurrBackup%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Txt%TEVEcurrent% TEVEperc := (A_Index / TEVEmax) * 100 Progress, %TEVEperc%, %A_LoopFileName%, Creating %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } IniWrite, %TEVEcurrent%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Count Progress, Off } If (GOHBuddyPath) { name = GOH SetWorkingDir, %GOHBuddyPath% GOHcurrent := 0 GOHmax := 0 Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { GOHmax++ } Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { GOHcurrent++ FileRead, GOHcurrBackup, %A_LoopFileLongPath% GOHcurrBackup := StrReplace(GOHcurrBackup, "`r`n" , "LINEBREAK") GOHcurrBackup := StrReplace(GOHcurrBackup, "`t" , "TABBREAK") GOHcurrBackup := StrReplace(GOHcurrBackup, "`n" , "LINEBREAK") GOHcurrBackup := StrReplace(GOHcurrBackup, "`r" , "LINEBREAK") GOHcurrSubPath := StrReplace(A_LoopFileLongPath, GOHBuddyPath, "") GOHcurrSubPath := StrReplace(GOHcurrSubPath, A_LoopFileName, "") IniWrite, %GOHcurrSubPath%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, SubPath%GOHcurrent% IniWrite, %A_LoopFileName%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, File%GOHcurrent% IniWrite, %GOHcurrBackup%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Txt%GOHcurrent% GOHperc := (A_Index / GOHmax) * 100 Progress, %GOHperc%, %A_LoopFileName%, Creating %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } IniWrite, %GOHcurrent%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Count Progress, Off } If (TKOKBuddyPath) { name = TKOK SetWorkingDir, %TKOKBuddyPath% TKOKcurrent := 0 TKOKmax := 0 Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { TKOKmax++ } Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { TKOKcurrent++ FileRead, TKOKcurrBackup, %A_LoopFileLongPath% TKOKcurrBackup := StrReplace(TKOKcurrBackup, "`r`n" , "LINEBREAK") TKOKcurrBackup := StrReplace(TKOKcurrBackup, "`t" , "TABBREAK") TKOKcurrBackup := StrReplace(TKOKcurrBackup, "`n" , "LINEBREAK") TKOKcurrBackup := StrReplace(TKOKcurrBackup, "`r" , "LINEBREAK") TKOKcurrSubPath := StrReplace(A_LoopFileLongPath, TKOKBuddyPath, "") TKOKcurrSubPath := StrReplace(TKOKcurrSubPath, A_LoopFileName, "") IniWrite, %TKOKcurrSubPath%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, SubPath%TKOKcurrent% IniWrite, %A_LoopFileName%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, File%TKOKcurrent% IniWrite, %TKOKcurrBackup%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Txt%TKOKcurrent% TKOKperc := (A_Index / TKOKmax) * 100 Progress, %TKOKperc%, %A_LoopFileName%, Creating %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } IniWrite, %TKOKcurrent%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Count Progress, Off } If (TWBuddyPath) { name = TW SetWorkingDir, %TWBuddyPath% TWcurrent := 0 TWmax := 0 Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { TWmax++ } Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { TWcurrent++ FileRead, TWcurrBackup, %A_LoopFileLongPath% TWcurrBackup := StrReplace(TWcurrBackup, "`r`n" , "LINEBREAK") TWcurrBackup := StrReplace(TWcurrBackup, "`t" , "TABBREAK") TWcurrBackup := StrReplace(TWcurrBackup, "`n" , "LINEBREAK") TWcurrBackup := StrReplace(TWcurrBackup, "`r" , "LINEBREAK") TWcurrSubPath := StrReplace(A_LoopFileLongPath, TWBuddyPath, "") TWcurrSubPath := StrReplace(TWcurrSubPath, A_LoopFileName, "") IniWrite, %TWcurrSubPath%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, SubPath%TWcurrent% IniWrite, %A_LoopFileName%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, File%TWcurrent% IniWrite, %TWcurrBackup%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Txt%TWcurrent% TWperc := (A_Index / TWmax) * 100 Progress, %TWperc%, %A_LoopFileName%, Creating %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } IniWrite, %TWcurrent%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Count Progress, Off } If (HOKBuddyPath) { name = HOK SetWorkingDir, %HOKBuddyPath% HOKcurrent := 0 HOKmax := 0 Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { HOKmax++ } Loop, Files, *.txt, D F R { HOKcurrent++ FileRead, HOKcurrBackup, %A_LoopFileLongPath% HOKcurrBackup := StrReplace(HOKcurrBackup, "`r`n" , "LINEBREAK") HOKcurrBackup := StrReplace(HOKcurrBackup, "`t" , "TABBREAK") HOKcurrBackup := StrReplace(HOKcurrBackup, "`n" , "LINEBREAK") HOKcurrBackup := StrReplace(HOKcurrBackup, "`r" , "LINEBREAK") HOKcurrSubPath := StrReplace(A_LoopFileLongPath, HOKBuddyPath, "") HOKcurrSubPath := StrReplace(HOKcurrSubPath, A_LoopFileName, "") IniWrite, %HOKcurrSubPath%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, SubPath%HOKcurrent% IniWrite, %A_LoopFileName%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, File%HOKcurrent% IniWrite, %HOKcurrBackup%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Txt%HOKcurrent% HOKperc := (A_Index / HOKmax) * 100 Progress, %HOKperc%, %A_LoopFileName%, Creating %name% Backup..., %name% Backup } IniWrite, %HOKcurrent%, %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini, %name%, Count Progress, Off } MsgBox, 262208, Backup Done, Backup Saved at %CreateBackupPath%\Backup.ini } } return ;============== GUI COLOR PICKER ================= CP_Slider: GuiControlGet, vSlider ; Gets and sets the Saturation vSlider := SliderRound(vSlider) ; from slider to edit box GuiControl, CPBuddy:, SatEdit, %vSlider%`% if (mod(vSlider, 5) = 0) { ; Makes sure the number is dividable by 5 GuiControl, CPBuddy:, ColorPallet, Color\%vSlider%.png if (vLoading = "No") { vColor := GetColor(GUIColorX, GUIColorY) SetColor(vColor, "Top") ; Updates the color under the halo } } IniWrite, %vSlider%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, vSlider return CP_SatEdit: ; Gets and sets the Saturation GuiControlGet, SatEdit ; from edit box to slider GuiControl, CPBuddy:, vSlider, %SatEdit% if (mod(SatEdit, 5) = 0) { ; Makes sure the number is dividable by 5 GuiControl, CPBuddy:, ColorPallet, Color\%SatEdit%.png vColor := GetColor(GUIColorX, GUIColorY) SetColor(vColor, "Top") ; Updates the color under the halo } return SliderRound(vSlider) { ; Makes sure the slider stops on ModuloSlider := Mod(vSlider,5) if (vSlider = "") ; the closest 5 as that is the vSlider = 100 ; only color image saved if (ModuloSlider = 0) return vSlider else if (ModuloSlider == 1 || ModuloSlider == 6) return vSlider - 1 else if (ModuloSlider == 2 || ModuloSlider == 7) return vSlider - 2 else if (ModuloSlider == 3 || ModuloSlider == 8) return vSlider + 2 else if (ModuloSlider == 4 || ModuloSlider == 9) return vSlider + 1 } HaloMove(vX="Hide", vY="Hide", wID="") { ; Function to position the halo correctly if (vX != "Hide") OR (vY != "Hide") { WinGetPos, wX, wY,,, ahk_id %wID% if(wX && wY) { wX := (wX + vX - 19) wY := (wY + vY - 15) Gui Halo:Show, x%wX% y%wY% NoActivate } } else Gui Halo:Show, Hide return } GetColor(X, Y) { ; Gets the pixel color under the mouse cursor PixelGetColor vColor, X, Y, RGB StringRight, vColor, vColor, 6 return vColor } SetColor(vColor, Which) { ; Sets vColor to Which box GuiControl, CPBuddy: +Background%vColor%, CP_%Which% } return CP_PickTimer: ; Timer that runs constantly to get color IfWinActive, ahk_id %wID% ; So it only works when the window is active { if (DoOnlyOnce = 1) HaloMove(GUIColorX, GUIColorY, wID) ; Position the halo into saved position DoOnlyOnce = 0 CoordMode, Mouse, Relative MouseGetPos X, Y if (x < 14) OR (x > 631) OR (y < 37) OR (y > 455) { if (DoMe = "Yes") { ; Makes sure this is not run more than once SetColor(sColor, "Top") ; Set top box color HaloMove(GUIColorX, GUIColorY, wID) ; Position the halo into saved position DoMe := "No" } return } DoMe := "Yes" if (x < 24) ; Makes sure the halo stays in the confines x = 24 else if (x > 621) x = 621 if (y < 47) y = 47 else if (y > 445) y = 445 vColor := GetColor(X, Y) ; Get the color under the halo SetColor(vColor, "Top") ; Set top box color HaloMove(X, Y, wID) ; Position the halo } else if (DoOnlyOnce = 0) { ; Do this is Color Picker loses focus HaloMove() ; Hide the halo as it would show over other windows otherwise DoOnlyOnce = 1 } return ; Saves the color left clicked under the halo ~Lbutton:: IfWinActive ahk_id %wID% ; Only when the window is active will this run { MouseGetPos X, Y ; To be sure it is within the Color Pallet if (x > 14) && (x < 631) && (y > 37) && (y < 455) { if (x < 24) ; Makes sure the halo stays in the confines x = 24 else if (x > 621) x = 621 if (y < 47) y = 47 else if (y > 445) y = 445 ; Save variables to to be used when reopening the Color Pallet IniWrite, %vColor%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, GUIColor IniWrite, %X%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, GUIColorX IniWrite, %Y%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, GUIColorY sColor := vColor GUIColorX := X GUIColorY := Y if (StrLen(sColor) = 8) ; Trim the 0x from the beginning if its there StringTrimLeft, sColor, sColor, 2 For i in GUIList { GuiName := GUIList[i] Gui, %GuiName%Buddy:Color, %sColor% } GuiControl, CPBuddy:Focus, vSlider } } return getDPImultiplier() { RegRead, DPI_value, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics, AppliedDPI if errorlevel=1 ; the reg key was not found - it means default settings return 1 if DPI_value=96 ; 96 is the default font size setting return 1 if DPI_value>96 ; A higher value should mean LARGE font size setting return DPI_value/96 } ChangeColor: { ColorDir := A_ScriptDir "\Color" if !FileExist(ColorDir) { FileCreateDir, %ColorDir% Progress, , , Downloading Required Colors..., Colors Download Sleep, 100 UrlDownloadToFile, %URLDownloadHoop%, %ColorDir%\Hoop.png ColorArray := ["0", "5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "45", "50", "55", "60", "65", "70", "75", "80", "85", "90", "95", "100"] For i in ColorArray { CurrColor := ColorArray[i] UrlDownloadToFile, %URLDownloadColor%%CurrColor%.png, %ColorDir%\%CurrColor%.png Progress, %CurrColor%, , Downloading Required Colors..., Colors Download } Progress, 100 , ,Colors Download Completed. , Colors Download Completed Sleep, 500 Progress, Off Reload } IniRead, GUIColorX, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, GUIColorX, 620 IniRead, GUIColorY, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, GUIColorY, 443 CurrentGUI = CP %CurrentGUI%GUI = 1 GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) Gui CPBuddy:Show, Center w640 h520, Color Picker ; Shows the Color Picker {x60 y40} Gui, Halo:+OwnerCPBuddy Gui CPBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop WinGet wID, ID, A ; Gets Color Picker ID for ease of use later on HaloMove(GUIColorX, GUIColorY, wID) ; Set halo to saved color SetTimer, CP_PickTimer, 10 ; Start Color Picker timer } return ;============== HOTKEYS =================== ^F1:: If (%CurrentGUI%GUI = 1) { Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader } Else { Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show %CurrentGUI%GUI = 1 Menu, Tray, Rename, Show WC3 RPG Loader, Hide WC3 RPG Loader } Return ;============== GUI =================== GuiHideAllBut(ThisOne) { For i in GuiList { GUICurrent := GuiList[i] If (ThisOne != GUICurrent) { Gui, %GUICurrent%Buddy:Show, Hide %GUICurrent%GUI = 0 } Else { Gui, %ThisOne%Buddy:Show %ThisOne%GUI = 1 } } } return Back: { CurrentGUI = Main GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) } return GOHBack: { CurrentGUI = GOH GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) } return TBR13Back: { CurrentGUI = TBR13 GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) } return CheckBoxOptions: { GuiControlGet, IniOption , , %A_GuiControl%, IniWrite, %IniOption%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, %A_GuiControl% IniRead, %A_GuiControl%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, %A_GuiControl% } return GUIGaia: { CurrentGUI = Gaia GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) IniRead, GaiaBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GaiaPath SetWorkingDir, %GaiaBuddyPath% GoSub, GaiaRefresh } return GUIHM: { CurrentGUI = HM GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) IniRead, HMBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMPath SetWorkingDir, %HMBuddyPath% GoSub, HMRefresh } return GUITBR13: { CurrentGUI = TBR13 GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) IniRead, TBR13BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR13Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR13BuddyPath% GoSub, TBR13Refresh } return GUITBR13Pet: { CurrentGUI = TBR13Pet GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:Show, Center, Pet Item Slot } return GUITBR21: { CurrentGUI = TBR21 GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) IniRead, TBR21BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR21Path SetWorkingDir, %TBR21BuddyPath% GoSub, TBR21Refresh } return GUITEVE: { CurrentGUI = TEVE GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) IniRead, TEVEBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TEVEPath SetWorkingDir, %TEVEBuddyPath% GoSub, TEVERefresh } return GUITKOK: { CurrentGUI = TKOK GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) IniRead, TKOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TKOKPath SetWorkingDir, %TKOKBuddyPath% GoSub, TKOKRefresh } return GUIGOH: { CurrentGUI = GOH GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) IniRead, GOHBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHPath SetWorkingDir, %GOHBuddyPath% GoSub, GOHRefresh } return GUIGOHSkills: { CurrentGUI = GOHSkills GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) Gui, GOHSkillsBuddy:Show, Center, Skills Selection } return GUIGOHPet: { CurrentGUI = GOHPet GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) Gui, GOHPetBuddy:Show, Center, Pet Item Slot } return GUITW: { CurrentGUI = TW GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) IniRead, TWBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TWPath SetWorkingDir, %TWBuddyPath% GoSub, TWRefresh } return GUIHOK: { CurrentGUI = HOK GuiHideAllBut(CurrentGUI) IniRead, HOKBuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HOKPath SetWorkingDir, %HOKBuddyPath% GoSub, HOKRefresh } return MainBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return GaiaBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return HMBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return TBR13BuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return TBR21BuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return TEVEBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return GOHBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return GOHSkillsBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return GOHPetBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return TKOKBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return TWBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return HOKBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return UpdateBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return CPBuddyGuiClose: { %CurrentGUI%GUI = 0 Gui, %CurrentGUI%Buddy:Show, Hide Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide WC3 RPG Loader, Show WC3 RPG Loader if (Xaction = 2) { ExitApp } } return ReloadScript: { Reload } return ;============== CHANGE PATH ================= ChangeGaiaPath: { Gui GaiaBuddy:+OwnDialogs IfExist, %A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\GaiasRetaliation { FileSelectFolder, GaiaBuddyPath, *%A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\GaiasRetaliation\,, Choose The Folder with Gaia Saves } else { FileSelectFolder, GaiaBuddyPath,,, Choose The Folder with Gaia Saves } IniWrite, %GaiaBuddyPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GaiaPath GuiControl, GaiaBuddy:, GaiaPathText, %GaiaBuddyPath% GoSub, GaiaRefresh } return ChangeHMPath: { Gui HMBuddy:+OwnDialogs IfExist, %A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\Grabiti's RPG Creator { FileSelectFolder, HMBuddyPath, *%A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\Grabiti's RPG Creator, 3, Choose The Folder with HM Saves } else { FileSelectFolder, HMBuddyPath, , 3, Choose The Folder with HM Saves } IniWrite, %HMBuddyPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HMPath GuiControl, HMBuddy:, HMPathText, %HMBuddyPath% GoSub, HMRefresh } return ChangeTBR13Path: { Gui TBR13Buddy:+OwnDialogs IfExist, %A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\TBR Saves\ { FileSelectFolder, TBR13BuddyPath, *%A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\TBR Saves\,, Choose The Folder with TBR 1.38 Saves } else { FileSelectFolder, TBR13BuddyPath,,, Choose The Folder with TBR 1.38 Saves } IniWrite, %TBR13BuddyPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR13Path GuiControl, TBR13Buddy:, TBR13PathText, %TBR13BuddyPath% GoSub, TBR13Refresh } return ChangeTBR21Path: { Gui TBR21Buddy:+OwnDialogs IfExist, %A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\Savegames\TBR 2 { FileSelectFolder, TBR21BuddyPath, *%A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\Savegames\TBR 2\,, Choose The Folder with TBR 2.1 Saves } else { FileSelectFolder, TBR21BuddyPath,,, Choose The Folder with TBR 2.1 Saves } IniWrite, %TBR21BuddyPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBR21Path GuiControl, TBR21Buddy:, TBR21PathText, %TBR21BuddyPath% GoSub, TBR21Refresh } return ChangeTEVEPath: { Gui TEVEBuddy:+OwnDialogs IfExist, %A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\TeveF_R4\ { FileSelectFolder, TEVEBuddyPath, *%A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\TeveF_R4\,, Choose The Folder with TeveF Saves } else { FileSelectFolder, TEVEBuddyPath,,, Choose The Folder with TeveF Saves } IniWrite, %TEVEBuddyPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TEVEPath GuiControl, TEVEBuddy:, TEVEPathText, %TEVEBuddyPath% GoSub, TEVERefresh } return ChangeGOHPath: { Gui GOHBuddy:+OwnDialogs IfExist, %A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\Savegames\GoH RPG\ { FileSelectFolder, GOHBuddyPath, *%A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\Savegames\GoH RPG\,, Choose The Folder with GoH Saves } else { FileSelectFolder, GOHBuddyPath,,, Choose The Folder with GoH Saves } IniWrite, %GOHBuddyPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHPath GuiControl, GOHBuddy:, GOHPathText, %GOHBuddyPath% GoSub, GOHRefresh } return ChangeTKOKPath: { Gui TKOKBuddy:+OwnDialogs IfExist, %A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\TKoK_Save_Files\ { FileSelectFolder, TKOKBuddyPath, *%A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\TKoK_Save_Files\,, Choose The Folder with TKoK Saves } else { FileSelectFolder, TKOKBuddyPath,,, Choose The Folder with TKoK Saves } IniWrite, %TKOKBuddyPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TKOKPath GuiControl, TKOKBuddy:, TKOKPathText, %TKOKBuddyPath% GoSub, TKOKRefresh } return ChangeTWPath: { Gui TWBuddy:+OwnDialogs IfExist, %A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\TWRPG\ { FileSelectFolder, TWBuddyPath, *%A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\TWRPG\,, Choose The Folder with TW Saves } else { FileSelectFolder, TWBuddyPath,,, Choose The Folder with TW Saves } IniWrite, %TWBuddyPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TWPath GuiControl, TWBuddy:, TWPathText, %TWBuddyPath% GoSub, TWRefresh } return ChangeHOKPath: { Gui HOKBuddy:+OwnDialogs IfExist, %A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\HeroesOfKiryumOfficial\ { FileSelectFolder, HOKBuddyPath, *%A_MyDocuments%\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\HeroesOfKiryumOfficial\,, Choose The Folder with HOK Saves } else { FileSelectFolder, HOKBuddyPath,,, Choose The Folder with HOK Saves } IniWrite, %HOKBuddyPath%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, HOKPath GuiControl, HOKBuddy:, HOKPathText, %HOKBuddyPath% GoSub, HOKRefresh } return ;============== SETTINGS ================= PetBind7: { If InStr(CurrentGUI, "GOH") { IniRead, GOHPetKey, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHPetKey, 9 WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, %GOHPetKey% Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad7} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } If InStr(CurrentGUI, "TBR13") { WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, {F8} Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad7} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } } return PetBind8: { If InStr(CurrentGUI, "GOH") { IniRead, GOHPetKey, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHPetKey, 9 WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, %GOHPetKey% Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad8} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } If InStr(CurrentGUI, "TBR13") { WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, {F8} Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad8} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } } return PetBind4: { If InStr(CurrentGUI, "GOH") { IniRead, GOHPetKey, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHPetKey, 9 WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, %GOHPetKey% Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad4} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } If InStr(CurrentGUI, "TBR13") { WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, {F8} Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad4} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } } return PetBind5: { If InStr(CurrentGUI, "GOH") { IniRead, GOHPetKey, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHPetKey, 9 WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, %GOHPetKey% Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad5} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } If InStr(CurrentGUI, "TBR13") { WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, {F8} Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad5} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } } return PetBind1: { If InStr(CurrentGUI, "GOH") { IniRead, GOHPetKey, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHPetKey, 9 WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, %GOHPetKey% Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad1} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } If InStr(CurrentGUI, "TBR13") { WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, {F8} Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad1} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } } return PetBind2: { If InStr(CurrentGUI, "GOH") { IniRead, GOHPetKey, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHPetKey, 9 WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, %GOHPetKey% Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad2} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } If InStr(CurrentGUI, "TBR13") { WinActivate, Warcraft III Sleep, 10 Send, {F8} Sleep, 10 Send {Numpad2} Sleep, 10 Send {F1} } } return HotkeySetting: { IniRead, BindEnable, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, BindEnable If (BindEnable) { SlotList := ["7", "8", "4", "5", "1", "2"] For i in SlotList { Last := "GOHLastSave" SlotList[i] Bind := "PetBind" SlotList[i] Control := "GOH" SlotList[i] Index := SlotList[i] IniRead, GOHLast, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, %Last%, None If (GOHLast != "None") { Hotkey, ~%GOHLast%, %Bind%, On GuiControl, GOHPetBuddy:, %Control% , Change Bind Slot %Index% } } SettingList := ["Save", "Refresh"] For i in SettingList { SLast := "LastSave" SettingList[i] SBind := SettingList[i] "Bind" SControl := "Bind" SettingList[i] SIndex := SettingList[i] IniRead, SLast, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, %SLast%, None If (SLast != "None") { Hotkey, ~%SLast%, %SBind%, On GuiControl, MainBuddy:, %SControl% , Change Bind } } } } return ContentSetting: { GuiControlGet, CheckContent,, GetContentBox IniWrite, %CheckContent%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, RetrieveContent IniRead, RetrieveContent, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Loader, RetrieveContent } return UpdateSetting: { GuiControlGet, UpdateOption,, CheckUpdatesBox IniWrite, %UpdateOption%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, CheckUpdates } return AOTSetting: { GuiControlGet, AOT,, AOTBox IniWrite, %AOT%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, AOT AOTChange(AOT) } return AOTChange(AOTValue) { For i in GuiList { GuiName := GUIList[i] if (AOTValue) { Gui, %GuiName%Buddy:+AlwaysOnTop } else { Gui, %GuiName%Buddy:-AlwaysOnTop } } } return GameLaunch: { If(WC3Path && TrayOption) { Run, %WC3Path% } } return GameShowHide: { If WinExist("Warcraft III") { switch *= -1 If (switch = 1) { WinRestore, Warcraft III Menu, Tray, Rename, Show Warcraft III, Hide Warcraft III } Else { WinMinimize, Warcraft III Menu, Tray, Rename, Hide Warcraft III, Show Warcraft III } } } return TraySetting: { GuiControlGet, CurrentTrayOption ,, CheckTrayBox IniWrite, %CurrentTrayOption%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, TrayOption IniRead, TrayOption, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Loader, TrayOption If (TrayOption = 1) { Menu, Tray, Enable, Launch Warcraft III GuiControl, MainBuddy:Enable, SetPathButton } Else { Menu, Tray, Disable, Launch Warcraft III GuiControl, MainBuddy:Disable, SetPathButton } } return SetWC3Path: { Gui, MainBuddy:+OwnDialogs IfExist, %ProgramFiles%\Warcraft III\ { FileSelectFile, WC3Path,, *%ProgramFiles%\Warcraft III\Warcraft3.exe, Show your Warcraft3.exe location, EXE (*.exe) } else { FileSelectFile, WC3Path,, , Show your Warcraft3.exe location, EXE (*.exe) } If (!ErrorLevel) { GuiControl, MainBuddy:, SetPathButton , Change Wc3 Path Menu, Tray, Enable, Launch Warcraft III } else { GuiControl, MainBuddy:, SetPathButton , Set WC3 Path Menu, Tray, Disable, Launch Warcraft III } IniWrite, %WC3Path%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, WC3Path IniRead, WC3Path, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Loader, WC3Path } return ;============== BUILD INI ================= ; Takes the start of the file name (before .ini or .exe and replaces it with .ini) BuildIniName(){ tmp := A_Scriptname Stringsplit, tmp, tmp,. ini_nameini_name := "" last := "" Loop, % tmp0 { ; build the string up to the last period (.) if (last != ""){ if (ini_name != ""){ ini_name := ini_name "." } ini_name := ini_name last } last := tmp%A_Index% } return ini_name ".ini" } ;============== HOTSTRING ================= #IfWinActive Warcraft III :B0:-save:: { GoSub, CheckSave } return BindFunction: { if (A_Gui = "GOHPetBuddy") { StringTrimLeft, GOHBindName, A_GuiControl, 3 IniRead, GOHLastSave, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHLastSave%GOHBindName%, None Gui, GOHPetBuddy:+OwnDialogs Gui, BindHelpBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop Gui, BindHelpBuddy:Show, xCenter Y100 InputBox, SlotKey, Bind, Choose a key for the Slot %GOHBindName%`nYour last saved command is below so just press OK to rebind or Cancel to unbind, , , , , , , , %GOHLastSave% If (!ErrorLevel) { IniWrite, %SlotKey%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHLastSave%GOHBindName% Hotkey, ~%SlotKey%, PetBind%GOHBindName%, On GuiControl, GOHPetBuddy:, %A_GuiControl% , Change Bind Slot %GOHBindName% } else { IniWrite, None, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, GOHLastSave%GOHBindName% If (SlotKey != "None") { Hotkey, ~%SlotKey%, PetBind%GOHBindName%, Off } GuiControl, GOHPetBuddy:, %A_GuiControl% , Set Bind Slot %GOHBindName% } Gui, BindHelpBuddy:Show, Hide } if (A_Gui = "MainBuddy") { StringTrimLeft, BindName, A_GuiControl, 4 IniRead, LastSave, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, LastSave%BindName%, None Gui, MainBuddy:+OwnDialogs Gui, BindHelpBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop Gui, BindHelpBuddy:Show, xCenter Y100 InputBox, SlotKey, Bind, Choose a key to bind the %BindName%`nYour last saved command is below so just press OK to rebind or Cancel to unbind, , , , , , , , %LastSave% If (!ErrorLevel) { IniWrite, %SlotKey%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, LastSave%BindName% Hotkey, ~%SlotKey%, %BindName%Bind, On GuiControl, MainBuddy:, %A_GuiControl% , Change Bind } else { IniWrite, None, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, LastSave%BindName% If (SlotKey != "None") { Hotkey, ~%SlotKey%, %BindName%Bind, Off } GuiControl, MainBuddy:, %A_GuiControl% , Set Bind } Gui, BindHelpBuddy:Show, Hide } if (A_Gui = "TBR13PetBuddy") { StringTrimLeft, TBRBindName, A_GuiControl, 5 IniRead, LastSave, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, TBRLastSave%TBRBindName%, None Gui, TBR13PetBuddy:+OwnDialogs Gui, BindHelpBuddy:+AlwaysOnTop Gui, BindHelpBuddy:Show, xCenter Y100 InputBox, SlotKey, Bind, Choose a key for the Slot %GOHBindName%`nYour last saved command is below so just press OK to rebind or Cancel to unbind, , , , , , , , %GOHLastSave% If (!ErrorLevel) { IniWrite, %SlotKey%, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, LastSave%TBRBindName% Hotkey, ~%SlotKey%, %TBRBindName%Bind, On GuiControl, MainBuddy:, %A_GuiControl% , Change Bind } else { IniWrite, None, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, LastSave%TBRBindName% If (SlotKey != "None") { Hotkey, ~%SlotKey%, %TBRBindName%Bind, Off } GuiControl, MainBuddy:, %A_GuiControl% , Set Bind } Gui, BindHelpBuddy:Show, Hide } } return AFKTimer: { Gui MainBuddy:+OwnDialogs If (AFKTimerOn = 0) { InputBox, AFKTime, Time, How long (in minutes) do you want to wait before saving?, , , , , , , , 10 If (!ErrorLevel) { AFKTime := AFKTime * 60000 AFKTimerOn := "1" SetTimer, AFKSave, %AFKTime% GuiControl, MainBuddy:, AFKButton , Stop AutoSave } } Else { Global AFKTimerOn := "0" SetTimer, AFKSave, Off GuiControl, MainBuddy:, AFKButton , Start AutoSave msgbox AutoSave Stopped! } } return AFKSave: { Gui MainBuddy:+OwnDialogs If (WinExist("Warcraft III") = 0) { msgbox No Warcrat III found! } Else { WinActivate, Warcraft III SendInput {Enter} SendInput -save SendInput {Enter} } } return SaveBind: { SendInput {Enter}-save{Enter} GoSub, CheckSave } return RefreshBind: { SendInput {BS 8} GoSub, CheckRefresh } return CheckSave: { IniRead, SaveOption, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame% , Settings, SaveOption if (SaveOption) { Sleep, 100 Send {Enter} If (CurrentGUI != "TW") { SendInput -clear } else { SendInput -refresh } Send {Enter} } If (CurrentGUI != "Main" && CurrentGUI != "Update") { CurrentGUI2 := CurrentGUI Sleep, 5000 IniRead, %CurrentGUI2%BuddyPath, %A_ScriptDir%\%ININame%, Settings, %CurrentGUI2%Path ActivePath := CurrentGUI2 "BuddyPath" SetWorkingDir, %ActivePath% GoSub, %CurrentGUI2%Refresh } } return CheckRefresh: { SendInput {Raw}!closeall Send {Enter} Sleep 200 Send {Enter} SendInput {Raw}!openall Send {Enter} } return :*:!refresh:: { if (Refresh = 1) { GoSub, CheckRefresh } else { SendInput {Raw}!refresh } } return ~^v:: { if (Clipboard = "!refresh" && Refresh = 1) { SendInput {BS 8} GoSub, CheckRefresh } if (Clipboard = "-save") { Send {Enter} GoSub, CheckSave } } return