#!/bin/bash ### # Shell script for registering agents automatically with the API # Copyright (C) 2017 Wazuh, Inc. All rights reserved. # Wazuh.com # # This program is a free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License (version 2) as published by the FSF - Free Software # Foundation. ### # Connection variables API_IP="" API_PORT="55000" PROTOCOL="http" USER="foo" PASSWORD="bar" if [ "$#" = "0" ]; then AGENT_NAME=$(hostname) else AGENT_NAME=$1 fi # Adding agent and getting Id from manager echo "" echo "Adding agent:" echo "curl -s -u $USER:**** -k -X POST -d 'name=$AGENT_NAME' $PROTOCOL://$API_IP:$API_PORT/agents" GET_ID=$(curl -s -u $USER:$PASSWORD -k -X POST -d 'name='$AGENT_NAME $PROTOCOL://$API_IP:$API_PORT/agents) ERROR=$(echo $GET_ID | sed -rn 's/.*"error":(.+)\,.*/\1/p') if [ ! "$ERROR" = "0" ]; then echo $GET_ID | sed -rn 's/.*"message":"(.+)".*/\1/p' exit 1 fi AGENT_ID=$(echo $GET_ID | sed -rn 's/.*"data":"(.+)".*/\1/p') echo "Agent '$AGENT_NAME' with ID '$AGENT_ID' added." # Getting agent key from Manager echo "" echo "Getting agent key:" echo "curl -s -u $USER:**** -k -X GET $PROTOCOL://$API_IP:$API_PORT/agents/$AGENT_ID/key" GET_KEY=$(curl -s -u $USER:$PASSWORD -k -X GET $PROTOCOL://$API_IP:$API_PORT/agents/$AGENT_ID/key) ERROR=$(echo $GET_KEY | sed -rn 's/.*"error":(.+)\,.*/\1/p') if [ ! "$ERROR" = "0" ]; then echo $GET_KEY | sed -rn 's/.*"message":"(.+)".*/\1/p' exit 1 fi AGENT_KEY=$(echo $GET_KEY | sed -rn 's/.*"data":"(.+)".*/\1/p') echo "Key for agent '$AGENT_ID' received." # Importing key echo "" echo "Importing authentication key:" echo "y" | /var/ossec/bin/manage_agents -i $AGENT_KEY # Restarting agent echo "" echo "Restarting:" echo "" /var/ossec/bin/ossec-control restart exit 0