* @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.utilf */ abstract class XSDataSource { protected $type, $arg; protected $inCli; private $dataList, $dataPos; protected $previd=0;//上次执行得到的最大id /** * 构造函数 * @param mixed $arg 对象参数, 常为 SQL 语句或要导入的文件路径 */ public function __construct($type, $arg) { $this->type = $type; $this->arg = $arg; $this->inCli = php_sapi_name() === 'cli'; $this->init(); } /** * 取得数据源对象实例 * @param string $type 数据源类型, 如: mysql://.., json, csv ... * @param mixed $arg 建立对象的参数, 如 SQL 语句, JSON/CSV 文件 * @return XSDataSource 初始化完毕的数据源对象 */ public static function instance($type, $arg = null) { $type2 = ($pos = strpos($type, ':')) ? 'database' : $type; $class = 'XS' . ucfirst(strtolower($type2)) . 'DataSource'; if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new XSException("Undefined data source type: `$type2'"); } return new $class($type, $arg); } /** * 从数据源中提取一条数据 * 实际使用时, 一般是循环调用此函数提取数据, 每条数据是由字段名为键的关联数组 *
	 * while ($ds->getData() !== false)
	 * {
	 *   ...
	 * }
* @return mixed 返回一条完整数据, 若无数据则返回 false */ final public function getData() { if ($this->dataPos === null || $this->dataPos === count($this->dataList)) { $this->dataPos = 0; $this->dataList = $this->getDataList(); if (!is_array($this->dataList) || count($this->dataList) === 0) { $this->deinit(); $this->dataList = $this->dataPos = null; return false; } } $data = $this->dataList[$this->dataPos]; $this->dataPos++; $this->previd=$data["id"];//循环赋值,最后剩下的肯定最大 return $data; } /** * 取得数据源的准确字符集 * 如不能确定字符集, 请直接返回 false * @return string 字符集名称 */ public function getCharset() { return false; } /** * 执行数据提取的准备工作 * 将自动在第一次提取数据前调用, 请在具体的数据源重载此函数 */ protected function init() { } /** * 执行数据提取完毕后的清理工作 * 将自动在没有更多数据供提取时调用此函数, 请在具体的数据源重载此函数 */ protected function deinit() { } /** * 从数据源中提取若干条数据 * 必须在数据源中定义此函数, 返回值必须是各条数据的数组 * @return array */ protected function getDataList() { return false; } } /** * SQL 数据库源 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util */ class XSDatabaseDataSource extends XSDataSource { const PLIMIT = 1000; private $sql, $offset, $limit; private $db; /* @var $db XSDatabase */ /** * 返回数据库输出字符集 * @return mixed 如果数据库不支持 UTF-8 转换则返回 false */ public function getCharset() { if ($this->db->setUtf8()) { return 'UTF-8'; } return parent::getCharset(); } protected function init() { if (strstr($this->type, 'sqlite')) { $pos = strpos($this->type, ':'); $param = array('scheme' => substr($this->type, 0, $pos)); $param['path'] = substr($this->type, $pos + (substr($this->type, $pos + 1, 2) === '//' ? 3 : 1)); } elseif (!($param = parse_url($this->type))) { throw new XSException('Wrong format of DB connection parameter'); } else { if (isset($param['user'])) { $param['user'] = urldecode($param['user']); } if (isset($param['pass'])) { $param['pass'] = urldecode($param['pass']); } $param['path'] = isset($param['path']) ? trim($param['path'], '/') : ''; if (empty($param['path'])) { throw new XSException('Not contain dbname of DB connection parameter'); } if (($pos = strpos($param['path'], '/')) === false) { $param['dbname'] = $param['path']; } else { $param['dbname'] = substr($param['path'], 0, $pos); $param['table'] = substr($param['path'], $pos + 1); } } // get driver $driver = self::getDriverName($param['scheme']); $class = 'XSDatabase' . ucfirst($driver); if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new XSException("Undefined database driver: '$driver'"); } $this->db = new $class; $this->db->connect($param); // set SQL & parse limit/offset $this->limit = $this->offset = 0; $sql = $this->arg; if (empty($sql)) { if (!isset($param['table'])) { throw new XSException('Not specified any query SQL or db table'); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $param['table']; } elseif (preg_match('/ limit\s+(\d+)(?:\s*,\s*(\d+)|\s+offset\s+(\d+))?\s*$/i', $sql, $match)) { if (isset($match[3])) { // LIMIT xxx OFFSET yyy $this->offset = intval($match[3]); $this->limit = intval($match[1]); } elseif (isset($match[2])) { // LIMIT yyy, xxx $this->offset = intval($match[1]); $this->limit = intval($match[2]); } else { // lIMIT xxx $this->limit = intval($match[1]); } $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - strlen($match[0])); } $this->sql = $sql; if ($this->limit == 0) { $sql = preg_replace('/SELECT\s+.+?\sFROM\s/is', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ', $sql); $res = $this->db->query1($sql); $this->limit = $res['count'] - $this->offset; } } protected function deinit() { $this->db->close(); } /** * 返回一批数据 * @return 结果数组, 没有更多数据时返回 false */ protected function getDataList() { if ($this->limit <= 0) { return false; } $wheresql=" where id > ".$this->previd." order by id asc"; //判断是否存在where if(stripos($this->sql, "where") >0){ $wheresql=" and id > ".$this->previd." order by id asc"; } $sql = $this->sql .$wheresql. ' LIMIT ' . min(self::PLIMIT, $this->limit) . ' OFFSET ' . $this->offset; $this->limit -= self::PLIMIT; //$this->offset += self::PLIMIT; return $this->db->query($sql); } /** * 取解数据连接驱动名 */ private static function getDriverName($scheme) { $name = strtr(strtolower($scheme), '.-', '__'); if ($name == 'mysql' && !function_exists('mysql_connect')) { if (class_exists('mysqli')) { $name = 'mysqli'; } elseif (extension_loaded('pdo_mysql')) { $name = 'pdo_mysql'; } } if ($name == 'sqlite' && !function_exists('sqlite_open')) { if (class_exists('sqlite3')) { $name = 'sqlite3'; } elseif (extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) { $name = 'pdo_sqlite'; } } if ($name == 'sqlite3' && !class_exists('sqlite3') && extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) { $name = 'pdo_sqlite'; } if (substr($name, 0, 4) != 'pdo_' && extension_loaded('pdo_' . $name)) { $name = 'pdo_' . $name; } return $name; } } /** * JSON 数据源 * 要求以 \n (换行符) 分割, 每行为一条完整的 json 数据 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util */ class XSJsonDataSource extends XSDataSource { private $fd, $line; public $invalidLines = 0; protected function init() { $file = $this->arg; if (empty($file) && $this->inCli) { echo "WARNING: input file not specified, read data from \n"; $file = 'php://stdin'; } if (!($this->fd = fopen($file, 'r'))) { throw new XSException("Can not open input file: '$file'"); } $this->line = 0; } protected function deinit() { if ($this->fd) { fclose($this->fd); $this->fd = null; } } protected function getDataList() { // read line (check to timeout?) $line = ''; while (true) { $buf = fgets($this->fd, 8192); if ($buf === false || strlen($buf) === 0) { break; } $line .= $buf; if (strlen($buf) < 8191 || substr($buf, - 1, 1) === "\n") { break; } } // empty line (end of file) if (empty($line)) { if ($this->inCli) { echo "INFO: reach end of the file, total lines: " . $this->line . "\n"; } return false; } // try to decode the line $this->line++; $line = rtrim($line, "\r\n"); if (strlen($line) === 0) { if ($this->inCli) { echo "WARNING: empty line #" . $this->line . "\n"; } $this->invalidLines++; return $this->getDataList(); } $item = json_decode($line, true); if (!is_array($item) || count($item) === 0) { switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $error = ' - Maximum stack depth exceeded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $error = ' - Unexpected control character found'; break; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: $error = ' - Syntax error, malformed JSON'; break; default : $error = (count($item) === 0 ? ' - Empty array' : ''); break; } if ($this->inCli) { echo "WARNING: invalid line #" . $this->line . $error . "\n"; } $this->invalidLines++; return $this->getDataList(); } return array($item); } } /** * CSV 数据源 * 可在文件开头指定字段(必须是有效字段), 否则将默认按照 {@link XS} 项目字段顺序填充 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util */ class XSCsvDataSource extends XSDataSource { private $delim = ',', $line; public $invalidLines = 0; protected function init() { $file = $this->arg; if (empty($file) && $this->inCli) { echo "WARNING: input file not specified, read data from \n"; $file = 'php://stdin'; } if (!($this->fd = fopen($file, 'r'))) { throw new XSException("Can not open input file: '$file'"); } $this->line = 0; if (isset($_SERVER['XS_CSV_DELIMITER'])) { $this->delim = $_SERVER['XS_CSV_DELIMITER']; } } protected function deinit() { if ($this->fd) { fclose($this->fd); $this->fd = null; } } protected function getDataList() { if (($item = fgetcsv($this->fd, 0, $this->delim)) === false) { if ($this->inCli) { echo "INFO: reach end of file or error occured, total lines: " . $this->line . "\n"; } return false; } $this->line++; if (count($item) === 1 && is_null($item[0])) { if ($this->inCli) { echo "WARNING: invalid csv line #" . $this->line . "\n"; } $this->invalidLines++; return $this->getDataList(); } return array($item); } } /** * 数据库操作基类 * 定义了 SQL 数据库源的四个基本操作: connect/query/close/setUtf8 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util.db */ abstract class XSDatabase { /** * 连接数据库 * @param array $param 连接参数, 采用 parse_url 解析, 可能包含: scheme,user,pass,host,path,table,dbname ... */ abstract public function connect($param); /** * 关闭数据库连接 */ abstract public function close(); /** * 查询 SQL 语句 * @return mixed 非 SELECT 语句返回执行结果(true/false), SELECT 语句返回所有结果行的数组 */ abstract public function query($sql); /** * 设置数据库字符集为 UTF-8 * @return bool 如果数据库能直接输出 UTF-8 编码则返回 true 否则返回 false */ public function setUtf8() { return false; } /** * 查询数据库首行 * @param string $sql * @return 查询结果首行, 失败或无数据则返回 false */ public function query1($sql) { $sql = preg_replace('/ limit\s+(\d+)(?:\s*,\s*(\d+)|\s+offset\s+(\d+))?\s*$/i', '', $sql); $sql .= ' LIMIT 1'; $res = $this->query($sql); return (is_array($res) && isset($res[0])) ? $res[0] : false; } } /** * 使用传统 MySQL 扩展 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util.db */ class XSDatabaseMySQL extends XSDatabase { private $link; /** * 连接数据库 * @param array $param 连接参数, 包含: user,pass,host,table,dbname ... */ public function connect($param) { $host = isset($param['host']) ? $param['host'] : ini_get('mysql.default_host'); $host .= (isset($param['port']) && $param['port'] != 3306) ? ':' . $param['port'] : ''; $user = isset($param['user']) ? $param['user'] : ini_get('mysql.default_user'); $pass = isset($param['pass']) ? $param['pass'] : ini_get('mysql.default_pw'); if (($this->link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass)) === false) { throw new XSException("Can not connect to mysql server: '$user@$host'"); } if (!mysql_select_db($param['dbname'], $this->link)) { $this->close(); throw new XSException("Can not switch to database name: '{$param['dbname']}'"); } $this->setUtf8(); } /** * 关闭数据库连接 */ public function close() { if ($this->link) { mysql_close($this->link); $this->link = null; } } /** * 执行 SQL 语句查询 * @param string $sql 要执行的 SQL 语句 * @return mixed */ public function query($sql) { //echo "[DEBUG] SQL: $sql\n"; $res = mysql_query($sql, $this->link); if ($res === false) { throw new XSException('MySQL ERROR(#' . mysql_errno($this->link) . '): ' . mysql_error($this->link)); } if (!is_resource($res)) { $ret = $res; } else { $ret = array(); while ($tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $ret[] = $tmp; } mysql_free_result($res); } return $ret; } /** * 将输出字符集设置为 UTF-8 * @return bool MySQL 自 4.1.0 起支持字符集 */ public function setUtf8() { if (version_compare(mysql_get_server_info($this->link), '4.1.0', '>=')) { return @mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8", $this->link); } return false; } } /** * 面向对象的 PostgreSQL 扩展 * * @author freechoice * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util.db */ class XSDatabasePgSQL extends XSDatabase { private $link; public function connect($param) { $dsn = "host={$param['host']} "; $dsn .= isset($param['port']) ? "port={$param['port']} " : ''; $dsn .= "dbname={$param['dbname']} user={$param['user']} password={$param['pass']}"; if (!($this->link = @pg_connect($dsn))) { throw new XSException('Error connecting to PGSQL database:' . $param['dbname'] . '.'); pg_set_error_verbosity($this->link, PGSQL_ERRORS_DEFAULT); pg_query('SET standard_conforming_strings=off'); } } /** * 关闭数据库连接 */ public function close() { if (is_resource($this->link)) { pg_close($this->link); $this->link = null; } } /** * 执行 SQL 语句查询 * @param string $sql 要执行的 SQL 语句 * @return mixed */ public function query($query) { //echo "[DEBUG] SQL: $sql\n"; $res = pg_query($this->link, $query); if ($res === false) { throw new XSException('PgSQL ERROR: ' . pg_last_error($this->link)); } $ret = array(); while ($tmp = pg_fetch_assoc($res)) { $ret[] = $tmp; } pg_free_result($res); return $ret; } /** * 将输出字符集设置为 UTF-8 */ public function setUtf8() { pg_set_client_encoding($this->link, 'UTF8'); } } /** * 面向对象的 MySQLI 扩展 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util.db */ class XSDatabaseMySQLI extends XSDatabase { private $obj; /** * 连接数据库 * @param array $param 连接参数, 包含: user,pass,host,table,dbname ... */ public function connect($param) { $host = isset($param['host']) ? $param['host'] : ini_get('mysqli.default_host'); $user = isset($param['user']) ? $param['user'] : ini_get('mysqli.default_user'); $pass = isset($param['pass']) ? $param['pass'] : ini_get('mysqli.default_pw'); $port = isset($param['port']) ? $param['port'] : ini_get('mysqli.default_port'); $this->obj = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, '', $port); if ($this->obj->connect_error) { throw new XSException("Can not connect to mysql server: '$user@$host'"); } if (!$this->obj->select_db($param['dbname'])) { $this->close(); throw new XSException("Can not switch to database name: '{$param['dbname']}'"); } $this->setUtf8(); } /** * 关闭数据库连接 */ public function close() { if ($this->obj) { $this->obj->close(); $this->obj = null; } } /** * 执行 SQL 语句查询 * @param string $sql 要执行的 SQL 语句 * @return mixed */ public function query($sql) { //echo "[DEBUG] SQL: $sql\n"; $res = $this->obj->query($sql); if ($res === false) { throw new XSException('MySQL ERROR(#' . $this->obj->error . '): ' . $this->obj->errno); } if (!is_object($res)) { $ret = $res; } else { $ret = array(); while ($tmp = $res->fetch_assoc()) { $ret[] = $tmp; } $res->free(); } return $ret; } /** * 将输出字符集设置为 UTF-8 * @return bool 始终返回 true */ public function setUtf8() { $this->obj->set_charset('utf8'); return true; } } /** * 使用传统的 SQLite 扩展 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util.db */ class XSDatabaseSQLite extends XSDatabase { private $link; /** * 打开数据库 * @param array $param 连接参数, 包含: path */ public function connect($param) { if (($this->link = sqlite_open($param['path'])) === false) { throw new XSException("Can not open sqlite file: '{$param['path']}'"); } } /** * 关闭数据库 */ public function close() { if ($this->link) { sqlite_close($this->link); $this->link = null; } } /** * 执行 SQL 语句查询 * @param string $sql 要执行的 SQL 语句 * @return mixed */ public function query($sql) { //echo "[DEBUG] SQL: $sql\n"; $res = sqlite_query($this->link, $sql); if ($res === false) { throw new XSException('SQLITE ERROR: ' . sqlite_error_string($this->link)); } if (!is_resource($res)) { $ret = $res; } else { $ret = array(); while ($tmp = sqlite_fetch_array($res, SQLITE_ASSOC)) { $ret[] = $tmp; } } return $ret; } } /** * 面向对象的 SQLite3 扩展 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util.db */ class XSDatabaseSQLite3 extends XSDatabase { private $obj; /** * 打开数据库 * @param array $param 连接参数, 包含: path */ public function connect($param) { try { $this->obj = new SQLite3($param['path'], SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new XSException($e->getMessage()); } } /** * 关闭数据库 */ public function close() { if ($this->obj) { $this->obj->close(); $this->obj = null; } } /** * 执行 SQL 语句查询 * @param string $sql 要执行的 SQL 语句 * @return mixed */ public function query($sql) { //echo "[DEBUG] SQL: $sql\n"; $res = $this->obj->query($sql); if ($res === false) { throw new XSException('SQLITE3 ERROR(#' . $this->obj->lastErrorCode() . '): ' . $this->obj->lastErrorMsg()); } if (!is_object($res)) { $ret = $res; } else { $ret = array(); while ($tmp = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $ret[] = $tmp; } $res->finalize(); } return $ret; } } /** * 面向对象的 PDO 扩展基类 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util.db */ abstract class XSDatabasePDO extends XSDatabase { protected $obj; /** * 连接数据库 * 具体的每个类必须实现 {@link makeDsn} 来将参数转换为 dsn * @param array $param 连接参数, 包含: user, pass ... * @see makeDsn */ public function connect($param) { $dsn = $this->makeDsn($param); $user = isset($param['user']) ? $param['user'] : 'root'; $pass = isset($param['pass']) ? $param['pass'] : ''; try { $this->obj = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass); } catch (PDOException $e) { throw new XSException($e->getMessage()); } } /** * 关闭数据库 */ public function close() { $this->obj = null; } /** * 执行 SQL 语句 * @param string $sql 要执行的 SQL 语句 * @return mixed */ public function query($sql) { //echo "[DEBUG] SQL: $sql\n"; $res = $this->obj->query($sql); if ($res === false) { $info = $this->obj->errorInfo(); throw new XSException('SQLSTATE[' . $info[0] . '] [' . $info[1] . '] ' . $info[2]); } $ret = $res->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $ret; } /** * 提取参数内容生成 PDO 连接专用的 DSN * @param array $param */ abstract protected function makeDsn($param); } /** * PDO.MySQL 实现 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util.db */ class XSDatabasePDO_MySQL extends XSDatabasePDO { /** * 生成 MySQL DSN * @param array $param 包含 host, port, dbname * @return string */ protected function makeDsn($param) { $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . (isset($param['host']) ? $param['host'] : 'localhost'); if (isset($param['port']) && $param['port'] !== 3306) { $dsn .= ';port=' . $param['port']; } $dsn .= ';dbname=' . $param['dbname']; return $dsn; } /** * 将输出字符集设置为 UTF-8 * @return bool 始终返回 true */ public function setUtf8() { // BUGFIXED: 此处应为不带引号的 utf8 return $this->obj->prepare("SET NAMES utf8")->execute(); } } /** * PDO.Pgsql 实现 * * @author freechoice * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util.db */ class XSDatabasePDO_PgSQL extends XSDatabasePDO { /** * 生成 Postgres DSN * @param array $param 包含 path 为数据库路径 * @return string */ protected function makeDsn($param) { $dsn = "pgsql:host={$param['host']};"; $dsn .= isset($param['port']) ? "port={$param['port']};" : ''; $dsn .= "dbname={$param['dbname']};client_encoding=utf-8"; return $dsn; } /** * 将输出字符集设置为 UTF-8 */ public function setUtf8() { return true; } } /** * PDO.SQLite 实现 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util.db */ class XSDatabasePDO_SQLite extends XSDatabasePDO { /** * 生成 SQLite DSN * @param array $param 包含 path 为数据库路径 * @return string */ protected function makeDsn($param) { $dsn = 'sqlite:' . $param['path']; return $dsn; } } /** * 数据过滤器的接口 * 以便在提交到索引前有一个修改和调整数据的机会 * * @author hightman * @since 1.1.0 * @package XS.util */ interface XSDataFilter { /** * 字段数据处理函数 * @param array $data 字段名和值组成的数据数组 * @param mixed $cs 数据字符集, 默认 false 表示无法确定源字符集 * @return mixed 返回处理后的数据数组, 返回 false 表示本条数据不加入索引 */ public function process($data, $cs = false); /** * 索引文档处理函数 * 在此通过 {@link XSDocument::addIndex} 或 {@link XSDocument::addTerm} 做索引相关调整 * @param XSDocument $doc 索引文档 * @since 1.3.4 */ public function processDoc($doc); } /** * 内置调试过滤器, 直接打印数据内容 * * @author hightman * @version 1.0.0 * @package XS.util */ class XSDebugFilter implements XSDataFilter { public function process($data, $cs = false) { echo "\n----- DEBUG DATA INFO -----\n"; print_r($data); return $data; } public function processDoc($doc) { } }