*** a/INSTALLATION.txt 2013-07-19 12:15:48.000000000 -0700 --- b/INSTALLATION.txt 2013-08-26 10:58:08.000000000 -0700 *************** *** 355,365 **** ========================== :term:`FiPy` now has a `.deb` for Ubuntu/Debian systems that can be downloaded from . Simply run:: ! $ dpkg -i python-fipy_x.y.z-1_all.deb to install. The `.deb` includes dependencies for all of the :ref:`REQUIREDPACKAGES` and :ref:`OPTIONALPACKAGES`. .. _tested regularly: http://matforge.org/fipy/build --- 355,368 ---- ========================== :term:`FiPy` now has a `.deb` for Ubuntu/Debian systems that can be downloaded from . Simply run:: ! $ VERSION=3.0-1 # choose the version you want ! $ apt-get install gmsh libsuperlu3 python-central python-sparse ! $ curl -O http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/fipy/download/python-fipy_${VERSION}_all.deb ! $ dpkg -i python-fipy_${VERSION}_all.deb to install. The `.deb` includes dependencies for all of the :ref:`REQUIREDPACKAGES` and :ref:`OPTIONALPACKAGES`. .. _tested regularly: http://matforge.org/fipy/build