{ "always_show_minimap_viewport": true, // Using ⌘-P, these files will never be shown in results "binary_file_patterns": [ "*.ai", "*.dds", "*.eot", "*.gif", "*.ico", "*.jar", "*.jpg", "*.jpeg", "*.map", "*.min.js", "*.otf", "*.pdf", "*.png", "*.psd", "*.swf", "*.tga", "*.ttf", "*.zip", "_tmp/", "*.DS_Store", ".sass-cache/", "node_modules/", "tmp/" ], "bold_folder_labels": true, // This makes the caret bigger, obvious and blinking! "caret_extra_bottom": 2, "caret_extra_top": 2, "caret_extra_width": 3, "caret_style": "phase", "draw_minimap_border": true, // line 372 in Default, this simplifies what files and folders don't show up in the side bar, add more at your own peril "file_exclude_patterns": [ "*.ai", "*.db", "*.pdf", "*.psd", "*.sassc", "*.scssc", "*.sublime-project", "*.sublime-workspace", "*.zip", "*.DS_Store", "config.codekit" ], "folder_exclude_patterns": [ ".bin", ".git", ".hg", ".sass-cache", ".svn", "bin", "CVS", "tmp", "wp-admin", "wp-includes" ], "font_size": 21, "highlight_line": true, "highlight_modified_tabs": true, // Adding draw_active will change the color of the inner most guide "indent_guide_options": [ "draw_active", "draw_normal" ], "line_padding_bottom": 1, "line_padding_top": 1, "match_brackets_angle": true, // ANNOYING OSX-only bug that prevents files opening in their own window "open_files_in_new_window": false, // Why? Because I use a large 27" monitor on top of my laptop screen "scroll_past_end": true, // Why not turn this on by default? Spell check all the things! "spell_check": true, "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true, "word_wrap": true, "draw_white_space": "all", "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, "detect_indentation": false, "tab_size": 4 }