[{"Category":"SCIENCE","Question":"This organ removes excess glucose from the blood & stores it as glycogen","Answer":"Liver"},{"Category":"ANIMALS","Question":"It's the only living mammal in the order Proboseidea","Answer":"Elephant"},{"Category":"ANIMALS","Question":"The gavial looks very much like a crocodile except for this bodily feature","Answer":"the nose or snout"},{"Category":"ANIMALS","Question":"Weighing around a ton, the eland is the largest species of this animal in Africa","Answer":"Antelope"},{"Category":"ANIMALS","Question":"Heaviest of all poisonous snakes is this North American rattlesnake","Answer":"the diamondback rattler"},{"Category":"SCIENCE","Question":"2000 news: the Gunnison sage grouse isn't just another northern sage grouse, but a new one of this classification","Answer":"species"},{"Category":"SCIENCE","Question":"A metal that is ductile can be pulled into this while cold & under pressure","Answer":"wire"},{"Category":"SCIENCE","Question":"In 1953 Watson & Crick built a model of the molecular structure of this, the gene-carrying substance","Answer":"DNA"},{"Category":"SCIENCE","Question":"Changes in the tropospheric layer of this are what gives us weather","Answer":"the atmosphere"},{"Category":"SCIENCE","Question":"In 70-degree air, a plane traveling at about 1,130 feet per second breaks it","Answer":"Sound barrier"}]