*/ protected $sapiLoggers = []; /** * @Flow\InjectConfiguration(package="Webandco.DevTools", path="log.caller") * @var bool */ protected $caller = false; /** * The caller that has been detected. The array contains path, class, method and line if available * @var array */ protected $detectedCaller = []; /** * Debug level to use for logger * @Flow\InjectConfiguration(package="Webandco.DevTools", path="log.level") * @var boolean */ protected $level = 'debug'; /** * Enable or disable color output. Can also be used to determine which color to use for all log output. * @Flow\InjectConfiguration(package="Webandco.DevTools", path="log.color") * @var boolean */ protected $color = false; /** * Complex objects are printed using JSON_PRETTY_PRINT. * @Flow\InjectConfiguration(package="Webandco.DevTools", path="log.pretty") * @var boolean */ protected $pretty; /** * Indent the log messages by the depth given by debug_backtrace * @Flow\InjectConfiguration(package="Webandco.DevTools", path="log.callDepth.enabled") * @var boolean */ protected $callDepth; /** * Indent the log messages by the depth given by debug_backtrace * @Flow\InjectConfiguration(package="Webandco.DevTools", path="log.callDepth.separator") * @var float */ protected $callDepthSeparator = ' '; /** * Indent the log messages by the depth given by debug_backtrace * @Flow\InjectConfiguration(package="Webandco.DevTools", path="log.callDepth.factor") * @var float */ protected $callDepthFactor = 1.0; /** * Indent the log messages by the depth given by debug_backtrace * @Flow\InjectConfiguration(package="Webandco.DevTools", path="log.hexDump") * @var array */ protected $hexdumpConfig = []; /** * @var boolean */ protected $bold = false; /** * @var boolean */ protected $italic = false; /** * @var boolean */ protected $underline = false; /** * @var boolean */ protected $blink = false; /** * @var boolean */ protected $invert = false; /** * @var boolean */ protected $background = false; /** * * @Flow\InjectConfiguration(package="Webandco.DevTools", path="log.renderer") * @var array */ protected $logRenderer; /** * * @Flow\InjectConfiguration(package="Webandco.DevTools", path="log.colorCallOrder") * @var array */ protected $callColorOrder = ['green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'red']; /** * Used to generate rainbow color output * @var int */ protected static $logCounter = -1; /** * Color codes for console output * @var array */ protected static $colorFormats = [ // styles // italic and blink may not work depending of your terminal 'none' => "%s", 'reset' => "\033[0m", 'bold' => ['on' => "\033[1m", 'off' => "\033[22m"], 'dark' => ['on' => "\033[2m", 'off' => "\033[22m"], 'italic' => ['on' => "\033[3m", 'off' => "\033[23m"], 'underline' => ['on' => "\033[4m", 'off' => "\033[24m"], 'blink' => ['on' => "\033[5m", 'off' => "\033[25m"], // invert fore- and background color 'invert' => ['on' => "\033[7m", 'off' => "\033[27m"], // hide output - e.g. for passwords 'concealed' => ['on' => "\033[8m", 'off' => "\033[28m"], // foreground colors 'black' => ['on' => "\033[30m", 'off' => "\033[39m"], 'red' => ['on' => "\033[31m", 'off' => "\033[39m"], 'green' => ['on' => "\033[32m", 'off' => "\033[39m"], 'yellow' => ['on' => "\033[33m", 'off' => "\033[39m"], 'blue' => ['on' => "\033[34m", 'off' => "\033[39m"], 'magenta' => ['on' => "\033[35m", 'off' => "\033[39m"], 'cyan' => ['on' => "\033[36m", 'off' => "\033[39m"], 'white' => ['on' => "\033[37m", 'off' => "\033[39m"], // background colors 'bg_black' => ['on' => "\033[40m", 'off' => "\033[49m"], 'bg_red' => ['on' => "\033[41m", 'off' => "\033[49m"], 'bg_green' => ['on' => "\033[42m", 'off' => "\033[49m"], 'bg_yellow' => ['on' => "\033[43m", 'off' => "\033[49m"], 'bg_blue' => ['on' => "\033[44m", 'off' => "\033[49m"], 'bg_magenta' => ['on' => "\033[45m", 'off' => "\033[49m"], 'bg_cyan' => ['on' => "\033[46m", 'off' => "\033[49m"], 'bg_white' => ['on' => "\033[47m", 'off' => "\033[49m"], ]; protected $resetOnEOL = false; /** * Parts of the log message * @var array */ protected $logs = []; /** * Time in seconds when the object was created * @var int */ protected $start = 0; /** * Determines if timing is enabled * @var bool */ protected $timing = false; /** * Identifier for the current timing call * @var string */ protected $timingIdentifier = null; /** * Per timingIdentifier logs of durations * @var array */ protected static $timingLogs = []; /** * PHP seems to destroy objects in reverse order as they had been created if they are independent * previousInstance is used to create a chain of LogService instances to force php to destruct the objects * in calling order. This should make using eof() unnecessary * @var LogService the previously created instance */ protected static $activeInstance = null; public static function getActiveInstance(){ return self::$activeInstance; } public function initializeObject() { if (self::$activeInstance) { // force write the log entry self::$activeInstance->eol(); } self::$activeInstance = $this; $this->start = microtime(true); } /** * Print message bold * @param bool $enabled * @return $this */ public function bold($enabled = true) { $this->setBoolProperty('bold', $enabled); return $this; } /** * Print message bold * @param bool $enabled * @return $this */ public function italic($enabled = true) { $this->setBoolProperty('italic', $enabled); return $this; } /** * Print message underlined * @param bool $enabled * @return $this */ public function underline($enabled = true) { $this->setBoolProperty('underline', $enabled); return $this; } /** * Print message blinking * @param bool $enabled * @return $this */ public function blink($enabled = true) { $this->setBoolProperty('blink', $enabled); return $this; } /** * Print message blinking * @param bool $enabled * @return $this */ public function invert($enabled = true) { $this->setBoolProperty('invert', $enabled); return $this; } protected function setBoolProperty($propName, $enabled) { switch (true) { case $enabled === self::FORMAT_ON: $this->resetOnEOL = true; $this->wLog(self::$colorFormats[$propName]['on']); break; case $enabled === self::FORMAT_OFF: $this->resetOnEOL = true; $this->wLog(self::$colorFormats[$propName]['off']); break; default: $this->$propName = $enabled; break; } } /** * Print message underlined * @param string $color * @return $this */ public function background(string $color, $wholeMessage = true) { $colorName = $color; if (isset(self::$colorFormats['bg_' . $colorName])) { $colorName = 'bg_' . $colorName; } if (!isset(self::$colorFormats[$colorName])) { // unkonwn color name return; } switch (true) { case $wholeMessage === self::FORMAT_ON: $this->resetOnEOL = true; $this->wLog(self::$colorFormats[$colorName]['on']); break; case $wholeMessage === self::FORMAT_OFF: $this->resetOnEOL = true; $this->wLog(self::$colorFormats[$colorName]['off']); break; default: $this->background = $colorName; break; } return $this; } /** * Enable or disable colored output * * @param bool|string $color If set to false, colors are disabled, if set to true, rainbow colors are used, a color name from $colorFormats can also be used * @return $this */ public function color($color = true, $wholeMessage = true) { $colorName = $color; if (!isset(self::$colorFormats[$colorName])) { // unkonwn color name return; } switch (true) { case $wholeMessage === self::FORMAT_ON: $this->resetOnEOL = true; $this->wLog(self::$colorFormats[$colorName]['on']); break; case $wholeMessage === self::FORMAT_OFF: $this->resetOnEOL = true; $this->wLog(self::$colorFormats[$colorName]['off']); break; default: $this->color = $colorName; break; } return $this; } /** * Enable or disable pretty printing of complex objects * @param bool $pretty * @return $this */ public function pretty($pretty = true) { $this->pretty = $pretty; return $this; } /** * Set log level * @param string $level * @return $this */ public function level(string $level) { $this->level = $level; return $this; } /** * @param boolean $cond * @return $this */ public function condition(bool $cond) { $this->enabled = $cond; return $this; } /** * @param boolean $enabled * @param string $separator * @param float $factor * @return $this */ public function withCallDepth(bool $enabled = true, string $separator = null, float $factor = null) { $this->callDepth = $enabled; if (!is_null($separator)) { $this->callDepthSeparator = $separator; } if (!is_null($factor)) { $this->callDepthFactor = $factor; } return $this; } /** * @param boolean $enabled * @param string $separator * @param float $factor * @return $this */ public function withCaller() { $caller = $this->backtraceService->getCaller(__FUNCTION__, __CLASS__); $this->addCallerLogLine($caller); return $this; } protected function addCallerLogLine($caller) { if ($caller) { $logLine = []; if ($this->caller['path'] && isset($caller['short'])) { $logLine[] = $caller['short']; $this->detectedCaller['path'] = $caller['short']; } if ($this->caller['class'] && isset($caller['class'])) { $class = $caller['class']; if ($this->endsWith($class, '_Original')) { $class = substr($class, 0, -9); } $logLine[] =$class; $this->detectedCaller['class'] = $class; } if ($this->caller['method'] && isset($caller['function'])) { $logLine[] = $caller['function']; $this->detectedCaller['method'] = $caller['function']; } if ($this->caller['line'] && 0 < $caller['line']) { $logLine[] = $caller['line']; $this->detectedCaller['line'] = $caller['line']; } $logLine = \implode(':', $logLine); array_unshift($this->logs, $logLine); } } public function withTiming(string $identifier): self { $args = func_get_args(); $this->timingIdentifier = \implode(':', $args); $this->timing = true; if(!isset(self::$timingLogs[$this->timingIdentifier])){ self::$timingLogs[$this->timingIdentifier] = [ 'durations' => [] ]; } return $this; } /** * From https://stackoverflow.com/a/34279537 * * Dumps a string into a traditional hex dump for programmers, * in a format similar to the output of the BSD command hexdump -C file. * The default result is a string. * Supported options: *
     *   line_sep        - line seperator char, default = "\n"
     *   bytes_per_line  - default = 16
     *   pad_char        - character to replace non-readble characters with, default = '.'
* * @param string $string * @param array $options * @param string|array */ public function hexDump(string $string, array $options = null) { if (!is_array($options)) { $options = []; } $highlightBinaryOption = $this->hexdumpConfig['highlightBinary']; $highlightBinary = [ 'on' => '', 'off' => '' ]; if(isset(self::$colorFormats[$highlightBinaryOption])){ $highlightBinary = self::$colorFormats[$highlightBinaryOption]; } $line_sep = $this->hexdumpConfig['lineSeparator'] ?? $options['lineSeparator'] ?? "\n"; $bytes_per_line = $this->hexdumpConfig['bytesPerLine'] ?? $options['bytesPerLine'] ?? 16; $pad_char = $this->hexdumpConfig['paddingCharacter'] ?? $options['paddingCharacter'] ?? '.'; $logArray = $this->hexdumpConfig['logArray'] ?? $options['logArray'] ?? false; $text_lines = str_split($string, $bytes_per_line); $hex_lines = str_split(bin2hex($string), $bytes_per_line * 2); $offset = 0; $output = []; $bytes_per_line_div_2 = (int)($bytes_per_line / 2); foreach ($hex_lines as $i => $hex_line) { $text_line = $text_lines[$i]; $output []= sprintf('%08X',$offset) . preg_replace( '/ ([0,1].|7f|[8-f].)/', ' ' . $highlightBinary['on'] . '${1}' . $highlightBinary['off'], ' ' .str_pad( strlen($text_line) > $bytes_per_line_div_2 ? implode(' ', str_split(substr($hex_line,0,$bytes_per_line),2)) . ' ' . implode(' ', str_split(substr($hex_line,$bytes_per_line),2)) : implode(' ', str_split($hex_line,2)) , $bytes_per_line * 3) ) . ' |' . preg_replace('/[^\x20-\x7E]/', $highlightBinary['on'].$pad_char.$highlightBinary['off'], $text_line) . '|'; $offset += $bytes_per_line; } $output []= sprintf('%08X', strlen($string)); $output []= sprintf('string length in bytes: %d', strlen($string)); $output = $logArray ? $output : "\n".\implode($line_sep, $output) . $line_sep; $this->wLog($output); return $this; } public function eol() { $this->writeLog(); } /** * Finally write the message to the logger */ protected function writeLog() { if (!$this->enabled || 0 == count($this->logs)) { return; } self::$logCounter++; if ($this->callDepth) { $depthCount = \count(\debug_backtrace(false)); \array_unshift($this->logs, \str_repeat($this->callDepthSeparator, \max(0, (int)($depthCount * $this->callDepthFactor)))); } $jsonEncodingOptions = 0; if ($this->pretty) { $jsonEncodingOptions |= JSON_PRETTY_PRINT; } foreach ($this->logs as $i => $m) { if (!is_string($m)) { $this->logs[$i] = json_encode($m, $jsonEncodingOptions); } } $logFormat = self::$colorFormats['none']; if($this->timing){ $end = microtime(true); $duration = $end-$this->start; $scriptTime = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']; $durationScriptTime = ($end-$scriptTime); $percentScriptTime = $duration*100/$durationScriptTime; $cnt = 1; if($this->timingIdentifier){ self::$timingLogs[$this->timingIdentifier]['durations'][] = $duration; $cnt = count(self::$timingLogs[$this->timingIdentifier]['durations']); } $timingFormat = '['; $timingFormat .= "\u{23F0} ".$this->numberFormat($duration, 4).'s'; $timingFormat .= ' = '.$this->numberFormat($percentScriptTime, 3).'%%'; $timingFormat .= ' of '.$this->numberFormat($durationScriptTime, 3).'s'; if($this->timingIdentifier) { if(1 < $cnt) { $timingFormat .= ', #' . $cnt; $sumDuration = \array_sum(self::$timingLogs[$this->timingIdentifier]['durations']); $timingFormat .= ' sum '."\u{23F0} ".' ' . $this->numberFormat($sumDuration, 4) . 's'; $percent = $sumDuration * 100 / $durationScriptTime; $timingFormat .= ' = ' . $this->numberFormat($percent, 3) . '%%'; } } $timingFormat .= ']'; $logFormat = $timingFormat.' '.$logFormat; } $color = $this->color; if (true === $this->color) { if (!empty($this->callColorOrder)) { $color = $this->callColorOrder[self::$logCounter % count($this->callColorOrder)]; } else { $color = null; } } if (isset(self::$colorFormats[$color])) { $this->resetOnEOL = true; $logFormat = self::$colorFormats[$color]['on'] . $logFormat . '' . self::$colorFormats[$color]['off']; } if ($this->bold) { $this->resetOnEOL = true; $logFormat = self::$colorFormats['bold']['on'] . $logFormat . '' . self::$colorFormats['bold']['off']; } if ($this->italic) { $this->resetOnEOL = true; $logFormat = self::$colorFormats['italic']['on'] . $logFormat . '' . self::$colorFormats['italic']['off']; } if ($this->underline) { $this->resetOnEOL = true; $logFormat = self::$colorFormats['underline']['on'] . $logFormat . '' . self::$colorFormats['underline']['off']; } if ($this->blink) { $this->resetOnEOL = true; $logFormat = self::$colorFormats['blink']['on'] . $logFormat . '' . self::$colorFormats['blink']['off']; } if ($this->background && isset(self::$colorFormats[$this->background])) { $this->resetOnEOL = true; $logFormat = self::$colorFormats[$this->background]['on'] . $logFormat . '' . self::$colorFormats[$this->background]['off']; } if ($this->resetOnEOL) { $logFormat .= self::$colorFormats['reset']; } $this->writeToLog( sprintf($logFormat, implode(' ', $this->logs)) ); $this->logs = []; if(self::$activeInstance === $this) { self::$activeInstance = null; } } protected function writeToLog(string $message){ $level = 'debug'; if (isset(Logger::LOGLEVEL_MAPPING[$this->level])) { $level = $this->level; } else { $logMapping = array_flip(Logger::LOGLEVEL_MAPPING); if (isset($logMapping[$this->level])) { $level = $logMapping[$this->level]; } } $loggerName = 'systemLogger'; $sapiName = php_sapi_name(); if (isset($this->sapiLoggers[$sapiName])) { $loggerName = $this->sapiLoggers[$sapiName]; } else { if (isset($this->sapiLoggers['default'])) { $loggerName = $this->sapiLoggers['default']; } } $logger = $this->getObjectManager()->get(PsrLoggerFactoryInterface::class)->get($loggerName); $logContext = []; if (isset($this->detectedCaller['class'])) { $logContext = LogEnvironment::fromMethodName($this->detectedCaller['class'].'::'.$this->detectedCaller['method']); } $logger->$level($message, $logContext); } /** * Write the given arguments to the configured sapiLogger * @return LogService */ public function wLog() { if (!$this->enabled) { return $this; } $args = func_get_args(); $this->log($args); return $this; } protected function endsWith($haystack, $needle) { $length = strlen($needle); if ($length == 0) { return true; } return (substr($haystack, -$length) === $needle); } protected function numberFormat($number, $decimals=null) { if (isset($this->numberFormat['decimals']) && is_null($decimals)) { $decimals = $this->numberFormat['decimals']; } return $decimals ? \number_format($number, $decimals) : $number; } protected function log($args) { // determine the caller takes around 0.2 ms if (isset($this->caller['enable']) && count($this->logs) === 0){ $caller = $this->backtraceService->getCaller("wLog"); $this->addCallerLogLine($caller); } if(count($args) === 0){ return; } foreach ($args as $arg) { switch (gettype($arg)) { case 'boolean': $this->logs[] = $arg ? 'true' : 'false'; break; case 'double': $this->logs[] = "" . $this->numberFormat($arg); break; case 'integer': case 'string': $this->logs[] = "" . $arg; break; case 'NULL': $this->logs[] = 'NULL'; break; case 'array': $this->logs[] = $arg; break; default: if (is_object($arg)) { if ($arg instanceof \stdClass) { $this->logs[] = $arg; } else { $rendered = false; foreach ($this->logRenderer as $objectName => $how) { if ($arg instanceof $objectName) { $this->appendRenderedObject($how, $arg); $rendered = true; break; } } if (!$rendered) { $this->appendRenderedObject(ObjectRenderer::class, $arg); } } } // "resource" or "unknown type" is ignored } } } protected function getObjectManager(){ return $this->objectManager ?? Bootstrap::$staticObjectManager; } protected function appendRenderedObject($how, $arg) { $renderer = $this->getObjectManager()->get($how); $line = $renderer->render($this, $arg); if (!is_array($line)) { $line = [$line]; } $this->logs = \array_merge($this->logs, $line); } public function __destruct() { $this->eol(); } }