# Integrate in existing NodeType Let's assume we create a simple Blog-Package and wanna integrate [webexcess/comments](https://github.com/webexcess/WebExcess.Comments) in every Blog Post Node. **Add the Comments Mixins to your NodeType** _Vendor.Blog/Configuration/NodeTypes.Post.yaml_ 'Vendor.Blog:Post': superTypes: // ... 'WebExcess.Comments:CommentsContentCollection': true 'WebExcess.Comments:HideFormMixin': true // ... **Add the Comments Rendering to your Prototype** _Vendor.Blog/Resources/Private/Fusion/Pages/Post.fusion_ prototype(Vendor.Blog:Post) { body.content.main { // ... comments = WebExcess.Comments:Content { @process.contentElementWrapping > content.form.@process.contentElementWrapping > } } } **Make the ContentCollection available** flow node:repair --node-type Vendor.Blog:Post **Result** Now every Blog-Post contains automatically a fully working Comments-Section.