# Send a review Email on new Comments Let's assume we have to send an Email to the Administrator on every new Comment. **Add your Administrator's Email Address to every Receptions Email-Collection** _Vendor.Blog/Classes/Vendor/Blog/Aspects/CommentCollectRecipientsAspect.php_ collectRecipientsByCommentNode())") * @param \Neos\Flow\AOP\JoinPointInterface $joinPoint * @return array */ public function addModeratorRecipient(\Neos\Flow\AOP\JoinPointInterface $joinPoint) { $commentNode = $joinPoint->getMethodArgument('commentNode'); $recipients = $joinPoint->getAdviceChain()->proceed($joinPoint); $receiver = new EmailReceiverTransferObject(); $receiver->setProperty('firstname', 'John'); $receiver->setProperty('lastname', 'Doe'); $receiver->setProperty('email', 'john.doe@vendor.com'); $recipients[sha1($receiver->getProperty('email'))] = $receiver; return $recipients; } } **Result** Now everytime a notification is sent to a collection of receivers, your Administrator gets added to the list. Without ~~breaking~~ forking the original Package itself.