# mysql-lib.pl # Common MySQL functions BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use WebminCore; &init_config(); require 'view-lib.pl'; if ($config{'mysql_libs'}) { $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= ':' if ($ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}}); $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= $config{'mysql_libs'}; } if ($config{'mysql'} =~ /^(\S+)\/bin\/mysql$/ && $1 ne '' && $1 ne '/usr') { $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= ':' if ($ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}}); $ENV{$gconfig{'ld_env'}} .= "$1/lib"; } if ($module_info{'usermin'}) { # Usermin always runs this module as the logged-in Unix user. # %access is faked up to prevent attempts to create and delete DBs &switch_to_remote_user(); &create_user_config_dirs(); %access = ( 'create', 0, 'delete', 0, 'bpath', '/', 'buser', 'root', 'edonly', 0 ); if ($config{'useident'} ne 'yes') { $mysql_login = $userconfig{'login'}; $mysql_pass = $userconfig{'pass'}; } chop($mysql_version = &read_file_contents( "$user_module_config_directory/version")); $max_dbs = $userconfig{'max_dbs'}; $commands_file = "$user_module_config_directory/commands"; $sql_charset = $userconfig{'charset'}; %displayconfig = %userconfig; } else { # Webmin connects to the database as the user specified in the per-user # or global config %access = &get_module_acl(); if ($access{'user'} && !$use_global_login) { $mysql_login = $access{'user'}; $mysql_pass = $access{'pass'}; } else { $mysql_login = $config{'login'}; $mysql_pass = $config{'pass'}; } chop($mysql_version = &read_file_contents( "$module_config_directory/version")); $mysql_version ||= &get_mysql_version(); $cron_cmd = "$module_config_directory/backup.pl"; $max_dbs = $config{'max_dbs'}; $commands_file = "$module_config_directory/commands"; $sql_charset = $config{'charset'}; %displayconfig = %config; } $authstr = &make_authstr(); $master_db = 'mysql'; $password_func = $config{'passwd_mode'} ? "old_password" : "password"; @type_list = ('tinyint', 'smallint', 'mediumint', 'int', 'bigint', 'float', 'double', 'decimal', 'date', 'datetime', 'timestamp', 'time', 'year', 'char', 'varchar', 'tinyblob', 'tinytext', 'blob', 'text', 'mediumblob', 'mediumtext', 'longblob', 'longtext', 'enum', 'set'); @priv_cols = ('Host', 'User', 'Password', 'Select_priv', 'Insert_priv', 'Update_priv', 'Delete_priv', 'Create_priv', 'Drop_priv', 'Reload_priv', 'Shutdown_priv', 'Process_priv', 'File_priv', 'Grant_priv', 'References_priv', 'Index_priv', 'Alter_priv', 'Show_db_priv', 'Super_priv', 'Create_tmp_table_priv', 'Lock_tables_priv', 'Execute_priv', 'Repl_slave_priv', 'Repl_client_priv', 'Create_view_priv', 'Show_view_priv', 'Create_routine_priv', 'Alter_routine_priv', 'Create_user_priv'); if (!$config{'nodbi'}) { # Check if we have DBI::mysql eval <install_driver("mysql"); EOF } # Fix text if we're running MariaDB sub fix_mysql_text { my ($text) = @_; if ($mysql_version =~ /mariadb/i) { foreach my $t (keys %$text) { $text->{$t} =~ s/MySQL/MariaDB/g; } } } &fix_mysql_text(\%text); if (&compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "5.5") >= 0) { @mysql_set_variables = ( "key_buffer_size", "sort_buffer_size", "net_buffer_length" ); } else { @mysql_set_variables = ( "key_buffer", "sort_buffer", "net_buffer_length" ); } if (&compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "5.6") >= 0) { @mysql_number_variables = ( "table_open_cache", "max_connections" ); } else { @mysql_number_variables = ( "table_cache", "max_connections" ); } @mysql_byte_variables = ( "max_allowed_packet" ); my $mysql8_optout = &compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "8.0") >= 0 && $mysql_version !~ /maria/i; if (!$mysql8_optout) { # Removed options in MySQL 8 #1561 push(@mysql_byte_variables, "query_cache_size"); } if (&compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "5") >= 0) { push(@mysql_byte_variables, "myisam_sort_buffer_size"); } else { push(@mysql_set_variables, "myisam_sort_buffer_size"); } # make_authstr([login], [pass], [host], [port], [sock], [unix-user], [ssl]) # Returns a string to pass to MySQL commands to login to the database sub make_authstr { local $login = defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : $mysql_login; local $pass = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : $mysql_pass; local $host = defined($_[2]) ? $_[2] : $config{'host'}; local $port = defined($_[3]) ? $_[3] : $config{'port'}; local $sock = defined($_[4]) ? $_[4] : $config{'sock'}; local $unix = $_[5]; local $ssl = defined($_[6]) ? $_[6] : $config{'ssl'}; local $supp = &supports_env_pass($unix, $pass); if ($supp) { $make_authstr_pass = $pass; } else { $make_authstr_pass = undef; } &set_authstr_env(); return ($sock ? " -S $sock" : ""). ($host ? " -h $host" : ""). ($port ? " -P $port" : ""). ($login ? " -u ".quotemeta($login) : ""). ($ssl ? " --ssl" : ""). ($supp ? "" : # Password comes from environment $pass && &compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "4.1") >= 0 ? " --password=".quotemeta($pass) : $pass ? " -p".quotemeta($pass) : ""); } # set_authstr_env() # Set any environment variables that make_authstr requires sub set_authstr_env { if (defined($make_authstr_pass)) { $ENV{'MYSQL_PWD'} = $make_authstr_pass; } else { delete($ENV{'MYSQL_PWD'}); } } # is_mysql_running() # Returns 1 if mysql is running, 0 if not, or -1 if running but # inaccessible without a password. When called in an array context, also # returns the full error message sub is_mysql_running { # First type regular connection if ($driver_handle && !$config{'nodbi'}) { local $main::error_must_die = 1; local ($data, $rv); eval { $data = &execute_sql_safe(undef, "select version()"); }; local $err = $@; $err =~ s/\s+at\s+\S+\s+line.*$//; if ($@ =~ /denied|password/i) { $rv = -1; } elsif ($@ =~ /connect/i) { $rv = 0; } elsif ($data->{'data'}->[0]->[0] =~ /^\d/) { $rv = 1; } if (defined($rv)) { return wantarray ? ( $rv, $err ) : $rv; } } # Fall back to mysqladmin command local $out = &backquote_command( "\"$config{'mysqladmin'}\" $authstr status 2>&1"); local $rv = $out =~ /uptime/i ? 1 : $out =~ /denied|password/i ? -1 : 0; $out =~ s/^.*\Q$config{'mysqladmin'}\E\s*:\s*//; return wantarray ? ($rv, $out) : $rv; } # list_databases() # Returns a list of all databases sub list_databases { local @rv; eval { # First try using SQL local $main::error_must_die = 1; local $t = &execute_sql_safe($master_db, "show databases"); @rv = map { $_->[0] } @{$t->{'data'}}; }; if (!@rv || $@) { # Fall back to mysqlshow command open(DBS, "\"$config{'mysqlshow'}\" $authstr |"); local $t = &parse_mysql_table(DBS); close(DBS); ref($t) || &error("Failed to list databases : $t"); @rv = map { $_->[0] } @{$t->{'data'}}; } return sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @rv; } # list_tables(database, [empty-if-denied], [no-filter-views]) # Returns a list of tables in some database sub list_tables { my ($db, $empty_denied, $include_views) = @_; my @rv; eval { # First try using SQL local $main::error_must_die = 1; local $t = &execute_sql_safe($db, "show tables"); @rv = map { $_->[0] } @{$t->{'data'}}; }; if ($@) { # Fall back to mysqlshow command local $tspec = $db =~ /_/ ? "%" : ""; open(DBS, "\"$config{'mysqlshow'}\" $authstr ". quotemeta($db)." $tspec 2>&1 |"); local $t = &parse_mysql_table(DBS); close(DBS); if ($t =~ /access denied/i) { if ($empty_denied) { return ( ); } else { &error($text{'edenied'}); } } elsif (!ref($t)) { &error("".&html_escape($t).""); } @rv = map { $_->[0] } @{$t->{'data'}}; } # Filter out views if (!$include_views) { if (&supports_views()) { my %views = map { $_, 1 } &list_views($db); @rv = grep { !$views{$_} } @rv; } } return @rv; } # table_structure(database, table) # Returns a list of hashes detailing the structure of a table sub table_structure { local $s = &execute_sql_safe($_[0], "desc "."estr($_[1])); local (@rv, $r); local (%tp, $i); for($i=0; $i<@{$s->{'titles'}}; $i++) { $tp{lc($s->{'titles'}->[$i])} = $i; } my $i = 0; foreach $r (@{$s->{'data'}}) { push(@rv, { 'field' => $r->[$tp{'field'}], 'type' => $r->[$tp{'type'}], 'null' => $r->[$tp{'null'}], 'key' => $r->[$tp{'key'}], 'default' => $r->[$tp{'default'}], 'extra' => $r->[$tp{'extra'}], 'index' => $i++ }); } return @rv; } # table_field_sizes(db, table) # Returns a hash mapping field names to sizes sub table_field_sizes { local %rv; foreach my $s (&table_structure(@_)) { if ($s->{'type'} =~ /^\S+\((\d+)(,\d+)?\)/) { $rv{lc($s->{'field'})} = $1; } } return %rv; } # execute_sql(database, command, [param, ...]) # Executes some SQL and returns the results, after checking for the user's # readonly status. sub execute_sql { return { } if (&is_readonly_mode()); return &execute_sql_safe(@_); } # execute_sql_safe(database, command, [param, ...]) # Executes some SQL and returns the results as a hash ref with titles and # data keys. sub execute_sql_safe { local $sql = $_[1]; @params = @_[2..$#_]; if ($gconfig{'debug_what_sql'}) { # Write to Webmin debug log local $params; for(my $i=0; $i<@params; $i++) { $params .= " ".$i."=".$params[$i]; } &webmin_debug_log('SQL', "db=$_[0] sql=$sql".$params); } $sql = &escape_backslashes_in_quotes($sql); if ($driver_handle && !$config{'nodbi'}) { # Use the DBI interface local $cstr = "database=$_[0]"; $cstr .= ";host=$config{'host'}" if ($config{'host'}); $cstr .= ";port=$config{'port'}" if ($config{'port'}); $cstr .= ";mysql_socket=$config{'sock'}" if ($config{'sock'}); $cstr .= ";mysql_read_default_file=$config{'my_cnf'}" if (-r $config{'my_cnf'}); if ($config{'ssl'}) { $cstr .= ";mysql_ssl=1"; if ($DBD::mysql::VERSION >= 4.043) { $cstr .= ";mysql_ssl_optional=1"; } } local $dbh = $driver_handle->connect($cstr, $mysql_login, $mysql_pass, { }); $dbh || &error("DBI connect failed : ",$driver_handle->errstr); if ($sql_charset) { # Switch to correct character set local $sql = "set names '$sql_charset'"; local $cmd = $dbh->prepare($sql); if (!$cmd) { &error(&text('esql', "".&html_escape($sql)."", "".&html_escape($dbh->errstr)."")); } if (!$cmd->execute()) { &error(&text('esql', "".&html_escape($sql)."", "".&html_escape($dbh->errstr)."")); } $cmd->finish(); } local $cmd = $dbh->prepare($sql); if (!$cmd) { &error(&text('esql', "".&html_escape($_[1])."", "".&html_escape($dbh->errstr)."")); } if (!$cmd->execute(@params)) { &error(&text('esql', "".&html_escape($_[1])."", "".&html_escape($dbh->errstr)."")); } local (@data, @row); local @titles = @{$cmd->{'NAME'}}; while(@row = $cmd->fetchrow()) { push(@data, [ @row ]); } $cmd->finish(); $dbh->disconnect(); return { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data }; } else { # Use the mysql command program local $temp = &transname(); if (@params) { # Sub in ? parameters $sql = &replace_sql_parameters($sql, @params); } open(TEMP, ">$temp"); if ($sql_charset) { print TEMP "set names '$sql_charset';\n"; } print TEMP $sql,"\n"; close(TEMP); &set_authstr_env(); open(DBS, "\"$config{'mysql'}\" $authstr -E -t ".quotemeta($_[0])." <$temp 2>&1 |"); local $t = &parse_mysql_vertical(DBS); close(DBS); unlink($temp); if (!ref($t)) { $t =~ s/^ERROR[^:]*://; &error(&text('esql', "".&html_escape($_[1])."", "".&html_escape($t)."")); } return $t; } } # replace_sql_parameters(sql, params) # Returns a string with ? replaced by parameter text sub replace_sql_parameters { my ($sql, @params) = @_; my $pos = -1; foreach my $p (@params) { $pos = index($sql, '?', $pos+1); &error("Incorrect number of parameters") if ($pos < 0); local $qp = $p; $qp =~ s/'/''/g; $qp = !defined($qp) ? 'NULL' : "'$qp'"; $sql = substr($sql, 0, $pos).$qp.substr($sql, $pos+1); $pos += length($qp)-1; } return $sql; } # execute_sql_logged(database, command, param, ...) # Calls execute_sql, but logs the command first sub execute_sql_logged { local ($db, $sql, @params) = @_; if (@params) { eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; $sql = &replace_sql_parameters($sql, @params); } } &additional_log('sql', $db, $sql); return &execute_sql(@_); } # parse_mysql_table(handle) # Given a filehandle, parses a text table in the format mysql uses sub parse_mysql_table { local $fh = $_[0]; local ($line, $i, @edge); do { # skip to table top $line = <$fh>; return $line if ($line =~ /^(ERROR|\S*mysqlshow:)/); } while($line && $line !~ /^\+/); for($i=0; $i; # skip first row of -'s local @titles = &parse_mysql_line($line, \@edge); $line = <$fh>; # skip next row of -'s local @data; while(1) { $line = <$fh>; last if (!$line || $line !~ /^\|/); while($line !~ /\|\s+$/) { # Line has a return in it! $line .= <$fh>; } push(@data, [ &parse_mysql_line($line, \@edge) ]); } return { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data }; } # parse_mysql_line(line, &edges) sub parse_mysql_line { local @rv; for($i=0; $i<@{$_[1]}-1; $i++) { local $w = substr($_[0], $_[1]->[$i]+1, $_[1]->[$i+1] - $_[1]->[$i] - 2); $w =~ s/^\s//; $w =~ s/\s+$//; $w =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $w =~ s/\n/\\n/g; push(@rv, $w); } return @rv; } # parse_mysql_vertical(handle) # Parses mysql output in the -E format sub parse_mysql_vertical { local (@data, @titles, $row = -1, $col, %hascol); local $fh = $_[0]; local $line = <$fh>; if (!$line) { # No output at all - must be a non-select return { }; } return $line if ($line =~ /^ERROR/); local $errtxt = &text('eparse', "mysql", "DBI", "DBD::mysql"); while($line) { $line =~ s/\r|\n//g; if ($line =~ /^\*\*\*/) { # A row header $row++; $col = -1; $data[$row] = [ ]; } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*([^:\s]+): (.*)/ && ($row == 0 || $hascol{$1})) { # A new column $col++; $titles[$col] = $1; $row >= 0 || return $errtxt; $data[$row]->[$col] = $2; $hascol{$1}++; } else { # Continuing the last column $row >= 0 || return $errtxt; $data[$row]->[$col] .= "\n".$line; } $line = <$fh>; } return { 'titles' => \@titles, 'data' => \@data }; } sub can_edit_db { if ($module_info{'usermin'}) { foreach $l (split(/\t/, $config{'access'})) { if ($l =~ /^(\S+):\s*(.*)$/ && ($1 eq $remote_user || $1 eq '*')) { local @dbs = split(/\s+/, $2); local $d; foreach $d (@dbs) { $d =~ s/\$REMOTE_USER/$remote_user/g; return 1 if ($d eq '*' || $_[0] =~ /^$d$/); } return 0; } } return 0; } else { local $d; return 1 if ($access{'dbs'} eq '*'); foreach $d (split(/\s+/, $access{'dbs'})) { return 1 if ($d && $d eq $_[0]); } return 0; } } # supports_backup_db(name) # Returns 1 if some database can be backed up sub supports_backup_db { return $_[0] ne "information_schema" && $_[0] ne "performance_schema"; } # list_accessible_databases() # Returns a list of databases that the current user may access to. Returns # an empty list if he has all of them. sub list_accessible_databases { if ($module_info{'usermin'}) { # From Usermin list local @rv; foreach $l (split(/\t/, $config{'access'})) { if ($l =~ /^(\S+):\s*(.*)$/ && ($1 eq $remote_user || $1 eq '*')) { push(@rv, split(/\s+/, $2)); } } return @rv; } else { # From Webmin access control list return ( ) if ($access{'dbs'} eq '*'); return split(/\s+/, $access{'dbs'}); } } # split_table(&titles, &checkboxes, &links, &col1, &col2, ...) # Outputs a table that is split into two parts sub split_table { local $mid = int((@{$_[2]}+1) / 2); local ($i, $j); print "\n"; foreach $s ([0, $mid-1], [$mid, @{$_[2]}-1]) { print "\n"; } print "
\n"; # Header local @tds = $_[1] ? ( "width=5" ) : ( ); if ($s->[0] <= $s->[1]) { local @hcols; foreach $t (@{$_[0]}) { push(@hcols, $t); } print &ui_columns_start(\@hcols, 100, 0, \@tds); } for($i=$s->[0]; $i<=$s->[1]; $i++) { local @cols; push(@cols, "$_[3]->[$i]"); for($j=4; $j<@_; $j++) { push(@cols, $_[$j]->[$i]); } if ($_[1]) { print &ui_checked_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds, "d", $_[1]->[$i]); } else { print &ui_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds); } } if ($s->[0] <= $s->[1]) { print &ui_columns_end(); } print "
\n"; } # select_db(db) # Returns HTML for selecting a database sub select_db { my ($db) = @_; my $rv; my @dbs = &list_databases(); my @opts = map { [ "e_mysql_database($_), $_ ] } @dbs; local $d; if ($access{'perms'} == 2 && $access{'dbs'} ne '*') { # Can only select his own databases @opts = grep { &can_edit_db($_->[1]) } @opts; $rv = &ui_select("dbs", $db, \@opts, 1, 0, $_[0] ? 1 : 0); } else { # Can select any databases local $ind = &indexof($db, (map { $_->[0] } @opts)) >= 0; local $js1 = "onChange='form.db_def[1].checked = true'"; local $js2 = "onClick='form.db_def[2].checked = true'"; $rv = &ui_radio("db_def", $db eq '%' || $db eq '' ? 1 : $ind ? 2 : 0, [ [ 1, $text{'host_any'} ], [ 2, $text{'host_sel'}." ". &ui_select("dbs", $_[0], \@opts, 1, 0, 0, 0,$js1) ], [ 0, $text{'host_otherdb'}." ". &ui_textbox("db", $db eq '%' || $db eq '' || $ind ? '' : $db, 30, 0, undef, $js2) ] ]); } return $rv; } sub quote_table { return "estr($_[0]); } # quotestr(string) sub quotestr { local $rv = $_[0]; if (&supports_quoting()) { return "`$rv`"; } else { return $rv; } } # quote_mysql_database(name) # Returns a MySQL database name with % and _ characters escaped sub quote_mysql_database { local ($db) = @_; $db =~ s/_/\\_/g; $db =~ s/%/\\%/g; return $db; } # escapestr(string) # Returns a string with quotes escaped, for use in SQL sub escapestr { local $rv = $_[0]; $rv =~ s/'/''/g; return $rv; } # escape_backslashes_in_quotes(string) # Escapes backslashes, but only inside quoted strings sub escape_backslashes_in_quotes { local ($str) = @_; local $rv; while($str =~ /^([^"]*)"([^"]*)"(.*)$/) { local ($before, $quoted, $after) = ($1, $2, $3); $quoted =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $rv .= $before.'"'.$quoted.'"'; $str = $after; } $rv .= $str; return $rv; } # supports_quoting() # Returns 1 if running mysql version 3.23.6 or later sub supports_quoting { return &compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "3.23.6") >= 0; } # supports_mysqldump_events() # Returns 1 if running mysqldump 5.1.8 or later, which supports (and needs) # the events flag sub supports_mysqldump_events { return &compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "5.1.8") >= 0; } # supports_routines() # Returns 1 if mysqldump supports routines sub supports_routines { local $out = &backquote_command("$config{'mysqldump'} --help 2>&1 = 0; } # supports_variables() # Returns 1 if running mysql version 4.0.3 or later sub supports_variables { return &compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "4.0.3") >= 0; } # supports_hosts() # Returns 1 if the hosts table exists sub supports_hosts { return &compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "5.7.16") < 0; } # supports_env_pass([run-as-user], [password]) # Returns 1 if passing the password via an environment variable is supported sub supports_env_pass { local ($user, $realpass) = @_; $realpass ||= ''; if (&compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "4.1") >= 0 && !$config{'nopwd'}) { # Theortically possible .. but don't do this if ~/.my.cnf contains # a [client] block with password= in it my @uinfo = $user ? getpwnam($user) : getpwuid($<); foreach my $cf ($config{'my_cnf'}, "$uinfo[7]/.my.cnf", "$ENV{'HOME'}/.my.cnf") { next if (!$cf || !-r $cf); local @cf = &parse_mysql_config($cf); local $client = &find("client", \@cf); next if (!$client); local $password = &find_value("password", $client->{'members'}); return 0 if ($password ne '' && $password ne $realpass); } return 1; } return 0; } # working_env_pass() # Returns 1 if MYSQL_PWD can be used to pass the password to mysql sub working_env_pass { return 1 if (!&supports_env_pass()); # Not even used local $config{'nodbi'} = 1; local $data; local $main::error_must_die = 1; eval { $data = &execute_sql_safe(undef, "select version()") }; return $@ || !$data ? 0 : 1; } # priv_fields(type) # Returns the names and descriptions of fields for user/db/host privileges sub priv_fields { my ($type) = @_; if (!$priv_fields{$type}) { $priv_fields{$type} = []; foreach my $s (&table_structure("mysql", $type)) { if ($s->{'field'} =~ /^(.*)_priv/i) { push(@{$priv_fields{$type}}, [ $s->{'field'}, $text{'user_priv_'.lc($1)} || $s->{'field'} ]); } } } return @{$priv_fields{$type}}; } # ssl_fields() # Returns the names of SSL fields that need to be set for new users sub ssl_fields { my @desc = &table_structure($master_db, 'user'); my %fieldmap = map { $_->{'field'}, $_->{'index'} } @desc; return grep { $fieldmap{$_} } ('ssl_type', 'ssl_cipher', 'x509_issuer', 'x509_subject'); } # other_user_fields() # Returns the names of other non-default new user fields sub other_user_fields { my @desc = &table_structure($master_db, 'user'); my %fieldmap = map { $_->{'field'}, $_->{'index'} } @desc; return grep { $fieldmap{$_} } ('authentication_string'); } sub is_blob { return $_[0]->{'type'} =~ /(text|blob)$/i; } # get_mysql_version(&out) # Returns a version number, undef if one cannot be found, or -1 for a .so # problem. This is the version of the *local* mysql command, not necessarily # the remote server. Maybe include the suffix -MariaDB. sub get_mysql_version { local $out = &backquote_command("\"$config{'mysql'}\" -V 2>&1"); ${$_[0]} = $out if ($_[0]); if ($out =~ /lib\S+\.so/) { return -1; } elsif ($out =~ /(distrib|Ver|from)\s+((3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11)\.[0-9\.]*(\-[a-z0-9]+)?)/i) { return $2; } else { return undef; } } # get_remote_mysql_version() # Returns the version of the MySQL server, or -1 if unknown sub get_remote_mysql_version { local $main::error_must_die = 1; local $data; eval { $data = &execute_sql_safe(undef, "select version()"); }; return -1 if ($@); return -1 if (!@{$data->{'data'}}); return $data->{'data'}->[0]->[0]; } # get_remote_mysql_variant() # Like get_remote_mysql_version, but returns a version number and variant sub get_remote_mysql_variant { my $rv = &get_remote_mysql_version(); return ($rv) if ($rv <= 0); my $variant = "mysql"; my ($ver, $variant_) = $rv =~ /^([0-9\.]+)\-(.*)/; if ($ver && $variant_ && ($rv !~ /ubuntu/i || ($rv =~ /ubuntu/i && $rv =~ /mariadb/i && $ver > 10))) { $rv = $ver; $variant = $variant_; if ($variant =~ /mariadb/i) { $variant = "mariadb"; } else { $variant = "mysql"; } } return ($rv, $variant); } # save_mysql_version([number]) # Update the saved local MySQL version number sub save_mysql_version { local ($ver) = @_; $ver ||= &get_mysql_version(); if ($ver) { &open_tempfile(VERSION, ">$module_config_directory/version"); &print_tempfile(VERSION, $ver,"\n"); &close_tempfile(VERSION); } } # date_subs(filename) # Does strftime-style date substitutions on a filename, if enabled sub date_subs { local ($path) = @_; local $rv; if ($config{'date_subs'}) { eval "use POSIX"; eval "use posix" if ($@); local @tm = localtime(time()); &clear_time_locale(); $rv = strftime($path, @tm); &reset_time_locale(); } else { $rv = $path; } if ($config{'webmin_subs'}) { $rv = &substitute_template($rv, { }); } return $rv; } # execute_before(db, handle, escape, path, db-for-config) # Executes the before-backup command for some DB, and sends output to the # given file handle. Returns 1 if the command succeeds, or 0 on failure sub execute_before { local $cmd = $config{'backup_before_'.$_[4]}; if ($cmd) { $ENV{'BACKUP_FILE'} = $_[3]; local $h = $_[1]; local $out; local $rv = &execute_command($cmd, undef, \$out, \$out); if ($h && $out) { print $h $_[2] ? "
" : $out; } return !$rv; } return 1; } # execute_after(db, handle, escape, path, db-for-config) sub execute_after { local $cmd = $config{'backup_after_'.$_[4]}; if ($cmd) { $ENV{'BACKUP_FILE'} = $_[3]; local $h = $_[1]; local $out; local $rv = &execute_command($cmd, undef, \$out, \$out); if ($h && $out) { print $h $_[2] ? "
" : $out; } return !$rv; } return 1; } # show_table_form(count) sub show_table_form { my $rv; $rv = &ui_columns_start([ $text{'field_name'}, $text{'field_type'}, $text{'field_size'}, $text{'table_nkey'}, $text{'field_auto'}, $text{'field_null'}, $text{'field_unsigned'}, $text{'field_default'} ]); for(my $i=0; $i<$_[0]; $i++) { my @cols; push(@cols, &ui_textbox("field_$i", undef, 20)); push(@cols, &ui_select("type_$i", "", [ "", @type_list ])); push(@cols, &ui_textbox("size_$i", undef, 10)); push(@cols, &ui_checkbox("key_$i", 1, $text{'yes'}, 0)); push(@cols, &ui_checkbox("auto_$i", 1, $text{'yes'}, 0)); push(@cols, &ui_checkbox("null_$i", 1, $text{'yes'}, 1)); push(@cols, &ui_checkbox("unsigned_$i", 1, $text{'yes'}, 0)); push(@cols, &ui_textbox("default_$i", undef, 20)); $rv .= &ui_columns_row(\@cols); } $rv .= &ui_columns_end(); return $rv; } # parse_table_form(&extrafields, tablename) sub parse_table_form { local @fields = @{$_[0]}; local $i; local (@auto, @pri); for($i=0; defined($in{"field_$i"}); $i++) { next if (!$in{"field_$i"}); $in{"field_$i"} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error(&text('table_efield', $in{"field_$i"})); $in{"type_$i"} || &error(&text('table_etype', $in{"field_$i"})); if ($in{"type_$i"} eq 'enum' || $in{"type_$i"} eq 'set') { local @ev = split(/\s+/, $in{"size_$i"}); @ev || &error(&text('table_eenum', $in{"type_$i"}, $in{"field_$i"})); $in{"size_$i"} = join(",", map { "'$_'" } @ev); } if ($in{"size_$i"}) { push(@fields, sprintf "%s %s(%s)", "estr($in{"field_$i"}), $in{"type_$i"},$in{"size_$i"}); } else { push(@fields, sprintf "%s %s", "estr($in{"field_$i"}), $in{"type_$i"}); } if ($in{"unsigned_$i"}) { $fields[@fields-1] .= " unsigned"; } if (!$in{"null_$i"}) { $fields[@fields-1] .= " not null"; } if ($in{"key_$i"}) { $in{"null_$i"} && &error(&text('table_epnull',$in{"field_$i"})); push(@pri, $in{"field_$i"}); } if ($in{"auto_$i"}) { push(@auto, $fields[@fields-1]); push(@autokey, $in{"key_$i"}); } if ($in{"default_$i"}) { $fields[@fields-1] .= " default '".$in{"default_$i"}."'"; } } @auto < 2 || &error($text{'table_eauto'}); @fields || &error($text{'table_enone'}); local @sql; local $sql = "create table "."estr($_[1])." (".join(",", @fields).")"; $sql .= " engine $in{'type'}" if ($in{'type'}); push(@sql, $sql); if (@pri) { # Setup primary fields too push(@sql, "alter table "."estr($_[1])." add primary key (". join(",", map { "estr($_) } @pri).")"); } if (@auto) { # Make field auto-increment push(@sql, "alter table "."estr($_[1]). " modify $auto[0] auto_increment ". ($autokey[0] ? "" : "unique")); } return @sql; } # execute_sql_file(database, file, [user, pass], [unix-user]) # Executes some file of SQL commands, and returns the exit status and output sub execute_sql_file { if (&is_readonly_mode()) { return (0, undef); } my ($db, $file, $user, $pass) = @_; -r $file || return (1, "$file does not exist"); my $authstr = &make_authstr($user, $pass); my $cs = $sql_charset ? "--default-character-set=".quotemeta($sql_charset) : ""; my $temp = &transname(); $file = &fix_collation($file); &open_tempfile(TEMP, ">$temp"); &print_tempfile(TEMP, "source ".$file.";\n"); &close_tempfile(TEMP); &set_ownership_permissions(undef, undef, 0644, $temp); &set_authstr_env(); my $cmd = "$config{'mysql'} $authstr -t ".quotemeta($db)." ".$cs. " <".quotemeta($temp); if ($_[4] && $_[4] ne 'root' && $< == 0) { # Restoring as a Unix user $cmd = &command_as_user($_[4], 0, $cmd); } my $out = &backquote_logged("$cmd 2>&1"); my @rv; if ($?) { # Total failure @rv = ($?, $out || "$cmd failed"); } elsif ($out =~ /(^|\n)(ERROR\s+\d+.*)/) { # Some command in the file failed @rv = (1, $2); } else { # All OK @rv = (0, $out); } &make_authstr(); # Put back old password environment variable return @rv; } # start_mysql() # Starts the MySQL database server, and returns undef on success or an # error message on failure. sub start_mysql { local $temp = &transname(); local $rv = &system_logged("($config{'start_cmd'}) >$temp 2>&1"); local $out = `cat $temp`; unlink($temp); if ($rv || $out =~ /failed/i) { return "
"; } return undef; } # stop_mysql() # Halts the MySQL database server, and returns undef on success or an # error message on failure. sub stop_mysql { local $out; if ($config{'stop_cmd'}) { $out = &backquote_logged("$config{'stop_cmd'} 2>&1"); } else { $out = &backquote_logged("$config{'mysqladmin'} $authstr shutdown 2>&1"); } if ($? || $out =~ /failed/i) { return "
"; } return undef; } # split_enum(type) # Returns a list of allowed values for an enum sub split_enum { local ($type) = @_; if ($type =~ /^(enum|set)\((.*)\)$/) { $type = $2; } local $esize = $type; local @ev; while($esize =~ /^'([^']*)'(,?)(.*)$/) { push(@ev, $1); $esize = $3; } return @ev; } # Returns 1 if the mysql server being managed is on this system sub is_mysql_local { return $config{'host'} eq '' || $config{'host'} eq 'localhost' || $config{'host'} eq &get_system_hostname() || &to_ipaddress($config{'host'}) eq &to_ipaddress(&get_system_hostname()); } # get_mysql_config() # Returns the parsed my.cnf file sub get_mysql_config { if (!scalar(@mysql_config_cache)) { if (!-r $config{'my_cnf'}) { return undef; } @mysql_config_cache = &parse_mysql_config($config{'my_cnf'}); } return \@mysql_config_cache; } # parse_mysql_config(file) # Reads one MySQL config file sub parse_mysql_config { local ($file) = @_; local @rv; local $sect; local $lnum = 0; local $lref = &read_file_lines($file, 1); local $_; foreach (@$lref) { s/\r|\n//g; s/#.*$//; s/\s+$//; if (/^\s*\[(\S+)\]$/) { # Start of a section $sect = { 'name' => $1, 'members' => [ ], 'file' => $file, 'line' => $lnum, 'eline' => $lnum }; push(@rv, $sect); } elsif (/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/ && $sect) { # Variable in a section push(@{$sect->{'members'}}, { 'name' => $1, 'value' => $2, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $lnum }); $sect->{'eline'} = $lnum; } elsif (/^\s*(\S+)$/ && $sect) { # Single directive in a section push(@{$sect->{'members'}}, { 'name' => $1, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $lnum }); $sect->{'eline'} = $lnum; } elsif (/^\s*\!include\s+(\S+)/) { # Including sections from a file foreach my $file (glob($1)) { push(@rv, &parse_mysql_config($file)); } } elsif (/^\s*\!includedir\s+(\S+)/) { # Including sections from files in a directory my $dir = $1; $dir =~ s/\/$//; opendir(DIR, $dir); my @files = map { $dir."/".$_ } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach my $file (@files) { push(@rv, &parse_mysql_config($file)); } } $lnum++; } return @rv; } # find(name, &conf) sub find { local ($name, $conf) = @_; local @rv = grep { lc($_->{'name'}) eq lc($name) } @$conf; return wantarray ? @rv : $rv[0]; } # find_value(name, &conf) sub find_value { local ($name, $conf) = @_; local @rv = map { $_->{'value'} } &find($name, $conf); return wantarray ? @rv : $rv[0]; } # save_directive(&conf, §ion, name, &values) # Updates one or multiple lines in a my.cnf section sub save_directive { local ($conf, $sect, $name, $values) = @_; local @old = &find($name, $sect->{'members'}); local $file = @old ? $old[0]->{'file'} : $sect ? $sect->{'file'} : $config{'my_cnf'}; local $lref = &read_file_lines($file); for(my $i=0; $i<@old || $i<@$values; $i++) { local $old = $i < @old ? $old[$i] : undef; local $line = $i >= @$values || $values->[$i] eq "" ? $name : "$name = $values->[$i]"; if ($old && defined($values->[$i])) { # Updating $lref->[$old->{'line'}] = $line; $old->{'value'} = $values->[$i]; } elsif (!$old && defined($values->[$i])) { # Adding splice(@$lref, $sect->{'eline'}+1, 0, $line); &renumber($conf, $sect->{'eline'}+1, 1, $file); push(@{$sect->{'members'}}, { 'name' => $name, 'value' => $values->[$i], 'line' => $sect->{'eline'}+1 }); } elsif ($old && !defined($values->[$i])) { # Deleting splice(@$lref, $old->{'line'}, 1); &renumber($conf, $old->{'line'}, -1, $file); @{$sect->{'members'}} = grep { $_ ne $old } @{$sect->{'members'}}; } } } sub renumber { local ($conf, $line, $offset, $file) = @_; foreach my $sect (@$conf) { next if ($sect->{'file'} ne $file); $sect->{'line'} += $offset if ($sect->{'line'} >= $line); $sect->{'eline'} += $offset if ($sect->{'eline'} >= $line); foreach my $m (@{$sect->{'members'}}) { $m->{'line'} += $offset if ($m->{'line'} >= $line); } } } # parse_set_variables(value, ...) # Returns a hash of variable mappings sub parse_set_variables { local %vars; foreach my $v (@_) { if ($v =~ /^(\S+)=(\S+)$/) { $vars{$1} = $2; } } return %vars; } sub mysql_size_input { local ($name, $value) = @_; local $units; if ($value =~ /^(\d+)([a-z])$/i) { $value = $1; $units = $2; } $units = "" if ($units eq "b"); return &ui_textbox($name, $value, 8)."\n". &ui_select($name."_units", $units, [ [ "", "bytes" ], [ "K", "kB" ], [ "M", "MB" ], [ "G", "GB" ] ]); } # list_indexes(db) # Returns the names of all indexes in some database sub list_indexes { local ($db) = @_; local (@rv, $r); foreach my $table (&list_tables($db)) { local $s = &execute_sql_safe($db, "show index from "."estr($table)); local (%tp, $i); for($i=0; $i<@{$s->{'titles'}}; $i++) { $tp{lc($s->{'titles'}->[$i])} = $i; } foreach $r (@{$s->{'data'}}) { if ($r->[$tp{'key_name'}] ne 'PRIMARY') { push(@rv, $r->[$tp{'key_name'}]); } } } return &unique(@rv); } # index_structure(db, indexname) # Returns information on an index sub index_structure { local ($db, $index) = @_; local (@rv, $r); local $info; foreach my $table (&list_tables($db)) { local $s = &execute_sql_safe($db, "show index from "."estr($table)); local (%tp, $i); for($i=0; $i<@{$s->{'titles'}}; $i++) { $tp{lc($s->{'titles'}->[$i])} = $i; } foreach $r (@{$s->{'data'}}) { if ($r->[$tp{'key_name'}] eq $index) { # Found some info $info->{'table'} = $r->[$tp{'table'}]; $info->{'name'} = $index; $info->{'type'} = lc($r->[$tp{'index_type'}]) || lc($r->[$tp{'comment'}]); push(@{$info->{'cols'}}, $r->[$tp{'column_name'}]); } } } return $info; } # list_views(db) # Returns the names of all views in some database sub list_views { local ($db) = @_; local @rv; local $d = &execute_sql($db, "select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = ?", $db); foreach $r (@{$d->{'data'}}) { push(@rv, $r->[1]); } return @rv; } # view_structure(db, viewname) # Returns information about a view sub view_structure { local ($db, $view) = @_; local $info = { 'name' => $view }; local $d = &execute_sql($db, "show create view $view"); local $c = $d->{'data'}->[0]->[1]; if ($c =~ /algorithm\s*=\s*(\S+)/i) { $info->{'algorithm'} = lc($1); } if ($c =~ /definer\s*=\s*`(\S+)`\@`(\S+)`/i) { $info->{'definer'} = "$1\@$2"; } elsif ($c =~ /definer\s*=\s*(\S+)/i) { $info->{'definer'} = $1; } if ($c =~ /sql\s+security\s+(\S+)/i) { $info->{'security'} = lc($1); } if ($c =~ s/\s+with\s+(cascaded|local)\s+check\s+option//i) { $info->{'check'} = lc($1); } if ($c =~ /view\s+(`\S+`|\S+)\s+as\s+(.*)/i) { $info->{'query'} = $2; } return $info; } # list_character_sets([db]) # Returns a list of supported character sets. Each row is an array ref of # a code and name sub list_character_sets { local @rv; local $db = $_[0] || $master_db; if (&compare_version_numbers(&get_remote_mysql_version(), "4.1") < 0) { local $d = &execute_sql($db, "show variables like 'character_sets'"); @rv = map { [ $_, $_ ] } split(/\s+/, $d->{'data'}->[0]->[1]); } else { local $d = &execute_sql($db, "show character set"); @rv = map { [ $_->[0], "$_->[1] ($_->[0])" ] } @{$d->{'data'}}; } return sort { lc($a->[1]) cmp lc($b->[1]) } @rv; } # get_character_set(db) # Returns the character set for a database sub get_character_set { my ($db) = @_; my $d; eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; $d = &execute_sql($db, 'select @@character_set_database'); }; return undef if ($@); return undef if (!@{$d->{'data'}}); return $d->{'data'}->[0]->[0]; } # list_collation_orders([db]) # Returns a list of supported collation orders. Each row is an array ref of # a code and character set it can work with. sub list_collation_orders { local @rv; local $db = $_[0] || $master_db; if (&compare_version_numbers(&get_remote_mysql_version(), "5") >= 0) { local $d = &execute_sql($db, "show collation"); @rv = map { [ $_->[0], $_->[1] ] } @{$d->{'data'}}; } return sort { lc($a->[0]) cmp lc($b->[0]) } @rv; } # get_collation_order(db) # Returns the collation order for a database sub get_collation_order { my ($db) = @_; my $d; eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; $d = &execute_sql($db, 'select @@collation_database'); }; return undef if ($@); return undef if (!@{$d->{'data'}}); return $d->{'data'}->[0]->[0]; } # fix_collation(file) # Fixes unsupported collations on restore, by replacing # unsuported with the closest supported variant sub fix_collation { my ($file) = @_; my ($version, $variant) = &get_remote_mysql_variant(); if ($variant eq 'mariadb') { my $tfile = &transname(); open(IN, '<' . $file) or die $!; open(OUT, '>' . $tfile) or die $!; while() { s/COLLATE(\s|=)utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci/COLLATE$1utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci/g; print OUT; } close(OUT); close(IN); ©_permissions_source_dest($file, $tfile); return $tfile; } return $file; } # list_system_variables() # Returns a list of all system variables, and their default values sub list_system_variables { local $mysqld = $config{'mysqld'}; if (!$mysqld) { # Mysqld path not in config .. guess from mysql path $mysqld = $config{'mysql'}; $mysqld =~ s/mysql$/mysqld/g; $mysqld =~ s/bin/sbin/g; if (!-x $mysqld) { $mysqld = $config{'mysql'}; $mysqld =~ s/mysql$/mysqld/g; $mysqld =~ s/bin/libexec/g; if (!-x $mysqld) { # Look in Webmin path &error($mysqld); $mysqld = &has_command("mysqld"); } } } return ( ) if (!$mysqld); # Read supported variables local @rv; &open_execute_command(MYSQLD, "$mysqld --verbose --help", 1, 1); while() { s/\r|\n//g; if (/^(\S+)\s+current\s+value:\s+(\S*)/) { push(@rv, [ $1, $2 ]); } elsif (/^\-\-\-\-/) { $started = 1; } elsif ($started && /^(\S+)\s+(.*)/) { push(@rv, [ $1, $2 eq "(No default value)" ? undef : $2 ]); } } close(MYSQL); return @rv; } # list_compatible_formats() # Returns a list of two-element arrays, containing compatibility format # codes and descriptions sub list_compatible_formats { return map { [ $_, $text{'compat_'.$_} ] } ( "ansi", "mysql323", "mysql40", "postgresql", "oracle", "mssql", "db2", "maxdb" ); } # list_compatible_options() # Returns a list of two-element arrays, containing compatibility options sub list_compatible_options { return map { [ $_, $text{'compat_'.$_} ] } ( "no_key_options", "no_table_options", "no_field_options" ); } # compression_format(file) # Returns 0 if uncompressed, 1 for gzip, 2 for compress, 3 for bzip2 or # 4 for zip sub compression_format { open(BACKUP, "<".$_[0]); local $two; read(BACKUP, $two, 2); close(BACKUP); return $two eq "\037\213" ? 1 : $two eq "\037\235" ? 2 : $two eq "PK" ? 4 : $two eq "BZ" ? 3 : 0; } # backup_database(db, dest-file, compress-mode, drop-flag, where-clause, # charset, &compatible, &only-tables, run-as-user, # single-transaction-flag, quick-flag, force-flag, parameters) # Backs up a database to the given file, optionally with compression. Returns # undef on success, or an error message on failure. sub backup_database { my ($db, $file, $compress, $drop, $where, $charset, $compatible, $tables, $user, $single, $quick, $force, $parameters) = @_; my $writer; if ($compress == 0) { $writer = "cat >".quotemeta($file); } elsif ($compress == 1) { $writer = "gzip -c >".quotemeta($file); } elsif ($compress == 2) { $writer = "bzip2 -c >".quotemeta($file); } my $dropsql = $drop ? "--add-drop-table" : ""; my $singlesql = $single ? "--single-transaction" : ""; my $forcesql = $force ? "--force" : ""; my $quicksql = $quick ? "--quick" : ""; my $parameterssql = $parameters ? quotemeta($parameters) : ""; my $wheresql = $where ? "--where=".quotemeta($in{'where'}) : ""; my $charsetsql = $charset ? "--default-character-set=".quotemeta($charset) : ""; my $compatiblesql = @$compatible ? "--compatible=".join(",", @$compatible) : ""; my $quotingsql = &supports_quoting() ? "--quote-names" : ""; my $routinessql = &supports_routines() ? "--routines" : ""; my $tablessql = join(" ", map { quotemeta($_) } @$tables); my $eventssql = &supports_mysqldump_events() ? "--events" : ""; my $gtidsql = ""; eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; my $d = &execute_sql($master_db, "show variables like 'gtid_mode'"); if (@{$d->{'data'}} && uc($d->{'data'}->[0]->[1]) eq 'ON' && &compare_version_numbers($mysql_version, "5.6") >= 0) { # Add flag to support GTIDs $gtidsql = "--set-gtid-purged=OFF"; } }; if ($user && $user ne "root") { # Actual writing of output is done as another user $writer = &command_as_user($user, 0, $writer); } &set_authstr_env(); my $cmd = "$config{'mysqldump'} $authstr $dropsql $singlesql $forcesql $quicksql $parameterssql $wheresql $charsetsql $compatiblesql $quotingsql $routinessql ".quotemeta($db)." $tablessql $eventssql $gtidsql | $writer"; if (&shell_is_bash()) { $cmd = "set -o pipefail ; $cmd"; } my $out = &backquote_logged("($cmd) 2>&1"); if ($? || !-s $file || $out =~ /Aborted\s+connection|max_allowed_packet/i) { return $out; } return undef; } # delete_database_backup_job(db) # If there is a backup scheduled for some database, remove it sub delete_database_backup_job { my ($db) = @_; &foreign_require("cron"); my @jobs = &cron::list_cron_jobs(); my $cmd = "$cron_cmd $db"; my ($job) = grep { $_->{'command'} eq $cmd } @jobs; if ($job) { &lock_file(&cron::cron_file($job)); &cron::delete_cron_job($job); &unlock_file(&cron::cron_file($job)); } } # get_all_mysqld_files() # Returns all config files used by MySQLd sub get_all_mysqld_files { my $conf = &get_mysql_config(); return &unique(map { $_->{'file'} } @$conf); } # get_change_pass_sql(unescaped_plaintext_password, user, host) # Get the right query for changing user password sub get_change_pass_sql { my ($unescaped_plainpass, $user, $host) = @_; my $plugin = &get_mysql_plugin(1); my $escaped_pass = &escapestr($unescaped_plainpass); my $sql; my ($ver, $variant) = &get_remote_mysql_variant(); my $mysql_mariadb_with_auth_string = $variant eq "mariadb" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "10.2") >= 0 || $variant eq "mysql" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "5.7.6") >= 0; if ($mysql_mariadb_with_auth_string && $unescaped_plainpass) { $sql = "alter user '$user'\@'$host' identified $plugin by '$escaped_pass'"; } else { $sql = "set password for '".$user."'\@'".$host."' = ". "$password_func('$escaped_pass')"; } return $sql; } # get_mysql_plugin(query_ready) # Returns the name of the default plugin used by MySQL/MariaDB sub get_mysql_plugin { my ($query) = @_; if ($config{'auth_plugin'}) { return " with $config{'auth_plugin'}"; } else { my @plugin = &execute_sql($master_db, "show variables LIKE '%default_authentication_plugin%'"); my $plugin = $plugin[0]->{'data'}->[0]->[1]; if ($plugin && $query) { $plugin = " with $plugin "; } return $plugin; } } # perms_column_to_privilege_map(col) # Returns a privilege name based on given column for MySQL 8+ and MariaDB 10.4 sub perms_column_to_privilege_map { my ($column) = @_; my %priv = ( 'Alter_priv', 'alter', 'Alter_routine_priv', 'alter routine', 'Create_priv', 'create', 'Create_routine_priv', 'create routine', 'Create_tablespace_priv', 'create tablespace', 'Create_tmp_table_priv', 'create temporary tables', 'Create_user_priv', 'create user', 'Create_view_priv', 'create view', 'Delete_priv', 'delete', 'Drop_priv', 'drop', 'Event_priv', 'event', 'Execute_priv', 'execute', 'File_priv', 'file', 'Grant_priv', 'grant option', 'Index_priv', 'index', 'Insert_priv', 'insert', 'Lock_tables_priv', 'lock tables', 'Process_priv', 'process', 'References_priv', 'references', 'Reload_priv', 'reload', 'Repl_client_priv', 'replication client', 'Repl_slave_priv', 'replication slave', 'Select_priv', 'select', 'Show_db_priv', 'show databases', 'Show_view_priv', 'show view', 'Shutdown_priv', 'shutdown', 'Super_priv', 'super', 'Trigger_priv', 'trigger', 'Update_priv', 'update', 'Delete_history_priv', 'delete history', # 'Create_role_priv', 'create role', # 'Drop_role_priv', 'drop role', # 'proxies_priv', 'proxy', ); return defined($column) ? $priv{$column} : \%priv; } # update_privileges(\%sconfig) # Update user privileges sub update_privileges { my ($sc) = @_; my $user = $sc->{'user'}; my $host = $sc->{'host'}; my $perms = $sc->{'perms'}; my $pfields = $sc->{'pfields'}; my ($ver, $variant) = &get_remote_mysql_variant(); if ($variant eq "mariadb" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "10.4") >= 0) { # Assign permissions my $col_to_priv_map = &perms_column_to_privilege_map(); foreach my $grant (keys %{ $perms }) { my $grant_priv = &perms_column_to_privilege_map($grant); &execute_sql_logged($mysql::master_db, "grant $grant_priv on *.* to '$user'\@'$host'"); delete $col_to_priv_map->{$grant}; } foreach my $revoke_priv (values %{ $col_to_priv_map }) { &execute_sql_logged($mysql::master_db, "revoke $revoke_priv on *.* from '$user'\@'$host'"); } } else { $sql = "update user set ". join(", ",map { "$_ = ?" } @{ $pfields }). " where host = ? and user = ?"; &execute_sql_logged($master_db, $sql, (map { $perms{$_} ? 'Y' : 'N' } @{ $pfields }), $host, $user); } &execute_sql_logged($master_db, 'flush privileges'); } # rename_user(\%sconfig) # Rename SQL user sub rename_user { my ($sc) = @_; my $user = $sc->{'user'}; my $olduser = $sc->{'olduser'}; my $host = $sc->{'host'}; my $oldhost = $sc->{'oldhost'}; my ($ver, $variant) = &get_remote_mysql_variant(); my $sql; if ($variant eq "mariadb" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "10.4") >= 0) { &execute_sql_logged($master_db, "rename user '$olduser'\@'$oldhost' to '$user'\@'$host'"); } else { &execute_sql_logged($master_db, "update user set host = ?, user = ? where host = ? and user = ?", $host, $user, $oldhost, $olduser); } &update_config_credentials({ 'user', $user, 'olduser', $olduser, }); &execute_sql_logged($master_db, 'flush privileges'); } # create_user(\%sconfig) # Create new SQL user sub create_user { my ($sc) = @_; my $user = $sc->{'user'}; my $pass = $sc->{'pass'}; my $host = $sc->{'host'}; my $perms = $sc->{'perms'}; my $pfields = $sc->{'pfields'}; my $ssl_field_names = $sc->{'ssl_field_names'}; my $ssl_field_values = $sc->{'ssl_field_values'}; my $other_field_names = $sc->{'other_field_names'}; my $other_field_values = $sc->{'other_field_values'}; my ($ver, $variant) = &get_remote_mysql_variant(); my $plugin = &get_mysql_plugin(1); if ($variant eq "mariadb" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "10.4") >= 0) { my $sql = "create user '$user'\@'$host' identified $plugin by ". "'".&escapestr($pass)."'"; &execute_sql_logged($master_db, $sql); &execute_sql_logged($master_db, 'flush privileges'); # Update existing user privileges &update_privileges({( 'user', $user, 'host', $host, 'perms', $perms, 'pfields', $pfields )}); } else { my $sql = "insert into user (host, user, ". join(", ", @{ $pfields }, @{ $ssl_field_names }, @{ $other_field_names }). ") values (?, ?, ". join(", ", map { "?" } (@{ $pfields }, @{ $ssl_field_names }, @{ $other_field_names })).")"; &execute_sql_logged($master_db, $sql, $host, $user, (map { $perms->{$_} ? 'Y' : 'N' } @{ $pfields }), @{ $ssl_field_values }, @{ $other_field_values }); &execute_sql_logged($master_db, 'flush privileges'); if ($variant eq "mysql" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "5.7.6") >= 0) { &execute_sql_logged($master_db, "alter user '$user'\@'$host' identified $plugin by ". "'".&escapestr($pass)."'"); &execute_sql_logged($master_db, 'flush privileges'); } } } # change_user_password(plainpass, user, host) # Change user password sub change_user_password { my ($plainpass, $user, $host) = @_; my ($ver, $variant) = &get_remote_mysql_variant(); my $plugin = &get_mysql_plugin(1); my $lock_supported = $variant eq "mysql" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "8.0.19"); my $mysql_mariadb_with_auth_string = $variant eq "mariadb" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "10.4") >= 0 || $variant eq "mysql" && &compare_version_numbers($ver, "5.7.6") >= 0; my $sql; my $pass = &escapestr($plainpass); $host ||= '%'; my $lock = !defined($plainpass); if ($lock) { $pass = sprintf("%x", rand 16) for 1..30; } if ($mysql_mariadb_with_auth_string) { my $sp = "identified $plugin by '".$pass."'"; if ($lock_supported) { $sp = $lock ? "account lock" : "$sp account unlock"; } $sql = "alter user '$user'\@'$host' $sp"; &execute_sql_logged($master_db, $sql); } else { $sql = &get_change_pass_sql($plainpass, $user, $host); &execute_sql_logged($master_db, $sql); } # Update module password when needed &update_config_credentials({ 'user', $user, 'olduser', $user, 'pass', $plainpass, }); &execute_sql_logged($master_db, 'flush privileges'); } # Update Webmin module login and pass sub update_config_credentials { return if($access{'user'}); my ($c) = @_; my $conf_user = $config{'login'} || "root"; return if($c->{'olduser'} ne $conf_user); return if(!$c->{'user'}); $config{'login'} = $c->{'user'}; $mysql_login = $c->{'user'}; if (defined($c->{'pass'})) { $config{'pass'} = $c->{'pass'}; $mysql_pass = $c->{'pass'}; } &lock_file($module_config_file); &save_module_config(); &unlock_file($module_config_file); &stop_mysql(); &start_mysql(); } # force_set_mysql_admin_pass(user, pass) # Forcibly change MySQL admin password, if lost or forgotten sub force_set_mysql_admin_pass { my ($user, $pass) = @_; &error_setup($text{'mysqlpass_err'}); &foreign_require("proc"); # Find the mysqld_safe command my $safe = &has_command("mysqld_safe"); if (!$safe) { &error(&text('mysqlpass_esafecmd', "mysqld_safe")); } # Shut down server if running if (&is_mysql_running()) { my $err = &stop_mysql(); if ($err) { &error(&text('mysqlpass_esafecmdeshutdown', $err)); } } # Start up with skip-grants flag my $cmd = $safe." --skip-grant-tables"; # Running with `mysqld_safe` - when called, command doesn't create "mysqld" directory under # "/var/run" eventually resulting in DBI connect failed error on all MySQL versions my $ver = &get_mysql_version(); if ($ver !~ /mariadb/i) { my $mysockdir = '/var/run/mysqld'; my $myusergrp = 'mysql'; my $myconf = &get_mysql_config(); if ($myconf) { my ($mysqld) = grep { $_->{'name'} eq 'mysqld' } @$myconf; if ($mysqld) { my $members = $mysqld->{'members'}; # Look for user my $myusergrp_ = &find_value("user", $members); if ($myusergrp_) { $myusergrp = $myusergrp_; } # Look for socket my $mysockdir_ = &find_value("socket", $members); if ($mysockdir_) { $mysockdir = $mysockdir_; $mysockdir =~ s/^(.+)\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; } } } $cmd = "mkdir -p $mysockdir && chown $myusergrp:$myusergrp $mysockdir && $cmd"; } my ($pty, $pid) = &proc::pty_process_exec($cmd, 0, 0); sleep(5); if (!$pid || !kill(0, $pid)) { my $err = <$pty>; &error(&text('mysqlpass_esafe', $err)); } # Update password by running command directly my $cmd = $config{'mysql'} || 'mysql'; my $sql = &get_change_pass_sql($pass, $user, 'localhost'); my $out = &backquote_command("$cmd -D $master_db -e ". quotemeta("flush privileges; $sql")." 2>&1 [0] ne 'localhost' } @{$d->{'data'}}; foreach my $host (@hosts) { $sql = get_change_pass_sql($pass, $user, $host); eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; &execute_sql_logged($master_db, 'flush privileges'); &execute_sql_logged($master_db, $sql); &execute_sql_logged($master_db, 'flush privileges'); sleep 1; }; } } # Shut down again, with the mysqladmin command my $mysql_shutdown = $config{'mysqladmin'} || 'mysqladmin'; my $out = &backquote_logged("$mysql_shutdown shutdown 2>&1 {$confline} =~ s/MySQL/MariaDB/g; } } } sub help_pre_load { my ($htext) = @_; my $mysql_module_version = &get_mysql_version(); # Replace config labels for MySQL if ($mysql_module_version =~ /mariadb/i) { $htext =~ s/MySQL/MariaDB/gm; } return $htext; } # mysql_login_type(user) # Returns one of 'password' or 'socket' sub mysql_login_type { my ($user) = @_; my $rv; eval { local $main::error_must_die = 1; $rv = &execute_sql_safe($master_db, "select plugin from user where user = ?", $user); }; return 'password' if ($@); # Old version without plugins return $rv->{'data'}->[0]->[0] =~ /unix_socket/i ? 'socket' : 'password'; } 1;