--- layout: default title: How to protect forms from CSRF attacks --- # How to protect forms from CSRF attacks ## Problem How to make sure a POST form submission genuinely originates from a form created by the application, and is not a [Cross-Site Request Forgery](https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Csrf). ## Solution We keep a unique csrf_token that is rendered as a hidden field inside post forms and can not be guessed by CSRF attackers. This token gets checked during POST methods. We need 4 things: 1. A `csrf_token()` function - to use inside form templates. It either returns the existing `session.csrf_token` or generates a new one. 1. A `@csrf_protected` decorator for `POST()` methods. It pops `session.csrf_token` and compares it with the `csrf_token` input we expect to get from a genuine form (see `` below. Whether the test succeeds or fails, this will make sure that next time `csrf_token()` is called (most probably - from inside a form's template), a new token will be generated. 1. Make `csrf_token()` available to templates by adding it to the globals of our `render` object. 1. Add `` to the forms in the templates. We define `csrf_token()` like this: def csrf_token(): if not session.has_key('csrf_token'): from uuid import uuid4 session.csrf_token=uuid4().hex return session.csrf_token The `@csrf_protected` decorator is defined like this: def csrf_protected(f): def decorated(*args,**kwargs): inp = web.input() if not (inp.has_key('csrf_token') and inp.csrf_token==session.pop('csrf_token',None)): raise web.HTTPError( "400 Bad request", {'content-type':'text/html'}, """Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attempt (or stale browser form). Back to the form."""') # Provide a link back to the form return f(*args,**kwargs) return decorated In order to make csrf_token() available to templates, we need to add it to the globals of the `render` object like this: render = web.template.render('templates',globals={'csrf_token':csrf_token}) A template that renders a POST form (called - say - `myform.html`) would look like:
# ... form fields ...
If we're using a `Form` object from `web.form` called _form_, our `myform.html` template would look like:
The form page's object would then look like: class myformpage: def GET(self): return render.myform(...) @csrf_protected # Verify this is not CSRF, or fail def POST(self): # If we're here - this is not a CSRF attack A simple working demo is availale [here](https://gist.github.com/857297).