1) ? sprintf(_nx('about %s minute', 'about %s minutes', $m, 's2member-front', 's2member'), $m) : $since; $since = ($m >= 60) ? _x('about 1 hour', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $since; } else if($difference >= 3600 && $difference < 86400) { if($round_via === 'floor') { $h = (int)floor($difference / 3600); } elseif ($round_via === 'ceil') { $h = (int)ceil($difference / 3600); } else { $h = (int)round($difference / 3600); } $since = ($h === 1) ? _x('about 1 hour', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $since; $since = ($h > 1) ? sprintf(_nx('about %s hour', 'about %s hours', $h, 's2member-front', 's2member'), $h) : $since; $since = ($h >= 24) ? _x('about 1 day', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $since; } else if($difference >= 86400 && $difference < 604800) { if($round_via === 'floor') { $d = (int)floor($difference / 86400); } elseif ($round_via === 'ceil') { $d = (int)ceil($difference / 86400); } else { $d = (int)round($difference / 86400); } $since = ($d === 1) ? _x('about 1 day', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $since; $since = ($d > 1) ? sprintf(_nx('about %s day', 'about %s days', $d, 's2member-front', 's2member'), $d) : $since; $since = ($d >= 7) ? _x('about 1 week', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $since; } else if($difference >= 604800 && $difference < 2592000) { if($round_via === 'floor') { $w = (int)floor($difference / 604800); } elseif ($round_via === 'ceil') { $w = (int)ceil($difference / 604800); } else { $w = (int)round($difference / 604800); } $since = ($w === 1) ? _x('about 1 week', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $since; $since = ($w > 1) ? sprintf(_nx('about %s week', 'about %s weeks', $w, 's2member-front', 's2member'), $w) : $since; $since = ($w >= 4) ? _x('about 1 month', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $since; } else if($difference >= 2592000 && $difference < 31556926) { if($round_via === 'floor') { $m = (int)floor($difference / 2592000); } elseif ($round_via === 'ceil') { $m = (int)ceil($difference / 2592000); } else { $m = (int)round($difference / 2592000); } $since = ($m === 1) ? _x('about 1 month', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $since; $since = ($m > 1) ? sprintf(_nx('about %s month', 'about %s months', $m, 's2member-front', 's2member'), $m) : $since; $since = ($m >= 12) ? _x('about 1 year', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $since; } else if($difference >= 31556926) // Years. { if($round_via === 'floor') { $y = (int)floor($difference / 31556926); } elseif ($round_via === 'ceil') { $y = (int)ceil($difference / 31556926); } else { $y = (int)round($difference / 31556926); } $since = ($y === 1) ? _x('about 1 year', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $since; $since = ($y > 1) ? sprintf(_nx('about %s year', 'about %s years', $y, 's2member-front', 's2member'), $y) : $since; } return $since; } /** * Calculate Auto-EOT Time, based on `user_id`, `period1`, `period3`, `last_payment_time`, or an optional `eotper`. * * Used by s2Member's built-in Auto-EOT System, and also by its IPN routines. * `last_payment_time` can be forced w/ ``$lpt`` *(i.e., for delayed eots)*. * * @package s2Member\Utilities * @since 3.5 * * @param int|string $user_id Optional. A WordPress User ID. * * @param string $period1 Optional. First Intial "Period Term" *( i.e., `0 D` )*. * Only used when ``$user_id`` is passed in. * * @param string $period3 Optional. Regular "Period Term" *( i.e., `1 M` )*. * Only used when ``$user_id`` is passed in. * * @param string $eotper Optional. A Fixed "Period Term" *( i.e., `1 M` )*. * This replaces ``$period1`` / ``$period3``. * Not used when ``$user_id`` is passed in. * Only when ``$user_id`` is not passed in. * * @param int $lpt Optional. Force feed the Last Payment Time. * Only used when ``$user_id`` is passed in. * * @param int $ext Optional. Existing EOT Time for the User. * Always considered; even when ``$user_id`` is not passed in. * But only when ``$GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['eot_time_ext_behavior'] === 'extend'``. * * @return int Unix timestamp indicating the EOT Time calculated by this routine. */ public static function auto_eot_time($user_id = 0, $period1 = '', $period3 = '', $eotper = '', $lpt = 0, $ext = 0) { $eot_grace_time = (integer)$GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['eot_grace_time']; $eot_grace_time = (integer)apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_eot_grace_time', $eot_grace_time); $p1_time = $p3_time = $eot_time = $auto_eot_time = 0; // Intialize. if($user_id && ($user = new WP_User ($user_id)) && $user->ID) { $registration_time = strtotime($user->user_registered); $last_payment_time = get_user_option('s2member_last_payment_time', $user_id); $free_trial_expired_time = (int)get_user_option('s2member_free_trial_expired_time', $user_id); $last_payment_time = (int)$lpt ? (int)$lpt : (int)$last_payment_time; $last_paid_access_cap_time = 0; // Initialize the last access cap time. if(($access_cap_times = c_ws_plugin__s2member_access_cap_times::get_access_cap_times($user_id))) { foreach(array_reverse($access_cap_times, TRUE) as $_time => $_cap) { if(strpos($_cap, '-') !== 0 && $_cap !== 'level0') { $last_paid_access_cap_time = (integer)$_time; break; // Got what we need; stop here. } } // unset($_time, $_cap); // Housekeeping. } if(($period1 = trim(strtoupper($period1)))) { list($num, $span) = preg_split('/ /', $period1, 2); $days = 0; // Days start at 0. if(is_numeric($num) && !is_numeric($span)) { $days = ($span === 'D') ? 1 : $days; $days = ($span === 'W') ? 7 : $days; $days = ($span === 'M') ? 30 : $days; $days = ($span === 'Y') ? 365 : $days; } $p1_days = (int)$num * (int)$days; $p1_time = $p1_days * 86400; } if(($period3 = trim(strtoupper($period3)))) { list($num, $span) = preg_split('/ /', $period3, 2); $days = 0; // Days start at 0. if(is_numeric($num) && !is_numeric($span)) { $days = ($span === 'D') ? 1 : $days; $days = ($span === 'W') ? 7 : $days; $days = ($span === 'M') ? 30 : $days; $days = ($span === 'Y') ? 365 : $days; } $p3_days = (int)$num * (int)$days; $p3_time = $p3_days * 86400; } if(!$last_payment_time && !$free_trial_expired_time) $auto_eot_time = ($last_paid_access_cap_time ? $last_paid_access_cap_time : $registration_time) + $p1_time + $eot_grace_time; else if($p1_time && max($last_payment_time, $free_trial_expired_time) <= ($last_paid_access_cap_time ? $last_paid_access_cap_time : $registration_time) + $p1_time) $auto_eot_time = max($last_payment_time, $free_trial_expired_time) + $p1_time + $eot_grace_time; else $auto_eot_time = max($last_payment_time, $free_trial_expired_time) + $p3_time + $eot_grace_time; } else if($eotper) // Otherwise, if we have a specific EOT period; calculate from today. { if(($eotper = trim(strtoupper($eotper)))) { list($num, $span) = preg_split('/ /', $eotper, 2); $days = 0; // Days start at 0. if(is_numeric($num) && !is_numeric($span)) { $days = ($span === 'D') ? 1 : $days; $days = ($span === 'W') ? 7 : $days; $days = ($span === 'M') ? 30 : $days; $days = ($span === 'Y') ? 365 : $days; } $eot_days = (int)$num * (int)$days; $eot_time = $eot_days * 86400; } $auto_eot_time = strtotime('now') + $eot_time + $eot_grace_time; } if($ext && $GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['eot_time_ext_behavior'] === 'extend') if((int)$ext > strtotime('now')) // Existing EOT Time must be in the future. $auto_eot_time = $auto_eot_time + ((int)$ext - strtotime('now')); return $auto_eot_time <= 0 ? strtotime('now') : $auto_eot_time; } /** * Converts a Term `[D,W,M,Y,L,Day,Week,Month,Year,Lifetime]` into `Daily`, `Weekly`, `Monthly`, `Yearly`, `Lifetime`. * * Can also handle "Period Term" combinations. Where the Period will be stripped automatically before conversion. * * For example, `1 D`, would become, just `Daily`. Another example, `3 Y` would become `Yearly`; and `1 L`, would become `Lifetime`. * Recurring examples: `2 W`, becomes `Bi-Weekly`, `3 M` becomes `Quarterly`, and `2 M` becomes `Bi-Monthly`. * * @package s2Member\Utilities * @since 3.5 * * @param string $term_or_period_term A Term, or a "Period Term" combination. * @param string $directive Optional. One of `recurring|singular|plural`. Defaults to `recurring`. * * @return string|bool A Term Cycle *( i.e., `Daily`, `Weekly`, `Monthly`, `Yearly`, `Lifetime`, etc. )*, else false on failure. * * @todo Add support here for fixed recurring payments configured through `rrt=""`. */ public static function term_cycle($term_or_period_term = '', $directive = 'recurring') { $term_cycle_key = trim(strtoupper(preg_replace('/^(.+?) /', '', $term_or_period_term))); if($term_cycle_key && $directive === 'recurring') // recurring = Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, Lifetime. { $paypal_term_cycles = array('D' => _x('Daily', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'W' => _x('Weekly', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'M' => _x('Monthly', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'Y' => _x('Yearly', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'L' => _x('Lifetime', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'DAY' => _x('Daily', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'WEEK' => _x('Weekly', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'MONTH' => _x('Monthly', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'YEAR' => _x('Yearly', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'Lifetime' => _x('Lifetime', 's2member-front', 's2member')); $term_cycle = isset ($paypal_term_cycles[$term_cycle_key]) ? $paypal_term_cycles[$term_cycle_key] : FALSE; $term_cycle = (strtoupper($term_or_period_term) === '2 W') ? _x('Bi-Weekly', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $term_cycle; $term_cycle = (strtoupper($term_or_period_term) === '2 M') ? _x('Bi-Monthly', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $term_cycle; $term_cycle = (strtoupper($term_or_period_term) === '3 M') ? _x('Quarterly', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $term_cycle; $term_cycle = (strtoupper($term_or_period_term) === '6 M') ? _x('Semi-Yearly', 's2member-front', 's2member') : $term_cycle; } else if($term_cycle_key && $directive === 'singular') // singular = Day, Week, Month, Year, Lifetime. { $paypal_term_cycles = array('D' => _x('Day', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'W' => _x('Week', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'M' => _x('Month', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'Y' => _x('Year', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'L' => _x('Lifetime', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'DAY' => _x('Day', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'WEEK' => _x('Week', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'MONTH' => _x('Month', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'YEAR' => _x('Year', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'Lifetime' => _x('Lifetime', 's2member-front', 's2member')); $term_cycle = isset ($paypal_term_cycles[$term_cycle_key]) ? $paypal_term_cycles[$term_cycle_key] : FALSE; } else if($term_cycle_key && $directive === 'plural') // plural = Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Lifetimes. { $paypal_term_cycles = array('D' => _x('Days', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'W' => _x('Weeks', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'M' => _x('Months', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'Y' => _x('Years', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'L' => _x('Lifetimes', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'DAY' => _x('Days', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'WEEK' => _x('Weeks', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'MONTH' => _x('Months', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'YEAR' => _x('Years', 's2member-front', 's2member'), 'Lifetime' => _x('Lifetimes', 's2member-front', 's2member')); $term_cycle = isset ($paypal_term_cycles[$term_cycle_key]) ? $paypal_term_cycles[$term_cycle_key] : FALSE; } return (!empty($term_cycle)) ? $term_cycle : FALSE; } /** * Converts a 'Period Term', and Recurring flag. * * Returns a full Term explanation *(lowercase)*. * Example: `2 months`. * * @package s2Member\Utilities * @since 3.5 * * @param string $period_term A "Period Term" combination. * @param bool|int|string $recurring Defaults to false. If true, the ``$period_term`` is recurring. Can also be the string `0|1|BN`. * * @return string Verbose *(lowercase)* Period Term description *( i.e., `weekly`, `every 3 weeks`, `lifetime`, `3 months`, `1 month`, etc. )*. * * @todo Add support here for fixed recurring payments configured through `rrt=""`. */ public static function period_term($period_term = '', $recurring = FALSE) { list ($period, $term) = preg_split('/ /', ($period_term = strtoupper($period_term)), 2); $recurring = (is_string($recurring) && strtoupper($recurring) === 'BN') ? (int)0 : (int)$recurring; $cycle_recurring = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_time::term_cycle($period_term, 'recurring'); $cycle_singular = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_time::term_cycle($period_term, 'singular'); $cycle_plural = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_time::term_cycle($period_term, 'plural'); if($recurring && in_array($period_term, array('1 D', '1 W', '2 W', '1 M', '2 M', '3 M', '6 M', '1 Y'))) $period_term = strtolower($cycle_recurring); // Results in an "ly" ending. else if($recurring) // Otherwise, it's recurring; but NOT an "ly" ending. /* translators: Each cycle ( i.e., `each day/week/month` or `every 2 days/weeks/months`, etc. ). Cycles are translated elsewhere. */ $period_term = strtolower(sprintf(_nx('each %2$s', 'every %1$s %3$s', $period, 's2member-front', 's2member'), $period, $cycle_singular, $cycle_plural)); else if(strtoupper($term) === 'L') // One-payment for lifetime access. $period_term = strtolower(_x('lifetime', 's2member-front', 's2member')); // Life. else // Otherwise, this is NOT recurring. Results in X days/weeks/months/years/lifetime. /* translators: Membership cycle ( i.e., `1 day/week/month` or `2 days/weeks/months`, etc. ). Most of this is translated elsewhere. */ $period_term = strtolower(sprintf(_nx('%1$s %2$s', '%1$s %3$s', $period, 's2member-front', 's2member'), $period, $cycle_singular, $cycle_plural)); return $period_term; // Return converted value. } /** * Converts a Billing Amount, Period Term, and Recurring flag. * * Returns a full Billing Term explanation. * Example: `1.00 for 2 months`. * * @package s2Member\Utilities * @since 3.5 * * @param int|string $amount A numeric amount, usually in US dollars. * @param string $period_term A "Period Term" combo, with space separation. * @param bool|int|string $recurring Defaults to false. If true, the ``$period_term`` is recurring. Can also be the string `0|1|BN`. * * @return string Verbose *(lowercase)* Amount Period Term description *( i.e., `1.00`, `1.00 / monthly`, `1.00 every 3 months`, `1.00 for 1 month`, `1.00 for 3 months`, etc. )*. * * @todo Add support here for fixed recurring payments configured through `rrt=""`. */ public static function amount_period_term($amount = 0, $period_term = '', $recurring = FALSE) { list ($period, $term) = preg_split('/ /', ($period_term = strtoupper($period_term)), 2); $recurring = (is_string($recurring) && strtoupper($recurring) === 'BN') ? (int)0 : (int)$recurring; $cycle_recurring = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_time::term_cycle($period_term, 'recurring'); $cycle_singular = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_time::term_cycle($period_term, 'singular'); $cycle_plural = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_time::term_cycle($period_term, 'plural'); if($recurring && in_array($period_term, array('1 D', '1 W', '2 W', '1 M', '2 M', '3 M', '6 M', '1 Y'))) $amount_period_term = number_format($amount, 2, '.', '').' / '.strtolower($cycle_recurring); else if($recurring) // Otherwise, it's recurring; but NOT an "ly" ending. /* translators: Each cycle ( i.e., `each day/week/month` or `every 2 days/weeks/months`, etc. ). Cycles are translated elsewhere. */ $amount_period_term = number_format($amount, 2, '.', '').' '.strtolower(sprintf(_nx('each %2$s', 'every %1$s %3$s', $period, 's2member-front', 's2member'), $period, $cycle_singular, $cycle_plural)); else if(strtoupper($term) === 'L') // One-payment for lifetime access. $amount_period_term = number_format($amount, 2, '.', ''); // Price. else // Otherwise, this is NOT recurring. Results in 0.00 for X days/weeks/months/years/lifetime. /* translators: Cycle ( i.e., `for 1 day/week/month` or `for 2 days/weeks/months`, etc. ). Most of this is translated elsewhere. */ $amount_period_term = number_format($amount, 2, '.', '').' '.strtolower(sprintf(_nx('for %1$s %2$s', 'for %1$s %3$s', $period, 's2member-front', 's2member'), $period, $cycle_singular, $cycle_plural)); return $amount_period_term; // Return converted value. } } }