from nbt import NBTFile from struct import unpack from zlib import decompress from StringIO import StringIO import numpy import time from collections import defaultdict import tilemapping import os.path import sys class TileInfo(object): def __init__(self, blockid, name, transparent, *texture_frames): = name self.blockid = blockid self.transparent = transparent # Pad texture_frames out to 16 entries: self.texture_frames = texture_frames + tuple(texture_frames[0] for i in xrange(16-len(texture_frames))) all_tileinfo = [ TileInfo(0, "air", True, (2,14,0)), TileInfo(1, "stone", False, (1,0,0)), TileInfo(2, "grass", False, (0,0,0)), TileInfo(3, "dirt", False, (2,0,0)), TileInfo(4, "cobblestone", False, (0,1,0)), TileInfo(5, "planks", False, (4,0,0)), TileInfo(6, "sapling", True, (15,0,0)), TileInfo(7, "bedrock", False, (1,1,0)), TileInfo(8, "water", False, (15,13,0)), TileInfo(9, "water", False, (15,13,0)), TileInfo(10, "lava", False, (15,15,0)), TileInfo(11, "lava", False, (15,15,0)), TileInfo(12, "sand", False, (2,1,0)), TileInfo(13, "gravel", False, (3,1,0)), TileInfo(14, "goldore", False, (0,2,0)), TileInfo(15, "ironore", False, (1,2,0)), TileInfo(16, "coal", False, (2,2,0)), TileInfo(17, "log", False, (5,1,0)), TileInfo(18, "leaves", False, (5,3,0)), TileInfo(19, "sponge", False, (0,3,0)), TileInfo(20, "glass", True, (1,3,0)), TileInfo(21, "lapisore", False, (0,10,0)), TileInfo(22, "lapis", False, (0,9,0)), TileInfo(23, "dispenser", False, (14,3,0)), TileInfo(24, "sandstone", False, (0,12,0)), TileInfo(25, "note", False, (11,4,0)), TileInfo(26, "bed", False, (6,8,0)), TileInfo(27, "powered rail", True, (3,10,1),(3,10,0),(3,10,0),(3,10,0),(3,10,1),(3,10,1),(0,0,0),(0,0,0),(3,11,1),(3,11,0),(3,11,0),(3,11,0),(3,11,1),(3,11,1),(0,0,0),(0,0,0)), TileInfo(28, "detector rail", True, (3,12,1),(3,12,0),(3,12,0),(3,12,0),(3,12,1),(3,12,1)), TileInfo(30, "web", True, (11,0,0)), TileInfo(35, "wool", False, (0,4,0),(2,13,0),(2,12,0),(2,11,0),(2,10,0),(2,9,0),(2,8,0),(2,7,0),(1,14,0),(1,13,0),(1,12,0),(1,11,0),(1,10,0),(1,9,0),(1,8,0),(1,7,0)), TileInfo(37, "dandelion", True, (13,0,0)), TileInfo(38, "rose", True, (12,0,0)), TileInfo(39, "brown mushroom", True, (13,1,0)), TileInfo(40, "red mushroom", True, (12,1,0)), TileInfo(41, "gold", False, (7,1,0)), TileInfo(42, "iron", False, (6,1,0)), TileInfo(43, "slabs", False, (6,0,0)), TileInfo(44, "slab", False, (6,0,0)), TileInfo(45, "brick", False, (7,0,0)), TileInfo(46, "tnt", False, (9,0,0)), TileInfo(47, "bookshelf", False, (4,0,0)), TileInfo(48, "mossy", False, (4,2,0)), TileInfo(49, "obsidian", False, (5,2,0)), TileInfo(50, "torch", True, (0,0,0),(10,13,2),(10,13,0),(10,13,3),(10,13,1),(11,13,0)), TileInfo(51, "fire", True, (15,15,0)), TileInfo(52, "spawner", False, (1,4,0)), TileInfo(53, "stairs", False, (4,0,0)), TileInfo(54, "chest", False, (9,1,0)), TileInfo(55, "redstone wire", True, (4,6,0)), TileInfo(56, "diamond ore", False, (2,3,0)), TileInfo(57, "diamond block", False, (8,2,0)), TileInfo(58, "crafting table", False, (11,2,0)), TileInfo(59, "seeds???", False, (6,5,0)), TileInfo(60, "farmland", False, (6,5,0)), TileInfo(61, "furnace", False, (14,3,0)), TileInfo(62, "burning furnace", False, (14,3,0)), TileInfo(63, "signpost", True, (12,14,1),(11,15,1),(12,15,1),(0,6,0)), TileInfo(64, "door", True, (1,6,0)), TileInfo(65, "ladder", True, (0,0,0),(0,0,0),(10,14,1), (10,14,3), (10,14,0), (10,14,2)), TileInfo(66, "rails", True, (0,8,1),(0,8,0),(0,8,0),(0,8,0),(0,8,1),(0,8,1),(0,7,1),(0,7,2),(0,7,3),(0,7,0)), TileInfo(67, "cobblestone stairs", False, (0,1,0)), TileInfo(68, "wall sign", True, (0,0,0),(0,0,0),(11,14,1),(11,14,3),(11,14,0),(11,14,2)), TileInfo(69, "lever", True, (0,6,0)), TileInfo(70, "stone pressure plate", True, (1,0,0)), TileInfo(71, "iron door", True, (2,6,0)), TileInfo(72, "wooden pressure plate", True, (4,0,0)), TileInfo(73, "redstone ore", False, (3,3,0)), TileInfo(74, "glowing redstone ore", False, (3,3,0)), TileInfo(75, "redstone torch, off", True, (3,7,0)), TileInfo(76, "redstone torch, on", True, (3,6,0)), TileInfo(77, "stone button", True, (0,6,0)), TileInfo(78, "snow", False, (2,4,0)), TileInfo(79, "ice", False, (3,4,0)), TileInfo(80, "snow block", False, (2,4,0)), TileInfo(81, "cactus", True, (5,4,0)), TileInfo(82, "clay", False, (8,4,0)), TileInfo(83, "sugar cane", False, (9,4,0)), TileInfo(84, "jukebox", False, (11,4,0)), TileInfo(85, "fence", True, (3,5,0)), TileInfo(86, "pumpkin", False, (6,6,0)), TileInfo(87, "netherrack", False, (7,6,0)), TileInfo(88, "soulsand", False, (8,6,0)), TileInfo(89, "glowstone", False, (9,7,0)), TileInfo(90, "portal", True, (12,1,0)), TileInfo(91, "jock-o-lantern", False, (6,6,0)), TileInfo(92, "cake", True, (9,7,0)), TileInfo(93, "repeater, off", True, (3,8,0)), TileInfo(94, "repeater, on", True, (3,9,0)), TileInfo(95, "locked chest", False, (9,1,0)), ] tileid_to_tex_code = numpy.zeros((256,16,2), dtype="u1") tileid_is_transparent = numpy.zeros((256,), dtype="bool") for tileinfo in all_tileinfo: tileid_to_tex_code[tileinfo.blockid] = [(x + 16 * y, r) for (x,y,r) in tileinfo.texture_frames] tileid_is_transparent[tileinfo.blockid] = tileinfo.transparent def arrange_8bit(data): return numpy.fromstring(data,dtype='u1').reshape((16,16,128)) def arrange_4bit(data): packed = numpy.fromstring(data,dtype='u1') unpacked = numpy.zeros((len(data)*2,),dtype='u1') unpacked[::2] = packed&0xf unpacked[1::2] = packed>>4 return unpacked.reshape((16,16,128)) def read_nbt_from_mcr_file(mcrfile, x, z): """ Read NBT chunk (x,z) from the mcrfile. 0 <= x < 32 0 <= z < 32 """ #read metadata block block = 4*(x+z*32) offset, length = unpack(">IB", "\0" if offset:*4096) bytecount, compression_type = unpack(">IB", data = decompressed = decompress(data) nbtfile = NBTFile(buffer=StringIO(decompressed)) return nbtfile else: return None class VolumeFactory(object): def empty_volume(self, dimensions): data = numpy.zeros( dimensions, dtype = [ ('blocks', 'u1'), ('data', 'u1'), ('skylight', 'u1'), ('blocklight', 'u1')]) return Volume(data) def load_chunk(self, nbtfile, volume=None): if volume is not None: if volume.dimensions != (16,16,128): raise TypeError( "load_chunk requires a volume "+ "that is 16x16x128") if nbtfile is None: if volume is None: return self.empty_volume((16,16,128)) volume.blocks[:,:,:]=0 volume.skylight[:,:,:]=0 volume.blocklight[:,:,:]=0[:,:,:]=0 return volume if volume is None: volume = self.empty_volume((16,16,128)) level = nbtfile['Level'] blocks = arrange_8bit(level['Blocks'].value) skylight = arrange_4bit(level['SkyLight'].value) blocklight = arrange_4bit(level['BlockLight'].value) data = arrange_4bit(level['Data'].value) volume.blocks[:, :, :] = blocks volume.skylight[:, :, :] = skylight volume.blocklight[:, :, :] = blocklight[:, :, :] = data return volume def load_region(self, fname): f = open(fname, "rb") region = self.empty_volume((512,512,128)) chunk = self.empty_volume((16,16,128)) for z in xrange(32): for x in xrange(32): chunkdata = read_nbt_from_mcr_file(f, x, z) self.load_chunk(chunkdata, volume=chunk) region[16*x:16*(x+1), 16*z:16*(z+1), :] = chunk return region class CellArray(object): ''' Any array of Minecraft blocks. Could be 2D or 3D. ''' def __init__(self, data): self._data=data @property def dimensions(self): return self._data.shape @property def blocks(self): return self._data['blocks'] @property def data(self): return self._data['data'] @property def skylight(self): return self._data['skylight'] @property def blocklight(self): return self._data['blocklight'] def __getitem__(self, index): data = self._data[index] return type(self)(data) def __setitem__(self, index, value): self._data[index] = value._data class Layer(CellArray): ''' A 2D array of Minecraft blocks. ''' def get_texture_codes(self, mask=None): if mask is None: return tileid_to_tex_code[self.blocks,, 0] masked_blocks = numpy.choose( mask, [ numpy.zeros(self.dimensions, dtype='u1'), self.blocks ]) return tileid_to_tex_code[masked_blocks,, 0] def get_orientations(self): return tileid_to_tex_code[self.blocks,, 1] def render(self, renderdatafactory=None): if renderdatafactory is None: renderdatafactory = LayerRenderDataFactory() renderdata class LayerRenderData(object): ''' A 2D array of data that can be fed to our pixel shader to tell it what appears in our map. ''' def __init__(self, data): self._data=data @property def dimensions(self): return self._data.shape @property def texture_code(self): return self._data['texture_code'] @property def brightness(self): return self._data['brightness'] @property def orientation(self): return self._data['orientation'] @property def altitude(self): return self._data['altitude'] def __getitem__(self, index): data = self._data[index] return LayerRenderData(data) def __setitem__(self, index, value): self._data[index] = value._data class LayerRenderDataFactory(object): def empty_render_data(self, dimensions): data = numpy.zeros( dimensions, dtype = [ ('texture_code', 'u1'), ('brightness', 'u1'), ('orientation', 'u1'), ('altitude', 'u1')]) return LayerRenderData(data) class Volume(CellArray): @property def height(self): return self.dimensions[2] def heightmap_slice(self, heightmap): ''' Select blocks from this volume using a heightmap, resulting in a 2D layer of blocks. ''' # For solid blocks, use the lighting data of the cell above. this_layer = get_cells_using_heightmap(self._data, heightmap) above_layer = get_cells_using_heightmap(self._data, numpy.clip(heightmap + 1, 0, self.height-1)) is_transparent = tileid_is_transparent[this_layer['blocks']] result = this_layer.copy() result['skylight'] = numpy.choose(is_transparent, [above_layer['skylight'], this_layer['skylight']]) result['blocklight'] = numpy.choose(is_transparent, [above_layer['blocklight'], this_layer['blocklight']]) return Layer(result) def get_cells_using_heightmap(source, heightmap): ''' Given a 3D array, and a 2D heightmap, select cells from the 3D array using indices from the 2D heightmap. ''' idx = [numpy.arange(dimension) for dimension in source.shape] idx = list(numpy.ix_(*idx)) idx[2] = numpy.expand_dims(heightmap, 2) return numpy.squeeze(source[idx])