# MD_numbered_headers sublime text3 plugiin for markdown, auto insert/update/remove header numbers inspired by [MarkdownTOC](https://github.com/naokazuterada/MarkdownTOC), compatible with MarkdownTOC. ![screenshot](screenshot/1.gif) - [1. install](#1-install) - [2. Quick Start](#2-quick-start) - [3. Configuration](#3-configuration) - [4. changelog](#4-changelog) ## 1. install 1. Preferences -> Browse Packages... ![screenshot](screenshot/2.png) 1. `git clone https://github.com/weituotian/md_numbered_headers.git` 1. then is ok ## 2. Quick Start 1. Install the plugin 1. Open your Markdown file 1. Place the cursor at the position where you want to start to numbers headers 1. Pick from menu: Tools > Markdown Numbered Headers > Insert / Update 1. And the heders in the Markdown document was numbered 1. Save the document and you are done 1. Now you can go on and edit your document further ## 3. Configuration You can use attributes to customize headres nums in a single Markdown document, but if you want to keep the same configuration accross multiple Markdown documents, you can configure your own defaults. Pick: `Sublime Text > Preferences > Package Settings > Markdown Numbered Headers > Settings - User Example: MarkdownNumberedHeaders.sublime-settings ``` { "h1": 0, "h2": 0, "h3": 0, "h4": 0, "h5": 0, "h6": 0, "depth":6, "dottype":"-", "logging": true, "last_number_dot":"." } ``` | Name | Values | default | means | |:------------------|:--------|:--------|:-----------------------------------------| | h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 | integer | 0 | the start counting num in each num | | depth | integer | 6 | define which header level start with | | dottype | string | - | use to Separate header nums,like 1-2-3 | | logging | boolean | true | show the runtime log | | last_number_dot | string | . | the last dot type, like 1-2-3. or 1-2-3- | ## 4. changelog - v1.0.3 the plugin in the Package Controll, may be older then the lastest