# pylint: disable=line-too-long, wrong-import-order import headscale, helper, pytz, os, yaml, logging, json from flask import Flask, Markup, render_template from datetime import datetime from dateutil import parser from concurrent.futures import ALL_COMPLETED, wait from flask_executor import Executor LOG_LEVEL = os.environ["LOG_LEVEL"].replace('"', '').upper() # Initiate the Flask application and logging: app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path="/static") match LOG_LEVEL: case "DEBUG" : app.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) case "INFO" : app.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) case "WARNING" : app.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) case "ERROR" : app.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) case "CRITICAL": app.logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) executor = Executor(app) url_node_name = headscale.set_url_node_name() def render_overview(): app.logger.info("Rendering the Overview page") url = headscale.get_url() api_key = headscale.get_api_key() timezone = pytz.timezone(os.environ["TZ"] if os.environ["TZ"] else "UTC") local_time = timezone.localize(datetime.now()) # Overview page will just read static information from the config file and display it # Open the config.yaml and parse it. config_file = "" try: config_file = open("/etc/headscale/config.yml", "r") app.logger.info("Opening /etc/headscale/config.yml") except: config_file = open("/etc/headscale/config.yaml", "r") app.logger.info("Opening /etc/headscale/config.yaml") config_yaml = yaml.safe_load(config_file) # Get and display the following information: # Overview of the server's machines, users, preauth keys, API key expiration, server version # Get all machines: machines = headscale.get_machines(url, api_key) machines_count = len(machines[str(url_node_name)+"s"]) # Need to check if routes are attached to an active machine: # ISSUE: https://github.com/iFargle/headscale-webui/issues/36 # ISSUE: https://github.com/juanfont/headscale/issues/1228 # Get all routes: routes = headscale.get_routes(url,api_key) total_routes = 0 for route in routes["routes"]: if int(route[str(url_node_name)]['id']) != 0: total_routes += 1 enabled_routes = 0 for route in routes["routes"]: if route["enabled"] and route['advertised'] and int(route[str(url_node_name)]['id']) != 0: enabled_routes += 1 # Get a count of all enabled exit routes exits_count = 0 exits_enabled_count = 0 for route in routes["routes"]: if route['advertised'] and int(route[str(url_node_name)]['id']) != 0: if route["prefix"] == "" or route["prefix"] == "::/0": exits_count +=1 if route["enabled"]: exits_enabled_count += 1 # Get User and PreAuth Key counts user_count = 0 usable_keys_count = 0 users = headscale.get_users(url, api_key) for user in users["users"]: user_count +=1 preauth_keys = headscale.get_preauth_keys(url, api_key, user["name"]) for key in preauth_keys["preAuthKeys"]: expiration_parse = parser.parse(key["expiration"]) key_expired = True if expiration_parse < local_time else False if key["reusable"] and not key_expired: usable_keys_count += 1 if not key["reusable"] and not key["used"] and not key_expired: usable_keys_count += 1 # General Content variables: ip_prefixes, server_url, disable_check_updates, ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout, node_update_check_interval = "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A" if "ip_prefixes" in config_yaml: ip_prefixes = str(config_yaml["ip_prefixes"]) if "server_url" in config_yaml: server_url = str(config_yaml["server_url"]) if "disable_check_updates" in config_yaml: disable_check_updates = str(config_yaml["disable_check_updates"]) if "ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout" in config_yaml: ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout = str(config_yaml["ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout"]) if "node_update_check_interval" in config_yaml: node_update_check_interval = str(config_yaml["node_update_check_interval"]) # OIDC Content variables: issuer, client_id, scope, use_expiry_from_token, expiry = "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A" if "oidc" in config_yaml: if "issuer" in config_yaml["oidc"] : issuer = str(config_yaml["oidc"]["issuer"]) if "client_id" in config_yaml["oidc"] : client_id = str(config_yaml["oidc"]["client_id"]) if "scope" in config_yaml["oidc"] : scope = str(config_yaml["oidc"]["scope"]) if "use_expiry_from_token" in config_yaml["oidc"] : use_expiry_from_token = str(config_yaml["oidc"]["use_expiry_from_token"]) if "expiry" in config_yaml["oidc"] : expiry = str(config_yaml["oidc"]["expiry"]) # Embedded DERP server information. enabled, region_id, region_code, region_name, stun_listen_addr = "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A" if "derp" in config_yaml: if "server" in config_yaml["derp"] and config_yaml["derp"]["server"]["enabled"]: if "enabled" in config_yaml["derp"]["server"]: enabled = str(config_yaml["derp"]["server"]["enabled"]) if "region_id" in config_yaml["derp"]["server"]: region_id = str(config_yaml["derp"]["server"]["region_id"]) if "region_code" in config_yaml["derp"]["server"]: region_code = str(config_yaml["derp"]["server"]["region_code"]) if "region_name" in config_yaml["derp"]["server"]: region_name = str(config_yaml["derp"]["server"]["region_name"]) if "stun_listen_addr" in config_yaml["derp"]["server"]: stun_listen_addr = str(config_yaml["derp"]["server"]["stun_listen_addr"]) nameservers, magic_dns, domains, base_domain = "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A" if "dns_config" in config_yaml: if "nameservers" in config_yaml["dns_config"]: nameservers = str(config_yaml["dns_config"]["nameservers"]) if "magic_dns" in config_yaml["dns_config"]: magic_dns = str(config_yaml["dns_config"]["magic_dns"]) if "domains" in config_yaml["dns_config"]: domains = str(config_yaml["dns_config"]["domains"]) if "base_domain" in config_yaml["dns_config"]: base_domain = str(config_yaml["dns_config"]["base_domain"]) elif "dns" in config_yaml: if "nameservers" in config_yaml["dns"]: nameservers = "global: " + str(config_yaml["dns"]["nameservers"]["global"]) + " split: " + str(config_yaml["dns"]["nameservers"]["split"]) if "magic_dns" in config_yaml["dns"]: magic_dns = str(config_yaml["dns"]["magic_dns"]) if "domains" in config_yaml["dns"]: domains = str(config_yaml["dns"]["domains"]) if "base_domain" in config_yaml["dns"]: base_domain = str(config_yaml["dns"]["base_domain"]) # Start putting the content together overview_content = """
""" general_content = """
""" oidc_content = """
""" derp_content = """
""" dns_content = """
""" # Remove content that isn't needed: # Remove OIDC if it isn't available: if "oidc" not in config_yaml: oidc_content = "" # Remove DERP if it isn't available or isn't enabled if "derp" not in config_yaml: derp_content = "" if "derp" in config_yaml: if "server" in config_yaml["derp"]: if str(config_yaml["derp"]["server"]["enabled"]) == "False": derp_content = "" # TODO: # Whether there are custom DERP servers # If there are custom DERP servers, get the file location from the config file. Assume mapping is the same. # Whether the built-in DERP server is enabled # The IP prefixes # The DNS config if config_yaml["derp"]["paths"]: pass # # open the path: # derp_file = # config_file = open("/etc/headscale/config.yaml", "r") # config_yaml = yaml.safe_load(config_file) # The ACME config, if not empty # Whether updates are running # Whether metrics are enabled (and their listen addr) # The log level # What kind of Database is being used to drive headscale content = "
" + overview_content + general_content + derp_content + oidc_content + dns_content + "" return Markup(content) def thread_machine_content(machine, machine_content, idx, all_routes, failover_pair_prefixes): # machine = passed in machine information # content = place to write the content # app.logger.debug("Machine Information") # app.logger.debug(str(machine)) app.logger.debug("Machine Information =================") app.logger.debug("Name: %s, ID: %s, User: %s, givenName: %s, ", str(machine["name"]), str(machine["id"]), str(machine["user"]["name"]), str(machine["givenName"])) url = headscale.get_url() api_key = headscale.get_api_key() # Set the current timezone and local time timezone = pytz.timezone(os.environ["TZ"] if os.environ["TZ"] else "UTC") local_time = timezone.localize(datetime.now()) # Get the machines routes pulled_routes = headscale.get_machine_routes(url, api_key, machine["id"]) routes = "" # Test if the machine is an exit node: exit_route_found = False exit_route_enabled = False # If the device has enabled Failover routes (High Availability routes) ha_enabled = False # If the length of "routes" is NULL/0, there are no routes, enabled or disabled: if len(pulled_routes["routes"]) > 0: advertised_routes = False # First, check if there are any routes that are both enabled and advertised # If that is true, we will output the collection-item for routes. Otherwise, it will not be displayed. for route in pulled_routes["routes"]: if route["advertised"]: advertised_routes = True if advertised_routes: routes = """
  • directions Routes

    """ # app.logger.debug("Pulled Routes Dump: "+str(pulled_routes)) # app.logger.debug("All Routes Dump: "+str(all_routes)) # Find all exits and put their ID's into the exit_routes array exit_routes = [] exit_enabled_color = "red" exit_tooltip = "enable" exit_route_enabled = False for route in pulled_routes["routes"]: if route["prefix"] == "" or route["prefix"] == "::/0": exit_routes.append(route["id"]) exit_route_found = True # Test if it is enabled: if route["enabled"]: exit_enabled_color = "green" exit_tooltip = 'disable' exit_route_enabled = True app.logger.debug("Found exit route ID's: "+str(exit_routes)) app.logger.debug("Exit Route Information: ID: %s | Enabled: %s | exit_route_enabled: %s / Found: %s", str(route["id"]), str(route["enabled"]), str(exit_route_enabled), str(exit_route_found)) # Print the button for the Exit routes: if exit_route_found: routes = routes+"""

    Exit Route

    """ # Check if the route has another enabled identical route. # Check all routes from the current machine... for route in pulled_routes["routes"]: # ... against all routes from all machines .... for route_info in all_routes["routes"]: app.logger.debug("Comparing routes %s and %s", str(route["prefix"]), str(route_info["prefix"])) # ... If the route prefixes match and are not exit nodes ... if str(route_info["prefix"]) == str(route["prefix"]) and (route["prefix"] != "" and route["prefix"] != "::/0"): # Check if the route ID's match. If they don't ... app.logger.debug("Found a match: %s and %s", str(route["prefix"]), str(route_info["prefix"])) if route_info["id"] != route["id"]: app.logger.debug("Route ID's don't match. They're on different nodes.") # ... Check if the routes prefix is already in the array... if route["prefix"] not in failover_pair_prefixes: # IF it isn't, add it. app.logger.info("New HA pair found: %s", str(route["prefix"])) failover_pair_prefixes.append(str(route["prefix"])) if route["enabled"] and route_info["enabled"]: # If it is already in the array. . . # Show as HA only if both routes are enabled: app.logger.debug("Both routes are enabled. Setting as HA [%s] (%s) ", str(machine["name"]), str(route["prefix"])) ha_enabled = True # If the route is an exit node and already counted as a failover route, it IS a failover route, so display it. if route["prefix"] != "" and route["prefix"] != "::/0" and route["prefix"] in failover_pair_prefixes: route_enabled = "red" route_tooltip = 'enable' color_index = failover_pair_prefixes.index(str(route["prefix"])) route_enabled_color = helper.get_color(color_index, "failover") if route["enabled"]: color_index = failover_pair_prefixes.index(str(route["prefix"])) route_enabled = helper.get_color(color_index, "failover") route_tooltip = 'disable' routes = routes+"""


    """ # Get the remaining routes: for route in pulled_routes["routes"]: # Get the remaining routes - No exits or failover pairs if route["prefix"] != "" and route["prefix"] != "::/0" and route["prefix"] not in failover_pair_prefixes: app.logger.debug("Route: ["+str(route[str(url_node_name)]['name'])+"] id: "+str(route['id'])+" / prefix: "+str(route['prefix'])+" enabled?: "+str(route['enabled'])) route_enabled = "red" route_tooltip = 'enable' if route["enabled"]: route_enabled = "green" route_tooltip = 'disable' routes = routes+"""


    """ routes = routes+"

  • " # Get machine tags tag_array = "" for tag in machine["forcedTags"]: tag_array = tag_array+"{tag: '"+tag[4:]+"'}, " tags = """
  • label Tags

  • """ # Get the machine IP's machine_ips = "" # Format the dates for easy readability last_seen_parse = parser.parse(machine["lastSeen"]) if url_node_name == "machine": last_seen_local = last_seen_parse.astimezone(timezone) else: last_seen_local = local_time if machine["online"] is True else last_seen_parse.astimezone(timezone) last_seen_delta = local_time - last_seen_local last_seen_print = helper.pretty_print_duration(last_seen_delta) last_seen_time = str(last_seen_local.strftime('%A %m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S'))+" "+str(timezone)+" ("+str(last_seen_print)+")" if url_node_name == "machine": last_update_parse = local_time if machine["lastSuccessfulUpdate"] is None else parser.parse(machine["lastSuccessfulUpdate"]) else: last_update_parse = local_time if machine["online"] is True else last_seen_parse last_update_local = last_update_parse.astimezone(timezone) last_update_delta = local_time - last_update_local last_update_print = helper.pretty_print_duration(last_update_delta) last_update_time = str(last_update_local.strftime('%A %m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S'))+" "+str(timezone)+" ("+str(last_update_print)+")" created_parse = parser.parse(machine["createdAt"]) created_local = created_parse.astimezone(timezone) created_delta = local_time - created_local created_print = helper.pretty_print_duration(created_delta) created_time = str(created_local.strftime('%A %m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S'))+" "+str(timezone)+" ("+str(created_print)+")" # If there is no expiration date, we don't need to do any calculations: if machine["expiry"] != "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z": expiry_parse = parser.parse(machine["expiry"]) expiry_local = expiry_parse.astimezone(timezone) expiry_delta = expiry_local - local_time expiry_print = helper.pretty_print_duration(expiry_delta, "expiry") if str(expiry_local.strftime('%Y')) in ("0001", "9999", "0000"): expiry_time = "No expiration date." elif int(expiry_local.strftime('%Y')) > int(expiry_local.strftime('%Y'))+2: expiry_time = str(expiry_local.strftime('%m/%Y'))+" "+str(timezone)+" ("+str(expiry_print)+")" else: expiry_time = str(expiry_local.strftime('%A %m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S'))+" "+str(timezone)+" ("+str(expiry_print)+")" expiring_soon = True if int(expiry_delta.days) < 14 and int(expiry_delta.days) > 0 else False app.logger.debug("Machine: "+machine["name"]+" expires: "+str(expiry_local.strftime('%Y'))+" / "+str(expiry_delta.days)) else: expiry_time = "No expiration date." expiring_soon = False app.logger.debug("Machine: "+machine["name"]+" has no expiration date") # Get the first 10 characters of the PreAuth Key: if machine["preAuthKey"]: preauth_key = str(machine["preAuthKey"]["key"])[0:10] else: preauth_key = "None" # Set the status and user badge color: text_color = helper.text_color_duration(last_seen_delta) user_color = helper.get_color(int(machine["user"]["id"])) # Generate the various badges: status_badge = "fiber_manual_record" user_badge = ""+machine["user"]["name"]+"" exit_node_badge = "" if not exit_route_enabled else "Exit" ha_route_badge = "" if not ha_enabled else "HA" expiration_badge = "" if not expiring_soon else "Expiring!" machine_content[idx] = (str(render_template( 'machines_card.html', given_name = machine["givenName"], machine_id = machine["id"], hostname = machine["name"], ns_name = machine["user"]["name"], ns_id = machine["user"]["id"], ns_created = machine["user"]["createdAt"], last_seen = str(last_seen_print), last_update = str(last_update_print), machine_ips = Markup(machine_ips), advertised_routes = Markup(routes), exit_node_badge = Markup(exit_node_badge), ha_route_badge = Markup(ha_route_badge), status_badge = Markup(status_badge), user_badge = Markup(user_badge), last_update_time = str(last_update_time), last_seen_time = str(last_seen_time), created_time = str(created_time), expiry_time = str(expiry_time), preauth_key = str(preauth_key), expiration_badge = Markup(expiration_badge), machine_tags = Markup(tags), taglist = machine["forcedTags"] ))) app.logger.info("Finished thread for machine "+machine["givenName"]+" index "+str(idx)) def render_machines_cards(): app.logger.info("Rendering machine cards") url = headscale.get_url() api_key = headscale.get_api_key() machines_list = headscale.get_machines(url, api_key) ######################################### # Thread this entire thing. num_threads = len(machines_list[str(url_node_name)+"s"]) iterable = [] machine_content = {} failover_pair_prefixes = [] for i in range (0, num_threads): app.logger.debug("Appending iterable: "+str(i)) iterable.append(i) # Flask-Executor Method: # Get all routes all_routes = headscale.get_routes(url, api_key) # app.logger.debug("All found routes") # app.logger.debug(str(all_routes)) if LOG_LEVEL == "DEBUG": # DEBUG: Do in a forloop: for idx in iterable: thread_machine_content(machines_list[str(url_node_name)+"s"][idx], machine_content, idx, all_routes, failover_pair_prefixes) else: app.logger.info("Starting futures") futures = [executor.submit(thread_machine_content, machines_list[str(url_node_name)+"s"][idx], machine_content, idx, all_routes, failover_pair_prefixes) for idx in iterable] # Wait for the executor to finish all jobs: wait(futures, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) app.logger.info("Finished futures") # Sort the content by machine_id: sorted_machines = {key: val for key, val in sorted(machine_content.items(), key = lambda ele: ele[0])} content = "" return Markup(content) def render_users_cards(): app.logger.info("Rendering Users cards") url = headscale.get_url() api_key = headscale.get_api_key() user_list = headscale.get_users(url, api_key) content = "" return Markup(content) def build_preauth_key_table(user_name): app.logger.info("Building the PreAuth key table for User: %s", str(user_name)) url = headscale.get_url() api_key = headscale.get_api_key() preauth_keys = headscale.get_preauth_keys(url, api_key, user_name) preauth_keys_collection = """
  • Toggle Expired Add PreAuth Key vpn_key PreAuth Keys """ if len(preauth_keys["preAuthKeys"]) == 0: preauth_keys_collection += "

    No keys defined for this user

    " if len(preauth_keys["preAuthKeys"]) > 0: preauth_keys_collection += """ """ for key in preauth_keys["preAuthKeys"]: # Get the key expiration date and compare it to now to check if it's expired: # Set the current timezone and local time timezone = pytz.timezone(os.environ["TZ"] if os.environ["TZ"] else "UTC") local_time = timezone.localize(datetime.now()) expiration_parse = parser.parse(key["expiration"]) key_expired = True if expiration_parse < local_time else False expiration_time = str(expiration_parse.strftime('%A %m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S'))+" "+str(timezone) key_usable = False if key["reusable"] and not key_expired: key_usable = True if not key["reusable"] and not key["used"] and not key_expired: key_usable = True # Class for the javascript function to look for to toggle the hide function hide_expired = "expired-row" if not key_usable else "" btn_reusable = "fiber_manual_record" if key["reusable"] else "" btn_ephemeral = "fiber_manual_record" if key["ephemeral"] else "" btn_used = "fiber_manual_record" if key["used"] else "" btn_usable = "fiber_manual_record" if key_usable else "" # Other buttons: btn_delete = "Expire" if key_usable else "" tooltip_data = "Expiration: "+expiration_time # TR ID will look like "1-albert-tr" preauth_keys_collection = preauth_keys_collection+""" """ preauth_keys_collection = preauth_keys_collection+"""
    ID Key Prefix
    """+str(key["id"])+""" """+str(key["key"])[0:10]+"""
  • """ return preauth_keys_collection def oidc_nav_dropdown(user_name, email_address, name): app.logger.info("OIDC is enabled. Building the OIDC nav dropdown") html_payload = """
  • """+name+""" account_circle
  • """ return Markup(html_payload) def oidc_nav_mobile(user_name, email_address, name): html_payload = """

  • exit_to_appLogout
  • """ return Markup(html_payload) def render_search(): html_payload = """
  • search
  • """ return Markup(html_payload) def render_routes(): app.logger.info("Rendering Routes page") url = headscale.get_url() api_key = headscale.get_api_key() all_routes = headscale.get_routes(url, api_key) # If there are no routes, just exit: if len(all_routes) == 0: return Markup("

    There are no routes to display!
    ") # Get a list of all Route ID's to iterate through: all_routes_id_list = [] for route in all_routes["routes"]: all_routes_id_list.append(route["id"]) if route[str(url_node_name)]["name"]: app.logger.info("Found route %s / machine: %s", str(route["id"]), route[str(url_node_name)]["name"]) else: app.logger.info("Route id %s has no machine associated.", str(route["id"])) route_content = "" failover_content = "" exit_content = "" route_title='Routes' failover_title='Failover Routes' exit_title='Exit Routes' markup_pre = """
    """ markup_post = """
    """ ############################################################################################## # Step 1: Get all non-exit and non-failover routes: route_content = markup_pre+route_title route_content += """

    """ for route in all_routes["routes"]: # Get relevant info: route_id = route["id"] machine = route[str(url_node_name)]["givenName"] prefix = route["prefix"] is_enabled = route["enabled"] is_primary = route["isPrimary"] is_failover = False is_exit = False enabled = "fiber_manual_record" disabled = "fiber_manual_record" # Set the displays: enabled_display = disabled if is_enabled: enabled_display = enabled # Check if a prefix is an Exit route: if prefix == "" or prefix == "::/0": is_exit = True # Check if a prefix is part of a failover pair: for route_check in all_routes["routes"]: if not is_exit: if route["prefix"] == route_check["prefix"]: if route["id"] != route_check["id"]: is_failover = True if not is_exit and not is_failover and machine != "": # Build a simple table for all non-exit routes: route_content += """ """ route_content += "
    ID Machine Route Enabled
    """+str(route_id )+""" """+str(machine )+""" """+str(prefix )+"""
    """+str(enabled_display )+"""

    "+markup_post ############################################################################################## # Step 2: Get all failover routes only. Add a separate table per failover prefix failover_route_prefix = [] failover_available = False for route in all_routes["routes"]: # Get a list of all prefixes for all routes... for route_check in all_routes["routes"]: # ... that aren't exit routes... if route["prefix"] !="" and route["prefix"] != "::/0": # if the curren route matches any prefix of any other route... if route["prefix"] == route_check["prefix"]: # and the route ID's are different ... if route["id"] != route_check["id"]: # ... and the prefix is not already in the list... if route["prefix"] not in failover_route_prefix: # append the prefix to the failover_route_prefix list failover_route_prefix.append(route["prefix"]) failover_available = True if failover_available: # Set up the display code: enabled = "fiber_manual_record" disabled = "fiber_manual_record" failover_content = markup_pre+failover_title # Build the display for failover routes: for route_prefix in failover_route_prefix: # Get all route ID's associated with the route_prefix: route_id_list = [] for route in all_routes["routes"]: if route["prefix"] == route_prefix: route_id_list.append(route["id"]) # Set up the display code: failover_enabled = "fiber_manual_record" failover_disabled = "fiber_manual_record" failover_display = failover_disabled for route_id in route_id_list: # Get the routes index: current_route_index = all_routes_id_list.index(route_id) if all_routes["routes"][current_route_index]["enabled"]: failover_display = failover_enabled # Get all route_id's associated with the route prefix: failover_content += """

    """ # Build the display: for route_id in route_id_list: idx = all_routes_id_list.index(route_id) machine = all_routes["routes"][idx]["machine"]["givenName"] machine_id = all_routes["routes"][idx]["machine"]["id"] is_primary = all_routes["routes"][idx]["isPrimary"] is_enabled = all_routes["routes"][idx]["enabled"] payload = [] for item in route_id_list: payload.append(int(item)) app.logger.debug("[%s] Machine: [%s] %s : %s / %s", str(route_id), str(machine_id), str(machine), str(is_enabled), str(is_primary)) app.logger.debug(str(all_routes["routes"][idx])) # Set up the display code: enabled_display_enabled = "fiber_manual_record" enabled_display_disabled = "fiber_manual_record" primary_display_enabled = "fiber_manual_record" primary_display_disabled = "fiber_manual_record" # Set displays: enabled_display = enabled_display_enabled if is_enabled else enabled_display_disabled primary_display = primary_display_enabled if is_primary else primary_display_disabled # Build a simple table for all non-exit routes: failover_content += """ """ failover_content += "
    Machine Enabled Primary

    " failover_content += markup_post ############################################################################################## # Step 3: Get exit nodes only: exit_node_list = [] # Get a list of nodes with exit routes: for route in all_routes["routes"]: # For every exit route found, store the machine name in an array: if route["prefix"] == "" or route["prefix"] == "::/0": if route[str(url_node_name)]["givenName"] not in exit_node_list: exit_node_list.append(route[str(url_node_name)]["givenName"]) # Exit node display building: # Display by machine, not by route exit_content = markup_pre+exit_title exit_content += """

    """ # Get exit route ID's for each node in the list: for node in exit_node_list: node_exit_route_ids = [] exit_enabled = False exit_available = False machine_id = 0 for route in all_routes["routes"]: if route["prefix"] == "" or route["prefix"] == "::/0": if route[str(url_node_name)]["givenName"] == node: node_exit_route_ids.append(route["id"]) machine_id = route[str(url_node_name)]["id"] exit_available = True if route["enabled"]: exit_enabled = True if exit_available: # Set up the display code: enabled = "fiber_manual_record" disabled = "fiber_manual_record" # Set the displays: enabled_display = enabled if exit_enabled else disabled exit_content += """ """ exit_content += "
    Machine Enabled

    "+markup_post content = route_content + failover_content + exit_content return Markup(content)