###Mac OSX ![Mac OSX](http://i.minus.com/i5KI6SBAfs7Qk.png "Mac OS X") ###Linux ![Linux](http://i.minus.com/ihwLvn8m29GxZ.png "Linux") ###Windows ![Windows](http://i.minus.com/iY1DDCRG5TsyR.png "Windows") ## Installation Install this repository via [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net). ## Usage To insert or change a selected color, use: - Linux: `ctrl+shift+c` - Windows: `ctrl+shift+c` - OS X: `cmd+shift+c` or use menu action - **`Tools`** -> **`ColorPicker`** By default, the hex color code is inserted using uppercase letters. To use lowercase letters instead, copy the contents of **`Preferences -> Package Settings -> ColorPicker -> Settings-Default`** to the empty file created by selecting **`Preferences -> Package Settings -> ColorPicker -> Settings-User`**, then change `"color_upper_case"` to `false`. ## Calling from Other Plugins To commands are provided to assist in calling a color picker from other plugins. Info is shared between the plugins via a settings file. It does not have to exist on disk; it can exist only in memory for the sole purpose of sharing the return. It is advised to use a unique name for the settings file. The data is returned in the settings key `color_pick_return`. It is advised to set `color_pick_return` to `None` in your settings file before calling any of the commands. So you can tell if it set teh variable or not. ### ColorPickApiIsAvailableCommand This command is used to test if ColorPicker is installed. ```python >> settings = sublime.load_settings('my_shared.sublime-settings') >> settings.set('color_pick_return', None) >> sublime.run_command('color_pick_api_is_available', {'settings': 'my_shared.sublime-settings'}) >> print(settings.get('color_pick_return')) True ``` ### ColorPickApiGetColorCommand This command is used to call a color picker and get the selected value. It takes a setings file and an optional `default_color`. ```python >> settings = sublime.load_settings('my_shared.sublime-settings') >> settings.set('color_pick_return', None) >> sublime.run_command('color_pick_api_get_color', {'settings': 'my_shared.sublime-settings', 'default_color': '#ff0000'}) >> print(settings.get('color_pick_return')) #23af44 ``` ## Acknowledgements - [Original colorpick plugin for OS X by jnordberg](https://github.com/jnordberg/sublime-colorpick/) - [Original colorpick plugin for Windows by animehunter](https://github.com/animehunter/SublimeColorPickerWindowsOnly)