# Galician translations of wesnoth-ei. # # # Proxecto Trasno # # Leandro Regueiro , 2007, 2008. # Adrián Chaves Fernández , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. # Adrian Chaves , 2018. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Wesnoth\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-07-05 14:17 UTC\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-08 18:12+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Adrian Chaves \n" "Language-Team: Galician \n" "Language: gl\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "com>\n" "adriyetichaves@gmail.com>\n" "com>\n" "com>\n" "com>\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:13 msgid "Eastern Invasion" msgstr "A invasión do leste" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:14 msgid "EI" msgstr "IL" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:18 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" # Spearman=lanceiro FIXADO #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:18 msgid "Spearman" msgstr "Lanceiro" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:19 msgid "Challenging" msgstr "Esixente" # Swordsman=espadachín FIXADO #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:19 msgid "Swordsman" msgstr "Espadachín" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:20 msgid "Difficult" msgstr "" # Royal Guard=garda real FIXADO #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:20 msgid "Royal Guard" msgstr "Garda real" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:22 msgid "" "There are rumors of undead attacks on the eastern border of Wesnoth. You, an " "officer in the Royal Army, have been sent to the eastern front to protect " "the villagers and find out what is happening.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Corren rumores de ataques de non mortos na fronteira oriental do Noroeste. " "Ti, un oficial do exército real, fuches enviado á fronte oriental para " "protexer aos aldeáns e descubrir o que está a pasar.\n" "\n" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:24 #, fuzzy #| msgid "(Intermediate level, 16 scenarios.)" msgid "(Intermediate level, 16 scenarios.)" msgstr "Nivel medio, 16 escenarios." #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:28 msgid "Campaign Design" msgstr "Deseño da campaña" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:34 msgid "Campaign Maintenance" msgstr "Mantemento da campaña" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:47 msgid "Campaign Epilogue and Continuity" msgstr "Epílogo da campaña e continuidade" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:53 msgid "Prose and Story Edits" msgstr "Cambios na prosa e a historia" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:59 msgid "Artwork and Graphics Design" msgstr "Traballo artístico e deseño gráfico" #. [lua]: wml_actions.bandit_village_capture #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/lua/bandits.lua:83 msgid "They're here!" msgstr "Están aquí!" #. [lua]: wml_actions.bandit_village_capture #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/lua/bandits.lua:90 msgid "No outlaws in this village." msgstr "Nesta vila non hai proscritos." #. [scenario]: id=01_The_Outpost #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:5 msgid "The Outpost" msgstr "O posto de avanzada" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:21 msgid "" "It was the thirteenth year of Konrad II’s reign when the strange occurrences " "in the Estmark Hills on the eastern border of Wesnoth began." msgstr "" "Era o ano trinta do reinado de Conrad II, cando estraños sucesos comezaron a " "ter lugar nas Lombas de Ismar, na fronteira oriental do Noroeste." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:25 msgid "" "Cattle and beasts of burden were found dead in the fields, and men went " "missing from their houses, with no clues but a thin stream of black blood. " "At first the settlers suspected raiders from the great desert, but when they " "sent scouts east they found nothing but a small mountain range and miles of " "swamp." msgstr "" "Bestas de carga e gando apareceron mortos nos campos, xente desapareceu das " "súas casas sen deixar máis pista que un fino regueiro de sangue escuro. Ao " "principio os colonos sospeitaban que se trataba de asaltadores chegados do " "gran deserto, pero cando enviaron exploradores ao leste non atoparon máis " "que unha pequena serra e un inmenso lameiro." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:29 msgid "" "The disappearances did not stop, and every day the terror grew greater. " "Eventually, the people living in the eastern villages sent a messenger to " "the King, asking for help. The messenger rode hard for many days and nights, " "and finally reached the city of Weldyn." msgstr "" "As desaparicións non cesaron, e cada día o medo aumentaba entre os aldeáns. " "Nun momento dado, os habitantes das vilas orientais enviáronlle un " "mensaxeiro ao rei, pedíndolle axuda. O mensaxeiro cabalgou sen descanso " "durante numerosos días e noites, ata que deu chegado á cidade de Güedin." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:33 msgid "" "When the King received news of the problem, his advisor Dacyn had much to " "say. Apparently, these attacks were connected to similar ones that occurred " "earlier on the far southern border, attacks by undead. Dacyn outlined a plan " "to combat these intrusions." msgstr "" "Cando a corte recibiu a nova, Dasin, un dos seus conselleiros do rei, pediu " "a palabra. O conselleiro explicou que ataques moi similares tiveran lugar no " "pasado na fronteira sur do reino. Ditos ataques perpetráranos non mortos. " "Por aquel entón, Dasin fora o encargado de elaborar o plan co que repeleran " "aos intrusos." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:40 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "In the days of the king Garard I, two strong-points had been built along " #| "the near bank of the Weldyn, south of Soradoc, to stop bandits and orcish " #| "raiders out of the Estmarks from entering Wesnoth. But in later years the " #| "River Guard posts had been abandoned, as colonists spread into the " #| "Estmarks and the orcs were driven in retreat north of the Great River." msgid "" "In the days of King Garard I, two strong-points had been built along the " "near bank of the Weldyn, south of Soradoc, to stop bandits and orcish " "raiders out of the Estmarks from entering Wesnoth. But in later years the " "River Guard posts had been abandoned, as colonists spread into the Estmarks " "and the orcs were driven in retreat north of the Great River." msgstr "" "Nos tempos de Gárar I, construíranse dous postos fortificados ao longo da " "ribeira occidental do río Güedin, ao sur de Xóuradon, para impedir que " "bandidos e orcos do outro lado das Lombas de Ismar entrasen no reino. Pero " "nos últimos tempos os postos da garda do río quedaran abandonados, xa que os " "colonos se asentaran nas Lombas de Ismar e os orcos foran obrigados a " "retirarse ao norte do Gran Río." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:44 msgid "" "With unknown enemies pressing Wesnoth from the East, Konrad II decided to re-" "build and re-man the River Guard outposts, and use them to keep the Crown’s " "eye and hand firmly on the settled country to either side of the lower " "Weldyn. He sent two of the most promising young officers to them." msgstr "" "Ante a ameaza dun ataque na fronte oriental, Conrad II decidiu reconstruír " "os postos de avanzada da garda do río, e enviar de novo soldados para que, " "en nome da Coroa, vixiasen e puxesen orde nas terras colonizadas a ambas as " "dúas beiras do baixo Güedin. E enviou a eles dous dos oficiais máis " "prometedores cos que contaba." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:48 msgid "" "To the northern outpost he sent Owaec, a clan noble. To the southern " "outpost, he sent Gweddry, who would be accompanied by Dacyn the mage. Our " "story begins there." msgstr "" "Ao posto de avanzada do norte enviou a Ouen, un nobre dos clans. Ao posto " "avanzado do sur enviou a Uedri, que estaría acompañado polo mago Dasin. É " "alí onde dá comezo a nosa historia." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:52 msgid "" "All went well once the King’s forces arrived. There were no attacks for " "several weeks, and Gweddry’s men started to grow incautious. Then, at dawn " "one day, Gweddry and his men were roused by the startled cries of the night " "watchmen..." msgstr "" "A cousa volveu á normalidade coa chegada das forzas do rei. Os ataques " "cesaron. Pero varias semanas despois, unha mañá cedo, Uedri e os seus " "soldados espertaron cos arrepiantes berros dos gardas da quenda de noite…" #. [side] #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Steelclad, id=Knutan #. [side]: type=Lieutenant, id=Gweddry #. [side]: type=General, id=Konrad II #. [side]: type=Great Mage, id=Kaldor #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrad #. [side]: type=General, id=Halric #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrod #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:67 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:26 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:65 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:24 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:26 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:26 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:126 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:25 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:38 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:23 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:21 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:24 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:25 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:31 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:33 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:32 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:25 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:25 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:117 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:51 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:65 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:78 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:42 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:58 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:75 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:92 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:25 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:33 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:36 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:50 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:63 msgid "Wesnothians" msgstr "Noroccidentais" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Sakkat #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Talar #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Uldhar #. [side] #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Skraat #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Mal-Tar #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Kallat #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Telnarad #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Marak #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Galkar #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Ravanal-Guard #. [side]: type=Revenant, id=Lanar-Skal #. [side]: type=Bone Knight, id=Garnad #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Karad #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Darak #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Zanrad #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Xadrux #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Grekulak #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Xakralan #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Uknalu #. [side]: type=Lich Lord, id=Mal-Ravanal #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich2 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich3 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich4 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich5 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich6 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich7 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich8 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:96 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:125 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:161 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:104 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:39 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:75 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:98 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:41 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:73 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:40 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:60 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:81 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:106 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:67 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:45 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:44 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:62 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:81 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:100 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:108 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:126 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:144 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:40 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:58 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:77 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:96 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:115 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:134 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:153 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:172 msgid "Undead" msgstr "Non mortos" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Sakkat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:101 msgid "Mal-Sakkat" msgstr "Mal-Sacán" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Talar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:130 msgid "Mal-Talar" msgstr "Mal-Talar" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Uldhar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:166 msgid "Mal-Uldhar" msgstr "Mal-Uldar" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:212 msgid "Defend the outpost" msgstr "Defende o posto de avanzada." #. [objectives] #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:215 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:167 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:153 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:168 msgid "Defeat all enemy leaders" msgstr "Derrota a todos os líderes inimigos." #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:217 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:443 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:160 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:488 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:160 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:116 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:107 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:154 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:136 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:111 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:109 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:82 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:81 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:171 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:100 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1138 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:155 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:59 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:135 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:170 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:64 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:193 msgid "Death of Gweddry" msgstr "Morte de Uedri." #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:221 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:447 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:164 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:492 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:164 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:120 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:111 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:158 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:140 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:115 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:113 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:86 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:85 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:175 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:104 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1142 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:159 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:63 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:139 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:174 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:68 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:197 msgid "Death of Dacyn" msgstr "Morte de Dasin." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:247 msgid "What? What is going on?" msgstr "Que son eses berros? Que ocorre?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:252 msgid "Look. To the east. Undead approach!" msgstr "Mirade! Aproxímanse non mortos polo leste." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:257 msgid "Ah, interesting..." msgstr "Hm… Interesante…" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:262 msgid "Men, to arms!" msgstr "Soldados, ás armas!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:275 msgid "I sense a great evil... Can it be? Gweddry, I must not be seen." msgstr "Sinto un gran mal… Será o que creo que é? Uedri, non podo ser visto." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:315 msgid "" "This is the resistance you spoke of, an untrained commander and a few fresh " "recruits? You will suffer for your incompetence. Destroy them, and dare not " "bother me again." msgstr "" "Esta é a resistencia da que falabas? Un comandante sen experiencia e un fato " "de recrutas novatos? Sufrirás pola túa incompetencia! Acaba con eles, e nin " "se che pase pola cabeza volverme molestar." # arconte???? #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:321 msgid "Apologies, Dark Archon. They will die. And then?" msgstr "As miñas máis sinceras desculpas, señor escuro. Morrerán. E despois?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:326 msgid "" "Slaughter the villagers and march onwards. You have wasted enough time here " "already." msgstr "Mata aos viláns e continúa a marcha. Xa perdiches tempo dabondo aquí." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:350 msgid "What?! We must hold the outpost! And where did Dacyn go?!" msgstr "O que? Temos que defender o posto de avanzada! E onde anda Dasin?!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:389 msgid "Gweddry? Good! You are still alive. Quickly, we must leave this place!" msgstr "" "Uedri, segues vivo? Ah, vexo que si! Rápido, debemos fuxir deste lugar!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:394 msgid "Where did you go?! And where did you come from?" msgstr "Onde fuches? De onde saíches?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:399 msgid "" "There is no time to explain. If you wish to survive, you will escape through " "this trapdoor." msgstr "Logo cho explico, pero agora hai que escapar, ou acabarán con nós." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:404 msgid "But what about the outpost?" msgstr "Pero que vai ser do posto de avanzada?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:409 msgid "" "This outpost is already lost. We must defeat this evil if Wesnoth is to " "survive. Now, come on, we do not have much time to spare!" msgstr "" "Non ten sentido seguir defendendo o posto de avanzada, xa o perdemos. " "Debemos acabar con este mal, ou o Reino do Noroeste non sobrevivirá. Ven, " "non hai tempo que perder!" # trapela? #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:439 msgid "Move Gweddry to the trapdoor" msgstr "Leva a Uedri á trapela." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:493 msgid "Hurry! We cannot defeat this evil today! We must escape!" msgstr "Apura! Non podemos acabar con este mal hoxe! Debemos escapar." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:502 msgid "Follow me, men! Through the trapdoor!" msgstr "Soldados! Pola trapela!" #. [scenario]: id=02_The_Escape_Tunnel #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:5 msgid "The Escape Tunnel" msgstr "O túnel de fuxida" #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Kabak #. [side]: type=Ogre, id=Grug #. [side] #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Darg #. [side]: type=Gryphon, id=Kraagak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:44 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:84 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:68 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:50 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:66 msgid "Monsters" msgstr "Monstros" #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Kabak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:48 msgid "Kabak" msgstr "Cábar" #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Steelclad, id=Knutan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:70 msgid "Knutan" msgstr "Nutan" # trapela? #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:156 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:484 msgid "Move Gweddry to the tunnel exit" msgstr "Leva a Uedri á saída do túnel." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:177 msgid "Get moving quickly." msgstr "Ponte en marcha axiña." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:192 msgid "Where are we? I can’t see where we are going." msgstr "Onde estamos? Non vexo nada." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:197 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "This is an old escape tunnel for the outpost; unfortunately these caves " #| "are currently inhabited by trolls. Now hurry, we have to move quickly; " #| "the undead will surely follow us down here." msgid "" "This is an old escape route for the outpost. Unfortunately these caves are " "currently inhabited by trolls, who are blocking our path through the tunnel." msgstr "" "É un vello túnel de fuxida do posto de avanzada. Por desgraza hai trolles " "morando estas covas. Veña, temos que apurarnos; os non mortos non han tardar " "en seguirnos ata aquí abaixo." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:264 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Hurry up. We must get across before these undead slaughter us!" msgid "We must make haste to escape before the undead catch up." msgstr "A présa. Debemos cruzar o río antes de que os non mortos nos maten!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:269 msgid "Wait, before we go anywhere — who were those undead?" msgstr "" "Non penso mover un pé ata que non me expliques quen eran eses non mortos." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:274 msgid "" "I will explain later. For now, suffice to say they are much too powerful for " "us; our only hope is to head north." msgstr "" "Este non é o momento nin o lugar. Si te direi que son poderosos de máis para " "nós. A nosa única esperanza é dirixirnos ao norte." # Cómpre repetir o tipo de faltas da cadea orixinal: escrita equivocada pero fonética atinada. #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:288 msgid "TROL TREZZUR HOLE: KEEP OWT" msgstr "" "FOSA DO TESOURO DOS TROLES\n" "NON PASAR" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:323 msgid "Who goes there?" msgstr "Quen anda aí?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:328 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We are soldiers of the king of Wesnoth. Will you help us fight these " #| "trolls?" msgid "" "We are soldiers of the King of Wesnoth. Will you help us fight these trolls?" msgstr "" "Somos soldados do rei do Noroeste. Podédesnos axudar a loitar contra estes " "trolles?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:333 msgid "" "Aye, we’ll help ye, for we have nae love for the trolls. Anyone attacked by " "them deserves some help, I think." msgstr "" "Sen problema. Non che me ghustan nada eses trolles. Cantos menos deixemos, " "mellor." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. shown only if the undead have arrived #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:342 msgid "" "Thank you. Now, I invite you to join us. Undead have followed us into these " "caves, and they will kill you if you stay behind." msgstr "" "Grazas pola axuda. Quizais deberiades vir connosco, uns non mortos " "seguíronnos ata estas covas. Se quedades, vos matarán." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. shown if the undead didn't show up yet #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:349 msgid "" "Thank you. Now, I invite you to join us. Undead are in these lands, and they " "will find these caves." msgstr "" "Grazas pola axuda. Quizais deberiades vir connosco, uns non mortos andan á " "nosa procura, e non tardarán en chegar a estas covas. Se quedades, vos " "matarán." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:356 msgid "" "My clan ha’ lived in these caves for centuries. We’ll no’ be scattered now " "by a few undead." msgstr "" "O noso clan leva séculos nestas covas. Non fuxiremos aghora por uns poucos " "non mortos." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:361 msgid "" "Very well. The best of luck in your battle. Gweddry, we may be able to avoid " "the bulk of the trolls by going through the dwarves’ tunnel." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:399 msgid "" "It seems these trolls were hiding some gold. I think I can count fifty gold " "pieces!" msgstr "Parece que os trolls agochaban algo de ouro. Debe haber 50 moedas!" #. [unit]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-Bakral #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:462 msgid "Mal-Bakral" msgstr "Mal-Bacal" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Bakral #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:472 msgid "We have found you, fleshbag! Prepare to die!" msgstr "Atopámoste, saco de carne! Prepárate para morrer!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:477 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "They follow us... we must get out of this tunnel. It looks like it is " #| "leading east. That is unfortunate, for it will take us beyond the borders " #| "of Wesnoth. But it is our only option." msgid "" "They follow us... we must escape through this tunnel. That is unfortunate, " "for it will take us into the Estmark hills, beyond the borders of Wesnoth. " "But it is our only option." msgstr "" "Atoparon a trapela. Debemos saír do túnel como sexa. Parece que leva ao " "leste. Mala sorte, acabaremos alén das fronteiras do Noroeste. Pero non nos " "queda outra." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:514 msgid "We have reached the end of the tunnel. I see daylight above us!" msgstr "Alí adiante pode verse a luz do sol, chegamos ao final do túnel!" #. [scenario]: id=03_An_Unexpected_Appearance #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:5 msgid "An Unexpected Appearance" msgstr "Unha aparición inesperada" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:44 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:46 msgid "Mal-Skraat" msgstr "Mal-Escrate" #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:80 msgid "Mal-Tar" msgstr "Mal-Tar" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:103 msgid "Mal-Kallat" msgstr "Mal-Calade" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:156 msgid "Defeat either enemy dark sorcerer" msgstr "Derrota a calquera dos feiticeiros escuros." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:186 msgid "We have escaped from those dark tunnels! But where are we now?" msgstr "Ben, conseguimos saír das covas. Agora, onde estamos?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:191 msgid "" "We are in the middle of the eastern mountains, in a mountain pass leading " "east and west. We need to head north, but we cannot go through the " "mountains... we must go east, or west, and hope we can get around them." msgstr "" "Estamos no medio das montañas orientais, nun paso de montaña que vai do " "leste ao oeste. Temos que dirixirnos ao norte, pero non podemos atravesar as " "montañas… debemos dirixirnos ao leste ou ao oeste, e confiar en podermos " "rodealas." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:196 msgid "Hahaha! We have you surrounded!" msgstr "Ha ha ha! Rodeámosvos!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:201 msgid "" "Why don’t we see if the new recruit can handle them. After all, there are " "only two!" msgstr "" "Por que non deixamos que o novo recruta se encargue deles? A fin de contas, " "só son dous!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:206 msgid "No!! They’ll kill me!" msgstr "Deixádevos de bromas, que como non me axudedes estou morto." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:211 msgid "That would be your problem, then." msgstr "Iso é cousa túa." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:216 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "These undead are toying with us! This adept is weak — we may be able to " #| "take his fort." msgid "" "These undead are toying with us! This adept is weak — we should attack at " "once and take his fort." msgstr "" "Estes non mortos andan a xogar connosco. O adepto este de aquí non parece " "moi forte, ao mellor podemos facernos co seu castelo." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:221 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "A good idea. Then, we must kill either of the dark sorcerers. I would " #| "prefer to attack the western one, so we can return to Wesnoth." msgid "" "Indeed, I see no better option. Then, we must kill either of the dark " "sorcerers. I would prefer to attack the western one, so we can return to " "Wesnoth." msgstr "" "Boa idea. Despois debemos matar a un dos feiticeiros escuros. Eu preferiría " "atacar o do oeste, para poder volver ao reino." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:233 msgid "No! You have defeated me, and can re-enter Wesnoth!" msgstr "" "Non! Como puideron derrotarme? Como non fun capaz de cortarlles o camiño de " "volta ao Noroeste!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:254 msgid "You have defeated my brother, but I will follow you and kill you!" msgstr "" "Derrotastes ao meu irmán, pero eu heivos perseguir, día e noite, e cando " "finalmente vos dea caza, non deixarei cabeza sobre pescozo!" #. [scenario]: id=04a_An_Elven_Alliance #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:5 msgid "An Elven Alliance" msgstr "Unha alianza cos elfos" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:24 msgid "" "But Gweddry and Dacyn were to find no respite within the borders of Wesnoth. " "They marched out of the foothills of the Estmarks into an unknown forest..." msgstr "" "Pero a Uedri e Dasin non lles esperaba nada bo dentro das fronteiras do " "reino. Marcharon das Lombas de Ismar para ir dar a un bosque descoñecido…" #. [side] #. [side]: type=Elvish Ranger, id=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:37 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:52 msgid "Allies" msgstr "Aliados" #. [side]: type=Elvish Ranger, id=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:57 msgid "Volas" msgstr "Volas" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Gruga-Har #. [side]: type=Orcish Nightblade, id=Bagork #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Prok-Bak #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:75 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:80 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:134 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:71 msgid "Orcs" msgstr "Orcos" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Gruga-Har #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:80 msgid "Gruga-Har" msgstr "Gruga-Har" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:112 msgid "Defeat enemy leader" msgstr "Derrota ao líder inimigo." #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:124 msgid "Death of Volas" msgstr "Morte de Volas." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:150 msgid "Greetings, travelers! Welcome to my realm." msgstr "Saúdos, viaxeiros! Benvidos ao meu reino." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:155 msgid "" "Would it be possible for us to rest in your lands for a while? We have been " "pursued by fell undead, although they did not dare follow us into the " "forest... yet." msgstr "" "Permitiríanos descansar nas súas terras por un tempo? Chegamos ata aquí " "fuxindo duns non mortos, aínda que parece que non ousaron entrar no bosque… " "de momento." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:160 msgid "Certainly." msgstr "Por suposto." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:165 msgid "" "Good. Now, you should be warned: this undead warlord is very powerful. If " "you choose to fight, even if you are victorious, few will survive. I invite " "you to join us, and head north." msgstr "" "Moi ben. Con todo, síntome na obriga de advertirlle que o líder dos non " "mortos é moi poderoso. Se elixides loitar contra el, aínda no caso de que " "saiades vitoriosos, seriades poucos os superviventes. Convídovos a vir " "connosco, cara o norte." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:170 msgid "" "I thank you for your offer. But I will not leave my homeland. These undead " "cannot be as powerful as you say; I will fight them." msgstr "" "Grazas, pero non, non deixarei a miña terra natal. Por moi poderosos que " "sexan eses non mortos, non creo que sexan rival para nós. Loitaremos." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:175 msgid "" "This is not a wise choice, but it is yours to make. If you will not join us, " "will you at least help us reach the northern outpost? We wish to warn our " "comrades there." msgstr "" "Vexo que a decisión está tomada. Se non podo convencervos de cambiar de " "idea, limitareime a desexarvos boa sorte. De todos xeitos, aínda que non " "veñades connosco, poderiades axudarnos a chegar ao posto de avanzada do " "norte? Debemos alertar aos nosos camaradas." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:180 msgid "" "I will aid you. Although, I too, think that yours is the foolish choice. You " "should stay, and fight." msgstr "" "Axudarémosvos. Pero creo que deberiades quedar e loitar, fuxir non é nunca a " "solución." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:185 msgid "" "After we rest for a short while, we will leave. We have little time to spare." msgstr "" "A nosa decisión tamén está tomada, partiremos en canto recuperemos forzas. " "Non hai tempo que perder." #. [message]: speaker=Gruga-Har #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:200 msgid "Intruders!" msgstr "Intrusos!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:205 msgid "What? Orcs! Where did they come from?" msgstr "Orcos! De onde saíron?" #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:210 msgid "" "I know not. But they have made camp on the northern path. You will have to " "fight them to move on." msgstr "" "Nin idea, pero acamparon no camiño do norte. Ides ter que loitar contra eles " "para continuar." #. [message]: speaker=Gruga-Har #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:215 msgid "Bring forth the assassins, we may be able to poison them!" msgstr "Traede aos asasinos, os intrusos caerán antes se os envelenamos." #. [unit]: type=Orcish Nightblade, type=Orcish Slayer, id=Nafga #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:236 msgid "Nafga" msgstr "Nafga" #. [message]: speaker=Nafga #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:244 msgid "" "Your Warlordship, I am the only assassin left! Do you want me to go poison " "their leader?" msgstr "Señor, son o único asasino que queda! Quere que envelene ao seu líder?" #. [message]: speaker=Gruga-Har #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:249 msgid "Perfect! Go, into the forest!" msgstr "Terá que valer. Veña, ao bosque!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:269 msgid "" "They have sent an assassin into the forest. We will have to be careful, and " "make sure he does not come out and attack us unexpectedly." msgstr "" "Enviaron un asasino ao bosque. Teremos que ter coidado, que o seu ataque non " "nos pille desprevidos." #. [message]: speaker=Nafga #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:288 msgid "Hahaha! Nafga will kill the elves!" msgstr "Ha ha ha! Acabarei con todos os elfos!" #. [message]: speaker=Nafga #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:300 msgid "" "No! This is the first time I have failed a mission, and it will be my last!" msgstr "Non! É a primeira vez que fracaso nunha misión! E a última…" #. [message]: speaker=Gruga-Har #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:312 msgid "" "My assassin is dead! The elves must pay, not for his death, but for stopping " "him in his mission!" msgstr "" "Ala, quedamos sen asasinos. Rapaces, asegurádevos de que os elfos o paguen!" #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:329 msgid "You have failed me, man of Wesnoth..." msgstr "Falláchesme, home do Noroeste…" #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:349 msgid "We have defeated the orcs! Now you can rest before your journey." msgstr "" "Derrotamos aos orcos! Agora poderedes descansar antes de continuar a vosa " "viaxe." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:354 msgid "" "We have not the time. This battle has wasted too much of it already. We must " "leave now." msgstr "Non, perdemos demasiado tempo nesta batalla. Debemos marchar xa." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:359 msgid "Very well. I will send guides to lead you north to your allies." msgstr "" "Como queirades. Enviarei convosco algúns guías que vos indiquen o camiño." #. [scenario]: id=04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:5 msgid "The Undead Border Patrol" msgstr "A patrulla fronteiriza dos non mortos" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Telnarad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:78 msgid "Mal-Telnarad" msgstr "Mal-Telnarad" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:103 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:107 msgid "Defeat either enemy leader" msgstr "Derrota a calquera dos líderes inimigos." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:134 msgid "" "Now that we are free of the mountain range the path northwards is clear. Let " "us go north and try to reach Owaec at the outpost." msgstr "" "Agora que deixamos atrás a serra o camiño do norte está despezado. " "Continuemos e intentemos chegar canda Ouen, no posto de avanzada." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:139 msgid "" "Wait. I am not sure that is the best option. If we go east now, we may be " "able to find the lich who attacked us and destroy him. He must be nearby." msgstr "" "Un momento. Non estou seguro de que esa sexa a mellor opción. Se nos " "dirixísemos ao leste, poderíamos atopar ao liche que nos atacou e acabar con " "el. Non debe de estar moi lonxe." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:145 msgid "" "This is no ordinary Lich you hunt. Even if you manage to find him, how will " "you prevent him from simply teleporting away? We should head north; there is " "much I must learn before we confront this menace." msgstr "" "Non se trata dun liche calquera. Incluso se o atopásemos, non temos forma de " "evitar que se teleporte a outra parte. Debemos ir ao norte, teño moito que " "aprender antes de que poidamos plantarlle cara a esta ameaza." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:150 msgid "" "They run from me! Still, it will not help them, the border patrol will " "destroy them. I may even be promoted!" msgstr "" "Non lles vai servir de nada correr, se non os collo eu, a patrulla " "fronteiriza acabará con eles. Pode que incluso me ascendan!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:162 msgid "Now I will never get promoted!" msgstr "Agora nunca me ascenderán!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:172 msgid "Come, let us return to Wesnoth and head for the Northern Outpost." msgstr "Veña, volvamos ao reino e poñamos rumbo ao posto de avanzada do norte." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:193 msgid "" "We have defeated this patrol, but we can still turn back! Do you insist on " "traveling east, or shall we defeat this dark sorcerer?" msgstr "" "Conseguimos derrotar a esta patrulla, pero aínda estamos a tempo de " "regresar! Seguimos cara o leste, ou derrotamos ao feiticeiro escuro?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:198 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:255 msgid "Hmm..." msgstr "Hm…" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:200 msgid "I wish to destroy the evil before it can spread. East we go!" msgstr "Destruamos o mal antes de que se propague. Ao leste!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:204 msgid "I cannot say this is a good decision, but I will follow you." msgstr "Non creo que sexa unha boa idea, pero estou contigo." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:209 msgid "Noo!! I can’t be promoted if they run away!" msgstr "Non!!! Se foxen non me van ascender!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:223 msgid "You are right. It is foolish to go onward — we will turn back." msgstr "Tes razón. É unha estupidez seguir adiante. Regresaremos." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:227 msgid "Good! If I defeat them, I can become a lich!" msgstr "Ben! Se os derroto convertereime nun liche!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:244 msgid "" "We failed to defeat either enemy! Now more undead will come and we will be " "overwhelmed!" msgstr "" "Non demos derrotado a ningún dos inimigos! Agora virán máis non mortos e " "acabarán connosco!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:254 msgid "" "We cannot spend any more time attempting to defeat Mal-Skraat. Like it or " "not, we must go further into these undead lands." msgstr "" "Non podemos perder máis tempo intentando derrotar a Mal-Escrate. Guste ou " "non, debemos continuar por estas terras de non mortos." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:259 msgid "" "Noo!! He will reach Mal-Ravanal’s capital, and I shall be punished for " "letting him escape!" msgstr "" "Non!!! Chegará á capital de Mal-Ravanal, e serei castigado por deixalos " "fuxir!" #. [scenario]: id=04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:5 msgid "Mal-Ravanal’s Capital" msgstr "A capital de Mal-Ravanal" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Marak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:45 msgid "Mal-Marak" msgstr "Mal-Marac" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Galkar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:65 msgid "Mal-Galkar" msgstr "Mal-Galcar" #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Ravanal-Guard #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:86 msgid "Rava-Krodaz" msgstr "Rava-Crodas" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:150 msgid "Escape by defeating one of the dark sorcerers" msgstr "Acaba cun dos feiticeiros escuros para fuxir." #. [unit]: type=Paladin, id=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:222 msgid "Terraent" msgstr "Terratenente" # Bitter Swamp=Brañas Inhóspitas FIXADO #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:259 msgid "" "The Bitter Swamp’s ill reputation is, it seems, well merited. Mal-Ravanal’s " "capital lies before us!" msgstr "" "Parece que as Brañas Inhóspitas teñen a mala reputación ben merecida. A " "capital de Mal-Ravanal está alí diante!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:264 msgid "" "Yes, but look! The undead forces are closing in behind us. As I said before " "we cannot kill Mal-Ravanal. It was foolish to come this far; we must turn " "back!" msgstr "" "Si, pero mira para alá, as forzas dos non mortos están rodeándonos! Insisto, " "non imos poder con Mal-Ravanal. Fixemos mal en vir ata aquí, debemos " "regresar!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:269 msgid "" "Perhaps. To retreat, we must kill one of these dark sorcerers that follow " "us. But, perhaps we can kill this Mal-Ravanal. I might wish to try." msgstr "" "Pode ser. E se imos volver, teremos que matar a un destes feiticeiros " "escuros que nos seguen. Pero estás seguro de que non podemos con el? Non " "deberiamos polo menos intentalo?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:274 msgid "" "These humans have dared foolishly to come this far into my land. Crush them!" msgstr "Estúpidos humanos, como ousades entrar nos meus dominios?! Esmagádeos!" #. [message]: speaker=$freed_prisoner.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:329 msgid "" "Thank you for destroying that skeleton warrior! Every time you kill one of " "the Revenants, one of us knights is let free!" msgstr "" "Grazas por librarme do meu garda! Considera liberar outros cabaleiros " "acabando cos seus respectivos gardas, estou seguro de que todos estarán tan " "dispostos a axudarvos a combater coma min." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:334 msgid "Why? Are you the undead’s prisoners?" msgstr "Como demo acabastes prisioneiros dos non mortos?" #. [message]: speaker=$freed_prisoner.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:339 msgid "" "Yes. My allies and I were questing when we were ambushed by undead. The " "guard is playing a sick game — whenever one of their warriors dies, one of " "us is let free, but whenever you lose a fighter, they kill one of us." msgstr "" "Cousas da vida. Os meus compañeiros e mais eu estabamos nunha misión cando " "nos emboscaron. E os gardas están a xogar a un xogo perverso: cada vez que " "morra un dos seus guerreiros liberarán a un de nós, pero cada vez que morra " "un dos vosos, matarán a outro." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:344 msgid "" "This sounds dangerous. We will try to free as many of you as possible before " "we escape from here." msgstr "" "Vaia un xogo. Procuraremos liberar a tantos dos vosos como poidamos antes de " "fuxirmos de aquí." #. [message]: speaker=$freed_prisoner.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:349 msgid "" "Five of my comrades are still imprisoned. We will gladly enter your service " "in appreciation for our freedom." msgstr "" "Cinco dos meus camaradas seguen cativos. A cambio da nosa liberdade, " "estariamos dispostos a poñernos ás vosas ordes." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:480 msgid "" "Wait! I recognize that magic! Dacyn, have you come to surrender to me? Or " "perhaps you wish to finish the duel we started so long ago?" msgstr "" "Un momento! Esa maxia a coñezo! Dasin, viñeches someterte? Ou é que queres " "rematar o duelo que comezamos hai xa non lembro canto?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:485 msgid "" "If I have one regret, it is that mercy slowed my hand thirty three years " "ago. Stop this madness and I will release you from your torment." msgstr "" "Se hai algo do que me arrepinta, é de que a piedade ralentizase a miña man " "hai trinta e tres anos. Detén esta loucura, e liberareite do teu tormento." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:490 msgid "" "Torment?! You have no idea... but you soon will. Kill them all and bring " "Dacyn to me!" msgstr "" "Tormento?! Non tes nin a menor idea… Pero xa o verás. Matádeos, a todos, e " "traédeme a Dasin!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:495 msgid "You know this lich?" msgstr "Coñeces ao liche?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:500 msgid "" "Yes... We studied together many years ago. He was most powerful then, but " "the dark power I sense today is far greater. We must escape immediately!" msgstr "" "Coñézoo, si… Estudamos xuntos, hai xa moitos anos. Por aquel entón xa " "contaba cun gran poder, pero ese poder escuro que sinto é aínda maior. " "Debemos fuxir de inmediato!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:516 msgid "Ah, so you’ve decided to fight me." msgstr "Ah, conque decidiches loitar contra min." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:521 msgid "I will atone for my failure thirty three years ago." msgstr "Corrixirei o erro que cometín hai trinta e tres anos." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:534 msgid "Enough! You cannot possibly defeat me!" msgstr "Basta! Non podes derrotarme!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:549 msgid "Is he... dead?" msgstr "Está… morto?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:554 msgid "" "Merely departed. He will return once he has recovered; we would best be away " "from here by then." msgstr "" "Non, só está perdido. Regresará en canto se recupere; máis nos vale estar " "lonxe de aquí para entón." # Bitter Swamp=Brañas Inhóspitas FIXADO #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:591 msgid "" "Gweddry’s men retreated swiftly from the Bitter Swamp, fleeing north and " "west as if their heels were winged. Finding a low pass through the northern " "Estmarks, they were greatly relieved to see the valley of the Weldyn open " "before them on the other side." msgstr "" "Uedri e os seus fuxiron de seguida das Brañas Inhóspitas en dirección " "noroeste. Atoparon un paso a través da parte norte das Lombas de Estmark, e " "contemplaron aliviados como o val do Güedin se abría ante deles." #. [scenario]: id=05_Northern_Outpost #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:5 msgid "Northern Outpost" msgstr "O posto de avanzada do norte" #. [side]: type=Revenant, id=Lanar-Skal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:72 msgid "Lanar-Skal" msgstr "Lanar-Escal" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:108 msgid "Find the outlaw leader" msgstr "Atopa o líder dos proscritos." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:115 msgid "Kill Shodrano" msgstr "Mata a Xodrano." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:126 msgid "Defeat the undead leader" msgstr "Derrota ao líder dos non mortos." #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:144 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:119 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:117 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:90 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:89 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:179 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:108 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1146 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:163 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:67 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:143 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:178 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:201 msgid "Death of Owaec" msgstr "Morte de Ouen." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:189 msgid "Hail, Gweddry!" msgstr "Saúdos, Uedri!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:194 msgid "" "Greetings, Owaec! We have been forced from our positions by undead invaders. " "They follow us even now." msgstr "" "Saúdos, Ouen! Traemos malas novas. Atacáronnos un grupo de non mortos, e non " "nos quedou outra que abandonar o posto e fuxir. E o peor é que nos seguiron " "todo o camiño ata aquí." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:199 msgid "" "Indeed, they do. And do not think you will be able to defeat them. They are " "too powerful. We are heading for the Northlands, where I hope to find a " "means to stop this invasion. Will you join us?" msgstr "" "Efectivamente. E nin se vos ocorra pensar que podedes derrotalos. Son " "demasiado fortes. Imos de camiño ás Terras Nórdicas. Con sorte atoparemos o " "que necesitamos para deter esta invasión. Viredes connosco?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:204 msgid "" "I cannot. My orders were to protect these villages. If I leave, the " "villagers will be at the mercy of a gang of bandits. I cannot find a way to " "defeat them; the outlaws hide in the villages whenever I send in my troops." msgstr "" "Non podo. Teño ordes de protexer estas vilas. Se abandono, os seus " "habitantes quedarán á mercé dos grupos de bandidos. E non teño forma de " "derrotalos; cada vez que envío as miñas tropas os condenados agóchanse nas " "vilas." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:209 msgid "" "Hoping to protect these villages is foolish; all who stay here will die. " "However, if we can drive these bandits out, will you organize the villagers " "to flee to the west? There they may survive for a time. But soon nowhere in " "Wesnoth will be safe." msgstr "" "Non ten sentido pretender protexer estas vilas, todo aquel que quede atrás " "morrerá. Pero se expulsásemos aos bandidos, organizarías aos aldeáns para " "fuxir ao oeste? Pode que alí consigan sobrevivir por un tempo. Pero as " "terras do Noroeste non han ser un lugar seguro por moito tempo." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:214 msgid "" "If the situation is as dire as you’ve described, I must... but we have no " "way to remove these bandits." msgstr "" "Se as cousas son como dis, debo facelo. Pero non hai maneira de acabar con " "eses bandidos." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:219 msgid "" "I think I may be able to help. Gweddry, I believe I can cast a spell that " "will reveal the bandits when our troops enter a village. However, this magic " "will require my full attention; I won’t be able to help you in battle." msgstr "" "Creo que podo axudar. Uedri, intentarei pronunciar un encantamento que, cada " "vez que unha das nosas unidades entre nunha vila, revele os bandidos " "agochados nesa vila. Pero necesitarei concentrarme plenamente no " "encantamento, non poderei axudarvos a loitar con eles." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:224 msgid "" "That sounds good; it is time to drive out some bandits. Dacyn, cast your " "spell!" msgstr "" "Faremos así entón. Morro de ganas por atopalos, van saber eses o que é bo… " "Dasin, pronuncia ao encantamento!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:229 msgid "" "I believe there is a leader behind these outlaws; kill him and we will face " "no further resistance. I will place my clansmen at your service." msgstr "" "Estou case seguro de que detrás destes proscritos hai un líder. Se acabamos " "con el non atoparemos máis resistencia. Os meus soldados quedarán entón ás " "túas ordes." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:240 msgid "You may now recruit horsemen!" msgstr "Agora podes recrutar homes a cabalo!" #. [message]: speaker=Lanar-Skal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:245 msgid "Go, go far from here! But me and my kind will chase you, and kill you!" msgstr "" "Fuxide canto queirades, sacos de carne! Pero seguirémosvos sen descanso ata " "que non quede nin un de vós con vida!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:250 msgid "" "It seems the undead have caught up with us! We will have to kill them too if " "we want the villagers to be safe. Well, I will begin casting the spell." msgstr "" "Alcanzáronnos os non mortos! Se queremos salvar aos aldeáns, temos que " "acabar tamén cos non mortos. Vou poñerme co encantamento." #. [unit]: type=Assassin, id=Shodrano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:315 msgid "Shodrano" msgstr "Xodrano" #. [message]: speaker=Shodrano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:323 msgid "" "So, you have found my hiding place. Very well, I guess I will have to kill " "you!" msgstr "Así que me atopastes. Moi ben, supoño que terei que matarvos!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:328 msgid "That’s the bandit leader! Kill him!" msgstr "Ese é o líder dos bandidos! Matádeo!" #. [message]: speaker=Shodrano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:342 msgid "You have defeated me! I can terrorize the villagers no more..." msgstr "Non! Co que me custara poñer a todos os bandidos ás miñas ordes…" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:363 msgid "We still need to defeat these undead for the villagers to be safe." msgstr "" "Aínda temos que derrotar aos non mortos para que os aldeáns estean realmente " "a salvo." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:389 msgid "" "There are still these outlaws to take care of — we must continue fighting " "here." msgstr "Agora toca ocuparse dos proscritos." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:411 msgid "" "Well, both the outlaws and undead are defeated. We have some time to spare " "now before more undead arrive." msgstr "" "Ben, tanto os proscritos coma os non mortos foron derrotados. Aínda temos " "tempo antes de que cheguen máis non mortos." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:416 msgid "" "Good! Now, we must move onward, north. Tell the villagers to pack their " "belongings and head west." msgstr "" "Moi ben! Agora debemos continuar. Dille aos aldeáns que recollan as súas " "pertenzas e poñan rumbo ao oeste." #. [unit]: id=Owaec, type=$stored_Owaec.type #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:431 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:39 msgid "Owaec" msgstr "Ouen" #. [scenario]: id=06_Two_Paths #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:4 msgid "Two Paths" msgstr "Dous camiños" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Wak-Rano #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Arnai #. [side]: type=Orcish Ruler, id=Draka-Kura #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Varrak-Klar #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Unhk #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ran-Lar #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:38 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:67 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:61 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:49 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:71 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:97 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:37 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:45 msgid "Evil" msgstr "Mal" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Wak-Rano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:43 msgid "Wak-Rano" msgstr "Guac-Rano" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Arnai #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:72 msgid "Mal-Arnai" msgstr "Mal-Arnai" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:145 msgid "It looks like the road splits here. Which way shall we go?" msgstr "Parece que o camiño bifurca aquí. Que dirección seguimos?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:150 msgid "" "We’re in the land of the Clans now; I know it well. The road north leads " "directly to the Great River; across it lies the orcs’ home country in the " "Northlands. The westward road will keep us inside the realm of Wesnoth, for " "a time, before we reach another river crossing north of Glyn’s Forest. If we " "travel west we will not have to fight orcs immediately." msgstr "" "Chegamos ás terras dos clans; coñézoas ben. O camiño do norte lévanos " "directamente ao Gran Río, e se o cruzamos estaremos nas Terras Nórdicas, " "fogar dos orcos. O camiño occidental permanece a este lado da fronteira por " "un tempo, logo atoparemos outro paso do río, ao norte do Bosque de Glin. Se " "viaxamos polo segundo evitaremos enfrontarnos aos orcos, polo menos de " "momento." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:155 msgid "" "We should probably go north to the orcish lands as quickly as possible. The " "longer we tarry in Wesnoth, the more undead we will have to face." msgstr "" "Probabelmente deberíamos ir ao norte, e chegar ás terras dos orcos canto " "antes. Canto máis nos entreteñamos no reino, a máis non mortos nos teremos " "que enfrontar." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:160 msgid "" "The orcs are more powerful than you suspect. I doubt the few undead in " "Wesnoth can rival the might of the orcish homeland." msgstr "" "Creo que subestimas as forzas dos orcos. Non creo que o fato de non mortos " "que hai no reino sexan rival para o poder das terras dos orcos." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:165 msgid "" "Either way we will have to fight. Look, the orcs and undead block our path " "ahead!" msgstr "" "Imos ter que loitar de todas maneiras. Mirade, os orcos e os non mortos " "córtannos o camiño!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Arnai #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:170 msgid "" "Well, orc, we can either continue this fight, or we can crush the humans and " "battle later. How shall it be?" msgstr "" "Oe orco, que che parece se esnaquizamos primeiro aos humanos e xa logo " "seguimos ao noso." #. [message]: speaker=Wak-Rano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:175 msgid "" "Hmm... I know. We will make a pact to destroy these men, and continue our " "fight later. " msgstr "" "Hm… Xa sei. Fagamos un pacto para acabar con estes humanos, e xa logo seguir " "co noso." #. [message]: speaker=Wak-Rano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:175 msgid "Perhaps he will die, and I will win our battle without fighting." msgstr "Con sorte matan ao non morto e quítanme un peso de enriba" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Arnai #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:180 msgid "This foolish orc will surely perish." msgstr "Seguro que o parvo este morre a mans dos humanos" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Arnai #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:180 msgid "Very well, we are allies, for now. " msgstr "Moi ben, aliarémonos ata acabar con eles. " #. [message]: speaker=Wak-Rano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:192 msgid "Arrgh! I have failed to defend the northern homeland!" msgstr "Argh! Malditos humanos!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Arnai #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:213 msgid "I was supposed to kill you all! I have failed." msgstr "Non!" #. [scenario]: id=07a_The_Crossing #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:4 msgid "The Crossing" msgstr "O paso do río" #. [side]: type=Bone Knight, id=Garnad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:32 msgid "Garnad" msgstr "Garnad" #. [side]: type=Orcish Ruler, id=Draka-Kura #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:55 msgid "Draka-Kura" msgstr "Draca-Cura" #. [side]: type=Ogre, id=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:76 msgid "Grug" msgstr "Grug" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:105 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Move Gweddry and Owaec across the river" msgid "Move Gweddry, Owaec, and Dacyn across the river" msgstr "Leva a Uedri e Ouen ao outro lado do río." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:150 msgid "" "We have come to the Great River. Should we cross here, or try to find a ford?" msgstr "Ala, xa chegamos ao Gran Río. Cruzamos por aquí, ou buscamos un vao?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:154 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We must cross here. The undead are chasing us, and their hordes are much " #| "too great for us to defeat. We've haven't faced even a small part of " #| "their force yet. We need to cross the river before the bulk of their army " #| "arrives!" msgid "" "We must cross here. The undead are chasing us, and their hordes are much too " "great for us to defeat. We’ve haven’t faced even a small part of their force " "yet. We need to cross the river before the bulk of their army arrives!" msgstr "" "Temos que cruzar por aquí. Perséguennos os non mortos, e as súas hordas son " "fortes de máis para derrotármolas. Aínda non nos enfrontamos nin tan sequera " "a unha pequena parte delas. Debemos chegar á outra beira antes de que chegue " "o groso do seu exército." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:158 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Across this river lies the Northlands. If we can get there, we may be " #| "able to get some ogres to help us — but the orcs will definitely attack " #| "us before that happens." msgid "" "Across this river lie the Northlands. If we can get there, we may be able to " "get some ogres to help us — but the orcs will definitely attack us before " "that happens." msgstr "" "Á outra beira do río están as Terras Nórdicas. Se conseguimos chegar a elas, " "pode que consigamos convencer algúns ogros para axudarnos. Pero imos " "toparnos con orcos moito antes de atopar os ogros." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:162 msgid "Grug say we no help you! We finish must battle orc with!" msgstr "Grug non axudar vós, Grug rematar batalla con orcos." #. [message]: speaker=Draka-Kura #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:166 msgid "" "Was that comprehensible to anyone? Silence, foolish ogre. I will deal with " "you later. Right now there are men trying to cross this river." msgstr "" "Alguén entendeu o que dixo o parvo ese? Será mellor que cales, ogro " "estúpido. Xa me encargarei de ti máis tarde. Primeiro hei de impedir que os " "humanos crucen o río." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:170 msgid "Orc foolish! Die you now!" msgstr "Orco imbécil! Morrer ti xa!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:174 msgid "" "If we show ourselves as enemies of the orcs, they may aid us. But first we " "need to cross the river." msgstr "" "Se deixamos claro que tamén somos inimigos dos orcos, poida que os ogros nos " "axuden. Pero antes de nada debemos cruzar o río." #. [message]: speaker=Garnad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:215 msgid "We have you now, mortals!" msgstr "Xa vos temos, mortais!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:219 #, fuzzy #| msgid "They're closing in on us! We must get moving quickly." msgid "They’re closing in on us! We must get moving quickly." msgstr "Achégansenos! Temos que apurar o paso." #. [unit]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Hakralan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:234 msgid "Mal-Hakralan" msgstr "Mal-Hácralan" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Hakralan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:252 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I see, this is where the scared dogs ran to. Don't think you can get away " #| "this easily." msgid "" "I see, this is where the scared dogs ran to. Don’t think you can get away " "this easily." msgstr "" "Xa vexo, aquí é onde fuxiron os cans asustados. Non pensedes que vos podedes " "librar tan facilmente." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:256 msgid "" "The undead reinforcements have arrived! We must cross the river immediately!" msgstr "" "Chegaron os reforzos dos non mortos! Debemos cruzar o río inmediatamente." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:308 msgid "Hurry up. We must get across before these undead slaughter us!" msgstr "A présa. Debemos cruzar o río antes de que os non mortos nos maten!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:367 msgid "" "Good! We have crossed. Now let’s see if we can get the ogres to join us. " "They have been convinced to work for the Crown in the past; maybe it can be " "done again." msgstr "" "Cruzamos! Agora a ver se podemos conseguir que os ogros se nos unan. Xa se " "lles convenceu de traballar para a Coroa no pasado, malo será que nos digan " "que non." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #. "Grug say join you will he" means "I will join you" in a weird speech pattern. "Gork and Drog too" means that two other ogres will be joining Gweddry. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:377 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Grug say join you will he." msgid "Grug say join you will he. Gork and Drog too." msgstr "Grug unir vós." #. [unit]: type=Ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:393 msgid "Gork" msgstr "Gorc" #. [unit]: type=Ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:400 msgid "Drog" msgstr "Drog" #. [scenario]: id=07b_Undead_Crossing #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:4 msgid "Undead Crossing" msgstr "O paso do río onda os non mortos" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Karad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:37 msgid "Mal-un-Karad" msgstr "Mal-un-Carad" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:78 msgid "Defeat the enemy leader" msgstr "Derrota ao líder inimigo." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:113 msgid "" "These fens look impassable. I don’t think we will be able to continue on " "this road; it is time to turn northwards, away from these undead." msgstr "" "Non creo que poidamos atravesar estas terras pantanosas, vai sendo hora de " "virarmos cara o norte, e afastarnos dos non mortos." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:117 msgid "" "We must cross this river, then. We must make haste, already we have wasted " "too much time. Undead have positioned themselves in the middle of the ford." msgstr "" "Entón debemos cruzar o río, e á presa, xa perdemos moito tempo. Os non " "mortos conseguiron situarse no medio do vao." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:121 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Across this river lies the Northland. Ogres live there, as do orcs. We " #| "should proceed with caution. The undead are dangerous, but the orcs may " #| "be more dangerous still." msgid "" "Across this river lie the Northlands. Ogres live there, as do orcs. We " "should proceed with caution. The undead are dangerous, but the orcs may be " "more dangerous still." msgstr "" "Á outra beira do río están as Terras Nórdicas, habitadas por ogros e orcos, " "así que temos que ter coidado. Os non mortos son perigosos, pero os orcos " "poden selo aínda máis." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-un-Karad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:125 msgid "" "I will leave your bodies to rot in the river, then I will raise you up to " "serve in my Master’s undead hordes!" msgstr "" "Deixarei que os vosos corpos podrezan nas augas do río, e logo traereivos de " "volta para que sirvades nas hordas de non mortos do meu mestre!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-un-Karad #. "Wake" doesn't mean "raise undead" here. The reinforcements are sea creatures, they're alive but hidden underwater. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:135 msgid "Time to wake my reinforcements!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:252 msgid "" "It seems as if in addition to summoning undead this foul sorcerer has " "learned to call up monsters from the deep!" msgstr "" "Parece que o feiticeiro este, ademais de convocar non mortos, sabe chamar " "monstros das profundidades. Preparádevos!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:293 msgid "I failed my Master..." msgstr "Falleille, mestre…" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:312 msgid "HISS!" msgstr "Hiss!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:322 msgid "The sea creatures are gone!" msgstr "As criaturas mariñas desapareceron!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:331 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We have no time to lose! Let's get moving quickly before the rest of " #| "their army catches up with us." msgid "" "We have no time to lose! Let’s get moving quickly before the rest of their " "army catches up with us." msgstr "" "Non temos tempo que perder! Poñamonos en marcha axiña, antes de que chegue o " "resto do seu exército." #. [scenario]: id=08_Training_the_Ogres #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:4 msgid "Capturing the Ogres" msgstr "Capturando os ogros" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:41 msgid "Ogres" msgstr "Ogros" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:76 msgid "(captured ogres will be made available for recall)" msgstr "(os ogros capturados poderán reincorporarse)" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:76 msgid "Capture as many ogres as you can" msgstr "Captura tantos ogros como poidas." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:94 msgid "" "An ogre is captured when it starts a turn being unable to move more than one " "hex." msgstr "" "Para capturar un ogro, o ogro ten que comezar a súa quenda incapaz de " "moverse máis dun hexágono." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:97 msgid "If an ogre reaches the edge of the map, it will escape." msgstr "Os ogros que consigan chegar a un dos límites do escenario escaparán." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:120 msgid "" "Look, this valley is inhabited by a tribe of ogres. We should try to capture " "some to train." msgstr "" "Mirade, unha tribo de ogros. Deberiamos intentar capturar algúns para " "adestralos." #. [message]: race=ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:124 msgid "Humans are coming! Run!" msgstr "Achéganse humanos! Fuxide!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:128 msgid "" "Looks like they are fleeing. I think they will surrender easily if we can " "surround them." msgstr "" "Parece que foxen. Se conseguimos rodealos seguro que non opoñen resistencia." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:132 msgid "All right, we have to capture them one by one." msgstr "Moi ben, temos que capturalos un por un." #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:151 msgid "Waah! Run!" msgstr "Ah! Fuxide!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:155 msgid "Run for your lives!" msgstr "Correde polas vosas vidas!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:159 msgid "Help!" msgstr "Axuda!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:200 msgid "We have let one escape. Let’s hope they don’t all!" msgstr "Escapounos un. Esperemos que non se repita cos outros!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:253 msgid "$ogre_name surrender!" msgstr "$ogre_name render!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:257 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Don't hurt $ogre_name|!" msgid "Don’t hurt $ogre_name|!" msgstr "Non ferir $ogre_name|!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:261 msgid "$ogre_name will be good! Promise!" msgstr "$ogre_name ser bo! Prometer!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:349 msgid "We failed to capture any of them!" msgstr "Non conseguimos capturar ningún ogro!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:358 msgid "We only captured one ogre." msgstr "Só conseguimos capturar un ogro." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:367 msgid "We failed to capture more than two of the ogres." msgstr "Non fomos capaces de capturar máis de dous ogros." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:376 msgid "We captured three ogres! I hope they will prove useful." msgstr "Capturamos tres ogros! Espero que consigamos sacarlles partido." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:383 msgid "" "We managed to capture many ogres! They will make a good addition to our " "troops." msgstr "" "Conseguimos capturar moitos ogros! Serán un bo engadido ás nosas tropas." #. [scenario]: id=09_Xenophobia #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:4 msgid "Xenophobia" msgstr "Xenofobia" #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:38 msgid "Pelathsil" msgstr "Pelazsil" #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:43 msgid "Dwarves" msgstr "Ananos" #. [side]: type=Orcish Nightblade, id=Bagork #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:75 msgid "Bagork" msgstr "Bágor" #. [side]: type=Elvish Avenger, id=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:97 msgid "Elandin" msgstr "Elandin" #. [side]: type=Elvish Avenger, id=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:102 msgid "Elves" msgstr "Elfos" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Prok-Bak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:129 msgid "Prok-Bak" msgstr "Proc-Bac" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:208 msgid "" "Hail, dwarves! Will you help us get by these foul orcs? We are headed " "farther north." msgstr "" "Saúdos, ananos! Estariades dispostos a axudarnos a derrotar a estes orcos? " "Imos en dirección norte." #. [message]: speaker=Prok-Bak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:212 msgid "You human! Call us foul, will you?!" msgstr "Pero ti de que vas, humano? Tómasnos por parvos?!" #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:216 msgid "Why should we help you? You’re not a dwarf!" msgstr "" "Non vexo rasón alghunha pola que debamos axudar en nada á vosa espesie." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:220 msgid "" "Your people helped us in the past, in the tunnels in the south. Will you not " "help us now?" msgstr "" "Non moito tempo atrás humanos e ananos axudámonos mutuamente, durante os " "conflitos dos túneles do sur. A que ven agora esa actitude?" #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:224 msgid "Impossible! I canna’ believe any of my kin would ha’ helped a human!" msgstr "Deixa de inventar. Que clase de anano axudaría a un humano?" #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:228 msgid "Indeed. Why should any of us help those not of our people?" msgstr "" "Que clase de humano estúpido pon un pé en terras de elfos sen ser invitado?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:232 msgid "Will you but let us pass, so that we may fight the orcs on our own?" msgstr "" "Non viñemos para tomar as vosas terras, só estamos de paso. Se nin ananos " "nin elfos ides axudarnos a acabar cos orcos que nos bloquean o paso, moi " "ben, acabaremos con eles nós sós." #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:236 msgid "I am afraid that is... impossible." msgstr "«Só estamos de paso», o que hai que oír." #. [message]: speaker=Bagork #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:241 msgid "Orcs, kill’em all! Humans, elves or dwarves, it don’t matter!" msgstr "Orcos, matádeos a todos! Humanos, elfos ou ananos, dá igual!" #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:245 msgid "" "These orcs will die. But so will you, human. You have trespassed on elvish " "land." msgstr "" "Os orcos morrerán, encargarémonos diso. Pero vós, humanos, tamén pagaredes a " "pena capital polo voso delito. Ninguén entra nas terras dos elfos sen ser " "convidado." #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:249 msgid "Oh, elvish land is it now? Die, ye elf-dog! And you too, human!" msgstr "" "Terras dos que? Ímosche ensinar nós de quen son estas terras, elfo do demo! " "E a ti tamén, humano!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:253 msgid "" "These people won’t listen to reason, they are all blinded by their beliefs " "in their own supposed superiority. We probably will have to fight them, " "although we can let them fight each other first." msgstr "" "Non parece que vaian atender a razóns, cégaos a crenza na súa suposta " "superioridade. É probábel que teñamos que loitar contra eles, aínda que " "podemos deixar que se maten os uns aos outros primeiro." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:257 msgid "" "True. As much as I dislike killing anything but orcs and undead, it seems we " "will have to kill these elves, and these dwarves, before they do the same to " "us." msgstr "Se nos atacan, será matar ou morrer." #. [message]: speaker=Bagork #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:268 msgid "I will kill all of you!" msgstr "Vouvos matar a todos!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:283 msgid "Not very likely." msgstr "Non o creo." #. [message]: speaker=Prok-Bak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:294 msgid "I die? Orcs rule all!" msgstr "Mátanme! Orcos, acabade con todos, demostrade quen manda aquí!" #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:312 msgid "It seems these humans are more powerful than I thought. Ugh." msgstr "Os humanos resultaron ser máis fortes do que pensara…" #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:326 msgid "Cursed dwarves! Perhaps we should have allied with the humans..." msgstr "Malditos ananos! Quizais debemos aliarnos cos humanos…" #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:340 msgid "Foul orcs! Perhaps we should have allied with the humans..." msgstr "Noxentos orcos! Quizais debemos aliarnos cos humanos…" #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:354 msgid "It seems yon humans are mightier than I kenned..." msgstr "Parese que os humanos eran máis fortes do que pensara…" #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:368 msgid "Foul orcs! Perhaps we should ha’ allied wi’ the humans..." msgstr "Noxentos orcos! Quisais debemos aliarnos cos humanos…" #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:382 msgid "Cursed elves! Perhaps we should have allied wi’ the humans..." msgstr "Malditos elfos! Quisais debemos aliarnos cos humanos…" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:393 msgid "Let us forge onward toward Lake Vrug." msgstr "" #. [scenario]: id=10_Lake_Vrug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:4 msgid "Lake Vrug" msgstr "O Lago Vrug" #. [side]: type=Lieutenant, id=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:26 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:20 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:20 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:45 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:37 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:20 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:31 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:6 msgid "Gweddry" msgstr "Uedri" #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Darg #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:41 msgid "Darg" msgstr "Darg" #. [side]: type=Gryphon, id=Kraagak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:57 msgid "Kraagak" msgstr "Cragac" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:80 msgid "Defeat the enemy leaders" msgstr "Derrota aos líderes inimigos." # trapela? #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:90 msgid "Move Dacyn to the stronghold" msgstr "Leva a Dasin á fortaleza." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:147 msgid "" "The trail stops soon. We have almost reached Lake Vrug. There is a small " "island off the coast ahead that was once home to a great school of magic. I " "pray that the library is still intact." msgstr "" "O rastro termina alí adiante. Xa case chegamos ao Lago Vrug. Hai unha " "pequena illa, cruzando a costa, na que hai tempo houbo unha gran escola de " "maxia. Espero que a biblioteca siga intacta." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:151 #, fuzzy #| msgid "But what happened to the people living on it?" msgid "But what happened to the people who lived there?" msgstr "Que foi dos habitantes da illa?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:155 msgid "" "Few enough remained before the trolls and gryphons took up residence in the " "mountains. But now the school is deserted, and has been for decades." msgstr "" "Poucos quedaban cando os trolles e os grifóns se estableceron nas montañas. " "Agora, e desde hai décadas, xa non queda ninguén na escola." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:159 msgid "" "Very well, we will take care of the trolls and gryphons. Search the library " "and may you find us an answer. Onward!" msgstr "" "Moi ben, encargarémonos dos trolles e os grifóns. Ti vai á biblioteca, es " "esperemos que atopes unha resposta. Adiante!" # trapela? #. [label] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:164 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Move Dacyn to the stronghold" msgid "The stronghold" msgstr "Leva a Dasin á fortaleza." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:194 msgid "" "The island ahead is mountainous; it would be wise to select troops that do " "well on such terrain." msgstr "" "Trátase dunha illa montañosa. Teno en conta á hora de escoller as tropas, " "non todo o mundo se desenvolve ben nese tipo de terreo." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:218 msgid "This must be the academy Dacyn mentioned." msgstr "Esta debe ser a academia da que falaba Dasin." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:222 msgid "" "It still looks quite defensible. We should be able to hold there while Dacyn " "is working." msgstr "" "Non parece difícil de defender. Deberíamos establecernos nela mentres Dasin " "traballa." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:226 msgid "" "Very well. Let us rally there after the trolls and gryphons are defeated." msgstr "Moi ben. Reunámonos alí en canto acabemos cos trolles e os grifóns." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:242 msgid "You find 100 gold in the fortress!" msgstr "Atopaches 100 moedas de ouro na fortaleza!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:259 msgid "Excellent; I’ll start my research." msgstr "Perfecto, comezarei a investigar." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:289 msgid "Some time later..." msgstr "Un tempo despois…" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:310 msgid "Alright, now we should be safe while Dacyn is researching." msgstr "Moi ben, deberíamos estar a salvo mentres Dasin investiga." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:363 msgid "I have found an answer! We must return to Wesnoth immediately! ..." msgstr "Atopei unha resposta! Debemos regresar ao reino inmediatamente!" #. [unit]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Groog #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:374 msgid "Groog" msgstr "Grug" # O de non facer a contracción, «connosco», é a propósito. #. [message]: speaker=Groog #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:406 msgid "Be not going too fast. You gonna come wid us." msgstr "Non ir tan rápido. Vós vir con nós." #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:4 msgid "Captured" msgstr "O cativerio" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:18 msgid "" "After reaching what they believed was safety, Gweddry and his men had been " "captured by northern orcs." msgstr "" "Despois de chegar onde pensaban que estarían a salvo, Uedri e os seus foron " "capturados polos orcos do norte." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:21 msgid "" "Gweddry, Dacyn and Owaec were promptly taken before the orcish king, Dra-" "Nak, while the rest were thrown into the orcish prisons to await their " "turn..." msgstr "" "Uedri, Dasin e Ouen foron levados axiña ante o rei dos orcos, Dranan, " "mentres que o resto foron levados aos calabozos dos orcos, onde agardarían a " "que lles chegase a súa hora…" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:42 msgid "King Dra-Nak" msgstr "Rei Dranan" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:80 msgid "Prisoners" msgstr "Prisioneiros" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:414 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Several of Gweddry's men find themselves locked away in a crude orcish " #| "cell." msgid "" "Several of Gweddry’s men find themselves locked away in a crude orcish cell." msgstr "" "Varios dos soldados de Uedri atópanse pechados nunha inmunda cela dos orcos." #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 1 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:420 #, fuzzy #| msgid "We've got to get out of here!" msgid "We’ve got to get out of here!" msgstr "Temos que saírmos de aquí!" #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 2 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:425 #, fuzzy #| msgid "I'm sure the commander will come and save us!" msgid "I’m sure the commander will come and save us!" msgstr "Seguro que o comandante ven a salvarnos." #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 1 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:430 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "What? Didn't you see those huge trolls drag them away? It's hopeless!" msgid "What? Didn’t you see those huge trolls drag them away? It’s hopeless!" msgstr "" "O que? Acaso non viches como os trolles os levaban? Non temos escapatoria!" #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:435 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Be quiet, you two! There's something back here..." msgid "Be quiet, you two! There’s something back here..." msgstr "Calade, vós os dous! Aquí atrás hai algo…" #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:442 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Look! There's a gap in the wall over here. I think I can slip through if " #| "I clear away some of these rocks..." msgid "" "Look! There’s a gap in the wall over here. I think I can slip through if I " "clear away some of these rocks..." msgstr "" "Mirade! Hai unha brecha nesta parede. Se aparto estas rochas de aquí seguro " "que caibo…" #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:478 msgid "Come on! This way!" msgstr "Veña! Por aquí!" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:486 msgid "Find Gweddry, Dacyn and Owaec" msgstr "Atopa a Uedri, Dasin e Ouen." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:490 msgid "Release the other prisoners" msgstr "Libera o resto dos prisioneiros." #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:494 msgid "Death of the escapees" msgstr "Morte dos fuxitivos." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:511 #, fuzzy #| msgid "The door won't open from this side." msgid "The door won’t open from this side." msgstr "A porta non dá aberto." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:529 #, fuzzy #| msgid "There's strange noises coming from those pits. I don't like this." msgid "There’s strange noises coming from those pits. I don’t like this." msgstr "" "Escóitanse sons estraños por eses furados. Isto non che me vos gusta nada…" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:540 msgid "Neep! Neep!" msgstr "Nip! Nip!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:571 msgid "Ack! Get away from me!" msgstr "Agh! Quítateme de aquí! Fóra!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:586 #, fuzzy #| msgid "This tunnel seems to go deeper into the caves. We can't go that way." msgid "This tunnel seems to go deeper into the caves. We can’t go that way." msgstr "" "Este túnel parece continuar descendendo polas covas. Non podemos seguilo." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:601 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "There's a pile of orcish gear and trash here. The stench is wretched." msgid "There’s a pile of orcish gear and trash here. The stench is wretched." msgstr "Aquí hai unha morea de trebellos e lixo dos orcos. E mi ma como fede…" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:627 msgid "" "The other prison cells should be to the north of that chamber. If we can get " "past those trolls we could free our comrades." msgstr "" "O resto de celas dos calabozos deberían estar ao norte desa cámara. Pero " "para liberar aos nosos camaradas antes temos que encargarnos deses trolles." #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:635 #, fuzzy #| msgid "But there's too many of them!" msgid "But there’s too many of them!" msgstr "Pero son demasiados!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:640 msgid "Hmm... I have an idea." msgstr "Hmm… Teño unha idea." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:655 msgid "After a while..." msgstr "Un tempo despois…" #. [message]: id=$unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:686 msgid "So, how do I look?" msgstr "Que? Que tal estou?" #. [message]: id=$unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:691 #, fuzzy #| msgid "I'll try to slip past the trolls. You wait here." msgid "I’ll try to slip past the trolls. You wait here." msgstr "Vou intentar pasar sen que se decaten. Agardade aquí por min." #. [message]: speaker=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:728 msgid "Ha-ha! These humans will make excellent slaves in my mines!" msgstr "Hahá! Estes humanos serán excelente man de obra para as minas!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:733 msgid "" "Opening the cells should confuse the guards for a moment. But I better not " "get too close to them..." msgstr "" "Se abro as celas debería poder crear confusión entre os gardas uns intres. " "Pero será mellor que non me achegue demasiado a eles…" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:821 msgid "Eh?" msgstr "Eh?" #. [message]: speaker=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:833 msgid "Hey! Who are you? Get her!" msgstr "Ei! Quen es ti? Collédea!" #. [message]: speaker=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:840 msgid "Hey! Who are you? Get him!" msgstr "Ei! Quen es ti? Collédeo!" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:847 msgid "Uh oh!" msgstr "Oh oh…" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:884 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Here's one of the prison cells! Let me open it..." msgid "Here’s one of the prison cells! Let me open it..." msgstr "Atopei unha das celas! A ver que a abra…" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:954 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Finally, we're rescued!" msgid "Finally, we’re rescued!" msgstr "Por fin libres!" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:987 msgid "At last!" msgstr "Por fin!" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1020 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Now let's get out of here!" msgid "Now let’s get out of here!" msgstr "Agora saiamos de aquí!" #. [message]: speaker=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1044 #, fuzzy #| msgid "What? Who's there? Get them!" msgid "What? Who’s there? Get them!" msgstr "Pero que… Quen anda aí? Collédeos!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1082 msgid "The guards are distracted! Now is the time to escape!" msgstr "Os gardas están distraídos, aproveitemos para escapar!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1087 msgid "" "The eastern entrance is teeming with orcs. We have to find another way to " "exit to the west!" msgstr "" "A entrada oriental está ateigada de orcos. Temos que atopar outra forma de " "saír pola parte occidental." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1099 msgid "" "We have to get our gold back first! It must have been taken to their " "treasury." msgstr "" "Antes temos que recuperar o noso ouro! Debérono levar á súa tesouraría." # trapela? #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1113 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Move Gweddry to the south-west exit" msgid "Move Gweddry to the western exit" msgstr "Leva a Uedri á saída suroeste." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1117 msgid "Retrieve the stolen gold" msgstr "Recupera o ouro roubado." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1128 msgid "Release the remaining prisoners" msgstr "Libera o resto dos prisioneiros." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1216 msgid "" "They have reinforcements pouring in from the eastern entrance! We have to " "get out of here quickly!" msgstr "" "Chegáronlles reforzos pola entrada oriental! Temos que saírmos de aquí de " "seguida!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1274 msgid "All the gold the orcs took is in this chest!" msgstr "Neste cofre gardaron todo o ouro que roubaron!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1285 #, fuzzy #| msgid "You've regained $stored_player_gold gold!" msgid "You’ve regained $stored_player_gold gold!" msgstr "Recuperaches $stored_player_gold moedas de ouro!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1320 msgid "Phew! I made it." msgstr "Menos mal, conseguímolo." #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1328 msgid "Where are you going?! Come back!" msgstr "Onde vas? Volve!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1345 msgid "Good! We have escaped these accursed caves!" msgstr "Por fin escapamos desas malditas covas!" #. [scenario]: id=12_Evacuation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:4 msgid "Evacuation" msgstr "A evacuación" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:17 msgid "" "Gweddry and his men had escaped from the orcish prisons, but after returning " "to the daylight they soon found themselves surrounded by a host of orcs." msgstr "" "Uedri e os seus conseguiran fuxir das prisións dos orcos, pero tras volver á " "superficie, de seguida se viron rodeados por unha horda de orcos." #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Varrak-Klar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:40 msgid "Varrak-Klar" msgstr "Barraclar" #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Unhk #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:63 msgid "Unhk" msgstr "Unc" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ran-Lar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:84 msgid "Ran-Lar" msgstr "Ran-Lar" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:150 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Destroy the bridge OR defeat all enemies" msgid "Destroy the bridge" msgstr "Destrúe a ponte ou derrota a todos os inimigos." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:175 msgid "" "Every unit not south of the bridge when it is destroyed will be lost " "(including non-recalled units)" msgstr "" "Perderanse todas as unidades que non estean na beira sur do río cando se " "destrúa a ponte (incluídas as unidades non reincorporadas)." #. [unit]: id=Engineer, type=Red Mage #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:185 msgid "Engineer" msgstr "Enxeñeiro" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:201 msgid "" "We have to get out of the Northlands as quickly as possible! Run for your — " "what the...?! Who are you?" msgstr "" "Temos que saír das Terras Nórdicas o antes posíbel! Correde polas vosas... " "quen cara...?! E ti quen es?" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #. This is thickly accented English. In unaccented English, it would read: #. "I'm an engineer. I expect you'll have a need of my services. I bet you're going to want me to blow up that bridge over there." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:207 msgid "" "I’m an enginea’. I s’pect you’ll have a need of me services. I bet you’re " "gonna want me to blow up that bridge ov’r theah." msgstr "" "Son un enxeñeiro, e sospeito que ides precisar dos meus servizos. Por " "exemplo, teño o que fai falla para derrubar a ponte que cruza o río por este " "tramo." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:211 msgid "Why would we want to do that?!" msgstr "E para que imos querer derrubar a ponte?!" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:215 msgid "" "Well, I see those orcs are chasin’ you, and if I blow up the bridge, they " "can’t get across. It’ll help you to escape." msgstr "" "Porque polo que vin os orcos andan a perseguirvos, e se derrubo a ponte, non " "poderán cruzala. Así poderedes fuxir." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:219 msgid "I see... I think it is a good idea to hire him. How much?" msgstr "Hm... creo que deberíamos contratalo. Canto pides por tirar a ponte?" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #. "I'm not charging gold — I want protection! Everywhere I go, I see orcs, undead. It isn't safe around here!" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:224 msgid "" "I ain’t charging gold — I wants protecshun! Everywhere I go, I see orcs, " "undead. ’T’ain’t safe ’round ’ere!" msgstr "" "O que quero é protección! Alí onde vou atopo orcos ou non mortos. Estas " "terras non son seguras para min." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:228 msgid "" "Very well, we’ll protect you from the undead. But we can’t help you until we " "get off this island. Now let’s go!" msgstr "" "Moi ben, protexerémoste dos non mortos. Pero non podemos axudarte ata que " "saiamos desta illa. Vamos!" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #. "Deal. I can blow her [it] up once I get to that signpost over there. That's where my equipment is. But everyone not over there on that side when it blows will be killed by the orcs for sure!" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:233 msgid "" "Deal. I c’n blow’er up once I get to that signpost ov’r dere. That’s where " "my eq’pment is. But ev’ryone not ov’r theah on that side when it blows w’ll " "be killed by the orcs fa’ sure!" msgstr "" "Hai trato entón. Poderei derrubala unha vez que chegue ao sinal da beira " "sur. Alí é onde teño o equipo. Pero todos os que non estean na outra beira " "cando a derrubemos, quedarán á mercede dos orcos." #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #. "So, do you want me to blow up the bridge yet, Captain?" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:251 msgid "So, d’ya want me to blow up der bridge yet, Cap’n?" msgstr "Derrubo a ponte, capitán?" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:257 msgid "Yes, blow it up." msgstr "Fai que voe polos aires!" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #. "All right! Blasting time!" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:262 msgid "All right! Blast’n time!" msgstr "Perfecto! Levo tempo querendo facer isto." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:275 msgid "BOOM!!" msgstr "BUM!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:314 msgid "" "Good, we have escaped from the orcs. Now we must return to save Wesnoth." msgstr "Conseguimos escapar dos orcos. Agora debemos volver e salvar o reino." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:326 msgid "No, wait until later." msgstr "Non, agarda un pouco." #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #. "No? All right then, we'll wait for later, eh?" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:331 msgid "Neh? A’right then, we’ll wait fa’ later, eh?" msgstr "Non? Como queiras, pero que sexa para hoxe." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:344 msgid "We have not thrown down the bridge in time! The orcs will kill us all!" msgstr "Non botamos abaixo a ponte a tempo, os orcos vannos matar a todos!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:352 msgid "" "Well, we didn’t have to blow up the bridge after all. Now we must return to " "save Wesnoth." msgstr "" "Ben, ao final non tivemos que derrubar a ponte. Agora debemos volver e " "salvar o reino." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:366 msgid "How do you propose to do that?" msgstr "E como propós que o fagamos?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:371 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We head south. My research revealed that the dragon Khrakrahs is in " #| "possession of a Null Stone; with it I will be able to block Mal-Ravanal’s " #| "teleportation. Once we have retrieved the stone, we must travel to " #| "Weldyn. Our experience fighting the undead will prove invaluable in the " #| "defense of our homeland. Also, I have advice to give the king: I know Mal-" #| "Ravanal’s weakness." msgid "" "We head south. My research revealed that the dragon Khrakrahs is in " "possession of a Null Stone; with it I will be able to block Mal-Ravanal’s " "teleportation. Once we have retrieved the stone, we must travel to Weldyn. " "Our experience fighting the undead will prove invaluable in the defense of " "our homeland. Also, I have advice to give the King: I know Mal-Ravanal’s " "weakness." msgstr "" "Debemos dirixirnos ao sur. As miñas pescudas revelaron que o dragón Cracras " "ten no seu poder unha «pedra de invalidez»; con ela poderei bloquear o poder " "de teleportación de Mal-Ravanal. Unha vez nos fagamos coa pedra, debemos " "poñer rumbo a Güedin. Debemos contribuír á defensa do reino coa nosa " "experiencia na loita contra os non mortos. Ademais, teño que aconsellar ao " "rei; coñezo a debilidade de Mal-Ravanal." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:375 msgid "" "Very well, we will head south. Let us hope we reach Weldyn before Mal-" "Ravanal." msgstr "Ao sur entón. A ver se dámos chegado a Güedin antes que Mal-Ravanal." #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #. "I'll be following you from now on. I hope you can get to Weldyn and all so I can stop running..." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:380 msgid "" "I’ll be followin’ yah from now on. Hope yah can get to Weld’n an’ all so I " "c’n stop runnin’..." msgstr "" "Eu unireime a vós na viaxe. Se de casualidade paramos por Güedin, teño casa " "alí." #. [scenario]: id=13_The_Drowned_Plains #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:4 msgid "The Drowned Plains" msgstr "As chairas asolagadas" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:55 msgid "Defeat Khrakrahs" msgstr "Derrota a Cracras." #. [unit]: type=Skeletal Dragon, id=Khrakrahs #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:82 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:318 msgid "Khrakrahs" msgstr "Cracras" #. [object] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:105 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:391 msgid "Null Stone" msgstr "Pedra de invalidez" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:300 msgid "" "Now, we have reached the Horse Plains, the fair homeland of my people. They " "may be able to help us find—" msgstr "" "Chegamos ás chairas dos cabalos, as terras do meu pobo. Ao mellor nos poden " "axudar a atopar…" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:304 msgid "" "What?! Swamps?! Those undead have destroyed the grasslands of my House, and " "they shall pay for it!" msgstr "" "Que demo é isto?! Brañas?! Eses non mortos destruíron os prados onde me " "criei… Hanmas pagar! Eses condenados hanmas pagar todas xuntas!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:308 msgid "" "The lich-lord must have flooded the valley. The undead like the swamp. It is " "death, decay, everything that they are themselves. I can sense them lurking " "in the swamps, waiting to ambush us." msgstr "" "O señor liche debeu asolagar o val. Aos non mortos gústanlles os lameiros, " "cheos de morte, podremia, todo aquilo co que se identifican. Podo sentilos, " "asexando entre as brañas, agardando para emboscarnos." #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:312 msgid "I s’ppose we’ll hav’ to wade across it anyway... ugh." msgstr "Supoño que non nos queda outra que atravesar o lameiro. Que noxo…" # Probade a pornuncialo. Encántame esta tradución. E non é miña. Pero non a toco. #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:320 msgid "Findshhhh... slayhhhh... killhhhh..." msgstr "Buscádeoshhhh… asasinádeoshhhh… matádeoshhhh…" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:324 msgid "What was that?!" msgstr "Que foi iso?!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:328 msgid "" "That was the dragon Khrakrahs. He was a powerful beast indeed in the time of " "Haldric, living in the Northern Mountains. But he radiates a dark power " "these days, and I know not why he has taken up residence this far south. We " "must find him, and pray that he still has the Null Stone." msgstr "" "«Iso» é o dragón Cracras. Nos tempos de Haldric era unha poderosa besta que " "habitaba as montañas nórdicas. Pero estes días irradia un poder escuro, e " "descoñezo que o levou a establecerse tan ao sur. Debemos atopalo, e confiar " "en que aínda conserve a pedra de invalidez." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:367 msgid "" "Ah! It appears that the mighty Khrakrahs is no longer among the living. But " "this undead abomination does not appear weak to my arcane powers... he must " "still have the Null Stone!" msgstr "" "Ah! Parece que o poderoso Cracras xa non está entre os vivos. Pero esta " "abominación non morta non parece ser vulnerábel aos meus poderes arcanos… " "Aínda ten a pedra, non hai outra explicación!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:385 msgid "The Null Stone! With it we may finally defeat Mal-Ravanal!" msgstr "" "A pedra de invalidez! Con ela por fin temos unha oportunidade de derrotar a " "Mal-Ravanal!" #. [scenario]: id=14_Approaching_Weldyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:4 msgid "Approaching Weldyn" msgstr "Ás portas de Güedin" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Darak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:50 msgid "Mal-un-Darak" msgstr "Mal-un-Darac" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Zanrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:70 msgid "Mal-un-Zanrad" msgstr "Mal-un-Zanrad" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Xadrux #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:89 msgid "Mal-un-Xadrux" msgstr "Mal-un-Xadrux" #. [side]: type=General, id=Konrad II #. [unit]: id=Konrad, type=General #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:108 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:58 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:213 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:44 msgid "Konrad II" msgstr "Conrad II" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:131 msgid "Move Gweddry to Weldyn castle" msgstr "Leva a Uedri ao castelo de Güedin." #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:147 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:182 msgid "Death of Konrad II" msgstr "Morte de Conrad II." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:185 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We have finally reached Weldyn, but it seems the undead have it " #| "surrounded. We must break through to reach the king!" msgid "" "We have finally reached Weldyn, but it seems the undead have it surrounded. " "We must break through to reach the King!" msgstr "" "Por fin chegamos a Güedin, pero parece que os non mortos a teñen rodeada. " "Debemos atravesalos para chegar onda o rei!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:189 msgid "" "It would be best not to waste time defeating these undead, they are but a " "small fraction of the host we face. We should go straight to the city and " "prepare our defenses." msgstr "" "Será mellor non perder tempo derrotando a estes non mortos, non son máis que " "unha fracción da horda á que nos enfrontamos. Deberíamos ir directamente á " "cidade e preparar as defensas." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:202 msgid "My liege, we have vital information about the leader of these undead." msgstr "" "Señor, portamos información de vital importancia sobre o líder destes non " "mortos." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:206 msgid "Come, into the castle." msgstr "Vinde, entrade no castelo." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:222 msgid "Weldyn has been captured, and Wesnoth is no more..." msgstr "Güedin foi capturada, e así foi como o caeu o Reino do Noroeste…" #. [scenario]: id=15_The_Council #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:4 msgid "The Council" msgstr "O consello" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:19 msgid "" "Before we begin our council, I must tell you all the history of this lich we " "face. He was at first a mage of the realm, like me, and his fall began " "during the reign of Haldric VII..." msgstr "" "Antes de comezar, debo compartir convosco a historia do liche ao que nos " "enfrontamos. Outrora foi un mago do reino, coma min, pero durante o reinado " "de Haldric VII, a escuridade comezou a apoderarse del…" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:23 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The greatest seer in the land, Galdren, foresaw that some day, some day " #| "soon, a great evil would spread over the land. The king, naturally, was " #| "worried. The seer told him that the only way to stop the evil was to " #| "appoint a mage, versed well in combat with the spirits of darkness, to be " #| "the king’s advisor." msgid "" "The greatest seer in the land, Galdren, foresaw that some day, some day " "soon, a great evil would spread over the land. The King, naturally, was " "worried. The seer told him that the only way to stop the evil was to appoint " "a mage, versed well in combat with the spirits of darkness, to be the king’s " "advisor." msgstr "" "O vidente máis grande xamais coñecido, Galdren, previu que algún día, nun " "futuro próximo, unha gran maldade se espallaría polo mundo. O rei, " "preocupado pola visión, consultou ao vidente, quen lle dixo que o único " "xeito de deter a maldade era nomear un mago, ben versado no combate contra " "os espíritos da escuridade, para que fose conselleiro do rei." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:26 msgid "" "In all the land, there were two magi that clearly stood out from the rest. A " "mage from the east named Ravan, and myself. The King, wishing to choose the " "best advisor, sent us both before Galdren. Then he conversed with the seer " "privately. None know what was said, but when he came out he announced that " "the seer was dead, and he had chosen me as his new advisor." msgstr "" "Por aquel entón era de sobra sabido quen eran os magos máis poderosos do " "mundo coñecido. Un deles era Ravan, un mago das terras do leste. O outro era " "eu. Para decidir cal era o mellor para o posto, o rei enviounos ante " "Galdren, e despois reuniuse co vidente en privado. Ninguén sabe o que " "ocorreu na sala do rei ese día, pero cando a súa maxestade saíu, anunciou " "que o vidente morrera, e que eu sería o seu novo conselleiro." # «das sombras» sóame mellor que «da morte». #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:29 msgid "" "Ravan took this quietly enough, we all thought, but now I think that this " "was when he began his fall. He went deep into conversation with the spirits " "of darkness, hoping to discover their weaknesses. But it was they who found " "his." msgstr "" "Por aquel entón, todos pensabamos que Ravan se tomara bastante ben o tema. " "Pero agora creo que foi a raíz de aquilo que empezou a ceder ante a " "escuridade.Afondou en conversas cos espíritos da escuridade, coa esperanza " "de descubrir as súas debilidades. Pero foron eles os que atoparon as súas." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:32 msgid "" "One day, Ravan returned to the castle where I was living. He demanded to see " "me and the guards let him in, for then he was still a well-respected mage. " "When I greeted him, he named himself Mal-Ravanal and challenged me to a duel." msgstr "" "Un día, Ravan volveu aquí ao castelo, onde eu vivía por aquel entón. Esixiu " "verme, e os gardas deixárono entrar, pois por aquel entón aínda era un mago " "respectábel. Cando saín ao seu encontro, presentouse como «Mal-Ravanal», e " "retoume a un duelo." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:35 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "His attack was swift and his power great, but through unwavering faith " #| "and no small skill I emerged victorious. As he lie there mortally wounded " #| "I prepared to excise the darkness in his soul." msgid "" "His attack was swift and his power great, but through unwavering faith and " "no small skill I emerged victorious. As he lay there mortally wounded I " "prepared to excise the darkness in his soul." msgstr "" "Os seus ataques eran áxiles, e o seu poder grande, pero grazas á miña " "inquebrantábel fe e as miñas habilidades, conseguín saír vitorioso. Mentres " "el xacía no chan, ferido de morte, prepareime para eliminar a escuridade da " "súa alma." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:38 msgid "" "But I hesitated too long... He simply vanished, teleported away. The mage " "Ravan died that day; yet death is a mere inconvenience to those most skilled " "in the arts of necromancy..." msgstr "" "Pero vacilei… Vacilei un momento, e desapareceu, teleportouse. Aquel día, " "Ravan morreu; pero a morte non é máis que unha incomodidade para os mestres " "da arte da nigromancia…" #. [side]: type=Great Mage, id=Kaldor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:72 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:58 msgid "Kaldor" msgstr "Caldor" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:102 msgid "This is the lich we are facing: Mal-Ravanal." msgstr "«Mal-Ravanal» é o liche ao que nos enfrontamos." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:106 msgid "So what should we do now?" msgstr "E agora que facemos?" #. [message]: speaker=Kaldor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:110 msgid "" "We must fight, obviously. Surely the might of Wesnoth can triumph over a " "mere lich!" msgstr "" "Obviamente debemos loitar. Ningún liche pode facerlle fronte ao poder do " "Noroeste!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:114 msgid "" "I can tell by your words that you have not seen the hordes for yourself. It " "is like all of the dead warriors from all the ages have come back to attack " "us. There is no end to the columns of marching skeletons, the wailing " "ghosts, the infernal bats, led by the foul necromancers who raised them." msgstr "" "Ti non viches os seus exércitos. É coma se todos os guerreiros que morreron " "desde o principio dos tempos regresasen para atacarnos. Hai columnas sen fin " "de esqueletos andantes, pantasmas errantes e morcegos infernais, todos " "guiados polos noxentos nigromantes que os convocaron." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:118 msgid "" "We barely escaped the Southern Outpost with our lives; Mal-Ravanal’s army " "cannot be defeated by even the might of all Wesnoth." msgstr "" "A duras penas conseguimos escapar do posto de avanzada do sur; nin todo o " "poder do reino abondaría para derrotar ao exército de Mal-Ravanal." #. [message]: speaker=Kaldor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:122 msgid "" "That simply makes you cowards. True warriors would have stayed and fought to " "the death!" msgstr "" "Non sodes máis que uns covardes! Un verdadeiro guerreiro quedaría e loitaría " "ata o final!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:126 msgid "" "A meaningless sacrifice and a few more corpses marching upon Weldyn. We " "realized our only path to victory is to destroy the head of these " "necromancers, the lich Mal-Ravanal. With this Null Stone I can counteract " "his teleportation and finally put his tortured soul to rest." msgstr "" "Nun sacrificio sen sentido que só conseguiría entregarlle ao inimigo máis " "cadáveres cos que marchar sobre Güedin. Decatámonos de que a única forma de " "conseguirmos a vitoria é derrotar ao líder destes nigromantes, o liche Mal-" "Ravanal. Con esta pedra de invalidez podo contrarrestar o seu poder de " "teleportación, e concederlle á súa alma torturada o descanso eterno." #. [message]: speaker=Kaldor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:130 msgid "But if we cannot defeat the army, how may we strike at the leader?!" msgstr "" "Pero se non podemos derrotar ao exército, como imos acabar co seu líder?!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:134 msgid "" "I recommend a full assault. Our mounted units are more maneuverable; if we " "attack in force we may be able to punch through the enemy lines and isolate " "Mal-Ravanal in the chaos of battle." msgstr "" "A miña recomendación é un asalto total. As nosas unidades a cabalo son " "rápidas; se atacamos todos á vez poida que consigamos atravesar as liñas " "inimigas e illar a Mal-Ravanal no caos da batalla." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:138 msgid "" "I suggest that we appeal to his arrogance: I believe Mal-Ravanal would be " "compelled to face me if I were to challenge him to a duel." msgstr "" "Suxiro que apelemos á súa arrogancia. Creo que Mal-Ravanal se sentiría " "obrigado a enfrontarse a min se o reto a un duelo." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:142 msgid "" "We cannot trust that he would honor the terms of the challenge! You would " "likely find yourself facing his entire army!" msgstr "" "Non podemos confiar en que faga honor ás regras do duelo! O máis seguro é " "que acabes loitando ti só contra todo o seu exército!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:146 msgid "" "We face his entire army regardless. The only difference is whether Mal-" "Ravanal is commanding in back or gloating in front." msgstr "" "Imos ter que enfrontarnos a ese exército de todas todas. O único que cambia " "é que Mal-Ravanal pasaría a estar en primeira liña en vez de dar ordes desde " "a retagarda." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:150 msgid "" "Two risky plans. But if these undead are as strong as you say then we are " "pressed for options. Gweddry, you are most familiar with this situation. I " "will leave this choice in your hands." msgstr "" "Ambos os dous plans son arriscados. Pero se os non mortos son tan fortes " "como dicides, temos que tomar unha decisión xa. Uedri, ti estás máis " "familiarizado con esta situación. Deixo nas túas mans a decisión." #. [message]: speaker=guard #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:167 msgid "Sire, the undead armies are attacking!" msgstr "Señor, os exércitos de non mortos están atacando!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:171 msgid "Well, that will have to be the end of our council. Let us fight!" msgstr "Hora de pór fin ao consello, entón. Ás armas!" #. [scenario]: id=16_Weldyn_under_Attack #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:4 msgid "Weldyn under Attack" msgstr "O ataque sobre Güedin" #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:51 msgid "Halrad" msgstr "Halrad" #. [side]: type=General, id=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:68 msgid "Halric" msgstr "Halric" #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrod #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:85 msgid "Halrod" msgstr "Halrod" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Grekulak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:103 msgid "Mal-Grekulak" msgstr "Mal-Greculac" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Xakralan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:121 msgid "Mal-Xakralan" msgstr "Mal-Xacralan" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Uknalu #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:139 msgid "Mal-Uknalu" msgstr "Mal-Ucnalu" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:164 msgid "Survive the long night" msgstr "Sobrevive a longa noite." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:237 msgid "" "We will fight soon, my lord. Look, night approaches; and with it the undead " "hordes. I stand ready to defend the kingdom." msgstr "" "O combate non tardará en comezar, señor. O sol agocha polo horizonte, e os " "non mortos prepáranse para atacar. Estou preparado para defender o reino." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:241 msgid "Very well. But this... Mal-Ravanal, that you spoke of, is he here?" msgstr "Esperemos. Pero que hai dese «Mal-Ravanal» do que falastes? Está aquí?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:245 msgid "" "I sense his dark magic prolonging the night, but I do not feel his presence." msgstr "" "Podo sentir a súa maxia escura prolongando a noite, pero non consigo sentir " "a súa presencia." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:249 msgid "" "In any case, the undead are attacking now. Let us show them the might of " "Wesnoth!" msgstr "" "Sexa como for, os non mortos xa están atacando. Mostrémoslles o poder do " "Noroeste!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:260 msgid "I have died, and with me gone the kingdom is lost." msgstr "Morro, e sen min o reino está perdido." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:272 msgid "Look, the sun has finally risen, and the undead are retreating." msgstr "Mirade, por fin saíu o sol, e os non mortos retíranse." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:285 msgid "Even this infernal darkness cannot dim the spirits of our men!" msgstr "" "Nin sequera esta escuridade infernal pode debilitar o espírito dos nosos " "soldados!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:299 msgid "" "This long night is over, and Wesnoth still stands. Yet I do not know how " "many more such nights we can endure." msgstr "" "Rematou a longa noite, e o Reino do Noroeste segue en pé. Pero non sei " "cantas noites máis coma esta poderemos resistir." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:303 msgid "Gweddry, have you made a decision regarding our course of action?" msgstr "Uedri, tomaches xa unha decisión?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:308 msgid "I have. I think we should..." msgstr "Tomei. Creo que deberíamos…" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:310 msgid "challenge Mal-Ravanal to a duel." msgstr "Retar a Mal-Ravanal a un duelo." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:314 msgid "I will send the message at once." msgstr "Enviarei a mensaxe agora mesmo." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:324 msgid "try to isolate Mal-Ravanal in battle." msgstr "Intentar illar a Mal-Ravanal na batalla." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:328 msgid "I will begin preparing our troops." msgstr "Comezarei a preparar as tropas." #. [scenario]: id=17a_The_Duel #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:4 msgid "The Duel" msgstr "O duelo" #. [side]: type=Lich Lord, id=Mal-Ravanal #. [modify_unit]: type=Lich Lord, id=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:33 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:350 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:28 msgid "Mal-Ravanal" msgstr "Mal-Ravanal" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:60 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:189 msgid "Defeat Mal-Ravanal while Dacyn is nearby" msgstr "Derrota a Mal-Ravanal estando Dasin canda el." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:92 msgid "" "I have waited a long time for this day to come. I shall have my revenge, " "Dacyn!" msgstr "Levo moito tempo esperando este día. Por fin me vingarei, Dasin!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:96 msgid "Indeed, it is time to end this." msgstr "Terminemos con isto dunha vez por todas." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:101 msgid "" "The rules of the duel are these:\n" "You may recruit or recall up to 5 units.\n" "At the end of your first turn, your keep will disappear, and you must battle " "with whatever troops you have at that time." msgstr "" "Estas son as regras do duelo:\n" "• Podes recrutar ou reincorporar ata 5 unidades.\n" "• Ao final da primeira quenda, a túa torre desaparecerá, e debes loitar coas " "tropas que teñas nese momento." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:108 msgid "" "When we attack Mal-Ravanal I will need to be nearby with the Null Stone to " "prevent his teleportation. We cannot afford to let him escape." msgstr "" "Cando ataquemos a Mal-Ravanal, necesito estar preto del coa pedra de " "invalidez para evitar que se teleporte. Non podemos permitirnos deixalo " "escapar." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:240 msgid "" "Wait — what just happened? He called more warriors out of the ground! That’s " "not allowed!" msgstr "Eh! Que foi iso? Invocou máis guerreiros do chan! Iso non vale!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:244 msgid "" "Stop talking and fight! The rules say nothing about bringing up warriors " "that were already here." msgstr "" "Menos falar e máis loitar! As regras non din nada de invocar guerreiros que " "xa estaban aquí." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:255 msgid "No! This cannot be the way it was meant to end!" msgstr "Non! Non era así como tiña que acabar!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:269 msgid "Wesnoth, I have failed you..." msgstr "Que será do reino agora…" #. [scenario]: id=17b_Weldyn_Besieged #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:9 msgid "Weldyn Besieged" msgstr "O asedio de Güedin" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich2 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich3 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich4 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich5 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich6 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich7 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich8 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:46 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:65 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:84 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:103 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:122 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:141 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:160 msgid "?" msgstr "?" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:185 msgid "Kill $liches_to_kill liches to reveal Mal-Ravanal" msgstr "Mata $liches_to_kill liches para revelar a Mal-Ravanal." #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:205 msgid "Death of Konrad" msgstr "Morte de Conrad." #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:209 msgid "Letting any enemy unit onto your keep" msgstr "Permitir que unha unidade inimiga acade a túa torre." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:239 msgid "" "I can sense Mal-Ravanal is here somewhere... When we attack him I will need " "to be nearby with the Null Stone to prevent his teleportation. We cannot " "afford to let him escape." msgstr "" "Podo sentir a Mal-Ravanal aquí, en algures… Cando o ataquemos, necesito " "estar canda el coa pedra de invalidez, para evitar que se teleporte. Non " "podemos permitirnos deixalo escapar." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:269 #, fuzzy #| msgid "But how? We don't know which one of them he is." msgid "But how? We don’t know which one of them he is." msgstr "Pero como? Non sabemos cal deles é." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:274 msgid "" "They are channeling some dark magic to hide themselves. We have to kill some " "of them to break the spell." msgstr "" "Están a canalizar algún tipo de maxia negra para ocultarse. Temos que matar " "algúns deles para romper o feitizo." #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:282 msgid "Mal-Hadanak" msgstr "Mal-Hadanac" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:283 msgid "You dare to attack me? Now you will pay!" msgstr "Atréveste a atacarme? Pagarás por semellante atrevemento!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:286 msgid "Mal-Katklagad" msgstr "Mal-Catlagad" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:287 msgid "I will enjoy watching you suffer!" msgstr "Gozarei co teu sufrimento!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:290 msgid "Mal-Xaskanat" msgstr "Mal-Xascanat" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:291 msgid "Death will only be the beginning of your torment!" msgstr "A morte non será máis que o principio do teu tormento!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:294 msgid "Mal-Akranbral" msgstr "Mal-Acranbral" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:295 msgid "You will serve me in death!" msgstr "Servirás ás miñas ordes na morte!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:298 msgid "Mal-Larakan" msgstr "Mal-Laracan" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:299 msgid "Allow me to free you from your wretched existence!" msgstr "Permíteme liberarte da túa desgraciada existencia!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:302 msgid "Mal-Drakanal" msgstr "Mal-Dracanal" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:303 msgid "My master is merely toying with you!" msgstr "O meu mestre non fai máis que xogar convosco!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:385 msgid "I shall destroy you personally!" msgstr "Destruireite en persoa!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:534 msgid "Their spell is broken! There he is!" msgstr "Rompemos o feitizo! Aí o está!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:689 msgid "Kill them all!" msgstr "Matádeos a todos!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:693 msgid "" "They killed the royal family... now, even if we save Weldyn, Wesnoth has " "fallen." msgstr "" "Mataron á familia real… O reino está acabado, de nada servirá xa salvar " "Güedin." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:708 msgid "The Kingdom of Wesnoth dies with me!" msgstr "O Reino do Noroeste morre comigo!" #. [scenario]: id=18_Epilogue #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:4 msgid "Epilogue" msgstr "Epílogo" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:17 msgid "" "When Mal-Ravanal fell his undead army simply collapsed like puppets with " "their strings cut. As the lich’s death-scream echoed in the air, a vast and " "louring column of shadow arose from his corpse like smoke from an unclean " "fire; then it divided fivefold at its height, reaching for the heavens like " "a clutching hand.\n" "\n" "Men let weapons fall from nerveless fingers and horses reared in terror as " "that great dark pall obscured the sun..." msgstr "" "Cando Mal-Ravanal caeu, o seu exército de non mortos colapsouse, coma " "marionetas ás que lles cortaron as cordas. Co chío do liche ao morrer " "resoando no aire, unha enorme columna de sombra emanou do seu cadáver coma o " "fume dunha fogueira. Entón, dividiuse en cinco a medida que ascendía no " "aire, adquirindo a forma dun puño pechado ao chegar ao ceo.\n" "\n" "As armas caían das mans dos soldados, que se vían incapaces de mover os " "dedos, e os cabalos recuaban con terror observando como a gran nube " "escurecía o sol…" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:23 msgid "" "... and then it thinned, and paled, and a breeze from the west dissolved it " "in tatters, and the light of day shone once again undiminished on Weldyn." msgstr "" "…e entón esvaeceuse, e aclarouse, e a brisa do oeste disolveuna na nada, e a " "luz do día volveu brillar sobre Güedin." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:100 msgid "" "It is a great victory we have won here today, vanquishing the arch-lich Mal-" "Ravanal." msgstr "Conseguimos unha gran vitoria, destruíndo ao arquiliche Mal-Ravanal." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:105 msgid "" "So many months of fighting... I feel as though I am awakening from a long " "nightmare." msgstr "Tantos meses de loita… Síntome coma se espertase dun longo pesadelo." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:110 msgid "" "Nor is our work yet complete. Mal-Ravanal’s host has been broken, but in its " "wake chaos and disorder prevail throughout the countryside." msgstr "" "O noso traballo aínda non rematou. Acabouse coa hoste de Mal-Ravanal, pero o " "caos aínda asolaga as terras en todas direccións." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:115 msgid "" "We will be years... perhaps decades... recovering from the ill he has " "wrought." msgstr "" "Necesitaremos anos… pode que décadas… para recuperarmos do mal que nos " "causou." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:125 msgid "" "Even now we should be sending our cavalry to restore order throughout the " "land." msgstr "" "Incluso agora debemos enviar á nosa cabalería para restablecer a orde nas " "terras do reino." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:131 msgid "" "Even now we should be sending our troops to restore order throughout the " "land." msgstr "" "Incluso agora debemos enviar ás nosas tropas para restablecer a orde nas " "terras do reino." # Esta cadea saíume do corazón (cabaleiresco) que teño. :') #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:138 msgid "" "It shall be so. But first, know that you have served Us, and Our Kingdom, " "full well. We are minded to reward you." msgstr "" "Que así sexa. Pero non debemos esquecer que vós os tres fixestes un gran " "servizo, para con nós e para co noso reino. Emporiso seredes recompensados." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:148 msgid "" "Sir Terraent, your service to the crown has been a beacon of light in these " "dark times. We are appointing you to command the River Guard in Estmark." msgstr "" "Señor Terratenente, o seu servizo á coroa foi un faro que nos guiou nestes " "tempos escuros. Queda nomeado para comandar a Garda do Río de Ismar." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:152 msgid "" "It is an honor to serve my kingdom, and I humbly accept your commission." msgstr "É sempre un honor servir ao meu reino, e acepto humildemente o cargo." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:164 msgid "" "Grug, Gweddry has told me of the help you and your tribe provided his men. " "We wish to offer you a new home in the Estmark Hills along with Our thanks." msgstr "" "Grug, Uedri explicoume como ti e maila túa tribo axudou aos seus homes. " "Gustaríanos ofrecervos unhas novas terras nas Lombas de Ismar, así como o " "noso máis sincero agradecemento." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:168 msgid "Grug say new home will make thanks with." msgstr "Esas novas terras son todo o agradecemento que necesitamos." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:175 msgid "" "Dacyn. I would have you remain by Our side, here; as you counseled these two " "in war, so shall you counsel Us in peace and the rebuilding of the Kingdom." msgstr "" "Dasin. Gustaríame que quedases aquí connosco; aconséllanos nos tempos de paz " "e reconstrución, como aconsellaches a estes dous nos tempos de guerra e " "escuridade." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:179 msgid "I am honored, your highness." msgstr "Será un honor, alteza." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:189 msgid "" "Engineer, much of Estmark region stands in ruins. The crown has need of your " "skills to clear the wreckage and organize the reconstruction." msgstr "" "Enxeñeiro, unha gran parte da rexión de Ismar quedou completamente en " "ruínas. A coroa necesita dos teus servizos para limpar os restos e organizar " "a reconstrución." #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:193 msgid "I’ll be glad ta help yah. It’ll be fun to work in peace again." msgstr "" "Será un pracer axudar. Vai estar ben traballar agora que a guerra xa pasou." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:200 msgid "Now as for you..." msgstr "E no que a ti respecta…" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:210 msgid "Sire, we but did our duty." msgstr "Señor, o único que fixemos foi cumprir o noso deber." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:215 msgid "Quite. Now do not interrupt while I am doing mine... Kneel, Owaec." msgstr "" "E de maneira exemplar, debo engadir. Pero non interrompas. Axeónllate, Ouen." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:222 msgid "" "Arise, Owaec, Knight Commander of the King’s Horse. And take as Our first " "command to you your own wish; go from here, secure our borders, and show all " "that the might of Wesnoth will endure." msgstr "" "Érguete, Ouen, Cabaleiro Comandante do Cabalo do Rei. E sexa o teu primeiro " "deber aquilo que tanto desexas; marcha, devolve a seguridade ás nosas " "fronteiras, e móstralle a todos que o poder do Reino do Noroeste perdurará." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:251 msgid "Kneel, Gweddry." msgstr "Axeónllate, Uedri." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:257 msgid "Sire, I but did my duty." msgstr "Señor, non fixen máis que cumprir ordes." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:261 msgid "Quite. Now do not interrupt while I am doing mine... Kneel, Gweddry." msgstr "" "E de maneira exemplar, debo engadir. Pero non interrompas. Axeónllate, Uedri." # Green, beauty... éche o mesmo. (Vale, o admito, simplemente queda mellor). #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:270 msgid "" "And arise, Gweddry, Earl of Estmark. The land for which you shed your blood " "shall be put under your hand to be made green again." msgstr "" "E érguete, Uedri, conde de Ismar. A terra pola que derramaches sangue estará " "baixo o teu mando, para que lle devolvas a súa beleza orixinal." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:275 msgid "" "And so began the Silver Age of Wesnoth, that time known to historians as the " "Reconstruction..." msgstr "" "E foi así como comezou a época prateada do Reino do Noroeste, a que os " "historiadores chamarían a «Reconstrución»." #. [unit_type]: id=Bone Knight, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Bone_Knight.cfg:5 msgid "Bone Knight" msgstr "Cabaleiro de ósos" #. [unit_type]: id=Bone Knight, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Bone_Knight.cfg:27 msgid "" "Once great warriors across the plains, these mounted riders atop their " "skeletal horses were raised from the ground by unholy magic to spread fear " "and destruction." msgstr "" "Outrora grandes guerreiros das chairas, a maxia impía devolveu estes " "cabaleiros ao mundo dos vivos montados sobre os seus cabalos esqueléticos " "para levar medo e destrución alá onde foren." #. [attack]: type=impact #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Bone_Knight.cfg:42 msgid "trample" msgstr "choque" # Horse Lord=señor dos cabalos FIXADO #. [unit_type]: id=Horse Lord, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Horse_Lord.cfg:4 msgid "Horse Lord" msgstr "Señor dos cabalos" #. [unit_type]: id=Horse Lord, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Horse_Lord.cfg:19 msgid "" "The greatest of the men of the plains, Horse Lords are heads of their houses " "and are respected by all, friend or foe. Their sword can kill most ordinary " "enemies, and their morning star crushes those who are left." msgstr "" "Os máis grandes do homes das chairas, os señores dos cabalos, son os xefes " "das súas terras e son respectados por todos, xa sexan amigos ou inimigos. As " "súas espadas poden matar á maioría dos inimigos correntes, e o seu mallo " "esmagar ao resto." #. [unit_type]: id=Lich Lord #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Lich_Lord.cfg:7 msgid "Lich Lord" msgstr "Señor Liche" # Mounted Fighter=Loitador Montado FIXADO #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Fighter, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Fighter.cfg:4 msgid "Mounted Fighter" msgstr "Loitador montado" #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Fighter, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Fighter.cfg:18 msgid "" "The nobles of the men of the plains are trained with the rest of the " "horsemen to become great warriors. However, they are also trained in " "commanding their comrades, and they are the ones that become captains of the " "armies of the Clans." msgstr "" "Os nobres dos homes das chairas adestran co resto dos homes a cabalo para " "chegar ser grandes guerreiros. Porén, tamén adestran para comandar aos seus " "camaradas, e son os únicos que chegan ser capitáns dos exércitos dos clans." # Mounted Warrior=Guerreiro Montado FIXADO #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Warrior, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Warrior.cfg:4 msgid "Mounted Warrior" msgstr "Guerreiro montado" #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Warrior, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Warrior.cfg:18 msgid "" "Leaders of the plains, Mounted Warriors are skilled with the use of the " "sword and the morning star. Riding horses, they are able to move around the " "battlefield with great speed, and can provide much needed assistance to " "different fronts." msgstr "" "Líderes das chairas, os guerreiros montados están afeitos a usar a espada e " "a maza. A cabalo son capaces de moverse polo campo de batalla con gran " "velocidade, e poden resultar de gran axuda en diferentes frontes." #. [unit_type]: id=Skeleton Rider, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Skeleton_Rider.cfg:5 msgid "Skeleton Rider" msgstr "Esqueleto xinete" #. [unit_type]: id=Skeleton Rider, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Skeleton_Rider.cfg:33 msgid "" "Once great warriors thundering across the plains, these mounted riders atop " "their skeletal horses were raised from the grave by unholy magic to spread " "fear and destruction." msgstr "" "Outrora grandes guerreiros que resoaban nas chairas, a maxia impía devolveu " "estes cabaleiros ao mundo dos vivos montados sobre os seus cabalos " "esqueléticos para levar medo e destrución alá onde foren." #. [attacks]: id=shock #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:8 msgid "shock" msgstr "atordar" #. [attacks]: id=shock #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:9 msgid "" "When this attack is used on offense, the opponent will retaliate with one " "less strike than normally, to a minimum of one strike." msgstr "" "Cando se emprega este ataque na ofensiva, o contrincante contará cunha " "oportunidade de ataque menos durante o contraataque, sen reducirse nunca, " "iso si, por debaixo dunha oportunidade." #. [attacks]: id=shock #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:10 msgid "" "This unit’s melee attack can overwhelm the defenses of enemies, preventing " "them from retaliating as effectively." msgstr "" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:15 msgid "Dacyn" msgstr "Dasin" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:12 msgid "No! I... die..." msgstr "Non! Mo… morro…" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:30 msgid "We are doomed..." msgstr "Estamos condenados…" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:48 msgid "I... must— Argh...!" msgstr "De… debo… argh." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:66 msgid "Grarrgghh..." msgstr "Grarrgg…" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:80 msgid "Wha’? Yah fail’d to give me protecshun..." msgstr "Por que? Por que non me protexestes como prometestes?" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:92 msgid "" "It was perhaps as well for the men of Gweddry’s troop that they did not live " "to see the grim tide of undead sweeping westward into Wesnoth, laying waste " "to all in its path." msgstr "" "Quizais foi o mellor para os homes de Uedri non vivir para ver a " "desalentadora masa de non mortos varrer o Reino do Noroeste dunha a outra " "punta, arrasando con todo ao seu paso." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:104 msgid "" "Wesnoth never learned the fate of Gweddry’s band, but all too soon they " "would suffer the rage and malice of marauding orcs and undead in a war that " "would end only in misery and death." msgstr "" "No Reino do Noroeste nunca se soubo do que fora de Uedri e os seus, pero non " "tardaron en sufrir a ira e a maldade dos orcos e os non mortos das " "fronteiras, nunha guerra que non supuxo máis que morte e miseria." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:116 msgid "" "Their home country proved to be no refuge for Gweddry’s weary men, and no " "more would it for the inhabitants of Wesnoth as foes pressed them on all " "sides to a final defense of the doomed kingdom." msgstr "" "O seu país natal demostrou non ser refuxio para os cansos homes de Uedri, " "nin tampouco o sería para o resto dos habitantes do Noroeste, a quen o " "inimigo obrigou a defender o seu reino por última vez, un reino condenado." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:128 msgid "" "With the staunchest defenders of Wesnoth bested on their home ground, the " "once-great kingdom was plunged into final darkness under the vengeful hand " "of Mal-Ravanal." msgstr "" "Cos defensores máis entregados do Noroeste vencidos nas súas propias terras, " "o outrora gran reino quedou sumido na escuridade nas vingativas mans de Mal-" "Ravanal." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:16 msgid "Your evil will darken the earth no longer!" msgstr "O teu mal non volverá escurecer a terra!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:31 msgid "I shall avenge the death of my comrades!" msgstr "Vingarei a morte dos meus camaradas!" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:46 msgid "I’m gonna blow you up!" msgstr "Voute facer voar polos aires!" #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:61 msgid "Grug again dead make!" msgstr "Grug volver morte facer!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:76 msgid "Taste the steel of the Horse Clans!" msgstr "Proba o aceiro dos clans dos cabalos!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:91 msgid "This is for Wesnoth!" msgstr "Isto é polo Noroeste!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:103 msgid "" "You are more powerful than I expected, but you cannot possibly defeat me." msgstr "" "Es máis poderoso do que esperaba, pero non tes ningunha posibilidade contra " "min." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:131 msgid "No. Your reign of terror ends today." msgstr "Non. O teu reino de terror remata hoxe." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:136 msgid "What?!... I... cannot... lose..." msgstr "Como?! Non… podo… perder…" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:184 msgid "I wasn’t able to prevent his escape from here. Now Wesnoth is doomed..." msgstr "Non puiden evitar que escapase. O Reino do Noroeste está perdido…" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/macros.cfg:62 msgid "" "Wearing this amulet will cause every blow you deal to inflict arcane " "damage!" msgstr "" "Levar este amuleto fará que os golpes inflixan dano de tipo arcano!" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/macros.cfg:63 msgid "holy amulet^Take it" msgstr "Collelo." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/macros.cfg:64 msgid "holy amulet^Leave it" msgstr "Deixalo." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/macros.cfg:65 msgid "I am not suited to using this item! Let another take it." msgstr "Non sei como usar esta cousa, que a colla outro." #. [object] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/macros.cfg:67 msgid "Holy Amulet" msgstr "Amuleto sagrado" #~ msgid "Creatures from the deep, I summon thee to destroy this foe!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Criaturas das profundidades, invócovos para destruírdes este inimigo!" #~ msgid "Easy" #~ msgstr "Fácil" #~ msgid "Gweddry reaches the western exit" #~ msgstr "Que Uedri chegue á saída occidental." #~ msgid "Very well. The best of luck in your battle." #~ msgstr "Como queirades. Espero que teñades sorte contra eles." #~ msgid "axe" #~ msgstr "machado" # greatsword=espada grande FIXADO #~ msgid "greatsword" #~ msgstr "espada grande" #~ msgid "morning star" #~ msgstr "maza" # sword=espada FIXADO #~ msgid "sword" #~ msgstr "espada" #~ msgid "I summon from the depths of the river beasts to destroy you!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bestas das profundidades do río, acudide ao meu chamado, e destruíde aos " #~ "humanos!" #~ msgid "Argh! I’m dead! Well, dwarves are still the best!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Poderedes acabar comigho, pero os meus irmáns vingharanme. Os ananos " #~ "dominaremos o mundo!" #~ msgid "" #~ "There is a great fortune in this chest of treasure! I can count two " #~ "hundred pieces of gold." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Neste cofre do tesouro hai unha fortuna! Debe haber unhas duascentas " #~ "moedas de ouro." #~ msgid "You may now recruit young ogres!" #~ msgstr "A partir de agora poderás recrutar ogros xoves!" #~ msgid "" #~ "While his captors awaited the arrival of orcish king Dra-Nak, Gweddry " #~ "plotted an escape..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mentres os orcos que os tiñan cativos agardaban polo rei orco Dranan, " #~ "Uedri elaborou un plan de fuxida…" #~ msgid "Torture Chamber" #~ msgstr "Cámara de tortura" #~ msgid "Throne Room" #~ msgstr "Sala do trono" #~ msgid "The City" #~ msgstr "Cidade" #~ msgid "Exit" #~ msgstr "Saída" #~ msgid "" #~ "Dacyn and Owaec ducked through a crack in the cave wall while the guards " #~ "weren’t looking. Now I just have to wait for a good chance to escape..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dasin e Ouen metéronse por un burato da parede da cova mentres os gardas " #~ "miraban para outro lado. Agora só me queda esperar o momento oportuno " #~ "para escapar…" #~ msgid "Now’s my chance!" #~ msgstr "Agora!" #~ msgid "" #~ "So, Gweddry, you escaped too? Good. I think they still have the rest of " #~ "our troops captive. We must rescue them and head for the southwest exit." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Por fin chegas, Uedri. Creo que o resto das tropas seguen cativas. " #~ "Debemos rescatalos e dirixirnos á saída suroeste." #~ msgid "Where are they? These caves are impossible to navigate!" #~ msgstr "E como os atopamos? É imposíbel orientarse nestas covas!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Somewhere south of us, but we’d best avoid the chamber we just came from. " #~ "Oh, and some others escaped too, along with Owaec." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Deben estar nalgunha parte ao sur da nosa posición, pero mellor será que " #~ "evitemos a cámara da que viñemos. Ah, e algúns máis fuxiron con Ouen." # http://www.realacademiagalega.org/dicionario#searchNoun.do?nounTitle=prisión # # «caldeiro» é unha forma coloquial, axeitada para os orcos. #~ msgid "In the prison, boss." #~ msgstr "No caldeiro, xefe." #~ msgid "Well, where’s their leader? I don’t see him." #~ msgstr "E o seu líder? Non o vexo." #~ msgid "Uh... " #~ msgstr "Eh…" #~ msgid "whisper^I dunno. He escaped, I think." #~ msgstr "Non sei, parece que escapou." #~ msgid "" #~ "You fool! Well, find him. Bring him to me! Wait, no, just kill him on " #~ "sight." #~ msgstr "Serás parvo! Atópao e tráemo enseguida, a ser posíbel morto!" #~ msgid "Look, the escaped prisoners have returned!" #~ msgstr "Mirade, os prisioneiros fuxidos volveron!" #~ msgid "Kill them!" #~ msgstr "Mátaos!" #~ msgid "Huh? Who said that?" #~ msgstr "Eh? Quen dixo iso?" #~ msgid "I see the exit to the tunnel! Onward!" #~ msgstr "Xa podo ver a saída, vamos!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Wait! We cannot go out that way. There are too many orcs. We must exit " #~ "through the south-west gates." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Espera! Non podemos fuxir por aí, está cheo de orcos. Debemos saír pola " #~ "porta suroeste." #~ msgid "Very well. We must go the other way." #~ msgstr "Pois iremos polo outro camiño, entón." #~ msgid "Survive until end of turns" #~ msgstr "Sobrevive ata que rematen as roldas." #~ msgid "To add ogres to your army, keep two on the grass until end of turns" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Para poder recrutar ogros no futuro, consegue que queden dous deles na " #~ "herba ata que se esgoten as roldas." #~ msgid "" #~ "All right, we have to keep at least two of these ogres on the grass where " #~ "they can’t escape until our troops get here to capture them." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vale, teremos que conseguir manter polo menos dous na herba, onde non " #~ "poidan fuxir, ata que lle dea tempo ás tropas a capturalos." #~ msgid "" #~ "We should try to surround them. Gweddry, you stay where you are. Dacyn, " #~ "you go north-east. I’ll go north-west." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Deberiamos intentar rodealos. Uedri, queda onde estás. Dasin, vai ao " #~ "nordeste. Eu irei ao noroeste." #~ msgid "Our troops have caught up! Now, we will be able to recruit ogres!" #~ msgstr "Chegaron as tropas! Agora poderemos recrutar ogros!" #~ msgid "" #~ "We didn’t capture enough of the ogres here. We will have to go on without " #~ "them." #~ msgstr "Non capturamos ogros dabondo. Teremos que continuar sen eles." #~ msgid "Resist until Dacyn’s return tomorrow night" #~ msgstr "Resiste ata a volta de Dasin, mañá pola noite." #~ msgid "Resist until Dacyn’s return in two days" #~ msgstr "Resiste ata a volta de Dasin, en dous días." #~ msgid "" #~ "Look. To the east. Undead approach! But wait... I sense something... They " #~ "must not see me..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mira, ao leste. Achéganse non mortos! Pero un momento… creo que podo " #~ "sentir unha… non deben verme…" #~ msgid "" #~ "Hm. I do not sense anything out of the ordinary here. My scouts must have " #~ "deceived me. Very well; destroy them." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hm… Non percibo nada especial neste lugar. Os exploradores deberon " #~ "enganarme. En fin, acabade con eses humanos." #~ msgid "" #~ "On with the search. I trust you can defeat these men yourself? I have no " #~ "time to waste here." #~ msgstr "" #~ "A seguir coa busca. Confío en que poidades derrotar a eses humanos sen " #~ "min, non podo perder máis tempo aquí." #~ msgid "" #~ "There are too many undead, I cannot defeat them... but my orders are to " #~ "hold this outpost at all costs. It may be we will die this day." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Os non mortos son demasiados, non poderemos derrotalos a todos. Pero as " #~ "ordes son claras: manter o posto de avanzada custe o que custe. " #~ "Compañeiros, pode que morramos todos esta noite, así que asegurádevos de " #~ "levarvos cantos non mortos poidades á tumba." #~ msgid "" #~ "But... somehow, I do not think Dacyn has abandoned us. He must have had a " #~ "reason for leaving." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Onde marcharía Dasin? Non creo que nos abandonase, se marchou por algo " #~ "sería. Pero esperemos que non tarde moito en volver." #~ msgid "" #~ "Hurry! Before long enemy reinforcements will arrive, and we will all die! " #~ "Go to the trapdoor!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Rápido, antes de que cheguen máis reforzos inimigos e nos maten a todos! " #~ "Á trapela!" #~ msgid "" #~ "I do not know. There are trolls in here, which may try to fight us. Now " #~ "hurry, we have to move quickly with those liches still behind us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Non o sei. O que si sei é que por aquí hai trolles, e pode que intenten " #~ "atacarnos. Pero debemos apurarnos, antes de que nos collan os liches." #~ msgid "" #~ "It doesn’t matter. They are much too powerful for us; our only hope is to " #~ "get away, far away. Perhaps we should go north, and meet with Owaec." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dá igual, o que importa é que son demasiado poderosos para nós, e a única " #~ "esperanza que nos queda é fuxir, tan lonxe como poidamos. Ao mellor " #~ "deberiamos ir ao norte, canda Ouen." #~ msgid "" #~ "There are five of us still locked up in the jail. All of us will join you " #~ "if you can get us free." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aínda hai cinco máis dos nosos engaiolados. Unirémonos todos a vós se nos " #~ "liberades." #~ msgid "You dare to attack me!? Go back to your master!" #~ msgstr "Atréveste a atacarme a min!? Volve co teu mestre!" #~ msgid "" #~ "This is not good; we are unable to attack Mal-Ravanal at all, for his " #~ "magic is too strong! We must turn back, it was foolish to press the " #~ "attack." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Isto non pinta ben. Non damos atacado a Mal-Ravanal, a súa maxia é " #~ "demasiado poderosa! Debemos dar media volta, foi unha estupidez intentar " #~ "atacalo." #~ msgid "" #~ "I am not sure. There are bandits in this country, and I have been told " #~ "that it is my duty to defeat them, and protect the local villages. " #~ "However, I cannot find a way to defeat them. The outlaws hide in the " #~ "villages when we are close, and come out when we are far away." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Non sei eu. Teño ordes de dar caza a uns bandidos nestas terras, e levan " #~ "tempo resistíndoseme. Agóchanse nas vilas en canto nos aproximamos, e " #~ "saen a facer das súas en canto non podemos velos." #~ msgid "" #~ "I have fulfilled my duty to the villages. Now I suppose I can join you in " #~ "your quest." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Cumprín o meu deber para coas vilas. Agora supoño que podo unirme a vós " #~ "na vosa misión." #~ msgid "" #~ "Good job! Now, we should move onward, north. Tell the villagers to pack " #~ "their belongings and follow us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bo traballo! Agora debemos continuar cara o norte. Dille aos aldeáns que " #~ "recollan as súas pertenzas e nos sigan." #~ msgid "" #~ "We should probably go north to the orcish lands immediately. I suspect " #~ "that the undead have already bypassed us, and cut off any crossing to the " #~ "west of here." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Creo que deberiamos dirixirnos ao norte, ás terras dos orcos. A fin de " #~ "contas, teremos que dirixirnos ao norte antes ou despois, e sospeito que " #~ "os non mortos xa se nos adiantaron e cortaron o camiño á encrucillada á " #~ "que leva o segundo camiño." #~ msgid "Defeat the trolls and gryphons" #~ msgstr "Derrota aos trolles e aos grifóns." #~ msgid "" #~ "The trail stops soon. We have almost reached our destination, if we can " #~ "call it that. There is a large lake in front of us, with a small island " #~ "off the coast. If we burn down the bridge to it, no one will ever be able " #~ "to reach us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Xa queda pouco para chegarmos ao noso destino, se é que o podemos chamar " #~ "así. Se seguimos atoparemos un gran lago cunha pequena illa no medio á " #~ "que só se pode chegar a través dunha longa ponte. Se lle prendemos lume á " #~ "ponte e a destruímos, ninguén poderá nunca chegar onda nós." #~ msgid "" #~ "But what if there are already people living on it? We will have to fight " #~ "them! And besides, the undead can build boats." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pero e se hai habitantes na illa e temos que loitar contra eles? Ademais, " #~ "os non mortos saben construír balsas." #~ msgid "" #~ "There are other people. A tribe of trolls, and some gryphons. But it is " #~ "safer than fighting the undead, and once we kill them, the island will be " #~ "ours." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hai habitantes, iso xa cho podo dicir eu: unha tribo de trolles, e algúns " #~ "grifóns. Pero é máis seguro que loitar contra os non mortos, e unha vez " #~ "que acabemos con eles a illa será toda nosa." #~ msgid "" #~ "Very well, we will go on, take this island. It appears we have no choice. " #~ "Onward!" #~ msgstr "Parece que non nos queda outra. Adiante, tomemos a illa!" #~ msgid "" #~ "There is an abandoned castle here. It looks repairable — we should settle " #~ "here." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aquí hai un castelo abandonado, deberiamos reparalo e establecernos nel." #~ msgid "We will base our attack from here. Now go, destroy the enemy!" #~ msgstr "Atacaremos desde aquí. Agora ide, destruíde ao inimigo!" #~ msgid "We have done it! The island is ours. Our journey is complete." #~ msgstr "Conseguimos tomar o control da illa! Aquí acaba a nosa longa viaxe." #~ msgid "" #~ "Informed they were being taken to the orcish king, Dra-Nak, they " #~ "attempted to escape before that happened..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "En canto souberon que os levaban onda o rei orco, Dra-Nak, intentaron " #~ "escapar por todos os medios…" #~ msgid "Escape through the south-west tunnel" #~ msgstr "Fuxe polo túnel do suroeste." #~ msgid "" #~ "I think Dacyn and Owaec have escaped already. Now I have to, also... " #~ "these guards are not being very alert, I may be able to get past them..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Creo que Dasin e Ouen xa fuxiron. Agora teño que fuxir eu tamén. Estes " #~ "gardas non están moi atentos, pode que consiga escapar deles…" #~ msgid "Aha! There is a small crack in the cave wall here." #~ msgstr "Nesa parece hai unha fenda!" #~ msgid "Right here, boss." #~ msgstr "Aquí os traio, xefe." #~ msgid "" #~ "It is not safe here, but we cannot go back north. The orcs are a more " #~ "immediate threat." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aquí non estamos a salvo, nin tampouco podemos volver ao norte cos orcos." #~ msgid "" #~ "We cannot go north, for that is where orcs are... we cannot go east, for " #~ "that is where the undead come from... we cannot go west, for the ocean " #~ "lies in that direction, and we have no ships. We would survive for a " #~ "time, but we would still be in Wesnoth, and the undead would still find " #~ "us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Non podemos ir ao norte, alí están os orcos… Non podemos ir ao leste, de " #~ "alí é de onde veñen os non mortos… Non podemos ir ao oeste, nesa " #~ "dirección está o océano, e non temos barcos. Poderiamos sobrevivir aquí " #~ "por unha tempada, pero seguiríamos en terras do Noroeste, e os non mortos " #~ "acabarían atopándonos." #~ msgid "" #~ "We could go south, and return to Wesnoth... but I do not know what that " #~ "would accomplish." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Poderiamos ir ao sur, volver ao Reino do Noroeste… Pero non vexo de que " #~ "nos serviría." #~ msgid "It would accomplish nothing! The undead will kill us all!" #~ msgstr "Non nos serviría de nada! Os non mortos vannos matar a todos!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Have you not heard what Dacyn said? Either the orcs or undead will kill " #~ "us no matter what we do. Our only hope was to isolate ourselves on the " #~ "Isle of Vrug. We are too far away now to return that way, and we have " #~ "aroused the orcs. We cannot try that again. So, if we have no hope..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Non escoitaches o que dixo Dasin? Tanto os orcos coma os non mortos " #~ "vannos matar fagamos o que fagamos. A nosa única esperanza era ocultarnos " #~ "na illa de Vrug. Pero estamos lonxe de mais para volver, e os orcos xa " #~ "saben de nós, así que non podemos volver intentalo. Non queda esperanza " #~ "para nós…" #~ msgid "" #~ "There is still some hope left. If we return to Wesnoth, we may be able to " #~ "aid the king in defeating these invaders. We saw them attack us. And, I " #~ "have... advice. To give the king. I may know the undead’s weakness." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aínda queda algunha esperanza. Se volvemos ao Reino do Noroeste, " #~ "poderiamos intentar axudar ao rei a derrotar aos invasores. Vimos como " #~ "nos atacaban. E teño… teño un consello. Un consello para o rei. Creo que " #~ "sei cal pode ser a debilidade dos non mortos." #~ msgid "" #~ "Very well. If returning to Wesnoth has any chance of success, it is our " #~ "best option. We will go south." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Supoño que é un plan tan bo como calquera outro, dadas as circunstancias. " #~ "Ao sur!" #~ msgid "" #~ "I do not like this. But it appears we will die no matter our course of " #~ "action." #~ msgstr "" #~ "A min non me acaba de gustar a idea, pero parece que nos espera un " #~ "destino fatal fagamos o que fagamos." #~ msgid "" #~ "Aha! I see what they have done. They have raised him as an undead dragon. " #~ "But he does not appear to be weak to my arcane senses... this is strange " #~ "magic indeed." #~ msgstr "" #~ "O que imaxinaba, ergueron o seu cadáver. Un dragón non morto. Porén, este " #~ "non parece vulnerábel aos ataques arcanos, coma o resto dos non mortos " #~ "que nos atopamos. A maxia nunca deixará de sorprenderme…" #~ msgid "" #~ "We have reached Weldyn. Now we must have a council to decide what to do " #~ "next." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Chegamos a Güedin. Agora debemos celebrar un consello, e decidir nel como " #~ "imos afrontar a ameaza dos non mortos." #~ msgid "" #~ "The guards, surprised by this sudden revelation, advanced to attack him. " #~ "However, as he was now skilled in the magical art of teleportation, he " #~ "simply vanished. And has not been seen since." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Os gardas, en canto se recuperaron da sorpresa, dispuxéronse a atacalo. " #~ "Pero o liche, adestrado xa na arte máxica da teleportación, esvaeceuse. " #~ "Desde aquel día non se soubo máis do liche." #~ msgid "" #~ "Not been seen, that is, until the day when he attacked Gweddry and me in " #~ "that outpost on the eastern border. This is the lich we are facing: Mal-" #~ "Ravanal." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Non volveu dar sinais de existencia ata o día en que nos atacou a Uedri e " #~ "a min no posto de avanzada da fronteira leste. Este é o liche ao que nos " #~ "enfrontamos: Mal-Ravanal." #~ msgid "" #~ "At first we tried to escape them, for we knew they were too powerful; it " #~ "is only by horrible luck that we are back in Wesnoth at all." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Intentamos fuxir deles, pois sabiamos que eran demasiado poderosos. Pero " #~ "a sorte tróuxonos de volta ao Reino do Noroeste." #~ msgid "" #~ "It doesn’t matter anyway. The point is, we already know we cannot defeat " #~ "the hordes of the enemy head-on in battle. So it seems that the only path " #~ "to victory is to destroy the head of these necromancers, the lich Mal-" #~ "Ravanal." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Iso non importa agora, o que importa é que xa sabemos que non podemos " #~ "derrotar ás hordas do inimigo enfrontándonos directamente a elas en " #~ "combate. Parece que o único camiño á vitoria é acabar co mestre deses " #~ "nigromantes, o liche Mal-Ravanal." #~ msgid "But as yet we have no idea how to do it!" #~ msgstr "Pero de momento non temos nin a máis remota idea de como facelo!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Well, we do know that he is very arrogant, and can be easily tricked. " #~ "That is how he fell in the first place." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pero sabemos algunhas cousas. Por exemplo, sabemos que é moi arrogante, e " #~ "pódeselle enganar con facilidade. Foi iso o que o converteu no que é hoxe." #~ msgid "" #~ "So maybe we can trick him into exposing himself to us? Dacyn, does he " #~ "know we know who he is?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Queredes dicir que sería posíbel enganalo para que veña a nós? Dasin, " #~ "sabe el que coñecemos a súa identidade?" #~ msgid "" #~ "No, I don’t think so. I am the only person alive who would recognize the " #~ "name Mal-Ravanal, and if he had known I was there when he attacked, he " #~ "would have pursued us much more vigorously." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Non, non o creo. Son a única persoa con vida que podería recoñecer o nome " #~ "«Mal-Ravanal», e de saber da miña presencia no posto de avanzada cando " #~ "atacou, perseguiríanos con máis ímpeto." #~ msgid "Messenger of Doom" #~ msgstr "Mensaxeiro das tebras" #~ msgid "I come bearing a message from my leader." #~ msgstr "Porto unha mensaxe do meu señor." #~ msgid "Very well, you may read it. It might tell us something useful." #~ msgstr "Escoitamos (pode que non sexa de utilidade)." #~ msgid "" #~ "He says: “Well done; you have defeated some of my less powerful " #~ "captains, and a small fraction of my horde. Were I to bring the whole " #~ "might of my Dread Legions to bear I could crush you like an insect. But I " #~ "seek a victory that will reveal the true extent of my personal power. " #~ "Unlike the Great General Gweddry I do not seek to hide behind the armored " #~ "skirts of my soldiers! You, O commander Gweddry, are a coward! The bards " #~ "may sing that you defeated my captains, but in reality you did nothing " #~ "but cower far behind the lines in safety while others braver than you " #~ "fought and died in your name.”" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Di: «Ben feito. Derrotaron a algúns dos meus capitáns máis débiles, e " #~ "a unha pequena fracción da miña horda. Se usase todo o poder das miñas " #~ "lexións do terror, podería esmagalos coma insectos. Pero quero unha " #~ "vitoria que revele a verdadeira magnitude do meu poder. A diferencia do " #~ "“gran xeneral” Uedri, eu non intento agocharme detrás das armaduras dos " #~ "meus soldados! Vostede, comandante Uedri, é un covarde! Pode que os " #~ "xograres narren como derrotou aos meus capitáns, pero en realidade non " #~ "fixo máis que encollerse de medo, na distancia, na seguridade da " #~ "retagarda, mentres outros máis valentes que vostede loitaron e morreron " #~ "no seu nome»." #~ msgid "" #~ "What is the point of this message? Does it consist of anything more than " #~ "insults?" #~ msgstr "Alguén entendeu a mensaxe alén das descualificacións baratas?" #~ msgid "" #~ "The point is that you did not defeat my Lord’s minions, it was others " #~ "doing the work for you! The mighty Gweddry himself would last but a few " #~ "moments in actual combat. And my master seeks to prove this. He " #~ "challenges you, Gweddry, to a contest, a battle." #~ msgstr "" #~ "O que intenta dicir o meu señor é que vostede non derrotou aos seus " #~ "secuaces, foron outros os que fixeron o traballo por vostede! O " #~ "“poderoso” Uedri non duraría un intre nun combate real. E o meu amo quere " #~ "demostralo. Rétao, Uedri, a unha competición, unha loita." #~ msgid "" #~ "What are his terms? I won’t accept anything obviously weighted towards " #~ "his victory!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Baixo que condicións? Non aceptarei nada que lle dea unha vantaxe clara " #~ "ao teu señor!" #~ msgid "" #~ "That only proves you are a coward. Nevertheless, these are his terms: You " #~ "pick your six best warriors and he will pick his six best. Then you will " #~ "fight, to the death; until either you or he is destroyed!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "As vosas palabras volven ser testemuña da vosa covardía. Pero se tanto " #~ "lle preocupan as condicións, son estas: vostede elixiría os seus seis " #~ "mellores guerreiros, e o meu señor escollería tamén os seus seis mellores " #~ "súbditos. Sete e sete loitarían a morte ata que só quede en pé un dos " #~ "líderes, ben vostede ben o meu señor." #~ msgid "" #~ "Gweddry, I don’t think you should accept. He is bound to bring more than " #~ "six undead to the battle; he will bring an army!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Uedri, nin se que ocorra aceptar. Seguro que é unha trampa, aparecerá con " #~ "todo o seu exército!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Well, I think you should accept. There is a small chance that it will be " #~ "a fair fight, and otherwise we will definitely have to face his whole " #~ "undead army." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pois eu creo que debes aceptar. Aínda que pouco probábel, é posíbel que " #~ "sexa unha loita xusta. E aínda supoñendo que se trate dunha trampa, " #~ "teríamos que enfrontarnos ao seu exército de todos xeitos se non " #~ "aceptásemos." #~ msgid "" #~ "I will simplify your choice. Accept, coward, or face the onslaught of my " #~ "lord’s hordes at dawn tomorrow!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Permitídeme que vos axude a deliberar. Ou o covarde acepta, ou mañá, en " #~ "canto desapareza a luz do sol, vós desapareceredes con el, esmagados " #~ "polas hordas de non mortos do meu poderoso señor." #~ msgid "" #~ "I will accept this challenge. By your own master’s terms, that proves I " #~ "am no coward." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Comunícalle ao teu señor que aceptarei o reto, e acabarei con el " #~ "persoalmente." #~ msgid "" #~ "I will not accept a fight in which he will obviously cheat! I refuse!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Non aceptarei unha loita na que o máis probábel é que o contrincante faga " #~ "trampas!" #~ msgid "I... lose?..." #~ msgstr "De… derrotáronme?" #~ msgid "And more!" #~ msgstr "E máis!" #~ msgid "" #~ "You people are fools! You rejected my master’s offer to duel... very " #~ "well, you will all die! And know this; my master is here to enjoy " #~ "your demise. For he does not fear you at all, and knows that you will " #~ "never be able to find him and kill him! There are seven of us, and only " #~ "one of us is the real leader! Ha ha ha ha! To be fair about it, we will " #~ "all tell you our names if you can reach us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Parvos! Mira que rexeitar a oferta de duelo do meu señor… Agora " #~ "morreredes todos! E sabede unha cousa: o meu decidiu asistir á " #~ "vosa aniquilación. Non vos ten medo ningún, e sabe que xamais " #~ "conseguiriades atopalo, e menos matalo! Somos sete, e só un de nós é o " #~ "señor! Ha ha ha ha! Para xogar limpo, dirémosvos os nosos respectivos " #~ "nomes se conseguides chegar onda nós." #~ msgid "Remember, we have to kill Mal-Ravanal. He’s here somewhere..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Lembrade, temos que matar a Mal-Ravanal. Ten que ser un dos sete liches…" #~ msgid "There he is!" #~ msgstr "Aquí o está!" #~ msgid "That isn’t him..." #~ msgstr "Non é el…" #~ msgid "How did you know...?" #~ msgstr "Como o soubeches…?" #~ msgid "Kill the king!" #~ msgstr "Matade ao rei!" #~ msgid "Turns run out" #~ msgstr "Que se esgoten as roldas" #~ msgid "BOOM!!!" #~ msgstr "BUM!!!" #~ msgid "We have come all the way to Mal-Ravanal's capital!" #~ msgstr "Estivemos vindo todo o tempo á capital de Mal-Ravanal!" #~ msgid "" #~ "No! These undead won our battle, and you will be able to enter my " #~ "northern homeland!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Non! Estes non mortos gañaron a nosa batalla, e poderás entrar na miña " #~ "terra do norte!" #~ msgid "" #~ "One of them, the South Guard, had been the site of the previous attacks, " #~ "and was still occupied. Konrad II decided to re-man the other outposts " #~ "also. He sent two of the most promising young officers to them." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Un deles, a Garda do Sur, foi o sitio dos ataques anteriores, e ainda " #~ "estaba ocupado. Konrad II decidiu volver enviar homes ós outros postos " #~ "avanzados tamén. Enviou dous dos oficiais máis prometedores a eles."