# Translators:
# RatArmy, 2024
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-02-20 02:52 UTC\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-03 03:44+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: RatArmy, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (https://app.transifex.com/wesnoth-jp/teams/60513/"
"Language: ja\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:13
msgid "Dead Water"
msgstr "死の海"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:14
msgid "DW"
msgstr "DW"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:18
msgid "Citizen"
msgstr "一般人"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:18
msgid "Easy"
msgstr "簡単"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:19
msgid "Fighter"
msgstr "戦士"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:19
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "ノーマル"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:20
msgid "Challenging"
msgstr "挑戦的"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:20
msgid "Warrior"
msgstr "勇士"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:21
msgid "Difficult"
msgstr "難しい"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:21
msgid "Triton"
msgstr "トリトン"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:23
msgid ""
"You are Kai Krellis, son and heir of the last merman king but only a child. "
"A necromancer is turning your subjects into undead slaves! Lead your people "
"on a mission to convince a powerful mer-sorceress to help you repel the "
"invasion. The oceans near the Northern Lands are perilous, so you will need "
"cunning and bravery to survive. But first you need to gain the respect of "
"your troops!\n"
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis、あなたは最後のマーマン王の跡取り息子です。しかし、今はまだ子供に"
#. [campaign]: id=Dead_Water
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:25
msgid "(Intermediate level, 10 scenarios.)"
msgstr "(中級レベル、10 シナリオ)"
#. [about]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:31
msgid "Campaign design and programming"
msgstr "キャンペーンデザインとプログラミング"
#. [about]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:37
msgid "Script-doctoring and cleanup for mainline"
msgstr "公式化のためのスクリプト検査と仕上げ"
#. [about]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/_main.cfg:43
msgid "Artwork"
msgstr "アートワーク"
#. [scenario]: id=01_Invasion
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:36
msgid "Invasion!"
msgstr "侵入!"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:45
msgid ""
"In the Far North, where the foothills of the Heart Mountains approach the "
"coast, lies a bay with a narrow mouth. In the calm waters of this bay lies "
"the merfolk city of Jotha. The natural harbor and the prosperity of the "
"dwellers within drew many envious eyes, but none could match the prowess of "
"the merfolk in their aquatic domain. In most years, orcs from the port city "
"of Tirigaz, further north, would raid against Jotha as predictably as the "
"spring rains; always, they were driven back to dry land with heavy losses, "
"the salt water of the bay stinging their wounds."
msgstr ""
"な水域にはマーフォークの都市 Jotha がありました。天然の港とその住人たちの繁栄"
"はいませんでした。それから長い年月が経過し、更に北方の Tirigaz の街の港から"
"オーク族がやってきて、Jotha を攻撃するようになりました。毎回多大な被害を受け"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:50
msgid ""
"In 626 YW, Jotha was attacked by a larger raiding party than ever before. "
"The king Kai Laudiss led his troops to repel the raiders. They were "
"successful, but merfolk casualties were greater than usual. And numbered "
"with the slain was the wife of Kai Laudiss. The kai’s grief was great, but "
"his wrath was also fearsome to behold. He readied his army to follow the "
"orcs. His stated purpose was not revenge, but the desire to secure the "
"safety of Jotha with a demonstration of force that would teach the orcs to "
"steer well clear of the merfolk. The merfolk army caught up with the orc "
"band as it reached Tirigaz."
msgstr ""
"626 YW、Jotha はこれまでにない程大きい襲撃隊から攻撃をうけました。Kai "
"Laudiss 王は侵略を退けるため軍を指揮し、撃退に成功しました。しかし、マー"
"フォークの死傷者はいつもよりとても多くなってしまいました。Kai Laudiss の妻も"
"死者の列に並びました。Kai の悲しみはとても深く、彼の怒りも目を見張るほど恐ろ"
"目的なのではなく、オーク族にマーフォークの恐ろしさを教え込むための武力行使で "
"Jotha の安全性を確保することが目的であるとしました。Tirigaz に達したとき、"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:55
msgid ""
"Under the cover of darkness, the merfolk slid into the bay, intending to "
"launch a surprise attack at dawn. But the orcs were prepared for this, and "
"had hastily devised a surprise of their own. Ships at the mouth of the bay "
"that had seemed but derelict hulks disgorged hordes of orcs. More of them "
"poured forth from the city. The merfolk were trapped, and found themselves "
"vastly outnumbered."
msgstr ""
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:60
msgid ""
"Kai Laudiss’s army fought fiercely, slaying five orcs for every warrior they "
"lost. The kai himself fought with reckless abandon; foes fell with each "
"swing of his great mace. The orcs discovered that trapped merfolk were "
"tougher than they had imagined, and found themselves fleeing into the forest "
"to escape their vengeful spears. As the kai had intended, it was a defeat "
"the orcs would not soon forget; but the cost was heavy. Kai Laudiss was "
"felled by a poisoned orcish dart, and the greater part of his army was "
"destroyed. When the remaining soldiers returned to Jotha, Krellis, the young "
"son of Kai Laudiss, learned that he had become kai."
msgstr ""
"Kai Laudiss の手勢は奮戦し、討ち死にした戦士達は皆、倒れるまでに5人のオーク"
"を殺しました。Kai 自身も決死の覚悟で戦い、豪壮なメイスのひと振りごとに何人も"
"られました。Kai が意図した通り、この戦いはオーク族にとっては忘れがたい敗北の"
"経験として記憶に刻み込まれましたが、その代償は大きなものでした。Kai Laudiss "
"はオークの毒矢に倒れ、軍の損害は甚大でした。生き残った戦士達が Jotha に帰還し"
"たとき、Kai Laudiss の若き息子 Krellis は自身が Kai になったことを悟ったので"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:65
msgid ""
"Kai Krellis felt too young for the responsibilities of a kingdom, so he "
"relied on the wisdom of a priestess named Cylanna. She had been a friend of "
"his father, and he had known her as long as he could remember. Cylanna "
"mourned the former kai, but believed that his sacrifice would allow Krellis "
"to preside over an age of peace. Unfortunately, that was not to be. A new "
"enemy appeared from under the mountains."
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis は王国の責務を負うには若すぎたため、Cylanna という名の巫女の知恵"
"を知っていました。Cylanna は先王の死を悲しみましたが、先王の犠牲によって "
"Krellis が平和な時代の指導者になると期待していました。しかし、残念ながらその"
#. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Kevek
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:83
msgid "Undead Forces"
msgstr "アンデッド軍"
#. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Kevek
#. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Kevek
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:89
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:126
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:39
msgid "Mal-Kevek"
msgstr "Mal-Kevek"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:202
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:65
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:115
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:107
msgid "Defeat enemy leader"
msgstr "敵のリーダーを倒す"
#. [unit]: type=Mermaid Priestess, id=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:228
msgid "Cylanna"
msgstr "Cylanna"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:265
msgid "Is something wrong, priestess?"
msgstr "巫女よ、何か悪いことでも?"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:270
msgid "Maybe. I smell death and decay."
msgstr "そうかもしれません。死と腐敗の臭いがします。"
#. [unit]: type=Merman Netcaster, id=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:302
msgid "Gwabbo"
msgstr "Gwabbo"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:319
msgid "Back, you fiend! You have not won...I will return to finish this."
msgstr ""
"退け、この悪魔め! お前たちが勝ったわけではない…… 私は任務を終えて戻るだけ"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:330
msgid ""
"Kai! We are under attack! Fell creatures invaded our village and slew "
"without mercy. I managed to fight my way clear, and have come to seek your "
msgstr ""
"Kai! 我々は攻撃を受けています! 残忍な生物が我々の村に侵入し、慈悲のない殺戮"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:335
msgid "What manner of creatures were they?"
msgstr "その生物はどのようなものなのだ?"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:340
msgid ""
"I have never seen their like before in all my years. They were like men, but "
"they had no skin. Our spears went right through them; they laughed at "
"our weapons. And they smelled like nothing in the sea, of dank earth and "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:345
msgid ""
"Undead. This will be your first real test as a leader, Kai Krellis. You must "
"defeat these creatures."
msgstr ""
"それはアンデッドよ。これは指導者 Kai Krellis にとって最初の試練となるでしょ"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:350
msgid ""
"Kai, please lead us against them yourself, it will hearten the folk. And — "
"if you will permit — you now reach the age where a kai must learn battle "
msgstr ""
"う。それに — このような言い方をお許しいただければ — あなたは Kai として戦闘の"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:355
msgid ""
"Gwabbo speaks wisely. You must fight; I will protect you as much as I can..."
"but when war looms, a kai must lead. It is our way."
msgstr ""
"Gwabbo の言う通りです。あなたは戦わねばならない。私もできる限りあなたを助ける"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:360
msgid ""
"You have few trained fighters, so you can only recruit three of each level 1 "
"unit. There is no limit on citizens."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kevek
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:389
msgid "Rise, my slaves! We will create an army for Lord Ravanal."
msgstr "我が奴隷よ、立ち上がれ! 我らが Ravanal 卿のために軍隊を結成するのだ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:398
msgid ""
"He is raising our dead to fight against us! Even though they were your own "
"citizens, Krellis, show no mercy. Destroy them if you can."
msgstr ""
"彼の者は私たちの同胞を蘇生して戦わせようとしています! Krellis 、彼らは生前は"
#. [message]: id=Mal-Kevek
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:419
msgid "Foolish fish-men. You cannot kill me that easily."
msgstr "愚かな魚人どもめ。我を殺すことは容易ではないぞ。"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:424
msgid ""
"The merfolk saw a shadowy shape rise from the dead body of the necromancer "
"and disappear under the mountain."
msgstr "ネクロマンサーの死体から影が湧き上がり、山の麓に消えていきました。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:590
msgid "He is raising the dead from every village!"
msgstr "奴はあらゆる村から死者を甦らせているぞ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:594
msgid "This will be a dark day, but we will prevail."
msgstr "運命の日になるぞ。だが、我々は勝ってやるぞ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:620
msgid "Hey, I did it!"
msgstr "おお、私は成し遂げたぞ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/01_Invasion.cfg:624
msgid "Good work, Kai, if I may say so."
msgstr "Kai、失礼な言い方かもしれませんが、うまく戦われたと言わせてください。"
#. [scenario]: id=02_Flight
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:27
msgid "Flight"
msgstr "逃走"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:36
msgid ""
"Kai Krellis was concerned that the undead might return, so he determined to "
"learn as much as possible about them. His only clue was the name the "
"necromancer had spoken: “Lord Ravanal”. He sent his swiftest scouts "
"north and south along the coast to learn what they might about this Ravanal. "
"The news they brought him was not good."
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis はアンデッドが引き返してくることを心配していたので、アンデッドに"
"ていた“Ravanal 卿”という名前のみでした。彼は、この Ravanal についての"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:41
msgid ""
"Mal-Ravanal, it seemed, was a great human wizard who had transformed himself "
"into a lich. He had attacked the edges of the Kingdom of Wesnoth, and was "
"building a fearsome army of undead humans there. He had also sent "
"necromancers to attack the orcs, and even the elves, in a quest for undead "
"soldiers of different races. It seemed that he also lusted for merfolk "
"slaves. Krellis’ scouts reported that more dark armies were heading north."
msgstr ""
"Mal-Ravanal と呼ばれている者は、人間族の偉大な魔術師が自身をリッチに変貌させ"
"たらしいとのことでした。彼は Wesnoth 王国の国境に攻撃を仕掛け、人間族からアン"
"た。彼はマーフォークを奴隷にすることも渇望しているらしいのです。Krellis の偵"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:46
msgid ""
"As the weeks went by, the veterans of the last battle helped train new "
"recruits. Krellis’ army did not yet match his father’s, but he now had many "
"competent soldiers. As he had expected, their adversaries soon arrived."
msgstr ""
"手伝いました。Krellis の軍団は、まだまだ先王の軍団には及びません。しかし、"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:80
msgid ""
"Move Kai Krellis to the north-west corner of the map. He must be level one "
"or higher."
msgstr "Kai Krellis をレベル 1 以上にして、地図の北西の角に移動させる。"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:85
msgid "(different bonus for each)"
msgstr "(それぞれに異なるボーナスがあります)"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:85
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:70
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:271
msgid "Defeat all enemy leaders"
msgstr "敵のリーダーをすべて倒す"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:92
msgid "Have a unit pick up the ring of power."
msgstr "力の指輪を拾った。"
#. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Kevek
#. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mel Daveth
#. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Dead Knight
#. [side]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:121
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:145
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:164
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:34
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:50
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:90
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:105
msgid "Mal-Ravanal’s Forces"
msgstr "Mal-Ravanal 軍"
#. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mel Daveth
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:150
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:55
msgid "Mel Daveth"
msgstr "Mel Daveth"
#. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kevek
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:279
msgid ""
"You may have ended my first life, but you have only made me more powerful in "
"death. Now I will teach you a lesson!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Mel Daveth
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:284
msgid "Leave some of them for me."
msgstr "俺の分も残しておけ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Dead Knight
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:290
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:492
msgid "Uhhh."
msgstr "うぅぅ"
#. [message]: speaker=Mel Daveth
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:295
msgid "And him."
msgstr "奴のも、だ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:300
msgid ""
"We are surrounded. Look how many there are! How can we defeat them this time?"
msgstr ""
"我々は包囲されてしまった。どれだけいるんだよ! この危機をどのようにして打破で"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:305
msgid ""
"I am afraid we cannot. We need help. My old instructor, Tyegëa, teaches on "
"an island to the north. She and her priestesses are powerful. With their "
"help we could probably defeat these enemies. Our task is to convince her to "
"leave her enclave."
msgstr ""
"克服は難しいかも知れません。私たちには助けが必要です。私の昔の指導者である "
"Tyegëa が、北にある島で学校をやっています。彼女と司祭達は力があります。彼女た"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:310
msgid "You can do that, right?"
msgstr "あなたなら彼女の助けを借りられるのだな?"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:315
msgid "I am not sure that I can. However, you could."
msgstr "わかりません。しかし、あなたならできます。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:320
msgid ""
"Me? I’ve never even met Tyegëa. How can I convince her to help us if you "
msgstr ""
"私? 私は Tyegëa に会ったことなどないぞ。あなたにできないのに、どうして私に説"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:325
msgid ""
"You will just have to trust me on this. She will listen to you. I will say "
"no more on the matter."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:330
msgid "Very well. How do we get there?"
msgstr "分かった。どうやってそこに行くんだ?"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:335
msgid ""
"We follow the coast north, then go west to Bilheld Island. Tyegëa lives on a "
"small island to the west of Bilheld, which is over ocean to the west-"
"southwest of Tirigaz. Everyone will have to go; it is now deadly perilous "
"here, and the open ocean west of Tirigaz can be dangerous for small groups."
msgstr ""
"岸に沿って北に行き、それから Bilheld 島まで西へ行きます。Tyegëa は Bilheld の"
"西にある小さな島に住んでいるのです。Bilheld は Tirigaz から海を越えて西南西の"
"危ういですし、Tirigaz の西の外洋は小さな集団では危険でしょう。"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:360
msgid ""
"Most of your citizens are not soldiers who will simply obey your orders. It "
"will not be voiced aloud, but if you leave now, some of the people will "
"think this mission is just an excuse to run away."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:366
msgid ""
"However, I am afraid that not everyone will follow you on so perilous an "
"adventure. First, you must prove you are not afraid of danger. If you leave "
"now, many will think the mission is but an excuse to flee."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:373
msgid ""
"I am not afraid! My people will see me fight the undead before we leave, "
"even if defeating them all is impossible."
msgstr ""
"私は恐れているわけではない! この地を離れる前に、たとえ打ち破ることが不可能"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:379
msgid ""
"But will everyone follow me on so perilous an adventure? I am still a youth; "
"it may be they will not trust me."
msgstr ""
"だが、皆はこのとても危険な旅に着いてきてくれるのだろうか? 私はまだ若輩者だ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:388
msgid ""
"They will follow. You proved your courage in our last battle. Your father, "
"the Kai-that-was, would have been proud."
msgstr ""
"父、先の Kai はそのことを誇りに思っていることでしょう。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:394
msgid ""
"You have proven your courage in battle, as tradition required of a kai; they "
"will follow you now."
msgstr ""
"Kai に必要とされる能力は、伝統では戦で自身の勇気を証明することになっていま"
#. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kevek
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:416
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:731
msgid "This is impossible!"
msgstr "そんな馬鹿な!"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:446
msgid "With their master gone, the undead are vanishing!"
msgstr "彼らの主人が死んだので、アンデッドは消えました!"
#. [unit]: type=Dread Bat, id=Fearsome Bat
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:460
msgid "Fearsome Bat"
msgstr "恐るべきコウモリ"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:475
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:501
msgid "That is a mighty bat!"
msgstr "あれは強力なコウモリだ!"
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:479
msgid "It is no matter. I will destroy it immediately."
msgstr "大したことありません。私がすぐに殺します。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:483
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:510
msgid ""
"Hold a moment! Do you think, with its master gone, it might desire a new one?"
msgstr ""
"ちょっと待って! 主人がいなくなったから、新しい主人を欲しがっているのかも?"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:487
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:514
msgid "If it does not attack, do not kill it. Let us see if it follows us."
msgstr "攻撃してこないなら、殺さないように。我々に従うのか見てみよう。"
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#. This should just be "translated" to whatever noise a bat makes in your language.
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:506
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:632
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:744
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:801
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:248
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:710
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:843
msgid "Neep, neep!"
msgstr "キィー、キィー!"
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:521
msgid "Look! There is a massive bat back here."
msgstr "見てください!この後ろに巨大なコウモリがいます。"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:525
msgid "Be courageous, and attack it anyway!"
msgstr "勇気を出せ、とにかく攻撃するんだ!"
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:529
msgid ""
"But it isn’t attacking me. Do you think, with its master gone, it "
"might desire a new one?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:533
msgid ""
"If it does not attack, we shall not kill it. Let us see if it follows us."
msgstr "攻撃してこないなら、殺しはしない。我々に従うのか見てみよう。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:572
msgid "With their master gone, the undead are fading away!"
msgstr "彼らの主人が死んだので、アンデッドは消え去りました!"
#. [unit]: type=Vampire Bat, id=Friendly Bat
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:587
msgid "Friendly Bat"
msgstr "人懐っこいコウモリ"
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:602
msgid "Look! There is a bat cowering in the corner here."
msgstr "見てください! この隅にコウモリが縮こまっています。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:606
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:640
msgid "Aren’t you going to kill it? We need to keep moving."
msgstr "コウモリを殺さないのですか? 移動しなければならないのですよ。"
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:610
msgid "I would feel bad about that. It is, uh, licking my hand."
msgstr "そんなことをしたら心苦しいです。ほら、私の手を舐めてるんです。"
#. [message]: speaker=Friendly Bat
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#. This should just be "translated" to whatever noise a bat makes in your language.
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:614
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:648
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:672
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:703
msgid "Neep?"
msgstr "キィー?"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:618
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:652
msgid "Apparently you have your own bat."
msgstr "みたところ、あなたに飼われたいみたいですね。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:636
msgid "Look! There is a bat."
msgstr "見よ! コウモリだ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:644
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:676
msgid "It’s kind of cute."
msgstr "ちょっとかわいいですね。"
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:659
msgid "And look! There is a bat cowering in the corner here."
msgstr "それに見てください! この隅でコウモリが縮こまっています。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:663
msgid "Well, kill it, and let’s keep moving."
msgstr "ああ、殺すのだ。そして歩みを止めてはならん。"
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:667
msgid "But look, it’s licking my hand."
msgstr "しかし、見てください。私の手を舐めています。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:680
msgid "Very well then. I suppose we have our own bat."
msgstr "わかった。そのコウモリを飼うことにする。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:716
msgid "With their master gone, the skeletons are crumbling!"
msgstr "彼らの主人が死んだので、スケルトンは粉々になりました!"
#. [unit]: type=Walking Corpse, id=Undead Bat
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:729
msgid "Undead Bat"
msgstr "アンデッドのコウモリ"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:748
msgid "Look! There is a bat. It is moving, but it looks half dead."
msgstr "見ろ! この隅にコウモリがいるぞ。動いてはいるが、死にかけのようだな。"
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:755
msgid ""
"Look! There is a bat in the corner here. It is moving, but it looks half "
msgstr ""
"見てください! この隅にコウモリがいます。動いていますが、半分死んでるみたいで"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:767
msgid "No, that thing is all the way dead."
msgstr "いや、そいつはすっかり死んでる。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:773
msgid "Actually, I believe it is truly dead."
msgstr "確かに、間違いなく死んでると思いますよ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:779
msgid ""
"I believe it is undead and has no will of its own, but the Kai may have the "
"willpower to direct it."
msgstr ""
"それはアンデッドで、自分の意思がないのは確かだと思います。ですが Kai にはそれ"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:783
msgid "Fascinating. I shall certainly try."
msgstr "興味をそそられるな。必ずやってみせる。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:805
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:811
msgid "He had a chest in his tent, too. It is filled with gold!"
msgstr "テントの中に箱もありました。ゴールドが詰まっています!"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:826
msgid "You receive 120 gold."
msgstr "120ゴールド獲得。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:833
msgid "It galls me to flee from our home, but we will return."
msgstr "苛立たしいことだが、住み処から逃げるぞ。だが、我々は戻ってくる。"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:917
msgid "Have a unit pick up the ring to end the scenario."
msgstr "ユニットに指輪を拾わせるとシナリオが終わります。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:932
msgid ""
"Killing these enemies was good, but there are many more on the way. It will "
"take greater might than we have to defeat them."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/02_Flight.cfg:936
msgid "Onward to Tyegëa’s island, then."
msgstr "それでは Tyegëa の島へ行こう。"
#. [scenario]: id=03_Wolf_Coast
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:13
msgid "Wolf Coast"
msgstr "オオカミ海岸"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:21
msgid "Distrustful of the open ocean, Kai Krellis led his people up the coast."
msgstr ""
"ひらけた海洋に不安を抱きながらも、Kai Krellis は彼の民を海岸に導きました。"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:26
msgid ""
"They had only just begun their trek when they encountered wolves who had "
"gotten wind of the battle. Many of the wolves were ridden by goblins. The "
"orcs of Tirigaz, chastened by Kai Laudiss’s victory, might have decided not "
"to bother the merfolk, but these goblins were bandits and outcasts even to "
"their own kind."
msgstr ""
"した。多くのオオカミの背にはゴブリンが乗っていました。Kai Laudiss による先の"
"戦いで痛手を受けた Tirigaz のオークはマーフォークに手を出さないことにしたかも"
#. [side]: id=Gashnok, type=Goblin Knight, type=Goblin Knight, type=Direwolf Rider, type=Direwolf Rider
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:81
msgid "Wolf Riders"
msgstr "ウルフライダー"
#. [side]: id=Gashnok, type=Goblin Knight, type=Goblin Knight, type=Direwolf Rider, type=Direwolf Rider
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:85
msgid "Gashnok"
msgstr "Gashnok"
#. [side]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:143
msgid "Wild Wolves"
msgstr "野生の狼"
#. [unit]: type=Goblin Knight, id=Vrunt
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:200
msgid "Vrunt"
msgstr "Vrunt"
#. [message]: speaker=Gashnok
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:210
msgid ""
"Smells like lots of death in the south near that merman town. Hey, Vrunt, "
"you think the wolves like eatin’ merfish?"
msgstr ""
"あのマーマンの町の周りは死の臭いがぷんぷんしてるぜ。なぁ Vrunt 、狼どもは魚野"
#. [message]: speaker=Vrunt
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:215
msgid ""
"Talking or not, fish are fish. Wolves’ll probably love them. Besides, look "
"there! Some fresh ones are coming our way!"
msgstr ""
"に、見てみろよ! 新鮮な奴らが近付いて来やがるぜ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Gashnok
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:220
msgid ""
"They look mighty good to me. Might even have a taste later, myself. Let’s "
"get ’em, boys!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:225
msgid "Beware, people!"
msgstr "民よ、気をつけるんだ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:253
msgid "Someone go find out what is exciting the bat."
msgstr "コウモリが興奮しているぞ、誰がそこに調査に行け。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:277
msgid ""
"I wonder why such a strangely colored wolf emerged from the forest over "
msgstr "あそこの森から妙な色の狼が現れた。これはどういうことだろう?"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:306
msgid "There is something sticking out of the mud here. Ah! I got it."
msgstr "何かかここの泥に突き刺さっている。ああ! 引き抜けたぞ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:313
msgid ""
"I know what that is. It’s a storm trident. It is supposed to let you control "
"the lightning."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:318
msgid "The trident is 14×2, magical, ranged, with fire damage."
msgstr ""
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:325
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:903
msgid "That sounds great! I’ll take it."
msgstr "すばらしい! 手にいれたぞ。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:334
msgid "That sounds frightening. Let someone else have it."
msgstr "なんだか恐ろしい。他の誰かにもたせてください。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:372
msgid "Let me have that trident. I want to control lightning!"
msgstr "トライデントを手に入れるぞ。稲妻を操ってみたい!"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/03_Wolf_Coast.cfg:381
msgid "I’ll just leave that trident where it is."
msgstr "このトライデントはこのまま置いておこう。"
#. [scenario]: id=04_Slavers
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:33
msgid "Slavers"
msgstr "奴隷たち"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:42
msgid ""
"Now, they were farther away from home than most merfolk ever went. Only "
"Cylanna and a few soldiers had been farther."
msgstr ""
"た。今までは、こんなに遠くにまで辿り着いたのは Cylanna と数人の兵士のみだった"
#. [side]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:86
msgid "Former Slaves"
msgstr "農民の奴隷"
#. [side]: id=Gilak, type=Saurian Ambusher, type=Saurian Ambusher, type=Saurian Flanker, type=Saurian Flanker
#. [side]: id=Raxisz, type=Saurian Ambusher, type=Saurian Ambusher, type=Saurian Flanker, type=Saurian Flanker
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:110
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:166
msgid "Saurian Slavers"
msgstr "トカゲの奴隷使役人"
#. [side]: id=Gilak, type=Saurian Ambusher, type=Saurian Ambusher, type=Saurian Flanker, type=Saurian Flanker
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:114
msgid "Gilak"
msgstr "Gilak"
#. [unit]: type=Saurian Skirmisher
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:150
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:157
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:205
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:255
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:262
msgid "Guardian"
msgstr "ガーディアン"
#. [side]: id=Raxisz, type=Saurian Ambusher, type=Saurian Ambusher, type=Saurian Flanker, type=Saurian Flanker
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:170
msgid "Raxisz"
msgstr "Raxisz"
#. [side]: id=Aglizix, type=Saurian Ambusher, type=Saurian Flanker, type=Saurian Flanker, type=Saurian Flanker
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:214
msgid "Saurians"
msgstr "トカゲ"
#. [side]: id=Aglizix, type=Saurian Ambusher, type=Saurian Flanker, type=Saurian Flanker, type=Saurian Flanker
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:219
msgid "Aglizix"
msgstr "Aglizix"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:316
msgid "There are cages on the shore. I wonder why."
msgstr "海岸に檻があるぞ。どうしたことだ?"
#. [unit]: type=Merman Brawler, id=Teeloa
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:329
msgid "Teelöa"
msgstr "Teelöa"
#. [message]: speaker=Teeloa
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:342
msgid "Help! Save me!"
msgstr "助けて! ぼくを救って!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:347
msgid "Who are you? What is happening?"
msgstr "誰だ? どういうことなんだ?"
#. [message]: speaker=Teeloa
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:352
msgid ""
"My name is Teelöa. I have been a slave to these saurians for almost two "
"years. I saw you coming up the coast in strength, so I fled. They follow in "
"my wake, and without your protection they will surely kill me."
msgstr ""
"ぼくは Teelöa です。あのトカゲどもにほぼ 2 年の間奴隷にされていました。あなた"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:357
msgid "A slave!"
msgstr "奴隷だと!"
#. [message]: speaker=Gilak
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:363
msgid ""
"You! Merman! You have some property of oursss. Return it at once if you "
"value your life."
msgstr "マーマンめ! 貴様は俺たちの所有物だ。命が惜しくばすぐに戻れ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:368
msgid ""
"If you mean this merman, Teelöa, he is no longer your property. No person "
"should be the property of another. Release all your slaves, or the wrath of "
"the merfolk will fall upon you!"
msgstr ""
"お前の言うのがこのマーマン、Teelöa のことなら、もはやお前の所有物ではない。誰"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:373
msgid "A brave and kindhearted choice! I cannot abide slavery."
msgstr "勇敢で慈悲のある決断ですわ! 私は奴隷制を認めないわ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#. The phrase 'words of a man' does *not* have the sense of
#. 'words of a human' here; it signifies rather 'words of a
#. moral adult' as opposed to a child or dependant.
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:381
msgid ""
"Those were the words of a man and a leader, Kai Krellis, and well spoken. "
"The folk are truly yours now."
msgstr ""
"これこそ男として、リーダーとしての言葉です、Kai Krellis。素晴らしいお言葉で"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:387
msgid ""
"Kai Krellis saw that it was so. The refugee merfolk, sore in their pride "
"from fleeing their enemies, cheered his ultimatum and made ready to fight "
"with a will."
msgstr ""
"先の戦いで敵から逃げたことでプライドが傷ついたマーフォークの難民たちが Kai "
"Krellis のこの宣言を支持し、この戦いのために心の準備をしたことを Kai Krellis "
#. [message]: speaker=Gilak
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:393
msgid "Foolish merman! You will sssoon wish you had minded your own affairs."
msgstr "愚かな魚人め! 貴様はすーぐに自身の過ちに気づくことになる。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:402
msgid ""
"Perhaps if I called out to the slaves, I could rouse them to help us fight "
"against their captors."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:412
msgid ""
"I think that would work. If I may make a suggestion though, I think we "
"should wait for a more strategic moment."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:416
msgid ""
"Never hesitate to speak your counsel to me, Gwabbo. You have been my right "
"arm on this journey; your courage and loyalty are well proven."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:420
msgid ""
"Those are the words of a true kai and your father’s son. I am proud of you, "
msgstr ""
"それこそ真の Kai であり、お父様の息子の言葉ですわ。Krellis、私はあなたを誇り"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:426
msgid ""
"I believe that would work, but many of them will be killed if you do it now. "
"It might be better to wait."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:434
msgid ""
"You can choose when the slaves come out of their villages and attack their "
"captors. When you are ready, right-click anywhere and select ‘Inspire the "
"slaves to revolt’."
msgstr ""
#. [set_menu_item]: id=peasant_revolt_menu_option
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:449
msgid "Inspire the slaves to revolt"
msgstr "奴隷の反乱を扇動する"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:463
msgid ""
"Hear this! Slaves, the merfolk have sworn war against your tormentors. If "
"you would be free, arise and seize your liberty!"
msgstr ""
"奴隷たちよ! 我々マーフォークは、お前たちを捕らえる者どもに宣戦布告した。自由"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#. "to hand" is an expression that means "nearby".
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:503
msgid ""
"Cheers erupted from several villages, and former slaves rushed out with "
"whatever meager weapons they could find, or fists and rocks if no weapons "
"were to hand. Screams and curses came from the saurian castles."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:541
msgid "There is a treasure chest there! Good bat!"
msgstr "宝箱を発見したか! 偉いコウモリだ!"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:547
msgid "There is a treasure chest here!"
msgstr "宝箱を発見した!"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:560
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:184
msgid "You receive 100 gold."
msgstr "100ゴールド獲得。"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:582
msgid "Neep!"
msgstr "キィー!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:586
msgid ""
"I believe our bat is impressed! That must be a drake. I am told they are "
"fearsome, but honorable, creatures. I think we can let him out of the cage."
msgstr ""
"我々のコウモリは感動すると思うぞ! あれはドレークに違いない。彼らは恐ろしいと"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:598
msgid ""
"This must be a drake. I am told they are honorable creatures. I am going to "
"let him out of the cage."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:604
msgid ""
"That must be a drake. I am told they are fearsome, but honorable, creatures. "
"Let him out of the cage."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:608
msgid "Uh...If you say so."
msgstr "うーん…… あなたがそう言うのであれば。"
#. [unit]: type=Drake Burner, id=Keshan
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:621
msgid "Keshan"
msgstr "Keshan"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:634
msgid "What is your name?"
msgstr "貴君の名前は?"
#. [message]: speaker=Keshan
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:639
msgid "I am Keshan."
msgstr "Keshan だ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:644
msgid "How did you come to be in a cage?"
msgstr "どうして檻に入れられていたのだ?"
#. [message]: speaker=Keshan
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:649
msgid ""
"I was hunting north of here when the small ones captured me. I killed many, "
"but I was humiliated in the end."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:654
msgid "Will you fight with us, Keshan?"
msgstr "Keshan よ、我々と共に戦うか?"
#. [message]: speaker=Keshan
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:659
msgid "You have released me, so I owe you a great debt. I will fight with you."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:664
msgid ""
"Don’t let him go too crazy. Those saurian spears can go right through his "
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Poacher, id=Siddry
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:684
msgid "Siddry"
msgstr "Siddry"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:707
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:713
msgid "Who are you, and what are you doing in a cage?"
msgstr "あなたは誰だ? 何故檻の中にいる?"
#. [message]: speaker=Siddry
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:720
msgid ""
"My name is Siddry. These cursed saurians nabbed me a week ago — wanted me to "
"turn overseer to their other slaves. I wouldn’t do it, so they caged me with "
"them. They tried to take my bow too, but they had some trouble with that."
msgstr ""
"俺は Siddry という者だ。このいまいましいトカゲは1週間前に俺を捕まえた — 俺を"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:725
msgid "So, you will help us defeat them?"
msgstr "あなたは奴らを打ち負かすために我々と共に戦うか?"
#. [message]: speaker=Siddry
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:730
msgid ""
"The way I see it, you’re helping me. There is nothing I would like better "
"than to put their slavery to an end. I can’t swim, so I won’t be able to "
"come with you on your travels, but I will owe you. If there is anything I "
"can do in the future, I will do it."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:735
msgid ""
"Well met, then, friend. I am Kai Krellis, leader of the people of Jotha."
msgstr "ああ、友よ。私は Jotha の民の指導者 Kai Krellis だ。"
#. [message]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:750
msgid ""
"Kai Krellis, you have freed us, and we are forever in your debt. How can we "
"repay you?"
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis、貴方は私たちを解放してくれた。私たちはこの恩を永遠に忘れないだろ"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/04_Slavers.cfg:755
msgid ""
"I will not ask you to follow me. You have suffered enough for the benefit of "
"others. Go back to your families if you have them, and work for yourselves "
"from now on."
msgstr ""
#. [scenario]: id=05_Tirigaz
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:23
msgid "Tirigaz"
msgstr "Tirigaz"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:32
msgid ""
"Farther up the coast was the port city of Tirigaz where Kai Laudiss had so "
"soundly beaten the orcs. Bilheld was due west from there. The merfolk felt "
"uneasy, so they took shelter in an abandoned orcish encampment as night fell."
msgstr ""
"海岸からずっと内陸に離れた所に Tirigaz の港湾都市はありました。そこは Kai "
"Laudiss が以前徹底的にオークを打ちすえていたところです。Bilheld はその真西に"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:66
msgid "Destroy all the undead"
msgstr "アンデッドをすべて破壊する"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:77
msgid "(you can destroy the undead first)"
msgstr "(アンデッドを先に滅ぼす必要があります)"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:77
msgid "Also kill Marg-Tonz"
msgstr "Marg-Tonz も殺す"
#. [side]: id=Marg-Tonz, type=Orcish Sovereign
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:110
msgid "Orcs"
msgstr "オーク"
#. [side]: id=Marg-Tonz, type=Orcish Sovereign
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:114
msgid "Marg-Tonz"
msgstr "Marg-Tonz"
#. [side]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:142
msgid "Undead"
msgstr "アンデッド"
#. [message]: speaker=ghost scout
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:240
msgid "Found. Them."
msgstr "見つけた。奴らだ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:357
msgid ""
"I feared this might happen. We tarried too long fighting the saurians, and "
"the undead have caught up with us. The spirits may have trapped us here for "
"the night, but in the morning we will..."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Marg-Tonz
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:362
msgid ""
"What’s going on? What are you fish-men doing here? Are we constantly to be "
"pestered by you creatures?"
msgstr ""
"何が起きているのだ? お前たち魚人はこんな所で何をしている? 我々はずっとお前"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:367
msgid "He’s one to complain about that..."
msgstr "その件で文句を言うなら自分に言いなさいよ……"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:372
msgid "We were just passing through."
msgstr "我々はただ通過するだけだ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Marg-Tonz
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:377
msgid "Well, finish passing."
msgstr "うーむ、通るのはやめろ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:382
msgid ""
"Actually, we have some ghosts after us now, and we would like to shelter "
"here for a while."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Marg-Tonz
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:387
msgid ""
"Forget about it! We don’t want no trouble, but get off our land! Ghosts who "
"don’t like fish are your problem."
msgstr ""
"あきらめろ! もめごとは沢山だ、我々の土地から出ていけ! ゴーストが魚嫌いなの"
"はお前らの問題だ。 "
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:392
msgid ""
"If you give us a few hours to regroup and prepare our soldiers, we will go "
"without causing you trouble."
msgstr ""
"もし兵の準備と再編成のために 2, 3 時間もらえれば、我々はあなた方に面倒をかけ"
#. [message]: speaker=Marg-Tonz
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:397
msgid ""
"You have one hour. After that, we are tearing down that old encampment. You "
"stay in the water if you know what’s good for you. If you set foot...or "
"whatever...on land again, we’ll cut your throats. And stay off our piers. "
"And don’t touch the ships neither!"
msgstr ""
"1 時間だ。その後、我々はその古い野営地を取り壊す。お前らは水の中にいるのが身"
"のためだぞ。お前らが領土に足を…… 体のどこでも突っ込んだら、お前らののど笛をか"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:402
msgid "I wonder how he gets customers with manners like that."
msgstr "近頃ではそんなビジネスマナーで、お取引先が得られるものなのかしらね。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:407
msgid ""
"One hour will work for us. It will not take all of us to defeat the undead. "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:407
msgid "We can decide what to do about the orc after that."
msgstr "オークをどうするかは、その後で決めてもよいだろう。"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:412
msgid "You will only be able to use your keep for one turn."
msgstr "主塔は最初のターンのみ使うことが出来ます。"
#. [message]: speaker=Marg-Tonz
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:480
msgid "You’re still squatting on our land! I warned you."
msgstr "まだ我々の土地を占拠しているのか! 警告したはずだぞ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Marg-Tonz
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:514
msgid "I told you to stay off our land! Now you’re in for it."
msgstr "我々の土地に近寄るなと言ったはずだぞ! まずい事をしてくれたな。"
#. [message]: speaker=Marg-Tonz
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:548
msgid "I told you not to bother the ships! Now you’re in for it."
msgstr "我々の船に手を出すなと言ったはずだぞ! まずい事をしてくれたな。"
#. [message]: speaker=Marg-Tonz
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:581
msgid ""
"You crazy fish men are attacking us? After we tried to be nice? That’s it. "
"We’re going to end you once and for all."
msgstr ""
"頭のおかしい魚どもは我々を攻撃するのか? 我々は友好的であろうとしたのに? 今"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:649
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:662
msgid "Now maybe we can head west undisturbed."
msgstr "多分、今度は邪魔されずに西へ向かえるだろう。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:660
msgid "We have destroyed the undead."
msgstr "アンデッドを滅ぼしたぞ。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:671
msgid ""
"This orc leader has not learned that threatening merfolk is a bad idea. We "
"shall defeat him before we go."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:715
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:721
msgid ""
"It seems that orc was rich! He has a chest here with over 100 pieces of gold!"
msgstr "オークの奴、金持ちだったみたいだぞ! 100ゴールド以上箱に入っている!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:729
msgid "Now we must defeat the undead."
msgstr "さあ、アンデッドを倒さねば。"
#. [message]: speaker=Marg-Tonz
#. orc's boss' last breath, deliberately gendered instead of changing to "merfolk"
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/05_Tirigaz.cfg:770
msgid "I hate mermen!"
msgstr "マーマンなど嫌いだ!"
#. [scenario]: id=06_Uncharted_Islands
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:26
msgid "Uncharted Islands"
msgstr "地図に載っていない島々"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:35
msgid ""
"Now the merfolk had no choice but to travel through the open ocean, which "
"they knew was more dangerous than shallow water. After a few days, they "
"found some islands in their path. The infirm and young among the refugees "
"needed a break from travel; Cylanna only vaguely remembered them, but "
"thought they might be safe."
msgstr ""
"休憩を必要としていました。Cylanna は漠然と彼らのことを覚えていましたが、安全"
#. [side]: id=Growloff, type=Ranger
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:53
msgid "Growloff and His Pets"
msgstr "Growloff とイカ"
#. [side]: id=Growloff, type=Ranger
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:58
msgid "Growloff"
msgstr "Growloff"
#. [unit]: type=Cuttle Fish, id=pet
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:133
msgid "Beloved Pet"
msgstr "かわいいイカちゃん"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:166
msgid ""
"Uh oh. There is someone else here. Hey! He is being attacked by a cuttlefish!"
msgstr "お。誰かがいるぞ。なんと! 殺人イカの攻撃に晒されているぞ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Growloff
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:170
msgid "Look my pet, here’s a yummy treat!"
msgstr "イカちゃんたち。あそこにご馳走があるぞ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:174
msgid "Or...is he talking to it?!"
msgstr "違う? あいつは殺人イカと話してるのか?"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:178
msgid "It is worse than that. I think we are the treat!"
msgstr "それだけではないようです。我々のことをご馳走と思っているようです。"
#. [message]: speaker=Growloff
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:182
msgid "Who is ready for a merfolk snack?"
msgstr "マーフォークの唐揚げを用意してくれるのは誰かな?"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:186
msgid "Brace yourselves."
msgstr "戦闘体制に移れ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:199
msgid ""
"Oh no! Look what he has frisking at his heels now. And I thought the "
"cuttlefish was bad!"
msgstr ""
"なんと! あいつの足元でじゃれついているやつを見たか。それに殺人イカは敵だと"
#. [message]: speaker=Growloff
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:211
msgid "You killed my pet! You’ll pay for that!"
msgstr "よくもイカちゃんをやってくれたな! 償ってもらうぞ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Growloff
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:230
msgid "Don’t kill me!"
msgstr "殺さないでください!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:234
msgid "But you attacked us with these monsters."
msgstr "お前は我々をこの化け物で攻撃しただろ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Growloff
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:238
msgid ""
"They are my friends. I’ve been so lonely here...and you killed so many of my "
"friends. They could be your friends too. Spare me, and I’ll give you my "
"favorite cuttlefish. His name is Inky."
msgstr ""
"お供に差し上げましょう。彼の名は Inky です。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:242
msgid "I do not want a dangerous beast like that!"
msgstr "こんな危険な化け物は欲しくない!"
#. [message]: speaker=Growloff
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:246
msgid ""
"But he’s tame! Really! He understands dozens of commands. He’ll do what you "
"tell him. He’s a really nice fish."
msgstr ""
"けど、この子はよく訓練されてるんです! 本当です! いくつもの命令を理解します"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:250
msgid "Maybe we could use a pet sea monster."
msgstr "恐らく、私たちはこのモンスターをペットとして扱うことができるでしょう。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:254
msgid ""
"Very well. I will take the cuttlefish. But do not trouble us again, or I "
"shall kill you and all the rest of your pets."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Growloff
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:258
msgid ""
"Of course, of course. I promise! I never wanted to hurt you nice people "
msgstr ""
"もちろんです。もちろんですとも! 約束します。二度とあなた方を傷つけるようなこ"
#. [unit]: type=Cuttle Fish, id=Inky
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:266
msgid "Inky"
msgstr "Inky"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/06_Uncharted_Islands.cfg:275
msgid "Right. Tell me how to control this thing."
msgstr "よし、私にこいつの扱い方を教えてくれ。"
#. [scenario]: id=07_Bilheld
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:24
msgid "Bilheld"
msgstr "Bilheld"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:33
msgid ""
"Finally, the merfolk arrived at Bilheld. Their destination, and help, was "
"just behind it. The island was inhabited, however, and the residents didn’t "
"look happy to see them."
msgstr ""
"ようやく、マーフォークは Bilheld に到着しました。目的地と助けはもうすぐでし"
#. [side]: id=Vlagnor, type=Drake Flameheart
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:50
msgid "Drakes"
msgstr "Drakes"
#. [side]: id=Vlagnor, type=Drake Flameheart
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:55
msgid "Vlagnor"
msgstr "Vlagnor"
#. [message]: speaker=Vlagnor
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:124
msgid "What are you merfolk doing here?"
msgstr "マーフォークはここで何をしているのだ?"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:128
msgid "We have business with Tyegëa on the other side of the island."
msgstr "我々は島の反対側にいる Tyegëa に用があるのだ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Vlagnor
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:132
msgid "The mermaid witch?"
msgstr "あのマーメイドの魔女にか?"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:136
msgid "Witch?!"
msgstr "魔女?!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:140
msgid "Witch?"
msgstr "魔女だって?"
#. [message]: speaker=Vlagnor
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:144
msgid ""
"She kill drakes. If you are her friend, we will kill you. We do not want "
"MORE merfolk blasting and stabbing."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:148
msgid "We are going around this island whether you want us to or not."
msgstr "我々は何が何でもこの島を通過するぞ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Vlagnor
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:152
msgid "This is OUR territory and you will not pass."
msgstr "ここは我々のなわ張りだ。お前たちを通すわけにはいかない。"
#. [message]: speaker=Vlagnor
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:162
msgid "You! Drake. Do we kill you too?"
msgstr "おい、そこのドレーク。お前も殺されたいのか?"
#. [message]: speaker=Keshan
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:166
msgid "These are my friends. I will fight with them."
msgstr "彼らは私の仲間だ。私は彼らとともに戦う。"
#. [message]: speaker=Vlagnor
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/07_Bilheld.cfg:170
msgid "Then you will die with them!"
msgstr "お前も魚人と共に死ぬがよい!"
#. [scenario]: id=08_Talking_to_Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:7
msgid "Talking to Tyegëa"
msgstr "Tyegëa との会話"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:16
msgid ""
"It had been more of an adventure than Kai Krellis had planned, but they were "
"finally at their destination. The small island where Tyegëa and her students "
"lived was before them."
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis が計画していたより難しい冒険でしたが、彼らはついに目的地に到着し"
"ました。Tyegëa とその生徒の住んでいる島が目の前にあります。"
#. [side]: id=Tyegea, type=Mermaid Diviner
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:37
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:35
msgid "Tyegëa and Priestesses"
msgstr "Tyegëa と司祭"
#. [side]: id=Tyegea, type=Mermaid Diviner
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:41
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:39
msgid "Tyegëa"
msgstr "Tyegëa"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:67
msgid "Choose a unit to take the holy water"
msgstr "聖水を授かるユニットを選んで下さい"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:111
msgid "Krellis...choose your words carefully. Tyegëa is a bit unpredictable."
msgstr ""
"Krellis…… 注意深く言葉を選んでくださいね。Tyegëa は少し気まぐれなんです。"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:115
msgid ""
"Welcome, merfolk! It has been a long time since outsiders have visited. And "
"Cylanna! It is pleasant to see you."
msgstr ""
"ようこそ、マーフォークよ! お客が来るとは久しぶりですわ。それと、Cylanna! あ"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:119
msgid "The honor is ours. I present Kai Krellis of Jotha."
msgstr "光栄ですわ。Jotha の Kai Krellis を紹介します。"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:123
msgid "Indeed! So this is the one. Does he know?"
msgstr "まあ! それで例のことは教えたの?"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:127
msgid "Know what?"
msgstr "例のこととは?"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:131
msgid ""
"Now is not the time. We have a desperate errand, Tyegëa. Jotha has been "
"attacked and taken."
msgstr ""
"Jotha は攻撃されて、包囲されています。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:135
msgid ""
"We were forced to flee for our lives from legions of undead. If you help us, "
"we can remove these spirits from our home."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:139
msgid ""
"And what makes you think I want to leave my comfortable home and risk death "
"by attacking armies of undead?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:143
msgid "I had hoped..."
msgstr "私はその……"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:147
msgid ""
"I am sure it was Cylanna’s idea that you come here. She has a reason. Don’t "
"you Cylanna? Tell him what it is."
msgstr ""
"あなたがここに来たのは Cylanna の知恵だと分かっています。Cylanna には理由があ"
"る。そうでしょ? 彼にそのことを言いなさい。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:151
msgid "(Sigh.) I had hoped to avoid this, but it seems I cannot."
msgstr "(はあ。)できれば言いたくはなかったのですが、仕方ありませんね。"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:155
msgid ""
"I never agreed that secrecy was necessary, but I respected Maudin’s wishes "
"in the matter. Now Indress and Maudin are dead, and I am not. Tell the boy "
"the truth."
msgstr ""
"秘密にしておくことに私は反対でしたが、このことに関しては Maudin の希望を尊重"
"していたのです。今や Indress と Maudin は死んでしまいましたが、私はまだ生きて"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:159
msgid "You knew my grandparents?"
msgstr "あなたは私の祖父母をご存知で?"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:163
msgid "Actually, Tyegëa is your grandmother."
msgstr "実は、Tyegëa があなたの祖母なのです。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:167
msgid "What? How is that possible?"
msgstr "何だって? どうしてそんなことが?"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:171
msgid ""
"When your grandfather married Indress, he did not know that Tyegëa had "
"already born him a son. When she delivered your father to Jotha, your "
"grandmother Indress agreed to keep it secret and raise the infant as her own."
msgstr ""
"お祖父様が Indress と結婚した時には、Tyegëa がすでに彼の子供を産んでいたこと"
"を彼は知らなかったのです。彼女がお父様を Jotha へ連れて来た時に、お祖母様の "
"Indress はこれを秘密にして自分の子供として育てることに同意されました。"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:175
msgid "That was quite a scandal, too, but I was not cut out to be a mother."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:179
msgid ""
"I am astonished. I suppose I should be honored to have such a distinguished "
"ancestor. Now I understand why Cylanna knew you would help us."
msgstr ""
"大変驚いています。私はこんな素晴らしい祖先がいて光栄に思います。Cylanna があ"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:183
msgid ""
"That remains to be seen. I find it disturbing that a kai — and my descendant "
"— would run here begging for help. Before I agree to save you, you have to "
"prove that my blood flows in your veins. Prove that your are, despite "
"appearances, courageous, and worthy of my help."
msgstr ""
"それはまだ分かりませんよ。私は Kai が — そして私の孫でもありますが — ここへ助"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:187
msgid "Well, I defeated the drakes on your island."
msgstr "私は島にいたドレークを倒しました。"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:191
msgid ""
"Drakes only look dangerous. Soldiers carrying spears make short work of "
"them. No, I have something else in mind. You will complete a task for the "
"good of the merfolk. Listen."
msgstr ""
"ふん! ドレークは見かけだおしです。槍を持った兵士で彼らを抑えることはできま"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:195
msgid ""
"About 200 years ago, a powerful mermaid named Imirna fell in love with a "
"human wizard named Agnovon. Agnovon cared not for love, but he smiled "
"falsely at Imirna, and she trusted him. When he asked her to help him "
"enchant a sword so that it was wreathed continuously in magic flame, she "
"devoted all her skill to fashioning the weapon. Later, Agnovon used that "
"very sword to defeat Imirna’s own people and steal their wealth. In her "
"grief, Imirna poisoned herself."
msgstr ""
"200 年前、Imirna というマーメイドが Agnovon という人間に恋をしました。"
"Agnovon は Imirna のことを愛していませんでしたが、偽りの笑みを浮かべていたた"
"め、Imirna は Agnovon のことを信頼してしまった。Agnovon が Imirna に魔法の炎"
"に包まれている剣を作るように、頼んだとき、Imirna は自身の全能力を以ってその武"
"器を創り出しました。後に、Agnovon はその剣で Imirna の部下を破り、その富を奪"
"いました。Imirna は悲しみくれ、服毒して自殺してしまったのです。"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:199
msgid ""
"I have long desired to see the sword returned to the merfolk to whom it "
"should belong. If you retrieve it, you would prove yourself to be worthy of "
"whatever help I were to provide. I do not know precisely where to find the "
"sword, but I know one who does. South of the Swamp of Desolation, near a "
"ruined castle, lives a mage named Caladon. He has lusted after the sword for "
"years, so he will know where to find the lich who keeps it."
msgstr ""
"知っています。廃城の近くで、荒野の沼地の南に Caladon という魔術師が住んでいま"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:203
msgid "A lich has it? We were fleeing liches in the first place."
msgstr "リッチが持っているですのですか?我々はリッチから逃げてきたのですが。"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:207
msgid ""
"There is only one of them. If you cannot defeat even one lich, you must be "
"expecting me to get rid of all of your undead myself!"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:211
msgid "My apologies. You are right, of course. We will undertake this task."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:215
msgid ""
"I will not send you away completely empty-handed, though. I can spare some "
"holy water for one of your soldiers."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:226
msgid ""
"The holy water will make melee attacks do arcane damage for the rest "
"of the campaign. Choose a unit to take it. You may recruit or recall a unit "
"if you want."
msgstr ""
#. [object]: id=holywater1
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:239
msgid "Holy Water"
msgstr "聖水"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/08_Talking_to_Tyegea.cfg:252
msgid ""
"Now, go. Come back with the flaming sword, and my priestesses and I will "
"help you take back Jotha."
msgstr ""
"行ってらっしゃい。炎の剣を取り戻したら、私と司祭は Jotha を取り戻す手助けをし"
#. [scenario]: id=09_The_Mage
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:12
msgid "The Mage"
msgstr "魔術師"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:21
msgid ""
"The party traveled back to the mainland and followed the shore further "
"north. Kai Krellis had much to think about. First, what Tyegëa had revealed "
"about his ancestry gave him questions he could not answer. Second, he was "
"nervous about the task ahead. He felt confidence in his people but feared "
"paying too great a price in dead and wounded to pass Tyegëa’s test. He felt "
"sometimes angry at Tyegëa for sending him on this extra journey, and "
"sometimes grateful that she was willing to help at all."
msgstr ""
"仲間達は本土へ戻り、岸に沿ってさらに北へ行きました。Kai Krellis には考えるこ"
"とがたくさんありました。1 つに、Tyegëa が暴露した彼の出自は、彼には答えの出な"
"なっていました。彼は民に信頼を感じていましたが、Tyegëa に課せられた試練を乗り"
"かと恐れていました。彼はこの余計な旅に送り出した Tyegëa に怒りを感じもしまし"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:26
msgid ""
"After several days, the smell of the swamp was just becoming noticeable when "
"they found a small ruined castle in the right place to be the one Tyegëa had "
"mentioned. Night was falling, and it was very dark beneath the trees, but "
"Krellis was in a hurry, now that the end of their journey was in sight. He "
"decided to go ashore and try to find the mage immediately."
msgstr ""
"た。Tyegëa の説明にあった者が住む、まさにその場所です。夜になり、木々の下はと"
"ても暗くなっていました。ですが Krellis は急いでいました。今や彼の旅には終わり"
#. [side]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:49
msgid "Hungry Creatures"
msgstr "空腹の生き物"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:70
msgid "Find Caladon the mage"
msgstr "Caladon を探す"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:141
msgid ""
"I do not much care for the look of this area. The darkness seems to hang "
"beneath the trees, unnaturally dense."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Teeloa
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:145
msgid "I just heard a splash. I think something’s out there."
msgstr "水がはねる音がしました。何かいると思います。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:149
msgid "Let us find the mage quickly and leave."
msgstr "早く魔術師を見つけてここを去るのだ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Teeloa
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:339
msgid "Hey, that cavern is full of bats! I HATE those things."
msgstr "うわ、この洞窟はコウモリでいっぱいだ! こいつら嫌いだ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:343
msgid "I hope there aren’t any more bats in there."
msgstr "ここにはこれ以上、コウモリはいないようだ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:353
msgid ""
"This is a good place for a large colony, so I think we will see more soon."
msgstr "ここは居留地に適している場所ですので、もうすぐ見つけられると思います。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:359
msgid ""
"This is a good place for a large colony, so I imagine we will see more soon."
msgstr ""
#. [unit]: type=Silver Mage, id=Caladon
#. [side]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:383
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:96
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:98
msgid "Caladon"
msgstr "Caladon"
#. [message]: speaker=Keshan
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:400
msgid "There is somebody here."
msgstr "そこに誰かいるぞ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:404
msgid "Whoa there! BACK off or else!"
msgstr "誰だ! さがれ、さもなくば!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:408
msgid "Do not worry about him. He is friendly."
msgstr "心配しないでください。我々は味方です。"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:420
msgid "Neep, neep, neep!"
msgstr "キィー、キィー、キィー!"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:426
msgid "Hey, I found somebody!"
msgstr "おい、誰かいるぞ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:434
msgid "You must be Caladon. We are glad to see you."
msgstr "あなたは Caladon ですね。お会いできて嬉しいです。"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:438
msgid "I am Caladon. Am I glad to see YOU?"
msgstr "私は Caladon だが。お前に会えて私が嬉しいだと?"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:442
msgid ""
"I am Kai Krellis of Jotha. I am seeking a flaming sword, and I am told you "
"know where to find it."
msgstr ""
"私は Jotha の Kai Krellis です。炎の剣を探していて、あなたはどこにあるのか"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:446
msgid ""
"Ha! A MERman wants the Flaming Sword of AGNOVON! Why would YOU be able to "
"get it when so many others could NOT? Although you do have an impressive "
"collection of allies there."
msgstr ""
"ハッ! マーマンが Agnovon の炎の剣を求めているだと! 多くの者が失敗"
"しているのだ。お前にはできるというのか? 目立つ仲間達がいるようだ"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:450
msgid "Whether I can succeed or not, I must try. Will you help me find it?"
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:454
msgid ""
"I will show you EXACTLY where it is, but knowing where to FIND it isn’t the "
"hard part. Oh, no! You will see, my fine merman, you will see."
msgstr ""
"こにあるのか知ることは難しいことでない。ん? なんと、可愛いマーマンが"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:458
msgid "We would be very grateful if you would guide us."
msgstr "あなたが案内していただければ、大変ありがたいのですが。"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:462
msgid ""
"I would be HAPPY to guide such a pretty mermaid AND her friends. Follow me "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:486
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:1105
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/dw-utils.cfg:135
msgid "Cylanna! I need you!"
msgstr "Cylanna! あなたが必要なのに!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:490
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:1109
msgid "Tyegëa will never forgive me. We are lost."
msgstr "Tyegëa は絶対に許してくれない。我々は失敗した。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/09_The_Mage.cfg:504
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:1123
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/dw-utils.cfg:149
msgid "We are lost without our king!"
msgstr "王がいなければ勝てません!"
#. [scenario]: id=10_The_Flaming_Sword
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:14
msgid "The Flaming Sword"
msgstr "炎の剣"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:23
msgid ""
"Caladon led them just a little way up the shore. Despite its name, the swamp "
"was not actually desolate on the outskirts. A hardy population of humans "
"coaxed a living out of the damp soil."
msgstr ""
"Caladon は岸に沿ってマーマンたちを導いていきました。その名前のわりに、その沼"
#. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Govon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:49
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:51
msgid "Mal-Govon"
msgstr "Mal-Govon"
#. [side]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:81
msgid "Villagers"
msgstr "村人"
#. [objective]: condition=win
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:184
msgid "Pry the flaming sword from the dead hand of its owner"
msgstr "炎の剣を所有者から奪取する"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:188
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:275
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/dw-utils.cfg:116
msgid "Death of Kai Krellis"
msgstr "Kai Krellis の死"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:192
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/dw-utils.cfg:120
msgid "Death of Cylanna"
msgstr "Cylanna の死"
#. [objective]: condition=lose
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:196
msgid "Death of Caladon"
msgstr "Caladon の死"
#. [message]: speaker=$spy_unit.id
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:270
msgid ""
"(whisper) Kai, I heard Caladon muttering about the sword. I think he may try "
"to take it for himself."
msgstr ""
"(ささやき声で) Kai 様、私は Caladon が剣についてぶつぶつ言っているのを聞き"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:274
msgid ""
"Thank you, $spy_unit.name|. I will keep that in mind, but it may be hard for "
"us to stop him with that teleporting trick he has."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:283
msgid ""
"Here we are. There’s a castle up ahead in the fog. That’s where Agnovon has "
"the sword."
msgstr ""
"着いたぞ。霧に霞んで見える城があるだろ。あそこで Agnovon が剣を持っている。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:287
msgid "The lich is Agnovon?"
msgstr "あのリッチが Agnovon ですか?"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:291
msgid ""
"Well, he calls himself Mal-Govon now, but yes. He called this land the "
"KINGDOM of Agnovon. He was its first king. And its last. And each one in "
"between too! He kept getting older and older, but he never died. Well, NOW "
"he’s dead of course. He still putters around in that castle over there, but "
"he hasn’t really cared about keeping his kingdom under control for a good "
"long while. I bet I can wake him up, though. Watch THIS!"
msgstr ""
"うむ、そうだが、今やあいつは自分のことを Mal-Govon と名乗っている。あいつはこ"
"の土地を Agnovon 王国と呼んでいた。一代目の王だ。そして、最後の王でも"
"ある。やつはずっと王だった! 老いに老いたが死ななかった。今こそ、やつ"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:295
msgid ""
"Suddenly, Caladon’s strident voice shrieked out louder than seemed possible, "
"as if there were dozens of men shouting at once."
msgstr ""
"突然、 Caladon はまるで大勢の人が叫んでいるような大きな耳障りな声を上げて笑い"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:300
msgid ""
"Nice trick, huh?"
msgstr ""
"Agnovon よ。私はお前の剣を取りに来たぞ! 今日、お前は恐怖を思い出すのだ!"
" へっ へっ! どうだ、うまいやり方だろ?"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:305
msgid ""
"A voice came back like wind moaning through dry leaves. Though it was only "
"whispered, all heard it better than they wanted."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Mal-Govon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:310
msgid ""
"What I remember, you old fool, is you leaving behind the smoldering bodies "
"of the orcs you had hired to steal my sword. Now, you bring merfolk to do "
"your dirty work. When they lie expiring like gasping fish on the shore, will "
"you not flee again? Do not speak to me of fear."
msgstr ""
"かな? ありもしない恐怖をこの私に語るなど、やめてもらいたいものだ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:314
msgid "We are here of our own accord, and we will take that sword."
msgstr "我々はその剣を取り返すため、自らここに来たのだ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Mal-Govon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:318
msgid ""
"The merman speaks. Tell it to go away, Caladon, if it doesn’t want to get "
msgstr "マーマンごときが。Caladon、去るように言え。傷を負いたくなかったらな。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:322
msgid "That does it. Attack!"
msgstr "もう我慢できん。攻撃開始!"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:331
msgid ""
"A word of warning, young Kai. I carry a staff of righteous FLAME. If you let "
"me die, I will take YOU all with me!"
msgstr ""
"若き Kai よ、忠告しておくぞ。私は正しき炎の杖を持っている。もし私を死なせるよ"
#. [unit]: type=Outlaw, id=Howyrth
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:353
msgid "Howyrth"
msgstr "Howyrth"
#. [message]: speaker=Howyrth
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:367
msgid ""
"Hello there! Who are you? Were you the ones shouting about taking a sword?"
msgstr "こんにちは! あなたはどなたですか? 剣を取るとか叫んでた人達ですか?"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:372
msgid ""
"I am Kai Krellis of Jotha. I am attempting to defeat Mal-Govon and take his "
"sword. Will you join us in battle against a common enemy?"
msgstr ""
"私は Jotha の Krellis だ。Mal-Govon を倒し、剣を取り返すつもりだ。同じ敵に対"
#. [message]: speaker=Howyrth
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:377
msgid ""
"I don’t know if that creature really is our enemy. He has never bothered us, "
"and I should stay at my post anyway. However, I’m sure many townsfolk would "
"welcome the extra income if you want to hire them. I guess we would be happy "
"to get rid of the monster just in case."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:381
msgid ""
"You can now recruit human villagers, but you will not be able to recall them "
"in future scenarios."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Siddry
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:430
msgid ""
"Kai Krellis! What are you doing here? I thought you were traveling south "
"when I met you."
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis! ここで何をしているんだ? 俺はてっきり南に行っていると思ってた。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:434
msgid "Friend Siddry!"
msgstr "Siddry ではないか!"
#. [message]: speaker=Howyrth
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:438
msgid "You know each other?!"
msgstr "あなたたちは知り合いですか?!"
#. [message]: speaker=Siddry
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:442
msgid ""
"Kai Krellis is the one who saved me from slavery, Howyrth. I told him I "
"would repay him if I could, and here is my chance. My friends and I will "
"join you in your fight, Kai Krellis. We are yours to command, and we refuse "
"to be paid."
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis は俺を奴隷の身から解放してくれたんだ、Howyrth。俺はできれば恩返し"
"したいと言っていたんだ。いまこそチャンスだ。Kai Krellis、Howyrth と俺はあなた"
#. [unit]: type=Footpad, gender=female, id=Lyllan
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:451
msgid "Lyllan"
msgstr "Lyllan"
#. [unit]: type=Thug, id=Trudd
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:463
msgid "Trudd"
msgstr "Trudd"
#. [unit]: type=Thug, id=Dorcyn
#. [unit]: type=Footpad, gender=male, id=Dorcyn
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:475
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:492
msgid "Dorcyn"
msgstr "Dorcyn"
#. [message]: speaker=Dorcyn
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:500
msgid "I’ll join you right now! That monster is just unnatural."
msgstr "今から俺も共に戦うぞ! あの怪物はとにかく残酷だ。"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:574
msgid ""
"The merfolk clapped their hands over their ears as a terrible wail echoed "
"off the castle walls."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:605
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:611
msgid "Now we have the sword!"
msgstr "我々は剣を手に入れた!"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:618
msgid "Correction. Now I have the sword!"
msgstr "そうじゃない。私が剣を手に入れた!"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:676
msgid ""
"It’s MINE! The Flaming Sword of Agnovon IS ALL MINE! I can feel warmth "
"SPREADING through me!"
msgstr ""
"私のものだ! Agnovon の炎の剣は絶対に私のものだ! 体に染み渡る"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:701
msgid "What? We won that sword!"
msgstr "なんだと? 私がこの剣を手に入れたのだぞ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:706
msgid ""
"Well, it’s true that you helped, so I won’t kill you. But I don’t trust you, "
"so leave my realm. Go on. I will grant you some time. The benevolence of "
"Caladon will be LEGENDARY! Heh heh, HA!"
msgstr ""
"ら。Caladon の深い慈悲は伝説になるのだ! ハハハッ!"
#. [message]: speaker=$staff_tip_off
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:711
msgid "Kai! He dropped his staff! We can attack him whenever we want now!"
msgstr "Kai! やつは杖を落としました! 今なら攻撃できます!"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:715
msgid ""
"We can pretend we are going to leave though. That would buy me some time to "
"heal the wounded."
msgstr "ここを去るふりをしましょう。それで傷を治す時間が取れます。"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:751
msgid ""
"You DARE attack ME! You will regret that. Witness the POWER of the Flaming "
"Sword of Caladon! I call on the ELEMENT OF FIRE to DO MY BIDDING!"
msgstr ""
"お前は大胆にも私を倒そうとしたな! 後悔することになるぞ。"
"Caladon の炎の剣の力を見よ! 炎の精よ、私の意のままに!"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:818
msgid ""
"You haven’t left yet? My patience is at an END! Witness the POWER of the "
"Flaming Sword of Caladon! I call on the ELEMENT OF FIRE to DO MY BIDDING!"
msgstr ""
"まだ去らないのか? もう我慢できんぞ! Caladon の炎の剣の力を見"
"よ! 炎の精よ、私の意のままに!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:917
msgid "Now we can finally grab that sword."
msgstr "ようやく炎の剣を手に入れたぞ。"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:933
msgid "I am not going with you. One of your people should take the sword."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:951
msgid "This is not food. And it is definitely not a toy. Leave it."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:980
msgid "This sword is 8×4, magical, with fire damage."
msgstr "この剣は火炎の魔法ダメージ 8×4 を与えます。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:987
msgid "I’ll carry this sword and destroy undead with blasts of flame."
msgstr "この剣を持ち、アンデッドを炎の打撃で打ち倒すぞ。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:996
msgid "This sword is not right for me. Let someone else have it."
msgstr "この剣は私が持つのはふさわしくない。誰か他の者が取ってくれ。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:1031
msgid "I’ll carry the sword."
msgstr "私がこの剣を持とう。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:1040
msgid "Let someone else have it."
msgstr "誰か他の者が取ってくれ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:1078
msgid ""
"We thank all you humans for your help, and release you from any further "
"obligations. Where we are going, you cannot easily follow."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:1139
msgid "CURSE you merfolk!"
msgstr "呪われろ、忌々しいマーフォークめ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Caladon
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:1154
msgid "Aghh! Die!"
msgstr "ああ! 死ぬ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/10_The_Flaming_Sword.cfg:1159
msgid "He has that staff of..."
msgstr "Caladon はあの杖を……"
#. [scenario]: id=11_Getting_Help
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:4
msgid "Getting Help"
msgstr "援軍"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:14
msgid ""
"Kai Krellis and his people no longer feared the open ocean, and they made "
"straight for Tyegëa’s island to show her the flaming sword."
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis と民はもう外洋を恐れてはいませんでした。それで彼らは炎の剣を見せ"
"るために、まっすぐ Tyegëa の島へ向かいました。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:100
msgid ""
"We have brought the Flaming Sword. Caladon tried to steal it for himself, "
"but we were able to get it back from him."
msgstr ""
"炎の剣を持ってきました。Caladon は盗もうとしましたが、取り返すことに成功しま"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:104
msgid "He did not part with it willingly, so he must be dead."
msgstr "Caladon が自ら炎の剣を手放すわけがありません。死んだのですね。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:108
msgid "It is as you say."
msgstr "その通りです。"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:112
msgid ""
"No matter. He was a fool. Now, you have done as I asked, grandson, so I will "
"travel with you to your home and help you rid it of restless spirits. My "
"priestesses will come as well, and will be at your disposal."
msgstr ""
"気にすることはないわ。Caladon は愚かだったのよ。さて、我が孫よ、あなたは私の"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:135
msgid "You may now recruit mermaid priestesses!"
msgstr "あなたはマーメイドの司祭を雇用できるようになりました!"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:155
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:173
msgid "Also, I have a little gold I can bring along."
msgstr "それと、わずかだけどゴールドを渡しておくわ。"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/11_Getting_Help.cfg:166
msgid "You receive 55 gold."
msgstr "55ゴールド獲得"
#. [scenario]: id=12_Revenge
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:4
msgid "Revenge"
msgstr "復讐"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:13
msgid ""
"The mission had been more difficult than Kai Krellis would have believed "
"when he started. Finally though, the end was in sight. He had seen how "
"priestesses could carve through masses of undead, and now he traveled with a "
"whole contingent of them. Tyegëa was even more powerful, though as "
"unpredictable as Cylanna had said."
msgstr ""
"この使命は Kai Krellis が始めた時に信じていたより難しいものになりました。それ"
"います。Tyegëa はさらに強力です。Cylanna が言うように、気まぐれではありました"
#. [part]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:17
msgid ""
"The tribe that had fled Jotha unable to fight returned as an army stiffened "
"by veteran fighters and led by a warrior king. Though they were tired from "
"their journey, weariness fell from them as they neared home. The merfolk "
"arrived during the night, and found the mouth of their bay guarded, so they "
"headed south along the coast to some outlying villages to gather news of the "
msgstr ""
"戦えずに Jotha を逃げた部族は、戦い慣れた戦士で固められ、戦士である王に率いら"
#. [modify_unit]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:296
msgid "Mal-Necross"
msgstr "Mal-Necross"
#. [modify_unit]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:312
msgid "Mal-Verloth"
msgstr "Mal-Verloth"
#. [unit]: type=Merman Fighter, id=Nebthun
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:381
msgid "Nebthun"
msgstr "Nebthun"
#. [unit]: type=Merman Hunter, id=Jarla
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:393
msgid "Jarla"
msgstr "Jarla"
#. [unit]: type=Merman Brawler, id=Tabomo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:405
msgid "Tabomo"
msgstr "Tabomo"
#. [message]: speaker=Nebthun
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:414
msgid ""
"Kai Krellis! You live! We thought you and your people had all been killed "
"when Jotha fell."
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis 様ではありませんか! 生きていたのですね! Jotha が陥落した時にあな"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:418
msgid ""
"No, most of us escaped. I thought your settlements might be far enough away "
"to escape harm, but you look as if you had seen battle."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Nebthun
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:422
msgid ""
"Indeed, though we have not been hard-pressed. The creatures have been busy "
"fouling the waters and making the bay more to their liking. We worry that "
"they will soon be back to finish with us, and I fear we will not survive."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:426
msgid ""
"We come prepared for battle, and have brought help. We will reclaim our home "
"and make yours safe as well. Mal-Ravanal will pay this day."
msgstr ""
"ので、お前たちも自分自身を護れ。 Mal-Ravanal は本日償うことになるだろう。"
#. [message]: speaker=Nebthun
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:430
msgid ""
"Good. We will join you. You will be impressed with how quickly Tabomo here "
"crushes skeletons. I think we should make the ruined castle on the mainland "
"our base. The undead cut down many trees there to make bridges, and it is "
"much easier to move through now."
msgstr ""
"それは心強いです。私たちも一緒に戦います。ここにいる Tabomo がどれだけ素早く"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:466
msgid "At dawn, the merfolk got a good look at their opponents."
msgstr "夜明けにマーフォークたちは敵と会いまみえました。"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:472
msgid "This doesn’t look too bad."
msgstr "最悪の事態ではなさそうですね。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:477
msgid "Maybe not yet, but just wait."
msgstr "その通りですが、ちょっと待ってください。"
#. [message]: speaker=Mel Daveth
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:482
msgid ""
"The merfolk...they came back! Bring back the search parties! Call back the "
msgstr ""
"マーフォークめ・・・戻ってきやがった! 偵察隊を呼び戻せ! 軍団を召還しろ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kevek
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:487
msgid ""
"Just make some more, you fool. There are plenty of corpses to go around."
msgstr "もっと作れよ、馬鹿なやつだな。行き渡るだけの死体がたくさんあるぞ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:517
msgid ""
"I suppose this does look a little overwhelming. I may enjoy it "
"though. It can be satisfying to rain holy fire down on misbehaving spirits."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Gwabbo
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:522
msgid "Absolutely! Bring ’em on!"
msgstr "まったくだ! かかってこい!"
#. [unit]: type=$type_3, id=Carallcyn
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:593
msgid "Carallcyn"
msgstr "Carallcyn"
#. [message]: speaker=Carallcyn
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:599
msgid "We searched up the coast for miles, and here they are!"
msgstr "海岸をずっと探索したところ、こんなところにいました!"
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:709
msgid "I was wrong. You are no grandson of mine!"
msgstr "私は間違っていたわ。お前は私の孫ではなかった!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:720
msgid "I have failed my people."
msgstr "民の期待に答えられなくて無念だ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Dead Knight
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:743
msgid "Gruh!"
msgstr "グワァ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Mel Daveth
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:755
msgid "Save me Lord Rava...uhh!"
msgstr "Rava卿、お助けください…… がはっ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:772
msgid "We have retaken our home!"
msgstr "故郷を取り戻したぞ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:783
msgid "Cylanna! I will miss you."
msgstr "Cylanna! 居なくなっては困る。"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:794
msgid "Tyegëa! No!"
msgstr "Tyegëa! だめよ!"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:820
msgid "Inky has found something. Someone should check it out."
msgstr "Inky が何か見つけたぞ。誰か行って確かめよ。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:847
msgid "Something must be there! Good bat! Someone should find out what it is."
msgstr ""
"何かあるに違いない! 優秀なコウモリだ! 誰か行って正体を確かめるのだ!"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:884
msgid ""
"This man was wearing a necklace with a pendant on it. I’m sure the shape "
"means something."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Tyegea
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:891
msgid ""
"It does indeed. It is an ankh, and that pendant will strengthen your life "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:896
msgid "The ankh necklace provides 70% resistance to arcane damage."
msgstr "アンクの首飾りは秘術属性のダメージに70%の耐性を得ます。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:916
msgid "It doesn’t seem to have helped its previous owner. I don’t want it."
msgstr "前の持ち主を助けることができなかったようだな。こんなものは欲しくない。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:952
msgid "I would like my life force protected."
msgstr "私の生命力を守って欲しい。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/12_Revenge.cfg:965
msgid "My life force feels fine as it is."
msgstr "今のままでも私の生命力は良好だと思う。"
#. [scenario]: id=13_Epilogue
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:4
msgid "Epilogue"
msgstr "エピローグ"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:33
msgid ""
"After destroying Mal-Ravanal’s henchmen, Kai Krellis awaited another attack. "
"But it never came. Krellis sent some messengers south to discover what they "
"could. The news that came back was better than good. Mal-Ravanal was dead! "
"Soldiers of Wesnoth had defeated him at about the same time the merfolk had "
"defeated the undead at Jotha. With the evil wizard gone, the merfolk relaxed "
"and began rebuilding in earnest, and soon Jotha was restored."
msgstr ""
"Mal-Ravanal の子分をけちらしたあと、Kai Krellis は次の攻撃に備えました。しか"
"し、攻撃はありませんでした。Krellis は偵察隊を南に送り、何が起こったのかを調"
"べさせました。偵察隊が持って帰った知らせは良いものでした。Mal-Ravanal は死ん"
"だのです! Wesnoth の戦士たちが Mal-Ravanal を倒していたときに、マーフォーク"
"は Jotha でアンデッドを打ち破ったのでした。邪悪な魔術師がいないと知ると、マー"
"フォークたちは緊張を解き、熱心に再建に取り組みました。Jotha の町はすぐに復興"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:39
msgid ""
"Not everything was as before, of course. Many good merfolk had been lost in "
"the first attacks and on the journey. The visiting priestesses did much to "
"console the families of the dead, and as it always does, life continued. In "
"a few months, the giggles of children could be heard echoing through the "
"shallows. Many of those children were named after Kai Krellis, Gwabbo, "
"Cylanna, and the other heroes."
msgstr ""
"後、浅瀬には子供たちの笑い声が響きわたっていました。多くの子供たちは Kai "
"Krellis や Gwabbo、Cylanna、その他の英雄たちにちなんで名付けられました。"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:50
msgid ""
"Tyegëa returned to her home, but continued to keep in touch with her "
"grandson. Most of her priestesses went with her, but a few of them stayed in "
"Jotha, enriching the culture of the city."
msgstr ""
"Tyegëa は家に帰りました。ですが孫との連絡は絶やしませんでした。司祭のほとんど"
"は彼女と共に帰りましたが、何人かは Jotha に留まり、都市の文化を豊かにしまし"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:63
msgid ""
"Cylanna never traveled far again, but stayed in Jotha as a respected elder. "
"She remained a royal advisor, but her main work was healing the sick, and "
"presiding at naming ceremonies and weddings. All this agreed with her "
"disposition much better than battling undead."
msgstr ""
"Cylanna が遠くへ旅することは二度とありませんでした。ですが Jotha に留まり尊敬"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:70
msgid ""
"Kai Krellis was somber over the next months as he grieved over the loss of "
"Cylanna, but the grief diminished with time leaving only fond memories."
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis は Cylanna が亡くなって深く悲しんでいたため、一ヶ月たっても元気が"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:83
msgid ""
"Gwabbo lived to a ripe old age in Jotha. Tales of his heroics were told to "
"merfolk children for generations thereafter. He became an almost legendary "
msgstr ""
"Gwabbo は Jotha では高齢まで生きていました。彼の勇敢さは次の世代へと語り継が"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:101
msgid ""
"Gwabbo and Cylanna were often together, and when Kai Krellis found a wife "
"(which is a tale for another time!) they presided at his wedding."
msgstr ""
"Gwabbo と Cylanna はよく一緒にいました。Kai Krellis の結婚では祝福してくれま"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:114
msgid ""
"Teelöa returned to his home where he had been captured by the saurians. He "
"was delighted to find that many of his family members had also returned. He "
"visited Jotha frequently, and remained friends with all the other veterans."
msgstr ""
"Teelöa は彼の故郷に帰りました。あのトカゲに捕まっていた場所です。彼は家族もた"
"くさん戻ってきているのを見つけて大いに喜びました。彼は頻繁に Jotha を訪れまし"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:127
msgid ""
"Keshan returned to Bilheld where the drakes were still leaderless. He beat "
"them all into submission (which is the drake way) and ruled there with an "
"iron fist."
msgstr ""
"Keshan はリーダー不在の Bilheld に戻りました。彼は他のものを打ち負かし、服従"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:135
msgid ""
"Krellis himself married within a few years, and fathered strong sons and "
"beautiful daughters. When the orcs who had learned to fear his father tested "
"Jotha again, they learned to fear Kai Krellis even more."
msgstr ""
"Kai Krellis は数年後に結婚した後、丈夫な息子と美しい娘の父親になりました。"
"オークたちは親から恐ろしさを聞かされていましたが、 Jotha を試しに攻めました。"
"しかし、それは Kai Krellis への恐れを深めただけの結果に終わりました。"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/scenarios/13_Epilogue.cfg:146
msgid ""
"Inky lived with Krellis at court and frolicked in the kelp beds of Jotha "
"until he became fat and lazy in his old age."
msgstr ""
"Inky は Krellis と共に王宮で過ごし、Jotha の海藻の群生した場所ではしゃいでい"
"ました。そして高齢になると太って怠惰になってしまいました "
#. [unit_type]: id=Merman Child King, race=merman
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/units/Child_King.cfg:4
msgid "Child King"
msgstr "幼き王"
#. [unit_type]: id=Merman Child King, race=merman
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/units/Child_King.cfg:17
msgid ""
"When a mer king dies, the next in line becomes king however young he is. It "
"is his job to lead his troops in combat if necessary. Good soldiers will do "
"as they are told, but a very young king will get little real respect."
msgstr ""
#. [attack]: type=impact
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/units/Child_King.cfg:22
msgid "scepter"
msgstr "笏"
#. [unit_type]: id=Merman Soldier King, race=merman
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/units/Soldier_King.cfg:4
msgid "Soldier King"
msgstr "戦う王"
#. [unit_type]: id=Merman Soldier King, race=merman
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/units/Soldier_King.cfg:20
msgid ""
"A king who is skilled at combat commands great respect — especially among "
"soldiers. His strength allows him to wield powerful weapons and move "
"quickly, even with heavy armor. His leadership abilities inspire his troops."
msgstr ""
"戦闘の技術を磨いた王は大いなる尊敬を勝ち取ります — 特に兵士達にはです。その筋"
#. [unit_type]: id=Merman Warrior King, race=merman
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/units/Warrior_King.cfg:4
msgid "Warrior King"
msgstr "戦士の王"
#. [unit_type]: id=Merman Warrior King, race=merman
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/units/Warrior_King.cfg:20
msgid ""
"Warrior kings often become legendary in their own time. Their skill and "
"strength allows them to be truly formidable in battle. They are also fast "
"despite their heavy armor. Even skilled soldiers look upon them with awe."
msgstr ""
#. [unit_type]: id=Merman Young King, race=merman
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/units/Young_King.cfg:4
msgid "Young King"
msgstr "若き王"
#. [unit_type]: id=Merman Young King, race=merman
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/units/Young_King.cfg:20
msgid ""
"A young king with some battle experience will be treated with some respect. "
"Common citizens will be inspired to do their utmost when the king is nearby, "
"but battle-hardened veterans will be less impressed."
msgstr ""
#. shown in the status table
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/dw-utils.cfg:73
msgid "user_team_name^Merfolk"
msgstr "マーフォーク"
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/dw-utils.cfg:77
msgid "Kai Krellis"
msgstr "Kai Krellis"
#. [object]: id={ID}
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:8
msgid "Storm Trident"
msgstr "ストームトライデント"
#. [object]: id={ID}
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:11
msgid ""
"This trident gives merfolk the power to throw lightning at their enemies."
msgstr ""
#. [object]: id={ID}
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:13
msgid "Only merfolk can use this item."
msgstr "このアイテムはマーフォークのみが使用できます。"
#. [effect]: type=fire
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:28
msgid "storm trident"
msgstr "ストームトライデント"
#. [object]: id={ID}
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:53
msgid "Flaming Sword"
msgstr "炎の剣"
#. [effect]: type=fire
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:70
msgid "flaming sword"
msgstr "炎の剣"
#. [object]: id={ID}
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:90
msgid "Ankh Necklace"
msgstr "アンクのの首飾り"
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:187
msgid ""
"The bat slips the ring over a claw, and flies straight up, flapping "
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=narrator
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:193
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:261
msgid ""
"The ring of power increases the damage of all its owner’s attacks by one, "
"and adds three hitpoints."
msgstr ""
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:207
msgid "We will let the bat have the ring. It will make him more helpful."
msgstr "コウモリに持たせるべきだろう。より役に立ってくれるはずだ。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:216
msgid "Someone take that off him before he hurts himself."
msgstr "怪我をする前に、だれかが彼に渡さねば。"
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:236
msgid "Leave it."
msgstr "置いていこう。"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:251
msgid "I’ll try on the ring."
msgstr "指輪を試しにはめてみましょう。"
#. [message]: speaker=unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:256
msgid "I feel different, and all my weapons are lighter!"
msgstr "力がみなぎります。すべての武器が軽く感じます!"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:274
msgid "I’ll take this ring, and you can rely on my strength."
msgstr "この指輪をはめましょう。あなたは私の力をあてにすることができます。"
#. [option]
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:283
msgid "This thing makes me dizzy. Someone else can have it."
msgstr "指輪のせいで眩暈がします。他の誰かがはめてください。"
#. [object]: id=power_ring2
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:304
msgid "Ring of Power"
msgstr "力の指輪"
#. [message]: speaker=Cylanna
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:352
msgid ""
"Killing these enemies was good, but there are many more on the way. I’m sure "
"it is still unsafe here."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:357
msgid "I agree. I hate to leave our home, but we will return."
msgstr ""
#. [message]: speaker=Kai Krellis
#. [message]: speaker=second_unit
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:420
#: data/campaigns/Dead_Water/utils/items.cfg:426
msgid ""
"The human wizard was wearing a ring! Maybe it is magic. Someone should try "
"it on to see what it does."
msgstr ""
"人間の魔術師が指輪をはめていました! おそらくは魔法の指輪です。それがどのよう"