# Slovak translations for Battle for Wesnoth package. # Copyright (C) 2004 Wesnoth development team # This file is distributed under the same license as the Battle for Wesnoth package. # Automatically generated, 2004. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Battle for Wesnoth 1.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-10-28 17:38 UTC\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-03 21:55+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Michal Fusatý \n" "Language-Team: none\n" "Language: sk_SK\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural= (n==1) ? 1 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 2 : 0;\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2\n" #. [editor_group]: id=eastern_invasion #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #. [achievement_group] #. [scenario]: id=01_Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:37 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:51 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:20 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:19 msgid "Eastern Invasion" msgstr "Invázia z východu" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:52 msgid "EI" msgstr "IzV" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:56 msgid "1x enemies" msgstr "základný počet nepriateľov" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:56 msgid "Skirmish" msgstr "Potýčka" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:57 msgid "3x enemies" msgstr "trojnásobok nepriateľov" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:57 msgid "Incursion" msgstr "Napadnute" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:58 msgid "5x enemies" msgstr "päťnásobok nepriateľov" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:58 msgid "Invasion" msgstr "Invázia" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:102 msgid "" "There are rumors of undead attacks on the eastern border of Wesnoth. You, an " "officer in the Royal Army, have been sent to the eastern front to protect " "the villagers and find out what is happening.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Povráva sa o útokoch nemŕtvych na východnej hranici Wesnothu. Si dôstojníkom " "kráľovskej armády a bol si vyslaný na východný front chrániť dedinčanov a " "zistiť, čo sa deje.\n" "\n" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:104 msgid "(Intermediate level, 16 scenarios.)" msgstr "(Stredná náročnosť, 16 scén.)" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:108 msgid "Newest Campaign Version Rewrite" msgstr "Najnovšia verzia prerábky kampane" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:114 msgid "Original Campaign Design" msgstr "Pôvodný dizajn príbehu" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:120 msgid "Prose and Story Editing, Code Preparation" msgstr "Úprava príbehu, príprava kódu" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:126 msgid "Artwork and Graphics Design" msgstr "Grafický a umelecký dizajn" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:144 msgid "Campaign Redesign Playtesters" msgstr "Testeri kampane po redizajne" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:156 msgid "Previous Campaign Maintenance" msgstr "Predošlá správa kampane" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:168 msgid "Others" msgstr "Ostatní" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:33 msgid "" "Complete the ‘Eastern Invasion’ scenario with at least 10 surviving " "units." msgstr "" "Skompletizuj ‘Inváziu z východu’ s aspoň 10 jednotkami na konci." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:33 msgid "Scenario 1: Tactical Withdrawal" msgstr "Scenár 1: Taktické stiahnutie" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:35 msgid "Complete ‘The Escape Tunnel’ before the undead arrive." msgstr "Dokončite „Únikový tunel“ skôr, ako dorazia nemŕtvi." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:35 msgid "Scenario 2: Speedrun" msgstr "Scenár 2: Speedrun" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:37 msgid "" "Complete ‘An Unexpected Appearance’ without killing Mal-Tar, the dark " "adept." msgstr "" "Dokončite „Neočakávaný vzhľad“ bez zabitia Mal-Tara, temného adepta." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:37 msgid "Scenario 3: Merciful" msgstr "Scenár 3: Milosrdný" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:39 msgid "Defeat both the bandit and elven leaders in ‘Elven Interlude’." msgstr "Porazte vodcov banditov aj elfov v „Elfská medzihra“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:39 msgid "Scenario 4a: Scorched Earth" msgstr "Scenár 4a: Spálená zem" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:41 msgid "Recruit the dunefolk in ‘Ill Humours’." msgstr "Naverbujte púštny ľud v „Zlý vtip“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:41 msgid "Scenario 4b: Mercenary" msgstr "Scenár 4b: Žoldnier" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:43 msgid "Rescue all 6 prisoners from ‘Mal Ravanal’s Capital’." msgstr "Zachráňte všetkých 6 väzňov z „Hlavného mesta Mal-Ravanala“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:43 msgid "Scenario 4c: No (Horse)Man Left Behind" msgstr "Scenár 4c: Pozadu nezostal žiadny (jazdecký) bojovník" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:45 msgid "Complete ‘Northern Outpost’ without any peasants dying." msgstr "" "Dokonči „Severná základňa“ bez toho, aby zomreli nejakí roľníci." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:45 msgid "Scenario 5: Folk Hero" msgstr "Scenár 5: Ľudový hrdina" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:47 msgid "" "Defeat the necromancer in ‘Undead Crossing’ before rescuing Dolburras." msgstr "" "Porazte nekromanta v hre „Križovatka nemŕtvych“ pred záchranou " "Dolburrasa." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:47 msgid "Scenario 6a: A Little Help Here?" msgstr "Scenár 6a: Tu je malá pomoc?" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:49 msgid "Complete ‘Soradoc’ without killing any enemy leaders." msgstr "Dokonči „Soradoc“ bez zabitia nepriateľských vodcov." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:49 msgid "Scenario 6b: Ninja" msgstr "Scenár 6b: Ninja" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:51 msgid "Refuse to enslave any ogres in ‘Capturing the Ogres’." msgstr "Odmietnite zotročiť akéhokoľvek zlobra v „Zajímanie zlobrov“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:51 msgid "Scenario 7a: Ogre Rights Advocate" msgstr "Scenár 7a: Obhajca práv zlobrov" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:53 msgid "Kill 5 enemy leaders in ‘Ogre Crossing’." msgstr "Zabite 5 nepriateľských vodcov v „Križovatka zlobrov“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:53 msgid "Scenario 7b: Frenzied" msgstr "Scenár 7b: Zúrivosť" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:55 msgid "Ally with the dwarves in ‘Xenophobia’." msgstr "Spojte sa s trpaslíkmi v „Xenofóbia“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:55 msgid "Scenario 8: And My Axe" msgstr "Scenár 8: Máš moju sekeru" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:57 msgid "Recruit the wild ogres in ‘Castle in the Ice’." msgstr "Naverbujte divokých zlobrov v „Hrad na ľade“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:57 msgid "Scenario 9: Guuuh..." msgstr "Scenár 9: Guuuh..." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:59 msgid "Find the legendary Staff of Power in ‘Dark Sanctuary’." msgstr "Nájdite legendárnu palicu moci v „Temná svätyňa“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:59 msgid "Scenario 10: Brains" msgstr "Scenár 10: Mozgy" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:61 msgid "Find the Ring of Invisibility in ‘Captured’." msgstr "Nájdite prsteň neviditeľnosti v „Chytení“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:61 msgid "Scenario 11: And In The Darkness Bind Them" msgstr "Scenár 11: A v temnote ich zviažte" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:63 msgid "Complete ‘Evacuation’ by defeating all enemy leaders." msgstr "Dokonči „Evakuácia“ porazením všetkých nepriateľských vodcov." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:63 msgid "Scenario 12: Plan B" msgstr "Scenár 12: Plán B" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:65 msgid "Recruit Gaennell, the dark adept, in ‘Spoils of War’." msgstr "Naverbujte Gaennella, temného adepta, do „Vojnová korisť“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:65 msgid "Scenario 13: Oath of Redemption" msgstr "Scenár 13: Prísaha vykúpenia" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:67 msgid "Read the story of the Clans’ defeat in ‘The Drowned Plains’." msgstr "Prečítajte si príbeh o porážke klanov v „Utopené pláne“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:67 msgid "Scenario 14: Historian" msgstr "Scenár 14: Historik" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:69 msgid "Complete ‘Eleventh Hour’ with no recalling and no items." msgstr "Dokončite „Jedenástu hodinu“ bez privolávania a predmetov." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:69 msgid "Scenario 16: Alternate History" msgstr "Scenár 16: Alternatívna história" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:71 msgid "Kill no enemies before defeating Mal-Ravanal in ‘The Duel’." msgstr "" "Pred porazením Mal-Ravanala v hre „Duel“ nezabi žiadnych nepriateľov." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:71 msgid "Scenario 17a: Pacifist" msgstr "Scenár 17a: Pacifista" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:73 msgid "Kill all enemies before defeating Mal-Ravanal in ‘All-In’." msgstr "" "Zabite všetkých nepriateľov skôr, ako porazíte Mal-Ravanala v hre „Stávka " "za všetko“." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:73 msgid "Scenario 17b: Warmonger" msgstr "Scenár 17b: Vojnový štváč" #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:75 msgid "Complete the secret bonus scenario." msgstr "Dokončite tajný bonusový scenár." #. [achievement_group] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/achievements.cfg:75 msgid "Scenario 99: Haw, Haw, Haw" msgstr "Scenár 99: Haw, Haw, Haw" #. [lua]: wml_actions.bandit_village_capture #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/lua/bandits.lua:84 msgid "They're here!" msgstr "Tu sú!" #. [lua]: wml_actions.bandit_village_capture #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/lua/bandits.lua:91 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:526 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:543 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:560 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:577 msgid "No outlaws in this village." msgstr "V tejto dedine nie sú zbojníci." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:33 msgid "Warning!" msgstr "Varovanie!" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:34 msgid "Content note: this campaign has minor depictions of blood and gore." msgstr "" "Poznámka k obsahu: táto kampaň obsahuje menšie zobrazenia krvi a nechutného " "obsahu." #. [part] #. It is 625 YW. Konrad II is king, having reigned since 612. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:38 msgid "" "It was the thirteenth year of Konrad II’s reign when the strange occurrences " "in the Estmark Hills on the eastern border of Wesnoth began." msgstr "" "Bol to trinásty rok vlády Konráda II., keď sa začali diať čudné veci v " "kopcoch Estmarku na východnej hranici Wesnothu." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:42 msgid "" "Cattle and beasts of burden were found dead in the fields and villagers " "vanished from their houses with nary a clue nor sign of struggle. At first, " "the settlers suspected raiders from the great desert, but when they sent " "scouts east they found nothing but a small mountain range and miles of swamp." msgstr "" "Dobytok a ťažné zvieratá sa nachádzali mŕtve na poliach, a muži mizli zo " "svojich domov bez jedinej stopy, okrem tenkej čiary čiernej krvi. Osadníci " "spočiatku podozrievali nájazdníkov z veľkej púšte, ale keď poslali " "prieskumníkov na východ, tí našli iba nízke horské pásmo a míle močiarov." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:46 msgid "" "The disappearances did not stop and every day the terror grew greater. " "Eventually, the people living in the eastern villages sent a messenger to " "the king, asking for help. The messenger rode hard for many days and nights, " "and finally reached the city of Weldyn." msgstr "" "Zmiznutia neprestávali a teror každým dňom narastal. Nakoniec ľudia žijúci " "vo východných dedinách poslali ku kráľovi posla so žiadosťou o pomoc. Posol " "ťažko jazdil mnoho dní a nocí a nakoniec sa dostal do mesta Weldyn." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:50 msgid "" "When the king received news of the problem, his advisor Dacyn had much to " "say. Apparently, these attacks bore much similarity to ones that had " "previously occurred on the far southern border where undead had been the " "eventual culprit. Dacyn outlined a plan to combat these intrusions." msgstr "" "Keď kráľ dostal správu o probléme, jeho poradca Dacyn mal veľa čo povedať. " "Zdá sa, že tieto útoky sa veľmi podobali tým, ku ktorým predtým došlo na " "ďalekej južnej hranici, kde boli konečným vinníkom nemŕtvi. Dacyn načrtol " "plán boja proti týmto prienikom." #. [part] #. The River Guard posts had been built in 470 YW; they were abandoned in 544 YW. #. The wave of colonization had begun around 530 YW. #. This intro starts in 625 YW; the king's forces arrive at the outposts in 626 YW. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:57 msgid "" "In the days of King Garard I, two strong points had been built along the " "near bank of the River Weldyn, south of Soradoc, to stop bandits and orcish " "raiders out of the Estmarks from entering Wesnoth. In later years, the river " "guard posts had been abandoned as colonists spread into the Estmarks and the " "orcs were driven in retreat north of the Great River." msgstr "" "Za čias kráľa Gararda I. boli pozdĺž hranice Weldynu, južne od Soradoku, " "vybudované dve opevnenia, aby zabránili banditom a orčím nájazdníkom z " "Estmarku vstúpiť do Wesnothu. V neskorších rokoch boli tieto riečne hliadky " "opustené, ako sa usadlíci rozšírili do Estmarku a orkovia boli zahnaní na " "ústup na sever od Veľkej Rieky." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:61 msgid "" "With unknown enemies pressing Wesnoth from the East, Dacyn pressed Konrad II " "to re-man the outposts, and use them to keep the Crown’s eye and hand firmly " "on the lower River Weldyn. He sent two of the most promising young officers " "to them. To the northern outpost he sent Owaec, a Clan noble. To the " "southern outpost, he sent Sergeant Gweddry, who would be accompanied by " "Dacyn the mage." msgstr "" "Keď neznámi nepriatelia tlačili na Wesnoth z východu, Dacyn naliehal na " "Konráda II., aby obnovil základne a použil ich na to, aby držal oko a ruku " "koruny pevne na dolnej časti rieky Weldyn. Poslal k nim dvoch najsľubnejších " "mladých dôstojníkov. Na severnú základňu poslal Owaeca, klanového šľachtica. " "Na južnú základňu poslal seržanta Gweddryho, ktorého bude sprevádzať mág " "Dacyn." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:65 msgid "" "All went well once the king’s forces arrived. There were no attacks for " "several weeks, and Gweddry’s men started to grow incautious. Then, one " "evening, Gweddry and his men were roused by the startled cries of the night " "watchmen..." msgstr "" "Všetko išlo dobre, keď dorazili kráľovské sily. Niekoľko týždňov nedošlo k " "žiadnym útokom a Gweddryho muži začali byť neopatrní. Potom, jedného večera, " "Gweddryho a jeho mužov prebudili prekvapené výkriky nočných strážcov..." #. [side] #. [side]: type=Lancer, id=Yannic #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrad #. [side]: id=Konrad, type=King of Wesnoth #. [scenario]: id=16_Eleventh_Hour #. [side]: id=Dacyn, type=Fallen Mage #. [side]: id=Gweddry # TODO: he respawns even if he died last scenario, so we need to fix that #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:78 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:225 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:40 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:41 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:42 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:36 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:268 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:65 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:82 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:33 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:37 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:56 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:31 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:43 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:57 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:32 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:57 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:238 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:95 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:29 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:57 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:39 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:52 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:46 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:53 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:35 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:55 msgid "Wesnothians" msgstr "Wesnothskí" #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Nakeg-alvan # this guy reappears in S16 even if you kill him in S01. (maybe death knights can get re-animated) #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Talar #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mel Guthrak #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Skraat #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Mal-Tar #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Kallat, gender=female #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Skraat, gender=male #. [side] #. [scenario]: id=04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Rilaka #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Karad #. [side]: type=Ghast, id=ghast_leader #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-Talar #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Mana, gender=female #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Naken-alvak #. [scenario]: id=07b_Ogre_Crossing #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Ducatithil #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-Yrna, gender=female #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Darak #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-un-Zanrad, gender=female #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Xadrux #. [scenario]: id=16_Eleventh_Hour #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Lethin #. [scenario]: id=17b_All-In #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:101 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:137 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:183 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:176 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:53 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:83 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:114 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:63 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:130 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:289 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:36 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:135 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:59 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:191 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:244 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:299 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:373 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:155 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:93 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:257 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:286 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:343 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:120 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:139 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:160 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:252 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:287 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:303 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:316 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:188 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:234 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:277 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:591 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:60 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:62 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:311 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:440 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:450 msgid "Undead" msgstr "Nemŕtvi" #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Nakeg-alvan # this guy reappears in S16 even if you kill him in S01. (maybe death knights can get re-animated) #. [unit]: type=Death Knight, id=Nakeg-alvan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:105 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:655 msgid "Nakeg-alvan" msgstr "Nakeg-alvan" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Talar #. [else] #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-Talar #. A male necromancer, reappears in S06b and can pursue the player to S07b. #. In case a leader gets killed, there's some alias use between necromancers: #. if Mel Guthrak dies in S01, the pursuer in S02 is renamed Mal-Talar #. if Mal-Talar dies in S01, S02 can and S06b does rename to "Mal-Bakral" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:145 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:213 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:248 msgid "Mal-Talar" msgstr "Mal-Talar" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mel Guthrak #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mel Guthrak #. See comments for Mal-Talar about which necromancer appears in S02. #. This guy reappears no matter what in S16 (reanimated as a lich). #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:189 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:168 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:647 msgid "Mel Guthrak" msgstr "Mel Guthrak" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mel Guthrak #. [unit]: type=Dark Adept, id=Gaennell, gender=female #. A female Dark Adept with portrait, can be converted to the player's side. #. Appears in S01, where she's an apprentice of Mel Guthrak, and sometimes copies his motions (plays her animation) when he recruits. #. She reappears in S13, where Terraent can recruit her to the player's side. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:211 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1055 msgid "Gaennell" msgstr "Gaennell" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:235 msgid "Vugreddyr" msgstr "Vugreddyr" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:296 msgid "Survive until turns run out" msgstr "Udrž sa po celú dobu scenára" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:306 msgid "Move any unit to the trapdoor just outside your keep (10,15)" msgstr "" "Presuňte akúkoľvek jednotku k padacím dverám tesne pred vašou pevnosťou " "(10,15)" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:316 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:226 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:508 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:169 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:177 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:314 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:564 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:429 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:812 msgid "Death of Gweddry or Dacyn" msgstr "Zomrie Gweddry alebo Dacyn" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. Probably only two or three watchmen #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:330 msgid "Watchmen, report. What’s going on?" msgstr "Strážcovia, podajte hlásenie. Čo sa deje?" #. [message]: speaker=Vugreddyr #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:334 msgid "Help! Run for your lives!" msgstr "Pomoc! Bežte za vlastné životy!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Speaking to Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:339 msgid "See for yourself. Undead approach from the east." msgstr "Presvedčte sa sami. Nemŕtvi sa blížia z východu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:343 msgid "Soldiers, to arms!" msgstr "Muži, do zbrane!" #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:353 msgid "Look! The old outpost is newly manned." msgstr "Pozri! Stará základňa má novú posádku." #. [message]: speaker=Mel Guthrak #. Mal-Talar is a male dark sorcerer, he'll dispatch a messenger bat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:358 msgid "Interesting... you, Talar, send news of this development." msgstr "Zaujímavé... ty, Talar, pošli správy o tomto vývoji." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:425 msgid "Sun’s up! They’re falling back!" msgstr "Vyšlo slnko! Sťahujú sa!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:439 msgid "I sense a great power... no, it cannot be... I must not be seen." msgstr "Cítim tu veľké zlo... Je to možné? Nesmú ma vidieť." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:483 msgid "" "This is the resistance you spoke of, an untrained commander and a few fresh " "recruits?" msgstr "" "Toto je odpor, o ktorom ste hovorili, nevycvičený veliteľ a pár čerstvých " "regrútov?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #. Mal-Ravanal is neither male nor female, so avoid structures using direct addresses or pronouns when possible #. Gender neutral pronouns or plural pronouns implying multiple entities are preferred, but you can use language default if that is not possible #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:489 msgid "My deepest apologies! Please, forgive us. There will be no more delays." msgstr "" "Moje hlboké ospravedlnenie! Prosím, odpusť nám. Už nebudú žiadne meškania." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:493 msgid "So you say." msgstr "Tak hovoríš." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #. Mal-Ravanal has just animated 10 (more or less depending on difficulty) undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:542 msgid "That is how you raise thralls, apprentice. Carry on." msgstr "Takto vychovávaš otrokov, učeň. Vydrž." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:546 msgid "We shall ensure their destruction!" msgstr "Zabezpečíme ich zničenie!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:556 msgid "" "Blast it, they’ve been reinforced! And why did Dacyn leave? We’ll have to " "hold back the undead until he returns." msgstr "" "Odpalte to, boli posilnené! A prečo Dacyn odišiel? Budeme musieť zadržať " "nemŕtvych, kým sa nevráti." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. a huge number of undead are spawning #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:676 msgid "Wha- How did so many of them flank us? We’re cut off from Wesnoth!" msgstr "Čo- Ako nás toľkí obklopili? Sme odrezaní od Wesnothu!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Dacyn doesn't really express much and doesn't like to explain himself #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:712 msgid "Gweddry? Ah, you survive." msgstr "Gweddry? Ach, prežil si." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:716 msgid "" "Dacyn, why did you flee the battle? Our situation has become rather " "desperate." msgstr "Dacyn, prečo si utiekol z bitky? Naša situácia sa stala dosť zúfalou." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:720 msgid "" "Now is not the time for a lengthy report. Unless you intend to die, I " "suggest you escape through this trapdoor." msgstr "" "Nemám čas vysvetľovať. Ak chceš prežiť, musíš uniknúť cez tieto tajné dvere." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:760 msgid "But we have orders to hold this outpost!" msgstr "Ale máme príkazy udržať túto základňu!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:764 msgid "" "You have not yet seen even one-hundredth of the undead armies. This outpost " "is already lost. Your death — as heroic as I am sure it would be — will " "benefit no one. Now come, there is little time to spare." msgstr "" "Ešte ste nevideli ani stotinu mojich nemŕtvych armád. Táto základňa je už " "stratená. Vaša smrť – akokoľvek hrdinská by bola – neprinesie úžitok nikomu. " "Teraz poď, času je málo." #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:777 msgid "I’m at the trapdoor! Follow me!" msgstr "Som pri padacích dverách! Nasleduj ma!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:779 msgid "Escape" msgstr "Útek" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:793 msgid "Wait" msgstr "Čakaj" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:828 msgid "If you wish to die, there will be plenty of time for that later." msgstr "Ak si prajete zomrieť, bude na to neskôr dosť času." #. [message]: speaker=Nakeg-alvan #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #. [message]: speaker=Fallen Clansman #. [message]: speaker=ghast_leader #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:844 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:394 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:984 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1128 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:866 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:870 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1162 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:412 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:578 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:599 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:815 msgid "..." msgstr "..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:861 msgid "No! I was promised I could rule this province!" msgstr "Nie! Bolo mi sľúbené, že môžem vládnuť tejto provincii!" #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #. [message]: speaker=$unit.id #. Gaennell gets to run away instead of dying #. the speaker is male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:874 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:87 msgid "Get me out of here!" msgstr "Dostaň ma odtiaľto!" #. [message]: speaker=Mel Guthrak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_Eastern_Invasion.cfg:888 msgid "You may defeat me now, but I will return!" msgstr "Teraz ma môžeš poraziť, ale ja sa vrátim!" #. [scenario]: id=02_The_Escape_Tunnel #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:17 msgid "The Escape Tunnel" msgstr "Únikový tunel" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:27 msgid "" "Screams and shouts echoed across the surface as Gweddry rushed his remaining " "men into the roughly hewn tunnel. A foul stench wafted up from below..." msgstr "" "Výkriky a výkriky sa ozývali po povrchu, keď Gweddry hnal svojich " "zostávajúcich mužov do nahrubo vytesaného tunela. Zospodu sa šíril odporný " "smrad..." #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Steelclad, id=Knutan #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:55 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:66 msgid "Dwarves" msgstr "Trpaslíci" #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Steelclad, id=Knutan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:60 msgid "Knutan" msgstr "Knutan" #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Steelclad, id=Knutan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:76 msgid "Pelmaithodor" msgstr "Pelmaithodor" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:86 msgid "Duduril" msgstr "Duduril" #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Kabak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:110 msgid "Trolls" msgstr "Trolovia" #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Kabak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:114 msgid "Kabak" msgstr "Kabak" #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Kabak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:128 msgid "Nag" msgstr "Nag" #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Kabak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:136 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:146 msgid "Hur" msgstr "Hur" #. [then] #. [modify_unit] #. If Mal-Talar was killed in S01, use a different name. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:209 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:481 msgid "Mal-Bakral" msgstr "Mal-Bakral" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:222 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:504 msgid "Move any unit to the tunnel exit" msgstr "Dostaneš akúkoľvek jednotku k východu z tunela" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:244 msgid "Where are we? I can hardly see my own nose." msgstr "Kde sme? Takmer nevidím na vlastný nos." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. "We" is not just Gweddry and Dacyn, but also all survivors from S01 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:249 msgid "" "We are in a tunnel under the outpost. Smugglers originally dug it to sneak " "behind Wesnoth’s patrols. I believe it to be currently inhabited by trolls." msgstr "" "Sme v tuneli pod základňou. Pašeráci ho pôvodne vykopali, aby sa vkradli za " "Wesnothove hliadky. Verím, že je v súčasnosti obývaný trolmi." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:305 msgid "We must make haste to escape before the undead catch us." msgstr "Musíme sa poponáhľať, aby sme unikli skôr, ako nás nemŕtvi chytia." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:309 msgid "Wait, before we go anywhere — who were those necromancers?" msgstr "Počkajte, kým niekam pôjdeme – kto boli tí nekromanti?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:313 msgid "" "Is this really the time for questions? Suffice to say they represent an army " "much too powerful for us; perhaps too powerful for all of Wesnoth. We must " "flee while I consider how to defeat them." msgstr "" "Je toto naozaj čas na otázky? Stačí povedať, že predstavujú pre nás príliš " "mocnú armádu; možno príliš silný pre celý Wesnoth. Musíme utiecť, kým " "zvážim, ako ich poraziť." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. speaker is a dwarf #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:332 msgid "Who goes there?" msgstr "Kto je tam?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:336 msgid "" "We are soldiers of the King of Wesnoth. Make way, or help us get past these " "trolls." msgstr "" "Sme vojaci kráľa Wesnothu. Uvoľnite cestu alebo nám pomôžte prekonať týchto " "trollov." #. [message]: speaker=Knutan #. in plain English, "Yes, we'll help anyone quarreling with the trolls. But what are you doing down here?" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:345 msgid "" "Aye, we’ll help anyone quarrelin’ wi’ them trolls. But what be ye doing down " "here?" msgstr "" "Áno, pomôžeme každému, kto sa bude hádať s trolmi. Ale čo tu dole robíš?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:349 msgid "" "Undead are pursuing us, purging the land of all that lives. You should join " "us and flee!" msgstr "" "Nemŕtvi nás prenasledujú a čistia krajinu od všetkého živého. Mali by ste sa " "k nám pridať a utiecť!" #. [message]: speaker=Knutan #. "My clan has lived in these caves for nearly a century. We'll not be scattered now by some sacks of bones" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:354 msgid "" "My clan ha’ lived in these caves fer near a century. We’ll no’ be scattered " "now by some sacks o’ bones." msgstr "" "Môj klan žil v týchto jaskyniach celé stáročia. Nerozpŕchneme sa kvôli " "nejakej tlupe nemŕtvych." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:358 msgid "" "Yes, I’m sure that will end well. Gweddry, we may be able to avoid the bulk " "of the trolls by going through the dwarves’ tunnel. I doubt they will need " "it much longer." msgstr "" "Áno, som si istý, že to skončí dobre. Gweddry, možno sa nám podarí vyhnúť sa " "väčšine trollov tým, že prejdeme cez tunel trpaslíkov. Pochybujem, že to " "budú potrebovať oveľa dlhšie." #. [message]: speaker=Duduril #. speaker is a dwarf, currently alone #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:376 msgid "Humans! What be ye doin’ in our caves?" msgstr "Ľudia! Čo robíte v našich jaskyniach?" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #. "you" meaning a single dwarf #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:381 msgid "A horde of undead is pursuing us! You should come with us and escape." msgstr "Prenasleduje nás horda nemŕtvych! Mal by si ísť s nami a ujsť." #. [message]: speaker=Duduril #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:385 msgid "Thursagan’s beard! I’ve got to go help the others!" msgstr "Thursaganova brada! Musím ísť pomôcť ostatným!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. "troll treasure hole, keep out" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:408 msgid "TROL TREZZUR HOL: KEIP OWT" msgstr "TROLY PO KLAD: CHOD PEC" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:427 msgid "It seems these trolls were hiding some gold. I count fifty gold pieces!" msgstr "" "Zdá sa, že títo trolovia ukrývali nejaké zlato. Napočítal som päťdesiat " "zlatých!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:448 msgid "" "I recognize the enchantment on that quiver. How did trolls come to possess " "such an artifact?" msgstr "" "Poznám to očarenie na tom tulci. Ako sa trolovia dostali k takémuto " "artefaktu?" #. [message]: speaker=Mel Guthrak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:493 msgid "I have found your hiding spot, fleshbag! Prepare to die!" msgstr "Našli sme ťa, kopa mäsa! Priprav sa na smrť!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:497 msgid "" "He sounds awfully smug for finding an open trapdoor. Gweddry, we must escape " "through this tunnel’s eastern exit. It is unfortunate that it will take us " "into the Estmark hills, beyond the borders of Wesnoth. But it is the only " "option." msgstr "" "Znie strašne samoľúbo, keď našiel otvorené padacie dvere. Gweddry, musíme " "uniknúť východným východom tohto tunela. Je nešťastné, že nás zavedie do " "kopcov Estmark, za hranice Wesnothu. Ale je to jediná možnosť." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:531 msgid "I see daylight! Follow me!" msgstr "Vidím denné svetlo! Nasleduj ma!" #. [message]: speaker=Knutan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:557 msgid "Maybe I ain’t been the wisest leader..." msgstr "Možno som nebol najmúdrejší vodca..." #. [message]: speaker=Kabak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:568 msgid "From stone I come... now stone I return..." msgstr "Z kameňa pochádzam, teraz sa vraciam z kameňa..." #. [message]: speaker=Mel Guthrak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:579 msgid "I die? But how?" msgstr "Zomriem? Ale ako?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:583 msgid "A small victory. He will be replaced soon enough; we must still flee." msgstr "Malé víťazstvo. Bude čoskoro nahradený; musíme ešte utiecť." #. [event] #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:628 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:87 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:351 msgid "Mal-Tar" msgstr "Mal-Tar" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:636 msgid "" "Hello? My masters said I should see what was making all the noise down in " "this old cave..." msgstr "" "Ahoj? Moji majstri povedali, že by som mal vidieť, čo robí všetok hluk dole " "v tejto starej jaskyni..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:640 msgid "We are discovered and surrounded. Now Wesnoth is doomed..." msgstr "Sme objavení a obklopení. Teraz je Wesnoth odsúdený na zánik..." #. [scenario]: id=03_An_Unexpected_Appearance #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:17 msgid "An Unexpected Appearance" msgstr "Nečakané zjavenie" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:26 msgid "" "Daylight broke over the relieved faces of Gweddry and his men as they " "clambered out of the dingy cave. The lush Estmark hills filled the horizon " "in all directions." msgstr "" "Denné svetlo preniklo cez uvoľnené tváre Gweddryho a jeho mužov, keď " "vyliezli zo špinavej jaskyne. Svieže kopce Estmark zaplnili horizont vo " "všetkých smeroch." #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Skraat #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Skraat, gender=male #. [unit]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-Skraat #. [then] #. brother of Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:58 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:49 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:51 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:788 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:821 msgid "Mal-Skraat" msgstr "Mal-Skraat" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Kallat, gender=female #. [then] #. [unit]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-Kallat, gender=female #. sister of Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:119 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:795 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:813 msgid "Mal-Kallat" msgstr "Mal-Kallat" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:160 msgid "To travel northwest, defeat Mal-Skraat. (easy)" msgstr "" "Ak chcete cestovať na severozápad, porazte Mal-Skraata. (jednoduché)" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:165 msgid "To travel east, defeat Mal-Kallat. (normal)" msgstr "Ak chcete cestovať na východ, porazte Mal-Kallata. (normálne)" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:207 msgid "Quick, I must collapse the tunnels behind us." msgstr "Rýchlo, musím za nami zničiť tunely." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:236 msgid "" "Excellent, we have swiftly escaped the tunnels, and there is no sign of " "pursuit." msgstr "" "Výborne, rýchlo sme unikli z tunelov a nie sú tu žiadne známky " "prenasledovania." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:244 msgid "It’s a relief to once again breathe the fresh air. Where are we now?" msgstr "Je to úľava opäť dýchať čerstvý vzduch. Kde sme teraz?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:248 msgid "" "These are the Estmark hills, so we must be in a mountain pass leading both " "east and west. I am unsure which path leads us the swiftest towards Wesnoth, " "but we certainly cannot stay here." msgstr "" "Toto sú kopce Estmarku, takže musíme byť v horskom priesmyku vedúcom na " "východ aj na západ. Nie som si istý, ktorá cesta nás vedie najrýchlejšie " "smerom k Wesnothu, ale určite tu nemôžeme zostať." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kallat #. sister talking to younger brother #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:253 msgid "" "What are these soldiers doing here? The vanguard must not have done a " "thorough job of cleaning up..." msgstr "" "Čo tu robia títo vojaci? Predvoj zrejme neodviedol dôkladnú prácu pri " "upratovaní..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #. brother talking to older sister #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:258 msgid "" "Don’t be scared, Kala. Look at how haggard they are! I bet the new recruit " "can handle them by himself." msgstr "" "Neboj sa, Kala. Pozrite sa, akí sú vyčerpaní! Stavím sa, že nový nábor ich " "zvládne sám." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Tar #. Dacyn and Gweddry are going to do this during turn 1, before he even gets a chance to recruit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:263 msgid "No!! They’ll kill me!" msgstr "Nie!!! Veď ma zabijú!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #. talking to Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:268 msgid "We can always bring you back if you die." msgstr "Vždy ťa môžeme priviesť späť, ak zomrieš." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:281 msgid "" "I believe this is the undead rearguard; we must have crossed under their " "armies while in the tunnel. We must kill either of the dark sorcerers and " "escape towards Wesnoth." msgstr "" "Verím, že toto je nemŕtvy zadný voj; museli sme prejsť pod ich armádami v " "tuneli. Musíme zabiť jedného z temných čarodejníkov a ujsť smerom k Wesnothu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:285 msgid "" "This is a true invasion then? These necromancers mean to conquer Wesnoth " "itself?" msgstr "" "Je to teda skutočná invázia? Chcú títo nekromanti dobyť samotný Wesnoth?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. "their leader" being Mal-Ravanal, who's neither male nor female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:290 msgid "Yes. I have history with their leader." msgstr "Áno. Mám históriu s ich vodcom." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:313 msgid "I... I actually did it!" msgstr "Ja... vlastne som to urobil!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:317 msgid "" "Well well, I’m impressed! Perhaps this apprenticeship has not been wasted on " "you after all." msgstr "" "No dobre, som ohromený! Snáď toto učňovské vzdelanie nebolo pre vás napokon " "premrhané." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kallat #. star wars reference #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:322 msgid "We will watch your career with great interest..." msgstr "Vašu kariéru budeme s veľkým záujmom sledovať..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:336 msgid "Wait, please, not like this!" msgstr "Počkaj, prosím, nie takto!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:351 msgid "I told him he should have studied harder." msgstr "Povedal som mu, že sa mal viac učiť." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:355 msgid "" "I wanted to avoid as much battle as I could, but it seems like we have no " "choice..." msgstr "" "Chcela som sa čo najviac vyhnúť bitke, ale zdá sa, že nemám na výber..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:367 msgid "Skrai, no!! Cursed Wesnothians, he was my precious little brother..." msgstr "Skrai, nie!! Prekliati Wesnoťania, bol to môj vzácny malý brat..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:388 msgid "" "Kala, no!! Curse you Wesnothians! You may have killed my sister, but I will " "chase you east and take my revenge!" msgstr "" "Kala, nie!! Preklínajte vás Wesnoťania! Možno si zabil moju sestru, ale " "budem ťa prenasledovať na východ a pomstím sa!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:418 msgid "... wait, what just happened? Why am I still alive?" msgstr "... počkaj, čo sa práve stalo? Prečo ešte žijem?" #. [scenario]: id=04a_An_Elven_Interlude #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:8 msgid "An Elven Interlude" msgstr "Elfská medzihra" #. [scenario]: id=04a_An_Elven_Interlude #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:24 msgid "Singing Spring" msgstr "Spievajúci prameň" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:29 msgid "" "Gweddry and Dacyn found but scant respite through the west pass. After weeks " "of slow and labored mountain marching, they stumbled upon a green valley and " "an unknown forest." msgstr "" "Gweddry a Dacyn našli cez západný priesmyk trochu času na malý oddych. Po " "týždňoch pomalého a namáhavého horského pochodu narazili na zelené údolie a " "neznámy les." #. [side]: type=Elvish Lady, id=Vaelya #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:61 msgid "Elves" msgstr "Elfovia" #. [side]: type=Elvish Lady, id=Vaelya #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:65 msgid "Vaelya" msgstr "Vaelya" #. [side]: type=Outlaw, id=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:115 msgid "Mercenaries" msgstr "Žoldnieri" #. [side]: type=Outlaw, id=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:119 msgid "Addogin" msgstr "Addogin" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:162 msgid "Move any unit to the signpost in the northwest" msgstr "Presuňte akúkoľvek jednotku k smerovníku na severozápade" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:167 msgid "Kill Addogin (bonus reward)" msgstr "Zabiješ Addogina (bonusová odmena)" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:186 msgid "" "Control 10 villages or kill Addogin to force the mercenaries to retreat." msgstr "" "Ovládaj 10 dedín alebo zabi Addogina, aby si prinútili žoldnierov ustúpiť." #. [message]: speaker=Vaelya #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:203 msgid "Greetings, travelers! I hope you find our forest hospitable." msgstr "Zdravím vás, cestovatelia! Dúfam, že náš les považujete za pohostinný." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:207 msgid "Indeed, and you have my thanks for allowing us entry." msgstr "Naozaj, a patrí vám moja vďaka, že ste nám umožnili vstup." #. [message]: speaker=Vaelya #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:211 msgid "" "What brings you to our lands? Long has it has been since men of Wesnoth " "presented themselves to us." msgstr "" "Čo ťa privádza do našich končín? Už je to dávno, čo sa nám predstavili muži " "z Wesnothu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:215 msgid "" "I’m afraid Wesnoth has been invaded by fell undead, although I am glad to " "see they have not yet entered this forest. We have come here seeking refuge " "and passage to Wesnoth’s northern river outpost." msgstr "" "Obávam sa, že Wesnoth napadli nemŕtvi, aj keď som rád, že ešte nevstúpili do " "tohto lesa. Prišli sme sem hľadať útočisko a prechod na severnú riečnu " "základňu Wesnothu." #. [message]: speaker=Vaelya #. followed by a delay and then the elves switching from allies to enemies #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:220 msgid "" "I am sorry to hear of your misfortune. Our scouts had spotted undead in this " "area, but I am shocked to hear that they are attacking Wesnoth. And if they " "are hunting you, then..." msgstr "" "Je mi ľúto, že počujem o vašom nešťastí. Naši skauti našli v tejto oblasti " "nemŕtvych, ale som šokovaná, keď počujem, že útočia na Wesnoth. A ak vás " "lovia, potom..." #. [message]: speaker=Vaelya #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:233 msgid "" "My heart aches with the weight of this decision, but if you are being " "pursued by undead I am afraid I cannot allow you entry. You are welcome to " "travel outside our lands, but I cannot risk bringing destruction to my " "people." msgstr "" "Srdce ma bolí nad váhou tohto rozhodnutia, ale ak vás prenasledujú nemŕtvi, " "obávam sa, že vám nemôžem povoliť vstup. Môžete cestovať mimo našich krajín, " "ale nemôžem riskovať, že spôsobím skazu svojmu ľudu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:237 msgid "" "So much for forest hospitality. Elf, you know full well that going around " "will take us days of forced march, time which we can hardly afford. We " "despise the undead just as much as you. Let us pass." msgstr "" "Toľko k lesnej pohostinnosti. Elfka, dobre vieš, že obchádzanie nám zaberie " "dni núteného pochodu, čas, ktorý si len ťažko môžeme dovoliť. Nemŕtvymi " "pohŕdame rovnako ako ty. Nechaj nás prejsť." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:241 msgid "Vaelya, surely you can find it in your heart to grant us passage?" msgstr "Vaelya, určite nájdeš vo svojom srdci... že nám umožníš prejsť?" #. [message]: speaker=Vaelya #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:245 msgid "" "I wish I could, but I would spare my people the fate of undeath. I must take " "precautions to protect these lands." msgstr "" "Priala by som si, aby som mohla, ale ušetrila by som svoj ľud osudu " "nemŕtvych. Musím prijať opatrenia na ochranu týchto krajín." #. [message]: speaker=Vaelya #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:249 msgid "" "In fact, I confess that since hearing of the undead I have stooped so low as " "to hire a mercenary company..." msgstr "" "V skutočnosti priznávam, že odkedy som počula o nemŕtvych, klesla som tak " "nízko, že som si najala žoldniersku spoločnosť..." #. [message]: speaker=Vaelya #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:253 msgid "... Addogin, please escort these Wesnothians away to the east." msgstr "... Addogin, prosím odprevad týchto Wesnothianov preč na východ." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:261 msgid "You heard the lady! Boys, it’s time to earn our keep!" msgstr "Počuli ste pani! Chlapci, je čas, aby ste si zarobili!" #. [unit]: type={ON_DIFFICULTY (Orcish Slayer) (Orcish Nightblade) (Orcish Nightblade)}, id=Nafga #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:272 msgid "Nafga" msgstr "Nafga" #. [message]: speaker=Nafga #. What are your orders for me to perform, Addogin? #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:283 msgid "And what about me?" msgstr "A čo ja?" #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #. "you" being a single male Orcish Slayer or Orcish Nightblade #. later in the campaign, it's revealed that the necromancers are buying corpses, and a lot are being sold #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:289 msgid "" "Into the forest with you. If it comes to bloodshed, strike at them from " "behind. And don’t even think of running off with any corpses before I can " "collect our bounty!" msgstr "" "Do lesa s tebou. Ak dôjde ku krviprelievaniu, zaútočte na nich zozadu. A " "nech vám ani nenapadne utiecť s nejakými mŕtvolami, kým si nevyberiem našu " "odmenu!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:308 msgid "There must be some way to resolve this without fighting..." msgstr "Musí existovať nejaký spôsob, ako to vyriešiť bez boja..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:312 msgid "" "Finding another path westwards would cause great delay, which would cost " "Wesnoth many lives. We will fight our way through the mercenaries, through " "the elves and out the other side." msgstr "" "Nájdenie inej cesty na západ by spôsobilo veľké oneskorenie, ktoré by stálo " "Wesnoth veľa životov. Prebojujeme sa cez žoldnierov, cez elfov a von na " "druhú stranu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:317 msgid "" "... hmm, mercenaries are not known for their loyalty. If we can show we are " "gaining ground, they may turn and run. If we can defeat their leader, the " "outcome may be even better." msgstr "" "... hmm, žoldnieri nie sú známi svojou lojalitou. Ak dokážeme ukázať, že " "získavame pôdu pod nohami, môžu sa obrátiť a utiecť. Ak dokážeme poraziť ich " "vodcu, výsledok môže byť ešte lepší." #. [message]: speaker=Nafga #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:336 msgid "" "Bloodshed, hahaha! Nafga will kill the humans and keep the bounty all for " "himself!" msgstr "Krviprelievanie, hahaha! Nafga zabije ľudí a nechá si odmenu pre seba!" #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:344 msgid "No amount of money is worth dying for. Forget this, it’s time to bail!" msgstr "Žiadna suma peňazí nestojí za smrť. Zabudnite na to!" #. [message]: speaker=Vaelya #. to the remaining mercenaries, who are orcs and human outlaws #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:367 msgid "No, we need your help! Please come back!" msgstr "Nie, potrebujeme vašu pomoc! Prosím vráť sa!" #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:371 msgid "Sorry lady, but coin’s no good if you’re not alive to spend it." msgstr "" "Prepáčte, pani, ale minca nie je dobrá, ak nie ste nažive, aby ste ju minuli." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #. the mercenaries decide it's time to retreat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:398 msgid "This ain’t lookin’ good. Those Wesnoth soldiers are mean." msgstr "Toto nevyzerá dobre. Tí vojaci z Wesnothu sú zlí." #. [message]: speaker=$second_unit.id #. capturing Addogin, spoken by the unit fighting him #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:418 msgid "" "Oh no you don’t! You and your band of mercenaries have caused us enough " "trouble! How do we know you won’t rally your men and attack us again?" msgstr "" "Ach nie, nie! Vy a vaša banda žoldnierov ste nám spôsobili dosť problémov! " "Ako vieme, že nezoženiete svojich mužov a znova na nás nezaútočíte?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. capturing Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:423 msgid "" "I suppose we’ll have to bring him with us, at least for a time. Tie him up " "so he doesn’t run away." msgstr "" "Predpokladám, že ho budeme musieť vziať so sebou, aspoň na nejaký čas. " "Zviažte ho, aby neutiekol." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:427 msgid "Help! I was only doing my job!" msgstr "Pomoc! Robil som len svoju prácu!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:463 msgid "" "Addogin has joined your side, but will be slowed and " "unable to attack as long as he remains tied up." msgstr "" "Addogin sa pridal na vašu stranu, ale bude spomalený a " "nemôže zaútočiť, pokiaľ zostane zviazaný." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:467 msgid "I’m gettin’ too old for this..." msgstr "Už som na to príliš starý..." #. [message]: speaker=Nafga #. last breath #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:499 msgid "No! This is the first and last time I have failed a mission!" msgstr "Nie! Toto je prvý a poslednýkrát, čo som zlyhal v misii!" #. [message]: speaker=Vaelya #. last breath #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:512 msgid "I only wanted... to protect my people..." msgstr "Chcel som len... chrániť svoj ľud..." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. The valley of the River Weldyn, although there's also a city with the same name. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:549 msgid "" "I’ve made it through the forest and I can see the valley Weldyn open on the " "other side!" msgstr "Prešiel som lesom a na druhej strane vidím otvorené údolie Weldyn!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:553 msgid "" "Well done, we have crossed this forest without major delay. Now we must see " "what has become of Owaec and his garrison." msgstr "" "Výborne, tento les sme prešli bez väčšieho zdržania. Teraz musíme vidieť, čo " "sa stalo s Owaecom a jeho posádkou." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:592 msgid "" "What the?! Are you seeing this? Trees aren’t supposed to move like that." msgstr "Čo?! Vidíš to? Stromy by sa nemali takto pohybovať." #. [message]: speaker=Vaelya #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:596 msgid "" "The forest itself has come to our aid! Not in a hundred years have I " "witnessed such a wonder." msgstr "" "Samotný les nám prišiel na pomoc! Za sto rokov som nebola svedkom takého " "zázraku." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Interlude.cfg:600 msgid "" "The fighting has awoken woses from the forest. Now they will surely deny us " "passage, and this delay will mean the end of Wesnoth..." msgstr "" "Boje prebudili strasti z lesa. Teraz nám určite odmietnu prejsť a toto " "oneskorenie bude znamenať koniec Wesnothu..." #. [scenario]: id=04b_Ill_Humors #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:7 msgid "Ill Humours" msgstr "Zlý vtip" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:21 msgid "" "Pursued by a vengeful Mal-Skraat and his minions, Gweddry and Dacyn were " "forced eastward out of the Estmarks, into the near reaches of the uncharted " "Bitter Swamp." msgstr "" "Gweddry a Dacyn, prenasledovaní pomstychtivým Mal-Skraatom a jeho " "prisluhovačmi, boli vytlačení na východ z Estmarks, do blízkych oblastí " "nezmapovaného Horkého močiara." #. [side] #. a group of Dunefolk #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:211 msgid "Far Travelers" msgstr "Ďaleko cestujúci" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:223 msgid "Ikriaf" msgstr "Ikriaf" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:233 msgid "Ragnabair" msgstr "Ragnabair" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:243 msgid "Abman" msgstr "Abman" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:253 msgid "Nur al-Nuh" msgstr "Nur al-Nuh" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:263 msgid "Muma" msgstr "Muma" #. [objective]: condition=win #. Mal-Skraat is male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:310 msgid "Defeat Mal-Skraat" msgstr "Poraz Mal-Skraata" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:323 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:581 msgid "" "Any unit that begins or ends its turn adjacent to a swamp hex will become " "poisoned." msgstr "" "Akákoľvek jednotka, ktorá začína alebo končí svoj ťah v blízkosti hexu " "močiarov, bude otrávená." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:354 msgid "" "Ugh, the fumes from this swamp are horrific! I can barely see my nose and " "some of the men have started collapsing from sickness. I don’t think we can " "march much deeper." msgstr "" "Uf, výpary z tohto močiara sú strašné! Sotva si vidím nos a niektorí muži " "začali kolabovať z choroby. Nemyslím si, že môžeme ísť oveľa hlbšie." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:358 msgid "" "We have already marched much too far eastward. We should now head northwest " "and try to reach Wesnoth’s northern river outpost. Owaec’s soldiers have " "likely been routed or killed, but the outpost itself will still provide a " "place to regroup." msgstr "" "Už sme pochodovali príliš ďaleko na východ. Teraz by sme sa mali vydať na " "severozápad a pokúsiť sa dostať na severnú základňu rieky Wesnoth. Vojaci " "Owaeca boli pravdepodobne porazení alebo zabití, ale samotná základňa bude " "stále poskytovať miesto na preskupenie." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:362 msgid "" "I had hoped to preserve the lives of our men, yet it seems we have no choice " "but to confront this infernal sorcerer." msgstr "" "Dúfal som, že zachránim životy našich mužov, no zdá sa, že nemáme inú " "možnosť, ako sa postaviť tomuto pekelnému čarodejníkovi." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:366 msgid "" "This is a very dangerous place for us to fight. We must stay away from this " "swamp’s vapours, lest we become poisoned. And we should be cautious when " "venturing forth; there is no telling what lurks invisible under the water." msgstr "" "Toto je pre nás veľmi nebezpečné miesto na boj. Musíme sa držať ďalej od " "výparov tohto močiara, aby sme sa neotrávili. A mali by sme byť opatrní, keď " "sa púšťame ďalej; nedá sa povedať, čo sa skrýva neviditeľné pod vodou." #. [unit]: id=Safyam, gender=female, type=Dune Burner #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:380 msgid "Safyam" msgstr "Safyam" #. [unit]: id=Hahid al-Ali, type=Dune Apothecary #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:396 msgid "Hahid al-Ali" msgstr "Hahid al-Ali" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:418 msgid "Quiet, someone approaches..." msgstr "Ticho, niekto sa blíži..." #. [message] #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Speaker (not the spoken text), but used both for humans in S04b and later for the voices from the amulet #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:422 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2869 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1007 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2038 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2050 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1539 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Neznáme" #. [message] #. male speaker talking to female #. alswdan is a fictional swamp herb #. suggested pronunciation is "ull-su-dahn" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:427 msgid "" "It must be here somewhere! I’m telling you, alswdan only grows in swamps, " "and this is the grandest one on the continent." msgstr "" "Niekde to tu musí byť! Hovorím vám, že alswdan rastie iba v močiaroch a toto " "je najväčší močiar na kontinente." #. [message] #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Speaker (not the spoken text), but used both for humans in S04b and later for the voices from the amulet #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:431 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2044 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1546 msgid "Unknown 2" msgstr "Neznáme 2" #. [message] #. female speaker talking to male, but "us" being a group of at least 5 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:434 msgid "" "And I’m telling you, you’re going to get us killed wandering " "around these northlands! I haven’t seen home in years! Your ‘easy money’ " "expedition has already led us far-too-far astray from the dunes." msgstr "" "A ja hovorím vám, že nás necháte zabiť pri potulkách po týchto " "severoch! Nevidel som domov roky! Vaša výprava za „ľahké peniaze“ nás už " "zaviedla príliš ďaleko od dún." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. speaking to 1 male and 1 female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:449 msgid "" "Hail, strangers! Are you friend or foe? What brings you to this foul swamp?" msgstr "" "Zdravas, cudzinci! Ste priatelia alebo nepriatelia? Čo vás privádza do tohto " "hnusného močiara?" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #. speaking to Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:454 msgid "" "Ah, natives! Perhaps you can help us! I am Hahid al-Ali, herbalist " "extraordinaire, and this is my assistant Safyam. We’ve journeyed to your " "lands seeking the rare gwza-alswdan plant." msgstr "" "Ach, domorodci! Možno nám pomôžete! Som Hahid al-Ali, mimoriadny bylinkár, a " "toto je môj asistent Safyam. Cestovali sme do vašich krajín a hľadali vzácnu " "rastlinu gwza-alswdan." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #. telling his female companion to harvest a herb #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:459 msgid "Why, there’s one now! Safyam, if you would." msgstr "Prečo, teraz je tu jeden! Safyam, ak by si chcel..." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:494 msgid "" "Thanks to my cure made from this marvelous herb, she is now immune to the " "swamp’s ill humours! With more, I can make an antitoxin strong enough to " "cure the draught of death itself!" msgstr "" "Vďaka mojej kúre vyrobenej z tejto úžasnej bylinky je teraz imúnna voči zlej " "moci močiara! S viac, môžem urobiť antitoxín dostatočne silný na to, aby " "vyliečil samotnú smrť!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:498 msgid "" "If we help you find more of this ‘alswdan’, will you share your cure with " "us? Our people have been attacked by undead and we must now fight this dark " "sorcerer to return home." msgstr "" "Ak vám pomôžeme nájsť viac tohto „alswdanu“, podelíte sa s nami o svoj liek? " "Naši ľudia boli napadnutí nemŕtvymi a my teraz musíme bojovať s týmto temným " "čarodejníkom, aby sme sa vrátili domov." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:502 msgid "" "Ho ho, a haggler after my own heart! I don’t see why not. But if these " "undead are giving you such trouble, why not strike them in their capital? " "Safyam spotted it not far east of here. I want nothing to do with them of " "course, but I’m sure you military-minded folk would have no trouble storming " "their walls." msgstr "" "Ho ho, handrkovač po vlastnom srdci! nechápem prečo nie. Ale ak vám títo " "nemŕtvi robia také problémy, prečo ich neudrieť v ich hlavnom meste? Safyam " "to zbadal neďaleko odtiaľto. Samozrejme, že s nimi nechcem mať nič spoločné, " "ale som si istý, že vy vojensky zmýšľajúci ľudia nebudete mať problém " "prepadnúť ich múry." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:506 msgid "" "If you can find enough alswdan and pay a small fee, I’d be happy to " "inoculate all of your men and point you in the direction of the undead " "fortress." msgstr "" "Ak nájdete dostatok alswdanov a zaplatíte malý poplatok, rád naočkujem " "všetkých vašich mužov a nasmerujem vás smerom k nemŕtvej pevnosti." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:549 msgid "To travel west, defeat Mal-Skraat. (normal)" msgstr "Ak chcete cestovať na západ, porazte Mal-Skraata. (normálne)" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:552 msgid "" "To travel east, collect 6 alswdan herbs and pay Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost " "gold. (challenging)" msgstr "" "Ak chcete cestovať na východ, nazbierajte 6 alswdanských bylín a zaplaťte " "Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost zlata. (náročné)" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:553 msgid "" "To travel east, collect 5 alswdan herbs and pay Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost " "gold. (challenging)" msgstr "" "Ak chcete cestovať na východ, nazbierajte 5 alswdanských bylín a zaplaťte " "Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost zlata. (náročné)" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:554 msgid "" "To travel east, collect 4 alswdan herbs and pay Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost " "gold. (challenging)" msgstr "" "Ak chcete cestovať na východ, nazbierajte 4 alswdanské byliny a zaplaťte " "Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost zlata. (náročné)" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:555 msgid "" "To travel east, collect 3 alswdan herbs and pay Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost " "gold. (challenging)" msgstr "" "Ak chcete cestovať na východ, nazbierajte 3 alswdanské byliny a zaplaťte " "Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost zlata. (náročné)" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:556 msgid "" "To travel east, collect 2 alswdan herbs and pay Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost " "gold. (challenging)" msgstr "" "Ak chcete cestovať na východ, nazbierajte 2 alswdanské byliny a zaplaťte " "Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost zlata. (náročné)" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:557 msgid "" "To travel east, collect 1 alswdan herb and pay Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost gold. " "(challenging)" msgstr "" "Ak chcete cestovať na východ, nazbierajte 1 alswdanskú bylinu a zaplaťte " "Hahid al-Ali $gold_cost zlata. (náročné)" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:559 msgid "(herbs are spread in all directions around your starting keep)" msgstr "" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:573 msgid "" "Any unit that begins or ends its turn adjacent to a swamp hex will become " "poisoned. Hahid and Safyam are already immune." msgstr "" "Akákoľvek jednotka, ktorá začína alebo končí svoj ťah v blízkosti hexu " "močiarov, bude otrávená. Hahid a Safyam sú už imúnni." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:591 msgid "The dunefolk will not follow you to the next scenario." msgstr "Púštny ľud vás nebude nasledovať do ďalšieho scenára." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. TODO for 1.19: make this the male message, and add a separate female one #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:646 msgid "" "I’ve found a sprig of alswdan and am now immune to the swamp’s poison! We’ll " "need $herbs_needed more (and $gold_cost gold) to travel east." msgstr "" "Našiel som vetvičku alswdanu a teraz som imúnny voči jedu močiara! Na cestu " "na východ budeme potrebovať $herbs_needed more (a $gold_cost gold)." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. TODO for 1.19: make this the male message, and add a separate female one #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:656 msgid "I’ve found a sprig of alswdan and am now immune to the swamp’s poison!" msgstr "Našiel som vetvičku alswdanu a teraz som imúnny voči jedu močiara!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:708 msgid "" "Alas, my long, storied, and exceedingly profitable career has come to an " "end! Perhaps Safyam was right about the dangers of this place..." msgstr "" "Bohužiaľ, moja dlhá, preslávená a mimoriadne výnosná kariéra sa skončila! " "Možno mal Safyam pravdu o nebezpečenstvách tohto miesta..." #. [message]: speaker=Safyam #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:713 msgid "" "My master has perished! It has been too many years since any of us have seen " "our homeland; we will return to mourn his passing." msgstr "" "Môj pán zahynul! Už je to priveľa rokov, čo niekto z nás nevidel svoju " "vlasť; vrátime sa, aby sme smútili nad jeho odchodom." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:722 msgid "" "Give Hahid $gold_cost gold; assault the undead fortress. (challenging)" msgstr "" "Dajte Hahidovi $gold_cost zlata na útok na nemŕtvu pevnosť. (náročné)" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:732 msgid "Give Hahid nothing; return westward towards Wesnoth. (normal)" msgstr "" "Nedávaj Hahidovi nič; vrátiť sa na západ smerom na Wesnoth. (normálne)" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:742 msgid "Give Hahid $gold_extra gold." msgstr "Daj Hahidovi $gold_extra zlata." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:759 msgid "" "Ho ho, that’s all the herbs I need! Now if you’ll give me those $gold_cost " "gold pieces you promised, I’d be happy to point you in the direction of that " "undead fortress." msgstr "" "Ho ho, to sú všetky bylinky, ktoré potrebujem! Ak mi teraz dáš tých " "$gold_cost zlatiek, ktoré si sľúbil, rád ťa nasmerujem smerom k tej nemŕtvej " "pevnosti." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. speaking to Gweddry, although the previous message was spoken by Hahid #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:764 msgid "" "Even if we do manage to find them, how do you expect us to defeat the undead " "in the very heart of their territory? I have already told you that this foe " "is far beyond anything we can face alone. Confronting this menace with the " "few soldiers we have would be foolish." msgstr "" "Aj keď sa nám ich podarí nájsť, ako môžete očakávať, že porazíme nemŕtvych v " "samom srdci ich územia? Už som vám povedal, že tento nepriateľ je ďaleko za " "všetkým, čomu môžeme čeliť sami. Konfrontovať túto hrozbu s niekoľkými " "vojakmi, ktorých máme, by bolo hlúpe." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:794 msgid "" "I’m afraid you don’t have the $gold_cost gold to pay for my information, so " "I must be off. Best of luck with that ‘Mal-Skraat’ you’re fighting!" msgstr "" "Obávam sa, že nemáte zlato $gold_cost na zaplatenie mojich informácií, takže " "musím ísť. Veľa šťastia s tým „Mal-Skraat“, s ktorým bojujete!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. to Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:815 msgid "" "If the threat is as grave as you say, I believe we must take advantage of " "our position behind the undead lines. Even outnumbered, we may still be able " "to disrupt their plans and cause some mischief within their city." msgstr "" "Ak je hrozba taká vážna, ako hovoríte, verím, že musíme využiť našu pozíciu " "za líniami nemŕtvych. Aj keď sú v presile, stále môžeme narušiť ich plány a " "spôsobiť neplechu v ich meste." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:819 msgid "" "...so the great Gweddry intends to do what all of Wesnoth cannot. Very well. " "I cannot return to Wesnoth on my own, so it seems I have little choice but " "to join you in your folly." msgstr "" "...takže veľký Gweddry zamýšľa urobiť to, čo celý Wesnoth nedokáže. Veľmi " "dobre. Nemôžem sa vrátiť do Wesnothu sám, takže sa zdá, že nemám inú " "možnosť, ako sa k vám pridať vo vašej hlúposti." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:840 msgid "" "I heed Dacyn’s advice on this. Our armies are not strong enough to travel " "east." msgstr "" "Dávam to na Dacynovu radu. Naše armády nie sú dosť silné, aby mohli cestovať " "na východ." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:844 msgid "" "Suit yourself! Now that I have what I need, it’s high time my friends and I " "returned to the Ashland." msgstr "" "Prispôsobte sa! Teraz, keď mám, čo potrebujem, je najvyšší čas, aby sme sa s " "priateľmi vrátili do Ashlandu." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #. offering Hahid extra gold, but not having enough gold #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:874 msgid "" "Ho ho, very funny, for a moment I thought you meant it! But really now, do " "you want my information or not?" msgstr "" "Ho ho, veľmi vtipné, chvíľu som si myslel, že to myslíš vážne! Ale teraz " "naozaj, chceš moje informácie alebo nie?" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #. offering Hahid extra gold #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:896 msgid "" "What the-? You’re serious!? Well, forget herbalism, I need to find out more " "about this mystical land where men pay thrice what they owe!" msgstr "" "Čo-? To myslíš vážne!? Zabudnite na bylinkárstvo, potrebujem sa dozvedieť " "viac o tejto mystickej krajine, kde muži platia trikrát toľko, koľko dlhujú!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:900 msgid "" "Friends, come, let us join these ‘Wesnothians’ and travel west towards the " "rest of their kind!" msgstr "" "Priatelia, poďte, pripojíme sa k týmto „wesnoťanom“ a vydáme sa na západ k " "zvyšku ich druhu!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:904 msgid "What about journeying east towards the undead fortress?" msgstr "A čo cesta na východ k nemŕtvej pevnosti?" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:908 msgid "" "Oh please, I knew you wouldn’t fall for that! I just wanted something to " "keep those skeletons busy while we left." msgstr "" "Ach, prosím, vedel som, že na to nekývneš! Chcel som len niečo, čo by tých " "kostlivcov zamestnalo, kým budeme odchádzať." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:926 msgid "" "(The Dunefolk have joined you! You must now defeat Mal-Skraat and travel " "west. 10 turns have been added to the limit.)" msgstr "" "(Pridali sa k vám púštny ľud! Teraz musíte poraziť Mal-Skraata a cestovať na " "západ. Do limitu bolo pridaných 10 kôl.)" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:951 msgid "" "The dunefolk are leaving and without their aid we have no chance of even " "finding the undead capital. We must defeat Mal-Skraat and proceed westward." msgstr "" "Púštny ľud odchádza a bez ich pomoci nemáme šancu nájsť ani len hlavné mesto " "nemŕtvych. Musíme poraziť Mal-Skraat a pokračovať na západ." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:968 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:844 msgid "No, it can’t end like this! My sister has died unavenged..." msgstr "Nie, takto to nemôže skončiť! Moja sestra zomrela nepomstená..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:973 msgid "" "Good, now we should be able to reach what’s left of the northern outpost." msgstr "" "Dobre, teraz by sme mali byť schopní dosiahnuť to, čo zostalo zo severnej " "základne." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:982 msgid "Thanks for nothing! What happened to helping me gather my herbs?" msgstr "Vďaka za nič! Čo sa stalo, že mi pomohol nazbierať moje bylinky?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:1018 msgid "...urhggg, I don’t feel so good..." msgstr "...urhggg, necítim sa tak dobre..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_Ill_Humors.cfg:1031 msgid "The swamp’s vapors are overwhelming us... despite our precautions..." msgstr "" "Výpary močiara nás zaplavujú... napriek našim preventívnym opatreniam..." #. [scenario]: id=04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:5 msgid "Mal-Ravanal’s Capital" msgstr "Mal-Ravanalovo hlavné mesto" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:16 msgid "" "Gweddry marched his band of soldiers ever eastward, deeper and deeper into " "the bogs. A great wall of stone loomed before them." msgstr "" "Gweddry pochodoval so svojou skupinou vojakov stále na východ, hlbšie a " "hlbšie do močiarov. Pred nimi sa črtala veľká kamenná stena." #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Rikna, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:67 msgid "Mal-Rikna" msgstr "Mal-Rikna" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Vakaz #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:96 msgid "Mal-Vakaz" msgstr "Mal-Vakaz" #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Rava-Krodaz #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:157 msgid "Rava-Krodaz" msgstr "Rava-Krodaz" #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Rava-Krovan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:171 msgid "Rava-Krovan" msgstr "Rava-Krovan" #. [scenario]: id=04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:277 msgid "Jailer" msgstr "žalárnik" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. to a single captive #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:307 msgid "How did these undead come to imprison you?" msgstr "Ako vás títo nemŕtvi uväznili?" #. [message]: speaker={ID} #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:311 msgid "" "It is a sad tale. My allies and I were questing when we were ambushed and " "captured by ghostly warriors. Their leader has been toying with us, forcing " "us to fight for their amusement." msgstr "" "Je to smutný príbeh. Moji spojenci a ja sme pátrali, keď nás prepadli a " "zajali prízrační bojovníci. Ich vodca sa s nami pohrával a nútil nás bojovať " "pre ich zábavu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:315 msgid "" "No soldier deserves such treatment. We will try to free as many of you as " "possible." msgstr "" "Žiadny vojak si nezaslúži také zaobchádzanie. Pokúsime sa oslobodiť čo " "najviac z vás." #. [message]: speaker={ID} #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:319 msgid "" "Five of my comrades are still imprisoned. We will gladly enter your service " "in appreciation for our freedom." msgstr "" "Piati z mojich druhov sú stále uväznení. Radi vstúpime do vašich služieb ako " "vďaku za našu slobodu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:330 msgid "" "A sun paladin! I had no idea there were any of your order still in Wesnoth." msgstr "" "Slnečný paladin! Netušil som, že niekto z vášho rádu je stále vo Wesnothe." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:335 msgid "Aeraery" msgstr "Aeraery" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:342 msgid "" "Thank you! My poor horse could barely breathe trapped among these reeds!" msgstr "Ďakujem! Môj úbohý kôň ledva dýchal uväznený medzi týmito trstinami!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:344 msgid "Teoryn" msgstr "Teoryn" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:351 msgid "" "Bah, I didn’t need your help! Sooner or later, I would have gotten out of " "this cage on my own." msgstr "" "Bach, nepotreboval som tvoju pomoc! Skôr či neskôr by som sa z tejto klietky " "dostal sám." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:353 msgid "Yrthynaenc" msgstr "Yrthynaenc" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:361 msgid "" "My thanks, friends. I had despaired of ever again riding free amongst the " "living." msgstr "" "Moja vďaka, priatelia. Zúfal som, že ešte niekedy budem jazdiť slobodne " "medzi živými." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:362 msgid "Inyc" msgstr "" "Moja vďaka, priatelia. Zúfal som, že ešte niekedy budem jazdiť slobodne " "medzi živými." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:369 msgid "" "Vengeance upon the undead! I will make them pay for the abuse they’ve " "inflicted upon us!" msgstr "" "Pomsta na nemŕtvych! Donútim ich zaplatiť za násilie, ktoré nám spôsobili!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:371 msgid "Vobreddaent" msgstr "Vobreddaent" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:378 msgid "" "Truly you are heroes of legend to have fought so deep past the undead! I am " "forever in your debt." msgstr "" "Naozaj ste hrdinovia legendy, ktorí bojovali tak dlho s nemŕtvymi! Som " "navždy vašim dlžníkom." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:414 msgid "Escape by defeating one of the dark sorcerers" msgstr "Unikneš porážkou jedného z temných čarodejov" #. [objective]: condition=win #. when initially shown there are 6 imprisoned knights, the text doesn't change as they're freed #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:420 msgid "Rescue the imprisoned knights" msgstr "Oslobodíš uväznených rytierov" #. [unit]: type=Terraent, id=Terraent #. the unique unit type is a Paladin variantion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:447 msgid "Terraent" msgstr "Terraent" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:465 msgid "" "The Bitter Swamp’s ill reputation is, it seems, well merited. Mal-Ravanal’s " "fortress lies before us." msgstr "" "Zlá povesť Bitter Swamp je, zdá sa, dobre zaslúžená. Pred nami leží pevnosť " "Mal-Ravanala." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:469 msgid "" "Yes, and behind us undead forces are closing in, including that pest Mal-" "Skraat. What exactly is your plan? We have no means for victory with the " "scant tools we have available to us right now. Even if we were to destroy " "Mal-Ravanal’s skeletal body, their spirit would remain and simply possess " "another." msgstr "" "Áno, a za nami sa blížia nemŕtve sily, vrátane toho škodcu Mal-Skraata. Aký " "je presne váš plán? Nemáme prostriedky na víťazstvo s nedostatočnými " "nástrojmi, ktoré máme práve k dispozícii. Aj keby sme mali zničiť Mal-" "Ravanalovo kostrové telo, jeho duch by zostal a jednoducho by si privlastnil " "niekoho iného." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:473 msgid "" "To retreat, we need to kill one of these dark sorcerers that follow us. But " "we are already in the enemy capital and I believe we have a duty to hamper " "the undead however we can. And look, we are not the only ones fighting here!" msgstr "" "Aby sme ustúpili, musíme zabiť jedného z týchto temných čarodejníkov, ktorí " "nás sledujú. Ale už sme v nepriateľskom hlavnom meste a verím, že máme " "povinnosť brániť nemŕtvym, ako sa len dá. A hľa, nie sme jediní, kto tu " "bojuje!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:484 msgid "In the name of all that is holy, Lich, I will strike you down!" msgstr "V mene všetkého svätého, Lich, ťa zrazím k zemi!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:488 msgid "Try it, fleshbag." msgstr "Len to skús ty úbohá schránka mäsa." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:572 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:82 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:491 msgid "Mal-Ravanal" msgstr "Mal-Ravanal" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:575 msgid "That tickled a bit!" msgstr "To trochu pošteklilo!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:581 msgid "" "Well paladin, this has been amusing, but apparently we have a new group of " "guests to entertain. Back into the cage with you." msgstr "" "Nuž, paladin, bolo to zábavné, ale očividne máme novú skupinu hostí na " "zábavu. Späť do klietky s tebou." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:588 msgid "" "Gratitude to you and yours, pious warriors! Now let us join forces to free " "my companions and cleanse this place in holy fire!" msgstr "" "Vďačnosť vám a vašim, zbožní bojovníci! Teraz spojme sily, aby sme " "oslobodili mojich spoločníkov a očistili toto miesto vo svätom ohni!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:613 msgid "Silly fleshbags, did you come just to nourish our swamp?" msgstr "Hlúpe kopy mäsa, prišli ste len vyživiť naše močiare?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:650 msgid "Did you really think that your crude weapons would work?" msgstr "Naozaj ste si mysleli, že vaše primitívne zbrane budú fungovať?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:654 msgid "Mal-Ravanal cannot be defeated right now. We must flee!" msgstr "Mal-Ravanala nemožno práve teraz poraziť. Musíme utiecť!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:669 msgid "" "Gweddry, we should not be here. They are merely toying with us right now, " "but all will be lost if Mal-Ravanal finds me amongst you!" msgstr "" "Gweddry, nemali by sme tu byť. Práve sa s nami len zahrávajú, ale všetko " "bude stratené, ak ma Mal-Ravanal nájde medzi vami!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #. Ravanal and Dacyn perk up a bit when talking to or referring to each other #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:694 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:683 msgid "Wait a moment! That nauseating holier-than-thou aura..." msgstr "Počkaj chvíľu! Tá hnusná aura svätejšia ako ty..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:698 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:687 msgid "" "... ah, Dacyn, what an unexpected surprise! Last time we spoke, you blasted " "me before I could even finish telling you about my research." msgstr "" "... ach, Dacyn, aké nečakané prekvapenie! Keď sme spolu naposledy hovorili, " "odpálil si ma skôr, ako som ti stihol povedať o svojom výskume." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:702 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:691 msgid "" "If only it had ended back then. Stop this madness. Let this torment come to " "an end." msgstr "" "Keby sa to už vtedy skončilo. Zastavte toto šialenstvo. Nech sa toto " "trápenie skončí." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:709 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:695 msgid "" "Torment? What torment? You’re the one who seems to be miserable. But don’t " "worry, if your goal was to become one of these mindless thralls, you came to " "the right place. You know what they say. No brain, no pain!" msgstr "" "Trápenie? Aké trápenie? Vy ste ten, kto sa zdá byť nešťastný. Ale nebojte " "sa, ak bolo vaším cieľom stať sa jedným z týchto bezduchých otrokov, ste na " "správnom mieste. Vieš čo sa hovorí. Žiadny mozog, žiadna bolesť!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:810 msgid "" "Don’t worry, old friend, these ghosts will take good care of you. Just stay " "still for a bit..." msgstr "" "Neboj sa, starý priateľ, títo duchovia sa o teba dobre postarajú. Len zostaň " "chvíľu v kľude..." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:819 msgid "You were friends with this lich?!?" msgstr "Boli ste priatelia s týmto lichom?!?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:823 msgid "" "Yes... We studied together many years ago. Ravan’s power was already most " "potent back then, but I fear it has become far greater now. None of you " "stand a chance; we must escape immediately!" msgstr "" "Áno... Pred mnohými rokmi sme spolu študovali. Už vtedy bol najsilnejším, " "ale temná sila, ktorú cítim dnes, je ešte omnoho väčšia. Musíme okamžite " "utiecť!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Rikna #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:868 msgid "Help, please, I never even liked that lich!" msgstr "Ale no tak, nikdy som toho licha nemal rád!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:872 msgid "Useless mage, stop dying and start avenging my sister!" msgstr "Zbytočný mág, prestaň umierať a pomsti moju sestru!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:893 msgid "" "Quickly, make for the western edge of the swamp! We have to get out of here!" msgstr "Rýchlo prejdite na západný okraj močiara! Musíme odtiaľto vypadnúť!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:897 msgid "" "Did I not warn you? Coming here was a fool’s errand! We have been very lucky " "to escape with our lives. We must make with all haste to whatever remains of " "Owaec’s northern outpost and hope we are not pursued." msgstr "" "Nevaroval som ťa? Prísť sem bola hlúposť! Mali sme veľké šťastie, že sme " "prežili. Musíme sa ponáhľať k tomu, čo zostalo zo severnej základne Owaeca, " "a dúfať, že nás nebudú prenasledovať." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:922 msgid "" "We cannot leave my companions behind! They have suffered grievously already " "and will surely be slain." msgstr "" "Nemôžeme nechať mojich spoločníkov za sebou! Už veľmi trpeli a určite budú " "zabití." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:931 msgid "" "Save yourselves and do not despair! As long as there are those who resist " "the darkness, hope will always remain." msgstr "" "Zachráňte sa a nezúfajte! Pokiaľ existujú tí, ktorí odolávajú temnote, nádej " "vždy zostane." #. [scenario]: id=05_Northern_Outpost #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:8 msgid "Northern Outpost" msgstr "Severná základňa" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:27 msgid "" "With the elven forest open for passage, Gweddry and his men resumed their " "journey through the northern Estmarks. After many days of mountainous " "travel, they were greatly relieved to see the walls of the northern outpost " "silhouetted against the horizon..." msgstr "" "Keď bol elfský les otvorený na prechod, Gweddry a jeho muži pokračovali v " "ceste cez severné Estmarks. Po mnohých dňoch cestovania v horách sa im veľmi " "uľavilo, keď uvideli siluety stien severnej základne na obzore..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:40 msgid "" "Gweddry and his men made good time skirting the eastern Estmarks. After " "several weeks of marching, they were greatly relieved to see the walls of " "the northern outpost silhouetted against the horizon..." msgstr "" "Gweddry a jeho muži si užili čas na obchádzaní východných Estmarkov. Po " "niekoľkých týždňoch pochodu sa im veľmi uľavilo, keď uvideli siluety stien " "severnej základne oproti obzoru..." #. [part] #. only shown if the previous scenario was S04c (Mal-Ravanal’s Capital) #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:48 msgid "" "Leaving the Bitter Swamp far behind, Gweddry and his men fled northwest as " "if their heels were winged. After weeks of frantic marching, they were " "greatly relieved to see the walls of the northern outpost silhouetted " "against the horizon..." msgstr "" "Gweddry a jeho muži nechali Horký močiar ďaleko za sebou a utiekli na " "severozápad, ako keby mali päty okrídlené. Po týždňoch zbesilého pochodu sa " "im veľmi uľavilo, keď uvideli siluety stien severnej základne na obzore..." #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Rilaka #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:139 msgid "Rilaka" msgstr "Rilaka" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. "here lies the dead body of". An amulet was visible on this hex, a unit has moved to pick it up, which triggers this explanation why it's there. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:205 msgid "" "There lies Anwyan, our local priestess. She insisted on hiding the others " "first and was one of those who didn’t make it to the cellars in time." msgstr "" "Tam leží Anwyan, naša miestna kňažka. Trvala na tom, že najprv skryje " "ostatných a bola jednou z tých, ktorí sa nedostali do pivníc včas." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:222 msgid "Find the outlaw leader" msgstr "Nájdi veliteľa zbojníkov" #. [objective]: condition=win #. Shodrano is a male Rogue or Assassin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:230 msgid "Kill Shodrano" msgstr "Zabi Shodrana" #. [objective]: condition=win #. Rilaka is a male Dark Adept #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:241 msgid "Defeat Rilaka" msgstr "Porazíš Rilaka" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:251 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:157 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:533 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:140 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:209 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:283 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:446 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:721 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1465 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:278 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1244 msgid "Death of Gweddry, Dacyn, or Owaec" msgstr "Gweddry, Dacyn a Owaec nesmú zomrieť" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:260 msgid "Owaec is a leader and can recruit units when standing on a keep." msgstr "Owaec je vodca a môže najímať jednotky, keď stojí na hrade." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:315 msgid "Alas! The northern outpost has been destroyed..." msgstr "Žiaľ! Severná základňa bola zničená..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Did you expect to find the northern outpost still standing? #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:321 msgid "" "Did you expect anything else? Owaec has either fled or perished and the " "undead hordes now march toward the River Weldyn. They must seek to overrun " "Wesnoth before the king can muster his armies." msgstr "" "Čakali ste niečo iné? Owaec buď utiekol, alebo zahynul a hordy nemŕtvych " "teraz pochodujú smerom k rieke Weldyn. Musia sa pokúsiť dobyť Wesnoth skôr, " "ako kráľ zhromaždí svoje armády." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:332 msgid "Raraery" msgstr "Raraery" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:350 msgid "Raetharvan" msgstr "Raetharvan" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:366 msgid "Hail, Gweddry!" msgstr "Zdravím, Gweddry!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:370 msgid "" "Hail, Owaec! I am stunned and relieved to see that you are still well. How " "did you escape the undead?" msgstr "" "Ahoj, Owaec! Som ohromený a uľavilo sa mi, keď vidím, že ste stále v " "poriadku. Ako ste unikli nemŕtvym?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:374 msgid "" "Many of these farmers dug deep cellars connected to a network of caves. I " "hid as many villagers as I could once our scouts spotted the undead. They " "must have thought the villages abandoned, for they moved on swiftly " "westward, and yet..." msgstr "" "Mnohí z týchto farmárov vykopali hlboké pivnice spojené so sieťou jaskýň. " "Keď naši skauti zbadali nemŕtvych, skryl som toľko dedinčanov, koľko som " "mohol. Museli si myslieť, že dediny sú opustené, pretože sa rýchlo pohli " "ďalej na západ, a predsa..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:378 msgid "" "... I was not able to save everyone. Gweddry, their deaths weigh heavy on my " "heart." msgstr "" "... Nepodarilo sa mi zachrániť všetkých. Gweddry, ich smrť ma ťaží pri srdci." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:382 msgid "" "I am surprised you managed to save even yourself, much less anyone else. But " "compared to the havoc these undead seek to unleash on all Wesnoth, the " "deaths of a few peasants are hardly worth mourning." msgstr "" "Som prekvapený, že sa ti podarilo zachrániť aj seba, tým menej niekoho " "iného. Ale v porovnaní s chaosom, ktorý sa títo nemŕtvi snažia rozpútať na " "celom Wesnothe, smrť niekoľkých roľníkov sotva stojí za smútok." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:386 msgid "How can you say-" msgstr "Ako môžeš povedať-" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:390 msgid "" "For now, I must study and consider how these undead can be defeated, and " "then we should leave before more arrive. Will you join us?" msgstr "" "Zatiaľ musím študovať a zvážiť, ako možno týchto nemŕtvych poraziť, a potom " "by sme mali odísť, kým prídu ďalší. Pridáš sa k nám?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:398 msgid "" "No. I failed these villagers once. I will not do so again. They have " "survived the undead, but a gang of bandits exploits our weakness and now " "terrorizes these people. I cannot seem to find a way to defeat the outlaws; " "they hide in the village cellars whenever I send in my horsemen." msgstr "" "Nie. Raz som sklamal týchto dedinčanov. Už to neurobím. Prežili nemŕtvych, " "ale banda banditov využíva našu slabosť a teraz týchto ľudí terorizuje. Zdá " "sa, že neviem nájsť spôsob, ako poraziť psancov; skrývajú sa v dedinských " "pivniciach, kedykoľvek pošlem svojich jazdcov." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:402 msgid "" "I fear that until the undead are defeated, these villagers will never be " "truly safe. But if we can drive these bandits out, will you join us? From " "what Dacyn tells me, Wesnoth will need all of its soldiers if it is to " "survive what has come." msgstr "" "Obávam sa, že kým nebudú nemŕtvi porazení, títo dedinčania nikdy nebudú " "skutočne v bezpečí. Ale ak dokážeme vyhnať týchto banditov, pridajú sa k " "nám? Podľa toho, čo mi Dacyn povedal, Wesnoth bude potrebovať všetkých " "svojich vojakov, ak má prežiť to, čo prišlo." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:406 msgid "" "If the situation is so dire, I am honor-bound to join you... but I know of " "no way to remove these bandits." msgstr "" "Ak je situácia taká vážna, je mi cťou pridať sa k vám... ale neviem o " "žiadnom spôsobe, ako týchto banditov odstrániť." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:410 msgid "" "You forget that I have many skills as the advisor to the Crown. I can reveal " "the bandits when our soldiers enter a village. However, this magic will " "require my full attention. I will not be able to battle them directly." msgstr "" "Zabudol si, že mám veľa zručností ako poradca koruny. Môžem odhaliť " "banditov, keď naši vojaci vstúpia do dediny. Táto mágia si však bude " "vyžadovať moju plnú pozornosť. Nebudem s nimi môcť priamo bojovať." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:420 msgid "" "Naw, wizard, you go help fight. We don’t need no fancy magic for this. I’ve " "dealt with plenty o’ thugs before. Maybe if you untie me I’ll help " "you find ’em, eh?" msgstr "" "Nie, čarodejník, choď pomáhať bojovať. Nepotrebujeme na to žiadne luxusné " "kúzla. Už som mal do činenia s mnohými násilníkmi. Možno ak ma rozviažeš, pomôžem ti ich nájsť, však?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:424 msgid "" "Do you promise you won’t simply flee if we set you free? This is a battle " "for all of Wesnoth. If we fail, it will spell doom not just for us, but also " "for you and your little mercenary band." msgstr "" "Sľubuješ, že jednoducho neutečieš, ak ťa oslobodíme? Toto je boj o celý " "Wesnoth. Ak zlyháme, bude to znamenať skazu nielen pre nás, ale aj pre vás a " "vašu malú žoldniersku bandu." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:428 msgid "" "Eh, there’s always a necromancer or warlord o’ some kind one way or another. " "Me and my boys woulda been fine." msgstr "" "Eh, vždy sa nájde nejaký nekromant alebo bojovník tak či onak. Ja a moji " "chlapci by sme boli v pohode." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:432 msgid "" "But yeah, sure, I ain’t runnin’. Just sayin’, as soon as this invasion " "business is done, I’m outta here." msgstr "" "Ale áno, jasné, neutekám. Len som povedal, že hneď ako bude táto invázia " "ukončená, tak odtiaľto odídem preč a ďaleko." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:436 msgid "" "Very well, untie him! Owaec, we will aid you in driving out these bandits." msgstr "Veľmi dobre, rozviažte ho! Owaec, pomôžeme ti vyhnať týchto banditov." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:454 msgid "" "Very well. Owaec, we will aid you in driving out these bandits. Dacyn, cast " "your spell!" msgstr "" "Veľmi dobre. Owaec, pomôžeme ti vyhnať týchto banditov. Dacyn, zošli svoje " "kúzlo!" #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:530 msgid "Pull aside that old rug, will ya? I think I see somethin’..." msgstr "Odložte ten starý koberec, dobre? Myslím, že niečo vidím..." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:547 msgid "Check under the floorboards! There’s always somethin’ there." msgstr "Skontrolujte pod podlahovými doskami! Vždy tam niečo je." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:564 msgid "Shh! Do ya hear that?" msgstr "Pst! počuješ to?" #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:581 msgid "Lemme take a closer look..." msgstr "Pozrime sa bližšie..." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:604 msgid "" "Every outlaw posse got a leader. Tear up enough cellars and he’ll turn up, " "then take him out and the rest’ll run for the hills." msgstr "" "Každá banda psancov má vodcu. Roztrhajte dostatok pivníc a on sa objaví, " "potom ho vezmite von a zvyšok sa rozbehne do kopcov." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. They retreated when their leader was captured in the previous scenario, which was "many days of mountainous travel" ago. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:609 msgid "Like your mercenary band did?" msgstr "Ako vaša žoldnierska družina?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:616 msgid "" "I believe there is a leader behind these outlaws. Kill him and we will face " "no further resistance." msgstr "" "Verím, že za týmito psancami je vodca. Zabite ho a nebudeme čeliť žiadnemu " "ďalšiemu odporu." #. [unit]: type=Rogue, id=Shodrano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:635 msgid "Shodrano" msgstr "Shodrano" #. [message]: speaker=Shodrano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:645 msgid "Gah, I’ve been found!" msgstr "Sakra, našli ma!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:649 msgid "That’s the bandit leader! Kill him!" msgstr "To je veliteľ banditov! Zabi ho!" #. [message]: speaker=Shodrano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:663 msgid "This is how it ends..." msgstr "Takto to končí..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:685 msgid "" "Huzzah!! At last, these villagers are liberated! Gweddry, thank you for your " "aid. I place my Clansmen and myself at your service." msgstr "" "Huzzah!! Konečne sú títo dedinčania oslobodení! Gweddry, ďakujem za pomoc. " "Svojich členov klanu a seba dávam do vašich služieb." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:704 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:865 msgid "(You may now recruit Horsemen and Cavalrymen!)" msgstr "(Teraz môžete naverbovať jazdecké jednotky!)" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:725 msgid "" "There is no more need for me to concentrate on this spell. However, we still " "need to deal with the adept." msgstr "" "Už sa nemusím sústrediť na toto kúzlo. S adeptom sa však musíme ešte " "popasovať." #. [message]: speaker=Rilaka #. a male Dark Adept has just arrived, there's been an animation of him creating a camp, but he hasn't recruited yet #. his recruit list will be entirely L0 and L1 undead, no living units #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:803 msgid "" "Ah ha! I knew this outpost wasn’t really abandoned! Too bad nobody else " "believed me. Maybe once I defeat you I’ll finally get the respect I deserve?" msgstr "" "Ach ha! Vedel som, že táto základňa nie je naozaj opustená! Škoda, že mi " "nikto iný neveril. Možno keď ťa porazím, konečne získam rešpekt, ktorý si " "zaslúžim?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:807 msgid "Defeat us, hmm? I have a better idea." msgstr "Poraziť nás, hmm? Mám lepší nápad." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:811 msgid "" "Once again, undead threaten these villagers! In the name of the Clans, I " "will strike you down!" msgstr "Ešte raz, nemŕtvi ohrozujú týchto dedinčanov! V mene klanov ťa zrazím!" #. [message]: speaker=Rilaka #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:826 msgid "No! I deserve better than this!" msgstr "Nie! Zaslúžim si lepšie ako toto!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:846 msgid "" "Huzzah!! May these be the first of many undead to fall before our hooves! " "Gweddry, thank you for your aid. I place my Clansmen and myself at your " "service." msgstr "" "Huzzah!! Nech sú to prví z mnohých nemŕtvych, ktorí padnú pred naše kopytá! " "Gweddry, ďakujem za pomoc. Svojich členov klanu a seba dávam do vašich " "služieb." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:877 msgid "Now let us free these villagers from the outlaws terrorizing them!" msgstr "Teraz osloboďme týchto dedinčanov od psancov, ktorí ich terorizujú!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:919 msgid "" "Now that both the outlaws and undead are defeated, we finally have some time " "to rest." msgstr "" "Dobre, porazili sme zbojníkov i nemŕtvych. Teraz máme trochu času na oddych." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:923 msgid "" "Good. Now leave me in peace while I consider how to combat this invasion." msgstr "" "Dobre. Teraz ma nechajte na pokoji, kým zvážim, ako bojovať proti tejto " "invázii." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:940 msgid "Some time later..." msgstr "O nejaký čas neskôr..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. to Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:959 msgid "" "Mage, pull your nose out of your books for a moment, would you? Gweddry and " "I have some questions about this invasion you speak of." msgstr "" "Mág, vytiahni na chvíľu nos z kníh! Gweddry a ja máme niekoľko otázok o " "tejto invázii, o ktorej hovoríte." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:966 msgid "" "Back at the undead capital, the lich Mal-Ravanal referred to you as an old " "friend. What history is there between you?" msgstr "" "Späť v hlavnom meste nemŕtvych vás lich Mal-Ravanal označil za starého " "priateľa. Aká je medzi vami história?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:973 msgid "" "What do you know of the dread lich they called Mal-Ravanal? Back at the " "southern outpost, you purposely hid yourself to avoid being seen." msgstr "" "Čo vieš o strašnom kostejovi, ktorého volali Mal-Ravanal? Späť na južnej " "základni si sa zámerne schoval, aby ťa nikto nevidel." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. "you" being Owaec and Gweddry, they're both questioning him #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:990 msgid "" "I suppose you have a right to know of the adversary we face. I will tell you " "about Mal-Ravanal." msgstr "" "Predpokladám, že máte právo vedieť o protivníkovi, ktorému čelíme. Poviem " "vám o Mal-Ravanalovi." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Dacyn is an unreliable narrator, he only tells events the way he interprets them but not necessarily as an absolute truth #. and because Gweddry and Owaec only hear Dacyn's side of the story, they are prone to misinterpretation of motives and events as well #. TODO in 1.19 change this text to "Early in the reign ..." (issue #8387) #. Happened by 589 YW at the latest, Haldric VII reigned 585-612 YW, and it's now 626 YW. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:999 msgid "" "Late in the reign of Haldric VII, a Sylph of Lintanir forest came to Weldyn " "and spoke of the emergence of a power that threatened to corrupt Wesnoth’s " "greatest mages and eventually bring ruin to the entire kingdom. She offered " "only a small piece of cryptic advice, that avoiding this calamity would " "require a peerless wisdom to harness the use of tremendous power." msgstr "" "Neskoro za vlády Haldrika VII prišla do Weldynu sylfa z Lintanirského lesa a " "hovorila o objavení sa moci, ktorá hrozila skorumpovaním najväčších mágov " "Wesnothu a nakoniec skazila celé kráľovstvo. Poskytla len malú záhadnú radu, " "že vyhnúť sa tejto pohrome by si vyžadovalo jedinečnú múdrosť na využitie " "obrovskej sily." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Ravan is also of an unspecified gender, and not assumed to be only human #. Same as Mal-Ravanal, translations can prefer plural pronouns or language default pronoun if the former is not possible #. Happened in 589 YW, it's now 626 YW. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1006 msgid "" "Thus, the King decided to seek this peerless savant. In all the land, there " "were two magi that clearly stood out from the rest. Myself, and my good " "friend Ravan, a mage from the east. The King, wishing to choose the best " "advisor, sent us both before Galdren. Then he conversed with the seer " "privately. None know what was said, but when he came out he announced that " "the seer was dead, and he had... chosen... me as his new advisor." msgstr "" "Preto sa kráľ rozhodol vyhľadať tohto jedinečného učenca. V celej krajine " "boli dvaja mágovia, ktorí sa jasne odlišovali od ostatných. Ja a môj dobrý " "priateľ Ravan, mág z východu. Kráľ, ktorý si želal vybrať najlepšieho " "poradcu, nás oboch poslal pred Galdrena. Potom sa súkromne rozprával s " "vidiacim. Nikto nevie, čo bolo povedané, ale keď vyšiel von, oznámil, že " "veštec je mŕtvy a on si... vybral... mňa ako svojho nového poradcu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1010 msgid "" "Ravan took this quietly enough, or so I had thought, but it must have been " "more of a blow than I had realized. We drifted apart for a long while, and " "several years passed without my seeing my once close friend." msgstr "" "Ravan to zobral dosť potichu, aspoň som si to myslel, ale musela to byť " "väčšia rana, ako som si uvedomoval. Na dlhú dobu sme sa od seba vzdialili a " "prešlo niekoľko rokov bez toho, aby som videl svojho kedysi blízkeho " "priateľa." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Happened in 593 YW, it's now 626 YW. The Listra is a river. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1020 msgid "" "One day, I received a message. Ravan was calling me north across the Great " "River and past the Listra, to an ancient sanctuary that we had once explored " "together in our younger years. At that time, I had still thought Ravan was " "my friend and a respected mage of the Light, so I obliged. It sounds foolish " "now, in hindsight, but I made the long journey north in the darkness of " "winter to the sanctuary and its hidden chambers." msgstr "" "Jedného dňa mi prišla správa. Ravan ma volal na sever cez Veľkú rieku a " "popri Listre, do prastarej svätyne, ktorú sme kedysi spolu v mladosti " "skúmali. V tom čase som si stále myslel, že Ravan je môj priateľ a uznávaný " "mág Svetla, tak som sa zaviazal. Teraz to znie hlúpo, pri spätnom pohľade, " "ale urobil som dlhú cestu na sever v tme zimy do svätyne a jej skrytých " "komôr." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1024 msgid "" "Even now, that dreadful scene is burned into my memory. At a mere glance, I " "could already sense the taint of black magic on that cloaked form. Ravan’s " "once bright aura was enshrouded by an impenetrable darkness, thick and " "potent and filled with terror. Before I could gather myself, hoarse and " "frightful voices sprang to life around me, a stream of foul incantations " "whose cacophonous sound clawed and tore at my body and soul. At that moment, " "I knew I was obliged to do whatever was necessary to excise this evil from " "the world." msgstr "" "Ešte teraz sa mi tá hrozná scéna vryla do pamäti. Pri bežnom pohľade som už " "cítil pachuť čiernej mágie na tej zamaskovanej podobe. Ravanova kedysi jasná " "aura bola zahalená nepreniknuteľnou temnotou, hustá a silná a plná hrôzy. " "Než som sa stihol pozbierať, ožili okolo mňa chrapľavé a strašné hlasy, prúd " "odporných zaklínadiel, ktorých kakofonický zvuk ma drápal a trhal moje telo " "a dušu. V tej chvíli som vedel, že som povinný urobiť všetko, čo bolo " "potrebné, aby som toto zlo odstránil zo sveta." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1028 msgid "" "Before the incantation could finish, I summoned the utmost of my power and " "rended Ravan’s physical body. Yet even as I witnessed flesh and blood burn " "away into soot, a dark shadow arose from the ashen bones and dispersed " "throughout the sanctum. I knew then that death would be but a mere " "inconvenience to one so skilled in the mystic arts, and that Ravan’s spirit " "would return one day..." msgstr "" "Predtým, ako sa zaklínadlo mohlo skončiť, som povolal maximum svojej sily a " "roztrhal Ravanovo fyzické telo. No aj keď som bol svedkom toho, ako mäso a " "krv zhoreli na sadze, z popolavých kostí sa objavil tmavý tieň a rozptýlil " "sa po svätyni. Vtedy som vedel, že smrť bude pre človeka tak skúseného v " "mystických umeniach len nepríjemnosťou a že Ravanov duch sa jedného dňa " "vráti..." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. "it" means the spirit of Mal-Ravanal; the Sylph prophesied about it sometime between 36 and 42 years ago. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1042 msgid "" "As it has now, to finally fulfill the prophecy that the Sylph spoke of all " "those years ago." msgstr "" "Tak ako teraz, aby sa konečne naplnilo proroctvo, o ktorom Sylfa hovorila " "pred všetkými tými rokmi." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1046 msgid "" "Yes. But hope is not yet lost. After pondering the matter once more, I have " "come to a conclusion. I do not have the power to defeat Mal-Ravanal as I am " "now. We must travel north, away from Wesnoth, back to the sanctuary where I " "had defeated Ravan once before." msgstr "" "Áno. Ale nádej ešte nie je stratená. Po opätovnom zvážení tejto záležitosti " "som dospel k záveru. Nemám silu poraziť Mal-Ravanala ako kedysi. Musíme " "cestovať na sever, preč od Wesnothu, späť do svätyne, kde som už raz porazil " "Ravana." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1050 msgid "" "And leave our countrymen to fend for themselves in a time of war? This does " "not sit right with me." msgstr "" "A nechať našich krajanov, aby sa starali sami o seba v čase vojny? Toto mi " "nesedí." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1054 msgid "" "If we fail to defeat Mal-Ravanal, no effort of ours will be sufficient to " "withstand the endless armies of the dead. Our blood is limited and the more " "it is spilled, the more their strength grows. Only by using the power from " "the sanctuary to destroy the Lich can we find salvation." msgstr "" "Ak sa nám nepodarí poraziť Mal-Ravanala, žiadne naše úsilie nebude " "dostatočné na to, aby sme odolali nekonečným armádam mŕtvych. Naša krv je " "obmedzená a čím viac sa jej prelieva, tým viac rastie ich sila. Spasenie " "môžeme nájsť iba použitím sily zo svätyne na zničenie kostejov." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1058 msgid "" "Far though this journey may take us, if it is necessary to defeating this " "great evil, we have no choice but to make it." msgstr "" "Aj keď nás táto cesta môže zaviesť ďaleko, ak je nevyhnutná na porazenie " "tohto veľkého zla, nemáme inú možnosť, ako ju podstúpiť." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1067 msgid "" "Very well. The Great River can be crossed near Soradoc. We could reach the " "garrison there, contact the Crown, and gather supplies for our journey." msgstr "" "Veľmi dobre. Veľká rieka sa dá prekročiť neďaleko Soradoku. Mohli by sme sa " "tam dostať k posádke, spojiť sa s Korunou a nazbierať zásoby na cestu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1071 msgid "" "The entire undead army is between us and Soradoc. They even may have already " "taken the city itself. We should avoid that battle and cross the Great River " "further east, behind the undead lines." msgstr "" "Celá armáda nemŕtvych je medzi nami a Soradokom. Možno už dokonca obsadili " "aj samotné mesto. Mali by sme sa vyhnúť tejto bitke a prekročiť Veľkú rieku " "ďalej na východ, za líniami nemŕtvych." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1075 msgid "" "If undead are attacking Soradoc, that is all the more reason to travel west! " "I will not stand by and let my comrades die while I cravenly flee the battle." msgstr "" "Ak nemŕtvi útočia na Soradoc, je to o dôvod viac cestovať na západ! Nebudem " "stáť bokom a nechať svojich kamarátov zomrieť, kým ja zbabelo utečiem z boja." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1079 msgid "" "Peace, friends. You both speak wisely. Allow me to cast the deciding vote." msgstr "Mier, priatelia. Obaja hovoríte múdro. Dovoľte mi, aby som rozhodol." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1083 msgid "My decision is..." msgstr "Moje rozhodnutie je..." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1085 msgid "Cross the Great River to the east, behind enemy lines. (normal)" msgstr "" "Prejdi cez Veľkú rieku na východ, za nepriateľskými líniami. (normálne)" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1089 msgid "" "We are not strong enough to fight the undead head-on. Let us cross the Great " "River to the east." msgstr "" "Nie sme dosť silní, aby sme bojovali s nemŕtvymi napriamo. Prejdime cez " "Veľkú rieku na východ." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1101 msgid "" "Cross the Great River west in Wesnoth, near Soradoc. (challenging)" msgstr "" "Prejdite cez veľkú rieku na západ vo Wesnothe, neďaleko Soradoku. " "(náročné)" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1105 msgid "" "It is our duty to aid the king’s army at Soradoc and cross the river there." msgstr "" "Je našou povinnosťou pomôcť kráľovskej armáde v Soradoku a prejsť tam cez " "rieku." #. [message]: speaker=Rilaka #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1131 msgid "" "I’m not so sure I can win this fight, but maybe I don’t need to defeat you " "myself to be respected... maybe I only need to tell the others to come " "destroy you!" msgstr "" "Nie som si istý, či môžem vyhrať tento boj, ale možno ťa nemusím poraziť " "sám, aby som bol rešpektovaný... možno len musím povedať ostatným, aby ťa " "prišli zničiť!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1137 msgid "He’s run off to summon reinforcements! If only we had acted sooner..." msgstr "Uteká privolať posily! Len keby sme konali skôr..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1144 msgid "" "Enough of this. We cannot afford to waste time with petty bandits while Mal-" "Ravanal ravages Wesnoth. Owaec, come with us or stay here and die, I care " "not either way." msgstr "" "Dosť toho. Nemôžeme si dovoliť strácať čas s malými banditmi, kým Mal-" "Ravanal pustoší Wesnoth. Owaec, poď s nami alebo ostaň tu a zomri, je mi to " "jedno." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1148 msgid "" "Since we have failed to root out the bandit leader, I am honor-bound to stay " "and defend these villagers! If you wish to go, then go, but I shall not aid " "you." msgstr "" "Keďže sa nám nepodarilo vykoreniť vodcu banditov, je mi cťou zostať a brániť " "týchto dedinčanov! Ak chceš ísť, tak choď, ale ja ti nepomôžem." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:1152 msgid "I would that I had acted with more haste..." msgstr "Bol by som rád, keby som konal rýchlejšie..." #. [scenario]: id=06a_Undead_Crossing #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:8 msgid "Undead Crossing" msgstr "Križovatka nemŕtvych" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:21 msgid "" "In the west, where the Great River is deep and wide, the few crossings are " "known by all and heavily guarded. Hoping to evade detection, Gweddry and his " "band made for one of the numerous eastern fords instead..." msgstr "" "Na západe, kde je Veľká rieka hlboká a široká, všetci poznajú tých pár " "prechodov a sú prísne strážené. V nádeji, že sa vyhnú odhaleniu, sa Gweddry " "a jeho skupina namiesto toho vybrali k jednému z početných východných " "brodov..." #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Karad #. male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:48 msgid "Mal-un-Karad" msgstr "Mal-un-Karad" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-un-Karad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:95 msgid "" "Fine, you can have the south shore! I’m going to stay nice and safe in my " "castle." msgstr "" "Dobre, môžete mať južný breh! Zostanem pekne a v bezpečí vo svojom hrade." #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:115 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:68 msgid "Monsters" msgstr "Príšery" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:124 msgid "Northern Alliance" msgstr "Severná aliancia" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:137 msgid "Defeat Mal-un-Karad" msgstr "Poraz Mal-un-Karada" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:146 msgid "Rescue Dolburras before he drowns" msgstr "Zachráňte Dolburrasa skôr, ako sa utopí" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:164 msgid "Dolburras will take damage every turn until freed." msgstr "Dolburras utrpí poškodenie v každom kole, kým nebude oslobodený." #. [unit]: id=Dolburras, type=Dwarvish Steelclad #. male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:181 msgid "Dolburras" msgstr "Dolburras" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:211 msgid "" "We have done well to avoid conflict with the undead thus far. It is time to " "turn northward, toward our goal." msgstr "" "Doteraz sme urobili dobre, že sme sa vyhli konfliktom s nemŕtvymi. Je čas " "obrátiť sa na sever, k nášmu cieľu." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:215 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:593 msgid "You still have yet to explain more about this goal." msgstr "Ešte stále ste nevysvetlili viac o tomto cieli." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:219 msgid "" "Wait, look, a small force of undead have already fortified this ford. We " "will have to fight them to cross the Great River." msgstr "" "Počkajte, pozrite sa, malý oddiel nemŕtvych už opevnil tento brod. Budeme s " "nimi musieť bojovať, aby sme sa dostali cez Veľkú rieku." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. he's being held captive by a Banebow #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:224 msgid "" "Let me out ’o this cage ye bag-o-bones! When the Alliance hears abo— " "glug" msgstr "Pustite ma von z tejto klietky! Keď Aliancia počuje abo— glug" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-un-Karad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:231 msgid "" "Hahahaha! This dwarf is too short to keep his head out of the water. I " "wonder how long he’ll last?" msgstr "" "Hahahaha! Tento trpaslík je príliš krátky na to, aby udržal hlavu mimo vody. " "Ako dlho mu to vydrží?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:235 msgid "" "The undead are torturing that dwarf for sport! This shall not stand; we must " "rescue him before he drowns!" msgstr "" "Nemŕtvi mučia toho trpaslíka pre šport! Toto neobstojí; musíme ho zachrániť " "skôr, ako sa utopí!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:240 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:296 msgid "" "Ho ho, you know what you need? My patented* elixir of water breathing! *not patented" msgstr "" "Hej, vieš čo potrebuješ? Môj patentovaný* elixír vodného dýchania! *nepatentované" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:244 msgid "" "One drink from this shimmering blue vial and you’ll move at full speed* " "through swamps and shallow water! *less effective on cavalry" msgstr "" "Jeden drink z tejto trblietavej modrej fľaštičky a budete sa pohybovať plnou " "rýchlosťou* cez močiare a plytkú vodu! *menej účinný na kavalériu" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:257 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:313 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:638 msgid "Pleasure doing business with you!" msgstr "Radosť s vami obchodovať!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:265 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:321 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:646 msgid "Suit yourself; more for me!" msgstr "Prispôsobte sa; viac pre mňa!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:271 msgid "" "Supplies are limited so call buy now! " "(elixirs only last for 1 scenario)" msgstr "" "Zásoby sú obmedzené, takže zavolajte a " "nakupujte teraz! (elixíry vydržia len na 1 scenár)" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:273 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:329 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:654 msgid "Buy the elixir (10 gold)." msgstr "Kúpte si elixír (10 zlatých)." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:283 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:339 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:664 msgid "Leave the elixir for Hahid." msgstr "Nechajte elixír pre Hahida." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-un-Karad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:299 msgid "" "I don’t know how you Wesnothians got here, but don’t even think about " "crossing here unless you want to become fish bait!" msgstr "" "Neviem, ako ste sa sem vy Wesnoťania dostali, ale ani neuvažujte o prechode " "tadiaľto, pokiaľ sa nechcete stať rybou návnadou!" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:337 msgid "Glug... glug..." msgstr "Glug... glug..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:354 msgid "" "I have failed in my duty to protect the helpless. I weep at his passing." msgstr "" "Zlyhal som vo svojej povinnosti chrániť bezmocných. Plačem nad jeho odchodom." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "Many thanks to you! Feels go to be finally breathing properly again." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:381 msgid "Many thanks ta ye! Feels good ta be finally breathin’ proper again." msgstr "" "Veľká vďaka Vám! Je to dobrý pocit z toho, že si konečne opäť poriadne " "vydýchol." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:385 msgid "How did you come to be captured by these undead?" msgstr "Ako ste sa dostali k tomu, že vás zajali títo nemŕtvi?" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "Ran into a whole blasted army of them marching from the Swamp of Dread. I think they're headed for Knalga! Someone ought to invade them for a change." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:390 msgid "" "Ran into a whole blasted army of ’em marchin’ from the Swamp o’ Dread. I " "think they be headed for Knalga! Someone oughta invade them for a change." msgstr "" "Narazil na celú ich zničenú armádu pochodujúcu z Bažiny hrôzy. Myslím, že " "mieria do Knalgy! Niekto by ich mal pre zmenu napadnúť." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:394 msgid "By the Clans! Do these undead mean to conquer all the world?" msgstr "Od klanov! Chcú títo nemŕtvi dobyť celý svet?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:398 msgid "" "Dolburras, we are men of the King of Wesnoth, seeking the power to destroy " "these foul undead. Will you join us in our quest?" msgstr "" "Dolburras, sme muži kráľa Wesnothu, ktorí hľadajú silu zničiť týchto " "odporných nemŕtvych. Pripojíte sa k nám v našom pátraní?" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "Can't hardly go back to Knalga with all of the undead about! Yes, I'll join you." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:403 msgid "" "Kinna hardly go back ta Knalga with all them undead about! Aye, I’ll join ye." msgstr "" "Kinna sa sotva vráti ku Knalge so všetkými tými nemŕtvymi okolo! Áno, pridám " "sa k vám." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-un-Karad #. "Wake" doesn’t mean "raise undead" here. The reinforcements are sea creatures, they're alive but hidden underwater. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:416 msgid "Time to wake my reinforcements!" msgstr "Čas zobudiť moje posily!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:495 msgid "" "In addition to summoning undead, this sorcerer has learned to command swarms " "of carnivorous fish!" msgstr "" "Okrem vyvolávania nemŕtvych sa tento čarodejník naučil veliť rojom " "mäsožravých rýb!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:499 msgid "" "A clever plan. The fish gnaw away flesh, leaving the skeletons ready for " "reanimation. They will make our crossing more difficult." msgstr "" "Šikovný plán. Ryby obhrýzajú mäso a nechávajú kostry pripravené na oživenie. " "Sťažia nám prechod." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:536 msgid "No! I thought I’d be safe here..." msgstr "Nie! Myslel som, že tu budem v bezpečí..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:622 msgid "" "If we intend to save Wesnoth, we must press onward into the mountains. Let " "us be off." msgstr "" "Ak máme v úmysle zachrániť Wesnoth, musíme sa tlačiť vpred do hôr. Poďme " "preč." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:640 msgid "Mel Wylyn" msgstr "Mel Wylyn" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-un-Karad #. male Necromancer to female Dark Sorcerer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:648 msgid "What took you so long? We were supposed to change shifts days ago!" msgstr "Čo ti tak dlho trvalo? Pred dňami sme si mali vymeniť smeny!" #. [message]: speaker=Mel Wylyn #. female Dark Sorcerer to male Necromancer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06a_Undead_Crossing.cfg:653 msgid "" "Aw, I’ve missed out on the fun! But look at it this way, now they stand no " "chance against the two of us." msgstr "" "Och, prišiel som o zábavu! Ale pozri sa na to takto, teraz proti nám dvom " "nemajú šancu." #. [scenario]: id=06b_Soradoc #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:10 msgid "Soradoc" msgstr "Soradok" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:24 msgid "" "Established by the Crown and administered by the Horse Clans, Soradoc " "controlled the strategic confluence of the Great River and the River Weldyn. " "Since its founding in the early days of Wesnoth, it had grown into a " "prosperous and well-fortified border town. Gweddry and his band approached " "cautiously, hoping to reunite with Wesnoth’s armies." msgstr "" "Soradoc, založený korunou a spravovaný klanmi koní, kontroloval strategický " "sútok Veľkej rieky a rieky Weldyn. Od svojho založenia v prvých dňoch " "Wesnothu sa rozrástlo na prosperujúce a dobre opevnené pohraničné mesto. " "Gweddry a jeho skupina sa opatrne priblížili v nádeji, že sa znovu stretnú s " "armádami Wesnothu." #. [side]: type=Lancer, id=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:60 msgid "Yannic" msgstr "Yannic" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Mana, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:303 msgid "Mal-Mana" msgstr "Mal-Mana" #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Naken-alvak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:377 msgid "Naken-alvak" msgstr "Naken-alvak" #. [scenario]: id=06b_Soradoc #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:437 msgid "West Barracks" msgstr "Západné kasárne" #. [scenario]: id=06b_Soradoc #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:438 msgid "East Barracks" msgstr "Východné kasárne" #. [scenario]: id=06b_Soradoc #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:439 msgid "Citadel" msgstr "Citadela" #. [scenario]: id=06b_Soradoc #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:440 msgid "Temple" msgstr "Chrám" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:489 msgid "Move any unit to the northern path." msgstr "Dostaneš akúkoľvek jednotku na severnú cestu." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:495 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Defeat as many enemy leaders as possible before turns run out (easier " #| "next scenario)." msgid "" "Defeat as many enemy leaders as possible, and then move any unit to the " "northern path (easier next scenario)" msgstr "" "Porazte toľko nepriateľských vodcov, ako je to len možné, kým sa nevyčerpajú " "ťahy (jednoduchší ďalší scenár)." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:506 msgid "" "Move Owaec next to Yannic, and then protect Yannic until you move any unit " "to the northern path (bonus item next scenario)" msgstr "" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:520 msgid "" "Protect Yannic until you move any unit to the northern path (bonus item next " "scenario)" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:555 msgid "The air is filled with smoke. I fear the town is already lost." msgstr "Vzduch je naplnený dymom. Obávam sa, že mesto je už stratené." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:559 msgid "" "Madness! How can the city have fallen? The garrison is stout-hearted and " "loyal to a fault. I know many of them personally! They would hold the city " "to their dying breaths." msgstr "" "Šialenstvo! Ako mohlo mesto padnúť? Posádka má silné srdce a je lojálna voči " "chybe. Veľa z nich poznám osobne! Zadržali by mesto až do umierajúceho dychu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:563 msgid "" "Were you expecting a victory parade? Soradoc will be the first of many if we " "cannot accomplish our goal." msgstr "" "Čakali ste víťaznú parádu? Soradok bude prvým z mnohých, ak nedokážeme " "dosiahnuť náš cieľ." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:567 msgid "Wait, look, the flag of Wesnoth still flies over the western barracks!" msgstr "Počkaj, pozri, nad západnými kasárňami stále veje vlajka Wesnothu!" #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:577 msgid "" "Are you our reinforcements? Weldyn promised us aid days ago! The undead " "already control most of the city. We’re hiding our wounded in the temple, " "but if we lose the western quarter as well, I fear that no one will escape." msgstr "" "Ste naše posily? Weldyn nám pred niekoľkými dňami sľúbila pomoc! Nemŕtvi už " "ovládajú väčšinu mesta. Svojich zranených ukrývame v chráme, ale ak stratíme " "aj západnú štvrť, obávam sa, že nikto neunikne." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:581 msgid "" "By the Clans, some of them yet live! We must move quickly if we are to " "rescue the garrison! If we can defeat this wave of undead, they may yet have " "time to evacuate." msgstr "" "Pri klanoch, niektorí z nich ešte žijú! Ak chceme zachrániť posádku, musíme " "sa pohnúť rýchlo! Ak dokážeme poraziť túto vlnu nemŕtvych, môžu mať ešte čas " "na evakuáciu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:585 msgid "" "I agree, but... there are many powerful undead besieging the city. Do we " "have the strength to defeat them all?" msgstr "" "Súhlasím, ale... mesto oblieha veľa mocných nemŕtvych. Máme silu ich " "všetkých poraziť?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:589 msgid "" "Maybe, maybe not. Remember that our true goal lies far to the north. Nothing " "we do here today will more than inconvenience Mal-Ravanal." msgstr "" "Možno možno nie. Pamätajte, že náš skutočný cieľ leží ďaleko na severe. Nič, " "čo tu dnes neurobíme, spôsobí Mal-Ravanalovi viac nepríjemností." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:597 msgid "" "We should proceed north as quickly as we can. If we cannot save Soradoc, we " "can at least slip past the undead and escape, though they will certainly " "follow us." msgstr "" "Mali by sme čo najrýchlejšie pokračovať na sever. Ak nedokážeme zachrániť " "Soradok, môžeme aspoň prekĺznuť popri nemŕtvych a uniknúť, aj keď nás určite " "budú nasledovať." #. [message]: speaker=Naken-alvak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:606 msgid "Intruders... living men... from the southeast..." msgstr "Votrelci... živí muži... z juhovýchodu..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:613 msgid "" "Ah, it’s the garrison that escaped me back at that border outpost. They " "won’t get lucky again this time!" msgstr "" "Ach, je to posádka, ktorá mi utiekla späť na tú pohraničnú základňu. " "Tentoraz už nebudú mať šťastie!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Mana #. Mal-Mana dispatches a bat messenger to say she's spotted Dacyn. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:621 msgid "And see who is among them! I shall inform Mal-Ravanal at once." msgstr "A pozrite sa, kto je medzi nimi! Okamžite informujem Mal-Ravanala." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:673 msgid "" "Dacyn, is that you again? So this is where you ran off to. I would recognize " "your nauseating aura anywhere." msgstr "" "Dacyn, si to zase ty? Takže sem ste utiekli. Tvoju mrzutú auru by som " "spoznal kdekoľvek." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:677 msgid "" "I should put you out of your misery right now, but then again, I wanted you " "to see the results of all my long years of research. I guess it can wait a " "little longer." msgstr "" "Mal by som ťa dostať z tvojej biedy hneď teraz, ale znova som chcel, aby si " "videl výsledky celého môjho dlhého bádania. Hádam to môže ešte chvíľu počkať." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:701 msgid "" "Well then, I know you’ll miss me, so here’s a little going-away present for " "you and your friends." msgstr "" "Potom viem, že ti budem chýbať, takže tu je malý darček pre teba a tvojich " "priateľov." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. there were originally 4 of them, and 3 are now defeated #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:763 msgid "That’s almost all the undead leaders defeated!" msgstr "To sú takmer všetci porazení nemŕtvi vodcovia!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:779 msgid "" "Who commands this garrison? Time is short. We must evacuate what’s left of " "your men before—" msgstr "" "Kto velí tejto posádke? Času je málo. Musíme evakuovať to, čo zostalo z " "vašich mužov predtým..." #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:783 msgid "Owaec? Is that you?" msgstr "Owaec? Si to ty?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:787 msgid "" "Yannic?! Well met friend, I haven’t seen you in years!! Ha, you never could " "stay out of trouble! How’s your horse, Clansman?" msgstr "" "Yannic?! Dobre stretol som priateľa, nevidel som ťa roky!! Ha, nikdy ste sa " "nemohli vyhnúť problémom! Ako sa má tvoj kôň, klan?" #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:791 msgid "" "Injured, along with those few of my men lucky enough to yet live. I am more " "than grateful for your timely arrival and help." msgstr "" "Zranený, spolu s niekoľkými mojimi mužmi, ktorí majú to šťastie, že ešte " "žijú. Som viac než vďačný za váš včasný príchod a pomoc." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:795 msgid "" "Speaking of help, we require yours. I, the King’s High Advisor, seek a " "powerful magic east of the Listra to destroy these undead. We will require " "your men and provisions for the journey." msgstr "" "Keď už hovoríme o pomoci, potrebujeme vašu. Ja, Kráľov vrchný radca, hľadám " "mocnú mágiu na východ od Listry, aby som zničil týchto nemŕtvych. Budeme " "potrebovať vašich mužov a zásoby na cestu." #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:799 msgid "" "... I would gladly offer all for the friend of a fellow Clansman, but as you " "can see, myself and what remains of my garrison are in little condition to " "help anyone. Still, should I encounter any fresh reinforcements or objects " "of interest, I will send them your way." msgstr "" "... S radosťou by som všetko ponúkol za priateľa kolegu z klanu, ale ako " "vidíte, ja a to, čo zostalo z mojej posádky, sme v takom stave, aby som " "niekomu nepomohol. Ak by som však stretol nejaké nové posily alebo objekty " "záujmu, pošlem vám ich." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:803 msgid "Acceptable." msgstr "Prijateľné." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:807 msgid "" "Bah, we come to aid you, not to seek your aid! We shall do our utmost " "to ensure you and your men survive this dark time." msgstr "" "Bah, prichádzame vám pomôcť, nie hľadať vašu pomoc! Urobíme, čo je v " "našich silách, aby sme zaistili, že vy a vaši muži prežijete tento temný čas." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:839 msgid "" "I’ve broken through the undead lines. Follow me before we are overwhelmed!" msgstr "Prelomil som nemŕtve línie. Nasledujte ma skôr, než budeme ohromení!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:840 msgid "The northern path is clear! Follow me, let us cross the Great River." msgstr "Severná cesta je voľná! Nasledujte ma, prejdeme cez Veľkú rieku." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:867 msgid "" "We have failed to defeat even a single enemy leader! It galls me to flee, " "but this is a battle we cannot win." msgstr "" "Nepodarilo sa nám poraziť ani jediného nepriateľského vodcu! Dráždi ma " "utiecť, ale toto je bitka, ktorú nemôžeme vyhrať." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:868 msgid "" "We have failed to defeat more than a single enemy leader! It galls me to " "flee, but this is a battle we cannot win." msgstr "" "Nepodarilo sa nám poraziť viac než jedného nepriateľského vodcu! Dráždi ma " "utiecť, ale toto je bitka, ktorú nemôžeme vyhrať." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:869 msgid "" "We have weakened the undead here, yet we cannot hope to defeat them all! It " "galls me to flee, but this is a battle we cannot win." msgstr "" "Oslabili sme tu nemŕtvych, no nemôžeme dúfať, že ich všetkých porazíme! " "Dráždi ma utiecť, ale toto je bitka, ktorú nemôžeme vyhrať." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:872 msgid "" "We have done well to defeat the undead here. Their forces will be unable to " "pursue us; we shall have an uneventful river crossing." msgstr "" "Urobili sme dobre, že sme tu porazili nemŕtvych. Ich sily nás nebudú môcť " "prenasledovať; budeme mať bezproblémový prechod cez rieku." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:873 msgid "" "We have done well to defeat the undead here. They may still pursue as we " "cross the river, but far fewer than would otherwise have come." msgstr "" "Urobili sme dobre, že sme tu porazili nemŕtvych. Môžu nás stále " "prenasledovať, keď prekračujeme rieku, ale oveľa menej, ako by ich inak " "prišlo." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:874 msgid "" "It galls me to flee before vanquishing the final undead leader, but enemy " "reinforcements will doubtlessly soon arrive." msgstr "" "Dráždi ma utiecť pred porazením posledného nemŕtveho vodcu, ale nepriateľské " "posily nepochybne čoskoro dorazia." #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:890 msgid "" "Farewell, and good luck! You have bought us enough time to evacuate, and for " "that I will be ever grateful! May our paths cross again someday." msgstr "" "Zbohom a veľa šťastia! Získali ste nám dostatok času na evakuáciu a za to " "vám budem vždy vďačný! Nech sa naše cesty ešte niekedy skrížia." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:894 msgid "Farewell friend! May you find fairer fields unfouled by undead." msgstr "" "Zbohom priateľ! Nech nájdete spravodlivejšie polia nepoškvrnené nemŕtvymi." #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:908 msgid "No, wait, you can’t just leave us here!" msgstr "Nie, počkaj, nemôžeš nás tu len tak nechať!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:912 msgid "" "We flee?! My Clan would banish me for half as much cowardice! I am ashamed " "to call myself a Clansman." msgstr "" "Utekáme?! Môj klan by ma vyhnal za polovičnú zbabelosť! Hanbím sa, že sa " "nazývam členom klanu." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:921 msgid "" "But alas, the garrison is slain. If only we had acted more swiftly, they " "might still have been saved." msgstr "" "Ale bohužiaľ, posádka je zabitá. Keby sme len konali rýchlejšie, možno by " "sme ich ešte zachránili." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:930 msgid "" "With all enemy leaders still alive, we are sure to be destroyed when we " "attempt to cross the river..." msgstr "" "Keďže všetci nepriateľskí vodcovia sú stále nažive, sme si istí, že budeme " "zničení, keď sa pokúsime prekročiť rieku..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:932 msgid "" "With three enemy leaders still alive, we are sure to be destroyed when we " "attempt to cross the river..." msgstr "" "S tromi nepriateľskými vodcami, ktorí sú stále nažive, sme si istí, že " "budeme zničení, keď sa pokúsime prekročiť rieku..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:934 msgid "" "Several undead leaders yet remain, and they are sure to attack us while we " "attempt to cross the river." msgstr "" "Niekoľko nemŕtvych vodcov ešte zostáva a určite na nás zaútočia, keď sa " "pokúsime prekročiť rieku." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:977 msgid "" "We must not tarry here too long. Mal-Ravanal is fickle and may return to " "vanquish us all." msgstr "" "Nesmieme sa tu príliš dlho zdržiavať. Mal-Ravanal je schopný všetkého a môže " "sa vrátiť, aby nás všetkých porazil." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:997 msgid "" "Look who’s still here! Dacyn, I thought you were wiser than this. I’ve " "changed my mind about letting you live. You know what they say, there’s no " "time like the present!" msgstr "" "Pozrite sa, kto je ešte tu! Dacyn, myslel som, že si múdrejšia ako toto. " "Zmenil som názor, že ťa nechám žiť. Viete, čo sa hovorí, neexistuje čas ako " "teraz!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06b_Soradoc.cfg:1001 msgid "We have tarried here too long. All is now lost!" msgstr "Príliš dlho sme sa tu zdržiavali. Všetko je teraz stratené!" #. [scenario]: id=07a_Capturing_the_Ogres #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:4 msgid "Capturing the Ogres" msgstr "Zajímanie ohyzdov" #. [side] #. [side]: type=Ogre, id=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:42 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:49 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:304 msgid "Ogres" msgstr "Ohyzdi" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:135 msgid "(captured ogres will be made available for recall)" msgstr "(zajatí ohyzdi budú k dispozícii na privolanie)" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:135 msgid "Capture as many ogres as you can" msgstr "Zajmi toľko ohyzdov, koľko len budeš môcť" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:145 msgid "" "An ogre is captured when it starts a turn being unable to move more than one " "hex." msgstr "" "Ohyzd bude zajatý vtedy, keď začne ťah neschopný sa pohnúť o viac než jedno " "políčko." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:148 msgid "If an ogre reaches the edge of the map, it will escape." msgstr "Ak sa ohyzd dostane na okraj mapy, utečie." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:166 msgid "" "Look, this valley is inhabited by a tribe of ogres. They do not seem very " "bright..." msgstr "" "Pozri, toto údolie je obývané kmeňom zlobrov. Nevyzerajú veľmi múdro..." #. [message]: race=ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:170 msgid "Guh... human? Human come! Run!" msgstr "Prichádzajú ľudia! Utekajte!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:174 msgid "" "Excellent, a source of slaves. If we surround and capture them, we can use " "them for risky missions and preserve our more valuable soldiers." msgstr "" "Skvelé, zdroj otrokov. Ak ich obkľúčime a zajmeme, môžeme ich použiť na " "riskantné misie a zachovať našich cennejších vojakov." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:178 msgid "" "Slaves?! No, these shall be great warriors fighting alongside us! My " "Clansmen shall capture them one by one." msgstr "" "Otroci?! Nie, toto budú veľkí bojovníci bojujúci po našom boku! Moji " "členovia klanu ich zajmú jedného po druhom." #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:196 msgid "Waah! Run!" msgstr "Waah! Utekajte!" #. [value] #. ogres have intentionally bad grammar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:200 msgid "Me run life for!" msgstr "Je život bežať pre!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:203 msgid "Ruuuunnnn!" msgstr "Utekaaaaajte!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:236 msgid "We have let one escape. Let’s hope not all of them do!" msgstr "Jeden nám už ušiel. Dúfajme, že neujdú všetci!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:284 msgid "$ogre_name surrender!" msgstr "$ogre_name sa vzdáva!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:287 msgid "Don’t hurt $ogre_name|!" msgstr "Neubližuj $ogre_name|ovi!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:290 msgid "$ogre_name be good will! Promise!" msgstr "$ogre_name bude dobrý! Prisahá!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:363 msgid "" "Taking slaves doesn’t feel right, even if it is for a good cause. I refuse " "to capture any of these ogres." msgstr "" "Brať otrokov nie je správne, aj keď je to pre dobrú vec. Odmietam chytiť " "ktoréhokoľvek z týchto zlobrov." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:374 msgid "Taking slaves just doesn’t feel right. I only captured one." msgstr "Brať otrokov jednoducho nie je v poriadku. Chytil som len jedného." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:378 msgid "" "Unfortunate, but at least we have one. Ogres are unskilled fighters but much " "cheaper to equip than our other soldiers, and thus cost much less gold " "to recall." msgstr "" "Škoda, ale aspoň jedného máme. Zlobri sú nekvalifikovaní bojovníci, ale ich " "vybavenie je oveľa lacnejšie ako u ostatných našich vojakov, a preto " "stoja oveľa menej zlata na privolanie." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:385 msgid "We failed to capture more than two of the ogres." msgstr "Nepodarilo sa nám zajať viac ako dvoch ohyzdov." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:389 msgid "" "Unfortunate, but at least we have some. Ogres are unskilled fighters but " "much cheaper to equip than our other soldiers, and thus cost much less " "gold to recall." msgstr "" "Škoda, ale aspoň zopár ich máme. Zlobri sú nekvalifikovaní bojovníci, ale " "ich vybavenie je oveľa lacnejšie ako u ostatných našich vojakov, a preto " "stoja oveľa menej zlata na privolanie." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:396 msgid "We captured three ogres! I hope they will prove useful." msgstr "Zajali sme troch ohyzdov! Dúfam, že sa nám budú hodiť." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:400 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:410 msgid "" "Well done. Ogres are unskilled fighters but much cheaper to equip than our " "other soldiers, and thus cost much less gold to recall." msgstr "" "Výborne. Zlobri sú nekvalifikovaní bojovníci, ale ich vybavenie je oveľa " "lacnejšie ako u ostatných našich vojakov, a preto stoja oveľa menej " "zlata na privolanie." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_Capturing_the_Ogres.cfg:406 msgid "" "We managed to capture many ogres! They will make a good addition to our " "troops." msgstr "" "Podarilo sa nám zajať mnohých ohyzdov! Budú dobrou posilou pre naše oddiely." #. [scenario]: id=07b_Ogre_Crossing #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:6 msgid "Ogre Crossing" msgstr "Križovatka ohyzdov" #. [part] #. Delfador's Memoirs was around 160 years ago, DiD was around 240 years ago. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:18 msgid "" "The Ford of Parthyn is second only to Abez in its notoriety. It was here " "where Iliah-Malal’s ghostly army first wrought its terror, only to be routed " "by the legendary Delfador. It was here where Malin Keshar cast aside his " "humanity and began delving into the dark arts. And it was here where Gweddry " "and his men attempted their escape from Wesnoth and Mal-Ravanal’s undead " "hordes into the wild northlands." msgstr "" "Ford of Parthyn je vo svojej sláve druhý po Abez. Bolo to tu, kde Iliah-" "Malalova strašidelná armáda prvýkrát vyvolala svoj teror, aby ju porazil " "legendárny Delfador. Práve tu Malin Keshar zahodil svoju ľudskosť a začal sa " "ponoriť do temnej mágie. A práve tu sa Gweddry a jeho muži pokúsili o útek z " "Wesnothu a Mal-Ravanalových nemŕtvych hord do divokých severných krajín." #. [side]: type=Ogre, id=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:41 msgid "Grug" msgstr "Grug" #. [side]: type=Saurian Ambusher, id=Izziasch #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:101 msgid "Izziasch" msgstr "Izziasch" #. [side]: type=Saurian Ambusher, id=Izziasch #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:110 msgid "Saurians" msgstr "Saurovia" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:187 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:470 msgid "Parthyn Guardpost" msgstr "Strážna stanica Parthyn" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:194 msgid "Defeat Izziasch" msgstr "Porazíš saura Izziascha" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:198 msgid "Reach the north shore before Grug dies" msgstr "Dostaňte sa na severné pobrežie skôr, ako Grug zomrie" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:250 msgid "" "And so we come to the Great River, northern border of Wesnoth. It will take " "some time for our men to cross; the undead will doubtless send their forces " "to harry us." msgstr "" "A tak prichádzame k Great River, severnej hranici Wesnothu. Potrvá nejaký " "čas, kým naši muži prejdú; nemŕtvi nepochybne pošlú svoje sily, aby nás " "prenasledovali." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. the player killed all four undead leaders during S06b #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:258 msgid "" "And so we come to the Great River, northern border of Wesnoth. It will take " "some time for our men to cross, but fortunately we are not being pursued." msgstr "" "A tak prichádzame k Great River, severnej hranici Wesnothu. Chvíľu potrvá, " "kým naši muži prejdú, ale našťastie nás neprenasledujú." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. This is the first time the protagonists have seen ogres; the routes through the campaign go through exactly one of S07a or S07b. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:270 msgid "" "Lo, on yonder shore lies a camp of ogres! I’ve heard them to be dimwitted, " "but friendly enough." msgstr "" "Hľa, tam na brehu leží tábor zlobrov! Počul som, že sú hlúpi, ale dostatočne " "priateľskí." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:275 msgid "" "Not unlike yourself? Ogres have served the " "Crown in the past. Perhaps these ones can help us, either willingly or as " "slaves. But those saurians will definitely attack before that happens." msgstr "" "Nie ste na rozdiel od vás? Ohyzdi slúžili " "korune v minulosti. Možno nám títo môžu pomôcť, či už dobrovoľne, alebo ako " "otroci. Ale tí saurovia určite zaútočia skôr, ako sa tak stane." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:279 msgid "Lizard, Grug say leave!" msgstr "Jašterica, Grug povedz odíď!" #. [message]: speaker=Izziasch #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:283 msgid "" "Get out of my way! There are ssskeletons in my ssswamp... we’re leaving and " "you sshould too." msgstr "" "Uhni mi z cesty! V mojej bažine sú kostry... odchádzame a ty by si mal tiež." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:287 msgid "Lizard dumb! You die now!" msgstr "Jašterica hlúpa! Teraz zomrieš!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:291 msgid "" "If we can reach the ogres in time, we may be able to convince them to aid " "us. But first we need to cross the river." msgstr "" "Ak sa im ukážeme ako nepriatelia orkov, možno nám pomôžu. Ale ako prvé " "musíme prejsť cez rieku." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:300 msgid "" "One drink from this shimmering blue vial and you’ll move at full speed " "through swamps and shallow water!" msgstr "" "Jeden drink z tejto trblietavej modrej fľaštičky a budete sa pohybovať plnou " "rýchlosťou cez močiare a plytkú vodu!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:327 msgid "" "Supplies are limited so call now buy now! " "(elixirs only last for 1 scenario)" msgstr "" "Zásoby sú obmedzené, takže zavolajte teraz " "a nakupujte teraz! (elixíry vydržia len na 1 scenár)" #. [event] #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:367 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1162 msgid "Tarek" msgstr "Tarek" #. [message]: speaker=Tarek #. It’s a plague staff, giving both a plague attack and the ability to recruit animal walking corpses, but not human walking corpses. #. The speaker is a horseman, a unit type that’s always male. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:383 msgid "" "Hail, Owaec and company! We retreat from Soradoc, but Yannic sent me to " "bring a prize we took from one of the necromancers you slew. The temple " "healers have blessed it so that it may be used safely." msgstr "" "Ahoj, Owaec a spol! Sťahujeme sa zo Soradoku, ale Yannic ma poslal, aby som " "priniesol cenu, ktorú sme zobrali jednému z nekromantov, ktorých ste zabili. " "Chrámoví liečitelia ho požehnali, aby sa dal bezpečne používať." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. About the plague staff. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:388 msgid "" "Fascinating... I’ve never had the chance to examine one of these up close " "before." msgstr "" "Fascinujúce... Nikdy predtým som nemal možnosť preskúmať jeden z nich " "zblízka." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. Speaking to Tarek, a male horseman, about the plague staff. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:393 msgid "" "Our thanks! You are a fair rider, yet you bring a foul boon. I will not " "wield such a dark artifact, though I shall not begrudge its use by my " "companions." msgstr "" "Naša vďaka! Si férový jazdec, no prinášaš zlé dobro. Nebudem mať taký temný " "artefakt, aj keď nebudem závidieť jeho použitie mojimi spoločníkmi." #. [message]: speaker=ghast_leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:450 msgid "Gruhhhh...." msgstr "Grarrgghh...." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #. This is a reference to S01 and S02. #. Because of renaming fallbacks, this line must fit both: #. "Mal-Talar stayed outside the tunnel entrance", and #. "Mal-Talar was the main pursuer in S02". #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:494 msgid "" "You won’t escape me again! This time there are no tunnels for you to hide in!" msgstr "" "Už mi neutečieš! Tentoraz tu nie sú žiadne tunely, v ktorých by ste sa mohli " "schovať!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #. Name visible to the player is "Mal-Bakral", because Mal-Talar died in S01 #. The line must fit even if the pursuer in S02 was also renamed "Mal-Bakral" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:503 msgid "There is no escape from me!" msgstr "Neutečieš predo mnou!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:529 msgid "" "The first of our pursuers have arrived! We must make haste to cross before " "more dangerous undead arrive." msgstr "" "Prišli prví naši prenasledovatelia! Musíme sa poponáhľať prejsť, kým prídu " "nebezpečnejší nemŕtvi." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:536 msgid "" "Our undead pursuers have arrived! Fortunately, their other leaders have been " "defeated. This is all we will have to face." msgstr "" "Naši nemŕtvi prenasledovatelia dorazili! Našťastie, ich ďalší vodcovia boli " "porazení. To je všetko, čomu budeme musieť čeliť." #. [message]: speaker=Naken-alvak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:623 msgid "Found you... Bleed you..." msgstr "Našiel som ťa... Tu vykrvácaš!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Mana #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:703 msgid "Don’t think you can get away so easily!" msgstr "Nemysli si, že len tak ľahko odtiaľto zmizneš!" #. [message]: speaker=Izziasch #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:750 msgid "Now to deal with these humansss!" msgstr "Teraz sa vysporiadať s týmito ľuďmi!" #. [message]: speaker=Grug #. one of the player's units has reached the north side of the river, triggering this conversation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:771 msgid "You who? Fight lizard?" msgstr "Ty kto? Bojovať s jašterica?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:775 msgid "Err, yes, we’re here to fight the lizards." msgstr "Err, áno, sme tu, aby sme bojovali s jaštericami." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:779 msgid "" "If we help you fight your enemies, will you come with us and help fight our " "enemies?" msgstr "" "Ak vám pomôžeme bojovať s vašimi nepriateľmi, pôjdete s nami a pomôžete " "bojovať s našimi nepriateľmi?" #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:783 msgid "Mmmm... Grug think..." msgstr "Mmmm... Grug si myslí..." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:792 msgid "... Grug head hurt. Grug say join you." msgstr "... Grug bolí hlava. Grug hovoriť pridať k ty." #. [message]: speaker=Izziasch #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:846 msgid "Curssessss!" msgstr "Sakriiiiiš!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. crossed the river #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:860 msgid "" "Good, we have safely crossed! And we have gained the service of several " "ogres as well." msgstr "" "Dobre, bezpečne sme prešli! A získali sme aj službu niekoľkých zlobrov." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:864 msgid "" "Ogres are unskilled fighters but much cheaper to equip than our other " "soldiers, and thus cost much less gold to recall." msgstr "" "Lichožrúti sú nekvalifikovaní bojovníci, ale ich vybavenie je oveľa " "lacnejšie ako u našich ostatných vojakov, a preto stoja oveľa menej " "zlata na privolanie." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. crossed the river #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:871 msgid "Good, we have safely crossed!" msgstr "Dobre! Úspešne sme unikli!" #. [message]: speaker=Izziasch #. "they" meaning the undead, not the player's troops #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:913 msgid "Cursessss! They’ve caught usss!" msgstr "Sakriiiiiš! Už nás majú!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:917 msgid "We are caught as well..." msgstr "Aj my sme chytení..." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Ogre_Crossing.cfg:930 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:139 msgid "Hurt... grarrgghh..." msgstr "Bolesť... Grarrgghh...." #. [scenario]: id=08_Xenophobia #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:10 msgid "Xenophobia" msgstr "Xenofóbia" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:26 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:30 msgid "Part II: The Wildlands" msgstr "Časť II: Divočina" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:31 msgid "" "Gweddry and his men made good time past the Great River’s northern banks, " "leaving the undead far behind. With winter drawing near, they unexpectedly " "stumbled upon an inhabited valley..." msgstr "" "Gweddry a jeho muži si užili čas popri severných brehoch Veľkej rieky a " "nemŕtvych nechali ďaleko za sebou. S blížiacou sa zimou nečakane narazili na " "obývané údolie..." #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:57 msgid "Pelathsil" msgstr "Pelathsil" #. [side]: type=Orcish Nightblade, id=Bagork #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:119 msgid "Bagork" msgstr "Bagork" #. [side]: type=Orcish Nightblade, id=Bagork #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Prok-Bak #. [side] #. [side]: type=Orcish Sovereign, id=Chief Dra-Nak #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Varrak-Klar #. [side]: type=Orcish Slurbow, id=Rakkha #. Whitefang Orcs, the same clan that attacked Tath at the start of Descent into Darkness #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:129 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:152 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:46 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:80 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:145 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:170 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:82 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:195 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:43 msgid "Clan Whitefang" msgstr "Klan Whitefang" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Prok-Bak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:143 msgid "Prok-Bak" msgstr "Prok-Bak" #. [side]: type=Naga Centurion, id=Aleii, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:199 msgid "Aleii" msgstr "Aleii" #. [side]: type=Naga Centurion, id=Aleii, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:209 msgid "Naga" msgstr "Hadí muži" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:265 msgid "" "Gather as much gold as you can before turns run out.\n" "300 gold is the suggested minimum, but the more the better.\n" "(You’ll want as much gold as possible when you try to " "leave the wildlands!)" msgstr "" "Nazbierajte toľko zlata, koľko môžete, kým sa ťahy vyčerpajú.\n" "300 zlatých je navrhované minimum, ale čím viac, tým lepšie.\n" "(Keď sa pokúsite opustiť divočinu, budete chcieť čo " "najviac zlata!)" #. [objective]: condition=win #. two male dwarves #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:273 msgid "Move Dolburras next to Pelathsil." msgstr "Presuň Dolburrasa vedľa Pelathsila." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:291 msgid "" "The next 4 scenarios have 100% gold carryover, but few villages and 0 " "starting gold." msgstr "" "Nasledujúce 4 scenáre majú 100% prenos zlata, ale málo dedín a 0 " "počiatočných zlatých." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:308 msgid "" "Farmland, in these remote reaches? Our supply situation has become rather " "dire since abandoning the outposts, so we are fortunate to have found such a " "fertile valley." msgstr "" "Poľnohospodárska pôda v týchto odľahlých končinách? Naša zásobovacia " "situácia sa od opustenia predsunutých stanovíšť dosť zhoršila, takže máme " "šťastie, že sme našli také úrodné údolie." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:312 msgid "" "Huh, maybe throwin’ in my lot with you ain’t so bad after all. This place " "would make for a good retirement." msgstr "" "Hm, možno to, že som sa s tebou spojil, nie je až také zlé. Toto miesto by " "znamenalo dobrý dôchodok." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:324 msgid "" "Hail, honorable dwarves! Winter comes fast on our heels and we seek " "provisions and supplies for our holy journey. Can you be of aid?" msgstr "" "Zdravím vás, ctihodní trpaslíci! Zima nám rýchlo prichádza v pätách a my " "hľadáme zdroje a zásoby na našu svätú cestu. Môžete byť nápomocní?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:332 msgid "" "Hail, stout-hearted dwarves! Winter comes fast on our heels and we seek " "provisions and supplies for our journey north. Can you be of aid?" msgstr "" "Zdravím vás, trpaslíci s pevným srdcom! Zima nám prichádza rýchlo v pätách a " "my hľadáme zdroje a zásoby na cestu na sever. Môžete byť nápomocní?" #. [message]: speaker=Prok-Bak #. A 3-way battle between orcs, dwarves and saurians was just starting when our protagonists arrived on the scene #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:340 msgid "" "Don’t bother asking those freeloading dwarves for anything! They can’t even " "manage to pay their tribute on time." msgstr "" "Neobťažujte sa týchto slobodných trpaslíkov o nič pýtať! Nestíhajú ani " "platiť dane načas." #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #. "To flames with your tribute! What's ours is ours, and don't any of you orcs or humans try to take it." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:345 msgid "" "To flames with yer tribute! What’s ours be ours, and don’t no orcs nor any " "o’ ye humans be tryin and takin’ it!" msgstr "" "Čo je naše, nech je naše a nesnažte sa nás okradnúť! Ani orkovia, ani ľudia!" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "No, these humans are good folk! You can trust us to help against the orcs. All we ask is some food and drink to reprovision." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:356 msgid "" "Nay, these humans be good folk! Ye can trust us to help against them orcs. " "All we be askin’ be some food and drink to reprovision." msgstr "" "Nie, títo ľudia sú dobrí ľudia! Môžete nám veriť, že pomôžeme proti orkom. " "Všetko, čo žiadame, je nejaké jedlo a pitie." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:363 msgid "" "Can we not work together, for our mutual benefit? All we ask is some food " "and drink to reprovision." msgstr "" "Nemôžeme spolupracovať, pre náš obojstranný prospech? Všetko, čo žiadame, je " "nejaké jedlo a pitie." #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #. "Never! Not since the days of Ulrek and Delfador have any of our clan helped one of you gangly humans!" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:370 msgid "" "Never! Not since tha days o’ Ulrek and Delfador ha’ any o’ our clan helped " "one o’ ye gangly humans!" msgstr "" "Nikdy! Od čias Ulreka a Delfadora nikto z nášho klanu nepomohol jednému z " "vás, ľudí!" #. [message]: speaker=Aleii #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:374 msgid "" "Hsss... orcsss, dwarvesss, humansss. We have traveled far to find thisss " "warmth. I have called the vote; the clutch has ssspoken. These waters are " "only for Naga. Leave usss be." msgstr "" "Hsss... orkovia, trpaslíci, ľudia. Cestovali sme ďaleko, aby sme našli toto " "teplo. Zvolal som hlasovanie; rada prehovorila. Tieto vody sú len pre nagov. " "Nechajte nás tak." #. [message]: speaker=Prok-Bak #. Whitefang Orcs, the same clan that attacked Tath at the start of Descent into Darkness #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:379 msgid "" "That’s Whitefang territory you’re squatting in, snake! Show some respect for " "the Chief!" msgstr "" "To je územie Whitefang, v ktorom vysedávaš ty had! Prejavte trochu rešpektu " "šéfovi!" #. [message]: speaker=Bagork #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:383 msgid "" "And I bet they haven’t paid tribute either! Dwarves, snakes, humans, I say " "we kill ’em all!" msgstr "" "A stavím sa, že ani oni nezaplatili tribút! Trpaslíci, hady, ľudia, hovorím, " "že ich všetkých zabijeme!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:393 msgid "" "Barbarians, the lot of you! I’m going to starve because you’re busy fighting " "like a hatch of desert scorplings. Don’t know what I " "expected, throwing in my lot with a bunch of primitive northerners..." msgstr "" "Barbari, úplne všetci! Budem hladovať, pretože si zaneprázdnený bojom ako " "mláďa púštnych škorpiónov. Neviem, čo som očakával, " "bojovať o územie s partiou primitívnych severanov..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:400 msgid "" "Infuriating. We may find scant supplies in the coming winter, but we cannot " "risk starving in the wilds while undead ravage Wesnoth." msgstr "" "To je hrozné. V nadchádzajúcej zime možno nájdeme mizivé zásoby, ale " "nemôžeme riskovať hladovanie v divočine, kým nemŕtvi pustošia Wesnoth." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:406 msgid "" "Gweddry, we will have to reprovision despite this conflict. If we spend " "cautiously and control enough farms, we should be able to gather enough " "supplies to see us through the winter." msgstr "" "Gweddry, aj napriek tomuto konfliktu budeme musieť vykonať nové opatrenia. " "Ak budeme utrácať opatrne a kontrolovať dostatok fariem, mali by sme byť " "schopní nazbierať dostatok zásob, aby sme sa dostali cez zimu." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. to Gweddry #. "Ack, that Pelathsil has a skull full of mud. If you get me next to him, I'm sure I can talk some sense into him." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:422 msgid "" "Ack, that Pelathsil ha’ a skull full o’ mud. If ye get me next ta him I’m " "sure I ken talk some sense into him." msgstr "" "Ach, ten Pelathsil má lebku plnú blata. Ak ma dostaneš vedľa neho, som si " "istý, že ho nahovorím." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. start of a discussion between two male dwarves #. "Oi, mud for brains! What do you think you're doing, fighting with these men of Wesnoth?" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:439 msgid "" "Oi, mud-fer-brains! What do ye think ye be doin’, fighin’ wi’ these men o’ " "Wesnoth?" msgstr "" "Máš blato namiesto mozgu! Čo si myslíš, že robíš, že bojuješ s mužmi z " "Westnothu?" #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #. "Men of Wesnoth aren't dwarves! I am a dwarf lord, not a man friend." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:444 msgid "Men o’ Wesnoth ain’t dwarves! I be a dwarf lord, not a man-friend." msgstr "" "Ľudia z Wesnothu nie sú trpaslíci! Som pán trpaslíkov, nie priateľ človeka." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "Yeah, and so instead you send your subjects to die on man-spears? What kind of lordship is that? If you don't want to help us, at least don't fight us!" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:449 msgid "" "Aye, and so instead ye send yer subjects to die on man-spears? What kind o’ " "lordship be that? If ye dinnae want ta help us, at least dinnae fight us!" msgstr "" "Áno, a tak namiesto toho posielate svojich poddaných zomrieť na ľudských " "oštepoch? Čo je to za lordstvo? Ak nám nechceš pomôcť, aspoň s nami nebojuj!" #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #. "A man-friend and a blood-traitor you are... but I suppose I can see your point. We won't fight you any longer." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:454 msgid "" "A man-friend and a blood-traitor ye be... but I suppose I ken see yer point. " "We won’t be fightin’ ye any longer." msgstr "" "Si priateľ ľudí a zradca krvi... ale myslím, že chápem tvoj názor. Už s " "tebou nebudem bojovať." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. to Gweddry or the player, but overheard by Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:486 msgid "" "Remember, if we spend too much on soldiers now, we may struggle to save " "enough supplies to see us through the winter." msgstr "" "Pamätaj, že ak teraz utrácame príliš veľa na vojakov, možno budeme mať " "problém ušetriť dostatok zásob, aby sme sa dostali cez zimu." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. to Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:491 msgid "" "And how do you expect us to capture farms without enough soldiers to take " "them?" msgstr "" "A ako môžeš očakávať, že dobyjeme farmy bez dostatočného počtu vojakov, " "ktorí by tie farmy získali?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:502 msgid "" "... I have held my tongue long enough. While Wesnoth bleeds, the High " "Advisor leads us north to forage for food. And as our men and our people " "die, we seek an unknown mage hovel with some unknown power that the High " "Advisor has yet to explain more about. Gweddry, surely you feel this is " "strange?" msgstr "" "... držal som jazyk za zubami dosť dlho. Zatiaľ čo Wesnoth krváca, veľký " "poradca nás vedie na sever hľadať potravu. A keď naši muži a naši ľudia " "umierajú, hľadáme neznámu kúzelnícku chatrč s nejakou neznámou silou, o " "ktorej nám veľký poradca ešte musí viac vysvetliť. Gweddry, určite máš " "pocit, že je to zvláštne?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:506 msgid "" "I don’t know, Owaec. It is odd, but Dacyn’s light and wisdom are well-known " "throughout Wesnoth." msgstr "" "Neviem, Owaec. Je to zvláštne, ale Dacynovo svetlo a múdrosť sú dobre známe " "v celom Wesnothe." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:510 msgid "So were his friend Ravan’s, if Dacyn’s story is to be believed." msgstr "Taký bol aj jeho priateľ Ravan, ak sa dá veriť Dacynovmu príbehu." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:521 msgid "Excited Grug fight friends help!" msgstr "Nadšený Grug bojujte priateľ pomôže!" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "It's a sad day when dwarf fights dwarf... can you not let us pass peacefully?" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:536 msgid "" "It be a sad day when dwarf fights dwarf... ken ye not let us pass peaceable-" "like?" msgstr "" "Je to smutný deň, keď trpaslík bojuje s trpaslíkom... nenecháš nás pokojne " "prejsť?" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:540 msgid "I’m not afraid of ye! Raise yer axe, foreigner!" msgstr "Nebojím sa ťa! Zdvihni sekeru, cudzinec!" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:553 msgid "Ach, it’s been too long since I put my axe in an orc’s skull!" msgstr "" "Ach, už je to príliš dlho, čo som vrazil sekeru do lebky nejakého orka!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:557 msgid "For the Chief!" msgstr "Za náčelníka!" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. attacking a saurian #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:571 msgid "Ooch, what manner o’ creature be you?" msgstr "A ty si čo za príšeru?" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:575 msgid "Your sssslayer!" msgstr "Tvoj zabijak!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:589 msgid "" "I have smote many evil orcs in my day, yet I have known some to show as much " "honor as any knight. Can we not resolve this peacefully?" msgstr "" "Za mojich čias som porazil veľa zlých orkov, no o niektorých som vedel, že " "prejavujú toľko cti ako ktorýkoľvek rytier. Nemôžeme to vyriešiť mierovou " "cestou?" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:593 msgid "The only honor here belongs to the Chief!" msgstr "Jediná česť tu patrí náčelníkovi!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:606 msgid "" "Naga, I know little of your kind, yet I do not wish to make enemies of you " "so hastily. Can we not come to parley?" msgstr "" "Naga, o tvojom druhu málo viem, no nechcem si ťa tak unáhlene znepriateliť. " "Nemôžeme prísť na rokovanie?" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:610 msgid "Thisss river is oursss!" msgstr "Toto je naša rieka!" #. [scenario]: id=08_Xenophobia #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:637 msgid "10 gold" msgstr "10 zlata" #. [scenario]: id=08_Xenophobia #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:637 msgid "These dwarves have a pile of 10 gold pieces!" msgstr "Títo trpaslíci majú hromadu desiatich zlatiek!" #. [scenario]: id=08_Xenophobia #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:638 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:639 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1678 msgid "20 gold" msgstr "20 zlata" #. [scenario]: id=08_Xenophobia #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:638 msgid "These nagas have a pile of 20 gold pieces!" msgstr "Títo hadi majú hromadu dvadsiatich zlatiek!" #. [scenario]: id=08_Xenophobia #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:639 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1678 msgid "These orcs have a pile of 20 gold pieces!" msgstr "Títo orkovia majú hromadu dvadsiatich zlatých!" #. [message]: speaker=Bagork #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:655 msgid "I will kill all of you!" msgstr "Zabijem vás všetkých!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #. The unit who killed Bagork responds to Bagork's last breath, which was "I will kill all of you!" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:666 msgid "Not likely." msgstr "Nepravdepodobné." #. [message]: speaker=Prok-Bak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:676 msgid "Chief Dra-Nak will hear of this!" msgstr "Náčelník Dra-Nak sa o tom dozvie!" #. [message]: speaker=Aleii #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:687 msgid "Thisss isss why we avoid outsssidersss..." msgstr "Pre toto sa vyhýbame cudzincom..." #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #. "It seems those humans were mightier than I thought..." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:702 msgid "It seems yon humans be mightier than I kenned..." msgstr "Zdá sa, že títo ľudia sú mocnejší než som si myslel..." #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #. "Foul orcs! Perhaps we should have allied with the humans..." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:716 msgid "Foul orcs! Mayhaps we should ha’ allied wi’ the humans..." msgstr "Hnusní orkovia! Asi sme sa mali spojiť s ľuďmi..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. $gold is at least 300 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:736 msgid "" "We are doing well. Our forces have already gathered $gold gold — plenty for " "the winter, and there is enough time remaining to gather even more." msgstr "" "darí sa nám. Naše sily už nazbierali $zlaté zlata – dosť na zimu a zostáva " "dosť času na nazbieranie ešte viac." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:742 msgid "" "Gweddry, I urge you to gather at least 300 gold before we head further " "north. We cannot afford to tarry here while Wesnoth contends against Mal-" "Ravanal." msgstr "" "Gweddry, vyzývam vás, aby si nazbieral aspoň 300 zlatých, kým sa vydáme " "ďalej na sever. Nemôžeme si dovoliť zostať tu, kým Wesnoth bojuje proti Mal-" "Ravanalovi." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:764 msgid "" "I’ve finished gathering the supplies from all our captured farms! We should " "have plenty for our journey ahead." msgstr "" "Dokončil som zhromažďovanie zásob zo všetkých našich zajatých fariem! Na " "našu cestu by sme toho mali mať dosť." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:768 msgid "" "Let us forge onward. We have almost reached our destination, and will soon " "have the power to save Wesnoth from Mal-Ravanal." msgstr "" "Poďme ďalej. Takmer sme dosiahli náš cieľ a čoskoro budeme mať silu " "zachrániť Wesnoth pred Mal-Ravanalom." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:776 msgid "" "I’ve tried my best, but I still haven’t been able to gather very much gold. " "The farms we’ve captured simply don’t have enough supplies to sustain us for " "a long journey." msgstr "" "Snažil som sa zo všetkých síl, ale stále sa mi nepodarilo nazbierať veľa " "zlata. Farmy, ktoré sme zajali, jednoducho nemajú dostatok zásob, ktoré by " "nás udržali na dlhej ceste." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:780 msgid "" "Without more provisions it will be difficult to travel further north, but " "neither can we afford to spend any more time here while Wesnoth battles Mal-" "Ravanal..." msgstr "" "Bez ďalších zásob bude ťažké cestovať ďalej na sever, ale ani si nemôžeme " "dovoliť tráviť tu viac času, kým bude Wesnoth bojovať s Mal-Ravanalom..." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:785 msgid "Travel north regardless. (challenging)" msgstr "Cestujte na sever bez ohľadu na to. (náročné)" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:789 msgid "" "Bah, a Clansman never succumbs to despair! Let us press forth and fight to " "save our homeland, whatever the odds!!" msgstr "" "Bah, klanový muž nikdy nepodľahne zúfalstvu! Vykročme a bojujme za záchranu " "našej vlasti, nech sú šance akékoľvek!!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:794 msgid "Restart the level." msgstr "Reštartuj úroveň." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:815 msgid "" "I only hope we are not too late... If what we saw at Soradoc was any guide, " "Mal-Ravanal may soon overrun all of Wesnoth!" msgstr "" "Len dúfam, že neprídeme neskoro... Ak to, čo sme videli na Soradoku, bola " "len ukážka jeho sily, Mal-Ravanal môže čoskoro zaplaviť celý Wesnoth!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Xenophobia.cfg:822 msgid "" "I only hope we are not too late! We have heard nothing of the undead since " "they overran us at the outposts. I wish we knew how Weldyn’s armies fare..." msgstr "" "Len dúfam, že neprídeme neskoro! Odkedy nás prepadli na základniach, " "nepočuli sme nič o nemŕtvych. Kiežby sme vedeli, ako sa darí armádam z " "Weldynu..." #. [scenario]: id=09_Castle_in_the_Ice #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:4 msgid "Castle in the Ice" msgstr "Hrad na ľade" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:43 msgid "" "As Gweddry and his band continued north, winter tightened its grip on the " "wildlands. The days began to shorten and the air swiftly grew chill, making " "the already challenging mountains even more perilous to traverse." msgstr "" "Keď Gweddry a jeho skupina pokračovali na sever, zima zosilnela divočinu. " "Dni sa začali skracovať a vzduch sa rýchlo ochladzoval, takže prechod cez už " "aj tak náročné hory bol ešte nebezpečnejší." #. [side]: type=Hurricane Drake, id=Kaslar Ro #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:75 msgid "Kaslar Ro" msgstr "Kaslar Ro" #. [side]: type=Hurricane Drake, id=Kaslar Ro #. [side]: type=Sky Drake, id=Kegra #. [side]: type=Drake Flameheart, id=Mortic #. [side]: type=Drake Arbiter, id=Goag #. [side]: type=Drake Warrior, id=Gra'ritos #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:84 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:114 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:143 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:72 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:100 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:127 msgid "Drakes" msgstr "Jašteri" #. [side]: type=Sky Drake, id=Kegra #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:105 msgid "Kegra" msgstr "Kegra" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:178 msgid "Beasts" msgstr "Potvory" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:246 msgid "Pudror" msgstr "Pudror" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:247 msgid "Chief Bir-brish" msgstr "Vojvodca Bir-brish" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:249 msgid "Huno" msgstr "Huno" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:252 msgid "Iprish" msgstr "Iprish" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:431 msgid "Move any unit to the abandoned castle." msgstr "Presuň akúkoľvek jednotku do opusteného hradu." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:436 msgid "Move Grug next to an enemy ogre." msgstr "Presuň Gruga vedľa nepriateľského zlobra." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:454 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:741 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:290 msgid "It is winter, daytime is shorter" msgstr "Je zima, deň je kratší" #. [note] #. The amount is likely between 2 and 10 per turn. #. With the current balancing it’s the same for every difficulty, starting at 2/turn and rising by 1 every 10 turns. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:459 msgid "" "Living units take $|frostbite_amount cold damage every turn. Damage " "increases every 10 turns." msgstr "" "Živé jednotky utrpia každé kolo $|frostbite_amount poškodenia chladom. " "Poškodenie sa zvyšuje každých 10 kôl." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:474 msgid "" "This winter cold chills my very bones! I long for the rolling plains of my " "homeland. I wonder how the horse lords fare against the grim undead; surely " "Wesnoth is near victory?" msgstr "" "Tento zimný chlad mi mrazí v kostiach! Túžim po zvlnených pláňach svojej " "domoviny. Zaujímalo by ma, ako sa darí pánom koní proti pochmúrnym nemŕtvym; " "určite je Wesnoth blízko víťazstva?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:478 msgid "" "Doubtful, but our victory is close. Across this river lies the " "abandoned sanctuary, and within lies an artifact that can destroy Mal-" "Ravanal once and for all. That is the object of our quest." msgstr "" "Pochybujem, ale naše víťazstvo je blízko. Za touto riekou leží " "opustená svätyňa a v nej leží artefakt, ktorý môže Mal-Ravanal zničiť raz a " "navždy. To je predmetom nášho hľadania." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:482 msgid "" "This area was deserted whence last I came, but I have heard rumors that a " "flight of drakes has taken up residence." msgstr "" "Táto oblasť bola opustená, odkiaľ som naposledy prišiel, ale počul som " "zvesti, že sa tu usídlili jašteri." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:492 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:499 msgid "" "And listen! I hear the bone-chilling howls of wolves echoing among the peaks." msgstr "" "A počúvaj! Počujem mrazivé vytie vlkov, ktoré sa ozývajú medzi vrcholmi." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:505 msgid "Wolves and drakes, bah! I fear no mindless beasts!" msgstr "Vlci a jašteri, bah! Nebojím sa žiadnej bezduchej potvory!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:509 msgid "" "Unlike yourself, drakes are very much intelligent. Their inner flame guards " "against our mages’ fire and their flight will serve them better than our " "feet amidst these snow-covered mountains." msgstr "" "Na rozdiel od vás sú jašteri veľmi inteligentné. Ich vnútorný plameň chráni " "pred ohňom našich mágov a ich let im poslúži lepšie ako naše nohy uprostred " "týchto zasnežených hôr." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "Yes, and don't understimate wild beasts! I've known wolves to take a dwarf's arm clean off." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:520 msgid "" "Aye, and dinnae underestimate wild beasts! I’ve known wolves ta take a " "dwarf’s arm clean off." msgstr "" "Áno, a nepodceňujte divú zver! Poznal som, že vlci môžu odtrhnúť trpaslíkovi " "ruku." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:524 msgid "Still, we must press onwards to the icy castle." msgstr "Napriek tomu sa musíme tlačiť ďalej k ľadovému hradu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:531 msgid "" "And wild beasts are not to be underestimated either! Still, we must press " "onwards to the icy castle." msgstr "" "A netreba podceňovať ani divú zver! Napriek tomu sa musíme tlačiť ďalej k " "ľadovému hradu." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:621 msgid "" "Fire and ice, eh? I have just the thing — behold the wondrous elixir of " "elements! Whoever drinks from this bubbling yellow vial will gain immunity " "to even the hottest flame!" msgstr "" "Oheň a ľad, však? Mám len jednu vec - hľa úžasný elixír prvkov! Kto sa " "napije z tejto bublajúcej žltej fľaštičky, získa imunitu aj voči " "najhorúcejšiemu plameňu!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:625 msgid "" "But wait, there’s more! The elixir of elements also bestows immunity to " "cold; perfect for enduring the frigid winter weather." msgstr "" "Ale počkajte, je toho viac! Elixír prvkov tiež prepožičiava imunitu voči " "chladu; ideálne na prečkanie mrazivého zimného počasia." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:652 msgid "" "Act fast, this offer is for a limited time only! (elixirs only last for 1 " "scenario)" msgstr "" "Konajte rýchlo, táto ponuka platí len na obmedzený čas! (elixíry vydržia " "len na 1 scenár)" #. [floating_text] #. other units are taking damage from the cold, but this unit is immune (through the elixir or yetiburger) #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:744 msgid "resist" msgstr "odolať" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:803 msgid "" "Brrrr, I can’t feel my fingers or toes! We’ll die of cold if we’re " "trapped out here for too long." msgstr "" "Brrrr, necítim si prsty na rukách ani nohách! Zomrieme od zimy, ak tu " "budeme uväznení príliš dlho." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:807 msgid "" "What am I even doin’ here? All I wanted was to make an honest living " "smashin’ in skulls, then retire somewhere warm..." msgstr "" "Čo tu vôbec robím? Všetko, čo som chcel, bolo zarobiť si poctivým životom - " "rozbíjať lebky a potom odísť niekde do tepla..." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:816 msgid "" "The cold keeps getting worse! We have to reach that abandoned castle before " "we all freeze!" msgstr "" "Chlad sa stále zhoršuje! Musíme sa dostať do toho opusteného hradu skôr, ako " "všetci zamrzneme!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:826 msgid "" "Gweddry, you should try to conserve our gold over the next few conflicts. We " "will be hard-pressed to find many villages in these lands and will surely " "need more for later." msgstr "" "Gweddry, mal by si sa pokúsiť zachovať naše zlato počas niekoľkých " "nasledujúcich konfliktov. Bude pre nás ťažké nájsť v týchto krajinách veľa " "dedín a určite budeme potrebovať ďalšie zlato na neskôr." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:831 msgid "" "(This and the next 3 scenarios have 100% carryover, but few villages and 0 " "starting gold.)" msgstr "" "(Tento a ďalšie 3 scenáre majú 100% prenos, ale málo dedín a 0 počiatočných " "zlatých.)" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:836 msgid "" "(You’ll want as much gold as you can possibly get when you try to leave the " "wildlands!)" msgstr "" "(Keď sa pokúsite opustiť divočinu, budete potrebovať toľko zlata, koľko sa " "len dá získať!)" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. [message]: speaker=unit #. The speaker is normally whichever unit just moved. However, if that's Dacyn then Gweddry says it to avoid Dacyn talking to himself. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:863 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:870 msgid "" "Look, a ruined castle off in the distance! Is that the one we’re looking for?" msgstr "Pozri, v diaľke je zrúcanina hradu! Toto hľadáme?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:876 msgid "No. The ruin we’re journeying towards lies across the river." msgstr "Nie. Ruina, ku ktorej smerujeme, leží za riekou." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:923 msgid "Tapok" msgstr "Tapok" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:928 msgid "Ogho" msgstr "Ogho" #. [event] #. [side]: type=Drake Flameheart, id=Mortic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:933 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:131 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:75 msgid "Mortic" msgstr "Mortic" #. [message]: speaker=Tapok #. male Orcish Warlord talking to Mortic, a random-gender Drake Flameheart. #. "they" being two other male drakes #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:991 msgid "Well? Are they ready?" msgstr "Dobre? Sú pripravení?" #. [event]: race=drake #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:993 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:372 msgid "Ga’all" msgstr "Ga’all" #. [event]: race=drake #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:994 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:373 msgid "Verash" msgstr "Verash" #. [message]: speaker=Mortic #. random-gender Drake to two male drakes #. using the Morogor dialect from WoF (unless I messed it up) #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:999 msgid "" "Ga’all, your Hunt has failed.\n" "Verash, your claws grow aged.\n" "To our Flight, your only usefulness remains...\n" "As tribute to the orcs." msgstr "" "Ga'all, tvoj lov zlyhal.\n" "Verash, tvoje pazúry starnú.\n" "Pre náš let zostáva vaša jediná užitočnosť...\n" "Ako pocta orkom." #. [message]: speaker=Verash #. "Aspirant" is a drake military rank #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1007 msgid "" "Aspirant Mortic,\n" "As you command." msgstr "" "Ašpirant Mortic,\n" "Ako rozkážeš." #. [message]: speaker=Ogho #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1012 msgid "C’mon wyrms, get moving!" msgstr "Makajte vy červy! Do pohybu!" #. [message]: speaker=Tapok #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1019 msgid "" "Heh heh, quality tribute, as always. Be grateful for our generosity. Chief " "only asked for two this time!" msgstr "" "Heh heh, hold kvality, ako vždy. Buďte vďační za našu štedrosť. Šéf si " "tentoraz vypýtal len dve!" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #. speaker is a drake, probably Mortic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1045 msgid "" "An unknown creature approaches.\n" "Paler than an Orc.\n" "Taller than a Dwarf.\n" "Tell me of your kin." msgstr "" "Blíži sa neznámy tvor.\n" "Bledší ako ork.\n" "Vyšší ako trpaslík.\n" "Povedz mi o svojich príbuzných." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1052 msgid "" "We are men, of Wesnoth! We come in peace, seeking magic to help in our war " "against an undead horde." msgstr "" "Sme ľudia z Wesnothu! Prichádzame v mieri a hľadáme mágiu na pomoc v našej " "vojne proti horde nemŕtvych." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1056 msgid "" "Dra-Nak warned us.\n" "You men of Wes-Noth speak of peace.\n" "Yet you brandish your spears at our flight.\n" "We have already paid the orcs, dearly.\n" "No further tribute can be paid." msgstr "" "Dra-Nak nás varoval.\n" "Vy muži z Wes-Noth hovoríte o mieri.\n" "Napriek tomu sa oháňaš oštepmi pri našom lete.\n" "Už sme orkom zaplatili.\n" "Žiadna ďalšia pocta sa nedá vzdať." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1064 msgid "No, wait, we just want to-" msgstr "Nie, počkaj, my len chceme..." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1068 msgid "Our Hunt must continue." msgstr "Náš lov musí pokračovať." #. [message]: speaker=Mortic #. letting us know that they're just a small and relatively weak Drake Flight but it sets us up to meet some strong ones later #. "aspirant" is a drake military rank #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1126 msgid "" "I am Aspirant.\n" "Yet in these northlands, even prey bares its fangs,\n" "And threatens to vanquish us.\n" "We have struggled against mightier flights,\n" "And tarnished our honor.\n" "Yet our flame still persists.\n" "I shall not fall here." msgstr "" "Som Ašpirant.\n" "Napriek tomu na týchto severoch dokonca aj korisť odhaľuje svoje tesáky,\n" "A hrozí, že nás porazí.\n" "Bojovali sme proti mocnejším letom,\n" "A pošpinil našu česť.\n" "Náš plameň však stále pretrváva.\n" "Nespadnem sem." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #. Grug to Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1159 msgid "Grug make ogre friendly! Talk ogre Grug make friend." msgstr "" "Grug urobiť zlobra priateľským! Porozprávajte sa so zlobrom a Grug urobiť " "priateľ." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1163 msgid "I think he’s saying he wants to talk with the wild ogres?" msgstr "Myslím, že hovorí, že chce hovoriť s divokými zlobrami?" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #. speaker is a hostile ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1211 msgid "Guuuh... human?" msgstr "Guuuh... človek?" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1216 msgid "Err, hello?" msgstr "Err, ahoj?" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1221 msgid "Human! Human human human!" msgstr "Human! Human human human!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1225 msgid "They don’t look very friendly..." msgstr "Nevyzerajú veľmi priateľsky..." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #. [message] #. player's ogre (but not Grug, who gets different lines) to hostile ogre #. hostile ogre to Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1253 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1311 msgid "Guuuh... who you?" msgstr "Ty si kto?" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #. hostile ogre to player's ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1260 msgid "Uhhhh... who you?" msgstr "Uhhhh... kto si?" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1265 msgid "Me... friend? New friend?" msgstr "Ja... priateľ? Nový priateľ?" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1271 msgid "New friend! Me no fight friend." msgstr "Nový priateľ! Ja žiadny boj priateľ." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1315 msgid "Grug me! Me friend human." msgstr "Ja Grug! Ja priateľ človek." #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1320 msgid "Uhhhh... friend... human?" msgstr "Uhhhh... priateľ... človek?" #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1324 msgid "You too friend human! Help human fight good." msgstr "Aj ty priateľ človek! Pomôž ľuďom bojovať dobre." #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1329 msgid "OK, me help human fight! Human good!" msgstr "Dobre, pomáham ľuďom bojovať! Ľudské dobro!" #. [scenario]: id=09_Castle_in_the_Ice #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1365 #, fuzzy #| msgid "20 gold" msgid "25 gold" msgstr "20 zlata" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. circa 25 gold pieces #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1376 msgid "" "This shipwreck was carrying chests of gold! Most of them are buried under " "the ice, but I can still reach $gold pieces." msgstr "" "Tento vrak lode niesol truhlice zlata! Väčšina z nich je pochovaná pod " "ľadom, ale stále môžem dosiahnuť $zlaté zlatiek." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. circa 30 gold pieces #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1400 msgid "" "This ruined town still has some valuables! I count enough to be worth $gold " "gold pieces." msgstr "" "Toto zničené mesto má stále nejaké cennosti! Počítam to na približne $gold " "zlatiek." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. circa 15 gold pieces #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1424 msgid "" "This drake only had $gold gold pieces in his camp. Not much of a dragon " "hoard..." msgstr "" "Tento jašter mal vo svojom tábore iba $gold zlatiek. Nie je to veľa dračieho " "pokladu..." #. [message]: type=Yeti #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1444 msgid "GROARRR!!!" msgstr "GROARRR!!!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1455 msgid "I’ve never tried Yeti meat. I wonder what it tastes like?" msgstr "Nikdy som neskúšal mäso Yetiho. Zaujímalo by ma, ako to chutí?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. the player has moved a unit (any unit) to the castle #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Castle_in_the_Ice.cfg:1479 msgid "This is the place! Let us enter." msgstr "Toto je miesto! Poďme vstúpiť." #. [scenario]: id=10_Dark_Sanctuary #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:4 msgid "Dark Sanctuary" msgstr "Temná svätyňa" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:19 msgid "" "Sequestered away under ice and stone, the dark places of the world quietly " "count the long years, biding their time until once more disturbed." msgstr "" "Temné miesta sveta, ukryté pod ľadom a kameňom, ticho počítajú dlhé roky a " "čakajú, kým ich znova nevyrušia." #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:125 msgid "Goblins" msgstr "Goblini" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. a significant hint, exploring would take a long time with no reward #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:299 msgid "" "Ugh, more ants. I doubt there’s anything of value in here, just more of that " "lousy ambrosia." msgstr "" "Uf, viac mravcov. Pochybujem, že je tu niečo hodnotné, len viac tej mizernej " "ambrózie." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:547 msgid "Study Guard" msgstr "Študijná stráž" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:576 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2920 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:512 msgid "Cowardly Goblin" msgstr "Zbabelý Goblin" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:583 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1924 msgid "Thirsty Goblin" msgstr "Smädný Goblin" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:588 msgid "Dushab" msgstr "Dušan" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:623 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2239 msgid "Goblin Leader" msgstr "Líder goblinov" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:681 msgid "Move Dacyn, Gweddry, and reinforcements into the gate" msgstr "Presuň Dacyna, Gweddryho a posily do brány" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:688 msgid "Find both gate keys" msgstr "Nájdi oba kľúče od brány" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:695 msgid "Move Dacyn, Gweddry, and reinforcements into the inner gate" msgstr "Presuňte Dacyna, Gweddryho a posily do vnútornej brány" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:702 msgid "Defeat the sanctum guard" msgstr "Porazíš strážcu svätyne" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:709 msgid "Retrieve the amulet" msgstr "Získaj amulet" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:714 msgid "Survive the orcish assault" msgstr "Preži orkský útok" #. [note] #. TODO in 1.19 add "... and end your turn" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:732 msgid "To enter the castle, move Dacyn into the gated area." msgstr "Ak chceš vstúpiť do hradu, presuň Dacyna do oblasti brány." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:738 msgid "" "Dacyn has been here before and will have better outcomes when stepping on " "runes." msgstr "Dacyn tu už bol a bude mať lepšie výsledky pri šliapaní na runy." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Iliah-Malal was the male lich antagonist of Delfador's Memoirs, around 160 years ago #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:766 msgid "" "We have arrived. This is a long-abandoned sanctum that you may know as the " "lair of the mage Iliah-Malal." msgstr "" "Prišli sme. Toto je dlho opustená svätyňa, ktorú možno poznáte ako brloh " "mága Iliaha-Malala." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. once again Dacyn is an unreliable narrator and does not speak absolute truth, he only says what he knows #. in fact the Amulet by itself can't do what he says it does, that's just his assumption #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:772 msgid "" "It is here that I seek Iliah-Malal’s Amulet of the Veil, an artifact " "possessing the power to open gates between the land of the living and that " "of the dead.\n" "\n" "I once thought such a power too dangerous to use; I am no longer so naive." msgstr "" "Práve tu hľadám Iliah-Malalov amulet závoja, artefakt, ktorý má moc otvárať " "brány medzi krajinou živých a krajinou mŕtvych.\n" "\n" "Raz som si myslel, že takáto sila je príliš nebezpečná na to, aby som ju " "použil; Už nie som tak naivný." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:778 msgid "Iliah-Malal? I know that name from the legends..." msgstr "Iliah-Malal? To meno poznám z legiend..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:787 msgid "" "All this time... all this time I thought we were questing towards a noble " "goal. Searching for a legendary sword, an ancient tome, a holy relic." msgstr "" "Celý ten čas... celý ten čas som si myslel, že hľadáme vznešený cieľ. " "Hľadanie legendárneho meča, starovekého zväzku, svätej relikvie." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:791 msgid "" "Instead, our quest brings us to the lair of one of the most evil beings that " "ever lived. How can you possibly mean to make use of anything ever possessed " "by such an evil? As soldiers of Wesnoth we are honor-bound to fight for the " "Light, not the darkness!" msgstr "" "Namiesto toho nás naše pátranie privedie do brlohu jednej z najhorších " "bytostí, aké kedy žili. Ako môžete myslieť na to, že využijete čokoľvek, čo " "kedy vlastnilo také zlo? Ako vojaci Wesnothu máme česť bojovať za Svetlo, " "nie za temnotu!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:795 msgid "" "Do not be so shortsighted. With the power to open portals to the Land of the " "Dead, I can pull Mal-Ravanal’s spirit out of this world. Then, the spells " "granting false life to the dead will fail, and their fearsome armies will " "collapse into piles of bones. I am wielding this power for the good of " "Irdya, not for your honor’s sake." msgstr "" "Nebuď taký krátkozraký. S mocou otvárať portály do Zeme mŕtvych môžem " "vytiahnuť Mal-Ravanalovho ducha z tohto sveta. Potom kúzla poskytujúce " "falošný život mŕtvym zlyhajú a ich hrôzostrašné armády sa zrútia na hromady " "kostí. Používam túto moc pre dobro Irdyi, nie pre vašu česť." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:799 msgid "" "Dacyn, I am uneasy about this course of action. I know little of the Land of " "the Dead, but everything I have heard suggests-" msgstr "" "Dacyn, som znepokojený týmto postupom. O krajine mŕtvych viem len málo, ale " "všetko, čo som počul, naznačuje..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:803 msgid "" "You would violate the dead’s eternal peace to fight a war, yet you call me " "shortsighted?! And while our homeland bleeds, you have the gall to speak of " "the good of all life?! Madness! As a mage of the Light, you should know " "better!" msgstr "" "Porušil by si večný pokoj mŕtvych, aby ste viedli vojnu, a napriek tomu ma " "nazývaš krátkozrakým?! A kým naša vlasť krváca, ty máš tú drzosť hovoriť o " "dobrom všetkého života?! Šialenstvo! Ako mág Svetla by ste to mali vedieť " "lepšie!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:807 msgid "" "I have had enough of your second-guessing. You, fool of a horse boy, know " "nothing of the mystic arts, yet you mask your ignorance by cowering behind a " "pretend morality. If that is what you insist on doing, then by all means " "return to Wesnoth and add your corpses to Mal-Ravanal’s ever-growing hordes." msgstr "" "Už mám dosť tvojho hádania. Ty, blázon od koňa, nevieš nič o mystických " "umeniach, no svoju nevedomosť maskuješ tým, že sa skrývaš za predstieranou " "morálkou. Ak na tom trváte, určite sa vráťte do Wesnothu a pridajte svoje " "mŕtvoly k neustále rastúcim hordám Mal-Ravanala." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:811 msgid "" "Unlike you, I have the knowledge and power to defeat the undead, and I " "intend to use it to destroy Mal-Ravanal. Will you wallow in your " "shortsightedness, or do you intend to help me safeguard all that lives?" msgstr "" "Na rozdiel od vás mám vedomosti a silu poraziť nemŕtvych a mám v úmysle ich " "použiť na zničenie Mal-Ravanalu. Utápaš sa vo svojej krátkozrakosti, alebo " "mi chceš pomôcť ochrániť všetky tie životy?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:820 msgid "" "I will help you. We have come this far, and it seems a waste to turn back " "now." msgstr "" "Pomôžem ti. Dostali sme sa tak ďaleko a zdá sa, že je zbytočné sa teraz " "vracať späť." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:824 msgid "" "By the Clans, I will not!! Would that I had perished in battle against the " "undead! Better that than living to see Wesnoth’s high mage succumb to the " "temptation of darkness." msgstr "" "Pri klanoch, nebudem!! Kiež by som bol zahynul v boji proti nemŕtvym! Lepšie " "ako žiť, keď vysoký mág Wesnothu podľahne pokušeniu temnoty." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:828 msgid "" "Gweddry, if you truly wish to aid this madman, I will guard the outer gates " "for you. But I will not enter that evil stronghold. I would sooner perish " "than travel one step closer towards Dacyn’s foul amulet." msgstr "" "Gweddry, ak naozaj chceš pomôcť tomuto šialencovi, budem pre teba strážiť " "vonkajšie brány. Ale do tej zlej pevnosti nevstúpim. Skôr by som zahynul, " "ako by som mal ísť o krok bližšie k Dacynovmu odpornému amuletu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:837 msgid "" "Ah, I still remember this place quite clearly. Now that I think of it, Ravan " "had always been very interested in the magic of darkness. Apparently, the " "balance between light and dark would be crucial to the safety of Irdya in " "the future, at least according to Ravan’s theory. In hindsight, that was all " "nonsense." msgstr "" "Ach, toto miesto si stále pamätám celkom jasne. Teraz, keď na to myslím, " "Ravan sa vždy veľmi zaujímal o mágiu temnoty. Zdá sa, že rovnováha medzi " "svetlom a tmou by bola rozhodujúca pre bezpečnosť Irdye v budúcnosti, aspoň " "podľa Ravanovej teórie. S odstupom času to bol celý nezmysel." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:841 msgid "The irony seems lost on you." msgstr "Irónia sa ti zdá byť neznáma." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:845 msgid "" "Back then this place was full of traps and undead, and it will no doubt be " "worse now that the wild beasts have had a chance to move in." msgstr "" "Vtedy bolo toto miesto plné pascí a nemŕtvych a teraz to bude nepochybne " "horšie, keď sa divé zvery budú môcť nasťahovať." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:856 msgid "" "Ravan sealed this place before our last meeting. I need a moment to remember " "the incantation." msgstr "" "Ravan zapečatil toto miesto pred naším posledným stretnutím. Potrebujem " "chvíľu, aby som si spomenul na zaklínadlo." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. the "red star" refers to the Ruby of Fire, and the "red stone" refers to the Amulet of the Veil FYI but these are not to be explicitly mentioned #. the "black pool" would be located near or under Weldyn, but again not to be explicitly mentioned #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:866 msgid "" "The red star blazes,\n" "The red stone bleeds.\n" "The black pool swallows all voices,\n" "The darkness between worlds opens its maw." msgstr "" "Červená hviezda žiari,\n" "Červený kameň krváca.\n" "Čierna kaluž pohltí všetky hlasy,\n" "Temnota medzi svetmi otvára svoju papuľu." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:893 msgid "" "Ugh, spellcasting always gives me the shivers. There’s a reason the more " "civilized people of my homeland don’t trifle with magic!" msgstr "" "Uf, z kúziel mi vždy behá mráz po chrbte. Existuje dôvod, prečo si " "civilizovanejší ľudia mojej vlasti nezahrávajú s mágiou!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:897 msgid "For a mage of the Light, the words you speak are dark indeed." msgstr "Pre mága Svetla sú slová, ktoré hovoríš, skutočne temné." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:901 msgid "" "I’m a simple man. I use simple tools and weapons. This magic stuff is givin’ " "me the creeps." msgstr "" "Som jednoduchý človek. Používam jednoduché nástroje a zbrane. Táto magická " "vec ma privádza do hrôzy." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:911 msgid "" "This antechamber only has room for eight. I must go to retrieve the " "artifact, and Gweddry has agreed to accompany me, so that leaves room for " "six more." msgstr "" "V tejto predsieni je miesto len pre ôsmich. Musím si ísť vyzdvihnúť artefakt " "a Gweddry súhlasil, že ma bude sprevádzať, takže zostáva miesto pre ďalších " "šesť." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. the player needs to choose 6 troops #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:930 msgid "" "Gweddry, are you still choosing your troops? I must end my turn in the " "antechamber to cycle the gate and enter the sanctuary." msgstr "" "Gweddry, stále si vyberáš svoje jednotky? Musím skončiť svoj ťah v " "predsieni, aby som prešiel bránou a vstúpil do svätyne." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:949 msgid "I will not aid in this evil quest." msgstr "Nebudem pomáhať v tomto zlom pátraní." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. somewhat like an airlock #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1003 msgid "I am ready to cycle the gates. Gweddry, shall we proceed?" msgstr "Som pripravený prejsť bránami. Gweddry, budeme pokračovať?" #. [option] #. 6 soldiers #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1006 msgid "Yes, these are the soldiers I want." msgstr "Áno, toto sú vojaci, ktorých chcem." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1014 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2490 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:849 msgid "No, not yet." msgstr "Ešte nie." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1023 msgid "" "Gweddry, you agreed to accompany me. We must both enter this antechamber " "before I cycle the gates." msgstr "" "Gweddry, súhlasil si, že ma budeš sprevádzať. Musíme obaja vstúpiť do tejto " "predizby predtým, ako prejdem bránami." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1083 msgid "Cave scary! Grug no like!" msgstr "Jaskyňa desivá! Nepáči sa mi to!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. the torches were already burning before any of Gweddry's party entered the castle #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1091 msgid "The torches are lit..." msgstr "Fakle sú zapálené..." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "I have seen my fair share of dark caves, but something about this place is making me shake." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1104 msgid "" "I ha’ seen my fair share o’ dark caves, but summat ’bout this place be " "givin’ me the shakes." msgstr "" "Videl som svoj dosť veľa temných jaskýň, ale toto miesto ma poriadne " "zachveje." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #. at the moment he's seeing the inside of a castle, the lit torches, and a wild wyvern #. there's nothing particularly unholy to focus on #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1119 msgid "May this unholy place be cleansed by the Light!" msgstr "Nech je toto nesväté miesto očistené Svetlom!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1203 msgid "Hissssss..." msgstr "Hissssss..." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. 200, 160, or 130 gold #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1218 msgid "This wyvern was rich! I count $gold gold in its hoard." msgstr "Táto wyverna bola bohatá! Počítam $gold zlata v jeho poklade." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1223 msgid "Ho ho, northerners’ gold, now that begins to make this all worth it!" msgstr "Ho ho, zlato severanov, teraz to všetko stojí za to!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #. a signpost. "Study" as in a room with a reading desk and small library #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1243 msgid "East: Study and Vaults" msgstr "Východ: Štúdia a trezory" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #. a signpost #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1261 msgid "West: Laboratory and Experiment Testing" msgstr "Západ: Laboratórne a experimentálne testovanie" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1312 msgid "" "I have triggered a trap. As long as I stay on this rune I will be safe, but " "once I step away, fire spirits will rise from the lava." msgstr "" "Spustil som pascu. Kým zostanem na tejto rune, budem v bezpečí, ale keď sa " "vzdialim, z lávy povstanú duchovia ohňa." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. the feeling that they've triggered a trap #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1323 msgid "Uh oh..." msgstr "Ach och!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. no obvious effect yet, it triggers when that unit moves again #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1332 msgid "Oh, nothing happened." msgstr "Oh, nič sa nestalo." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. a walking corpse of a rat or spider #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1340 msgid "" "That corpse has triggered a trap. When next it moves, fire spirits will rise " "from the lava." msgstr "" "Tá mŕtvola spustila pascu. Keď sa nabudúce pohne, z lávy povstanú duchovia " "ohňa." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. the rune is on the floor in front of the door (using one of the terrains that make the rune occupy most of the hex) #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1392 msgid "" "This gate is locked, and I recognize the petrification trap concealed within " "its guardian rune. I should avoid trying to open it." msgstr "" "Táto brána je zamknutá a ja spoznávam pascu skamenenia ukrytú v jej strážnej " "rune. Mal by som sa vyhnúť pokusom o otvorenie." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. the rune is on the floor in front of the door (using one of the terrains that make the rune occupy most of the hex) #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1403 msgid "Looks like this gate is locked. I wonder if this rune opens it?" msgstr "" "Zdá sa, že táto brána je zamknutá. Zaujímalo by ma, či to táto runa otvára?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1450 msgid "That was a petrification rune. It should wear off in a few moments." msgstr "Bola to runa skamenenia. Za pár okamihov by to malo vyprchať." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1457 msgid "" "We are fortunate, that enemy has triggered a petrification rune. Be warned " "though, it will only last a few moments." msgstr "" "Máme šťastie, že nepriateľ spustil runu skamenenia. Pozor však, bude to " "trvať len pár okamihov." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. the unit triggers the trap immediately #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1511 msgid "" "Hmm, looks like a magic lamp. I’ve heard stories that these can grant " "wishes. Today must be my lucky day!" msgstr "" "Hmm, vyzerá to ako magická lampa. Počul som príbehy, že tieto môžu splniť " "priania. Dnes musí byť môj šťastný deň!" #. [message]: speaker=Jinn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1548 msgid "WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLUMBER?" msgstr "KTO SA ODVÁŽIL RÚŠIŤ MÔJ SPÁNOK?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. an item on a display rack, ready to be worn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1562 msgid "" "This fine silken cloak would be priceless back in Wesnoth, but is useless to " "us here." msgstr "" "Tento jemný hodvábny plášť by bol vo Wesnothe na nezaplatenie, ale tu je nám " "nanič." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. 70, 55, or 45 gold #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1582 msgid "This chest contains $gold gold!" msgstr "Táto truhlica obsahuje $gold zlata!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. there was a closed chest on this hex, and it's been opened #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1602 msgid "It’s full of... toilet paper?!?" msgstr "Je plná... toaletného papiera?!?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. and the unit immediately does that, changing a closed-gate terrain to open-gate #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1617 msgid "I can unlock this gate from the inside." msgstr "Môžem odomknúť túto bránu zvnútra." #. [message]: speaker=Study Guard #. the Study Guard is a Deathblade (or Draug on hard difficulty) that's stood immobile in the doorway #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1638 msgid "Who. Comes?" msgstr "Kto. Príde?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1642 msgid "Err... don’t mind me, I’m just taking a look around." msgstr "Err... nevadí, len sa obzerám." #. [message]: speaker=Study Guard #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1646 msgid "Master. Is away. Intruders. Must die." msgstr "Majster. Je preč. Votrelci. Musí zomrieť." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. a quote from the journal written in SotA, also quoted in DiD #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1680 msgid "" "What’s this? Looks like a book on necromancy? ‘To become a lich, one must " "first-" msgstr "" "Čo je toto? Vyzerá to ako kniha o nekromancii? „Ak sa chcete stať lichom, " "musíte najprv-" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1684 msgid "Drop that at once! That journal is dangerous!" msgstr "Okamžite to zahoďte! Ten denník je nebezpečný!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. a book on necromancy #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1704 msgid "" "I recognize this volume. Such a thing could be dangerous in the wrong hands. " "Perhaps I should hold on to it... for safekeeping." msgstr "" "Poznám tento zväzok. V nesprávnych rukách môže byť niečo takéto nebezpečné. " "Možno by som si to mal ponechať... pre istotu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1711 msgid "" "... I recognize this volume. It is fortunate that I found it first; such a " "thing could be dangerous in the wrong hands. Perhaps I should hold on to " "it... for safekeeping." msgstr "" "... Poznám tento zväzok. Našťastie som to našiel ako prvý; v nesprávnych " "rukách môže byť niečo také nebezpečné. Možno by som si to mal ponechať... " "pre istotu." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1730 msgid "There are a few loose pages on the ground here..." msgstr "Tu je na zemi niekoľko voľných stránok..." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1734 msgid "" "Journal of Ravan - 13 Blackfire, 588 YW.\n" "\n" "This expedition is proving a greater success than I had anticipated. While " "Dacyn disarms the traps littered around this place, I have been able to " "conduct extensive research into the other plane beyond the Maw. There is a " "realm of souls that can be reached from our very own world, one that Iliah-" "Malal doubtlessly made contact with using the Amulet of the Veil. From time " "to time, I hear spirits whispering from the other side, but their voices are " "faint as of yet. I suspect that if I can somehow reach them, they will be " "able to answer some of the questions I have been pondering. However, there " "seems to be a piece of the puzzle still missing." msgstr "" "Ravanov denník - 13 Blackfire, 588 YW.\n" "\n" "Táto expedícia má väčší úspech, ako som očakával. Zatiaľ čo Dacyn odzbrojuje " "pasce porozhadzované okolo tohto miesta, podarilo sa mi vykonať rozsiahly " "výskum druhej roviny za papuľou. Existuje ríša duší, do ktorej sa dá dostať " "z nášho vlastného sveta, taká, s ktorou Iliah-Malal nepochybne nadviazal " "kontakt pomocou Amuletu závoja. Z času na čas počujem, ako si duchovia " "šepkajú z druhej strany, no ich hlasy sú zatiaľ slabé. Mám podozrenie, že ak " "ich nejako oslovím, budú vedieť odpovedať na niektoré otázky, nad ktorými " "som premýšľal. Zdá sa však, že kúsok skladačky stále chýba." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1740 msgid "" "Journal of Ravan - 21 Whitefire, 589 YW.\n" "\n" "I had a dream tonight. Was it a dream? It seemed much more like a vision. I " "saw a scorching light from twin orbs in the sky, radiating searing " "brightness over a land teeming with aberrations of constantly shifting " "flesh. I saw a jewel, no, a key, alight with fire bridging the vast " "nothingness of the Maw. I saw darkness, merged with light and transfigured, " "rending the indestructible core of those without form. I hear voices " "recounting these muddled dreams, yet their words are disjointed, " "incomprehensible. What are they trying to tell me?" msgstr "" "Ravanov denník - 21 Whitefire, 589 YW.\n" "\n" "Dnes v noci sa mi sníval sen. Bol to sen? Vyzeralo to skôr ako vízia. Videl " "som spaľujúce svetlo z dvoch guľôčok na oblohe, vyžarujúce spaľujúci jas nad " "krajinou hemžiacou sa aberáciami neustále sa presúvajúceho mäsa. Videl som " "drahokam, nie, kľúč, zapálený ohňom premosťujúcim obrovskú ničotu papule. " "Videl som temnotu, spojenú so svetlom a premenenú, rozbíjajúcu nezničiteľné " "jadro tých bez formy. Počujem hlasy, ktoré rozprávajú tieto zmätené sny, no " "ich slová sú nesúrodé, nezrozumiteľné. Čo sa mi snažia povedať?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1753 msgid "" "This volume has something to do with a dwarf named Tharga... Thursag-" "something? The text is very faded." msgstr "" "Tento zväzok má niečo spoločné s trpaslíkom menom Tharga... Thursag-niečo? " "Text je veľmi vyblednutý." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1764 msgid "" "Journal of Ravan - 5 Bleeding Moon, 597 YW.\n" "\n" "Nothing is going well. My research has come to a dead end and even the " "spirits from the other plane no longer speak to me. I can no longer rely on " "Dacyn either. That stupid man! He decided that playing politics would be a " "better use of his abilities than helping me decipher this crucial puzzle. As " "if he could do any good, being the advisor to that half-decrepit old King " "Haldric. Then again, maybe that is the game Dacyn wants to play. What a " "shame. I had held him in higher regard than that." msgstr "" "Ravanov denník – 5 Bleeding Moon, 597 YW.\n" "\n" "Nič nejde dobre. Môj výskum sa dostal do slepej uličky a ani duchovia z " "druhej roviny sa mi už nerozprávajú. Už sa nemôžem spoľahnúť ani na Dacyna. " "Ten hlúpy muž! Rozhodol sa, že hrať politiku bude lepším využitím jeho " "schopností, než mi pomôcť rozlúštiť túto zásadnú hádanku. Akoby mohol robiť " "čokoľvek dobré, byť poradcom toho polozrúteného starého kráľa Haldrika. " "Potom znova, možno je to hra, ktorú chce Dacyn hrať. Aká škoda. Mal som k " "nemu väčší rešpekt." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. just flavortext, could be any books that are irrelevant to the story #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1778 msgid "" "This shelf appears to be full of accounting ledgers detailing the movement " "of funds and goods hundreds of years ago." msgstr "" "Zdá sa, že táto polica je plná účtovných kníh s podrobnosťami o pohybe " "financií a tovaru pred stovkami rokov." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. a wooden crate, using the items/box.png image #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1792 msgid "This box is empty." msgstr "Táto krabica je prázdna." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. a wooden crate, using the items/box.png image #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1804 msgid "Yuck, this box is full of pickled fingers!" msgstr "Fuj, táto krabica je plná nakladaných prstov!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. a barrel, using items/barrel.png #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1816 msgid "" "This cask of wine is from nearly 200 years ago! If only I was allowed to " "drink while on duty." msgstr "" "Tento sud vína je spred takmer 200 rokov! Keby mi aspoň dovolili piť počas " "služby." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1830 msgid "" "These three orbs must be ancient, but still pulse with some kind of dark " "energy. Just standing near them gives me a splitting headache." msgstr "" "Tieto tri gule musia byť staré, ale stále pulzujú nejakou temnou energiou. " "Len keď stojím blízko nich, bolí ma hlava." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1843 msgid "" "I’ve found a key! It must be magical; it started glowing as soon as I " "touched it." msgstr "" "Našiel som kľúč! Musí to byť magické; začala žiariť hneď, ako som sa ho " "dotkol." #. [message]: speaker=Cowardly Goblin #. Cowardly Goblin is male, and appears in just two events. This one, and the end-of-level event. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1876 msgid "Aaah, humans! Run away!" msgstr "Aaa, ľudia! Utekajte!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1883 msgid "" "I guess there are goblins living here. Well, that explains the lit torches." msgstr "Tuším tu žijú goblini. No, to vysvetľuje zapálené pochodne." #. [message]: speaker=Thirsty Goblin #. the goblin has moved to a hex with a green potion bottle. After this he drinks it, gets poisoned, and then turns into a walking corpse. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1898 msgid "Hey, this looks tasty!" msgstr "Hej, toto vyzerá chutne!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. the player's unit has moved to a hex with a blue potion, drunk it, and become slowed #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1957 msgid "Ugh, my head hurts. Was this room always spinning?" msgstr "Uf, bolí ma hlava. Točila sa táto miestnosť vždy takto divne?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. the player's unit has moved to a hex with a yellow potion, drunk it, and become poisoned #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:1985 msgid "" "Blech, this tastes awful! Whatever used to be in here, it went bad long ago." msgstr "Blech, toto chutí hrozne! Čokoľvek tu bolo, už dávno sa to pokazilo." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. the player's unit has moved to a hex with a grey potion, drunk it, and ... #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2008 msgid "ACK! I’M DYING!" msgstr "ACH! ZOMIERAM!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. the grey potion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2017 msgid "Hah, just messing with you, it’s only water." msgstr "Hah, len sa s tebou hrám, je to len voda." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #. the player's unit is outside the room with all of this in #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2046 msgid "" "Look, a key! But it’s guarded by all those goblins... and there are ghasts " "in cages!" msgstr "" "Pozri, kľúč! Ale je to strážené všetkými tými goblinmi... a v klietkach sú " "nejaké potvory!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #. the player's unit is outside the room with ghasts and goblins in, and there are a lot of campfires in there too #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2051 msgid "" "The goblins’ eyes must be blinded by their fires. I still haven’t been " "spotted." msgstr "" "Oči goblinov musia byť zaslepené ich ohňom. Stále som nebol spozorovaný." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. rune on the floor that will open floor-to-ceiling gates #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2075 msgid "" "Hmm, it looks like this rune is connected to those cages. I’ll bet I could " "get one of them open..." msgstr "" "Hmm, zdá sa, že táto runa je pripojená k tým klietkam. Stavím sa, že by som " "mohol otvoriť jeden z nich..." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2077 msgid "Yes, release some ghouls." msgstr "Áno, vypustime pár gúlov." #. [message]: speaker=Goblin Leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2101 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2184 msgid "Aaahh!! The monsters have escaped!" msgstr "Aaahh!! Príšery utiekli!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2112 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2195 msgid "No, keep them locked up." msgstr "Nie, nechajte to zamknuté." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. rune on the floor that will open floor-to-ceiling gates #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2136 msgid "" "Ah, this is the control for the experiment testing cages. Should I open them?" msgstr "" "Ach, toto je kontrola pre experimentálne testovacie klietky. Mám ich otvoriť?" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2138 msgid "Yes, release all the ghouls." msgstr "Áno, vypusti všetkých gúlov." #. [message]: speaker=Goblin Leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2222 msgid "Humans! Get them!" msgstr "Ľudia! Na nich!" #. [message]: speaker=Goblin Leader #. death of a wolf rider's mount #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2243 msgid "Noooo, wolfieeee!!!" msgstr "Nie, vĺčik!!!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2258 msgid "Look what I found! This key started glowing as soon as I touched it." msgstr "" "Pozri čo som našiel! Tento kľúč začal svietiť hneď, ako som sa ho dotkol." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. although there's no filter on this event, the location is only reachable by a flying unit, presumably a walking corpse bat or walking corpse drake #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2297 msgid "Ruuuh... Brains..." msgstr "Ruuuh... mozgy..." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #. This is an easter egg, and the details don't matter because there's no way to get the staff out of the room. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2303 msgid "" "This legendary magical staff has the power to reshape reality at will! " "Unfortunately, this zombie is not intelligent enough to understand the " "significance of what it has found, and merely perceives a lifeless room." msgstr "" "Táto legendárna magická palica má moc pretvárať realitu podľa ľubovôle! " "Bohužiaľ, tento zombie nie je dostatočne inteligentný na to, aby pochopil " "význam toho, čo našiel, a iba vníma miestnosť bez života." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2345 msgid "" "The Amulet should be just beyond that gate, within the inner sanctum. We " "will have to find a pair of magical keys to open the door." msgstr "" "Amulet by mal byť hneď za bránou, vo vnútornej svätyni. Budeme musieť nájsť " "pár magických kľúčov na otvorenie dverí." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2360 msgid "" "Both keys are found! We can now enter the inner sanctum and retrieve the " "Amulet." msgstr "" "Oba kľúče sa našli! Teraz môžeme vstúpiť do vnútornej svätyne a získať " "amulet." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. by this time Owaec is probably fighting orcs #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2391 msgid "I hope Owaec hasn’t gotten into any trouble outside..." msgstr "Dúfam, že sa Owaec nedostal do žiadnych problémov tam vonku..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2417 msgid "Are we ready to enter the inner sanctum?" msgstr "Sme pripravení vstúpiť do vnútornej svätyne?" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2419 msgid "Yes, I’m ready." msgstr "Áno, som pripravený." #. [command] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2426 msgid "Sanctum Guard" msgstr "Sanctum Guard" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. looking at it from about 3 indoor hexes away #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2462 msgid "Is that... the Amulet?" msgstr "Je to... amulet?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2466 msgid "" "Yes. We now look upon one of the most powerful artifacts ever to taint " "Irdya. But first, we must clear out this room." msgstr "" "Áno. Teraz sa pozrieme na jeden z najsilnejších artefaktov, ktoré kedy " "poškvrnili Irdyu. Najprv však musíme vyčistiť túto miestnosť." #. [message]: speaker=Sanctum Guard #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2470 msgid "TRESSPASSERS!" msgstr "ZLODEJI!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2474 msgid "Prepare for incoming undead!" msgstr "Pripravte sa na prichádzajúcich nemŕtvych!" #. [event] #. [side]: type=Orcish Sovereign, id=Chief Dra-Nak #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2507 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2911 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:42 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:119 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:29 msgid "Chief Dra-Nak" msgstr "Vojvodca Dra-Nak" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. the wyrms being the drakes in S09 #. Talking about Owaec, who's waiting outside the sanctum, probably on a keep. #. Owaec probably hasn't recruited, but the entire recall list is available to him so they're presumably "here". #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2523 msgid "What do we have here? This is what those wyrms were groveling about?" msgstr "Čo to tu máme? Po tomto sa tí červi plazili?" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. he's a chief from the Whitefangs because he's not the only one, just a particularly powerful one #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2528 msgid "" "I’m Dra-Nak, Chief from the Whitefang clan. What’re you doing so far away " "from home, human?" msgstr "" "Som Dra-Nak, náčelník z klanu Whitefang. Čo robíš tak ďaleko od domova, " "človeče?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2532 msgid "" "I am a lord of the Horse Clans, and we are here on Wesnoth business. You " "would do well not to bother us." msgstr "" "Som pánom klanov koní a sme tu v záležitostiach Wesnothu. Urobil by si " "dobre, keby si nás neobťažoval." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2536 msgid "" "Wesnoth business, huh. ...you’re not the first group of deserters I’ve " "caught fleeing the undead." msgstr "" "Vec Wesnothu, huh.. nie ste prvá skupina dezertérov, ktorých som prichytil " "pri úteku pred nemŕtvymi." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2540 msgid "" "I’ll tell you what. I’m a fair orc, I won’t take advantage of your " "situation. Maybe I can help you. Let’s make a deal." msgstr "" "Poviem ti čo. Som spravodlivý ork, nebudem využívať vašu situáciu. Možno ti " "pomôžem. Poďme sa dohodnúť." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2544 msgid "" "Those necromancers down south are paying me good coin to keep them supplied " "with corpses. Hand over, let’s say, eight of your soldiers as tribute, and " "you’re free to go about your business. I’ll even give you a cut of the " "profit!" msgstr "" "Tí nekromanti na juhu mi platia dobré peniaze, aby som ich zásobil " "mŕtvolami. Odovzdaj, povedzme, osem svojich vojakov ako poctu a môžeš sa " "venovať svojej záležitosti. Dokonca ti dám časť zo zisku!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2548 msgid "" "Today I have been called shortsighted, then a coward, and now a deserter?! " "My honor will stand no more insult! Begone, fetid orc, lest I mount your " "head on a pike! I don’t fear the dead and I don’t fear you." msgstr "" "Dnes ma nazvali krátkozrakým, potom zbabelcom a teraz dezertérom?! Moja česť " "už neznesie žiadnu urážku! Zmizni, ork, aby som ti nenasadil hlavu na " "kopiju! Nebojím sa mŕtvych a nebojím sa teba." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. This is the start of the second night, and around 4 orcs will enter the map this turn, and 3 more next turn. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2553 msgid "(grinning) I was hoping you’d say that!" msgstr "(úsmev) Dúfal som, že to povieš!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. this is a reminder to the player that Owaec is a leader and can recruit. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2570 msgid "" "Gweddry may command the whole of our party, but do not forget that I too can " "recruit and recall! I will need soldiers to hold the line against these orcs." msgstr "" #. [message] #. Turn 21 (start of the fourth night) the second wave of orcs arrive and announce their plans. #. Around 6 orcs have just arrived, with 5 more next turn. #. There were 7 orcs in the first wave on turns 9 and 10, but the player has probably already handled them. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2640 msgid "Time to chop some human heads!" msgstr "Je čas rozsekať ľudské hlavy!" #. [message] #. Turn 33 (start of the sixth night) the next wave of orcs arrive. #. The latest group is 7 orcs, with more a turn behind them. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2654 msgid "Keep attacking, hit ’em while the sun’s down!" msgstr "Útočte ďalej, zasiahnite ich, kým slnko zapadne!" #. [message] #. Turn 45 (start of the eigth night) the next wave of orcs arrive. #. The latest group is 7 orcs, with more a turn behind them. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2668 msgid "Chief’s orders, let’s get them!" msgstr "Rozkazy náčelníka, dostaňme ich!" #. [message] #. Turn 51 (start of the ninth night), and from here on they're arriving every night rather than one night in two. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2681 msgid "Burn and pillage!" msgstr "Páliť a drancovať!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2771 msgid "Excellent. Now..." msgstr "Výborne. Teraz..." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. before he picks up the amulet #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2778 msgid "" "Wait, Dacyn, before you pick that up... are you sure this is the right " "decision? Even if you can wield it safely, something this evil will " "doubtlessly corrupt anyone who possesses it." msgstr "" "Počkaj, Dacyn, kým to zdvihneš... si si istý, že je to správne rozhodnutie? " "Aj keď ho môžeš bezpečne ovládať, niečo tak zlé nepochybne pokazí každého, " "kto sa ho snaží ovládať." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2782 msgid "" "Why, I’m incredibly touched by your deep show of affection. I’m sure that " "will be of great comfort when thousands are massacred after Wesnoth loses " "its greatest war in living memory." msgstr "" "Prečo, som neuveriteľne dotknutý vaším hlbokým prejavom náklonnosti. Som si " "istý, že to bude veľká útecha, keď budú zmasakrované tisíce ľudí po tom, čo " "Wesnoth prehrá svoju najväčšiu vojnu v živej pamäti." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. there's a short pause between the "deep show of affection" message and this one #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2792 msgid "" "No, Gweddry, I am not sure. But I know of no other way to defeat Mal-" "Ravanal. I have tried once before. Even as a mage, Ravan’s powers near " "outmatched my own. As the lich Mal-Ravanal, perhaps only Delfador the Great " "could have stood a chance." msgstr "" "Nie, Gweddry, nie som si istý. Ale neviem o inom spôsobe, ako poraziť Mal-" "Ravanala. Už som to raz skúšal. Dokonca aj ako mág Ravanove schopnosti " "takmer prevyšovali moje. Proti Mal-Ravanalovi mohol mať šancu snáď len sám " "Delfador Veľký." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2796 msgid "" "This Amulet will give us the edge that I need. With it, I can open a gate to " "the Land of the Dead and pull Mal-Ravanal’s unholy spells out of this world." msgstr "" "Tento amulet nám poskytne výhodu, ktorú potrebujem. S ním môžem otvoriť " "bránu do Zeme mŕtvych a vytiahnuť Mal-Ravanalove bezbožné kúzla z tohto " "sveta." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2800 msgid "" "But if what you said is true, the very same could be said of Ravan. How do " "you know you will not fall down the same path as well?" msgstr "" "Ale ak je pravda, čo si povedal, to isté by sa dalo povedať o Ravanovi. Ako " "vieš, že nespadneš rovnakou cestou?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2809 msgid "" "You are right, Gweddry. I cannot know. But I must try. If I do not, Wesnoth " "— nay, all of Irdya — will surely fall to ruin. As long as I try, there is " "still a chance. Sacrificing myself means nothing for the greater good." msgstr "" "Máš pravdu, Gweddry. Nemôžem vedieť. Ale musím skúsiť. Ak to neurobím, " "Wesnoth – nie, celá Irdya – sa určite rozpadne. Kým sa budem snažiť, stále " "je šanca. Obetovať sa neznamená nič pre väčšie dobro." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2813 msgid "(picks up the amulet)" msgstr "(zdvihne amulet)" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. on putting on the amulet, he's been dropped to 1 hp #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2861 msgid "AAAAHHHH!" msgstr "AAAAHHHH!" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2871 msgid "AAAAHHHH!" msgstr "AAAAHHHH!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. "everyone" being 6 units, or less #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2876 msgid "Dacyn! Everyone stand back, give him some air." msgstr "Dacyn! Všetci ustúpte, dajte mu trochu vzduchu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2880 msgid "" "... do not fear, I am unharmed. I just... need a moment to catch my breath." msgstr "" "... neboj sa, som nezranený. Len... potrebujem chvíľu na to, aby som sa " "nadýchol." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. A wall of the inner sanctum (where the amulet was) has just exploded, revealing a cave that extends off the west edge of the map. #. Introduction implying that Whitefang has other chiefs, but that Dra-Nak is particularly powerful. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2945 msgid "" "Hah, did you think you were safe hiding back in here? Nobody can escape from " "Dra-Nak, greatest chief east of the Listra." msgstr "" "Hah, myslel si si, že si sa tu v bezpečí skrýval? Nikto nemôže uniknúť Dra-" "Nakovi, najväčšiemu náčelníkovi na východ od Listry." #. [message]: speaker=Cowardly Goblin #. male speaker #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2950 msgid "" "See see! I told you there were humans in here! And I showed you the secret " "passage! Reward reward?" msgstr "" "Vidím vidím! Povedal som ti, že sú tu ľudia! A ukázal som ti tajnú chodbu! " "Odmena odmena?" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. gives the Cowardly Goblin some gold #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2955 msgid "Sure, here you go. You did well." msgstr "Samozrejme, nech sa páči. Dobre si urobil." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. presumably still 8 humans, unless the player has lost some #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2966 msgid "" "As for you humans, you might as well convince your friends outside to " "surrender. Otherwise, we’ll slaughter you all starting with that injured old " "man. I gave you a chance to do things fairly before, but now we’re doing " "things my way." msgstr "" "Čo sa týka vás, ľudí, môžete tiež presvedčiť svojich priateľov vonku, aby sa " "vzdali. Inak vás všetkých zabijeme, počnúc tým zraneným starcom. Predtým som " "ti dal šancu robiť veci férovo, ale teraz robíme veci po mojom." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2970 msgid "" "I don’t know what these orcs want with us, but we " "can’t hope to escape with Dacyn so badly hurt." msgstr "" "Neviem, čo s nami títo orkovia chcú, ale nemôžeme " "dúfať, že unikneme s Dacynom tak ťažko zraneným." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Dark_Sanctuary.cfg:2974 msgid "Very well, orc, we will surrender." msgstr "Veľmi dobre, ork, vzdáme sa." #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:4 msgid "Captured" msgstr "V zajatí" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:15 msgid "" "After their surrender, Gweddry, Dacyn, and Owaec were promptly taken before " "the orcish chieftain, Dra-Nak. The rest were thrown into the prisons to " "await their turn..." msgstr "" "Gweddry, Dacyn a Owaec boli okamžite predvedení pred orkského kráľa, Dra-" "Naka, zatiaľ čo ostatných uvrhli do žalárov, kým na nich príde rad..." #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:94 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:411 msgid "Prisoners" msgstr "Väzni" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:103 msgid "Bats" msgstr "Netopiere" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Varrak-Klar #. In S11, an orc with so much gold for recruitment that the player can't beat them, acts as a turn limit. #. In S12, a leader with a high but not unbeatable amount of gold. #. However, if Chief Dra-Nak survived S11 then S12's Varrak-Klar will be changed to an Orcish Sovereign and renamed to appear to be the Chief pursuing the escapees. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:129 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:70 msgid "Varrak-Klar" msgstr "Varrak-Klar" #. [side]: type=Orcish Slurbow, id=Rakkha #. In S11, an orc with so much gold for recruitment that the player can't beat them, acts as a turn limit. #. In S12, a leader with a high but not unbeatable amount of gold. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:155 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:183 msgid "Rakkha" msgstr "Rakkha" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:471 msgid "Boja" msgstr "Boja" #. [effect]: type=impact #. [effect]: type=impact, type=impact #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:631 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:647 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1076 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1090 msgid "unarmed" msgstr "neozbrojený" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #. Exactly four units are in this jail cell, identified as "role=escapee ..." in the po hints. #. 3 were in Gweddry's recall list, but escapee sidekick 2 deserted from another Wesnoth commander #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:685 msgid "" "Several of Gweddry’s men find themselves locked away in a crude orcish cell." msgstr "" "Niektorí z Gweddryho mužov sa ocitli vymknutí v jednoduchej orkskej cele." #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 1 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:690 msgid "We’ve got to get out of here!" msgstr "Musíme sa odtiaľto dostať!" #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 2 #. Speaker is the male deserter, however the other units don't know his backstory yet #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:695 msgid "I’m sure your commanders will come and save us!" msgstr "Som si istý, že vaši velitelia prídu a zachránia nás!" #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 0 #. Male speaker talking to male deserter, also the huge enemies changed in 1.17 from trolls to orcs #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:700 msgid "What? Didn’t you see those huge orcs drag them away? It’s hopeless!" msgstr "" "Čože? Nevidel si, ako ich tí obrovskí orkovia ťahali preč? Je to beznádejné!" #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 0 #. Female speaker talking to male deserter, also the huge enemies changed in 1.17 from trolls to orcs #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:702 msgid "" "female^What? Didn’t you see those huge orcs drag them away? It’s hopeless!" msgstr "" "Čože? Nevidel si, ako ich tí obrovskí orkovia ťahali preč? Je to beznádejné!" #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:706 msgid "Be quiet, you three! There’s something back here..." msgstr "Buďte ticho, vy dvaja! Tu vzadu niečo je..." #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:711 msgid "" "Look! There’s a gap in the wall over here. I think I can slip through if I " "clear away some of these rocks..." msgstr "" "Pozrite! Je tu trhlina v stene. Myslím, že by som sa dokázal cez ňu " "prešmyknúť, ak odstránim niektoré tieto skaly..." #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:739 msgid "Come on! This way!" msgstr "Poďme! Tadeto!" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:746 msgid "Find Gweddry, Dacyn and Owaec" msgstr "Nájdi Gweddryho, Dacyna a Owaeca" #. [objective]: condition=lose #. Initially shown with 4 escapees. #. Later shown meaning all of the released prisoners. Some can die, just not all. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:751 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1203 msgid "Death of the escapees" msgstr "Zomrú utečenci" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. the escapees' cell door #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:770 msgid "The door won’t open from this side." msgstr "Dvere sa z tejto strany nedajú otvoriť." #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 1 #. The speaker is male. The deserter, "escapee sidekick 2", will always be male. #. The other escapees, including the speaker, are 3 random units from the player's recall list. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:790 msgid "" "$deserter_name, I don’t recognize you, and you look like you’ve been locked " "up longer than the rest of us. How did you get here?" msgstr "" "$deserter_name, nespoznávam ťa a vyzeráš, že si bol zavretý dlhšie ako my " "ostatní. Ako si sa sem dostal?" #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 1 #. The speaker is female. The deserter, "escapee sidekick 2", will always be male. #. The other escapees, including the speaker, are 3 random units from the player's recall list. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:793 msgid "" "female^$deserter_name, I don’t recognize you, and you look like you’ve been " "locked up longer than the rest of us. How did you get here?" msgstr "" "$deserter_name, nespoznávam ťa a vyzeráš, že si bol zavretý dlhšie ako my " "ostatní. Ako si sa sem dostal?" #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 2 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:798 msgid "" "When the undead burned Tath, I got... lost. I have family up north, but I " "didn’t even get across the ford before some orcs captured me. They marched " "me and many other slaves east along the river, until we arrived here." msgstr "" "Keď nemŕtvi spálili Tath, stratil som sa. Mám rodinu na severe, ale ani som " "sa nedostal cez brod, kým ma nejakí orkovia nezajali. Pochodovali so mnou a " "mnohými ďalšími otrokmi na východ pozdĺž rieky, kým sme neprišli sem." #. [message]: role=escapee leader #. The speaker is male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:803 msgid "(scowling) A deserter. We should lock you back in your cell." msgstr "(zamračene) Dezertér. Mali by sme ťa zavrieť späť do tvojej cely." #. [message]: role=escapee leader #. The speaker is female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:805 msgid "female^(scowling) A deserter. We should lock you back in your cell." msgstr "(zamračene) Dezertér. Mali by sme ťa zavrieť späť do tvojej cely." #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 2 #. "you" being an audience of three units #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:810 msgid "" "No, please, you don’t understand! The undead are everywhere! I didn’t want " "to die like all my friends..." msgstr "" "Nie, prosím, nerozumieš! Nemŕtvi sú všade! Nechcel som zomrieť ako všetci " "moji priatelia..." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:824 msgid "Do you hear something coming from those pits?" msgstr "Počuješ niečo vychádzať z tých jám?" #. [message]: race=bats #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:832 msgid "Neep! Neep!" msgstr "Ňíp! Ňíp!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:846 msgid "Ack! Get away from me!" msgstr "Ach! Zmizni odo mňa!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:859 msgid "This tunnel seems to go deeper into the caves. We can’t go that way." msgstr "Zdá sa, že tento tunel vedie hlbšie do jaskýň. Tadiaľ ísť nemôžeme." #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 0 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:876 msgid "" "How do we know these caves aren’t all dead ends? We might be stuck wandering " "until we die of thirst!" msgstr "" "Ako vieme, že tieto jaskyne nie sú všetky slepé uličky? Mohli by sme " "uviaznuť v blúdení, kým nezomrieme od smädu!" #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:880 msgid "You’re welcome to go back to your cell." msgstr "Môžeš sa vrátiť do svojej cely." #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 2 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:898 msgid "" "Even if we do find your commanders and escape, maybe we should consider " "staying in the north? It’s tranquil, and quiet.... and there’s no undead..." msgstr "" "Aj keď nájdeme vašich veliteľov a unikneme, možno by sme mali zvážiť, či " "zostaneme na severe? Je to pokojné a tiché... a nie sú tam žiadni nemŕtvi..." #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 0 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:902 msgid "I didn’t come all this way just to give up at the words of a deserter!" msgstr "" "Neprešiel som celú túto cestu len preto, aby som sa vzdal pre slová " "dezertéra!" #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:906 msgid "" "Let’s focus on escaping the orcs before worrying about the future. Now " "quiet, I smell something foul up ahead." msgstr "" "Sústreďme sa na útek pred orkami, než sa budeme báť o budúcnosť. Teraz " "ticho, pred sebou cítim niečo zlé." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:924 msgid "" "Ugh, here’s where that wretched stench is coming from. This must be the " "orcish storeroom, full of their discarded gear and trash. At least we can " "find ourselves some proper weapons." msgstr "" "Uf, odtiaľto ide ten úbohý smrad. Toto musí byť sklad orkov, plný ich " "vyradeného výstroja a odpadu. Aspoň si nájdeme nejaké poriadne zbrane." #. [floating_text] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:932 msgid "weapons restored" msgstr "zbrane obnovené" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:953 msgid "" "And look, our captured equipment and provisions are here too! I’ve recovered " "supplies worth $gold_amount_S11 gold." msgstr "" "A pozrite, naše zajaté vybavenie a zásoby sú tu tiež! Získal som zásoby v " "hodnote $gold_amount_S11 zlatých." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:987 msgid "" "The other prison cells should be to the north of that chamber. If we can get " "past those guards we could set everyone free." msgstr "" "Ostatné väzenské cely by mali byť na sever od tej komory. Ak sa nám podarí " "dostať cez tie stráže, mohli by sme všetkých oslobodiť." #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:996 msgid "But there’s too many of them!" msgstr "Ale je ich tu príliš veľa!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1000 msgid "Hmm... I have an idea." msgstr "Hmm... Mám nápad." #. [message]: id=$unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1058 msgid "So, how do I look?" msgstr "Tak, ako vyzerám?" #. [message]: id=$unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1062 msgid "I’ll try to slip past the guards. You wait here." msgstr "Pokúsim sa prekĺznuť okolo stráží. Ty počkaj tu." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. Gweddry, Dacyn and Owaec are being held by guards in front of Dra-Nak's throne #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1109 msgid "" "You’ve been a difficult prize to capture, but well worth the cost! Human " "corpses may not sell as well as dwarf or drake tribute, but with this many " "of you, I’ll still fetch a hefty bounty." msgstr "" "Získali ste ťažké ocenenie, ale stojí to za to! Ľudské mŕtvoly sa možno " "nepredávajú tak dobre ako pocta trpaslíkom alebo drakom, ale s týmito " "mnohými z vás aj tak získam poriadnu odmenu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. The nearest guards are orcs, but there are drakes guarding the edge of the room. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1114 msgid "" "Drakes, surely you can see that this orc does not have your best interests " "at heart? He is bleeding your numbers to fund his empire while your leader " "stands by and does nothing!" msgstr "" "Jašteri, určite vidíte, že tento ork nemá na srdci tvoje najlepšie záujmy? " "Znižuje vaše počty, aby financoval svoje impérium, zatiaľ čo váš vodca stojí " "bokom a nič nerobí!" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1118 msgid "" "I follow the Ways of our Flight.\n" "Mortic is Aspirant.\n" "I serve his will." msgstr "" "Sledujem Cesty nášho letu.\n" "Mortic je ašpirant.\n" "Slúžim jeho vôli." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1146 msgid "" "You Wesnothians still don’t get it? These weaklings need me! Before I " "came, this place was a wasteland, with drake, dwarf, and naga fighting over " "scraps and bleeding in the snow." msgstr "" "Vy Wesnotians to stále nechápete? Títo slabosi ma potrebujú! Predtým, " "ako som prišiel, toto miesto bola pustatina, kde jašteri, trpaslíci a hadie " "bytosti bojovali o zbytky a krvácali v snehu." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1150 msgid "" "I united them all under my banner, bringing peace and order to " "these mountains! And once I sell you off, we will have enough money and " "power to rival even the great tribes of the north. I will usher in a new " "golden age for my people!" msgstr "" "Zjednotil som ich všetkých pod svoju zástavu a priniesol mier a " "poriadok do týchto hôr! A keď vás predám, budeme mať dosť peňazí a " "sily, aby sme mohli súperiť aj s veľkými kmeňmi na severe. Zahájim nový " "zlatý vek pre svoj ľud!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1154 msgid "" "You murder your allies and call it peace? Bah, this place will only know " "peace once you are dead!" msgstr "" "Zabiješ svojich spojencov a nazývaš to mier? Bah, toto miesto bude poznať " "mier, až keď budeš mŕtvy!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. Owaec has attacked the orc #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1183 msgid "" "Hah, that almost hurt! I’m gonna enjoy shipping you lot down south. Maybe " "this time, the necromancers will let me watch..." msgstr "" "Hah, skoro to bolelo! Bude mi potešením poslať vás veľa na juh. Možno ma " "tentokrát nekromanti nechajú pozerať..." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. speaker is the escapee wearing the orc disguise, there are around 10 guards #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1190 msgid "" "Opening the cells should confuse the guards for a moment. But I better not " "get too close to them..." msgstr "" "Otváranie ciel by malo na chvíľu zmiasť stráže. Ale aj tak je lepšie sa k " "ním príliš nepribližovať..." #. [objective]: condition=win #. At least one cell is still locked. There's one with 8 Wesnothians, one with 6 Wesnothians, #. and one containing 4 Wesnothians plus 2 Drakes. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1198 msgid "Release the other prisoners" msgstr "Oslobodíš ostatných väzňov" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. while the speaker is still in disguise #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1274 msgid "" "Here’s one of the prison cells! As soon as I open this, all hell is going to " "break loose." msgstr "Tu je jedna z väzenských ciel! Hneď ako to otvorím, rozpúta sa peklo." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1291 msgid "" "I’m already well-equipped, but we’ll have to pay upkeep to arm and armor " "each prisoner I free. I hope we’ll have enough gold left over for the next " "battle!" msgstr "" "Už som dobre vybavený, ale budeme musieť zaplatiť údržbu, aby sme vyzbrojili " "každého väzňa, ktorého oslobodím. Dúfam, že nám zostane dosť zlata na ďalšiu " "bitku!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. prompt to the player #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1325 msgid "Open the cell?" msgstr "Otvoriť celu?" #. [option] #. choice when prompted "open the cell?" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1328 msgid "Yes! (freed units will incur upkeep)" msgstr "Áno! (uvoľnené jednotky budú zvyšovať údržbu)" #. [option] #. choice when prompted "open the cell?" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1359 msgid "Not yet..." msgstr "Zatiaľ nie..." #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1366 msgid "Huzzah, we’re free at last!" msgstr "Hurá, konečne na slobode!" #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1367 msgid "Hooray, we’re rescued!" msgstr "Konečne, sme zachránení!" #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1368 msgid "Yes! Get us out of here!" msgstr "Áno! Teraz odtiaľto vypadnime!" #. [message]: speaker=Ga'all #. Ga'all and Verash are drakes from S10 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1373 msgid "" "I am free!\n" "Never again shall I be prisoner!" msgstr "" "Som voľný!\n" "Už nikdy nebudem väzňom!" #. [message]: speaker=Verash #. Ga'all and Verash are drakes from S10, this is followed by Verash killing Ga'all #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1379 msgid "" "You disobey the Aspirant.\n" "For your treachery,\n" "Your punishment is death." msgstr "" "Neposlúchol si Ašpiranta.\n" "Za tvoju zradu,\n" "ťa strestá smrť." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1446 msgid "The guards are distracted! Let us make our daring escape!" msgstr "Stráže nedávajú pozor! Teraz je čas na útek!" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1451 msgid "Move Gweddry, Dacyn, or Owaec to the south-west exit" msgstr "Dostaneš Gweddryho, Dacyna, alebo Owaeca k východu na juhozápade" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1455 msgid "Release the remaining prisoners" msgstr "Oslobodíš zostávajúcich väzňov" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1473 msgid "Save as much gold as possible for the next scenario!" msgstr "Ušetri čo najviac zlata pre ďalší scenár!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. shouted to the two leaders who are positioned outside the orcs' caves, happens 2 turns after the main escape starts #. combined with removing shroud to reveal that those two leaders recruited last turn (and have full castles on normal or hard) #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1521 msgid "The prisoners are escaping! Get in here and stop them!" msgstr "Väzni utekajú! Okamžite sem naklusajte a zastavte ich!" #. [message]: speaker=Rakkha #. orc leader who was guarding against external threats sends troops into the orcs' throneroom #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1536 msgid "Protect the Chief!" msgstr "Chráňte náčelníka!" #. [message]: speaker=Varrak-Klar #. orc leader who was guarding against external threats sends troops into the orcs' throneroom #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1541 msgid "Into the caves!" msgstr "Do jaskýň!" #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1551 msgid "" "Guess we’re on the run again! My mercenary boys back home woulda made short " "work o’ these Whitefang punks... I sure am missin’ the Estmarks right about " "now." msgstr "" "Snáď sme opäť na úteku! Moji žoldnieri doma by s týmito Whitefang orkami " "rýchlo skoncovali... Určite teraz mi chýbajú východné kopce." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1558 msgid "Everyone hurry, we have to get out of here!" msgstr "Všetci si švihnite, musíme sa odtiaľto dostať!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. 3 turns after the main escape starts #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1581 msgid "" "Such carnage in this dark confined cave... how I long to once again gaze " "upon the rolling plains of my homeland. These lands are cold, but the " "thought of my fellow Clansmen is as a fire burning in my breast." msgstr "" "Taký masaker v tejto tmavej uzavretej jaskyni... ako túžim opäť hľadieť na " "zvlnené pláne mojej domoviny. Tieto krajiny sú chladné, ale myšlienka na " "mojich kolegov z klanu je ako oheň horiaci v mojich prsiach." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. "there" being the Horse Clans' plains #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1586 msgid "" "Wesnoth’s best horses and much of Weldyn’s food is come from there. I’m sure " "it’s well-defended, despite never having visited there myself." msgstr "" "Odtiaľ pochádzajú najlepšie kone Wesnothu a veľká časť jedla pre Weldyn. Som " "si istý, že je dobre chránený, napriek tomu, že som tam nikdy nebol." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. "them" being the Horse Clans' plains #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1591 msgid "" "There is naught that I can speak that would truly do them justice! You will " "have to see the plains yourself to appreciate their majesty." msgstr "" "Nemôžem povedať nič, čo by im skutočne dalo za pravdu! Plány budeš musieť " "vidieť sám, aby ste ocenil ich majestátnosť." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. "them" being the Horse Clans' plains #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1596 msgid "Then let us return quickly to Wesnoth to aid in their defense!" msgstr "Potom sa rýchlo vráťme do Wesnothu, aby sme im pomohli pri obrane!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. Boja is the name of the cave bear #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1611 msgid "Hey, who are you? Boja, sic ’em!" msgstr "Hej! Kto si? Dostaňte ho!" #. [message]: speaker=$unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1615 msgid "Uh oh!" msgstr "Ach och!" #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1673 msgid "70 gold" msgstr "70 zlata" #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1673 msgid "You’ve pillaged 70 orcish gold pieces!" msgstr "Ulúpil si 70 orkských zlatých!" #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1674 msgid "115 gold" msgstr "115 zlata" #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1674 msgid "You’ve pillaged 115 orcish gold pieces!" msgstr "Ulúpil si 115 orkských zlatých!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. goblin with a ring of invisibility #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1695 msgid "Oooh so shiny, my precious... what a great gift from the Chief..." msgstr "Oooh také lesklé, môj milášik... aký skvelý darček od náčelníka..." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. goblin with a ring of invisibility (although not enough sense to wear it when running away) #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1700 msgid "Aaah! Humans! Run away run away!" msgstr "Aaah! Ľudia! Utekaj! Utekaj!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #. unit who discovered the goblin with a ring of invisibility #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1707 msgid "Hmm, looks like he dropped something." msgstr "Hmm, vyzerá to, že mu niečo spadlo." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. if the disguised unit runs out of the caves alone, without rescuing any other prisoners #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1729 msgid "Phew! I made it." msgstr "Pfuj! Dokázal som to." #. [message] #. if the disguised unit runs out of the caves alone, without rescuing any other prisoners #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1739 msgid "Where are you going?! Come back!" msgstr "Kam ideš?! Vráť sa!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. One of the main heroes gets outside, triggering the victory condition #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1757 msgid "I’ve reached the exit! We’ll have to make a run for it!" msgstr "Dostal som sa k východu! Budem musieť utiecť!" #. [message] #. The player didn’t open all the cells before moving a hero to the exit and triggering the victory event #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1762 msgid "Wait, you can’t leave us behind!" msgstr "Počkaj, nemôžeš nás nechať za sebou!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. immediate response to Boja's death #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1788 msgid "You killed my bear, you filthy humans! You’ll pay for that!" msgstr "Zabili ste môjho medveďa, vy špinaví ľudia! Za to zaplatíte!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. [message]: speaker=Varrak-Klar #. last breath event for Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1825 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:969 msgid "" "Curse you all! Why couldn’t you have just died as tribute like everyone " "else? Now my glorious golden Empire will never be..." msgstr "" "Preklínam vás všetkých! Prečo si nemohol zomrieť ako tribút ako všetci " "ostatní? Teraz moje slávne zlaté impérium nikdy nebude..." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. die event for Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1846 msgid "Look, he was carrying the key to their treasury!" msgstr "Pozri, niesol kľúč od ich pokladnice!" #. [scenario]: id=12_Evacuation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:33 msgid "Evacuation" msgstr "Evakuácia" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:45 msgid "" "Gweddry and his men escaped from the orcish prisons and fled westward as " "swiftly as they could, closely pursued by the orcs and their drake vassals." msgstr "" "Gweddry a jeho muži unikli z väzenia, ale po návrate na denné svetlo sa zase " "čoskoro našli obkľúčení radami orkov a ich jašterích vazalov." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:273 msgid "Move Owaec to the end of the bridge" msgstr "Presuňte Owaeca na koniec mosta" #. [objectives] #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:276 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1232 msgid "Defeat all enemy leaders" msgstr "Porazíš všetkých nepriateľských veliteľov" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:293 msgid "" "Every unit east of the bridge when it is destroyed will be lost " "(including non-recalled units)" msgstr "" "Každá jednotka východne od mosta v čase zničenia mosta bude stratená " "(vrátane neprivolaných jednotiek)" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:302 msgid "" "Dacyn, are you feeling better? We must keep moving! The orcs have almost " "caught up to us." msgstr "" "Dacyn, cítiš sa lepšie? Musíme pokračovať v pohybe! Orkovia nás takmer " "dostihli." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:306 msgid "(cough) (cough) Yes, yes, I’m perfectly fine... (cough)" msgstr "(kašeľ) (kašeľ) Áno, áno, som úplne v poriadku... (kašeľ)" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:310 msgid "" "Such decrepitude is one ten-thousandth of what you deserve for wielding that " "evil amulet! But lo, a bridge in the distance! Hope is not yet lost." msgstr "" "Takáto schátralosť je jedna desaťtisícina toho, čo si zaslúžiš za to, že máš " "ten zlý amulet! Ale hľa, most v diaľke! Nádej ešte nie je stratená." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:314 msgid "" "We must get across quickly before we are cut off and overwhelmed. But the " "men are exhausted! We cannot keep running for much longer." msgstr "" "Musíme sa rýchlo dostať cez to, kým budeme odrezaní a ohromení. Ale muži sú " "vyčerpaní! Nemôžeme bežať dlho." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:318 msgid "(nodding) Gruuhhh... Grug tired. Leg hurt..." msgstr "(prikývne) Gruuhhh... Grug unavený. Bolí noha..." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "Yeah, don't forget! My legs aren't as long as you humans'!" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:323 msgid "Aye, dinnae forget, my legs ain’t as long as ye human-folks’!" msgstr "Áno, nezabudni, moje nohy nie sú také dlhé ako tie ľudské!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:327 msgid "" "Tell the men they need not fear! I will cross last and destroy the bridge " "behind us so that the orcs cannot follow!" msgstr "" "Povedzte mužom, že sa nemusia báť! Prejdem posledný a zničím most za nami, " "aby ho orkovia nemohli nasledovať!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:332 msgid "" "Well I intend to cross first! Gold’s no good if I die before I can spend it! " "I’m not about to sacrifice myself to save you bunch of barbarians." msgstr "" "No, mám v úmysle prejsť ako prvý! Zlato nie je dobré, ak zomriem skôr, ako " "ho stihnem minúť! Nechystám sa obetovať sa, aby som zachránil vašu bandu " "barbarov." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:336 msgid "" "Everyone, get moving! Anyone left behind on this side of the bridge will " "surely be killed!" msgstr "" "Všetci, hýbte sa! Každý, kto zostane na tejto strane mosta, bude určite " "zabitý!" #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:340 msgid "I’m gettin’ too old for this life..." msgstr "Už som na tento život príliš starý..." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:345 msgid "" "All units (including non-recalled units!) left behind will be lost." msgstr "" "Všetky jednotky (vrátane jednotiek, ktoré neboli privolané!), ktoré " "tu zostali, budú stratené." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:362 msgid "" "It is unfortunate (cough) that we have not saved any gold to recruit or " "recall. Escape for our soldiers is impossible, yet if us few rush " "immediately across the bridge we may be able to (cough)(cough) reach the far " "shore before the orcs can attack." msgstr "" "Je nešťastné (kašeľ), že sme nenašetrili žiadne zlato na nábor alebo " "odvolanie. Útek pre našich vojakov je nemožný, no ak sa nás zopár okamžite " "ponáhľa cez most, možno sa nám podarí (kašeľ) (kašeľ) dostať na vzdialený " "breh skôr, ako môžu zaútočiť orkovia." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:372 msgid "" "It is unfortunate (cough) that we have saved little gold to recruit or " "recall. Escape for everyone is likely impossible, yet if the 3 of us rush " "immediately across the bridge we may be able to (cough)(cough) reach the far " "shore before the orcs can attack." msgstr "" "Je nešťastné (kašeľ), že sme ušetrili málo zlata na nábor alebo odvolanie. " "Útek pre každého je pravdepodobne nemožný, no ak sa my traja okamžite " "ponáhľame cez most, možno sa nám podarí (kašeľ) (kašeľ) dostať na vzdialený " "breh skôr, ako môžu zaútočiť orkovia." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:382 msgid "" "We have enough gold to put up a fight, but the orcs are numerous (cough) and " "strong. Escape for everyone is likely impossible, yet if the 3 of us rush " "immediately across the bridge we may be able to (cough)(cough) reach the far " "shore before the orcs can attack." msgstr "" "Máme dosť zlata na boj, ale orkov je veľa (kašeľ) a sú silní. Útek pre " "každého je pravdepodobne nemožný, no ak sa my traja okamžite ponáhľame cez " "most, možno sa nám podarí (kašeľ) (kašeľ) dostať na vzdialený breh skôr, ako " "môžu zaútočiť orkovia." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:389 msgid "" "We have gold for many soldiers, but the bridge (cough) is long and narrow. " "Escape for everyone is likely impossible, yet if the 3 of us rush " "immediately across the bridge we may be able to (cough)(cough) reach the far " "shore before the orcs can attack." msgstr "" "Pre mnohých vojakov máme zlato, ale most (kašeľ) je dlhý a úzky. Útek pre " "každého je pravdepodobne nemožný, no ak sa my traja okamžite ponáhľame cez " "most, možno sa nám podarí (kašeľ) (kašeľ) dostať na vzdialený breh skôr, ako " "môžu zaútočiť orkovia." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. Although Dacyn is a Mage of Light, he currently doesn't have a halo. #. In the unlikely case that he was still L2 when he picked up the amulet, he's automatically advanced at that point in S10. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:401 msgid "" "Small wonder your Light has abandoned you, if you would leave our companions " "to the mercy of the orcs! We should all cross together and leave none behind!" msgstr "" "Niet divu, že ťa tvoje Svetlo opustilo, ak by si našich spoločníkov nechal " "napospas orkom! Mali by sme prejsť všetci spolu a nikoho nezanechať!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. After this message the halo flickers and then stays on. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:406 msgid "(cough) My light? ...oh, oh yes, yes of course. Just one moment." msgstr "(kašeľ) Moje svetlo? ...och, áno, áno, samozrejme. Len jeden moment." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #. He drinks an elixir between this message and the next one #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:458 msgid "" "Trapped among barbarians and pursued by orcs... how in the sands did I get " "here? Time to break out something I’ve been saving for a rainy day..." msgstr "" "Uväznený medzi barbarmi a prenasledovaný orkmi... ako som sa sem cez všetky " "tie piesky dostal? Je čas odhaliť niečo, čo som si šetril na upršaný deň..." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #. He drank an elixir between the last message and this one #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:471 msgid "Nothing like some extra speed to help me get away!" msgstr "Chcelo by to trochu rýchlosti a poriadne rýchlo vypadnúť!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. Addressed to Gweddry, but many of the heroes except Dacyn are together in this conversation, assuming the player managed to collect them. #. It has to still make sense with only Gweddry and Owaec talking to each other. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:481 msgid "" "Gweddry, you saw how Dacyn struggled to channel his Light. What do you think " "of this?" msgstr "" "Gweddry, videl si, ako sa Dacyn snažil nasmerovať svoje Svetlo. Čo si o tom " "myslíš?" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:485 msgid "Aye, and have ye noticed the man’s cough? He be trying to hide it." msgstr "Áno, a všimli ste si jeho kašeľ? Snaží sa to skrývať." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:489 msgid "" "... it is a bad sign, to be sure. But Dacyn is determined to protect Wesnoth " "and destroy Mal-Ravanal, and I believe he is our only chance at doing so." msgstr "" "... je to určite zlé znamenie. Ale Dacyn je odhodlaný chrániť Wesnoth a " "zničiť Mal-Ravanala a ja verím, že je našou jedinou šancou, ako to urobiť." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:493 msgid "Magic man kind! Be good magic man be." msgstr "Čarovný muž láskavý! Buď dobrý čarovný muž." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:497 msgid "" "I agree his intentions are good, but with each passing hour, that foul " "amulet’s darkness festers within him. What influence may it have?" msgstr "" "Súhlasím s tým, že jeho úmysly sú dobré, ale s každou ďalšou hodinou v ňom " "hnisá temnota toho odporného amuletu. Aký to môže mať vplyv?" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:501 msgid "" "I choose to place my faith in the holy Light, not the darkness! We will " "overcome Mal-Ravanal’s evil, and this dark amulet’s as well." msgstr "" "Rozhodol som sa vložiť svoju vieru do svätého Svetla, nie do temnoty! " "Prekonáme Mal-Ravanalovo zlo a tiež tento temný amulet." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #. Last message in the "Gweddry, you saw how Dacyn struggled to channel his Light" conversation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:506 msgid "" "Bah, magic! There’s a reason the civilized people of my world eschew magic — " "we would never have to deal with problems like this back in my homeland." msgstr "" "Bach, mágia! Existuje dôvod, prečo sa civilizovaní ľudia v mojom svete " "vyhýbajú mágii – v mojej vlasti by sme nikdy nemuseli riešiť takéto problémy." #. [message]: race=orc #. Speaker might be any of Chief Dra-Nak, Varrak-Klar or Rakkha; all three are male orcs. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:530 msgid "" "(squinting) I can’t see anything in this searing sunlight. Fall back, wait " "for dusk!" msgstr "" "(žmúri) V tomto spaľujúcom slnečnom svetle nič nevidím. Vráťte sa, počkajte " "na súmrak!" #. [message]: id=Mortic #. to the male orc leader who's ordering the retreat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:535 msgid "" "The sun strengthens my kin.\n" "Daytime is our Domain.\n" "We should press the attack." msgstr "" "Slnko posilňuje mojich príbuzných.\n" "Deň je naša doména.\n" "Mali by sme tlačiť na útok." #. [message]: race=orc #. The messages in this event give the player a chance to react to the retreat. #. By now they should know that enemies retreat during the day, but it's especially important to know now so they can evacuate. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:544 msgid "You heard me, wyrm! Wait. For. Dusk." msgstr "Počul si ma, červ! Počkaj. Na. Súmrak." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:585 msgid "Is everyone across? I’m ready to chop down the bridge." msgstr "Sú všetci naprieč? Som pripravený zbúrať most." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:589 msgid "Hmm..." msgstr "Hmmm..." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:591 msgid "Yes, destroy the bridge." msgstr "Áno, zničenie mostu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Owaec has just destroyed the bridge #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:625 msgid "" "Owaec, you fool! I am trapped on the east bank! Without my help Wesnoth will " "surely fall to Mal-Ravanal..." msgstr "" "Owaec, ty hlupák! Som uväznený na východnom brehu! Bez mojej pomoci Wesnoth " "určite padne Mal-Ravanalovi..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Owaec has just destroyed the bridge #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:639 msgid "" "Owaec, you fool! Gweddry is trapped on the east bank! Without his help " "Wesnoth will surely fall to Mal-Ravanal..." msgstr "" "Owaec, ty hlupák! Gweddry je uväznený na východnom brehu! Bez jeho pomoci " "Wesnoth určite padne do rúk Mal-Ravanala..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. Several high-level units were left unrecalled. For a brief cutscene, 10 unrecalled units (high levels preferred) appear on the starting castle. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:687 msgid "" "Alas, what have I done? So many brave soldiers of Wesnoth, left behind in " "the wildlands..." msgstr "" "Bohužiaľ, čo som urobil? Toľko statočných vojakov z Wesnothu, ktorí zostali " "v divočine..." #. [message] #. Said by any left-behind unit except ogres (they can't speak fluently) and Hahid al-Ali (it would be very out of character for him). #. TODO in 1.19: the "we" in this is a typo. It should be "you must ride ..." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:702 msgid "" "At least you three commanders are safe. From here, we must ride swift, ride " "strong, and ride to save all of Wesnoth!" msgstr "" "Aspoň vy traja velitelia ste v bezpečí. Odtiaľto sa musíme poriadne " "ponáhľať, aby sme zachránili celý Wesnoth!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. either got everyone across or left behind at most one L2 or L3 unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:710 msgid "" "Huzzah, we have escaped the northerners! A true Clansman would never " "willingly leave his companions behind, and so have we clutched victory from " "the jaws of defeat!" msgstr "" "Hurá, unikli sme severanom! Skutočný člen klanu by nikdy dobrovoľne nenechal " "svojich spoločníkov za sebou, a tak sme víťazstvo zovreli z čeľustí porážky!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:727 msgid "" "Yes, yes, (cough)(cough) that’s all well and good. With the bridge " "destroyed, the orcs cannot (cough) cross, but what of the drakes?" msgstr "" "Áno, áno, (kašeľ) (kašeľ), to je všetko v poriadku. So zničeným mostom " "orkovia nemôžu (vykašľať) prejsť, ale čo draky?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:734 msgid "" "(cough) And with the drakes defeated, (cough)(cough) no enemies will be able " "to pursue us. Now, it is finally time for us to once again travel toward " "Weldyn." msgstr "" "(kašeľ) A s porazenými drakmi nás (kašeľ) (kašeľ) nebudú môcť prenasledovať " "žiadni nepriatelia. Teraz je konečne čas, aby sme opäť cestovali do Weldynu." #. [message]: race=orc #. Spoken to Mortic, but at this point it's possible that all the orc leaders are dead, in which case it doesn't get said. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:752 msgid "" "Useless pathetic ugly weakling wyrms! Fly across and chase after them, or " "we’ll sell you all to the necromancers!" msgstr "" "Neužitoční úbohí škaredí slabosi! Červi! Preleťte a prenasledujte ich, inak " "vás všetkých predáme nekromantom!" #. [message]: speaker=Mortic #. to his fellow drakes, and any surviving orcs #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:760 msgid "" "Dra-Nak is dead,\n" "His armies weakened,\n" "His prey fled." msgstr "" "Dra-Nak je mŕtvy,\n" "Jeho armády sa oslabili,\n" "Jeho korisť utiekla." #. [message]: speaker=Mortic #. to his fellow drakes, and any surviving orcs #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:770 msgid "" "Dra-Nak is feeble,\n" "His armies weakened,\n" "His prey fled." msgstr "" "Dra-Nak je slabý,\n" "Jeho armády sa oslabili,\n" "Jeho korisť utiekla." #. [message]: speaker=Mortic #. to his fellow drakes, and any surviving orcs #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:779 msgid "" "Long has our Honor been stained.\n" "No longer shall it be.\n" "Now we reclaim our Aerie,\n" "And the strength of our Flight." msgstr "" "Naša česť bola dlho poškvrnená.\n" "Už to nebude.\n" "Teraz získame späť našu Aerie,\n" "A sila nášho Letu." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #. Speaker is an orc, and Mortic is flying towards them. "What? Hey!" *gets killed by Mortic* #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:805 msgid "Wha- hey!" msgstr "Wha- hej!" #. [message]: speaker=Mortic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:824 msgid "" "The Hunt is called!\n" "The orcs our prey!\n" "Flight of Mortic, we fight!" msgstr "" "Ide sa na lov!\n" "Na Lov orkov!\n" "Muži, do boja!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:861 msgid "" "Hurry! If we cannot secure a position on the west bank, the drakes will " "surely fly behind and cut off our retreat!" msgstr "" "Ponáhľaj sa! Ak sa nám nepodarí zaistiť pozíciu na západnom brehu, jašteri " "určite poletia za nimi a prerušia náš ústup!" #. [message]: speaker=Mortic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:868 msgid "" "The sun arises.\n" "Second and third Wings,\n" "Capture the west bank." msgstr "" "Slnko je hore.\n" "Okrídlenci nepoznajú strach,\n" "západný breh bude náš!" #. [message] #. spoken by the leader of either orc side. Lots of drakes appear immediately after this. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:884 msgid "" "We need help over here! Where are the rest of those lousy drakes? They " "should be in position by now!" msgstr "" "Potrebujeme tu pomoc! Kde je zvyšok tých mizerných drakov? Už by mali byť na " "svojom mieste!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:912 msgid "Gel’ka" msgstr "Gel’ka" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:917 msgid "We have not crossed the bridge in time. Now we will all be killed!" msgstr "Neprešli sme cez most včas. Teraz nás všetkých pozabíjajú!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:928 msgid "" "I can hardly believe it! We didn’t need to destroy the bridge after all." msgstr "Sotva tomu môžem uveriť! Nepotrebovali sme most zničiť." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:932 msgid "" "Huzzah, a glorious victory in the name of the Clans! Man will never flee " "from orc and drake; we have taught these northerners not to trifle with " "Wesnoth!" msgstr "" "Huzzah, slávne víťazstvo v mene klanov! Človek nikdy neutečie pred orkom a " "drakom; naučili sme týchto severanov nezahrávať si s Wesnothom!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:936 msgid "" "(cough)(cough) Yes, yes, very well, well done. (cough) Now, it is finally " "time for us to see what has become of Wesnoth in our absence." msgstr "" "(kašeľ)(kašeľ) Áno, áno, veľmi dobre, výborne. (kašeľ) Teraz je konečne čas, " "aby sme videli, čo sa stalo s Wesnothom počas našej neprítomnosti." #. [message]: speaker=Varrak-Klar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:963 msgid "Graahh! Stupid humans..." msgstr "Graahh! Hlúpi ľudia..." #. [message]: speaker=Mortic #. Aspirant is a drake military rank #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:985 msgid "I am Aspirant no more." msgstr "Už nie som ašpirant." #. [message]: speaker=Rakkha #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:998 msgid "I hate you! Hate... hate... hate you..." msgstr "Nenávidím ťa! Nenávidím...nenávidím...nenávidím ťa..." #. [scenario]: id=13_Spoils_of_War #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:8 msgid "Spoils of War" msgstr "Vojnová korisť" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:25 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:35 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:41 msgid "Part III: Wesnoth at War" msgstr "Časť III: Wesnoth vo vojne" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:36 msgid "" "As Gweddry, Owaec, and Dacyn fled across the Listra, a frenzy of shouts, " "screams, and roars broke out from behind. Neither the orcs nor the drakes " "attempted to give pursuit." msgstr "" "Keď Gweddry, Owaec a Dacyn utekali cez Listru, zozadu sa rozpútalo " "šialenstvo kriku, kriku a revu. Ani orkovia, ani jašteri sa nepokúsili " "prenasledovať." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:42 msgid "" "Leaving the tumultuous wildlands far behind, the soldiers of Wesnoth " "prepared to cross the Great River once more and return to their homeland..." msgstr "" "Vojaci z Wesnothu nechali búrlivú divočinu ďaleko za sebou a pripravili sa " "ešte raz prekročiť Veľkú rieku a vrátiť sa do svojej vlasti..." #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Ducatithil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:251 msgid "Ducatithil" msgstr "Ducatithil" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-Yrna, gender=female #. female necromancer, will be renamed to Mal-Mana if Mal-Mana wasn't killed in a previous scenario #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:277 msgid "Mal-Yrna" msgstr "Mal-Yrna" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:439 msgid "Vaenyc" msgstr "Vaenyc" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:451 msgid "Vovan" msgstr "Vovan" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:463 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:831 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:904 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:986 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1068 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1235 msgid "Gaoler" msgstr "Gaoler" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:476 msgid "Rescue as many prisoners as possible (6 groups arrive soon)" msgstr "Zachráňte čo najviac väzňov (čoskoro príde 6 skupín)" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:483 msgid "Rescue as many prisoners as possible (5 groups arrive soon)" msgstr "Zachráňte čo najviac väzňov (čoskoro príde 5 skupín)" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:490 msgid "Rescue as many prisoners as possible (4 groups arrive soon)" msgstr "Zachráňte čo najviac väzňov (čoskoro prídu 4 skupiny)" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:497 msgid "Rescue as many prisoners as possible (3 groups arrive soon)" msgstr "Zachráňte čo najviac väzňov (čoskoro prídu 3 skupiny)" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:504 msgid "Rescue as many prisoners as possible (2 groups arrive soon)" msgstr "Zachráňte čo najviac väzňov (čoskoro prídu 2 skupiny)" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:511 msgid "Rescue as many prisoners as possible (1 group arrives soon)" msgstr "Zachráňte čo najviac väzňov (čoskoro príde 1 skupina)" #. [objective]: condition=win #. Mal-Yrna, a female necromancer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:519 msgid "Defeat the southern necromancer" msgstr "Porazíš južného nekromanta" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:523 msgid "Death of Owaec" msgstr "Zomrie Owaec" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:532 msgid "Death of Terraent" msgstr "Zomrie Terraent" #. [note] #. two prisoners and one jailer per gang #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:548 msgid "Prisoner gangs will alternate arriving on north and south paths." msgstr "" "Zajatecké gangy budú striedavo prichádzať po severných a južných cestách." #. [note] #. "enemy" in this case meaning "player's unit" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:552 msgid "Bats prefer to fly towards the nearest enemy." msgstr "Netopiere radšej lietajú smerom k najbližšiemu nepriateľovi." #. [message]: id=Owaec,Terraent #. TODO for 1.19? There's a cut-scene running up to this, but it's unclear what's happened until I read the WML and found that player's full starting roster is exactly one *horseman* for this scenario. #. The fastest-moving of the player's units has been trying to catch up with a bat, but the bat has flow over the river to the Mal-Yrna / Mal-Mana. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:593 msgid "" "Alas, I have failed in my mission! The undead scout has already reported " "back to its mistress." msgstr "" "Žiaľ, zlyhal som vo svojom poslaní! Nemŕtvy skaut sa už prihlásil svojej " "pani." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #. speaking to a bat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:603 msgid "" "Minion, what’s this? Soldiers of Wesnoth approach from the north? That area " "should have been cleansed over a month ago." msgstr "" "Poskok neschopný, čo je toto? Vojaci z Wesnothu sa blížia zo severu? Táto " "oblasť mala byť vyčistená pred viac ako mesiacom." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:607 msgid "" "No matter. Bring in the next batch of prisoners. I have need of them a " "little sooner than expected." msgstr "" "Nevadí. Priveďte ďalšiu várku väzňov. Potrebujem ich o niečo skôr, ako som " "čakala." #. [message]: speaker=Vovan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:615 msgid "Wait a moment, can we talk about thi-" msgstr "Počkaj chvíľu, môžeme sa o tom porozprá..." #. [message] #. Vovan has been turned into a ghoul, and the other prisoner has been too. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:621 msgid "I... Hunger..." msgstr "Ja... hladný..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:626 msgid "" "By the Clans, she wields slaves as weapons! This injustice will not stand!" msgstr "" "Pri klanoch! Používa otrokov ako zbrane! Táto nespravodlivosť neobstojí!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:630 msgid "" "By all that is holy, she wields slaves as weapons! This evil will not stand!" msgstr "Pri všetkom, čo je sväté, má otrokov ako zbrane! Toto zlo neobstojí!" #. [message]: id=Owaec,Terraent #. two dwarves, with a Deathblade as the jailer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:644 msgid "" "More prisoners approach from the northwest! I have not the time to depart " "and return with Gweddry, or those dwarves will surely be slain." msgstr "" "Viac väzňov sa blíži zo severozápadu! Nemám čas odísť a vrátiť sa s " "Gweddrym, trpaslíkov by určite pozabíjali." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:648 msgid "" "I may have failed my original mission, but in the name of the Clans, I will " "not fail these prisoners now!" msgstr "" "Možno som zlyhal pri svojej pôvodnej misii, ale v mene klanov teraz týchto " "väzňov nesklamem!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:652 msgid "" "I may have failed my original mission, but by the holy Light, I will not " "fail these prisoners now!" msgstr "" "Možno som zlyhal vo svojom pôvodnom poslaní, ale pri svätom Svetle teraz " "týchto väzňov nesklamem!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #. the speaker was renamed to Mal-Mana at the start #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:669 msgid "" "Wait — I remember you! You’re one of the ones who fled from me last autumn " "near Soradoc!" msgstr "" "Počkaj - pamätám si ťa! Si jeden z tých, ktorí odo mňa utiekli minulú jeseň " "neďaleko Soradoku!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:673 msgid "" "This time I’ve traded my bats for ghouls. There’s no way you’ll escape now!" msgstr "" "Tentokrát som svoje netopiere vymenil za ghúlov. Teraz už nemôžete uniknúť!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:797 msgid "Nargaril" msgstr "Nargaril" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:814 msgid "Urmarol" msgstr "Urmarol" #. [message]: speaker=Nargaril #. to a Deathblade #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:839 msgid "Get yer filthy chains off my wrists, ye pile o’ bones!" msgstr "Zložte mi svoje špinavé reťaze zo zápästí, vy hromady kosti!" #. [message]: speaker=Urmarol #. "Thank you kindly for freeing us! My runesmithing arts are not meant to be used outside of knalga, but I think now is an exception. I just hope the East Gate didn't fare too bad after I was captured..." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:853 msgid "" "Thank ye kindly fer freein’ us! Me runesmithin’ arts are not meant ta be " "used outside o’ Knalga, but methinks now is an exception. I just hope tha " "East Gate dinnae fare’n too bad after I were captured..." msgstr "" "Ďakujeme, že nás láskavo oslobodíte! Moje runové umenie nie je určené na " "použitie mimo Knalgy, ale myslím si, že teraz je to výnimka. Len dúfam, že " "východná brána nedopadla príliš zle, keď ma zajali..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:870 msgid "Vinreddoc" msgstr "Vinreddoc" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:887 msgid "Tunreoryr" msgstr "Tunreoryr" #. [message]: speaker=Vinreddoc #. spoken between two prisoners, "them" being the undead forces #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:912 msgid "How are there so many of them? Is this the end of all Wesnoth?" msgstr "Ako je ich toľko? Je toto koniec celého Wesnothu?" #. [message]: speaker=Tunreoryr #. spoken between two prisoners #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:917 msgid "Don’t worry. I’m sure the Crown has a plan..." msgstr "Nerob si starosti. Som si istý, že koruna má plán..." #. [message]: speaker=Vinreddoc #. Vinreddoc is a mage, but with random gender #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:931 msgid "" "Thank you! When the undead overran the academy I thought I was dead for " "sure. I just wonder what has happened to my friends..." msgstr "" "Ďakujem! Keď nemŕtvi obsadili akadémiu, myslel som si, že som určite mŕtvy. " "Len by ma zaujímalo, čo sa stalo mojim priateľom..." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:935 msgid "Take heart! As long as there is Light, hope always remains." msgstr "Vzchopte sa! Pokiaľ existuje Svetlo, nádej vždy zostáva." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:952 msgid "Ugzush" msgstr "Ugzush" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:969 msgid "Hibro" msgstr "Hibro" #. [message]: speaker=Hibro #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:996 msgid "I’ll take you all on! As soon as I get out of these chains..." msgstr "Vezmem vás všetkých! Hneď ako sa dostanem z týchto reťazí..." #. [message]: speaker=Gaoler_Orcs #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1000 msgid "Silence. Orcs. March." msgstr "Ticho. Orkovia. Pochoduj." #. [message]: speaker=Ugzush #. he's just been rescued #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1014 msgid "" "Cruddy undead think they can chain me up! I’ll grind their bones into dust!" msgstr "" "Blbí nemŕtvi si myslia, že ma môžu pripútať! Rozdrvím ich kosti na prach!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1031 msgid "Syner" msgstr "Syner" #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #. this Dark Adept is a prisoner too #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1079 msgid "" "I swear, it was an accident! Please, if you’ll just let me talk to Mel " "Guthrak, I’m sure this can all be straightened out." msgstr "" "Prisahám, bola to nehoda! Prosím, ak mi dovolíte porozprávať sa s Melom " "Guthrakom, som si istý, že sa to dá všetko napraviť." #. [message]: speaker=Syner #. to Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1084 msgid "" "Your time is done, necromancer. If I have one small comfort, it’s that I’ll " "get to watch you die alongside me." msgstr "" "Tvoj čas skončil, nekromant. Ak mám malú útechu, je to to, že budem môcť " "sledovať, ako umieraš vedľa mňa." #. [message]: speaker=Syner #. speaking of Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1098 msgid "I’m free! Now I’ll have the pleasure of killing this dark adept myself." msgstr "" "Som slobodný! Teraz budem mať to potešenie zabiť tohto temného adepta sám." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #. speaking to Syner about Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1111 msgid "" "Stay your hand, man of Wesnoth! A killing in cold blood is no justice and " "revenge will bring you no peace." msgstr "" "Počkaj, muž z Wesnothu! Chladnokrvné zabitie nie je spravodlivosť a pomsta " "vám neprinesie mier." #. [message]: speaker=Syner #. speaking of Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1116 msgid "Are you mad? That woman is a necromancer!" msgstr "Si šialený? Tá žena je nekromantka!" #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1120 msgid "" "...you might as well. They think I’m a traitor. I’m as good as dead already." msgstr "...môžeš aj ty. Myslia si, že som zradca. Už som ako mŕtva." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1124 msgid "" "Then the choice is yours. Flee and face the world alone, or forswear your " "dark arts and join me to protect all that yet remains holy in this good " "world." msgstr "" "Potom je výber na tebe. Uteč a postav sa svetu sama, alebo odprisahaj svoje " "temné umenie a pridaj sa ku mne, aby si ochraňovala všetko, čo ešte zostáva " "sväté v tomto dobrom svete." #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1136 msgid "Okay. No more necromancy. I’ll join you." msgstr "Dobre. Už žiadna nekromancia. Pripojím sa k vám." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. speaking to Syner, who has just killed Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1181 msgid "And so justice has been served! Such is the fate of all evildoers." msgstr "" "A tak bolo spravodlivosti učinené zadosť! Taký je osud všetkých zločincov." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1201 msgid "Scyla" msgstr "Scyla" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1218 msgid "Mame" msgstr "Mame" #. [message]: speaker=Gaoler_Merfolk #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1247 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1269 msgid "March. Faster." msgstr "Pochoduj. Rýchlejšie." #. [message]: speaker=Mame #. a Mermaid Priestess as prisoner, the line ends with the jailer hitting her #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1252 msgid "We’re going as fast as we can! Maybe if you’d let us swim-" msgstr "Ideme tak rýchlo, ako len môžeme! Možno keby si nás nechal plávať..." #. [message]: speaker=Mame #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1282 msgid "" "Thanks stranger! I do not recognize these lands, but I do recognize a kind " "heart when I meet one. Should I ever find my way home to the coast, I will " "be sure to tell my kinsmen of your actions here." msgstr "" "Ďakujem, cudzinec! Nepoznávam tieto krajiny, ale keď sa s nimi stretnem, " "poznám láskavé srdce. Ak by som niekedy našiel cestu domov na pobrežie, " "určite poviem svojim príbuzným o tvojich činoch na tomto mieste." #. [message]: id=Owaec,Terraent #. "we" being the speaker and the prisoners that they've rescued #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1293 msgid "Now we come for you, necromancer!" msgstr "Teraz prichádzame po teba, nekromant!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #. each bat-summoning event is triggered by the player rescuing prisoners #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1342 msgid "" "Of course, just because I said I wouldn’t summon bats doesn’t mean I can’t..." msgstr "" "Samozrejme, to, že som povedal, že nebudem privolávať netopiere, neznamená, " "že nemôžem..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #. each bat-summoning event is triggered by the player rescuing prisoners #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1350 msgid "My prisoners!! You’ll pay for that..." msgstr "Moji väzni!! Za to zaplatíš..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #. this is a common misquote from the wizard of oz, she's talking to her bats #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1360 msgid "Fly, my pretties, fly!" msgstr "Leťte, moje krásky, lietajte!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #. to Terraent. She's summoning bats. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1387 msgid "Not again! Do not test me, paladin of Wesnoth..." msgstr "Nie, už zase! Neskúšaj ma, paladin z Wesnothu..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #. to Owaec. She's summoning bats. #. The text is an allusion to drowned plains, which the next scenario will reveal to be the current state of the Horse Clans' beloved plains. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1396 msgid "Not again! Do not test me, lord of the swamps..." msgstr "Nie znova! Neskúšaj ma, pán močiarov..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #. More prisoners rescued, more bats get summoned. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1420 msgid "You are starting to become rather irritating." msgstr "Začínaš byť dosť podráždený." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1442 msgid "Enough! My bats will feast on your blood!" msgstr "Dosť! Moje netopiere budú hodovať na tvojej krvi!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1465 msgid "Why won’t you just die?!" msgstr "Prečo jednoducho nezomrieš?!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. victory event, and the rest of the player's units catch up #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1549 msgid "" "Hail, Terraent! We feared the worst when you did not return, yet here I find " "you alive and well!" msgstr "" "Ahoj, Terraent! Obávali sme sa najhoršieho, keď si sa nevrátil, no tu ťa " "nachádzam živého a zdravého!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. victory event, and the rest of the player's units catch up #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1557 msgid "" "Hail, Owaec! We feared the worst when you did not return, yet here I find " "you alive and well!" msgstr "" "Ahoj, Owaec! Obávali sme sa najhoršieho, keď si sa nevrátil, no tu ťa " "nachádzam živého a zdravého!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1570 msgid "" "Indeed! The Light blessed me with an opportunity to save many souls and I " "could not decline! Now the crossing is clear, and we may return to see what " "has become of our homeland." msgstr "" "Naozaj! Svetlo ma požehnalo príležitosťou zachrániť mnoho duší a ja som " "nemohol odmietnuť! Teraz je prechod čistý a môžeme sa vrátiť, aby sme " "videli, čo sa stalo s našou domovinou." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1577 msgid "" "Huzzah! Today has been a great victory! I have rescued a great many " "prisoners and defeated a foul necromancer! Now the crossing is clear, and we " "may return to see what has become of our homeland." msgstr "" "Hurá! Dnes to bolo veľké víťazstvo! Zachránil som veľa väzňov a porazil som " "odporného nekromanta! Teraz je prechod čistý a môžeme sa vrátiť, aby sme " "videli, čo sa stalo s našou domovinou." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1584 msgid "You’re too late! Wesnoth is... already..." msgstr "Idete neskoro! Wesnoth je... už..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1635 msgid "" "Hail, Terraent! We feared the worst when you did not return, yet here I find " "you alive and well! But who is this you are fighting?" msgstr "" "Ahoj, Terraent! Obávali sme sa najhoršieho, keď si sa nevrátil, no tu ťa " "nachádzam živého a zdravého! Ale s kým bojujete?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1642 msgid "" "Hail, Owaec! We feared the worst when you did not return, yet here I find " "you alive and well! But who is this you are fighting?" msgstr "" "Ahoj, Owaec! Obávali sme sa najhoršieho, keď si sa nevrátil, no tu ťa " "nachádzam živého a zdravého! Ale s kým bojujete?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Yrna #. she dispatches a messenger bat after this, leading to Dacyn saying all is lost #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1649 msgid "" "Can it be? Dacyn the mage? We thought you perished in the wild northlands, " "but now I find you alive and isolated from Wesnoth! I must inform Mal-" "Ravanal!" msgstr "" "Môže byť? Mág Dacyn? Mysleli sme si, že si zahynul na divokom severe, ale " "teraz som ťa našiel živého a izolovaného od Wesnothu! Musím informovať Mal-" "Ravanala!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_Spoils_of_War.cfg:1675 msgid "" "Even if we triumph at this crossing, Mal-Ravanal will surely find and " "destroy us before we can reunite with Wesnoth..." msgstr "" "Aj keď na tomto prechode zvíťazíme, Mal-Ravanal nás určite nájde a zničí " "skôr, ako sa znova stretneme s armádou Wesnothu..." #. [scenario]: id=14_The_Drowned_Plains #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:23 msgid "The Drowned Plains" msgstr "Zaplavené nížiny" #. [part] #. In this scenario, there's circa 18 ghosts, each with a single line of speech, you'll recognise them because most start and end with ellipsis. The WML would need to be restructured to put po hints on those lines themselves. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:41 msgid "" "Anxious to rendezvous with the Wesnothian army, Gweddry, Owaec, and Dacyn " "pressed hurriedly westward. Their hearts sank as they passed battlefield " "after battlefield, in the ruins of what used to be Wesnoth’s thriving " "eastern provinces." msgstr "" "Gweddry, Owaec a Dacyn sa úzkostivo ponáhľali na stretnutie s armádou " "Wesnothu na západe. Ich srdcia klesli, keď prechádzali bojiskom za bojiskom, " "v ruinách kedysi prosperujúcich východných provincií Wesnothu." #. [leader]: type=Barrow Wight, id=Sir Seoraery #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:113 msgid "Sir Seoraery" msgstr "Sir Seoraery" #. [leader]: type=Pyre Wight, id=Sir Efran #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:132 msgid "Sir Efran" msgstr "Sir Efran" #. [leader]: type=Skeletal Dragon, id=Khrakrahs #. Date of death unknown, seen alive in 40 YW during the Sceptre of Fire campaign. #. Male; he's been canon in many versions of Wesnoth that only had male drakes, thus will surely have been male in any translation that needed to know his gender. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:153 msgid "Khrakrahs" msgstr "Karakas" #. [side] #. neutral side, is only horses (although the user_team_name is vaguer than that) #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:329 msgid "Animals" msgstr "Zvieratá" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:449 msgid "... I failed you all..." msgstr "...sklamal som vás všetkých..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:450 msgid "... my daughter... what has happened to my daughter?" msgstr "... moja dcéra... čo sa stalo mojej dcére?" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:451 msgid "" "... they don’t know pain... they don’t know fatigue... there was nothing we " "could have done..." msgstr "... nepoznajú bolesť ... nepoznajú únavu ... nemohli sme nič robiť ..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:452 msgid "Lords of Light... what affront did I commit to deserve this fate..." msgstr "" "Páni svetla... akej urážky som sa dopustil, že som si zaslúžil tento osud..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:453 msgid "I fought the undead with everything... I gave everything..." msgstr "Bojoval som s nemŕtvymi so všetkým... Dal som do toho všetko..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:454 msgid "" "... it came from the shadows. A gust of wind, then a claw through my chest..." msgstr "... prišiel z tieňa. Závan vetra, potom pazúr cez moju hruď..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:455 msgid "... please, find my wife... tell her my story." msgstr "... prosím, nájdi moju ženu... povedz jej môj príbeh." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:456 msgid "... honor, glory, wealth... none of it saved us in the end." msgstr "... česť, sláva, bohatstvo... nič z toho nás nakoniec nezachránilo." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:457 msgid "... they won’t let me die... why won’t they let me die?" msgstr "... nenechajú ma zomrieť... prečo ma nenechajú zomrieť?" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:458 msgid "" "... they tore the ribs out from my friends... then fashioned them into " "arrows." msgstr "... vytrhli rebrá z mojich priateľov... potom z nich urobili šípy." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:459 msgid "" "... I could not hurt him... my own father... his corpse risen to fight me." msgstr "" "... nemohol som mu ublížiť... môjmu vlastnému otcovi... jeho mŕtvola vstala, " "aby so mnou bojovala." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:460 msgid "... Lord Gaelyc, I have failed you." msgstr "... Lord Gaelyc, sklamal som ťa." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:461 msgid "... the Clans were not prepared... I was not prepared." msgstr "... klany neboli pripravené... ja som nebol pripravený." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:462 msgid "... how could we have known? What could we have done?" msgstr "... ako sme to mohli vedieť? Čo sme mohli urobiť?" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:463 msgid "... my family, where is my family?" msgstr "... moja rodina, kde je moja rodina?" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:464 msgid "... what good was my lance... against a creature... without flesh?" msgstr "... načo bola moja kopija... proti stvoreniu... bez mäsa?" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:465 msgid "" "At first I thought he was one of ours... then he waved his hand and my blood " "ran cold..." msgstr "" "Najprv som si myslela, že je jeden z našich... potom mávol rukou a mne " "stuhla krv..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:466 msgid "... so cold... so dark..." msgstr "...tak chladno...toľko temnoty..." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. Player's unit has just been ambushed. Some other nearby corpses have awoken too, but the player will find that out during the enemy turn. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:548 msgid "" "Gah, undead! This one was mired face-first in the swamp, dormant until I " "stumbled upon it. They must be lying everywhere in this muck." msgstr "" "Gah, nemŕtvi! Tento bol utopený tvárou napred v močiari, nečinný, kým som " "naň nenarazil. V tomto bahne musia ležať všade." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:552 msgid "" "Perhaps their leaders are dormant as well. I suspect we will not have to " "contend with them until we sight them. We can afford some time to capture " "villages and build our forces." msgstr "" "Možno aj ich vodcovia spia. Mám podozrenie, že s nimi nebudeme musieť " "bojovať, kým ich neuvidíme. Môžeme si dovoliť nejaký čas na dobytie dedín a " "vybudovanie našich síl." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. Player's unit trigger an ambush last turn. During the enemy turn, some other nearby corpses started moving too. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:559 msgid "" "Whenever we stumble upon a corpse, it awakens its nearby allies! What will " "happen when we wake their leaders?" msgstr "" "Kedykoľvek narazíme na mŕtvolu, prebudí to svojich blízkych spojencov! Čo sa " "stane, keď prebudíme ich vodcov?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. The keeps are visible, so the player can guess where the leaders themselves are. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:564 msgid "" "It may be prudent to clear the swamp near the undead leaders before we sight " "them." msgstr "" "Môže byť rozumné vyčistiť močiar v blízkosti nemŕtvych vodcov skôr, ako ich " "uvidíme." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:693 msgid "Their leader is waking nearby allies out from the swamp!" msgstr "Ich vodca prebúdza blízkych spojencov z močiara!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:697 msgid "Just more abominations for us to slay!!" msgstr "Len ďalšie ohavnosti, ktoré musíme zabiť!!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:751 msgid "Lord Alric’s Palace" msgstr "Palác lorda Alrica" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:752 msgid "Sir Efran’s Castle" msgstr "Hrad sira Efrana" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:753 msgid "Lord Gaelyc’s Citadel" msgstr "Citadela lorda Gaelyca" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:754 msgid "Sir Seoraery’s Keep" msgstr "Pevnosť Sira Seoraeryho" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:755 msgid "Clearwater Lake" msgstr "Jazero Clearwater" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:808 msgid "Defeat the spirits" msgstr "Porazíš duchov" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. The player hasn't recruited yet, so listening are Gweddry, Dacyn, and the auto-recalled optional loyals (at most 8 people in total). #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:840 msgid "" "At last we have reached the Horse Plains, the fair homeland of my people! " "Here we can finally reunite with our comrades-in-arms and vanquish the " "undead once and for all." msgstr "" "Konečne sme dosiahli Konské pláne, krásnu vlasť môjho ľudu! Tu sa môžeme " "konečne spojiť s našimi spolubojovníkmi a raz a navždy poraziť nemŕtvych." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. Shouted to the landscape, expecting to find living comrades. What will answer is walking corpses and ghosts. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:850 msgid "Hail, Clansmen! Come and greet one of your own!" msgstr "Zdravím vás, ľudia z klanov! Príďte pozdraviť jedného zo svojich!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:854 msgid "Fallen Clansman" msgstr "Padlý člen klanu" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:874 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:824 msgid "No." msgstr "Nie." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:878 msgid "" "No, NO! Why are there swamps here? Why are there undead here? How can this " "be?! How can Mal-Ravanal have already advanced so far into the heartland of " "Wesnoth?" msgstr "" "Nie nie! Prečo sú tu močiare? Prečo sú tu nemŕtvi? Ako to môže byť?! Ako " "môže Mal-Ravanal postúpiť tak ďaleko do srdca Wesnothu?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:882 msgid "" "I’m sorry Owaec. The undead armies must have defeated the Clansmen and " "dammed the river to drown the plains. They must like the swamp, filled with " "death and decay..." msgstr "" "Prepáč mi, Owaec. Nemŕtve armády museli poraziť členov klanu a prehradiť " "rieku, aby utopili pláne. Musí sa im páčiť močiar, plný smrti a rozkladu..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:886 msgid "My home... my people... how could this happen..." msgstr "Môj domov... moji ľudia... ako sa to mohlo stať..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:896 msgid "" "YOU! MAGE!!! Had you not insisted we travel north, we might have arrived in " "time to save these people! My friends, my family, dead from your neglect. " "And all for what? Some necromancer’s trinket more likely to curse us than " "save us?" msgstr "" "TY! MÁG!!! Keby si netrval na tom, aby sme cestovali na sever, možno by sme " "dorazili včas, aby sme zachránili týchto ľudí! Moji priatelia, moja rodina, " "mŕtva z tvojho zanedbania. A za čo všetko? Nejaký nekromantský drobček nás " "skôr prekleje ako zachráni?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:900 msgid "" "We trusted you. I trusted you! Instead, you sent us away from the war like " "cowards, led our men to slaughter at the hand of orcs and drakes, and " "deprived Wesnoth of her eastern guard when she needed it most sorely. And " "now my homeland has paid the price for your misdeeds!!" msgstr "" "Verili sme ti. Veril som ti! Namiesto toho ste nás poslali preč z vojny ako " "zbabelcov, naviedol našich mužov na porážku orkom a drakom a zbavili ste " "Wesnoth jej východnej stráže, keď to najviac potrebovala. A teraz moja vlasť " "doplatila na vaše prehrešky!!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. Dacyn is bleeding and about to take damage from an unknown source #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:910 msgid "Are you even listening?!?" msgstr "Počúvaš vôbec?!?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. Dacyn is bleeding and taking damage, from an unknown source #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:927 msgid "Dacyn, what’s wrong? Are you all right?" msgstr "Dacyn, čo sa deje? Si v poriadku?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Dacyn steps away from the initial encampment, and is about take a lot of damage #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:939 msgid "...I can’t-" msgstr "...nemôžem-" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Dacyn stepped away from the castle, the six hexes around him have changed to chasms and he's down to 15 hp. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:986 msgid "I’ve lost control of the Amulet! I must-" msgstr "Stratil som kontrolu nad amuletom! Musím-" #. [message] #. up to 6 ghosts or wraiths come out of the chasms, depending on difficulty and how many auto-recalled loyals the player has #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1010 msgid "And most importantly..." msgstr "" "A čo je najdôležitejšie..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1017 msgid "Lord Alric" msgstr "Lord Alric" #. [message]: speaker=Lord Alric #. speaker is a wraith, he's emerged from the chasms around Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1023 msgid "Owaec, my son..." msgstr "Owaec, syn môj..." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Alric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1027 msgid "Why did you abandon us? I am dead... thanks to you..." msgstr "Prečo si nás opustil? Som mŕtvy... vďaka tebe..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1031 msgid "No, it’s not true! You’re not dead! I don’t believe you!" msgstr "Nie, nie je to pravda! Nie si mŕtvy! Neverím ti!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. Owaec rides off to the south, into the shroud, and disappears #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1036 msgid "Owaec, wait!" msgstr "Owaec, počkaj!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1055 msgid "What do I do now?" msgstr "Čo by som teda mal urobiť?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. The chasms are filled with sand, so all terrain near the keep is walkable again. #. Dacyn has healed back to full HP, although that's for gameplay reasons because he needs to fight the ghosts, there isn't a story reason for it. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1078 msgid "(gasping) I have regained control!" msgstr "(lapá po dychu) Znovu som získal kontrolu!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1082 msgid "What happened? I did not know this Amulet could act of its own accord." msgstr "Čo sa stalo? Nevedel som, že tento amulet môže konať sám od seba." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1086 msgid "" "Neither did I. I should have sensed it, but the darkness is nearly " "overwhelming. Even with my inner light, the best I can do is cancel out this " "dark energy. Such is the price of power..." msgstr "" "Ja tiež nie. Mal som to cítiť, ale tma je takmer ohromujúca. Dokonca aj s " "mojím vnútorným svetlom, najlepšie, čo môžem urobiť, je zrušiť túto temnú " "energiu. Taká je cena magickej sily..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. loses his halo and advances to an L4 Twilight Mage (liminal, heals +4, does not illuminate, melee attack gains "drain") #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1091 msgid "" "... but it is a necessary price to pay. I will not let up until Mal-Ravanal " "is defeated, whatever the cost may be." msgstr "" "... ale je to nevyhnutná cena, ktorú treba zaplatiť. Nevzdám sa, kým nebude " "Mal-Ravanal porazený, nech to stojí čokoľvek." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. Owaec is near his father's castle, and there's a dead (not undead) skeleton on the keep #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1172 msgid "...so it is true. My lord and father is dead." msgstr "...tak je to pravda. Môj pán a otec sú mŕtvi." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. today is when he learns the news of that, not when it happened #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1181 msgid "" "Today truly is a day of ill fortune. My family is slain, my kinsmen " "scattered, my homeland defiled." msgstr "" "Dnes je naozaj deň nešťastia. Moja rodina je zabitá, moji príbuzní " "rozptýlení, moja vlasť poškvrnená." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1185 msgid "" "But I will not despair! This damning destruction will not be the lasting " "legacy of the Clans!! These undead will pay for the death they have " "brought!!!" msgstr "" "Ale nebudem zúfať! Toto prekliate zničenie nebude trvalým dedičstvom " "klanov!! Títo nemŕtvi zaplatia za smrť, ktorú priniesli!!!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1222 msgid "" "Owaec, do not be so hasty. Much of the horde that conquered this place now " "marches on Weldyn, but even what little lingers is surely more than a match " "for our weary band." msgstr "" "Owaec, neponáhľaj sa. Veľká časť hordy, ktorá dobyla toto miesto, teraz " "pochoduje na Weldyn, ale aj to málo, čo tu pretrváva, je určite viac než len " "bežný boj našej unavenej skupiny." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1226 msgid "" "I agree, yet all is strangely quiet. Perhaps the remaining undead lie " "dormant? If we take time to capture villages and rebuild our forces, we may " "yet be able to reclaim this place." msgstr "" "Súhlasím, ale všetko je zvláštne ticho. Možno zostávajúci nemŕtvi ležia a " "spia? Ak si nájdeme čas na dobytie dedín a prestavbu našich síl, možno sa " "nám ešte podarí získať toto miesto späť." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1237 msgid "Loot Addogin’s smugglers’ caches." msgstr "Vykradnite zdroje Addoginových pašerákov." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1253 msgid "" "Enemy leaders are idle until first sighted, but will then abandon their keep " "and attack you." msgstr "" "Nepriateľskí vodcovia sú nečinní, kým ich na prvý pohľad nevidno, ale potom " "opustia svoju pevnosť a zaútočia na vás." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1256 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Capture villages and build up an army before attacking." msgid "" "It may be wise to capture villages and build up an army before attacking." msgstr "Pred útokom získaj dediny a vybuduj armádu." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1264 msgid "" "On a quest of searing vengeance? Owaec my friend, what you need is my elixir " "of ulfserker fury! One taste of this bitter red ambrosia and you’ll fight " "until you drop, with unlimited melee attacks and the " "berserk melee special!" msgstr "" "Na túžbe po spaľujúcej pomste? Owaec, môj priateľ, to, čo potrebuješ, je môj " "elixír ulfserkerskej zúrivosti! Stačí jedna chuť tejto horkej červenej " "ambrózie a budeš bojovať, kým nepadneš, s neobmedzenými útokmi na " "blízko a berserk špeciál na boj zblízka!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #. player bought the elixir of ulfserker fury #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1278 msgid "Try not to die too quickly!" msgstr "Snaž sa nezomrieť príliš rýchlo!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #. player declined the elixir of ulfserker fury #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1287 msgid "Suit yourself! Don’t expect me to drink that though, I’m not suicidal!" msgstr "Prispôsobte sa! Nečakajte však, že to budem piť, nie som samovrah!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1292 msgid "" "This offer expires as soon as your anger does! (elixirs only last for 1 " "scenario)" msgstr "" "Platnosť tejto ponuky vyprší hneď, ako vyprší váš hnev! (elixíry vydržia " "len na 1 scenár)" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1294 msgid "Buy the elixir for Owaec (30 gold)." msgstr "Kúp elixír pre Owaeca (30 zlatých)." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1304 msgid "Leave the elixir." msgstr "Zlož elixír." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #. Wait a moment... this landscape looks familiar. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1332 msgid "" "Hol’ up... some of this place is lookin’ mighty familiar. Yeah, few years " "back I used to work for a smuggler ’round these parts." msgstr "" "Čaute... niektoré časti tohto miesta sa mi zdajú byť veľmi povedomé. Áno, " "pred pár rokmi som v týchto končinách pracoval pre pašeráka." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #. hint about the smuggler's hidden gold, will be followed by adding three "go here" markers to the map #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1337 msgid "" "I’m sure the undead have burned down his storehouse, but there might still " "be a cache or three hidden ’round here." msgstr "" "Som si istý, že nemŕtvi podpálili jeho sklad, ale stále tu môže byť ukrytá " "skrýša alebo rovno tri skrýše." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1361 msgid "" "We should retrieve as many as we can; I’m sure the extra gold will be useful." msgstr "" "Mali by sme získať čo najviac; Som si istý, že extra zlato bude užitočné." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1365 msgid "" "Just remember, I ain’t been here in years. Some of them caches might be " "empty now." msgstr "" "Len si pamätajte, nebol som tu roky. Niektoré z nich môžu byť teraz prázdne." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #. although there are three map markers to explore, the first one that the player explores always has this gold, and the second is always empty #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1412 msgid "" "That’s the first cache. Lookee here, my smuggler friend left us 45 gold " "pieces." msgstr "" "Toto je prvá skrinka. Pozri, môj priateľ pašerák nám nechal 45 zlatých." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1426 msgid "" "This be the second cache, but looks like some’un found it before us. Empty." msgstr "" "Toto je druhá keška, ale vyzerá to, že ju pred nami niekto našiel. Prázdne." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1432 msgid "Third ’n last cache, and it’s loaded! A clean 100 gold pieces." msgstr "Tretia a posledná vskrinka a je naplnená! Čistých 100 zlatých." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1444 msgid "Excellent! The gold from these caches will be very helpful." msgstr "Výborne! Zlato z týchto skrýš nám veľmi pomôže." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #. this is probably grug's first time fighting squishy undead (though there were a few in S10) #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1495 msgid "Squishy fun to squash! Squash squish squash!" msgstr "Čas na zábavu! Čas rozbiť! Rozbiť rozbiť!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. "odd that his body didn't become undead" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1517 msgid "" "This man looks to have been dead for about a month. Odd that his body yet " "lies still." msgstr "" "Zdá sa, že tento muž je mŕtvy asi mesiac. Zvláštne, že jeho telo stále " "nehybne leží." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1530 msgid "There is a journal here, still intact despite the swamp." msgstr "Je tu denník, napriek močiaru stále neporušený." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. Reading from a dead horseman's journal. This is a warning to the player that there's a Skeletal Dragon in the scenario. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1535 msgid "" "... we thought the enemy had erred, that the battle could yet be won. " "Taking advantage of the gap, our swiftest riders drove toward the exposed " "heart of the skeletal formation. But even as they wrought destruction within " "the necromancers’ ranks, from out of the water came a great tremor, as if " "Irdya herself shivered in morbid anticipation.\n" "\n" "For a moment, I espied a great bony figure, a shambling mass of tooth and " "claw and wing. Then it fell upon us from behind, and the enemy closed their " "ranks, and we were encircled by death." msgstr "" "... mysleli sme si, že nepriateľ sa pomýlil, že bitku možno ešte vyhrať. " "Naši najrýchlejší jazdci využili medzeru a išli smerom k odkrytému srdcu " "kostrovej formácie. Ale aj keď v radoch nekromantov robili skazu, z vody " "prišlo veľké chvenie, akoby sa samotná Irdya triasla chorobným očakávaním.\n" "\n" "Na chvíľu som zbadal veľkú kostnatú postavu, zhluk zubov, pazúrov a krídel. " "Potom to na nás padlo zozadu a nepriatelia uzavreli svoje rady a my sme boli " "obkľúčení." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. Reading more from the dead horseman's journal, whose corpse prompted the "odd that his body didn't become undead" comment. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1542 msgid "" "I fled, coward that I am, riding breakneck through the night before my " "injuries overcame my strength. And so it comes that I have earned no " "honorable death in battle, only the slow fatigue and fever borne by rot and " "poison.\n" "\n" "I offer one final prayer to the Light, that at least my family may be spared " "and that my soul may be kept from undeath..." msgstr "" "Utiekol som, ako zbabelec, a jazdil som krkolomne cez noc predtým, ako " "moje zranenia prekonali moju silu. A tak sa stalo, že som si nezaslúžil " "žiadnu čestnú smrť v boji, iba pomalú únavu a horúčku, ktorú nesie hniloba a " "jed.\n" "\n" "Predkladám jednu záverečnú modlitbu Svetlu, aby aspoň moja rodina bola " "ušetrená a moja duša bola uchránená pred smrťou..." #. [message]: speaker=Sir Seoraery #. no-one sends a messenger, he's talking about memories from before he died #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1591 msgid "... we need... reinforcements... send a messenger..." msgstr "... potrebujeme... posily... pošli posla..." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1595 msgid "I’m not your enemy!" msgstr "Nie som tvoj nepriateľ!" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Seoraery #. he's talking of a memory, not the current situation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1600 msgid "...must... hold... the line." msgstr "...musím... držať... líniu." #. [message]: speaker=Sir Efran #. he's talking of a memory, not the current situation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1652 msgid "... there’s... too many." msgstr "Ale je ich tu... príliš veľa!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1656 msgid "" "You and your men have been turned to undeath! Let us put you out of your " "misery." msgstr "" "Vy a vaši muži ste sa zmenili na nemŕtvych! Dovoľte nám, aby sme vás vytrhli " "z vašej biedy." #. [message]: speaker=Sir Efran #. he's talking to a memory, not the unit that triggered the event #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1661 msgid "... I would sooner... die... than yield to you... necromancer." msgstr "... skôr... zomriem... než sa podriadim tebe... nekromantovi." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. undead dragon, talking to a memory rather than the unit that triggered him #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1737 msgid "... Lich, you do not belong here... leave, or I shall... rend you..." msgstr "... Kostej, ty sem nepatríš... odíď, alebo ťa... rozdrvím..." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1741 msgid "" "Is that... an undead dragon? Dear Light! Raising such a powerful thrall must " "have been no small feat, even for a necromancer such as Mal-Ravanal." msgstr "" "Je to... nemŕtvy drak? Milé Svetlo! Vychovať takého mocného otroka nemohlo " "byť maličkosťou, dokonca aj pre nekromanta, akým bol Mal-Ravanal." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1745 msgid "" "Even a living dragon is nothing but flesh. This feeble imitation lacks even " "that. Smash it to pieces." msgstr "" "Aj živý drak nie je nič iné ako mäso. Tejto chabej napodobenine chýba aj to. " "Rozbite to na kusy." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. undead dragon, again talking to a memory rather than anyone currently on the map #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1750 msgid "... I warned you... Ravanal... now burn." msgstr "... Varoval som ťa... Ravanal... teraz zhor." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #. speaker is one of the undead leaders, in an [event]name=attack #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1841 msgid "" "... Owaec... why do you fight me? Join us... ride alongside your father... " "defend the plains..." msgstr "" "... Owaec... prečo so mnou bojuješ? Pridaj sa k nám... jazdi po boku svojho " "otca... bráň pláne..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. speaking to one of the undead leaders, in an [event]name=attack #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1846 msgid "" "Abomination!! Clansmen though you once were, I have no choice but to grind " "you into dust now." msgstr "" "Ohavnosť!! Hoci ste boli kedysi členmi klanu, nemám inú možnosť, ako vás " "teraz rozdrviť na prach." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. speaking to Khrakrahs in an [event]name=attack, although the anger seems misdirected #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1863 msgid "" "You! You are the cause of this destruction!! Vengeance for my fallen people!" msgstr "Ty! Ty si príčinou tohto zničenia!! Pomsta za môj padlý ľud!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #. speaking to one of the undead leaders (horseman, not dragon) in an [event]name=attack #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1880 msgid "" "All things deserve redemption, but I fear the undead will never find it. May " "this place be cleansed in holy fire!" msgstr "" "Všetky veci si zaslúžia vykúpenie, ale obávam sa, že nemŕtvi ho nikdy " "nenájdu. Nech je toto miesto očistené svätým ohňom!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #. speaking to Khrakrahs in an [event]name=attack #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1897 msgid "" "I have faced worse terrors than you, lizard! Through piety and the holy " "Light, this place will be sanctified once more." msgstr "" "Už som čelil horším hrôzam ako ty, jašterica! Skrze zbožnosť a sväté Svetlo " "bude toto miesto ešte raz posvätené." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #. speaker is an undead horseman, who's fighting Gaennell. Unclear whether this is to a memory, or because Gaennell is a Shadow Mage #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1914 msgid "... Necromancer... you are a blight..." msgstr "... Nekromancer... si skaza..." #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #. to an undead horseman in an [event]name=attack #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1919 msgid "" "Not sure what you’d call me anymore, but definitely not more of a blight " "than you." msgstr "" "Už si nie som istý, ako by si ma nazval, ale rozhodne nie som taký zlý ako " "ty." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #. Attacked with a fireball from an L2 or higher mage. #. Shek’kahan was Khrakrahs' brother, but died during TRoW, 6 centuries ago. #. The date of Khrakrahs' own death isn't canon, he was still alive in 40 YW (he appears in SoF). #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1938 msgid "... Shek’kahan, your fire grows weak... you are hardly... a rival." msgstr "... Shek’kahan, tvoj oheň slabne... sotva si... súper." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #. speaker is Khrakrahs when attacked by a dwarf, but remembering one he met in 40 YW. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1955 msgid "... Thursagan... I warned you not... to enter my lair." msgstr "... Thursagan... Varoval som ťa nie... aby si vstúpil do môjho brlohu." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Alric #. last breath request from the ghost of Lord Alric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1972 msgid "... please, watch over my son for me." msgstr "... prosím, stráž mi syna. Dohliadaj na neho." #. [message]: speaker=Sir Seoraery #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1984 msgid "... I may die... but the Clans... will never fall." msgstr "... možno zomriem... ale klany... nikdy nepadnú." #. [message]: speaker=Sir Efran #. last breath, but still talking to a memory rather than the unit currently fighting him #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:1997 msgid "... Necromancer... Wesnoth will defeat you... in the end." msgstr "... Nekromant... Wesnoth ťa porazí... nakoniec." #. [message]: speaker=Khrakrahs #. last breath #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2010 msgid "I am... ...cold." msgstr "Je mi... ...zima." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. spoken at the start of a new turn after killing the first undead leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2031 msgid "" "Dacyn, I’ve been thinking. This artifact has had such a draining effect on " "you. Perhaps you should rest and take a moment to regain your strength? I " "could carry the Amulet for a while, or we could store it away." msgstr "" "Dacyn, premýšľal som. Tento artefakt mal na vás taký vyčerpávajúci účinok. " "Možno by ste si mali oddýchnuť a nájsť si chvíľu na načerpanie síl? Mohol by " "som na chvíľu nosiť amulet, alebo by sme ho mohli uložiť." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2035 msgid "" "Hmm... I suppose there would be no harm in locking it up somewhere safe." msgstr "" "Hmm... Predpokladám, že by nebolo na škodu zavrieť to niekde v bezpečí." #. [message] #. voices from the amulet talking to Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2041 msgid "" "You have a great weapon... and you " "would simply lock it away?" msgstr "" "Máš skvelú zbraň... a jednoducho by " "si ju zamkol?" #. [message] #. voices from the amulet talking to Dacyn, speaking of Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2047 msgid "" "His intent is good, but his spirit is " "weak... he would be corrupted..." msgstr "" "Jeho zámer je dobrý, ale jeho duch je " "slabý... bol by skazený..." #. [message] #. voices from the amulet talking to Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2053 msgid "" "Only you can be trusted with this " "responsibility." msgstr "" "Túto zodpovednosť možno zveriť iba " "tebe." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2057 msgid "" "But on the other hand... this is a dangerous artifact. I fear that only I " "can withstand its energies." msgstr "" "Ale na druhej strane... je to nebezpečný artefakt. Obávam sa, že len ja " "dokážem odolať jeho silám." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2061 msgid "Well, you’re the magic expert." msgstr "No, ty si tu expert na mágiu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2075 msgid "" "We must finish here and hurry on from this dead place! If the Horse Clans " "have fallen so completely, I fear for Weldyn and the rest of Wesnoth." msgstr "" "Musíme tu skončiť a ponáhľať sa z tohto mŕtveho miesta! Ak klany koní tak " "úplne padli, bojím sa o Weldyn a zvyšok Wesnothu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2079 msgid "" "Why are we here at all? We should be advancing towards Weldyn, not humoring " "Owaec’s lust for vengeance. The Plains are already drowned." msgstr "" "Prečo sme tu vôbec? Mali by sme napredovať smerom k Weldyn, nie vtipkovať o " "Owaecovej túžbe po pomste. Roviny sú už zničené." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. time over, talking to Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2088 msgid "" "Enough of this. We have wasted too much time here already; give up your " "foolish quest of vengeance and travel on." msgstr "" "Dosť toho. Už sme tu premrhali príliš veľa času; vzdaj sa svojej hlúpej " "snahy o pomstu a cestuj ďalej." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. time over, talking to Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2093 msgid "" "Your search for foul magic has caused enough harm already, and now you would " "leave my countrymen’s bodies defiled by undeath? I will slay everything that " "moves in this swamp, and once I am done, perhaps my hammer will find you " "next!" msgstr "" "Tvoje hľadanie odpornej mágie už spôsobilo dosť škody a teraz by si nechal " "telá mojich krajanov poškvrnené nemrťou? Pobijem všetko, čo sa hýbe v tejto " "bažine, a keď skončím, možno si ťa moje kladivo nabudúce nájde!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2097 msgid "" "You fools are welcome to linger here clearing this swamp, but I intend to " "travel on alone and defeat Mal-Ravanal. Go as you wish on your own. I have a " "task to complete." msgstr "" "Vy hlupáci, môžete sa tu zdržiavať pri čistení tohto močiara, ale ja mám v " "úmysle cestovať ďalej sám a poraziť Mal-Ravanala. Choď kam chceš. Musím " "splniť úlohu." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2135 msgid "It is done. My kinsmen have been avenged." msgstr "Je to hotové. Moji príbuzní boli pomstení." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2144 msgid "" "Mage... I owe you an apology. This destruction... even had we journeyed here " "instead of questing north, we would most assuredly have made no difference. " "Of that I am now certain.\n" "\n" "The fates may yet reveal that our journey north was necessary, even at such " "a steep cost. I will stand by you in this fight." msgstr "" "Mág... Dlhujem ti ospravedlnenie. Toto ničenie... aj keby sme sem cestovali " "namiesto pátrania na sever, určite by sme nič nezmenili. Tým som si teraz " "istý.\n" "\n" "Osudy ešte môžu odhaliť, že naša cesta na sever bola nevyhnutná, aj keď s " "takou vysokou cenou. V tomto boji budem stáť pri tebe." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2150 msgid "Apology accepted." msgstr "Ospravedlnenie prijaté." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2159 msgid "" "And I too must admit, I underestimated the power in this Amulet. Even now, " "voices gnaw at the edges of my mind..." msgstr "" "A musím priznať, že som podcenil silu tohto amuletu. Ešte aj teraz mi na " "okrajoch mysle hlodajú hlasy..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. to Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2164 msgid "" "Make no mistake, I still do not approve of your plan! It will lead you only " "to ruin and death! Yet, at least now I believe that your intentions are good " "despite your questionable methods." msgstr "" "Nemýľte sa, stále neschvaľujem váš plán! Privedie vás len do záhuby a smrti! " "Teraz však aspoň verím, že vaše úmysly sú dobré napriek vašim pochybným " "metódam." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:2168 msgid "" "I’m glad we have prevailed here, but I fear greatly for Wesnoth if the Clans " "have been defeated so thoroughly so quickly. It has scant been a year since " "their invasion first began. Owaec, Dacyn, if you are prepared to travel, we " "must press toward Weldyn at once." msgstr "" "Som rád, že sme tu zvíťazili, ale veľmi sa bojím o Wesnoth, ak boli klany " "porazené tak dôkladne a tak rýchlo. Od začiatku ich invázie neprešiel ani " "rok. Owaec, Dacyn, ak ste pripravení cestovať, musíme sa okamžite presunúť " "smerom k Weldynu." #. [scenario]: id=15_Return_to_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:4 msgid "Return to Wesnoth" msgstr "Návrat do Wesnothu" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:17 msgid "" "Leaving the rotting Horse Plains far behind, Gweddry, Owaec, and Dacyn " "marched hurriedly towards Weldyn, capital of Wesnoth. They dreaded what they " "might find there..." msgstr "" "Gweddry, Owaec a Dacyn nechali hnijúce pláne koní ďaleko za sebou a rýchlo " "sa vydali smerom k Weldynu, hlavnému mestu Wesnothu. Báli sa, čo tam môžu " "nájsť..." #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrad #. [unit]: type=General, id=Halrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:44 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:859 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:64 msgid "Halrad" msgstr "Halrad" #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:79 msgid "Shield of Ana’sar" msgstr "Štít Ana'sar" #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:87 msgid "Carcyn’s Pride" msgstr "Carcynova hrdosť" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Darak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:176 msgid "Mal-un-Darak" msgstr "Mal-un-Darak" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-un-Zanrad, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:222 msgid "Mal-un-Zanrad" msgstr "Mal-un-Zanrad" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Xadrux #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:266 msgid "Mal-un-Xadrux" msgstr "Mal-un-Xadrux" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:471 msgid "" "Lo and behold, the great city of Weldyn! Its walls still stand, thank the " "Light." msgstr "Hľa, veľké mesto Weldyn! Jeho steny stále stoja, vďaka Svetlu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:526 msgid "" "But look, the undead are laying siege and have built fortifications " "completely surrounding the city! The defenders must be grievously " "outnumbered." msgstr "" "Ale pozrite sa, nemŕtvi sú obliehaní a vybudovali opevnenia úplne " "obklopujúce mesto! Útočníci musia mať krutú prevahu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:577 msgid "" "Even this undead force appears to be (cough) but a small fraction of Mal-" "Ravanal’s greater host. (cough)(cough) I must meet with the king. Weldyn " "will fall if we do not act." msgstr "" "Zdá sa, že aj táto nemŕtva sila je (kašeľ) len malou časťou Mal-Ravanalovej " "armády. (kašeľ) (kašeľ) Musím sa stretnúť s kráľom. Weldyn padne, ak " "nebudeme konať." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:628 msgid "Then we must break through to the city at once! Come on men, follow me!" msgstr "Potom sa musíme okamžite prebiť do mesta! Poďte muži, nasledujte ma!" #. [time]: id=indoors #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:721 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:902 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:12 msgid "Indoors" msgstr "Vnútrajšok" #. [unit]: id=Aeraeka, type=Arch Mage, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:755 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:101 msgid "Aeraeka" msgstr "Aeraeka" #. [unit]: id=Halric, type=General #. [side]: type=General, id=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:767 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:88 msgid "Halric" msgstr "Halrik" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:777 msgid "Denogyc" msgstr "Denogyc" #. [message]: speaker=Aeraeka #. the council discusses the northern alliance #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:815 msgid "" "Well try again! It is absolutely imperative that we get a response from the " "Northerners." msgstr "" "No skúste to znova! Je absolútne nevyhnutné, aby sme dostali odpoveď od " "Severanov." #. [message]: speaker=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:819 msgid "" "If help was coming, we would have heard about it by now. They’re either " "unwilling or unable to march. What we need to consider is-" msgstr "" "Ak by prišla pomoc, už by sme o nej počuli. Buď nie sú ochotní alebo schopní " "pochodovať. Čo musíme zvážiť, je -" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:823 msgid "Mefel" msgstr "Mefel" #. [message]: speaker=Mefel #. the speaker, a male Silver Mage, has just teleported in #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:833 msgid "Urgent report from the south, Sire! I’m afraid it can’t wait." msgstr "Naliehavá správa z juhu, pane! Obávam sa, že to nemôže čakať." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. Denogyc is a male Lancer. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:839 msgid "" "Denogyc, you’re excused. Get some rest. Minister Mefel, what news of Kerlath?" msgstr "" "Denogyc, si ospravedlnený a oddýchni si. Minister Mefel, aké správy o " "Kerlathovi?" #. [message]: speaker=Mefel #. Kerlath Province is the area around Westin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:851 msgid "" "The siege around Westin has been broken, but Kerlath’s forces are badly " "depleted. I’m afraid we won’t be able to mount a counter-offensive in time " "to support you, especially with Mal-Xlana still holding Fort Tahn." msgstr "" "Obliehanie okolo Westina bolo prerušené, ale Kerlathove sily sú značne " "vyčerpané. Obávam sa, že nebudeme schopní včas spustiť protiofenzívu, aby " "sme vás podporili, najmä keď Mal-Xlana stále drží pevnosť Tahn." #. [message]: speaker=Aeraeka #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:872 msgid "Oh, what now..." msgstr "Ach, čo teraz..." #. [message]: speaker=Halrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:877 msgid "" "My Liege, your former High Advisor Dacyn is here, and he says he has vital " "information on how to defeat the undead." msgstr "" "Môj Liege, je tu váš bývalý vysoký poradca Dacyn a hovorí, že má dôležité " "informácie o tom, ako poraziť nemŕtvych." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:898 msgid "Dacyn?! At last some good news! I thought you were long dead." msgstr "Dacyn?! Konečne nejaké dobré správy! Myslel som, že si už dávno mŕtvy." #. [message]: speaker=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:902 msgid "" "He certainly looks half-dead. Dacyn, there is an unholy pall over your skin. " "Where have you been all this time? We’ve sorely needed your help." msgstr "" "Určite vyzerá ako polomŕtvy. Dacyn, tvoja koža je špinavá. Kde si bol celý " "ten čas? Veľmi sme potrebovali tvoju pomoc." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:906 msgid "" "My story and appearance are irrelevant. What matters is that I know how to " "defeat these invaders. The only path to victory is cutting off the head of " "the snake. Mal-Ravanal, who you once knew as the mage Ravan, must be " "destroyed." msgstr "" "Môj príbeh a vzhľad sú irelevantné. Dôležité je, že viem, ako týchto " "útočníkov poraziť. Jedinou cestou k víťazstvu je odrezanie hlavy hada. Mal-" "Ravanal, ktorého ste kedysi poznali ako mága Ravana, musíme zničiť." #. [message]: speaker=Aeraeka #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:910 msgid "" "You think we haven’t tried?! Our best mages struck down that infernal lich " "at great cost to their number, but within seconds, Mal-Ravanal had already " "taken a new body and returned the favor on our ranks. I myself barely made " "it out alive!" msgstr "" "Myslíš, že sme to neskúšali?! Naši najlepší mágovia zničili toho pekelného " "kosteja za veľkú cenu na životoch, ale v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd si Mal-" "Ravanal už vzal nové telo a oplatil nám láskavosť v našich radoch. Ja sám " "som sa sotva dostal živý!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:914 msgid "" "And that is why my companions and I have spent the past year traveling far " "to the northeast, seeking (cough) a potent magical amulet that I now " "possess. If we can destroy the skeletal body, I wield the power to banish " "the lich’s long-tortured soul. This destruction will be permanent." msgstr "" "A to je dôvod, prečo sme s mojimi spoločníkmi strávili posledný rok " "cestovaním ďaleko na severovýchod, hľadaním (kašeľ) mocného magického " "amuletu, ktorý teraz vlastním. Ak dokážeme zničiť kostrové telo, ovládam moc " "vyhnať dlho umučenú dušu kosteja. Toto zničenie bude trvalé." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:918 msgid "" "Your Majesty, I have seen this amulet used before. While I cannot attest to " "its reliability, it is certainly powerful enough to do what Dacyn claims." msgstr "" "Vaše Veličenstvo, už som videl tento amulet použitý. Aj keď nemôžem potvrdiť " "jeho spoľahlivosť, určite je dostatočne mocný na to, aby urobil to, čo tvrdí " "Dacyn." #. [message]: speaker=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:922 msgid "" "Even assuming this magical voodoo works, how do you mean to destroy Mal-" "Ravanal’s body? The one chance we had was out of the lich’s own arrogance, " "and even that cost us four of our elite magi under better conditions. Now " "we’ve been cut off from Dan’Tonk and barely have enough men to hold the " "walls, much less sortie against the undead." msgstr "" "Aj za predpokladu, že toto magické čáry máry funguje, ako myslíš zničiť Mal-" "Ravanalovo telo? Jediná šanca, ktorú sme mali, bola z vlastnej arogancie " "kosteja, a aj to nás stálo štyroch našich elitných mágov za lepších " "podmienok. Teraz sme boli odrezaní od Dan'Tonka a máme sotva dosť mužov na " "to, aby držali múry. Nie sme dosť silný na priamy útok." #. [message]: speaker=Aeraeka #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:926 msgid "" "Truly, have you three not seen the might of the armies encircling Weldyn? It " "is as if all of the dead warriors from all ages past have come back to " "attack us. There is no end to the columns of marching skeletons, the wailing " "ghosts, the infernal bats, the necromancers who raised them..." msgstr "" "Naozaj, nevideli ste vy traja silu armád obkľučujúcich Weldyn? Je to, ako " "keby sa všetci mŕtvi bojovníci zo všetkých vekov vrátili, aby na nás " "zaútočili. Kolóny pochodujúcich kostlivcov, nariekajúcich duchov, pekelných " "netopierov, nekromantov, ktorí ich vychovávali, nemajú konca..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:930 msgid "" "I pay no heed to the odds! I say we strike at Mal-Ravanal with all the might " "of Wesnoth. If we assault in force, we can punch through the enemy lines, " "isolate Mal-Ravanal in the chaos of battle, and blast the lich to oblivion!\n" "\n" "I will not let the devastation at the plains be the final legacy of the " "Clans. We must attack and win back our glory!" msgstr "" "Nedbám na šance! Hovorím, že zaútočíme na Mal-Ravanala celou silou Wesnothu. " "Ak zaútočíme silou, môžeme preraziť nepriateľské línie, izolovať Mal-" "Ravanala v chaose bitky a odpáliť kosteja do zabudnutia!\n" "\n" "Nedovolím, aby skaza na pláňach bola posledným dedičstvom klanov. Musíme " "zaútočiť a získať späť našu slávu!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:940 msgid "" "I have a (cough) superior suggestion. Mal-Ravanal’s armies are vast and " "unconquerable. Yet the lich alone is not. As a human, Ravan was " "overconfident to the point of arrogance. I still believe this to be true, if " "not more so after gaining lichdom. (cough)(cough) If I were to challenge Mal-" "Ravanal to a duel, I believe they would choose to face me. That would be our " "opportunity." msgstr "" "Mám (na kašeľ) lepší návrh. Mal-Ravanalove armády sú obrovské a " "neporaziteľné. Kostej sám však nie je. Ako človek bol Ravan príliš " "sebavedomý až arogantný. Stále verím, že je to pravda, ak nie ešte viac po " "získaní tohto položivota. (kašeľ)(kašeľ) Ak by som mal vyzvať Mal-Ravanala " "na súboj, verím, že by sa mi rozhodli čeliť. To by bola naša príležitosť." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:944 msgid "" "You call Mal-Ravanal arrogant, yet you seek to face such an overwhelming " "power in single combat? Even if you could claim victory with that foul " "amulet of yours, we cannot trust that lich to honor the terms of such a " "challenge. You would likely find yourself facing their entire army!" msgstr "" "Nazývate Mal-Ravanala arogantným, no napriek tomu sa snažíš čeliť takej " "ohromujúcej sile v dueli? Aj keby si si mohli nárokovať víťazstvo s tým " "svojim odporným amuletom, nemôžeme veriť tomu kostejovi, že dodrží podmienky " "takejto výzvy. Pravdepodobne by si sa ocitol proti celej ich armáde!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:948 msgid "" "We face their entire army regardless. (cough)(cough) The only difference is " "whether Mal-Ravanal is commanding in the back or gloating in the front." msgstr "" "Čelíme celej ich armáde bez ohľadu na to. (kašeľ)(kašeľ) Jediný rozdiel je v " "tom, či Mal-Ravanal velí vzadu alebo sa chváli vpredu." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:956 msgid "" "Two risky plans. But the armies surrounding Weldyn grow each day, and we are " "hard-pressed for options." msgstr "" "Dva riskantné plány. Ale armády obklopujúce Weldyn každým dňom rastú a my " "sme ťažko skúšaní, pokiaľ ide o možnosti." #. [unit]: id=Halrod, type=General #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrod #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:963 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:113 msgid "Halrod" msgstr "Halrod" #. [unit]: id=Escort, type=Swordsman #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:974 msgid "Escort" msgstr "Eskort" #. [message]: speaker=Halrod #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:990 msgid "" "Sire, we’re under attack! Undead have breached the perimeter earthworks and " "are massing around the outer villages. I think they mean to storm the moat " "at nightfall." msgstr "" "Pane, sme pod útokom! Nemŕtvi porušili obvodové zemné práce a hromadia sa " "okolo vonkajších dedín. Myslím, že chcú zaútočiť na priekopu za súmraku." #. [message]: speaker=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:994 msgid "" "They attack again so soon?! The few men we have left are in no position to " "repel a concentrated assault!" msgstr "" "Tak skoro znova zaútočia?! Tých pár mužov, ktorí nám zostali, nie je v " "pozícii odraziť sústredený útok!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_Return_to_Wesnoth.cfg:999 msgid "" "This is ill news indeed. We will have to cut our council short; Generals, " "Lieutenant, ready your men!" msgstr "" "Toto je naozaj zlá správa. Budeme musieť skrátiť našu radu; Generáli, " "poručík, pripravte svojich mužov!" #. [scenario]: id=16_Eleventh_Hour #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:18 msgid "Eleventh Hour" msgstr "Jedenásta hodina" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Xakralan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:700 msgid "Mal-Xakralan" msgstr "Mal-Xakralan" #. [unit]: type=Death Knight, id=Nalu-alvan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:708 msgid "Nalu-alvan" msgstr "Nalu-alvan" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-Analla, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:740 msgid "Mal-Analla" msgstr "Mal-Analla" #. [unit]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-Saerav #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:848 msgid "Mal-Saerav" msgstr "Mal-Saerav" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:863 msgid "" "Gweddry, do you recognize me? Do you remember in the Estmarks, when you " "mercilessly cut down my defenseless sister? You escaped me once before, but " "now I will have my revenge!" msgstr "" "Gweddry, poznáš ma? Pamätáš si v Estmarks, keď si nemilosrdne podrezal moju " "bezbrannú sestru? Už si mi raz ušiel, ale teraz sa pomstím!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:867 msgid "" "Gweddry, do you recognize me? Do you remember in the Estmarks, when you " "mercilessly cut down my defenseless brother? I will kill you for what you " "have done." msgstr "" "Gweddry, poznáš ma? Pamätáš si v Estmarks, keď si nemilosrdne podrezal môjho " "bezbranného brata? Zabijem ťa za to, čo si urobil." #. [message]: speaker=sibling_corpse #. Mal-Skraat or Mal-Kallat is still alive, this is their dead brother/sister reanimated as a Soulless #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:872 msgid "Rev... enge..." msgstr "Pom... sta..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:957 msgid "Garard’s Hold" msgstr "Garardova dŕžava" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:958 msgid "Merchants’ Guildhall" msgstr "Cech obchodníkov" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:959 msgid "Basilica of Li’sar" msgstr "Li’sarina bazilika" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:960 msgid "Hall of Warriors" msgstr "Sieň bojovníkov" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:983 msgid "Survive the undead assault" msgstr "Preži útok nemŕtvych" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:988 msgid "Protect generals Halrad, Halric, and Halrod" msgstr "Ochráň generálov Halrada, Halrica a Halroda" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:998 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:134 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:618 msgid "Death of Dacyn" msgstr "Zomrie Dacyn" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1002 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:622 msgid "Death of Konrad II" msgstr "Zomrie Konrád II" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1007 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:627 msgid "Konrad II will not leave the center island." msgstr "Konrad II neopustí stredový ostrov." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1010 msgid "" "Generals will reinforce each bridgehead while they/you have defenders there, " "falling back to their castle otherwise." msgstr "" "Generáli posilnia každé predmostie, kým tam budú mať obrancov, inak sa " "stiahnu späť do svojho hradu." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1013 msgid "" "If you decide not to duel Mal-Ravanal, surviving generals will aid you in " "the next scenario." msgstr "" "Ak sa rozhodnete nepristať na súboj s Mal-Ravanalom, v ďalšom scenári ti " "pomôžu preživší generáli." #. [message]: speaker=Halrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1037 msgid "" "Undead approach at the northern crossings. My forces are in position to " "engage the invaders." msgstr "" "Nemŕtvi sa blížia na severných priechodoch. Moje sily sú v pozícii, aby " "zaútočili na útočníkov." #. [message]: speaker=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1042 msgid "The southeastern bridges are secure; hostiles inbound." msgstr "Juhovýchodné mosty sú bezpečné; nepriatelia sa však blížia." #. [message]: speaker=Halrod #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1047 msgid "" "My fortifications are manned and ready. Brace for attack from the southwest." msgstr "" "Moje opevnenia sú obsadené a pripravené. Pripravte sa na útok z juhozápadu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1080 msgid "Night approaches, and with it the undead hordes. I stand ready." msgstr "Blíži sa noc a s ňou hordy nemŕtvych. stojím pripravený." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1084 msgid "Let us show these undead the might of Wesnoth!" msgstr "Ukážme týmto nemŕtvym silu Wesnothu!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1088 msgid "" "And so it comes to this, here at what seems the end of days. Prepare for " "battle!" msgstr "" "A tak to prichádza k tomuto, zdá sa, finálnemu konfliktu. Pripravte sa na " "boj!" #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1134 msgid "" "So it is true, Owaec and Gweddry survived! When your forces had not returned " "to Wesnoth by winter I feared the worst. I am relieved to see you alive and " "well! This is the first good news I’ve heard of the war in quite some time." msgstr "" "Takže je to pravda, Owaec a Gweddry prežili! Keď sa vaše sily do zimy " "nevrátili do Wesnothu, obával som sa najhoršieho. S úľavou ťa vidím živého a " "zdravého! Toto je prvá dobrá správa, ktorú som počul o vojne po dosť dlhom " "čase." #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1138 msgid "" "I’m afraid my Soradoc company was nearly wiped out in the massacre at the " "Plains, but the few of us who remain place ourselves at your service!" msgstr "" "Obávam sa, že moja posádka zo Soradoku bola takmer zničená pri masakre na " "Rovinách, ale tých pár z nás, ktorí zostali, sa dávame do vašich služieb!" #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1242 msgid "" "So this is Weldyn? Didn’t know cities got this big. Never thought I’d end up " "fightin’ here, of all places." msgstr "" "Takže toto je Weldyn? Nevedel som, že mestá môžu byť také veľké. Nikdy som " "si nemyslel, že skončím v boji zo všetkých miest práve tu." #. [message]: speaker=Mel Guthrak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1254 msgid "" "Gaennell, you traitor! I am your master, not some petty king of men. " "Return to me and face your punishment." msgstr "" "Gaennell, ty zradca! Ja som tvoj pán, nie nejaký malicherný kráľ " "ľudí. Vráťte sa ku mne a budeš čeliť svojmu trestu." #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1258 msgid "" "You tried to have me killed over a petty accident! I’m not going to grovel " "at your feet and suffer your abuse any more." msgstr "" "Pokúsil si sa ma nechať zabiť kvôli malej nehode! Už sa nebudem plaziť pri " "tvojich nohách a trpieť tvoje zneužívanie." #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1270 msgid "For my fallen brothers at Soradoc and the Plains!" msgstr "Za mojich padlých bratov v Soradoku a na rovinách!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1292 msgid "" "My legacy will not be one of failure! With all the might of the throne of " "Wesnoth, I will strike you down!" msgstr "" "Moje dedičstvo nebude zlyhaním! So všetkou silou trónu Wesnothu ťa zrazím!" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #. one of the AI generals when the player takes their village #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1319 msgid "" "Sire, you are of course welcome to capture any of my villages if you need " "them, but please know that it will make it more difficult to heal my injured " "soldiers." msgstr "" "Pane, samozrejme, ak potrebujete, môžete obsadiť ktorúkoľvek z mojich dedín, " "ale vedzte, že to sťaží vyliečenie mojich zranených vojakov." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. "light of dawn" is merely because it's that time of day #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1342 msgid "" "Stand strong, men of Wesnoth! Rally under the light of dawn, and drive the " "undead back!" msgstr "" "Stojte pevne, muži z Wesnothu! Zhromaždite sa vo svetle úsvitu a zažeňte " "nemŕtvych späť!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1354 msgid "Oh hello, am I interrupting something?" msgstr "Ahoj, prerušujem niečo?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #. according to the turn counter, it's dawn; Mal-Ravanal is claiming to be able to control that #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1359 msgid "" "It’s been fun watching this little squabble unfold, but it’s time to move " "things along. Night will now fall, and the city with it." msgstr "" "Bolo zábavné sledovať, ako sa táto malá hádka rozvíja, ale je čas pohnúť " "veci ďalej. Noc teraz padne a mesto s ňou." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1365 msgid "Not if I stop you first! I defeated you before, and I will do so again!" msgstr "Nie, ak ťa najprv zastavím! Už som ťa porazil a urobím to znova!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1391 msgid "" "Ah Dacyn, picked up a few tricks, have we? But your understanding is a bit " "shallow. Observe how it is done." msgstr "" "Ach Dacyn, pochytil som pár trikov, však? Ale tvoje chápanie je trochu " "povrchné. Sleduj, ako sa to robí." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1395 msgid "" "Bleed black, the fabric of firmament.\n" "Open wide, the maw of the darkness between worlds.\n" "Swallow the day and swallow the sun,\n" "And leave eternal night to remain." msgstr "" "Krvavo červená, tkanina nebeskej klenby.\n" "Otvorené dokorán, päsť temnoty medzi svetmi.\n" "Prehltni deň a prehltni slnko,\n" "A nechajte večnú noc zostať." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1476 msgid "Dark scary! Not like!" msgstr "Temné strašidelné! Nie páčiť!" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1480 msgid "What manner o’ dark sorcery be this?" msgstr "Čo je toto za temné čarodejníctvo?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. as well as changing the time-of-day schedule, fog of war has just been enabled #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1491 msgid "" "I’m nearly blind in this fog, but I think the undead have been reinforced!" msgstr "" "V tejto hmle som takmer slepý, ale myslím si, že nemŕtvi boli posilnení!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1503 msgid "" "This cursed fog has clouded my sight, but I think I hear the sounds of " "reinforcing undead!" msgstr "" "Táto prekliata hmla mi zatemnila zrak, ale myslím, že počujem zvuky " "posilňujúcich nemŕtvych!" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1510 msgid "Look sharp; they’re reinforcing under the cover of fog." msgstr "Vyzerajte pozorne; posilňujú sa pod rúškom hmly." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1518 msgid "By the light of all that is holy, we must not fail!" msgstr "Vo svetle všetkého, čo je sväté, nesmieme zlyhať!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. speaker is one of the voices from the amulet, speaking to Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1542 msgid "" "You see? Mal-Ravanal has grown too " "powerful. Wesnoth is helpless!" msgstr "" "Vidíte? Mal-Ravanal sa stal príliš " "mocným. Wesnoth je bezmocný!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. speaker is one of the voices from the amulet, speaking to Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1549 msgid "" "Use the Amulet. There is no other " "way! Use us!" msgstr "" "Použite amulet. Niet inej cesty! " "Využite nás!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. after this, Dacyn gets unpoisonable, undrainable, unplagueable and changes to a Fallen Mage #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1554 msgid "" "I must... defeat Ravan! I must be strong enough to stand alone... I alone " "must wield this fullness of power!" msgstr "" "Musím... poraziť Ravana! Musím byť dosť silný, aby som stál sám... Ja sám " "musím ovládať túto veľkú moc!" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1613 msgid "Careful! They’re regrouping for another wave." msgstr "Pozor! Preskupujú sa na ďalšiu vlnu." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1654 msgid "" "The first rays of the blessed dawn pierce through the fog! The lich’s foul " "spell begins to fail!" msgstr "" "Prvé lúče požehnaného úsvitu prenikajú cez hmlu! Kostejovo zlé kúzlo začína " "zlyhávať!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1666 msgid "" "Take heart, for victory is near at hand! The first rays of sunlight have " "pierced through Mal-Ravanal’s night fog." msgstr "" "Majte odvahu, pretože víťazstvo je blízko! Cez nočnú hmlu Mal-Ravanala " "prenikli prvé slnečné lúče." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1678 msgid "" "Look, the first rays of sunlight have pierced through the fog! Mal-Ravanal’s " "spell has begun to fail. I only wish Owaec were here to see it..." msgstr "" "Pozri, prvé slnečné lúče prenikli cez hmlu! Mal-Ravanalovo kúzlo začalo " "zlyhávať. Prial by som si, aby tu bol Owaec, aby to videl..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. Gweddry and Owaec are dead during this scenario, and Terraent isn't here either #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1685 msgid "" "The sun has pierced through the night’s fog; Mal-Ravanal’s spell begins to " "wane. I need neither Gweddry nor Owaec. I will finish this battle on my own." msgstr "" "Slnko preniklo cez nočnú hmlu; Mal-Ravanalovo kúzlo začína slabnúť. " "Nepotrebujem ani Gweddryho, ani Owaeca. Túto bitku dokončím sám." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. any undead unit from side 5 (except the leader) that was within 3 hexes of a living unit has died #. followed immediately after this line by similar for sides 6 and 7. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1723 msgid "" "Mal-Ravanal’s necromancers have overexerted themselves. They are struggling " "to maintain all their minions." msgstr "" "Mal-Ravanalovi nekromanti sa precenili. Snažia sa udržať všetkých svojich " "prisluhovačov." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1764 msgid "The undead are falling back! Thank the Light; it’s finally over." msgstr "Nemŕtvi padajú späť! Ďakujem Svetlu; konečne je koniec." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1776 msgid "Gweddry has not died in vain; the undead resolve is broken!" msgstr "Gweddry nezomrel nadarmo; odhodlanie nemŕtvych je zlomené!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1782 msgid "At last, the undead end their assault." msgstr "Konečne, nemŕtvi prestávajú útočiť." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. the scenario doesn't let the player move Konrad away from his castle #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1818 msgid "I will not abandon my post!" msgstr "Neopustím svoje miesto!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #. plaque on a statue #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1835 msgid "Haldric the First, Dragonslayer, first king of Wesnoth." msgstr "Haldric Prvý, Drakobijec, prvý kráľ Wesnothu." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1840 msgid "" "My father was named after him, and the royal sceptre hails from his line. " "Sadly, the histories say that he became paranoid in his old age." msgstr "" "Môj otec bol pomenovaný po ňom a kráľovské žezlo pochádza z jeho línie. Je " "smutné, že história hovorí, že sa v starobe stal paranoidným." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #. plaque on a statue #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1852 msgid "Delfador the Great, sage of Wesnoth, restorer of the throne." msgstr "Delfador Veľký, mudrc z Wesnothu, obnoviteľ trónu." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1857 msgid "My predecessor, ‘the Great’. I intend to be greater." msgstr "Môj predchodca, „Veľký“. Mám v úmysle byť väčší." #. [message]: speaker=Mel Guthrak #. last breath of Mel Guthrak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1870 msgid "Wha- but how?" msgstr "Čo - ale ako?" #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #. last breath of Mel Guthrak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1875 msgid "Good riddance..." msgstr "Zaplať pánboh..." #. [message]: speaker=Halrod #. [message]: speaker=Halrad #. last breath of Mel Guthrak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1880 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1922 msgid "Impressive tactics! I’ll begin redeploying towards other threats." msgstr "Pôsobivá taktika! Začnem sa presúvať smerom k iným hrozbám." #. [message]: speaker=Nakeg-alvan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1890 msgid "You waste... your effort..." msgstr "Premrháš... svoju námahu..." #. [message]: speaker=Halrod #. [message]: speaker=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1894 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1932 msgid "" "Well done! This will free my soldiers to defend other sectors of the city." msgstr "Výborne! Toto oslobodí mojich vojakov, aby bránili iné časti mesta." #. [message]: speaker=Nalu-alvan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1904 msgid "Your victory... is meaningless..." msgstr "Tvoje víťazstvo nemá zmysel..." #. [message]: speaker=Halrad #. [message]: speaker=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1908 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1946 msgid "Excellent work! I’ll send my soldiers to the other fronts." msgstr "Výborná práca! Pošlem svojich vojakov na iné fronty." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Xakralan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1918 msgid "Mal-Ravanal will make you suffer for this!" msgstr "Mal-Ravanal vás za to donúti trpieť!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Analla #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1942 msgid "No! I was supposed to... become immortal..." msgstr "Nie! Mal som sa stať nesmrteľným..." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1958 msgid "No! Now I will never have my revenge..." msgstr "Nie! Teraz sa mi už nikdy nepomstím..." #. [message]: speaker=unit #. last breath of the reanimated (Soulless) Mal-Skraat or Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:1969 msgid "Gruhhh..." msgstr "Grarrgghh...." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2015 msgid "" "Huzzah! Even Mal-Ravanal’s infernal darkness could not dim the spirits of " "our men! My friends, we have won a great victory today." msgstr "" "Huzzah! Ani Mal-Ravanalova pekelná temnota nedokázala stlmiť duchov našich " "mužov! Priatelia, dnes sme dosiahli veľké víťazstvo." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2019 msgid "" "Now we must press our advantage! Let us strike the undead while they are in " "disarray and banish Mal-Ravanal’s dark soul once and for all!" msgstr "" "Teraz musíme využiť našu výhodu! Zaútočme na nemŕtvych, kým sú v neporiadku, " "a vyžeňme Mal-Ravanalovu temnú dušu raz a navždy!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2023 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2081 msgid "" "I will not put the fate of all Irdya in the hands of a vengeful Clansman and " "Weldyn’s tattered armies. I must face Mal-Ravanal in a duel, and I must be " "the one to strike the infernal lich down! I will trust none other than " "myself with such responsibility." msgstr "" "Nezverím osud celej Irdyi do rúk pomstychtivého klanu a roztrhaných armád " "Weldynu. Musím čeliť Mal-Ravanalovi v súboji a ja musím byť ten, kto zrazí " "toho pekelného kosteja! S takouto zodpovednosťou nebudem dôverovať nikomu " "inému ako sebe." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2027 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2148 msgid "" "Both of you alike speak wisdom. This is a difficult decision, and I have " "little time in which to make it." msgstr "Obaja hovoríte múdro. Je to ťažké rozhodnutie a mám na to málo času." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2031 msgid "" "Lieutenant Gweddry, you are familiar with the situation, and you know both " "Owaec and Dacyn well. Whose plan do you suggest I follow?" msgstr "" "Poručík Gweddry, vy poznáte situáciu a dobre poznáte Owaeca aj Dacyna. Koho " "plán mi navrhuješ nasledovať?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2035 msgid "I think we should..." msgstr "Áno. Myslím, že by sme mali..." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2037 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2091 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2154 msgid "challenge Mal-Ravanal to a duel. (normal)" msgstr "vyzvite Mal-Ravanala na súboj. (normálne)" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2041 msgid "I agree. Dacyn, send the message at once." msgstr "Súhlasím. Dacyn, pošli správu hneď." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2051 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2105 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2168 msgid "defeat Mal-Ravanal in pitched battle. (challenging)" msgstr "poraziť Mal-Ravanala v divokej bitke. (náročné)" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2055 msgid "I agree. Owaec, begin preparing our armies." msgstr "Súhlasím. Owaec, začni pripravovať naše armády." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2073 msgid "" "Huzzah! Even Mal-Ravanal’s infernal darkness could not dim the spirits of " "our men! My friends, we have won a great victory today. Alas, if only " "Gweddry were here..." msgstr "" "Ha! Ani Mal-Ravanalova pekelná temnota nedokázala stlmiť duchov našich " "mužov! Priatelia, dnes sme dosiahli veľké víťazstvo. Keby tu len bol " "Gweddry..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2077 msgid "" "... I am certain he would tell us to muster our resolve and regroup to press " "our advantage! Let us strike the undead while they are in disarray and " "banish Mal-Ravanal’s dark soul once and for all!" msgstr "" "... Som si istý, že by nám povedal, aby sme zhromaždili svoje odhodlanie a " "preskupili sa, aby sme presadili našu výhodu! Zaútočme na nemŕtvych, kým sú " "v neporiadku, a vyžeňme Mal-Ravanalovu temnú dušu raz a navždy!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2085 msgid "" "Both of you alike speak wisdom. This is a difficult decision, and I have " "little time in which to make it. I wish that Gweddry still lived to advise " "me, but it seems I must decide on my own." msgstr "" "Obaja hovoríte múdro. Je to ťažké rozhodnutie a mám na to málo času. Prial " "by som si, aby Gweddry ešte žil, aby mi mohol poradiť, ale zdá sa, že sa " "musím rozhodnúť sám." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2089 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2152 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2206 msgid "By my command, we will..." msgstr "Na môj príkaz budeme..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2095 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2158 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2212 msgid "Excellent, I will send the message at once." msgstr "Super, okamžite pošlem správu." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2109 msgid "Excellent, I will begin preparing our armies!" msgstr "Výborne, začnem pripravovať naše armády!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. although there's a lot of dead troops, this is mainly "to mourn for Owaec" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2136 msgid "" "The city grows still at last. I wish there was time to mourn, but we still " "must decide how to deal with Mal-Ravanal." msgstr "" "Mesto konečne stále rastie. Prial by som si, aby bol čas na smútok, ale " "stále sa musíme rozhodnúť, ako sa vysporiadať s Mal-Ravanalom." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2140 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2194 msgid "" "Owaec had wished for us to strike at the undead and isolate Mal-Ravanal by " "force of arms. With their armies in disarray after the failed attack on " "Weldyn, this may be our best opportunity." msgstr "" "Owaec si želal, aby sme zaútočili na nemŕtvych a izolovali Mal-Ravanala " "silou zbraní. S ich armádami v rozklade po neúspešnom útoku na Weldyn to " "môže byť naša najlepšia príležitosť." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2144 msgid "" "I will not put the fate of all Irdya in the hands of Weldyn’s feeble " "defenders! I must face Mal-Ravanal in a duel, and I must be the one to " "strike the infernal lich down! I will trust none other than myself with such " "responsibility." msgstr "" "Nezverím osud celej Irdyi do rúk slabých obrancov Weldynu! Musím čeliť Mal-" "Ravanala v súboji a ja musím byť ten, kto zrazí toho pekelného kosteja! S " "takouto zodpovednosťou nebudem dôverovať nikomu inému ako sebe." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2172 msgid "I will begin preparing our armies." msgstr "Začnem pripravovať našich vojakov." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2190 msgid "" "The city grows still at last. This battle is won, but with our best " "commanders dead we have little hope of surviving another attack." msgstr "" "Mesto konečne stále rastie. Táto bitka je vyhraná, ale keď sú naši najlepší " "velitelia mŕtvi, máme malú nádej na prežitie ďalšieho útoku." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2198 msgid "" "We cannot put the fate of all Irdya in the hands of Weldyn’s feeble " "defenders! I must face Mal-Ravanal in a duel, and I must be the one to " "strike the infernal lich down! I will trust none other than myself with such " "responsibility." msgstr "" "Nemôžeme vložiť osud celej Irdyi do rúk slabých obrancov Weldanu! Musím " "čeliť Mal-Ravanalovi v súboji a ja musím byť ten, kto zrazí toho pekelného " "kosteja! S takouto zodpovednosťou nebudem dôverovať nikomu inému ako sebe." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2202 msgid "" "This is a difficult decision, and I have little time in which to make it. I " "wish that Gweddry or Owaec still lived to advise me, but it seems I must " "decide on my own." msgstr "" "Je to ťažké rozhodnutie a mám na to málo času. Prial by som si, aby Gweddry " "alebo Owaec ešte žili, aby mi poradili, ale zdá sa, že sa musím rozhodnúť " "sám." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2208 msgid "challenge Mal-Ravanal to a duel. (regular)" msgstr "vyzvite Mal-Ravanala na súboj. (bežné)" #. [option] #. both Gweddry and Owaec are dead, so this goes from "challenging" to "very hard" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2223 msgid "defeat Mal-Ravanal in pitched battle. (very hard)" msgstr "poraziť Mal-Ravanala v divokej bitke. (veľmi ťažké)" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Eleventh_Hour.cfg:2227 msgid "This is an unwise decision, but I will aid our armies as best I can." msgstr "" "Je to nerozumné rozhodnutie, ale pomôžem našim armádam, ako najlepšie viem." #. [scenario]: id=17a_The_Duel #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:4 msgid "The Duel" msgstr "Duel" #. [part] #. a human messenger #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:25 msgid "" "As the messenger passed out of the city gates, silence settled over the " "valley of the Weldyn. Children buried their fathers, mothers entombed their " "sons; soldiers slept where they stood, spears still clutched behind pale " "knuckles. The only sound was the incessant drum-march of skeletal feet, ever-" "growing outside the walls." msgstr "" "Keď posol vyšiel z mestských brán, nad údolím Weldynu zavládlo ticho. Deti " "pochovávali svojich otcov, matky pochovávali svojich synov; vojaci spali " "tam, kde stáli, oštepy stále zvierajúce za bledé kĺby. Jediným zvukom bol " "neprestajný bubnový pochod kostrových nôh, ktoré neustále rástli za múrmi." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:29 msgid "" "Finally, the gates creaked open once again. Eyes looked on, eager, anxious, " "terrified, as the messenger rode toward the castle..." msgstr "" "Nakoniec sa brány opäť so škrípaním otvorili. Oči hľadeli dychtivé, " "znepokojené, vystrašené, keď posol išiel smerom k hradu..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:33 msgid "" "News spread quickly. Mal-Ravanal had accepted the challenge. Dacyn and six " "of Weldyn’s finest were to duel the lich in the abandoned catacombs under " "the city..." msgstr "" "Správy sa šírili rýchlo. Mal-Ravanal výzvu prijal. Dacyn a šiesti najlepší z " "Weldynu mali bojovať s kostejom v opustených katakombách pod mestom..." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:130 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:609 msgid "Defeat Mal-Ravanal" msgstr "poraz Mal-Ravanala" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:169 msgid "Dacyn, I’m surprised you came. I remember you being smarter than that!" msgstr "Dacyn, som prekvapený, že si prišiel. Pamätám si, že si bol múdrejší!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:173 msgid "" "I and I alone will put an end to your foul machinations! You have grown " "strong in the darkness, but I have become stronger (cough)(cough) still!" msgstr "" "Ty si zosilnel v temnote, ale ja som sa stal ešte silnejším (kašeľ) (kašeľ)!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:177 msgid "" "A-ha haha! And how exactly do you plan to do that? Come now, you must know " "that you’re outmatched." msgstr "" "A-ha haha! A ako presne to plánuješ urobiť? Poďte teraz, musíte vedieť, že " "ste prekonaní." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:191 msgid "" "The rules of the duel are these:\n" "You may recruit or recall up to 6 units.\n" "At the end of your first turn, your keep will disappear, and you must battle " "with whatever troops you have at that time." msgstr "" "Pravidlá duelu sú nasledovné:\n" "Môžeš naverbovať alebo privolať až 6 jednotiek.\n" "Na konci tvojho prvého kola pevnosť zmizne a ty musíš bojovať s akýmikoľvek " "jednotkami, ktoré v tom čase máš." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:294 msgid "" "Wait — what just happened? More undead creatures just came out of the " "ground! That’s not allowed!" msgstr "" "Počkaj – čo sa práve stalo? Ďalšie nemŕtve stvorenia práve vyšli zo zeme! To " "nie je dovolené!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:298 msgid "" "The rules say nothing about bringing up warriors who were already here. Feel " "free to reanimate some too, if you can." msgstr "" "Pravidlá nehovoria nič o výchove bojovníkov, ktorí tu už boli. Neváhaj a " "oživ si ich pár aj ty, ak to dokážeš." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:306 msgid "Tsk, tsk, I begin to tire of this." msgstr "Tse, začína ma to unavovať." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:311 msgid "More reinforcements come every time!" msgstr "Zakaždým prídu ďalšie posily!" #. [scenario]: id=17b_All-In #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:11 msgid "All-In" msgstr "Všetko alebo nič" #. [part] #. the river has the same name as the city #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:28 msgid "" "The morning sun shone bright upon the valley of the Weldyn, glinting off " "swords and lances innumerable, arrayed in tight formation inside the city " "walls." msgstr "" "Ranné slnko jasne svietilo na údolie Weldyn a odleskalo nespočetné množstvo " "mečov a kopijí, zoradených v tesnej formácii vo vnútri mestských hradieb." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:32 msgid "" "From the ranks of Wesnoth’s finest arose a cry, soft at first but then " "mounting in volume, a cry of desperate hope, a cry of fiery purpose and icy " "will." msgstr "" "Z radov tých najlepších z Wesnothu sa ozýval výkrik, spočiatku tichý, ale " "potom narastajúci, výkrik zúfalej nádeje, výkrik ohnivého zámeru a ľadovej " "vôle." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:37 msgid "" "The horns sounded, the gates swung open, and from inside the city spilled " "forth Weldyn’s last gasp." msgstr "" "Zazneli klaksóny, brány sa otvorili a zvnútra mesta sa ozval Weldyn posledný " "výdych." #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich2 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich3 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich4 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich5 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich6 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich7 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich8 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:97 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:113 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:132 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:150 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:168 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:188 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:205 msgid "?" msgstr "?" #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Lethin #. in the unlikely event that Mal-Tar survived S03, Lethin gets renamed and has dialogue as Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:301 msgid "Lethin" msgstr "Lethin" #. [unit]: type=Dark Adept, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:321 msgid "Rerivyan" msgstr "Rerivyan" #. [unit]: type=Dark Adept, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:332 msgid "Vowyn" msgstr "Vowyn" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. last breath for Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:361 msgid "Wait, wait, stop, I surrender! I know your leader Gweddry!" msgstr "Počkaj, počkaj, prestaň, vzdávam sa! Poznám tvojho vodcu Gweddryho!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #. last breath for Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:366 msgid "" "He defeated me back in the Estmarks but still let me live! Let me go and I " "promise you’ll never see me again!" msgstr "" "Porazil si ma späť v Estmarks, ale stále si ma nechal žiť! Nechaj ma ísť a " "sľubujem, že ma už nikdy neuvidíš!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:370 msgid "Well, okay I guess..." msgstr "No dobre, asi..." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #. speaking of Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:377 msgid "" "It’s been an entire war, and that guy still hasn’t improved his magic..." msgstr "Bola to celá vojna a ten chlap stále nezlepšil svoju mágiu..." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:598 msgid "Kill $liches_to_kill liches to reveal Mal-Ravanal" msgstr "Zabi $liches_to_kill kostejov, aby si odhalil Mal-Ravanala" #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:705 msgid "150 gold remains in my war-chest. I place it at your service, my Liege." msgstr "" "150 zlatých zostáva v mojej vojnovej truhlici. Dávam to do tvojich služieb, " "môj pane." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:741 msgid "" "My Liege, I’ve managed to conserve 150 gold from the previous battle. I " "place it at your disposal." msgstr "" "Môj pane, podarilo sa mi ušetriť 150 zlatých z predchádzajúcej bitky. Dávam " "vám ho k dispozícii." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:779 msgid "" "For you, my Liege: my men have salvaged 150 gold from the ruins of the city " "outskirts." msgstr "" "Pre teba, môj pane: moji muži zachránili 150 zlatých z ruín na okraji mesta." #. [message]: speaker=Halrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:829 msgid "My forces are in position at the northern wall; awaiting your orders." msgstr "Moje sily sú na pozícii pri severnom múre; čakájú na rozkazy." #. [message]: speaker=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:833 msgid "Eastern flank reclaimed. I stand ready to launch the assault." msgstr "Východné krídlo je znovu naše. Som pripravený spustiť útok." #. [message]: speaker=Halrod #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:837 msgid "The western barricades are manned and ready — it’s payback time." msgstr "Západné barikády sú obsadené a pripravené – je čas na odplatu." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:847 msgid "" "Now is the time to strike! In the name of the Clans, Mal-Ravanal will be " "ended this day!" msgstr "" "Teraz je čas zasiahnuť! V mene klanov bude s Mal-Ravanalom tento deň koniec!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:854 msgid "" "Now is the time to strike! By the might of all Wesnoth, Mal-Ravanal shall be " "ended this day!" msgstr "" "Teraz je čas zasiahnuť! Silou celého Wesnothu bude s Mal-Ravanalom tento deň " "koniec!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:881 msgid "" "These liches are channeling some dark magic to hide themselves. (cough)" "(cough) Even if Mal-Ravanal is here, I will not be able to (cough) reveal " "them until we have killed enough of these liches to break their spell. " "(cough)" msgstr "" "Tieto kosteji usmerňujú nejakú temnú mágiu, aby sa skryli. (kašeľ)(kašeľ) Aj " "keď je tu Mal-Ravanal, nebudem ich môcť (kašeľ) odhaliť, kým nezabijeme dosť " "týchto kostejov, aby sme zlomili ich kúzlo. (kašeľ)" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:892 msgid "" "Then that’s what we’ll have to do. And we will have to do it quickly, before " "Mal-Ravanal’s reinforcing armies overwhelm us." msgstr "" "To je potom to, čo budeme musieť urobiť. A budeme to musieť urobiť rýchlo, " "skôr než nás posily Mal-Ravanala prevalcujú." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:896 msgid "" "Stride fearless upon the plain of battle, for today we reclaim our legacy! " "For Wesnoth!!" msgstr "" "Kráčajte nebojácne po bojovej pláni, pretože dnes získavame späť naše " "dedičstvo! Pre Wesnoth!!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:903 msgid "" "Then kill them we shall. Stride fearless upon the plain of battle, for today " "we reclaim our legacy! For Wesnoth!!" msgstr "" "Potom ich zabijeme. Kráčajte nebojácne po bojovej pláni, pretože dnes " "získavame späť naše dedičstvo! Pre Wesnoth!!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:912 msgid "Mal-Hadanak" msgstr "Mal-Hadanak" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:913 msgid "You dare to attack me?" msgstr "Ty sa ma opovažuješ napadnúť?" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:916 msgid "Mal-Katklagad" msgstr "Mal-Katklagad" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:917 msgid "I will enjoy watching you suffer!" msgstr "Budem sa s radosťou pozerať, ako trpíte!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:920 msgid "Mal-Xaskanat" msgstr "Mal-Xaskanat" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:921 msgid "Death will only be the beginning of your torment!" msgstr "Smrť bude iba začiatok vášho trápenia!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:924 msgid "Mal-Akranbral" msgstr "Mal-Akranbral" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:925 msgid "You will serve me in death!" msgstr "Budete mi slúžiť aj po smrti!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:928 msgid "Mal-Larakan" msgstr "Mal-Larakan" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:929 msgid "Allow me to free you from your wretched existence!" msgstr "Dovoľ mi, aby som ťa oslobodil od tvojej úbohej exstencie!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:932 msgid "Mal-Drakanal" msgstr "Mal-Drakanal" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:933 msgid "I am merely toying with you!" msgstr "Ja sa s tebou len zahrávam!" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:978 msgid "" "The River Weldyn used to be so beautiful, before the undead dammed it and " "flooded the shores..." msgstr "" "Rieka Weldyn bývala taká krásna, kým ju nemŕtvi prehradili a zaplavili " "brehy..." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:1002 msgid "" "My legacy will not be one of failure! With all the might of the throne of " "Wesnoth, I shall strike you down!" msgstr "" "Moje dedičstvo nebude zlyhaním! So všetkou silou trónu Wesnothu ťa zrazím!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. killed a lich #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:1023 msgid "" "That’s one down! The undead must still be in disarray after their failed " "attack during the long night." msgstr "" "Jeden padol! Nemŕtvi musia byť po ich neúspešnom útoku počas dlhej noci " "stále roztrúsení." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #. speaker is a random lich #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:1037 msgid "" "Night falls on Weldyn! Your counterattack may have caught us by surprise, " "but this hour is our domain." msgstr "" "Na Weldyn padá noc! Váš protiútok nás možno zaskočil, no táto hodina je " "našou doménou." #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #. speaker is a random lich, almost certainly a different one than the previous speaker #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:1046 msgid "Now you will pay for your arrogance!" msgstr "Teraz zaplatíte za svoju aroganciu!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. the player is trying to move him away #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:1068 msgid "A king belongs in his capital! I will not abandon my post!" msgstr "Kráľ patrí do jeho hlavného mesta! Svoje stanovisko neopustím!" #. [floating_text] #. the parts to translate here are "gold refunded" and "per side" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:1200 msgid "" "gold refunded\n" " (1/$side_count per side)" msgstr "" "vrátené peniaze v zlate\n" " (1/$side_count na stranu)" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:1229 msgid "" "Fools, you have already lost! For each minion you strike down, another shall " "rise to take its place." msgstr "" "Blázni, už ste prehrali! Za každého prisluhovača, ktorého zrazíte, vstane " "ďalší, aby zaujal jeho miesto." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:1371 msgid "Their spell is broken!" msgstr "Ich kúzlo je zlomené!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_All-In.cfg:1663 msgid "Enough of this farce! I shall end this personally." msgstr "Dosť bolo tejto frašky! Osobne to ukončím." #. [scenario]: id=18_Epilogue #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:4 msgid "Epilogue" msgstr "Epilóg" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:18 msgid "" "When Mal-Ravanal fell, the undead army collapsed like puppets with cut " "strings. The invading necromancers looked on in horror, unable to comprehend " "what had happened." msgstr "" "Keď Mal-Ravanal padol, nemŕtva armáda sa zrútila ako bábky s prestrihnutými " "šnúrkami. Útočiaci nekromanti sa na to s hrôzou pozerali, nedokázali " "pochopiť, čo sa stalo." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:21 msgid "" "Yet even as the lich’s body crumbled, for a moment’s breath, the onlookers " "saw a vast and louring column of shadow arise like smoke from an unclean " "fire. It divided fivefold at its height, reaching for the heavens like a " "clutching hand. Men let weapons fall from nerveless fingers and horses " "reared in terror as that great dark pall obscured the sun..." msgstr "" "No aj keď sa kostejovo telo rozpadalo, diváci na chvíľu videli, ako sa ako " "dym z nečistého ohňa vynoril obrovský a lákavý stĺp tieňa. Vo svojej výške " "sa päťnásobne rozdelila a siahala k nebesiam ako zvierajúca ruka. Muži " "nechali zbrane padať z nervóznych prstov a kone ustúpili v hrôze, keď tá " "veľká tmavá bledosť zakrývala slnko..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:24 msgid "" "... and then it thinned, and paled, and a breeze from the west dissolved it " "in tatters, and the light of day shone once again undiminished on Weldyn." msgstr "" "...ale potom sa zmenšil, vybledol, a vietor zo západu ju roztrhal na kúsky. " "Denné svetlo opäť bez prekážok svietilo na Weldyn." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:113 msgid "Renaerawan" msgstr "Renaerawan" #. [message]: speaker=Renaerawan #. the speaker is a white mage who first appears in this epilogue #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:198 msgid "" "We are gathered here today in remembrance of our dear colleague and friend, " "Dacyn, who fell even as he vanquished the arch-lich Mal-Ravanal." msgstr "" "Dnes sme sa tu zišli pri spomienke na nášho drahého kolegu a priateľa " "Dacyna, ktorý padol, aj keď porazil arci-kosteja Mal-Ravanala." #. [message]: speaker=Renaerawan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:202 msgid "" "I knew Dacyn as a complicated man: ambitious yet loyal, proud yet wise. But " "above all, Dacyn sought to act for the good of Wesnoth, and today we honor " "him for that." msgstr "" "Dacyna som poznal ako komplikovaného muža: ambiciózneho, no zároveň " "lojálneho, hrdého, no zároveň múdreho. Dacyn sa však predovšetkým snažil " "konať pre dobro Wesnothu a dnes ho za to ctíme." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:208 msgid "Today we have won a great victory, yet it comes at great cost." msgstr "Dnes sme dosiahli veľké víťazstvo, no za naozaj vysokú cenu." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:212 msgid "Grug sad! Magic man kind." msgstr "Grug smutný! Magický muž láskavý." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:216 msgid "" "Ay. Too many ha’ died in this war, both my kinsmen at Knalga and yours here." msgstr "" "Áno. V tejto vojne zomrelo príliš veľa mojich príbuzných v Knalge aj vašich " "tu." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:220 msgid "" "So many months of fighting... I feel as though I am awakening from a long " "nightmare." msgstr "" "Toľko mesiacov boja... cítim sa, akoby som sa prebúdzal z dlhej nočnej mory." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. he's alive, this isn't a plaque on a tomb #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:225 msgid "" "My duty is done; the Clans have been avenged. At last, I can rest in peace." msgstr "" "Moja povinnosť je splnená; Klany boli pomstené. Konečne môžem v pokoji " "odpočívať." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:231 msgid "" "Alas, our work is not yet complete. Mal-Ravanal’s host has been broken, but " "in its wake, chaos and disorder prevail throughout the countryside. We will " "be years... decades... recovering from the ill wrought here." msgstr "" "Bohužiaľ, naša práca ešte nie je dokončená. Mal-Ravanalov hostiteľ bol " "zlomený, no v dôsledku toho na vidieku zavládne chaos a neporiadok. Budeme " "roky... desaťročia... zotavovať sa z toho zlého, čo sa tu stalo." #. [message]: speaker=Aeraeka #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:235 msgid "" "Even now we should be sending what’s left of our armies to restore order " "throughout the land." msgstr "" "Aj teraz by sme mali ešte posielať naše oddiely navrátiť zákon v celej zemi." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. TODO for 1.19? Make clear who this is addressing, and make variations depending on whether it's to one person or two. #. To Owaec, Gweddry or both; but I only know that because I can see the condition and the alternative line if they're both dead. #. The "we" could be the royal pronoun (first person singular), but "we" as in "everyone in the Kingdom" fits too. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:249 msgid "" "It shall be so. But first, know that you have served Us, and Our Kingdom, " "full well. We are minded to reward you." msgstr "" "Tak sa aj stane. No treba pamätať aj na to, že ste vzorne slúžili Nám a " "Nášmu Kráľovstvu. Máme v úmysle vás odmeniť." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. All three heroes are dead. #. The "we" could be the royal pronoun (first person singular), but "we" as in "everyone in the Kingdom" fits too. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:259 msgid "" "I had a mind to share this victory with those who made it possible, yet so " "many of them now lie dead. Lieutenant Gweddry, Lord Owaec, Advisor Dacyn, we " "thank you for your sacrifice." msgstr "" "Mal som v úmysle podeliť sa o toto víťazstvo s tými, ktorí to umožnili, no " "mnohí z nich teraz ležia mŕtvi. Poručík Gweddry, lord Owaec, poradca Dacyn, " "ďakujeme vám za vašu obeť." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. the player chose to give Grug the plague staff #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:284 msgid "" "Grug, a necromancer ogre is something wholly new to Us, but know that " "Wesnoth will never tolerate your kind. You shall surrender that accursed " "stave to be destroyed, you shall foreswear the practice of all magic on " "penalty of death, and are hereby exiled from Wesnoth. Be grateful for Our " "mercy." msgstr "" "Grug, zlobr nekromant, je pre nás niečo úplne nové, ale vedzte, že Wesnoth " "nikdy nebude tolerovať váš druh. Odovzdáte tú prekliatu palicu, aby bola " "zničená, zaprisaháte praktizovanie všetkej mágie pod trestom smrti a budete " "týmto vyhnaní z Wesnothu. Buďte vďační za naše milosrdenstvo." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:288 msgid "Guh... Grug say no magic yes ok." msgstr "Guh... Grug povedz nie kúzlo, áno, dobre." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:297 msgid "" "Grug, Gweddry has told me of the help you and your tribe provided his men. " "We wish to offer you a new home in the Estmark Hills along with Our thanks." msgstr "" "Grug, Gweddry mi povedal o pomoci, ktorú ste ty a tvoj kmeň poskytli jeho " "mužom. Radi by sme vám ponúkli nový domov v kopcoch Estmarku spolu s našou " "vďakou." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:301 msgid "(bowing clumsily) Grug say new home will make thanks with." msgstr "Grug hovoriť nový domov je dobrá vďaka." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. the player chose to give Dolburras the plague staff #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:325 msgid "" "Dwarf, necromancer, know that Wesnoth will never tolerate your kind. " "You shall surrender that accursed stave to be destroyed, you shall foreswear " "the practice of all magic on penalty of death, and you are hereby exiled " "from Wesnoth. Be grateful for Our mercy." msgstr "" "Trpaslík, nekromant, vedz, že Wesnoth nikdy nebude tolerovať tvoj " "druh. Odovzdáte tú prekliatu palicu, aby bola zničená, zaprisaháte " "praktizovanie všetkej mágie pod trestom smrti a týmto ste vyhnaní z " "Wesnothu. Buďte vďační za naše milosrdenstvo." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "Yeah, fair enough. I don't think my kinsmen will look kindly upon necromancies either." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:330 msgid "" "Aye, fair enough. I dinnae think my kinsmen will look kindly upon " "necromancies either." msgstr "" "Áno, spravodlivé. Nemyslím si, že aj moji príbuzní budú milo hľadieť na " "umenie nekromancie." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:339 msgid "" "Dolburras, Owaec has told me of the help you provided his men; both your " "skill at arms and your tenacious spirit. We wish to offer you this finely " "crafted shield — an heirloom of my line — and an honor guard as you return " "to Knalga." msgstr "" "Dolburras, Owaec mi povedal o pomoci, ktorú si poskytol jeho mužom; ako vaša " "zručnosť v zbrani, tak aj váš húževnatý duch. Chceme vám ponúknuť tento " "jemne vytvorený štít – dedičstvo mojej línie – a čestnú stráž, keď sa " "vrátite do Knalgy." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. "Aye, I am honored. You have my sincerest thanks, your Majesty." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:350 msgid "Aye, I be honored. Ye have my sincerest thanks, yer Majesty." msgstr "Áno, je mi cťou. Máte moje úprimné poďakovanie, veličenstvo." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. Owaec's dead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:358 msgid "Aye, I be honored. I only wish he were here to see the Clans avenged." msgstr "" "Áno, je mi cťou. Prial by som si, aby tu bol, aby videl, ako sa klany " "pomstia." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. the player chose to give Addogin the plague staff #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:387 msgid "" "Mercenary, necromancer, know that Wesnoth will never tolerate your " "kind. You shall surrender that accursed stave to be destroyed, you shall " "foreswear the practice of all magic on penalty of death, and you are hereby " "exiled from Wesnoth. Be grateful for Our mercy." msgstr "" "Žoldnier, nekromant, vedzte, že Wesnoth nikdy nebude tolerovať váš " "druh. Odovzdáte tú prekliatu palicu, aby bola zničená, zaprisaháte " "praktizovanie všetkej mágie pod trestom smrti a týmto ste vyhnaní z " "Wesnothu. Buďte vďační za naše milosrdenstvo." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:391 msgid "" "Yeah, figures. How did I let myself get caught up in all this anyways? " "Suppose I can always head north to those farmlands we passed by..." msgstr "" "Áno, to si uvedomujem. Ako som sa vôbec mohol do toho všetkého vtiahnuť? " "Predpokladajme, že sa vždy môžem vydať na sever k tým farmám, okolo ktorých " "sme prechádzali..." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:400 msgid "" "Addogin, mercenary captain from the Estmarks. I have heard the story of how " "you entered Gweddry’s service against your will, but I have also heard that " "you honored your word to see this invasion through to its end. The palace " "could use a warrior of such caliber. We would offer you a position in the " "Royal Guard." msgstr "" "Addogin, kapitán žoldnierov z Estmarks. Počul som príbeh o tom, ako ste " "proti svojej vôli vstúpili do Gweddryho služieb, ale tiež som počul, že ste " "ctili svoje slovo a dotiahli túto inváziu až do konca. Palác by mohol použiť " "bojovníka takéhoto kalibru. Ponúkli by sme vám miesto v kráľovskej garde." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:404 msgid "" "Sir, uh, milord, uh, King sir, I’m honored, really am, but I just wanna go " "home. If it’s alright with you, this old geezer will be haulin’ himself back " "east, to an overdue retirement." msgstr "" "Pane, uh, milord, uh, kráľ pane, som poctený, naozaj som, ale chcem ísť " "domov. Ak je to s tebou v poriadku, tento starý chlapík sa odvezie späť na " "východ, do predčasného dôchodku." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:409 msgid "" "As you wish. Then take this chest of silver, that you may never again need " "raise sword for coin." msgstr "" "Ako si praješ. Potom si vezmi túto striebornú truhlicu, aby si už nikdy " "nemusel zdvihnúť meč za mincu." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. the player chose to give Hahid the plague staff #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:433 msgid "" "Southerner, necromancer, know that Wesnoth will never tolerate your " "kind. You shall surrender that accursed stave to be destroyed, you shall " "foreswear the practice of all magic on penalty of death, and you are hereby " "exiled back to the desert wastes. Be grateful for Our mercy." msgstr "" "Južan, nekromant, vedzte, že Wesnoth nikdy nebude tolerovať váš druh. " "Odovzdáte tú prekliatu palicu, aby bola zničená, zaprisaháte praktizovanie " "všetkej mágie pod trestom smrti a týmto ste vyhnaní späť do púštnych " "pustatín. Buďte vďační za naše milosrdenstvo." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:437 msgid "" "Bah, I save you barbarians from an invasion, and this is the thanks I get! " "What happened to being paid thrice what I’m owed? So much for northerner " "generosity!" msgstr "" "Bah, zachraňujem vás barbarov pred inváziou a toto je vďaka, ktoré dostávam! " "Čo sa stalo s trojnásobným zaplatením toho, čo som dlžný? Toľko k severskej " "štedrosti!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:446 msgid "" "Hahid al-Ali, We know of your far-off people, but great distance has caused " "little contact between us. May it be thus no longer. If you accept, We would " "appoint you as ambassador between our two realms." msgstr "" "Hahid al-Ali, poznáme vašich vzdialených ľudí, ale veľká vzdialenosť medzi " "nami spôsobila malý kontakt. Nech to tak už nie je. Ak prijmete, vymenovali " "by sme vás za veľvyslanca medzi našimi dvoma ríšami." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:450 msgid "" "Me, ambassador to the barbarian kingdoms, what a thought! I am honored, and " "would be even more honored to learn that the job comes with... excellent pay " "I hope?" msgstr "" "Ja, veľvyslanec v barbarských kráľovstvách, aký nápad! Som poctený a bol by " "som ešte viac poctený, keby som sa dozvedel, že táto práca prichádza s... " "dúfam, že výborný plat?" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:470 msgid "" "Sir Terraent, your service to the Crown and your unfailing optimism has been " "a beacon of light in these dark times. If you accept, we would appoint you " "to command the River Guard in Estmark." msgstr "" "Sir Terraent, vaša služba korune a váš neutíchajúci optimizmus boli v týchto " "temných časoch majákom svetla. Ak prijmete, vymenovali by sme vás za " "veliteľa riečnej stráže v Estmarku." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:474 msgid "" "It has been an honor to spread the holy Light in this kingdom, and I humbly " "accept your commission. May the Light shine ever-bright upon the pious." msgstr "" "Bolo mi cťou šíriť sväté Svetlo v tomto kráľovstve a pokorne prijímam vaše " "poverenie. Nech Svetlo vždy jasne svieti na zbožných." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. Gaennell’s previous crimes are held against her, regardless of whether or not she has the plague staff now. #. Terraent is alive, "speaks well of you" meaning he's asked the King to pardon Gaennell. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:509 msgid "" "As for you, necromancer. We are not as like as Terraent to show mercy " "unto evil, but he speaks well of you, and so mercy shall be shown. Go from " "here a free woman, but know that you are hereby forbidden to practice magic " "in any form, at penalty of death." msgstr "" "Čo sa týka teba, nekromant. Nie sme takí podobní ako Terraent, aby " "sme preukazovali milosrdenstvo zlu, ale on o tebe hovorí dobre, a tak bude " "milosrdenstvo preukázané. Choď odtiaľto slobodná žena, ale vedz, že týmto " "máš zakázané praktizovať mágiu v akejkoľvek forme, a to pod trestom smrti." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. Gaennell’s previous crimes are held against her, regardless of whether or not she has the plague staff now. #. Terraent is dead. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:519 msgid "" "As for you, necromancer. We are not as like as Terraent to show mercy " "unto evil, but in honor of his sacrifice We will show it now. Go from here a " "free woman, but know that you are hereby forbidden to practice magic in any " "form, at penalty of death." msgstr "" "Čo sa týka teba, nekromant. Nie sme takí podobní ako Terraent, aby " "sme preukazovali milosrdenstvo zlu, ale na počesť jeho obete to teraz " "ukážeme. Choď odtiaľto ako slobodná žena, ale vedz, že týmto máš zakázané " "praktizovať mágiu v akejkoľvek forme, a to pod trestom smrti." #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:525 msgid "Forbidden to-" msgstr "Zakázané pre--" #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:529 msgid "" "... as an adept I’d dreamt of one day standing in this palace, though " "under... different circumstances. Well, better that I get to keep my head, I " "guess. I am grateful for Your leniency." msgstr "" "... ako adeptka som snívala o tom, že raz budem stáť v tomto paláci, hoci " "za... iných okolností. No, myslím, že bude lepšie, keď si budem držať hlavu. " "Som vďačná za Vašu zhovievavosť." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. a unit has the plague staff, but they're not one of the loyals. This version of the line is used if Gaennell is here. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:554 msgid "" "And the same goes for you, wielder of that accursed stave. You shall " "surrender it to be destroyed, and leave here forbidden to practice magic. Be " "grateful for Our mercy." msgstr "" "A to isté platí pre teba, držiteľ tej prekliatej palice. Odovzdaj ju, aby ju " "zničili. Buď vďačná za Naše milosrdenstvo." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. a unit has the plague staff, but they're not one of the loyals, and the player doesn't have Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:563 msgid "" "As for you, necromancer. You shall surrender that accursed stave to " "be destroyed, and are hereby forbidden to practice magic in any form, at " "penalty of death. Be grateful for Our mercy." msgstr "" "Čo sa týka teba, nekromantka. Odovzdáš tú prekliatu palicu, aby bola " "zničená, a týmto sa zakazuje praktizovať mágiu v akejkoľvek forme pod " "trestom smrti. Buď vďačná za naše milosrdenstvo." #. [message]: speaker=$plague_staff_wielder_id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:569 msgid "As you command, your Majesty." msgstr "Ako prikazujete, Vaše Veličenstvo." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:590 msgid "" "Owaec, last Prince of the Plains. You and your people have suffered much." msgstr "Owaec, posledný princ z Roviny. Ty a tvoji ľudia ste veľa trpeli." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:594 msgid "" "My Lord, the Clansmen gladly gave their lives for Wesnoth, and know that I " "would do the same without hesitation." msgstr "" "Môj pane, členovia klanu s radosťou položili svoje životy za Wesnoth a vedz, " "že by som bez váhania urobil to isté." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:599 msgid "" "The true test is not to die for one’s King, but to live for Him... Kneel, " "Owaec." msgstr "" "Skutočnou skúškou nie je zomrieť pre svojho Kráľa, ale žiť pre Neho... " "Pokľakni, Owaec." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:604 msgid "" "And arise, Sir Owaec, High Lord of the Horse Clans! Your people have been " "shattered, but We trust none more than you to make them whole again. Ride " "from here, and recover in peace." msgstr "" "A vstaň, Sir Owaec, Najvyšší pán klanov koní! Tvoj ľud bol rozdrvený, ale " "neveríme nikomu viac ako tebe, že ho opäť spravíš. Odvezte sa odtiaľto a " "zotavte sa v pokoji." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #. Owaec is dead too #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:613 msgid "" "But alas, what of the Clansmen? Their horses have been scattered, their " "Lords were broken, and now the last prince has fallen defending the walls of " "Weldyn. I fear that the Horse Clans will never again return to their former " "glory." msgstr "" "Ale žiaľ, čo členovia klanu? Ich kone boli rozptýlené, ich lordi boli " "zlomení a teraz padol posledný princ, ktorý bránil hradby Weldyn. Obávam sa, " "že klany koní sa už nikdy nevrátia k svojej bývalej sláve." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:631 msgid "" "And now what of the humble Gweddry; still but a lieutenant. It seems you are " "long-overdue for a promotion." msgstr "" "A čo teraz ten pokorný Gweddry; stále ale poručík. Zdá sa, že si už dlho " "čakal na povýšenie." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:635 msgid "Sire, I but did my duty." msgstr "Pane, plnil som len svoju povinnosť." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:640 msgid "" "Quite. Now do not interrupt while I am doing mine... Kneel, Gweddry, " "lieutenant." msgstr "" "Celkom. Teraz neprerušujte, kým robím svoje... Kľaknite si, Gweddry, poručík." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:645 msgid "" "And arise, Gweddry, Earl of Estmark! The land for which you shed your blood " "shall be put under your hand to be made green again. May you ever prosper." msgstr "" "A vstaň, Gweddry, gróf východnej marky. Krajina, za ktorú si prelieval krv, " "ti bude daná do rúk, aby si do nej opäť vrátil zeleň. Nech prosperuje." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:653 msgid "" "And what of Gweddry... He had survived long, sacrificed much, only to meet " "his end here at the last. I wish he could have lived to see the peace he has " "wrought." msgstr "" "A čo Gweddry... Dlho prežil, veľa obetoval, len aby napokon skončil tu. " "Prial by som si, aby sa dožil mieru, ktorý vytvoril." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:665 msgid "" "Wesnoth is bowed, but thanks to the efforts of many heroes we stand yet " "unbroken. And now, at long last, the time has come to rebuild." msgstr "" "Wesnoth je uklonený, ale vďaka úsiliu mnohých hrdinov stojíme stále " "nezlomení. A teraz, konečne, nastal čas na prestavbu." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:670 msgid "" "To each of you, take as Our first command to you your own wish! Go from " "here; secure our borders. Show all that the might of Wesnoth will endure!" msgstr "" "Každý z Vás si prevezmite ako prvý príkaz vaše vlastné želanie! Choďte " "odtiaľto; zabezpečte naše hranice. Ukážte všetko, čo sila Wesnothu vydrží!" #. [scenario]: id=99_Empire #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:4 msgid "Empire" msgstr "Ríša" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:18 msgid "" "Congratulations! By sparing Dra-Nak in S11, ‘Captured’, sparing Mortic in " "S12 ‘Evacuation’, and completing the difficult S17b ‘All-In’, you’ve " "unlocked this bonus scenario!" msgstr "" "Gratulujem! Ušetrením Dra-Naka v S11, \"Captured\", ušetrením Mortica v S12 " "\"Evakuácia\" a dokončením náročného S17b \"All-In\" si odomkol tento " "bonusový scenár!" #. [side]: type=Drake Arbiter, id=Goag #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:103 msgid "Goag" msgstr "Goag" #. [side]: type=Drake Warrior, id=Gra'ritos #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:130 msgid "Gra’ritos" msgstr "Gra’ritos" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:190 msgid "Survivors" msgstr "Preživší" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:224 msgid "Tribute" msgstr "Tribút" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:232 msgid "Prison Guards" msgstr "Bachari" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:234 msgid "Tobo" msgstr "Tobo" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:235 msgid "Unik" msgstr "Unik" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:236 msgid "Shubru" msgstr "Shubru" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:237 msgid "Grugnuk" msgstr "Grug" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:539 msgid "Filthy..." msgstr "Špinavý..." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:544 msgid "Stinking..." msgstr "Smradľavý..." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:549 msgid "TRAITORS!!!" msgstr "ZRADCOVIA!!!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:554 msgid "" "Drakes, human, dwarves... vermin, all of them! I offered them a chance at " "peace, at purpose! A chance to be part of something greater than themselves " "— my great golden Empire!!! And this is the thanks I get?" msgstr "" "Draky, ľudia, trpaslíci... háveď, všetci! Úmyselne som im ponúkol šancu na " "mier! Šanca byť súčasťou niečoho väčšieho, ako sú oni sami – mojej veľkej " "zlatej ríše!!! A toto je poďakovanie, ktoré dostávam?" #. [message]: type=Orcish Slayer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:560 msgid "" "Chief, more wyrms are attacking the east tunnels! There’s too many of them! " "What do we do?" msgstr "" "Šéf, ďalšie úbohé červy útočia na východné tunely! Je ich príliš veľa! Čo " "urobíme?" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:564 msgid "" "I’m not going to let everything I’ve worked for fall apart so easily! These " "vermin are WEAK! We are STRONG!" msgstr "" "Nedovolím, aby sa všetko, na čom som pracoval, tak ľahko rozpadlo! Táto " "háveď je SLABÁ! Sme SILNÍ!" #. [message]: type=Orcish Slayer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:568 msgid "Okay, but that’s not really a battle pla-" msgstr "Dobre, ale v skutočnosti to nie je bojová hra-" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:572 msgid "" "Capture their warriors and sell them for gold. Break their leaders and bend " "their followers to my will. I’ll slay anyone who resists and build a new " "empire on top of their steaming corpses!" msgstr "" "Zachyťte ich bojovníkov a predajte ich za zlato. Zlom ich vodcov a podriaď " "ich stúpencom mojej vôli. Zabijem každého, kto sa postaví na odpor, a na ich " "horiacich mŕtvolách vybudujem nové impérium!" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:578 msgid "Defeat all drake leaders" msgstr "Porazte všetkých vodcov jašterov" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:582 msgid "Death of Chief Dra-Nak" msgstr "Zomrie vojvodca Dra-Nak" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:586 msgid "You are fighting in your home and therefore pay no upkeep." msgstr "Bojujete vo svojom dome, a preto neplatíte žiadnu údržbu." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:589 msgid "" "Reduce enemies to 0 hp to capture them and gain gold. The prisons have " "limited space." msgstr "" "Znížte nepriateľov na 0 života, aby ste ich zajali a získali zlato. Väznice " "majú obmedzený priestor." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:592 msgid "Surviving enemies will (mostly) join you when you defeat their leader." msgstr "" "Preživší nepriatelia sa k vám (väčšinou) pridajú, keď porazíte ich vodcu." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:621 msgid "" "I’ve emptied the last of our treasury! Only 31 pieces, but better than " "nothing." msgstr "" "Vyprázdnil som poslednú časť našej pokladnice! Len 31 zlatiek, ale lepšie " "ako nič." #. [then] #. said by Dra-Nak as an insult to Mortic in the latter's last-breath event #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:636 msgid "Some ‘leader’." msgstr "Nejaký \"líder\"" #. [then] #. said by Dra-Nak as an insult to Goag in the latter's last-breath event #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:643 msgid "That’ll teach him. Where was that loyalty when he used to obey me?" msgstr "To ho naučí. Kde bola tá lojalita, keď ma poslúchal?" #. [then] #. said by Dra-Nak as an insult to Gra’ritos in the latter's last-breath event #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:650 msgid "What happened to dying slow? So much for him." msgstr "Čo sa stalo s pomalým umieraním? Toľko k nemu." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:656 msgid "They really thought they could get away? Haw..." msgstr "Naozaj si mysleli, že môžu utiecť? Haw..." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:680 msgid "" "He called himself your leader, but now you see him for the weakling he " "really was. You can either join him or fight alongside me and pray I show " "you mercy." msgstr "" "Nazval sa vaším vodcom, ale teraz ho vidíte ako slabocha, akým skutočne bol. " "Môžete sa k nemu pripojiť alebo bojovať po mojom boku a modliť sa, aby som " "vám preukázal milosrdenstvo." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:686 msgid "" "As for the rest of you — pledge yourselves to me, or die a slow painful " "death!" msgstr "" "Čo sa týka vás ostatných – zaviažte sa mi, alebo zomriete pomalou bolestivou " "smrťou!" #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:692 msgid "You might as well give it up! Resistance is pointless." msgstr "Môžete to tiež vzdať! Odpor je zbytočný." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:698 msgid "" "Nobody escapes me. Join me and I’ll treat you fairly, resist me and you’ll " "die painfully." msgstr "" "Nikto mi neutečie. Pridaj sa ku mne a ja sa k tebe budem správať slušne, " "vzopri sa mi a ty bolestivo zomrieš." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:709 msgid "" "Mortic was strong.\n" "Alone I am weak.\n" "I will serve you." msgstr "" "Mortic bol silný.\n" "Sám som slabý.\n" "poslúžim ti." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:717 msgid "" "I crave not death.\n" "I will myself to you." msgstr "" "Netúžim po smrti.\n" "priznám sa ti." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:724 msgid "" "These orcs enrage me,\n" "But I possess no strength to resist.\n" "I will serve you." msgstr "" "Títo orkovia ma rozzúrili,\n" "Ale nemám silu vzdorovať.\n" "poslúžim ti." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:732 msgid "Yes, yes, just please don’t hurt me!" msgstr "Áno, áno, len mi prosím neubližuj!" #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:772 msgid "" "I shall never again obey orc.\n" "Mortic fought and died.\n" "I shall fight as well." msgstr "" "Už nikdy nebudem poslúchať orka.\n" "Mortic bojoval a zomrel.\n" "Aj ja budem bojovať." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:780 msgid "" "I am always loyal,\n" "but never to prey.\n" "I fight until death." msgstr "" "Vždy som lojálny,\n" "ale nikdy na korisť.\n" "Bojujem až do smrti." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:788 msgid "" "I grieve.\n" "May the end come swiftly." msgstr "" "smútim.\n" "Nech ten koniec príde rýchlo." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:795 msgid "You traitors, how could you! I’ll never betray Wesnoth!" msgstr "Vy zradcovia, ako ste mohli! Nikdy nezradím Wesnoth!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:823 msgid "Surrender or die, your choice!" msgstr "Vzdaj sa alebo zomri, tvoja voľba!" #. [message]: speaker=Mortic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:827 msgid "" "Surrender brings certain death.\n" "Battle may yet bring victory.\n" "There is no choice." msgstr "" "Vzdanie sa prináša istú smrť.\n" "Bitka môže ešte priniesť víťazstvo.\n" "Nie je na výber." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:833 msgid "Die it is then!" msgstr "Potom zomrieš!" #. [message]: speaker=Mortic #. Mortic's last breath #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:850 msgid "" "Surrender brings death.\n" "Battle brings death.\n" "All is death..." msgstr "" "Vzdanie sa prináša smrť.\n" "Bitka prináša smrť.\n" "Všetko je smrť..." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:873 msgid "" "The reaper’s knocking at your door, wyrm! Give up now and maybe I’ll kill " "you quickly." msgstr "" "Žací stroj klope na tvoje dvere, wyrm! Vzdaj sa a možno ťa rýchlo zabijem." #. [message]: speaker=Goag #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:877 msgid "" "Mortic commanded me to fight.\n" "So the Aspirant ordered, so I will fight,\n" "Until the end." msgstr "" "Mortic mi prikázal bojovať.\n" "Takže Ašpirant nariadil, tak budem bojovať,\n" "Do konca." #. [message]: speaker=Gra'ritos #. to Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:913 msgid "" "You are Prey.\n" "I am Hunter.\n" "I will not fall easily." msgstr "" "Si Prey.\n" "Ja som Hunter.\n" "Nepadnem ľahko." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:919 msgid "Good, I’ll enjoy making it slow." msgstr "Dobre, rád to spomalím." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. as the west bridge is broken, the Wesnothians who were left behind are trying to get though the orc's caves and out the east side #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:953 msgid "" "Haw, back so soon? Too bad your ‘friends’ abandoned you on MY side of the " "river. But it’s your lucky day, I’m a fair orc. Surrender now and I might be " "merciful." msgstr "" "Haw, späť tak skoro? Škoda, že ťa tvoji „priatelia“ opustili na MOJEJ strane " "rieky. Ale je to tvoj šťastný deň, som spravodlivý ork. Teraz sa vzdaj a " "možno budem milosrdný." #. [message]: role=leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:957 msgid "We’ll never give in to you! For Wesnoth!!" msgstr "Nikdy sa ti nevzdáme! Pre Wesnoth!!" #. [message]: role=leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:969 msgid "This foolish plan was my idea... I’m so, so sorry everyone..." msgstr "Tento hlúpy plán bol môj nápad... Je mi to veľmi ľúto..." #. [message]: role=leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:985 msgid "Keep pushing forward! Stick to the south tunnels! We can do this!" msgstr "Pokračuj vpred! Držte sa južných tunelov! Dokážeme to!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. the necromancers are apparently paying gold immediately when each prisoner is captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1010 msgid "" "That’s right, bleed them down and lock them up! I need gold to win this " "fight!" msgstr "" "Správne, odvzdušnite ich a zamknite ich! Potrebujem zlato, aby som vyhral " "tento boj!" #. [message]: speaker=Unik #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1020 msgid "" "Chief, I only have space for so many prisoners. As cells get crowded, " "prisoners will start to get sick and we won’t get paid as much." msgstr "" "Šéf, mám priestor len pre toľko väzňov. Keď budú cely preplnené, väzni začnú " "ochorievať a my nedostaneme toľko peňazí." #. [message]: speaker=Unik #. the hole where the escape in S11 started #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1028 msgid "" "Things are starting to get really crowded over here Chief. Shame the fourth " "cell has a hole in the back..." msgstr "" "Veci tu začínajú byť naozaj preplnené, šéfe. Škoda, že štvrtá cela má vzadu " "dieru..." #. [message]: speaker=Unik #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1035 msgid "" "That’s it boss, the prisoners are packed as tight as they’ll go! Hope you " "got enough gold to finish off the drakes." msgstr "" "To je všetko, šéfe, väzni sú zbalení, ako sa len dá! Dúfam, že máš dosť " "zlata na dokončenie drakov." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1205 msgid "Get away from my jail cells! Filthy traitors, there goes my income..." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1209 msgid "" "Fine then, I’m done taking prisoners. From here on out, you either submit or " "die!" msgstr "" #. [message]: role=leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1336 msgid "" "Come on, don’t give up! Owaec’s destroyed the bridge so we’ll have to fight " "our way back through the orcish tunnels." msgstr "" "Poď, nevzdávaj sa! Owaec zničil most, takže sa budeme musieť prebojovať späť " "cez orkské tunely." #. [message]: role=leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1352 msgid "" "I know this looks grim, but we have to try. It’s our only chance. If we can " "just get through to the eastern exit, we might be able to escape!" msgstr "" "Viem, že to vyzerá pochmúrne, ale musíme to skúsiť. Je to naša jediná šanca. " "Ak sa len dostaneme k východnému východu, možno sa nám podarí utiecť!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1414 msgid "Thank the Light, I’ve made it! Please please please don’t chase me..." msgstr "Ďakujem Svetlu, dokázal som to! Prosím, prosím, nenaháňajte ma..." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1417 msgid "Yes, YES! Get me out of here." msgstr "Áno, áno. Dostaň ma odtiaľto." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1420 msgid "Ha ha, you’ll never catch me now!" msgstr "Ha ha, teraz ma už nikdy nechytíš!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1423 msgid "Whew, that was a close one!" msgstr "Fíha, to bolo tesné!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1427 msgid "I’ve escaped!" msgstr "Utiekol som!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1483 msgid "" "Well done, grunts. No more revolts, no more rebellion, and lots of " "prisoners..." msgstr "Výborne, chrochtá. Už žiadne vzbury, žiadna rebélia a veľa väzňov..." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. all the prisoners #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1488 msgid "Now kill them all." msgstr "Teraz ich všetkých zabite." #. [message]: speaker=Unik #. already paid them for the prisoners #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1604 msgid "But Chief, the necromancers already paid us! We can’t just-" msgstr "Ale šéf, nekromanti nám už zaplatili! Nemôžeme len-" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. all the necromancers #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1609 msgid "Then I’ll kill them all too! I’m done working with others!" msgstr "Potom ich všetkých zabijem! Už nechcem pracovať s ostatnými!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1625 msgid "" "I tried being merciful. I tried working toward peace. I tried building an " "empire where all races could be a part of something great, and all I asked " "in return was simple tribute." msgstr "" "Snažil som sa byť milosrdný. Snažil som sa pracovať na mieri. Skúsil som " "vybudovať impérium, kde by všetky rasy mohli byť súčasťou niečoho veľkého, a " "jediné, čo som na oplátku žiadal, bol jednoduchý tribút." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1629 msgid "" "Mercy no more. I’ll build a new empire on the smoking rubble of the old, an " "empire for orcs and orcs alone, an empire to unite all the scattered tribes " "under one banner!" msgstr "" "Už žiadne milosrdenstvo. Postavím nové impérium na dymiacich troskách " "starého, impérium pre orkov a samotných orkov. Impérium, ktoré zjednotí " "všetky rozptýlené kmene pod jednu zástavu!" #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1633 msgid "And when I’m ready, we will march across the world and make it ours." msgstr "" "A keď budem pripravený, budeme pochodovať po celom svete a spravíme ho naším." #. [message]: speaker=Chief Dra-Nak #. the chief's last breath #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/99_Empire.cfg:1649 msgid "FILTHY... Rotten... ...traitors... ..." msgstr "ŠPINAVÍ... Prehnití... ...zradcovia... ..." #. [terrain_type]: id=urbanjungle{ID} #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/terrain.cfg:15 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/terrain.cfg:16 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/terrain.cfg:17 msgid "Urban" msgstr "Urban" #. [terrain_type]: id=urbanjungle{ID} #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/terrain.cfg:18 msgid "" "Densely packed structures are less suitable for garrison than traditional " "villages, providing no income or healing. They are difficult to navigate " "quickly, but offer significant protection." msgstr "" "Husto nabité stavby sú menej vhodné pre posádku ako tradičné dediny a " "neposkytujú žiadny príjem ani liečenie. Je ťažké sa v nich rýchlo " "orientovať, ale ponúkajú významnú ochranu." #. [unit_type]: id=Ant Queen, race=monster #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Ant_Queen.cfg:4 msgid "Ant Queen" msgstr "Mravčia kráľovná" #. [unit_type]: id=Ant Queen, race=monster #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Ant_Queen.cfg:19 msgid "" "At the heart of each giant ant burrow lies a queen. Much like their " "miniature cousins, a well-fed giant ant queen will continually lay eggs, " "ensuring that the colony never lacks workers for scavenging or soldiers for " "defense." msgstr "" "V srdci každej obrej mravčej nory leží kráľovná. Rovnako ako ich miniatúrni " "bratranci, dobre živená kráľovná obrovských mravcov bude neustále znášať " "vajíčka, čím zaisťuje, že v kolónii nikdy nebudú chýbať robotníci na " "upratovanie alebo vojaci na obranu." #. [dummy] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Ant_Queen.cfg:25 msgid "royalty" msgstr "kráľovská hodnosť" #. [dummy] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Ant_Queen.cfg:26 msgid "If the ant queen is killed, all of her subjects die." msgstr "Ak je mravčia kráľovná zabitá, všetci jej poddaní zomrú." #. [unit_type]: id=Egg Sac, race=monster #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Egg_Sac.cfg:4 msgid "Egg Sac" msgstr "Vaječný vak" #. [unit_type]: id=Egg Sac, race=monster #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Egg_Sac.cfg:17 msgid "" "Each of these enormous egg sacs contains up to a dozen ant larvae, " "sheltering and nourishing them while they develop into worker drones. When " "the burrow is threatened, an ant queen can release pheromones that cause " "each sac to rapidly develop into a single large warrior ant." msgstr "" "Každý z týchto obrovských vačkov obsahuje až tucet lariev mravcov, ktoré ich " "chránia a vyživujú, kým sa z nich vyvinú robotnícke trúdy. Keď je nora " "ohrozená, mravčia kráľovná môže uvoľniť feromóny, ktoré spôsobia, že sa " "každý vak rýchlo rozvinie do jedného veľkého mravca-bojovníka." #. [dummy] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Egg_Sac.cfg:22 msgid "hatch" msgstr "liahnutie" #. [dummy] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Egg_Sac.cfg:23 msgid "" "If an enemy unit is adjacent to this egg sac when it begins its turn, it " "will hatch." msgstr "" "Ak nepriateľská jednotka susedí s týmto vakom na vajcia, keď začína svoje " "kolo, vyliahne sa." #. [unit_type]: id=Gate, race=mechanical #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Gate.cfg:5 msgid "Gate" msgstr "Brána" #. [unit_type]: id=Gate, race=mechanical #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Gate.cfg:9 msgid "An old gate, poorly maintained but of sturdy construction." msgstr "Stará brána, zle udržiavaná, ale robustnej konštrukcie." #. [unit_type]: id=Banneret, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Banneret.cfg:4 msgid "Banneret" msgstr "vlajkonosič" #. [unit_type]: id=Banneret, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Banneret.cfg:19 msgid "" "The few lancers who survive for long enough invariably find themselves " "commanding companies of their own. Still clad in minimal armor, they ride " "with even greater speed, charging into battle and leading from the forefront " "of any conflict." msgstr "" "Tých pár jazdcov, ktorí prežijú dostatočne dlho, sa vždy ocitnú vo vedení " "vlastnej jednotky. Stále oblečení v minimálnom brnení jazdia ešte väčšou " "rýchlosťou, vrhajú sa do boja a vedú z popredia akéhokoľvek konfliktu." #. [unit_type]: id=Fallen Mage, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Dacyn_Fallen_Mage.cfg:10 msgid "Fallen Mage" msgstr "Padlý mág" #. [unit_type]: id=Fallen Mage, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Dacyn_Fallen_Mage.cfg:25 msgid "" "There are dark powers in this world which humankind was not meant to " "understand. Even the greatest and wisest can be bound in service of such a " "darkness." msgstr "" "V tomto svete sú temné sily, ktorým ľudstvo nemalo rozumieť. Aj tí najväčší " "a najmúdrejší môžu byť spútaní v službe takejto temnote." #. [dummy] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Dacyn_Fallen_Mage.cfg:63 msgid "rotting" msgstr "hnijúce" #. [dummy] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Dacyn_Fallen_Mage.cfg:64 msgid "Immune to poison, drain, and plague." msgstr "Imunita voči jedu, vysatiu a moru." #. [unit_type]: id=Twilight Mage, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Dacyn_Twilight_Mage.cfg:4 msgid "Twilight Mage" msgstr "Mág súmraku" #. [unit_type]: id=Twilight Mage, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Dacyn_Twilight_Mage.cfg:19 msgid "" "Even the most devout of white magi can have their light tainted by the power " "of darkness. Though not extinguished, their faltering inner light can become " "muted." msgstr "" "Dokonca aj tí najoddanejší bieli mágovia môžu mať svoje svetlo poškvrnené " "silou temnoty. Aj keď nezhasnú, ich slabnúce vnútorné svetlo sa môže stlmiť." #. [unit_type]: id=Frontier Lieutenant, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Gweddry_Frontier_Lieutenant.cfg:4 msgid "Frontier Lieutenant" msgstr "Pohraničný poručík" #. [unit_type]: id=Frontier Lieutenant, race=human #. same as regular Lieutenant's description #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Gweddry_Frontier_Lieutenant.cfg:19 msgid "" "Lieutenants are some of the more respected commanding officers among humans " "and are often seen leading smaller-scale incursions and managing the " "battlefield. Trained both with sword and crossbow, they excel at neither, " "and are somewhat less resilient than the warlords of other races — this is " "more than made up for by their superior knowledge and training in military " "strategy." msgstr "" "Poručíci sú niektorí z najuznávanejších veliacich dôstojníkov medzi ľuďmi a " "často ich vidno ako vedú menšie vpády a riadia bojisko. Vycvičení s mečom aj " "kušou nevynikajú ani v jednom a sú o niečo menej odolní ako bojovníci iných " "rás – to je viac než kompenzované ich vynikajúcimi znalosťami a výcvikom vo " "vojenskej stratégii." #. [unit_type]: id=Frontier Sergeant, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Gweddry_Frontier_Sergeant.cfg:4 msgid "Frontier Sergeant" msgstr "Hraničný seržant" #. [unit_type]: id=Frontier Sergeant, race=human #. same as regular Sergeant's description #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Gweddry_Frontier_Sergeant.cfg:19 msgid "" "Sergeants are low-ranking officers of human armies. Though academically " "trained, they need some experience in the field before their leadership is " "sound and acknowledged. Still, their diligent bearing and basic insight of " "combat means they can more effectively rouse civilians and peasants in " "trying situations." msgstr "" "Seržanti sú nízko postavení dôstojníci ľudských armád. Hoci sú akademicky " "vyškolení, potrebujú určité skúsenosti v tejto oblasti, kým ich vedenie bude " "zdravé a uznané. Napriek tomu ich usilovný postoj a základný prehľad o boji " "znamená, že dokážu efektívnejšie vyburcovať civilistov a roľníkov do " "náročných situácií." #. [unit_type]: id=Veteran Commander, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Gweddry_Veteran_Commander.cfg:4 msgid "Veteran Commander" msgstr "Skúsený veliteľ" #. [unit_type]: id=Veteran Commander, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Gweddry_Veteran_Commander.cfg:30 msgid "" "Despite his lack of formal rank, Gweddry radiates more leadership and " "experience than many commanders twice his age. His cunning and tactical " "skill have been honed over countless battles, enabling him to direct even " "the freshest of recruits to strike strategically against impossible odds and " "emerge victorious." msgstr "" "Napriek nedostatku formálnej hodnosti Gweddry vyžaruje viac vodcovstva a " "skúseností ako mnohí velitelia, ktorí sú dvakrát starší ako on. Jeho " "prefíkanosť a taktické schopnosti boli vycibrené v nespočetných bitkách, čo " "mu umožňuje nasmerovať aj tých najčerstvejších regrútov, aby strategicky " "zaútočili proti nemožným presile a zvíťazili." #. [unit_type]: id=Veteran Lieutenant, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Gweddry_Veteran_Lieutenant.cfg:4 msgid "Veteran Lieutenant" msgstr "Veterán poručík" #. [unit_type]: id=Veteran Lieutenant, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Gweddry_Veteran_Lieutenant.cfg:29 msgid "" "Once inexperienced, Gweddry is now a veteran of many battles. His cunning " "and tactical skill enable him to direct even the freshest of recruits to " "strike strategically and emerge victorious. His skill with the longsword and " "crossbow is not to be underestimated either, nor is the speed with which he " "can move despite his heavy armor." msgstr "" "Kedysi neskúsený Gweddry je teraz veteránom mnohých bitiek. Jeho prefíkanosť " "a taktické schopnosti mu umožňujú nasmerovať aj tých najčerstvejších " "regrútov, aby zaútočili strategicky a zvíťazili. Netreba podceňovať ani jeho " "zručnosť s dlhým mečom a kušou, ani rýchlosť, s akou sa dokáže pohybovať " "napriek ťažkému brneniu." #. [unit_type]: id=King of Wesnoth, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Konrad_King_of_Wesnoth.cfg:4 msgid "King of Wesnoth" msgstr "Kráľ Wesnothu" #. [unit_type]: id=King of Wesnoth, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Konrad_King_of_Wesnoth.cfg:22 msgid "" "Kings are trained rigorously in the combat arts, sometimes out of necessity, " "more often out of tradition from when their priors made their wealth in war. " "Fitted in armor so skillfully made as to incite envy even from many dwarvish " "smiths, these sovereigns are well conditioned to their heavy armor and can " "maneuver across the battlefield much faster than their gilded plate would " "suggest." msgstr "" "Králi sú prísne vyškolení v bojových umeniach, niekedy z núdze, častejšie z " "tradície, keď ich priori zbohatli vo vojne. Títo suveréni, vybavení brnením " "tak zručne vyrobeným, že podnecujú závisť aj u mnohých trpasličích kováčov, " "sú dobre prispôsobení svojmu ťažkému brneniu a dokážu manévrovať na bojisku " "oveľa rýchlejšie, než by naznačoval ich pozlátený plát." #. [attack]: type=fire #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Konrad_King_of_Wesnoth.cfg:38 msgid "sceptre of fire" msgstr "ohnivé žezlo" #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Warrior # use the old id so we don't break old saves, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Owaec_Clan_Captain.cfg:4 msgid "Clan Captain" msgstr "Klanový kapitán" #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Warrior # use the old id so we don't break old saves, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Owaec_Clan_Captain.cfg:26 msgid "" "The leaders-to-be of the Horse Clans, each of these proud nobles is skilled " "in combat and adheres to a strict code of honor. Even the most tenacious of " "opponents will quake at the sight of a horse charge spearheaded by one of " "these fearless riders." msgstr "" "Budúci vodcovia jazdeckých klanov, každý z týchto hrdých šľachticov je " "zručný v boji a dodržiava prísny kódex cti. Dokonca aj ten najodolnejší " "protivník sa zachveje pri pohľade na konský útok na čele s jedným z týchto " "nebojácnych jazdcov." #. [attack]: type=impact #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Owaec_Clan_Captain.cfg:47 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Owaec_Horse_Lord.cfg:48 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Owaec_Princeling.cfg:47 msgid "greathammer" msgstr "veľké kladivo" #. [unit_type]: id=Horse Lord, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Owaec_Horse_Lord.cfg:4 msgid "Horse Lord" msgstr "Pán jazdy" #. [unit_type]: id=Horse Lord, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Owaec_Horse_Lord.cfg:27 msgid "" "The greatest of the men of the plains, Horse Lords are heads of their houses " "and are respected by all, friend or foe. These lords lead by example, " "dominating the battlefield from the head of a cavalry charge." msgstr "" "Najväčší z mužov plání, Horse Lords, sú hlavami svojich domov a všetci ich " "rešpektujú, priatelia aj nepriatelia. Títo páni idú príkladom a dominujú na " "bojisku z čela kavalérie." #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Fighter # use the old id so we don't break old saves, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Owaec_Princeling.cfg:4 msgid "Princeling" msgstr "Princiatko" #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Fighter # use the old id so we don't break old saves, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Owaec_Princeling.cfg:26 msgid "" "From early age, the nobles of the plains train vigorously in both combat and " "governance, preparing to someday become captains of the Clans. Though young " "and brash, these fighters have the potential to become great warriors one " "day." msgstr "" "Od raného veku šľachtici z plání energicky trénujú v boji aj vládnutí a " "pripravujú sa na to, že sa jedného dňa stanú kapitánmi klanov. Hoci sú títo " "bojovníci mladí a drzí, majú potenciál stať sa jedného dňa veľkými " "bojovníkmi." #. [unit_type]: id=Shadow Lord, race=human, gender=female #. In the liberty textdomain exists a male unit with that name #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Shadow_Lord.cfg:6 msgid "female^Shadow Lord" msgstr "Pani tieňov" #. [unit_type]: id=Shadow Lord, race=human, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Shadow_Lord.cfg:24 msgid "" "Few humans fathom the secrets of light and dark magic and retain their " "sanity. Those that can master that balance become Shadow Lords, fully " "existing neither in the world of light nor the world of darkness. No longer " "needing physical weapons, they are fearsome to both their enemies and those " "they fight alongside." msgstr "" "Len málo ľudí pochopí tajomstvá svetlej a temnej mágie a zachová si zdravý " "rozum. Tí, ktorí dokážu zvládnuť túto rovnováhu, sa stávajú Pánmi tieňov, " "ktorí úplne neexistujú ani vo svete svetla, ani vo svete temnoty. Už " "nepotrebujú fyzické zbrane, sú postrachom pre svojich nepriateľov aj tých, s " "ktorými bojujú." #. [attack]: type=arcane #. Translation for this weapon can be taken from liberty textdomain #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Shadow_Lord.cfg:36 msgid "astral blade" msgstr "astrálna čepeľ" #. [attack]: type=impact #. The secondary attack of this unit is named shadow wave, known from the Dark Adept line #. The secondary attack of this unit is named shadow wave (same as the Dark Sorcerer’s) #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Shadow_Lord.cfg:49 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Shadow_Mage.cfg:49 msgid "blast wave" msgstr "nárazová vlna" #. [unit_type]: id=Shadow Mage, race=human, gender=female #. In the liberty textdomain exists a male unit with that name #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Shadow_Mage.cfg:6 msgid "female^Shadow Mage" msgstr "Tieňová mágyňa" #. [unit_type]: id=Shadow Mage, race=human, gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Shadow_Mage.cfg:23 msgid "" "Obsessive study over the forces of light and dark have turned the shadow " "mages into feared fighters. Cloaked in mist, they have been known to vanish " "into the night swifter than any ghost. While their zealous study has left " "their bodies exhausted and enfeebled, they instead channel their energies " "into devastatingly accurate melee attacks." msgstr "" "Obsedantné štúdium síl svetla a tmy zmenilo tieňových mágov na obávaných " "bojovníkov. Je známe, že zahalení v hmle miznú do noci rýchlejšie ako " "akýkoľvek duch. Zatiaľ čo ich horlivé štúdium zanechalo ich telá vyčerpané a " "oslabené, namiesto toho nasmerovali svoju energiu do zničujúco presných " "útokov na blízko." #. [attack]: type=fire #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Terraent_Paladin.cfg:48 msgid "blessed lance" msgstr "požehnaná kopija" #. [unit_type]: id=Townsfolk, race=human, gender=male,female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Townsfolk.cfg:4 msgid "Townsfolk" msgstr "Mešťania" #. [unit_type]: id=Townsfolk, race=human, gender=male,female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Human_Townsfolk.cfg:18 msgid "" "Townsfolk are city-dwellers who try to make their fortune in a non-violent " "manner, be they traders, craftsmen, or servants of a noble house. They " "almost universally lack the strength that comes from a life of physical " "labour, and thus are not conscripted as often as peasants." msgstr "" "Mešťania sú obyvatelia miest, ktorí sa snažia nenásilným spôsobom zbohatnúť, " "či už sú to obchodníci, remeselníci alebo služobníci šľachtického domu. " "Takmer všeobecne im chýba sila, ktorá pochádza zo života fyzickej práce, a " "preto nie sú tak často braní ako roľníci." #. [unit_type]: id=Naga Centurion, race=naga, gender=male,female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Naga_Centurion.cfg:4 msgid "Naga Centurion" msgstr "Nagijský centurión" #. [unit_type]: id=Naga Centurion, race=naga, gender=male,female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Naga_Centurion.cfg:20 msgid "" "The leaders of the naga have mastered the serpentine arts of their kind, " "striking faster than a lightning bolt and dancing away more gracefully than " "a forest brook. Undisputed masters of both swordsmanship and leadership, " "these Naga are honored by their clutch and bestowed the rare title of " "Centurion." msgstr "" "Vodcovia nágov ovládali hadie umenie svojho druhu, udierali rýchlejšie ako " "blesk a tancovali preč ladnejšie ako lesný potok. Nesporní majstri šermu a " "vodcovstva, títo Nagovia sú poctení ich spojkou a udelili im vzácny titul " "Centurion." #. [attack]: type=blade #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Naga_Centurion.cfg:32 msgid "blade" msgstr "čepeľ" #. [attack]: type=blade #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Naga_Centurion.cfg:41 msgid "speed strike" msgstr "rýchly úder" #. [female]: gender=female #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Naga_Centurion.cfg:72 msgid "Nagini Centurion" msgstr "Nagijská centuriónka" #. [unit_type]: id=Ancient Ogre, race=ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Ogre_Ancient.cfg:4 msgid "Ancient Ogre" msgstr "Dávny zlobor" #. [unit_type]: id=Ancient Ogre, race=ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Ogre_Ancient.cfg:30 msgid "" "Ancient ogres possess legendary strength and stand taller than even many " "woses. They usually live among their own kind in the wilderness, but can be " "highly loyal to those few they trust." msgstr "" "Dávni zlobri disponujú legendárnou silou a sú vyššie ako mnohí lesní muži. " "Zvyčajne žijú medzi svojimi druhmi v divočine, ale môžu byť veľmi lojálni k " "tým niekoľkým, ktorým dôverujú." #. [unit_type]: id=Great Ogre, race=ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Ogre_Great.cfg:4 msgid "Great Ogre" msgstr "Veľký zlobor" #. [unit_type]: id=Great Ogre, race=ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Ogre_Great.cfg:27 msgid "" "Great Ogres are giant creatures that usually live alone in the wilderness. " "While they can be easily outrun or outsmarted, their strength is not to be " "underestimated." msgstr "" "Veľkí zlobri sú obrovské stvorenia, ktoré zvyčajne žijú osamote v divočine. " "Aj keď ich možno ľahko predbehnúť alebo prekabátiť, ich silu netreba " "podceňovať." #. [unit_type]: id=Barrow Wight, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Horse_Barrow_Wight.cfg:4 msgid "Barrow Wight" msgstr "Mohylová príšera" #. [unit_type]: id=Barrow Wight, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Horse_Barrow_Wight.cfg:18 msgid "" "Perpetually haunted by the fading memory of its former life, a Barrow Wight " "wanders aimlessly in a delirium of darkness and despair. Their chill essence " "is shrouded behind cloak and bone, shielding them from most magic." msgstr "" "Barrow Wight, neustále prenasledovaný miznúcou spomienkou na svoj bývalý " "život, blúdi bezcieľne v delíriu temnoty a zúfalstva. Ich chladivá esencia " "je zahalená za plášťom a kosťami a chráni ich pred väčšinou mágie." #. [unit_type]: id=Pyre Wight, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Horse_Pyre_Wight.cfg:4 msgid "Pyre Wight" msgstr "Ohnivá ohavnosť" #. [unit_type]: id=Pyre Wight, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Horse_Pyre_Wight.cfg:18 msgid "" "Risen from a funeral’s ashes and newly bathed in fire, a Pyre Wight’s soul " "burns with a desire for vengeance. They single-mindedly seek out those who " "wronged them in their past life, but undeath has robbed their memories of " "friend and foe." msgstr "" "Ohnivá ohavná duša, ktorá vstala z pohrebného popola a čerstvo sa kúpala v " "ohni, horí túžbou po pomste. Úmyselne hľadajú tých, ktorí im v minulom " "živote krivdili, ale nemŕtva im ukradla spomienky na priateľov a nepriateľov." #. [unit_type]: id=Dread Lich, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Ravanal_Dread_Lich.cfg:17 msgid "Dread Lich" msgstr "Strašný kostej" #. [unit_type]: id=Dread Lich, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Ravanal_Dread_Lich.cfg:31 msgid "" "Named thusly for the abject terror they awaken in their enemies, a so-called " "Dread Lich is an artisan of necromantic power, a consummate master of the " "dark magics they wield.\n" "\n" "Invariably in command of a nigh limitless horde of risen warriors and undead " "monsters, a lich of this order has a mastery of dark sorcery that can bring " "dread to the most storied magi of human and elven kind. Such a figure " "usually marks a dark and bloody chapter in history, and in those times of " "need, it is only through the tireless efforts of the most valiant heroes " "that the rise of an Dread Lich has not led to the shadows ruling the world " "for the rest of time." msgstr "" "Takzvaný strašný kostej, pomenovaný podľa strašného teroru, ktorý prebúdzajú " "vo svojich nepriateľoch, je tvorcom nekromantickej sily, dokonalým majstrom " "temnej mágie, ktorú ovládajú.\n" "\n" "Lich tohto rádu, ktorý vždy ovláda takmer neobmedzenú hordu povstalých " "bojovníkov a nemŕtvych príšer, ovláda temné čarodejníctvo, ktoré môže " "spôsobiť hrôzu tým najslávnejším mágom ľudského a elfského druhu. Takáto " "postava zvyčajne predstavuje temnú a krvavú kapitolu v histórii a v tých " "časoch núdze je to len vďaka neúnavnému úsiliu tých najudatnejších hrdinov, " "že vzostup strašných kostejov neviedol k tomu, že svet ovládli tiene. zvyšok " "času." #. [dummy]: id=reanimation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Ravanal_Dread_Lich.cfg:74 msgid "reanimation" msgstr "reanimácia" #. [dummy]: id=reanimation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Ravanal_Dread_Lich.cfg:75 msgid "" "This unit can reanimate its defeated allies and enemies.\n" "\n" "When any of Mal-Ravanal’s recruits die, that unit will be reanimated as a " "weaker undead version of itself. Enemies killed by Mal-Ravanal will rise " "again as ghosts." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka dokáže oživiť svojich porazených spojencov a nepriateľov.\n" "\n" "Keď niektorý z Mal-Ravanalových regrútov zomrie, táto jednotka bude znovu " "oživená ako slabšia nemŕtva verzia samej seba. Nepriatelia zabití Mal-" "Ravanalom opäť povstanú ako duchovia." #. [unit_type]: id=Skeletal Corpse, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Skeletal_Corpse.cfg:5 msgid "Skeletal Corpse" msgstr "Kostrová mŕtvola" #. [unit_type]: id=Skeletal Corpse, race=undead #. [unit_type]: id=Skeletal Soulless, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Skeletal_Corpse.cfg:14 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Skeletal_Soulless.cfg:16 msgid "" "When a skeletal warrior is defeated, their animating energies are sometimes " "not wholly destroyed. A particularly skilled lich can recapture what remains " "of their servants’ necromantic energy, reanimating a new — albeit weaker — " "minion." msgstr "" "Keď je kostrový bojovník porazený, ich oživujúce energie niekedy nie sú " "úplne zničené. Obzvlášť zručný lich dokáže získať späť to, čo zostalo z " "nekromantickej energie ich služobníkov, a oživiť tak nového – aj keď " "slabšieho – prisluhovača." #. [unit_type]: id=Skeletal Soulless, race=undead #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Undead_Skeletal_Soulless.cfg:5 msgid "Skeletal Soulless" msgstr "Bezduchá kostra" #. [drains]: id=greater drains #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:6 msgid "greater drains" msgstr "Veľké vysávanie" #. [drains]: id=greater drains #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:7 msgid "" "This unit drains health from living units, healing itself for the full " "amount of damage it deals." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka odčerpáva zdravie zo živých jednotiek a sama sa vylieči za " "celé poškodenie, ktoré spôsobí." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:54 msgid "Your soul is mine!!" msgstr "Tvoja duša je moja!!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:133 msgid "" "Funny thing about the undead. If you know what you’re doing, they’re really " "very easy to put back together." msgstr "" "Zábavná vec o nemŕtvych. Ak viete, čo robíte, dajú sa naozaj veľmi ľahko " "poskladať." #. [attacks]: id=swift #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:141 msgid "swift" msgstr "rýchly" #. [attacks]: id=swift #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:142 msgid "" "This attack is exceptionally swift. When this attack is used on offense, the " "opponent will be unable to retaliate." msgstr "" "Tento útok je mimoriadne rýchly. Keď sa tento útok použije v útoku, súper " "nebude schopný odpovedať." #. [attacks]: id=shock #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:152 msgid "shock" msgstr "šok" #. [attacks]: id=shock #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:153 msgid "" "The crushing power of this attack overwhelms enemies. When used on offense, " "the opponent can only retaliate with one strike." msgstr "" "Drvivá sila tohto útoku premôže nepriateľov. Pri použití v útoku môže súper " "oplatiť iba jedným úderom." #. [special_note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:162 msgid "" "This unit’s melee attack can overwhelm enemies’ defenses, preventing them " "from retaliating as effectively." msgstr "" "Útok tejto jednotky na blízko môže premôcť obranu nepriateľov a zabrániť im " "v odvetnom zásahu tak efektívne." #. [dummy]: id=vanguard #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:169 msgid "vanguard" msgstr "predvoj" #. [dummy]: id=vanguard #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:170 msgid "" "This unit fights best in the heart of battle, surrounded by friends and foes " "alike.\n" "\n" "Deals an additional 25% damage for each adjacent ally and/or enemy after the " "first." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka najlepšie bojuje v srdci boja, obklopená priateľmi aj " "nepriateľmi.\n" "\n" "Po prvom spôsobí ďalšie 25% poškodenie za každého susedného spojenca a/alebo " "nepriateľa." #. [special_note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:233 msgid "This unit gains increased damage for each adjacent ally and/or enemy." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka získava zvýšené poškodenie za každého susedného spojenca a/" "alebo nepriateľa." #. [illuminates]: id=darkens #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:243 msgid "darkens" msgstr "zatemňovanie" #. [illuminates]: id=darkens #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:244 msgid "" "This unit darkens the surrounding area, making chaotic units fight better, " "and lawful units fight worse.\n" "\n" "Any units adjacent to this unit will fight as if it were dusk when it is " "day, and as if it were night when it is dusk." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka zatemňuje okolie, vďaka čomu bojujú chaotické jednotky lepšie " "a zákonné jednotky bojujú horšie.\n" "\n" "Všetky jednotky susediace s touto jednotkou budú bojovať, ako keby bol " "súmrak, keď je deň, a ako keby bola noc, keď je súmrak." #. [illuminates]: id=obfuscation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:257 msgid "obfuscates" msgstr "zahmlieva" #. [illuminates]: id=obfuscation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:258 msgid "" "This unit obfuscates the surrounding area, making chaotic units fight much " "better, and lawful units fight much worse." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka zahmlieva okolie, vďaka čomu bojujú chaotické jednotky oveľa " "lepšie a zákonné jednotky bojujú oveľa horšie." #. [skirmisher]: id=nightskirmish #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:267 msgid "nightskirmish" msgstr "nočná priebojnosť" #. [skirmisher]: id=nightskirmish #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:268 msgid "female^nightskirmish" msgstr "nočná priebojnosť" #. [skirmisher]: id=nightskirmish #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:269 msgid "" "This unit is skilled in moving past enemies quickly and ignores all enemy " "Zones of Control, but only at night." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka sa vie rýchlo pohybovať okolo nepriateľov a ignoruje všetky " "nepriateľské zóny kontroly, ale iba v noci." #. [dummy]: id=terror #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:283 msgid "terror" msgstr "teror" #. [dummy]: id=terror #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:284 msgid "" "This unit can frighten enemies in a 2 hex radius, making them fight worse. " "Units with the fearless trait are unaffected.\n" "\n" "When an enemy unit of lower level within a 2 hex radius engages in combat, " "its attacks do 25% less damage times the difference in their levels." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka môže vystrašiť nepriateľov v okruhu 2 hexy, takže bojujú " "horšie. Jednotky s nebojácnou vlastnosťou nie sú ovplyvnené.\n" "\n" "Keď sa nepriateľská jednotka nižšej úrovne v okruhu 2 hexy zapojí do boja, " "jej útoky spôsobia o 25% menšie poškodenie krát rozdiel v ich úrovniach." #. [resistance]: id=shroud #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:521 msgid "shroud" msgstr "hmla" #. [resistance]: id=shroud #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:522 msgid "While defending, this unit has 50% fire and arcane resistance." msgstr "Pri obrane má táto jednotka 50% odolnosť voči ohňu a mystickým útokom." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/amlas.cfg:39 msgid "" "In this campaign, whenever a max-level unit advances, they can select one of " "several minor bonuses!" msgstr "" "V tejto kampani si vždy, keď jednotka maximálnej úrovne postúpi, môže vybrať " "jeden z niekoľkých menších bonusov!" #. [advancement]: id=hitpoints_increase #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/amlas.cfg:112 msgid "Gain +8 hitpoints." msgstr "Získaj +8 bodov života." #. [advancement]: id=melee_increase1 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/amlas.cfg:127 msgid "Gain +4 melee damage." msgstr "Získaj +4 poškodenie na blízko." #. [advancement]: id=melee_increase2 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/amlas.cfg:155 msgid "Gain +2 melee damage." msgstr "Získaj +2 poškodenie na blízko." #. [advancement]: id=melee_increase3 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/amlas.cfg:183 msgid "Gain +1 melee damage." msgstr "Získaj +1 poškodenie na blízko." #. [advancement]: id=ranged_increase1 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/amlas.cfg:204 msgid "Gain +3 ranged damage." msgstr "Získaj +3 poškodenie na diaľku." #. [advancement]: id=ranged_increase2 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/amlas.cfg:232 msgid "Gain +2 ranged damage." msgstr "Získaj +2 poškodenie na diaľku." #. [advancement]: id=ranged_increase3 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/amlas.cfg:260 msgid "Gain +1 ranged damage." msgstr "Získaj +1 poškodenie na diaľku." #. [trait]: id=loyal_dummy #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:16 msgid "loyal" msgstr "verný" #. [trait]: id=loyal_dummy #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:17 msgid "Zero upkeep" msgstr "Bez údržby" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:27 msgid "Gweddry" msgstr "Gweddry" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:46 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:821 msgid "Dacyn" msgstr "Dacyn" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:61 msgid "Owaec" msgstr "Owaec" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/character-definitions.cfg:93 msgid "Konrad II" msgstr "Konrád II" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:13 msgid "No! I... die..." msgstr "Nie! Ja umieram..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:30 msgid "I... must— Argh...!" msgstr "Musím... ááá...!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:47 msgid "The light fades... We are doomed..." msgstr "Svetlo mizne... Sme odsúdení na zánik..." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:65 msgid "So much death... so much senseless destruction..." msgstr "Toľko smrti, toľko nezmyselného ničenia..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:69 msgid "" "Unfortunate. Gweddry has fought with me since the very beginning, only to " "fall so close to the end." msgstr "" "Nešťastné. Gweddry so mnou bojoval od samého začiatku, len aby skončil tak " "blízko ku koncu." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:84 msgid "Alas, I fall! The clans will never truly be avenged..." msgstr "Beda, padám! Klany nebudú nikdy skutočne pomstené..." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:88 msgid "Owaec! We’ve been through so much together! You can’t die now..." msgstr "Owaec! Prežili sme toho spolu toľko! Teraz nemôžeš zomrieť..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:102 msgid "The light fades... Wesnoth, I have failed you..." msgstr "Svetlo mizne... Wesnoth, sklamal som ťa..." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:121 msgid "Watch out behind ye- ach!" msgstr "Pozor za sebou!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:125 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:143 msgid "" "Though he was not one of us, he served bravely alongside Wesnoth’s best. We " "must carry on the good fight." msgstr "" "Hoci nebol jedným z nás, statočne slúžil po boku Wesnothských najlepších. " "Musíme pokračovať v dobrom boji." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:157 msgid "How did I get dragged into this mess..." msgstr "Ako som sa nechal vtiahnuť do tohto chaosu..." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:171 msgid "" "Alas, my long, storied, and exceedingly profitable career has at last come " "to an end, so far from home! I only... wish I could have died on the soft " "sands... instead of among these primitive barbarians..." msgstr "" "Bohužiaľ, moja dlhá, preslávená a mimoriadne výnosná kariéra sa konečne " "skončila, tak ďaleko od domova! Len... želám si, aby som mohol zomrieť na " "mäkkých pieskoch... namiesto medzi týmito primitívnymi barbarmi..." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:175 msgid "Bar... ber... bears? Die why?" msgstr "Prečo? Umierať ja prečo." #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:179 msgid "" "Aye, ‘tis a sad place for one o’ us foreigners to fall. We’ll miss ye, " "that’s for sure." msgstr "" "Áno, je to smutné miesto, kde môže jeden z nás cudzincov padnúť. Budeš nám " "chýbať, to je isté." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:193 msgid "Oh, I knew drinking all those elixirs was a bad idea..." msgstr "Oh, vedel som, že vypiť všetky tie elixíry bol zlý nápad..." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:207 msgid "" "And so, I give... the last thing I have to give... in service of the Light..." msgstr "A tak dávam... poslednú vec, ktorú musím dať... v službe Svetlu..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:211 msgid "" "You shall be gravely missed, paladin of the Light! May you long live on in " "song and tale." msgstr "" "Budeš mi veľmi chýbať, paladin Svetla! Nech dlho žiješ v piesňach a " "legendách." #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:224 msgid "Death is coming for me..." msgstr "Smrť si pre mňa prichádza..." #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:228 msgid "" "Truly, you have proven that there is goodness within all of us. I pledge " "that your sacrifice will not be in vain!" msgstr "" "Naozaj ste dokázali, že v každom z nás je dobro. Sľubujem, že vaša obeť " "nebude márna!" #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:243 msgid "Alas, I fall..." msgstr "žiaľ, padám..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:255 msgid "Yannic! The Clans have lost another brave soul this day..." msgstr "Yannic! Klany dnes stratili ďalšiu statočnú dušu..." #. [message]: speaker=Halrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:271 msgid "I may die, but Wesnoth will never fall!" msgstr "Môžem zomrieť, ale Wesnoth nikdy nepadne!" #. [message]: speaker=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:285 msgid "There’s too many! Must... keep fighting..." msgstr "Je toho príliš veľa! Treba... pokračovať v boji..." #. [message]: speaker=Halrod #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:299 msgid "" "Ack! Curse these undead! I should have listened to my mother and been a " "dentist..." msgstr "" "Áno! Preklínajte týchto nemŕtvych! Mal som poslúchnuť mamu a byť zubárom..." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:313 msgid "Alas, I perish! The kingdom is lost without its king." msgstr "Žiaľ, zahyniem! Kráľovstvo je stratené bez svojho kráľa." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:327 msgid "" "It was perhaps as well for the men of Gweddry’s troop that they did not live " "to witness the fullness of the grim tide of undead sweeping westward into " "Wesnoth, laying waste to all in its path." msgstr "" "Pre mužov z Gweddryho oddielu bolo možno tiež dobré, že sa nedožili toho, " "aby boli svedkami plnosti ponurého prílivu nemŕtvych, ktorý sa valil na " "západ do Wesnothu a pustošil všetkých, ktorí mu stáli v ceste." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:337 msgid "" "Wesnoth never learned the fate of Gweddry’s band, but they would soon learn " "the full measure of the power of Mal-Ravanal in a war that would end only in " "misery and death." msgstr "" "Wesnoth sa nikdy nedozvedel o osude Gweddryho skupiny, ale čoskoro sa " "dozvedeli o plnej sile Mal-Ravanala vo vojne, ktorá by skončila len utrpením " "a smrťou." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:347 msgid "" "Their home country had proved to be no refuge for Gweddry’s weary men, and " "no more would it for the inhabitants of Wesnoth as foes pressed them on all " "sides to a final defense of the doomed kingdom." msgstr "" "Ukázalo sa, že ich domovská krajina nie je útočiskom pre unavených " "Gweddryových mužov a už vôbec nie pre obyvateľov Wesnothu, keďže nepriatelia " "ich zo všetkých strán tlačili ku konečnej obrane kráľovstva odsúdeného na " "zánik." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:357 msgid "" "With the staunchest defenders of Wesnoth bested on their home ground, the " "once-great kingdom was plunged into final darkness under the hand of Mal-" "Ravanal." msgstr "" "Keď boli najoddanejší obrancovia Wesnothu utlačení na ich domovskej pôde, " "toto kedysi veľké kráľovstvo bolo uvrhnuté do temnoty pod pomstychtivou " "rukou Mal-Ravanala." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Mana #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:372 msgid "My beautiful bats, why didn’t you protect me..." msgstr "Moje krásne netopiere, prečo ste ma neochránili..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #. death of a male Necromancer. Mal-Talar survived in S01 but the player has now killed him. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:389 msgid "No! Once again you escape me..." msgstr "Nie! Ešte raz mi unikáš..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #. death of a male Necromancer. Mal-Talar died in S01 and the player has now killed his renamed clone too. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:397 msgid "No! How am I defeated so easily..." msgstr "Nie! Ako ma mohli tak ľahko poraziť..." #. [message]: speaker=Naken-alvak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:425 msgid "You... waste... your effort..." msgstr "Premárniš... svoju námahu..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:27 msgid "A-ha, what’s this? The white mage resorts to wielding black magic?" msgstr "A-ha, čo je toto? Biely mág sa uchýli k ovládaniu čiernej mágie?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:45 msgid "" "Ah, the feeling of my flesh burned away by your nauseating radiance... this " "takes me back to when I still thought of you as my friend." msgstr "" "Ach, ten pocit spáleného tela tvojou mrzutou žiarou... toto ma vracia do " "doby, keď som ťa stále považoval za svojho priateľa." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:49 msgid "" "I only did what I had to do. Your mad quest for power has corrupted you and " "turned you into a tormented creature of darkness! It is high time I ended " "your existence!" msgstr "" "Urobil som len to, čo som musel. Tvoja šialená honba za mocou ťa skazila a " "zmenila ťa na mučenú bytosť temnoty! Je najvyšší čas, aby som ukončil tvoju " "existenciu!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:70 msgid "For King and country!" msgstr "Za kráľa a krajinu!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:86 msgid "So much death, so much destruction... this has to end, now!" msgstr "Toľko smrti, toľko ničenia... toto musí skončiť, hneď!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:105 msgid "I shall avenge my fallen people!" msgstr "Pomstím svoj padlý ľud!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:121 msgid "" "Mal-Ravanal, at last I face you. I will have my vengeance for the " "destruction you wrought on my people!" msgstr "" "Mal-Ravanal, konečne ti čelím. Pomstím sa za skazu, ktorú si spôsobil môjmu " "ľudu!" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:140 msgid "Aye, I love the sound o’ bones crunching beneath me hammer!" msgstr "Áno, milujem zvuk kostí dolámaných mojim kladivom!" #. [message]: speaker=Dolburras #. in regular English, "So you are the big one, aren't you? Well, the bigger they are" #. there is a colloquial expression, "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:158 msgid "Ooch, so you be the big ’un, aren’t ye? Well, the bigger they are..." msgstr "Ooch, takže ty budeš veľký chlap, však? No čím sú väčšie..." #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:177 msgid "" "Never thought I’d be seeing this in my lifetime. The whole blasted " "apocalypse came early, didn’t it." msgstr "" "Nikdy som si nemyslel, že toto v živote uvidím. Celá tá zvrátená apokalypsa " "prišla skoro, však?" #. [message]: speaker=Addogin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:193 msgid "Aww hell. If I live through this, I’m never pickin’ up a sword again." msgstr "Ach do pekla. Ak toto prežijem, už nikdy nezdvihnem meč." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:212 msgid "" "How in the sands did I get caught up in all this mess? I’m an herbalist, not " "a warrior!" msgstr "" "Ako som sa v piesku mohol chytiť do všetkého toho neporiadku? Som bylinkár, " "nie bojovník!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:228 msgid "No, no no, no, what am I even doing here!" msgstr "Nie, nie, nie, čo tu vlastne robím!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:247 msgid "" "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The undead have no place in this bright world!" msgstr "" "Popol na popol, prach na prach. Nemŕtvi nemajú miesto v tomto jasnom svete!" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:263 msgid "" "Foul lich, no longer shall you toy with me for your amusement! No longer " "shall I watch your armies slaughter the innocent! No longer shall your evil " "darken this world!" msgstr "" "Faul lich, už sa so mnou nebudeš hrať pre svoju zábavu! Už sa nebudem " "pozerať na vaše armády zabíjajúce nevinných! Tvoje zlo už nebude zatemňovať " "tento svet!" #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:282 msgid "I remember when I used to raise creatures like you..." msgstr "Pamätám si, keď som choval stvorenia ako si ty..." #. [message]: speaker=Gaennell #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:298 msgid "" "I loyally served you, once. Look at what that got me. A whole lot of nothing." msgstr "Raz som ti verne slúžil. Pozri, čo ma to dostalo. Celkom veľa ničoho." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:303 msgid "I don’t even know who you are." msgstr "Ani neviem kto si." #. [message]: speaker=Yannic #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:321 msgid "" "So you are the lich behind this madness! Enough is enough. Vengeance for " "Soradoc; vengeance for the Plains!" msgstr "" "Takže vy ste lich za týmto šialenstvom! Dosť je dosť. Pomsta za Soradok; " "Pomsta za Roviny!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:339 msgid "" "You are no savior of Man! Naught but a pile of bones, a dead mage too " "stubborn to fall. Wesnoth will suffer you no longer!" msgstr "" "Nie si spasiteľom človeka! Nič, iba hromada kostí, mŕtvy mág príliš " "tvrdohlavý na to, aby padol. Wesnoth ťa už nebude trpieť!" #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:372 msgid "" "*gulp* Well, it’s now or never. I’d better not think too hard about " "the fortune in elixirs that I’m about to drink away." msgstr "" "*gulp* Teraz alebo nikdy. Radšej by som príliš nerozmýšľal nad " "bohatstvom elixírov, ktoré sa chystám vypiť." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:380 msgid "Agility in swamp and shallow water..." msgstr "Obratnosť v močiaroch a plytkej vode..." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:385 msgid "Resistance to fire and cold..." msgstr "Odolnosť voči ohňu a chladu..." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:390 msgid "Speed and defense..." msgstr "Rýchlosť a obrana..." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:395 msgid "And berserker fury. Oh sands, what am I doing..." msgstr "A berserkerská zúrivosť. Ach sands, čo to robím..." #. [message]: speaker=Hahid al-Ali #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:404 msgid "Ugh, I feel queasy..." msgstr "Uf, je mi zle..." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:421 msgid "What?! How could this happen?!" msgstr "Čo?! Ako sa to mohlo stať?!" #. [message]: speaker=$found_unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:480 msgid "Is it over? We’ve won?" msgstr "Skončilo to? Vyhrali sme?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:494 msgid "A-ha haha! You really thought you had a chance there, didn’t you?" msgstr "A-ha haha! Naozaj si si myslel, že tam máš šancu, však?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:498 msgid "" "Well, coming to the battlefield myself has been entertaining, but that’s " "enough for now." msgstr "No, prísť na bojisko bolo zábavné, ale nateraz to stačí." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:502 msgid "You escaped me once before-" msgstr "Už si mi raz utiekol-" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:550 msgid "-but NEVER AGAIN!!!" msgstr "-ale NIKDY VIAC!!!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:561 msgid "Wha- what is this?!" msgstr "Čo... čo to bolo?!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:568 msgid "Do you even know where that gate you’re opening leads to?" msgstr "Viete vôbec, kam vedie brána, ktorú otvárate?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:585 msgid "" "...you think you’re better than me, don’t you? You must think of yourself as " "some kind of hero." msgstr "" "...myslíš si, že si lepší ako ja, však? Musíte sa považovať za nejakého " "hrdinu." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:592 msgid "" "You think that a stiff old codger like yourself has what it takes to use " "that amulet to destroy me? I doubt you even know what you’re doing." msgstr "" "Myslíš si, že taký strnulý starý magor ako ty má na to, aby použil ten " "amulet, aby ma zničil? Pochybujem, že vôbec vieš, čo robíš." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:603 msgid "Ha. Ah-ha, haha. Have it your way. I’ll be seeing you soon." msgstr "Ha. Aha, haha. Nech je po Tvojom. čoskoro sa uvidíme." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:651 msgid "It is done." msgstr "Je to hotové." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:747 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:748 msgid "Fallen Soul" msgstr "Padnutá duša" #. [message]: speaker=spirit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:763 msgid "" "Well done! Who else but Dacyn the Magnificent could have defeated such a " "rival? You truly are the greatest of heroes." msgstr "" "Výborne! Kto iný ako Dacyn Veľkolepý mohol poraziť takého rivala? Si naozaj " "najväčší z hrdinov." #. [message]: speaker=spirit2 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:767 msgid "Now, embrace our power! You shall live on as the champion of Irdya!" msgstr "Teraz prijmi našu silu! Budeš žiť ďalej ako šampión Irdya!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:771 msgid "Wha- where am I? What’s happening to me?" msgstr "Čo- kde som? čo sa to so mnou deje?" #. [message]: speaker=spirit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:775 msgid "The mage called Dacyn is dying! It is time for you to be reborn!" msgstr "Mág menom Dacyn zomiera! Je čas, aby sa sa znovuzrodil!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:779 msgid "-I... -I am no lich! I am no harbinger of darkness, unlike Ravan!" msgstr "" "-Ja... -Ja nie som kostej! Nie som predzvesťou temnoty, na rozdiel od Ravana!" #. [message]: speaker=spirit2 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:783 msgid "" "The wielder of the red stone shall become intertwined with the darkness " "between worlds, whether they will it or not. You sought this Amulet of your " "own will, O Magnificent Dacyn!" msgstr "" "Držiteľ červeného kameňa sa prepletie s temnotou medzi svetmi, či už chcú " "alebo nie. Hľadal si tento amulet z vlastnej vôle, ó veľkolepý Dacyn!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:787 msgid "I... I needed this power! I had to safeguard Irdya!" msgstr "Ja... potreboval som túto silu! Musel som chrániť Irdyu!" #. [message]: speaker=spirit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:791 msgid "" "And now you can, for all eternity! Leave your mortal coil behind. Live on as " "an undying spirit of mighty power, and do unto this world as you will!" msgstr "" "A teraz môžete, na večnosť! Nechajte svoju smrteľnosť za sebou. Ži ďalej ako " "nehynúci duch mocnej sily a rob s týmto svetom, čo chceš!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:795 msgid "I... but... I could never choose to-" msgstr "Ja... ale... nikdy som si nemohol vybrať..." #. [message]: speaker=spirit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:808 msgid "" "You misunderstand. This is no choice of yours.\n" "\n" "The stone bleeds your flesh. The darkness consumes your soul. Rebirth into " "undeath is the only path forward to escape the Maw, else ye embrace oblivion." msgstr "" "Zle si pochopil. Toto nie je vaša voľba.\n" "\n" "Kameň krváca vaše mäso. Temnota pohltí vašu dušu. Znovuzrodenie v nemŕtve je " "jedinou cestou vpred, ako uniknúť z papule, inak prijmete zabudnutie." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:812 msgid "Mak-Dak’an" msgstr "Mak-Dak’an" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:832 msgid "" "No. For too long, I have allowed my pride to overrule my wisdom. I have been " "arrogant. I have been the fool in this story. I believed I and only I was " "destined for greatness. But I can see it clearly now. I have been no " "different than my dear friend Ravan. We have been the same all along." msgstr "" "Nie. Príliš dlho som dovolil, aby moja pýcha zvíťazila nad mojou múdrosťou. " "Bol som arogantný. V tomto príbehu som bol blázon. Veril som ja a len ja som " "bol predurčený k veľkosti. Ale už to vidím jasne. Nebol som iný ako môj " "drahý priateľ Ravan. Celý čas sme boli rovnakí." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:836 msgid "But no longer. My will is my own." msgstr "Ale už nie. Moja vôľa je moja vlastná." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:840 msgid "" "I will not be tempted by undeath. I will pass unto the Land of the Dead, and " "if I am to be damned there then so be it." msgstr "" "Nenechám sa pokúšať nemŕtvosťou. Prejdem do Zeme mŕtvych a ak tam mám byť " "zatratený, tak nech budem." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:844 msgid "My story ends here." msgstr "Tu môj príbeh končí." #. [message]: speaker=spirit2 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:856 msgid "So be it." msgstr "Nech sa páči." #. [message]: speaker=spirit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:860 msgid "THE MAW OPENS ITS JAWS." msgstr "PAPUĽA OTVORÍ SVOJE ČEĽUSTI." #. [message]: speaker=spirit2 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle/final_battle.cfg:876 msgid "DARKNESS CONSUMES THE SOUL." msgstr "TEMNOTA POŽIERA DUŠU." #. [item_dialog]: description={ITEM_DESC} #. [item_dialog_musttake] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:36 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1017 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1171 msgid "Take it." msgstr "Zober to." #. [item_dialog]: description={ITEM_DESC} #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:37 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1018 msgid "Leave it." msgstr "Nechaj to tak." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:117 msgid "" " This item is reusable if its wielder dies, and can " "be dropped by right clicking.\n" " Picking up an item consumes your moves and attack.\n" "" msgstr "" " Táto položka je znovu použiteľná, ak jej majiteľ " "zomrie, a možno ju pustiť kliknutím pravým tlačidlom myši.\n" " Zdvihnutie predmetu spotrebuje vaše pohyby a útok.\n" "" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:122 msgid "" "This item can NOT be dropped, and can NOT be reused if its user dies.\n" " Picking up an item consumes your moves and attack.\n" "" msgstr "" "Túto položku NEMOŽNO zahodiť a NEMOŽNO " "ju znova použiť, ak jej používateľ zomrie.\n" " Zdvihnutie predmetu spotrebuje vaše pohyby a útok.\n" "" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:136 msgid "quiver" msgstr "tulec" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:137 msgid "Crystal Quiver" msgstr "Kryštálový tulec" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:138 msgid "" "Arrows from this crystalline quiver glimmer with a pale magical light, " "illuminating the surrounding area and making your bow or " "crossbow attacks arcane." msgstr "" "Šípy z tohto kryštalického tulca sa trblietajú bledým magickým svetlom, " "osvetľujú okolie a robia útoky z luku alebo kuše " "mystické." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:170 msgid "Drop Crystal Quiver" msgstr "Odhoď kryštálový tulec" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:190 msgid "amulet" msgstr "amulet" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:191 msgid "Holy Amulet" msgstr "Svätý amulet" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:192 msgid "" "Engraved with a consecrated symbol, this amulet will bless both your " "melee and ranged attacks with arcane damage." msgstr "" "Tento amulet s vyrytým zasväteným symbolom požehná vaše útoky na " "blízko aj diaľkové útoky pomocou mystického poškodenia." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:211 msgid "Drop Holy Amulet" msgstr "Odhoď svätý amulet" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:225 msgid "sentinel" msgstr "hliadka" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:226 msgid "Shield of the Sentinel" msgstr "Štít hliadky" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:227 msgid "" "Deep within this shield’s towering bulk, enchanted machinery whirrs faintly. " "Whenever an adjacent ally is hit by an attack, this shield’s bearer is " "hit instead." msgstr "" "Hlboko v mohutnej mohutnosti tohto štítu slabo bzučí očarované stroje. " "Kedykoľvek je susedný spojenec zasiahnutý útokom, namiesto toho je " "zasiahnutý nositeľ tohto štítu." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:249 msgid "Drop Shield of the Sentinel" msgstr "Odhoď štít hliadky" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:577 msgid "yetiburger" msgstr "yetiburger" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:578 msgid "Yetiburger" msgstr "Yetiburger" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:579 msgid "" "Eating this funny tasting meat doubles your hitpoints and " "grants immunity to cold." msgstr "" "Konzumáciou tohto chutného mäsa zdvojnásobíte svoje životy a " "získate imunitu proti chladu." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:605 msgid "ant ambrosia" msgstr "mravčia ambrózia" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:606 msgid "Ant Ambrosia" msgstr "Mravčia ambrózia" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:607 msgid "" "This goopy honey-like substance makes you feel very sleepy... perhaps eating " "too much would be unwise.\n" "\n" "-1 damage, -1 movement, +10 hitpoints." msgstr "" "Táto mazľavá látka podobná medu spôsobuje, že sa cítite veľmi ospalí... " "možno by nebolo rozumné jesť jej príliš veľa.\n" "\n" "-1 poškodenie, -1 pohyb, + 10 života." #. [effect]: type=arcane #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:639 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:654 msgid "baneblade" msgstr "prekliata čepeľ" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:640 msgid "Baneblade" msgstr "Prekliata čepeľ" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:641 msgid "" "This incorporeal sword resembles those wielded by undead wraiths. Any mortal " "brave enough to wield it becomes chaotic and lashes out at " "their foes with reckless abandon.\n" "6x4 arcane damage, drains, berserk." msgstr "" "Tento netelesný meč sa podobá tým, ktoré ovládajú nemŕtve prízraky. Každý " "smrteľník, ktorý je dostatočne odvážny na to, aby ho ovládal, sa stáva " "chaotickým a vrhá sa na svojich nepriateľov s bezohľadnou " "opustenosťou.\n" "6x4 tajomné poškodenie, odtok, zúrivý." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:691 msgid "Drop Baneblade" msgstr "Odhoď prekliatu čepeľ" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:705 msgid "barkskin" msgstr "kôra" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:706 msgid "Potion of Barkskin" msgstr "Lektvar z kôry" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:707 msgid "" "This potion bubbles as though over an open flame, yet is cool to the touch. " "Its drinker gains the steadfast ability and can heal 2 " "hitpoints each turn, like dwarves with the ‘healthy’ trait." msgstr "" "Tento elixír bublá ako nad otvoreným ohňom, no je chladný na dotyk. Kto ho " "vypije, získa schopnosť stálosti a dokáže vyliečiť 2 " "životy každé kolo, ako trpaslíci so „zdravou“ vlastnosťou." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:737 msgid "ring" msgstr "prsteň" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:738 msgid "Ring of Invisibility" msgstr "Prsteň neviditeľnosti" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:739 msgid "" "This plain gold ring looks unremarkable, but its wearer gains " "skirmisher and nightstalk, becoming invisible in " "the dark." msgstr "" "Tento obyčajný zlatý prsteň vyzerá neobyčajne, ale jeho nositeľ získa " "priebojnosť a nočnú stopu a stáva sa v tme " "neviditeľným." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:763 msgid "Drop Ring of Invisibility" msgstr "Odhoď prsteň neviditeľnosti" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:777 msgid "staff" msgstr "palica" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:793 msgid "Plague Staff" msgstr "Morová palica" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:794 msgid "" "Looted from a dead necromancer, the wielder of this dark staff becomes " "chaotic, and can recruit and recall Walking " "Corpses and Soulless.\n" "6x3 impact damage, plague." msgstr "" "Ukoristený mŕtvemu nekromantovi, majiteľ tejto temnej palice sa stáva " "chaotickým a môže naverbovať a odvolať chodiace " "mŕtvoly a Bezduchých.\n" "6x3 tupého poškodenie, mor." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:797 msgid "" "I will not wield such a dark magical artifact, though I shall not begrudge " "its use by my companions." msgstr "" "Nebudem mať taký temný magický artefakt, aj keď nebudem protestovať proti " "jeho použití mojimi spoločníkmi." #. [effect]: type=impact #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:803 msgid "plague staff" msgstr "morová palica" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:868 msgid "Drop Plague Staff" msgstr "Odhoď morovú palicu" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #. If the player accepts the plague staff, the unit that picks it up can recruit walking corpses of animals (but not humans), #. randomly getting a falcon, spider, wolf or sand scorpion corpse. Here “crown” means “top of head”, or “top of cephalothorax”. #. Dacyn says this the first time a corpse is recruited, and this event could happen in almost any scenario from S07b onwards. #. Even before picking up the amulet, he’s showing a level of interest that might get a student expelled from the Academy on Alduin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:913 msgid "" "Fascinating. The necromantic magic concentrates in the subject’s crown, " "replacing its bestial soul. Unnatural, yet effective." msgstr "" "Fascinujúce. Nekromantická mágia sa sústreďuje v korune subjektu a nahrádza " "jeho beštiálnu dušu. Neprirodzené, no účinné." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #. First time a corpse is recruited by the wielder of the plague staff. #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:918 msgid "A disgusting abomination! I lament living in such times..." msgstr "Hnusná ohavnosť! Ľutujem, že žijem v takej dobe..." #. [object] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:976 msgid "Gwza-Alswdan" msgstr "Gwza-Alswdan" #. [item_dialog]: description={ITEM_DESC} #. [item_dialog_musttake] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1014 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1168 msgid "" " (Elixirs only last for 1 scenario.)\n" " Picking up an item consumes your moves and attack.\n" "" msgstr "" " (Elixíry vydržia iba pri 1 scenári.)\n" " Zdvihnutie predmetu spotrebuje vaše pohyby a útok.\n" "" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1039 msgid "Elixir of Water Breathing" msgstr "Elixír vodného dýchania" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1040 msgid "" "This shimmering blue vial grants its drinker normal movement and defense in " "swamp and shallow water." msgstr "" "Táto trblietavá modrá ampulka poskytuje tomu, kto ju vypije, normálny pohyb " "a obranu v močiaroch a plytkej vode." #. [floating_text] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1060 msgid "water breathing" msgstr "dýchanie vody" #. [trait]: id=TRAIT_waterbreathing #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1072 msgid "waterbreathing" msgstr "dýchanie pod vodou" #. [trait]: id=TRAIT_waterbreathing #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1073 msgid "" "An elixir of waterbreathing has given this unit normal movement and defense " "in swamp and shallow water." msgstr "" "Elixír vodného dýchania dal tejto jednotke normálny pohyb a obranu v " "močiaroch a plytkej vode." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1106 msgid "Elixir of Elements" msgstr "Elixír živlov" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1107 msgid "" "This bubbling yellow vial grants immunity to both fire and cold. It also " "makes you sweat profusely." msgstr "" "Táto bublinková žltá liekovka poskytuje imunitu voči ohňu aj chladu. Tiež sa " "pri ňom poriadne zapotíte." #. [floating_text] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1127 msgid "elemental resist" msgstr "odolný voči elementom" #. [trait]: id=TRAIT_elements #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1141 msgid "elements" msgstr "elementy" #. [trait]: id=TRAIT_elements #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1142 msgid "" "An elixir of elements has given this unit immunity to both fire and cold." msgstr "Elixír prvkov dodal tejto jednotke odolnosť voči ohňu aj chladu." #. [item_dialog_musttake] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1165 msgid "Elixir of Haste" msgstr "Elixír rýchlosti" #. [item_dialog_musttake] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1167 msgid "" "This saccharine green liquid grants +1 movement and +10% defense on all " "terrain. You may have difficulty standing still." msgstr "" "Táto sacharínovo zelená tekutina poskytuje +1 pohyb a +10% obranyschopnosť " "na každom teréne. Môžeš mať problém stáť na mieste." #. [floating_text] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1190 msgid "haste" msgstr "zhon" #. [trait]: id=TRAIT_haste #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1202 msgid "haste" msgstr "zhon" #. [trait]: id=TRAIT_haste #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1203 msgid "" "An elixir of haste has given this unit +1 movement and +10% defense on all " "terrain." msgstr "" "Elixír zhonu dal tejto jednotke +1 k pohybu a +10% k obrane vo všetkých " "terénoch." #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1241 msgid "Elixir of Fury" msgstr "Elixír zúrivosti" #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1242 msgid "" "The red liquid in this vial sloshes violently, as though trying to escape. " "Drinking it grants unlimited melee attacks and the " "berserk melee special." msgstr "" "Červená tekutina v tejto liekovke prudko strieka, akoby sa snažila uniknúť. " "Jeho pitie poskytuje neobmedzené útoky na blízko a špeciálne " "zúrivý útok." #. [floating_text] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1262 msgid "berserker fury" msgstr "zúrivosť berserkerov" #. [trait]: id=TRAIT_fury #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1274 msgid "fury" msgstr "zúrivosť" #. [trait]: id=TRAIT_fury #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/items.cfg:1275 msgid "" "An elixir of fury has given this unit unlimited melee attacks " "and the berserk melee special." msgstr "" "Elixír zúrivosti dal tejto jednotke neobmedzené útoky na blízko a špeciálny zúrivý útok." #. [trait]: id=audacious #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:8 msgid "audacious" msgstr "averzný" #. [trait]: id=audacious #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:9 msgid "Fights normally during unfavorable times of day/night" msgstr "Normálne bojuje v nepriaznivých denných/nočných časoch" #. [trait]: id=audacious #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:10 msgid "" "Aversion to light and dark holds no sway over these audacious individuals." msgstr "Averzia voči svetlu a tme neovláda týchto odvážnych jedincov." #. [trait]: id=deserter #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:20 msgid "deserter" msgstr "dezertér" #. [trait]: id=deserter #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:21 msgid "female^deserter" msgstr "dezertérka" #. [trait]: id=deserter #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:22 msgid "" "When this unit drops below half health, it will flee the battle and reappear " "on your recall list." msgstr "" "Keď táto jednotka klesne pod polovicu zdravia, utečie z bitky a znova sa " "objaví na vašom zozname jednotiek na privolanie." #. [message]: speaker=$unit.id #. The unit is about to desert #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:72 msgid "Forget this!" msgstr "Zabudni na to!" #. [message]: speaker=$unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:79 msgid "Run for your lives!" msgstr "Bežte za vlastné životy!" #. [message]: speaker=$unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:88 msgid "female^Get me out of here!" msgstr "Dostaň ma odtiaľto!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #. unit is male #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:107 msgid "" "The ‘deserter’ trait has caused $unit.name to flee back to your recall list." msgstr "" "Vlastnosť „dezertér“ spôsobila, že $unit.name utiekol späť na tvoj zoznam na " "privolanie." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:114 msgid "" "female^The ‘deserter’ trait has caused $unit.name to flee back to your " "recall list." msgstr "" "Vlastnosť „dezertér“ spôsobila, že $unit.name utiekol späť na tvoj zoznam na " "privolanie." #. [trait]: id=mercenary #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:125 msgid "mercenary" msgstr "žoldnier" #. [trait]: id=mercenary #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:126 msgid "female^mercenary" msgstr "žoldnierka" #. [trait]: id=mercenary #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:127 msgid "" "+30% base damage when gold is positive.\n" "-30% base damage when gold is 0 or negative." msgstr "" "+30 % základného poškodenia, keď je zlato " "kladné.\n" "-30 % základného poškodenia, keď je zlato 0 " "alebo záporné." #. [trait]: id=survivor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:156 msgid "survivor" msgstr "preživší" #. [trait]: id=survivor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:157 msgid "female^survivor" msgstr "preživšia" #. [trait]: id=survivor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/traits.cfg:158 msgid "" "+1 damage to and -1 damage from undead, necromancers, and bats.\n" "\n" "Against all odds, this unit has endured the terrors and tortures of Mal-" "Ravanal’s prisons and lived to tell the tale. Survivors bear a heavy burden " "from their time in captivity, but have also learned much of the strengths " "and weaknesses of their former captors." msgstr "" "+1 poškodenie a -1 " "poškodenie od nemŕtvych, nekromantov a netopierov.\n" "\n" "Napriek všetkým prekážkam táto jednotka vydržala teror a mučenie Mal-" "Ravanalových väzníc a dožila sa toho, aby mohla rozprávať príbeh. Tí, ktorí " "prežili, znášajú ťažké bremeno z času stráveného v zajatí, ale tiež sa " "naučili veľa zo silných a slabých stránok svojich bývalých väzniteľov." #~ msgid "Move Owaec next to Yannic." #~ msgstr "Presuňte Owaeca vedľa Yannica." #~ msgid "Keep Yannic alive (bonus reward)." #~ msgstr "Udržujte Yannica nažive (bonusová odmena)." #~ msgid "sword" #~ msgstr "meč" #~ msgid "trample" #~ msgstr "rozdrvenie" #~ msgid "{AMOUNT} gold" #~ msgstr "{AMOUNT} zlata" #~ msgid "-OR-" #~ msgstr "-ALEBO-" #~ msgid "fangs" #~ msgstr "tesáky" #~ msgid "longsword" #~ msgstr "dlhý meč" #~ msgid "morning star" #~ msgstr "palcát" #~ msgid "Skeleton Rider" #~ msgstr "Jazdec kostlivec" #~ msgid "" #~ "Once great warriors thundering across the plains, these mounted riders " #~ "atop their skeletal horses were raised from the grave by unholy magic to " #~ "spread fear and destruction." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Kedysi veľkí bojovníci z rovín, títo jazdci na koňoch z kostí boli " #~ "vytiahnutí zo zeme nečistou mágiou, aby šírili strach a zkazu." #~ msgid "Normal" #~ msgstr "Normálna" #~ msgid "Spearman" #~ msgstr "Kopijník" #~ msgid "Challenging" #~ msgstr "Náročná" #~ msgid "Swordsman" #~ msgstr "Bojovník" #~ msgid "Campaign Epilogue and Continuity" #~ msgstr "Záver a doslov príbehu" #~ msgid "The Outpost" #~ msgstr "Základňa" #~ msgid "" #~ "To the northern outpost he sent Owaec, a clan noble. To the southern " #~ "outpost, he sent Gweddry, who would be accompanied by Dacyn the mage. Our " #~ "story begins there." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Do severnej základne poslal Owaeca, šľachtica z Klanov. Do južnej " #~ "pevnosti poslal Gweddryho, ktorého mal sprevádzať mág Dacyn. Tento príbeh " #~ "začína o nich." #~ msgid "Mal-Uldhar" #~ msgstr "Mal-Uldhar" #~ msgid "Defend the outpost" #~ msgstr "Ubráň základňu" #~ msgid "Look. To the east. Undead approach!" #~ msgstr "Pozri. Na východ. Prichádzajú nemŕtvi!" #~ msgid "Ah, interesting..." #~ msgstr "Ach, zaujímavé..." #~ msgid "Apologies, Dark Archon. They will die. And then?" #~ msgstr "Ospravedlňujem sa, temný pane. Zomrú. A čo ďalej?" #~ msgid "" #~ "Slaughter the villagers and march onwards. You have wasted enough time " #~ "here already." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zabite dedinčanov a pochodujte ďalej. Už ste tu aj tak stratili dosť času." #~ msgid "What?! We must hold the outpost! And where did Dacyn go?!" #~ msgstr "Čože?! Muži, musíme základňu udržať! A kam šiel Dacyn?!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Gweddry? Good! You are still alive. Quickly, we must leave this place!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Gweddry? Skvelé! Stále si nažive. Rýchlo, musíme opustiť toto miesto!" #~ msgid "Where did you go?! And where did you come from?" #~ msgstr "Kam si to šiel?! A odkiaľ si prišiel?" #~ msgid "" #~ "This outpost is already lost. We must defeat this evil if Wesnoth is to " #~ "survive. Now, come on, we do not have much time to spare!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nemá zmysel snažiť sa ju brániť. Musíme poraziť toto zlo, ak má Wesnoth " #~ "prežiť. Poďme už, nemáme času nazvyš!" #~ msgid "Move Gweddry to the trapdoor" #~ msgstr "Dostaneš Gweddryho k padacím dverám" #~ msgid "Hurry! We cannot defeat this evil today! We must escape!" #~ msgstr "Ponáhľajte sa, toto zlo dnes nemôžeme poraziť! Musíme utiecť!" #~ msgid "Follow me, men! Through the trapdoor!" #~ msgstr "Za mnou, muži! Cez padacie dvere!" #~ msgid "Get moving quickly." #~ msgstr "Pohnite sa, rýchlo." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "This is an old escape tunnel for the outpost; unfortunately these caves " #~| "are currently inhabited by trolls. Now hurry, we have to move quickly; " #~| "the undead will surely follow us down here." #~ msgid "" #~ "This is an old escape route for the outpost. Unfortunately these caves " #~ "are currently inhabited by trolls, who are blocking our path through the " #~ "tunnel." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Toto je starý únikový tunel zo základne; nanešťastie, tieto jaskyne sú " #~ "teraz obývané trolmi. Teraz poďte, musíme ísť rýchlo; nemŕtvi nás určite " #~ "budú prenasledovať aj sem dole." #~ msgid "" #~ "I will explain later. For now, suffice to say they are much too powerful " #~ "for us; our only hope is to head north." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vysvetlím to neskôr. Teraz stačí povedať, že sú na nás príliš silní; " #~ "jedinou nádejou je ísť na sever." #~ msgid "" #~ "Aye, we’ll help ye, for we have nae love for the trolls. Anyone attacked " #~ "by them deserves some help, I think." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Áno, pomôžeme vám, bo nemáme radi trolov. Každý, koho napadnú, si podľa " #~ "mňa zaslúži pomoc." #~ msgid "" #~ "Thank you. Now, I invite you to join us. Undead have followed us into " #~ "these caves, and they will kill you if you stay behind." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ďakujem. Teraz odporúčam, aby si sa k nám pridal. Nemŕtvi nás nasledovali " #~ "do týchto jaskýň, a zabijú ťa, ak zostaneš pozadu." #~ msgid "" #~ "Thank you. Now, I invite you to join us. Undead are in these lands, and " #~ "they will find these caves." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ďakujem. Teraz odporúčam, aby si sa k nám pridal. Nemŕtvi sú v tomto " #~ "kraji, a nájdu tieto jaskyne." #~ msgid "We have reached the end of the tunnel. I see daylight above us!" #~ msgstr "Dosiahli sme koniec tunela. Nad nami vidím denné svetlo!" #~ msgid "Defeat either enemy dark sorcerer" #~ msgstr "Porazíš niektorého z nepriateľských čarodejníkov" #~ msgid "We have escaped from those dark tunnels! But where are we now?" #~ msgstr "Unikli sme z tých temných tunelov! Ale kde to sme?" #~ msgid "" #~ "We are in the middle of the eastern mountains, in a mountain pass leading " #~ "east and west. We need to head north, but we cannot go through the " #~ "mountains... we must go east, or west, and hope we can get around them." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sme uprostred východných hôr, v horskom prechode z východu na západ. " #~ "Musíme ísť na sever, stretnúť Owaeca, ale nemôžeme cez hory... treba ísť " #~ "smerom na východ alebo na západ, a dúfať, že ich obídeme." #~ msgid "Hahaha! We have you surrounded!" #~ msgstr "Hahaha! Ste obkľúčení!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Why don’t we see if the new recruit can handle them. After all, there are " #~ "only two!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vyskúšajme, či si s nimi poradí náš nový regrút. Napokon, sú len dvaja!" #~ msgid "That would be your problem, then." #~ msgstr "Nechám to teda na teba." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "These undead are toying with us! This adept is weak — we may be able to " #~| "take his fort." #~ msgid "" #~ "These undead are toying with us! This adept is weak — we should attack at " #~ "once and take his fort." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Títo nemŕtvi sa s nami zahrávajú! Tento adept je slabý - mohli by sme " #~ "zvládnuť dobyť jeho hrad." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "A good idea. Then, we must kill either of the dark sorcerers. I would " #~| "prefer to attack the western one, so we can return to Wesnoth." #~ msgid "" #~ "Indeed, I see no better option. Then, we must kill either of the dark " #~ "sorcerers. I would prefer to attack the western one, so we can return to " #~ "Wesnoth." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dobrý nápad. Musíme teda zabiť niektorého z temných čarodejníkov. Radšej " #~ "by som zaútočil na toho západného, aby sme sa mohli vrátiť do Wesnothu." #~ msgid "No! You have defeated me, and can re-enter Wesnoth!" #~ msgstr "Nie! Porazili ste ma, a teraz máte voľnú cestu do Wesnothu!" #~ msgid "" #~ "But Gweddry and Dacyn were to find no respite within the borders of " #~ "Wesnoth. They marched out of the foothills of the Estmarks into an " #~ "unknown forest..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Gweddry a Dacyn však zistili, že keď sa za nimi uzavrel únikový tunel, " #~ "návrat do Wesnothu nebude jednoduchý. Dali sa na pochod z úpätia Estmarku " #~ "smerom, ktorým predtým išlo len málo ľudí, do neznámej lesnej krajiny na " #~ "juh od Veľkej rieky." #~ msgid "Allies" #~ msgstr "Spojenci" #~ msgid "Volas" #~ msgstr "Volas" #~ msgid "Orcs" #~ msgstr "Orkovia" #~ msgid "Gruga-Har" #~ msgstr "Gruga-Har" #~ msgid "Defeat enemy leader" #~ msgstr "Porazíš veliteľa nepriateľov" #~ msgid "Death of Volas" #~ msgstr "Zomrie Volas" #~ msgid "" #~ "Would it be possible for us to rest in your lands for a while? We have " #~ "been pursued by fell undead, although they did not dare follow us into " #~ "the forest... yet." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mohli by sme si na vašom území na chvíľu oddýchnuť? Prenasledujú nás " #~ "záplavy nemŕtvych, ale neodvážia sa nás nasledovať do lesa... zatiaľ." #~ msgid "Certainly." #~ msgstr "Isteže." #~ msgid "" #~ "Good. Now, you should be warned: this undead warlord is very powerful. If " #~ "you choose to fight, even if you are victorious, few will survive. I " #~ "invite you to join us, and head north." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dobre. Ale musím vás varovať; tento vládca nemŕtvych je veľmi mocný. Ak " #~ "sa s ním rozhodnete bojovať, tak aj keby ste zvíťazili, prežijú to len " #~ "máloktorí. Odporúčam vám pridať sa k nám a zamieriť na sever." #~ msgid "" #~ "I thank you for your offer. But I will not leave my homeland. These " #~ "undead cannot be as powerful as you say; I will fight them." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ďakujem za vašu ponuku. Ale svoju domovinu neopustím. Tí nemŕtvi nemôžu " #~ "byť až takí mocní ako hovoríte. Budem proti nim bojovať." #~ msgid "" #~ "This is not a wise choice, but it is yours to make. If you will not join " #~ "us, will you at least help us reach the northern outpost? We wish to warn " #~ "our comrades there." #~ msgstr "" #~ "To nie je dobrý nápad, ale je to vaša voľba. Ak sa k nám nechcete pridať, " #~ "pomôžete nám aspoň dostať sa k severnej základni? Chceme varovať našich " #~ "priateľov, ktorí sú tam." #~ msgid "" #~ "I will aid you. Although, I too, think that yours is the foolish choice. " #~ "You should stay, and fight." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pomôžem vám. Hoci si tiež myslím, že váš nápad je bláznivý. Mali by ste " #~ "zostať a bojovať." #~ msgid "" #~ "After we rest for a short while, we will leave. We have little time to " #~ "spare." #~ msgstr "Trochu si oddýchneme a pôjdeme. Nemáme veľa času." #~ msgid "Intruders!" #~ msgstr "Votrelci!" #~ msgid "What? Orcs! Where did they come from?" #~ msgstr "Čo? Orkovia! Odkiaľ prišli?" #~ msgid "" #~ "I know not. But they have made camp on the northern path. You will have " #~ "to fight them to move on." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Neviem. Ale sú priamo na severnej ceste. Musíme ich poraziť, ak chceme " #~ "ísť ďalej." #~ msgid "Bring forth the assassins, we may be able to poison them!" #~ msgstr "Priveďte zabijakov, možno ich otrávime!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Your Warlordship, I am the only assassin left! Do you want me to go " #~ "poison their leader?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vaše vojvodstvo, ja som jediný zvyšný zabijak! Chcete, aby som išiel " #~ "otráviť ich veliteľa?" #~ msgid "Perfect! Go, into the forest!" #~ msgstr "Výborne! Choď do lesa!" #~ msgid "" #~ "They have sent an assassin into the forest. We will have to be careful, " #~ "and make sure he does not come out and attack us unexpectedly." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Poslali do lesa zabijaka. Mali by sme byť opatrní a dať si pozor, aby na " #~ "nás nevyskočil nečakane." #~ msgid "Hahaha! Nafga will kill the elves!" #~ msgstr "Hahaha! Nafga pozabíja elfov!" #~ msgid "" #~ "My assassin is dead! The elves must pay, not for his death, but for " #~ "stopping him in his mission!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Môj zabijak je mŕtvy! Za to elfovia zaplatia. Nie za jeho smrť, ale že mu " #~ "nedovolili splniť úlohu!" #~ msgid "We have defeated the orcs! Now you can rest before your journey." #~ msgstr "Porazili sme orkov! Teraz si môžete pred svojou cestou odpočinúť." #~ msgid "" #~ "We have not the time. This battle has wasted too much of it already. We " #~ "must leave now." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nemáme čas. Táto bitka nás už stála príliš mnoho. Musíme odísť hneď." #~ msgid "Very well. I will send guides to lead you north to your allies." #~ msgstr "Výborne. Pošlem s vami sprievod na sever až k vašim spojencom." #~ msgid "The Undead Border Patrol" #~ msgstr "Pohraničná hliadka nemŕtvych" #~ msgid "Mal-Telnarad" #~ msgstr "Mal-Telnarad" #~ msgid "Defeat either enemy leader" #~ msgstr "Porazíš niektorého z nepriateľských veliteľov" #~ msgid "" #~ "Now that we are free of the mountain range the path northwards is clear. " #~ "Let us go north and try to reach Owaec at the outpost." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Teraz, keď sme dostali preč z tohto horského pásma, je cesta na sever " #~ "voľná. Poďme teda a pokúsme sa nájsť Owaeca v základni." #~ msgid "" #~ "Wait. I am not sure that is the best option. If we go east now, we may be " #~ "able to find the lich who attacked us and destroy him. He must be nearby." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Moment. Nie som si istý, či je to tá najlepšia voľba. Ak pôjdeme teraz na " #~ "východ, mali by sme nájsť toho kosteja Mal-Ravanala, ktorý nás napadol, a " #~ "poraziť ho. Musí byť niekde nablízku." #~ msgid "" #~ "This is no ordinary Lich you hunt. Even if you manage to find him, how " #~ "will you prevent him from simply teleporting away? We should head north; " #~ "there is much I must learn before we confront this menace." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Toto nie je len taký obyčajný kostej, ktorého naháňaš. Ak sa ti aj podarí " #~ "ho nájsť, ako mu zabrániš v tom, že sa jednoducho teleportuje preč? Mali " #~ "by sme zamieriť na sever; je tam veľa toho, čo sa musím naučiť skôr, než " #~ "budeme čeliť tejto hrozbe." #~ msgid "" #~ "They run from me! Still, it will not help them, the border patrol will " #~ "destroy them. I may even be promoted!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Utekajú predo mnou! Ale to im nepomôže, rozdrví ich pohraničná hliadka. " #~ "Možno ma potom povýšia!" #~ msgid "" #~ "We have defeated this patrol, but we can still turn back! Do you insist " #~ "on traveling east, or shall we defeat this dark sorcerer?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Porazili sme túto hliadku, ale stále sa ešte môžeme vrátiť! Trváš na " #~ "pokračovaní na východ, alebo skúsime poraziť toho temného čarodejníka?" #~ msgid "I wish to destroy the evil before it can spread. East we go!" #~ msgstr "Musíme zničiť zlo skôr ako sa rozšíri. Poďme na východ!" #~ msgid "I cannot say this is a good decision, but I will follow you." #~ msgstr "Neviem povedať, či je to dobré rozhodnutie, ale pôjdem s tebou." #~ msgid "Noo!! I can’t be promoted if they run away!" #~ msgstr "Nie!! Ak mi ujdú, moji páni ma nepovýšia!" #~ msgid "You are right. It is foolish to go onward — we will turn back." #~ msgstr "Máš pravdu. Bola by hlúposť ísť ďalej... otočíme sa." #~ msgid "Good! If I defeat them, I can become a lich!" #~ msgstr "Dobre! Ak ich porazím, bude zo mňa kostej!" #~ msgid "" #~ "We failed to defeat either enemy! Now more undead will come and we will " #~ "be overwhelmed!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nepodarilo sa nám poraziť žiadneho z nepriateľov! Teraz prídu ďalší " #~ "nemŕtvi a prevalcujú nás!" #~ msgid "" #~ "We cannot spend any more time attempting to defeat Mal-Skraat. Like it or " #~ "not, we must go further into these undead lands." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nemôžeme strácať čas bojom s Mal-Skraatom. Či sa nám to páči alebo nie, " #~ "musíme ísť hlbšie to tejto krajiny nemŕtvych." #~ msgid "" #~ "Noo!! He will reach Mal-Ravanal’s capital, and I shall be punished for " #~ "letting him escape!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nie!!! Ak príde do hlavného mesta Mal-Ravanala, tak mňa potrestajú za to, " #~ "že som ho nechal ujsť!" #~ msgid "Mal-Galkar" #~ msgstr "Mal-Galkar" #~ msgid "" #~ "Yes, but look! The undead forces are closing in behind us. As I said " #~ "before we cannot kill Mal-Ravanal. It was foolish to come this far; we " #~ "must turn back!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Áno, ale pozri! Nemŕtve armády sa za nami uzatvárajú. Ako som hovoril, " #~ "nemôžeme zabiť Mal-Ravanala. Bola hlúposť ísť až sem, musíme sa otočiť!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Perhaps. To retreat, we must kill one of these dark sorcerers that follow " #~ "us. But, perhaps we can kill this Mal-Ravanal. I might wish to try." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Možno. Aby sme unikli, musíme zabiť jedného z tých čarodejníkov, čo nás " #~ "prenasledujú. Ale, možno dokážeme zabiť aj toho Mal-Ravanala. Ja by som " #~ "to asi skúsil." #~ msgid "" #~ "These humans have dared foolishly to come this far into my land. Crush " #~ "them!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Títo ľudia sa hlúpo opovážili zájsť hlboko do mojej krajiny. Rozdrvte ich!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Thank you for destroying that skeleton warrior! Every time you kill one " #~ "of the Revenants, one of us knights is let free!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ďakujeme vám, že ste zničili toho kostlivého bojovníka! Vždy keď zabijete " #~ "jedného z ich kostlivých bojovníkov, jeden z nás rytierov sa oslobodí!" #~ msgid "Why? Are you the undead’s prisoners?" #~ msgstr "Prečo? Vy ste väzni nemŕtvych?" #~ msgid "" #~ "Yes. My allies and I were questing when we were ambushed by undead. The " #~ "guard is playing a sick game — whenever one of their warriors dies, one " #~ "of us is let free, but whenever you lose a fighter, they kill one of us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Áno. Moji spojenci a ja sme boli na prieskumnej výprave, keď nás nemŕtvi " #~ "prepadli zo zálohy. Strážnici sa s nami hrajú takú šialenú hru: Keď " #~ "zomrie jeden z ich bojovníkov, prepustia jedného z nás, ale keď vy " #~ "stratíte jedného vojaka, zabijú jedného z nás." #~ msgid "" #~ "Wait! I recognize that magic! Dacyn, have you come to surrender to me? Or " #~ "perhaps you wish to finish the duel we started so long ago?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Počkať! Spoznávam túto mágiu! Dacyn, prišiel si sa mi vzdať? Alebo si " #~ "nebodaj želáš ukončiť duel, ktorý sme začali už tak dávno?" #~ msgid "" #~ "If I have one regret, it is that mercy slowed my hand thirty three years " #~ "ago. Stop this madness and I will release you from your torment." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ak ľutujem jednu vec, tak to, že mi milosť zastavila ruku pred 33 rokmi. " #~ "Zastav toto šialenstvo a oslobodím ťa z tvojho trápenia." #~ msgid "" #~ "Torment?! You have no idea... but you soon will. Kill them all and bring " #~ "Dacyn to me!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Trápenia?! Nemáš ani predstavu... ale čoskoro budeš mať. Zabite ich " #~ "všetkých a Dacyna doveďte ku mne!" #~ msgid "You know this lich?" #~ msgstr "Ty poznáš tohto kosteja?" #~ msgid "Ah, so you’ve decided to fight me." #~ msgstr "Ach, takže ste sa rozhodli so mnou bojovať." #~ msgid "I will atone for my failure thirty three years ago." #~ msgstr "Odčiním svoje zlyhanie spred 33 rokov." #~ msgid "Enough! You cannot possibly defeat me!" #~ msgstr "Dosť! Nemôžete ma poraziť!" #~ msgid "Is he... dead?" #~ msgstr "Je on... mŕtvy?" #~ msgid "" #~ "Merely departed. He will return once he has recovered; we would best be " #~ "away from here by then." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Iba odišiel. Vráti sa, keď sa uzdraví; najlepšie bude, keď dovtedy už " #~ "budeme odtiaľto preč." #~ msgid "Lanar-Skal" #~ msgstr "Lanar-Skal" #~ msgid "Defeat the undead leader" #~ msgstr "Porazíš veliteľa nemŕtvych" #~ msgid "" #~ "Greetings, Owaec! We have been forced from our positions by undead " #~ "invaders. They follow us even now." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ahoj, Owaec! Z našich pozícií nás vyhnali nemŕtvi útočníci. Prenasledujú " #~ "nás až doteraz." #~ msgid "" #~ "Indeed, they do. And do not think you will be able to defeat them. They " #~ "are too powerful. We are heading for the Northlands, where I hope to find " #~ "a means to stop this invasion. Will you join us?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "To veru áno. A nemyslite si, že ich porazíte. Sú príliš silní. Smerujeme " #~ "na sever, kde snáď nájdeme spôsob, ako zastaviť túto inváziu. Pridáte sa " #~ "k nám?" #~ msgid "" #~ "I cannot. My orders were to protect these villages. If I leave, the " #~ "villagers will be at the mercy of a gang of bandits. I cannot find a way " #~ "to defeat them; the outlaws hide in the villages whenever I send in my " #~ "troops." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nemôžem. Moje rozkazy boli ochrániť tieto dediny. Ak odídem, dedinčania " #~ "budú vydaní na milosť gangu banditov. Nedokážem nájsť spôsob, ako ich " #~ "zničiť; lupiči sa schovajú v dedinách, kedykoľvek vyšlem svojich vojakov." #~ msgid "" #~ "Hoping to protect these villages is foolish; all who stay here will die. " #~ "However, if we can drive these bandits out, will you organize the " #~ "villagers to flee to the west? There they may survive for a time. But " #~ "soon nowhere in Wesnoth will be safe." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Snažiť sa chrániť tieto dediny je bláznovstvo; kto tu zostane, zomrie. " #~ "Ale ak by sme dokázali vyhnať týchto banditov, zorganizujete pre " #~ "dedinčanov útek na západ? Tam možno nejaký čas prežijú. Ale čoskoro už " #~ "nikde vo Wesnothe nebude bezpečne." #~ msgid "" #~ "Go, go far from here! But me and my kind will chase you, and kill you!" #~ msgstr "Pakuj sa stadeto! My si ťa nájdeme a zabijeme!" #~ msgid "" #~ "It seems the undead have caught up with us! We will have to kill them too " #~ "if we want the villagers to be safe. Well, I will begin casting the spell." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zdá sa, že nás nemŕtvi dobehli! Musíme ich tiež pobiť, ak chceme, aby " #~ "boli dedinčania v bezpečí. Dobre, začínam so zosielaním kúzla." #~ msgid "" #~ "So, you have found my hiding place. Very well, I guess I will have to " #~ "kill you!" #~ msgstr "Tak ste našli môj úkryt. No dobre, zrejme vás musím zabiť!" #~ msgid "You have defeated me! I can terrorize the villagers no more..." #~ msgstr "Porazili ste ma! Už viac nemôžem terorizovať dediny..." #~ msgid "We still need to defeat these undead for the villagers to be safe." #~ msgstr "Aby boli dediny v bezpečí, musíme ešte poraziť týchto nemŕtvych." #~ msgid "" #~ "There are still these outlaws to take care of — we must continue fighting " #~ "here." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ešte sa treba postarať o tamtých zbojníkov - musíme tu bojovať ďalej." #~ msgid "" #~ "Good! Now, we must move onward, north. Tell the villagers to pack their " #~ "belongings and head west." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dobre! Teraz musíme pokračovať na sever. Povedz dedinčanom, nech si " #~ "zbalia veci a idú na západ." #~ msgid "Two Paths" #~ msgstr "Dve cesty" #~ msgid "Evil" #~ msgstr "Zlo" #~ msgid "Wak-Rano" #~ msgstr "Wak-Rano" #~ msgid "It looks like the road splits here. Which way shall we go?" #~ msgstr "Zdá sa, že tu sa cesta rozdeľuje. Kadiaľ pôjdeme?" #~ msgid "" #~ "We’re in the land of the Clans now; I know it well. The road north leads " #~ "directly to the Great River; across it lies the orcs’ home country in the " #~ "Northlands. The westward road will keep us inside the realm of Wesnoth, " #~ "for a time, before we reach another river crossing north of Glyn’s " #~ "Forest. If we travel west we will not have to fight orcs immediately." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Teraz sme na územi Klanov; poznám ho dobre. Cesta na sever vedie priamo " #~ "ku Veľkej Rieke; za ňou leží severná domovina orkov. Cesta na západ nás " #~ "povedie vnútrozemím Wesnothu, až kým neprídeme ku križovatke na sever od " #~ "Glynovho lesa. Ak pôjdeme po tejto ceste, nebudeme musieť hneď bojovať s " #~ "orkmi." #~ msgid "" #~ "We should probably go north to the orcish lands as quickly as possible. " #~ "The longer we tarry in Wesnoth, the more undead we will have to face." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Asi by sme ísť na sever do krajín orkov tak rýchlo, ako to len pôjde. Čím " #~ "dlhšie sa budeme zdržiavať vo Wesnothe, tým viac nemŕtvym budeme musieť " #~ "čeliť." #~ msgid "" #~ "The orcs are more powerful than you suspect. I doubt the few undead in " #~ "Wesnoth can rival the might of the orcish homeland." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Orkovia sú ďaleko mocnejší, než si myslíš. Pochybujem, že by tých zopár " #~ "nemŕtvych vo Wesnothe mohlo súperiť so silou orkov na ich území." #~ msgid "" #~ "Either way we will have to fight. Look, the orcs and undead block our " #~ "path ahead!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tak či onak, musíme bojovať. Pozri, orkovia a nemŕtvi blokujú cestu pred " #~ "nami!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Well, orc, we can either continue this fight, or we can crush the humans " #~ "and battle later. How shall it be?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Počuj, ork, buď môžeme pokračovať v našom boji, alebo rozdrvíme týchto " #~ "ľudí a potom pokračujeme v boji. Ako to bude?" #~ msgid "" #~ "Hmm... I know. We will make a pact to destroy these men, and continue our " #~ "fight later. " #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hm... jasné. Spojme sa proti týmto ľuďom a potom pokračujme v našom boji. " #~ msgid "Perhaps he will die, and I will win our battle without fighting." #~ msgstr "Možno zomrie a ja vyhrám našu bitku bez boja." #~ msgid "This foolish orc will surely perish." #~ msgstr "Ten hnusný ork pritom isto otrčí kopytá." #~ msgid "Very well, we are allies, for now. " #~ msgstr "Dobre teda, sme spojenci, zatiaľ. " #~ msgid "Arrgh! I have failed to defend the northern homeland!" #~ msgstr "Arrgh! Nepodarilo sa mi obrániť svoju severnú vlasť!" #~ msgid "I was supposed to kill you all! I have failed." #~ msgstr "Mal som vás všetkých zabiť! Zlyhal som." #~ msgid "Garnad" #~ msgstr "Garnad" #~ msgid "Draka-Kura" #~ msgstr "Draka-Kura" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Move Gweddry and Owaec across the river" #~ msgid "Move Gweddry, Owaec, and Dacyn across the river" #~ msgstr "Dostaneš Gweddryho a Owaeca cez rieku" #~ msgid "" #~ "We have come to the Great River. Should we cross here, or try to find a " #~ "ford?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prišli sme k Veľkej rieke. Mali by sme cez ňu prejsť tu, alebo sa snažiť " #~ "nájsť brod?" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "We must cross here. The undead are chasing us, and their hordes are much " #~| "too great for us to defeat. We've haven't faced even a small part of " #~| "their force yet. We need to cross the river before the bulk of their " #~| "army arrives!" #~ msgid "" #~ "We must cross here. The undead are chasing us, and their hordes are much " #~ "too great for us to defeat. We’ve haven’t faced even a small part of " #~ "their force yet. We need to cross the river before the bulk of their army " #~ "arrives!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Túto rieku musíme prekročiť tu. Nemŕtvi nás naháňajú a je ich priveľa na " #~ "to, aby sme ich porazili. Čoskoro im navyše prídu posily. Než sa tak " #~ "stane, musíme už byť na druhej strane." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Across this river lies the Northlands. If we can get there, we may be " #~| "able to get some ogres to help us — but the orcs will definitely attack " #~| "us before that happens." #~ msgid "" #~ "Across this river lie the Northlands. If we can get there, we may be able " #~ "to get some ogres to help us — but the orcs will definitely attack us " #~ "before that happens." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Za touto riekou ležia Severné kraje. Ak sa tam dostaneme, možno získame " #~ "na pomoc nejakých ohyzdov - ale orkovia nás určite napadnú ešte predtým." #~ msgid "Grug say we no help you! We finish must battle orc with!" #~ msgstr "Grug hovoriť my pomoc nie! My dokončiť musíme orkov bojovať!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Was that comprehensible to anyone? Silence, foolish ogre. I will deal " #~ "with you later. Right now there are men trying to cross this river." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Rozumel tomu niekto? Ticho, hlúpy ohyzd. S tebou sa porátam neskôr. Teraz " #~ "sa hentí ľudia snažia prekročiť rieku." #~ msgid "Orc foolish! Die you now!" #~ msgstr "Ork hnusný! Zomrieť ty teraz!" #~ msgid "We have you now, mortals!" #~ msgstr "Teraz vás máme, smrteľníci!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "They're closing in on us! We must get moving quickly." #~ msgid "They’re closing in on us! We must get moving quickly." #~ msgstr "Zbiehajú sa na nás! Musíme sa pohnúť." #~ msgid "Mal-Hakralan" #~ msgstr "Mal-Hakralan" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "I see, this is where the scared dogs ran to. Don't think you can get " #~| "away this easily." #~ msgid "" #~ "I see, this is where the scared dogs ran to. Don’t think you can get away " #~ "this easily." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vidím, že tu je to, kde sa zbiehajú vystrašené psy. Nemyslite si, že sa " #~ "sa dostanene tade ľahko." #~ msgid "" #~ "The undead reinforcements have arrived! We must cross the river " #~ "immediately!" #~ msgstr "Nemŕtvym prišli posily! Musíme okamžite prekročiť rieku!" #~ msgid "Hurry up. We must get across before these undead slaughter us!" #~ msgstr "Ponáhľajme sa. Potrebujeme prejsť skôr než nás nemŕtvi pozabíjajú!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Good! We have crossed. Now let’s see if we can get the ogres to join us. " #~ "They have been convinced to work for the Crown in the past; maybe it can " #~ "be done again." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dobre! Prešli sme. Teraz skúsme, či si dokážeme získať ohyzdov na svoju " #~ "stranu. V minulosti sa ich podarilo presvedčiť, aby pracovali pre Korunu; " #~ "možno sa to podarí znova." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Grug say join you will he." #~ msgid "Grug say join you will he. Gork and Drog too." #~ msgstr "Grug hovoriť pridať vy možno on." #~ msgid "Gork" #~ msgstr "Gork" #~ msgid "Drog" #~ msgstr "Drog" #~ msgid "" #~ "These fens look impassable. I don’t think we will be able to continue on " #~ "this road; it is time to turn northwards, away from these undead." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tieto močiare vyzerajú nepriechodne. Nemyslím, že by sme po tejto ceste " #~ "mohli pokračovať. Prišiel čas obrátiť sa na sever, preč od týchto " #~ "nemŕtvych." #~ msgid "" #~ "We must cross this river, then. We must make haste, already we have " #~ "wasted too much time. Undead have positioned themselves in the middle of " #~ "the ford." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Potom musíme prejsť cez rieku. Musíme sa poponáhľať, už sme premárnili " #~ "priveľa času. Nemŕtvi sa opevnili uprostred brodu." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Across this river lies the Northland. Ogres live there, as do orcs. We " #~| "should proceed with caution. The undead are dangerous, but the orcs may " #~| "be more dangerous still." #~ msgid "" #~ "Across this river lie the Northlands. Ogres live there, as do orcs. We " #~ "should proceed with caution. The undead are dangerous, but the orcs may " #~ "be more dangerous still." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Za touto riekou leží Severná zem. Žijú tam ohyzdi a orkovia. Mali by sme " #~ "pokračovať opatrne. Nemŕtvi sú nebezpeční, ale orkovia by mohli byť ešte " #~ "nebezpečnejší." #~ msgid "" #~ "I will leave your bodies to rot in the river, then I will raise you up to " #~ "serve in my Master’s undead hordes!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nechám vaše telá zhniť v rieke, a potom vás vzkriesim ako služobníkov v " #~ "nemŕtvych hordách môjho pána!" #~ msgid "HISS!" #~ msgstr "HISS!" #~ msgid "The sea creatures are gone!" #~ msgstr "Vodné potvory sú preč!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "We have no time to lose! Let's get moving quickly before the rest of " #~| "their army catches up with us." #~ msgid "" #~ "We have no time to lose! Let’s get moving quickly before the rest of " #~ "their army catches up with us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nemáme času nazvyš! Rýchlo sa pohnime, kým nás dostihne zvyšok ich armády." #~ msgid "" #~ "Looks like they are fleeing. I think they will surrender easily if we can " #~ "surround them." #~ msgstr "Zdá sa, že sú na úteku. Vzdajú sa celkom ľahko, ak ich obkľúčime." #~ msgid "All right, we have to capture them one by one." #~ msgstr "Dobre, musíme ich pochytať po jednom." #~ msgid "Help!" #~ msgstr "Pomoc!" #~ msgid "We failed to capture any of them!" #~ msgstr "Nepodarilo sa nám zajať žiadneho z nich!" #~ msgid "We only captured one ogre." #~ msgstr "Zajali sme len jedného ohyzda." #~ msgid "Elandin" #~ msgstr "Elandin" #~ msgid "" #~ "Hail, dwarves! Will you help us get by these foul orcs? We are headed " #~ "farther north." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zdravím vás, trpaslíci! Pomôžete nám prejsť cez týchto hnusných orkov? " #~ "Smerujeme totiž ďalej na sever." #~ msgid "You human! Call us foul, will you?!" #~ msgstr "Ty, človek! Opovažuješ sa nás nazvať hnusnými?!" #~ msgid "Why should we help you? You’re not a dwarf!" #~ msgstr "Prečo by sme ti mali pomôcť? Ty nie si trpaslík!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Your people helped us in the past, in the tunnels in the south. Will you " #~ "not help us now?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tvoji ľudia nám pomohli v minulosti, v južných tuneloch. Nepomohol by si " #~ "nám teraz?" #~ msgid "Impossible! I canna’ believe any of my kin would ha’ helped a human!" #~ msgstr "Nemožné! Nemôžem uveriť, že by niekto z našej krvi pomáhal človeku!" #~ msgid "Indeed. Why should any of us help those not of our people?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "A vôbec. Prečo by niekto z nás pomáhal tomu, kto nepatrí do nášho národa?" #~ msgid "Will you but let us pass, so that we may fight the orcs on our own?" #~ msgstr "Necháte nás teda aspoň prejsť, aby sme mohli bojovať proti orkom?" #~ msgid "I am afraid that is... impossible." #~ msgstr "Obávam sa, že je to... nemožné." #~ msgid "Orcs, kill’em all! Humans, elves or dwarves, it don’t matter!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Orkovia, pobite ich všetkých! Ľudia, elfovia, trpaslíci, všetko jedno!" #~ msgid "" #~ "These orcs will die. But so will you, human. You have trespassed on " #~ "elvish land." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Títo orkovia zomrú. Ale takisto aj ty, človeče. Prenikol si na elfské " #~ "územie." #~ msgid "Oh, elvish land is it now? Die, ye elf-dog! And you too, human!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ale, elfské územie je to zrazu? Skap, ty elfský pes! A ty tiež, človek!" #~ msgid "" #~ "These people won’t listen to reason, they are all blinded by their " #~ "beliefs in their own supposed superiority. We probably will have to fight " #~ "them, although we can let them fight each other first." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Títo ľudkovia na hlas rozumu veľa nedajú, predstavy o ich vlastnej " #~ "nadradenosti ich zaslepujú. Asi proti nim budeme musieť bojovať, aj keď " #~ "by sme ich mali najprv nechať, nech sa mlátia medzi sebou." #~ msgid "" #~ "True. As much as I dislike killing anything but orcs and undead, it seems " #~ "we will have to kill these elves, and these dwarves, before they do the " #~ "same to us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Veru. A hoci sa mi protiví zabíjať niečo iné ako orkov a nemŕtvych, asi " #~ "budeme musieť zabiť týchto elfov i týchto trpaslíkov, skôr ako oni zabijú " #~ "nás." #~ msgid "I die? Orcs rule all!" #~ msgstr "Zomieram? Orkovia raz zvíťazia!" #~ msgid "It seems these humans are more powerful than I thought. Ugh." #~ msgstr "Zdá sa, že títo ľudia sú mocnejší než som si myslel. Ugh." #~ msgid "Cursed dwarves! Perhaps we should have allied with the humans..." #~ msgstr "Prekliati trpaslíci! Asi sme sa mali spojiť s ľuďmi..." #~ msgid "Foul orcs! Perhaps we should have allied with the humans..." #~ msgstr "Hnusní orkovia! Asi sme sa mali spojiť s ľuďmi..." #~ msgid "Cursed elves! Perhaps we should have allied wi’ the humans..." #~ msgstr "Prekliati elfovia! Asi sme sa mali spojiť s ľuďmi..." #~ msgid "Lake Vrug" #~ msgstr "Jazero Vrug" #~ msgid "Darg" #~ msgstr "Darg" #~ msgid "Kraagak" #~ msgstr "Kraagak" #~ msgid "" #~ "The trail stops soon. We have almost reached Lake Vrug. There is a small " #~ "island off the coast ahead that was once home to a great school of magic. " #~ "I pray that the library is still intact." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Stopa čoskoro skončí. Už sme takmer pri jazere Vrug. Neďaleko od pobrežia " #~ "je malý ostrov, na ktorom kedysi bola veľká škola mágie. Modlím sa, nech " #~ "je knižnica stále neporušená." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "But what happened to the people living on it?" #~ msgid "But what happened to the people who lived there?" #~ msgstr "Ale čo sa stalo ľuďom, ktorí na ňom žili?" #~ msgid "" #~ "Few enough remained before the trolls and gryphons took up residence in " #~ "the mountains. But now the school is deserted, and has been for decades." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dosť ich zostalo predtým, než sa trollovia a gryfovia usadili v horách. " #~ "Teraz je však škola už po niekoľko desaťročí opustená." #~ msgid "" #~ "Very well, we will take care of the trolls and gryphons. Search the " #~ "library and may you find us an answer. Onward!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Výborne, postaráme sa o tých trollov a gryfov. Nájdi knižnicu a môžeš " #~ "získať nejakú odpoveď. Vpred!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Move Dacyn to the stronghold" #~ msgid "The stronghold" #~ msgstr "Dostaneš Dacyna do pevnosti" #~ msgid "" #~ "The island ahead is mountainous; it would be wise to select troops that " #~ "do well on such terrain." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ostrov pred nami je hornatý; bolo by múdre si zvoliť vojakov, ktorý si na " #~ "takom teréne počínajú dobre." #~ msgid "This must be the academy Dacyn mentioned." #~ msgstr "To musí byť tá akadémia, o ktorej hovoril Dacyn." #~ msgid "" #~ "It still looks quite defensible. We should be able to hold there while " #~ "Dacyn is working." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Stále vyzerá celkom dobre brániteľná. Mali by sme byť schopní tam " #~ "odolávať, zatiaľ čo bude Dacyn pracovať." #~ msgid "" #~ "Very well. Let us rally there after the trolls and gryphons are defeated." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Výborne. Teraz, keď sú trolovia a gryfovia porazení, zhromaždime sa tam." #~ msgid "You find 100 gold in the fortress!" #~ msgstr "V pevnosti si našiel 100 zlatých!" #~ msgid "Excellent; I’ll start my research." #~ msgstr "Výborne; tak začnem s výskumom." #~ msgid "Alright, now we should be safe while Dacyn is researching." #~ msgstr "Dobre, tak by sme mali byť v bezpečí, zatiaľ čo bude Dacyn skúmať." #~ msgid "I have found an answer! We must return to Wesnoth immediately! ..." #~ msgstr "Našiel som odpoveď! Musíme sa okamžite vrátiť do Wesnothu! ..." #~ msgid "Groog" #~ msgstr "Grúg" #~ msgid "Be not going too fast. You gonna come wid us." #~ msgstr "Nebyť ty moc rýchly. Vy ísť s nami teraz." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "After reaching what they believed was safety, Gweddry and his men had " #~| "been captured by northern orcs." #~ msgid "" #~ "After reaching what they believed was safety, Gweddry and his men had " #~ "been captured by trolls from the northern orcish tribes." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Keď už Gweddry a jeho muži verili, že sa dostali do bezpečia, zajali ich " #~ "severní orkovia." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "There's strange noises coming from those pits. I don't like this." #~ msgid "There’s strange noises coming from those pits. I don’t like this." #~ msgstr "Z týchto priepastí vychádzajú čudné zvuky. Nepáči sa mi to." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "There's a pile of orcish gear and trash here. The stench is wretched." #~ msgid "" #~ "There’s a pile of orcish gear and trash here. The stench is wretched." #~ msgstr "Tu je kopa orkských vecí a odpadkov. A nechutný smrad." #~ msgid "After a while..." #~ msgstr "Po chvíli..." #~ msgid "Ha-ha! These humans will make excellent slaves in my mines!" #~ msgstr "Ha-ha! Títo ľudia budú výbornými otrokmi v mojich baniach!" #~ msgid "Eh?" #~ msgstr "Eh?" #~ msgid "Hey! Who are you? Get her!" #~ msgstr "Hej! Kto si? Dostaňte ju!" #~ msgid "At last!" #~ msgstr "Konečne!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "What? Who's there? Get them!" #~ msgid "What? Who’s there? Get them!" #~ msgstr "Čo? Kto je tam? Dostaňte ich!" #~ msgid "" #~ "The eastern entrance is teeming with orcs. We have to find another way to " #~ "exit to the west!" #~ msgstr "Východná brána sa hemží orkmi. Musíme nájsť inú cestu von na západ!" #~ msgid "" #~ "We have to get our gold back first! It must have been taken to their " #~ "treasury." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Najprv musíme získať späť naše zlato. Určite ho zobrali do ich pokladnice." #~ msgid "" #~ "They have reinforcements pouring in from the eastern entrance! We have to " #~ "get out of here quickly!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Z východnej brány sa hrnú ich posily! Musíme odtiaľto rýchlo zmiznúť!" #~ msgid "All the gold the orcs took is in this chest!" #~ msgstr "Všetko zlato, ktoré orkovia zobrali, je v tejto truhlici!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "You've regained $stored_player_gold gold!" #~ msgid "You’ve regained $stored_player_gold gold!" #~ msgstr "Získali ste naspäť $stored_player_gold zlata!" #~ msgid "Unhk" #~ msgstr "Unhk" #~ msgid "Ran-Lar" #~ msgstr "Ran-Lar" #~ msgid "Engineer" #~ msgstr "Inžinier" #~ msgid "" #~ "We have to get out of the Northlands as quickly as possible! Run for your " #~ "— what the...?! Who are you?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Musíme sa zo Severných zemí dostať tak rýchlo, ako to bude možné. Bežte, " #~ "ako len... čo to...?!? Kto si?" #~ msgid "" #~ "I’m an enginea’. I s’pect you’ll have a need of me services. I bet you’re " #~ "gonna want me to blow up that bridge ov’r theah." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ja som inžinier. Reku, asi potrebujete moje služby. Isto by ste " #~ "potrebovali vyhodiť henten most do vzduchu." #~ msgid "Why would we want to do that?!" #~ msgstr "Prečo by sme to robili?!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Well, I see those orcs are chasin’ you, and if I blow up the bridge, they " #~ "can’t get across. It’ll help you to escape." #~ msgstr "" #~ "No, vidím, že vás naháňajú orkovia, a keď ten most vyhodím, nedostanú sa " #~ "k vám. Pomôže vám to pri úteku." #~ msgid "I see... I think it is a good idea to hire him. How much?" #~ msgstr "Vidím... myslím, že je dobrý nápad najať ho. Za koľko?" #~ msgid "" #~ "I ain’t charging gold — I wants protecshun! Everywhere I go, I see orcs, " #~ "undead. ’T’ain’t safe ’round ’ere!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nechcem zlato... ja chcem svatý pokoj! Kam idem, tu orkovia, tam nemŕtvi. " #~ "Tu neni žáden kľud!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Very well, we’ll protect you from the undead. But we can’t help you until " #~ "we get off this island. Now let’s go!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Výborne, ochránime ťa pred nemŕtvymi. Ale nemôžeme ti pomôcť, kým sa " #~ "nedostaneme cez rieku. Teraz poďme!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Deal. I c’n blow’er up once I get to that signpost ov’r dere. That’s " #~ "where my eq’pment is. But ev’ryone not ov’r theah on that side when it " #~ "blows w’ll be killed by the orcs fa’ sure!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Platí. Môžem ho odpáliť, keď sa dostanem k hentej značke. Tam mám " #~ "náradíčko. Ale každého, kto nebude na hentej strane keď to buchne, " #~ "orkovia zaručene zabijú!" #~ msgid "So, d’ya want me to blow up der bridge yet, Cap’n?" #~ msgstr "Tak už mám ten most vyhodiť, šéfe?" #~ msgid "Yes, blow it up." #~ msgstr "Áno, vyhoď to do vzduchu." #~ msgid "All right! Blast’n time!" #~ msgstr "V porádku. Ohňostroj začína!" #~ msgid "BOOM!!" #~ msgstr "BUM!!!!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Good, we have escaped from the orcs. Now we must return to save Wesnoth." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dobre, unikli sme pred orkmi. Teraz sa musíme vrátiť zachrániť Wesnoth." #~ msgid "No, wait until later." #~ msgstr "Nie, ešte počkaj." #~ msgid "Neh? A’right then, we’ll wait fa’ later, eh?" #~ msgstr "???? No dobre, ešte počkám, hej?" #~ msgid "" #~ "Well, we didn’t have to blow up the bridge after all. Now we must return " #~ "to save Wesnoth." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nuž, nebolo treba nakoniec vyhodiť do vzduchu ten most. Teraz sa ale " #~ "musíme vrátiť zachrániť Wesnoth." #~ msgid "How do you propose to do that?" #~ msgstr "Ako to navrhuješ urobiť?" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "We head south. My research revealed that the dragon Khrakrahs is in " #~| "possession of a Null Stone; with it I will be able to block Mal-" #~| "Ravanal’s teleportation. Once we have retrieved the stone, we must " #~| "travel to Weldyn. Our experience fighting the undead will prove " #~| "invaluable in the defense of our homeland. Also, I have advice to give " #~| "the king: I know Mal-Ravanal’s weakness." #~ msgid "" #~ "We head south. My research revealed that the dragon Khrakrahs is in " #~ "possession of a Null Stone; with it I will be able to block Mal-Ravanal’s " #~ "teleportation. Once we have retrieved the stone, we must travel to " #~ "Weldyn. Our experience fighting the undead will prove invaluable in the " #~ "defense of our homeland. Also, I have advice to give the King: I know Mal-" #~ "Ravanal’s weakness." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mierime na juh. Môj výskum odhalil, že drak Karakas má v držbe Nulový " #~ "Kameň; s ním budeme schopní zabrániť Mal-Ravanalovi sa teleportovať. Keď " #~ "získame kameň, budeme musieť ísť do Weldynu. Naše skúsenosti v boji s " #~ "nemŕtvymi budú neoceniteľnými pri obrane našej vlasti. Taktiež mám pre " #~ "kráľa radu: poznám Mal-Ravanalovu slabinu." #~ msgid "" #~ "Very well, we will head south. Let us hope we reach Weldyn before Mal-" #~ "Ravanal." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Výborne, tak ideme na juh. Dúfajme, že sa do Weldynu dostaneme skôr ako " #~ "Mal-Ravanal." #~ msgid "" #~ "I’ll be followin’ yah from now on. Hope yah can get to Weld’n an’ all so " #~ "I c’n stop runnin’..." #~ msgstr "Pójdem za vami. Snáď sa dostaneme do Weldynu a bude pokoj..." #~ msgid "Null Stone" #~ msgstr "Nulový kameň" #~ msgid "" #~ "What?! Swamps?! Those undead have destroyed the grasslands of my House, " #~ "and they shall pay for it!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Čože?! Močiare?! Tí nemŕtvi zničili rodné lúky môjho rodu, a za to mi " #~ "zaplatia!" #~ msgid "" #~ "The lich-lord must have flooded the valley. The undead like the swamp. It " #~ "is death, decay, everything that they are themselves. I can sense them " #~ "lurking in the swamps, waiting to ambush us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Kráľ kostejov nechal zaplaviť toto údolie. Nemŕtvi majú radi močiare. Je " #~ "tu smrť, rozklad, to je ich pravé prostredie. Cítim, ako sa zakrádajú v " #~ "močiaroch a čakajú, kedy nás prepadnú." #~ msgid "I s’ppose we’ll hav’ to wade across it anyway... ugh." #~ msgstr "Tož sa asi budeme musieť dostať skrz... uff." #~ msgid "Findshhhh... slayhhhh... killhhhh..." #~ msgstr "Nájdiii... udriii... zabiii..." #~ msgid "" #~ "That was the dragon Khrakrahs. He was a powerful beast indeed in the time " #~ "of Haldric, living in the Northern Mountains. But he radiates a dark " #~ "power these days, and I know not why he has taken up residence this far " #~ "south. We must find him, and pray that he still has the Null Stone." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bol to drak Karakas - veru mocný tvor, v Haldrikových časoch žil v " #~ "Severných horách. Ale tieto dni z neho vyžaruje akási temná sila, a " #~ "neviem, prečo sa usadil takto ďaleko na juhu. Musíme ho nájsť a modliť " #~ "sa, že má stále pri sebe Nulový kameň." #~ msgid "" #~ "Ah! It appears that the mighty Khrakrahs is no longer among the living. " #~ "But this undead abomination does not appear weak to my arcane powers... " #~ "he must still have the Null Stone!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ach! Zdá sa, že slávny Karakas už viac nie je medzi živými. Ale táto " #~ "nemŕtva ohavnosť sa nezdá byť nejako slabá voči mojim mystickým silám... " #~ "stále musí mať Nulový kameň pri sebe!" #~ msgid "The Null Stone! With it we may finally defeat Mal-Ravanal!" #~ msgstr "Nulový kameň! S ním môžeme konečne Mal-Ravanala poraziť!" #~ msgid "Approaching Weldyn" #~ msgstr "Na ceste do Weldynu" #~ msgid "Move Gweddry to Weldyn castle" #~ msgstr "Dostaneš Gweddryho do Weldynského hradu" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "We have finally reached Weldyn, but it seems the undead have it " #~| "surrounded. We must break through to reach the king!" #~ msgid "" #~ "We have finally reached Weldyn, but it seems the undead have it " #~ "surrounded. We must break through to reach the King!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Konečne sme prišli k Weldynu, ale zdá sa, že ho obkľúčili nemŕtvi. Musíme " #~ "sa cez nich dostať ku kráľovi!" #~ msgid "" #~ "It would be best not to waste time defeating these undead, they are but a " #~ "small fraction of the host we face. We should go straight to the city and " #~ "prepare our defenses." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Lepšie by bolo nesnažiť sa týchto nemŕtvych poraziť, lebo to je len malá " #~ "časť toho, čomu budeme čeliť. Mali by sme ísť rovno do mesta a pripraviť " #~ "naše obrany." #~ msgid "" #~ "My liege, we have vital information about the leader of these undead." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Môj pane, máme životne dôležité informácie o vodcovi týchto nemŕtvych." #~ msgid "Weldyn has been captured, and Wesnoth is no more..." #~ msgstr "Weldyn bol dobytý a Wesnoth zanikol..." #~ msgid "The Council" #~ msgstr "Koncil" #~ msgid "" #~ "Before we begin our council, I must tell you all the history of this lich " #~ "we face. He was at first a mage of the realm, like me, and his fall began " #~ "during the reign of Haldric VII..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Skôr ako začneme túto poradu musím vám všetkým povedať povesť o tom, kto " #~ "je kostej, proti ktorému stojíme. Kedysi to bol mág svetla, tak ako ja, a " #~ "jeho pád začal počas vlády Haldrika VII..." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "The greatest seer in the land, Galdren, foresaw that some day, some day " #~| "soon, a great evil would spread over the land. The king, naturally, was " #~| "worried. The seer told him that the only way to stop the evil was to " #~| "appoint a mage, versed well in combat with the spirits of darkness, to " #~| "be the king’s advisor." #~ msgid "" #~ "The greatest seer in the land, Galdren, foresaw that some day, some day " #~ "soon, a great evil would spread over the land. The King, naturally, was " #~ "worried. The seer told him that the only way to stop the evil was to " #~ "appoint a mage, versed well in combat with the spirits of darkness, to be " #~ "the king’s advisor." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Najväčší veštec v krajine, Galdren, predvídal, že sa jedného neveľmi " #~ "vzdialeného dňa po celej krajine rozšíri veľké zlo. Kráľ mal prirodzene " #~ "starosti. Veštec mu povedal, že je len jedna cesta, ako zastaviť to zlo. " #~ "Vymenovať mága skúseného v boji s temnými duchmi za svojho radcu." #~ msgid "" #~ "Ravan took this quietly enough, we all thought, but now I think that this " #~ "was when he began his fall. He went deep into conversation with the " #~ "spirits of darkness, hoping to discover their weaknesses. But it was they " #~ "who found his." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ravan to bral pokojne, aspoň sme si to všetci mysleli, ale teraz sa " #~ "domnievam, že sa práve vtedy začal jeho pád. Ponoril sa do skúmania " #~ "duchov temnôt, aby odhalil ich slabé miesta; lenže v skutočnosti oni " #~ "odhalili jeho." #~ msgid "" #~ "One day, Ravan returned to the castle where I was living. He demanded to " #~ "see me and the guards let him in, for then he was still a well-respected " #~ "mage. When I greeted him, he named himself Mal-Ravanal and challenged me " #~ "to a duel." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jedného dňa sa Ravan vrátil do hradu, kde som býval. Chcel ma vidieť a " #~ "stráže ho vpustili, keďže bol stále váženým dvorným mágom. Keď som " #~ "vyšiel, odhalil sa, nazval sa Mal-Ravanalom a vyzval ma na súboj." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "His attack was swift and his power great, but through unwavering faith " #~| "and no small skill I emerged victorious. As he lie there mortally " #~| "wounded I prepared to excise the darkness in his soul." #~ msgid "" #~ "His attack was swift and his power great, but through unwavering faith " #~ "and no small skill I emerged victorious. As he lay there mortally wounded " #~ "I prepared to excise the darkness in his soul." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jeho útok bol rýchly a sila obrovská, ale vďaka neochvejnej viere a " #~ "nemalým schopnostiam som sa stal víťazom. Ako tam ležal smrteľne zranený, " #~ "pripravoval som sa vyňať temnotu z jeho ducha." #~ msgid "" #~ "But I hesitated too long... He simply vanished, teleported away. The mage " #~ "Ravan died that day; yet death is a mere inconvenience to those most " #~ "skilled in the arts of necromancy..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ale otáľal som príliš dlho... Jednoducho zmizol, teleportoval sa preč. " #~ "Mág Ravan ten deň zomrel; ale smrť je len obyčajnou nepríjemnosťou pre " #~ "tých najzručnejších v umení černokňažníctva..." #~ msgid "Kaldor" #~ msgstr "Kaldor" #~ msgid "This is the lich we are facing: Mal-Ravanal." #~ msgstr "Toto je kostej, ktorému čelíme: Mal-Ravanal." #~ msgid "" #~ "We must fight, obviously. Surely the might of Wesnoth can triumph over a " #~ "mere lich!" #~ msgstr "Zrejme musíme bojovať. Moc Wesnothu iste porazí nejakého kosteja!" #~ msgid "" #~ "We barely escaped the Southern Outpost with our lives; Mal-Ravanal’s army " #~ "cannot be defeated by even the might of all Wesnoth." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sotva sa nám podarilo uniknúť z Východnej Základne; armáda Mal-Ravanala " #~ "nemôže byť porazená dokonca ani všetkou silou vo Wesnothe." #~ msgid "" #~ "That simply makes you cowards. True warriors would have stayed and fought " #~ "to the death!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tak ste jednoducho zbabelci. Praví bojovníci by zostali a bojovali až do " #~ "svojej smrti!" #~ msgid "" #~ "A meaningless sacrifice and a few more corpses marching upon Weldyn. We " #~ "realized our only path to victory is to destroy the head of these " #~ "necromancers, the lich Mal-Ravanal. With this Null Stone I can counteract " #~ "his teleportation and finally put his tortured soul to rest." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Veru, nezmyselné obete a tak zopár ďalších mŕtvol pochodujúcich na " #~ "Weldyn. Zistili sme, že jedinou cestou k víťazstvu je poraziť vodcu tých " #~ "černokňažníkov, kosteja Mal-Ravanala. S týmto Nulovým kameňom môžem " #~ "zabrániť jeho teleportácii a konečne tak donútiť jeho utrápenú dušu k " #~ "odpočinku." #~ msgid "But if we cannot defeat the army, how may we strike at the leader?!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ale ak nie sme schopní poraziť armádu, ako môžeme zaútočiť na vodcu?" #~ msgid "" #~ "I recommend a full assault. Our mounted units are more maneuverable; if " #~ "we attack in force we may be able to punch through the enemy lines and " #~ "isolate Mal-Ravanal in the chaos of battle." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Odporúčam kompletný útok. Naša kavaléria vie dobre manévrovať; ak " #~ "zaútočíme silou, budeme schopní udrieť cez nepriateľské línie a izolovať " #~ "Mal-Ravanala v chaose bitky." #~ msgid "" #~ "I suggest that we appeal to his arrogance: I believe Mal-Ravanal would be " #~ "compelled to face me if I were to challenge him to a duel." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ja by som zase navrhol apelovať na jeho aroganciu: verím, že Mal-Ravanal " #~ "by bol nútený sa mi postaviť, ak by som ho vyzval na duel." #~ msgid "" #~ "We cannot trust that he would honor the terms of the challenge! You would " #~ "likely find yourself facing his entire army!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nemôžeme predsa veriť, že dodrží podmienky výzvy! Pravdepodobne sa " #~ "ocitneš sám proti celej jeho armáde!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Two risky plans. But if these undead are as strong as you say then we are " #~ "pressed for options. Gweddry, you are most familiar with this situation. " #~ "I will leave this choice in your hands." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dva riskantné plány. Ale ak sú títo nemŕtvi tak silní, ako hovoríte, tak " #~ "potom nemáme veľa toho na výber. Gweddry, ty si so situáciou oboznámený " #~ "najviac. Túto voľbu teda nechám na teba." #~ msgid "Sire, the undead armies are attacking!" #~ msgstr "Pane, armády nemŕtvych útočia!" #~ msgid "Well, that will have to be the end of our council. Let us fight!" #~ msgstr "Nuž, toto je koniec nášho koncilu. Poďme bojovať!" #~ msgid "Weldyn under Attack" #~ msgstr "Útok na Weldyn" #~ msgid "Mal-Grekulak" #~ msgstr "Mal-Grekulak" #~ msgid "Very well. But this... Mal-Ravanal, that you spoke of, is he here?" #~ msgstr "Výborne. Ale ten... Mal-Ravanal, o ktorom si hovoril, je tu tiež?" #~ msgid "" #~ "I sense his dark magic prolonging the night, but I do not feel his " #~ "presence." #~ msgstr "Cítim, ako jeho mágia predlžuje noc, ale zdá sa, že tu nie je." #~ msgid "" #~ "In any case, the undead are attacking now. Let us show them the might of " #~ "Wesnoth!" #~ msgstr "Každopádne nemŕtvi už útočia. Ukážme im silu Wesnothu!" #~ msgid "I have died, and with me gone the kingdom is lost." #~ msgstr "Zomieram, a s mojim pádom je kráľovstvo stratené." #~ msgid "Look, the sun has finally risen, and the undead are retreating." #~ msgstr "Hľa, slnko konečne vychádza a nemŕtvi ustupujú." #~ msgid "Even this infernal darkness cannot dim the spirits of our men!" #~ msgstr "Ani táto pekelná temnota nemôže zahasiť duše našich mužov!" #~ msgid "" #~ "This long night is over, and Wesnoth still stands. Yet I do not know how " #~ "many more such nights we can endure." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dlhá noc je za nami, a Wesnoth stále stojí. Aj keď neviem, koľko takých " #~ "nocí ešte vydržíme." #~ msgid "Gweddry, have you made a decision regarding our course of action?" #~ msgstr "Gweddry, už si dospel k rozhodnutiu ohľadom nášho postupu?" #~ msgid "try to isolate Mal-Ravanal in battle." #~ msgstr "pokúsiť sa izolovať Mal-Ravanala v bitke." #~ msgid "Defeat Mal-Ravanal while Dacyn is nearby" #~ msgstr "Porazíš Mal-Ravanala zatiaľ čo bude Dacyn nablízku" #~ msgid "" #~ "I have waited a long time for this day to come. I shall have my revenge, " #~ "Dacyn!" #~ msgstr "Na tento deň som čakal dlho. Konečne učiním svoju pomstu, Dacyn!" #~ msgid "Indeed, it is time to end this." #~ msgstr "Veru, je čas toto skončiť." #~ msgid "" #~ "When we attack Mal-Ravanal I will need to be nearby with the Null Stone " #~ "to prevent his teleportation. We cannot afford to let him escape." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Keď zaútočíme na Mal-Ravanala, budem potrebovať byť nablízku Nulového " #~ "kameňa, aby som zabránil jeho teleportácii. Nemôžeme si dovoliť nechať ho " #~ "utiecť." #~ msgid "No! This cannot be the way it was meant to end!" #~ msgstr "Nie! Takto to nemalo skončiť!" #~ msgid "Weldyn Besieged" #~ msgstr "Obliehanie Weldynu" #~ msgid "Death of Konrad" #~ msgstr "Zomrie Konrád II" #~ msgid "Letting any enemy unit onto your keep" #~ msgstr "Necháš akúkoľvek nepriateľkú jednotku vojsť do tvojej pevnosti" #~ msgid "" #~ "I can sense Mal-Ravanal is here somewhere... When we attack him I will " #~ "need to be nearby with the Null Stone to prevent his teleportation. We " #~ "cannot afford to let him escape." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Cítim, že tu Mal-Ravanal niekde je... Keď naňho zaútočíme, budem " #~ "potrebovať byť nablízku Nulového kameňa, aby som zabránil jeho " #~ "teleportácii. Nemôžeme si dovoliť nechať ho utiecť." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "But how? We don't know which one of them he is." #~ msgid "But how? We don’t know which one of them he is." #~ msgstr "Ale ako? Nevieme, ktorý z nich je on." #~ msgid "" #~ "They are channeling some dark magic to hide themselves. We have to kill " #~ "some of them to break the spell." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Spája ich nejaká temná sila, ktorá ich zároveň zahaľuje. Musíme pár z " #~ "nich zabiť, aby sme preruešili kúzlo." #~ msgid "I shall destroy you personally!" #~ msgstr "Sám ťa zničím!" #~ msgid "" #~ "They killed the royal family... now, even if we save Weldyn, Wesnoth has " #~ "fallen." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zabili kráľovskú rodinu... teraz, aj keby sme zachránili Weldyn, Wesnoth " #~ "padol." #~ msgid "The Kingdom of Wesnoth dies with me!" #~ msgstr "Kráľovstvo Wesnoth zomrie spolu so mnou!" #~ msgid "" #~ "It is a great victory we have won here today, vanquishing the arch-lich " #~ "Mal-Ravanal." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Je to veľké víťazstvo, ktoré sme tu dnes vybojovali, porážkou Pána " #~ "kostejov Mal-Ravanala." #~ msgid "" #~ "We will be years... perhaps decades... recovering from the ill he has " #~ "wrought." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Budeme sa ešte roky... možno desaťročia... spamätávať zo zla, ktoré " #~ "napáchal." #~ msgid "" #~ "Even now we should be sending our cavalry to restore order throughout the " #~ "land." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aj teraz by sme mali ešte posielať našu kavalériu navrátiť zákon v celej " #~ "zemi." #~ msgid "" #~ "Dacyn. I would have you remain by Our side, here; as you counseled these " #~ "two in war, so shall you counsel Us in peace and the rebuilding of the " #~ "Kingdom." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dacyn. Zostaneš tu po našom boku. Ako si radil týmto dvom počas vojny, " #~ "budeš radiť aj Nám počas mieru, ako znovu vybudovať kráľovstvo." #~ msgid "I am honored, your highness." #~ msgstr "Som poctený, vaše veličenstvo." #~ msgid "" #~ "Engineer, much of Estmark region stands in ruins. The crown has need of " #~ "your skills to clear the wreckage and organize the reconstruction." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Inžinier, väčšina Estmarku je v ruinách. Koruna bude potrebovať tvoje " #~ "schopnosti na vyčistenie trosiek a organizáciu obnovy." #~ msgid "I’ll be glad ta help yah. It’ll be fun to work in peace again." #~ msgstr "Ta s radostu vam pomóžem. Bude zabava zase robit v klude." #~ msgid "Now as for you..." #~ msgstr "Teraz ako pre teba..." #~ msgid "Sire, we but did our duty." #~ msgstr "Pane, plnili sme len svoju povinnosť." #~ msgid "Quite. Now do not interrupt while I am doing mine... Kneel, Owaec." #~ msgstr "Ticho. Neprerušuj ma, kým toto nevybavím... pokľakni, Owaec." #~ msgid "Kneel, Gweddry." #~ msgstr "Kľakni si, Gweddry!" #~ msgid "" #~ "And so began the Silver Age of Wesnoth, that time known to historians as " #~ "the Reconstruction..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "A tak začal Strieborný vek Wesnothu, historikmi známy ako Rekonštrukcia..." #~ msgid "Mounted Fighter" #~ msgstr "Vojak jazdy" #~ msgid "" #~ "The nobles of the men of the plains are trained with the rest of the " #~ "horsemen to become great warriors. However, they are also trained in " #~ "commanding their comrades, and they are the ones that become captains of " #~ "the armies of the Clans." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vznešení muži z rovín sa cvičia spolu s ostatnými jazdcami, aby sa stali " #~ "veľkými bojovníkmi. Okrem toho sa však cvičia aj vo velení svojim " #~ "spolubojovníkom, a jedného dňa sa z nich stanú kapitáni armád Klanov." #~ msgid "Mounted Warrior" #~ msgstr "Bojovník jazdy" #~ msgid "" #~ "Leaders of the plains, Mounted Warriors are skilled with the use of the " #~ "sword and the morning star. Riding horses, they are able to move around " #~ "the battlefield with great speed, and can provide much needed assistance " #~ "to different fronts." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bojovníci jazdy sú vodcami rovín, šikovne používajú meče a palcáty. " #~ "Jazdia na koňoch a pohybujú sa po bojovom poli veľkou rýchlosťou, takže " #~ "môžu poskytovať potrebnú pomoc na viacerých frontoch." #~ msgid "Wha’? Yah fail’d to give me protecshun..." #~ msgstr "Čo? Vy ma nevíte ochrániť..." #~ msgid "Your evil will darken the earth no longer!" #~ msgstr "Tvoje zlo už viac nebude zatemňovať túto zem!" #~ msgid "I shall avenge the death of my comrades!" #~ msgstr "Pomstím smrť svojich druhov!" #~ msgid "Grug again dead make!" #~ msgstr "Grug znova zabíjať!" #~ msgid "Taste the steel of the Horse Clans!" #~ msgstr "Ochutnajte oceľ Klanov!" #~ msgid "" #~ "You are more powerful than I expected, but you cannot possibly defeat me." #~ msgstr "Si silnejší, ako som očakával, ale aj tak ma nemôžeš poraziť." #~ msgid "No. Your reign of terror ends today." #~ msgstr "Nie, tvoja vláda teroru dnes končí." #~ msgid "What?!... I... cannot... lose..." #~ msgstr "Čože?!... Ja... nemôžem... prehrať..." #~ msgid "" #~ "I wasn’t able to prevent his escape from here. Now Wesnoth is doomed..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nebol som mu schopný zabrániť v úteku. Wesnoth je teraz odsúdený k " #~ "skaze..." #~ msgid "" #~ "Wearing this amulet will cause every blow you deal to inflict arcane damage!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vďaka tomuto amuletu každý tvoj úder spôsobí mystické zranenie!" #~ msgid "holy amulet^Take it" #~ msgstr "Zoberiem si ho" #~ msgid "holy amulet^Leave it" #~ msgstr "Nechám ho tu" #~ msgid "I am not suited to using this item! Let another take it." #~ msgstr "Ja tento predmet nemôžem použiť! Nech si ho vezme niekto iný." #~ msgid "" #~ "Once great warriors across the plains, these mounted riders atop their " #~ "skeletal horses were raised from the ground by unholy magic to spread " #~ "fear and destruction." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Kedysi veľkí bojovníci z rovín, títo jazdci na koňoch z kostí boli " #~ "vytiahnutí zo zeme nečistou mágiou, aby šírili strach a zkazu." #~ msgid "Creatures from the deep, I summon thee to destroy this foe!" #~ msgstr "Obludy z hlbín, povolávam vás, aby ste zničili tohto nepriateľa!" #~ msgid "Easy" #~ msgstr "Jednoduchá" #~ msgid "Gweddry reaches the western exit" #~ msgstr "Gweddry sa dostane k západnému východu" #~ msgid "Very well. The best of luck in your battle." #~ msgstr "Dobre teda. Želám ti veľa šťastia pri boji." #~ msgid "greatsword" #~ msgstr "veľký meč" #~ msgid "" #~ "There is a great fortune in this chest of treasure! I can count two " #~ "hundred pieces of gold." #~ msgstr "V tejto truhlici je obrovské bohatstvo! Je to dvesto zlatých!" #~ msgid "I summon from the depths of the river beasts to destroy you!" #~ msgstr "Z hlbín rieky privolávam tvory, ktoré vás zničia!" #~ msgid "Argh! I’m dead! Well, dwarves are still the best!" #~ msgstr "Argh! Som mŕtvy! No a čo, trpaslíci sú aj tak najlepší!"