# trewe , 2013. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Battle for Wesnoth 1.12 (wesnoth-nr)\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-02-20 02:52 UTC\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-14 18:49+0000\n" "Last-Translator: trewe \n" "Language-Team: wesn-pt-trans \n" "Language: pt_PT\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n" #. [campaign]: id=Northern_Rebirth #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:9 msgid "Northern Rebirth" msgstr "O Renascer do Norte" # #. [campaign]: id=Northern_Rebirth #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:10 msgid "NR" msgstr "RdN" # #. [campaign]: id=Northern_Rebirth #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:17 msgid "Challenging" msgstr "Desafiante" # #. [campaign]: id=Northern_Rebirth #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:17 msgid "Spearman" msgstr "Milícia" #. [campaign]: id=Northern_Rebirth #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:18 msgid "Difficult" msgstr "Díficil" # #. [campaign]: id=Northern_Rebirth #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:18 msgid "Swordsman" msgstr "Espadachim" #. [campaign]: id=Northern_Rebirth #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:19 msgid "Nightmare" msgstr "Pesadelo" #. [campaign]: id=Northern_Rebirth #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:19 msgid "Royal Guard" msgstr "Guarda Real" #. [campaign]: id=Northern_Rebirth #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:21 msgid "" "For the people of Dwarven Doors the choice was stark: either drudge as " "downtrodden slaves for the orcs until the end of their brief and miserable " "lives, or risk all for freedom and rise up against their cruel overlords. " "Little did they suspect that their struggle would be the hinge of great " "events that might restore the Northlands to the glory they had once known.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Para o povo dos Portões dos Anões a escolha fora cruel: ou trabalhar duro " "como escravos oprimidos para os orcs até ao final das suas vidas breves e " "tristes, ou arriscar tudo pela liberdade e levantaram-se contra os seus " "senhores cruéis. Mal suspeitaram que a sua luta vinha iniciar os grandes " "eventos que iriam restaurar às Terras do Norte a glória outrora conhecida.\n" "\n" # #. [campaign]: id=Northern_Rebirth #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:23 msgid "(Expert level, 13 scenarios.)" msgstr "(Nível veterano, 13 cenários)" # #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:28 msgid "Campaign Design" msgstr "Design da Campanha" # #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:34 msgid "Artwork and Graphics Design" msgstr "Trabalho Artístico e Projeto Gráfico" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:49 msgid "Prose and Story Editing" msgstr "" # #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:60 msgid "Code and Translation Assistance" msgstr "Assistência de Tradução e Codificação" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/_main.cfg:69 msgid "Campaign Maintenance" msgstr "Manutenção da Campanha" # #. [scenario]: id=01_Breaking_the_Chains #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:5 msgid "Breaking the Chains" msgstr "Quebrando as Correntes" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:18 msgid "" "Far to the north of Wesnoth, and hard by the dwarven caves of Knalga, there " "was once a thriving mixed community known as Dwarven Doors. Food, wood, and " "cloth from all over Wesnoth and many elvish lands as well were brought here " "to be sold to the dwarves, while ores, metals and worked dwarven " "manufactures were bought here to be traded throughout the surface nations. " "Dwarves and humans worked and lived side by side; even the elves who came to " "trade mingled more with the other kindred races than was common elsewhere. " "Dwarven Doors grew populous and wealthy." msgstr "" "No extremo norte de Wesnoth, e próximo das cavernas dos anões de Gnalga, " "houve uma vez uma próspera comunidade mista conhecida como Portões dos " "Anões. Alimentos, madeira e tecidos de todas as partes de Wesnoth e também " "de muitas terras elfas foram trazidos aqui para serem vendidos aos anões, " "enquanto minérios, metais e manufacturas do trabalho dos Anões foram " "comprados aí para serem comercializados em todas as nações da superfície. " "Anões e humanos trabalhavam e viviam lado a lado, até mesmo os elfos que " "vieram para o comércio misturaram-se mais com as outras raças aparentadas do " "que era comum em outros lugares. Os Portões dos Anões cresceram populosos e " "ricos." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:23 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The dwarves of Knalga, cannily reckoning the gains from trade, built " #| "strong fortifications around Dwarven Doors. The people who called it " #| "home, dwarven and human alike, knew that the wealth of their city might " #| "arouse envy from afar — hence they kept their weapons sharp, and reckoned " #| "themselves well able to fight off any bandit gang or petty warlord that " #| "could arise in the thinly-settled Northlands." msgid "" "The dwarves of Knalga, cannily reckoning the gains from trade, built strong " "fortifications around Dwarven Doors. The dwarves and humans who called it " "home knew that the wealth of the city might arouse envy from afar — hence " "they kept their weapons sharp, and regarded themselves able to fight off any " "bandit gang or petty warlord." msgstr "" "Os anões de Gnalga, astutamente a contar os benefícios do comércio, " "construíram fortificações fortes em torno dos Portões dos Anões. As pessoas " "que os chamavam de casa, anões e humanos igualmente, sabiam que a riqueza da " "sua cidade poderia despertar a inveja ao longe — daí que mantiveram as suas " "armas afiadas, e consideravam-se capazes de combater qualquer grupo de " "bandidos ou senhor da guerra mesquinho que pudesse surgir nas escassamente " "povoadas terras do norte." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:29 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "For many years it was indeed so. Dwarven Doors was a peaceful and " #| "prosperous place. Until the orcs came..." msgid "" "For many years it was indeed so. Dwarven Doors was a peaceful and prosperous " "place until the orcs came..." msgstr "" "Durante muitos anos, assim foi. Os Portões dos Anões eram um lugar pacífico " "e próspero. Até que vieram os orcs..." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:34 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The raids were mere probes, at first, and the orcs mere rabble. But they " #| "grew more numerous, and threatening, and the raiding parties became war-" #| "bands and then companies. Then there arose a great warlord among the " #| "Bloody Sword tribe, the chieftain called Khazg Black-Tusk; and he raised " #| "an army, and besieged Dwarven Doors." msgid "" "At first, the incursions were mere rabble that were easily felled. " "Complacent in their own prowess, the people of the Dwarven Doors ignored the " "orcs even as the raids grew more numerous and threatening. With time, the " "raiding parties grew into war bands; then at last, there arose a mighty " "warlord of the Bloody Sword tribe, Khazg Black-Tusk, who surrounded the " "entirety of their defenses with a great host of warriors." msgstr "" "As incursões eram meras sondagens, num primeiro momento, e simples plebe " "orc. Mas tornaram-se mais numerosos, e ameaçadores, e as incursões de guerra " "tornaram-se bandas e, em seguida, companhias. Surgiu então um grande senhor " "da guerra entre a tribo Espada Sangrenta, o chefe chamou-se Khazg Black-" "Tusk, e levantou um exército e sitiou os Portões dos Anões." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:39 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It was a time of doom and great deeds, of fire and blood and slaughter. " #| "The men and dwarves of the city fought valiantly. But there were always, " #| "it seemed, more orcs to replace the slain, while the defenders could find " #| "no succor. Pleas for help went unheeded in other lands, for they were far " #| "away and felt unthreatened by the orcs, and were wrapped up in their own " #| "affairs and struggles." msgid "" "It was a time of doom and great deeds, of fire and blood and slaughter. The " "men and dwarves fought valiantly. But there were always, it seemed, more " "orcs to replace the slain, while the defenders could find no succor. Pleas " "for help went unheeded in other lands for men, elves, and even dwarves, were " "wrapped up in their own affairs and struggles or deemed the orcs too far " "away to bring unto them harm." msgstr "" "Foram tempos escuros e de privação. Tempos de fogo, sangue e mortes. Os " "homens e anões da cidade lutaram valentemente. Mas apareciam sempre mais " "orcs para substituir os mortos, enquanto os defensores não conseguiam " "reforços. Pedidos de ajuda ecoaram pelas terras mais ao sul, mas o povo dos " "Portões dos Anões parecia estar sozinho contra uma legião de orcs que " "crescia cada vez mais." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:44 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "After a year and a day of grim battle the city fell. Its streets ran with " #| "gore. The dwarves were pushed back into the caverns of Knalga, while the " #| "humans of Dwarven Doors who survived the sack were enslaved by the orcs. " #| "Cut off from contact with the surface, the dwarves of Knalga fought on, " #| "but knew their utter subjugation could not be averted forever." msgid "" "After a year and a day of grim battle, the city fell. The streets of the " "Dwarven Doors ran with gore. The dwarves retreated into the caverns Knalga, " "but the humans who survived were enslaved. Cut off from contact with the " "surface, the dwarves of Knalga fought on, but knew their subjugation could " "not be averted forever." msgstr "" "Após mais de um ano de batalha árdua, a cidade foi tomada. Pelas suas ruas " "passava o triste vento da derrota. Os anões retiraram-se de volta às " "cavernas de Gnalga, enquanto os humanos que sobreviveram foram escravizados " "pelos orcs. Sem contacto com a superfície, os anões continuaram a luta, mas " "sabiam que a derrota final estava apenas adiada." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:49 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Dark years passed; human generations grew up in slavery, and came near to " #| "forgetting that their ancestors had been free — and might have completely " #| "forgotten were it not for a fateful day in 518YW. That day that changed " #| "the lives of the people of Dwarven Doors — forever." msgid "" "Dark years passed; human generations grew up and died in slavery, and with " "every passing year came closer to forgetting that their ancestors had ever " "been free. They might have completely forgotten were it not for a fateful " "day. The day that changed the lives of the people of Dwarven Doors — forever." msgstr "" "Foram anos negros. Gerações de humanos cresceram na escravatura, e chegaram " "próximos de esquecer que os seus antepassados foram outrora livres. E " "esqueceriam completamente o que seria a liberdade se não fosse um fatídico " "dia no ano de 518 dW. Aquele dia mudou as vidas do povo dos Portões dos " "Anões. Para sempre." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:55 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It was an early spring day like any other; the humans — joyless beneath " #| "the orcish whip — were dispiritedly planting the yearly crop. All at " #| "once, the war-drums of the orcs began pounding; harsh war-cries sounded " #| "as orcs mustered to gather their weapons and man their posts. Startled, " #| "the peasants looked around in alarm, and that was when they saw him." msgid "" "It was an early spring day, in the year 518YW. The humans — joyless beneath " "the orcish whip — were dispiritedly planting the yearly crop. All at once, " "the war-drums of the orcs began pounding; harsh war-cries sounded as orcs " "mustered to gather their weapons and man their posts. Startled, the peasants " "looked around in alarm, and that was when they saw him." msgstr "" "Era um dia da primavera como outro qualquer. Os humanos, sob o chicote " "pesado dos orcs, estavam a semear os campos de cultivo. Mas os tambores de " "guerra rufaram, grandes cornetas chamaram por cada soldado orc, incitando-os " "a pegar nas suas armas e irem aos seus postos. Surpresos, os aldeões olharam " "em volta, e foi então que viram-o." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:60 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "He came charging out of the woods, his cape streaming in the breeze, his " #| "sword flashing quicker than thought, and all around him, the hated orcs " #| "fell. To his right fought an elderly mage whose deep voice boomed " #| "incantations over the clamor of the battle while the very earth shook " #| "with the power of his spells. To his left, glowing with faerie fire, was " #| "a great lord of the elves. They were followed closely and supported by a " #| "small but powerful elvish army." msgid "" "He came charging out of the woods, his cape streaming in the breeze, his " "sword flashing quicker than thought. All around him, the hated orcs fell. To " "his right fought an elderly mage whose deep voice boomed incantations over " "the clamor of the battle. To his left, glowing with faerie fire, was a great " "lord of the elves. They were followed closely by a small but powerful elvish " "army." msgstr "" "Viera bruscamente deste o bosque, com a sua capa a balançar ao vento, com a " "sua espada a abater orc após orc ao seu redor a uma velocidade jamais vista. " "À sua direita lutava um velho mago, cuja voz rouca gritava encantamentos " "sobre o barulho da batalha, enquanto a terra tremia com o poder da sua " "magia. À sua esquerda, a brilhar como um fogo de fadas, estava um grande " "lorde dos elfos. Logo atrás dos três estava um pequeno, mas poderoso, " "exército elfo." # #. [part] #. tyrant -> Queen Asheviere from Heir to the Throne. #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:66 msgid "" "Word quickly spread among the humans that this hero was none other than " "Prince Konrad of Wesnoth, faring to the ruins of Knalga to retrieve the " "Sceptre of Fire and use it to save his homeland from the rule of a tyrant, " "and they stood, rooted to their places in awe." msgstr "" "Rapidamente boatos espalharam-se entre os humanos. Diziam que aquele herói " "não era ninguém menos do que Conrado, o príncipe de Wesnoth, indo para as " "ruínas de Gnalga para recuperar o Ceptro do Fogo e usá-lo para salvar a sua " "pátria das mãos de uma tirana. Assim, prestaram reverência." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:71 msgid "" "As quickly as it had begun, it was over. Konrad reached the entrance to the " "tunnels and ushered his men through. Then he turned one last time to face " "the peasants. Raising his sword in salute and farewell, he called out to " "them: “Hold fast your hope, for one day you shall be free!” Then he " "was gone." msgstr "" "Tão rápido quando começou, terminou. Conrado chegou à entrada dos túneis e " "entrou com os seus homens. Então revistou uma vez mais o olhar para os " "aldeões. Levantando a sua espada em saudação e despedida, gritava: " "“Mantenham a vossa esperança, um dia serão livres!” E fora-se." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:76 msgid "" "After that day, nothing could be the same. Hope rose in their hearts like a " "flame long-smothered but rekindled. The brightest and boldest of them began " "to plan and to train in secret. And the orcish masters, grown stupid from " "their own arrogance, did not see." msgstr "" "Depois daquele dia, nada voltaria ao normal. A esperança acendeu-se nos seus " "corações como uma vela apagada que fora reacendida. Os mais astutos e " "valentes começaram a planear e treinar em segredo. E os mestres orcs, cegos " "pela própria arrogância e asnos de natureza, não viam." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:83 msgid "" "There was one among these peasants named Tallin. He had been a little child, " "barely out of his mother’s arms, when Konrad broke the Orcish host. But he " "never forgot that day. His father was a weaponsmith, his family used less " "brutally than most because the orcish masters put more value on that craft. " "In secret, his mother even taught him letters. As the boy grew to young " "manhood, he could touch blades, and dream. And he did." msgstr "" "Havia um de entre os aldeões chamado Tallin. Era apenas uma criança, quando " "Conrado havia aparecido. Mas nunca esqueceria aquele dia. O seu pai " "fabricava armas, por isso os orcs pouparam a sua família de ações mais " "brutais, porque reconheciam a importância da sua função. Em segredo, a sua " "mãe alfabetizou-o e deu-lhe alguma instrução. E quando o miúdo cresceu, pôde " "empunhar armas, e sonhar. E fizera ambas as coisas." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:88 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Then one day Al’Tar, the current ‘master’ of Dwarven Doors, was attacked " #| "by a neighboring tribe of orcs. Tallin seized his moment. Using knowledge " #| "born of years of watching, listening and planning, he managed to steal a " #| "few weapons and a small amount of Al’Tar’s gold. He fled to an abandoned " #| "ruin in the forest to rally his fellow peasants." msgid "" "Then one day Al’Tar, the current ‘master’ of Dwarven Doors, was attacked by " "a neighboring tribe of orcs. Tallin seized his moment. Using knowledge born " "of years of watching, listening, and planning, he managed to steal a few " "weapons and a small amount of Al’Tar’s gold. He fled to an abandoned ruin in " "the forest to rally his fellow peasants." msgstr "" "Um dia, Al'Tarm o “mestre” da cidade, fora atacado por uma tribo orc rival. " "Tallin viu o seu momento chegar. Usando o seu conhecimento de anos de " "observação, escuta e planeamento, conseguiu roubar um punhado de armas e um " "pouco do ouro de Al'Tar. Fugira para uma ruína abandonada na floresta para " "encontrar-se com um grupo de iguais." # #. [side] #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:103 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:53 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:100 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:32 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:37 msgid "Rebels" msgstr "Rebeldes" # #. [unit]: type=Peasant, id=Zlex, role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:112 msgid "Zlex" msgstr "Zlex" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Al'Tar #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:130 msgid "Al'Tar" msgstr "Al'Tar" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Al'Tar #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:135 msgid "Al’Tar" msgstr "Al’Tar" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Garrugch #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:165 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:170 msgid "Garrugch" msgstr "Garrugch" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:214 msgid "Defeat enemy leaders" msgstr "Derrota os líderes inimigos" # #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:218 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:263 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:101 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:199 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:331 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:201 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:333 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:303 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:154 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:387 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:712 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:206 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:428 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:566 msgid "Death of Tallin" msgstr "Morte de Tallin" #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:236 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "This challenger has made the orcs careless — I managed to sneak in and " #| "filch the key to the storerooms. Come with me lads, and grab some " #| "weapons! Let them hack at each other, we can use this as our chance to " #| "get rid of this scum once and for all. Who's with me?" msgid "" "This challenger has made the orcs careless — I managed to sneak in and filch " "the key to the storerooms. Come with me lads, and grab some weapons! Let " "them hack at each other, we can use this as our chance to get rid of this " "scum once and for all. Who’s with me?" msgstr "" "Aquele desafiador virou a atenção dos orcs sobre si — consegui esquivar-me " "para dentro e roubar a chave para o armeiro. Venham comigo amigos, e tomam " "algumas das armas! Deixam-os lutar entre si, podemos aproveitar da confusão " "para da batalha para livrarmos deles de uma vez por todas. Quem irá seguir-" "me?" #. [message]: speaker=Zlex #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:241 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Brave words, Tallin, but if I didn't know you better I'd say you were " #| "moon-touched. These are not weapons, just pitchforks and hunting bows. We " #| "have no armor, no training. Are we supposed to beat them with bad breath " #| "and colorful language?" msgid "" "Brave words, Tallin, but if I didn’t know you better I’d say you were moon-" "touched. These are not weapons, just pitchforks and hunting bows. We have no " "armor, no training. Are we supposed to beat them with bad breath and " "colorful language?" msgstr "" "Palavras heroicas, Tallin, mas se não te conhecia, diria que estás a sonhar. " "Aquilo não são armas, apenas forcas e arcos de caça. Não temos armaduras, " "nem treino. Somos supostos em derrotar-os com compaixão e palavras pomposas?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:246 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Well, those things will certainly get their attention, and there’s " #| "nothing wrong with pitchforks. We easily outnumber the orcs, not to speak " #| "of the fact that they are killing each other." msgid "" "Well, those things will certainly get their attention, but there’s nothing " "wrong with pitchforks. We easily outnumber the orcs and they’re even now " "killing each other." msgstr "" "Bom, não subestimem as nossas forquilhas, irão atrair certamente a sua " "atenção. Temos muito mais homens do que os orcs, sem mencionar o facto de " "estarem numa briga entre si." # #. [message]: speaker=Zlex #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:251 msgid "" "But their wolves run faster than we can walk, and their swords are sharper " "than these farm tools." msgstr "" "Mas os seus lobos correm mais rápido do que nós, e as suas espadas são mais " "afiadas do que as nossas ferramentas." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:256 msgid "" "Our numbers are our strength. Stay shoulder-to shoulder with the man next to " "you; never get isolated, especially not on open ground. Swarm them — " "surround them, five or six to one, and they will go down." msgstr "" "Temos os números como vantagem. Fiquem ombro a ombro com o companheiro do " "lado. Nunca fiquem sozinhos, especialmente em campo aberto. Atraiam-os, " "cerquem-os, cinco ou seis para cada orc, e derrubaremos-os." # #. [message]: speaker=Zlex #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:261 msgid "But still, Tallin, this is going to be a slaughter." msgstr "Mas ainda assim... Isso será uma carnificina." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:266 msgid "" "But, but, but... Are you full of nothing but doubts? (Sigh) Yes, it " "will be a massacre. But would you rather live as slaves to the orcs forever?" msgstr "" "Mas, mas, mas … Não têm espinha nenhuma? (Suspiro) Sim, será um " "massacre. Mas preferem viver como escravos para sempre?" # #. [message]: speaker=Zlex #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:271 msgid "Never! I would rather die!" msgstr "Nunca! É melhor morrer!" #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:276 msgid "" "Then what choice do we have? This may be the only chance we ever get, it’s " "time to fight!" msgstr "" "Que escolha é que temos? Poderá ser a única hipótese de sair daqui. É altura " "de lutar!" # #. [message]: speaker=Al'Tar #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:281 msgid "" "You dare greatly, you miserable excuse for an orc! How dare you step onto my " "land!" msgstr "" "Falas alto, bastardo que queres passar pelo nome de um orc. Como ousam pisar " "nas minhas terras!" # #. [message]: speaker=Garrugch #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:287 msgid "" "Idle threats. Time as a slavemaster has made you weak. You have the strength " "of a goblin, and the brains to match. This land now belongs to my master. " "Surrender now and he might let you be (his) slave." msgstr "" "Ameaças fúteis. O tempo como mestre de escravos enfraqueceu-vos. Tens a " "força de um gnomo, e o cérebro de um. Estas terras agora pertencem ao meu " "senhor. Rende-te e talvez possas viver como o seu escravo." # #. [message]: speaker=Al'Tar #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:293 msgid "" "Pah! Grunts, attack! Whoever brings me the head of Garrugch will be rewarded " "in gold!" msgstr "" "Pá! Brutos, atacam! Aquele que trouxer-me a cabeça do Garrugch será bem " "recompensado em ouro!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:309 msgid "Ack! These bloody slaves are always getting in the way. Cut them down!" msgstr "" "Arre! Estes escravos desgraçados estão sempre a atrapalhar. Vamos ensinar-" "lhes uma lição!" # #. [message]: speaker=Garrugch #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:314 msgid "" "Look at that, the weakling Al’Tar can’t even keep his slaves under control. " "This will prove easier than I thought!" msgstr "" "Olham para aquele fracote do Al'Tar que nem consegue sequer manter os seus " "escravos sob controlo. Vai ser mais facil do que esperava!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:328 msgid "This is one of the entrances to the dwarven caves." msgstr "Esta é uma das entradas para as cavernas dos anões." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:334 msgid "Aaaaah! Trolls! The caves are infested with trolls!" msgstr "Aaaaah! Trogloditas! As cavernas estão infestadas deles!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:356 msgid "Yes! We did it! We are free!" msgstr "Sim! Conseguimos! Somos livres!" # #. [unit]: type=Orcish Grunt, id=Khrulg #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:368 msgid "Khrulg" msgstr "Khrulg" # #. [message]: speaker=Khrulg #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:376 msgid "" "Garrugch failed in mission, but Al’tar dead by peasant slaves. Better tell " "the Master." msgstr "" "Garrugch falhou, mas Al'Tar morto pelos seus escravos. É melhor contar ao " "Mestre." # #. [message]: speaker=Khrulg #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:381 msgid "Master needs more meat for wolves. Peasants good meat." msgstr "O mestre precisa mais comida para os lobos. Aldeões boa carne." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:409 msgid "" "I die now, you orcish scum, but I die free! More will come after me. We will " "rise again until our vengeance has wiped your stain from our land!" msgstr "" "Estou a morrer, escória orc, mas irei morrer como homem livre! Mais virão " "após mim. Continuaremos a lutar até que tenhamos expulsado a vossa espécie " "das nossas terras!" # #. [message]: speaker=Al'Tar #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:421 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Pah! Grunts, put the rest of those peasant rabble back in chains." msgid "Pah! Grunts, put the rest of that peasant rabble back in chains." msgstr "Pá! Brutos, coloquem o resto desta ralé aldeão de volta nas correntes." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:441 msgid "What the...? (Gurgle) Killed... by... slaves?" msgstr "Mas o que...? (Soluça) Morto... por... um mero escravo?" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:445 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:456 msgid "(Stab)" msgstr "(Apunhala)" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:452 #, fuzzy #| msgid "What the...? (Gurgle) Killed... by... slaves?" msgid "What the...? (Gurgle) Defeated... by... a grunt?" msgstr "Mas o que...? (Soluça) Morto... por... um mero escravo?" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:463 #, fuzzy #| msgid "(Stab)" msgid "(Smack)" msgstr "(Apunhala)" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:470 msgid "Ugh!" msgstr "Ugh!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:486 msgid "Not a very bright one, was he?" msgstr "Não muito brilhante, não?" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #. "him" is referring to Al'Tar #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:500 msgid "We got him, chief!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:506 msgid "We avenged our leader..." msgstr "" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:523 msgid "No! I have failed in my mission!" msgstr "Não! Falhei na minha missão!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:535 msgid "Mission? What mission?" msgstr "Missão? Que missão?" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:543 msgid "" "Sounds of drums and horns echo on the mountainsides. A large orc army draws " "near!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/01_Breaking_the_Chains.cfg:548 msgid "" "If only we were faster escaping into the mines this wouldn’t have happened. " "At least we will die free..." msgstr "" # #. [scenario]: id=02_01_Infested_Caves #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:5 msgid "Infested Caves" msgstr "Cavernas Infestadas" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:19 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Ill-armed and untrained though they were, the people of Dwarven Doors " #| "rose against the Orcs. Although their losses had been tremendous, never " #| "once did they break or falter. In the end, the orcish host was smashed " #| "and the survivors sent scurrying for their lives." msgid "" "Ill-armed and untrained though they were, the people of Dwarven Doors rose " "against the orcs. Although their losses had been tremendous, never once did " "they break or falter. In the end, the orcish host was smashed and the " "survivors sent scurrying for their lives." msgstr "" "Apesar de mal armados e sem treino, o povo dos Portões dos Anões revoltaram-" "se contra os Orcs. Embora as suas perdas fossem pesadas, nunca repousaram " "até saírem vitoriosos. No final, o grupo dos orcs fora esmagado e os " "sobreviventes correram pelas suas vidas." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:22 msgid "" "Grief for the fallen could not suppress the people’s joy in their newfound " "freedom. They ransacked the orcish storehouses, sang, danced and drank with " "abandon. New-fledged warriors boasted of their deeds in the battle, while " "the women and children looked on with awe." msgstr "" "O medo da vingança não suprimiu a alegria pela sua liberdade recém-" "adquirida. Saquearam os depósitos dos orcs, cantaram, dançaram e beberam " "para festejar. Os guerreiros inexperientes contavam os seus feitos nas " "batalha, enquanto as mulheres e crianças ouviam com atenção." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:25 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Amidst all the revelry, Tallin alone remained grave. He knew it likely " #| "that the orcs would return with a vengeance and slaughter every last one " #| "of them. The following morning, he gathered the cooler heads about him so " #| "they could set their next course. How might they, untrained in the art of " #| "war and without expectation of aid from the prosperous human lands of the " #| "south, defend themselves?" msgid "" "Amidst all the revelry, Tallin alone remained grave. He knew it likely that " "the orcs would return with a vengeance and slaughter every last one of them. " "The following morning, he gathered the cooler heads so they could decide " "their next course. How might they, untrained in the art of war and without " "expectation of aid from the prosperous human lands of the south, defend " "themselves?" msgstr "" "Apesar de toda a festa, Tallin permanecia sério. No fundo sabia que os orcs " "voltariam, querendo vingança e visando matar a todos, até que o último " "humano caísse morto. Na manhã seguinte, levou um grupo mais experiente e " "tentaram planear os seus próximos passos. Como iriam eles, sem treino e sem " "expectativa de ajuda dos povos do sul, conseguir defender-se?" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:28 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The war council’s thoughts quickly turned to the dwarves, close allies in " #| "the past. However, nobody knew the state of things in the Knalgan " #| "tunnels. The bravest of scouts found in there the spoor of many trolls, " #| "and of creatures darker than trolls. It was even rumored that the dwarven " #| "dead from the invasion of Knalga had risen in unlife, roaming the tunnels " #| "to slay the living. Fighting through all manner of unknown monsters in " #| "the mere hope of finding surviving dwarves held but little appeal." msgid "" "The war council’s thoughts quickly turned to the dwarves, close allies in " "the past. However, nobody knew the state of things in the Knalgan tunnels. " "The bravest of scouts found in there the spoor of many trolls, and of even " "viler creatures. For years rumors had spread of the dwarves, slain during " "the invasion of Knalga, now risen in unlife to roam the tunnels. To Tallin " "and the others, fighting through all manner of unknown monsters in the mere " "hope of finding surviving dwarves held but little appeal." msgstr "" "O recém-criado conselho da guerra rapidamente voltou-se aos anões, antigos " "aliados. Entretanto, ninguém sabia como estava a situação nos túneis de " "Gnalga. O batedor que mais se tinha aventurado nos túneis apenas falava de " "trogloditas e de criaturas ainda piores. Chegavam a comentar que os anões " "mortos na primeira invasão haviam ressurgido e deambulavam pelas cavernas " "para matar os vivos. E lutar contra monstros desconhecidos pela mera " "esperança de encontrar um punhado de anões vivos não era uma opção muito " "atraente." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:32 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "So the matter lay, and the peasants dithered from one suggested plan of " #| "action to the next, never arriving at any conclusion. In the meantime, " #| "some help, unlooked for, arrived in the form of a small band of " #| "woodsrunners — escapees from the orcs, grown wood-wise and crafty, and in " #| "contact with larger bands of poachers and outlaws roaming the night. " #| "Embassies were sent; agreements made. A handful of experienced fighters, " #| "scarred and closemouthed, came to Dwarven Doors to find and train the " #| "most willing in their rugged fighting style." msgid "" "So the matter lay. The peasants dithered from one suggested plan of action " "to the next, never arriving at any conclusion. However, some unlooked help " "arrived in the form of a small band of woodsrunners — escapees from the " "orcs, grown wood-wise and crafty, and in contact with larger bands of " "poachers and outlaws roaming the night. Embassies were sent; agreements " "made. A handful of experienced fighters, scarred and closemouthed, came to " "Dwarven Doors to find and train the willing in their rugged fighting style." msgstr "" "Assim a discussão estendeu-se, e os aldeões iam de uma sugestão a outra, " "nunca chegando a uma conclusão. No meio disto, ajuda, vinda como do nada, " "chegou na forma de um pequeno grupo de lenhadores, fugitivos dos orcs, " "crescidos na selva e extremamente sorrateiros, com o contacto entre muitos " "foragidos que deambularam pelas noites. Foram enviados representantes e " "acordos foram feitos. Um conjunto de lutadores experientes, sorrateiros e " "silenciosos, foram enviados aos Portões dos Anões para encontrar e treinar " "os interessados nas suas táticas." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:35 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "A fortnight after their victory, the town was awakened from slumber in " #| "the dead of night by the distant booming of orcish drums. Scouts training " #| "with the nightrunners returned to cry the news that a strong orcish " #| "company was approaching. Frightened as they had never been before, the " #| "folk of Dwarven Doors looked to Tallin for guidance." msgid "" "A fortnight after their victory, the town was awakened from slumber in the " "dead of night by the distant booming of orcish drums. Scouts training with " "the woodsrunners returned to cry the news that a strong orcish company was " "approaching. Frightened as they had never been before, the folk of Dwarven " "Doors looked to Tallin for guidance." msgstr "" "Algumas noites após a vitória, a aldeia fora acordada no meio da noite " "ouvindo distantes tambores orcs. Batedores treinados pelos guerreiros " "nocturnos retornaram com uma má notícia: um grande exército orc estava a " "chegar. Assustados como nunca antes, o povo virou-se para Tallin, esperando " "por ordens." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:38 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Faced with certain destruction at the hands of the orcs, or a fate " #| "unknown in the caves of Knalga, Tallin chose the latter. The people " #| "quickly gathered together and collected whatever food and weapons they " #| "could and plunged into the darkness of the caves." msgid "" "Faced with certain destruction at the hands of the orcs, or a fate unknown " "in the caves of Knalga, Tallin chose the latter. The people quickly " "collected whatever food and weapons they could and plunged into the darkness " "of the caves." msgstr "" "Entre a morte certa nas mãos dos orcs ou a morte possível nas cavernas de " "Gnalga, Tallin escolheu a segunda opção. O povo rapidamente juntou-se e " "juntou o que conseguira da comida e armas e entrou nas profundezas escuras " "das cavernas." # #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Knash #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Krog #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Thung #. [side] #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Tor #. [side]: type=Troll Hero, id=Bor #. [side]: type=Troll Rocklobber, id=Oof #. [side]: type=Troll Hero, id=Glu #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:70 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:84 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:170 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:44 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:199 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:217 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:234 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:251 msgid "Trolls" msgstr "Trogloditas" # #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Knash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:74 msgid "Knash" msgstr "Knash" # #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Krog #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:88 msgid "Krog" msgstr "Krog" # #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Hamel #. [unit]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Hamel #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:105 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:48 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:42 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:56 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:312 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg:144 msgid "Hamel" msgstr "Hamel" # #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Mal Barath #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Delzath #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Mal Tath #. [side]: type=Ancient Lich, id=Malifor #. [side]: type=Draug, id=Thorin #. [side]: type=Draug, id=Herlin #. [side]: type=Draug, id=Fervin #. [side]: type=Draug, id=Hellian #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Hettel #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Tervor #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Author #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Boblin #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Antrasis #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:154 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:198 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:216 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:44 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:70 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:94 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:119 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:145 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:48 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:109 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:131 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:155 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:188 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:209 msgid "Undead" msgstr "Mortos-Vivos" #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Mal Barath #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:159 msgid "Mal Barath" msgstr "Mal Barath" # #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Thung #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:174 msgid "Thung" msgstr "Thung" #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Delzath #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:203 msgid "Delzath" msgstr "Delzath" #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Mal Tath #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:221 msgid "Mal Tath" msgstr "Mal Tath" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:242 msgid "Find the dwarves" msgstr "Encontra os Anões" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:252 msgid "Move Tallin to the dwarvish area to meet with Lord Hamel" msgstr "Mova Tallin para uma fortaleza Anã para se encontrar com Lorde Hamel" # #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:261 msgid "Clear the caves" msgstr "Limpa as cavernas" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:267 msgid "The dwarves are defeated" msgstr "Os anões estão derrotados" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:293 msgid "So here we are..." msgstr "Então aqui estamos..." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:298 msgid "(Trip) Oof!" msgstr "(Tropeço) Uf!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:303 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Great idea, Tallin, I probably couldn’t even fight a bat down here." msgid "" "Great idea, Tallin. It's so dark I probably couldn’t even fight a bat down " "here." msgstr "" "Esplêndida ideia, Tallin, provavelmente nem conseguiria lutar com um morcego " "aqui em baixo." # #. [message]: type=Blood Bat #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:317 msgid "Neep Neep!" msgstr "Nip Nip!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:322 msgid "Ahhhh!" msgstr "Ahhhh!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:327 msgid "" "Calm down. Come what may, we’ll handle them. Come on now, let’s find those " "dwarves!" msgstr "" "Calma. Não te precisas de preocupar, cuidarei disto. Vamos, encontraremos " "estes anões!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:363 msgid "Prepare to die, you foul orc!" msgstr "Prepare-se para morrer, orc!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:368 msgid "Hold it! I am no orc, I am a human!" msgstr "Para! Não sou nenhum orc, sou um humano!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:373 msgid "A human! Amazing, I haven’t seen a human ever since the orcs attacked." msgstr "Um humano! Incrível, não havia visto deles desde o ataque dos orcs." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:378 msgid "How have you managed to survive all this time?" msgstr "Como sobreviveste durante todo este tempo?" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:383 msgid "" "By frying every orc, troll or skeleton I come across. Duh! Those monsters " "desecrated my life’s work, now I shall not rest till I send every last one " "of them to hell! Oh, and just between me and you, it is actually good fun — " "more fun anyway than sitting on your backside studying all day..." msgstr "" "A matar qualquer orc, troglodita ou esqueleto que encontrava. Dó! Estes " "monstros acabaram com a minha vida, não descansarei enquanto não os mandar a " "todos para o inferno! Ah, e além disto, é divertido. Bem mais divertido do " "que ficar sentado a estudar todo o dia..." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:388 msgid "... Uh, sure!" msgstr "...Bem, claro!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:393 msgid "" "But silly me, where are my manners? Would you like to come inside for tea?" msgstr "" "Mas onde está a minha educação? Queres entrar e tomar uma chávena de chá?" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:398 msgid "" "Um... err... well actually we are presently busy fighting our way through " "hordes of trolls and skeletons trying to find the dwarves... if there are " "any left." msgstr "" "Hum... erre... na verdade estamos ocupados a lutar com hordas de trogloditas " "e esqueletos, a fugir dos orcs e a tentar encontrar os anões... se ainda " "restarem." # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:403 msgid "Hordes of trolls and skeletons! Where?! Let’s go burn ’em all!" msgstr "Hordas de trogloditas e esqueletos! Onde?! Vamos queimar-os a todos!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:409 msgid "Er... let’s go..." msgstr "Erre... vamos..." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:414 msgid "whisper^Is it safe to have this lunatic with us?" msgstr "É seguro termos este lunático conosco?" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:432 msgid "Burn, you disgusting filth!" msgstr "Queima, criatura vil e fel!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:436 msgid "Ahhh! Fire!" msgstr "Ahhh! Fogo!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:449 msgid "Yeah! Die, scum, die!" msgstr "Sim! Morra, inútil, morra!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:466 msgid "This tunnel keeps on going..." msgstr "Este túnel parece ainda mais longo..." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:471 msgid "" "I think we should finish searching this part of Knalga first before we go " "deeper into the caves." msgstr "" "Penso que devemos terminar de procurar neste nível antes de ir ainda mais " "fundo nas cavernas." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:487 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Grim Gods of Darkness, what are those things!" msgid "Grim Gods of Darkness! What are those things?" msgstr "Pelos Deuses da Escuridão! O que são estas coisas!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:492 msgid "Skeletons!" msgstr "Esqueletos!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:497 msgid "" "Look at the axes they bear. At one time those skeletons must have been " "dwarves!" msgstr "Olham os machados que carregam. Um dia estes esqueletos foram anões!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #. The dwarves are skeletal undead. #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:503 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Stand firm, men. The dwarven defenders of Knalga rise again. Now it " #| "remains to be seen whether or not they recognize us as friends." msgid "" "So it is true! The dwarven defenders of Knalga have risen once again. Stand " "firm men! Now it remains to be seen whether or not they recognize us as " "friends." msgstr "" "Fiquem firmes, homens. Os defensores de Gnalga ressurgiram. Agora só nos " "resta saber se ainda consideram-nos como aliados." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:519 msgid "They are attacking us!" msgstr "Estão a atacar-nos!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:524 msgid "Destroy them!" msgstr "Destruam-os!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #. We have different wordings for the sentences. #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:546 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:680 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Hey look, it’s an ancient door. It seems the trolls were too stupid to " #| "find how to open it." msgid "" "Hey look, it’s an ancient door. It seems the trolls were too stupid to " "figure out how to open it." msgstr "" "Olham, uma porta. Parece que os trogloditas eram demasiados estúpidos para " "encontrar um modo de abrir-a." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:555 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:686 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Hey look, it’s an ancient door. It seems the skeletons were too stupid to " #| "find how to open it." msgid "" "Hey look, it’s an ancient door. It seems the skeletons were too stupid to " "find out how to open it." msgstr "" "Olham, uma porta. Parece que os esqueletos eram demasiados estúpidos para " "encontrar um modo de abrir-a." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:564 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:693 msgid "Well, let’s see what’s behind it." msgstr "Bem, vamos ver o que tem do outro lado." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:569 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:698 msgid "" "All right. (Grunt... strain...) It’s not moving. It seems to be stuck." msgstr "Tudo bem. (Empurra) Não se move. Parece estar preso." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:574 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:703 msgid "Well, just kick it down then." msgstr "Bem, então porque não a destruas?" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:579 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:708 msgid "... Right." msgstr "... Certo." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:614 msgid "The old door crumbles away, revealing an old tunnel on the other side." msgstr "" "A velha porta sucumbe numa nuvem de pó, revelando um longo e estreito túnel." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:634 msgid "On the end of the passage is another door. I try to open it." msgstr "Ao fim da passagem existe outro portão. Vou tentar abrir-o." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:640 msgid "Here is a similar door as the one before. I try to open it." msgstr "Tem aqui um portão semelhante ao qual atrás. Vou tentar abrir-o." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:726 msgid "A large section of wall crumbles away." msgstr "Uma grande parte da parede sucumbe em escombros." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:736 msgid "" "Tallin, this situation is hopeless — there are endless monsters swarming " "from all directions!" msgstr "" "Tallin, não temos hipótese. Os monstros estão por vir de todas as direções, " "no fio sem fim!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:741 msgid "" "We are in a dire situation indeed — but just see — the trolls and the " "skeletons are also attacking each other. We must all stay together in one " "group; let each man support the man next to him. If our ranks are imposing " "enough the monsters may shy away from us in favor of easier prey." msgstr "" "Realmente está difícil. Mas olham... Os trogloditas e esqueletos estão a " "atacar-se uns aos outros. Precisamos de ficar juntos, cada um a cuidar do " "companheiro ao lado. Deste modo os monstros são capazes de virar-se para " "presas mais fáceis do que nós." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:746 msgid "" "But still, Tallin, we will take losses, and for each one of us, there is no " "replacement — whereas for every monster we kill, it seems that two more come " "to take its place!" msgstr "" "Mas mesmo assim, Tallin, vamos levar perdas. E quando um dos nossos morre, " "não há substituto, enquanto para cada monstro que matamos, parece que " "aparecem dois outros!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:751 msgid "" "Which is why we must make haste to find the dwarves. Dwarves are hardy " "creatures and they know their caves backwards and forwards — so I am sure at " "least some must have survived! Indeed, this is our only hope for otherwise, " "be it on the surface or be it down here, any way we turn we face certain " "destruction!" msgstr "" "E é por isto mesmo que precisamos de encontrar os anões. Os anões são " "fortes, e conhecem estas cavernas como a sua palma da mão, e acredito que " "tenham sobrevivido. E esta é a nossa única hipótese já que ficar aqui " "sozinhos ou subir à superfície será a morte certa!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:892 msgid "Stand where ye be, you... Och! A human!" msgstr "Mantenha-te quieto, seu... Ó! Um humano!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:897 msgid "Greetings from the people of Dwarven Doors, friend." msgstr "Saudações do povo dos Portões dos Anões, amigo." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:902 msgid "" "Dwarven Doors? I thought ye surface humans had been enslaved or slain by the " "orcs years ago." msgstr "" "Portões dos Anões? Pensei que os humanos foram escravizados ou assassinados " "pelos orcs há muito tempo." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:907 msgid "" "Yes, we were enslaved, but we rose against Al’Tar and defeated his warband. " "In order to stay free, we seek help and equipment from our old allies, the " "dwarves." msgstr "" "Sim, fomos escravizados, mas rebelamos-nos contra Al'Tar e derrotamos o seu " "grupo. Para permanecermos livres estamos a procura de ajuda e equipamentos " "dos nossos antigos aliados, os anões." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:912 msgid "" "Och, the dwarves of Knalga are themselves in desperate straits — but we " "havena’ forgotten the old bonds. Be welcome to our keep. Aye, and have " "speech with our chieftain, the Lord Hamel." msgstr "" "Ó, os anões de Gnalga já têm os seus próprios problemas. Mas nunca nos " "esquecemos dos nossos antigos parceiros. Venham para a nossa fortaleza, e " "tenham uma conversa como o nosso chefe, o Lorde Hamel." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #. [message]: speaker=unit #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:917 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1321 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2338 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2456 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2510 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2555 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:612 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:903 msgid "Very well." msgstr "Muito bem." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:943 msgid "Well met, Tallin. My men have told me of your victory against Al’Tar." msgstr "" "Prazer em conhecer-te, Tallin. Os meus homens falaram-me da tua vitória " "sobre Al'Tar." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:948 msgid "" "Thank you and well-met indeed, Lord Hamel. I must say, this place is " "interesting." msgstr "" "Obrigado e o prazer é todo meu, Lorde Hamel. Tenho de dizer este lugar é " "interessante." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:953 msgid "" "This is how we get our food, me lad. Since we are a tad close to the surface " "here, some sunlight shines down through the cracks in the roof. If we baby " "the plants, we can usually get enough. They taste unco’ foul but that’s how " "we ha’ survived all these long years. But come, let us talk!" msgstr "" "É assim que apanhamos os nossos mantimentos, meu rapaz. Como estamos " "relativamente perto da superfície, alguns raios de sol passam entram nesta " "caverna. Se cuidarmos bem das plantas, podemos fazer uma colheita " "suficiente. Têm um gosto estranho, mas é como sobrevivemos até agora!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:958 msgid "Whew, we did it!" msgstr "Bem, conseguimos!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:963 msgid "Awww! Are we done already?" msgstr "Awww! Acabamos?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:985 msgid "" "Good, we managed to clear the caves... for now, anyway. Now let’s get to the " "dwarven keep and dicker for better weapons." msgstr "" "Bom, parece que limpamos a caverna destes monstros... por enquanto. Agora " "devemos tentar encontrar os anões e negociar por melhores armas." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:991 msgid "" "Good, there are no more monsters lurking in these parts of the tunnels. I " "think I can hear the clamor of dwarves just ahead. Come on men, let’s go " "meet them." msgstr "" "Bom, parece que limpamos a caverna desses monstros... por enquanto. Penso " "que ouço os anões mesmo a nossa frente. Venham companheiros, vamos ao seu " "encontro." # #. [message]: role=Messenger #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1022 msgid "" "Tallin, we have just received the news that the dwarvish Lord Hamel has just " "been slain. We are too late!" msgstr "" "Tallin, acabamos de receber a notícia de que o Lorde Hamel fora morto. " "Demoramos demasiado tempo!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1027 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:62 msgid "No! Without the dwarvish weapons we have no hope!" msgstr "Não! Sem as armas dos anões não há esperança!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1062 msgid "Hey, what’s going on in here?" msgstr "Eia, o que está a acontecer aqui?" # #. [message]: role=Admirer #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1102 msgid "We are killing lots of trolls and skeletons." msgstr "Estamos a matar dezenas de trogloditas e esqueletos." # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1107 msgid "Really! Did you save any for me?" msgstr "Verdade! Guardaste alguns para mim?" # #. [message]: role=Admirer #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1112 msgid "Uh, not really..." msgstr "Bem, na verdade, não..." # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1117 msgid "Awww!" msgstr "Awww!" # #. [message]: role=Admirer #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1122 msgid "" "But hey, if you want to join us, I am sure we will be fighting a lot more " "orcs, trolls and skeletons in the near future." msgstr "" "Mas se te quiseres juntar a nós, com certeza que lutaremos com mais orcs, " "trogloditas e esqueletos num futuro próximo." # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1127 msgid "Really! Oh yeah, I am in!" msgstr "Verdade! Ó sim, já venho!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1132 msgid "... That was rather odd. Who is this guy?" msgstr "...Aquilo fora estranho. Quem foi aquele?" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1137 msgid "" "Oh, dinna’ mind him, that’d be Camerin. He used to be yer usual scholarly " "mage, and he moved awa’ up here to be alone and study. But then when the " "orcs invaded he went a little loony. My guess is that some roving orcs " "ransacked his place and burnt his notes or something. Whatever it was, he " "couldna’ take it and became fey. Ever since he has been roving these caves " "destroying any manner of monster that he comes across. They all give him a " "very wide berth by now. So just be polite, give him some room and you’ll " "find he is relatively harmless..." msgstr "" "Ó, onde tenho a minha cabeça. Este é Camerin. Era um estudante comum da " "magia, que veio para as cavernas para poder estudar sem ser incomodado. Mas " "quando os orcs chegaram, ficou estranho. O meu palpite é que alguns orcs " "invadiram a sua cabana e queimaram as suas anotações ou algo assim. O que " "quer que tenha sido, tornou-o ainda mais enigmático. De vez em quando passa " "pelas cavernas destruindo qualquer monstro que passa-lhe à frente. E agora " "todos dão-lhe uma volta bem larga. Se fores educado e clamo, pode parecer " "inofensivo..." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1157 msgid "" "Without eating or sleeping for days, Tallin’s men begin to fall one by one." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_01_Infested_Caves.cfg:1162 msgid "" "We were too slow in finding the dwarves. I don’t think we can fight for much " "longer!" msgstr "" #. [scenario]: id=02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:5 msgid "Meeting With Dwarves" msgstr "Lidando com os Anões" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:18 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "After reaching the dwarvish keep and tending to their wounded, the humans " #| "led by Tallin and the dwarves led by Lord Hamel hurried deeper into the " #| "caverns for a hasty council." msgid "" "After reaching the dwarvish keep and tending to their wounded, the humans " "led by Tallin, and the dwarves led by Lord Hamel, hurried deeper into the " "caverns for a hasty council." msgstr "" "Após chegarem á capital dos anões e terem tratado dos seus feridos, o grupo " "de humanos liderado por Tallin e os anões sob o comando do Lorde Hamel " "reuniram-se num conselho apressado." #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:43 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:51 msgid "Dwarves" msgstr "Anões" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:93 msgid "" "Be welcome to the Southern Tunnels, friends... or at least, what’s left o’ " "them." msgstr "" "Sejam bem-vindos aos Túneis do Sul, amigos... ou pelo menos a aqueles que " "conseguiram sobreviver." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:98 msgid "" "Thank you, Lord Hamel. Though Knalga lies in chaos, it is a great relief to " "see that at least some dwarves have survived." msgstr "" "Obrigado, Lorde Hamel. Parece que em Gnalga reina o caos, é um grande alívio " "ver que alguns anões ainda estão vivos." #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:103 #, fuzzy #| msgid "And I, don't forget me!" msgid "And I, don’t forget me!" msgstr "E a mim, não se esqueçam de mim!" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:108 msgid "" "Thank you, human. And you, Camerin. It is likewise a great relief to see " "that our allies of old have managed to break their bonds, and live as free " "men once again." msgstr "" "Obrigado, humano. E a ti, Camerin. É um alívio em saber que os nossos " "antigos aliados quebraram as suas correntes, e vivem novamente como homens " "livres." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:113 msgid "" "Yes, that touches on the main reason for our visit. We have broken free, but " "to stay free we need better weapons and armor. Clubs and pitchforks will not " "carry us through the long run." msgstr "" "Sim, e tal tem a ver com o motivo da nossa visita. Conseguimos libertar-nos, " "mas para continuarmos livres precisaremos de armas e armaduras. Clavas e " "forquilhas não nos suportarão por muito tempo." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:118 msgid "" "Dwarves are known to be the finest metalworkers and weapon-smiths. We were " "hoping that you would be able to help us." msgstr "" "Os anões são conhecidos pelos seus excelentes trabalhos metalúrgicos e " "armas. Estávamos a espera que pudessem ajudar-nos." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:123 msgid "" "Aye, our craft is great... but we dinna’ ha’ much of weapons and armor " "ourselves. We’re but a remnant that survived the orcs’ in-taking of these " "caves. There may be other remnants; but if there are, we dinna’ yet ken of " "them." msgstr "" "Sim, somos habilidosos... mas não temos nem armas ou armaduras para nós " "mesmos. Somos apenas um grupo de desgarrados que conseguiram sobreviver aos " "orcs. Talvez existam outros, mas não sabemos onde." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:128 msgid "" "If you don’t mind me asking, Lord Hamel, how exactly did you manage to " "survive the orcish invasion? And since it was the orcs who reduced Knalga to " "this sorry state — where are they now? From what I have seen, it is mostly " "trolls and skeletons who lately haunt these caves." msgstr "" "Se me permitires uma questão, Lorde Hamel, mas como exactamente sobreviveram " "à invasão orc? E, já que reduziram Gnalga às cinzas, onde estão agora? Vi " "muitos trogloditas e esqueletos, mas nenhum orc." #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:133 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Oh, there are orcs enough down here, but ye’ll not likely see them; they " #| "hide from us like vermin. You see, lad, in these caves there is no more " #| "fearsome a foe than a dwarf. Not only do we move through the caves " #| "swiftly, but we know them like the backs of our hands. The orcs did " #| "indeed manage to swamp our defenses with their sheer numbers all those " #| "long years ago, but not before we surprised and slew their leader — the " #| "cursed Khazg Black-Tusk. Since then, although the orcs still foul these " #| "caves with their stench, their attacks have been uncoordinated and " #| "erratic, wi’ the orcs as likely to attack each other as they are to " #| "attack us." msgid "" "Oh, there are orcs enough down here, but ye’ll not likely see them; they " "hide from us like vermin. You see, lad, in these caves there is no more " "fearsome a foe than a dwarf. Not only do we move through the caves swiftly, " "but we know them like the backs of our hands. All those years ago, the orcs " "did indeed manage to swamp our defenses with their sheer numbers, but not " "before we surprised and slew their leader — that cursed Khazg Black-Tusk! " "Since then, although the orcs still foul these caves with their stench, " "their attacks have been uncoordinated and erratic, wi’ the orcs as likely to " "attack each other as they are to attack us." msgstr "" "Ah, existem orcs por aqui, mas não os verás. Escondem-se de nós como vermes. " "Vês, rapaz, nestas cavernas não há maior inimigo do que um anão. Não só nos " "movimentamos rapidamente nelas, como as conhecemos como a palma da nossa " "mão. Os orcs já tentaram destruir as nossas defesas anteriormente com a sua " "força bruta, mas conseguimos surpreender-os e matar o líder, o amaldiçoado " "Khazg Black-Tus. Depois daquilo, embora os orcs continuem a infestar este " "lugar com o seu fedor, os seus ataques tornaram-se desorganizados, atacando-" "se mais uns aos outros do que a nós." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:138 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "In more recent years, however, I ha’ noticed that there have been fewer " #| "orcs and more skeletons around. The orcs seem to fear them and shy away " #| "from them whenever possible, but their troll allies are another matter. " #| "Yon trolls actually seem to take great pleasure out of crushing the " #| "skeletons to the dust and sucking any marrow that remains in their " #| "bones..." msgid "" "In more recent years, however, I ha’ noticed that there have been fewer orcs " "and more skeletons around. The orcs seem to fear them and shy away from them " "whenever possible, but their troll allies are another matter. Yon trolls " "actually seem to take great pleasure out of crushing the skeletons to the " "dust and sucking what marrow remains in their bones." msgstr "" "Mais recentemente, no entanto, notamos que os orcs estão desvanecer e os " "esqueletos a aumentar. Parece que os orcs têm medo e fogem deles sempre que " "podem. Porém os trogloditas parecem sentir prazer em reduzir os esqueletos a " "pó e rasgar quaisquer vestes que ainda restam sobre os ossos..." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:143 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "What is the story with those skeletons anyway? They look like they were " #| "dwarves when they lived, but now they just seem to be mindless killers, " #| "attacking anyone and anything." msgid "" "What is the story with those skeletons anyway? They look like they were " "dwarves when they lived, but now they just seem to be mindless killers." msgstr "" "Que história é essa dos esqueletos? Parecem-se com anões, mas são apenas " "brutos sem inteligência, atacando a tudo e a todos." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:148 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "In truth, we ha’ no idea. They just started appearing one day some years " #| "after we were trapped here — by ones and twos in the beginning, and now " #| "by the hordes. We were fair frightened when we first encountered them, " #| "but we soon discovered they fell to our hammers just as readily as the " #| "orcs fell to our axes. So, it is not their existence I fear — for we have " #| "faced far worse trials — but their rising numbers gives cause for worry..." msgid "" "In truth, we ha’ no idea. They just started appearing one day. They came by " "ones and twos in the beginning, and now by the hordes. We were fair " "frightened when we first encountered them, but we soon discovered they fell " "to our hammers just as readily as the orcs fell to our axes. So, it is not " "their existence I fear — for we have faced far worse trials — but their " "rising numbers gives cause for worry..." msgstr "" "Na verdade, não faço ideia. Começaram a aparecer alguns anos após ficarmos " "presos aqui. Eram um ou dois no início, e agora são hordas e hordas. " "Estávamos bem assustados no início, mas descobrimos que podem ser destruídos " "pelos nossos martelos e machados assim como os orcs e trogloditas. Então, " "não fora a sua origem que preocupou-nos, mas o seu grande número, que parece " "estar cada vez maior." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:153 msgid "" "Well, we are here with you now Lord Hamel, and in exchange for proper " "weapons, we will gladly assist you in clearing these caves of monsters." msgstr "" "Bem, estamos aqui contigo agora, Lorde Hamel, e em troca de armas adequadas, " "propusemos-nos em ajudar-te a limpar esta caverna desses monstros." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:158 msgid "" "That is the problem lad, we ha’ been stranded in these tunnels for years " "now, almost completely cut off from sources of food or metals or tools. It " "ha’ been as much as we could do to survive. We’ll get more food again now " "that we can reach the surface, and tools aplenty there are in the stores " "where we couldna’ reach while the orcs and trolls held them. But metal will " "be scarce for a while yet; ore will have to be brought in for smelting, " "first." msgstr "" "Este é o problema, meu jovem. Estamos trancados nestes túneis por anos, " "quase totalmente sem mantimentos, metais ou ferramentas. Já fora um milagre " "continuarmos vivos. Conseguiremos mais mantimentos se conseguirmos chegar à " "superfície, e existem ferramentas aos montes nos depósitos, onde não " "chegamos por causa dos orcs e trogloditas. Mas o metal ainda será escasso " "por algum tempo; primeiro minério terá de ser trazido para a fundição." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:163 msgid "So, is there not any source of good ores nearby?" msgstr "Então, não existe uma boa fonte de minérios de ouro por perto?" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:168 msgid "" "Aye, there is. A few miles north of here is the place where we mined many of " "our raw metals. However, that place also seems to be where all those " "skeletons are coming from. For all that we have managed to hold the " "skeletons off in our own keep, I dare not venture right into their lair. To " "go there would mean certain death." msgstr "" "Até existem. Algumas milhas ao norte daqui é o local deonde retiramos muito " "do nosso metal. Porém, parece que é de lá que os esqueletos veem. Tendo em " "conta todo o trabalho que temos para manter-os longe da nossa fortaleza, " "presumo que não seja uma boa ideia enfrentá-los no seu covil. Ir lá será a " "morte certa." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:173 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "With all respect, my Lord Hamel, we the people from Dwarven Doors have " #| "faced certain death many times now. Rising up against the orcs was said " #| "to be certain death. Plunging headfirst into these bleak caves was said " #| "to be certain death. If our fate is death then so be it. Until that time " #| "comes, my people will fight and I will lead them to fight!" msgid "" "With all respect, my Lord Hamel, we the people from Dwarven Doors have faced " "certain death many times now. Rising up against the orcs was said to be " "certain death. Plunging headfirst into these bleak caves was said to be " "certain death. If that is our fate, so be it. Until that time comes, I will " "lead my people to fight for our freedom!" msgstr "" "Como todo o respeito, mas o nosso povo já enfrentou a morte certa muitas " "vezes. Revoltar-nos contra os orcs era a morte certa. Entrar nestas cavernas " "desconhecidas era a morte certa. Se o nosso destino é a morte, então que " "será. Enquanto não chegar, o nosso povo irá lutar, e liderarei-os na luta!" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:178 msgid "" "Och, human though ye be, ye speak very like a dwarf, lad. Form up, men! To " "the mines! Let the guardsmen stay behind along with the noncombatants — for " "their safety and to hold the keep." msgstr "" "Rapaz, para um humano, falas como um anão. Em formação! Para as minas! Os " "guardas permanecem para proteger os não-combatentes e a fortaleza." #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:183 msgid "Ahahahaha! Yes, smash the skeletons! Smash them!" msgstr "Hahahaha! Sim, batam nestes esqueletos miseráveis! Matam-os a todos!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/02_02_Meeting_With_Dwarves.cfg:188 msgid "..." msgstr "..." # #. [scenario]: id=03_To_the_Mines #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:5 msgid "To the Mines" msgstr "Para as Minas" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:19 msgid "" "Hoping to bypass the monsters which seemed to lurk at every corner in the " "caves, the humans and the dwarves returned to the surface hoping to speedily " "reach the mines. However, once they left the caves they found that they " "faced a new threat." msgstr "" "Na esperança de desviarem-se dos monstros que apareciam de cada canto das " "cavernas, os humanos e anões retornaram à superfície para rapidamente " "chegarem às minas. Porém, assim que saíram, encontraram outro inimigo." # #. [side]: type=Direwolf Rider, id=Pruol #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:69 msgid "Goblins" msgstr "Gnomos" # #. [side]: type=Direwolf Rider, id=Pruol #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:74 msgid "Pruol" msgstr "Pruol" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:96 msgid "Enter the mines" msgstr "Entra nas minas" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:99 msgid "Eliminate the wolf riders" msgstr "Elimina os montadores de lobos" # #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:105 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:203 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:578 msgid "Death of Hamel" msgstr "Morte de Hamel" # #. [message]: speaker=Pruol #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:123 msgid "Hey look, there is our meat! Come on, boys, lunchtime!" msgstr "Eia, olham, cá está o nosso jantar! Venham, rapazes, pá mesa!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:128 msgid "I don’t think so, buddy." msgstr "Penso que não, amigo." #. [message]: speaker=Pruol #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:142 msgid "Argh! They are stronger than we thought. Someone go tell the Master..." msgstr "" "Arre! São mais fortes que tinha pensado. Alguém que vá contar ao Mestre..." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:147 msgid "What’s with this ‘Master’ business? It’s starting to make me nervous." msgstr "Quem será este “Mestre”? Estou a começar a ficar nervoso." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:174 msgid "Here is the entrance to the dwarven mines. In we go!" msgstr "Aqui está a entrada das minas.Entraremos!" #. [message]: speaker=Pruol #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:179 msgid "" "Hey, there goes our lunch! Hmmm, they are stronger than we thought, let’s go " "tell Master." msgstr "" "Eia, lá se vai o nosso jantar! São mais fortes do que pensávamos, vamos " "relatar ao Mestre." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg:184 msgid "" "What’s with this whole ‘Master’ business? It’s starting to make me nervous." msgstr "Quem será este “Mestre”? Estou a começar a ficar nervoso." # #. [scenario]: id=04_Clearing_the_Mines #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:5 msgid "Clearing the Mines" msgstr "Limpando as Minas" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:18 msgid "When the party finally reached the mines, they were not disappointed." msgstr "Quando o grupo finalmente chegou às minas, não foram desapontados." # #. [side] #. [side]: type=Elvish Avenger, gender=female, id=Sisal #. [side]: type=Lieutenant, id=Tallin #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:29 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:32 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:162 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:269 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:284 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:38 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:145 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:121 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:135 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:265 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:282 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:52 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:297 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:320 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:344 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:29 msgid "Alliance" msgstr "Aliança" # #. [side]: type=Ancient Lich, id=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:49 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:53 msgid "Malifor" msgstr "Malifor" # #. [side]: type=Draug, id=Thorin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:75 msgid "Thorin" msgstr "Thorin" # #. [side]: type=Draug, id=Herlin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:99 msgid "Herlin" msgstr "Herlin" # #. [side]: type=Draug, id=Fervin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:124 msgid "Fervin" msgstr "Fervin" # #. [side]: type=Draug, id=Hellian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:139 msgid "Hellian" msgstr "Hellian" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:195 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:373 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:380 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:202 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:562 msgid "Defeat the enemy leaders" msgstr "Derrota os líderes inimigos" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:223 msgid "Behold! The Dwarven Mines." msgstr "Alto! As Minas Anãs." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:228 msgid "" "Look at yon canal. Dwarves built it to transport mined metals deeper into " "Knalga. And d’ye ken those two rooms, one to the north-west and the other to " "the south-east? If we could capture those, we would gain o’ great tactical " "advantage." msgstr "" "Vejam os túneis. Os anões construíram-os para transportar os metais " "minerados no profundo de Gnalga. E vês aquelas duas salas, uma no noroeste e " "outra no sudeste? Se conseguirmos capturá-las, teremos uma grande vantagem " "tática." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:233 msgid "" "Grim gods of darkness! The whole place is swarming with undead! They have " "raised corpses to do their work." msgstr "" "Pelos sombrios deuses da escuridão! Este lugar está infestado de mortos-" "vivos! Reviveram cadáveres ambulantes para fazer o seu trabalho." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:238 msgid "" "And they seem to have good security, too. Look, most of the fortifications " "are repaired and they have those nasty skeletons everywhere." msgstr "" "E parecem que estão em seguros de si. Olham, a maioria das fortificações " "foram reforçadas. E ainda existem estes esqueletos... estão pela parte toda." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:243 msgid "" "Fortunately, this entrance seems to be in disrepair. It doesn’t look like " "they have noticed us yet." msgstr "Felizmente, a entrada está livre. Ainda não nos devem ter notado." # #. [message]: speaker=Thorin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:248 msgid "WHO GOES THERE?" msgstr "QUEM VEM LÁ?" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:253 msgid "(Wince)." msgstr "(estremecimento)" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:258 msgid "Oops, I spoke too soon." msgstr "Oops, falei muito cedo." # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:264 msgid "Maybe he needs a fireball..." msgstr "Talvez uma bola de fogo resolva..." # #. [message]: speaker=Thorin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:269 msgid "YOU DO NOT ANSWER. ALERT THE MASTER!" msgstr "NÃO RESPONDES. ALERTAM O MESTRE!" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:286 msgid "Who goes there? Ahhh, more slaves, I see." msgstr "Quem vem aí? Ah, mais escravos." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:291 msgid "Others have made that mistake before. Who are you?" msgstr "Outros já cometeram este erro. Quem és?" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:296 msgid "" "Who am I? (Cackles wildly) I am Malifor the Great, the master of " "death! These tunnels, haunted by the ghosts of the dead dwarves of Knalga, " "are the domain of my power." msgstr "" "Quem sou eu? (dá uma gargalhada louca) Sou Malifor, o Grande, o " "mestre da morte! Estes túneis, assombrados pelos fantasmas dos anões mortos " "de Gnalga, são o domínio do meu poder." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:301 msgid "" "You dared disturb the rest of those brave dwarves? You shall pay in blood!" msgstr "" "Quem se atreve a perturbar os anões valentes? Irás pagar com a tua vida!" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:306 msgid "" "HAHAHAHA! Your petty temper tantrums are most amusing, you puny dwarf. Soon " "I will finish the slaughter that the orcs have begun so promisingly, and " "Knalga will be all mine! From there I will sweep the whole north of all " "living creatures, and then swoop down upon Wesnoth!" msgstr "" "HAHAHAHA! A tua birra insignificante divertida-me, anão insignificante. Em " "breve vou concluir o massacre que os orcs começaram de forma tão promissora, " "e Gnalga será toda minha! Dali vou limpar todo o norte de todas as criaturas " "vivas, e depois dou o golpe final a Wesnoth!" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:311 msgid "" "Quit your ranting, you wretched bag of bones! Prepare to return to the dust!" msgstr "" "Para o teu desvairo, miserável saco de ossos! Prepara-te para retornares ao " "pó!" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:316 msgid "HAHAHAHA! Such vast threats from one so small? HAHAHA!" msgstr "HAHAHAHA! Ameaças tão grandes de alguém tão pequeno? HAHAHA!" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:321 msgid "But– My my, what do we have here? — Tallin." msgstr "Mas... O que temos nós aqui?—-- Tallin." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:326 msgid "He knows your name, Tallin. I don’t like the sound of this." msgstr "Sabe o teu nome, Tallin. Não gosto disto." # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:331 msgid "" "Oh yes, I know you, Tallin. I have been watching you for a long time. You " "are a perfect candidate to become one of my immortal generals." msgstr "" "Ó sim, conheço-te bem, Tallin. Estive a observar-te por um longo tempo. És o " "candidato perfeito para tornares-te num dos meus generais imortais." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:336 msgid "...!" msgstr "...!" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:341 msgid "" "Look around you, Tallin; see all the power, see all of the wealth, the " "glory, the pleasure that the realm of death has to offer. Think of the great " "empire of Knalga; it can be yours. Come, share it with me!" msgstr "" "Olha a tua volta Talli; veja todo o poder, veja toda a riqueza, a glória, o " "prazer que o reino da morte tem para oferecer. Pensa no grande império de " "Gnalga; poderá ser teu. Venha, partilha-o comigo!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:346 msgid "Tallin! Get hold of yourself!" msgstr "Tallin! Controla-te!" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:351 msgid "" "It’s very easy, Tallin... See that little vermin by your side? Take out your " "knife... cut his throat... feel his hot blood pump over your hands... " "sacrifice him!" msgstr "" "É muito fácil, Tallin... Vês aquele verme ao teu lado? Puxa da tua adaga... " "corta a sua garganta... sinta o seu sangue quente sobre as tuas mãos... " "sacrifica-o!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:356 msgid "" "(Shakes head) I reject your evil. Attack, men! Let us rid the good " "green world of this rotting filth!" msgstr "" "(Abana a cabeça) Rejeito o mal. Atacam, homens! Vamos livrar o bom " "mundo verde desta sujeira podre!" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:361 msgid "" "Aye! That’s the way of it, lad! For the murdered dwarves of Knalga! Attack!" msgstr "" "Claro! É o que queria, meu jovem! Pelos anões assassinados de Gnalga! Ao " "ataque!" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:366 msgid "You fool! You will pay for your folly with your life." msgstr "Idiota! Irás pagar pela tua traição com a tua vida." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:371 msgid "Yeah, right, buddy." msgstr "Sim, certo, parceiro." # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:381 msgid "" "These little vermin are making progress! This is unacceptable. Rise, my " "minions — gorge on the flesh of these scurrying little rats!" msgstr "" "Estes pequenos vermes estão a progredir! Isto é inaceitável. Venham meus " "servos, devorem a carne destes ratinhos assustados!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:395 msgid "" "Look out everyone, something is coming out of the canals! Already the water " "is churning and clogging with their filth. Get back and brace yourselves." msgstr "" "Vejam, alguma coisa está a sair dos túneis! A água está suja e bornulhante. " "Recuam e aguentam-se." # #. [message]: type=Necrophage #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:424 msgid "Fooood!" msgstr "Comiiiiiiiida!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:429 msgid "Lords of Light, what kind of vile creation are those things!" msgstr "Pelos deuses da luz, que imundice são aquelas coisas!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:439 msgid "" "Out of all of a necromancer’s creations, I must say those things are the " "most tortured and vile. They have an insatiable hunger for flesh and " "mindlessly shrug off all manner of damage to get it. Even my fire bolts have " "a slightly lesser effect on them." msgstr "" "De todas as criações do necrómante, devo dizer que estas coisas são as " "piores. Têm uma fome insaciável por carne e não possuem qualquer tipo de " "controlo racional que possa conter os seus instintos, além de nunca sofrerem " "danos. Até os meus raios de fogo mal têm efeito neles." # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:444 msgid "" "Oh, and try to stay away from their claws. If you get even one scratch, and " "don’t get it treated quickly, you will soon find yourself weak, sick and " "unable to fight further." msgstr "" "Ah, e afastam-se das suas garras. Se sofrerem algum arranhão e não forem " "tratados em seguida, rapidamente sentirão-se fracos, doentes e incapazes de " "lutar." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:449 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Bah! They look like fat slugs to me. Come on boys, let’s chop them to " #| "pieces before they can leave the canal." msgid "" "Bah! They look like fat slugs to me. Come on boys, let’s chop them to pieces " "before they can leave the canal!" msgstr "" "Bá! Parecem-me como lesmas gordas. Venham rapazes, vamos transformar-os em " "pedaços antes que consigam deixar o canal." #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:455 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Ghouls! They have an insatiable hunger for flesh and even one scratch " #| "from their claws will weaken you with sickness and disease. Nasty things; " #| "let’s chop them to pieces before they can leave the canal." msgid "" "Ghouls! They have an insatiable hunger for flesh. One scratch from their " "claws will weaken you with sickness and disease. Nasty things; let’s chop " "them to pieces before they can leave the canal." msgstr "" "Gulas! Têm um apetite inatendível por carne fresca e até um simples " "arranhado das suas garras transmite as suas doenças horríveis. Seres " "nojentos, devemos acabar com eles antes que saírem o seu canal." # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:470 msgid "" "HAHAHA, you puny weaklings think you can destroy me? Fools! You will " "all soon be serving me!" msgstr "" "HAHAHA, os fracotes pensam que podem destruir-me? Tolos! Em breve " "serão os meus servos!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:486 msgid "Oh no, he just... disappeared." msgstr "Ah não, simplesmente... desapareceu." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:496 msgid "" "We have finally secured the mines. But what should we do about that foul " "lich? He is a menace to all that lives, and must be ended." msgstr "" "Finalmente conquistamos as minas. Mas o que faremos com aquele lich? É uma " "ameaça para todos os vivos, e precisamos de acabar com isto." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:502 msgid "" "Aye! We’ll have to lay both his skeletons and himself to final rest before " "these caves will be fit for dwarvenkind again." msgstr "" "Sim! Precisamos de livrar-nos dele e de todos estes esqueletos para depois " "encher estas cavernas com o povo anão novamente." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:507 msgid "" "But I’m sore vexed. We need better weapons. Luck and spirit can carry us " "only so far." msgstr "" "Mas estou profundamente perturbado. Precisamos de melhores armas. Sorte e " "destreza não poderão levar-nos para muito mais longe." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:512 msgid "" "Aye. We must do both. I’m thinking it might be best if I muster my folk to " "start on the weapon-making while you and your followers pursue yon lich. By " "the time you’ve laid him to final rest and return here, we’ll ha’ made a " "good start on the work." msgstr "" "Precisamos de ambas. Acredito que será melhor conduzir o meu povo para as " "minas e iniciar o fabricaco de armas, enquanto tu e os humanos persigam o " "lich. Quando tiveres terminado com ele, teremos cerrtamente o trablho " "adiantado." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:517 msgid "So it shall be." msgstr "Então assim será." # #. [message]: role=follower #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:527 msgid "" "With all respect, Lord Hamel, some o’ us would like to fare forth with " "Tallin. He’s lucky, he is — or he makes his own luck." msgstr "" "Com todo o respeito, Lorde, alguns de nós gostariam de ir junto com Tallin. " "Está com sorte, ele é — ou ele prossegue o seu próprio caminho." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:532 msgid "" "And so it shall be. You’ve my leave and welcome. Try to keep the lad safe..." msgstr "" "Então assim será. Tens a minha bênção. Tenta manter este jovem a salvo..." # #. [message]: role=follower #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/04_Clearing_the_Mines.cfg:537 msgid "Thank you, Lord Hamel." msgstr "Obrigado, Lorde Hamel." # #. [scenario]: id=05a_01_The_Pursuit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:5 msgid "The Pursuit" msgstr "A Perseguição" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:20 msgid "" "Leaving most of the dwarves behind, Tallin and his party set off in pursuit " "of Malifor." msgstr "" "Deixando boa parte dos anões para trás, Tallin e o resto do seu grupo " "partiram na perseguição de Malifor." # #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Hettel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:114 msgid "Hettel" msgstr "Hettel" # #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Tervor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:136 msgid "Tervor" msgstr "Tervor" # #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Author #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:160 msgid "Author" msgstr "Autor" # #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Boblin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:193 msgid "Boblin" msgstr "Boblin" # #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Antrasis #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:214 msgid "Antrasis" msgstr "Antrasis" # #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:233 msgid "Monsters" msgstr "Monstros" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:317 msgid "Get past the Revenants." msgstr "Passa pelos Retornados." # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:324 msgid "Find Malifor and destroy him" msgstr "Encontra Malifor e destrua-o" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:341 msgid "Be sure to explore" msgstr "Continua a explorar" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:388 msgid "There he goes! Quick, get him!" msgstr "Lá vai ele! Rápido, capturam-o!" # #. [message]: role=starting_speaker #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:393 msgid "I don’t think so, you living vermin." msgstr "Penso que não, verme pequeno vivo." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:398 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We’ll have to kill these revenants to get after him. There are only two " #| "of them, so they shouldn’t last long." msgid "" "We’ll have to kill these revenants to get after him. There are only two of " "them. This shouldn’t last long." msgstr "" "Precisamos de matar estes retornados para depois chegar a ele. Só existem " "dois, não demoraremos muito." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:415 msgid "Uh... Which way?" msgstr "Uh... Qual caminho?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:420 msgid "Blast it! We lost him." msgstr "Maldição! Perdemos-o." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:425 msgid "" "It makes no difference in the end, because we will hunt him down and crush " "him to powder. HEAR THAT, YOU OLD SKELETON?" msgstr "" "Não vai fazer diferença, porque caçaremos-o e reduziremos-o a pó. OUVISTE, " "ESQUELETO POEIRENTO?" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:430 msgid "(Faint cackle of laughter in the distance)" msgstr "(uma gargalhada louca à distância)" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:436 msgid "Yeah! This is gonna be fun!" msgstr "Bestial! Vamos divertir-nos!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:441 msgid "" "Let us proceed with caution. Nobody is to go off by himself. We don’t know " "what could be lurking in these tunnels." msgstr "" "Vamos prosseguir com calma. Ninguém sairá a correr atrás dele. Não sabemos o " "que está à espreita nestes túneis." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:471 msgid "The Dungeon" msgstr "A Masmorra" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:476 msgid "Those poor wretches!" msgstr "Pobres diabos!" #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:481 msgid "We won’t leave them in Malifor’s chains!" msgstr "Não os iremos deixar nas garras de Malifor!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:500 msgid "Intruders! Stop them before they free the prisoners!" msgstr "Intrusos! Parem-os antes que conseguirem libertar os prisioneiros!" #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:505 msgid "Good luck with that." msgstr "" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:538 msgid "" "Finally! I am free. Lord Tallin, I am forever in your debt! We will follow " "you to the end of the world if need be." msgstr "" "Finalmente! Livre. Senhor Tallin, estou para sempre na tua divida! Iremos " "seguir-te até o fim do mundo se for preciso." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:543 msgid "It’s just ‘Tallin’, no ‘Lord’. And no problem." msgstr "Simplesmente “Tallin”, sem “senhor”. E não me importo." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:555 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:670 msgid "Morvin!" msgstr "Morvin!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:560 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:675 msgid "Thera!" msgstr "Thera!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:571 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:577 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:685 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:691 msgid "Please, folks, not now." msgstr "Por favor, não agora." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:584 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:697 msgid "Oh, sorry." msgstr "Oh, desculpa." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:591 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:703 msgid "Who are you? How did you end up down here?" msgstr "Quem és? E como vieste parar aqui abaixo?" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:596 msgid "" "My name is Morvin. My wife, Thera and I were advisers and healers for the " "dwarvish nobles. We could not shield them from the wrath of Khazg Black-" "Tusk, but we survived the orcs and trolls — only to be captured by these " "skeletons." msgstr "" "O meu nome é Morvin. A minha esposa, Thera, e eu éramos conselheiros e " "curandeiros da nobreza anã. Mas não conseguimos proteger-os da ira de Khazg " "Black-Tusk, mas sobrevivemos aos orcs e trogloditas, só para sermos " "capturados por estes esqueletos logo de seguida." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:601 msgid "" "Funny, why would the bonebag keep you as his prisoners? He doesn’t really " "seem to be the merciful type." msgstr "" "Incrível, mas porque o saco de ossos manteria-vos como prisioneiros? Não " "parece ser misericordioso." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:606 msgid "" "He didn’t keep us alive out of mercy, he wanted to study us to see if there " "was a way to counteract our arcane attacks. His kind are very vulnerable to " "such attacks." msgstr "" "Não nos deixou vivos por misericórdia, quer estudar-nos para ver se eiste um " "modo de contra-atacar os nossos ataques arcanos. A sua raça é extremamente " "vulnerável a este tipo de ataque." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:611 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:723 msgid "" "Indeed, that is good to know. But you are now free to go wherever you like. " "May the Lords of Light guide your path." msgstr "" "De facto, e é bom saber. Mas agora são livres, e podem ir aonde quiserem. " "Que os Deuses da Luz iluminem o vosso caminho." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:616 msgid "" "As I have said, Tallin, I am eternally in your debt, and I take my debts " "seriously. If you have no objection, I will serve you until one of us " "departs this life." msgstr "" "Como te disse, Tallin, somos esternamente gratos a ti, e levo as minhas " "dívidas a sério. Se não houver objeção, servirei-te até que um de nós parta " "desta vida." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:621 msgid "" "Oh, think nothing of it. Let no talk of debts come between us; rather let us " "join hands as allies in restoring these Northlands to sanity." msgstr "" "Ah, nem penses nisto. Não vamos falar de dívidas entre nós, vamos " "simplesmente auxiliar-nos para trazer a vida de volta a estas terras." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #. [message]: id=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:626 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:738 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:275 msgid "Thank you, Tallin." msgstr "Obrigado, Tallin." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:655 msgid "Freedom at last! Thank you, Lord Tallin." msgstr "Finalmente livre. Obrigado, Senhor Tallin." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:660 msgid "" "Just ‘Tallin’. I am no Lord, just a humble peasant trying to restore our " "people to freedom." msgstr "" "Só “Tallin”. Não sou nenhum Senhor, apenas um camponês humilde a tentar a " "restaurar a liberdade no meu povo." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:708 msgid "" "My name is Thera. My husband Morvin and I were advisers and healers for the " "dwarvish nobles of Knalga. We could not save them from Khazg Black-Tusk’s " "troops, but we survived the orcs and trolls only to be captured when these " "skeletons appeared." msgstr "" "O meu nome é Thera. O meu marido Morvin e eu éramos conselheiros e " "curandeiros da nobreza anã de Gnalga. Não pudemos salvar-os de Khazg Black-" "Tusk mas sobrevivemos aos orcs e trogloditas só para sermos presos pelos " "esqueletos." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:713 msgid "" "Funny, why would the bonebag keep you as his prisoners? He didn’t seem to be " "the merciful type." msgstr "" "Incrível, mas porque o saco de ossos manteria-vos como prisioneiros? Não " "parece ser misericordioso." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:718 msgid "" "He didn’t keep us alive out of mercy, he wanted to study us to see if there " "was a way to counteract our arcane attacks. His kind are very vulnerable to " "such attacks, as I am sure you know by now." msgstr "" "Não nos deixou vivos por misericórdia, quer estudar-nos para ver se existe " "um modo de contra-atacar os nossos ataques arcanos. A sua raça é " "extremamente vulnerável a este tipo de ataque." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:728 msgid "" "If you have no objection, Tallin, we would like to join you. These " "Northlands are hardly safe these days for anyone to be traveling on their " "own, and we could lend valuable help to your cause." msgstr "" "Se não houver objeção, gostaríamos de juntar-nos a vós. Estas terras no " "norte não são seguras para alguém viajar sozinho. Além disso, a nossa ajuda " "será muito útil na vossa missão." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:733 msgid "Very well, you are most welcome to join us." msgstr "Muito bem, sejam bem-vindos à luta." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:751 msgid "Look at this. There’s some sort of opening in the wall..." msgstr "E olham isto, tem algum tipo de abertura na parede..." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:756 msgid "" "It was there when I was thrown down here. The hole wasn’t big enough for me " "to go through, but perhaps one of you might enlarge it?" msgstr "" "Esteve cá quando estive preso aqui em baixo. A brecha não foi " "suficientemente grande para eu escapar, mas talvez um vocês pode abrir-a um " "pouco mais?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:761 msgid "Hmmm, let’s see..." msgstr "Isto vamos ver..." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:793 msgid "There we go. Now let’s see where this tunnel leads." msgstr "Lá vamos nós. Vamos ver aonde este túnel vai dar." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:806 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Wow! That’s incredible. Now I understand why the bag of bones kept you " #| "guys in jail; he just simply couldn’t kill you!" msgid "" "Wow! That’s incredible. Now I understand why the bag of bones kept you in " "jail; he just simply couldn’t kill you!" msgstr "" "Uau! Isto é incrível. Agora entendo o motivo do saco de ossos deixá-los " "presos, simplesmente não é capaz de matar-te!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:811 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:275 msgid "(Giggle)" msgstr "(Risada)" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:842 #, fuzzy #| msgid "She’s not in good shape..." msgid "Tallin, look! Oh, she’s not in good shape..." msgstr "Ela não está em bom estado..." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:854 msgid "Here, let me see her." msgstr "Aqui, deixam-me ver-a." #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:868 msgid "This should help." msgstr "Isto deve ajudar." # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:889 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:934 msgid "Uh... where... am... I...?" msgstr "Uh... onde... eu... estou...?" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:894 msgid "" "You are in the dungeons of Malifor. These brave people have just released " "you." msgstr "" "Estás nas masmorras de Malifor. Estas bravas pessoas acabaram de soltar-te." # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:899 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:944 msgid "... Thanks." msgstr "... Obrigada." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:904 msgid "" "No problem. Sister Thera, you take care of her. If she wants to join us she " "would make a powerful ally." msgstr "" "Sem problema. Irmã Thera, irás cuidar dela. Se quiseres juntares-te-a a nós, " "será uma alida poderosa." # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:909 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:954 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Yes, I would... like to join... you Lord Tallin." msgid "Yes, I would... like to join you... Lord Tallin." msgstr "Sim, irei... juntar-me a vós... Lorde Tallin." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:914 msgid "" "Just Tallin; I am no lord. But gee, that sure is some powerful spell you " "used on her, Thera. She’s looking better already." msgstr "" "Apenas ‘Tallin’, não sou lorde. Mas caramba! Aquilo foi um feitiço bem " "poderoso que usaste nela, Thera. Já parece bem melhor." # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:919 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "And I feel better too. Now let’s get back at that disgusting skeleton." msgid "And I feel better too. Now where’s that disgusting skeleton?" msgstr "" "Também me sinto óptima. Agora vamos atrás daquele esqueleto desgraçado." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:925 msgid "I wish we had some healers with us; I’ll try to help her as best I can." msgstr "" "Gostaria que tivéssemos mais curandeiros connosco. Tentarei ajudar-a o " "quanto posso." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:939 msgid "You are in the dungeons of Malifor. We have just released you." msgstr "Estás nas masmorras de Malifor. Nós acabámos de te soltar." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:949 msgid "" "No problem. Just take it easy. If you would like to join us your help could " "mean life or death for a lot of us." msgstr "" "Sem problema. Se quiseres juntar-te a nós, a tua presença poderá representar " "a vida ou a morte de muitos de nós." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:959 msgid "Just Tallin, I am no lord. And you are looking better already." msgstr "Apenas ‘Tallin’, não sou lorde. E já me pareces bem melhor." # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:981 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Oh, just a few tricks I know, otherwise I probably would be dead by now. " #| "But let’s get back at that disgusting skeleton." msgid "" "Oh, just a few tricks I know, otherwise I probably would be dead by now. Now " "where’s that disgusting skeleton?" msgstr "" "Ó, apenas alguns truques que conheço. É por isto que ainda estou viva. Mas " "vamos atrás daquele esqueleto desgraçado." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:988 msgid "Why did the bag of bones capture you in the first place?" msgstr "Porque é que aquele saco roto de ossos capturou-te primeiro?" # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:993 msgid "Because he thought I was pretty." msgstr "Porque achou-me linda." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:999 msgid "That old skeleton? Geez, what a nutcase." msgstr "Aquele esqueleto poeirento? Chiça, que louco." # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1004 msgid "You’re telling me." msgstr "Se o dizes." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1032 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Holy cow! What did I just let out of that cage! Look out everyone." msgid "Holy cow! What did I just let out of that cage? Look out everyone!" msgstr "Pelos demónios! O que foi que soltei daquela jaula! Estejam atentos." # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1037 msgid "Oooooh, cool, it’s a drake!" msgstr "Oh, bestial, um drago!" # #. [message]: speaker=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1042 msgid "(Whimper)" msgstr "(Choro)" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1047 msgid "" "Bright Gods, such a fierce creature whimpering! What the heck have they done " "to it?" msgstr "" "Pelos deuses, que criatura tenebrosa! O que diabos fizeram eles com ela?" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1052 msgid "The bastards!" msgstr "Os bastardos!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1063 msgid "Probably another one of Malifor’s experiments." msgstr "Provavelmente mais um dos experimentos de Malifor." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1068 msgid "I don’t know, see if it talks." msgstr "Não sei, vê se isso fala." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1075 msgid "Hey, big guy. We aren’t gonna hurt you. We wanna be your friends." msgstr "Eia, grandalhão. Não te vamos magoar, queremos ser amigos." # #. [message]: speaker=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1080 msgid "... Not... going... to... hurt... me?" msgstr "...Não... irão... ferir... a... mim?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1085 msgid "Hey, it talks!" msgstr "Eia, isso fala!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1090 msgid "It’s a ‘he’, and yes, they’re actually very intelligent creatures." msgstr "É ‘ele’, e sim, realmente são criaturas muito inteligentes." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1095 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Hush! I am trying to talk to him. Nope, we’ll never hurt you. But if you " #| "want to you can hurt some skeletons." msgid "" "Hush, I am trying to talk to him. Nope, we’ll never hurt you. But if you " "want to you can hurt some skeletons." msgstr "" "Silêncio! Estou a tentar a falar com ele. Não, não te magoaremos. Mas se " "quiseres, podes esmager alguns esqueletos." # #. [message]: speaker=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1100 msgid "Skeletons! GRRRR!!" msgstr "Esqueletos! GRRRR!!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1105 msgid "Look out! He is ready to go! Hey, is that smoke coming out of his ears?" msgstr "Olhem só! Está pronto! Eia, isto é fumo a sair das suas orelhas?" # #. [message]: speaker=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1119 msgid "ROOOAARR!" msgstr "ROOOAARR!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1124 msgid "" "Whoa! Maybe he isn’t so friendly after all... or at least to some things." msgstr "" "Uau! Parece que no final das contas não é tão amigável... pelo menos com " "algumas coisas..." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1140 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "(Sigh) There doesn’t seem to be anything down this tunnel, either " #| "friend or foe." msgid "(Sigh) There doesn’t seem to be anything down this tunnel." msgstr "" "(Suspiro) Não parece haver nada neste túnel, seja amigo ou inimigo." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1164 msgid "The Treasury" msgstr "O Tesouro" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1169 #, fuzzy #| msgid "The Treasury! Cool, let’s go loot some booty!" msgid "The Treasury! Excellent, let’s clean out the gold!" msgstr "O tesouro! Bestial, vamos levar algum saque!" # #. [message]: role=Treasury Guard #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1202 msgid "Intruders! Get them!" msgstr "Intrusos! Apanhem-os!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1207 msgid "Bring it on!" msgstr "Vamos a isso!" # #. [scenario]: id=05a_01_The_Pursuit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1252 msgid "There are at least several hundred gold coins in here!" msgstr "Tem centenas de peças de ouro aqui dentro!" #. [scenario]: id=05a_01_The_Pursuit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1254 msgid "I don’t think the undead will be be needing this anyway." msgstr "De qualquer forma, acho que os mortos-vivos não vão precisar disto." #. [scenario]: id=05a_01_The_Pursuit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1256 msgid "" "Our people could rebuild their lives ten-fold with the gold in this treasury." msgstr "" "O ouro deste tesouro é dez vezes o necessário para o nosso povo reconstruir " "as suas vidas." # #. [scenario]: id=05a_01_The_Pursuit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1258 msgid "We’re rich!" msgstr "Estamos ricos!" #. [scenario]: id=05a_01_The_Pursuit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1260 msgid "Why do these skeletons have so much gold just sitting around?" msgstr "Mas para que é que estes esqueletos estão a guardar tanto ouro?" # #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1286 msgid "" "The Rod of Justice! What in the world is it doing all the way down here?" msgstr "O Bastão da Justiça! O que pelos diabos está a fazer aqui embaixo?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1291 msgid "What do you have there, Abhai?" msgstr "O que temos aqui, Abhai?" # #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1296 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "This is the Great Rod of Justice, my boy. It was an ancient artifact even " #| "when I was young. They say it was crafted by the Great Gods themselves, " #| "and given to the first true Ruler of Men to ensure peace, harmony and " #| "above all — justice. For hundreds of years it did just that, for during " #| "the time it was wielded by men, the ruling class never became corrupt, " #| "the people never lacked justice and neither evil nor wars troubled the " #| "land." msgid "" "This is the Great Rod of Justice, my boy. It was an ancient artifact even " "when I was young. They say it was crafted by the Great Gods themselves, and " "given to the first true Ruler of Men to ensure peace, harmony and above all " "— justice. For hundreds of years it did just that, for during the time it " "was wielded, the ruling class never became corrupt, the people never lacked " "justice, and neither evil nor wars troubled the land." msgstr "" "Esta é o Grande Bastão da Justiça, miúdo. Já era um artefato antigo quando " "era jovem. Dizem que fora feita pelos Grandes Deuses, e dado para o primeiro " "grande líder dos homenas para garantir a paz, harmonia e, obviamente, " "justiça. Por centenas de anos, fizera exactamente isto, porque durante o " "tempo em que fora exercida pelos homens, nunca a classe dominante tornou-se " "corrupta, ao povo nunca faltou justiça e nem mal nem guerras perturbaram a " "terra." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1301 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Well, if you don’t mind me saying — that certainly isn’t the state of " #| "affairs now. Knalga lies in ruins, orcs ravage the surface, and these " #| "dark and evil creatures haunt the underground passages. In the meantime, " #| "Wesnoth is said to be ruled by the wicked and cruel queen Asheviere, " #| "while the rightful heir must have long since perished in his vain quest " #| "for the Sceptre of Fire." msgid "" "Well, if you don’t mind me saying — that certainly isn’t the state of " "affairs now. Knalga lies in ruins, orcs ravage the surface, and these dark " "and evil creatures haunt the underground passages. In the meantime, Wesnoth " "is said to be ruled by the wicked and cruel Queen Asheviere, while the " "rightful heir must have long since perished in his vain quest for the " "Sceptre of Fire." msgstr "" "Bem, se não te importas de contar-me — o que certamente não é o estado das " "coisas agora. Gnalga está em ruínas, orcs devastaram a superfície, e estas " "criaturas sombrias assombram as passagens subterrâneas. No meio disto, " "parece que Wesnoth é governado pela perversa e cruel rainha Asheviere, " "enquanto o herdeiro legítimo deve estar há muito perecido na sua vã busca " "pelo Ceptro do Fogo." # #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1306 msgid "" "Ahh, with the Rod of Justice down here it is to be expected. Come Tallin, " "either you or one of your trusted men must wield this staff and bring peace " "and justice back into this world." msgstr "" "Aah, com o Bastão da Justiça aqui embaixo, isto era esperado. Venha Tallin, " "tu ou algum ds teus aliados deve levar este bastão e trazer a paz e a " "justiça de volta ao mundo." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1311 msgid "Why can’t you wield it, Abhai?" msgstr "Porque não o podes levar, Abhai?" # #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1316 msgid "" "I am a creature of the past, and thus my time to wield it is long gone. This " "is your era, Tallin, and thus it is your responsibility to see to it that " "your people receive peace, prosperity and justice. Quickly, come forth or " "send one of your men for time is waning." msgstr "" "Sou uma criatura do passado, e o meu tempo já passou. Esta é a tua era, " "Tallin, e é a tua responsabilidade garantir que o teu povo tenha paz, " "prosperidade e justiça. Rápido, aproxima-te ou manda um dos teus homens pois " "o tempo esta a esgotar-se." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1345 msgid "" "An elegantly carved sceptre rests at the bottom of the chest. Precious " "jewels glitter across its surface, and it exudes a great aura of power." msgstr "" "Um ceptro elegantemente esculpido encontra-se no fundo do baú. Jóias " "preciosas brilham na sua superfície, e paira à sua volta uma grande aura de " "poder." # #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1347 msgid "rod of justice^Take it" msgstr "Leva-o" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1351 msgid "" "This thing is... incredible! What is such a powerful artifact doing hidden " "all the way back here?" msgstr "" "Esta coisa é... incrível! O que é que um artefacto tão poderoso está a fazer " "aqui em baixo?" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1361 msgid "That’s... that’s the Rod of Justice!" msgstr "Este... este é o Bastão da Justiça!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1366 msgid "Do you know anything about it, Camerin?" msgstr "Sabes qualquer coisa sobre isto, Camerin?" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1371 msgid "" "I don’t think there is a person alive who knows anything more solid than " "rumors and legends. There are very few people who even knows it exists!" msgstr "" "Não sei se existe alguém que realmente saiba algo sobre este bastão, tudo do " "que se fala são rumores e lendas. Na verdade, existem pouquíssimas pessoas " "que sabem que sequer existe!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1376 msgid "How did you come to know of it?" msgstr "E como ficaste tu a saber dele?" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1381 msgid "" "Some of the most ancient elvish legends make some vague mention of this " "artifact. But beyond that..." msgstr "" "Algumas das mais antigas lendas elfas fazem menção a este artefacto. Mas " "além disso..." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1386 msgid "" "Interesting. I wonder who — or what — could have created such a powerful " "artifact. There must be one heck of a story behind this thing." msgstr "" "Interessante. Quem, ou o quê, podia ter criado tl artefacto tão poderoso? " "Deve haver muita história por trás disto tudo." # #. [object]: id=justice_rod #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1399 msgid "Rod of Justice" msgstr "Bastão da Justiça" # #. [object]: id=justice_rod #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1402 msgid "" "A magical staff of tremendous power and unknown origin. Although the full " "extent of its power has not been fathomed, there are a few features about it " "that will be obvious to any master of lore. The wielder of this staff gains " "a dramatic increase in strength, speed and intelligence, and is granted the " "ability to fire devastating lightning bolts at his opponents. Only a person " "who is good at heart and who is willing to sacrifice his life on the path of " "justice can wield this staff." msgstr "" "Este é um bastão de tremendo poder e origem desconhecida. Apesar de toda a " "extensão do seu poder não ser conhecida, um mestre da magia conseguiria " "realizar grandes feitos com ele. O portador deste bastão ganha um aumento " "brutal em velocidade, força e inteligência, e é lhe concedida a capacidade " "de disparar raios devastadores aos seus oponentes. Somente uma pessoa que é " "boa de coração e que está disposta a sacrificar a sua vida no caminho da " "justiça é digna de portar este bastão." # #. [effect]: type=fire #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1411 msgid "rod of justice" msgstr "bastão da justiça" # #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1491 msgid "rod of justice^Leave it" msgstr "Deixa-o" # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1518 msgid "The Great Chamber" msgstr "A Grande Câmara" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1523 msgid "‘The Great Chamber’? Hmmm, wonder what that could be." msgstr "“A Grande Câmara”? Mm, o que será isso." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1540 msgid "Halt! You’re not allowed to be here! Authorized undead only!" msgstr "" "Alto! Não podem estar aqui! Só é permitida a entrada a mortos-vivos " "autorizados!" # #. [unit]: type=Dwarvish Steelclad, id=Dulcatas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1563 msgid "Dulcatas" msgstr "Dulcatas" # #. [unit]: type=Dwarvish Thunderguard, id=Antolos #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1575 msgid "Antolos" msgstr "Antolos" # #. [unit]: type=Dwarvish Fighter, id=Varem #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1587 msgid "Varem" msgstr "Varem" # #. [message]: speaker=Dulcatas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1598 msgid "Halt! Who goes there? Friend or foe?" msgstr "Alto! Quem vem lá? Amigo ou inimigo?" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1603 msgid "Depends. Are you loyal to Malifor?" msgstr "Depende. És leal a Malifor?" # #. [message]: speaker=Dulcatas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1608 msgid "" "Never! If you ha’ been sent by Malifor, then know that we will never yield! " "Come and meet your death!" msgstr "" "Nunca! Se fores mandado por Malifor, fica a saber que nunca nos renderemos! " "Vem e encontra a tua morte!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1613 msgid "" "Hold! We aren’t friends of Malifor in the least. Rather, we have come to " "destroy him." msgstr "" "Esperem! Nunca seremos amigos de Malifor. Na verdade, viemos destruí-lo." # #. [message]: speaker=Dulcatas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1618 msgid "Finally! You don’t know how long we have been waiting for this day." msgstr "Finalmente! Nem imaginam o quanto tempo estivemos à espera deste dia." # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1623 msgid "How did you get here and how long have you been here?" msgstr "Como chegaram até aqui e há quanto tempo estão aqui?" # #. [message]: speaker=Dulcatas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1628 msgid "" "We were originally prisoners of Malifor, but we tunneled out and escaped. " "Since then, we have eked out a precarious survival on what we have been able " "to steal or raid from Malifor." msgstr "" "Éramos prisioneiros de Malifor, mas cavamos um túnel e escapamos. Desde " "então, mantemos a nossa precária sobrevivência com o que conseguimos roubar " "e saquear dele." # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1633 msgid "By now you have tunnels all through this place." msgstr "Mas agora possuem túneis por todos os lugares." # #. [message]: speaker=Dulcatas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1638 msgid "" "Aye. That seemingly blank wall to the south there is actually a hidden " "entrance to the treasury." msgstr "" "Sim. Aquela parede aparente ao sul na verdade é uma passagem secreta para a " "tesouraria." # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1643 msgid "Awesome, let’s go!" msgstr "Incrível! Vamos!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1659 msgid "Here we go." msgstr "Aí vamos nós." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1701 msgid "" "So this is the Great Chamber, eh? Doesn’t look like there is much to see " "here." msgstr "" "Então está é a grande câmara, hein? Não parece haver muita coisa para se ver." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1709 msgid "The ground shakes." msgstr "A terra treme." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1714 msgid "Perhaps I spoke too soon..." msgstr "Parece que falei cedo demais..." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1765 #, fuzzy #| msgid "What is this? Out retreat is cut off!" msgid "What is this? Our retreat is cut off!" msgstr "Mas o que é isto? Cercaram-nos!" # #. [message]: type=Giant Spider #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1806 msgid "Hsssss" msgstr "Hsssss" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1811 msgid "‘Great Chamber’, my foot! This is a death chamber!" msgstr "‘Grande Câmara’ uma ova! Esta é a câmara da morte!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1830 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2400 msgid "" "Hmmm. The wall appears weak here. I think there might be something on the " "other side." msgstr "" "Mm, a parede parece ser fraca por aqui. Penso que pode haver qualquer coisa " "do outro lado." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1844 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2441 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:573 msgid "There we go." msgstr "Aqui vamos nós." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1869 msgid "Malifor the Great’s Study" msgstr "O Maior Estudo de Malifor" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1874 #, fuzzy #| msgid "There we go! This way, guys!" msgid "There we go! This way!" msgstr "Cá vamos nós! Por aqui, rapazes!" # #. [message]: role=Study Guard #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1892 msgid "" "They are attacking the master’s study! We must stop them! Call the reserves!" msgstr "" "Estão a atacar os estudos do mestre! Precisamos de parar-os! Chamem os " "reforços!" # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1920 msgid "" "Caution! Tunnel flooded and infested with aquatic monsters. Enter at the " "risk of your unlife." msgstr "" "Cuidado! Os túneis estão inundados e cheios de monstros aquáticos. Podem bem " "arriscar a vossa não-vida." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1925 msgid "" "Interesting. It seems like someone really doesn’t want us going down this " "tunnel." msgstr "" "Interessante. Realmente parece que alguém não quer que desçamos por este " "túnel." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1943 msgid "Intruders? Capture them and throw them in with the toxic waste!" msgstr "Intrusos? Captura-os e livra-te deles junto com o lixo tóxico!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1975 msgid "A section of wall slides away." msgstr "Uma parte da parede sucumbe em escombros." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1984 msgid "" "Holy water! For a certainty, those skeletons won’t like us getting our hands " "on this stuff. But that’s probably why they kept them back here in the first " "place." msgstr "" "Água Benta! Certamente que os esqueletos não querem que a tenhamos, por isso " "mantém-a aqui." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:1998 msgid "" "Warning! These bottles contain toxic waste. Causes disintegration on contact." msgstr "" "Cuidado! Estas garrafas contêm lixo tóxico. Causam a desintegração ao " "contacto." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2003 msgid "(rolls eyes) Oh, the hazardous life of a skeleton." msgstr "(Revira os olhos) Ó, a vida atormentada de um esqueleto." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2018 msgid "Hey, an underground lake." msgstr "Olham, um lago subterrâneo." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2035 msgid "Ack! What are those things!" msgstr "Eça! O que são aquelas coisas!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2045 msgid "" "Oh yeah, those things. Watch out, they are the arms of some sort of " "underwater creature. They’ll try to pummel you to death, then drag you under " "for dinner." msgstr "" "Ah sim, aquelas coisas. Cuidado, parecem ser os braços de alguma criatura. " "Tentarão afogar-te e levar-te para o fundo para o jantar." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2050 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Then how do we get past? I can see that the passage continues to both the " #| "north and south and we haven’t found Malifor yet..." msgid "" "Then how do we get past? I can see that the passage continues to both the " "north and south, and we haven’t found Malifor yet..." msgstr "" "Então como passaremos? Vejo que a passagem continua para o norte e para o " "sul, e ainda não encontramos Malifor..." # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2055 msgid "" "Creatures of that type regenerate over time; it’s doubtful we can destroy it " "completely. But if we destroy its arms we’ll be relatively safe until they " "regenerate." msgstr "" "Criaturas deste tipo regeneram-se com o tempo, não os podemos destruir " "completamente. Mas se destruirmos só os braços, talvez tenhamos tempo até " "que se regenerarem." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2060 msgid "Let’s get to it, then." msgstr "Então vamos lá." # #. [unit]: type=Wraith, id=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2084 msgid "Abhai" msgstr "Abhai" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2093 msgid "AH! A ghost!" msgstr "Ó, vejam, um fantasma!" # intencionalmente arcaico #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2098 msgid "Who are you that dares to venture down these tunnels?" msgstr "Quem sois que se atrevam em aventurar-se por estes túneis?" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2103 msgid "I... I am one of Tallin’s men..." msgstr "Sou... Sou um dos homens de Tallin." # #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2108 msgid "Who is this ‘Tallin’?" msgstr "Quem é este “Tallin”?" #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2113 msgid "That would be me." msgstr "Isto seria eu." # #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2118 msgid "What is your purpose in coming here?" msgstr "O que vieste fazer aqui?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2123 msgid "We seek the destruction of the lich Malifor." msgstr "Queremos derrotar o Liche Malifor." #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2128 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "(pales if possible) Malifor...! Finally someone here in force to " #| "deal with that menace!" msgid "Malifor...! Finally someone here in force to deal with that menace!" msgstr "" "(fica pálido, se possível) Malifor...! Finalmente alguém está aqui em " "força para lidar com essa ameaça!" #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #. "this spirit" is referring to the Ghost named Abhai. #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2134 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Can you tell us where he is? And, if I may ask, who are — or rather, were " #| "— you?" msgid "" "Did this spirit get even paler? Can you tell us where he is? And, if " "I may ask, who are — or rather, were — you?" msgstr "" "Podes dizer-nos onde ele está? E, se puder perguntar, quem és - ou melhor - " "quem eras?" # #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2139 msgid "" "I am Lord Abhai, the ruler... once... of a great kingdom far to the west. In " "time, as all men do, I grew old and passed to the Land of the Dead. I know " "not how long I dwelt there, before I was wrenched from my peace and drawn " "into this realm by a terrible power." msgstr "" "Sou o Lorde Abhai, o rei de um... outrora... magnifico reino para muito ao " "ocidente. Em tempos envelheci, como qualquer mortal, e passei ao mundo dos " "mortos. Não sei por quanto tempo fiquei lá, até que fora retirado da minha " "paz e fui forçado a viver neste corpo endoplasmático por algum terrível " "poder." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2144 msgid "Let me guess. Malifor?" msgstr "Deixa-me adivinhar, Malifor?" #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2149 msgid "" "Indeed. He was once a great sorcerer, but he coveted wealth and power. To " "gain his ends, he allied himself with the Lich-Lords, and from them he " "learned their craft. When the orcish menace first appeared on the continent " "and the Wesfolk fled to the east, Malifor left their service and followed. " "No word surfaced of his fate from then on, but it seems he became a lich " "himself. I am not surprised he took up residence in these mines, all these " "years later — he always had a love of gold, and a special hatred of me. He " "tried to break me into mindless slavery, but I resisted his power and fled. " "I have been hiding in these flooded tunnels ever since. Some monster that " "Malifor’s minions greatly fear lives in these waters; they do not molest me " "here." msgstr "" "De fato. Outrora era um magnifico feiticeiro porém aspirou à riquezas e " "poder e para chegar ao seu objetivo aliou-se com os Liches e estudou os seus " "secretos sinistros. Quando a ameaça orc pela primeira vez aparecera no " "continente e o povo das ilhas fugira à leste, Malifor traíra o seu serviço e " "seguiu as suas pisadas. Deste então não houve noticias dele, mas rumores " "circulavam que se tornara um liche ele próprio e não estou surpreendido que " "tomou estas minas como o seu lar após todos estes anos — sempre cobiçou " "riquezas, e um ódio de estimação por mim. Tentou forçar-me na escravidão, " "mas resisti aos seus poderes e fugi. Escondi-me nestes túneis inundados " "deste então. Os monstros ao comando de Malifor temem estas aguas e não me " "seguiram até aqui." #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2154 msgid "" "I am afraid times have changed much. Our first king, Haldric I, fled the " "Green Isle with the Wesfolk, the orcs in pursuit. He came ashore on this " "land that we now call the Great Continent and destroyed the Lich-Lord Jevyan " "before founding the Kingdom of Wesnoth. That was centuries ago." msgstr "" "Lamento, mas muito mudou neste tempo. O nosso primeiro rei, Haldric I, " "escapou da ilha verde com o povo ocidental com os orcs nos seus calcanhares, " "desembarcando nesta terra a qual agora chamamos de grande continente e " "derrotou o Liche Lorde Jeviano antes fundar o reino de Wesnoth. Mas isto já " "foi a seculos atrás." #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2159 msgid "So... much time has passed indeed." msgstr "Então... tanto tempo realmente já passou." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2164 msgid "Would you join us to defeat this evil creature?" msgstr "Juntarias-te a nós para destruir esta criatura?" # #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2170 msgid "" "Wouldn’t miss it. Maybe after he is destroyed my kind and I can live... " "er... be dead peacefully." msgstr "" "Não iria perder a oportunidade. Talvez após o destruirmos o meu povo possa " "viver... erre... morrer em paz." # #. [message]: speaker=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2175 msgid "" "Keep following these flooded tunnels. I think they might lead you directly " "to Malifor." msgstr "" "Continuem a seguir estes túneis inundados, penso que chegarão directamente " "até Malifor." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2180 msgid "Great. Forward, men!" msgstr "Ótimo! Em frente!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2199 msgid "Ugh, a corpse. And it — (gags) — reeks!" msgstr "Úi, um corpo. E (engole) mexe-se!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2212 msgid "" "Gee, what’s with these bodies floating around? Is this river some sort of " "body disposal?" msgstr "" "O que são todos estes corpos a boiar? Este rio é algum tipo de desova de " "corpos?" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2226 msgid "" "Just great, I am cold, wet, and tired and what have we here? Another dead " "body. This place is starting to get on my nerves!" msgstr "" "Ótimo... estou com frio, molhado, cansado e o que temos aqui? Mais um corpo " "sem vida. Este lugar está a começar a incomodar-me!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2242 msgid "Hold it, people, there’s something just ahead!" msgstr "Parem, pessoal, existe algo à frente!" # #. [message]: type=Naga Warrior #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2263 msgid "(sniff) I smell humans." msgstr "(Cheira) Sinto o cheiro de humanos." # #. [message]: type=Naga Fighter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2268 msgid "You are just plain deaf. I heard them coming a mile off." msgstr "Deves ser meio surdo, ouvi-os há muito tempo atrás." # #. [message]: type=Naga Warrior #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2273 msgid "Ahh, shut up. Let’s go kill them." msgstr "Aah, cala a boca. Vamos matá-los." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2306 msgid "" "It looks like this is it. Here is the door to Malifor’s study. Are we all " "ready for this?" msgstr "" "Parece que essa porta é importante, deve levar-nos a esse misterioso estudo " "de Malifor. Todos prontos?" # #. [option] #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2308 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2362 msgid "Get those doors open!" msgstr "Abram estas portas!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2323 msgid "Let’s go!" msgstr "Vamos!" # #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2334 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2452 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2551 msgid "Just wait a sec." msgstr "Só um pouquinho." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2405 msgid "Anything you can’t handle?" msgstr "E não consegues lidar com isso?" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2410 msgid "Nope. Should I open it?" msgstr "Claro que consigo, querem que abra?" # #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2412 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2492 msgid "Go for it!" msgstr "Vá!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2480 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2580 msgid "Hey, check this out, it looks like some sort of lever." msgstr "Eia, vejam isso, parece algum tipo de alavanca." #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2485 msgid "Throw it and see what it does." msgstr "Atira-o para ver o que faz." # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2490 msgid "Should I throw it?" msgstr "Devemos atirá-lo?" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2500 msgid "Nothing. That door is not moving." msgstr "Nada. A porta continua parada." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2505 msgid "Why don’t you try ‘knocking’?" msgstr "Porque não tentaram “bater”?" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2536 msgid "Anybody home?" msgstr "Alguém em casa?" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2631 msgid "You wretched vermin, I have had it with you! Guards!" msgstr "Seus vermes miseráveis, já vos suportei demais! Guardas!" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2655 msgid "" "You invaded my kingdom, drove me from my mines, raided my dungeon, and " "plundered my treasury. Your audacity ends here!" msgstr "" "Invadiste o meu reino, expulsaste-me das minhas minas, atacaste as minhas " "masmorras e saqueaste o meu tesouro. A tua audácia acaba aqui!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2668 msgid "" "You are wrong, Malifor, for you shall be the one who is destroyed. You are " "cruel, merciless and a terror to all that lives. The world will be a better " "place with you gone!" msgstr "" "Estás errado, Malifor, porque serás tu que serás destruído. És cruel e " "impiedoso com todas aquelas vidas. O mundo será um lugar melhor sem ti!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2673 msgid "" "To feed your greed and hunger you have terrorized all that is good. You have " "disturbed the rest of the brave defenders of Knalga. Now, your evil reign " "shall be brought to an end." msgstr "" "Aterrorizaste tudo o que há de bom para alimentar a tua gula e fome. " "Perturbaste o resto dos bravos defensores de Gnalga. Agora, o teu reino do " "mal acabou." # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2678 msgid "" "Fools! Don’t think it’s so easy to kill me. Your corpses shall all soon be " "serving me. Fall on them, my hordes!" msgstr "" "Tolos! Não pensem que é tão fácil matarem-me. Os vossos corpos em breve " "servirão-me. Acabam com eles, minhas hordas!" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2716 msgid "HAHAHAHA, DEATH HAS NO EFFECT ON ME YOU FOOLS!" msgstr "HAHAHA, A MORTE NÃO TEM EFEITO SOBRE MIM!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2721 msgid "Well, blades don’t work." msgstr "Bom, laminas não vão dar." # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2731 msgid "HAHAHAHA, YOUR IDIOCY AMUSES ME GREATLY!" msgstr "HAHAHA! A VOSSA IGNORÂNCIA DIVERTE-ME!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2736 msgid "Geez, how are we going to kill him? This weapon is ineffective!" msgstr "Chi, como poderemos matar-o? Esta arma não tem efeito!" # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2746 msgid "YOU PUNY MORTALS SHALL SOON BE SERVING ME!" msgstr "MORTAIS INSIGNIFICANTES. IRÃO EM BREVE SERVIR-ME!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2751 #, fuzzy #| msgid "That blasted skeleton! Even fire has no effect on him!" msgid "Blast it! Even fire has no effect on him!" msgstr "Aquele esqueleto desgraçado! Nem o fogo tem efeito sobre ele!" #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2756 msgid "Let’s try using something different on him." msgstr "Tentaremos alguma outra coisa nele." # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2771 msgid "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" msgstr "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2776 msgid "I see now. It is impossible to destroy him by ordinary means." msgstr "Entendo, é impossível destruí-lo com as nossas simples armas." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2781 msgid "Then how are we going to destroy him? Surely there must be a way." msgstr "Então como o destruiremos? Tem de haver uma maneira." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2786 msgid "" "Yes, I think there is, but only myself or Thera have the means to do it. " "Come on Thera, let’s destroy that old skeleton." msgstr "" "Sim, penso que existe, mas apenas Thera ou eu mesmo têm as condições de fazê-" "lo. Venha Thera, vamos destruir este velho esqueleto." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2791 msgid "Yeah, I can’t wait to get my hands on that bastard!" msgstr "Sim, mal posso esperar para por as minhas mãos naquele bastardo!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2796 msgid "That was very unladylike of you." msgstr "Isso foi muito rude da tua parte." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2801 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:451 msgid "(Giggle) Sorry." msgstr "(Risadinhas) Desculpa." # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2818 msgid "AHHHH! YOU BLASTED MAGE!" msgstr "AHHH! MALDITO MAGO!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2823 msgid "Good. We finally got him. He is dissolving." msgstr "Bom, finalmente capturamos-o. Está a dissolver-se." # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2828 msgid "" "Curses on you you blasted mages, curses on you you blasted dwarves, curses " "on you you blasted humans, and CURSES ON YOU YOU BLASTED TALLIN! MAY YOUR " "MISERABLE LIVES BE FULL OF TORTURE! MAY YOUR PEOPLE NEVER BE FREE! MAY ALL " "YOUR NEAR AND DEAR DESERT YOU! MAY A THUNDERBOLT HIT YOUR HEAD! MAY—" msgstr "" "Amaldiçoados sejam seus malditos magos, amaldiçoados sejam seus malditos " "anões, e AMALDIÇOADO SEJA TALLIN, SEU MALDITO! QUE AS VOSSAS VIDAS " "MISERÁVEIS SEJAM CHEIAS DE TORTURA! QUE O TEU POVO NUNCA SEJA LIVRE! QUE " "TODOS OS VOSSOS PRÓXIMOS E QUERIDOS VOS DEIXEM! QUE UM RAIO CAIA SOBRE AS " "VOSSAS CABEÇAS! QUE —" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2833 msgid "May you shut your ugly mouth and hurry up and die." msgstr "Cala-te e apressa-te a morrer." # #. [message]: speaker=Malifor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2838 msgid "" "MAY THE EARTH OPEN UP AND SWALLOW YOU! MAY ALL YOUR TEETH FALL OUT! MAY YOU " "BECOME A WEAK SKINNY OLD MAN! MAY—" msgstr "" "QUE A TERRA SE ABRA E VOS ENGOLE A TODOS! QUE OS VOSSOS DENTES VOS CAIAM! " "TORNARÁS-TE UM VELHO FEDORENTO HOMEM FRACO! QUE —" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2853 msgid "Finally! He has been reduced to dust." msgstr "Finalmente! Fora reduzido à pó." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2858 msgid "At last! Victory is ours! Good work, men!" msgstr "Até que enfim! A vitória é nossa! Bom trabalho, homens!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2863 msgid "So, where to now, Tallin?" msgstr "Então, o que faremos agora, Tallin?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_01_The_Pursuit.cfg:2868 msgid "" "Now, let’s get back to the dwarves and see what progress they have made in " "forging us weapons." msgstr "" "Agora voltaremos até os anões e veremos que progresso tiveram com as novas " "armas." #. [scenario]: id=05a_02_Dealings #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:5 msgid "Dealings" msgstr "Acordos" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:19 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Laden with gold and filled with an elation at their victory that was " #| "tempered with sadness at the death of their friends, Tallin and his " #| "people made their way back to the mines." msgid "" "Laden with gold, and filled with both elation at their victory and sadness " "for their departed comrades, Tallin and his people made their way back to " "the mines." msgstr "" "Carregado de ouro e exaltado pela sua vitória, que só foi temperada com a " "tristeza pela morte dos seus amigos, Tallin e o seu povo retornaram às minas." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:22 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "As they approached they were met with a most welcome sight: new " #| "fortifications, looking very much like the legendary impenetrable " #| "dwarvish defenses of old, had sprung up everywhere. All of them were " #| "manned by alert and well-armed dwarves who hailed them boisterously. The " #| "mines were belching smoke from the furiously working forges. New weapons " #| "and armor for humans and dwarves alike lay neatly stacked, and the " #| "deafening clang of hammers and picks from the dwarves promised more." msgid "" "As they approached they were met with a most welcome sight: new " "fortifications, looking very much like the legendary impenetrable dwarvish " "defenses of old, had sprung up everywhere. All of them were manned by alert " "and well-armed dwarves who hailed them boisterously. Smoke belched from " "furiously working forges and the heat from the smelters was nearly " "staggering. New weapons and armor for humans and dwarves alike lay neatly " "stacked, and the deafening clang of hammers and picks from the dwarves " "promised more." msgstr "" "A medida que se aproximaram, encontraram uma vista mais acolhedora: novas " "fortificações, parecidas com as antigas defesas lendárias e impenetráveis " "dos anões, surgiram por toda a parte. Todas as torres eram ocupadas por " "anões bem armados e alertas, que os saudaram calorosamente. As minas " "exalavam da fumaça das forjas que trabalhavam sem parar para criar novas " "armas e armaduras tanto para os humanos como os anões, e foram " "cuidadosamente guardados, e o som das marteladas e picaretas dos anões " "prometia ainda mais." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:25 msgid "" "They found Hamel in a forge hammering away at a new axe. He greeted them " "warmly and arrangements were quickly made for all their food and " "accommodations, as well as care for the sick and wounded." msgstr "" "Encontraram Hamel numa forja, martelando um novo machado. Hamel saudou-os " "calorosamente e arranjos para comida e acomodações foram logo preparados, " "assim como para o tratamento dos doentes e feridos." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:28 msgid "" "When Tallin’s party had shaken the dust of the road from their clothes, the " "humans and dwarves once again met in council." msgstr "" "Quando o grupo de Tallin sacudiu a poeira da estrada das suas roupas, " "humanos e anões mais uma vez reuniram-se em conselho." #. [unit]: type=Dwarvish Steelclad, id=Galim #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:81 msgid "Galim" msgstr "Galim" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:138 msgid "It is well, Hamel. Our people prosper." msgstr "Fora bem feito, Hamel. O nosso povo próspera de novo." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:143 msgid "" "Aye. Word ha’ spread, and dwarves who had been living rough in the wilds for " "fear of the orcs have been coming to join us. Thanks to you, Tallin, Knalga " "is rising again!" msgstr "" "Sim. A mensagem espalhou-se e os anões que viviam duramente nas selvas, por " "medo dos orcs, chegaram para se juntar a nós. Graças a ti, Tallin, Gnalga " "está a erguer-se de novo!" # #. [message]: speaker=Galim #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:148 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We have cleared the connecting tunnels to here and to the old keep as " #| "well as other parts o’ Knalga. It is slow and dangerous work, mostly due " #| "to the trolls. But it ha’ been made easier by Malifor’s ending." msgid "" "We have cleared the connecting tunnels from here to the old keep as well as " "other parts o’ Knalga. It is slow and dangerous work, mostly due to the " "trolls. But it ha’ been made easier by Malifor’s ending." msgstr "" "Temos expulsado qualquer intruso dos túneis que levam até aqui e a antiga " "capital de Gnalga. É um trabalho lento e perigoso, principalmente devido aos " "trogloditas, mas ficou mais fácil após teres derrotado Malifor." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:153 msgid "" "Indeed. The lich’s skeletons were fighting the trolls, but when you " "destroyed him, they all just fell apart. So, there are many tunnels that are " "now infested with nothing but piles of old bones." msgstr "" "Realmente. Os esqueletos do Liche estavam a combater os trogloditas, mas " "quando o destruíste, todos desfizeram-se em pó. Por isto existem agora " "muitos túneis que estão infestados de nada menos do que pilhas de ossos " "velhos." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:158 msgid "Great! How about the weapons and armor?" msgstr "Excelente! Que tal armas e armaduras?" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #. As you can see, Tallin there are a lot of them ready to be born into battle. Some of us dwarves are experts in the sword, mace, and bow and can aid your veterans in teaching others. #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:164 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "As you can see, Tallin, there are muckle heaps of them, all ready to be " #| "borne into battle. What’s more, some of the dwarves who are expert with " #| "the sword, mace and bow, as well as some of yer own men who have grown " #| "skilled by experience, can teach others how to wield them." msgid "" "As ye ken see, Tallin, there be muckle heaps o’ them, all ready to be borne " "inta battle. And, some o’ us dwarves be experts in the sword, mace, and bow " "and ken aid yer veterans in teaching others." msgstr "" "Como podes ver, Tallin, tem aqui um bom grupo todos prontos para a batalha. " "Ainda mais, alguns dos anões que são especialistas com a espada, clava ou o " "arco, para além dos combatentes experientes, podem ensinar aos novatos em " "como empunhar estas armas." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:169 msgid "" "I didn’t know you dwarves knew swordplay. I thought you all fought with " "axes, hammers or those thunder weapons." msgstr "" "Não sabia que os anões manejam espadas. Pensava que todos lutavam com " "machados, martelos e aquelas armas de trovão." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:175 msgid "" "Aye, it’s true we do prefer our axes and hammers, but then again, we make " "swords. We couldna’ claim to be expert weaponsmiths wi’out kenning how to " "wield the weapons we make." msgstr "" "Sim, é verdade que preferimos os nossos machados e martelos, mas novamente, " "forjamos espadas. Não poderíamos intitular-nos armeiros peritos sem saber " "empunhar as armas que forjamos." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:180 msgid "" "There are some dwarves out there that are bonny fighters wi’ a sword as any " "ye are like to meet. Belike with bows, maces and any other weapons we " "fashion. In fact, Galim here is quite skilled in the art." msgstr "" "Existem alguns anões por aqui que são combatentes ágeis com qualquer espada " "que encontramos. Assim como com arcos, clavas ou outras armas que forjamos. " "Aliás, o Galim aqui é um mestre na arte." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:185 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "That’s great! What is the price of your weapons? We have gathered much " #| "booty from Malifor’s treasury and we will be able to pay you generously." msgid "" "That’s great! What is the price of your weapons? We have gathered much gold " "from Malifor’s treasury and will be able to pay you generously." msgstr "" "Isto é óptimo! Quais os preços das vossas armas? Conseguimos muitas " "recompensas do tesouro de Malifor e poderemos pagá-los generosamente." # #. [message]: speaker=Galim #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:190 msgid "" "Price?! Don’t insult us, Tallin. Ye have done great things to help the " "dwarves — it’s because of you that we ha’ made a start rebuilding Knalga in " "the first place. Dinna’ ye speak of price to us." msgstr "" "Preços? Não nos insultes, Tallin. Fizeste coisas grandiosas por ajudar os " "anões — é pela tua causa que começamos a reconstrução de Gnalga, em primeiro " "lugar. Não nos fales sobre ouro." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:195 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "But don’t you need the gold to help rebuild Knalga? And we have plenty." msgid "But don’t you need the gold to help rebuild Knalga? We have plenty." msgstr "" "Mas não precisam do ouro para reconstruir Gnalga? Temos mais do que o " "suficiente." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:200 msgid "" "Tallin, Knalga was an extremely rich nation. Malifor’s treasury is hardly a " "fraction of the riches that we will find, and are finding every day now. So " "nae! Ye’ll need yon gold to rebuild Dwarven Doors." msgstr "" "Tallin, Gnalga fora uma nação muito rica. O tesouro de Malifor é " "dificilmente uma pequena fração das riquezas que ainda iremos encontrar, e " "que encontramos todo dia. Por isso não! Não precisaremos do teu ouro para " "reconstruir os Portões dos Anões." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:205 msgid "Thank you, Hamel." msgstr "Obrigado, Hamel." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:211 msgid "Pahhh, thank you!" msgstr "Pá, agradeço a ti!" # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:216 msgid "" "And Tallin, one more thing, I have been leading our people into battle for " "many years now. As a young dwarf I was trained in the arts of leadership and " "war. There are things you will need to know..." msgstr "" "E Tallin, mais uma coisa: liderei o nosso povo em batalha por muitos anos. " "Como um jovem anão, fui treinado nas artes da guerra e liderança. Existem " "coisas que precisarás de saber..." # #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:222 msgid "" "I know you’re impressive wi’ a pitchfork, and you are not half bad with a " "sword when you choose to use one. But there skills beyond swingin’ a weapon " "that a general must learn." msgstr "" "Sei que a tua habilidade é impressionante com uma forca e não és nada mal " "com uma espada quando escolhes usar uma. Mas há habilidades além de balançar " "uma arma que um general deve possuir." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:227 msgid "I would be honored, Lord Hamel." msgstr "Estaria honrado, Lorde Hamel." #. [message]: speaker=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/05a_02_Dealings.cfg:232 msgid "" "Ahhhh, quit with the formality, me lad. Now, first things first. One of the " "most important things about being a leader is..." msgstr "" "Ahhhh, deixa de formalidades, meu jovem. Agora, deves vir primeiro. Uma das " "coisas mais importantes em ser um líder é..." # #. [scenario]: id=06a_Old_Friend #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:5 msgid "Old Friend" msgstr "Velho Amigo" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:20 msgid "" "The humans rested for many days while they were equipped with new arms and " "armor and trained by the dwarves." msgstr "" "Os humanos descansaram por muitos dias, enquanto recebiam novas armas e " "armaduras, e eram treinados pelos anões." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:23 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "But the peace was not to last. Early one morning Tallin (sore from head " #| "to foot from his training) was startled awake by the blare of trumpets, " #| "the pounding of drums and the clash of steel as the humans and dwarves " #| "hurried to arm themselves." msgid "" "But the peace was not to last. Early one morning Tallin, sore from head to " "foot from his training, was startled awake by the blare of trumpets, the " "pounding of drums and the rattle of steel as the humans and dwarves hurried " "to arm themselves." msgstr "" "Mas a paz não seria duradoura. Numa manhã, logo cedo, Tallin (dolorido da " "cabeça aos pés por causa do seu treino) acordou assustado com o toque das " "trombetas, as batidas de tambores e o estrondo das armas, a medida que " "humanos e anões apressadamente armavam-se." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:26 msgid "" "He sought out Hamel, who informed him that a massive host of orcs had " "arrived at the gates of the new Knalga." msgstr "" "Procurou Hamel, que informou-o que uma enorme horda de orcs tinha alcançado " "os portões da nova Gnalga." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:29 msgid "" "It was decided that Tallin’s men should sally forth to meet the orcs, while " "Hamel’s held open their retreat into the caves." msgstr "" "Ficou decidido então que os homens de Tallin deveriam surpreender os orcs, " "enquanto os anões de Hamel manteriam aberta a rota de fuga para as cavernas." # #. [side] #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:43 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:130 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:148 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:99 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:28 msgid "Knalgans" msgstr "Aliança do Norte" # #. [side] #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Drung #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Poul #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Atul #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Gore #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Carron #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Rash #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Al'Mar #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ha'Tang #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ha'Tuil #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ar'Muff #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Calter #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Halter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:57 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:87 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:110 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:113 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:128 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:53 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:77 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:93 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:109 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:125 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:182 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:64 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:117 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:162 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:207 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:252 msgid "Orcs" msgstr "Orcs" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Drung #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:92 msgid "Drung" msgstr "Drung" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Poul #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:115 msgid "Poul" msgstr "Poul" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:193 msgid "Resist until the end of turns" msgstr "Resista até que o fim do limite de turnos" # #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:198 msgid "Defeat Rakshas, if you can..." msgstr "Derrota Rakshas, se puderes..." # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:217 msgid "" "So I see you stinky-midgets and human-worms finally mustered up the courage " "to face me." msgstr "" "Então vejo que os teus anões fedidos e os vermes humanos finalmente " "encontraram coragem suficiente para enfrentar-me." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:222 msgid "Who are you, and what do you want?" msgstr "Quem és, e o que queres?" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:227 msgid "" "I am Emperor Rakshas and by the power of my sword, I lead the orcish people. " "I am here simply finishing the job Khazg Black-Tusk started years ago — the " "conquest of Knalga." msgstr "" "Sou o Imperador Rakshas e pelo poder da minha espada lidero o povo orc. " "Estou aqui apenas para terminar o trabalho que Khazg Black-Tusk começou há " "anos atrás — a conquista de Gnalga." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:232 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Khazg tried and failed, and if you repeat his folly you will soon join " #| "him in the land of the dead!" msgid "" "Khazg tried and failed, and if you repeat his folly you will soon join him " "in the Land of the Dead!" msgstr "" "Khazg tentou e falhou, e se repetires a sua loucura, em breve juntarás-te a " "ele na terra dos mortos!" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:238 msgid "" "Pah! I would like to see those cowardly dwarves try their treachery on me as " "they did on the Black-Tusk! In any case, those dwarves will soon be " "groveling at my feet and equipping my people with the finest weapons. With " "the dwarvish weapons, and the wealth of Knalga, nothing will be able to stop " "us. Even that little backwater that you humans call Wesnoth will be nothing " "but a burnt out, pillaged wreck before long." msgstr "" "Pá! Gostaria de ver aqueles anões covardes a tentarem os seus golpes baixos " "contra mim, assim como fizeram com Black-Tusk! De qualquer maneira, os anões " "logo estarão a rastejar aos meus pés e a equipar o meu exército com as " "melhores armas. Com as armas dos anões e as riquezas de Gnalga, nada poderá " "deter-nos. Em pouco tempo, até mesmo aquela terra que os humanos chamam de " "Wesnoth não será nada além do que ruínas queimadas e saqueadas." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:243 msgid "Boy, this guy sure has delusions of grandeur." msgstr "Filhote, este aqui fora mesmo desiludido." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:248 msgid "" "I am not so sure it’s that simple, Tallin. Think back to those orcs at the " "Dwarven Doors, and those wolves on the way to the mines; they were both " "saying something about ‘The Master’." msgstr "" "Não estou tão certo de que será tão simples, Tallin. Lembra-te daqueles orcs " "nos Portões dos Anões, e aqueles lobos à caminho das minas. Ambos falavam " "algo sobre ‘O Mestre’." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:253 msgid "Yeah?" msgstr "Sim?" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:258 msgid "Well, unless I miss my guess, dreamy fellow would be him." msgstr "" "Bem, a menos que esteja errado, o nosso companheiro sonhador seria ele." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:263 msgid "" "Well, if that is so, then it’s time to end this menace once and for all! " "Fall on them, boys!" msgstr "" "Bom, se for assim, então já é hora de acabar com esta ameaça de uma vez por " "todas! Para cima deles, rapazes!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:285 msgid "" "Come on, why are we just sitting here in these caves?! Have you forgotten " "already all these orcs have done to us! Let us spill their foul blood on the " "ground!" msgstr "" "Vamos lá pessoal, porque estamos sentados aqui nas cavernas?! Já se " "esqueceram o que os orcs fizeram connosco? Vamos derramar o sangue podre " "deles no chão!" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #. knights means wolf riders #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:303 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "So! Your forces are managing to advance upon me, are they? Very " #| "impressive, but it shall do you no good. KNIGHTS!!" msgid "" "So! Your forces are managing to advance upon me? Very impressive, but it " "shall do you no good. KNIGHTS!!" msgstr "" "Então! As tuas forças estão a planear avançar contra mim, não estão? " "Impressionante, mas em vão. CAVALEIROS!!" # #. [message]: type=Goblin Knight #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:346 msgid "HAHAHA! GOT YOU, SUCKERS!" msgstr "HAHAHA! CHUPAM!" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:351 msgid "CHARGE!!" msgstr "ATACAR!!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:356 msgid "" "Oh, hell! Form up, men, back to back! Don’t let them penetrate our ranks!" msgstr "" "Ó, inferno! Em formação homens, costas contra costas! Não deixem que " "penetrem as nossas fileiras!" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:361 msgid "That’s not all, my friends. GENERALS, CALL THE RESERVES!" msgstr "Isto ainda não é tudo, meus amigos. GENERAIS, CHAMEM OS REFORÇOS!" # #. [message]: id=Drung #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:366 msgid "Oh yeah!" msgstr "Ó sim!" # #. [message]: id=Poul #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:371 msgid "HAHAHA!" msgstr "HAHAHA!" # #. [message]: id=Drung #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:376 msgid "You are so dead, you human vermin!" msgstr "Estás tão morto, seu verme humano!" # #. [message]: id=Poul #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:381 msgid "Oooooooh! Time to start the fun!" msgstr "Ó! Hora de começar a divertir-se!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:393 msgid "This doesn’t look good..." msgstr "Isso não parece bom..." # #. [message]: id=Drung #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:406 msgid "Argh! I have been slain!" msgstr "Arre! Fui derrotado!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:411 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Killed him! Got his gold too. Let’s see, hmmm, about 500 gold pieces. Not " #| "bad." msgid "" "Killed him! Got his gold too. Let’s see, hmmm, about five-hundred gold " "pieces. Not bad." msgstr "" "Matamos-o! Levaremos o seu ouro também. Vamos ver, hum, umas 500 peças de " "ouro. Nada mal." # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:421 msgid "They have killed one of my generals! REINFORCEMENTS!" msgstr "Mataram um dos meus generais! REFORÇOS!" # #. [message]: id=Poul #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:439 msgid "" "My death will only make the Master’s punishment for you worse, you fools!" msgstr "A minha morte apenas fará da punição do meu Mestre pior, seus tolos!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:444 msgid "Your death makes your Master’s punishment from us one step closer!" msgstr "A tua morte fará a punição do teu Mestre um passo mais perto de nós!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:449 msgid "But— my my, what’s in that big pouch? 300 gold! Not bad." msgstr "Mas— minha nossa, o que há naquela bolsa? 300 peças de ouro! Nada mal." # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:459 msgid "You vermin will pay for that! REINFORCEMENTS!" msgstr "Seus vermes, pagarão por isso! REFORÇOS!" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:477 msgid "Ahhhh! Run for your life!" msgstr "Ah! Corram pela vossa vida!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:482 msgid "What the... Hey, where do you think you are running off to, you coward!" msgstr "Mas o que... Eia, para onde pensas que estás a fugir, covarde!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:487 msgid "Stop him!" msgstr "Parem-o!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:492 msgid "" "It’s too late! I am sorry, Tallin, he got away! We did not expect he would " "flee like a coward." msgstr "" "Demasiado tarde! Desculpa-me, Tallin, escapou-nos! Não esperávamos que " "fugisse como um covarde." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:497 msgid "" "Damn! We had the opportunity to end the war in one stroke there. Now we will " "have to go after him, assuming we can break this siege!" msgstr "" "Maldição! Tínhamos a oportunidade de terminar esta guerra com aquele ataque. " "Agora teremos de ir atrás dele, assumindo que podemos quebrar este cerco!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:508 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Geez, we have been fighting them for three whole days and nights now with " #| "no end in sight. Now the fourth night is approaching, what should we do?" msgid "" "Geez, we have been fighting them for three whole days, and there’s still as " "many orcs as ever. What should we do?" msgstr "" "Nossa, estivemos a lutar contra eles por três dias e noites, sem esperança " "de um fim. Agora que a quarta noite se aproxima, o que devemos fazer?" # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:514 msgid "" "It seems hopeless to continue on like this. The orcs’ numbers are unlimited " "and Rakshas is very well guarded. The only possible outcome to all this is " "more slaughter." msgstr "" "Não parece haver esperança se continuarmos assim. O exército dos orcs é " "ilimitado e Rakshas é muito bem vigiado. O único resultado disso tudo será " "mais matança." # #. [message]: id=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:520 msgid "I propose that we retreat into the caves and consult with the dwarves." msgstr "" "Proponho que nos retiremos de volta para as cavernas e consultemos os anões." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:525 msgid "I agree, Tallin, it is pointless to carry on." msgstr "Concordo, Tallin, não há sentido em continuar com isso." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:530 msgid "Very well. Everyone fall back!" msgstr "Muito bem. Tudo em retirada!" # #. [message]: id=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg:536 msgid "Awwwww! Just when I was having the most fun!" msgstr "Arrrre! Logo quando estava a divertir-me mais!" # #. [scenario]: id=07a_Settling_Disputes #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:5 msgid "Settling Disputes" msgstr "Resolvendo Disputas" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:21 msgid "" "Tallin and his men made an orderly withdrawal into the caves, the orcs " "pressing close behind them." msgstr "" "Tallin e os seus homens fizeram uma retirada organizada para as cavernas, " "com os orcs perto ao seu alcance." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:24 msgid "" "The dwarves were more than ready for them, however, and as soon as the " "humans got through the defenses the well-prepared dwarves fell on the battle-" "weary and bloodied orcs." msgstr "" "O anões estavam mais do que preparados, porém, assim que os humanos passaram " "pelas defesas, os bem armados anões prosseguiram para a batalha contra os " "orcs ensanguentados e enfraquecidos." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:27 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Wave after wave of orcs crashed onto the dwarven defenses and shattered." msgid "" "Wave after wave of orcs crashed onto the dwarven defenses only to be " "shattered." msgstr "" "Ondas e mais ondas de orcs colidiram contra as defesas dos anões e pereceram." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:30 msgid "As the battle raged on, Tallin again made council with Hamel." msgstr "" "Enquanto a batalha prosseguia, Tallin novamente reuniu-se com Hamel em " "conselho." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:33 msgid "How did ye fare?" msgstr "Como passaram?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:35 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It was fierce and bloody. We fought them for three days and nights with " #| "no end in sight. Every time we killed an orc, it seemed that two more " #| "would take his place. We most assuredly cannot win fighting like this." msgid "" "It was fierce and bloody. We fought them for three days and nights. Every " "time we killed an orc, it seemed that two more would take his place. We most " "assuredly cannot win fighting like this." msgstr "" "Fora feroz e sangrento. Lutamos contra eles por três dias e três noites, sem " "esperanças de um fim. A cada vez que matávamos um orc, parecia que mais dois " "tomavam o seu lugar. Seguramente, não podemos ganhar a lutar desta forma." #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:37 msgid "" "So you withdrew. Rightly done, me lad. Our prepared defenses will be able to " "hold the orcs off far longer and with less loss than ye could ha’ done in " "the open field. I see that my training of you hasna’ been for naught." msgstr "" "Então recuaste. Fizeste bem, meu rapaz. As nossas defesas serão capazes de " "segurar os orcs por mais tempo e com menos perdas do que poderias em campo " "aberto. Vejo que o meu treino contigo não fora em vão." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:39 msgid "" "And I am grateful — but what should we do from here? The number of humans " "and dwarves is limited, unlike the orcs whose numbers seem unlimited." msgstr "" "E estou-te agradecido — mas o que devemos fazer daqui? O número de humanos e " "anões é limitado, enquanto os dos orcs parecem não ter fim." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:41 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Aye. But we must utterly crush this orcish host if we are to ha’ anything " #| "other than a brief respite." msgid "" "Aye. But we must utterly crush this orcish host if we are to ever ha’ peace." msgstr "" "Sim. Mas temos de esmagar esta horda de orcs, se quisermos ter mais do que " "uma breve pausa." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:43 msgid "" "Orcs are fickle; if we negotiated a treaty with them — assuming they would " "accept — it would just be broken as soon as the next warlord arose among " "them." msgstr "" "Orcs são instáveis, se negociássemos um acordo com eles — assumindo que " "aceitariam — o acordo seria quebrado tão logo quanto o próximo chefe deles " "surgisse." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:45 msgid "" "Then what shall we do? Can we assassinate this Rakshas fellow and throw them " "into disarray once more?" msgstr "" "Então o que iremos fazer? Podemos assassinar este Rakshas e causar a " "desordem entre eles mais uma vez?" # #. [story] #. "coil" meant, in Middle and Early Modern English, a difficulty #. or problem. #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:49 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "That will be very difficult. We did that last time and they will no doubt " #| "be alert to that threat now. Anyway, it would be but a temporary " #| "solution. Soon another strong leader would emerge and we’d find oursel’ " #| "back in the same coil." msgid "" "That will be very difficult. We did that last time and they will no doubt be " "alert to that threat now. Anyway, it would be but a temporary solution. Soon " "another strong leader would come along, and we’d find oursel’ back in the " "same coil." msgstr "" "Isso será muito difícil. Tentamos da ultima vez e não há dúvidas de que " "agora estarão de alerta. De qualquer maneira, esta solução seria apenas " "temporária. Em breve, algum outro líder iria erguer-se e encontraríamos-nos " "na mesma situação." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:51 msgid "Well, back to the drawing board. What should we do?" msgstr "Bem, revejamos o plano. O que devemos fazer?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:53 msgid "" "I think we should try to gather more allies. That way we can engage them on " "many fronts, or divide them into smaller groups, or cut them off from their " "supplies. The possibilities are endless." msgstr "" "Penso que deveríamos reunir mais aliados. Dessa forma podemos combater-os em " "várias frentes, ou dividir-os em grupos menores, ou cortar os seus " "suprimentos. As possibilidades são infinitas." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:55 msgid "" "Wise words, but who is there in these wild Northlands that might aid us?" msgstr "" "Palavras sábias, mas quem das Terras selvagens do Norte poderia ajudar-nos?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:57 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "You can count the Elves out. They are a selfish lot, only interested in " #| "themselves. They would only aid us if something drastic happened to them " #| "and they needed our help. What about Wesnoth?" msgid "" "You can count the elves out. They are a selfish lot, only interested in " "themselves. They would only aid us if something drastic happened to them and " "they needed our help. What about Wesnoth?" msgstr "" "Podes esquecer os elfos. São um povo egoísta, que apenas se preocupa com " "eles próprios. Só ajudariam-nos se algo de drástico acontecesse a eles e se " "necessitassem da nossa ajuda. E quanto a Wesnoth?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:59 msgid "" "Wesnoth is too far away, and we have no idea what political state they are " "in." msgstr "" "Wesnoth está demasiado distante, e não temos a menor ideia da situação " "política deles." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:61 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The last news we heard of them was years ago when Prince Konrad passed " #| "through here. At that time the evil queen Asheviere was ruling, and it " #| "was said that she was in alliance with the orcs." msgid "" "The last news we heard of them was years ago when Prince Konrad passed " "through here. At that time the evil Queen Asheviere was ruling, and it was " "said that she was in alliance with the orcs." msgstr "" "As últimas notícias que tivemos deles foram há anos atrás, quando o Príncipe " "Conrado passou por aqui. Naquele tempo a rainha do mal Asheviere estava a " "reinar, e diziam que ela era aliada aos orcs." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:63 msgid "" "And then that Princess Li’sar was in hot pursuit of Konrad as well. I wonder " "what became of them." msgstr "" "E também a Princesa Li’sar estava a perseguir Conrado. Pergunto-me o que " "aconteceu com eles." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:65 msgid "" "The last time any dwarf set eyes on Konrad was when he set out to the " "eastern tunnels in search of the Sceptre of Fire, so he could claim his " "place as ruler." msgstr "" "A última vez que um anão avistou Conrado foi quando ele partiu para os " "túneis ao leste, em busca do Ceptro do Fogo, para que pudesse reclamar o seu " "lugar como soberano." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:67 msgid "" "Geez, what a fool’s quest. Everyone in these Northlands knows that the " "Sceptre is long gone." msgstr "" "Chi, que missão idiota. Todo o mundo nas Terras do Norte sabe que o Ceptro " "foi há muito tempo perdido." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:69 msgid "" "But we’re meandering. Where can we find allies in these wild Northlands?" msgstr "" "Mas estamos a desviar-nos. Onde podemos encontrar aliados nas Terras do " "Norte selvagens?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:71 msgid "" "Tallin, before I was captured by Malifor, I used to be in contact with a " "powerful magician called Ro’Arthian and his brother Ro’Sothian." msgstr "" "Tallin, antes de ser capturado por Malifor, costumava manter contacto com um " "mago poderoso chamado Ro'Arthian e o seu irmão, Ro'Sothian." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:73 msgid "Ro’Arthian, bah! Don’t utter that cursed name!" msgstr "Ro'Arthian, pá! Não pronuncies esse maldito nome!" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:75 msgid "Why not, Hamel, have you a grievance with him?" msgstr "Porque não, Hamel, tens algo contra ele?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:77 msgid "" "I have heard all about him from my good friend Stalrag. He is — or was " "anyway, haven’t heard from him in years — the chief o’ the villages that lay " "along Highbrook Pass." msgstr "" "Ouvi tudo sobre ele do meu bom amigo Stalrag. É — ou era... De qualquer " "maneira, não ouço falar dele há anos — o chefe das aldeias ao longo da " "Passagem Alta Quebrada." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:79 msgid "Those foul mages have long terrorized Stalrag and his people." msgstr "" "Aqueles magos abomináveis por muito tempo aterrorizaram Stalrag e o seu povo." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:81 msgid "" "Remember, Hamel, there are often two sides to a story like this. Perhaps the " "mages see your dwarves as invaders. How would you feel if say... the elves " "decided to come in and level Knalga so they can grow another big forest on " "top?" msgstr "" "Lembra-te, Hamel, as vezes existem dois lados de uma história como essa. " "Talvez os magos encararam os anões como invasores. Como te sentirias se, " "digamos... os elfos decidissem invadir e demolir Gnalga para crescer outra " "grande floresta por cima?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:83 msgid "Those filthy elves! I’ll..." msgstr "Aqueles elfos esguios! Irei..." # #. [story] #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:85 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:634 msgid "See?" msgstr "Vês?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:87 msgid "" "What were you doing keeping contact with mages such as those anyway? Trying " "to save their souls?" msgstr "" "O que estavas a fazer ao tentar manter contacto com magos como estes? A " "tentar salvar as suas almas?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:89 msgid "(Giggle) Something like that." msgstr "(Risada) Algo assim." # #. [story] #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:91 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:235 msgid "(Rolls eyes)" msgstr "(Revira olhos)" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:93 msgid "Father Morvin, what are you trying to say?" msgstr "Padre Morvin, o que estás a tentar a dizer?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:95 msgid "" "I propose that we go to Highbrook Pass and see how matters stand for " "ourselves. If the wizards are still alive, we might be able to persuade them " "to help us. What’s more, if Stalrag is still around we could use his help " "too." msgstr "" "Proponho que vamos à Passagem Alta Quebrada e ver como está. Se os bruxos " "ainda estiverem vivos, podemos persuadir-os em ajudar-nos. Ainda mais, se " "Stalrag ainda estiver por perto também poderemos usar a sua ajuda." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:97 msgid "I don’t see how just two mages could help us very much, Father." msgstr "Não entendo como apenas dois magos poderiam ajudar-nos tanto, Padre." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:99 msgid "" "They are not just any two mages. They have fine control over many creatures " "of the wild such as ogres, gryphons, and sometimes even trolls! It would be " "no bad thing to have those on your side for once." msgstr "" "Não são apenas dois magos. Têm um enorme controlo sobre criaturas selvagens, " "como ogres, grifos e até as vezes trogloditas! Não seria ruim tê-los ao " "nosso lado ao menos uma vez." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:101 msgid "That sounds really good. What do you think, Hamel?" msgstr "Isto soa realmente bom. O que achas, Hamel?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:104 msgid "" "Hrmph. These are desperate times. If those lunatics of mages will agree to " "help, I guess we’ll nae have any other choice but to accept." msgstr "" "Umpf. Estes são tempos difíceis. Se aqueles magos lunáticos concordarem em " "ajudar-nos, penso que não teremos escolha a não ser aceitar." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:106 msgid "" "Hey, we have had experiences with crazy mages ourselves. Believe me, they " "are dangerous! You will feel a lot better with some of them on your side." msgstr "" "Eia, já tivemos experiências com magos loucos. Acredita em mim, são " "perigosos! Sentirás-te bem melhor com alguns deles ao teu lado." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:108 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Ye’ll need to travel light to reach Highbrook Pass before the orcs mount " #| "another assault in force. I think ye should take as little gold as you " #| "think ye’ll need and leave the rest here. We’ll store it in the tunnels " #| "furthest away from the attacking orcs in case they break through." msgid "" "Ye’ll need to travel light to reach Highbrook Pass before the orcs mount " "another assault in force. I think ye should take as little gold as possible. " "We’ll store the rest in the tunnels furthest away from the attacking orcs in " "case they break through." msgstr "" "Teremos de viajar depressa para alcançar a Passagem Alta Quebrada antes de " "os orcs reúnam outra força e ataquem. Penso que devem carregar o mínimo do " "ouro possível para sobreviver e deixar o resto aqui. Guardaremos o ouro nos " "túneis, o mais longe possível dos orcs, caso conseguirem passar." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:110 msgid "So it shall be. Now how exactly do we get to this mountain pass?" msgstr "" "Então assim será. Agora, como exactamente chegamos a esta passagem nas " "montanhas?" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:115 msgid "And so Tallin and his party set out to secure the help of the mages." msgstr "E assim, Tallin e o seu grupo partiram em busca da ajuda dos magos." # #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Stalrag #. [unit]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Stalrag #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:153 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:222 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg:184 msgid "Stalrag" msgstr "Stalrag" #. [side]: type=Ancient Lich, id=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:217 msgid "Liches" msgstr "Liches" # #. [side]: type=Ancient Lich, id=Ro'Arthian #. [unit]: type=Ancient Lich, id=Ro'Arthian #. [modify_side] #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:222 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:249 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:396 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg:160 msgid "Ro’Arthian" msgstr "Ro’Arthian" # #. [unit]: type=Lich, id=Ro'Sothian #. [modify_side] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:261 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:276 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:479 msgid "Ro’Sothian" msgstr "Ro’Sothian" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:317 msgid "Save Stalrag from Ro’Sothian" msgstr "Salva Stalrag das mãos de Ro'Sothian" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:326 msgid "Capture Ro’Arthian" msgstr "Captura Ro’Arthian" # #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:337 msgid "Death of Stalrag" msgstr "Morte de Stalrag" # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:356 msgid "" "Upon arriving at the mountain pass it appeared to Tallin and his men that " "they were just a bit too late." msgstr "" "Quando Tallin e os seus homens chegaram à passagem da montanha, parecia que " "já era um pouco tarde." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:362 msgid "HAH! I finally have you, you wretched dwarf!" msgstr "HA! Finalmente já te tenho, acusado anão!" # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:367 msgid "" "Argh! You blasted mages! How many times do I have to kill you two before you " "will leave us in peace!" msgstr "" "Arre! Seus magos malditos! Quantas vezes precisarei de vos matar para que " "nos deixem em paz!" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:372 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Leave you in peace?! It is your kind that won’t leave us in " #| "peace! Ever since you blasted dwarves built that damn road you have " #| "harassed us unceasingly! Now, it ends here! After I kill you I will split " #| "your carcass and hang it at the mouth of this pass as a warning for any " #| "other fools like you! And unlike us you won’t come back." msgid "" "Leave you in peace?! It is your kind that won’t leave us in " "peace! Ever since you blasted dwarves built that damn road you have harassed " "us unceasingly! Now, it ends here! After I kill you I will split your " "carcass and hang it at the mouth of this pass as a warning for any other " "fools like you! And unlike us, you won’t come back." msgstr "" "Deixar vos em paz? São os anões que não nos deixam em paz! " "Desde que os malditos anões, construíram aquela estrada desgraçada, atacam-" "nos incessantemente! Já chega! Após matar-te vou despedaçar a tua carcaça e " "pendurá-la na entrada dessa passagem como aviso para outros idiotas como tu! " "E, ao contrário de nós, tu não retornarás à vida." # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:377 msgid "" "You cursed mage! I now go to join all of my men you have killed. But know " "this, the Shinsplitters will never submit! We will defy you to our " "last breath!" msgstr "" "Mago maldito! Agora juntarei-me aos meus homens, que mataste. Mas saibas " "disto, os Esmigalheiros nunca irão submeter-se! Vamos combater-te até " "o nosso último suspiro!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:382 msgid "Hold it! What’s going on here?" msgstr "Alto! O que está a passar aqui?" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:387 msgid "Ro’Sothian, is that you?" msgstr "Ro’Sothian, serás tu?" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:392 msgid "Not now, Father. I’m a little busy at the moment." msgstr "Agora não, Padre. Estou um pouco ocupado neste momento." # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:404 msgid "" "Ro’Sothian! How are you doing, my old friend! Boy, you sure look... erm... " "different!" msgstr "" "Ro'Sothian! Como vais, meu velho amigo! Bem, certamente estás... erre... " "diferente!" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:409 msgid "" "Camerin! Great Lords of Darkness, I haven’t seen you in ages! Here, let me " "just finish off this little vermin and I’ll be right over." msgstr "" "Camerin! Pelos Grandes Lordes das Trevas, não te vejo há tempos! Espera, " "deixa-me apenas terminar com estes vermes e irei ter contigo." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:414 msgid "whisper^Camerin, you know him?" msgstr "Camerin, conheces-o?" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:419 msgid "whisper^Duh! His brother Ro’Arthian is the one who taught me magic!" msgstr "Dá! O seu irmão, Ro'Arthian, foi quem me ensinou magia!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:424 msgid "whisper^Oh...!" msgstr "Oh...!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:431 msgid "Hang on a sec, Ro’Sothian, you don’t want to kill him." msgstr "Espera um momento, Ro'Sothian, tu não queres matá-lo." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:436 msgid "Huh?! He killed me!" msgstr "Eh?! Ele matou-me!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:441 msgid "" "Oh... I see. But we come on more pressing business. We are in desperate need " "of your help. Here is Tallin from the community of Dwarven Doors. As you " "know, the people of Dwarven Doors were enslaved by the orcs for many years. " "They have broken their chains and together with Lord Hamel from Knalga, they " "are beginning to reclaim Knalga from the chaos that it was in." msgstr "" "Ó... entendo. Mas viemos com assuntos mais urgentes. Precisamos " "desesperadamente da tua ajuda. Aqui está Tallin, da comunidade dos Portões " "dos Anões. Como bem sabes, o povo dos Portões dos Anões foram escravos dos " "orcs por muitos anos. Rebentaram as suas correntes e junto com o Lorde Hamel " "de Gnalga, estão a começar a retomada de Gnalga do caos em que se encontra." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:446 msgid "" "So? What does this have to do with me? And hurry up, my staff is buzzing to " "blast this little vermin once and for all." msgstr "" "E daí? O que é que isso tem a ver comigo? E apressa-te, o meu bastão está " "desejoso de explodir esses vermes de uma vez por todas." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:451 msgid "" "Don’t! Please, my friend, listen. The orcs are on the rise again and they " "are threatening to complete their conquest of Knalga and convert it into an " "orcish stronghold. We can’t let that happen! That’s why we have come here, " "to seek your and your brother’s help in defeating the orcs." msgstr "" "Não! Por favor, meu amigo, escuta-me. Os orcs ergueram-se novamente e " "ameaçam terminar de conquistar Gnalga e convertê-la numa fortaleza sua. Não " "podemos deixar que isso aconteça! É por isso que viemos, para buscar a tua " "ajuda e a do teu irmão para derrotar os orcs." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:456 msgid "" "Take your begging and shove it, Father! We don’t help no-one. Not even you " "and especially not any dwarf!" msgstr "" "Pega nas tuas súplicas e desapareça, Padre! Não ajudaremos ninguém, nem " "mesmo a ti e especialmente nenhum anão!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:466 msgid "" "Hold a moment, my friend. You won’t believe what a blast it is fighting with " "these guys. You get to fry skeletons, orcs, trolls, and wolves by the " "thousands! Come on old pal, be a sport." msgstr "" "Espera um momento, meu amigo. Não acreditarás como é incrível lutar contra " "eles. Fritas esqueletos, orcs, trogloditas e lobos aos milhares! Vamos lá " "velho amigo, seja cúmplice." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:471 msgid "" "Camerin, you were always a little crazy. Now I see you have gone stark " "raving mad! Do you really think we would help anyone? Especially a " "bunch of dwarves!" msgstr "" "Camerin, sempre foste um pouco louco. Agora vejo que és um doido varrido! " "Realmente pensas que iríamos ajudar alguém? Especialmente um grupo de " "anões!" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:478 msgid "" "I tire of this; prepare to die, wretched dwarf! And the rest of you, get " "lost and don’t come back, unless you’re tired of life!" msgstr "" "Estou cansado disto. Prepara-te para a tua morte, anão miserável! E o resto " "de vós, saíam daqui e não voltem, a menos que estejam cansados de viver!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:483 msgid "Uh oh, he is gathering energy for a cold blast." msgstr "Ah sim, está a juntar energia para um ataque gelado." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:488 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Quick, honey, we’ve got to stop him. Let’s go!" msgid "Quick, honey, we’ve got to stop him!" msgstr "Rápido, querida, temos de o parar. Vamos!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:498 msgid "Hey, are you two going to hog all the fun for yourselves?" msgstr "Eia, estão a divertir-se sem mim?" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:503 msgid "All right, all right, hang on!" msgstr "Tudo bem, tudo bem, aguentam-se!" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:565 msgid "BROTHER! HELP ME!" msgstr "IRMÃO! AJUDA-ME!" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:570 msgid "" "(Booming voice coming from all directions) SO YOU MAGES HAVE THE " "AUDACITY TO ATTACK MY BROTHER! YOU SHALL DIE FOR YOUR FOLLY!" msgstr "" "(Uma voz trovejante a vir de todas as direções) ENTÃO VÓS, MAGOS, TÊM " "A CORAGEM DE ATACAR O MEU IRMÃO! IRÃO PAGAR PELA VOSSA TOLICE!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:575 msgid "" "Ro’Arthian, listen to me. We don’t want to fight with you, we have come here " "to seek your assistance." msgstr "" "Ro'Arthian, escuta-me. Não queremos lutar contra ti, viemos em busca da tua " "ajuda." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:581 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:592 msgid "(No answer)" msgstr "(Nenhuma resposta)" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:586 msgid "" "I know you can hear me, Ro’Arthian. Please, the fate of every creature in " "the north depends on your help." msgstr "" "Sei que podes ouvir-me, Ro'Arthian. Por favor, o destino de cada criatura do " "norte depende da tua ajuda." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:597 msgid "" "Give it up, father, he isn’t answering. I am afraid we may have to use um... " "more forceful means to convince him." msgstr "" "Desista, Padre, não responde. Receio que teremos de usar, hum... meios mais " "brutos para convencer-o." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:602 msgid "(Sigh) Yes, you are right." msgstr "(Suspiro) Sim, tens razão." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:607 msgid "Put Ro’Sothian into that jail over there until we capture his brother." msgstr "Ponham Ro'Sothian numa cela ali, enquanto capturamos o seu irmão." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:617 msgid "And someone keep an eye on him. We don’t want him to get away." msgstr "E alguém fique de olho nele. Não queremos que fuja." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:657 msgid "Ha! I am free! Now you foul traitors will pay!" msgstr "Há! Estou livre! Agora, traidores miseráveis, pagarão caro!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:662 msgid "Oh no, he got away! Quick, men, we must capture him again!" msgstr "Ó não, fugiu! Rápido, homens, precisamos de capturar-o de novo!" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:674 msgid "Ahhhh! Not again!" msgstr "Ah! Não novamente!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:679 msgid "" "Come on, Ro’Sothian, we really don’t have to be doing this. Come, join us!" msgstr "" "Vamos, Ro'Sothian, realmente não temos de fazer isso. Venha, junta-te a nós!" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:684 msgid "Never!" msgstr "Nunca!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:689 msgid "Sigh, we’ll talk later." msgstr "Suspira, falemos mais tarde." # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:694 msgid "Back to jail, my friend." msgstr "De volta à jaula, meu amigo." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:740 msgid "Ro’Arthian, are you ready to talk yet?" msgstr "Ro’Arthian, estás mesmo pronto para explicar?" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:745 msgid "Fine, you trespassers. What do you want?" msgstr "Bom, intrusos. O que querem?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:750 msgid "Well... First, why don’t you tell us what you want?" msgstr "Bem... Primeiro porque não nos contas o que tu queres?" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:755 msgid "" "What do I want? I’ll tell you what I want! I want the stinking " "carcasses of you, all your henchmen and those dwarvish vermin off my land! " "And stay off!" msgstr "" "O que eu quero? Vou dizer-vos o que eu quero! Quero as vossas " "carcaças fedorentas, as dos vossos companheiros e desses vermes anões fora " "das minhas terras! E que fiquem fora!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:760 #, fuzzy #| msgid "So basically, you want to be left alone in peace. Right?" msgid "So basically, you want to be left alone in peace, right?" msgstr "Então, no fundo, queres ser deixado em paz, certo?" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:765 msgid "Wow! Someone finally figured it out!" msgstr "Uau! Alguém finalmente percebeu-o!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:770 msgid "" "All right! Listen, then. Right now we have very little power to grant your " "request. We are simply a band of peasants fighting for the freedom of our " "homeland." msgstr "" "Certo! Escuta, então. Neste momento temos pouco poder para conceder-te o teu " "pedido. Somos apenas um grupo de camponeses a lutar pela liberdade da nossa " "terra natal." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:775 msgid "" "But when we defeat the orcish host, re-establish Knalga, and bring law and " "order into these Northlands, we will have gained some authority by right of " "conquest." msgstr "" "Mas quando derrotarmos a horda de orcs, reestabelecermos Gnalga e trazermos " "a ordem às Terras do Norte, teremos adquirido autoridade pelo direito de " "conquista." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:780 msgid "" "When that time comes, I hereby make a solemn oath: no man or dwarf shall " "ever set foot on your land without your leave. If any of my men violates " "this law they shall be punished with death, and I believe I may speak for " "Hamel in this as well." msgstr "" "Quando esta hora chegar, farei um juramento solene: nenhum homem ou anão " "jamais pisará nas tuas terras sem a tua permissão. Se algum dos meus homens " "violar essa lei, serão punidos com a morte, e acredito que também posso " "falar por Hamel." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:785 msgid "" "In order for that to come about, we must crush the orcish host. But we can’t " "do that without your help. Will you join us?" msgstr "" "A fim de que isso aconteça, precisamos de esmagar o exército orc. Porém não " "podemos fazer isso sem a tua ajuda. Juntarás-te a nós?" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:790 msgid "" "Think of it, Ro’Arthian, it is a fair bargain. If you don’t agree to " "Tallin’s proposal, the endless war you two wage with the dwarves will never " "be resolved. You have been haunting these mountains for far too long. It is " "high time for you and your brother to rest in peace." msgstr "" "Pensa nisso, Ro'Arthian. é uma troca justa. Se não concordares com a " "proposta de Tallin, a guerra interminável entre ti e os anões nunca será " "resolvida. Vieste assombrar estas montanhas já por demasiado tempo. Já " "passou da hora de tu e teu irmão descansarem em paz." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:795 msgid "Hrmph. What do you think, brother?" msgstr "Umpf. O que pensas, irmão?" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:828 msgid "(Shrugs) I don’t think we have any other choice left." msgstr "(Encolhe os ombros) Não penso que temos alguma outra escolha." # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:833 msgid "" "Come on, guys, it will be great! Those orcs will never know what hit them! " "Together we’ll rip them to shreds! If you are planning to retire after this, " "this is the perfect chance for you guys to go out with a bang! You guys will " "become legends! “The two terrible mages, risen from the dead to devastate " "the orcish hordes!”" msgstr "" "Vamos lá, pessoal, isso será óptimo! Os orcs nunca saberão o que os atingiu! " "Juntos, iremos esmagar-os em pedaços! Se planearem aposentar-se depois, é a " "hora perfeita de saírem com estilo. Tornarão-se lendas! “Os dois " "terríveis magos, ressuscitados dos mortos para devastar os exércitos orcs!”" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:838 msgid "" "Very well, Tallin. We accept under the terms that your people will forever " "leave us in peace after this." msgstr "" "Pois bem, Tallin, Aceitaremos desde que seu povo nos deixe em paz para " "sempre, depois disso." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:843 msgid "" "Ro’Arthian, I am not of royal blood, but I am a man of my word. I will " "uphold the oath I have given even at the cost of my life." msgstr "" "Ro'Arthian, não tenho sangue real, mas sou um homem de palavra. Vou manter a " "minha promessa mesmo que custe-me a vida." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:848 msgid "Very well. The orcish hosts shall feel our wrath!" msgstr "Muito bem. Os orcs sentirão a nossa ira!" # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:853 msgid "" "Wait a second, Tallin. Are you saying that we should abandon our homeland to " "these wretched mages?!" msgstr "" "Espere um momento, Tallin. Estás a propor que devemos abandonar a nossa " "terra natal para esses magos infelizes?!" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Sothian #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #. [message]: id=Ro'Sothian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:858 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1057 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:526 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1019 msgid "(Snicker)" msgstr "(relinchar)" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:863 msgid "" "Chief Stalrag, it is said that to save a family, we should be willing to " "sacrifice one person; to save a town we should be willing to sacrifice a " "family; and to save a nation we should be willing to sacrifice a town." msgstr "" "Chefe Stalrag, diz-se que para salvar uma família, devemos dispor-nos em " "sacrificar uma pessoa; para salvar uma cidade deveríamos sacrificar uma " "família; e para salvar uma nação, sacrificar uma cidade." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:868 msgid "Now, Stalrag, it is up to you. Do you want to save Knalga or not?" msgstr "Agora, Stalrag, só depende de ti. Queres ou não queres salvar Gnalga?" # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:873 msgid "" "Well Tallin, if you put it that way... We don’t like it, but if that’s what " "is needed to save Knalga, we shall do it." msgstr "" "Bem, Tallin, visto dessa forma... Não gostamos disso, mas se isso é " "necessário para salvar Gnalga, faremos-o." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:878 msgid "" "Thank you, Stalrag. I am sure that the sacrifice of you and your people will " "always be remembered." msgstr "" "Obrigado, Stalrag. Estou certo de que o sacrifício do teu povo será para " "sempre relembrado." # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:883 msgid "(Mumbles) Yeah, great compensation..." msgstr "(Murmura) Eia, grande compensação..." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:888 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I have the power to control many creatures, such as Gryphons, Trolls and " #| "Ogres. So while I am with you they shall be at your command." msgid "" "I have the power to control many creatures, such as gryphons, trolls and " "ogres. So while I am with you they shall be at your command." msgstr "" "Tenho o poder de controlar várias criaturas, como grifos, trogloditas e " "ogres. Então enquanto estiver convosco, eles estarão sob o vosso comando." # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:893 msgid "The Shinsplitters will be at your service, Tallin." msgstr "Os Esmagalheiros estarão ao teu serviço, Tallin." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:898 msgid "" "My thanks, Stalrag and Ro’Arthian. However, I have sufficient forces under " "my control presently and I think that merging our forces will just create " "confusion. Your gryphons will be of use, but I think you should retain " "command of your trolls and ogres, until they are needed." msgstr "" "Obrigado, Stalrag e Ro'Arthian. Entretanto, já tenho soldados suficientes " "sob o meu controlo e acredito que juntar as nossas forças apenas criará " "confusão. Os teus grifos serão de bom uso, mas creio que devas segurar os " "teus trogloditas e ogres, até que sejam necessários." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:908 msgid "" "Great. Now let’s get back to the caves and start planning the best way teach " "those orcs a lesson they will never forget!" msgstr "" "Óptimo. Agora, vamos voltar para as cavernas e planear a melhor maneira de " "ensinar uma lição que estes orcs jamais esquecerão!" # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1012 msgid "Farewell, my friends. I now go to join my fallen brethren." msgstr "Adeus, amigos. Agora irei juntar-me aos meus irmãos falecidos." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg:1017 msgid "" "No! If Stalrag dies now none of his men will follow us. We are finished." msgstr "" "Não! Se Stalrag morrer agora nenhum dos seus homens seguirá-nos. Estaremos " "perdidos." # #. [scenario]: id=08a_Elvish_Princess #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:5 msgid "Elvish Princess" msgstr "Princesa Elfa" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:20 msgid "" "After securing the help of the two lich-mages, the party returned to Knalga." msgstr "Após garantir a ajuda dos dois magos, o grupo retornou a Gnalga." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:25 msgid "" "Och, that was a piece o’ good work, lad, getting both the lich-mages and " "Stalrag on our side. Now let’s plan our way to bringing Rakshas down..." msgstr "" "Esse fora um óptimo trabalho, jovem, ao trazer ambos os magos e Stalrag para " "o nosso lado. Agora, vamos planear em como derrubar Rakshas..." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:27 msgid "" "The lich-mages sent forth gryphons to scout out the number, formation and " "deployment of the orcish forces, and to seek allies as well." msgstr "" "Os magos enviaram os grifos para patrulhar os números, formações e " "implantação das forças orcs, e para buscar mais aliados." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:30 msgid "" "One day a gryphon came screeching into the caves with the news that a large " "elvish force approached from the east. Messages were quickly dispatched to " "the elves asking their purpose. The haughty reply was that their purpose was " "none of any dwarf’s or human’s business, and that all would be well-advised " "to stay in their holes when the elves passed near." msgstr "" "Um dia, um grifo voltou para as cavernas a guinchar, com a notícia de que um " "grande exército elfo aproximava-se pelo leste. Mensagens foram logo enviadas " "aos elfos perguntando o motivo da sua vinda. A resposta arrogante fora de " "que o motivo da sua vinda não era do interesse dos anões nem dos humanos, e " "que aconselhavam a não se intrometer enquanto os elfos passassem." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:33 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Before the humans and dwarves could respond to this message, another " #| "gryphon arrived with the news that the orcs were holding an elvish " #| "sorceress prisoner in the castle of Bitterhold, less than a day’s march " #| "distant to the northwest. The castle had attracted notice because it had " #| "been recently rebuilt and manned by a unit known to include some of the " #| "hardiest and toughest of veteran orcs." msgid "" "Before the humans and dwarves could respond to this message, another gryphon " "arrived with the news that the orcs were holding an elvish sorceress " "prisoner in the castle of Bitterhold, less than a day’s march to the " "northwest. The castle had attracted notice because it had been recently " "rebuilt and manned by a force known to include some of the hardiest and " "toughest of veteran orcs." msgstr "" "Antes que os humanos e anões pudessem responder a essa mensagem, outro grifo " "chegou com a notícia de que os orcs estavam a manter como prisioneira uma " "feiticeira elfa, no castelo da Amargura, a menos de um dia de caminhada, à " "noroeste. O castelo atraiu as atenções porque fora recentemente reconstruído " "e abrigava uma unidade conhecida por incluir alguns dos orcs veteranos mais " "experientes." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:36 msgid "" "Gryphons and a picked force of human woodsmen were sent out that very night, " "and less than two days later managed to ambush an orcish messenger on the " "road out of Bitterhold. The messenger was carrying a ransom demand to the " "elves — for the sorceress was, in fact, a princess of the highest rank." msgstr "" "Grifos e uma pequena força de florestais humanos foram enviados naquela " "mesma noite e em menos de dois dias conseguiram emboscar um mensageiro orc " "na estrada para a fortaleza da Amargura. O mensageiro carregava um pedido de " "resgate para os elfos — a feiticeira era, na realidade, uma princesa da mais " "alta corte." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:39 msgid "The leaders met in council, considering what to do..." msgstr "Os líderes reuniram-se num conselho, deliberando os próximos passos..." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:42 msgid "" "This kidnapped princess explains a great deal. It is not easy to draw the " "elves out of their forests." msgstr "" "Esta princesa sequestrada explicava muitas coisas. Não é fácil atrair os " "elfos para fora das suas florestas." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:44 msgid "" "Aye, lad. Her kin will have come either to do battle or pay ransom. By the " "looks of things, they’ve busked themselves for either." msgstr "" "Sim, jovem. A família dela veio ou para guerrear ou pagar o resgate. Pelo " "que parece, prepararam-se para ambas as coisas." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:46 msgid "" "Pah! Who cares? Let the elves and orcs chop each other into mincemeat. It " "will just make things easier for us." msgstr "" "Pá! Quem se importa? Deixem os elfos e orcs a cortarem-se em pedacinhos. " "Isto só tornará as coisas mais fáceis para nós." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:48 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Hah! I ken yer brain has rotted awa’ entire. Think on it, skull-head, " #| "what would happen if the elves dinna’ fight and pay the ransom instead?" msgid "" "Hah! Yer brain has rotted awa’ entire. Think on it, skull-head, what would " "happen if the elves dinna’ fight and pay the ransom instead?" msgstr "" "Há! Sabia que o teu cérebro apodreceu completamente. Pensa, cabeça oca, o " "que aconteceria se os elfos não lutassem e aos invés disso pagassem o " "resgate?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:50 msgid "Do you want to die, dwarf?" msgstr "Desejas morrer, anão?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:52 msgid "" "Peace, peace! If you two want to kill something, there are plenty of orcs " "outside." msgstr "Paz, paz! Se vós dois querem matar algo, existem muitos orcs lá fora." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:54 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "But you do have a point, Stalrag, That ransom will buy more troops and " #| "weapons for the orcs, worse news for us." msgid "" "But you do have a point, Stalrag. That ransom will buy more troops and " "weapons for the orcs, and that is bad news for us." msgstr "" "Mas tens razão, Stalrag, aquele resgate irá garantir mais tropas e armas " "para os orcs, seria a pior notícia para nós." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:56 msgid "I think we have a chance to make some new allies here..." msgstr "Penso que temos a oportunidade de conseguir novos aliados aqui..." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:58 msgid "" "Allies? I take it we’re to go to them and ask them to join us in return for " "our help in rescuing their princess? You heard their message — those elves " "have got their noses so high in the air they canna’ see over them. They " "wouldna’ ally themselves with the likes o’ us." msgstr "" "Aliados? Suponho que iremos e pediremos que se juntem a nós, em troca do " "resgate da sua princesa? Ouviste a mensagem deles — aqueles elfos têm os " "narizes tão altos que não podem ver além deles. Não iriam aliar-se connosco." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:60 msgid "" "Of course we won’t do that. As a matter of fact I think it’s best that we " "don’t say anything to the elves at all." msgstr "" "Mas é claro que não farão disso. De facto, penso que é melhor não dizermos " "nada aos elfos." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:62 msgid "Why d’ye say that?" msgstr "O que tens em mente?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:64 msgid "" "Well, suppose we do join up with the elves — assuming they will let us — and " "we make a combined raid on the fortress, what will the orcs most likely do " "when the ransom slips from their grasp?" msgstr "" "Bem, imagina que juntemos-nos aos elfos — assumindo que deixariam-nos — e " "que fizéssemos um ataque combinado à fortaleza dos orcs, o que os orcs " "provavelmente irão fazer quando o resgate escapar das suas mãos?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:66 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Kenning the way of orcs, belike they’d kill the princess, especially if " #| "it seems the rescue ha’ any chance of succeeding." msgid "" "Kenning the way of orcs, they’d kill the princess, especially if it seems " "the rescue ha’ any chance of succeeding." msgstr "" "Pensando em como os orcs agem, provavelmente iriam matar a princesa, " "especialmente se parecer que o resgate provavelmente nunca chegaria." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:68 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Exactly. On the other hand, if we raided the fortress while the orcs were " #| "talking ransom with the elves, the orcs might hesitate just long enough." msgid "" "Exactly. On the other hand, if we raided the fortress while the orcs were " "talking ransom with the elves, the orcs might hesitate just long enough for " "us to free her." msgstr "" "Exactamente. Por outro lado, se atacássemos a fortaleza enquanto os orcs " "estivessem a receber o resgate dos elfos, os orcs podem hesitar o tempo " "suficiente." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:70 msgid "" "Hmmm... I think you’ve the right of it, lad. Most orcs being thicker than a " "wood-knot, I’d lay odds on Rakshas giving strict orders that she not be " "touched without his direct word on the matter." msgstr "" "Mm ... Penso que estás certo, rapaz. A maioria dos orcs sendo mais espessos " "do que uma madeira-nó, apostaria em como Rakshas vai dar ordens estritas " "para que ela não fosse tocada sem uma ordem expressa dele." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:72 msgid "" "But it would be unwise to trust that the orcs will stay stupid forever. If " "we do go ahead with this raid, we are going to have to be in and out like " "lightning." msgstr "" "Mas não é sábio confiar em que os orcs continuarão estúpidos para sempre. Se " "formos em frente com esse ataque, temos de entrar e sair como relâmpagos." # #. [story] #. My shinsplitters are invaluable for this kind of job. They are brave warriors and don't stop fighting until either they or their opponent lies dead. No fortress can stand against them. #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:74 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "My Shinsplitters will be invaluable for a job like this. They are fierce " #| "and never give ground and will not stop attacking until either they or " #| "their opponent lies dead. No fortress can stand long against them." msgid "" "My Shinsplitters be invaluable for this kind o’ job. They be braw warriors " "and dinna stop their assault till either they or their opponent lie dae. Nae " "a fortress ken stand against them." msgstr "" "Os meus Esmagalheiros têm um valor inestimável num trabalho como esse. São " "ferozes, nunca recuam e nunca irão parar de atacar enquanto o seu oponente " "não estiver morto. Nenhuma fortaleza pode manter-se por muito tempo contra " "eles." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:76 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Ha ha, I like this plan. Once we get our hands on this little sorceress " #| "the elves will be forced to do whatever we want them to." msgid "" "Ha ha, I like this plan! Once we get our hands on this little sorceress the " "elves will be forced to do whatever we want them to!" msgstr "" "Há há, gosto deste plano. Uma vez que colocarmos as nossas mãos nesta " "feiticeira, os elfos terão de fazer o que quisermos que eles façam." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:78 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Remember, Ro’Arthian, we need willing allies rather than resentful " #| "lackeys that would turn on us at the first reverse. If we rescue their " #| "princess, the elves may yet choose not to help us, but that is a risk " #| "we’ll have to take." msgid "" "Remember, Ro’Arthian, we need willing allies rather than resentful lackeys " "that would turn on us at the first chance. If we rescue their princess, the " "elves may yet choose not to help us, but that is a risk we’ll have to take." msgstr "" "Lembra-te, Ro'Arthian, precisamos de aliados dispostos em vez de lacaios " "ressentidos que iriam virar-se contra nós na primeira oportunidade. Se " "resgatarmos a sua princesa, os elfos ainda podem optar em não nos ajudar, " "mas esse é um risco que teremos de tomar." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:80 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Elves are deeply honor-bound, especially in matters that touch their kin. " #| "If we rescue the princess, I am certain the deed will not go without " #| "reward." msgid "" "Elves are deeply honor-bound, especially in matters that touch their kin. If " "we rescue the princess, I am certain the deed will not go without reward." msgstr "" "Elfos são muito atrelados à honra, especialmente em assuntos que envolvem os " "seus familiares. Se resgatarmos a princesa, estou certo de que esse feito " "não sairá sem uma recompensa." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:82 msgid "" "And at the very least, the orcs will not be able to raise troops with ransom " "money they don’t have." msgstr "" "E por último, os orcs não poderão treinar tropas com o dinheiro de um " "resgate que eles não têm." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:84 msgid "Bah... weak, soft humans. Have it your way if you must." msgstr "" "Pá... seres humanos fracos, moles. Façam do vossa maneira, se assim for " "preciso." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:86 msgid "" "So it shall be, Tallin, I’ll hold the caves here while you and Stalrag’s " "Shinsplitters fare to Bitterhold. The orcs still haven’t given up their " "attack on our southern tunnels." msgstr "" "Então assim será, Tallin. Irei segurar essas cavernas enquanto vós e os " "Esmigalheiros de Stalrag dirigem-se à fortaleza da Amargura. Os orcs ainda " "não desistiram do ataque aos nossos túneis à sudeste." #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:88 msgid "Then to arms, men!" msgstr "" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Atul #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:118 msgid "Atul" msgstr "Atul" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:291 msgid "Rescue the Princess" msgstr "Regata a Princesa" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:297 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:364 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:689 msgid "Resist for as long as you can" msgstr "Resista o quanto conseguires" # #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:307 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:158 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:391 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:716 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:210 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:432 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:570 msgid "Death of Ro’Arthian" msgstr "Morte de Ro’Arthian" # #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:311 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:162 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:395 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:720 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:214 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:436 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:574 msgid "Death of Ro’Sothian" msgstr "Morte de Ro’Sothian" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:321 msgid "Even if your rescue fails, you will still advance to the next scenario." msgstr "" "Mesmo que o resgate falha, será possível avançar para o próximo cenário." #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:324 msgid "" "You will win this scenario immediately upon moving onto the hex containing " "the Princess’s cage." msgstr "" "Irás vencer este cenário imediatamente quando moveres no hexágono a indicar " "a gaiola da princesa." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:335 msgid "" "Upon emerging from the mouth of a hidden tunnel near the fortress, Tallin " "and his men surveyed the scene before them." msgstr "" "Após emergirem da boca de um túnel escondido, próximo à fortaleza, Tallin e " "os seus homens examinaram o cenário diante deles." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:340 msgid "" "There’s the fortress of Bitterhold. A grim and impressive pile indeed..." msgstr "" "Lá está a fortaleza da Amargura. Realmente, é sombria e impressionante..." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:345 msgid "They have dammed the river to make a moat for their castle." msgstr "Represaram o rio para fazer uma fossa para o castelo." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:350 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Are we here to sight-see or to rescue this blasted sorceress? And if you " #| "really want to sight-see, then check out that orcish encampment south of " #| "us." msgid "" "Are we here to sight-see or to rescue this blasted sorceress? If you really " "want to sight-see, then check out that orcish encampment south of us." msgstr "" "Estamos aqui para apreciar a vista ou para resgatar a maldita princesa? E se " "querem mesmo apreciar a vista, então percebam o acampamento orc ao sul da " "nossa posição." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:355 msgid "" "Just our luck to be here when they’re mustering a field force — probably to " "attack the caves. Avoid them if you can, kill them if you can’t." msgstr "" "É a nossa sorte estarmos aqui enquanto reúnam um exército em campo aberto — " "provavelmente para atacar as cavernas. Evitem-nos se puderem, matem-nos caso " "contrário." # #. [message]: speaker=Atul #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:360 msgid "INTRUDERS! KILL THEM!!" msgstr "INTRUSOS! MATEM-OS!" # #. [unit]: type=Elvish Sorceress, id=Eryssa #. [modify_side] #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:388 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:120 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:379 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:430 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg:192 msgid "Eryssa" msgstr "Eryssa" #. [message]: race=orc #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:400 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The intruders are breaking in! Get to the walls and defend the fortress! " #| "And where did that Elvish Princess go?" msgid "" "The intruders are breaking in! Get to the walls and defend the fortress! And " "where did that elvish princess go?" msgstr "" "Os intrusos estão a puxar adentro! Fortificam as muralhas e defendam a " "fortaleza! E aonde fora a princesas elfa?" # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:405 msgid "" "(hushed) Thank you, my saviors. Who has come to rescue me from vile " "captivity?" msgstr "" "(Corada) Obrigada, meus salvadores. Quem veio para resgatar-me desse " "cativeiro vil?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:411 msgid "" "(whispering) Later, my lady, first let’s get outta — uh, let us take " "our leave of this place as swiftly as may be!" msgstr "" "(Murmura) Depois, princesa, primeiro vamos sair — ui, vamos retirar-" "nos desse lugar o mais rapidamente possível!" # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:416 msgid "Lead; I will follow." msgstr "Lidera; e irei seguir-te." # #. [message]: race=orc #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:437 msgid "" "Hey, those intruders are going to free the elf! We can’t let that happen! " "Kill her! Kill the elf!" msgstr "" "Eia, aqueles intrusos irão libertar a elfa! Não podemos deixar que isso " "aconteça! Matem-na! Matem a elfa!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg:442 msgid "Darn it! We weren’t fast enough." msgstr "Dane-se! Não fomos suficientemente rápidos." # #. [scenario]: id=09a_Introductions #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:8 msgid "Introductions" msgstr "Cumprimentos" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:149 msgid "Move Tallin to the Signpost in the north" msgstr "Mova Tallin para o poste ao norte" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:166 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:399 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:724 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:218 msgid "Death of Eryssa" msgstr "Morte de Elyssa" # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:185 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "After rescuing the princess, Tallin and his allies quickly withdrew into " #| "the caves." msgid "" "After rescuing the Princess, Tallin and his allies quickly withdrew into the " "caves." msgstr "" "Após resgatarem a princesa, Tallin e os seus aliados rapidamente recuaram " "para as cavernas." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:190 msgid "" "Now that we are well shot of that dungeon, do you mind telling me who you " "are?" msgstr "" "Agora que estamos bem longe daquele calabouço, importam-se de dizer-me quem " "são?" # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:200 msgid "Sister! Don’t you recognize me?" msgstr "Irmã! Não me reconheces?" # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:205 msgid "" "Gods of Light! Elenia! It’s you! It has been years! What in the world " "happened to you? We all had thought you dead!" msgstr "" "Pelos deuses da Luz! Elenia! És tu! Já fazia anos! O que aconteceu contigo? " "Pensamos todos que estavas morta!" # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:210 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Yes, I thought you would think that. What actually happened was that I " #| "was captured by that disgusting old bone-bag of a lich." msgid "" "Yes, I was afraid that would be your conclusion. What actually happened was " "that I was captured by an old bonebag of a lich." msgstr "" "Sim, acreditei que irias pensar isto. O que realmente aconteceu é que fui " "capturada por aquele velho saco de ossos repugnante." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:215 msgid "You mean Malifor?" msgstr "Referes-te a Malifor?" # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:220 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "None other. I was his prisoner for many years until these brave people " #| "rescued me. It being far too dangerous to travel back to the elvish " #| "forests by myself with all these orcs about, and in consideration of the " #| "debt I owe to them, I have been with them ever since." msgid "" "None other. I was his prisoner for many years until these brave people " "rescued me. With all these orcs about it was far too dangerous to travel " "back to the elvish forests by myself. And in consideration of the debt I owe " "to these brave people, I have been with them ever since." msgstr "" "Nenhum outro. Fui mantida prisioneira por muitos anos até que estas bravas " "pessoas resgataram-me. Está demasiado perigoso para viajar sozinha de volta " "para as florestas dos elfos com todos estes orcs, e tendo em consideração o " "débito que tenho com eles, estive a acompanhar-os desde então." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:225 msgid "Really, and who are these people?" msgstr "Mesmo, e quem são?" # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:230 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Here we have our leader and hero, Tallin." msgid "Here we have our leader and hero, Lord Tallin." msgstr "Aqui temos o nosso líder e herói: Tallin." # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:240 msgid "" "He is the one who led his people in revolt against the orcs armed with " "nothing but pitchforks." msgstr "" "Fora ele quem liderou o seu povo numa revolta contra os orcs, armados com " "nada mais que forcados." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:245 msgid "Wow!" msgstr "Wow!" # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:250 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Then they scrounged up bows and cudgels from the dead orcs, and marched " #| "into the caves and broke the Dwarves out from their encirclement by the " #| "undead and trolls." msgid "" "Then they scrounged up bows and cudgels from the dead orcs, and marched into " "the caves and broke the dwarves out from their encirclement by the undead " "and trolls." msgstr "" "Então roubaram arcos e lanças dos orcs mortos, marcharam para as cavernas e " "libertaram os Anões do cerco dos mortos-vivos e trogloditas." # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:255 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Then Tallin and his ragtag band hunted down Malifor and reduced him to " #| "dust. Now Tallin is building an alliance of humans, dwarves, dead mages " #| "and whatever critters he can find to crush the orcs." msgid "" "Then Tallin and his band hunted down Malifor and destroyed him. Now Lord " "Tallin is building an alliance of humans, dwarves, dead mages and whatever " "critters he can find to crush the orcs." msgstr "" "Daí Tallin e o seu bando de foragidos caçaram Malifor e reduziram-o a pó. " "Agora, Tallin está a construir uma aliança entre humanos, anões, magos " "mortos e o que quer que consiga encontrar para esmagar os orcs." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:260 msgid "You’re right, Elenia, Tallin is truly a hero." msgstr "Tens razão, Elenia, Tallin é verdadeiramente um herói." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:265 msgid "" "Not at all, Your Highness. I am no more than a humble peasant trying to free " "my people from enslavement." msgstr "" "Nem por isso, Princesa. Não sou mais do que um camponês humilde a tentar " "libertar o meu povo da escravidão." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:270 msgid "And a modest one too!" msgstr "E um modesto!" #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:280 msgid "" "Tallin, not only have you freed me and my sister from captivity, but you " "have defeated Malifor, who has long been a scourge to my people. By " "defeating him, you have aided the Northern Elves more than you can imagine." msgstr "" "Tallin, não só libertaste a minha a irmã e a mim do cativeiro, como também " "derrotaste Malifor, que por muito tempo fora uma praga para o meu povo. Ao " "derrotá-lo, ajudaste os elfos do Norte mais do que podes imaginar." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:285 msgid "Ahh, it was nothing, my lady." msgstr "Ah, não fora nada, princesa." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:290 msgid "" "No, it was far from nothing, Tallin. The Northern Elves will always be in " "your debt. Tell me, what can we do to repay you?" msgstr "" "Não, isto não fora nada pequeno, Tallin. Os elfos do Norte estarão em dívida " "contigo para sempre. Diz-me, o que podemos fazer para retribuir-te o favor?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:295 msgid "" "As Elenia has said, we are currently locked in a death-struggle with the " "orcs led by a warlord named Rakshas. You could help us most by joining us in " "our quest to crush this menace once and for all." msgstr "" "Princesa, como Elenia já dissera, estamos a travar uma luta mortal com os " "orcs, que são liderados por um senhor de guerra chamado Rakshas. Poderias " "nos ajudar ao se juntar à nossa campanha para acabar com esta ameaça de uma " "vez por todas." #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:300 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "That could hardly count as repayment of our debt to you, Tallin. This " #| "Rakshas fellow is an enemy to every Northern Elf as well. Why, it can’t " #| "have been more than a few months ago that the orcs attacked our forests " #| "and took me prisoner. Helping you defeat them would be serving our own " #| "interests as much as yours." msgid "" "That could hardly count as repayment of our debt to you, Tallin. This " "Rakshas is an enemy to every Northern Elf as well. Why, it can’t have been " "more than a few months ago that the orcs attacked our forests and took me " "prisoner. Helping you defeat them would be serving our own interests as much " "as yours." msgstr "" "Tal dificilmente pode contar como um pagamento da nossa dívida contigo, " "Tallin. Rakshas é um inimigo de todos os Elfos do Norte. Já que, não pode " "ter sido mais que alguns meses atrás, os orcs atacaram as nossas florestas e " "levaram-me como prisioneira. Ajudar a destruir Rakshas serviria aos nossos " "interesses tanto quanto aos vossos." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:305 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "My lady, we are not seeking to do business here: “I do this for you " #| "and you do this for me.” No, we seek to build everlasting friendships " #| "which will forever ensure the peace and prosperity of these Northlands. " #| "Therefore, let there be no talk of debts and repayments between us." msgid "" "My lady, we are not seeking to do business here: “I do this for you, and " "you do this for me.” No, we seek to build everlasting friendships which " "will forever ensure the peace and prosperity of these Northlands. Therefore, " "let there be no talk of debts and repayments between us." msgstr "" "Princesa, não estamos a procurar negócios: “Faço isto por ti e tu fazes " "aquilo por mim.” Não, procuramos construir uma amizade eterna que " "garantirá a paz e prosperidade para as terras do norte. Portanto nada de " "conversas sobre débitos e pagamentos entre nós." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:310 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Well and nobly spoken, Tallin. Very well, I shall join you in your quest " #| "to crush this orcish menace. Let gryphons immediately be sent to our " #| "people; I shall use all the influence I have, or can induce our father to " #| "use, to raise elvish troops for the battles ahead." msgid "" "Well and nobly spoken, Tallin. Very well, I shall join you in your quest to " "crush this orcish menace. Let gryphons immediately be sent to our people; I " "shall use all the influence I have, to raise elvish troops for the battles " "ahead." msgstr "" "Bem e nobremente falado, Tallin. Pois bem, juntarei-me a ti na tua campanha " "para esmagar esta ameaça dos orcs. Faça com que os grifos sejam enviados " "imediatamente ao nosso povo; usarei toda a influência que tenho, ou posso " "fazer com que o nosso pai usa a dele, para juntar tropas elfas para as " "batalhas que estão por vir." #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:316 msgid "" "Er, Eryssa... there is a large elvish force moving this direction. By now " "they cannot be more than two days’ march from here. It seems that our father " "sent them to either free you or bargain for your release." msgstr "" "Erre, Eryssa... existe uma enorme força elfa por vir nesta direção. Agora " "não devem estar a mais de dois dias de caminhada daqui. Parece que o nosso " "pai enviou-os ou para libertar-nos ou negociar a tua libertação." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:321 msgid "" "Why did you not speak of this before? Let us immediately send out the " "gryphons with my personal seal telling them that I shall be taking command " "of the force. Tell them to come straight to Knalga and meet me there." msgstr "" "Porque não falaste disto antes? Vamos enviar grifos com o meu selo pessoal, " "avisar que assumirei o comando destas tropas. Avisam-os para irem " "directamente para Gnalga e encontramos-nos lá." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:326 msgid "Sounds good— I mean, let it be so." msgstr "Soa bom... Entro no jogo." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:334 msgid "" "Not at all. I am Tallin, from the human town of Dwarven Doors. Together with " "the Dwarvish Lord Hamel and the mage Ro’Arthian and his brother, we are " "attempting to restore peace and freedom to Knalga." msgstr "" "De forma alguma. Sou Tallin, da cidade humana dos Portões dos Anões. Junto " "com o Lorde Anão Hamel e o mago Ro'Arthian e o seu irmão, tentamos restaurar " "a paz e a liberdade para Gnalga." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:339 msgid "Uh huh. Good for you." msgstr "Ui hui. Bom para ti." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:344 msgid "" "The only problem — or the major one, anyway — is these blasted orcs. They " "all have united under the leadership of this guy called Rakshas and are " "determined to make Knalga into an orcish stronghold — enslaving or killing " "any humans, dwarves or anything else along the way." msgstr "" "O único problema — ou o maior deles, de qualquer forma — são estes malditos " "orcs. Eles todos uniram-se sob a liderança de Rakshas e estão determinados a " "transformar Gnalga numa fortaleza orc — escravizando ou matando qualquer " "humano, anão ou coisa ao longo do caminho." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:349 msgid "So what does this have to do with me?" msgstr "Então o que isso tem a ver comigo?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:354 msgid "" "There is a large elvish force not far from here who — we believe anyway — " "has been sent to free you. We were hoping if we could secure your release " "you would help us crush the orcish host." msgstr "" "Existe um enorme exército elfo não muito longe daqui que — assim acreditamos " "— fora enviado para libertá-la. Esperávamos que se pudéssemos garantir a tua " "libertação, ajudariam-nos a esmagar o exército orc." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:360 msgid "Pff, foolish human. What in the world gave you that idea?" msgstr "Pff, humano idiota. O que te dá tanta certeza?" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:365 msgid "Ungrateful minx! I’m sorely tempted to break your neck!" msgstr "Sirigaita ingrata! Estou com vontade de quebrar o teu pescoço!" # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:370 msgid "" "Make one move towards me, lich, and you’ll find yourself dangling off the " "end of a vine." msgstr "" "Faça um movimento na minha direção, liche, e encontrarás-te a pender no fim " "de uma videira." # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:375 msgid "" "Leave her alone, lich! Rescuing her was a fool’s quest to begin with and " "attacking her won’t make the situation better. Especially an attack from an " "incompetent like you!" msgstr "" "Deixa-a em paz, liche! Para começar, resgatar-a fora uma ideia idiota, e " "atacar-a não fará esta situação melhor. Especialmente o ataque de um " "incompetente como tu!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:380 msgid "Peace! Peace!" msgstr "Calma! Calma!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:385 msgid "" "Well, what about the orcs then, Princess? Don’t you wish to be rid of " "them?" msgstr "Bem, que tal dos orcs, princesa? Não se deseja livrar deles?" # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:390 msgid "How we deal with the orcs is none of your concern!" msgstr "Como lidamos com os orcs não é da vossa conta!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:401 msgid "What a little priss. She makes me want to fry her!" msgstr "Que pequena idiota. Faz querer fritar-a viva!" # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:406 msgid "Mind your betters, mage!" msgstr "Cuida dos teus superiores, mago!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:411 msgid "Mind your tongue, elf!" msgstr "Cuida da tua língua, elfa!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:418 msgid "" "Frankly, my lady, I am disappointed. I was always under the impression that " "elves were an honorable lot who took their debts seriously." msgstr "" "Francamente, princesa. Estou desapontado. Sempre tive a impressão de que os " "elfos eram um povo honorável que levavam os seus débitos a sério." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:423 msgid "" "Who said that I wasn’t going to repay you? When I get back to the elves, we " "will give you five thousand gold for your trouble." msgstr "" "Quem disse que não iríamos retribuir? Quando retornar ao meu povo, daremos-" "vos cinco mil peças de ouro pelos vossos problemas." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:428 msgid "We already have a hoard of gold! We don’t need more!" msgstr "Já temos uma reserva de ouro! Não precisamos de mais!" # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:433 msgid "That is your concern, not mine, human." msgstr "Este é o teu problema, não o meu, humano." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:438 msgid "(Sigh) Oh well. It isn’t as if we weren’t expecting this." msgstr "(Suspira) Oh bem. Não é que não o tenhamos esperado." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:443 msgid "See, I told you so!" msgstr "Vês, tinha-te dito!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:448 msgid "" "I know, you were right. I am sorry, Ro’Arthian. I should have listened to " "you." msgstr "" "Agora percebo que estavas certo. Desculpa-me, Ro'Arthian. Deveria-te " "escutado." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:453 msgid "Well, it’s pointless to linger here. Let’s get back to Knalga." msgstr "Bem, não há motivo para demorarmos mais. Vamos voltar para Gnalga." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:473 msgid "Hey look, it’s a troll!" msgstr "Hei olha! É um troglodita!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:478 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "A troll? What in the world are trolls doing this close to Knalga? " #| "Something is up, men, let’s hurry up and get back." msgid "" "A troll? What in the world are trolls doing this close to Knalga? " "Something’s wrong, let’s hurry back." msgstr "" "Um troglodita? O que estão a fazer trogloditas tão perto de Gnalga? Alguma " "coisa está a correr mal, homens, vamos apressar-nos e retornar." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/09a_Introductions.cfg:497 msgid "I can see the dwarvish defenses just ahead. Let’s go!" msgstr "Posso ver as defesas dos anões logo à frente. Vamos!" # #. [scenario]: id=10a_Stolen_Gold #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:10 msgid "Stolen Gold" msgstr "Ouro Roubado" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:29 msgid "" "Puzzled by the presence of trolls so close to the dwarvish defenses, the " "party quickly made their way back to Knalga." msgstr "" "Intrigados pela presença dos trogloditas assim tão perto das defesas dos " "anões, o grupo rapidamente se meteu a caminho de volta a Gnalga." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:35 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Upon arriving there something seemed to be wrong. Instead of being hailed " #| "boisterously by the Dwarves as they usually were, they were met by silent " #| "guards with downcast eyes." msgid "" "Upon arriving there something seemed to be wrong. Instead of being " "boisterously hailed by the dwarves as before, they were met by silent guards " "with downcast eyes." msgstr "" "Ao chegarem, alguma coisa parecia estar errada. Em vez de serem " "calorosamente recebidos pelos anões, encontraram guardas silenciosos com " "olhares abatidos." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:38 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Fearing the worst, Tallin rushed to find Hamel who also couldn’t bear to " #| "meet his eyes." msgid "Fearing the worst, Tallin rushed to find Hamel." msgstr "" "Temendo o pior, Tallin correu para encontrar Hamel, que também não podia " "esperar pelo seu encontro." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:41 msgid "Hamel, what is wrong?! Why is everyone acting so strangely?" msgstr "Hamel, o que se passa?! Porque agem todos de forma tão estranha?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:43 msgid "" "We are deeply ashamed of ourselves, Tallin. We ha’ failed the trust that ye " "gave us." msgstr "" "Estamos profundamente envergonhados de nós mesmos, Tallin. Falhámos na " "confiança que nos deste." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:45 msgid "What do you mean?" msgstr "O que queres dizer?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:47 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Yer gold, Tallin, we ha’ failed to protect it." msgid "Yer gold, Tallin, we failed to protect it." msgstr "O teu ouro, Tallin, falhamos em protegê-lo." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:49 msgid "My gold!? Why, what happened? Start from the beginning." msgstr "O meu ouro!? Porquê, o que aconteceu? Começa do princípio." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:51 msgid "" "No sooner had ye left then the orcs once again launched a massive assault." msgstr "Assim que partiste, os orcs mais uma vez lançaram um ataque poderoso." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:53 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Such a massive and fierce assault it was that we had to call upon all our " #| "reserves. When that proved insufficient, we had nae other choice then to " #| "call some men off the other defenses." msgid "" "Such a massive and fierce assault it was that we had to call upon all our " "reserves. When that proved insufficient, we had nae other choice then to " "call some dwarves off the other defenses." msgstr "" "Um ataque tão grande e feroz que fizera com que tivéssemos de convocar todas " "as nossas reservas. Quando provaram-se insuficientes, não tivemos outra " "escolha senão chamar mais homens das outras defesas." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:55 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It was a ploy. Nae sooner than we ha’ thinned the ranks of the northern " #| "defenders, a small, hardened group of trolls smashed through the defenses " #| "and made their way straight for your gold." msgid "" "It was a ploy. Nae sooner than we ha’ thinned the ranks of the northern " "defenders, a small force of trolls smashed through the defenses and made " "their way straight for your gold." msgstr "" "Foi um truque. Quando mal acabamos de diminuir as fileiras dos defensores do " "norte, um grupo pequeno e forte de trogloditas esmagou as nossas defesas e " "seguiram directamente para onde estava o teu ouro." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:57 msgid "" "We beat them back, but not before they made off with your entire stock of " "gold." msgstr "Derrotamos-os, mas não antes de fugirem com todo o nosso ouro." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:59 msgid "" "I am sorry, Tallin, we did all that we could. I would we could ha’ done more." msgstr "" "Desculpa-me, Tallin, fizemos tudo o que podíamos. Faríamos mais se " "pudéssemos." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:61 msgid "Oh no! Rakshas will raise many troops with that gold!" msgstr "Ó não! Rakshas treinará muitas tropas com aquele ouro!" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:63 msgid "Aye. Well I ken it, Tallin." msgstr "Sim. Bem, também assim o temo, Tallin." # #. [case] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:70 msgid "" "See, you wretched human! At least now you will appreciate the generosity of " "the elves." msgstr "" "Vê, seu humano miserável! Pelo menos agora terás de apreciar a generosidade " "dos elfos." # #. [case] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:72 msgid "" "Shut up, you little snot! If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have lost our " "gold in the first place!" msgstr "" "Silêncio, sua cobra! Para começar, se não fosse por ti não teríamos perdido " "o nosso ouro!" # #. [case] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:74 msgid "I wasn’t talking to you, lich! Learn to keep your mouth shut." msgstr "Não estava a falar contigo, liche! Aprende a manter a tua boca calada." # #. [case] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:76 msgid "Who is this annoying chit?" msgstr "Quem é essa pivete irritante?" # #. [case] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:78 msgid "" "This is the famous and benevolent Princess Eryssa, in whose rescue we " "sacrificed many lives and much gold." msgstr "" "É a famosa e benevolente princesa Eryssa, em cujo resgate sacrificamos " "muitas vidas e muito ouro." # #. [case] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:80 msgid "" "That’s it! I have had enough from you worthless rabble. I will soon send a " "rider with the promised gold, and in the meantime, I’m leaving!" msgstr "" "Basta! Já tive o suficiente da tua ralé sem valor. Em breve vou enviar um " "cavaleiro com o ouro prometido, e entretanto, vou-me embora!" # #. [case] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:82 msgid "Begone and good riddance, brat!" msgstr "Vai e livra-te, moleque!" # #. [case] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:84 msgid "" "Back to the issue of the stolen gold, were you able to pursue the trolls?" msgstr "" "Voltando ao problema do ouro roubado, conseguiste perseguir os trogloditas?" # #. [case] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:89 msgid "Were you able to pursue them?" msgstr "Conseguiram seguí-los?" # #. [else] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:94 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "This isn’t looking good. Not only do we fail to get the princess but now " #| "we lost all of our gold! Seriously Hamel, I don’t know if we’re gonna " #| "make it." msgid "" "This isn’t looking good. Not only do we fail to get the Princess but now we " "lost all of our gold! Seriously Hamel, I don’t know if we’re gonna make it." msgstr "" "Isto não está a correr bem. Não só não conseguimos salvar a princesa, como " "ainda perdê-mos todo o nosso ouro! A sério Hamel, não sei se iremos " "conseguir." # #. [else] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:96 msgid "" "Don’t give in to despair, Tallin. At least you prevented the orcs from " "getting the ransom money." msgstr "" "Não desesperes, Tallin. Ao menos impediste os orcs de conseguirem o dinheiro " "do resgate." # #. [else] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:98 msgid "Yeah, they ran off with all the rest of our gold instead." msgstr "Sim, em vez disso saquearam o resto do nosso ouro." # #. [else] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:100 msgid "" "Snap out of it Tallin! We are not in control of fate. We will do all we can " "to the best of our ability and leave the results to the gods." msgstr "" "Não Tallin! Não estamos no controlo do destino. Faremos tudo o que pudermos " "com a melhor da nossa capacidade e vamos deixar as rezas para os deuses." # #. [else] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:102 msgid "You’re right, Hamel, sorry. Were you able to pursue the trolls?" msgstr "Estás certo, Hamel, desculpa. Conseguiste seguir os trogloditas?" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:106 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Och, we tried, Tallin, but with the orcs still pressing our southern " #| "defenses and other groups of trolls trying to break through everywhere, " #| "we simply ha’ not the manpower." msgid "" "Och, we tried, Tallin, but with the orcs still pressing our southern " "defenses and trolls trying to break through everywhere, we simply ha’ not " "the power." msgstr "" "Bem, tentamos, Tallin, mas com os orcs ainda a incomodar as nossas defesas " "ao sul e outros grupos de trogloditas a tentar entrar por todos os lados, " "simplesmente não possuíamos mão-de-obra suficiente." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:108 msgid "How long ago did the trolls make off with the gold?" msgstr "Há quanto tempo os trogloditas fugiram com o ouro?" #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:110 msgid "It couldna’ ha’ been more than a day now." msgstr "Não pode ter sido mais de um dia." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:112 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Then we shall pursue them. Even if we don’t catch them then we might be " #| "able to hit Rakshas before he has had a chance to put all that gold to " #| "good use." msgid "" "Then we shall pursue them. Even if we don’t catch them then we might be able " "to hit Rakshas before he has had a chance to put that gold to good use." msgstr "" "Então vamos persegui-los. Mesmo se não os podemos capturar, poderemos ser " "capazes de atingir Rakshas antes que tenha a oportunidade de usar todo " "aquele ouro para o seu bom uso." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:114 msgid "" "Hamel, rally the dwarves and prepare to make an all-out offensive against " "the orcs. It’s time to give them some of their own." msgstr "" "Hamel, reúna os anões e prepara-te para fazer uma ofensiva total contra os " "orcs. É hora de dar-lhes uma lição bem ensinada." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:116 msgid "" "We will follow the trail of the trolls; it should lead us back to Rakshas." msgstr "" "Seguiremos a trilha dos trogloditas; deve levar-nos ao covil de Rakshas." # #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:124 msgid "Eryssa, what news of the elves?" msgstr "Eryssa, quais as notícias dos elfos?" #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:126 msgid "" "Our gryphons have reached them. They are no more than a few days march from " "us." msgstr "" "Os nossos grifos alcançaram-os. Não estão a mais de poucos dias de marcha " "daqui." # #. [then] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:128 msgid "" "I will send another message to them asking them to send out scouts to locate " "the trolls who took your gold. Mayhap the elves will be able to get between " "the trolls and their allies." msgstr "" "Vou enviar outra mensagem pedindo-lhes para enviar batedores para localizar " "os trogloditas que tomaram o teu ouro. Talvez os elfos sejam capazes de " "chegar entre os eles e os seus aliados." # #. [else] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:131 msgid "It is well thought. May the Bright Gods be with you." msgstr "É bem pensado. Que os Deuses da Luz estejam contigo." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:135 msgid "" "So it shall be. Hamel, when I make contact with the orcs I’ll send you a " "message. When you get it, come at all speed. It is near time for the battle " "that will decide all." msgstr "" "Assim será. Hamel, quando fizer contacto com os orcs vou enviar-te uma " "mensagem. E quando receberes-a, venha a toda a velocidade. A hora da batalha " "que vai decidir tudo está perto." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:137 msgid "The axes and hammers o’ every dwarf thirst for the blood of the orcs!" msgstr "Os machados e martelos de todos os anões têm sede de sangue orc!" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:139 msgid "All right, let’s move out, people!" msgstr "Tudo bem, vamos sair daqui, camaradas!" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:142 msgid "Thus the party set off to the northern tunnels to pursue the trolls." msgstr "" "Então o grupo partiu para os túneis do norte para perseguir os trogloditas." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:145 msgid "" "They met but light resistance all along the trail of the trolls, which they " "quickly overcame." msgstr "" "Tiveram a resistência da luz ao longo de toda a trilha dos trogloditas, a " "qual rapidamente superaram." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:148 msgid "" "Soon, the trail began to lead east, and then south. A few hours later the " "party emerged from the tunnels into dawn’s early light." msgstr "" "Em breve, o caminho começou a levar a leste e depois a sul. Poucas horas " "depois, o grupo surgiu a partir dos túneis sob a luz do amanhecer." # #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Tor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:203 msgid "Tor" msgstr "Tor" # #. [side]: type=Troll Hero, id=Bor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:221 msgid "Bor" msgstr "Bor" # #. [side]: type=Troll Rocklobber, id=Oof #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:238 msgid "Oof" msgstr "Oof" # #. [side]: type=Troll Hero, id=Glu #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:256 msgid "Glu" msgstr "Glu" # #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:280 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:141 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:261 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:293 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/characters.cfg:79 msgid "Krash" msgstr "Krash" # #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:408 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:733 msgid "Turns run out" msgstr "Fim dos turnos" # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:428 msgid "Upon emerging from the tunnels, the party found themselves surrounded." msgstr "Ao sair dos túneis, o grupo encontrou-se cercado." # #. [message]: speaker=Tor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:433 msgid "Haha, suckers! We got you now!" msgstr "Haha, sanguisudas! Agora temos vos apanhado de vez!" # #. [message]: speaker=Bor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:438 msgid "Hahaha! They walked right into our trap." msgstr "Hahaha! Caíram directamente na nossa armadilha." # #. [message]: speaker=Glu #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:443 msgid "And we have already sent the gold ahead to the Master!" msgstr "E já enviamos o ouro para o Mestre!" # #. [message]: speaker=Oof #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:448 msgid "Now let’s make mush out of these puny creatures!" msgstr "Agora vamos transformar estas criaturas insignificantes em pó!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:453 msgid "Oh no, we are surrounded!" msgstr "Ó não, estamos cercados!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #. This is an approximate quote from an Anglo-Saxon heroic poem #. the Lay of Beorthnoth. Translate appropriately. #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:460 msgid "" "Courage shall be the harder, heart the keener, and our spirit greater as our " "strength lessens. Kill them all!" msgstr "" "A coragem ficará mais forte, o valor mais determinado, e o nosso espírito " "aumentado enquanto a nossa força diminui. Matem-os a todos!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:467 msgid "Yeeahhh! I like it!" msgstr "Sim! Gosto!" # #. [message]: speaker=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:482 msgid "(Sniff sniff)" msgstr "(Sniff sniff)" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:487 msgid "What’s up big guy?" msgstr "O que há, bruto?" # #. [message]: speaker=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:492 msgid "(Flap flap flap)" msgstr "(Bata bata bata)" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:517 msgid "Hey! Where is he going?" msgstr "Eia! Aonde vai ele?" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:522 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Krash man, you are gonna miss all the fun!" msgid "Krash man, you’re gonna miss all the fun!" msgstr "Crash, vais perder toda a diversão!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:527 #, fuzzy #| msgid "I think he has decided that it is time for him to part ways with us." msgid "I think he has decided that it is time to part ways with us." msgstr "Penso que decidiu que é hora de separar-se de nós." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:532 msgid "Such a fierce yet gentle creature. He will be sorely missed." msgstr "Uma criatura tão feroz, ainda assim tão gentil. Fará muita falta." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:537 msgid "Farewell, Krash, may the Lords of Light guide your path." msgstr "Adeus, Crash, que os Senhores da Luz guiem o teu caminho." # #. [unit]: type=Drake Burner, id=Singe #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:593 msgid "Singe" msgstr "Singe" # #. [unit]: type=Drake Fighter, id=Bak'man #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:611 msgid "Bak’man" msgstr "Bak’man" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:622 msgid "Hey! Look who’s back!" msgstr "Eia! Olhem quem voltou!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:627 msgid "And look, he brought his friends too!" msgstr "E vejam, ainda trouxe amigos!" # #. [message]: speaker=Bak'man #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:632 msgid "GRRRR!" msgstr "GRRRR!" # #. [message]: speaker=Singe #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:637 msgid "ROOAARRR!!" msgstr "ROOAARRR!!" # #. [message]: speaker=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:642 msgid "Hurry, friends, let’s set up camp!" msgstr "Apressam-se, amigos, vamos montar o acampamento!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:647 msgid "Yeah, man! I knew we could count on you!" msgstr "Ó meu! Sabia que podia contar contigo!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:652 msgid "" "Hmmm, he must have smelled the scent of other drakes and gone to them to " "convince them to help us." msgstr "" "Mm, deve ter sentido o odor dos outros dragos e ido até eles para convencer-" "os em ajudar-nos." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:657 msgid "Awww, what a darling!" msgstr "Ai, que fofo!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:662 msgid "Tell that to the trolls." msgstr "Diga isto aos trogloditas." # #. [message]: id=Oof,Tor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:667 msgid "What?! Drakes?! Fire! Aagghh!" msgstr "O que?! Dragos?! Fogo! Erre... não espera!" # #. [message]: id=Glu,Bor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:672 msgid "Shut your mouth, you coward!" msgstr "Silêncio, cobarde!" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:698 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:705 msgid "Help Tallin defeat the enemy leaders" msgstr "Ajuda Tallin a derrotar os líderes inimigos" # #. [unit]: id=Hidel, type=Elvish Marshal #. [unit]: type=Elvish Marshal, id=Hidel #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:764 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1080 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:290 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg:200 msgid "Hidel" msgstr "Hidel" # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:786 msgid "Your Highness! We have finally found you!" msgstr "Princesa! Finalmente a encontramos!" # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:791 msgid "Good work, Hidel! How do your forces march?" msgstr "Bom trabalho, Hidel! Como marcham as tuas forças?" # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:796 msgid "" "They are all here, my lady! Hand picked by your father — the finest and " "bravest elvish troops in the entire Northlands. We will follow you to the " "end of the world if need be." msgstr "" "Estão todos aqui, princesa! Escolhidos a dedo pelo seu pai — as melhores " "tropas elfos dos mais bravos e corajosos das Terras do Norte. Vamos vos " "seguir até o fim do mundo se for preciso." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:801 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Very good. Our first task is to give brave Tallin here full support in " #| "defeating these trolls." msgid "Very good. Our first task is to give brave Tallin here full support." msgstr "" "Muito bem. A nossa primeira tarefa será dar a Tallin total suporte para " "derrotar estes trogloditas." # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:806 #, fuzzy #| msgid "With pleasure! Quickly men, set up a base!" msgid "With pleasure! Quickly, set up a base!" msgstr "Com prazer! Rápido homens, vamos estabelecer uma base!" # #. [message]: id=Oof,Glu,Tor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:822 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Oh no! Those blasted elves have just joined forces with the humans! This " #| "is hopeless! Flee! Flee!" msgid "" "Oh no! Those blasted elves have joined forces with the humans! This is " "hopeless! Flee! Flee!" msgstr "" "Ó não! Estes malditos elfos acabaram de juntar forças com os humanos! Isto é " "impossível! Fujam! Fujam!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:827 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:874 msgid "Hmmm, should we let the trolls run away or should we finish them now?" msgstr "" "Mm, devemos deixar os trogloditas fugir ou devemos acabar com eles agora?" # #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:829 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:876 msgid "Hey! Stand your ground, you cowards!" msgstr "Eia! Fiquem onde estão, seus cobardes!" # #. [message]: speaker=Bor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:833 msgid "You are a fool, human! We shall crush and destroy you!" msgstr "És um idiota, humano! Vamos esmagar e destruir-te!" # #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:842 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:889 msgid "Haha! Look at them run!" msgstr "Haha! Vejam como correm!" # #. [message]: id=Oof,Glu,Tor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:869 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Oh no! The elves have just given the humans a hoard of gold! This is " #| "hopeless! Flee! Flee!" msgid "" "Oh no! The elves have given the humans a hoard of gold! This is hopeless! " "Flee! Flee!" msgstr "" "Ó não! Os elfos deram aos humanos um tesouro em ouro! Isto é impossível! " "Fujam! Fujam!" # #. [message]: speaker=Bor #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:880 #, fuzzy #| msgid "You are a fool, human! We shall crush and destroy you!" msgid "You are a fool, human! We will crush and destroy you!" msgstr "És um idiota, humano! Vamos esmagar e destruir-te!" # #. [unit]: id=Himadrin, type=Elvish Outrider #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:914 msgid "Himadrin" msgstr "Himadrin" # #. [message]: speaker=Himadrin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:921 msgid "Which one of you rabble is Tallin?" msgstr "Quem, entre esta ralé, se chama Tallin?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:926 msgid "I am." msgstr "Sou eu." # #. [message]: speaker=Himadrin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:931 msgid "" "Princess Eryssa sends you this gold along with the order to stay clear of " "any Northern Elf if you know what’s good for you." msgstr "" "A princesa Eryssa envia-te este ouro junto com a ordem de ficar longe de " "qualquer elfo do norte, se sabes o que é bom para ti." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:936 msgid "Why? What did I ever do to the Northern Elves?" msgstr "Porquê? O que fiz eu aos elfos do norte?" # #. [message]: speaker=Himadrin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:941 msgid "" "The ill treatment that she received while in your care is an insult to every " "Northern Elf. Consequently if you, or any of your henchmen show your face " "around us ever again, you will be shot on sight." msgstr "" "O mau tratamento que ela recebeu quando esteve ao teu cuidado insultou todos " "os elfos do norte. Consequentemente, se tu, ou qualquer um dos teus homens " "mostrar o seu rosto perto de nós, será atacado sem mercê." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:951 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Tell the princess to get off her high horse and stop acting like such a " #| "priss!" msgid "" "Tell the Princess to get off her high horse and stop acting like such a " "priss!" msgstr "" "Diga à princesa para rebaixar-se ao nível dos comuns e parar de agir como " "uma garota!" # #. [message]: speaker=Himadrin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:956 msgid "You dare insult our princess!" msgstr "Como ousas insultar a nossa Princesa!" # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:961 msgid "You better get lost, elf, before we kill you." msgstr "É melhor ires embora, elfo, antes que te matemos." # #. [message]: speaker=Himadrin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:966 msgid "" "This insult will forever be remembered by the Northern Elves! The day will " "soon come when your race shall regret your folly!" msgstr "" "Este insulto será para sempre relembrado pelos elfos do norte! O dia quando " "a tua raça deve arrepender-se da tua loucura virá em breve!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:983 msgid "Pff, elves. What a bunch of stuck-up snots!" msgstr "Pff, elfos. Que bando de doidos varridos!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1017 msgid "Phew, they are defeated at last." msgstr "Ufa, foram finalmente derrotados." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1022 msgid "Hidel, let me introduce to you my savior: Tallin." msgstr "Hidel, deixa-me apresentar-te o meu salvador: Tallin." # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1027 msgid "It is an honor to meet you, Tallin." msgstr "É uma honra conhecer-te, Tallin." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1032 msgid "The honor is mine, sir." msgstr "A honra é toda minha, senhor." # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1037 msgid "" "We have heard much of your intelligence and courage. The number of humans " "over the centuries who have earned the respect and admiration of the " "Northern Elves are extremely few, but let it be known that you are one of " "them." msgstr "" "Temos ouvido falar muito da tua inteligência e coragem. O número de humanos " "ao longo dos séculos que conquistaram o respeito e a admiração dos elfos do " "norte é muito pequeno, mas que seja sabido que és um deles." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1042 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1134 msgid "" "I am honored, sir, and I hope that I will live up to the trust that the " "Northern Elves have bestowed upon me." msgstr "" "Sinto-me honrado, senhor, e espero viver à altura da confiança que os elfos " "do norte depositaram em mim." # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1047 msgid "I am sure you will, Tallin. The trust of the elves is seldom misplaced." msgstr "" "Tenho a certeza que irás, Tallin. A confiança dos elfos raramente é " "equivocada." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1052 #, fuzzy #| msgid "If you guys are quite finished exchanging pleasantries..." msgid "If you lot are quite finished exchanging pleasantries..." msgstr "Se tiverem terminado a troca de gentilezas ..." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1062 msgid "" "... the road ahead is clear and I am eager to blast some more orcs. Shall we " "proceed?" msgstr "" "... o caminho esta limpo e estou ansioso por explodir mais alguns orcs. " "Devemos continuar?" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1067 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Let’s get to it, then." msgid "Yeah, let’s get on with it!" msgstr "Então vamos lá." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1072 msgid "Right. Onward, men!" msgstr "Certo. Em frente!" # #. [unit]: type=Elvish Avenger, id=Sisal, gender=female #. [side]: type=Elvish Avenger, gender=female, id=Sisal #. [modify_side] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1092 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:141 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:449 msgid "Sisal" msgstr "Sisal" # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1109 msgid "" "Your Highness! We have finally found you! Thank the Bright Gods you are " "free! Your father had originally sent us to rescue you." msgstr "" "Princesa! Finalmente encontramos-te! Graças aos Deuses está livre! Fora o " "seu pai que nos enviou em primeiro para a salvar." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1114 msgid "" "Yes, or so I have heard. You honor me, but this brave man reached the mark " "before you." msgstr "" "Sim, ou assim ouvi. Honras-me, mas este homem corajoso atingiu o objetivo " "antes de ti." # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1119 msgid "You must be the famous Tallin." msgstr "Deves ser o famoso Tallin." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1124 msgid "At your service." msgstr "Ao seu dispor." # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1129 msgid "" "We have heard much of your intelligence and courage. The number of humans " "over the centuries who have earned the respect and admiration of the " "Northern Elves are extremely few, but you are one of them." msgstr "" "Temos ouvido falar muito da tua inteligência e coragem. O número de humanos " "ao longo dos séculos que conquistaram o respeito e a admiração dos elfos do " "norte é muito pequeno, mas saiba que és um deles." # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1139 msgid "" "I am sure you will, Tallin. The trust of the elves is seldom misplaced. Also " "know that the Northern Enclaves will always be open to you." msgstr "" "Tenho a certeza que irás, Tallin. A confiança dos elfos raramente é " "equivocada. Também saibas que as enclaves do norte estarão sempre abertos " "para ti." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1144 msgid "Thank you, sir." msgstr "Obrigado, senhor." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1149 msgid "What is the status of our troops, Hidel?" msgstr "Qual é o estado das nossas tropas, Hidel?" # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1154 msgid "" "They are all here, my lady! Hand picked by your father — the finest and " "bravest elvish troops in the entire Northlands." msgstr "" "Estão todos aqui, princesa! Escolhidos a dedo pelo seu pai — as melhores " "tropas dos mais bravos elfos das inteiras Terras do Norte." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1159 msgid "" "Excellent! We shall assist Tallin to the fullest in crushing the orcish " "host. Not only are we in debt to him but by doing so we will be serving our " "cause as well as we serve his." msgstr "" "Excelente! Vamos ajudar Tallin ao máximo para esmagar o anfitrião orc. Não " "só estamos em dívida com ele, mas ao fazê-lo estaremos a servir a nossa " "causa, assim como servimos a dele." #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1164 msgid "As you wish, my lady." msgstr "Como queira, minha senhora." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg:1169 msgid "Very well, people. The road ahead is clear, onward to victory!" msgstr "Muito bem, pessoal. O caminho à frente está limpo, à vitória!" # #. [scenario]: id=11a_The_Eastern_Flank #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:7 msgid "The Eastern Flank" msgstr "O Flanco Oriental" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:20 msgid "" "After breaking out of their encirclement, the party continued in pursuit of " "the trolls." msgstr "Após sair do seu cerco, o grupo continuou em busca dos trogloditas." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:24 msgid "" "Following the bank of a river, they soon entered a valley. At the mouth of " "the valley there loomed the massive orcish fortress of Angthurim." msgstr "" "Seguindo a margem de um rio, em breve entraram num vale. Na entrada deste, " "erguia-se a enorme fortaleza dos orcs Angthurim." # #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Gore #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:56 msgid "Gore" msgstr "Gore" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Carron #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:82 msgid "Carron" msgstr "Carron" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Rash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:98 msgid "Rash" msgstr "Rash" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Al'Mar #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:114 msgid "Al’Mar" msgstr "Al’Mar" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ha'Tang #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:130 msgid "Ha’Tang" msgstr "Ha’Tang" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:272 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Gods of Light! Look at that fortress. The castle Angthurim is even " #| "grimmer than its reputation." msgid "" "Gods of Light, look at that fortress! The castle Angthurim is even grimmer " "than its reputation!" msgstr "" "Deuses da Luz! Olhem para aquela fortaleza. O castelo de Angthurim é ainda " "pior do que a sua reputação." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:283 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I was not idle in my captivity; I watched, and listened, and learned. The " #| "hints I got from my guards’ boastings and foul jests have been confirmed " #| "by our scouts; Angthurim is the linchpin of their entire eastern flank. " #| "If we could reduce it, their defense would be near to collapse." msgid "" "I was not idle in my captivity; I watched, and listened, and learned. The " "hints I got from my guards’ boastings and foul jests have been confirmed by " "our scouts; Angthurim is the linchpin of their entire eastern flank. If we " "could take it, their defense would be near to collapse." msgstr "" "Não estive ociosa no meu cativeiro; Vi, ouvi e aprendi. As dicas que " "consegui dos meus guardas e gracejos desagradáveis foram confirmadas pelos " "nossos batedores; Angthurim é o eixo de todo o seu flanco oriental. Se " "pudéssemos reduzi-lo, a sua defesa estaria perto de entrar em colapso." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:298 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Fitting. My gryphons tell me Angthurim is the keystone of their entire " #| "eastern flank. If we can reduce it their defense will be near to collapse." msgid "" "Fitting. My gryphons tell me Angthurim is the keystone of their entire " "eastern flank. If we can destroy it their defense will be near to collapse." msgstr "" "Adequado. Os meus grifos contam-me que Angthurim é a chave de todo o flanco " "leste deles. Se pudermos reduzi-lo, as defesas deles estarão perto do " "colapso." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:305 msgid "Hey, look who is here!" msgstr "Olham quem está aqui!" # #. [message]: speaker=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:311 msgid "Where is my gold?!" msgstr "Onde está o meu ouro?!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:316 msgid "It’s Rakshas!" msgstr "É Rakshas!" # #. [message]: speaker=Gore #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:321 msgid "Right here, Master." msgstr "Estão mesmo aqui, chefe." # #. [message]: speaker=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:326 msgid "" "Ahhhhh, very good, my loyal servant. You will be richly rewarded for this! " "Tell me, what news do you have on that human vermin that has so persistently " "evaded my clutches?" msgstr "" "Ah, muito bom, meu servo leal. Será muito bem recompensado por isto! Conta-" "me, que notícias tens daquele verme humano que tão persistentemente tem " "evadido as minhas garras?" # #. [message]: speaker=Gore #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:331 msgid "" "We trapped him and his pitiful band of followers. By now they will have been " "mashed to paste and fed to the whelps." msgstr "" "Prendemos-o e o seu lamentável grupo de seguidores. Neste momento já terão " "sido amassados para virar pasta e usados de alimento para as crias." # #. [message]: speaker=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:336 msgid "Hahahaha! Very g—" msgstr "Hahahaha! Muito b—" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:341 msgid "RAKSHAS!!" msgstr "RAKSHAS!!" # #. [message]: speaker=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:346 msgid "" "What?! YOU! YOU ANNOYING, DISGUSTING LITTLE VERMIN! DON’T YOU KNOW HOW TO " "DIE?!" msgstr "" "O quê? SEU! SEU VERME CHATO, NOJENTO E PEQUENO! NÃO SABES COMO MORRER?!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:351 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Foul one, the only one who will be dying here is you and anyone who comes " #| "between us. Stand and fight!" msgid "Foul one, the only one who will be dying here is you. Stand and fight!" msgstr "" "Um idiota, o único que vai morrer aqui serás tu e qualquer um que estiver " "entre nós. Levantam-se e lutam!" #. [message]: speaker=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:356 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Bah! I have better things to do than stamp out your insignificant life. " #| "Generals, kill him and bring me his head!" msgid "" "Bah! I have better things to do than stamp out your insignificant life. " "Generals, bring me his head!" msgstr "" "Pá! Tenho coisas melhores para fazer do que acabar com a tua vida " "insignificante. Generais, matam-no e tragam-me a sua cabeça!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:393 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Blast it! The coward has fled. Eryssa, your elves are good at moving " #| "quickly through the forests. Do you think they can overtake and pin him " #| "down while we deal with this fortress?" msgid "" "Blast it! The coward has fled. Eryssa, your elves are good at moving quickly " "through the forests. Do you think they can overtake him while we deal with " "this fortress?" msgstr "" "Maldição! O covarde fugiu. Eryssa, os teus elfos são bons em mover-se " "rapidamente através das florestas. Pensas que podem ultrapassar-o e capturar-" "o, enquanto lidamos com esta fortaleza?" # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:398 msgid "Hidel?" msgstr "Hidel?" # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:403 msgid "" "Easily, Your Highness. We shall move unseen through the trees, overtake him, " "and put an end to his flight." msgstr "" "Facilmente, princesa. Vamos mover-nos invisíveis através das árvores, " "ultrapassar-o, e colocar um fim ao seu escape." # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:408 msgid "" "Then do it. I shall stay with Tallin and... um... because he could use my " "assistance." msgstr "" "Então façam. Vou ficar com Tallin e ... hum ... porque poderia precisar da " "minha ajuda." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:413 msgid "(Blushes slightly)" msgstr "(Cora um pouco)" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:418 msgid "(Wink wink)" msgstr "(Piscadela)" # #. [message]: speaker=Hidel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:423 msgid "(Raises eyebrow) Very well, my lady." msgstr "(Levanta uma sobrancelha) Muito bem, minha senhora." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:455 msgid "" "Blast it. The coward has fled. Quickly men, we must storm this fortress " "before he can spend that gold." msgstr "" "Maldição. O covarde fugiu. Apressam-se homens, devemos invadir a fortaleza " "antes que ele possa gastar todo o ouro." # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:461 msgid "Aye! Down wi’ the orcs!" msgstr "Sim! Derrubamos os orcs!" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:468 msgid "Ro’Arthian, send a message to Hamel. Tell him it’s time." msgstr "Ro'Arthian, envia uma mensagem para Hamel. Diga-lhe que está na hora." # #. [message]: speaker=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:492 msgid "It’s done." msgstr "Está feito." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:497 msgid "Very well. Forward! Victory or death!" msgstr "Muito bem. Em frente! Vitória ou morte!" # #. [message]: speaker=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:502 msgid "Come on boys, let’s give it to ’em!" msgstr "Vamos rapazes, vamos dar-lhes!" # #. [message]: speaker=Gore #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:511 msgid "Move, you stupid orcs! I am trying to recruit here!" msgstr "Movam-se, seus orcs estúpidos! Estou a tentar recrutar daqui!" # #. [message]: speaker=Rash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:516 msgid "Suit yourself, you dumb troll!" msgstr "Sirva-te a ti mesmo, troglodita oco!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:521 msgid "" "Awww, aren’t they the most loving, sharing bunch of orcs you have ever seen?" msgstr "Ai, não serão o mais amoroso grupo de orcs que jamais viste?" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:536 msgid "We have torn the heart from their eastern defenses." msgstr "Despedaçamos o coração das suas defesas orientais." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:546 msgid "" "Now let us make haste to rescue Hidel. I am uneasy for him; some of those " "bodyguards Rakshas keeps are fell fighters." msgstr "" "Agora vamos apressar-nos para resgatar Hidel. Estou preocupado com ele, " "algumas das fortalezas guarda-costas de Rakshas possuem lutadores terríveis." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/11a_The_Eastern_Flank.cfg:557 msgid "Now to settle scores with Rakshas once and for all!" msgstr "Agora, acertamos as contas com Rakshas de uma vez por todas!" # #. [scenario]: id=12a_Get_the_Gold #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:12 msgid "Get the Gold" msgstr "Apanhar o Ouro" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:26 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "After reducing Castle Angthurim, the party set off after Rakshas, hoping " #| "that Hidel’s elves had been able to hold him." msgid "" "After conquering Castle Angthurim, the party set off after Rakshas, hoping " "that Hidel’s elves had been able to hold him." msgstr "" "Após reduzir Castelo Angthurim às cinzas, o grupo partiu atrás de Rakshas, " "esperando que os elfos de Hidel tivessem sido capazes de segurá-lo." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:30 msgid "" "Orcs are heavy-footed creatures; Rakshas’s trail was readily followed. But " "an ominous silence, broken only by the cawing of ravens, brooded over the " "road he had taken." msgstr "" "Orcs são criaturas de pisada forte; a trilha de Rakshas fora prontamente " "seguida. Mas um silêncio sinistro, quebrado apenas pelo grasnar dos corvos, " "meditou sobre o caminho que havia tomado." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:33 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Soon they encountered the wrack of a great battle. Bodies of elves and " #| "orcs lay everywhere. Broken weapons and smashed armor were strewn about " #| "in profusion. Elvish arrows and orcish crossbow bolts bristled from the " #| "nearby trees. The ground was splotched red with blood." msgid "" "Soon they encountered the wrack of a great battle. Bodies of elves and orcs " "lay everywhere. Broken weapons and smashed armor were strewn about and " "elvish arrows and orcish bolts bristled from the nearby trees. The ground " "was red with blood." msgstr "" "Em breve encontraram os destroços de uma grande batalha. Os corpos de elfos " "e orcs estavam por toda a parte. Armas quebradas e armaduras esmagadas " "estavam espalhadas em profusão. Flechas elfas e dardos de bestas orcs " "estavam presos nas árvores próximas. O chão estava manchado de vermelho com " "sangue." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:36 msgid "" "There were some survivors. Father Morvin oversaw their healing, while Tallin " "followed Eryssa as she anxiously walked among the dead." msgstr "" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:39 msgid "Suddenly, Eryssa cried out. In front of her lay Hidel." msgstr "" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:42 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Scattered around Hidel were the bodies of at least three orcish warlords, " #| "and nearly a score of grunts, warriors and crossbowmen. His weapons were " #| "notched and broken; his armor dented and smashed. It was clear to all " #| "that his fall had been an epic of valor and glory, worthy to be " #| "remembered in the songs of all the kindred races until the end of days." msgid "" "Scattered around him were the bodies of at least three orcish warlords, and " "nearly a score of grunts, warriors and crossbowmen. His weapons were notched " "and broken; his armor dented and smashed. It was clear that his fall had " "been a battle of valor and glory, worthy to be remembered in the songs of " "all the kindred races until the end of days." msgstr "" "Espalhados em volta de Hidel estavam os corpos de pelo menos três chefes " "militares orcs, e quase uma vintena de soldados, guerreiros e arqueiros. As " "suas armas estavam entalhadas e quebradas; a sua armadura amassada e " "quebrada. Saltava à vista a todos que a sua batalha tinha sido um momento " "épico de bravura e glória, digno de ser relembrado nas canções de todas as " "raças afins, até o fim dos dias." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:46 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "With tears streaming down her face, Eryssa approached the fallen hero and " #| "cradled his head in her lap. As she stroked his face, his eyes fluttered " #| "open." msgid "" "With tears streaming down her face, Eryssa knelt and cradled his head in her " "lap. As she stroked his face, his eyes fluttered open." msgstr "" "Com as lágrimas a escorrer pelo rosto, Eryssa aproximou-se do herói caído e " "embalou a cabeça no seu colo. Quando acariciou o seu rosto, os seus olhos " "abriram-se." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:49 msgid "" "I am sorry, my lady... We held him for... as long as we could... but his " "bodyguards... were... just too many and powerful... And then... the " "orcish... reinforcements arrived..." msgstr "" "Sinto muito, princesa... Seguramos-o... enquanto pudemos... mas os seus " "guarda-costas... foram... simplesmente... demasiado poderosos... E então... " "os reforços orcs... chegaram..." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:52 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Her face streaked with tears, Eryssa gazed imploringly at Father Morvin " #| "and Sister Thera. They simply sighed and shook their heads. It was too " #| "late to save Hidel. In a broken voice Eryssa addressed him:" msgid "" "Her face streaked with tears, Eryssa gazed imploringly at Father Morvin and " "Sister Thera. They sighed and shook their heads. In a broken voice Eryssa " "addressed him:" msgstr "" "Com o seu rosto manchado de lágrimas, Eryssa olhou suplicante para o padre " "Morvin e a irmã Thera. Estes simplesmente suspiraram e balançaram a cabeça. " "Era demasiado tarde para salvar Hidel. numa voz quebrada Eryssa dirigiu-se a " "ele:" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:55 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Hidel, I am sorry. I have sent you to your death, and I grieve." msgid "Hidel, I am sorry. I have sent you to your death." msgstr "Hidel, sou eu que sinto muito. Enviei-te à tua morte certa, e lamento." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:57 msgid "" "... Don’t tax yourself... Eryssa... I have died... a warrior’s death... You " "should be proud..." msgstr "" "... Não te culpes... Eryssa... Morri... uma morte de guerreiro... Devias " "estar orgulhoso..." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:59 msgid "" "... But... there is... one thing... we... could do. We... managed to... " "recover the gold... Sisal... took it and... retreated south..." msgstr "" "... Mas... existe... uma coisa... que... poderíamos fazer... Conseguimos... " "recuperar o ouro... Sisal... levou-o e... recuou para o sul..." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:61 msgid "" "I held out as... long as... I could... but they... defeated us... Rakshas " "went... east and the... rest... went... after... Sisal..." msgstr "" "Segurei... o máximo... que aguentei... mas... derrotaram-nos... Rakshas " "foi... para o leste e o... resto... foi ... atrás de... Sisal..." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:63 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Now... uphold the honor... of the Northern... Elves... Recover... the " #| "gold... slay this monster... and bring peace and... prosperity... back to " #| "the... Northlands... Tallin?" msgid "" "Now... uphold the honor... of the Northern... Elves... Recover... the " "gold... slay this monster... and bring peace... to the... Northlands... " "Tallin?" msgstr "" "Agora... defendam a honra... dos elfos... do norte... Recuperam... o ouro... " "matam este monstro... e tragam a paz e... prosperidade... de volta para... " "as terras do Norte... Tallin?" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:66 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "At Hidel’s call Tallin approached and knelt beside Hidel, bowing his head " #| "in respect." msgid "" "At Hidel’s call Tallin approached. He knelt beside, bowing his head in " "respect." msgstr "" "A pedido de Hidel, Tallin aproximou-se e ajoelhou-se ao lado dele, " "inclinando a cabeça em respeito." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:69 msgid "At your service, sir." msgstr "Ao seu dispor, senhor." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:71 msgid "" "Eryssa has been... my charge ever... since she was born... I now return... " "to the earth... from which... I sprang... Please take care... of her." msgstr "" "Eryssa sempre esteve... ao meu encargo... desde que nasceu... Agora " "voltarei... à terra... deonde... saí... por favor, cuide... dela." #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:73 msgid "I will." msgstr "" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:75 msgid "" "Thank you... Tallin... Now I may rest... in... peace... May you... be " "victorious..." msgstr "" "Obrigado... Tallin... Agora posso descansar... em... paz... Que sejas... " "vitorioso..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:78 msgid "Then Hidel closed his eyes and took one last breath." msgstr "" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:82 msgid "" "Slowly Tallin approached her. He hesitated before wrapping her gently in his " "arms." msgstr "" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:86 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Sobbing against Tallin’s chest, Eryssa told him of the many ways Hidel " #| "had cherished and warded her since the hour of her birth. How he had " #| "comforted her childhood hurts; how in later years, he had guided her in " #| "the green paths of the forest, and taught her the deep mysteries of Elven-" #| "kind." msgid "" "Sobbing against Tallin’s chest, Eryssa told him of the many ways Hidel had " "cherished and warded her and her sister. How he had comforted their " "childhood hurts; how in later years, he had guided them in the green paths " "of the forest, and taught them the deep mysteries of elven-kind." msgstr "" "Soluçando ao abraço de Tallin, Eryssa disse-lhe das muitas maneiras como " "Hidel a tinha valorizado e cuidado desde do seu nascimento. Como a havia " "confortado nos seus problemas de infância; em como em anos posteriores, " "guiou-a nos caminhos verdes da floresta, e ensinou-a os mistérios profundos " "da raça elfa." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:89 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "A torrent of childhood memories and the depth of her grief left her " #| "unable to speak. She and Tallin sat together silently holding each-other " #| "for some time." msgid "" "The torrent of childhood memories and the depth of her grief left her unable " "to speak. She and Tallin sat together silently holding each-other for some " "time." msgstr "" "Uma torrente de lembranças da infância e a profundidade da sua dor deixou-a " "incapaz de falar. Ela e Tallin sentaram-se juntos em silêncio abraçados por " "algum tempo." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:92 msgid "" "As Tallin comforted Eryssa, the surviving elves gathered all of the fallen " "warriors, and with the humans’ help, laid them to rest. For Hidel, the " "dwarves raised a monument so that his heroic death would long be remembered. " "Then, they came before Tallin and Eryssa." msgstr "" # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:95 msgid "" "My lady... it is a hard thing, I know, but you must put your grief behind " "you. Or at least, put it aside for a little while. We must go quickly to the " "aid of Sisal and recover our gold." msgstr "" "Princesa ... é um momento difícil, sei, mas deves colocar o teu sofrimento " "atrás de ti. Ou, pelo menos, coloca-o de lado por um tempo. Temos de ir " "rapidamente ao auxílio de Sisal e recuperar o nosso ouro." # #. [story] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:97 msgid "" "Forge your sorrow into rage, girl, and visit it on the slayers of your " "kinsmen. Teach them what happens to those who make an enemy of an elf." msgstr "" "Forja a tua tristeza em raiva, menina, e visita os assassinos dos teus " "parentes. Ensina-lhes o que acontece com aqueles que fazem de um elfo um " "inimigo." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:100 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "At these words, Eryssa arose and wiped away her tears. She took command " #| "of the surviving elvish forces, for all knew she was a princess of high " #| "rank and looked to Hidel’s ward as their leader by right. Scarcely a face " #| "among them was less grim than her own as they took arms and started down " #| "Rakshas’s back-trail." msgid "" "At these words, Eryssa arose and wiped away her tears. She took command of " "the surviving elvish forces, for all knew she was a princess of high rank " "and looked to Hidel’s ward as their leader. Scarcely a face among them was " "less grim than her own as they took arms and started down Rakshas’s trail." msgstr "" "Ao ouvir estas palavras, Eryssa levantou-se e enxugou as suas lágrimas. " "Assumindo o comando das forças elfas sobreviventes por direito da sua alta " "patente e da amizade com Hidel. Dificilmente um rosto entre eles fora menos " "sombrio do que ela própria quando pegaram nas armas e começaram a seguir " "novamente a trilha de Rakshas." # #. [part] #. "espied" is correct here, it's a deliberate archaism #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:105 msgid "" "Moments later a gryphon swooped down from overhead and reported battle in a " "forest just a few leagues south of their position. The remainder of the " "elvish forces had been espied fighting a desperate battle with the orcs." msgstr "" "Momentos depois, um grifo desceu e relatou uma batalha numa floresta a " "apenas algumas milhas ao sul da sua posição. O restante das forças elfas " "foram vistos a lutar uma batalha desesperada com os orcs." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:108 msgid "" "It seemed to the gryphon that the elves were sore beset. The party quickly " "turned south and plunged into the forest." msgstr "" "Parecia ao grifo que os elfos estavam com problemas. O grupo rapidamente " "virou-se para o sul e mergulhou na floresta." # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ha'Tuil #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:187 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:110 msgid "Ha’Tuil" msgstr "Ha’Tuil" # #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:424 msgid "Defeat the orcs" msgstr "Derrota os orcs" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:443 msgid "You will not receive any gold if Sisal dies." msgstr "Não irás receber qualquer ouro se Sisal morrer." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:459 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "After making haste through the forest for most of a watch, the party " #| "arrived at the battle scene." msgid "" "After several hours of hard travel the party arrived at the battle scene." msgstr "" "Após andar apressadamente pela floresta por um longo tempo, o grupo chegou à " "cena de batalha." # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:464 msgid "Sisal, how do you fare?" msgstr "Sisal, como estás?" # #. [message]: id=Sisal #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:469 msgid "Your Highness! You are here! How fares Hidel?" msgstr "Princesa! Está aqui! Como está Hidel?" # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:474 msgid "(Sheds a tear)" msgstr "(Limpa uma lágrima)" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:479 msgid "Hidel... died a hero’s death, one worthy to be sung forever." msgstr "" "Hidel ... morreu como um herói, alguém digno de ser cantado para sempre." # #. [message]: id=Sisal #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:484 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The dung-spawned bastards! Verily, Tallin, had it not been for Hidel we " #| "would all be dead and Rakshas would be gleefully counting his gold." msgid "" "The dung-spawned bastards! Verily, had it not been for Hidel we would all be " "dead and Rakshas would be gleefully counting his gold." msgstr "" "Os bastardos nascidos em esterco! Na verdade, Tallin, se não tivesse sido " "por Hidel estaríamos todos mortos e Rakshas estaria alegremente a contar o " "seu ouro." # #. [message]: id=Sisal #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:489 msgid "" "Hidel and a handful of elves held off the orcs for more than an hour. That " "was enough time for us to make off with the gold and rally here at these " "ruins." msgstr "" "Hidel e um punhado de elfos seguraram os orcs por mais de uma hora. Fora o " "tempo suficiente para que pudemos fugir com o ouro e reuníssemos-nos nestas " "ruínas." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:494 msgid "So you have the gold?" msgstr "Então já tens o ouro?" # #. [message]: id=Sisal #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:499 msgid "" "We have the gold, and now we shall have the blood of these orcs! IN HIDEL’S " "NAME!" msgstr "" "Temos o ouro, e agora vamos ter o sangue destes orcs! EM NOME DE HIDEL!" # #. [message]: id=Ha'Tuil #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:505 msgid "" "Grrr, Ha’Tuil has never failed in his mission. I will soon lay your severed " "heads at the feet of the Master!" msgstr "" "Grrr, Ha'Tuil nunca falhou na sua missão. Em breve vou colocar as vossas " "cabeças decapitadas aos pés do Mestre!" # #. [message]: id=Sisal #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:510 msgid "" "You will eat cold steel and whimper your way to hell, foul wretch of an orc!" msgstr "" "Vais comer aço frio e choramingar pelo teu caminho miserável para o inferno, " "orc desgraçado!" # #. [message]: id=Ha'Tuil #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:523 msgid "Argh! I have failed!" msgstr "Argh! Falhei!" # #. [message]: id=Sisal #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:528 msgid "" "Cheer up — you won’t have to live with your failure for long... (Snicker)" msgstr "" "Anima-te — não terás de viver com o teu fracasso por muito tempo... " "(Risada)" # #. [message]: id=Sisal #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:543 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1079 msgid "Ahhhh! Farewell, friends. I now go to join Hidel." msgstr "Ai! Adeus, amigos. Vou agora juntar-me com Hidel." # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:548 msgid "Sisal! Noooo!" msgstr "Sisal! Nãooo!" # #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:553 msgid "Haha! We got the gold now!" msgstr "Haha! Agora já temos o ouro!" # #. [message]: id=Ha'Tuil #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:558 msgid "" "Hahaha! Mission accomplished! I’ll send a wolf to the Master to deliver the " "gold. Now let’s crush the rest of this scum!" msgstr "" "Hahaha! Missão cumprida! Vou mandar um lobo ao mestre para oferecer o ouro. " "Agora esmagaremos o resto desta escória!" # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:570 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I don’t think so, you bastard orcs! That gold belongs to us. Besides, we " #| "now have a few scores to settle with you. Take them, troops — I want no " #| "orc left alive!" msgid "" "I don’t think so, you bastard orcs! That gold belongs to us. Besides, we now " "have a few scores to settle with you. Take them, troops! I want no orc left " "alive!" msgstr "" "Penso que não, orcs bastardos! Aquele ouro pertence-nos. Além do mais, agora " "temos alguns assuntos para resolver convosco. Apanham-os, tropas — Não quero " "nenhum orc vivo!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:584 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Thanks to Hidel and the elves, we have recovered our gold. Now let’s run " #| "down Rakshas and settle up with him once and for all." msgid "" "Thanks to Hidel and the elves, we have recovered our gold. Now let’s run " "down Rakshas and end this once and for all." msgstr "" "Graças a Hidel e os elfos, recuperamos o nosso ouro. Agora vamos atropelar " "Rakshas e acertar as contas com ele uma vez por todas." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg:590 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Hidel’s death was a grievous loss; our thirst for vengeance must do what " #| "the stolen gold cannot. Now let’s run down Rakshas and settle up with him " #| "once and for all." msgid "" "Hidel’s death was a grievous loss; our thirst for vengeance must do what the " "stolen gold cannot. Now let’s run down Rakshas and settle this once and for " "all." msgstr "" "A morte de Hidel fora uma perda dolorosa, a nossa sede de vingança deve " "fazer o que o ouro roubado não pode. Agora vamos atropelar Rakshas e acertar " "as contas com ele uma vez por todas." # #. [scenario]: id=13a_Showdown #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:10 msgid "Showdown" msgstr "Revelação" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:28 msgid "" "The party once again took up Rakshas’s trail. They soon received a report " "from a scouting gryphon that in an enormous fortress a few leagues west from " "them, Rakshas was assembling a massive orcish force, clearly intending to " "crush their revolt once and for all." msgstr "" "O grupo encontrou mais uma vez o rastro de Rakshas. Recebendo um relatório " "de um grifo batedor que numa fortaleza enorme a algumas milhas a oeste " "deles, Rakshas estava a reunir uma enorme força de orcs, claramente com a " "intenção de esmagar a revolta de uma vez por todas." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:31 msgid "" "The gryphon further reported that a few more leagues west was a large force " "of dwarvish veterans, advancing steadily on the orcish fortress." msgstr "" "O grifo informou ainda que havia a algumas milhas a oeste uma grande força " "de anões veteranos, a avançar constantemente sobre a fortaleza dos orcs." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:34 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Battle plans were quickly made; the party split into three groups. Two of " #| "the groups immediately set off northwest and southwest respectively while " #| "the third group rested for an hour and then set off directly west." msgid "" "Battle plans were quickly made; the party split into three groups. Two of " "the groups immediately set off northwest and southwest respectively while " "the third group rested for an hour and then set off west." msgstr "" "Os planos de batalha foram rapidamente preparados, o grupo dividido em três. " "Dois dos grupos imediatamente partiram para noroeste e sudoeste, " "respectivamente, enquanto o terceiro grupo descansou por uma hora e, em " "seguida, partiu directamente para o oeste." # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:37 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The idea was to completely surround Rakshas on all sides, cutting off any " #| "chance of escape or reinforcements." msgid "" "The idea was to completely surround Rakshas, cutting off any chance of " "escape or reinforcements." msgstr "" "A ideia era circunscrever Rakshas completamente por todos os lados, " "eliminando qualquer possibilidade de fuga ou reforços." # #. [side]: type=Lieutenant, id=Tallin #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:46 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:23 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/characters.cfg:6 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg:152 msgid "Tallin" msgstr "Tallin" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ar'Muff #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:155 msgid "Ar’Muff" msgstr "Ar’Muff" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Calter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:200 msgid "Calter" msgstr "Calter" # #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Halter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:245 msgid "Halter" msgstr "Halter" # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:620 msgid "" "The group that went to the north was led by Krash and his drake friends." msgstr "" "O grupo que fora para o norte foi liderado por Crash e os seus amigos dragos." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:640 msgid "" "The group that went to the north was led by Ro’Arthian and was composed of " "trolls, ogres and some selected mages." msgstr "" "O grupo que fora para o norte foi liderado por Ro'Arthian e era composto de " "trogloditas, ogres e alguns magos selecionados a dedo." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:678 msgid "" "Eryssa and the remaining elves, eager to avenge Hidel, went south, while " "Tallin himself led the western group." msgstr "" "Eryssa e os elfos remanescentes, ansiosos por vingar Hidel, foram para o " "sul, enquanto o próprio Tallin liderou o grupo ocidental." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:715 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Eryssa and the remaining elves, eager to avenge Hidel, went south, while " #| "Tallin himself led the western group." msgid "" "Sisal and the remaining elves, eager to avenge Hidel and Eryssa, went south, " "while Tallin himself led the western group." msgstr "" "Eryssa e os elfos remanescentes, ansiosos por vingar Hidel, foram para o " "sul, enquanto o próprio Tallin liderou o grupo ocidental." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:736 msgid "" "Ro’Arthian’s brother, Ro’Sothian, went south with another crew of trolls, " "ogres and mages. Tallin himself led the western group." msgstr "" "O irmão de Ro'Arthian, Ro'Sothian foi para o sul com outro grupo de " "trogloditas, ogres e magos. O próprio Tallin liderou o grupo ocidental." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:787 msgid "A few short hours later all the groups converged on the fortress." msgstr "Algumas horas mais tarde todos os grupos convergiram na fortaleza." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:825 msgid "" "Rakshas! You have evaded me for the last time. Now come out and die like a " "man!" msgstr "" "Rakshas! Escapaste-nos pela última vez. Agora saia e morra como um valente!" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:830 msgid "What the...? How did he get here?" msgstr "Mas o que ...? Como chegou aqui?" # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:839 msgid "" "We have crushed and scattered your entire eastern flank, and now it’s your " "turn!" msgstr "Esmagamos e destruímos todo o teu flanco leste, e agora é a tua vez!" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:843 msgid "" "You slimy little elf! So you have joined hands with these humans, have you? " "Very well, both of you shall soon be dead!" msgstr "" "Pequeno elfo viscoso! Então, já te juntaste com estes humanos, não? Muito " "bem, ambos devem em breve estar mortos!" # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:847 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Good luck, you monster. You are cut off and surrounded. We shall kill you " #| "and feed your carcass to the vultures and wild beasts." msgid "" "Good luck, you monster. You are cut off and surrounded. We shall kill you " "and feed your carcass to the vultures!" msgstr "" "Boa sorte, monstro. Estás acabado e cercado. Vamos matar-te e dar a tua " "carcaça para os abutres e animais selvagens." # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:851 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Hahahahah! You fools, do you not see that you are right in the heart of " #| "orcish territory, surrounded yourselves! Why, at this very moment my " #| "entire western army is marching this way. They will soon be here and will " #| "scatter your forces like straw!" msgid "" "Hahahahah! You fools, do you not see that you are in the heart of orcish " "territory? You’ve surrounded yourselves! Why, at this very moment my entire " "western army is marching this way. They will soon be here and will scatter " "your forces like chaff!" msgstr "" "Hahahahah! Idiotas, não veem que estão bem no coração do território dos " "orcs, cercaram-se a vos próprios! Porque, neste momento todo o meu exército " "ocidental está a marchar nesta direção. Em breve estarão aqui e irão " "destruir as vossas forças como insectos!" # #. [message]: id=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:857 msgid "" "We have crushed and scattered your entire eastern flank, buddy, and now it’s " "your turn!" msgstr "" "Esmagamos e destruímos todo o teu flanco leste, amigo, e agora é a tua vez!" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:861 msgid "" "Argh, you frustrating little vermin! I am going to pluck your eyeballs out " "and..." msgstr "Arre, vermes frustrantes! Vou arrancar os vossos olhos fora e..." # #. [message]: id=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:865 msgid "We don’t have any eyeballs, you idiot!" msgstr "Não temos olhos, idiota!" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:870 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "PAH! You fools, know that you shall soon be outnumbered and surrounded. " #| "At this very moment my entire western army is marching this way. They " #| "will soon be here and will scatter your puny forces like straw!" msgid "" "PAH! You fools, know that you shall soon be outnumbered and surrounded. At " "this very moment my entire western army is marching this way. They will soon " "be here and will scatter your puny forces!" msgstr "" "PÁ! Idiotas, saibam que devem em breve estar em menor número e cercados. " "Neste exacto momento, toda a minha tropa ocidental está a marchar nesta " "direção. Em breve estarão aqui e irão destruir as vossas forças " "insignificantes, como insectos!" # #. [message]: id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:924 msgid "Will they, now?" msgstr "Irão, agora?" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:928 msgid "What?!" msgstr "O quê?!" # #. [message]: id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:932 msgid "" "Your western army has been slaughtered, Rakshas, and you will soon " "join them!" msgstr "" "O teu exército ocidental foi abatido, Rakshas, e serás tu que em " "breve irás juntar-te a eles!" # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:936 msgid "But... but... how can this be?" msgstr "Mas... mas... como pode isto ser?" # #. [message]: id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:940 msgid "It’s called ‘The End’, foul orc. Forward! FOR KNALGA!!" msgstr "A isto é chamado de “O Fim”, orc imundo. Em frente! POR KNLGA!" # #. [message]: id=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:944 msgid "FOR FRIENDSHIP!!" msgstr "PELA AMIZADE!" # #. [message]: id=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:948 msgid "FOR PEACE!!" msgstr "PELA PAZ!!" # #. [message]: id=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:953 msgid "FOR FUN!" msgstr "PELA DIVERSÃO!" # #. [message]: id=Eryssa,Sisal #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:957 msgid "FOR HIDEL!!" msgstr "POR HIDEL!!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:961 msgid "FOR DWARVEN DOORS!!" msgstr "PELOS PORTÕES DOS ANÕES!!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:965 msgid "FOR THE FREE PEOPLES OF THE NORTH! FALL ON THEM, MEN!!" msgstr "PELOS POVOS LIVRES DO NORTE! À ELES, HOMENS!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:974 msgid "Sweet gods, look at all those orcs pouring out of that fortress." msgstr "Meu Deus, vejam para todos aqueles orcs a sair daquela fortaleza." # #. [message]: id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:978 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Aye, and not just any orcs either, those are all hardened veterans!" msgid "Aye, and not just grunts either, those are all hardened veterans!" msgstr "Sim, e não apenas orcs quaisquer, são todos os veteranos endurecidos!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:982 msgid "" "Yeah. Obviously this is going to take some time. If necessary we can sit " "tight in our fortifications and besiege them until they starve!" msgstr "" "Sim. Obviamente, vai levar algum tempo. Se necessário, podemos sentarmos " "firmemente nas nossas fortificações e sitiar-os até que morram de fome!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:994 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Die, you murderous beast! No longer shall you terrorize the people of the " #| "North." msgid "" "Die, you murderous beast! No longer shall you terrorize the people of the " "North!" msgstr "Morra, besta assassina! Não mais aterrorizarás o povo do Norte." # #. [message]: id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:998 msgid "Learn the fate of one who offends the Dwarves of Knalga." msgstr "Aprendam o destino de quem ofende os Anões de Gnalga." # #. [message]: id=Eryssa,Sisal,Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1003 msgid "Or the elves of the Northern Forests." msgstr "Os os elfos da floresta do norte." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1007 msgid "Or the humans of Dwarven Doors." msgstr "Os os humanos dos Portões dos Anões." # #. [message]: id=Rakshas #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1011 msgid "(Gurgle) No...! This... cannot... be... happening... to... me..." msgstr "" "(Murmúrio) Não...! Isto ... não pode ... estar ... a acontecer... " "comigo ..." # #. [message]: id=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1015 msgid "Such were the last words of Rakshas the great!" msgstr "Estas foram as últimas palavras de Rakshas, o Grande!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1028 msgid "" "At last! Rakshas has been slain, and the orcish host has been crushed. Peace " "and prosperity will come to the Northlands once again!" msgstr "" "Finalmente! Rakshas foi morto, e o anfitrião dos orcs foi esmagado. Paz e " "prosperidade virão para as Terras do Norte mais uma vez!" # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1032 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "At these words all the allied forces gave out a combined and thunderous " #| "cheer. Their long ordeal was finally over." msgid "" "At these words all the allied forces gave out a combined and thunderous " "cheer. The war was finally over." msgstr "" "Com estas palavras, todas as forças aliadas deram um grito combinado e " "estrondoso. O seu longo calvário finalmente tinha acabado." # #. [message]: id=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1037 #, fuzzy #| msgid "(Small voice lost in the uproar) Awww, is it over already?" msgid "(Small voice lost in the uproar) Awww, is it done already?" msgstr "( Com uma pequena voz perdida no tumulto) Ah, já acabou?" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1041 msgid "" "Father Morvin and his wife saw to the wounded as the rest set about " "preparing a victory feast." msgstr "" # #. [message]: id=Hamel #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1058 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:494 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:506 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:530 msgid "Argh!" msgstr "Argh!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1062 msgid "" "Hamel! Blast it, without the dwarves to hold the western flank we are as " "good as defeated." msgstr "" "Hamel! Maldição, sem os anões para defender o flanco ocidental podemos " "considerar-nos derrotados." # #. [message]: id=Eryssa,Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/13a_Showdown.cfg:1083 msgid "Sisal! Noooo! Not you too!" msgstr "Sisal! Nããoo! Não tu também!" # #. [scenario]: id=14a_Epilogue #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:6 msgid "Epilogue" msgstr "Epílogo" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:16 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The dead and wounded having been cared for, and after the party had wound " #| "down, everyone gathered in the conquered castle to decide on their course " #| "of action." msgid "" "After the feast had wound down, everyone gathered in the conquered castle to " "decide on their course of action." msgstr "" "Os mortos e feridos foram tratados, e após a festa se tinha acalmado, todos " "reuniram-se no castelo conquistado para decidir sobre o seu curso de ação." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:77 msgid "" "So, Rakshas has been defeated and all the armies that he had gathered have " "been crushed. This relieves a blight on our land — but if we do not address " "the causes of the blight, we could be in for trouble later." msgstr "" "Então, Rakshas fora derrotado e todos os exércitos que tinha reunido foram " "esmagados. Isto alivia uma praga na nossa terra — mas se não resolvermos as " "causas da praga, poderíamos ter problemas mais tarde." # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:81 msgid "How is that, Tallin?" msgstr "Como assim, Tallin?" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:85 msgid "" "Rakshas was but a symptom. The ill is the nature of the orcs themselves." msgstr "Rakshas era apenas um sintoma. A doença é a natureza dos orcs em si." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:89 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The orcs are exceedingly numerous and warlike. While they squabble among " #| "themselves, their warlike nature turns upon itself and they are no " #| "threat; but when a strong warlord like Rakshas arises among them, their " #| "battle-lust becomes a plague upon their neighbors." msgid "" "The orcs are exceedingly numerous and warlike. While they squabble among " "themselves, their warlike nature turns upon itself, and they are no threat; " "but when a strong warlord like Rakshas arises among them, their battle-lust " "becomes a plague upon their neighbors." msgstr "" "Os orcs são extremamente numerosos e guerreiros. Enquanto brigam entre si, a " "sua natureza guerreira vira-se sobre si mesma e não são uma ameaça, mas " "quando um guerreiro forte e astuto como Rakshas surgir entre eles, a sua " "batalha de luxúria torna-se numa praga sobre os seus vizinhos." # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:98 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:104 msgid "" "Our challenge is to ensure that the orcs do not unite under one strong, " "warlike leader in the future." msgstr "" "O nosso desafio é garantir que os orcs não se unem sob um novo líder " "guerreiro no futuro." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:110 msgid "Exactly." msgstr "Exactamente." # #. [message]: id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:114 msgid "" "Aye. And we dinna’ just want to keep the orcs from ruling the Northlands; we " "want to make the Northlands a safe place for all the kindred races to trade, " "travel and live in peace. We must also ensure that no isolated bands of " "orcs, trolls, ogres or any other creatures will be roving around preying on " "innocent people." msgstr "" "Sim. E não só queremos impedir os orcs de governar as Terras do Norte; " "queremos fazer das Terras do Norte um lugar seguro para todas as raças " "poderem comerciar, viajar e viver em paz. Devemos também assegurar que " "nenhum grupo isolado de orcs, trogloditas, ogres ou quaisquer outras " "criaturas a andar por aí a caçar as populações inocentes." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:118 msgid "A worthy and difficult task. Does anybody have any ideas?" msgstr "Uma tarefa digna e difícil. Alguém tem alguma ideia?" # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:122 msgid "I do have a suggestion." msgstr "Eu tenho uma sugestão." # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:126 msgid "" "The orcs are too hardy and fast-breeding to be exterminated, even if we " "could bring ourselves to stomach an attempt at slaughtering them all. " "Therefore, we must find a way to make them part of our solution." msgstr "" "Os orcs são demasiados resistentes e de rápida criação para serem " "exterminados, mesmo se pudéssemos encontrar uma tentativa de abater a todos " "eles. Portanto, temos de encontrar uma maneira de torná-los parte da nossa " "solução." # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:130 msgid "" "I propose the creation of a neutral council of warders, composed of humans, " "dwarves, elves, drakes, trolls or anyone else who wishes to join, no matter " "what race they come from — even orcs." msgstr "" "Proponho a criação de um conselho neutro de guardas, composta de humanos, " "anões, elfos, trogloditas, dragos, ou qualquer outro que deseja juntar-se, " "não importando a sua raça — até mesmo orcs." # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:134 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "This body would not claim sovereignty over any peoples or lands, but " #| "exist only to suppress warfare and raiding in the lands south and east of " #| "the Great Ocean, north of Wesnoth and west of the Elvish Forests." msgid "" "This body would not claim sovereignty over any peoples or lands, but exist " "only to suppress warfare and raiding in the lands south and east of the " "Great Ocean, north of Wesnoth and west of the elvish forests." msgstr "" "Este corpo não iria reclamar a soberania sobre os povos ou as terras, mas " "existirão apenas para suprimir a guerra e a invasão nas terras no sul e a " "leste do Grande Oceano, ao norte de Wesnoth e a oeste das florestas dos " "elfos." # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:138 msgid "" "The first task of the warders would be to go to each orcish tribe and make a " "treaty with them that they will not be attacked if they refrain from " "attacking others." msgstr "" "A primeira tarefa dos guardas seria ir a cada tribo dos orcs e fazer um " "acordo com eles que não serão atacados se se abstiverem de atacar outros." # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:142 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The orcs have just experienced a crushing defeat; it shouldn’t be too " #| "hard to get them to agree. In the future, if they should renege on their " #| "treaties, and threaten the peace and prosperity of the North, then the " #| "army maintained by the warders would crush them." msgid "" "The orcs have just experienced a crushing defeat; it shouldn’t be too hard " "to get them to agree. In the future, if they should renege on their " "treaties, and threaten the peace of the North, then the army maintained by " "the warders would crush them." msgstr "" "Os orcs acabaram de experimentar uma derrota esmagadora; não deve ser muito " "difícil levar-os a um acordo. No futuro, se quererão renegar os seus " "tratados, e ameaçar a paz e prosperidade do Norte, então o exército mantido " "pelos guardas iria esmagá-los." # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:146 msgid "" "That is the basic outline of my proposal. Shall the Council of Warders " "declare itself?" msgstr "" "É o esquema básico da minha proposta. Deixemos o Conselho de Sentinelas " "declarar-se?" # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:150 msgid "" "Hearing the words of the wise mage, the whole assembly erupted with cries of " "approval." msgstr "" "Ouvindo as palavras do sábio mago, toda a assembleia irrompeu em uivos de " "aprovação." # #. [message]: id=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:155 msgid "Fitting!" msgstr "Adequado!" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:159 msgid "Great!" msgstr "Óptimo!" # #. [message]: id=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:163 msgid "Smart!" msgstr "Inteligente!" # #. [message]: id=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:167 msgid "Sounds like fun." msgstr "Soa divertido." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:171 msgid "" "Rising to his feet, Hamel raised his hands and waited for the clamor to die " "down." msgstr "Pondo-se de pé, Hamel ergueu as mãos e esperou que o clamor acabasse." # #. [message]: id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:176 msgid "" "Over time, Tallin has proved himself to be a wise, courageous and capable " "leader. He is respected by humans, elves and dwarves alike. I therefore " "propose that Tallin be made the first head of the Council of Warders." msgstr "" "Com o tempo, Tallin provou-se a si mesmo ser um líder sábio, corajoso e " "capaz. É respeitado por humanos, elfos e anões de forma igual. Proponho, " "portanto, que Tallin seja o primeiro chefe do Conselho dos Sentinelas." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:180 msgid "" "Once again, all assembled erupted into thunderous approval. The tumult " "lasted for some time and at long last Tallin rose to his feet and held up " "his hands for quiet." msgstr "" "Mais uma vez, todos reunidos irromperam em aprovação profunda. O tumulto " "durou algum tempo e Tallin, após muito tempo, levantou-se e ergueu as mãos a " "pedir silêncio." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:185 msgid "" "I thank everyone for the love and honor bestowed upon me. In honor of that " "love I accept this responsibility." msgstr "" "Agradeço a todos pelo amor e honra concedidas a mim. É em homenagem a este " "amor que aceito esta responsabilidade." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:189 msgid "" "No one leader will make the Warders a success; we will need the help of all " "of you." msgstr "" "Nenhum líder fará dos Sentinelas um sucesso, vamos precisar da ajuda de " "todos." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:193 msgid "" "Father Morvin, this whole plan is your idea. Would you and your wife be " "willing to stand by my side and support me?" msgstr "" "Padre Morvin, este plano provém todo teu. Será que tu e a tua esposa estão " "dispostos estar ao meu lado e apoiar-me?" # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:197 msgid "" "Gladly, Tallin. We will stand with the Warders till the end of days if need " "be." msgstr "" "Com prazer, Tallin. Vamos ficar com os guardas até o final do tempo, se " "necessário." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:206 msgid "Stalrag?" msgstr "Stalrag?" # #. [message]: id=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:210 msgid "I am yours to command, my lord Tallin." msgstr "Estou ao teu comando, meu senhor Tallin." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:214 msgid "‘Lord’? Oh no!" msgstr "“Lorde”? Ó não!" # #. [message]: id=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:218 msgid "(Giggle) Better get used to it." msgstr "(Risadas) Será melhor acostumares-te." # #. [message]: id=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:222 msgid "" "You have led myself and the Shinsplitters wisely. We will uphold the Council " "of Warders." msgstr "" "Guiaram os Esmigalheiros e a mim sabiamente. Vamos manter o Conselho dos " "Sentinelas." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:233 msgid "Camerin?" msgstr "Camerin?" # #. [message]: id=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:237 msgid "" "Heck, yeah! It has been a total blast being with you. I wouldn’t even think " "of leaving now!" msgstr "" "Sem dúvida! Foi uma explosão de alegria total estar convosco. Nem iria " "sequer pensar em sair agora!" # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:248 msgid "Elenia?" msgstr "Elenia?" # #. [message]: id=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:252 msgid "" "Tallin, as you know, I have been separated from my race and kinsmen — well, " "except Eryssa — for many years now. I wish to go back to the elvish forests " "and live among my kinsmen again. Perhaps I will return someday." msgstr "" "Tallin, como sabes, fui separado da minha raça e parentes — bem, excepto " "Eryssa — há muitos anos. Gostaria de voltar para as florestas dos elfos e " "viver entre os meus parentes de novo. Talvez volte um dia." # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:261 msgid "" "Knowing you and your spirit of adventure, Elenia, I am certain that you will " "be back sooner or later." msgstr "" "Conhecendo-te e o teu espírito de aventura, Elenia, estou certa de que vais " "estar de volta mais cedo ou mais tarde." # #. [message]: id=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:265 msgid "(Smiles) It is not unlikely..." msgstr "(Sorri) Não é improvável..." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:271 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "You have been a valuable ally and a great friend, Elenia. Go with our " #| "blessing, and convey to the Elves our intentions and the hope of peace." msgid "" "You have been a valuable ally and a great friend, Elenia. Go with our " "blessing, and convey to the elves our intentions and the hope of peace." msgstr "" "Tens sido uma valiosa aliada e uma grande amiga, Elenia. Vá com a nossa " "bênção, e transmita aos elfos as nossas intenções e a esperança de paz." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:286 msgid "Krash?" msgstr "Krash?" # #. [message]: id=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:290 msgid "" "I’m sorry, Tallin, but me and my friends better be getting back to our " "people." msgstr "" "Lamento, Tallin, mas eu e os meus amigos deveríamos estar de volta ao nosso " "povo." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:294 msgid "" "No need to apologize, Krash, for you and the valiant drakes of your band " "have been of invaluable help to us. The entire Northlands are in your debt." msgstr "" "Não precisas de desculpar-te, Crash, pois tu e os dragos valentes do teu " "bando foram de uma ajuda inestimável para nós. As Terras do Norte inteiras " "estão na vossa dívida." # #. [message]: id=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:298 msgid "" "As you said once before Tallin, let not talk of debts come between us. I " "will spread the word among my people and if anyone wishes to join your " "Council they will be free to. In addition to gaining the respect of the " "elves and the dwarves you have also earned the respect of the drakes. I am " "sure many will come to join your cause." msgstr "" "Como disseste uma vez antes, Tallin, não deixes falar de dívidas entre nós. " "Vou espalhar a palavra entre o meu povo e se alguém quiser juntar-se ao teu " "Conselho será livre para fazer-o. Além de ganhar o respeito dos elfos e os " "anões também ganhaste o respeito dos draconianos. Tenho a certeza que muitos " "irão unir-se a tua causa." # #. [message]: id=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:302 msgid "" "If you are ever in desperate need of help then come to us. The gryphons will " "show you the way." msgstr "" "Se alguma vez precisares desesperadamente de ajuda então venha até nós. Os " "grifos irão mostrar-te o caminho." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:306 msgid "Thanks, friend." msgstr "Obrigado, amigo." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:318 msgid "Abhai, your assistance has also been a great help to us." msgstr "Abhai, a tua assistência também tem sido uma grande ajuda para nós." # #. [message]: id=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:323 msgid "" "Pah, think nothing of it. It will sure make an interesting story to tell the " "folks back home." msgstr "" "Pá, não concordo. Com a certeza vai criar uma história interessante para " "contar as pessoas quando voltar para casa." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:327 msgid "So you would like to return to your home?" msgstr "Então gostarias de voltar para a tua casa?" # #. [message]: id=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:331 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Yes. The dead should stay in the land of the dead. It is against the laws " #| "of nature for it to be otherwise. There is just one problem; Malifor " #| "forced me into this body and I don’t know how to get out of it." msgid "" "Yes. The dead should stay in the Land of the Dead. It is against the laws of " "nature for it to be otherwise. There is just one problem; Malifor forced me " "into this body and I don’t know how to get out of it." msgstr "" "Sim. Os mortos devem permanecer na terra dos mortos. É contra as leis da " "natureza que seja de outra forma. Há apenas um problema; Malifor forçou-me " "para dentro deste corpo e não sei como sair dele." # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:335 msgid "" "I believe Thera and I can help you with that, Abhai. Have no worries, you " "shall soon be home." msgstr "" "Acredito que Thera e eu podemos ajudar-te, Abhai. Não te preocupes, logo " "deves estar em casa." # #. [message]: id=Abhai #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:339 msgid "" "Thank you, Father, and thank you again, Tallin, for all that you have done, " "both for the world of the living and the dead." msgstr "" "Obrigado pai, e novamente agradeço-te, Tallin, por tudo o que tens feito, " "tanto pelo mundo dos vivos como dos mortos." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:343 msgid "My thanks to you as well, Abhai. May you rest in peace." msgstr "Os meus agradecimentos a ti também, Abhai. Que descanses em paz." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:349 msgid "" "Ro’Arthian and Ro’Sothian, you two have also been of staunch allies. As per " "our agreement, you may return to Highbrook Pass, and I will see to it that " "guards are posted at both ends barring any who seek to enter without your " "leave, on pain of death." msgstr "" "Ro'Arthian e Ro'Sothian, têm sido aliados fiéis. Conforme o nosso acordo " "podem retornar à passagem de Highbrook, e irei garantir que os guardas " "estarão postados em ambas as extremidades impedindo qualquer um que procura " "entrar sem a vossa permissão, sob pena de morte." # #. [message]: id=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:353 msgid "" "Thank you, Tallin. Our old bones are weary of being animated long past their " "time. Now we will finally be able to rest in peace. However, as we have " "fought hard for this respite, we shall not allow our effort go to waste. " "When the Northlands are in direst need of us, we shall rise once again." msgstr "" "Obrigado, Tallin. Os nossos velhos ossos estão cansados de serem usados " "muito além do seu tempo. Agora vamos finalmente poder descansar em paz. No " "entanto, como temos lutado muito para este descanso, não devemos permitir " "que o nosso esforço seja em vão. Quando as Terras do Norte mais precisam de " "nós, iremos voltar de novo." # #. [message]: id=Ro'Arthian #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:362 msgid "" "Stalrag, for years now we have fought each other, but recent events have " "made us allies. I go now to eternal sleep; may we part as friends." msgstr "" "Stalrag, há anos lutamos uns contra os outros, mas os eventos recentes " "fizeram-nos aliados. Vou agora para o sono eterno, que separemos-nos como " "amigos." # #. [message]: id=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:366 msgid "May your rest be peaceful and undisturbed, Ro’Arthian." msgstr "Que o teu descanso seja pacífico e tranquilo, Ro'Arthian." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:377 msgid "" "And Eryssa... I may be rash and bold to ask this but... (Goes to his " "knees in front of Eryssa and takes her hand) Will you marry me?" msgstr "" "E Eryssa ... Posso ser precipitado e ousado ao perguntar, mas ... (fica " "de joelhos na frente de Eryssa e pega na sua mão) Queres casar comigo?" # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:381 msgid "(Struck speechless)" msgstr "(Fica estupefacto)" # #. [message]: id=Hamel #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:385 msgid "" "Tallin, are you sure? Elves have a very long lifespan compared to humans. " "She will live for at least another century and a half while you have hardly " "seventy years ahead of you... at most." msgstr "" "Tallin, tens a certeza? Os elfos têm um tempo estimado de vida maior " "comparado ao dos humanos. Ela irá viver pelo menos mais de um século e meio " "enquanto dificilmente tens ainda setenta anos à frente... no máximo." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:389 msgid "" "(Eyes on Eryssa) I know, Hamel. Then may the coming seventy years be " "the most happiest and fulfilling years in our lives. Should we deny " "ourselves happiness out of the fear of loss?" msgstr "" "( Olhando para Eryssa) Sei, Hamel. Então que os próximos setenta anos " "seguintes sejam os mais felizes e realizados nas nossas vidas. Devemos negar-" "nos a felicidade por culpa do medo da perda?" # #. [message]: id=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:393 msgid "Well spoken!" msgstr "Bem dito!" # #. [message]: id=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:397 msgid "I may be foolish to say this, Tallin, but... yes." msgstr "Posso ser idiota ao dizer isto, Tallin, mas... sim." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:401 msgid "" "The joy of the multitude could not be contained, and the ensuing celebration " "lasted for a full five days. At that time Tallin and Eryssa were duly " "married by Father Morvin and Sister Thera." msgstr "" "A alegria da multidão não podia ser contida, e a celebração que se seguira " "durou mais de cinco dias. Naquele tempo Tallin e Eryssa foram devidamente " "casados pelo Sacerdote Morvin e pela irmã Thera." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:406 msgid "" "After the wedding, Tallin and Eryssa went back to Dwarven Doors where they " "founded the Council of Warders of the Northern Alliance, a body dedicated to " "ensuring peace and justice in the Northlands. It was soon settled that the " "main headquarters of the Northern Alliance would be the new city of Dwarven " "Doors." msgstr "" "Após o casamento, Tallin e Eryssa, regressaram para os Portões dos Anões " "onde encontraram o Conselho das Sentinelas da Aliança do Norte, um corpo " "dedicado para garantir a paz e a justiça nas Terras Boreais. Fora logo " "decidido que a sede principal da Aliança seria a nova cidade dos Portões dos " "Anões." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:411 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:432 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "On Father Morvin’s advice, the Council approached all the different " #| "orcish tribes and made treaties with them. If a chieftain refused to " #| "cooperate with the Alliance, he was forcibly removed from his post and a " #| "more favorably-disposed leader put in his place." msgid "" "On Father Morvin’s advice, the Council approached all the different orcish " "tribes and made treaties with them. If a chieftain refused to cooperate with " "the Alliance, he was forcibly removed and a more favorably-disposed leader " "put in his place." msgstr "" "Seguindo o conselho do sacerdote Morvin, o Conselho abordou todas as " "diferentes tribos dos orcs e fizeram tratados com eles. Se um comandante se " "recusasse a cooperar com a Aliança, este era retirado à força do seu posto e " "outro mais adequado colocado no seu lugar." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:416 msgid "" "Although Tallin faced many challenges as the head of the Northern Alliance, " "his marriage with Eryssa was serene and filled with happiness. Together they " "had one son, about whom were written many legends." msgstr "" "Embora Tallin tenha enfrentado muitos desafios como chefe da Aliança do " "Norte, o seu casamento com Eryssa fora tranquilo e cheio de felicidade. " "Juntos, tiveram um filho, sobre o qual foram escritas muitas lendas." # #. [message]: id=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:423 msgid "" "Once again I thank all of you. For those of you who are leaving, may the " "Lords of Light — or Darkness — guide you on your path. For those of you who " "are staying — come, we have much to do." msgstr "" "Mais uma vez agradeço a todos. Para aqueles que estão a partir, que os " "Deuses da Luz — ou Escuridão — guiem-os nos seus caminhos. Para aqueles que " "ficam — que venham, temos muito a fazer." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:427 msgid "" "Thus, Tallin and his friends went back to Dwarven Doors where they founded " "the Council of Warders of the Northern Alliance, a body dedicated to " "ensuring peace and justice in the Northlands. It was soon settled that the " "main headquarters of the Northern Alliance would be the new city of Dwarven " "Doors." msgstr "" "Assim, Tallin e os seus amigos voltaram para os Portões dos Anões, onde " "fundaram o Conselho das Sentinelas da Aliança do Norte, um órgão dedicado a " "garantir a paz e a justiça nas Terras do Norte. Fora logo decidido que a " "sede principal da Aliança do Norte seria a nova cidade dos Portões dos Anões." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:439 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "In time, Knalga’s caverns were refurbished, becoming a busy and " #| "prosperous home to many dwarves. Under the protection of the Northern " #| "Alliance, people of all races began coming, as they did before, from all " #| "corners of the known — and unknown — world to trade with the Dwarves of " #| "Knalga." msgid "" "In time, Knalga’s caverns were restored and became a busy and prosperous " "home to many dwarves. Under the protection of the Northern Alliance, people " "of all races began coming, as they did before, from all corners of the known " "— and unknown — world to trade with the Dwarves of Knalga." msgstr "" "Com o tempo, as cavernas de Gnalga foram remodeladas, tornando-se um " "concorrido e próspero lar para muitos anões. Sob a proteção da Aliança do " "Norte, pessoas de todas as raças começaram a vir, como já fizeram antes, de " "todos os cantos do conhecido — e desconhecido — mundo para o comércio com os " "anões de Gnalga." # #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/14a_Epilogue.cfg:444 msgid "" "Thus, from a small, enslaved community, the people of Dwarven Doors — by " "their fortitude, valor, and wisdom — brought the Northlands out of the " "darkness and restored them to their former glory." msgstr "" "Assim, a partir de uma pequena comunidade escravizada, o povo dos Portões " "dos Anões — pela sua força, coragem e sabedoria — levou as Terras do Norte " "para fora das trevas restaurando-as à sua antiga glória." # #. [unit_type]: id=Cave Serpent #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/units/Cave_Serpent.cfg:7 msgid "" "The Water Serpent is a foe dire enough when encountered in the rivers and " "seas of the sunlit world, but his rare cave-dwelling kin are yet more " "terrible. Though their eyes are of little use in the stygian darkness of the " "deep caves where they dwell, they have become sensitive to even the tiniest " "sound that might indicate unwary prey in their domain, and will home in on " "it with remorseless efficiency." msgstr "" "A serpente aquática já é um inimigo perigoso quando encontrado nos rios e " "mares do mundo iluminado pelo sol, mas a sua raça subterranea é ainda mais " "terrível. Apesar dos seus olhos terem pequena utilidade na escuridão das " "cavernas onde vivem, tornaram-se sensíveis até ao menor som que possa " "indicar uma presa desatenta no seu território, e irão atacá-la com uma " "eficiência impiedosa." # #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/characters.cfg:26 msgid "Camerin" msgstr "Camerin" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/characters.cfg:38 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg:168 msgid "Father Morvin" msgstr "Padre Morvin" # #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/characters.cfg:51 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg:176 msgid "Sister Thera" msgstr "Irmã Thera" # #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/characters.cfg:65 msgid "Elenia" msgstr "Elenia" # #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/characters.cfg:91 msgid "Rakshas" msgstr "Rakshas" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:16 msgid "" "Argh! I am finished, but our campaign must... not end... crush... our... " "enemies... and... save... our... people..." msgstr "" "Argh! Fico por aqui, mas a nossa campanha não... pode acabar... destruir... " "os nossos... inimigos... salvar... o nosso... povo..." # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:21 msgid "No, Tallin, we can’t do it without you!" msgstr "Não, Tallin, não podemos continuar sem ti!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:42 msgid "What... how can this happen?" msgstr "O quê... como isto foi acontecer?" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:47 msgid "He was stark raving mad, but I am sure going to miss him." msgstr "" "Fora um valentão algo louco, mas tenho a certeza que iremos sentir a sua " "falta." # #. [message]: speaker=Krash #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:81 msgid "(Roars in pain)" msgstr "(Ruge de dor)" # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:86 msgid "Krash!" msgstr "Crash!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:100 msgid "It’s no good, Tallin, he is gone." msgstr "Não vale a pena, Tallin, ele foi-se." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:105 msgid "You wretched monsters! You are going to pay for this!" msgstr "Monstros miseráveis! Irão pagar por tudo que fizeram!" # #. [message]: speaker=Camerin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:110 msgid "Awww, I liked that guy!" msgstr "Arre, eu gostava dele!" # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:127 msgid "Alas! My wanderings have come to an end." msgstr "Ai de mim! As minhas viagens chegaram ao seu fim." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:132 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Blast it, we have lost a valuable ally." msgid "Blast it! We have lost a valuable ally!" msgstr "Maldição, perdemos um importante aliado." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:137 msgid "Farewell Elenia. May you find peace in your final journey." msgstr "Adeus, Elenia. Talvez encontres paz na tua última jornada." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:214 msgid "Ahhhh! Save me, my husband!" msgstr "Ahhhh! Salva-me, marido!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:219 msgid "(Rolls eyes) Dramatic as always." msgstr "(Revirando olhos) Dramático como sempre." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:226 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:238 msgid "Ahhhhhhh!" msgstr "Ahhhhhhh!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:231 msgid "You monsters think you are so tough don’t you? Well check this out." msgstr "Seus monstros, pensam que são fortes, não? Bom, segurem-se." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:243 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:499 msgid "You incompetent fools, you think you can kill us? Good luck!" msgstr "Idiotas incompetentes, pensam que podem matar-nos? Boa sorte!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:251 msgid "Ack! Stupid slobbering beast!" msgstr "Arre! Besta nojenta e idiota!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:256 msgid "Your efforts to destroy us are in vain, you foul creature." msgstr "Os teus esforços para destruir-nos serão em vão, criatura abominável." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:268 msgid "Oh no, Morvin! We have failed in our mission to help Tallin!" msgstr "Ai não, Morvin! Falhámos na nossa missão para ajudar Tallin!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:273 msgid "Failed? Never! The word failure is not in our dictionary." msgstr "Falhámos? Nunca! A palavra falhanço não existe no nosso dicionário." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:282 msgid "" "Alas! I am dying! Morvin darling, I wish you were beside me so that I may " "die in your arms! So that I may feel the kiss of your lips on mine one last " "time!" msgstr "" "Ai de mim! Estou a morrer! Morvin, querido, queria tanto que estivesses ao " "meu lado para poder morrer nos teus braços! Para sentir os teus lábios a " "beijar os meus pela última vez!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:291 msgid "(Rolls eyes) Thera, do you always have to be so dramatic?" msgstr "" "(Revira os olhos) Thera, realmente precisas de ser sempre tão " "dramática?" # #. [message]: role=Supporter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:296 msgid "Um... Father? Your wife just got killed..." msgstr "Hmm... Padre? A tua esposa acabou de ser morta..." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:301 msgid "Oh right. I CALL UPON THE LORDS OF LIGHT TO GRANT YOU LIFE!" msgstr "Ah, certo. CONVOCO OS DEUSES DA LUZ PARA CONCEDER-TE VIDA!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:310 msgid "" "You cruel creature! How dare you use your brute strength against such a " "frail creature as me." msgstr "" "Criatura cruel! Como ousas usar a força bruta contra uma criatura tão frágil " "como eu." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:315 msgid "" "Don’t worry, Thera, you will have plenty of opportunities to set him " "straight." msgstr "Não te preocupes, Thera, terás várias oportunidades para corrigí-lo." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:333 msgid "" "Thera, when this is all over, you should paint your face and join a theater." msgstr "" "Thera, quando tudo isto acabar, deverias pintar o teu rosto e juntar-te a um " "teatro." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:338 msgid "Hey, don’t you always say that life is nothing but a drama?" msgstr "Eia, não és quem diz que a vida não é nada além de um drama?" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:343 msgid "Yes, it may be a drama, but that’s no excuse for overacting!" msgstr "Sim, pode ser um drama, mas não há desculpa para exagerar!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:348 msgid "(Giggle) Who needs an excuse for overacting?" msgstr "(Risadinhas) Quem precisa de uma desculpa para exagerar?" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:357 msgid "Whoa! That trick is a bit hard on the constitution." msgstr "Uau! Esse truque é pesado demais para a minha constituição." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:366 msgid "Well, be grateful that you are alive." msgstr "Bom, fica contente por ainda estares viva." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:371 msgid "(Giggle) Thank you, honey." msgstr "(Risadinhas) Obrigada, querido." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:376 msgid "Thank the Lords of Light, not me!" msgstr "Graças aos Deuses da Luz, não a mim!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:385 #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:585 msgid "Ouch! That hurts. Let’s try not to do that again, shall we?" msgstr "Ai! Isto dói. Vamos tentar não fazer isto de novo, não?" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:392 msgid "There we go, payback time!" msgstr "Cá vamos nós, está na hora da vingança!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:399 #, fuzzy #| msgid "There we go, let’s give this one more shot!" msgid "There we go. Let’s give this one more shot!" msgstr "Lá vamos nós, vamos tentar isto mais uma vez!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:404 msgid "Just try not to kill yourself again." msgstr "Apenas tenta não morrer outra vez." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:417 msgid "" "Thera, you should know by now that it is very unclerical to make such a " "spectacle of yourself." msgstr "" "Thera, já deverias saber que não é muito eclesiástico fazer espetáculo de ti " "mesmo." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:422 msgid "Come on, honey! Those were my dying words, after all!" msgstr "Vamos lá, querido! Afinal, essas foram as minhas últimas palavras!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:427 msgid "(Rolls eyes) Women!" msgstr "(Revirando olhos) Mulheres!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:441 msgid "That’s darned right!" msgstr "Exactamente!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:446 msgid "" "Thera! Language like that coming from you! You should really stop hanging " "around the dwarves so much." msgstr "" "Thera! Tais palavras tuas! Deverias realmente parar de andar tanto com os " "anões." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:482 msgid "Alas! So... close." msgstr "Alias! Tão... perto." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:487 msgid "" "Hey, that’s not right. The good guys aren’t supposed to die. Oh well, I’ll " "fix that." msgstr "" "Eia, isto não está certo. Os bons não devem morrer. Está bem, vou tratar " "disto." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:511 msgid "" "Oh dear. Did you just go and get yourself killed again, Morvin? Well, I’ll " "fix that." msgstr "" "Ó meu querido Morvin. Conseguiste que te matassem outra vez? Bom, posso " "tratar disso." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:518 msgid "The forces of good can never be defeated by the likes of you!" msgstr "As forças do bem nunca serão derrotadas por vós!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:523 msgid "" "Yeah, try taking a bath and you might be able to kill him for good " "(Wink wink). But for the time being, abracadabra!" msgstr "" "Sim, tenta tomar um banho e poderás conseguir matar-o de vez " "(Piscadela). Mas, por enquanto, abracadabra!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:535 msgid "" "Stupid troll, maybe next time you should try killing someone who can be " "killed." msgstr "" "Troglodita estúpido, da próxima vez tenta matar alguém que realmente possa " "ser morto." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:542 msgid "Argh! I’ll just come back and finish you in my next life." msgstr "Arre! Voltarei e acabarei comvosco na minha próxima vida." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:547 msgid "Which might be sooner than you think." msgstr "O que pode acontecer ainda antes de pensares." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:554 msgid "Ack! I have been brained!" msgstr "Arre! Fui derrotado!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:560 msgid "Eew! Gross! Ahh never mind, I’ll get you cleaned up good." msgstr "Eca! Nojento! Aah esquece, deixarei-te bem limpo." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:578 msgid "Ahh yes, that’s better." msgstr "Ah sim, muito melhor." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:597 msgid "Morvin! You bad boy, always getting into trouble." msgstr "Morvin! Miúdo malvado, sempre a lançar-te na confusão." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:602 msgid "Sorry, won’t do it again. Promise!" msgstr "Desculpa-me, não o farei de novo. Prometo!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:616 msgid "I heard that, Thera." msgstr "Ouvi isto, Thera." # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:621 msgid "Hey, just trying to give him an incentive to drown himself." msgstr "Eia, estou apenas a incentivar-o em afogar-se." # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:639 msgid "Now where did he go?!" msgstr "Agora, aonde fora ele?!" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:651 msgid "Ahhh, Thera, you would make such a good housewife!" msgstr "Aaah, Thera, serias uma ótima dona de casa!" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:657 msgid "Yes, if you would ever buy me a house! (Pouty face)" msgstr "Sim, se algum dia irás comprar-me uma casa! (Com cara triste)" # #. [message]: speaker=Father Morvin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:662 msgid "" "Thera, don’t you think that this isn’t really a good time to talk about that?" msgstr "" "Thera, não pensas que esta realmente não é uma boa hora para falar sobre o " "assunto?" # #. [message]: speaker=Sister Thera #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:667 msgid "(Giggle) Sorry!" msgstr "(Risada) Desculpa!" # #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:729 msgid "I have had enough! Come on brother, let’s get outta here." msgstr "Já chega! Vamos lá irmãos, vamos sair daqui." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:743 msgid "" "Dang it! They’re gone, and the creatures they control are leaving too. " "Without them, this is hopeless." msgstr "" "Maldição! Foram-se, e as criaturas que controlaram também estão a fugir. Sem " "elas não existe esperança." # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:763 msgid "Farewell, my friends. I now go to join my fallen brothers." msgstr "Adeus, amigos. Agora irei juntar-me aos meus irmãos sucumbidos." # #. [message]: role=Shinsplitter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:783 msgid "No, Stalrag! Without you what will become of the Shinsplitters?" msgstr "Não, Stalrag! O que será dos Esmigalheiros sem ti?" # #. [message]: speaker=Stalrag #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:788 msgid "" "Shinsplitters... join Tallin... He is your new... leader... trust... and... " "serve... him... as... you... have... served... me." msgstr "" "Esmigalheiros... juntam-se a Tallin... Será o vosso novo... líder... confiem " "nele... e... sirvam-o... como... serviram... a mim." # #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:793 msgid "Your death shall not go unavenged, brave Stalrag. DEATH TO THE ORCS!!" msgstr "" "A tua morte não deixará de ser vingada, Stalrag corajoso. MORTE AOS ORCS!!" # #. [message]: role=Shinsplitter #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:798 msgid "DIE, YOU FOUL SCUM!!" msgstr "MORRA, ESCÓRIA PODRE!" # #. [message]: speaker=Eryssa #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:815 msgid "Alas, you must continue your mission without me!" msgstr "Alas, precisas de continuar a nossa missão sem mim!" # #. [message]: speaker=Elenia #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:825 msgid "Eryssa, no! Please don’t die!" msgstr "Eryssa, não! Por favor... não morras!" #. [message]: speaker=Tallin #: data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/herodeaths.cfg:832 msgid "How could this happen? We can’t possibly go on without her..." msgstr "Como isto foi capaz de acontecer? Não podemos continuar sem ela..." # #~ msgid "Prose, Grammatical and WML Assistance" #~ msgstr "Prosa, Assistência Gramatical e WML" # #~ msgid "Good luck, my friend." #~ msgstr "Boa sorte, meu amigo." # #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Then to arms, men! For Knalga and the princess!" #~ msgid "Then to arms, men! For Knalga and the Princess!" #~ msgstr "Então às armas, homens! Por Gnalga e pela princesa!" # #~ msgid "You are a fool, human! Watch how we will crush and destroy you!" #~ msgstr "És um idiota, humano! Veja como vamos esmagar e destruir-te!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "They paused for scant minutes to bind the wounds of a few surviving elves " #~ "and leave them a small guard. Then they pressed onward to rescue Hidel — " #~ "and they found him." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pararam por alguns minutos para sarar as feridas de alguns elfos " #~ "sobreviventes e deixarem-lhes uma pequena guarda. Em seguida, seguiram " #~ "adiante para resgatar Hidel — e encontraram-o." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Rest assured, sir, I will place myself between Eryssa and any ill that " #~ "strength or love may counter." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tenha a certeza, senhor, vou colocar-me entre Eryssa e qualquer mal que a " #~ "força ou o amor poderá contrariar." # #~ msgid "" #~ "With these words Hidel closed his eyes and breathed his last. As Eryssa " #~ "wept with Hidel’s head in her lap, Tallin approached her, hesitating, and " #~ "then wrapped her gently in his arms." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Com estas palavras Hidel fechou os olhos e deu o seu último suspiro. " #~ "Enquanto Eryssa chorou com a cabeça Hidel no seu colo, Tallin aproximou-" #~ "se dela, um pouco hesitante, mas depois envolveu-a suavemente nos seus " #~ "braços." # #~ msgid "" #~ "As Tallin comforted Eryssa, the rest of the party spread out and rallied " #~ "the scattered elves, and tending to the wounded. This being done, they " #~ "once again came before Tallin and Eryssa." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Enquanto Tallin consolava Eryssa, o resto do grupo espalhou-se e reuniu " #~ "os elfos dispersos, e tratando os feridos. Quando feito, mais uma vez " #~ "vieram até Tallin e Eryssa." # #~ msgid "Arthian" #~ msgstr "Arthian" # #~ msgid "Compelled" #~ msgstr "Obrigado" # #~ msgid "Note: The work on this branch of the campaign is in progress." #~ msgstr "Nota: O trabalho nesta ramificação da campanha está a ser feito." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Thus, compelled by some strange and irresistible force, Tallin — eyes " #~ "glazed and mind unthinking — did the will of his new master." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Deste modo, sendo obrigado por uma força estranha e irresistível, Tallin " #~ "— com os seus olhos vidrados e a sua mente vazia — cumpriu as ordens do " #~ "seu novo mestre." # #~ msgid "" #~ "He was first stripped of his weapons and armor and then cast into " #~ "solitary confinement. He remained there for months, never being allowed " #~ "to see the light of day, being fed only enough food to keep him alive. " #~ "During this time he was forced to study the most dark and forbidden arts, " #~ "lashed with whips when he could not recite lessons drawn from grimoires " #~ "no human should ever have opened. His body grew feeble and emaciated and " #~ "his mind plunged ever deeper into night. And day by day the magical " #~ "controls Malifor had fastened about Tallin’s will grew stronger." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Em primeiro, foram tiradas as suas armas e armaduras e depois fora " #~ "confinado e isolado. E lá permaneceu por meses, sem poder ao menos ver a " #~ "luz do dia, comendo o suficiente apenas para sobreviver. Durante este " #~ "tempo fora forçado a estudar as mais sombrias e proibidas artes, açoitado " #~ "cada vez que não conseguisse recitar as lições tiradas dos primórdios que " #~ "nenhum humano jamais deveria ter aberto. O seu corpo ficava cada vez mais " #~ "magro e fraco, e a sua mente cada vez mais mergulhava nas trevas. Dia " #~ "após dia, a magia que Malifor usava para controlar a mente de Tallin " #~ "tornava-se mais forte." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Tallin never knew exactly how much time passed, but eventually Malifor’s " #~ "lich-servants declared him fit for service and he was summoned before " #~ "their dread Master. Through a hideous blood ritual, Malifor gave him the " #~ "power to animate corpses. He was then sent to a distant network of " #~ "tunnels to clear out a group of trolls who had taken up residence there." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tallin nunca soube exactamente quanto tempo passou, mas eventualmente os " #~ "servos de Malifor afirmaram que Tallin estava preparado para servir-o e " #~ "assim, fora convocado perante o seu terrível mestre. Através de um " #~ "medonho ritual de sangue, Malifor deu a Tallin o poder para reanimar os " #~ "corpos. Então, Tallin fora enviado para uma rede de túneis distante, onde " #~ "deveria aniquilar um grupo de trogloditas que se tinham assentado naquele " #~ "lugar." # #~ msgid "Minions" #~ msgstr "Servos" # #~ msgid "Franik" #~ msgstr "Franik" # #~ msgid "Henie" #~ msgstr "Henie" # #~ msgid "Kill the Troll Leaders" #~ msgstr "Mata os líderes trogloditas" # #~ msgid "Argh! I have failed my master." #~ msgstr "Arre! Falhei ao meu Mestre." # #~ msgid "Slave of the Undead" #~ msgstr "Escravo dos Mortos" # #~ msgid "Having completed his mission, Tallin reported back to his master." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tendo completado a sua missão, Tallin reportou-se de volta ao seu mestre." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Well done, my loyal slave. I see you have successfully completed your " #~ "mission." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bem feito, meu leal escravo. Vejo que completaste a tua missão com " #~ "sucesso." # #~ msgid "Yes, Master." #~ msgstr "Sim, Mestre." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Very well. Now, I have a new mission for you. Your old friends are " #~ "becoming a bit of an annoyance. Instead of just giving up as they should, " #~ "they keep foolishly attempting to attack me time and again. This time " #~ "they have attacked and seized one of the northern entrances. Although I " #~ "can easily defeat them as I have done several times when you were in " #~ "training, this time I want you to take care of them in a more... final " #~ "way. Consider it a test of your loyalty." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Muito bem. Agora, tenho uma nova missão para ti. Os teus velhos amigos " #~ "estão a tornar-se um incomodo. Ao invés de apenas desistir, como " #~ "deveriam, continuam a atacar-me de tempos em tempos. Desta vez atacaram e " #~ "capturaram uma das entradas ao norte. Embora possa facilmente derrotá-" #~ "los, assim como fiz diversas vezes enquanto treinavas, dessa vez quero " #~ "que sejas tu a cuidar deles de uma forma mais... definitiva. Considera " #~ "isso um teste da tua lealdade." # #~ msgid "... As you command, Master." #~ msgstr "...Às suas ordens, Mestre." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Good boy. Now, I am giving you the power to raise more powerful types of " #~ "undead. In addition, I will put under you command a few disembodied " #~ "spirits as well as some of my more promising adepts. Use them wisely. " #~ "Now, go and destroy those vermin!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bom rapaz. Agora, estou a conceder-te poderes para reanimar unidades mais " #~ "poderosas de mortos-vivos. Ainda mais, comandarás alguns espíritos " #~ "desencartados, além dos meus aprendizes mais promissores. Usa-os " #~ "sabiamente. Agora vá e destrua aqueles vermes!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Upon hearing the order of his master to kill his friends, something that " #~ "had been dormant inside Tallin these last few months revolted. But the " #~ "magical control that Malifor had over him was so great that he had no " #~ "choice but to obey his master. Thus, with his own will madly struggling " #~ "to break free of the lich, Tallin made his way to the northern entrance." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ao ouvir a ordem do seu mestre para matar os seus amigos, alguma coisa " #~ "dentro de Tallin que estava dormente nestes últimos meses revoltou-se. " #~ "Mas o controlo mágico de Malifor sobre ele era tão forte que não tinha " #~ "escolha a não ser obedecer o seu mestre. Assim, com a sua própria força " #~ "de vontade a lutar para se libertar do Liche, Tallin seguiu para a " #~ "entrada do norte." # #~ msgid "Destroy the Invaders" #~ msgstr "Destrói os Invasores" # #~ msgid "Friend" #~ msgstr "Amigo" # #~ msgid "James" #~ msgstr "James" # #~ msgid "Aledor" #~ msgstr "Aledor" # #~ msgid "My God! Tallin is that you?" #~ msgstr "Meu Deus! Tallin, és tu?" # #~ msgid "$betrayed_friend.name, I..." #~ msgstr "$betrayed_friend.name, Eu..." # #~ msgid "Come on, Tallin, talk to me!" #~ msgstr "Vamos, Tallin, fala comigo!" # #~ msgid "Tallin, break free! Don’t let that lich control you!" #~ msgstr "Tallin, liberta-te! Não deixes que aquele lichs te controla!" # #~ msgid "... KILL THE RABBLE!" #~ msgstr "... MATA A RALÉ!" # #~ msgid "No, Tallin! Stop!" #~ msgstr "Não, Tallin! Para!" # #~ msgid "Deaf to the calls of his friend, Tallin commenced the attack." #~ msgstr "Surdo aos apelos dos seus amigos, Tallin iniciou o ataque." # #~ msgid "What have I done...?" #~ msgstr "O que fiz eu?" # #~ msgid "" #~ "You fool! You have spared the humans and betrayed me! But I am not " #~ "concerned, I had already foreseen that possibility." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Idiota! Poupaste os humanos e traíste-me! Mas não me importo, já tinha " #~ "previsto esta possibilidade." # #~ msgid "What the... everybody get out! The roof of the cave is collapsing!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mas o que... todos saiam daqui! O tecto da caverna está a desmoronar!" # #~ msgid "Ahhh!" #~ msgstr "Ahhh!" # #~ msgid "Protecting the Master" #~ msgstr "Protegendo o Mestre" # #~ msgid "" #~ "As Tallin sat staring blankly at the body of his former friend — loathing " #~ "and hating what he had become — he received an urgent summons from his " #~ "master." #~ msgstr "" #~ "A medida que Tallin observava fixamente o corpo do seu amigo — detestando " #~ "e odiando no que se tinha tornado — recebeu uma convocação urgente do seu " #~ "mestre." # #~ msgid "" #~ "The attack Tallin had been sent to thwart had been a decoy. While Tallin " #~ "was away, Tallin’s former friends had attacked Malifor’s study with " #~ "overwhelming force." #~ msgstr "" #~ "O ataque, ao qual Tallin tinha sido enviado, fora uma isca. Enquanto " #~ "Tallin estava fora, os seus antigos amigos atacaram o laboratório de " #~ "Malifor com uma força esmagadora." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Although Tallin was glad in his heart to see Malifor in such distress, " #~ "the sorcerous geas on his mind compelled him to go to his master’s aid. " #~ "When he got there, he found that all the outer defenses had been smashed " #~ "and Malifor had bolted himself up in his study. Bound by the will of " #~ "their master, Tallin and his minions took up positions outside Malifor’s " #~ "study door." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Embora Tallin no fundo do seu coração estava feliz por ver Malifor em tal " #~ "aflição, o feitiço na sua mente obrigou-o a ir pedir a ajuda do seu " #~ "mestre. Quando chegou lá, descobriu que todas as defesas externas tinham " #~ "sido esmagadas e Malifor se tinha trancado no seu laboratório. Obrigado " #~ "pela vontade do seu mestre, Tallin e os seus subordinados posicionaram-se " #~ "do lado de fora da porta do laboratório de Malifor." # #~ msgid "Resist till the end of turns" #~ msgstr "Resista até que os turnos acabam" # #~ msgid "Look, the traitor Tallin has come to protect his master." #~ msgstr "Vejam, o traidor Tallin voltou para proteger o seu mestre." # #~ msgid "Camerin! Please get out of here. Don’t make me kill you too." #~ msgstr "Camerin! Saia daqui, por favor. Não te quero matar também." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Fat chance, buddy. I can handle the likes of you in my sleep. Fall on " #~ "them, boys!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sem hipótese, amigo. Posso cuidar de escumalha como a ti enquanto durmo. " #~ "Para cima deles, homens!" # #~ msgid "At last, I am free..." #~ msgstr "Até que enfim, estou livre..." # #~ msgid "Boom!" #~ msgstr "Estrondo!" # #~ msgid "What the...? No!" #~ msgstr "Mas o que...? Não!" # #~ msgid "HEEEEE-YAAAAA!!" #~ msgstr "HEEEEE-YAAAAA!!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "CURSES ON YOU YOU BLASTED MAGES, CURSES ON YOU YOU BLASTED HUMANS, CURSES " #~ "ON YOU YOU BLASTED DWARVES! MAY YOUR MISERABLE LIVES BE FULL OF TORTURE! " #~ "MAY YOUR PEOPLE NEVER BE FREE! MAY ALL YOUR NEAR AND DEAR DESERT YOU! MAY " #~ "A THUNDERBOLT HIT YOUR HEAD! MAY–" #~ msgstr "" #~ "MALDITOS SEJAM SEUS MAGOS MALDITOS, MALDITOS SEJAM SEUS HUMANOS MALDITOS, " #~ "MALDITOS SEJAM SEUS ANÕES MALDITOS! QUE AS VOSSAS VIDAS MISERÁVEIS SEJAM " #~ "CHEIAS DE TORTURA! QUE OS VOSSOS POVOS NUNCA SEJAM LIVRES! QUE TODOS OS " #~ "VOSSOS PRÓXIMOS E QUERIDOS VOS DEIXEM! QUE UM RAIO CAIA SOBRE AS VOSSAS " #~ "CABEÇAS! QUE–" # #~ msgid "" #~ "MAY THE EARTH OPEN UP AND SWALLOW YOU! MAY ALL YOUR TEETH FALL OUT! MAY " #~ "YOU BECOME A WEAK SKINNY OLD MAN! MAY–" #~ msgstr "" #~ "QUE A TERRA SE ABRA E TE ENGULA! QUE TODOS OS TEUS DENTES CAIAM! QUE TE " #~ "TORNES UM HOMEM FRACO E MAGRO! QUE–" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Malifor is dead... what have I done? What am I going to do? I must flee " #~ "this place!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Malifor morreu... O que fiz eu? O que vou fazer? Tenho de fugir para " #~ "longe!" # #~ msgid "Hey, there goes the traitor Tallin!" #~ msgstr "Eia, lá vem o traidor do Tallin!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Let him go. He was not acting under his free will and thus there is no " #~ "blame attached to him. I have known of many such poor souls. If he does " #~ "trouble us in the future, however, we should not spare him." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Deixem-no ir. Não estava a agir pela sua própria razão e portanto não há " #~ "do que se envergonhar. Já conheci muitas almas pobres como a dele. Mas se " #~ "nos causar problemas no futuro, não deveremos poupá-lo." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Besides, he will probably just go and drown himself in the nearest river " #~ "anyway, so why bother killing him?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "De qualquer maneira, provavelmente irá afogar-se no rio mais próximo, por " #~ "isso porque deveríamos dar-nos ao trabalho de o matar?" # #~ msgid "Ahhh! Master, help me!" #~ msgstr "Ahhh! Mestre, acuda-me!" # #~ msgid "Serves you right, you useless excuse for a slave." #~ msgstr "Estás a receber o que mereces, seu escravo inútil." # #~ msgid "Master! Tallin is taking my villages!" #~ msgstr "Mestre! Tallin está a capturar as minhas aldeias!" # #~ msgid "Shut up, you idiot. I know what I am doing." #~ msgstr "Cala-te idiota. Sei o que estou a fazer." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Agreed. And if you don’t keep your mouth shut, I will personally shut it " #~ "for you!" #~ msgstr "Concordo. E se não ficares calado, eu mesmo irei fechar a tua boca!" # #~ msgid "(Gulp)" #~ msgstr "(engole)" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Hmmm, you aren’t as bad as I thought, Tallin. Unfortunately for you, we " #~ "aren’t ready to give up just yet." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hum, não és tão mal quanto pensava, Tallin. Infelizmente, para ti, ainda " #~ "não estamos preparados para desistir." # #~ msgid "Boom!" #~ msgstr "Estrondo!" # #~ msgid "Phew! Nick of time too — I almost bought it there!" #~ msgstr "Ufa! Fora por pouco — quase cheguei lá!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Malifor is dead... What have I done? What am I going to do? I must flee " #~ "this place!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Malifor está morto... O que fiz eu? O que farei? Preciso de fugir deste " #~ "lugar!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Besides, he will probably just go and drown himself in the nearest river " #~ "anyway, so why bother?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "De qualquer maneira, provavelmente irá afogar-se no rio mais próximo, por " #~ "isso para que preocupar-se?" # #~ msgid "Ray of Hope" #~ msgstr "Uma Estratégia de Esperança" # #~ msgid "" #~ "With Malifor’s death, the magical controls over Tallin’s will vanished. " #~ "Being suddenly confronted with the reality of his actions was too much " #~ "for him, and so he fled. As he did so, visions of his dying friends — " #~ "friends that he had slain — flashed before his eyes, while their voices " #~ "chided him from the darkness. Frantically he tried to escape their " #~ "condemnation, but it seemed that at every successive turn their numbers " #~ "grew greater and greater, and their words cut more and more deeply into " #~ "his ravaged soul. Screaming in desperation, he called upon his arts to " #~ "banish them forever into the lands of the dead, but they seemed to laugh " #~ "at his attempts and rebuke him even more forcibly for his betrayal." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Com a morte de Malifor, o controlo mágico sobre a vontade de Tallin " #~ "desapareceu. Ser confrontado tão repentinamente com as consequências das " #~ "suas ações fora demasiado para ele, por isso fugiu. Enquanto fugia, " #~ "visões dos seus amigos a morrer — amigos que ele mesmo tinha assassinado " #~ "— passaram diante dos seus olhos, enquanto as suas vozes o repreendiam, " #~ "da escuridão. Tentou, freneticamente, escapar das condenações, mas " #~ "parecia que a cada turno os seus números cresciam cada vez mais, e as " #~ "suas palavras cortavam mais e mais fundo a sua alma devastada. A gritar " #~ "de desespero, Tallin invocou as suas artes para banir-os eternamente para " #~ "as terras dos mortos, mas pareciam rir-se das suas tentativas vãs e " #~ "repreenderam-o com mais força pela sua traição." # #~ msgid "" #~ "His thoughts soon turned to death as the only way to escape his " #~ "punishment, and he immediately drew his dagger and plunged it into his " #~ "heart. But as he stabbed himself again and again, he found that his " #~ "feeble body failed to collapse, and his life force continued to dwell " #~ "within his bones. Desperate, Tallin cast about for other ways of self-" #~ "destruction. He soon detected the presence of a large body of water " #~ "nearby, and some great monster living within its depths, and he stumbled " #~ "blindly towards the oblivion offered by both." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Imediatamente pensou na morte como a única maneira de escapar do seu " #~ "sofrimento, de modo que puxou da sua adaga e mergulhou-a no seu coração. " #~ "Porém apesar de esfaquear-se outra e outra vez, o seu corpo fraco falhava " #~ "em sucumbir e a sua força vital teimava de sair dos seus ossos. " #~ "Desesperadamente, Tallin virou-se para outras formas por um suicídio. " #~ "Detetando a presença de uma grande poça de água por perto com algum " #~ "monstro maligno a viver nas suas profundezas cegamente lançou-se aos " #~ "braços deste para ser esquecido de vez." # #~ msgid "" #~ "But as he approached the dark and menacing depths, he was accosted by the " #~ "ghost of yet another creature." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mas à medida que se aproximava das profundezas escuras e ameaçadoras, " #~ "fora abordado por um fantasma de uma outra criatura." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Abhai: Halt right there, oh vile minion of Malifor! Your attempts to " #~ "enslave me yet again will fail. All you shall find here will be your own " #~ "destruction!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abhai: Para, ó servo vil de Malifor! As tuas tentativas por escravizar-me " #~ "irão falhar. Tudo que irás encontrar aqui será a tua própria destruição!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "By the gods of darkness, what harm have I done to you? You have not been " #~ "slain by me, nor by my minions. And Malifor is dead, and by the Gods I " #~ "will never serve any of his likes ever again! Now get out of my way!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pelos deuses das trevas, que mal te fiz? Não foste morto por mim, muito " #~ "menos pelos meus servos. E Malifor está morto, e pelos Deuses, nunca " #~ "servirei a ninguém como ele novamente! Agora, saia do meu caminho!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Abhai: Hold! Malifor has been slain? Then why am I not yet free of this " #~ "ethereal body? Am I doomed to an eternity of unlife?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abhai: Espera! Malifor foi derrotado? Então porque ainda não estou livre " #~ "deste corpo etéreo? Estou condenado à não-vida por toda eternidade?" # #~ msgid "Your troubles are none of my concerns. Begone!" #~ msgstr "Os teus problemas não me importam. Desaparece!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Abhai: Now wait! Who are you, and what are you doing coming in this " #~ "direction? I sense you are well versed in the dark arts; can you rid me " #~ "of this body?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abhai: Espera um momento! Quem és e o que estás a fazer vindo nesta " #~ "direção? Sinto que és bem treinado nas artes das trevas; podes livrar-me " #~ "deste corpo?" #~ msgid "" #~ "I am Tallin. I was once a free man leading my people in a revolution " #~ "against their orcish overlords, but I was tricked and enslaved by " #~ "Malifor. While under his control, I have done unthinkable deeds — I have " #~ "studied the most forbidden of arts, I have robbed the dead of their rest, " #~ "and I have mercilessly butchered my friends like some sort of mindless " #~ "abomination. Now I am haunted by all the evil I have done, and I see no " #~ "way of escaping this torment other than self destruction." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sou Tallin. Uma vez fui um homem livre que liderava a revolução do meu " #~ "povo contra os senhores dos orcs, mas fui enganado e escravizado por " #~ "Malifor. Enquanto estive sob o controlo dele, fiz coisas impensáveis — " #~ "estudei as mais proibidas das artes, roubei o descanso dos mortos e " #~ "massacrei os meus amigos, sem piedade, como uma abominação estúpida. " #~ "Agora sou assombrado pelo que fiz e não vejo outro modo de escapar desta " #~ "tormenta a não ser pela minha própria destruição." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Abhai: I don’t think death will help you, my boy. As I am sure you have " #~ "already learned, death itself will have nothing to do with you. Even if " #~ "your body is destroyed, your life force will still roam this world in " #~ "torment. Such is the fate for the likes of us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abhai: Não penso que a morte ajudará-te, amigo. E como tenho a certeza " #~ "que já aprendeste, a própria morte não tem nada a ver contigo. Mesmo que " #~ "o teu corpo seja destruído, a tua força vital atormentada ainda vagará " #~ "neste mundo. Este é o destino de todos como nós." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Then what shall we do? The dying shrieks of my friends haunt me " #~ "endlessly. It was because of me that they rose up against the orcs in the " #~ "first place! They trusted me to always be there with them, guiding and " #~ "leading them, and putting myself in the forefront of every battle. If I " #~ "were not there they never would have risked their lives — nay, if I were " #~ "not there they wouldn’t be dead right now! And I betrayed them! Those who " #~ "trusted me most I slew with my own hands!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Então o que iremos fazer? Os gritos de morte dos meus amigos assombram-me " #~ "sem parar. Em primeiro lugar, fora por minha causa que rebelaram-se " #~ "contra os orcs! Confiaram que sempre estaria com eles, guiando-os e " #~ "liderando-os e colocando-me à frente em todas as batalhas. Se não " #~ "estivesse lá nunca teriam arriscado as suas vidas — ou melhor, se não " #~ "estivesse lá nem estariam mortos agora! E traí-os! Aqueles que mais " #~ "acreditaram em mim foram aniquilados pelas minhas próprias mãos!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Abhai: Be at peace, Tallin. I know of the trials that you have gone " #~ "through, for I have faced them myself, and having faced those same trials " #~ "I can say that you are not at fault. It was Malifor who had bound you to " #~ "his will, and thus the blame of all your crimes falls on him. Now that he " #~ "is dead, you are free, both of his will, and of the crimes he has " #~ "committed through you." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abhai: Tranquila-te, Tallin. Conheço os testes pelos quais passaste, pois " #~ "também deparei-me com eles, e conhecendo os mesmos desafios posso dizer " #~ "que a culpa não é tua. Fora Malifor quem prendeu-te à sua vontade, e por " #~ "isso a culpa de todos os seus crimes caem sobre ele. Agora que está " #~ "morto, estás livre, tanto da tua vontade, quanto dos crimes que te fez " #~ "cometer." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Nevertheless, it was my hands which wielded the staff that shattered the " #~ "skulls of my friends. It was my lips which spoke the incantations to " #~ "blast them with spells, or beset them with nightmares from another world. " #~ "It was I who was not strong enough to resist his will. Your words, " #~ "although kind, are not enough to relieve me of my guilt." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Todavia, foram as minhas mãos que empunharam o bastão que esmagou os " #~ "crânios dos meus amigos. Foram os meus lábios que citaram os " #~ "encantamentos para destruir-os com magia, ou assediar-os com pesadelos do " #~ "outro mundo. Fura eu quem não fora o suficiente forte para resistir " #~ "contra a vontade de Malifor. As tuas palavras, mesmo que gentis, não são " #~ "suficientes para aliviar-me da minha culpa." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Abhai: Whether or not you are at fault is often impossible for men like " #~ "us to judge. Sometimes you think you are at fault while you actually are " #~ "not, and at other times, you sometimes think you have committed no crime " #~ "while you actually have. But there is one way in which this matter can be " #~ "settled beyond the shadow of a doubt." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abhai: Se a culpa é tua ou não, as vezes é impossível para seres como nós " #~ "julgar. Algumas vezes pensas-te culpado enquanto não és, e outras vezes " #~ "pensas que não cometeste nenhum crime, enquanto na verdade fizeste. Mas " #~ "só existe uma maneira para que este assunto seja resolvido sem sombra de " #~ "dúvidas." # #~ msgid "How is that?" #~ msgstr "Como?" # #~ msgid "Abhai: You must find the Rod of Justice." #~ msgstr "Abhai: Tens de encontrar o Bastão da Justiça." # #~ msgid "The Rod of Justice? I have never heard of it." #~ msgstr "O Bastão da Justiça? Nunca ouvi." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Abhai: You haven’t? It was an ancient artifact even when I was young. " #~ "They say it was crafted by the Great Gods themselves, and given to the " #~ "first true Ruler of Men to ensure peace, harmony and above all — justice. " #~ "For hundreds of years now, it passed from king to successor. Ever since " #~ "it has been wielded by men, the ruling class never became corrupt, the " #~ "people never lacked justice and neither evil nor wars ever troubled the " #~ "land." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abhai: Nunca ouviste falar? Fora um artefacto antigo mesmo quando eu era " #~ "jovem. Dizem que fora forjado pelos próprios Grandes Deuses, e dado ao " #~ "primeiro Governante dos Homens para garantir a paz, harmonia e acima de " #~ "tudo — justiça. Por séculos, passou de rei para sucessor. Desde que foi " #~ "empunhado por homens, a classe governante nunca foi corrompida, nunca " #~ "faltou justiça às pessoas e nem o mal nem guerras perturbaram a terra." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Well, that certainly isn’t the state of affairs now. Knalga lies in " #~ "ruins, orcs ravish the surface, and dark and evil creatures haunt the " #~ "underground passages. In the meantime, Wesnoth is said to be ruled by the " #~ "wicked and cruel queen Asheviere, while the rightful heir must have long " #~ "since perished in his vain quest for the Sceptre of Fire." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bem, não é certamente como as coisas vão. Gnalga está em ruínas, orcs " #~ "violentam a superfície, e criaturas das trevas assombram as passagens " #~ "subterrâneas. Ao mesmo tempo, dizem que Wesnoth é governado pela cruel e " #~ "perversa rainha Asheviere, enquanto o verdadeiro herdeiro do trono há " #~ "muito tempo pereceu na sua busca vã pelo Ceptro do Fogo." # #~ msgid "" #~ "I had assumed things would be in such a state, as I can faintly sense the " #~ "presence of the Rod of Justice nearby. I thought that if I could somehow " #~ "reach the Rod, I would be able to destroy Malifor and be free of this " #~ "state. Alas, it seems to be in vain now..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Assumi que as coisas estariam assim, enquanto posso fracamente sentir a " #~ "presença do Bastão da Justiça por perto. Pensei que se pudéssemos de " #~ "alguma forma alcançar o Bastão, poderia destruir Malifor e livrar-me. Ai, " #~ "tudo parece ser em vão agora..." # #~ msgid "But you said that this Rod may be able to help me?" #~ msgstr "Mas não disseste que aquele bastão da justiça iria ajudar-me?" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Abhai: Yes, my boy. When I was king, I wielded the Rod of Justice. It " #~ "contains such power that no creature that I have ever encountered can " #~ "dare stand before it. However, if a person who grasps the staff is a " #~ "criminal, or has a heart full of dark and evil, then the staff will smite " #~ "them down as surely as you are standing there." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abhai: Sim, meu rapaz. Quando fora rei, empunhei o Bastão da Justiça. " #~ "Contém tanto poder que nenhuma criatura que jamais encontrei foi capaz de " #~ "atrever-se a ficar perante ele. Entretanto, se uma pessoa que agarrar o " #~ "bastão for um criminoso ou tiver o coração cheio de malice e trevas, " #~ "então o bastão irá punir-o tão certo como existir." # #~ msgid "" #~ "So you suggest that I grasp this Rod of Justice, as if it were to judge " #~ "me?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Então sugeres que peque no Bastão da Justiça, como forma de julgamento?" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Abhai: That is exactly what I suggest, my boy. When you grasp it, if you " #~ "are destroyed, then that is an end to your torment. If you are not, then " #~ "you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Great Gods do not hold you " #~ "responsible for the acts Malifor has committed through you. Either way, " #~ "it will be an end to your suffering." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abhai: É exactamente o que estou a sugerir, meu amigo. Quando segurares-" #~ "o, ou serás destruído, e então será o fim dos teus tormentos, Ou se não " #~ "fores, então saberás, sem sombra de dúvidas, que os Grandes Deuses não te " #~ "consideram responsável pelos actos que Malifor fez-te cometer. De " #~ "qualquer maneira, será o fim para o teu sofrimento." # #~ msgid "Then we must find this rod. Lead the way, my friend." #~ msgstr "Então tenho de encontrar este bastão. Lidera-me, meu amigo." # #~ msgid "Machador" #~ msgstr "Machador" # #~ msgid "Gurk" #~ msgstr "Gurk" # #~ msgid "Kishmish" #~ msgstr "Kishmish" # #~ msgid "Find the Rod of Justice" #~ msgstr "Encontra o Bastão da justiça" # #~ msgid "Death of Abhai" #~ msgstr "Morte de Abhai" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Tallin, accompanied by the ghost of the king — whose name he soon " #~ "discovered to be Abhai — set off down the tunnels in search of the Rod of " #~ "Justice. However, their way was soon blocked by the body of water that " #~ "Tallin had sensed, as well as the monster that dwelt in its depths." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tallin, acompanhado pelo fantasma do rei — cujo nome logo descobriu que " #~ "era Abhai — desceram os túneis em busca do Bastão da Justiça. Porém, logo " #~ "foram bloqueados pela grande poça de água que Tallin tinha sentido, assim " #~ "como pelo monstro que habitava nas suas profundezas." # #~ msgid "" #~ "I have tried to pass by this body of water many times, but each time the " #~ "creature that dwells in the depths blocks me. I have cut off many of its " #~ "arms and yet they still keep growing back. However, without entering the " #~ "depths of these waters we can’t destroy the creature." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tentei passar por esta poça de água muitas vezes, mas cada vez esta " #~ "criatura que habitava as profundezas impedia-me de passar. Já cortei " #~ "muitos dos seus braços, mas sempre voltam a crescer. Entretanto, sem " #~ "mergulhar nas profundezas dessas águas, não podemos destruir a criatura." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Then we shall have to pass it by. If we quickly cut off its arms we may " #~ "be able to make a safe crossing." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Então iremos passar. Se cortarmos rapidamente os seus braços poderemos " #~ "passar em segurança." # #~ msgid "" #~ "To do this, Tallin, you must call upon your art, for simply the both of " #~ "us together will not be sufficient to cut off its arms fast enough." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Para fazer isto, Tallin, tens de invocar as tuas artes, pois nós dois " #~ "juntos simplesmente não podemos cortar os seus braços suficientemente " #~ "rápido." # #~ msgid "Never! I refuse to utter those cursed words!" #~ msgstr "Nunca! Recuso-me a proclamar palavras amaldiçoadas!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "No art in itself is ever evil, my boy; evil or good is in the use to " #~ "which it is put. But now is not the time to argue; see how the arms of " #~ "this creature reach for us! Quickly, we must defeat this creature!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nenhuma arte em si é maligna, meu rapaz; o bem ou o mal está no que for " #~ "utilizada. Mas agora não é tempo de discutir; vês como os braços desta " #~ "criatura chegam a nós! Rápido, temos de derrotá-la!" # #~ msgid "Very well, if there is no other way..." #~ msgstr "Muito bem, se não existe outra maneira..." # #~ msgid "" #~ "I don’t know what it is, but I can sense some sort of energy radiating " #~ "from yonder passage. Could this possibly be the Rod of Justice, Abhai?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Não sei o que é, mas sinto uma energia qualquer a radiar daquela " #~ "passagem. Poderia ser o Bastão da Justiça, Abhai?" # #~ msgid "" #~ "I don’t think so, my boy. I sense the Rod’s power coming from another " #~ "direction. However, one can never be too sure in matters such as these. " #~ "It would be wise to investigate." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Não creio, meu rapaz. Sinto o poder do Bastão a vir da outra direção. " #~ "Porém, ninguém pode saber ao certo nestes assuntos. Seria sábio " #~ "investigar." # #~ msgid "HISSSS" #~ msgstr "HESSSS" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Showing signs of ancient elvish manufacture, this amulet grants whomever " #~ "is wearing it increased strength, stamina and protection against fire and arcane attacks." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mostrando sinais de uma manufactura elfa antiga, este amuleto concede a " #~ "quem o vestir força aumentada, vigor e proteção contra fogo e " #~ "ataques arcanos." # #~ msgid "" #~ "The Amulet of Strength, how fascinating. However — though it may be a " #~ "useful trinket, it is hardly the Rod of Justice. Let us proceed in our " #~ "mission." #~ msgstr "" #~ "O Amuleto da Força, fascinante. Todavia — mesmo que seja um apetrecho " #~ "útil, é dificilmente o Bastão da Justiça. Vamos prosseguir com a nossa " #~ "missão." # #~ msgid "Bah! More undead. Alert chief!" #~ msgstr "Pá! Mais morto-vivos. Alertam o chefe!" # #~ msgid "Haffel" #~ msgstr "Haffel" # #~ msgid "Hekkna" #~ msgstr "Hekkna" # #~ msgid "Sound the alert, boys, a group of undead approach." #~ msgstr "Soem o alerta, homens, um grupo de mortos-vivos aproxima-se." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Peace, peace! We do not wish to fight. Let us pass and we shall do you no " #~ "harm." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Paz, paz! Não desejamos lutar. Deixem-nos passar e não vos causaremos mal." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Ha! You hear that, brother! This scum says he means us no harm, and " #~ "simply wishes to pass!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Há! Ouviste isto, irmão! Esta escória diz que não quer magoar-nos e que " #~ "simplesmente deseja passar!" # #~ msgid "Haha! As if he can just ‘pass through’ a Drake nesting cave." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Haha! Como se pudesse apenas ‘passar’ por uma caverna com ninhos de " #~ "dragos." # #~ msgid "" #~ "We have no business with these creatures you speak of. We simply seek the " #~ "Rod of Justice." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Não temos negócios com estas criaturas dos quem falam. Apenas buscamos o " #~ "Bastão da Justiça." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Ah ha! That’s what he is after. I bet he is having delusions of using it " #~ "to conquer the world or something." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ah há! É daquilo que está atrás. Aposto em como está a delirar em usar-o " #~ "para conquistar o mundo, ou algo parecido." # #~ msgid "Haha!" #~ msgstr "Haha!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Well, tell you what, buddy, I just ate so I am not really in the mood for " #~ "a fight right now. Let me just give you the facts and then you can turn " #~ "around and leave." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bem, vou contar-te, amigo: acabei de comer e não estou com humor para " #~ "lutar agora. Deixa-me apenas dizer-te estas verdades para que te vires e " #~ "vás embora." # #~ msgid "What facts?" #~ msgstr "Que factos?" #~ msgid "" #~ "First of all, most people can’t hold the Rod of Justice for more than a " #~ "few seconds without it burning their hand. For you, it would probably " #~ "burn you up alive in seconds. Secondly, it has been in the possession of " #~ "an extremely powerful and ancient dragon for centuries now. Not only will " #~ "the dragon roast you alive, but he has a whole nest of drakes at his beck " #~ "and call to join in the fun." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Em primeiro lugar, basicamente ninguém pode segurar o Bastão da Justiça " #~ "por mais de alguns segundos antes de queimar as suas mãos. Provavelmente " #~ "queimaria-te vivo ao simples toque. De seguida, esteve em posse de um " #~ "dragão antigo e extremamente poderoso por séculos. Não apenas o dragão " #~ "irá assar-te vivo, mas também tem muitos ninhos de dragos para se " #~ "juntarem à festa ao seu sinal." # #~ msgid "" #~ "A dragon. Hmmm, creatures such as these are often fascinated by magical " #~ "objects. However, the Rod of Justice is far too important to be simply " #~ "the plaything of a dragon. Tallin, we must retrieve it and bring peace to " #~ "this land." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Um dragão. Mm, criaturas como estas as vezes são fascinadas por objetos " #~ "mágicos. Porém, o Bastão da Justiça é de longe demasiado importante para " #~ "ser deixado como brinquedo para ele. Tallin, devemos recuperá-lo e trazer " #~ "paz para esta terra." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Now hold on, here, what is this talk of me saving the world all the " #~ "sudden. Just take a look at who you are talking to here..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Espera, que história é esta em salvar o mundo tão repentinamente. Apenas " #~ "veja com quem estás a falar aqui..." # #~ msgid "" #~ "I guess now is not the right time to bring up this topic. However, the " #~ "fact remains, we much reach the Rod of Justice." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Suponho que agora não é uma boa hora para discutirmos. Na verdade ainda " #~ "precisamos de alcançar o Bastão da Justiça." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Agreed, but I do not wish to stain my hands with the blood of these " #~ "creatures as well." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Concordo, mas também não quero sujar as minhas mãos com o sangue destas " #~ "criaturas." # #~ msgid "" #~ "We also would much rather take a nap, but if you don’t hurry up and move " #~ "it we will shoot you down." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Também preferimos descansar um pouco, mas se te apressares e sares em " #~ "breve atiraremos-nos a ti." # #~ msgid "You leave us with no choice." #~ msgstr "Não nos deixas escolha." # #~ msgid "Phew, it’s hot down here!" #~ msgstr "Chi, está quente cá em baixo!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "I have a feeling that this is the lair of that dragon those chaps were " #~ "talking about a while back." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tenho a impressão de que este é o lar do dragão do qual estavam a falar " #~ "há um tempo atrás." # #~ msgid "" #~ "You must be right; I feel that the Rod of Justice is extremely close now." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Deves estar certo; sinto que o Bastão da Justiça está muito perto agora." # #~ msgid "" #~ "We have broken into the drake nest. Although we must fight our way " #~ "through, let us avoid the side passages where I am sure the hatchlings " #~ "are raised. Destroying them would simply be needless killing." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Invadimos o ninho dos dragos. Embora devamos lutar pelo nosso caminho, " #~ "vamos evitar as passagens laterais, onde estão com certeza as crias " #~ "pequenas. Destruir-os apenas seria uma chacina desnecessária." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Wow, that’s a long way up! This must be the place where drakes leave " #~ "their nest when they grow wings." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Uáu, este é um longo caminho para cima! Deve ser o lugar de onde os " #~ "dragos saem quando as suas asas cresceram." # #~ msgid "" #~ "I can see a tiny speck of light in the distance. We must be miles from " #~ "the surface." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Posso ver um pequeno feixe de luz à distância. Devemos estar a milhas da " #~ "superfície." # #~ msgid "" #~ "If you are quite finished enjoying the view, then get your sorry soul " #~ "back in line. I don’t know why you bothered going down that passage in " #~ "the first place — nothing there but a bunch of bats." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Se tiveres terminado de apreciar a vista, põe a tua pobre alma de volta " #~ "na linha. Aliás, não sei porque te incomodaste em ir por aquela passagem " #~ "— não há nada lá além de um bando de morcegos." # #~ msgid "" #~ "I found a way to the surface — that is if you feel like climbing straight " #~ "up for miles on end..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Encontrei um caminho para a superfície — quer dizer, se estiveres farto " #~ "de escalar por milhas..." # #~ msgid "Wow, a tiny patch of sunlight all the way down here." #~ msgstr "Uau, um pouco de luz solar chegou até aqui abaixo." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Don’t bother heading down this passage further, Tallin. I am sure that " #~ "The Rod is not in this direction." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Não te incomodes em prosseguir adiante por esta passagem, Tallin. Estou " #~ "certo de que o Bastão não está naquela direção." # #~ msgid "" #~ "I can faintly feel a breeze of fresh air. Perhaps this passage leads to " #~ "the surface." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Posso sentir uma brisa ligeira de ar fresco. Talvez esta passagem leve-" #~ "nos à superfície." # #~ msgid "" #~ "We do not seek the surface, Tallin, we seek the Rod of Justice. I see no " #~ "gain from exploring this passage further." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Não buscamos a superfície, Tallin, mas sim o Bastão da Justiça. Não vejo " #~ "vantagem em explorar mais esta passagem." # #~ msgid "" #~ "You fools! Have the land of the dead refused you entry that you have " #~ "dared come here!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Idiotas! Terá a terra dos mortos recusado a vossa entrada para atreveram-" #~ "se a vir aqui!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "We do not wish to fight you, Great One, we simply seek the Rod of Justice " #~ "— which we believe is in your possession." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Não desejamos de lutar contigo, Grandeza, apenas procuramos o Bastão da " #~ "Justiça — que acreditamos estar na tua posse." # #~ msgid "" #~ "The Rod of Justice was not made to be the plaything of a demented " #~ "sorcerer such as you. It is perhaps the most powerful artifact that I " #~ "have ever encountered." #~ msgstr "" #~ "O Bastão da Justiça não foi feito para ser o brinquedo de um feiticeiro " #~ "demente como tu. Provavelmente é o artefacto mais poderoso que jamais " #~ "encontrei." # #~ msgid "" #~ "We need that Rod of Justice, dragon. If you don’t hand it over to us " #~ "peacefully, then we will have to take it by force." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Precisamos do Bastão da Justiça, dragão. Se não nos entregares-o por bem, " #~ "teremos de tirar-o de ti à força." # #~ msgid "I tire of your insolence! Prepare to die!" #~ msgstr "A vossa insolência cansa-me! Preparem-se para morrer!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "How shameful! I have lived for over fifty thousand years, I have crushed " #~ "countless foes and raised countless generations of drakes — and now I am " #~ "defeated by a mere Sorcerer!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Que vergonhoso! Vivi por mais de cinco milénios, esmaguei uma quantidade " #~ "incontável de inimigos e criei inúmeros dragos — e agora fui derrotado " #~ "por um mero feiticeiro!" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Well done, Tallin. The Rod of Justice is ours now. Now go forth, grasp " #~ "the Rod of Justice and put all your fears and nightmares to rest." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Muito bem, Tallin. O Bastão da Justiça agora é nosso. Agora vá em frente, " #~ "agarra o Bastão da Justiça e livra-te dos teus medos e pesadelos." # #~ msgid "I really should slay the dragon before I touch this..." #~ msgstr "Realmente deveria assassinar o dragão antes de tocar nisto..." # #~ msgid "Judgment" #~ msgstr "Julgamento" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Driven by an overwhelming need to be released from his torment, Tallin " #~ "approached the Rod of Justice where it lay amidst the Dragon’s hoarded " #~ "treasure. But as he was about to grasp it in his trembling hands, he " #~ "hesitated and found himself unable to proceed. Abhai came forth — his " #~ "ethereal form gliding over the scattered treasure and the carcases of its " #~ "defenders — and fearlessly lifted the Rod in his ghostly hands. He paused " #~ "for a moment, as if savoring the familiar feel of it in his grasp once " #~ "more, and then presented it to Tallin." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Impulsionado por uma enorme necessidade em ser libertado do seu tormento, " #~ "Tallin aproximou-se do bastão da justiça no meio do tesouro acumulado do " #~ "Dragão. Mas, quando estava prestes a agarrá-la com as mãos tremulas, " #~ "hesitou e viu-se incapaz em prosseguir. Abhai veio — com a sua forma " #~ "etérea a deslizar sobre o tesouro disperso e os cadáveres dos seus " #~ "defensores — e sem medo levantou o bastão com as suas mãos " #~ "fantasmagóricos. Parou por um momento, como se quisesse saborear a " #~ "sensação familiar de sentir-o nas suas mãos mais uma vez, e depois " #~ "apresentou-o a Tallin." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Tallin raised his eyes to look into Abhai’s and Abhai met his gaze — " #~ "confidence meeting uncertainty, faith meeting doubt, assurance meeting " #~ "apprehension. “I have faith in you, my boy,” Abhai said, “Take " #~ "this, and put your doubts at rest.” Tallin held the gaze for one more " #~ "long moment — and then took the Rod of Justice in a white-knuckled grip." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tallin ergueu os olhos para olhar para Abhai e Abhai encontrou o seu " #~ "olhar — confiança a virar em incerteza, fé a virar em dúvida, garantia a " #~ "virar em apreensão. “Tenho fé em ti, meu rapaz,” disse Abhai, " #~ "“Tomai-o, e coloca as tuas dúvidas ao repouso.” Tallin segurou o " #~ "olhar por mais um longo momento — e, em seguida, tomou o bastão da " #~ "Justiça apertando os nós dos dedos brancos." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Searing pain flooded through him. A light, not bright and not dark, but " #~ "tremendously powerful, blinded him through his clenched eyelids. As his " #~ "minions stared blankly, his entire being erupted in ethereal fire and his " #~ "physical form crumpled to the cavern floor." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dor lancinante inundou-o. Uma luz, nem clara nem escura, mas " #~ "tremendamente poderosa, cegou-o através das suas pálpebras cerradas. Como " #~ "os seus subordinados, olhou fixamente e todo o seu ser fora irrompido por " #~ "um fogo etéreo e a sua forma física caiu no chão da caverna." # #~ msgid "Hello, Tallin" #~ msgstr "Olá, Tallin" # #~ msgid "$betrayed_friend.name, you?" #~ msgstr "$betrayed_friend.name, tu?" # #~ msgid "Yes, Tallin — it is I." #~ msgstr "Sim, Tallin — sou eu." # #~ msgid "" #~ "How did you get here — I thought you you were dead... and for that " #~ "matter, where are we, I look... I feel—" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Como chegaste até aqui — pensei que estavas morto... e falando assim, " #~ "onde estamos, pareço... sinto —" # #~ msgid "" #~ "You no longer look like a decomposing corpse. Strength and vitality flows " #~ "through your veins again, does it not?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Não parece mais como um corpo em decomposição. Força e vitalidade fluí " #~ "nas tuas veias de novo, não os sentes?" # #~ msgid "... Yes, it is indeed so." #~ msgstr "...Sim, é mesmo assim." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Tallin, we are in a place beyond matter, thought, and time. This is a " #~ "place of unimaginable splendor, glory and transcendence — the very realm " #~ "of the Greater Gods." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tallin, estamos num lugar além da matéria, pensamento e tempo. Este é um " #~ "lugar de esplendor, glória e transcendência inimagináveis — o reino dos " #~ "Grandes Deuses." # #~ msgid "... If you say so. I can’t see anything." #~ msgstr "...Se assim o dizes. Não vejo nada." # #~ msgid "" #~ "As I said, Tallin this place is beyond matter, thought, and time. Your " #~ "body is made of matter, which renders you unable to perceive anything " #~ "here." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Como já disse, Tallin, este lugar está além da matéria, pensamento e do " #~ "tempo. O teu corpo é feito de matéria, o que o torna inabilitado perceber " #~ "qualquer coisa aqui." # #~ msgid "Matter, so you mean..." #~ msgstr "Matéria, então queres dizer que..." # #~ msgid "" #~ "No, Tallin, you are not dead. The Greater Gods have seen it fit to give " #~ "you another chance." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Não, Tallin, não estás morto. Os Grandes Deuses quiseram dar-te uma nova " #~ "hipótese." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Another chance, but why? What have I done except mislead those who " #~ "followed me, and then betray and back-stab them at the worst possible " #~ "moment?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Uma nova hipótese, mas porque? O que tenho feito, excepto desviar dos " #~ "seus caminhos aqueles que me seguiram, traí-los e apunhalá-los no pior " #~ "momento possível?" # #~ msgid "" #~ "I beg to differ Tallin. True, you did not have the strength to resist " #~ "Malifor’s evil summons, but you can hardly be blamed for that. What in " #~ "your previous existence could have prepared you for such a trial? And, on " #~ "the other hand, you spent your entire life in preparation to free your " #~ "people from orcish enslavement. Every word, every thought, every action " #~ "from your boyhood up till your enslavement by Malifor was dedicated to " #~ "this task, and this task is still incomplete." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Discordo, Tallin. Na verdade, não tiveste força para resistir aos servos " #~ "malignos de Malifor, mas mal podes ser culpado por isso. O quê, na tua " #~ "existência anterior, poderia ter-te preparado para tal teste? E por outro " #~ "lado, passaste toda a tua vida a preparar-te para libertar o teu povo da " #~ "escravidão dos orcs. Cada palavra, cada pensamento, cada ação, desde a " #~ "tua infância até tornares-te escravo de Malifor, foi dedicado a essa " #~ "tarefa, e essa tarefa ainda não foi terminada." # #~ msgid "Incomplete, you say. I would say I have failed." #~ msgstr "Ainda não foi terminada, dizes tu. Eu diria que falhou." # #~ msgid "" #~ "No, Tallin. You have strayed, surely, but you have not yet failed. The " #~ "fire you have kindled is still burning. Your people are still free and " #~ "fighting under the leadership of the Dwarvish Lord Hamel. As you have " #~ "yourself seen, they have destroyed Malifor and are even now trying to " #~ "reclaim Knalga from the grasp of the orcs. But their struggle with " #~ "Malifor has left them weak and exhausted; and a massive orcish army " #~ "rallies against them. Without assistance, they will soon be overwhelmed " #~ "and the Northlands will once again be plunged into darkness and chaos." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Não, Tallin. Perdeste-te, seguramente, mas não falhaste. A chama que " #~ "acendeste ainda queima. O teu povo ainda está livre e a lutar sob a " #~ "liderança de Hamel. Assim como viste por ti próprio, destruíram Malifor e " #~ "estão até a tentar retomar Gnalga das garras dos orcs. Mas a sua luta com " #~ "Malifo deixou-os fracos e exaustos; e um enorme exército de orcs agrupa-" #~ "se contra eles. Sem ajuda, logo serão derrotados e as Terras do Norte " #~ "mais uma vez mergulharão nas trevas e no caos." # #~ msgid "" #~ "Now is your chance, Tallin. In your enslavement you have learned a " #~ "powerful art; put it to good use. Let your fall become the means by which " #~ "you succeed." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Agora é a tua oportunidade, Tallin. Enquanto escravo aprendeste uma arte " #~ "poderosa; ponha-a para bom uso. Deixa que a tua queda seja a ferramenta " #~ "para a tua vitória." # #~ msgid "You mean, I should continue to practice the evil of necromancy?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Queres dizer que deveria continuar a praticar a maligna necrómancia?" # #~ msgid "" #~ "Even the foulest of weapons can be put to good use, Tallin. Poison " #~ "generally kills, but it can also be used to heal. In the same way, " #~ "although this art is usually practiced by the most power-hungry and " #~ "corrupt, it may still be turned to the ends of good by one with the " #~ "strength of will and soul-depth you have gained through your suffering." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mesmo a pior arma pode ser bem utilizada, Tallin. Veneno mata em geral, " #~ "mas também pode ser utilizado para curar. Da mesma forma, embora esta " #~ "arte seja normalmente praticada pelos mais sedentos pelo poder e " #~ "corrupção, pode ainda ser usada para o bem por alguém com força de " #~ "espírito como a que ganhaste através do teu sofrimento." # #~ msgid "Very well. If this is the will of the Greater Gods, then so be it." #~ msgstr "Pois bem. Se esta é a vontade dos Grandes Deuses, que assim seja."