# Slovak translations for Battle for Wesnoth package. # Copyright (C) 2004 Wesnoth development team # This file is distributed under the same license as the Battle for Wesnoth package. # Automatically generated, 2004. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Battle for Wesnoth 1.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2025-02-05 12:06-0600\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-05 00:23+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Stanislav Hoferek \n" "Language-Team: none\n" "Language: sk_SK\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural= (n==1) ? 1 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 2 : 0;\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.4\n" #. [multiplayer_side]: id=Custom #: data/_main.cfg:22 msgid "Custom" msgstr "Vlastná" #. [advanced_preference]: type=combo #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:4 msgid "Compress saved games" msgstr "Komprimovať uložené hry" #. [option]: id=gzip #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:9 msgid "save_compression^Gzip" msgstr "Gzip" #. [option]: id=gzip #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:10 msgid "save_compression_desc^Default compression, faster" msgstr "Základná kompresia, rýchlejšia" #. [option]: id=bzip2 #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:14 msgid "save_compression^Bzip2" msgstr "Bzip2" #. [option]: id=bzip2 #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:15 msgid "save_compression_desc^Best compression, slower" msgstr "Najlepšia kompresia, pomalšia" #. [option]: id=none #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:19 msgid "save_compression^No" msgstr "Žiadna" #. [option]: id=none #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:20 msgid "save_compression_desc^Large plain text files" msgstr "Veľké textové súbory" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:26 msgid "Whether to show icons in the add-ons list on the add-ons manager" msgstr "" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:27 msgid "" "Disabling saves bandwidth by not sending icons for the add-ons list in the " "add-ons manager" msgstr "" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:34 msgid "Confirm deleting saves" msgstr "Potvrdzovať mazanie uložených hier" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:41 msgid "Mouse scrolling" msgstr "Umožniť rolovanie myšou" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:48 msgid "Middle-click scrolling" msgstr "Umožniť rolovanie stredným tlačidlom" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:55 msgid "Keep scrolling when mouse leaves window" msgstr "Pokračovať v posúvaní mapy aj keď myš opustí okno" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:62 msgid "Show combat" msgstr "Zobrazovať súboj" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:69 msgid "Auto-open whisper windows in lobby" msgstr "Súkromné správy v čakárni otvoria okno" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:76 msgid "Follow unit actions" msgstr "Sledovať pohyb jednotiek" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:77 msgid "" "Choose whether the map view should scroll to a unit when an action or move " "is animated" msgstr "" "Zvoľ či sa má mapa presunúť na jednotku, ktorej pohyb alebo činnosť je " "animovaná" #. [advanced_preference]: type=int #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:84 msgid "Chat message aging" msgstr "Starnutie správ rozhovoru" #. [advanced_preference]: type=int #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:85 msgid "" "Number of minutes to wait before clearing an ingame chat message. Set to 0 " "to disable." msgstr "Po koľkých minútach zmazať správu od iného hráča v hre. Vypni s 0." #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:95 msgid "Use 12-hour clock format" msgstr "Použi 12-hodinový formát času" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:102 msgid "Confirm loading saves from a different version" msgstr "Potvrdzovať načítanie hier z iných verzií" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:109 msgid "Show all unit types in help" msgstr "V návode zobraziť všetky typy jednotiek" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:110 msgid "" "Show all unit types in the help (requires restart). If unset, only units " "that have been encountered will be shown." msgstr "" "V návode zobraziť všetky typy jednotiek (vyžaduje reštart hry). Toto " "neovplyvní zoznam doteraz objavených jednotiek" #. [advanced_preference]: type=int #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:117 msgid "Editor recent files limit" msgstr "Limit posledných súborov v editore" #. [advanced_preference]: type=int #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:118 msgid "" "The maximum number of items to display on the Recent Files menu in the editor" msgstr "Počet položiek na zobrazenie v naposledy použitých súboroch v editore" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:128 msgid "Show color cursors" msgstr "Zobrazovať farebné kurzory" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:129 msgid "Use colored mouse cursors" msgstr "Zobrazovať farebné kurzory myši" #. [advanced_preference]: type=custom #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:136 msgid "Customize orb colors" msgstr "Prispôsobiť farby kruhu" #. [advanced_preference]: type=custom #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:142 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Zaznamenávanie" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:148 msgid "Allow damage calculation with Monte Carlo simulation" msgstr "Povoliť výpočet zranenia pomocou simulácie Monte Carlo" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:149 msgid "" "Allow the damage calculation window to simulate fights instead of using " "exact probability calculations" msgstr "" "Povoliť aby okno výpočtu zranenia simulovalo súboj namiesto použitia " "presných výpočtov pravdepodobnosti" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:156 msgid "Show deprecation messages in-game" msgstr "Zobrazovať v hre hlásenia o zastaralých funkciách" #. [advanced_preference]: type=boolean #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:157 msgid "" "Show warnings about deprecated API in the in-game chat area. These messages " "will still be shown in the log, even if this is disabled. In addition, the " "deprecation log-domain controls how many messages are printed." msgstr "" "Zobrazovať hlásenia o zastaralých rozhraniach (API) v oblasti rozhovoru. " "Tieto hlásenia sa budú zobrazovať v zázname aj keď je toto vypnuté. " "Nastavenie oblasti záznamu o zastaralých funkciách kontroluje koľko hlásení " "bude zobrazených." #. [advanced_preference]: type=int #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:164 msgid "Font size scale (experimental)" msgstr "Veľkosť písma (experimentálne)" #. [advanced_preference]: type=int #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:165 msgid "" "Scales all text up or down from the standard size for your resolution. " "Warning: Scaling text up may cause issues in the in-game sidebar." msgstr "" "Zväčší alebo zmenší veľkosť celého textu oproti štandardnej veľkosti pre " "vaše rozlíšenie. Upozornenie: Zväčšenie textu môže spôsobiť problémy na " "bočnom paneli v hre." #. [advanced_preference]: type=int #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:175 msgid "Server disconnect timeout" msgstr "Čas na pripojenie vypršal" #. [advanced_preference]: type=int #: data/advanced_preferences.cfg:176 msgid "" "The amount of time in seconds before a disconnect is detected. If currently " "logged into the multiplayer server, you must log out and then log back in " "for this to take effect." msgstr "" "Čas v sekundách, kým sa zistí odpojenie. Ak ste práve prihlásení na server " "pre viacerých hráčov, musíte sa odhlásiť a potom znova prihlásiť, aby sa to " "prejavilo." #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [unstore_unit] #. [lua]: set_status #: data/campaigns/Son_Of_The_Black_Eye/scenarios/07_The_Desert_of_Death.cfg:365 #: data/lua/wml/harm_unit.lua:124 src/actions/attack.cpp:1050 msgid "poisoned" msgstr "otrávený" #. [effect]: type=fire #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:492 #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:559 msgid "storm trident" msgstr "hromový trojzubec" #. [objectives] #. [lua]: generate_objectives #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:236 #: data/lua/wml/objectives.lua:38 msgid "Gold carryover:" msgstr "Prenos zlata:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [note] #. [lua]: generate_objectives #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:248 #: data/lua/wml/objectives.lua:39 src/map_command_handler.hpp:388 msgid "Notes:" msgstr "Poznámky:" #. [button]: id=ok #: data/campaigns/World_Conquest/gui/help_dialog.cfg:691 msgid "Close" msgstr "Zavri" #. [language] #: data/campaigns/World_Conquest/resources/strings/mainline.cfg:76 #: data/english.cfg:26 msgid "blade" msgstr "sečný" #. [language] #: data/campaigns/World_Conquest/resources/strings/mainline.cfg:79 #: data/english.cfg:29 msgid "fire" msgstr "oheň" #. [language] #: data/campaigns/World_Conquest/resources/strings/mainline.cfg:82 #: data/english.cfg:30 msgid "cold" msgstr "mráz" #. [language] #: data/campaigns/World_Conquest/resources/strings/mainline.cfg:85 #: data/english.cfg:27 msgid "pierce" msgstr "bodný" #. [language] #: data/campaigns/World_Conquest/resources/strings/mainline.cfg:88 #: data/english.cfg:28 msgid "impact" msgstr "tupý" #. [language] #: data/campaigns/World_Conquest/resources/strings/mainline.cfg:91 #: data/english.cfg:22 msgid "melee" msgstr "zblízka" #. [language] #: data/campaigns/World_Conquest/resources/strings/mainline.cfg:94 #: data/english.cfg:23 msgid "ranged" msgstr "na diaľku" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:4 msgid "Programming" msgstr "Programovanie" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:282 msgid "General Purpose Administration and Coordination" msgstr "Všeobecní správcovia a koordinátori" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:319 msgid "Internationalization Managers" msgstr "Správcovia prekladu" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:344 msgid "Trailers" msgstr "Trailery" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:360 msgid "Artwork and Graphics" msgstr "Umeleckí a grafickí dizajnéri" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:818 msgid "Music" msgstr "Hudba" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:855 msgid "Sound Effects" msgstr "Zvukové efekty" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:879 msgid "Campaign Design" msgstr "Dizajnér výprav" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:970 msgid "Multiplayer Maps and Balancing" msgstr "Mapy na zápas a vyváženie" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:1019 msgid "Packagers" msgstr "Výrobcovia balíkov" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:1131 msgid "Miscellaneous Contributors" msgstr "Rôzni prispievatelia" #. [about] #: data/core/about.cfg:1882 msgid "Bots" msgstr "Roboti" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:6 msgid "Afrikaans Translation" msgstr "Afrikánsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:26 msgid "Ancient Greek Translation" msgstr "Starogrécky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:34 msgid "Arabic Translation" msgstr "Arabský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:46 msgid "Asturian Translation" msgstr "Astúrsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:52 msgid "Basque Translation" msgstr "Baskický preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:65 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Bulgarian Translation" msgid "Bengali Translation" msgstr "Bulharský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:77 msgid "Bulgarian Translation" msgstr "Bulharský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:113 msgid "Catalan Translation" msgstr "Katalánsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:159 msgid "Chinese Translation" msgstr "Čínsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:257 msgid "Chinese (Taiwan) Translation" msgstr "Čínsky (Taiwan) preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:270 msgid "Croatian Translation" msgstr "Chorvátsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:280 msgid "Czech Translation" msgstr "Český preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:352 msgid "Danish Translation" msgstr "Dánsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:383 msgid "Dutch Translation" msgstr "Holandský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:457 msgid "English (GB) Translation" msgstr "Anglický (britský) preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:482 msgid "English (Shaw) Translation" msgstr "Anglický (Shaw) preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:500 msgid "Esperanto Translation" msgstr "Esperantský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:519 msgid "Estonian Translation" msgstr "Estónsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:529 msgid "Filipino Translation" msgstr "Filipínsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:539 msgid "Finnish Translation" msgstr "Fínsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:604 msgid "French Translation" msgstr "Francúzsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:772 msgid "Friulian Translation" msgstr "Friulský (severné Taliansko) preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:776 msgid "Galician Translation" msgstr "Galícijský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:812 msgid "German Translation" msgstr "Nemecký preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:937 msgid "Greek Translation" msgstr "Grécky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:980 msgid "Hebrew Translation" msgstr "Hebrejský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:993 msgid "Hungarian Translation" msgstr "Maďarský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1054 msgid "Icelandic Translation" msgstr "Islandský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1064 msgid "Indonesian Translation" msgstr "Indonézsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1092 msgid "Irish Translation" msgstr "Írsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1099 msgid "Italian Translation" msgstr "Taliansky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1146 msgid "Japanese Translation" msgstr "Japonský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1239 msgid "Korean Translation" msgstr "Kórejský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1247 msgid "Latin Translation" msgstr "Latinský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1273 msgid "Latvian Translation" msgstr "Lotyšský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1288 msgid "Lithuanian Translation" msgstr "Litovský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1313 msgid "Macedonian Translation" msgstr "Macedónsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1320 msgid "Marathi Translation" msgstr "Marathi preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1329 msgid "Norwegian Translation" msgstr "Nórsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1358 msgid "Old English Translation" msgstr "Staroanglický preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1376 msgid "Polish Translation" msgstr "Poľský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1451 msgid "Portuguese Translation" msgstr "Portugalský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1465 msgid "Portuguese (Brazil) Translation" msgstr "Portugalský preklad (Brazília)" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1523 msgid "Romanian Translation" msgstr "Rumunský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1531 msgid "Russian Translation" msgstr "Ruský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1638 msgid "Scottish Gaelic Translation" msgstr "Preklad do Škótskej gaelčiny" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1647 msgid "Serbian Translation" msgstr "Srbský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1666 msgid "Slovak Translation" msgstr "Slovenský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1701 msgid "Slovenian Translation" msgstr "Slovinský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1717 msgid "Spanish Translation" msgstr "Španielsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1807 msgid "Swedish Translation" msgstr "Švédsky preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1852 msgid "Turkish Translation" msgstr "Turecký preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1877 msgid "Ukrainian Translation" msgstr "Ukrajinský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1911 msgid "Valencian (southern Catalan) Translation" msgstr "Valencijský (Južné Katalánsko) preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1924 msgid "Vietnamese Translation" msgstr "Vietnamský preklad" #. [about] #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1943 msgid "Welsh Translation" msgstr "Waleský preklad" #. [about] #. Real Acadèmia de Cultura Valenciana #: data/core/about_i18n.cfg:1952 msgid "RACV’s Translation" msgstr "RACV preklad" #. [item_group]: id=items #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:6 msgid "Items" msgstr "Predmety" #. [item]: id=altar_evil #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:12 msgid "Evil Altar" msgstr "Oltár zla" #. [item]: id=altar #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:19 msgid "Altar" msgstr "Oltár" #. [item]: id=ankh-necklace #. [item]: id=ankh-necklace2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:26 data/core/editor/items.cfg:33 msgid "Ankh Necklace" msgstr "Náhrdelník s Anchom" #. [item]: id=anvil #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:40 msgid "Anvil" msgstr "Nákova" #. [item]: id=archery-target #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:47 msgid "Archery Target" msgstr "Lukostrelecký terč" #. [item]: id=armor-golden #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:54 msgid "Golden Armor" msgstr "Zlaté brnenie" #. [item]: id=armor #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:61 msgid "Armor" msgstr "Brnenie" #. [item]: id=axe #. [item]: id=axe2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:68 data/core/editor/items.cfg:75 msgid "Axe" msgstr "Sekera" #. [item]: id=axe-small #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:82 msgid "Small Axe" msgstr "Malá sekera" #. [item]: id=axe-throwing #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:89 msgid "Throwing Axe" msgstr "Vrhacia sekera" #. [item]: id=ball-blue #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:96 msgid "Blue Ball" msgstr "Modrá guľa" #. [item]: id=ball-green #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:103 msgid "Green Ball" msgstr "Zelená guľa" #. [item]: id=ball-magenta #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:110 msgid "Magenta Ball" msgstr "Ružová guľa" #. [item]: id=barrel #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:117 msgid "Barrel" msgstr "Sud" #. [item]: id=bomb #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:124 msgid "Bomb" msgstr "Bomba" #. [item]: id=bones #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:131 msgid "Bones" msgstr "Kosti" #. [item]: id=bonestack #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:138 msgid "Bonestack" msgstr "Hromada kostí" #. [item]: id=book1 #. [item]: id=book2 #. [item]: id=book3 #. [item]: id=book4 #. [item]: id=book5 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:145 data/core/editor/items.cfg:152 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:159 data/core/editor/items.cfg:166 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:173 msgid "Book" msgstr "Kniha" #. [item]: id=bow #. [item]: id=bow2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:180 data/core/editor/items.cfg:187 msgid "Bow" msgstr "Luk" #. [item]: id=bow-crystal #. [item]: id=bow-crystal2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:194 data/core/editor/items.cfg:201 msgid "Crystal Bow" msgstr "Krištáľový luk" #. [item]: id=bow-elven #. [item]: id=bow-elven2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:208 data/core/editor/items.cfg:215 msgid "Elven Bow" msgstr "Elfský luk" #. [item]: id=box #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:222 msgid "Box" msgstr "Skrinka" #. [item]: id=branch #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:229 msgid "Branch" msgstr "Haluz" #. [item]: id=branch-bare #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:236 msgid "Bare Branch" msgstr "Halúzka" #. [item]: id=brazier #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:243 msgid "Brazier" msgstr "Kôš na koks" #. [item]: id=brazier-lit1 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:251 msgid "Lit Brazier" msgstr "Kôš na koks" #. [item]: id=buckler #. [item]: id=buckler2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:258 data/core/editor/items.cfg:265 msgid "Buckler" msgstr "Puklicový štít" #. [item]: id=burial #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:272 msgid "Burial" msgstr "Pohrebisko" #. [item]: id=cage #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:279 msgid "Cage" msgstr "Klietka" #. [item]: id=chest #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:286 msgid "Closed Chest" msgstr "Zatvorená truhlica" #. [item]: id=chest-open #. Open is an adjective here, not a verb. That is, a (treasure) chest that is open, not an action to open such a chest. #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:294 msgid "Open Chest" msgstr "Otvorená truhlica" #. [item]: id=chest-plain-closed #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:301 msgid "Closed Plain Chest" msgstr "Zatvorená truhlica" #. [item]: id=chest-plain-open #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:308 msgid "Open Plain Chest" msgstr "Otvorená truhlica" #. [item]: id=cloak-green #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:315 msgid "Green Cloak" msgstr "Zelený plásť" #. [item]: id=club #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:322 msgid "Club" msgstr "Palica" #. [item]: id=coffin-closed #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:329 msgid "Closed Coffin" msgstr "Zatvorená truhla" #. [item]: id=coffin-open #. Open is an adjective here, not a verb. That is, a coffin that is open, not an action to open a coffin. #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:337 msgid "Open Coffin" msgstr "Otvorená rakva" #. [item]: id=crossbow #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:344 msgid "Crossbow" msgstr "Kuša" #. [item]: id=dagger #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:351 msgid "Dagger" msgstr "Dýka" #. [item]: id=dagger-poison #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:358 msgid "Poison Dagger" msgstr "Jedová dýka" #. [item]: id=dagger-poison-bare #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:365 msgid "Poison Dagger (clean)" msgstr "Otrávená dýka (čistá)" #. [item]: id=dragonstatue #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:372 msgid "Dragon Statue" msgstr "Socha draka" #. [item]: id=flame-sword #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:379 msgid "Flaming Sword" msgstr "Plamenný meč" #. [item]: id=flame-sword-bare #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:386 msgid "Unenchanted Flaming Sword" msgstr "Neočarovaný plamenný meč" #. [item]: id=flower1 #. [item]: id=flower2 #. [item]: id=flower3 #. [item]: id=flower4 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:393 data/core/editor/items.cfg:400 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:407 data/core/editor/items.cfg:414 msgid "Flower" msgstr "Kvet" #. [item]: id=gohere #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:421 msgid "Go Here Overlay" msgstr "Nápis \"Ísť sem\"" #. [item]: id=gold-coins-large #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:427 msgid "Large Pile of Gold Coins" msgstr "Veľká kopa zlatých mincí" #. [item]: id=gold-coins-medium #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:434 msgid "Pile of Gold Coins" msgstr "Kopa zlatých mincí" #. [item]: id=gold-coins-small #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:441 msgid "Small Pile of Gold Coins" msgstr "Malá kopa zlatých mincí" #. [item]: id=grain-sheaf #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:448 msgid "Grain Sheaf" msgstr "Obilný snop" #. [item]: id=hammer #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:455 msgid "Hammer" msgstr "Kladivo" #. [item]: id=hammer-runic #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:462 msgid "Runic Hammer" msgstr "Kladivo s runami" #. [item]: id=holy-water #. [object] #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:469 data/core/macros/items.cfg:286 msgid "Holy Water" msgstr "Svätená voda" #. [item]: id=key #. [item]: id=key2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:476 data/core/editor/items.cfg:483 msgid "Key" msgstr "Kľúč" #. [item]: id=key-dark #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:490 msgid "Dark Key" msgstr "Tmavý kľúč" #. [item]: id=leather-pack #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:497 msgid "Leather Pack" msgstr "Kožené púzdro" #. [item]: id=mace #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:504 msgid "Mace" msgstr "Palcát" #. [item]: id=necklace-bone #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:511 msgid "Bone Necklace" msgstr "Kostený náhrdelník" #. [item]: id=necklace-stone #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:518 msgid "Stone Necklace" msgstr "Kamenný náhrdelník" #. [item]: id=orcish-flag #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:525 msgid "Orcish Flag" msgstr "Orkská vlajka" #. [item]: id=ornate1 #. [item]: id=ornate2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:532 data/core/editor/items.cfg:539 msgid "Ornate" msgstr "Ozdoba" #. [item]: id=potion-blue #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:546 msgid "Blue Potion" msgstr "Modrý nápoj" #. [item]: id=potion-green #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:553 msgid "Green Potion" msgstr "Zelený nápoj" #. [item]: id=potion-gray #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:560 msgid "Gray Potion" msgstr "Sivý nápoj" #. [item]: id=potion-poison #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:567 data/core/macros/items.cfg:249 msgid "Poison" msgstr "Jed" #. [item]: id=potion-red #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:574 msgid "Red Potion" msgstr "Červený nápoj" #. [item]: id=potion-yellow #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:581 msgid "Yellow Potion" msgstr "Žltý nápoj" #. [item]: id=ring-brown #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:588 msgid "Brown Ring" msgstr "Hnedý prsteň" #. [item]: id=ring-gold #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:595 msgid "Golden Ring" msgstr "Zlatý prsteň" #. [item]: id=ring-red #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:602 msgid "Red Ring" msgstr "Červený prsteň" #. [item]: id=ring-silver #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:609 msgid "Silver Ring" msgstr "Strieborný prsteň" #. [item]: id=ring-white #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:616 msgid "White Ring" msgstr "Biely prsteň" #. [item]: id=rock #. [item]: id=rock1 #. [item]: id=rock2 #. [item]: id=rock3 #. [item]: id=rock4 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:623 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1007 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1014 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1021 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1028 msgid "Rock" msgstr "Skala" #. [item]: id=scarecrow #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:630 msgid "Scarecrow" msgstr "Strašiak" #. [item]: id=sceptre-of-fire #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:637 msgid "Sceptre of Fire" msgstr "Ohnivé žezlo" #. [item]: id=sling #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:644 msgid "Sling" msgstr "Prak" #. [item]: id=spear #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:651 msgid "Spear" msgstr "Oštep" #. [item]: id=spear-fancy #. [item]: id=spear-fancy2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:658 data/core/editor/items.cfg:665 msgid "Fancy Spear" msgstr "Zvláštny oštep" #. [item]: id=spear-javelin #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:672 msgid "Javelin" msgstr "Oštep" #. [item]: id=staff #. [item]: id=staff2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:679 data/core/editor/items.cfg:686 msgid "Staff" msgstr "Palica" #. [item]: id=staff-druid #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:693 msgid "Druid Staff" msgstr "Druidská palica" #. [item]: id=staff-magic #. [item]: id=staff-magic2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:700 data/core/editor/items.cfg:707 msgid "Magic Staff" msgstr "Magická palica" #. [item]: id=staff-magic-wand #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:714 msgid "Magic Wand" msgstr "Magická palica" #. [item]: id=staff-plain #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:721 msgid "Plain Staff" msgstr "Obyčajná palica" #. [item]: id=stone-tablet #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:728 msgid "Stone Tablet" msgstr "Kamenná doštička" #. [item]: id=storm-trident #. [item]: id=storm-trident2 #. [object] #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:735 data/core/editor/items.cfg:742 #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:552 msgid "Storm Trident" msgstr "Bleskový trojzubec" #. [item]: id=straw-bale1 #. [item]: id=straw-bale2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:749 data/core/editor/items.cfg:756 msgid "Bale of Straw" msgstr "Vrece slamy" #. [item]: id=sword #. [item]: id=sword2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:763 data/core/editor/items.cfg:770 msgid "Sword" msgstr "Meč" #. [item]: id=sword-holy #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:777 msgid "Holy Sword" msgstr "Svätý meč" #. [item]: id=sword-short #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:784 msgid "Short Sword" msgstr "Krátky meč" #. [item]: id=sword-wraith #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:791 msgid "Wraith Sword" msgstr "Meč prízraku" #. [item]: id=talisman-ankh #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:798 msgid "Ankh Talisman" msgstr "Talizman s ankhom" #. [item]: id=talisman-bone #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:805 msgid "Bone Talisman" msgstr "Kostený talizman" #. [item]: id=talisman-stone #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:812 msgid "Stone Talisman" msgstr "Kamenný talizman" #. [item]: id=thunderstick #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:819 msgid "Thunderstick" msgstr "Hromová palica" #. [item]: id=torch #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:826 msgid "Lit Torch" msgstr "Zapálená pochodeň" #. [item]: id=torch-bare #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:833 msgid "Unlit Torch" msgstr "Zhasnutá pochodeň" #. [item_group]: id=scenery #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:840 msgid "Scenery" msgstr "Scenéria" #. [item]: id=castle-ruins #. [item]: id=castle-ruins2 #. [item]: id=castle-ruins3 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:847 data/core/editor/items.cfg:853 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:859 msgid "Castle Ruins" msgstr "Ruiny hradu" #. [item]: id=circle-magic #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:865 msgid "Magic Circle" msgstr "Magický kruh" #. [item]: id=circle-magic-glow #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:871 msgid "Glowing Magic Circle" msgstr "Žiariaci magický kruh" #. [item]: id=dwarven-doors-closed #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:877 msgid "Closed Dwarven Doors" msgstr "Zatvorené trpasličie dvere" #. [item]: id=fire #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:885 msgid "Campfire" msgstr "Táborový oheň" #. [item]: id=flames #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:892 msgid "Flames" msgstr "Plamene" #. [item]: id=gate-rusty-se #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:898 msgid "Rusty Gate South East" msgstr "Hrdzavá brána na juhovýchode" #. [item]: id=gate-rusty-sw #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:905 msgid "Rusty Gate South West" msgstr "Hrdzavá brána na juhozápade" #. [item]: id=icepack1 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:912 msgid "Ice Pack" msgstr "Vrecko s ľadom" #. [item]: id=leanto #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:918 msgid "Lean-to" msgstr "Prístrešok so šikmou strechou" #. [item]: id=lighthouse #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:924 msgid "Lighthouse" msgstr "Maják" #. [item]: id=mausoleum #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:932 msgid "Mausoleum" msgstr "Mauzóleum" #. [item]: id=mine-abandoned #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:939 msgid "Abandoned Mine" msgstr "Opustená baňa" #. [item]: id=monolith1 #. [item]: id=monolith2 #. [item]: id=monolith3 #. [item]: id=monolith4 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:946 data/core/editor/items.cfg:953 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:960 data/core/editor/items.cfg:967 msgid "Monolith" msgstr "Monolit" #. [item]: id=nest-empty #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:974 msgid "Empty Nest" msgstr "Prázdne hniezdo" #. [item]: id=nest-full #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:980 msgid "Full Nest" msgstr "Plné hniezdo" #. [item]: id=oak-leaning #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:986 msgid "Leaning Oak" msgstr "Ohnutý dub" #. [item]: id=pine1 #. [item]: id=pine2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:993 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1000 msgid "Pine Tree" msgstr "Borovica" #. [item]: id=rock-cairn #. [item]: id=rock-cairn2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1035 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1043 msgid "Rock Cairn" msgstr "Kamenná mohyla" #. [item]: id=rubble #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1051 msgid "Rubble" msgstr "Trosky" #. [item]: id=rune1 #. [item]: id=rune2 #. [item]: id=rune3 #. [item]: id=rune4 #. [item]: id=rune5 #. [item]: id=rune6 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1057 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1063 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1069 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1075 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1081 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1087 msgid "Rune" msgstr "Runa" #. [item]: id=rune1-glow #. [item]: id=rune2-glow #. [item]: id=rune3-glow #. [item]: id=rune4-glow #. [item]: id=rune5-glow #. [item]: id=rune6-glow #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1093 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1099 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1105 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1111 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1117 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1123 msgid "Glowing Rune" msgstr "Žiariaca runa" #. [item]: id=shipwreck #. [item]: id=wreck #. [item]: id=wreck2 #. [item]: id=wreck3 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1129 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1318 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1324 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1330 msgid "Shipwreck" msgstr "Vrak lode" #. [item]: id=signpost #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1134 msgid "Signpost" msgstr "Smerovník" #. [item]: id=slab1 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1141 msgid "Slab" msgstr "Doska" #. [item]: id=snowbits #. [item]: id=snowbits2 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1147 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1153 msgid "Piles of Snow" msgstr "Záveje snehu" #. [item]: id=summoning-center #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1160 msgid "Summoning Center" msgstr "Zvolávacie centrum" #. [item]: id=summoning-circle1 #. [item]: id=summoning-circle2 #. [item]: id=summoning-circle3 #. [item]: id=summoning-circle4 #. [item]: id=summoning-circle5 #. [item]: id=summoning-circle6 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1166 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1172 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1178 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1184 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1190 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1196 msgid "Summoning Circle" msgstr "Zvolávací kruh" #. [item]: id=temple1 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1202 msgid "Temple" msgstr "Chrám" #. [item]: id=temple-cracked1 #. [item]: id=temple-cracked2 #. [item]: id=temple-cracked3 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1209 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1216 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1223 msgid "Ruined Temple" msgstr "Ruiny chrámu" #. [item]: id=tent-fancy-red #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1230 msgid "Fancy Red Tent" msgstr "Zvláštny červený stan" #. [item]: id=tent-ruin-1 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1237 msgid "Ruined Tent" msgstr "Ruiny stanu" #. [item]: id=tent-shop-weapons #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1243 msgid "Weapons Shop Tent" msgstr "Stan predaja zbraní" #. [item]: id=trapdoor-closed #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1251 msgid "Closed Trapdoor" msgstr "Zatvorené padacie dvere" #. [item]: id=trapdoor-open #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1257 msgid "Open Trapdoor" msgstr "Otvorené padacie dvere" #. [item]: id=trash #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1263 msgid "Trash Pile" msgstr "Kopa odpadkov" #. [item]: id=village-human-burned1 #. [item]: id=village-human-burned2 #. [item]: id=village-human-burned3 #. [item]: id=village-human-burned4 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1270 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1277 #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1284 data/core/editor/items.cfg:1291 msgid "Burned Human Village" msgstr "Vypálená dedina ľudí" #. [item]: id=well #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1297 msgid "Well" msgstr "Prameň" #. [item]: id=whirlpool #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1303 msgid "Whirlpool" msgstr "Vír" #. [item]: id=windmill #: data/core/editor/items.cfg:1311 msgid "Windmill" msgstr "Veterný mlyn" #. [set_menu_item]: id=ai_controller_unit_control_{UNIT_ID} #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:23 msgid "Ask $ai_controller_unit.name to move here" msgstr "Požiadať $ai_controller_unit.name presunúť sa sem" #. [set_menu_item]: id=ai_controller_leader_control_{CONTROLLED_SIDE} #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:77 msgid "Ask $ally_leader.name (leader of side $ally_leader.side) to move here" msgstr "" "Požiadaj $ally_leader.name (veliteľ strany $ally_leader.side), aby sa " "presunul sem" #. [note] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:111 msgid "" "In this scenario, you may issue instructions to an allied side by right-" "clicking on a unit that belongs to it." msgstr "" "V tejto scéne môžeš vydávať jednoduché rozkazy spojencom pomocou " "kontextového menu (pravé tlačidlo myši) na jednotke." #. [overview_message_has_instructions]: speaker=narrator #. [overview_message_no_instructions]: speaker=narrator #. [literal] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:127 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:134 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:141 msgid "Instruct ally" msgstr "Povedz spojencovi inštrukcie" #. [overview_message_has_instructions]: speaker=narrator #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:135 msgid "" "$ally_leader.name (side $ally_side|) is carrying out the following " "instructions:" msgstr "$ally_leader.name (strana $ally_side|) vykonáva nasledovné inštrukcie:" #. [overview_message_no_instructions]: speaker=narrator #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:142 msgid "" "$ally_leader.name (side $ally_side|) has not been given any instructions and " "is acting normally." msgstr "" "$ally_leader.name (strana $ally_side|) nedostal žiadne inštrukcie a správa " "sa normálne." #. [aggression] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:149 msgid "Be more aggressive" msgstr "Buď viac agresívny" #. [aggression] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:150 msgid "aggressive." msgstr "agresívny." #. [caution] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:167 msgid "Be more defensive" msgstr "Buď viac defenzívny" #. [caution] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:168 msgid "defensive." msgstr "defenzívny." #. [focus_on_enemy] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:179 msgid "Focus on defeating..." msgstr "Sústreď sa na porazenie..." #. [focus_on_enemy] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:180 msgid "" "focusing on defeating $ai_controller.side_$ally_side|_current_settings." "focus_on_enemy.side_description|." msgstr "" "sústreďujem sa na porazenie $ai_controller.side_$ally_side|_current_settings." "focus_on_enemy.side_description|." #. [then] #. [else] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:247 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:253 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:388 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:394 msgid "Side $temp_i" msgstr "Strana $temp_i" #. [else] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:255 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:396 msgid "side $temp_i" msgstr "strana $temp_i" #. [command] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:270 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:411 msgid "side $temp_i ($side_i_leader.name|)" msgstr "strana $temp_i ($side_i_leader.name|)" #. [value] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:296 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:438 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:838 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:929 msgid "Back" msgstr "Naspäť" #. [protect] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:315 msgid "Focus on protecting..." msgstr "Sústreď sa na ochranu..." #. [protect] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:316 msgid "" "focusing on protecting $ai_controller.side_$ally_side|_current_settings." "protect.side_description|." msgstr "" "sústreďujem sa na ochránenie $ai_controller.side_$ally_side|" "_current_settings.protect.side_description|." #. [option] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:473 msgid "Defend a location..." msgstr "Bráň pozíciu..." #. [print] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:489 msgid "Right-click to select a location to defend" msgstr "Klikni pravým tlačidlom na označenie bránenej pozície" #. [set_menu_item]: id=ai_controller_defend_location_picker #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:496 msgid "Defend this location" msgstr "Brániť túto pozíciu" #. [command] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:513 msgid "focusing on defending the area around $x1|,$y1|." msgstr "sústreďujem sa na obranu oblasti okolo $x1|,$y1|." #. [print] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:555 msgid "Location selection canceled" msgstr "Výber pozície zrušený" #. [revoke_objective_orders] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:570 msgid "Clear objective orders" msgstr "Vymaž rozkazy o cieľoch" #. [revoke_objective_orders] #. [revoke_behavior_orders] #. [then] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:571 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:584 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:714 #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:725 msgid "none set." msgstr "nič nenastavené." #. [revoke_behavior_orders] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:583 msgid "Clear behavior orders" msgstr "Vymaž rozkazy správania" #. [revoke_all_orders] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:597 msgid "Clear all orders" msgstr "Vymaž všetky rozkazy" #. [do] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:765 msgid "" "Objective: $ai_controller.side_$ally_side|_current_settings." "currently_doing_objective_description\n" "Behavior: $ai_controller.side_$ally_side|_current_settings." "currently_doing_behavior_description" msgstr "" "Cieľ: $ai_controller.side_$ally_side|_current_settings." "currently_doing_objective_description\n" "Správanie: $ai_controller.side_$ally_side|_current_settings." "currently_doing_behaviour_description" #. [literal] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:781 msgid "Set objective..." msgstr "Nastav cieľ..." #. [literal] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:872 msgid "Set behavior..." msgstr "Nastav správanie..." #. [literal] #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:977 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Koniec" #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:1114 msgid "Set special orders..." msgstr "Nastav špeciálne rozkazy..." #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:1115 msgid "Move leader to..." msgstr "Presunúť veliteľa na..." #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:1116 msgid "Right-click to select a location to move leader to" msgstr "Klikni pravým tlačidlom na určenie pozície kam sa má presunúť veliteľ" #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:1117 msgid "Move leader here" msgstr "Presunúť veliteľa sem" #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:1118 msgid "moving leader to $x1|,$y1|." msgstr "presúvam veliteľa na $x1|,$y1|." #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:1119 msgid "Clear special orders" msgstr "Vymaž špeciálne rozkazy" #: data/core/macros/ai_controller.cfg:1120 msgid "" "Special: $ai_controller.side_$ally_side|_current_settings." "currently_doing_special_description" msgstr "" "Špeciálne: $ai_controller.side_$ally_side|_current_settings." "currently_doing_special_description" #. [else] #: data/core/macros/deprecated-utils.cfg:35 msgid "This unit has been renamed to: " msgstr "Jednotka bola premenovaná na: " #. [lua]: generate_objectives #: data/core/macros/deprecated-utils.cfg:52 data/lua/wml/objectives.lua:106 msgid "Early finish bonus." msgstr "Bonus za rýchly koniec." #. [lua]: generate_objectives #: data/core/macros/deprecated-utils.cfg:56 data/lua/wml/objectives.lua:109 msgid "No early finish bonus." msgstr "Žiadny bonus za rýchly koniec." #. [lua]: generate_objectives #: data/core/macros/deprecated-utils.cfg:60 data/lua/wml/objectives.lua:117 msgid "No gold carried over to the next scenario." msgstr "Žiadne zlato sa neprenáša do ďalšej scény." #: data/core/macros/deprecated-utils.cfg:64 msgid "" "\n" "100% of finishing gold carried over to the next scenario." msgstr "" "\n" "100% konečného zlata sa prenáša do ďalšej scény." #: data/core/macros/deprecated-utils.cfg:69 msgid "" "\n" "40% of finishing gold carried over to the next scenario." msgstr "" "\n" "40% konečného zlata sa prenáša do ďalšej scény." #: data/core/macros/deprecated-utils.cfg:74 msgid "" "\n" "20% of finishing gold carried over to the next scenario." msgstr "" "\n" "20% konečného zlata sa prenáša do ďalšej scény." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:23 msgid "You have come across a wishing well. What would you like to wish for?" msgstr "Prišiel si k studni, ktorá plní želania. Čo si budeš želať?" #. [option] #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:26 msgid "A swift victory" msgstr "Rýchle víťazstvo" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:34 msgid "" "With this golden coin, I wish that this battle end in a swift and safe " "victory." msgstr "" "Dávam zlatú mincu, aby sa tento boj skončil rýchlym a bezpečným víťazstvom." #. [option] #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:40 msgid "Lots of gold" msgstr "Veľa zlata" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:48 msgid "I wish this single gold coin be returned ten-fold to me." msgstr "Dávam túto zlatú mincu, aby sa mi vrátila desaťnásobne." #. [option] #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:54 msgid "Peace throughout Wesnoth." msgstr "Mier vo Wesnothe." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:62 msgid "The only thing worth wishing for is peace throughout the land." msgstr "Jediná dôležitá vec je mier pre celú túto krajinu." #. [option] #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:68 msgid "Don’t make a wish." msgstr "Nemám žiadne želanie." #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:209 msgid "Potion of Healing" msgstr "Nápoj zdravia" #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:212 msgid "A feeling of well-being overwhelms the drinker." msgstr "Pocit pohody sa rozlieva v tele pijúceho." #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:213 msgid "You are not worthy of healing." msgstr "Nie si hoden uzdravenia." #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:252 msgid "Poison is seeping through the veins of this unit at this very moment." msgstr "Jed v tejto chvíli koluje v žilách jednotky." #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:281 msgid "" "Sprinkling this water on melee weapons grants them the arcane damage " "type until the end of the current scenario. Should $unit.name use it?" msgstr "" "Táto voda spôsobí, že zbrane nablízko budú spôsobovať mystické " "zranenia až do konca tejto scény. Má ju $unit.name použiť?" #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:282 msgid "holy water^Take it" msgstr "Vziať ju" #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:283 msgid "holy water^Leave it" msgstr "Nechať ju" #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:284 msgid "$unit.name has no need for this Holy Water! Let another take it." msgstr "$unit.name nevie využiť svätenú vodu! Nech si ho vezme niekto iný." #. [object] #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:289 msgid "" "This water will make melee weapons have the arcane damage type until " "the end of the current scenario." msgstr "" "Táto voda spôsobí, že zbrane nablízko budú spôsobovať mystické " "zranenia až do konca tejto scény." #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:335 msgid "Potion of Strength" msgstr "Nápoj sily" #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:338 msgid "Strength is given to the drinker." msgstr "Kto ho vypije, získa vyššiu silu." #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:380 msgid "Potion of Decay" msgstr "Nápoj rozkladu" #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:383 msgid "This poor unit drank something really bad." msgstr "Táto úbohá jednotka vypila niečo naozaj zlé." #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:419 msgid "Ring of Regeneration" msgstr "Prsteň regenerácie" #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:422 msgid "This ring will heal the bearer a little each turn." msgstr "Tento prsteň v každom kole trochu uzdraví svojho majiteľa." #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:460 msgid "Ring of Slowness" msgstr "Prsteň spomalenia" #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:463 msgid "The bearer of this ring is slowed." msgstr "Majiteľ tohoto prsteňa je spomalený." #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:499 msgid "Staff of Swiftness" msgstr "Palica rýchlosti" #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:502 msgid "This staff will grant the bearer swift movement." msgstr "Táto palica obdarí svojho nositeľa rýchlym pohybom." #. [object]: id={ID} #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:503 msgid "Only magical beings can wield such an object." msgstr "Tento predmet môžu držať iba magické bytosti." #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:547 msgid "Should $unit.name pick up the trident?" msgstr "Má $unit.name zodvihnúť trojzubec?" #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:548 msgid "storm trident^Take it" msgstr "Vziať ho" #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:549 msgid "storm trident^Leave it" msgstr "Nechať ho" #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:550 msgid "" "$unit.name cannot use this Storm Trident! Let one of the merfolk who can " "wield it have it." msgstr "" "$unit.name nemôže použiť hromový trojzubec! Nechaj ho vziať niektorého z " "morských ľudí, ktorí ho zvládnu." #. [object] #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:555 msgid "" "This trident gives merfolk the power to throw lightning at their enemies." msgstr "" "Tento trojzubec umožňuje morským ľuďom strieľať na svojich nepriateľov " "blesky." #. [effect]: type=fire #: data/core/macros/items.cfg:583 msgid "sceptre of fire" msgstr "ohnivé žezlo" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:19 msgid "" "Egar,Elch,Ga’ash,Gadé Ihn,Gakré Ohm,Galeck,Galsh,Garadin,Garchin,Gark,Garlan," "Garlin Ohn,Garrutin,Gart’lo,Garushi,Gashinar,Gashol,Gaushii,Gaustun,Gegchi," "Gelka Kon,Gelknick,Gillan,Gisharri,Gost,Grada,Græt Ihn,Grashen,Gravlan,Grag," "Grelnit,Grenn Ohn,Greth,Gribbel,Gridda,Grish,Gron Ihn,Ka,Kahn Ih,Karigan," "Karri Kon,Karron,Kask,Kegrid,Kerath Ihn,Kerath Kor,Klash,Kon Garashé,Kraag," "Krall Ohn,Kran Kor,Krash,Kraslar,Krenli,Kruggen,Kun,Mah Toa,Margian," "Mar’Ildian,Markan,Markinos,Mar Ohn,Marra Di’lek,Marrito,Marritos,Merkush," "Merritos Gark,Morusté,Murr,Omataké,Reshan,Vashitt,Velnick,Veralon,Veramo," "Verath,Verditt,Verkon,Verlinn,Vermad,Vertick,Vladnir" msgstr "" "Egar,Elch,Ga’ash,Gadé Ihn,Gakré Ohm,Galeck,Galsh,Garadin,Garchin,Gark,Garlan," "Garlin Ohn,Garrutin,Gart’lo,Garushi,Gashinar,Gashol,Gaushii,Gaustun,Gegchi," "Gelka Kon,Gelknick,Gillan,Gisharri,Gost,Grada,Græt Ihn,Grashen,Gravlan,Grag," "Grelnit,Grenn Ohn,Greth,Gribbel,Gridda,Grish,Gron Ihn,Ka,Kahn Ih,Karigan," "Karri Kon,Karron,Kask,Kegrid,Kerath Ihn,Kerath Kor,Klash,Kon Garashé,Kraag," "Krall Ohn,Kran Kor,Krash,Kraslar,Krenli,Kruggen,Kun,Mah Toa,Margian," "Mar’Ildian,Markan,Markinos,Mar Ohn,Marra Di’lek,Marrito,Marritos,Merkush," "Merritos Gark,Morusté,Murr,Omataké,Reshan,Vashitt,Velnick,Veralon,Veramo," "Verath,Verditt,Verkon,Verlinn,Vermad,Vertick,Vladnir" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:20 msgid "" "Alen Ka,Alinash Mal,Ashirt,Auginet Ka,Auuglann,Damell,Dell,Demla,Dinsill," "Eshi,Olath,Omage,Omagrra,Orra Ka,Orridan,Orrida,Oshibi,Vallin,Valnirra," "Valnitt,Velisk,Verra,Vellin Ka,Veshtar,Vushtin" msgstr "" "Alen Ka,Alinash Mal,Ashirt,Auginet Ka,Auuglann,Damell,Dell,Demla,Dinsill," "Eshi,Olath,Omage,Omagrra,Orra Ka,Orridan,Orriday,Oshibi,Vallin,Valnirra," "Valnitt,Velisk,Verra,Vellin Ka,Veshtar,Vushtin" #. Generator for male drake names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:22 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}’{suffix}|{prefix}{suffix} {short_name}\n" "short_name=Ohm|Ihn|Ohn|Ka|Murr|Kon|Elch|Ko|Græt|Egar\n" "prefix=Ga|Ge|Gel|Gi|Go|Gra|Gri|Ka|Ko|Kla|Mar|Di|Mer|Mor|Oma|Re|Vel|Vash|Ver|" "Vla\n" "suffix=ash|kré|lsh|lin|rutin|shinar|rushi|ka|ash|ag|all|ash|slar|li|dian|" "ritos|rusté|shitt|nick|rath|ditt|kon|mad|tick|nir\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}’{suffix}|{prefix}{suffix} {short_name}\n" "short_name=Ohm|Ihn|Ohn|Ka|Murr|Kon|Elch|Ko|Græt|Egar\n" "prefix=Ga|Ge|Gel|Gi|Go|Gra|Gri|Ka|Ko|Kla|Mar|Di|Mer|Mor|Oma|Re|Vel|Vash|Ver|" "Vla\n" "suffix=ash|kré|lsh|lin|rutin|shinar|rushi|ka|ash|ag|all|ash|slar|li|dian|" "ritos|rusté|shitt|nick|rath|ditt|kon|mad|tick|nir\n" #. Generator for female drake names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:29 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{suffix} {short_name}\n" "prefix=Al|Ali|Ash|Aug|Auug|Da|De|Dem|Din|Ol|Oma|Orri|Oshi|Val|Ver|Vel|Vush\n" "suffix=en|nash|irt|glann|ll|ge|lin|nitt|tin|tar|lisk|rida|grra|sill|la|mell\n" "short_name=Mal|Ka|Emth|Dar|Eshi\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{suffix} {short_name}\n" "prefix=Al|Ali|Ash|Aug|Auug|Da|De|Dem|Din|Ol|Oma|Orri|Oshi|Val|Ver|Vel|Vush\n" "suffix=en|nash|irt|glann|ll|ge|lin|nitt|tin|tar|lisk|rida|grra|sill|la|mell\n" "short_name=Mal|Ka|Emth|Dar|Eshi\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:38 msgid "" "Aigaithas,Aigaithil,Aigaithing,Aigaithol,Aigalas,Aigaling,Aigalis,Aigalol," "Aigalsil,Aigatas,Aigatis,Aigatlos,Aigatsil,Aigatsol,Aigatus,Aigcatas," "Aigcatil,Aigcating,Aigcatis,Aigcatsil,Aigcatsol,Aigcatus,Aigdring,Aigdris," "Aigdrlos,Aigdrsil,Aigdrsol,Aigduras,Aigdurlos,Aigdursol,Aigthaing,Aigthais," "Aigthasil,Aigthaus,Alaithas,Alaithis,Alaithlos,Alaithol,Alaithsol,Alaithus," "Alalas,Alalil,Alalol,Alalsol,Alalus,Alatas,Alatil,Alating,Alatlos,Alatsil," "Alcatil,Alcatis,Alcatlos,Alcatsil,Aldras,Aldril,Aldring,Aldris,Aldrlos," "Aldrol,Aldrsol,Alduras,Aldurlos,Aldurol,Althaas,Althail,Althalos,Althaol," "Althasil,Althasol,Althaus,Anaithas,Anaithil,Anaithing,Anaithis,Anaithsil," "Anaithus,Analil,Anallos,Analol,Analsil,Analus,Anatas,Anating,Anatis,Anatol," "Anatsol,Ancatas,Ancatil,Ancatol,Ancatus,Andril,Andris,Andrlos,Andrus,Anduril," "Andurol,Andursol,Andurus,Anthaas,Anthaing,Anthais,Anthaol,Anthasil,Anthasol," "Anthaus,Augaithas,Augaithing,Augaithsil,Augaithus,Augalas,Augaling,Augalol," "Augating,Augatlos,Augatol,Augatsil,Augatsol,Augcatas,Augcatil,Augcatis," "Augcatol,Augcatsil,Augcatus,Augdras,Augdris,Augdrsil,Augdrus,Augduras," "Augduril,Augduring,Augdurol,Augdursol,Augdurus,Augthail,Augthais,Augthalos," "Augthaol,Dulaithil,Dulaithing,Dulaithlos,Dulaithsil,Dulaithsol,Dulalas," "Dulaling,Dulalis,Dulalsil,Dulatil,Dulating,Dulatol,Dulatsol,Dulatus,Dulcatil," "Dulcating,Dulcatlos,Dulcatol,Dulcatsil,Dulcatsol,Duldril,Duldris,Duldrlos," "Duldrol,Duldrsil,Duldrus,Dulduras,Dulduring,Duldursil,Duldurus,Dulthalos," "Dulthasil,Dulthasol,Dulthaus,Glamaithil,Glamaithis,Glamaithol,Glamaithsol," "Glamalil,Glamaling,Glamalis,Glamallos,Glamalsil,Glamalus,Glamatil,Glamatus," "Glamcatas,Glamcatil,Glamcating,Glamcatsil,Glamcatus,Glamdras,Glamdril," "Glamdrlos,Glamdrsol,Glamduras,Glamduril,Glamduring,Glamduris,Glamdursol," "Glamthaas,Glamthaol,Glamthasil,Glamthasol,Glamthaus,Glomin,Gomaithas," "Gomaithil,Gomaithol,Gomaithsol,Gomalil,Gomalis,Gomalus,Gomatas,Gomatil," "Gomating,Gomatis,Gomatlos,Gomatol,Gomcatil,Gomcatis,Gomcatlos,Gomdras," "Gomdril,Gomdring,Gomdris,Gomdrol,Gomdrsil,Gomduris,Gomdurlos,Gomdursil," "Gomdursol,Gomdurus,Gomthaas,Gomthalos,Gomthasol,Naraithil,Naraithing," "Naraithol,Naraithsil,Naraithsol,Naraithus,Naralas,Naralil,Naralsil,Naralus," "Naratlos,Naratol,Naratsil,Narcating,Narcatis,Narcatol,Narcatsil,Narcatsol," "Nardras,Nardril,Nardring,Nardris,Nardrol,Nardrsil,Nardrsol,Nardrus,Narduras," "Narduril,Nardurol,Narthalos,Narthaol,Pelaithas,Pelaithil,Pelaithing," "Pelaithis,Pelaithlos,Pelaithol,Pelaithsil,Pelaithsol,Pelalil,Pelaling," "Pelalis,Pelalsil,Pelalsol,Pelalus,Pelatil,Pelating,Pelatis,Pelatol,Pelatsil," "Pelatus,Pelcating,Pelcatlos,Pelcatol,Pelcatsil,Peldras,Peldril,Peldrsol," "Peldrus,Pelduril,Pelduring,Pelduris,Peldurol,Peldursol,Peldurus,Pelthaas," "Pelthail,Pelthasil,Trithaithas,Trithaithil,Trithaithis,Trithaithlos," "Trithaithol,Trithaithsil,Trithaithsol,Trithaithus,Trithalis,Trithalol," "Trithatas,Trithatil,Trithatlos,Trithatsol,Trithcatlos,Trithcatsol,Trithcatus," "Trithdril,Trithdring,Trithdris,Trithdrlos,Trithdrol,Trithdrsol,Trithdrus," "Trithduril,Trithduring,Trithdurlos,Trithdurol,Trithdursil,Trithdurus," "Triththaas,Triththail,Triththaing,Triththasol,Triththaus" msgstr "" "Aigaithas,Aigaithil,Aigaithing,Aigaithol,Aigalas,Aigaling,Aigalis,Aigalol," "Aigalsil,Aigatas,Aigatis,Aigatlos,Aigatsil,Aigatsol,Aigatus,Aigcatas," "Aigcatil,Aigcating,Aigcatis,Aigcatsil,Aigcatsol,Aigcatus,Aigdring,Aigdris," "Aigdrlos,Aigdrsil,Aigdrsol,Aigduras,Aigdurlos,Aigdursol,Aigthaing,Aigthais," "Aigthasil,Aigthaus,Alaithas,Alaithis,Alaithlos,Alaithol,Alaithsol,Alaithus," "Alalas,Alalil,Alalol,Alalsol,Alalus,Alatas,Alatil,Alating,Alatlos,Alatsil," "Alcatil,Alcatis,Alcatlos,Alcatsil,Aldras,Aldril,Aldring,Aldris,Aldrlos," "Aldrol,Aldrsol,Alduras,Aldurlos,Aldurol,Althaas,Althail,Althalos,Althaol," "Althasil,Althasol,Althaus,Anaithas,Anaithil,Anaithing,Anaithis,Anaithsil," "Anaithus,Analil,Anallos,Analol,Analsil,Analus,Anatas,Anating,Anatis,Anatol," "Anatsol,Ancatas,Ancatil,Ancatol,Ancatus,Andril,Andris,Andrlos,Andrus,Anduril," "Andurol,Andursol,Andurus,Anthaas,Anthaing,Anthais,Anthaol,Anthasil,Anthasol," "Anthaus,Augaithas,Augaithing,Augaithsil,Augaithus,Augalas,Augaling,Augalol," "Augating,Augatlos,Augatol,Augatsil,Augatsol,Augcatas,Augcatil,Augcatis," "Augcatol,Augcatsil,Augcatus,Augdras,Augdris,Augdrsil,Augdrus,Augduras," "Augduril,Augduring,Augdurol,Augdursol,Augdurus,Augthail,Augthais,Augthalos," "Augthaol,Dulaithil,Dulaithing,Dulaithlos,Dulaithsil,Dulaithsol,Dulalas," "Dulaling,Dulalis,Dulalsil,Dulatil,Dulating,Dulatol,Dulatsol,Dulatus,Dulcatil," "Dulcating,Dulcatlos,Dulcatol,Dulcatsil,Dulcatsol,Duldril,Duldris,Duldrlos," "Duldrol,Duldrsil,Duldrus,Dulduras,Dulduring,Duldursil,Duldurus,Dulthalos," "Dulthasil,Dulthasol,Dulthaus,Glamaithil,Glamaithis,Glamaithol,Glamaithsol," "Glamalil,Glamaling,Glamalis,Glamallos,Glamalsil,Glamalus,Glamatil,Glamatus," "Glamcatas,Glamcatil,Glamcating,Glamcatsil,Glamcatus,Glamdras,Glamdril," "Glamdrlos,Glamdrsol,Glamduras,Glamduril,Glamduring,Glamduris,Glamdursol," "Glamthaas,Glamthaol,Glamthasil,Glamthasol,Glamthaus,Glomin,Gomaithas," "Gomaithil,Gomaithol,Gomaithsol,Gomalil,Gomalis,Gomalus,Gomatas,Gomatil," "Gomating,Gomatis,Gomatlos,Gomatol,Gomcatil,Gomcatis,Gomcatlos,Gomdras," "Gomdril,Gomdring,Gomdris,Gomdrol,Gomdrsil,Gomduris,Gomdurlos,Gomdursil," "Gomdursol,Gomdurus,Gomthaas,Gomthalos,Gomthasol,Naraithil,Naraithing," "Naraithol,Naraithsil,Naraithsol,Naraithus,Naralas,Naralil,Naralsil,Naralus," "Naratlos,Naratol,Naratsil,Narcating,Narcatis,Narcatol,Narcatsil,Narcatsol," "Nardras,Nardril,Nardring,Nardris,Nardrol,Nardrsil,Nardrsol,Nardrus,Narduras," "Narduril,Nardurol,Narthalos,Narthaol,Pelaithas,Pelaithil,Pelaithing," "Pelaithis,Pelaithlos,Pelaithol,Pelaithsil,Pelaithsol,Pelalil,Pelaling," "Pelalis,Pelalsil,Pelalsol,Pelalus,Pelatil,Pelating,Pelatis,Pelatol,Pelatsil," "Pelatus,Pelcating,Pelcatlos,Pelcatol,Pelcatsil,Peldras,Peldril,Peldrsol," "Peldrus,Pelduril,Pelduring,Pelduris,Peldurol,Peldursol,Peldurus,Pelthaas," "Pelthail,Pelthasil,Trithaithas,Trithaithil,Trithaithis,Trithaithlos," "Trithaithol,Trithaithsil,Trithaithsol,Trithaithus,Trithalis,Trithalol," "Trithatas,Trithatil,Trithatlos,Trithatsol,Trithcatlos,Trithcatsol,Trithcatus," "Trithdril,Trithdring,Trithdris,Trithdrlos,Trithdrol,Trithdrsol,Trithdrus," "Trithduril,Trithduring,Trithdurlos,Trithdurol,Trithdursil,Trithdurus," "Triththaas,Triththail,Triththaing,Triththasol,Triththaus" #. Generator for male dwarf names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:40 msgid "" "\n" "main={long_name}\n" "long_name={prefix}{centre}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{centre}{suffix}\n" "short_name={prefix}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Ai|Al|A|Du|Glam|Dul|Gom|Nar|Pel|Tri|Dun|Do|Bar|Er|Tim|Al|Du|Bu|Bur|" "Nor|Der|Ur|Gar\n" "suffix=sil|fur|bor|bus|bur|bor|gos|dor|rin|dur|ing|ras|this|tis|rol|sol|las|" "til|til|tol|los|rol|sol|ril|sil|as|us|lil|fur|mur|fur\n" "centre=lal|mal|ra|dur|thal|thas|ma|gal|thau|ga|ith|ma|cat|la|ral|dur|bur\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={long_name}\n" "long_name={prefix}{centre}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{centre}{suffix}\n" "short_name={prefix}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Ai|Al|A|Du|Glam|Dul|Gom|Nar|Pel|Tri|Dun|Do|Bar|Er|Tim|Al|Du|Bu|Bur|" "Nor|Der|Ur|Gar\n" "suffix=sil|fur|bor|bus|bur|bor|gos|dor|rin|dur|ing|ras|this|tis|rol|sol|las|" "til|til|tol|los|rol|sol|ril|sil|as|us|lil|fur|mur|fur\n" "centre=lal|mal|ra|dur|thal|thas|ma|gal|thau|ga|ith|ma|cat|la|ral|dur|bur\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:51 msgid "" "Amadrieriand,Amáril,Amelad,Ameldor,Amendel,Ameng,Amilmaldur,Amilmalith," "Amilmandir,Amind,Amiol,Amiorion,Amithrarion,Amóldor,Amorfimir,Amorfir,Amowyn," "Amulas,Amundil,Anán,Anebrin,Anebrir,Anémbor,Anénduil,Anerion,Anilad,Anil-" "Gawyn,Anilmambor,Anilmariand,Anior,Anithranduil,Anol,Anon,Anorfing,Anundil," "Belán,Belandil,Belarandel,Belel,Belén,Belil-Gandil,Belilmand,Belilmang," "Beliondil,Beliril,Belithraldor,Belithrawyn,Belólad,Belómir,Belondel,Belyrion," "Cadriembor,Cadrieriand,Cálad,Caladrielas,Calándel,Caldur,Cáldur,Calebrindel," "Calebrindir,Calénduil,Calil-Gandir,Calil-Gawyn,Calioriand,Caliril,Calónduil," "Caloril,Cándir,Canduil,Caraldur,Carang,Célad,Celadrieriand,Celang,Celaral," "Celarandil,Celáriand,Celebririon,Celelas,Celendel,Celér,Celilmalas,Celiondir," "Celior,Celiorion,Celong,Celór,Celóril,Celorion,Celundir,Celuwyn,Celyndel," "Cénduil,Cindil,Ciong,Cithralad,Cithraldur,Cithrand,Cithrandel,Cithraril,Col," "Corfil,Corfildur,Cówyn,Cun,Cundir,Cylas,Delán,Delánd,Delandel,Delaraldur," "Deláril,Delawyn,Deléng,Delilmaldor,Deliol,Delithrar,Deliwyn,Delóldor," "Delorfilad,Delorfilith,Delorion,Delundil,Eäradriendel,Eäradrier,Eäránduil," "Eäraralad,Eärebrindel,Eäréldor,Eäreng,Eärérion,Eärithrandil,Eäromir," "Eärorfiriand,Eäryldur,Eäryriand,Eladrieng,Elálith,Elánd,Elándil,Elebrildor," "Elebrindel,Elebriril,Elélas,Elémbor,Elemir,Elen,Elil-Garil,Elilmaldur," "Eliomir,Eliondil,Elolas,Elólas,Elor,Elorfilad,Elradrien,Elralith,Elran," "Elreldur,Elrilmand,Elrioldor,Elriolith,Elrithralith,Elrithranduil,Elrorfir," "Elval,Elvandir,Elvaramir,Elváwyn,Elvebrind,Elvebrindel,Elvélith,Elvémir," "Elverion,Elvil-Garion,Elvilmaldur,Elvilmaril,Elvioldur,Elvombor,Elvónduil," "Elvorfimir,Elvorfiriand,Elvorfiril,Elvóriand,Elvund,Elyldor,Elyrion,Eowambor," "Eowanduil,Eowar,Eowaraldor,Eowaran,Eowarar,Eowariand,Eowarion,Eowebrind," "Eowémir,Eowil-Garion,Eowimbor,Eowiomir,Eowithrawyn,Eowóldur,Eoworfildor," "Eowówyn,Eowylas,Fadriendel,Fandel,Farandir,Fáwyn,Fendel,Fer,Filman,Fioril," "Fithraril,Forfilas,Fyrion,Gadriendil,Gadrieng,Galadrieldor,Galálad,Galálas," "Galalith,Galar,Galelas,Galeldur,Galelith,Galémbor,Galithrariand,Galoldur," "Galuldur,Galur,Galurion,Gambor,Gán,Ganduil,Garaldor,Gararil,Gelad,Géril,Gil-" "Gandel,Gil-Gang,Giombor,Githral,Githralad,Gladriendil,Glal,Glámbor,Glandil," "Glarang,Glararil,Glilmal,Glimir,Glior,Glólas,Gloldor,Glómir,Glon,Glul,Golad," "Gor,Gumbor,Gyl,Gymbor,Gyn,Harariand,Háriand,Hebril,Hemir,Hénduil,Hilas,Hil-" "Garion,Hilmariand,Hiong,Hirion,Hithrandel,Horfilad,Horfindel,Hundel,Hymir," "Hyrion,Hywyn,Isadrieng,Isándir,Isarandel,Isarar,Iselas,Isér,Isilmandel," "Isirion,Isithral,Isól,Isóndel,Isóng,Isorfilad,Isorfindir,Isuwyn,Isyndel," "Legal,Legaran,Legémir,Legéril,Legilad,Legil-Gal,Legiondel,Legithralith," "Legorfindil,Legorfirion,Legówyn,Legyl,Legyn,Linduilas,Lómadrieril,Lómarand," "Lómariand,Lómebrilad,Lómebrind,Lómémbor,Lómilmaril,Lómiriand,Lómorfindil," "Lómowyn,Madrieril,Maldur,Mánduil,Maraldur,Mebrin,Méng,Mérion,Miolith,Miomir," "Mithrand,Mondir,Móndir,Morfilas,Morfin,Morfiriand,Mylith,Nadrieldor,Nalith," "Nán,Nél,Nil-Galas,Nil-Galith,Nil-Gar,Nilmar,Nóndel,Norfildor,Norfilith," "Norfindil,Norfindir,Numbor,Nyldur,Padrieriand,Padrieril,Pamir,Paraldor," "Parariand,Pilmalad,Pindir,Pór,Porfildur,Pumbor,Pyldur,Rebrir,Réndir," "Rilmandil,Rithrandil,Ról,Róldor,Roldur,Róldur,Rorfilad,Rorfindil,Rówyn,Ryn," "Sadrielas,Sebrin,Sebriril,Sénd,Sil-Gal,Sólad,Sorfind,Sóriand,Tadriendir," "Taral,Taraldur,Táriand,Tendel,Téwyn,Thradrieriand,Thrambor,Thraral,Threbring," "Thrélad,Thréldur,Thril-Gamir,Thril-Gandir,Thril-Gar,Thrilmandel,Thrimir," "Thrion,Thrithran,Throlas,Thrón,Thróng,Thrund,Thryriand,Til-Gan,Tilmalad," "Tilmalas,Tinandir,Tinarambor,Tinarariand,Tinén,Tinil-Ganduil,Tinilmand," "Tinilmawyn,Tinimir,Tinindil,Tinithrar,Tinoldor,Tinond,Tinorfind,Tinorfiriand," "Tinóriand,Tinowyn,Tinun,Tinyl,Tion,Tolas,Torfildur,Tówyn,Tylad,Unadrieldor," "Unadrier,Unál,Unalas,Unálas,Unaraldur,Unaril,Unárion,Unebrin,Unebrind," "Uneldor,Unil,Unil-Gan,Uniolith,Unioril,Unólith,Unombor,Unóndel,Unondir," "Unorfildor,Unorfiril,Unorfiwyn,Unulad,Uradrielas,Uradrierion,Urálas,Urálith," "Urambor,Urér,Uril-Gambor,Urilmalith,Uróldor,Urorfildor,Urul,Urymir,Válad,Ván," "Vándel,Vandir,Varalas,Vararion,Vebril,Vebrilas,Vebrinduil,Vel,Vilith,Vol," "Vólas,Vóldur,Vondel,Vorfin,Vorfindil,Vulas,Vuldur,Vunduil,Vylas,Vyldor" msgstr "" "Amadrieriand,Amáril,Amelad,Ameldor,Amendel,Ameng,Amilmaldur,Amilmalith," "Amilmandir,Amind,Amiol,Amiorion,Amithrarion,Amóldor,Amorfimir,Amorfir,Amowyn," "Amulas,Amundil,Anán,Anebrin,Anebrir,Anémbor,Anénduil,Anerion,Anilad,Anil-" "Gawyn,Anilmambor,Anilmariand,Anior,Anithranduil,Anol,Anon,Anorfing,Anundil," "Belán,Belandil,Belarandel,Belel,Belén,Belil-Gandil,Belilmand,Belilmang," "Beliondil,Beliril,Belithraldor,Belithrawyn,Belólad,Belómir,Belondel,Belyrion," "Cadriembor,Cadrieriand,Cálad,Caladrielas,Calándel,Caldur,Cáldur,Calebrindel," "Calebrindir,Calénduil,Calil-Gandir,Calil-Gawyn,Calioriand,Caliril,Calónduil," "Caloril,Cándir,Canduil,Caraldur,Carang,Célad,Celadrieriand,Celang,Celaral," "Celarandil,Celáriand,Celebririon,Celelas,Celendel,Celér,Celilmalas,Celiondir," "Celior,Celiorion,Celong,Celór,Celóril,Celorion,Celundir,Celuwyn,Celyndel," "Cénduil,Cindil,Ciong,Cithralad,Cithraldur,Cithrand,Cithrandel,Cithraril,Col," "Corfil,Corfildur,Cówyn,Cun,Cundir,Cylas,Delán,Delánd,Delandel,Delaraldur," "Deláril,Delawyn,Deléng,Delilmaldor,Deliol,Delithrar,Deliwyn,Delóldor," "Delorfilad,Delorfilith,Delorion,Delundil,Eäradriendel,Eäradrier,Eäránduil," "Eäraralad,Eärebrindel,Eäréldor,Eäreng,Eärérion,Eärithrandil,Eäromir," "Eärorfiriand,Eäryldur,Eäryriand,Eladrieng,Elálith,Elánd,Elándil,Elebrildor," "Elebrindel,Elebriril,Elélas,Elémbor,Elemir,Elen,Elil-Garil,Elilmaldur," "Eliomir,Eliondil,Elolas,Elólas,Elor,Elorfilad,Elradrien,Elralith,Elran," "Elreldur,Elrilmand,Elrioldor,Elriolith,Elrithralith,Elrithranduil,Elrorfir," "Elval,Elvandir,Elvaramir,Elváwyn,Elvebrind,Elvebrindel,Elvélith,Elvémir," "Elverion,Elvil-Garion,Elvilmaldur,Elvilmaril,Elvioldur,Elvombor,Elvónduil," "Elvorfimir,Elvorfiriand,Elvorfiril,Elvóriand,Elvund,Elyldor,Elyrion,Eowambor," "Eowanduil,Eowar,Eowaraldor,Eowaran,Eowarar,Eowariand,Eowarion,Eowebrind," "Eowémir,Eowil-Garion,Eowimbor,Eowiomir,Eowithrawyn,Eowóldur,Eoworfildor," "Eowówyn,Eowylas,Fadriendel,Fandel,Farandir,Fáwyn,Fendel,Fer,Filman,Fioril," "Fithraril,Forfilas,Fyrion,Gadriendil,Gadrieng,Galadrieldor,Galálad,Galálas," "Galalith,Galar,Galelas,Galeldur,Galelith,Galémbor,Galithrariand,Galoldur," "Galuldur,Galur,Galurion,Gambor,Gán,Ganduil,Garaldor,Gararil,Gelad,Géril,Gil-" "Gandel,Gil-Gang,Giombor,Githral,Githralad,Gladriendil,Glal,Glámbor,Glandil," "Glarang,Glararil,Glilmal,Glimir,Glior,Glólas,Gloldor,Glómir,Glon,Glul,Golad," "Gor,Gumbor,Gyl,Gymbor,Gyn,Harariand,Háriand,Hebril,Hemir,Hénduil,Hilas,Hil-" "Garion,Hilmariand,Hiong,Hirion,Hithrandel,Horfilad,Horfindel,Hundel,Hymir," "Hyrion,Hywyn,Isadrieng,Isándir,Isarandel,Isarar,Iselas,Isér,Isilmandel," "Isirion,Isithral,Isól,Isóndel,Isóng,Isorfilad,Isorfindir,Isuwyn,Isyndel," "Legal,Legaran,Legémir,Legéril,Legilad,Legil-Gal,Legiondel,Legithralith," "Legorfindil,Legorfirion,Legówyn,Legyl,Legyn,Linduilas,Lómadrieril,Lómarand," "Lómariand,Lómebrilad,Lómebrind,Lómémbor,Lómilmaril,Lómiriand,Lómorfindil," "Lómowyn,Madrieril,Maldur,Mánduil,Maraldur,Mebrin,Méng,Mérion,Miolith,Miomir," "Mithrand,Mondir,Móndir,Morfilas,Morfin,Morfiriand,Mylith,Nadrieldor,Nalith," "Nán,Nél,Nil-Galas,Nil-Galith,Nil-Gar,Nilmar,Nóndel,Norfildor,Norfilith," "Norfindil,Norfindir,Numbor,Nyldur,Padrieriand,Padrieril,Pamir,Paraldor," "Parariand,Pilmalad,Pindir,Pór,Porfildur,Pumbor,Pyldur,Rebrir,Réndir," "Rilmandil,Rithrandil,Ról,Róldor,Roldur,Róldur,Rorfilad,Rorfindil,Rówyn,Ryn," "Sadrielas,Sebrin,Sebriril,Sénd,Sil-Gal,Sólad,Sorfind,Sóriand,Tadriendir," "Taral,Taraldur,Táriand,Tendel,Téwyn,Thradrieriand,Thrambor,Thraral,Threbring," "Thrélad,Thréldur,Thril-Gamir,Thril-Gandir,Thril-Gar,Thrilmandel,Thrimir," "Thrion,Thrithran,Throlas,Thrón,Thróng,Thrund,Thryriand,Til-Gan,Tilmalad," "Tilmalas,Tinandir,Tinarambor,Tinarariand,Tinén,Tinil-Ganduil,Tinilmand," "Tinilmawyn,Tinimir,Tinindil,Tinithrar,Tinoldor,Tinond,Tinorfind,Tinorfiriand," "Tinóriand,Tinowyn,Tinun,Tinyl,Tion,Tolas,Torfildur,Tówyn,Tylad,Unadrieldor," "Unadrier,Unál,Unalas,Unálas,Unaraldur,Unaril,Unárion,Unebrin,Unebrind," "Uneldor,Unil,Unil-Gan,Uniolith,Unioril,Unólith,Unombor,Unóndel,Unondir," "Unorfildor,Unorfiril,Unorfiwyn,Unulad,Uradrielas,Uradrierion,Urálas,Urálith," "Urambor,Urér,Uril-Gambor,Urilmalith,Uróldor,Urorfildor,Urul,Urymir,Válad,Ván," "Vándel,Vandir,Varalas,Vararion,Vebril,Vebrilas,Vebrinduil,Vel,Vilith,Vol," "Vólas,Vóldur,Vondel,Vorfin,Vorfindil,Vulas,Vuldur,Vunduil,Vylas,Vyldor" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:52 msgid "" "Amadrielia,Amadrielindë,Amadriendra,Amadriewen,Amarang,Amebrilindë,Amedë," "Améthien,Amewien,Amil-Gadith,Amil-Garith,Amilmadia,Amiolith,Amionia," "Amithraniel,Amithrawien,Amiwen,Amodë,Amorfilith,Amorith,Amulia,Amuviel," "Amuwen,Analia,Anang,Anaraclya,Anáthien,Anebriniel,Anilmarith,Aning,Aniorith," "Anówien,Anundra,Anuthiel,Anuthien,Anylindë,Anythien,Anywien,Belaclya," "Beladrielith,Beladriewen,Beladriewien,Belarania,Belaraviel,Belebrindra," "Belendra,Beliolia,Belithraniel,Belithrawiel,Belithrawien,Belowen,Belulindë," "Cádë,Cadriewen,Caladrieng,Calándra,Calang,Calánia,Calebriwien,Calewen," "Calewiel,Calil-Galith,Calilmalith,Calithraclya,Calóniel,Calorfiniel,Calówien," "Caluclya,Ceclya,Celadë,Celália,Celálindë,Celarandra,Celararith,Celárith," "Celebriniel,Celebriviel,Celelith,Celéng,Celérith,Celidien,Celilith,Celindë," "Celiodë,Celioniel,Celith,Celithradith,Celódith,Celorfilindë,Celorfing," "Celorfiwien,Celówien,Celylia,Cethien,Cing,Cithralith,Cithrania,Cithrawen," "Cólindë,Corfiviel,Cydia,Delararith,Delebrinia,Deléthien,Delil-Ganiel," "Deliowen,Delithrathiel,Delóndra,Delorfilindë,Delorfithien,Deloviel,Delydien," "Eäradriedien,Eärániel,Eärarawien,Eärélia,Eärenia,Eärewen,Eäréwiel,Eärilmadë," "Eärilmathien,Eäriolith,Eärithrang,Eärorfiwien,Eärudë,Eladriedë,Eladrielia," "Elarawiel,Elebrindra,Eledë,Elelith,Elil-Gang,Elilmalia,Elilmawien," "Elithraclya,Elithradien,Elóndra,Elorfing,Elorfithien,Elradrierith,Elránia," "Elrebridith,Elréthiel,Elrilindë,Elrilmandra,Elrilmathien,Elrithiel," "Elrithradith,Elriwen,Elródith,Elrorfidia,Eluviel,Elvádia,Elvánia,Elvil-" "Gawien,Elvilmathiel,Elviniel,Elviondra,Elvithrang,Elvithrathien,Elvowien," "Elvyniel,Elvyviel,Elynia,Elywen,Eowalia,Eowarawien,Eowathiel,Eowebridith," "Eowedith,Eowidien,Eowil-Galindë,Eowilindë,Eowiowien,Eowylia,Eowyniel," "Fadriedith,Fadrielia,Fadriendra,Fadrienia,Falindë,Fáthiel,Fathien,Fáwien," "Feclya,Féthiel,Fil-Galia,Fil-Gathiel,Fil-Gawien,Filmaclya,Fioniel,Fódë," "Fólindë,Fulindë,Gadrieclya,Gadrieviel,Galadriethien,Galándra,Galaraniel," "Galebrilia,Galebrindra,Galédë,Galedien,Galéwiel,Galil-Gania,Galilmadia," "Galiothiel,Galithrathien,Galólia,Galolindë,Galorfiwiel,Galothiel,Galowen," "Galundra,Galyniel,Gathien,Gáviel,Gebririth,Gewen,Gil-Gawien,Gilia,Gioniel," "Gioviel,Giowen,Githrania,Githrawiel,Glália,Glebrithien,Gléndra,Glilmadien," "Glilmawiel,Glithiel,Gloclya,Glodith,Glorfilith,Gloviel,Glowiel,Goclya,Godien," "Gólia,Golindë,Guviel,Harawiel,Haviel,Háwien,Héclya,Hedia,Helith,Hewen,Hil-" "Gania,Hiodë,Hiwien,Hodia,Hódia,Horfinia,Horfiwien,Hóthiel,Huclya,Hunia," "Huthien,Hyclya,Hythiel,Hythien,Isadrieng,Isáwen,Isebridien,Isebrinia,Isendra," "Iséng,Iseviel,Isil-Garith,Isilindë,Isithradë,Isithradien,Isithrarith," "Isithrawiel,Isóthien,Legádë,Legadien,Legadrieclya,Legadriedë,Legadrieniel," "Legaraclya,Legebrilia,Legelith,Legeng,Legéniel,Legethiel,Legidia,Legil-" "Galindë,Legilmadith,Legilmawiel,Legithralindë,Legithrandra,Legithrania," "Legolith,Legondra,Legorfidë,Lómániel,Lómebriclya,Lómebriniel,Lómedia," "Lómeniel,Lómiclya,Lómilindë,Lómilmathiel,Lómilmawiel,Lómithradë,Lómithrarith," "Lómódë,Lómolith,Lómóndra,Lómorfing,Lómorith,Lómudia,Lómulindë,Lómuniel," "Lómuthiel,Lómynia,Lómythien,Mádia,Madrieclya,Maraclya,Mebriwiel,Meclya," "Medien,Mil-Gathiel,Mil-Gathien,Milindë,Milith,Miowen,Miowiel,Mithradë," "Mithralindë,Módë,Módia,Moniel,Morfilindë,Munia,Myndra,Mywiel,Narania," "Naraniel,Náviel,Nawen,Newen,Nil-Gang,Nilmadia,Niodien,Niolia,Niothien," "Nithraniel,Nithrarith,Nowen,Nydith,Pádia,Padriedith,Paralindë,Parandra,Pawen," "Pebridien,Pil-Gadia,Pil-Gadien,Pilindë,Pindra,Pong,Porfindra,Porfiwien," "Póviel,Pulia,Puthien,Reniel,Réviel,Ril-Gawien,Rindra,Riothien,Róng,Rorfiviel," "Sadrienia,Sadrierith,Sálindë,Sáng,Saradith,Sarandra,Sédith,Sendra,Sethien," "Silmaclya,Silmathiel,Sioclya,Siorith,Sithrang,Sithrawen,Soniel,Sothiel," "Sothien,Syniel,Tadrierith,Tang,Taradien,Tarathiel,Tathiel,Terith,Thradia," "Thrália,Thraraviel,Threbriniel,Thredien,Thrérith,Thridith,Thrinia," "Thrithradia,Thrithrandra,Thrithraniel,Throlith,Throng,Throthiel,Thrulith," "Thruthien,Thryng,Til-Gandra,Tilmaclya,Tilmaviel,Tináclya,Tinadriethien," "Tinálindë,Tinaraniel,Tinarathien,Tinawiel,Tinebrithiel,Tinerith,Tinil-Gania," "Tinil-Gawiel,Tiniolith,Tinithrathiel,Tinóng,Tinorfilith,Tinorfithien,Tinudia," "Tiorith,Tithrathien,Tówiel,Tuniel,Unadrieng,Unáthien,Unebridë,Unénia,Unil-" "Gadia,Unilmadia,Unindra,Uniodë,Uniolia,Uniong,Unionia,Unóndra,Unorfiwen," "Unulindë,Unuviel,Unynia,Uraclya,Uradriedia,Uránia,Urárith,Urebriclya,Ureclya," "Urilmadia,Urilmawiel,Uriolia,Urithralindë,Uruthien,Uryrith,Vadrierith," "Vadrieviel,Vadriewen,Varawiel,Vebrithien,Vil-Gandra,Violindë,Viowiel," "Vithrang,Vithraniel,Viwiel,Vódia,Vóng,Vorficlya,Vorfing,Vorfirith,Vorfiwiel," "Vówien" msgstr "" "Amadrielia,Amadrielindë,Amadriendra,Amadriewen,Amarang,Amebrilindë,Amedë," "Améthien,Amewien,Amil-Gadith,Amil-Garith,Amilmadia,Amiolith,Amionia," "Amithraniel,Amithrawien,Amiwen,Amodë,Amorfilith,Amorith,Amulia,Amuviel," "Amuwen,Analia,Anang,Anaraclya,Anáthien,Anebriniel,Anilmarith,Aning,Aniorith," "Anówien,Anundra,Anuthiel,Anuthien,Anylindë,Anythien,Anywien,Belaclya," "Beladrielith,Beladriewen,Beladriewien,Belarania,Belaraviel,Belebrindra," "Belendra,Beliolia,Belithraniel,Belithrawiel,Belithrawien,Belowen,Belulindë," "Cádë,Cadriewen,Caladrieng,Calándra,Calang,Calánia,Calebriwien,Calewen," "Calewiel,Calil-Galith,Calilmalith,Calithraclya,Calóniel,Calorfiniel,Calówien," "Caluclya,Ceclya,Celadë,Celália,Celálindë,Celarandra,Celararith,Celárith," "Celebriniel,Celebriviel,Celelith,Celéng,Celérith,Celidien,Celilith,Celindë," "Celiodë,Celioniel,Celith,Celithradith,Celódith,Celorfilindë,Celorfing," "Celorfiwien,Celówien,Celylia,Cethien,Cing,Cithralith,Cithrania,Cithrawen," "Cólindë,Corfiviel,Cydia,Delararith,Delebrinia,Deléthien,Delil-Ganiel," "Deliowen,Delithrathiel,Delóndra,Delorfilindë,Delorfithien,Deloviel,Delydien," "Eäradriedien,Eärániel,Eärarawien,Eärélia,Eärenia,Eärewen,Eäréwiel,Eärilmadë," "Eärilmathien,Eäriolith,Eärithrang,Eärorfiwien,Eärudë,Eladriedë,Eladrielia," "Elarawiel,Elebrindra,Eledë,Elelith,Elil-Gang,Elilmalia,Elilmawien," "Elithraclya,Elithradien,Elóndra,Elorfing,Elorfithien,Elradrierith,Elránia," "Elrebridith,Elréthiel,Elrilindë,Elrilmandra,Elrilmathien,Elrithiel," "Elrithradith,Elriwen,Elródith,Elrorfidia,Eluviel,Elvádia,Elvánia,Elvil-" "Gawien,Elvilmathiel,Elviniel,Elviondra,Elvithrang,Elvithrathien,Elvowien," "Elvyniel,Elvyviel,Elynia,Elywen,Eowalia,Eowarawien,Eowathiel,Eowebridith," "Eowedith,Eowidien,Eowil-Galindë,Eowilindë,Eowiowien,Eowylia,Eowyniel," "Fadriedith,Fadrielia,Fadriendra,Fadrienia,Falindë,Fáthiel,Fathien,Fáwien," "Feclya,Féthiel,Fil-Galia,Fil-Gathiel,Fil-Gawien,Filmaclya,Fioniel,Fódë," "Fólindë,Fulindë,Gadrieclya,Gadrieviel,Galadriethien,Galándra,Galaraniel," "Galebrilia,Galebrindra,Galédë,Galedien,Galéwiel,Galil-Gania,Galilmadia," "Galiothiel,Galithrathien,Galólia,Galolindë,Galorfiwiel,Galothiel,Galowen," "Galundra,Galyniel,Gathien,Gáviel,Gebririth,Gewen,Gil-Gawien,Gilia,Gioniel," "Gioviel,Giowen,Githrania,Githrawiel,Glália,Glebrithien,Gléndra,Glilmadien," "Glilmawiel,Glithiel,Gloclya,Glodith,Glorfilith,Gloviel,Glowiel,Goclya,Godien," "Gólia,Golindë,Guviel,Harawiel,Haviel,Háwien,Héclya,Hedia,Helith,Hewen,Hil-" "Gania,Hiodë,Hiwien,Hodia,Hódia,Horfinia,Horfiwien,Hóthiel,Huclya,Hunia," "Huthien,Hyclya,Hythiel,Hythien,Isadrieng,Isáwen,Isebridien,Isebrinia,Isendra," "Iséng,Iseviel,Isil-Garith,Isilindë,Isithradë,Isithradien,Isithrarith," "Isithrawiel,Isóthien,Legádë,Legadien,Legadrieclya,Legadriedë,Legadrieniel," "Legaraclya,Legebrilia,Legelith,Legeng,Legéniel,Legethiel,Legidia,Legil-" "Galindë,Legilmadith,Legilmawiel,Legithralindë,Legithrandra,Legithrania," "Legolith,Legondra,Legorfidë,Lómániel,Lómebriclya,Lómebriniel,Lómedia," "Lómeniel,Lómiclya,Lómilindë,Lómilmathiel,Lómilmawiel,Lómithradë,Lómithrarith," "Lómódë,Lómolith,Lómóndra,Lómorfing,Lómorith,Lómudia,Lómulindë,Lómuniel," "Lómuthiel,Lómynia,Lómythien,Mádia,Madrieclya,Maraclya,Mebriwiel,Meclya," "Medien,Mil-Gathiel,Mil-Gathien,Milindë,Milith,Miowen,Miowiel,Mithradë," "Mithralindë,Módë,Módia,Moniel,Morfilindë,Munia,Myndra,Mywiel,Narania," "Naraniel,Náviel,Nawen,Newen,Nil-Gang,Nilmadia,Niodien,Niolia,Niothien," "Nithraniel,Nithrarith,Nowen,Nydith,Pádia,Padriedith,Paralindë,Parandra,Pawen," "Pebridien,Pil-Gadia,Pil-Gadien,Pilindë,Pindra,Pong,Porfindra,Porfiwien," "Póviel,Pulia,Puthien,Reniel,Réviel,Ril-Gawien,Rindra,Riothien,Róng,Rorfiviel," "Sadrienia,Sadrierith,Sálindë,Sáng,Saradith,Sarandra,Sédith,Sendra,Sethien," "Silmaclya,Silmathiel,Sioclya,Siorith,Sithrang,Sithrawen,Soniel,Sothiel," "Sothien,Syniel,Tadrierith,Tang,Taradien,Tarathiel,Tathiel,Terith,Thradia," "Thrália,Thraraviel,Threbriniel,Thredien,Thrérith,Thridith,Thrinia," "Thrithradia,Thrithrandra,Thrithraniel,Throlith,Throng,Throthiel,Thrulith," "Thruthien,Thryng,Til-Gandra,Tilmaclya,Tilmaviel,Tináclya,Tinadriethien," "Tinálindë,Tinaraniel,Tinarathien,Tinawiel,Tinebrithiel,Tinerith,Tinil-Gania," "Tinil-Gawiel,Tiniolith,Tinithrathiel,Tinóng,Tinorfilith,Tinorfithien,Tinudia," "Tiorith,Tithrathien,Tówiel,Tuniel,Unadrieng,Unáthien,Unebridë,Unénia,Unil-" "Gadia,Unilmadia,Unindra,Uniodë,Uniolia,Uniong,Unionia,Unóndra,Unorfiwen," "Unulindë,Unuviel,Unynia,Uraclya,Uradriedia,Uránia,Urárith,Urebriclya,Ureclya," "Urilmadia,Urilmawiel,Uriolia,Urithralindë,Uruthien,Uryrith,Vadrierith," "Vadrieviel,Vadriewen,Varawiel,Vebrithien,Vil-Gandra,Violindë,Viowiel," "Vithrang,Vithraniel,Viwiel,Vódia,Vóng,Vorficlya,Vorfing,Vorfirith,Vorfiwiel," "Vówien" #. Generator for male elf names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:54 msgid "" "\n" "main={generated_prefix}{consonnant}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "generated_prefix={starting_consonnant}{vowel}\n" "starting_consonnant=C|D|F|L|M|N|P|Qu|R|S|T|V\n" "vowel=a|e|i|o|ae|é|ë\n" "consonnant=n|l|r|m|s|v|th|nn\n" "prefix={prefix_vc}{vowel}|{prefix_cv}\n" "prefix_vc=Lon|Eon|Ad|Sar|Al|Tal|Tin|El|Leg|Or|Tir|Ol|Cál|Cán|Elv|Fan|Fad|" "Fith|Fil|Gal|Glad|Leg|Glar|Gli|Hár|Tad|Sór|Pyr\n" "prefix_cv=Ama|Ami|Be|Ca|Ga|Isi|Ha|He|Le|Ló|Ny|Ni|Ma|Thu|Thri|Ti|Unu|Ve|Va\n" "suffix=or|im|ian|in|ar|iel|as|eon|as|or|ion|al|and|ér|as|ir|el|al|ad|ael\n" "centre={short_centre}|{short_centre}|-{short_centre}|{short_centre}-\n" "short_centre=lol|febr|tom|lith|nal|lor|wón|rad|rien|mar|reb|riel|mal|ram|nil|" "nim|nol|bris|lad|rier|ra|fil|thran|man\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={generated_prefix}{consonnant}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "generated_prefix={starting_consonnant}{vowel}\n" "starting_consonnant=C|D|F|L|M|N|P|Qu|R|S|T|V\n" "vowel=a|e|i|o|ae|é|ë\n" "consonnant=n|l|r|m|s|v|th|nn\n" "prefix={prefix_vc}{vowel}|{prefix_cv}\n" "prefix_vc=Lon|Eon|Ad|Sar|Al|Tal|Tin|El|Leg|Or|Tir|Ol|Cál|Cán|Elv|Fan|Fad|" "Fith|Fil|Gal|Glad|Leg|Glar|Gli|Hár|Tad|Sór|Pyr\n" "prefix_cv=Ama|Ami|Be|Ca|Ga|Isi|Ha|He|Le|Ló|Ny|Ni|Ma|Thu|Thri|Ti|Unu|Ve|Va\n" "suffix=or|im|ian|in|ar|iel|as|eon|as|or|ion|al|and|ér|as|ir|el|al|ad|ael\n" "centre={short_centre}|{short_centre}|-{short_centre}|{short_centre}-\n" "short_centre=lol|febr|tom|lith|nal|lor|wón|rad|rien|mar|reb|riel|mal|ram|nil|" "nim|nol|bris|lad|rier|ra|fil|thran|man\n" #. Generator for female elf names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:68 msgid "" "\n" "main={generated_prefix_v}{centre_v}{suffix_v}|{generated_prefix_c}{centre_c}" "{suffix_c}\n" "generated_prefix_v={starting_consonnant}{vowel}\n" "generated_prefix_c={starting_consonnant}{vowel}{consonnant}\n" "starting_consonnant=C|D|F|L|M|N|P|Qu|R|S|T|V\n" "vowel=a|e|i|o|ae|é|ë\n" "consonnant=n|l|r|m|s|v|th|p|d|f|t\n" "prefix_c=Val|Ol|Am|An|El|Fa|El|Glo|Hu|Le|Mil|Nil|Pin|Por|Mot|Mor|Thral|Leg|" "Nam|Nym|Sim|Len|Is|Thal\n" "prefix_v=La|Va|Tha|Ne|Ay|Ce|Fa|Phe|Ja|Que|Ma|Mi|Pa|Ri|Siu|Ga|Ca|De|Eä|Eo|No|" "Pó|Le|Ló|Isá|Pa|Sa|Ni|Ti|Uno|Uni|Vó|Gio\n" "suffix_v=thea|nia|lia|kea|ni|ith|niel|wiel|ra|dë|lya|thiel|nna|nne\n" "suffix_c=iel|ien|ya|a|ë|i|ia|ea\n" "centre_v=|{short_centre_v}\n" "short_centre_v=nna|lla|na|thi|saie|li|ma|lo|thra|ló|rá|bri|fi|mi|nio|wi|né|" "nu|wi\n" "centre_c=|{short_centre_c}\n" "short_centre_c=enn|all|an|ith|el|il|am|ol|arth|ól|ár|ir|if|im|ion|iw|én|un|" "iw\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={generated_prefix_v}{centre_v}{suffix_v}|{generated_prefix_c}{centre_c}" "{suffix_c}\n" "generated_prefix_v={starting_consonnant}{vowel}\n" "generated_prefix_c={starting_consonnant}{vowel}{consonnant}\n" "starting_consonnant=C|D|F|L|M|N|P|Qu|R|S|T|V\n" "vowel=a|e|i|o|ae|é|ë\n" "consonnant=n|l|r|m|s|v|th|p|d|f|t\n" "prefix_c=Val|Ol|Am|An|El|Fa|El|Glo|Hu|Le|Mil|Nil|Pin|Por|Mot|Mor|Thral|Leg|" "Nam|Nym|Sim|Len|Is|Thal\n" "prefix_v=La|Va|Tha|Ne|Ay|Ce|Fa|Phe|Ja|Que|Ma|Mi|Pa|Ri|Siu|Ga|Ca|De|Eä|Eo|No|" "Pó|Le|Ló|Isá|Pa|Sa|Ni|Ti|Uno|Uni|Vó|Gio\n" "suffix_v=thea|nia|lia|kea|ni|ith|niel|wiel|ra|dë|lya|thiel|nna|nne\n" "suffix_c=iel|ien|ya|a|ë|i|ia|ea\n" "centre_v=|{short_centre_v}\n" "short_centre_v=nna|lla|na|thi|saie|li|ma|lo|thra|ló|rá|bri|fi|mi|nio|wi|né|" "nu|wi\n" "centre_c=|{short_centre_c}\n" "short_centre_c=enn|all|an|ith|el|il|am|ol|arth|ól|ár|ir|if|im|ion|iw|én|un|" "iw\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:88 msgid "Graa,Greaa,Gree,Kaaa,Kassshh,Kessshh,Korro,Kraa,Kuu,Kzaaa,Kzuuu" msgstr "Graa,Greaa,Gree,Kaaa,Kassshh,Kessshh,Korro,Kraa,Kuu,Kzaaa,Kzuuu" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:89 msgid "Kaasa,Kayya,Keyya,Kiira,Korra" msgstr "Kaasa,Kayya,Keyya,Kiira,Korra" #. Generator for male gryphon names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:91 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Gr|Ka|Ke|Ko|Kr|Kz\n" "suffix=aa|eaa|ee|aaa|ssshh|rro|uu|uuu\n" "centre=arr|aash|eez|ozz\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Gr|Ka|Ke|Ko|Kr|Kz\n" "suffix=aa|eaa|ee|aaa|ssshh|rro|uu|uuu\n" "centre=arr|aash|eez|ozz\n" #. Generator for female gryphon names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:98 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Kaa|Ka|Ke|Kuu|Ko\n" "suffix=sa|yya|ra|rra\n" "centre=err|aash|eez|azz\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Kaa|Ka|Ke|Kuu|Ko\n" "suffix=sa|yya|ra|rra\n" "centre=err|aash|eez|azz\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:107 msgid "" "Addraecyn,Addraenvan,Addraer,Addraercyn,Addraryn,Addreddry,Addredry," "Addregwyn,Addrenyc,Addreoddry,Addreoddyn,Addreonyc,Addreorcyn,Addreran," "Addribryn,Addriddyn,Addrocyn,Addroryn,Addrunvan,Addrurcyn,Addryllyn," "Addrynvan,Aethacyn,Aethadry,Aethaec,Aethaeran,Aethaeryn,Aethagwyn,Aethanry," "Aetharcyn,Aethec,Aethellyn,Aethenvan,Aetheoc,Aetheollyn,Aetheonyc,Aetheorcyn," "Aethercyn,Aetherraent,Aethibryn,Aethiddry,Aethircyn,Aethobryn,Aethoddyn," "Aethonnyn,Aethuc,Aethudry,Aethugwyn,Aethun,Aethunry,Aethydry,Aethynyc,Blac," "Bladoc,Blaec,Blaedry,Blanry,Blebryn,Bledoc,Blemyr,Blennyn,Blenvan,Bleollyn," "Blercyn,Blidd,Bliddry,Blillyn,Blinvan,Blollyn,Blubryn,Blucyn,Bludry,Blullyn," "Bluran,Blybryn,Blydd,Blygwyn,Blymyr,Blyr,Bucyn,Cac,Cadry,Caebryn,Caedry," "Caeran,Caercyn,Car,Carac,Caraddry,Caradoc,Caraedry,Caraennyn,Cararyn,Caredd," "Careddry,Caregwyn,Caren,Careobryn,Careogwyn,Careonvan,Careorraent,Careoryn," "Carercyn,Caric,Cariddry,Carocyn,Caroddyn,Caror,Caroran,Carraent,Carudoc," "Carullyn,Carygwyn,Caryn,Cebryn,Cemyr,Cennyn,Ceoc,Ceoddry,Ceoddyn,Ceomyr," "Ceonnyn,Ceonry,Ceoryn,Cicyn,Cin,Cinry,Coc,Convan,Corcyn,Cubryn,Cunry,Curyn," "Cynyc,Cyryn,Dac,Dadd,Dadoc,Daeddry,Daedoc,Daellyn,Demyr,Denvan,Deodd,Deollyn," "Deonyc,Derraent,Dibryn,Dinnyn,Dircyn,Dycyn,Dyddyn,Gaddry,Gaebryn,Gaedry," "Gaercyn,Gagwyn,Gan,Gannyn,Gar,Gecyn,Geddyn,Gegwyn,Geodry,Ginvan,Glacyn," "Gladoc,Glaercyn,Glarraent,Gleddry,Gleoddyn,Gleran,Gliddyn,Glillyn,Glinry," "Glircyn,Gloddry,Gloddyn,Glonry,Glonvan,Glumyr,Glun,Glunry,Glunvan,Glyc,Glydd," "Glydoc,Glynry,Glynvan,Glyran,Goc,Gor,Gubryn,Gudd,Gullyn,Gumyr,Gur,Gwadoc," "Gwaec,Gwaeddyn,Gwan,Gweddyn,Gwegwyn,Gwellyn,Gwennyn,Gwenyc,Gweocyn,Gweodd," "Gweodoc,Gweodry,Gweogwyn,Gweoran,Gwidoc,Gwilam,Gwodd,Gwoddyn,Gwollyn,Gwor," "Gwucyn,Gwudoc,Gwumyr,Gwuran,Gwybryn,Gwycyn,Gwyddry,Gwydoc,Gwymyr,Gwynnyn," "Gydoc,Gyllyn,Gymyr,Haldar,Labryn,Ladoc,Laellyn,Lan,Lannyn,Laran,Lec,Lemyr," "Lenvan,Leogwyn,Lercyn,Ligwyn,Lin,Liryn,Lonnyn,Lorraent,Luddry,Ludoc,Lunnyn," "Lunvan,Lurraent,Mac,Maddyn,Maennyn,Manry,Manyc,Marcyn,Mec,Menvan,Meollyn," "Meon,Meonnyn,Meorraent,Middry,Midry,Mimyr,Modd,Moddry,Monry,Moran,Morcyn," "Mubryn,Mudoc,Mugwyn,Murcyn,Mydoc,Mygwyn,Myn,Myrraent,Owac,Owadd,Owaddyn," "Owaecyn,Owaedry,Owain,Owarcyn,Owaryn,Owecyn,Owedry,Oweomyr,Oweor,Oweorcyn," "Oweran,Owercyn,Owidry,Owinvan,Owinyc,Owodd,Owoddry,Owogwyn,Owollyn,Oworan," "Oworcyn,Oworraent,Owuddry,Owuddyn,Owugwyn,Owur,Owyran,Rabryn,Radd,Ranvan,Rar," "Reoddyn,Reodry,Rhaecyn,Rhaedoc,Rhaemyr,Rhaerraent,Rhanry,Rharcyn,Rhenry," "Rhenvan,Rhenyc,Rheodd,Rheoddyn,Rheollyn,Rheor,Rheoran,Rheorraent,Rheran," "Rherraent,Rhobryn,Rhodry,Rhollyn,Rhonvan,Rhubryn,Rhugwyn,Rhunyc,Rhur,Rhygwyn," "Rhyllyn,Rhynyc,Rhyrcyn,Rhyrraent,Rocyn,Roddyn,Romyr,Ron,Ronry,Rubryn,Ruddry," "Rumyr,Run,Rurcyn,Rybryn,Rycyn,Ryddry,Rygwyn,Rynnyn,Rynry,Saec,Saellyn,Saemyr," "Saenvan,Saercyn,Sanyc,Saran,Sarraent,Secyn,Seddyn,Sedry,Sellyn,Sennyn," "Seoddry,Seorcyn,Sercyn,Siddry,Simyr,Siryn,Sodd,Sodry,Soran,Suc,Sudd,Surcyn," "Sydd,Syran,Syryn,Tabryn,Taec,Taedd,Taedoc,Taemyr,Taenvan,Taercyn,Tanry," "Tarcyn,Teddyn,Tegwyn,Ten,Tennyn,Tenvan,Teobryn,Teoddyn,Teor,Teorcyn,Terraent," "Tinry,Tinvan,Tiryn,Todd,Tudd,Tuddry,Tudoc,Tunvan,Turraent,Tyddyn,Vaddyn," "Vaeddyn,Vaedry,Vaennyn,Varcyn,Ven,Vennyn,Veocyn,Veoddyn,Veodry,Veogwyn," "Veomyr,Vinvan,Vinyc,Virraent,Vobryn,Vogwyn,Vonry,Vuddyn,Vugwyn,Vyc,Vygwyn," "Vyrcyn,Yracyn,Yraec,Yran,Yrannyn,Yranvan,Yraryn,Yredd,Yreddyn,Yregwyn,Yreryn," "Yrinvan,Yrirraent,Yroddry,Yrullyn,Yrumyr,Yrunnyn,Yrunvan,Yryllyn,Yrymyr," "Yrynyc,Yryrcyn" msgstr "" "Addraecyn,Addraenvan,Addraer,Addraercyn,Addraryn,Addreddry,Addredry," "Addregwyn,Addrenyc,Addreoddry,Addreoddyn,Addreonyc,Addreorcyn,Addreran," "Addribryn,Addriddyn,Addrocyn,Addroryn,Addrunvan,Addrurcyn,Addryllyn," "Addrynvan,Aethacyn,Aethadry,Aethaec,Aethaeran,Aethaeryn,Aethagwyn,Aethanry," "Aetharcyn,Aethec,Aethellyn,Aethenvan,Aetheoc,Aetheollyn,Aetheonyc,Aetheorcyn," "Aethercyn,Aetherraent,Aethibryn,Aethiddry,Aethircyn,Aethobryn,Aethoddyn," "Aethonnyn,Aethuc,Aethudry,Aethugwyn,Aethun,Aethunry,Aethydry,Aethynyc,Blac," "Bladoc,Blaec,Blaedry,Blanry,Blebryn,Bledoc,Blemyr,Blennyn,Blenvan,Bleollyn," "Blercyn,Blidd,Bliddry,Blillyn,Blinvan,Blollyn,Blubryn,Blucyn,Bludry,Blullyn," "Bluran,Blybryn,Blydd,Blygwyn,Blymyr,Blyr,Bucyn,Cac,Cadry,Caebryn,Caedry," "Caeran,Caercyn,Car,Carac,Caraddry,Caradoc,Caraedry,Caraennyn,Cararyn,Caredd," "Careddry,Caregwyn,Caren,Careobryn,Careogwyn,Careonvan,Careorraent,Careoryn," "Carercyn,Caric,Cariddry,Carocyn,Caroddyn,Caror,Caroran,Carraent,Carudoc," "Carullyn,Carygwyn,Caryn,Cebryn,Cemyr,Cennyn,Ceoc,Ceoddry,Ceoddyn,Ceomyr," "Ceonnyn,Ceonry,Ceoryn,Cicyn,Cin,Cinry,Coc,Convan,Corcyn,Cubryn,Cunry,Curyn," "Cynyc,Cyryn,Dac,Dadd,Dadoc,Daeddry,Daedoc,Daellyn,Demyr,Denvan,Deodd,Deollyn," "Deonyc,Derraent,Dibryn,Dinnyn,Dircyn,Dycyn,Dyddyn,Gaddry,Gaebryn,Gaedry," "Gaercyn,Gagwyn,Gan,Gannyn,Gar,Gecyn,Geddyn,Gegwyn,Geodry,Ginvan,Glacyn," "Gladoc,Glaercyn,Glarraent,Gleddry,Gleoddyn,Gleran,Gliddyn,Glillyn,Glinry," "Glircyn,Gloddry,Gloddyn,Glonry,Glonvan,Glumyr,Glun,Glunry,Glunvan,Glyc,Glydd," "Glydoc,Glynry,Glynvan,Glyran,Goc,Gor,Gubryn,Gudd,Gullyn,Gumyr,Gur,Gwadoc," "Gwaec,Gwaeddyn,Gwan,Gweddyn,Gwegwyn,Gwellyn,Gwennyn,Gwenyc,Gweocyn,Gweodd," "Gweodoc,Gweodry,Gweogwyn,Gweoran,Gwidoc,Gwilam,Gwodd,Gwoddyn,Gwollyn,Gwor," "Gwucyn,Gwudoc,Gwumyr,Gwuran,Gwybryn,Gwycyn,Gwyddry,Gwydoc,Gwymyr,Gwynnyn," "Gydoc,Gyllyn,Gymyr,Haldar,Labryn,Ladoc,Laellyn,Lan,Lannyn,Laran,Lec,Lemyr," "Lenvan,Leogwyn,Lercyn,Ligwyn,Lin,Liryn,Lonnyn,Lorraent,Luddry,Ludoc,Lunnyn," "Lunvan,Lurraent,Mac,Maddyn,Maennyn,Manry,Manyc,Marcyn,Mec,Menvan,Meollyn," "Meon,Meonnyn,Meorraent,Middry,Midry,Mimyr,Modd,Moddry,Monry,Moran,Morcyn," "Mubryn,Mudoc,Mugwyn,Murcyn,Mydoc,Mygwyn,Myn,Myrraent,Owac,Owadd,Owaddyn," "Owaecyn,Owaedry,Owain,Owarcyn,Owaryn,Owecyn,Owedry,Oweomyr,Oweor,Oweorcyn," "Oweran,Owercyn,Owidry,Owinvan,Owinyc,Owodd,Owoddry,Owogwyn,Owollyn,Oworan," "Oworcyn,Oworraent,Owuddry,Owuddyn,Owugwyn,Owur,Owyran,Rabryn,Radd,Ranvan,Rar," "Reoddyn,Reodry,Rhaecyn,Rhaedoc,Rhaemyr,Rhaerraent,Rhanry,Rharcyn,Rhenry," "Rhenvan,Rhenyc,Rheodd,Rheoddyn,Rheollyn,Rheor,Rheoran,Rheorraent,Rheran," "Rherraent,Rhobryn,Rhodry,Rhollyn,Rhonvan,Rhubryn,Rhugwyn,Rhunyc,Rhur,Rhygwyn," "Rhyllyn,Rhynyc,Rhyrcyn,Rhyrraent,Rocyn,Roddyn,Romyr,Ron,Ronry,Rubryn,Ruddry," "Rumyr,Run,Rurcyn,Rybryn,Rycyn,Ryddry,Rygwyn,Rynnyn,Rynry,Saec,Saellyn,Saemyr," "Saenvan,Saercyn,Sanyc,Saran,Sarraent,Secyn,Seddyn,Sedry,Sellyn,Sennyn," "Seoddry,Seorcyn,Sercyn,Siddry,Simyr,Siryn,Sodd,Sodry,Soran,Suc,Sudd,Surcyn," "Sydd,Syran,Syryn,Tabryn,Taec,Taedd,Taedoc,Taemyr,Taenvan,Taercyn,Tanry," "Tarcyn,Teddyn,Tegwyn,Ten,Tennyn,Tenvan,Teobryn,Teoddyn,Teor,Teorcyn,Terraent," "Tinry,Tinvan,Tiryn,Todd,Tudd,Tuddry,Tudoc,Tunvan,Turraent,Tyddyn,Vaddyn," "Vaeddyn,Vaedry,Vaennyn,Varcyn,Ven,Vennyn,Veocyn,Veoddyn,Veodry,Veogwyn," "Veomyr,Vinvan,Vinyc,Virraent,Vobryn,Vogwyn,Vonry,Vuddyn,Vugwyn,Vyc,Vygwyn," "Vyrcyn,Yracyn,Yraec,Yran,Yrannyn,Yranvan,Yraryn,Yredd,Yreddyn,Yregwyn,Yreryn," "Yrinvan,Yrirraent,Yroddry,Yrullyn,Yrumyr,Yrunnyn,Yrunvan,Yryllyn,Yrymyr," "Yrynyc,Yryrcyn" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:108 msgid "" "Alabrylla,Alaebrylla,Alaeniver,Alalla,Alalonna,Alaryan,Aleacla,Aleaniver," "Aleara,Alearka,Alena,Alengwen,Alilonna,Alingwen,Alolla,Alolonna,Alora," "Alubrylla,Aluniver,Aluryan,Alussa,Alwcla,Alwllyra,Alwlyan,Alwna,Alybrylla," "Alynoic,Alyra,Alyryan,Braedda,Brassa,Bravyan,Breabrylla,Breall,Brealla," "Brealonna,Breana,Brell,Brellyra,Brera,Brerka,Breryan,Bricla,Brirka,Brobrylla," "Brollyra,Brona,Bronoic,Brora,Brorka,Brungwen,Bruryan,Brwra,Brycla,Brynoic," "Caella,Caena,Caengwen,Caevyan,Call,Calla,Cassa,Cealonna,Cera,Ceryan,Cibrylla," "Cicla,Cinoic,Cira,Cissa,Clacla,Claella,Claelyan,Claenoic,Clalla,Clallyra," "Clara,Clarka,Clavyan,Cleacla,Cleall,Clealyan,Cleana,Cleanoic,Clenoic," "Clibrylla,Clill,Clillyra,Clilyan,Clinoic,Clissa,Clobrylla,Clollyra,Clona," "Clongwen,Clungwen,Clurka,Cluvyan,Clwdda,Clwlla,Clwvyan,Clydda,Clylla,Cora," "Coryan,Cucla,Cudda,Curyan,Cwdda,Cwlonna,Cwngwen,Cwvyan,Cydda,Cylla,Cyllyra," "Cylyan,Cyniver,Cyvyan,Daedda,Daelyan,Daengwen,Daenoic,Dalla,Dallyra,Dangwen," "Dara,Dassa,Deanoic,Deassa,Della,Devyan,Dicla,Diniver,Dissa,Dollyra,Dullyra," "Dulonna,Dwbrylla,Dwdda,Dwna,Dwnoic,Dwra,Dybrylla,Dydda,Dyssa,Elacla,Elaedda," "Elaell,Elaelonna,Elaessa,Elaevyan,Elallyra,Elalonna,Elara,Elavyan,Elealla," "Eleanoic,Elearka,Elenoic,Elerka,Elivyan,Elulonna,Elurka,Elwllyra,Elwlonna," "Elwngwen,Elwra,Elycla,Elyllyra,Elyngwen,Elyniver,Elyrka,Gwaera,Gwaessa," "Gwangwen,Gweacla,Gwedda,Gwerka,Gwicla,Gwirka,Gwobrylla,Gwoll,Gwona,Gwongwen," "Gwonoic,Gworyan,Gwullyra,Gwussa,Gwwcla,Gwwna,Gwwvyan,Gwycla,Gwydda,Heldra," "Jacla,Jaena,Jaerka,Jaevyan,Jalyan,Jana,Jarka,Jassa,Jeabrylla,Jealla,Jeanoic," "Jeniver,Jiryan,Jissa,Joll,Jolla,Jona,Jongwen,Jonoic,Jora,Jorka,Jovyan,Judda," "Jull,Julonna,Jura,Jwll,Jwlyan,Jycla,Jyniver,Jynoic,Jyrka,Jyvyan,Laeniver," "Laenoic,Laeryan,Langwen,Larka,Lassa,Lealonna,Lealyan,Ledda,Lelonna,Lelyan," "Lengwen,Lerka,Lessa,Lidda,Lill,Lina,Lirka,Liryan,Livyan,Locla,Lodda,Lollyra," "Lolonna,Lulla,Lulyan,Lungwen,Lunoic,Luryan,Lwcla,Lwlla,Lwnoic,Lwryan,Lycla," "Lylla,Lylyan,Lyna,Lynoic,Maecla,Maeniver,Mavyan,Meacla,Mealyan,Meana," "Meangwen,Meanoic,Medda,Melonna,Mengwen,Meniver,Meradda,Meraecla,Meraelyan," "Merall,Merallyra,Meralonna,Merana,Meranoic,Merealonna,Mereangwen,Mereaniver," "Merebrylla,Merella,Merengwen,Meressa,Merilyan,Merina,Merinoic,Merissa," "Merivyan,Merolla,Merolyan,Merona,Meroniver,Merubrylla,Merudda,Merurka," "Merwlla,Merwnoic,Merwryan,Merydda,Merylyan,Messa,Milonna,Molyan,Moniver," "Mossa,Mudda,Mullyra,Mulyan,Muryan,Mwbrylla,Mwlyan,Mwngwen,Mwnoic,Mycla,Myll," "Mylla,Myra,Myvyan,Nabrylla,Naebrylla,Naecla,Naell,Nalyan,Nangwen,Nealla," "Neallyra,Nealonna,Neavyan,Nera,Nessa,Ninoic,Niryan,Nivyan,Nobrylla,Nolla," "Nonoic,Norka,Noryan,Nucla,Nulla,Nulyan,Nungwen,Nuvyan,Nwllyra,Nwryan,Nwvyan," "Nybrylla,Nyll,Nylyan,Nyryan,Nyssa,Nyvyan,Raebrylla,Raera,Raerka,Ralonna,Rara," "Rarka,Rassa,Reacla,Realla,Reana,Reangwen,Rella,Relyan,Rengwen,Rerka,Revyan," "Rilonna,Rilyan,Rirka,Rora,Rucla,Ruryan,Rwdda,Rwlla,Rwllyra,Rwlonna,Rwngwen," "Rybrylla,Ryna,Ryngwen,Saell,Saellyra,Saeniver,Saerka,Saessa,Sallyra,Sanoic," "Sara,Sassa,Searka,Sena,Senoic,Sera,Silonna,Sira,Siryan,Sona,Sorka,Subrylla," "Sull,Sulonna,Sulyan,Sura,Sussa,Swlla,Swlyan,Swngwen,Swnoic,Swvyan,Syllyra," "Sylyan,Syssa,Ysacla,Ysaenoic,Ysaerka,Ysanoic,Yseacla,Ysealonna,Ysealyan," "Ysedda,Ysell,Yselonna,Ysilyan,Ysinoic,Ysodda,Ysongwen,Ysonoic,Ysura,Yswniver," "Ysycla,Ysylla,Ysylyan,Ysyrka,Ysyssa" msgstr "" "Alabrylla,Alaebrylla,Alaeniver,Alalla,Alalonna,Alaryan,Aleacla,Aleaniver," "Aleara,Alearka,Alena,Alengwen,Alilonna,Alingwen,Alolla,Alolonna,Alora," "Alubrylla,Aluniver,Aluryan,Alussa,Alwcla,Alwllyra,Alwlyan,Alwna,Alybrylla," "Alynoic,Alyra,Alyryan,Braedda,Brassa,Bravyan,Breabrylla,Breall,Brealla," "Brealonna,Breana,Brell,Brellyra,Brera,Brerka,Breryan,Bricla,Brirka,Brobrylla," "Brollyra,Brona,Bronoic,Brora,Brorka,Brungwen,Bruryan,Brwra,Brycla,Brynoic," "Caella,Caena,Caengwen,Caevyan,Call,Calla,Cassa,Cealonna,Cera,Ceryan,Cibrylla," "Cicla,Cinoic,Cira,Cissa,Clacla,Claella,Claelyan,Claenoic,Clalla,Clallyra," "Clara,Clarka,Clavyan,Cleacla,Cleall,Clealyan,Cleana,Cleanoic,Clenoic," "Clibrylla,Clill,Clillyra,Clilyan,Clinoic,Clissa,Clobrylla,Clollyra,Clona," "Clongwen,Clungwen,Clurka,Cluvyan,Clwdda,Clwlla,Clwvyan,Clydda,Clylla,Cora," "Coryan,Cucla,Cudda,Curyan,Cwdda,Cwlonna,Cwngwen,Cwvyan,Cydda,Cylla,Cyllyra," "Cylyan,Cyniver,Cyvyan,Daedda,Daelyan,Daengwen,Daenoic,Dalla,Dallyra,Dangwen," "Dara,Dassa,Deanoic,Deassa,Della,Devyan,Dicla,Diniver,Dissa,Dollyra,Dullyra," "Dulonna,Dwbrylla,Dwdda,Dwna,Dwnoic,Dwra,Dybrylla,Dydda,Dyssa,Elacla,Elaedda," "Elaell,Elaelonna,Elaessa,Elaevyan,Elallyra,Elalonna,Elara,Elavyan,Elealla," "Eleanoic,Elearka,Elenoic,Elerka,Elivyan,Elulonna,Elurka,Elwllyra,Elwlonna," "Elwngwen,Elwra,Elycla,Elyllyra,Elyngwen,Elyniver,Elyrka,Gwaera,Gwaessa," "Gwangwen,Gweacla,Gwedda,Gwerka,Gwicla,Gwirka,Gwobrylla,Gwoll,Gwona,Gwongwen," "Gwonoic,Gworyan,Gwullyra,Gwussa,Gwwcla,Gwwna,Gwwvyan,Gwycla,Gwydda,Heldra," "Jacla,Jaena,Jaerka,Jaevyan,Jalyan,Jana,Jarka,Jassa,Jeabrylla,Jealla,Jeanoic," "Jeniver,Jiryan,Jissa,Joll,Jolla,Jona,Jongwen,Jonoic,Jora,Jorka,Jovyan,Judda," "Jull,Julonna,Jura,Jwll,Jwlyan,Jycla,Jyniver,Jynoic,Jyrka,Jyvyan,Laeniver," "Laenoic,Laeryan,Langwen,Larka,Lassa,Lealonna,Lealyan,Ledda,Lelonna,Lelyan," "Lengwen,Lerka,Lessa,Lidda,Lill,Lina,Lirka,Liryan,Livyan,Locla,Lodda,Lollyra," "Lolonna,Lulla,Lulyan,Lungwen,Lunoic,Luryan,Lwcla,Lwlla,Lwnoic,Lwryan,Lycla," "Lylla,Lylyan,Lyna,Lynoic,Maecla,Maeniver,Mavyan,Meacla,Mealyan,Meana," "Meangwen,Meanoic,Medda,Melonna,Mengwen,Meniver,Meradda,Meraecla,Meraelyan," "Merall,Merallyra,Meralonna,Merana,Meranoic,Merealonna,Mereangwen,Mereaniver," "Merebrylla,Merella,Merengwen,Meressa,Merilyan,Merina,Merinoic,Merissa," "Merivyan,Merolla,Merolyan,Merona,Meroniver,Merubrylla,Merudda,Merurka," "Merwlla,Merwnoic,Merwryan,Merydda,Merylyan,Messa,Milonna,Molyan,Moniver," "Mossa,Mudda,Mullyra,Mulyan,Muryan,Mwbrylla,Mwlyan,Mwngwen,Mwnoic,Mycla,Myll," "Mylla,Myra,Myvyan,Nabrylla,Naebrylla,Naecla,Naell,Nalyan,Nangwen,Nealla," "Neallyra,Nealonna,Neavyan,Nera,Nessa,Ninoic,Niryan,Nivyan,Nobrylla,Nolla," "Nonoic,Norka,Noryan,Nucla,Nulla,Nulyan,Nungwen,Nuvyan,Nwllyra,Nwryan,Nwvyan," "Nybrylla,Nyll,Nylyan,Nyryan,Nyssa,Nyvyan,Raebrylla,Raera,Raerka,Ralonna,Rara," "Rarka,Rassa,Reacla,Realla,Reana,Reangwen,Rella,Relyan,Rengwen,Rerka,Revyan," "Rilonna,Rilyan,Rirka,Rora,Rucla,Ruryan,Rwdda,Rwlla,Rwllyra,Rwlonna,Rwngwen," "Rybrylla,Ryna,Ryngwen,Saell,Saellyra,Saeniver,Saerka,Saessa,Sallyra,Sanoic," "Sara,Sassa,Searka,Sena,Senoic,Sera,Silonna,Sira,Siryan,Sona,Sorka,Subrylla," "Sull,Sulonna,Sulyan,Sura,Sussa,Swlla,Swlyan,Swngwen,Swnoic,Swvyan,Syllyra," "Sylyan,Syssa,Ysacla,Ysaenoic,Ysaerka,Ysanoic,Yseacla,Ysealonna,Ysealyan," "Ysedda,Ysell,Yselonna,Ysilyan,Ysinoic,Ysodda,Ysongwen,Ysonoic,Ysura,Yswniver," "Ysycla,Ysylla,Ysylyan,Ysyrka,Ysyssa" #. Generator for male Wesnothian human names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:110 msgid "" "\n" "main={generated_prefix_c}{suffix_c}|{generated_prefix_v}{suffix_v}|{prefix_c}" "{centre_c}{suffix_c}|{prefix_v}{centre_v}{suffix_v}\n" "generated_prefix_c={starting_consonnant}{vowel}{consonnant}|{starting_vowel}" "{consonnant}\n" "generated_prefix_v={starting_consonnant}{vowel}|{starting_vowel}\n" "starting_consonnant=B|C|D|G|H|L|M|R|Rh|S|T|V\n" "starting_vowel=A|E|I|Y|Ae\n" "vowel=a|e|i|o|u|y|eo|ae\n" "consonnant=w|l|d|n|r|rc|ll|nn|dd|th\n" "prefix_c=Add|Den|Derr|Gum|Mad|Mar|Ow|Tedd|T{vowel}n|Var|Vin|Vob|Vug|Yr|Rhyr\n" "prefix_v=Ae|Bl{vowel}|C{vowel}|D{vowel}|Gl{vowel}|G{vowel}|Gw{vowel}|Ha|" "L{vowel}|M{vowel}|R{vowel}|Rh{vowel}|S{vowel}|S{vowel}|T{vowel}|V{vowel}\n" "suffix_c=yn|er|yc|ec|oc|yr|in|aent\n" "suffix_v=ry|ryn|ran|lyn|van|nyc\n" "centre_c=redd|reor|og|thyn\n" "centre_v=rae|ra|thar|gwy\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={generated_prefix_c}{suffix_c}|{generated_prefix_v}{suffix_v}|{prefix_c}" "{centre_c}{suffix_c}|{prefix_v}{centre_v}{suffix_v}\n" "generated_prefix_c={starting_consonnant}{vowel}{consonnant}|{starting_vowel}" "{consonnant}\n" "generated_prefix_v={starting_consonnant}{vowel}|{starting_vowel}\n" "starting_consonnant=B|C|D|G|H|L|M|R|Rh|S|T|V\n" "starting_vowel=A|E|I|Y|Ae\n" "vowel=a|e|i|o|u|y|eo|ae\n" "consonnant=w|l|d|n|r|rc|ll|nn|dd|th\n" "prefix_c=Add|Den|Derr|Gum|Mad|Mar|Ow|Tedd|T{vowel}n|Var|Vin|Vob|Vug|Yr|Rhyr\n" "prefix_v=Ae|Bl{vowel}|C{vowel}|D{vowel}|Gl{vowel}|G{vowel}|Gw{vowel}|Ha|" "L{vowel}|M{vowel}|R{vowel}|Rh{vowel}|S{vowel}|S{vowel}|T{vowel}|V{vowel}\n" "suffix_c=yn|er|yc|ec|oc|yr|in|aent\n" "suffix_v=ry|ryn|ran|lyn|van|nyc\n" "centre_c=redd|reor|og|thyn\n" "centre_v=rae|ra|thar|gwy\n" #. Generator for female Wesnothian human names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:126 msgid "" "\n" "main={generated_prefix_c}{suffix_c}|{generated_prefix_v}{suffix_v}|{prefix_c}" "{centre_c}{suffix_c}|{prefix_v}{centre_v}{suffix_v}\n" "generated_prefix_c={starting_consonnant}{vowel}{consonnant}|{starting_vowel}" "{consonnant}\n" "generated_prefix_v={starting_consonnant}{vowel}|{starting_vowel}\n" "starting_consonnant=B|C|D|G|H|L|M|R|Rh|S|T|V\n" "starting_vowel=A|E|I|Y|Ae\n" "vowel=a|e|i|o|u|y|eo|ae\n" "consonnant=w|l|d|n|r|rc|ll|nn|dd|th\n" "prefix_c=Al|El|Mer|Mil|Rer|Ys|M{vowel}r|M{vowel}l\n" "prefix_v=A|Br{vowel}|Cl{vowel}|C{vowel}|D{vowel}|Gw{vowel}|He|J{vowel}|" "L{vowel}|M{vowel}|N{vowel}|R{vowel}|S{vowel}\n" "suffix_c=yan|oic|ell|yll\n" "suffix_v=wyn|nna|lla|ra|la|wyan|ssa|ka|ven\n" "centre_c=il|ing|ol|ur|ung|ean|eal|ong|al|iv\n" "centre_v=na|lla|na|ry|li|ni|ri|rae|bry\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={generated_prefix_c}{suffix_c}|{generated_prefix_v}{suffix_v}|{prefix_c}" "{centre_c}{suffix_c}|{prefix_v}{centre_v}{suffix_v}\n" "generated_prefix_c={starting_consonnant}{vowel}{consonnant}|{starting_vowel}" "{consonnant}\n" "generated_prefix_v={starting_consonnant}{vowel}|{starting_vowel}\n" "starting_consonnant=B|C|D|G|H|L|M|R|Rh|S|T|V\n" "starting_vowel=A|E|I|Y|Ae\n" "vowel=a|e|i|o|u|y|eo|ae\n" "consonnant=w|l|d|n|r|rc|ll|nn|dd|th\n" "prefix_c=Al|El|Mer|Mil|Rer|Ys|M{vowel}r|M{vowel}l\n" "prefix_v=A|Br{vowel}|Cl{vowel}|C{vowel}|D{vowel}|Gw{vowel}|He|J{vowel}|" "L{vowel}|M{vowel}|N{vowel}|R{vowel}|S{vowel}\n" "suffix_c=yan|oic|ell|yll\n" "suffix_v=wyn|nna|lla|ra|la|wyan|ssa|ka|ven\n" "centre_c=il|ing|ol|ur|ung|ean|eal|ong|al|iv\n" "centre_v=na|lla|na|ry|li|ni|ri|rae|bry\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:144 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Aban,Abbas,Abbud,Abdul-ʿAdl,Abdul-Ahad,Abdul-Alim,Abdul-Aliyy,Abdul-Azim," #| "Abdul-Aziz,Abdul-Badi,Abdul-Baʿith,Abdul-Baqi,Abdul-Bari,Abdul-Barr,Abdul-" #| "Basir,Abdul-Basit,Abdul-Fattah,Abdul-Ghaffar,Abdul-Ghafur,Abdul-Ghani," #| "Abdul-Hadi,Abdul-Hafiz,Abdul-Hakam,Abdul-Hakim,Abdul-Halim,Abdul-Hamid," #| "Abdul-Haqq,Abdul-Hasib,Abdul-Hayy,Abdul-Jabbar,Abdul-Jalil,Abdul-Karim," #| "Abdul-Khabir,Abdul-Khaliq,Abdul-Latif,Abdul-Malik,Abdul-Majid,Abdul-Matin," #| "Abdul-Mubdiʾ,Abdul-Mughni,Abdul-Muhaimin,Abdul-Muhsi,Abdul-Muhyi,Abdul-" #| "Muʿid,Abdul-Muʿizz,Abdul-Mujib,Abdul-Mumin,Abdul-Muqaddim,Abdul-Muqtadir," #| "Abdul-Musawwir,Abdul-Mutaʿal,Abdul-Nafi,Abdul-Nasser,Abdul-Nasir,Abdul-" #| "Nur,Abdul-Qadir,Abdul-Qahhar,Abdul-Qawi,Abdul-Qayyum,Abdul-Quddus,Abdul-" #| "Rafi,Abdul-Rahim,Abdul-Rahman,Abdul-Rashid,Abdul-Raʿuf,Abdul-Razzaq,Abdul-" #| "Shakur,Abdul-Tawwab,Abdul-Wadud,Abdul-Wahhab,Abdul-Wahid,Abdul-Wajid," #| "Abdul-Wakil,Abdul-Wali,Abdul-Waliy,Abdul-Warith,Abdul-Zahir,Abdullah," #| "ʿAbid,ʿAbidin,Abu Bakr,Aby al-Khayr,Adil,Adham,Adib,ʿAdli,ʿAdnan,ʿAfif," #| "Ahmad,ʿAjib,ʿAkif,Akil,Akram,Alaʾ,Alaʾ al-Din,Alʿ Abbas,Aladdin,al-Bara," #| "al-Hakam,al-Harith,Alhasan,Alhusain,Ali,Alim,Almahdi,al-Safi,Altaf,Altair," #| "al-Tayyib,al-Tijani,al-Tufail,Amid,ʿAmid,Amin,Amir,ʿAmir,Amjad,ʿAmmar," #| "ʿAmro,Anas,Anis,ʿAntarah,Anwar,ʿAqil,Arfan,Arif,ʿArif,Asad,Asʿad,Asadel," #| "Ashraf,Asif,ʿAsim,Aswad,Ataʿ,Ataʿ Allah,Ataʿ al-Rahman,Athil,Athir,ʿAtif," #| "ʿAwad,ʿAwf,Aws,Awwab,Ayham,Ayman,Ayser,Ayyub,Aza,ʿAzab,Azhar,Azim,ʿAziz," #| "ʿAzzam,Badi,Badi al-Zaman,Badr,Badr al-Din,Badri,Bahaʿ,Bahiyy al-Din," #| "Bahij,Bahir,Bakr,Bakri,Baligh,Bandar,Barakah,Barir,Bashshar,Basil,Basim," #| "Bassam,Bayezid,Bayhas,Bilal,Bishr,Boulos,Budail,Burhan,Bushr,Butrus,Dabir," #| "Dani,Darwish,Daʿud,Dhakir,Dhakiy,Dhakwan,Dhul Fiqar,Dirar,Diya,Diya al-" #| "Din,Duqaq,Fadi,Fadil,Fadl,Fadl Allah,Fahd,Fahad,Fahmi,Faisal,Faʿiz,Fakhir," #| "Fakhr al-Din,Fakhri,Fakih,Falah,Falih,Faraj,Farhan,Farid,Fariq,Fariq," #| "Faris,Faruq,Fath,Fathi,Fatih,Fatin,Fawwaz,Fawzan,Fawzi,Fayyad,Ferran,Fida," #| "Fikri,Firas,Fuʿad,Fudail,Gamal,Ghayth,Ghali,Ghalib,Ghanim,Ghassan,Ghawth," #| "Ghazwan,Ghiyath,Habbab,Habib,Haddad,Hadi,Hafiz,Hakem,Hakim,Halim,Hamal," #| "Hamas,Hamdan,Hamdi,Hamid,Hamim,Hamzah,Hana,Hanaʾi,Hanbal,Hani,Hanif," #| "Hannad,Haris,Harith,Harun,Hashim,Hassan,Hatim,Haydar,Haytham,Hayyan,Hazim," #| "Hilal,Hilmi,Hisham,Hud,Hudad,Hudhafah,Hudhayfah,Humam,Hussein,Husam,Husam " #| "al-Din,Ibrahim,ʿId,Idris,Ihsan,Ihtisham,ʿIkrimah,Ilias,ʿImad,Imad al-Din," #| "Imran,Imtiyaz,Inʿam,Iqbal,ʿIrfan,ʿIsa,ʿIsam,Ishaq,Ismaʿil,Iyad,Iyas,Izz " #| "al-Din,Jabbar,Jabr,Jabir,Jad Allah,Jaʿfar,Jal,Jalal,Jalal al-Din,Jalil," #| "Jamal,Jamal al-Din,Jamil,Jarir,Jasim,Jaul,Jaun,Jawad,Jawdah,Jawhar,Jibran," #| "Jibril,Jubair,Jul,Jumah,Junayd,Juwain,Kadar,Kadin,Kadir,Kahil,Kaliq,Kamal," #| "Kamil,Karam,Kardal,Karif,Karim,Kasib,Kasim,Katib,Kazim,Khalaf,Khaldun," #| "Khalid,Khalil,Khalil al-Allah,Khalis,Khatib,Khair al-Din,Khairi,Khoury," #| "Khulus,Khuzaymah,Kutaiba,Labib,Lablab,Latif,Layth,LuʿayLubayd,Luqman,Lut," #| "Lutfi,Maʿd,Madani,Mahbub,Mahdi,Mahfuz,Mahir,Mahjub,Mahmud,Mahrus,Maimun," #| "Majd,Majdy,Majd al-Din,Majid,Makin,Malik,Mamduh,Maʿmun,Maʿin,Mandhur," #| "Mansur,Marghub,Marid,Maʿruf,Marwan,Marzuq,Mashʿal,Mashhur,Masrur,Masʿud," #| "Masun,Maysarah,Mazhar,Mazin,Mehmed,Mihran,Mihyar,Mikaʾil,Miqdad,Misbah," #| "Mishʿal,Miyaz,Muʾadh,Muʾawiyah,Muʾayyad,Mubarak,Mubin,Mudar,Muddaththir," #| "Mufid,Muflih,Muhab,Muhayr,Muhammad,Muhanna,Muhannad,Muhib,Muhibb,Muhsin," #| "Muhtadi,Muhyi al-Din,Muʿin,Muʿizz,Mujab,Mujahid,Mukarram,Mukhlis,Mukhtar," #| "Mulham,Mulhim,Muʿmmar,Muʿmin,Mumtaz,Munahid,Mundhir,Munib,Munif,Munir," #| "Muʿnis,Munjid,Munsif,Muntasir,Murad,Murid,Murshid,Murtada,Musa,Musʿab," #| "Musaʿid,Mushtaq,Muslih,Muslim,Mutafa,Mutaʾ,Muʿtasim,Mutawalli,Muʿtazz," #| "Muthanna,Muti,Muwaffaq,Muyassar,Muzaffar,Mussammil,Nabhan,Nabighah,Nabih," #| "Nabil,Nadhir,Nadim,Nadir,Nafiʾ,Nahid,Naʾil,Naʾim,Naji,Najib,Najid,Najjar," #| "Najm al-Din,Naʿaman,Namir,Nashʿah,Nashʿat,Nashwan,Nasib,Nasih,Nasim,Nasir," #| "Nasir al-Din,Nasr,Nasri,Nasuh,Nawaf,Nawfal,Nayif,Nazih,Nazim,Nazmi,Nibras," #| "Nidal,Nijad,Nimr,Nizar,Nuʿaym,Nuh,Nuhayd,Numair,Nuʿman,Nur al-Din,Nuri," #| "Nusrah,Nusrat,Omar,Orhan,Osman,Qasim,Qays,Qudamah,Qusay,Qatadah,Qutaybah," #| "Qutb,Qutuz,Rabah,Rabi,Radi,Rafi,Rafid,Rafiq,Raghib,Rahman,Raʿid,Raʿif," #| "Rais,Rajaa,Rajab,Raji,Rajih,Rakin,Rami,Ramih,Ramiz,Ramzi,Rani,Rashad," #| "Rashid,Rasil,Rasin,Rasmi,Rasul,Ratib,Raʿuf,Rayhan,Rayyan,Razin,Ridha," #| "Ridwan,Rihab,Riyad,Rizq,Ruhi,Rushd,Rushdi,Ruwayd,Saad,Saʿadah,Sab,Sabih," #| "Sabir,Sabri,Saʿd,Saʿd al-Din,Sadad,Sadid,Sadiq,Saʿdun,Saʿid,Safi,Safiy," #| "Safiy al-Din,Safuh,Safwah,Safwat,Safwan,Sahib,Sahir,Sahl,Saʾib,Saif,Saif " #| "al-Din,Sajid,Sajjad,Sakhr,Salah,Salah al-Din,Salamah,Salih,Salim,Salman," #| "Sami,Samih,Samir,Samman,Saqr,Sariyah,Sati,Saud,Sayyid,Shaʿban,Shadi," #| "Shadin,Shafi,Shafiq,Shahid,Shahin,Shahir,Shakib,Shakir,Shams al-Din," #| "Shamal,Shamil,Shamim,Sharaf,Sharif,Shawqi,Shihab,Shihab al-Din,Shihad," #| "Shuʿayb,Shukri,Shumayl,Siddiq,Sinan,Siraj,Siraj al-Din,Sofian,Subhi," #| "Sufyan,Suhayb,Suhayl,Suhaym,Sulaiman,Sumrah,Suraqah,Suʿud,Tahir,Tahsin," #| "Taym Allah,Taj,Taj al-Din,Talal,Talib,Tamim,Tamir,Tamam,Tammam,Taqiy," #| "Tarif,Tariq,Taslim,Tawfiq,Tawhid,Taymullah,Taysir,Tayyib,Thabit,Thamir," #| "Thaqib,Thawab,Thawban,ʿUbaidah,Ubaid,Ubayy,ʿUdayl,ʿUday,ʿUmar,Umarah," #| "Umair,ʾaUrwah,Usaym,Usama,ʿUtbah,Uthal,Uthman,Waddah,Wadi,Wadid,Wafiq," #| "Wahab,Wahhab,Wahid,Waʾil,Wajdi,Wajid,Wajih,Wakil,Walid,Walif,Waliy Allah," #| "Waliy al-Din,Waqar,Waqqas,Ward,Wasif,Wasil,Wasim,Wazir,Yahya,Yaman,Yaʿqub," #| "Yasar,Yasin,Yasir,Yazan,Yazid,Yunus,Yushua,Yusri,Yusuf,Zafar,Zafir,Zahid," #| "Zahir,Zayd,Zaim,Zayn,Zarif,Zakarriya,Zaki,Zakwan,Ziyad,Zubayr,Zuhayr" msgid "" "Aban,Abbas,Abbud,Abdul-ʿAdl,Abdul-Ahad,Abdul-Alim,Abdul-Aliyy,Abdul-Azim," "Abdul-Aziz,Abdul-Badi,Abdul-Baʿith,Abdul-Baqi,Abdul-Bari,Abdul-Barr,Abdul-" "Basir,Abdul-Basit,Abdul-Fattah,Abdul-Ghaffar,Abdul-Ghafur,Abdul-Ghani,Abdul-" "Hadi,Abdul-Hafiz,Abdul-Hakam,Abdul-Hakim,Abdul-Halim,Abdul-Hamid,Abdul-Haqq," "Abdul-Hasib,Abdul-Hayy,Abdul-Jabbar,Abdul-Jalil,Abdul-Karim,Abdul-Khabir," "Abdul-Khaliq,Abdul-Latif,Abdul-Malik,Abdul-Majid,Abdul-Matin,Abdul-Mubdiʾ," "Abdul-Mughni,Abdul-Muhaimin,Abdul-Muhsi,Abdul-Muhyi,Abdul-Muʿid,Abdul-Muʿizz," "Abdul-Mujib,Abdul-Mumin,Abdul-Muqaddim,Abdul-Muqtadir,Abdul-Musawwir,Abdul-" "Mutaʿal,Abdul-Nafi,Abdul-Nasser,Abdul-Nasir,Abdul-Nur,Abdul-Qadir,Abdul-" "Qahhar,Abdul-Qawi,Abdul-Qayyum,Abdul-Quddus,Abdul-Rafi,Abdul-Rahim,Abdul-" "Rahman,Abdul-Rashid,Abdul-Raʿuf,Abdul-Razzaq,Abdul-Shakur,Abdul-Tawwab,Abdul-" "Wadud,Abdul-Wahhab,Abdul-Wahid,Abdul-Wajid,Abdul-Wakil,Abdul-Wali,Abdul-" "Waliy,Abdul-Warith,Abdul-Zahir,Abdullah,ʿAbid,ʿAbidin,Abu Bakr,Aby al-Khayr," "Adil,Adham,Adib,ʿAdli,ʿAdnan,ʿAfif,Ahmad,ʿAjib,ʿAkif,Akil,Akram,Alaʾ,Alaʾ al-" "Din,Alʿ Abbas,Aladdin,al-Bara,al-Hakam,al-Harith,Alhasan,Alhusain,Ali,Alim," "Almahdi,al-Safi,Altaf,Altair,al-Tayyib,al-Tijani,al-Tufail,Amid,ʿAmid,Amin," "Amir,ʿAmir,Amjad,ʿAmmar,ʿAmro,Anas,Anis,ʿAntarah,Anwar,ʿAqil,Arfan,Arif," "ʿArif,Asad,Asʿad,Asadel,Ashraf,Asif,ʿAsim,Aswad,Ataʿ,Ataʿ Allah,Ataʿ al-" "Rahman,Athil,Athir,ʿAtif,ʿAwad,ʿAwf,Aws,Awwab,Ayham,Ayman,Ayser,Ayyub,Aza," "ʿAzab,Azhar,Azim,ʿAziz,ʿAzzam,Badi,Badi al-Zaman,Badr,Badr al-Din,Badri," "Bahaʿ,Bahiyy al-Din,Bahij,Bahir,Bakr,Baligh,Bandar,Barakah,Barir,Bashshar," "Basil,Basim,Bassam,Bayezid,Bayhas,Bilal,Bishr,Boulos,Budail,Burhan,Bushr," "Butrus,Dabir,Dani,Darwish,Daʿud,Dhakir,Dhakiy,Dhakwan,Dhul Fiqar,Dirar,Diya," "Diya al-Din,Duqaq,Fadi,Fadil,Fadl,Fadl Allah,Fahd,Fahad,Fahmi,Faisal,Faʿiz," "Fakhir,Fakhr al-Din,Fakhri,Fakih,Falah,Falih,Faraj,Farhan,Farid,Fariq,Fariq," "Faris,Faruq,Fath,Fathi,Fatih,Fatin,Fawwaz,Fawzan,Fawzi,Fayyad,Ferran,Fida," "Fikri,Firas,Fuʿad,Fudail,Gamal,Ghayth,Ghali,Ghalib,Ghanim,Ghassan,Ghawth," "Ghazwan,Ghiyath,Habbab,Habib,Haddad,Hadi,Hafiz,Hakem,Hakim,Halim,Hamal,Hamas," "Hamdan,Hamdi,Hamid,Hamim,Hamzah,Hana,Hanaʾi,Hanbal,Hani,Hanif,Hannad,Haris," "Harith,Harun,Hashim,Hassan,Hatim,Haydar,Haytham,Hayyan,Hazim,Hilal,Hilmi," "Hisham,Hud,Hudad,Hudhafah,Hudhayfah,Humam,Hussein,Husam,Husam al-Din,Ibrahim," "ʿId,Idris,Ihsan,Ihtisham,ʿIkrimah,Ilias,ʿImad,Imad al-Din,Imran,Imtiyaz," "Inʿam,Iqbal,ʿIrfan,ʿIsa,ʿIsam,Ishaq,Ismaʿil,Iyad,Iyas,Izz al-Din,Jabbar,Jabr," "Jabir,Jad Allah,Jaʿfar,Jal,Jalal,Jalal al-Din,Jalil,Jamal,Jamal al-Din,Jamil," "Jarir,Jasim,Jaul,Jaun,Jawad,Jawdah,Jawhar,Jibran,Jibril,Jubair,Jul,Jumah," "Junayd,Juwain,Kadar,Kadin,Kadir,Kahil,Kaliq,Kamal,Kamil,Karam,Kardal,Karif," "Karim,Kasib,Kasim,Katib,Kazim,Khalaf,Khaldun,Khalid,Khalil,Khalil al-Allah," "Khalis,Khatib,Khair al-Din,Khairi,Khoury,Khulus,Khuzaymah,Kutaiba,Labib," "Lablab,Latif,Layth,LuʿayLubayd,Luqman,Lut,Lutfi,Maʿd,Madani,Mahbub,Mahdi," "Mahfuz,Mahir,Mahjub,Mahmud,Mahrus,Maimun,Majd,Majdy,Majd al-Din,Majid,Makin," "Malik,Mamduh,Maʿmun,Maʿin,Mandhur,Mansur,Marghub,Marid,Maʿruf,Marwan,Marzuq," "Mashʿal,Mashhur,Masrur,Masʿud,Masun,Maysarah,Mazhar,Mazin,Mehmed,Mihran," "Mihyar,Mikaʾil,Miqdad,Misbah,Mishʿal,Miyaz,Muʾadh,Muʾawiyah,Muʾayyad,Mubarak," "Mubin,Mudar,Muddaththir,Mufid,Muflih,Muhab,Muhayr,Muhammad,Muhanna,Muhannad," "Muhib,Muhibb,Muhsin,Muhtadi,Muhyi al-Din,Muʿin,Muʿizz,Mujab,Mujahid,Mukarram," "Mukhlis,Mukhtar,Mulham,Mulhim,Muʿmmar,Muʿmin,Mumtaz,Munahid,Mundhir,Munib," "Munif,Munir,Muʿnis,Munjid,Munsif,Muntasir,Murad,Murid,Murshid,Murtada,Musa," "Musʿab,Musaʿid,Mushtaq,Muslih,Muslim,Mutafa,Mutaʾ,Muʿtasim,Mutawalli,Muʿtazz," "Muthanna,Muti,Muwaffaq,Muyassar,Muzaffar,Mussammil,Nabhan,Nabighah,Nabih," "Nabil,Nadhir,Nadim,Nadir,Nafiʾ,Nahid,Naʾil,Naʾim,Naji,Najib,Najid,Najjar," "Najm al-Din,Naʿaman,Namir,Nashʿah,Nashʿat,Nashwan,Nasib,Nasih,Nasim,Nasir," "Nasir al-Din,Nasr,Nasri,Nasuh,Nawaf,Nawfal,Nayif,Nazih,Nazim,Nazmi,Nibras," "Nidal,Nijad,Nimr,Nizar,Nuʿaym,Nuh,Nuhayd,Numair,Nuʿman,Nur al-Din,Nuri," "Nusrah,Nusrat,Omar,Orhan,Osman,Qasim,Qays,Qudamah,Qusay,Qatadah,Qutaybah," "Qutb,Qutuz,Rabah,Rabi,Radi,Rafi,Rafid,Rafiq,Raghib,Rahman,Raʿid,Raʿif,Rais," "Rajaa,Rajab,Raji,Rajih,Rakin,Rami,Ramih,Ramiz,Ramzi,Rani,Rashad,Rashid,Rasil," "Rasin,Rasmi,Rasul,Ratib,Raʿuf,Rayhan,Rayyan,Razin,Ridha,Ridwan,Rihab,Riyad," "Rizq,Ruhi,Rushd,Rushdi,Ruwayd,Saad,Saʿadah,Sab,Sabih,Sabir,Sabri,Saʿd,Saʿd " "al-Din,Sadad,Sadid,Sadiq,Saʿdun,Saʿid,Safi,Safiy,Safiy al-Din,Safuh,Safwah," "Safwat,Safwan,Sahib,Sahir,Sahl,Saʾib,Saif,Saif al-Din,Sajid,Sajjad,Sakhr," "Salah,Salah al-Din,Salamah,Salih,Salim,Salman,Sami,Samih,Samir,Samman,Saqr," "Sariyah,Sati,Saud,Sayyid,Shaʿban,Shadi,Shadin,Shafi,Shafiq,Shahid,Shahin," "Shahir,Shakib,Shakir,Shams al-Din,Shamal,Shamil,Shamim,Sharaf,Sharif,Shawqi," "Shihab,Shihab al-Din,Shihad,Shuʿayb,Shukri,Shumayl,Siddiq,Sinan,Siraj,Siraj " "al-Din,Sofian,Subhi,Sufyan,Suhayb,Suhayl,Suhaym,Sulaiman,Sumrah,Suraqah," "Suʿud,Tahir,Tahsin,Taym Allah,Taj,Taj al-Din,Talal,Talib,Tamim,Tamir,Tamam," "Tammam,Taqiy,Tarif,Tariq,Taslim,Tawfiq,Tawhid,Taymullah,Taysir,Tayyib,Thabit," "Thamir,Thaqib,Thawab,Thawban,ʿUbaidah,Ubaid,Ubayy,ʿUdayl,ʿUday,ʿUmar,Umarah," "Umair,ʾaUrwah,Usaym,Usama,ʿUtbah,Uthal,Uthman,Waddah,Wadi,Wadid,Wafiq,Wahab," "Wahhab,Wahid,Waʾil,Wajdi,Wajid,Wajih,Wakil,Walid,Walif,Waliy Allah,Waliy al-" "Din,Waqar,Waqqas,Ward,Wasif,Wasil,Wasim,Wazir,Yahya,Yaman,Yaʿqub,Yasar,Yasin," "Yasir,Yazan,Yazid,Yunus,Yushua,Yusri,Yusuf,Zafar,Zafir,Zahid,Zahir,Zayd,Zaim," "Zayn,Zarif,Zakarriya,Zaki,Zakwan,Ziyad,Zubayr,Zuhayr" msgstr "" "Aban,Abbas,Abbud,Abdul-ʿAdl,Abdul-Ahad,Abdul-Alim,Abdul-Aliyy,Abdul-Azim," "Abdul-Aziz,Abdul-Badi,Abdul-Baʿith,Abdul-Baqi,Abdul-Bari,Abdul-Barr,Abdul-" "Basir,Abdul-Basit,Abdul-Fattah,Abdul-Ghaffar,Abdul-Ghafur,Abdul-Ghani,Abdul-" "Hadi,Abdul-Hafiz,Abdul-Hakam,Abdul-Hakim,Abdul-Halim,Abdul-Hamid,Abdul-Haqq," "Abdul-Hasib,Abdul-Hayy,Abdul-Jabbar,Abdul-Jalil,Abdul-Karim,Abdul-Khabir," "Abdul-Khaliq,Abdul-Latif,Abdul-Malik,Abdul-Majid,Abdul-Matin,Abdul-Mubdiʾ," "Abdul-Mughni,Abdul-Muhaimin,Abdul-Muhsi,Abdul-Muhyi,Abdul-Muʿid,Abdul-Muʿizz," "Abdul-Mujib,Abdul-Mumin,Abdul-Muqaddim,Abdul-Muqtadir,Abdul-Musawwir,Abdul-" "Mutaʿal,Abdul-Nafi,Abdul-Nasser,Abdul-Nasir,Abdul-Nur,Abdul-Qadir,Abdul-" "Qahhar,Abdul-Qawi,Abdul-Qayyum,Abdul-Quddus,Abdul-Rafi,Abdul-Rahim,Abdul-" "Rahman,Abdul-Rashid,Abdul-Raʿuf,Abdul-Razzaq,Abdul-Shakur,Abdul-Tawwab,Abdul-" "Wadud,Abdul-Wahhab,Abdul-Wahid,Abdul-Wajid,Abdul-Wakil,Abdul-Wali,Abdul-" "Waliy,Abdul-Warith,Abdul-Zahir,Abdullah,ʿAbid,ʿAbidin,Abu Bakr,Aby al-Khayr," "Adil,Adham,Adib,ʿAdli,ʿAdnan,ʿAfif,Ahmad,ʿAjib,ʿAkif,Akil,Akram,Alaʾ,Alaʾ al-" "Din,Alʿ Abbas,Aladdin,al-Bara,al-Hakam,al-Harith,Alhasan,Alhusain,Ali,Alim," "Almahdi,al-Safi,Altaf,Altair,al-Tayyib,al-Tijani,al-Tufail,Amid,ʿAmid,Amin," "Amir,ʿAmir,Amjad,ʿAmmar,ʿAmro,Anas,Anis,ʿAntarah,Anwar,ʿAqil,Arfan,Arif," "ʿArif,Asad,Asʿad,Asadel,Ashraf,Asif,ʿAsim,Aswad,Ataʿ,Ataʿ Allah,Ataʿ al-" "Rahman,Athil,Athir,ʿAtif,ʿAwad,ʿAwf,Aws,Awwab,Ayham,Ayman,Ayser,Ayyub,Aza," "ʿAzab,Azhar,Azim,ʿAziz,ʿAzzam,Badi,Badi al-Zaman,Badr,Badr al-Din,Badri," "Bahaʿ,Bahiyy al-Din,Bahij,Bahir,Bakr,Bakri,Baligh,Bandar,Barakah,Barir," "Bashshar,Basil,Basim,Bassam,Bayezid,Bayhas,Bilal,Bishr,Boulos,Budail,Burhan," "Bushr,Butrus,Dabir,Dani,Darwish,Daʿud,Dhakir,Dhakiy,Dhakwan,Dhul Fiqar,Dirar," "Diya,Diya al-Din,Duqaq,Fadi,Fadil,Fadl,Fadl Allah,Fahd,Fahad,Fahmi,Faisal," "Faʿiz,Fakhir,Fakhr al-Din,Fakhri,Fakih,Falah,Falih,Faraj,Farhan,Farid,Fariq," "Fariq,Faris,Faruq,Fath,Fathi,Fatih,Fatin,Fawwaz,Fawzan,Fawzi,Fayyad,Ferran," "Fida,Fikri,Firas,Fuʿad,Fudail,Gamal,Ghayth,Ghali,Ghalib,Ghanim,Ghassan," "Ghawth,Ghazwan,Ghiyath,Habbab,Habib,Haddad,Hadi,Hafiz,Hakem,Hakim,Halim," "Hamal,Hamas,Hamdan,Hamdi,Hamid,Hamim,Hamzah,Hana,Hanaʾi,Hanbal,Hani,Hanif," "Hannad,Haris,Harith,Harun,Hashim,Hassan,Hatim,Haydar,Haytham,Hayyan,Hazim," "Hilal,Hilmi,Hisham,Hud,Hudad,Hudhafah,Hudhayfah,Humam,Hussein,Husam,Husam al-" "Din,Ibrahim,ʿId,Idris,Ihsan,Ihtisham,ʿIkrimah,Ilias,ʿImad,Imad al-Din,Imran," "Imtiyaz,Inʿam,Iqbal,ʿIrfan,ʿIsa,ʿIsam,Ishaq,Ismaʿil,Iyad,Iyas,Izz al-Din," "Jabbar,Jabr,Jabir,Jad Allah,Jaʿfar,Jal,Jalal,Jalal al-Din,Jalil,Jamal,Jamal " "al-Din,Jamil,Jarir,Jasim,Jaul,Jaun,Jawad,Jawdah,Jawhar,Jibran,Jibril,Jubair," "Jul,Jumah,Junayd,Juwain,Kadar,Kadin,Kadir,Kahil,Kaliq,Kamal,Kamil,Karam," "Kardal,Karif,Karim,Kasib,Kasim,Katib,Kazim,Khalaf,Khaldun,Khalid,Khalil," "Khalil al-Allah,Khalis,Khatib,Khair al-Din,Khairi,Khoury,Khulus,Khuzaymah," "Kutaiba,Labib,Lablab,Latif,Layth,LuʿayLubayd,Luqman,Lut,Lutfi,Maʿd,Madani," "Mahbub,Mahdi,Mahfuz,Mahir,Mahjub,Mahmud,Mahrus,Maimun,Majd,Majdy,Majd al-Din," "Majid,Makin,Malik,Mamduh,Maʿmun,Maʿin,Mandhur,Mansur,Marghub,Marid,Maʿruf," "Marwan,Marzuq,Mashʿal,Mashhur,Masrur,Masʿud,Masun,Maysarah,Mazhar,Mazin," "Mehmed,Mihran,Mihyar,Mikaʾil,Miqdad,Misbah,Mishʿal,Miyaz,Muʾadh,Muʾawiyah," "Muʾayyad,Mubarak,Mubin,Mudar,Muddaththir,Mufid,Muflih,Muhab,Muhayr,Muhammad," "Muhanna,Muhannad,Muhib,Muhibb,Muhsin,Muhtadi,Muhyi al-Din,Muʿin,Muʿizz,Mujab," "Mujahid,Mukarram,Mukhlis,Mukhtar,Mulham,Mulhim,Muʿmmar,Muʿmin,Mumtaz,Munahid," "Mundhir,Munib,Munif,Munir,Muʿnis,Munjid,Munsif,Muntasir,Murad,Murid,Murshid," "Murtada,Musa,Musʿab,Musaʿid,Mushtaq,Muslih,Muslim,Mutafa,Mutaʾ,Muʿtasim," "Mutawalli,Muʿtazz,Muthanna,Muti,Muwaffaq,Muyassar,Muzaffar,Mussammil,Nabhan," "Nabighah,Nabih,Nabil,Nadhir,Nadim,Nadir,Nafiʾ,Nahid,Naʾil,Naʾim,Naji,Najib," "Najid,Najjar,Najm al-Din,Naʿaman,Namir,Nashʿah,Nashʿat,Nashwan,Nasib,Nasih," "Nasim,Nasir,Nasir al-Din,Nasr,Nasri,Nasuh,Nawaf,Nawfal,Nayif,Nazih,Nazim," "Nazmi,Nibras,Nidal,Nijad,Nimr,Nizar,Nuʿaym,Nuh,Nuhayd,Numair,Nuʿman,Nur al-" "Din,Nuri,Nusrah,Nusrat,Omar,Orhan,Osman,Qasim,Qays,Qudamah,Qusay,Qatadah," "Qutaybah,Qutb,Qutuz,Rabah,Rabi,Radi,Rafi,Rafid,Rafiq,Raghib,Rahman,Raʿid," "Raʿif,Rais,Rajaa,Rajab,Raji,Rajih,Rakin,Rami,Ramih,Ramiz,Ramzi,Rani,Rashad," "Rashid,Rasil,Rasin,Rasmi,Rasul,Ratib,Raʿuf,Rayhan,Rayyan,Razin,Ridha,Ridwan," "Rihab,Riyad,Rizq,Ruhi,Rushd,Rushdi,Ruwayd,Saad,Saʿadah,Sab,Sabih,Sabir,Sabri," "Saʿd,Saʿd al-Din,Sadad,Sadid,Sadiq,Saʿdun,Saʿid,Safi,Safiy,Safiy al-Din," "Safuh,Safwah,Safwat,Safwan,Sahib,Sahir,Sahl,Saʾib,Saif,Saif al-Din,Sajid," "Sajjad,Sakhr,Salah,Salah al-Din,Salamah,Salih,Salim,Salman,Sami,Samih,Samir," "Samman,Saqr,Sariyah,Sati,Saud,Sayyid,Shaʿban,Shadi,Shadin,Shafi,Shafiq," "Shahid,Shahin,Shahir,Shakib,Shakir,Shams al-Din,Shamal,Shamil,Shamim,Sharaf," "Sharif,Shawqi,Shihab,Shihab al-Din,Shihad,Shuʿayb,Shukri,Shumayl,Siddiq," "Sinan,Siraj,Siraj al-Din,Sofian,Subhi,Sufyan,Suhayb,Suhayl,Suhaym,Sulaiman," "Sumrah,Suraqah,Suʿud,Tahir,Tahsin,Taym Allah,Taj,Taj al-Din,Talal,Talib," "Tamim,Tamir,Tamam,Tammam,Taqiy,Tarif,Tariq,Taslim,Tawfiq,Tawhid,Taymullah," "Taysir,Tayyib,Thabit,Thamir,Thaqib,Thawab,Thawban,ʿUbaidah,Ubaid,Ubayy," "ʿUdayl,ʿUday,ʿUmar,Umarah,Umair,ʾaUrwah,Usaym,Usama,ʿUtbah,Uthal,Uthman," "Waddah,Wadi,Wadid,Wafiq,Wahab,Wahhab,Wahid,Waʾil,Wajdi,Wajid,Wajih,Wakil," "Walid,Walif,Waliy Allah,Waliy al-Din,Waqar,Waqqas,Ward,Wasif,Wasil,Wasim," "Wazir,Yahya,Yaman,Yaʿqub,Yasar,Yasin,Yasir,Yazan,Yazid,Yunus,Yushua,Yusri," "Yusuf,Zafar,Zafir,Zahid,Zahir,Zayd,Zaim,Zayn,Zarif,Zakarriya,Zaki,Zakwan," "Ziyad,Zubayr,Zuhayr" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:145 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Abiha,Afaf,A'isha,Ajda,Aliya,Amira,Ashraqat,Atikah,Azra,Boutheina,Bushra," #| "Chaima,Cynthia,Dalal,Dalia,Eliana,Esma,Farida,Fatima,Feyrouz,Habiba,Hafsa," #| "Hajra,Halima,Hamida,Hanifa,Havva,Hayat,Hessa,Ibtisam,Ibtissam,Inaam," #| "Jamila,Jawahir,Jena,Jumana,Kareena,Karima,Katya,Khadija,Khairunnisa," #| "Khawla,Khawlah,Lama,Lamia,Latifa,Layal,Layan,Leila,Lina,Lulwa,Madiha,Maha," #| "Mahmuna,Mai,Malika,Marwa,Maryam,Maya,Maysoon,Melissa,Nadia,Nafisa,Nahla," #| "Naila,Najat,Nasim,Nasrin,Nejla,Nezha,Niusha,Qistina,Rahima,Rana,Rashida," #| "Reem,Ruqayya,Saadia,Sabiha,Safiya,Sahar,Saida,Sajida,Sakhra,Salma,Samira," #| "Sarah,Shahd,Shatha,Sherine,Shumaila,Sumaya,Taslima,Umm,Yara,Yasmin,Zahra," #| "Zakiya,Zaynab" msgid "" "Abiha,Afaf,A'isha,Ajda,Aliya,Amira,Ashraqat,Atikah,Azra,Boutheina,Bushra," "Chaima,Dalia,Esma,Farida,Fatima,Feyrouz,Habiba,Hafsa,Hajra,Halima,Hamida," "Hanifa,Havva,Hayat,Hessa,Ibtisam,Ibtissam,Inaam,Jamila,Jawahir,Jena,Jumana," "Kareena,Karima,Katya,Khadija,Khairunnisa,Khawla,Khawlah,Lama,Latifa,Layal," "Layan,Leila,Lina,Lulwa,Madiha,Maha,Mahmuna,Mai,Malika,Marwa,Maryam,Maya," "Maysoon,Nadia,Nafisa,Nahla,Naila,Najat,Nasim,Nasrin,Nejla,Nezha,Niusha," "Rahima,Rana,Rashida,Reem,Ruqayya,Saadia,Sabiha,Safiya,Sahar,Saida,Sajida," "Sakhra,Salma,Samira,Sarah,Shahd,Shatha,Shumaila,Sumaya,Taslima,Umm,Yara," "Yasmin,Zahra,Zakiya,Zaynab" msgstr "" "Abiha,Afaf,A'isha,Ajda,Aliya,Amira,Ashraqat,Atikah,Azra,Boutheina,Bushra," "Chaima,Cynthia,Dalal,Dalia,Eliana,Esma,Farida,Fatima,Feyrouz,Habiba,Hafsa," "Hajra,Halima,Hamida,Hanifa,Havva,Hayat,Hessa,Ibtisam,Ibtissam,Inaam,Jamila," "Jawahir,Jena,Jumana,Kareena,Karima,Katya,Khadija,Khairunnisa,Khawla,Khawlah," "Lama,Lamia,Latifa,Layal,Layan,Leila,Lina,Lulwa,Madiha,Maha,Mahmuna,Mai," "Malika,Marwa,Maryam,Maya,Maysoon,Melissa,Nadia,Nafisa,Nahla,Naila,Najat," "Nasim,Nasrin,Nejla,Nezha,Niusha,Qistina,Rahima,Rana,Rashida,Reem,Ruqayya," "Saadia,Sabiha,Safiya,Sahar,Saida,Sajida,Sakhra,Salma,Samira,Sarah,Shahd," "Shatha,Sherine,Shumaila,Sumaya,Taslima,Umm,Yara,Yasmin,Zahra,Zakiya,Zaynab" #. Generator for male dunefolk human names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:147 msgid "" "\n" "main={name_long}|{prefix}{suffix}|{name_mid}{connector}{name_mid}\n" "name_mid={prefix}{suffix}|{name_short}\n" "name_long={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "name_short=Din|Sif|Din|Taj|Sud|Ali|Lut|Nuh|Qays|Nimr|Jad|Bushr|Lut|Maʿd|Nur|" "Fadl\n" "prefix=Ab|Bas|Fat|Gha|Al|Ba|Ja|Ha|Mu|Ra|Raz|Abi|Am|La|ʿAj|Ala|ʿAk|Fa|Du|Im|" "Ju|Mun|Ma|Ni|Ji|Mu|Lab|Luf|Mih|Mi|Qu|Tal|Ta|Tha|Za|Zi|Yas|Wa|Su|Qa|ʿIkri|Lu|" "Su|Osa|Rag|Saf|Da|Fay|Nib|Nash\n" "suffix=af|al|lih|bair|sur|bi|lah|at|sim|ma|ih|yl|iq|raj|mam|man|ya|zid|riya|" "ail|air|ah|en|in|ayd|ud|rah|wah|nan|as|ir|ba|ni|yad|ras|zuq|hid|mal|kib\n" "connector= al-| bin | ibn\n" "centre=ʿ|ʾ|hi|sa|kar|da|na|ja|tay|ki|hai|saw\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={name_long}|{prefix}{suffix}|{name_mid}{connector}{name_mid}\n" "name_mid={prefix}{suffix}|{name_short}\n" "name_long={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "name_short=Din|Sif|Din|Taj|Sud|Ali|Lut|Nuh|Qays|Nimr|Jad|Bushr|Lut|Maʿd|Nur|" "Fadl\n" "prefix=Ab|Bas|Fat|Gha|Al|Ba|Ja|Ha|Mu|Ra|Raz|Abi|Am|La|ʿAj|Ala|ʿAk|Fa|Du|Im|" "Ju|Mun|Ma|Ni|Ji|Mu|Lab|Luf|Mih|Mi|Qu|Tal|Ta|Tha|Za|Zi|Yas|Wa|Su|Qa|ʿIkri|Lu|" "Su|Osa|Rag|Saf|Da|Fay|Nib|Nash\n" "suffix=af|al|lih|bair|sur|bi|lah|at|sim|ma|ih|yl|iq|raj|mam|man|ya|zid|riya|" "ail|air|ah|en|in|ayd|ud|rah|wah|nan|as|ir|ba|ni|yad|ras|zuq|hid|mal|kib\n" "connector= al-| bin | ibn\n" "centre=ʿ|ʾ|hi|sa|kar|da|na|ja|tay|ki|hai|saw\n" #. Generator for female dunefolk human names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:158 msgid "" "\n" "main={name_long}|{prefix}{suffix}|{name_mid}{connector}{surname}\n" "name_mid={prefix}{suffix}|{name_short}\n" "surname={name_mid_male}|{name_mid}|{name_mid_male}\n" "name_long={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "name_short=Afaf|Aida|Alya|Arij|Arwa|Asma|Asra|Azra|Dua|Fajr|Hala|Hana|Hiba|" "Inas|Isra|Lina|Mona|Muna|Nida|Nima|Nur|Rana|Rim|Ruba|Ruya|Ruwa|Sana|Sara|" "Suha|Tuba|Uzma|Zara\n" "prefix=Ab|Bas|Fat|Gha|Al|Ba|Ja|Ha|Mu|Ra|Raz|Abi|Am|La|ʿAj|Ala|ʿAk|Fa|Du|Im|" "Ju|Mun|Ma|Ni|Ji|Mu|Lab|Luf|Mih|Mi|Qu|Tal|Ta|Tha|Za|Zi|Yas|Wa|Su|Qa|ʿIkri|Lu|" "Su|Osa|Rag|Saf|Da|Fay|Nib|Nash\n" "suffix=a|ab|ad|ah|af|aj|al|am|an|ar|as|at|ay|az|da|een|ia|ij|in|ir|la|ma|mas|" "n|na|nab|ni|r|ra|raa|ran|rat|ul|ur|uz|wa|ya|yah|yam|za|zi\n" "connector= al-| ibna | bint\n" "centre=ʿ|ʾ|hi|sa|kar|da|na|ja|tay|ki|hai|saw\n" "\n" "These nonterminals are literally copied from the male names.\n" "name_mid_male={prefix_male}{suffix_male}|{name_short_male}\n" "name_short_male=Din|Sif|Din|Taj|Sud|Ali|Lut|Nuh|Qays|Nimr|Jad|Bushr|Lut|Maʿd|" "Nur|Fadl\n" "prefix_male=Ab|Bas|Fat|Gha|Al|Ba|Ja|Ha|Mu|Ra|Raz|Abi|Am|La|ʿAj|Ala|ʿAk|Fa|Du|" "Im|Ju|Mun|Ma|Ni|Ji|Mu|Lab|Luf|Mih|Mi|Qu|Tal|Ta|Tha|Za|Zi|Yas|Wa|Su|Qa|ʿIkri|" "Lu|Su|Osa|Rag|Saf|Da|Fay|Nib|Nash\n" "suffix_male=af|al|lih|bair|sur|bi|lah|at|sim|ma|ih|yl|iq|raj|mam|man|ya|zid|" "riya|ail|air|ah|en|in|ayd|ud|rah|wah|nan|as|ir|ba|ni|yad|ras|zuq|hid|mal|" "kib\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={name_long}|{prefix}{suffix}|{name_mid}{connector}{surname}\n" "name_mid={prefix}{suffix}|{name_short}\n" "surname={name_mid_male}|{name_mid}|{name_mid_male}\n" "name_long={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "name_short=Afaf|Aida|Alya|Arij|Arwa|Asma|Asra|Azra|Dua|Fajr|Hala|Hana|Hiba|" "Inas|Isra|Lina|Mona|Muna|Nida|Nima|Nur|Rana|Rim|Ruba|Ruya|Ruwa|Sana|Sara|" "Suha|Tuba|Uzma|Zara\n" "prefix=Ab|Bas|Fat|Gha|Al|Ba|Ja|Ha|Mu|Ra|Raz|Abi|Am|La|ʿAj|Ala|ʿAk|Fa|Du|Im|" "Ju|Mun|Ma|Ni|Ji|Mu|Lab|Luf|Mih|Mi|Qu|Tal|Ta|Tha|Za|Zi|Yas|Wa|Su|Qa|ʿIkri|Lu|" "Su|Osa|Rag|Saf|Da|Fay|Nib|Nash\n" "suffix=a|ab|ad|ah|af|aj|al|am|an|ar|as|at|ay|az|da|een|ia|ij|in|ir|la|ma|mas|" "n|na|nab|ni|r|ra|raa|ran|rat|ul|ur|uz|wa|ya|yah|yam|za|zi\n" "connector= al-| ibna | bint\n" "centre=ʿ|ʾ|hi|sa|kar|da|na|ja|tay|ki|hai|saw\n" "\n" "These nonterminals are literally copied from the male names.\n" "name_mid_male={prefix_male}{suffix_male}|{name_short_male}\n" "name_short_male=Din|Sif|Din|Taj|Sud|Ali|Lut|Nuh|Qays|Nimr|Jad|Bushr|Lut|Maʿd|" "Nur|Fadl\n" "prefix_male=Ab|Bas|Fat|Gha|Al|Ba|Ja|Ha|Mu|Ra|Raz|Abi|Am|La|ʿAj|Ala|ʿAk|Fa|Du|" "Im|Ju|Mun|Ma|Ni|Ji|Mu|Lab|Luf|Mih|Mi|Qu|Tal|Ta|Tha|Za|Zi|Yas|Wa|Su|Qa|ʿIkri|" "Lu|Su|Osa|Rag|Saf|Da|Fay|Nib|Nash\n" "suffix_male=af|al|lih|bair|sur|bi|lah|at|sim|ma|ih|yl|iq|raj|mam|man|ya|zid|" "riya|ail|air|ah|en|in|ayd|ud|rah|wah|nan|as|ir|ba|ni|yad|ras|zuq|hid|mal|" "kib\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:179 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Amprixta,Anexir,Anitraz,Arix,Axiz,Bzz’Kza,Chamil,Cleezi,Clezz,Fazzis," #| "Fizztrax,Flixta,Flizzil,Frikes,Frizzle,Hasz,Heffez,Hertrazzir,Hesz,Hezzir," #| "Hezzis,Hix,Inexis,Irix,Jezzix,Jizz,Kaliez,Kepzs,Kernix,Kersezz,Kertrasz," #| "Kerx,Kerxenix,Kezz,Klexaz,Klezyx,Krarax,Krenarex,Krex,Krinex,Krisess," #| "Laizix,Lazki,Lixeez,Merax,Mexiss,Moxanzz,Naxisz,Nix,Pekzs,Plaxis,Plesix," #| "Presch,Sailik,Salanix,Salik,Sandix,Saprazz,Satras,Skalix,Skandix,Skazix," #| "Skeely,Skeezix,Sklizle,Skrez,Slizilx,Sprizz,Ssexur,Ssizer,Ssorix,Sszasz," #| "Sterizz,Talerez,Tarex,Tarnix,Tezzaz,Tirasch,Tirax,Tirix,Trezz,Venezz," #| "Vriss,Waks,Xaffrasz,Xartrez,Xasz,Xaztex,Xerxix,Xirasz,Xirr,Xirtras," #| "Xirtrez,Xirz,Zandler,Zedrix,Zilrix,Zizzasz,Zslap,Zzalkz,Zzupde" msgid "" "Amprixta,Anexir,Anitraz,Arix,Axiz,Bzz’Kza,Chamil,Cleezi,Clezz,Fazzis," "Fizztrax,Flixta,Flizzil,Frikes,Frizzle,Hasz,Heffez,Hertrazzir,Hesz,Hezzir," "Hezzis,Hix,Inexis,Irix,Jezzix,Kaliez,Kepzs,Kernix,Kersezz,Kertrasz,Kerx," "Kerxenix,Kezz,Klexaz,Klezyx,Krarax,Krenarex,Krex,Krinex,Krisess,Laizix,Lazki," "Lixeez,Merax,Mexiss,Moxanzz,Naxisz,Nix,Pekzs,Plaxis,Plesix,Presch,Sailik," "Salanix,Salik,Sandix,Saprazz,Satras,Skalix,Skandix,Skazix,Skeely,Skeezix," "Sklizle,Skrez,Slizilx,Sprizz,Ssizer,Ssorix,Sszasz,Sterizz,Talerez,Tarex," "Tarnix,Tezzaz,Tirasch,Tirax,Tirix,Trezz,Venezz,Vriss,Waks,Xaffrasz,Xartrez," "Xasz,Xaztex,Xerxix,Xirasz,Xirr,Xirtras,Xirtrez,Xirz,Zandler,Zedrix,Zilrix," "Zizzasz,Zslap,Zzalkz,Zzupde" msgstr "" "Amprixta,Anexir,Anitraz,Arix,Axiz,Bzz’Kza,Chamil,Cleezi,Clezz,Fazzis," "Fizztrax,Flixta,Flizzil,Frikes,Frizzle,Hasz,Heffez,Hertrazzir,Hesz,Hezzir," "Hezzis,Hix,Inexis,Irix,Jezzix,Jizz,Kaliez,Kepzs,Kernix,Kersezz,Kertrasz,Kerx," "Kerxenix,Kezz,Klexaz,Klezyx,Krarax,Krenarex,Krex,Krinex,Krisess,Laizix,Lazki," "Lixeez,Merax,Mexiss,Moxanzz,Naxisz,Nix,Pekzs,Plaxis,Plesix,Presch,Sailik," "Salanix,Salik,Sandix,Saprazz,Satras,Skalix,Skandix,Skazix,Skeely,Skeezix," "Sklizle,Skrez,Slizilx,Sprizz,Ssexur,Ssizer,Ssorix,Sszasz,Sterizz,Talerez," "Tarex,Tarnix,Tezzaz,Tirasch,Tirax,Tirix,Trezz,Venezz,Vriss,Waks,Xaffrasz," "Xartrez,Xasz,Xaztex,Xerxix,Xirasz,Xirr,Xirtras,Xirtrez,Xirz,Zandler,Zedrix," "Zilrix,Zizzasz,Zslap,Zzalkz,Zzupde" #. Generator for saurian names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:181 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Am|An|Ar|Bzz|Cha|Clee|Fa|Fi|Fli|Fri|Ha|He|In|Ir|In|Ka|Ke|Jezz|Ji|Ka|" "Ke|Lo|Ma|Ox|Po|Sa|Se|Li|Me|Na|Pre|Ska|Sse|Ssi|Sto|Ste|Szi|Sza|Ti|Ve|Vri|Xa|" "Xe|Xi|Zan|Zil|Zzu\n" "suffix=ta|ir|az|ix|za|trax|il|le|esz|izs|ezz|irr|asch|ez|is|iss|azz\n" "centre=ix|’Kza|tra|na|an|ex|ssa|zzi|’Usz\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Am|An|Ar|Bzz|Cha|Clee|Fa|Fi|Fli|Fri|Ha|He|In|Ir|In|Ka|Ke|Jezz|Ji|Ka|" "Ke|Lo|Ma|Ox|Po|Sa|Se|Li|Me|Na|Pre|Ska|Sse|Ssi|Sto|Ste|Szi|Sza|Ti|Ve|Vri|Xa|" "Xe|Xi|Zan|Zil|Zzu\n" "suffix=ta|ir|az|ix|za|trax|il|le|esz|izs|ezz|irr|asch|ez|is|iss|azz\n" "centre=ix|’Kza|tra|na|an|ex|ssa|zzi|’Usz\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:190 msgid "" "Absu,Abzu,Aigaion,Alastyn,Apalala,Apam,Apsu,Aremata,Atlahua,Atlaua,Barinthus," "Dhakhan,Dylan,Elcmar,Ember,Enki,Faro,Habaek,Ikatere,Jamm,Jin,Kinilau,Kulullu," "Labuna,Laut,Lir,Llyr,Ludd,Makara,Maui,Melicertes,Mimir,Natat,Nechtan,Neptune," "Nereus,Nethuns,Njord,Nuada,Nudd,Nudimmud,Nun,Oceanus,Okeanos,Phorcys,Pontus," "Popoa,Poseidon,Proteus,Raja,Rau,Rorua,Ryujin,Scylla,Sinilau,Sisiutl,Tagaloa," "Tanaoa,Tangaloa,Tangaroa,Thaumas,Tikitiki,Tini,Tinilau,Tinirau,Toniwha," "Triton,Vizi,Vodnik,Vourukasa" msgstr "" "Absu,Abzu,Aigaion,Alastyn,Apalala,Apam,Apsu,Aremata,Atlahua,Atlaua,Barinthus," "Dhakhan,Dylan,Elcmar,Ember,Enki,Faro,Habaek,Ikatere,Jamm,Jin,Kinilau,Kulullu," "Labuna,Laut,Lir,Llyr,Ludd,Makara,Maui,Melicertes,Mimir,Natat,Nechtan,Neptune," "Nereus,Nethuns,Njord,Nuada,Nudd,Nudimmud,Nun,Oceanus,Okeanos,Phorcys,Pontus," "Popoa,Poseidon,Proteus,Raja,Rau,Rorua,Ryujin,Scylla,Sinilau,Sisiutl,Tagaloa," "Tanaoa,Tangaloa,Tangaroa,Thaumas,Tikitiki,Tini,Tinilau,Tinirau,Toniwha," "Triton,Vizi,Vodnik,Vourukasa" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:191 msgid "" "Aglaopheme,Amphitrite,Aphrodite,Ariel,Atargatis,Calypso,Delphine,Derceto," "Diktynna,Electra,Galatea,Himeropa,Jengu,Leucosia,Ligia,Lori Lamaris,Mama " "Wata,Marina,Miranda,Miriam,Molpe,Parthenope,Pelagia,Pisinoe,Rân,Sedna,Stella " "Maris,Thelxiepia,Tirgata,Vatea,Ved-Ava,Veen emo,Vete-ema" msgstr "" "Aglaopheme,Amphitrite,Aphrodite,Ariel,Atargatis,Calypso,Delphine,Derceto," "Diktynna,Electra,Galatea,Himeropa,Jengu,Leucosia,Ligia,Lori Lamaris,Mama " "Wata,Marina,Miranda,Miriam,Molpe,Parthenope,Pelagia,Pisinoe,Rân,Sedna,Stella " "Maris,Thelxiepia,Tirgata,Vatea,Ved-Ava,Veen emo,Vete-ema" #. Generator for merman names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:193 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "prefix=A|Ai|Apa|Bar|Atla|Dha|El|Fa|Ja|La|Ku|Li|Ma|Me|Mi|Na|Ne|Njo|Nua|Nu|Oce|" "Okre|Phor|Po|Pro|Ra|Ro|Ryu|Scy|Si|Ta|Thau|Ti|Vi|Tri|Vo|Vou\n" "suffix=su|ion|la|ta|ua|mar|re|lau|lu|na|yr|ra|tes|nus|teus|tes|tan|mas|ki|ni|" "lau|nik|sa|loa|roa\n" "centre=la|ma|ri|sei|te|ka|li|cer|tu|ni|ki|na|ga|si\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "prefix=A|Ai|Apa|Bar|Atla|Dha|El|Fa|Ja|La|Ku|Li|Ma|Me|Mi|Na|Ne|Njo|Nua|Nu|Oce|" "Okre|Phor|Po|Pro|Ra|Ro|Ryu|Scy|Si|Ta|Thau|Ti|Vi|Tri|Vo|Vou\n" "suffix=su|ion|la|ta|ua|mar|re|lau|lu|na|yr|ra|tes|nus|teus|tes|tan|mas|ki|ni|" "lau|nik|sa|loa|roa\n" "centre=la|ma|ri|sei|te|ka|li|cer|tu|ni|ki|na|ga|si\n" #. Generator for mermaid names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:200 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Agla|Amphi|A|Ca|Del|Der|Di|El|Ga|Je|Leu|Li|Lo|Ma|Wa|Ma|Mi|Mo|Par|Pel|" "Pi|Se|Ste|Ma|The|Ti|Va|Ve\n" "suffix=me|pe|gia|noe|dna|la|ris|ta|tea|va|mo|pe|riam|riel|na|ra|tea\n" "centre=ophe|phri|tri|phro|di|si|xie|ce|ty|la|me|ro|co|mar|ran|then|la|ga\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Agla|Amphi|A|Ca|Del|Der|Di|El|Ga|Je|Leu|Li|Lo|Ma|Wa|Ma|Mi|Mo|Par|Pel|" "Pi|Se|Ste|Ma|The|Ti|Va|Ve\n" "suffix=me|pe|gia|noe|dna|la|ris|ta|tea|va|mo|pe|riam|riel|na|ra|tea\n" "centre=ophe|phri|tri|phro|di|si|xie|ce|ty|la|me|ro|co|mar|ran|then|la|ga\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:209 msgid "" "Abraxas,Aleiss,Amail,Axmail,Blanal,Bleii,Blo,Bress,Briss,Gaxmol,Griam,Griss," "Grissileii,Hailoss,Hainoss,Harxos,Huzel,Inaloss,Ineii,Issal,Klezel,Kras," "Krezkps,Kzap,Lamaiss,Lameii,Lexpek,Liness,Lobor,Maissol,Malinos,Milbor," "Mileii,Nildloss,Oxpeii,Poniaz,Psell,Pson,Pzakp,Reii,Sassal,Saxil,Saxrireii," "Sekol,Silas,Skell,Skepz,Slell,Snol,Soill,Sorkol,Srell,Trixoz,Vilail,Vissal," "Vlanis,Xabrak,Xamalel,Xinas,Xnamos,Xopkon,Zalsp,Zlek,Zpsek,Zsekp" msgstr "" "Abraxas,Aleiss,Amail,Axmail,Blanal,Bleii,Blo,Bress,Briss,Gaxmol,Griam,Griss," "Grissileii,Hailoss,Hainoss,Harxos,Huzel,Inaloss,Ineii,Issal,Klezel,Kras," "Krezkps,Kzap,Lamaiss,Lameii,Lexpek,Liness,Lobor,Maissol,Malinos,Milbor," "Mileii,Nildloss,Oxpeii,Poniaz,Psell,Pson,Pzakp,Reii,Sassal,Saxil,Saxrireii," "Sekol,Silas,Skell,Skepz,Slell,Snol,Soill,Sorkol,Srell,Trixoz,Vilail,Vissal," "Vlanis,Xabrak,Xamalel,Xinas,Xnamos,Xopkon,Zalsp,Zlek,Zpsek,Zsekp" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:210 msgid "" "Aliasse,Amailis,Axmailia,Blai,Blanalai,Bli,Bliana,Brassas,Brissal,Gaxmail," "Griama,Grissa,Grissilai,Haila,Haina,Harxias,Huzi,Inai,Inalai,Issalai,Klez," "Kras,Krezkps,Kzap,Lamai,Lamaissa,Lexpek,Liabra,Lilin,Linassa,Maissa,Malina," "Mila,Milbra,Nildlasi,Oxpel,Poniazal,Psal,Psen,Pzakp,Riaa,Sall,Sassalia," "Saxiala,Saxririaa,Sek,Skal,Skepz,Sla,Snelia,Srak,Sral,Szak,Trixzed,Vilaila," "Vissalai,Vlanissa,Xabrak,Xamalia,Xina,Xinasia,Xnamas,Xopkne,Zalsp,Zlek,Zpsek," "Zsekp" msgstr "" "Aliasse,Amailis,Axmailia,Blai,Blanalai,Bli,Bliana,Brassas,Brissal,Gaxmail," "Griama,Grissa,Grissilai,Haila,Haina,Harxias,Huzi,Inai,Inalai,Issalai,Klez," "Kras,Krezkps,Kzap,Lamai,Lamaissa,Lexpek,Liabra,Lilin,Linassa,Maissa,Malina," "Mila,Milbra,Nildlasi,Oxpel,Poniazal,Psal,Psen,Pzakp,Riaa,Sall,Sassalia," "Saxiala,Saxririaa,Sek,Skal,Skepz,Sla,Snelia,Srak,Sral,Szak,Trixzed,Vilaila," "Vissalai,Vlanissa,Xabrak,Xamalia,Xina,Xinasia,Xnamas,Xopkne,Zalsp,Zlek,Zpsek," "Zsekp" #. Generator for male naga names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:212 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Abra|Ale|Ama|Ax|Bla|Ble|Bre|Bri|Gri|Hai|Har|Hu|Ine|Kle|Krez|Lam|Lin|" "Lob|Mai|Lal|Nild|Pon|Pse|Pza|Sa|Se|Sle|So|Sor|Tri|Vi|Vla|Xa|Xi|Xna|Za|Zle|" "Zse\n" "suffix=iss|ail|nal|eii|mol|loss|noss|xos|sal|zel|kps|pek|ness|or|sol|peii|" "iaz|on|sal|ol|kil|oz|ail|al|nis|rak|lel|nas|kon|ekp\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Abra|Ale|Ama|Ax|Bla|Ble|Bre|Bri|Gri|Hai|Har|Hu|Ine|Kle|Krez|Lam|Lin|" "Lob|Mai|Lal|Nild|Pon|Pse|Pza|Sa|Se|Sle|So|Sor|Tri|Vi|Vla|Xa|Xi|Xna|Za|Zle|" "Zse\n" "suffix=iss|ail|nal|eii|mol|loss|noss|xos|sal|zel|kps|pek|ness|or|sol|peii|" "iaz|on|sal|ol|kil|oz|ail|al|nis|rak|lel|nas|kon|ekp\n" #. Generator for female naga names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:218 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Ali|Ama|Ax|Bla|Bli|Bra|Bri|Gax|Gri|Hai|Har|Hu|Ina|Iss|Krez|Kzap|Lam|" "Lex|Li|Lin|Mai|Mu|Nil|Ox|Pon|Pza|Ri|Sal|Sax|Sek|Snel|Sra|Trix|Vil|Vis|Blan|" "Xab|Xam|Xi|Xnam|Xop|Zal|Zle|Zse\n" "suffix=asse|mailia|ilis|ana|ama|ssa|ssilai|zi|xias|lai|maissa|bra|lin|lina|" "na|bra|aa|lia|lai|laila|na|pkne|alsp|ekp\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Ali|Ama|Ax|Bla|Bli|Bra|Bri|Gax|Gri|Hai|Har|Hu|Ina|Iss|Krez|Kzap|Lam|" "Lex|Li|Lin|Mai|Mu|Nil|Ox|Pon|Pza|Ri|Sal|Sax|Sek|Snel|Sra|Trix|Vil|Vis|Blan|" "Xab|Xam|Xi|Xnam|Xop|Zal|Zle|Zse\n" "suffix=asse|mailia|ilis|ana|ama|ssa|ssilai|zi|xias|lai|maissa|bra|lin|lina|" "na|bra|aa|lia|lai|laila|na|pkne|alsp|ekp\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:226 msgid "" "Akoark,Akort,Akzalk,Arkarm,Barkuk,Blokkar,Borkuk,Bukkak,Bulruk,Corkkar," "Delkkak,Garkuk,Gnukk,Goruk,Grak,Gurk,Gurm,Kalknix,Karak,Karbuk,Kargnak," "Karterak,Kayrak,Kelkrar,Kerta,Kilkrar,Kingrok,Kirk,Klud,Kokkan,Kolk,Komak," "Korgnak,Kork,Koruck,Kramak,Krog,Krukrak,Krumuk,Kuknuk,Kurkur,Kurmak,Makron," "Markaak,Markuk,Merknik,Nargak,Olk,Orkut,Reknak,Takolak,Trabuk,Trakkon,Urkar," "Urkark" msgstr "" "Akoark,Akort,Akzalk,Arkarm,Barkuk,Blokkar,Borkuk,Bukkak,Bulruk,Corkkar," "Delkkak,Garkuk,Gnukk,Goruk,Grak,Gurk,Gurm,Kalknix,Karak,Karbuk,Kargnak," "Karterak,Kayrak,Kelkrar,Kerta,Kilkrar,Kingrok,Kirk,Klud,Kokkan,Kolk,Komak," "Korgnak,Kork,Koruck,Kramak,Krog,Krukrak,Krumuk,Kuknuk,Kurkur,Kurmak,Makron," "Markaak,Markuk,Merknik,Nargak,Olk,Orkut,Reknak,Takolak,Trabuk,Trakkon,Urkar," "Urkark" #. Generator for ogre names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:228 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Ak|Ar|Bar|Blok|Bor|Bul|Cork|Del|Gar|Gnu|Gra|Gru|Gu|Kal|Kar|Kay|Kel|" "Ker|Kil|King|Kor|Kru|Kur|Mar|Mer|Nal|Trak|Urk\n" "suffix=ark|ort|alk|arm|kuk|kak|ukk|nak|ta|k|rok|rar|kon|gak|nik\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{suffix}\n" "prefix=Ak|Ar|Bar|Blok|Bor|Bul|Cork|Del|Gar|Gnu|Gra|Gru|Gu|Kal|Kar|Kay|Kel|" "Ker|Kil|King|Kor|Kru|Kur|Mar|Mer|Nal|Trak|Urk\n" "suffix=ark|ort|alk|arm|kuk|kak|ukk|nak|ta|k|rok|rar|kon|gak|nik\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:236 msgid "" "Badush,Bagar,Bagdish,Barag,Barbag,Bart,Bashnak,Bidish,Bidush,Bik,Bilg,Bilo," "Binak,Bink,Biol,Birt,Bogar,Bogdish,Bogdush,Bogor,Bok,Bolg,Bong,Borg,Bork," "Bort,Boshnak,Budush,Bugdish,Buk,Bunak,Bung,Bunk,Burag,Burg,Burk,Buurk," "Eradash,Eradish,Eragdish,Eragdush,Eragor,Eranak,Erang,Erarag,Erarg,Erart," "Erigdush,Erik,Erinak,Eriol,Erirag,Erirbag,Erirg,Erirt,Erishnak,Eriurk," "Erogdish,Erogdush,Erok,Erong,Eronk,Erorbag,Erudish,Erudush,Erugar,Erugdush," "Erulo,Erunk,Eruol,Erurag,Eruurk,Gadash,Gagar,Gagdush,Gagor,Galo,Ganak,Gank," "Gaol,Garag,Gashnak,Gigor,Ginak,Ging,Gink,Girt,Gogdish,Gogdush,Gong,Gork,Gort," "Goshnak,Gradash,Gragar,Gragor,Grak,Gralg,Gralo,Granak,Graol,Grarbag,Gridash," "Gridish,Gridush,Grigar,Grigor,Grilg,Grilo,Grink,Grirag,Grirg,Grirk,Grishnak," "Grodish,Grogar,Grogdish,Grok,Grolg,Grong,Gronk,Grorag,Grorg,Grork,Grort," "Groshnak,Grudash,Grugar,Grugdish,Grugdush,Gruk,Grulo,Grunk,Gruol,Grurg,Grurk," "Grurt,Gruurk,Gugdish,Gugdush,Gulg,Gulo,Gunak,Gurbag,Gurt,Gushnak,Hadash," "Hadish,Hadush,Hagar,Hagdush,Hagor,Hak,Halg,Hank,Hashnak,Hidash,Hidish,Hidush," "Higdush,Hilg,Hinak,Hing,Hink,Hiol,Hirag,Hirg,Hodush,Hogar,Hogor,Hong,Hool," "Horbag,Hork,Hort,Hoshnak,Hudash,Hudish,Hugor,Huk,Hulg,Hulo,Hunk,Huol,Hurag," "Hurbag,Hurk,Hushnak,Huurk,Pagdish,Pagor,Palg,Palo,Paol,Parag,Pashnak,Pidush," "Pigdish,Pigdush,Pilg,Pinak,Pink,Pirbag,Podash,Podish,Podush,Pogdish,Polg," "Porbag,Porg,Pork,Port,Poshnak,Pradish,Pragdush,Pragor,Pralg,Pralo,Prang," "Praol,Prarag,Prarbag,Prarg,Prark,Prart,Prashnak,Praurk,Pridish,Prigar," "Prigdish,Prigor,Prilg,Prilo,Prinak,Priol,Prirbag,Prirg,Prirt,Priurk,Prodash," "Prodish,Prodush,Prolg,Prolo,Pronak,Prong,Pronk,Prool,Prourk,Prudish,Prugar," "Prugdish,Pruk,Prunak,Prunk,Prurg,Prurk,Pruurk,Puk,Pulg,Pulo,Punak,Pung,Punk," "Purag,Purbag,Purg,Puurk,Radash,Ragar,Ragdish,Rak,Rang,Rank,Raol,Rarag,Rarbag," "Rark,Rashnak,Raurk,Rigor,Rik,Rilg,Rinak,Rink,Rirg,Rirk,Rodish,Rodush,Rogdish," "Rok,Rolo,Ronak,Rudash,Rugar,Rugdish,Ruk,Rung,Ruol,Rurag,Rushnak,Vadash," "Vadish,Vadush,Vak,Valo,Vank,Varag,Varbag,Vigar,Vigdish,Vigor,Vilg,Vilo,Vink," "Virag,Virt,Vishnak,Vogdish,Vogor,Vonak,Vong,Vorg,Vork,Voshnak,Vourk,Vradash," "Vragar,Vragdush,Vragor,Vralo,Vrang,Vrarbag,Vrarg,Vrart,Vraurk,Vridash," "Vridish,Vrigor,Vrik,Vrinak,Vring,Vrirt,Vrishnak,Vriurk,Vrodash,Vrodish," "Vrogar,Vrogor,Vrolo,Vrong,Vrorg,Vrork,Vrudish,Vrugdush,Vrulg,Vrung,Vruol," "Vrurg,Vrurt,Vruurk,Vudish,Vuk,Vulg,Vulo,Vunak,Vurag,Vurbag,Vurg,Vushnak" msgstr "" "Badush,Bagar,Bagdish,Barag,Barbag,Bart,Bashnak,Bidish,Bidush,Bik,Bilg,Bilo," "Binak,Bink,Biol,Birt,Bogar,Bogdish,Bogdush,Bogor,Bok,Bolg,Bong,Borg,Bork," "Bort,Boshnak,Budush,Bugdish,Buk,Bunak,Bung,Bunk,Burag,Burg,Burk,Buurk," "Eradash,Eradish,Eragdish,Eragdush,Eragor,Eranak,Erang,Erarag,Erarg,Erart," "Erigdush,Erik,Erinak,Eriol,Erirag,Erirbag,Erirg,Erirt,Erishnak,Eriurk," "Erogdish,Erogdush,Erok,Erong,Eronk,Erorbag,Erudish,Erudush,Erugar,Erugdush," "Erulo,Erunk,Eruol,Erurag,Eruurk,Gadash,Gagar,Gagdush,Gagor,Galo,Ganak,Gank," "Gaol,Garag,Gashnak,Gigor,Ginak,Ging,Gink,Girt,Gogdish,Gogdush,Gong,Gork,Gort," "Goshnak,Gradash,Gragar,Gragor,Grak,Gralg,Gralo,Granak,Graol,Grarbag,Gridash," "Gridish,Gridush,Grigar,Grigor,Grilg,Grilo,Grink,Grirag,Grirg,Grirk,Grishnak," "Grodish,Grogar,Grogdish,Grok,Grolg,Grong,Gronk,Grorag,Grorg,Grork,Grort," "Groshnak,Grudash,Grugar,Grugdish,Grugdush,Gruk,Grulo,Grunk,Gruol,Grurg,Grurk," "Grurt,Gruurk,Gugdish,Gugdush,Gulg,Gulo,Gunak,Gurbag,Gurt,Gushnak,Hadash," "Hadish,Hadush,Hagar,Hagdush,Hagor,Hak,Halg,Hank,Hashnak,Hidash,Hidish,Hidush," "Higdush,Hilg,Hinak,Hing,Hink,Hiol,Hirag,Hirg,Hodush,Hogar,Hogor,Hong,Hool," "Horbag,Hork,Hort,Hoshnak,Hudash,Hudish,Hugor,Huk,Hulg,Hulo,Hunk,Huol,Hurag," "Hurbag,Hurk,Hushnak,Huurk,Pagdish,Pagor,Palg,Palo,Paol,Parag,Pashnak,Pidush," "Pigdish,Pigdush,Pilg,Pinak,Pink,Pirbag,Podash,Podish,Podush,Pogdish,Polg," "Porbag,Porg,Pork,Port,Poshnak,Pradish,Pragdush,Pragor,Pralg,Pralo,Prang," "Praol,Prarag,Prarbag,Prarg,Prark,Prart,Prashnak,Praurk,Pridish,Prigar," "Prigdish,Prigor,Prilg,Prilo,Prinak,Priol,Prirbag,Prirg,Prirt,Priurk,Prodash," "Prodish,Prodush,Prolg,Prolo,Pronak,Prong,Pronk,Prool,Prourk,Prudish,Prugar," "Prugdish,Pruk,Prunak,Prunk,Prurg,Prurk,Pruurk,Puk,Pulg,Pulo,Punak,Pung,Punk," "Purag,Purbag,Purg,Puurk,Radash,Ragar,Ragdish,Rak,Rang,Rank,Raol,Rarag,Rarbag," "Rark,Rashnak,Raurk,Rigor,Rik,Rilg,Rinak,Rink,Rirg,Rirk,Rodish,Rodush,Rogdish," "Rok,Rolo,Ronak,Rudash,Rugar,Rugdish,Ruk,Rung,Ruol,Rurag,Rushnak,Vadash," "Vadish,Vadush,Vak,Valo,Vank,Varag,Varbag,Vigar,Vigdish,Vigor,Vilg,Vilo,Vink," "Virag,Virt,Vishnak,Vogdish,Vogor,Vonak,Vong,Vorg,Vork,Voshnak,Vourk,Vradash," "Vragar,Vragdush,Vragor,Vralo,Vrang,Vrarbag,Vrarg,Vrart,Vraurk,Vridash," "Vridish,Vrigor,Vrik,Vrinak,Vring,Vrirt,Vrishnak,Vriurk,Vrodash,Vrodish," "Vrogar,Vrogor,Vrolo,Vrong,Vrorg,Vrork,Vrudish,Vrugdush,Vrulg,Vrung,Vruol," "Vrurg,Vrurt,Vruurk,Vudish,Vuk,Vulg,Vulo,Vunak,Vurag,Vurbag,Vurg,Vushnak" #. Generator for orc names #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:238 msgid "" "\n" "main={starting_consonnant}{vowel}{consonnant}{vowel}{ending_consonnant}|" "{starting_consonnant}{vowel}{consonnant}{ending_vowel}|{starting_vowel}" "{consonnant}{vowel}{ending_consonnant}|{starting_consonnant}{vowel}" "{ending_consonnant}|{starting_vowel}{consonnant}{ending_vowel}\n" "starting_consonnant=B|Br|D|Dr|G|Gr|Gh|H|Kh|M|N|P|Pr|R|S|Sh|T|V\n" "starting_vowel=A|I|O|U\n" "consonnant=b|br|d|dr|g|gr|gh|kh|m|n|p|pr|r|s|sh|t|v|gz|zg|rb|br|dr|vr|khr|gd|" "shn\n" "vowel=a|i|o|u\n" "ending_consonnant=b|g|r|sh|k\n" "ending_vowel=o|u\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={starting_consonnant}{vowel}{consonnant}{vowel}{ending_consonnant}|" "{starting_consonnant}{vowel}{consonnant}{ending_vowel}|{starting_vowel}" "{consonnant}{vowel}{ending_consonnant}|{starting_consonnant}{vowel}" "{ending_consonnant}|{starting_vowel}{consonnant}{ending_vowel}\n" "starting_consonnant=B|Br|D|Dr|G|Gr|Gh|H|Kh|M|N|P|Pr|R|S|Sh|T|V\n" "starting_vowel=A|I|O|U\n" "consonnant=b|br|d|dr|g|gr|gh|kh|m|n|p|pr|r|s|sh|t|v|gz|zg|rb|br|dr|vr|khr|gd|" "shn\n" "vowel=a|i|o|u\n" "ending_consonnant=b|g|r|sh|k\n" "ending_vowel=o|u\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:250 msgid "" "Äg,Agh,Bog Äh,Borb,Brag,Brag Goh,Brok,Dak,Drog,Frok,Ga,Gah,Gark,Gnarf,Grar," "Grokk,Grumph,Gulk,Hak,Hask,Hoth,Hug Bah,Hu Kah,Kak,Krak,Krug,Kub,Kuh,Lok,Luk," "Nak,Nuk Kar,Pag,Reck,Rok,Ruk,Sark,Shak,Shuf,Stuh,Targ,Thog,Thruf,Thur,Tohg," "Torg,Trok,Tsok,Tuh,Tuk Ruh,Ugg,Üh,Urg,Urgh,Urk,Vak,Zog,Zuug" msgstr "" "Äg,Agh,Bog Äh,Borb,Brag,Brag Goh,Brok,Dak,Drog,Frok,Ga,Gah,Gark,Gnarf,Grar," "Grokk,Grumph,Gulk,Hak,Hask,Hoth,Hug Bah,Hu Kah,Kak,Krak,Krug,Kub,Kuh,Lok,Luk," "Nak,Nuk Kar,Pag,Reck,Rok,Ruk,Sark,Shak,Shuf,Stuh,Targ,Thog,Thruf,Thur,Tohg," "Torg,Trok,Tsok,Tuh,Tuk Ruh,Ugg,Üh,Urg,Urgh,Urk,Vak,Zog,Zuug" #. Generator for troll names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:252 msgid "" "\n" "main={short_name}|{short_name}|{short_name}|{short_name} {short_name}\n" "short_name={prefix}{middle}{suffix}|{prefix}{middle}{suffix}|{prefix}{middle}" "{suffix}|{beginning}{suffix}\n" "prefix=B|Br|D|G|Gn|H|K|Kr|L|N|K|P|R|S|Sh|St|Th|Ts|T|V|Z\n" "middle=a|o|u|uu|ä|ü\n" "beginning=Ä|Ü|A|U\n" "suffix=rb|g|gh|k|rf|kk|r|g|th|h|rg\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={short_name}|{short_name}|{short_name}|{short_name} {short_name}\n" "short_name={prefix}{middle}{suffix}|{prefix}{middle}{suffix}|{prefix}{middle}" "{suffix}|{beginning}{suffix}\n" "prefix=B|Br|D|G|Gn|H|K|Kr|L|N|K|P|R|S|Sh|St|Th|Ts|T|V|Z\n" "middle=a|o|u|uu|ä|ü\n" "beginning=Ä|Ü|A|U\n" "suffix=rb|g|gh|k|rf|kk|r|g|th|h|rg\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:263 msgid "" "Bludebalmen,Boladrumbadrum,Bolwuldelman,Bombempomgontor,Bomtanbomkenton," "Bomtanbomtonum,Bregalad,Bremdebubde,Brenbasnudnem,Brendumadoak," "Brommantendronnor,Brumbendublun,Brumennarunom,Brummdlebroak,Bumbadadabum," "Buomdumdenlol,Carnimirië,Dabumdabumtam,Dammantongonnur,Danmonlulbam," "Debundbemun,Delmduelmdelom,Diblembumnde,Dolmannumbil,Drongnoblemdu," "Dulmandarook,Dulwulmendom,Dumdumdumatum,Elmaroomadrum,Grelmadrumbumadum," "Gulladroamadoak,Gumabeladrelm,Laffalialomdium,Landunwonbam,Lassemista," "Lefnublemdde,Libleddnumm,Lolmandindel,Monlamwimdan,Muldondindal," "Mundionalafla,Mundumblemdum,Munnamdulbon,Nanmildaldum,Nunmaldildun,Orofarnië," "Pambedrumne,Pomtamkomtrobum,Rithramcamhan,Tantondernintan,Temtundembenn," "Temtunnongetem,Tondenkontenkon,Troombadoom,Tumtentantarun,Tumtonnongatum," "Tumtumgamtomtom,Wonrunmaldin,Wudadoonopl" msgstr "" "Bludebalmen,Boladrumbadrum,Bolwuldelman,Bombempomgontor,Bomtanbomkenton," "Bomtanbomtonum,Bregalad,Bremdebubde,Brenbasnudnem,Brendumadoak," "Brommantendronnor,Brumbendublun,Brumennarunom,Brummdlebroak,Bumbadadabum," "Buomdumdenlol,Carnimirië,Dabumdabumtam,Dammantongonnur,Danmonlulbam," "Debundbemun,Delmduelmdelom,Diblembumnde,Dolmannumbil,Drongnoblemdu," "Dulmandarook,Dulwulmendom,Dumdumdumatum,Elmaroomadrum,Grelmadrumbumadum," "Gulladroamadoak,Gumabeladrelm,Laffalialomdium,Landunwonbam,Lassemista," "Lefnublemdde,Libleddnumm,Lolmandindel,Monlamwimdan,Muldondindal," "Mundionalafla,Mundumblemdum,Munnamdulbon,Nanmildaldum,Nunmaldildun,Orofarnië," "Pambedrumne,Pomtamkomtrobum,Rithramcamhan,Tantondernintan,Temtundembenn," "Temtunnongetem,Tondenkontenkon,Troombadoom,Tumtentantarun,Tumtonnongatum," "Tumtumgamtomtom,Wonrunmaldin,Wudadoonopl" #. Generator for wose names; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:265 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{centre}{centre}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{centre}{centre}" "{suffix}\n" "prefix=Blu|Bo|Bre|Bro|Bru|Bu|Car|Da|Da|De|Dib|Dol|Dro|Dul|Dum|El|Gre|Gul|Gum|" "Laf|Lan|Las|Lef|Lib|Lol|Mon|Mul|Mun|Nan|Nun|Or|Pam|Pom|Rith|Tan|Tem|Ton|" "Troom|Tun|Tum|Won|Wun\n" "centre=de|bal|drum|wul|del|bem|pom|gon|tan|bom|ken|tan|ton|man|ten|dron|dub|" "na|da|ni|mi|lul|mon|duel|lem|num|nob|mand|room|lad|roam|be|lom|sem|nub|di|" "wim|din|blem|nand|dul|dil|of|tam|kon|ton|tun|kon|ten|run|mal|do\n" "suffix=men|drum|tor|num|lad|de|ak|lol|dum|tam|nur|dium|deum|bil|rook|relm|" "dium|numm|dan|doom|tum|din\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{centre}{centre}{suffix}|{prefix}{centre}{centre}{centre}" "{suffix}\n" "prefix=Blu|Bo|Bre|Bro|Bru|Bu|Car|Da|Da|De|Dib|Dol|Dro|Dul|Dum|El|Gre|Gul|Gum|" "Laf|Lan|Las|Lef|Lib|Lol|Mon|Mul|Mun|Nan|Nun|Or|Pam|Pom|Rith|Tan|Tem|Ton|" "Troom|Tun|Tum|Won|Wun\n" "centre=de|bal|drum|wul|del|bem|pom|gon|tan|bom|ken|tan|ton|man|ten|dron|dub|" "na|da|ni|mi|lul|mon|duel|lem|num|nob|mand|room|lad|roam|be|lom|sem|nub|di|" "wim|din|blem|nand|dul|dil|of|tam|kon|ton|tun|kon|ten|run|mal|do\n" "suffix=men|drum|tor|num|lad|de|ak|lol|dum|tam|nur|dium|deum|bil|rook|relm|" "dium|numm|dan|doom|tum|din\n" #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:275 msgid "" "Bal,Cam,Corn,Del,Earl,El,Fox,Fren,Gel,Hel,Hex,Hol,Hox,Il,Kin,Nam,Nes,New,Ol," "Old,Olf,Oul,Ox,Rock,Rook,Sal,Sam,Sed,Sel,Sen,Sil,Tal,Water,Wet,York" msgstr "" "Bal,Cam,Corn,Del,Earl,El,Fox,Fren,Gel,Hel,Hex,Hol,Hox,Il,Kin,Nam,Nes,New,Ol," "Old,Olf,Oul,Ox,Rock,Rook,Sal,Sam,Sed,Sel,Sen,Sil,Tal,Water,Wet,York" #. Generator for the base names of features assigned by the random map generator; see for syntax #: data/core/macros/names.cfg:277 msgid "" "\n" "main={prefix}{middle}{suffix}\n" "prefix=B|C|D|E|F|Fr|Wat|G|H|K|N|O|R|S|T|W|Y|Ro\n" "middle=a|e|o|u|i\n" "suffix=l|m|rn|x|w|ld|ck|k|rk\n" msgstr "" "\n" "main={prefix}{middle}{suffix}\n" "prefix=B|C|D|E|F|Fr|Wat|G|H|K|N|O|R|S|T|W|Y|Ro\n" "middle=a|e|o|u|i\n" "suffix=l|m|rn|x|w|ld|ck|k|rk\n" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/core/macros/objective-utils.cfg:7 msgid "Turns run out" msgstr "Vyprší čas" #: data/core/macros/objective-utils.cfg:20 msgid "(early finish bonus)" msgstr "(bonus za rýchly koniec)" #: data/core/macros/objective-utils.cfg:25 msgid "Alternative objective:" msgstr "Alternatívny cieľ:" #: data/core/macros/objective-utils.cfg:30 msgid "Bonus objective:" msgstr "Bonusový cieľ:" #: data/core/macros/objective-utils.cfg:35 msgid "Optional objective:" msgstr "Voliteľný cieľ:" #. [note]: description= #: data/core/macros/objective-utils.cfg:60 msgid "This is the last scenario." msgstr "Toto je posledná scéna." #. [note]: description= #: data/core/macros/objective-utils.cfg:67 msgid "No turn limit" msgstr "Bez obmedzenia počtu kôl" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/core/macros/scenario-utils.cfg:58 msgid "" "The computer player might not be able to play side $side_number properly in " "this scenario. Side $side_number is intended to be played by a human player." msgstr "" "Počítač možno nebude schopný správne hrať za stranu $side_number v tejto " "scéne. Strana $side_number je určená na hranie človekom." #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:157 msgid "Battle Epic" msgstr "Bojový epos" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:163 msgid "Battle Music" msgstr "Bojová hudba" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:169 msgid "Breaking the Chains" msgstr "Zlomenie reťazí" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:175 msgid "Casualties of War" msgstr "Obete vojny" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:181 msgid "Elf Land" msgstr "Elfská krajina" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:187 msgid "Elvish theme" msgstr "Elfský motív" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:193 msgid "Frantic" msgstr "Frantic" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:199 msgid "Heroes Rite" msgstr "Heroes Rite" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:205 msgid "Into the Shadows" msgstr "Do temnoty" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:211 msgid "Journey’s End" msgstr "Koniec cesty" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:217 msgid "Knalgan Theme" msgstr "Motív Knalgy" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:223 msgid "The Knolls of Doldesh" msgstr "The Knolls of Doldesh" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:229 msgid "Legends of the North" msgstr "Legendy severu" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:235 msgid "Love Theme" msgstr "Ľúbostný motív" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:241 msgid "Loyalists" msgstr "Lojalisti" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:247 msgid "Over the Northern Mountains" msgstr "Nad severnými horami" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:253 msgid "Northerners" msgstr "Severania" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:259 msgid "Nunc Dimittis" msgstr "Nunc Dimittis" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:265 msgid "Revelation" msgstr "Odhalenie" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:271 msgid "Sad" msgstr "Smutný" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:277 msgid "Siege of Laurelmor" msgstr "Obliehanie Laurelmoru" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:283 msgid "Silvan Sanctuary" msgstr "Silvan Sanctuary" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:289 msgid "Suspense" msgstr "Suspense" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:295 msgid "The City Falls" msgstr "Pád mesta" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:301 msgid "The Dangerous Symphony" msgstr "Nebezpečná symfónia" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:307 msgid "The Deep Path" msgstr "Hlboká cesta" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:313 msgid "The King is Dead" msgstr "Kráľ je mŕtvy" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:319 msgid "Transience" msgstr "Transience" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:325 msgid "Traveling Minstrels" msgstr "Traveling Minstrels" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:331 msgid "Underground" msgstr "Podzemie" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:337 msgid "Vengeful Pursuit" msgstr "Vengeful Pursuit" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:343 msgid "Still Another Wanderer" msgstr "Ešte ďalší pútnik" #. [music] #: data/core/macros/sound-utils.cfg:349 msgid "Weight of Revenge" msgstr "Ťažoba pomsty" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/core/macros/utils.cfg:662 msgid "You retrieve $amount_gold pieces of gold." msgstr "Získal si $amount_gold zlatiek." #. [color_range]: id=red #. [color_range]: id=1 #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:14 data/core/team-colors.cfg:246 msgid "Red" msgstr "Červená" #. [color_range]: id=lightred #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:21 msgid "Light Red" msgstr "Svetločervená" #. [color_range]: id=darkred #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:27 msgid "Dark Red" msgstr "Tmavočervená" #. [color_range]: id=blue #. [color_range]: id=2 #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:33 data/core/team-colors.cfg:252 msgid "Blue" msgstr "Modrá" #. [color_range]: id=lightblue #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:40 msgid "Light blue" msgstr "Svetlomodrá" #. [color_range]: id=green #. [color_range]: id=3 #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:46 data/core/team-colors.cfg:258 msgid "Green" msgstr "Zelená" #. [color_range]: id=brightgreen #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:53 msgid "Bright green" msgstr "Svetlozelená" #. [color_range]: id=purple #. [color_range]: id=4 #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:59 data/core/team-colors.cfg:264 msgid "Purple" msgstr "Fialová" #. [color_range]: id=black #. [color_range]: id=5 #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:66 data/core/team-colors.cfg:276 msgid "Black" msgstr "Čierna" #. [color_range]: id=brown #. [color_range]: id=6 #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:73 data/core/team-colors.cfg:288 msgid "Brown" msgstr "Hnedá" #. [color_range]: id=orange #. [color_range]: id=7 #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:80 data/core/team-colors.cfg:270 msgid "Orange" msgstr "Oranžová" #. [color_range]: id=brightorange #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:87 msgid "Bright orange" msgstr "Svetlooranžová" #. [color_range]: id=white #. [color_range]: id=8 #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:93 data/core/team-colors.cfg:282 msgid "White" msgstr "Biela" #. [color_range]: id=teal #. [color_range]: id=9 #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:100 data/core/team-colors.cfg:294 msgid "Teal" msgstr "Tyrkysová" #. [color_range]: id=gold #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:107 msgid "color^Gold" msgstr "Zlatá" #. [color_range]: id=darkblue #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:114 msgid "Dark blue" msgstr "Tmavomodrá" #. [color_range]: id=reef #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:123 msgid "Reef" msgstr "Útes" #. [color_range]: id=shallow_water #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:129 msgid "Shallow water" msgstr "Plytká voda" #. [color_range]: id=deep_water #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:135 msgid "Deep water" msgstr "Hlboká voda" #. [color_range]: id=swamp_water #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:141 msgid "Swamp water" msgstr "Močiarna voda" #. [color_range]: id=flat #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:147 msgid "Flat" msgstr "Rovina" #. [color_range]: id=hills #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:153 msgid "Hills" msgstr "Kopce" #. [color_range]: id=mountains #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:159 msgid "Mountains" msgstr "Hory" #. [color_range]: id=forest #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:165 msgid "Forest" msgstr "Les" #. [color_range]: id=sand #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:171 msgid "Sand" msgstr "Piesok" #. [color_range]: id=frozen #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:177 msgid "Frozen" msgstr "Zamrznuté" #. [color_range]: id=cave #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:183 msgid "Cave" msgstr "Jaskyňa" #. [color_range]: id=fungus #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:189 msgid "Fungus" msgstr "Huby" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [color_range]: id=village #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:195 src/terrain/terrain.cpp:188 msgid "Village" msgstr "Dedina" #. [color_range]: id=castle #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:201 msgid "Castle" msgstr "Hrad" #. [color_range]: id=keep #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:207 msgid "Keep" msgstr "Pevnosť" #. [color_range]: id=rails #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:213 msgid "Rail" msgstr "Koľaj" #. [color_range]: id=unwalkable #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:219 msgid "Unwalkable" msgstr "Neschodný" #. [color_range]: id=impassable #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:225 msgid "Impassable" msgstr "Neprekonateľné" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [color_range]: id=fog #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:231 src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:386 msgid "Fog" msgstr "Hmla" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [color_range]: id=shroud #: data/core/team-colors.cfg:237 src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:389 #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:392 msgid "Shroud" msgstr "Odkrývanie mapy" #. [core]: id=default #: data/cores.cfg:5 msgid "Wesnoth (Default)" msgstr "Wesnoth (Štandardná)" #. [core]: id=default #: data/cores.cfg:8 msgid "The standard Wesnoth core." msgstr "Štandardné jadro Wesnothu." #. [language] #: data/english.cfg:3 msgid "Easy" msgstr "Ľahká" #. [language] #: data/english.cfg:4 msgid "Medium" msgstr "Stredná" #. [language] #: data/english.cfg:5 msgid "Hard" msgstr "Ťažká" #. [language] #: data/english.cfg:6 msgid "Nightmare" msgstr "Nočná mora" #. [language] #: data/english.cfg:8 msgid "" "Lawful units fight better during the day, and worse at night.\n" "\n" "Day: +25% Damage\n" "Night: −25% Damage" msgstr "" "Jednotky poriadku bojujú lepšie cez deň a horšie v noci.\n" "\n" "Deň: +25% zranenie spôsobené pri útoku\n" "Noc: −25% zranenie spôsobené pri útoku" #. [language] #: data/english.cfg:12 msgid "" "Neutral units are unaffected by day and night, fighting equally well under " "both conditions." msgstr "" "Neutrálne jednotky neovplyvňuje deň a noc, bojujú rovnako v každom čase." #. [language] #: data/english.cfg:13 msgid "" "Chaotic units fight better at night, and worse during the day.\n" "\n" "Day: −25% Damage\n" "Night: +25% Damage" msgstr "" "Jednotky chaosu bojujú lepšie v noci a horšie vo dne.\n" "\n" "Deň: −25% zranenie spôsobené pri útoku\n" "Noc: +25% zranenie spôsobené pri útoku" #. [language] #: data/english.cfg:17 msgid "" "Liminal units fight best during the twilight times of day.\n" "\n" "Twilight: +25% Damage" msgstr "" "Jednotky na rozhraní bojujú lepšie počas súmraku.\n" "\n" "Súmrak: +25% zranenie" #. [language] #: data/english.cfg:31 msgid "arcane" msgstr "mystický" #. [naming] #. Generator for bridge labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:37 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tbridge_type=Bridge|Crossing\n" "\t\tmain=$base {bridge_type}|$base{!}’s {bridge_type}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tbridge_type=most|priechod\n" "\t\tmain=$base {bridge_type}|$base{!}ov {bridge_type}\n" "\t" #. [naming] #. Generator for road labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:42 msgid "" "\n" "\t\troad_type=Highway|Pass|Path|Road|Way|Trail\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}’s {road_type}|{road_type} of $base\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\troad_type=cesta|trasa\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}ova {road_type}\n" "\t" #. [naming] #. Generator for river labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:47 msgid "" "\n" "\t\triver_type=River|River|River|Creek|Creek|Stream|Canal\n" "\t\tmain=$base {river_type}|{river_type} $base\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\triver_type=rieka|rieka|rieka|potok|potok|bystrina|kanál\n" "\t\tmain=$base {river_type}\n" "\t" #. [naming] #. Generator for forest labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:52 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tforest_type=Forest|Forest|Wood\n" "\t\tmain=$base {forest_type}|$base{!}’s {forest_type}|{forest_type} $base\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tforest_type=les|les|háj\n" "\t\tmain=$base {forest_type}|$base{!}ov {forest_type}\n" "\t" #. [naming] #. Generator for lake labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:57 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tlake_type=Lake|Lake|Lake|Loch|Sea\n" "\t\tmain=$base {lake_type}|{lake_type} $base\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tlake_type=Jazero|Jazero|Jazero|Pleso\n" "\t\tmain={lake_type} $base\n" "\t" #. [naming] #. Generator for mountain labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:62 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}’s Peak|$base Peak|Mount $base|Mount $base\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}ov štít|Vrch $base|Hora $base\n" "\t" #. [naming] #. Generator for swamp labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:66 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tsuffix=’s Swamp|marsh|fen\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tsuffix=ova bažina|ov močiar\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for generic village labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:74 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tsuffix=bury|bury|ham|ton|ville\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tsuffix=bury|bury|ham|ton|ville\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for lakeside village labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:79 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$lake{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=harbor|port\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$jazero{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=prístav|prístav\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for riverside village labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:85 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$river{!}\n" "\t\triver=$river{!}|River\n" "\t\tsuffix=ham|ford|cross| on {river}\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$rieka{!}\n" "\t\triver=$rieka{!}|Rieka\n" "\t\tsuffix=ham|brod|prechod| na {river}\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for bridge village labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:92 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$river{!}|$bridge{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=bridge|bridge|ham|ton\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$rieka{!}|$most{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=most|most|ham|ton\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for grassland village labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:98 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tsuffix=ham|ton|field\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tsuffix=ham|ton|pole\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for forest village labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:103 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$forest{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=ham|ton|wood| Forest\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$les{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=ham|ton|lesík| Les\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for hill village labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:109 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tsuffix=ham|bury|ton|hill|crest\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tsuffix=ham|bury|ton|kopec|hrebeň\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for mountain village labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:114 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$mountain{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=mont|cliff|bury|ham\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$hora{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=mont|útes|bury|ham\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for mountain labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:120 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tsuffix=ham|bury|ton|mont|mont|cliff|cliff\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tsuffix=ham|bury|ton|mont|mont|útes|útes\n" "\t\tmain=$base{!}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for roadside village labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:125 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$road{!}|$road{!}|$base{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=’s Rest|’s Waypoint|bury|bury|ham|ham\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$cesta{!}|$cesta{!}|$base{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=’s Rest|ov trasový bod|bury|bury|ham|ham\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [village_naming] #. Generator for swamp village labels in random maps; see for syntax and for variables summary #: data/english.cfg:131 msgid "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$swamp{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=bury|ham|ton\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" msgstr "" "\n" "\t\tprefix=$base{!}|$močiar{!}\n" "\t\tsuffix=bury|ham|ton\n" "\t\tmain={prefix}{suffix}\n" "\t" #. [server] #: data/game_config.cfg:4 msgid "Official Wesnoth Server" msgstr "Oficiálny server Wesnothu" #. [server] #: data/game_config.cfg:8 msgid "Alternate Wesnoth Server" msgstr "Alternatívny server Wesnothu" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/window/install_dependencies.cfg:37 msgid "Install Dependencies" msgstr "Inštalovať závislosti" #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/window/install_dependencies.cfg:84 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Áno" #. [button]: id=cancel #: data/gui/window/install_dependencies.cfg:95 msgid "No" msgstr "Nie" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/window/screenshot_notification.cfg:95 #: src/hotkey/command_executor.cpp:631 msgid "Screenshot" msgstr "Záber obrazovky" #. [fonts] #: data/hardwired/fonts.cfg:28 msgid "Lato" msgstr "Lato" #. [fonts] #: data/hardwired/fonts.cfg:29 msgid "DejaVu Sans Mono" msgstr "DejaVu Sans Mono" #. [fonts] #: data/hardwired/fonts.cfg:30 msgid "Lato Light" msgstr "Lato Light" #. [fonts] #: data/hardwired/fonts.cfg:31 msgid "Oldania ADF Std" msgstr "Oldania ADF Std" #. [lua]: wesnoth.deprecate_api #: data/lua/core/_initial.lua:32 msgid "(Note: You should use $replacement instead in new code)" msgstr "(Poznámka: Pri novom vývoji by ste mali použiť $replacement)" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [lua]: wesnoth.deprecate_api #: data/lua/core/_initial.lua:38 src/deprecation.cpp:69 msgid "Invalid deprecation level $level (should be 1-4)" msgstr "Neplatná úroveň $úroveň (mala by byť 1-4)" #. [lua]: wml_actions.deprecated_message #: data/lua/wml-tags.lua:881 msgid "Invalid deprecation level (should be 1-4)" msgstr "Neplatná úroveň $úroveň (mala by byť 1-4)" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [lua]: set_status #: data/lua/wml/harm_unit.lua:124 src/actions/attack.cpp:1050 msgid "female^poisoned" msgstr "otrávená" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [lua]: set_status #: data/lua/wml/harm_unit.lua:126 src/actions/attack.cpp:1057 msgid "female^slowed" msgstr "spomalená" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [lua]: set_status #: data/lua/wml/harm_unit.lua:126 src/actions/attack.cpp:1057 msgid "slowed" msgstr "spomalený" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [lua]: set_status #: data/lua/wml/harm_unit.lua:127 src/actions/attack.cpp:1063 msgid "female^petrified" msgstr "skamenená" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [lua]: set_status #: data/lua/wml/harm_unit.lua:127 src/actions/attack.cpp:1063 msgid "petrified" msgstr "skamenený" #. [lua]: set_status #: data/lua/wml/harm_unit.lua:128 msgid "female^unhealable" msgstr "neliečiteľná" #. [lua]: set_status #: data/lua/wml/harm_unit.lua:128 msgid "unhealable" msgstr "neliečiteľný" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [lua]: wesnoth.wml_actions.message #: data/lua/wml/message.lua:433 src/scripting/game_lua_kernel.cpp:3491 #: src/scripting/game_lua_kernel.cpp:3526 msgid "input" msgstr "vstup" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [lua]: generate_objectives #: data/lua/wml/objectives.lua:36 src/game_initialization/mp_game_utils.cpp:76 msgid "Victory:" msgstr "Vyhráš, ak:" #. [lua]: generate_objectives #: data/lua/wml/objectives.lua:37 msgid "Defeat:" msgstr "Prehráš, ak:" #. [lua]: generate_objectives #: data/lua/wml/objectives.lua:57 msgid "(this turn left)" msgid_plural "($remaining_turns turns left)" msgstr[0] "($remaining_turns kôl zostáva)" msgstr[1] "(toto kolo zostáva)" msgstr[2] "($remaining_turns kolá zostávajú)" #. [lua]: generate_objectives #: data/lua/wml/objectives.lua:119 msgid "$percent|% of gold carried over to the next scenario." msgstr "$percent|% zlata sa prenáša do ďalšej scény." #. [modification]: id=plan_unit_advance, type=mp #: data/modifications.cfg:6 msgid "Plan Unit Advance" msgstr "Naplánuj povýšenie jednotky" #. [modification]: id=plan_unit_advance, type=mp #: data/modifications.cfg:7 msgid "" "When playing a multiplayer game, you do not control what a unit advances to " "if it advances on another player’s turn. With this modification you can set " "what your units advance to beforehand, either for a specific unit or for all " "units of the same type." msgstr "" "Pri hraní hry pre viacerých hráčov nemáte pod kontrolou, kam jednotka " "postúpi, ak sa povýši v ťahu iného hráča. Touto úpravou si môžete vopred " "nastaviť, kam vaše jednotky postupujú, či už pre konkrétnu jednotku, alebo " "pre všetky jednotky rovnakého typu." #. [checkbox]: id=pickadvance_force_choice #: data/modifications.cfg:13 msgid "Force advancement planning" msgstr "Nariaď plávanie povýšenia" #. [checkbox]: id=pickadvance_force_choice #: data/modifications.cfg:14 msgid "" "You will be asked a question on choosing advancement whenever an undecided " "unit appears.\n" "\n" "Some eras and scenarios may automatically enable this option." msgstr "" "Vždy, keď sa objaví nerozhodnutá jednotka, dostanete otázku o výbere " "povýšenia.\n" "\n" "Niektoré obdobia a scenáre môžu túto možnosť automaticky aktivovať." #. [lua]: preshow #: data/modifications/pick_advance/dialog.lua:36 msgid "No planned advancement" msgstr "Žiadne plánované povýšenie" #. [label] #: data/modifications/pick_advance/gui/pick_advance.cfg:14 #: data/modifications/pick_advance/main.lua:10 msgid "Plan Advancement" msgstr "Plán povýšenia" #. [image]: id=global_icon #: data/modifications/pick_advance/gui/pick_advance.cfg:53 msgid "" "This advancement is currently the default for all units of the same type" msgstr "" "Toto rozšírenie je momentálne predvolené pre všetky jednotky rovnakého typu" #. [toggle_button]: id=apply_to_all #: data/modifications/pick_advance/gui/pick_advance.cfg:118 msgid "Apply to all units of this type" msgstr "Použiť na všetky jednotky tohto typu" #. [button] #: data/modifications/pick_advance/gui/pick_advance.cfg:134 msgid "Save" msgstr "Uložená" #. [button]: id=cancel #: data/modifications/pick_advance/gui/pick_advance.cfg:143 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Storno" #. [action]: id=button-playreplay, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:412 msgid "replay^Play" msgstr "Prehraj" #. [action]: id=button-playreplay, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:413 data/themes/_initial.cfg:573 msgid "continuous replay" msgstr "plynulé prehrávanie" #. [action]: id=button-stopreplay, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:427 msgid "replay^Stop" msgstr "Stop" #. [action]: id=button-stopreplay, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:428 msgid "pause after current move" msgstr "pozastaviť po tomto ťahu" #. [action]: id=button-resetreplay, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:443 msgid "replay^Reset" msgstr "Reset" #. [action]: id=button-resetreplay, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:444 data/themes/_initial.cfg:601 msgid "reset to beginning" msgstr "preskoč na začiatok" #. [action]: id=button-nextturn, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:459 data/themes/_initial.cfg:614 msgid "Next Turn" msgstr "Nasledujúce kolo" #. [action]: id=button-nextturn, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:460 data/themes/_initial.cfg:615 msgid "play turn" msgstr "prehraj kolo" #. [action]: id=button-nextside, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:475 data/themes/_initial.cfg:628 msgid "Next Side" msgstr "Nasledujúca strana" #. [action]: id=button-nextside, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:476 data/themes/_initial.cfg:629 msgid "play side turn" msgstr "prehraj ťah strany" #. [action]: id=button-nextmove, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:490 data/themes/_initial.cfg:642 msgid "Next Move" msgstr "Nasledujúci ťah" #. [action]: id=button-nextmove, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:491 data/themes/_initial.cfg:643 msgid "play single move" msgstr "prehrať jeden ťah" #. [menu]: id=show-what #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:503 data/themes/_initial.cfg:655 msgid "Point of view" msgstr "Pohľad" #. [action]: id=button-continue #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:514 msgid "Continue Play" msgstr "Pokračovať v hre" #. [action]: id=button-continue #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:515 msgid "Exit the replay mode and continue playing normally." msgstr "Ukončiť prehrávanie a pokračovať v normálnom hraní." #. [action]: id=skip-animation, type=checkbox #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:527 data/themes/_initial.cfg:667 msgid "Skip animation" msgstr "Preskoč animáciu" #. [label]: id=replay-label #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:557 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Záznam" #. [action]: id=button-playreplay, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:572 msgid "Play" msgstr "Hraj" #. [action]: id=button-stopreplay, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:586 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Stop" #. [action]: id=button-stopreplay, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:587 msgid "pause" msgstr "pozastaviť" #. [action]: id=button-resetreplay, type=image #: data/themes/_initial.cfg:600 msgid "Reset" msgstr "Reštart" #. [menu]: id=menu-main #: data/themes/cutscene.cfg:37 data/themes/default.cfg:91 msgid "Menu" msgstr "Menu" #. [action]: id=button-endturn #: data/themes/cutscene.cfg:53 data/themes/default.cfg:151 msgid "End Turn" msgstr "Koniec kola" #. [action]: id=button-endturn #: data/themes/cutscene.cfg:54 data/themes/default.cfg:152 msgid "End Scenario" msgstr "Ukončiť scénu" #. [theme]: id=Default #: data/themes/default.cfg:34 msgid "theme^Default" msgstr "Štandardná" #. [theme]: id=Default #: data/themes/default.cfg:35 msgid "The default theme" msgstr "Štandardná téma" #. [menu]: id=menu-autosaves #: data/themes/default.cfg:101 msgid "Load Turn..." msgstr "Načítať kolo..." #. [menu]: id=menu-quickreplay #: data/themes/default.cfg:108 msgid "Replay Turn..." msgstr "Záznam kola..." #. [menu]: id=actions-menu #: data/themes/default.cfg:116 msgid "Actions" msgstr "Akcie" #. [label]: id=label-hp #: data/themes/default.cfg:164 msgid "HP" msgstr "Životy" #. [label]: id=label-xp #: data/themes/default.cfg:173 msgid "XP" msgstr "Skúsenosť" #. [label]: id=label-mp #: data/themes/default.cfg:181 msgid "MP" msgstr "Pohyb" #. [label]: id=label-def #: data/themes/default.cfg:189 msgid "def" msgstr "štd" #. [unit_level]: id=unit-level #: data/themes/default.cfg:408 msgid "statuspanel^lvl" msgstr "úr" #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:4 msgid "" "Use the map editor’s Areas menu to define regions later addressed by " "event or AI coding." msgstr "" "Použiť menu Oblasti z editora máp na definovanie oblastí, na ktoré sa " "neskôr odvolajú udalosti alebo aktivity AI." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:5 data/tips.cfg:9 data/tips.cfg:13 msgid "― The Wesnoth Design Guide" msgstr "― Sprievodca dizajnom Wesnothu" #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:8 msgid "" "In the map editor, select New Scenario in the File menu to " "make use of advanced features." msgstr "" "Vytvorte Novú scénu v menu Súbor editora pre použitie " "pokročilých funkcií." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:12 msgid "" "Scenarios saved from the editor in their default folder can be selected in " "the Custom Scenarios section of the Multiplayer “Create Game” screen." msgstr "" "Scény uložené z editora v predvolenom priečinku môžu byť vybrané v sekcii " "\"Používateľské scény\" pre hru viacerých hráčov v časti \"Vytvorenie hry\"." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:16 msgid "" "Don’t neglect to earn your leader experience! You need to keep him safe, but " "if you coddle him too much he may be too weak to survive future battles." msgstr "" "Nepodceňuj získavanie skúseností pre svojho veliteľa! Musíš ho síce chrániť, " "ale ak ho budeš príliš šetriť, môže zostať príliš slabý a neprežije budúce " "bitky." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:17 data/tips.cfg:149 msgid "― Great Mage Delfador, 516YW" msgstr "― Veľký mág Delfador, 516 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:20 msgid "" "In the Actions menu, you can select Show Enemy Moves to " "highlight all the hexes your adversary can move to (assuming your units stay " "where they are). Use this to make sure the enemy can’t reach your weak or " "injured units on his next turn." msgstr "" "V menu Akcie môžeš použiť voľbu Ukáž možný nepriateľov pohyb " "na zobrazenie všetkých políčok, na ktoré sa môže súper skutočne pohnúť (za " "predpokladu, že tvoje jednotky zostanú na mieste). Môžeš sa tak ubezpečiť, " "že v jeho ďalšom kole nemôže dosiahnuť na tvoje slabé alebo ranené jednotky." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:21 data/tips.cfg:33 data/tips.cfg:37 data/tips.cfg:45 #: data/tips.cfg:49 data/tips.cfg:65 data/tips.cfg:69 data/tips.cfg:73 #: data/tips.cfg:77 data/tips.cfg:81 data/tips.cfg:93 data/tips.cfg:97 #: data/tips.cfg:101 data/tips.cfg:113 data/tips.cfg:121 data/tips.cfg:125 #: data/tips.cfg:133 data/tips.cfg:161 data/tips.cfg:165 data/tips.cfg:173 #: data/tips.cfg:181 data/tips.cfg:189 data/tips.cfg:198 data/tips.cfg:202 #: data/tips.cfg:206 data/tips.cfg:214 data/tips.cfg:234 data/tips.cfg:242 #: data/tips.cfg:250 data/tips.cfg:266 data/tips.cfg:271 data/tips.cfg:276 msgid "― The Wesnoth Tactical Guide" msgstr "― Taktický sprievodca Wesnotu" #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:24 msgid "" "Units with the Intelligent trait need fewer experience points to " "level up. Early in a campaign, try to give killing blows to these units so " "you can get some high-level troops sooner." msgstr "" "Jednotky s vlastnosťou inteligentný potrebujú menej bodov skúsenosti " "na povýšenie. Na začiatku výpravy je vhodné prenechať im smrtiace údery, aby " "si skôr získal jednotky vyšších úrovní." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:25 msgid "― King Konrad, 536YW" msgstr "― Kráľ Konrád, 536 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:28 msgid "" "The encircling tactic is very powerful, particularly against fast opponents. " "By placing two units on opposite sides of an enemy, their zones of control " "will restrict it to one hex of movement in any direction. Unfortunately, you " "must completely surround skirmishers to immobilize them." msgstr "" "Taktika obkľúčenia je veľmi účinná najmä voči rýchlym nepriateľom. Dve " "jednotky umiestnené na protiľahlé strany nepriateľa ho obmedzia svojim " "zónami kontroly na pohyb len o jedno pole v každom smere. Priebojné jednotky " "však musíš obkľúčiť zo všetkých strán." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:29 data/tips.cfg:141 msgid "― Memoirs of Gweddry, 627YW" msgstr "― Pamäti Gweddryho, 627 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:32 msgid "" "You can access the Recruit and Recall commands by right-" "clicking on a castle tile. That will let you choose the precise hex you put " "a unit in. Placing units wisely can sometimes let you reach a village a turn " "earlier." msgstr "" "Príkazy Verbuj a Privolaj sú dostupné po kliknutí pravým " "tlačidlom myši na políčko s hradom. To umožňuje vybrať si pole, na ktorom sa " "objaví nová jednotka. Múdre umiestnenie jednotiek ti niekedy umožní " "dosiahnuť dedinu o kolo skôr." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:36 msgid "" "There are some helpful summary screens in the main menu: for instance, the " "Status Table will let you know how your enemies are doing, and how " "you are doing in comparison." msgstr "" "V hlavnom menu je niekoľko užitočných prehľadových tabuliek: napríklad " "tabuľka Stav ti umožní vidieť, ako si na tom v porovnaní s " "nepriateľmi." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:40 msgid "" "Units with the Quick trait get an extra movement point per turn. This " "can be very important when moving through difficult terrain such as water or " "caves. It can make the difference between being able to move one hex or two." msgstr "" "Jednotky s vlastnosťou rýchly sa môžu pohnúť o jedno políčko viac v " "každom kole. To môže byť veľmi dôležité pri pohybe cez ťažký terén ako voda " "alebo jaskyne. Môže to umožniť pohyb o 2 polia namiesto o 1." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:41 data/tips.cfg:117 data/tips.cfg:218 data/tips.cfg:230 msgid "― High Lord Kalenz, 470YW" msgstr "― Veľmož Kalenz, 470 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:44 msgid "" "After you have played a few scenarios, read the Gameplay section in " "the Help screen carefully. Details become important as scenarios get " "harder!" msgstr "" "Keď si už odohral niekoľko scén, prečítaj si pozorne sekciu Hra v " "návode. Detaily začnú byť dôležité, keď prídu ťažšie scény!" #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:48 msgid "" "It is usually better to start the next scenario in a campaign with lower-" "level units that are about to level up than with those same units at a " "higher level." msgstr "" "Obyčajne je lepšie začať scénu vo výprave s jednotkami nižších úrovní, ktoré " "sú tesne pred povýšením, ako s takými istými jednotkami na vyšších úrovniach." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:52 msgid "" "On www.wesnoth.org you can find strategy guides, technical support, the " "history of Wesnoth, and much more." msgstr "" "Na www.wesnoth.org môžeš nájsť strategické návody, technickú pomoc, históriu " "Wesnotu a mnoho ďalšieho." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:53 msgid "― The Wesnoth Community" msgstr "― komunita Wesnothu" #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:56 msgid "" "Lawful units fight better by day, and chaotic units fight " "better at night. Neutral units are unaffected by the time of day. The " "rare liminal units fight best during twilight." msgstr "" "Jednotky poriadku bojujú lepšie vo dne, jednotky chaosu zase v " "noci. Na neutrálne jednotky nemá noc a deň vplyv. Zriedkavé jednotky " "na rozhraní bojujú najlepšie na svitaní alebo za súmraku." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:57 msgid "" "― Royal Compendium of Battle Terminology: Volume II (reprinted 221YW)" msgstr "" "― Kráľovská zbierka vojnového názvoslovia - Zväzok II., 212 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:60 msgid "" "An otherwise sound plan can fail if you attack at the wrong time of day." msgstr "I rozumný plán môže zlyhať ak zaútočíš v nesprávnu dennú dobu." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:61 data/tips.cfg:85 data/tips.cfg:137 data/tips.cfg:145 #: data/tips.cfg:222 msgid "― Haldric II, 42YW, Handbook of Tactical Analysis: Volume I" msgstr "― Príručka taktickej analýzy, Zväzok I. - Haldrik II., 42 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:64 msgid "" "If you are playing with Shroud or Fog of War active, you won’t " "know what you’re facing. In this case, long-range scouting units are worth " "their cost. Try to choose scouts that can easily move across the surrounding " "terrain, because units can only see as far as they can move in one turn." msgstr "" "Ak hráš so zapnutou hmlou alebo odkrývaním mapy, nevidíš, čo " "na teba čaká. V takom prípade sú jednotky s dlhým dosahom hodné svojej ceny. " "Vyber si prieskumné jednotky, ktoré sa môžu ľahko pohybovať po okolitom " "teréne, pretože jednotky vidia až tam, kam sa môžu pohnúť v jednom kole." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:68 msgid "" "There are six types of attack: pierce, blade, impact, " "fire, cold and arcane. Different units have weaknesses " "against different types of attacks. Right-click on a unit and select Unit " "Description to see which attacks it is resistant to, and which will " "affect it the most." msgstr "" "Existuje šesť druhov útoku: bodný, sečný, tupý, " "ohnivý, mrazivý a mystický. Rôzne jednotky sú rôzne " "citlivé voči jednotlivým druhom útokov. Ťukni pravým tlačidlom myši na " "jednotku, vyber si Popis jednotky, aby si videl nakoľko dokáže " "jednotka odolávať jednotlivým druhom útoku." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:72 msgid "" "The terrain occupied by your units is the main factor determining the chance " "that they will be hit. The defensive rating for the currently selected unit " "in the currently selected terrain is displayed in the top right corner of " "the screen." msgstr "" "Terén, na ktorom jednotka stojí, určuje pravdepodobnosť, že ju súper " "zasiahne v boji. Miera obrany momentálne označenej jednotky na momentálne " "označenom teréne sa zobrazuje v pravom hornom rohu obrazovky." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:76 msgid "" "Poisoned units will lose eight hitpoints every turn until they are one point " "from dying. They will then remain at death’s door until the poison is " "removed. Healers can prevent a poisoned unit from deteriorating, but the " "poison will not be removed unless the unit regenerates, or begins a turn in " "a village, in an oasis, or next to a unit with the Cures ability." msgstr "" "Otrávené jednotky strácajú v každom kole osem životov až kým im neostane len " "jeden. Zostanú na pokraji smrti až kým jed nie je odstránený. Uzdravovatelia " "môžu uchrániť jednotku od straty ďalších životov, ale jed nebude odstránený " "pokiaľ sa jednotka neregeneruje, alebo nezostane jedno kolo v dedine či " "oáze, či vedľa jednotky so schopnosťou liečiť." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:80 msgid "" "You can reuse units from a previous scenario by selecting Recall from " "the Actions menu. By recalling the same units over and over, you can " "build up a powerful and experienced army." msgstr "" "Tlačidlom Privolaj v menu Akcie môžeš použiť jednotky z " "predchádzajúcich scén. Opakovaným privolávaním vybraných jednotiek si môžeš " "vytvoriť mocnú a skúsenú armádu." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:84 msgid "" "Units of level one and higher have a Zone of Control in the six hexes " "around them. If a unit moves into an enemy’s zone of control, it may not " "move any further that turn. This means that units can have two empty hexes " "between them and still create a barrier to the enemy. Beware, though: " "skirmishers can pass through these gaps." msgstr "" "Každá jednotka aspoň prvej úrovne má pod kontrolou 6 vedľajších " "políčok mapy. Ak sa jednotka pohne do oblasti pod kontrolou súpera, nemôže " "sa v tom kole ďalej pohybovať. Znamená to, že 2 jednotky môžu mať medzi " "sebou 2 prázdne políčka a aj tak vytvoria pre nepriateľa bariéru. " "Priebojné jednotky sú však šikovné a dokážu sa cez kontrolu " "prešmyknúť." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:88 msgid "" "The chance to hit a unit usually depends on how well that unit can defend " "itself in the terrain in which it is standing. However, magical attacks " "always have a 70% chance to hit, and units with the Marksman ability " "are guaranteed at least a 60% chance of a hit when they attack on their own " "turn." msgstr "" "Pravdepodobnosť zásahu jednotky zvyčajne závisí na tom, ako dobre sa vie " "táto jednotka brániť na teréne, kde práve stojí. Magické útoky však majú " "pravdepodobnosť zásahu vždy 70%. Jednotky so schopnosťou ostrostrelca " "majú pravdepodobnosť zásahu aspoň 60% keď útočia." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:89 msgid "― Haldric II, 43YW, Handbook of Tactical Analysis: Volume II" msgstr "― Príručka taktickej analýzy, Zväzok I. - Haldrik II., 42 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:92 msgid "" "Units stationed in villages will either heal eight hitpoints at the " "beginning of their turn, or will recover from poisoning." msgstr "" "Jednotky umiestnené v dedine sa na začiatku kola uzdravia o 8 životov, alebo " "sa vyliečia z jedu." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:96 msgid "" "Don’t move an injured unit if you don’t have to — let it rest. If a unit " "does not move or attack, it will recover two hitpoints at the beginning of " "its next turn." msgstr "" "Nehýb zranenými jednotkami ak to nie je nutné - nechaj ich odpočívať. " "Jednotky, ktoré sa počas kola nepohli ani neútočili, získajú 2 životy na " "začiatku ich nasledujúceho kola." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:100 msgid "" "On maps where Shroud or Fog of War has been enabled, all " "units’ sightlines are limited by their maximum movement. If you have some " "valuable but slow units, keep at least one fast unit with them so that you " "are not caught out by a surprise attack." msgstr "" "Na mapách, kde je zapnuté odkrývanie mapy alebo hmla, je " "dohľad jednotky ohraničený jej maximálnym pohybom. Ak máš hodnotnú, ale " "pomalú jednotku, pridaj k nej aspoň jednu rýchlu, aby ťa neprekvapil " "nečakaný útok." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:104 msgid "" "Foot units tend to defend better in villages and castles than in other " "terrain types, while most mounted units do not gain any defensive advantages " "from villages or castles." msgstr "" "Väčšina peších jednotiek sa bráni lepšie v dedinách a hradoch ako v inom " "teréne. Väčšina jazdeckých jednotiek nemá pri obrane v dedinách a hradoch " "žiadnu výhodu." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:105 data/tips.cfg:185 msgid "― Sir Kaylan, 498YW" msgstr "― Sir Kaylan, 498 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:108 msgid "" "Horse-based units are generally resistant to attacks with bladed or impact " "weapons, but are vulnerable to attacks with piercing weapons, including bows " "and spears." msgstr "" "Jazdecké jednotky sú zvyčajne odolné voči sečným a tupým zbraniam, ale sú " "zraniteľné pri útoku bodným zbraniam ako sú šípy a oštepy." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:109 msgid "― Sir Kaylan, 502YW" msgstr "― Sir Kaylan, 502 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:112 msgid "" "Inflicting the killing blow on an enemy unit is the best way to gain " "experience. Units killing an enemy will gain eight experience points for " "every level of the unit they kill, or four experience points for a zero-" "level opponent." msgstr "" "Zasadiť nepriateľskej jednotke smrteľný úder je najlepší spôsob, ako získať " "skúsenosti. Jednotka, ktorá zabije nepriateľa, získa 8 bodov skúsenosti za " "každú úroveň zabitej jednotky, alebo 4 body za jednotku úrovne 0." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:116 msgid "" "Elvish units move and fight well in forest. Dwarvish units move and fight " "well in hills, mountains and caves." msgstr "" "Elfie jednotky sa výborne pohybujú a bojujú v lese. Trpaslíčie jednotky sa " "výborne pohybujú a bojujú v kopcoch, horách a jaskyniach." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:120 msgid "" "Patience is often key. Rather than attacking in bad conditions or with few " "troops, wait for better conditions and then attack." msgstr "" "Trpezlivosť ruže prináša. Radšej než útočiť v nevhodných podmienkach alebo s " "málo jednotkami, počkaj na lepšie podmienky a potom zaútoč." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:124 msgid "" "If you are attacked from several directions, it may be a good idea to send " "expendable units in some directions to delay enemy units." msgstr "" "Ak si napadnutý z viacerých strán, možno sa oplatí poslať niektorým smerom " "menej potrebné jednotky, aby spomalili nepriateľov postup." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:128 msgid "" "Do not be afraid to retreat and regroup; it is often the key to victory." msgstr "" "Neboj sa cúvnuť a zostaviť novú formáciu; často je to kľúčom k víťazstvu." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:129 msgid "― Meneldur, 123YW" msgstr "― Meneldur, 123 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:132 msgid "" "In most campaigns you will receive a gold bonus for finishing early, " "depending on the number of villages on the map and the number of turns " "remaining. You will usually earn more gold this way than through capturing " "villages and waiting for the turns to run out." msgstr "" "Na väčšine máp dostaneš za skoré dokončenie zlato navyše. Jeho množstvo " "závisí na počte dedín na mape a počte ušetrených kôl. Takto vždy získaš viac " "zlata, než keby si obsadil všetky dediny a vyčkával, až vyprší čas." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:136 msgid "" "Leaders can recruit or recall units from any keep inside a castle, " "not just the keep they start on. Sometimes your allies may be willing to " "make room for you on their keep so you can recruit from there, and you can " "even capture an enemy’s keep and use that." msgstr "" "Velitelia môžu verbovať a privolávať jednotky z pevnosti v hrade; a " "to nielen v tej, v ktorej začali. Možno ti aj niektorý spojenec poskytne " "miesto na verbovanie vo vlastnej pevnosti. Dokonca môžeš dobyť súperovu " "pevnosť a verbovať odtiaľ." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:140 msgid "" "Skeletons are resistant to piercing, bladed and cold-based attacks but are " "vulnerable to impact, fire, and arcane attacks." msgstr "" "Kostlivci sú odolní voči bodným, sečným a mrazivým útokom, ale zraniteľní " "tupými, ohnivými a mystickými útokmi." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:144 msgid "" "Units with the Leadership ability help lower-level adjacent units on " "the same side fight better. You can move these units slowly along your " "battle lines and give bonuses to large numbers of lower-level troops." msgstr "" "Jednotky so schopnosťou velenia zlepšujú bojové schopnosti " "spriatelených jednotiek nižšej úrovne na vedľajších poliach. Tieto jednotky " "môžeš pomaly presúvať pozdĺž bojovej línie, aby tento bonus získalo mnoho " "slabších jednotiek." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:148 msgid "" "Try to avoid moving next to unoccupied villages. An enemy unit may move into " "the village and attack you, while enjoying the defense and healing of the " "village." msgstr "" "Vo všeobecnosti sa neoplatí zostať stáť vedľa prázdnej dediny. Nepriateľská " "jednotka môže vojsť do dediny a zaútočiť, pričom využije obranu a liečenie, " "ktoré jej dedina poskytuje." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:152 msgid "" "For any player, controlling villages is often key to winning a scenario. You " "may use this knowledge to lure your opponents into a trap by leaving some " "villages unoccupied, but keep in mind that an enemy unit becomes much harder " "to dislodge from a village! Plan your movements accordingly." msgstr "" "Pre každého hráča je ovládanie dedín často kľúčom k víťazstvu v scenári. " "Tieto znalosti môžete použiť na nalákanie svojich protivníkov do pasce tým, " "že necháte niektoré dediny neobsadené, ale majte na pamäti, že nepriateľskú " "jednotku je oveľa ťažšie vytlačiť z dediny! Podľa toho si naplánujte pohyby." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:153 msgid "― Kai Laudiss, 623YW" msgstr "― Kai Laudiss, 623 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:156 msgid "Use lines of troops to screen your injured units while they recover." msgstr "" "Zoraďuj jednotky do línie, aby kryli zranené jednotky, kým sa zregenerujú." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:157 msgid "― Princess Li’sar, 515YW" msgstr "― Princezná Li'sar, 515 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:160 msgid "" "If you move a unit, but don’t attack or discover any additional information, " "you can undo your move by pressing u." msgstr "" "Ak pohneš jednotkou, ale pritom nezaútočíš ani nezistíš žiadnu novú " "informáciu, môžeš vrátiť pohyb klávesou u." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:164 msgid "" "You can see how far enemy units can move by moving the mouse cursor over " "them." msgstr "" "Ak pohneš kurzor myši nad nepriateľskú jednotku, uvidíš, ako ďaleko sa môže " "hýbať." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:168 msgid "" "Use healers to support your attacks — they will win you battles without " "needing to attack anything themselves." msgstr "" "Pri útoku použi pomocné uzdravujúce jednotky - pomôžu ti vyhrať boj, aj keď " "sami nebudú útočiť." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:169 data/tips.cfg:210 msgid "― The Scroll of Chantal, 516YW" msgstr "― Zvitok Chantal, 516 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:172 msgid "" "The Slow attack makes enemy units move slower and halves the damage " "they do on all attacks until they end a turn." msgstr "" "Spomaľujúci útok spôsobí, že sa nepriateľská jednotka bude pomalšie " "pohybovať a bude spôsobovať polovičné zranenie až do konca kola." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:176 msgid "Arcane attacks are very powerful against undead." msgstr "Mystické útoky sú zvlášť účinné proti nemŕtvym." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:177 msgid "― Great Sage Dacyn, 626YW" msgstr "― veľký mudrc Dacyn, 626 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:180 msgid "" "Units are healed when they advance a level. Used wisely, this can turn a " "fight." msgstr "" "Keď je jednotka povýšená na ďalšiu úroveň, uzdraví sa. Ak to múdro využiješ, " "môžeš zvrátiť výsledok boja." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:184 msgid "" "Charging units are best used against enemies they can kill with a single " "blow." msgstr "" "Jednotky s výpadom sú najúčinnejšie proti nepriateľom, ktorých dokážu zabiť " "jednou ranou." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:188 msgid "" "Instead of leveling up, high-level units gain an After Maximum Level " "Advancement (AMLA) bonus, which usually increases the unit’s maximum " "hitpoints by three and fully heals it. This is much less than the normal " "benefits of advancing a level, so it is generally wiser to advance your " "lower-level units instead." msgstr "" "Jednotky na najvyššej úrovni môžu získať povýšenie po dosiahnutí " "najvyššej úrovne, ktoré zvyčajne zvýši maximálny počet životov jednotky " "o 3 a úplne jednotku uzdraví. To je omnoho menej ako výhody bežného " "povýšenia, preto je zväčša užitočnejšie nechať povyšovať jednotky na nižších " "úrovniach." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:192 msgid "" "To advance low-level units quickly, team them with a veteran and use the " "veteran to damage a joint target heavily enough for the junior partner to " "get in the killing blow." msgstr "" "Zoskup jednotky na nízkych úrovniach s veteránom, aby získali rýchlejšie " "povýšenie. Použi veterána na spôsobenie ťažkých zranení spoločnému cieľu a " "potom neskúsená jednotka zasadí smrtiaci úder." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:193 msgid "― Queen Li’sar, 528YW" msgstr "― Kráľovná Li'sar, 528 R.W." #. [tip] #. Whiteboard is another name for the Planning Mode #: data/tips.cfg:197 msgid "" "You cannot undo a move that uncovers hexes hidden by fog or shroud. Turn on " "the Delay Shroud Updates option when you need to move units while " "retaining the ability to undo, or use the new Whiteboard planning tool." msgstr "" "Nemôžeš vrátiť späť pohyb jednotky, ktorý odkryje mapu alebo hmlu. Ak si " "chceš zachovať možnosť vrátiť pohyb späť, zapni voľbu Pozastav odkrývanie " "mapy ešte pred ťahaním jednotkami. Alebo použi nový nástroj plánovania " "na tabuli." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:201 msgid "" "If an enemy benefits more from a rare terrain type than you do, occupying " "that terrain will deprive them of its benefits." msgstr "" "Ak má nepriateľská jednotka väčšiu výhodu na nejakom zriedkavom teréne, " "obsadením tohto terénu ju pripravíš o túto výhodu." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:205 msgid "" "Few units have good defenses in water; a line of attackers along the edge of " "a river can inflict heavy casualties. Elves can use the edge of a forest in " "a similar manner, and dwarves can do the same with mountains." msgstr "" "Len málo jednotiek má dobrú obranu vo vode; línia útočníkov na brehu rieky " "im môže spôsobiť veľké straty. Elfovia môžu podobným spôsobom využiť okraj " "lesa, trpaslíci zase hory." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:209 msgid "" "The Slow ability is extremely powerful because it has such wide-" "ranging effects. Enemy undead get half the normal benefit from their " "Drain ability, the damage bonus from Charge or Backstab " "is cancelled, and the Berserk ability is weakened. Fast foes struggle " "to escape; slow enemies are almost immobilized, and your own units suffer " "less retaliation damage, so it’s quicker to heal them." msgstr "" "Schopnosť spomaliť je veľmi silná vďaka svojim širokým efektom. " "Nepriateľskí nemŕtvi dostanú len polovičný účinok z vysatia, bonus z " "výpadu alebo zákerného útoku je zrušený a schopnosť " "zúrivosti je oslabená. Rýchli nepriatelia majú problém uniknúť; " "pomalí sú takmer paralyzovaní, a tvoje jednotky utrpia menšie zranenia z " "protiútokov, takže sa ľahšie uzdravia." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:213 msgid "" "Try to operate units with a small number of powerful attacks — such as Dark " "Adepts, Horsemen, Orcish Grunts or Dwarvish Thunderers — in pairs or threes. " "This gives you another try whenever your first devastating attack misses — " "as inevitably happens from time to time." msgstr "" "Snaž sa používať jednotky s malým počtom silných útokov — ako Temný učeň, " "Jazdec, Ork pešiak, Trpaslík hromobijca — v pároch alebo trojiciach. To ti " "umožní druhý pokus ak prvý zničujúci útok neuspeje — čo sa nevyhnutne " "niekedy stane." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:217 msgid "" "Units with three or more attacks — especially magical attacks — are ideal " "for finishing off enemies with only a few hitpoints remaining. Be sure to " "use leadership — or a strong or dextrous unit — whenever the extra point or " "two of damage makes a one-hit kill possible." msgstr "" "Jednotky s troma alebo viacerými útokmi — najmä magickými útokmi — sú " "ideálne na dorazenie nepriateľov s malým počtom životov. Použi velenie — " "alebo silnú či obratnú jednotku — ak toto zranenie navyše umožní zabiť " "nepriateľa jednu ranou." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:221 msgid "" "Think twice before dismissing any unit from your recall list, no matter how " "little experience it has. Sometimes it’s worth paying a premium to know " "exactly what traits a new arrival will have." msgstr "" "Dvakrát si rozmysli než odstrániš nejakú jednotku zo zoznamu na privolanie, " "bez ohľadu na to, ako málo má skúseností. Niekedy je vhodné priplatiť si za " "to, že vieš presne aké vlastnosti bude tento regrút mať." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:225 msgid "" "When a tough unit is heavily injured, send it to heal in a village several " "turns’ movement away from the fighting. Then it can recover in peace (at 10 " "hitpoints per turn) without tying up front-line villages." msgstr "" "Ak je odolná jednotka ťažko zranená, pošli ju liečiť sa do dediny vzdialenej " "na niekoľko kôl. Tam sa bude môcť uzdraviť v pokoji (10 životov za kolo) a " "nebude blokovať dediny na frontovej línii." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:226 data/tips.cfg:238 msgid "― Lord Hamel of Knalga" msgstr "― Pán Hamel z Knalgy" #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:229 msgid "" "Combining multiple special abilities can be deadly. While it may take some " "work to combine, for example, Leadership, Illuminates and " "Charge against a slowed opponent, the results can be impressive." msgstr "" "Kombinovanie viacerých špeciálnych schopností môže byť smrteľné. Veľmi ťažko " "sa napríklad spojí velenie, osvetľovanie a výpad voči " "spomalenému nepriateľovi, ale výsledok môže byť ohromujúci." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:233 msgid "" "While finishing early gives a gold bonus, and reduces the opportunities for " "enemies to kill your valuable troops, it also means you lose chances to earn " "your units extra experience. When deciding whether or not to finish a " "scenario early, weigh these factors against one another." msgstr "" "Aj keď rýchlym ukončením scény získaš viac zlata a znemožníš nepriateľom " "zabiť tvoje cenné jednotky, znamená to tiež aj stratu možnosti získať " "jednotkám ďalšie skúsenosti. Ak sa rozhoduješ, či ukončiť scénu skôr, zváž " "aj tieto faktory." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:237 msgid "" "If your forces have weak defenses everywhere on the map, occupy the areas " "where your enemies can only attack you by sharing the same disadvantages. " "Avoid places where your defenses are poor and your enemy’s are merely " "average. Plan for heavy losses, and take firm control of any hex where the " "land does favor you." msgstr "" "Ak tvoje jednotky majú slabú obranu všade na mape, obsaď oblasti, kde aj " "tvoji nepriatelia pri útoku budú mať nevýhodu. Vyhni sa miestam, kde je " "tvoja obrana slabá, ale nepriateľova priemerná. Počítaj s ťažkými stratami a " "pevne drž polia, kde ťa terén zvýhodňuje." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:241 msgid "" "The recruitment cost of some units may exceed the usual recall expenditure " "of 20 gold. In a campaign, always check if recalling a unit of the same type " "may be cheaper." msgstr "" "Náklady na nábor niektorých jednotiek môžu presiahnuť zvyčajné náklady na " "stiahnutie 20 zlatých. V kampani vždy skontrolujte, či privolanie jednotky " "rovnakého typu môže byť lacnejšie." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:245 msgid "" "You must accept some losses in battle. It is not uncommon for beginners to " "lose sight of victory as they attempt to keep every unit alive." msgstr "" "Musíte prijať určité straty v boji. Nie je nezvyčajné, že začiatočníci " "stratia zo zreteľa víťazstvo, keď sa snažia udržať každú jednotku nažive." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:246 msgid "― Queen Asheviere, 503YW" msgstr "― Kráľovná Aševiera, 503 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:249 msgid "Using lower-level units can be very cost-effective." msgstr "Používanie jednotiek nižšej úrovne môže byť veľmi nákladovo efektívne." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:253 msgid "" "Some higher-level units have inimitable abilities such as Leadership, " "Cures, or Nightstalk. Obtaining those units early can make a " "big difference in a campaign." msgstr "" "Niektoré jednotky vyššej úrovne majú nenapodobiteľné schopnosti, ako " "napríklad Vedenie, Liečenie alebo nočné stalkovanie. " "Včasné získanie týchto jednotiek môže znamenať veľký rozdiel v kampani." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:254 msgid "― Sir Gerrick of Westin, 607YW" msgstr "― Sir Gerrick z Westinu, 607 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:257 msgid "" "The cleansing waters of an oasis will heal the injured. The fiery ichor of " "the underworld hinders the flightless, while offering illumination in " "darkness to those that may fly above it." msgstr "" "Očistné vody oázy vyliečia zranených. Ohnivý ichor podsvetia bráni " "nelietavým, zatiaľ čo ponúka osvetlenie v tme tým, ktorí môžu lietať nad ním." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:258 msgid "― Dominant Gorlack, 3YW" msgstr "― Dominant Gorlack, 3 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:261 msgid "" "If a unit is positioned next to healers from two allied sides, the unit will " "be healed on both sides’ turns. This way, a unit can be healed faster than " "otherwise possible." msgstr "" "Ak je jednotka umiestnená vedľa liečiteľov z dvoch spojeneckých strán, " "jednotka sa vylieči na oboch ťahoch. Týmto spôsobom môže byť jednotka " "vyliečená rýchlejšie, ako je to inak možné." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:262 msgid "― Lord Tallin of Knalga, 538 YW" msgstr "― Pán Tallin z Knalgy, 538 R.W." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:265 msgid "" "Holding down shift will make the animations for moving and fighting " "quicker. The acceleration factor can be set, and turned on by " "default, in the Preferences menu’s General tab." msgstr "" "Ak podržíte stlačený kláves Shift, animácie pre pohyb a boj budú " "rýchlejšie. Faktor zrýchlenia je možné nastaviť a predvolene zapnúť " "na karte Všeobecné v ponuke Predvoľby." #. [tip] #. Translate "Change difficulty" and "Load Game" as in wesnoth-lib textdomain #: data/tips.cfg:270 msgid "" "Did you know that you can change the difficulty level during a campaign? " "Select the Change difficulty option at the bottom of the Load " "Game screen when loading start-of-scenario save files." msgstr "" "Vedeli ste, že počas kampane môžete zmeniť úroveň obtiažnosti? Vyberte " "možnosť Zmeniť obtiažnosť v spodnej časti obrazovky Načítať hru pri načítavaní súborov uloženia na začiatku scenára." #. [tip] #: data/tips.cfg:275 msgid "" "Feral units, such as Bats and wild animals, will avoid villages. Even " "if they occupy a village hex, they do not gain any defensive benefits from " "the village, although they will still be healed." msgstr "" "Divoké jednotky, ako netopiere a divé zvieratá sa vyhýbajú dedinám. " "Aj keď sú umiestnené v dedine, nezískavajú z nej obrannú výhodu, len sa " "liečia." #. TRANSLATORS: In networked games, when one player has the choice #. between multiple advancements of a unit, this text is sent to #. other players. It will be embedded within a message. #: src/actions/advancement.cpp:256 msgid "waiting for^an advancement choice" msgstr "očakávam výber povýšenia" #: src/actions/attack.cpp:578 src/actions/attack.cpp:1369 msgid "An invalid attacker weapon got selected." msgstr "Vybraná neplatná útočná zbraň." #: src/actions/create.cpp:340 msgid "You do not have a leader to recall with." msgstr "Nemáš veliteľa a tak nemôžeš privolávať." #: src/actions/create.cpp:344 msgid "None of your leaders are able to recall that unit." msgstr "Žiadny z tvojich veliteľov nemôže privolať túto jednotku." #: src/actions/create.cpp:348 msgid "You must have a leader on a keep who is able to recall that unit." msgstr "Musíš mať v pevnosti veliteľa, ktorý môže privolať túto jednotku." #: src/actions/create.cpp:352 msgid "There are no vacant castle tiles in which to recall the unit." msgstr "Nemáš v pevnosti miesto, kam by si privolal jednotku." #: src/actions/create.cpp:362 src/actions/create.cpp:498 msgid "An unrecognized error has occurred." msgstr "Nastala neznáma chyba." #: src/actions/create.cpp:476 msgid "You do not have a leader to recruit with." msgstr "Nemáš veliteľa a tak nemôžeš verbovať." #: src/actions/create.cpp:480 msgid "None of your leaders are able to recruit this unit." msgstr "Žiadny z tvojich veliteľov nemôže naverbovať túto jednotku." #: src/actions/create.cpp:484 msgid "You must have a leader on a keep who is able to recruit the unit." msgstr "Musíš mať v pevnosti veliteľa, ktorý môže naverbovať túto jednotku." #: src/actions/create.cpp:488 msgid "There are no vacant castle tiles in which to recruit the unit." msgstr "Nemáš v pevnosti miesto, kam by si naverboval jednotku." #: src/actions/heal.cpp:273 msgid "cured" msgstr "liečený" #: src/actions/heal.cpp:273 msgid "female^cured" msgstr "liečená" #: src/actions/move.cpp:610 msgid "Ambushed!" msgstr "Prepad!" #: src/actions/move.cpp:1110 msgid "Failed teleport! Exit not empty" msgstr "Teleport zlyhal! Východ nie je prázdny" #. TRANSLATORS: This becomes the "friendphrase" in "Units sighted! ($friendphrase, $enemyphrase)" #: src/actions/move.cpp:1126 msgid "Part of 'Units sighted! (...)' sentence^1 friendly" msgid_plural "$friends friendly" msgstr[0] "$friends priateľov" msgstr[1] "1 priateľa" msgstr[2] "$friends priateľov" #. TRANSLATORS: This becomes the "enemyphrase" in "Units sighted! ($friendphrase, $enemyphrase)" #: src/actions/move.cpp:1128 msgid "Part of 'Units sighted! (...)' sentence^1 enemy" msgid_plural "$enemies enemy" msgstr[0] "$enemies nepriateľov" msgstr[1] "1 nepriateľa" msgstr[2] "$enemies nepriateľov" #. TRANSLATORS: Both friends and enemies sighted -- neutral message. #. This is shown when a move is interrupted because units were revealed from the fog of war. #: src/actions/move.cpp:1131 msgid "Units sighted! ($friendphrase, $enemyphrase)" msgstr "Vidím jednotky! ($friendphrase, $enemyphrase)" #. TRANSLATORS: Only enemies sighted -- bad message. #. This is shown when a move is interrupted because units were revealed from the fog of war. #: src/actions/move.cpp:1136 msgid "Enemy unit sighted!" msgid_plural "$enemies enemy units sighted!" msgstr[0] "Vidím $enemies nepriateľských jednotiek!" msgstr[1] "Vidím nepriateľskú jednotku!" msgstr[2] "Vidím $enemies nepriateľské jednotky!" #. TRANSLATORS: Only friends sighted -- good message. #. This is shown when a move is interrupted because units were revealed from the fog of war. #: src/actions/move.cpp:1141 msgid "Friendly unit sighted" msgid_plural "$friends friendly units sighted" msgstr[0] "Vidím $friends priateľských jednotiek" msgstr[1] "Vidím priateľskú jednotku" msgstr[2] "Vidím $friends priateľské jednotky" #: src/actions/move.cpp:1156 msgid "(press $hotkey to keep moving)" msgstr "(stlač $hotkey na dokončenie pohybu)" #: src/actions/undo.cpp:402 msgid "Redo Error" msgstr "Opakovať chybu" #: src/actions/undo.cpp:403 msgid "" "The redo stack is out of sync. This is most commonly caused by a corrupt " "save file or by faulty WML code in the scenario or era. Details:" msgstr "" "Zásobník opakovania nie je synchronizovaný. Najčastejšie je to spôsobené " "poškodeným ukladacím súborom alebo chybným kódom WML v scenári alebo ére. " "Podrobnosti:" #: src/addon/client.cpp:81 msgid "Connecting to $server_address|..." msgstr "Pripájam sa k $server_address|..." #: src/addon/client.cpp:132 msgid "Downloading list of add-ons..." msgstr "Sťahuje sa zoznam doplnkov..." #: src/addon/client.cpp:153 msgid "Requesting distribution terms..." msgstr "Získavajú sa podmienky distribúcie..." #: src/addon/client.cpp:177 msgid "" "The add-on $addon_title has an invalid id '$addon_id' and cannot be " "published." msgstr "" "Doplnok $addon_title má chybný identifikátor '$addon_id' a nemôže byť " "zverejnený." #: src/addon/client.cpp:189 msgid "" "The add-on $addon_title has a file or directory containing invalid " "characters and cannot be published." msgstr "" "Doplnok $addon_title má súbor alebo adresár s nepovolenými znakmi a " "nemôže byť zverejnený." #: src/addon/client.cpp:197 msgid "" "The add-on $addon_title has an invalid file or directory name and " "cannot be published. File or directory names may not contain '..' or end " "with '.' or be longer than 255 characters. It also may not contain " "whitespace, control characters, or any of the following characters:\n" "\n" "" * / : < > ? \\ | ~" msgstr "" "Doplnok $addon_title má neplatný názov súboru alebo adresára a " "nemožno ho publikovať. Názvy súborov alebo adresárov nesmú obsahovať '..' " "alebo končiť '.' alebo byť dlhší ako 255 znakov. Tiež nesmie obsahovať " "medzery, riadiace znaky ani žiadne z nasledujúcich znakov:\n" "\n" "" * / : < > ? \\ | ~" #: src/addon/client.cpp:208 msgid "" "The add-on $addon_title contains files or directories with case " "conflicts. File or directory names may not be differently-cased versions of " "the same string." msgstr "" "Doplnok $addon_title obsahuje súbory alebo adresáre s konfliktom vo " "veľkosti písmen. Názvy súborov alebo adresárov nesmú byť rovnakým reťazcom " "len s odlišnou veľkosťou písmen." #: src/addon/client.cpp:215 msgid "" "The connection to the remote server is not secure. The add-on " "$addon_title cannot be uploaded." msgstr "" "Pripojenie k vzdialenému serveru nie je zabezpečené. Doplnok " "$addon_title nie je možné nahrať." #: src/addon/client.cpp:228 msgid "Requesting file index..." msgstr "Získavajú sa zoznamy súborov..." #: src/addon/client.cpp:244 msgid "Sending an update pack for the add-on $addon_title..." msgstr "Odosiela sa aktualizácia pre doplnok $addon_title..." #: src/addon/client.cpp:265 msgid "Sending add-on $addon_title..." msgstr "Odosiela sa doplnok $addon_title..." #: src/addon/client.cpp:314 msgid "Removing add-on $addon_title from the server..." msgstr "Odstraňuje sa doplnok $addon_title zo servera..." #: src/addon/client.cpp:342 msgid "Downloading add-on $addon_title..." msgstr "Sťahuje sa doplnok $addon_title..." #: src/addon/client.cpp:354 src/addon/client.cpp:715 msgid "Add-ons Manager" msgstr "Správca doplnkov" #: src/addon/client.cpp:354 msgid "Installing add-on $addon_title..." msgstr "Inštaluje sa doplnok $addon_title..." #: src/addon/client.cpp:366 src/addon/client.cpp:392 msgid "" "The add-on $addon_title has an invalid file or directory name and " "cannot be installed." msgstr "" "Doplnok $addon_title má chybný názov súboru alebo adresára a nemôže " "byť nainštalovaný." #: src/addon/client.cpp:371 src/addon/client.cpp:397 msgid "" "The add-on $addon_title has file or directory names with case " "conflicts. This may cause problems." msgstr "" "Doplnok $addon_title má súbor alebo adresár s konfliktom vo veľkosti " "písmen. Toto môže spôsobiť problémy." #: src/addon/client.cpp:430 src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:250 msgid "The server responded with an error:" msgstr "Server ohlásil chybu:" #: src/addon/client.cpp:485 msgid "" "The selected add-on has the following dependency, which is not currently " "installed or available from the server. Do you wish to continue?" msgid_plural "" "The selected add-on has the following dependencies, which are not currently " "installed or available from the server. Do you wish to continue?" msgstr[0] "" "Zvolený doplnok má nasledovné závislosti, ktoré nie sú nainštalované ani " "dostupné na serveri. Chceš pokračovať?" msgstr[1] "" "Zvolený doplnok má nasledovnú závislosť, ktorá nie je nainštalovaná ani " "dostupná na serveri. Chceš pokračovať?" msgstr[2] "" "Zvolený doplnok má nasledovné závislosti, ktoré nie sú nainštalované ani " "dostupné na serveri. Chceš pokračovať?" #: src/addon/client.cpp:494 msgid "Broken Dependencies" msgstr "Nefunkčné závislosti" #: src/addon/client.cpp:534 msgid "" "The following dependency could not be installed. Do you still wish to " "continue?" msgid_plural "" "The following dependencies could not be installed. Do you still wish to " "continue?" msgstr[0] "" "Nasledovné závislosti nemohli byť nainštalované. Chceš napriek tomu " "pokračovať?" msgstr[1] "" "Nasledovná závislosť nemohla byť nainštalovaná. Chceš napriek tomu " "pokračovať?" msgstr[2] "" "Nasledovné závislosti nemohli byť nainštalované. Chceš napriek tomu " "pokračovať?" #: src/addon/client.cpp:538 msgid "Dependencies Installation Failed" msgstr "Inštalácia závislostí zlyhala" #: src/addon/client.cpp:561 msgid "" "The add-on '$addon|' is already installed and contains additional " "information that will be permanently lost if you continue:" msgstr "" "Doplnok '$addon|' je už nainštalovaný a už obsahuje informácie, ktoré sa " "stratia ak budete pokračovať:" #: src/addon/client.cpp:565 msgid "Publishing information file (.pbl)" msgstr "Súbor s informáciami o publikovaní (.pbl)" #: src/addon/client.cpp:569 msgid "Version control system (VCS) information" msgstr "Informácie pre systéme sledovania verzií (VCS)" #: src/addon/client.cpp:573 msgid "Do you really wish to continue?" msgstr "Naozaj chceš pokračovať?" #: src/addon/client.cpp:575 src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:171 #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:362 msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Potvrdiť" #: src/addon/info.cpp:251 msgid "addon_type^Campaign" msgstr "Výprava" #: src/addon/info.cpp:253 msgid "addon_type^Scenario" msgstr "Scéna" #: src/addon/info.cpp:255 msgid "addon_type^SP/MP Campaign" msgstr "Výprava" #: src/addon/info.cpp:257 msgid "addon_type^MP era" msgstr "Éra pre zápas" #: src/addon/info.cpp:259 msgid "addon_type^MP faction" msgstr "Frakcia pre zápas" #: src/addon/info.cpp:261 msgid "addon_type^MP map-pack" msgstr "Mapy pre zápas" #: src/addon/info.cpp:263 msgid "addon_type^MP scenario" msgstr "Scéna na zápas" #: src/addon/info.cpp:265 msgid "addon_type^MP campaign" msgstr "Výprava pre viac hráčov" #: src/addon/info.cpp:267 msgid "addon_type^Modification" msgstr "Modifikácie" #: src/addon/info.cpp:269 msgid "addon_type^Core" msgstr "Základné" #: src/addon/info.cpp:271 msgid "addon_type^Resources" msgstr "Zdroje" #: src/addon/info.cpp:273 msgid "addon_type^Other" msgstr "Iné" #: src/addon/info.cpp:275 msgid "addon_type^(unknown)" msgstr "(neznámy)" #: src/addon/info.cpp:312 msgid "unit_byte^B" msgstr "B" #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:81 src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:322 msgid "Network communication error." msgstr "Chyba pri komunikácii na sieti." #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:84 src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:325 msgid "Remote host disconnected." msgstr "Server sa odpojil." #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:87 src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:328 msgid "" "A problem occurred when trying to create the files necessary to install this " "add-on." msgstr "" "Nastala chyba pri vytváraní súborov potrebných k inštalácii tohto doplnku." #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:96 src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:337 msgid "" "A local file with add-on publishing information could not be read.\n" "\n" "File: $path\n" "Error message: $msg" msgstr "" "Lokálny súbor s informáciami o publikovaní doplnkov nemohol byť prečítaný.\n" "\n" "Súbor: $path\n" "Chybová správa: $msg" #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:104 src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:343 msgid "The add-ons server address specified is not valid." msgstr "Zadaná adresa serveru doplnkov je neplatná." #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:117 msgid "You have no add-ons installed." msgstr "Nie sú nainštalované žiadne doplnky." #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:166 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the following installed add-on?" msgid_plural "Are you sure you want to remove the following installed add-ons?" msgstr[0] "Naozaj odstrániť nasledovné nainštalované doplnky?" msgstr[1] "Naozaj odstrániť nasledovný nainštalovaný doplnok?" msgstr[2] "Naozaj odstrániť nasledovné nainštalované doplnky?" #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:192 msgid "" "The following add-on appears to have publishing or version control " "information stored locally, and will not be removed:" msgid_plural "" "The following add-ons appear to have publishing or version control " "information stored locally, and will not be removed:" msgstr[0] "" "Nasledovné doplnky majú informácie o publikovaní a verziách uložené lokálne, " "preto nebudú odstránené:" msgstr[1] "" "Nasledovný doplnok má informácie o publikovaní a verziách uložené lokálne, " "preto nebude odstránený:" msgstr[2] "" "Nasledovné doplnky majú informácie o publikovaní a verziách uložené lokálne, " "preto nebudú odstránené:" #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:202 msgid "The following add-on could not be deleted properly:" msgid_plural "The following add-ons could not be deleted properly:" msgstr[0] "Nasledovné doplnky nemohli byť správne vymazané:" msgstr[1] "Nasledovný doplnok nemohol byť správne vymazaný:" msgstr[2] "Nasledovné doplnky nemohli byť správne vymazané:" #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:209 msgid "Add-on Deleted" msgid_plural "Add-ons Deleted" msgstr[0] "Doplnkov odstránených" msgstr[1] "Doplnok odstránený" msgstr[2] "Doplnky odstránené" #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:211 msgid "The following add-on was successfully deleted:" msgid_plural "The following add-ons were successfully deleted:" msgstr[0] "Nasledovné doplnky boli úspešne vymazané:" msgstr[1] "Nasledovný doplnok bol úspešne vymazaný:" msgstr[2] "Nasledovné doplnky boli úspešne vymazané:" #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:268 msgid "An error occurred while downloading the add-ons list from the server." msgstr "Nastala chyba pri sťahovaní zoznamu doplnkov zo servera." #: src/addon/manager_ui.cpp:315 msgid "" "Could not find add-ons matching the ids $addon_ids on the add-on server." msgstr "" "Na serveri doplnkov sa nenašli žiadne doplnky pre id $addon_id na serveri." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:389 msgid "Success." msgstr "Úspech." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:393 msgid "Incorrect add-on passphrase." msgstr "Nesprávne heslo k doplnku." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:397 msgid "" "Forum authentication was requested for a user that is not registered on the " "forums." msgstr "" "Overenie fóra bolo vyžiadané pre používateľa, ktorý nie je zaregistrovaný na " "fórach." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:401 msgid "Upload denied. Please contact the server administration for assistance." msgstr "Nahrávanie bolo odmietnuté. Požiadajte o pomoc správu servera." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:405 msgid "Attempted to upload an update pack for a non-existent add-on." msgstr "Pokus o nahranie aktualizačného balíka pre neexistujúci doplnok." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:414 msgid "No add-on data was supplied by the client." msgstr "Klient neposkytol žiadne doplnkové údaje." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:418 msgid "Invalid upload pack." msgstr "Nesprávny balík na nahranie." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:422 msgid "Invalid add-on name." msgstr "Neplatný názov doplnku." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:426 msgid "Formatting character in add-on name." msgstr "Formátovacie písmená v názve doplnku." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:430 msgid "" "The add-on contains files or directories with illegal names.\n" "\n" "Names containing whitespace, control characters, or any of the following " "symbols are not allowed:\n" "\n" " \" * / : < > ? \\ | ~\n" "\n" "Additionally, names may not be longer than 255 characters, contain '..', or " "end with '.'." msgstr "" "Doplnok obsahuje súbory alebo adresáre s nepovolenými názvami.\n" "\n" "Názvy obsahujúce medzery, riadiace znaky alebo ktorýkoľvek z nasledujúcich " "symbolov nie sú povolené:\n" "\n" " \" * / : < > ? \\ | ~\n" "\n" "Názvy okrem toho nesmú byť dlhšie ako 255 znakov, nesmú obsahovať '..' alebo " "končiť '.'." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:440 msgid "" "The add-on contains files or directories with case conflicts.\n" "\n" "Names in the same directory may not be differently-cased versions of each " "other." msgstr "" "Doplnok $addon_title obsahuje súbory alebo adresáre s konfliktom vo " "veľkosti písmen.\n" "\n" "Názvy súborov alebo adresárov nesmú byť rovnakým reťazcom len s odlišnou " "veľkosťou písmen." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:446 msgid "The add-on name contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence." msgstr "Názov doplnku obsahuje neplatnú sekvenciu UTF-8." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:455 msgid "No add-on title specified." msgstr "Nebol vybraný nadpis doplnku." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:459 msgid "No add-on author/maintainer name specified." msgstr "Nebol zadaný žiadny názov autora/správcu doplnku." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:463 msgid "No add-on version specified." msgstr "Nie je špecifikovaná žiadna verzia doplnku." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:467 msgid "No add-on description specified." msgstr "Doplnok nemá pridaný popis." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:471 msgid "No add-on author/maintainer email specified." msgstr "Nie je zadaný žiadny e-mail autora/správcu doplnku." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:475 msgid "Missing passphrase." msgstr "Chýba heslo." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:479 msgid "Formatting character in add-on title." msgstr "Formátované písmená v titulku doplnku." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:483 msgid "Invalid or unspecified add-on type." msgstr "Nesprávny alebo nešpecifikovaný typ doplnku." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:487 msgid "Version number not greater than the latest uploaded version." msgstr "Číslo verzie nie je väčšie ako posledná nahraná verzia." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:491 msgid "Feedback topic id is not a number." msgstr "ID témy spätnej väzby nie je číslo." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:495 msgid "Feedback topic does not exist." msgstr "Spätná väzba na fóre neexistuje." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:499 msgid "The add-on publish information contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence." msgstr "" "Informácie o publikovaní doplnku obsahujú neplatnú sekvenciu UTF-8 " "(diakritika, kódovanie)." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:503 msgid "" "The add-on's forum_auth attribute does not match what was previously " "uploaded." msgstr "" "Atribút forum_auth doplnku sa nezhoduje s tým, čo bolo predtým nahrané." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:512 msgid "Unspecified server error." msgstr "Nešpecifikovaná chyba servera." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:516 msgid "Server is in read-only mode." msgstr "Server je v režime iba na čítanie." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:520 msgid "Corrupted server add-ons list." msgstr "Server pre doplnky nevie zobraziť zoznam." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:524 msgid "Empty add-on version list on the server." msgstr "Prázdny zoznam verzií doplnku na serveri." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:528 msgid "" "This server does not support using the forum_auth attribute in your pbl." msgstr "Tento server nepodporuje používanie atribútu forum_auth vo vašom pbl." #: src/addon/validation.cpp:538 msgid "Unspecified validation failure." msgstr "Nešpecifikované zlyhanie overenia." #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:55 msgid "Scenario Report" msgstr "Správa o scéne" #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:57 msgid "Victory" msgstr "Víťazstvo" #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:58 msgid "You have emerged victorious!" msgstr "Zvíťazil si!" #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:60 msgid "Defeat" msgstr "Prehra" #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:61 msgid "You have been defeated!" msgstr "Bol si porazený!" #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:97 msgid "Remaining gold: " msgstr "Zostávajúce zlato: " #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:101 msgid "Turns finished early: " msgstr "Ušetrené kolá: " #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:102 msgid " per turn" msgstr " za kolo" #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:102 msgid "Early finish bonus: " msgstr "Bonus za rýchly koniec: " #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:103 msgid "Total bonus: " msgstr "Celkový bonus: " #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:106 msgid "Total gold: " msgstr "Celkové zlato: " #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:110 msgid "Carryover percentage: " msgstr "Percentá prenosu zlata: " #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:114 msgid "Bonus gold: " msgstr "Bonusové zlato: " #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:116 msgid "Retained gold: " msgstr "Ušetrené zlato: " #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:129 msgid "" "You will start the next scenario with $gold on top of the defined minimum " "starting gold." msgid_plural "" "You will start the next scenario with $gold on top of the defined minimum " "starting gold." msgstr[0] "" "Ďalšiu scénu začneš s $gold zlatkami navyše oproti minimálnemu počiatočnému " "zlatu." msgstr[1] "" "Ďalšiu scénu začneš s $gold zlatkou navyše oproti minimálnemu počiatočnému " "zlatu." msgstr[2] "" "Ďalšiu scénu začneš s $gold zlatkami navyše oproti minimálnemu počiatočnému " "zlatu." #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:136 msgid "" "You will start the next scenario with the defined minimum starting gold." msgid_plural "" "You will start the next scenario with the defined minimum starting gold." msgstr[0] "Ďalšiu scénu začneš s určeným minimálnym počiatočným zlatom." msgstr[1] "Ďalšiu scénu začneš s určeným minimálnym počiatočným zlatom." msgstr[2] "Ďalšiu scénu začneš s určeným minimálnym počiatočným zlatom." #: src/carryover_show_gold.cpp:143 msgid "" "You will start the next scenario with $gold or its defined minimum starting " "gold, whichever is higher." msgid_plural "" "You will start the next scenario with $gold or its defined minimum starting " "gold, whichever is higher." msgstr[0] "" "Ďalšiu scénu začneš s $gold zlatkami alebo s minimálnym začiatočným zlatom, " "podľa toho ktoré je vyššie." msgstr[1] "" "Ďalšiu scénu začneš s $gold zlatkou alebo s minimálnym začiatočným zlatom, " "podľa toho ktoré je vyššie." msgstr[2] "" "Ďalšiu scénu začneš s $gold zlatkami alebo s minimálnym začiatočným zlatom, " "podľa toho ktoré je vyššie." #: src/chat_command_handler.cpp:82 msgid "Added to ignore list: $nick" msgstr "Pridaný do zoznamu ignorovaných: $nick" #: src/chat_command_handler.cpp:82 msgid "ignores list" msgstr "zoznam ignorovaných" #: src/chat_command_handler.cpp:86 src/chat_command_handler.cpp:105 msgid "Invalid username: $nick" msgstr "Neplatné používateľské meno: $nick" #: src/chat_command_handler.cpp:101 msgid "Added to friends list: $nick" msgstr "Pridaný do zoznamu priateľov: $nick" #: src/chat_command_handler.cpp:101 msgid "friends list" msgstr "zoznam priateľov" #: src/chat_command_handler.cpp:117 msgid "Removed from list: $nick" msgstr "Vyradený zo zoznamu: $nick" #: src/chat_command_handler.cpp:117 msgid "friends and ignores list" msgstr "zoznam priateľov a ignorovaných" #: src/chat_command_handler.cpp:127 msgid "version" msgstr "verzia" #: src/chat_command_handler.cpp:139 msgid "nick registration" msgstr "registrovanie prezývky" #: src/chat_command_handler.cpp:139 msgid "requesting information for user $nick" msgstr "zisťujú sa informácie o používateľovi $nick" #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:51 msgid "(A) — admin command" msgstr "(A) - administračný príkaz" #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:58 src/menu_events.cpp:1195 msgid "(admin only)" msgstr "(len pre administrátora)" #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:74 msgid "" "Send a query to the server. Without arguments the server should tell you the " "available commands." msgstr "" "Poslať dopyt na server. Bez parametrov by mal server poslať zoznam " "dostupných príkazov." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:78 msgid "" "Ban and kick a player or observer. If he is not in the game but on the " "server he will only be banned." msgstr "" "Zakázať a vykopnúť hráča alebo diváka. Ak nie je v hre, ale len na serveri, " "bude len zakázaný." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:79 src/chat_command_handler.hpp:82 #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:84 src/chat_command_handler.hpp:86 #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:88 src/chat_command_handler.hpp:109 #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:111 src/chat_command_handler.hpp:113 #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:119 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:81 msgid "Unban a user. He does not have to be in the game but on the server." msgstr "Odblokuj hráča. Nemusí byť v hre, ale na serveri." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:84 msgid "Kick a player or observer." msgstr "Vykopnúť hráča alebo diváka." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:86 msgid "Mute an observer. Without an argument displays the mute status." msgstr "Umlčať diváka. Bez parametrov zobrazí stav umlčania." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:88 msgid "Unmute an observer. Without an argument unmutes everyone." msgstr "Umožní hovoriť divákovi. Bez parametrov umožní všetkým." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:90 msgid "Mute/Unmute all observers. (toggles)" msgstr "Umlčať/umožniť hovoriť všetkým divákom. (prepína)" #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:92 msgid "" "Send some data to the server. Can be used to verify the network connection " "and notice disconnects." msgstr "" "Pošlite nejaké údaje na server. Dá sa použiť na overenie sieťového " "pripojenia a upozornenie na odpojenia." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:94 msgid "" "Report abuse, rule violations, etc. to the server moderators. Make sure to " "mention relevant nicknames, etc." msgstr "" "Nahláste porušovanie pravidiel moderátorom servera. Nezabudnite uviesť " "potrebné prezývky a pod." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:98 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:98 msgid "Send an emotion or personal action in chat." msgstr "Pošle v diskusii emóciu alebo osobnú akciu." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:101 msgid "" "Send a private message. You cannot send private messages to players in a " "running game you observe or play in." msgstr "" "Posiela súkromné správy. Nemôžeš posielať súkromné správy hráčom v hre, " "ktorú pozoruješ alebo v nej hráš." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:103 msgid " " msgstr " " #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:107 msgid " " msgstr "<úroveň> " #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:107 msgid "Change the log level of a log domain." msgstr "Prepne zapisovaciu doménu na inú úroveň závažnosti." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:109 msgid "Add a nickname to your ignores list." msgstr "Pridať hráča do tvojho zoznamu ignorovaných." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:111 msgid "Add a nickname to your friends list." msgstr "Pridať hráča do tvojho zoznamu priateľov." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:113 msgid "Remove a nickname from your ignores or friends list." msgstr "Odstrániť hráča z tvojho zoznamu ignorovaných alebo priateľov." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:115 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:115 msgid "Get a random number between 1 and N visible in the game setup lobby." msgstr "Získaj náhodné číslo medzi 1 a N viditeľné v hernej čakárni." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:117 msgid "Display version information." msgstr "Zobrazí informácie o verzii." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:119 msgid "Request information about a nickname." msgstr "Vyžiadať informácie o prezývke." #: src/chat_command_handler.hpp:121 src/menu_events.cpp:1245 msgid "Clear chat history." msgstr "Vymaže všetky správy." #: src/chat_events.cpp:60 msgid "Unknown debug level: '$level'." msgstr "Neznáma ladiaca úroveň: '$level'." #: src/chat_events.cpp:62 src/chat_events.cpp:71 msgid "error" msgstr "chyba" #: src/chat_events.cpp:69 msgid "Unknown debug domain: '$domain'." msgstr "Neznáma ladiaca doména: '$domain'." #: src/chat_events.cpp:79 msgid "Switched domain: '$domain' to level: '$level'." msgstr "Doména: '$domain' prepnutá na úroveň: '$level'." #: src/chat_events.cpp:148 msgid "whisper to $receiver" msgstr "šepkanie k $receiver" #: src/chat_events.cpp:155 msgid "whisper: $sender" msgstr "šepkanie: $sender" #: src/deprecation.cpp:40 msgid "$elem has been deprecated indefinitely." msgstr "$elem je na neurčito zastaraný." #: src/deprecation.cpp:47 msgid "$elem has been deprecated and may be removed in version $version." msgstr "$elem je zastaraný a môže byť odstránený vo verzii $version." #: src/deprecation.cpp:49 msgid "$elem has been deprecated and may be removed at any time." msgstr "$elem je zastaraný a môže byť kedykoľvek odstránený." #: src/deprecation.cpp:56 msgid "$elem has been deprecated and will be removed in version $version." msgstr "$elem je zastaraný a bude odstránený vo verzii $version." #: src/deprecation.cpp:61 msgid "$elem has been deprecated and removed." msgstr "$elem bol zastaraný a odstránený." #: src/desktop/notifications.cpp:78 msgid "Chat message" msgstr "Správa rozhovoru" #: src/desktop/windows_tray_notification.cpp:126 src/game_config.cpp:568 msgid "The Battle for Wesnoth" msgstr "Bitka o Wesnoth" #: src/font/text_formatting.cpp:52 msgid "Invalid Color" msgstr "Neplatná farba" #. TRANSLATORS: 24-hour time, eg '13:59' #: src/format_time_summary.cpp:48 msgid "%H:%M" msgstr "%H:%M" #. TRANSLATORS: 12-hour time, eg '1:59 PM' #: src/format_time_summary.cpp:52 msgid "%I:%M %p" msgstr "%I:%M %p" #. TRANSLATORS: Day of week + 24-hour time, eg 'Sunday, 13:59' #: src/format_time_summary.cpp:58 msgid "%A, %H:%M" msgstr "%A, %H:%M" #. TRANSLATORS: Day of week + 12-hour time, eg 'Sunday, 1:59 PM' #: src/format_time_summary.cpp:62 msgid "%A, %I:%M %p" msgstr "%A, %I:%M %p" #. TRANSLATORS: Month + day of month, eg 'Nov 02'. Format for your locale. #: src/format_time_summary.cpp:67 msgid "%b %d" msgstr "%d. %m" #. TRANSLATORS: Month + day of month + year, eg 'Nov 02 2021'. Format for your locale. #: src/format_time_summary.cpp:72 msgid "%b %d %Y" msgstr "%b %d %Y" #: src/game_config.cpp:516 msgid "Invalid color in range: " msgstr "Neplatná farba v rozsahu: " #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:246 src/game_config_manager.cpp:256 #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:268 msgid "Error validating data core." msgstr "Chyba pri overovaní dátového jadra." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:247 msgid "Found a core without id attribute." msgstr "Našlo sa jadro bez atribútu id." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:248 src/game_config_manager.cpp:259 #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:272 msgid "Skipping the core." msgstr "Preskočenie jadra." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:257 src/game_config_manager.cpp:269 #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:292 msgid "Core ID: " msgstr "ID jadra:" #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:258 msgid "The ID is already in use." msgstr "ID sa už používa." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:270 msgid "Core Path: " msgstr "Hlavná cesta: " #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:271 msgid "File not found." msgstr "Súbor sa nenašiel." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:291 src/game_config_manager.cpp:303 msgid "Error loading core data." msgstr "Chyba pri načítavaní základných údajov." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:293 msgid "Error loading the core with named id." msgstr "Chyba pri načítavaní jadra s pomenovaným ID." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:294 msgid "Falling back to the default core." msgstr "Návrat k predvolenému jadru." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:304 msgid "Can't locate the default core." msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť predvolené jadro." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:305 msgid "The game will now exit." msgstr "Hra teraz skončí." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:366 msgid "" "Error loading custom game configuration files. The game will try without " "loading add-ons." msgstr "" "Chyba pri načítavaní doplnkových konfiguračných súborov. Hra skúsi nenačítať " "doplnky." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:373 msgid "" "Error loading custom game configuration files. The game will fallback to the " "default core files." msgstr "" "Chyba pri načítavaní doplnkových konfiguračných súborov. Hra použije len " "základné súbory." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:382 msgid "" "Error loading default core game configuration files. The game will now exit." msgstr "" "Chyba pri načítavaní základných konfiguračných súborov. Hra teraz skončí." #. TRANSLATORS: For example, 'Cuttle Fish' units will not be able to advance to 'Kraken'. #. The substituted strings are unit ids, not translated names; hopefully any add-ons #. that trigger this will be quickly fixed and stop triggering the warning. #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:407 msgid "" "Error: [advancefrom] no longer works. ‘$lower_level’ units will not be able " "to advance to ‘$higher_level’; please ask the add-on author to use " "[modify_unit_type] instead." msgstr "" "Chyba: [advancefrom] už nefunguje. Jednotky „$lower_level“ nebudú môcť " "postúpiť na „$higher_level“; požiadajte autora doplnku, aby namiesto toho " "použil [modify_unit_type]." #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:444 msgid "instead, use the macro with the same name in the [campaign] tag" msgstr "namiesto toho použite makro s rovnakým názvom v značke [campaign]" #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:639 msgid "The following add-on had errors and could not be loaded:" msgid_plural "The following add-ons had errors and could not be loaded:" msgstr[0] "Kvôli chybám sa nepodarilo načítať nasledujúce doplňujúce príbehy:" msgstr[1] "Kvôli chybám sa nepodarilo načítať nasledujúci doplňujúci príbeh:" msgstr[2] "Kvôli chybám sa nepodarilo načítať nasledujúce doplňujúce príbehy:" #: src/game_config_manager.cpp:643 msgid "Please report this to the author or maintainer of this add-on." msgid_plural "" "Please report this to the respective authors or maintainers of these add-ons." msgstr[0] "Prosím nahláste toto autorom alebo správcom jednotlivých doplnkov." msgstr[1] "Prosím nahláste toto autorovi alebo správcovi tohto doplnku." msgstr[2] "Prosím nahláste toto autorom alebo správcom jednotlivých doplnkov." #: src/game_events/pump.cpp:392 src/game_launcher.cpp:960 msgid "Error: " msgstr "Chyba: " #: src/game_events/pump.cpp:394 msgid "Warning: " msgstr "Varovanie: " #: src/game_events/pump.cpp:396 msgid "Debug: " msgstr "Ladenie: " #: src/game_events/pump.cpp:398 msgid "Info: " msgstr "Informácia: " #: src/game_initialization/configure_engine.cpp:64 msgid "$login|’s game" msgstr "$login-ova hra" #: src/game_initialization/connect_engine.cpp:102 msgid "Team" msgstr "Tím" #: src/game_initialization/connect_engine.cpp:950 msgid "Anonymous player" msgstr "Anonymný hráč" #: src/game_initialization/connect_engine.cpp:955 #: src/game_initialization/connect_engine.cpp:1253 msgid "Computer Player" msgstr "Počítač" #: src/game_initialization/connect_engine.cpp:997 msgid "$playername $side" msgstr "$playername $side" #: src/game_initialization/connect_engine.cpp:1249 msgid "Network Player" msgstr "Sieťový hráč" #: src/game_initialization/connect_engine.cpp:1252 msgid "Local Player" msgstr "Človek" #: src/game_initialization/connect_engine.cpp:1254 msgid "Nobody" msgstr "Nikto" #: src/game_initialization/connect_engine.cpp:1257 msgid "Reserved" msgstr "Rezervované" #: src/game_initialization/create_engine.cpp:77 #: src/game_initialization/create_engine.cpp:669 msgid "Map could not be loaded: " msgstr "Nepodarilo sa načítať mapu: " #: src/game_initialization/create_engine.cpp:81 msgid "Map could not be loaded." msgstr "Nepodarilo sa načítať mapu." #: src/game_initialization/create_engine.cpp:98 msgid "not available." msgstr "nie je k dispozícii." #: src/game_initialization/create_engine.cpp:153 msgid "Custom map." msgstr "Vlastná mapa." #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.cpp:491 msgid "Failed to resolve dependencies" msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vyriešiť závislosti" #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.cpp:491 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.cpp:516 msgid "Scenario can't be activated. Some dependencies are missing: " msgstr "Scéna nemôže byť aktivovaná. Niektoré závislosti chýbajú: " #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.cpp:570 #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.cpp:693 msgid "No compatible eras found." msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne kompatibilné éry." #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.cpp:585 msgid "Era can't be activated. Some dependencies are missing: " msgstr "Éra nemôže byť aktivovaná. Niektoré závislosti chýbajú: " #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.cpp:638 #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.cpp:730 msgid "No compatible scenarios found." msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne kompatibilné scény." #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.cpp:667 msgid "" "Not all of the chosen modifications are compatible. Some of them will be " "disabled." msgstr "Nie všetky vybrané modifikácie sú kompatibilné. Niektoré budú vypnuté." #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.hpp:309 #: src/game_initialization/depcheck.hpp:321 msgid "A component" msgstr "Komponent" #: src/game_initialization/flg_manager.cpp:212 msgid "Only random sides in the current era." msgstr "V tejto ére nie je definovaná žiadna strana okrem náhodnej." #: src/game_initialization/flg_manager.cpp:234 msgid "Unable to find a leader type for faction $faction" msgstr "Neviem nájsť veliteľa pre frakciu $faction" #: src/game_initialization/flg_manager.cpp:257 msgid "Cannot obtain genders for invalid leader $leader" msgstr "Neporadilo sa získať rod pre neplatného veliteľa $leader" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:163 msgid "Missing addon: $name" msgstr "Chýbajúci doplnok: $name" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:165 msgid "Missing addon: $id" msgstr "Chýbajúci doplnok: $id" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:197 msgid "Unknown era" msgstr "Neznáma éra" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:264 #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:298 msgid "scenario_abbreviation^S" msgstr "S" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:284 msgid "Remote scenario" msgstr "Scéna z iného počítača" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:305 #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:331 msgid "campaign_abbreviation^C" msgstr "V" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:337 msgid "Unknown scenario" msgstr "Neznáma scéna" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:351 msgid "Reloaded game" msgstr "Znovunačítaná hra" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:366 msgid "Vacant Slot:" msgid_plural "Vacant Slots:" msgstr[0] "Voľných miest:" msgstr[1] "Voľné miesto:" msgstr[2] "Voľné miesta:" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:368 msgid "mp_game_available_slots^Full" msgstr "Plné" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:379 #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:381 src/savegame.cpp:658 msgid "Turn" msgstr "Kolo" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:394 msgid "vision^none" msgstr "žiadna" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:403 msgid "time limit^none" msgstr "žiadny" #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:447 msgid "" "The host's version of $addon is incompatible. They have version " "$host_ver while you have version $local_ver." msgstr "" "Hostiteľská verzia $addon je nekompatibilná. Majú verziu " "$host_ver, zatiaľ čo vy máte verziu $local_ver." #: src/game_initialization/lobby_data.cpp:461 msgid "" "Your version of $addon is incompatible. You have version " "$local_ver while the host has version $host_ver." msgstr "" "Vaša verzia $addon je nekompatibilná. Máte verziu $local_ver, " "zatiaľ čo hostiteľ má verziu $host_ver." #: src/game_initialization/mp_game_utils.cpp:78 msgid "Defeat enemy leader(s)" msgstr "Porazíš ostatných veliteľov" #: src/game_initialization/mp_game_utils.cpp:103 msgid "Cannot find era '$era'" msgstr "Neviem nájsť éru '$era'" #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:237 msgid "Invalid address specified for multiplayer server" msgstr "Pre server pre viacerých hráčov bola zadaná neplatná adresa" #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:272 msgid "" "The server accepts versions '$required_version', but you are using version " "'$your_version'" msgstr "" "Server akceptuje verzie '$required_version', avšak používaš verziu " "'$your_version'" #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:285 msgid "Server-side redirect loop" msgstr "Server presmerováva dokola" #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:335 msgid "" "The nickname ‘$nick’ is inactive. You cannot claim ownership of this " "nickname until you activate your account via email or ask an administrator " "to do it for you." msgstr "" "Prezývka ‘$nick’ je neaktívna. Nemôžeš použiť túto prezývku pokiaľ si " "neaktivuješ konto emailom alebo nepožiadaš administrátora." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:344 msgid "Do you want to continue?" msgstr "Chceš pokračovať?" #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:346 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Varovanie" #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:409 msgid "" "The remote server requested a password while using an insecure connection." msgstr "" "Vzdialený server si vyžiadal heslo pri používaní nezabezpečeného pripojenia." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:411 msgid "You must login first." msgstr "Musíš sa najprv prihlásiť." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:413 msgid "The nickname ‘$nick’ is already taken." msgstr "Prezývka ‘$nick’ je už používaná." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:415 msgid "" "The nickname ‘$nick’ contains invalid characters. Only alpha-numeric " "characters (one at minimum), underscores and hyphens are allowed." msgstr "" "Prezývka ‘$nick’ obsahuje nepovolené znaky. Povolené sú len písmená, čísla " "(aspoň jedno písmeno alebo číslo), pomlčky a podtržníky." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:419 msgid "The nickname ‘$nick’ is too long. Nicks must be 20 characters or less." msgstr "" "Prezývka ‘$nick’ je príliš dlhá. Prezývky môžu mať maximálne 20 znakov." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:421 msgid "The nickname ‘$nick’ is reserved and cannot be used by players." msgstr "Prezývka ‘$nick’ je rezervovaná a nemôže byť použitá hráčmi." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:423 msgid "The nickname ‘$nick’ is not registered on this server." msgstr "Prezývka ‘$nick’ nie je na tomto serveri registrovaná." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:424 msgid " This server disallows unregistered nicknames." msgstr " Tento server nepovoľuje neregistrované prezývky." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:427 msgid "The nickname ‘$nick’ is banned on this server’s forums for $duration|." msgstr "Prezývka „$nick“ je na fórach tohto servera zakázaná na $duration|." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:429 msgid "The nickname ‘$nick’ is banned on this server’s forums." msgstr "Prezývka ‘$nick’ zakázaná na fóre na tomto serveri." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:433 msgid "Your IP address is banned on this server’s forums for $duration|." msgstr "Vaša IP adresa je zakázaná na fórach tohto servera na $duration|." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:435 msgid "Your IP address is banned on this server’s forums." msgstr "Vaša IP adresa je na fórach tohto servera zakázaná." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:439 msgid "" "The email address for the nickname ‘$nick’ is banned on this server’s forums " "for $duration|." msgstr "" "Emailová adresa pre prezývku ‘$nick’ je zakázaná na fóre na tomto serveri na " "dobu $duration|." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:441 msgid "" "The email address for the nickname ‘$nick’ is banned on this server’s forums." msgstr "" "Emailová adresa pre prezývku ‘$nick’ zakázaná na fóre na tomto serveri." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:444 #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:446 msgid "The nickname ‘$nick’ is registered on this server." msgstr "Prezývka ‘$nick’ je na tomto serveri registrovaná." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:447 msgid "" "WARNING: There is already a client using this nickname, logging in will " "cause that client to be kicked!" msgstr "" "VAROVANIE: Túto prezývku už používa iný používateľ, prihlásenie spôsobí " "vykopnutie tohto používateľa!" #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:450 msgid "The password you provided was incorrect." msgstr "Zadané heslo je nesprávne." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:452 msgid "You have made too many login attempts." msgstr "Máš príliš veľa pokusov o prihlásenie." #: src/game_initialization/multiplayer.cpp:454 msgid "Password hashing failed." msgstr "Hašovanie hesla zlyhalo." #: src/game_initialization/playcampaign.cpp:157 src/game_launcher.cpp:913 msgid "The game could not be loaded: " msgstr "Nepodarilo sa načítať hru: " #: src/game_initialization/playcampaign.cpp:163 src/game_launcher.cpp:915 msgid "Error while playing the game: " msgstr "Chyba pri hraní hry: " #: src/game_initialization/playcampaign.cpp:166 src/game_launcher.cpp:952 msgid "The game map could not be loaded: " msgstr "Nepodarilo sa načítať mapu hry: " #: src/game_initialization/playcampaign.cpp:169 src/game_launcher.cpp:917 #: src/game_launcher.cpp:1038 msgid "Map generator error: " msgstr "Chyba vytvárania mapy: " #: src/game_initialization/playcampaign.cpp:171 msgid "Error while reading the WML: " msgstr "Chyba pri čítaní WML: " #: src/game_initialization/playcampaign.cpp:218 #: src/playsingle_controller.cpp:367 msgid "Game Over" msgstr "Koniec hry" #: src/game_initialization/playcampaign.cpp:219 msgid "This scenario has ended. Do you want to continue the campaign?" msgstr "Scéna skončila. Chceš pokračovať vo výprave?" #: src/game_initialization/playcampaign.cpp:287 msgid "Unknown scenario: '$scenario|'" msgstr "Neznáma scéna: '$scenario|'" #: src/game_initialization/singleplayer.cpp:44 msgid "No campaigns are available." msgstr "Žiadne výpravy nie sú dostupné." #: src/game_launcher.cpp:719 src/game_launcher.cpp:738 src/replay.cpp:666 msgid "The file you have tried to load is corrupt" msgstr "Súbor, ktorý ste chceli načítať, je poškodený" #: src/game_launcher.cpp:721 src/game_launcher.cpp:740 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler_sp.cpp:334 src/savegame.cpp:153 #: src/savegame.cpp:314 msgid "The file you have tried to load is corrupt: '" msgstr "Súbor, ktorý ste chceli načítať, je poškodený: '" #: src/game_launcher.cpp:730 msgid "File I/O Error while reading the game" msgstr "Chyba pri čítaní súboru hry" #: src/game_launcher.cpp:732 msgid "File I/O Error while reading the game: '" msgstr "Chyba pri čítaní súboru hry: '" #: src/game_launcher.cpp:911 msgid "Error while starting server: " msgstr "Chyba spúšťaní servera: " #: src/game_launcher.cpp:933 msgid "Connection failed: " msgstr "Spojenie zlyhalo: " #: src/generators/default_map_generator_job.cpp:707 msgid "Random maps with an odd width aren't supported." msgstr "Náhodné mapy s nepárnou šírkou nie sú podporované." #: src/generators/default_map_generator_job.cpp:970 msgid "" "No valid castle location found. Too many or too few mountain hexes? (please " "check the 'max hill size' parameter)" msgstr "" "Nenašlo sa vhodné miesto pre hrad. Príliš veľa alebo príliš málo polí s " "horami? (skontroluj parameter 'max. veľkosť kopca')" #: src/gui/core/linked_group_definition.cpp:40 msgid "Linked group '$id' needs a 'fixed_width' or 'fixed_height' key." msgstr "" "Prepojená skupina '$id' potrebuje kľúč 'fixed_width' alebo 'fixed_height'." #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/install_dependencies.cpp:35 msgid "" "The selected add-on has the following dependency, which is outdated or not " "currently installed. Do you wish to install it before continuing?" msgid_plural "" "The selected add-on has the following dependencies, which are outdated or " "not currently installed. Do you wish to install them before continuing?" msgstr[0] "" "Zvolený doplnok má nasledovné závislosti, ktoré sú zastaralé alebo nie sú " "nainštalované. Chceš ich nainštalovať pred pokračovaním?" msgstr[1] "" "Zvolený doplnok má nasledovnú závislosť, ktorá je zastaralá alebo nie je " "nainštalovaná. Chceš ju nainštalovať pred pokračovaním?" msgstr[2] "" "Zvolený doplnok má nasledovné závislosti, ktoré sú zastaralé alebo nie sú " "nainštalované. Chceš ich nainštalovať pred pokračovaním?" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/choose_addon.cpp:77 msgid "Create a new add-on" msgstr "Vytvoriť nový doplnok" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/choose_addon.cpp:77 msgid "New Add-on" msgstr "Nový doplnok" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/choose_addon.cpp:84 msgid "Mainline" msgstr "Hlavná línia" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/choose_addon.cpp:84 msgid "Mainline multiplayer scenarios" msgstr "Hlavné mapy pre hru viac hráčov" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.hpp:42 msgid "No visible sides found." msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne viditeľné strany." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby_player_list_helper.cpp:173 msgid "Selected Game" msgstr "Vybraná hra" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby_player_list_helper.cpp:174 msgid "Lobby" msgstr "Čakáreň" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby_player_list_helper.cpp:175 msgid "Other Games" msgstr "Iné hry" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:51 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:92 msgid "Match History — $player" msgstr "História zápasov — $player" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:70 msgid "Scenario" msgstr "Scéna" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:71 msgid "Era" msgstr "Éra" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:72 msgid "Modification" msgstr "Modifikácia" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:152 msgid "Era: " msgstr "Éra: " #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:153 msgid " UTC+0" msgstr "Univerzálny čas" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:255 msgid "No game history found." msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne hry." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:268 msgid "Request timed out." msgstr "Požiadavka vypršala." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/match_history.cpp:278 msgid "Request encountered an unexpected error, please check the logs." msgstr "Požiadavka nebola dokončená pre chybu, pozri logy." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/player_info.cpp:107 msgid "In game:" msgstr "V hre:" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/player_info.cpp:109 msgid "(observing)" msgstr "(pozoruje)" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/player_info.cpp:111 msgid "(playing)" msgstr "(hrá)" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/player_info.cpp:114 msgid "In lobby" msgstr "V čakárni" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/player_info.cpp:143 msgid "On friends list" msgstr "Na zozname priateľov" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/player_info.cpp:148 msgid "On ignores list" msgstr "Na zozname ignorovaných" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/player_info.cpp:153 msgid "Neither a friend nor ignored" msgstr "Ani priateľ ani ignorovaný" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/player_info.cpp:158 msgid "You" msgstr "Ty" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/player_info.cpp:161 msgid "Error" msgstr "Chyba" #: src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:163 src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:178 msgid "Other aspects: " msgstr "Iné aspekty:" #: src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:190 src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:203 #: src/reports.cpp:822 src/reports.cpp:1086 src/reports.cpp:1098 msgid "Weapon: " msgstr "Zbraň: " #: src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:191 src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:204 #: src/reports.cpp:195 msgid "Type: " msgstr "Typ: " #: src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:192 src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:205 #: src/reports.cpp:823 src/reports.cpp:1087 msgid "Damage: " msgstr "Zranenia: " #: src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:193 src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:206 #: src/reports.cpp:844 msgid "Attacks: " msgstr "Útoky: " #: src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:194 src/gui/dialogs/unit_attack.cpp:207 msgid "Chance to hit: " msgstr "Šanca na trafenie: " #: src/gui/dialogs/unit_list.hpp:41 msgid "No units found." msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne jednotky." #: src/gui/widgets/status_label_helper.hpp:37 msgid "no" msgstr "nie" #: src/gui/widgets/status_label_helper.hpp:37 msgid "yes" msgstr "áno" #: src/help/help_browser.cpp:158 msgid "Reference to unknown topic: " msgstr "Odkaz na neexistujúcu záložku: " #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:406 msgid "Only available during a scenario." msgstr "Dostupné len počas scény." #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:407 src/help/help_impl.cpp:443 msgid "Time of Day Schedule" msgstr "Denná doba" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:434 msgid "Lawful Bonus:" msgstr "Bonus poriadku: " #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:435 msgid "Neutral Bonus:" msgstr "Neutrálny bonus:" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:436 msgid "Chaotic Bonus:" msgstr "Bonus chaosu:" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:437 msgid "Liminal Bonus:" msgstr "Bonus jednotiek 'na rozhraní': " #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:438 msgid "Schedule" msgstr "Plán" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:530 msgid "
text='Units with this special attack'
" msgstr "
text='Jednotky s týmto špeciálnym útokom'
" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:594 msgid "
text='Units with this ability'
" msgstr "
text='Jednotky s touto schopnosťou'
" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:624 msgid "Era:" msgstr "Éra:" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:632 msgid "Factions" msgstr "Frakcie" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:680 msgid "Races: " msgstr "Rasy: " #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:689 src/help/help_impl.cpp:1130 msgid "Alignments: " msgstr "Príslušnosti: " #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:696 msgid "Leaders" msgstr "Velitelia" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:705 msgid "Recruits" msgstr "Naverbovaných" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:790 src/units/types.cpp:487 msgid "No description available." msgstr "Popis nie je k dispozícii." #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:900 src/help/help_impl.cpp:1107 msgid "race^Miscellaneous" msgstr "Rôzne" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:1130 src/reports.cpp:393 msgid "Alignment: " msgstr "Príslušnosť: " #. TRANSLATORS: this is expected to say "[Dunefolk are] a group of units, all of whom are Humans", #. or "[Quenoth Elves are] a group of units, all of whom are Elves". #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:1149 msgid "" "This is a group of units, all of whom are dst='$topic_id' " "text='$help_taxonomy'." msgstr "" "Toto je skupina jednotiek, z ktorých všetky sú dst='$topic_id' " "text='$help_taxonomy'." #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:1154 msgid "
text='Subgroups of units within this group'
" msgstr "
text='Skupiny jednotiek s touto schopnosťou'
" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:1156 msgid "
text='Groups of units within this race'
" msgstr "
text='Skupiny jednotiek tejto rasy'
" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:1165 msgid "
text='Units of this group'
" msgstr "
text='Jednotky tejto rasy'
" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:1167 msgid "
text='Units of this race'
" msgstr "
text='Jednotky tejto rasy'
" #: src/help/help_impl.cpp:1488 msgid "corrupted original file" msgstr "poškodený originálny súbor" #: src/hotkey/command_executor.cpp:405 msgid "Do you really want to surrender the game?" msgstr "Naozaj chceš vzdať túto hru?" #: src/hotkey/command_executor.cpp:405 msgid "Surrender" msgstr "Vzdať sa" #: src/hotkey/command_executor.cpp:807 msgid "Map-Screenshot" msgstr "Snímka mapy" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler.cpp:237 msgid "(press $hk to disable)" msgstr "(stlač $hk pre vypnutie)" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler.cpp:237 msgid "Accelerated speed enabled!" msgstr "Zvýšená rýchlosť zapnutá!" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler.cpp:241 msgid "Accelerated speed disabled!" msgstr "Zvýšená rýchlosť vypnutá!" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler.cpp:441 msgid "Back to Start" msgstr "Späť na začiatok" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler.cpp:441 msgid "Back to Turn " msgstr "Späť na kolo " #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler.cpp:457 msgid "Replay from Start" msgstr "Záznam od začiatku" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler.cpp:457 msgid "Replay from Turn " msgstr "Záznam od kola " #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler_sp.cpp:151 msgid "(press $hotkey to deactivate)" msgstr "(stlač $hotkey pre deaktivovanie)" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler_sp.cpp:151 src/menu_events.cpp:2096 msgid "Planning mode activated!" msgstr "Režim plánovania aktivovaný!" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler_sp.cpp:153 src/menu_events.cpp:2099 msgid "Planning mode deactivated!" msgstr "Režim plánovania deaktivovaný!" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler_sp.cpp:322 msgid "Do you want to load it anyway?" msgstr "Chceš ho stiahnuť aj tak?" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler_sp.cpp:338 msgid "The file you have tried to load has no replay information. " msgstr "Súbor, ktorý chcete načítať, nemá žiadne informácie o záznamoch." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_handler_sp.cpp:342 msgid "The file you have tried to load is not from the current session." msgstr "Súbor, ktorý chcete načítať, nie je z tohto sedenia." #: src/language.cpp:115 msgid "System default language" msgstr "Štandardný jazyk systému" #: src/map/location.cpp:166 msgid "North" msgstr "Sever" #: src/map/location.cpp:168 msgid "North East" msgstr "Severovýchod" #: src/map/location.cpp:170 msgid "North West" msgstr "Severozápad" #: src/map/location.cpp:172 msgid "South" msgstr "Juh" #: src/map/location.cpp:174 msgid "South East" msgstr "Juhovýchod" #: src/map/location.cpp:176 msgid "South West" msgstr "Juhozápad" #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:188 msgid "This command is currently unavailable." msgstr "Tento príkaz teraz nie je dostupný." #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:225 msgid "" "Unknown command '$command', did you mean '$command_proposal'? try " "$help_command for a list of available commands." msgstr "" "Neznámy príkaz '$command', mal si na mysli '$command_proposal'? použite " "$help_command pre zoznam dostupných príkazov." #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:229 msgid "" "Unknown command '$command', try $help_command for a list of available " "commands." msgstr "" "Neznámy príkaz '$command', použite $help_command pre zoznam dostupných " "príkazov." #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:246 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Chyba:" #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:252 msgid "" "Available commands list and command-specific help. Use \"help all\" to " "include currently unavailable commands." msgstr "" "Zoznam dostupných príkazov a popis príkazov. \"help all\" zobrazí aj práve " "dostupné príkazy." #. TRANSLATORS: These are the arguments accepted by the "help" command, #. which are either "all" or the name of another command. #. As with the command's name, "all" is hardcoded, and shouldn't change in the translation. #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:257 msgid "" "[all|]\n" "“all” = overview of all commands, = name of a specific command " "(provides more detail)" msgstr "" "[all|]\n" "“all” = prehľad všetkých príkazov, = názov konkrétneho príkazu " "(poskytuje viac podrobností)" #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:302 msgid "Missing argument $arg_id" msgstr "Chýbajúci parameter $arg_id" #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:355 msgid "" "Available commands $flags_description:\n" "$list_of_commands" msgstr "" "Dostupné príkazy $flags_description:\n" "$list_of_commands" #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:355 src/map_command_handler.hpp:356 #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:396 msgid "help" msgstr "pomoc" #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:356 msgid "Type $help_command for more info." msgstr "Použite $help_command pre ďalšie informácie." #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:372 msgid " No help available." msgstr " Žiadna pomoc nie je k dispozícii." #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:379 src/map_command_handler.hpp:382 msgid "Usage:" msgstr "Použitie:" #. TRANSLATORS: alternative names for command-line commands, only shown if #. there is at least one of them. #: src/map_command_handler.hpp:394 msgid "command^Alias:" msgid_plural "Aliases:" msgstr[0] "Aliasov" msgstr[1] "Alias" msgstr[2] "Aliasy" #: src/menu_events.cpp:166 msgid "Save Map As" msgstr "Uložiť mapu ako" #: src/menu_events.cpp:177 msgid "Map saved." msgstr "Mapa bola uložená." #: src/menu_events.cpp:181 msgid "Could not save the map: $msg" msgstr "Nepodarilo sa uložiť mapu: $msg" #: src/menu_events.cpp:209 msgid "Message:" msgstr "Správa:" #: src/menu_events.cpp:211 msgid "Send to observers only" msgstr "Pošli iba divákom" #: src/menu_events.cpp:212 msgid "Send to allies only" msgstr "Pošli iba spojencom" #. TRANSLATORS: An error that should never happen, might happen when loading an old savegame. If there are #. any units that the player can recruit then their standard recruitment dialog will be shown after this #. error message, otherwise they'll get the "You have no units available to recruit." error after this one. #: src/menu_events.cpp:268 msgid "Error: there’s an unknown unit type on your recruit list: $unknown_ids" msgid_plural "" "Error: there are several unknown unit types on your recruit list: " "$unknown_ids" msgstr[0] "" "Chyba: na vašom zozname náborov sú neznáme typy jednotiek: $unknown_ids" msgstr[1] "" "Chyba: na vašom zozname náborov je neznámy typ jednotky: $unknown_ids" msgstr[2] "" "Chyba: na vašom zozname náborov sú neznáme typy jednotiek: $unknown_ids" #: src/menu_events.cpp:276 msgid "You have no units available to recruit." msgstr "Nemáš k dispozícii na verbovanie žiadne jednotky." #: src/menu_events.cpp:286 msgid "No unit recruited." msgstr "Žiadna jednotka nebola naverbovaná." #: src/menu_events.cpp:311 msgid "Internal error. Please report this as a bug! Details:\n" msgstr "Vnútorná chyba. Nahláste to ako chybu! Podrobnosti:\n" #: src/menu_events.cpp:317 msgid "You cannot recruit a $unit_type_name at this time." msgstr "Momentálne nemôžete naverbovať $unit_type_name." #. TRANSLATORS: "plan" refers to Planning Mode #: src/menu_events.cpp:331 msgid "" "At this point in your plan, you will not have enough gold to recruit this " "unit." msgstr "Práve teraz nebudeš mať dosť zlata na rekrútovanie tejto jednotky." #: src/menu_events.cpp:333 msgid "You do not have enough gold to recruit this unit." msgstr "Nemáš dosť zlata, aby si naverboval túto jednotku" #: src/menu_events.cpp:376 msgid "You are separated from your soldiers and may not recall them." msgstr "Si ďaleko od svojich vojakov a nemôžeš ich privolať" #: src/menu_events.cpp:397 msgid "" "There are no troops available to recall.\n" "(You must have veteran survivors from a previous scenario.)" msgstr "" "Nemáš koho privolať\n" "(Z predchádzajúcej mapy neprežil žiaden veterán)" #: src/menu_events.cpp:401 msgid "You currently can't recall at the highlighted location." msgstr "Nemôžeš privolať na toto miesto." #: src/menu_events.cpp:413 msgid "No unit recalled." msgstr "Žiadna jednotka nebola privolaná." #: src/menu_events.cpp:430 msgid "You must have at least 1 gold piece to recall a unit." msgid_plural "You must have at least $cost gold pieces to recall this unit." msgstr[0] "Musíš mať aspoň 1 zlatku, aby si privolal jednotku." msgstr[1] "Musíš mať aspoň 1 zlatku, aby si privolal jednotku" msgstr[2] "Musíš mať aspoň $cost zlatky, aby si privolal túto jednotku" #: src/menu_events.cpp:576 msgid "You cannot end your turn yet!" msgstr "Ešte nemôžeš ukončiť kolo!" #: src/menu_events.cpp:591 msgid "" "You have not started your turn yet. Do you really want to end your turn?" msgstr "Ešte si nezačal ťahať. Chceš naozaj ukončiť kolo?" #: src/menu_events.cpp:600 msgid "Some units have movement left. Do you really want to end your turn?" msgstr "Niektoré jednotky sa ešte môžu hýbať. Chceš naozaj ukončiť kolo?" #: src/menu_events.cpp:609 msgid "Some units have not moved. Do you really want to end your turn?" msgstr "Niektoré jednotky sa zatiaľ nepohli. Chceš naozaj ukončiť kolo?" #: src/menu_events.cpp:666 msgid "Rename Unit" msgstr "Premenuj jednotku" #: src/menu_events.cpp:667 msgid "Name:" msgstr "Názov:" #: src/menu_events.cpp:843 msgid "Clear Labels" msgstr "Umiestni značku" #: src/menu_events.cpp:844 msgid "Are you sure you want to clear map labels?" msgstr "Naozaj odstrániť značky na mape?" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1046 msgid "Search" msgstr "Hľadaj" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1186 msgid "(D) — debug only, (N) — network only, (A) — admin only" msgstr "" "(D) - len pre ladenie, (N) - len na sieti, (A) - len pre administrátora" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1193 msgid "(debug command)" msgstr "(príkaz ladenia)" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1194 msgid "(network only)" msgstr "(len na sieti)" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1196 msgid "(not during other events)" msgstr "(nie počas iných udalostí)" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1226 msgid "Refresh gui." msgstr "Prekreslí grafické prostredie." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1227 msgid "Switch a side to/from AI control." msgstr "Vypne/zapne ovládanie strany počítačom." #. TRANSLATORS: These are the arguments accepted by the "droid" command, #. which must be a side-number and then optionally one of "on", "off" or "full". #. As with the command's name, "on", "off" and "full" are hardcoded, and shouldn't change in the translation. #: src/menu_events.cpp:1231 msgid "" "[ [on/off/full]]\n" "“on” = enable but retain vision, “full” = as if it’s controlled by another " "player" msgstr "" "[ [on/off/full]]\n" "„on“ = umožňuje, ale zachováva videnie, „full“ = ako keby ho ovládal iný hráč" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1232 msgid "Change terrain type of current hex" msgstr "Zmeňte typ terénu aktuálneho hexu" #. TRANSLATORS: [both|base|overlay] are hardcoded literal arguments and shouldn't be translated. #: src/menu_events.cpp:1234 msgid " [both|base|overlay]" msgstr " [both|base|overlay]" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1235 msgid "Switch a side to/from idle state." msgstr "Vypne/zapne stranu do nečinného stavu." #. TRANSLATORS: These are the arguments accepted by the "idle" command, #. which must be a side-number and then optionally "on" or "off". #. As with the command's name, "on" and "off" are hardcoded, and shouldn't change in the translation. #: src/menu_events.cpp:1239 msgid "command_idle^[ [on/off]]" msgstr "[ [on/off]]" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1240 msgid "Change the in-game theme." msgstr "Zmeňte tému v hre." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1242 msgid " " msgstr " " #: src/menu_events.cpp:1242 msgid "Assign control of a side to a different player or observer." msgstr "Pridelí kontrolu nad stranou inému hráčovi alebo divákovi." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1243 msgid "Query the controller status of a side." msgstr "Zistiť stav ovládania strany." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1244 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1246 msgid "Debug foreground terrain." msgstr "Ladiť terén popredia." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1248 msgid "Debug layers from terrain under the mouse." msgstr "Ladiť vrstvy terénu pod myšou." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1249 msgid "Display and log fps (Frames Per Second)." msgstr "Zobrazenie a záznam snímok za sekundu (snímky za sekundu)." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1250 msgid "" "Similar to the 'fps' command, but also forces everything to redraw instead " "of only things that have changed." msgstr "" "Podobne ako príkaz „fps“, ale tiež núti všetko prekresliť namiesto iba vecí, " "ktoré sa zmenili." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1251 msgid "Save game." msgstr "Uložiť hru." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1253 msgid "Quit game." msgstr "Vypnúť hru." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1256 msgid "Save and quit." msgstr "Uložiť a vypnúť." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1258 msgid "Ignore replay errors." msgstr "Ignorovať chyby záznamu." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1259 msgid "Disable autosaves." msgstr "Vypnúť automatické ukladanie." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1261 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1261 msgid "Advance to the next scenario, or scenario identified by 'id'" msgstr "Postúpiť do ďalšej scény alebo scény s názvom 'id'" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1263 msgid "Choose next scenario" msgstr "Vyber ďalšiu scénu" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1266 msgid "" "Change turn number (and time of day), or increase by one if no number is " "specified." msgstr "" "Zmeniť číslo kola (a dennú dobu), alebo zvýšiť o jedno ak nie je zadané " "číslo." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1266 msgid "[turn]" msgstr "[kolo]" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1269 msgid "" "Change turn limit, or turn the turn limit off if no number is specified or " "it’s −1." msgstr "" "Zmeniť limit na počet kôl alebo vypnúť limit ak sa neuvedie číslo alebo je " "-1." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1269 msgid "[limit]" msgstr "[limit]" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1271 msgid "Turn debug mode on." msgstr "Zapnúť režim ladenia." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1272 msgid "Turn debug mode off." msgstr "Vypnúť režim ladenia." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1274 src/menu_events.cpp:1278 msgid "[;...]" msgstr "[;...]" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1274 msgid "Execute a Lua statement." msgstr "Vykonať príkaz v jazyku Lua." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1276 msgid "Grant higher privileges to Lua scripts." msgstr "Povoliť Lua skriptom vyššie oprávnenia." # bodka má byť, podľa kontextu #: src/menu_events.cpp:1277 msgid "Set the command used by the custom command hotkey" msgstr "Nastaví príkaz použitý voliteľnou príkazovou klávesou" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1280 msgid "Invoke a dialog allowing changing control of MP sides." msgstr "Zobraziť okno umožňujúce zmeniť kto ovláda strany v zápase." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1281 msgid "Launch the gamestate inspector" msgstr "Spustiť prieskumníka stavu hry" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1283 msgid "[=]" msgstr "[=]" # bodka má byť, podľa kontextu #: src/menu_events.cpp:1283 msgid "Set or show alias to a command" msgstr "Nastaviť alebo zobraziť alternatívny názov (alias) pre príkaz" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1285 src/menu_events.cpp:1290 msgid "=" msgstr "=" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1285 msgid "Set a scenario variable." msgstr "Nastaví stavovú premennú scény." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1286 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1286 msgid "Show a scenario variable." msgstr "Zobrazí stavovú premennú scény." #. TRANSLATORS: Do not translate the word "advances"; it is a hardcoded literal argument. #: src/menu_events.cpp:1289 msgid "" "Modify a unit variable. (Only top level keys are supported, and " "advances=.)" msgstr "" "Zmeniť premennú jednotky. (Podporované sú len klávesy najvyššej úrovne a " "povýšenie=.)" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1296 msgid "Discover all units in help." msgstr "Zobrazí v návode všetky jednotky." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1297 msgid "'Undiscover' all units in help." msgstr "Skryť v návode všetky objavené jednotky." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1298 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1298 msgid "Create a unit." msgstr "Vytvorí jednotku." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1299 msgid "Toggle fog for the current player." msgstr "Prepne hmlu pre aktuálneho hráča." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1300 msgid "Toggle shroud for the current player." msgstr "Prepne odkrývanie mapy pre aktuálneho hráča." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1301 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1301 msgid "Give gold to the current player." msgstr "Odovzdať zlato aktívnemu hráčovi." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1302 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1302 msgid "Fire a game event." msgstr "Spustí udalosť hry." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1305 msgid "Toggle overlaying of x,y coordinates on hexes." msgstr "Prepnúť zobrazovanie súradníc x,y na políčkach mapy." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1308 msgid "Toggle overlaying of terrain codes on hexes." msgstr "Prepnúť zobrazovanie kódov terénu na políčkach mapy." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1311 msgid "Toggle overlaying of number of bitmaps on hexes." msgstr "Prepnúť zobrazovanie počtu obrázkov na políčkach." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1313 msgid "Toggle planning mode." msgstr "Prepnúť plánovací režim." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1316 msgid "Access whiteboard options dialog." msgstr "Okno nastavenia tabule." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1431 msgid "Could not find label or unit containing the string ‘$search’." msgstr "Neviem nájsť značku ani jednotku, ktorá má v názve ‘$search‘." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1478 msgid "Can't droid invalid side: '$side'." msgstr "Nie je možné zmeniť neplatnú stranu '$side' na riadenie počítačom." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1481 msgid "Can't droid networked side: '$side'." msgstr "Nie je možné zmeniť sieťovú stranu '$side' na riadenie počítačom." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1493 src/menu_events.cpp:1509 src/menu_events.cpp:1541 msgid "" "It is not allowed to change a side from AI to human control when it's not " "your turn." msgstr "" "Nie je dovolené zmeniť stranu z AI na ľudskú kontrolu, keď nie ste na rade." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1503 src/menu_events.cpp:1559 msgid "Side '$side' controller is now controlled by: AI." msgstr "Stranu „$side“ teraz ovláda: AI." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1505 msgid "Side '$side' is already droided." msgstr "Strana '$side' je už ovládaná AI." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1519 src/menu_events.cpp:1551 msgid "Side '$side' controller is now controlled by: human." msgstr "Stranu „$side“ teraz ovláda: človek." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1521 msgid "Side '$side' is already not droided." msgstr "Strana '$side' už nie je riadená AI." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1525 msgid "" "It is not allowed to change a side from human to AI control when it's not " "your turn." msgstr "" "Nie je dovolené zmeniť stranu z ovládania človeka na AI, keď nie ste na rade." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1535 msgid "Side '$side' controller is now fully controlled by: AI." msgstr "Strana „$side“ je teraz plne ovládaná: AI." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1537 msgid "Side '$side' is already fully AI controlled." msgstr "Strana '$side' je už plne riadená AI." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1562 msgid "" "Invalid action provided for side '$side'. Valid actions are: on, off, full." msgstr "" "Pre stranu „$side“ bola poskytnutá neplatná akcia. Platné akcie sú: on, off, " "full." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1604 msgid "Can't idle invalid side: '$side'." msgstr "Nie je možné zmeniť neplatnú stranu '$side' na nečinnú." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1609 msgid "Can't idle networked side: '$side'." msgstr "Nie je možné zmeniť sieťovú stranu na nečinnú: '$side'." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1614 msgid "Can't idle local ai side: '$side'." msgstr "" "Nie je možné zmeniť lokálnu stranu ovládanú počítačom na nečinnú: '$side'." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1675 msgid "Can't change control of invalid side: '$side'." msgstr "Nie je možné nastaviť kontrolu neplatnej strany: '$side'." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1685 msgid "Can't change control of out-of-bounds side: '$side'." msgstr "Nie je možné nastaviť kontrolu strany mimo rozsahu: '$side'." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1702 msgid "Can't query control of invalid side: '$side'." msgstr "Nie je možné zistiť kontrolu neplatnej strany: '$side'." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1709 msgid "Can't query control of out-of-bounds side: '$side'." msgstr "Nie je možné zistiť kontrolu strany mimo rozsahu: '$side'." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1831 msgid "Choose Scenario (Debug!)" msgstr "Vybrať scénu (ladenie!)" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1867 msgid "Debug mode activated!" msgstr "Režim ladenia aktivovaný!" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1870 msgid "Debug mode not available in network games" msgstr "Režim ladenia nie je dostupný pri sieťových hrách" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1877 msgid "Debug mode deactivated!" msgstr "Režim ladenia deaktivovaný!" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1897 msgid "WARNING! Unsafe Lua Mode" msgstr "POZOR! Nebezpečný režim Lua" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1898 msgid "" "Executing Lua code in in this manner opens your computer to potential " "security breaches from any malicious add-ons or other programs you may have " "installed.\n" "\n" "Do not continue unless you really know what you are doing." msgstr "" "Spustenie kódu Lua týmto spôsobom otvorí váš počítač potenciálnemu narušeniu " "bezpečnosti zo strany akýchkoľvek škodlivých doplnkov alebo iných programov, " "ktoré ste si nainštalovali.\n" "\n" "Nepokračujte, pokiaľ naozaj neviete, čo robíte." #: src/menu_events.cpp:1903 msgid "Unsafe mode enabled!" msgstr "Nezabezpečený režim zapnutý!" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1952 msgid "Variable not found" msgstr "Premenná sa nenašla" #: src/menu_events.cpp:1985 msgid "Debug command 'unit: $unit' failed: no unit selected or hovered over." msgstr "" "Príkaz ladenia 'unit: $unit' zlyhal: nebola vybratá žiadna jednotka, ani nad " "ňou neprešla kurzorom myši." #: src/menu_events.cpp:2003 msgid "" "Invalid alignment: '$alignment', needs to be one of lawful, neutral, " "chaotic, or liminal." msgstr "" "Neplatná príslušnosť: '$alignment', musí byť 'poriadok', 'neutrál', 'chaos' " "alebo 'na rozhraní'." #: src/menu_events.cpp:2029 msgid "Do you wish to clear all of your discovered units from help?" msgstr "Chceš vymazať všetky doteraz objavené jednotky z návodu?" #: src/menu_events.cpp:2043 msgid "Invalid unit type" msgstr "Neplatný typ jednotky" #: src/menu_events.cpp:2050 msgid "Invalid location" msgstr "Neplatná poloha" #: src/menu_events.cpp:2123 src/menu_events.cpp:2149 msgid "prompt^Command:" msgstr "Príkaz:" #: src/mouse_events.cpp:1219 msgid "" "You cannot move your leader away from the keep with some planned recruits or " "recalls left." msgstr "" "Nemôžeš pohnúť veliteľom z pevnosti, keď sú ešte naplánované verbovania " "alebo privolávania." #: src/mouse_events.cpp:1314 msgid "No Attacks" msgstr "Žiadne útoky" #: src/mouse_events.cpp:1314 msgid "This unit has no usable weapons." msgstr "Táto jednotka nemá žiadnu vhodnú zbraň." #: src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:88 msgid "A game ($name|, $scenario|) has been created" msgstr "Hra ($name|, $scenario|) bola vytvorená" #: src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:89 src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:104 src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:119 #: src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:194 src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:205 msgid "Wesnoth" msgstr "Wesnoth" #: src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:104 msgid "A player has joined" msgstr "Hráč sa propojil" #: src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:119 msgid "A player has left" msgstr "Hráč odišiel" #: src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:194 msgid "Ready to start!" msgstr "Pripravený začať!" #: src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:205 msgid "Game has begun!" msgstr "Hra začala!" #: src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:214 msgid "$name has taken control" msgstr "$name prevzal kontrolu" #: src/mp_ui_alerts.cpp:214 msgid "Turn changed" msgstr "Zmena kola" #: src/network_download_file.cpp:68 src/network_download_file.cpp:83 #: src/network_download_file.cpp:91 msgid "" "An error occurred when downloading the file. Check the game logs for more " "information." msgstr "" "Nastala chyba pri sťahovaní zoznamu doplnkov zo servera. Prezri si logy pre " "viac informácií." #: src/network_download_file.cpp:68 src/network_download_file.cpp:83 #: src/network_download_file.cpp:91 msgid "Download error" msgstr "Chyba sťahovania" #: src/network_download_file.cpp:72 msgid "Confirm overwrite" msgstr "Potvrdiť prepísanie" #: src/network_download_file.cpp:72 msgid "Overwrite existing file?" msgstr "Prepísať existujúci súbor?" #: src/network_download_file.cpp:85 msgid "Download complete" msgstr "Sťahovanie dokončené" #: src/network_download_file.cpp:85 msgid "The file has been downloaded." msgstr "Súbor bol stiahnutý." #: src/pathfind/pathfind.cpp:754 msgid "Terrain with a movement cost less than 1 encountered." msgstr "Našiel sa terén s cenou pohybu menšou ako 1." #. TRANSLATORS: In networked games, this text is shown for other #. clients, while they wait to receive the content of a global variable #. from another player. This text will be embedded into a sentence. #: src/persist_var.cpp:59 msgid "waiting for^a global variable" msgstr "čaká na globálnu premennú" #: src/play_controller.cpp:266 msgid "time left for current turn" msgstr "čas zostávajúci na kolo" #: src/play_controller.cpp:268 msgid "current local time" msgstr "aktuálny lokálny čas" #: src/play_controller.cpp:565 msgid "Trying to create a corrupt file, please report this bug" msgstr "Pokus o vytvorenie chybového súboru, nahlás prosím túto chybu" #: src/play_controller.cpp:1050 msgid "" "The game is out of sync. It might not make much sense to continue. Do you " "want to save your game?" msgstr "" "Hra nie je synchronizovaná. Nemá veľmi zmysel pokračovať. Chceš hru uložiť?" #: src/play_controller.cpp:1051 msgid "Error details:" msgstr "Detaily chyby:" #: src/play_controller.cpp:1230 msgid "Warning: broken campaign branches" msgstr "Varovanie: poškodené vetvy kampane" #. TRANSLATORS: This is an error that will hopefully only be seen by UMC authors and by players who have already #. said "okay" to a "loading saves from an old version might not work" dialog. #: src/play_controller.cpp:1236 msgid "" "The next scenario is missing, you will not be able to finish this campaign." msgid_plural "" "Some of the possible next scenarios are missing, you might not be able to " "finish this campaign." msgstr[0] "Ďalšia mapa kampane chýba, nemôžeš plne dokončiť kampaň." msgstr[1] "Ďalšia mapa kampane chýba, nemôžeš plne dokončiť kampaň." msgstr[2] "Niektoré mapy kampane chýbajú, nemôžeš plne dokončiť kampaň." #: src/play_controller.cpp:1243 msgid "" "Please report the following missing scenario to the campaign’s author:\n" "$unknown_list|" msgid_plural "" "Please report the following missing scenarios to the campaign’s author:\n" "$unknown_list|" msgstr[0] "" "Prosím, nahlás chýbajúcu mapu autorovi kampane:\n" "$unknown_list|" msgstr[1] "" "Prosím, nahlás chýbajúcu mapu autorovi kampane:\n" "$unknown_list|" msgstr[2] "" "Prosím, nahlás chýbajúce mapy autorovi kampane:\n" "$unknown_list|" #: src/play_controller.cpp:1247 msgid "Once this is fixed, you will need to restart this scenario." msgstr "Keď to bude opravené, môžeš reštartovať túto mapu." #: src/play_controller.cpp:1356 msgid "No objectives available" msgstr "Cieľ nie je stanovený" #: src/playmp_controller.cpp:163 msgid "Undoing moves not yet transmitted to the server." msgstr "Odvolávam ťahy, ktoré ešte neboli odoslané na server." #: src/playmp_controller.cpp:250 src/playsingle_controller.cpp:446 msgid "" "A network disconnection has occurred, and the game cannot continue. Do you " "want to save the game?" msgstr "" "Prerušilo sa sieťové spojenie a hra nemôže pokračovať. Chceš ju uložiť?" #: src/playmp_controller.cpp:254 src/playsingle_controller.cpp:450 msgid "" "\n" "Do you want to save the game?" msgstr "" "\n" "Naozaj chceš uložiť túto hru?" #: src/playmp_controller.cpp:254 src/playsingle_controller.cpp:450 msgid "" "This game has been ended.\n" "Reason: " msgstr "" "Hra bola ukončená.\n" "Dôvod: " #: src/playmp_controller.cpp:351 msgid "" "The game is out of sync, and cannot continue. There are a number of reasons " "this could happen: this can occur if you or another player have modified " "their game settings. This may mean one of the players is attempting to " "cheat. It could also be due to a bug in the game, but this is less likely.\n" "\n" "Do you want to save an error log of your game?" msgstr "" "Hra nie je synchronizovaná a nemôže pokračovať. Je viacero dôvodov, prečo sa " "to mohlo stať. Napríklad ak ty alebo iný hráč zmenil nastavenia hry. To môže " "znamenať, že jeden z hráčov sa snažil podvádzať. Môže to byť aj kvôli chybe " "v programe, ale to je menej pravdepodobné.\n" "\n" "Chceš uložiť chybový záznam tejto hry?" #: src/playmp_controller.cpp:393 msgid "" "This side is in an idle state. To proceed with the game, it must be assigned " "to another controller. You may use :droid, :control or :give_control for " "example." msgstr "" "Táto strana je v nečinnom stave. Ak chcete pokračovať v hre, musíte ju " "priradiť k inej strane. Môžete použiť napríklad :droid, :control alebo :" "give_control." #: src/playsingle_controller.cpp:192 msgid "Game Error" msgstr "Chyba hry" #: src/playsingle_controller.cpp:193 msgid "" "This multiplayer game uses an alternative random mode, if you don't know " "what this message means, then most likely someone is cheating or someone " "reloaded a corrupt game." msgstr "" "Táto hra pre viacerých hráčov používa alternatívny náhodný režim, ak " "neviete, čo táto správa znamená, potom s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou niekto " "podvádza alebo niekto znovu načítal poškodenú hru." #: src/playsingle_controller.cpp:367 msgid "The game is over." msgstr "Hra skončila." #: src/playsingle_controller.cpp:541 msgid "It is now $name|’s turn" msgstr "Na ťahu je $name" #: src/playturn.cpp:278 msgid "Give control to their ally $player" msgstr "Odovzdať kontrolu ich spojencovi $player" #: src/playturn.cpp:287 msgid "Give control to observer $player" msgstr "Odovzdať kontrolu pozorovateľovi $player" #: src/playturn.cpp:292 msgid "Replace with AI" msgstr "Nahraď počítačom" #: src/playturn.cpp:293 msgid "Replace with local player" msgstr "Nahraď iným hráčom" #: src/playturn.cpp:294 msgid "Set side to idle" msgstr "Nastaviť stranu ako nečinnú" #: src/playturn.cpp:295 msgid "Save and abort game" msgstr "Uložiť a zrušiť hru" #: src/playturn.cpp:299 msgid "" "$player who controlled side $side_drop has left the game. What do you want " "to do?" msgstr "$player, ktorý ovládal stranu $side_drop opustil hru. Čo chceš urobiť?" #: src/quit_confirmation.cpp:55 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Koniec" #: src/quit_confirmation.cpp:90 msgid "Do you really want to quit?" msgstr "Chceš naozaj skončiť?" #: src/reports.cpp:174 src/savegame.cpp:429 msgid "Name: " msgstr "Názov: " #: src/reports.cpp:198 msgid "Special Notes:" msgstr "Poznámky:" #: src/reports.cpp:221 msgid "Race: " msgstr "Rasa: " #: src/reports.cpp:240 msgid "Side: $side_name ($color_name)" msgstr "Strana: $side_name ($color_name)" #: src/reports.cpp:318 msgid "Trait: " msgstr "Vlastnosť: " #: src/reports.cpp:341 msgid "invisible: " msgstr "neviditeľný: " #: src/reports.cpp:342 msgid "This unit is invisible. It cannot be seen or attacked by enemy units." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka je neviditeľná. Súperove jednotky ju nemôžu vidieť ani " "napadnúť." #: src/reports.cpp:345 msgid "slowed: " msgstr "spomalený: " #: src/reports.cpp:346 msgid "" "This unit has been slowed. It will only deal half its normal damage when " "attacking and its movement cost is doubled." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka bola spomalená. Pri útoku bude spôsobovať iba polovičné " "zranenie a cena pohybu sa zdvojnásobí." #: src/reports.cpp:349 msgid "poisoned: " msgstr "otrávený: " #: src/reports.cpp:350 msgid "" "This unit is poisoned. It will lose 8 HP every turn until it can seek a cure " "to the poison in a village or from a friendly unit with the ‘cures’ " "ability.\n" "\n" "Units cannot be killed by poison alone. The poison will not reduce it below " "1 HP." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka je otrávená. V každom kole stratí 8 životov, dokiaľ ju " "nevyliečia v dedine, alebo nejaká jednotka so schopnosťou liečiť.\n" "\n" "Samotný jed jednotku nezabije. Počet životov pôsobením jedu neklesne pod 1." #: src/reports.cpp:353 msgid "petrified: " msgstr "skamenený: " #: src/reports.cpp:354 msgid "This unit has been petrified. It may not move or attack." msgstr "Táto jednotka skamenela. Nemôže sa hýbať ani bojovať." #: src/reports.cpp:357 msgid "unhealable: " msgstr "neliečiteľný: " #: src/reports.cpp:358 msgid "" "This unit is unhealable. It cannot be healed by healers or villages and " "doesn’t benefit from resting." msgstr "" "Táto jednotka je nevyliečiteľná. Nedokážu ho vyliečiť liečitelia ani dediny " "a nemá prospech z odpočinku." #: src/reports.cpp:361 msgid "invulnerable: " msgstr "nezničiteľný: " #: src/reports.cpp:362 msgid "This unit is invulnerable. It cannot be harmed by any attack." msgstr "Táto jednotka je nezničiteľná. Iné jednotky ju nemôžu napadnúť." #: src/reports.cpp:440 msgid "Ability: " msgstr "Schopnosť: " #: src/reports.cpp:442 src/reports.cpp:997 msgid " (inactive)" msgstr " (neaktívna)" #: src/reports.cpp:510 msgid "Resistances: " msgstr "Odolnosti: " #: src/reports.cpp:512 msgid "(Att / Def)" msgstr "(Úto / Obr)" #: src/reports.cpp:543 msgid "Experience Modifier: " msgstr "Modifikátor skúseností: " #: src/reports.cpp:593 msgid "Terrain: " msgstr "Terén: " #: src/reports.cpp:610 msgid "maximum^max." msgstr "max." #: src/reports.cpp:610 msgid "minimum^min." msgstr "min." #: src/reports.cpp:615 msgid "Defense: " msgstr "Obrana: " #: src/reports.cpp:650 src/reports.cpp:651 msgid "vision:" msgstr "viditeľnosť:" #: src/reports.cpp:655 src/reports.cpp:656 msgid "jamming:" msgstr "Rušenie:" #: src/reports.cpp:685 msgid "Movement Costs:" msgstr "Cena pohybu:" #: src/reports.cpp:827 msgid "Base damage: " msgstr "Základné zranenie: " #: src/reports.cpp:829 src/reports.cpp:863 src/reports.cpp:873 msgid "With specials: " msgstr "Špeciálne zbrane: " #: src/reports.cpp:832 msgid "Time of day: " msgstr "Denná doba: " #: src/reports.cpp:836 msgid "Leadership: " msgstr "Velenie: " #: src/reports.cpp:840 msgid "Slowed: " msgstr "Spomalený: " #: src/reports.cpp:848 msgid "Max swarm bonus: " msgstr "Max. bonus húfu: " #: src/reports.cpp:849 src/reports.cpp:868 msgid "Swarm: " msgstr "Húf: " #: src/reports.cpp:850 src/reports.cpp:861 src/reports.cpp:872 msgid "Base attacks: " msgstr "Základné útoky: " #: src/reports.cpp:856 msgid "Specials: " msgstr "Špeciálne: " #: src/reports.cpp:866 msgid "Subject to swarm: " msgstr "Ovplyvnené húfom: " #: src/reports.cpp:900 msgid "Weapon range: " msgstr "Dosah zbrane: " #: src/reports.cpp:901 msgid "Damage type: " msgstr "Typ zranenia: " #: src/reports.cpp:902 msgid "Damage versus: " msgstr "Zranenie voči: " #: src/reports.cpp:964 msgid "Accuracy:" msgstr "Presnosť:" #: src/reports.cpp:969 msgid "Parry:" msgstr "Odvrátenie:" #: src/reports.cpp:995 msgid "Weapon special: " msgstr "Špeciálna zbraň: " #: src/reports.cpp:1070 msgid "weapon^None" msgstr "Žiadna" #: src/reports.cpp:1099 msgid "Total damage" msgstr "Celkové zranenie" #: src/reports.cpp:1163 msgid "Attack" msgid_plural "Attacks" msgstr[0] "Útokov" msgstr[1] "Útok" msgstr[2] "Útoky" #. TRANSLATORS: This string is shown in the sidebar beneath the word "Attacks" when a unit can attack multiple times per turn #: src/reports.cpp:1171 msgid "Remaining: $left/$max" msgstr "Zostávajúce: $left/$max" #: src/reports.cpp:1175 msgid "This unit can attack multiple times per turn." msgstr "Táto jednotka môže zaútočiť na viac cieľov každé kolo." #: src/reports.cpp:1267 msgid "Time of day schedule:" msgstr "Denná doba: " #: src/reports.cpp:1316 msgid "Time of day:" msgstr "Denná doba: " #: src/reports.cpp:1317 src/reports.cpp:1371 msgid "Lawful units: " msgstr "Jednotky poriadku: " #: src/reports.cpp:1319 src/reports.cpp:1373 msgid "Neutral units: " msgstr "Neutrálne jednotky: " #: src/reports.cpp:1320 src/reports.cpp:1374 msgid "Chaotic units: " msgstr "Jednotky chaosu: " #: src/reports.cpp:1322 src/reports.cpp:1376 msgid "Liminal units: " msgstr "Jenotky 'na rozhraní': " #: src/reports.cpp:1435 msgid "Turn Number" msgstr "Číslo kola" #: src/reports.cpp:1437 msgid "" "When the game exceeds the number of turns indicated by the second number, it " "will end." msgstr "Hra skončí, ak dosiahne počet kôl určený druhým číslom." #: src/reports.cpp:1462 msgid "Gold" msgstr "Zlato" #: src/reports.cpp:1462 msgid "" "The amount of gold currently available to recruit and maintain your army." msgstr "Množstvo zlata dostupné na verbovanie a udržiavanie tvojej armády." #: src/reports.cpp:1481 msgid "The fraction of known villages that your side has captured." msgstr "Podiel známych dedín, ktoré obsadila tvoja strana." #: src/reports.cpp:1481 msgid "Villages" msgstr "Dediny" #: src/reports.cpp:1486 msgid "The total number of units on your side." msgstr "Celkový počet jednotiek na tvojej strane." #: src/reports.cpp:1486 msgid "Units" msgstr "Jednotky" #: src/reports.cpp:1496 msgid "" "The expenses incurred at the end of every turn to maintain your army. The " "first number is the amount of gold that will be deducted. It is equal to the " "number of unit levels not supported by villages. The second is the total " "cost of upkeep, including that covered by villages — in other words, the " "amount of gold that would be deducted if you lost all villages." msgstr "" "Náklady vynaložené na konci každého kola na údržbu vašej armády. Prvé číslo " "je množstvo zlata, ktoré sa odpočíta. Rovná sa počtu úrovní jednotiek, ktoré " "nepodporujú dediny. Druhým sú celkové náklady na údržbu, vrátane nákladov " "krytých dedinami – inými slovami, množstvo zlata, ktoré by sa odrátalo, ak " "by ste stratili všetky dediny." #: src/reports.cpp:1496 msgid "Upkeep" msgstr "Žold" #: src/reports.cpp:1533 msgid "Net Income" msgstr "Príjem" #: src/reports.cpp:1533 msgid "" "The net amount of gold you gain or lose each turn, taking into account " "income from controlled villages and payment of upkeep." msgstr "" "Čistá suma zlata, ktorú získate alebo stratíte v každom kole, berúc do úvahy " "príjem z kontrolovaných dedín a platbu údržby." #: src/reports.cpp:1733 msgid "Observers:" msgstr "Diváci:" #: src/reports.cpp:1753 msgid "Clock" msgstr "Hodiny" #: src/reports.cpp:1764 msgid "Battery" msgstr "Batéria" #: src/reports.cpp:1795 msgid "Countdown until your turn automatically ends." msgstr "Odpočítavanie kým tvoj ťah automaticky skončí." #: src/reports.cpp:1795 msgid "Turn Countdown" msgstr "Odpočítavanie kola" #. TRANSLATORS: Day of week + month + day of month + year + 12-hour time, eg 'Tue Nov 02 2021, 1:59 PM'. Format for your locale. #: src/save_index.cpp:257 msgid "%a %b %d %Y, %I:%M %p" msgstr "%a %b %d %Y, %I:%M %p" #. TRANSLATORS: Day of week + month + day of month + year + 24-hour time, eg 'Tue Nov 02 2021, 13:59'. Format for your locale. #: src/save_index.cpp:259 msgid "%a %b %d %Y, %H:%M" msgstr "%a %b %d %Y, %H:%M" #. TRANSLATORS: This string is used as part of a filename, as in, "HttT-The Elves Besieged replay.gz" #: src/save_index.cpp:279 src/savegame.cpp:584 msgid "replay" msgstr "záznam" #: src/save_index.cpp:363 src/savegame.cpp:70 src/savegame.cpp:620 #: src/savegame.cpp:622 msgid "Auto-Save" msgstr "Automatické uloženie" #: src/savegame.cpp:204 src/savegame.cpp:206 msgid "Warning: The file you have tried to load is corrupt. Loading anyway.\n" msgstr "" "Pozor! Súbor, ktorý si chcel načítať, je poškodený. Ale aj tak to skúsim.\n" #: src/savegame.cpp:250 msgid "" "This save is from an old, unsupported version ($version_number|) and cannot " "be loaded." msgstr "" "Uložená hra je zo starej nepodporovanej verzie hry ($version_number|) a " "nemôže byť načítaná." #: src/savegame.cpp:259 msgid "" "This save is from a different version of the game ($version_number|), and " "might not work with this version.\n" "\n" "Warning: saves in the middle of campaigns are especially likely to " "fail, and you should either use the old version or restart the campaign. " "Even when a saved game seems to load successfully, subtler aspects like " "gameplay balance and story progression could be impacted. The difficulty, " "the challenge, the fun may be missing.\n" "\n" "For example, the campaign may have been rebalanced with fewer enemies in the " "early scenarios, but expecting your recall list to have correspondingly less " "experience in the late scenarios.\n" "\n" "Do you wish to continue?" msgstr "" "Toto uloženie je z inej verzie hry ($version_number|) a nemusí fungovať s " "touto verziou.\n" "\n" "Upozornenie: je obzvlášť pravdepodobné, že uloženia uprostred kampaní " "zlyhajú a mali by ste použiť starú verziu alebo reštartovať kampaň. Aj keď " "sa zdá, že uložená hra sa úspešne načíta, môžu to ovplyvniť jemnejšie " "aspekty, ako je rovnováha hry a postup príbehu. Môže chýbať obtiažnosť, " "výzva, zábava.\n" "\n" "Napríklad kampaň mohla byť v počiatočných scenároch vyvážená s menším počtom " "nepriateľov, ale očakáva sa, že váš zoznam stiahnutí bude mať zodpovedajúcim " "spôsobom menej skúseností v neskorších scenároch.\n" "\n" "Chcete pokračovať?" #: src/savegame.cpp:273 src/savegame.cpp:319 msgid "Load Game" msgstr "Načítaj hru" #: src/savegame.cpp:319 msgid "Replays are not supported in multiplayer mode." msgstr "Zobrazenie záznamu nie je podporované v hre viacerých hráčov." #: src/savegame.cpp:326 msgid "This is not a multiplayer save." msgstr "Toto nie je uložená hra viacerých hráčov." #: src/savegame.cpp:360 msgid "The game could not be saved: " msgstr "Nepodarilo sa uložiť hru: " #: src/savegame.cpp:429 msgid "Save already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" msgstr "Uložená hra s týmto názvom už existuje. Chceš ju prepísať?" #: src/savegame.cpp:430 msgid "Overwrite?" msgstr "Prepísať?" #: src/savegame.cpp:437 msgid "" "Save names should not end on '.gz' or '.bz2'. Please remove the extension." msgstr "" "Názvy uložených hier by nemali končiť reťazcom '.gz' a '.bz2'. Prosím " "odstráňte túto koncovku." #: src/savegame.cpp:442 msgid "" "Save names may not end with a dot, or contain two dots or any of the " "following characters:\n" " \" * / : < > ? \\ | ~" msgstr "" "Uložené názvy nesmú končiť bodkou ani obsahovať dve bodky alebo niektorý z " "nasledujúcich znakov:\n" " \" * / : < > ? \\ | ~" #: src/savegame.cpp:489 msgid "Saved" msgstr "Uložená" #: src/savegame.cpp:489 msgid "The game has been saved." msgstr "Hra bola uložená." #: src/savegame.cpp:521 src/savegame.cpp:538 msgid "Could not write to file" msgstr "Neviem zapísať do súboru" #: src/savegame.cpp:573 msgid "Save Replay" msgstr "Uložiť záznam" #: src/savegame.cpp:602 msgid "Could not auto save the game. Please save the game manually." msgstr "Nepodarilo sa automaticky uložiť hru. Prosím uložte hru pomocou menu." #: src/savegame.cpp:652 msgid "Save Game" msgstr "Ulož hru" #: src/savegame.cpp:666 msgid "Game state is corrupted" msgstr "Stav hry je poškodený" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:156 msgid "Unexpected characters at line start" msgstr "Nečakané znaky na začiatku riadku" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:183 msgid "Missing closing tag for tag [$tag]" msgstr "Chýba koncová značka pre značku [$tag]" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:184 msgid "expected at $pos" msgstr "očakávané na $pos" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:185 src/serialization/parser.cpp:272 msgid "opened at $pos" msgstr "otvorené na $pos" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:203 msgid "Unterminated [element] tag" msgstr "Nedokončená značka [element]" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:219 src/serialization/parser.cpp:287 msgid "Invalid tag name" msgstr "Neplatný názov značky" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:225 msgid "Unterminated [+element] tag" msgstr "Nedokončená značka [+element]" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:249 msgid "Invalid closing tag name" msgstr "Nesprávny názov koncovej značky" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:255 msgid "Unterminated closing tag" msgstr "Nedokončená koncová značka" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:259 msgid "Unexpected closing tag" msgstr "Nečakaná koncová značka" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:271 msgid "Found invalid closing tag [/$tag2] for tag [$tag1]" msgstr "Nesprávna koncová značka [/$tag2] pre značku [$tag1]" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:273 msgid "closed at $pos" msgstr "zatvorené na $pos" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:309 src/serialization/parser.cpp:325 msgid "Empty variable name" msgstr "Prázdny názov premennej" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:317 msgid "Unexpected characters after variable name (expected , or =)" msgstr "Nečakané znaky po názve premennej (očakávam , alebo =)" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:364 src/serialization/parser.cpp:404 msgid "Unterminated quoted string" msgstr "Neukončené úvodzovky okolo textu" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:471 msgid "at $pos" msgstr "na $pos" #: src/serialization/parser.cpp:484 msgid "Value: '$value' Previous: '$previous_value'" msgstr "Hodnota '$value', predtým '$previous_value'" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:552 msgid "prefix_milli^m" msgstr "m" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:553 msgid "prefix_micro^µ" msgstr "µ" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:554 msgid "prefix_nano^n" msgstr "n" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:555 msgid "prefix_pico^p" msgstr "p" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:556 msgid "prefix_femto^f" msgstr "f" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:557 msgid "prefix_atto^a" msgstr "a" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:558 msgid "prefix_zepto^z" msgstr "z" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:559 msgid "prefix_yocto^y" msgstr "y" #. TRANSLATORS: Translate the K in KiB only #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:572 msgid "prefix_kibi^K" msgstr "K" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:573 msgid "prefix_kilo^k" msgstr "k" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:575 msgid "prefix_mega^M" msgstr "M" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:576 msgid "prefix_giga^G" msgstr "G" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:577 msgid "prefix_tera^T" msgstr "T" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:578 msgid "prefix_peta^P" msgstr "P" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:579 msgid "prefix_exa^E" msgstr "E" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:580 msgid "prefix_zetta^Z" msgstr "Z" #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:581 msgid "prefix_yotta^Y" msgstr "Y" #. TRANSLATORS: Translate the i in (for example) KiB only #: src/serialization/string_utils.cpp:596 msgid "infix_binary^i" msgstr "i" #: src/synced_commands.cpp:415 msgid "(unknown player)" msgstr "(neznámy hráč)" #: src/synced_commands.cpp:420 msgid "The :$command debug command was used during $player’s turn" msgstr "Príkaz :$command debug bol použitý počas ťahu hráča $player" #: src/synced_commands.cpp:428 msgid "" "A player used a debug command during the game. If this is unexpected, it is " "possible the player in question is cheating." msgstr "" "Hráč počas hry použil príkaz na ladenie. Ak je to neočakávané, je možné, že " "daný hráč podvádza." #: src/synced_commands.cpp:430 msgid "Details:" msgstr "Detaily:" #: src/synced_commands.cpp:433 msgid "Do you wish to save the game before continuing?" msgstr "Chceš uložiť hry pred pokračovaním?" #: src/synced_commands.cpp:435 msgid "Debug Command Used" msgstr "Použitý príkaz režimu ladenia" #: src/synced_commands.cpp:547 msgid "A unit was created using debug mode during $player’s turn" msgstr "V režime ladenia bola vytvorená jednotka počas ťahu hráča $player" #: src/synced_user_choice.cpp:342 msgid "waiting for $desc from side $sides" msgid_plural "waiting for $desc from sides $sides" msgstr[0] "čaká sa na $desc od strán: $sides" msgstr[1] "čaká sa na $desc od strany: $sides" msgstr[2] "čaká sa na $desc od strán: $sides" #. TRANSLATORS: In networked games, this text is shown for other clients, #. while they wait for an action from another player. #. This text will be embedded into a sentence. #: src/synced_user_choice.hpp:45 msgid "waiting for^input" msgstr "Čakám na vstup" #. TRANSLATORS: $color_id is the internal identifier of a side color, for example, 'lightred'. #. Translate the quotation marks only; leave "color_id" untranslated, as it's a variable name. #: src/team.cpp:1006 msgid "“$color_id”" msgstr "“$color_id”" #: src/terrain/terrain.cpp:193 msgid "Allied village" msgstr "Spojenecká dedina" #: src/terrain/terrain.cpp:198 msgid "Enemy village" msgstr "Nepriateľská dedina" #: src/terrain/terrain.cpp:203 msgid "Owned village" msgstr "Naša dedina" #: src/theme.cpp:315 msgid "border_size should be between 0.0 and 0.5." msgstr "border_size musí byť medzi 0.0 a 0.5." #: src/theme.cpp:566 src/theme.cpp:571 msgid "Hotkey(s): " msgstr "Klávesové skratky: " #: src/time_of_day.cpp:44 msgid "Stub Time of Day" msgstr "Zástupca pre dennú dobu" #: src/time_of_day.cpp:45 msgid "This Time of Day is only a Stub!" msgstr "Táto denná doba je len zástupcom!" #: src/units/abilities.cpp:1077 msgid "Owned: " msgstr "Vlastnené: " #. TRANSLATORS: Past-participle of "teach", used for an ability similar to leadership #: src/units/abilities.cpp:1081 msgid "Taught: " msgstr "Naučené: " #. TRANSLATORS: Past-participle of "teach", used for an ability similar to leadership #: src/units/abilities.cpp:1085 msgid "Taught: (by an enemy): " msgstr "Naučené: (nepriateľom):" #: src/units/abilities.cpp:1098 msgid "Used by opponent: " msgstr "Používané súperom:" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_damage, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:536 msgid "$number_or_percent damage" msgid_plural "$number_or_percent damage" msgstr[0] "$number_or_percent zranení" msgstr[1] "$number_or_percent zranenie" msgstr[2] "$number_or_percent zranenia" #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:545 msgid "$number damage" msgid_plural "$number damage" msgstr[0] "$number zranení" msgstr[1] "$number zranenie" msgstr[2] "$number zranenia" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_attacks, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:554 msgid "$number_or_percent strike" msgid_plural "$number_or_percent strikes" msgstr[0] "$number_or_percent útokov" msgstr[1] "$number_or_percent útok" msgstr[2] "$number_or_percent útoky" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_attacks, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:563 msgid "$number strike" msgid_plural "$number strikes" msgstr[0] "$number úderov" msgstr[1] "$number úder" msgstr[2] "$number údery" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_accuracy, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:572 msgid "$number| accuracy" msgstr "$number| presnosť" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_accuracy, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:579 msgid "$number_or_percent|% accuracy" msgstr "$number_or_percent|% presnosť" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_parry, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:586 msgid "$number parry" msgstr "$number odvrátenie" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_parry, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:593 msgid "$number_or_percent parry" msgstr "$number_or_percent odvrátenie" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_movement_used, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:600 msgid "$number movement point" msgid_plural "$number movement points" msgstr[0] "$number bodov pohybu" msgstr[1] "$number bod pohybu" msgstr[2] "$number body pohybu" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_movement_used, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:609 msgid "$number_or_percent movement point" msgid_plural "$number_or_percent movement points" msgstr[0] "$number_or_percent krokov" msgstr[1] "$number_or_percent krok" msgstr[2] "$number_or_percent krokov" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_attacks_used, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:618 msgid "$number attack used" msgid_plural "$number attacks used" msgstr[0] "$number použitých útokov" msgstr[1] "$number použitý útok" msgstr[2] "$number použitých útokov" #. TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_attacks_used, documented in https://wiki.wesnoth.org/EffectWML #: src/units/attack_type.cpp:627 msgid "$number_or_percent attack used" msgid_plural "$number_or_percent attacks used" msgstr[0] "$number_or_percent útokov za kolo" msgstr[1] "$number_or_percent útok za kolo" msgstr[2] "$number_or_percent útoky za kolo" #: src/units/helper.cpp:59 msgid "Level: " msgstr "Úroveň: " #: src/units/helper.cpp:62 msgid "Advancements:" msgstr "Povýšenia:" #: src/units/helper.cpp:75 msgid "No advancement" msgstr "Žiadne povýšenie" #: src/units/types.cpp:845 src/units/types.cpp:853 msgid "female^lawful" msgstr "poriadok" #: src/units/types.cpp:847 msgid "female^neutral" msgstr "neutrálna" #: src/units/types.cpp:849 msgid "female^chaotic" msgstr "chaotická" #: src/units/types.cpp:851 msgid "female^liminal" msgstr "na rozhraní" #: src/units/types.cpp:859 src/units/types.cpp:867 msgid "lawful" msgstr "poriadok" #: src/units/types.cpp:861 msgid "neutral" msgstr "neutrál" #: src/units/types.cpp:863 msgid "chaotic" msgstr "chaos" #: src/units/types.cpp:865 msgid "liminal" msgstr "na rozhraní" #: src/units/unit.cpp:2026 msgid "$attack_list|: $effect_description" msgstr "$attack_list|: $effect_description" #: src/units/unit.cpp:2032 msgid "$number_or_percent HP" msgstr "$number_or_percent životov" #: src/units/unit.cpp:2042 msgid "$number_or_percent move" msgid_plural "$number_or_percent moves" msgstr[0] "$number_or_percent ťahov" msgstr[1] "$number_or_percent ťah" msgstr[2] "$number_or_percent ťahy" #: src/units/unit.cpp:2048 msgid "$number_or_percent vision" msgstr "$number_or_percent videnie" #: src/units/unit.cpp:2052 msgid "$number_or_percent jamming" msgstr "$number_or_percent blokovanie" #: src/units/unit.cpp:2057 msgid "$number_or_percent XP to advance" msgstr "" "$number_or_percent skúseností na povýšenie" #: src/units/unit.cpp:2061 msgid "$number_or_percent attack per turn" msgid_plural "" "$number_or_percent attacks per turn" msgstr[0] "$number_or_percent útokov za kolo" msgstr[1] "$number_or_percent útok za kolo" msgstr[2] "$number_or_percent útoky za kolo" #: src/units/unit.cpp:2068 msgid "$number_or_percent cost to recall" msgstr "$number_or_percent cena za privolanie" #: src/units/unit.cpp:2524 msgid "$effect_description per level" msgstr "$effect_description za každú úroveň" #. TRANSLATORS: "Before Wesnoth" - format for years prior to the founding of Wesnoth #: src/utils/irdya_datetime.cpp:62 msgid "$year BW" msgstr "$year P.W." #. TRANSLATORS: "Year of Wesnoth" - format for years after the founding of Wesnoth #: src/utils/irdya_datetime.cpp:65 msgid "$year YW" msgstr "$year R.W." #. TRANSLATORS: "Before the Fall" - format for years prior to the fall of Wesnoth #: src/utils/irdya_datetime.cpp:68 msgid "$year BF" msgstr "$year Pr.P." #. TRANSLATORS: "After the Fall" - format for years after the fall of Wesnoth #: src/utils/irdya_datetime.cpp:71 msgid "$year AF" msgstr "$year Po P." #: src/wesnoth.cpp:805 msgid "" "Unable to create log files in directory $logdir. This is often caused by " "incorrect folder permissions, anti-virus software restricting folder access, " "or using OneDrive to manage your My Documents folder." msgstr "" "Nie je možné vytvoriť protokolové súbory v adresári $logdir. Často je to " "spôsobené nesprávnymi povoleniami priečinkov, antivírusovým softvérom " "obmedzujúcim prístup k priečinkom alebo používaním OneDrive na správu " "priečinka Moje dokumenty." #: src/wesnoth.cpp:806 msgid "Logging Failure" msgstr "Chyba pri prihlasovaní" #: src/wesnothd_connection.cpp:549 msgid "Disconnected from server." msgstr "Odpojený od serveru." #: src/whiteboard/manager.cpp:1121 msgid "SHOW ALL allies’ plans" msgstr "ZOBRAZIŤ VŠETKY plány spojencov" #: src/whiteboard/manager.cpp:1122 msgid "HIDE ALL allies’ plans" msgstr "SKRYŤ VŠETKY plány spojencov" #: src/whiteboard/manager.cpp:1136 msgid "Show plans for $player" msgstr "Ukáž plán pre $player" #: src/whiteboard/manager.cpp:1138 msgid "Hide plans for $player" msgstr "Skryť plán pre $player" #: src/whiteboard/manager.cpp:1141 msgid "Whiteboard Options" msgstr "Nastavenia tabule" #~ msgid "Availability: " #~ msgstr "Dostupnosť: " #~ msgid "Unavailable" #~ msgstr "Nie je k dispozícii" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Unit List" #~ msgid "Unit Test " #~ msgstr "Zoznam jednotiek" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Bomb" #~ msgid "Bob" #~ msgstr "Bomba" #~ msgid "Chest" #~ msgstr "Truhlica" #~ msgid "Independent" #~ msgstr "Nezávislý" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "― Great Mage Delfador, 516YW" #~ msgid "― Galun, Flight Leader, 5YW" #~ msgstr "― Veľký mág Delfador, 516 R.W." #~ msgid "" #~ msgstr "" #~ msgid "Join a room." #~ msgstr "Vstúpiť do miestnosti." #~ msgid "Part a room." #~ msgstr "Opustiť miestnosť." #~ msgid "List room members." #~ msgstr "Zoznam členov v miestnosti." #~ msgid "List available rooms." #~ msgstr "Zobrazí dostupné miestnosti." #~ msgid " " #~ msgstr " " #~ msgid "Room message." #~ msgstr "Správa do miestnosti." #~ msgid " [value]" #~ msgstr " [hodnota]" #~ msgid "Room query." #~ msgstr "Dotaz v miestnosti." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "drains" #~ msgid "drains 20%" #~ msgstr "vysaje" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Drain:\n" #~| "This unit drains health from living units, healing itself for half the " #~| "amount of damage it deals (rounded down)." #~ msgid "" #~ "This unit drains health from living units, healing itself for 20% of the " #~ "amount of damage it deals (rounded down)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vysatie:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka vysáva zdravie zo živých jednotiek a uzdraví sama seba za " #~ "polovicu spôsobeného zranenia (zaokrúhlené nadol)." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "feral" #~ msgstr "Celkom" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "female^feral" #~ msgstr "neutrálna" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "unhealable" #~ msgid "Unhealable" #~ msgstr "neliečiteľný" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "female^leadership" #~ msgid "magical leadership" #~ msgstr "velenie" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "female^leadership" #~ msgid "female^magical leadership" #~ msgstr "velenie" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Leadership:\n" #~| "This unit can lead our own units that are next to it, making them fight " #~| "better.\n" #~| "\n" #~| "Adjacent own units of lower level will do more damage in battle. When a " #~| "unit adjacent to, of a lower level than, and on the same side as a unit " #~| "with Leadership engages in combat, its attacks do 25% more damage times " #~| "the difference in their levels." #~ msgid "" #~ "This unit can lead your own units that are next to it, making them fight " #~ "better with magicals weapons.\n" #~ "Adjacent own units of lower level will do more damage in battle. When a " #~ "unit adjacent to, of a lower level than, and on the same side as a unit " #~ "with Leadership engages in combat, its attacks do 25% more damage times " #~ "the difference in their levels." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Velenie:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka dokáže viesť spojenecké jednotky okolo seba, takže bojujú " #~ "lepšie.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jednotky nižšej úrovne na vedľajších políčkach spôsobia v boji väčšie " #~ "zranenie. Ak sa jednotka nižšej úrovne nachádza vedľa spojeneckej " #~ "jednotky s velením, spôsobí pri útoku zranenie vyššie o 25% za každý " #~ "rozdiel v úrovni týchto jednotiek." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Steadfast:\n" #~| "This unit’s resistances are doubled, up to a maximum of 50%, when " #~| "defending. Vulnerabilities are not affected." #~ msgid "" #~ "This unit’s resistances are added to 20%, up to a maximum of 50%, when " #~ "defending to melle attacks. Vulnerabilities are not affected." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Neoblomný:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka má pri obrane dvojnásobnú odolnosť, nanajvýš však 50%. To " #~ "neovplyvňuje jej zraniteľnosť." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "female^fearless" #~ msgid "female^darkens" #~ msgstr "nebojácna" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "This unit has been petrified. It may not move or attack." #~ msgid "This unit sacrifices its own life in order to make more attacks." #~ msgstr "Táto jednotka skamenela. Nemôže sa hýbať ani bojovať." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "female^chaotic" #~ msgid "female^cantor" #~ msgstr "chaotická" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Jamming:" #~ msgid "Jamming Orc" #~ msgstr "Blokovanie:" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Vision Cost" #~ msgid "Vision Test" #~ msgstr "Cena dohľadnosti" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Clear Labels" #~ msgid "Clear sailing!" #~ msgstr "Umiestni značku" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "invisible: " #~ msgid "It is invisible!" #~ msgstr "neviditeľný: " #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Debug mode activated!" #~ msgid "Teleporters activated" #~ msgstr "Režim ladenia aktivovaný!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Debug mode deactivated!" #~ msgid "Teleporters deactivated" #~ msgstr "Režim ladenia deaktivovaný!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "steadfast" #~ msgid "Steadfast tester" #~ msgstr "neoblomný" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "female^healthy" #~ msgid "aura of death (" #~ msgstr "životaschopná" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "female^healthy" #~ msgid "female^aura of death (" #~ msgstr "životaschopná" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "drains" #~ msgid "drains 100%" #~ msgstr "vysaje" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Drain:\n" #~| "This unit drains health from living units, healing itself for half the " #~| "amount of damage it deals (rounded down)." #~ msgid "" #~ "This unit drains health from living units, healing itself for 100% of the " #~ "amount of damage it deals (rounded down)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vysatie:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka vysáva zdravie zo živých jednotiek a uzdraví sama seba za " #~ "polovicu spôsobeného zranenia (zaokrúhlené nadol)." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Custom map." #~ msgid "Custom dialog" #~ msgstr "Vlastná mapa." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Clear objective orders" #~ msgid "objectives test" #~ msgstr "Vymaž rozkazy o cieľoch" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "neutral" #~ msgid "Neutral" #~ msgstr "neutrál" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Filter: " #~ msgid "Filter Area" #~ msgstr "Filter: " #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Random" #~ msgid "randomness" #~ msgstr "Náhodná" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Defeat enemy leader(s)" #~ msgid "Defeat the enemy leader (he’s at 29,16!)" #~ msgstr "Porazíš ostatných veliteľov" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Defeat enemy leader(s)" #~ msgid "Defeat the enemy leader (he’s at 28,18!)" #~ msgstr "Porazíš ostatných veliteľov" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Gryphons" #~ msgid "Memory phone" #~ msgstr "Gryfovia" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Temple" #~ msgid "Temporal Clone" #~ msgstr "Chrám" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Launch the gamestate inspector" #~ msgid "Gamestate Inspector" #~ msgstr "Spustiť prieskumníka stavu hry" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "% parry" #~ msgid "parrot" #~ msgstr "% odvrátenie" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Scenario Settings" #~ msgid "Set the parrot settings." #~ msgstr "Nastavenia scény" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Chat message" #~ msgid "Parrot message" #~ msgstr "Správa rozhovoru" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Holy Water" #~ msgid "Water" #~ msgstr "Svätená voda" #~ msgid "poison" #~ msgstr "jed" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "January" #~ msgid "Manual" #~ msgstr "Január" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Northerners" #~ msgid "Northerners unleashed!" #~ msgstr "Severania" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Lato Light" #~ msgid "Let’s fight" #~ msgstr "Lato Light" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Multiplayer" #~ msgid "Multiply" #~ msgstr "Zápas" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Cannot find era $era" #~ msgid "Cannot divide by zero!" #~ msgstr "Neviem nájsť éru $era" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Trash Pile" #~ msgid "Crash test" #~ msgstr "Kopa odpadkov" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Potion of Decay" #~ msgid "Potion of bleach" #~ msgstr "Nápoj rozkladu" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Warning" #~ msgid "Win" #~ msgstr "Varovanie" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "This is not a multiplayer save." #~ msgid "This is not a forest" #~ msgstr "Toto nie je uložená hra viacerých hráčov." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Still Another Wanderer" #~ msgid "Still there" #~ msgstr "Ešte ďalší pútnik" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "You entered a different time Zone" #~ msgstr "Pripoj sa na iný server" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Damage Calculations" #~ msgid "Perform Calculation" #~ msgstr "Výpočet zranenia" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Summoning Circle" #~ msgid "Summon Troll" #~ msgstr "Zvolávací kruh" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Magic Circle" #~ msgid "Magic Troll" #~ msgstr "Magický kruh" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Dismiss Unit" #~ msgid "Dismiss Troll" #~ msgstr "Prepusti jednotku" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "sceptre of fire" #~ msgid "ruby of fire" #~ msgstr "ohnivé žezlo" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Options..." #~ msgid "promotions" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia..." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Turn changed" #~ msgid "map change" #~ msgstr "Zmena kola" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Turn changed" #~ msgid "map change2" #~ msgstr "Zmena kola" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Turn changed" #~ msgid "map change3" #~ msgstr "Zmena kola" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Set Label" #~ msgid "Shrouded label" #~ msgstr "Umiestni značku" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "More >" #~ msgid "More red!" #~ msgstr "Viac >" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Bright green" #~ msgid "More green!" #~ msgstr "Svetlozelená" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "More Wolves" #~ msgid "More blue!" #~ msgstr "Vlci" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Menu" #~ msgid "Menu 1" #~ msgstr "Menu" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Menu" #~ msgid "Menu 2" #~ msgstr "Menu" #~ msgid "very long" #~ msgstr "veľmi dlhé" #~ msgid "electrical" #~ msgstr "elektrický" #~ msgid "Group players in lobby" #~ msgstr "Zoskupovať hráčov v čakárni" #~ msgid "" #~ "Lato-Regular.ttf,DejaVuSans.ttf,Andagii.ttf,DroidSansJapanese.ttf," #~ "DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf,Junicode-Regular.ttf" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Lato-Regular.ttf,DejaVuSans.ttf,Andagii.ttf,DroidSansJapanese.ttf," #~ "DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf,Junicode-Regular.ttf" #~ msgid "Read the Hotkeys list in the Preferences menu." #~ msgstr "Pozri si nastavenie kláves v menu Nastavenia." #~ msgid "" #~ "Nearly every button and icon in the Wesnoth game has a tooltip. Hover the " #~ "mouse pointer over any button or icon to get a description or explanation " #~ "of what it does." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Takmer každé tlačidlo a ikona na hernej obrazovke Wesnothu majú nápovedu. " #~ "Umiestni kurzor myši nad tlačidlo alebo ikonu a zobrazí sa vysvetlenie " #~ "toho, čo robí." #~ msgid "Bad data received from server" #~ msgstr "Zo serveru boli prijaté zlé údaje" #~ msgid "" #~ "Error in the login procedure (the server had no seed for your connection)." #~ msgstr "Chyba pri prihlasovaní (server nemal 'seed' pre toto pripojenie)." #~ msgid "Back to..." #~ msgstr "Späť na..." #~ msgid "" #~ "This save is from a different version of the game ($version_number|). Do " #~ "you wish to try to load it?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Táto uložená hra je z inej verzie hry ($version_number|). Mám sa ju " #~ "pokúsiť načítať?" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Preferences" #~ msgid "Provinces" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Players" #~ msgid "Clayey" #~ msgstr "Hráči" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Normal" #~ msgid "Thermal" #~ msgstr "Normálny" #~ msgid "Enemies" #~ msgstr "Nepriatelia" #~ msgid " and " #~ msgstr " a " #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Damage" #~ msgid "damage" #~ msgstr "Zranenia" #~ msgid "XP to advance" #~ msgstr "skúseností na povýšenie" #~ msgid "gold" #~ msgstr "zlato" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "moves" #~ msgid "moves" #~ msgstr "ťahy" #~ msgid "gender^Random" #~ msgstr "Náhodná" #, fuzzy #~| msgid " resistance vs " #~ msgid " resistance vs " #~ msgstr " odolnosť voči " #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Strikes" #~ msgid "strike" #~ msgstr "Údery" #~ msgid "female^steadfast" #~ msgstr "neoblomná" #~ msgid "plague" #~ msgstr "choroba" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Plague:\n" #~| "When a unit is killed by a Plague attack, that unit is replaced with a " #~| "Walking Corpse on the same side as the unit with the Plague attack. This " #~| "doesn’t work on Undead or units in villages." #~ msgid "" #~ "When a unit is killed by a Plague attack, that unit is replaced with a " #~ "Walking Corpse on the same side as the unit with the Plague attack. This " #~ "doesn’t work on Undead or units in villages." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Choroba:\n" #~ "Ak jednotku zabije útok spôsobujúci chorobu, stane sa z tejto jednotky " #~ "chodiaca mŕtvola a bude bojovať za rovnakú stranu. Toto neplatí na " #~ "Nemŕtvych a na jednotky v dedine." #, fuzzy #~| msgid " (inactive)" #~ msgid "initiative" #~ msgstr " (neaktívna)" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| " The length of this unit’s weapon allows it to strike first in melee, " #~| "even in defense." #~ msgid "" #~ "All adjacent friendly units will strike first in melee combat, even when " #~ "defending." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Dĺžka zbrane umožňuje tejto jednotke v boji na blízko uštedriť prvý " #~ "úder, aj keď je napadnutá." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Max HP bonus +3, Max XP +20%" #~ msgid "Max HP bonus +6%" #~ msgstr "Bonus k maximálnemu počtu životov +3, k maximálnej skúsenosti +20%" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "XP to advance" #~ msgid "$value| XP to advance" #~ msgstr "skúseností na povýšenie" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Be more defensive" #~ msgid "+moves defense" #~ msgstr "Buď viac defenzívny" #~ msgid "Use experimental PRNG combat" #~ msgstr "Použiť experimentálny súboj PRNG" #~ msgid "" #~ "Enables more determinstic chance-to-hit calculations. This is an " #~ "experimental feature designed to bring the observed hit/miss rate more in " #~ "line with the displayed percentages.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Note: this option only affects singleplayer, and the ‘Save random seed’ " #~ "option must also be enabled when creating a game for this to work." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zapne deterministické výpočty pravdepodobnosti zásahu. Toto je " #~ "experimentálna funkcia, ktorá zosúladí pozorovaný pomer zásahov a " #~ "netrafení so zobrazenými percentami.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Poznámka: táto voľba ovplyvňuje len hru jedného hráča, pretože pre " #~ "správnu funkciu musí byť pri vytváraní hry zapnutá voľba ‘Uložiť východzí " #~ "stav náhodných čísel’." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Sending add-on $addon_title..." #~ msgid "" #~ "Requesting the older version composition for the add-on $addon_title..." #~ msgstr "Odosiela sa doplnok $addon_title..." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "The Battle for Wesnoth" #~ msgid "Battle for Wesnoth" #~ msgstr "Bitka o Wesnoth" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "― Kai Laudiss, 623YW" #~ msgid "― Vank of Galun’s Flight, 6YW" #~ msgstr "― Kai Laudiss, 623 R.W." #~ msgid "Graphics scaling options" #~ msgstr "Možnosti zväčšenia grafiky" #~ msgid "Show haloing effects" #~ msgstr "Efekty žiary" #~ msgid "Show special unit graphical effects" #~ msgstr "Zobraziť grafické efekty špeciálnych jednotiek" #~ msgid "Joystick support" #~ msgstr "Podpora joysticku" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the scroll X-axis joystick" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo joysticku pre posúvanie po osi X" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the scroll X-axis" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo osi pre posúvanie po osi X" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the scroll Y-axis joystick" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo joysticku pre posúvanie po osi Y" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the scroll Y-axis" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo osi pre posúvanie po osi Y" #~ msgid "Joystick: deadzone of the scrolling stick" #~ msgstr "Joystick: mŕtva zóna pre ovládač posúvania" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the cursor X-axis joystick" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo joysticku pre kurzor po osi X" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the cursor X-axis" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo josi pre kurzor po osi X" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the cursor Y-axis joystick" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo joysticku pre kurzor po osi Y" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the cursor Y-axis" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo josi pre kurzor po osi Y" #~ msgid "Joystick: deadzone of the cursor stick" #~ msgstr "Joystick: mŕtva zóna pre ovládač kurzora" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the mouse X-axis joystick" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo joysticku pre myš po osi X" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the mouse X-axis" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo osi pre myš po osi X" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the mouse Y-axis joystick" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo joysticku pre myš po osi Y" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the mouse Y-axis" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo osi pre myš po osi Y" #~ msgid "Joystick: deadzone of the mouse stick" #~ msgstr "Joystick: mŕtva zóna pre ovládač myši" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the thrust axis joystick" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo joysticku pre os tlaku" #~ msgid "Joystick: number of the thrust axis" #~ msgstr "Joystick: číslo osi pre os tlaku" #~ msgid "Joystick: deadzone of the thruster" #~ msgstr "Joystick: mŕtva zóna pre ovládač tlaku" #~ msgid "(early finish bonus)" #~ msgstr "(bonus za rýchly koniec)" #~ msgid "theme^Classic" #~ msgstr "Klasická" #~ msgid "The classic, pre-1.12 theme" #~ msgstr "Klasická téma z verzií pred 1.12" #~ msgid "villages" #~ msgstr "dediny" #~ msgid "units" #~ msgstr "jednotky" #~ msgid "upkeep" #~ msgstr "žold" #~ msgid "income" #~ msgstr "príjem" #~ msgid "statuspanel^level" #~ msgstr "úroveň" #~ msgid "statuspanel^moves" #~ msgstr "pohyby" #~ msgid "statuspanel^terrain def." #~ msgstr "obr. terénu" #~ msgid "No Saved Games" #~ msgstr "Nič nie je uložené" #~ msgid "There are no save files to load" #~ msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne uložené súbory na načítanie" #~ msgid "Best of" #~ msgstr "Najlepšie z" #~ msgid "Worst of" #~ msgstr "Najhorší z" #~ msgid "Base Terrain: " #~ msgstr "Základný terén: " #~ msgid "Movement properties: " #~ msgstr "Vlastnosti pohybu: " #~ msgid "Defense properties: " #~ msgstr "Vlastnosti obrany: " #~ msgid "Level" #~ msgstr "Úroveň" #~ msgid "Advances from: " #~ msgstr "Povýšený z: " #~ msgid "Base unit: " #~ msgstr "Základná jednotka: " #~ msgid "Base units: " #~ msgstr "Základné jednotky: " #~ msgid "Variations: " #~ msgstr "Variácie: " #~ msgid "Traits" #~ msgstr "Vlastnosti" #~ msgid "Abilities: " #~ msgstr "Schopnosti: " #~ msgid "Ability Upgrades: " #~ msgstr "Zvýšenie schopností: " #~ msgid "HP:" #~ msgstr "Životy:" #~ msgid "Moves:" #~ msgstr "Kroky:" #~ msgid "Vision:" #~ msgstr "Dohľadnosť:" #~ msgid "Cost:" #~ msgstr "Cena:" #~ msgid "Alignment:" #~ msgstr "Príslušnosť:" #~ msgid "Required XP:" #~ msgstr "Potrebné skúsenosti:" #~ msgid "unit help^Attacks" #~ msgstr "Útoky" #~ msgid "unit help^Name" #~ msgstr "Názov" #~ msgid "Range" #~ msgstr "Dosah" #~ msgid "Type" #~ msgstr "Typ" #~ msgid "Special" #~ msgstr "Špeciálne" #~ msgid "Resistances" #~ msgstr "Odolnosti" #~ msgid "Attack Type" #~ msgstr "Typ útoku" #~ msgid "Resistance" #~ msgstr "Odolnosť" #~ msgid "Terrain Modifiers" #~ msgstr "Modifikátory terénu" #~ msgid "Terrain" #~ msgstr "Terén" #~ msgid "Defense" #~ msgstr "Obrana" #~ msgid "Movement Cost" #~ msgstr "Cena pohybu" #~ msgid "Defense Cap" #~ msgstr "Limit obrany" #~ msgid "Jamming Cost" #~ msgstr "Cena blokovania" #~ msgid "do not translate the 'all'^[all|]" #~ msgstr "[all|]" #~ msgid "aliases:" #~ msgstr "aliasy:" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "do not translate the on/off^[ [on/off]]" #~ msgid "do not translate the on/off/full^[ [on/off/full]]" #~ msgstr "[ [on/off]]" #~ msgid "Show fps." #~ msgstr "Zobrazí počet snímok za sekundu." #~ msgid " replay" #~ msgstr " záznam" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "undead" #~ msgid "Undead" #~ msgstr "nemŕtvy" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Choose weapon:" #~ msgid "Choose a Corpse" #~ msgstr "Vyber si zbraň:" #~ msgid "Recruit" #~ msgstr "Verbuj" #~ msgid "XP: " #~ msgstr "Skúsenosti: " #, fuzzy #~| msgid "There are no save files to load" #~ msgid "There are no corpses available." #~ msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne uložené súbory na načítanie" #~ msgid "registering with password *** and no email address" #~ msgstr "registrovanie s heslom *** a žiadnou e-mailovou adresou" #~ msgid "registering with password *** and email address $email" #~ msgstr "registrovanie s heslom *** a e-mailovou adresou $email" #~ msgid "dropping your username" #~ msgstr "ruší sa tvoje používateľské meno" #~ msgid "setting $var to $value" #~ msgstr "nastavuje sa $var na $value" #~ msgid " " #~ msgstr " " #~ msgid "Register your nickname" #~ msgstr "Zaregistrovať prezývku" #~ msgid "Drop your nickname." #~ msgstr "Vzdať sa prezývky." #~ msgid "" #~ "Update details for your nickname. For possible details see '/details'." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Aktualizovať údaje o tvojej prezývke. Pre zoznam možných údajov pozri '/" #~ "details'." #~ msgid " " #~ msgstr " " #~ msgid "Request a list of details you can set for your registered nickname." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vyžiadať zoznam údajov, ktoré je možné nastaviť pre zaregistrovanú " #~ "prezývku." #~ msgid "Ping timeout" #~ msgstr "Čas na odozvu" #~ msgid "" #~ "Number of seconds to wait for a ping reply before timing out. Set to 0 to " #~ "disable" #~ msgstr "Počet sekúnd, počas ktorých sa má čakať na odozvu (ping). Vypni s 0" #~ msgid "" #~ "Wesnoth has many different sagas waiting to be played. Fight to regain " #~ "the throne of Wesnoth, of which you are the legitimate heir... step into " #~ "the boots of a young officer sent to guard a not-so-sleepy frontier " #~ "outpost... lead a brutal quest to unite the orcish tribes... vanquish a " #~ "horde of undead warriors unleashed by a foul necromancer, who also " #~ "happens to have taken your brother hostage... guide a band of elvish " #~ "survivors in an epic quest to find a new home... get revenge on the orcs " #~ "by using the foul art of necromancy...\n" #~ "\n" #~ "There are at least two hundred unit types, sixteen races, seven major " #~ "factions, and hundreds of years of history.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Wesnoth má mnoho ság pripravených na hranie. Bojuj o znovuzískanie trónu " #~ "Wesnoth, ktorého si právoplatným dedičom... ocitni sa v koži mladého " #~ "dôstojníka vyslaného strážiť hraničnú základňu, ktorá sa ukáže nie tak " #~ "pokojná... veď drsnú výpravu pre zjednotenie kmeňov orkov... premôž hordu " #~ "nemŕtvych bojovníkov vypustených zlým černokňažníkom, ktorý zajal aj " #~ "tvojho brata... veď skupinu elfských preživších na púti za novým " #~ "domovom... pomsti sa orkom pomocou umenia oživovania mŕtvych...\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Existuje tu viac ako dvesto typov jednotiek, šestnásť rás, sedem hlavných " #~ "frakcií a stovky rokov histórie.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "(17 Single Player Campaigns with 211 Scenarios,\n" #~ "One Multiplayer Campaign with 14 Scenarios,\n" #~ "7 Factions battling on 46 Multiplayer Maps/Scenarios,\n" #~ "500+ Add-ons.)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "(17 výprav pre jedného hráča s 211 scénami,\n" #~ "jedna výprava pre viacerých hráčov so 14 scénami,\n" #~ "7 frakcií bojujúcich na 46 mapách/scénach pre viacerých hráčov,\n" #~ "500+ doplnkov.)" #~ msgid "" #~ "Liminal units only reach their full strength during twilight.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Day: −25% Damage\n" #~ "Night: −25% Damage" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jednotky 'na rozhraní' získajú svoju plnú silu pri svitaní alebo " #~ "súmraku.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Deň: −25% zranenie spôsobené pri útoku\n" #~ "Noc: −25% zranenie spôsobené pri útoku" #~ msgid "" #~ "In many campaign scenarios, you may issue simple instructions for your " #~ "computer-controlled allies using the right-click context menu." #~ msgstr "" #~ "V mnohých scénach vo výprave môžeš vydávať jednoduché rozkazy spojencom " #~ "ovládaným počítačom pomocou kontextového menu (pravé tlačidlo myši)." #~ msgid "An invalid defender weapon got selected." #~ msgstr "Vybraná neplatná obranná zbraň." #~ msgid "Empty" #~ msgstr "Nič" #~ msgid "$era_name (missing)" #~ msgstr "$era_name (chýba)" #~ msgid "(missing)" #~ msgstr "(chýba)" #~ msgid "none" #~ msgstr "nič" #~ msgid "Can't droid a local ai side: '$side'." #~ msgstr "Nie je možné zmeniť lokálnu stranu na riadenie počítačom: '$side'." #~ msgid "Advances to:" #~ msgstr "Povýši sa na:" #~ msgid "None" #~ msgstr "Žiadny" #~ msgid "$number_or_percent movement point" #~ msgid_plural "" #~ "$number_or_percent movement points" #~ msgstr[0] "" #~ "$number_or_percent pohybových bodov" #~ msgstr[1] "$number_or_percent pohybový bod" #~ msgstr[2] "$number_or_percent pohybové body" #~ msgid "Defaults" #~ msgstr "Predvolené hodnoty" #~ msgid "Connected Players" #~ msgstr "Pripojení hráči" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Size: " #~ msgid "Size:" #~ msgstr "Veľkosť: " #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Screenshot" #~ msgid "Screenshots..." #~ msgstr "Záber obrazovky" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Help Wesnoth" #~ msgid "wesnoth" #~ msgstr "Podporte Wesnoth" #~ msgid "theme^UnitBox" #~ msgstr "UnitBox" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Experimental work-in-progress replacement for the default theme." #~ msgid "An experimental work-in-progress replacement for the default theme" #~ msgstr "Experimentálna rozpracovaná náhrada za štandardnú tému." #~ msgid "theme^Widescreen" #~ msgstr "Širokouhlá obrazovka" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Experimental theme optimized for widescreen resolutions." #~ msgid "An experimental theme optimized for widescreen resolutions" #~ msgstr "Experimentálna téma optimalizovaná pre širokouhlé obrazovky." #~ msgid "--give--" #~ msgstr "--dať--" #~ msgid "User made map" #~ msgstr "Užívateľom vytvorená mapa" #~ msgid "Unknown era: $era_id" #~ msgstr "Neznáma éra: $era_id" #~ msgid "Unknown scenario: $scenario_id" #~ msgstr "Neznáma scéna: $scenario_id" #~ msgid "Unknown campaign: $campaign_id" #~ msgstr "Neznáma výprava: $campaign_id" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "lawful" #~ msgid "wfl" #~ msgstr "poriadok" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "% accuracy" #~ msgid "$percent|% accuracy" #~ msgstr "% presnosť" #~ msgid "Not implemented yet." #~ msgstr "Zatiaľ neimplementované." #~ msgid "Help" #~ msgstr "Pomoc" #~ msgid "The End" #~ msgstr "Koniec" #~ msgid "Unsafe Lua scripts." #~ msgstr "Nebezpečné skripty v jazyku Lua." #~ msgid "" #~ "You are about to open a security breach in Wesnoth. Are you sure you want " #~ "to continue? If you have downloaded add-ons, do not click 'ok'! They " #~ "would instantly take over your computer. You have been warned." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Chystáš sa povoliť bezpečnostné riziko vo Wesnothe. Si si istý, že chceš " #~ "pokračovať? Ak si stiahol nejaké doplnky, neklikaj na 'ok'! Mohli by " #~ "ovládnuť počítať. Toto je posledné varovanie." #~ msgid "Skip" #~ msgstr "Preskoč" #~ msgid "Defender" #~ msgstr "Obranca" #~ msgid "Expected Battle Result (HP)" #~ msgstr "Predpokladaný výsledok bitky (živ.)" #~ msgid "Time of day" #~ msgstr "Denná doba" #~ msgid "Leadership" #~ msgstr "Velenie" #~ msgid " vulnerability vs " #~ msgstr " zraniteľnosť voči " #~ msgid "Slowed" #~ msgstr "Spomalený" #~ msgid "No usable weapon" #~ msgstr "Žiadna vhodná zbraň" #~ msgid "Chance of being unscathed" #~ msgstr "Šanca vyviaznuť bez zranenia" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Experimental multiplayer lobby" #~ msgid "Experimental multiplayer UI" #~ msgstr "Experimentálna čakáreň" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Replace the classic multiplayer lobby with a newer, experimental " #~| "interface" #~ msgid "" #~ "Replace the classic multiplayer lobby and game setup UI with a newer, " #~ "experimental interface" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nahradí klasickú čakáreň novším experimentálnym používateľským rozhraním" #~ msgid "pause at end of turn" #~ msgstr "pauza na konci kola" #~ msgid "theme^Pandora" #~ msgstr "Pandora" #~ msgid "An 800×480 theme optimized for Pandora devices" #~ msgstr "Téma pre rozlíšenie 800x480 na zariadeniach Pandora." #~ msgid "" #~ "End\n" #~ "Turn" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Koniec\n" #~ "kola" #~ msgid "addon_state^Not installed" #~ msgstr "Nenainštalovaný" #~ msgid "addon_state^Published, not installed" #~ msgstr "Zverejnený, nenainštalovaný" #~ msgid "addon_state^Installed" #~ msgstr "Nainštalovaný" #~ msgid "addon_state^Published" #~ msgstr "Zverejnený" #~ msgid "addon_state^Installed, upgradable" #~ msgstr "Nainštalovaný, aktualizovateľný" #~ msgid "addon_state^Published, upgradable" #~ msgstr "Zverejnený, aktualizovateľný" #~ msgid "addon_state^Installed, outdated on server" #~ msgstr "Nainštalovaný, na serveri zastaralý" #~ msgid "addon_state^Published, outdated on server" #~ msgstr "Zverejnený, na serveri zastaralý" #~ msgid "addon_state^Installed, broken" #~ msgstr "Nainštalovaný, nefunkčný" #~ msgid "addon_state^Published, broken" #~ msgstr "Zverejnený, nefunkčný" #~ msgid "addon_state^Unknown" #~ msgstr "Neznámy" #~ msgid "Author" #~ msgstr "Autor" #~ msgid "Name" #~ msgstr "Meno" #~ msgid "Version" #~ msgstr "Verzia" #~ msgid "Size" #~ msgstr "Veľkosť" #~ msgid "" #~ "Deleting '$addon|' will permanently erase its download and upload counts " #~ "on the add-ons server. Do you really wish to continue?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vymazanie '$addon|' natrvalo odstráni jeho štatistiku stiahnutí a " #~ "odoslaní na serveri doplnkov. Chceš naozaj pokračovať?" #~ msgid "Response" #~ msgstr "Odpoveď" #~ msgid "Terms" #~ msgstr "Podmienky" #~ msgid "New Version" #~ msgstr "Nová verzia" #~ msgid "Old Version" #~ msgstr "Stará verzia" #~ msgid "Downloads" #~ msgstr "Stiahnutí" #~ msgid "Publish: $addon_title" #~ msgstr "Zverejniť: $addon_title" #~ msgid "Delete: $addon_title" #~ msgstr "Vymazať: $addon_title" #~ msgid "There are no add-ons available for download from this server." #~ msgstr "Na tomto serveri nie sú k dispozícii žiadne doplnky." #~ msgid "There are no add-ons matching the specified criteria on this server." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Na tomto serveri nie sú k dispozícii žiadne doplnky spĺňajúce kritériá." #~ msgid "Description" #~ msgstr "Popis" #~ msgid "Update All" #~ msgstr "Aktualizovať všetko" #~ msgid "filter^Options" #~ msgstr "Možnosti" #~ msgid "Add-on Installed" #~ msgstr "Doplnok nainštalovaný" #~ msgid "Add-on Updated" #~ msgstr "Doplnok aktualizovaný" #~ msgid "The add-on '$addon_title|' has been successfully installed." #~ msgstr "Doplnok '$addon_title|' je nainštalovaný." #~ msgid "The add-on '$addon_title|' has been successfully updated." #~ msgstr "Doplnok '$addon_title|' bol úspešne aktualizovaný." #~ msgid "Add-ons Installed" #~ msgstr "Doplnky nainštalované" #~ msgid "Add-ons Updated" #~ msgstr "Doplnky aktualizované" #~ msgid "All add-ons installed successfully." #~ msgstr "Všetky doplnky úspešne nainštalované." #~ msgid "All add-ons updated successfully." #~ msgstr "Všetky doplnky úspešne aktualizované." #~ msgid "Installation Failed" #~ msgstr "Inštalácia zlyhala" #~ msgid "Update Failed" #~ msgstr "Aktualizácia zlyhala" #~ msgid "" #~ "The following add-on could not be downloaded or installed successfully:" #~ msgid_plural "" #~ "The following add-ons could not be downloaded or installed successfully:" #~ msgstr[0] "Nasledujúce doplnky sa nepodarilo stiahnuť alebo aktualizovať:" #~ msgstr[1] "Nasledujúci doplnok sa nepodarilo stiahnuť alebo aktualizovať:" #~ msgstr[2] "Nasledujúce doplnky sa nepodarilo stiahnuť alebo aktualizovať:" #~ msgid "Female ♀" #~ msgstr "Žena ♀" #~ msgid "Male ♂" #~ msgstr "Muž ♂" #~ msgid "Generic" #~ msgstr "Všeobecné" #~ msgid "Use map settings" #~ msgstr "Použi nastavenia mapy" #~ msgid "Random start time" #~ msgstr "Náhodný čas začiatku" #~ msgid "Fog of war" #~ msgstr "Hmla" #~ msgid "Configure Game" #~ msgstr "Nastaviť hru" #~ msgid "Name of game:" #~ msgstr "Názov hry:" #~ msgid "Observers" #~ msgstr "Diváci" # bodka má byť, podľa kontextu #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Register your nickname" #~ msgid "Registered users only" #~ msgstr "Zaregistruj tvoju prezývku" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Debug: " #~ msgid "Debug OOS" #~ msgstr "Ladenie: " #~ msgid "Shuffle sides" #~ msgstr "Pomiešať strany" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Random map options:" #~ msgid "Random factions:" #~ msgstr "Náhodné voľby mapy:" #~ msgid "Set Password..." #~ msgstr "Nastaviť heslo..." #~ msgid "Select an entry point:" #~ msgstr "Zvoľte vstupný bod:" #~ msgid "Enables user time limit" #~ msgstr "Povoľ časový limit pre hráča" #~ msgid "Longest time allowed for first turn (seconds)" #~ msgstr "Najdlhší povolený čas na prvý ťah (sekundy)" #~ msgid "Longest time possible for any turn (seconds)" #~ msgstr "Najdlhší povolený čas na hociktorý ťah (sekundy)" #~ msgid "Time for general tasks each turn (seconds)" #~ msgstr "Čas na všeobecné úkony v každom ťahu (sekundy)" #~ msgid "Time for each attack, recruit, and capture" #~ msgstr "Čas na útok, verbovanie, dobýjanie" #~ msgid "Allow users who are not playing to watch the game" #~ msgstr "Umožni nehrajúcim divákom sledovať hru" #~ msgid "Assign sides to players at random" #~ msgstr "Priradiť strany hráčom náhodne" #~ msgid "Use scenario specific settings" #~ msgstr "Použi nastavenia konkrétnej scény" #~ msgid "The maximum number of turns the game can last" #~ msgstr "Maximálny počet kôl trvania hry" #~ msgid "The amount of income each village yields per turn" #~ msgstr "Príjem z každej dediny za jedno kolo" #~ msgid "The number of unit levels each village can support" #~ msgstr "Počet úrovní jednotiek, ktoré môže každá dedina podporovať" #~ msgid "The amount of experience a unit needs to advance" #~ msgstr "Množstvo skúseností, ktoré jednotka potrebuje na povýšenie" #~ msgid "Randomize time of day in begin" #~ msgstr "Hra začne v náhodnej fáze dňa" #~ msgid "Enemy units cannot be seen unless they are in range of your units" #~ msgstr "Nepriateľské jednotky vidíš iba v dosahu svojich jednotiek" #~ msgid "The map is unknown until your units explore it" #~ msgstr "Mapa je zakrytá, dokiaľ ju tvoje jednotky nezmapujú" #~ msgid "Share View" #~ msgstr "Spoločný pohľad" #~ msgid "Share Maps" #~ msgstr "Spoločná mapa" #~ msgid "Share None" #~ msgstr "Nič spoločné" #~ msgid "You must enter a name." #~ msgstr "Musíte zadať meno." #~ msgid "Turns: " #~ msgstr "Kolá: " #~ msgid "Unlimited turns" #~ msgstr "Neobmedzené kolá" #~ msgid "Village gold: " #~ msgstr "Zlato za dedinu: " #~ msgid "Village support: " #~ msgstr "Podpora dedín: " #~ msgid "Experience modifier: " #~ msgstr "Modifikátor skúseností: " #~ msgid "Init. limit: " #~ msgstr "Štart. limit: " #~ msgid "Turn bonus: " #~ msgstr "Bonus za kolá: " #~ msgid "Reservoir: " #~ msgstr "Zásoba: " #~ msgid "Action bonus: " #~ msgstr "Bonus za akcie: " #~ msgid "(" #~ msgstr "(" #~ msgid ")" #~ msgstr ")" #~ msgid "+" #~ msgstr "+" #~ msgid "Game Lobby: " #~ msgstr "Čakáreň: " #~ msgid "Player/Type" #~ msgstr "Typ hráča" #~ msgid "Faction/Name" #~ msgstr "Frakcia/Názov" #~ msgid "Leader/Gender" #~ msgstr "Veliteľ/Pohlavie" #~ msgid "Team/Color" #~ msgstr "Tím/Farba" #~ msgid "I’m Ready" #~ msgstr "Som pripravený" #~ msgid "The scenario is invalid because it has no id." #~ msgstr "Scéna je neplatná, pretože nemá žiadny identifikátor." #~ msgid "The scenario is invalid because it has no sides." #~ msgstr "Scéna neplatí, pretože nemá definované strany." #~ msgid "Waiting for players to join..." #~ msgstr "Čakám, kým sa pripoja hráči..." #~ msgid "Waiting for players to choose factions..." #~ msgstr "Čakám, kým si hráči zvolia frakciu..." #~ msgid "Create Game" #~ msgstr "Vytvor hru" #~ msgid "Filter:" #~ msgstr "Filter:" #~ msgid "Number of players: any" #~ msgstr "Počet hráčov: ľubovoľný" #~ msgid "Random map options:" #~ msgstr "Náhodné voľby mapy:" #~ msgid "" #~ "No eras available\n" #~ "for this game." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pre túto hru\n" #~ "nie sú žiadne éry." #~ msgid "Next" #~ msgstr "Ďalej" #~ msgid "Regenerate" #~ msgstr "Vytvor znovu" #~ msgid "Settings..." #~ msgstr "Nastavenia..." #~ msgid "Scenarios" #~ msgstr "Scény" #~ msgid "Campaigns" #~ msgstr "Výpravy" #~ msgid "User Maps" #~ msgstr "Používateľské mapy" #~ msgid "User Scenarios" #~ msgstr "Používateľské scény" #~ msgid "Random Maps" #~ msgstr "Náhodné mapy" #~ msgid "No eras found" #~ msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne éry" #~ msgid "" #~ "Modifications:\n" #~ "None found." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Modifikácie:\n" #~ "Žiadne neboli nájdené." #~ msgid "The level is invalid." #~ msgstr "Úroveň je neplatná." #~ msgid "Players: " #~ msgstr "Hráči: " #~ msgid "Number of players: " #~ msgstr "Počet hráčov:" #~ msgid "--no games open--" #~ msgstr "--nie je otvorená žiadna hra--" #~ msgid " (Unknown Era)" #~ msgstr " (Neznáma éra)" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Outdated add-ons" #~ msgid " (Outdated addons)" #~ msgstr "Zastaralé doplnky" #~ msgid "Scenario:" #~ msgstr "Scéna:" #~ msgid "Campaign:" #~ msgstr "Výprava:" #~ msgid "Password Required" #~ msgstr "Vyžaduje sa heslo" #~ msgid "Join Game" #~ msgstr "Pridaj sa k hre" #~ msgid "Apply filter" #~ msgstr "Použiť filter" #~ msgid "Invert" #~ msgstr "Invertovať" #~ msgid "Vacant slots" #~ msgstr "Voľné miesta" #~ msgid "Friends in game" #~ msgstr "Priatelia v hre" #~ msgid "Search:" #~ msgstr "Hľadaj:" #~ msgid "Normal Replays" #~ msgstr "Normálne záznam" #~ msgid "Quick Replays" #~ msgstr "Rýchle záznamy" #~ msgid "Enter Blindfolded" #~ msgstr "Vstúpiť so zaviazanými očami" #~ msgid "Skip quickly to the active turn when observing" #~ msgstr "Pri pozorovaní rýchlo preskoč na aktuálne kolo" #~ msgid "" #~ "Enable the games filter. If unchecked all games are shown, regardless of " #~ "any filter." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zapnúť filter hier. Ak nie je zvolené, zobrazia sa všetky hry, bez ohľadu " #~ "na filter." #~ msgid "" #~ "Show all games that do *not* match your filter. Useful for hiding games " #~ "you are not interested in." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zobraziť všetky hry, ktoré nespĺňajú filter. Vhodné na skrytie hier, " #~ "ktoré nie sú zaujímavé." #~ msgid "Only show games that have at least one vacant slot" #~ msgstr "Zobraziť len hry s aspoň jedným voľným miestom" #~ msgid "" #~ "Only show games that are played or observed by at least one of your " #~ "friends" #~ msgstr "Zobraziť len hry, kde hrá alebo pozoruje niektorý tvoj priateľ" #~ msgid "" #~ "Only show games whose title, description, era or mods contain the entered " #~ "text" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zobraziť len hry, ktorých názov, popis, éra alebo modifikácie obsahujú " #~ "zadaný text" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "No compatible eras found." #~ msgid "Incompatible user-made content." #~ msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne kompatibilné éry." #~ msgid "$sender is messaging you, and you accept whispers from friends only." #~ msgstr "" #~ "$sender vám posiela správu, ale prijímanie súkromných správ máte povolené " #~ "len od priateľov." #~ msgid "Waiting for game to start..." #~ msgstr "Čaká sa na začiatok hry..." #~ msgid "No era information found." #~ msgstr "Nenašli sa informácie o ére." #~ msgid "(Empty slot)" #~ msgstr "(Prázdne miesto)" #~ msgid "(Reserved for $playername)" #~ msgstr "(Vyhradené pre $playername)" #~ msgid "(Vacant slot)" #~ msgstr "(Voľné miesto)" #~ msgid "(empty)" #~ msgstr "(prázdne)" #~ msgid "multiplayer_starting_gold^Gold" #~ msgid_plural "multiplayer_starting_gold^Gold" #~ msgstr[0] "Zlatiek" #~ msgstr[1] "Zlatka" #~ msgstr[2] "Zlatky" #~ msgid "Statistics" #~ msgstr "Štatistika" #~ msgid "Visualize the screen refresh procedure." #~ msgstr "Zviditeľní proces prekresľovania obrazovky." #~ msgid "Layers" #~ msgstr "Vrstvy" #~ msgid "Recalls" #~ msgstr "Privolaných" #~ msgid "Losses" #~ msgstr "Padlých" #~ msgid "Kills" #~ msgstr "Zabitých" #~ msgid "Details" #~ msgstr "Detaily" #~ msgid "Select Scenario" #~ msgstr "Vybrať scénu" #~ msgid "Campaign" #~ msgstr "Výprava" #~ msgid "Overall" #~ msgstr "Celkom" #~ msgid "This Turn" #~ msgstr "Toto kolo" #~ msgid "Inflicted" #~ msgstr "Spôsobené zranenia" #~ msgid "Taken" #~ msgstr "Utŕžené zranenia" #~ msgid "Mon" #~ msgstr "Po" #~ msgid "Sun" #~ msgstr "Ne" #~ msgid "Tue" #~ msgstr "Ut" #~ msgid "Wed" #~ msgstr "St" #~ msgid "Fri" #~ msgstr "Pi" #~ msgid "Sat" #~ msgstr "So" #~ msgid "Thu" #~ msgstr "Št" #~ msgid "Monday" #~ msgstr "Pondelok" #~ msgid "Sunday" #~ msgstr "Nedeľa" #~ msgid "Tuesday" #~ msgstr "Utorok" #~ msgid "Friday" #~ msgstr "Piatok" #~ msgid "Saturday" #~ msgstr "Sobota" #~ msgid "Thursday" #~ msgstr "Štvrtok" #~ msgid "Wednesday" #~ msgstr "Streda" #~ msgid "Apr" #~ msgstr "Apr" #~ msgid "Feb" #~ msgstr "Feb" #~ msgid "Jan" #~ msgstr "Jan" #~ msgid "Mar" #~ msgstr "Mar" #~ msgid "Aug" #~ msgstr "Aug" #~ msgid "Jul" #~ msgstr "Júl" #~ msgid "Jun" #~ msgstr "Jún" #~ msgid "Oct" #~ msgstr "Okt" #~ msgid "Sep" #~ msgstr "Sep" #~ msgid "abbrev^May" #~ msgstr "Máj" #~ msgid "Dec" #~ msgstr "Dec" #~ msgid "February" #~ msgstr "Február" #~ msgid "March" #~ msgstr "Marec" #~ msgid "April" #~ msgstr "Apríl" #~ msgid "August" #~ msgstr "August" #~ msgid "July" #~ msgstr "Júl" #~ msgid "June" #~ msgstr "Jún" #~ msgid "May" #~ msgstr "Máj" #~ msgid "December" #~ msgstr "December" #~ msgid "November" #~ msgstr "November" #~ msgid "October" #~ msgstr "Október" #~ msgid "September" #~ msgstr "September" #~ msgid "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" #~ msgstr "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" #~ msgid "%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" #~ msgstr "%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" #~ msgid "AM" #~ msgstr "Predpoludním" #~ msgid "PM" #~ msgstr "Popoludní" #~ msgid "am" #~ msgstr "predpoludním" #~ msgid "pm" #~ msgstr "popoludní" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "per turn" #~ msgid "attacks per turn" #~ msgstr "za kolo" #~ msgid "Only the mermen can use this item!" #~ msgstr "Tento predmet môžu používať iba morskí ľudia!" # Bridge #, fuzzy #~| msgid "$name|’s Bridge,$name|’s Crossing" #~ msgid " main=$base{!}’s Bridge|$base{!}’s Crossing " #~ msgstr "Most $name,$name|ov prechod" # Path #, fuzzy #~| msgid "$name|’s Highway,$name|’s Pass,Path of $name" #~ msgid " main=$base{!}’s Highway|$base{!}’s Pass|Path of $base " #~ msgstr "$name|ova cesta,$name|ov prechod,$name|ova trasa" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "$name River,River $name" #~ msgid " main=$base River|River $base " #~ msgstr "Rieka $name" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "$name Forest,$name|’s Forest" #~ msgid " main=$base Forest|$base{!}’s Forest " #~ msgstr "Les $name" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "$name|harbor,$name|port,$lake|port,$lake|harbor" #~ msgid " main=$base{!}harbor|$base{!}port|$lake{!}port|$lake{!}harbor " #~ msgstr "Prístav $name,$name|ský prístav,$lake|ský prístav,Prístav na $lake" # Village + River #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "$name|ham,$name|ford,$name|cross,$river|ford,$river|cross,$name on river" #~ msgid "" #~ " main=$base{!}ham|$base{!}ford|$base{!}cross|$river{!}ford|$river{!}cross|" #~ "$base on $river " #~ msgstr "" #~ "$name|ová,$name|ovka,$name|ov,$river|vský brod,Brod cez $river,$name na " #~ "rieke" # Village + River + Bridge #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "$river|bridge,$river|bridge,$river|bridge,$name|ham,$name|bridge,$bridge|" #~| "ham,$bridge|ton" #~ msgid "" #~ " main=$river{!}bridge|$river{!}bridge|$river{!}bridge|$base{!}ham|$base{!}" #~ "bridge|$bridge{!}ham|$bridge{!}ton " #~ msgstr "" #~ "Most nad $river,$river|ský most,$river|ov most,$name|ov,$name|ský most," #~ "$bridge|ov,$bridge|ský most" # Village + Forest #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "$name|ham,$name|ton,$name|wood,$name Forest,$forest|wood,$forest|ham," #~| "$forest|ton" #~ msgid "" #~ " main=$base{!}ham|$base{!}ton|$base{!}wood|$base Forest|$forest{!}wood|" #~ "$forest{!}ham|$forest{!}ton " #~ msgstr "" #~ "$name|ová,$name|ovka,$name|ovce,$name|ov háj,$forest|ov háj,$forest|ov " #~ "les,$forest|ov" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "$mountain|mont,$mountain|cliff,$mountain|bury,$mountain|ham" #~ msgid "" #~ " main=$mountain{!}mont|$mountain{!}cliff|$mountain{!}bury|$mountain{!}ham " #~ msgstr "" #~ "$mountain|ský vrch,$mountain|ská skala,$mountain|ovo,$mountain|a hoľa" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "$road|’s Rest,$road|’s Waypoint,$road|bury,$road|ham,$name|bury,$name|ham" #~ msgid "" #~ " main=$road{!}’s Rest|$road{!}’s Waypoint|$road{!}bury|$road{!}ham|" #~ "$base{!}bury|$base{!}ham " #~ msgstr "" #~ "$road|ská zastávka,$road|ský míľnik,$road|ovo,$road|ovka,$name|ovo,$name|" #~ "ovka" # Village #, fuzzy #~| msgid "$name|bury,$name|ham,$name|ton,$swamp|bury,$swamp|ham,$swamp|ton," #~ msgid "" #~ " main=$base{!}bury|$base{!}ham|$base{!}ton|$swamp{!}bury|$swamp{!}ham|" #~ "$swamp{!}ton " #~ msgstr "$name|ová,$name|ovka,$name|ovce,$swamp|ová,$swamp|ovka,$swamp|ovce," #, fuzzy #~| msgid "No eras found" #~ msgid "No era" #~ msgstr "Nenašli sa žiadne éry" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Start a new single player campaign" #~ msgid "An empty era to be used for single player campaigns." #~ msgstr "Spusti novú výpravu pre jedného hráča" #~ msgid "(%d turns left)" #~ msgstr "(%d kôl zostáva)" #~ msgid "Do you really want to dismiss him?" #~ msgstr "Chceš ho naozaj prepustiť?" #~ msgid "This unit is loyal and requires no upkeep. " #~ msgstr "Táto jednotka je verná a nepotrebuje žold. " #~ msgid "Do you really want to dismiss her?" #~ msgstr "Chceš ju naozaj prepustiť?" #~ msgid "This unit is an experienced one, having advanced levels. " #~ msgstr "Táto jednotka je skúsená a na vyššej úrovni. " #~ msgid "This unit is close to advancing a level. " #~ msgstr "Táto jednotka bude čoskoro povýšená. " #~ msgid "Advance Unit" #~ msgstr "Povýšenie jednotky" #~ msgid "What should our victorious unit become?" #~ msgstr "Čím sa má stať naša víťazná jednotka?" #~ msgid "Moves" #~ msgstr "Ťahy" #~ msgid "Status" #~ msgstr "Stav" #~ msgid "Level^Lvl." #~ msgstr "Úr." #~ msgid "unit list^Traits" #~ msgstr "Vlastnosti" #~ msgid "Scroll To" #~ msgstr "Posun na" #~ msgid "Select unit:" #~ msgstr "Vyber si jednotku:" #~ msgid "Recall" #~ msgstr "Privolaj" #~ msgid "Profile" #~ msgstr "Profil" #~ msgid "level" #~ msgstr "Úroveň" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Connecting..." #~ msgid "Connecting" #~ msgstr "Pripájam sa..." #~ msgid "Connecting to Server..." #~ msgstr "Pripájam sa na server..." #~ msgid "Leader: " #~ msgstr "Veliteľ: " #~ msgid "Gender: " #~ msgstr "Pohlavie: " #~ msgid "Recruits: " #~ msgstr "Naverbovaných: " #~ msgid "Choose your faction:" #~ msgstr "Vyber si stranu:" #~ msgid "Starting position: " #~ msgstr "Východzia pozícia: " #~ msgid "Getting game data..." #~ msgstr "Zisťujem herné údaje..." #~ msgid "Leader" #~ msgstr "Veliteľ" #~ msgid "status^Units" #~ msgstr "Jednotky" #~ msgid "Current Status" #~ msgstr "Aktuálny stav" #~ msgid "scenario settings^Leader" #~ msgstr "Veliteľ" #~ msgid "" #~ "scenario settings^Start\n" #~ "Gold" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Počiatočné\n" #~ "zlato" #~ msgid "" #~ "scenario settings^Base\n" #~ "Income" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Základný\n" #~ "príjem" #~ msgid "" #~ "scenario settings^Gold Per\n" #~ "Village" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zlato za\n" #~ "dedinu" #~ msgid "" #~ "scenario settings^Support Per\n" #~ "Village" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Podpora za\n" #~ "dedinu" #~ msgid "scenario settings^Fog" #~ msgstr "Hmla" #~ msgid "scenario settings^Shroud" #~ msgstr "Odkrývanie mapy" #~ msgid " < Back" #~ msgstr " < Naspäť" #~ msgid "Save the Map As" #~ msgstr "Uložiť mapu ako" #~ msgid "The map already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" #~ msgstr "Uložená mapa s týmto názvom už existuje. Chceš ju prepísať?" #~ msgid "invalid network handle" #~ msgstr "neplatná sieťová handle" #~ msgid "Client disconnected" #~ msgstr "Klient sa odpojil" #~ msgid "Could not connect to host." #~ msgstr "Neviem sa pripojiť na server." #~ msgid "Could not add socket to socket set" #~ msgstr "Neviem pridať ďalší socket" #~ msgid "Could not send initial handshake" #~ msgstr "Neviem poslať úvodnú správu" #~ msgid "Waiting for next scenario..." #~ msgstr "Čakám na ďalšiu scénu..." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Items" #~ msgid "More Items" #~ msgstr "Predmety" #~ msgid "$name Lake" #~ msgstr "Jazero $name" # Village + Grassland #~ msgid "$name|’s Swamp,$name|marsh,$name|fen" #~ msgstr "$name|ovce,$name|ovo pole,$name|ova roľa" # Village #~ msgid "$name|bury,$name|ham,$name|ton,$name|bury" #~ msgstr "$name|ová,$name|ovka,$name|ovce,$name|ov" # Village + Grassland #~ msgid "$name|ham,$name|ton,$name|field" #~ msgstr "$name|ová,$name|ovka,$name|ovce,$name|ovo pole,$name|ova roľa" # Village + Hill #~ msgid "$name|ham,$name|bury,$name|ton,$name|hill,$name|crest" #~ msgstr "$name|ová,$name|ovka,$name|ovce,$name|ov kopec,$name|ov hrebeň" # Village + Mountain #~ msgid "" #~ "$name|ham,$name|bury,$name|ton,$name|mont,$name|mont,$name|cliff,$name|" #~ "cliff" #~ msgstr "$name|ová,$name|ovka,$name|ovce,$name|ovo bralo,$name|ov útes" #~ msgid "Reading from Server..." #~ msgstr "Čítam zo servera..." #~ msgid "Replace with $player" #~ msgstr "Nahraď hráčom $player" #~ msgid "DejaVu Sans,Andagii,Droid Sans Japanese,Droid Sans Fallback,Junicode" #~ msgstr "" #~ "DejaVu Sans,Andagii,Droid Sans Japanese,Droid Sans Fallback,Junicode" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Clear Messages" #~ msgid "Clear Weather" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Vymaže všetky správy.\n" #~ "\n" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Snow" #~ msgid "Snowfall" #~ msgstr "Sneh" #~ msgid "Initializing user interface" #~ msgstr "Inicializuje používateľské rozhranie" #~ msgid "Loading game configuration" #~ msgstr "Načítavajú sa nastavenia hry" #~ msgid "Verifying cache" #~ msgstr "Kontroluje sa vyrovnávacia pamäť" #~ msgid "Reading files and creating cache" #~ msgstr "Načítavajú sa súbory a vytvára vyrovnávacia pamäť" #~ msgid "Reading unit files" #~ msgstr "Načítavajú sa súbory jednotiek" #~ msgid "Reinitialize fonts for the current language" #~ msgstr "Znovunačítaj písmo pre aktuálny jazyk" #~ msgid "Searching for installed add-ons" #~ msgstr "Hľadám nainštalované doplnky" #~ msgid "Loading title screen" #~ msgstr "Načítava sa úvodná obrazovka" #~ msgid "Loading data files" #~ msgstr "Načítavajú sa dátové súbory" #~ msgid "Loading level" #~ msgstr "Načítavajú sa úrovne" #~ msgid "Initializing teams" #~ msgstr "Inicializujú sa tímy" #~ msgid "Loading units" #~ msgstr "Načítavajú sa jednotky" #~ msgid "Initializing display" #~ msgstr "Inicializuje sa obrazovka" #~ msgid "Building terrain rules" #~ msgstr "Zostavujú sa pravidlá pre terén" #~ msgid "Starting game" #~ msgstr "Začínam hru" #~ msgid "unit^Gold" #~ msgid_plural "Gold" #~ msgstr[0] "Zlato" #~ msgstr[1] "Zlato" #~ msgstr[2] "Zlato" #~ msgid "Manage persistence data" #~ msgstr "Spravovať trvalé údaje" #~ msgid "ai" #~ msgstr "UI" #~ msgid " move" #~ msgstr " ťah" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "vision: " #~ msgid " vision" #~ msgstr "dohľadnosť: " #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Warning: " #~ msgid " jamming" #~ msgstr "Varovanie:" #~ msgid "Show your ignores and friends list." #~ msgstr "Zobrazí tvoj zoznam ignorovaných a priateľov." #~ msgid "There are no players on your friends or ignore list." #~ msgstr "V zozname priateľov alebo ignorovaných nie sú žiadni hráči" #~ msgid "save_compression_short^gzip" #~ msgstr "gzip" #~ msgid "save_compression_short^bzip2" #~ msgstr "bzip2" #~ msgid "save_compression_short^no" #~ msgstr "žiadna" #~ msgid "Local time of day area lighting" #~ msgstr "Osvetlenie oblastí s lokálnou dennou dobou" #~ msgid "Show titlescreen animation" #~ msgstr "Animovať úvodnú obrazovku" #~ msgid "Accept whispers from friends only" #~ msgstr "Súkromné správy prijímať len od priateľov" #~ msgid "Reverse time graphics" #~ msgstr "Obrátené zobrazenie času" #~ msgid "Choose whether the sun moves left-to-right or right-to-left" #~ msgstr "Zvoľ či sa slnko pohybuje zľava doprava alebo naopak" #~ msgid "" #~ "This is a multiplayer scenario. Some parts of it may not work properly in " #~ "single-player. It is recommended to load this scenario through the " #~ "MultiplayerLoad Game dialog instead." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Toto je scéna pre viacerých hráčov. Niektoré časti nemusia fungovať " #~ "správne v hre jedného hráča. Odporúča sa načítať túto scénu cez ZápasNačítať hru." #~ msgid "" #~ "Use colored mouse cursors, which may be slower or break the game (use at " #~ "your own risk)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Použiť farebné kurzory myši, ktoré môžu byť pomalšie alebo narušiť hru " #~ "(použite na vlastné riziko)" #~ msgid "#(Invalid)" #~ msgstr "#(Neplatný)" #~ msgid "Campaign: $campaign_name" #~ msgstr "Výprava: $campaign_name" #~ msgid "Tutorial" #~ msgstr "Výcvik" #~ msgid "Test scenario" #~ msgstr "Testovacia scéna" #~ msgid "Scenario start" #~ msgstr "Spusti mapu" #~ msgid "Difficulty: " #~ msgstr "Obtiažnosť: " #~ msgid "Version: " #~ msgstr "Verzia: " #~ msgid "Attack Enemy" #~ msgstr "Zaútoč na súpera" #~ msgid "English strings edition" #~ msgstr "Anglické texty" #~ msgid "" #~ "There are no saved games to load.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "(Games are saved automatically when you complete a scenario)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nemôžem načítať hru, lebo žiadna nie je uložená.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "(Hry sa ukladajú automaticky po dokončení scény)" #~ msgid "Date" #~ msgstr "Dátum" #~ msgid "Change difficulty" #~ msgstr "Zmeniť obtiažnosť" #~ msgid "Change campaign difficulty before loading" #~ msgstr "Zmeniť obtiažnosť výpravy pred načítaním" #~ msgid "Show replay" #~ msgstr "Ukáž záznam" #~ msgid "Play the embedded replay from the saved game if applicable" #~ msgstr "Prehrať záznam z uloženej hry ak je to možné" #~ msgid "Cancel orders" #~ msgstr "Zruš rozkazy" #~ msgid "Cancel any pending unit movements in the saved game" #~ msgstr "Zrušiť plánované pohyby jednotiek v uloženej hre" #~ msgid "Delete Save" #~ msgstr "Vymaž uložené" #~ msgid "Activate" #~ msgstr "Aktivovať" #~ msgid "Deactivate" #~ msgstr "Deaktivovať" #~ msgid "Race" #~ msgstr "Rasa" #~ msgid "Create Unit (Debug!)" #~ msgstr "Vytvoriť jednotku (ladenie!)" #~ msgid "" #~ "The replay is corrupt/out of sync. It might not make much sense to " #~ "continue. Do you want to save the game?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Záznam je poškodený alebo nesynchronizovaný. Nemá veľmi zmysel " #~ "pokračovať. Chceš hru uložiť?" #~ msgid "Invalid value in the result key for [end_level]" #~ msgstr "Neplatná hodnota vo výsledku pre [end_level]" #~ msgid "Lobby sounds" #~ msgstr "Zvuky v čakárni" #~ msgid "Disable notifications" #~ msgstr "Vypnúť oznamovania" #~ msgid "Screenshot Done" #~ msgstr "Snímka dokončená" #~ msgid "Do not show replay turns" #~ msgstr "Nezobrazovať záznam kôl" #~ msgid "Joining this game requires a password." #~ msgstr "Vstup do tejto hry vyžaduje heslo." #~ msgid "Password: " #~ msgstr "Heslo: " #~ msgid "Could not connect to host" #~ msgstr "Neviem sa pripojiť na server" #~ msgid "Bonus: " #~ msgstr "Bonus: " #~ msgid "Gold: " #~ msgstr "Zlato: " #~ msgid "" #~ "The save has corrupt version information ($version_number|) and cannot be " #~ "loaded." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Uložená hra má chybné informácie o verzii ($version_number|) a nemôže byť " #~ "načítaná." #~ msgid "ERROR DETAILS:" #~ msgstr "DETAILY CHYBY:" #~ msgid "$error, value '$value' at $pos" #~ msgstr "$error, hodnota '$value' na $pos" #~ msgid "(side $temp_i|)" #~ msgstr "(strana $temp_i|)" #~ msgid "cancel" #~ msgstr "Storno" #~ msgid "Select Hex" #~ msgstr "Testovacia scéna" #~ msgid "Move/Attack" #~ msgstr "Útočník" #~ msgid "Animate Map" #~ msgstr "Animovať mapu" #~ msgid "Next Unit" #~ msgstr "Nasledujúce kolo" #~ msgid "End Unit Turn" #~ msgstr "Koniec kola" #~ msgid "Map Screenshot" #~ msgstr "Záber obrazovky" #~ msgid "Terrain Description" #~ msgstr "Popis" #~ msgid "Unit Description" #~ msgstr "Popis" #~ msgid "Delete Unit" #~ msgstr "Vymaž doplnok: " #~ msgid "Save Map" #~ msgstr "Spoločná mapa" #~ msgid "Repeat Recruit" #~ msgstr "Verbuj" #~ msgid "Mouse Scrolling" #~ msgstr "Umožniť rolovanie myšou" #~ msgid "Status Table" #~ msgstr "Stav" #~ msgid "Change Side (Debug!)" #~ msgstr "Vytvoriť jednotku (ladenie!)" #~ msgid "Kill Unit (Debug!)" #~ msgstr "Vytvoriť jednotku (ladenie!)" #~ msgid "Scenario Objectives" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia scény" #~ msgid "Pause Network Game" #~ msgstr "Založ sieťovú hru" #~ msgid "Continue Network Game" #~ msgstr "Založ sieťovú hru" #~ msgid "Quit Game" #~ msgstr "Ukonči hru" #~ msgid "Play Replay" #~ msgstr "Uložiť záznam" #~ msgid "Reset Replay" #~ msgstr "Uložiť záznam" #~ msgid "Stop Replay" #~ msgstr "Uložiť záznam" #~ msgid "Each Team" #~ msgstr "Tím" #~ msgid "Team 1" #~ msgstr "Tím" #~ msgid "Skip Animation" #~ msgstr "Preskoč animáciu" #~ msgid "whiteboard^Execute Action" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia tabule" #~ msgid "whiteboard^Execute All Actions" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia tabule" #~ msgid "whiteboard^Delete Action" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia tabule" #~ msgid "whiteboard^Move Action Up" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia tabule" #~ msgid "whiteboard^Move Action Down" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia tabule" #~ msgid "Switch Time of Day" #~ msgstr "Denná doba" #~ msgid "Switch Map" #~ msgstr "Spoločná mapa" #~ msgid "Custom Time of Day Creator" #~ msgstr "Denná doba" #~ msgid "Load Map" #~ msgstr "Načítaj hru" #~ msgid "Save Scenario As" #~ msgstr "Testovacia scéna" #~ msgid "Save All Maps" #~ msgstr "Uložiť mapu ako" #~ msgid "Map Information" #~ msgstr "Preskoč animáciu" #~ msgid "Add New Side" #~ msgstr "Nasledujúca strana" #~ msgid "Next Tool" #~ msgstr "Nasledujúce kolo" #~ msgid "Starting Positions Tool" #~ msgstr "Východzia pozícia: " #~ msgid "Label Tool" #~ msgstr "Značka: " #~ msgid "Village Tool" #~ msgstr "Zlato za dedinu: " #~ msgid "Can Recruit" #~ msgstr "Verbuj" #~ msgid "Change Unit ID" #~ msgstr "Povýšenie jednotky" #~ msgid "Next Brush" #~ msgstr "Nasledujúce kolo" #~ msgid "Select All" #~ msgstr "Vyber si jednotku:" #~ msgid "Select Inverse" #~ msgstr "Vyber doplnok na aktualizovanie:" #~ msgid "Select None" #~ msgstr "Vyber si jednotku:" #~ msgid "Flip Selection" #~ msgstr "Neplatná poloha" #~ msgid "Randomize Tiles in Selection" #~ msgstr "Hra začne v náhodnej fáze dňa" #~ msgid "Rotate Map" #~ msgstr "Animovať mapu" #~ msgid "Generate Map" #~ msgstr "Animovať mapu" #~ msgid "Create Mask" #~ msgstr "Vytvor hru" #~ msgid "Refresh Display" #~ msgstr "Prekreslí grafické prostredie." #~ msgid "Update Terrain Transitions" #~ msgstr "Latinský preklad" #~ msgid "Edit Scenario" #~ msgstr "Ukončiť scénu" #~ msgid "Edit Side" #~ msgstr "Nasledujúca strana" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Remove Side" #~ msgstr "ťahy" #~ msgid "Speak to Ally" #~ msgstr "Aktualizuj všetko" #~ msgid "Speak to All" #~ msgstr "Aktualizuj všetko" #~ msgid "View Chat Log" #~ msgstr "Záznam rozhovoru" #~ msgid "Enter User Command" #~ msgstr "Používateľský príkaz#3" #~ msgid "Refresh WML" #~ msgstr "Prekreslí grafické prostredie." #~ msgid "Next Tip of the Day" #~ msgstr "Zobraz nasledujúci tip dňa" #~ msgid "Previous Tip of the Day" #~ msgstr "Zobraz predchádzajúci tip dňa" #~ msgid "Start Tutorial" #~ msgstr "Výcvik" #~ msgid "Start Campaign" #~ msgstr "Dizajnér výprav" #~ msgid "Start Multiplayer Game" #~ msgstr "Zápas" #~ msgid "Start Editor" #~ msgstr "Spustiť editor máp" #~ msgid "Show Credits" #~ msgstr "Ukáž záznam" #~ msgid "Show Helptip" #~ msgstr "Ukáž záznam" #~ msgid "Unrecognized Command" #~ msgstr "Neznámy príkaz." #~ msgid "Compress savegames using bzip2" #~ msgstr "Komprimovať uložené hry" #~ msgid "?" #~ msgstr "?" #~ msgid "Add named local player" #~ msgstr "Pridať pomenovaného lokálneho hráča" #~ msgid "Enter a name for the new player" #~ msgstr "Zadaj meno nového hráča" #~ msgid "Map to play:" #~ msgstr "Hrá sa na mape:" #~ msgid "Invalid era selected" #~ msgstr "Vybraná neplatná éra" #~ msgid "Downloading next scenario..." #~ msgstr "Sťahujem ďalšiu scénu..." #~ msgid "KB" #~ msgstr "KB" #~ msgid "Multiplayer_AI^Default AI (RCA)" #~ msgstr "Štandardná UI" #~ msgid "Multiplayer_AI^Experimental AI" #~ msgstr "Štandardná UI" #~ msgid "Enemy unit weight (default: 100)" #~ msgstr "Vidím $enemies nepriateľských jednotiek!" #~ msgid "Orcs" #~ msgstr "Orkovia" #~ msgid "Move Konrad here" #~ msgstr "Presunúť veliteľa sem" #~ msgid "Humans" #~ msgstr "Ľudia" #~ msgid "Wolves" #~ msgstr "Vlci" #~ msgid "Whelps" #~ msgstr "pomoc" #~ msgid "End scenario" #~ msgstr "Ukončiť scénu" #~ msgid "Take the pass" #~ msgstr "Uložiť mapu ako" #~ msgid "Defeat Rowck" #~ msgstr "Prehra" #~ msgid "Death of the bat leader" #~ msgstr "Porazíš nepriateľského veliteľa" #~ msgid "Saurians" #~ msgstr "Sauri" #~ msgid "Place Side 1 Footpad" #~ msgstr "Gryf" #~ msgid "Coward 1" #~ msgstr "Ďalej >" #~ msgid "coward r=5" #~ msgstr "Ďalej >" #~ msgid "Coward 2" #~ msgstr "Ďalej >" #~ msgid "Coward 3" #~ msgstr "Ďalej >" #~ msgid "Coward 4" #~ msgstr "Ďalej >" #~ msgid "Station 1" #~ msgstr "Frakcia" #~ msgid "Station 2" #~ msgstr "Frakcia" #~ msgid "Coward" #~ msgstr "Ďalej >" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Defeat all enemy units" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vyhráš, ak:\n" #~ "@Porazíš ostatných veliteľov" #~ msgid "Healer Support" #~ msgstr "teleport" #~ msgid "Notes" #~ msgstr "Poznámky:" #~ msgid "Defeat all lurkers" #~ msgstr "Vymaž všetky rozkazy" #~ msgid "Messenger" #~ msgstr "Správa:" #~ msgid "AI moves Messenger here" #~ msgstr "Presunúť veliteľa sem" #~ msgid "Defeat the messenger" #~ msgstr "Porazíš nepriateľského veliteľa" #~ msgid "Langzhar" #~ msgstr "Jazyk" #~ msgid "Move Rossauba here" #~ msgstr "Presunúť veliteľa sem" #~ msgid "I made it" #~ msgstr "Vziať ho" #~ msgid "Recruiting" #~ msgstr "Verbuj" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Swarm" #~ msgstr "húf" #~ msgid "Bats" #~ msgstr "Netopiere" #~ msgid "Place Side 1 Gryphon" #~ msgstr "Gryf" #~ msgid "AI Developer" #~ msgstr "Vývojári Wesnothu" #~ msgid "AI Location:" #~ msgstr "Neplatná poloha" #~ msgid "first" #~ msgstr "prvý úder" #~ msgid "Multiplayer_AI^RCA AI" #~ msgstr "RCA UI" #~ msgid "The server responded with an error: \"$error|\"" #~ msgstr "Server ohlásil chybu: \"$error|\"" #~ msgid "Sending add-on" #~ msgstr "Posielam doplnok" #~ msgid "Requesting the addon to be deleted" #~ msgstr "Žiadam o vymazanie doplnku" #~ msgid "Downloading..." #~ msgstr "Sťahovanie..." #~ msgid "Installation of a dependency failed" #~ msgstr "Inštalácia závislosti zlyhala" #~ msgid "" #~ "While the add-on has been installed, a dependency is missing. Try to " #~ "update the installed add-ons." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Doplnok sa nainštaloval, ale závislosť chýba. Skús aktualizovať " #~ "nainštalované doplnky." #~ msgid "" #~ "An outdated local add-on has publishing information attached. It will not " #~ "be offered for updating." #~ msgid_plural "" #~ "Some outdated local add-ons have publishing information attached. They " #~ "will not be offered for updating." #~ msgstr[0] "" #~ "Niektoré zastaralé lokálne doplnky majú pripojené informácie o " #~ "publikovaní. Nebudú ponúknuté na aktualizáciu." #~ msgstr[1] "" #~ "Zastaralý lokálny doplnok má pripojené informácie o publikovaní. Nebude " #~ "ponúknutý na aktualizáciu." #~ msgstr[2] "" #~ "Niektoré zastaralé lokálne doplnky majú pripojené informácie o " #~ "publikovaní. Nebudú ponúknuté na aktualizáciu." #~ msgid "Update add-ons" #~ msgstr "Aktualizovať doplnky" #~ msgid "Installation of some dependency failed" #~ msgstr "Inštalácia niektorej závislosti zlyhala" #~ msgid "" #~ "While the add-on has been installed, some dependency is missing. Try to " #~ "update the installed add-ons." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Doplnok sa nainštaloval, ale niektorá závislosť chýba. Skús aktualizovať " #~ "nainštalované doplnky." #~ msgid "Update succeeded" #~ msgstr "Aktualizácia bola úspešná" #~ msgid "Add-on updated successfully." #~ msgstr "Doplnok úspešne aktualizovaný." #~ msgid "" #~ "You seem to be the author of '$addon|'. Downloading '$addon|' may " #~ "overwrite any changes you have made since the last upload and may delete " #~ "your pbl file. Do you really wish to continue?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zdá sa, že si autorom '$addon|'. Stiahnutie '$addon|' spôsobí prepísanie " #~ "všetkých zmien, ktoré si urobil od posledného odoslania doplnku a môže " #~ "vymazať tvoj pbl súbor. Chceš naozaj pokračovať?" #~ msgid "Get add-ons" #~ msgstr "Stiahni doplnky" #~ msgid "Choose the add-on to download." #~ msgstr "Vyber si doplnok, ktorý chceš stiahnuť." #~ msgid "Choose the game to load" #~ msgstr "Vyber si, ktorú hru načítať" #~ msgid "Do you really want to start the server?" #~ msgstr "Chcete naozaj spustiť server?" #~ msgid "" #~ "The server will run in a background process until all users have " #~ "disconnected." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Server bude bežať ako proces na pozadí až kým sa neodpoja všetci " #~ "používatelia." #~ msgid "Don’t show again" #~ msgstr "Nepýtaj sa znova" #~ msgid "A map without a header is not supported" #~ msgstr "Mapa bez hlavičky nie je podporovaná" #~ msgid "Unknown unit type '$type|' while generating traits" #~ msgstr "Neznámy typ jednotky '$type|' pri generovaní vlastností" #~ msgid "Custom lighting for local time of day areas (uses more memory)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Osvetlenie pre oblasti s lokálnu dennou dobou (vyžaduje viac pamäte)" #~ msgid "TestCamp" #~ msgstr "TestCamp" #~ msgid "Test campaign used to check if new campaign syntax is working." #~ msgstr "Testovacia výprava na otestovanie funkčnosti novej syntaxe výprav." #~ msgid "(Easy)" #~ msgstr "(Ľahká)" #~ msgid "Soldier" #~ msgstr "Vojak" #~ msgid "(Normal)" #~ msgstr "(Normálna)" #~ msgid "Lord" #~ msgstr "Pán" #~ msgid "(Hard)" #~ msgstr "(Ťažká)" #~ msgid "High Lord" #~ msgstr "Veľmož" #~ msgid "Test campaign - first scenario (grass)" #~ msgstr "Testovacia výprava - prvá scéna (tráva)" #~ msgid "Passed test color" #~ msgstr "Farba úspešného testu" #~ msgid "Failed test color" #~ msgstr "Farba neúspešného testu" #~ msgid "Difficulty: Easy" #~ msgstr "Obtiažnosť: Ľahká" #~ msgid "Difficulty: Normal" #~ msgstr "Obtiažnosť: Normálna" #~ msgid "Difficulty: Hard" #~ msgstr "Obtiažnosť: Ťažká" #~ msgid "Done" #~ msgstr "Hotovo" #~ msgid "No time of day has been defined." #~ msgstr "Nezadaná žiadna denná doba." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Some units have planned actions left. Do you really want to end your turn?" #~ msgstr "Niektoré jednotky ešte môžu ťahať. Chceš naozaj ukončiť ťah?" #~ msgid "Choose the add-on to remove." #~ msgstr "Vyber si doplnok, ktorý chceš odstrániť." #~ msgid "Uninstall add-ons" #~ msgstr "Odinštalovať doplnky" #~ msgid "Add-on '$addon|' deleted." #~ msgstr "Doplnok '$addon|' vymazaný." #~ msgid "Invalid WML found" #~ msgstr "Neplatná poloha" #~ msgid "B" #~ msgstr "B" #~ msgid "MB" #~ msgstr "MB" #~ msgid "GB" #~ msgstr "GB" #~ msgid "Unit Standing Animations" #~ msgstr "Animovať stojace jednotky" #~ msgid "Connecting to add-ons server..." #~ msgstr "Pripájam sa na server doplnkov..." #~ msgid ", MAX XP +25%" #~ msgstr ", MAX SKÚS. +25%" #~ msgid "Send a message to the server admins currently online" #~ msgstr "Pošle správu práve pripojeným správcom servera" #~ msgid "Leave it" #~ msgstr "Nechať ho tak" #~ msgid "Don’t ask me again!" #~ msgstr "Nepýtaj sa ma znova!" # Skratka z "Actions" = "Akcie". #~ msgid "Act." #~ msgstr "Akc." #~ msgid "short end-turn^E." #~ msgstr "K." #~ msgid "Exp. Mod.: " #~ msgstr "Modif. Skús.: " #~ msgid "berserk" #~ msgstr "zúrivý" #~ msgid "" #~ "Berserk:\n" #~ "Whether used offensively or defensively, this attack presses the " #~ "engagement until one of the combatants is slain, or 30 rounds of attacks " #~ "have occurred." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zúrivý:\n" #~ "Či pri útoku alebo pri obrane, tento druh útoku trvá až do smrti jedného " #~ "z protivníkov, prípadne kým si nevymenia 30 sérií útokov." #~ msgid "magical" #~ msgstr "magický" #~ msgid "" #~ "Magical:\n" #~ "This attack always has a 70% chance to hit regardless of the defensive " #~ "ability of the unit being attacked." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Magický:\n" #~ "Tento útok má vždy šancu 70% na zásah bez ohľadu na obranné možnosti " #~ "jednotky, na ktorú sa útočí." #~ msgid "" #~ "First Strike:\n" #~ "This unit always strikes first with this attack, even if they are " #~ "defending." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prvý útok:\n" #~ "Týmto útokom útočí jednotka vždy prvá, aj keď bola napadnutá." #~ msgid "heals +4" #~ msgstr "uzdravuje +4" #~ msgid "female^heals +4" #~ msgstr "uzdravuje +4" #~ msgid "" #~ "Heals +4:\n" #~ "Allows the unit to heal adjacent allied units at the beginning of our " #~ "turn.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "A unit cared for by this healer may heal up to 4 HP per turn, or stop " #~ "poison from taking effect for that turn.\n" #~ "A poisoned unit cannot be cured of its poison by a healer, and must seek " #~ "the care of a village or a unit that can cure." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Uzdravuje +4:\n" #~ "Jednotka dokáže uzdravovať spriatelené jednotky na vedľajších políčkach " #~ "na začiatku ťahu.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jednotka v opatere tohoto uzdravovateľa sa môže za jedno kolo uzdraviť až " #~ "o 4 životy, alebo jej v tomto kole nebude jed uberať životy.\n" #~ "Uzdravovateľ nedokáže vyliečiť otrávenú jednotku; taká jednotka musí " #~ "vyhľadať pomoc v dedine, alebo u jednotky, ktorá dokáže liečiť." #~ msgid "heals +8" #~ msgstr "uzdravuje +8" #~ msgid "female^heals +8" #~ msgstr "uzdravuje +8" #~ msgid "" #~ "Heals +8:\n" #~ "This unit combines herbal remedies with magic to heal units more quickly " #~ "than is normally possible on the battlefield.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "A unit cared for by this healer may heal up to 8 HP per turn, or stop " #~ "poison from taking effect for that turn.\n" #~ "A poisoned unit cannot be cured of its poison by a healer, and must seek " #~ "the care of a village or a unit that can cure." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Uzdravuje +8:\n" #~ "Jednotka kombinuje rastlinné liečivá s mágiou, aby uzdravovala " #~ "rýchlejšie, ako je bežne možné na bojisku.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jednotka v opatere tohoto uzdravovateľa sa môže za jedno kolo uzdraviť až " #~ "o 8 životov, alebo jej v tomto kole nebude jed uberať životy.\n" #~ "Uzdravovateľ nedokáže vyliečiť otrávenú jednotku; taká jednotka musí " #~ "vyhľadať pomoc v dedine, alebo u jednotky, ktorá dokáže liečiť." #~ msgid "race^Bat" #~ msgstr "Netopier" #~ msgid "race+female^Bat" #~ msgstr "Netopierka" #~ msgid "race^Drake" #~ msgstr "Jašter" #~ msgid "race+female^Drake" #~ msgstr "Jašterka" #~ msgid "race^Drakes" #~ msgstr "Jašteri" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Drakes are large, winged and fire-breathing creatures, reminiscent of " #~ "true dragons. On average, an adult drake stands around three meters tall " #~ "and easily weighs more than a man and a horse combined. Their skin is " #~ "made up of hard scales, resistant to most physical strikes except " #~ "piercing and cold damage. Most drakes are capable of true flight and can " #~ "travel long distances quickly. However, their sheer weight and bulk " #~ "limits their flight ability somewhat, making them ungainly in the air. " #~ "Where possible, they make use of terrain features such as hills, " #~ "mountains and trees as launch points in order to gain greater height and " #~ "speed. Fortunately for their enemies, they are still quite clumsy " #~ "creatures and surprisingly slow in combat. This, combined with their " #~ "large size, renders them easy targets for those who dare attack them.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Drakes are inherently magical creatures, with a mysterious internal fire " #~ "fueling their very lives. This can easily be witnessed when one of their " #~ "kind perishes in combat; its internal fire is released, burning their " #~ "remains in to ashes. Their internal fire is also their greatest weakness; " #~ "it makes them extremely vulnerable to cold attacks. Despite their magical " #~ "nature, drakes are incapable of channeling magic in a controlled manner. " #~ "While the magic imbued within a drake’s body enables it to spit fire and " #~ "gives it life, they have no willful control over its functions of this " #~ "magic.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "Drakes are a relatively warlike race and their societies can be best " #~ "described as cultured martial societies. The core of a drake tribe is a " #~ "small group of veteran warriors headed by a mutually respected — or " #~ "simply feared — dst='dominant' text='dominant' who rules the " #~ "society with an iron fist. Every drake is expected to earn their place in " #~ "the strict hierarchy, to obey their superiors and command their " #~ "inferiors. Entry to the ruling elite is only possible through challenging " #~ "and defeating a superior in single combat, which is the way the hierarchy " #~ "within the elite itself is established. The use of deception of any kind " #~ "towards any fellow drake is, without exception, seen as cowardly and " #~ "unacceptable.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "While their warlike nature and sense of territory drives them to defend " #~ "their territories savagely, drakes rarely invade or trespass on areas " #~ "already occupied by the other major races. Instead, they settle in " #~ "unpopulated areas to establish their own territory there. They primarily " #~ "feed on large game they hunt in the lowlands around their homes, but " #~ "hatchlings and lower caste drakes are known to feed also on certain of " #~ "moss and fungi they cultivate deep in their caverns. The only technology " #~ "drakes value is armor- and weapon-smithing, and neither know or need " #~ "other science and culture besides this. However the few implements they " #~ "do fashion are almost unrivaled in quality, only matched by those " #~ "produced in the finest Dwarvish foundries.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Drakes are hatched from eggs and usually live naturally between 20 to 30 " #~ "years. Death in battle is the most preferred way for a drake to leave " #~ "this world. Unlike the elder members of other races, drakes naturally " #~ "grow more aggressive and reckless towards the ends of their natural " #~ "lives, perhaps to help ensure their place in the heroic legends of their " #~ "kind.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "Drakes originated from an archipelago of volcanic islands called " #~ "dst='morogor' text='Morogor' in the dst='great_ocean' " #~ "text='Great Ocean'. A combination of population pressure and the " #~ "subsidence of many of their home islands has caused colonies of drakes to " #~ "spread to the dst='great_continent' text='Great Continent'. " #~ "Drakes tend to make their homes in mountain caverns near volcanoes to " #~ "protect their eggs, hatchings and forges. While drakes naturally prefer " #~ "warmth, their internal fire is more than capable of sustaining them even " #~ "in a relatively cold climate, a feature which has allowed them to " #~ "populate even some of the mountains of the far north of the Great " #~ "Continent." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jašterí národ pozostáva z obrích, okrídlených stvorení chrliacich ohnivý " #~ "dych, ktoré sa v čomsi podobajú na legendárnych drakov. V priemere je " #~ "dospelý jašter vysoký asi tri metre a bežne váži viac ako jeden človek aj " #~ "so svojím koňom. Ich koža pozostáva z tvrdých šupín, ktoré sú odolné voči " #~ "väčšine fyzických útokov, s výnimkou bodnutia a chladu. Väčšina jašterov " #~ "je schopná letu a dokáže rýchlo prekonávať veľké vzdialenosti. Avšak ich " #~ "veľká postava a hmotnosť do istej miery obmedzujú ich manévrovaciu " #~ "schopnosť - tým pádom vyzerajú vo vzduchu dosť nemotorne. Ak je to možné, " #~ "snažia sa využívať terén, najmä hory, kopce a stromy ako miesta, odkiaľ " #~ "sa dá jednoduchšie odštartovať. Asi našťastie pre ich nepriateľov sú " #~ "jašteri dosť nemotorné stvorenia a v boji i prekvapujúco pomalé. Toto, v " #~ "kombinácii s veľkosťou, z nich robí vcelku ľahký cieľ pre tých, ktorí sa " #~ "na útok odvážia.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jašteri sú od prírody magickými tvormi, v ich žilách doslova koluje " #~ "záhadný vnútorný oheň. O tom sa možno ľahko presvedčiť, keď niektorý z " #~ "jašterov padne v boji - tento vnútorný oheň sa náhle uvoľní a spáli " #~ "telesné zvyšky na popol. Ale tento vnútorný oheň je zároveň ich najväčšou " #~ "slabosťou - robí ich obzvlášť zraniteľnými voči útokom chladom. Napriek " #~ "svojmu magickému pôvodu nedokážu mágiu používať ovládateľným spôsobom. " #~ "Mágia v ich telách im síce umožňuje chrliť oheň a dáva mu život, ale sami " #~ "nedokážu túto schopnosť usmerniť ani riadiť.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "Jašteri sú relatívne bojovnou rasou a ich spoločnosť by sa dala popísať " #~ "ako bojovnícka. Jadrom každého kmeňa je skupinka bojovníkov veteránov, " #~ "ktorým železnou rukou velí uznávaný (resp. najviac obávaný) vodca. Každý " #~ "jašter si musí vydobyť svoje miesto v tejto prísnej hierarchii, musí " #~ "poslúchať svojich nadriadených a veliť svojim podriadeným. Vstup do " #~ "vládnucej elity je možný jedine cez výzvu veliteľa na súboj v boji jeden " #~ "proti jednému. Súboje sú zvyčajným spôsobom ako sa aj v tejto elite " #~ "udržiava hierarchia. Na druhej strane používanie akýchkoľvek úskokov v " #~ "súbojoch je znakom zbabelosti a je absolútne neakceptovateľné.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Aj keď ich bojovnosť a zmysel pre teritorialitu často doháňa k urputnej " #~ "obrane svojho územia, jašteri málokedy napadnú či vstúpia neoprávnene na " #~ "územie iných rás. Namiesto toho sa zvyknú usídľovať v neobývaných " #~ "oblastiach kontinentu. Ich zvyčajnou diétou býva divá zver, ktorú lovia v " #~ "nížinách okolo svojich sídel, no novonarodení jašteri a jašteri nižšieho " #~ "postavenia sa často živia i machom a hubami, ktoré si pestujú hlboko vo " #~ "svojich jaskyniach. Jedinou technológiou, ktorá má pre jaštera hodnotu, " #~ "je kováčstvo pancierov a zbraní - ostatné vedné či technické odbory ich " #~ "nezaujímajú. Zato sú však ich kováčske výrobky preslávené kvalitou, v " #~ "ktorej sa im vyrovnajú snáď iba tie pochádzajúce z dielní trpaslíkov.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jašteri sa vlastne nerodia, ale liahnu z vajec a bežne žijú od 20 do 30 " #~ "rokov. Smrť v boji je asi najobľúbenejší spôsob ako opustiť tento svet. " #~ "Na rozdiel od iných rás, s pribúdajúcim vekom sa jašter stáva " #~ "agresívnejším a ľahkovážnejším. Možno to má niečo do činenia so " #~ "spomínaným hrdinským ukončením ich života...\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "Jašteri pochádzajú z vulkanického súostrovia vo Veľkom Oceáne. Kombinácia " #~ "populačnej explózie a postupné prepadanie domovských ostrovov prinútili " #~ "mnohé kolónie presídliť sa na Veľký Kontinent. Jašteri si zvyčajne budujú " #~ "sídla v horských jaskyniach, často neďaleko činných sopiek, ktoré chránia " #~ "ich vajcia, mladé a poháňajú ich dielne. Aj keď jašteri uprednostňujú " #~ "teplú klímu, ich vnútorný oheň je postačujúci na zahriatie i v studených " #~ "pásmach. Vďaka tomu dokázali osídliť i hory na ďalekom severe Veľkého " #~ "Kontinentu." #~ msgid "race^Dwarf" #~ msgstr "Trpaslík" #~ msgid "race+female^Dwarf" #~ msgstr "Trpaslíčka" #~ msgid "race^Dwarves" #~ msgstr "Trpaslíci" #~ msgid "" #~ "The dwarves are a race famed for their miners, blacksmiths, merchants and " #~ "warriors. Considered as the third oldest race on the great continent " #~ "after the elves and trolls, their early history is shrouded in mystery. " #~ "Legends tell of a time long forgotten when their people began emerging " #~ "from their underground world through caves. Nothing is known about their " #~ "life prior to their arrival, or their reasons for entering the surface " #~ "world, but they have been an integral part of the history of the " #~ "continent since. Soon after their emergence from the underground, the " #~ "dwarves entered into conflict with the original inhabitants of the land, " #~ "the elves. The original reason for their dispute has been lost to " #~ "history, but the two races have since fought three long wars, interrupted " #~ "by a few decades of peace. During these wars the dwarves could not " #~ "dislodge the elves from the deep forests in the south, but managed to " #~ "consolidate their position in hills and the mountains in the north of the " #~ "continent, known now as the Northlands. Since then they have constructed " #~ "fantastic fortifications and settlements deep within the mountains and " #~ "crags of their territory.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Possibly due to their isolation, the dwarves are generally distrustful or " #~ "hostile towards most other races, particularly the elves. The single " #~ "exception to this temperament is towards humans. This could be traced " #~ "back to the era of Haldric I and the arrival of humans and orcs to the " #~ "continent. At this point the dwarves began allowing some humans, mostly " #~ "dissidents and outlaws from the Kingdom of Wesnoth, to settle in certain " #~ "areas of the Northlands. Their motivation was unsurprising. The plight of " #~ "these individuals reminded the dwarves of their early history of " #~ "persecution, eliciting a sense of solidarity. The dwarves also had much " #~ "to gain in forming a bond with these outcasts. They would settle in areas " #~ "where dwarves disliked living themselves; plains, forests, and swamps, " #~ "freeing them from defending these areas.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Dwarves are of small stature by human measure, but they are by no means " #~ "fragile. Their warriors, tough and powerful are both feared and respected " #~ "throughout the continent for their prowess in battle. In addition, " #~ "dwarves are known for their calculating intellects and superb " #~ "craftsmanship. Dwarven smiths are renowned for their deadly weapons and " #~ "heavy armor. These accouterments are unrivaled in quality, possibly only " #~ "matched by those produced by drake armorers. Their intelligence and " #~ "natural inquisitiveness has also made them the most technically advanced " #~ "race on the continent. One of their most famous, and feared, discoveries " #~ "was a mysterious powder that produces an immense explosion when exposed " #~ "to fire or sparks. Certain dwarf warriors use this powder to hurl small " #~ "objects at tremendous speeds. Given their technological inclinations, " #~ "many dwarves tend to distrust magic users. However some practice a form " #~ "of magic based on the engraving of runes. Called runesmiths, they use " #~ "these carvings to enchant items in order to augment certain aspects of " #~ "their natures." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Trpaslíci sú rasou, ktorá je preslávená baníkmi a kováčmi, ale tiež " #~ "obchodníkmi a bojovníkmi. Je to tretia najstaršia rasa na Veľkom " #~ "kontinente, po elfoch a troloch. Ich skorá história je zahalená " #~ "tajomstvom. Podľa legiend sa v časoch dávno zabudnutých trpasličí národ " #~ "objavil na svete a vyšiel zo svojich podzemných jaskýň. Nič ale nie je " #~ "známe o živote tohto národa predtým, než vyšiel z podzemia. Rovnako nie " #~ "je známy dôvod, prečo vlastne vystúpil na povrch zeme, ale každopádne sa " #~ "ako národ trpaslíci stali základnou súčasťou diania na kontinente. Nedlho " #~ "po východe z podzemia sa trpaslíci dostali do konfliktu s pôvodnými " #~ "obyvateľmi povrchu - elfmi. Skutočný dôvod na tento konflikt sa dávno " #~ "stratil v histórii, ale tieto dve rasy už stihli vybojovať tri veľké a " #~ "dlhé vojny, ktoré boli prerušené len pár desaťročiami mieru. Počas týchto " #~ "vojen nedokázali trpaslíci vytlačiť elfov z hustých južných lesov, no " #~ "podarilo sa im upevniť si pozíciu v severných kopcoch a horách, ktoré sú " #~ "na kontinente známe ako \"Severná Zem\". Od tých čias vystavali " #~ "fantastické opevnenia a osady hlboko v kopcoch a údoliach tohto územia.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Pravdepodobne kvôli svojej izolácii sú trpaslíci veľmi nedôverčiví a " #~ "často i nepriateľskí voči ostatným rasám, hlavne elfom. Jedinou výnimkou " #~ "je snáď iba ich vzťah k ľuďom, ktorý je možné vystopovať až do čias " #~ "Haldrika I. a príchodu ľudí i orkov na kontinent. V tom čase trpaslíci " #~ "povolili usadiť sa v Severnej zemi zopár ľuďom, zvyčajne rebelom a " #~ "vyhnancom z Wesnotského kráľovstva. Motivácia na tento veľkorysý čin nie " #~ "je nejako zvlášť prekvapujúca. Útrapy týchto osadníkov pripomenuli " #~ "trpaslíkom časy ich vlastného prenasledovania a vyvolali určitú dávku " #~ "solidarity. Ale trpaslíci dokázali na takýchto dohodách s vyhnancami " #~ "nemálo získať. Vyhnanci sa totiž usídľovali v oblastiach, ktoré sa " #~ "trpaslíkom hnusili - na nížinách, v lesoch či pri močiaroch, čím ich " #~ "vlastne pre trpaslíkov úspešne bránili.\n" #~ "Trpaslíci sú zvyčajne nižšieho vzrastu, vzhľadom na ľudské miery, to ale " #~ "neznamená, že by boli zvlášť krehkí. Práve naopak, ich bojovníci sú tvrdí " #~ "a nesmierne silní a právom sa ich obávajú protivníci v nejednej bitke. Na " #~ "dôvažok sú trpaslíci známi svojimi matematickými schopnosťami a precíznou " #~ "zručnosťou. Ich kováči sú preslávení výrobou vynikajúcich zbraní aj " #~ "ťažkého brnenia. Ich výrobky nemajú na svete páru - čo sa týka kvality " #~ "snáď iba výrobky pochádzajúce od dračieho národa sú porovnateľné. " #~ "Intelekt a prirodzená zvedavosť urobili z trpaslíkov technicky " #~ "najpokrokovejšiu rasu na kontinente. Jeden z ich najznámejších (a najviac " #~ "obávaných) je vynález záhadného prachu, ktorý dokáže pri styku s ohňom " #~ "vyvolať silné explózie. Niektorí trpasličí bojovníci sa naučili využívať " #~ "tento prach na vymršťovanie malých guliek vysokými rýchlosťami. Vďaka " #~ "svojmu technologickému nadaniu sú trpaslíci obyčajne nedôverčiví voči " #~ "používateľom mágie. Avšak istý druh mágie sa používa napríklad pri " #~ "pokrývaní zbraní či brnenia runami. Títo runoví kováči používajú runy na " #~ "vyjadrenie čarovných formuliek, ktoré potom zosilňujú určité schopnosti " #~ "predmetov." #~ msgid "race^Elf" #~ msgstr "Elf" #~ msgid "race+female^Elf" #~ msgstr "Elfka" #~ msgid "race^Elves" #~ msgstr "Elfovia" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Compared to humans, elves are somewhat taller, more agile but less " #~ "sturdy. They have slightly pointy ears, pale skin and usually blond hair. " #~ "Few differences between humans and elves are more pronounced than the " #~ "Elves’ unusually long life — most, unless claimed by illness, accident or " #~ "war, live a full two and a half centuries. While some elves possessing a " #~ "high magical aptitude have been known to live an additional full century, " #~ "most elves begin to grow physically frail at some point between 250 and " #~ "300 years of age and pass away rapidly (generally within a year or two) " #~ "thereafter.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Elves are naturally imbued with magic to a small degree. Though most are " #~ "unable to channel it directly, its latent presence gives them their keen " #~ "senses and long life. Many elves have magic-driven talents such as " #~ "marksmanship or stealth, allowing them to achieve tasks that most normal " #~ "beings would find astonishing. Those elves that learn to wield this power " #~ "in more general ways can become truly formidable in its use. Many choose " #~ "to use their gift to heal others.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "A few elves, venturing far down the paths of magic and mysticism, become " #~ "sensitive to the presence of cold iron and can even be burned by it. " #~ "Elvish legend hints that this was more common in the far past.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Elves spend much of their time honing their talents and skills. Those not " #~ "adept at the magical arts typically devote their time honing their " #~ "physical skills. As a result, elves excel at archery, which is perhaps " #~ "their most important method of warfare. Most elvish troops carry a bow " #~ "and no other race can rival their archers in speed and accuracy. All " #~ "elves also share an intense affection for unspoiled nature. They often " #~ "feel uncomfortable in open unvegetated spaces. They live primarily in the " #~ "forests of the Great Continent; the Aethenwood in the southwest, Wesmere " #~ "in the northwest, and the great northern woods of which the Lintanir " #~ "Forest is the southernmost edge.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Elves are the eldest race of the continent, with the possible exception " #~ "of trolls. Many of their settlements cannot be reliably dated, " #~ "undoubtedly having existed for over a millennium." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ak ich porovnáme s ľuďmi, elfovia sú o čosi vyšší, pohyblivejší a menej " #~ "robustní. Zvyčajne majú mierne zašpicatené uši, svetlú pokožku a " #~ "najčastejšie blond vlasy. Snáď najväčším rozdielom medzi elfmi a ľuďmi je " #~ "elfská dlhovekosť - väčšina z nich sa dožíva dva a pol storočia, ak ich " #~ "samozrejme neskláti choroba, nehoda či vojna. V prípade niektorých " #~ "jedincov s výraznými magickými schopnosťami sa vek predĺži o ďalšie " #~ "storočie, no u väčšiny elfov sa medzi 250. a 300. rokom zníži fyzická " #~ "odolnosť a skoro na to (za rok či dva) opustia svet.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Elfovia sú od prírody nadaní na mágiu, aspoň do určitej miery. Väčšina z " #~ "nich síce mágiu nedokáže používať priamo, ale už len prítomnosť mágie im " #~ "zlepšuje zmysly, vnímanie a spôsobuje už spomínanú dlhovekosť. Mnoho " #~ "elfov sa vyznačuje mágiou ovplyvnenými schopnosťami v oblasti zakrádania " #~ "či presnej streľby, čím dokážu robiť veci pre iné bytosti " #~ "nepredstaviteľné. Z tých elfov, ktorí sa túto moc naučia používať viac " #~ "všeobecne, sa zvyčajne rýchlo stávajú naozaj uznávaní profesionáli. Mnohí " #~ "z nich sa rozhodnú využiť tento dar na liečenie iných.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Niektorí elfovia, ktorí sa vydali cestami mágie a mysticizmu, sa stali " #~ "citlivými na prítomnosť chladného železa. Až tak, že ich môže popáliť. " #~ "Elfské legendy naznačujú, že v dávnej minulosti bol tento jav bežnejší.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Elfovia trávia veľkú časť svojho života zlepšovaním svojich vrodených " #~ "schopností. Tí bez výraznej magickej sily sa sústreďujú na zlepšovanie " #~ "fyzických zručností. Ako priamy následok, elfovia sú vynikajúcimi " #~ "lukostrelcami, čo je aj ich hlavný bojový prostriedok. Väčšina elfských " #~ "bojovníkov nosí luk a žiadna iná rasa nedokáže konkurovať elfským " #~ "strelcom v rýchlosti a presnosti. Všetci elfovia zdieľajú lásku k " #~ "nepoškvrnenej prírode. Zvyčajne sa cítia nesvoji v otvorených " #~ "nezarastených priestoroch. Preto žijú najmä v lesoch Veľkého kontinentu: " #~ "Etenwood na juhozápade, Wesmér na severozápade a veľké severné lesy s " #~ "Lintanirom na južnom okraji.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Elfovia sú na kontinente najstaršou rasou, možno s výnimkou trolov. Aj " #~ "keď je prakticky nemožné spoľahlivo datovať ich osídlenia, nepochybne " #~ "mnohé z nich existujú už viac než tisícročie." #~ msgid "race^Goblin" #~ msgstr "Goblin" #~ msgid "race+female^Goblin" #~ msgstr "Goblinka" #~ msgid "race^Goblins" #~ msgstr "Goblini" #~ msgid "race+female^Gryphon" #~ msgstr "Gryfka" #~ msgid "race^Human" #~ msgstr "Človek muž" #~ msgid "race+female^Human" #~ msgstr "Človek žena" #~ msgid "" #~ "The race of men is an extremely diverse one. Although they originally " #~ "came from the Old Continent, men have spread all over the world and split " #~ "into many different cultures and races. Although they are not imbued with " #~ "magic like other creatures, humans can learn to wield it and able to " #~ "learn more types than most others. They have no extra special abilities " #~ "or aptitudes except their versatility and drive. While often at odds with " #~ "other races, they can occasionally form alliances with the less " #~ "aggressive races such as elves and dwarves. The less scrupulous among " #~ "them do not shrink back from hiring orcish mercenaries, either. They have " #~ "no natural enemies, although the majority of men, like most people of all " #~ "races, have an instinctive dislike of the undead. Men are shorter than " #~ "the elves, but taller still than dwarves. Their skin color can vary, from " #~ "almost white to dark brown.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
text='Subjects of the Crown'
\n" #~ "Many different groups of men exist, but the majority of them on the Great " #~ "Continent live under the rule of the Crown of Wesnoth. The humans first " #~ "appeared on the Great Continent from a land far across the ocean to the " #~ "West, the Green Isle, and soon established their capital at the inland " #~ "city of Weldyn. Over the following centuries they have built up a number " #~ "cities across the continent. The soldiers from the Crown of Wesnoth " #~ "protect the country, forming the most organized military force in the " #~ "known world. Its warriors come from the main provinces, where all men are " #~ "conscripted at an early age.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
text='The Clansmen'
\n" #~ "The eastern provinces of Wesnoth, known as the Clan Homelands, have a " #~ "geography consisting of more open plains and rolling hills than the " #~ "western, more civilized provinces. They are home to the Horse Clans, who " #~ "are allied with the Crown of Wesnoth but operate independently and " #~ "maintain their own identity. Some consider them to be a tributary state, " #~ "which sends food and soldiers to Crown in exchange for protection. Others " #~ "say they are on equal footing with the western half of Wesnoth. In any " #~ "case, the eastern provinces do not have a conscript army the way Western " #~ "Wesnoth does. Training for fighting is part of the way of life of the " #~ "Clans; the parents teach the children to ride horses, fight and shoot a " #~ "bow from an early age. In general, the Clan warriors are less organized " #~ "than the civilized fighters, and the strengths and weaknesses of these " #~ "groups complement each other." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ľudská rasa je charakteristická svojou rôznorodosťou. Aj keď pôvodne " #~ "prišli zo Starého Kontinentu, ľudia sa rozšírili po celom svete a " #~ "založili mnoho kultúr a podrás. Na rozdiel od iných rás, ľudia nie sú od " #~ "prírody magicky založení, ale dokážu sa naučiť mágiu používať a to aj " #~ "viac druhov ako ostatné rasy. Rovnako ako s mágiou sa ľudia nevyznačujú " #~ "nijakými zvláštnymi schopnosťami, okrem prispôsobivosti a cieľavedomosti. " #~ "Zvyčajne sú v konflikte s inými rasami, no občas vytvoria vcelku úspešné " #~ "aliancie s menej agresívnymi rasami, ako sú elfovia alebo trpaslíci. Tí " #~ "bez škrupulí sa nebránia ani najímaniu orkských žoldnierov. Ľudia nemajú " #~ "ani výraznejšieho prirodzeného nepriateľa, ale väčšina ľudí sa nemá veľmi " #~ "v láske s nemŕtvymi, tak ako aj väčšina ostatných rás. Ľudia sú menšieho " #~ "vzrastu než elfovia, ale sú vyšší než trpaslíci. Farba pokožky sa tiež " #~ "môže líšiť - od viac menej bielej až po tmavo hnedú.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
text='Poddaní kráľovskej koruny'
\n" #~ "Najväčšia časť ľudskej rasy na Veľkom Kontinente patrí pod Wesnotské " #~ "kráľovstvo. Ľudia prišli na Veľký Kontinent zo Zeleného Ostrova v oceáne " #~ "na západe a už v počiatkoch si založili vnútrozemské hlavné mesto Weldyn. " #~ "V nadchádzajúcich storočiach vybudovali ďalšie sídla na celom kontinente. " #~ "Vojsko wesnotskej koruny ochraňuje toto územie a je prakticky " #~ "najorganizovanejšou bojovou silou v známom svete. Bojovníci pochádzajú " #~ "najmä z hlavnej provincie, kde je vojenská služba povinná pre všetkých " #~ "mladíkov.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "Východné provincie Wesnotu, známe ako Domovina klanov, na rozdiel od " #~ "civilizovanejších západných regiónov geograficky pozostávajú z otvorených " #~ "plání a nízkych kopcov. Tieto oblasti sú domovom jazdeckých klanov, ktoré " #~ "sú formálne nezávislé, no sú spojencom Wesnotu. Niektorí historici toto " #~ "územie považujú za protektorát, ktorý prispieva stravou a vojakmi " #~ "wesnotskej korune za odplatu poskytnutia bezpečnosti a ochrany. Iní " #~ "tvrdia, že sú útvarom rovnocenným západnému Wesnotu. Každopádne, východné " #~ "provincie nemajú povinnú vojenskú službu v tej podobe, ako ju poznajú v " #~ "západnom Wesnote. Bojový tréning je bežnou súčasťou životného štýlu " #~ "klanov - rodičia učia deti jazdiť na koni, bojovať a strieľať z luku už " #~ "od útleho detstva. Vo všeobecnosti sú bojovníci klanov menej organizovaní " #~ "než bojovníci z civilizovanej časti Wesnotu, ale silné a slabé stránky " #~ "týchto skupín sa navzájom dopĺňajú." #~ msgid "race^Saurian" #~ msgstr "Saur" #~ msgid "race+female^Saurian" #~ msgstr "Saurka" #~ msgid "race^Mechanical" #~ msgstr "Mechanické" #~ msgid "race+plural^Mechanical" #~ msgstr "Mechanické" #~ msgid "race^Merman" #~ msgstr "Morský človek" #~ msgid "race^Mermaid" #~ msgstr "Morská žena" #~ msgid "race^Mermen" #~ msgstr "Morskí ľudia" #~ msgid "race^Monster" #~ msgstr "Potvora" #~ msgid "race^Monsters" #~ msgstr "Potvory" #~ msgid "race^Naga" #~ msgstr "Hadí človek" #~ msgid "race^Nagani" #~ msgstr "Hadí ľudia" #~ msgid "race^Nagas" #~ msgstr "Hadí ľudia" #~ msgid "race^Ogre" #~ msgstr "Ohyzd" #~ msgid "race+female^Ogre" #~ msgstr "Ohyzdka" #~ msgid "race^Ogres" #~ msgstr "Ohyzdi" #~ msgid "race^Orc" #~ msgstr "Ork" #~ msgid "race+female^Orc" #~ msgstr "Orkyňa" #~ msgid "" #~ "In appearance, orcs are half men and half beasts. They are taller, " #~ "sturdier and stronger than humans. They are warlike, savage, and cruel by " #~ "nature. Their blood is darker and thicker than that of normal humans and " #~ "they have little care for personal hygiene or their personal appearance. " #~ "Although Orcs are violent even among themselves creatures, they are pack-" #~ "oriented; an orc never travels long or lives alone in groups smaller than " #~ "half a dozen.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "Almost every orc are a member of a tribe or a clan. Relations between " #~ "neighboring tribes are usually violent, except in cases of a mutual enemy " #~ "threatens their existence or prospects of great plunder override mutual " #~ "animosity. Occasionally, a single strong chieftain may emerge to lead " #~ "multiple tribes from time to time, usually through intimidation of " #~ "followers. An orc tribe in times of peace tends to focus almost solely on " #~ "strengthening itself in preparation for the next armed conflict. Orcs are " #~ "known to possess a crude system of writing — usually in blood — although " #~ "it’s most commonly used to trade insults or threats among tribal " #~ "leaders.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Orc societies are based on little else but strength; might makes right, " #~ "and a leader leads and survives only as long as no one manages to wrest " #~ "the title from him. A constant struggle for power simmers among potential " #~ "tribal chiefs. An orcish leader rarely lives more than a handful of years " #~ "to enjoy his absolute authority before being killed for his position — " #~ "although history knows some notable exceptions. Orcs hold no particular " #~ "honor code and while indisputable raw strength is usually the preferred " #~ "method of displaying power, assassination, poisoning and backstabbing are " #~ "completely viable means to further one’s own goals.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Orcs mostly live in rural areas, often in foothills or mountainous " #~ "regions, sometimes in caves. They grow no crops nor keep livestock, but " #~ "are competent hunters as a result of their physical stature and " #~ "brutality. Due to their large numbers they are capable of hunting an area " #~ "virtually clean of anything larger than rodents in relatively short " #~ "period of time. Due to this and their unstable leadership, orcish tribes " #~ "tend to lead a semi-nomadic lifestyle, never settling in one region for " #~ "too long. The larger tribes may establish themselves firmly in an area " #~ "for years or even decades and build large encampments almost resembling " #~ "cities, but even these are easily dismantled and abandoned if there is a " #~ "need to relocate the horde.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "The oldest known orcs have been around 50 to 60 years of age, but very " #~ "few individuals ever live to see over two or three decades before meeting " #~ "their end either in war or by the hand of one of their kin. The oldest " #~ "orcs are often shamans, which are perhaps the only ones most of their " #~ "kind sees as being trustworthy and neutral. The origins of this custom " #~ "are unknown, as the shamans do not directly contribute much to orcish " #~ "societies but only act as advisors — not something orcs tend to otherwise " #~ "tolerate. Shamans are in many ways the opposite of most other orcs: they " #~ "are often physically withered and frail in comparison and lack skill in " #~ "battle. Despite their reliance on raw strength, not nearly all orcs are " #~ "destined to grow to possess any. Many orcs are born smaller and weaker " #~ "than the rest, and already almost as newborns are put in their place by " #~ "their stronger siblings. The stronger ones will routinely grab most of " #~ "the food and thus grow stronger still, while their weaker siblings do " #~ "not. Many of these individuals tend to specialize in other skills, like " #~ "archery or assassination." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Svojim výzorom sú orkovia napoly ľudia a napoly zvery. Sú vyšší, " #~ "robustnejší a silnejší než ľudia. Sú veľmi bojovní, barbarskí a od " #~ "prírody suroví. Ich krv je tmavšia a hustejšia než u bežných ľudí a " #~ "vyznačujú sa pramalou starostlivosťou o osobnú hygienu a zovňajšok " #~ "všeobecne. Napriek tomu, že sú orkovia násilnícki i medzi sebou, sú v " #~ "podstate kmeňovo založení - ork nikdy necestuje sám a málokedy žije v " #~ "skupinkách s menej než šiestimi členmi.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "Takmer každý ork je členom nejakého klanu či kmeňa. Vzťahy medzi " #~ "jednotlivými kmeňmi sú charakterizované násilím, snáď s výnimkou " #~ "situácií, keď spoločný nepriateľ ohrozuje existenciu či možnosti na " #~ "lúpenie. Občas sa objaví silný náčelník, ktorý dokáže viesť viacero " #~ "kmeňov, za cenu zastrašovania alebo likvidácie oponentov. Kmeň orkov sa " #~ "počas mierového obdobia sústredí takmer výhradne na zvýšenie svojej sily " #~ "a pripravenosti na ďalší ozbrojený konflikt. Orkovia používajú primitívny " #~ "systém písma - zvyčajne vlastnou či cudzou krvou - ale zvyčajne sa " #~ "používa iba na vzájomné výmeny urážok medzi kmeňovými vodcami.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Spoločnosti orkov sú založené na máločom inom než hrubá sila - moc je " #~ "matkou práva... Vodca prežíva iba dovtedy, pokiaľ sa nenájde niekto, kto " #~ "mu titul vezme v zápase. Medzi potenciálnymi náčelníkmi neustále vrie boj " #~ "o moc. Vodca málokedy prežije viac než zopár rokov, aby si užil svoju " #~ "absolutistickú autoritu. Zvyčajne ho zabijú v boji o pozíciu, aj keď " #~ "história pozná pár svetlých výnimiek. Medzi orkmi nefunguje žiaden " #~ "výrazný systém cti a aj keď je sila najčastejšou formou na ukázanie moci, " #~ "za bežné súčasti výzbroje sa považujú tak jedy ako aj vraždy od chrbta - " #~ "najmä keď vedú k dosiahnutiu cieľa.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Orkovia žijú zvyčajne vo vidieckych oblastiach, často v kopcovitých a " #~ "horských regiónoch, občas v jaskyniach. Nevenujú sa poľnohospodárstvu, " #~ "nechovajú dobytok, ale zato sú vcelku dobrými lovcami - najmä vďaka " #~ "svojej fyzickej sile a brutalite. Kvôli veľkému počtu v jednom kmeni " #~ "dokážu akúkoľvek oblasť takmer úplne vyhladiť od živočíchov väčších než " #~ "hlodavce. Pre toto a kvôli nestabilnému vodcovstvu majú orkovia tendenciu " #~ "kočovať, nikdy sa nezdržia na jednom mieste príliš dlho. Väčšie kmene sa " #~ "sem-tam napevno usadia v jednej oblasti na obdobie niekoľkých rokov či " #~ "dokonca desaťročí, čo niekedy vedie k vybudovaniu táborísk, ktoré v " #~ "mnohom pripomínajú mestá. Ale aj tieto tábory je možné rýchlo rozobrať a " #~ "opustiť v prípade potreby presunúť celú hordu.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Najstarší známi orkovia majú okolo 50 až 60 rokov, ale iba málo " #~ "jednotlivcom sa podarí žiť dlhšie než dve-tri desaťročia, kým nepadnú v " #~ "boji s nepriateľom či súkmeňovcom. Starí orkovia sa často stávajú šamanmi " #~ "- snáď jedinými zástupcami orkov, ktorých ostatní uznávajú ako " #~ "dôveryhodných a neutrálnych. Pôvod tohto zvyku nie je jasný, keďže šamani " #~ "v ničom priamo neprispievajú do spoločnosti a slúžia iba ako poradcovia - " #~ "čo nie je čosi, čo by sa normálne medzi orkami tolerovalo. Šamani sú v " #~ "mnohom úplným protikladom typického orka - sú fyzicky slabí a chýbajú im " #~ "bojové zručnosti. Napriek spoliehaniu sa na hrubú silu, nie každému " #~ "orkovi je sila daná. Mnoho orkov sa narodí s menším a slabším vzrastom, " #~ "čo im vynáša pocit podradenosti svojim silnejším kamarátom. Silnejší si " #~ "zvyčajne uchmatne viac potravy a tak ešte viac zosilnie, kdežto u tých " #~ "slabších je to opačne. Mnohí z týchto slabších orkov sa špecializujú na " #~ "iné zručnosti, napríklad atentátnictvo alebo lukostreľbu." #~ msgid "race^Troll" #~ msgstr "Trol" #~ msgid "race+female^Troll" #~ msgstr "Trolka" #~ msgid "race^Trolls" #~ msgstr "Trolovia" #~ msgid "" #~ "Trolls are ancient creatures, one of the oldest known races known to " #~ "inhabit the Great Continent. They are large, slow, simple-minded, and " #~ "live extremely long lives inside deep caves or atop high mountains. The " #~ "most unique characteristic of trolls is an internal vitality that " #~ "sustains and heals them from within. As a result they live very different " #~ "lives from almost any known creature. Trolls have few real needs: they " #~ "require little food or water, and thus they have little incentive to " #~ "pursue much besides protection from those who are hostile towards them. " #~ "This in turn means they rarely have to worry about anything and can spend " #~ "much of their time sleeping or in contemplation. Trolls have a curious " #~ "affinity with nature. They do not relate with living things like elves " #~ "do, but instead with earth and stone. They are also somewhat curious of " #~ "their surroundings and many younger whelps even enjoy traveling and " #~ "seeing the world. As trolls grow older they tend to become increasingly " #~ "passive, gradually losing interest in their environment and spending more " #~ "of their time sleeping in a quiet, familiar corner of their home cave. " #~ "This is until they finally pass away as their bodies themselves slowly " #~ "turn into lifeless statues of stone.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Trolls are seen by many as being little more than yet another race of " #~ "savage monsters. This common misconception is in part perpetuated by orcs " #~ "to persuade trolls to join their armies. Because they are rather simple " #~ "and do not understand the ways of other races or sometimes can even tell " #~ "them apart, it is usually easy for an orcish band to convince a group of " #~ "trolls that by joining them they get to exact revenge on those that have " #~ "before hunted them. These new recruits are then directed to attack " #~ "whoever the orcs themselves are currently in conflict with, whether " #~ "previously a foe of the trolls or not, accumulating even more enemies for " #~ "the misled trolls. The most common enemy of trolls are dwarves, and the " #~ "animosity between these two races is ancient.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "Trolls have inhabited the mountains of the Great Continent longer than " #~ "the dwarves who migrated there. Trolls are a common sight on the mountain " #~ "ranges north and east of Wesnoth, and wherever Orcish hordes travel." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Trolovia sú prastaré bytosti, jedny z najstarších obývajúcich Veľký " #~ "kontinent. Sú veľkí, pomalí, s jednoduchou mysľou a žijú extrémne dlho v " #~ "hlbokých jaskyniach a vo vysokých horách. Najvýnimočnejšou vlastnosťou " #~ "trolov je vnútorná vitalita, ktorá ich udržuje a uzdravuje zvnútra. " #~ "Následkom toho žijú odlišným životom ako ostatné známe tvory. Trolovia " #~ "majú málo skutočných potrieb: potrebujú málo jedla a vody, preto majú " #~ "malú motiváciu čokoľvek robiť, okrem obrany pred tými, čo sú voči nim " #~ "nepriateľskí. To znamená, že sa málokedy musia o niečo starať a preto " #~ "môžu stráviť väčšinu času spánkom alebo meditáciou. Trolovia majú " #~ "zvláštnu väzbu s prírodou. Nesúvisia s živými tvormi tak ako elfovia, ale " #~ "so zemou a kameňmi. Tiež sú zvedaví na svoje okolie a mnohé mláďatá " #~ "dokonca rady cestujú a poznávajú svet. Starnúci trolovia sú však stále " #~ "pasívnejší, strácajú záujem o svoje prostredie a trávia viac času spánkom " #~ "v tichom prostredí domovskej jaskyne. Až kým nakoniec neumrú a ich telá " #~ "sa pomaly nezmenia na kamenné sochy.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Trolovia sú mnohými označovaní len za ďalšiu rasu primitívnych surových " #~ "potvor. Toto bežné nepochopenie je čiastočne spôsobené orkmi, ktorí " #~ "presviedčajú trolov, aby sa pridali k ich armádam. Sú jednoduchí a " #~ "nerozumejú záležitostiam iných rás, či ich dokonca ani nevedia rozlíšiť. " #~ "Preto je pre tlupu orkov ľahké presvedčiť skupinu trolov, že spojením sa " #~ "dosiahnu pomstu na tých, čo ich predtým lovili. Noví verbovanci sú potom " #~ "nasmerovaní útočiť na každého, s kým sú práve orkovia v konflikte, nech " #~ "už bol predtým nepriateľom trolov alebo nie. Takto si oklamaní trolovia " #~ "zbierajú ešte viac nepriateľov. Najčastejšími nepriateľmi trolov sú " #~ "trpaslíci a nepriateľstvo medzi týmito dvoma rasami je už prastaré.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "Trolovia obývali hory Veľkého kontinentu dlhšie ako trpaslíci, ktorí sa " #~ "tam nasťahovali. Sú bežným zjavom v horských pásmach na severe a východe " #~ "Wesnotu a kdekoľvek putujú hordy orkov." #~ msgid "race^Undead" #~ msgstr "Nemŕtvy" #~ msgid "race+female^Undead" #~ msgstr "Nemŕtva" #~ msgid "race+plural^Undead" #~ msgstr "Nemŕtvi" #~ msgid "" #~ "Undead are not really a single race of creatures, although often treated " #~ "as such. Almost any dead creature can, by a sufficiently skilled " #~ "necromancer, be reanimated and rise again in undeath. Undead are for the " #~ "most part unnatural but mindless constructs, obeying whoever created them " #~ "without question nor thought. A greater mystery of necromancy is in how " #~ "constructs are sustained without continuous effort from the necromancer. " #~ "An undead creature does not require the constant attention of the " #~ "necromancer to command and sustain, but can work autonomously according " #~ "to the commands of it’s master. Only rarely, perhaps once every few " #~ "months, does the necromancer need to maintain his creation.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Necromancy is almost solely limited to humans. Even the legends of " #~ "magically apt races like elves and mermen tell of very few of their kind " #~ "who have ever delved in the dark arts. It is surmised that necromantic " #~ "magic requires great adaptability and a flexible mind, extremes of which " #~ "are most commonly found in humans. The ultimate goal of most necromancers " #~ "is to turn the same art of preserving and imbuing life upon themselves, " #~ "to alter themselves at whatever cost, to ultimately escape death by " #~ "preserving their own mind and spirit.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "While undead lords arrived on the Great Continent in considerable numbers " #~ "only in the wake of Haldric I, they were not completely unheard of by " #~ "elves and dwarves before that." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nemŕtvi v skutočnosti nie sú jednotnou rasou, aj keď sa niekedy tak " #~ "chápu. Skoro každá mŕtva bytosť môže byť dostatočne skúseným " #~ "černokňažníkom \"oživená\". Nemŕtvi sú neprirodzené tvory bez vlastnej " #~ "vôle, poslúchajúce toho, kto ich vytvoril, bez otázok a zamyslenia. " #~ "Väčšou záhadou černokňažníctva je to, ako sú tieto výtvory udržiavané bez " #~ "neprestajného dohľadu od černokňažníka. Nemŕtva bytosť nepotrebuje " #~ "sústavnú pozornosť černokňažníka, ale môže pracovať samostatne podľa " #~ "príkazov svojho pána. Iba zriedkavo, asi raz za niekoľko mesiacov, musí " #~ "černokňažník vykonať údržbu svoj výtvoru.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Černokňažníctvo je takmer výlučne záležitosťou ľudí. Dokonca aj legendy " #~ "rás zručných v mágii, ako elfovia a morskí ľudia, rozprávajú o veľmi málo " #~ "príslušníkoch týchto rás, ktorí sa zahĺbili do tohto temného umenia. " #~ "Predpokladá sa, že černokňažnícka mágia vyžaduje veľkú schopnosť " #~ "prispôsobenia sa a flexibilnú myseľ. Extrémy týchto vlastností sa " #~ "najčastejšie vyskytujú u ľudí. Konečným cieľom väčšiny černokňažníkov je " #~ "použiť toto umenie udržiavania života na seba, zmeniť samých seba za " #~ "každú cenu, uniknúť smrti zachovaním svojej mysle a duše.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
\n" #~ "Páni nemŕtvych prišli na Veľký kontinent vo veľkých množstvách vzápätí po " #~ "Haldrikovi I., ale elfovia a trpaslíci o nich počuli už aj predtým." #~ msgid "race^Wolf" #~ msgstr "Vlk" #~ msgid "race^Wose" #~ msgstr "Lesný muž" #~ msgid "race^Woses" #~ msgstr "Lesní muži" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Breeding Pen" #~ msgstr "kŕmenie" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Laying" #~ msgstr "(hrá)" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Hatchling" #~ msgstr "Liečenie" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Fledgling" #~ msgstr "Liečenie" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Intendant" #~ msgstr "Inteligentný" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Swarming" #~ msgstr "húf" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Drakish, language" #~ msgstr "Zmeň jazyk" #~ msgid "Introduction" #~ msgstr "Úvod" #~ msgid "Gameplay" #~ msgstr "Hra" #~ msgid "Abilities" #~ msgstr "Schopnosti" #~ msgid "Terrains" #~ msgstr "Terén" #~ msgid "" #~ "Certain units have abilities that either directly affect other units, or " #~ "have an impact on how the unit interacts with other units. These " #~ "abilities will be listed under this topic as you encounter them.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Niektoré jednotky majú schopnosti, ktoré buď priamo ovplyvňujú iné " #~ "jednotky, alebo majú vplyv na to, ako na ne táto jednotka pôsobí. Takéto " #~ "schopnosti sa pridajú do tejto záložky, keď na ne natrafíte.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "Some weapons have special features that increase the effectiveness of " #~ "attacking with them.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Niektoré zbrane majú špeciálne vlastnosti, ktoré zvyšujú efektivitu " #~ "útokov s nimi.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "Unknown Unit" #~ msgstr "Neznáma jednotka" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "This unit is unknown for the moment. You must discover it in the game to " #~ "be allowed to see its description." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Táto jednotka je momentálne neznáma. Musíš ju stretnúť v hre, aby si " #~ "mohol vidieť jej popis." #~ msgid "Overview" #~ msgstr "Prehľad" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "text='Battle for Wesnoth' is a turn-based fantasy " #~ "strategy game somewhat unusual among modern strategy games. While other " #~ "games strive for complexity, Battle for Wesnoth strives for simplicity of " #~ "both rules and gameplay. This does not make the game simple, however — " #~ "from these simple rules arise a wealth of strategy, making the game easy " #~ "to learn but a challenge to master." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Bitka o Wesnoth je ťahová fantasy stratégia, čo je medzi modernými " #~ "strategickými hrami trochu nezvyčajné. Zatiaľ čo sa ostatné hry snažia o " #~ "zložitosť, Bitka o Wesnoth sa snaží o jednoduchosť v pravidlách i hraní. " #~ "Neznamená to však, že hra je jednoduchá - na týchto jednoduchých " #~ "pravidlách možno postaviť rozmanité stratégie, takže je ľahké hru " #~ "pochopiť, ale náročné zvládnuť." #~ msgid "Fundamentals of Gameplay" #~ msgstr "Základy hry" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "These pages outline all you need to know to play text='Battle for " #~ "Wesnoth'. They cover how to play and the basic mechanics behind " #~ "the game. As you play the game, new information is added to these pages " #~ "as you come across new aspects of the game. For more detailed information " #~ "on special situations and exceptions, please follow the links included." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Táto stránka zhŕňa všetko, čo potrebuje vedieť na hranie hry Bitka o " #~ "Wesnoth. Obsahuje návod na hru a základné herné mechanizmy. Počas hry sa " #~ "budú na týchto stránkach objavovať nové informácie, zároveň ako budete " #~ "stretávať nové stránky hry. Podrobnejšie informácie o zvláštnych " #~ "situáciách a výnimkách nájdete na nasledujúcich stránkach." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "To begin with, it’s best to click the text=Tutorial button " #~ "at the main menu. This will take you to the interactive tutorial, which " #~ "will teach you the basics of Wesnoth. After this, it is recommended that " #~ "you play the Heir to the Throne campaign first — click " #~ "text=Campaign then text='Heir to the Throne'. As text='Battle for Wesnoth' can be quite " #~ "challenging, you may wish to start on text=Easy." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Na začiatok je najlepšie ťuknúť na tlačidlo text='Výcvik' v hlavnom menu. Spustí sa tým interaktívny výcvik, ktorý vás " #~ "naučí základy Wesnothu. Potom sa odporúča najprv hrať kampaň Dedič trónu " #~ "- ťuknite na tlačidlo text='Výprava' a potom " #~ "text='Dedič trónu'. Hra Bitka o Wesnoth dokáže byť " #~ "pomerne náročná, takže si radšej vyberte text='ľahkú' " #~ "zložitosť." #~ msgid "" #~ "While playing, keep in mind that if you mouse-over many items in the " #~ "game, such as the information displayed in the status pane, a brief " #~ "description will be shown explaining each item. This is especially useful " #~ "when you encounter new dst='..abilities_section' text='abilities' for the first time." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Počas hry si pamätaj, že ak prejdeš myšou ponad mnohé herné prvky, " #~ "napríklad informácie zobrazené v stavovom paneli, zobrazí sa krátky popis " #~ "danej položky. To je zvlášť užitočné, keď sa prvýkrát stretneš s nejakou " #~ "novou dst='..abilities_section' text=\"schopnosťou\"." #~ msgid "About the Game" #~ msgstr "O hre" #~ msgid "" #~ "The game takes place over a series of battles, called scenarios. Each " #~ "scenario pits your troops against the troops of one or more adversaries. " #~ "You can play against the computer, or with friends who each take turns " #~ "sitting at the computer (hotseat play). If your computer is connected to " #~ "a computer network, you can also play against other people connected to " #~ "that network. If your computer has a connection to the Internet, you can " #~ "play against other people across the Internet." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hra sa skladá zo série bitiek nazývaných scény. Každá scéna postaví tvoje " #~ "bojové jednotky proti bojovým jednotkám jedného alebo viacerých súperov. " #~ "Môžeš hrať sám proti počítaču, alebo sa striedať s priateľmi pri sedení " #~ "za počítačom (tzv. horúce kreslo). Ak máš počítač pripojený k miestnej " #~ "počítačovej sieti, môžeš hrať aj proti ostatným užívateľom tejto siete. " #~ "Ak máš počítač pripojený na internet, môžeš hrať proti ostatným ľuďom na " #~ "internete." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Campaigns consist of multiple scenarios that follow on from each other, " #~ "telling a story. In a campaign, you often need to play more carefully, " #~ "preserving your best troops so that they can be used again in later " #~ "scenarios in the campaign." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Príbeh sa skladá z niekoľkých scén, ktoré po sebe nasledujú. V príbehu " #~ "treba zvyčajne hrať opatrnejšie a šetriť si svoje najlepšie jednotky na " #~ "ďalšie použitie v neskorších častiach príbehu." #~ msgid "Victory and Defeat" #~ msgstr "Víťazstvo a Porážka" #~ msgid "" #~ "Pay careful attention to the Objectives pop-up box at the beginning of " #~ "each scenario. Usually you will achieve victory by killing all enemy " #~ "leaders, and only be defeated by having your leader killed. But scenarios " #~ "may have other victory objectives — getting your leader to a designated " #~ "point, say, or rescuing someone, or solving a puzzle, or holding out " #~ "against a siege until a certain number of turns have elapsed." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dávaj dobrý pozor na obsah okna Cieľ scény na začiatku každej scény. " #~ "Obyčajne dosiahneš víťazstvo zabitím všetkých nepriateľských veliteľov a " #~ "prehráš iba pri zabití tvojho veliteľa. Ale scény môžu mať aj iné ciele - " #~ "premiestnenie veliteľa na určené miesto, zachránenie niekoho, rozlúštenie " #~ "hádanky alebo vydržať obliehanie určený počet kôl." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "When you win a scenario, the map will gray over and the text='End " #~ "Turn' button will change to text='End Scenario'. You " #~ "can now do things like changing your save options or (if you are in a " #~ "multiplayer game) chatting with other players before pressing that button " #~ "to advance." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Keď vyhráš scénu, mapa sa zatemní na šedo a tlačidlo 'Koniec kola' sa " #~ "zmení na 'Ukončiť scénu'. Vtedy je možné meniť napríklad nastavenia " #~ "ukladania hier alebo (ak si v zápase) diskutovať s ostatnými hráčmi ešte " #~ "pred tým, ako stlačením tlačidla postúpiš ďalej." #~ msgid "Recruiting and Recalling" #~ msgstr "Verbovanie a privolávanie" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Each side begins with one leader in their keep. At the start of any " #~ "battle, and at times during it, you will need to recruit dst='.." #~ "units' text='units' into your army. To recruit, you must have your " #~ "leader (for instance, Konrad in the Heir to the Throne campaign) on the " #~ "Keep square of a dst='terrain_castle' text='Castle'. Then you " #~ "may recruit by either choosing Recruit from the menu or right-clicking on " #~ "a hex and selecting text=Recruit. This brings up the recruit " #~ "menu, which lists units available for recruitment, along with their gold " #~ "cost. Click on a unit to see its statistics, then press the recruit " #~ "button to recruit it." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Každá strana začína s jedným veliteľom v pevnosti. Na začiatku hry, a " #~ "často aj počas nej, budete potrebovať naverbovať dst='..units' " #~ "text='jednotky' do armády. Verbovať môžete, ak je váš veliteľ " #~ "(napríklad Konrád, v príbehu Dedič trónu) na políčku \"pevnosť\" v " #~ "dst='terrain_castle' text='hrade'. Vtedy môžete verbovať " #~ "pomocou voľby \"Verbuj\" v menu, alebo ťuknutím pravým tlačidlom na " #~ "políčko a výberom možnosti text='Verbuj'. Objaví sa " #~ "verbovacie menu so zoznamom jednotiek, ktoré môžete verbovať, a s ich " #~ "cenou. Ťuknutím na jednotku sa naľavo zobrazia jej štatistiky, po " #~ "stlačení tlačidla \"Verbuj\" sa naverbuje." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "If you right-clicked on a castle hex and selected recruit, the new unit " #~ "will appear in that square. Otherwise, it will appear in a free square " #~ "near the keep. You may only recruit as many units as you have free hexes " #~ "in your castle, and you cannot spend more gold than you actually have on " #~ "recruiting." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Ak ťuknete pravým tlačidlom myši na políčko v hrade a vyberiete možnosť " #~ "\"verbuj\", nová jednotka sa objaví na tomto políčku. Inak sa objaví na " #~ "voľnom políčku vedľa pevnosti. Môžete verbovať iba toľko nových " #~ "jednotiek, koľko máte práve voľných políčok v hrade, a nemôžete pritom " #~ "minúť viac zlata, ako práve máte." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Recruited units come with two random dst='..traits_section' " #~ "text='Traits' which modify their statistics." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Naverbované jednotky majú dve náhodné dst='..traits_section' " #~ "text='vlastnosti', ktoré ovplyvňujú ich štatistiky." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "In later scenarios, you may also Recall survivors from earlier battles. " #~ "Recalling costs a standard 20 gold and presents you with a list of all " #~ "surviving units from previous scenarios." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "V ďalších scénach si môžete privolávať tých, čo prežili v predchádzajúcej " #~ "bitke. Privolávanie stojí 20 zlatiek a zobrazí zoznam jednotiek, ktoré " #~ "prežili z predchádzajúcej hry." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Units not only cost gold to Recruit or Recall, they also require money to " #~ "support. See dst='income_and_upkeep' text='Income and Upkeep' " #~ "for more information." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Za jednotky sa neplatí len pri verbovaní a privolávaní, ale aj ich údržba " #~ "stojí peniaze. Ďalšie informácie nájdete v kapitole " #~ "dst='income_and_upkeep' text='Príjmy a výdavky'." #~ msgid "Orbs" #~ msgstr "Kruhy" #~ msgid "" #~ "On top of the energy bar shown next to each unit of yours is an orb. For " #~ "units you control, this orb is:" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pri každej tvojej jednotke sa navrchu ukazovateľa zdravia nachádza " #~ "farebný kruh. Význam jednotlivých farieb:" #~ msgid "green if it hasn’t moved this turn," #~ msgstr "zelená - v tomto kole sa ešte nehýbala;" #~ msgid "yellow if it has moved, but could still move further or attack, or" #~ msgstr "" #~ "žltá - v tomto ťahu sa už hýbala, ale ešte sa môže hýbať alebo útočiť;" #~ msgid "The orb is blue if the unit is an ally you do not control." #~ msgstr "Modrý kruh označuje jednotku, ktorú nemôžeš ovládať." #~ msgid "Enemy units have no orb on top of their energy bar." #~ msgstr "Nepriateľské jednotky farebný kruh nad ukazovateľom zdravia nemajú." #~ msgid "Hitpoints and Experience" #~ msgstr "Životy a skúsenosti" #~ msgid "" #~ "Each unit has a certain number of hitpoints (HP). If the hitpoints of a " #~ "unit drop below 1, the unit dies. Each unit also has a certain number of " #~ "experience points (XP). A freshly recruited unit starts with no " #~ "experience points, and gains experience by fighting enemies." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Každá jednotka má určitý počet životov (živ.). Ak životy danej jednotky " #~ "klesnú pod 1, jednotka zomrie. Každá jednotka má aj určitý počet bodov " #~ "skúsenosti. Nová jednotka začína bez bodov skúsenosti a môže ich získať " #~ "bojom s nepriateľmi." #~ msgid "" #~ "The hitpoints and experience points are both indicated in the status pane " #~ "using two numbers (the current value and the maximum value the unit can " #~ "have)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Body zdravia a skúsenosti sú znázornené na stavovom paneli, každé ako dve " #~ "čísla (momentálna hodnota, a najvyššia možná hodnota pre túto jednotku)." #~ msgid "" #~ "The hitpoints are also indicated by an energy bar next to each unit, " #~ "which is green, yellow or red. A unit with at least 1 experience point " #~ "has a blue experience bar, which turns white as the unit is about to " #~ "dst='experience_and_advancement' text='advance'." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Body zdravia sa zobrazujú aj pomocou ukazovateľa zdravia pri každej " #~ "jednotke. Tento ukazovateľ je zelený, žltý alebo červený. Jednotka, ktorá " #~ "má aspoň 1 bod skúsenosti, má aj ukazovateľ skúsenosti. Ten je modrý a " #~ "zmení sa na biely, ak je jednotka blízko " #~ "dst='experience_and_advancement' text='povýšenia'." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Movement in text='Battle for Wesnoth' is simple. Click " #~ "on the unit you wish to move to select it, then click on the hex you wish " #~ "to move it to. When a unit is selected, everywhere it can move this turn " #~ "will be highlighted, and all other hexes on the map are made dull. " #~ "Mousing over a highlighted hex shows the defense rating the unit would " #~ "have if you moved it to that hex. Mousing over a dull hex will also show " #~ "the number of turns required to reach it, and clicking will cause the " #~ "unit to move towards it by the fastest route over this and subsequent " #~ "turns. If you don’t use up all of a unit’s movement when you first move a " #~ "unit, you may move it again. This is useful when having two units switch " #~ "places. Attacking with a unit will use up its movement. Ending a move in " #~ "a village you don’t already own will also use up a unit’s movement, but " #~ "will still allow it to attack." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pohyb v hre Bitka o Wesnoth je jednoduchý: Ťuknutím označ jednotku, ktorú " #~ "chceš pohnúť; potom ťukni na pole, na ktoré ju chceš presunúť. Keď je " #~ "jednotka označená, všetky polia, na ktoré môže ísť v tomto ťahu, sa " #~ "zvýraznia; a tie, na ktoré ísť nemôže, vyblednú. Ak pohneš myšou nad " #~ "zvýraznené pole, zobrazí sa, akú by mala jednotka obranu na tomto poli. " #~ "Ak pohneš myšou nad bledé pole, ukáže sa počet ťahov, koľko by trval " #~ "pohyb na toto políčko; po ťuknutí na políčko sa k nemu jednotka pohne " #~ "najkratšou možnou cestou, v tomto ťahu i v nasledujúcich. Ak počas pohybu " #~ "nevyužiješ celý možný pohyb jednotky, môžeš ňou pohybovať ďalej. To je " #~ "užitočné, ak chceš vymeniť dve jednotky. Útok jednotkou ukončí jej pohyb. " #~ "Vstup do dediny, ktorá ti predtým nepatrila, tiež ukončí pohyb jednotky, " #~ "ale ešte ňou možno útočiť." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Each unit has a certain number of movement points which are used up when " #~ "moving into a new hex, depending on the Terrain of that particular hex. " #~ "For instance, grassland nearly always costs 1 movement point to enter. " #~ "Exactly how many movement points are spent entering a hex depends on the " #~ "unit type — in forest, elvish units only spend 1 movement point, most " #~ "human and orc units spend 2, while horsemen spend 3. You can learn how " #~ "many movement points a unit requires to enter a certain terrain type by " #~ "right-clicking on it, selecting Unit Description, and then looking at " #~ "text='Terrain Modifiers'." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Každá jednotka má určitý počet pohybových bodov, ktoré sa míňajú pri " #~ "pohybe na nové políčko, podľa terénu daného cieľového políčka. Napríklad " #~ "vstup na lúku skoro vždy stojí 1 pohybový bod. Presný počet pohybových " #~ "bodov na vstup na políčko závisí od typu jednotky - pohyb v lese stojí " #~ "elfov 1 pohybový bod, väčšinu ľudských a orčích jednotiek 2 body, a " #~ "jazdcov 3 body. Ak chcete zistiť, koľko presne pohybových bodov stojí " #~ "jednotku vstup na daný typ terénu, ťuknite na ňu pravým tlačidlom , " #~ "vyberte si \"Popis jednotky\" a pozrite sa na text='Vplyv " #~ "terénu'." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Another thing to keep in mind while moving is Zones of Control. Each unit " #~ "generates a zone of control in the hexes immediately surrounding it, and " #~ "any enemy unit entering those hexes immediately ends its movement. " #~ "Learning how to use zones of control to your advantage is an important " #~ "part of Wesnoth, as only dst='ability_skirmisher' " #~ "text='Skirmishers' can ignore zones of control." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Ďalšia vec, na ktorú treba pri pohybe pamätať, je oblasť kontroly. Každá " #~ "jednotka kontroluje okolité políčka a ak na ne vstúpi nepriateľská " #~ "jednotka, jej pohyb sa tým skončí. Dôležitou súčasťou hrania Wesnothu je " #~ "naučiť sa využívať oblasti kontroly vo svoj prospech. Iba " #~ "dst='ability_skirmisher' text='priebojné' jednotky môžu " #~ "ignorovať oblasti kontroly." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "To see where the enemy can move to during their next turn, press Ctrl-v " #~ "or Cmd-v. Ctrl-b or Cmd-b shows where the enemy could move, if your units " #~ "were not on the map to block their progress." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Ak chceš vidieť, kam sa môže nepriateľ pohnúť počas jeho ťahu, stlač " #~ "Ctrl+v (alebo Cmd-v). Ctrl-b (alebo Cmd-b) ukazuje, kam by sa nepriateľ " #~ "mohol pohnúť, keby mu tvoje jednotky neprekážali v pohybe." #~ msgid "Shroud and Fog of War" #~ msgstr "Odkrývanie mapy a hmla" #~ msgid "" #~ "In some scenarios, parts of the map will be hidden from you. There are " #~ "two mechanisms that can be used separately or together. The Shroud hides " #~ "both the terrain and any units at a location. However, once it is " #~ "cleared, you can always see that location. The Fog of War only hides " #~ "units and ownership of villages (other than by you or your allies). The " #~ "Fog of War is cleared temporarily when you have units nearby, but returns " #~ "when they leave. Both the Shroud and the Fog of War are cleared by units. " #~ "Each unit clears locations adjacent to those within one turn’s move " #~ "(ignoring zones of control and enemy units).\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Normally you can undo a unit’s movement, as long as an event with a " #~ "randomized result has not occurred, such as combat or recruitment (as " #~ "most units receive random traits when recruited). Exploring hidden " #~ "terrain by clearing Shroud or Fog will also prevent undos to a previous " #~ "state. You may wish to activate ‘delay shroud updates’ in the actions " #~ "menu. This will prevent units from clearing Shroud or Fog until the next " #~ "randomized event or a manual update via ‘update shroud now’ (or the end " #~ "of your turn) and thereby perserve your ability to undo movement." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pri hraní niektorých scén môže hra ukrývať časti mapy. Existujú dva " #~ "mechanizmy, ktoré možno použiť osobitne alebo spolu. \"Odkrývanie mapy\" " #~ "na začiatku ukryje všetky polia mapy; ich terén aj jednotky, ktoré na " #~ "nich stoja. Keď je však raz pole odkryté, už ho vždy budeš vidieť. " #~ "\"Hmla\" ukrýva iba jednotky a informáciu o tom, komu patrí dedina (okrem " #~ "toho, keď patrí tebe alebo niektorému spojencovi). Hmla dočasne zmizne, " #~ "keď je nablízku tvoja jednotka, ale vráti sa, keď jednotka odíde. " #~ "Neodokrytú mapu aj hmlu odkrývajú jednotky. Každá jednotka odkryje časť " #~ "mapy v dosahu svojho pohybu (ak neberieme do úvahy oblasť kontroly a " #~ "nepriateľské jednotky).\n" #~ "Za normálnych okolností je možné vrátiť späť pohyb jednotky, pokiaľ " #~ "nenastala udalosť s náhodným výsledkom, napríklad súboj alebo verbovanie " #~ "(pretože väčšina nových jednotiek získava náhodné vlastnosti). Skúmanie " #~ "skrytého terénu odkrývaním mapy alebo hmly taktiež neumožní návrat. " #~ "Môžete použiť možnosť 'pozastav odkrývanie mapy' v menu 'Akcie'. To " #~ "zabráni jednotkám odkryť mapu alebo hmlu až do najbližšej náhodnej " #~ "udalosti alebo manuálnej aktualizácii mapy cez 'vykresli odkrytú " #~ "mapu' (alebo konca kola), čím sa zachová možnosť vrátenia pohybu späť." #~ msgid "Combat" #~ msgstr "Súboj" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Combat in text='Battle for Wesnoth' always takes place " #~ "between units in adjacent hexes. Click on your unit, and click on the " #~ "enemy you want to attack: your unit will move towards the enemy unit, and " #~ "when they are next to each other, combat will begin. The attacker and " #~ "defender alternate strikes until each has used their allotted number of " #~ "strikes. The attacker chooses one of its weapons to attack with, and the " #~ "defender retaliates with one of its attacks of the same type. There are " #~ "two types of attacks: melee, which usually involves weapons such as " #~ "swords, axes or fangs; and ranged, which usually involves weapons such as " #~ "bows, spears and fireballs." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Boj sa v Bitke o Wesnoth vždy odohráva medzi dvoma jednotkami na " #~ "susediacich poliach. Klikni na svoju jednotku a klikni na súperovu " #~ "jednotku, ktorú chceš napadnúť: tvoja jednotka sa pohne k súperovej, a " #~ "keď je na vedľajšom políčku, začne boj. Útočník a obranca striedavo " #~ "útočia, kým si každý z nich nevyčerpá možný počet útokov. Útočník si " #~ "vyberá, akým typom zbrane zaútočí, a obranca sa bráni útokom rovnakého " #~ "typu. Sú dva typy útoku: na blízko - to sú zvyčajne zbrane ako meče, " #~ "sekery alebo pazúry; na diaľku - to sú zvyčajne zbrane ako luky, oštepy a " #~ "mágia." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
text='Order and number of strikes'
" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
text='Počet a poradie útokov'
" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "The attacker gets the first strike, then the defender retaliates. Each " #~ "strike either hits, doing a given amount of damage, or misses, doing no " #~ "damage at all. Strikes alternate until each unit has used up all of its " #~ "strikes. The number of strikes a unit has varies; for instance, an Elvish " #~ "fighter with a 5–4 attack may strike 4 times, each successful strike " #~ "dealing 5 damage, while an Orcish Grunt with a 9–2 attack can only strike " #~ "twice (but at 9 damage for each hit)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Prvý útok má útočník, potom obranca. Každý útok buď zasiahne, a zraní za " #~ "daný počet bodov zdravia, alebo minie a nespôsobí žiadne zranenie. Takto " #~ "sa útoky striedajú, kým obe jednotky neminú všetky svoje útoky. Rôzne " #~ "jednotky majú rôzny počet útokov. Napríklad elf vojak s útokom mečom 5-4 " #~ "môže seknúť 4-krát a každým zo seknutí spôsobiť zranenie 5, ale ork " #~ "pešiak s útokom 9-2 môže sekať len 2-krát (ale so zranením 9)." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
text='Chance to hit'
" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
text='Šanca na zásah'
" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Every unit has a chance of being hit, based on the Terrain it is in. This " #~ "is shown in the status pane, and may also be found by right-clicking a " #~ "unit, selecting Unit Description, and then looking at " #~ "text='Terrain Modifiers'. For instance, many elves have " #~ "a defense rating of 70% in forest, so a unit attacking them has only a " #~ "30% chance of hitting. Conversely, the elf’s chance of hitting the " #~ "attacker in return depends on what terrain the attacker is in." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Šanca zasiahnuť danú jednotku je určená terénom, na ktorom práve stojí. " #~ "Dá sa zistiť ťuknutím na jednotku pravým tlačidlom, voľbou \"Popis " #~ "jednotky\", v časti text='Vplyv terénu'. Napríklad " #~ "elfovia majú v lese obranu 70%, čo znamená, že jednotka, ktorá na nich " #~ "útočí, má šancu zasiahnuť ich iba 30%. Podobne, elfova šanca zasiahnuť " #~ "útočníka počas protiúderu záleží na teréne, v ktorom je útočník." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "There are two exceptions to this rule: dst='weaponspecial_magical' " #~ "text='Magical attacks' and dst='weaponspecial_marksman' " #~ "text='Marksmen'. Magical attacks always have a 70% chance to hit, " #~ "regardless of terrain, and, when used offensively, Marksmen always have " #~ "at least a 60% chance to hit, regardless of terrain." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Toto pravidlo má dve výnimky: dst='weaponspecial_magical' " #~ "text='magický útok' a útok dst='weaponspecial_marksman' " #~ "text='ostrostrelca'. Magický útok má vždy 70% šancu na zásah, bez " #~ "ohľadu na terén, a ostrostrelec má počas svojho útoku vždy šancu na zásah " #~ "aspoň 60%, bez ohľadu na terén." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "
" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Each strike which hits causes a base amount of damage depending on the " #~ "attack type. For instance, an Elvish Fighter with a 5–4 attack does 5 " #~ "base damage. This is usually modified by two things: " #~ "dst='damage_types_and_resistance' text='Resistance' and " #~ "dst='time_of_day' text='Time of Day'. To see how base damage " #~ "is modified by the circumstances, select text='Damage " #~ "Calculations' in the attack selection menu." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Každý úder, ktorý zasiahne, spôsobuje základné zranenie podľa typu útoku. " #~ "Napríklad elf vojak s útokom mečom 5-4 spôsobuje základné zranenie 5. To " #~ "zvyčajne ešte ovplyvňujú dve veci: dst='damage_types_and_resistance' " #~ "text='odolnosť' a dst='time_of_day' text='denná doba'. " #~ "Ak chcete vedieť, ako okolnosti ovplyvňujú základné zranenie, vyberte si " #~ "v menu pri výbere útoku položku text='výpočet zranenia'." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "A few units have special dst='..abilities_section' text='abilities' which affect damage dealt in combat. The most common of these is " #~ "dst='weaponspecial_charge' text='Charge', which doubles the " #~ "damage dealt by both attacker and defender when the unit with Charge " #~ "attacks." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Niektoré jednotky majú zvláštne dst='..abilities_section' " #~ "text='schopnosti', ktoré ovplyvňujú zranenie spôsobené v súboji. " #~ "Najznámejšou z nich je dst='weaponspecial_charge' text='výpad', ktorý pri útoku jednotky s touto schopnosťou zdvojnásobuje zranenie " #~ "spôsobené obrancovi ale aj útočníkovi." #~ msgid "Damage Types and Resistance" #~ msgstr "Typy zranenia a odolnosť" #~ msgid "" #~ "In Wesnoth, there are three types of damage usually associated with " #~ "physical attacks: Blade, Pierce and Impact damage. Additionally, there " #~ "are three further types of damage usually associated with magical " #~ "attacks: Fire, Cold and Arcane attacks. Different units may have " #~ "resistances which alter the damage which they take from certain damage " #~ "types." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vo Wesnothe sa s fyzickými útokmi zvyčajne spájajú tri druhy zranenia: " #~ "sečné, bodné a tupé. S magickými útokmi sa obyčajne spájajú ďalšie tri " #~ "druhy zranenia: ohnivé, mrazivé a mystické. Rozličné jednotky môžu byť " #~ "voči niektorým druhom zranenia odolné, čo zmení výslednú veľkosť zranenia." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Resistances work very simply: if a unit has 40% resistance against a " #~ "damage type, then it will suffer 40% less damage when hit with that " #~ "damage type. It is also possible for a unit to be vulnerable against some " #~ "damage types. If a unit has −100% resistance against a damage type, it " #~ "will suffer 100% more damage when hit by that type." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Odolnosť funguje veľmi jednoducho: Ak má jednotka voči nejakému druhu " #~ "zranenia odolnosť 40%, pri zásahu spôsobujúcom tento druh zranenia utrpí " #~ "o 40% menšie zranenie. Jednotka môže byť voči určitému druhu zranenia " #~ "zvlášť zraniteľná; ak má jednotka voči nejakému druhu zranenia odolnosť " #~ "−100%, utrpí pri zásahu spôsobujúcom tento druh zranenia o 100% väčšie " #~ "zranenie." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "For example, Skeletons are highly resistant to Blade and Pierce damage, " #~ "but are vulnerable to Impact and Fire damage, and extremely vulnerable to " #~ "Arcane damage." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Napríklad kostlivci sú vysoko odolní voči sečným a bodným útokom, ale sú " #~ "zraniteľní tupými a ohnivými útokmi, a mimoriadne zraniteľní mystickými " #~ "útokmi." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "If a strike is determined to hit, it will always do at least 1 point of " #~ "damage. This applies even if the defender has 100% resistance to the " #~ "damage type." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Ak je útok úspešný, spôsobí aspoň 1 bod zranenia. To platí aj v prípade, " #~ "keby mal obranca odolnosť 100% voči danému druhu zranenia." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "The time of day affects the damage of certain units as follows:\n" #~ " Lawful units get +25% damage in daytime, and −25% damage at night.\n" #~ " Chaotic units get +25% damage at night, and −25% in daytime.\n" #~ " Liminal units get +25% damage during twilight.\n" #~ " Neutral units are unaffected by the time of day." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Denná doba ovplyvňuje zranenie spôsobené jednotlivými jednotkami takto:\n" #~ "Jednotky poriadku spôsobujú cez deň +25% zranenia, a v noci −25% " #~ "zranenia.\n" #~ "Jednotky chaosu spôsobujú v noci +25% zranenia, a cez deň −25% zranenia.\n" #~ "Neutrálne jednotky denná doba neovplyvňuje." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "The current time of day can be observed under the minimap in the status " #~ "pane. For the usual day/night cycle, Morning and Afternoon count as day, " #~ "First and Second Watch count as night:\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Momentálnu dennú dobu vidno pod minimapou v stavovom paneli. Pri bežnom " #~ "striedaní dňa a noci sa ráno a popoludnie počítajú ako deň; prvá hliadka " #~ "a druhá hliadka sa počítajú ako noc:\n" #~ msgid "Dawn" #~ msgstr "Svitanie" #~ msgid "Afternoon" #~ msgstr "Popoludnie" #~ msgid "Dusk" #~ msgstr "Súmrak" #~ msgid "First Watch" #~ msgstr "Prvá hliadka" #~ msgid "Second Watch" #~ msgstr "Druhá hliadka" #~ msgid "" #~ "Keep in mind that some scenarios take place underground, where it is " #~ "perpetually night!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pamätajte, že niektoré scény sa odohrávajú v podzemí, kde je večná noc!" #~ msgid "Experience and Advancement" #~ msgstr "Skúsenosti a postup" #~ msgid "" #~ "If both units survive a combat, they gain a number of experience points " #~ "equal to the level of the unit they’re fighting. If a unit kills another " #~ "in combat, however, it gains much more experience — 4 for a level 0 unit, " #~ "8 for level 1, 16 for level 2, 24 for level 3, and so forth." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ak obe jednotky prežijú súboj, každá získa toľko bodov skúsenosti, akú " #~ "úroveň mal ich protivník. Ak jedna jednotka v súboji zabije druhú, získa " #~ "tým omnoho viac skúseností - 4 za jednotku na úrovni 0, 8 za úroveň 1, 16 " #~ "za úroveň 2, 24 za úroveň 3, a tak ďalej." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Units have a certain amount of experience required to advance (this is " #~ "20% less for units with the Intelligent trait). Once they achieve this " #~ "amount, they immediately advance to the next level, healing fully in the " #~ "process. In some cases, you will be given a choice of advancement options." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jednotky potrebujú isté množstvo skúseností, aby boli povýšené (pre " #~ "inteligentné jednotky je toto množstvo o 20% nižšie). Keď toto množstvo " #~ "dosiahnu, okamžite sú povýšené na vyššiu úroveň, pričom sa aj naplno " #~ "doliečia. V niektorých prípadoch dostanete na výber viac možností " #~ "povýšenia." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "While most units have three levels, not all do. Occasional units (such as " #~ "dst='unit_Mage' text='Magi') may have four. Once a unit has " #~ "reached its maximum level, it may have an After Maximum Level Advancement " #~ "(AMLA) available to it. The AMLA will modify the unit each time the unit " #~ "reaches the experience goal, but the unit will remain the same level. The " #~ "typical AMLA effect is for the unit to raise the maximum HP by 3 and full-" #~ "heal it. The first AMLA will normally be reached with 150 XP gained (120 " #~ "XP for intelligent units). However, gaining an AMLA becomes progressively " #~ "harder for each AMLA the unit receives, and so it is usually more useful " #~ "to try to advance your lower level units." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má tri možné úrovne, ale nie je to tak vždy. Niektoré " #~ "jednotky (ako napríklad dst='unit_Mage' text='mágovia') môžu " #~ "mať štyri. Akonáhle jednotka dosiahne najvyššiu úroveň, môže mať ešte " #~ "\"vylepšovanie po najvyššej úrovni\". Pri \"vylepšovaní po najvyššej " #~ "úrovni\" sa jednotka, ktorá dosiahla stanovený počet skúseností upraví, " #~ "ale zostane na rovnakej úrovni. Zvyčajne sa zvýši jej maximálny počet " #~ "životov o 3 a plne sa uzdraví. Prvýkrát treba dosiahnuť asi 150 bodov " #~ "skúseností (120 pre inteligentné jednotky). Neskôr však na rovnaký efekt " #~ "treba stále viac skúseností, takže sa zvyčajne oplatí povyšovať jednotky " #~ "na nižších úrovniach." #~ msgid "" #~ "In combat, your units will inevitably take damage. When a unit " #~ "dst='experience_and_advancement' text='advances', it will heal " #~ "fully. This can happen as you finish fighting an enemy, whether it is " #~ "your turn or not. Wesnoth offers several other ways for your units to " #~ "heal, all of which take place at the beginning of your turn, before you " #~ "take action." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vaše jednotky v súbojoch nevyhnutne utrpia zranenie. Keď je jednotka " #~ "dst='experience_and_advancement' text='povýšená', plne sa " #~ "vylieči. To sa môže stať pri boji so súperom, či už počas tvojho alebo " #~ "súperovho ťahu. Wesnoth umožňuje liečiť jednotky i ďalšími spôsobmi. " #~ "Tieto sa všetky vykonávajú na začiatku tvojho kola, predtým ako začneš " #~ "ťahať." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Resting: A unit which neither moves, attacks, nor is attacked will heal 2 " #~ "HP in its next turn." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Oddych: Jednotka, ktorá sa nehýbala, neútočila, ani nikto neútočil na ňu, " #~ "sa v ďalšom kole uzdraví o 2 životy." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Villages: A unit which starts a turn in a village will heal 8HP." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Dedina: Jednotka, ktorá je na začiatku kola v dedine, sa uzdraví o 8 " #~ "bodov." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "dst='ability_regenerates' text='Regeneration': Certain units " #~ "(such as trolls) will automatically heal 8HP every turn." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "dst='ability_regenerates' text='Regenerácia': Niektoré " #~ "jednotky (napríklad trollovia) sa v každom kole automaticky uzdravia o 8 " #~ "životov." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Healing units: Units with the dst='ability_heals +4' text='Heals' ability will heal each allied adjacent unit, usually " #~ "dst='ability_heals +4' text='4HP' or dst='ability_heals " #~ "+8' text='8HP' per turn, or prevent Poison from causing that unit " #~ "damage." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Uzdravujúce jednotky: Jednotky so schopnosťou dst='ability_heals +4' " #~ "text='uzdravovať' vyliečia spojenecké jednotky na vedľajších " #~ "poliach, zvyčajne o dst='ability_heals +4' text='4' alebo " #~ "dst='ability_heals +8' text='8' životov za kolo; alebo " #~ "zabránia jedu spôsobiť jednotke v danom kole zranenie." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Curing units: Units with the dst='ability_cures' text='Cures' " #~ "ability will cure Poison in all allied adjacent units (in preference to " #~ "healing, if it has that ability as well)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Liečiace jednotky: Jednotky so schopnosťou dst='ability_cures' " #~ "text='liečiť' vyliečia jed všetkým spojeneckým jednotkám na " #~ "vedľajších políčkach (ak majú aj uzdravovanie, tieto jednotky už v danom " #~ "ťahu neuzdravujú)." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Resting can be combined with other forms of healing, but villages, " #~ "regeneration, healing and curing cannot combine with each other: the best " #~ "option will be used. Finally, units heal fully between scenarios." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Odpočinok možno kombinovať s ostatnými formami uzdravovania, ale dediny, " #~ "regenerácia a uzdravovanie/liečenie sa navzájom kombinovať nemôžu. " #~ "Napokon, medzi jednotlivými scénami sa jednotky naplno uzdravia." #~ msgid "Income and Upkeep" #~ msgstr "Príjmy a výdavky" #~ msgid "" #~ "In Wesnoth, it is not enough simply to recruit units and fight. You must " #~ "watch your gold as well, especially in campaigns, where you can carry " #~ "extra gold over from one scenario to the next. There are two aspects to " #~ "this; Income and Upkeep." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vo Wesnothe nestačí jednoducho naverbovať jednotky a bojovať. Musíte si " #~ "rovnako dobre strážiť aj zlato, najmä počas príbehu, kde sa ušetrené " #~ "zlato prenáša z jednej scény do druhej. Máme tu dve zložky: príjmy a " #~ "výdavky." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Income is simple. You have a base income of 2 gold per turn. For every " #~ "village you control, you gain one additional gold each turn. Thus, if you " #~ "have ten villages, you would normally gain 12 gold each turn. Your Upkeep " #~ "costs are subtracted from this income, as detailed below." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Príjmy sú jednoduché. Každé kolo dostanete 2 zlatky. Za každú dedinu, " #~ "ktorú ovládate, dostanete každé kolo jednu zlatku. Ak máte teda 10 dedín, " #~ "dostali by ste 12 zlatiek. Lenže od tohoto príjmu treba ešte odpočítať " #~ "výdavky, ako si podrobne popíšeme nižšie." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Upkeep is also fairly simple. Each unit requires an amount of Upkeep " #~ "equal to its level. You can support as many levels text=worth of units as you have villages, without paying any upkeep. " #~ "However, for each level of unit beyond the number of villages you have, " #~ "you must pay one gold per turn. For example, if you have twelve level one " #~ "units and ten villages, you would have to pay two gold each turn in " #~ "upkeep." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Výdavky sú tiež pomerne jednoduché. Každá jednotka si vyžaduje žold vo " #~ "výške svojej úrovne. Jednotky s takým text='množstvom úrovní', koľko máte dedín, sú zadarmo. Za každý úroveň jednotky, " #~ "presahujúcu počet vašich dedín, musíte zaplatiť jednu zlatku za kolo. " #~ "Napríklad ak máte dvanásť jednotiek na prvej úrovni a desať dedín, musíte " #~ "zaplatiť ako výdavky 2 zlatky za kolo." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Upkeep costs are subtracted from your Income, so in the case of twelve " #~ "levels of units and ten villages, your resultant Income would be 10 gold " #~ "per turn." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Tieto výdavky sa odrátavajú od príjmov, takže v prípade jednotiek s " #~ "dvanástimi úrovňami a desiatich dedín, bude výsledný zisk za kolo 10 " #~ "zlatiek." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "There are two important exceptions to Upkeep: units with the Loyal trait " #~ "and leaders never incur upkeep. Units you begin the scenario with (such " #~ "as Delfador), or units who join you during a scenario (such as the " #~ "Horseman in the second scenario of Heir to the Throne) will usually have " #~ "the Loyal trait. The unit you are playing (such as Konrad) will almost " #~ "always be a leader." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Na výdavky sa vzťahuje jedna dôležitá výnimka: verné a veliace jednotky " #~ "si nikdy nepýtajú žold. Jednotky, ktoré máte na začiatku scény (napríklad " #~ "Delfador), alebo jednotky, ktoré sa k vám počas scény pridajú (napríklad " #~ "jazdec v druhej scéne príbehu \"Dedič trónu\"), majú zvyčajne vlastnosť " #~ "\"verný\". Jednotky za ktoré hráš (napríklad Konrád) sú skoro vždy " #~ "veliteľmi." #~ msgid "Wrap Up" #~ msgstr "Zhrnutie" #~ msgid "" #~ "This concludes the fundamentals of Wesnoth. You might want to read up on " #~ "Basic Strategy, or familiarize yourself with dst='..traits_section' " #~ "text='Traits' and dst='..abilities_section' text='Abilities', but you now know everything you need to know to play the Heir to " #~ "the Throne campaign. Have fun, and good luck!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Toto sú základy Wesnothu. Môžeš si prečítať viac v Základnej stratégii " #~ "alebo sa zoznámiť s jednotlivými dst='..traits_section' " #~ "text='vlastnosťami' a dst='..abilities_section' " #~ "text='schopnosťami', ale teraz už vieš všetko čo potrebuješ na " #~ "hranie príbehu \"Dedič trónu\". Príjemnú zábavu a veľa šťastia!" #~ msgid "ingame_help_item^Contributors" #~ msgstr "Prispievatelia" #~ msgid "License" #~ msgstr "Licencia" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Most units have two traits. However, Undead units are assigned the single " #~ "trait text='Undead', and Woses do not receive any " #~ "traits. Traits are modifications that change a unit’s attributes " #~ "slightly. They are usually randomly assigned to a unit when it is " #~ "recruited." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má dve vlastnosti. Ale napríklad nemŕtve jednotky majú " #~ "iba jednu vlastnosť 'nemŕtvy', a lesní muži nemajú žiadne vlastnosti. " #~ "Vlastnosti sú jemné zmeny v parametroch jednotky. Zvyčajne sa jednotke " #~ "náhodne prideľujú pri verbovaní." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "The traits that are available to all non-Undead units are " #~ "dst='traits_intelligent' text='Intelligent', " #~ "dst='traits_quick' text='Quick', dst='traits_resilient' " #~ "text='Resilient', and dst='traits_strong' text='Strong'." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Všetky jednotky (okrem nemŕtvych) môžu byť dst='traits_intelligent' " #~ "text='inteligentné', dst='traits_quick' text='rýchle', " #~ "dst='traits_resilient' text='odolné', a " #~ "dst='traits_strong' text='silné'." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Other traits that may be assigned to units are dst='traits_dextrous' " #~ "text='Dextrous', dst='traits_loyal' text='Loyal', and " #~ "dst='traits_undead' text='Undead'.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Ďalšie možné vlastnosti jednotiek sú dst='traits_dextrous' " #~ "text='obratný', dst='traits_loyal' text='verný' a " #~ "dst='traits_undead' text='nemŕtvy'.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "Intelligent units require 20% less experience than usual to advance." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Inteligentné jednotky potrebujú o 20% menej skúseností na povýšenie." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Intelligent units are very useful at the beginning of a campaign as they " #~ "can advance to higher levels more quickly. Later in campaigns Intelligent " #~ "is not quite as useful because the After Maximum Level Advancement (AMLA) " #~ "is not as significant a change as advancing a level. If you have many " #~ "‘maximum level’ units you may wish to recall units with more desirable " #~ "traits." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Inteligentné jednotky sú veľmi užitočné na začiatku príbehu, pretože ich " #~ "možno rýchlo povýšiť na vyššie úrovne. Neskôr počas príbehu už " #~ "inteligentné jednotky nie sú také užitočné, pretože povyšovanie po " #~ "dosiahnutí najvyššej úrovne už nie je také významné ako povýšenie na " #~ "vyššiu úroveň. Ak máte dostatok jednotiek na najvyššej úrovni, asi budete " #~ "privolávať jednotky s užitočnejšími vlastnosťami." #~ msgid "Quick" #~ msgstr "Rýchly" #~ msgid "Quick units have 1 extra movement point, but 5% less HP than usual." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Rýchle jednotky majú 1 bod pohybu navyše, ale o 5% menej životov ako " #~ "obyčajné." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Quick is the most noticeable trait, particularly in slower moving units " #~ "such as trolls or heavy infantry. Units with the Quick trait often have " #~ "greatly increased mobility in rough terrain, which can be important to " #~ "consider when deploying your forces. Also, Quick units aren’t quite as " #~ "tough as units without this trait and are subsequently less good at " #~ "holding contested positions." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Rýchlosť je najviditeľnejšia vlastnosť, najmä u pomalých jednotiek ako sú " #~ "trolovia či ťažká pechota. Rýchle jednotky môžu byť výrazne pohyblivejšie " #~ "v náročných terénoch; vezmite to do úvahy pri rozmiestňovaní síl. Rýchle " #~ "jednotky však nevydržia rovnako veľa ako obyčajné, a preto nie sú také " #~ "dobré na obranu už dobytých pozícií." #~ msgid "Resilient" #~ msgstr "Odolný" #~ msgid "Resilient units have 4 HP plus 1 HP per level more than usual." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Odolné jednotky majú o 4 + 1 za každú úroveň viac životov ako obyčajné." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Resilient units can be useful at all stages of a campaign, and this is a " #~ "useful trait for all units. Resilient is often most helpful as a trait " #~ "when it occurs in a unit that has some combination of low hitpoints, good " #~ "defense, or high resistances. Resilient units are especially useful for " #~ "holding strategic positions against opponents." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Odolné jednotky môžu byť užitočné vo všetkých fázach príbehu, a je to " #~ "vlastnosť, ktorá sa hodí každej jednotke. Najužitočnejšia je, ak sa " #~ "vyskytne u jednotky, ktorá má malé zdravie, a dobrú obranu alebo " #~ "odolnosť. Odolné jednotky sú vhodné najmä na udržiavanie pozícií proti " #~ "súperom." #~ msgid "Strong" #~ msgstr "Silný" #~ msgid "" #~ "Strong units do 1 more damage for every successful strike in melee " #~ "combat, and have 1 more HP." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Silné jednotky spôsobujú pri boji nablízko o 1 väčšie zranenie pri každom " #~ "úspešnom zásahu, a majú o 1 život viac." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "While useful for any close-combat unit, Strong is most effective for " #~ "units who have a high number of swings such as the Elvish Fighter. Strong " #~ "units can be very useful when a tiny bit of extra damage is all that is " #~ "needed to turn a damaging stroke into a killing blow." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Sila je užitočná pre každú jednotku bojujúcu na blízko, najviac však pre " #~ "tie jednotky, ktoré dávajú veľa úderov, ako napríklad elf vojak. Silné " #~ "jednotky môžu byť veľmi užitočné vo chvíľach, keď malé zranenie navyše " #~ "môže rozhodnúť o tom, či bude úder smrteľný." #~ msgid "Fearless" #~ msgstr "Nebojácny" #~ msgid "" #~ "Aversion to light and dark holds no sway over these brave individuals." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Odpor k svetlu alebo temnote nemá žiadny vplyv na týchto odvážnych " #~ "jedincov." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Feral" #~ msgstr "Celkom" #~ msgid "" #~ "Loyal units don’t incur upkeep. Most units incur an upkeep cost at the " #~ "end of every turn, which is equal to their level. Loyal units do not " #~ "incur this cost." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Verné jednotky nevyžadujú žold. Väčšina jednotiek vyžaduje žold na konci " #~ "každého kola vo výške svojej úrovne. Verné jednotky sa do týchto nákladov " #~ "nezapočítavajú." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "During campaigns, certain units may opt to join the player’s forces of " #~ "their own volition. These units are marked with the Loyal trait. Although " #~ "they may require payment to be recalled, they never incur any upkeep " #~ "costs. This can make them invaluable during a long campaign, when gold is " #~ "in short supply. This trait is never given to recruited units, so it may " #~ "be unwise to dismiss such units or to send them to a foolish death." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Počas príbehu sa niektoré jednotky môžu rozhodnúť dobrovoľne pridať na " #~ "stranu hráča. Tieto jednotky sú označené ako verné. Niekedy je treba " #~ "platiť za ich privolanie, ale nikdy nie za žold. Vďaka tomu môžu byť " #~ "veľmi cenné v dlhých príbehoch, kde je nedostatok zlata. Verbované " #~ "jednotky túto vlastnosť nikdy nemajú; preto je asi nerozumné takúto " #~ "jednotku prepustiť alebo poslať na zbytočnú smrť." #~ msgid "trait^Undead" #~ msgstr "Nemŕtvy" #~ msgid "" #~ "Undead units are immune to poison, also drain and plague doesn’t work on " #~ "them." #~ msgstr "Nemŕtve jednotky sú imúnne voči jedu, vysatiu a chorobám." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Undead units generally have text='Undead' as their only " #~ "trait. Since Undead units are the bodies of the dead, risen to fight " #~ "again, poison has no effect upon them. This can make them invaluable in " #~ "dealing with foes who use poison in conjunction with their attacks." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Nemŕtve jednotky mávajú zvyčajne iba jednu vlastnosť: 'nemŕtvy'. Keďže " #~ "nemŕtve jednotky sú oživené mŕtvoly poslané do boja, jed na ne nepôsobí. " #~ "Môžu byť teda veľmi užitočné proti súperom, ktorí používajú jedovaté " #~ "útoky." #~ msgid "trait^Mechanical" #~ msgstr "Mechanické" #~ msgid "" #~ "Mechanical units are immune to poison, also drain and plague doesn’t work " #~ "on them." #~ msgstr "Mechanické jednotky sú imúnne voči jedu, vysatiu a chorobe." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Mechanical units generally have text='Mechanical' as " #~ "their only trait. Since mechanical units don’t really have life, drain, " #~ "poison and plague has no effect upon them." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Mechanické jednotky majú obyčajne len jedinú vlastnosť: 'mechanické'. " #~ "Keďže v skutočnosti nie sú živé, jed, vysatie ani choroby na ne nemajú " #~ "vplyv." #~ msgid "Dextrous" #~ msgstr "Obratný" #~ msgid "" #~ "Dextrous units do 1 more damage for every successful strike in ranged " #~ "combat." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Obratné jednotky spôsobujú pri každom zásahu na diaľku o 1 väčšie " #~ "zranenie." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Dextrous is a trait possessed only by Elves. The Elven people are known " #~ "for their uncanny grace, and their great facility with the bow. Some, " #~ "however, are gifted with natural talent that exceeds their brethren. " #~ "These elves inflict an additional point of damage with each arrow." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Obratnosť ako špeciálnu vlastnosť majú len elfovia. Elfí národ je " #~ "všeobecne preslávený svojím šarmom a veľkou šikovnosťou pri streľbe z " #~ "luku. Niektorí sú však obdarení takým talentom, že vynikajú aj medzi " #~ "svojimi blížnymi. Takíto elfovia spôsobujú pri každom zásahu lukom o 1 " #~ "väčšie zranenie." #~ msgid "Healthy" #~ msgstr "Životaschopný" #~ msgid "" #~ "Renowned for their vitality, some dwarves are sturdier than others and " #~ "can rest even when travelling." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Známi svojou vitalitou, niektorí trpaslíci sú odolnejší ako ostatní a " #~ "môžu oddychovať aj keď putujú." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Healthy units have 1 HP plus 1 HP per level more than usual and rest heal " #~ "the usual 2 HP after each turn they did not fight. They also suffer a " #~ "quarter less damage from poison." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Životaschopné jednotky majú o 1 život a ešte o 1 život za každú úroveň " #~ "viac ako obyčajne a oddychovanie im uzdraví 2 životy v každom kole, v " #~ "ktorom nebojujú. Jed im spôsobuje o štvrtinu menšie zranenia." #~ msgid "Dim" #~ msgstr "Hlúpy" #~ msgid "" #~ "Units with trait Dim suffer a 20% increase in experience required to " #~ "advance." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jednotky s vlastnosťou 'hlúpy' potrebujú o 20% viac skúseností aby " #~ "povýšili." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Dim is a trait all too common in goblins and other lesser species. There " #~ "are reasons these species are lesser, and this is one of them." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Hlúposť je častou vlastnosťou goblinov a iných nižších druhov. Je " #~ "niekoľko príčin, prečo sú tieto druhy považované za nižšie a toto je " #~ "jedna z nich." #~ msgid "Slow" #~ msgstr "Pomalý" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Slow units have −1 movement but 5% more hitpoints." #~ msgstr "Pomalé jednotky majú o 1 bod pohybu menej, ale o 5% viac životov." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Thick-bodied and clumsy, slow individuals of goblins and other species " #~ "take a movement penalty but are compensated for it with a slight increase " #~ "in endurance." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Nemotorní a pomalí jedinci z goblinov a iných druhov majú postih v " #~ "pohybe, ale vykompenzovaný zvýšenou vytrvalosťou." #~ msgid "Weak" #~ msgstr "Slabý" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Units with trait Weak get a −1 increment in hitpoints and melee damage." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jednotky s vlastnosťou 'slabé' získavajú menej o 1 bod života a spôsobujú " #~ "o 1 bod zranenia pri útoku zblízka menej." #~ msgid "" #~ "Game maps feature a variety of terrains that affect both unit movement " #~ "and a unit’s defensive capability in combat.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mapy v hre obsahujú pestrý výber terénov, ktoré ovplyvňujú možnosti " #~ "pohybu jednotky a jej obranné schopnosti v boji.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "Grassland represents open plains, whether cultivated, cut back for " #~ "grazing, or wild. Being open ground, Grassland is both very easy to move " #~ "across, but is also difficult to defend oneself in. Typically, those " #~ "units that perform best on grassland are either cavalry, or very agile " #~ "units which take advantage of the open space.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units have defense of 30 to 40% on grassland." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Rovina symbolizuje otvorené planiny, či už obrábané, ponechané ladom, " #~ "alebo divoké. V otvorenom priestranstve sa možno veľmi ľahko pohybovať, " #~ "ale ťažko brániť. Na rovine zvyčajne dobre bojujú jazdecké jednotky, " #~ "alebo veľmi vrtké jednotky, pre ktoré je otvorený priestor výhodný.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má na rovine obranu 30 až 40%." #~ msgid "Road" #~ msgstr "Cesta" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Roads are beaten paths of dirt, formed by many travelers passing over " #~ "them. As far as gameplay is concerned, Roads behave as " #~ "dst='terrain_flat' text='Flat' terrain.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Cesty sú trasy z ušlapanej hliny vytvorené mnohými prechádzajúcimi " #~ "cestovateľmi. Čo sa týka pravidiel hry, cesty sú to isté ako " #~ "dst='terrain_flat' text=\"roviny\"." #~ msgid "" #~ "Forests represent any woodland with significant undergrowth, enough to " #~ "hinder passage. Though they slow nearly everyone down, forests do offer " #~ "better defense to most units than open ground. Cavalry, however, have so " #~ "much trouble navigating them that any benefit gained by stealth is " #~ "negated. Elves are an exception to this general rule for forests. Not " #~ "only do they possess full movement in forests, but they also gain a " #~ "considerable defensive bonus. Dwarves are another exception to this rule; " #~ "though they are able to plow through the forests without much loss of " #~ "speed, their utter unfamiliarity with the terrain causes them to receive " #~ "no defensive bonus.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units have 50% defense in forests, but cavalry are limited to 30%. " #~ "Elves, on the other hand, enjoy 60 to 70% defense, even their mounted " #~ "units. Dwarves generally receive only 30% defense in forests.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Lesy predstavujú krajinu s dostatočným drevitým porastom, ktorý spomaľuje " #~ "prechod. Hoci lesy takmer každého spomaľujú, často ponúkajú jednotkám " #~ "lepšiu obranu ako otvorené roviny. Napríklad kavaléria sa v lese tak " #~ "ťažko orientuje, že sa tým stráca akýkoľvek možný úžitok z úkrytu. " #~ "Elfovia sú však v lesoch výnimkou. Nielenže sa môžu v lese pohybovať " #~ "maximálnou rýchlosťou, získavajú aj výrazný obranný bonus. Trpaslíci sú " #~ "ďalšou výnimkou: hoci sa dokážu presekať lesom pomerne rýchlo, je to pre " #~ "nich natoľko neznámy terén, že ho nedokážu využiť na obranu.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v lese obranu 50%, ale jazdecké iba 40%. Na druhej " #~ "strane elfovia majú obranu 60 až 70%, a to aj ich jazdecké jednotky. " #~ "Trpaslíci majú v lesoch zvyčajne obranu iba 30%.\n" #~ "\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Hills represent any reasonably rough terrain, with enough dips and rises " #~ "in the ground to provide some cover. Hills are difficult for most troops " #~ "to navigate. Dwarves, Trolls, and Orcs have enough familiarity with the " #~ "terrain that they can pass through it without being slowed down. Cavalry " #~ "have enough trouble navigating the terrain that any defensive aid lent by " #~ "cover is negated.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units have about 50% defense in hills, whereas cavalry are limited " #~ "to 40%. Dwarves enjoy 60% defense in hills.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Kopce predstavujú pomerne nerovný terén, kde je dosť údolí a kopcov " #~ "poskytujúcich úkryt. Väčšina jednotiek sa v kopcoch ťažko pohybuje. " #~ "Trpaslíci, trolovia a orkovia sa v tomto teréne cítia ako doma a môžu ním " #~ "prechádzať bez spomalenia. Jazda má zvyčajne problém orientovať sa v " #~ "tomto teréne, a preto nezískava žiaden obranný bonus.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v kopcoch obranu 50%, ale kavaléria iba 40%. " #~ "Trpaslíci majú v kopcoch obranu 60%." #~ msgid "" #~ "Mountains are steep enough that units often have to climb over obstacles " #~ "to move. By this nature, they provide a considerable defensive bonus for " #~ "most troops, but they also severely impede any passage through them. Most " #~ "cavalry simply cannot enter mountainous terrain; however, elvish cavalry " #~ "is an exception to this, as are the goblin wolf riders. Both Dwarves and " #~ "Trolls are native to mountainous terrain, and have a very easy time " #~ "getting around.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units receive about 60% defense in mountains, whereas Dwarves enjoy " #~ "70%." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hory sú zvyčajne dosť strmé a jednotky v nich musia preliezať rôzne " #~ "prekážky. Poskytujú preto veľký obranný bonus pre väčšinu jednotiek, ale " #~ "zároveň výrazne spomaľujú pohyb. Väčšina jazdeckých jednotiek na tento " #~ "terén ani nemôže vstúpiť; výnimkou sú elfí jazdci a goblinskí jazdci na " #~ "vlkoch. Trpaslíci a trolovia sú v týchto oblastiach doma, a preto sa v " #~ "nich pomerne ľahko pohybujú.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v horách obranu 60%, trpaslíci majú 70%." #~ msgid "" #~ "Swamps represent any sort of wetlands. Swamps slow down nearly everyone, " #~ "and inhibit their ability to defend themselves. An exception to this is " #~ "any race bodily skilled in navigating water; these receive both full " #~ "movement and a defensive bonus. Those that make their living in the " #~ "wetlands are also adept at using this terrain for cover.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units make do with 30% defense in swamps. Mermen, Naga, and Saurians " #~ "all generally enjoy 60%." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Močiare predstavujú rôzne druhy mokrej zeme. Močiare spomaľujú prakticky " #~ "každého a znemožňujú mu účinne sa brániť. Výnimkou sú tvory prispôsobené " #~ "na pohyb vo vode; tie sa pohybujú rýchlo a majú obranný bonus.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v močiaroch obranu 30%. Morskí ľudia, nagovia a " #~ "sauri majú okolo 60%." #~ msgid "" #~ "Shallow water represents any body of water deep enough to come up to " #~ "roughly a man’s waist. This is enough to slow down nearly anyone and " #~ "leave them wide open to attack. Dwarves, given that the water reaches up " #~ "almost to their heads, have an extremely hard time of this. The exception " #~ "is any race whose bodies naturally lend themselves to swimming, for which " #~ "they receive a considerable defensive bonus and full movement.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units make do with 20 to 30% defense in shallow water, whereas both " #~ "Naga and Mermen enjoy 60%." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Plytká voda znamená, že hladina vody siaha nanajvýš dospelému človeku po " #~ "pás. To je dosť na to, aby spomalila takmer každého a urobila ho veľmi " #~ "zraniteľným. Keďže trpaslíkom takáto voda siaha až po krk, majú to zvlášť " #~ "ťažké. Výnimkou sú bytosti, ktorých telá sú prispôsobené na plávanie; " #~ "tieto majú dobrú obranu a rýchly pohyb.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v plytkej vode obranu 20 až 30%, nagovia a morskí " #~ "ľudia majú 60%." #~ msgid "" #~ "Deep water represents any body of water deep enough to cover a man’s " #~ "head. Most units cannot enter deep water: it is the domain of units which " #~ "can either fly, or are exceptionally strong swimmers.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Mermen and Naga both receive 50% defense in deep water, with full " #~ "movement." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hlboká voda znamená hladinu siahajúcu nad hlavu dospelého človeka. " #~ "Väčšina jednotiek nemôže do takejto hlbokej vody vstúpiť; je to výhradná " #~ "oblasť lietajúcich a dobre plávajúcich jednotiek.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Morskí ľudia a nagovia majú v hlbokej vode obranu 50% a plný pohyb." #~ msgid "" #~ "Frozen terrain represents any flat area that is covered by snow or ice. " #~ "Most units are slowed down on it, and have a harder time defending " #~ "themselves. Note that swimming units, even those who can breathe " #~ "underwater, cannot swim underneath ice.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units have 20 to 40% defense in frozen terrain." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zamrznutý terén predstavuje rovnú oblasť, ktorá je pokrytá snehom alebo " #~ "ľadom. Väčšina jednotiek je na ňom spomalená a ťažšie sa na ňom bráni. " #~ "Plávajúce jednotky, ani tie čo vedia dýchať pod vodou, nemôžu plávať pod " #~ "ľadom.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má na zamrznutom teréne obranu 20 až 40%." #~ msgid "" #~ "Castles are any sort of permanent fortification. Nearly all units receive " #~ "a considerable bonus to their defense by being stationed in a castle, and " #~ "all units receive full movement in a castle. Stationing units in a castle " #~ "represents its defensive capability. Without a unit in each wall hex, an " #~ "enemy can simply sneak into the castle unchallenged, gaining the same " #~ "defensive bonus as everyone inside.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units have about 60% defense in a castle.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hrady sú akékoľvek trvalé opevnenia. Takmer každá jednotka dostáva pri " #~ "pobyte v hrade veľký bonus na obranu a môže sa pohybovať plnou " #~ "rýchlosťou. Dobre bránený je len taký hrad, v ktorom je veľa jednotiek. " #~ "Ak je okrajové políčko hradu voľné, nepriateľ sa môže jednoducho " #~ "prešmyknúť dovnútra bez boja, a získava tým rovnaký obranný bonus ako " #~ "všetci ostatní.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v hrade obranu okolo 60%.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "The instability of sand makes it harder for most units to cross, and " #~ "leaves them wide open to attack. In contrast, the wide feet or snakelike " #~ "bodies of the lizardly races make sand much easier for them to navigate.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units receive 20 to 40% defense in Sand." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Piesok spomaľuje pohyb väčšiny jednotiek a neumožňuje im naplno sa " #~ "brániť. Len jednotky so širokými chodidlami alebo hadovitými telami sa v " #~ "piesku ľahšie pohybujú.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v piesku obranu 20 až 40%." #~ msgid "Desert" #~ msgstr "Púšť" #~ msgid "" #~ "Deserts have a somewhat different composition than small sand pits or " #~ "beaches, however for gameplay purposes they are identical. See " #~ "dst='terrain_sand' text='Sand'." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Púšte síce majú odlišné zloženie ako malé pieskové jamy alebo pláže, ale " #~ "z hľadiska hry sa hodnotia ako rovnaké. Pozri dst='terrain_sand' " #~ "text='piesok'." #~ msgid "" #~ "Cave terrain represents any underground cavern with enough room for a " #~ "unit to pass. Most units are wholly unfamiliar with the terrain, and thus " #~ "are both slowed down and hindered in defense. Dwarves and Trolls, who " #~ "make their homes in caves, both have a relatively easy time navigating " #~ "this terrain, especially dwarves, who by dint of their small size can " #~ "navigate many obstacles that other races cannot. Occasionally caves are " #~ "dst='terrain_illuminated_cave' text='Illuminated'.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units receive 20 to 40% defense in Caves, whereas dwarves have 50%." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jaskynný terén predstavuje akúkoľvek podzemnú chodbu, do ktorej sa zmestí " #~ "vojenská jednotka. Väčšina jednotiek s týmto terénom nemá skúsenosti, a " #~ "preto sú tu pomalé a ťažko sa bránia. Trpaslíci a trollovia žijú v " #~ "jaskyniach, preto sa tu pomerne ľahko pohybujú; zvlášť trpaslíci, ktorí " #~ "sa vďaka menším rozmerom ľahko vyhnú mnohým prekážkam. Jaskyne sú niekedy " #~ "dst='terrain_illuminated_cave' text='osvetlené'.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v jaskyniach obranu 20 až 40%, trpaslíci majú 50%." #~ msgid "Rockbound Cave" #~ msgstr "Skalnatá jaskyňa" #~ msgid "" #~ "Rockbound cave terrain is formed by the action of water and wind, " #~ "carrying erosive particles that carve the rock. It resembles a scraggy " #~ "underground cavern which reduces efficiency of most units, but shoulders " #~ "defense. Dwarves and Trolls, who are main settlers of caves, have a " #~ "relatively easy time navigating this terrain. Dwarves, who by dint of " #~ "their small size have the full advantage of navigation in such " #~ "topography. Occasionally caves are dst='terrain_illuminated_cave' " #~ "text='Illuminated'\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units have about 50% defense in rocky caves, whereas cavalry are " #~ "limited to 40%. Dwarves enjoy 60% defense in Rockbound caves." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Terén skalnatej jaskyne je vytvarovaný pôsobením vody a vetra, " #~ "zvetrávajúcich skalnatý podklad. Je to hrboľatý podklad, ktorý zmenšuje " #~ "efektivitu väčšiny jednotiek, ale zlepšuje ich obranu. Trpaslíci a " #~ "trollovia, hlavní obyvatelia jaskýň, sa v tomto teréne orientujú pomerne " #~ "ľahko. Trpaslíci majú vďaka svojej malej výške v takomto teréne veľké " #~ "výhody. Jaskyne sú niekedy dst='terrain_illuminated_cave' " #~ "text='osvetlené'.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v skalnatej jaskyni obranu okolo 50%, jazda len 40%. " #~ "Trpaslíci majú v skalnatej jaskyni obranu 60%." #~ msgid "Illuminated Cave" #~ msgstr "Osvetlená jaskyňa" #~ msgid "" #~ "Rare patches of the underground world are illuminated by light from the " #~ "surface shining down into the gloomy darkness. This provides an attack " #~ "bonus for lawful units and removes the attack bonus from chaotic units. " #~ "In all other regards this terrain is functionally identical to normal " #~ "cave terrains." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Osvetlená jaskyňa je malé územie, na ktorom z povrchu do temnoty preniká " #~ "svetlo. To dáva bonus pri útoku jednotkám poriadku a berie bonus " #~ "jednotkám chaosu. V ostatných ohľadoch je tento terén rovnaký ako bežný " #~ "jaskynný terén." #~ msgid "Mushroom Grove" #~ msgstr "Hubový porast" #~ msgid "" #~ "Mushroom groves are vast underground forests of giant mushrooms, which " #~ "thrive in the damp darkness. Most units have trouble negotiating the " #~ "spongy floor of smaller fungi, but they have plenty of cover behind the " #~ "larger stalks. Mounted units, however, become completely mired and lack " #~ "proper freedom of movement in combat. Undead units have a natural " #~ "affinity for decay and function quite well in mushroom forests.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units receive 50% to 60% defense in mushroom groves, whereas cavalry " #~ "receive only 20%." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hubový porast je rozsiahly podzemný les obrovských húb, ktorým sa darí vo " #~ "vlhkom a tmavom prostredí. Väčšina jednotiek má problém predierať sa " #~ "podlahou pokrytou menšími hubami, ale má možnosť sa kryť za väčšími " #~ "kusmi. Jazdecké jednotky sú však v tomto prostredí veľmi obmedzené a " #~ "nemajú možnosť manévrovať. Nemŕtvym jednotkám sa v prostredí hniloby darí " #~ "dobre a sú v hubových lesoch pomerne silné.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v hubovom poraste obranu 50% až 60%, jazda má iba " #~ "20%." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Villages represent any group of buildings, human or otherwise. Almost all " #~ "units, even cavalry, have an easy time navigating villages, and most " #~ "units gain a defensive bonus from being stationed in a village. Villages " #~ "allow units the resources to clean and tend to their wounds, which allows " #~ "any unit stationed therein to heal eight hitpoints each turn, or to be " #~ "cured of poison.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most units have 50 to 60% defense in villages, whereas cavalry receive " #~ "only 40%.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dedina predstavuje akékoľvek zoskupenie budov, či už ľudských alebo nie. " #~ "Takmer všetky jednotky, vrátane jazdeckých, sa cez dedinu ľahko pohybujú " #~ "a väčšina jednotiek má pri pobyte v dedine obranný bonus. Dediny zároveň " #~ "poskytujú jednotkám prostriedky na ošetrenie zranení, čo umožňuje každej " #~ "jednotke zdržujúcej sa v dedine uzdraviť osem životov každé kolo, alebo " #~ "sa vyliečiť z jedu.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Väčšina jednotiek má v dedine obranu 50 až 60%, jazdecké iba 40%.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "Submerged villages are the homes of Merfolk and Nagas. While water-" #~ "dwelling creatures are at home here, land-dwellers have a hard time " #~ "navigating and defending these villages. However, like any village, the " #~ "facilites are available to all creatures which allow units to tend to " #~ "their wounds. Any unit stationed in a village can heal eight hitpoints " #~ "each turn, or be cured of poison.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Merfolk and Nagas have 60% defense in submerged villages, whereas land " #~ "based units usually have a low defense." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ponorené dediny sú domovom Morských a Hadích ľudí. Vodné živočíchy sa tu " #~ "cítia ako doma, suchozemské majú problémy orientovať sa a brániť tieto " #~ "dediny. Napriek tomu, ako v každej dedine, sú tu dostupné prostriedky na " #~ "ošetrenie zranení jednotiek. Každá jednotka zdržujúca sa v dedine si môže " #~ "uzdraviť 8 životov v každom kole, alebo vyliečiť jed.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Morskí a Hadí ľudia majú v ponorenej dedine obranu 60%, suchozemské " #~ "jednotky majú obyčajne nízku obranu." #~ msgid "" #~ "Unwalkable terrain covers any chasm or gorge which, as the name implies, " #~ "cannot be crossed simply by walking. Chasms are noted for sheer walls " #~ "which would take days to traverse. As far as gameplay is concerned, only " #~ "units capable of flying can cross this terrain." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Neschodný terén zahŕňa priepasti a rokliny, ktoré nie je možné prejsť " #~ "chôdzou. Rokliny mávajú strmé steny, ktorých zliezanie by trvalo celé " #~ "dni. Z hľadiska hry sa môžu cez tento terén pohybovať len lietajúce " #~ "jednotky." #~ msgid "Lava" #~ msgstr "Láva" #~ msgid "" #~ "The dangers inherent in trying to walk on lava are fairly obvious. As far " #~ "as movement is concerned, lava is equivalent to " #~ "dst='terrain_unwalkable' text='Unwalkable' terrain, and can " #~ "only be crossed by those units capable of flying a considerable distance " #~ "above it. The molten magma also produces a substantial glow, illuminating " #~ "the area immediately above it. This provides an attack bonus for lawful " #~ "units and removes the attack bonus from chaotic units." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nebezpečenstvo vyplývajúce z pokusu prejsť cez horúcu lávu je jasné " #~ "každému. Čo sa týka možností pohybu, láva je zhodná s " #~ "dst='terrain_unwalkable' text='neschodným' terénom a môžu cez " #~ "ňu prejsť iba jednotky, ktoré dokážu dostatočne vysoko lietať. Roztavená " #~ "magma vydáva výrazné svetlo, ktoré osvetľuje oblasť priamo nad ňou. To " #~ "poskytuje bonus pri útoku jednotkám poriadku a uberá bonus jednotkám " #~ "chaosu." #~ msgid "River Ford" #~ msgstr "Riečny brod" #~ msgid "" #~ "When a river happens to be extremely shallow, passing over it is a " #~ "trivial matter for land based units. Moreover, any creature best adapted " #~ "to swimming has full mobility even at such places in the river. As far as " #~ "gameplay is concerned, a river ford is treated as either grassland or " #~ "shallow water, choosing whichever one offers the best defensive and " #~ "movement bonuses for the unit on it." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ak je rieka veľmi plytká, pozemné jednotky cez ňu jednoducho prejdú. " #~ "Plávajúce jednotky sa tu takisto pohybujú rovnako ľahko ako v iných " #~ "častiach rieky. Z hľadiska hry sa teda riečny brod počíta buď ako rovina " #~ "alebo ako plytká voda, podľa toho, čo danej jednotke z hľadiska obrany a " #~ "pohybu viac vyhovuje." #~ msgid "Coastal Reef" #~ msgstr "Pobrežný útes" #~ msgid "" #~ "Coastal reefs are shallows formed by stone, coral and sand. This provides " #~ "most land units with a more steady footing and defensive positions than " #~ "wading in shallow water normally would and also grants most water-" #~ "dwelling races an exceptionally high defense.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Mermen and Naga both receive 70% defense on coastal reefs." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pobrežné útesy sú plytčiny tvorené skalami, koralmi a pieskom. To " #~ "poskytuje suchozemským jednotkám lepšie obranné pozície ako obyčajná " #~ "plytká voda. Vodným tvorom umožňuje výnimočne vysokú obranu.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Vodní a hadí ľudia majú v pobrežných útesoch obranu 70%." #~ msgid "Bridge" #~ msgstr "Most" #~ msgid "" #~ "To those capable of building one, the ability to lay a bridge offers a " #~ "liberation from the fickle nature of waterways, whose fords come and go " #~ "with the rise and fall of the waterline. This is to say nothing of the " #~ "luxury of dry feet, the loss of which is no laughing matter in the cold " #~ "months of the year.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "For those who go by land or sea, a bridge is the best of both worlds — " #~ "for gameplay purposes, it is treated either as grassland or the " #~ "underlying water, whichever offers the best movement and defensive " #~ "bonuses for the unit occupying the bridge hex. Note that a swimming unit " #~ "and a land unit are not capable of occupying a bridge hex at the same " #~ "time." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Postaviť most cez rieku dáva obyvateľom možnosť vyhnúť sa brodeniu vodou. " #~ "Prejsť cez rieku suchou nohou je zvlášť príjemné v najchladnejších " #~ "mesiacoch roka.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Most je najlepšou voľbou pre tých, čo idú pešo, i pre tých, čo sa plavia " #~ "- z hľadiska hry sa most považuje buď za rovinu alebo plytkú vodu, podľa " #~ "toho, čo danej jednotke poskytuje lepšie možnosti pohybu a obrany. Na " #~ "jednom políčku sa nemôže zároveň nachádzať plávajúca i pozemná jednotka." #~ msgid "" #~ "Obstacles that not even the most determined traveler may overcome include " #~ "solid walls of stone and mountains so tall and steep that they are " #~ "constantly wreathed in cloud. Even flying creatures cannot navigate the " #~ "jagged peaks at such rarified heights, and not even the fiercest troll " #~ "can smash through thick walls of stone." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ani najodhodlanejší cestovateľ nedokáže prekonať prekážky ako hladké " #~ "steny z kameňa, hory tak vysoké a strmé, že sú stále vo venci oblakov. " #~ "Dokonca ani lietajúce bytosti sa nevedia orientovať medzi rozoklanými " #~ "vrcholmi v takých výškach. Ani najzúrivejší trol nedokáže preraziť hrubú " #~ "kamennú stenu." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Switch debug mode on (does not work in multiplayer). See " #~ "dst='debug_commands' text='Debug mode commands'.\n" #~ "Debug mode is turned off by quitting the game or :nodebug.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Prepne sa do režimu ladenia (nefunguje pri hre viacerých hráčov). Pozri " #~ "dst='debug_commands' text='Príkazy režimu ladenia'.\n" #~ "Režim ladenia sa vypne ukončením hry alebo príkazom :nodebug.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Set or toggle player on side between human and AI player. The player/" #~ "client who controls that side needs to issue this command. If no second " #~ "parameter is supplied, toggle bewteen human and AI. If it is ‘on’, set an " #~ "AI controller. If it is ‘off’ set a human controller. Defaults to the " #~ "currently active side if no parameter is supplied.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Prepne hráča danej strany z človeka na počítač. Tento príkaz musí zadať " #~ "hráč, ktorý hrá za danú stranu. Ak nezadá druhý parameter, prepína sa " #~ "medzi človekom a počítačom. Ak je tento parameter 'on', prepne sa na " #~ "počítač. Ak je 'off' prepne na človeka. Ak neurčí stranu, predpokladá sa " #~ "aktívna strana.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Toggle the display of the current frames per second.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Prepne zobrazovanie počtu snímkov za sekundu (rýchlosť prekresľovania " #~ "obrazovky).\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Switch a log domain to a different log level.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Prepne zapisovaciu doménu na inú úroveň závažnosti.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Redraws the screen and reloads any image files that have been changed.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Prekreslí obrazovku a znovu načíta obrázky, ktoré sa zmenili.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Bring up theme selection menu.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Zobrazí menu výberu témy.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Quit the scenario (without prompting).\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Ukončí scénu (bez upozornenia).\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Save the game (without prompting).\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Uloží hru (bez upozornenia).\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Save the game and quit the scenario (without prompting)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Uloží hru a ukončí scénu (bez upozornenia)." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Ban a user in a multiplayer game by the IP address used by that username " #~ "and kick him. Can be used on users not in the game but on the server. (Of " #~ "course they won’t be kicked then.)\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Vyhodí a zakáže prístup hráčovi do sieťovej hry, na základe IP adresy, " #~ "ktorú hráč s daným menom používa. Môže byť použité aj na hráčov, ktorí " #~ "nie sú v hre, ale len na serveri. (Vtedy samozrejme nebudú vykopnutí.)\n" #~ "\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Change the controller for side (write here the number of the side) to " #~ "username (write here the nick of the player or observer). You can check " #~ "what side belongs to which player in the text='Scenario Settings' dialog (Press the text='More' button in the " #~ "text='Status Table' (alt+s by default) to get there.). The " #~ "host can change control of any side.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Priradí ovládanie danej strany (zadaj číslo bojovej strany) danému " #~ "hráčovi (zadaj meno hráča alebo pozorovateľa). Zistiť, ktorá strana patrí " #~ "ktorému hráčovi, je možné v 'Nastaveniach scény' (stlač tlačidlo 'Viac' v " #~ "'Aktuálnom stave' (štandardne skratka alt+s)).Zakladateľ/hostiteľ hry " #~ "môže meniť ovládanie ktorejkoľvek strany.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Kick a user in multiplayer. They will be able to rejoin the game. If you " #~ "just want to change control of their side(s) use the :control command " #~ "instead.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Vyhodí hráča zo sieťovej hry. Hráč sa bude môcť opäť pripojiť. Tento " #~ "príkaz sa všeobecne používa na priateľské vypnutie niekoho, kto má " #~ "napríklad problémy so spojením. Ak chceš len nastaviť, kto bude ovládať " #~ "jeho stranu, použi namiesto toho príkaz :control.\n" #~ "\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Send a private message to a user. When in a game, it is not possible to " #~ "send private messages to players who are currently controlling a side in " #~ "the same game.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Posiela súkromné správy. Nemôžeš posielať správy hráčom, ktorí v tejto " #~ "hre nehrajú za niektorú stranu." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Mute a specific observer. If no username is supplied the muted usernames " #~ "are displayed.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Cenzuruje konkrétneho pozorovateľa. Ak nie je zadané meno, vypíše sa " #~ "zoznam mien cenzurovaných pozorovateľov.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Toggle muting/silencing of all observers on/off.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Zapne alebo vypne umlčanie všetkých pozorovateľov.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Unban a user in a multiplayer game by the IP address used by that " #~ "username. Can be used on users not in the game but on the server.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Umožní prístup hráčovi do sieťovej hry, na základe IP adresy, ktorú hráč " #~ "s daným menom používa (ak bol predtým zakázaný). Môže byť použité aj na " #~ "hráčov, ktorí nie sú v hre, ale len na serveri.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Unmute a specific observer. If no username is supplied the list of muted " #~ "observers is cleared." #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Umožní konkrétnemu pozorovateľovi hovoriť. Ak nie je zadané meno, vypíše " #~ "sa zoznam mien umlčaných pozorovateľov." #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Brings up a menu for choosing a scenario to immediately advance to in a " #~ "campaign.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Zobrazí menu na výber scény z výpravy, do ktorej sa má hneď postúpiť.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Create a unit of the specified type on the selected hex.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Vytvorí jednotku zadaného typu na vybranom políčku.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Toggle fog/shroud for the current side.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Prepne hmlu/odkrývanie mapy pre aktuálnu stranu.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Adds the specified amount to the current side’s gold.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Pridá zadaný počet zlatiek aktuálnej strane.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Immediately advances to the next scenario in a campaign.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Ihneď postúpi do ďalšej scény vo výprave.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Manually set a gamestate variable to value.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Nastaví stavovú premennú hry na zadanú hodnotu.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Show a gamestate variable.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Zobrazí stavovú premennú hry.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Manually fire the specified event.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Spustí zadanú udalosť.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Modifies the specified property of the selected unit. Example: :unit " #~ "hitpoints=100\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Zmení zadanú vlastnosť vybranej jednotky. Príklad (nastaví 100 životov): :" #~ "unit hitpoints=100\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Makes the selected unit level up N times. Example: :unit advances=2" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Povýši zvolenú jednotku o N úrovní. Príklad: :unit advances=2" #~ msgid "" #~ "Cures:\n" #~ "A curer can cure a unit of poison, although that unit will receive no " #~ "additional healing on the turn it is cured of the poison." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Lieči:\n" #~ "Liečiteľ môže vyliečiť otrávenú jednotku, no táto jednotka už v danom " #~ "kole nezíska žiadne dodatočné uzdravenie." #~ msgid "regenerates" #~ msgstr "regeneruje" #~ msgid "female^regenerates" #~ msgstr "regeneruje" #~ msgid "" #~ "Regenerates:\n" #~ "The unit will heal itself 8 HP per turn. If it is poisoned, it will " #~ "remove the poison instead of healing." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Regeneruje:\n" #~ "Jednotka sa sama uzdraví o 8 životov za kolo. Ak je otrávená, namiesto " #~ "uzdravenia si odstráni otravu." #~ msgid "leadership" #~ msgstr "velenie" #~ msgid "skirmisher" #~ msgstr "priebojný" #~ msgid "female^skirmisher" #~ msgstr "priebojná" #~ msgid "" #~ "Skirmisher:\n" #~ "This unit is skilled in moving past enemies quickly, and ignores all " #~ "enemy Zones of Control." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Priebojný:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka je zvyknutá pohybovať sa rýchlo medzi nepriateľmi a " #~ "ignoruje ich oblasť kontroly." #~ msgid "illuminates" #~ msgstr "osvetľuje" #~ msgid "female^illuminates" #~ msgstr "osvetľuje" #~ msgid "" #~ "Illuminates:\n" #~ "This unit illuminates the surrounding area, making lawful units fight " #~ "better, and chaotic units fight worse.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Any units adjacent to this unit will fight as if it were dusk when it is " #~ "night, and as if it were day when it is dusk." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Osvetľuje:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka osvetľuje okolitý priestor, takže jednotky poriadku budú " #~ "bojovať lepšie a jednotky chaosu horšie.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jednotka na vedľajšom políčku bude bojovať v noci ako za súmraku, a za " #~ "súmraku ako cez deň." #~ msgid "female^teleport" #~ msgstr "teleportuje" #~ msgid "" #~ "Teleport:\n" #~ "This unit may teleport between any two empty villages owned by its side " #~ "using one of its moves." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Teleport:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka sa dokáže počas jedného kroku premiestniť z jednej " #~ "neobsadenej spriatelenej dediny do druhej." #~ msgid "ambush" #~ msgstr "prepad" #~ msgid "female^ambush" #~ msgstr "prepad" #~ msgid "" #~ "Ambush:\n" #~ "This unit can hide in forest, and remain undetected by its enemies.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Enemy units cannot see this unit while it is in forest, except if they " #~ "have units next to it. Any enemy unit that first discovers this unit " #~ "immediately loses all its remaining movement." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prepad:\n" #~ "Jednotka sa dokáže ukryť v lese, kde ju nepriateľ neuvidí.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Nepriateľské jednotky nemôžu vidieť ani napadnúť túto jednotku v lese, " #~ "iba ak sú na vedľajšom políčku. Nepriateľská jednotka, ktorá ju prvá " #~ "objaví stratí zvyšné možnosti pohybu." #~ msgid "nightstalk" #~ msgstr "nočné zakrádanie" #~ msgid "" #~ "Nightstalk:\n" #~ "The unit becomes invisible during night.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Enemy units cannot see this unit at night, except if they have units next " #~ "to it. Any enemy unit that first discovers this unit immediately loses " #~ "all its remaining movement." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nočné zakrádanie:\n" #~ "Jednotka je počas noci neviditeľná.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Nepriateľské jednotky nemôžu vidieť túto jednotku v noci, iba ak sú na " #~ "vedľajšom políčku. Nepriateľská jednotka, ktorá ju prvá objaví stratí " #~ "zvyšné možnosti pohybu." #~ msgid "female^nightstalk" #~ msgstr "nočné zakrádanie" #~ msgid "concealment" #~ msgstr "utajenie" #~ msgid "female^concealment" #~ msgstr "utajenie" #~ msgid "" #~ "Concealment:\n" #~ "This unit can hide in villages (with the exception of water villages), " #~ "and remain undetected by its enemies, except by those standing next to " #~ "it.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Enemy units can not see this unit while it is in a village, except if " #~ "they have units next to it. Any enemy unit that first discovers this unit " #~ "immediately loses all its remaining movement." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Utajenie:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka sa dokáže ukryť v dedinách (okrem vodných), kde ju " #~ "nepriateľ neuvidí.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Nepriateľské jednotky nemôžu vidieť túto jednotku v noci, iba ak sú na " #~ "vedľajšom políčku. Nepriateľská jednotka, ktorá ju prvá objaví stratí " #~ "zvyšné možnosti pohybu." #~ msgid "submerge" #~ msgstr "ponorenie" #~ msgid "female^submerge" #~ msgstr "ponorenie" #~ msgid "" #~ "Submerge:\n" #~ "This unit can hide in deep water, and remain undetected by its enemies.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Enemy units cannot see this unit while it is in deep water, except if " #~ "they have units next to it. Any enemy unit that first discovers this unit " #~ "immediately loses all its remaining movement." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ponorenie:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka sa dokáže ukryť v hlbokej vode, kde ju nepriateľ neuvidí.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Nepriateľské jednotky nemôžu vidieť túto jednotku v hlbokej vode, iba ak " #~ "sú na vedľajšom políčku. Nepriateľská jednotka, ktorá ju prvá objaví " #~ "stratí zvyšné možnosti pohybu." #~ msgid "female^feeding" #~ msgstr "kŕmenie" #~ msgid "" #~ "Feeding:\n" #~ "This unit gains 1 hitpoint added to its maximum whenever it kills a " #~ "living unit." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Kŕmenie:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka získa 1 život k svojmu maximálnemu počtu kedykoľvek zabije " #~ "inú živú jednotku." #~ msgid "+1 max HP" #~ msgstr "+1 max. životov" #~ msgid "backstab" #~ msgstr "zákerný" #~ msgid "" #~ "Backstab:\n" #~ "When used offensively, this attack deals double damage if there is an " #~ "enemy of the target on the opposite side of the target, and that unit is " #~ "not incapacitated (turned to stone or otherwise paralyzed)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zákerný:\n" #~ "Tento útok spôsobí dvojnásobné zranenie, ak sa na opačnej strane od obete " #~ "nachádza bojaschopná (čiže nie napríklad skamenená) jednotka nepriateľská " #~ "k obeti." #~ msgid "" #~ "Plague:\n" #~ "When a unit is killed by a Plague attack, that unit is replaced with a " #~ "unit identical to and on the same side as the unit with the Plague " #~ "attack. This doesn’t work on Undead or units in villages." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Choroba:\n" #~ "Ak jednotku zabije útok spôsobujúci chorobu, stane sa z tejto jednotky " #~ "rovnaká jednotka ako tá, čo ju zabila, a bude bojovať za rovnakú stranu. " #~ "Toto neplatí na Nemŕtvych a na jednotky v dedine." #~ msgid "slows" #~ msgstr "spomaľuje" #~ msgid "" #~ "Slow:\n" #~ "This attack slows the target until it ends a turn. Slow halves the damage " #~ "caused by attacks and the movement cost for a slowed unit is doubled. A " #~ "unit that is slowed will feature a snail icon in its sidebar information " #~ "when it is selected." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Spomalenie:\n" #~ "Tento útok spomalí obeť do konca kola. Spomalená jednotka spôsobuje pri " #~ "útoku polovičné zranenie a jej pohyb stojí dvojnásobné množstvo " #~ "pohybových bodov. Ak je spomalená jednotka zvolená, zobrazuje sa pri nej " #~ "na bočnom informačnom paneli ikona slimáka." #~ msgid "petrifies" #~ msgstr "skamenie" #~ msgid "" #~ "Petrify:\n" #~ "This attack petrifies the target, turning it to stone. Units that have " #~ "been petrified may not move or attack." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Skamenenie:\n" #~ "Tento útok premení obeť na kameň. Jednotky premenené na kameň sa nemôžu " #~ "hýbať ani útočiť." #~ msgid "marksman" #~ msgstr "presný" #~ msgid "" #~ "Marksman:\n" #~ "When used offensively, this attack always has at least a 60% chance to " #~ "hit." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Presný:\n" #~ "Pri útoku má jednotka vždy šancu aspoň 60% na zásah." #~ msgid "swarm" #~ msgstr "húf" #~ msgid "" #~ "Swarm:\n" #~ "The number of strikes of this attack decreases when the unit is wounded. " #~ "The number of strikes is proportional to the percentage of its of maximum " #~ "HP the unit has. For example a unit with 3/4 of its maximum HP will get " #~ "3/4 of the number of strikes." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Húf:\n" #~ "Počet úderov tohto útoku klesá, keď je jednotka zranená. Počet úderov je " #~ "priamo úmerný zdraviu jednotky. Napríklad ak má jednotka 3/4 maximálneho " #~ "počtu životov, bude mať 3/4 počtu úderov." #~ msgid "" #~ "Charge:\n" #~ "When used offensively, this attack deals double damage to the target. It " #~ "also causes this unit to take double damage from the target’s " #~ "counterattack." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Výpad:\n" #~ "Tento útok spôsobí dvojnásobné zranenie súperovi. Takisto spôsobí, že " #~ "jednotka utrpí dvojnásobné zranenie v prípade protiútoku." #~ msgid "" #~ "Poison:\n" #~ "This attack poisons living targets. Poisoned units lose 8 HP every turn " #~ "until they are cured or are reduced to 1 HP. Poison can not, of itself, " #~ "kill a unit." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jed:\n" #~ "Tento útok otrávi živé obete. Otrávená jednotka stráca 8 životov v každom " #~ "kole, až kým nie je vyliečená alebo nezoslabne na 1 život. Jed však sám " #~ "osebe nemôže obeť zabiť." #~ msgid "Deep Underground" #~ msgstr "Hlboké podzemie" #~ msgid "" #~ " Spirits have very unusual resistances to damage, and move quite slowly " #~ "over open water." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Duchovia sú nezvyčajne odolní voči zraneniu, a pohybujú sa veľmi pomaly " #~ "nad vodnou hladinou." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit’s arcane attack deals tremendous damage to magical creatures, " #~ "and even some to mundane creatures." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Mystický útok tejto jednotky spôsobuje obrovské zranenia magickým " #~ "bytostiam, a nejaké aj obyčajným." #~ msgid " This unit is capable of basic healing." #~ msgstr " Táto jednotka dokáže uzdravovať." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit is capable of healing those around it, and curing them of " #~ "poison." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka dokáže uzdraviť ostatné jednotky okolo nej, a zbaviť ich " #~ "jedu (vyliečiť)." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit is capable of neutralizing the effects of poison in units " #~ "around it." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka dokáže neutralizovať účinky jedu jednotkám okolo nej." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit regenerates, which allows it to heal as though always " #~ "stationed in a village." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka regeneruje, takže sa uzdravuje, akoby bola stále v dedine." #~ msgid "" #~ " The steadiness of this unit reduces damage from some attacks, but only " #~ "while defending." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Neoblomnosť tejto jednotky znižuje zranenie z niektorých útokov; no iba " #~ "pri obrane." #~ msgid "" #~ " The leadership of this unit enables adjacent units of the same side to " #~ "deal more damage in combat, though this only applies to units of lower " #~ "level." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Velenie umožňuje tejto jednotke zvýšiť zranenie, ktoré spojenecké " #~ "jednotky na vedľajších políčkach spôsobujú v boji; platí to len na " #~ "jednotky na nižšej úrovni." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit’s skill at skirmishing allows it to ignore enemies’ zones of " #~ "control and thus move unhindered around them." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka vie vrtko manévrovať, dokáže sa prešmyknúť cez súperovu " #~ "oblasť kontroly a bez spomalenia prejsť okolo neho." #~ msgid " Illumination increases the lighting level in adjacent areas." #~ msgstr " Osvetľovanie zvyšuje úroveň svetla v blízkych oblastiach." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit can use one move to teleport between any two empty villages " #~ "controlled by its side." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka sa dokáže počas jedného kroku premiestniť z jednej " #~ "neobsadenej spriatelenej dediny do druhej." #~ msgid "" #~ " In woodlands, this unit’s ambush skill renders it invisible to enemies " #~ "unless it is immediately adjacent or has revealed itself by attacking." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Schopnosť skrývať sa robí túto jednotku v lese neviditeľnou pre " #~ "nepriateľa, dokiaľ nestojí na susednom poli, alebo dokiaľ sa táto " #~ "jednotka neprezradí tým, že sama zaútočí." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit is able to hide at night, leaving no trace of its presence." #~ msgstr " Táto jednotka sa dokáže v noci ukryť a nezanechá žiadnu stopu." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit can hide in villages (with the exception of water villages), " #~ "and remain undetected by its enemies, except by those standing next to it." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka sa môže skrývať v dedinách (okrem vodných) a nepriatelia " #~ "ju neobjavia, pokiaľ nestoja hneď vedľa nej." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit can move unseen in deep water, requiring no air from the " #~ "surface." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka sa dokáže nepozorovane pohybovať v hlbokej vode, pretože " #~ "sa nemusí vynárať kvôli vzduchu." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit gains 1 hitpoint added to its maximum whenever it kills a " #~ "living unit." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka získa 1 život k svojmu maximálnemu počtu kedykoľvek zabije " #~ "inú živú jednotku." #~ msgid "" #~ " Whenever its berserk attack is used, this unit continues to push the " #~ "attack until either it or its enemy lies dead." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Ak táto jednotka použije svoj zúrivý útok, bude boj pokračovať dovtedy, " #~ "kým jeden z bojujúcich nepadne mŕtvy." #~ msgid "" #~ " If there is an enemy of the target on the opposite side of the target " #~ "while attacking it, this unit may backstab, inflicting double damage by " #~ "creeping around behind that enemy." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Ak táto jednotka útočí na obeť, ktorá má na druhej strane ďalšieho " #~ "nepriateľa, môže ho táto jednotka obísť a bodnúť do chrbta, čím mu " #~ "spôsobí dvojnásobné zranenie." #~ msgid "" #~ " Foes who lose their life to the plague will rise again in unlife, unless " #~ "they are standing on a village." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Nepriateľ, ktorý stratí život morovým útokom, opäť povstane ako nemŕtvy, " #~ "ak práve nestojí v dedine." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit is able to slow its enemies, halving their movement speed and " #~ "attack damage until they end a turn." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka dokáže spomaliť svojich nepriateľov, zmenší ich rýchlosť " #~ "pohybu a spôsobené zranenie na polovicu, až kým neukončia ťah." #~ msgid "" #~ " The ability to turn the living to stone makes this unit extremely " #~ "dangerous." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka je mimoriadne nebezpečná, lebo dokáže premeniť živého " #~ "tvora na kameň." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit’s marksmanship gives it a high chance of hitting targeted " #~ "enemies, but only on the attack." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Ostrostrelecké schopnosti tejto jednotky jej dávajú vysokú šancu " #~ "zasiahnuť súpera, ale iba keď sama útočí." #~ msgid "" #~ " The unit has magical attacks, which always have a high chance of hitting " #~ "an opponent." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Útoky tejto jednotky na diaľku sú magické, preto majú vždy veľkú šancu " #~ "zasiahnuť súpera." #~ msgid "" #~ " The swarming attacks of this unit become less deadly whenever its " #~ "members are wounded." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Tento roj útočí spolu, takže spôsobené zranenia sú menej vážne, ak sú " #~ "členovia roja zranení." #~ msgid "" #~ " Using a charging attack doubles both damage dealt and received; this " #~ "does not affect defensive retaliation." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Použitie výpadu pri útoku zdvojnásobí sa spôsobené i utŕžené zranenie. " #~ "Toto neplatí počas obranného protiúderu." #~ msgid "" #~ " During battle, this unit can drain life from victims to renew its own " #~ "health." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Počas bitky dokáže táto jednotka uberať zdravie svojej obeti a sama sa " #~ "tak uzdravovať." #~ msgid "" #~ " The victims of this unit’s poison will continually take damage until " #~ "they can be cured in town or by a unit which cures." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Obete zásahu jedom budú postupne strácať zdravie, dokiaľ sa nevyliečia v " #~ "dedine, alebo u jednotky, ktorá vie liečiť." #~ msgid "loyal" #~ msgstr "verný" #~ msgid "female^loyal" #~ msgstr "verná" #~ msgid "Zero upkeep" #~ msgstr "Nulový žold" #~ msgid "Immune to drain, poison and plague" #~ msgstr "Imúnny voči vysatiu, jedu a chorobe" #~ msgid "female^mechanical" #~ msgstr "mechanická" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "elemental" #~ msgstr "utajenie" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "female^elemental" #~ msgstr "verná" #~ msgid "strong" #~ msgstr "silný" #~ msgid "female^strong" #~ msgstr "silná" #~ msgid "dextrous" #~ msgstr "obratný" #~ msgid "female^dextrous" #~ msgstr "obratná" #~ msgid "quick" #~ msgstr "rýchly" #~ msgid "female^quick" #~ msgstr "rýchla" #~ msgid "intelligent" #~ msgstr "inteligentný" #~ msgid "female^intelligent" #~ msgstr "inteligentná" #~ msgid "resilient" #~ msgstr "odolný" #~ msgid "female^resilient" #~ msgstr "odolná" #~ msgid "healthy" #~ msgstr "životaschopný" #~ msgid "Always rest heals" #~ msgstr "Vždy sa lieči akoby odpočíval" #~ msgid "fearless" #~ msgstr "nebojácny" #~ msgid "Fights normally during unfavorable times of day/night" #~ msgstr "Bojuje normálne aj počas nevýhodnej dennej/nočnej doby" #~ msgid "weak" #~ msgstr "slabý" #~ msgid "female^weak" #~ msgstr "slabá" #~ msgid "slow" #~ msgstr "pomalý" #~ msgid "female^slow" #~ msgstr "pomalá" #~ msgid "dim" #~ msgstr "hlúpy" #~ msgid "female^dim" #~ msgstr "hlúpa" #~ msgid "aged" #~ msgstr "skúsený" #~ msgid "female^aged" #~ msgstr "skúsená" #~ msgid "Recruits:" #~ msgstr "Verbovaní:" #~ msgid "Parse error when parsing help text: " #~ msgstr "Chyba pri analyzovaní pomocného textu: " #~ msgid "red if it has used all its movement this turn." #~ msgstr "červená - v tomto kole už svoj pohyb vyčerpala." #~ msgid "Set Password" #~ msgstr "Nastaviť heslo" #~ msgid "" #~ "Set the password that people wanting to join your game as players must " #~ "enter." #~ msgstr "Urči heslo, ktoré budú musieť zadať hráči vstupujúci do tejto hry." #~ msgid "Select difficulty level:" #~ msgstr "Vyber si náročnosť:" #~ msgid "Team only" #~ msgstr "Len tímu" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "― Haldric II, 42 YW, from Handbook of Tactical Analysis: Volume I" #~ msgstr "- Príručka taktickej analýzy, Zväzok I. - Haldrik II., 42 R.W." #~ msgid "About to upload statistics — Help us make Wesnoth better for you!" #~ msgstr "Odoslanie štatistík - Pomôž nám urobiť Wesnoth lepším pre teba!" #~ msgid "Save my reply and do not ask again" #~ msgstr "Ulož moju odpoveď a už sa znovu nepýtaj" #~ msgid "" #~ "To change the setting later on, click on the envelope icon in the main " #~ "menu." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Neskôr je možné nastavenie zmeniť kliknutím na ikonu obálky v hlavnom " #~ "menu." #~ msgid "Send" #~ msgstr "Odoslať" #~ msgid "Don’t send" #~ msgstr "Neodoslať" #~ msgid "Do not ask every time before sending data" #~ msgstr "Nepýtať sa pred každým odosielaním dát" #~ msgid "" #~ "You can send the Wesnoth Project an anonymous summary of your progress " #~ "using the 'Help Wesnoth' button (indicated by the envelope icon near the " #~ "lower-right-hand corner of the game main screen). This information is " #~ "vital so we can adjust campaign difficulty." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pomocou tlačidla 'Pomôž Wesnothu' (ikona v pravom dolnom rohu úvodnej " #~ "obrazovky hry) môžeš odoslať anonymnú štatistiku o tom, ako sa ti darilo " #~ "počas hry. Táto informácia je pre nás veľmi dôležitá, aby sme vedeli " #~ "prispôsobiť zložitosť jednotlivých častí hry." #~ msgid "vs" #~ msgstr "proti" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "nightly regeneration" #~ msgstr "Prsteň regenerácie" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "female^nightly regeneration" #~ msgstr "regeneruje" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Nightly Regeneration" #~ msgstr "Prsteň regenerácie" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "dayly regeneration" #~ msgstr "Prsteň regenerácie" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "female^daily regeneration" #~ msgstr "regeneruje" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Daily Regeneration" #~ msgstr "Prsteň regenerácie" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "twilight skirmisher" #~ msgstr "priebojný" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "female^twilight skirmisher" #~ msgstr "priebojná" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Twilight skirmisher:\n" #~ "This unit is skilled in moving past enemies quickly during the twilight " #~ "times of day, and ignores all enemy Zones of Control." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Priebojný:\n" #~ "Táto jednotka je zvyknutá pohybovať sa rýchlo medzi nepriateľmi a " #~ "ignoruje ich oblasť kontroly." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "female^twilight ambush" #~ msgstr "prepad" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Twilight ambush:\n" #~ "This unit can hide during twilight times of day, and remain undetected by " #~ "its enemies.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Enemy units cannot see this unit while it is a twilight time of day, " #~ "except if they have units next to it. Any enemy unit that first discovers " #~ "this unit immediately loses all its remaining movement." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prepad:\n" #~ "Jednotka sa dokáže ukryť v lese, kde ju nepriateľ neuvidí.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Nepriateľské jednotky nemôžu vidieť ani napadnúť túto jednotku v lese, " #~ "iba ak sú na vedľajšom políčku. Nepriateľská jednotka, ktorá ju prvá " #~ "objaví stratí zvyšné možnosti pohybu." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Ambush:\n" #~ "This unit can hide during twilight times of day, and remain undetected by " #~ "its enemies.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Enemy units cannot see this unit while it is a twilight time of day, " #~ "except if they have units next to it. Any enemy unit that first discovers " #~ "this unit immediately loses all its remaining movement." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prepad:\n" #~ "Jednotka sa dokáže ukryť v lese, kde ju nepriateľ neuvidí.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Nepriateľské jednotky nemôžu vidieť ani napadnúť túto jednotku v lese, " #~ "iba ak sú na vedľajšom políčku. Nepriateľská jednotka, ktorá ju prvá " #~ "objaví stratí zvyšné možnosti pohybu." #~ msgid "Which enemy side to focus on?" #~ msgstr "na ktorú nepriateľskú stranu sa sústrediť?" #~ msgid "focusing on defeating $this_enemy_description|." #~ msgstr "sústreďujem sa na porazenie $this_enemy_description|." #~ msgid "Which friendly side to protect?" #~ msgstr "Ktorú spriatelenú stranu chrániť?" #~ msgid "focusing on protecting $this_ally_description|." #~ msgstr "sústreďujem sa na ochranu $this_ally_description|." #~ msgid "- Handbook of Tactical Analysis Volume II - Haldric II, 43YW" #~ msgstr "- Príručka taktickej analýzy, Zväzok II. - Haldrik II., 43 R.W." #~ msgid "" #~ "$addon_title depends upon the following add-on which you have not " #~ "installed yet:" #~ msgid_plural "" #~ "$addon_title depends upon the following add-ons which you have not " #~ "installed yet:" #~ msgstr[0] "" #~ "$addon_title závisí na nasledovných doplnkoch, ktoré ešte nie sú " #~ "nainštalované:" #~ msgstr[1] "" #~ "$addon_title závisí na nasledovnom doplnku, ktorý ešte nie je " #~ "nainštalovaný:" #~ msgstr[2] "" #~ "$addon_title závisí na nasledovných doplnkoch, ktoré ešte nie sú " #~ "nainštalované:" #~ msgid "" #~ "Do you still want to download $addon_title|? (You will have to install " #~ "all the dependencies in order to play.)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Chceš ešte stále stiahnuť doplnok $addon_title|? (Aj tak bude ešte pred " #~ "hraním potrebné nainštalovať jeho závislosti.)" #~ msgid "[unit_worth]'s filter didn't match any units!" #~ msgstr "[unit_worth]'s filter nevybral žiadnu jednotku!" #~ msgid "tooltip^damage" #~ msgid_plural "damage" #~ msgstr[0] "zranenie" #~ msgstr[1] "zranenie" #~ msgstr[2] "zranenie" #~ msgid "tooltip^attack" #~ msgid_plural "attacks" #~ msgstr[0] "útoky" #~ msgstr[1] "útok" #~ msgstr[2] "útoky" #~ msgid "tooltip^% accuracy" #~ msgstr "% presnosť" #~ msgid "tooltip^% parry" #~ msgstr "% odvrátenie" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Tutorial" #~ msgstr "Výcvik" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Campaign" #~ msgstr "Výprava" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Multiplayer" #~ msgstr "Zápas" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Load" #~ msgstr "Načítaj hru" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Add-ons" #~ msgstr "Doplnky" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Map Editor" #~ msgstr "Editor máp" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Language" #~ msgstr "Jazyk" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Preferences" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Credits" #~ msgstr "Autori" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Quit" #~ msgstr "Koniec" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Previous" #~ msgstr "Predchádzajúci" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Next" #~ msgstr "Nasledujúci" #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Help" #~ msgstr "Návod" #~ msgid "Start a tutorial to familiarize yourself with the game" #~ msgstr "Spusti úvodný výcvik, v ktorom sa zoznámiš s touto hrou" #~ msgid "" #~ "Play multiplayer (hotseat, LAN, or Internet), or a single scenario " #~ "against the AI" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zápas medzi viacerými hráčmi (striedavo, na lokálnej sieti, na " #~ "Internete), alebo proti počítaču" #~ msgid "Load a saved game" #~ msgstr "Pokračuj v uloženej hre pre jedného hráča" #~ msgid "Download usermade campaigns, eras, or map packs" #~ msgstr "Stiahni si príbehy, éry a balíky máp vytvorené hráčmi" #~ msgid "Configure the game's settings" #~ msgstr "Nastav rôzne možnosti hry" #~ msgid "View the credits" #~ msgstr "Zobraz informácie o autoroch hry" #~ msgid "Quit the game" #~ msgstr "Ukonči hru" #~ msgid "Show Battle for Wesnoth help" #~ msgstr "Návod k Bitke o Wesnoth" #~ msgid "$trait_name|: $trait_description " #~ msgstr "$trait_name|: $trait_description " #~ msgid "TitleScreen button^Help Wesnoth" #~ msgstr "Podporte Wesnoth" #~ msgid "" #~ "Battle for Wesnoth automatically sends anonymized statistics about your " #~ "game advancement to a server where they are stored. This enables several " #~ "features, and allows us to improve Wesnoth. To learn more about this or " #~ "disable it, click the envelope in the bottom-right corner." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bitka o Wesnoth automaticky odosiela anonymné štatistiky o tvojich " #~ "postupoch v hre na server, kde sú ukladané. Toto umožňuje viaceré " #~ "funkcie, vrátane vylepšovania Wesnothu. Pre ďalšie informácie alebo " #~ "vypnutie odosielania, klikni na obálku v pravom dolnom rohu." #~ msgid "Upload statistics" #~ msgstr "Odoslať štatistiku" #~ msgid "Help Wesnoth by sending us information" #~ msgstr "Podporte Wesnoth tým, že nám pošlete informácie" #~ msgid "" #~ "Wesnoth relies on volunteers like yourself for feedback, especially " #~ "beginners and new players. Wesnoth keeps summaries of your games: you can " #~ "help us improve game play by giving permission to send these summaries " #~ "(anonymously) to wesnoth.org.\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Wesnoth závisí na dobrovoľníkoch, ako si ty, aby poskytli spätnú väzbu. " #~ "Týka sa to najmä nových hráčov. Wesnoth si udržiava záznam o tvojom " #~ "hraní; môžeš nám pomôcť lepšie vyladiť hru, ak dovolíš, aby sa tieto " #~ "(anonymné) záznamy odoslali na server wesnoth.org.\n" #~ msgid "Summaries are stored here:" #~ msgstr "Záznamy sú uložené tu:" #~ msgid "You can view the results at:" #~ msgstr "Výsledky si môžeš zobraziť na:" #~ msgid "Help us make Wesnoth better for you!" #~ msgstr "Pomôž nám urobiť Wesnoth lepším pre teba!" #~ msgid "Enable summary uploads" #~ msgstr "Umožni posielanie štatistík" #~ msgid " (auth only)" #~ msgstr " (len pri autentifikácii)" #~ msgid "Unknown unit type '$type|'" #~ msgstr "Neznámy typ jednotky '$type|'" #~ msgid "" #~ "Leader position not empty - duplicate side definition for side '$side|' " #~ "found." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pozícia veliteľa nie je prázdna - našla sa duplicitná definícia strany " #~ "'$side|'." #~ msgid "Movement cost is 0, probably a terrain with movement cost of 0." #~ msgstr "Cena pohybu je 0, pravdepodobne terén s cenou pohybu 0." #~ msgid "The file you have tried to load is corrupt. Continue playing?" #~ msgstr "Súbor, ktorý si chcel načítať, je poškodený. Pokračovať v hraní?" #~ msgid "Can rest while moving, takes a quarter less poison damage" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Môže odpočívať aj keď sa pohybuje, jed mu spôsobuje o štvrtinu menšie " #~ "zranenia." #~ msgid "Location^Loc." #~ msgstr "Pol." #~ msgid "Computer player" #~ msgstr "Počítač" #~ msgid "Play a campaign" #~ msgstr "Hrať výpravu" #~ msgid "An invalid weapon is selected, possibly by the Python AI." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bola zvolená neplatná zbraň, pravdepodobne v Pythonom riadenom hráčovi." #~ msgid "female^stone" #~ msgstr "skamenená" #~ msgid "stone" #~ msgstr "kameň" #~ msgid "Unknown unit type : " #~ msgstr "Neznámy typ jednotky : " #~ msgid "Ignore All" #~ msgstr "Ignorovať všetko" #~ msgid "" #~ "Save names may not contain colons, slashes, or backslashes. Please choose " #~ "a different name." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Názvy uložených hier nesmú obsahovať bodkočiarky, lomky, ani opačné " #~ "lomky. Prosím zadajte iný názov." #~ msgid "stone: " #~ msgstr "skamenený: " #~ msgid "Remove a trait from a unit. (Does not work yet.)" #~ msgstr "Odober jednotke vlastnosť. (Zatiaľ nefunguje.)" #~ msgid "The replay could not be saved" #~ msgstr "Nepodarilo sa uložiť záznam" #~ msgid " included from " #~ msgstr " vložený z " #~ msgid "Mute an observer." #~ msgstr "Umlčať diváka." #~ msgid "Unchecked script files found:" #~ msgstr "Našli sa neskontrolované skripty:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Reading cache" #~ msgstr "Načítava sa vyrovnávacia pamäť." #~ msgid "+ " #~ msgstr "+ " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Unknown error." #~ msgstr "Neznáma éra" #~ msgid "- King Konrad, 552YW" #~ msgstr "- Kráľ Konrád, 552 R.W." #~ msgid "An invalid weapon is send, possibly due to the Python AI." #~ msgstr "Bola odoslaná zbraň, pravdepodobne kvôli Pythonom riadenom hráčovi." #~ msgid "Login: " #~ msgstr "Prihlasovacie meno: " #~ msgid "Send a private message to " #~ msgstr "Pošli súkromnú správu hráčovi " #~ msgid "Whisper" #~ msgstr "Šepkanie" #~ msgid "Message: " #~ msgstr "Správa: " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Login" #~ msgstr "Prihlasovacie meno: " #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Redraw the screen.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Prekreslí obrazovku.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "No server ping since $timeout second. Connection timed out." #~ msgid_plural "No server ping since $timeout seconds. Connection timed out." #~ msgstr[0] "" #~ "Žiadna odozva zo servera počas $timeout sekúnd. Čas spojenia vypršal." #~ msgstr[1] "" #~ "Žiadna odozva zo servera počas $timeout sekundy. Čas spojenia vypršal." #~ msgstr[2] "" #~ "Žiadna odozva zo servera počas $timeout sekúnd. Čas spojenia vypršal." #, fuzzy #~ msgid " This unit is capable of basic healing and slowing dehydration." #~ msgstr " Táto jednotka dokáže uzdravovať." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit is capable of healing those around it, slowing dehydration, " #~ "and curing them of poison." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka dokáže uzdraviť ostatné jednotky okolo nej, a zbaviť ich " #~ "jedu (vyliečiť)." #~ msgid "Abilites" #~ msgstr "Schopnosti" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Location name?" #~ msgstr "Lokálna hra" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Give new orders" #~ msgstr "Storno" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "value: " #~ msgstr "Názov: " #~ msgid "Grassland" #~ msgstr "Lúka" #~ msgid "Ice" #~ msgstr "Ľad" #~ msgid "" #~ "Ice represents any body of frozen water. For gameplay purposes, it is " #~ "identical to dst=terrain_tundra text=Snow. Note that swimming " #~ "units, even those who can breathe underwater, cannot swim underneath ice." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ľad predstavuje zamrznutú vodu. V rámci hry sa hodnotí rovnako ako " #~ "dst=terrain_tundra text='sneh'. Plávajúce jednotky, ani tie, " #~ "ktoré dokážu dýchať pod vodou, nemôžu plávať popod ľad." #~ msgid "Savanna" #~ msgstr "Savana" #~ msgid "" #~ "Savannas are plains of tall grass, found in the warmer climates of the " #~ "world. For gameplay purposes, they are identical to " #~ "dst=terrain_grassland text=Grassland." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Savana je rovina porastená vysokou trávou, vyskytuje sa v teplých " #~ "podnebiach na celom svete. Z hľadiska hry sa savana hodnotí ako " #~ "dst=terrain_grassland text='rovina'." #~ msgid "Chasm" #~ msgstr "Trhlina" #~ msgid "" #~ "Cave walls are made of solid stone, renowned for its ability to impede " #~ "even the most determined traveler." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Steny jaskýň sú z pevného kameňa, ktorý dokáže zastaviť aj toho " #~ "najodhodlanejšieho pútnika." #~ msgid "" #~ "Impassable mountains are so tall and steep that they are constantly " #~ "wreathed in cloud. To cross such mountains is practically impossible. " #~ "Even flying creatures cannot navigate the jagged peaks at such rarified " #~ "heights." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Neprekročiteľné hory sú tak vysoké a strmé, že sú stále zovreté v " #~ "oblakoch. Dostať sa cez také hory je prakticky nemožné. Dokonca ani " #~ "lietajúce bytosti sa nevedia orientovať medzi rozoklanými vrcholmi v " #~ "takých výškach." #~ msgid "You will now connect to a server to download add-ons." #~ msgstr "Teraz sa pripojíš na server, aby si si stiahol doplnky." #~ msgid "Server: " #~ msgstr "Server: " #~ msgid "Join Official Server" #~ msgstr "Prihlás sa na Wesnoth" #~ msgid "Log on to the official Wesnoth multiplayer server" #~ msgstr "Prihlás sa na oficiálny server Wesnothu" #~ msgid "" #~ "Play a multiplayer game with the AI or humans sharing the same machine" #~ msgstr "Hraj zápas proti AI alebo ľuďom na jednom počítači" #~ msgid "Choose your preferred language:" #~ msgstr "Vyber si obľúbený jazyk:" #~ msgid "Warning: Errors occurred while loading game configuration files: '" #~ msgstr "Pozor: Chyby pri načítavaní konfiguračných súborov hry: '" #~ msgid "" #~ "Commands: msg/whisper , list [], " #~ "me/emote . Type /help [] for detailed instructions." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Príkazy: msg/whisper [meno] [správa], list [podpríkaz] [parameter (podľa " #~ "potreby)], me/emote . Zadaj /help [] pre podrobnejšie " #~ "inštrukcie." #~ msgid "" #~ "Ignore messages from players on the ignore list and highlight players on " #~ "the friends list. Usage: /list [] Subcommands: " #~ "addfriend, addignore, remove, display, clear. Type /help list " #~ " for more info." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ignoruj správy od hráčov v zozname ignorovaných a zvýrazni hráčov v " #~ "zozname priateľov. Príkaz: /list [podpríkaz] [parameter](ako kedy) " #~ "Podpríkazy: addfriend, addignore, remove, display, clear. Zadaj /help " #~ "list [podpríkaz] ak chceš vedieť viac." #~ msgid "Add a nick to your friends list. Usage: /list addfriend " #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pridaj hráča do svojho zoznamu priateľov. Príkaz: /list addfriend [meno]" #~ msgid "Clear your complete ignores and friends list. Usage: /list clear" #~ msgstr "Vymaž svoj zoznam ignorovaných a priateľov. Príkaz: /list clear" #~ msgid "Unknown subcommand." #~ msgstr "Neznámy podpríkaz." #~ msgid "Unknown command: " #~ msgstr "Neznámy príkaz: " #~ msgid "View List" #~ msgstr "Zobraz zoznam" #~ msgid "Choose a known server from the list" #~ msgstr "Vyberte si známy server zo zoznamu" #~ msgid "Address" #~ msgstr "Adresa" #~ msgid "Connect to Host" #~ msgstr "Pripoj sa na server" #~ msgid "Choose host to connect to: " #~ msgstr "Vyber si herný server, na ktorý sa pripojíš: " #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit is capable of basic healing, though it can only delay the " #~ "effects of poison, not cure them entirely." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka dokáže základné uzdravovanie; účinky jedu vie však iba " #~ "oddialiť, nie celkom vyliečiť." #~ msgid "" #~ " This unit can teleport between any two villages instantly, though the " #~ "player must control both, and the destination village must be unoccupied." #~ msgstr "" #~ " Táto jednotka sa môže okamžite premiestňovať medzi hociktorými dvoma " #~ "dedinami; musia však obe patriť danému hráčovi, a cieľová dedina musí byť " #~ "voľná." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Connect to Host/Server" #~ msgstr "Pripoj sa na server" #~ msgid "Join a server or hosted game" #~ msgstr "Pridaj sa na server alebo do založenej hry" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "DejaVuSans.ttf,sazanami-gothic.ttf,gkai00mp.ttf" #~ msgstr "Bepa-Roman.ttf" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Kraag,Gillan,Gisharri,Karigan,Gron ih,Krenli,Kegrid,Mah Toa,Grish,Garushi," #~ "Gaushii,Murr,Gakré Ohm,Kahn Ih,Kun,Garchin,Omataké,Krash,Grada,Morusté," #~ "Garadin,Krall Ohn,Merkush,Gridda,Garlan,Græt Ihn,Ka,Karron,Markinos," #~ "Gashöl,Grenn ohn,Gegchi,Gadé Ihn,Marrito,Grelnit,Kraslar,Marritos,Kran " #~ "Kor,Kerath Kor,Kerath Ihn,Galsh,Garrutin,Gray,Garlin ohn,Merritos Gark," #~ "Gark,Gelknick,Goyst,Gravlan,Marhildian,Margian,Gart'lo,Reshan,Mal,Karri " #~ "Kon,Kon Garashé,Egar,Elch,Mar Ohn,Gelka Kon,Markan,Gretz,Gashinar,Gribbel," #~ "Vladnir,Velnick,Vashitt,Veralon,Vertick,Vermay,Verkon,Verath,Verlinn," #~ "Veramo,Grashen,Galeck,Gaustun,Marra Di'lek,Klash,Kruggen,Kasp,Verditt," #~ "Ga'ash" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Krág,Gillan,Gišarri,Karigan,Gron ih,Krenli,Kegrid,Mah Toa,Griš,Garuši," #~ "Gaušii,Murr,Gakré Ohm,Kahn Ih,Kun,Garchin,Omataké,Kraš,Grada,Morusté," #~ "Garadin,Krall Ohn,Merkuš,Gridda,Garlan,Græt Ihn,Ka,Karron,Markinos,Gašöl," #~ "Grenn ohn,Gegchi,Gadé Ihn,Marrito,Grelnit,Kraslar,Marritos,Kran Kor," #~ "Kerath Kor,Kerath Ihn,Galš,Garrutin,Gray,Garlin ohn,Merritos Gark,Gark," #~ "Gelknick,Goyst,Gravlan,Marhildian,Margian,Gart'lo,Rešan,Mal,Karri Kon,Kon " #~ "Garašé,Egar,Elch,Mar Ohn,Gelka Kon,Markan,Gretz,Gašinar,Gribbel,Vladnir," #~ "Velnick,Vašitt,Veralon,Vertick,Vermay,Verkon,Verath,Verlinn,Veramo,Grašen," #~ "Galeck,Gaust un,Marra Di'lek,Klaš,Kruggen,Kasp,Verditt,Ga'aš" #~ msgid "" #~ "Velisp,Valnitt,Vushtin,Eshyi,Dell,Vallin,Demla,Auuglann,Auginet Ka,Vellin " #~ "Ka,Omage,Orriday,Weshter,Wilniss,Werra,Damell,Dinsill,Orridan,Oshibi," #~ "Valnirra,Olath,Omagrra,Ashijt,Alen Ka,Alinash Mal,Orra Ka" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Velisp,Valnitt,Vushtin,Eshyi,Dell,Vallin,Demla,Auuglann,Auginet Ka,Vellin " #~ "Ka,Omage,Orriday,Weshter,Wilniss,Werra,Damell,Dinsill,Orridan,Oshibi," #~ "Valnirra,Olath,Omagrra,Ashijt,Alen Ka,Alinash Mal,Orra Ka" #~ msgid "" #~ "Althaas,Glomin,Glamcatus,Trithaithis,Gomdrol,Andurus,Pelaithol," #~ "Trithaithus,Andris,Trithatsol,Gomcatis,Pelcatol,Augcatil,Alating," #~ "Augaithing,Anthaas,Gomaithsol,Trithaithas,Aigdris,Althalos,Analil," #~ "Trithdurol,Glamcatil,Augthail,Trithduril,Dulthalos,Glamthasol,Aldrsol," #~ "Glamaithol,Glamalil,Analus,Nardril,Augating,Dulaithsol,Aldrlos,Alalus," #~ "Aigcatsol,Ancatas,Trithdris,Pelatol,Aigthasil,Anthais,Narcatis,Trithatil," #~ "Aigaithing,Althail,Trithaithil,Naraithol,Duldrlos,Gomatas,Alcatis," #~ "Naraithsil,Althalos,Aigdursol,Glamalsil,Nardrus,Aigalis,Aldurlos," #~ "Augcatsil,Aigthaing,Augduril,Aigaithas,Anthais,Glamthaas,Dulcatsol," #~ "Gomatil,Gomcatlos,Augdrsil,Trithdril,Duldrsil,Duldrol,Peldrsol,Pelalsol," #~ "Gomthaas,Dulcatsil,Aigcating,Aldril,Glamcating,Anatsol,Augdris,Anthasol," #~ "Glamcatsil,Aldras,Aigatsol,Naraithol,Anthaus,Gomdrsil,Pelalis,Gomatlos," #~ "Narcating,Trithdrlos,Aigdrlos,Narcatsil,Glamdras,Aigthaing,Gomcatil," #~ "Andurus,Pelthail,Triththaus,Augalas,Alalol,Aigalas,Pelatis,Anating," #~ "Alaithsol,Andrus,Aigalsil,Dulatil,Aigdris,Augatsil,Glamduring,Trithduril," #~ "Trithdrsol,Alalus,Glamatus,Aldrol,Glamdril,Pelcatsil,Glamaithis," #~ "Trithdring,Peldril,Trithdurus,Gomaithil,Trithcatsol,Glamdrsol,Augthais," #~ "Dulaithlos,Althasil,Aigaithil,Andrlos,Dulatil,Dulalas,Dulatsol,Analol," #~ "Trithcatlos,Althasol,Alcatis,Glamduril,Peldursol,Pelalus,Glamthaas," #~ "Aldurol,Aigatsil,Aigatus,Trithduril,Pelaithsol,Aigcatis,Andursol,Naralsil," #~ "Althaol,Aldrsol,Dulalas,Triththaas,Augatol,Pelaling,Dulcatlos,Augduril," #~ "Glamthaol,Ancatus,Augcatol,Peldrus,Pelatil,Gomcatil,Anallos,Anaithing," #~ "Naraithsil,Aldris,Gomdris,Andril,Naratsil,Aigcating,Triththaas,Narduril," #~ "Aigdurlos,Aigaithol,Glamaithol,Pelatil,Nardris,Augthaol,Augatol,Glamallos," #~ "Anthaing,Aigcatis,Pelthasil,Dulcatil,Dulatol,Dulduring,Alalil,Peldrus," #~ "Gomdursil,Nardras,Peldril,Gomcatlos,Gomalis,Glamthaus,Duldurus,Dulcating," #~ "Anatol,Augdrsil,Analsil,Trithdrus,Augaithus,Trithaithsol,Aigcatus," #~ "Augaling,Alating,Glamatil,Anaithus,Gomatis,Augdris,Pelaithing,Augaithing," #~ "Gomdursol,Naraithus,Trithatsol,Ancatil,Glamaithil,Augdurus,Gomalus," #~ "Aigduras,Nardrol,Nardurol,Pelalil,Gomalil,Aigatis,Analil,Dulthaus," #~ "Gomaithil,Alduras,Trithduril,Ancatol,Alduras,Pelduril,Narcatsol,Pelating," #~ "Dulcatsil,Augatol,Glamthasil,Gomthasol,Naraithsil,Alatsil,Dulcatol," #~ "Gomthalos,Aigaling,Aigcatas,Pelalus,Augcatsil,Trithatas,Aigthais," #~ "Gomaithas,Alcatsil,Ancatus,Pelatis,Ancatas,Dulating,Gomdras,Naraithsol," #~ "Augcatis,Alaithis,Pelalsol,Duldursil,Pelcating,Dulaling,Gomating," #~ "Aigaithol,Alaithas,Peldras,Triththaing,Augdurol,Augaithas,Augcatsil," #~ "Glamdrlos,Peldurol,Aigdris,Pelaithas,Augcatas,Alalas,Anthaing,Naratlos," #~ "Augdursol,Gomdril,Dulcatlos,Anthasil,Triththasol,Naralus,Pelthaas," #~ "Augcatsil,Anaithis,Andurus,Gomdring,Glamduras,Pelalsil,Augthalos,Augduras," #~ "Pelaling,Gomalis,Augalol,Gomdris,Glamalis,Augdrus,Alatlos,Trithdril," #~ "Augthalos,Glamdril,Aigatlos,Alatas,Pelaithsol,Anthaus,Trithdril,Aldrsol," #~ "Triththail,Glamaithsol,Augduring,Aigthaus,Anaithsil,Pelatus,Naratol," #~ "Glamalsil,Trithcatus,Trithatil,Anallos,Augdras,Trithaithsil,Narduril," #~ "Dulatsol,Naralus,Narcatol,Alcatlos,Trithalol,Dulthasil,Andrus,Pelduring," #~ "Naraithil,Aigatsil,Trithdurlos,Augdursol,Trithaithol,Gomatol,Aigcatas," #~ "Pelcatlos,Glamduris,Anaithas,Peldurus,Glamduris,Naralil,Trithdursil," #~ "Pelthasil,Gomatis,Aldril,Augatol,Anaithus,Anatsol,Trithaithlos,Duldrus," #~ "Narduras,Dulaithlos,Duldris,Dulaithsil,Anthais,Gomduris,Narthalos,Ancatus," #~ "Anduril,Alaithol,Aigalis,Trithaithas,Aigcatil,Trithaithil,Naraithing," #~ "Augatsol,Trithaithol,Dulalsil,Dulthasol,Glamcatas,Glamthaol,Gomaithsol," #~ "Dulaithing,Naratlos,Naraithol,Gomthasol,Ancatas,Aigcatsil,Pelduris," #~ "Trithdrus,Andurus,Trithdring,Glamthaas,Aigcating,Nardrsol,Glamaithol," #~ "Dulaithsol,Althaus,Augduras,Aigaithas,Gomdurlos,Glamalus,Gomdrsil," #~ "Trithdrol,Pelating,Pelatus,Aigdrsol,Trithdurol,Glamaling,Dulduras," #~ "Dulating,Naraithing,Dulalis,Alaithus,Gomdurus,Glamcatus,Trithduring," #~ "Anatis,Anaithsil,Glamduril,Gomdursol,Narcatol,Trithaithis,Naratlos," #~ "Nardring,Aigalol,Althail,Anatas,Anthasol,Aigatus,Dulaithil,Althalos," #~ "Aldring,Glamalil,Anating,Aigdring,Duldril,Andurol,Pelaithsil,Gomdurus," #~ "Gomcatil,Glamthaas,Alalsol,Augdurus,Trithduril,Anthaol,Augalas,Pelcatol," #~ "Nardrsil,Alatil,Glamdrsol,Alaithlos,Pelatsil,Gomdurus,Dulatus,Alalsol," #~ "Glamaling,Dulatus,Alcatil,Aigthaus,Duldril,Pelaithlos,Pelaithis,Dulatil," #~ "Trithalis,Naraithol,Pelating,Augcatol,Gomatis,Andrus,Pelduris,Aigdrsil," #~ "Alatlos,Augdrsil,Anduril,Gomaithol,Glamdursol,Trithaithil,Gomdril," #~ "Glamcatil,Trithdrus,Naralas,Dulatol,Anaithil,Anatol,Augating,Peldursol," #~ "Narcatis,Glamatus,Aigaithas,Aigatas,Trithatlos,Gomatil,Gomthalos,Dulaling," #~ "Aigatsil,Augcatus,Trithaithus,Gomcatlos,Aigaithol,Naratsil,Narthaol," #~ "Narcatol,Augatlos,Pelaithil,Gomaithsol,Augaithsil" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Althaas,Glomin,Glamcatus,Trithaithis,Gomdrol,Andurus,Pelaithol," #~ "Trithaithus,Andris,Trithatsol,Gomcatis,Pelcatol,Augcatil,Alating," #~ "Augaithing,Anthaas,Gomaithsol,Trithaithas,Aigdris,Althalos,Analil," #~ "Trithdurol,Glamcatil,Augthail,Trithduril,Dulthalos,Glamthasol,Aldrsol," #~ "Glamaithol,Glamalil,Analus,Nardril,Augating,Dulaithsol,Aldrlos,Alalus," #~ "Aigcatsol,Ancatas,Trithdris,Pelatol,Aigthasil,Anthais,Narcatis,Trithatil," #~ "Aigaithing,Althail,Trithaithil,Naraithol,Duldrlos,Gomatas,Alcatis," #~ "Naraithsil,Althalos,Aigdursol,Glamalsil,Nardrus,Aigalis,Aldurlos," #~ "Augcatsil,Aigthaing,Augduril,Aigaithas,Anthais,Glamthaas,Dulcatsol," #~ "Gomatil,Gomcatlos,Augdrsil,Trithdril,Duldrsil,Duldrol,Peldrsol,Pelalsol," #~ "Gomthaas,Dulcatsil,Aigcating,Aldril,Glamcating,Anatsol,Augdris,Anthasol," #~ "Glamcatsil,Aldras,Aigatsol,Naraithol,Anthaus,Gomdrsil,Pelalis,Gomatlos," #~ "Narcating,Trithdrlos,Aigdrlos,Narcatsil,Glamdras,Aigthaing,Gomcatil," #~ "Andurus,Pelthail,Triththaus,Augalas,Alalol,Aigalas,Pelatis,Anating," #~ "Alaithsol,Andrus,Aigalsil,Dulatil,Aigdris,Augatsil,Glamduring,Trithduril," #~ "Trithdrsol,Alalus,Glamatus,Aldrol,Glamdril,Pelcatsil,Glamaithis," #~ "Trithdring,Peldril,Trithdurus,Gomaithil,Trithcatsol,Glamdrsol,Augthais," #~ "Dulaithlos,Althasil,Aigaithil,Andrlos,Dulatil,Dulalas,Dulatsol,Analol," #~ "Trithcatlos,Althasol,Alcatis,Glamduril,Peldursol,Pelalus,Glamthaas," #~ "Aldurol,Aigatsil,Aigatus,Trithduril,Pelaithsol,Aigcatis,Andursol,Naralsil," #~ "Althaol,Aldrsol,Dulalas,Triththaas,Augatol,Pelaling,Dulcatlos,Augduril," #~ "Glamthaol,Ancatus,Augcatol,Peldrus,Pelatil,Gomcatil,Anallos,Anaithing," #~ "Naraithsil,Aldris,Gomdris,Andril,Naratsil,Aigcating,Triththaas,Narduril," #~ "Aigdurlos,Aigaithol,Glamaithol,Pelatil,Nardris,Augthaol,Augatol,Glamallos," #~ "Anthaing,Aigcatis,Pelthasil,Dulcatil,Dulatol,Dulduring,Alalil,Peldrus," #~ "Gomdursil,Nardras,Peldril,Gomcatlos,Gomalis,Glamthaus,Duldurus,Dulcating," #~ "Anatol,Augdrsil,Analsil,Trithdrus,Augaithus,Trithaithsol,Aigcatus," #~ "Augaling,Alating,Glamatil,Anaithus,Gomatis,Augdris,Pelaithing,Augaithing," #~ "Gomdursol,Naraithus,Trithatsol,Ancatil,Glamaithil,Augdurus,Gomalus," #~ "Aigduras,Nardrol,Nardurol,Pelalil,Gomalil,Aigatis,Analil,Dulthaus," #~ "Gomaithil,Alduras,Trithduril,Ancatol,Alduras,Pelduril,Narcatsol,Pelating," #~ "Dulcatsil,Augatol,Glamthasil,Gomthasol,Naraithsil,Alatsil,Dulcatol," #~ "Gomthalos,Aigaling,Aigcatas,Pelalus,Augcatsil,Trithatas,Aigthais," #~ "Gomaithas,Alcatsil,Ancatus,Pelatis,Ancatas,Dulating,Gomdras,Naraithsol," #~ "Augcatis,Alaithis,Pelalsol,Duldursil,Pelcating,Dulaling,Gomating," #~ "Aigaithol,Alaithas,Peldras,Triththaing,Augdurol,Augaithas,Augcatsil," #~ "Glamdrlos,Peldurol,Aigdris,Pelaithas,Augcatas,Alalas,Anthaing,Naratlos," #~ "Augdursol,Gomdril,Dulcatlos,Anthasil,Triththasol,Naralus,Pelthaas," #~ "Augcatsil,Anaithis,Andurus,Gomdring,Glamduras,Pelalsil,Augthalos,Augduras," #~ "Pelaling,Gomalis,Augalol,Gomdris,Glamalis,Augdrus,Alatlos,Trithdril," #~ "Augthalos,Glamdril,Aigatlos,Alatas,Pelaithsol,Anthaus,Trithdril,Aldrsol," #~ "Triththail,Glamaithsol,Augduring,Aigthaus,Anaithsil,Pelatus,Naratol," #~ "Glamalsil,Trithcatus,Trithatil,Anallos,Augdras,Trithaithsil,Narduril," #~ "Dulatsol,Naralus,Narcatol,Alcatlos,Trithalol,Dulthasil,Andrus,Pelduring," #~ "Naraithil,Aigatsil,Trithdurlos,Augdursol,Trithaithol,Gomatol,Aigcatas," #~ "Pelcatlos,Glamduris,Anaithas,Peldurus,Glamduris,Naralil,Trithdursil," #~ "Pelthasil,Gomatis,Aldril,Augatol,Anaithus,Anatsol,Trithaithlos,Duldrus," #~ "Narduras,Dulaithlos,Duldris,Dulaithsil,Anthais,Gomduris,Narthalos,Ancatus," #~ "Anduril,Alaithol,Aigalis,Trithaithas,Aigcatil,Trithaithil,Naraithing," #~ "Augatsol,Trithaithol,Dulalsil,Dulthasol,Glamcatas,Glamthaol,Gomaithsol," #~ "Dulaithing,Naratlos,Naraithol,Gomthasol,Ancatas,Aigcatsil,Pelduris," #~ "Trithdrus,Andurus,Trithdring,Glamthaas,Aigcating,Nardrsol,Glamaithol," #~ "Dulaithsol,Althaus,Augduras,Aigaithas,Gomdurlos,Glamalus,Gomdrsil," #~ "Trithdrol,Pelating,Pelatus,Aigdrsol,Trithdurol,Glamaling,Dulduras," #~ "Dulating,Naraithing,Dulalis,Alaithus,Gomdurus,Glamcatus,Trithduring," #~ "Anatis,Anaithsil,Glamduril,Gomdursol,Narcatol,Trithaithis,Naratlos," #~ "Nardring,Aigalol,Althail,Anatas,Anthasol,Aigatus,Dulaithil,Althalos," #~ "Aldring,Glamalil,Anating,Aigdring,Duldril,Andurol,Pelaithsil,Gomdurus," #~ "Gomcatil,Glamthaas,Alalsol,Augdurus,Trithduril,Anthaol,Augalas,Pelcatol," #~ "Nardrsil,Alatil,Glamdrsol,Alaithlos,Pelatsil,Gomdurus,Dulatus,Alalsol," #~ "Glamaling,Dulatus,Alcatil,Aigthaus,Duldril,Pelaithlos,Pelaithis,Dulatil," #~ "Trithalis,Naraithol,Pelating,Augcatol,Gomatis,Andrus,Pelduris,Aigdrsil," #~ "Alatlos,Augdrsil,Anduril,Gomaithol,Glamdursol,Trithaithil,Gomdril," #~ "Glamcatil,Trithdrus,Naralas,Dulatol,Anaithil,Anatol,Augating,Peldursol," #~ "Narcatis,Glamatus,Aigaithas,Aigatas,Trithatlos,Gomatil,Gomthalos,Dulaling," #~ "Aigatsil,Augcatus,Trithaithus,Gomcatlos,Aigaithol,Naratsil,Narthaol," #~ "Narcatol,Augatlos,Pelaithil,Gomaithsol,Augaithsil" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Tinarariand,Elándil,Mebrin,Tinindil,Deléng,Isirion,Pyldur,Caladrielas," #~ "Elebrindel,Unárion,Unadrier,Isorfindir,Urymir,Celóril,Unaril,Horfindel," #~ "Amowyn,Háriand,Beliril,Mylith,Giombor,Fer,Roldur,Cithraldur,Elvaramir," #~ "Sénd,Cylas,Thrilmandel,Rorfindil,Uradrielas,Sénd,Hil-Garion,Fithraril," #~ "Unorfiril,Eäryldur,Eärithrandil,Cithrand,Unálas,Elyrion,Glul,Vebrilas," #~ "Lómorfindil,Hithrandel,Gil-Gang,Hilas,Gil-Gandel,Eowarar,Carang,Lómariand," #~ "Isilmandel,Uril-Gambor,Hénduil,Unaraldur,Galithrariand,Hirion,Anilmambor," #~ "Celadrieriand,Róldur,Eärérion,Calónduil,Anerion,Elvélith,Eliondil," #~ "Lómebrind,Isándir,Eowówyn,Belel,Cáldur,Tadriendir,Vunduil,Belólad,Thrélad," #~ "Isadrieng,Eowil-Garion,Tinyl,Tinun,Lómémbor,Urálith,Celong,Horfilad," #~ "Iselas,Galálad,Norfildor,Thrithran,Unil-Gan,Gloldor,Celarandil,Delánd," #~ "Maldur,Celyndel,Ról,Vandir,Glómir,Unadrieldor,Elvandir,Vebril,Unólith," #~ "Maraldur,Elvilmaril,Isól,Legaran,Farandir,Nél,Glandil,Galalith,Galálas," #~ "Elebrildor,Sóriand,Elvóriand,Pindir,Anán,Amiorion,Amorfimir,Isarandel," #~ "Thril-Gamir,Taraldur,Amundil,Unorfildor,Glararil,Sólad,Fáwyn,Tinarambor," #~ "Tinil-Ganduil,Padrieriand,Ameldor,Gyl,Unebrind,Celebririon,Corfildur," #~ "Canduil,Glámbor,Urul,Elran,Glilmal,Porfildur,Cadrieriand,Delaraldur," #~ "Galelas,Hebril,Varalas,Celér,Nóndel,Eladrieng,Elvorfiriand,Delandel," #~ "Delorfilad,Méng,Lómowyn,Elélas,Unebrin,Anithranduil,Celáriand,Threbring," #~ "Belyrion,Belilmand,Numbor,Vóldur,Tinorfind,Gambor,Thrambor,Táriand," #~ "Eäradriendel,Rówyn,Elvémir,Elvorfiril,Calioriand,Delóldor,Tinóriand," #~ "Eowaraldor,Vel,Galémbor,Elrithralith,Elánd,Fadriendel,Deláril,Fandel," #~ "Cindil,Unalas,Delawyn,Fyrion,Eowylas,Eowithrawyn,Elvombor,Vuldur," #~ "Legorfindil,Unombor,Gadrieng,Amilmandir,Elrioldor,Calil-Gawyn,Eäréldor," #~ "Glólas,Norfindir,Unorfiwyn,Amind,Sóriand,Isóndel,Caliril,Eowaran,Elolas," #~ "Fendel,Tówyn,Hiong,Elvebrindel,Eowar,Vulas,Legémir,Torfildur,Col," #~ "Isorfilad,Elilmaldur,Celuwyn,Gymbor,Hundel,Elen,Isarar,Delán,Thrimir," #~ "Tinilmand,Tinithrar,Elvioldur,Tendel,Harariand,Rithrandil,Garaldor," #~ "Lómarand,Celór,Elvorfimir,Galar,Paraldor,Morfiriand,Celang,Amóldor," #~ "Vararion,Belondel,Hywyn,Legiondel,Elyldor,Eärorfiriand,Glarang,Gor," #~ "Throlas,Gararil,Norfilith,Deliwyn,Nyldur,Vólas,Isér,Eowanduil,Eowiomir," #~ "Belithraldor,Elemir,Amiol,Urálas,Belil-Gandil,Nalith,Thréldur,Gán," #~ "Eowimbor,Padrieril,Anorfing,Rebrir,Anilmariand,Rilmandil,Thryriand," #~ "Isyndel,Celorion,Isóng,Sadrielas,Pór,Thraral,Miolith,Elil-Garil,Vándel," #~ "Cówyn,Unóndel,Uniolith,Legówyn,Vylas,Unulad,Legal,Celelas,Galeldur," #~ "Amendel,Amorfir,Elvilmaldur,Eäránduil,Til-Gan,Nilmar,Eäradrier,Celior," #~ "Sebrin,Pyldur,Urér,Fioril,Anebrin,Hemir,Thrón,Glal,Mondir,Cénduil,Galur," #~ "Glimir,Anior,Tinoldor,Ván,Hilmariand,Lómebrilad,Gyn,Legyn,Vol,Cun," #~ "Lómadrieril,Amadrieriand,Eowémir,Belómir,Elrithranduil,Gumbor,Célad," #~ "Anebrir,Téwyn,Táriand,Géril,Elreldur,Legil-Gal,Eärebrindel,Elvund,Unil," #~ "Pilmalad,Deléng,Tinowyn,Cundir,Gadriendil,Eowariand,Ciong,Morfin," #~ "Nadrieldor,Elrorfir,Hymir,Elvebrind,Urambor,Thrund,Anénduil,Anon," #~ "Elrilmand,Cithraril,Mithrand,Caraldur,Eowóldur,Glior,Elváwyn,Legithralith," #~ "Vólas,Calándel,Caldur,Lómariand,Elebriril,Celundir,Eoworfildor,Celiorion," #~ "Elor,Elváwyn,Lómilmaril,Delilmaldor,Amelad,Tion,Unál,Calebrindel," #~ "Amilmalith,Eäryriand,Unondir,Isuwyn,Elralith,Belilmang,Eowarar,Sil-Gal," #~ "Calil-Gandir,Glon,Deliol,Sebriril,Elémbor,Calebrindir,Celilmalas,Elverion," #~ "Cithrandel,Anémbor,Uradrierion,Ganduil,Parariand,Pumbor,Githral,Galoldur," #~ "Rorfilad,Tinorfiriand,Vondel,Tinimir,Sorfind,Uróldor,Delithrar,Galurion," #~ "Elval,Tinond,Delorion,Taral,Thróng,Madrieril,Isithral,Belarandel,Celendel," #~ "Gladriendil,Lómiriand,Legéril,Nán,Vilith,Belén,Elriolith,Delundil,Anilad," #~ "Celaral,Ameng,Mérion,Eowarion,Tilmalad,Elvil-Garion,Cithralad,Ryn,Tinén," #~ "Elólas,Belandil,Golad,Miomir,Tolas,Urilmalith,Norfindil,Mánduil,Githralad," #~ "Legorfirion,Móndir,Hyrion,Anundil,Tinilmawyn,Legyl,Elradrien,Anil-Gawyn," #~ "Tinandir,Uneldor,Amulas,Válad,Amulas,Celiondir,Thradrieriand,Réndir," #~ "Elvónduil,Urorfildor,Vyldor,Galelith,Caloril,Amáril,Belithrawyn," #~ "Cadriembor,Tilmalas,Thril-Gar,Elálith,Vorfin,Eowebrind,Nil-Galas,Eowambor," #~ "Morfilas,Thrion,Róldor,Filman,Unioril,Forfilas,Galadrieldor,Elorfilad," #~ "Eäraralad,Eäreng,Thril-Gandir,Belán,Gelad,Nil-Galith,Eäromir,Delorfilith," #~ "Tylad,Eliomir,Vebrinduil,Pamir,Amilmaldur,Nil-Gar,Vorfindil,Cándir," #~ "Eäránduil,Galuldur,Calénduil,Corfil,Beliondil,Anol,Amithrarion,Cálad," #~ "Legilad,Linduilas" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tinarariand,Elándil,Mebrin,Tinindil,Deléng,Isirion,Pyldur,Caladrielas," #~ "Elebrindel,Unárion,Unadrier,Isorfindir,Urymir,Celóril,Unaril,Horfindel," #~ "Amowyn,Háriand,Beliril,Mylith,Giombor,Fer,Roldur,Cithraldur,Elvaramir," #~ "Sénd,Cylas,Thrilmandel,Rorfindil,Uradrielas,Sénd,Hil-Garion,Fithraril," #~ "Unorfiril,Eäryldur,Eärithrandil,Cithrand,Unálas,Elyrion,Glul,Vebrilas," #~ "Lómorfindil,Hithrandel,Gil-Gang,Hilas,Gil-Gandel,Eowarar,Carang,Lómariand," #~ "Isilmandel,Uril-Gambor,Hénduil,Unaraldur,Galithrariand,Hirion,Anilmambor," #~ "Celadrieriand,Róldur,Eärérion,Calónduil,Anerion,Elvélith,Eliondil," #~ "Lómebrind,Isándir,Eowówyn,Belel,Cáldur,Tadriendir,Vunduil,Belólad,Thrélad," #~ "Isadrieng,Eowil-Garion,Tinyl,Tinun,Lómémbor,Urálith,Celong,Horfilad," #~ "Iselas,Galálad,Norfildor,Thrithran,Unil-Gan,Gloldor,Celarandil,Delánd," #~ "Maldur,Celyndel,Ról,Vandir,Glómir,Unadrieldor,Elvandir,Vebril,Unólith," #~ "Maraldur,Elvilmaril,Isól,Legaran,Farandir,Nél,Glandil,Galalith,Galálas," #~ "Elebrildor,Sóriand,Elvóriand,Pindir,Anán,Amiorion,Amorfimir,Isarandel," #~ "Thril-Gamir,Taraldur,Amundil,Unorfildor,Glararil,Sólad,Fáwyn,Tinarambor," #~ "Tinil-Ganduil,Padrieriand,Ameldor,Gyl,Unebrind,Celebririon,Corfildur," #~ "Canduil,Glámbor,Urul,Elran,Glilmal,Porfildur,Cadrieriand,Delaraldur," #~ "Galelas,Hebril,Varalas,Celér,Nóndel,Eladrieng,Elvorfiriand,Delandel," #~ "Delorfilad,Méng,Lómowyn,Elélas,Unebrin,Anithranduil,Celáriand,Threbring," #~ "Belyrion,Belilmand,Numbor,Vóldur,Tinorfind,Gambor,Thrambor,Táriand," #~ "Eäradriendel,Rówyn,Elvémir,Elvorfiril,Calioriand,Delóldor,Tinóriand," #~ "Eowaraldor,Vel,Galémbor,Elrithralith,Elánd,Fadriendel,Deláril,Fandel," #~ "Cindil,Unalas,Delawyn,Fyrion,Eowylas,Eowithrawyn,Elvombor,Vuldur," #~ "Legorfindil,Unombor,Gadrieng,Amilmandir,Elrioldor,Calil-Gawyn,Eäréldor," #~ "Glólas,Norfindir,Unorfiwyn,Amind,Sóriand,Isóndel,Caliril,Eowaran,Elolas," #~ "Fendel,Tówyn,Hiong,Elvebrindel,Eowar,Vulas,Legémir,Torfildur,Col," #~ "Isorfilad,Elilmaldur,Celuwyn,Gymbor,Hundel,Elen,Isarar,Delán,Thrimir," #~ "Tinilmand,Tinithrar,Elvioldur,Tendel,Harariand,Rithrandil,Garaldor," #~ "Lómarand,Celór,Elvorfimir,Galar,Paraldor,Morfiriand,Celang,Amóldor," #~ "Vararion,Belondel,Hywyn,Legiondel,Elyldor,Eärorfiriand,Glarang,Gor," #~ "Throlas,Gararil,Norfilith,Deliwyn,Nyldur,Vólas,Isér,Eowanduil,Eowiomir," #~ "Belithraldor,Elemir,Amiol,Urálas,Belil-Gandil,Nalith,Thréldur,Gán," #~ "Eowimbor,Padrieril,Anorfing,Rebrir,Anilmariand,Rilmandil,Thryriand," #~ "Isyndel,Celorion,Isóng,Sadrielas,Pór,Thraral,Miolith,Elil-Garil,Vándel," #~ "Cówyn,Unóndel,Uniolith,Legówyn,Vylas,Unulad,Legal,Celelas,Galeldur," #~ "Amendel,Amorfir,Elvilmaldur,Eäránduil,Til-Gan,Nilmar,Eäradrier,Celior," #~ "Sebrin,Pyldur,Urér,Fioril,Anebrin,Hemir,Thrón,Glal,Mondir,Cénduil,Galur," #~ "Glimir,Anior,Tinoldor,Ván,Hilmariand,Lómebrilad,Gyn,Legyn,Vol,Cun," #~ "Lómadrieril,Amadrieriand,Eowémir,Belómir,Elrithranduil,Gumbor,Célad," #~ "Anebrir,Téwyn,Táriand,Géril,Elreldur,Legil-Gal,Eärebrindel,Elvund,Unil," #~ "Pilmalad,Deléng,Tinowyn,Cundir,Gadriendil,Eowariand,Ciong,Morfin," #~ "Nadrieldor,Elrorfir,Hymir,Elvebrind,Urambor,Thrund,Anénduil,Anon," #~ "Elrilmand,Cithraril,Mithrand,Caraldur,Eowóldur,Glior,Elváwyn,Legithralith," #~ "Vólas,Calándel,Caldur,Lómariand,Elebriril,Celundir,Eoworfildor,Celiorion," #~ "Elor,Elváwyn,Lómilmaril,Delilmaldor,Amelad,Tion,Unál,Calebrindel," #~ "Amilmalith,Eäryriand,Unondir,Isuwyn,Elralith,Belilmang,Eowarar,Sil-Gal," #~ "Calil-Gandir,Glon,Deliol,Sebriril,Elémbor,Calebrindir,Celilmalas,Elverion," #~ "Cithrandel,Anémbor,Uradrierion,Ganduil,Parariand,Pumbor,Githral,Galoldur," #~ "Rorfilad,Tinorfiriand,Vondel,Tinimir,Sorfind,Uróldor,Delithrar,Galurion," #~ "Elval,Tinond,Delorion,Taral,Thróng,Madrieril,Isithral,Belarandel,Celendel," #~ "Gladriendil,Lómiriand,Legéril,Nán,Vilith,Belén,Elriolith,Delundil,Anilad," #~ "Celaral,Ameng,Mérion,Eowarion,Tilmalad,Elvil-Garion,Cithralad,Ryn,Tinén," #~ "Elólas,Belandil,Golad,Miomir,Tolas,Urilmalith,Norfindil,Mánduil,Githralad," #~ "Legorfirion,Móndir,Hyrion,Anundil,Tinilmawyn,Legyl,Elradrien,Anil-Gawyn," #~ "Tinandir,Uneldor,Amulas,Válad,Amulas,Celiondir,Thradrieriand,Réndir," #~ "Elvónduil,Urorfildor,Vyldor,Galelith,Caloril,Amáril,Belithrawyn," #~ "Cadriembor,Tilmalas,Thril-Gar,Elálith,Vorfin,Eowebrind,Nil-Galas,Eowambor," #~ "Morfilas,Thrion,Róldor,Filman,Unioril,Forfilas,Galadrieldor,Elorfilad," #~ "Eäraralad,Eäreng,Thril-Gandir,Belán,Gelad,Nil-Galith,Eäromir,Delorfilith," #~ "Tylad,Eliomir,Vebrinduil,Pamir,Amilmaldur,Nil-Gar,Vorfindil,Cándir," #~ "Eäránduil,Galuldur,Calénduil,Corfil,Beliondil,Anol,Amithrarion,Cálad," #~ "Legilad" #~ msgid "" #~ "Vil-Gandra,Legaraclya,Tináclya,Elvowien,Delydien,Celilith,Tinil-Gawiel," #~ "Niodien,Uniodë,Tinithrathiel,Unorfiwen,Fathien,Urebriclya,Unil-Gadia," #~ "Belaraviel,Vódia,Vadriewen,Legadien,Glithiel,Nowen,Elviondra,Cithrania," #~ "Isithradien,Legithrandra,Tilmaclya,Galadriethien,Rorfiviel,Thryng,Unindra," #~ "Lómeniel,Deliowen,Corfiviel,Eärániel,Eärélia,Feclya,Vorfing,Tinóng,Celith," #~ "Celelith,Sadrienia,Deléthien,Uradriedia,Pulia,Lómuthiel,Elvyniel,Réviel," #~ "Parandra,Galaraniel,Til-Gandra,Isilindë,Belendra,Galorfiwiel,Mil-Gathien," #~ "Lómilindë,Elvithrang,Uránia,Cádë,Eäradriedien,Belarania,Legelith," #~ "Lómythien,Legethiel,Godien,Goclya,Elywen,Githrawiel,Galowen,Glilmawiel," #~ "Fadrielia,Galedien,Miowen,Tinorfilith,Amuwen,Silmathiel,Hódia,Hiwien," #~ "Anilmarith,Sáng,Amionia,Miowiel,Gadrieclya,Celódith,Amorith,Amodë,Thrália," #~ "Fil-Gathiel,Eäréwiel,Delil-Ganiel,Unynia,Belithraniel,Caladrieng," #~ "Eäriolith,Celarandra,Elorfing,Sothien,Amiwen,Deloviel,Celália,Glália," #~ "Anaraclya,Mithradë,Eowylia,Celindë,Legádë,Amiolith,Urilmawiel,Elvil-" #~ "Gawien,Thrulith,Padriedith,Viowiel,Elrithradith,Elvánia,Violindë,Lómániel," #~ "Pong,Mithralindë,Amithrawien,Mil-Gathiel,Celioniel,Uryrith,Soniel," #~ "Lómulindë,Eärilmathien,Hódia,Tithrathien,Tówiel,Glowiel,Aniorith,Uniong," #~ "Tinorfithien,Madrieclya,Sadrierith,Vówien,Reniel,Legil-Galindë,Amewien," #~ "Nithrarith,Vebrithien,Ril-Gawien,Fólindë,Galebrindra,Pilindë,Nithraniel," #~ "Gólia,Medien,Munia,Cithralith,Eärithrang,Throng,Eledë,Cithrawen," #~ "Thrithradia,Calóniel,Elilmalia,Rindra,Eladriedë,Lómebriniel,Ceclya," #~ "Calówien,Hiodë,Calewen,Gebririth,Tinerith,Sarandra,Eowebridith,Eärarawien," #~ "Eluviel,Sendra,Héclya,Sálindë,Fódë,Throlith,Varawiel,Elrithiel," #~ "Celebriniel,Hythien,Myndra,Urithralindë,Calándra,Delorfilindë,Fil-Galia," #~ "Gloviel,Eowidien,Delebrinia,Puthien,Elvádia,Elrilindë,Legadriedë," #~ "Vithraniel,Módia,Lómithradë,Elradrierith,Hythiel,Glilmadien,Thradia," #~ "Vadrierith,Beliolia,Gil-Gawien,Lómuniel,Milindë,Elóndra,Elvyviel," #~ "Glorfilith,Pebridien,Galándra,Fulindë,Galiothiel,Gléndra,Calánia,Eowedith," #~ "Elrebridith,Anuthiel,Gioviel,Mywiel,Tinawiel,Hedia,Amebrilindë,Eärewen," #~ "Isendra,Lómudia,Tiorith,Lómorfing,Anythien,Eowil-Galindë,Thrithraniel," #~ "Amil-Garith,Belowen,Elynia,Elvithrathien,Tinálindë,Helith,Beladriewien," #~ "Fáwien,Lómithrarith,Calorfiniel,Galéwiel,Lómebriclya,Lómolith,Anáthien," #~ "Módë,Hunia,Tinaraniel,Vithrang,Pil-Gadia,Eluviel,Fáthiel,Elarawiel,Unénia," #~ "Sithrang,Celadë,Beladrielith,Elriwen,Meclya,Pádia,Lómóndra,Elvil-Gawien," #~ "Tiniolith,Elelith,Thraraviel,Eowarawien,Giowen,Eärorfiwien,Amarang,Newen," #~ "Náviel,Amithrawien,Caluclya,Galothiel,Paralindë,Celorfing,Elránia," #~ "Mebriwiel,Anebriniel,Tilmaviel,Fadriendra,Unulindë,Haviel,Elilmawien," #~ "Celylia,Thrithrandra,Lómiclya,Féthiel,Celália,Eowalia,Huclya,Horfiwien," #~ "Elrilmathien,Unionia,Gioniel,Elrilmandra,Delararith,Uraclya,Huthien," #~ "Celéng,Isil-Garith,Lómudia,Thrérith,Amadrielindë,Eladrielia,Amuviel," #~ "Legadrieclya,Legilmadith,Belebrindra,Lómódë,Uniolia,Gadrieviel,Galilmadia," #~ "Filmaclya,Naraniel,Calilmalith,Hil-Gania,Anuthien,Elviniel,Elebrindra," #~ "Legadrieniel,Galundra,Anylindë,Celówien,Thridith,Niolia,Falindë,Milith," #~ "Anundra,Lómorith,Delararith,Anywien,Saradith,Galédë,Háwien,Celérith," #~ "Niothien,Elvilmathiel,Hewen,Isóthien,Hóthiel,Celebriviel,Moniel," #~ "Elithradien,Vorficlya,Glebrithien,Golindë,Viwiel,Sethien,Sioclya,Hodia," #~ "Taradien,Fadrienia,Githrania,Calil-Galith,Elréthiel,Legithrania,Calewiel," #~ "Isebridien,Thredien,Tinudia,Tinadriethien,Galithrathien,Mádia,Isadrieng," #~ "Celárith,Isebrinia,Amorfilith,Sédith,Eärudë,Eärenia,Belithrawien,Amil-" #~ "Gadith,Vadrieviel,Lómilmathiel,Tinebrithiel,Eowilindë,Terith,Calang," #~ "Celararith,Glodith,Siorith,Beladriewen,Fioniel,Amulia,Nydith,Lómilmawiel," #~ "Gáviel,Belulindë,Legorfidë,Unáthien,Porfindra,Calithraclya,Celorfiwien," #~ "Analia,Elithraclya,Delóndra,Unóndra,Nilmadia,Riothien,Guviel,Elrorfidia," #~ "Horfinia,Uriolia,Delithrathiel,Legéniel,Calebriwien,Delorfithien,Unebridë," #~ "Legeng,Thrinia,Galolindë,Galyniel,Vorfirith,Syniel,Harawiel,Vorfiwiel," #~ "Porfiwien,Isithrarith,Maraclya,Amadriendra,Gilia,Fadriedith,Amedë," #~ "Celidien,Legolith,Unuviel,Nil-Gang,Celithradith,Pindra,Póviel,Elil-Gang," #~ "Galebrilia,Tathiel,Unadrieng,Isithrawiel,Amadrielia,Nawen,Tang,Cydia," #~ "Silmaclya,Cadriewen,Threbriniel,Urilmadia,Thruthien,Ureclya,Galólia," #~ "Sithrawen,Elródith,Throthiel,Lómedia,Pawen,Legilmawiel,Legebrilia,Urárith," #~ "Unilmadia,Morfilindë,Iseviel,Améthien,Gloclya,Cing,Legithralindë,Isáwen," #~ "Sothiel,Eowiowien,Uruthien,Amadriewen,Vóng,Róng,Eärilmadë,Anówien,Tuniel," #~ "Tarathiel,Lómynia,Celiodë,Pil-Gadien,Belithrawiel,Gathien,Anang,Vorfing," #~ "Tinarathien,Fil-Gawien,Amilmadia,Amithraniel,Cethien,Gloclya,Hyclya," #~ "Isithradë,Legidia,Celálindë,Galil-Gania,Tinil-Gania,Eowyniel,Cólindë," #~ "Belaclya,Narania,Gewen,Elorfithien,Sadrierith,Aning,Tadrierith,Deléthien," #~ "Eowathiel,Iséng,Legondra,Celorfilindë" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vil-Gandra,Legaraclya,Tináclya,Elvowien,Delydien,Celilith,Tinil-Gawiel," #~ "Niodien,Uniodë,Tinithrathiel,Unorfiwen,Fathien,Urebriclya,Unil-Gadia," #~ "Belaraviel,Vódia,Vadriewen,Legadien,Glithiel,Nowen,Elviondra,Cithrania," #~ "Isithradien,Legithrandra,Tilmaclya,Galadriethien,Rorfiviel,Thryng,Unindra," #~ "Lómeniel,Deliowen,Corfiviel,Eärániel,Eärélia,Feclya,Vorfing,Tinóng,Celith," #~ "Celelith,Sadrienia,Deléthien,Uradriedia,Pulia,Lómuthiel,Elvyniel,Réviel," #~ "Parandra,Galaraniel,Til-Gandra,Isilindë,Belendra,Galorfiwiel,Mil-Gathien," #~ "Lómilindë,Elvithrang,Uránia,Cádë,Eäradriedien,Belarania,Legelith," #~ "Lómythien,Legethiel,Godien,Goclya,Elywen,Githrawiel,Galowen,Glilmawiel," #~ "Fadrielia,Galedien,Miowen,Tinorfilith,Amuwen,Silmathiel,Hódia,Hiwien," #~ "Anilmarith,Sáng,Amionia,Miowiel,Gadrieclya,Celódith,Amorith,Amodë,Thrália," #~ "Fil-Gathiel,Eäréwiel,Delil-Ganiel,Unynia,Belithraniel,Caladrieng," #~ "Eäriolith,Celarandra,Elorfing,Sothien,Amiwen,Deloviel,Celália,Glália," #~ "Anaraclya,Mithradë,Eowylia,Celindë,Legádë,Amiolith,Urilmawiel,Elvil-" #~ "Gawien,Thrulith,Padriedith,Viowiel,Elrithradith,Elvánia,Violindë,Lómániel," #~ "Pong,Mithralindë,Amithrawien,Mil-Gathiel,Celioniel,Uryrith,Soniel," #~ "Lómulindë,Eärilmathien,Hódia,Tithrathien,Tówiel,Glowiel,Aniorith,Uniong," #~ "Tinorfithien,Madrieclya,Sadrierith,Vówien,Reniel,Legil-Galindë,Amewien," #~ "Nithrarith,Vebrithien,Ril-Gawien,Fólindë,Galebrindra,Pilindë,Nithraniel," #~ "Gólia,Medien,Munia,Cithralith,Eärithrang,Throng,Eledë,Cithrawen," #~ "Thrithradia,Calóniel,Elilmalia,Rindra,Eladriedë,Lómebriniel,Ceclya," #~ "Calówien,Hiodë,Calewen,Gebririth,Tinerith,Sarandra,Eowebridith,Eärarawien," #~ "Eluviel,Sendra,Héclya,Sálindë,Fódë,Throlith,Varawiel,Elrithiel," #~ "Celebriniel,Hythien,Myndra,Urithralindë,Calándra,Delorfilindë,Fil-Galia," #~ "Gloviel,Eowidien,Delebrinia,Puthien,Elvádia,Elrilindë,Legadriedë," #~ "Vithraniel,Módia,Lómithradë,Elradrierith,Hythiel,Glilmadien,Thradia," #~ "Vadrierith,Beliolia,Gil-Gawien,Lómuniel,Milindë,Elóndra,Elvyviel," #~ "Glorfilith,Pebridien,Galándra,Fulindë,Galiothiel,Gléndra,Calánia,Eowedith," #~ "Elrebridith,Anuthiel,Gioviel,Mywiel,Tinawiel,Hedia,Amebrilindë,Eärewen," #~ "Isendra,Lómudia,Tiorith,Lómorfing,Anythien,Eowil-Galindë,Thrithraniel," #~ "Amil-Garith,Belowen,Elynia,Elvithrathien,Tinálindë,Helith,Beladriewien," #~ "Fáwien,Lómithrarith,Calorfiniel,Galéwiel,Lómebriclya,Lómolith,Anáthien," #~ "Módë,Hunia,Tinaraniel,Vithrang,Pil-Gadia,Eluviel,Fáthiel,Elarawiel,Unénia," #~ "Sithrang,Celadë,Beladrielith,Elriwen,Meclya,Pádia,Lómóndra,Elvil-Gawien," #~ "Tiniolith,Elelith,Thraraviel,Eowarawien,Giowen,Eärorfiwien,Amarang,Newen," #~ "Náviel,Amithrawien,Caluclya,Galothiel,Paralindë,Celorfing,Elránia," #~ "Mebriwiel,Anebriniel,Tilmaviel,Fadriendra,Unulindë,Haviel,Elilmawien," #~ "Celylia,Thrithrandra,Lómiclya,Féthiel,Celália,Eowalia,Huclya,Horfiwien," #~ "Elrilmathien,Unionia,Gioniel,Elrilmandra,Delararith,Uraclya,Huthien," #~ "Celéng,Isil-Garith,Lómudia,Thrérith,Amadrielindë,Eladrielia,Amuviel," #~ "Legadrieclya,Legilmadith,Belebrindra,Lómódë,Uniolia,Gadrieviel,Galilmadia," #~ "Filmaclya,Naraniel,Calilmalith,Hil-Gania,Anuthien,Elviniel,Elebrindra," #~ "Legadrieniel,Galundra,Anylindë,Celówien,Thridith,Niolia,Falindë,Milith," #~ "Anundra,Lómorith,Delararith,Anywien,Saradith,Galédë,Háwien,Celérith," #~ "Niothien,Elvilmathiel,Hewen,Isóthien,Hóthiel,Celebriviel,Moniel," #~ "Elithradien,Vorficlya,Glebrithien,Golindë,Viwiel,Sethien,Sioclya,Hodia," #~ "Taradien,Fadrienia,Githrania,Calil-Galith,Elréthiel,Legithrania,Calewiel," #~ "Isebridien,Thredien,Tinudia,Tinadriethien,Galithrathien,Mádia,Isadrieng," #~ "Celárith,Isebrinia,Amorfilith,Sédith,Eärudë,Eärenia,Belithrawien,Amil-" #~ "Gadith,Vadrieviel,Lómilmathiel,Tinebrithiel,Eowilindë,Terith,Calang," #~ "Celararith,Glodith,Siorith,Beladriewen,Fioniel,Amulia,Nydith,Lómilmawiel," #~ "Gáviel,Belulindë,Legorfidë,Unáthien,Porfindra,Calithraclya,Celorfiwien," #~ "Analia,Elithraclya,Delóndra,Unóndra,Nilmadia,Riothien,Guviel,Elrorfidia," #~ "Horfinia,Uriolia,Delithrathiel,Legéniel,Calebriwien,Delorfithien,Unebridë," #~ "Legeng,Thrinia,Galolindë,Galyniel,Vorfirith,Syniel,Harawiel,Vorfiwiel," #~ "Porfiwien,Isithrarith,Maraclya,Amadriendra,Gilia,Fadriedith,Amedë," #~ "Celidien,Legolith,Unuviel,Nil-Gang,Celithradith,Pindra,Póviel,Elil-Gang," #~ "Galebrilia,Tathiel,Unadrieng,Isithrawiel,Amadrielia,Nawen,Tang,Cydia," #~ "Silmaclya,Cadriewen,Threbriniel,Urilmadia,Thruthien,Ureclya,Galólia," #~ "Sithrawen,Elródith,Throthiel,Lómedia,Pawen,Legilmawiel,Legebrilia,Urárith," #~ "Unilmadia,Morfilindë,Iseviel,Améthien,Gloclya,Cing,Legithralindë,Isáwen," #~ "Sothiel,Eowiowien,Uruthien,Amadriewen,Vóng,Róng,Eärilmadë,Anówien,Tuniel," #~ "Tarathiel,Lómynia,Celiodë,Pil-Gadien,Belithrawiel,Gathien,Anang,Vorfing," #~ "Tinarathien,Fil-Gawien,Amilmadia,Amithraniel,Cethien,Gloclya,Hyclya," #~ "Isithradë,Legidia,Celálindë,Galil-Gania,Tinil-Gania,Eowyniel,Cólindë," #~ "Belaclya,Narania,Gewen,Elorfithien,Sadrierith,Aning,Tadrierith,Deléthien," #~ "Eowathiel,Iséng,Legondra,Celorfilindë" #~ msgid "" #~ "Cunry,Bluran,Marcyn,Addraenvan,Gudd,Aetheollyn,Rhenyc,Gyllyn,Dircyn," #~ "Owaecyn,Blollyn,Glyran,Vygwyn,Yracyn,Rhaecyn,Rheor,Aethagwyn,Vennyn," #~ "Yryrcyn,Glynvan,Ryddry,Saemyr,Dibryn,Owuddry,Gloddyn,Gladoc,Yroddry," #~ "Bladoc,Addreonyc,Rheoran,Tiryn,Glynry,Rhaemyr,Gweddyn,Cemyr,Mimyr," #~ "Caraennyn,Careorraent,Gwor,Cin,Goc,Glydd,Oweomyr,Carraent,Gubryn,Gannyn," #~ "Aethadry,Aethonnyn,Blygwyn,Laellyn,Carudoc,Ladoc,Blercyn,Carocyn,Aetheoc," #~ "Rumyr,Gaercyn,Careogwyn,Caryn,Careddry,Owarcyn,Daeddry,Mubryn,Gwymyr," #~ "Blaedry,Owaryn,Addreddry,Owaryn,Taedoc,Addraecyn,Morcyn,Vugwyn,Rhenry," #~ "Blullyn,Dycyn,Daeddry,Blydd,Seddyn,Teoddyn,Gwaec,Rycyn,Rhobryn,Gwyddry," #~ "Tudoc,Roddyn,Oweran,Ceoddyn,Blubryn,Glonry,Sedry,Owecyn,Blydd,Owinyc," #~ "Gwuran,Yryllyn,Tunvan,Gwan,Carac,Cebryn,Murcyn,Ronry,Geodry,Midry," #~ "Gweogwyn,Aethec,Blinvan,Rhyrraent,Aethaeryn,Seoddry,Caradoc,Aethenvan," #~ "Sanyc,Aethaec,Gwumyr,Teorcyn,Lenvan,Rabryn,Yrynyc,Murcyn,Mydoc,Yrannyn," #~ "Rhobryn,Oworraent,Owac,Vuddyn,Gwellyn,Glaercyn,Yregwyn,Oweorcyn,Addrenyc," #~ "Rhaedoc,Carocyn,Rhonvan,Owercyn,Dadd,Corcyn,Addrocyn,Yreryn,Tinry,Rharcyn," #~ "Rar,Addroryn,Tabryn,Blinvan,Addrunvan,Derraent,Leogwyn,Virraent,Gwudoc," #~ "Lercyn,Glarraent,Caren,Liryn,Gwegwyn,Ligwyn,Gwybryn,Lin,Veoddyn,Owodd," #~ "Cariddry,Glonvan,Gymyr,Aethuc,Careonvan,Aethudry,Addreoddyn,Gweocyn,Vonry," #~ "Rhygwyn,Rhyrcyn,Rhur,Deonyc,Veocyn,Siryn,Teobryn,Yraec,Gweodry,Caroran," #~ "Caraedry,Vaennyn,Moddry,Vaeddyn,Caredd,Siddry,Aethacyn,Rheorraent,Rhubryn," #~ "Addrurcyn,Sodry,Rhunyc,Gweodd,Reoddyn,Vinyc,Glydoc,Sodd,Dyddyn,Dinnyn," #~ "Ruddry,Addraryn,Gwollyn,Rurcyn,Glinry,Blyr,Aetharcyn,Blybryn,Addraercyn," #~ "Cararyn,Carygwyn,Menvan,Caric,Turraent,Oworcyn,Gwennyn,Meorraent,Ludoc," #~ "Aethoddyn,Glyc,Oworan,Simyr,Aethugwyn,Gwynnyn,Glunry,Cynyc,Addregwyn," #~ "Maddyn,Gecyn,Deollyn,Gwidoc,Meon,Goc,Sudd,Yredd,Addredry,Caeran,Vobryn," #~ "Saellyn,Surcyn,Taercyn,Labryn,Yran,Ceomyr,Caroddyn,Deodd,Glunvan,Gwoddyn," #~ "Addrocyn,Aethydry,Carygwyn,Aethynyc,Aetheorcyn,Taec,Rocyn,Laellyn,Tinvan," #~ "Owaedry,Teor,Ceonnyn,Rynry,Lunnyn,Myn,Rynnyn,Dac,Owaddyn,Vyc,Bliddry,Gur," #~ "Gwumyr,Owinvan,Maennyn,Veogwyn,Blenvan,Owur,Curyn,Gleoddyn,Aethec," #~ "Aethanry,Lec,Blanry,Vaddyn,Modd,Gaddry,Yrinvan,Blidd,Rheran,Veomyr,Owadd," #~ "Saran,Gullyn,Owollyn,Aethiddry,Gloddry,Carullyn,Secyn,Manyc,Romyr,Vinvan," #~ "Careoryn,Gegwyn,Gleddry,Tennyn,Manry,Syran,Gor,Ceoddry,Aethobryn,Yrunvan," #~ "Yraryn,Oweor,Daellyn,Mec,Lannyn,Owyran,Lemyr,Rhaedoc,Yrullyn,Syryn,Bludry," #~ "Bledoc,Caregwyn,Tuddry,Careobryn,Addrenyc,Aethellyn,Veodry,Meonnyn," #~ "Myrraent,Addraer,Aethun,Coc,Sarraent,Rheollyn,Reodry,Blucyn,Caedry,Mudoc," #~ "Sydd,Carygwyn,Cadry,Gwucyn,Ten,Ron,Lan,Owoddry,Owugwyn,Tarcyn,Owuddyn," #~ "Rhenvan,Tanry,Aetheonyc,Caraddry,Blaec,Yrunnyn,Glircyn,Aetherraent," #~ "Rheoddyn,Cennyn,Ginvan,Gweoran,Gumyr,Blymyr,Rygwyn,Gagwyn,Addrynvan," #~ "Rherraent,Yrymyr,Laran,Rubryn,Ceoc,Gwodd,Gwadoc,Gwenyc,Corcyn,Gaebryn," #~ "Gwydoc,Yrumyr,Caregwyn,Rheollyn,Rhollyn,Gliddyn,Owedry,Aethercyn,Caryn," #~ "Saec,Vogwyn,Lorraent,Mygwyn,Cac,Mac,Tarcyn,Tenvan,Ronry,Gwaec,Seorcyn," #~ "Soran,Luddry,Addreran,Yranvan,Gwidoc,Ceonry,Glacyn,Varcyn,Vyrcyn,Terraent," #~ "Blillyn,Run,Ligwyn,Rhyllyn,Sercyn,Denvan,Convan,Owogwyn,Gar,Glumyr,Rheodd," #~ "Cicyn,Blac,Daedoc,Gweodoc,Addreorcyn,Caercyn,Rhynyc,Lunnyn,Dadoc,Sellyn," #~ "Aethaeran,Gydoc,Sodry,Tyddyn,Rhaerraent,Gan,Lunvan,Saercyn,Gaedry,Rhodry," #~ "Taenvan,Radd,Caror,Monry,Mugwyn,Meollyn,Glun,Moran,Rybryn,Aethibryn,Gwaec," #~ "Addryllyn,Caebryn,Cinry,Ranvan,Blemyr,Addriddyn,Rhugwyn,Gwycyn,Blebryn," #~ "Yranvan,Teddyn,Vaedry,Addreoddry,Taedd,Cyryn,Yrirraent,Aethercyn,Middry," #~ "Lurraent,Bleollyn,Aethircyn,Ven,Modd,Ceoryn,Carercyn,Lonnyn,Car,Taemyr," #~ "Owidry,Geddyn,Aethunry,Yreddyn,Addribryn,Suc,Gleran,Addredry,Cubryn," #~ "Veocyn,Caryn,Demyr,Tudd,Romyr,Lenvan,Glillyn,Sennyn,Rhanry,Blennyn," #~ "Gwaeddyn,Saenvan,Todd,Tegwyn" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Cunry,Bluran,Marcyn,Addraenvan,Gudd,Aetheollyn,Rhenyc,Gyllyn,Dircyn," #~ "Owaecyn,Blollyn,Glyran,Vygwyn,Yracyn,Rhaecyn,Rheor,Aethagwyn,Vennyn," #~ "Yryrcyn,Glynvan,Ryddry,Saemyr,Dibryn,Owuddry,Gloddyn,Gladoc,Yroddry," #~ "Bladoc,Addreonyc,Rheoran,Tiryn,Glynry,Rhaemyr,Gweddyn,Cemyr,Mimyr," #~ "Caraennyn,Careorraent,Gwor,Cin,Goc,Glydd,Oweomyr,Carraent,Gubryn,Gannyn," #~ "Aethadry,Aethonnyn,Blygwyn,Laellyn,Carudoc,Ladoc,Blercyn,Carocyn,Aetheoc," #~ "Rumyr,Gaercyn,Careogwyn,Caryn,Careddry,Owarcyn,Daeddry,Mubryn,Gwymyr," #~ "Blaedry,Owaryn,Addreddry,Owaryn,Taedoc,Addraecyn,Morcyn,Vugwyn,Rhenry," #~ "Blullyn,Dycyn,Daeddry,Blydd,Seddyn,Teoddyn,Gwaec,Rycyn,Rhobryn,Gwyddry," #~ "Tudoc,Roddyn,Oweran,Ceoddyn,Blubryn,Glonry,Sedry,Owecyn,Blydd,Owinyc," #~ "Gwuran,Yryllyn,Tunvan,Gwan,Carac,Cebryn,Murcyn,Ronry,Geodry,Midry," #~ "Gweogwyn,Aethec,Blinvan,Rhyrraent,Aethaeryn,Seoddry,Caradoc,Aethenvan," #~ "Sanyc,Aethaec,Gwumyr,Teorcyn,Lenvan,Rabryn,Yrynyc,Murcyn,Mydoc,Yrannyn," #~ "Rhobryn,Oworraent,Owac,Vuddyn,Gwellyn,Glaercyn,Yregwyn,Oweorcyn,Addrenyc," #~ "Rhaedoc,Carocyn,Rhonvan,Owercyn,Dadd,Corcyn,Addrocyn,Yreryn,Tinry,Rharcyn," #~ "Rar,Addroryn,Tabryn,Blinvan,Addrunvan,Derraent,Leogwyn,Virraent,Gwudoc," #~ "Lercyn,Glarraent,Caren,Liryn,Gwegwyn,Ligwyn,Gwybryn,Lin,Veoddyn,Owodd," #~ "Cariddry,Glonvan,Gymyr,Aethuc,Careonvan,Aethudry,Addreoddyn,Gweocyn,Vonry," #~ "Rhygwyn,Rhyrcyn,Rhur,Deonyc,Veocyn,Siryn,Teobryn,Yraec,Gweodry,Caroran," #~ "Caraedry,Vaennyn,Moddry,Vaeddyn,Caredd,Siddry,Aethacyn,Rheorraent,Rhubryn," #~ "Addrurcyn,Sodry,Rhunyc,Gweodd,Reoddyn,Vinyc,Glydoc,Sodd,Dyddyn,Dinnyn," #~ "Ruddry,Addraryn,Gwollyn,Rurcyn,Glinry,Blyr,Aetharcyn,Blybryn,Addraercyn," #~ "Cararyn,Carygwyn,Menvan,Caric,Turraent,Oworcyn,Gwennyn,Meorraent,Ludoc," #~ "Aethoddyn,Glyc,Oworan,Simyr,Aethugwyn,Gwynnyn,Glunry,Cynyc,Addregwyn," #~ "Maddyn,Gecyn,Deollyn,Gwidoc,Meon,Goc,Sudd,Yredd,Addredry,Caeran,Vobryn," #~ "Saellyn,Surcyn,Taercyn,Labryn,Yran,Ceomyr,Caroddyn,Deodd,Glunvan,Gwoddyn," #~ "Addrocyn,Aethydry,Carygwyn,Aethynyc,Aetheorcyn,Taec,Rocyn,Laellyn,Tinvan," #~ "Owaedry,Teor,Ceonnyn,Rynry,Lunnyn,Myn,Rynnyn,Dac,Owaddyn,Vyc,Bliddry,Gur," #~ "Gwumyr,Owinvan,Maennyn,Veogwyn,Blenvan,Owur,Curyn,Gleoddyn,Aethec," #~ "Aethanry,Lec,Blanry,Vaddyn,Modd,Gaddry,Yrinvan,Blidd,Rheran,Veomyr,Owadd," #~ "Saran,Gullyn,Owollyn,Aethiddry,Gloddry,Carullyn,Secyn,Manyc,Romyr,Vinvan," #~ "Careoryn,Gegwyn,Gleddry,Tennyn,Manry,Syran,Gor,Ceoddry,Aethobryn,Yrunvan," #~ "Yraryn,Oweor,Daellyn,Mec,Lannyn,Owyran,Lemyr,Rhaedoc,Yrullyn,Syryn,Bludry," #~ "Bledoc,Caregwyn,Tuddry,Careobryn,Addrenyc,Aethellyn,Veodry,Meonnyn," #~ "Myrraent,Addraer,Aethun,Coc,Sarraent,Rheollyn,Reodry,Blucyn,Caedry,Mudoc," #~ "Sydd,Carygwyn,Cadry,Gwucyn,Ten,Ron,Lan,Owoddry,Owugwyn,Tarcyn,Owuddyn," #~ "Rhenvan,Tanry,Aetheonyc,Caraddry,Blaec,Yrunnyn,Glircyn,Aetherraent," #~ "Rheoddyn,Cennyn,Ginvan,Gweoran,Gumyr,Blymyr,Rygwyn,Gagwyn,Addrynvan," #~ "Rherraent,Yrymyr,Laran,Rubryn,Ceoc,Gwodd,Gwadoc,Gwenyc,Corcyn,Gaebryn," #~ "Gwydoc,Yrumyr,Caregwyn,Rheollyn,Rhollyn,Gliddyn,Owedry,Aethercyn,Caryn," #~ "Saec,Vogwyn,Lorraent,Mygwyn,Cac,Mac,Tarcyn,Tenvan,Ronry,Gwaec,Seorcyn," #~ "Soran,Luddry,Addreran,Yranvan,Gwidoc,Ceonry,Glacyn,Varcyn,Vyrcyn,Terraent," #~ "Blillyn,Run,Ligwyn,Rhyllyn,Sercyn,Denvan,Convan,Owogwyn,Gar,Glumyr,Rheodd," #~ "Cicyn,Blac,Daedoc,Gweodoc,Addreorcyn,Caercyn,Rhynyc,Lunnyn,Dadoc,Sellyn," #~ "Aethaeran,Gydoc,Sodry,Tyddyn,Rhaerraent,Gan,Lunvan,Saercyn,Gaedry,Rhodry," #~ "Taenvan,Radd,Caror,Monry,Mugwyn,Meollyn,Glun,Moran,Rybryn,Aethibryn,Gwaec," #~ "Addryllyn,Caebryn,Cinry,Ranvan,Blemyr,Addriddyn,Rhugwyn,Gwycyn,Blebryn," #~ "Yranvan,Teddyn,Vaedry,Addreoddry,Taedd,Cyryn,Yrirraent,Aethercyn,Middry," #~ "Lurraent,Bleollyn,Aethircyn,Ven,Modd,Ceoryn,Carercyn,Lonnyn,Car,Taemyr," #~ "Owidry,Geddyn,Aethunry,Yreddyn,Addribryn,Suc,Gleran,Addredry,Cubryn," #~ "Veocyn,Caryn,Demyr,Tudd,Romyr,Lenvan,Glillyn,Sennyn,Rhanry,Blennyn," #~ "Gwaeddyn,Saenvan,Todd,Tegwyn" #~ msgid "" #~ "Jongwen,Dullyra,Alena,Nwryan,Elycla,Sulonna,Bruryan,Caengwen,Nwvyan,Lwcla," #~ "Jarka,Rwlla,Alwcla,Breall,Nylyan,Cylyan,Syssa,Jolla,Gwoll,Lynoic,Elwllyra," #~ "Clarka,Clwlla,Cira,Lylla,Elavyan,Meroniver,Lwlla,Reacla,Neallyra,Mudda," #~ "Brirka,Alyryan,Reangwen,Sorka,Nalyan,Ysilyan,Realla,Lyna,Rwllyra,Elyrka," #~ "Nera,Gwwcla,Caella,Gwwvyan,Nuvyan,Sona,Merolla,Nyssa,Sera,Lwryan,Ysell," #~ "Elulonna,Raerka,Saell,Dwnoic,Clissa,Medda,Lessa,Rwllyra,Ledda,Jeabrylla," #~ "Brera,Meanoic,Lelyan,Clobrylla,Brellyra,Nucla,Jalyan,Dydda,Cyvyan,Revyan," #~ "Nyll,Clillyra,Langwen,Jyvyan,Saellyra,Sera,Sara,Rucla,Ryngwen,Cicla," #~ "Lolonna,Lycla,Merydda,Naecla,Aleara,Rwlla,Curyan,Lina,Mylla,Rarka," #~ "Merubrylla,Clwdda,Gwerka,Saessa,Brungwen,Jonoic,Elalonna,Elwlonna,Lidda," #~ "Dyssa,Cassa,Relyan,Gworyan,Dwdda,Alengwen,Lill,Raebrylla,Elwra,Joll," #~ "Brerka,Mengwen,Caevyan,Mwnoic,Nivyan,Merina,Rilonna,Gwangwen,Gwussa," #~ "Lealonna,Cwdda,Jaerka,Jassa,Sassa,Elerka,Elaedda,Sull,Elyngwen,Mwbrylla," #~ "Livyan,Maecla,Cwlonna,Ysodda,Elurka,Clylla,Clilyan,Daenoic,Naell,Brynoic," #~ "Syssa,Nulla,Merebrylla,Breabrylla,Call,Jycla,Dulonna,Gwirka,Dollyra," #~ "Alybrylla,Elaell,Jura,Dalla,Mereangwen,Cinoic,Naell,Ysyrka,Alearka,Jiryan," #~ "Ysonoic,Ysycla,Merilyan,Brorka,Jull,Alwllyra,Cealonna,Gwonoic,Gwobrylla," #~ "Brellyra,Curyan,Moniver,Cleall,Elara,Lylyan,Daelyan,Relyan,Sallyra," #~ "Cleacla,Alalonna,Elealla,Ysyssa,Clacla,Rilyan,Jeniver,Aleaniver,Meraelyan," #~ "Gweacla,Jwll,Elealla,Lirka,Milonna,Lealyan,Messa,Nabrylla,Lollyra,Merona," #~ "Meressa,Bravyan,Elaevyan,Ceryan,Mereaniver,Ysaenoic,Gwaessa,Alearka,Myra," #~ "Nobrylla,Jona,Jyrka,Cyniver,Lulyan,Rerka,Swlla,Nybrylla,Yswniver,Dangwen," #~ "Gwicla,Yseacla,Eleanoic,Mwngwen,Neavyan,Larka,Brealonna,Gwycla,Aluryan," #~ "Meacla,Brona,Jyvyan,Brwra,Coryan,Cudda,Elivyan,Nyryan,Alyra,Alilonna," #~ "Merana,Merylyan,Cydda,Diniver,Merolyan,Myll,Rwlonna,Gweacla,Ysylla," #~ "Alaebrylla,Naebrylla,Clenoic,Daengwen,Reana,Alynoic,Jissa,Myvyan,Brora," #~ "Alaryan,Rengwen,Clavyan,Ryna,Jull,Brollyra,Brobrylla,Ysedda,Alingwen," #~ "Ysell,Jealla,Liryan,Merurka,Elallyra,Clinoic,Ninoic,Merudda,Gwongwen," #~ "Jacla,Nungwen,Clalla,Gwona,Gwaera,Rora,Ninoic,Brycla,Clwvyan,Clurka,Clill," #~ "Merella,Ysylyan,Rwdda,Lelonna,Yselonna,Claella,Clallyra,Dassa,Clealyan," #~ "Merydda,Cibrylla,Deanoic,Claenoic,Rassa,Gwwvyan,Cucla,Lwnoic,Aluniver," #~ "Dwbrylla,Dybrylla,Merissa,Ysealyan,Clydda,Maeniver,Dallyra,Nessa,Gwydda," #~ "Merall,Clill,Clungwen,Ysongwen,Cucla,Jora,Elyniver,Meana,Sallyra,Ysinoic," #~ "Clara,Meradda,Dwra,Nolla,Nera,Merealonna,Clibrylla,Alaeniver,Nonoic,Jacla," #~ "Rara,Cwngwen,Dara,Ysura,Sulonna,Dissa,Clona,Ralonna,Cwvyan,Mulyan,Lungwen," #~ "Mwlyan,Meralonna,Lerka,Noryan,Curyan,Mealyan,Nera,Sylyan,Merivyan,Lwnoic," #~ "Sanoic,Ysanoic,Cyllyra,Ysyrka,Cleanoic,Bronoic,Devyan,Ysaerka,Rwngwen," #~ "Nwllyra,Ysycla,Swngwen,Nyvyan,Cleana,Merylyan,Alwlyan,Lassa,Locla,Meniver," #~ "Laenoic,Mullyra,Judda,Mycla,Brassa,Ysacla,Elacla,Muryan,Clollyra,Ysanoic," #~ "Senoic,Rwngwen,Merwlla,Brera,Saeniver,Deassa,Meranoic,Bronoic,Aleacla," #~ "Mavyan,Alora,Jarka,Elaelonna,Merwryan,Lengwen,Alilonna,Meangwen,Claelyan," #~ "Silonna,Ysealyan,Alora,Revyan,Cera,Merwnoic,Dicla,Laeryan,Alubrylla,Lycla," #~ "Mavyan,Jull,Syllyra,Swlyan,Elaessa,Caena,Cluvyan,Breryan,Laeniver,Jorka," #~ "Raera,Gwedda,Lodda,Brell,Rybrylla,Meanoic,Niryan,Cylla,Bricla,Cudda," #~ "Alabrylla,Nealonna,Alolla,Rirka,Jyniver,Elearka,Jaevyan,Melonna,Alengwen," #~ "Sura,Cissa,Mossa,Norka,Nangwen,Saerka,Elycla,Della,Merallyra,Elyllyra," #~ "Elenoic,Alussa,Elwngwen,Calla,Merina,Jynoic,Ysealonna,Sussa,Sulyan,Mossa," #~ "Dissa,Daedda,Merinoic,Searka,Rella,Sira,Clillyra,Alwna,Lulla,Nulyan," #~ "Jwlyan,Swnoic,Clongwen,Alalla,Siryan,Braedda,Jealla,Gwwna,Gwullyra," #~ "Merengwen,Molyan,Dwna,Lunoic,Brealla,Ruryan,Alabrylla,Deassa,Jovyan," #~ "Subrylla,Breana,Ysura,Alolonna,Nealla,Nessa,Swvyan,Cora,Luryan,Jana," #~ "Meraecla,Jeanoic,Sena,Alolla,Jaena,Julonna" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jongwen,Dullyra,Alena,Nwryan,Elycla,Sulonna,Bruryan,Caengwen,Nwvyan,Lwcla," #~ "Jarka,Rwlla,Alwcla,Breall,Nylyan,Cylyan,Syssa,Jolla,Gwoll,Lynoic,Elwllyra," #~ "Clarka,Clwlla,Cira,Lylla,Elavyan,Meroniver,Lwlla,Reacla,Neallyra,Mudda," #~ "Brirka,Alyryan,Reangwen,Sorka,Nalyan,Ysilyan,Realla,Lyna,Rwllyra,Elyrka," #~ "Nera,Gwwcla,Caella,Gwwvyan,Nuvyan,Sona,Merolla,Nyssa,Sera,Lwryan,Ysell," #~ "Elulonna,Raerka,Saell,Dwnoic,Clissa,Medda,Lessa,Rwllyra,Ledda,Jeabrylla," #~ "Brera,Meanoic,Lelyan,Clobrylla,Brellyra,Nucla,Jalyan,Dydda,Cyvyan,Revyan," #~ "Nyll,Clillyra,Langwen,Jyvyan,Saellyra,Sera,Sara,Rucla,Ryngwen,Cicla," #~ "Lolonna,Lycla,Merydda,Naecla,Aleara,Rwlla,Curyan,Lina,Mylla,Rarka," #~ "Merubrylla,Clwdda,Gwerka,Saessa,Brungwen,Jonoic,Elalonna,Elwlonna,Lidda," #~ "Dyssa,Cassa,Relyan,Gworyan,Dwdda,Alengwen,Lill,Raebrylla,Elwra,Joll," #~ "Brerka,Mengwen,Caevyan,Mwnoic,Nivyan,Merina,Rilonna,Gwangwen,Gwussa," #~ "Lealonna,Cwdda,Jaerka,Jassa,Sassa,Elerka,Elaedda,Sull,Elyngwen,Mwbrylla," #~ "Livyan,Maecla,Cwlonna,Ysodda,Elurka,Clylla,Clilyan,Daenoic,Naell,Brynoic," #~ "Syssa,Nulla,Merebrylla,Breabrylla,Call,Jycla,Dulonna,Gwirka,Dollyra," #~ "Alybrylla,Elaell,Jura,Dalla,Mereangwen,Cinoic,Naell,Ysyrka,Alearka,Jiryan," #~ "Ysonoic,Ysycla,Merilyan,Brorka,Jull,Alwllyra,Cealonna,Gwonoic,Gwobrylla," #~ "Brellyra,Curyan,Moniver,Cleall,Elara,Lylyan,Daelyan,Relyan,Sallyra," #~ "Cleacla,Alalonna,Elealla,Ysyssa,Clacla,Rilyan,Jeniver,Aleaniver,Meraelyan," #~ "Gweacla,Jwll,Elealla,Lirka,Milonna,Lealyan,Messa,Nabrylla,Lollyra,Merona," #~ "Meressa,Bravyan,Elaevyan,Ceryan,Mereaniver,Ysaenoic,Gwaessa,Alearka,Myra," #~ "Nobrylla,Jona,Jyrka,Cyniver,Lulyan,Rerka,Swlla,Nybrylla,Yswniver,Dangwen," #~ "Gwicla,Yseacla,Eleanoic,Mwngwen,Neavyan,Larka,Brealonna,Gwycla,Aluryan," #~ "Meacla,Brona,Jyvyan,Brwra,Coryan,Cudda,Elivyan,Nyryan,Alyra,Alilonna," #~ "Merana,Merylyan,Cydda,Diniver,Merolyan,Myll,Rwlonna,Gweacla,Ysylla," #~ "Alaebrylla,Naebrylla,Clenoic,Daengwen,Reana,Alynoic,Jissa,Myvyan,Brora," #~ "Alaryan,Rengwen,Clavyan,Ryna,Jull,Brollyra,Brobrylla,Ysedda,Alingwen," #~ "Ysell,Jealla,Liryan,Merurka,Elallyra,Clinoic,Ninoic,Merudda,Gwongwen," #~ "Jacla,Nungwen,Clalla,Gwona,Gwaera,Rora,Ninoic,Brycla,Clwvyan,Clurka,Clill," #~ "Merella,Ysylyan,Rwdda,Lelonna,Yselonna,Claella,Clallyra,Dassa,Clealyan," #~ "Merydda,Cibrylla,Deanoic,Claenoic,Rassa,Gwwvyan,Cucla,Lwnoic,Aluniver," #~ "Dwbrylla,Dybrylla,Merissa,Ysealyan,Clydda,Maeniver,Dallyra,Nessa,Gwydda," #~ "Merall,Clill,Clungwen,Ysongwen,Cucla,Jora,Elyniver,Meana,Sallyra,Ysinoic," #~ "Clara,Meradda,Dwra,Nolla,Nera,Merealonna,Clibrylla,Alaeniver,Nonoic,Jacla," #~ "Rara,Cwngwen,Dara,Ysura,Sulonna,Dissa,Clona,Ralonna,Cwvyan,Mulyan,Lungwen," #~ "Mwlyan,Meralonna,Lerka,Noryan,Curyan,Mealyan,Nera,Sylyan,Merivyan,Lwnoic," #~ "Sanoic,Ysanoic,Cyllyra,Ysyrka,Cleanoic,Bronoic,Devyan,Ysaerka,Rwngwen," #~ "Nwllyra,Ysycla,Swngwen,Nyvyan,Cleana,Merylyan,Alwlyan,Lassa,Locla,Meniver," #~ "Laenoic,Mullyra,Judda,Mycla,Brassa,Ysacla,Elacla,Muryan,Clollyra,Ysanoic," #~ "Senoic,Rwngwen,Merwlla,Brera,Saeniver,Deassa,Meranoic,Bronoic,Aleacla," #~ "Mavyan,Alora,Jarka,Elaelonna,Merwryan,Lengwen,Alilonna,Meangwen,Claelyan," #~ "Silonna,Ysealyan,Alora,Revyan,Cera,Merwnoic,Dicla,Laeryan,Alubrylla,Lycla," #~ "Mavyan,Jull,Syllyra,Swlyan,Elaessa,Caena,Cluvyan,Breryan,Laeniver,Jorka," #~ "Raera,Gwedda,Lodda,Brell,Rybrylla,Meanoic,Niryan,Cylla,Bricla,Cudda," #~ "Alabrylla,Nealonna,Alolla,Rirka,Jyniver,Elearka,Jaevyan,Melonna,Alengwen," #~ "Sura,Cissa,Mossa,Norka,Nangwen,Saerka,Elycla,Della,Merallyra,Elyllyra," #~ "Elenoic,Alussa,Elwngwen,Calla,Merina,Jynoic,Ysealonna,Sussa,Sulyan,Mossa," #~ "Dissa,Daedda,Merinoic,Searka,Rella,Sira,Clillyra,Alwna,Lulla,Nulyan," #~ "Jwlyan,Swnoic,Clongwen,Alalla,Siryan,Braedda,Jealla,Gwwna,Gwullyra," #~ "Merengwen,Molyan,Dwna,Lunoic,Brealla,Ruryan,Alabrylla,Deassa,Jovyan," #~ "Subrylla,Breana,Ysura,Alolonna,Nealla,Nessa,Swvyan,Cora,Luryan,Jana," #~ "Meraecla,Jeanoic,Sena,Alolla,Jaena,Julonna" #~ msgid "" #~ "Arix,Kezz,Plaxis,Krex,Trezz,Tarex,Frikes,Klexaz,Kerx,Tirix,Merax,Sprizz," #~ "Satras,Anitraz,Hezzis,Plesix,Presch,Tirax,Tirasch,Saprazz,Irix,Inexis," #~ "Anexir,Vriss,Waks,Fazzis,Sterizz,Krarax,Kersezz,Krinex,Krenarex,Jizz,Hix," #~ "Jezzix,Heffez,Talerez,Krisess,Zedrix,Mexiss,Axiz,Zilrix,Amprixta,Zzalkz," #~ "Flixta,Moxanzz,Bzz'Kza,Flizzil,Tarnix,Xerxix,Xirasz,Xirtras,Xirz,Xirr," #~ "Xartrez,Xirtrez,Kernix,Kertrasz,Kerxenix,Naxisz,Hertrazzir,Hezzir,Hasz," #~ "Hesz,Xasz,Xaztex,Tezzaz,Nix,Xaffrasz,Fizztrax,Zizzasz,Sszasz,Ssizer," #~ "Ssorix,Ssexur,Skrez,Zslap,Pekzs,Kepzs,Zzupde,Venezz,Clezz,Klezyx,Skeezix," #~ "Lixeez,Sklizle,Slizilx,Skalix,Skazix,Laizix,Skeely,Salik,Skandix,Lazki," #~ "Sailik,Salanix,Cleezi,Kaliez,Frizzle,Chamil,Zandler,Sandix" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Arix,Kezz,Plaxis,Krex,Trezz,Tarex,Frikes,Klexaz,Kerx,Tirix,Merax,Sprizz," #~ "Satras,Anitraz,Hezzis,Plesix,Presch,Tirax,Tirasch,Saprazz,Irix,Inexis," #~ "Anexir,Vriss,Waks,Fazzis,Sterizz,Krarax,Kersezz,Krinex,Krenarex,Jizz,Hix," #~ "Jezzix,Heffez,Talerez,Krisess,Zedrix,Mexiss,Axiz,Zilrix,Amprixta,Zzalkz," #~ "Flixta,Moxanzz,Bzz'Kza,Flizzil,Tarnix,Xerxix,Xirasz,Xirtras,Xirz,Xirr," #~ "Xartrez,Xirtrez,Kernix,Kertrasz,Kerxenix,Naxisz,Hertrazzir,Hezzir,Hasz," #~ "Hesz,Xasz,Xaztex,Tezzaz,Nix,Xaffrasz,Fizztrax,Zizzasz,Sszasz,Ssizer," #~ "Ssorix,Ssexur,Skrez,Zslap,Pekzs,Kepzs,Zzupde,Venezz,Clezz,Klezyx,Skeezix," #~ "Lixeez,Sklizle,Slizilx,Skalix,Skazix,Laizix,Skeely,Salik,Skandix,Lazki," #~ "Sailik,Salanix,Cleezi,Kaliez,Frizzle,Chamil,Zandler,Sandix" #~ msgid "" #~ "Neptune,Poseidon,Triton,Oceanus,Nereus,Pontus,Phorcys,Scylla,Thaumas," #~ "Tangaroa,Tangaloa,Kulullu,Nethuns,Proteus,Okeanos,Maui,Ryujin,Njord," #~ "Barinthus,Llyr,Lir,Aigaion,Melicertes,Dylan,Tanaoa,Tikitiki,Alastyn,Apam," #~ "Natat,Vourukasa,Vodnik,Faro,Nun,Habaek,Apsu,Abzu,Absu,Sisiutl,Atlaua," #~ "Atlahua,Jamm,Vizi,Ember,Toniwha,Apalala,Dhakhan,Nechtan,Elcmar,Mimir,Enki," #~ "Makara,Aremata,Rorua,Popoa,Tinirau,Tini,Rau,Kinilau,Sinilau,Tinilau," #~ "Nudimmud,Tagaloa,Labuna,Jin,Laut,Raja,Ikatere,Nuada,Nudd,Ludd" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Neptún,Poseidon,Triton,Oceanus,Nereus,Pontus,Phorcys,Scylla,Thaumas," #~ "Tangaroa,Tangaloa,Kulullu,Nethuns,Proteus,Okeanos,Maui,Ryujin,Njord," #~ "Barinthus,Llyr,Lir,Aigaion,Melicertes,Dylan,Tanaoa,Tikitiki,Alastyn,Apam," #~ "Natat,Vourukasa,Vodnik,Faro,Nun,Habaek,Apsu,Abzu,Absu,Sisiutl,Atlaua," #~ "Atlahua,Jamm,Vizi,Ember,Toniwha,Apalala,Dhakhan,Nechtan,Elcmar,Mimir,Enki," #~ "Makara,Aremata,Rorua,Popoa,Tinirau,Tini,Rau,Kinilau,Sinilau,Tinilau," #~ "Nudimmud,Tagaloa,Labuna,Jin,Laut,Raja,Ikatere,Nuada,Nudd,Ludd" #~ msgid "" #~ "Derceto,Mama Wata,Jengu,Miranda,Lori Lamaris,Ariel,Amphitrite,Atargatis," #~ "Rân,Sedna,Tirgata,Aphrodite,Pelagia,Delphine,Marina,Stella Maris,Miriam," #~ "Thelxiepia,Aglaopheme,Pisinoe,Molpe,Leucosia,Ligia,Parthenope,Himeropa," #~ "Calypso,Electra,Galatea,Ved-Ava,Vete-ema,Veen emo,Vatea,Diktynna" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Derceto,Mama Wata,Jengu,Miranda,Lori Lamaris,Ariel,Amphitrite,Atargatis," #~ "Rân,Sedna,Tirgata,Aphrodite,Pelagia,Delphine,Marina,Stella Maris,Miriam," #~ "Thelxiepia,Aglaopheme,Pisinoe,Molpe,Leucosia,Ligia,Parthenope,Himeropa," #~ "Calypso,Electra,Galatea,Ved-Ava,Vete-ema,Veen emo,Vatea,Diktynna" #~ msgid "" #~ "Xamalia,Brissal,Saxiala,Liabra,Riaa,Griama,Gaxmail,Harxias,Axmailia," #~ "Saxririaa,Vlanissa,Malina,Nildlasi,Xinasia,Xina,Mila,Milbra,Bli,Bliana," #~ "Brassas,Vilaila,Aliasse,Amailis,Haina,Haila,Lamai,Lamaissa,Maissa," #~ "Sassalia,Lilin,Linassa,Inai,Inalai,Issalai,Vissalai,Blai,Blanalai,Grissa," #~ "Grissilai,Sral,Skal,Sla,Sall,Srak,Szak,Psen,Psal,Sek,Snelia,Skepz,Zpsek," #~ "Zsekp,Kzap,Pzakp,Krezkps,Zalsp,Kras,Xabrak,Lexpek,Xnamas,Xopkne,Oxpel," #~ "Huzi,Poniazal,Klez,Zlek,Trixzed" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Xamalia,Brissal,Saxiala,Liabra,Riaa,Griama,Gaxmail,Harxias,Axmailia," #~ "Saxririaa,Vlanissa,Malina,Nildlasi,Xinasia,Xina,Mila,Milbra,Bli,Bliana," #~ "Brassas,Vilaila,Aliasse,Amailis,Haina,Haila,Lamai,Lamaissa,Maissa," #~ "Sassalia,Lilin,Linassa,Inai,Inalai,Issalai,Vissalai,Blai,Blanalai,Grissa," #~ "Grissilai,Sral,Skal,Sla,Sall,Srak,Szak,Psen,Psal,Sek,Snelia,Skepz,Zpsek," #~ "Zsekp,Kzap,Pzakp,Krezkps,Zalsp,Kras,Xabrak,Lexpek,Xnamas,Xopkne,Oxpel," #~ "Huzi,Poniazal,Klez,Zlek,Trixzed" #~ msgid "" #~ "Abraxas,Xamalel,Briss,Saxil,Lobor,Reii,Griam,Gaxmol,Harxos,Axmail," #~ "Saxrireii,Silas,Vlanis,Malinos,Nildloss,Xinas,Mileii,Milbor,Blo,Bress," #~ "Vilail,Aleiss,Amail,Hainoss,Hailoss,Lameii,Lamaiss,Maissol,Sassal,Liness," #~ "Ineii,Inaloss,Issal,Vissal,Bleii,Blanal,Griss,Grissileii,Srell,Skell," #~ "Slell,Soill,Sorkol,Pson,Psell,Sekol,Snol,Skepz,Zpsek,Zsekp,Kzap,Pzakp," #~ "Krezkps,Zalsp,Kras,Xabrak,Lexpek,Xnamos,Xopkon,Oxpeii,Huzel,Poniaz,Klezel," #~ "Zlek,Trixoz" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Abraxas,Xamalel,Briss,Saxil,Lobor,Reii,Griam,Gaxmol,Harxos,Axmail," #~ "Saxrireii,Silas,Vlanis,Malinos,Nildloss,Xinas,Mileii,Milbor,Blo,Bress," #~ "Vilail,Aleiss,Amail,Hainoss,Hailoss,Lameii,Lamaiss,Maissol,Sassal,Liness," #~ "Ineii,Inaloss,Issal,Vissal,Bleii,Blanal,Griss,Grissileii,Srell,Skell," #~ "Slell,Soill,Sorkol,Pson,Psell,Sekol,Snol,Skepz,Zpsek,Zsekp,Kzap,Pzakp," #~ "Krezkps,Zalsp,Kras,Xabrak,Lexpek,Xnamos,Xopkon,Oxpeii,Huzel,Poniaz,Klezel," #~ "Zlek,Trixoz" #~ msgid "" #~ "Blokkar,Merknik,Akoark,Delkkak,Kalknix,Akzalk,Corkkar,Reknak,Krukrak," #~ "Markaak,Kelkrar,Kilkrar,Grak,Nargak,Kargnak,Korgnak,Gnukk,Kuknuk,Kurkur," #~ "Kingrok,Takolak,Kolk,Kork,Kirk,Karak,Kurmak,Markuk,Kerta,Trabuk,Bukkak," #~ "Borkuk,Orkut,Trakkon,Makron,Kokkan,Akort,Urkark,Klud,Olk,Garkuk,Komak," #~ "Kramak,Goruk,Krog,Krumuk,Karterak,Arkarm,Bulruk,Barkuk,Karbuk,Kork,Gurk," #~ "Koruck,Gurm,Kayrak,Urkar" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Blokkar,Merknik,Akoark,Delkkak,Kalknix,Akzalk,Corkkar,Reknak,Krukrak," #~ "Markaak,Kelkrar,Kilkrar,Grak,Nargak,Kargnak,Korgnak,Gnukk,Kuknuk,Kurkur," #~ "Kingrok,Takolak,Kolk,Kork,Kirk,Karak,Kurmak,Markuk,Kerta,Trabuk,Bukkak," #~ "Borkuk,Orkut,Trakkon,Makron,Kokkan,Akort,Urkark,Klud,Olk,Garkuk,Komak," #~ "Kramak,Goruk,Krog,Krumuk,Karterak,Arkarm,Bulruk,Barkuk,Karbuk,Kork,Gurk," #~ "Koruck,Gurm,Kayrak,Urkar" #~ msgid "" #~ "Erang,Bugdish,Eradash,Vrigor,Gruol,Gugdush,Gort,Grunk,Rurag,Poshnak," #~ "Goshnak,Rarbag,Prirbag,Biol,Vridish,Erok,Grurt,Vrorg,Grirk,Rodush,Pruk," #~ "Hunk,Goshnak,Bogor,Varbag,Hort,Graol,Gork,Vrugdush,Gagor,Gadash,Prong," #~ "Prodush,Pidush,Grorag,Grolg,Pung,Hurbag,Bink,Grort,Erugar,Vilo,Pagor,Vak," #~ "Prarg,Hurag,Eragdush,Gulg,Pragdush,Grugdush,Erirg,Gridush,Hulo,Vrogar," #~ "Eronk,Erulo,Rok,Prurk,Prurg,Grulo,Prirg,Prugar,Bogar,Prudish,Prunk," #~ "Groshnak,Eronk,Prilg,Erik,Rodush,Vulo,Pork,Prilo,Horbag,Bong,Prarag,Vourk," #~ "Vrik,Boshnak,Prong,Rugdish,Erulo,Palo,Vrik,Hak,Vrurg,Gurbag,Vrang,Pilg," #~ "Bogdush,Erurag,Vadush,Eruurk,Vank,Ruk,Vrogor,Vrurg,Bagar,Vink,Prinak," #~ "Vraurk,Prarbag,Hidush,Ruol,Grugdish,Prodash,Gridish,Pulo,Bik,Rinak,Halg," #~ "Erudish,Pirbag,Gank,Galo,Burk,Hunk,Bagdish,Pink,Bort,Gridash,Valo,Eruol," #~ "Radash,Erarg,Vigor,Vudish,Vak,Grirg,Groshnak,Pronak,Punk,Grigar,Prolg," #~ "Pigdush,Ging,Vong,Hulg,Bashnak,Vork,Ruol,Vogdish,Rinak,Gagar,Borg,Virt," #~ "Bunak,Hushnak,Ganak,Barbag,Vralo,Hidash,Vrirt,Gurt,Erarag,Rugar,Pridish," #~ "Prugdish,Eruol,Vriurk,Grudash,Vurg,Eriol,Bok,Granak,Vrodish,Hoshnak," #~ "Grogdish,Bork,Hushnak,Hagdush,Parag,Eriurk,Vuk,Rirg,Rok,Bolg,Vrishnak," #~ "Vilo,Vragar,Budush,Gruk,Bidish,Praurk,Gunak,Hinak,Hak,Grork,Grong," #~ "Erogdish,Rolo,Vadash,Pulg,Vilg,Vrodash,Vurg,Gink,Grilg,Birt,Biol,Vrudish," #~ "Hagor,Vragdush,Vogor,Vulg,Erong,Rashnak,Garag,Grink,Vogdish,Badush,Rodish," #~ "Gradash,Erart,Purbag,Pralo,Grigar,Badush,Priurk,Rink,Puurk,Vonak,Eradish," #~ "Vridash,Podush,Pruurk,Pronk,Hiol,Gushnak,Gugdish,Hashnak,Eragor,Rarbag," #~ "Gagdush,Granak,Budush,Vilg,Hort,Pulg,Gaol,Podash,Punak,Gogdush,Porg," #~ "Pogdish,Prigar,Gushnak,Prarbag,Gagar,Bogor,Gogdish,Eranak,Gralo,Palg," #~ "Virag,Grishnak,Rank,Hing,Grak,Pirbag,Prarag,Virag,Hink,Buk,Burg,Prodish," #~ "Prashnak,Ragar,Purag,Bugdish,Vigdish,Grogdish,Huol,Hank,Gruurk,Rak,Rudash," #~ "Ginak,Huol,Erigdush,Vraurk,Prool,Pragor,Grirag,Vishnak,Grorg,Eronk,Vraurk," #~ "Erishnak,Erunk,Bilo,Hodush,Vrork,Eriurk,Vrarbag,Hagar,Vorg,Pidush,Pigdish," #~ "Bidush,Prashnak,Virag,Bunk,Vrurg,Hong,Rik,Hirg,Rushnak,Gink,Hadish,Vilo," #~ "Vrork,Rak,Huk,Ronak,Vrulg,Vilg,Rogdish,Prodash,Erirt,Gragar,Gigor,Burag," #~ "Priol,Rodush,Rirg,Vruurk,Barag,Podish,Vunak,Hork,Grilg,Bogdish,Vadash," #~ "Raurk,Puurk,Rark,Ronak,Grogar,Hashnak,Bink,Grodish,Hidish,Bagar,Erinak," #~ "Vrugdush,Rarag,Eragdish,Hirag,Vrolo,Hogor,Erirbag,Vruol,Gulg,Pralo,Hogar," #~ "Hadush,Budush,Hadash,Gigor,Goshnak,Hugor,Hudash,Biol,Vrurg,Pradish,Pralg," #~ "Bilg,Vrart,Prunak,Prigdish,Vrung,Vrugdush,Grudash,Ging,Puk,Graol,Prigor," #~ "Buurk,Pagdish,Hirg,Prang,Eragor,Gralg,Prart,Vrolo,Prark,Pashnak,Pradish," #~ "Vilg,Pulo,Gunak,Paol,Gridash,Erirag,Bart,Burag,Vrinak,Vushnak,Prilo," #~ "Vragor,Rigor,Bung,Prourk,Vrork,Burg,Erugdush,Bogdish,Prurg,Prigor,Binak," #~ "Vadish,Grilo,Ruol,Vrodish,Pinak,Pradish,Eragor,Higdush,Parag,Pink,Vrong," #~ "Port,Bok,Porbag,Grilo,Bung,Grugar,Rak,Gulo,Grork,Bik,Grodish,Polg,Pung," #~ "Grarbag,Vurg,Vurbag,Pung,Prolo,Voshnak,Ruk,Vigdish,Vradash,Vrarg,Gong," #~ "Gragor,Varbag,Erogdush,Erorbag,Bidish,Prirt,Hadush,Rirk,Vrurt,Hing,Gronk," #~ "Rung,Girt,Gronk,Vigar,Prugar,Raol,Eronk,Hurk,Purg,Hilg,Vrudish,Grurk," #~ "Gigor,Grurg,Polg,Erurag,Erudush,Vadush,Vrulg,Varag,Huurk,Vadush,Grok,Rank," #~ "Bashnak,Praol,Vrarg,Grigor,Hank,Hool,Rang,Grolg,Hudish,Gashnak,Ragdish," #~ "Pidush,Pulg,Vring,Vurag,Vrurg,Rilg,Pigdush,Hagor" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Erang,Bugdish,Eradash,Vrigor,Gruol,Gugdush,Gort,Grunk,Rurag,Poshnak," #~ "Goshnak,Rarbag,Prirbag,Biol,Vridish,Erok,Grurt,Vrorg,Grirk,Rodush,Pruk," #~ "Hunk,Goshnak,Bogor,Varbag,Hort,Graol,Gork,Vrugdush,Gagor,Gadash,Prong," #~ "Prodush,Pidush,Grorag,Grolg,Pung,Hurbag,Bink,Grort,Erugar,Vilo,Pagor,Vak," #~ "Prarg,Hurag,Eragdush,Gulg,Pragdush,Grugdush,Erirg,Gridush,Hulo,Vrogar," #~ "Eronk,Erulo,Rok,Prurk,Prurg,Grulo,Prirg,Prugar,Bogar,Prudish,Prunk," #~ "Groshnak,Eronk,Prilg,Erik,Rodush,Vulo,Pork,Prilo,Horbag,Bong,Prarag,Vourk," #~ "Vrik,Boshnak,Prong,Rugdish,Erulo,Palo,Vrik,Hak,Vrurg,Gurbag,Vrang,Pilg," #~ "Bogdush,Erurag,Vadush,Eruurk,Vank,Ruk,Vrogor,Vrurg,Bagar,Vink,Prinak," #~ "Vraurk,Prarbag,Hidush,Ruol,Grugdish,Prodash,Gridish,Pulo,Bik,Rinak,Halg," #~ "Erudish,Pirbag,Gank,Galo,Burk,Hunk,Bagdish,Pink,Bort,Gridash,Valo,Eruol," #~ "Radash,Erarg,Vigor,Vudish,Vak,Grirg,Groshnak,Pronak,Punk,Grigar,Prolg," #~ "Pigdush,Ging,Vong,Hulg,Bashnak,Vork,Ruol,Vogdish,Rinak,Gagar,Borg,Virt," #~ "Bunak,Hushnak,Ganak,Barbag,Vralo,Hidash,Vrirt,Gurt,Erarag,Rugar,Pridish," #~ "Prugdish,Eruol,Vriurk,Grudash,Vurg,Eriol,Bok,Granak,Vrodish,Hoshnak," #~ "Grogdish,Bork,Hushnak,Hagdush,Parag,Eriurk,Vuk,Rirg,Rok,Bolg,Vrishnak," #~ "Vilo,Vragar,Budush,Gruk,Bidish,Praurk,Gunak,Hinak,Hak,Grork,Grong," #~ "Erogdish,Rolo,Vadash,Pulg,Vilg,Vrodash,Vurg,Gink,Grilg,Birt,Biol,Vrudish," #~ "Hagor,Vragdush,Vogor,Vulg,Erong,Rashnak,Garag,Grink,Vogdish,Badush,Rodish," #~ "Gradash,Erart,Purbag,Pralo,Grigar,Badush,Priurk,Rink,Puurk,Vonak,Eradish," #~ "Vridash,Podush,Pruurk,Pronk,Hiol,Gushnak,Gugdish,Hashnak,Eragor,Rarbag," #~ "Gagdush,Granak,Budush,Vilg,Hort,Pulg,Gaol,Podash,Punak,Gogdush,Porg," #~ "Pogdish,Prigar,Gushnak,Prarbag,Gagar,Bogor,Gogdish,Eranak,Gralo,Palg," #~ "Virag,Grishnak,Rank,Hing,Grak,Pirbag,Prarag,Virag,Hink,Buk,Burg,Prodish," #~ "Prashnak,Ragar,Purag,Bugdish,Vigdish,Grogdish,Huol,Hank,Gruurk,Rak,Rudash," #~ "Ginak,Huol,Erigdush,Vraurk,Prool,Pragor,Grirag,Vishnak,Grorg,Eronk,Vraurk," #~ "Erishnak,Erunk,Bilo,Hodush,Vrork,Eriurk,Vrarbag,Hagar,Vorg,Pidush,Pigdish," #~ "Bidush,Prashnak,Virag,Bunk,Vrurg,Hong,Rik,Hirg,Rushnak,Gink,Hadish,Vilo," #~ "Vrork,Rak,Huk,Ronak,Vrulg,Vilg,Rogdish,Prodash,Erirt,Gragar,Gigor,Burag," #~ "Priol,Rodush,Rirg,Vruurk,Barag,Podish,Vunak,Hork,Grilg,Bogdish,Vadash," #~ "Raurk,Puurk,Rark,Ronak,Grogar,Hashnak,Bink,Grodish,Hidish,Bagar,Erinak," #~ "Vrugdush,Rarag,Eragdish,Hirag,Vrolo,Hogor,Erirbag,Vruol,Gulg,Pralo,Hogar," #~ "Hadush,Budush,Hadash,Gigor,Goshnak,Hugor,Hudash,Biol,Vrurg,Pradish,Pralg," #~ "Bilg,Vrart,Prunak,Prigdish,Vrung,Vrugdush,Grudash,Ging,Puk,Graol,Prigor," #~ "Buurk,Pagdish,Hirg,Prang,Eragor,Gralg,Prart,Vrolo,Prark,Pashnak,Pradish," #~ "Vilg,Pulo,Gunak,Paol,Gridash,Erirag,Bart,Burag,Vrinak,Vushnak,Prilo," #~ "Vragor,Rigor,Bung,Prourk,Vrork,Burg,Erugdush,Bogdish,Prurg,Prigor,Binak," #~ "Vadish,Grilo,Ruol,Vrodish,Pinak,Pradish,Eragor,Higdush,Parag,Pink,Vrong," #~ "Port,Bok,Porbag,Grilo,Bung,Grugar,Rak,Gulo,Grork,Bik,Grodish,Polg,Pung," #~ "Grarbag,Vurg,Vurbag,Pung,Prolo,Voshnak,Ruk,Vigdish,Vradash,Vrarg,Gong," #~ "Gragor,Varbag,Erogdush,Erorbag,Bidish,Prirt,Hadush,Rirk,Vrurt,Hing,Gronk," #~ "Rung,Girt,Gronk,Vigar,Prugar,Raol,Eronk,Hurk,Purg,Hilg,Vrudish,Grurk," #~ "Gigor,Grurg,Polg,Erurag,Erudush,Vadush,Vrulg,Varag,Huurk,Vadush,Grok,Rank," #~ "Bashnak,Praol,Vrarg,Grigor,Hank,Hool,Rang,Grolg,Hudish,Gashnak,Ragdish," #~ "Pidush,Pulg,Vring,Vurag,Vrurg,Rilg,Pigdush,Hagor" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Krak,Gark,Trok,Nuk Kar,Kak,Hak,Tuh,Thur,Ruk,Dak,Thruf,Frok,Kuh,Tuk Ruh," #~ "Grar,Shuf,Stuh,Hoth,Nak,Urk,Lok,Hu Kah,Luk,Hask,Gulk,Thog,Urg,Torg,Targ," #~ "Borb,Ugg,Sark,Drog,Gah,Rok,Reck,Shak,Brag,Krug,Brok,Grokk,Brag Goh,Zog," #~ "Hug Bah,Kub,Tohg,Agh,Zog,Tsok,Vak,Zuug,Pag,Bog Äh,Üh,Äg,Ga,Gnarf,Grumph," #~ "Urgh" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Gark,Trok,Nuk Kar,Ka,Hak,Tuh,Thur,Ruk,Dak,Thruf,Frok,Kuh,Tuk Ruh,Grar," #~ "Shuf,Stuh,Hoth,Nak,Urk,Lok,Hu Kah,Luk,Hask,Gulk,Thog,Urg,Torg,Targ,Borb," #~ "Ugg,Sark,Drog,Gah,Rok,Reck,Shak,Brag,Krug,Brok,Grokk,Brag Goh,Zog,Hug Bah," #~ "Kub,Tohg,Agh,Zof Tä,Tso,Va,Zuug,Pag,Bog Äh,Üh,Äg,Ga,Gnarf,Grumph,Urgh" #~ msgid "" #~ "Buomdumdenlol,Muldondindal,Lolmandindel,Danmonlulbam,Nunmaldildun," #~ "Dolmannumbil,Nanmildaldum,Wonrunmaldin,Bolwuldelman,Landunwonbam," #~ "Munnamdulbon,Monlamwimdan,Dulwulmendom,Delmduelmdelom,Mundionalafla," #~ "Laffalialomdium,Rithramcamhan,Bregalad,Orofarnië,Lassemista,Carnimirië," #~ "Tumtonnongatum,Tumtentantarun,Tantondernintan,Bombempomgontor," #~ "Pomtamkomtrobum,Brommantendronnor,Dammantongonnur,Brumennarunom," #~ "Dumdumdumatum,Tumtumgamtomtom,Tondenkontenkon,Bumbadadabum,Dabumdabumtam," #~ "Bomtanbomkenton,Bomtanbomtonum,Brumbendublun,Brenbasnudnem,Temtunnongetem," #~ "Debundbemun,Diblembumnde,Bremdebubde,Pambedrumne,Drongnoblemdu," #~ "Bludebalmen,Temtundembenn,Lefnublemdde,Libleddnumm,Mundumblemdum," #~ "Brendumadoak,Dulmandarook,Brummdlebroak,Troombadoom,Gulladroamadoak," #~ "Boladrumbadrum,Elmaroomadrum,Gumabeladrelm,Grelmadrumbumadum,Wudadoonopl" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Buomdumdenlol,Muldondindal,Lolmandindel,Danmonlulbam,Nunmaldildun," #~ "Dolmannumbil,Nanmildaldum,Wonrunmaldin,Bolwuldelman,Landunwonbam," #~ "Munnamdulbon,Monlamwimdan,Dulwulmendom,Delmduelmdelom,Mundionalafla," #~ "Laffalialomdium,Rithramcamhan,Bregalad,Orofarnië,Lassemista,Carnimirië," #~ "Tumtonnongatum,Tumtentantarun,Tantondernintan,Bombempomgontor," #~ "Pomtamkomtrobum,Brommantendronnor,Dammantongonnur,Brumennarunom," #~ "Dumdumdumatum,Tumtumgamtomtom,Tondenkontenkon,Bumbadadabum,Dabumdabumtam," #~ "Bomtanbomkenton,Bomtanbomtonum,Brumbendublun,Brenbasnudnem,Temtunnongetem," #~ "Debundbemun,Diblembumnde,Bremdebubde,Pambedrumne,Drongnoblemdu," #~ "Bludebalmen,Temtundembenn,Lefnublemdde,Libleddnumm,Mundumblemdum," #~ "Brendumadoak,Dulmandarook,Brummdlebroak,Troombadoom,Gulladroamadoak," #~ "Boladrumbadrum,Elmaroomadrum,Gumabeladrelm,Grelmadrumbumadum,Wudadoonopl" # Názvy dedín #~ msgid "" #~ "Ox,Hol,Il,Del,El,York,Corn,Hel,Sel,Sil,Sal,Bal,Water,Sen,Sed,Hex,Hox,Fox," #~ "Bal,Wet,Earl,Fren,Kin,Tal,Gel,Nam,Sam,Olf,Old,New,Ol,Nes,Cam,Rook,Rock,Oul" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Kameň,Ox,Hol,Il,Del,El,York,Corn,Hel,Sel,Sil,Sal,Bal,Water,Sen,Sed,Hex," #~ "Hox,Fox,Bal,Wet,Earl,Fren,Kin,Tal,Gel,Nam,Sam,Olf,Old,New,Ol,Nes,Cam,Rook," #~ "Oul" #~ msgid "Damage Taken" #~ msgstr "Utŕžené zranenie" #~ msgid "Damage Inflicted (EV)" #~ msgstr "Spôsobené zranenie (odhad)" #~ msgid "Damage Taken (EV)" #~ msgstr "Utŕžené zranenie (odhad)" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Commands: whisper list emote. Type /help [command] for more help." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Príkazy: whisper, ignore, emote. Napíš /help [príkaz] ak chceš viac " #~ "informácií." #~ msgid "Removed from ignore list: " #~ msgstr "Vyradený zo zoznamu ignorovaných: " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Removed from friends list: " #~ msgstr "Vyradený zo zoznamu ignorovaných: " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Poisoned units lose 8 hitpoints every turn, but they will not die from " #~ "poison: poison will never reduce them below 1 hitpoint. Poisoned units " #~ "next to a healer will not lose hitpoints on their next turn. If they are " #~ "in a village or next to a unit with the 'cures' ability, the poison will " #~ "be completely cured on their next turn." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Otrávená jednotka stráca každé kolo 8 životov, ale nezomrie následkom " #~ "jedu: jed nikdy nezníži životy pod 1. Otrávené jednotky možno uzdraviť v " #~ "dedine, alebo umiestnením vedľa jednotky so schopnosťou 'liečiť'." #~ msgid "Contributors" #~ msgstr "Prispievatelia" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Heal to full, MAX XP +25%" #~ msgstr ", MAX SKÚS +25%"