# Yeti et al, 2004. # Oto 'tapik' Buchta , 2005 - 2007. # Vladimír Slávik , 2007 - 2011. # Jan Dědič , 2014. # Martin Hrubý , 2017 - 2020. # Michal Žejdl , 2019 - 2025 # Petr Šlejhar (Septim) , 2020, 2021 # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Battle for Wesnoth\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2025-01-19 11:47-0600\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2025-01-30 19:34+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Michal Žejdl \n" "Language-Team: Czech https://wiki.wesnoth.org/CzechTranslation\n" "Language: cs\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" #. [ai]: id=ai_default_rca #: data/ai/ais/ai_default_rca.cfg:9 msgid "Multiplayer_AI^Default AI (RCA)" msgstr "Výchozí UI (RCA)" #. [ai]: id=ai_default_rca_1_14 #: data/ai/ais/ai_default_rca_1_14.cfg:9 msgid "Multiplayer_AI^Old Default AI (1.14 version)" msgstr "Bývalá výchozí UI (verze 1.14)" #. [ai]: id=experimental_ai #: data/ai/ais/ai_experimental.cfg:11 msgid "Multiplayer_AI^Experimental AI" msgstr "Pokusná UI" #. [ai]: id=idle_ai #: data/ai/ais/idle_ai.cfg:4 msgid "Multiplayer_AI^Dev AI: Idle AI" msgstr "Vývojová UI: Nečinná UI" #. [ai]: id=ai_default_rca_alternate_recruiting #: data/ai/dev/ai_default_rca_alternate_recruiting.cfg:10 msgid "Multiplayer_AI^Dev AI: Default AI (RCA) with Alternate Recruiting" msgstr "Vývojová UI: Výchozí UI (RCA) s jiným verbováním" #. [terrain_type]: id=farmer-fence # AI-animal-proof fences from first scenario #. [terrain_type]: id=fence #. [terrain_type]: id=fence_iron #: data/campaigns/Secrets_of_the_Ancients/utils/terrain.cfg:5 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:511 data/core/terrain.cfg:521 msgid "Fence" msgstr "Plot" #. [terrain_type]: id=deep_water_gray #. [terrain_type]: id=deep_water_medium #. [terrain_type]: id=deep_water_tropical #. [terrain_type]: id=deep_water #: data/core/terrain.cfg:23 data/core/terrain.cfg:34 data/core/terrain.cfg:45 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3376 data/core/terrain.cfg:3377 msgid "Deep Water" msgstr "Hluboká voda" #. [terrain_type]: id=deep_water_gray #: data/core/terrain.cfg:24 msgid "Gray Deep Water" msgstr "Šedá hluboká voda" #. [terrain_type]: id=deep_water_medium #: data/core/terrain.cfg:35 msgid "Medium Deep Water" msgstr "Střední hluboká voda" #. [terrain_type]: id=deep_water_tropical #: data/core/terrain.cfg:46 msgid "Tropical Deep Water" msgstr "Tropická hluboká voda" #. [terrain_type]: id=gray_tropical_water #. [terrain_type]: id=medium_shallow_water #. [terrain_type]: id=tropical_water #. [terrain_type]: id=shallow_water #: data/core/terrain.cfg:56 data/core/terrain.cfg:67 data/core/terrain.cfg:78 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3335 data/core/terrain.cfg:3336 msgid "Shallow Water" msgstr "Mělká voda" #. [terrain_type]: id=gray_tropical_water #: data/core/terrain.cfg:57 msgid "Gray Shallow Water" msgstr "Šedá mělká voda" #. [terrain_type]: id=medium_shallow_water #: data/core/terrain.cfg:68 msgid "Medium Shallow Water" msgstr "Střední mělká voda" #. [terrain_type]: id=tropical_water #: data/core/terrain.cfg:79 msgid "Tropical Shallow Water" msgstr "Tropická mělká voda" #. [terrain_type]: id=ford #: data/core/terrain.cfg:89 data/core/terrain.cfg:90 msgid "Ford" msgstr "Brod" #. [terrain_type]: id=ford #: data/core/terrain.cfg:95 msgid "" "When a river happens to be extremely shallow, passing over it is a trivial " "matter for land based units. Moreover, any creature best adapted to swimming " "has full mobility even at such places in the river. As far as gameplay is " "concerned, a river ford is treated as either grassland or shallow water, " "choosing whichever one offers the best defensive and movement bonuses for " "the unit on it." msgstr "" "V místech, kde je řeka hodně mělká není problém ji překonat. Navíc všechna " "stvoření adaptovaná na plavání tu neztrácejí nic ze své pohyblivosti. Pro " "potřeby hry je brod považován jednak za travnatou plochu, jednak za vodu. " "Vybrán je povrch, který je pro danou jednotku výhodnější." #. [terrain_type]: id=gray_reef #. [terrain_type]: id=medium_reef #. [terrain_type]: id=tropical_reef #. [terrain_type]: id=reef #: data/core/terrain.cfg:101 data/core/terrain.cfg:112 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:123 data/core/terrain.cfg:3291 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3292 msgid "Coastal Reef" msgstr "Pobřežní útes" #. [terrain_type]: id=gray_reef #: data/core/terrain.cfg:102 msgid "Gray Coastal Reef" msgstr "Šedý pobřežní útes" #. [terrain_type]: id=medium_reef #: data/core/terrain.cfg:113 msgid "Medium Coastal Reef" msgstr "Střední pobřežní útes" #. [terrain_type]: id=tropical_reef #: data/core/terrain.cfg:124 msgid "Tropical Coastal Reef" msgstr "Tropický pobřežní útes" #. [terrain_type]: id=sea_kelp #. [terrain_type]: id=swamp_water_reed #. [terrain_type]: id=quagmire #. [terrain_type]: id=swamp_water #: data/core/terrain.cfg:134 data/core/terrain.cfg:149 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:160 data/core/terrain.cfg:3319 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3320 msgid "Swamp" msgstr "Močál" #. [terrain_type]: id=sea_kelp #: data/core/terrain.cfg:135 msgid "Kelp Forest" msgstr "Chaluhový les" #. [terrain_type]: id=swamp_water_reed #: data/core/terrain.cfg:150 msgid "Swamp Water Reed" msgstr "Močálový rákos" #. [terrain_type]: id=quagmire #: data/core/terrain.cfg:161 msgid "Muddy Quagmire" msgstr "Blata" #. [terrain_type]: id=grassland #. [terrain_type]: id=savanna #. [terrain_type]: id=grass_dry #. [terrain_type]: id=leaf_litter #: data/core/terrain.cfg:178 data/core/terrain.cfg:189 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:200 data/core/terrain.cfg:210 msgid "Grassland" msgstr "Louka" #. [terrain_type]: id=grassland #: data/core/terrain.cfg:179 msgid "Green Grass" msgstr "Zelená tráva" #. [terrain_type]: id=savanna #: data/core/terrain.cfg:190 msgid "Semi-dry Grass" msgstr "Polosuchá tráva" #. [terrain_type]: id=grass_dry #: data/core/terrain.cfg:201 msgid "Dry Grass" msgstr "Suchá tráva" #. [terrain_type]: id=leaf_litter #: data/core/terrain.cfg:211 msgid "Leaf Litter" msgstr "Spadané listí" #. [terrain_type]: id=dirt_dark #. [terrain_type]: id=dirt #. [terrain_type]: id=dirt_dry #: data/core/terrain.cfg:222 data/core/terrain.cfg:232 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:242 msgid "Dirt" msgstr "Hlína" #. [terrain_type]: id=dirt_dark #: data/core/terrain.cfg:223 msgid "Dark Dirt" msgstr "Tmavá hlína" #. [terrain_type]: id=dirt #: data/core/terrain.cfg:233 msgid "Regular Dirt" msgstr "Běžná hlína" #. [terrain_type]: id=dirt_dry #: data/core/terrain.cfg:243 msgid "Dry Dirt" msgstr "Suchá hlína" #. [terrain_type]: id=road #. [terrain_type]: id=road_clean #. [terrain_type]: id=road_desert #. [terrain_type]: id=stone_path #. [terrain_type]: id=road_icy #. [terrain_type]: id=flagstones_dark #. [terrain_type]: id=cave_path #: data/core/terrain.cfg:252 data/core/terrain.cfg:263 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:273 data/core/terrain.cfg:283 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:293 data/core/terrain.cfg:1041 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1051 msgid "Road" msgstr "Cesta" #. [terrain_type]: id=road #: data/core/terrain.cfg:253 msgid "Regular Cobbles" msgstr "Kočičí hlavy" #. [terrain_type]: id=road #: data/core/terrain.cfg:257 msgid "" "text='Roads' are beaten paths of dirt, formed by many " "travelers passing over them. As far as gameplay is concerned, roads behave " "as flat terrain." msgstr "" "text='Cesta' je vyšlapaná, špinavá pěšina, kterou už " "procházelo mnoho poutníků. Pro potřeby hraní je považována za rovný povrch." #. [terrain_type]: id=road_clean #: data/core/terrain.cfg:264 msgid "Clean Gray Cobbles" msgstr "Čisté šedé kočičí hlavy" #. [terrain_type]: id=road_desert #: data/core/terrain.cfg:274 msgid "Gravel" msgstr "Štěrk" #. [terrain_type]: id=stone_path #: data/core/terrain.cfg:284 msgid "Overgrown Cobbles" msgstr "Zarostlé kočičí hlavy" #. [terrain_type]: id=road_icy #: data/core/terrain.cfg:294 msgid "Icy Cobbles" msgstr "Namrzlé kočičí hlavy" #. [terrain_type]: id=ice #: data/core/terrain.cfg:307 msgid "Ice" msgstr "Led" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow #: data/core/terrain.cfg:316 msgid "Snow" msgstr "Sníh" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert #: data/core/terrain.cfg:329 msgid "Desert" msgstr "Poušť" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert #: data/core/terrain.cfg:330 msgid "Desert Sands" msgstr "Pouštní písky" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert #: data/core/terrain.cfg:334 msgid "" "text='Deserts' have a somewhat different composition than " "small sand pits or beaches, however for gameplay purposes they are " "identical. See dst='..terrain_sand' text='sand'." msgstr "" "text='Pouště' mají poněkud odlišné složení než malé jámy " "s pískem nebo pláže, hru ale ovlivňují obdobně. Podívej se na " "dst='..terrain_sand' text='písek'." #. [terrain_type]: id=sand_beach #. [terrain_type]: id=sand #: data/core/terrain.cfg:340 data/core/terrain.cfg:3278 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3279 msgid "Sand" msgstr "Písek" #. [terrain_type]: id=sand_beach #: data/core/terrain.cfg:341 msgid "Beach Sands" msgstr "Plážové písky" #. [terrain_type]: id=sand_beach #. [terrain_type]: id=sand #: data/core/terrain.cfg:345 data/core/terrain.cfg:3282 msgid "" "The instability of text='sand' makes it harder for most " "units to cross, and leaves them wide open to attack. In contrast, the wide " "feet or snakelike bodies of the reptilian races make sand much easier for " "them to navigate.\n" "\n" "Most units receive 20 to 40% defense in sand." msgstr "" "Nestabilita text='písku' jej činí pro většinu jednotek " "obtížně překonatelným a nechává je tak nechráněné vůči útoku. Zcela jinak " "jsou na tom ještěří jednotky s širokými chodidly či hadími těly, pro ně je " "pohyb v písku mnohem jednodušší.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek získává v písku 20 až 40% obranný bonus." #. [terrain_type]: id=oasis #: data/core/terrain.cfg:353 msgid "Oasis" msgstr "Oáza" #. [terrain_type]: id=oasis #: data/core/terrain.cfg:360 msgid "" "A welcome sight to any traveler, an oasis allows units to heal as if " "stationed in a village, but provides no income or defensive advantage." msgstr "" "Oáza je vítána každým cestovatelem, umožňuje jednotkám uzdravit se jako ve " "vesnici, ale neposkytuje žádný příjem ani obranou výhodu." #. [terrain_type]: id=sand_rubble #: data/core/terrain.cfg:366 msgid "Rubble" msgstr "Smetí" #. [terrain_type]: id=crater #: data/core/terrain.cfg:376 msgid "Crater" msgstr "Kráter" #. [terrain_type]: id=flowers_mixed #: data/core/terrain.cfg:391 msgid "Mixed Flowers" msgstr "Různobarevné květiny" #. [terrain_type]: id=farm #: data/core/terrain.cfg:400 msgid "Farmland" msgstr "Pole" #. [terrain_type]: id=stones_small #: data/core/terrain.cfg:409 msgid "Stones" msgstr "Kamínky" #. [terrain_type]: id=snowbits_small #: data/core/terrain.cfg:418 msgid "Snowbits" msgstr "Sněhové zbytky" #. [terrain_type]: id=mushrooms_small #: data/core/terrain.cfg:427 msgid "Small Mushrooms" msgstr "Houby, malé" #. [terrain_type]: id=mushrooms_farm #: data/core/terrain.cfg:436 msgid "Mushroom Farm" msgstr "Houby, farma" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_plants #: data/core/terrain.cfg:445 msgid "Desert Plants" msgstr "Pouštní rostliny" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_plants_sans_bones #: data/core/terrain.cfg:454 msgid "Desert Plants without Bones" msgstr "Pouštní rostliny bez kostí" #. [terrain_type]: id=windmill #: data/core/terrain.cfg:463 msgid "Windmill" msgstr "Větrný mlýn" #. [terrain_type]: id=campfire #: data/core/terrain.cfg:472 msgid "Campfire" msgstr "Táborák" #. [terrain_type]: id=wallfire #: data/core/terrain.cfg:482 msgid "Sconce" msgstr "Svícen" #. [terrain_type]: id=brazier #: data/core/terrain.cfg:492 msgid "Brazier" msgstr "Ohniště" #. [terrain_type]: id=brazier-lit #: data/core/terrain.cfg:501 msgid "Lit Brazier" msgstr "Hořící ohniště" #. [terrain_type]: id=fence_iron #: data/core/terrain.cfg:522 msgid "Iron Fence" msgstr "Železný plot" #. [terrain_type]: id=fence_palisade #: data/core/terrain.cfg:532 msgid "Palisade" msgstr "Palisáda" #. [terrain_type]: id=fence_palisade #: data/core/terrain.cfg:533 msgid "Wooden Palisade" msgstr "Dřevěná palisáda" #. [terrain_type]: id=sand_drifts #: data/core/terrain.cfg:542 msgid "Stones with Sand Drifts" msgstr "Kameny a písčité návěje" #. [terrain_type]: id=water-lilies #: data/core/terrain.cfg:551 msgid "Water Lilies" msgstr "Lekníny" #. [terrain_type]: id=water-lilies-flower #: data/core/terrain.cfg:561 msgid "Flowering Water Lilies" msgstr "Lekníny, kvetoucí" #. [terrain_type]: id=seashells #: data/core/terrain.cfg:571 msgid "Seashells" msgstr "Lastury" #. [terrain_type]: id=detritus_trash #: data/core/terrain.cfg:582 msgid "Trash" msgstr "Smetí" #. [terrain_type]: id=detritus_bones #: data/core/terrain.cfg:591 msgid "Remains" msgstr "Zbytky" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_windows #: data/core/terrain.cfg:601 msgid "Window" msgstr "Okno" #. [terrain_type]: id=great_tree #. [terrain_type]: id=great_tree_snowy #. [terrain_type]: id=great_tree_dead #. [terrain_type]: id=great_tree_dead_oak #: data/core/terrain.cfg:614 data/core/terrain.cfg:615 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:626 data/core/terrain.cfg:638 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:650 msgid "Great Tree" msgstr "Velký strom" #. [terrain_type]: id=great_tree_snowy #: data/core/terrain.cfg:627 msgid "Snowy Great Tree" msgstr "Zasněžený velký strom" #. [terrain_type]: id=great_tree_dead #: data/core/terrain.cfg:639 msgid "Dead Great Tree" msgstr "Mrtvý velký strom" #. [terrain_type]: id=great_tree_dead_oak #: data/core/terrain.cfg:651 msgid "Dead Great Oak Tree" msgstr "Mrtvý velký dub" #. [terrain_type]: id=tropical_forest #. [terrain_type]: id=rainforest #. [terrain_type]: id=palm_desert_forest #. [terrain_type]: id=palm_forest #. [terrain_type]: id=savanna_forest #. [terrain_type]: id=pine_forest #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_forest #. [terrain_type]: id=deciduous_forest_summer #. [terrain_type]: id=deciduous_forest_fall #. [terrain_type]: id=deciduous_forest_winter #. [terrain_type]: id=deciduous_forest_winter_snow #. [terrain_type]: id=mixed_forest_summer #. [terrain_type]: id=mixed_forest_fall #. [terrain_type]: id=mixed_forest_winter #. [terrain_type]: id=mixed_forest_winter_snow #. [terrain_type]: id=forest #: data/core/terrain.cfg:662 data/core/terrain.cfg:674 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:686 data/core/terrain.cfg:698 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:710 data/core/terrain.cfg:722 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:734 data/core/terrain.cfg:746 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:758 data/core/terrain.cfg:770 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:782 data/core/terrain.cfg:794 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:806 data/core/terrain.cfg:818 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:830 data/core/terrain.cfg:3402 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3403 msgid "Forest" msgstr "Les" #. [terrain_type]: id=tropical_forest #: data/core/terrain.cfg:663 msgid "Tropical Forest" msgstr "Tropický prales" #. [terrain_type]: id=rainforest #: data/core/terrain.cfg:675 msgid "Rainforest" msgstr "Prales" #. [terrain_type]: id=palm_desert_forest #: data/core/terrain.cfg:687 msgid "Palm Forest" msgstr "Palmový les" #. [terrain_type]: id=palm_forest #: data/core/terrain.cfg:699 msgid "Dense Palm Forest" msgstr "Hustý palmový les" #. [terrain_type]: id=savanna_forest #: data/core/terrain.cfg:711 msgid "Savanna" msgstr "Savana" #. [terrain_type]: id=pine_forest #: data/core/terrain.cfg:723 msgid "Pine Forest" msgstr "Borový les" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_forest #: data/core/terrain.cfg:735 msgid "Snowy Pine Forest" msgstr "Zasněžený borový les" #. [terrain_type]: id=deciduous_forest_summer #: data/core/terrain.cfg:747 msgid "Summer Deciduous Forest" msgstr "Letní listnatý les" #. [terrain_type]: id=deciduous_forest_fall #: data/core/terrain.cfg:759 msgid "Fall Deciduous Forest" msgstr "Podzimní listnatý les" #. [terrain_type]: id=deciduous_forest_winter #: data/core/terrain.cfg:771 msgid "Winter Deciduous Forest" msgstr "Zimní listnatý les" #. [terrain_type]: id=deciduous_forest_winter_snow #: data/core/terrain.cfg:783 msgid "Snowy Deciduous Forest" msgstr "Zasněžený listnatý les" #. [terrain_type]: id=mixed_forest_summer #: data/core/terrain.cfg:795 msgid "Summer Mixed Forest" msgstr "Letní smíšený les" #. [terrain_type]: id=mixed_forest_fall #: data/core/terrain.cfg:807 msgid "Fall Mixed Forest" msgstr "Podzimní smíšený les" #. [terrain_type]: id=mixed_forest_winter #: data/core/terrain.cfg:819 msgid "Winter Mixed Forest" msgstr "Zimní smíšený les" #. [terrain_type]: id=mixed_forest_winter_snow #: data/core/terrain.cfg:831 msgid "Snowy Mixed Forest" msgstr "Zasněžený smíšený les" #. [terrain_type]: id=hills_regular #. [terrain_type]: id=hills_dry #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_hills #. [terrain_type]: id=hills #: data/core/terrain.cfg:846 data/core/terrain.cfg:856 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:876 data/core/terrain.cfg:3306 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3307 msgid "Hills" msgstr "Kopce" #. [terrain_type]: id=hills_regular #: data/core/terrain.cfg:847 msgid "Regular Hills" msgstr "Běžné kopce" #. [terrain_type]: id=hills_dry #: data/core/terrain.cfg:857 msgid "Dry Hills" msgstr "Suché kopce" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_hills #: data/core/terrain.cfg:866 msgid "Dunes" msgstr "Duny" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_hills #: data/core/terrain.cfg:877 msgid "Snow Hills" msgstr "Zasněžené kopce" #. [terrain_type]: id=regular_mountains #. [terrain_type]: id=dry_mountains #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_mountains #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_mountains #. [terrain_type]: id=cloud #. [terrain_type]: id=cloud_dry #. [terrain_type]: id=cloud_snow #. [terrain_type]: id=cloud_desert #. [terrain_type]: id=mountains #: data/core/terrain.cfg:891 data/core/terrain.cfg:901 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:911 data/core/terrain.cfg:922 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1347 data/core/terrain.cfg:1357 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1368 data/core/terrain.cfg:1378 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3362 data/core/terrain.cfg:3363 msgid "Mountains" msgstr "Hory" #. [terrain_type]: id=regular_mountains #: data/core/terrain.cfg:892 msgid "Regular Mountains" msgstr "Běžné hory" #. [terrain_type]: id=dry_mountains #: data/core/terrain.cfg:902 msgid "Dry Mountains" msgstr "Suché hory" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_mountains #: data/core/terrain.cfg:912 msgid "Snowy Mountains" msgstr "Zasněžené hory" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_mountains #: data/core/terrain.cfg:923 msgid "Desert Mountains" msgstr "Pouštní hory" #. [terrain_type]: id=regular_stone_floor #. [terrain_type]: id=ancient_stone_floor #. [terrain_type]: id=regular_stone_floor_deprecated #. [terrain_type]: id=ancient_stone_floor_deprecated #: data/core/terrain.cfg:934 data/core/terrain.cfg:944 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3473 data/core/terrain.cfg:3484 msgid "Stone Floor" msgstr "Kamenná podlaha" #. [terrain_type]: id=regular_stone_floor #: data/core/terrain.cfg:937 msgid "Basic Stone Floor" msgstr "Základní kamenná podlaha" #. [terrain_type]: id=ancient_stone_floor #: data/core/terrain.cfg:947 msgid "Ancient Stone Floor" msgstr "Starobylá kamenná podlaha" #. [terrain_type]: id=rug_floor #. [terrain_type]: id=rug2_floor #. [terrain_type]: id=rug3_floor #. [terrain_type]: id=rug_floor_deprecated #. [terrain_type]: id=rug2_floor_deprecated #: data/core/terrain.cfg:954 data/core/terrain.cfg:964 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:974 data/core/terrain.cfg:3495 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3506 msgid "Rug" msgstr "Kobereček" #. [terrain_type]: id=rug_floor #: data/core/terrain.cfg:957 msgid "Royal Rug" msgstr "Královský kobereček" #. [terrain_type]: id=rug2_floor #: data/core/terrain.cfg:967 msgid "Normal Rug" msgstr "Obyčejný kobereček" #. [terrain_type]: id=rug3_floor #: data/core/terrain.cfg:977 msgid "Cave Rug" msgstr "Jeskynní kobereček" #. [terrain_type]: id=wood_floor #: data/core/terrain.cfg:984 msgid "Wooden Floor" msgstr "Dřevěná podlaha" #. [terrain_type]: id=wood_floor #: data/core/terrain.cfg:987 msgid "Basic Wooden Floor" msgstr "Základní dřevěná podlaha" #. [terrain_type]: id=old_wood_floor #. [terrain_type]: id=old_wood_floor_deprecated #: data/core/terrain.cfg:994 data/core/terrain.cfg:997 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3517 msgid "Old Wooden Floor" msgstr "Stará dřevěná podlaha" # pseudoterén #. [terrain_type]: id=lit #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1010 msgid "Lit" msgstr "Osvětlený" #. [terrain_type]: id=lit #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1011 msgid "Beam of Light" msgstr "Paprsek světla" #. [terrain_type]: id=cave_floor #. [terrain_type]: id=cave_earthy #. [terrain_type]: id=cave #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1021 data/core/terrain.cfg:1031 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3263 data/core/terrain.cfg:3264 msgid "Cave" msgstr "Jeskyně" #. [terrain_type]: id=cave_floor #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1022 msgid "Cave Floor" msgstr "Jeskynní podlaha" #. [terrain_type]: id=cave_earthy #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1032 msgid "Earthy Cave Floor" msgstr "Zemitá jeskynní podlaha" #. [terrain_type]: id=flagstones_dark #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1042 msgid "Dark Flagstones" msgstr "Tmavá dlažba" #. [terrain_type]: id=cave_path #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1052 msgid "Cave Path" msgstr "Jeskynní stezka" #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_grove_old #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_beam_old #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_grove #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_beam #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1061 data/core/terrain.cfg:1080 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1100 data/core/terrain.cfg:1101 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1112 msgid "Mushroom Grove" msgstr "Houbový háj" #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_grove_old #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1062 msgid "Non-mixed Mushroom Grove" msgstr "Souvislý houbový háj" #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_grove_old #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_beam_old #. this hint is only shown in the map editor, the ^Uf, ^Tf and Tb are all terrain codes and should be left as-is #. this hint is only shown in the map editor, the ^Uf, ^Tf and Tb are all terrain codes and should be left as-is #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1070 data/core/terrain.cfg:1090 msgid "" "editor^The overlays ‘^Uf’ and ‘^Ufi’ are deprecated because, although the " "graphics show an overlay with another terrain underneath, the movement and " "defense stats are purely fungus terrain, ignoring the underlying terrain. " "The recommended replacements are ‘^Tf’ and ‘^Tfi’ which look the same but " "have the stats implied by the graphics. For hexes where the stats of purely " "fungus are wanted, ‘Tb’ is a mushroom base terrain, which can be used with " "or without ‘^Tf’ on top." msgstr "" "Překryvy „^Uf“ a „^Ufi“ jsou zastaralé, protože i když grafika ukazuje " "překryv s jiným terénem vespod, vlastnosti pohybu a obrany jsou čistě terénu " "hub, spodní terén se nebere v úvahu. Doporučené náhrady jsou „^Tf“ a „^Tfi“, " "které vypadají stejně, ale mají vlastnosti vyplývající z grafiky. Pro " "políčka, která mají mít čistě vlastnosti hub, je základním houbovým terénem " "„Tb“, který může a nemusí být použit s „^Tf“ na vrchu." #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_grove_old #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_beam_old #. this is only shown when the player opens the help by asking for the terrain description of a old mushroom terrain (^Uf or ^Ufi) #. this is only shown when the player opens the help by asking for the terrain description of a old mushroom terrain (^Uf or ^Ufi) #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1073 data/core/terrain.cfg:1093 msgid "" "Dwarven tales describe different types of mushrooms — with some types the " "difficulty of walking on the spongy floor has no relation to the ground " "underneath, even when the ground underneath is still visible. This terrain’s " "defense and movement costs are purely based on the unit’s stats for " "text='Fungus'." msgstr "" "Trpasličí příběhy popisují různé druhy hub. U některých druhů nemá obtížnost " "chůze po houbovité podlaze žádný vztah k jejímu podkladu, i když je podklad " "stále viditelný. Obranný bonus a náklady na pohyb v tomto terénu vycházejí " "čistě ze statistik jednotky pro text='houby'." #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_beam_old #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1081 msgid "Lit Non-mixed Mushroom Grove" msgstr "Osvětlený souvislý houbový háj" #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_beam #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1113 msgid "Lit Mushroom Grove" msgstr "Osvětlený houbový háj" #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus_floor #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1125 data/core/terrain.cfg:1126 msgid "Mycelium" msgstr "Mycelium" #. [terrain_type]: id=rocky_cave #. [terrain_type]: id=earthy_rocky_cave #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1135 data/core/terrain.cfg:1136 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1151 msgid "Rockbound Cave" msgstr "Skalnatá jeskyně" #. [terrain_type]: id=rocky_cave #. [terrain_type]: id=earthy_rocky_cave #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1141 data/core/terrain.cfg:1157 msgid "" "text='Rockbound cave' terrain is formed by the action of " "water and wind, carrying erosive particles that carve the rock. It resembles " "a scraggy underground cavern which shoulders defense, but is hard for most " "units to traverse. Only settlers of caves, such as dwarves and trolls, are " "fully capable of navigating such topography.\n" "\n" "Most units have about 50% defense in rocky caves, whereas cavalry are " "limited to 40%. Dwarves, by dint of their small size, enjoy 60% defense in " "rockbound caves.\n" "\n" "Occasionally caves are text='illuminated'." msgstr "" "text='Skalnatá jeskyně' je terén utvářený erozivní činností " "vody a větru ve skále. Připomíná rozeklanou podzemní dutinu, která zvyšuje " "obranné možnosti, ale pro většinu jednotek je obtížné ji přejít. Pouze " "obyvatelé jeskyň, jako trpaslíci a trollové, jsou zcela schopni najít " "v takovém terénu správný směr.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek má ve skalnatých jeskyních obranný bonus okolo 50 %, " "zatímco jízda je omezena na 40 %. Trpaslíci, díky svému malému vzrůstu, se " "ve skalnatých jeskyních těší obraně 60 %.\n" "\n" "Někdy jsou jeskyně text='osvětlené'." #. [terrain_type]: id=earthy_rocky_cave #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1152 msgid "Earthy Rockbound Cave" msgstr "Zemitě skalnatá jeskyně" #. [terrain_type]: id=mine_rails #. [terrain_type]: id=mine_railsdiag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=mine_railsdiag2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1169 data/core/terrain.cfg:1181 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1194 msgid "Mine Rail" msgstr "Důlní železnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=high_border #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1214 msgid "Bluff" msgstr "Sráz" #. [terrain_type]: id=high_canyon #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1224 msgid "Gulch" msgstr "Roklina" #. [terrain_type]: id=high_canyon_obst #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1235 msgid "Unwalkable Ravine" msgstr "Neprůchodná strž" #. [terrain_type]: id=high_border_woods #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1249 msgid "Wooded Bluffs" msgstr "Lesnaté srázy" #. [terrain_type]: id=high_canyon_woods #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1259 msgid "Wooded Gulch" msgstr "Lesnatá roklina" #. [terrain_type]: id=canyon #. [terrain_type]: id=chasm_earthy #. [terrain_type]: id=abyss #. [terrain_type]: id=lava_chasm #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1272 data/core/terrain.cfg:1283 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1294 data/core/terrain.cfg:1305 msgid "Chasm" msgstr "Rokle" #. [terrain_type]: id=canyon #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1273 msgid "Regular Chasm" msgstr "Běžná rokle" #. [terrain_type]: id=chasm_earthy #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1284 msgid "Earthy Chasm" msgstr "Zemitá rokle" #. [terrain_type]: id=abyss #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1295 msgid "Ethereal Abyss" msgstr "Nezemská hlubina" #. [terrain_type]: id=lava_chasm #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1306 msgid "Lava Chasm" msgstr "Lávová rokle" #. [terrain_type]: id=lava #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1318 data/core/terrain.cfg:1319 msgid "Lava" msgstr "Láva" #. [terrain_type]: id=lava #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1325 msgid "" "The dangers inherent in trying to walk on text='lava' are " "fairly obvious. As far as movement is concerned, lava is equivalent to " "dst='terrain_unwalkable' text='unwalkable' terrain, and can only " "be crossed by those units capable of flying a considerable distance above " "it. The molten magma also produces a substantial glow, illuminating the area " "immediately above it. This provides an attack bonus for lawful units and " "removes the attack bonus from chaotic units." msgstr "" "Nebezpečí vyplývající z pokusu o přechod text='lávy' je " "zřejmé. Tento terén může být překonán pouze jednotkami schopnými létat ve " "značné vzdálenosti nad ní. Ve věci pohybu je tedy láva identická s " "dst='terrain_unwalkable' text='neprůchodným' terénem. Žhavá láva " "také vytváří svit, osvětlující oblasti přímo nad ní. Tím poskytuje výhodu " "při útoku všem zákonným jednotkám a odnímá ji chaotickým." #. [terrain_type]: id=volcano #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1332 msgid "Volcano" msgstr "Vulkán" #. [terrain_type]: id=cloud #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1348 msgid "Regular Impassable Mountains" msgstr "Běžné neprostupné hory" #. [terrain_type]: id=cloud_dry #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1358 msgid "Dry Impassable Mountains" msgstr "Vyprahlé neprostupné hory" #. [terrain_type]: id=cloud_snow #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1369 msgid "Snowy Impassable Mountains" msgstr "Zasněžené neprostupné hory" #. [terrain_type]: id=cloud_desert #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1379 msgid "Desert Impassable Mountains" msgstr "Pouštní neprostupné hory" #. [terrain_type]: id=cavewall #. [terrain_type]: id=cavewall_earthy #. [terrain_type]: id=cavewall_damaged #. [terrain_type]: id=cavewall_earthy_hewn #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1389 data/core/terrain.cfg:1411 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1422 data/core/terrain.cfg:1447 msgid "Cave Wall" msgstr "Jeskynní stěna" #. [terrain_type]: id=cavewall #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1390 msgid "Natural Cave Wall" msgstr "Přirozená jeskynní stěna" #. [terrain_type]: id=minewall #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_mine #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1400 data/core/terrain.cfg:1401 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1485 msgid "Mine Wall" msgstr "Stěna dolu" #. [terrain_type]: id=cavewall_earthy #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1412 msgid "Natural Earthy Cave Wall" msgstr "Přirozená zemitá jeskynní stěna" #. [terrain_type]: id=cavewall_damaged #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1423 msgid "Damaged Cave Wall" msgstr "Poškozená jeskynní stěna" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_hedge #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1433 msgid "Thick Hedges" msgstr "Hustý živý plot" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_hedge #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1434 msgid "Hedges Wall" msgstr "Živý plot" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_lit #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_clean #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_ancient #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_damaged #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1462 data/core/terrain.cfg:1472 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1507 data/core/terrain.cfg:1518 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1551 msgid "Stone Wall" msgstr "Kamenná zeď" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_lit #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1473 msgid "Lit Stone Wall" msgstr "Osvětlená kamenná zeď" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_mine #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1486 msgid "Straight Mine Wall" msgstr "Přímá stěna dolu" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_white #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1496 msgid "Interior Wall" msgstr "Vnitřní stěna" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_white #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1497 msgid "Straight White Wall" msgstr "Přímá bílá zeď" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_clean #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1508 msgid "Clean Stone Wall" msgstr "Čistá kamenná zeď" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_ancient #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1519 msgid "Ancient Stone Wall" msgstr "Starobylá kamenná zeď" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_tomb #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1529 msgid "Catacombs Wall" msgstr "Stěna katakomb" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_tomb #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1530 msgid "Catacombs Stone Wall" msgstr "Kamenná stěna katakomb" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_overgrown #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1540 msgid "Overgrown Wall" msgstr "Zarostlá stěna" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_overgrown #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1541 msgid "Overgrown Stone Wall" msgstr "Zarostlá kamenná stěna" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_damaged #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1552 msgid "Damaged Stone Wall" msgstr "Poškozená kamenná zeď" #. [terrain_type]: id=wall_stone_ruins #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1562 msgid "Ruined Wall" msgstr "Rozpadlá zeď" #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_sw #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_se #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_n #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_open_sw #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_open_se #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_open_n #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1580 data/core/terrain.cfg:1593 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1607 data/core/terrain.cfg:1664 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1676 data/core/terrain.cfg:1689 msgid "Gate" msgstr "Brána" #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_sw #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_se #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_n #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1581 data/core/terrain.cfg:1594 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1608 msgid "Rusty Gate" msgstr "Rezavá brána" #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_sw #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_se #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_n #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_open_sw #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_open_se #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_open_n #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1621 data/core/terrain.cfg:1634 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1648 data/core/terrain.cfg:1702 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1714 data/core/terrain.cfg:1727 msgid "Door" msgstr "Dveře" #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_sw #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_se #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_n #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1622 data/core/terrain.cfg:1635 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1649 msgid "Wooden Door" msgstr "Dřevěné dveře" #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_open_sw #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_open_se #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_gate_rusty_open_n #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1665 data/core/terrain.cfg:1677 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1690 msgid "Open Rusty Gate" msgstr "Otevřená rezavá brána" #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_open_sw #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_open_se #. [terrain_type]: id=portal_door_wooden_open_n #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1703 data/core/terrain.cfg:1715 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1728 msgid "Open Wooden Door" msgstr "Otevřené dřevěné dveře" #. [terrain_type]: id=impassable_overlay #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1743 msgid "Impassable Overlay" msgstr "Neprostupný překryv" #. [terrain_type]: id=unwalkable_overlay #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1756 msgid "Unwalkable Overlay" msgstr "Neprůchodný překryv" # nicota? #. [terrain_type]: id=void #. [terrain_type]: id=off_map #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1768 data/core/terrain.cfg:3181 msgid "Void" msgstr "Prázdnota" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_village #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_village_ruin #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_village_tent #. [terrain_type]: id=camp_village #. [terrain_type]: id=orcish_village #. [terrain_type]: id=orcish_snow_village #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_snow_village #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_village #. [terrain_type]: id=human_village #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_village #. [terrain_type]: id=human_village_ruin #. [terrain_type]: id=city_village #. [terrain_type]: id=windmill_village #. [terrain_type]: id=city_village_wno #. [terrain_type]: id=city_village_ruin #. [terrain_type]: id=hill_village #. [terrain_type]: id=snow-hill_village #. [terrain_type]: id=hill_village_ruin #. [terrain_type]: id=tropical_forest_village #. [terrain_type]: id=drake_village #. [terrain_type]: id=drake_snow_village #. [terrain_type]: id=underground_village #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_village #. [terrain_type]: id=hut_village #. [terrain_type]: id=hut_snow_village #. [terrain_type]: id=logcabin_village #. [terrain_type]: id=logcabin_snow_village #. [terrain_type]: id=igloo #. [terrain_type]: id=swamp_village #. [terrain_type]: id=mermen-village #. [terrain_type]: id=village_overlay #. [terrain_type]: id=village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1784 data/core/terrain.cfg:1797 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1810 data/core/terrain.cfg:1823 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1838 data/core/terrain.cfg:1851 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1866 data/core/terrain.cfg:1879 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1894 data/core/terrain.cfg:1907 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1920 data/core/terrain.cfg:1933 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1946 data/core/terrain.cfg:1959 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1972 data/core/terrain.cfg:1985 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1998 data/core/terrain.cfg:2011 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2024 data/core/terrain.cfg:2037 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2050 data/core/terrain.cfg:2065 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2078 data/core/terrain.cfg:2091 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2104 data/core/terrain.cfg:2117 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2130 data/core/terrain.cfg:2143 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2158 data/core/terrain.cfg:2171 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2189 data/core/terrain.cfg:3427 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3428 msgid "Village" msgstr "Vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1785 msgid "Adobe Village" msgstr "Vesnice z nepálených cihel" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_village_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1798 msgid "Ruined Adobe Village" msgstr "Pobořená vesnice z nepálených cihel" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_village_tent #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1811 msgid "Desert Tent Village" msgstr "Pouštní stanová vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=camp_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1824 msgid "Tent Village" msgstr "Stanová vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=orcish_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1839 msgid "Orcish Village" msgstr "Skřetí vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=orcish_snow_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1852 msgid "Snowy Orcish Village" msgstr "Zasněžená skřetí vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_snow_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1867 msgid "Snowy Elven Village" msgstr "Zasněžená elfí vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1880 msgid "Elven Village" msgstr "Elfí vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=human_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1895 msgid "Cottage" msgstr "Chatka" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1908 msgid "Snowy Cottage" msgstr "Zasněžená chatka" #. [terrain_type]: id=human_village_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1921 msgid "Ruined Cottage" msgstr "Pobořená chatka" #. [terrain_type]: id=city_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1934 msgid "Human City" msgstr "Lidské město" #. [terrain_type]: id=windmill_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1947 msgid "Windmill Village" msgstr "Větrný mlýn" #. [terrain_type]: id=city_village_wno #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1960 msgid "Snowy Human City" msgstr "Zasněžené lidské město" #. [terrain_type]: id=city_village_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1973 msgid "Ruined Human City" msgstr "Pobořené lidské město" #. [terrain_type]: id=hill_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1986 msgid "Hill Stone Village" msgstr "Kamenná vesnice v kopcích" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow-hill_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:1999 msgid "Snowy Hill Stone Village" msgstr "Zasněžená kamenná vesnice v kopcích" #. [terrain_type]: id=hill_village_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2012 msgid "Ruined Hill Stone Village" msgstr "Pobořená vesnice v kopcích" #. [terrain_type]: id=tropical_forest_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2025 msgid "Tropical Village" msgstr "Tropická vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=drake_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2038 msgid "Drake Village" msgstr "Drakonidská vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=drake_snow_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2051 msgid "Snowy Drake Village" msgstr "Zasněžená drakonidská vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=underground_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2066 msgid "Cave Village" msgstr "Jeskynní vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2079 msgid "Dwarven Village" msgstr "Trpasličí vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=hut_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2092 msgid "Hut" msgstr "Chatrč" #. [terrain_type]: id=hut_snow_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2105 msgid "Snowy Hut" msgstr "Zasněžená chatrč" #. [terrain_type]: id=logcabin_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2118 msgid "Log Cabin" msgstr "Srub" #. [terrain_type]: id=logcabin_snow_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2131 msgid "Snowy Log Cabin" msgstr "Zasněžený srub" #. [terrain_type]: id=igloo #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2144 msgid "Igloo" msgstr "Iglú" #. [terrain_type]: id=swamp_village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2159 msgid "Swamp Village" msgstr "Bažinná vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=mermen-village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2172 msgid "Merfolk Village" msgstr "Vesnice mořského lidu" #. [terrain_type]: id=mermen-village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2173 msgid "" "text='Submerged villages' are the homes of merfolk and " "nagas. While water-dwelling creatures are at home here, land-dwellers have a " "hard time navigating and defending these villages. However, like any " "village, the facilities are available to all creatures which allow units to " "tend to their wounds. Any unit stationed in a village can heal eight " "hitpoints each turn, or be cured of poison.\n" "\n" "Merfolk and nagas have 60% defense in submerged villages, whereas land based " "units usually have a low defense." msgstr "" "text='Ponořené vesnice' jsou domovem mořského lidu a nág. " "Zatímco vodní tvorové se zde cítí doma, suchozemci mají s užíváním a obranou " "těchto vesnic problémy. I tak se zde nachází vše potřebné pro léčení zranění " "jakýchkoliv tvorů. Jednotka umístěná ve vesnici může být každé kolo buď " "uzdravena o 8 životů nebo vyléčena z otravy jedem.\n" "\n" "Mořský lid a nágy se v ponořených vesnicích těší obrannému bonusu 60 %, " "zatímco pozemní jednotky zde obvykle mají malý obranný bonus." #. [terrain_type]: id=village_overlay #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2190 msgid "Village Overlay" msgstr "Překryv vesnice" #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment_ruin #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment_snow #. [terrain_type]: id=troll_encampment #. [terrain_type]: id=aquatic_camp #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2206 data/core/terrain.cfg:2207 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2218 data/core/terrain.cfg:2230 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2435 data/core/terrain.cfg:2447 msgid "Encampment" msgstr "Ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2219 msgid "Ruined Encampment" msgstr "Pobořené ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment_snow #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2231 msgid "Snowy Encampment" msgstr "Zasněžené ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=orcish_fort #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_orcish_fort #. [terrain_type]: id=human_castle #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_castle #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_castle #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_castle_ruin #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_castle_winter #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_castle #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_castle2 #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_castle_ruin #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_castle_winter #. [terrain_type]: id=sand_castle #. [terrain_type]: id=aquatic_castle #. [terrain_type]: id=castle_overlay #. [terrain_type]: id=castle #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2242 data/core/terrain.cfg:2254 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2266 data/core/terrain.cfg:2278 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2289 data/core/terrain.cfg:2301 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2313 data/core/terrain.cfg:2325 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2337 data/core/terrain.cfg:2349 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2361 data/core/terrain.cfg:2411 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2460 data/core/terrain.cfg:2776 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3346 data/core/terrain.cfg:3347 msgid "Castle" msgstr "Hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=orcish_fort #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2243 msgid "Orcish Castle" msgstr "Skřetí hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_orcish_fort #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2255 msgid "Snowy Orcish Castle" msgstr "Zasněžený skřetí hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=human_castle #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2267 msgid "Human Castle" msgstr "Lidský hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_castle #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2279 msgid "Snowy Human Castle" msgstr "Zasněžený lidský hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_castle #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2290 msgid "Elven Castle" msgstr "Elfí hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_castle_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2302 msgid "Elven Castle Ruin" msgstr "Ruiny elfího hradu" #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_castle_winter #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2314 msgid "Winter Elven Castle" msgstr "Zimní elfí hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_castle #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2326 msgid "Dwarven Underground Castle" msgstr "Trpasličí podzemní hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_castle2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2338 msgid "Dwarven Castle" msgstr "Trpasličí hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_castle_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2350 msgid "Dwarven Castle Ruins" msgstr "Ruiny trpasličího hradu" #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_castle_winter #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2362 msgid "Winter Dwarven Castle" msgstr "Zimní trpasličí hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=ruin #. [terrain_type]: id=sunkenruin #. [terrain_type]: id=swampruin #. [terrain_type]: id=sand_castle_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2373 data/core/terrain.cfg:2385 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2398 data/core/terrain.cfg:2423 msgid "Ruined Castle" msgstr "Pobořený hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2374 msgid "Ruined Human Castle" msgstr "Pobořený lidský hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=sunkenruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2386 msgid "Sunken Human Ruin" msgstr "Zatopená zřícenina" #. [terrain_type]: id=swampruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2399 msgid "Swamp Human Ruin" msgstr "Močálová lidská zřícenina" #. [terrain_type]: id=sand_castle #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2412 msgid "Desert Castle" msgstr "Pouštní hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=sand_castle_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2424 msgid "Ruined Desert Castle" msgstr "Pobořený pouštní hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=troll_encampment #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2436 msgid "Troll Encampment" msgstr "Trollí ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=aquatic_camp #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2448 msgid "Aquatic Encampment" msgstr "Vodní ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=aquatic_castle #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2461 msgid "Aquatic Castle" msgstr "Vodní hrad" #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment_keep_tall #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment_snow_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=merman_campkeep #. [terrain_type]: id=troll_campkeep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2477 data/core/terrain.cfg:2501 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2514 data/core/terrain.cfg:2735 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2748 msgid "Encampment Keep" msgstr "Tvrz ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment_ruin_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2489 msgid "Ruined Encampment Keep" msgstr "Pobořená tvrz ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment_keep_tall #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2502 msgid "Tall Encampment Keep" msgstr "Vysoká tvrz ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=encampment_snow_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2515 msgid "Snowy Encampment Keep" msgstr "Zasněžená tvrz ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=orcish_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_orcish_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=human_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_keep_ruin #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_keep_winter #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_keep2 #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_keep_ruin #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_keep_winter #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=merman_castlekeep #. [terrain_type]: id=keep_overlay #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2527 data/core/terrain.cfg:2540 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2553 data/core/terrain.cfg:2566 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2579 data/core/terrain.cfg:2592 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2605 data/core/terrain.cfg:2618 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2631 data/core/terrain.cfg:2644 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2657 data/core/terrain.cfg:2709 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2761 data/core/terrain.cfg:2789 msgid "Keep" msgstr "Tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=orcish_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2528 msgid "Orcish Keep" msgstr "Skřetí tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_orcish_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2541 msgid "Snowy Orcish Keep" msgstr "Zasněžená skřetí tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=human_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2554 msgid "Human Castle Keep" msgstr "Lidská hradní tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2567 msgid "Snowy Human Castle Keep" msgstr "Zasněžená lidská hradní tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2580 msgid "Elven Castle Keep" msgstr "Elfí hradní tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_keep_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2593 msgid "Elven Keep Ruin" msgstr "Zřícenina elfí tvrze" #. [terrain_type]: id=elven_keep_winter #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2606 msgid "Winter Elven Keep" msgstr "Zimní elfí tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2619 msgid "Dwarven Underground Keep" msgstr "Trpasličí podzemní tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_keep2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2632 msgid "Dwarven Castle Keep" msgstr "Trpasličí hradní tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_keep_ruin #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2645 msgid "Dwarven Ruin Keep" msgstr "Ruiny trpasličí tvrze" #. [terrain_type]: id=dwarven_keep_winter #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2658 msgid "Winter Dwarven Keep" msgstr "Zimní trpasličí tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=ruined_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=sunken_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=swamp_keep #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_keep_ruined #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2670 data/core/terrain.cfg:2683 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2696 data/core/terrain.cfg:2722 msgid "Ruined Keep" msgstr "Pobořená tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=ruined_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2671 msgid "Ruined Human Castle Keep" msgstr "Pobořená lidská hradní tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=sunken_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2684 msgid "Sunken Human Castle Keep" msgstr "Potopená lidská hradní tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=swamp_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2697 msgid "Swamp Human Castle Keep" msgstr "Močálová lidská hradní tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_keep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2710 msgid "Desert Keep" msgstr "Pouštní tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=desert_keep_ruined #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2723 msgid "Ruined Desert Keep" msgstr "Pobořená pouštní tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=merman_campkeep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2736 msgid "Aquatic Encampment Keep" msgstr "Tvrz vodního ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=troll_campkeep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2749 msgid "Troll Encampment Keep" msgstr "Tvrz trollího ležení" #. [terrain_type]: id=merman_castlekeep #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2762 msgid "Aquatic Keep" msgstr "Zaplavená tvrz" #. [terrain_type]: id=castle_overlay #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2777 msgid "Castle Overlay" msgstr "Hradní překryv" #. [terrain_type]: id=keep_overlay #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2790 msgid "Keep Overlay" msgstr "Překryv tvrze" #. [terrain_type]: id=bridge #. [terrain_type]: id=bridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=bridgediag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=rotbridge #. [terrain_type]: id=rotbridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=rotbridgediag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=stone_bridge #. [terrain_type]: id=stone_bridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=stone_bridgediag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_stone_bridge #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_stone_bridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_stone_bridgediag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=bridgechasm #. [terrain_type]: id=bridgechasmdiag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=bridgechasmdiag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=hangingbridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=hangingbridgediag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=hangingbridge #. [terrain_type]: id=stonechasmbridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=stonechasmbridgediag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=stonechasmbridge #. [terrain_type]: id=plankbridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=plankbridgediag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=plankbridge #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2808 data/core/terrain.cfg:2823 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2836 data/core/terrain.cfg:2849 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2861 data/core/terrain.cfg:2874 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2889 data/core/terrain.cfg:2901 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2914 data/core/terrain.cfg:2929 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2941 data/core/terrain.cfg:2954 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2969 data/core/terrain.cfg:2981 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2995 data/core/terrain.cfg:3012 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3026 data/core/terrain.cfg:3040 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3054 data/core/terrain.cfg:3068 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3082 data/core/terrain.cfg:3096 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3110 data/core/terrain.cfg:3124 msgid "Bridge" msgstr "Most" #. [terrain_type]: id=bridge #. [terrain_type]: id=bridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=bridgediag2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2809 data/core/terrain.cfg:2824 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2837 msgid "Wooden Bridge" msgstr "Dřevěný most" #. [terrain_type]: id=bridge #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2815 msgid "" "To those capable of building one, the ability to lay a " "text='bridge' offers a liberation from the fickle nature of " "waterways, whose fords come and go with the rise and fall of the waterline. " "This is to say nothing of the luxury of dry feet, the loss of which is no " "laughing matter in the cold months of the year.\n" "\n" "For those who go by land or sea, a bridge is the best of both worlds — for " "gameplay purposes, it is treated either as grassland or the underlying " "water, whichever offers the best movement and defensive bonuses for the unit " "occupying the bridge hex. Note that a swimming unit and a land unit are not " "capable of occupying a bridge hex at the same time." msgstr "" "Těm, kteří je jsou schopni postavit, nabízí schopnost vztyčit " "text='most' osvobození od vrtkavé povahy vodních toků, " "jejichž brody vznikají a zase mizí s kolísáním hladiny. To však není ničím " "oproti luxusu suchých nohou, který zvláště v chladných obdobích není " "zanedbatelný.\n" "\n" "Pro ty, kteří se pohybují po zemi nebo vodou, znamená most to lepší z obou " "prostředí – pro účely hry se chová buď jako louka nebo voda pod ním, podle " "toho, co jednotce nabízí lepší obraný bonus a dovoluje rychlejší pohyb. " "Pamatuj, že jednotky schopné plavat a ty pozemní nejsou schopné zabrat most " "v témže okamžiku." #. [terrain_type]: id=rotbridge #. [terrain_type]: id=rotbridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=rotbridgediag2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2850 data/core/terrain.cfg:2862 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2875 msgid "Rotting Bridge" msgstr "Dřevěný hnijící most" #. [terrain_type]: id=stone_bridge #. [terrain_type]: id=stone_bridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=stone_bridgediag2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2890 data/core/terrain.cfg:2902 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2915 msgid "Basic Stone Bridge" msgstr "Základní kamenný most" #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_stone_bridge #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_stone_bridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=snow_stone_bridgediag2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2930 data/core/terrain.cfg:2942 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2955 msgid "Snowy Stone Bridge" msgstr "Zasněžený kamenný most" #. [terrain_type]: id=bridgechasm #. [terrain_type]: id=bridgechasmdiag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=bridgechasmdiag2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2970 data/core/terrain.cfg:2982 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:2996 msgid "Cave Chasm Bridge" msgstr "Most přes jeskynní rokli" #. [terrain_type]: id=hangingbridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=hangingbridgediag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=hangingbridge #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3013 data/core/terrain.cfg:3027 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3041 msgid "Hanging Bridge" msgstr "Visutý most" #. [terrain_type]: id=stonechasmbridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=stonechasmbridgediag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=stonechasmbridge #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3055 data/core/terrain.cfg:3069 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3083 msgid "Stone Chasm Bridge" msgstr "Kamenný most přes propast" #. [terrain_type]: id=plankbridgediag1 #. [terrain_type]: id=plankbridgediag2 #. [terrain_type]: id=plankbridge #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3097 data/core/terrain.cfg:3111 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3125 msgid "Plank Bridge" msgstr "Prkenný most" #. [terrain_type]: id=mark_high #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3140 msgid "Marker High" msgstr "Značka zvýšení" #. [terrain_type]: id=mark_high2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3150 msgid "Marker High 2" msgstr "Značka zvýšení 2" #. [terrain_type]: id=mark_low #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3160 msgid "Marker Low" msgstr "Značka snížení" #. [terrain_type]: id=mark_low2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3170 msgid "Marker Low 2" msgstr "Značka snížení 2" #. [terrain_type]: id=off_map #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3182 msgid "Off Map" msgstr "Mimo mapu" #. [terrain_type]: id=off_map2 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3192 msgid "Fake Map Border" msgstr "Falešný okraj mapy" #. [terrain_type]: id=overlay_artplaceholder #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3202 msgid "Art Placeholder" msgstr "Zástupný obrázek" #. [terrain_type]: id=shroud #. [toggle_button]: id=shroud #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_7 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3214 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:206 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:384 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:405 msgid "Shroud" msgstr "Zahalení tmou" #. [terrain_type]: id=fake_shroud_overlay #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3225 msgid "Fake Shroud" msgstr "Falešné zahalení tmou" #. [terrain_type]: id=fog #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_6 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3236 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:370 msgid "Fog" msgstr "Mlha" #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3251 data/core/terrain.cfg:3252 msgid "Fungus" msgstr "Houby" #. [terrain_type]: id=fungus #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3255 msgid "" "text='Mushroom groves' are vast underground forests of " "giant mushrooms, which thrive in the damp darkness. Most units have trouble " "negotiating the spongy floor of smaller fungi, but they have plenty of cover " "behind the larger stalks. Mounted units, however, become completely mired " "and lack proper freedom of movement in combat. Undead units have a natural " "affinity for decay and function quite well in mushroom forests.\n" "\n" "Most units receive 50% to 60% defense in mushroom groves, whereas cavalry " "receive only 20%." msgstr "" "text='Houbové háje' jsou rozlehlé podzemní porosty obřích " "hub, kterým se ve vlhké temnotě dobře daří. Většina jednotek má problémy s " "chůzí po měkkém povrchu nejmenších plodnic, ale na druhou stranu jim " "vzrostlejší kousky poskytují dobrý úkryt. Jízda se zde hodně trápí, protože " "tu nemá potřebnou volnost pohybu k boji. Nemrtví mají přirozenou zálibu v " "rozkladu, a proto jsou v houbových hájích jako doma.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek zde získává obranný bonus 50 % nebo 60 %, jízda pouze 20 %." #. [terrain_type]: id=cave #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3266 msgid "" "text='Cave' terrain represents any underground cavern with " "enough room for a unit to pass.\n" "Most units are wholly unfamiliar with the terrain, and thus are both slowed " "down and hindered in defense. Dwarves and trolls, who make their homes in " "caves, both have a relatively easy time navigating this terrain, especially " "dwarves, who by dint of their small size can navigate many obstacles that " "other races cannot. Occasionally caves are text='illuminated'.\n" "\n" "Rare patches of the underground world are illuminated by light from the " "surface shining down into the gloomy darkness. This provides an attack bonus " "for lawful units and removes the attack bonus from chaotic units. In all " "other regards this terrain is functionally identical to normal cave " "terrains.\n" "\n" "Most units receive 20 to 40% defense in caves, whereas dwarves have 50%." msgstr "" "text='Jeskyně' představuje jakoukoliv podzemní sluj " "s dostatkem místa pro pohyb.\n" "Většina jednotek se v tomto terénu neumí pohybovat a tak jsou zpomaleny " "a překáží jim to v obraně. Trpaslíci a trollové, kteří zde bydlí, tu jsou " "jako doma, a to zejména trpaslíci, kteří se zde mohou díky své malé výšce " "snadno pohybovat a překonávat překážky. To jiným činí problémy. Někdy jsou " "jeskyně text='osvětlené'.\n" "\n" "Výjimečně jsou podzemní cesty osvětlené světlem z povrchu. Taková místa " "poskytují bonusy zákonným jednotkám a naopak ruší bonusy pro jednotky " "chaotické. Ve všech ostatních ohledech je osvětlená jeskyně shodná " "s normální jeskyní.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek zde získá obranný bonus 20 až 40 %, zatímco trpaslíci 50 %." #. [terrain_type]: id=reef #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3296 msgid "" "text='Coastal reefs' are shallows formed by stone, coral " "and sand.\n" "This provides most land units with a more steady footing and defensive " "positions than wading in shallow water normally would and also grants most " "water-dwelling races an exceptionally high defense.\n" "\n" "Merfolk and Naga both receive 70% defense on coastal reefs." msgstr "" "text='Pobřežní útesy' jsou mělčiny tvořené z kamene, korálu " "a písku.\n" "To poskytuje většině suchozemských jednotek pevnější oporu a obranné " "postavení než brodění v mělké vodě a také dává výjimečně vysokou obranu " "vodním tvorům.\n" "\n" "Mořský lid a nágy získávají v pobřežních útesech obranný bonus 70 %." #. [terrain_type]: id=hills #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3310 msgid "" "text='Hills' represent any reasonably rough terrain, with " "enough dips and rises in the ground to provide some cover. Hills are " "difficult for most troops to navigate. Dwarves, trolls, and orcs have enough " "familiarity with the terrain that they can pass through it without being " "slowed down. Cavalry have enough trouble navigating the terrain that any " "defensive aid lent by cover is negated.\n" "\n" "Most units have about 50% defense in hills, whereas cavalry are limited to " "40%. Dwarves enjoy 60% defense in hills." msgstr "" "text='Kopce' představují docela obtížný terén s dostatečným " "počtem údolí a skalních stěn, které poskytují určitý stupeň krytí. Kopce " "jsou obtížným terénem pro většinu jednotek, a to zejména pro jejich " "orientaci. Trpaslíci, trollové a skřeti jsou s tímto terénem dostatečně " "obeznámeni, takže se v něm mohou pohybovat bez ztráty rychlosti. Jízda má v " "tomto terénu potíže s pohybem, čímž je jakákoliv pomoc poskytnutá krytím " "zmařena.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek v kopcích získává obranný bonus okolo 50 %, zatímco jízda " "je omezena na 40 %. Trpaslíci se v kopcích těší obrannému bonusu 60 %." #. [terrain_type]: id=swamp_water #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3324 msgid "" "text='Swamps' represent any sort of wetlands.\n" "Swamps slow down nearly everyone, and inhibit their ability to defend " "themselves. An exception to this is any race bodily skilled in navigating " "water; these receive both full movement and a defensive bonus. Those that " "make their living in the wetlands are also adept at using this terrain for " "cover.\n" "\n" "Most units make do with 30% defense in swamps. Merfolk, naga, and saurians " "all generally enjoy 60%." msgstr "" "text='Močály' zastupují jakýkoli druh mokřadu.\n" "Močály zpomalí téměř všechny a maří jejich schopnost ubránit sami sebe. " "Výjimku tvoří jednotky, které jsou uzpůsobeny pohybu ve vodě; ty jsou " "schopny dosáhnout plné rychlosti a získávají obranný bonus. Ti, kteří bydlí " "v mokřadech, jsou také schopni použít tento terén pro svou ochranu.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek se v močálech spokojí s 30 % obrany. Mořští lidé, nágy " "a ještěráci se obvykle těší 60% obraně." #. [terrain_type]: id=shallow_water #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3337 msgid "" "text='Shallow water' represents any body of water deep " "enough to come up to roughly a man’s waist. This is enough to slow down " "nearly anyone and leave them wide open to attack. Dwarves, given that the " "water reaches up almost to their heads, have an extremely hard time of this. " "The exception is any race whose bodies naturally lend themselves to " "swimming, for which they receive a considerable defensive bonus and full " "movement.\n" "\n" "Most units make do with 20 to 30% defense in shallow water, whereas both " "naga and merfolk enjoy 60%." msgstr "" "text='Mělkou vodou' si představíme jakoukoliv vodní plochu, " "která při přechodu zasahuje zhruba až po pás. To stačí na zpomalení téměř " "každého a zanechá ho v nevýhodě v případě útoku. Trpaslíkům dosahuje voda až " "skoro k hlavě a tak se pro ně stává obtížnou překážkou. Výjimku tvoří " "jednotky, které jsou přirozeně přizpůsobeny plavání, ty získají významný " "obranný bonus a plnou schopnost pohybu.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek se v mělké vodě spokojí s 20 až 30 % obrany, zatímco nágy " "a mořští lidé se těší 60% obraně." #. [terrain_type]: id=castle #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3352 msgid "" "text='Castles' are any sort of permanent fortification.\n" "Nearly all units receive a considerable bonus to their defense by being " "stationed in a castle, and most units receive full movement in a castle. " "Stationing units in a castle represents its defensive capability. Without a " "unit in each wall hex, an enemy can simply sneak into the castle " "unchallenged, gaining the same defensive bonus as everyone inside.\n" "\n" "Most units have about 60% defense in a castle." msgstr "" "text='Hradem' je jakýkoliv druh stálého opevnění.\n" "Téměř všechny jednotky umístěné ve hradě získávají důležitý obranný bonus a " "většina jednotek tu je schopna maximálního pohybu. Umístění jednotek na hrad " "reprezentuje obranné schopnosti opevnění. Pokud nejsou na hradbách umístěny " "jednotky, do hradu se mohou bez boje vplížit i nepřátelé, čímž získají " "stejný obranný bonus jako kdokoliv uvnitř.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek získává 60% obranný bonus." #. [terrain_type]: id=mountains #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3366 msgid "" "text='Mountains' are steep enough that units often have to " "climb over obstacles to move.\n" "By this nature, they provide a considerable defensive bonus for most troops, " "but also severely impede any passage through them. Units burdened by heavy " "armor, such as the Wesnoth cavalry and heavy infantry lines, cannot even " "enter them. Aquatic races and creatures like the merfolk have piscine bodies " "which also render them unable to climb steep inclines. Nagas are an " "exception due to their strong arms and rugged scales. Both dwarves and " "trolls are native to mountainous terrain, and have an easy time traversing " "them.\n" "\n" "Most units receive about 60% defense in mountains, whereas dwarves enjoy 70%." msgstr "" "text='Hory' jsou dost příkré, takže jednotky musí často " "překonávat překážky, aby se hnuly.\n" "Takto přirozeně poskytují většině oddílů značný obranný bonus, ale také " "silně zdržují jakýkoli průchod přes ně. Jednotky, jejichž břemenem je těžká " "zbroj, jako wesnothská jízda a linie těžkooděnců, do nich ani nemohou " "vstoupit. Vodní rasy a tvorové jako mořský lid mají rybí těla, která jim " "rovněž znemožňují vylézt na strmá úbočí. Výjimkou jsou nágy díky svým silným " "pažím a drsným šupinám. Jak trpaslíci, tak trollové jsou v hornatém terénu " "doma a je pro ně snadné přes něj přecházet.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek získává v horách okolo 60 % obrany, kdežto trpaslíci se " "těší 70 %." #. [terrain_type]: id=deep_water #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3378 msgid "" "text='Deep water' represents any body of water deep enough " "to cover a man’s head.\n" "Most units cannot enter deep water: it is the domain of units which can " "either fly, or are exceptionally strong swimmers.\n" "\n" "Merfolk and naga both receive 50% defense in deep water, with full movement." msgstr "" "text='Hlubokou vodu' poznáme tak, že dosahuje jednotkám až " "nad hlavu. Většina jednotek nemůže do tak hluboké vody vstoupit. Je tedy " "doménou jednotek, které mohou buď létat nebo jsou výbornými plavci.\n" "\n" "Mořští lidé a nágy získávají v hluboké vodě 50 % obrany a maximální " "schopnost pohybu." # pseudoterén #. [terrain_type]: id=flat #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3389 data/core/terrain.cfg:3390 msgid "Flat" msgstr "Plochý" #. [terrain_type]: id=flat #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3391 msgid "" "text='Grassland' represents open plains, whether " "cultivated, cut back for grazing, or wild.\n" "Being open ground, grassland is both very easy to move across, but is also " "difficult to defend oneself in. Typically, those units that perform best on " "grassland are either cavalry, or very agile units which take advantage of " "the open space.\n" "\n" "Most units have defense of 30 to 40% on grassland." msgstr "" "text='Louka' představuje otevřenou rovinu, ať už " "kultivovanou, upravenou pro pastevectví, nebo divokou.\n" "Je to otevřená krajina, velmi vhodná pro pohyb, ale je zde těžké se bránit. " "Typické jednotky, pro které je tato krajina nejlepší, představuje jezdectvo " "nebo velmi hbité jednotky, které dávají přednost otevřenému prostranství.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek má na louce obranný bonus od 30 do 40 %." #. [terrain_type]: id=forest #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3404 msgid "" "text='Forests' represent any woodland with significant " "undergrowth, enough to hinder passage. Though they slow nearly everyone " "down, forests do offer better defense to most units than open ground. " "Cavalry, however, have so much trouble navigating them that any benefit " "gained by stealth is negated. Elves are an exception to this general rule " "for forests. Not only do they possess full movement in forests, but they " "also gain a considerable defensive bonus. Dwarves are another exception to " "this rule; though they are able to plow through the forests without much " "loss of speed, their utter unfamiliarity with the terrain causes them to " "receive no defensive bonus.\n" "\n" "Most units have 50% defense in forests, but cavalry are limited to 30%. " "Elves, on the other hand, enjoy 60 to 70% defense, even their mounted units. " "Dwarves generally receive only 30% defense in forests." msgstr "" "text='Lesy' představuje každý lesík s příslušným porostem, " "který je dostatečný pro zpomalení pochodu. I když zpomalí téměř každého, " "nabízí les pro většinu jednotek lepší defenzivní pozici než otevřené " "prostranství. Jízda má samozřejmě při pohybu v tomto terénu spoustu " "problémů, takže jakýkoliv prospěch, získaný ze skrytí se v lese, je tímto " "potlačen. Elfové jsou výjimkou oproti všeobecně platnému pravidlu pro lesy. " "Nejen že jsou schopni postupu lesem beze zpomalení, ale také získávají " "značný obranný bonus. Trpaslíci jsou také výjimkou. I když jsou schopni se " "pohybovat lesem bez výrazné ztráty rychlosti, jejich neobeznámenost " "s terénem způsobuje, že nezískávají žádný obranný bonus.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek získá jako obranný bonus 50 %, ale jízda je omezena na 30 " "%. Elfové naproti tomu získávají obranný bonus od 60 % do 70 %, a to i když " "jedou na koních. Trpaslíci obvykle získají v lese obranný bonus pouze 30 %." # pseudoterén #. [terrain_type]: id=frozen #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3414 data/core/terrain.cfg:3415 msgid "Frozen" msgstr "Zmrzlý" #. [terrain_type]: id=frozen #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3417 msgid "" "text='Frozen' terrain represents any flat area that is " "covered by snow or ice.\n" "Most units are slowed down on it, and have a harder time defending " "themselves. Note that swimming units, even those who can breathe underwater, " "cannot swim underneath ice.\n" "\n" "Most units have 20 to 40% defense in frozen terrain." msgstr "" "text='Zmrzlý' povrch představuje jakákoliv zamrzlá rovná " "plocha pokrytá sněhem nebo ledem. Většina jednotek je tímto zpomalena a je " "pro ně obtížnější se bránit. Plavecké jednotky rovněž nemohou pod led.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek ve sněhu získá 20 až 40% obranný bonus." #. [terrain_type]: id=village #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3430 msgid "" "text='Villages' represent any group of buildings, human or " "otherwise.\n" "Almost all units, even cavalry, have an easy time navigating villages, and " "most units gain a defensive bonus from being stationed in a village. " "Villages allow units the resources to clean and tend to their wounds, which " "allows any unit stationed therein to heal eight hitpoints each turn, or to " "be cured of poison.\n" "\n" "Most units have 50 to 60% defense in villages, whereas cavalry receive only " "40%." msgstr "" "text='Vesnice' představují skupinu stavení, lidských či " "jiného původu. Téměř všechny jednotky, včetně jízdy, se ve vesnici snadno " "pohybují a většina z nich, pokud je zde umístěna, také získává obranný " "bonus. Vesnice jim tak poskytuje místo pro vyčištění a ošetření jejich " "zranění. Zde umístěné jednotky jsou každý tah ošetřovány o 8 hp či zbavovány " "otravy.\n" "\n" "Většina jednotek zde získá 50 až 60% obranný bonus, jízda pouze 40%." #. [terrain_type]: id=impassable #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3440 data/core/terrain.cfg:3441 msgid "Impassable" msgstr "Neprostupný" #. [terrain_type]: id=impassable #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3443 msgid "" "Obstacles that not even the most determined traveler may overcome include " "solid walls of stone and mountains so tall and steep that they are " "constantly wreathed in cloud. Even flying creatures cannot navigate the " "jagged peaks at such rarefied heights, and not even the fiercest troll can " "smash through thick walls of stone." msgstr "" "Nepřekonatelné překážky, jež nepokoří ani nejodhodlanější cestovatel, " "zahrnují například pevné kamenné zdi či hory tak vysoké a příkré, že se " "ztrácejí v oblacích. Ani létající tvorové se nedokáží dostat skrze rozeklané " "špičky v tak ohromné výši, a ani trollové se neprobijí skrz." # pseudoterén #. [terrain_type]: id=unwalkable #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3450 data/core/terrain.cfg:3451 msgid "Unwalkable" msgstr "Neprůchodný" #. [terrain_type]: id=unwalkable #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3453 msgid "" "text='Unwalkable terrain' covers any chasm or gorge which, " "as the name implies, cannot be crossed simply by walking. Chasms are noted " "for sheer walls which would take days to traverse. As far as gameplay is " "concerned, only units capable of flying can cross this terrain." msgstr "" "text='Neprůchodný terén' zahrnuje rokliny a průrvy v zemi, " "vedoucí do neznámé hloubky. Nemohou tak být překročeny pěšky. Jsou známé pro " "příkré svahy, jejichž překonání může trvat dny. Co se týká herních " "vlastností, mohou být překonány pouze jednotkami schopnými létat." #. [terrain_type]: id=rails #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3460 data/core/terrain.cfg:3461 msgid "Rails" msgstr "Koleje" #. [terrain_type]: id=rails #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3463 msgid "" "text='Rails' are used to transport ore, mostly by dwarves." msgstr "" "text='Koleje' využívají převážně trpaslíci k převážení rudy." #. [terrain_type]: id=regular_stone_floor_deprecated #. [terrain_type]: id=ancient_stone_floor_deprecated #. [terrain_type]: id=rug_floor_deprecated #. [terrain_type]: id=rug2_floor_deprecated #. [terrain_type]: id=old_wood_floor_deprecated #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3476 data/core/terrain.cfg:3487 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3498 data/core/terrain.cfg:3509 #: data/core/terrain.cfg:3520 msgid "Deprecated" msgstr "Zastaralý" #. [button]: id=search #: data/gui/macros/_initial.cfg:363 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:589 msgid "Search" msgstr "Vyhledat" #. [label]: id=no_options_notice #: data/gui/macros/custom_options_tree.cfg:26 msgid "" "There are no custom options available for the selected era, game, or " "modification." msgstr "Pro vybranou éru, hru nebo modifikaci neexistují vlastní možnosti." #. [button]: id=reset_option_values #. [button]: id=revert_to_defaults #. [button]: id=reset_timer_defaults #. [button]: id=btn_reset_hotkeys #. [button]: id=orb_defaults #: data/gui/macros/custom_options_tree.cfg:250 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:227 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:474 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:294 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:170 msgid "Defaults" msgstr "Výchozí" #. [label] #. [widget]: id=tab_label #: data/gui/macros/player_list_panel.cfg:22 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:388 msgid "Players" msgstr "Hráči" #. [settings] #: data/gui/themes/celes/celes.cfg:25 data/gui/themes/default/default.cfg:23 msgid " (Press ‘$hotkey’ for more information)" msgstr " (Pro více informací stiskni „$hotkey“)" #. [button]: id=close #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:157 msgid "Hide" msgstr "Skrýt" #. [button]: id=close #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:158 msgid "Hide tip of the day" msgstr "Skrýt tip dne" #. [button]: id=previous_tip #. [button]: id=previous_page #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:171 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/chat_log.cfg:105 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:194 msgid "Previous" msgstr "Předchozí" #. [button]: id=previous_tip #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:172 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:195 msgid "Show previous tip of the day" msgstr "Zobrazit předchozí tip" #. [button]: id=next_tip #. [button]: id=next_page #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:186 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/chat_log.cfg:114 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:209 msgid "Next" msgstr "Další" #. [button]: id=next_tip #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:187 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:210 msgid "Show next tip of the day" msgstr "Zobrazit další tip" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:235 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:256 msgid "Campaigns" msgstr "Tažení" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:235 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:256 msgid "Start a new single player campaign" msgstr "Spustit nové tažení pro jednoho hráče" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [grid] #. [label] #. [widget]: id=label #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:236 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:55 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences.cfg:365 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:257 #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:368 msgid "Multiplayer" msgstr "Hra více hráčů" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:236 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:257 msgid "" "Play multiplayer (hotseat, LAN, or Internet), or a single scenario against " "the AI" msgstr "" "Hrát spolu s více hráči (na místě, přes LAN nebo po internetu) nebo jediný " "scénář proti UI" #. [grid] #. [button]: id=load_movetype #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:237 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:892 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:639 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:258 msgid "Load" msgstr "Načíst hru" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:237 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:258 msgid "Load a saved game" msgstr "Načíst uloženou hru" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:241 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:259 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Rozšíření" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:241 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:259 msgid "Download usermade campaigns, eras, or map packs" msgstr "Stáhnout tažení, éry nebo balíčky map vytvořené uživateli" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [grid] #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:242 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/achievements_dialog.cfg:79 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:260 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:97 msgid "Achievements" msgstr "Úspěchy" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:242 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:260 msgid "View achievements" msgstr "Prohlédnout si úspěchy" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:243 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:261 msgid "Map Editor" msgstr "Editor map" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:243 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:261 msgid "Start the map editor" msgstr "Spustit editor map" #. [grid] #. [tab] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:244 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:904 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:262 msgid "Community" msgstr "Komunita" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:244 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:262 msgid "Places to talk about Wesnoth" msgstr "Místa, kde se mluví o Wesnothu" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:245 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:263 msgid "Configure the game’s settings" msgstr "Upravit nastavení hry" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [grid] #. [button]: id=show_preferences #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:245 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:571 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:772 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences.cfg:213 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:263 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:127 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Nastavení" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [grid] #. [button]: id=help #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:246 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:178 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:291 msgid "Help" msgstr "Nápověda" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:246 msgid "Visit the in-game help" msgstr "Navštívit nápovědu ve hře" #. [grid] #. [button]: id=cancel #. [button]: id=quit_without_surrender #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:247 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:234 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/surrender_quit.cfg:99 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:264 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Konec" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:247 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:264 msgid "Quit the game" msgstr "Ukončit hru" #. [button]: id=about #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:461 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:472 msgid "About" msgstr "O hře" #. [button]: id=about #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:462 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:473 msgid "General information about Battle for Wesnoth" msgstr "Obecné informace ohledně Bitvy o Wesnoth" #. [button]: id=language #. [label] #. [label]: id=translations_language #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:475 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:870 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:258 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/language_selection.cfg:227 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:494 msgid "Language" msgstr "Jazyk" #. [button]: id=language #: data/gui/themes/celes/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:476 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:495 msgid "Change the language" msgstr "Změnit používaný jazyk" #. [draw] #: data/gui/themes/celes/widgets/button_success.cfg:196 #: data/gui/themes/celes/widgets/button_success.cfg:214 #: data/gui/themes/celes/widgets/button_success.cfg:233 #: data/gui/themes/celes/widgets/button_success.cfg:251 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/button_success.cfg:193 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/button_success.cfg:208 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/button_success.cfg:222 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/button_success.cfg:236 msgid "page^Copy" msgstr "Kopírovat" #. [draw] #. The heavy checkmark character is available in the DejaVu Sans font, but not in the default Lato font #: data/gui/themes/celes/widgets/button_success.cfg:269 msgid "page^ Copied" msgstr " Zkopírováno" #. [button]: id=click_dismiss #. [button]: id=ok #. [button]: id=cancel #. [button]: id=close_window #: data/gui/themes/celes/widgets/window_default.cfg:106 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/achievements_dialog.cfg:306 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:302 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/chat_log.cfg:201 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/end_credits.cfg:145 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:247 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:843 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:992 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/gamestate_inspector.cfg:398 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:190 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/help_browser.cfg:288 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:292 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lua_interpreter.cfg:130 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/message.cfg:135 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:242 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:601 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences.cfg:434 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cfg:214 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/server_info.cfg:253 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cfg:623 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:434 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/chatbox.cfg:51 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/window_borderless.cfg:83 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/window_default.cfg:106 msgid "Close" msgstr "Zavřít" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_auth.cfg:41 msgid "Authenticate" msgstr "Prokaž se" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_auth.cfg:65 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Uživatelské jméno:" #. [label] #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_auth.cfg:95 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:217 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:1036 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game_password_prompt.cfg:90 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_login.cfg:143 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Heslo:" #. [toggle_button]: id=remember_password #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_auth.cfg:132 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_login.cfg:199 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:68 msgid "Save password locally (encrypted)" msgstr "Uložit heslo (zašifrované)" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_auth.cfg:159 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_server_info.cfg:168 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:511 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/depcheck_select_new.cfg:151 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/edit_label.cfg:139 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/edit_text.cfg:116 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_choose_addon.cfg:193 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_label.cfg:301 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl_translation.cfg:125 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_scenario.cfg:287 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:469 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:1243 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_dialog.cfg:506 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/folder_create.cfg:119 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/label_settings.cfg:137 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:259 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/migrate_version_selection.cfg:114 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_change_control.cfg:203 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_faction_select.cfg:381 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game_password_prompt.cfg:136 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_login.cfg:243 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:356 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_report.cfg:235 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/prompt.cfg:86 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:181 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/simple_item_selector.cfg:145 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/sp_options_configure.cfg:105 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/theme_list.cfg:142 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/tod_new_schedule.cfg:127 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/unit_advance.cfg:191 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/wml_error.cfg:162 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/wml_message.cfg:444 #: src/gui/dialogs/message.cpp:177 src/gui/dialogs/message.cpp:184 #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:71 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=cancel #. [button]: id=exit #. [button]: id=placeholder #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_auth.cfg:173 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_connect.cfg:206 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_license_prompt.cfg:113 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_uninstall_list.cfg:170 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:533 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_difficulty.cfg:234 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/core_dialog.cfg:241 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:524 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/depcheck_select_new.cfg:165 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/edit_label.cfg:153 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/edit_text.cfg:130 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_choose_addon.cfg:207 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_label.cfg:315 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:476 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl_translation.cfg:137 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_scenario.cfg:301 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:481 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:1256 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_generate_map.cfg:214 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_new_map.cfg:126 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_resize_map.cfg:282 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_dialog.cfg:519 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_progress.cfg:94 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/folder_create.cfg:133 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:654 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save.cfg:134 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/label_settings.cfg:149 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/language_selection.cfg:305 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:269 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/message.cfg:149 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_change_control.cfg:216 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_connect.cfg:314 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/default_resolution.cfg:460 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/small_resolution.cfg:378 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/tiny_resolution.cfg:335 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_faction_select.cfg:393 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game_password_prompt.cfg:149 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_login.cfg:257 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:370 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_report.cfg:249 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:450 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/network_transmission.cfg:111 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:192 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/simple_item_selector.cfg:158 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/sp_options_configure.cfg:117 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/surrender_quit.cfg:114 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/theme_list.cfg:155 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/tod_new_schedule.cfg:139 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/unit_attack.cfg:233 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:575 #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:72 src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:79 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Zrušit" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_connect.cfg:40 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_connect.cfg:52 msgid "Connect to Server" msgstr "Připoj se na server" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_connect.cfg:57 msgid "You will now connect to a server to download add-ons." msgstr "Nyní se připojíš na server s rozšířeními, abys nějaké stáhl." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_connect.cfg:85 msgid "Server:" msgstr "Server:" #. [button]: id=remove_addons #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_connect.cfg:139 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_uninstall_list.cfg:51 msgid "Remove Add-ons" msgstr "Odstranit rozšíření" #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_connect.cfg:192 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_connect.cfg:299 msgid "Connect" msgstr "Připojit" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_license_prompt.cfg:39 msgid "addons_server^Terms" msgstr "Podmínky" #. [label]: id=message #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_license_prompt.cfg:53 msgid "" "Before uploading content to this server, you must accept the following " "distribution terms by choosing “I Agree”." msgstr "" "Před nahráním obsahu na tento server musíš přijmout následující podmínky " "distribuce výběrem možnosti „Souhlasím“." #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_license_prompt.cfg:102 msgid "I Agree" msgstr "Souhlasím" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:9 msgid "Traffic between the game and server is not secure" msgstr "Provoz mezi hrou a serverem není zabezpečený" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:13 msgid "Traffic between the game and server is encrypted" msgstr "Provoz mezi hrou a serverem je zašifrovaný" #. [label] #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:162 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:817 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:210 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:706 msgid "Type:" msgstr "Typ:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:195 msgid "Status:" msgstr "Stav:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:229 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:160 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cfg:141 msgid "Size:" msgstr "Velikost:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:269 msgid "Downloads:" msgstr "Počet stažení:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:299 msgid "date^Uploaded:" msgstr "Nahráno:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:329 msgid "date^Updated:" msgstr "Aktualizováno:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [scroll_label]: id=description #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:415 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:580 msgid "No description available." msgstr "Popis není dostupný." #. [label]: id=version_string #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:456 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:207 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Verze:" #. [menu_button]: id=version_filter #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:471 msgid "Select the add-on version" msgstr "Vybrat verzi rozšíření" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:489 msgid "Website:" msgstr "Webové stránky:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:521 msgid "Id:" msgstr "Identifikátor:" #. [button]: id=install #. [button]: id=single_install #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:578 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/addon_list.cfg:366 msgid "Install add-on" msgstr "Nainstalovat rozšíření" #. [button]: id=update #. [button]: id=single_update #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:600 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/addon_list.cfg:389 msgid "Update add-on" msgstr "Aktualizovat rozšíření" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=uninstall #. [button]: id=single_uninstall #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:622 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/addon_list.cfg:435 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1061 msgid "Uninstall add-on" msgstr "Odinstalovat rozšíření" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=publish #. [button]: id=single_publish #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:645 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/addon_list.cfg:412 #: src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:260 msgid "Publish add-on" msgstr "Publikuj rozšíření" #. [button]: id=delete #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:659 msgid "Delete add-on" msgstr "Smazat rozšíření" #. [label] #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:698 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:208 msgid "Dependencies:" msgstr "Závislosti:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=dependencies #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:713 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1137 msgid "addon_dependencies^None" msgstr "Žádné" #. [label] #. [label]: id=translations_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:733 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:229 msgid "Translations:" msgstr "Překlady:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=translations #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:748 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1151 msgid "translations^None" msgstr "žádné" #. [text_box]: id=filter #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:770 msgid "Filters on addon description, version, type or author" msgstr "Filtry na popis, verzi, typ nebo autora rozšíření" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:791 msgid "State:" msgstr "Stav:" #. [label] #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:844 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:209 msgid "Tags:" msgstr "Štítky:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:895 msgid "Order:" msgstr "Řazení:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:989 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:1200 msgid "Add-ons Manager" msgstr "Správce rozšíření" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=details_toggle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:1099 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:570 src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:844 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:942 msgid "Add-on Details" msgstr "Podrobnosti o rozšíření" #. [button]: id=update_all #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:1120 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:1318 msgid "Update All" msgstr "Aktualizovat vše" #. [button]: id=info #. [label] #. [widget]: id=tab_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:1134 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:1332 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_server_info.cfg:41 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:375 msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" # TODO #. [button]: id=cancel #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:1148 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_manager.cfg:1346 msgid "Exit" msgstr "Konec" #. [button]: id=downloads_by_version #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_server_info.cfg:59 msgid "Add-on download count by version" msgstr "Počet stažení rozšíření podle verze" #. [button]: id=addon_count_by_forum_auth #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_server_info.cfg:77 msgid "Count of add-ons using forum_auth" msgstr "Počet rozšíření používajících forum_auth" #. [button]: id=admin_delete_addon #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_server_info.cfg:95 msgid "Delete selected add-on (admin)" msgstr "Odstranit vybrané rozšíření (správce)" #. [button]: id=admin_hide_addon #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_server_info.cfg:113 msgid "Hide selected add-on (admin)" msgstr "Skrýt vybrané rozšíření (správce)" #. [button]: id=admin_unhide_addon #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_server_info.cfg:131 msgid "Unhide add-on by ID (admin)" msgstr "Odkrýt rozšíření pomocí identifikátoru (správce)" #. [button]: id=admin_list_hidden #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_server_info.cfg:149 msgid "List hidden add-ons (admin)" msgstr "Vypsat skrytá rozšíření (správce)" #. [scroll_label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_uninstall_list.cfg:68 msgid "Choose the add-ons you want to remove." msgstr "Vyber rozšíření k odstranění." #. [button]: id=ok #. [button]: id=remove #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/addon_uninstall_list.cfg:157 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:289 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Odstranit" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:82 msgid "Base damage" msgstr "Základní poškození" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:84 msgid "Time of day modifier" msgstr "Modifikátor denní doby" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:85 msgid "Leadership bonus" msgstr "Bonus z velení" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:86 msgid "Slowed penalty" msgstr "Postih zpomalení" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:90 msgid "Total damage" msgstr "Celkové poškození" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:94 msgid "Chance to hit" msgstr "Šance na zásah" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:95 msgid "Chance of being unscathed" msgstr "Šance nebýt poškozen" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:184 msgid "Expected Battle Result (HP)" msgstr "Očekávané výsledky souboje (životy)" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:247 msgid "Damage Calculations" msgstr "Výpočet poškození" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:270 msgid "Attacker" msgstr "Útočník" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/attack_predictions.cfg:280 msgid "Defender" msgstr "Obránce" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_name #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_0 #. [label]: id=name #. [label] #. [toggle_button]: id=unit_name #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:212 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:170 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_connect.cfg:159 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:45 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:33 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/addon_list.cfg:78 msgid "Name" msgstr "Název" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_name #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:213 msgid "Sort by full campaign name in alphabetical order" msgstr "Řadit dle jména tažení v abecedním pořadí" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_time #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:224 msgid "Timeline" msgstr "Časová osa" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_time #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:225 msgid "Sort in approximate chronological order of story events" msgstr "Řadit dle přibližného chronologického rozložení událostí v příběhu" #. [multimenu_button]: id=filter_completion #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:235 msgid "Filter by campaign completion status" msgstr "Filtrovat podle stavu dokončení tažení" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:238 msgid "Not Completed" msgstr "Nedokončeno" #. [option] #. campaigns which the player hasn't beaten, rather than campaigns which the author hasn't finished writing #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:240 msgid "Show campaigns not completed by player" msgstr "Ukázat hráčem nedokončená tažení" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:244 msgid "Completed: Bronze" msgstr "Dokončeno: bronz" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:245 msgid "Show campaigns completed at easiest difficulty" msgstr "Ukázat tažení dokončená na nejlehčí obtížnost" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:249 msgid "Completed: Silver" msgstr "Dokončeno: stříbro" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:250 msgid "Show campaigns completed at intermediate difficulties" msgstr "Ukázat tažení dokončená na prostřední obtížnosti" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:254 msgid "Completed: Gold" msgstr "Dokončeno: zlato" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:255 msgid "Show campaigns completed at hardest difficulty" msgstr "Ukázat tažení dokončená na nejtěžší obtížnost" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:259 msgid "Completed: All" msgstr "Dokončeno: vše" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:260 msgid "Show completed campaigns" msgstr "Ukázat dokončená tažení" #. [label] #. [label]: id=mods_header #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:311 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:220 msgid "Modifications:" msgstr "Rozšíření:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:336 msgid "Combat:" msgstr "Souboj:" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:351 msgid "Default RNG" msgstr "Výchozí GNČ" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:352 msgid "" "Pure, unbiased randomness; the way Wesnoth is intended to be played.\n" "\n" "Example: if you strike twice with 50% accuracy, you’re most likely to hit " "once and miss once, but might also hit twice or miss twice." msgstr "" "Čistá, neovlivněná náhoda. Tak, jak se má Wesnoth hrát.\n" "\n" "Příklad: pokud dvakrát udeříš s 50% přesností, s největší pravděpodobností " "jednou zasáhneš a jednou mineš, ale můžeš také dvakrát zasáhnout nebo " "dvakrát minout." #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:357 msgid "Predictable RNG" msgstr "Předvídatelný GNČ" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:358 msgid "" "Identical to Default RNG, except loading a saved game will not change the " "outcome of an attack.\n" "\n" "Example: you strike twice and get lucky, hitting both strikes. You then load " "an earlier save and make the same attack again. Both strikes will still hit." msgstr "" "Stejný jako výchozí GNČ s výjimkou toho, že načtení uložené hry nezmění " "výsledek útoku.\n" "\n" "Příklad: dvakrát udeříš a budeš mít štěstí, zasáhneš dvakrát. Pak načteš " "dřívější uložení a provedeš stejný útok znovu. Oba údery stejně zasáhnou." #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:363 msgid "Reduced RNG" msgstr "Omezený GNČ" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:364 msgid "" "Hits and misses are much more consistent. This tends to make small-scale " "engagements easier to plan.\n" "\n" "Example: if you strike three times with 50% accuracy, you will always hit at " "least once and miss at least once." msgstr "" "Zásahy a minutí jsou mnohem stálejší. Díky tomu je snazší plánovat malé " "akce.\n" "\n" "Příklad: pokud třikrát udeříš s 50% přesností, vždy alespoň jednou zasáhneš " "a alespoň jednou mineš." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:381 msgid "Difficulty:" msgstr "Obtížnost:" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:395 msgid "Easy" msgstr "Lehká" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:398 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normální" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:401 msgid "Hard" msgstr "Těžká" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:458 msgid "Play a Campaign" msgstr "Hrát tažení" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=proceed #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_dialog.cfg:522 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_difficulty.cfg:221 #: src/gui/dialogs/campaign_selection.cpp:76 msgid "game^Play" msgstr "Hrát" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=title #. [slider]: id=enemey_gold_factor #. [slider]: id=enemy_gold_factor #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_difficulty.cfg:53 #: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Dark_Forecast.cfg:262 #: data/multiplayer/scenarios/2p_Isle_of_Mists.cfg:309 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:198 msgid "Difficulty" msgstr "Obtížnost" #. [scroll_label]: id=message #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/campaign_difficulty.cfg:73 msgid "Select difficulty:" msgstr "Vyber si obtížnost:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/chat_log.cfg:36 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:293 msgid "Chat Log" msgstr "Záznam rozhovoru" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/chat_log.cfg:58 msgid "Page:" msgstr "Stránka:" #. [slider]: id=page_number #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/chat_log.cfg:76 msgid "Last" msgstr "Poslední" #. [button]: id=previous_page #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/chat_log.cfg:106 msgid "Previous page" msgstr "Předchozí strana" #. [button]: id=next_page #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/chat_log.cfg:115 msgid "Next page" msgstr "Další strana" #. [button]: id=copy #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/chat_log.cfg:187 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/gamestate_inspector.cfg:336 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lua_interpreter.cfg:105 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/wml_error.cfg:124 msgid "clipboard^Copy" msgstr "Kopírovat" #. [button]: id=copy #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/chat_log.cfg:188 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lua_interpreter.cfg:106 msgid "Copy this log to clipboard" msgstr "Zkopírovat tento protokol do schránky" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/core_dialog.cfg:44 msgid "Load Core" msgstr "Načíst jádro" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/core_dialog.cfg:228 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/language_selection.cfg:293 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/custom_tod.cpp:172 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:310 #: src/preferences/preferences.cpp:1306 msgid "Select" msgstr "Vybrat" #. [button]: id=copy_ #. [button]: id=copy #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:53 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:110 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:48 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cfg:33 msgid "filesystem^Copy" msgstr "Kopírovat" #. [button]: id=copy_ #. [button]: id=copy #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:54 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:111 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:49 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cfg:34 msgid "Copy this path to clipboard" msgstr "Zkopírovat tuto cestu do schránky" #. [button]: id=browse_ #. [button]: id=browse #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:69 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:112 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:126 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:64 msgid "filesystem^Browse" msgstr "Procházet" #. [button]: id=browse_ #. [button]: id=browse #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:70 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:113 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:127 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:65 msgid "Browse this location using a file manager" msgstr "Procházet umístění ve správci souborů" #. [button]: id=preview_ #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:90 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:98 msgid "Preview image" msgstr "Náhled obrázku" #. [button]: id=preview_ #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:108 msgid "Play sound" msgstr "Přehrát zvuk" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:186 msgid "Edit Time Schedule" msgstr "Upravit rozvrh dne" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label] #. [label]: id=id_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:216 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_scenario.cfg:106 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:191 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:645 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/folder_create.cfg:72 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save.cfg:72 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_message.cfg:92 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_oos.cfg:90 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cfg:120 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/tod_new_schedule.cfg:86 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_connect.cpp:181 #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:219 msgid "Name:" msgstr "Jméno:" #. [label] #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:244 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:151 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl_translation.cfg:99 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_scenario.cfg:140 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:322 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Popis:" #. [label] #. [label]: id=id_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:271 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:144 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:619 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/tod_new_schedule.cfg:46 msgid "ID:" msgstr "ID:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:352 msgid "Image:" msgstr "Obrázek:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:353 msgid "Mask:" msgstr "Maska:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:354 msgid "Sound:" msgstr "Zvuk:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:383 msgid "Lawful Bonus:" msgstr "Zákonný bonus:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:406 msgid "Red:" msgstr "Červená:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:407 msgid "Green:" msgstr "Zelená:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:408 msgid "Blue:" msgstr "Modrá:" #. [button]: id=new #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:472 msgid "New ToD" msgstr "Nový ToD" #. [button]: id=delete #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:485 msgid "Delete ToD" msgstr "Smazat ToD" #. [button]: id=preview_color #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/custom_tod.cfg:498 msgid "Preview color changes on map" msgstr "Ukázat změny barev na mapě" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/depcheck_confirm_change.cfg:40 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1034 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/custom_tod.cpp:183 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/custom_tod.cpp:190 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/custom_tod.cpp:197 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:323 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:331 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:339 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:1035 #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:368 src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:796 msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Potvrdit" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/depcheck_confirm_change.cfg:96 msgid "Would you like to apply the changes?" msgstr "Chceš použít provedené změny?" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/depcheck_confirm_change.cfg:128 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_delete.cfg:107 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_message.cfg:139 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_oos.cfg:191 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_overwrite.cfg:96 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_host_game_prompt.cfg:105 #: src/gui/dialogs/message.cpp:191 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ano" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=cancel #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/depcheck_confirm_change.cfg:142 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_delete.cfg:121 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_message.cfg:153 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_oos.cfg:205 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_overwrite.cfg:110 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_host_game_prompt.cfg:118 #: src/gui/dialogs/message.cpp:193 msgid "No" msgstr "Ne" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/depcheck_select_new.cfg:40 msgid "User Interaction Required" msgstr "Spolupráce uživatele vyžadována" #. [label]: id=message #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/depcheck_select_new.cfg:59 msgid "User interaction required" msgstr "Spolupráce uživatele vyžadována" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/edit_label.cfg:42 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_label.cfg:42 msgid "Place Label" msgstr "Umístit popisek" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/edit_label.cfg:72 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_label.cfg:72 msgid "Label:" msgstr "Popisek:" #. [toggle_button]: id=team_only_toggle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/edit_label.cfg:111 msgid "Team only" msgstr "Pouze pro tým" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_choose_addon.cfg:47 msgid "Add-on Selection" msgstr "Výběr rozšíření" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_choose_addon.cfg:64 msgid "" "Choose an add-on to be associated with the current editor session. If the " "New Add-on option is chosen, its ID can be changed via the Change Add-on ID " "option." msgstr "" "Vyber rozšíření, které má být spojeno se stávající prací v editoru. Pokud je " "zvolena možnost Nové rozšíření, lze jeho ID změnit pomocí volby Změnit ID " "rozšíření." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_choose_addon.cfg:162 msgid "Show all" msgstr "Ukázat všechna" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_all #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_choose_addon.cfg:174 msgid "Whether to show all installed add-ons or only your add-ons" msgstr "Zda chceš ukázat všechna instalovaná rozšíření, nebo pouze ta svá." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_label.cfg:106 msgid "Category:" msgstr "Kategorie:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_label.cfg:152 msgid "Properties" msgstr "Vlastnosti" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_label.cfg:164 msgid "Color" msgstr "Barva" #. [toggle_button]: id=immutable_toggle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_label.cfg:181 msgid "Immutable" msgstr "Neměnný" #. [toggle_button]: id=visible_fog_toggle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_label.cfg:216 msgid "Visible in fog" msgstr "Viditelný v mlze" #. [toggle_button]: id=visible_shroud_toggle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_label.cfg:251 msgid "Visible in shroud" msgstr "Viditelný ve tmě" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:84 msgid "Add-on Publishing Setup" msgstr "Nastavení rozšíření k zveřejnění" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:150 msgid "The name of the add-on displayed in-game." msgstr "Název rozšíření zobrazený ve hře." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:150 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Název:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:151 msgid "The description of the add-on to display in the add-ons manager." msgstr "Popis rozšíření, který se zobrazí ve správci rozšíření." #. [label]: id=icon_label #. [grid]: id=grid_atk #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:162 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:661 msgid "Icon:" msgstr "Ikona:" #. [button]: id=select_icon #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:182 msgid "Select an icon file" msgstr "Vybrat soubor s ikonou" #. [text_box]: id=icon #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:195 msgid "" "The path to the icon image to display in the add-ons manager. Must be an " "image from mainline." msgstr "" "Cesta k obrázku ikony, který se má zobrazit ve správci rozšíření. Musí to " "být obrázek z hlavní řady." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:206 msgid "Author:" msgstr "Autor:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:206 msgid "" "The author of this add-on. If forum authentication is used, this is your " "forum username." msgstr "" "Autor tohoto rozšíření. Pokud je použito ověření z fóra, je to tvé " "uživatelské jméno na fóru." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:207 msgid "The add-on’s current version. This should be of the form X.Y.Z." msgstr "Současná verze rozšíření. Měla by mít tvar X.Y.Z." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:208 msgid "" "A comma delimited list of the IDs of any other add-ons that this add-on " "depends on. The add-on ID is the folder name in your operating system’s file " "manager, not the add-on’s name." msgstr "" "Seznam ID všech ostatních rozšíření oddělených čárkou, na kterých toto " "rozšíření závisí. ID rozšíření je název složky ve správci souborů tvého " "operačního systému, nikoli název rozšíření." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:211 msgid "Forum thread:" msgstr "Vlákno fóra:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:211 msgid "" "The numeric topic ID of a thread on the Wesnoth forums where players can " "post feedback." msgstr "" "Číselné ID tématu vlákna na fórech Wesnothu, kam mohou hráči posílat zpětnou " "vazbu." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:212 msgid "Forum URL" msgstr "URL adresa fóra" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:212 msgid "The full URL of your feedback thread on the forums." msgstr "Úplná URL adresa tvého vlákna pro zpětnou vazbu na fórech." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:213 msgid "Forum Authentication:" msgstr "Ověření z fóra:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:213 msgid "" "Whether to use your forum username and password when uploading or to store " "your password and email address in the add-on’s _server.pbl." msgstr "" "Zda chceš při nahrávání použít své uživatelské jméno a heslo z fóra, nebo " "své heslo a e-mailovou adresu uložit v rozšíření do souboru _server.pbl." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:214 msgid "" "Comma delimited list of forum usernames of other people who are allowed to " "upload updates for this add-on or delete this add-on." msgstr "" "Seznam uživatelských jmen z fóra oddělených čárkami, jež patří lidem, kteří " "mohou nahrávat pro toto rozšíření aktualizace nebo toto rozšíření smazat." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:214 msgid "Primary Authors:" msgstr "Hlavní autoři:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:215 msgid "" "Comma delimited list of forum usernames of other people who are allowed to " "upload updates for this add-on." msgstr "" "Seznam uživatelských jmen z fór oddělených čárkami, jež patří lidem, kteří " "mohou nahrávat pro toto rozšíření aktualizace." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:215 msgid "Secondary Authors:" msgstr "Vedlejší autoři:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:216 msgid "" "An email address you can be contacted at in case of issues with your add-on." msgstr "" "E-mailová adresa, na které jsi k zastižení, pro případ problémů s tvým " "rozšířením." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:216 msgid "Email:" msgstr "E-mail:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:217 msgid "" "The add-on’s current password. Using forum authentication is recommended " "instead since this password is not stored securely." msgstr "" "Stávající heslo rozšíření. Místo něj je doporučeno použít ověření z fóra, " "protože toto heslo není uloženo bezpečně." #. [label]: id=translations_title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:275 msgid "Title" msgstr "Název" #. [label]: id=translations_description #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:292 msgid "Description" msgstr "Popis" #. [button]: id=translations_add #. [button]: id=server_add #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:407 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_connect.cfg:270 msgid "Add" msgstr "Přidat" #. [button]: id=translations_delete #. [button]: id=delete_file #. [button]: id=delete #. [button]: id=server_delete #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:421 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_dialog.cfg:349 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:606 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_connect.cfg:284 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Smazat" #. [button]: id=validate #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:452 msgid "Validate" msgstr "Ověřit" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=ok #. [button]: id=save #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl.cfg:464 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save.cfg:120 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cfg:201 #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:230 src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:185 msgid "Save" msgstr "Uložit" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl_translation.cfg:69 msgid "Translation" msgstr "Překlad" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl_translation.cfg:84 msgid "* Required" msgstr "* Povinné" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl_translation.cfg:97 msgid "* Language:" msgstr "* Jazyk:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl_translation.cfg:97 msgid "" "The POSIX locale name of the translation, such as sv (Swedish) or zh_CN " "(Simplified Chinese)." msgstr "" "Název národního prostředí překladu podle standardu POSIX, například sv " "(švédština) nebo zh_CN (zjednodušená čínština)." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl_translation.cfg:98 msgid "* Title:" msgstr "* Název:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl_translation.cfg:98 msgid "The translation of the add-on’s title." msgstr "Překlad názvu rozšíření." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_pbl_translation.cfg:99 msgid "The translation of the add-on’s description." msgstr "Překlad popisu rozšíření." #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_scenario.cfg:42 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:281 msgid "Edit Scenario Settings" msgstr "Upravit nastavení scénáře" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_scenario.cfg:72 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Identifikátor:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_scenario.cfg:170 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:450 msgid "Experience modifier:" msgstr "Modifikátor zkušenostních bodů:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_scenario.cfg:201 msgid "Turns:" msgstr "Počet kol:" #. [toggle_button]: id=victory_when_enemies_defeated #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_scenario.cfg:241 msgid "Declare victory once all enemies are defeated" msgstr "Vítěztví po poražení všech nepřátel" #. [toggle_button]: id=random_start_time #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_scenario.cfg:259 msgid "Random starting time" msgstr "Náhodná počáteční doba" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:60 msgid "Side Setup" msgstr "Výběr strany" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:83 msgid "Number:" msgstr "Počet:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:110 msgid "Team identifier:" msgstr "Identifikátor týmu:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:137 msgid "Team name:" msgstr "Jméno týmu:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:164 msgid "Recruit list:" msgstr "Seznam rekrutů:" #. [toggle_button]: id=no_leader #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:218 msgid "No leader" msgstr "Bez vůdce" #. [toggle_button]: id=fog #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:234 msgid "Fog of war" msgstr "Zahalení mlhou" #. [toggle_button]: id=hidden #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:246 msgid "Hide in status table" msgstr "Schovat ve stavové tabulce" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:275 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:338 msgid "Gold:" msgstr "Zlato:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:303 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:451 msgid "Gold per village:" msgstr "Zlato za vesnici:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:331 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:370 msgid "Income:" msgstr "Příjem:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:359 msgid "Support per village:" msgstr "Podpora za vesnici:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:389 msgid "Controller:" msgstr "Ovládá:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:399 #: src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:63 msgid "controller^Human" msgstr "Člověk" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:401 msgid "controller^AI only" msgstr "Pouze umělá inteligence" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:403 msgid "controller^None" msgstr "Nikdo" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:422 msgid "Share Vision:" msgstr "Sdílet pohled:" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:432 msgid "vision^All" msgstr "Vše" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:434 msgid "vision^Shroud" msgstr "Zahalení tmou" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_side.cfg:436 msgid "vision^None" msgstr "Žádné" #. [button]: id=load_unit_type #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:174 msgid "Load Unit Type" msgstr "Nahrát typ jednotky" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:208 msgid "Unit Image:" msgstr "Obrázek jednotky:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:210 msgid "Portrait:" msgstr "Podobizna:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:221 msgid "Level:" msgstr "Úroveň:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:246 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game.cfg:197 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:200 msgid "Gender:" msgstr "Pohlaví:" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:254 msgid "gender^Male" msgstr "Muž" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:255 msgid "gender^Female" msgstr "Žena" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:270 msgid "Advances to:" msgstr "Povyšuje na:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:296 msgid "Race:" msgstr "Národ:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:349 msgid "Alignment:" msgstr "Příslušnost:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:375 msgid "HP:" msgstr "Životy:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:405 msgid "XP:" msgstr "Zkušenosti:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:435 msgid "Cost:" msgstr "Cena:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:465 msgid "Movement:" msgstr "Pohyb:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=title #. [tab] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:524 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:1206 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:216 msgid "Attacks" msgstr "Útoky" #. [button]: id=atk_new #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:589 msgid "New Attack" msgstr "Nový útok" #. [button]: id=atk_delete #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:602 msgid "Delete Attack" msgstr "Odstranit útok" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:672 msgid "Range:" msgstr "Dosah:" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:686 msgid "range^Melee" msgstr "na blízko" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:690 msgid "range^Ranged" msgstr "na dálku" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:731 msgid "Damage:" msgstr "Zranění:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:758 msgid "Hits:" msgstr "Rány:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:786 msgid "Specials:" msgstr "Zvláštnosti:" #. [grid]: id=grid_adv #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:828 msgid "Small Profile" msgstr "Menší podobizna:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:839 msgid "Abilities:" msgstr "Schopnosti:" #. [label]: id=movetype_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:865 msgid "Movetype:" msgstr "Druh pohybu:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=movement_costs_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:908 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:152 msgid "Movement Costs:" msgstr "Cena za pohyb:" #. [label]: id=defense_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:961 msgid "Defense:" msgstr "Obrana:" #. [label]: id=resistance_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:1014 msgid "Resistances:" msgstr "Odolnosti:" #. [label]: id=usage_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:1067 msgid "AI Usage:" msgstr "Použití UI:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:1170 msgid "Unit Type Editor" msgstr "Editor typu jednotky" #. [tab] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:1192 msgid "Main Stats" msgstr "Základní statistiky" #. [tab] #. [widget]: id=label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:1199 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences.cfg:383 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Pokročilé" #. [tab] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_edit_unit.cfg:1213 msgid "WML View" msgstr "Náhled WML" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_generate_map.cfg:43 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:252 msgid "Generate Map" msgstr "Generovat mapu" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_generate_map.cfg:58 msgid "Choose a map generator:" msgstr "Vyber generátor map:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=settings #. [button]: id=random_map_settings #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_generate_map.cfg:128 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:923 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:449 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nastavení" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_generate_map.cfg:161 msgid "Numerical seed:" msgstr "Číselný seed:" #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_generate_map.cfg:202 msgid "Generate" msgstr "Vygeneruj" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_new_map.cfg:36 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:182 msgid "New Map" msgstr "Nová mapa" #. [label] #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_new_map.cfg:55 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:107 msgid "Width:" msgstr "Šířka:" #. [label] #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_new_map.cfg:82 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:109 msgid "Height:" msgstr "Výška:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_new_map.cfg:116 #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:426 msgid "Create" msgstr "Vytvoř" # v editoru map; kontext - v menu "mapa" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_resize_map.cfg:35 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:251 msgid "Resize Map" msgstr "Změnit velikost" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_resize_map.cfg:54 msgid "New width:" msgstr "Nová šířka:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_resize_map.cfg:78 msgid "Old width:" msgstr "Stará šířka:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_resize_map.cfg:101 msgid "New height:" msgstr "Nová výška:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_resize_map.cfg:125 msgid "Old height:" msgstr "Stará výška:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_resize_map.cfg:152 msgid "Expand/shrink direction:" msgstr "Směr expanze / smrštění:" #. [toggle_button]: id=copy_edge_terrain #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_resize_map.cfg:251 msgid "Copy edge terrain" msgstr "Kopírovat terén na okraji" # v editoru map; kontext - v menu "mapa" #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/editor_resize_map.cfg:272 msgid "Resize" msgstr "Změň velikost" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/end_credits.cfg:117 msgid "↑ ↓ to adjust speed" msgstr "↑ ↓ pro nastavení rychlosti" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_dialog.cfg:103 msgid "File:" msgstr "Soubor:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_dialog.cfg:190 msgid "Places" msgstr "Místa" #. [button]: id=add_bookmark #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_dialog.cfg:281 msgid "Bookmarks the current folder" msgstr "Přidat současnou složku do záložek" #. [button]: id=remove_bookmark #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_dialog.cfg:293 msgid "Removes the current bookmark" msgstr "Odebrat současnou záložku ze záložek" #. [button]: id=open_ext #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_dialog.cfg:320 msgid "Open External" msgstr "Otevřít externě" #. [button]: id=open_ext #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_dialog.cfg:321 msgid "Open selected using platform’s default applications" msgstr "Otevřít vybraný pomocí výchozích programů platformy" # adresář? #. [button]: id=new_dir #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/file_dialog.cfg:335 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/folder_create.cfg:43 msgid "New Folder" msgstr "Nová složka" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:36 msgid "Formula debugger" msgstr "Debugger jazyka Formula" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:59 msgid "Welcome" msgstr "Vítej" #. [label]: id=state #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:71 msgid "state" msgstr "stav" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:85 msgid "Call stack" msgstr "Zásobník volání" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:94 msgid "Actions" msgstr "Akce" # Krokovat operaci udělá toto jediné tlačítko větší, proto zkratka. #. [button]: id=step #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:128 msgid "Step operation" msgstr "Krokovat op." #. [button]: id=next #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:139 msgid "Next operation" msgstr "Další operace" #. [button]: id=stepout #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:150 msgid "Step out" msgstr "Vykročit ven" #. [button]: id=continue #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:161 msgid "Continue" msgstr "Pokračovat" # asi něco jako "stack trace" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/formula_debugger.cfg:178 msgid "Execution trace" msgstr "Posloupnost volání" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:36 msgid "WML Cache" msgstr "Mezipaměť WML" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:53 msgid "" "Wesnoth maintains a cache of preprocessed WML data for campaigns, " "multiplayer scenarios, and other add-ons to speed up the loading process. " "The cache may be safely cleaned to free up disk space, thus removing stale " "files generated by older versions; or you may purge its entire contents if " "you are experiencing issues when loading the game data." msgstr "" "Wesnoth si udržuje mezipaměť předzpracovaných WML dat pro kampaně, scénáře " "pro hry více hráčů a další součásti hry kvůli zrychlení načítání. Mezipaměť " "může být bezpečně pročištěna, aby se uvolnilo místo na disku, a tím se " "odstranily zastaralé soubory vytvořené staršími verzemi; nebo můžeš celý " "obsah mezipaměti vymazat, pokud máš potíže při načítání herních dat." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:81 msgid "Path:" msgstr "Cesta:" #. [button]: id=clean #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:194 msgid "cache^Clean" msgstr "Pročistit" #. [button]: id=clean #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:195 msgid "Clear stale and unused cache files" msgstr "Pročistit zastaralé a nepoužívané soubory mezipaměti" #. [button]: id=purge #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:207 msgid "cache^Purge" msgstr "Vymazat" #. [button]: id=purge #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_cache_options.cfg:208 msgid "Purge the entire contents of the cache" msgstr "Vymazat celý obsah mezipaměti" #. [label]: id=lblTitle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_delete.cfg:40 msgid "Delete Save" msgstr "Smaž pozici" #. [label]: id=lblMessage #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_delete.cfg:60 msgid "Do you really want to delete this game?" msgstr "Skutečně chceš smazat tuto hru?" #. [toggle_button]: id=dont_ask_again #. [toggle_button]: id=do_not_show_again #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_delete.cfg:80 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_host_game_prompt.cfg:79 msgid "Do not show again" msgstr "Už nezobrazuj" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_1 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:185 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=lblTitle #. [button]: id=load_game #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:309 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:944 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:109 msgid "Load Game" msgstr "Načíst hru" #. [button]: id=browse_saves_folder #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:350 msgid "Open saves folder" msgstr "Otevřít složku s uloženými soubory" #. [menu_button]: id=dirList #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:362 msgid "Show saves from a different version of Wesnoth" msgstr "Ukázat uložené hry z jiné verze Wesnothu" #. [toggle_button]: id=change_difficulty #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:538 msgid "Change difficulty" msgstr "Změnit obtížnost" #. [toggle_button]: id=change_difficulty #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:539 msgid "Change campaign difficulty before loading" msgstr "Změnit obtížnost kampaně před nahráním" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_replay #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:561 msgid "Show replay" msgstr "Přehrát záznam" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_replay #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:562 msgid "Play the embedded replay from the saved game if applicable" msgstr "Přehrát vložený záznam z uložené hry, pokud je to možné" #. [toggle_button]: id=cancel_orders #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:584 msgid "Cancel orders" msgstr "Zrušit příkazy" #. [toggle_button]: id=cancel_orders #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_load.cfg:585 msgid "Cancel any pending unit movements in the saved game" msgstr "Všechny nevyhodnocené pohyby jednotek v uložené hře zrušit" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=lblTitle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save.cfg:42 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_message.cfg:42 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_oos.cfg:42 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:106 msgid "Save Game" msgstr "Uložit hru" #. [toggle_button]: id=ignore_all #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_oos.cfg:141 msgid "Ignore all" msgstr "Ignoruj vše" #. [button]: id=quit_game #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_oos.cfg:158 msgid "Quit Game" msgstr "Ukončit hru" #. [label]: id=lblTitle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_overwrite.cfg:40 msgid "Overwrite?" msgstr "Přepsat?" #. [label]: id=lblMessage #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_save_overwrite.cfg:60 msgid "Save already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" msgstr "Tato uložená pozice již existuje. Chceš ji přepsat?" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_0 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:35 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:283 msgid "Leader" msgstr "Vůdce" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_1 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:49 msgid "Team" msgstr "Tým" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_2 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:63 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_join_game.cpp:440 msgid "Gold" msgstr "Zlato" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_3 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:76 #: src/generators/default_map_generator.cpp:198 msgid "Villages" msgstr "Vesnice" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_4 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:90 msgid "Units" msgstr "Jednotky" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_5 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:104 msgid "Upkeep" msgstr "Výdaje" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_6 #. [image]: id=income_icon #. [label]: id=side_income #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:118 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game.cfg:281 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game.cfg:294 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_join_game.cpp:446 msgid "Income" msgstr "Příjem" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_1 #. [label]: id=side_title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:297 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_change_control.cfg:22 msgid "Side" msgstr "Strana" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_2 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:311 msgid "" "Starting\n" "Gold" msgstr "" "Počáteční\n" "zlato" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_3 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:325 msgid "" "Base\n" "Income" msgstr "" "Základní\n" "příjem" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_4 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:340 msgid "" "Gold Per\n" "Village" msgstr "" "Zlato za\n" "vesnici" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_5 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:355 msgid "" "Support Per\n" "Village" msgstr "" "Podpora\n" "za vesnici" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:705 #: src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:248 msgid "Current Status" msgstr "Současný stav" #. [widget]: id=tab_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:780 msgid "Game Stats" msgstr "Statistika hry" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [widget]: id=tab_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:793 #: src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:248 msgid "Scenario Settings" msgstr "Nastavení scénáře" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_stats.cfg:832 #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:496 msgid "Scroll To" msgstr "Posunout na" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:122 msgid " Version:" msgstr " Verze:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:150 msgid " Running on:" msgstr " Běžící na:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:179 msgid " Architecture:" msgstr " Architektura:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:207 msgid " Homepage:" msgstr " Domovská stránka:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:239 msgid " Wiki:" msgstr " Wiki:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:279 msgid "" " Copy a full report here:" msgstr "" " Celou zprávu si můžeš zkopírovat " "zde:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:299 msgid "" " Report an issue or request a " "feature:" msgstr "" " Nahlásit problém nebo požádat " "o vylepšení:" #. [button]: id=issue #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:313 msgid "Report Issue" msgstr "Nahlásit problém" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:322 msgid " View Game Manual:" msgstr "" " Podívat se na herní příručku:" #. [button]: id=view_manual #. button to open the game manual in the platform's browser. #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:335 msgid "View Manual" msgstr "Podívat se na příručku" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:343 msgid "" " Re-open the version migrator " "dialog:" msgstr "" " Znovu otevřít okno pro migraci " "mezi verzemi:" #. [button]: id=run_migrator #. button to open the version migration dialog manually to re-migrate add-ons and the preferences file #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:356 msgid "Migrate" msgstr "Migrovat" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:393 msgid "Game data:" msgstr "Herní údaje:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:395 msgid "User data:" msgstr "Uživatelská data:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:397 msgid "Saved games:" msgstr "Uložené hry:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:399 msgid "Add-ons:" msgstr "Rozšíření:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:401 msgid "Cache:" msgstr "Mezipaměť:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:403 msgid "Logs:" msgstr "Protokoly:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:405 msgid "Screenshots:" msgstr "Snímky obrazovky:" #. [button]: id=open_stderr #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:439 msgid "Log File" msgstr "Soubor se záznamy" #. [button]: id=open_stderr #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:440 msgid "" "Opens the log file pertaining to the current session, which may contain " "useful debug information" msgstr "" "Otevře soubor se záznamy vztahující se k současnému sezení, který může " "obsahovat užitečné ladicí informace." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:470 msgid "library^Name" msgstr "Jméno" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:481 msgid "library^Build version" msgstr "Verze sestavení" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:493 msgid "library^Runtime version" msgstr "Verze runtime" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:574 msgid "" "The following features were selected when building this version of Wesnoth:" msgstr "" "Následující funkce byly vybrané při vytváření této verze Bitvy o Wesnoth:" #. [button]: id=forums #. this is on a button that opens the Wesnoth forums webpage #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:654 msgid "Forums" msgstr "Fóra" #. [button]: id=discord #. this is on a button that opens the Wesnoth Discord server webpage #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:673 msgid "Discord" msgstr "Discord" #. [button]: id=irc #. this is on a button that opens the Wesnoth IRC webpage. IRC is an acronym for Internet Relay Chat #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:692 msgid "IRC" msgstr "IRC" #. [button]: id=steam #. this is on a button that opens the Wesnoth Steam forums webpage #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:711 msgid "Steam" msgstr "Steam" #. [button]: id=reddit #. this is on a button that opens the Wesnoth Reddit webpage #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:730 msgid "Reddit" msgstr "Reddit" #. [button]: id=donate #. this is on a button that opens the Wesnoth SPI webpage for sending donations #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:749 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Darovat" #. [label]: id=description #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:845 msgid "An open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme." msgstr "Tahová strategická hra s motivem fantasy a otevřeným zdrojovým kódem." #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [tab] #. [widget]: id=tab_label #. [widget]: id=label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:880 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:579 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences.cfg:292 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:402 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/server_info.cfg:181 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:51 msgid "General" msgstr "Obecné" #. [tab] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:886 msgid "Paths" msgstr "Cesty" #. [tab] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:892 msgid "Libraries" msgstr "Knihovny" #. [tab] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:898 msgid "Features" msgstr "Vymakávky" #. [button]: id=credits #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:958 msgid "Credits" msgstr "Poděkování" #. [button]: id=license #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/game_version.cfg:973 msgid "License" msgstr "Licence" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/gamestate_inspector.cfg:16 msgid "inspector tree item^•" msgstr "•" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/gamestate_inspector.cfg:94 msgid "Gamestate Inspector" msgstr "Prohlížeč stavu hry" #. [button]: id=copy #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/gamestate_inspector.cfg:337 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/wml_error.cfg:125 msgid "Copy this report to clipboard" msgstr "Zkopírovat toto hlášení do schránky" #. [button]: id=lua #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/gamestate_inspector.cfg:349 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lua_interpreter.cfg:38 msgid "Lua Console" msgstr "Konzole Lua" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:89 msgid "Map Generator Settings" msgstr "Nastavení generátoru map" #. [grid] #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:105 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:729 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/default_resolution.cfg:132 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/small_resolution.cfg:151 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/tiny_resolution.cfg:137 msgid "Players:" msgstr "Počet hráčů:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:111 msgid "Number of Hills:" msgstr "Počet kopců:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:113 msgid "Max Hill Size:" msgstr "Maximální velikost kopce:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:115 msgid "Villages:" msgstr "Vesnic:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:117 msgid "Castle Size:" msgstr "Velikost hradu:" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:119 msgid "Landform:" msgstr "Typ krajiny:" #. [toggle_button]: id=connect_castles #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:135 msgid "Roads Between Castles" msgstr "Cesty mezi hrady" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_labels #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/generator_settings.cfg:157 msgid "Show Labels" msgstr "Zobrazuj plovoucí popisky" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/help_browser.cfg:148 msgid "Battle For Wesnoth Help" msgstr "Nápověda Bitvy o Wesnoth" #. [toggle_button]: id=contents #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/help_browser.cfg:160 msgid "Show Topics" msgstr "Ukázat témata" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/hotkey_bind.cfg:35 msgid "Press desired hotkey (Esc cancels)" msgstr "Stiskni žádanou klávesu (Esc pro zrušení)" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/label_settings.cfg:42 msgid "Show or Hide Labels" msgstr "Zobraz nebo skryj popisky" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/language_selection.cfg:80 msgid "" "The Battle for Wesnoth relies on volunteers for development, " "including translation. Translations may drift behind or even become " "abandoned." msgstr "" "Bitva o Wesnoth spoléhá na dobrovolníky, kteří se podílejí na vývoji, " "včetně překladů. Překlady mohou zaostávat, nebo dokonce být opuštěny." #. [label] #. Beneath the label widget displaying this text there is a widget displaying #. a clickable link to (which opens in the user’s browser). #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/language_selection.cfg:85 msgid "" "Note: The translation percentages shown apply to the core game " "interface and in-game help only. More complete stats, including details for " "each campaign, are available at the following page:" msgstr "" "Poznámka: Uvedené procentní podíly překladu se vztahují pouze na " "základní rozhraní hry a nápovědu ve hře. Úplnější statistiky, včetně " "podrobností pro jednotlivá tažení, jsou k dispozici na následující stránce:" #. [label] #. Beneath the label widget displaying this text there is a widget displaying #. a clickable link to the wiki’s WesnothTranslations page (which opens in the user’s browser). #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/language_selection.cfg:142 msgid "" "If you are interested in translating the game yourself, please follow the " "link below for more information:" msgstr "" "Pokud máš sám zájem hru překládat, další informace nalezneš na níže uvedeném " "odkazu:" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_all #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/language_selection.cfg:276 msgid "Show in-progress or abandoned translations" msgstr "Zobrazit rozpracované nebo opuštěné překlady" #. [label]: id=status #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/loadscreen.cfg:183 msgid "Loading..." msgstr "Načítám..." #. [widget]: id=tab_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:75 msgid "General Lobby" msgstr "Obecná čekárna" #. [widget]: id=tab_label #. Games which were created by a bot, there's discussion about the meaning and #. possibly better names in https://github.com/wesnoth/wesnoth/issues/8148 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:88 msgid "Matchmaking" msgstr "Dohazování" #. [label]: id=map #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:140 msgid "Games" msgstr "Hry" #. [image]: id=needs_password #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:259 msgid "Requires a password to join" msgstr "Vyžaduje heslo pro vstup" #. [toggle_button]: id=filter_vacant_slots #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:448 msgid "Vacant slots" msgstr "Volné pozice" #. [toggle_button]: id=filter_vacant_slots #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:449 msgid "Only show games with vacant slots" msgstr "Ukázat pouze hry s volnými pozicemi" #. [toggle_button]: id=filter_with_friends #. [widget]: id=tab_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:461 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:415 msgid "Friends" msgstr "Přátelé" #. [toggle_button]: id=filter_with_friends #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:462 msgid "Only show games with friends" msgstr "Ukázat pouze hry s přáteli" #. [toggle_button]: id=filter_with_ignored #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:474 msgid "Blocked players" msgstr "Blokovaní hráči" #. [toggle_button]: id=filter_with_ignored #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:475 msgid "Show games that include players you have blocked" msgstr "Ukázat hry, které hostí hráče, jež jsi zablokoval" #. [toggle_button]: id=filter_invert #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:487 msgid "Invert filter" msgstr "Invertovat filtr" #. [button]: id=create #. [label] #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:512 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:784 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/default_resolution.cfg:45 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/default_resolution.cfg:445 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/small_resolution.cfg:44 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/small_resolution.cfg:363 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/tiny_resolution.cfg:47 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/tiny_resolution.cfg:321 msgid "Create Game" msgstr "Vytvořit hru" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=join_global #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:532 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:796 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:860 msgid "Join" msgstr "Připojit se" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [button]: id=observe_global #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:544 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:819 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:828 msgid "Observe" msgstr "Sledovat" #. [button]: id=server_info #. [widget]: id=tab_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:559 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:807 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/server_info.cfg:168 msgid "Announcements" msgstr "Oznámení" #. [button]: id=view_profile #. [button]: id=type_profile #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:618 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_faction_select.cfg:157 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cfg:132 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cfg:362 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cfg:422 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profil" #. [button]: id=view_match_history #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:629 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:299 msgid "Match History" msgstr "Historie zápasů" #. [button]: id=quit #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:646 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:746 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Odhlásit se" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:666 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:834 msgid "Normal Replays" msgstr "Normální záznamy" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:670 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:838 msgid "Quick Replays" msgstr "Rychlé záznamy" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:671 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:839 msgid "Skip quickly to the active turn when observing" msgstr "Při sledování rychle skočit do aktivního kola" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:675 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:843 msgid "Enter Blindfolded" msgstr "Vstoupit se zavázanýma očima" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:676 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:844 msgid "Do not show the map until given control of a side" msgstr "Neukázat mapu dokud není dána kontrola nad stranou" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:734 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_main.cfg:957 msgid "Multiplayer Lobby" msgstr "Čekárna hry více hráčů" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:38 msgid "Player Info — " msgstr "Informace o hráči – " #. [button]: id=add_to_friends #. [button]: id=add_friend #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:88 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:263 msgid "Add Friend" msgstr "Přidat přítele" #. [button]: id=add_to_ignores #. [button]: id=add_ignored #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:99 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:276 msgid "Block" msgstr "Zablokovat" #. [button]: id=remove_from_list #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:112 msgid "Remove from List" msgstr "Odstraň ze seznamu" #. [button]: id=start_whisper #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:123 msgid "Send Private Message" msgstr "Pošli soukromou zprávu" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:149 msgid "Moderator Controls" msgstr "Ovládání moderátora" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:169 msgid "Reason:" msgstr "Příčina:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:195 msgid "Ban time:" msgstr "Délka zákazu:" #. [button]: id=check_status #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:236 msgid "Check Status" msgstr "Zkontrolovat stav" #. [button]: id=kick #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:248 msgid "Kick" msgstr "Vyhodit" #. [button]: id=kick_ban #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:260 msgid "Kick + Ban" msgstr "Vyhodit + zablokovat" #. [button]: id=stopgame #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lobby_player_info.cfg:272 msgid "Stop Game" msgstr "Zastavit hru" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:20 msgid "Debug level logging: maximum information" msgstr "Zaznamenávání na úrovni ladění: maximum informací" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:22 msgid "Info level logging: more information" msgstr "Zaznamenávání na úrovni informace: více informací" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:24 msgid "Warning level logging: less information" msgstr "Zaznamenávání na úrovni varování: méně informací" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:26 msgid "Error level logging: minimum information" msgstr "Zaznamenávání na úrovni chyby: minimum informací" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:28 msgid "Disable logging" msgstr "Vypnout zaznamenávání" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:145 msgid "Logging Options" msgstr "Možnosti zaznamenávání" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:192 msgid "Log Domain" msgstr "Oblast zaznamenávání" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:196 msgid "log_level^Debug" msgstr "Ladění" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:197 msgid "log_level^Info" msgstr "Informace" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:198 msgid "log_level^Warning" msgstr "Varování" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:199 msgid "log_level^Error" msgstr "Chyba" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/logging.cfg:200 msgid "log_level^None" msgstr "Žádné" #. [button]: id=clear #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lua_interpreter.cfg:117 msgid "Clear Console" msgstr "Vyčistit konzoli" #. [button]: id=clear #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/lua_interpreter.cfg:118 msgid "Clear the log area" msgstr "Vyčistit oblast logů" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/migrate_version_selection.cfg:40 msgid "Data Migration" msgstr "Migrace dat" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/migrate_version_selection.cfg:53 msgid "" "Choose which version of Wesnoth to import your data from.\n" "Some settings will not take effect until Wesnoth is restarted." msgstr "" "Vyber, ze které verze Wesnothu chceš svá data importovat.\n" "Některá nastavení se projeví až po restartu Wesnothu." #. [button]: id=cancel #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/migrate_version_selection.cfg:127 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/story_viewer.cfg:145 msgid "Skip" msgstr "Přeskočit" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:95 msgid "Multiplayer Alerts" msgstr "Upozornění ve hře více hráčů" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:113 msgid "" "Choose how you wish to be notified of events in multiplayer games or in the " "multiplayer lobby; either by playing sound alerts or (if the game window is " "inactive or minimized) displaying desktop notifications." msgstr "" "Vyber si, jak chceš být upozorněn na události při hrách více hráčů nebo při " "čekání na ně. Buď přehráním zvukových výstrah nebo (pokud je okno hry " "neaktivní či minimalizované) zobrazením oznámení na ploše." #. [label] #. [widget]: id=label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:147 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences.cfg:347 msgid "Sound" msgstr "Zvuk" #. [label]: id=notification_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:163 msgid "Desktop Notification" msgstr "Oznámení na ploše" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:178 msgid "In Lobby" msgstr "V čekárně" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:184 msgid "Player joins" msgstr "Hráč se připojil" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:184 msgid "When a player joins the lobby or game" msgstr "Když se hráč připojí do čekárny nebo do hry" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:185 msgid "Player leaves" msgstr "Hráč se odpojil" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:185 msgid "When a player leaves the lobby or game" msgstr "Když se hráč odpojí z čekárny nebo ze hry" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:186 msgid "When a whisper is received" msgstr "Když je přijata zpráva šeptem" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:186 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_report.cpp:47 msgid "Whisper" msgstr "Šeptání" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:187 msgid "Friend message" msgstr "Zpráva od přítele" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:187 msgid "When a message from a friend is received" msgstr "Když je přijata zpráva od přítele" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:188 msgid "Public message" msgstr "Veřejná zpráva" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:188 msgid "When a public message is received" msgstr "Když je přijata veřejná zpráva" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:189 msgid "Server message" msgstr "Zpráva od serveru" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:189 msgid "When a server message is received" msgstr "Když je přijata zpráva od serveru" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:190 msgid "Ready to start" msgstr "Připraveni začít" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:190 msgid "When the game you are hosting is ready to start" msgstr "Když je hra, kterou hostíš, připravená ke spuštění" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:191 msgid "Game has begun" msgstr "Hra začala" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:191 msgid "When the host (not you) has started the game" msgstr "Když hostitel (ne ty) spustil hru" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:192 msgid "Turn changed" msgstr "Změnilo se kolo" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:192 msgid "When a new turn has begun" msgstr "Když začalo nové kolo" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:193 msgid "Game created" msgstr "Hra vytvořena" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:193 msgid "When a new game has been created" msgstr "Když byla vytvořena nová hra" #. [button]: id=revert_to_defaults #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_alerts_options.cfg:228 msgid "Reset all options to their default values" msgstr "Nastavit všechny zkratky na výchozí hodnoty" #. [label]: id=nick_title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_change_control.cfg:75 msgid "Nickname" msgstr "Přezdívka" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_change_control.cfg:140 msgid "Change Control" msgstr "Změnit ovládání" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_connect.cfg:71 msgid "Choose or enter the address of a multiplayer server." msgstr "Vyber nebo zadej adresu serveru pro hru více hráčů." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_connect.cfg:101 msgid "Address:" msgstr "Adresa:" #. [label]: id=address #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_connect.cfg:176 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresa" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:119 msgid "Eras:" msgstr "Éry:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:155 msgid "Random Faction Matchups:" msgstr "Náhodné rozdělování frakcí:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:156 msgid "Allow for mirror matchups when random factions are chosen" msgstr "Když jsou vybírány náhodné frakce, vzít v úvahu zrcadlené zápasy" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:177 msgid "Independent" msgstr "Nezávislé" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:178 msgid "Independent: Random factions assigned independently" msgstr "Nezávislé: náhodné frakce přiděleny nezávisle" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:182 msgid "No Mirror" msgstr "Nezrcadlit" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:183 msgid "No Mirror: No two players will get the same faction" msgstr "Nezrcadlit: žádní dva hráči nebudou mít stejnou frakci" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:187 msgid "No Ally Mirror" msgstr "Nezrcadlit spojence" #. [option] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:188 msgid "No Ally Mirror: No two allied players will get the same faction" msgstr "Nezrcadlit spojence: žádní dva spojenci nebudou mít stejnou frakci" #. [toggle_button]: id=use_map_settings #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:330 msgid "Use Map Settings" msgstr "Použij nastavení z mapy" #. [toggle_button]: id=use_map_settings #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:331 msgid "Use scenario specific settings" msgstr "Použij nastavení ze scénáře" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:347 msgid "Number of Turns" msgstr "Počet kol" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:347 msgid "The maximum number of turns the game can last" msgstr "Limit kol pro danou hru" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:348 msgid "unlimited" msgstr "neomezeně" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:351 msgid "The amount of income each village yields per turn" msgstr "Příjem z každé vesnice za kolo" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:351 msgid "Village Gold" msgstr "Zlato na vesnici" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:353 msgid "The number of unit levels each village can support" msgstr "Počet úrovní jednotek, které může každá vesnice podporovat" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:353 msgid "Village Support" msgstr "Podpora na vesnici" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:355 msgid "Experience Modifier" msgstr "Modifikátor zkušenostních bodů" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:355 msgid "The amount of experience a unit needs to advance" msgstr "" "Počet zkušenostních bodů, které jednotka potřebuje k přechodu na další stupeň" #. [toggle_button]: id=fog #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:389 msgid "Fog of War" msgstr "Mlha pro skrytí nepřátelských pohybů" #. [toggle_button]: id=fog #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:390 msgid "Enemy units cannot be seen unless they are in range of your units" msgstr "" "Nepřátelské jednotky jsou vidět pouze tehdy, jsou-li v dohledu nějakých " "tvých jednotek" #. [toggle_button]: id=shroud #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:406 msgid "The map is unknown until your units explore it" msgstr "Neprozkoumané části mapy nejsou vidět" #. [toggle_button]: id=random_start_time #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:422 msgid "Random Start Time" msgstr "Náhodná počáteční doba" #. [toggle_button]: id=random_start_time #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:423 msgid "Randomize the starting time of day" msgstr "Náhodná počáteční denní doba" #. [toggle_button]: id=time_limit #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:459 msgid "Time Limit" msgstr "Časový limit" #. [toggle_button]: id=time_limit #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:460 msgid "Enable custom time limits" msgstr "Povolit vlastní časové limity" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:497 msgid "Initial Limit" msgstr "Počáteční limit" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:497 msgid "Longest time allowed for first turn (seconds)" msgstr "Nejdelší čas povolený pro první tah (vteřin)" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:499 msgid "Time for general tasks each turn (seconds)" msgstr "Čas určený pro hlavní úkoly na každý tah (vteřin)" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:499 msgid "Turn Bonus" msgstr "Bonus za kolo" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:501 msgid "Longest time possible for any turn (seconds)" msgstr "Nejdelší čas povolený pro libovolný tah (vteřin)" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:501 msgid "Reservoir" msgstr "Zásobárna" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:503 msgid "Action Bonus" msgstr "Bonus za akci" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:503 msgid "Time for each attack, recruit, and capture" msgstr "Čas na každý útok, verbování a obsazování" #. [widget]: id=tab_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:592 msgid "Custom Options" msgstr "Vlastní možnosti" #. [widget]: id=tab_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:605 msgid "Game Settings" msgstr "Nastavení hry" # málo místa - musí to být hodně krátké #. [slider]: id=num_players #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:748 msgid "Any" msgstr "vše" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:881 msgid "Random map options: " msgstr "Náhodné možnosti mapy: " #. [button]: id=random_map_regenerate #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:902 msgid "Regenerate" msgstr "Přegenerovat" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:975 msgid "Assign sides to players at random" msgstr "Přiřadí hráčům strany náhodně" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:975 msgid "Shuffle Sides" msgstr "Zamíchat strany" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:979 msgid "Allow users who are not playing to watch the game" msgstr "Povolit nehrajícím uživatelům pozorovat hru" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:979 msgid "Observers" msgstr "Pozorovatelé" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:983 msgid "Strict Synchronization" msgstr "Striktní synchronizace" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:983 msgid "Stricter checks for out-of-sync errors" msgstr "Striktnější kontroly toho, jestli není hra mimo synchronizaci" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:987 msgid "Private Replay" msgstr "Neveřejný záznam" #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:987 msgid "Whether the replay will be publicly available" msgstr "Zda bude záznam veřejně dostupný" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:1003 msgid "Name of game:" msgstr "Název hry:" #. [text_box]: id=game_password #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game.cfg:1050 msgid "" "Set the password that people wanting to join your game as players must enter" msgstr "" "Nastavit heslo, které musí vložit lidé, kteří se ke tvé hře chtějí připojit " "jako hráči" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/default_resolution.cfg:176 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/small_resolution.cfg:181 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_create_game/tiny_resolution.cfg:164 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:452 msgid "Map size:" msgstr "Velikost mapy:" #. [row] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_faction_select.cfg:180 msgid "gender^Random" msgstr "Náhodné" #. [row] #. [toggle_button]: id=male_toggle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_faction_select.cfg:182 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:464 msgid "Male" msgstr "Muž" #. [row] #. [toggle_button]: id=female_toggle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_faction_select.cfg:184 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:475 msgid "Female" msgstr "Žena" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_faction_select.cfg:217 msgid "Recruits" msgstr "Rekruti" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_faction_select.cfg:308 msgid "Choose Your Leader" msgstr "Zvol si svého vůdce" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_host_game_prompt.cfg:40 msgid "Host Networked Game" msgstr "Hostuj síťovou hru" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_host_game_prompt.cfg:58 msgid "" "A local server instance has to be started in order to host a networked game. " "The server will run as a background process until all users have " "disconnected. Do you wish to continue?" msgstr "" "Pokud chceš hostovat síťovou hru, musíš spustit instanci serveru. Server " "poběží na pozadí, dokud se všichni uživatelé neodpojí. Přeješ si pokračovat?" #. [button]: id=select_leader #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game.cfg:71 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:70 msgid "Select the faction and leader for this side" msgstr "Vyber frakci a vůdce pro tuto stranu" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game.cfg:155 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:157 msgid "Faction:" msgstr "Frakce:" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=status_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game.cfg:364 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:631 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:860 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_staging.cpp:516 msgid "Waiting for players to join..." msgstr "Čeká se, než se hráči připojí..." #. [button]: id=cancel #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game.cfg:385 msgid "Leave" msgstr "Opustit" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game.cfg:448 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:569 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:754 msgid "Game Lobby" msgstr "Čekárna" #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game_password_prompt.cfg:42 msgid "Password Required" msgstr "Je zapotřebí heslo" #. [scroll_label]: id=message #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_join_game_password_prompt.cfg:61 msgid "Joining this game requires a password." msgstr "Ke vstupu do této hry je zapotřebí heslo." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_login.cfg:41 msgid "Login" msgstr "Uživatel" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_login.cfg:91 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:91 msgid "Login:" msgstr "Přihlášení:" #. [button]: id=replay_download #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:159 msgid "Download" msgstr "Nahrát" #. [label]: id=players #. [label]: id=modifications #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:185 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:223 msgid "None" msgstr "Nikdo/nic" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [widget]: id=tab_label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:401 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:428 msgid "Modifications" msgstr "Rozšíření" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:450 msgid "Player:" msgstr "Hráč:" #. [text_box]: id=search_player #. [text_box]: id=search_game_name #. [text_box]: id=search_content #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:462 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:506 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:530 msgid "Asterisks match all characters" msgstr "Hvězdičky zastupují všechny znaky" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:474 msgid "Content Type:" msgstr "Druh obsahu:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_match_history.cfg:494 msgid "Game name:" msgstr "Název hry:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:137 msgid "" "A registered account on the Wesnoth forums is required to join the official " "server." msgstr "" "K připojení na oficiální server je vyžadován registrovaný účet na fórech " "Wesnothu." #. [button]: id=register #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:152 msgid "Sign Up" msgstr "Zaregistrovat" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:252 msgid "Log on to the official Wesnoth multiplayer server" msgstr "Přihlas se na oficiální herní server Wesnothu" #. [widget]: id=name #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:261 msgid "" "Join\n" "Official Server" msgstr "" "Připojit se\n" "na oficiální server" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:272 msgid "Join a different server" msgstr "Připoj se na jiný server" #. [widget]: id=name #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:281 msgid "" "Connect to\n" "Server" msgstr "" "Připojit se\n" "na server" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:292 msgid "Host a game using a dedicated server" msgstr "Hostuj hru dedikovaným serverem" #. [widget]: id=name #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:301 msgid "" "Host Networked\n" "Game" msgstr "" "Hostit\n" "síťovou hru" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:312 msgid "Play a multiplayer game with the AI or humans sharing the same machine" msgstr "" "Hrej hru více hráčů s lidmi nebo počítačovými protivníky na jednom stroji" #. [widget]: id=name #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_method_selection.cfg:321 msgid "Local Game" msgstr "Místní hra" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_report.cfg:50 msgid "* Player being reported:" msgstr "* Hlášený hráč:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_report.cfg:82 msgid "* Reason for report:" msgstr "* Důvod nahlášení:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_report.cfg:114 msgid "Location of occurrence:" msgstr "Místo výskytu:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_report.cfg:146 msgid "Additional information:" msgstr "Další informace:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_report.cfg:191 msgid "* required fields" msgstr "* povinná pole" #. [menu_button]: id=controller #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:253 msgid "Change the side’s controller" msgstr "Změnit, kdo ovládá tuto stranu" #. [menu_button]: id=ai_controller #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:269 msgid "Change the AI side’s behaviour" msgstr "Změnit chování strany s UI" #. [menu_button]: id=side_team #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:296 msgid "Which team this side belongs to" msgstr "Jakému týmu náleží tato strana" #. [menu_button]: id=side_color #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:312 msgid "This side’s color" msgstr "Barva této strany" #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/mp_staging.cfg:433 msgid "I’m Ready" msgstr "Jsem připraven" #. [text] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/outro.cfg:49 msgid "Press ESC to skip" msgstr "Přeskočit stisknutím Esc" # Doslovný překlad „Klávesové zkratky“ nelze použít, protože se nevejde do vyhrazeného prostoru #. [widget]: id=label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences.cfg:311 msgid "Hotkeys" msgstr "Klávesy" #. [widget]: id=label #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences.cfg:329 msgid "Display" msgstr "Obrazovka" #. [button]: id=about #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences.cfg:419 msgid "Display the game version and build information" msgstr "Zobrazení verze hry a informace o sestavení" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:20 msgid "Scroll speed:" msgstr "Rychlost posuvu:" #. [slider]: id=scroll_speed #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:36 msgid "Change the speed of scrolling around the map" msgstr "Změna rychlosti posouvání mapy" #. [toggle_button]: id=skip_ai_moves #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:54 msgid "Skip AI moves" msgstr "Přeskočit tahy počítače" #. [toggle_button]: id=skip_ai_moves #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:55 msgid "Do not animate AI units moving" msgstr "Neanimovat pohyb jednotek ovládaných počítačem" #. [toggle_button]: id=turbo_toggle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:68 msgid "Accelerated speed" msgstr "Zrychlená hra" #. [toggle_button]: id=turbo_toggle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:69 msgid "Make units move and fight faster" msgstr "Jednotky se pohybují a bojují rychleji" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:79 msgid "Acceleration factor:" msgstr "Faktor akcelerace:" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:84 msgid "" "Speed at which unit moves and animations play when ‘Accelerated speed’ is " "enabled or when Shift is held down in-game" msgstr "" "Rychlost, kterou se pohybuje jednotka a přehrávají animace, když je zapnuta " "„Zrychlená hra“ nebo když je ve hře držen stisknutý Shift." #. [toggle_button]: id=disable_auto_moves #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:100 msgid "Disable automatic moves" msgstr "Zakázat automatické pohyby" #. [toggle_button]: id=disable_auto_moves #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:101 msgid "Do not allow automatic movements at the beginning of a turn" msgstr "Zakázat automatické pohyby na počátku herního kola" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_turn_dialog #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:114 msgid "Turn dialog" msgstr "Dialog tahu" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_turn_dialog #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:115 msgid "Display a dialog at the beginning of your turn" msgstr "Zobrazit dialog na začátku tvého kola" #. [toggle_button]: id=whiteboard_on_start #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:128 msgid "Enable planning mode on start" msgstr "Spouštět hru v plánovacím módu" #. [toggle_button]: id=whiteboard_on_start #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:129 msgid "Activates Planning Mode on game start" msgstr "Start nových her se zapnutým plánovacím módem" #. [toggle_button]: id=whiteboard_hide_allies #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:142 msgid "Hide allies’ plans by default" msgstr "Skrývat plány spojenců jako výchozí stav" #. [toggle_button]: id=whiteboard_hide_allies #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:143 msgid "Hide allies’ Planning Mode plans in multiplayer games" msgstr "Skrýt plánovací mód spojenců ve hrách více hráčů" #. [toggle_button]: id=interrupt_move_when_ally_sighted #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:156 msgid "Interrupt move when an ally is sighted" msgstr "Přerušit pohyb při spatření přátelské jednotky" #. [toggle_button]: id=interrupt_move_when_ally_sighted #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:157 msgid "Sighting an allied unit interrupts your unit’s movement" msgstr "Tvá jednotka přeruší pohyb při spatření spřátelené jednotky" #. [toggle_button]: id=save_replays #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:172 msgid "Save replays at the end of scenarios" msgstr "Ukládat na konci scénářů záznam" #. [toggle_button]: id=save_replays #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:173 msgid "Save replays of games on victory in all modes and defeat in multiplayer" msgstr "" "Uložit záznamy vyhraných her ve všech režimech a záznamy prohraných her při " "hře více hráčů" #. [toggle_button]: id=delete_saves #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:186 msgid "Delete auto-saves at the end of scenarios" msgstr "Smazat automatické uložení na konci scénářů" # !!!! délka #. [toggle_button]: id=delete_saves #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:187 msgid "" "Delete previous auto-saves on victory in all modes and defeat in multiplayer" msgstr "" "Při jakékoliv výhře a při prohře ve hře více hráčů smazat všechna dosavadní " "automatická uložení" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:197 msgid "Maximum auto-saves:" msgstr "Maximální počet automaticky uložených her:" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:200 msgid "∞" msgstr "∞" # !!!! délka #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:202 msgid "Set maximum number of automatic saves to be retained" msgstr "Nastav maximální počet automaticky uložených her k ponechání" #. [button]: id=cachemg #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:218 msgid "Cache" msgstr "Mezipaměť" #. [button]: id=cachemg #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/01_general.cfg:219 msgid "Manage the game WML cache" msgstr "Spravovat mezipaměť WML hry" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:25 msgid "Filter:" msgstr "Filtr:" #. [text_box]: id=filter #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:50 msgid "Filters on hotkey description" msgstr "Filtry na popis klávesové zkratky" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_0 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:98 msgid "Action" msgstr "Akce" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_1 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:112 msgid "Hotkey" msgstr "Klávesa" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_2 #. Translate G as the initial letter for Game #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:126 #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:907 msgid "game_hotkeys^G" msgstr "H" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_2 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:127 msgid "Available in game" msgstr "Dostupné ve hře" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_3 #. Translate E as the initial letter for Editor #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:141 #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:908 msgid "editor_hotkeys^E" msgstr "E" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_3 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:142 msgid "Available in editor" msgstr "Dostupné v editoru" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_4 #. Translate M as the initial letter for Main Menu #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:156 #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:909 msgid "mainmenu_hotkeys^M" msgstr "M" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_4 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:157 msgid "Available at main menu" msgstr "Dostupné v hlavním menu" #. [button]: id=btn_add_hotkey #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:272 msgid "Add Hotkey" msgstr "Přidat klávesovou zkratku" #. [button]: id=btn_clear_hotkey #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/02_hotkeys.cfg:283 msgid "Clear Hotkey" msgstr "Odebrat" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:15 msgid "Window size:" msgstr "Velikost okna:" #. [label]: id=help_text #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:39 msgid "Pixel scale multiplier:" msgstr "Násobitel velikosti bodů:" #. [menu_button]: id=resolution_set #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:73 msgid "Change the game window size" msgstr "Změnit velikost herního okna" #. [slider]: id=pixel_scale_slider #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:87 msgid "" "Set the global pixel scale multiplier. A pixel scale multiplier of 2 will " "make everything look twice as large." msgstr "" "Nastavit globální násobitel velikosti bodů. Násobitel velikosti bodů 2 " "způsobí, že vše bude vypadat dvakrát větší." #. [toggle_button]: id=fullscreen #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:102 msgid "Full screen" msgstr "Celá obrazovka" #. [toggle_button]: id=fullscreen #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:103 msgid "Toggle between fullscreen and window mode" msgstr "Přepnout mezi režimem celé obrazovky a režimem okna" #. [toggle_button]: id=auto_pixel_scale #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:114 msgid "pixel_scale_multiplier^Automatic scale" msgstr "Automatické měřítko" #. [toggle_button]: id=auto_pixel_scale #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:115 msgid "Choose pixel scale multiplier automatically based on current resolution" msgstr "" "Automaticky vybrat násobitel velikosti bodů podle stávajícího rozlišení" #. [toggle_button]: id=vsync #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:129 msgid "VSync" msgstr "VSync" #. [toggle_button]: id=vsync #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:130 msgid "" "Reduces tearing by synchronizing rendering with the screen refresh rate " "(requires restart to take effect)" msgstr "" "Snižuje trhání tím, že synchronizuje vykreslování s obnovovací frekvencí " "obrazovky (je potřeba restart, aby to začalo účinkovat)" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:152 msgid "In-game theme:" msgstr "Motiv ve hře:" #. [menu_button]: id=choose_theme #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:165 msgid "" "Change the in-game interface theme. Additional themes may be provided by " "community-made add-ons" msgstr "" "Změnit motiv rozhraní ve hře. Další motivy mohou být poskytnuty " "v rozšířeních vytvořených komunitou." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:176 msgid "UI theme:" msgstr "Motiv uživ. rozhraní:" #. [menu_button]: id=choose_gui2_theme #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:192 msgid "" "Change the UI (GUI2) theme. Additional themes may be provided by community-" "made add-ons" msgstr "" "Změnit motiv uživatelského rozhraní (GUI2). Další motivy mohou být " "poskytnuty v rozšířeních vytvořených komunitou." #. [button]: id=apply #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:201 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Použít" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_tips #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:223 msgid "Show tip of the day" msgstr "Ukázat tip dne" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_tips #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:224 msgid "Show gameplay tips on the main menu" msgstr "Zobrazit herní tipy v hlavní nabídce" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_floating_labels #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:236 msgid "Combat damage indicators" msgstr "Ukazatele zranění v boji" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_floating_labels #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:237 msgid "Show amount of damage inflicted or healed as fading labels above units" msgstr "" "Ukazovat výši uštědřeného nebo vyléčeného poranění jako mizející popisky nad " "jednotkami" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_ellipses #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:250 msgid "Team color indicators" msgstr "Barevné ukazatele týmů" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_ellipses #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:251 msgid "" "Show a colored circle around the base of each unit to show which side it is " "on" msgstr "" "Zobrazit pod jednotkou barevnou kružnici ukazující, za kterou stranu hraje" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_grid #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:264 msgid "Grid overlay" msgstr "Pokrytí mřížkou" #. [toggle_button]: id=show_grid #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:265 msgid "Overlay a grid over the map" msgstr "Nakreslit přes mapu mřížku" #. [toggle_button]: id=animate_terrains #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:300 msgid "Animate map" msgstr "Animovat mapu" #. [toggle_button]: id=animate_terrains #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:301 msgid "Display animated terrain graphics" msgstr "Animovaný terén" #. [toggle_button]: id=animate_water #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:314 msgid "Animate water" msgstr "Animovat vodu" #. [toggle_button]: id=animate_water #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:315 msgid "Display animated water graphics (can be slow)" msgstr "Zobrazit animace vody (může být pomalé)" #. [toggle_button]: id=animate_units_standing #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:330 msgid "Unit standing animations" msgstr "Animace stojících jednotek" #. [toggle_button]: id=animate_units_standing #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:331 msgid "Continuously animate standing units on the battlefield" msgstr "Neustále animovat stojící jednotky na bitevním poli" #. [toggle_button]: id=animate_units_idle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:349 msgid "Unit idle animations" msgstr "Animace nečinných jednotek" #. [toggle_button]: id=animate_units_idle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:350 msgid "Play short random animations for idle units" msgstr "Přehrávat krátké náhodné animace pro nečinné jednotky" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:373 msgid "Frequency:" msgstr "Frekvence:" #. [slider]: id=idle_anim_frequency #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/03_display.cfg:389 msgid "Set the frequency of unit idle animations" msgstr "Frekvence náhodných animací jednotek" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:38 msgid "Volume:" msgstr "Hlasitost:" #. [toggle_button]: id=sound_toggle_stop_music_in_background #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:82 msgid "Pause music on focus loss" msgstr "Pozastavit hudbu, když běží na pozadí" #. [toggle_button]: id=sound_toggle_stop_music_in_background #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:83 msgid "Pause the music when you switch to any other window" msgstr "Pozastavit hudbu, když se přepneš do jiného okna" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:104 msgid "Sound effects" msgstr "Zvukové efekty" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:104 msgid "Sound effects on/off" msgstr "Zvukové efekty zapnuty/vypnuty" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:105 msgid "Change the sound effects volume" msgstr "Změna hlasitosti zvukových efektů" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:115 msgid "Music" msgstr "Hudba" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:115 msgid "Music on/off" msgstr "Hudba zapnuta/vypnuta" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:116 msgid "Change the music volume" msgstr "Změna hlasitosti hudebního doprovodu" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:127 msgid "Play a bell sound at the beginning of your turn" msgstr "Zvonek na začátku tvého kola" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:127 msgid "Turn bell" msgstr "Zvonek Ano/Ne" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:128 msgid "Change the bell volume" msgstr "Změna hlasitosti zvonku na konci kola" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:137 msgid "Turn menu and button sounds on/off" msgstr "Zapnout/vypnout zvukové efekty menu a tlačítek" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:137 msgid "User interface sounds" msgstr "Zvuky uživatelského rozhraní" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/04_sound.cfg:138 msgid "Change the sound volume for button clicks, etc." msgstr "Změna hlasitosti pro zvukové efekty klikání na tlačítka atd." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:20 msgid "Chat lines:" msgstr "Řádek chatu:" #. [slider]: id=chat_lines #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:36 msgid "Set the number of chat lines shown" msgstr "Nastavit počet zobrazovaných řádek chatu" #. [toggle_button]: id=chat_timestamps #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:52 msgid "Chat timestamping" msgstr "Časování chatu" #. [toggle_button]: id=chat_timestamps #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:53 msgid "Add a timestamp to chat messages" msgstr "Přiřadit čas k chatové zprávě" #. [toggle_button]: id=remember_password #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:69 msgid "Uncheck to delete the saved password (on exit)" msgstr "Odklikni pro smazání uloženého hesla (při ukončení programu)" #. [toggle_button]: id=lobby_whisper_friends_only #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:84 msgid "Accept whispers from friends only" msgstr "Přijímat šeptání jen od přátel" #. [toggle_button]: id=lobby_whisper_friends_only #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:85 msgid "Only accept whisper messages from people on your friends list" msgstr "Přijímat soukromé zprávy pouze od lidí ve tvém seznamu přátel" #. [toggle_button]: id=lobby_joins_none #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:101 msgid "Do not show lobby joins" msgstr "Neukazovat připojení uživatelů" #. [toggle_button]: id=lobby_joins_none #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:102 msgid "Do not show messages about players joining the multiplayer lobby" msgstr "Neukazovat zprávy o hráčích, kteří se připojili k serveru" #. [toggle_button]: id=lobby_joins_friends #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:116 msgid "Show lobby joins of friends only" msgstr "Ukázat pouze připojení přátel" #. [toggle_button]: id=lobby_joins_friends #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:117 msgid "Show messages about your friends joining the multiplayer lobby" msgstr "Ukázat zprávy o tvých přátelích, kteří se připojili k serveru" #. [toggle_button]: id=lobby_joins_all #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:131 msgid "Show all lobby joins" msgstr "Ukázat všechna připojení uživatelů" #. [toggle_button]: id=lobby_joins_all #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:132 msgid "Show messages about all players joining the multiplayer lobby" msgstr "Ukázat zprávy o všech hráčích, kteří se připojili k serveru" #. [button]: id=mp_alerts #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:149 msgid "Alerts" msgstr "Výstrahy" #. [button]: id=mp_alerts #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:150 msgid "Configure multiplayer notification settings" msgstr "Nastavit upozornění ve hře více hráčů" #. [button]: id=mp_wesnothd #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:162 msgid "Server Executable" msgstr "Soubor spouštící server" #. [button]: id=mp_wesnothd #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:163 msgid "Find and set path to MP server to host LAN games" msgstr "" "Najít a nastavit cestu k serveru hry více hráčů pro hostování her na LAN" #. [button]: id=add_friend #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:264 msgid "" "Add this username to your friends list (add optional notes, e.g., " "‘player_name notes on friend’)" msgstr "" "Přidat toto uživatelské jméno na svůj seznam přátel (doplnit nepovinné " "poznámky, např. „jméno_hráče poznámky o příteli“)" #. [button]: id=add_ignored #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:277 msgid "" "Add this username to your ignore list (add optional reason, e.g., " "‘player_name reason ignored’)" msgstr "" "Přidat toto uživatelské jméno na tvůj seznam ignorovaných (doplnit nepovinný " "důvod, např. „jméno_hráče důvod ignorování“)" #. [button]: id=remove #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:290 msgid "Remove this username from your list" msgstr "Odstraň toto uživatelské jméno z tvého seznamu" #. [label]: id=no_friends_notice #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/preferences/05_multiplayer.cfg:311 msgid "You have not befriended or blocked any other players." msgstr "Nespřátelil ses s dalšími hráči ani jsi žádné nezablokoval." #. [button]: id=open #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cfg:49 msgid "filesystem^Open" msgstr "Otevřít" #. [button]: id=open #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cfg:50 msgid "Open this file with an external application" msgstr "Otevřít soubor v externí aplikaci" #. [button]: id=browse_dir #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cfg:187 msgid "Browse the screenshots folder using a file manager" msgstr "Procházet screenshoty ve správci souborů" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:140 msgid "Choose Orb/Minimap Colors" msgstr "Vybrat barvy koulí a do minimapy" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:144 msgid "Show unmoved orb" msgstr "Zobrazit kouli neposunutých" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:147 msgid "Show partially moved orb" msgstr "Zobrazit kouli částečně posunutých" # úmyslně zkráceno, aby se text vešel do dvouřádkového obdélníku s nápovědou #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:148 msgid "" "If a unit can move but can’t attack, show a two-color orb with the colors " "for partially and fully moved." msgstr "" "Pokud se jednotka může hnout, ale ne útočit, zobrazit dvoubarevnou kouli " "s barvami pro částečně a úplně posunuté." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:148 msgid "Use a two-color orb for disengaged units" msgstr "Pro uvolněné jednotky použít dvoubarevnou kouli" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:150 msgid "Show moved orb" msgstr "Zobrazit kouli posunutých" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:153 msgid "Show ally orb" msgstr "Zobrazit kouli spojenců" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:154 msgid "During ally’s turn, use a two-color orb to show movement" msgstr "Během kola spojence použít dvoubarevnou kouli pro zobrazení pohybu" #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:154 msgid "" "During your allies’ turns, their units have a two-color orb. One half is the " "ally orb color, and the other half shows whether the unit is unmoved, " "partially moved or fully moved." msgstr "" "Během kol tvých spojenců mají jejich jednotky dvoubarevnou kouli. Jedna " "polovina má barvu koule spojence a druhá ukazuje, zda se jednotka posunula " "úplně, částečně nebo vůbec." #. [grid] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/select_orb_colors.cfg:156 msgid "Show enemy orb" msgstr "Zobrazit kouli nepřátel" #. [label]: id=asdf #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/server_info.cfg:79 msgid "Server Information" msgstr "Informace o serveru" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/sp_options_configure.cfg:44 msgid "Configure Options" msgstr "Konfigurovat možnosti" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/sp_options_configure.cfg:62 msgid "Configure settings for the selected custom modifications." msgstr "Konfigurovat nastavení vybraných vlastních modifikací." #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cfg:141 msgid "Overall" msgstr "Celkově" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=title #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cfg:490 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:130 msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Statistiky" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cfg:557 msgid "Damage" msgstr "Zranění" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cfg:558 msgid "" "stats dialog^Difference of actual outcome to expected outcome, as a " "percentage.\n" "The first number in parentheses is the expected number of hitpoints " "inflicted/taken.\n" "The sum (or difference) of the two numbers in parentheses is the actual " "number of hitpoints inflicted/taken." msgstr "" "Rozdíl mezi očekávaným a skutečným výsledkem v procentech.\n" "První číslo v závorce je očekávaná velikost uštědřeného nebo utrženého " "zranění.\n" "Součet (nebo rozdíl) dvou čísel v závorce je zranění skutečně uštědřené nebo " "utržené." #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cfg:561 msgid "stats dialog^Ratio of actual to expected" msgstr "Poměr skutečného k očekávanému" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cfg:576 msgid "Hits" msgstr "Zásahy" #. [column] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cfg:579 msgid "" "stats dialog^The a priori probability of inflicting/taking at most " "this many hits, in percent.\n" "\n" "Intuitively, this is a measure of how randomness affected this side.\n" "Values between 0 and 50 suggest the number of hits was less than expected.\n" "Values between 50 and 100 suggest the number of hits was more than " "expected.\n" "\n" "Green values indicate this side fared better than expected.\n" "Red values indicate this side fared worse than expected." msgstr "" "Dosavadní pravděpodobnost uštědření nebo utržení nanejvýš tolika " "zásahů v procentech.\n" "\n" "Intuitivně se jedná o míru toho, jak tuto stranu ovlivnila náhodnost.\n" "Hodnoty mezi 0 a 50 ukazují, že počet zásahů byl menší než očekávaný.\n" "Hodnoty mezi 50 a 100 ukazují, že počet zásahů byl větší než očekávaný.\n" "\n" "Zelené hodnoty naznačují, že se této straně dařilo lépe, než bylo " "očekáváno.\n" "Červené hodnoty naznačují, že se této straně dařilo hůře, než bylo očekáváno." #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=lblTitle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/surrender_quit.cfg:40 #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:133 msgid "Surrender Game" msgstr "Vzdát hru" #. [label]: id=lblMessage #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/surrender_quit.cfg:60 msgid "Do you really want to surrender and quit the game?" msgstr "Skutečně se chceš vzdát a opustit hru?" #. [button]: id=quit_and_surrender #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/surrender_quit.cfg:85 msgid "Surrender & Quit" msgstr "Vzdát se & Ukončit" #. [label]: id=lblTitle #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/synced_choice_wait.cfg:40 msgid "Waiting..." msgstr "Čekám..." #. [label]: id=lblMessage #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/synced_choice_wait.cfg:60 msgid "Waiting for remote input" msgstr "Čekáme na vzdálený vstup" #. [button]: id=btn_quit_game #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/synced_choice_wait.cfg:96 msgid "Quit game" msgstr "Ukončit hru" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:21 msgid "#" msgstr "#" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:33 msgid "Image" msgstr "Obrázek" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:57 msgid "Loc" msgstr "Loc" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:69 msgid "Layer" msgstr "Vrstva" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:81 msgid "Base.x" msgstr "Základ.x" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:93 msgid "Base.y" msgstr "Základ.y" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:105 msgid "Center" msgstr "Střed" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:339 msgid "Terrain Layers" msgstr "Vrstvy terénu" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/terrain_layers.cfg:384 msgid "Flags" msgstr "Příznaky" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/theme_list.cfg:51 msgid "Choose Theme" msgstr "Vybrat motiv" #. [button]: id=help #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/title_screen.cfg:179 msgid "Show Battle for Wesnoth help" msgstr "Zobrazit nápovědu Bitvy o Wesnoth" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/unit_advance.cfg:99 msgid "Advance Unit" msgstr "Povýšit jednotku" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/unit_advance.cfg:144 msgid "What should our victorious unit become?" msgstr "Čím se má stát vítězná jednotka?" #. [button]: id=damage_calculation #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/unit_attack.cfg:192 msgid "Damage Calculation" msgstr "Výpočet poškození" #. [button]: id=ok #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/unit_attack.cfg:220 msgid "Attack" msgstr "Zaútočit" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/unit_attack.cfg:305 msgid "Attack Enemy" msgstr "Napadni nepřítele" #. [toggle_button]: id=unit_details #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_4 #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:47 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/addon_list.cfg:151 msgid "Type" msgstr "Typ" #. [toggle_button]: id=unit_level #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:61 msgid "Lvl" msgstr "Úr" #. [toggle_button]: id=unit_moves #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:75 msgid "Moves" msgstr "Kroků" #. [toggle_button]: id=unit_hp #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:89 msgid "HP" msgstr "HP" #. [toggle_button]: id=unit_xp #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:103 msgid "XP" msgstr "XP" #. [toggle_button]: id=unit_status #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:118 msgid "Status" msgstr "Stav" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [toggle_button]: id=unit_traits #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:132 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:364 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:499 msgid "Traits" msgstr "Vlastnosti" #. [text_box]: id=filter_box #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:371 msgid "Search for unit name, unit type name, unit level, or trait" msgstr "Hledat jméno, typ, úroveň nebo vlastnost jednotky" #. [button]: id=dismiss #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:516 msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "Propustit" #. [button]: id=rename #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/units_dialog.cfg:527 msgid "Rename" msgstr "Přejmenovat" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/wml_error.cfg:40 #: src/gui/dialogs/message.cpp:206 src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:271 #: src/gui/dialogs/transient_message.cpp:77 msgid "Error" msgstr "Chyba" #. #-#-#-#-# wesnoth-lib.wml.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# #. [label]: id=details_heading #: data/gui/themes/default/dialogs/wml_error.cfg:112 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:176 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:192 src/gui/dialogs/wml_error.cpp:156 msgid "Details:" msgstr "Podrobnosti:" #. [label] #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/addon_list.cfg:93 msgid "Version" msgstr "Verze" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_1 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/addon_list.cfg:107 msgid "Author" msgstr "Autor" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_2 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/addon_list.cfg:121 msgid "Size" msgstr "Velikost" #. [toggle_button]: id=sort_3 #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/addon_list.cfg:135 msgid "Downloads" msgstr "Staženo" #. [draw] #. The heavy checkmark character is available in the DejaVu Sans font, but not in the default Lato font #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/button_success.cfg:250 msgid "page^ Copied" msgstr " Zkopírováno" #. [image]: id=pending_messages #: data/gui/themes/default/widgets/chatbox.cfg:40 msgid "Messages waiting" msgstr "Čekající zprávy" #: src/build_info.cpp:285 msgid "feature^Lua console completion" msgstr "Doplňování v Lua konzoli" #: src/build_info.cpp:292 msgid "feature^D-Bus notifications back end" msgstr "Použití D-Bus notifikací" #: src/build_info.cpp:301 msgid "feature^Win32 notifications back end" msgstr "Použití Win32 notifikací" #: src/build_info.cpp:307 msgid "feature^Cocoa notifications back end" msgstr "Použití Cocoa notifikací" #: src/build_info.cpp:346 src/desktop/version.cpp:125 msgid "cpu_architecture^" msgstr "" #: src/desktop/paths.cpp:96 msgid "filesystem_path_system^Volumes" msgstr "Jednotky" #: src/desktop/paths.cpp:210 msgid "filesystem_path_game^Game executables" msgstr "Herní spustitelné soubory" #: src/desktop/paths.cpp:214 msgid "filesystem_path_game^Game data" msgstr "Herní data" #: src/desktop/paths.cpp:218 msgid "filesystem_path_game^User data" msgstr "Uživatelská data" #: src/desktop/paths.cpp:222 msgid "filesystem_path_game^Editor maps" msgstr "Mapy editoru" #: src/desktop/paths.cpp:235 msgid "filesystem_path_system^Home" msgstr "Domovská složka" #: src/desktop/paths.cpp:244 msgid "filesystem_path_system^Root" msgstr "Kořenový adresář" #: src/desktop/version.cpp:405 msgid "operating_system^" msgstr "" # TODO: cs,sk? #. TRANSLATORS: This is the language code which will be used #. to store and fetch localized non-textual resources, such as images, #. when they exist. Normally it is just the code of the PO file itself, #. e.g. "de" of de.po for German. But it can also be a comma-separated #. list of language codes by priority, when the localized resource #. found for first of those languages will be used. This is useful when #. two languages share sufficient commonality, that they can use each #. other's resources rather than duplicating them. For example, #. Swedish (sv) and Danish (da) are such, so Swedish translator could #. translate this message as "sv,da", while Danish as "da,sv". #: src/filesystem.cpp:1814 msgid "language code for localized resources^en_US" msgstr "cs" #. TRANSLATORS: Formats a two-element conjunctive list. #: src/formula/string_utils.cpp:265 msgid "conjunct pair^$first and $second" msgstr "$first a $second" #. TRANSLATORS: Formats the first two elements of a conjunctive list. #: src/formula/string_utils.cpp:268 msgid "conjunct start^$first, $second" msgstr "$first, $second" #. TRANSLATORS: Formats successive elements of a conjunctive list. #: src/formula/string_utils.cpp:272 msgid "conjunct mid^$prefix, $next" msgstr "$prefix, $next" #. TRANSLATORS: Formats the final element of a conjunctive list. #: src/formula/string_utils.cpp:275 msgid "conjunct end^$prefix, and $last" msgstr "$prefix a $last" #. TRANSLATORS: Formats a two-element disjunctive list. #: src/formula/string_utils.cpp:283 msgid "disjunct pair^$first or $second" msgstr "$first nebo $second" #. TRANSLATORS: Formats the first two elements of a disjunctive list. #: src/formula/string_utils.cpp:286 msgid "disjunct start^$first, $second" msgstr "$first, $second" #. TRANSLATORS: Formats successive elements of a disjunctive list. #: src/formula/string_utils.cpp:290 msgid "disjunct mid^$prefix, $next" msgstr "$prefix, $next" #. TRANSLATORS: Formats the final element of a disjunctive list. #: src/formula/string_utils.cpp:293 msgid "disjunct end^$prefix, or $last" msgstr "$prefix nebo $last" #: src/gui/core/canvas.cpp:263 msgid "Image doesn’t fit on canvas." msgstr "Obrázek se nevejde na plátno." #: src/gui/core/widget_definition.cpp:29 msgid "No draw section defined for state." msgstr "Pro stav není definován žádný vykreslovací oddíl." #: src/gui/core/widget_definition.cpp:67 src/gui/core/window_builder.cpp:113 msgid "No resolution defined for " msgstr "Není definováno žádné rozlišení pro " #: src/gui/core/window_builder.cpp:147 src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:427 #: src/gui/widgets/multi_page.cpp:181 src/gui/widgets/panel.cpp:131 #: src/gui/widgets/size_lock.cpp:110 src/gui/widgets/stacked_widget.cpp:229 #: src/gui/widgets/toggle_panel.cpp:321 msgid "No grid defined." msgstr "Není definována žádná mřížka." #: src/gui/core/window_builder.cpp:201 msgid "Grid ‘$grid’ row $row must have at least one column." msgstr "Řádek $row mřížky „$grid“ musí mít alespoň jeden sloupec." #: src/gui/core/window_builder.cpp:213 msgid "" "Grid ‘$grid’ row $row has a differing number of columns ($found found, " "$expected expected)" msgstr "" "Řádek $row mřížky „$grid“ se liší v počtu sloupců (nalezeno $found, " "očekáváno $expected)" #: src/gui/dialogs/achievements_dialog.cpp:137 msgid "Completed" msgstr "Dokončeno" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/addon_server_info.cpp:95 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/addon_server_info.cpp:120 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/addon_server_info.cpp:148 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1000 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1042 msgid "The server responded with an error:" msgstr "Server odpověděl chybou:" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/addon_server_info.cpp:97 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1018 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1045 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_join_game.cpp:513 msgid "Response" msgstr "Odpověď" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/addon_server_info.cpp:115 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/addon_server_info.cpp:143 #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/addon_server_info.cpp:167 msgid "Password not provided" msgstr "Nebylo zadáno heslo" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:145 msgid "addons_view^All Add-ons" msgstr "Všechna rozšíření" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:146 msgid "addons_view^Installed" msgstr "Nainstalovaná" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:147 msgid "addons_view^Upgradable" msgstr "Dostupná nová verze" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:148 msgid "addons_view^Publishable" msgstr "Publikovatelná" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:149 msgid "addons_view^Not Installed" msgstr "Nenainstalovaná" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:153 msgid "addons_of_type^Campaigns" msgstr "Tažení" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:154 msgid "addons_of_type^Scenarios" msgstr "Scénáře" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:155 msgid "addons_of_type^SP/MP campaigns" msgstr "Tažení SP/MP" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:156 msgid "addons_of_type^MP campaigns" msgstr "Tažení MP" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:157 msgid "addons_of_type^MP scenarios" msgstr "Scénáře MP" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:158 msgid "addons_of_type^MP map-packs" msgstr "Balíčky map MP" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:159 msgid "addons_of_type^MP eras" msgstr "Éry MP" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:160 msgid "addons_of_type^MP factions" msgstr "Frakce MP" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:161 msgid "addons_of_type^Modifications" msgstr "Modifikace" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:162 msgid "addons_of_type^Cores" msgstr "Jádra" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:163 msgid "addons_of_type^Themes" msgstr "Motivy" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:164 msgid "addons_of_type^Resources" msgstr "Zdroje" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:166 msgid "addons_of_type^Other" msgstr "Jiná" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:167 msgid "addons_of_type^Unknown" msgstr "Neznámá" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:171 msgid "addons_order^Name ($order)" msgstr "Název ($order)" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:174 msgid "addons_order^Author ($order)" msgstr "Autor ($order)" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:177 msgid "addons_order^Size ($order)" msgstr "Velikost ($order)" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:180 msgid "addons_order^Downloads ($order)" msgstr "Stažení ($order)" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:183 msgid "addons_order^Type ($order)" msgstr "Typ ($order)" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:186 msgid "addons_order^Last updated ($datelike_order)" msgstr "Naposledy aktualizováno ($datelike_order)" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:189 msgid "addons_order^First uploaded ($datelike_order)" msgstr "Poprvé nahráno ($datelike_order)" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:207 msgid "addon_tag^Cooperative" msgstr "Spolupracující" #. TRANSLATORS: tooltip in the drop-down menu for filtering add-ons #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:209 msgid "addon_tag^All human players are on the same team, versus the AI" msgstr "Všichni hráči jsou ve stejném týmu a proti UI" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:210 msgid "addon_tag^Cosmetic" msgstr "Kosmetické" #. TRANSLATORS: tooltip in the drop-down menu for filtering add-ons #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:212 msgid "addon_tag^These make the game look different, without changing gameplay" msgstr "Tato rozšíření mění vzhled hry, aniž změní hratelnost" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:213 msgid "addon_tag^Difficulty" msgstr "Obtížnost" #. TRANSLATORS: tooltip in the drop-down menu for filtering add-ons #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:215 msgid "addon_tag^Can make campaigns easier or harder" msgstr "Může usnadnit nebo ztížit tažení" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:216 msgid "addon_tag^RNG" msgstr "GNČ" #. TRANSLATORS: tooltip in the drop-down menu for filtering add-ons #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:218 msgid "" "addon_tag^Modify the randomness in the combat mechanics, or remove it " "entirely" msgstr "Upravuje náhodnost v mechanice soubojů, nebo ji úplně odstraňuje" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:219 msgid "addon_tag^Survival" msgstr "Přežití" #. TRANSLATORS: tooltip in the drop-down menu for filtering add-ons #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:221 msgid "addon_tag^Fight against waves of enemies" msgstr "Boj proti vlnám nepřátel" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:222 msgid "addon_tag^Terraforming" msgstr "Terraformace" #. TRANSLATORS: tooltip in the drop-down menu for filtering add-ons #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:224 msgid "addon_tag^Players can change the terrain" msgstr "Hráči mohou měnit terén" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:248 src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:102 msgid "addon_state^Not installed" msgstr "Nenainstalované" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:249 src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:102 msgid "addon_state^Published, not installed" msgstr "Uveřejněné, nenainstalované" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:253 src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:110 msgid "addon_state^Installed" msgstr "Nainstalované" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:254 src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:110 msgid "addon_state^Published" msgstr "Uveřejněné" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:258 msgid "addon_state^Installed, not tracking local version" msgstr "Nainstalované, nesleduje místní verzi" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:261 msgid "addon_state^Published, not tracking local version" msgstr "Uveřejněné, nesleduje místní verzi" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:265 msgid "addon_state^Installed ($local_version|), upgradable" msgstr "Nainstalované ($local_version|), dostupná nová verze" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:266 msgid "addon_state^Published ($local_version| installed), upgradable" msgstr "Uveřejněné ($local_version| installed), dostupná nová verze" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:272 msgid "addon_state^Installed ($local_version|), outdated on server" msgstr "Nainstalované ($local_version|), na serveru zastaralé" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:273 msgid "addon_state^Published ($local_version| installed), outdated on server" msgstr "Uveřejněné ($local_version| nainstalované) na serveru zastaralé" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:279 src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:113 msgid "addon_state^Installed, not ready to publish" msgstr "Nainstalované, není připraveno k publikaci" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:280 src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:113 msgid "addon_state^Ready to publish" msgstr "Připraveno k publikaci" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:284 src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:125 msgid "addon_state^Installed, broken" msgstr "Nainstalované, poškozené" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:285 src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:125 msgid "addon_state^Published, broken" msgstr "Uveřejněné, poškozené" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:288 src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:129 msgid "addon_state^Unknown" msgstr "Neznámý" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:454 msgid "ascending" msgstr "vzestupně" #. TRANSLATORS: Sorting order of dates, oldest first #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:456 msgid "oldest to newest" msgstr "nejstarší po nejnovější" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:459 msgid "descending" msgstr "sestupně" #. TRANSLATORS: Sorting order of dates, newest first #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:461 msgid "newest to oldest" msgstr "nejnovější po nejstarší" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:567 msgid "addons^Back to List" msgstr "Zpět na seznam" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:579 msgid "An error occurred while downloading the add-ons list from the server." msgstr "Při stahování seznamu rozšíření ze serveru došlo k chybě." #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:617 msgid "No Add-ons Available" msgstr "Žádné dostupné rozšíření" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:617 msgid "There are no add-ons available for download from this server." msgstr "Na tomto serveru nejsou k dispozici žádná rozšíření ke stažení." #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:885 msgid "" "The following add-on appears to have publishing or version control " "information stored locally, and will not be removed:" msgstr "" "Následující rozšíření má zřejmě informace pro publikaci nebo správu verzí a " "nebude proto odstraněno:" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:893 msgid "The following add-on could not be deleted properly:" msgstr "Následující rozšíření nebylo možno správně odstranit:" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:973 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Varování" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:974 msgid "" "The remote version of this add-on is greater or equal to the version being " "uploaded. Do you really wish to continue?" msgstr "" "Vzdálená verze tohoto rozšíření je vyšší nebo stejná vůči verzi, která je " "nahrávána. Opravdu si přeješ pokračovat?" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:992 msgid "The passphrase attribute cannot be present when forum_auth is used." msgstr "Atribut passphrase nemůže být přítomen, když se používá forum_auth." #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:997 msgid "Invalid icon path. Make sure the path points to a valid image." msgstr "Neplatná cesta k ikoně. Ujisti se, že cesta ukazuje na platný obrázek." #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1003 msgid "The add-on was rejected by the server:" msgstr "Rozšíření bylo serverem odmítnuto:" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1030 msgid "" "Deleting '$addon|' will permanently erase its download and upload counts on " "the add-ons server. Do you really wish to continue?" msgstr "" "Smazání „$addon|“ natrvalo vymaže jeho počty stažení a nahrání na serveru " "s rozšířeními. Opravdu si přeješ pokračovat?" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1062 msgid "Do you want to uninstall '$addon|'?" msgstr "Chceš odinstalovat „$addon|“?" #. TRANSLATORS: Month + day of month + year + 12-hour time, eg 'November 02 2021, 1:59 PM'. Format for your locale. #. Format reference: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_85_0/doc/html/date_time/date_time_io.html#date_time.format_flags #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1095 msgid "%B %d %Y, %I:%M %p" msgstr "%-d. %B %Y, %I:%M" #. TRANSLATORS: Month + day of month + year + 24-hour time, eg 'November 02 2021, 13:59'. Format for your locale. #. Format reference: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_85_0/doc/html/date_time/date_time_io.html#date_time.format_flags #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1098 msgid "%B %d %Y, %H:%M" msgstr "%-d. %B %Y, %H:%M" #: src/gui/dialogs/addon/manager.cpp:1154 msgid "url^None" msgstr "Žádná" #: src/gui/dialogs/attack_predictions.cpp:119 msgid "No usable weapon" msgstr "Žádná použitelná zbraň" #: src/gui/dialogs/attack_predictions.cpp:197 msgid "Defender resistance vs" msgstr "Odolnost obránce vs." #: src/gui/dialogs/attack_predictions.cpp:199 msgid "Defender vulnerability vs" msgstr "Zranitelnost obránce vs." #: src/gui/dialogs/attack_predictions.cpp:203 msgid "Attacker resistance vs" msgstr "Odolnost útočníka vs." #: src/gui/dialogs/attack_predictions.cpp:205 msgid "Attacker vulnerability vs" msgstr "Zranitelnost útočníka vs." #: src/gui/dialogs/campaign_selection.cpp:76 msgid "game^Get Add-ons" msgstr "Získat rozšíření" #: src/gui/dialogs/campaign_selection.cpp:394 msgid "More campaigns..." msgstr "Další tažení..." #: src/gui/dialogs/campaign_selection.cpp:403 msgid "" "In addition to the mainline campaigns, Wesnoth also has an ever-growing list " "of add-on content created by other players available via the Add-ons server, " "included but not limited to more single and multiplayer campaigns, " "multiplayer maps, additional media and various other content! Be sure to " "give it a try!" msgstr "" "Kromě tažení v hlavní hře má Wesnoth také stále rostoucí seznam přidaného " "obsahu vytvořeného ostatními hráči, který je k dispozici na serveru " "s rozšířeními, kde jsou mimo jiné další tažení pro jednoho a více hráčů, " "mapy pro hru více hráčů, grafika, hudba a různé jiné věci! Určitě to " "vyzkoušej!" #: src/gui/dialogs/campaign_selection.cpp:413 msgid "Missing Campaigns" msgstr "Chybějící tažení" #. TRANSLATORS: "more than 15" gives a little leeway to add or remove one without changing the translatable text. #. It's already ambiguous, 1.18 has 19 campaigns, if you include the tutorial and multiplayer-only World Conquest. #: src/gui/dialogs/campaign_selection.cpp:424 msgid "" "Wesnoth normally includes more than 15 mainline campaigns, even before " "installing any from the add-ons server. If you’ve installed the game via a " "package manager, there’s probably a separate package to install the complete " "game data." msgstr "" "Wesnoth normálně obsahuje více než 15 hlavních tažení, a to i před instalací " "jakýchkoli tažení ze serveru s rozšířeními. Pokud jsi hru nainstaloval přes " "správce balíčků, pravděpodobně existuje samostatný balíček pro instalaci " "úplných dat hry." #: src/gui/dialogs/campaign_selection.cpp:455 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:433 msgid "active_modifications^None" msgstr "Žádné" #: src/gui/dialogs/depcheck_confirm_change.cpp:38 msgid "$requester requires the following modifications to be enabled:" msgstr "$requester vyžaduje povolení následujících modifikací:" #: src/gui/dialogs/depcheck_confirm_change.cpp:42 msgid "$requester requires the following modifications to be disabled:" msgstr "$requester vyžaduje zákaz následujících modifikací:" #: src/gui/dialogs/depcheck_select_new.cpp:40 msgid "" "The currently chosen scenario is not compatible with your setup.\n" "Please select a compatible one." msgstr "" "Vybraný scénář není slučitelný s tvým nastavením.\n" "Prosím vyber nějaký slučitelný." #: src/gui/dialogs/depcheck_select_new.cpp:45 msgid "" "The currently chosen era is not compatible with your setup.\n" "Please select a compatible one." msgstr "" "Vybraný věk není slučitelný s tvým nastavením.\n" "Prosím vyber nějaký slučitelný." #: src/gui/dialogs/depcheck_select_new.cpp:51 msgid "" "The currently chosen modification is not compatible with your setup.\n" "Please select a compatible one." msgstr "" "Vybraná modifikace není slučitelná s tvým nastavením.\n" "Prosím vyber nějakou slučitelnou." #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/custom_tod.cpp:171 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:309 msgid "Choose File" msgstr "Vybrat soubor" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/custom_tod.cpp:179 #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:318 msgid "" "This file is outside Wesnoth’s data dirs. Do you wish to copy it into your " "add-on?" msgstr "" "Tento soubor se nachází mimo adresáře s daty Wesnothu. Chceš jej zkopírovat " "do svého rozšíření?" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:178 msgid "Core" msgstr "Jádro" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:179 msgid "Campaign" msgstr "Tažení" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:180 msgid "Hybrid Campaign" msgstr "Smíšené tažení" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:181 msgid "Multiplayer Campaign" msgstr "Tažení pro více hráčů" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:182 msgid "Scenario" msgstr "Scénář" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:183 msgid "Multiplayer Scenario" msgstr "Scénář pro více hráčů" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:184 msgid "Faction" msgstr "Frakce" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:185 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:421 msgid "Era" msgstr "Éra" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:186 msgid "Map Pack" msgstr "Balíček map" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:187 msgid "Modification" msgstr "Modifikace" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:188 msgid "Media" msgstr "Média" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:189 msgid "Theme" msgstr "Motiv" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:190 msgid "Other" msgstr "Jiné" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:196 msgid "Cooperative" msgstr "Spolupracující" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:197 msgid "Cosmetic" msgstr "Kosmetické" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:199 msgid "RNG" msgstr "GNČ" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:200 msgid "Survival" msgstr "Přežití" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:201 msgid "Terraforming" msgstr "Terraformace" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:392 msgid "The icon’s file size is too large" msgstr "Soubor ikony je příliš velký" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:394 msgid "No validation errors" msgstr "Žádné chyby při ověřování" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:394 msgid "Success" msgstr "Úspěch" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_pbl.cpp:424 msgid "Choose an icon" msgstr "Vybrat ikonu" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:192 msgid "scout" msgstr "zvěd" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:193 msgid "fighter" msgstr "bojovník" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:194 msgid "archer" msgstr "střelec" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:195 msgid "mixed fighter" msgstr "všestranný bojovník" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:196 msgid "healer" msgstr "léčitel" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:1034 msgid "Unsaved changes will be lost. Do you want to leave?" msgstr "Neuložené změny budou ztraceny. Chceš odejít?" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/edit_unit.cpp:1053 msgid "Unit type saved." msgstr "Typ jednotky uložen." #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/generator_settings.cpp:70 msgid "/1000 tiles" msgstr "/1000 polí" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/generator_settings.cpp:73 msgid "Coastal" msgstr "Pobřeží" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/generator_settings.cpp:73 msgid "Inland" msgstr "Vnitrozemí" #: src/gui/dialogs/editor/generator_settings.cpp:73 msgid "Island" msgstr "Ostrov" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:105 msgid "Find File" msgstr "Najít soubor" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:180 msgid "please enter a filename" msgstr "zadej prosím název souboru" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:202 msgid "" " wrong " "extension, use $extensions" msgstr "" " špatná " "přípona, použij $extensions" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:205 msgid "" " whitespace is not allowed in filename" msgstr "" " v názvu souboru není povolen bílý znak" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:230 msgid "Open" msgstr "Otevřít" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:310 msgid "Opening files is not supported, contact your packager" msgstr "Otevření souborů není podporováno, obrať se na správce balíčku" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:367 msgid "The file already exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?" msgstr "Tento soubor již existuje. Chceš ho přepsat?" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:391 msgid "The file or folder $path cannot be created." msgstr "Soubor nebo složka $path nemůže být vytvořena." #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:397 msgid "The file or folder $path does not exist." msgstr "Soubor nebo složka $path neexistuje." #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:774 msgid "" "Could not create a new folder at $path|. Make sure you have the appropriate " "permissions to write to this location." msgstr "" "Nelze vytvořit novou složku v $path|. Ujisti se, že máš pro zápis do tohoto " "umístění příslušná oprávnění." #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:792 msgid "The following folder and its contents will be permanently deleted:" msgstr "Následující složka a její obsah budou nadobro odstraněny:" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:793 msgid "The following file will be permanently deleted:" msgstr "Následující soubor bude nadobro odstraněn:" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:794 msgid "Do you wish to continue?" msgstr "Přeješ si pokračovat?" #: src/gui/dialogs/file_dialog.cpp:806 msgid "" "Could not delete $path|. Make sure you have the appropriate permissions to " "write to this location." msgstr "" "$path| se nepodařilo smazat. Ujisti se, že máš k zápisu do tohoto umístění " "příslušná oprávnění." #: src/gui/dialogs/folder_create.cpp:39 msgid "New Bookmark" msgstr "Nová záložka" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_cache_options.cpp:95 msgid "dir_size^Unknown" msgstr "Neznámá" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_cache_options.cpp:97 #: src/gui/dialogs/network_transmission.cpp:48 #: src/gui/dialogs/network_transmission.cpp:49 #: src/gui/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cpp:110 msgid "unit_byte^B" msgstr "B" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_cache_options.cpp:120 msgid "Cache Cleaned" msgstr "Mezipaměť pročištěna" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_cache_options.cpp:121 msgid "The game data cache has been cleaned." msgstr "Mezipaměť dat hry byla pročištěna." #: src/gui/dialogs/game_cache_options.cpp:123 msgid "The game data cache could not be completely cleaned." msgstr "Mezipaměť dat hry nemohla být úplně pročištěna." #: src/gui/dialogs/game_cache_options.cpp:139 msgid "Cache Purged" msgstr "Mezipaměť vymazána" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_cache_options.cpp:140 msgid "The game data cache has been purged." msgstr "Mezipaměť dat hry byla vymazána." #: src/gui/dialogs/game_cache_options.cpp:142 msgid "The game data cache could not be purged." msgstr "Mezipaměť dat hry nemohla být vymazána." #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:72 msgid "No Saved Games" msgstr "Žádné uložené hry" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:72 msgid "There are no saved games to load." msgstr "Neexistují žádné uložené hry k načtení." #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:143 msgid "game_version^Current Version" msgstr "Současná verze" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:147 msgid "game_version^Wesnoth $version" msgstr "Wesnoth $version" #. TRANSLATORS: "reserve" refers to units on the recall list #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:234 msgid "$active active, $reserve reserve" msgstr "činné: $active, záloha: $reserve" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:289 msgid "The selected file is corrupt: " msgstr "Vybraný soubor je poškozen: " #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:329 msgid "(Invalid)" msgstr "(Invalid)" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:359 msgid "Campaign: $campaign_name" msgstr "Tažení: $campaign_name" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:371 msgid "Tutorial" msgstr "Výcvik" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:374 msgid "Test scenario" msgstr "Testovací scénář" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:384 msgid "Replay" msgstr "Záznam" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:386 msgid "Turn" msgstr "Kolo" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:388 msgid "Scenario start" msgstr "Začátek scénáře" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:407 msgid "Difficulty: " msgstr "Obtížnost: " #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:430 msgid "Version: " msgstr "Verze: " #: src/gui/dialogs/game_load.cpp:435 msgid "Modifications: " msgstr "Rozšíření: " #: src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:63 msgid "controller^AI" msgstr "UI" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:63 msgid "controller^Idle" msgstr "Nečinný" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:63 msgid "controller^Reserved" msgstr "Vyhrazený" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:102 src/gui/dialogs/label_settings.cpp:73 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Neznámý" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:190 src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:193 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:447 msgid "no" msgstr "ne" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:190 src/gui/dialogs/game_stats.cpp:193 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:447 msgid "yes" msgstr "ano" #: src/gui/dialogs/game_version_dialog.cpp:270 #: src/gui/dialogs/game_version_dialog.cpp:284 src/gui/widgets/label.cpp:123 msgid "Opening links is not supported, contact your packager" msgstr "Otevírání odkazů není podporováno, kontaktuj správce svého balíčku" #: src/gui/dialogs/label_settings.cpp:51 msgid "Team Labels" msgstr "Umísti týmový popisek" #: src/gui/dialogs/label_settings.cpp:79 msgid "Side $side_number ($name)" msgstr "Strana $side_number ($name)" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:46 msgid "Building terrain rules" msgstr "Sestavování pravidel pro terén" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:47 msgid "Reading files and creating cache" msgstr "Čtení souborů a vytváření mezipaměti" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:48 src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:51 msgid "Initializing display" msgstr "Nastavování zobrazení" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:49 msgid "Reinitialize fonts for the current language" msgstr "Znovuzavedení písem pro současný jazyk" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:50 msgid "Initializing teams" msgstr "Vytváření týmů" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:52 msgid "Loading game configuration" msgstr "Načítání nastavení hry" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:53 msgid "Loading data files" msgstr "Načítání herních dat" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:54 msgid "Loading level" msgstr "Načítání úrovně" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:55 msgid "Initializing scripting engine" msgstr "Spouštění skriptovacího enginu" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:56 msgid "Initializing planning mode" msgstr "Spouštět hru v plánovacím módu" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:57 msgid "Reading unit files" msgstr "Čtení souborů s jednotkami" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:58 msgid "Loading units" msgstr "Načítání jednotek" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:59 msgid "Searching for installed add-ons" msgstr "Vyhledávání nainstalovaných rozšíření" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:60 msgid "Starting game" msgstr "Spouštění hry" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:61 msgid "Verifying cache" msgstr "Ověřování mezipaměti" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:62 msgid "Connecting to server" msgstr "Připojování na server" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:63 msgid "Logging in" msgstr "Přihlašování" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:64 msgid "Waiting for server" msgstr "Čekání na server" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:65 msgid "Connecting to redirected server" msgstr "Připojování na přemístěný server" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:66 msgid "Waiting for next scenario" msgstr "Čekání na další scénář" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:67 msgid "Getting game data" msgstr "Získávání dat hry" #: src/gui/dialogs/loading_screen.cpp:68 msgid "Downloading lobby data" msgstr "Stahování dat čekárny" #: src/gui/dialogs/lua_interpreter.cpp:628 msgid "The lua console can only be used in debug mode! (Run ‘:debug’ first)" msgstr "" "Konzoli lua lze použít pouze v režimu ladění! (Nejdřív spusť „:debug“.)" #: src/gui/dialogs/lua_interpreter.cpp:629 msgid "lua console" msgstr "konzole lua" #: src/gui/dialogs/migrate_version_selection.cpp:47 msgid "No Other Version Found" msgstr "Nebyla nalezena žádná další verze" #: src/gui/dialogs/migrate_version_selection.cpp:47 msgid "" "This would import settings from a previous version of Wesnoth, but no other " "version was found on this device" msgstr "" "Tohle by importovalo nastavení z předchozí verze Wesnothu, ale v tomto " "zařízení nebyla nalezena žádná jiná verze." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/faction_select.cpp:137 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_staging.cpp:500 msgid "Random" msgstr "Náhodně" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:65 msgid "Do you really want to log out?" msgstr "Opravdu se chceš odhlásit?" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:172 msgid "Incompatible User-made Content" msgstr "Nekompatibilní uživatelský obsah" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:173 msgid "" "This game cannot be joined because the host has out-of-date add-ons that are " "incompatible with your version. You might wish to suggest that the host’s " "add-ons be updated." msgstr "" "K této hře se nelze připojit, protože hostitel má zastaralá rozšíření, která " "jsou s tvojí verzí nekompatibilní. Můžeš navrhnout hostiteli, aby svá " "rozšíření aktualizoval." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:188 msgid "Missing User-made Content" msgstr "Chybějící uživatelský obsah" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:189 msgid "" "This game requires one or more user-made addons to be installed or updated " "in order to join.\n" "Do you want to try to install them?" msgstr "" "Tato hra vyžaduje instalaci nebo aktualizaci jednoho či více uživatelských " "rozšíření, aby ses mohl připojit.\n" "Chceš je zkusit nainstalovat?" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:366 msgid "Games: showing $num_shown out of $num_total" msgstr "Hry: zobrazeno $num_shown ze $num_total" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:388 msgid "$game_name (Era: $era_name)" msgstr "$game_name (Éra: $era_name)" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:418 msgid "era_or_mod^not installed" msgstr "Nenainstalováno" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:453 msgid "Reloaded:" msgstr "Načteno:" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:454 msgid "Shared vision:" msgstr "Sdílený pohled:" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:455 msgid "Shuffle sides:" msgstr "Zamíchat strany:" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:456 msgid "Time limit:" msgstr "Časový limit:" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:457 msgid "Use map settings:" msgstr "Použij nastavení z mapy:" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:465 msgid "" "One or more add-ons need to be installed\n" "in order to join this game." msgstr "" "Jedno nebo více rozšíření musí být nainstalováno,\n" "aby se dalo připojit k této hře." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:490 msgid "Observers allowed" msgstr "Pozorovatelé povoleni" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:493 msgid "Observers not allowed" msgstr "Pozorovatelé zakázáni" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:619 msgid "lobby" msgstr "čekárna" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:828 msgid "" "This game doesn’t allow observers. Observe using moderator rights anyway?" msgstr "Tato hra nepovoluje pozorovatele. Sledovat pomocí práv moderátora?" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:839 msgid "" "Something is wrong with the addon version check database supporting the " "multiplayer lobby. Please report this at https://bugs.wesnoth.org." msgstr "" "S databází pro ověření verze rozšíření, která je potřebná pro čekárnu hry " "více hráčů, není něco v pořádku. Prosím nahlas to na https://" "bugs.wesnoth.org." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/lobby.cpp:860 msgid "This game is password protected. Join using moderator rights anyway?" msgstr "Tato hra je chráněna heslem. Připojit se pomocí práv moderátora?" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_alerts_options.cpp:119 msgid "" "This build of wesnoth does not include support for desktop notifications, " "contact your package manager" msgstr "" "Toto sestavení Bitvy o Wesnoth nezahrnuje podporu pro notifikace, kontaktuj " "správce svého balíčku" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_change_control.cpp:81 msgid "Side $side" msgstr "Strana $side" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_connect.cpp:181 msgid "Add Server" msgstr "Přidat server" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:122 msgid "Scenarios" msgstr "Scénáře" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:123 msgid "Multiplayer Campaigns" msgstr "Tažení pro více hráčů" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:124 msgid "Singleplayer Campaigns" msgstr "Tažení pro jednoho hráče" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:125 msgid "Custom Maps" msgstr "Vlastní mapy" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:126 msgid "Custom Scenarios" msgstr "Vlastní scénáře" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:127 msgid "Random Maps" msgstr "Náhodné mapy" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:191 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:192 msgid "No games found." msgstr "Žádné hry nenalezeny." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:258 msgid "No eras found." msgstr "Žádný věk nenalezen." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:259 msgid "No eras found" msgstr "Žádný věk nenalezen" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:526 msgid "No eras available for this game." msgstr "Pro tuto hru není k dispozici žádný věk." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:732 msgid "number of players^$min to $max" msgstr "$min až $max" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:846 msgid "The selected game has no sides!" msgstr "Vybraná hra nemá žádné strany!" #. TRANSLATORS: This sentence will be followed by some details of the error, most likely the "Map could not be loaded" message from create_engine.cpp #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:853 msgid "The selected game cannot be created." msgstr "Vybraná hra nemůže být vytvořena." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:925 msgid "Choose Starting Scenario" msgstr "Vybrat počáteční scénář" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_create_game.cpp:925 msgid "Select at which point to begin this campaign." msgstr "Vyber, odkud zahájit toto tažení." #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_join_game.cpp:221 msgid "Computer Player" msgstr "Počítačový hráč" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_join_game.cpp:223 msgid "Empty slot" msgstr "Prázdná pozice" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_join_game.cpp:225 msgid "Reserved for $playername" msgstr "Reservováno pro $playername" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_join_game.cpp:227 msgid "Vacant slot" msgstr "Volná pozice" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_join_game.cpp:231 msgid "empty" msgstr "prázdný" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_join_game.cpp:257 #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_staging.cpp:107 msgid "this game" msgstr "tato hra" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_report.cpp:46 msgid "Lobby" msgstr "Čekárna" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_report.cpp:48 msgid "Game" msgstr "Hra" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_staging.cpp:310 msgid "Invalid Color" msgstr "Neplatná barva" #: src/gui/dialogs/multiplayer/mp_staging.cpp:517 msgid "Waiting for players to choose factions..." msgstr "Čekání na hráče, kteří si vybírají frakci..." #: src/gui/dialogs/outro.cpp:55 msgid "The End" msgstr "Konec" #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:198 msgid "friend" msgstr "přítel" #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:203 msgid "ignored" msgstr "otrapa" #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:256 #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:313 msgid "No username specified" msgstr "Nebylo zadáno uživatelské jméno" #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:271 msgid "Invalid username" msgstr "Nepoužitelná přezdívka" #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:318 msgid "Not on friends or ignore lists" msgstr "Není v seznamu přátel ani ignorovaných" #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:953 #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:1017 msgid "No hotkey selected" msgstr "Nepřiřazeno" #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:981 msgid "" "“$hotkey_sequence|” is in use by “$old_hotkey_action|”.\n" "Do you wish to reassign it to “$new_hotkey_action|”?" msgstr "" "„$hotkey_sequence|“ se používá pro akci „$old_hotkey_action|“.\n" "Chceš ji přeřadit k akci „$new_hotkey_action|“?" #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:987 msgid "Reassign Hotkey" msgstr "Přeřadit klávesovou zkratku" #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:1004 msgid "All hotkeys have been reset to their default values." msgstr "Všechny zkratky byly nastaveny na své výchozí hodnoty." #: src/gui/dialogs/preferences_dialog.cpp:1004 msgid "Hotkeys Reset" msgstr "Reset klávesových zkratek" #: src/gui/dialogs/screenshot_notification.cpp:95 msgid "" "Unsupported image format.\n" "\n" "Try to save the screenshot as PNG instead." msgstr "" "Nepodporovaný formát obrázku.\n" "\n" "Zkus místo toho uložit snímek obrazovky jako PNG." #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:78 msgid "All Scenarios" msgstr "Všechny scénáře" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:176 #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:336 msgid "This Turn" msgstr "Toto kolo" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:212 msgid "Actual hit rates, by chance to hit:" msgstr "Skutečná míra zásahů podle šance na zásah:" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:214 msgid "(no attacks have taken place yet)" msgstr "(ještě nedošlo k žádným útokům)" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:323 msgid "" "stats dialog^Difference of actual outcome to expected outcome, as a " "percentage.\n" "The first number in parentheses is the expected number of hits inflicted/" "taken.\n" "The sum (or difference) of the two numbers in parentheses is the actual " "number of hits inflicted/taken." msgstr "" "Rozdíl mezi očekávaným a skutečným výsledkem v procentech.\n" "První číslo v závorce je očekávaný počet uštědřených nebo utržených zásahů.\n" "Součet (nebo rozdíl) dvou čísel v závorce je množství zásahů skutečně " "uštědřených nebo utržených." #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:367 msgid "stats^Recruits" msgstr "Naverbováno" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:368 msgid "Recalls" msgstr "Povoláno" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:369 msgid "Advancements" msgstr "Povýšeno" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:370 msgid "Losses" msgstr "Ztráty" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:371 msgid "Kills" msgstr "Zabito" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:393 #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:400 msgid "Inflicted" msgstr "Uštědřeno" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:406 #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:413 msgid "Taken" msgstr "Utrženo" #: src/gui/dialogs/statistics_dialog.cpp:454 msgid "$count|× $name" msgstr "$count|× $name" #: src/gui/dialogs/title_screen.cpp:114 src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:98 msgid "Screenshot" msgstr "Snímek obrazovky" #: src/gui/dialogs/title_screen.cpp:398 msgid "Version $version" msgstr "Verze $version" #: src/gui/dialogs/title_screen.cpp:491 src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:310 msgid "Choose Test Scenario" msgstr "Vybrat testovací scénář" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:219 src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:103 msgid "Rename Unit" msgstr "Přejmenovat jednotku" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:252 msgid "This unit is loyal and requires no upkeep." msgstr "Tato jednotka je věrná a nevyžaduje žádné zaopatření." #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:253 src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:258 #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:263 msgid "Do you really want to dismiss him?" msgstr "Opravdu ho chceš propustit?" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:254 src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:259 #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:264 msgid "Do you really want to dismiss her?" msgstr "Opravdu ji chceš propustit?" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:257 msgid "This unit is an experienced one, having advanced levels." msgstr "Tato jednotka je zkušená, má pokročilé úrovně." #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:262 msgid "This unit is close to advancing a level." msgstr "Tato jednotka bude brzy povýšena na další úroveň." #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:268 msgid "Dismiss Unit" msgstr "Propustit jednotku" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:389 msgid "unit_variation^Default Variation" msgstr "Výchozí varianta" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:425 msgid "Create Unit" msgstr "Vytvořit jednotku" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:482 msgid "Recruit Unit" msgstr "Naverbovat jednotku" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:483 src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:111 msgid "Recruit" msgstr "Naverbovat" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:495 src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:129 msgid "Unit List" msgstr "Seznam jednotek" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:611 msgid "Recall Unit" msgstr "Povolat jednotku" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:612 src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:113 msgid "Recall" msgstr "Povolat" #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:720 msgid "" "This unit cannot be recalled because you will not have enough gold at this " "point in your plan." msgstr "" "Tato jednotka nemůže být povolána, protože v tomto bodě tvého plánu nebudeš " "mít dost zlata." #: src/gui/dialogs/units_dialog.cpp:722 msgid "This unit cannot be recalled because you do not have enough gold." msgstr "Tato jednotka nemůže být povolána, protože nemáš dost zlata." #: src/gui/gui.cpp:132 msgid "No default gui defined." msgstr "Není definováno výchozí uživatelské rozhraní (GUI)." #: src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:117 msgid "addon_state^Installed, upgradable" msgstr "Nainstalované, je možná aktualizace" #: src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:117 msgid "addon_state^Published, upgradable" msgstr "Uveřejněné, je možná aktualizace" #: src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:121 msgid "addon_state^Installed, outdated on server" msgstr "Nainstalované, na serveru zastaralé" #: src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:121 msgid "addon_state^Published, outdated on server" msgstr "Uveřejněné, na serveru zastaralé" #: src/gui/widgets/addon_list.cpp:291 msgid "Delete add-on from server" msgstr "Smazat rozšíření ze serveru" #. TRANSLATORS: This is the new chat text indicator #: src/gui/widgets/chatbox.cpp:95 msgid "NEW" msgstr "NOVÉ" # v chatu, "levá část tabulky" (jméno) - nesmí být příliš dlouhé! #: src/gui/widgets/chatbox.cpp:300 msgid "whisper to $receiver" msgstr "soukr. zpr. pro $receiver" #: src/gui/widgets/chatbox.cpp:384 msgid "Joined $name" msgstr "Připojeno k: $name" #: src/gui/widgets/chatbox.cpp:390 msgid "" "Started private message with $name. If you do not want to receive " "messages from this player, type /ignore $name" msgstr "" "Zahájen soukromý rozhovor s $name. Jestliže od tohoto hráče nechceš " "přijímat zprávy, napiš /ignore $name." #: src/gui/widgets/helper.cpp:153 msgid "Mandatory widget ‘$id’ hasn't been defined." msgstr "Povinný ovládací prvek „$id“ nebyl definován." #: src/gui/widgets/label.cpp:141 src/gui/widgets/multiline_text.cpp:429 msgid "Open link?" msgstr "Otevřít odkaz?" #: src/gui/widgets/label.cpp:172 msgid "Copied link!" msgstr "Odkaz zkopírován!" #: src/gui/widgets/listbox.cpp:724 src/gui/widgets/multi_page.cpp:224 msgid "" "‘list_data’ must have the same number of columns as the ‘list_definition’." msgstr "" "„list_data“ musí obsahovat stejný počet sloupců jako „list_definition“." #: src/gui/widgets/listbox.cpp:760 src/gui/widgets/scrollbar_panel.cpp:86 msgid "No list defined." msgstr "Nebyl definován žádný seznam." #: src/gui/widgets/listbox.cpp:765 msgid "A ‘list_definition’ should contain one row." msgstr "Pro „list_definition“ je vyžadována alespoň jedna řádka." #: src/gui/widgets/multi_page.cpp:200 msgid "No page defined." msgstr "Není definována žádná stránka." #: src/gui/widgets/multiline_text.cpp:434 msgid "" "Opening links is not supported, contact your packager. Link URL has been " "copied to the clipboard." msgstr "" "Otevírání odkazů není podporováno, kontaktuj správce svého balíčku. URL " "odkaz byl zkopírován do schránky." #: src/gui/widgets/multimenu_button.cpp:171 msgid "multimenu^All Selected" msgstr "Vybráno vše" #. TRANSLATORS: In a drop-down menu that's a list of toggle-boxes, this becomes part #. of the text on the button when many of the boxes are selected. The text becomes #. "x, y and 1 other", "x, y and 2 others", etc. #: src/gui/widgets/multimenu_button.cpp:179 msgid "multimenu^$excess other" msgid_plural "$excess others" msgstr[0] "$excess další" msgstr[1] "$excess další" msgstr[2] "$excess dalších" #: src/gui/widgets/multimenu_button.cpp:181 #: src/gui/widgets/multimenu_button.cpp:233 msgid "multimenu^None Selected" msgstr "Nic nevybráno" #: src/gui/widgets/pane.cpp:359 msgid "Need at least 1 parallel item." msgstr "Je třeba alespoň jedna souběžná věc." #: src/gui/widgets/rich_label.cpp:250 msgid "corrupted original file" msgstr "poškozený původní soubor" #: src/gui/widgets/size_lock.cpp:88 msgid "Invalid size." msgstr "Neplatná velikost." #: src/gui/widgets/size_lock.cpp:123 msgid "No widget defined." msgstr "Nebyl definován žádný widget." #: src/gui/widgets/slider.cpp:355 msgid "The number of value_labels and values don’t match." msgstr "Nesouhlasí počet value_labels a values." #: src/gui/widgets/stacked_widget.cpp:242 msgid "No stack layers defined." msgstr "Nebyl definován žádný zásobník." #: src/gui/widgets/styled_widget.cpp:606 msgid "Found a widget with a helptip and without a tooltip." msgstr "Nalezen grafický prvek s nápovědou bez bublinkové nápovědy." #: src/gui/widgets/tab_container.cpp:140 msgid "No grid defined for tab container control" msgstr "Pro ovládací prvek kontejneru s kartami není definována mřížka" #: src/gui/widgets/tree_view.cpp:288 msgid "No nodes defined for a tree view." msgstr "Pro stromové zobrazení nejsou stanoveny žádné uzly." # Vzorná kryptohláška! #: src/gui/widgets/tree_view.cpp:318 msgid "[node]id ‘root’ is reserved for the implementation." msgstr "[node]id „root“ je vyhrazen implementací." #: src/gui/widgets/tree_view_node.cpp:106 msgid "Unknown builder id for tree view node." msgstr "Neznámý identifikátor sestavitele pro uzel stromového zobrazení." #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:136 msgid "Resistances: " msgstr "Odolnosti: " #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:138 msgid "(Att / Def)" msgstr "(Útok / Obrana)" #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:286 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:317 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:426 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:458 msgid "Lvl $lvl" msgstr "Lvl $lvl" #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:324 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:337 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:465 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:482 msgid "HP: " msgstr "HP: " #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:326 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:342 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:468 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:470 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:487 msgid "XP: " msgstr "XP: " #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:344 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:489 msgid "Experience Modifier: " msgstr "Modifikátor zkušenostních bodů: " #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:347 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:492 msgid "MP: " msgstr "MP: " #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:374 #: src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp:513 msgid "Abilities" msgstr "Schopnosti" #: src/gui/widgets/window.cpp:286 msgid "Linked ‘$id’ group has multiple definitions." msgstr "Spojená skupina „$id“ má více definicí." #: src/gui/widgets/window.cpp:879 msgid "Click dismiss needs a ‘click_dismiss’ or ‘ok’ button." msgstr "" "Zavření kliknutím kamkoliv vyžaduje přítomnost parametru nebo tlačítka s id " "nastaveným na „click_dismiss“ nebo „ok“." #: src/gui/widgets/window.cpp:904 src/gui/widgets/window.cpp:941 #: src/tests/gui/test_gui2.cpp:738 msgid "Failed to show a dialog, which doesn’t fit on the screen." msgstr "Nebyl zobrazen dialog, který se nevejde na obrazovku." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:52 msgid "Saved Games" msgstr "Uložené hry" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:53 msgid "Map Commands" msgstr "Příkazy mapy" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:54 msgid "Unit Commands" msgstr "Příkazy jednotek" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:55 msgid "Player Chat" msgstr "Zprávy hráčů" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:56 msgid "Replay Control" msgstr "Ovládání přehrávání" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:57 msgid "Planning Mode" msgstr "Plánovací mód" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:58 msgid "Scenario Editor" msgstr "Editor scénáře" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:59 msgid "Editor Palettes" msgstr "Palety editoru" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:60 msgid "Editor Tools" msgstr "Nástroje editoru" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:61 msgid "Editor Clipboard" msgstr "Schránka editoru" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:62 msgid "Debug Commands" msgstr "Příkazy ladění" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:63 msgid "Custom WML Commands" msgstr "Vlastní WML příkazy" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:74 msgid "Scroll Up" msgstr "Posunout nahoru" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:75 msgid "Scroll Down" msgstr "Posunout dolů" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:76 msgid "Scroll Left" msgstr "Posunout vlevo" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:77 msgid "Scroll Right" msgstr "Posunout vpravo" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:79 msgid "cancel" msgstr "zrušit" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:80 msgid "Select Hex" msgstr "Vybrat políčko" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:81 msgid "Deselect Hex" msgstr "Zrušit výběr políčka" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:82 msgid "Move/Attack" msgstr "Pohyb/Útok" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:83 msgid "Select/Move/Attack" msgstr "Vybrat/Pohnout/Zaútočit" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:84 msgid "Touch" msgstr "Dotek" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:85 msgid "Animate Map" msgstr "Animovat mapu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:86 msgid "Next Unit" msgstr "Další jednotka" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:87 msgid "Previous Unit" msgstr "Předešlá jednotka" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:88 msgid "Hold Position" msgstr "Držet pozici" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:89 msgid "End Unit Turn" msgstr "Ukončit kolo jednotky" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:90 msgid "Scroll to Leader" msgstr "Posunout na vůdce" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:91 msgid "Undo" msgstr "Zpět" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:92 msgid "Redo" msgstr "Znovu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:93 msgid "Zoom In" msgstr "Přiblížit pohled" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:94 msgid "Zoom Out" msgstr "Oddálit pohled" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:95 msgid "Default Zoom" msgstr "Výchozí pohled" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:96 msgid "Toggle Full Screen" msgstr "Okno/Celá obrazovka" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:99 msgid "Map Screenshot" msgstr "Snímek mapy" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:100 msgid "Toggle Accelerated Speed" msgstr "Přepnout zrychlení" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:101 msgid "Terrain Description" msgstr "Popis terénu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:102 msgid "Unit Type Description" msgstr "Popis typu jednotky" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:104 msgid "Delete Unit" msgstr "Smazat jednotku" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:107 msgid "Save Replay" msgstr "Uložit záznam" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:108 msgid "Save Map" msgstr "Uložit mapu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:110 msgid "Load Turn..." msgstr "Nahrát kolo..." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:112 msgid "Repeat Recruit" msgstr "Zopakovat verbování" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:114 msgid "Show/Hide Labels" msgstr "Zobrazit/skrýt popisky" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:115 msgid "End Turn" msgstr "Ukončit kolo" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:117 msgid "Toggle Ellipses" msgstr "Zapnout/vypnout elipsy" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:118 msgid "Toggle Grid" msgstr "Zapnout/vypnout mřížku" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:119 msgid "Mouse Scrolling" msgstr "Posouvat pomocí myši" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:120 msgid "Status Table" msgstr "Stavová tabulka" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:121 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Ztlumit zvuk" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:122 msgid "Speak" msgstr "Mluvit" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:123 msgid "Create Unit (Debug!)" msgstr "Vytvořit jednotku (ladění!)" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:124 msgid "Change Side (Debug!)" msgstr "Změnit stranu (ladění!)" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:125 msgid "Kill Unit (Debug!)" msgstr "Zabít jednotku (ladění!)" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:126 msgid "Teleport Unit (Debug!)" msgstr "Teleportovat jednotku (ladění!)" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:128 msgid "Objectives" msgstr "Cíle" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:131 msgid "Pause Network Game" msgstr "Pozastavit síťovou hru" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:132 msgid "Continue Network Game" msgstr "Pokračovat v síťové hře" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:134 msgid "Quit to Menu" msgstr "Vrátit se do menu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:135 msgid "Set Team Label" msgstr "Nastavit týmový popisek" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:136 msgid "Set Label" msgstr "Nastavit popisek" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:137 msgid "Clear Labels" msgstr "Smazat popisky" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:138 msgid "Show Enemy Moves" msgstr "Ukázat tahy nepřítele" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:139 msgid "Best Possible Enemy Moves" msgstr "Nejlepší možné tahy nepřítele" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:141 msgid "Play Replay" msgstr "Přehrát záznam" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:142 msgid "Reset Replay" msgstr "Znovu přehrát" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:143 msgid "Stop Replay" msgstr "Zastavit přehrávání" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:144 msgid "Next Turn" msgstr "Další kolo" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:145 msgid "Next Side" msgstr "Další strana" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:146 msgid "Next Move" msgstr "Další tah" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:147 msgid "View: Full Map" msgstr "Pohled: Celá mapa" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:148 msgid "View: Each Team" msgstr "Pohled: Každý tým" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:149 msgid "View: Human Team" msgstr "Pohled: Člověčí tým" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:150 msgid "Skip Animation" msgstr "Přeskočit animaci" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:151 msgid "End Replay" msgstr "Ukončit přehrávání" #. TRANSLATORS: whiteboard menu entry: toggle planning mode #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:154 msgid "whiteboard^Planning Mode" msgstr "Plánovací mód" #. TRANSLATORS: whiteboard menu entry: execute planned action #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:156 msgid "whiteboard^Execute Action" msgstr "Provést akci" #. TRANSLATORS: whiteboard menu entry: execute all planned actions #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:158 msgid "whiteboard^Execute All Actions" msgstr "Provést všechny akce" #. TRANSLATORS: whiteboard menu entry: delete planned action #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:160 msgid "whiteboard^Delete Action" msgstr "Smazat akci" #. TRANSLATORS: whiteboard menu entry: move planned action up queue #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:162 msgid "whiteboard^Move Action Up" msgstr "Posunout akci ve frontě nahoru" #. TRANSLATORS: whiteboard menu entry: move planned action down queue #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:164 msgid "whiteboard^Move Action Down" msgstr "Posunout akci ve frontě dolů" #. TRANSLATORS: whiteboard menu entry: plan as though the chosen unit were dead #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:166 msgid "whiteboard^Suppose Dead" msgstr "Předpokládat smrt" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:168 msgid "Quit to Desktop" msgstr "Ukončit program" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:169 msgid "Close Map" msgstr "Zavřít mapu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:173 msgid "Switch Time of Day" msgstr "Přepnout denní dobu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:175 msgid "Switch Map" msgstr "Přepnout mapu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:176 msgid "Assign Local Time" msgstr "Přiřadit místní čas" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:178 msgid "New Unit Type" msgstr "Nový typ jednotky" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:180 msgid "Time Schedule Editor" msgstr "Editor rozvrhu dne" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:181 msgid "Partial Undo" msgstr "Částečné vrácení" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:183 msgid "New Scenario" msgstr "Nový scénář" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:184 msgid "Load Map/Scenario" msgstr "Načíst mapu/scénář" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:186 msgid "Save Map As" msgstr "Uložit mapu jako" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:187 msgid "Save Scenario As" msgstr "Uložit scénář jako" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:188 msgid "Save All Maps" msgstr "Uložit všechny mapy" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:189 msgid "Revert All Changes" msgstr "Vrátit všechny změny" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:190 msgid "Map Information" msgstr "Informace o mapě" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:192 msgid "Clear Selected Item Set" msgstr "Zrušit vybranou sadu předmětů" # dlouhý text přidá v nastavení vodorovný posuvník a odsune sloupce GET doprava #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:193 msgid "Swap Foreground/Background Palette Item" msgstr "Prohodit na paletě popředí s pozadím" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:194 msgid "Change Palette Group" msgstr "Změnit paletu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:195 msgid "Scroll Palette Left" msgstr "Posunout paletu vlevo" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:196 msgid "Scroll Palette Right" msgstr "Posunout paletu vpravo" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:197 msgid "Remove Location" msgstr "Odstranit místo" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:199 msgid "Add New Side" msgstr "Přidat další stranu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:201 msgid "Next Tool" msgstr "Další nástroj" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:203 msgid "Paint Tool" msgstr "Nástroj malování" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:203 src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:204 msgid "" "Use left/right mouse button to draw fore-/background terrain. Hold Shift to " "paint base layer only. Ctrl+click to sample terrain under cursor." msgstr "" "Použij levé/pravé tlačítko myši k vykreslení popředí/pozadí povrchu. Podrž " "Shift pro kreslení pouze základních vrstev. Ctrl+kliknutí pro výběr terénu " "pod kurzorem." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:204 msgid "Fill Tool" msgstr "Nástroj vyplňování" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:205 msgid "" "Left mouse button selects or deselects with Ctrl, right brings up a context " "menu. Hold Shift for magic-wand selection of tiles with same terrain." msgstr "" "Levé tlačítko myši vybírá nebo pomocí klávesy Ctrl výběr ruší, pravé vyvolá " "souvisící nabídku. Podržením klávesy Shift vybíráš kouzelnou hůlkou políčka " "se stejným terénem." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:205 msgid "Selection Tool" msgstr "Nástroj pro výběr" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:206 msgid "" "Left mouse button displays player selection, right clears. Number keys " "scroll to the starting position, alt+number sets respective starting " "position under cursor, delete clears." msgstr "" "Levé tlačítko myši umístí vybraného hráče, pravé umístění smaže. Klávesy " "s čísly přejíždí na startovní pozici, Alt + číslo nastaví příslušnou " "startovní pozici pod kurzor, Delete maže." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:206 msgid "Starting Positions Tool" msgstr "Nastavení startovních pozic" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:207 msgid "Label Tool" msgstr "Nástroj pro popisky" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:207 msgid "Left mouse button sets or drags a label, right clears." msgstr "Levé tlačítko myši nastavuje nebo přesunuje popisek, pravé ho maže." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:208 msgid "" "Left mouse button sets a new unit or moves a unit via drag and drop, right " "brings up a context menu. Needs a defined side." msgstr "" "Levým tlačítkem myši umístíš novou jednotku nebo ji tažením přesuneš, pravým " "vyvoláš souvisící nabídku. Musí být vybrána strana." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:208 msgid "Unit Tool" msgstr "Nástroj pro jednotky" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:209 msgid "Item Tool" msgstr "Nástroj pro předměty" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:209 msgid "Left mouse button sets a new item. Right click removes item." msgstr "Levé tlačítko myši umístí nový předmět. Pravé předmět odstraní." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:210 msgid "" "Left mouse button sets the village ownership to the current side, right " "clears. Needs a defined side." msgstr "" "Levým tlačítkem myši nastavíš vlastnictví vesnice vybrané straně, pravým " "vlastnictví zrušíš. Musí být vybrána strana." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:210 msgid "Village Tool" msgstr "Nástroj pro vesnice" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:212 msgid "Can Recruit" msgstr "Může verbovat" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:212 msgid "Toggle the recruit attribute of a unit." msgstr "Povolí atribut verbování u jednotky." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:213 msgid "Can be Renamed" msgstr "Může být přejmenována" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:213 msgid "Toggle the unit being renameable." msgstr "Povolí přejmenování jednotky." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:215 msgid "Change Unit ID" msgstr "Změnit ID jednotky" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:216 msgid "Loyal" msgstr "Věrný" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:219 msgid "Show Tool Information" msgstr "Ukázat informace k nástroji" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:221 msgid "Toggle Minimap Unit Coding" msgstr "Přepnout odlišení jednotek na minimapě" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:222 msgid "Toggle Minimap Terrain Coding" msgstr "Přepnout odlišení povrchu na minimapě" # dlouhý text přidá v nastavení vodorovný posuvník a odsune sloupce GET doprava #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:224 msgid "Toggle Minimap Unit Drawing" msgstr "Přepnout kreslení jednotek na minimapě" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:225 msgid "Toggle Minimap Village Drawing" msgstr "Přepnout kreslení vesnic na minimapě" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:226 msgid "Toggle Minimap Terrain Drawing" msgstr "Přepnout kreslení povrchu na minimapě" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:228 msgid "Next Brush" msgstr "Další štětec" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:229 msgid "Default Brush" msgstr "Výchozí štětec" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:230 msgid "Single Tile" msgstr "Jediná dlaždice" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:231 msgid "Radius One" msgstr "Rozsah jedna" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:232 msgid "Radius Two" msgstr "Rozsah dva" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:233 msgid "Brush NW-SE" msgstr "Štětec SZ-JV" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:234 msgid "Brush SW-NE" msgstr "Štětec JZ-SV" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:236 msgid "Cut" msgstr "Vyjmout" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:237 msgid "Copy" msgstr "Kopírovat" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:238 msgid "" "Left mouse button pastes from the clipboard, right brings up a context menu." msgstr "Levým tlačítkem vložíš ze schránky, pravým vyvoláš souvisící nabídku." #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:238 msgid "Paste" msgstr "Vložit" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:239 msgid "Export Selected Coordinates to System Clipboard" msgstr "Exportovat vybrané souřadnice do schránky systému" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:240 msgid "Select All" msgstr "Vybrat vše" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:241 msgid "Select Inverse" msgstr "Invertovat výběr" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:242 msgid "Select None" msgstr "Zrušit výběr" # dlouhý text přidá v nastavení vodorovný posuvník a odsune sloupce GET doprava #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:243 msgid "Rotate Clipboard Clockwise" msgstr "Otočit schránku doprava" # dlouhý text přidá v nastavení vodorovný posuvník a odsune sloupce GET doprava #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:244 msgid "Rotate Clipboard Counter-Clockwise" msgstr "Otočit schránku doleva" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:245 msgid "Flip Clipboard Horizontally" msgstr "Převrátit schránku horizontálně" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:246 msgid "Flip Clipboard Vertically" msgstr "Převrátit schránku vertikálně" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:247 msgid "Rotate Selection" msgstr "Otočit výběr" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:248 msgid "Flip Selection" msgstr "Převrátit výběr" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:249 msgid "Fill Selection" msgstr "Vyplnit výběr" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:250 msgid "Randomize Tiles in Selection" msgstr "Náhodně nastavit políčka ve výběru" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:253 msgid "Apply a Mask" msgstr "Aplikovat masku" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:254 msgid "Create Mask" msgstr "Vytvořit masku" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:255 msgid "Refresh Display" msgstr "Obnovit pohled" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:257 msgid "Update Terrain Transitions" msgstr "Obnovit přechody terénu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:260 msgid "Toggle Terrain Transition Update" msgstr "Přepnout obnovu přechodu terénu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:262 msgid "Auto-update Terrain Transitions" msgstr "Obnovovat přechody terénu automaticky" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:263 msgid "Auto-update Terrain Transitions: No" msgstr "Obnovovat přechody terénu automaticky: Ne" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:264 msgid "Auto-update Terrain Transitions: Partial" msgstr "Obnovovat přechody terénu automaticky: Částečně" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:266 msgid "Refresh Image Cache" msgstr "Obnovit obrazovou mezipaměť" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:267 msgid "Draw Hex Coordinates" msgstr "Zobrazit souřadnice políček" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:268 msgid "Draw Terrain Codes" msgstr "Zobrazit kódy terénu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:269 msgid "Draw Number of Bitmaps" msgstr "Zobrazit počet bitmap" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:271 msgid "Save Selection to Area" msgstr "Uložit výběr do oblasti" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:272 msgid "Rename Selected Area" msgstr "Přejmenovat vybranou oblast" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:273 msgid "Remove Selected Area" msgstr "Odebrat vybranou oblast" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:274 msgid "Add New Area" msgstr "Přidat novou oblast" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:276 msgid "Add-on Publishing Editor" msgstr "Editor pro zveřejnění rozšíření" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:277 msgid "Change Add-on ID" msgstr "Změnit ID rozšíření" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:278 msgid "Select active Add-on" msgstr "Vybrat aktivní rozšíření" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:279 msgid "Open Add-on folder" msgstr "Otevřít složku s rozšířeními" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:282 msgid "Edit Side" msgstr "Upravit stranu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:283 msgid "Remove Side" msgstr "Odebrat stranu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:285 msgid "Delay Shroud Updates" msgstr "Pozdržet překreslování mlhy" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:286 msgid "Update Shroud Now" msgstr "Okamžitě obnovit mlhu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:287 msgid "Continue Interrupted Move" msgstr "Pokračovat v přerušeném pohybu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:288 msgid "Find Label or Unit" msgstr "Najít popisek nebo jednotku" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:289 msgid "Speak to Ally" msgstr "Mluvit ke spojencům" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:290 msgid "Speak to All" msgstr "Mluvit ke všem" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:292 msgid "Help about save-loading" msgstr "Nápověda k opakovanému nahrávání" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:292 msgid "Hint: save-loading is unnecessary" msgstr "Tip: opakované nahrávání není třeba" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:294 msgid "Enter Command" msgstr "Vložit příkaz" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:295 msgid "Custom Command" msgstr "Vlastní příkaz" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:296 msgid "Run Formula" msgstr "Spustit vzorec" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:297 msgid "Clear Chat" msgstr "Vymazat rozhovor" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:299 msgid "Change Language" msgstr "Změnit jazyk" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:300 msgid "Start Game (MP)" msgstr "Spustit hru (více hráčů)" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:301 msgid "Refresh WML" msgstr "Obnovit WML" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:302 msgid "Next Tip of the Day" msgstr "Zobrazit další tip dne" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:303 msgid "Previous Tip of the Day" msgstr "Zobrazit předchozí tip dne" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:304 msgid "Start Campaign" msgstr "Začít tažení" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:305 msgid "Start Multiplayer Game" msgstr "Začít hru více hráčů" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:306 msgid "Manage Add-ons" msgstr "Spravovat rozšíření" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:307 msgid "Manage Cores" msgstr "Spravovat jádra" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:308 msgid "Start Editor" msgstr "Spustit editor" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:309 msgid "Show Credits" msgstr "Zobrazit poděkování" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:312 msgid "Show Helptip" msgstr "Zobrazovat bublinovou nápovědu" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:314 msgid "Show Lua Console" msgstr "Zobrazit Lua konzoli" #: src/hotkey/hotkey_command.cpp:317 msgid "Unrecognized Command" msgstr "Neznámý příkaz" #: src/preferences/preferences.cpp:1263 msgid "No known themes. Try changing from within an existing game." msgstr "Žádné známé motivy. Zkus změnit během existující hry." #: src/preferences/preferences.cpp:1300 msgid "" "The $filename server application provides multiplayer server " "functionality and is required for hosting local network games. It will " "normally be found in the same folder as the game executable." msgstr "" "Aplikace serveru $filename poskytuje funkce serveru pro hru více " "hráčů a je požadována pro pořádání her na místní síti. Obvykle se nachází ve " "stejné složce jako spustitelný soubor hry." #: src/preferences/preferences.cpp:1304 msgid "Find Server Application" msgstr "Najít aplikaci serveru" #: src/preferences/preferences.cpp:1759 msgid "[%H:%M]" msgstr "[%H:%M]" # formát času pro 2x12 + AM/PM #: src/preferences/preferences.cpp:1761 msgid "[%I:%M %p]" msgstr "[%I:%M %p]" #: src/wml_exception.cpp:66 msgid "" "An error due to possibly invalid WML occurred\n" "The error message is :" msgstr "" "Nastala chyba, pravděpodobně kvůli neplatnému WML.\n" "Chybová zpráva :" #: src/wml_exception.cpp:68 msgid "When reporting the bug please include the following error message :" msgstr "Při oznamování chyby prosím uveď následující chybovou zprávu :" #: src/wml_exception.cpp:89 msgid "" "In section ‘[$section|]’ where ‘$primary_key|’ = ‘$primary_value’ the " "mandatory key ‘$key|’ isn’t set." msgstr "" "V sekci „[$section|]“, kde „$primary_key|“ = „$primary_value“, není nastaven " "povinný klíč „$key|“." #: src/wml_exception.cpp:92 msgid "In section ‘[$section|]’ the mandatory key ‘$key|’ isn’t set." msgstr "V sekci „[$section|]“ není nastaven povinný klíč „$key|“." #: src/wml_exception.cpp:104 msgid "In section ‘[$section|]’ the mandatory subtag ‘[$tag|]’ is missing." msgstr "V sekci „[$section|]“ chybí povinná podřízená značka „[$tag|]”."