# # Translators: # GunChleoc, 2020 # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-22 03:31 UTC\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-13 14:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: GunChleoc, 2020\n" "Language-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (https://www.transifex.com/gunchleoc/" "teams/12769/gd/)\n" "Language: gd\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : " "(n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:13 msgid "A Tale of Two Brothers" msgstr "Sgeulachd dithis bhràithrean" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:14 msgid "AToTB" msgstr "SdB" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:18 msgid "Beginner" msgstr "Neach-tòiseachaidh" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:18 msgid "Horseman" msgstr "Marcaiche" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:19 msgid "Challenging" msgstr "Dùbhlanach" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:19 msgid "Grand Knight" msgstr "Sàr-ridire" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:21 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "An evil mage is threatening the small village of Maghre and its " #| "inhabitants. The village’s mage sends to his warrior brother for help, " #| "but not all goes as planned. Can you help?\n" #| "\n" msgid "" "An evil mage is threatening the small village of Maghre and its inhabitants. " "The village’s mage sends to his warrior brother for help, but not all goes " "as planned. Can you help?" msgstr "" "Tha draoidh olc a’ maoidheadh muinntir baile bhig Mhachra. Dh’iarr draoidh " "a’ bhaile taic o bhràthair a tha ’na ghaisgeach ach cha deach gach nì mar a " "bha fainear dha. An doir thu cuideachadh dhaibh?\n" "\n" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:23 msgid "" "This campaign has two difficulties, with a large difference between them. " "The Grand Knight difficulty is intended for players who’ve already completed " "Liberty and Heir to the Throne." msgstr "" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:25 msgid "(Novice level, 4 scenarios.)" msgstr "(Ìre fhoghlamaiche, 4 cnàmh-sgeulan.)" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:32 msgid "Campaign Design" msgstr "Dealbhadh iomairte" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:41 msgid "Prose and Story Edits" msgstr "Rosg agus deasachadh na sgeulachd" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:50 msgid "Campaign Maintenance" msgstr "Obair-glèidhidh iomairte" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:59 msgid "Artwork and Graphics Design" msgstr "Ealan is grafaigeachd" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:75 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Measgaichte" #. [entry] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:89 msgid "And special thanks to everyone else who I forgot to mention." msgstr "Agus taing shònraichte dhan fheadhainn eile nach dug mi iomradh orra." #. [scenario]: id=01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:5 msgid "Rooting Out a Mage" msgstr "A’ gabhail draoidh an greim" #. [part] #. This text is shown with the journey map, showing the village in the foothills along the route between Aldril and Dan’Tonk. #. I'm assuming the beacons either use smoke signals or basic fire signals, with a few agreed ones to request goods or indicate that surplus is for sale. #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:52 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The remote freehold of Maghre in the western reaches of the Kingdom of " #| "Wesnoth was once a peaceful place, its inhabitants largely unaware of the " #| "comings and goings of the wider world. Wars and the rumor of wars touched " #| "them not, until the day a dark mage settled in the region and began " #| "seeking sacrifices for his evil summonings." msgid "" "The remote freehold of Maghre in the western reaches of the Kingdom of " "Wesnoth was once a peaceful place, its inhabitants largely unaware of the " "comings and goings of the wider world. Wars and the rumor of wars touched " "them not. Even merchants were rarely seen, although caravans between Aldril " "and Dan’Tonk might send a wagon when called by the beacon tower." msgstr "" "’S e àite sìtheil iomallach a bhiodh saor-sheilbh Mhachra taobh siar " "rìoghachd Bheasnaid agus cha do mhothaicheadh a muinntir do na thachradh fad " "air falbh bhuapa. Cha do bhean cogaidhean no naidheachdan mun dèidhinn " "riutha gus an latha a dh’imrich draoidh dubh dhan sgìre aca an toir air " "ìobairtean airson nan taghairmean olca aige." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:57 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Skeletons and zombies killed cattle and fired fields. “Fear and obey " #| "Mordak the Mage!” they cried in fell voices as they did their foul " #| "deeds. People vanished from isolated farmsteads. Men and women began to " #| "fear the night, and their children even the bright day. But the nearest " #| "lord was more than a day’s ride distant, and messengers sent to seek his " #| "help did not return." msgid "" "Then came the day that a dark mage settled in the region and began seeking " "sacrifices for his summonings.\n" "\n" "Skeletons and zombies killed cattle and fired fields. “Fear and obey " "Mordak the Mage!” they cried in fell voices as they did their foul " "deeds. People vanished from isolated farmsteads. Men and women began to fear " "the night, and their children even the bright day. But the nearest lord was " "more than a day’s ride distant, and messengers sent to seek his help did not " "return." msgstr "" "Mharbh cnàimhnich ’s cuirp coisiche an sprèidh agus chuir iad na h-" "achaidhean air teine. “Eagal oirbh agus gèillibh dhan draoidh Mhordan!”, seo na dh’èigheadh iad le guthan oillteil fad ’s a rinneadh iad na " "gnìomhan olca aca. Chaidh daoine a-mach à sealladh o thuathanasan iomallach. " "Ghabh a’ mhuinntir eagal air an oidhche ’s a’ chlann eadhon air latha " "soilleir. Ach bha an tighearna as dlùithe a’ fuireach barrachd air latha air " "falbh air muin eich agus cha do thill na teachdairean a chuir iad a-null gus " "cobhair iarraidh." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:63 msgid "" "There was a man named Baran who had shown talent as a mage when he was " "young, gone to the great Academy on the Isle of Alduin, and returned to work " "his magic in the land where he was born. The people looked to him for help " "and leadership. He found weapons half-forgotten from the times of their " "sires and grandsires hanging in many houses, and bade the villagers to take " "them down and clean and oil them. He set the smiths of Maghre to making " "spearheads and ax-blades for the rest." msgstr "" "Bha duine ann air an robh Baran a nochd tàlant mar dhraoidh ’na òige agus a " "dh’fhalbh don Acadamaidh ann an Eilean Alduin agus a thill do thìr àraich " "gus a dhraoidheachd a thoirt dhi. Ann an iomadh taigh, lorg e airm o àm nan " "sinnsirean a bha cha mhòr air an dol a-mach à cuimhne agus dh’iarr e do na " "tuathanaich an glanadh ’s an oladh. Thug e air goibhnean Mhachra gun dèanadh " "iad cinn slèigh agus lannan tuaighe airson a’ chorr." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:68 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Now Baran had a brother named Arvith who had also left Maghre to seek his " #| "fortune, and had become the leader of a small band of horsemen who hired " #| "out as guards to merchant caravans. Fortunate it was for all that when " #| "Baran was but an apprentice mage, he had made a pair of amulets for " #| "himself and his brother, with which they might call to each other when in " #| "dire need. Baran sent out that call." msgid "" "Now Baran had a brother named Arvith who had also left Maghre to seek his " "fortune, and had become the leader of a small band of horsemen who hired out " "as guards to merchant caravans. Fortunate it was for all that, in better " "times, the brothers had talked of using trade beacons for other signals when " "in dire need. Baran sent out that call." msgstr "" "Bha bràthair aig Baran agus Arbhath a bh’ air. Bha easan cuideachd air " "Machra fhàgail an toir fortain agus chaidh e ’na cheannard aig buidheann " "beag de mharcaichean a dh’obraicheadh mar gheàird do charabhanaichean " "mharsantan. Gu fortanach, rinn Baran dà sheun nuair a bha e òg agus cha robh " "e ach ’na fhoghlamaiche. Thug e an dàrna fear do a bhràthair agus chum e " "fhèin am fear eile ach an gairmeadh iad càch a chèile nuair a bhiodh iad ann " "an èiginn. Seo a’ ghairm a thug Baran a-nis." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:72 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "12 V, 363 YW\n" #| "Excerpt from the journal of Baran of Maghre\n" #| "\n" #| "If I could but face this ‘Mordak’! I think my magic might prove stronger " #| "than his. But he bides in the hills, well-guarded by his servants, and I " #| "muster frightened peasants to fight his minions with blades and sticks. I " #| "need my brother; he always had a better head for battle than I.\n" #| "\n" #| "Will he heed the call? I do not know if he has kept the amulet; we have " #| "not spoken since that evil day at Toen Caric. If he will not come for me, " #| "perhaps he will return to aid our village in its hour of desperate need." msgid "" "12 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Baran of Maghre\n" "\n" "If I could but face this ‘Mordak’! I think my magic might prove stronger " "than his. But he bides in the hills, well-guarded by his servants, and I " "muster frightened peasants to fight his minions with blades and sticks.\n" "\n" "I need my brother; he always had a better head for battle than I. Yet we " "have not spoken since that evil day at Toen Caric. If he will not come for " "me, perhaps he will return to aid our village in its hour of desperate need." msgstr "" "12 V, 363 BB\n" "Earrann san leabhar-latha aig Baran Mhachra\n" "\n" "Gum b’ urrainn dhomh dol aghaidh ri aghaidh le “Mordan”! Cha chreid mi nach " "eil a’ dhraoidheachd agam nas treasa na an tè aigesan. Ach tha e air na " "cnuic fo dheagh-dhìon a shearbhantan pailt agus feumaidh mi croitearan " "eagalach a thrusadh gus sabaid an aghaidh a luchd-leantainn le lannan ’s " "bataichean. Tha feum agam air mo bhràthair; bhiodh e na b’ fhearr air sabaid " "na mi fhìn a-riamh.\n" "\n" "An èist e ris a’ ghairm agam? Chan eil fios agam an do chum e an seun; cha " "do bhruidhinn sinn bhon latha uabhasach ud aig Todhan Carag. Mura dig e a-" "nall air mo shon-sa, ’s dòcha gun dig a gus cobhair a thoirt dhan bhaile " "againn a tha fo èiginn." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:81 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Heeding the call of his amulet, Arvith gathered such men as he could and " #| "hurried to Maghre to help Baran." msgid "" "Heeding the call, Arvith gathered such men as he could and hurried to Maghre " "to help Baran." msgstr "" "Dh’èist Arbhath ri gairm a sheun agus chruinnich e na daoine a b’ urrainn " "dha gus rathad Mhachra a thoirt air cho luath ’s a ghabhadh ach an doireadh " "e cobhair do Bharan." #. [side] #. [side]: type=Longbowman, id=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:99 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:66 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:56 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:58 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:111 msgid "Humans" msgstr "Daoine" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mordak #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Rotharik #. [side] #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tairach #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:120 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:81 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:131 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:82 msgid "Enemies" msgstr "Nàimhdean" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mordak #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:125 msgid "Mordak" msgstr "Mordan" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:152 msgid "Alwyn" msgstr "Albhan" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:153 msgid "Brent" msgstr "Brianainn" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:154 msgid "Cadell" msgstr "Ciadall" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:155 msgid "Dannen" msgstr "Dannan" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:156 msgid "Efran" msgstr "Eafran" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:157 msgid "Faren" msgstr "Farain" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:160 msgid "Tarek" msgstr "Taraig" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:161 msgid "Hann" msgstr "Hann" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:162 msgid "Magrid" msgstr "Magrad" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:167 msgid "Slay Mordak, the evil mage" msgstr "Cuir às dhan draoidh olc Mordan" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:171 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:270 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:339 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:143 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:288 msgid "Death of Arvith" msgstr "Bàs Arbhaith" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:182 msgid "" "Use footpads as fodder to protect your loyal units and attack during the day " "to minimize the damage your forces take." msgstr "" "Cleachd slaightearan gus na h-aonadan dìleas agad a dhìon agus thoir " "ionnsaigh rè an latha ach nach dèid cus dhen fheachd agad a mhilleadh." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:192 msgid "Greetings, brother, and welcome home." msgstr "Fàilte ort aig an taigh, a bhràthair." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:197 msgid "Hail." msgstr "Hoigh." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:202 msgid "Is that all, Arvith? I understand, but..." msgstr "Nach can thu an corr, Arbhaith? Tuigidh mi carson, ach…" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:207 msgid "You called, and I came; be content with that. What ails Maghre?" msgstr "" "Thug thu gairm is thàinig mi; na iarr an corr orm. Dè an trioblaid a " "dh’èirich dha Mhachra?" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:212 msgid "" "A dark mage has come upon us; his creatures call him Mordak. They have been " "terrorizing outlying farms, and we fear they may soon attack the village " "itself! The villagers of Maghre have taken up weapons but they are not " "trained fighters; we need your men, and you to lead them." msgstr "" "Tha draoidh dubh air tighinn oirnn; ’s e “Mordan” a th’ aig a chreutairean " "air. Tha iad air na tuathanasan iomallach a chur fo mhaoim agus tha an t-" "eagal oirnn gun doir iad ionnsaigh air a bhaile fhèin a dh’aithghearr! Thog " "muinntir Mhachra airm ach cha d’ fhuair iad trèanadh ann an sabaid; tha feum " "againn air do chuideachd is do stiùireadh." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:217 msgid "" "I can feel Mordak’s foul touch on the hidden currents of the earth and air. " "He is somewhere due north of here, I would say not more than two days’ ride." msgstr "" "Fairichidh mi beantainn olc Mhordain ri sruthan falaichte na h-ùire ’s an " "adhair. Tha e am badeigin gu tuath oirnn, chanainn-sa nach eil e nas fhaide " "na dà latha air each bhuainn." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:222 msgid "" "All right. I will do this for the village. Can you keep the mage off our " "backs?" msgstr "" "Ceart gu leòr. Nì mi seo às leth a’ bhaile. An doir thu taic dhuinn gus an " "draoidh a chumail air falbh bhuainn?" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:227 msgid "" "I will go stealthily with a handful of our best scouts and woodsmen. While " "you demonstrate against him and kill his creatures, I will try to defeat " "Mordak himself with magic at an unguarded moment. You shall be the right " "hand, I the left... aye, brother?" msgstr "" "Thèid mi ann gu fiatach le grunnan shàr-rabhadairean ’s fhear-coille. Fad ’s " "a thèid thu fhèin ’na aghaidh gu follaiseach ’s tu a’ marbhadh nan " "creutairean aige, feuchaidh mi gun ceannsaich mi Mordan fhèin le " "draoidheachd nuair nach bi an dùil aige orm. Bidh tusa ’nad làmh dheas agus " "mi fhìn ’nam làmh chlì, nach bi, a bhràthair?" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:232 msgid "... Aye. Just make sure you’re there when we need you." msgstr "" "… Bithidh. Ach dèan cinnteach gum bi thu ann nuair a bhios sinn feumach ort." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:243 msgid "" "Baran should be in position by now. Press them, distract the adept so Baran " "can spring his trap!" msgstr "" "Bu chòir do Bharan a bhith air tighinn a-nis. Thoir ionnsaigh orra gus an " "doir an Eòlach aire ortsa agus leumaidh Baran à fàth-feitheamh air!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:254 msgid "Baran has not made his attack!" msgstr "Cha dug Baran ionnsaigh air!" #. [message]: role=Mercenary #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:259 msgid "Could he have abandoned us?" msgstr "Saoil an do thrèig e sinn?" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:264 msgid "" "No... No. This is something else. I’m worried about him... but right now it " "means we have to deal with this Mordak ourselves." msgstr "" "Cha shaoil… cha shaoil. Seo rudeigin eile. Tha uallach orm mu dhèidhinn… ach " "is ciall dha seo an-dràsta gum feum sinn fhìn dèiligeadh ri Mordan a-nis." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:276 msgid "Argh!" msgstr "Ochan!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:281 msgid "Good work, men! But what has become of my brother?" msgstr "" "Obair mhath a rinn sibh, a dhaoine! Nise, dè dh’èirich dha mo bhràthair?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:286 msgid "Worried about him, are you? E-he-he... hergh... gaargh..." msgstr "Fo uallach mu dhèidhinn, an ann? È hè hè… hà hà… gàrgh…" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:296 msgid "" "There’s nothing more to be had from this one; we will have to search for " "Baran ourselves!" msgstr "" "Chan fhaigh sinn an corr a-mach on fhear seo; feumaidh sinn fhìn Baran a " "shireadh!" #. [message]: role=Reporter #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:318 msgid "" "Sir, our scouts report that Baran was seen captured and carried away further " "north!" msgstr "" "A thighearna, thug na rabhadairean againn an naidheachd dhuinn gum facas " "Baran air a ghlacadh ’s a thoirt gu tuath!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:323 msgid "That they should dare this! We will give chase at once." msgstr "" "Cha chreidsinn-sa gum biodh iad cho dàna! Thèid sinn às an dèidh sa bhad." #. [message]: speaker=Mordak #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:349 msgid "Your brother’s plan to ambush me has failed. He is our prisoner now." msgstr "" "Dh’fhàillig plana do bràthar gus fàth-feitheamh a dhèanamh orm. Tha e ’nar " "prìosanach a-nis." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:354 msgid "" "My brother, kidnapped? I have failed you, Baran! And even now Mordak’s " "forces descend upon the village!" msgstr "" "Mo bhràthair, air a ghlacadh? Dh’fhàillig mi, a Bharain! Agus tha sluagh " "Mhordain a’ toirt ionnsaigh air a’ bhaile an-dràsta fhèin!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:370 msgid "I hear these creatures are nigh-immune to our weapons, let us see!" msgstr "" "Chuala mi gur gann gun gabh na creutairean ud leònadh leis na h-airm againn, " "ach chì sinn!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:386 msgid "That was not so hard!" msgstr "Cha robh seo cho doirbh sin!" #. [scenario]: id=02_The_Chase #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:5 msgid "The Chase" msgstr "An ruagadh" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:27 msgid "Arvith and his band rode north in search of his missing brother." msgstr "Chaidh Arbhath agus a chuideachd gu tuath a’ sireadh a bhràthar." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:34 msgid "" "16 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Arvith of Maghre\n" "\n" "We’ve been searching three days for Baran, and turned up nothing. My best " "hunch was to head north into the borderlands, where the necromancer’s " "minions could safely hide; everywhere else is more farmland. At first I " "thought the search might be useless, but late in the first day we found a " "set of tracks. Some of them had been made by skeletal feet, although after " "their first campsite the tracks were merely those of men carrying heavy " "loads.\n" "\n" "We’re close enough to be certain now: those tracks are heading into the Grey " "Woods. No one from Maghre or any of the other villages has gone into that " "forest in living memory. Stories have been passed down for generations " "warning against it. Supposedly the place is haunted by lost souls who hunger " "for the living, and anyone who dies there is doomed to join them." msgstr "" "16 V, 363 BB\n" "Earrann san leabhar-latha aig Arbhath Mhachra\n" "\n" "Tha sinn air trì làithean a chur seachad a’ sireadh Bharain a-nis agus cha " "do lorg sinn dad. Thug mi fainear gun rachamaid gu tuath dha na crìochan far " "am b’ urrainn dhan luchd-leantainn aig a’ marbh-dhraoidh falach gu " "sàbhailte; chan eil ach achaidhean anns gach àite eile. Shaoil mi gun robh " "an oidhirp gun toradh an toiseach, ach thachair sinn air lorgan anmoch a’ " "chiad fheasgar. Chaidh cuid dhiubh a dhèanamh le casan cnàimhnich ged nach " "faca sinn ach lorgan dhaoine a’ giùlain rudeigin trom às dèid a’ chiad " "làraich-campachaidh.\n" "\n" "Theann sinn dlùth gu leòr a-nis ach am bitheamaid cinnteach: tha na lorgan " "ud a’ dol dhan Choille Ghlas. Chan eil cuimhne gun deach duine Mhachra no " "baile sam bith eile a-steach dhan choille ud a-riamh. Thàinig sgeulachdan " "thugainn bho ar sinnsearan a’ toirt rabhadh dhuinn mu dèidhinn. Thathar ag " "ràdh gun tadhail anman caillte air an àite a’ sireadh an fheadhainn beòtha " "agus thèid duine sam bith a gheibh bàs san àite ud ’nan cuideachd." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:43 msgid "" "16 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Arvith of Maghre\n" "\n" "But I’m past superstitions now; I’ve seen enough of the world to guess at " "the truth behind these sorts of tales. The forest is home to elves — " "unfriendly ones, if the stories have any basis at all. I worry for my men; " "horses don’t fight well in forests, and the elves will be more dangerous in " "their own territory. But there are things that need done and questions that " "need answered. Something bigger is happening. One necromancer terrorizing " "townsfolk is nothing new, but why didn’t his servants scatter when he was " "killed? Where are they headed now? And most importantly, why did they take " "Baran with them?\n" "\n" "Besides... I want my brother back." msgstr "" "16 V, 363 BB\n" "Earrann san leabhar-latha aig Arbhath Mhachra\n" "\n" "Chuir mi gach saobh-chreideamh dhan dàrna taobh; tha mi air gu leòr dhen t-" "saoghal fhaicinn ach am bi fios agam a bheil fìrinn air cùlaibh sgeulachdan " "dhen leithid. Tha sìthichean a’ fuireach sa choille – feadhainn nach eil " "càirdeil ma tha fìrinn air cùlaibh nan sgeulachdan ud idir. Tha mi fo chùram " "a thaobh nan duine agam; cha dèan eich sabaid gu math sa choille agus bidh " "na sìthichean as cunnartaiche san dùthaich aca fhèin. Ach tha obair ri " "dèanamh agus ceistean ann a tha feumach air freagairt. Tha rudeigin as motha " "a’ tachairt. Cha e rud ùr a th’ ann gun cuireadh marbh-dhraoidh sluagh nam " "bailtean beaga fo mhaoimeadh ach carson nach do sgaoil na searbhantan aige " "nuair a chaidh a mharbhadh? Càite an dèid iad a-nis? Agus an rud as " "cudromaiche, carson a thug iad Baran leotha?\n" "\n" "A bharrachd air sin… tha mi ag iarraidh gun till mo bhràthair." #. [side]: type=Elvish Rider, id=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:88 msgid "Elves" msgstr "Sìthichean" #. [side]: type=Elvish Rider, id=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:93 msgid "Nil-Galion" msgstr "Nil-Gailean" #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Muff Toras #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:170 msgid "Kidnappers" msgstr "Luchd-bruid" #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Muff Toras #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:174 msgid "Muff Toras" msgstr "Muff Toras" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:239 msgid "Fight your way through the woods before the kidnappers escape" msgstr "Thig beò tron choille mus teich an nàmhaid le do bhràthair" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:256 msgid "Catch the kidnappers" msgstr "Glac an luchd-bruid" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:266 msgid "Kill the Dark Adept before more elves arrive" msgstr "Marbh an Eòlach Dubh mus dig barrachd sìthichean" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:282 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The elvish forces are spread out. Seek to fight them one at a time with " #| "several of your units." msgid "" "The elvish forces are spread out. Seek to fight them one at a time with " "several of your units." msgstr "" "Tha feachd nan sìthichean sgapte. Feuch an dèan thu sabaid an aghaidh gach " "aonan dhiubh le iomadh aonad agad fhèin." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:295 msgid "" "Use horsemen or footpads to quickly explore the shrouded woods to locate the " "kidnappers." msgstr "" "Cleachd marcaichean no slaightearan gus a’ choille fo sgleò a rùrachadh gu " "luath ach an lorg thu an luchd-bruid." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:310 msgid "" "Separate the Dark Adept from his guards and attack in force for an easy kill." msgstr "" "Sgaraich an Eòlach Dubh bho na geàird aige agus gabh orra le neart gus am " "marbhadh gun duilgheadas." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:353 msgid "" "Come on, men. A stroll through such lovely green woods, what could be finer?" msgstr "" "Siuthadaibh, ’illean. Nach math sgrìobag a ghabhail tron choille àlainn " "ghorm seo?" #. [message]: speaker=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:358 msgid "You there! Halt and explain yourself." msgstr "Sibhse ud thall! Stadaibh ’s mìnichibh na tha sibh ris an-seo." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:363 msgid "We’re chasing after some men who kidnapped my brother!" msgstr "Tha sinn an toir air daoine a ghabh greim air mo bhràthair!" #. [message]: speaker=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:368 msgid "" "Those men caught their prisoner practicing necromancy; for your sake, I hope " "he was not your brother. Assume that the man they caught was your brother’s " "murderer, and rest assured that the grey mages will release all of the souls " "that their prisoner’s evil magic has bound to this world." msgstr "" "Ghlac na daoine ud am prìosanach aca nuair a bha e ri marbh-dhraoidheachd; " "air ur sgàth-ne tha mi ’n dòchas nach e ur bràthair a bh’ ann. Bithibh an " "dùil gur e murtair ur bràthar a tha san duine a ghlac iad agus tha sinn " "cinnteach gun saoraich na draoidh liatha na h-anman uile a cheangail " "draoidheachd olc a’ phrìosanaich aca dhan t-saoghal seo." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:379 msgid "" "We killed the necromancer on the battlefield! I struck the killing blow " "myself." msgstr "Chuir sinn às dhan mharbh-dhraoidh air a’ bhlàr! Mharbh mi fhìn e." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:385 msgid "" "We killed the necromancer on the battlefield! I saw the killing blow with my " "own eyes." msgstr "" "Chuir sinn às dhan mharbh-dhraoidh air a’ bhlàr! Chunnaic mi fhìn mar a " "thachair." #. [message]: speaker=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:392 msgid "" "We heard the sounds of battle three days ago, but the foul reek of death was " "unmistakable as the prisoner passed us; if your brother really is the " "prisoner then he is also a necromancer. Remember your brother as we all hope " "he was, and know that the prisoner’s fate will be revenge as dire as you " "could wish.\n" "\n" "Either way, nothing will be gained by your intrusion into our woods. Now " "advance no further, for we will defend our land." msgstr "" "Chuala sinn fuaimean catha trì làithean air ais ach bha droch-fhàileadh a’ " "bhàis do-àicheanta nuair a chaidh am prìosanach seachad oirnn; mas e ur " "bràthair a tha sa phrìosanach ann an da-rìribh, feumaidh gur e marbh-" "dhraoidh a th’ ann-san. Thoiribh ’nur cuimhne ur bràthair mar a tha sinn " "uile an dòchas gun robh e agus biodh fios agaibh gur e an dìoghaltas cho " "trom ’s a ghabhas a tha ann an dàn a’ phrìosanaich ud.\n" "\n" "Co-dhiù no co-dheth, chan fhaigh sibh buannachd à briseadh a-steach air ar " "coille. Nise, na dlùthaibh oirnn on a dhìonas sinn ar dùthaich." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:399 msgid "" "So much for those ghost stories, but even ghosts might have been more " "observant than these elves. Still, they will not stop me from freeing Baran!" msgstr "" "Seo faoinsgeulachdan dhut ach bhiodh taibhse nas beachdaidh na na daoine-" "sìthe ud. Gidheadh, cha chuir iad stad orm a shaoradh Bharain!" #. [message]: role=Mercenary #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:404 msgid "" "I am glad at least that we will not have to face ghosts. But those elves " "will have us at a disadvantage; our horses will not maneuver well in the " "trees." msgstr "" "Tha mi toilichte nach eil taibhsean romhainn co-dhiù. Ach ’s ann oirnne a " "bhios an èis an aghaidh nan sìthichean; cha ghluais na h-eich againn gu " "furasta am measg nan craobhan." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:409 msgid "" "Bah, just stay on the paths; our spearmen and bowmen can fight in the deeper " "woods. We have faced and won through greater perils than those amateurs can " "offer." msgstr "" "Bath, fuirichibh air na slighean; nì na sleaghairean agus boghadairean " "againn sabaid sa choille as doimhne. Sheas sinn an aghaidh cunnartan as " "motha na bheir na h-aineolaich ud dhuinn." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:450 msgid "I see them! There they are!" msgstr "Chì mi iad! Tha iad an-siud thall!" #. [message]: speaker=Muff Toras #. There are no undead on the map yet, but Muff Toras summons some immediately after saying this #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:462 msgid "" "Curses! Had they been a few hours slower, I might have covered our tracks " "without arousing the elves’ suspicions. Still, no need for the disguise any " "more." msgstr "" "Mo mhallachd orra! Nan robh iad corra uair nas slaodaiche, bhiodh teans agam " "na lorgan againn fhalach gun amharas nan daoine-sìthe a tharraing oirnn. " "Nise, chan eil an t-aimh-riochd gu feum oirnn tuilleadh." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #. it's likely that all the elves are already dead, and Arvith is just shouting to the forest #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:498 msgid "Well, elves? Now do you see who the necromancers are?" msgstr "Uill, a dhaoine-sìthe? Am faic sibh cò na marbh-dhraoidhean a-nis?" #. [message]: speaker=messenger_elf #. a elven scout rides in from off-map, takes their first look at the situation, and realises that they have no idea what's going on #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:517 msgid "" "I heard sounds of battle, but did not expect to see this. I will inform the " "Council, they can work out who the necromancers are." msgstr "" "Chuala mi fuaimean catha ach cha robh mi ’n dùil gum faicinn a leithid. " "Bheir mi fios dhan chomhairle ach am faigh iadsan a-mach cò na marbh-" "dhraoidhean." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:544 msgid "Come on, men, let’s catch those kidnappers!" msgstr "Siuthadaibh, ’illean, gabhamaid greim air na sgimilearan!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:556 msgid "" "Hah! You have captured me, but it will avail you nothing. I sent your " "precious brother the mage north with half my men a day since; he will be " "safely locked away in our master’s dungeons by now." msgstr "" "Tiud! Tha thu air mo ghlacadh ach cha bhi seo gu feum sam bith dhut. Chuir " "mi do bhràthair, an draoidh prìseil, gu tuath leis an dàrna leth dhe na " "daoine agam o chionn latha; bidh e air a chur fo ghlas gu sàbhailte a-nis " "ann an toll-dubh ar maighistir." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:561 msgid "" "My blade is at your throat. Give us the way to my brother now, or I will " "spill your wretched blood on the ground." msgstr "" "Tha mo lann ri d’ amhach. Innis dhomh càite a bheil mo bhràthair sa bhad no " "leagaidh mi d’ fhuil dhìblidh." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:564 msgid "Sithrak" msgstr "Sithrig" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:565 msgid "Eleben" msgstr "Eleben" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:566 msgid "Jarlom" msgstr "Iarlam" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:567 msgid "Hamik" msgstr "Samaig" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:571 msgid "Akranbral" msgstr "Acranbral" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:572 msgid "Drakanal" msgstr "Dracanal" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:573 msgid "Xaskanat" msgstr "Siasganad" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:574 msgid "Katklagad" msgstr "Cachlagad" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:580 msgid "" "Three days ride to the northeast, in a deserted castle. The passwords to the " "guards are $first_password_$first_password and " "$second_password_$second_password|." msgstr "" "Tha e trì làithean gu ear-thuath air each ann an caisteal trèigte. ’S e " "$first_password_$first_password agus $second_password_$second_password a tha " "sna faclan-faire aig na geàird." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:588 msgid "Bind him and take him with us. If he has played us false, he will die." msgstr "" "Cuibhrichibh e ’s bheir sinn còmhla rinn e. Ma dh’innis e breug, gheibh e a’ " "bhàs." #. [message]: role=Mercenary #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:602 msgid "" "Captain, what are we riding into? I thought you wanted nothing to do with " "Baran any more, not since Toen Caric." msgstr "" "A Chaiptein, dè tha a’ tachairt oirnn? Shaoilinn nach robh gnothach agaibh " "ri Baran tuilleadh o na thachair air Todhan Carag." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:607 msgid "" "I’m no longer sure. What’s between us remains, but knowing someone else has " "lain hands on him changes things. Mount up, and let’s get moving." msgstr "" "Chan eil mi cinnteach tuilleadh. Tha a’ chùis eadarainn fhathast, ach " "dh’atharraich rudan on a chuir cuideigin fo bhruid e. Tiugainn ’s bheir sinn " "an rathad oirnn." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:622 msgid "Brena" msgstr "Bren" #. [message]: speaker=Brena #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:631 msgid "" "Greetings. I am Brena, a knight errant. I saw you pursuing and fighting the " "foul undead. Are there more of them to be destroyed?" msgstr "" "Haoigh. Is mise Bren, ridire claidheimh. Chunnaic mi gun robh sibh an toir " "air na closaich olca agus a’ sabaid ’nan aghaidh. A bheil barrachd dhiubh " "rim milleadh ann?" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:636 msgid "" "Aye. We think there’s a nest of them north-east of here. They’ve captured my " "brother." msgstr "" "Tha. Saoileamaid gu bheil grunn dhiubh a’ fuireach gu ear-thuath oirnn. " "Ghlac iad mo bhràthair." #. [message]: speaker=Brena #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:641 msgid "" "I bear a great hatred towards their kind. I will follow and fight them with " "you, if you permit." msgstr "" "Tha fuath ’s gràin agam orra. Leanaidh mi oirbh ach an dèan sinn sabaid ’nan " "aghaidh còmhla, mas fhaod mi." #. [message]: role=Mercenary #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:646 msgid "He would only slow us down!" msgstr "Cha dèan e ach maille oirnn!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:651 msgid "It is my place to decide this." msgstr "Is mise am fear a nì an co-dhùnadh." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:653 msgid "Oh, all right then. Come along with us." msgstr "Ceart gu leòr mar-thà. Thigibh còmhla rinn." #. [message]: speaker=Brena #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:657 msgid "Thank you. My comrades and I will help you on your noble quest." msgstr "" "Mòran taing. Cuidichidh mi fhìn ’s mo cuideachd dhuibh le ur n-obair uasail." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:662 msgid "I am sorry. We have not the time to spare." msgstr "Tha mi duilich. Chan eil ùine gu leòr againn." #. [message]: speaker=Brena #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:666 msgid "" "Take this, then, for I see that you are on a quest. My comrades will help " "you whenever you call for them." msgstr "" "Gabhaibh seo mar-thà on a chunnaic mi gu bheil obair uasail romhaibh. " "Cuidichidh mo chuideachd sibh uair sam bith a dh’iarras sibh." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:681 msgid "You receive 70 pieces of gold!" msgstr "Fhuair thu 70 bonn òir!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:710 msgid "" "These elves have delayed us too long, the kidnappers’ trail will have faded " "by now." msgstr "" "Chuir na daoine-sìthe cus maille oirnn agus cha lorg sinn an luchd-bruid a-" "nis." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:716 msgid "" "More elves are arriving; even if they believe me, the kidnappers’ trail is " "sure to fade before we can follow." msgstr "" "Tha barrachd dhaoine-sìthe a’ tighinn; fiù ’s ma chreideas iad mi, tha mi ’n " "dùil nach lorg sinn an luchd-bruid tuilleadh an uairsin." #. [message]: speaker=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:730 msgid "" "Deluded fool, you are rescuing a necromancer. I can only hope that you are " "too late, and that our souls will rest in peace." msgstr "" "Amadain mheallta, tha sibh a’ teasairginn marbh-dhraoidh. Tha mi ’n dòchas " "gum bi sibh ro anmoch agus gum faigh ar n-anman sìth." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:740 msgid "Follow their back trail!" msgstr "Leanaibh air na lorgan aca!" #. [scenario]: id=03_Guarded_Castle #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:5 msgid "Guarded Castle" msgstr "Caisteal fo fhreiceadan" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:26 msgid "" "19 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Rotharik the Clanless\n" "\n" "The last of Mordak’s servants arrived this morning bearing the news of his " "death, as well as a bundle so well-bound it was barely recognizable as a " "man. Mordak was always reckless. This whole desperate scheme was his, and I " "suppose I could blame him for everything that we have suffered through if it " "still mattered. It was he who brought the wrath of the orcs down on us, too. " "But all the same, he managed to accomplish what he set out to do. I still " "cannot believe the finality of what has happened; until now we had always " "managed to make it through somehow.\n" "\n" "We had hoped to deliver the mage to Tairach in return for our lives. I do " "not know what the warlord wants with this man, but he matches the " "description. I suppose that Mordak’s plan would have worked perfectly if not " "for the appearance of the horse warriors. Now they are coming here, led by a " "man rumored to be this mage’s brother. If that is true, he will stop at " "nothing, no more than would I if they held Mordak." msgstr "" "19 V, 363 BB\n" "Earrann san leabhar-latha aig Rotharaig gun chinneadh\n" "\n" "Thàinig na searbhantan mu dheireadh aig Mordan madainn an-diugh le " "naidheachd mu bhàs agus thug iad pasgan dhomh cha mòr nach aithnicheadh tu " "mar duine. Bhiodh Mordan cion-umhail a-riamh. ’S ann aigesan a bh’ anns na " "planaichean èiginneach seo agus b’ urrainn dhomh a’ choire a chur air a " "thaobh na dh’fhulaing sinn nan robh e gu diofar idir a-nis. B’ esan as " "coireach gun dàinig fuath nan deamhan oirnne cuideachd. Gidheadh, shoirbhich " "leis na bha fainear dha. Tha e doirbh a chreidsinn fhathast mar a thachair; " "chaidh leinn air dòigh air choireigin ruige seo.\n" "\n" "Bha sinn an dòchas gum b’ urrainn dhuinn an draoidh iomlaid airson ar " "beathannan agus a thilleadh gu Tarach. Chan eil fios agam carson tha an " "tighearna-cogaidh ag iarraidh an duine seo ach tha an coltas a th’ air a-" "rèir an tuairisgeul. Saoilidh mi gun obraicheadh plana Mhordain gu foirfe " "mura robh na gaisgich air eich ud ann. Nise, on a tha iad gu bhith tighinn " "oirnn fo stiùireadh dhaoine is easan bràthair an draoidh a-rèir fathainn. Ma " "tha sin fìor, cha chuir dad stad air mar nach cuireadh ormsa nan robh greim " "aca air Mordan." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:34 msgid "" "19 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Rotharik the Clanless\n" "\n" "I have done what I can to fortify this dilapidated castle. The orcs who came " "with us stand guard at the gates, and I am gathering all of my servants to " "me in the inner sanctum. But ill fate awaits. Whether I defeat this horse-" "warrior or no, the orcs will still come for me; they have been scouring the " "borderlands and raiding the northern farm country in search of us.\n" "\n" "Yet for some reason I fear these brothers more. If Mordak were here it would " "be different, but we are broken... and these two men are whole. In each " "other, in the ties that bind them, they have strength." msgstr "" "19 V, 363 BB\n" "Earrann san leabhar-latha aig Rotharaig gun chinneadh\n" "\n" "Rinn mi nas urrainn dhomh gus an caisteal robach seo a dhaingneachadh. Tha " "na deamhain a thàinig còmhla rinn a’ dìon nan geataichean agus tha mi. Co-" "dhiù an dèan mi a’ chùis air a’ mharcaiche ud gus nach dèan, thig na " "deamhain às mo dhèidh; tha iad ’gam lorg air feadh nan crìochan agus a’ " "briseadh a-steach chun nan achaidhean tuathail air mo thoir.\n" "\n" "Air adhbhar air choireigin, tha barrachd eagail agam air an dithis " "bhràithrean seo. Bhiod cùisean nas fhearr nan robh Mordan an-seo, ach chaidh " "ar briseadh… agus tha an dithis ud slàn fallainn. Tha neart san nasgadh " "eatorra." #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Rotharik #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:86 msgid "Rotharik" msgstr "Rotharaig" #. [unit]: role=Guard, id=Guard_leader, type=Assassin #. [unit]: role=Guard, type=Bandit #. [unit]: role=Guard2, id=Guard2_leader, type=Rogue #. [unit]: role=Guard2, type=Thug #. [unit]: role=Guard2, type=Bandit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:94 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:102 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:111 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:119 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:583 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:593 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:602 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:612 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Geàrd" #. [unit]: id=Knago-Brek, type=Orcish Warrior #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:138 msgid "Knago-Brek" msgstr "Knago-Brek" #. [unit]: type=Orcish Grunt #. [unit]: type=Orcish Warrior #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:146 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:154 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:163 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:171 msgid "Castle Guard" msgstr "Geàrd a’ chaisteil" #. [time]: id=indoors_dark_castle #. similar string in the wesnoth-help textdomain #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:236 msgid "Indoors (dark castle)" msgstr "Taobh a-staigh (caisteal dorcha)" #. [time]: id=indoors_dark_castle_lit #. similar string in th4e wesnoth-help textdomain #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:252 msgid "Indoors (lit)" msgstr "Taobh a-staigh (soillsichte)" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:309 msgid "Rescue Baran" msgstr "Sàbhail Baran" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:321 msgid "Kill the dark sorcerer to get the cell key" msgstr "Marbh am buidseach dubh ach am faigh thu iuchair a’ chealla" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:335 msgid "Move Arvith to the cell with his brother to free him" msgstr "Gluais Arbhath dhan chealla sa bheil a bhràthair gus a shaoradh" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:348 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:147 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:292 msgid "Death of Baran" msgstr "Bàs Bharain" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:360 msgid "" "When facing an unknown situation, take into account details from story and " "dialog to inform your strategy." msgstr "" "Mur eil thu eòlach air an t-suidheachadh, thoir an aire air na chaidh innse " "dhut san sgeulachd agus sna còmhraidhean mar thaic dhan ro-innleachd agad." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:369 msgid "" "The dark sorcerer is a strong unit; attack him with multiple units at once " "and try to force him off his keep." msgstr "" "’S e aonad neartmhor a tha sa bhuidseach dhubh; thoir ionnsaigh air le " "iomadh aonad aig an aon àm atha feuch gun doir thu air an daingean fhàgail." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:379 msgid "" "Markings or decorations on hexes may indicate something to be found. If you " "can, it is usually a good idea to investigate." msgstr "" "Innsidh comharrachadh no sgeadachadh air sia-cheàrnach dhut gu bheil " "rudeigin ri lorg annsa, ’s dòcha. ’S e deagh bheachd a th’ ann a dhol ’gan " "sgrùdadh mas urrainn dhut." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:416 msgid "" "Arvith and his men halt outside of the castle, gazing for a moment at the " "hulking mass of stone looming in the fog. There is movement in the mist." msgstr "" "Stad Arbhath ’s a chuideachd taobh a-muigh a’ chaisteil, a’ coimhead greis " "air na clachan mòra a shìn gu h-àrd sa cheò. Ghluais rudeigin san sgleò." #. [message]: speaker=Guard_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:421 msgid "Halt! Friend or foe? Give the password." msgstr "Stadaibh! Caraid no nàmhaid? Thoiribh am facal-faire dhomh." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:426 msgid "The password is" msgstr "Seo am facal-faire:" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:429 msgid "Sithrak!" msgstr "Sithrig!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:432 msgid "Eleben!" msgstr "Eleben!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:435 msgid "Jarlom!" msgstr "Iarlam!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:438 msgid "Hamik!" msgstr "Samaig!" #. [message]: speaker=Guard_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:451 msgid "Pass, friend." msgstr "Thigibh a-steach, a charaid." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:466 msgid "" "The adept didn’t lead us astray after all. I’ll keep my word, distasteful as " "it may be; cut him loose, and let’s be rid of him." msgstr "" "Cha do chuir an t-eòlach air an fhrith-rathad sinn mar-thà. Cumaidh mi ri m’ " "fhacal ge b’ oil leam; leigibh fa sgaoil e ’s faigheamaid cuidhteas dheth." #. [message]: speaker=Guard_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:477 msgid "Wrong! Die!" msgstr "Cearr! Gheibh sibh bàs a-nis!" #. [message]: speaker=Knago-Brek #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:495 msgid "" "Haha! We not kill people for long time. Weapon wants blood. We now kill " "humans!" msgstr "" "Hà hà! ’S ann fhada a bheil mi gun duine a mharbhadh. Tha an t-arm ag " "iarraidh fuil. Marbhaidh sinn na daoine a-nis!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:500 msgid "" "My sword-arm shall have a say in who will do the dying. Come on, men, let’s " "kill some orcs." msgstr "" "Tha beachd fhèin aig mo ghàirdean-claidheimh air cò gheibh bàs. Tiugainn, " "’illean, marbhamaid deamhain." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:512 msgid "One less braggart orc in the world." msgstr "Soraidh slàn air a’ bhlaomaire deamhain ud…" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:520 msgid "Captain, what are orcs doing this far south?" msgstr "" "A Chaiptein, carson fon ghrèin a tha deamhain air an tighinn cho fada deas?" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:525 msgid "Good question. Perhaps my brother will have found out." msgstr "Deagh cheist. ’S dòcha gun d’fhuair mo bhràthair a-mach carson." #. [message]: speaker=Guard2_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:625 msgid "Are you our relief arriving? Does this mean we get to leave here now?" msgstr "" "An e ar foirlionadh a th’ annaibh? ’Eil ciall dha seo gum faod sinn falbh a-" "nis?" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:630 msgid "Um, yes. Fine. You can go." msgstr "Uill, ’s e. Ceart. Faodaidh sibh falbh." #. [message]: speaker=Guard2_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:635 msgid "Um, you’re supposed to give the password." msgstr "Uill, bu chòir dhuibh am facal-faire innse." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:640 msgid "Oh, of course. I had nearly forgotten." msgstr "Seadh seadh. Dhìochuimhnich mi, gabhaibh mo leisgeul." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:643 msgid "Akranbral!" msgstr "Acranbral!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:646 msgid "Drakanal!" msgstr "Dracanal!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:649 msgid "Xaskanat!" msgstr "Siasganad!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:652 msgid "Katklagad!" msgstr "Cachlagad!" #. [message]: speaker=Guard2_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:665 msgid "Thanks! Irritating little formality, isn’t it?" msgstr "Mòran taing! Nach falamh an gnàthas seo?" #. [message]: speaker=Guard2_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:675 msgid "That’s the wrong password! These aren’t our relief! Get them!" msgstr "" "Seo am facal-faire cearr! Chan e ar foirlionadh a th’ annta! Gabhaibh orra!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:683 msgid "" "I think I should better support my men at the front to make sure we can free " "my brother." msgstr "" "Bu chòir dhomh barrachd taic a chur dha mo dhaoine aig an fhronta airson " "dèanamh cinnteach gun saoraich sinn mo bhràthair." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:695 msgid "Your hand or Tairach’s, death is still death... (argh)" msgstr "Ge b’ e bhuatsa no bho Tharach, ’s e am bàs a th’ ann… (mo chreach)" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:705 msgid "‘Tairach’? Who or what is Tairach?" msgstr "“Tarach”? Cò “Tarach”?" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:710 msgid "There’s a key in his robes." msgstr "Tha iuchair san ròb aige." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:720 msgid "" "That may well be the key to the cell they’re holding Baran in! I will take " "it." msgstr "" "Dh’fhaoidte gur se seo iuchair a’ chealla far a bheil iad a’ cumail Baran! " "Gabhaidh mi e. " #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:748 msgid "It may be important, I best take it." msgstr "Dh’fhaoidte gu bheil e cudromach; b’ fheàirrde mi a togail." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:766 msgid "This castle seems as dark as a cave!" msgstr "Tha coltas dorcha mar uamh air a’ chaisteal seo!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:772 msgid "" "This castle is under a constant, chaotic time of day (equivalent to " "permanent night), except for illuminated hexes adjacent to lit stone walls " "(neutral time of day). Place your units carefully, as your troops will be " "weaker and enemy units stronger." msgstr "" "Tha an caisteal seo fo àm coimseasgach dhen latha gu buan (coltach ri " "oidhche bhuan) ach air leacagan soillsichte ri taobh ballachan cloiche " "soillsichte (àm neodrach dhen latha). Cuir d’ aonadan ann le cùram on a " "bhios am feachd agad nas laige agus aonadan an nàmhad nas treasa." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:792 msgid "Look what I have found in here! I can count a hundred pieces of gold." msgstr "Seallaibh air na lorg mi an-seo! Chunnt mi ceud bonn òir." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:806 msgid "Look what I have found in here! I can count fifty pieces of gold." msgstr "Seallaibh air na lorg mi an-seo! Chunnt mi lethcheud bonn òir." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:845 msgid "I found Baran. He is in this cell." msgstr "Lorg mi Baran. Tha e sa chealla aige." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:856 msgid "It’s good to see you, Arvith." msgstr "’S math d’ fhaicinn, Arbhaith." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:861 msgid "And you too, brother." msgstr "Agus thu fhèin, a bhràthair." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:867 msgid "" "You must be one of Arvith’s men. Please help me get out of this dungeon." msgstr "" "Feumaidh gur e duine Arbhaith a th’ annad. An cuidich thu mi faighinn a-mach " "às an toll-dubh seo?" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:874 msgid "" "The accursed dark sorcerer Rotharik has imprisoned me behind this magically " "enhanced iron gate. It can only be opened with the correct key. You must get " "it from him to free me." msgstr "" "Chuir am buidseach dubh Rotharaig ann am prìosan mi air cùlaibh a’ gheata " "iarainn dhraoidhich seo. Cha ghabh fhosgladh ach leis an iuchair cheart. " "Feumaidh tu a faighinn uaithe mus urrainn dhut mo shaoradh." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:886 msgid "" "I have already met, and killed, the sorcerer. Is this the key to which you " "referred?" msgstr "" "Thachair mi air a’ bhuidseach mar-thà is chuir mi às dha. An e seo an " "iuchair air a tha thu a-mach?" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:890 msgid "" "Yes, it is. Come, unlock this cell door, and let us depart this place, " "brother!" msgstr "" "’S e gu dearbh. Siuthad, fosgail doras a’ chealla ach an teich sinn on àite " "seo, a bhràthair!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:944 msgid "Thank you for saving me. I... was not certain you would come." msgstr "" "Mòran taing airson mo shàbhaladh. Cha… cha robh mi cinnteach an digeadh tu." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:949 msgid "Have you no faith in your brother, Baran?" msgstr "Nach eil earbsa agad ’nad bhràthair, a Bharain?" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:954 msgid "" "It’s not that. Perhaps I deserved to rot here. I failed you. I failed you " "again." msgstr "" "Chan e sin as coireach. ’S dòcha gun robh mi làn-araidh air bàs fhaighinn an-" "seo. Dh’fhàillig mi thu. Dh’fhàillig mi a-rithist." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:959 msgid "" "That is as may be. But you are my brother still. And... I never doubted you " "would have come for me." msgstr "" "Gidheadh, ’s e mo bhràthair a th’ annad. Agus… cha robh mi fo amharas a-" "riamh nach digeadh tu nam b’ urrainn dhut." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:964 msgid "" "It was no great trial, after all. A few elves, one or two dark sorcerers, a " "gang of orcs and some undead. Really just a day’s work for the company." msgstr "" "Chan e obair chruaidh a bh’ ann co-dhiù. Cuid a shìthichean, buidseach dubh " "no dhà, buidheann de dheamhain agus beagan chlosaich. Chan e ach obair latha " "a th’ ann dhan chuideachd." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:969 msgid "Thank you for coming to my aid. Let us return to the village." msgstr "" "Mòran taing gun dàinig sibh gus mo chuideachadh. Tilleamaid dhan bhaile." #. [unit]: id=Rotharik, type=Orcish Assassin #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:1003 msgid "Minion of Tairach" msgstr "Basaille Tharaich" #. [message]: speaker=Rotharik #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:1015 msgid "You are too late! Your brother is already dead! Muahahaha...!" msgstr "Tha thu ro anmoch! Tha do bhràthair marbh mu thràth! Muahahaha…!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:1020 msgid "Argh!!" msgstr "Oich!!" #. [scenario]: id=04_Return_to_the_Village #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:5 msgid "Return to the Village" msgstr "Tilleadh dhan bhaile" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:26 msgid "" "27 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Baran of Maghre\n" "\n" "Almost home now. The last week has been full of mixed feelings for me — " "blissful and difficult by turns. It was wonderful to be out of that dungeon " "cell and in the sunlight again without the threat of death or worse hanging " "over my head... but with that behind me, I turned to the almost equally " "daunting task of making amends with my brother.\n" "\n" "Arvith had largely forgiven me by the time he freed me from my cell. All the " "same, it has taken all of the past week for us to rebuild the sense of " "comfort in each other we once had. It is fortunate that we have been able to " "take our time getting back — we gave the Grey Woods a wide berth, and on our " "way around it we traveled through some truly beautiful countryside. It has " "given us plenty of time to talk." msgstr "" "27 V, 363 BB\n" "Earrann san leabhar-latha aig Baran Mhachra\n" "\n" "Cha mhòr gu bheil sinn aig an taigh a-nis. Chaidh m’ fhaireachdainnean " "troimhe chèile san t-seachdain seo chaidh – an dà chuid toilichte is " "brònach. Bha e mìorbhaileach teicheadh às a cheala san toll-dubh agus a " "bhith fo sholas na grèine a-rithist gun eagal air a’ bhàs no rudan nas miosa " "orm… ach às dèidh sin, bha obair chruaidh eile romham agus sin cùis mo " "bhràthar a rèiteachadh.\n" "\n" "San fharsaingeachd, bha Arbhath air mathanas a thoirt dhomh mar-thà nuair a " "shaoraich e on chealla mi. Aig an aon àm, cha robh sinn glè chofhurtail le " "càch a chèile fhathast rè na ciad seachdaine. Tha e fortanach gun dug e fada " "tilleadh – sheachnaich sinn a’ Choille Ghlas agus chaidh sinn tro thìr " "bhrèagha àlainn air an t-slighe. Thug seo ùine gu leòr dhuinn airson " "bruidhinn." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:34 msgid "" "27 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Baran of Maghre\n" "\n" "Though I am more at ease now, my thoughts often turn back to Toen Caric. We " "should have been able to repel the orcs without great loss — the pincer " "attack Arvith devised would surely have carried the day but for me. It was " "reckless of me to leave my men behind — I wounded the warlord and forced him " "to flee the field, but the cost far outweighed the gain. Those under my " "command could have been saved if I had remained with them.\n" "\n" "I can hardly blame Arvith for having taken their deaths ill, and I can never " "undo the wrong that I have done, but I suppose that time heals some things. " "We return to the village as brothers once more.\n" "\n" "But I am still troubled. I wonder... is this sense of foreboding I feel " "merely a remnant of my time locked away in that dungeon, or is it a sign of " "something real?" msgstr "" "27 V, 363 BB\n" "Earrann san leabhar-latha aig Baran Mhachra\n" "\n" "Ged a tha mi a’ faireachdainn nas fhoiseile a-nis, bidh mi a’ smaoineachadh " "air Todhan Carag gu tric. Bu chòir gun robh sinn air ruaig a chur air na " "deamhain gun chall mòr – rachadh an latha leinn on a bha deagh innleachd aig " "Arbhath ach dh’fhàillig mi. Dh’fhàg mi mo dhaoine gun umhal – leòin mi an " "tighearna-cogaidh gus an do theich e ach is daoir a cheannaich sinn sin. " "Bhiodh na daoine fo mo stiùireadh air an sàbhaladh nan robh mi air fuireach " "còmhla riutha.\n" "\n" "Chan urrainn dhomh a’ choire a chur air Arbhath gun robh e feargach mu bhàs " "nan daoine sin agus chan urrainn dhomh na rinn mi a chur gu ceart gu bràth " "tuilleadh ach slànaichidh an ùine cuir a lotan. Tha sinn a’ tilleadh dhan " "bhaile ’nar bràithrean a-rithist.\n" "\n" "Ach tha mi fo uallach fhathast. Saoil… a bheil an ro-eòlas a tha ag iadhadh " "orm air adhbhar ’s gun robh mi glaiste san toll-dubh ud, no an e rud " "fìrinneach a th’ ann?" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tairach #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:87 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/05_Epilogue.cfg:56 msgid "Tairach" msgstr "Tarach" #. [side]: type=Longbowman, id=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:116 msgid "Reeve Hoban" msgstr "Bàillidh Toban" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:139 msgid "Find out what is happening in the village" msgstr "Faigh a-mach na tha a’ tachairt sa bhaile" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:155 msgid "" "Recruit or Recall some high-move units to be able to see as far as possible " "through the fog for approaching units." msgstr "" "Trus no ais-ghairm aonadan le gluasad fada ach an dèan thu faire farsaing " "air a’ cheò airson aonadan a thig ort." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:171 msgid "" "There. The village is just across those hills, and already I see men coming " "to greet us!" msgstr "" "An-siud thall. Chan eil am baile ach thar nan cnoc ud agus chì mi daoine a’ " "tighinn a chur fàilte oirnn mar-thà!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:176 msgid "" "No, they are fleeing from something. We must find out what is happening over " "there!" msgstr "" "Chan e sin a th’ ann, tha iad a’ teicheadh o rudeigin. Feumaidh sinn " "faighinn a-mach dè tha a’ tachairt thall!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:181 msgid "Men! Ready your arms!" msgstr "A dhaoinibh! Togamaid airm!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:186 msgid "We should find Reeve Hoban. Maybe he knows what is going on here." msgstr "" "Bu chòir dhuinn am bàillidh Toban a lorg. ’S dòcha gum bi fios aigesan dè " "tha a’ tachairt an-seo." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:201 msgid "We’re almost there!" msgstr "Tha sinn cha mhòr ann!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:206 msgid "That warlord! It’s..." msgstr "An tighearna-cogaidh ud! ’S e…" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:211 msgid "Yes, I’d know that face anywhere. Especially after what you did to it." msgstr "" "Seadh, aithnichinn an t-aodann sin àite sam bith. Gu h-àraidh às dèidh na " "rinn thu air." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:216 msgid "The warlord from Toen Caric." msgstr "An tighearna-cogaidh à Todhan Carag." #. [message]: speaker=Tairach #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:221 msgid "You! The mage who scarred me with fire! KILL THEM!" msgstr "Thusa! An draoidh a chuir eàrra orm le teine! CUIRIBH ÀS DHAIBH!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:226 msgid "Let’s finish what we started, brother." msgstr "Cuireamaid crìoch air na tòisich sinn, a bhràthair." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:231 msgid "Aye. I’ll be the right arm, and you’ll be the left. Let’s go!" msgstr "" "Cuireamaid. Bidh mise air an taobh deas is tusa air an taobh clì. Tiugainn!" #. [message]: speaker=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:250 msgid "I am glad to see you returned." msgstr "Tha mi toilichte gun do thill sibh." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:255 msgid "No gladder than I am to be here. But what has happened to Maghre?" msgstr "Tha agus mise. Nise, dè dh’èirich dha Mhachra?" #. [message]: speaker=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:260 msgid "" "Soon after you departed we were beset by orcs. With half the men of Maghre " "gone, we could not stop them." msgstr "" "Dìreach nuair a bha sibh air falbh, thàinig na deamhain oirnn. On a " "dh’fhalbh an dàrna leth dhe dhaoine Mhachra, cha b’ urrainn dhuinn stad a " "chur orra." #. [message]: speaker=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:265 msgid "" "The orcish warlord aims to enslave us. We will not be able to hold out for " "much longer." msgstr "" "Tha tighearna-cogaidh nan deamhan airson ar cur fo thràilleachd. Cha seas " "sinn mòran nas fhaide." #. [message]: speaker=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:270 msgid "" "Have a care, his men are fell fighters and have killed many. Very few remain " "who can bear arms, but I will send them to aid you in battle." msgstr "" "Thoiribh an aire, tha na daoine aige glè mhath air sabaid agus chuir iad " "mòran gu bàs. Chan eil ach cuid againn air fhàgail a tha comasach air sabaid " "ach cuiridh mi iad còmhla ribh airson ur cuideachadh air a’ bhlàr." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:284 msgid "Slay the Orcish Warlord to free the village" msgstr "Cuir às dhan Tighearna-cogaidh Deamhain gus am baile a shaoradh" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:300 msgid "You can use Reeve Hoban’s keep to recruit or recall additional units." msgstr "" "Cleachd daingeann a’ bhàillidh Thobain gus barrachd aonadan a thrusadh no " "ais-ghairm." #. [message]: speaker=Tairach #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:341 msgid "Today, you shall pay for disfiguring my face, mage!" msgstr "’S ann gun ceannaich thu milleadh m’ aodainn an-diugh, a dhraoidh!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:346 msgid "" "I have already paid with the lives of my men at Toen Caric. It is time I " "righted that mistake and finished this once and for all." msgstr "" "Phàigh mi cheana le beathannan mo dhaoine aig Todhan Carag. Thàinig an t-àm " "gus a mhearachd sin a chur ceart agus crìoch a chur air seo gu bràth " "tuilleadh." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:355 msgid "" "It is finished. We’ve defeated him at last. It was good to have you at my " "side, Baran." msgstr "" "Sin sin. Chuir sinn ruaig air mu dheireadh thall. Bha e math gun robh thu ri " "mo thaobh, a Bharain." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:360 msgid "" "So much has been destroyed. It will be difficult to repair all that the orcs " "and undead have wrecked. And they could come again." msgstr "" "Chaidh sgrios mòr a dhèanamh. Bidh e doirbh a h-uile càil a chàradh a mhill " "na deamhain is na closaich. Agus dh’fhaoidte gun till iad." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #. "you have my word" is a idiom for promising to do something #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:366 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I must go back to earning my living. But we have our amulets, little " #| "brother. If you are beset again, I will come." msgid "" "I must go back to earning my living. But you have my word, little brother; " "if you are beset again, I will come." msgstr "" "Feumaidh mi tilleadh dham bheò-shlàint. ach tha na seuntan againn, a " "bhràthair bhig. Thig mi ma bhios tu fo èiginn a-rithist." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:384 msgid "I don’t think we can rescue anyone from these villages. It is too late." msgstr "" "Cha chreid mi gur urrainn dhuinn duine sam bith a shàbhaladh sna bailtean " "seo. Tha e ro anmoch." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:389 msgid "I was too weak to protect these people. Oh, why did this happen to me?!" msgstr "" "Bha mi ro lag gus na daoine seo a dhìon. Och, carson an do dh’èirich sin " "dhuinn?" #. [scenario]: id=05_Epilogue #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/05_Epilogue.cfg:5 msgid "A Tale of Two Brothers — Epilogue" msgstr "Sgeulachd dithis bhràithrean — Crìoch-sgeòil" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/05_Epilogue.cfg:18 msgid "" "22 IX, 365 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Arvith of Maghre\n" "\n" "Maghre is looking much better than the last time I saw it. Baran has done " "wonders in two years. The village is rebuilt, and the surrounding farmlands " "are restored and reoccupied. Despite my brother’s worries, our people have " "faced no new threats in that time.\n" "\n" "It has been more difficult to stay away in those two years, but I have my " "calling and Baran has his, and we have had little opportunity to meet again. " "But as the company and I are passing through this part of the kingdom with a " "new patron, I have asked leave of him to visit my brother and he gave it." msgstr "" "22 IX, 365 BB\n" "Earrann san leabhar-latha aig Arbhath Mhachra\n" "\n" "Tha coltas mòran nas fhearr air Machra nan robh an turas mu dheireadh a " "chunnaic mi e. ’S iongantach na rinn Baran am broinn dà bhliadhna. Tha am " "baile air ath-thogail agus tha daoine a’ fuireach sna tuathanasan timcheall " "air a-rithist. Ged a bha mo bhràthair fo uallach, cha dàinig èiginn eile air " "ar mhuinntir san àm sin.\n" "\n" "Bha e cruaidh orm a’ bhith a’ cumail air falbh fad dà bhliadhna ach tha " "obair eile agam na tha aig Baran agus cha bhi cothrom againn tachairt ri " "chèile gu tric. Ach on a tha a’ chuideachd agam a’ siubhal tron sgìre seo fo " "phàtran ùr, dh’fhaighnich mi dha am faodainn fòrladh fhaighinn gus tadhal " "air mo bhràthair agus thug e cead dhomh." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/05_Epilogue.cfg:27 msgid "" "22 IX, 365 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Arvith of Maghre\n" "\n" "This patron is, of all things, an elf. I never thought I’d befriend one, but " "he is less arrogant than the rest. Kalenz, he calls himself. He’s seen too " "much; I can tell that just by meeting his eyes. I think we will have to work " "for our pay soon.\n" "\n" "In the meantime, though, it’s good to relax and enjoy the peace." msgstr "" "22 IX, 365 BB\n" "Earrann san leabhar-latha aig Arbhath Mhachra\n" "\n" "Nach neònach gur e sìthiche a tha sa phàtran ud? Cha shaoilinn a-riamh gum " "b’ urrainn do chàirdeas a bhith agam le sìthiche ach chan eil e cho àrdanach " "’s a tha càch. ’S e Calans a th’ air. Chunnaic e cus sa bheatha; chì mi sin " "’na shùilean. Saoilidh mi gum bi againn ri obair a dhèanamh a dh’aithghearr " "airson a’ phàighidh a gheibh sinn.\n" "\n" "Co-dhiù no co-dheth, tha e math beagan fois agus tlachd fhaighinn às an t-" "sìth san eadar-àm." #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/utils/characters.cfg:6 msgid "Arvith" msgstr "Arbhath" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/utils/characters.cfg:21 msgid "All is lost now that I am dead..." msgstr "Chaill sinn a h-uile càil ’s mi marbh…" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/utils/characters.cfg:39 msgid "It is over, I am vanquished." msgstr "Sin e, chaidh cur às dhomh." #. [unit]: id=Baran, type=Red Mage #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/utils/characters.cfg:141 msgid "Baran" msgstr "Baran" #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/utils/macros.cfg:4 msgid "Hint:" msgstr "Gliocas:"