# Galician translation of wesnoth-tb # # # Proxecto Trasno # # Leandro Regueiro , 2007, 2008. # Adrián Chaves Fernández , 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016. # Adrian Chaves , 2018. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Wesnoth\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-22 03:31 UTC\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-14 03:30+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Adrian Chaves \n" "Language-Team: Galician \n" "Language: gl\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "com>\n" "adriyetichaves@gmail.com>\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:13 msgid "A Tale of Two Brothers" msgstr "Un conto sobre dous irmáns" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:14 msgid "AToTB" msgstr "CDI" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:18 msgid "Beginner" msgstr "Principiante" # Horseman=Home a cabalo FIXADO #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:18 msgid "Horseman" msgstr "Home a cabalo" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:19 msgid "Challenging" msgstr "Esixente" # Knight=Cabaleiro FIXADO #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:19 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Knight" msgid "Grand Knight" msgstr "Cabaleiro" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:21 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "An evil mage is threatening the small village of Maghre and its " #| "inhabitants. The village’s mage sends to his warrior brother for help, " #| "but not all goes as planned. Can you help?\n" #| "\n" msgid "" "An evil mage is threatening the small village of Maghre and its inhabitants. " "The village’s mage sends to his warrior brother for help, but not all goes " "as planned. Can you help?" msgstr "" "Un malvado mago está ameazando a pequena vila de Magre e aos seus " "habitantes. O mago da vila solicita a axuda do seu irmán guerreiro, pero non " "todo sae segundo o plan. Pódeslles axudar?\n" "\n" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:23 msgid "" "This campaign has two difficulties, with a large difference between them. " "The Grand Knight difficulty is intended for players who’ve already completed " "Liberty and Heir to the Throne." msgstr "" #. [campaign]: id=Two_Brothers #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:25 #, fuzzy #| msgid "(Novice level, 4 scenarios.)" msgid "(Novice level, 4 scenarios.)" msgstr "Nivel principiante, 4 escenarios." #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:32 msgid "Campaign Design" msgstr "Deseño da campaña" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:41 msgid "Prose and Story Edits" msgstr "Prosa e retoques na historia" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:50 msgid "Campaign Maintenance" msgstr "Mantemento da campaña" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:59 msgid "Artwork and Graphics Design" msgstr "Traballo artístico e deseño gráfico" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:75 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Varios" #. [entry] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/_main.cfg:89 msgid "And special thanks to everyone else who I forgot to mention." msgstr "E especialmente gracias a todos aqueles a quen esquecín mencionar." #. [scenario]: id=01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:5 msgid "Rooting Out a Mage" msgstr "O desterro dun mago" #. [part] #. This text is shown with the journey map, showing the village in the foothills along the route between Aldril and Dan’Tonk. #. I'm assuming the beacons either use smoke signals or basic fire signals, with a few agreed ones to request goods or indicate that surplus is for sale. #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:52 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The remote freehold of Maghre in the western reaches of the kingdom of " #| "Wesnoth was once a peaceful place, its inhabitants largely unaware of the " #| "comings and goings of the wider world. Wars and the rumor of wars touched " #| "them not, until the day a dark mage settled in the region and began " #| "seeking sacrifices for his evil summonings." msgid "" "The remote freehold of Maghre in the western reaches of the Kingdom of " "Wesnoth was once a peaceful place, its inhabitants largely unaware of the " "comings and goings of the wider world. Wars and the rumor of wars touched " "them not. Even merchants were rarely seen, although caravans between Aldril " "and Dan’Tonk might send a wagon when called by the beacon tower." msgstr "" "O remoto territorio de Magre, nos límites occidentais do Reino do Noroeste, " "era un lugar pacífico. Os seus habitantes había tempo que non sabían dos " "problemas do mundo. As guerras e mailos rumores de guerras non os afectaban, " "ata o día no que un mago escuro se asentou na rexión e comezou a buscar " "sacrificios para as súas malvadas invocacións." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:57 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Skeletons and zombies killed cattle and fired fields. “Fear and obey " #| "Mordak the Mage!” they cried in fell voices as they did their foul " #| "deeds. People vanished from isolated farmsteads. Men and women began to " #| "fear the night, and their children even the bright day. But the nearest " #| "lord was more than a day’s ride distant, and messengers sent to seek his " #| "help did not return." msgid "" "Then came the day that a dark mage settled in the region and began seeking " "sacrifices for his summonings.\n" "\n" "Skeletons and zombies killed cattle and fired fields. “Fear and obey " "Mordak the Mage!” they cried in fell voices as they did their foul " "deeds. People vanished from isolated farmsteads. Men and women began to fear " "the night, and their children even the bright day. But the nearest lord was " "more than a day’s ride distant, and messengers sent to seek his help did not " "return." msgstr "" "Os esqueletos e cadáveres andantes mataban o gando, e prendíanlle lume aos " "campos, ao tempo que pronunciaban as palabras «temede e obedecede ao mago " "Mordegue». A xente que vivía en casas illadas, lonxe do núcleo da vila, " "desaparecía; os que non desaparecían, collíanlle medo á escuridade da noite, " "e algúns ata á claridade do día. Pero o cabaleiro máis próximo estaba a un " "día a cabalo, e os mensaxeiros que foran na súa procura xamais regresaran." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:63 msgid "" "There was a man named Baran who had shown talent as a mage when he was " "young, gone to the great Academy on the Isle of Alduin, and returned to work " "his magic in the land where he was born. The people looked to him for help " "and leadership. He found weapons half-forgotten from the times of their " "sires and grandsires hanging in many houses, and bade the villagers to take " "them down and clean and oil them. He set the smiths of Maghre to making " "spearheads and ax-blades for the rest." msgstr "" "Un dos aldeáns, Baran, estivera na academia de magos da Illa de Alduin cando " "era mozo, e volvera á vila para seguir estudando a maxia na súa terra natal. " "A xente da vila dirixiuse a el en busca de axuda e liderado. O mago díxolles " "que buscasen armas nas súas casas, e algúns atopáronas esquecidas nalgún " "recuncho dos seus faiados, ou as tiñan colgadas das paredes a modo de " "adorno. Armas que pertenceran aos seus antepasados e que había ducias de " "anos que non se usaban. Para os que non atoparan armas, o mago pediulle aos " "armeiros que traballasen en puntas de lanza e machados." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:68 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Now Baran had a brother named Arvith who had also left Maghre to seek his " #| "fortune, and had become the leader of a small band of horsemen who hired " #| "out as guards to merchant caravans. Fortunate it was for all that when " #| "Baran was but an apprentice mage, he had made a pair of amulets for " #| "himself and his brother, with which they might call to each other when in " #| "dire need. Baran sent out that call." msgid "" "Now Baran had a brother named Arvith who had also left Maghre to seek his " "fortune, and had become the leader of a small band of horsemen who hired out " "as guards to merchant caravans. Fortunate it was for all that, in better " "times, the brothers had talked of using trade beacons for other signals when " "in dire need. Baran sent out that call." msgstr "" "Baran tiña un irmán, Arvin, que tamén deixara a vila cando era novo, para " "coñecer mundo e ir en busca de aventuras. Arvin convertérase no líder dun " "pequeno grupo de homes a cabalo que ofrecían os seus servizos a caravanas de " "comerciantes. Por sorte para os habitantes da vila, cando aínda era pouco " "máis que un aprendiz de mago, Baran fixera un par de amuletos para el e para " "o seu irmán, cos que podían chamarse o un ao outro cando for necesario. Así " "que o mago fixo uso do seu amuleto." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:72 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "12 V, 363 YW\n" #| "Excerpt from the journal of Baran of Maghre\n" #| "\n" #| "If I could but face this ‘Mordak’! I think my magic might prove stronger " #| "than his. But he bides in the hills, well-guarded by his servants, and I " #| "muster frightened peasants to fight his minions with blades and sticks. I " #| "need my brother; he always had a better head for battle than I.\n" #| "\n" #| "Will he heed the call? I do not know if he has kept the amulet; we have " #| "not spoken since that evil day at Toen Caric. If he will not come for me, " #| "perhaps he will return to aid our village in its hour of desperate need." msgid "" "12 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Baran of Maghre\n" "\n" "If I could but face this ‘Mordak’! I think my magic might prove stronger " "than his. But he bides in the hills, well-guarded by his servants, and I " "muster frightened peasants to fight his minions with blades and sticks.\n" "\n" "I need my brother; he always had a better head for battle than I. Yet we " "have not spoken since that evil day at Toen Caric. If he will not come for " "me, perhaps he will return to aid our village in its hour of desperate need." msgstr "" "12 de maio, 363 d.N.\n" "Extracto do diario de Baran de Magre.\n" "\n" "Gustaríame enfrontarme a ese tal «Mordegue»! Creo que a miña maxia podería " "resultar máis poderosa que a súa. Pero asentou nos outeiros, ben protexido " "polos seus servos, e para pelexar cos seus súbditos eu non consigo reunir " "máis que aldeáns asustados, armados con coitelas e paus. Necesito a meu " "irmán, as batallas sempre se lle deron mellor que a min.\n" "\n" "Escoitará o meu chamado? Nin sequera sei se aínda conserva o amuleto, " "levamos sen falar desde aquela vez en Toen Carín. Aínda que non veña para " "axudarme a min, pode que o faga para axudar á súa vila cando máis o necesita." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:81 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Heeding the call of his amulet, Arvith gathered such men as he could and " #| "hurried to Maghre to help Baran." msgid "" "Heeding the call, Arvith gathered such men as he could and hurried to Maghre " "to help Baran." msgstr "" "En canto escoitou o chamado do amuleto, Arvin reuniu tantos homes como puido " "e dirixiuse a présa a Magre para axudar a Baran." #. [side] #. [side]: type=Longbowman, id=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:99 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:66 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:56 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:58 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:111 msgid "Humans" msgstr "Humanos" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mordak #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Rotharik #. [side] #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tairach #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:120 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:81 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:131 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:82 msgid "Enemies" msgstr "Inimigos" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mordak #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:125 msgid "Mordak" msgstr "Mordegue" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:152 msgid "Alwyn" msgstr "Algüin" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:153 msgid "Brent" msgstr "Bren" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:154 msgid "Cadell" msgstr "Cadel" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:155 msgid "Dannen" msgstr "Danen" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:156 msgid "Efran" msgstr "Frane" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:157 msgid "Faren" msgstr "Faren" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:160 msgid "Tarek" msgstr "Tareco" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:161 msgid "Hann" msgstr "Enon" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:162 msgid "Magrid" msgstr "Morodo" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:167 msgid "Slay Mordak, the evil mage" msgstr "Mata a Mordegue, o mago malvado." #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:171 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:270 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:339 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:143 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:288 msgid "Death of Arvith" msgstr "Morte de Arvin." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:182 msgid "" "Use footpads as fodder to protect your loyal units and attack during the day " "to minimize the damage your forces take." msgstr "" "Usa bandoleiros como escudo para protexes as túas unidades leais e ataca " "polo día para minimizar os danos que sofren as túas forzas." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:192 msgid "Greetings, brother, and welcome home." msgstr "Saúdos, irmán, e benvido a casa." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:197 msgid "Hail." msgstr "Ola." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:202 msgid "Is that all, Arvith? I understand, but..." msgstr "Iso é todo canto tes que dicir? Non te culpo, pero…" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:207 msgid "You called, and I came; be content with that. What ails Maghre?" msgstr "Chamaches, e aquí estou; non pidas máis. Cal é o problema?" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:212 msgid "" "A dark mage has come upon us; his creatures call him Mordak. They have been " "terrorizing outlying farms, and we fear they may soon attack the village " "itself! The villagers of Maghre have taken up weapons but they are not " "trained fighters; we need your men, and you to lead them." msgstr "" "Un mago escuro atacounos. As súas criaturas chámano «Mordegue». Estiveron " "aterrorizando á xente das granxas circundantes, e tememos que pronto poidan " "atacar a vila. Os aldeáns de Magre fixéronse con armas, pero non teñen " "experiencia ningunha con elas. Necesitámosvos a ti e aos teus para que os " "lideredes." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:217 msgid "" "I can feel Mordak’s foul touch on the hidden currents of the earth and air. " "He is somewhere due north of here, I would say not more than two days’ ride." msgstr "" "Podo sentir a noxenta man de Mordegue nas correntes ocultas da terra e do " "aire. Está ao norte de aquí, diría que a non máis de dous días a cabalo." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:222 msgid "" "All right. I will do this for the village. Can you keep the mage off our " "backs?" msgstr "Moi ben. Fareino pola xente da vila. Podes protexernos do mago?" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:227 msgid "" "I will go stealthily with a handful of our best scouts and woodsmen. While " "you demonstrate against him and kill his creatures, I will try to defeat " "Mordak himself with magic at an unguarded moment. You shall be the right " "hand, I the left... aye, brother?" msgstr "" "Irei cun grupo dos nosos mellores exploradores e leñadores. Avanzaremos co " "maior sixilo posíbel. Mentres ti o atacas de fronte e acabas coas súas " "criaturas, eu intentarei collelo coa garda baixa e derrotalo usando maxia. " "Xuntos podemos conseguir o que non conseguiríamos por separado." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:232 msgid "... Aye. Just make sure you’re there when we need you." msgstr "Ben. Ti procura estar aí cando te necesitemos." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:243 msgid "" "Baran should be in position by now. Press them, distract the adept so Baran " "can spring his trap!" msgstr "" "Baran debería estar xa en posición. Atacádeos, distraede ao adepto para que " "Baran poida tenderlle a súa trampa!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:254 msgid "Baran has not made his attack!" msgstr "Baran non atacou!" #. [message]: role=Mercenary #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:259 msgid "Could he have abandoned us?" msgstr "Abandonaríanos?" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:264 msgid "" "No... No. This is something else. I’m worried about him... but right now it " "means we have to deal with this Mordak ourselves." msgstr "" "Non… El non. Ten que ser outra cousa. Preocúpame… Pero agora mesmo iso " "significa que debemos ocuparnos nós mesmos dese Mordegue." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:276 msgid "Argh!" msgstr "Argh!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:281 msgid "Good work, men! But what has become of my brother?" msgstr "Bo traballo, homes! Sabe alguén que foi de meu irmán?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:286 msgid "Worried about him, are you? E-he-he... hergh... gaargh..." msgstr "Estás preocupado por el, non si? He he he… hergh… argh…" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:296 msgid "" "There’s nothing more to be had from this one; we will have to search for " "Baran ourselves!" msgstr "A este non lle imos sacar máis, teremos que buscar nós mesmos a Baran!" #. [message]: role=Reporter #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:318 msgid "" "Sir, our scouts report that Baran was seen captured and carried away further " "north!" msgstr "" "Señor, os exploradores informan de que viron como capturaban a Baran e o " "levaban ao norte!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:323 msgid "That they should dare this! We will give chase at once." msgstr "Como se atreveron? Debemos perseguilos!" #. [message]: speaker=Mordak #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:349 msgid "Your brother’s plan to ambush me has failed. He is our prisoner now." msgstr "" "O plan do teu irmán para emboscarme fracasou. Agora é o noso prisioneiro." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:354 msgid "" "My brother, kidnapped? I have failed you, Baran! And even now Mordak’s " "forces descend upon the village!" msgstr "" "Meu irmán, raptado? Falleite, Baran! E agora has hostes de Mordegue atacarán " "a vila!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:370 msgid "I hear these creatures are nigh-immune to our weapons, let us see!" msgstr "" "Escoitei que estas criaturas son case inmunes ás nosas armas, vexámolo!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/01_Rooting_Out_a_Mage.cfg:386 msgid "That was not so hard!" msgstr "Non foi tan difícil!" #. [scenario]: id=02_The_Chase #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:5 msgid "The Chase" msgstr "A persecución" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:27 msgid "Arvith and his band rode north in search of his missing brother." msgstr "Arvin e os seus dirixíronse ao norte na busca do seu irmán." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:34 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "16 V, 363 YW\n" #| "Excerpt from the journal of Arvith of Maghre\n" #| "\n" #| "We’ve been searching three days for Baran, and turned up nothing. My best " #| "hunch was to head north into the borderlands, where the necromancer’s " #| "minions could safely hide; everywhere else is more farmland. At first I " #| "thought the search might be useless, but late in the first day we found a " #| "set of tracks. Some of them had been made by skeletal feet.\n" #| "\n" #| "We’re close enough to be certain now: those tracks are heading into the " #| "Grey Woods. No one from Maghre or any of the other villages has gone into " #| "that forest in living memory. Stories have been passed down for " #| "generations warning against it. Supposedly the place is haunted by lost " #| "souls who hunger for the living, and anyone who dies there is doomed to " #| "join them." msgid "" "16 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Arvith of Maghre\n" "\n" "We’ve been searching three days for Baran, and turned up nothing. My best " "hunch was to head north into the borderlands, where the necromancer’s " "minions could safely hide; everywhere else is more farmland. At first I " "thought the search might be useless, but late in the first day we found a " "set of tracks. Some of them had been made by skeletal feet, although after " "their first campsite the tracks were merely those of men carrying heavy " "loads.\n" "\n" "We’re close enough to be certain now: those tracks are heading into the Grey " "Woods. No one from Maghre or any of the other villages has gone into that " "forest in living memory. Stories have been passed down for generations " "warning against it. Supposedly the place is haunted by lost souls who hunger " "for the living, and anyone who dies there is doomed to join them." msgstr "" "16 de maio, 363 d.N.\n" "Extracto do diario de Arvin de Magre.\n" "\n" "Levamos tres días buscando a Baran, e nada. O único que se me ocorreu foi " "seguir buscando polo norte, na fronteira, onde os súbditos do nigromante se " "poden agochar con facilidade. Ao principio non estaba seguro de se " "conseguiríamos algo desta vez, pero na tarde do primeiro día atopamos unhas " "pegadas, algunhas de esqueleto.\n" "\n" "Levamos un tempo seguindo as pegadas e cada vez estamos máis seguros de que " "levan aos Bosques Grises. Ninguén de Magre ou das vilas dos arredores pisou " "nunca eses bosques, que saibamos. Pero todos escoitamos as vellas historias " "que advirten do perigo que correrán os que ousen facelo. Disque o lugar está " "infestado de almas en pena, e que a alma de todo o que morre alí queda tamén " "atrapada para a eternidade." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:43 msgid "" "16 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Arvith of Maghre\n" "\n" "But I’m past superstitions now; I’ve seen enough of the world to guess at " "the truth behind these sorts of tales. The forest is home to elves — " "unfriendly ones, if the stories have any basis at all. I worry for my men; " "horses don’t fight well in forests, and the elves will be more dangerous in " "their own territory. But there are things that need done and questions that " "need answered. Something bigger is happening. One necromancer terrorizing " "townsfolk is nothing new, but why didn’t his servants scatter when he was " "killed? Where are they headed now? And most importantly, why did they take " "Baran with them?\n" "\n" "Besides... I want my brother back." msgstr "" "16 de maio, 363 d.N.\n" "Extracto do diario de Arvin de Magre.\n" "\n" "Pero xa vin moito mundo, e podo imaxinar que o que ocorre en realidade é que " "nos bosques ocúltanse elfos, e non dos amistosos precisamente. Estou algo " "preocupado, os nosos cabalos non se manexan moi ben nos bosques, e os elfos " "loitarán con vantaxe. Pero temos que facelo se queremos descubrir onde foi " "parar meu irmán. Por non falar doutras cuestións maiores que requiren " "resposta. Por exemplo, por que non desapareceron os súbditos do nigromante " "en canto o derrotamos? Onde se dirixen? E sobre todo, por que levaron a " "Baran con eles?\n" "\n" "Non quero perder a meu irmán." #. [side]: type=Elvish Rider, id=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:88 msgid "Elves" msgstr "Elfos" #. [side]: type=Elvish Rider, id=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:93 msgid "Nil-Galion" msgstr "Nilgalion" #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Muff Toras #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:170 msgid "Kidnappers" msgstr "Raptores" #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Muff Toras #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:174 msgid "Muff Toras" msgstr "Muntoras" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:239 msgid "Fight your way through the woods before the kidnappers escape" msgstr "Loita para atravesar os bosques antes de que os raptores escapen." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:256 msgid "Catch the kidnappers" msgstr "Colle aos raptores." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:266 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Kill the Dark Adept before his reinforcements arrive" msgid "Kill the Dark Adept before more elves arrive" msgstr "Mata ao adepto escuro antes de que cheguen os reforzos." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:282 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The Elvish forces are spread out. Seek to fight them one at a time with " #| "several of your units." msgid "" "The elvish forces are spread out. Seek to fight them one at a time with " "several of your units." msgstr "" "As forzas dos elfos están repartidas. Intenta enfrontarte a elas de unha en " "unha con varias das túas unidades." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:295 msgid "" "Use horsemen or footpads to quickly explore the shrouded woods to locate the " "kidnappers." msgstr "" "Usa homes a cabalo para explorar rapidamente os bosques para localizar aos " "raptores." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:310 msgid "" "Separate the Dark Adept from his guards and attack in force for an easy kill." msgstr "" "Separa o adepto escuro dos seus gardas e ataca con todo para matalo " "facilmente." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:353 msgid "" "Come on, men. A stroll through such lovely green woods, what could be finer?" msgstr "" "Veña homes. Unha camiñada por estes preciosos e verdes bosques, que pode " "haber mellor?" #. [message]: speaker=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:358 msgid "You there! Halt and explain yourself." msgstr "Vós! Detédevos e explicade que facedes aquí." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:363 msgid "We’re chasing after some men who kidnapped my brother!" msgstr "Estamos perseguindo aos que capturaron a meu irmán." #. [message]: speaker=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:368 msgid "" "Those men caught their prisoner practicing necromancy; for your sake, I hope " "he was not your brother. Assume that the man they caught was your brother’s " "murderer, and rest assured that the grey mages will release all of the souls " "that their prisoner’s evil magic has bound to this world." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:379 msgid "" "We killed the necromancer on the battlefield! I struck the killing blow " "myself." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:385 msgid "" "We killed the necromancer on the battlefield! I saw the killing blow with my " "own eyes." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:392 msgid "" "We heard the sounds of battle three days ago, but the foul reek of death was " "unmistakable as the prisoner passed us; if your brother really is the " "prisoner then he is also a necromancer. Remember your brother as we all hope " "he was, and know that the prisoner’s fate will be revenge as dire as you " "could wish.\n" "\n" "Either way, nothing will be gained by your intrusion into our woods. Now " "advance no further, for we will defend our land." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:399 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "So much for those ghost stories. Mere elves will not stop me from freeing " #| "Baran!" msgid "" "So much for those ghost stories, but even ghosts might have been more " "observant than these elves. Still, they will not stop me from freeing Baran!" msgstr "" "Conque estas son as famosas fantasmas dos bosques. Uns simples elfos non van " "impedirme liberar a meu irmán!" #. [message]: role=Mercenary #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:404 msgid "" "I am glad at least that we will not have to face ghosts. But those elves " "will have us at a disadvantage; our horses will not maneuver well in the " "trees." msgstr "" "Alégrome de que non teñamos que enfrontarnos a fantasmas, pero estamos en " "desvantaxe contra estes elfos. Os nosos cabalos non están afeitos a galopar " "entre árbores." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:409 msgid "" "Bah, just stay on the paths; our spearmen and bowmen can fight in the deeper " "woods. We have faced and won through greater perils than those amateurs can " "offer." msgstr "" "Non importa, quedade nos camiños. Os lanceiros e arqueiros poden loitar " "perfectamente entre as árbores. Puidemos contra os non mortos, isto non " "debería supornos un problema." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:450 msgid "I see them! There they are!" msgstr "Podo velos! Están aquí!" #. [message]: speaker=Muff Toras #. There are no undead on the map yet, but Muff Toras summons some immediately after saying this #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:462 msgid "" "Curses! Had they been a few hours slower, I might have covered our tracks " "without arousing the elves’ suspicions. Still, no need for the disguise any " "more." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #. it's likely that all the elves are already dead, and Arvith is just shouting to the forest #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:498 msgid "Well, elves? Now do you see who the necromancers are?" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=messenger_elf #. a elven scout rides in from off-map, takes their first look at the situation, and realises that they have no idea what's going on #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:517 msgid "" "I heard sounds of battle, but did not expect to see this. I will inform the " "Council, they can work out who the necromancers are." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:544 msgid "Come on, men, let’s catch those kidnappers!" msgstr "Veña, homes, collamos aos raptores!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:556 msgid "" "Hah! You have captured me, but it will avail you nothing. I sent your " "precious brother the mage north with half my men a day since; he will be " "safely locked away in our master’s dungeons by now." msgstr "" "Capturarme non che valerá de nada! Enviei ao teu querido irmán o mago ao " "norte coa metade dos meus homes hai xa un día. A estas alturas debe estar xa " "engaiolado nos calabozos do amo." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:561 msgid "" "My blade is at your throat. Give us the way to my brother now, or I will " "spill your wretched blood on the ground." msgstr "Dinos onde levaron a meu irmán se non queres que che corte o pescozo." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:564 msgid "Sithrak" msgstr "Sidran" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:565 msgid "Eleben" msgstr "Élenen" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:566 msgid "Jarlom" msgstr "Ialon" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:567 msgid "Hamik" msgstr "Hamin" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:571 msgid "Akranbral" msgstr "Acranal" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:572 msgid "Drakanal" msgstr "Dracanal" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:573 msgid "Xaskanat" msgstr "Xáscanan" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:574 msgid "Katklagad" msgstr "Cáladan" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:580 msgid "" "Three days ride to the northeast, in a deserted castle. The passwords to the " "guards are $first_password_$first_password and " "$second_password_$second_password|." msgstr "" "Tres días a cabalo ao nordeste, nun castelo abandonado. Os contrasinais para " "os gardas son $first_password_$first_password e " "$second_password_$second_password|." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:588 msgid "Bind him and take him with us. If he has played us false, he will die." msgstr "Atádeo e levémolo connosco. Se nos enganou, pagarao coa súa vida." #. [message]: role=Mercenary #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:602 msgid "" "Captain, what are we riding into? I thought you wanted nothing to do with " "Baran any more, not since Toen Caric." msgstr "" "Capitán, para que seguimos? Pensaba que non quería máis nada co seu irmán " "despois do de Toen Carín." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:607 msgid "" "I’m no longer sure. What’s between us remains, but knowing someone else has " "lain hands on him changes things. Mount up, and let’s get moving." msgstr "" "Non sei. Non é que agora queira arranxar as cousas con el, pero non podo " "deixalo nas mans duns non mortos. Montade, apurémonos." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:622 msgid "Brena" msgstr "Brena" #. [message]: speaker=Brena #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:631 msgid "" "Greetings. I am Brena, a knight errant. I saw you pursuing and fighting the " "foul undead. Are there more of them to be destroyed?" msgstr "" "Parabéns. O meu nome é Brena, son un cabaleiro errante. Vinvos perseguindo e " "loitando contra os non mortos. Quedan máis por destruír?" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:636 msgid "" "Aye. We think there’s a nest of them north-east of here. They’ve captured my " "brother." msgstr "" "Quedan. Cremos que pode haber un grupo deles asentado ao nordeste de aquí. " "Teñen a meu irmán." #. [message]: speaker=Brena #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:641 msgid "" "I bear a great hatred towards their kind. I will follow and fight them with " "you, if you permit." msgstr "" "Non me gustan nada os non mortos. Non me importaría acompañarvos e axudarvos " "a loitar contra eles, se non vos parece mal." #. [message]: role=Mercenary #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:646 msgid "He would only slow us down!" msgstr "" "Non vai poder seguir o noso ritmo, o único que vai conseguir é atrasarnos!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:651 msgid "It is my place to decide this." msgstr "Aquí son eu o que decide." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:653 msgid "Oh, all right then. Come along with us." msgstr "Moi ben, acompáñanos." #. [message]: speaker=Brena #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:657 msgid "Thank you. My comrades and I will help you on your noble quest." msgstr "Grazas. Os meus camaradas e máis eu axudarémosvos na vosa nobre busca." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:662 msgid "I am sorry. We have not the time to spare." msgstr "Síntoo, pero non podemos esperarvos, non temos tempo que perder." #. [message]: speaker=Brena #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:666 msgid "" "Take this, then, for I see that you are on a quest. My comrades will help " "you whenever you call for them." msgstr "" "Moi ben. Pero acepta polo menos isto. Se necesitas a algún dos meus " "camaradas máis adiante, só terás que recrutalos." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:681 msgid "You receive 70 pieces of gold!" msgstr "Recibiches 70 moedas de ouro!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:710 msgid "" "These elves have delayed us too long, the kidnappers’ trail will have faded " "by now." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:716 msgid "" "More elves are arriving; even if they believe me, the kidnappers’ trail is " "sure to fade before we can follow." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Nil-Galion #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:730 msgid "" "Deluded fool, you are rescuing a necromancer. I can only hope that you are " "too late, and that our souls will rest in peace." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/02_The_Chase.cfg:740 msgid "Follow their back trail!" msgstr "Seguide o seu rastro!" #. [scenario]: id=03_Guarded_Castle #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:5 msgid "Guarded Castle" msgstr "O castelo" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:26 msgid "" "19 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Rotharik the Clanless\n" "\n" "The last of Mordak’s servants arrived this morning bearing the news of his " "death, as well as a bundle so well-bound it was barely recognizable as a " "man. Mordak was always reckless. This whole desperate scheme was his, and I " "suppose I could blame him for everything that we have suffered through if it " "still mattered. It was he who brought the wrath of the orcs down on us, too. " "But all the same, he managed to accomplish what he set out to do. I still " "cannot believe the finality of what has happened; until now we had always " "managed to make it through somehow.\n" "\n" "We had hoped to deliver the mage to Tairach in return for our lives. I do " "not know what the warlord wants with this man, but he matches the " "description. I suppose that Mordak’s plan would have worked perfectly if not " "for the appearance of the horse warriors. Now they are coming here, led by a " "man rumored to be this mage’s brother. If that is true, he will stop at " "nothing, no more than would I if they held Mordak." msgstr "" "19 de maio, 363 d.N.\n" "Extracto do diario de Rodarin “O solitario”.\n" "\n" "O último dos servos de Mordegue chegou esta mañá, coas novas de que o adepto " "morrera, e cun home. Mordegue sempre foi un incauto. A culpa é toda súa e do " "seu maldito plan, e miña por facerlle caso. Foi tamén pola súa culpa que os " "orcos nos atacaron. Pero ata o de agora conseguira saírse sempre coa súa, " "cústame crer que acabaron con el.\n" "\n" "Planeábamos entregarlle o mago a Tairan a cambio das nosas vidas. Non sei " "para que o quere o señor da guerra, pero polo menos sei que collemos ao home " "que era, coincide á perfección coa súa descrición. Supoño que o único punto " "débil no plan de Mordegue foron os homes a cabalo. E se os rumores son " "certos, lidéraos o irmán do mago, así que nada o deterá, como nada me " "detería a min se alguén tivese preso a Mordegue." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:34 msgid "" "19 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Rotharik the Clanless\n" "\n" "I have done what I can to fortify this dilapidated castle. The orcs who came " "with us stand guard at the gates, and I am gathering all of my servants to " "me in the inner sanctum. But ill fate awaits. Whether I defeat this horse-" "warrior or no, the orcs will still come for me; they have been scouring the " "borderlands and raiding the northern farm country in search of us.\n" "\n" "Yet for some reason I fear these brothers more. If Mordak were here it would " "be different, but we are broken... and these two men are whole. In each " "other, in the ties that bind them, they have strength." msgstr "" "19 de maio, 363 d.N.\n" "Extracto do diario de Rodarin “O solitario”.\n" "\n" "Fixen canto está nas miñas mans para fortificar este castelo. Os orcos que " "nos acompañaron protexen as portas, e os meus servos protexeranme no " "santuario. Pero as cousas non pintan ben para min. Consiga ou non derrotar " "aos homes a cabalo, os orcos hanme perseguir. Xa estiveron explorando a " "fronteira na nosa busca.\n" "\n" "Pero algo me di que debo ter máis coidado cos irmáns. Se Mordegue estivese " "aquí a cousa sería distinta. Pero meu irmán xa non está ao meu lado, e eles " "téñense o un ao outro." #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Rotharik #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:86 msgid "Rotharik" msgstr "Rodarin" #. [unit]: role=Guard, id=Guard_leader, type=Assassin #. [unit]: role=Guard, type=Bandit #. [unit]: role=Guard2, id=Guard2_leader, type=Rogue #. [unit]: role=Guard2, type=Thug #. [unit]: role=Guard2, type=Bandit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:94 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:102 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:111 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:119 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:583 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:593 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:602 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:612 msgid "Guard" msgstr "Garda" #. [unit]: id=Knago-Brek, type=Orcish Warrior #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:138 msgid "Knago-Brek" msgstr "Nágobren" #. [unit]: type=Orcish Grunt #. [unit]: type=Orcish Warrior #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:146 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:154 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:163 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:171 msgid "Castle Guard" msgstr "Garda do castelo" #. [time]: id=indoors_dark_castle #. similar string in the wesnoth-help textdomain #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:236 msgid "Indoors (dark castle)" msgstr "" #. [time]: id=indoors_dark_castle_lit #. similar string in th4e wesnoth-help textdomain #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:252 msgid "Indoors (lit)" msgstr "" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:309 msgid "Rescue Baran" msgstr "Rescata a Baran." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:321 msgid "Kill the dark sorcerer to get the cell key" msgstr "Mata ao feiticeiro escuro para conseguir a chave da cela." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:335 msgid "Move Arvith to the cell with his brother to free him" msgstr "Leva a Arvin á cela na que gardan ao seu irmán e libérao." #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:348 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:147 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:292 msgid "Death of Baran" msgstr "Morte de Baran." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:360 msgid "" "When facing an unknown situation, take into account details from story and " "dialog to inform your strategy." msgstr "" "Ao enfrontarte a unha situación descoñecida, ten en conta detalles da " "historia e dos diálogos para deseñar a túa estratexia." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:369 msgid "" "The dark sorcerer is a strong unit; attack him with multiple units at once " "and try to force him off his keep." msgstr "" "O feiticeiro escuro é unha unidade forte; atácao con varias unidades ao " "mesmo tempo e intenta obrigalo a saír da súa fortaleza." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:379 msgid "" "Markings or decorations on hexes may indicate something to be found. If you " "can, it is usually a good idea to investigate." msgstr "" "As marcas ou decoracións nos hexágonos poden indicar que hai algo por " "descubrir. Investigalo adoita ser unha boa idea, se podes facelo." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:416 msgid "" "Arvith and his men halt outside of the castle, gazing for a moment at the " "hulking mass of stone looming in the fog. There is movement in the mist." msgstr "" "Arvin e os seus homes detivéronse ás portas do castelo, admirando por uns " "momentos aquela xigantesca montaña de pedra. De súpeto, algo saíu da néboa." #. [message]: speaker=Guard_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:421 msgid "Halt! Friend or foe? Give the password." msgstr "Alto aí! Amigo ou inimigo? Dádeme o contrasinal." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:426 msgid "The password is" msgstr "O contrasinal é" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:429 msgid "Sithrak!" msgstr "Sidran!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:432 msgid "Eleben!" msgstr "Élenen!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:435 msgid "Jarlom!" msgstr "Ialon!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:438 msgid "Hamik!" msgstr "Hamin!" #. [message]: speaker=Guard_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:451 msgid "Pass, friend." msgstr "Pasa, amigo." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:466 msgid "" "The adept didn’t lead us astray after all. I’ll keep my word, distasteful as " "it may be; cut him loose, and let’s be rid of him." msgstr "O adepto cumpriu a súa palabra. Deixádeo marchar." #. [message]: speaker=Guard_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:477 msgid "Wrong! Die!" msgstr "Incorrecto! Morre!" #. [message]: speaker=Knago-Brek #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:495 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Haha! We not kill people for long time. Weapon wants blood. We now kill " #| "humans!!" msgid "" "Haha! We not kill people for long time. Weapon wants blood. We now kill " "humans!" msgstr "" "Ha ha! Levabamos tempo sen matar a ninguén. Nada como uns humanos para " "volver afacerse!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:500 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "My sword-arm has a say in who will do the dying. Come on, men, let’s kill " #| "some orcs." msgid "" "My sword-arm shall have a say in who will do the dying. Come on, men, let’s " "kill some orcs." msgstr "Xa veremos quen morre e quen sobrevive. A polos orcos, homes!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:512 msgid "One less braggart orc in the world." msgstr "Un noxento orco menos en Irïdia." #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:520 msgid "Captain, what are orcs doing this far south?" msgstr "Capitán, como é que hai orcos tan ao sur?" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:525 msgid "Good question. Perhaps my brother will have found out." msgstr "Boa pregunta. Pode que meu irmán teña a resposta." #. [message]: speaker=Guard2_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:625 msgid "Are you our relief arriving? Does this mean we get to leave here now?" msgstr "Sodes os substitutos, non? Xa era hora!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:630 msgid "Um, yes. Fine. You can go." msgstr "Somos, podedes marchar xa." #. [message]: speaker=Guard2_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:635 msgid "Um, you’re supposed to give the password." msgstr "Non esqueces algo? Tedes que darnos o contrasinal." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:640 msgid "Oh, of course. I had nearly forgotten." msgstr "Ah, si, non sei onde teño a cabeza." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:643 msgid "Akranbral!" msgstr "Acranal!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:646 msgid "Drakanal!" msgstr "Dracanal!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:649 msgid "Xaskanat!" msgstr "Xáscanan!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:652 msgid "Katklagad!" msgstr "Cáladan!" #. [message]: speaker=Guard2_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:665 msgid "Thanks! Irritating little formality, isn’t it?" msgstr "" "Exacto. Xa sabes que aos de arriba non lles gusta que nos saltemos estas " "formalidades." #. [message]: speaker=Guard2_leader #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:675 msgid "That’s the wrong password! These aren’t our relief! Get them!" msgstr "Ese non é o contrasinal! Non son os nosos substitutos, collédeos!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:683 msgid "" "I think I should better support my men at the front to make sure we can free " "my brother." msgstr "" "Creo que será mellor que axude aos meus homes na vangarda para asegurarme de " "que liberamos a meu irmán." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:695 msgid "Your hand or Tairach’s, death is still death... (argh)" msgstr "" "Estou morto de todos xeitos, se non me matases ti mataríame Tairan… Argh…" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:705 msgid "‘Tairach’? Who or what is Tairach?" msgstr "«Tairan»? Quen é ese?" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:710 msgid "There’s a key in his robes." msgstr "Leva unha chave." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:720 msgid "" "That may well be the key to the cell they’re holding Baran in! I will take " "it." msgstr "Collédea, seguro que é a da gaiola de Baran." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:748 msgid "It may be important, I best take it." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:766 msgid "This castle seems as dark as a cave!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:772 msgid "" "This castle is under a constant, chaotic time of day (equivalent to " "permanent night), except for illuminated hexes adjacent to lit stone walls " "(neutral time of day). Place your units carefully, as your troops will be " "weaker and enemy units stronger." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:792 msgid "Look what I have found in here! I can count a hundred pieces of gold." msgstr "Mirade o que atopei aquí! Debe haber un cento de moedas de ouro." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:806 msgid "Look what I have found in here! I can count fifty pieces of gold." msgstr "Mirade o que atopei aquí! Debe haber unhas cincuenta moedas de ouro." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:845 msgid "I found Baran. He is in this cell." msgstr "Atopei a Baran. Está nesta cela." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:856 msgid "It’s good to see you, Arvith." msgstr "Alégrome de volver a verte, Arvin." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:861 msgid "And you too, brother." msgstr "O mesmo digo, irmán." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:867 msgid "" "You must be one of Arvith’s men. Please help me get out of this dungeon." msgstr "Debes ser un dos homes de Arvin. Axúdame a saír deste calabozo." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:874 msgid "" "The accursed dark sorcerer Rotharik has imprisoned me behind this magically " "enhanced iron gate. It can only be opened with the correct key. You must get " "it from him to free me." msgstr "" "O maldito feiticeiro escuro Rodarin pechoume tras esta porta de ferro " "máxica. Só unha chave pode abrila. Debedes quitarlla para poder liberarme." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:886 msgid "" "I have already met, and killed, the sorcerer. Is this the key to which you " "referred?" msgstr "Xa me encontrei co feiticeiro, e mateino. É esta a chave da que falas?" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:890 msgid "" "Yes, it is. Come, unlock this cell door, and let us depart this place, " "brother!" msgstr "É, abofé que a é. Ven, abre a porta da cela e saiamos de aquí, irmán!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:944 msgid "Thank you for saving me. I... was not certain you would come." msgstr "Grazas por salvarme. Xa case perdera toda esperanza." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:949 msgid "Have you no faith in your brother, Baran?" msgstr "Acaso non tes fe no teu irmán?" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:954 msgid "" "It’s not that. Perhaps I deserved to rot here. I failed you. I failed you " "again." msgstr "" "Non é iso. Ao mellor merecía podrecer nesta cela. Falleite. Volvinte fallar." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:959 msgid "" "That is as may be. But you are my brother still. And... I never doubted you " "would have come for me." msgstr "" "Así é. Pero segues sendo meu irmán. E sei que, de ser ao revés, ti tamén " "virías a rescatarme." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:964 msgid "" "It was no great trial, after all. A few elves, one or two dark sorcerers, a " "gang of orcs and some undead. Really just a day’s work for the company." msgstr "" "Ademais, non foi para tanto, uns poucos elfos, un ou dous feiticeiros " "escuros, un feixe de orcos e algúns non mortos. En fin, o noso día a día." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:969 msgid "Thank you for coming to my aid. Let us return to the village." msgstr "Grazas por vires por min. Agora, volvamos á vila." #. [unit]: id=Rotharik, type=Orcish Assassin #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:1003 msgid "Minion of Tairach" msgstr "Subordinado de Tairan" #. [message]: speaker=Rotharik #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:1015 msgid "You are too late! Your brother is already dead! Muahahaha...!" msgstr "Chegaches tarde! Teu irmán xa morreu! Mua ha ha ha…" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/03_Guarded_Castle.cfg:1020 msgid "Argh!!" msgstr "Argh!" #. [scenario]: id=04_Return_to_the_Village #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:5 msgid "Return to the Village" msgstr "De volta á vila" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:26 msgid "" "27 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Baran of Maghre\n" "\n" "Almost home now. The last week has been full of mixed feelings for me — " "blissful and difficult by turns. It was wonderful to be out of that dungeon " "cell and in the sunlight again without the threat of death or worse hanging " "over my head... but with that behind me, I turned to the almost equally " "daunting task of making amends with my brother.\n" "\n" "Arvith had largely forgiven me by the time he freed me from my cell. All the " "same, it has taken all of the past week for us to rebuild the sense of " "comfort in each other we once had. It is fortunate that we have been able to " "take our time getting back — we gave the Grey Woods a wide berth, and on our " "way around it we traveled through some truly beautiful countryside. It has " "given us plenty of time to talk." msgstr "" "27 de maio, 363 d.N.\n" "Extracto do diario de Baran de Magre.\n" "\n" "Xa case estamos de volta. Levo unha semana difícil. Por unha banda, alégrome " "de estar fóra daquel calabozo, sen saber en ningún momento que ía ser de " "min, se me matarían ou algo peor. Pero agora teño que soportar tamén un " "peso: o de arranxar as cousas con meu irmán.\n" "\n" "Arvin xa me perdoara para cando me liberou. Pero durante toda esta semana " "custounos moito estar o un cando a outro, aínda resulta raro para nós. " "Alégrome de que nos tomásemos o noso tempo para volver. Tempo dabondo para " "poder falar tranquilamente." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:34 msgid "" "27 V, 363 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Baran of Maghre\n" "\n" "Though I am more at ease now, my thoughts often turn back to Toen Caric. We " "should have been able to repel the orcs without great loss — the pincer " "attack Arvith devised would surely have carried the day but for me. It was " "reckless of me to leave my men behind — I wounded the warlord and forced him " "to flee the field, but the cost far outweighed the gain. Those under my " "command could have been saved if I had remained with them.\n" "\n" "I can hardly blame Arvith for having taken their deaths ill, and I can never " "undo the wrong that I have done, but I suppose that time heals some things. " "We return to the village as brothers once more.\n" "\n" "But I am still troubled. I wonder... is this sense of foreboding I feel " "merely a remnant of my time locked away in that dungeon, or is it a sign of " "something real?" msgstr "" "27 de maio, 363 d.N.\n" "Extracto do diario de Baran de Magre.\n" "\n" "Aínda que xa o levo mellor, de vez en cando aínda penso en Toen Carín. " "Estábamos en situación de repeler aos orcos sen apenas sufrir baixas, só " "tiñamos que seguir o plan de Arvin. Pero a min non me acababa de convencer. " "Fixen mal en deixar aos meus homes atrás. Conseguín ferir ao xefe e forzalo " "a retirarse do campo de batalla, pero a un alto prezo. Os homes que estaban " "ás miñas ordes estarían todos vivos se non fose por min.\n" "\n" "Non podo culpar a Arvin por anoxarse comigo, e non podo volver atrás e " "cambiar o que fixen, pero supoño que o tempo cura as feridas. Unha vez máis, " "volvemos á vila como irmáns." #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tairach #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:87 #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/05_Epilogue.cfg:56 msgid "Tairach" msgstr "Tairan" #. [side]: type=Longbowman, id=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:116 msgid "Reeve Hoban" msgstr "Conselleiro Loban" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:139 msgid "Find out what is happening in the village" msgstr "Descubre o que está a pasar na vila." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:155 msgid "" "Recruit or Recall some high-move units to be able to see as far as possible " "through the fog for approaching units." msgstr "" "Recruta ou reincorpora algunhas unidades de gran movilidade para poder ver o " "máis lonxe posíbel as unidades que se acheguen desde a néboa." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:171 msgid "" "There. The village is just across those hills, and already I see men coming " "to greet us!" msgstr "" "Alá. A súa vila está xusto ao outro lado deses outeiros, xa vexo xente " "aproximarse a saudarnos!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:176 msgid "" "No, they are fleeing from something. We must find out what is happening over " "there!" msgstr "" "Non veñen a saudarnos, foxen de algo. Temos que descubrir que está pasando " "na vila!" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:181 msgid "Men! Ready your arms!" msgstr "Homes, ás armas!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:186 msgid "We should find Reeve Hoban. Maybe he knows what is going on here." msgstr "" "Debemos atopar ao conselleiro Loban. Pode que el saiba o que está ocorrendo." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:201 msgid "We’re almost there!" msgstr "Xa case chegamos!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:206 msgid "That warlord! It’s..." msgstr "Ese señor da guerra é…" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:211 msgid "Yes, I’d know that face anywhere. Especially after what you did to it." msgstr "" "Si, recoñezo ese rostro. Especialmente despois da marca que lle deixaches." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:216 msgid "The warlord from Toen Caric." msgstr "O señor da guerra de Toen Carín." #. [message]: speaker=Tairach #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:221 msgid "You! The mage who scarred me with fire! KILL THEM!" msgstr "Es ti! O mago que me marcou a cara con lume! Matádeos!" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:226 msgid "Let’s finish what we started, brother." msgstr "Rematemos o que comezamos, irmán." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:231 msgid "Aye. I’ll be the right arm, and you’ll be the left. Let’s go!" msgstr "Si. Ombro con ombro, vamos!" #. [message]: speaker=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:250 msgid "I am glad to see you returned." msgstr "Alégrome de verte de volta." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:255 msgid "No gladder than I am to be here. But what has happened to Maghre?" msgstr "Alégrome de estar aquí. Pero que lle ocorreu a Magre?" #. [message]: speaker=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:260 msgid "" "Soon after you departed we were beset by orcs. With half the men of Maghre " "gone, we could not stop them." msgstr "" "Pouco despois de que vos fósedes, os orcos atacáronnos. Coa metade dos homes " "fóra, non puidemos detelos." #. [message]: speaker=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:265 msgid "" "The orcish warlord aims to enslave us. We will not be able to hold out for " "much longer." msgstr "" "O señor da guerra orco quere escravizarnos. Non poderemos resistir moito " "máis." #. [message]: speaker=Reeve Hoban #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:270 msgid "" "Have a care, his men are fell fighters and have killed many. Very few remain " "who can bear arms, but I will send them to aid you in battle." msgstr "" "Ten coidado, os seus homes son fortes e xa mataron a moitos. Moi poucos de " "nós quedan que poidan soster unha arma, pero enviareivos aos que queden para " "que vos axuden a loitar." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:284 msgid "Slay the Orcish Warlord to free the village" msgstr "Mata ao señor da guerra orco para liberar a vila." #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:300 msgid "You can use Reeve Hoban’s keep to recruit or recall additional units." msgstr "" "Podes usar a fortaleza do conselleiro Loban para recrutar ou reincorporar " "unidades adicionais." #. [message]: speaker=Tairach #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:341 msgid "Today, you shall pay for disfiguring my face, mage!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:346 msgid "" "I have already paid with the lives of my men at Toen Caric. It is time I " "righted that mistake and finished this once and for all." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:355 msgid "" "It is finished. We’ve defeated him at last. It was good to have you at my " "side, Baran." msgstr "" "Acabou. Derrotámolo por fin. Alégrome de que estiveses canda min nesta " "batalla, Baran." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:360 msgid "" "So much has been destroyed. It will be difficult to repair all that the orcs " "and undead have wrecked. And they could come again." msgstr "" "Destruíuse moito. Será difícil reparar todo o que estragaron os orcos e " "mailos non mortos. E non podemos descartar que volvan aparecer por estar " "terras." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #. "you have my word" is a idiom for promising to do something #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:366 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I must go back to earning my living. But we have our amulets, little " #| "brother. If you are beset again, I will come." msgid "" "I must go back to earning my living. But you have my word, little brother; " "if you are beset again, I will come." msgstr "" "Eu debo marchar, o meu sitio non está aquí. Pero temos os amuletos. Se " "volven atacar, regresarei. Xuntos defenderemos a vila." #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:384 msgid "I don’t think we can rescue anyone from these villages. It is too late." msgstr "" "Non creo que poidamos rescatar a ninguén desas vilas. É demasiado tarde." #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/04_Return_to_the_Village.cfg:389 msgid "I was too weak to protect these people. Oh, why did this happen to me?!" msgstr "Non conseguín protexer á miña xente. Por que a min?" #. [scenario]: id=05_Epilogue #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/05_Epilogue.cfg:5 msgid "A Tale of Two Brothers — Epilogue" msgstr "Epílogo" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/05_Epilogue.cfg:18 msgid "" "22 IX, 365 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Arvith of Maghre\n" "\n" "Maghre is looking much better than the last time I saw it. Baran has done " "wonders in two years. The village is rebuilt, and the surrounding farmlands " "are restored and reoccupied. Despite my brother’s worries, our people have " "faced no new threats in that time.\n" "\n" "It has been more difficult to stay away in those two years, but I have my " "calling and Baran has his, and we have had little opportunity to meet again. " "But as the company and I are passing through this part of the kingdom with a " "new patron, I have asked leave of him to visit my brother and he gave it." msgstr "" "22 de setembro, 365 d.N.\n" "Extracto do diario de Arvin de Magre.\n" "\n" "Magre ten moita mellor pinta que a última vez que a vin. Baran obrou " "marabillas estes dous últimos anos. A vila foi reconstruída, e as granxas " "dos seus arredores tamén. A pesar dos temores de meu irmán, non volveu haber " "ningún ataque de momento.\n" "\n" "Non foi fácil estar lonxe da vila este tempo, pero meu irmán ten os seus " "deberes, e eu os meus, así que non tivemos moitas ocasións de vernos. Pero " "agora que eu e os meus homes pasamos por esta parte do reino ás ordes dun " "novo patrón, solicitei permiso para facer unha parada na vila." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/scenarios/05_Epilogue.cfg:27 msgid "" "22 IX, 365 YW\n" "Excerpt from the journal of Arvith of Maghre\n" "\n" "This patron is, of all things, an elf. I never thought I’d befriend one, but " "he is less arrogant than the rest. Kalenz, he calls himself. He’s seen too " "much; I can tell that just by meeting his eyes. I think we will have to work " "for our pay soon.\n" "\n" "In the meantime, though, it’s good to relax and enjoy the peace." msgstr "" "22 de setembro, 365 d.N.\n" "Extracto do diario de Arvin de Magre.\n" "\n" "E quen o ía dicir, resulta que o noso novo patrón é un elfo. Pero non é tan " "arrogante como o resto. Cälén, que é como se chama, leva vivido moito tempo " "e visto moitas cousas. Nótaselle nos ollos. Creo que non imos tardar en " "loitar para gañarnos a paga.\n" "\n" "Pero ata que chegue o momento, hai que relaxarse e gozar destes momentos de " "paz." #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/utils/characters.cfg:6 msgid "Arvith" msgstr "Arvin" #. [message]: speaker=Arvith #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/utils/characters.cfg:21 msgid "All is lost now that I am dead..." msgstr "Todo está perdido agora que estou morto…" #. [message]: speaker=Baran #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/utils/characters.cfg:39 msgid "It is over, I am vanquished." msgstr "Estou acabado." #. [unit]: id=Baran, type=Red Mage #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/utils/characters.cfg:141 msgid "Baran" msgstr "Baran" #: data/campaigns/Two_Brothers/utils/macros.cfg:4 msgid "Hint:" msgstr "Consello:" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Curses! If they had been an hour slower our master’s reinforcements " #~| "would already be here to meet us." #~ msgid "" #~ "Curses! If they had been an hour slower, our master’s reinforcements " #~ "would already be here to meet us." #~ msgstr "Maldición! Un pouco máis e os reforzos do mestre xa estarían aquí." #~ msgid "My reinforcements are here!" #~ msgstr "Chegaron os reforzos!" #~ msgid "He escaped us..." #~ msgstr "Escapóusenos…" #~ msgid "" #~ "Those men told me their prisoner had attempted to murder their master, " #~ "and warned that evil men would follow him. Advance no further, or you " #~ "will die." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Os homes que pasaron por aquí antes ca vós dixéronme que o seu " #~ "prisioneiro intentou asasinar ao seu amo, e avisaron de que o seguirían " #~ "homes malvados. Non avancedes máis, ou morreredes." #~ msgid "" #~ "Foolish human, you have killed me but you will not catch the undead in " #~ "time. I have fulfilled my contract, and will be reanimated soon to become " #~ "a lord of their armies." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Serás parvo! Matarme non te permitirá coller aos non mortos a tempo. " #~ "Cumprín a miña misión, e non han tardar en reanimarme e converterme en " #~ "señor dos seus exércitos." #~ msgid "$first_password_1|!" #~ msgstr "$first_password_1|." #~ msgid "$first_password_2|!" #~ msgstr "$first_password_2|." #~ msgid "$first_password_3|!" #~ msgstr "$first_password_3|." #~ msgid "$first_password_4|!" #~ msgstr "$first_password_4|." #~ msgid "$second_password_1|!" #~ msgstr "$second_password_1|." #~ msgid "$second_password_2|!" #~ msgstr "$second_password_2|." #~ msgid "$second_password_3|!" #~ msgstr "$second_password_3|." #~ msgid "$second_password_4|!" #~ msgstr "$second_password_4|." #~ msgid "Everything is lost now that I am dead..." #~ msgstr "Todo está perdido agora que morrín…" #~ msgid "Irongate" #~ msgstr "Porta de ferro" #~ msgid "Arne" #~ msgstr "Arne" #~ msgid "Bjarn" #~ msgstr "Bjarn" #~ msgid "Fargus" #~ msgstr "Fargus" #~ msgid "Erik" #~ msgstr "Erik" #~ msgid "Heine" #~ msgstr "Heine" #~ msgid "Magnus" #~ msgstr "Magnus" #~ msgid "Councillor Hoban" #~ msgstr "Conselleiro Hoban" #~ msgid "Greetings, my brother! How may my men and I be of aid?" #~ msgstr "Saúdos, irmán! Como che podemos axudar eu e mailos meus homes?" #~ msgid "" #~ "I will lead my men, and such villagers as can keep up with us, north to " #~ "slay this Mordak! What will you do?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Guiarei ós meus homes, e ós viláns que poidan vir connosco, ó norte para " #~ "matar a ese Mordak! Que vas facer ti?" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "The pursuit had already run for several days when the pursuers came to " #~ "the bounds of the huge forest known as the Grey Woods. Ancient tales " #~ "warned of lost souls haunting the wood, hunting and killing anyone brave " #~ "enough to enter it." #~ msgstr "" #~ "A persecución xa durara varios días cando os perseguidores chegaron ós " #~ "límites do gran bosque coñecido coma os Bosques Grises. Antigas lendas " #~ "advertían sobre almas perdidas que roldaban polo bosque, cazando e " #~ "matando a tódolos que ousaban entrar nel." #~ msgid "" #~ "Heedless of those rumors, Arne followed them. His only worry was that his " #~ "horsemen would be at disadvantage if attacked in the forest." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sen facer caso deses rumores, Arne seguiunos. A súa única preocupación " #~ "era que os seus cabaleiros estarían en desvantaxe se os atacaban no " #~ "bosque." #~ msgid "Sounds of a scuffle were heard from the forest." #~ msgstr "Óense sons de loita no bosque." #~ msgid "" #~ "It is whispered that hungry ghosts rule this forest, and kill everyone " #~ "who dares to enter." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Coméntase que fantasmas famentos gobernan este bosque, e que matan a todo " #~ "aquel que ousa entrar nel." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Arne’s men arrived at the castle and were immediately challenged by some " #~ "guards." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Os homes de Arne chegaron ó castelo e foron desafiados inmediatamente por " #~ "algúns dos gardas." #~ msgid "Nooo! This is the end..." #~ msgstr "Nooon! Esta é a fin..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Good to see you, Arne. Now can you get me out of this dungeon, please?" #~ msgstr "Alégrome de verte, Arne. Podemos saír agora deste calabozo?" #~ msgid "Finally the warlord is killed. Now you can go back to Maghre." #~ msgstr "Por fin o Señor da Guerra está morto. Agora podes volver a Maghre." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "It took years to rebuild the village and restore the surrounding farms. " #~ "The people of Maghre had to work very hard, but felt better knowing " #~ "Arne’s men would be their firm allies in troubled times." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Levou anos reconstruir a vila e restaurar as granxas circundantes. A " #~ "xente de Maghre tivo que traballar moi duro, pero sentíase mellor sabendo " #~ "que os homes de Arne serían os seus firmes aliados en caso de que houbera " #~ "problemas." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Arne and his men left the village assured that it would be well guided by " #~ "Bjarn. On their journeys they faced many challenges and battles. Some " #~ "tales even mention Arne’s name together with that of the famous elvish " #~ "lord Kalenz, but this is a different story..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Arne e os seus homes deixaron a vila seguros de que estaría ben coidada " #~ "por Bjarn. Nas súas viaxes enfrontáronse a moitos retos e batallas. " #~ "Algúns contos incluso relacionan a Arne co famoso señor élfico Kalenz, " #~ "pero ese é outro conto..." #~ msgid "Turns run out" #~ msgstr "Esgotar os turnos" #~ msgid "" #~ "In a remote part of Wesnoth, people lived their lives working hard and " #~ "caring for each other, but not knowing much about the world outside. But " #~ "there came a day when their peaceful world was shattered, as an evil mage " #~ "came to the region, spreading havoc and despair." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nunha remota parte de Wesnoth, a xente vivía as súas vidas traballando " #~ "duro e coidando dos demais, pero sen saber moito do mundo exterior. Pero " #~ "chegou un día no seu pacífico mundo se acabou, xa que un mago malvado " #~ "chegou á rexión, provocando estragos e desesperación." #~ msgid "" #~ "Bjarn, the local mage of the village, was the man who saw best how to " #~ "deal with this threat. He asked the help of his brother Arne, leader of a " #~ "mercenary band of horsemen, and outfitted several of the villagers with " #~ "gear from the armory." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Bjarn, o mago local da vila, era o home que mellor sabía como enfrontarse " #~ "a esta ameaza. Pediulle axuda ó seu irmán Arne, líder dunha banda de " #~ "mercenarios a cabalo, e vestiu a varios dos aldeáns con equipos da " #~ "armería." #~ msgid "'ello there, Bjarn. So, what's the big fuss?" #~ msgstr "Estou aquí, Bjarn. Que é todo este rebumbio?" #~ msgid "" #~ "Mordak, an evil mage, threatens our lives and livelihoods. He is " #~ "terrorizing our countryside. I've already called the village to arms and " #~ "now it's up to you to lead them. You'll find him about two days' ride " #~ "north of here." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mordak, un malvado mago, ameaza as nosas vidas e o noso sustento. Está " #~ "aterrorizando o noso país. Xa chamamos ás armas a toda a vila e agora " #~ "están preparados para que os dirixas ti. Atoparalo a dous días a cabalo ó " #~ "norte de aquí." #~ msgid "" #~ "Very well. We will go there and slay this source of evil. Charge, men!" #~ msgstr "Moi ben, iremos alá e destruiremos a fonte do mal. Atacade, homes!" #~ msgid "" #~ "I will attempt to sneak through the forest. If I can slay the evil one " #~ "while he is off his guard, the battle will be over in one stroke!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Intentarei ir ás agochadas polo bosque. Se podo matar ó malvado mentres " #~ "ten a garda baixa, a batalla rematará rápido!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Bjarn should have been in position by now. I wonder if anything's " #~ "happened to him?" #~ msgstr "Bjarn debe estar en posición agora, Agardo que non lle pasara nada?" #~ msgid "" #~ "This is worrying. What's happened to Bjarn? I suppose we must slay the " #~ "dark sorcerer ourselves." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Isto é preocupante. Que lle ocorrería a Bjarn? Supoño que teremos que " #~ "matar á feiticeira escura nós mesmos." #~ msgid "Good work, men. Now, where is Bjarn?" #~ msgstr "Bo traballo, homes. Agora, onde está Bjarn?" #~ msgid "Nothing more to be had from him." #~ msgstr "Non soubemos nada máis del." #~ msgid "" #~ "Sir, he's been kidnapped! I just saw some men running off with him. They " #~ "looked like friends of this one." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Señor, raptárono! Acabo de ver a algúns homes escapar con el. Parecían " #~ "amigos desta." #~ msgid "Damn! I suppose we have to go after him, then." #~ msgstr "Maldición! Supoño que teremos que ir tras el, entón." #~ msgid "" #~ "Ha, so you thought to send a mage around and stab me in the back? Well, I " #~ "have news for you. We've kidnapped him!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ha, así que pensaches enviar un mago para que me atacara por detrás? Ben, " #~ "teño novas para ti. Collímolo!" #~ msgid "" #~ "What? Bjarn kidnapped? And the evil mage still ravages the land? Noooo!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Que? Bjarn raptado? E o mago escuro ainda continua estragando a terra? " #~ "Noooon!" #~ msgid "" #~ "The kidnappers fled north through the forest, and Arne made to follow " #~ "them, although his horsemen would be at a disadvantage." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Os secuestradores fuxiron ó norte a través do bosque, e Arne seguiunos, " #~ "ainda que os seus homes a cabalo estarían en desvantaxe." #~ msgid "Come on men. A bracing walk in the woods never hurt anyone, did it?" #~ msgstr "Vide homes. Andar polos bosques nunca feriu a ninguén, non?" #~ msgid "" #~ "Those men had some great arguments persuading me to not allow you to " #~ "enter this forest. Any further, and you will die." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Eses homes tiñan algunhas razóns moi boas que me persuadiron de que non " #~ "vos permitira entrar neste bosque. Ide máis alá e morreredes." #~ msgid "A glorious combat at last, against mounted enemies!" #~ msgstr "Un glorioso combate despois de todo, contra inimigos montados!" #~ msgid "Curses! I hope the reinforcements get here so I can escape soon." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Maldición! Agardo que os reforzos cheguen aquí para poder liscar pronto." #~ msgid "" #~ "Hah! You got me alright, but what does that help? No harm telling you " #~ "now, I suppose. Your precious mage is safely locked away in our dungeons. " #~ "I was set up to be a decoy." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hah! Tesme, pero como che axuda iso? Supoño que non fará ningún mal que " #~ "cho conte agora. O teu precioso mago está pechado nos nosos calabozos. " #~ "Enviaronme para despistarte." #~ msgid "" #~ "Nooo! Tricked again. Tell us where he is and we shall spare your " #~ "miserable life." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nooon! Enganado outra vez. Dinos onde está e perdoareiche a túa miserable " #~ "vida." #~ msgid "Thank you. Leave him, men, we ride East." #~ msgstr "Grazas. Deixádeo, homes, imos ó Leste." #~ msgid "" #~ "Greetings, I am Brena. I saw you fighting the foul undead. I like nothing " #~ "better than smashing those foul skeletons and their ilk. Though I came " #~ "too late to help in this fight, I would like to aid you in your " #~ "forthcoming endeavors." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Noraboa, son Brena. Vinvos loitando contra os noxentos non mortos. Non " #~ "hai nada que me guste máis ca esmagar estes noxentos esqueletos. Ainda " #~ "que cheguei moi tarde para axudarvos nesta loita, gustariame axudarvos " #~ "nos vindeiros esforzos. " #~ msgid "" #~ "Hurry, we have to track them down. Maybe we can still get them. They have " #~ "to be in the north!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "A présa, temos que seguilos. Pode que ainda poidamos alcanzalos. Teñen " #~ "que estar ó norte!" #~ msgid "Hurry to the north and stop the kidnappers" #~ msgstr "Vai a présa ó norte e detén ós raptores" #~ msgid "I think your village is protected well, though." #~ msgstr "Creo que a vila está ben protexida, penso." #~ msgid "So am I. But what is happening to our village?" #~ msgstr "Aquí estou. Pero que está ocorrendo na nosa vila?" #~ msgid "" #~ "In the time you have been away a looting band of orcs took over this " #~ "region. There was noone here to stop them." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mentres vós estabades fóra unha banda de orcos saqueadores chegou a esta " #~ "rexión. Non había ninguén aquí para detelos." #~ msgid "" #~ "I have to leave you now. My men and I are needed by others, too. But " #~ "should you ever face another grim foe, send me a messenger. I'll come as " #~ "fast as I can, little brother." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Teño que deixarte agora. Hai outros que nos precisan ós meus homes e mais " #~ "a min. Pero cando te volvas enfrontar a calquera outro inimigo enviame un " #~ "mensaxeiro. Virei tan rápido como poida, irmán."