--- feature: méli-mélo "@context": "@version": 1.1 dct: http://purl.org/dc/terms/ title: "@id": dct:title "@container": "@language" description: "@id": dct:description "@container": "@language" modified: dct:modified title: en: Steps list fr: Liste d'étape description: en: Style ordered list and divs with steps number in circles. fr: Mise en style d'une liste ordonnée et de divs avec des numéros d'étape dans un cercle modified: 2021-05-21 componentName: 2021-05-steps sponsor: CRA - Christopher Oakes (@christopher-o) pages: examples: - title: Steps language: en path: index.html implementationPlan: - due: 2021-06 what: Engage with TBS to show them this design pattern - due: 2021-10 what: Review and identify requirement to make this functionality enterprise ready - due: 2021-11 what: Produce accessibility and usability report on its usage on Canada.ca - due: 2022-02 what: Have this feature as provisional feature in GCWeb and get TBS to publish guidance on how to use it. - due: 2023-12 what: review updated CSS and governance added to validate usability toward stable todos: - Review governance and rationale for the use of both designs output: false ---