## Version 2.0.1 * Fixes the problem with NaN issue on merchant sheet #59 ## Version 2.0.0 * Changed to typescript. After upgrade remember to select the sheet again on the tokens * Added a csv parser, remember to not have header field in the pasted content * Fixes for dnd5e 1.5, This version does not support dnd5e 1.4 * Fixes unlimited quantity and a weight less than 1 glitch #50 ## Version 1.5.3 * Added missing translations in german and danish ## Version 1.5.2 * Changed to non deprecated method for infinity quantity. Hope this will fix the problem with missing inventory. Could not reproduce #55 * Added | as seperator for csv input. As some have tried with that. So now with or without " around values with | will work. ## Version 1.5.1 * Fixed buy bugfixes for GM and NO GM options ## Version 1.5.0 * Added support for CSV import and add from compendiums. Select item/spell compendiums to use in settings * No GM required when players interact option. ## Version 1.4.4 * Fixed Bug with initializing of "sell to merchant modifier" which set the "buy from merchant modifier" to 50%. ## Version 1.4.3 * Fixed Modifiers initialization problems (#50) ## Version 1.4.2 * Fixed drag drop show sell dialog for non merchants ## Version 1.4.1 * Added missing translations * Fixed width of columns and buttons misaligned ## Version 1.4.0 * Added danish and german translations ## Version 1.3.0 * Possible to expand description of an item (#22) * Both modifiers can now be set to zero. (#36) ## Version 1.2.3 * Forgot to merge in the PR. ## Version 1.2.2 * Fixed module.json ## Version 1.2.1 * Possible to drag spells to dnd5e sheet now, it will create a spell scroll (#18) * It is now changed so a player can't change the quantity or price on a merchant item (#26) * The currency name in Swade settings are now used in chat messages (#31) ## Version 1.2.0 * Fixed problems with merchant permissions. Now either a player have access to it or not. The player will not own the merchant (#27) and (#26) * Fixed sorting in categories. The sorting is now working. (#25) * Added Starfinder support (#28) ## Version 1.1.5 * Fixed problems with quantity and currency in sell and buy functions when it needs to be updated. * Fixed decrease of quantity on merchant, so it would not set it to undefined.[]() ## Version 1.1.4 * Added Flavor text on the merchant * Fixed bug with selling and buying in swade 0.8.6 * Fixed bug with deleting items in 0.8.6 ## Version 1.1.3 * Fixed bug with some of the itemtypes in dnd5e. ## Version 1.1.2 * Changed buy/sell modifier text for better understanding ## Version 1.1.1 * Small UI fixes * Fix Swade selling to merchant ## Version 1.1.0 * Fixed 0.8 support ## Version 1.0.0 * Possible to sell to merchant as well. The percentage of the items price can be set for all items on a merchant. Default is 50%. Dialog is shown to seller where seller can choose quantity of items to sell and cancel if price is too low. * Able to delete items on merchant as GM * Bugfix: Fixed Swade problem with deducting currency when purchasing items ## Version 0.2.0 * Base price on itmes can be set * Able to modify quantity on itme even set it to unlimited. * Bugfix: Able to buy stack again * Bugfix: Able to see price on items ## Version 0.1.0 * Categories is now implemented for both Dnd5e and Swade. ## Version 0.0.6 * Used Loot sheet 5e calculations for dnd5e version of merchant. So now dnd5e is supported as well. ## Version 0.0.4 * Added multi system base for currency calculation. Also fixed some small bugs for Swade purchases. ## Version 0.0.3 * Fixed Css for both Swade and dnd5e. Images and text is now alligned. ## Version 0.0.2 * Added stack modifier. This sets how many a player can buy with the stack button. * Fixed css for dnd5e style. The image resize was not correct. Still trying to find the problem in Swade. ## Version 0.0.1 Initial release. Modified the lootSheet to only be a merchant sheet removed the dnd5e system relation