#!/bin/bash # CHANGE THESE auth_email="xxxxxxx@xxxx.com" #你的CloudFlare注册账户邮箱,your cloudflare account email address auth_key="*****************" #你的cloudflare账户Globel ID ,your cloudflare Globel ID zone_name="Your main Domain" #你的域名,your root domain address record_name="Your Full Domain" #完整域名,your full domain address record_type="AAAA" #A or AAAA,ipv4 或 ipv6解析 ip_index="local" #use "internet" or "local",使用本地方式还是网络方式获取地址 eth_card="eth0" #使用本地方式获取ip绑定的网卡,默认为eth0,仅本地方式有效,the default ethernet card is eth0 ip_file="ip.txt" #保存地址信息,save ip information in the ip.txt id_file="cloudflare.ids" log_file="cloudflare.log" if [ $record_type = "AAAA" ];then if [ $ip_index = "internet" ];then ip=$(curl -6 ip.sb) elif [ $ip_index = "local" ];then if [ "$user" = "root" ];then ip=$(ifconfig $eth_card | grep 'inet6' | cut -f2 | awk '{ print $2}' | grep -v '^::1$' | grep -v '^fe80' | grep -v '^f[d|c]' | head -1) else ip=$(/sbin/ifconfig $eth_card | grep 'inet6' | cut -f2 | awk '{ print $2}' | grep -v '^::1$' | grep -v '^fe80' | grep -v '^f[d|c]' | head -1) fi else echo "Error IP index, please input the right type" exit 0 fi elif [ $record_type = "A" ];then if [ $ip_index = "internet" ];then ip=$(curl -4 ip.sb) elif [ $ip_index = "local" ];then if [ "$user" = "root" ];then ip=$(ifconfig $eth_card | grep 'inet'| grep -v '' | grep -v 'inet6'|cut -f2 | awk '{ print $2}') else ip=$(/sbin/ifconfig $eth_card | grep 'inet'| grep -v '' | grep -v 'inet6'|cut -f2 | awk '{ print $2}') fi else echo "Error IP index, please input the right type" exit 0 fi else echo "Error DNS type" exit 0 fi # 日志 log file log() { if [ "$1" ]; then echo -e "[$(date)] - $1" >> $log_file fi } # SCRIPT START log "Check Initiated" #判断ip是否发生变化,check the ip had been changed? if [ -f $ip_file ]; then old_ip=$(cat $ip_file) if [ $ip == $old_ip ]; then echo "IP has not changed." exit 0 fi fi #获取域名和授权 get the domain and authentic if [ -f $id_file ] && [ $(wc -l $id_file | cut -d " " -f 1) == 2 ]; then zone_identifier=$(head -1 $id_file) record_identifier=$(tail -1 $id_file) else zone_identifier=$(curl -s -X GET "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones?name=$zone_name" \ -H "X-Auth-Email: $auth_email" \ -H "X-Auth-Key: $auth_key" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" | grep -Po '(?<="id":")[^"]*' | head -1 ) record_identifier=$(curl -s -X GET "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/$zone_identifier/dns_records?type=${record_type}&name=$record_name" \ -H "X-Auth-Email: $auth_email" \ -H "X-Auth-Key: $auth_key" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" | grep -Po '(?<="id":")[^"]*') echo "$zone_identifier" > $id_file echo "$record_identifier" >> $id_file fi #更新DNS记录 update the dns update=$(curl -s -X PUT "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/$zone_identifier/dns_records/$record_identifier" \ -H "X-Auth-Email: $auth_email" \ -H "X-Auth-Key: $auth_key" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data "{\"type\":\"$record_type\",\"name\":\"$record_name\",\"content\":\"$ip\",\"ttl\":1,\"proxied\":false}") #反馈更新情况 gave the feedback about the update statues if [[ $update == *"\"success\":true"* ]]; then message="IP changed to: $ip" echo "$ip" > $ip_file log "$message" echo "$message" else message="API UPDATE FAILED. DUMPING RESULTS:\n$update" log "$message" echo -e "$message" exit 1 fi