Sublime Coq =========== Extensions to the Sublime Text 3 editor for use with the Coq Proof Assistant. **Note:** Coq has a great many features, and not all of them are supported in the syntax highlighter and command palette yet. If you want something or encounter a highlighting error, just [open an issue]! [open an issue]: Installation ------------ The recommended way to install Sublime Coq is to use [Package Control]( It is also possible to install it using git. Navigate to the Sublime Text `Packages` folder, then run: git clone Coq Getting Started --------------- First, open your Coq script in a window, then select `Coq: Start` in the command palette. Now you should see another pane jumping out, showing the welcome message from `coqtop`. There are several commands available now: * **Coq: Next Statement** (OS X: `Super+Ctrl+n`, Win/Linux: `Ctrl+Down`): Prove the current line and go to next statement. * **Coq: Undo Statement** (OS X: `Super+Ctrl+u`, Win/Linux: `Ctrl+Up`): Undo the current proven statement and go back to the last line. Undoing `Qed.` undoes the entire proof. * **Coq: Abort Proof** (OS X: `Super+Ctrl+p`, Win/Linux: `Alt+Backspace`): In a proof, undo every tactic and the theorem definition. * **Coq: Run Here** (OS X: `Super+Ctrl+h`, Win/Linux: `Ctrl+Enter`): Prove or undo statements until the caret position is reached. * **Coq: Search**, **Coq: Search Pattern**, **Coq: Search Rewrite**, **Coq: Search About**: Search proofs, patterns and rewriting theorems, with results shown as you type. Press Enter to select a name from search results and insert it at caret. * **Coq: Stop**: (OS X: `Super+Ctrl+k`, Win/Linux: `Ctrl+Escape`): Stop `coqtop` and close the output pane. After encountering an error, press Escape to clear it and see the current goals. Path to `coqtop` ---------------- You might need to modify the user preference file for Sublime Coq setting `coqtop_path` to a proper value (usually by running `which coqtop` in a shell), so that the `coqtop` program can be found. If `coqtop_path` is empty, the `PATH` environment variable will be searched for a program called `coqtop`. Highlighting ------------ In order to get nice background highlighting for the proven parts of the file, add the following snippet to your color scheme file. For `tmTheme` syntax:
dark themes

```xml name Error message scope message.error settings foreground #cc3333 name Warning message scope message.warning settings foreground #ffcc00 name Informational message scope settings foreground #d5d5d5 background #2b2b2b name Proven with Coq scope meta.proven.coq settings background #058D050D foreground #05a505 ```

light themes

```xml name Proven with Coq scope meta.proven.coq settings background #002800 ```

For `sublime-color-scheme` syntax:
dark themes

```json { "name": "Error message", "scope": "message.error", "foreground": "#cc3333" }, { "name": "Warning message", "scope": "message.warning", "foreground": "#ffcc00" }, { "name": "Informational message", "scope": "", "foreground": "#d5d5d5", "background": "#2b2b2b" }, { "name": "Proven with Coq", "scope": "meta.proven.coq", "background": "#058D050D", "foreground": "#7fa96f" }, ```

light themes

```json { "name": "Proven with Coq", "scope": "meta.proven.coq", "background": "#002800", }, ```