# This project is being continued in a new repository with even more features! https://github.com/widapro/wledPixel # # # Pixel led MQTT panel (wLed) wLed panel it's dot matrix display to show information from MQTT topics. It's well integrated with home automation systems like Home-assistant, domoticz and others through MQTT broker.
Demo video on youtube. ##### Ingredients: 1. Dot matrix display MAX7219: https://aliexpress.ru/item/32618155357.html 2. WeMos D1 Mini (esp8266): https://aliexpress.ru/item/32651747570.html ## Algoritm of work The display has booting and connecting to wifi, then the display subscribe to MQTT topics and publishing message "up" in MQTT topic `wled/status` ##### MQTT topics: * `wled/zone0_text` - main text for zone0 * `wled/zone1_text` - sight zone (left segment sun in demo picture ^) * `wled/intensity` - display brightnes [0-15], default 5 * `wled/scrolleffect` - scroll effect for zone0, both effect for entry and exit text _[**send scroll name from list below**]_ * `wled/scrolleffect_without_exit` - scroll effect for zone 0, only entry effect, the text will not go out and still stay on display until new text coming _[**send scroll name from list below**]_ * `wled/scrollspeed` - scroll speed, value is in milliseconds, default is 35 * `wled/scrollpause` - scroll pause, value is in milliseconds, default is 2000 * `wled/scrollalign` - scroll align, value is one of: "LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT", default is CENTER * `wled/poweroff` - power off display, possible values: "TRUE" or "FALSE" (capital letters) ##### Scroll effect list Default effects: * `PA_RANDOM` * `PA_PRINT` * `PA_SCAN_HORIZ` * `PA_SCROLL_LEFT` * `PA_WIPE` * `PA_SCAN_VERTX` * `PA_SCROLL_UP_LEFT` * `PA_SCROLL_UP` * `PA_FADE` * `PA_OPENING_CURSOR` * `PA_GROW_UP` * `PA_SCROLL_UP_RIGHT` * `PA_BLINDS` * `PA_CLOSING` * `PA_GROW_DOWN` * `PA_SCAN_VERT` * `PA_SCROLL_DOWN_LEFT` * `PA_WIPE_CURSOR` * `PA_SCAN_HORIZX` * `PA_DISSOLVE` * `PA_MESH` * `PA_OPENING` * `PA_CLOSING_CURSOR` * `PA_SCROLL_DOWN_RIGHT` * `PA_SCROLL_RIGHT` * `PA_SLICE` * `PA_SCROLL_DOWN` Custom effects: * `PACMAN` * `WAVE` * `ROLL` * `LINES` * `ARROW` * `SAILBOAT` * `STEAMBOAT` * `HEART` * `INVADER` * `ROCKET` * `FBALL` * `CHEVRON` * `WALKER` Custom effects demo video ## Icons For icons, I created a font with several icons to override the regular alphabet. This font applied just only for **zone1**. You can find a mapping card in `wLedFont.h`. You can paint icons whatever you want using this online tool: https://pjrp.github.io/MDParolaFontEditor Feel free to add new icons and update the existing `wLedFont.h` in the repository.## Flash esp8266 (WeMos D1): ##### Install libraries in Arduino IDE * PubSubClient https://pubsubclient.knolleary.net/ * MD_MAX72XX https://github.com/MajicDesigns/MD_MAX72XX * MD_Parola (with dependencies) https://github.com/MajicDesigns/MD_Parola ##### First need to change config section in file `pixel_led_mqtt_panel.ino`: ``` // Wifi settings // const char* WIFI_ssid = "your_wifi_network_name"; const char* WIFI_password = "change_me"; // OTA updates settings // const char* OTA_hostname = "wLed-panel-01"; const char* OTA_password = "change_me"; // MQTT settings // const char* mqtt_server = ""; const char* mqtt_user = "mqtt_user"; const char* mqtt_password = "change_me"; // MQTT TOPIC PREFIX // String TOPIC_PREFIX = "wled"; // Parola display settings // #define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::FC16_HW // type of device hardware https://majicdesigns.github.io/MD_MAX72XX/page_hardware.html #define MAX_DEVICES 8 // number of device segments // Display pinout // #define DATA_PIN D7 // WeMos D1 mini GPIO13 #define CS_PIN D6 // WeMos D1 mini GPIO12 #define CLK_PIN D5 // WeMos D1 mini GPIO14 ``` ##### _Optional_ If you have display with different count of segments you need to change zones in config before flashing
In file `pixel_led_mqtt_panel.ino`: ``` #define MAX_DEVICES 8 // number of device segments ``` ``` void setup() { setup_serial(); P.begin(2); P.setZone(0, 0, 6); // P.setZone(zone_number,start_segmet,end_segment) P.setZone(1, 7, 7); // P.setZone(zone_number,start_segmet,end_segment) ``` #### Then configure automation in Home Asisstant: Send sensor value each time when a value has been changed ``` --- - alias: Outside temp change - send new temp to wled panel mqtt initial_state: 'on' trigger: platform: state entity_id: sensor.outside_thp_sensor_3 action: - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: wled/zone0_text payload_template: "{{ states('sensor.outside_thp_sensor_3') }} C" ``` First matrix panel start. When matrix panel publish message "up" in wled/status MQTT topic HA sends a message and change scroll effect ``` - alias: wled panel ON mqtt - send outside temp mqtt initial_state: 'on' trigger: platform: mqtt topic: wled/status action: - delay: "00:00:03" - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: wled/scrolleffect payload_template: "PACMAN" - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: wled/zone0_text payload_template: "MQTT ok" - delay: "00:00:03" - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: wled/zone0_text payload_template: "HA ok" - delay: "00:00:03" - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: wled/scrolleffect_without_exit payload_template: "PACMAN" - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: wled/zone0_text payload_template: "{{ states('sensor.outside_thp_sensor_3') }} C" - service: mqtt.publish data: topic: wled/zone1_text payload: "s" ```