#!/bin/bash umask 022 if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\033[33m" echo "This script must be ran using sudo or as root." echo -e "\033[37m" exit 1 fi set -e trap 'echo "[ERROR] Error in line $LINENO when executing: $BASH_COMMAND"' ERR renice 10 $$ if [ -f /boot/piaware-config.txt ]; then echo -------- echo "You are using the piaware image, this setup script would mess up the configuration." echo -------- echo "Exiting." exit 1 fi BRANCH="stale" if grep -E 'wheezy|jessie' /etc/os-release -qs; then BRANCH="jessie" fi for arg in "$@" do case "$arg" in push-30004) push_30004=yes ;; no-tar1090) NO_TAR1090=yes ;; sid) BRANCH="sid" ;; *) MAKE_ARGS=yes ;; esac done function copyNoClobber() { if ! [[ -f "$2" ]]; then cp "$1" "$2" fi } repository="https://github.com/wiedehopf/readsb.git" if [[ -n "$push_30004" ]]; then cat >/etc/default/readsb <<"EOF" # readsb configuration # This is sourced by /etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants/readsb.service as # daemon startup configuration. RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--device 0 --device-type rtlsdr --gain -10 --ppm 0" DECODER_OPTIONS="--max-range 450 --write-json-every 1 --net-connector,30004,beast_out" NET_OPTIONS="--net --net-heartbeat 60 --net-ro-size 1280 --net-ro-interval 0.05 --net-ri-port 20001 --net-ro-port 20002 --net-sbs-port 20003 --net-bi-port 20004,20104 --net-bo-port 20005" JSON_OPTIONS="--json-location-accuracy 2 --range-outline-hours 24" EOF fi if [[ -f /usr/lib/fr24/fr24feed_updater.sh ]]; then #fix readonly remount logic in fr24feed update script, doesn't do anything when fr24 is not installed mount -o remount,rw / &>/dev/null || true sed -i -e 's?$(mount | grep " on / " | grep rw)?{ mount | grep " on / " | grep rw; }?' /usr/lib/fr24/fr24feed_updater.sh &>/dev/null || true fi # blacklist kernel driver as on ancient systems if grep -E 'wheezy|jessie' /etc/os-release -qs; then echo -e 'blacklist rtl2832\nblacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu\n' > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rtl-sdr.conf rmmod rtl2832 &>/dev/null || true rmmod dvb_usb_rtl28xxu &>/dev/null || true fi ipath=/usr/local/share/adsb-wiki/readsb-install mkdir -p $ipath if grep -E 'wheezy|jessie' /etc/os-release -qs; then # make sure the rtl-sdr rules are present on ancient systems wget -O /tmp/rtl-sdr.rules https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiedehopf/adsb-scripts/master/osmocom-rtl-sdr.rules cp /tmp/rtl-sdr.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ fi function aptInstall() { if ! apt install -y --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests "$@" &>/dev/null; then apt update apt install -y --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests "$@" fi } if command -v apt &>/dev/null; then packages=(git gcc make libusb-1.0-0-dev ncurses-dev ncurses-bin zlib1g-dev zlib1g pkg-config libc6-dev) if ! grep -E 'wheezy|jessie' /etc/os-release -qs; then packages+=(libzstd-dev libzstd1) fi if ! command -v nginx &>/dev/null && [[ -z "$NO_TAR1090" ]] ; then packages+=(lighttpd) fi packages+=(librtlsdr-dev) if grep -qs -e 'Ubuntu 24' /etc/os-release; then packages+=(librtlsdr2) else packages+=(librtlsdr0) fi aptInstall "${packages[@]}" fi udevadm control --reload-rules || true function getGIT() { # getGIT $REPO $BRANCH $TARGET-DIR if [[ -z "$1" ]] || [[ -z "$2" ]] || [[ -z "$3" ]]; then echo "getGIT wrong usage, check your script or tell the author!" 1>&2 return 1 fi if ! cd "$3" &>/dev/null || ! git fetch --depth 2 origin "$2" || ! git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD; then if ! rm -rf "$3" || ! git clone --depth 2 --single-branch --branch "$2" "$1" "$3"; then return 1 fi fi return 0 } if ! getGIT "$repository" "$BRANCH" "$ipath/git" then echo "Unable to git clone the repository" exit 1 fi rm -rf "$ipath"/readsb*.deb cd "$ipath/git" make clean THREADS=$(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) - 1 )) THREADS=$(( THREADS > 0 ? THREADS : 1 )) CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native -mtune=native" # disable unaligned access for arm 32bit ... if uname -m | grep -qs -e arm -e aarch64 && gcc -mno-unaligned-access hello.c -o /dev/null &>/dev/null; then CFLAGS+=" -mno-unaligned-access" fi if [[ $1 == "sanitize" ]]; then CFLAGS+="-fsanitize=address -static-libasan" if ! make "-j${THREADS}" AIRCRAFT_HASH_BITS=16 RTLSDR=yes OPTIMIZE="$CFLAGS"; then if grep -qs /etc/os-release 'bookworm'; then apt install -y libasan8; elif grep -qs /etc/os-release 'bullseye'; then apt install -y libasan6; elif grep -qs /etc/os-release 'buster'; then apt install -y libasan5; fi make "-j${THREADS}" AIRCRAFT_HASH_BITS=16 RTLSDR=yes OPTIMIZE="$CFLAGS" fi else if [[ -n "$MAKE_ARGS" ]]; then make "-j${THREADS}" AIRCRAFT_HASH_BITS=16 RTLSDR=yes OPTIMIZE="$CFLAGS" "$@" else make "-j${THREADS}" AIRCRAFT_HASH_BITS=16 RTLSDR=yes OPTIMIZE="$CFLAGS" fi fi cp -f debian/readsb.service /lib/systemd/system/readsb.service rm -f /usr/bin/readsb /usr/bin/viewadsb cp -f readsb /usr/bin/readsb cp -f viewadsb /usr/bin/viewadsb copyNoClobber debian/readsb.default /etc/default/readsb if ! id -u readsb &>/dev/null then adduser --system --home $ipath --no-create-home --quiet readsb || adduser --system --home-dir $ipath --no-create-home readsb adduser readsb plugdev || true # USB access adduser readsb dialout || true # serial access fi apt remove -y dump1090-fa &>/dev/null || true systemctl disable --now dump1090-mutability &>/dev/null || true systemctl disable --now dump1090 &>/dev/null || true rm -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/89-dump1090.conf # configure rbfeeder to use readsb if [[ -f /etc/rbfeeder.ini ]]; then systemctl stop rb-feeder &>/dev/null || true copyNoClobber /etc/rbfeeder.ini /usr/local/share/adsb-wiki || true sed -i -e '/network_mode/d' -e '/\[network\]/d' -e '/mode=/d' -e '/external_port/d' -e '/external_host/d' /etc/rbfeeder.ini sed -i -e 's/\[client\]/\0\nnetwork_mode=true/' /etc/rbfeeder.ini cat >>/etc/rbfeeder.ini <<"EOF" [network] mode=beast external_port=30005 external_host= EOF pkill -9 rbfeeder || true systemctl restart rbfeeder &>/dev/null || true fi # configure fr24feed to use readsb if [ -f /etc/fr24feed.ini ] then systemctl stop fr24feed &>/dev/null || true chmod a+rw /etc/fr24feed.ini || true apt-get install -y dos2unix &>/dev/null && dos2unix /etc/fr24feed.ini &>/dev/null || true copyNoClobber /etc/fr24feed.ini /usr/local/share/adsb-wiki || true if ! grep -e 'host=' /etc/fr24feed.ini &>/dev/null; then echo 'host=' >> /etc/fr24feed.ini; fi if ! grep -e 'receiver=' /etc/fr24feed.ini &>/dev/null; then echo 'receiver=' >> /etc/fr24feed.ini; fi sed -i -e 's/receiver=.*/receiver="beast-tcp"/' -e 's/host=.*/host=""/' \ -e 's/mlat=.*/mlat="no"/' -e 's/bs=.*/bs="no"/' -e 's/raw=.*/raw="no"/' /etc/fr24feed.ini systemctl restart fr24feed &>/dev/null || true fi systemctl enable readsb systemctl restart readsb || true # script to change gain mkdir -p /usr/local/bin cat >/usr/local/bin/readsb-gain <<"EOF" #!/bin/bash validre='^(-10|[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?)$' gain=$(echo $1 | tr -cd '[:digit:].-') if ! [[ $gain =~ $validre ]] ; then echo "Error, invalid gain!"; exit 1; fi if ! grep gain /etc/default/readsb &>/dev/null; then sudo sed -i -e 's/RECEIVER_OPTIONS="/RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--gain 49.6 /' /etc/default/readsb; fi sudo sed -i -E -e "s/--gain .?[0-9]*.?[0-9]* /--gain $gain /" /etc/default/readsb sudo systemctl restart readsb EOF chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/readsb-gain # set-location cat >/usr/local/bin/readsb-set-location <<"EOF" #!/bin/bash lat=$(echo $1 | tr -cd '[:digit:].-') lon=$(echo $2 | tr -cd '[:digit:].-') if ! awk "BEGIN{ exit ($lat > 90) }" || ! awk "BEGIN{ exit ($lat < -90) }"; then echo echo "Invalid latitude: $lat" echo "Latitude must be between -90 and 90" echo echo "Example format for latitude: 51.528308" echo echo "Usage:" echo "readsb-set-location 51.52830 -0.38178" echo exit 1 fi if ! awk "BEGIN{ exit ($lon > 180) }" || ! awk "BEGIN{ exit ($lon < -180) }"; then echo echo "Invalid longitude: $lon" echo "Longitude must be between -180 and 180" echo echo "Example format for latitude: -0.38178" echo echo "Usage:" echo "readsb-set-location 51.52830 -0.38178" echo exit 1 fi echo echo "setting Latitude: $lat" echo "setting Longitude: $lon" echo if ! grep -e '--lon' /etc/default/readsb &>/dev/null; then sed -i -e 's/DECODER_OPTIONS="/DECODER_OPTIONS="--lon -0.38178 /' /etc/default/readsb; fi if ! grep -e '--lat' /etc/default/readsb &>/dev/null; then sed -i -e 's/DECODER_OPTIONS="/DECODER_OPTIONS="--lat 51.52830 /' /etc/default/readsb; fi sed -i -E -e "s/--lat .?[0-9]*.?[0-9]* /--lat $lat /" /etc/default/readsb sed -i -E -e "s/--lon .?[0-9]*.?[0-9]* /--lon $lon /" /etc/default/readsb systemctl restart readsb EOF chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/readsb-set-location echo -------------- cd "$ipath" if [[ -z "$NO_TAR1090" ]] ; then wget -O tar1090-install.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiedehopf/tar1090/master/install.sh bash tar1090-install.sh /run/readsb fi if ! systemctl show readsb | grep 'ExecMainStatus=0' -qs; then echo -------------- echo -------------- journalctl -u readsb | tail -n30 | tee journal.log echo -------------- echo -------------- if grep -qs -e 'Permission denied' journal.log; then echo "ERROR: readsb permission issue, please perform a reboot using this command: sudo reboot" echo "--------------" echo "After the reboot, the webinterface will be available at http://$(ip route get | grep -m1 -o -P 'src \K[0-9,.]*')/tar1090" else echo "ERROR: readsb service didn't start." echo " common issues: SDR not plugged in." echo " the webinterface will show an error until readsb is running!" echo " If you can't fix the issue:" echo " Open a github issue or contact wiedehopf on discord (https://discord.gg/DxU4VG37JS) and post the above 30 lines of log!" echo -------------- fi else echo "Don't forget to set your location using decimal latitude and longitude:" echo if echo $PATH | grep -qs '/usr/local/bin'; then echo "sudo readsb-set-location 50.12344 10.23429" else echo "sudo /usr/local/bin/readsb-set-location 50.12344 10.23429" fi echo fi