#!/bin/bash # Simple configuration for using airspy_adsb with readsb / piaware / dump1090-fa set -e trap 'echo "[ERROR] Error in line $LINENO when executing: $BASH_COMMAND"' ERR verlte() { [ "$1" = "$(echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort -V | head -n1)" ] } verlt() { [ "$1" = "$2" ] && return 1 || verlte $1 $2 } libc=$(ldconfig -v 2>/dev/null | grep libc-2 | tail -n1 | cut -d'>' -f2 | tr -d " ") ARCH=arm if dpkg --print-architecture | grep -F -e armhf &>/dev/null; then ARCH=arm elif uname -m | grep -F -e arm64 -e aarch64 &>/dev/null; then ARCH=arm64 elif uname -m | grep -F -e arm &>/dev/null; then ARCH=arm elif dpkg --print-architecture | grep -F -e i386 &>/dev/null; then ARCH=i386 elif uname -m | grep -F -e x86_64 &>/dev/null; then ARCH=x86_64 if cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags | grep popcnt | grep sse4_2 &>/dev/null; then ARCH=nehalem fi else echo "Unable to download a program version for your platform!" fi URL="https://github.com/wiedehopf/airspy-conf/raw/master" OS="buster" required_libc="libc-2.28.so" if uname -m | grep -qs armv7; then OS="buster" ARCH=armv7 echo "avm7l special case only buster (libc-2.28) and later, found libc version: $libc" elif [[ -z "$libc" ]] || verlt "$libc" "$required_libc"; then OS="stretch" echo "----------------" echo "Seems your system is a bit old, performance may be worse than on buster or newer!" echo "$libc < $required_libc" echo "----------------" else echo "----------------" echo "$libc >= $required_libc" echo "----------------" fi binary="${URL}/${OS}/airspy_adsb-linux-${ARCH}.tgz" echo "Getting this binary: $binary" function download() { cd /tmp/ if ! wget -nv -O airspy.tgz "$binary"; then echo "download error?!" exit 1 fi rm -f ./airspy_adsb tar xzf airspy.tgz } download if ! ./airspy_adsb -h &>/dev/null; then echo "ARCH=${ARCH} libc=${libc} Error, can't execute the binary, please report $(uname -m) and the above error." exit 1 fi # ------------------ repository=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiedehopf/airspy-conf/master systemctl stop airspy_adsb &>/dev/null || true cp -f airspy_adsb /usr/local/bin/ #install and enable systemd service rm -f /etc/systemd/system/airspy_adsb.service wget -q -O /lib/systemd/system/airspy_adsb.service $repository/airspy_adsb.service wget -q -O /etc/default/airspy_adsb $repository/airspy_adsb.default if ! command -v /usr/bin/taskset &>/dev/null; then sed -i -e 's?/usr/bin/taskset.*AFFINITY ??' /lib/systemd/system/airspy_adsb.service fi systemctl enable airspy_adsb systemctl restart airspy_adsb if [[ "$1" == "only-airspy" ]]; then printf "airspy_adsb service installed.\n\ Listening on port 47787 to provide beast data.\n\ Trying to connect to port 30004 to provide beast data." exit 0 fi if [[ -f /boot/piaware-config.txt ]] && { piaware-config -show manage-config | grep -qs yes; }; then #configure piaware to custom mode #sed -i -e 's@beast - radarcape - relay - other@# added by airspy\n\t\tother {\n\t\t\tlappend receiverOpts "--net-only" "--net-bo-port 30005" "--fix"\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tbeast - radarcape - relay@' /usr/lib/piaware-support/generate-receiver-config #piaware version > 3.7 #sed -i -e 's@none - other@# added by airspy\n\t\tother {\n\t\t\tlappend receiverOpts "--net-only" "--net-bo-port 30005" "--fix"\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tnone@' /usr/lib/piaware-support/generate-receiver-config sed -i -e 's/^NET.*/NET= -l 47787:beast/' /etc/default/airspy_adsb systemctl restart airspy_adsb piaware-config receiver-type relay piaware-config receiver-host piaware-config receiver-port 47787 systemctl restart piaware &>/dev/null || true systemctl restart dump1090-fa &>/dev/null || true systemctl restart beast-splitter &>/dev/null || true else if ! command -v dump1090-fa &>/dev/null && ! command -v readsb &>/dev/null; then echo "Please install readsb or dump1090-fa before installing airspy-conf!" echo "https://github.com/wiedehopf/adsb-scripts/wiki/Automatic-installation-for-dump1090-fa" echo "https://github.com/wiedehopf/adsb-scripts/wiki/Automatic-installation-for-readsb" exit 1 fi #configure dump1090-fa / readsb if [[ -f /boot/adsbx-env ]]; then sed -i -e 's/^RECEIVER_OPTIONS=.*/RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--net-only"/' /boot/adsbx-env systemctl restart readsb &>/dev/null || true elif systemctl is-enabled readsb &>/dev/null && ! grep -qs -e '--net-only' /etc/default/readsb; then LAT=$(grep -o -e '--lat [0-9]*\.[0-9]*' /etc/default/readsb | head -n1) LON=$(grep -o -e '--lon [0-9]*\.[0-9]*' /etc/default/readsb | head -n1) cp -n /etc/default/readsb /etc/default/readsb.airspyconf wget -q -O /etc/default/readsb $repository/readsb.default if [ -n "$LAT" ] && [ -n "$LON" ]; then sed -i "s/DECODER_OPTIONS=\"/DECODER_OPTIONS=\"$LAT $LON /" /etc/default/readsb fi systemctl restart readsb &>/dev/null || true elif systemctl is-enabled dump1090-fa &>/dev/null && ! grep -qs -e '--net-only' /etc/default/dump1090-fa; then cp -n /etc/default/dump1090-fa /etc/default/dump1090-fa.airspyconf if grep -qs /etc/default/dump1090-fa -e 'CONFIG_STYLE.*6'; then sed -i -e 's/RECEIVER.*/RECEIVER=none/' /etc/default/dump1090-fa sed -i -e 's/MAX_RANGE=360/MAX_RANGE=500/' /etc/default/dump1090-fa else LAT=$(grep -o -e '--lat [0-9]*\.[0-9]*' /etc/default/dump1090-fa | head -n1) LON=$(grep -o -e '--lon [0-9]*\.[0-9]*' /etc/default/dump1090-fa | head -n1) wget -q -O /etc/default/dump1090-fa $repository/dump1090-fa.default if [ -n "$LAT" ] && [ -n "$LON" ]; then sed -i "s/DECODER_OPTIONS=\"/DECODER_OPTIONS=\"$LAT $LON /" /etc/default/dump1090-fa fi fi systemctl restart dump1090-fa &>/dev/null || true fi fi echo "------------------------" echo "airspy-conf install finished successfully!"