#!/bin/bash # shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC2016 umask 022 set -e trap 'echo "[ERROR] Error in line $LINENO when executing: $BASH_COMMAND"' ERR renice 10 $$ srcdir=/run/readsb repo="https://github.com/wiedehopf/tar1090" db_repo="https://github.com/wiedehopf/tar1090-db" # optional command line options for this install script # $1: data source directory # $2: web path, default is "tar1090", use "webroot" to place the install at / # $3: specify install path # $4: specify git path as source instead of pulling from git ipath=/usr/local/share/tar1090 if [[ -n "$3" ]]; then ipath="$3"; fi if [[ -n "$4" ]] && grep -qs -e 'tar1090' "$4/install.sh"; then git_source="$4"; fi lighttpd=no nginx=no function useSystemd () { command -v systemctl &>/dev/null; } gpath="$TAR1090_UPDATE_DIR" if [[ -z "$gpath" ]]; then gpath="$ipath"; fi mkdir -p "$ipath" mkdir -p "$gpath" if useSystemd && ! id -u tar1090 &>/dev/null then adduser --system --home "$ipath" --no-create-home --quiet tar1090 || adduser --system --home-dir "$ipath" --no-create-home tar1090 fi # terminate with / command_package="git git/jq jq/curl curl" packages=() while read -r -d '/' CMD PKG do if ! command -v "$CMD" &>/dev/null then #echo "command $CMD not found, will try to install package $PKG" packages+=("$PKG") fi done < <(echo "$command_package") if [[ -n "${packages[*]}" ]]; then if ! command -v "apt-get" &>/dev/null; then echo "Please install the following packages and rerun the install:" echo "${packages[*]}" exit 1 fi echo "Installing required packages: ${packages[*]}" if ! apt-get install -y --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends "${packages[@]}"; then apt-get update || true apt-get install -y --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends "${packages[@]}" || true fi hash -r || true while read -r -d '/' CMD PKG do if ! command -v "$CMD" &>/dev/null then echo "command $CMD not found, seems we failed to install package $PKG" echo "FATAL: Exiting!" exit 1 fi done < <(echo "$command_package") fi if [ -d /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/ ] && ! [ -d /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/ ] && ! [ -d /etc/lighttpd/conf-available ] && command -v lighttpd &>/dev/null then ln -s /etc/lighttpd/conf.d /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled mkdir -p /etc/lighttpd/conf-available fi if [ -d /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/ ] && [ -d /etc/lighttpd/conf-available ] && command -v lighttpd &>/dev/null then lighttpd=yes fi if command -v nginx &>/dev/null then nginx=yes fi dir=$(pwd) if (( $( { du -s "$gpath/git-db" 2>/dev/null || echo 0; } | cut -f1) > 150000 )); then rm -rf "$gpath/git-db" fi function copyNoClobber() { if ! [[ -f "$2" ]]; then cp "$1" "$2" fi } function getGIT() { # getGIT $REPO $BRANCH $TARGET (directory) if [[ -z "$1" ]] || [[ -z "$2" ]] || [[ -z "$3" ]]; then echo "getGIT wrong usage, check your script or tell the author!" 1>&2; return 1; fi REPO="$1"; BRANCH="$2"; TARGET="$3"; pushd . >/dev/null if cd "$TARGET" &>/dev/null && git fetch --depth 1 origin "$BRANCH" 2>/dev/null && git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD; then popd >/dev/null && return 0; fi if ! cd /tmp || ! rm -rf "$TARGET"; then popd > /dev/null; return 1; fi if git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch "$BRANCH" "$REPO" "$TARGET"; then popd > /dev/null; return 0; fi rm -rf "$TARGET"; tmp=/tmp/getGIT-tmp-tar1090 if wget -O "$tmp" "$REPO/archive/refs/heads/$BRANCH.zip" && unzip "$tmp" -d "$tmp.folder" >/dev/null; then if mv -fT "$tmp.folder/$(ls "$tmp.folder")" "$TARGET"; then rm -rf "$tmp" "$tmp.folder"; popd > /dev/null; return 0; fi fi rm -rf "$tmp" "$tmp.folder"; popd > /dev/null; return 1; } function revision() { git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null || echo "$RANDOM-$RANDOM" } if ! { [[ "$1" == "test" ]] && cd "$gpath/git-db"; }; then DB_VERSION_NEW=$(curl --silent --show-error "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiedehopf/tar1090-db/master/version") if [[ "$(cat "$gpath/git-db/version" 2>/dev/null)" != "$DB_VERSION_NEW" ]]; then getGIT "$db_repo" "master" "$gpath/git-db" || true fi fi if ! cd "$gpath/git-db" then echo "Unable to download files, exiting! (Maybe try again?)" exit 1 fi DB_VERSION=$(revision) cd "$dir" if [[ "$1" == "test" ]] || [[ -n "$git_source" ]]; then mkdir -p "$gpath/git" rm -rf "$gpath/git"/* || true if [[ -n "$git_source" ]]; then cp -r "$git_source"/* "$gpath/git" else cp -r ./* "$gpath/git" fi cd "$gpath/git" TAR_VERSION="$(cat version)_dirty" else VERSION_NEW=$(curl --silent --show-error "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiedehopf/tar1090/master/version") if [[ "$(cat "$gpath/git/version" 2>/dev/null)" != "$VERSION_NEW" ]]; then if ! getGIT "$repo" "master" "$gpath/git"; then echo "Unable to download files, exiting! (Maybe try again?)" exit 1 fi fi if ! cd "$gpath/git"; then echo "Unable to download files, exiting! (Maybe try again?)" exit 1 fi TAR_VERSION="$(cat version)" fi if [[ -n $1 ]] && [ "$1" != "test" ] ; then srcdir=$1 elif [ -f /etc/default/tar1090_instances ]; then true elif [[ -f /run/dump1090-fa/aircraft.json ]] ; then srcdir=/run/dump1090-fa elif [[ -f /run/readsb/aircraft.json ]]; then srcdir=/run/readsb elif [[ -f /run/adsbexchange-feed/aircraft.json ]]; then srcdir=/run/adsbexchange-feed elif [[ -f /run/dump1090/aircraft.json ]]; then srcdir=/run/dump1090 elif [[ -f /run/dump1090-mutability/aircraft.json ]]; then srcdir=/run/dump1090-mutability elif [[ -f /run/skyaware978/aircraft.json ]]; then srcdir=/run/skyaware978 elif [[ -f /run/shm/aircraft.json ]]; then srcdir=/run/shm else echo -------------- echo FATAL: could not find aircraft.json in any of the usual places! echo "checked these: /run/readsb /run/dump1090-fa /run/dump1090 /run/dump1090-mutability /run/adsbexchange-feed /run/skyaware978" echo -------------- echo "You need to have a decoder installed first, readsb is recommended:" echo "https://github.com/wiedehopf/adsb-scripts/wiki/Automatic-installation-for-readsb" echo -------------- exit 1 fi if [[ -n $2 ]]; then instances="$srcdir $2" elif [[ -n $1 ]] && [ "$1" != "test" ] ; then instances="$1 tar1090" elif [ -f /etc/default/tar1090_instances ]; then instances=$(/dev/null; then changed=yes while read -r srcdir instance; do if [[ -z "$srcdir" || -z "$instance" ]]; then continue fi if [[ "$instance" != "tar1090" ]]; then service="tar1090-$instance" else service="tar1090" fi if useSystemd; then systemctl stop "$service" 2>/dev/null || true fi done < <(echo "$instances") cp tar1090.sh "$ipath" fi # copy over base files cp install.sh uninstall.sh getupintheair.sh LICENSE README.md "$ipath" cp default "$ipath/example_config_dont_edit" cp html/config.js "$ipath/example_config.js" rm -f "$ipath/default" # create 95-tar1090-otherport.conf { echo '# serve tar1090 directly on port 8504' echo '$SERVER["socket"] == ":8504" {' cat 88-tar1090.conf echo '}' } > 95-tar1090-otherport.conf services=() names="" otherport="" while read -r srcdir instance do if [[ -z "$srcdir" || -z "$instance" ]]; then continue fi TMP="$ipath/.instance_tmp" rm -rf "$TMP" mkdir -p "$TMP" chmod 755 "$TMP" if [[ "$instance" != "tar1090" ]]; then html_path="$ipath/html-$instance" service="tar1090-$instance" else html_path="$ipath/html" service="tar1090" fi services+=("$service") names+="$instance " # don't overwrite existing configuration useSystemd && copyNoClobber default /etc/default/"$service" sed -i.orig -e "s?SOURCE_DIR?$srcdir?g" -e "s?SERVICE?${service}?g" \ -e "s?/INSTANCE??g" -e "s?HTMLPATH?$html_path?g" 95-tar1090-otherport.conf if [[ "$instance" == "webroot" ]]; then sed -i.orig -e "s?SOURCE_DIR?$srcdir?g" -e "s?SERVICE?${service}?g" \ -e "s?/INSTANCE??g" -e "s?HTMLPATH?$html_path?g" 88-tar1090.conf sed -i.orig -e "s?SOURCE_DIR?$srcdir?g" -e "s?SERVICE?${service}?g" \ -e "s?/INSTANCE/?/?g" -e "s?HTMLPATH?$html_path?g" nginx.conf sed -i -e "s?/INSTANCE?/?g" nginx.conf else sed -i.orig -e "s?SOURCE_DIR?$srcdir?g" -e "s?SERVICE?${service}?g" \ -e "s?INSTANCE?$instance?g" -e "s?HTMLPATH?$html_path?g" 88-tar1090.conf sed -i.orig -e "s?SOURCE_DIR?$srcdir?g" -e "s?SERVICE?${service}?g" \ -e "s?INSTANCE?$instance?g" -e "s?HTMLPATH?$html_path?g" nginx.conf fi if [[ $lighttpd == yes ]] && lighttpd -v | grep -E 'lighttpd/1.4.(5[6-9]|[6-9])' -qs; then sed -i -e 's/compress.filetype/deflate.mimetypes/' 88-tar1090.conf sed -i -e 's/compress.filetype/deflate.mimetypes/' 95-tar1090-otherport.conf if ! grep -qs -e '^[^#]*"mod_deflate"' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/*; then sed -i -e 's/^[^#]*deflate.mimetypes/#\0/' 88-tar1090.conf sed -i -e 's/^[^#]*deflate.mimetypes/#\0/' 95-tar1090-otherport.conf fi fi sed -i.orig -e "s?SOURCE_DIR?$srcdir?g" -e "s?SERVICE?${service}?g" tar1090.service cp -r -T html "$TMP" cp -r -T "$gpath/git-db/db" "$TMP/db-$DB_VERSION" sed -i -e "s/let databaseFolder = .*;/let databaseFolder = \"db-$DB_VERSION\";/" "$TMP/index.html" echo "{ \"tar1090Version\": \"$TAR_VERSION\", \"databaseVersion\": \"$DB_VERSION\" }" > "$TMP/version.json" # keep some stuff around mv "$html_path/config.js" "$TMP/config.js" 2>/dev/null || true mv "$html_path/upintheair.json" "$TMP/upintheair.json" 2>/dev/null || true # in case we have offlinemaps installed, modify config.js MAX_OFFLINE="" for i in {0..15}; do if [[ -d /usr/local/share/osm_tiles_offline/$i ]]; then MAX_OFFLINE=$i fi done if [[ -n "$MAX_OFFLINE" ]]; then if ! grep "$TMP/config.js" -e '^offlineMapDetail.*' -qs &>/dev/null; then echo "offlineMapDetail=$MAX_OFFLINE;" >> "$TMP/config.js" else sed -i -e "s/^offlineMapDetail.*/offlineMapDetail=$MAX_OFFLINE;/" "$TMP/config.js" fi fi cp "$ipath/customIcon.png" "$TMP/images/tar1090-favicon.png" &>/dev/null || true # bust cache for all css and js files dir=$(pwd) cd "$TMP" sed -i -e "s/tar1090 on github/tar1090 on github (${TAR_VERSION})/" index.html "$gpath/git/cachebust.sh" "$gpath/git/cachebust.list" "$TMP" rm -rf "$html_path" mv "$TMP" "$html_path" cd "$dir" cp nginx.conf "$ipath/nginx-${service}.conf" if [[ $lighttpd == yes ]]; then # clean up broken symlinks in conf-enabled ... for link in /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/*; do [[ -e "$link" ]] || rm -f "$link"; done if [[ "$otherport" != "done" ]]; then cp 95-tar1090-otherport.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/ ln -f -s /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/95-tar1090-otherport.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/95-tar1090-otherport.conf otherport="done" if [ -f /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/69-skybup.conf ]; then mv /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/95-tar1090-otherport.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/68-tar1090-otherport.conf fi fi if [ -f /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/69-skybup.conf ] && [[ "$instance" == "webroot" ]]; then true elif [[ "$instance" == "webroot" ]] then cp 88-tar1090.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/99-"${service}".conf ln -f -s /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/99-"${service}".conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/99-"${service}".conf else cp 88-tar1090.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/88-"${service}".conf ln -f -s /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/88-"${service}".conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/88-"${service}".conf if [ -f /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/69-skybup.conf ]; then mv /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/88-"${service}".conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/66-"${service}".conf fi fi fi if useSystemd; then if [[ $changed == yes ]] || ! diff tar1090.service /lib/systemd/system/"${service}".service &>/dev/null then cp tar1090.service /lib/systemd/system/"${service}".service if systemctl enable "${service}" then echo "Restarting ${service} ..." systemctl restart "$service" || ! pgrep systemd else echo "${service}.service is masked, could not start it!" fi fi fi # restore sed modified configuration files mv 88-tar1090.conf.orig 88-tar1090.conf mv 95-tar1090-otherport.conf.orig 95-tar1090-otherport.conf mv nginx.conf.orig nginx.conf mv tar1090.service.orig tar1090.service done < <(echo "$instances") if [[ $lighttpd == yes ]]; then if lighttpd -tt -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 2>&1 | grep -i duplicate >/dev/null; then mv -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/89-dump1090-fa.conf.dpkg-dist /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/89-dump1090-fa.conf &>/dev/null || true fi if ! grep -qs -E -e '^[^#]*"mod_alias"' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf /etc/lighttp/conf-enabled/* /etc/lighttpd/external.conf; then echo 'server.modules += ( "mod_alias" )' > /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/07-mod_alias.conf ln -s -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/07-mod_alias.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/07-mod_alias.conf else rm -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/07-mod_alias.conf fi rm -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/87-mod_setenv.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/87-mod_setenv.conf while read -r FILE; do sed -i -e 's/^server.modules.*mod_setenv.*/#\0/' "$FILE" sed -i -e 's/^server.stat-cache-engine.*disable.*/#\0/' "$FILE" done < <(find /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/* | grep -v setenv) # add mod_setenv to lighttpd modules, check if it's one too much echo 'server.modules += ( "mod_setenv" )' > /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/07-mod_setenv.conf echo 'server.stat-cache-engine = "disable"' > /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/47-stat-cache.conf ln -s -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/07-mod_setenv.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/07-mod_setenv.conf ln -s -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/47-stat-cache.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/47-stat-cache.conf if (( $(cat /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/* | grep -c -E -e '^server.stat-cache-engine *\= *"disable")') > 1 )); then rm -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/47-stat-cache.conf fi if (( $(cat /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/* | grep -c -E -e '^server.modules.?\+=.?\(.?"mod_setenv".?\)') > 1 )); then rm -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/07-mod_setenv.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/07-mod_setenv.conf fi if lighttpd -tt -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 2>&1 | grep mod_setenv >/dev/null; then rm -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/07-mod_setenv.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/07-mod_setenv.conf fi if lighttpd -tt -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 2>&1 | grep stat-cache >/dev/null; then rm -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/47-stat-cache.conf fi #lighttpd -tt -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf && echo success || true if lighttpd -tt -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 2>&1 | grep mod_setenv >/dev/null then rm -f /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/07-mod_setenv.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/07-mod_setenv.conf fi #lighttpd -tt -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf && echo success || true if ! lighttpd -tt -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf &>/dev/null; then echo ---------------- echo "Lighttpd error, tar1090 will probably not work correctly:" lighttpd -tt -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf fi if grep -qs -e '^compress.cache-dir' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf; then echo ----- echo "Disabling compress.cache-dir in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf due to often causing full disk issues as there is no automatic cleanup mechanism. Add a leading space to the compress.cache-dir line if you don't want tar1090 to mess with it in the future." echo ----- sed -i -e 's$^compress.cache-dir.*$#\0 # disabled by tar1090, often causes full disk due to not having a cleanup mechanism$' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf elif ! grep -qs -e 'disabled by tar1090' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf; then sed -i -e 's$^compress.cache-dir.*$# CAUTION, enabling cache-dir and filetype json will cause full disk when using tar1090\n\0$' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf fi if grep -qs -e '^deflate.cache-dir' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf; then echo ----- echo "Disabling deflate.cache-dir in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf due to often causing full disk issues as there is no automatic cleanup mechanism. Add a leading space to the deflate.cache-dir line if you don't want tar1090 to mess with it in the future." echo ----- sed -i -e 's$^deflate.cache-dir.*$#\0 # disabled by tar1090, often causes full disk due to not having a cleanup mechanism$' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf elif ! grep -qs -e 'disabled by tar1090' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf; then sed -i -e 's$^deflate.cache-dir.*$# CAUTION, enabling cache-dir and filetype json will cause full disk when using tar1090\n\0$' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf fi fi if useSystemd && systemctl show lighttpd 2>/dev/null | grep -qs -F -e 'UnitFileState=enabled' -e 'ActiveState=active'; then echo "Restarting lighttpd ..." systemctl restart lighttpd || ! pgrep systemd fi echo -------------- if [[ $nginx == yes ]]; then echo echo "To configure nginx for tar1090, please add the following line(s) in the server {} section:" echo for service in "${services[@]}"; do echo "include ${ipath}/nginx-${service}.conf;" done fi echo -------------- if [[ $lighttpd == yes ]]; then for name in $names; do echo "All done! Webinterface available at http://$(ip route get | grep -m1 -o -P 'src \K[0-9,.]*')/$name" done elif [[ $nginx == yes ]]; then for name in $names; do echo "All done! Webinterface once nginx is configured will be available at http://$(ip route get | grep -m1 -o -P 'src \K[0-9,.]*')/$name" done else echo "All done! You'll need to configure your webserver yourself, see ${ipath}/nginx-tar1090.conf for a reference nginx configuration" fi