This is a plugin for Sublime that adds "Nyan Mode" like in emacs. This plugin requires installing a font on the computer. This plugin only works on Sublime Text 3 on Mac computers (the font used is not supported on other platforms) Installation ============ * Install the plugin: `wget -O ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/` * Install the font: `wget -O ~/Library/Fonts/Nyan.ttf` Screenshot ========== ![Alt text](/screenshot.png?raw=true) Generating the Font =================== The font was generated using Python with FontTools and Jens Kutilek 'sbix' code. * Install FontTools: `easy_install FontTools` * Follow the instructions in on how to install the sbix code To generate the nyan font, under "font_sources", run: * Run `python` (this will generate a NyanTemplate.ttf) * Run `python` (this will add the pngs and to the template and create Nyan.ttf)