Internal emulator of SNES Mini has many command line arguments. Seems like some of them are not working but there is full listing of "--help" output: root@CLOVER:~# canoe-shvc Usage: canoe-shvc [options] where options are: --version Show version then exit -output-dir DIRECTORY Specify where output files are written -help Display this help screen -re 07 Resume state and play all .inputs in turn. -resume FILENAME.break Load an emulator state snapshot from specified file -replay FILENAME.inputs Process recorded user inputs in the specified file -replay-all Continue processing all .input files in sequential order -rollback-mode MODE Start in rollback mode (0=Idle 1=Record 2=Replay) -rollback-snapshot-period FRAMES Save a rollback snapshot every N frames (60 for 1 second) -rollback-input-dir DIRECTORY Specify where rollback files are read from -rollback-output-dir DIRECTORY Specify where rollback files are written -rollback-discard-data Discard input rollback data when starting recording instead of appending to it -during SECONDS Exit after given guest seconds elapsed -during-frames FRAMES Exit after given guest ticks --save-screenshot-on-quit PATH Save host screenshot before exiting --volume PERCENT Set the master volume -no-audio Do not open nor output audio -boost-fx FACTOR Multiply SuperFX clock speed -no-lowlatency Render in a separate thread, to accommodate "slow" titles. -lowlatency Render on the main thread to reduce input latency. -no-cpurender Use the old GPU code for rendering -cpurender Use the CPU for rendering -filter INTEGER Activate a post-process graphics filter (0=None 1=OpenGL 2=Scanlines 3=CRT) -magfilter INTEGER Specifies the magnification filter (0=Nearest 1=Linear 2=HorizontalLinear 3=AntiAliasedNearest). The default is nearest with -filter 1 and linear with -filter 2 or -filter 3. --wait-transition-fd EVENTFD Specifies the event fd to read before drawing the first frame. --start-transition-fd EVENTFD Specifies the event fd write to when starting the exit to menu transition. --finish-transition-fd EVENTFD Specifies the event fd to write when the exit to menu transition is finished. --transition-to-menu-sprite FILENAME Specifies the menu transition sprite sheet to use. --transition-to-menu-at-exit Plays the transition animation when exiting. --transition-from-menu Plays the transition animation before starting. -fp INTEGER Activate Flash/Patterns compensation filter (0=None, 1=VcPhoto 2-5=Armet:Additive,Blend,MonoAdditive 100=auto) -glFinish Graphics option to reduces latency on mali400, but may degrade framerate -no-glFinish Opposite of the above option, which became default as of 1.9.1201 -render-soft Use SDL software renderer. -show-minimized Create window in background --use-decorative-frame PATH Show a decorative frame using the given file, minus the extension --decorative-frame-hue Automatically tint the decorative frame, using the game's output --decorative-frame-saturation Automatically desaturate decorative frame, using the game's output --decorative-frame-luminosity Automatically change the decorative frame's luminosity, using the game's output --pixel-perfect Render the screen using square pixels --rollback-ui PATH Load the rollback UI from this folder -record-next Save next state snapshot and inputs on exit --save-on-quit FILENAME Save state snapshot on exit in given filename -use-state-saver Use StateSaver instead of QuickSave --sram-file FILENAME.sfrom Path to save the SRAM to when it's modified -exit-on-sram-file-load-error Exit if loading the SRAM file (--sram-file) failed --enable-sram-file-hash Output a .hash file for SRAM files (standalone and save state) --load-time-path FILENAME.sfrom Path to load the playtime --save-time-path FILENAME.sfrom Path to save the playtime -rom FILENAME.sfrom The game to emulate Please note that shell running *clover-canoe-shvc*, not *canoe-shvc*, so you can't pass arguments directly.