The Royale SDK can be built using either `ant` or `maven`. Below are instructions for both. ## Ant Build ### Prerequisites: 1. Java 7 or later should be installed. 2. Apache Ant should be installed. ### Steps to Build 1. [Clone the Royale Framework repo.]( 2. Make sure you are using the `develop` branch. 3. Open the folder of the cloned repo in a terminal. 4. Run `ant all`. This will clone all the necessary repos and build them all in the correct order. It will also add the necessary files to use the royale-asjs folder as a working SDK. You should be able to point your IDE (i.e. VS Code, Moonshine, Flash Builder, etc.) to the royale-asjs folder and it should be recognized and "just work". ### Notes - If you are working on Framework features, once the original `ant all` is run, you should be able to build individual swcs by running ant on the specific project. - To make changes to the new js swcs available in active projects, you need to clean the project and remove the old .js files in the `bin/js-debug` folder. Those files are not overwritten by default. - The above instructions does not include any environment variables. For a basic build, none are needed. However, for a full build which runs all tests, additional environment variables can be specified. - `PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME` should point to a folder which has sub-folders with the playerglobal files. The structure should be `[version_number]/playerglobal.swc` where `version_number` is the specific version(s) being used. - `AIR_HOME` should point to an AIR SDK folder - `FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER` should point to the Flash Player debugged executable. On Mac, it should point to the executable _inside the app package_. - `GOOG_HOME` Can point to a folder containing `closure-library`. Using the environment variable can save some time and prevent downloading the closure files after cleaning. - `ROYALE_COMPILER_REPO` can be used to point the build to a `royale-compiler` clone in some place other than the default location. - `ROYALE_TYPEDEFS_HOME` can be used to point the build to a `royale-typedefs` clone in some place other than the default location. --- ## Maven Build [Build Apache Royale with Maven](