#numRequests: Total number of PKCS10 requests or CRMF requests. numRequests=1 #input: full path for the PKCS10 request or CRMF request, #the content must be in Base-64 encoded format #Multiple files are supported. They must be separated by space. input=crmf.self.req #output: full path for the CMC request in binary format output=/root/cfu/test/cmc/cmc.self.req #tokenname: name of token where agent signing cert can be found (default is internal) tokenname=internal request.selfSign=true #nickname: nickname for agent certificate which will be used #to sign the CMC full request. #nickname=PKI Administrator for unknown00262DFC6A5E #nickname=cfu cert #dbdir: directory for cert8.db, key3.db and secmod.db dbdir=/root/cfu/test/cmc/ #password: password for cert8.db which stores the agent #certificate password=mypass #format: request format, either pkcs10 or crmf format=crmf #identityProofV2.enable: if true, then the request will contain #this control. Otherwise, false. #Note that if both identityProof and identityProofV2 # are enabled, identityProofV2 takes precedence; Only one of them can be active at a time #Supported hashAlg are: # SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 #Supported macAlg are: # SHA-1-HMAC, SHA-256-HMAC, SHA-384-HMAC, and SHA-512-HMAC identityProofV2.enable=true identityProofV2.hashAlg=SHA-512 identityProofV2.macAlg=SHA-256-HMAC #identityProofV2.sharedSecret: Shared Secret witness.sharedSecret=testing popLinkWitnessV2.enable=true popLinkWitnessV2.keyGenAlg=SHA-256 popLinkWitnessV2.macAlg=SHA-256-HMAC request.privKeyId=-32cdd65ab08ae3ed35ae529c1e3c8ca5cb3b776e #identification works with identityProofV2 identification.enable=true identification=testuser