ID Date CONTENT THREAD_ID AUTHOR AUTHOR_ID 45685 2001-12-12 20:09:00 Inflation in the US has not and, we hope, never will reach a rate of 20 percent a year. a and, we hope, never will reach b reached and, we hope never will c and hopefully never will reach d reached and, we hope, never will reach e reached and hopefully never will reach The answer is E. Why? Thank you in advance, Calin 35 calin_ardeleanu (null) 59 2001-12-12 21:25:00 This is anoldGMAT question, using aretiredgrammar point. Why is hopefully wrong? Is it incorrect to say hopefully ? We have an old grammar controversy in English about the use of hopefully . Some people think that it shouldnt be used as asentence adverb,i.e., an adverb at the beginning of the sentence, usually with a comma after it. These people think that it should instead be used like this: We waited for the results hopefully , meaning in a hopeful way . A, B, and C are all wrong because they are not parallel--we can only omit a word if it is exactly the same in both cases. For example: I havent visited Bora Bora, and neither has Kerry visited Bora Bora. In this case, I can omit visited Bora Bora because it already appears in the sentence. Lets look at another example: I havent visited Bora Bora, and I probably never will V visit Bora Bora V. This is wrong, at least on the GMAT, since visited and visit are different. So, this question, at least the way its written, presents us with a problem--we need to choose either D, which is grammatically correct, but a little awkward because of the location of we hope or E, which is grammatically correct, but uses the controversial hopefully . Between the two, Id go for D as the best GMAT answer, but I dont think this type of question would appear on the GMAT this question looks to me to be a question from a practice book. Can you tell me where its from? Hope this helps you, Calin!! Erin 35 Erin (null) 61 2001-12-14 18:37:00 The question was from an older Barrons kit 1995. I have also supposed that D would be the best answer. Barrons suggests that E is the good one. Thank you again, Calin 35 calin_ardeleanu (null) 62 2001-12-15 02:43:00 Great!! So we agree, right?? I always tell my students to use ONLY official GMAT materials this sample question that you have posted is a good example of how we can be led astray by unofficial materials. High GMAT score!! Always!! 35 Erin (null) 46102 2002-05-31 05:18:00 Hi Erin, 5. The architecture exhibited in the Empire State Building and conveyed us an idea of the prevailing attitudes of the day is important for the historical and cultural value it represents. conveyed conveying The perennial problem: Do I use -ing or -ed? Here we need the -ing form because architecture is the subject of the verbal conveying. I Erin Billy wrote this problem this way because I noticed that many of my students were missing real TOEFL questions just like this one because they were simply matching the Ed form in conveyed with the Ed form in exhibited and assuming it was correct that way. Nope! Not a good strategy--youll miss the harder questions if you do that!! prevailing is it represents Sorry Erin, But I couldnt make any sense out of the scentence even after the correction. Can you please explain ... Raghuveer. 452 raghuveer_v (null) 762 2002-05-31 05:22:00 And ... 6. In 2001 George W. Bush, Jr., entered his first year office as President of the United States. In 2001 entered office of office Gotta have this preposition! as President I agree with the answer. But, I am still a little bit confused about the useage ofTheI thought it should be the President of the Unites States.S.O.S !! Raghuveer. 452 raghuveer_v (null) 946 2002-06-08 13:51:00 I think the U.S. has only 1 President so we can say either the President or throw it away.E.g.The director of this company has just retired. 452 phuongled (null) 983 2002-06-12 06:14:00 Sorry Erin, But I couldnt make any sense out of the scentence even after the correction. Can you please explain ... Raghuveer. Its a bit tricky to answer these questions sometimes, but the main idea behind whether to choose the -ing form or the -ed form this: The -ing form is used for DOING the action, which means SUBJECT, which means ACTIVE voice. The -ed form is used for RECEIVING the action, which means OBJECT, which means PASSIVE voice. Before I go further, let me offer two examples that will make things clearer as we go along: speaking person the -ing formspoken words the -ed form/list In this type of question, we always have two elements: a particple, which is either in the -ing or -ed forma noun that is modified by this participle/list So, using the previous examples, speaking modifies person and spoken modifies words . The next step is to realize that these participles all come from verbs-- speaking and spoken both come from the verb speak . Now, using these examples, and applying them to the rules I mentioned at the beginning, we will notice that if we made a sentence, person would be the subject of the verb speak and words would be the object of the verb speak . Using this procedure, we can figure out whether should use the -ing or -ed form of a participle that modifies a noun. And thats it!! Of course, this is easy when the vocab is easy, and we often get confused when we are using difficult vocab because we sometimes dont know whether something is the subject or the object of the verb, but this procedure that I have explained is the only sure way to get the right answer. 452 Erin (null) 985 2002-06-12 06:30:00 And ... 6. In 2001 George W. Bush, Jr., entered his first year office as President of the United States. In 2001 entered office of office Gotta have this preposition! as President I agree with the answer. But, I am still a little bit confused about the useage ofTheI thought it should be the President of the Unites States.S.O.S !! Raghuveer. Another favorite TOEFL trick--we can omit the determiner with many titles/professions. For example, it is perfectly acceptable to say: Poet Maya Angelou is best known...She is chair of the foundation./list Make sense now? Erin TestMagic help you before your test? Please remember to post after your test. Please? Please? 452 Erin (null) 989 2002-06-12 10:58:00 Hi Erin, Its a bit tricky to answer these questions sometimes, but the main idea behind whether to choose the -ing form or the -ed form this: The -ing form is used for DOING the action, which means SUBJECT, which means ACTIVE voice. The -ed form is used for RECEIVING the action, which means OBJECT, which means PASSIVE voice. Before I go further, let me offer two examples that will make things clearer as we go along: speaking person the -ing form spoken words the -ed form In this type of question, we always have two elements: a particple, which is either in the -ing or -ed form a noun that is modified by this participle So, using the previous examples, speaking modifies person and spoken modifies words. The next step is to realize that these participles all come from verbs--speaking and spoken both come from the verb speak. Now, using these examples, and applying them to the rules I mentioned at the beginning, we will notice that if we made a sentence, person would be the subject of the verb speak and words would be the object of the verb speak. Using this procedure, we can figure out whether should use the -ing or -ed form of a participle that modifies a noun. And thats it!! Of course, this is easy when the vocab is easy, and we often get confused when we are using difficult vocab because we sometimes dont know whether something is the subject or the object of the verb, but this procedure that I have explained is the only sure way to get the right answer. Erin Yeah, I understood the underlying concept, and the approach you suggested to tackle such problems. But what is still fuzzy to me, is the meaning of this particular scentence...The architecture exhibited in the Empire State Building and conveying us an idea of the prevailing attitudes of the day is important for the historical and cultural value it represents .Let me make things simple for myself by reducing the scentence to its components. If I am right,... The scentences says ... Something1 and Something2 is important for Something3 . Is it? If so, can you please explain the Something2 thing? who is connveying the idea to us? And, is theitin Something3 referring to Something1 ? By the way, after reducing the scentence to this form, I got another doubt ... Isnt it that the scentence should read ... Something1 and Something2 are important for Something3. Please waste some more of your time to enlighten our dumb minds Raghuveer Edited by - raghuveerv on 2002 Jun 12 06:20:27 452 raghuveer_v (null) 1081 2002-06-19 00:09:00 hi raghuveer I had the same doubtThe architecture exhibited in the Empire State Building and conveying us an idea of the prevailing attitudes of the day is important for the historical and cultural value it represents .Let me make things simple for myself by reducing the scentence to its components. If I am right,... The scentences says ... Something1 and Something2 is important for Something3 . Is it? If so, can you please explain the Something2 thing? who is connveying the idea to us? And, is theitin Something3 referring to Something1 ? By the way, after reducing the scentence to this form, I got another doubt ... Isnt it that the scentence should read ... Something1 and Something2 are important for Something3. I feel the sentence good if we replace and with a comma. In that case it indicates that something1 and something2 are the same which is important for something3 The architecture exhibited in the empire state building ,conveying us an idea of the prevailing attitudes of the day,is important for the historical and cultural value it presents Erin please answer if it is good this way. madhavi 452 madhavi (null) 1086 2002-06-19 18:41:00 But what is still fuzzy to me, is the meaning of this particular scentence ... BTW, Ive noticed your idiosyncratic spelling of sentence for many dozens of posts... At first I thought it was a typo agoof, but now Im starting to wonder whether its a mistake.The architecture exhibited in the Empire State Building and conveying us an idea of the prevailing attitudes of the day is important for the historical and cultural value it represents .Let me make things simple for myself by reducing the scentence to its components. If I am right,... The scentences says ... Something1 and Something2 is important for Something3 . Is it? No. The main subject of the sentence is architecture . The trick here is thatexhibitedandconveyingboth modifyarchitecture.Both of these words can be seen as reduced adjective clauses: The architecture that is exhibited in the Empire State Building and that conveys us an idea of the prevailing attitudes of the day is important for the historical and cultural value it represents. Please waste some more of your time to enlighten our dumb minds Nobody is dumb here. We are all just sharing our knowledge!! img Raghuveer Nice rollover Raghuveer! I hope this helps, but please let me know if not!! And dont be afraid tobumpthe topic if need be!! Erin TestMagic help you before your test? Please remember to post after your test. Please? Please? 452 Erin (null) 1095 2002-06-20 03:23:00 Atlast, I now understand the meaning of the sentence . Thanks. And thanks for correcting my 20-year old mistake. The meaning is okay, but again, a little doubt ...... architecture that is exhibited in the Empire State Building ...suggests passive voice. where as ......and that conveys us an idea of the prevailing attitudes of the day ...suggests active voice. Can these be combined so? Raghuveer 452 raghuveer_v (null) 1097 2002-06-20 03:49:00 Yes! Its perfectly fine to join active and passive voice with a conjunction in other words, it is correct parallel structure to use these together. A lot of people think otherwise thats why I wrote this question this way. In my mind, I think of this asparallel structure doesntgo that deep.Ive used this explanation with some of my students, but I didnt see thatflashof understanding that crosses somebodys face when theyve understood, so I dont generally use this explanation. So, have we exhausted all the TOEFL aspects of this question yet?? BTW, Ive been thinking for a bit aboutconveying us.I think Im going to change this toconveying to usin my book. Erin TestMagic help you before your test? Please remember to post after your test. Please? Please? 452 Erin (null) 1098 2002-06-20 03:52:00 One more thing, before I forget. I meant to comment on your new rollover, but this post has the button you made, not the rollover. Anyway, nice rollover in your later posts!! Erin TestMagic help you before your test? Please remember to post after your test. Please? Please? 452 Erin (null) 1100 2002-06-20 04:15:00 Thanks for all your explanation, advice and comments, Erin. Id also like to make a small request to you ... I use a lot of constructs in my language, without being completely sure whether they are correct. If you see anything wrong in my post, even though its not what I am asking about, please correct me. Id appreciate. For example I wrote ... Can these be combined so? Can a sentence be written so ? you can move this to a new post if you wish ... here is the rollover you liked ... Raghuveer 452 raghuveer_v (null) 1101 2002-06-20 04:21:00 And, as a gesture of reciprocation, let me point out a mistake in your post : footnote: TestMagic help you before your test? Correct would be either ... Did TestMagic help you before your test? or Had TestMagic helped you before your test? Isnt it, Erin? Raghuveer. 452 raghuveer_v (null) 1105 2002-06-20 05:30:00 Believe you me, I thought that I might confuse people if I wrote TestMagic help you before your test? but the truth is that it is normal and acceptable spoken English. I thought that some people might think it was wrong, and that perhaps someone like you would even ask me, at which point Id give the simple explanation that Im about to give you. The reason is that we often drop thedopart of a question in spoken English. Thats it! Anyway, I decided to write it thus so that others might notice it, think about it, become accustomed to it, and perhaps even learn it!! Erin TestMagic help you before your test? Please remember to post after your test. Please? Please? 452 Erin (null) 1106 2002-06-20 06:17:00 Sorry for continuing this loooong topic with different questions, but ... If we take the questionDid you give him the money?and dropDid, we getyou give hime the money?which sounds awkward, atleast to my non-native ears. I feel it should beyou gave him the money?Isnt it so Raghuveer. 452 raghuveer_v (null) 1112 2002-06-20 15:42:00 Yes, thats correct. Let me run another one by you:You eat yet?Did you eat yet? How does that one sound? How about this one:Get it?Do/did you get it?If we drop thedo/didwe dont know whether its present or past tense. Its extremely common, even normal, to speak like this. Spoken English actually has more grammar rules than written English, so some of these things can be tricky sometimes. And, to answer your question aboutso,we dont normally speak or write like this, but its acceptable. I use it sometimes to save space, but normally we just saylike this/that.Erin TestMagic help you before your test? Please remember to post after your test. Please? Please? 452 Erin (null) 1118 2002-06-20 18:45:00 ...All good things come to an end. So, does this topic. And as usual,... Thank you, Erin. Me. 452 raghuveer_v (null) 1973 2002-08-04 18:37:00 -ED versus -ING I guess the best distinction is made by a simple rule: a when one acts, one is perhaps ACTING-ing form b when something is achieved, it is DONE -ed form Can there be a simpler rule? 452 octavian_2200 (null) 1974 2002-08-04 18:42:00 -ED versus -ING I guess the best distinction is made by a simple rule: a when one acts, one is perhaps ACTING-ing form b when something is achieved, it is DONE -ed form Can there be a simpler rule? This sounds reasonable, and I would also like to reiterate: -ing DOING the action -ed RECEIVING the action. This is how I usually explain it to my students. Erin Has TestMagic helped you alot? Please help others as they have helped you. Please? Please? 452 Erin (null) 46570 2002-08-14 04:59:00 Dear Erin and others, I always feel confused withnone of the.... According toTOEFL CLIFFsbook,nonecan take either a singular or plural verb depending on the noun which follows it. For instance:None of the couterfeit monay has been found.andNone of the students have finished the exam yetBut, According to theTOEFL CBT EXAM KAPLAN,nonealways takes a singular verb, whether followed by a plural or a noncount noun. The following are the given examples:None of the dogs belongs to me.andNone of the tea in this store is freshWhy is there such a contradiction? which one do I have to follow in Toefl exams??? Any explanations would be appreciated. Thanks a milion He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. 920 harbinger (null) 2227 2002-08-14 05:39:00 Hi! Im not sure which usage ofnone of theis correct. Anyway, from my understandingnone of thecan be followed by singular or plural verb depending on noun behindnone of the. Moreover,none of thealways is followed by Plural Countable noun or Uncoutable noun. Its better to say by formulas. None of the - Plu. CN - Plu. Verb None of the - UN - Sing. Verb For example: None of the dogs like cats. None of force is enough to pull that truck. By th way, Im waitting ERIN to confirm about this issue. 920 atnoon (null) 2240 2002-08-14 13:48:00 none can be singular or plural, depending on the context, as has been stated above. Kaplan is wrong. Throw that book away now!! Do a search for Kaplan to see other problems with this book. Cliffs is right. Furthermore, you will NOT have to make this choice on the real TOEFL. TOEFL avoids grammar questions that native speakers disagree about. In other words, almost all TOEFL grammar is based on rules that are accepted by almost all native speakers and English teachers. HTH!! You can relax now!! Erin Has TestMagic helped you a lot? Please help others as they have helped you. 920 Erin (null) 2254 2002-08-15 01:06:00 Furthermore, you will NOT have to make this choice on the real TOEFL. TOEFL avoids grammar questions that native speakers disagree about. In other words, almost all TOEFL grammar is based on rules that are accepted by almost all native speakers and English teachers. Hi Erin, I still have some doubts. Do you mean that these types of questions should not be appeared on the real TOEFL ? Could you please show me some example of questions which TOEFL wll avoid? Thank You. chaiyachoti 920 chaiyachoti (null) 2258 2002-08-15 03:39:00 Well, one grammar point that is NOT on the TOEFL is the difference between who and whom . The list of grammar points that would NOT appear on the TOEFL would be endless but if you find a question in a non-official TOEFL book that you think is not like a real TOEFL question, please post it here, and I can tell you! 920 Erin (null) 45917 2002-04-10 03:10:00 The truth about GMATPlus N.B. The gmatplus website disappeared several years ago. It is now owned by a large company that makes money if you visit the site and click one of the ads on the page. Ive been following a lot of these threads about GMAT for a long time, and wanted to help to shed some light on GMAT, the good and the bad. First of all, you need to know that most of all thebootleggedquestions come from China, but some from Thailand. A well-known school in Beijing has pirated many questions and has been confronted by ETS several times. This school was able to copy many questions when the tests were in paper format, so many of the questions youll see on the Internet are from paper tests. Some of these questions are quite old, dating back to 1989 or earlier. I have seen four copies of GMAT material in the last two years, and I can say in every case that the random questions I saw turned up in materials that were available in Asia at least five years ago. Furthermore, although I dont have the time to compare word by word, it seems that each iteration of GMAT is simply previous GMAT questions rearranged to confuse new buyers. The early presentation of the questions was quite poor later on, Raju the guy who ran the site started putting nice covers on his photocopies, but the quality inside was still the same--poor. That said, I must admit that having these questions has benefited every student Ive known. Although many questions are outdated, the material provides such a broad variety of question types that many MBA candidates feel obliged to turn to them. Although many people are able to extrapolate from a small sample of questions, such as those presented in the 10th edition, some people prefer to see actual examples of those questions. A large question pool provides this broad variety. And believe me when I say this: Nobody, not Princeton Review, not Kaplan. Nobody can duplicate this variety accurately. One of the big problems, however, with the GMAT is the sheer number of typos, misprints, and wrong answer choices. Many of these are obviously translated literally from the original Chinese materials. The Thai materials tend to have many fewer. From what I can tell, the Thai schools employ native speakers to proofread their material while the Chinese schools do not. Also, since Raju changes the order of the questions, you dont know which questions are newer. In the Thai materials, the questions are ordered from earliest to most recent. Some of the tests are even labeled with the dates of the original administration. So you start to get an idea of what to focus on and what ETS is currently testing. There are a couple of things that dont turn up on GMAT any longer. I am most knowledgeable about grammar, so Ill limit my comments to Sentence Correction questions. The first is what I call story speech.?By this I mean sentences that are completely contrived and could have been written by almost anyone with a knowledge of grammar. An example of this type of sentence would be: Greta turned to Jo and said,Between you and I, I dont much care for the coffee here.In this sentence, of course, the testmaker is testing you on the case of the nounIHowever, for whatever reason, ETS, in almost all of the tests they create, has moved away from this type of construction and now uses sentences that are verifiable facts. The second type of grammar error that doesnt appear on the current GMAT format is the type of grammar point that appears frequently in most grammar books. A great example is the hopefully controversy. Many people believe thathopefullyshould not be used as a sentence adverb, but rather as a simple adverb. In other words,Hopefully, well wrong, butWe waited for the news correct. To be honest, I dislike what Raju is doing. He lies on his web site about updating his questions, and his price is outrageous. I have had students who have bought secondhand copies from others on the Internet without any problems, but, of course, it is a bit risky sometimes. And lately it seems some are selling the stuff on CD-ROM for a reasonable price. I believe that ETS has tried to stem the tide of the inevitable increase of demand for bootlegged GMAT materials by publishing the beefed up 10th edition. Although GMAT would never tell you, many of the questions they added to the 9th edition to make the 10th edition are questions from much, much earlier editions, from the late eighties. I have these books and have seen the questions in the much older editions. Edit: ETS sued gmatplus. Heres an excerpt from the summary : Graduate Management Admissions Council GMAC v. Raju, No. 02-581-A E.D. Va. 2003. A federal court exercised personal jurisdction over a foreign website despite a lack of minimum contacts with the State of Virginia. GMAC brought federal copyright, cyberpiracy, tradermark and unfair competition claims against Raju, an Indian citizen who had registered the domain names and for Internet websites. 267 Erin (null) 416 2002-04-24 11:19:00 Hi Magician, I found ur feedback abt gmat pretty helpful.... I had been enigmatic about this stuff for a long time.... Ive hrd people speak a lot abt gmat .... So, I tried the sample ques at its web site, but personally, i dont find it very helpful..... I felt most of the problems were ambiguous, poorly formatted....Moreover, I was demotivated after getting many ques. wrong in its Math sample test, all of which were poorly formatted, or ambiguous, or wrong.... I feel that its not worth spending time on.... Do I hold a heresy ? 267 mrajat (null) 649 2002-05-23 06:13:00 Noheresy,your input is greatly valued!! BTW, the famous, or should I sayinfamousweb site has been down for several weeks now. I wonder if Raju has finally closed shop... And I wonder how much Western Union money he collected after he shuttered his windows... Karma... karma... It stays there for our whole lives... 267 Erin (null) 2834 2002-09-06 06:08:00 I read your link and feel that this is so unfair. I studied the orthodox way and got a poor score. In adddition, average scores in the top Phd programs have went up substantially. Gosh, what am i supposed to do? Take a plane to New Oriental and sign up for the porgram? Whatever happen to true scholarship and research ideas? 267 inghwee (null) 3492 2002-09-27 17:35:00 Yes, I agree that it is unfair. Again, as Ive always said, the best way to solve the problem is to complain to ETS: If enough people complain, they will do something about it. And this material has been circulating so much that plenty of people have it. The only people who dont are the people who follow the rules, and no, its not fair that those who follow the rules are the ones who will suffer. 267 Erin (null) 49122 2003-04-03 13:32:00 Please tell me. how come it is notBbutA? Can we count acids? Engraving is a process which the surface of metal is first covered with an acid and then inscribed with some sharp instrument . 3472 hsengoren (null) 13166 2003-04-19 03:07:00 Grammar point in question: Canacidbe a countable/count noun? This is a question that I wrote. I assume youve read my explanation here . Yes,acidcan be count. Many scientific terms that we learn in ESL class are non-count are easily count nouns, especially on the TOEFL. Some examples: wood s , salt s , sugar s , oil s , metal s , plastic s , etc. The reason they can easily become count nouns is simply that since there are many varieties of these things, we can talk about them as count nouns. For example, there are many types of wood--cedar, mahogany, oak, sycamore, redwood, etc. There are many types of sugar--glucose, sucrose, lactose, and sucrose, for example. Get the idea? 3472 Erin (null) 13248 2003-04-21 00:25:00 Thanks Erin.... 3472 hsengoren (null) 48825 2003-03-10 03:03:00 Dear all, I quote a question from Barrons here : One of the worlds best-selling authors, Louis LAmour said to have written 101 books, mostly western. The answer is : B, should be is said But I see B could be right if C is changed tothat he has written.So the answer C also right. Pls help me iguh 3175 iguh_budi (null) 11271 2003-03-10 03:13:00 I agree with you. 3175 harbinger (null) 11272 2003-03-10 03:14:00 If it is possible to correct the sentence in two underlined places, then the sentence is a BAD TOEFL question. Since your correction is fine, this question is NOT good. In other words, youre right! 3175 Erin (null) 11274 2003-03-10 03:25:00 Dear Erin and Harbinger Than you for your quick answer Regards from Indonesia iguh 3175 iguh_budi (null) 11275 2003-03-10 03:27:00 Sorry I miss the letterk 3175 iguh_budi (null) 11276 2003-03-10 03:41:00 Youre welcome! 3175 Erin (null) 11289 2003-03-10 09:18:00 Hi all, One of the worlds best-selling authors, Louis LAmpur said to have written 101 books, mostly western. IMHO this question isnt as difficult as you might think. The correct answer is: One of the worlds best-selling authors, Louis LAmpur is said to have written 101 books, mostly western. All in all IMHO this isnt not standard at all. Could you ERIN tm help me with this confusion? 3175 ttaann (null) 11353 2003-03-11 01:43:00 Dear ttaann But we can say : One of the worlds best-selling authors, Louis LAmpur said that he has written 101 books, mostly western. 3175 iguh_budi (null) 11360 2003-03-11 02:20:00 Originally posted by ttaann The correct answer is: One of the worlds best-selling authors, Louis LAmpur is said to have written 101 books, mostly western. All in all IMHO this isnt not standard at all. Could you ERIN tm help me with this confusion? First, be sure to read what I wrote above: If it is possible to correct the sentence in two underlined places, then the sentence is a BAD TOEFL question. Since your correction is fine, this question is NOT good. In other words, youre right! One of the hallmarks ofbad TOEFLquestions is being able to correct the sentence in more than one way. The author is typically thinking of some very obvious grammar point, but overlooks the fact that the question could be corrected in a place that s/he hasnt thought of. Here is a very simple example of abad TOEFL question:The student want to meet with the professor to ask some important questions about the upcoming final. There is NO correct answer to this question, at least if were doing it in the TOEFL way--you could correct A by makingstudentplural students, but you could also makewantagree withstudentwants. Believe me, real TOEFL questions will not have this problem. Make sense? BTW, Im going to make this into a FAQ, since its a pretty common question. 3175 Erin (null) 11375 2003-03-11 13:19:00 Thanks ERIN, tm Last time I just skimmed the replies so I missed your point. BTW the following question is not good either: Dreams are commonly made up of either visual and verbal images. Practice Test -- Petersons 3175 ttaann (null) 11841 2003-03-21 08:40:00 Dear Erin If once TOEFL produced Bad question like that you mentioned before, will they score this question. I mean will they accept both answers as correct ones? 3175 bataa (null) 11858 2003-03-21 15:25:00 I believe TOEFL simply wont count that question toward your score in other words, the question getscancelled.But its highly unlikely that such a question would show up on your test--by the time a question appears on an actual test, its already been tested over and over to ensure that its a valid test question. 3175 Erin (null) 34901 2003-12-26 01:07:00 Dear Erin and Harbinger, Would you mind to send me some example of question in TOEFL?? Would you be my supervisor to learn English? Thank you so much. 3175 wawien (null)