0 |
Tag "param" with body "@param {array} course coverage" has error "\{array}" is not a valid Fqsen. |
0 |
Tag "param" with body "@param {array} seq2coverage" has error "\{array}" is not a valid Fqsen. |
0 |
Tag "param" with body "@param {string} content_type(s) default is q,u,f i.e. question , quiz and facts" has error "\{string}" is not a valid Fqsen. |
0 |
Tag "param" with body "@param {string} content_subtype default is fales" has error "\{string}" is not a valid Fqsen. |
0 |
Tag "param" with body "@param {string} parent_guid" has error "\{string}" is not a valid Fqsen. |
0 |
Tag "param" with body "@param {string} testno i.e test number assign to GUID like 1= test A, 2 = Test B -13 = Lab" has error "\{string}" is not a valid Fqsen. |
0 |
Tag "param" with body "@param {string} level content level like 1 = chapter, 2 = topics etc default is false" has error "\{string}" is not a valid Fqsen. |
0 |
Tag "param" with body "@param {int} demo is content assign to demo default is -1 i.e. dont care wheater true or false" has error "\{int}" is not a valid Fqsen. |
0 |
Tag "param" with body "@param {int} visible is content mark as visible default is 1 i.e only visible contne t" has error "\{int}" is not a valid Fqsen. |