This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway [ WP474(r29737)] with a 94% conversion rate. e1e fee PMID: 17097081 Taken as homologue to mouse Cathepsin L (Ctsl) Taken as human homologue of mouse Cst10 PMID: 13679380 Direction of effect unclear regulatory pathway PW:0000004 Pathway Ontology 17659995 PubMed Endochondral ossification: how cartilage is converted into bone in the developing skeleton. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2008 Mackie EJ Ahmed YA Tatarczuch L Chen KS Mirams M 18374667 PubMed A microarray approach for comparative expression profiling of the discrete maturation zones of mouse growth plate cartilage. Biochim Biophys Acta 2008 Belluoccio D Bernardo BC Rowley L Bateman JF