NO (Nitric oxide) is an important signalling molecule with vasodilatory and anti-inflammatory effects, indicating a postive role in reducing hypertension and cardiovascular disease. At the same time, NO is also associated with health risks such as increased risk in carcinogenesis, and hypoxia in infants. It has been suggested that NO can also increase mitochondrial efficiency. NO can be formed from L-Arginine through the classic Arginine-NO-Synthase pathway, or it can be formed directly from dietary nitrite by deoxiginated globins. be3 bb9 cardiovascular system homeostasis pathway PW:0000476 Pathway Ontology 19439460 PubMed Food sources of nitrates and nitrites: the physiologic context for potential health benefits. Am J Clin Nutr 2009 Hord NG Tang Y Bryan NS 19915529 PubMed Nitrate and nitrite in biology, nutrition and therapeutics. Nat Chem Biol 2009 Lundberg JO Gladwin MT Ahluwalia A Benjamin N Bryan NS Butler A Cabrales P Fago A Feelisch M Ford PC Freeman BA Frenneaux M Friedman J Kelm M Kevil CG Kim-Shapiro DB Kozlov AV Lancaster JR Jr Lefer DJ McColl K McCurry K Patel RP Petersson J Rassaf T Reutov VP Richter-Addo GB Schechter A Shiva S Tsuchiya K van Faassen EE Webb AJ Zuckerbraun BS Zweier JL Weitzberg E 21284982 PubMed Dietary inorganic nitrate improves mitochondrial efficiency in humans. Cell Metab 2011 Larsen FJ Schiffer TA Borniquel S Sahlin K Ekblom B Lundberg JO Weitzberg E