Evolocumab (Repatha) is an injectable monoclonal antibody that reduces LDL cholesterol levels. A limited quantity of LDL cholesterol is extracted from circulative blood when PCSK9-bound LDLR is degraded upon internalization in liver cells. Evolocumab competitively binds PCSK9 away from LDLR complexes, which allows LDLR to be recycled, returning to the surface and clearing additional molecules of LDL cholesterol. ad2 drug pathway PW:0000754 Pathway Ontology 10.1211/PJ.2015.20068181 DOI PCSK9 inhibitors: the next cholesterol-lowering blockbusters? The Pharmaceutical Journal 2015 Dorey, Emma hepatocyte CL:0000182 Cell Type altered cholesterol biosynthetic pathway PW:0000752 Pathway Ontology altered cholesterol transport pathway PW:0001347 Pathway Ontology