(Nanoparticle) induced lung fibrosis pathway. Note! Mouse homologues for SERPINA1 and SFTPA2 are missing and the pathway currently contains the human equivalents. Other users are encouraged to add this information when available. b2a Human pathway - mouse not yet available Human pathway - mouse not yet available f19 Human gene product - no annotation for mouse yet Human gene product - no annotation for mouse yet e55 Human pathway - mouse pathway not yet available e55 Link to the pathway Endochondrial ossification describing chondrocyte differentiation. Chondrocytes produce and maintain cartilage consisting mainly of collagen and proteoglycans. f5d Link to Elastic fibre formation, which describes the dynamic connective tissues such as large arteries and lung parenchyma. The stress fibre assembly related gene ELN is involved in this pathway. Human pathway, mouse is not yet available a8b Human pathway - mouse not available yet f19 pulmonary fibrosis DOID:3770 Human Disease Ontology respiratory system disease pathway PW:0001308 Pathway Ontology 29149350 PubMed A data fusion pipeline for generating and enriching Adverse Outcome Pathway descriptions. Toxicol Sci 2017 Nymark P Rieswijk L Ehrhart F Jeliazkova N Tsiliki G Sarimveis H Evelo CT Hongisto V Kohonen P Willighagen E Grafström RC 26979667 PubMed Nano-risk Science: application of toxicogenomics in an adverse outcome pathway framework for risk assessment of multi-walled carbon nanotubes http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26979667 2016 Labib S Williams A Yauk CL Nikota JK Wallin H Vogel U Halappanavar S 22824096 PubMed Molecular and cellular mechanisms of pulmonary fibrosis. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22824096 2012 Todd NW Luzina IG Atamas SP 26926090 PubMed Mechanisms of lung fibrosis induced by carbon nanotubes: towards an Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP). 2016 Vietti G Lison D van den Brule S 25326323 PubMed The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database's 10th year anniversary: update 2015 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25326323 2015 Davis AP Grondin CJ Lennon-Hopkins K Saraceni-Richards C Sciaky D2, King BL Wiegers TC2, Mattingly CJ 25254104 PubMed GeneMANIA: Fast gene network construction and function prediction for Cytoscape. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25254104 2014 Montojo J Zuberi K Rodriguez H Bader GD Morris Q 8634065 PubMed The chondrocyte, architect of cartilage. Biomechanics, structure, function and molecular biology of cartilage matrix macromolecules. Bioessays. 1995 Dec;17(12):1039-48. 1995 Muir H. 18755000 PubMed Mechanisms of actin stress fibre assembly J Microsc. 2008 Sep;231(3):446-54. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2818.2008.02057.x. 2008 Naumanen P, Lappalainen P, Hotulainen P