This pathway diagram is derived from Figure 6c in "The human immune response to tuberculosis and its treatment: a view from the blood" (PMID: 25703554, [ PMC4368415]). Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [ CPTAC Assay Portal]. ea4 bdc e70 e3b 23940611 PubMed Transcriptional blood signatures distinguish pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary sarcoidosis, pneumonias and lung cancers. PLoS One 2013 Bloom CI Graham CM Berry MP Rozakeas F Redford PS Wang Y Xu Z Wilkinson KA Wilkinson RJ Kendrick Y Devouassoux G Ferry T Miyara M Bouvry D Valeyre D Gorochov G Blankenship D Saadatian M Vanhems P Beynon H Vancheeswaran R Wickremasinghe M Chaussabel D Banchereau J Pascual V Ho LP Lipman M O'Garra A 25703554 PubMed The human immune response to tuberculosis and its treatment: a view from the blood. Immunol Rev 2015 Cliff JM Kaufmann SH McShane H van Helden P O'Garra A tuberculosis DOID:399 Disease 20725040 PubMed An interferon-inducible neutrophil-driven blood transcriptional signature in human tuberculosis. Nature 2010 Berry MP Graham CM McNab FW Xu Z Bloch SA Oni T Wilkinson KA Banchereau R Skinner J Wilkinson RJ Quinn C Blankenship D Dhawan R Cush JJ Mejias A Ramilo O Kon OM Pascual V Banchereau J Chaussabel D O'Garra A 22872737 PubMed Distinct phases of blood gene expression pattern through tuberculosis treatment reflect modulation of the humoral immune response. J Infect Dis 2013 Cliff JM Lee JS Constantinou N Cho JE Clark TG Ronacher K King EC Lukey PT Duncan K Van Helden PD Walzl G Dockrell HM immune response pathway PW:0000023 Pathway Ontology